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HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB110573 additional utility signoffs ._ . . _ . . � _.v„ _ ,_ . :v � .: -- � - - _.,�, : � r�. � _�ew ., �w, _._. _ ,,.e „ . _ x:. _ UTILTTY APPROVAL & VERTFICATTON This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not inipact any existing or proposed utiliry services, and also to verify service availability and lacation for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and schedul- ing installalions . A site plan , including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations , shall be submitted to the following utilitics for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP 70 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM 7HE UTILITY COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail . Subject Property Address : 765 Forest Road L.ot 8 Black 2 Subdivision : Primary Contact / Qwner Representative : steven �an,es Riden A. I .a. Arci�itect P.C. phone : 328-0458 Plans Dated : NOV. 18, 2011 Primary Contact/Owner Representative Signature Authorized Siqnature Comments Date QW EST 970.468. 6860(tel) 970.468. 0672(fax) Contacts: Samuel Tooley samueLtoole west. com XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970. Z62 .4076 (tel) 970.468 . 1401 (fax) Contact: Rich Sisneros richard .sisneros xcelener .com NOLY CROSS ENERGY 970.947 .5471 (tel) 970.945 .4081 (fax) Contact: Jeff Vroom 'vroom@hol XCEL Energy 970.262 .4038 (fax) 970.262 ,4024 (tel) Contacts : Kit Bogert Kathi n . Bo ertnxcelener . com EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITA- TION DISTRICT 970.477. 5435 (tel) 970.477 . 5434 (fax) Contact: f2oby Forsyth rfors thC�a erwsd . ar COMCAST CABLE - - C " �� 970. 619. 0752 (tei) �- � �ti � (� (% r �•� � Fv (1 �,. � l j 970.468-267?_ ((ax) � (��.C=j"�� ��� y� � � � � j `T (� Z � / Contact: Tony 1-lildreth � . i 1 � ton _hildreth@cable.comcas( L.� �=� ` E �'�i C--v�/ T CDOT (Oniy in CDOT Right-of-way) 970.6II3 . 67_ II4 (tel) ConCact : Dan Roussin Daniel . us NOTES: 1 . Utility locations must be obtained before digging . 2 , A Revocable Right-of-Way Permit may be required Por ariy improvemenis within a street right-of-way. Contact the Public Works Departmerit for verification 970.479. 2198 . 3 . It is lhe responsibility of the utiliry company and the applicant to resolve problems identified above. 4. The Primary Contact/Owner Representative is required to submit any revised drawings to the above agencies for re-approval & re-verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way aft:er the authorized signature date. UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATION This fonn serves to veri(y tha� lhe proposed improvements will not impact any exisiinc� or proposed uliliiy services, and also to verify service availabiliry and location for new construciion and shotdd be used in conjunction with preparing your utiliry plan and schedul- ing Ins�allailons. A slte plan, includinc� grading pl�n, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the followin� utllities (or approval and verilication. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM 7HE 11TILiTY COMPANIES. If you are unable to ol�tain comments within that time(rame please contact The Town of Vail. Subject Property Address : �65 Forest Road Lot � Block 2 Subdivision : Primary Contact / Owner Representative: �e"en �ames Riden a.i.a ar�niiec� a.c. phone: 32a-0458 Plans D�ted : NOV. 18, 2011 Primary Contact/Owner Representative Signature Authorized Signature Comments Date QWEST 970.468 .6860(tel) 970.468.0672(fax) Contacts: Samuel Tooley XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.Z6�.4076 (tel) 970.468. 