HomeMy WebLinkAboutGateway Arthrex 121311 (3) TO WN �F �fA!t � Memorandum To: Vail Gateway Building Legal File From: Town of Vail Community Development Department Date: December 15, 2011 Subject: Arthrex, Inc. Professional Office- Vail Gateway Building Unit C-10 I. SUMMARY The purpose of this memorandum is to provide a summary of the approved use, the zoning regulations, building permit review processes, findings and an overview of the Arthrex, Inc. processes and procedures. Arthrex, Inc., a national company, provides products and services for orthopaedic surgeons. Arthrex, Inc. provides new product innovation in arthroscopic surgery and minimally invasive orthopaedic surgical procedures. The Arthrex, Inc. Vail office is 2,127 in size and consists of two rooms: 1. A lecture room for presentations on the use of Arthrex, Inc. surgical devices. 2. A training room with table-like stations used for surgical device training. As more fully explained below, the Town of Vail has determined the use is consistent with Vail Town Code. II. ZONING REGULATION REVIEW PROCESS Staff determined that Arthrex, Inc. is a professional office use. Staff's determination is based upon the following findings: • The Vail Gateway Building is located at 12 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. • Commercial Unit C-10 exists within the Vail Gateway Building. • According to the Official Zoning Map of the Town of Vail, the Vail Gateway Building is located within the Commercial Service Center (CSC) District. • Section 12-7E-3, Permitted Uses, states, in part, the following uses shall be permitted in the CSC district: Professional offices, business offices, and studios. • According to Section 12-2-2, Definitions of Words and Terms, Vail Town Code, the definition of Professional Office is as follows: "An office for the practice of a profession, such as offices of physicians, dentists, lawyers, architects, engineers, musicians, teachers, accountants, and others who through training are qualified to perform services of a professional nature, where storage, sale, or display of merchandise on the premises occupies /ess than ten percent (10%) of the floor area." • The Arthrex, Inc. building permit application was for a remodel of an existing professional office space within Commercial Unit C-10. The application did not include changes to the exterior of the building or additional interior square footage. • Pursuant to Section 12-7E-2, Requirements for Establishment; Development Plan, Subsection C, Plan To Be Guide: "The development plan shall be used as a guide for the subsequent development of sites and the design and location of buildings and grounds within the zone district. All plans subsequently approved by the design review board in accordance with chapter 11 of this title shall substantially conform to the development plan adopted by the town council." • Based on the Approved Development Plan for the Vail Gateway Building, a professional office use is permitted in Commercial Unit C-10. • A change in use of Commercial Unit C-10 was not proposed by the applicant, therefore no joint property owner signature(s) or notice was required. • The professional office use complies with the applicable provisions of Article 12- 7E, Commercial Service Center (CSC) District, Sections 12-7E-1 through 12-7E- 13, Vail Town Code. • Because the land use did not change, no additional parking was required for the new professional office. A parking analysis is included in Attachment B of this memorandum. Further, Staff conducted a comparative zoning analysis of Arthrex, Inc. locations in Naples, FL, Scottsdale, AZ, Los Angeles, CA, and New York, NY, which is summarized in Attachment A of this memorandum. In summary, the Staff found that similar Arthrex, Inc. offices are located within zone districts permitting medical offices. III. BUILDING PERMIT REVIEW PROCESS On August 12, 2011, the Town of Vail Community Development Department issued Building Permit B11-0274 for the alteration of Commercial Unit C-10, Vail Gateway Building. The issuance of the building permit was based on the following findings: • Pursuant to Section 107.1, Submittal Documents, General, International Building Code 2009 Edition, "Submittal documents consisting of construction documents, statement of special inspections, geotechnical report and other data shall be submitted in two or more sets with each permit application. The construction documents shall be prepared by a registered design professional where required by the statutes of the jurisdiction in which the project is to be constructed. Where special conditions exist, the building official is authorized to require additional construction documents to be prepared by a registered design professional." • Pursuant to Section 107.2.1, Information on Construction Documents, International Building Code 2009 Edition, "Construction documents shall be dimensioned and drawn upon suitable material. Electronic media documents are permitted to be submitted when approved by the building official. Construction documents shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed and show in detail what it will conform to the provisions of this code and relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, as determined by the building official." Town of Vail Page 2 • Pursuant to Section 107.3, Examination of Documents, International Building Code 2009 Edition, "The building official shall examine or cause to be examined the accompanying submittal documents and shall ascertain by such examinations whether the construction indicated and described is in accordance with the requirements of this code and other pertinent laws or ordinances." • Pursuant to Section 304, Business Group B, International Building Code 2009 Edition, the professional office use is classified as a Business Group B occupancy. • Based on Occupancy Type B, the maximum occupant load is 22 people for exiting purposes. • Pursuant to Section 107, Submittal Requirements, International Building Code 2009 Edition, Vail Town Code and standard Vail practices, nothing requires homeowners association signature(s) or notice for the issuance of a building permit in the Town of Vail. • Building Permit B11-0274 complies with Title 10, Building Codes, Section 10-1-2, Codes Adopted By Reference, Subsections A through J, Vail Town Code. • Pursuant to Section 113.2, International Building Code 2009 Edition, Board of Appeals — Limitations on Authority, "An application for appeal shall be based on a claim that the true intent of this code or the rules legally adopted thereunder have been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of this code do not fully apply or an equally good or better form of construction is proposed. The board shall have no authority to waive requirements of this code." IV. ARTHREX, INC. SPECIMEN HANDLING AND DISPOSAL PROCESS The Town of Vail Community Development Department has researched the specific office processes and procedures of Arthrex, Inc. The following pages summarize the results of our research. • MedCure will provide all cadaver specimens used in this office. • The specimens have a complete serology history, are certified free of pathological diseases, arrive free of blood and are frozen. Testing for HEP B, HEP C, HIV 1 and HIV 2 is completed and the results are provided. • Prior to shipping, an irrigation process is performed to inhibit bacterial growth and eliminate odors on each specimen. • A tracking number is included with each specimen. • A plastic stamp is attached to the specimen with a number that matches up to the serology report. • As the doctor steps up to a training station, an Arthrex, Inc. representative verifies the tracking number with the doctor. • After training, each specimen is placed in a bag, re-frozen and picked up by Stericycle for incineration. • Stericycle provides Arthrex, Inc. a chain of custody report for each specimen to confirm the incineration. • Below are the chemical cleaning agents proposed to be used at the Arthrex, Inc. facility including two (bold print) used to clean and sanitize instruments and tools using an on site commercial dishwasher (Hobart Series Dishwasher) typically used in restaurants: Town of Vail Page 3 Clorox Regular Bleach ECO- SAN (dishwasher detergent) Formula 409 Glass and Surface Cleaner Jasco Premium Paint Remover Liquid Spearhead (dishwasher rinse detergent) Sheila Shine Product Type (Metal Polish) Simple Green All-purpose Cleaner, Simple Sunshine Makers, Inc. Green Scrubbing Pad Virex 256 WD-40 Aerosol Windex Original Glass Cleaner All training stations are cleaned, specimens bagged, re-frozen, and disposed of in accordance with Universal Precautions for Bloodborne Pathogen Preventive Procedures. All bio-waste is picked up by Stericycle, Inc. for incineration. See Attachment C for the Arthrex, Inc. company policy and Attachment D for the Stericycle service agreement. All MSDS forms for chemicals used at the Arthrex, Inc. facility are in Attachment E. V. SANITATION AND HOUSEKEEPING ECO-San and Liquid Spearhead are the detergent and rinse used in the "Hobart Series Dishwasher". The devices surgeons use on specimens are washed in these units using the two detergents. All devices are rinsed before being placed into the dishwasher. All specimen parts are placed in the designated disposal bags to be picked up by Stericycle and incinerated at their Dacono, Colorado facility. No specimens are disposed of in the sanitary sewer drain or into the dishwasher. The dishwasher discharges into the sanitary sewer as required by the Vail Town Code. Based on standards and protocols, there are no odors associated with the use of specimens before or after training exercises. According to Arthrex, Inc., their offices have not had an odor complaint during their 27-years of business. VI. WASTE DISPOSAL All biological waste is disposed in a manner superior to a typical doctor's office. A doctor's office previously occupied the Arthrex, Inc. space. In this instance, specimens arrive with a complete serology history proving there is no pathological exposure. By all standards, this is an extremely clean process which uses no hazardous chemicals and omits no dangerous or offensive odors. The specimens used by Arthrex, Inc. arrive in the office certified pathogen free and handled in accordance with bio-hazard handling and disposal requirements. The Arthrex, Inc. biological disposal process is superior to a doctor's office since a professional bio-hazardous waste disposal company handles and properly disposes all bio-waste generated from training exercises. Conversely, patients visiting a doctor's office for diagnosis and treatment enter the Vail Gateway Building carrying pathogens and/or illnesses. Town of Vail Page 4 VII. ATTACHMENTS A. Zoning Analysis of Arthrex, Inc. in other locations B. Parking Analysis C. Arthrex, Inc. company policy D. Stericycle service agreements E. Applicable MSDS forms F. Relevant emails to the Town of Vail regarding Arthrex, Inc. Town of Vail Page 5 Attachment A: Zoning Analysis of Arthrex, Inc. in other locations: Location Jurisdiction Local Applicable Definition Source of Information Zone Land Use of Land District Use 1370 Creekside Collier CPUD Permitted Use: No Collier County website: Boulevard County, FL Manufacturing definition http://www.colliergov.net/Ind Naples, FL 34108 /office ex.aspx?pa e=128 McDowell Mountain City of C-3/ Permitted No Louisa Garbo Medical Plaza Scottsdale PCD Use: Medical definition 480-312-2671 9377 East Bell Rd. or dental office City of Scottsdale Ste 119 including Scottsdale, AZ laboratory. 85260 Kerlan-Jobe City of LA C2-1, Medical office No Los Angeles Planning Orthopaedic Clinic R1-1 definition Department website: 6801 Park Terrace http://cityplanning.lacity.org Drive Ste 120 Los Angeles, CA 90045 East Coast Surgical City of NY C5-2 Offices, No NYC Dept of City Planning: Skills Training business, definition http://www.nyc.gov/html/dcp Center professional SurgiCare of including Manhattan, LLC ambulatory 800 2nd Avenue diagnostic or 7th Floor treatment New York, New health care, or York 10017 governmental Attachment A Page 1 Attachment B: Gateway Parking Analysis: Commercial unit C-11, Vail Gateway Plaza was previously used as a professional office as defined by Chapter 12-2, Definitions, Vail Town Code. Commercial unit C-10, Vail Gateway Plaza is proposed to be used as a professional office as defined by Chapter 12-2, Definitions, Vail Town Code. A change of use from one professional office to another professional office results in no change to the parking requirements for Vail Gateway Plaza building. If there is a proposal to change the use of unit C-10, Vail Gateway Plaza to a land use that requires more parking spaces than a professional office, there is surplus parking available at the Vail Gateway Plaza that could be utilized to accommodate such a change: On August 13, 2001 the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) approved a conditional use permit (CUP) to allow 39 parking spaces in the 93 space Vail Gateway Plaza garage to become a for-lease parking club. On April 12, 2004 the PEC approved amendments to the parking club CUP to allow the 39 for-lease parking spaces to be converted to 13 for-sale spaces, and the remaining 26 parking spaces would be allocated to specific tenants within the building. The allocation of specific parking spaces to a specific tenant was at the applicant's request, and not a requirement of the Vail Town Code. Chapter 12-10, Off Street Parking and Loading, Vail Town Code establishes the minimum number of parking spaces for an entire building and does not require individual parking spaces to be allocated to specific tenants. In 2004, the applicant also requested that 4 existing parking spaces be converted to ski lockers/storage. The applicant submitted an analysis demonstrating that if the 13 space for-sale parking club and the 4 parking space conversion to storage were approved, there would be a surplus of parking at the Vail Gateway Plaza building based upon the existing and potential commercial uses (all office and all restaurant) in the building. The 2004 CUP amendment allocated the individual parking spaces in the Vail Gateway Plaza garage on a commercial, residential, parking club, and storage use basis. The 2004 CUP amendment allocated a total of 63 parking spaces to the commercial tenants in the Vail Gateway Plaza building. 47 of the 63 parking spaces were allocated on an individual unit by unit basis, and 16 of the 63 spaces were allocated to "visitor" for the commercial tenants. The 2004 CUP amendment allocated 4 individual parking spaces to commercial unit C-10. The required number of parking spaces for unit C-10 with a professional office use is 3.16 parking spaces (2.7 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. net floor area). The following is a summary of the 2004 allocations of the Vail Gateway Plaza parking garage: Attachment B Page 1 Unit Type 2004 CUP All Office All Restaurant Required allocation scenario scenario Commercial 63 37.02 54.83 39.9 (Kelly Liken only restaurant, the rest is office Residential 13 9.8 9.8 9.8 Parkin Club 13 13 13 13 Storage 4 4 4 4 Total Spaces 93 63.82 81.63 66.7 Surplus Parking 29.18 11.37 26.3 Spaces Commercial Units Parking Spaces Allocated C-1,2,3,4, & 5 8 C-6 4 C-7 5 C-8 8 C-9 6 C-10 6 C-10 4 C-13 & 14 5 C-15 1 VISITOR 16 Total 63 Attachment B Page 2 Attachment C: Arthrex, Inc. Company Policy 1.0 PURPOSE 2.0 SCOPE 3.0 APPLICABLE REGULATIONS 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 5.0 EXPOSURE DETERMINATION 6.0 IMPLEMENTATION OF STANDARD CONTROLS 7.0 SHARPS CONTAINERS 8.0 WORK AREA RESTRICTIONS 9.0 SPECIMENS AND INFECTIOUS MATERIALS 10.0 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 11.0 HOUSEKEEPING 12.0 HEPATITIS B REQUIREMENTS 13.0 TRAINING 14.0 MEDICAL RECORDS 15.0 REVISON HISTORY APPENDIX I — CONTROL OF BBP EXPOSURE AND TREATMENT FORM APPENDIX II — EXPOSURE REPORT TO EMPLOYEE APPENDIX III — HEPATITIS B VACCINE DECLINATION APPENDIX IV— BBP AUDIT CHECKLIST 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 The purpose of this policy is to provide minimum guidelines required to prevent possible transmission of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS/HIV), Hepatitis B (HBV), and other bloodborne pathogens and for providing guidelines for the medical surveillance of employees exposed to these pathogens. Further within this policy, an infection control plan is outlined for all persons who handle, store, use, process, or dispose of infectious medical wastes. This infection control plan complies with OSHA requirement, 29 CFR 1910.1030, Blood Borne Pathogens. The plan includes requirements for personal protective equipment, housekeeping, training, needle-stick and sharps safety and a procedure for reporting exposures. 2.0 SCOPE 2.1 Arthrex employees whose work may involve the treatment of injured employees, exposure to blood, or other potentially infectious materials. This covers all employees who could be "reasonably anticipated" to face contact with blood and/or other potentially infectious materials as the result of perForming their job duties. 3.0 APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Attachment B Page 3 3.1 The Arthrex Blood-borne Pathogens Policy shall be maintained to comply with all applicable local, state and federal regulations, including OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.1030 and the National Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines which set forth enforcement procedures and interpretations of OSHA requirements with respect to the protection of workers who are exposed to blood or other potentially infectious materials. 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 The Quality Assurance Manager is responsible for controlling revisions and auditing compliance to this document. 4.2 The Director of the Convention and Lab Services and the EHS Manager are responsible for the training and implementation of EHS-0600. 4.3 The EHS Manager is responsible for maintaining compliance of this document with the requirements of the documents listed in 3.0. 5.0 EXPOSURE DETERMINATION 5.1 The job functions of all Arthrex employees have been evaluated to determine which job categories have exposure to infectious materials. 5.2 OSHA requires facilities handling possibly contaminated product, to inform employees of the exposure and train them to the standards of CFR 1910.1030. 5.3 The following is a list of employees who may have risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens by way of handling contaminated instrumentation or responding to medical emergencies. ■ Returns ■ Director of inedical Education ■ Director of Convention Services and Lab Services ■ Product Managers ■ Complaint Group ■ Regulatory Affairs ■ Regional Managers ■ First Aid Responders ■ EHS Manager 5.4 Returns present a unique exposure. All instrumentation returns shall be treated as a possible exposure source. 5.4.1 All instrumentation returns shall be in Biohazard bags. Attachment C Page 2 5.4.2 All packaging shall then be disposed of as Biohazardous. 5.4.3 A standardized complaint or Return Authorization should contain advisories of 5.4.4 Biohazardous materials or Infectious Material warnings. 5.4.5 Agents or customers must be accountable for materials authorized to be returned. 6.0 IMPLEMENTATION OF STANDARD CONTROLS 6.1 Areas where there is the potential for exposure to infectious material shall have signs permanently affixed with Biohazard label and Restricted Area- Authorized Personnel Only at the entrance to area. This includes the laboratory and Returns area. 6.2 OSHA requires that this standard plan CFR 1910.1030 include controls such as: 6.2.1 Biohazard signs or universal precaution training in areas where a potential biohazard may pass or reside. 6.2.2 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), safety glasses, lab apparel, gloves, etc., etc. 6.2.3 Biohazard procedures such as autoclave procedures and cleaning procedures. 