HomeMy WebLinkAboutState Highway Access Permit 307046 Ct?LORAAO DEPARTMENT OF TRAt�SP�JRTATION c°°T pe"'"t"°. '
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Perrnit fee Date of transmittai RegionlSec#�r1Aa2rol tacai Jurisdict+on
$100.00 6J25/2{�b7 3/ �32 /.i9-2 David Lykins �a le
The Permittee(s); APpiicant: ����������
Vail Resorts D��aelopme�t Cc�mpany Alpine�nginecri��g
Bill Kenn��3y Jennif�r�Sabcack ���� ,�
PO Bax 959 � PQ E3ox 9"l � (���
Avan,C4 81 b2p Eduaards,CO 8 I 632 �ppt 3
970-8A5-25b� 970-92fi-3373 TtafnC$���Y�
is hera�ay granted permission to have an access to the state nighway at the locatrart notad beinw.i'he acc�ass sha4t be canstructsd,maintained and used in
accordance with this permit,includittg ths$fate Highway Ac�ess Code�nd any attechmenis,temas,condilions and exhibits.This pertnit m�y be revok�d
by ths 5suing auihority if at any fime the permitted access and its use vioiate any parts oi this permit.7he issuing authority,the De�arimeni arrd thsir dufy
appainted agents�nd�mptoye�s shail be heid harmiess against any acGon#or personai injury or pmperty dam�ge sustained by reason af the ejcercise c�
the r+nit.
Locet+on:�-�2i5 sempnrary acC�ss is approximately 175-fi east of Forest Rd.
Access lo S�rovide Service to. ��„������;� {Size or Cowii) {Utylts}
�94-Tempoc�ary Constructian Access 30 [)f{�'
�ther terms end conditions:
x�y, .____...�.....__ _..,.
Signaiure Prini Name raie Daie
Upon the signing of this perm�f the permittes agr�es to the terms and condiiians ar�d referenced attachmen#s contained
herein.All construction sha11 be completed in an�xpeditious and sefe rnanner and shal!be finished within 4�days from
initiation.The permitted access shall be compisted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit priar to
being used.
The pe�m3#tee shali notifY Jim P�tk6n with the Colarado Departmer�t flf'Transnortation in
Grand 7unctian,Cotarado at{970) S24-fl627,at least 48 hou�s p�ior to oommer�cir�g�nstru�within
the.�+tate Highway right-of-way.
7he perscxa si 'ng es the psmutt+ae must be the owne�w legal representative oi the property served by the permitted access and have full authority to
exept th it and its tertns and condi6ons.
P i nature �, Print Narne ��t�
• G'� � It..t �t. �a � 2 b7
This permit is not valid untii signed by a duly au#horized representative of the �epartment.
Slgnature Print Name 'j'�tjE Date{of issue}
��G �v�cl ts, t � ��''
y Distribution: Requi f�taka cop�s as ne�asary tor; Prevlaus e8itiona ara obsoleta and may not be uasd
1. 3.SS�M Access Seetion Lncai AuihoN;y Insp�cta Page i of� COOT�arm p101 5187
2 piicant 4.Central P�7es M7CE PatrW Traific EnOineer
, _
STATE NiGHWAY ACCESS PEFtMIT#307046 June 2�, 24�7
Located on I-7C?Frontage near RP 175220 Righi
Issued to Vail Resorts Development Company
1. This access wiil expire on 7-31-2009 and is only fqr the use ar�d purpose stated in the
Application and Perrnit. 7his Pefmit is issued in accordance with the State Highway Ar,�ess
Code {2 CCR fi01-1), end is based in part upon the information submitted by the F'ermittee.
2. "fhis access shail be construct�d 18-30 feet wide with fuming radii#o accommodate the
minimum tuming radius of the fargest vehicle or 50 foot,whichever is greater. The turning
radius shall be m�asured from the white line on the Hwy to the edge crf the driveway.
