HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 July 15 CDOT FOR Drainage Report copy1.pdf DRAINAGE REPORT FOR _____________ I-70 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD RELOCATION AND IMPROVEMENTS AT VAIL, COLORADO CDOT Project Number CC 0702-287 Code 17020 FOR ____________ JULY 15, 2010 Prepared by: Alpine Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 97 Edwards, CO 81632 (970) 926-3373 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Vicinity Map II. Purpose.......................................................................................................................1 III. Introduction ................................................................................................................1 IV. Hydrology ..................................................................................................................2 V. Developed Conditions ................................................................................................4 VI. Inlet Capacity ............................................................................................................5 VII. Water Quality ............................................................................................................5 VIII. Downstream Impact ...................................................................................................6 IX. Floodplain ..................................................................................................................6 X. Erosion and Sediment Control ...................................................................................7 Tables: Table 1 – Off site Drainage Basin Summary Table 2 – SCS Soils Summary Table 3 – USFS Soils Summary Table 4 – Pipe Capacity Summary Figures: Figure 1 – U.S. Soil Conservation Service Soils Map Figure 2 – U.S. Forest Service Soils Map Exhibits: Exhibit A – FEMA Floodplain Map Exhibit B – Water Quality Vault Details Exhibit C – Sediment Control Details Appendices: Appendix A – Off-site Drainage Area Calculations Appendix B – On-site Drainage Area Calculations Appendix C – Hydraulic Calculations Appendix D – Inlet Calculations Maps: Sheet 1 – Off-Site Drainage Area Map 1” = 2,000’ Sheet 2 – Historic On-site Drainage Area Map 1” = 200’ Sheets 3-8 – Developed On-site Drainage Area Map 1” = 60’ Sheet 9 – Developed Off-site Drainage Area Map 1” = 400’ July 15, 2010 South Frontage Road Relocation i II. PURPOSE The purpose of this drainage report is to provide a hydrology and h ydraulics report for the South Frontage Road relocation and improvements to accompany the FOR plan submittal to CDOT. III. INTRODUCTION The Town of Vail and Vail Resorts are proposing to relocate and improve the I-70 South Frontage Road in the west part of Lionshead in Vail, Colorado. The area of relocation and improvement is adjacent and south of Interstate 70 from approximately Interstate 70 road station 125+00 to 155+00 in the vicinity of mile post 175. The site is in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, the Northwest 1/4 of Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian and the Southwest 1/4 of Section 6, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian in the Town of Vail, in Eagle County, Colorado. Red Sandstone Creek is the major drainage way that passes under the South Frontage Road. It flows from north to south and under Interstate 70 in an 84” diameter corrugated metal pipe (CMP). Red Sandstone Creek passes under the existing South Frontage Road in twin 14-foot concrete box culverts. Red Sandstone Creek flows to Gore Creek in an open channel. Both Red Sandstone Creek and Gore Creek have detailed FEMA floodplain studies. There are three separate existing 24” CMP culverts, an 18” CMP culvert and the 84” CMP that carries Red Sandstone Creek that carry Interstate 70 drainage and drainage north of Interstate 70 to the area proposed for the South Frontage Road relocation. July 15, 2010 South Frontage Road Relocation 1 IV. HYDROLOGY Red Sandstone Creek and Gore Creek have FEMA floodplains. Hydrology for these streams is included in the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) for each stream. A concrete arched culvert is proposed to carry Red Sandstone Creek under the relocated South Frontage Road and floodplain and culvert calculations are provided under separate cover by others. There are off-site drainage basins of 19 acres, 3.3 acres, 31 acres and 168 acres north of Interstate 70 that outfall to the relocated South Frontage Road via culverts under Interstate 70. The hydrology for these drainage basins has been calculated using the Natural Resources Conservation Service, WinTR-55 Small Watershed Hydrology Computer Program, May 7, 2003, which is known as TR55. These drainage basins have been delineated on the Off-site Drainage Area Maps and calculations may be found in Appendix A. Results have been summarized in Table 1. Future land use for platted lots was used for off-site drainage basins. TR55 was used to calculate Runoff Curve Number (RCN), the Time of Concentration (Tc) and flow rates (Q). The 24-hour precipitation values were taken from the NOAA Atlas 2, Volume III Isopluvials of 24-hour precipitation maps and were found to be 1.4, 1.8, 2.0, 2.4, 2.8 and 2.9 inches for the 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 year storms respectively. Flows were calculated using the actual soil types as obtained from the U.S. Soil Conservation Service Soil Survey of Aspen-Gypsum Area, Colorado, Parts of Eagle, Garfield and Pitkin Counties and the U.S. Forest Service, Holy Cross Area Soil Survey, White River National Forest, Glenwood Springs, Colorado. A soils summary may be found in Tables 2 and 3. The appropriate hydrologic soil type was used for each area. There are four hydrologic soil groups (A, B, C or D) that soils may be classified into as July 15, 2010 South Frontage Road Relocation 2 means of estimating runoff from precipitation. They are grouped according to their runoff – producing characteristics from long-duration storms. Refer to Figure 1 and Figure 2 for Soils Maps and Tables 2 and 3 for soil names and hydrologic soil groups. Group B soils have a moderate infiltration rate and consist mainly of moderatel y deep or deep, moderately well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately course texture. Made Land (ML) is man-made material, including buildings, pavement, fill, and other disturbed areas. It is mostly impervious. The soils group adjacent to the Made Land was assumed for the Made Land since it probably consists of primarily native material. The Developed On-site Drainage Area Map shows the proposed storm sewer system and the drainage areas to the proposed inlets. The flows for the smaller on-site areas have been calculated using the Rational Method for the 10 and 100 year frequency storms. Weighted runoff coefficients were calculated using Table 3-1 from the Denver Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (UDFCD) Storm Drainage Criteria Manual for the t ypes of cover found at the project. Table 3-1 is included in Appendix B. The Rainfall Intensity-Duration Curve from the Town of Vail was used for a time of concentration of 5 minutes to obtain the intensity. A copy of the Rainfall Intensity- Duration Curve is included in Appendix B. The calculated flows have been used to analyze on-site flows and the proposed inlets. The proposed pipe sizes were evaluated using the Hydraflow for Storm Sewers 2008 computer program. The combined 100-year flow for area OS2-on, which includes basin OS2 and on-site basins B22-B31 from the relocated South Frontage Road using TR55 is 20.2 cfs. The combined flow for area OS4-on, which includes OS3 and OS4 and on-site