6.3 UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS are defined by OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1030(b) as an approach to infection control according to the concept that all human blood and certain human blood and certain body fluids are treated as if known to be infectious. 6.3.1 Universal precautions will be observed throughout the facility in order to prevent contact with potentially infectious materials regardless of the source. 6.3.2 Where occupational exposure remains after institution of the above- mentioned precautions, PPE shall be utilized. 6.3.3 Separate freezers, cleaning supplies, instruments, and equipment have specific procedures for maintenance and decontamination of laboratory, educational facilities, and testing areas. 6.3.4 Hand washing stations are installed in areas around the facility; the education laboratory, the machine shop, and all rest rooms. Protective clothing aside, after contact with contaminated product, hand washing and flushing contact areas with cleanser is appropriate and highly recommended. 6.3.5 Antiseptic cleansers and rubbing alcohol are also provided as an added measure when hand wash stations are not available. Attachment C Page 3 7.0 SHARPS CONTAINERS 7.1 Sharps are defined by Arthrex as any instrument that is, or can be, used to cut, slice, puncture or abrade human tissue. Sharps may be scalpels, needles, razors or any surgical instrument designed to pierce tissue. 7.2 Sharps containers for single use equipment are available in the returns and Laboratory areas and are labeled as single-use. 7.3 Reusable equipment that needs to be placed into Sharps containers is labeled appropriately and re-useable. These are checked daily by the Medical Education staff for safe removal and appropriate use. 7.4 Non-contaminated sharps shall be placed in appropriated container labeled "non-contaminated sharps" and disposed by Maintenance. 7.5 Contaminated sharps shall be disposed in a red bio-hazard container and disposed by an outside vendor established by the EHS Manager. 8.0 WORK AREA RESTRICTIONS 8.1 In work areas where there is a reasonable likelihood of exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials, employees are not to eat, drink, apply cosmetics or lip balm, smoke, or handle contact lenses. Food and beverages are not to be kept in freezers, refrigerators, cabinets, shelves, counters, or bench tops where blood or other potentially infectious materials are present. There shall be signage to reflect such. 8.2 Under no circumstances shall exposure PPE be worn outside the work area, such as to the break room, rest room or cafeteria. 8.3 Mouth pipetting or suctioning of blood or other potentially infectious materials is prohibited. 8.4 All procedures shall be conducted with a minimum of splashing, spraying, splattering, or generation of droplets of infectious material. 8.5 Methods employed at Arthrex, Inc. to establish control of work area restrictions include: ■ Universal precautions observed. ■ Accessible appropriate protective apparel. ■ ISO and FDA compliance training for all employees. ■ Rigid enforcement of rules by all employees. Attachment C Page 4 8.6 Employees in a position to be witnessing or observing exposure related activity shall be considered potentially exposed and appropriate protection is required to avoid inadvertent exposure. 9.0 SPECIMENS AND INFECTIOUS MATERIALS 9.1 Specimens are defined as tissue or derivatives thereof. Associated potentially infectious material is that which has come into contact with specimens. 9.2 Specimens and other potentially infectious materials will be placed in a container which prevents leakage during the collection, thawing, handling, processing, storage, and transport of the specimens/material. 9.3 The container used for specimen/material can be labeled or (red) color- coded. The Area Supervisor shall daily ensure that all containers are deposited after usage in receptacle provided by outside vendor. 9.4 Any specimens which could puncture the primary container must be placed inside a secondary container which is puncture resistant. Should a primary container become contaminated, it also will be placed inside a secondary container. 9.5 Contaminated or potentially contaminated items are not to be removed from areas authorized for their use. Under no circumstances shall they contact items in an uncontrolled environment such as office spaces. 10.0 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 10.1 The laboratory staff is responsible for ensuring that protective clothing and equipment is available to employees, adequate for the intended use, and effective for its intended purpose as a barrier to fluids. THE USE OF GLOVES IS A MINIMUM REQUIREMENT. 10.2 The Medical Education staff should also take into account the need for various sizes of clothing and various glove types (hypoallergenic and powder-less). 10.3 To clean and dispose of personnel protective clothing, all garments must be placed in a container designed to prevent leakage or puncture. Currently, Arthrex, Inc. disposes of all garments and does not require a laundering facility. 10.4 Gloves, which should be worn at all times during possible contact with potentially contaminated materials, are disposable and are not to be re- used. If the protective barrier of the glove is compromised, the gloves should be discarded and a new set obtained. Attachment C Page 5 10.5 Eye protection and masks are required to be worn whenever splashes, droplets of blood, or other potentially infectious material may be generated. This procedure includes transportation of specimens. 11.0 HOUSEKEEPING 11.1 General Housekeeping at Arthrex includes cleaning and decontamination with glutaraldehyde or other hospital approved or graded cleaners, and bleach according to the following schedule: 11.1.1 Returns: Daily cleaning using glutaraldehyde or other hospital approved cleaners and bleach. 11.1.2 Education Lab: After each training session, use glutaraldehyde or other hospital approved cleaners and bleach. 11.2 All contaminated work surfaces will be decontaminated after completion of procedures and immediately after spills of blood or potentially infectious materials. 11.3 All bins, cans, pails, and receptacles shall be inspected and decontaminated after each use. Each area is responsible for the inspection of the resident receptacles. 11.4 Any broken glassware with potential contamination will not be picked up with bare or gloved hands, rather, use a brush to sweep the pieces into an acceptable container. 11.5 None of Arthrex, Inc. reusable sharps containers will be handled in such a way as to require an employee to reach into the container to extract equipment. 11.6 All mop heads and cloths used to wipe surfaces or flooring (clean) are discarded in a biohazard container. A receptacle provided by outside vendor will hold material until removed by vendor. 12.0 HEPATITIS B REQUIREMENTS 12.1 It is a requirement of OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.1030 that any company make available to its' employees a HBV program and post- exposure evaluation/follow-up when those employees are asked to handle potentially contaminated product. 12.2 The Hepatitis B vaccine is available to all employees who provide medical care, work with cadavers or returned instruments as a preventive measure. The vaccine is issued under the supervision of a licensed physician or healthcare professional. The vaccine is available at no cost to Arthrex employees. Attachment C Page 6 12.3 Should an employee decline the vaccine when it is first offered, the Medical Education staff will have the employee sign a statement indicating that the HBV has been declined. At any point during employment, the employee can ask for the HBV, even after refusing the first offer. 12.4 Any future booster shots recommended by OSHA will be offered to employees at Arthrex, Inc. at no cost to the employee. 12.5 Any exposure incidents shall be reported, investigated, and documented. The EHS Manager shall investigate the incident. The employee will receive a medical examination and any required follow-up. The source of possible exposure is evaluated for HBV and HIV infectivity. Results of all investigations and source testing will be made available to the employee and he or she will be informed of the regulations and applicable laws. 13.0 TRAINING 13.1 The medical Education staff is responsible for training and initial assignments to employees where exposure may occur. This training shall be repeated every 12 months and tailored to the educational and language level of the employee. This training is to be offered during work hours. 13.2 The training on Bloodborne Pathogens include the following: 13.2.1 An explanation of the OSHA standard and Arthrex specific procedures, signs, labels, and color-coding systems.. 13.2.2 A discussion of epidemiology and symptoms of bloodborne diseases. 13.2.3 A discussion of the means of transmission. 13.2.4 Recognition of the tasks that may involve exposure. 13.2.5 An explanation of the use and limitations of inethods to reduce exposure and use of personal protective equipment. 13.2.6 A basis of selection for individual PPE and detailed description of how to dispose of PPE. 13.2.7 Information on Hepatitis B and availability of vaccines. 13.2.8 Discussion of appropriate actions to take, procedures to follow, and persons to contact in an emergency involving blood or other potentially infectious materials. 13.2.9 Information on the evaluation and follow-up required after an employee exposure incident. 13.3 The person conducting the training shall be knowledgeable in the matter of bloodborne diseases, procedures, and use of personal protective equipment. Attachment C Page 7 13.4 Employees who have received training in the past 12 months shall have the training documented and any update in this procedure since the time of training shall require additional training. 13.5 Any change in standard operating procedure will require an impact statement as to its' effects on this program and training held accordingly. 14.0 MEDICAL RECORDS 14.1 Medical Records— The EHS Department is responsible for maintaining the following medical information: ■ Name and social security number of employee ■ Employee Hepatitis B vaccine status including the date of initial vaccination. ■ A copy of all results of examinations, medical testing, and follow-up procedures related to exposure incidents, and ■ A copy of information provided to the medical professional in reference to the duties of the employee and exposure risk. 14.2 Training records— The EHS Department is responsible for training records and will maintain these for a minimum of 3 years from the date of training. Training records detail the following information: ■ Dates of training sessions ■ An outline describing material presented ■ Name of Trainer ■ Signature of Manager or Supervisor confirming training 14.3 Availability 14.3.1 All employee records shall be made available to the employee in accordance with 29 CFR 1910. 20. 14.3.2 All employee records shall be made available to OSHA officials upon request. 14.4 Transfer of Records 14.4.1 If Arthrex is closed and there is no replacement employer, the Director of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health shall be contacted for final disposition. 15.0 REVISION HISTORY Attachment C Page 8 0. New Document 1. (2/3/04) Transfer of document to Health and Safety from Quality Assurance. 2. (6/7/05) 12.2. Revised to include all employees who provide medical care, work with cadavers or returned instruments. 14.1 and 14.2. Replaced "Human Resources" with "The Safety Department". Appendix I, II, and III were added. 3. (5/16/06) Appendix IV added. 4. 4/7/09 Added Index and minor format revisions 5. 6/5/09 Revised Section 5.3 6. (07/15/10) removed "7.4 The designated exposure area supervisors shall daily dispose of Sharps containers in Accumulation Receptacle provided by outside vendor." Added: 7.4 Non-contaminated sharps shall be placed in appropriated container labeled "non-contaminated sharps" and disposed by Maintenance. 7.5 Contaminated sharps shall be disposed in a red bio-hazard container and disposed by an outside vendor established by the EHS Manager. Attachment C Page 9 .App�r��ix J Control of Blood-Borne Pathogens Exposure and Treatment Notification Form Exposed Employee's Name: SSN: - - Date Exposed: Exposure Source: SSN: Department/Workplace Exposure Description: I request do not request to be evaluated and tested for HIV/HAV/HBV by the Company Physician. I understand this is not mandatory and that all customary expenses will be paid by Arthrex, Inc. Following the initial HIV/HAV/HBV tests, additional testing will be scheduled at 6 weeks, 12 weeks and 6 months to determine if a blood-borne pathogen has been transmitted. I understand that I will be provided the test results, counseled by the Company Physician and that all information regarding the exposure, HIV/HAV/HBV testing, and test results will remain confidential. Exposed Employee's Signature Date Witness' Signature Date Attachment C Page 10 Appendix II Exposure Report To Employee TO: Date FROM: Safety Manager SUBJ: Medical Consent for Blood-Borne Pathogens Testing During the course of your employment, a fellow Employee was exposed to your blood or other body fluids. Following the regulations of the U. S. Department of Labor - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), we request that you submit to blood tests for infectious blood-borne pathogens (HIV, HAV and HBV) that may have been exposed to an Employee. This request is not mandatory and will not affect your employment. All information gathered will be kept confidential. Affidavit I consent do not consent to having blood sample(s) taken to test for infectious blood-borne pathogens (Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Hepatitis A Virus and Hepatitis B Virus) following an exposure to a health care provider. I understand that all tests and customary expenses will be paid by Arthrex, Inc., that I will be informed of the test results and that I will be counseled regarding any further necessary evaluations and treatment (at my expense) if the results are "positive". Signature Date Witness Signature Date Attachment C Page 11 Appendix III Hepatitis 8 Vaccine Declination I, , understand that due to my occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials, I may be at risk of acquiring Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) infection. I have been given the opportunity to be vaccinated with the Hepatitis B Vaccine, at no charge to myself. However, I decline the Hepatitis B Vaccination at this time. Please check one: Due to personal preference I have previously received and completed the HBV series I understand that by declining this vaccine, I continue to be at risk of acquiring Hepatitis B, a serious disease. If in the future, I continue to have occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials, and I want to be vaccinated with the Hepatitis B Vaccine, I can receive the vaccination series at no charge to me. Employee Name Printed: Date: Employee's Signature: Witness Name Printed: Date: Witness Signature: Attachment C Page 12 Appendix IV Bloodborne Pathogen/ Biohazard Audit Checklist Facility Location Auditor Date Y N NA COMMENTS A. Contamination Control 1. Proper Decontamination procedures used B. Ex osure Control 1. Sharps handled with caution 2. Sharps disposed of properl 3. PPE provided and used 4. Hepatitis B vaccinations documented 5. Sharps lo maintained for all incidents 6. Eating and drinking prohibited in bio- areas. 7. No storage of food or drinks in bio- areas. C. Invento &Waste Control 1. Bio-areas properl posted and labeled. 2. Waste packa ed and labeled properl . 3. Waste disposed of properl . 4. Documentation available for all specimens. D. Trainin 1. Training for BBP exposure. 2. Trainin for BBP control and prevention. 3. Annual retraining in BBP complete. E. En ineerin Controls 1. Hand washin facilities available. 2. E e wash station available. 3. Autoclave available and checked for effectiveness. 4. Illumination is adequate for safe activities. F. Administrative Controls 1. Access to Lab is limited or restricted. 2. Insect and rodent control plan in place. 3. Bloodborne Standard and Policy provided. Attachment C Page 13 Attachment D: Stericycle Agreement 1r.-u��nVSi�e•� • • � ��� Si'C!�'I�IC'�►'�C�� ��� Protecting Peaplr.Beduc'rng Rizk,- �'TERI•�,+4�F�SE,i�'VICE AGREE1�9iENT 5en►ice Ad+dress Billina Address{If Different] Mame: Hama: Address 1: Address 1: Addr�ess 2: Address 3: C rcyJ Sta te/27p: C i[y�Sta[e1 i�p_ E-MaiL• E-Mail: ..� one.. [_,� ext. F�si(.—)-- Etl�.e:. �_1— ext. F�a�t 1=— Contact: t e; C e c: Tit : 'fhe parties agr?e as fnflaws: 1. The Effectiue da�of[hh�greerr�nt is�f J xoll• 2, Sle�ieycle sha11+a�n�ve 3n�dispr��nf C��s[��mei's Radu�a�ei Medical Vdaste(Hazardous Nlaste as anplicei�ej sul��ect to the terms and c�ndiun�rs set fo�th be�aw. 3. Srericy�e��ill�ovide additi�nal c�am�diance�rvices fnr the Grices a}�licahl�m the service pregrem leuel Cusmmer has selected be0aw. $el'VIC�S$4 bC�iOYI�� STERI-SAFE w1 FthFW Spe�ia!Waste Ser�ie�s Ster`rSafe Prnyram Level �� � Max Cont ner vr Paymen4 Schedule:Bibled 0��g 0�����$'��ice �nr�al,lr c�,n���t ui,E.i„�.�.�r�,,r.,n�niw•i���Y-wre,j��r�,ur.���s wim pt��iE�F Eaeh Addirional Conrmner Charg�s_ ry,h,rr�a�,rH it�=E x ieKk��S r,���, 0 Fixer�6evelnper Serve[e�e`C.quenCy EncM Adiitivnal ContainerCMarge 5_ Maximun�MedicaY Waste Contaiiers per Yaar 0 Palh�'Chemo Medical Wa�s[e Con[ainer Sice EacM Addi[iona]Corttninertharg�5_ Each Additionnl Cantainer Charge§35.flQ Additianal Pick Up Charge ; �I certify that I wiU properly classify and segre�ate my v,reste �i����r,Mai�r���,��n„e,�,hr�,w� �treams and that I wil!not r_o-mi��fe these w�ste st�reams with any other. Monthlq S�rr►ice Fee: � 6y agning 6clow F acknovrleJ�e[het I am,ihe Customer's euEhomed n{f.r or egent ar.d the[I haue the eufihonty Eo h�rd C.u�mmer'm this Agrxrr nt.Cus[omer egrccs tn L Cavnd Ly[Yre[?rcr5 and c�rtdjtions r}ia[appear ori 6olbrvmg pages hea�of and camplg�xi��ti�tPrt�yc�'s Waste Accepmnce 3�olKy,tueh of v:hi�h are integral parts af this.+lgreemcnt. CUSTDMER: 7C PLEASE PRIT[T: Title Date: STERECYCCE:X PLEASE PRINT: Title Date: STERICYCL�U5E�NLY EPA Gen ID # Type uF Agreerrznt T�m uf agrzemenF 54 Mociths rax�xan�t:❑res 0 nn If YES,I�#_(copy must ac€omparly papawark3 Prorncr C4de Purchase Order f,i�Fapplicabfe)#_Fram_I�!'_ Ya �7�f_ sagment Ca�Je� Af�laac�an Cude �F�f�2COf{�# SScvde: Rk�adc, FlPcvdE: glCrnde: Rautina Ynformatiars fO�erations DenartvnentT: Meci 4Vaste Cantainer Code �ty Spec�al U'Jaste Cairtamee Cmde Qdy Nqi�e{si�arps�nly)0 Service Area� Route# Caniarner Se[up�ate_�1_��GL1 First P��kup Qate(CycEe Begin C7atej�'J2�!f �ay af Serv�ce=0 Man 0 Tuzs ❑4Ved ❑.Thurs ❑.fn Service Haurs f�vuG+ig Ccmments Stencycl�,Inc..wwws[e�icycle.c�m+�Dlf}Comme��cial Ave.,Norduhro�k,iL 6Q46Z•F{5553�-7�'�axt_.F(�6'v}��'3-7�}3E TEie df6er Wrll Ex�ire un:_ �• i iir..�.pll Attachment D Page 1 STERI.�5�AF�"'tERMS kNQ C{aN6ITI0li5 :Ltcoun11Si1e# 1.Regulated lYfedlral Wasle Services i+}Sferieyc4e.In�:: s§o�ll cctfecl, Gusfamer pr�r+ridss ta Slericycle in�t�one6y Enan�+er I•lr�[w�il�+standing�ny transport,tse�t snrJ[IisF•o3e cd n[I Re;�ulated Mzdlcel Waste(exr_ept PJnn- 4mil lc+adJust thF ox7tract pricz,Sfr[icycle reservci the ri�lht in furthzr confomning 1N'este; aenersted by [:us[amer during the [erm of this ad�ust fhe amaunts payehle and rJue t��Stencycle for fees ineiuding,but Agreement id� Rr�spansih�iiry fcx �rans,�ortatiran eaf Regul6fed Medieal not lirmted tfl eriwuonmen[s!pro[rclion,ctrnplidnce.�neal�managerr�enl. Waste cIXl��c[6d fran Cusiomer shuD Prensfer anG vesf In Skericycle al tn6 e+ safery. In thrc aven[ Eha[ S'tericycle susponds SE7VItiE5 under t�hi5 [im�e i�t�s loaded onlo S[?nc�+rle's vehicle. Cvstomer shell have tille lo Agreemeril for eny reascn.including the exptrstiean r�r termimiatir�mf lhia Repulafed Menica!Wasle a[all prra hn�es. Cus[aner shull hold titfe[o Ac�reemenl or Ci�slanPrs brear,h (see 2ic1. abo�eJ. �[erir,yrlr. may any Nan-�aiformma VVsste ai all timcs.whatner rafused fcr collection or remo�e all containers betanglnQ lo it frnm Gusfsxnrar�s prers�fsas ahtl reiurrre� ta the r_�istamer for F�Foper di�s�osal aRer collecta�an. .All assets a 55n.