3. Materiais Piacina and Compaction of privewa„y: Urrless tfie applicant has approval from the
Access Manager which may sta#e otherwise, the folfawing wiil be required it�r driveway
constructior�. This driveway shall be graveled frarn the edge of pavement to the ROW fence.
Ma#eriai fr�r minimum ciriveway requirernents: Base- 12 inches of class 3 g�avel in two 6-inch
lifts. Sur�ace: 6 inches of ciass 6 gravel in one Iift. Gompaction of the subgrade, embankments
and backfiN shall ccampiy with sectian 2d3.08 of#he Colorado Hi
� ghwa Standard S ecificatinns
for Road and Bridge Constructic�n, p
�3. The permittee shaii construct a Stabilized Construc#ir,n Entrance or Scrubber Pad at the
intended construction access to aid in the removai of mud and debris fir�m vehicle tires. The
details of the StabiliZ�d Construction Entrance is found in the M&S Standards Pian No. M-
5. The traffic limitafians I�sterJ on the face of this permit shall be adhered to. The traffrc volumes
are�isted in Design Hourly Volume(OHV)trips or Average Daily Trips{AdT)where entering
the site and returning counts as two trips.
6. A Notice to Proceed, CDOT Form 1265, is required before beginning construction an the
access or any activity within the highway Right-of-Way, To receive the Notice to Proce�rd the
applicant sha11 submit a�ompiete packet to CDO7 with#he foilowing i#ems:
a} A cover letter requesting a Notice to Proceed, and the inter�ded date ta begin
�.._.__e b) Tra�c Ct�ntrol Plan in accorriance with Section 2. (6 of-e Access�oc�e. .--___.._�____.._�..
c) Canstrucfion Plans for the temporary access installation constructian.
I. Plan view with driveway dimensions-tum radius, width, siop�, ience,
gates, etc.
!1. Typical road section-existing and proposed base, surf�ce, c�lvert, and
shouider dimensions.
III. Centerline profile of the access/Hwy connec#inn showing depths,driveway
siope, etc.
d} Certiiicate of Insurance Liability as per Section 2.3{�1)(i)af the St�te Highway Acc�ss
7. Any mud or Qther material tracked or otherwise deposited on the roadway shall be removed
daify or as ordered by the Department inspector.
8. Tra�c control shall be provided on site durir►g the duration of construction of access and
highway improvements in accordanc$with the Manual on Uniform Tra�c Contro! Devices
(MUTCD)and a Traffic Control plan prepared by a American Traffic Safety Services
STATE HIGNVI�AY ACGE3S P�RMIT�b7�ddA June 25, 2007
l.ocated on I-70 Frontage near RP 175.220 Right
lssued to Vai!Resorts Development Cnmpany
Assoc�ation {ATSSA}or Coiorada Contractors Assv�iation certifred Traffic Con#roi Supervisor
in accordance wi#h the MUTCD and Colorado Su�piements.
9. !f the access has a gate across it, the gate shall be set back far enaugh from the highway so
that the longest vehicle using it can ciear the roadway when the gate is ciosed.
1�.An 18-inch minimum culvert with pra#�ctive and treatrr�ents may bs requ�red for this access.
The culvert shail be kept free of blockage to maintain proper flow and drar'nage.
11.All costs asst>ciated with any type af utility wark will be at the so(e responsibility and cost of the
perrr�ittee and a#na cost to CDOT.
12. During access canstruction no constructian personnel vehicles wiH be permitted to park in the
state highway right-of-way.
93�All workers within the State Highwa�right of way sha!!comply with iheir employer's safety and
health policies/procedures, and ali �pp�icable U.S. Occupational Safety and Health
Adminisiration (aSHA) regulations- including, but no#limited to the applicable sections af�9
C�R Part 1910- Occupational Safety and Health S#�ndards and 29 CFR Part 1926 -Safety
and Health Regulations for Construction. Personal protective equipment{e.g. head pratectipn,
footwear, high visibili#y apparel, safety glasses, hearing protection, respirato�,gloves, etc.)
shall be worn as appropriate for the work heing per�ormed, and as specified in regulation.