basins B3-B17 and W1-W6 from the relocated South Frontage Road using TR55 is 30.6 cfs. Known flows from off-site drainage basins were input into Hydraflow where July 15, 2010 South Frontage Road Relocation 3 a large contributing off-site drainage basin entered the system. On-site flows for this portion of the South Frontage Road were calculated using the Rational Method for individual inlets and off-site flows were input as known flows into Hydraflow. Calculated flows to Study Points OS2-on and OS4-on using TR55 for off-site flows and the Rational Method for on-site flows yielded a total flow of 27.69 and 43.03 cfs respectively. These flows were higher than the flows calculated using only TR55 so they were used in pipe sizing. Drainage area OS1 was calculated with TR55 for the proposed storm sewer on the south side of the existing South Frontage Road and using the Town of Vail snowmelt factor. The combined 100-year flow for area OS1-on, which includes basin OS1 and on- site basins S1-S5, E1-E4 and some small basins from the Ritz using snowmelt rates is 13.94 cfs using TR55. The 100-year flow from OS1 is 13.5 cfs. Flows for the pipe run that includes OS1 that is proposed on the south side of the South Frontage Road and outfalls to the existing storm pipe system in Forest Road (S# inlets) are 20.68 cfs using the Rational Method for on-site drainage basins. Again, the higher Rational Method calculated flows were used for pipe sizing. Hydraulic Gradient calculations and profiles generated by Hydraflow to evaluate pipe capacity may be found in Appendix C. V. DEVELOPED CONDITIONS The project proposes to relocate the South Frontage Road to be adjacent and parallel to Interstate 70. Drainage from Interstate 70 will be captured by a proposed storm sewer system in the relocated South Frontage Road. Historic drainage patterns will be maintained in the developed project by generally directing drainage to Gore Creek or Red Sandstone Creek in its historic drainage directions. The existing box culverts in the July 15, 2010 South Frontage Road Relocation 4 South Frontage Road at Red Sandstone Creek will be removed and allow restoration of Red Sandstone Creek in this area. A concrete arched culvert is proposed to cross Red Sandstone Creek adjacent to Interstate 70 where the relocated South Frontage Road is proposed to cross Red Sandstone Creek. Sheets 3-8, Developed On-site Drainage Area Map, show the storm sewer layout. VI. INLET CAPACITY Inlet capacity has been evaluated for the proposed relocated South Frontage Road. Flows for the 100-year storm to each proposed inlet were calculated in Appendix B, On- Site Drainage Area Calculations using the Rational Method. Hydraflow was used to calculate the inlet capacity of the Type 13/16 Combination on-grade inlets. Hydraflow uses methodology from HEC-22 to determine inlet capacity based upon inlet area and length. Inlet area and length were input assuming the inlets were ½ clogged. Spreads were also calculated and were found to be less than 10 feet which would leave one travel lane open in the 100-year storm. A summary of inlet capacity, calculations and spread results may be found in Appendix D. VII. WATER QUALITY The relocated South Frontage Road is proposed to have water quality structures adjacent to the road that will treat pollutants from the relocated South Frontage Road. One example of potential water quality vaults would be the Contech Vortechs products. Contech has sized two hydrodynamic separation Vortechs vaults for the on-site and the entire off-site drainage basins 0S2 and 0S4 and the vaults are shown to scale on the plans. Elevations and inverts of the vaults are shown on the FOR plan storm sewer profiles. The design was based upon 80% removal of a 75 micron particle at a rainfall station July 15, 2010 South Frontage Road Relocation 5 located in Eagle County. The area to receive treatment from these vaults includes not only the proposed relocated South Frontage Road but also the contributing drainage basins north of I-70. Details of these vaults may be found in Exhibit A. VIII. DOWNSTREAM IMPACT The proposed South Frontage Road relocation moves existing South Frontage Road from its current location to be adjacent to the Interstate 70 right-of-way. Storm sewer outfalls will be diverted into Red Sandstone or Gore Creek. A storm sewer layout has been provided on Sheets 3-8 of the maps at the end of this report. The drainage basins for Red Sandstone and Gore Creek are quite large in comparison to the proposed road relocation and improvements. The peak runoff from the site is expected to be much earlier than the overall drainage basin and would not increase the peak runoff in the overall drainage basin. Therefore, detention of stormwater is not recommended for this site and no downstream impact as a result of stormwater flows from the proposed road relocation and improvement is expected. IX. FLOODPLAIN There is a FEMA floodplain on both Gore Creek and Red Sandstone Creek. The FEMA floodplain map is included in Exhibit A of this report. Modifications to the Red Sandstone Creek will include the relocated South Frontage Road crossing. The area where Red Sandstone Creek passes under the existing South Frontage Road in box culverts will also be revised since the box culverts will be removed. There are no floodplain impacts on Gore Creek expected as a result of the proposed road improvements. Floodplain modeling of modifications to Red Sandstone Creek will be submitted in a separate report by others. July 15, 2010 South Frontage Road Relocation 6 X. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL A Stormwater Management Plan has been prepared for the project to limit the transportation of sediments to Gore Creek and Red Sandstone Creek during construction. Devices that may be used during construction to prevent sediment-laden runoff from leaving the site include stabilized construction entrances, silt fence, straw bales, stone outlet structures, wattles, sediment traps, silt sacks and a removable pumping station. Details of these devices may be found in Exhibit C. July 15, 2010 South Frontage Road Relocation 7 TABLES TABLE 1 OFF-SITE DRAINAGE BASIN SUMMARY DRAINAGE BASIN SUMMARY Study Point Drainage Area (acres) Runoff Curve Number Time of Concentration (hrs) 10-Year Flow (cfs) 100-Year Flow (cfs) 100-Year Snowmelt (cfs) OS1 168.4 58 0.89 0.7 11.1 13.5 OS2 30.5 67 0.29 2.9 15.6 2.4 OS3 3.3 71 0.17 0.9 3.0 0.3 OS4 18.6 77 0.22 9.7 23.5 1.5 OS1-on 174.3 58 0.89 0.7 11.5 13.9 OS2-on 35.1 69 0.33 4.7 20.2 2.8 OS4-on 25.3 77 0.25 12.5 30.6 2.0 OS1-on, OS2-on and OS4-on include on-site basins from the Relocated South Frontage Road P:\TOV06004\dwg\Drainage\CDOT\drain-sum.xls (Table 1) 6/8/2010 Map Symbol 11 45 46 104A Map Symbol ML 281 C 346 B 346 C 353 C Forsey Forsey TABLE 3 D ScoutB B B U.S. FOREST SERVICE SOILS SUMMARY Anvik, Skylick, Slighting Soils Name TABLE 2 SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE SOILS SUMMARY Hydrologic Soil Group B Made Land Quander Soils Name Torriorthents, Cambrothids Hydrologic Soil Group Gateview - Handran - EyreB B Gateview - EyreB B (based upon adjacent soils) P:\TOV06004\dwg\Drainage\CDOT\drain-sum.xls (Tables 2 and 3) 3/30/2010 Study Point Pipe Size and Type Assumed Slope (%) Developed Q100 (cfs) Full Capacity (cfs) OS124" RCP2.013.532 OS224" RCP2.015.632 OS318" RCP2.03.014.9 OS424" RCP2.023.532 OS1-on24" RCP2.013.932 OS2-on30" RCP2.020.258 OS4-on36" RCP2.030.694.3 PIPE CAPACITY SUMMARY TABLE 4 P:\TOV06004\dwg\Drainage\CDOT\drain-sum.xls (Table 4) 3/30/2010 FIGURES EXHIBIT A FEMA FLOODPLAIN MAP EXHIBIT B WATER QUALITY VAULT DETAILS = 111.4 Rainfall Intensity Operating Rate2 Treated Flow % Total Rainfall Rmvl. Effcy4 Rel. Effcy "/hrgpm/sfcfsVolume3 (%)(%) 0.1213.42.3413.2%88.7%11.7% 0.1617.83.128.1%84.5%6.8% 0.2022.33.905.2%79.5%4.1% 0.2426.74.682.5%75.9%1.9% 0.2831.25.461.5%72.5%1.1% 0.3235.66.241.1%69.7%0.8% 0.3640.17.020.7%66.5%0.5% 0.4044.67.800.5%62.6%0.3% 0.4448.88.540.7%58.0%0.4% 0.4852.59.190.8%52.5%0.4% 0.5256.99.950.8%45.9%0.4% 0.5661.310.720.2%39.5%0.1% 0.6065.611.480.2%36.1%0.1% 0.6469.012.070.2%33.8%0.1% 0.6872.112.610.2%30.7%0.1% 0.7274.913.110.2%29.0%0.1% 0.7677.513.570.4%26.5%0.1% 0.8077.313.540.4%26.5%0.1% 000 00 000 00%980%00% Design Ratio1 =(25.3 acres) x (0.77) x (449 gpm/cfs) Bypass occurs at an elevation of 8083'(at approximately 48 gpm/sf) (78.5 sf) VORTECHS SYSTEM ® ESTIMATED NET ANNUAL SOLIDS LOAD REDUCTION SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD RELOCATION SITE DESIGNATION OS4 MODEL NAME VORTECHS 11000 BASED ON AN AVERAGE PARTICLE SIZE OF 75 MICRONS VAIL, CO 87.4% 1.6% 0.0% 6.5% 81% 3 - Based on 10 years of 15-minute rainfall data from NCDC Station 2454 at Eagle FAA Airport, Eagle Co., CO Calculated by: JHR4/27/10Checked by: Predicted Net Annual Load Removal Efficiency = 1 - Design Ratio = (Total Drainage Area) x (Runoff Coefficient) x (cfs to gpm conversion) / Grit Chamber Area 2 - Operating Rate (gpm/sf) = intensity ("/hr) x Design Ratio. 5- Reduction due to use of 60-minute data for a site that has a time of concentration less than 30-minutes. 4 - Based on Contech Construction Products laboratory verified removal of an average particle size of 75 microns (see Technical Bulletin #1). % rain falling at >0''/hr or bypassing treatment = Estimated reduction in efficiency5 = Assumed removal efficiency for bypassed flows = = 96.1 Rainfall Intensity Operating Rate2 Treated Flow % Total Rainfall Rmvl. Effcy4 Rel. Effcy "/hrgpm/sfcfsVolume3 (%)(%) 0.1211.52.8813.2%91.0%12.0% 0.1615.43.848.1%86.7%7.0% 0.2019.24.815.2%82.5%4.3% 0.2423.15.772.5%78.7%2.0% 0.2826.96.731.5%75.9%1.2% 0.3230.87.691.1%73.1%0.8% 0.3634.68.650.7%70.2%0.5% 0.4038.49.610.5%68.2%0.3% 0.4442.310.570.7%64.9%0.5% 0.4846.111.530.8%60.5%0.5% 0.5250.012.490.8%56.8%0.5% 0.5653.813.450.2%50.8%0.1% 0.6057.714.420.2%44.2%0.1% 0.6461.515.380.2%39.5%0.1% 0.6865.316.340.2%36.1%0.1% 0.7269.217.300.2%33.5%0.1% 0.7673.018.260.5%29.8%0.1% 0.8076.919.220.5%27.4%0.1% 000 00 000 00%980%00% Design Ratio1 =(35.1 acres) x (0.69) x (449 gpm/cfs) Bypass occurs at an elevation of 8114.3'(at approximately 94 gpm/sf) (113.1 sf) VORTECHS SYSTEM ® ESTIMATED NET ANNUAL SOLIDS LOAD REDUCTION SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD RELOCATION SITE DESIGNATION OS2 MODEL NAME VORTECHS 16000 BASED ON AN AVERAGE PARTICLE SIZE OF 75 MICRONS VAIL, CO 89.3% 1.4% 0.0% 6.5% 83% 3 - Based on 10 years of 15-minute rainfall data from NCDC Station 2454 at Eagle FAA Airport, Eagle Co., CO Predicted Net Annual Load Removal Efficiency = 1 - Design Ratio = (Total Drainage Area) x (Runoff Coefficient) x (cfs to gpm conversion) / Grit Chamber Area 2 - Operating Rate (gpm/sf) = intensity ("/hr) x Design Ratio. 5- Reduction due to use of 60-minute data for a site that has a time of concentration less than 30-minutes. 4 - Based on Contech Construction Products laboratory verified removal of an average particle size of 75 microns (see Technical Bulletin #1). % rain falling at >0''/hr or bypassing treatment = Estimated reduction in efficiency5 = Assumed removal efficiency for bypassed flows = Hydrodynamic Separation Products VortSentry®VortSentry® HS page 2 page 3 High performance hydrodynamic separation The Vortechs system is a high-performance hydrodynamic separator that effectively removes fi ner sediment, oil and grease, and fl oating and sinking debris. Its swirl concentrator and fl ow controls work together to minimize turbulence and provide stable storage of captured pollutants. The design also allows for easy inspection and unobstructed maintenance access. With comprehensive lab and fi eld testing, the system delivers proven results and site-specifi c solutions. Precast models can treat peak design fl ows up to 25 cfs; cast-in-place models handle even greater fl ows. A typical system is sized to provide an 80% load reduction based on laboratory- verifi ed removal effi ciencies for varying particle size distributions such as 50-micron sediment particles. How does it work? Water enters the swirl chamber at a tangent, inducing a gentle swirling fl ow pattern and enhancing gravitational separation. Sinking pollutants stay in the swirl chamber while fl oating pollutants are stopped at the baffl e wall. Typically Vortechs systems are sized such that 80% or more of runoff through the system will be controlled exclusively by the low fl ow control. This orifi ce effectively reduces infl ow velocity and turbulence by inducing a slight backwater appropriate to the site. During larger storms, the water level rises above the low fl ow control and begins to fl ow through the high fl ow control. The layer of fl oating pollutants is elevated above the infl uent pipe, preventing re-entrainment. Swirling action increases in relation to the storm intensity, which helps prevent re-suspension. When the storm drain is fl owing at peak capacity, the water surface in the system approaches the top of the high fl ow control. The Vortechs system will be sized large enough so that previously captured pollutants are retained in the system even during these infrequent events. As a storm subsides, treated runoff decants out of the Vortechs system at a controlled rate, restoring the water level to a dry-weather level equal to the invert of the inlet and outlet pipes. The low water level facilitates easier inspection and cleaning, and signifi cantly reduces maintenance costs by reducing pump-out volume. ���������������������������������������� ���������������� �������������� ������������� ����������������� ���������� ����������� Vortechs Proven performance speeds approval process Treats peak fl ows without bypassing Flow controls reduce infl ow velocity and increase residence time Unobstructed access simplifi es maintenance Shallow system profi le makes installation easier and less expensive Very low headloss Flexible design fi ts multiple site constraints • • • • • • • Vortechs ® page 2 page 3 Patented continuous defl ection separation (CDS) technology Using patented continuous defl ective separation technology, the CDS system screens, separates and traps debris, sediment, and oil and grease from stormwater runoff. The indirect screening capability of the system allows for 100% removal of fl oatables and neutrally buoyant material without blinding. Flow and screening controls physically separate captured solids, and minimize the re-suspension and release of previously trapped pollutants. Available precast or cast-in-place, offl ine units can treat fl ows from 1 to 300 cfs. Inline units can treat up to 6 cfs, and internally bypass fl ows in excess of 50 cfs. The pollutant removal capability of the CDS system has been proven in the lab and fi eld. How does it work? Stormwater enters the CDS unit’s diversion chamber where the diversion weir guides the fl ow into the unit’s separation chamber and pollutants are removed. All fl ows up to the system’s treatment design capacity enter the separation chamber. Swirl concentration and screen defl ection forces fl oatables and solids to the center of the separation chamber where 100% of fl oatables and neutrally buoyant debris larger than the screen apertures are trapped. Stormwater then moves through the separation screen, under the oil baffl e and exits the system. The separation screen remains clog free due to continuous defl ection. During fl ow events exceeding the design capacity, the diversion weir bypasses excessive fl ows around the separation chamber, so