�11�,ick�uF�fae for�ueh remoual Regul�ted Med+r.al WasPe must be acr.ompanierJ by a prop�:rly cccr�pleter� q,Surehar[}e�5�zricycle rnay 6is�im�rns�E e surcharge in the e�enF th�af shi�,pin�rloeurn?nt F�ursu;}nt[c�4�CFR AE�.'.0:�Mlar�ifestl.i.r.�Stericycl? ct�ri�.ycle:aitempis to��iek up waste ai a Customer focahcrn{ar��+[hr.r� emRl�,yees msy refuse eantainers thet sre determ�ned ta he IJom schedulEd�irk-up or in rrs�nnse ta a�:uste�rier rze�ue�!}:.,nd.[hraugh no Ce�nfe�rmmy Wdste as idenllfed in lhe Wus[e Acca�tance Fdicy {suk�f�tericyele, eit�her(a.s th€re is na Reoula[ed Metlicel Waste for IWAP1 Cus[omEr shall p9a�e anly`Requiatzci Medo�af Nles[e"es defined v�,�ricycle fo p�ek u¢, i�} '�+'aste i�s not reatly :ot pick-u�i or {eS [he 6y 4± C�R 1?3.134 ar hy any xsther federei, sSate and tocal CusCvmer Ixatia7 is clased.Excess wasFe volumes sigrnfcan[ly greaEer regul�¢Inns frJ) Cus�cxne� rept?�sents and w3�P5n[s Fhat ly the w•aste [han eueraqe vNume for simiiar generoE�rs or ex�eeding maverrium presented for dispvsa�.f will �v# cantain any -hazardvus'�. "taxic°�. �NfowaL�le r.onEainers per year shaal be suh�er,{ �Q� surcharge a! lhe "fadir��ctivve" or hlan-Confc�mTing Waste4 ?S de�ine�i t�y all appilc€�ble cun�ent surch�rge container raie i�3ti.nti a1 5larir,y�ls's dlsr,r�eti�n IAws. regul�tir�is anel [he WRP, ii� tPe was[e stridly confcrrres tQ Stericycle wilf impose this surcharge fv dekar abuses.in�cCuding hut nd Slericycle's WAP anrl their lo�eal laWS and rec�ul�linns c�xrcerninr� I�miFe�i tct,sdid w�ste dis�idsed�n;h�medi�:af wasie stream,or Cuslome,- ftegul�ted Medicel 4V�ste and iill fhey ha�e ee�ietved the�nbched 45,��,�� �d�a�lld:,lion c�f lhe was4e af several gencrators undzr one sit�. and+ks cc�nRle4e ele�nEtir,��s and repuirrments. {e� Custor+,er s��aEl be ��ricycle may hill e[Pdit�onel e:harges far esch ncxr-campPiant conieiner liabl�far eny antl sil in�uries,+osses an�dsmages resuHirt�frar�Nart- C;anforminq Waste �fi All lah w�astes ar rr�ater{ais whicY�ronrain or hav�e P��"'��ad'�y Cus[�sRter Non-enrnplien[ ccnPainers subjec[ [�a�1di[ioi7a! chsrqes rnclude. 6ut are no[ Ilmded to containers ChaF ere anrerweight the pdential to con�ain ir�fe:tivus subsfances arising irXn[hvse ager�ks urtaer app9icarle laws.ns�e=_�r regule�irns;those rensain�rs exceeding Ilsfed under 42 CFR 72.3 are stric�Ey prohibited from medicsl�r�as[e by gp Ibs.e.cxrtainers hd�ling n�cxi-canforminr�waste�and�cnn[ainers where federsl law ond mru�st be pretrea9eJ pna to r}is�osal. {gi Further rhe waste is imprvperiy segregated w packaged. de5nitions are inGuded under[he curreni WAP.whi.ch is a[tached and mad�e a part saT th�s Agreement and specifGCally incorp�t9d 5, LiahHity for Equipmenl Custamer shall have the c�re.r.ustod/anr� hereln. Stericycle reserves the right fo chanae ihe WAP at any tirrie to rantrvl of containers and other equi�mer.! a�,med by Sterieycle and ensuse cemplianr.e wilh applicahle laws oe rec��zlalions. A e.�y of p6are�f a[Cus[rft�er's p�ren�rses arrc!ac.r.epts respcxiskbili[y and kiabd�fy for �tencyc[e's WAP may alsr, te oGtained ftom your lxad Stericyr,le [he er�ulpment�end its content�excer�t when it is being ph�ysic2Hy handled r�Gresentatiye 5y ernWluyees oi SYercycle Gustcm�r ayrees to defen�i,rndemnify and hald herzn4ess StencycPe Tr�crn uo�d;sgsinsi sny and all ci�ims for loss nr 2.Term and Pi{cing Su�lect to[he previsions Lelow,[he term C'Term`�of damege to propes[y,or pers�sl.injury w daa[h.resultin�g Trarr;or arising [hls Apr�ement st�aH be SixFV(601 m�n[�+s frcm�he ENer_tivY QAIe ia1 ��$ny manner out of CUStomzr's use. operstion or possea5ion of any Thls Agreerri?nt shalf a��tana[Ically rena+N f!�r succassiv�e terms aquel to �o��iners and uher equrprc�enP furnishatl untler thls Agr�era�tnt My [he onginai Telm {each an -E;Rensicn Term'} unles=eilher psrty has damage ar las�ka such cankainers and equlpment. vther than n��crmal given s�xly i��11�•ays nntice,in w�t[iny,dunng{lie sex rG�rrux,th pericrl v�earand tear,will he�harged tv Custcmer at iull replacemer�l value. pn�r to the rene+n•al date pf Iis dnsire to tarminale lhes agre�ntenL All 6. li�demnlf�caqari Sa7 Ster�e cie shall in�emniTy ynd hcid Cusiom�r Extension T?.mis 3hall tr�su�ject to the ferms and condi[iwis hereundrr. y {bY Stericyr.le reserves the»�h[60 6rljus[[Y+E eon[r�et pricr[o ar,caunl for r��rmless from ajay l�ak�iliti.es ansi�sg frem Ehe gra�s+�eyli�ence cx wlllful operstional enenges ir impiements ra ccmply with d+a:vmented cnanges ��'��conduct oi Steric�el�e in the Kcrtormanee of its eb6ioatior,s under thii in Ia�N�,tc ccw�er Inr_reases in the cost o'f fuel,insurance,residue dispossl. Agreement.Customer shaN mdr.m�nify and hdd harmle;s 59enr.ycle fresm or €a oili��w9s� sddress cos[ escalatiem. (c� In tr�e e�ent Gus[emer any kisl�ili[ies ansmg From th�yrass nEgiigence�or wrllful s�tis�crn�uc!of terrrii�utes this Rqreement Gna tv expiration af the term hereof 1or any eusFomer.wl�ich shaii inr6udE,�ut nol 6e limi[zrl!u.feilUre to�ropeAy "Extension Ferm"i mr ieils ta pertorm any af its obiigatians under ihi� skwe,packa4e, Va6�el.o�aegregete Hequiated Medical Waste and any A�rer.men[ Stericycle sh�ll have, wilhcssit limitahon. all riqts[s end �iah�liNes relating [o Nort-Can`orrr�ing W�s[e, ��vhetner or r�ci calleetetl remEdies prove�ed at law rn in equdt��+.as well as Chz righ�.t[a recaJ�r fran «g�'Pp���� � Ifeafed Cy�Steficycl� Eech p�ft�y egr?es 4o pey ihe �uskomer an�mvunt�whlch khe�arlies hereby ac�k.nvwledge=onstitu4es reesanable aitomeys'iees and cvsis ir�evrred Gy the vther in bringing a SSer�cyr.Pe�s 4i�c�uidaler�r��ina�es and nof a penally)e[�sral tn Tily per[;ent successfu4�ndemn�ficaticui elaim under lhi�'�B�9gf3�Il.G11�5IOfiiEf 3F]fEPS uf fhe Custorn�ers auerage nimthly r_harge multiplicd by the number�i tu F�ay Sterlcycf+'s rEasasuhle�ttt�meys frrs Incurred fer any sur.czssful monihs rincluding eny p�srtkal monihsl. r�mbininu until the eM�,irbtion r�ete duiense hy S[ericycie af a suit 4or �ndemnificallcn brnugh[ agatnsL of lY�e then currenfi Serm fiereaf {dj 4tericycl�she9f t�a�b the�riyh[ [o ��ncyci�by Cusiomer. Ib1 Slericycte wr41 indemnify and hdd t�arrnless terrriinata[his Agreernent at any t�m�e by gi�nng Custcrn�er et least sixty any Custcmar whG subscrl6es tr�a Preierred Proyrain trorn 5ny 5n?or �60a days notice rn the e�ent thei it�s unable ta contknue�+ertorming its Pbrtian [hereaf resul[inq fran gn 65HA.citation e�+licitly descrihing a nGPigatitms un+ier [his Agree�ment due tn [h�e suspen�irx�, revor,Afion h€oatl-horne pathor�en ar medac�al waste manegement�recriae s�ecEficafly cancel�laticn or leirnl��na[iar� af any permit required fo perlvrm thls addressed �rrly hy tha Pre(erred Proyrsm lrbining end melenals Apreemenk u m the e�vent thai a:hang�in any law ar reguln[ian mak?s�t Rra�id•d. hov��ever, that Stericyc!?�s vhl�gaC�vn to inde.mrei'fy Custamer IirtFti�clicell ex unecancn��rcal, in S�eilcyr:les sde discretien. [a�:nntu+ue usr�3er?hf5 su�-Peragraph (hp is contingent upr,a i1!Custom�er hevinq p�rFarming this Agre�menk. fhilernved or fa[I�aming each recammendnrinn and instructien inWudrd in Ihe Preferred Pr�grAm i'�'ihethar ex[�rr,ssed vecbally �hy employecs nr 3. Bikilny Sten�ycte shall prande �usYOmerµhth manthiy, querterly ar �9��,��of StQn[;yr_le sx as se4 forih�n;�ny wri[len or eleelroe7ic mate�assl annual i�nveiees th5[ere�SUe u�on receipi Cusiexner ee�re�i 4o pay e iat� ���i�f Cuslwner n�itily+ng Stericytie a3.suon as prnsiGlz after tt feams charge on er�y amaunis axeri[o Stericycte taiat t�re rneare Sfteri 30 tleys ph�t I[ will be [he subjec[ af en C7SHA. inspection, artd sheH sht�w old,ef a raEe equal t�the lesser of 1;;95 per monEh or tne maximum rate ernplc�yees cr egents of Stericyci�e ta ait�nU Bhv rnapec[ir�n and io tleSenU �ertnitted hy le�x Customer shall hear any casts that�tencycfe mey inr�r �he Custamers telaQd-Y�arne pathcrgen�and medic�l weste menegement in coller_�{nq ov�rtlue amw�nts tram Customer.inrluetnq,hut not limire€� lo.reasvnahYe afkvmays'fees arid rvurt cosfs.Should any arr,wnts dU6 P�ac[ices during Ehe inspecSicm. C'us[e,mer's failure to perf€xm eny of ifs cbligatians under this sutr-Feragraph{b�[a Stericycle's setksfa.�tian shal! pursuanf Ev thi=Agreemeni remain unpaid Tvr mvre 6han 30 days 6ram[he ap,a,�e Stericycie of Ets indem�oficetion resp�onslhilitles unrler this�ub- da[e�:f Ihe dehi's f+at invace, Stcr�cycle s��+all h�ave[he o��[ian,wite�oul Feragraph�t,a,This sub-Paragra�h[k}applies anfy ta Fhe Preferred Levzl nntice fo�ustaner.!u suspenrf�en�ice under lhis AQreament unt�i tA� p�a�rsm pVerdue amounds�ulus lata cReroes��nd cr,llectian f�es� arz paid. In additron [0 5le�cyr.fe's chacgzs For services an�i produc[s under ih+s 7. C�nz�rffaiise MaYxrlais ia the r.xleni �ha4 Stenryr.le presvld�s F�gre�ment.fhe Customzr shall psy all[a�:es imposed or le�ied hy any C�slomes with any el�ctronic or printed maie�l&li ifht 'Cc�o'ipli3ncc govemmentet au[hority wdh respect Eo such servires�prr,ducts.These ��+«tiols'1 i[ proWrdes these ma[erials subfect tc� a I�rnil�c+J ticense io ta+ces incfude all sales. use excise. occupat+a�. franchise and sim�lar ��stwner rfl use [he Lampliance Ma[enaVS [cr CuslamEr's rnwn. non- taxes rar�d tar:-like fees and chareies{hut�o not includE a�y tares m commercial use. Stericycle mey reuoke tY�is lic�nsz at�[s discrefion r+t Stencyc[e'S ne[inr_omej.S[eri��ycle shall cneperete wieh th�e�Cusfomer to ��Y fime Customer may not copy or dlstnhute[he Cexnp{ian�e Mslenel5 c1e[e�mine the ap�licability of any r,xenip[+c�n certif[:n[es that 1he ���ny mann�r not use or repuhlish the�ompliante Mat�rials far or m any third ��rty ar mudiance,oncludmg but nak limite�i te trusinessftratle -�- ...,ai.,c�i•�i Attachment D Page 2 graups or asseacfmliwis,chambers o#camrr�erce,prafessional.t��atemel or o4!ne partses AI9!xhei amendmen[s ta tnis Agreerr�en[r.ofher[3�an as e�Euce[ianel assuciations Qr recipra:�ting or ccxapera#Ing �ervicr provi�ed in 2it�1J sP�all G�zffecied anly by a wrifterr instrumani execufed prariders. L'usiomer seknowiedges Ehe prejudkr_= tha[ it c9uses lo by the perties.h10 uaiuer shall he eHeclive uniess su6miHed in writrng hy Stericycre ej wrnat�ng the foregoing terms as weMf es the tliffculty in the �er,y grarting sucn u�eiver. Na waiver of any prrnnsion o` this aalculat+nq ecenomic eemage to S[ericycle as e result thereai and Aqreement shall 6e deemed a waiver ref eny other pra+nsian M ttals �herefwe aq�ees to pay ta StPricyrle the sum of 550+50.D6 fvr eaeh swch Agreemenfl and n4 warver of any breach vr duly under lhis Agreement vidatiw� of thcse terms. Cusivmer agrees tv return afl CornpllancF shall be deemed a avaiver c,f any otErer hreach vr le[er msEances vf th`c fvlateriaEs t�� Stericyde al Custrmers e�pen�se at 4he expiruthon ur Same rJuty. terminalion caf ihis Agrerm?n[ 5[encycle m�y charge Customer a fee�for }3,Savings Clause In r.�,��any�nc ar mare of the provisjor�s cailaine�i daiWre io relurn[:ompliance Ma[erials at lhe expirahfln of[Re Term a a in thi�s AgrPernent shasi.tor any reusc�n.be held to�be inv�lid. illegsl w res4osking fee for relum oT mnterials psiur ta fhe ex�aratkon of fhe Tenm. un�nfarceahle in au�y respec[,such inualiuiry.illegalify ar unenforcESOOlIty F6R PREFERRELI F^RO�RAM LL1�ST��MERS�?NLY�Stericycle's C75HA shall nct effect any ofiher pruvisians oi this Agreement;fhrs Aareemen! CampEianre Pragram inciu�es� ane annusl on-s�[e mack []SHA shzll be r.onslrued as IF su[;h in++�lid. iRegal ar unenic3rceatle provisicn evnlue[ion enc] one annuhl hlasa�PGorne �a[hny�ri�s If81fIiFl�4� at a singla �ae ne�er Geen CaL8p11Ed hOFBIA. LLGIIESS such finelrg sha[I impair�he �usfamer 4uilding far ea�h sde 1a�atian where Regulated Medical Nlasle n9has�rrtcrFase ihe,�1�ganons af Stencycle hereunder,in��uhich even�. Services are prrnrided. a!Sfericycle's o�lian,thfsAgreement mpy he terminaled. 8. Cnn�pl4ancx wifh Laws S[ericyr:ir. herrLy ayr�es ter carry General �q, Entire Agreemen[ This Agreemenl fincludrng any �[techmenls LI6L7ili[y, R.utom�ile Liat�ility, �snd Wurkm�n's CmfF�ensutla7 Insurance exhiblts and amendments made in accordance Wl�t� Paragraph I�} es rer�uirr.d by ap�alicelale sIa[e i�aw, and Ao clhennase comply wah �II conslitutes ihc e�tir?undzrstanrling and aa_rze-ment��t the parires an� feCeral an� sia[c Yaws. rules anrf regule[ipis a�plice�le to �ls cancels ar+d supersedes all prko�r ne�r�t�atians. represen[ai��ns �ertarmance�hereun�dar..As cf Ih?dafe af Ehi�s A�rezmam.Steriey+:le has unders�andings ar agreernents.tvhelhar wrilCen a cxal.w€Ct�resDect tp all net:assary F��rmiss,uce��ses,zcx,ing anG olher federAl, sC�te cx local �he suh�ect mstter af[his Agteemani.This Agreement si�all he Lrrntling eu[harixa[ions requiretl fa perf�xm tne services untler this Agreement entl u{�on and shael inure lo Ehe benef[ oi the s�iccessc7rs, assi�ns leq��t will fum4sh crapias of these ta[:ustaner upon re�7ues[ Custcrner harehy iepre�sentanves and heirs af the psrties I�ere[o prwide4 hrnveder.iJiat agrees ta can�fy wi1h all federal and si9te�aws. ruses and regu4ativns Cus�omer mey rtoi essign its nghts nr�Jelegste�4s chligsne�ns under�his applicab9e to i[s handfing of R�gu1al�ed Medecal Waste end ds Agreem�en0.wilhvu[the�rior writlen eanseni ot Stericycle,��vhicr esms=nt perfnrmance under this A,�reement. Inr_luding. withcut iimiCa4icn, all q{�gPerlcycle may not unreasv�nahly withhvld. epplicabae rer_�d kceping,rfa;umen[alion and manifesbng re.quircmen.ts �ustc�n�er ackncr.aledges lhal Sterrcys:le has aWised ��usicmec�oB fhr ti�-��vernfng law This Agreeman[srialf be gvvemed by and construed Re�ulated Medical Wasfe serv�ce iraque+�cy requir?m?nts wilhin [helr ��accordance wifh Ih?k��H3 0[the Siake ai Nlin�ss withw{regarJ Io lhe sC�tt;{if sp{�lic�b3e7.and Cusiomer Isas determkne�its rlesired freqeaent:y ���niiiets oi laws or rules af arry 7urisdi�;tion irid�pendeaii of Slericyde's i�ecornirie:ide#ion �us[cxrier hereby egrees lr� 76,ryo�{r.es AU renu�red ibatices.w those which[he paAles may desire ta Inderrinify and ha�l Steneyele harmles7 fw any decishans arau�nd sernce r�pve under this qgre?ment shail�ie in•writiny and 3zM tfl the ��artles' Gequency hy Custcmer tha[ da no[ ccxnply w�ith slete regulafions. geidf�55e55eC fOflh BhDVe. StencycEe and L'ustomer shall keep end retain adequo[e hcaks and f7.4rlglnals A eapy e<#ecs�mile oi this Agreamertt shrskl he as eTtect�ve recards arvd c+ther documentation mr,�uding parsonnel recorria. 8y.dn,xiginal. correspondence. ins[rur,trnns. plans. recein9s, vor�r.hers r.opies af manifes4s and traeking recrxds ecnsislen[ with and for 4he p�riods 'h8. Purchase Or�iers Any terms or cantl�[4arrs contasned ir� eny requirrd Gy a�Glicahle regulatims onrJ gui�e�rnes pertainmg to sCnrage�'+r Rurches� Llyder. Purchese fl�der Agre�ment, cr atlier In�dce hendling of Regulated Medicel Waste and the senrices ta he periarmed acknowledgmen#, Order hy Cus€xner or propased at any tim�e by untler[his Aqreement. CusFomer in any mann�zr which�ery Trom,ar cnnfliet with!he[arms and 3. ExcluslvYty �ust[m-�er egreas ta use nts dTher Reguletetl� Medicel conditions in th?StzricyGe Servic�Agreement are deemed!e�he matenal yVaste�iisGcx61 servic�rar meq�ad dunn�the Term af;his Agraem�n[and �p[eratirans and are nbjPC[ed to�by 5[ericyc�e v+ithaut need of turiher nair.e eny Extension Terms. � vf oDlecfion an�d Shall be vf na efFeci nor In any circumskances binCing upon Sterieycic untless expressly a�cepted in writing. If Customer'S 76. Excuse ot Ferfvrmance Slencycle shal4 not�= r?SGansihle if fks standard pt�.rr.hase order farrrr is pravrrled 4o SYericyele in c[xinec4ion wi[h performancE af thi�Agreemen[is interrupted or defayed hy conlingencies �n�s Anre€ment.!he tPrms and conditiqrs far�hat�urchase Drder�mlil be 6eycnd ita cantral. including. �ai[h�ul limilation. ects +�f God, svar. superseded C�y the �+rovisions af[his Rgre?rnent and� tYr? use oi lhe blor.kades. rin[s. ezploslcsn. s[rikes.tar.kou[s or�ther lahor cu ind��strial snc�r.hase ordei shall be only t.o fac�lita¢e Cuslomer's�symern of Fees lo rJls[urbanr,es. 'Fras, a�cldents to e�ul�rteent. iR}ur�+:tions nr ccxnpllaflc� 5[erieytle. Wnften aceeptance ar rcqec�it�n 6y Stericycle of any such with laws.regudativns,guidelines or sxders vf any gavemmenlal bvdy vr [errc:s or condltions sMell noi cons6ltu�te en aceeptervcp of eny other liisiruine�ktaiih�ths�reof i�^!helher no�H exis[ing w lie�ear[er�:reated}. aslGitivnal teirres vr canditivns. 17. !€ide�rendes�ot Cnn[rac[nr Stericy[:le's relAllonship mtkt �`usts�mer �{�.Waste 6rnkers�Wteneyr,le reserves ihc right ta deal solely w•I[h[he pur'suent hercfa is that nf ar�ind2p?ndcnt ccr�lra�for,and nathing in[his �usivmer and nvt vri�h any t'hlfd p�arty agents of the rustamer far all Ag�eement shall be ccnstrued to desiana[e�Stericycle ss an emplayes p�rpo��s relaling#a khis.Agreement. ��ustomer represenls and warran#s syen[w partner of or ajainl ver�ture v.�i[h c;ustomer [o S[erir.ycle tna[H is tY�e medical u�sCe gen�rela anrl is ar,t+ng far its 1Z.Amendmerst and Walver Cais�nges in tMe types.s�e and 6triount of a+'rn 3ccaunt an1 nat through a hrokee a�r aqrnk. Steri�cycle snal�l �� eq�ipment ar the fieyuency�+seivic�may he mutuslly agreed s�arslly sntitEed to lerminete[his egrezmen[and seeis eil evsiPaLie legaf remeddes. or in x�iling hy the parties.wilhout.eHec[�ing Ehe validiTg of tfus A�rzement ����luilir+q bul nd i�m+le�te�liRuidaied u�amayes in 1he �mtaunl sek f[kih� Consenf fo oral chanqes sha�l F�e e'uidenced 6y 1he precfice�s end adia�s herein{or L'ustomer s hreach cf this represen[at+m and wamanty —. �i�,��iri�a�i r i� Attachment D Page 3 av a � v � �� 4�� ' � '� � " c � � � �� c =� m ° " 3 S� o� � �'° m -x . D . ° d. .� A . ; � �. _ . _ � E � �m o . �� � ' Z ; U �. ,a v . " cn a� � '6° - ,C � . a m �� 3^� � � �'° � '. m v q 2_ � ' "n � � { . �� i � v T � ry W � m �' �o �� ��v� N� m al� p� - � �`� � a� ; � .. "'A.i � `W2 '� � y ��� x 3 � � fl �� ? �„ � �C oxi a � � � � 3 � � a� m rre � � . '� c• � � �-, $ w oi a E �°' y'� `< $ � _ �t ~ ��'u�� � � GY ' a � c � _ y 5 _ m _ - s . mj2� p� 1 y = p - �* ' � ti Tg' � t � a� M1 � ° @9a"_� �� � � �, ��� C7 3� ry - a .;� � �° ;�.e� a � � o».z -f, ,a n� i A � ?a ° 5.? m a m v �'�, - = 2 „ � ° x`- awaa �� � � ' � � „ � � � „=" -e�� °=� 0 3 °� �, 3 ? e . � .�. _; o v sN n c w � �,� � y . _ 6 ,� �'a ° � Q .. i � � , c'�,� - R: ,� m 3 R � u ro �� c� �"� m � a .; 2 - � � � ,� . ❑ . o �° .. n� �c� m �v � c o� �� ? � � �" � a. � '- � � p s�m � = Y ro .. i � `^° T a o'z,+0 3 � � s °�` ^,ic °' `��° � 2, T � � � ;, � � �. 3 �� y y .- a � ` y � 3 v+„' n 3 a ��o - �' .. T"`°� .,.a r � GY4 A' _ r� �" " " rt " � ��-�, a" - d c�.�'+u m '? ;°, °� �„�°3, � � '�. 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J•±hn��±n .ommGrci�l Mar}:=t.s, _.. . .�_ .. ,frhn^.r�ri Vr���r.s:�%r,na I R11�:7 =v�t11 Sf re�r S'Lurt�v3reC, Ud_v��or,.�_ri 5�1�7-O���i� Y]-,c-,n2: ;�tilii, .� -i;7�i MSG�. �r,ternct :�nc�ress: wwv;.•- ip�oPesr=�,�:;1.��,ru lim�•rq�ncy Fh��,-i�: i;=n�li zi�=--115 �:'At•]AI:i.A1�1 I�L�f.1llE•F,r"'I r���: S,i;. �T��t��t�3ori F'rtrf�5-�,ional, _n•.�. F'h•�ri*: ;5-NY ��5U-�'y0[� 1 i���bsrer Str�er� �,��itE 1vU ErarGt_�.-z�d, �ritario 1�3"' ��R' _'rans�,ort.�r:cr� E,mer��er�cy: rAi,rr_�TEC ic�=lec1:1 {i�13i �)+=-GGGG Ea.r-_r��er,r_y PE-«,,ne: ;;:iirjy s�r1_;=,�� I}[3TR?k�il^.Et -[{ �'A[d,�T�R i''f: ,..�, i-hrfsc�n Fr�?fc�ssicr�al, =ri�=. ±=1'i�•r«: �5=9� +5�-G6=1 L I+7pLsrer Srr��t_, Suit�� 1�i�_� L�rant_�:�r3, uT�taYic� I�I:" Sk_ HAi.:�RF RA':I�7i1 H��i�S HA�,AFL1 pdEFA �-VFrv Hi�h ± He�=th 3 ?-H-��h �� F'arrnr�aE�-1-t.v fi .-Mn��2r.��u �] F{pdrr-V=Y!,� tt 1°�;_I�]r�t ;�3[��.1 i� ..-Tr�g_ .��i ____'Gt 5T[°Clt?N t -I'Rili)F�C'T lflf;'�'1'[1?IC`.ITI(3�i =i•:.. ... ........_ _�.,� - -- - !�E/?5�+1•f i'�aK C:ki.+%PdGi�: kde+n� f c rnia c. FRON,;rT 115E 1Yn�LL5tt`_a_/_n5L1LUt�_,r,��_: L�_�._n=or[3nrF LipC r.nP�; y�LiANmT':'r' U� 51<.e: _:',[]A1:[AI'] ,==<'f'. ___________ ________ ______________�_______ ___________--------- �Fs�,�lfi t_i�7�i�] a, 3�' C�� S�IE-!