14. The Permittee is responsibie far obtaining any necessary additianal �ederal, State and/ar
CitylCounty pennits ar clearances required for construciion of the access. Approval of this
access permit does not constitute verification of this actic�n by the Permlttee. Perm�ttee is also
resppnsible for pbtaining all necessary u�lity permits in addition to this access permit.
15.A fully executed complete copy of ti�is permit and the Notiae to Proceed must be on th�job
site with the contractor at all times during the construction. Failure io comply with this or any
other construction requirement may result in the immediate suspension of wark by order of the
Department inspector or the issuing authority.
....._. .-------__..._.-t6:�zs�dratm `
required to detain a!I drainagE in excess af historical�fl�o�s�a�e of�conc n at��'o�o�s t$�������_��V���.._...
17. When it is necessary to remove any highway right-of-way fence,the posts on either side of the
�ccess entrance shail be securely braced with approved end posts and in conformance with
the Department's M-607-1 standard, befnre the fe�ce is cut, to prevent s(acking t�f#he
remaining fence. Ail materials removed shall be returned ta the Department.
1$. Upon the comple#►on o#the access and prior to any use as allowed by this permit, the applicant
shall notify the Acc�ss Manager by certified mail within 10 days to request a fina� inspection,
7his request shail include certification that all materials and construc#ion have been cnmpleied
in accordance with all applicabie Department Standards and Speci�cations; and that the
access is constn�cted in conformance with the State Highway Access Code, 2 CGR 501-1,
including this permit. The engineer of record as indicated on the construction plans, shali be
present for this inspection. The access serviced by khis perrni#may not be opened#o traffic
until writien approval has been given from the CDO7 Access Manager.
. ,
Sta#e Highway Access Permit PERMlT EXPIRATlON
Form 101, Page 2 1. A permit shaU be cnnsidered expired if the access is no#
under construction within ane yea�af the permit issue date
7he fallowing paragraphs are excerpts of the State Highway or before the expir�tian of any �uthorized extension, Whsn
Access Code. T'hese are pravided for your convenience but tha p�rmittee is unabie to commence construction within one
do no# alieviate compiiance with aii sections of the Access year after khe permit issus date,the permit#ee may requesk a
Code. A copy of the State Highway Access Code is one year extension from the issuing authority. No mara than
�vailabie from ynur loca!issuing authorrty{local govetnment) two nne-year e�c#ensions may � granted under any
or the Colorado t7epar#ment of Transportation(Departr»ent). circumstances. !#the access is not under corTStructipn within
When this permit was issued, the issuing authonty mad� its three years from dat� o#issue the permit will be caansirl�red
decision bas�d in part on ir�formation submitted by the expired. A�y request for an exiension must be in wfiting and
applicant, nn the access categnry which is assign$ci to the submitted to the issuing authority befiore the permit�xpires.
highway, what aitemative access to other pubiic roads and 7he request shoul� state the reaso�s why the e.xkension is
streets is avaitabls, and sa#ety and des+gn s#andards. necessary, when constructitan is anticipated, a��i include a
Changes in use or design not approved by the permit or the copy of page 1 {faCS of p�:rmit) of khe access permit.
issuing authonty may cause the revocation or suspens�on nf Extension approvals shall be in writing. The local issuing
the permit. authority sha11 obtafn the concurrence of the department
prinr to the approval of an extension, and shali notifiy the
APPEALS Department of al1 denied extensions w+thin ten days. Any
1. Shr�uld the permittse or applicant object tn the denia! of persan wishing to reestablish an access permit ihat has
a permit applicat;on by #he department or abjec# to any o# expired may begin again with the applicafian procedures.An
the terms or conditions of a permit p�aced there by the approved Notice to Proceed, automatically ren�ws the
Depa�tment, the appiicant and permittee {eppellant)have a access permit for the pe�iod of the Notice to Pror,eed.