captured pollutants will not wash out. CDS Removes sediment, trash, and free oil and grease Patented screening technology captures and retains 100% of fl oatables, including neutrally buoyant and all other material greater than the screen aperture Operation independent of fl ow Performance verifi ed through lab and fi eld testing Unobstructed maintenance access Customizable/fl exible design and multiple confi gurations available Separates and confi nes pollutants from outlet fl ow Grate inlet available Multiple screen aperture sizes available • • • • • • • • • CDS ® ��������� ���������� ���� ���������� ����������� ����������� ������ ���������� �������� ���� page 4 page 5 Hydrodynamic separation with internal bypass The VortSentry is a hydrodynamic separator with a small footprint that makes it an effective treatment option for projects where space is at a premium and effective removal of fl oating and sinking pollutants is critical. The internal bypass ensures treatment chamber velocities remain low, which improves performance and eliminates the risk of resuspension. In addition to standalone applications, the VortSentry is an ideal pretreatment device. The system is housed inside a lightweight concrete manhole structure for easy installation (often without the use of a crane) and unobstructed maintenance access. How does it work? Stormwater runoff enters the unit tangentially to promote a gentle swirling motion in the treatment chamber. As stormwater circles within the chamber, settleable solids fall into the sump and are retained. Buoyant debris and oil and grease rise to the surface and are separated from the water as it fl ows under the baffl e wall. Treated water exits the treatment chamber through a fl ow control orifi ce located behind the baffl e wall. During low-fl ow conditions all runoff is diverted into the treatment chamber by the fl ow partition. At higher fl ow rates, a portion of the runoff spills over the fl ow partition and is diverted around the treatment chamber, fi lling the head equalization chamber. This collapses the head differential between the treatment chamber and the outlet, resulting in a relatively constant fl ow rate in the treatment chamber even with a substantial increase in total fl ow through the system. This further reduces the potential for resuspension or washout of captured pollutants. ���������� ������������������������� �������������� ���������������� ������ ������������������� ��������� �������������� ��������� �������� VortSentry ® VortSentry Treatment and internal bypass in one structure Compact design ideal for congested sites Unobstructed maintenance access Round, lightweight construction for easy installation • • • • page 4 page 5 VortSentry ® HS VortSentry HS Helical fl ow pattern enhances trapping and containment of pollutants High treatment and bypass capacities Compact footprint ideal for congested sites Lightweight design easy to install Available in both inline and grate inlet confi gurations Quick manufacturing turnaround time • • • • • • Engineered performance and installation simplicity The VortSentry HS system employs a helical fl ow pattern that enhances trapping and containment of pollutants and provides effective removal of settleable solids and fl oating contaminants from urban runoff. With the ability to accept a wide range of pipe sizes, the VortSentry HS can treat and convey fl ows from small to large sites. A unique internal bypass design means higher fl ows can be diverted without the use of external bypass structures. The design of the VortSentry HS minimizes adverse velocities or turbulence in the treatment chamber. This helps to prevent the washout of previously captured pollutants even during peak conditions. The VortSentry HS is also available in a grate inlet confi guration, which is ideal for retrofi ts. How does it work? Low, reactive storm fl ows are directed into the treatment chamber through the primary inlet. The tangentially oriented downward pipe induces a swirling motion in the treatment chamber that increases capture and containment abilities. Moderate storm fl ows are directed into the treatment chamber through the secondary inlet, which allows for capture of fl oating trash and debris. The secondary inlet also provides for treatment of higher fl ows without signifi cantly increasing the velocity or turbulence in the treatment chamber. This allows for a more quiescent separation environment. Settleable solids and fl oating pollutants are captured and contained in the treatment chamber. Flow exits the treatment chamber through the outlet fl ow control, which manages the amount of fl ow that is treated and helps maintain the helical fl ow patterns developed within the treatment chamber. Flows exceeding the system’s rated treatment fl ow are diverted away from the treatment chamber by the fl ow partition. Internal diversion of high fl ows eliminates the need for external bypass structures. During bypass, the head equalizing baffl e applies head on the outlet fl ow control to limit the fl ow through the treatment chamber. This helps prevent re-suspension of previously captured pollutants. ������ �������������� ������������� ���������� ������� ������������ ������� ����� ����� �������������� ���������� ����� ����������� ����� ����������� ������ page 6 page 7 Available Models Refer to the following tables for our standard models, sizes, and treatment capacities. Drawings and specifi cations are available at contechstormwater.com. We encourage you to contact your local stormwater consultant for site-specifi c design assistance. In many cases our products can be customized to fi t your particular project’s needs. Local regulations may impact design requirements. Of f l i n e 1. Structure diameter represents the standard inside dimension of the concrete structure. Offl ine systems will require additional concrete diversion components. 2. Water Quality Flow is based on 80% removal of a particle size distribution with an average particle size of 125 microns. This fl ow also represents the maximum fl ow prior to which bypass occurs. Test results are based on use of a 2400 micron screen. Cast-in-place system are available to treat higher fl ows. Check with your local representatives for specifi cations. Notes: Systems can be sized based on a water quality fl ow (e.g. 1 inch storm) or on a net annual basis depending on the local regulatory requirement. When sizing based on a water quality storm, the required fl ow to be treated should be equal to or less than the listed water quality fl ow for the selected system. Systems sized based on a water quality storm are generally more conservatively sized. Additional particle size distributions are available for sizing purposes upon request. Depth below invert is measured to the inside bottom of the system. This depth can be adjusted to meet specifi c storage or maintenance requirements. Contact our support staff for the most cost effective sizing for your area. CDS Model Structure Typical Depth Water Quality Flow2 Screen Sump Diameter1 Below Invert 125 µm Diameter/Height Storage ft m ft m cfs L/s ft m yd3 m3 PMIU20_15 4 1.2 3.7 1.1 0.7 19.8 2.0/1.5 0.6/0.5 0.5 0.4 PMIU20_15_4 4 PMIU20_15_4 4 1.2 3.5 1.1 0.7 19.8 2.0/1.5 0.6/0.5 0.5 0.4 PMSU20_15 5 PMSU20_15 5 1.5 4.4 1.3 0.7 19.8 2.0/1.5 0.6/0.5 1.1 0.8 PMSU20_20 5 PMSU20_20 5 1.5 5.0 1.5 1.1 31.1 2.0/2.0 0.6/0.6 1.1 0.8 PMSU20_25 5 PMSU20_25 5 1.5 5.3 1.6 1.6 45.3 2.0/2.5 0.6/0.8 1.1 0.8 PMSU30_20 6 PMSU30_20 6 1.8 5.5 1.7 2.0 56.6 3.0/2.0 0.9/0.6 2.1 1.6 PMSU30_30 6 PMSU30_30 6 1.8 6.5 2.0 3.0 85.0 3.0/3.0 0.9/0.9 2.1 1.6 PMSU40_30 8 PMSU40_30 8 2.4 7.8 2.4 4.5 127.4 4.0/3.0 1.2/0.9 5.6 4.3 PMSU40_40 8 PMSU40_40 8 2.4 8.8 2.7 6.0 169.9 4.0/4.0 