�HT� ']aGF.EL�=�[J'1' .�SIJL� L•i_E'Gwr_��s� irI1L'- 9rit�: wcr�F scj��rafestiinnaL�crm par��dis'i 137SK}i][1G-{]f17.hLn 1 1��] Attachment E Page 2 1137�J{14(}(i-f)f}7-�'IRF.��25G Page 2 crl'7 s�c�°io�a 2 - atacusoaErr� zr��c��TZO�a .- -- --_ _ u, _ - - _- .. _, .,_ ,_. L1! _.l. .,_. ��. ....__�'1LJ �.-� ti-R_F:;+1 f]:m�t_l,r'. F'.etivyl P�uu�.i"ri:i��rt �;l,_�:ri�1e ICF.S?f �'7itia-�4-.`e� �r�cs��r� Limi!: iir3T �wT�IEI.TSH�D a .�.1 :��d-irm F4y�ir�-�: ..- . -.: i�s1-73-") E:;G"='gllee [.i:�.i;r: � .,u�/i�l' F��'�..�=H,1�35HR r_k�=I�=N�� _-:� rth�rl :l_��oF,,•l {���,3� i':�l-_7-5! Ex_poo��c'r� Li�nit; l�ii+li p��m A�GZHIt]SE{l� Tf^T.F4 _-5 r���_ty:l Diinztt�+;°� Pan'r,e ���io�? ;r.�sk :���`,_�,4_�1 e.�:�+esure i�imi±; ��6T E.�T?1EI.ISHEG� ,•-� �D'P_?: !Ctl3'# +.f�_Ciii_Q� �..��nsFt.`� f.irr�it: PJCS'l' FaTACI�IBHEa -�i7-,�i� We�er (+.-.AS# -;Tj,__�__c.� t.'��osure Limit: 1`IiyT E�T?eE•LISE�EP SF.f."Tl{7V 3-iiE:iI.TH H.l7.:i12E3ti 1I313\TI[�1C':L"f'I+C7�\f:!11sa tiec Scctiru�11) 1!CN_�^F�� :.r �_l;�"p:i �'�a �,ri[it7��t. SA:_]i GL�I1L3Ct.. _rigeSi-rh. 1R1�i31�t-��[i. EFk'EC':'3 ;:}E' HC."IJTI; F,;kf`O'�-!JTcF.: E:E Me}' '�.�3.��se: F�l'rnar�eItit =_ye datri�3a.<. S k;I 4�f riay �-�u:�a: ,;�*rere sf:in :r�itari�.-�r. I F�i[-lH],.A?:+:JG1 P�Iay �=�3us�: _tl'iirlti'vC; tp rL:7w�?� thr�_at_ ari.� te=1=`il-�sL+J1'y e ra��L. I[dGF_;^IDId r"tt�„aiv� L�_ lnc.uLh 3nd di]�-'sE_V�• �_ta��'L. MC�O-•v?:li ,_OPIDT^.I617: G�tiGPRI.�I�� RL��O�td.-"EC A: P��C�G AGG�iAV.'�TEI7 E3,- EY.P�?StJF_F. P�r-=,�,ns w'rh �,ro-�._•__sting sJ:in di�or.3hrs may bh m�ie sus.�e�ki�le tn irr:tar_,n� �f_'ects. 5f%['Tli7ti-!-i�3125'1'A11)iL[I?:Lti!�LI?5 i�llr: �v����.x�j��rnl�ti:�ine��l.�a�in p:artitdix:i 13iS�t}ilfJG-{}(f7.htsn i ] SxJ Attachment E Page 3 11379{)Of}C-447-�'IF2F.�C�2�( I'ege 3 ifl'7 r...E_�_i�,l�, _?prn�.:7._.1tr�_ ,._=1} f,l .v[}= - __ .��--- --�L 7= 1=��_ �i� r= _. tiii:�.=�:. �.Fr-}- -lnm��,�:iat2 irta��7r.�_ .qtt:,nt'���n. SFwIYJ �vpCdTAW'" F�_r,s� w_tl, plency o_ watr-r. I_ _rr�r�iS��r� r�rrsist_,, �_�=t m���_c�! ��_tc=.nti��r�. I]IH�4L��.T=C�11 Rerrr•.�aa r�� tresh .�_a. -f k�re:�tr�iri�, i� dF=�CC'=cir •��r. me�ic.a_ atr_ent_<<�r�. IPIGC:a:'IOTd C�r�nL: n�_lL:� 6���� wPytt� •°,r ��c_aiir< sr�_uC3��n. a r_h�?se a�-� r��t. a•�a:1=i.. , drinE: largF �.f�aarit-t=�s c,f si.�t=r. SRe4: irnm�d;atp med_c.37 afiTention, tii°:["i'lt7:ti 5-1^3121:.i�ll i�:'tiYl.f)41C)Iti i'tii�[]it1i:L'I'ICJ� _�,-.�H 1-"Ji.;�`i� I[d C';TJ"t' FLF1!°Ih?"r'.r LE I.�PI='T'S P{o*_ aF���:i�,�tle. ALI'I'[�l��IV-'1'_GtJ '�'M'MEE}tk1'I�UkI: [J��r �Pk-'-i�.:�L-�I��. E",?'r_r�G[J=SHrtl�; MEt+=Iti. h�eam_ �"�C3�.. Pry �?h•:�r�_ -.-;� _ i.,7,tr.�:� -.-„�_ 9FL•,C3�.L F=kEF�Gi3T=t{G PRtr!�EGfJF<E�� �f��rrna_ '_�rA r`_�hr_r�:a ��r�_��:odure lnay k�a u:...:. UtJ'USi_tn,1a F�Ft£ Ahfp EX�I.os_:[a;1 H"r.2.�4kU� t'or�ta:n�r ma'a melr �nd =r.ak ir, heat r-,: .'� -. 5l�C"1'l+f?ti 6-I'file.�-�!�'I'[��L IZ!?L�:�:4L i"41L:ISL t21::5 .-���15[n :'l� c:_. .,.;,f�i� ii! _.... . i'i��J�F�.�i_rl, n h[.L:�.r..�..� :.Jh - !'1 L.i,t,i, C}C� C4�..it _Fr :3�rs1��� C�C 1E��I:1R�� lClnra_C:3_ E]-�T�C Wetef�v,,.11t�t. I"I�3'yr bF �n�,�*�r� t�? :�CfU.ai��' '1=E'.. �Si�C�� SV,hf�t �:�J,_°�jL: !�Y S-1Ti'_.�:iY 1Y�.?SC iSY3LAI��3-. �.WPE� ,r �-�rape up sr,� c�nta3r�eri��. E:in�c af=�_-�ted 3rra t�-yOrGllgYi=y w=t]-, t,r.it�-r. tii=.c°�-�c�n�-��_►ru�.�tic.,�tin�rotz•�r:� 'tl_'",�.1'�__';1i;,-.. _ _,�;F.(�.'+.4i•iti_'_i.1'�: � �.i. .. _ . , .. .. - � ' .. . ..- .-. .. -... . .i. . : �i .� n: :n�_;; : �.; r,:rro-:i i ' � . ...- _al��., . ��. h.� .a�v7 ��7ni,3�f� Fy��.. 4'f�ot- s�aZti�l° ��T'�.�LE:'t]i+E �_i,Tii.fly. I_ 3�.vai�_�1t:�Fr.�: I-=r�3� mou�h ra_th warAr, rhi�n dr'r,k -argF Zuar,ti?ir� �' wat�r cr m_1�_ ar:�� rY,e�r< <�� t�� � doctoi or ht,_;p_i_al =aiwrgency tootti. I' Swal-�w���, �9�, ri�1t lri��u!'e vcmiCir�g. Av�id breatiz'ny ���:�y mist r_,r �,�����rs. 'v'a�or ],�rru°u_. P,v���•� �_r�ca�^t w�.tY, sk�r�r ey�s an�.i =_��ih,_rk��. i:eep ��ut. ni rea�-1`� :' -1�i:�:x-�r�. T-., �,y-.:rwrt s��s wP'ar .��-�,a.x:p� �,r fa�e �h:�'d ,�n•� r,- F,r,_,i�r�r s4:in, vre_�r r�_ibb�vr q_c,vas wheri h�ndl'_n�. C1^HER H.A}di'�I�_tdi? ANf} S'Pt:aFt,qtsE; C�+1Jf3:T'_CstdS 9�lt�: rGCrG�.scjpresfestiinnaL�crmpar��dis'i13"eSK}i][1G-{}fl�.hLn 1 1 �d Attachment E Page 4 113795�0[}C-007-l'Ik2F;`i�2�t Page 4 0l'7 ��.,y.-:f� I.�i ...�iJ•.�i �. I.r_.�� i-1�.�� .li•:- 1'�..='=1• . I. ,�. ..1-=�' �_I��1. i. �I� '.i.i . i. , -.�:11 c= ch_].�.�r��,. . � . . . �EC.'TICI\R-SP�C'IAL P[tQT�[T[[]^�[wTC)k1L�'i'ltrl f,-_ :.,.�.=._-�.� Cit��;-- _-��i; � ��-��. _ .e, t:r.,_a r. C�n.rv_i�t�- i:1:rNr-e rr����r , -._. __f�':j . i :_ v�r;�:r t�.����i c�nt ��eneral r�1�n vent=lat'_«r ade�_�uare. PftO:'ECT=V� GI.oUE�S id�-� ��7��^__a_ r�qu'_r�m�nt� r�nc�f_c- norm,3_ u�e ���n��_t_or�s. =f prc�'_un�KK� ��r re��c�te�� .,c�nt�rr _s pn�si��c: Any ifn��er-vi„ls mat�r;a1. E`_`f: �RG^�,"'�T=CJhI ryc E rrr_ecr:�n nc.t :�q��_rc� ur.!��vv �-c•n+.act iaf th un�:l utc�J �ro�uct i.� f�;;;;Ki F.I�_ F�-,r i�r���l� I iii e���-� �-�r��rliir�t : i":hWm.ra1 �yr,rjr�1 Fs. t�"']IEk F'Fs0"'E!�T-4'� [7��iSLfF'LES i_ niai���r e:•:;�o���re is �ass.�te ;� ey�r!°1;in, we�rf,.�se 3�b'r����riatE F;[-„r=,-r_�-_ F,;ruii_�ment. SLC°Cl+O�ti)-1'i[1 S[t':1L:�PrLI C'11I::1i1C'AL i'id[3l'�:N'1'1I:5 ��;1.OK L:_2dL F✓:1}E FFC7L�lICT' 7"R'>� L-�ui�. ObO�: C]-�3raeter_srf^ pH 7.='-FI.� ��DDk ,H�SESH�:!�:. I`!nt ��ls,1�L• - . �C,7d!F=1.=T'� -„ ..-. -�. Cc,r�rg1 ee-c S�1�:CT E'T r �a}�AV-T`_' �H^_c�=1 i 1•r�: 4'A�r�R [`F:t,��,T"'Y fAIF-_) rant a�:r�_Lae-[- E'v'F1Pt]F[r","_'IOCd P,IaTE �b'UT'_L r�!".E'_'A"_'E=I j b:or_ aE�r�=1�_��1-'i'=- l''AP4Ft F'RF,�oSr hl=. ;i�nn r-; Al��r a�r3�laic: •.. F,OrT�T�fG FC7i�J'i' f �O�a°E' l= . .. F'R�.�d=f•fG P0-,1'. fdraY �vd:13��-" GCY�,I"E'_t;_ETf'I' UF �rlA�'1;k1'J�L [J��t �Va_1.�1_:=�. CERCEI�fT b'���.T_LE B'� Vt7LUP4E (�'� hi,-�t �p��_i�^ablc_ `JQLr1T=LE C�kr,�Jl� t;c�1�IFnUNL� �VF?r� 9�lt�: rGCrG�.scjpresfestiinnaL�crmpar��dis'i13"eSK}i][1G-{}fl�.hLn 1 1 �d Attachment E Page 5 ��3�xanae;-on�-��ra���z 5�� ����s�fr� ,,� .-, .,. ; �� -- �E,r�,�€�T=:-_,�. �.��,;_- rr,: ,?� � ?i_�r y•.r�_��1:�_-. ti1�,C"i'IC)N 111-4'i'_►R11.1'fl _�,ti�7 1it�.:�f'1'i1["P1 .,--,- - r-, ',Ta�l S:'F.f;I[1'-�f � �;s�f^lCSI`."IQNa 'i'C� A'v`U:B hf�-�nc- �r��-���n-i- I17���+�`�[PA.'"I C i L1"'�' Stici��� a��__�15 +e��_� muc`i.aL_� d�_i�Y. H}S�.i1F;POU�� L3k:^'�JASF'i+3I"_'1C�L•I Ffil7G�1r"1"S t�r�cr� c:;��,��,� i�_ f'r-c: Fc:,,���c�c n�i-n�al ��rn�°aet� r,f �.r,rnk�u�t;o:�. ��fa°�' t•-•ttt� ,r� n � m :r _ HA3:�RPro�1�� FvJL'ip?CF?=�.F�T=rY[d �+J'1= n�- - . . . HAu=��P�?U:' . . _ - . - ,. :' , _ .- �, . i�(or.e VIr;... ... ti�i"Ti[7^i lI-'P[)41C'f11�Gf,1 i'���:Dlt��.-i'1'iC7'�{�Ils�i tiec Sei�fian 3) i:�r r. ., -r_ �, a1=. -- . i.L�SQ fACU'='� L+t�I3NfA�, '"�::P Aiot a••r�'_lat��. �F_r•r.�;"'v� UF ��FIF;�_�idIr_, F_n_pr��TiCi� fIG�[ac- I:Cr�;J1i. SECI�'ImIZ?.°'It]IS �•{�,�r:�- kn�.-,�,vri. t�p�C:T td O�;F 1I T C 7:'-i` CI�:�:,r M:n�_,�vra. REf'�:nI;U�'I'�V4 ^C,�.�`_iCt^'+_. hjriPr �'Pl�`�'.�:��'i. 'T E�RR'1'r.�rt.t i: f•lsoc.�_ F::,:. ... TRUT;e��Efd=<'=-'. r:,:•r:. �.... _.. :il'sC:"Ti#7}i 12-f�.i'Cli.[?[:[[:':1l.I1iC+nR:4I:17'[[):A ELfV-ks a61i'[�llT�t1' - .:::. hfoY a?f:'_1;i:�_ .. SFf.'T1i71�13-dl�P[}4_11.(�o*�ssn��.�•r�c�r5 i3ilr:r wc�nk_:wiPr��°�s:viqnal.cv�n p:utizdix:11 37�1Ui}fJG-iH:f7.hLn 1r] �] Attachment E Page 6 11379t)4(}Ci-007-�'IF2F.�i�'2�( Pag�Ci crl'7 i;,.. - i'-.--�r-�S..:. -.�;-,.I�.r..__ .. _ i ..i�7 _Ur='� }- ..]ll'_ '. E'L.�'] !�'.�'��1, ,,,� � '��I . _ ' __ L .}..� ��--e. F`e•yFralf Fr,,v_n��ial i tirate .���u�_ati•_onsF arn� t,rca J P�t��r�=��=�.a1 �_n��r�arir�s ,���ac��ing ��'_s���,sa= of ��esLici��e �,va�t��. �+J.ast= fr�-,ni norm,l �,rr��uct usE mn;� k�*� p�tirerc�� tc� a pub_ir--,_�wa,�d r_r_•�trc��rEt wc�r}�� {PCrTt�) 1n ��otr{�i=ian��E w�th a�pl'cab_e Fe���r11! Fi-oy�_ncial�` sratel Locall Municipx_ pretteatmer�r requ-r�.mants. SkC'flDr 14-'fitl'CSP�RT:ITI+[}�I�iFC]R�L1T1[]r ��� _�- _.,_ :�i. ---.. _,��rr�_•::1v= 1_�_luid:r, Ii.��.w, f �uaLrrnar_� +�Srniu:�niulii :��rr�r�_urivs ! _, �Jel 17G�:�� PG �7�. C�AI•fAL�=PS] �}I�FFIP]G hf,Ai�iE tdat ���r,_i�st�ie. 'I'1?G �:L��,��=I'���AT=Gld hlnr a���:i�';sk�l�- �'_NIYd;P �,��,t 3F,�,_{�zr_,1�.. ppr}:ITdG GRflr1E �=fi E�L�1•iF^.lQA] PfANie. [d. . ;�_�C__ -.nl-.... SEC"!'I(]\1�-RCGI�LAT+DIiI'ltirOR:IL1�Iff� �;ii;_,. ._.-„-�-- - -- ''� f I�- - �'1-'---_.L'--- A�1 ;.r���re�xi�nts .' th;s ��ro�����vt ar� lasted or yre _..�'ude�� '_r��nt i_sting ;,n tk-,E i�.t:. T��:_:c �ut�st�nces Ccnr_z-o- ?;cr_ ,TSCR1 Chemic�� Substanc:e Inver�t�_�ry. h=1 ir.�7r��3i�r,t� ir� th_s �•ro;ju��t Y��mE�ly witl-� thc P�ew Substence� }.]c,r_f=�_ar+,=�n r��u=remFhts under >_f�e ��ana�-.an Er�t�i•-"r,n�Fnia� tr��te�vt-;�n �tict ,��EF��1. . Th1s produ�_•t is r,�,t suk�i�rt t�� the r`•��6rC-11�� rFqu_rem�nt,s Llhd?r Cal 'T•-�rr�ia�:= Px-�.�_.-:�;t: ,n t•.5. SEt'1'[4i�16-[]'1'IiliH 1�N[31iAI.a'f[i]?s ±:�L�C�='I'=citiTti =i 1 i Cti,�,L+;,Z-��l! hf��+'TF: '"�� F�Hi5T�7.H*I: E'robak�-w n�uc�+sal damdr�e cna•�. rc�r�r.-,_r,31�=.ir= tl�i� vs� e' ,�.ystric '_�va��e, t��asttres aga-_nvL �_=r,�.u_ar_��zy sY�����r, r�s�>;r�*�`�r_r �.ier.,r�ss'_on �r�� ���r�,rulsj.c�r� itiay k�e r�eeded, 9rit�: wcr�F scj��rafestiinnaL�crm par��dis'i 13"eSK}i][1G-{}fl�.hLn 1 1 �d Attachment E Page 7 11379flf1f}C-447-�v'Ik2F.`i*25( I'age 7 csl'7 e.�c�, n:F;i:=..-'i{='7' �.:�il .. 9�3��1-i::'�_4:.;_�,� E'REFA�^,A^qC�[^I 1]•:F'O[2f�7r"�.�'Tt�hl — EkEP�SREC� B7' t7ar,�_ifa��tur�r+s ^e��hniea_ Sul,p�,rr_ G�partm�_�r�r. ]',�'nr rn pa��� - {Ptat�u=•�c+_��rerl 'cr conf_a�_t -n=orrnat'_o�;. '1'hi� d�,�urneri*- r�as �een �•7-E�:,.ar��� u.=ir�� ��at� -r-�,n� ��-�,�rCFS �'�a�isi�ere�� LFG1ll1�.:c_dl�}' -`=1-dY�l=. Tl ���-�e�' llGt C"��[l�l__G�-4LF a r'YfiaflL�,r F=:C'ix�„S �. im�,_ie.�� aY �_. t,",� acc,ar�cy _' the `n:ormat:;..� _c,rzr_ains�d hec-� ii. Actua= _„n�3=r'�,ns �= i_is= an��Jhan.�-_ing arF F��;F;,n� �.,=1er's �nntrnl. ��ser __ res�„_�ns�b=� ro evaluat� a:1 ��:F�:lab-e inf"rma±ior� whe�� u_ r;�; ���,���.ict f�ar ar�y p�articu=a�- uye an�� T�� ,�.-��r�p1�� with a=1 Fe��er.a7, .�.,_r-, Pruvine_a_ �r,d L�ca- =awv ar�d r�=_��uls�_or,s. 9�lt�: rGCrG�.scjpresfestiinnaL�crmpar��dis'i13"eSK}i][1G-{}fl�.hLn 1 1 �d Attachment E Page 8 Mater�af Data SaFe#y Sheet-Product#i3979 9�a043-02 I'�TERIAL S�E'ETY UATA vHSET ME�]I�AL ET�EF�CE�TCIES DI�3LY {24 Hc�zzr Se�-vice} : 1-840-328-�025 Me�ic�I Cai1s from our�ide �f �he LFSA: 1-612-�51-8Z52 I�TSTITU'PI�NAL BIVISI�N Ecola� Inc. Ecolab Cent�r St. Paul MN 551C7? P2oduct Inform�tion: 1-SQ�-352-532� Issue d7ate: Augus� 5, Z999 'I,lll�}ENTI�iCRTIf]N 1 1.1 Prnduct Narr�e: Eco-s� 1.2 Pr�dttcr Ty�pP: LY�uie� Sodium HV��ar�chloriLE Sanitizex° 1.3 HaLar� R�ting: H?a�th: 3 Fir�: C� Reacti�ity: 1 Su3ast�nees Subject tG �ARA 313 Re�c�rting A�e In��ica�ecl by "#" 2,0 HAZARD�US CaM�C}IV�ENTS / fnnglm�} �":AS PSc�. �; PEIj Ti^TA 2. � Sor�ium hypnc�lorite 76i33-52-9 8.� * * *PEL fr�r ckalorin? = 3 C; T��GIH STEL = 3 �_2 This p�oduct e�ntains n❑ o�t-cer compr�nents cons3de�ed t7azardpus acccardir3q to th� rriteria rf Z9 CFR 191Q. 1�4�. S'I'EL = ACc�IH sh�rt term ?xp. limit (15 rnin) PEL = C�SHA 8 hr ajre in air TWA = AC�3IH 8 Y�r �verage C = c�ilinq limit an air, c�c� nat exeeed 3.0 PHYSiGAL DATA 1 3. 1 Ap�earance: Clear ligt�t 1r�11Qw li�uid; �hlari�ie a�ar 3.2 Sniti�ili�y in tn•�ter: Mix.es with w�ter in a�l �zapc�rticns 3_� px: io.� 4i�1 3.4 Initial Boi�ing Paint : �212 deq F 3.5 Specific Gravitz-: 1. �54 �7 58 d�c� F 4.#1 FIFtE A�I� EXPL�SIC3N DATA / �. 1 Speci�il Fire Hazarc�s: vep Line 5.1 4 -? Firc Fightil�� Methods� L�a�s nat sup�ort carn�ustic�n_ 5A REACTfVITY DA7A / 5. I Stabilitv: Hir�h tzm��ratux•es ma_y r�.�rierate hazard��us d�com��sitian products incl�xding ch�orine gas. 5_2 Conditaqns to Avoid: Mix only w�t�i water_ Do a7ot rnix x*iCti aci��s or arnmonia - will cause lhazardr�us v��ars. fi.0 SPILL dR LEAI{ PROCE�URES / USE PFcL7PER PR(�TEC'FIVE Et�UIPMENT �. I Cl��ntf�±: P�ik� ar ��am l�rge spil3s. P�imp tn eont�iners or s+aaic u� csn iriert ahso�bent . Fl�ash xesidue t� sanitary sewer. file!!lY�Imsds21T1000093 Mm{1 af 3)[12ISC71217(71�'I 58:22 AM) Attachment E Page 9 Materaaf Data SaFe,y Sheet-Product#i3979 �_2 V�aste L�isgnsal : Consult s�ate/1+�c�1 auth�rities fcar limits on chemical w�st� disp�s�l. l.€! HEAL�H HAZAFtd DAfA / ���ER 7, 1 �tf�cts a� c7verexpa�urp tr� Cc�ncentrate: E�'es� t_AL]SES CHEA'IICAL BLTRNS_ Ma�- ca�ase Y�l indness- Skiaz: CAL7SES CHEMICAI, BL]�23tIS. Tf Swallcw�c3� HARI�I�'L7L. Ca�:ises ch�naic�� buri�5 caf ineuth, throat an� st�rnaeh. If Inl��led� V�p�rs or mist_ cause irritation, incltading a �urning taste, snezzing, cnughinq and c�ifficult.y bre�thin�_ PEQple with astFlma ar c�r}�ex lun� px�r�k�lems rnay b� mnre �ffectec�. 8.{l FIR�T A�D 1 8_I EyES: Flus�� at qnce with c�a�l runnirLg water. Rere�o�� cc�riL�ct lei�s�s an�3 cantir�u� flushing for 15 rnit�utes, holL�ir�e� e°yelir�s apart �o as to rinse eritire e�Fe. CALL A PHY�ICIAN IMM�U�A'FEi,Y. 8.� Skin: Imrner�iatelv f�Lish �kin w3tti �lenty of caal rtuining water for a� least 15 minutes wi7ile r�moving c�+ntaminated �Z�thing and shaes_ Disca�•� rar was�� bPfdre r�u��. S_3 If Swalle�we�� Rinse m�u�h at once; then drink 1 c�r 2 �arge glasses of wat�a-. DQ NflT ind��ee vomiting. NEVER giv� an�,�ttling �V maut�� ta an eu�c�onscio�z� �ers��n. �.4 If TnhalPd: Irnme��3iately m�ve to fr�sh air. IMMEL]IATELY CALL THE MED3��AL Eh'IEF:�;ENCI' NLIMRE'R, 1-8C1p-328-0�25, 1�, PfJI�;C�iV CrJNTR«L CEi+ITER, �R F� PF-IY:,ICIAI� 9.0 PROTECTIVE MEA5URE5 / 9.1 F�k C:'JNCEN'E'I�TE:. �'yes: Wear chamical ��1�sF� goggl�s. For continued r�x� severe ex�osure wear � f�c� shiel� ortr�r the gc�ggles. Skit�: Wear .�ny in�3ustx•i_al ru���er yl�,v�. fz�s�iratr_rry= �voici, breathing mists �+r vap�+rs �+f t.hi5 �r�a�tict_ �.2 FC71� USE �C7LLT'TIC�N� Ava�ir� skin cr e4F� cantaet. May e�ti�.e skan and eye ��ritat iorY. EVe �Sr�te�ti�n iecc�mrElend�d. 10.Q AD�ITIC]NAL IkVFQRMATIC]NIPt�£CAL�TIQ�JS ] 1n. i Pur��se of �/5fz999 issue: C�rrect Fzazard ratinr,. . R�places M��' 17. 19`�9 i�sua_. KEEP C7IIT C�F RE�CH t�3F CHILL)REN Th� abav� infc�rmatien i� �eli�vec) tr� Io� carrect w�th r�s�ect te� t�re file/11Y�Imsds2J1J000093 h#m(2 of 3j[i2lSpI20p1�'I 58:22 AM] Attachment E Page 10 Materiaf Qata SaFeiy Sheet-Produc[#i3979 fc�rmula use�� to manufacture the produ�ut. As �at�, stnndards ai�+� ieg�al�ati�n� ett?n�e� an�3 cai�clitiort� c,f u.�.e an� h�r�c�liny are �aey�c�nd our c�+ntrnl , Ni� WFLP.�NTY, EXFRESS �R IM�LIED, IS MAUE AS TC] 3'HE C�I+�PL�TEI�TESS �R CU�+T'I"INUIt+TG ACCLTRl3t-Y t7F THIS II4IFURM�TILN. file l/!`I�Imsds2IT1000043 t�hn{3 of 3)[12ISG12�d1 9� 59?2 AM] Attachment E Page 11 Shella Shine�iquid iuletal Polish M,��r�:�in�: 5nr t�:r�r ���r�h �[-Il�:r.�� IPh�i'AE��.I�AC'C'+[]I�131NCP '1'[i?�Cf�I� 1�1U.1?�3I1] lU�N�l�I�i'Y (r^is []s�d t�n La�+c:l} 5I1L;ILt'� 5f IINL�'r��c�uct�1'�rpc: M�TAI. PC]LISH ----------------------------------------------------------------------- �cc.ii�n 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Mrfzl�z�a�;lure.r's I�Irrane: �sne.r�e.n�y T�lephc3i��.�ztun�ier SFIF;i�:A SNII�I}i,I�TC. (�f};)493-777� �'i�iclresti: ��t�e�ht�a�e€{�c�r I��`c7nl��ilian 1�[)1 �.W, FIRST,AVf;N[.1F�?[1��379-l�41 MIAMI,FLc�RIL]A 3313G l�a[e T'reg�zrecl: TrT�rtiJRRY ]j,19{�9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ��ctian?-li�.zard�us ings4�iicntslldc.citiky infc�iYn�itian ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In�reclienls C�AS �€Z�'C)Sl_TF�C TLV [5����rcey°�o L1MI'f��4CLrII I (�Y'1'. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-1-1 'I'I�IC'�ILC�hI�:"]'IIAt�1L 71-�7-[� 3a[)3�f.1 Yl'M?5-3[1 X`ILEI'�TE 13 3U-�l J-7 1�_�f r 1 f1t]PPM 2�1-?S RF.FINF;T7 HYl7l�(��CT�1�.ATF.T)[.IC'7I=f`f' t'ARAFPINT S.l)an�,JM3-TWA-N[3T I�N{]WN �.AS#C=I7-R9-�Ft�R MISTS lt`)mgJM; STF.I. 1vIF.THYT, ��I,IC'YI,A�`T-: 11�J-:��-'�t�'T-?�1[)T I�Nt�W`I� "THIS�R(�I]I7+C:"I"iS N[l�T 11 C'11RC:IT���tTF'h(+C}i2 P�1T'F�1TI11I.C.�IR�iNC�C"TF:1'�f IIS TJF.FII�TF,T�RY (?SH,�. l�l-I1�:l�'i�}�_[)I�`I-I-I1�.I,h�i'_ M[1i�It_}Crl�l11'H��� I�MIS HIL?11R�3 C.[.7I]F.: HF1tiI.'�'H- 1 I"I.11MM�r�il.r�rv-�_r�rnc`TIVITY-tl,c�T��rr�-ra 5eclic,�i 3-P���aicallC'l�eti7ical Ch��rcacleri,ti+�� Lt�ilii�� Point: 1C){J ���ecilic Crr�vi45(II2i1=1}2a1?5� .9?6i) Va�ac�r T'r��;s�trG{man iIg}2aC: N()T T-:57�. Nfeliin�Pcaini:N� tileipor�]ensitti•{Ai��y: 1.C�E�'��i�rali�nR�rle: 1R)iJ lt]U Sol��t�iliri� in VU'�tet:NC1i�iTs�1p��c.ar<<nce�nr�t�dc�r: �11UI1�TR;MII�3T,CI.F.I�+R Sectinn 4-Fi��c ai�cl F.�:l�lc�,sini� Ha7�irr1 I]titti file!!llBrookseqVlnet�uhl+nnvwroaUMS�S11FY2.htrnl[i af3)j111151200�i:23:55FMJ Attachment E Page 12 Shella Shine L�auid Metal�'ofish L�`l�:�ll�i�int s;Mcth��ci [_Jscci'): 11�J 1�l�tatt�i��hlc Lunits: NJA C'LL'V1:1.ANll{[]1'L�.i`d f 1.1.sL: NtJ J.�r'1'L-!1 LFL�:I,:NC) Lxt'v��t�islui��Mc�liu: C'f�?; i)I�Y L:I i1�NllC'f�C7fe 1�'+��AM ll�'I'E4 52��ci�1 1�"ir� I�'i�,hlin��'roceciures: S.�Ml," A5 YL'1'ti()I;);L]�fVI i_]niis�k�l Ptre antii����lc7sicsi�I I�:rar��s: [:[�I�IBtFSTIr3L� - DLCCDMI'[_}�ITIt)N PPC�lli TCTti HCi..T'�IC)S��.NI-?.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Se.Ltivn�-Re�ic.tit'iil" T7ata ---------------------------------------------------------------------- St,ibilitv: lJnsl��hle. C`a��ciitit���4 lcs A�t7i�1: N[)Nli: St�bie k� Incc�m��atil�ili��f.M�t�riniti tc�f�ti-��ria:f I�IC)NL Ilazarc�«us 13e�;c�m�y��si[ic�i�c�r 13ti�-prc��it�ct�:�'Ahl3[�N h7[_)N[_a'�J1��,[��fllLS�)�°Nl'1'Ii�3t;LI�i ALDE�3`�L3ES ANL]C]�I17�5 C]P �l_TLPEI�. SEL,EC'T�'D�h�IIi�S -STR[=)I'�TC=r AC[D�i. F'H(]S+��ENE. H�vardirus Pn1G�n�eri:�,�itic�n� Ma� (�cc«r C:nizditir�nti tc3.ht�oic��1'�I�Nf: `�r'ilt N«l�cut�r �7� -------------�--------------------�--------------------�--------------- �cctinn C�-Ilcaltll�l�fz�rrl ll�k� f�.c��tcs�i'Lntn•: Lvtis ]n�cstic�n_?��_��1_?�X_Ii�l��l�tion_.K.?�_ IIe<<lth Ila�ar�s(�cidte anci C1-u���nic�i: L;XCliS�IVL Il`*1[LE1LE1'1'IC)N C'_Aiti1 �`�1I_1�L'NASAL �ND RLSPII�1'TC)RY II�RITA-fION. 1NUFSTIt)twT�"A�+I CA[FSE CTAS7I�.U-INTES-fINAL. IP.�"I`ATI{=�N VF,T��r'I.i)W T(.1�IC`I�Y. I:YT:;�-MTI.r)Id�RITATI(1N-N[)C�JR�VF.AI. IN3il[���. :�KIN CC�l'�F'T'r'tCT- �I I[�ItT C'UNATC'T-N(J IRI2ITATI��l`3, PR[)Lf�ItiTG�D C'C)M�A�.'T MIN�)rl II'1RTi'�ATI[=)N, C�rrc.inc�geiviiiti': MP'?N(_l IAT�C Mt�nc��,ra�lis`?Nt7 CISIIA I�egulaie�i'?NC3 Si�,ns���d 5�•m�atnmsc�i-(}��cr�epc�r�urc: INHIlI,l1'I�I[:�N: 1]I�:i:INF�;S:�; W}i,���1�:5�i, lj/l'I'iCil)1�' HF.r1T)J�CI-iF.. IhT[`�F�T1�)N: NhiI�I�:I�,V[7MI`I�1T�1iT 11NT7 T�i�1.I�PHF.f1. rYF;S: i21�.17NFfi�, "I'L:11I�iNCi. i�I.[.TRRF.I7 VISI[�N. Si�i�1: T]1;F/tTTTNG_ RTI)NT;�S Mc�lical C��i�clitintis Cicnc���l�y Itig�,rat�at�c�t��� F.x}y[�st�rc;` I7FRM/ITITiS_ C)�'F.N C:[.TTS_ 1?Mt'1 IY5L1VIi1. file/1llBrookseqUlnetPuhFnnvwroatlMS�SIf 92.html(2 af 3)j11115I20�1 i:23:55 PMJ Attachment E Page 13 Sheila Shine Liquid iNefial Poiish h�tncrgcr�c� �n�l }�irsk 11id 1'roacrlt�res: SKIN: WA�H 1�VI'f'H �[:l/11'11N1] W/1'I'�-�.FL. 1�:�`1�:4: L�LU511 WI'1'Ii LAI�GL t�,MC�[_1I�3'1'C)1� WA`['�:it. 131�A'I'II1NC�: �L�L;IC 1�.[t]?SII AIh C]l�C�IVI? C)X YC�I'.N IIa�V�1L�13L�. INCrLti'1'It)N: Il'�flli1CL V[?MI'1'1t�IC_F. ['.ALL 1'IlYSIC'IAN. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- �ectic�n 7-Prec��utionti fcrr 5ate Hat�dli�i�,ar�d i]se �tc}3s i�z hc�.'l��kc��ir��'�sc M�t�eri�l is kcle�dscd esr Spillcd: �'1�(]Vll)}-: 1117�s�[11�I�}�: VF,NTIi.r"1TI(�N. 11VC3IT)C)1'rN �'I.�MT-:S. Vti��wt�.L�is��u�al Mc.tl���tl: �M11LL Sl'ILLS MAY`,�3L;A13;4C�h13L4� ti'+II'1'II()IL,ll�[ U�: SAl`�11�. L11hC.�1?SYILLS SIIt?IJLll 13L CC1N`1'�1iN1;1�I1�+1ll 1'�JMl'L:I]Il�f'1'�l 5`l'LLL llRUMS I�f�Iti �C�LVl1��L []R 1][�Yt�SL;I�(_ll�II�! SItNi'1't'1I��f LlihI1�1�ILL. Yrce�utic�n5 tt� L�c�I��kc1�in I Ianc�l'rsi�a�7ci �i«r�r�c: II�NL]LL A4 C:(�I'�iI13�_J5"1'I13LL LI�I_TID. tiT[7I'tL:IN C�[7C)L,1�RY PLAC�. [3tlier Prec�iutiot�s: KEEP AWAY FP[�M C�PEN FLAME. I�FFI' ItiW,hY Fl�.