right to appe�i the dec.isian to the [TransportaGon)
Cammission (af Coloradoj. To appeat a decision, subrnit a CONSTF2UC7'ION
request for �dminis#ra6ve hearing b the 7ransportation 'i. Construction may not begin until a Notice to Praceed is
Commission of Golorado within 60 days o# tr8nsmittal of approved.(Code subsecti�in 2.4]
notic� p# denial ar transmittal of the permii tor signaturs.
Submit the reqvest to #he Transportation Cor»missian of 2. The construction of the access and its appurtenances
Colorado, �1201 East Arkansas Avenue, Denver, Colarado as required by the terms and conditions of the permit sha11
802�2-3dOt�. The request sMall include reasons for the be completed ai the �xpanse of the perm'tttee except as
appeal and may include changes, revisions, or cprrditians provided in subsec#ivn 2.14. Atl materials used in the
that wau�d be acceptable to the p�rmittee or applicant. ��nstruction of the access within the highway right-af-way or
an permanent easements, become pubiic �roperty. Any
2. Any appsa!by the app8cant�r permittee of action by a materials removed from tPys highway right-nf-way will be
iocal issuing authority $hatl be filed with the loca! authori#y disposed of only as directed by the Department. Ap fenci�g,
and be consisient wi� the appeal procedures of the Inca( guard rail, traffic control devices and other sqUipment and
auihority. ma#erials removed in the course of access constnaction sha!!
be give� to the Dspartm$nt unless otherwise instructed by
3. in subrni�ing ths requast for administrative hearing, tha the permit or khe Department inspector.
___ iort-bF-inch�ding-•with�rrlfi+�--eppeal-�-----____ _._ --._� _____�...�_.
requesi for a review by tt�e DepartmenYs int�mal 3. The permittee shall natify the individual ar the affice
adminisirative review cammittee pursuant ta [Code] specified o� the permit ot Notice to Proceed af Isast two
subsection 2.10.4VMen such cammittes review is requested, working d�ys prior to any construction within state highway
prxessing of the appeal for farmal administrat3ve hearing, right-of-way. Cons#n�ction r�f the access shall nat proceed
2.9(5)and{8),shall be suspended until the appellant notifies untH bath the access permit and the Notice to Procesd are
the Commissian to proceed with the administrative hearing, issued.The access shail be compl�ted+n an expeditious and
or the appellant submits a request to the Commission or the safe manner and shal! be �nished within 45 days from
administrative I�w judge to withdraw the appeal. The two initiation of construction within the highway right-af-way. A
admrnistrafive p��cesses, the intemal administrative review cons#ruction time extension nat ta exceed 30 working days
commit#ee, and the administrative he�ring, may nnt run may be requested #rom the individuaf or office specified on
concurrently. the permit.
4. Regarriless of any communica�ans, mee#ings, d. The issuing autharily anti the Departmen# may inspect
adrninistrateve reviews or negatiations with the Oepartment tha access during constn�ction and upon completion of the
or ths intema! administrative review Committee regarding access to ensure that al! terms and conditipns of the permit
revisians or objections to the p�rmit or a deniet, i� the are met. Inspectors are au#horized to enforce khe conditions
permittee or applieant wishes tp appeal the Depaftment's of the permit during constructinn and to halt eny activities
decision to tha Commission for a hearing, the appeal must within statQ right-of-way th�i do not comply with the
be brought to khe Commission within 60 days of transmiltal provisions of the permit, that conflict with concurrent
of notice of denial or transmittal oi the permit. highway consiruction or maintenance work,that endanger
highw�y proparty, nature!or culturai resources protected by right-of-way or any adapted municipai system and drainega
law.or#he heafth and safety of vrorkers or the public, plan.
