HomeMy WebLinkAboutHadley Residence FP-3,4 of 4 08-11-2011 9.94 ft 8.78 ft 7.85 ft 6.69 ft 15.90 ft 17.44 ft 11.88 ft21.48 ft More information needed for this area. If covered, this area needs to be treated with sprinkler protection. Are these sidewalls cold soldered? confirm and advise AHJ. M.L. Vaughan, Fire MarshalDigitally signed by M.L. Vaughan, Fire Marshal DN: cn=M.L. Vaughan, Fire Marshal, o=Vail Fire & Emergency Services, ou=Prevention, email=mvaughan@vailgov.co m, c=US Date: 2012.01.04 16:49:49 -07'00' 08-11-2011 5.60 ft 7.76 ft 2.86 ft Move this head out into the bathroom for coverage of toilet area. Water purveyor requires PRV installation on Fire mains. UEVW&S requirement. (Not Vail Fire). 8.92 ft Is this a full height wall? Possible shadowing? M.L. Vaughan, Fire Marshal Digitally signed by M.L. Vaughan, Fire Marshal DN: cn=M.L. Vaughan, Fire Marshal, o=Vail Fire & Emergency Services, ou=Prevention, email=mvaughan@vail gov.com, c=US Date: 2012.01.04 16:54:50 -07'00'