(�M�HII.I�I�F.N. Sectic�n 8-Cnntrc�l Me�sures [�.cs��u-atc�ry l�r�rt�ctic}n(�pcciFic'1'��pc�; 13L]JC]W f��f)1'�'M �1C)NL NI'LU�1� Vcntilatit��Loc�l L;�lau�f: AL]�f�f_l�,'1�L 5�ccial: Mccl�atucal{C;cncr�ill NC1T NLLllLll Cltl�cr: Protectir e U1�7��e5; (]NI�I' Vv�TII C7P�N CC]T5 UR D�RMATITIS. ��`e�'r�yi�-cti�n:�I�7T NLLL)�D [7iher �'rcitectit'L Clc�thing«r Ft�ui����ie��L N(}T PdFF.T�T:I) Wt�r1JII�gie�vu Fractice�: IIANDL� WI'I'I I P,�A�C7Nf1L3LL C�C. file!!llBrookseq411netPubl+nn+rtvrootlMS�S1192.html[3af3)ji1/15120011:23:55PflAJ Attachment E Page 14 Mater�al Safety Data S'��e� �+��LAB uauio sP�a,�N�a� Section 'I. Chemical pro�i�ct and company identi#ica#ior� trade name : LI�,�UI�SFEAF?HE,AG ProduGt use : Ma�htne Warewashmg aetergent Suppiier : Ecoiab Ca. :�,1i75 Tamken Road Mississ�uqa O�J L4W?X5 9-800-35'_'-532�, Cod� : �J3I)�-JdE Clate pf issue 17-Hstvemher-2U08 EIVI�RGEi�tCY HEALTH INFORMATId[+F: 1-�RD-328-0025 Oufiside United States and Ganada CALL 'I-551-222-5352�in LfSAJ Section Z. �amposition, infvrmativn vn ir�gredi��ts Name CA3 number %bv weight disodium mef�silicat� fi€349i C1 1[}-3{1 S�ection 3. Hazards identification Pi�ysical state : Lia�ai�i Emergei7cy : rAN�ER! over�Pew t�ql}SES QIGESTIVE T1�AG`�,E'YE ANO SKIN 81JR6�ES. CAtJSES RESPIRAT+::RY TR�CT IRRITATILf�d. MAv'8E HAi�MFUL IF SWALLOWEG ���nt�t ingest L�r�not�ei in eyes,c�n skiri r�r on cle�thing. Avoid t�reathiny Wapours,spray nr m�sts. Use onEy with adequate��enblatinn. Itee�conta�ner clo�zd. !/Vash t'k��vroughly aFt�s handlinq. Raut$s of en}ry : Skin ccsntar,t,Ey�cantaet, Inr�al��tian. Ingestinr� Patential aeute heallh effects Eyes : C�rrasivR to eyes. Skin : Gorrasru�t�the skln Inhalatior� . S'eVerefy irritati�g to tt�e respiratory�ystern. Cngestian : Causes t+urns to mGUth,thro�t and stcamach. May be nermfuf if swallowed. See toxicalogi�al infcs�matian 4seetian'41j Sectian 4. First-aic� measures E}1e contact ; lii case aF contaet, immediateVy Tfush eyes with caol runiiio�g waier Rerrta�e cont�ct fenses and cantirrue fl�tshin�with plenty cei w�ter far ai leasf 15 minutes Ger medical attentinn immediately Skin con#ac�t : dn�ase�sf�aniact: immecliately tlush skii�witl7 plerity r�f water fe�r at I�,ast 15 rniaiutes whife rernaving contamrnateci claihint7 and shoes. Get rnadiraJ attentlan immediately. UVash cfathing befare r�us� G'r�an shoes thoroGghly ta�fore re��se. Inhalation ; If i��haled, remove ta freah air. If exposecl pers�ii is nat hreath�nr�,give artificial resp�ratifln or or:ygen ap�lied by trained pers�nnel G�t medicaf attentian imirredia[ely ingestinn : If�riaterfal has t�een sv�allowed and the Qxposed person�s con:cious,gi�e smaU quandties of water to Grink. Ctin not Induce vorr�iiing fJe�er give an�yrthing�+y mo�h to an unr,ai�=ciQUs person. Get m�dica!attenEion immedi�tely Attachment E Page 15 LlG�UlD SPFARHERD Page:21d Section 5. Fire-fi�hting measures Auto-ignition temperature : IJDt avaiEabie. Flash paint : �'104 C Product does not support combustion. Flammable limits : Nat a�ailable. Hazardaus thermal : []ecamposition products may include the following materials: decompositioo products carbon dioxide carban morraxide nitrogen oxades phospharus axides metal oxideloxides �ire-fighting media and : Use an extinguisY�ing agent suitable forthe surrounding fire. instructians �lyke area of fire 1a prevent runaff. In a fire or if heated, a pressure increase will a�our and the cor�tainer may burst. Special protective equiprreent far : �ere-fighters should wear appropriate pratecti�+e equipment and self-contained fire-fighters breathing apparatus(SCBA)with a#ull face-pieee aperated in positi�e pressure made. Risk of explosion of the product in the presence of inechanical impact Not a�ailable. Risk of ex�losion of the procJuct in the presence of static discharge Not available. 5ec#ion 6. Acciden��al rel�ease measures Persana� : Immediately contact emergency persor�nel. Stop leak if withaut risk. Use suitable protecti�e precautians equipmer�t. Keep unnecessary personnel away. Cto not touch or walk through spilt material. Enviranmen4al : Avoid dispersal of spil#material and runoff and cantaet with soil;waterways.drains and sewers. precautions Inforrn the relevant authorities if the product has caused errviranmental pollution(sewers, waterways;sail orair}. Methpds far : If emergency perss�nnel are unavailable;corrtain spilt materiaL For small spills,add absarh2rrt cleaning up (soil may be used in the absence af other suitable materials},scaop up material and pla�e in a seafabie, liquid-proof container fo�disposaL For large sp611s,dyke spilt material or otherwise contain it to ensure runofF does not reach a watenvay. �lace spilt material in an appropriate corrtainer for disposal. 5ection T. Handling and starag� Handling : Do nat ingest. 6a not get in eyes,on skin;or on clothing. �o nat breathe�apaur or spray. Keep cantainer closed. Use vnly with�dequate ventilativn. Wash thoroughly affer handling. Storage : Keep out of reach of ch�ldren. Keep conlainer in a cool;well-ventilated area. Iteep Gontainer tightly closed. ❑a not store aE�ove the follrnving kemp�ralure:5C]'C Section 8. Exposure cantralslpersanal protection Engineerirag measures : Use only ti�ith adequate�entilation. If user operations generate dus#,fumes,gas,�apour or mist, use pro�ess er��losures,local exhaust ventilation or other engineering cantrols ta keep worker expmsure to ahrborne contaeruinants below any recommended or statutory limits. Prvvide suitab[e faci1ities for quiek drenching or flushing af the eyes and body in case of contacf ar splash hazard. Persanal protection: Eyes : Use chemical splash goggles. For continued or se�ere exposure wear a face shield aver the goggies. Hands : Use chemical-resistant; imper+dious glo�es. Skin : Use synthetic apron,ofher protecti�e equipment as necessary to pre�erh skin conta�t. Respiratory : Wear appropriate respiratar when wentilation is inadequale and occupational exposure limits are exceeded. Cnnsult local auth4rities far accep#ahle expasure li�mits. Attachment E Page 16 LlG�UlD SPPARHERD Page:3Id �ectian 9. Physical and chemical praperties Physica!state : Liquid. Colour : AmE�er. [Light] Qdour : Ammoniaeal. pH : 11.4 tv 19.8[CQne.{%wlwj:1°/uj Bo�linglcondensstion point : hlat available. Meltinglfreexing point : Not available. Relative density : '1.24 ta 1.26 Vapaur pressure : Nat available. Vapaur density : M1lot availab�e. Odnur threshald : Not a�ailable. Evaparatian ra#e : Not availabRe. lagiSmw : Not availak�fe. Solubility : Easily soluble in the follo�ving materials cold�vater and hot v�ater. Sectian 10. Stability and reacti�ity Sta6ility : The�roduct is stable. Under normal conditions of starage and�ase;h�zardous p�lymerisatian v�ill not occur. Conditians of instahility : Not avaslable. Reaetivity : Highly rea�ti�e or incompaiib[e with the following materials:acids. Reactive or incompatible with the�ollowing materials� metals. Hazardous decomposition : Under normal conditions o#starage and use.hazardous decompositsc,n products products shauld not be produced. Haxardvus polymerisation : Under normal conditions of storage and use, hazardous palymerisation v�ill not aecur. �e�tion 'V'I. Toxicvlagical infvrma��on Potential acute health effecfs Eyes : Corrasive ta eyes. Skin : Carrosive ta the skin. Inhalati�n : Ss�ereiy irritating Eo the respiratcary sysiem. Ingestion : Causes burrrs to mauth,throat and stornach. May be harmfui if swallowed. Patential chronic health effects Garcinogenic efFects : Na known significant effe�ts or oritical hazards. Innredient name AGG�H IARG NTP OSHA Not applicable. i Mutagenic effects : No known significant effects or critical ha�ards. Teratogenic effects : No known significant effects or critioal hazards. Reproducti�e effects : Na known significant effects or critical hazar�s. Sensitization to Product : �Jo known significant effe�ts or Gritical hazards. Synergistic prvducts : Not a�aifable, (toxicolog icallyy Toxicity da#a Inaredient name Test R4ute esult SpeCles disodium metasilicate LD5Q �ral 774 mglkg Mrruse Ld5fl Oral '1153 mgfkc� F2at Target organs : Nat available. Attachment E Page 17 L14�lJID SPEARHFAA Pa�e:4!A Sec#ic�n 1�. Ecol4gical inforr�ation Ecotaxicitv Inaredient name Soec�es Perrud Result disodium metasilicate L]a�hnia 48 hc�urs Acut�ECS�A�S57�r�r�IL �rsh 96 hours A��rte LCS�+3185 ma1L �ish 90 haurs Acute LCa4?3?[1 ma1L Section 13. Disp�sal c+ansiderativns Waste disposai : The generatian af was!e shc�uld b�avf�sc�ed�r minimised wh�re�er�ass�ble. Ava�d d�sparsal c�f spilt mat�rial and runaff and�ontact with soil..wstenv3ys,drains and sewers. C�rspasal of this prQrluct, solutians ancf any by-producfs should at all times comply with the re�u�rernerrts ai envlronmen[al protectian and waste d�s�sal I�gislation artd any regional local authonty re�ui rements. �ansuft ynur lacal oi regia�ral autihorities. Sectivn '14. Transport rnfvrma#ior� Ge�lain shipping rnodes ar package sizes rnay ha�e except�or�s frvm the transport regulations. The classi�ication provided may not reflect tF�csse sxce�stions and may �ot apply to all shipping rnodes or package sNZes. UN ClassiFicatiot� 4�N num6er UrJ1�'t� Proper shipping name CAUSTIC ALk�:AL�LfQUII� fV.C3 S (dis�dium rneaaslRcate� Ciass E Pa�kin+g group MI I 5ee�hi�ping daouments fo�specifi�transportativn inform�tign. 5ecti�an 'I 5. Rec�ulatary infarmation WFEMI5 ; Class E:Corrosiv�.+naterial This producl has i�er�elassified in accordance with the hazard crit�ria of th�Cnn�rollzd�'rcr9ucts F�agulatr�.�s and the MSC�S�:onkains all khe rnformation re€�uired L�y#he ContraPleJ Frc�luets Tegul�tiar+s. Sectie�n '4�. �]#her infarrnatican �ate af issue : 17-November-20Q�. Respans�ble name : Regufatary Affairs 1-80p-352�SFB Date af previaus issue : 23-Novemher-20Q5. Notice tc�reader The a6ove infarmalion is bel4eued tm be carrect with respect tn the formula used tn manuF:�ature the produet in the cauntry ai vrigrn. As data,standards,and regulatdans channe,and�onditions af use�nd handlwng are 6eyond our control,NO WARRAMTY,EJCPRE5S GrR IMPLIEU,IS MADE AS Tf3 THE COMPLETEtVEBS f}R CONTiPIl91NG A�CilRA�Y OF THIS if+7FORMATiON. Attachment E Page 18 TheClorox Company Material Saf�t 1�21 6rra�rray � � C1aWann,CA. 94h12 VidLC� a711e�t Tel. {510]271-f0�0 I Product: a_oROx Pe�u��-6�e.�cw D$SCI'I �IC?I'I: i�LE?sR,LIUHT VFLL[7vVL14lJIG W1TH A CH+-V�ACTE�I�TIC CHL4RINE�7DOR []ther Desi nations Distributor Em�r enc Tele hone IVqs. F�r P.4edical Emerqencies rall: Clora�Bleach Clorr�Sale�Comp�riV {�illl}446-101d EPP.Reg Nu.S°ir50 9221 E+raadwa�• FarTranspuriationErr�erclenciesChemtrec Oakland CA y46'12 SO 424-930L1 II H�alth Hazard Da#a III Hazardou�In redi�ents D�hIVEf?: CtiRf�O51VE Mayoa�,isese�rereiiri�tinncrdam�getae�san�i IncreciPrrt Crnxrm�im E>a�asireLimit �cin. Va�,oe nr mist may irritate. Harmful if sv�llov5ed. I(eep out nf r�th cf Sodiun hypoc�lorite 6.1 S k Idot z�ahlisf�cl �ildrrsi CAS#768152 4 �nme dirical rzports sugge�a Ir•..vpoterrfial for sensitization upm exa�erafed 3.� es�mu'eto��un hyK,td�iorite ii�in damage[e�.,irrit�iun}acaars during Sor�i,ttn hy�drobde <1'k 2 m�lm3', e�iosire.Llr�dprnamdenns,�meusecurid¢ionsthelikElihoodofanyac{rerse C4�#1310-73-_� 2mglm' he�th eflf�QS are low Mer�ical cmdiCionsthat may be aggraval�ed 4ye�osure tu f iigh�cmcerdratiorr �f vapar ar mist: I7e�rt ccnddians or cYrror�ic r}s��iratory pre,k,lems such as asthma,em�hysema,�rnnic bmncYrtis nr+�hstru+�ive lung cise�se. FIRST PIU: Ev��arrtad: Huld ey�e upen and rinse uvlh v�ter fnr 15-�L�min�fes. Remow �rda#IFnses,aftEr n1d�mir�ltes. Curtir�ue riri�n�eye. Call a phy.�raan. 5kin��or�tad:'uVas+�sKin�nrcn•�r tor 15-2t1 minulps.I f irrit�ian de�,elops,call ���IH Thres+uld Limif Value 4TL1�-Ceiling a phy.�oan. �+",�HSP.PPrmisa�le E;�asure Limit(FELj—Time W�ig�tedR�ra�e(iW.qj Iriqe�ir_�n: D��nui irxauce wmitir��. f_�Yirk a glas�ful uf u�er. If irri�atiun de�r�ps,r�ll a ph�si7an Dnnrrtgive ariytPrr�byrno�Ahtoan�.�ro�nsdaas PP�=�'�' M1lune uf the inc�redier�s in this prod.�d are m the Ipkr�NTP or L�SHR Inh�lation: Remowe tin fie�air 11'kereathiny is aifeded,�II a pYrysiraari !arcinc�en li�s. IV S ecial Pratectian and Pre�auti�ns V Tr�ns ortatiarr�nd Re ulata aata M1l�speraalprota,�tic,�iorprecauti�nsha�nebeeniderrtifiedfnrusinqthisprodud DGTAMD�AATA-NotresitideU under clira���rruner�ese ccnditions. T he fi�lln�ig��mmend�ions are gi�n for pradu+�ion fadlities and fnr othFx cmdifinns�cl�tuati�ns�rhere thxe EFA-SflFiA TI i LE IIItiERCLH BMtled Kr+�dad is nnt r��,rialale under i�in�reased pder�tial for acaderdal,large-scale c�r prdang°d e�ostxe. Sedions 311l312 and rx�rfains no r.hemir�ls re�nrtak�lz un:Jer Sr-xtinn 313 ihis pr�ud does car4ain uhemi��ls�sodium hpdr�r�de�Ci 2�and�dium H��nc Prr�ctices Awid mr�d vvlh eams,skin and�oiYirg.'vl��hands liypochlorite<7:�5�6 7 IY�at are re�ula4�under Ssdion 3fJ410EF�CL.k. E31�Er{lIYEC?O7M&..'t. �0 n[t VWar piGdUCt+:Of�minatEd�0{hif}g f61'pi'Olaflg�C1 periods. iSCF.�SL STATLIS. .�JI x,m�,oner�ts altYrs pra�.ad are m ihe U S.TSCP. I nUertory and C anadian D SL. Encirpennp Cornrals Use genzr�l�r,tilaiinnto mirimine es�osumu,vapar�v mist. FermnalFrotativeEquipmerd: Wearsaietygoggles. LJSenabherornitrile qlo+,es if in ra�rdar�liqiad,espeoally frx prnlonqed pena�ls. KEEP uiJT uF REWCH�]F�HILDREN "�I S ill Pro�eduresNVaste Dis osal lfll Reactivi Data Snill F rr,r�edures i,.�rArul spifl. CorRairpri�liquid and use ak�Xrk�rRs�n Stakle tin!Aer�nurmal use and stnrage�xr�ditions.�tmnq u�iciang agert. re:adaal liquid;clispnse apprupri�ely.'JVash area ancl let dry Fnr spifls of R�ad��wth nther hnusehnlcl u�Memi�ls suu'�astnilet kxiwl dearars,r�t m�itipe pr���3r#s,respmders:�n�ld evaluatethe MSUS's rdtlie nroduc�for r�mnvers,�inegar,�ads or ammnnia srtaininq prr,dudsin produ�e hamrdr�� ir�campatibility v�fh-sciJium I7y+pact�loMe. Bre�f�ing prdeciinn slx�uld ue worn ir� gases,�ach�s�I�rine and dher uhlorir�ated s�edes. Proloroged oortaci v9th erid�sed,andlor poorly Vertil�ed ar�s urAil ha�ard as�ssmer�is wmplete. metal maycause pittirg ur discal�r�tior�. VU�,sR�is,o�l L?ispose uf in sacmrdan�w�all ap�licaqi?federal,state,r�nd la�l re ulatims. "�III Fire and Ex Ivsion aata I�Ph sieal aata FI ash F aird:IV orie �oiling nuird......................................................................:apprnx.21 Z'F JI L10"C SGe�ial Firefiohtino Frmer�ures PJune Speafic Gra�niy fH�11.................................................................m'I:I�7L'F Llrusual Fire�E:ml�:Jcr�Flazards hlune.hlatitammable a�pla�Ue.Frndud Solubilityin'o`U�er _..........__......_................................................crnlplete doxnotig�itev�hene�osedioaperiflame pH ..............._........_......................................................................°11.i 01967,1991 iHECLCIR7X�1.1.IPA1R` ❑ATASI�ppLIE01SFORl15E4NLYINCONIJECTIONti!UfTH�]CCUPATIUMfiLSHFETY+�IJL�HEfsLTH ❑r�TEPP.EPAREL� Ot3lU9 Attachment E Page 19 Ilfat�riul Safzty I)ata S�ic�t: 4it�e�rlr[;rceE��:11!-YurpnSr('lcaucr Simpi�Green"Sc�•ah4ring P�d L'Cr;+ir�n?tio. 13l1f)54}9(_' F]aEe af IsSl�e:M1�rtic Gn3her�li{]9 fh'Sf-7�1!]fl.l-'!k't?F�.urz�a� 1'r++�iuti\:�me: Si�rtpl�c;rc�i�:Ul-1'ui'�j�s��:']c�nxe� Sirn�lc�lncn��Scndibing P.ie} ?�tldiiionA9�ame: 5ima�1�[ireei��[�c�nt�entraled C4eanerl7C�r�aser'Ue�rde�rs��r 1_Il�nuf�ciure�•"s Per�tit�rt C'�File 1�eirnbers: '�`PIE'.[7Sf'rG/er tn���c�! i'oni�aia}: `;u:isltine;tiakers,[�ic. 1�9?2 F'ae'stic C'n.�,st Ili�,�i�Gay F3unlin��tan Hari�s�ur,4':1 4J?(��9 l;�:l 'felephone: R{]4-2�8_(}7i)�e a i{i,_7�}i_((][i0 Pa�; �6?-��}�-�83Q Lutier�enc�•1'hui�e: C'liena=iel��-fInsts ��rierg��icy Se�tii�e;S{]il-y�y-i=lZ� I_`sc rrT Prnciuct: r1n all��ur���.�el�ancr�ncl cicr�rca,�r u4ed diluted ria tratcr fiar direet,,��ra���rid da�in,nk prc3c.edu�•c.s. ScrultL,in,�racl is usce!�vftli Ft�alcr for niaiival scrul5ltin�app9i�ati�ns.Sotlz ara f'+�r cicanin�i3�at��°-saic SiYI-f�7l:L':ti.V �mer�eney f}��ersie�t�: C_'�L?TI(liL". 'lfild e��e irril.:tn1. �imple�reen"is;a d�rk�reen liyviicl�vitii.�sasvnfro-aw odor.Srruhbin�I�ie!is:i green PEhrou4 re�lan�le. IL�IIS K<ilin�: � Iicaith- 1 -�la�frl 1 v Firc- 0 y O RCil1;LIViII-.:tllil S��'�7l'�1:P:II (1 minimal Lc�t C:u�rtia�.`i: hiiid L;r�z IrritanF, tiki�i C'ontatt: Aio ach�zi�e effecYs ztpccteci i�iidc�h,'pical usz cs1€rclati��ns.ProTon�zri et�7osure�n�y ca��4e clr4�cr�ss. L;iadcr th#s conriitian.us�raf g�ntes ur skin SnrrisCuri�.zr aflei�suasliiiiv ma} l�e ituilctste�. II1�iSLlOt1: ;I'I�3V C�ILSC 5I4}TFii1CI1 171-lT'kld4llll�LL�]tiCf>�SW:1I�C14Z`�CI�ljllZ l�a liZYtY'S1�'t�]I�G�7C1tP�5.) �11F�31�FL1[GII: .'"'+1C]af�L'ZI"SC��SZi.Z4�tiTJCf:B�Ci�4SCIC�GS'h�'�)iGa�!!&C�L`UFlCllhl7135-.�({2[�U.$�Z VCYY11�'��iOII S�lCs4llij�5[:�}t'�gCSii[[�`�iCll US]It�+�I1i1�3�2[Jt"CCFI�O�'G1"8(JlO�l7I1�2C��Jc�1Yt�cj f3�Ili?I�. L-}�}c�Fi SS�i1Fl{C��VS l71'�'ZiSEl�3t2�V17�;I17�Ff.aZ�lt1':31t^ E71171'lil��C�LL1,�TIi1�lSt FY 11�[:L'Sti3f'1'. I�IiI'CfIIO�CIiS: ?y0(Il�i'2iI1�YFSE.31'C IiStcCl I]V�)SI I?�,�.�'�H.f',i"H'N I�F=�S 1;.111)F1+ii Gf tillS�7ZLt[cLl ti.13'�lil0��175. 1lccfic:�[('n�fditiniis: hJra iaiar3ica9 4:6flC�lifOflS AT4:�:TTl7�'�13 t[f�1i J��r���atc.d br�ct��asure ta Sirrsple lil'�'titt�_J��SYII�- sczis�tivc us�rs ma� ��pci7c��cc m'tld ltiut rc�•cd�sil�l�.�•csc.tin�rs_ 1 'ti'tiumber: Nnt Requir•e�l flaro�ti�eirouc C:nncls C'I�ss: �lr,n-I�aa�rdnu.c Tlii nnl� inar�di..nt nf Surs�31�t rc��n`µith cstaleli�;h��cspr�;ur�limirs is undil�t.ci?-butns:yc�ltanr�l(--1°a)[l�uryi lcllc3suhc:.C.:�S'+lo. 111-7G-?1[f��i,lc>rS'cr7rl�hita�;1'c�u'];llic:�C'(i1H 71.�'-rLF�is?[I ppm iy7 m5'm'}.F3as�;d u��on ci7cinie:al an�l�si�.Sim�l�[3n:cn�ce�nlains nra l,n�AVn EP:t pri�n[� ��ollulan�s.hca�1 nzcL:ris t>r;:hk�micals lislcel undcr It('13.a.c�ERC'L.�1.ar t'1V:1.AnaPr•sis hy TCLP{To�i�ily t�harzcteiislit Leacfung Praee�lure)accr�rdin�lr,['�C'12.4 r�•�alcd nt�iuxte:ar;ans�:ur inor�aroti conslilncnls. i�ll cclniponcr�is of Sim�lr Green�`are]islrc!r�n IhG TSC.a Cl�emi�.�l 4ial�sianc�r In��enlury. This proclutE[iues no1 c�nlnin an}'ins�'�:elienlv ct�vered h1'Iha Pro��isions o1'T3 CI'R 1'7111.l2t?!l. h�a�ar?:rl.�,ri€'a�y���ai:�She��:S74�IPLr cr�rr�r'�'1I,I,-PiiRP[1ST f'LE:+1'VFR Sc Sf'�tt?R13i'`G PN7 S nf.I Attachment E Page 20 hiat�rinl S�fety I)ata S�icfit: 4it�eplc[;rccE��:IIE-Yurpr�wt('lcaur•r 5ir�zpf�Green"Sseybhing P�ci Ver.:�r�n?vo. 13l11354��C' Dale t�f issue:i�'n��emUer 3L�(]9 .t,'�:SI-7JtTf].l-'Rt13 F�uyla.0 1 l:rr Canl:�cL: Fi�Jcicning n�:r!'�cv����p.lrrunucli:itclv nnsc�kl�c^cyc+�vc[�t lar�c yu:�nt�li�x nl cao]�c:�l�r:onlinia�� I+.1-E; rninuteti«r witil thz material h:i,hccn r�m���e�l;Ix sur�te7 icm+z��z cansact I�n;es,if l�reset�t�nd to lil-t uf-����r and lu�uer]ids dunn�rEnsrnk <<ei meclicr�l,�ftcntsnn r3�i�attatinri persists. 5kin C'nntncl. Rlinimal cficets_if anr•;rinse skin��,•ith+�s•alcr,rins�yhn��;�r,cl laundcr 41c�thin�bc4t�rc rcuse.ldc�•cr�ibi� r��lalcni���ma}•e}ccur iF��e�mt d�srr�;;l-scnsitil�e u,ers_ihnr�n���hir•rins4 area aaid�ez mcclica9;,tx�nti+x�ii reaetiarn penisis. � y Swsellcswin�,; Fisseniial@v nom-t��sic C�n�e tievera��lsssrs ni n�ater t�>��lu1e_�ln nnt inciuce e•om�tin� fl stnmuch Ei��et cacrurs.citntiufl Pjiy:�iciarc. y fnle:�lativn: '�lE?n-tn�ic.L?�pusurr ta cnncentrcite rnay cause mi1J irriYation of nasal pa�saa�ES ur thr��;it;sc�i+��z to la�zah au.t;rt mc�lical atiei�l�on�3 irr[Fatian peisists. 4ii�iplc[.rcc+i"is�taE�ic,itot flammahle,anr�t�•ill�rnL he�rn. �In s�ecial p�°c�cedures requircd. l�l�sh Pnint'.'�uto-I�nitir�n:`v�1i flaznrnalrle. I?xtitig�islring?�ledia; '4i>i tl;tmtnable'nnn-eq{�Irr�ive. I7nmtn�bifil7�Liinils-i`'a4 flaanrn���le. Special Pire Pighting Frc�ua�lures:\�ani rayicires�. R � 1 ' 1 Persunal Prerauti�o.s: Ae trici cc�rziacl reilh c�'cs, I�ca not rnfi��•c:��vith hanas cluiing clssnu�r. :�iv spc�:icsl pra:caulic�ns F�?r tltimal canlacl:iCL'RL'ti(�I:CI. I�f�.�!4I7�liIRC�!i tPli}if741FiI1�1 :il�i:f GI4itIS6fY��up spill sn-le:sk. hielh�Rd Ibe clexning up, FtGa���r usablc mal�na!E}r 4nnccni�a!mc;lhotl,residual ma�� hc;rcmo�r4d b� ���i�,:or w�!mop. I1 nrccss�n,unreLO�erat�lc malvi7ail m:�� h�F�aah�ci I�i�irain���ilh l.rrge t�uanlilie�irf�t�aier. 1 i�r��Peci�il��relas�li��ns�zrc re•c}uir�d.TI►i�:producL is non-h�ir�rsir}«y I'ur�Lnrx�r:r�i��I.re�nsryurm:�ernrafin�la the['.S. E}£il:ll'fFiiL'Pd�.i3Y��I'�P9115�]f11't.itinn�I2egulxtit�ns. Sim,�l�[�r�cn"r.:quir��nn x�j�cia!lahclin��srl�ia�ardin?iri m��l[�.5. L?+�parlmcn{{rl`fransg�c�rlalinn ruquir�mcnls. E'\�\umd�ei°: ?�r,i R�cpe�i�•erl I)xngeruus Gvv�1r C'7���: ��n-13azardnus la_s�utiure I.i�nEtti: f l�e:iirn{�Iz Cdreertx fu��rT�ul�tic�ri�arc.sea�ts ne�f�eallli hazar�ls�t�[lic.utics•sihr.ci u�cd acc��r�tir��tn tahcl dire�iii�n�fo�ils irit�r4d�.