5. Prior to using the access, the permittee is required to 11. By accepting the permit, permittee agrees to save,
camplete the construction according to the terms and lndemnify, and hoid harmless to the extent aHowed by lew,
conditions af th�permit. Failt�re by the permittee to abide by the issuing autharity, the Department, its o#ficers, and
a!i permit terms and condifions shatt be sufficie�# cause for empioyees from suits, �ctions, claims of any type ar
the Oepartment or issuing aukhority to initiate action to characfer brought because of injuries or damage sustained
suspend or revoke the permit and close the access, If in the by any person resulting from the permittee`s use of the
determination of the Departrnent or issuing euthority the access permit during the construction of the acCess.
faiiure to compfy w�ith or r,omplete the cnnstruction
�equirernents of the permit create a highway safety hazard, CHANGES IiV ACCESS USE AND PERMIT VIOIATlONS
such shatl be sufficient cause fc�r the summary suspensinn 1. It is the responsibility of the propetty owner and
ot the permit. If the permittee wi5hes to use tt�e access prior permittee to ensure that the use of the access to the
to completion, arrangements must be approved by the property is not in vinlatlon af tfie Code, permit terms and
issuing authnrtty and Departme�t and included in the permit. conditions or the Act.The terms and conditions of any perm+t
The DepaKment or issuing authoriiy may order a halt to any are bind+ng upan �)I assigns, successors-ir�-inierest, heirs
unauthonzeti use af ihs access pursuant to stat�atary and and accuparits. It any significant changes are made or wiH
reguiatory powers. Reconstruction or improvement of the be made in ttre use of the property which wiil affect access
access may be required when the permittee has failed to operation,tra�c volume and or vehicle type,ihe permittee or
meet r�quired specificatinns af design or materiais. If any pro}7erty oyyrrer shail contact the►aca!issuing authority or ths
constructian elemer�t faifs within iwo ysars due to improper Depertme�t to determine if e new access permit and
cor�structi�n or material spec�cations,the permittee shall be modifications ta the access�re required,
responsible for all repairs. Failur� to make such repairs may
resutt in sus�,nsion of the permit and clasure of khe access. Z. When an access is constn.�cted or used in violation o`
the Code, section 43-2-'147{5j(c), C.R.S., of the Aci applies.
6. The permittee shal! provide construction traffic control The Department or issuing authority may summ�rily
devices �i all times during access construction, in suspend an access permit and immediately arder closure of
conformance with khe M,U.T.C.D. as required by s�ction 42- the access whe� its cantinue+d use presents en immediate
4-104,C.R.S.,as amended. threat to public health, w�tfare or safety. Summary
suspensian shail comply wiih article 4 of titls�4,C.R.S.
7. A utility permit shall be abtained for any utility work
within highway right-of-way. Where necessary to remove, MAINl"ENANCE
relocais, or repair a traffic control device or pubiic nr private 1. Th8 permitte�, his or her heirs, successors-in-interest.