1.2/1.2 5.6 4.3 PSWC30_20 6 PSWC30_20 6 1.8 5.3 1.6 2.0 56.6 3.0/2.0 0.9/0.6 1.9 1.5 PSW30_30 varies PSW30_30 varies varies 6.3 1.9 3.0 85.0 3.0/3.0 0.9/0.9 5.8 4.4 PSWC30_30 6 PSWC30_30 6 1.8 6.3 1.9 3.0 85.0 3.0/3.0 0.9/0.9 2.1 1.6 PSWC40_30 7 PSWC40_30 7 2.1 7.7 2.3 4.5 127.4 4.0/3.0 1.2/0.9 1.9 1.5 PSWC40_40 7 PSWC40_40 7 2.1 8.8 2.7 6.0 169.9 4.0/4.0 1.2/1.2 1.9 1.5 PSW50_42 varies PSW50_42 varies varies 8.8 2.7 9.0 254.9 5.0/4.2 1.5/1.3 1.9 1.5 PSWC56_40 8 PSWC56_40 8 2.4 8.8 2.7 9.0 254.9 5.6/4.0 1.7/1.2 1.9 1.5 PSW50_50 varies PSW50_50 varies varies 9.5 2.9 11.0 311.5 5.0/5.0 1.5/1.5 1.9 1.5 PSWC56_53 8 PSWC56_53 8 2.4 10.1 3.1 14.0 396.4 5.6/5.3 1.7/1.6 1.9 1.5 PSWC56_68 8 PSWC56_68 8 2.4 11.8 3.6 19.0 538.0 5.6/6.8 1.7/2.1 1.9 1.5 PSWC56_78 8 PSWC56_78 8 2.4 12.8 3.9 25.0 707.9 5.6/7.8 1.7/2.4 1.9 1.5 PSW70_70 varies PSW70_70 varies varies 13.0 4.0 26.0 736.2 7.0/7.0 2.1/2.1 3.9 3.0 PSW100_60 varies PSW100_60 varies varies 11.0 3.4 30.0 849.5 10.0/6.0 3.0/1.8 6.9 5.3 PSW100_80 varies PSW100_80 varies varies 13.0 4.0 50.0 1415.8 10.0/8.0 3.0/2.4 6.9 5.3 PSW100_100 varies PSW100_100 varies varies 15.0 4.6 64.0 1812.3 10.0/10.0 3.0/3.0 6.9 5.3 In l i n e Vortechs Swirl Chamber Internal Water Quality Flow1 Peak Sediment Model Diameter Length cfs / L/s Treatment Flow2 Storage ft m ft m 50 µm 110 µm 200 µm cfs L/s yd3 m3 1000 3 0.9 9 2.7 0.21/5.9 0.59/16.7 0.98/27.8 1.6 45.3 0.7 0.5 2000 4 1.2 10 3.0 0.36/10.2 1.0/28.3 1.7/48.1 2.8 79.3 1.2 0.9 3000 5 1.5 11 3.4 0.59/16.7 1.7/48.1 2.7/76.5 4.5 127.4 1.8 1.4 4000 6 1.8 12 3.7 0.78/22.1 2.2/62.3 3.7/104.8 6.0 169.9 2.4 1.8 5000 7 2.1 13 4.0 1.1/31.1 3.1/87.8 5.2/147.2 8.5 240.7 3.2 2.4 7000 8 2.4 14 4.3 1.4/39.6 4.1/116.1 6.7/189.7 11.0 311.5 4.0 3.1 9000 9 2.7 15 4.6 1.8/51.0 5.2/147.2 8.5/240.7 14.0 396.4 4.8 3.7 11000 10 3.0 16 4.9 2.3/65.1 6.5/184.1 10.7/303.0 17.5 495.5 5.6 4.3 16000 12 3.7 18 5.5 3.3/93.4 9.3/263.3 15.3/433.2 25.0 707.9 7.1 5.4 1. Water Quality Flow is based on 80% removal for a particle size distribution (PSD) with an average particle size as listed. Particle size should be chosen based on antici- pated sediment load. 2. Peak Treatment Flow is maximum fl ow treated for each unit listed. This fl ow represents an infrequent storm event such as a 10 or 25 yr storm. Standard Vortechs System depth below invert is 3’ for all precast models. Cast-in-place system are available to treat higher fl ows. Check with your local representatives for specifi cations. page 6 page 7 * Denotes models may not be manufactured in your area. Check with your local representative for availability. 1. Water Quality Flow is based on 80% removal of a particle size distribution with an average particle size of 110 microns. This fl ow also represents the maximum fl ow prior to which bypass occurs. VortSentry Swirl Chamber Typical Depth Water Quality Flow1 Max. Size Sediment Model Diameter Below Invert 110 µm Inlet/Outlet Storage ft m ft m cfs L/s in mm yd3 m3 VS30* 3 0.9 5.8 1.8 0.26 7.4 12 300 0.8 0.6 VS40 4 1.2 7.0 2.1 0.58 16.4 18 460 1.4 1.1 VS50* 5 1.5 8.0 2.4 1.1 31.1 18 460 2.2 1.7 VS60 6 1.8 8.9 2.7 1.8 51.0 24 600 3.1 2.4 VS70* 7 2.1 9.7 3.0 2.7 76.5 30 750 4.3 3.3 VS80 8 2.4 10.1 3.1 3.9 110.4 36 600 5.6 4.3 VortSentry HS Swirl Chamber Typical Depth Water Quality Flow1 Max. Size Sediment Model Diameter Below Invert 240 µm Inlet/Outlet Storage ft m ft m cfs L/s in mm yd3 m3 HS36* 3 0.9 5.6 1.7 0.55 15.6 18 460 0.5 0.4 HS48 4 1.2 6.8 2.1 1.2 34.0 24 600 0.9 0.7 HS60* 5 1.5 8.0 2.4 2.2 62.3 30 760 1.5 1.1 HS72 6 1.8 9.2 2.8 3.7 104.8 36 900 2.1 1.6 HS84* 7 2.1 10.4 3.2 5.6 158.6 42 1050 2.8 2.1 HS96 8 2.4 11.5 3.5 8.1 229.4 48 1200 3.7 2.8 * Models may not be manufactured in your area. Check with your local representative for availability. 1. Water Quality Flow is based on 80% removal of a particle size distribution with an average particle size of 240 microns. This fl ow also represents the maximum fl ow prior to which bypass occurs. Notes: Systems can be sized based on a water quality fl ow (e.g. 1 inch storm) or on a net annual basis depending on the local regulatory requirement. When sizing based on a water quality storm, the required fl ow to be treated should be equal or less than the listed water quality fl ow for the selected system. Systems sized based on a water quality storm are generally more conservatively sized. Additional particle size distributions are available for sizing purposes upon request. Depth below invert is measured to the inside bottom of the system. This depth can be adjusted to meet specifi c storage or maintenance requirements. Contact our support staff for the most cost effective sizing for your area. Customer Support Installation CONTECH Stormwater Solutions’ products are some of the easiest to install in the industry. We provide comprehensive installation details and instructions, as well as full technical support on every project. Maintenance Maintenance of CONTECH Stormwater Solutions products is cost effective, straightforward and effi cient. We offer a complete range of services that can be tailored to your specifi c site needs. 800.925.5240 contechstormwater.com ©2007 CONTECH Stormwater Solutions CONTECH Construction Products Inc. provides site solutions for the civil engineering industry. CONTECH’s portfolio includes bridges, drainage, sanitary sewer, stormwater and earth stabilization products. For information on other CONTECH division offerings, visit contech-cpi.com or call 800.338.1122 Nothing in this catalog should be construed as an expressed warranty or an implied warranty of merchantability or fi tness for any particular purpose. See the CONTECH standard quotation or acknowledgement for applicable warranties and other terms and conditions of sale. The product(s) described may be protected by one or more of the following US patents: 5,322,629; 5,624,576; 5,707,527; 5,759,415; 5,788,848; 5,985,157; 6,027,639; 6,350,374; 6,406,218; 6,641,720; 6,511,595; 6,649,048; 6,991,114; 6,998,038; 7,186,058; related foreign patents or other patents pending. Vortechs, VortSentry, VortSentry HS, and CDS are trademarks, registered trademarks, or licensed trademarks of CONTECH Construction Products Inc. INC. Support Drawings and specifi cations are available at contechstormwater.com. Site-specifi c design support is available from our engineers. • • EXHIBIT C SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS APPENDIX A OFF-SITE DRAINAGE AREA CALCULATIONS OS1-on.txt W~~TR-55 current Data Description --- ~dentification Data --- user: HM Project: Ever vail SubTi tl e: Off-si te Area 1 (OSl-on. 55) state: Colorado Dap : 3/30/2010 units : English Areal units: Acres County: Ea le Fi 1 ename: C:~Documents and setti ngs\mues\Application Data\Wi nTR-55\0Sl-on .w55 --- sub-~rea ~ata --- Name Description Reach nrea(ac) RCN TC .............................................................................. In In-sub out1 et 174.29 58 .892 Total area: 174.29 (ac) --- storm Data -- ~ainfall Depth by ~ainfall Return Period storm Data source: user-provided custom storm data ~ainfall Distribution Type: Type 11 Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph: <standard> Ever vai 1 off-site Area 1 (051-on.55) Eagle county, Colorado watershed Peak Tab1 e SUBAREAS In 11.48 9.31 3.02 0.71 REACHES OUTLET Ever vai 1 off -si te Area 1 (0S1-on. 55) ~agle county, Colorado sub-Area Time of Concentration Detai 1 s Sub-~rea Flow Manni ngs's End wetted Travel ~dentifier/ ~ength Slope n Area perimeter veloci t Time (ft> (ft/ft> (sq ft> (ft> (ft/secY (hr) ................................................................................ In -. SHEET 100 0.3300 0.800 0.307 SHALLOW 1200 0.2800 0.050 0.039 CHANNEL 6200 0.2000 0.085 3.00 6.32 4.771 0.361 CHANNEL 1848 0.0600 0.080 3.00 6.32 2.775 0.185 Page 1 Ever Vai 1 off -si te Area 1 (0~1-on. 55) Eagle County, Colorado sub-nrea Land Use and Curve Number Details sub-~rea ~dentifier and use ~ydrol ogi c sub-nrea curve Soi 1 Area Number Group (ac) ................................................................................ IA open space; grass cover > 75% (good) B 3.86 6 1 Paved parking lots, roofs, driveways B 7.48 98 Paved; open ditches (w/right-of-way) B 3.85 8 9 Meadow -cont. grass (non grazed) B woods 32.8 5 8 (fair) B 76.1 oak - aspen 60 (fair) B 50.2 4 8 Total Area / weighted curve Number Page 2 Os2-on.txt win~~-55 current Data Description --- Identification Data --- user: HM Date: 3/30/2010 project: Ever vail units : Engl i sh SubTitle: Off and On-site Area 2 (OS2-on.55) Areal Units: Acres state: col orado county: Eagle Filename: ~:\~0~06004\dwg\Drainage\CDOT\TR55\OS2-on.w55 --- sub-nrea Data --- Total area: 35.08 (ac) --- storm Data 1 Depth by Rai nfal 25-Yr 10-~r (in) (in> storm Data source: user-provided custom storm data Rainfall Distribution Type: Type 11 Di mensi on1 ess unit ~ydrograph : <standard> Ever vail off and On-site Area 2 (OS2-on.55) Eagle County, Colorado watershed peak Tab1 e sub-~rea peak Flow by Rainfall Return period or Reach ANALYSIS: 50-Yr 25-Yr 10-Yr 5-Yr 2-Yr ~dentifi er (cfs) (cfs) (cf 5) (cf s) (cfs) (cf 5) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBAREAS 2A 20.21 18.15 10.67 4.72 2.53 0.26 REACHES OUTLET 20.21 18.15 10.67 4.72 2.53 0.26 sub-~rea Flow ~dentifi er/ Length (ft) .................... 2A - SHEET 100 SHALLOW 660 CHANNEL 1050 CHANNEL 1500 Ever vai 1 off and On-site Area 2 (OS2-on. 55) Eagle County, Colorado sub-Area Time of Concentration Details Ever vail off and On-site Area 2 (OS2-on.55) Page 1 os2-on.txt Eagle county, Colorado sub-~rea and use and Curve Number Details Sub-~rea Hydro!ogi c sub-Area Curve ~dentifier and use Sol 1 Area Number Group (acl ................................................................................ ZA open space; grass cover > 75% (good) B 1.71 6 1 paved parki ng lots, roofs, driveways B 3.17 98 paved; curbs and storm sewers B 1.9 98 Residential di stricts (1/8 acre) B 4.4 8 5 Residential districts (1/4 acre) B 2.2 7 5 Residential districts (1/3 acre) B 2.4 7 2 Meadow -cont. grass (non grazed) B 19.3 58 Total Area / weighted Curve Number Page 2 Os4-on.txt WinTR-55 Current Data Description --- Identification Data --- user: HM Date: 6/3/2009 project: Ever vail unl ts : ~ngl i sh SubTitle: Off and On-si te Area 4 (Os4-on. 55) real units: Acres state: Colorado County: Ea le Fi lename: P:gTOV06004\dwg\Drai flage\CDOT\TR55\OS4-0n .WSS --- Sub-Area Data --- ~otal area: 25.25 (ad --- storm Data -- Rainfall Depth by ~ainfall Return Period Storm Data source: user-provided custom storm data ~ainfall Distribution Type: Type 11 Dimensionless unit Hydrograph: <standard> HM Ever vail Off and On-site Area 4 (0~4-on. 55) Eagle county, Colorado watershed Peak Table Sub-Area peak Flow by Rainfall Return Period or each 100-Yr 50-~r 25-Yr 10-yr 5-~r 2-yr Identifier (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) .................................................................................. SUBAREAS 4A 30.60 28.42 20.05 12.49 9.13 3.50 REACHES OUTLET 30.60 28.42 20.05 12.49 9.13 3.50 Sub-Area Identifier/ 4A SHEET SHALLOW CHANNEL CHANNEL Ever vail Off and On-site Area 4 (054-on.55) ~agle County, Colorado Sub-Area Ti me of concentration Detai 1 s Manni ngs's End wetted Travel slope n Area perimeter veloci t Time (ft/f t> (sq ft) (ft) <ft/secY (hr) Page 1 Sub-~rea Identifier Ever vail Off and On-site Area 4 (OS4-on.55) Eagle County, Colorado sub-~rea and Use and Curve Number Details Land use ~ydrologi c Sub-~rea Curve Soi 1 Area Number Group (ac) 4~ open space; grass cover > 75% (good) B 5.94 61 paved; curbs and storm sewers B 4.91 98 Commerci a1 & business B 4 92 Residential districts (1/4 acre) B 8.2 7 5 Meadow -cont. grass (non grazed) B 2.2 58 Total Area / weighted Curve Number Page 2 OSl. txt wi n~~-55 current Data Description --- ~dentification Data --- user: HM Date : 3/29/2010 project: Ever vail units : ~ngl i sh SubTitle: Off-site Area 1 (OS1.55) real units: Acres state: Colorado county: Ea le Fi 1 ename : P: ~TOV06004\dwg\Drai nage\CDOT\TR5 5\OSl. w55 --- sub-~rea Data --- Description Reach ~rea(ac) RCN TC .......................................................................... In-sub out1 et 168.4 58 .891 1 area: 168.40 (ac) --- storm Data -- ~ainfall Depth by ~ainfall Return Period storm Data source: user-provided custom storm data Rainfall Distribution Type: Type 11 Dimensionless unit Hydrograph: <standard> Ever vai 1 off-site Area 1 (051.55) Eagle County, Colorado watershed Peak Tab1 e Sub-~rea peak low by Rainfall Return period or Reach ANALYSIS: 50-~r 25-yr 10-yr ~dentifier (cfs) (cf 5.1 (cf 5.1 (cf S) .................................................................................. SUBAREAS In 11.10 9.00 2.92 0.68 REACHES OUTLET 11.10 9.00 2.92 0.68 Ever vail off-site Area 1 (0~1.55) Eagle County, Colorado sub-Area Time of Concentration Details Sub-~rea Fl ow Manni ngs's ~nd wetted Travel Identifier/ ~ength slope n Area Perimeter veloci t Time (ft) (ft/ft) (sq ft) (ft) (ft/secY (hr) ................................................................................ 1A -. SHEET 100 0.3300 0.800 0.307 SHALLOW 1200 0.2800 0.050 0.039 CHANNEL 6200 0.2000 0.085 3.00 6.32 4.771 0.361 CHANNEL 1840 0.0600 0.080 3.00 6.32 2.778 0.184 Ever vai 1 Page 1 Sub-~rea Identifier 05.1. txt off-site Area 1 (051.55) Eagle County, Colorado sub-area s and use and Curve Number Details Hydro1 og and use Soi 1 Group 1~ Open space; grass cover > 75% (good) B Paved parking lots, roofs, driveways B Paved; open ditches (w/right-of-way) B Meadow -cont. grass (non grazed) B woods (fair) B Oak - aspen (fai r) B ic Sub-Area Curve Area Number (acl .................... Total Area / weighted Curve Number Page 2 J. Curbs And Gutters: Approved types of concrete curb and gutter are not generally required but may be required by the planning staff, Planning and Environmental Commission, or Town Engineer if deemed appropriate. (See Figures 3.2 and 3.3, and subsection 13-10- 11 E of this Chapter. ) K. Drainage: 1. The primary objective of drainage design shall be the protection of Town streets and property while minimizing the possible flood damage to surrounding properties and structures. It should be emphasized that good drainage is one of the most important factors in road design. It preserves the good appearance as well as the level of service of the street while at the same time minimizing the cost of maintenance. 2. Culverts under collector and arterial streets are to be designed to accommodate a 50- year frequency storm runoff, utilizing the maximum available head. The maximum available head shall be determined by the uppermost ponding elevation, so chosen as not to cause 7 flood damage to upstream properties. 3. On-site facilities and culverts under minor streets shall be designed to accommodate the 25-year frequency storm runoff. 4. Inlets and other facilities draining the street surface shall be designed to accommodate the 1 O-year frequency storm runoff. 5. All drainage installations shall also be designed to permit free unobstructed passage of debris and silt, or provide for their deflection and/or collection at a point upstream in such manner as not to create an expensive maintenance problem. 