�i tjw��r�s��:.h[il�l:ski:i arad:,y�.irxitaiic�ri i�pnscil>lc Igalc.as4 s�.c f�:�'c.cn�na�� arirl Skin crsntact in s�ction[`.}Nn s�a�cial pr��au�in�i�ir� m�asurc�;rcc�uir�c]�nil�rnnsYnaE usi cnnditisrns. �"e�rti{eikitrn: ?��3�Pitial v�ntilalis+n,prccau[ic�ns or nspiraisrrr'prcal,:ctif�n is rcquire:�1 cEurin�nom�al us4�I.ar�,c- 4�als us4 inciosrrs Shcruld proti'icic an incr4�:�s�:J rat�a!air 4ticl�ang�, Iiuman Hi�ilth A�her�r vflecis cm hum3n liraid��re nol exp1rclecl[rum 5iniple f_,�-enn�.l+b�sed tan?U y�ars t�f usr s�C N.fTCI'LC!ki'I21CI:fi Siirr�3ic iar•ccn04 sv�ithnui��cy�a�r�erJ ad�•c�•�U fYl:ilf��2 ISSI`.��L'FIL'L'ia��iti•���•ss pn�aula3inn gs•au�is,incl�din� T'rons E�pr3curc: ctitt.�isi4�e use h�°'snmates nf[�_S.Fc��r:�l�siisr+ns in el.:anina n�e�•atians. F:ye prnicctinn: Siir��31c s;re4n�'i��miic#��t'c iyritant;mu�ous m��llhran��nti�ti'l��cn3nt.irritated h�•ennccntratc.rys pra�l�;4lir�n na1 e�n�ralg� r�yuir4c�.GG'ash harnls ail�r usim�r�ipc;s. tikin pruier9ion: Sim�l��SftiCfl�iR i7�7I I1�tiCI\ IiP llllEill4 Illl:SICPTS Ifl IIl[:I77ii�CJTICI''OI Ui�;]-$,}ZL.FIC:3ICCI{Iaiilr'app3i�aliun t�> liir skin�rillivut rinsin�.��rconlinaxs�us c�mlacd r,n[hr sl.in ma} lzalcl ls�lem�urary.l�ul re�ersit7le, irril.�tiun.Ftinse.un�plet�ly li-um sl:�n allcrc��nlael. hfatiri.il Sri€'aty�I"�nt:i Sheet:S71f1'Lr.cmrr�r�E1LI,-PLiRl'f15T CT.�;1':VF-R&�f'Rii1313iNG PATI '2 nf�I Attachment E Page 21 hiatzt-iul S�fetV I)ata S�icat: 4it�e�rlr[;rceE��:IIE-Yurpnyt(�kcancr Si�ipi�Green"Sc�•ah4ring P�ci L'risiran!tio� 1311f35i}9t' F3aEe nl�Isss�r:R�rticGn3her?lif]�} fh'SI-7�1t7�.1-'R173 F�.ur„ar C;ener�l hy�iene f7�c��e a���itu kitct+�-it Itiaz3rd��tssGC;iat�ci te-i�i�tlti4�rratcPial s�ii�n�ixz.l as r�cut�i�n�i��lccl. eua�lilir,ns: Ihs;fallos�i�g gs�n�ral hygicn4 consit�uralie�n�arc rLCa�sti�uil���:ammcrn�ocicl indi�lrial hy�iGnc praclices: -���iil brea{lu��aPesr ar rt�isl. -��:�.�icl cnnlc�ct;k il Pr cl'C3. -'4Z'asli iharc,u�di3p alj�r iza�dlin�arxt fietf�re raling,�lsiril:icsg�t�r srnr�king. E ' :l�i�earancc 8c{?slor: ('lcaner i,a�lark g��eerr liyurti,pa�i is a�hrnus�rtzn�natiiz;bs�tl�c�:iribii a�aatiafras oda�r. 4pecific{:raF•it�: l.l}�11 : i3.f11U l�a�nr Pres�ure: 18 tnm 1-Iv:��?[Y°i':'3.3 tnir��IQ�ri 2h•'[, Fti�spnratinn: 1 {l�ut��I�cctatt = I} 1'apt�r T)ensity: i.3{air= 1} LI'ater�u4uhilil�. 1(ltl�"o Peosity: K,?Ibs:gallnn $uilin�Poinl: 3(�11.G°C(?1�°F) pI-I: 9.� [l,? Asfj i'i3iiire�t: r1l fii1S1°l�`: �.fiG°r,l�l w�:i�hl �lutricnt f'anteRit: I'reeci��Puinl: APgrr.>,��"C'(IG°T) YI7e��7jl7nrus:[k.3".�,6��fnrtnula 1(fn-eKJrrr!1i����cc�a�.i1 wrN rrrrc»rs�firr�tr u�irlrwu Ios.e e�,l r/�r�rz•i'w��ltt•r� 74.Ylff]L�O<j.d)�a�1�.'NL�lL�7T I�Eu.inn r.�rocl e{t��tlilmhv��icvf tirr a��rnnnsn;�S � 1t1U7P T�71(il7i'�!i]!'t1�UN iPlil 1P!'flll+7'?�iN�j r}v[fQlt[�. .�Ui1lIT.��.��V��'N4f,'S��l�!t7i]RLLFII�f�.C�13��}?LL�'I��FI:k17�ft Ill_'�N!C�l `'f)C C��mposite 1'xrtiarl Prestid�re: 17.L111ti mmlIg cci�24l"C F'r�lalils[]rg:�nir�'onanr�u�Js(t'C)Cs): t.�e,�n�r rain�9s�.�FC_F3,� BA.1(�htL]re�ulations,Cleannr rnusi bu�lilus�•d 1;i t':ll�l3 1.iilhrrd 31{1 3.E�f'<� ;�ilh 3v,ai�r la'4feel SC,a�3:�TI7 C�iY3r 117Y��Itult•112?'L'C1C'ra€�airzmenis fin� S[".-1[;7\iL]1Scllir�d3Ti ?.8��„ sr�I��rn��le�rRin�c�per.��ir.xns. �Scrr�Gh�r-!`r?!`, =.�.�%,�Fi�r��aa'iPrrtic��rt,�+varaf'� 5c���3i;r�: ��zt��� ;�latarials lo�Iuaid: h��7ixc I�nntE�ti Ha�:�rdnus 17c�am�,n:sitinn Isrrlduc�s_ i�d�7ra�e.!:�eWtUd l'�ticolo�} it�ivimalio��is l�ased un clzcitti4�1>mizfil�;ufin�i'�di�tits��gd c.r`h�a€>olati+xi ufd.�ta fiuira similar f�cmula4. �cute'Cn�irily: ilral 7_17t,�(rat� 5�:'kg l�ndy cvi:i�iit''` "t�+<<�tdQrsorr,+i�nai fJf�f'i7 cnrie.snr�re.rrirr�and r�ssersi�+erar�nrri��ier?3.C'lru�ier 3.= L3rmial LUso fral,6tl} ?g'kg b�sti� taci�hl N:vo Irritatit»�: ftirjdcralc'llild r�:a��rsiblc.:�•c initatic,n m:���n�curhascdnn rtl.:var�t lah�ratnrv stu�ics.T�ris prrtcntial i�rcduc�,3 h�•iiramcdiatc rin�in��Of Cti'C�IY�Cl1��of cy� �ontart I7cr9��al Irritatinn: Alilci.rs:�crss�l��kin irrilaliun in;�� a�curh�scd�n rc:l���anl lahuralnn sluclics.A G-how-c;:�gosur� t�+liuman s�,in iuid�r��alch dia!nol proc[�ic�irrila[son E2rPrat I.�nnsurr B.isei�un rele�•ank ta�nr:3�on klutlies.nr.i Ic�sie elle�ts are e::peclnd lo�e associatecl 4+rilh[i�sly s�:in L�fB SI:1lk C'.ilE1LfICt: i;�:�]Qtilll'�S I�;V1CI1 LI�]Ct3�L,'��?,.f�8���Ck11.'�Ct FCH'�3 IL�tiI'��S(141!'3I7}1ILS].4}:Id7 117713I1(li1 StI:IV_I1[}4ti"L'VCI', o:cm�wit8 repcatcd t�r prnlnn��ed�:spnsurr5. Firprvduclive Esasc•c4�n ir:l��an�l:al�oralca�,t �ludi�s(4'P-1 mrsus4 1�f-�vcck fcrtililt•ass�•ssmLnl c�r�tinuc�us Effecls�ssestin�enl: bnztciinz�,ne�ad3�crs��fi4cts��nrcprnclu�lion.i�7tility�.trrhra[ih c>€-ofTs}�rinL ar��;�pi'ctcd. hfate.ri.il.�,riE'aty'Tl:�ix She��:S71f1'i,F.GRisP?Y",1id,-PLiRl'[15T f'i.�?1':�IFR Sr Sf'iti.il113itiIG PA� 3 nf J Attachment E Page 22 hlatzi-iul S�fzty I)�ta Slic�[: 4it�s�rlr[;rreE��:IIE-Furpnxt('kcauer 5i�zpi�Green"Sc�•a'h4ring P�ci L"ersir�n?vv, 1 3lll)�4}lJ{_' F3t�Ee nl�I.tiur:IRi[ti�cn3her�Yi{]�3 f,1'SI-7�f!]0.!-'!k't3 F�.ur,�ar ■ l�aanr�l ir�n•ilcl���iift�afs��C�quatir rFr�n�tis�tis: Ls�F�,i>asrd nn tt��i�olu�ical�3r�1Yil� BiUd��r�J.ibililv: I�c;a4lil� Uir+il��radahl.:t?as4cirrn l�sorlEe.r.u���i�rr�prnrili, YRc_7'F`TC't3T-;1c�c7�;-7..Iteaati Bi�+cl�urailahilil��:C`lose+�Bolile Issl'"C)L•l'D.anti(FEC"L�3�1?B lal�oral��rs't�ls �m�irr�nmeni�4l'1�ri�iciiy�lnl'urm��iinai�II sw im�nrlanl nol lrs allv« ilzr runal]lrcim�leansng inlc�claseJ S�sletnv su4h ai� [lec�,ralip e prxn[ls. :�lEVa�'s rrrnteci c3E,�ec!stslems 3vi11�lzzrps nr e�il:�s if'necesyan. �}�ti�7i7tiC Ot I71 i11L111'i.�i01lC['LL'l���l:1��iIj7�1�14:117IV'I041I,tit'dSC i7I1�I ICi1Cf`1I Ia�4ti,L�15�30SZ p{u,^�4'�lI ql'4117iL'iClt�,11Y}L�LL'�,3[l.Ci Cfil�)r}� �:r�ns�icrers in��ccrn•claricc t��iih thc toct�l,`it<itc.YrotinLi:�l,and 1�ecZ��al reg�;��tios�s fory��7us�lnc:�tinFi, �e�cr.�is��usz�if s�cai 112�,1'L'3&FTl€.F3F15:3tt5 41714Y�32:C5,tif1'C�31Siti,dtli�.O!]C11 F)[]S�Itw 171�iV�,tlCl�7E'SlC1FTYl[j1�11il5. l!»s,�r��duct is t�nii-lta:ni�cinus fnr�tr.anspr�rt a�r.i�rdinn,io t9�c C:.�. 37��ai�ttncra�nf l r�ns�mstatinn tir.ati�i4�s f�N'tiuTt�t�..r: ?tir��ruqur'rvd 13angcrnus{�nnd4('lasc: MJot�-6ar�s�t�nu5 � ! I ,=�Z�+P�rtal>!c,�c�m��r�n�nis All c+tmnnnenls:ire lisleci cen: EI�ZC'S anc! TtiC",3ln�rvnt�n' 1u cuniptanenE5liv[e[1 unr�€r: C'lean aar.��l Serlion 113 T�C:a lTI2I 5:'�Ft�TilEe Iil l his�aro�uci�:an��ins�-hutaxyethanal(:7]1-7t+-'_, �F�"'al�vhrch�csuirjee!Eo thz re��n�tim_* Rcaurter�e- r����airimeritsi�f��ction 333 E,f`L'itJc 111 c�E thc 5u�7cr1'tiit��l:'u�icndnrentsan�!�t�aur,hnn�ati�n :1.t nl 1`?`�r�ns<'ate�t,n ti'=?i! C'ertarrs i.ila�c��l lithe�s. RCILi 4�;�ius: �:r�1 a ha�ard�.�us r�as1�. C'ERC`L:a Slx[us: h'o�urr�ponc;nls lislcrJ C.•�PR(.!F_b�!±t,ilis.: 'tin com�r.�nenls lisirtl R i'd2 6:1'.3 H F:f{� �)Ili:SLli7T1ti�iltCllll[Il�filfilI'fT17114711�fllifl[j Oil l�llR�-I:�i��5 S�3C3LliL�t]C C11S�C1�¢:L�.l�l7: SLf�SHI'�1�,114A[tiH:3L5.3`�C'. 1'3-:C'HNI(':ll..3)}�:1'r1i2'1'?tiF�:i�'l' 7492?Pa�afi�C'nart Hsv��. Hunlin�tnn Hanc��ur_{';'1 9�f;�9 fi,lr�xit.' I JN?17i': ;�f�{}:�31g_S}��}� ��':xm-?pm Pacilic lime.'_I�•tan-F'ii� Fa.��: 5G2;5!32-393t} 111�U14 4'Uis���s i mpl��rc�c�n x�sxm e:'.1e:C C�€)vC�"G5'i - [;5:1 F'S5 CU1�i'H:1f:'t�.\[3.45 fd"F OU55.] Scn�laUine F'ad GSA'FSS-[:'C1M17l2iLf'T ftit7.e�5.�r^F-ili�GSL. �4iY[�I}nN�Stl1l'�:VSIt1i�1�P5 Ji�Sli�{f4t7'�lt�PflTI�lISI1kN`PS: �iNlf�s�131f31�Yri'S: Sunplc c�recn F`I�1�H�nibca� �SN tiitc l`:ut Nina�l�c� tii>:c l it)P_ -43r1-IH-34"-531.5 ?a yv q�ryy'dl'_��?�scY 131r1g2 3t,u7-]�n2ecr t f'�cnsap 13U��. �13n_nl�3rui-3}g=, l<:Jallunih 4assi 13iNr i�.HII01117:�h5Cf 13UG6 -9�{I�-113-33?-5i3E� �[i:dfn�i l3t�l3 '4ot77�isacrff^_'cs�sci l li�1G ^�i3iF_i�!-±_1�?-;ii? ls�:nll.xi ]ieif�l f'���r?L IG�ra�c1 131opS 7J3i�-17]-3-13�ka5 �it;rsll.ri 13[ll3 3?�5�'1-r�£.GcrSP'rc:�ztS 1;^'.5 •v:,4 _ -Cl:allmn Itole ���Ex�r7nunrl�rrr.�.,lrir bo11�iud��s7rrhf nnrl n•ln!! Serni�Uln�Ynrl itri,-€ ,93i�-i13-3-Iti-lta:i Ci,aJir�-���:;��ci �`(nternnlionalPart�'uinhrrs�InvPilTri. �ISCI.:�T71F,R Tim inf:,rmriie�r per��nr€ed�F•i[tti rhi;�iSRS is finm:}iatl in�n�rl f'r�iila;,ncl�sjthn�¢n:,rr�;m3�,t rin;kind Pcr..ni�aei handlii�li�is murcrinl mricr ia;,E;,:fniicExne�ni rlet�m�n�:,n,ris nt rha siEir�l�ilir}^t�nd cn�Ziplci rtc�.�,Fi��lnrmatis:n iintrtr,il;n�u'cc.tn a�ti,iir�.i�rn�n:r ixst•u�iil{L4���s�il ot-rlu,ii�at�ria9 and tlre s;ifely�v3d E�e:ilUi ef eniF�l�vz�s��iiel custoici.:es. Seu�sl�i»e hiuf:er;.[ne: �jssrames nu u�lcliticu�al]i�hilih m rc��anabibiLh� r.:s�di��t��Ilnm l}�i�re c*1.rn-relrunic iarl Ihi�irtli+nrEaLi�m hT�t4ari.tl.�,ri€'at��T�at:a Sher�:S71f1'i,i'.C1ti:T?'�"AI,I,-PiTdPtlfiT C'T.��i'VFR Sr.Sf'�{i�I313i?VG PN7 J nf.1 Attachment E Page 23 �. The Clorax Campany Materi�l Safety 122� Broadway Uak.land,CP, 94612 pata Sheet Tel. 51Q 2?1-?000 I ��"q(�uCt: FOf�MLILes.409�GLA55 i3 SLIRFACE CLE.�I+IEP. �1�SCIl �IDCI: �LE15R,C�L�JRED LIQIJIC�WITH FRAGRANCE Other Desi nati�ns �istributar Eme enc Tele hane Nas. Fur Metlical Emergenci�s call: Clnrux 5al�s C�:�mpany (�300)446-1014 1221 Bruatlway ForTranspo�tationEmergenciESChen-drec Oakland,CA 94812 00 424-93�7CJ II Health Hazard Data III Haaardous In redients E�e�nr�tact ma7�result in temporaryconjunctival redness.Under normal InqredierA Concerrtistion 'JVorkerExposure Lirr�A r�nsumer use arid con�iTions,the likelihood nf aduerse heatth effects i� n-Pr�poxypmpanol 1-5% fVot establi�ed luw. �.+�5#1569-01-3 filo medical conditionsare knnvuitn 6e aggrava}ed bye�osure totl�is t�irodu�l. None oithe materialsinthispr�duY are onihe IP}dC,OSHA,ur NTP r�rcinogen li�s FIP,ST PJD: EYE CONTACT: Fernnvecorita�tlenses. Flusheyesthor�ughlyuuth nlertyufu�ater fbr 15 minules. If ireitation uccurs,get medical atterrtiori. SI(IN CONTACT Wash area vuth saap and�rmter ifirritati�n nr�u�,ge} medical aiterrtion. INGESTION: �rir�k a glasstul of v5ater.Get medical att?Mion. INHPLATI!7N: If 6reathinq m6lerr�s occur remu�m tu fresh air. IV S ecial Rrotection and precautions V Trans ortation and Re ulato C1ata H4uienic Practices: Wear aafety glasses.VVash hands w5ifh soap and DOTAATA11h40 N�i re�rided v�ater after use.Wear diemical resistant glo�nesif repeated or prrloriged use TSCA Status: All ingredierrts inihis pmduct are listed nnthe TSCA i riae r�tory. Eroqineennq Corrtrnls Use general verrtilaPion to minimixe exposureto vaporor mists EFA-SPRA Ti[Ie�fIfICERCLA Fad�aged produd is not reporta6le Se�ti�ns 311t312. This produci Work Practirxs: Avr�id e�and:�im m�tact and inhalatinn nf vapor ar roMains no d'iemir�ls vthich are regulated un�er Sectinn 31 3 nr under �r�ist. Sediori 30410ERCL�.. VI S ill ProceduresNlfaste ais osal illl Reactivit aata Spill Procedures Ahsorb and cordainEri�.Vva�residual do+fuito Stable under nermal use and�orage can�itinns sanitary sev�er. CorAad the sariitary treatmerit fadlity in ad+rarice t��assure abilityto process vsashed dowui matenal, For�ills ofmuttiple prod�irts, Cc�nditionst�awid: Hightemperaturessnd strang a�ds,bases,an� responders should evaluatethe MSDS's��the products for incr,mpa{ibility oxidixers. +ndh this prc�dud. VVaste Disuosal�: Dispose of in sccordance vtiih all applicable federal,state �n�lucal tegulations. VIII Fire and Ex losion �ata 13€ Ph sical ❑ata FlashPoint: >2L70°F pH_.........._......__........__.. ._................_.._....... .g -I15 Speci4cgra�ity... __...._....__...__._.......................................•I.[i ProductsofCombustion: Thermaldecompositioriorqurningmayproduce Solubilityinv�ater............................ .___._.........._.___....�nhaule t�xic vapors or gases,in�uding opdes of carbon and nitr�gen. Fire Extinraui�ina 4aerrts: 6ry 7�emical,carbon dioxide(CU�7,foam ar v�ter spray. 91963,19917HECLUROX COIAPANY 6ATA Sl1FFL1E6 IS FOR L15E ONL'YIN CONNECTICiN WITH L1CCLIPATIGNALSAFETYAN6 HEALTH 6ATE PREPARE6 � Attachment E Page 24 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page: 1 Jasco Premium Paint Remover Flammebil�i�y Insta6'ilily ,;" ��- 2 \ I PriMed: 11119l2009 � O �� Revision: 10113I2009 " Heelin �j! ppg ' Dale Created: 10/13l2009 X �\.,,�'�sPe��ai • • s • •. • - • Product Cade: 4015.23E Product Name: Jasco Premium Paint Remover Manufacturer Information Company Name: W. M. Barr 2105 Channel Avenue Memphis,TN 38113 Phone Numher: (901)775-0100 Emergency Contact: 3E 24 Hour Emergency Contact (800)451-8346 Information: W.M. Barr Customer Seroice (800)398-3892 Web site address: www.wmbarr.com Preparer Name: W.M. Barr EHS Dept (901)775-0100 Intended Use: Removal of adhesives, mastics,&contact cement from wood,concrete,metal and masonry. Synonyms GJPR14003,r?GPR 10003TEMP,QJPR10002 • s• • • • • • - • - H�aaeds�ees GQmpvnents(�t�emical Name) CAS# Concentration OSHA TWA ACGIH TiNA Okher Lin�ts 1. Dichloromethane {Methylene chloride} 75-09-2 60.0-100.0% 25 ppm 50 ppm No data. 2. Melhanol {Methyl alcohol; Carbinol; Wood 67-56-1 7.0-13.0% 200 ppm 200 ppm No data. alcohol} 3. Stoddard solvent {Mineral spirits; Aliphatic 8052-41-3 1.0-5.0% 500 ppm 100 ppm No data. Petroleum Distillates;White spirits} Hazardous Components[Chemical Name1 RTECS# OSHA STEL OSHA CEIL ACGIH STEL ACGIH CEIL 1. Dichloromethane {Methylene chloride} PA8050000 125 ppm(15 min) No data. No data. No data. 2. Methanol {Methyl alcohol; Carbinol; Wood PC1400000 No data. No data. 250 ppm No data. alcohol} 3. Stoddard solvent {Minerel spirits; Aliphatic WJ8925000 No data. No data. No data. No data. Petroleum Distillates;White spirits} • � - • Emergency Overview Danger! Poison. May be fatal or cause blindness if swallowed.Eye and skin imtant Vapor Harmful. Use only with adequate ventilation to prevent buildup of vapars. OSHA Regulatory Status: TMs material is classified as hazardous under OSHA regulations. Potential Health Effects(Acute and Chronic) INHALATION ACUTE EXPOSURE EFFECTS: Vapar harmful. May cause upper respiratary tract irritation and central nervous system depression with symptoms such as confusion,lightheadedness,nausea,vomiting,headache,drowsiness,and fatigue. Mist or vapor can irritate the throat and lungs. Causes formation of carbon monoxide in blood which may affect the cardiovascular system and central nervous system.Continued exposure may cause unconsciousness and even death.Intentional misuse of this product by deliberately concentrating and inhaling the vapors can Ue liaiinful or fatal.Concurrent exposure to carbon monoxide,smoldng,and physical activity may increase the level of carboxyhemoglobin levels in the blood resulting in additive effects. This product is a simple asph�iant. Licensed to W.M.Barr and Comparry: MIRS MSDS,(c)A V Systems,Inc. ANSI Z400.1 Format Attachment E Page 25 IVIATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHE�T P��� � .Iasce� Pr�tnium �aint Rcmv�'cs' P��m�d: i vi�r�a�s Revisie�ri: 1 D113f2�}09 SItiIhI L'd)�l',1t'.1':1['l"l7i�:\l'i}�;dJldH 1,:I;F^7A:C"I'S: 1'3iis��rc3�iuct is a sRiri'ti7idatst. Prs�duct rrtay bc�al�scirh�:ci lltrr�ugli tlte sl.in. 1{a�vrfful if�i�sc�nc�d ih+�c�ugh tlie s�in. Etlacls ma��ran�e I�[�nn tni{c3 irritalir�n!cr sr.c�vre pairi.ancl puasi6l� burns.cleprnclinK�n Ihe pnlunsii� c�l-a:anlacl. Prqlnn�cd r�r rcpcalcd canlac!may rin E1ic:skin ancl causc irrit:�laoa.5�rt�plams includc rc�lncss.ilcliing,I�umin„ clta ing amci craeking�t the si;i�s,arul 4ki�i l,tu7�s. E;S'1*.f'[l\'C,1('l .1C,1'I"E E:!['t)SUltfi H:lr`r'fi("I'S. 77us nsat�•rial is ari cye in'i[a:�t ����lClf'S IT1:1V 1TITl:3tt;ll�:;���e5. l_'n�tal,t rns���a�.�c F�iine,redncss,a stin�,ir�v c�r burning f�41in�,s�vcllina,:and bluiTed vi4ion. � I'uGLSTTG7:��.�,C.'�iT£I lP�_bSt'f:T LI'I'�CTS; Poise3n. [I�ay be fiila!rrr ca�use l?lincinass il�4cva€Icnmed. 1fay��aiusa nau�c:a or ti�sarniling. Aspfralion ha•rard. '�'his mat��ial rviay hc asrirated inrc,t3ic lungs dut�in���taenil'rti�. If�•o�nitrn�results ia�a5pirat'snn_�;f7crns`�al pncurr�ani:� cc�ul�l ticcur, It csn h4 r�aciilt�F�Snr#aed hy tlie titomaclr an�F intz�tinai tract. ;1ht�r��at'snn tlrrnuglr the �;axlrsrinl�stinal lr:i�t ma�'prc>slut�cwnlral n�n•°au5 s}slr��cltprtissian�nd s�•slcrosc::ITi;c[s.S+vallairing Ihis mal�rial mao irritalc ih�muctaus mcmbiancs of lhc mr��rth.flrrcrat,�ncl usoph.��_us. i4tar cause cti�an��sis(l�luc: cc�4s�ring r�1'lh�shin�nsi nails�rom lemc�;al'rssv�en). {'1[it{)�1£'F�:XI'[]SI!llli lil�l�l�:('15. Ke��nrG�lia�•e assn�iafed raF�eated and�Srolnngc�nv�rexi�c�sui�e 6n�nls�ent�tritlr�izurnPtigical�n�l s�iin�i� P��y'�iolcagi�:zl clama�k.Prt�3nngcd skin�:mlacl m.G� causc irsidalism.rc�dncss.�;cv4llia�<_and pussibl�lissu� dcs[7vction. 1'rnlrmR�d�nr rcl�cated cnnaaci may'.:ausc��rmatilis. Pr��2nng�d sl�in.;nrrtnct rnati•resulr in alxkorption nf a h�nnf'�d amr�isnl csl'Ilus malerial. Afa4•ca�sse li�-er d�mag�. 4fag cause�amcer has�d on animal�la[a(see Satlinn 11.Tr��i��lt��iaal [n[onnation�. -1'ai�et t]t�ans: Bln�ad,�entr:�l ncn�ou�s s�'stcm,Ii�.•c.e_�;kin_c.ardiov�scular sti•st�m,�:'F°�s. Signs and Symptcrms df Exposure See Yc�tenFial II�a3tlt L#T�cts. Medical Canditions Generaliy Aggravated By Expasure H�an��f�ardi�v�scular disrrrdei�c.kidncy diwr�rders.lia�er�isurdei:�.ecntral nLivnus syst�:m disnr�ca�,rts��iratr+n, s�'cicrn(includit�g nwtlirria and r�lhc�lar��tl3in�divnrd��s),skiti disnr�lcn and alic,�•�i�v. :llcultol mav enhance Ilre lo�sti elTecls af rnelhylene chlcrride eapnsure. A4a��crnss!he�I:��enla. �4ia� lie e:�;:sclnd in Eiaeast miik, i � _ Emergency and First Aid Procedvres i'�T-L�1L:�TIC7N: ll-usc;rL�p�ricns:cs bn:ilttira�tiifli4ult},m�4�c la:ur[r4�olk�pors. ,adn�iruslerrra}g�:n ar arli6�Giat r�spieali�n urrti]rtiecii�:al assivtanc�c�n lje rentlered, �KIN C`t)�'l':4t"I': ��'8R�1 F47t�1 5.Ofl�1:111i.I I�f�u'L�11:1P1[1CI�5 f?'{�tw.1[c}'8Ti{��ti.�k tn�dical attc.ntiots iCir7italirin Frs�rn cnnxacl pWrsists. EIT.C`C]:r'�fAC"C: ImmetGaloly�si�ly wi[h�tialcr,resno�3s an}�eonlacl 3nns,cor�ts`niiz lkishing�rilla waEer['nr at l�;�sz 15 rnin�z4r.s. Crel m�t�ir�1 auvniian immetiialely. [TrC�7�,S'1'[�7N: r10 nc�l induc�vomslin�,un3¢,ss dirtctc+�lxa b}•m�c�icai perscmnc�.CaIl�•our pc�iscm conSn?f Vvnds�r,has�7it:tl, Licensad to W.M Barr and Company: MIRS M1A9�9,(c)A V Sysiems.Ine. ANSf P4�{f.1 Forrtiat Attachment E Page 26 MQTER�AL 51�FETY DATA SHE�T Page 3 .li1Sl'E)�1'l'.i'[1141f71 �il[flt RCIIlI)!'CI° Printed: f 111�1'�6a� R e�i si e�ri: 101132!}0 9 Cttlt;i�!�Ci1L'�'Ti7QfTl.l7f�7I14'�1CIdT1 iti1i11CIf1:11C1'�'fbl'111SliZlllli]S1S_ �)!1 11171 aY1'C�Tl�'9�13Rn t]L�tT1C1Ll1�1 l4 31][1i1L'Ot15CltJllS parsc,n. Nafe ta Physician T�il!:P]-Ui�UGI anntains meih�'lenc clilori�£e ancl�nnth.7nr�1. "Ilri�ptt�duct cntitains metlianol kvlucli c�n cau�z irsFr»icarinn anci Lctitrai s��rGnus s4�stcm�le�aressinn. A[zlhsnol is metahnli.^�d tn Cc�rmi�acid�nd fnrm�ldci3t�de. These€ractal�olit�.s can cause mctalar��i�acidncrs,�•isuai C�15F12T�38ttCt:�5:ITYd LIII��ttufiS. Slfll'��i1tC[dI30IISt1�49 F�i�llFY�(I fi1C[IICfic[fl.\1C AL�n���trims,tftio%r aansc�t tnar•b�i�L�34'CL� fiom G tn 3t7 Iz��ESrs IselluF+�ir€��in�reslion. Ethanol cf�sn�3�les fcar Ihe sa�ne melataUlic��alh��a� and Izas Ue-en usrci lU pre�aRt Fncllasine�l rn�ial�c�tism. Gtiianaf adrrunisirn[ion is in�icaEicl in syrrzplomalic p3liinls or al blo�r�m�thanol cc�rr��ntratiosi;alrot�c Z{1 u�dl. hie�Iians�i i4 effeeti�elti retnnt e�l Us•kierriadial�•si�. :ldrenaiin shU�ld nzv��be gi�•en!�a perso�r�>��erc�spased ta rrzrt6i�•lene chlr�iid�. llleth��lcnc i'lilnrid�is ari a:tipi�atinn Ita�ard. ltisk c�f aSFrir�tinsi must!ze�mcrghi:d��ainst�trssiblc�nxicsn'nf tliu mal4rial�vilen deleranininz��helh�r ltr incluLU emesis ur lu perlorm��:�slri�la�a�e. l'his n�alerial::ensili�es!he hea�t lo ilae e[Tecls tiCs4rrPpallirarnim�lii:amines. Fpincpl�rin�and otl�er s4'm�alhe�mimcli�clru�s may iniliale cardi:�c an•iiF•#lunias in indir•ichklls e��roazd ta�lus material. l itis rnate�ial is tnetabulizecl to car6otr ntanu�irie, C'�insequeniiy,eleti�at�oris in c:airho�y}i�roin_u�nbiir as lu�h a5 50"o fia��z fa�cs�repc�s�tzd,tand lzvels rrra� eonren�ae 1t+ sis�fr±r scz���al 17r��irs�licr��r�nsun_l�ris ceas�ti. 17�ta irr c1p��imcratal anim:il'c:.u��<_>�ci tli�t�ic a r�.i�lrl�ti:mair��ir� k,,_i'...��ri•�;,n•:.:silr.;u�+�c,:_:ti.�:tn�� ;nu=.ilicsia�ncl d�ath. -- - � i �, `%t:arri�rr:st��iit��.,i�la:=.�:�fi::i�tR:;,�: „-��A GI�'S5 1118 Flash Pk: NF' Exglosiue Limits: LEL. Na daia. UEL. No data. Fire F�yhting Instruct9ans S�;II-cr�nl.