utilities fpr the constructian of a perrnitted access, the assigns, end occupants of the prop�rty serviced by the
reloca#ion, rt�mova( or repair shail be atxomplish�d by the acc$ss sheU be responsible for meeting the terms and
permittee without cost to the Depattment or issuing conditions of the permit, the repair and maintenance of the
authority, and ai the directiot� of the Department or �itilfiy access beyond the edge of the roadway including any cattle
r,ompany. Any damage ta the state highway or other public guard and gate, and the remaval or clsarance of sn�w c�r ice
right-of-vvay beyond that which is�Qowed in the permit shaU upon the access even thou�h deposited on tfie acr,ESS in the
�—�—"'b8"fgjJ�'lf�d"$tITT1Hd18181}z:""�TG'jS�1`TTSt�!'�`I _ _�.,,._
repair �f any utility demaged in the course af access unincorporated areas tne Department wiH keep access
construction, reconsiruction or repair. culverts ciean as part rrf maintenance of the highway
drainage system. However, ths permit#ee i� responsible for
8. In the�v�nt it t�scomes neces�arv t� remove any righ#- the repair and replacement af any access-ralated culverts
of-way fence,the posts on either side of#he access shall be within the right-ot-way. Wiihin incorporated areas, drai»age
securely bracad with an approved end post before the fence responsibilities for municipalities are determined by statute
is cut to prevent any slacking of the remaining fen�e. All and local ardinance. 7he Oepartment will maintain the
posts and vvire r�moved are Departrnent property and shall roadway including au3ciliary lanes and shouiders, except in
be turned aver ta a representative of the flepartment. #hose cases where the access insiatlation has faiisd due to
improper access construction and/or failure to#odlow permit
9. The permittee shall ensure that a copy nf the permit is raquirements and specifications in which case the pennittee
available for review ai the constrvction site at ali times. The shall be responsible fnr such repair. Any significar�t repairs
permi# may cet�uire th� cantractar to notify the individual or such ss culvert replacement, resurfacing, or changes in
office specified an the permit at any specified phases in design or spec�cations, requires autharization from the
construction ta allow the field inspectar to insp�ct variaus Deparkmsnt.
aspects o# construction such �s co�crete forms, subbase,
base course compaction, and mate�ials specifications. Minor
changes and additlons may be ordered by the Department
a� iocal �utJ�rariiy field 'mspector to meet unantioipaied site
i0. Each aceess shall be constructed in a manner that shaii
not cause waker to enter onto the roadway ar shoulder, end
sha11 not interfere with the existing drainage system on the Form i01, Page 3
� �T.��E ��F �C�L��R��I���
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July 30, 2007
A(pine Engineering, inc.
Jennifer Babcock
PU Box 97
Edwards, C{� 81632
RE: State Highway Access Perrnit No. 3p7pq6, ,qppJ�cation No. 07-430
Located on Highway No. 070A S. �rontage, Milepost 175.220, in Eagle
Dear Applicant:
� I:-ni:ira4tii is yt>ur?��atice to 1'raceccl (N�I'P) for� the �b��ve stal�e�� acc�ss ��n��it. TP�is :��otic�c to
['r<j�,c�c1 is valid cmly i(�t}ie re[�rcnce�d f�ece>s 1'crmit l��ts r�c�t cxpired. :lccess Pcrrriits erpire
c�rie }t,ar i�r�7m the t3ate {�f issue i�fn{x i.inder e�anstrixetic>n c>r c=r:�i7��,le�te. Yc7�ir perrr�it v��i11
ex�ire c>n f�"�6;%O�. ,�cczss I'e�-mits i�aay t�� exicr�clec� in accor���nc� w•irh SLCtit>n 2.3(1 1){3 j.
t�f thc�Aiccss (;'oc3c. Y'au must c�t�tain � n�w Notice t� 1'rc�ceiti f<�llt�ti��ir�� th� susp�nsion o��'
wo��k t�lt�-ol�g1� th���inter.
�T�hi ���ll��wira;>is requir�c� as part u�"t��is NTP: �
� • You shall r�r>tif�tl�e C'.D.C).T. Insp�;�:tc�r, I3rian ��iillian; in tirand Jur�ctia�i, at (9?{))
�4K-'23{), at le��st 4�i hc�urs prit�r f« �c�mmc►�cin�, cc�nsiruetion u•itliir�ihe St��t4
flightivay ri�l��t-of w�}y_ All ccrostruttr�n sh<�11 be cc�rnpl�;tee� in an e�xpw�iiti<>i�s anci
5afe inanner araci s}�all be finish�;d within �l5 dat�s fi-ar�� initi�ztior�. �
* I`ou must cc�ntact the <'.D.t�.��i`. tnspector listcc; ab�ve upc�n cc�rnpletii�r� a!'the ac•ces��
�;�instruction to rt;c�u�st t� final in.�pecTic�n pr-itar ta �inv use as allc�u��;d t>}� t}��is �erxr�it.