1401 (fax) Contact: Rich Sisneros richa rd.sisn eros(n� HOLY CROSS ENERGY 970.947.54Z5 (tel) � � 970.945.4081 (fax) j��ir!j�� �rnrn/ 11/2i/il Contact: ]efF Vroom � 'vroom@hol XCEL Energy 970.26Z.4024 (tel) 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogert I<a th ryn. Bogert(�xcelen2rgy,com EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITA- TION DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (Fax) Contact: Fred Haslee Fha5leeneitivsd.orq COMCAST CABLE 970.619.0752 (tel) 970.468-2672 (fax) Contact: Tony Hildreth ton CDOT (Only in CDOT Right-of-way) 970.683.6284 (tel) Contact: Dan Roussin us NOTES: 1 . Utility locations must be obtained before digging . 2. A Revocable Right-of-Way Permit may be required for any improvements within a street right-of-way. Contact the Public Works Department for verification 970.479, 2198. 3 . It is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve problems identified above. 4. The Primary Contact/Owner Representative is required to submit any revised drawings to the above agencies for re-approval & re-verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date. 03-Mar-'10 UTILI7Y APPROVAL & VERIFICA7ION This form serves to verify that the proposed irnprovements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services , and also to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and schedul- ing installations . A site plan , including grading plan , floor plan , and elevations , shall be submitted to the following uiilities for approval and verification . PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THE UTILITY COMPANIES . If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail . Subject Property Address : 765 Forest Road Lot 8 Block 2 Subdivision : Primary Contact / Ovuner Representative : Sleven James Riden A. I .A. Architect P.C. ph011e : 328-0458 Plans Dated : NOV. 18 , 2011 Primary Contact/Owner Representative Signature Authorized Siqnature Comments Date Q W EST �' �-C.� G`f�'Z�� �'_ �i�$ �'?�= ��"UC. U�/C.17'r� ! 'Z—f� , / 970 .468 .6860(tel) � 970 .468 . 0672(fax) .}°'�' r'7 �Z��GC� r:�'�S P-��-'�— (GtU � � .� ,r / o____�--_,__ Contacts: Samuel Tooley ���. !f ._ ��!�..�.�_.�_�C1-�L� � � samuel_1:oole a west. com + ��--- ,y� XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 1 970 . 262.4076 (tel) 970 .468. 1401 (fax) Contact: Rich Sisneros richard .sisneros xcelener . rom HOLY CROSS ENERGY 970. 947. 5471 (tel) 970 .945.4081 (fax) Contact: JefF Vroom 'vroom@hol XCEL Energy 970 . 262.4038 (fax) 970 . 262 .4024 (tel) Contacts: Kit Bogert Kathi n . Bo ertalxcelener v. com EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITA- TION DISTRICT 970 .477. 5435 (tei) 970 .477. 5434 (fax) Contact: Roby Forsyth ifioi�s th a?ertirosd .or COMCAST CABLE 970 , 619 , 0752 (tel) 970 .468-2672 (fax) Contacl: Tony Hildreth ton _hildreth@cable. comcast. com CDOT (Only in CDOT Right-of-way) 970 .683 . 6284 (tel) Contact: Dan Roussin Daniel. roussin@dot.state. co . us NOTES: 1 . Utility locations must be obtained before digging . 2 . A Revocable Righk-of-Way Permit may be required for any improvements within a street right-of-way. Contact the Public Works Department for verification 970 .479 . 2198 . 3 . Ifi is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resoive problems identified above. 4 . The Primary Contact/Owner Representative is required to submit any revised drawings to the above agencies for re-approval & re-verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date . UTTLY7Y APPROVAL & V�RIFICATIQN 'i�his form serves to ver(fy that the proposed Improvoments will not (mpact any existfng or proposed utility services , and also to verify service availabifiry and location for new consiruction and should bo used in conJunctlon with preparing your utfllty plan and schedul- ing installations, A site plan , including c�rading plan, floor plan , and elevations, shali be subm(ited to the following utilities for approval and verification . PL�ASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPRt�VAL OR COMMENTB �'�iOM THE U711.ITY C �MpANIES. If you are unable to obtaln cornments within that timeframe ple�se cantact The Town of Vail. Subject property Address : �65 Forest Road Lot � Block ,2__ Subdivision : Primary Contact / Owner Representative : Steven James Riden A. i .A. Architect P,c. P� a11e. 328-0458 Plans t7ated ; NOV. 18 , 2011 Primary Contactl0wner Representative Signature Auihorized Siqnat«re Comments bate Q W�5T 970.968 , 68b0 (tel) - 970.468. 