�incd r4spiTal+�n prcal�clion shoula Uc;�rvviticd far[;rc lighfcrx lielaiin�,fires in buildine;.or cr�nlin�d ill'Z?5..:ilDl'il��Gd?I11i1111CYS 2ti}7�5�{I l0 Ill'C S�II�UIC�L'72����71 L'OOI 14�1��]1Vs11CTSr7C�3S'1ll pre��ent press�urz l�uitd-ug�. `;4.nr away ii�m heads s�l conlasnrrs Ihai Ir�i��e been e�pos�tl lc�in4an�t linal e�r ilamC. Flammahle Properties and Hazards NQ 11ash ia ls�nil. Conl,i4i srI liqui�l�Tr�apc�r Fvilh 11:1P71C Uf I1G1I Sl7LIi14:G3�l�ill procliice[osic ga�es:tnd:3 CUifUSiY@ fGSli�IIC Ihat F4i11 e;au,cc cic4criUr�idi�n s�l�nc;l�l. �apna�are hzar•ier tl�an�ir and�4ill te�irl tu eollect ict lo�r az•eas. Hazardaus Cnmhustaon Products Th�rrn�l cicccsniprnilion 63r cnmhu.stinn map��rflcluoc h��dmQcn�a7loridc,chlarin�,,phos�enc,and oxid�:�of.:arlaun_ Extinguishing Media Use s:arbon din�itle,dn•po�vd�r.w:iler spr;ir•,or l�am. Unsuitahle Extinguish+ng Media i�arsc l.nntsn. . + � - Steps Ta Be Taken In Case Material ls Released Ctr Spilfed Isalatc the itnmzEiiale aa'eci, P�et�ent unairthnrizecl c-tit�y,Eliartinatz alI saurees of�igr�itinn in aa•ea asic�do4vntviitc£of' t1iL spill arca. Stay up�sind,aut rrFln+.v ar�;as,�nd�cniilate eln��ei spa�cs bctnr��ttte2�n€. ;ltl L'CIIII�NYIL'11T lI5[:� whcTt haridling,clus}�°oderr.F must 1��.�,rnurid�;e�eit nnts-spa�lcin€. 17�r not ttnich ns•kvai�:tl�rn�gl�spil3cd rt�atetiai. 5top�Eak if�'au wan do;sn�ritl�oui rish. Prcr�cnl�:nln inlc��4alcnva]�s,sc�mcrs,or i:canlin�d areas.:l vaprrr supprc;ssing fiaam ma} b�GiS��I lo rcducc r•a�ars. .�lbsurL�ar co�cr��iQ�clry cartli sand,or estl�cr non-�umhusiiUi� m�itesial aici�l transies tu cn�rap<itit�le cotitainers. Licensed io W.M Barr and Company: MIRS MS�S,{c)A V SysPems,Inc. AAF512404f.t FormaE Attachment E Page 27 MATE��AL SAFETY DATA SHEET Pa�e' 4 .1i151't)�1'43l'llufll �71if1��C13'll1L'L'Z' Printed: f111�ro-U9 Re�isien: 101132�609 • • . � i .i ` Precaut9ons To Be dakere in Handling Rec�il careliili�•all caution;�and direetsoas an prodGSCt label beiarz usi. 5ince em�ly cnntaincr rel:�'sns re4is�uG, I(3]]l1�4'illt I:111C�1VSSTllIR�,9 C'�v'CR iil�I�f'liC)RIi1SI1CP 15 E•ITiF7IV. F�BS�]f}SL'i)�t"�]Z�lt�'Li41RIA1fILT itCCUPC�I�I�IC1�711 TL'S,�L1�ilI�lU(]S. []n fint r�use tl»s eontainer. :lvflicl sontact s�iih c�•cs,skin,and clo�hici�. 11'ash#l�arou�hly afts;r Izandlin�,*. :1 sourc�of el.an e�ater should hc kcpt in thc iinm,:diatc wnrk�r�a fnr�lusl�in�nfthc cacK and sl:in. �CCp 34VaA'L-0[FI IiCill,sparks,llarrae,;ind any�nll7er snier�e ol-sbn.iiion. l7n n�,►:,mnke�vlsen snr•GVh�r�nzar th;s materi:�l. CTrnund and hnncl�oniain4rs��•15�:n n•ansferri37�marcrial. Do not u�e in cr��Eine�l spacc;s,Uas4menls.balltrr�oms.elc.Fvh�re vapo�s 4::n L�tsild up and etplo�le i�igirilnd toy an 7�,Il l Y14F1 4G 0.11'C��. �'a�nrs are.heavi�r li�an air arrd will cnlleot in loN�ar�as_ Precauticzns Ta Be Taken in Stori�tg S[ore in a eooi p�ax�e in arigirsal corriainer an[l prol��l 1r[rm sesnli�hl. �apusure[o hi�i lem�eralures r3r�r�lon�e[1 e�pnsure to cun ma4 causc can tn leal:d�r s�vell. t7nce apened,�emn��ez tihnuld Ue use�3�wit➢iin si�rrtnntkis or �n�c���er1�•disp�sed nf tn at°«irI�an det�iiclr�tion. I)n nfli storz near flarnzs nr at�levatcd t�mjreratui�s. I:�cp c.nntaincr ti�ht3}�4lnaNd Evhcn nnt'sn us�. •• r • • • • Respiratary Enuipment(SpecifyTypea Fcrr r�ccasinsial cnn�umcr usc-iisc wifl�a�l�quatc���ni'slation tn prcvent a E�uild-up ofL�apnrs in Lnnfin�d a�•caa. l]�en a�indo�vs or posi4i�n Ians lo protidc cro�s venlilation. IC a rnild la s�rang odor is nalieea�le.tienlilation is nol;tclec�ualn. i�or USI I.�contsoilecl 3rart;pdace and crtltzr regular usc��:-L'se only s4itls aticquate v�srtilation u€icl��•esigineerctl ais• �ontrnt s�si�m,zicaienc.d tc�p�•cvessl excu�.din�.+pp�•npriatr`fT.Vs. rnrc�ccasieanal usc,t�hcr�.�n�ine�sY.d air conirn#is r,nt feasii7lc,us�pi°np�rl���tiai�ylaan�cl ai�d prcaperli�fitt�d`�IIC)SI-�a��pr�vcd st.1f-crrnt�in�^ci hrc�[liing ap��ralus lor�lilr�rinaEc�cl salrron!va�ors. .a dust niask[lrevs nal proi�i[lL profcc9ic�n a�ain�l va�ors. Eye Prot�ction Snfi ly'glassns.a:l�emical�oggles,nr[:�ce sliieldti ure reconimendr�]icr sateguard ci�ainsl p�ler�tsal eye ooni7s:l, i�-ritatii�n,r�r'snju���. ('ontact lenses si�ou�d rial he Frai�si Frhi9z wrn�kin�,x�itki Lhu�niealz. Pro#e�tive GEoves �r1'Lar�low�cs nilh as muc3�resislanc� lo ll�e ch�ins�al in€�r�di4nls as�os�ibl�. LaminalL film�lors:s ulli�r tl7c b�:sl prc�tcclson.[3lh�r;;lnvc maieiiais�vil]U4 d��rad�d�re•m4•lh}ltnc clilnrisk.Uul ma� pru+��icls:�rs�i�ctic�a!ar ssam� timtauni oftiine.b�sed on�lic dy�s�rsCglr��'e ar�d�Ite cc�ncliti�ns ol�use. [�sansul[�'our c+Jnti�e:�upPlier[�r aa¢tciiti�ntil in-i'�vmation.C�Povea conl�minal�d�ri[1a proclucl shai��ci bc ciiscarded a�ci n�t rct�sed. i?ther Protective C4othing �'.li7C]LlS:1g7�]S1CNt117T7 d11i:�t�il7l{y L'.7t1 CI1L;E3l�L U5�OI�i4lt�liliTlY:1�11f13�C�ti�fV�safei��aq�i]rrTi�.nt.sucti as impntTttcaf�lc tiprons.rl�,,I��tnirumi[r r�posurn. Licensed to W.M Bxrr and Cqm�any: MlRS AA5�5,{c)A V Sysfems,inr.. AN31 Z40{f,i Forma[ Attachment E Page 28 MATER�AL SAFETY �ATA SHEET Pa9e' S Jascc�Frcmiurn �uint Rcriaa►�ec Printed: 1111�J12GQ9 Reuisirm: 101132Q69 Er�g9neer�ng Cn�rtrofs(Ventflatfon etc.] Lisw cmlt tvilh acicyualL 4��nlilatian la psa:vcnt buildu�c�l�:�p�rs.Dn nc�l us:.in rrcas r�hcr4 vi4�ars caa acca�mulal� ancl conceiitratG,such as baKernznts,batkunoin:�m srsiall enc3os�cl�reas. li'hcrie�c.r pnssihle,usc nutc�nnrs in an np�n air area_ If usin�iri�lr�nrs ngen all«<iatdo�ti•s arid cloc�rs and tnaintain a crns5 4cntilatinn nFmrri•ing ftcsli air:i�:rnss the�r•ari:arca. If sYtrmQ,adnr is nnticed nr you�4�icrYence sliulil dicaincsa,h�adaciic,naus�a or cyc-����cring--STC3P--4�nlilalion is inackc�ualc.Lcavc arca imn��slialcdy and mcr4c!o lr�sh air. Cise y�roaGsS enelosures,Pa�al vxliau.�l venlil.ilion,ar��thar en�in�ering�anlrols tEo-4onlro!�irUarn�l�vels l�elaGr rc•cnmrncsid�;d c��nsur4 iisrtits. WorklHygieniclMaintenance Practices .�Snurs;e�I-�;leasn waler sl�sru�tt be a�•ail:�ble in Ihe�vor�:arc:i it�r Ilushinb Ul tl�e e�•es:if1il SIiIR. lt'ach liands t]aot��uglil_y afler i�.sz. I]a�i��t za1.drinl:.o�smake in the��ork ar�ea. F3cinsc i°cusu_tkinsnughl�,�cli:an am�clnlitin�nr prnt�ctivc.eyuiF�tntitst ifi�i laa�hc�n cc�tstatnin�t�:�3 h��rarinr°usc. �}i�:_.i�,l.ui� �I„il,in�_� �;r �•il�cr�arr�C�clicc cqui�rrninl llial�an��{bc tlr�onlai3unaE�.,�.:•.G�n :,;l ,.��� •:�r.��,• r •�- - - ,;ic,,l �t.R':c.:: [ ]Gas [X]Liquid [ )SoEid M�e#tiiny Fpint: Pko data. Bailing Point: �lo data. Autaignitir�n Pt: f�fa data. Flash Pt: NP Explasiye Limits: LEL Na da1a. UEL Na data. Speca#ic Gravity(Water=1): 9.75-1fl.08 Density: 9.948 LSIGL Bulk density: Pdo da1a. Vapor Pressure�vs.Air or mm HgJ: 25 1v1M HG aY 68.C}F{2CI.fl CJ Va�or Density(us.Air=1}: No data. Evap�rathan Rate{vs Butyl }1 Acetateal): 5aluisility in Vhfater: No data Percent Volatile: 97.4°/a VaC 1 Ilatume: 172.OUa0 GIL Heat Value: �lo data. ParticEe Size: N6 daia. Carrasinn Rate: �Po c7ata. pH: 'IO.0- 1fl.5 Rgpearance and Odor ('I�ar tsr�vliitc�.nlnr. i • � Stabiliiy: tlnstable[ ] st��ie�x� Conditians Ta Avoid-Instability Nn daia availaUlz. Licensed to W.M.Bxrr and Company: MIRS M5�5,{c)A V Sysfems,inc. ANS6 iA0�4.1 Formaf Attachment E Page 29 MATERIAL �AFETY DATA SHE�T P�9�' r .JiISCR} �Tl'.t'1711Jfll �il[flt RCI1]LY!'L'1' Printed: 1111�C�6�9 Revisie�r�: 1 D113f2�109 f!1 C81T9 p3#I h I I I LaV'-M2t@i't315 T4 A V41 fd '�SiCUIi1F3S�1f711'44�1��1 StTDflz;S3t1C�IL1tiL:i�.i�[IIS;hd5tia;5�CUIlL�1Li5�1CS;S�I[3RL a'L'1{I5.C3\�'��4'P.17II1�i7�L°L11�7k�lUVSIC. Y'C8L'hl'Z ti5�T1�S 511C�1 a5 7�i1ltt1It11[il�fItY.�TTlil�[i[:51.[1Y21;?i{7C11U1tY;�1pT8R5lllltt;aFiC�.t11h7C ii�Cl(�. Hazardaus�ecampasiticsn�r Byproducis 17.cnrnp�rsitic3�a iroia�•}�rnduce carhom m�nnxirl�anc]carhnn clin4idc,h�,•c�rngen elaln�idc_chlrsrinc�aG,and srnall quantities nf'phox�?cnc. Hazardous Polymerizatinn: Wi11 t�ccur{ � Will riat occur�}C] Cor�dit9ons Ta Avnid-iiaaardous Pnlyrrierizatfan i�lr��lal:t 3vail3hle. • a •a � � 1�11:4(77Ylf�lli:l f185 i101 1]C2T7 t2�5��C1 a��1V��1L]�C. �t1fC1t771.1tI�T1 tTZICJLL'R`Il�t7C t133'II'Ii�lViljl3�1 iIig,PiljlZTllS. nr�ch.�tcnc c�h�orid�: .aCi?T�'I'L71�['I'�'I': LC'i�l Ital irahalalion i2 r�r�L�1 hrs [.I)A(}RaE ural 9H�-1C�i}l]:rsg kg ;iltiliV['[)hl2()Si[)�'il2i{l1 r1l[f);1J: Sl(]m� 2�hr s�kin�•ahbii-sc.�•tr� 10[1 m�r24 hr skin rahhit-an«dcratc SERI[7t�S L�"E i�;l'�9:1t:E�IIZRIT:aT[Cs\: 1G?m�eyes ra�bil-moclerale l l}mg ey�s ral>k�ic-mil�l �U(1�t�k'?�1 tu�ctes r:iUiait-T�aild I<P.'iFI12:17'[JRl'[7It SI�:Iti SPN:iITT?:�T[(k';: Nnt a resp�ratosti�c�rslcsn sc€iait's�.er. :tSi'I12.1"l'I(]i�H:l'f.;lftl): !l:t�.th5'l�+nti cfilnricle dncs pres�nt an aspiratinn ha�arci. nfLT:IGE'.s1i'TJ.1I�.a: Yosili�e resulls har�:been ohservec�in thG Ames Lest. I�mamnulian syslems,respr�Frses haw°e�enerall�,��een ne�ali�•e. [1[!il'N()'1't):'�IC'I il"; ,-1 StutiY found ti7ere�r•as ns�e�idenc�nfliai�i fo t3ie itntnune Svstc�n rrf labn��atsn�• animals ar r�rIiiced al�iiity to crrml�t cli�ease. NN:L�irf l'�{]\[{'l d 1'� '1'cst�in�•atc indieat�ncs si�nifrcant n�:urntrslic.ft�ct,aftcr L�pnsurc to c{anc�.nt��atinns uaa to �.U[lfl�a]�m fnr�1{?cla!,•s. �n ricmi3tntiic�f��:c¢s 3iak�U�.en nhsi+r��d iTi liu�rasns at l�'pical r�ccu��atiui�.d axpnsiu•c le��tils. DEGF:LE=)P':1¢,N1'AL�RLIE2C)L)Li[`TIVE: Ncr signilicanl dcecl�r�rracnl:�l cflecls«•cra;r�t�scrrccl in lcm�jlc ral:?ansl ttris;z e��r�setl tn l,��s{l���am tl�uing�estataon. ,a si:nila:�resul9�vas obse�vzd in rats e�porscd a��SU[7 ppyn Liel'��re ari��cl�u�ing�ZSt1hQt3. ,-1 t�ru-gzncrafiots itslaalation study�sl�nt�edno aclz•es'se r�ir�clucriti�e et�zcts in r:�i4 expu5e�1 Ia as much as i,5ili3 ppm fnr 14 wuai�s. (';lit{'IPI{)[TY�r'S t':l"1'l�S �1�.Fla�;'lcn��.lili:3�i�1�is�arcinr�csric ii��.t�7�rirr�vntal atiirnals at a r�:Istitict� lii�ii rinsc, UV FVil�t:(s}c>I�aciminislrs�licar�.;sl si.li{s},aClusloloti�i��Pe[x).or hy mccl�anisAn{s)tliai arc ncrd con�icicre�l ivlrvant lrs�v«rl.cr cxpasurc. :lc ail;�b9c epislcminlo�ical sfudi�s c14�nol cUnlirni an increas�d sisk c�l sanccr in hurnans. .availal�ie��idence sug,�ests tiiat this material is ttot likel�•in uause ca:icer in huPtsans escepf unclzr sm�iamrsion ai• unlixal� roui�s r�r le��els�l�c:rp�sura. �Pwtlaannl� :3CLJTE TOIIC`I`i�', LI�Sc)I�a!oral 5628 m�,kg. LC'i4.1 FL;rI inh,•tla[ion 63[�i�b�apn}�d hr Li�S{j Rill ETf�7.1�811UT4 S�.�Illc�.]�fj IV �_�}�{1'11ou�i nral 73{1[Y a�r�,�;I:g Sk1I;i l'C)Rlt[)Sl[Y�`[KRFC:'11'I[)N: I.1771)Iishlai t deiYtiai 1�,SiYtl riag;kg h�r SCI�IC3US���L»!Ir\GL• IRRIT.aTTta�: :�fvll�anc�l is a aiild l�m�c�s;ri�l�c�'4.sml'ant. Licensad to1N.M Barr and Company: NIiRS M5�9,{et A V Sysfems,inr.. ANSI P40{f,1 Format Attachment E Page 30 MATERIAL �AFETY DATA SHE�T Pa9�' � .�iISCR) �l�l'.['[lllJf�l �il[flt RCI7}Ll�'L'1� Printed: f 111�!'�6U9 Revisie�ri: 1 D113R609 ���'.�i��a�1�:1�t)F�.�'t)I�St.��`.1}'.ti�i���I'.:�Z��}"+��: �:131 3 T�ti�Yll':3FOYl'C11�:s�iffY SCIISIL17.L9' :lSYIlt;1 l'[[71�H,�L�:1IZ1� �t�tltanr�➢��rc��:nis sn as�>isatinTi ltazai•d_ A•fLT.�CiL�`It'D.37'.�: 'tio tlala. rn�,n�vc�7-4��uc•rr��: �E�a���. NLI�"ItC]I C��Ic_'I1}': �n ereLpastirre tU rnclli<inal lias bec�i su�ge�tecl as ctutaing centaal ne�vr�it��vsfem daan�ge in lab��ralar+���animala. 13N:\'F:1.[l1'StYN7'.11.'l�F:l'F3t.7171;{.11�'1•:: 'I"lii:inl7alatinn r�fmc�l�annl h}pregnarii rnd�nts lhr4juehnuk tlic�ic:iiod oF�rnl�ivn�LncsiS indu�ui a widc�ang�:«fvc�nc�riira4iutt-dcp.snd�nf[cra�tog�nic.a�d e.�nl�z�•al�tl�al clt�Gts. �4r.ihaa�U1 h.tis�:ausc�3 birliz d�;Icc4s in l:abnr:+lnn�arumals,bu!Un1�'tv�hraa inhal�d.it cxts�mtl}'tti;�h�'npoa cvncsnlr��iivsu�. Ti7c rLtc;van�c of Ihis Gn�ing lr�humar��i:s un�criain. t",�FtCIh1[][3�N STAT`L?S; There is no evidence 4�rom ariirnai slu�lie�la suggest rttefhanc�l is a carcinogen. Steiddard Snit•v�nt_ :lt'i i'17t C[)X14'S 15"; LL}5{) I�ai oral 3�4.G1)f)na��k� LC'S41 Ital lnlialailir�n >2I.-4f10 m�'m3��hrs LI]itl I�ahlril skin 1�,�}(1(1 mg'kg �IIIN C[?RR(]:iI(�?ti. II{ItiIT.{TI�7;�': I'riman�c�ennal sludics(�hr a�pavure)in r•shhits ulilir�ng rnineral s�i�il� cnritainin�lzss tliara?Oa.irnru7atics resultesi in sli�iit lm m�dcs•at��I:is�irri[atinn. 51�:12ii71?.i�'.��: I'J:�1I:�CiI'. IIZIZI I:��It}'.\:IIS S�S tt11T1llYZ 1tSEi3IdllOii�]Z17{1(l,21'C ifClC:l[S{1Y5,C:�l:ll':IL'I�ilZZLI.1ti.7 '��i1°�ll 4�11'[1GS8,LVaS ii:jlbik[;L�lil i1111 i7f Y�1\5%6J�UIIS.GC�TS{i1�4:.5?7_4)� }'F�iiIS}7l 1�J�E7PCF1{'�{]U Rl'%�l!ITi�..�l�7ty P�ITi 4"�7Vatl m�;eu in),n�ular iiritation�r•as r��bitcd h4•ail si���nlunt�cix_ R1S�'dR4T[�R1°(71t SKI\S�?vSITU.�T�(7N: �i�in scnsiti�alion Fva�nnl uEi�lent in enima4 sl�aeli�s. .1SP�it;1TI[:]N I�a7:�RI]: Thi�;matriia��res�nls an aspiraiinn liae�r�l. A11-C:1(ilstiiC`17,11.1: ;*��n da1a. [\�[.14['h�(3l'[)\l�'111`; tin�ta. i�]F:L FZCJY[�`iic.-'IT�'� Rcp�eied rE��asurc tcr wlcti�ate.d c�rnc�.ntratac�r�<nt�ht�drncariiais snl�cnts can��rodu�.�3 yaricts•aftransi�°nt['NS et��.;ts{�:.Q.._d4��4n��s,I��acSacl�..nar�r}sis,crc.) L7L�'�;LC]P-?t-iEN1',4L:RLPI+I_117lif'Tl'l•T,: There ti�ere nri lr�almenl-relatecl eliccls r�n Pregnanc� r.sle,ertor3�sli1� rx �ross prr�t marlem ral?senalicm.�a in.�rtiraal sluclins ulilating min�ral spirits canlaining lrss t1i�n 2°io��rc-trraatiws. [n �uivr�and in viSrn studies t�n mincral sf�i�it�c:antainin�up lo?Z"u arnmailic5 incli�ate tiiat tilzcsz jn�dueth are n«t P Ztli]S�il.tl G' t::��TiCI�C7tiF•.N ST':l-ILTS: l'15eri is inacf�.quatc c4idene�F`nr thti cai�cinon,:.nieiry nf�aetrnl�am snl��ents in liuman�. rinimal stu�ics Piave indivai4d ihaf[h.;rc m��•la�srrmc cs�sdenc�nf carcina�cruic �ctii•°itr,�irr male ra�s �lill Iip C\�Ii�CR�C lii�CLllil�C f.11!+, ,�IO}'Y l:,ryfCIRpF��CNI:�fUICIlI.l.l�Yg S11.�+�tiGICCI Lli a lac�:ol��cnr�ta�.ic Pcrlenlia.l iclenlil%ucl in in�ir;o and ia t'ilrr_�G�er�zti�to�icil�• l�slh. Y (]17[f:K AI)4'i�.h.Sl•:I�:I�E�I�:("!5: t'lirnnic cYFZCtH GFi1lgGtitlOTi�tt(13llI17iC(�l1�ttL 3ti�31i'3TiGfi Of IT1111�1'aI!i�}li'IZti 1171�]IIIC lun��naay'cause�neuma[oce3+:(lung c:aviSy}forntatiun and cfu��ni�ltutg c�t•s�i�unction. Chronic TQxicolagfcal Effects E�ept�¢�ts liave assncia4ec]re�eated aEj�l�rnlos�ge�nccupalioriai nveretprz�ur�e Ln sal�'etrts�4'illi i�re�'ersiUPe ha•ain and Yl�[R�`l]ll5 Sj`ilZi'il(�3TL1.1�[:. CarcinogenicitylcJther Information Nv dai;�:a�•�ilahlc;. Hazardnus Cam{�nnents ZCharm�ical Narne� �AS# NTP IARC ACG9�1� �SMA 1 ��chloromethane {Methy7enechlaridz} 75-65-2 Passlb9e 28 A3 Yes Licensed to W.M.Baer snd Cnmpany: FAIRS MSOS,{c}R V Sysfems..Inc ANSI r40{f,4 Fornia[ Attachment E Page 31 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHE�T P��� � .JiISCR} �1'l'.t'CliUfil �"sl[Ilt RCII]LY�'L1' Primed: 1111�rEo-U9 Re�isi�r�: 1 D113,2�309 Hazardous Cnmpanenfs(Chemlca!Name) CAS# NTF IARC ACGSH O5HA r. Metaianol {Methyl alcohcd: C�artand, Wood 57-56-1 n.a n_a n a n a. slcohol} ,, �staddard=_�Ivent JMine�sl�pirits. .A,"rpha!ic Sfl5?-¢1-3 n.a. n.a. n a n c p�,�,_��ur�I.`::!il;;�t�.. ..._..�. rir<<� I� ' i i p � 'n� . ! _,uii�•ii;�.u�,n;i:,iil.ii�l. f:i� �In;,�,.,��iucl:ti u s�hirlc. �4rlhvltn�C'illorid4: T[J`.�C.IT-5�': LCStI 31[}ms;L 9G lus fsialie�Pail3�ad:�linn�t�:F.C'S�}22U n��e L J(+13r�fsiali�}13iuciill Surrlisli: LCiii 75�m�L�(hrs'1•[ysid�3uimp _ PPRSISTL'rr�.E A�'I3 L�EGF�.�Q,��filF_.ITI': [I'rr•l�:is�ti[c��ir.u u•apt,r prcvsur�of"�13�mt�II�al?�d��C irrdicatcs rJiciiirnamctharic�4i11 o�ist,�nl�l� aa a tiapna•iti fh�;.imhictu asitiospli�rc_'11roia�natci7a� rcl�:ase�tu tlic altttc��:�rlsVi•c�siil r1Ge�ade b��re�cticsn 3s�itl�lt�drn�yt raclic�is willt a iiali=life n£sca�wral an�mikis. 11 is not suhjecl tr� c�ircct phntao�idati�n, []n lancl is txgacl�:d lo L4'apc�r7tc ragislly inic�Ihc atm�sPilta��:r�ur t�iEs lugh 4•ap�r pres�urc, ai is Pavrlt ;+clsori�4d i�svil as�d can lcactr inl�ll�c�nsundwatcr. Calculll�d.�dxs�rpli�n C'oil�'PCi�n1 {lne I:[7C 7 is 1. This malerial i:s su�teel lo rari�l er;aporaRion,�ailti es[imateci����aperrali�e hald=ii��es ranging Iiom 3 Ics 5.ti herur5 unc3er mr�4l�rale mi�:ing condilinns. T'lvM mnl�;ria�has tro n�•gtsgil?1e rala o1'h1'alrolysas. [3iod�:oi�datinn ma� «cc:ur in�rt�un�f���at�r.lrul n�ill hz��Cli'ti�(]S0 Ci]iTll]:li�{�i'4'11I1 tV��nratinn. [31{].t(�C�I!�4I�!I.:��I'L'�',Y�)I�',N II;'1I.: �310i:C1lIC:G15I�'dliilti�7i1Iu't1i1+�I Sll:1Cf17:111[:C51'Q:1E115Ti1S 1S IC]W 4V11�1 I3C'I'nf Z. hf[�IiILITl'L't S�:]IL: If rclsas�-cl ts�sail,eCichloromt4hanc is a;;��c�;tiel to haw��vcn'lu�h int�triliky�U:tse;¢i u�can an �stirn�tcJ Itioc�Y��t. c�TIL�R AZ7�tiR�L LTFLCTS: ivQ d�la. �P�ilaanol: -I'tYli['I1'7': lietliannl is nfln��•ls�4icitr•fo ayuati�nsganisms.1.C'�fl Yirr�e�ilrales psmnelati(fa[heati nri�vfows) 24.�n:fJ4G he.{ZR-Zcl da�'s rflr]}.canfidene�liflt�t=?R.5-31?.�:Tcai crrnditiattti_1[atce tcntp= ZS c1e�['_.�issnl��ed cs4-��e�n=7.3 mo l.,Fratcr hardnr�s=�3.5 m�'I cat�iwn carbanar�.a1l.aliniM�=�(S.C,calcium c:ri•bn�iate_tanf: r,•r�lume �i.3 L.adc�ilinn� �.71 i L).pII 7.ti��(i1.1:13). . P�RSISTL�;CE A\TJ C]�;d TF�.�p;�III3_.IT1": [f relc:as;ad le�ihe�In�ospl��:re.ti r'apnr pres5urr of 1?7 n7m I�s�:�l 2.i deg[''sndi�ate5 tl3ai melhanal��•sll�ti�t�rrlch�iti the ua}�ur ph�se_.1'a�ir�r p�ia�c meitiannl is degi.l�iad in Ihe attTba�:;j�lse��e ia}'reactis�n F�illr lrlintcrclrerni�ally'-Firaduced l�t�drnt�'1 radi�:als;tl�c half=life fi�r tlsia r�actisyn itr air is cstimatcd tn hc 17 dat•s. V�slatiliz7�isan frc�m moist cnil�uri��r�is�tiprctcd tn f�� an inipoiYant f7t� prnc�s�bascd u�,un a l icnn''s 1.aFV cnrrstant c3f�.5��1(}-f,airn-cu rn:mn1L_llctlianol maw'alsn v�ilatili7.e fi��m dr�•snils 4�asi:cl upon il�aprrr�ress�ue.Bio�legr:icl�lis�n c�l m�ll�anol i�soiIs as e��+ecicsl to t+cc�r ra{sid3} bas�cl�sn hall=li��es in a svtdl sill l�:sn�iio�n I'exas anil a ssind� IiTam Ii-t�m lfississippi c�I l:mGl 3,2 sliy's. r�s,�ecti�'ely.Il relc�asnd inio tvatcr.si:etlaanol is nQt expected[o ac3x�rrla in 4usg�cTide�1 solscls and sz�iiment Uased ups�n tlte ewtimated ICa�. ��rslatil�z;�iiat�frpsn�vater sus3aces is cip�cl�d lo�e an irn�aclarit Fatz��roczy�l�a�sed upon tlur��om�7r�und's Hcni�''�[.a1v canstant.1-:stimutcc�t�«latili�atinn ha4f=1i4•:s For a mcrdcl rivcr ancl mnciri 3ukL.jrr. 3 anci 35 rlavs_ itis�e�trtvl�•.13'sndi�radatian is eti�rcct��t��uccu�in natural�tiatcrs sincc rnctiiant3!is cicgradcd t�llll:IiZl'iti:ii}1�9 :IRS�I��i3g�l1CtC�.C�S".IS�C[�TiI�YI(���1R 1•'.117UUR iICi41CCliLS SCfCCIiiR€�C5�5 1181R°_.�Ckti3�C tiCC(�C.t�:iti�1Y':�ll:ij S�lf(��C. I-I}cirn�r,sis of-rn�Uaano�ancl pl�t�ir31}si�s in suril�d 3sarf.tcv tv:�t,;rs�rc,nr�i ��{�ecl�d sincL mvth.+nvl lacks funclinnal �re�ups If�at are ausc��,�til�tr ta ln•�U�IZSiS r1�ph�[nlysis uniizr en*�iratun�ntal ionc3itiaTSS. I31f7.�C'C'Li?�iLrL..a l Iti'L Y�J1�L?v[I.4L; 13L'1�talues c:tic;s tlzan 1[l,me�scu�il in fiali�u}��sts hior�sn�enY��atian in aquatic r�rgani�rrss i�Ic�t�. �1S[�}31I_I'I"s' d\S4)ff_:If rcicasc�9 tn snil,rnc�Pian41 is c���euted to liavc��crv hi�h rnoUilin'k�as�;d upr�n ari eslimal�El Itiri�nl 1. Studc#a�'[r Solti�ei�i: Tti:f_`�Ic�TT�': Th's5 miature contain�component��ha�are pofentia�l} �rt+tic t�fresh�+,alar and c�1lwNl�recas��slems, I liis mat..�tial snai h�liar•mful tn.iquaric nrgani�stns and nzay�4.auuc lnx��,tctYn aclv�.isa cffec.t�i:e il��:ac�ual'sc Licensed to W.M B�rr and Campany: MIRS RA5�9,{c)A V Sysdems,inr.. AAF31 P40(f.1 Forma[ Attachment E Page 32 MQTERaAL 51�FET`1r` DATA SHE�T Pa�e' � .li1Sl't)FI'4i'[11Uf71 �iliflt RCI73l)!'['I° Printed: I IIi�C��79 Re�isie�r�. 10I132Q09 �;T7i�91-Ot11Ti�,°f I I_ ['H:1t5dS'D 1:'�:C'�:.rt;�I)1?F:Li1�,�I];Lf3I1.I l'�'� l'Iris ma[ai�ial tivill nrn'tr�sllj't�C7�1�7TY F4'BII:Y. C�(Sfi3�IS7t7�}lt5 G4f�E et•apcirat�raPddl��. B1ti=�;�CC'L�1lfLJLAIZVE PC]TENTI.4L: Thc�cl:�n�rl-�oaicr par#ilicrn cocdlicscnl for Ihis m�lcnal is�sp�clrc!to b� in tlie ratz��t�f Z.!Tn S, 1_1.iCa�3ILITI'I'��Sc]IL: n'o clat.s. {}�1'1-if:1Z:II3�'N I�SY:F�:�'f�H:t"I'S� No data. i •• e a - � UVaste�isposal Method L7ivPnse'sn ac�nrxl:�ns;e 3�ilh applicahl�irr�al.s!alc,and I�der.tl regulaliuns. ECcc�3 nut rif lrn�iics t�f�y�:�t�r. �i, •. • �a�ra T�aNSPa�r tus oor� �{�T P�oper 9hipping Name Paint Related tsrTater�af �+RT Flaz�ird Class: 8 flOT Hazard Lahel: CC7RR�7S`IVE UNINA iJumber: UN3C��5 Packing Grnup: II LA44D 7i2ANSPDRT[Canadian TDG� UN Nurnber: 3afi6 Packing Group. II Additiortal Transport infarmatinn F'rtr f}.C)_T.infrn�natintt,cnntact 1�_�I.T�arr Technscal:icnfices at 1-SIl(1-398-3:{�J?