• A1� mat4i-it�Js ��nt�canstructic�ra sh��ll be c��m�iet4ci i�� acc��i•ci�ncc with <�11 a�plic��bie
I)epal�tn��nt fitt�tidarcjs az�d `��ecific�ttioris, arici cc�n�tritctcd in cc�rl�c�rt7�a�7�e t��it:#i 2
C'C.�R. b0i-1, ."�t�itc }��i�6���ay !1c��ss C.'ode, includin�;a11S'ad�iitic7n�:i1 ter�i77s ,ynr�
i:t�r�ditioi�s c;�f t17� iss�a�c� permit.
� .l fi�Jlti. ta3dc3rsc��3 ;:c����• of�thc itis�i<•d .�cc�;s Per-�nit ��r�cl :�t�ucc t{7 �'r��cke•ci si�a11 1>e
��ti�ilahle ti7r re�iew<tt tl7e ec7��siructi«n .ite durin� c.tmstruitiran.
� I�tclii����l u�itl� tl��; \`l P ari scts c�f'`�tat2��cd i I:;xhit�it r'�1 cc>r7,trucUr>r� �(;�i��. ;'�J1
stat��pc:c1 daruitiLt�t� n�ust be c7n�;ite f��r rc�iin for t}ie �lur�ttic,n <�(;he �rc�j�c.�t.
P�ge 1 of 2
: .
Tr�ffir,$S�feEv Si:ctis3n
• 'I`}'�is V'.1.1' i;� caT7ciitic>t;al. 'I��he I�i711�:>w�irz�r a�-c tl�� ct�nditic�r�::
�., C'z.3ntt��t [3ri;an Killtat� Gti �??{}_�,:��,_;��-�{') ���hcrt tlle tet��E�<�r�irt� �i�nstruc•tii>n
ic'c.;i:y4 7S ttC� jt>t7s.�E�1" tlL't<:��t1.
c� T.tiiS ac�ces; sh��ll Y�?e rzmc���•c) ��t��j r�`(��rci3 to ori��it��:�l c��r,�iztio�i i���c��3 a.;ce�;s
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NOTICE TO PROCEED _`�``'���'�`"`'�"
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' The permittee is h�reby authorized to�roceed with access construction within stafe highway right-of-way in
; accordance with the above referenced Sate Highway Acc;ess Permit arad this Notic�to Proceed.
This Notice to Prcaceed is valid pnly if the reierenced Access Permit has not expired. Access Permits�xpire '
one year from date of isa��if not under cc�nstruction, t�r campleteci. Access Permits may be extended in accordance
with �ction 2.3(�1)(d),nf the llccess Code.
Adequateadvancewarningisrequired at ail timesduringaccesscanstruction, in conformancewith the
Manu� on Uniform Traffic Control Devicesfor Streetsand Highways.
�II construction sh�f be completed in an expeditious�d safe m�ner and shall be finished w+thin 45 days j
from initiation. The permitteQ or appiicant shall notify the Department prior ta commencing construction as indicaaed �
on tl7e Access F�rmit.
Both the Access f�rm�t and this Notic�1`p R�oceed shail be ava�labie for r�vaew at the construction ste. �
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This Notice ta Proceed is condit+onal. The folipwing items sh�l be addressed prior to or during construction as �
apprapri ate.
l. C'ontact I3ri�in Kii(iart at 9?t)-w��-i2>� when tf�G tem}�orary constnzetit>��access i� m� I<�nrer t��e-tlecl. j
Z. Thi�acccss sh�l! be rz�m�av�d and restt�red ta t��ri�inal condition uprar�aciess c!<�si�ire_ �
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�This NotiCe is n�t v�id until sgned by a duly authonz,c�d representative of ihe C�epartment
� Colvrado Departmerrt of Tran�partation
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