6. Storm runoff estimates. Unless approved by the Town Engineer, the Soil Conservation Service method shall be utilized for drainage calculations. The appropriate design manual shall be Procedures for Determining Peak Flows in Colorado. a. Precipitation and snowmelt rates to be used are itemized below: Frequency (years) Precipitation (inches) Snow Melt (cfslacre) b. Unless an extensive drainage report is prepared by a registered professional engineer with supporting data on soil types, vegetation, and historic flows, the following design procedures shall be used: OS2. txt w~~TR-~S current Data Description --- Identification Data --- user: HM Project: Ever vail SubTitle: Off-site Area 2 (0~2. 55) Date : 6/3/2009 Units: English Areal units: Acres State: Colorado County: Ea le Fi 1 ename: P:?Tov06004\dwg\Drai nage\CDOT\TR55\OS2. w55 --- Sub-Area Data --- Name Description Reach ~rea(ac) RCN TC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2n ZA-sub outlet 30.5 67 .29 Total area: 30.50 (ac) --- Storm Data -- Rainfall Depth by Rainfall Return Period Storm Data source: user-provided custom storm data Rai nfall Di stri bution Type: Type 11 Dimensionless unit Hydrograph: <standard> sub-~rea or Reach rdent~fler ------------ SUBAREAS 2A REACHES OUTLET Ever vail off-site Area 2 (052.55) Eagle County, Colorado watershed peak Table Ever vail off-site Area 2 (OS2.55) Eagle County, Colorado Sub-Area Time of concentration Details Fl ow ~anni ngs's End wetted Travel Length Slope n Area perimeter velocit Time (ft) (ft/ft) (sq ft) (ft) (ft/secY (hr) -. . SHEET 100 0. 3400 0.400 SHALLOW 660 0.2500 0.050 CHANNEL 1050 CHANNEL 700 Page 1 052. txt Ever Vai 1 off -si te Area 2 (os2.55) Eagle county, Colorado sub-~rea and use and curve umber Details Sub-~rea Hydrologic sub-area Curve Identifier s and use Soi 1 Area Number Group (ac) ................................................................................ ZA open space; grass cover > 75% (good) 6 .2 6 1 Paved parking lots, roofs, driveways 6 .1 98 paved; curbs and storm sewers B 1.9 98 Residential districts (1/8 acre) 6 4.4 85 Resi denti a1 di stri cts (1/4 acre) B 2.2 7 5 Residential districts (1/3 acre) B 2.4 72 Meadow -cont. grass (non grazed) B 19.3 58 Total Area / weighted Curve Number Page 2 05.3. txt W~~TR-S~ Current Data Description - - - ~dentification Data --- user: Project: SubTi tl e: state: county: Fi 1 ename: Name HM Date : 6/3/2009 Ever vai 1 units: ~ngli sh off-site Area 3 (053.55) Areal units: Acres Colorado Ea le P: ~Tov06004\dwg\Drai nac~e\CDOT\TR55\0S3. w55 --- sub-area Data --- DeSC ri pti on Reach ~rea(ac) RCN TC Total area: 3.30 (ac) Storm Data source: user-provided custom storm data Rainfall Distribution Type: Type 11 Dimensi on1 ess unit ~ydrograph: <standard> sub-~rea or Reach Identifier ----------- SUBAREAS 3A REACHES OUTLET Ever vai 1 off-site Area 3 (Os3.55) Eagl e County, Colorado watershed Peak Tab1 e Ever vail Off-site Area 3 (os3.55) Eagle County, Colorado sub-Area Time of Concentration Details Flow Manni ngs's End wetted ravel Length Slope n Area perimeter veloci t Time (ft) (ft/ft) (sq ft) (ft) (ft/secY (hr) 3A SHEET 10 0.0200 0.410 CHANNEL 700 Page 1 os3. txt Ever vail off-site Area 3 (053.55) Eagle County, Colorado sub-~rea Land use and Curve Number Details Total Area / weighted Curve Number Page 2 0s4. txt wi n~~-55 current Data oescrlption --- ~dentification ~ata --- User: HM oate : 6/3/2009 project: Ever Vail units: ~ngl i sh SubTitle: off-site Area 4 (054.55) Areal Units: ncres State: Colorado County: Ea le Fi 1 ename: ~:~Tov06004\dwg\Drai nage\CDOT\TR55\054.~5~ --- Sub-~rea Data --- Name ~escri pti on Reach Area(ac) RCN TC ----------------------------------------------<------------------------------- 4A 4n-sub Outlet 18.6 77 .223 Total area: 18.60 (ac) --- storm Data -- Rainfall Depth by Rainfall Return Period Storm Data source: User-provided custom storm data Rainfall Distribution Type: Type I1 Dimensionless unit ~ydrograph: <standard> Ever vai 1 off-site Area 4 (054.55) ~agle County, Colorado watershed Peak Tab1 e Sub-~rea peak Flow by Rainfall Return period or Reach 100-vr 50-Yr 25-~r 10-~r 5-vr 2-~r ~dentifier (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBAREAS 4A 23.53 21.82 15.45 9.68 7.08 2.74 REACHES OUTLET 23.53 21.82 15.45 9.68 7.08 2.74 Ever Vai 1 off - si te Area 4 (054.55) ~agle County, Colorado sub-Area Time of Concentration Detai 1 s Page 1 054. txt Ever Vai 1 off-site Area 4 (054.55) Eagle County, Colorado Sub-~rea Land use and Curve Number Details Sub-~rea Hydrologic Sub-Area Curve Identifier and use soi 1 Area Number Group (ac) ................................................................................ 4A Open space; grass cover > 75% (good) B 4.8 6 1 paved; curbs and storm sewers B 1.6 98 commercial & business B 4 92 Residential di stricts (1/4 acre) B 8.2 75 Total Area / weighted Curve Number Page 2 APPENDIX B ON-SITE DRAINAGE AREA CALCULATIONS Ever Vail South Frontage RoadCoefficient 10 year100 year CDOT DRAINAGE REPORTPaved Street 0.900.93 Date: 04/01/10Grass 0.150.35 PEAK FLOW DETERMINATION - 10 & 100-Year Storm Drainage InletStructureArea TcI 10I 100PavedGrassC 10C 100 Q10 Q100 (acres)(min)(in/hr)(in/hr)(acres)(acres)(cfs)(cfs) B3Comb. Inlet0.2553.605.700.200.050.750.810.681.16 B6Comb. Inlet1.0253.605.700.440.580.470.601.743.49 B7Comb. Inlet0.0753.605.700.040.030.580.680.150.27 B10Comb. Inlet0.3453.605.700.260.080.720.790.891.54 B5Grate Inlet0.1853.605.700.110.070.610.700.390.72 B11Comb. Inlet0.2653.605.700.200.060.730.800.681.18 B12Comb. Inlet0.3253.605.700.240.080.710.790.821.43 B13Comb. Inlet0.1853.605.700.130.050.690.770.450.79 B15Comb. Inlet0.4353.605.700.290.140.660.741.021.82 B16Grate Inlet0.0553.605.700.050.000.900.930.160.27 B14Comb. Inlet0.4753.605.700.370.100.740.811.252.16 B22Comb. Inlet0.3453.605.700.270.070.750.810.911.57 B23Comb. Inlet0.5653.605.700.370.190.650.731.302.34 B24Comb. Inlet0.7153.605.700.450.260.630.721.602.90 B25Comb. Inlet0.4953.605.700.400.090.760.821.342.30 B26Comb. Inlet0.5453.605.700.390.150.690.771.342.37 B27Comb. Inlet0.1753.605.700.150.020.810.860.500.84 B29Comb. Inlet0.4953.605.700.240.250.520.630.911.77 B30Comb. Inlet0.2953.605.700.200.090.670.750.701.24 B31Grate Inlet1.3553.605.700.700.650.540.652.625.01 B9Comb. Inlet0.3153.605.700.190.120.610.710.681.25 Q100=CIA where:C= Runoff Coefficient I= Rainfall Intensity (in./hr.) A= Drainage Area (acres) Time of Concentration (Tc) is a minimum 5 minutes The Rainfall Intensity is a 100-year event taken from the Town of Vail Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves RATIONAL METHOD P:\TOV06004\dwg\Drainage\CDOT\Road-Curb-Inlet Capacity.xls 3/31/2010 South Frontage Road RelocationCoefficient 10 year100 year CDOT DRAINAGE REPORTPaved Street 0.900.93 Date: 04/01/10Grass 0.150.35 WALL INLETS PEAK FLOW DETERMINATION - 10 & 100-Year Storm Drainage InletStructureArea TcI 10I 100PavedGrassC 10C 100 Q10 Q100 (acres)(min)(in/hr)(in/hr)(acres)(acres)(cfs)(cfs) W1Bridge Drain0.0853.605.700.050.030.620.710.180.32 W2Bridge Drain0.1953.605.700.110.080.580.690.400.74 W3Bridge Drain0.1753.605.700.100.070.590.690.360.67 W4Bridge Drain0.1253.605.700.080.040.650.740.280.50 W5Bridge Drain0.3153.605.700.170.140.560.670.631.18 W6Bridge Drain0.1353.605.700.070.060.550.660.260.49 Q100=CIA where:C= Runoff Coefficient I= Rainfall Intensity (in./hr.) A= Drainage Area (acres) Time of Concentration (Tc) is a minimum 5 minutes The Rainfall Intensity is a 100-year event taken from the Town of Vail Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves RATIONAL METHOD P:\TOV06004\dwg\Drainage\CDOT\WALL-Inlet Capacity.xls 4/1/2010 South Frontage Road RelocationCoefficient 10 year100 year CDOT DRAINAGE REPORTPaved Street 0.900.93 Date: 04/01/10Grass 0.150.35 SOUTH ROAD INLETS PEAK FLOW DETERMINATION - 10 & 100-Year Storm Drainage InletStructureArea TcI 10I 100PavedGrassC 10C 100 Q10 Q100 (acres)(min)(in/hr)(in/hr)(acres)(acres)(cfs)(cfs) E2Comb. Inlet0.0653.605.700.050.010.780.830.170.29 E3Comb. Inlet0.3253.605.700.200.120.620.710.711.30 E4Comb. Inlet0.3553.605.700.270.080.730.800.921.59 S1Comb. Inlet0.3753.605.700.150.220.450.590.601.23 S3Comb. Inlet0.2453.605.700.080.170.380.530.330.73 S4Comb. Inlet0.2253.605.700.110.110.530.640.420.80 S5Grate Inlet3.6153.605.702.011.600.570.677.3813.85 E1Grate Inlet0.4953.605.700.280.210.580.681.021.90 Q100=CIA where:C= Runoff Coefficient I= Rainfall Intensity (in./hr.) A= Drainage Area (acres) Time of Concentration (Tc) is a minimum 5 minutes The Rainfall Intensity is a 100-year event taken from the Town of Vail Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves RATIONAL METHOD P:\TOV06004\dwg\Drainage\CDOT\South-Road-Inlet Capacity.xls 6/9/2010 APPENDIX C HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS Circular Channel Analysis & Design Solved with Manning's Equation Open Channel - Uniform flow Worksheet Name: Comment : Ever Vail 18 RCP Solve For Full Flow Capacity Given Input Data: Diameter .......... Slope ............. Manning's n....... Discharge ......... Computed Results: Full Flow Capacity ..... Full Flow Depth ........ Velocity .......... Flow Area ......... Critical Depth .... Critical Slope .... Percent Full ...... Full Capacity ..... QMAX @.94D ........ Froude Number ..... 1.50 ft 0.0200 ft/ft 0.013 14.86 cfs 14.86 cfs 1.50 ft 8.41 fps 1.77 sf 1.40 ft 0.0173 ft/ft 100.00 % 14.86 cfs 15.98 cfs FULL Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.41 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 Circular Channel Analysis & Design Solved with Manning's Equation Open Channel - Uniform flow Worksheet Name: Comment: Ever Vail 24" RCP Solve For Full Flow Capacity Given Input Data: Computed Full Full Diameter .......... Slope ............. Manning's n....... Discharge ......... Results : Flow Capacity ..... Flow Depth ........ Velocity .......... Flow Area ......... Critical Depth .... Critical Slope .... ...... Percent Full Full Capacity ..... ........ QMAX @.94D Froude Number ..... 2.00 ft 0.0200 ft/ft 0.013 31.99 cfs 31.99 cfs 2.00 ft 10.18 fps 3.14 sf 1.89 ft 0.0173 ft/ft 100.00 % 31.99 cfs 34.41 cfs FULL Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.41 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 Circular Channel Analysis & Design Solved with Manning's Equation Open Channel - Uniform flow Worksheet Name: Comment: Ever Vail 30" RCP Solve For Full Flow Capacity Given Input Data: Diameter .......... 2.50 ft Slope ............. 0.0200 ft/ft Manning's n....... 0.013 Discharge ......... 58.01 cfs Computed Results: Full Flow Capacity ..... Full Flow Depth ........ Velocity .......... Flow Area ......... Critical Depth .... .... Critical Slope ...... Percent Full Full Capacity ..... ........ QMAX @.94D Froude Number ..... 58.01 cfs 2.50 ft 11.82 fps 4.91 sf 2.38 ft 0.0173 ft/ft 100.00 % 58.01 cfs 62.40 cfs FULL Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.41 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 Circular Channel Analysis & Design Solved with Manning's Equation Open Channel - Uniform flow Worksheet Name: Comment : Ever Vail 36" RCP Solve For Full Flow Capacity Given Input Data: Computed Full Full Diameter .......... Slope ............. Manning's n....... Discharge ......... Results : Flow Capacity ..... Flow Depth ........ Velocity .......... Flow Area ......... Critical Depth .... Critical Slope .... Percent Full ...... Full Capacity ..... QMAX @.94D ........ Froude Number ..... 3.00 ft 0.0200 ft/ft 0.013 94.33 cfs 94.33 cfs 3.00 ft 13.34 fps 7.07 sf 2.87 ft 0.0174 ft/ft 100.00 % 94.33 cfs 101.47 cfs FULL Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.41 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 APPENDIX D INLET CALCULATIONS Ever Vail South Frontage Road CDOT DRAINAGE REPORT Date:04/01/10 BASIN #Inlet Type Longitudinal Slope (%) Cross- Slope (%)Q100 (cfs) Curb Water Depth (ft) Spread (ft.) Bypass Flow (cfs) B3 Comb. Inlet Sump 2.0%1.16 0.19 3.50 0.00 B6 Comb. Inlet Sump 2.0%3.49 0.34 11.00 0.00 B7 Comb. Inlet 2.0 2.0%0.27 0.12 1.53 0.00 B10 Comb. Inlet 2.0 2.0%1.54 0.22 5.20 0.00 B5 Grate Inlet n/a 2.0%0.72 n/a n/a 0.00 B11 Comb. Inlet 3.0 2.0%1.18 0.19 3.70 0.00 B12 Comb. Inlet 3.0 2.0%1.43 0.21 4.30 0.00 B13 Comb. Inlet 3.0 2.0%0.79 0.17 2.40 0.00 B15 Comb. Inlet 3.0 2.0%1.82 0.22 5.05 0.00 B16 Grate Inlet n/a 2.0%0.27 n/a n/a 0.00 B14 Comb. Inlet 3.0 2.0%2.16 0.23 5.70 0.00 B22 Comb. Inlet 2.0 2.0%1.57 0.25 6.35 0.43 B23 Comb. Inlet 2.0 2.0%2.34 0.28 7.90 0.96 B24 Comb. Inlet 1.5 2.0%2.90 0.28 8.05 0.90 B25 Comb. Inlet 1.5 2.0%2.30 0.26 7.05 0.58 B26 Comb. Inlet 1.5 2.0%2.37 0.27 7.25 0.00 B27 Comb. Inlet 1.5 2.0%0.84 0.19 3.65 0.02 B29 Comb. Inlet 2.0 2.0%1.77 0.22 5.05 0.20 B30 Comb. Inlet 3.0 2.0%1.24 0.20 3.80 0.05 B31 Grate Inlet n/a 2.0%5.01n/an/a 0.00 B9 Comb. Inlet 2.0 2.0%1.25 0.21 4.50 0.00 INLET CAPACITY SUMMARY P:\TOV06004\dwg\Drainage\CDOT\Road-Curb-Inlet Capacity.xls 4/1/2010 Ever Vail South Frontage Road CDOT DRAINAGE REPORT Date: April 1, 2010 Inlet Computations - 1/2 Clogged BASIN Inlet Q100 LHead Q100 AHead #type (cfs)(ft)(ft)(cfs)(sq ft)(ft) B3 Comb. Inlet n/an/an/an/an/an/a B6 Comb. Inlet n/an/an/an/an/an/a B7 Comb. Inlet n/an/an/an/an/an/a B10 Comb. Inlet n/an/an/an/an/an/a B5 Grate Inlet 0.7210.810.100.727.250.00 B11 Comb. Inlet n/an/an/an/an/an/a B12 Comb. Inlet n/an/an/an/an/an/a B13 Comb. Inlet n/an/an/an/an/an/a B15 Comb. Inlet n/an/an/an/an/an/a B16 Grate Inlet 0.2710.810. B14 Comb. Inlet n/an/an/an/an/an/a B22 Comb. Inlet n/an/an/an/an/an/a B23 Comb. Inlet n/an/an/an/an/an/a B24 Comb. Inlet n/an/an/an/an/an/a B25 Comb. Inlet n/an/an/an/an/an/a B26 Comb. Inlet n/an/an/an/an/an/a B27 Comb. Inlet n/an/an/an/an/an/a B29 Comb. Inlet n/an/an/an/an/an/a B30 Comb. Inlet n/an/an/an/an/an/a B31 Grate Inlet 5.0110.810.375.017.250.07 B9 Comb. Inlet n/an/an/an/an/an/a Weir Orifice 3/2 )7.0**0.3/(100)(LQweirH= 4.64/1*)5.0**67.0/(100)(AQorificeH= P:\TOV06004\dwg\Drainage\CDOT\Road-Curb-Inlet Capacity.xls 4/1/2010 South Frontage Road Relocation CDOT DRAINAGE REPORT Date: April 1, 2010 WALL INLETS Inlet Computations - 1/2 Clogged BASIN Inlet Q100 LHead Q100 AHead #type (cfs)(ft)(ft)(cfs)(sq ft)(ft) W1 Bridge Drain 0.328.400.090.322.30.00 W2 Bridge Drain 0.748.400.150.742.30.01 W3 Bridge Drain 0.678.400.140.672.30.01 W4 Bridge Drain 0.508.400.120.502.30.01 W5 Bridge Drain 1.188.400. W6 Bridge Drain 0.498.400.110.492.30.01 Weir Orifice 3/2 )5.0**0.3/(100)(LQweirH= 4.64/1*)5.0**67.0/(100)(AQorificeH= P:\TOV06004\dwg\Drainage\CDOT\WALL-Inlet Capacity.xls 4/1/2010 Ever Vail South Frontage Road CDOT DRAINAGE REPORT Date:03/26/10 SOUTH ROAD INLETS BASIN #Inlet Type Longitudinal Slope (%) Cross- Slope (%)Q100 (cfs) Curb Water Depth (ft) Spread (ft.) Bypass Flow (cfs) E2 Comb. Inlet 3.0 2.0%0.29 0.111.430.00 E3 Comb. Inlet 3.0 2.0%1.30 0.203.900.00 E4 Comb. Inlet 3.0 2.0%1.59 0.203.850.00 S1 Comb. Inlet 4.0 2.0%1.23 0.193.300.00 S3 Comb. Inlet 4.0 2.0%0.73 0.151.910.00 S4 Comb. Inlet 3.0 2.0%0.80 0.172.400.00 S5 Grate Inlet n/a n/a n/a n/an/an/a E1 Grate Inlet n/a n/a n/a n/an/an/a INLET CAPACITY SUMMARY P:\TOV06004\dwg\Drainage\CDOT\South-Road-Inlet Capacity.xls 6/9/2010 South Frontage Road Relocation CDOT DRAINAGE REPORT Date: April 1, 2010 SOUTH ROAD INLETS Inlet Computations - 1/2 Clogged BASIN Inlet Q100 LHead Q100 AHead #type (cfs)(ft)(ft)(cfs)(sq ft)(ft) E2 Comb. Inlet n/an/an/an/an/an/a E3 Comb. Inlet n/an/an/an/an/an/a E4 Comb. Inlet n/an/an/an/an/an/a S1 Comb. Inlet n/an/an/an/an/an/a S3 Comb. Inlet n/an/an/an/an/an/a S4 Comb. Inlet n/an/an/an/an/an/a S5 Grate Inlet 13.855.901.0813.853.22.59 E1 Grate Inlet 1.905.900.291.901.60.20 Weir Orifice 3/2 )7.0**0.3/(100)(LQweirH= 4.64/1*)5.0**67.0/(100)(AQorificeH= P:\TOV06004\dwg\Drainage\CDOT\South-Road-Inlet Capacity.xls 6/9/2010 MAPS