0672 (fax) Contacts: Samuel7ooley samuel toole v��est,com � XCEL NIGH PRESSUR� GAS 970.262,4076 {tel) 970 .468. 1401 (fax) Contact: Rich Sisneros rich�rd. sist� eros xcelener . com HOLY CRbSS ENERGY 970.447. 5471 (tel) 970.945.�OII1 {fax) Contact; Jeff Vroom vroom@hol ' I XCEL Energy � 1 ; 970. 262.4038 (fax) � g � 970. 262 ,�02�4 (tel) J , Contacts: Kit Bogert / t i Katht n . eo ert xce ener . com �AGLE RTVER WAT�R & SANTI'A- TION pISTRICT � 970.477 . 5435 (tel) 970 .477. 5434 (fax} Contact: Roby Forsyth rfars thC�lenvsd ,or COMCAST CAEiLE 970. 619.0752 (kel} 970,468-2672 (fax) Contact: 7ony Hlldretl� ton �hildreth@cable, � CD (?T (Only in CDOT Right-of-way) 970 .683, G284 (kel) Contact: Dan Roussin Daniel. raussln@dut.state, co. us � � NOTES : 1 . Utiifty locations must be obtained before digging . 2 . A Revocable Ctight-of-Way Penr� it may be required far any irnprovements within a street right-of-way. Contact hhe � Public Works Dep�rtment for verification 970 . 479 , 2i98. � 3 , Il Is the responsibility of the utility coi��pany and the � pplicant to resolve problenis ld�ntified above. 4 . The primary ContacC/Owner Representative is required to submit any revised dr�wings ta li�e above agencies for re-�pproval & re-verffication if the submftted p(ans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date, U7ILTIY APPROVAL & VERIFICATIOM This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunctian with preparing your utflity plan and schedul- ing installations. A site plan, including grading plan , floor pian, and elevations , shall be submitted to the following utilities for approvai and verification. PLEAS � ALLOW UP TQ 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THE UTILI7Y GOMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments wifhin that timeframe please contact The Town of Vai1 . Subject Property Address : ��'5 Forest Road Lat 8 Block Z Subdivision : • Primary Contact / Owner Representative: steven �ames Riden a.i .a. architect P.c. phone : 328-0458 plans Dated : NOV. 18 , 2011 F�rimary Contact/Owner Representative Sign�ture Authorized Siqnature Comments Date QW EST 970 .468.6860 (tel) • 970.468.0672(fax) Contacts: Samuel Tooley samuel,toole XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262,4076 (tel) 970.�}68. 1401 (fax) Cantact: Rich Sisneros richard.sisneros xcelener .com HOLY CROSS ENERGY 970 .947.5471 (tel) 970 .945.40$ J. (fax) Contact: JefF Vrcaom 'vroom@hof cross,com XCEL finergy 970. 2fi2.4038 (fax) 970. 262.4024 (tel) Contacts: Kit Bogert Kath n.Bo ert xcelener .cam EAGI.E RNER WATER & SANITA- �b�t TION DISTRIGT � ' fGS� �.'��Ch � CbY�s�i["vG�lo� 970.477.5435 {tel) , 970.477.5434 (fax) �� r�.v � eW � G�-hris b�� �- Iz�i2 � � t Contact: Roby Forsyth Cp y� s �Y vC�[ `o ►'� �„g t v� � ` rfor h a etwsd.or COMCAST CABLE 97Q.619.0752 {tel) 97Q.468-2672 (fax) Contact: Tony Hildreth ton CDOT (Only in CDOT Right-of-way) 970.683, 6284 (tel) Conlact: Dan Roussin Daniei .roussin@dot. . us NOTES: 1. Utility locations must be obtained befoi�e digging. 2. A Revocable Right-af Way Permit may be required for any improvements wilhfi a street right�of-way. Contact the Public Warks Departmen� for verification 970.479.2198. 3. It is the responsibility of the utllity company and the applicant to resolve problems identiFed abov� . 4. The Primary Contacl/Owner Representative is required lo submik any revised drawings to the above agencies For re-approval & re-verifica�ion if lhe submitted plans are altered in any way af�er the authorized signature date.