- The sup}�ti�r ma} appl� erne ot lfin li�iiowi€��s�sce�slians:Combrxslibtr•Lie�uicl,Cnr�.sG:mer i'ommaclil�.Lir��ileci �uantil��,�`iacnus I.iyuid,1}oes tint Sustai�a i'nmi�ustion,oa�oth�is,a4 allncti�zd�sn�lc:r-!9C'1�12 1Ia�mat i�egulatirms, Yieasc cnt�sult#9{'i�l2 SulrcPtajat�r('tn znsure that subsequzTtil slai��ments cnrri�ity�t�itla tPiese c�c4.pt;nnv. LimiPed 4�itanlilies ot 1 liEer ar lass niat be all��a�cl�lcpenc}ing r�n Ili�m�de of Irsn�pori��lian. Reler lo�}a C PR. Ih�iDG Cc��lr r�r I�Tr1 Dxnguresus(=rnods Regulalaans Iiar iitis initnlnalicm. 'i ■ i ! IJS EPA SARA Title 111 }tazardous Cnmpnnents(Chem�ieal Nama} GAS# Sec.302{EHS} Sec.344 R4 Sec_313�TRI� Sec.17fl 1. Dachlwvmelhane {Methylene chlor�de} i5-69-2 No Yes 100D LS Yes Yes 2. Methanal (Methyl alcohd: Carbind: Wvad 57-58-1 Nv Yes 5006 L8 Yes �10 alcvhol} 3. 5[oddard solveni �Min�ral s�iirits: Allpha[ic 8052-d�1-3 Nn No No Petrdeum Ofsiillafes;Wf�ife spirits] US EPA CAA,CWA,FS�A i�axardous Cnmporients�Ghemical�tame� CAS# EPA CAA EPA CWVk NP�ES EPR LSCA CA PIROP fi5 1. �icMlcxomedhsne {Mefhylene chlonde} i5-0�-2 HAP� Yes InuenPcxy.SA CAIR Yes 2. hM1ethanol (Methyl alcohd; Carh�nd; 4Vood 67-561 HAP� In�antary al+.ahol} 3. Stoc€dard sdvent{Minersl s�,irits; fUipl�alic Bfl52-41-3 Na �nvenfory Petrdeum Dis4illates:White spiri#s} Licen�sed to W.M.Barr and Company: MYRS MSOS,{ca A V Sysfems.Inc. ANSf Z40{1.1 Formzif Attachment E Page 33 MATE�aAL SAFET`Y DATA SHE�T Pa9�' �� .l'siltil't)FI'l'I[11Uf71 �"slill��Cf7311!'Ci° Printed: 1111�12G�79 R e�i si or�: 10/9 321709 SA�A{Supertund Amendments and Reauthnrization Act of 198fiy LisYs: Sac.302: CPASAIZATitlellE�ectioix3f]2Cxhzniel<<Tl�ar�irnx�Clienucalw�ilzTPf} *i�xr}icateslt7UU� Ll3'1'Y4 ifnol volulile. Sae.30ti: LF'R SAR.+�TitIe If[S�crirn3��}�l C�R�'LA Re3wrt�l�e � Scc.3�2 witli Rz��nal�ahle[�ua�iIIt}�. " i�tcti��;ites shutuic� F�Q. Sec.3'13: CP:1 5.�1R;�1 Ti[1W 19I S�ctit�n�13 T�ti�R�lease Inr�enlon.!vi!le:-f'u!inrlic.tias u mernl�r[�f� �liemitul 4talr�ory. Sec.7'10: L•PA:+.°.R.:l E t4 Su�>zrfimtl Sitv F'rionf}•�'ontainiiu'�aeE List TSGA[Toxi�Substar�c�s Gontral Act)Lists: Invtii�tory; i=72�itica�Listed in l�i�Tti�'q l��cenic�n•. SAf2}: L:h,.•miraF Sui�j,:at m Significanf Nc«Riil�1 SN[IRS} 6AI L4�mrrtc��u.d C'}tcm�c+il C'imlrnl Kidrs 8R: 'fn�iz�Sulasr:�imr�Suhj�ul�'n fnt�+minrion Rtdec�ir E�roducrie,n SA CAIR: L.�Pii1�iCCIl�ilRlVti."�5%•�F�9I1�i1I IIII[�1113:1I3(M Rk1�cs-PCA€3�) 8A PAIR: I'��IiFEUn�uy:lss��nenl InLi+nriai.iun Ridz;:-[P_iIRI SC' Rtcnrr.Itia���Allc;;alit�ri�i�f Si�,rnli�i•;inl.�cl4�crst kr.ticlivn� 8L1; Ila�jlt}i;�ruE tiuf l�Ll�ila RLpixluieR��9e� 8D TERhM1_ I1�;ilUt:uid Ssfzh UtAtu Rrp�errLig f<iEle Tznnun�tioft� 13�b1: ti;±licc uf E:,par1 i7thec lirpartant Lists: CWA NPDES: FI';�Cl�an 4G':3r�r Act NYE]F.5 Pennir Chmnicnl CAA t�AP: F.P,�C'fcan.�ir A�:�Ha�arrlrnis Air P��Iiou2nr CAA O�DG: F:P.�Cl::an tAtr Aeti f 1'rtme f7.^pletirtg[:9semic&]i;i=i'}-[.'.2=H{;F('I CA PRQP S5; i'�liE�anm�k�ra�;��.e�ili�n t�� Internat�onaf Regufatory�ists: EPA Hazard Categories: Thi;�inaEcnal mc�ls lhc EP.4'I�:szard l'atc!�ori�s'dclinccl Ior SARi�,TiE14 III Srclicrn�311 31?as inclicalca. [Xj'Yes f ]Na Acute(immediate')Heait�Hazard [Xj Yes i ]N❑ Chrc�nic(de�ayedJ H�alth Hazard � ]Yes [X]M1Jo Fire HazarcE [ j Yes [X]No Sudden Release€af Pressure Hazard [ j Yes [X]hlo Fieaetl�e Haaard Regulatary Infarmativn i�l�.tl��len�L'tiForiclz W'iLnri�S['1�issifrc:iti�rr:L3ii3,lll:�,L7ZI3 i�feil}i lcrte C151niY�lc L4'IIl1IIS Ilzaltl�Ltt�-cts C't'itet`ia liet Ua'tivs C'hcmical: 172F3-1;4�c irrilatinn-tn�ic-nthcr D2f3-Sl;in i�ritati�m-ta�i�-ntlit.r D2.-1-C'�rrcina���nicift•-vcn dctxic-cliti�:r L72I3-Afiaiagcniciiy-losi�-olhcr L71�3-'11Jf;c}ass G.1 pac�.iT�grc�up LdI-tn�ic-irtunedialz �11e1h!,lcne C�hterride[t'IIl1II5 In�ret[ieni L3fs�losurc I_isl: Inclutiiccl Ibr dis�;losur�dl 0.]°,�n or grealer. 1�1c.thatrol ['.1.�',Itc�ists�, `vumhcr b7-Sfi-1 ltc•ih:m�l li7i\IIS C'lassil�catic�n: B?.DIS,I]2A.I]2B Alclhannl 14'I-LrIIS d-l4allh EIlects C'ril4ri:i 1lcl bi qiis Chviiucil: p1B-T17��c:1a�s G.1 �a�:i+irt�group iuii:no�vn-I�sLic-immediale D2A-Teral�g�rucily and enihri r�lr�xieily-��er}•len:ic-olher I)2F�-H;�•c ii7ilatirsn-C�r�i�-i3thcr A1cGljarinl 1L'[I\i[5[ngredietst 3]a5cicrsure I.isE:tnclud�d fnr di�clnsure at 1�.a rn �reates,1lfezt4 ciit�ria frfr diss:lc�sUrt al�I.lni�. Licenserl to W.M.Bxrr an6 Cqmpany: M1RS MS�S,{cy A V Sys4ems,inc. AAF51240if.1 Forma[ Attachment E Page 34 MATERpAL �AFETY DATA SHE�T P��� �� .Iascu P�'�miurn Paint Rcmv�'cs' P���t�d: �vi�r�o-as Revisie�ri: 1 D113f2�Y09 !sEncic�asd Snlr�t�rtt [':1�� K[}5?-�7-i 1L"f�'�IIS('lassificali�n: B3-Fiammablc.ind coml7srslil7t�malWrial-C.snnl�usiil�le liyuici U2�-PoisUnous and inf�ccii�aess mak�i'ial-[?tl�er eflzcis- �vlie LL'ILiIIS[Iralth L�1Tes l4 C rtlena liel bv ttus C hemia;�l: DZB-Skin iml:ilion-IU�is:-Uth�r 11�1-iAlf:�[n�redi�ni[]isclnsurc!_i�t: [ncludcdtnrSisclosur�:.it 1°.nnrgr�al�:r. Tltis}�rcaducl has l�acn classilitd ac�orcling i�llzc ha�rd cTTlc�ia oI thc CnnRrallc+d Produrls Rt�ulalicrns, [ryoncestlra[suns repr�rled in se�liUn 2 arz avei�kjl��vci�hl, Ingredi�nts;discl«scd in s�ctr��ti?ar�nn('ana�iian 1�Si_. . � r • Campany Policy ar aisclaFmer 'l hw it�tirrYi�ation cnnt:liil�(��IU1'C911 15 r]PC5�Ill�d in�on�faitls;�nsi hWI1�4'�:i�fO IlC 3�Ct1T8[�:.7fi 4lf If]�•�•fFCCIIV�ijAl"L' �lianr�alrr��•c. ihiy infonnatirm is fwnisiiud avitltout E�•an•ant�•of an�•l:iiid.l�:rn�ln�•ers sliuuld use tlu's inffliYnatinn onlr as a suppk�anci7l lv�+tlisr in1�7m�:jlion g�lhcresS 6y tlicm ancl musl m:ik�;snslcpcncfcni�ictvm�ina3iUn nf suitabilil�•;an�l csr�mt�Ect�ncss of intirrmatioi7 fi�oin al1 sr�ttrccs to astiurr proper assb af lhts�matcrial:?:und 4he saf�t}� imd hc�iD3h crl'ernplo�•ees. Ar�} usr of Illis tlatae:ancl inlbrmatiun must hn del�amin�ti�+V Ihe user la l�r in aecnrrJanen svilh appli�ab2w['e��rai.stal4 and local laws and regisialion�. Licensed to W.M Barr and Corrspany: MIRS M5�8,{c)A V Sysdems,inc. AAF31 Z40{f,i Fornia[ Attachment E Page 35 Maferfal Safety Dafa Sheet aouardin9tmAfdSl�404 I-27(74 and�9 CFR I€+In 12Q�1 �� �hnsan A Far�i�x Ca�svnNw 1NlNaEX�QRI�INAL �L,ASS Cl�EANER U'ersiori 3. Pr{r�t�ats C]"?Iair't]it] Revis}ar�C?�te U110612010 M�GS f�iumber 350D00{�14153 SITE FORM hJumber �aac��ac��ar���aaa�a�r�o�� 1.PRpDU�GTAN�Cf}MPA�1Y IDENTIFIGATiflN Product inf�rmatiQn Trade�name WINCiE���RIGINAL GLA55 GL'�A�dEi? LJse af the Hard 5urface Cleaner �u�astai��elhM1iutu re Cvmp�ny S.C..}vhnsan&Son, �nc. �525 Howe Sireet R�oine WC 53463-?23B Emergel�cy te{e�ihosie �4�ioirr Transport& Mecli�a!Emergen�y Fh�rne{86�rj 231- SAQ� 24 F�our lntemational Ei�ergency Phar�e(95'J 85�-4647 2.HAZARdS l�EHTIFICRTI4N Eme�ency Overview App�arance 1 C�dor blue r liqui��1�leasant Innrnediate Concerns R�ai�i wntact w�tfti skin,eyes arici�.�IUtftiing Patential Health Effects Exposur�rautps �ye,Skin, inhalatian, In�estion. Ey�s [Wan€�kr�own Skm None known Inriafataan f�lc�ne k�awn Ing�stiori lVoc7e kn�wn Aggtavate�3 fNedical lVone knoaan Cac�ditian 3.CO�{UIPa51Tfk71�!lINFt7FtN'IATION OM INCaREDIENTS Chemkcai Riarr�� G•AS-�t�. tN�:�� I�t��rc�nt 1Nater i;33-18-5 Bp.Ui�- 1C14.OU d.F�i�ST A{0 NIEASLRES Ey�ronta�t Rinsa rNith plenty af wak�r G�E medi�al�Itention if Ii7itation �i�velops anrJ persists t� Attachment E Page 36 Mafer�al Safety Dafa Sheet acuarding tm Afd51�40�1 I-27f74 and�9 CFR I�+10 12Q�1 �� �hnsan A Far�i�x Ca�svnNw 1NlNaEX�QRI�INAL �L,ASS Cl�EANER Uersiori 3. Pr{r�t�ats C721�iIif]itJ Re�+is}ar�D�te OilO6f20�0 M�GS f�iumber 350DOOC�14153 SITE FORM hJumber sanc��ac�ooQ��oQa�n�r��o� Skirs coniact Fi+nse wi417�fenty af waSer Inhakativn Remave tv fresh alr Ingesfiorr No speoial r��uieern�nts 5.FIRE-FIG#fTING MEASURES Suitabl��xtinquishing Alccahol fc�ar�r.carban a��xide. dry chenw�ca1 water fc�p me�iia 5pec�fic M�xards durina fire Canfainer may melt and 6eak in heat of fire fl�htirag Furti�er infarrna#ior� Afthough fhis product has a Flash poin#beiow'?UO C�°g F, i#is ar�aqueaus sfflutian cnnta�ning�n aicohal and claes nok �ustain comt�ustion 5tandard prca�eduie for chemical Fires W�ar f�all�,ratecti��clathm�and p�ssitiv�pressure s�1f- contained breattiin�ap�ar�[us. Flash point �5 'C MethQd:ASTM D 5� Flash�?a�nt 185'F Melhvd:ASTM D 5� Lawer ex�los4dn liinit f�lote:no dada availak�le Llpp�r explosit��i limit �Vote:�'ia data availabi� 6.AG�fBEiVTAL FtELEASE MEASURES Persona!prec�utions P,ernove all sourees 4f�c�nR��n Methadsfor cleaning up 5oak u�with inert ahsr�rhent m�terial 5weap up and shr�vel inta su�ta�l�conEa�ners for dlbpr�sal. ❑ike large spills. 7.HAN�LENG ANQ ST�RAGE Handiii�g Advice r�n safe handling KEEP�UT t7F�ERCH OF�'HILC7REA!ANC�PE�� I_Jse n�rrly as direete+� ��i Attachment E Page 37 Maferfal Safety Dafa Sheet aouardin9tmAfdSl�404 I-27(74 and�9 CFR I€+In 12Q�1 �� �hnson A Far�i�v Ca�svnNr 1NlNaEX�QRI�INAL �L,ASS Cl�EANER U'ersiori 3. Pr{r�t�ats C]"?Iair't]it] Revis}arr D�te Uilf]61?�it} M�GS f�iumber 350p00G14153 SITE FC7RM hJumber 3ddflI70C}i]�DC1C]��Q 1 f_1�f�5.d�1 Advyce�n�proie�:ti�ri }�ee�away fram h�af arid sourees af ig��iliran againsf fre anrJ explasian �t4rage Reqwremer�ts#vr storaqe KEep cania{ner closed wk�en not in tiise. areas and centainers Keep in a dry.ccrr�l and well-v�nliEated�face Do not freeze �Jther data StaDle under normal cor�r��tir�ns. B.EKP05URE CCl1+ITRC7LSIPERS�3NA'�PRflTECTICEN Occupational Exposure Limits ACGIH or�SHA ex�asure limifs have not been es�al�lisheri for this�?rod�irt r�r re�nrtabre ingredierils�nless nated en tt�e tabl�a�rav�: Personaf protective equipment Res�iratory pratectian lndustria3�tting IWa pers�nal respiratory�rrotzclive equipment narmalky required. Household setting No personal r�spirator�protecti�e ec�uipment normally r2quired. Hand protecrion Inrlusfrial sett�ng no�required urid�r i�an��al use Hous�hald setting nvt re�uired under normal us� Eye protectinrr Irrdustrial s�ttmg Na sp�cial reywr�ment� Hous�haad set#iny dVo special re�uiremer,ts. Hygiene measures Use anly with adec�uate Venkila#ion W�sl�thor�ughfy affer ha�i�tlon� Weai suit�ble pratective cle�#h�ng 9.PHYSI�AL ANQ CHENlICAL PRf]PEi�T1ES Form I[n�id ;�� Attachment E Page 38 Ntaferral Safety Data Sheet a�4����,a ta��.����40�,_���4��a�fl�FR ��,�,��� S�` ohnsan � a Far�i�v Ca�svnNv V1!lNaEX�QRI�INAL �L�ISS CLEANER Versicari i. �"r{nt�ate 0'?!C]ilt0ltJ Revislarr Date 411061?01{} M�GS f�lumber 350DOOfi14153 SITE FORM hJumber sanc��a��aQ��oaa�n��;5 r�o� c�E�� ���� Odor pleasant pH 10.i Boi6ing point na da�availalale Freez'rn��aoint no�ata avaiaahl� Flash�rcaint 85 C Meth��t:ASTM D 5� Flash{�oint 185 F Methaei: ASTM C�5�'s Evaparation ra#e nn data auaila�fe Flammability(solid,gas} ��es not suslain combustian. Au#uignitian lempPraiure no rTata�v�ilab�e �ower explasian limit na data a4aiaahl� Ll�per explasinn limi# no data avai9aiale Vapaur�r�ssure no e!a!a available dens�ty �9Ji gJem3 at 20 G Watet solulaillty sol�}�I� Visc[�sity,dynamic no e�ada availabh� Viscos�ty, kinemabc na data availaksl� VQlatile�7ryanie Compaunds Q 5°Jo -r�cres nat inc3urie any a��piic��le r��ulatary {Califarnia Air Resvurc� exempt�ons Bo�rd—CARB3 Tntal V��G{wt. °la) 10.STABIIITY AND�tfACTfV11Y Con�iitior�C t��vr�i�3 Nor�e hnown Material�to avoid Strang�xid�zinc�agan�s �la�arric�us decc�mpt�satic?n Vuhen ex�,osed#a t+re pr�rluees nnrmal produols af 4f7 Attachment E Page 39 Maierial Safety Data Sheet acuo�din3 tn RMSi�4�4 k-267n4 and�9 GFR I�+In 1200 S♦` ohnson ♦ a F�r�i�v Ca�svaNv VIlINOExc�f]RIGINAL GLAS� CLEA�IER Uersiari �. Pr{r�t�ats C]"?IL71�'t]iC7 Revicior�Date qil06l2�16 M�GS f�iumber 350UOOt�141�3 SITE FORM PJumber 3dQfl(1flClppf]C1p(]pQ 1(]�F�S.d�1 �]FQdLICtS �ornhustian Hazar��us reaclions StaVCe 14.TC}%ICDL{7GICAL INFORiY�ATiQN A�ute aral ioxrcrty L�J5fl �stimated -�5.f]6�J mglky Aeu[e iratralat�on toxieity LC5Q estimated >?58mg11 Acute ci�rrnal#oxieity no data avail�ble Chr4nic eFfects Car�ina�]enicily n�dat�avaidal�fe Mutag�nrc��y rr�d��a availatr6e Re�mcfuctive eEfects ncs cl�ta�uaNabke Tertagenicity no�ata aWalkable S�nsrtisation P�lot knnv�+n tn he a�ns�tizer 12.EC�1!LOGI�AL 1hIFflF�l49AT]ON Ecotnx�city effects Tio data availabl� '13.dISPC?SAL CQNSIaERA7'IOTIS Industrial settint� t��bserve all a�F�licahle Fe��ral.�rQ�incial and STate re�ulatrans and LoeaflMunicip�l ar�linances regart:Lrr� d�s��sal H�usehold setting Gansiimer rnay discard empty cor�tafner In t�asfi or recycle ���here fac+lities exisi. 5!7 Attachment E Page 40 Maierfal Safety Data S�eet acuarding to AhlSY�404 l-2s1n4 a{�d�9 GFR I€+in 12Q�1 S♦` ohnson ♦ a F�r�i�v Ca�svnNr 1NlNaEX�QRI�INAL �LASS CLEA�IER U'ersiori 3. Pr{r�t�ats C]"?IL71�'t]iC7 Revicfar�C?�te C11106f2��iC� M�DS fdumber 3504�OG141�3 SITE FC]RM PJumber �ao��ac�aaao�aaa�a�r�ao� 14.`TRANSPORT INf�#iilAAT1C3N Land transport ■ L1.5.O(}T and Canadian TDG Sn��face Transportation: L1N-N u r�ber fUr�ne. P�oper shipping name nQt regul�ted Cfass: hJane Packag+ng grou� NonE Sea transpart • ffl?L}G LIFJ-N u inher f�J�ne Packay{ny yrou�i: Nc�ne. Prc��er shippmg namE nUt regulated Gfass: None. Air transpvrt � lCAORATH.. Ciass: f+lane. Packagin�greup hJtine Proper shipping name not regulated UN11C�REa None. '15.REGULA7C3RY!A{FdRMATIGiV hlc�iification status All ingredi�nts€aE this praduct are lis�ed or are�x�luded fr�m lisfinc�on the U 5 �axi�Su�StonCeS Cs7lltf[rl ACt�TSCAy Cnei��ca1 Substance inuentory. ��Je�4ifcation statt�s All�n+�redients af this protiuct comply with the New+�u4�stances hlr�tificatinn requiremenis uncierthe C�n�dian Enviranmer�fal Protection Act�CERA) Galifornia Frvn.fi5 This prod[a�t cla�s nc,t contain any�he�icafs known to 5tate of Galifrrnia ta cause e,ancPr, bu#h defects,r�r any ot�er reprnd€active harm �nada RequVatlr�ns This�rrqdu�t d�as t�e��7 elass�fierJ in ae�ar�i�n�e witl�hazar� crit�rEa of the�ontnollecl Products�e�u�ations and ihe MSDS cantains all the iniorimaTion required by the ControMled Products RP�u tatians. 16.OTHER fNF4RMATlS3lV HMIS Ra#ings �17 Attachment E Page 41 Maierial Safety D�ta Sheet acuo�din3tnRMSi�4�4 k-2k7n4 aitd�9 CFR I�+In 1200 ��ohnsa�n ♦ A 'f AAIILY CO�AFRNY VIlINQEX�QFtI�1NAL �LASS CLEANER Versiari 3. F'r{r,t�ate C]?Iail�'i]i(] Revickor�Uate�11�612�1U MSDS fdumber 350000G1�1�� SITE FC7RM Number �aac��ac��aanaaoa���r�or�� k�ait�, � Flamma billry 2 Reacti�ity n HFPA Ratin s Ftealth C1 Fir� _ R`L'3CtIV I� 'Q �3F7BGI8� Fi�rther Inform�tion This dncumenY has l��en�7rer�arerl usin��ata from souree�cc�nsidered te�be teehnfc�fly reiGal�le. It do�s nat canstitute a waeranty,expressed ar+mpUed,as ta the accuracv of the infrrmatian c�r�iaineri hereir+ ActGal eonditions of use are�eyor�rl the s�ller`s�ntrol. User is r�sponsible ta evaluate al1 availal�le infarm�tkon when us�ng praduct for any pa�icular use and Eo com,ply with aN Federal,5fate, Provinr.i�l anr�Lnca!laws and r�guiationc Preg�ared by SC Johnsan GNobal 5af�ly Assessment& Ret�ulatr�ry A�fairs(GSA�A) 7!; Attachment E Page 42 View Seetion_ 1 2 3 4 5 8 i S g iQ ii 32 19 14 18 16 SECI-IC3N 1:CHEMICAL PRQ�EJCT ansi CQMPANY IaE�lTIFTiCATICI�1 {n�/A) Product hJai��ie: W@-40 Aerosol Manu(acturar Name; WD-40 Company Address: P.�. Box 8�0�5�7 1061 Cc�dahy Place(9211QJ San�iego,Califomia,gZi38-0b07 USA Telephone: Eme�ge�icy only- 1-r3€3F3-324-759� (PRC75ARj Chemical 5pills: 1-800-424-9300 tChemtrer} 1-7�3-527-38�7(International Calls} HMIS General lJSe� Lulsricant, Penetrant,�ri�-�Out Maisture,R�rno�es and ��� Protects Surfa�s Frnm Corrosion Business Phdne; 1-388-324-7596 '�� Revision Qate: 4�16110 SIJPERSE�ES:A[rgust 24Q7 RI�..►{.�I�l��I 11= U Trade Names: W6-417 Aaosn6 ��E � Ckremical Name:6rganie Mexture �CMiS Hazard Rating: Health -1{slight haxardJ �re Haxard -4 (severe hazard) 9ieactivity-0(minimal hazard) Produet Cndes� �Ca�i�r�n�^�f�naor, f:� SECTIflN 2 ;CaMPOSITi[}N, II�F0�2MATIDN C}N If�GREC]IENTS :(N/A} Ingredient Narne CA5# ingredient Percent Allyha[ic Hy�dracarboRr b4742-47-a� 50-7i3%� F�y WagE�t EC Index Numba: 1 PetroleAim Base Oii 5474Z-53-6 �241 by Weigh[ EC Fndex Number: i Carbon I3ioxide 124-35-9 Z-396 by Weight EC Indeu Number: 1 Surfactar,t Fropnekary �2/ I�y Weight EC Index Number: 1 Attachment E Page 43 �lo�-Hazardous ingredients Mix[ure �10°Jo by Wei9f�t EC Indea Num6zr� 1 Petroleum Base flll b4742-56-4 <25°fi '6y Weigh[ EC�ndesc Nurs�ber� 1 P�rvleum Base Oil b4742-65-d� �2S 7 �6y Weigh[ EC Index Num6er: 1 "fe�7nn nYn:snn � SECTICIN 3 :F3A�ARL�S ICIENTIFICATIOiU [NIa? �rcierg�riey Cver;ia�a�: C7ANGER! Flammal�Ieaerosol.Contenes undee pressure.Harmful ar Fa[al if sVraVlowed.EE s�rallowad, may beaspir�red and cause lung damage. rvlay cause eyeirrita[ion.Avoid eyecon[a�f.Use�5�ith adequate ven[ila[ion.Keep av:ay From heat,sparks and all otlter sotuees oF ignitian. Aoolies to kll In�redienEs: CJironk htealth EfFects: �tane expectai. �.erc�nogenicity: Susp�ted Canc.er Agent:Na Signsl�vrnp€vm;; Inhalatiarr:High cvncen�trativns may ca�use nasal and resperakory�rritativn and cen[ral nervaus syskern�fectssuch as headaehe, dr�in�s and nausea. In[�tional abuse m�V he har�raFui vr fat�l. Skin Cca�uaU;Pinlonyed and�'ar repeate.d�ontact may�roduce miki ieritatian and defatting with passi6la�ermatit'rs. EyeGOntact:Con[ac[may be 4rrit�ting to eyes. May�ause�ecl��ess and teari�ig. fng�gY�bn:This prodtict h�s low oral taxici[y,Swallowi��ig ma�y c�use gesti�i+�t�tinal in�i[atian, nausea,vomiting and diarrhea.Thrs produ�t is an aspirntion hazard.IF swaflowecl,c�cr entc�the lungs ancl maq eausech€snieal pneumanitis,sev�e lunq damaue and death. Aggi�vazian o�'FrE-Euisting �P��e�xis[ing eye, skin anrJ s�piratcary eonditions may beagyraaa[c�tap C�a.i7 d aion s� e+cpo su re. Tii lura u!uute �'.` SEC'1IQN 4:F`�R57 AI� MI�ASUR�S {�Ifl1 E�yeCantact�. FPush ihoroughPy wrth water.R�nove contac[Yense3 if prsent aFter fhe first 5 mi�rutes anAcontinuefkusliing for several moee minutes,Get medical attentian If irritation persi5es. Skin Conta[�t: WasFt w+t1�soap and wat��.1F irri[ation develops anrl y>ersists,ge[medical �tt�rtion. Inh�lation. [8reathingl:if irritation is e�tgerierrced, mvve tv fresh air.GeG medical atterrtion IF i.+:4�lI.......,.lf...rt�ir....t...nr.I...�s.SI+.. :n.i .....r.r1 Attachment E Page 44 �� �����,�.���.u� ..������r.,��,�..������.��.,i�u,� F,�.3��.. [ngestion: (Swallowed};Aspimt�on Hazard. Ud Nf7T induce+romiting.Call nhysician, pnison controd cranterar the WD-40 SaFc3y Hotline at i-898-3�4-7596 immed ia tely. Tu7��u ul u�tine `r t SEGTIC]N 5 : FIRE FIGHTIIV'G NIEASURES :(rv�A) F��sh P4int� 122 deg F{4�3 deg G) Flash Faint M11e[had: Tag�pen Ce�p(concentinte) Ui�per F�ammaP�fe Rr Eic�IGSive (Sol�ent Poitio��}: 5.6°Io Limit: Lnvaer Fiammahle or Exf�losiv= (Solvent Portion)�fl.8% Lumit: Extinguish+ng h?�ia: llse water fog,dry chem6caf, carbr,n diaxide ar fr�am. Do not use vr�teryet ar FYovdtng amounts of v,ater. Burning produ�t will Float on the surFa�e and spread Fire. Fire FghEing fnstructrnns: FireFighters shvt�ld �fways wear pasitive pressurE self-conY�ined 6reathing a�pparatias�nd fuli pratactive clothing. Cool Fire-exposed r.antainers w�[h tivater. Use shielding to pratect�g�inst burs[ing cont�rners. Unusi�al Frn Haz�rds: (:ontents under pressiare. Keep away From ign�Eion sourc�ar�d apen Ffam�:, Exposure v(coirtainers Cv extrerne heat and flani�can cause thEni ta ru�rture often wisf�vivlent ForcQ.Ua�ers are f�eavier tiian air and mav tiav�aivng surFaces to r�note ignizion sources and fiash 6ack. Te�Ts:r r,t t,3nr. �t� S€CTFaN 6 :ACCIL�EN�AL RELENSE MEASURES :(Nlay Persvnai Pr�raeiticans: 4Year�ppropriate�rotectrve clothing [see Section 5]. Spill Cleanup�Nle�sur�: E1�minate ail sources af Ygni[ion andventhlate area. �king cans should be placed in a plasti�bag of 4[7P_fl ��il until the pressure has di3sipated. Contain �nd�911ect liquid wiYh �n inert�bsorbent�nd place in a �ont�iner far disposal.�lean spol area thorouyhly, Report spills to authoritirs as required. To Ton nt nanc r�� SE�TIDN 7 : HANL�L[i�G�nd 5T'�7RAGE :f�ulaJ HarrJlli�y! A��oid�an[act wi[I�eyes.Avoid prolonged �antact with skin. Avaid bKeakhing aapors or aerosols.Use only with adeAuate ven[ilation. Kee� away from heat, sparks, pi4ot ligh#�, hat surfaces and open Flames.Llnplug electrieal taals, motors and appliances before spraying or bnnging the�an near�ny source afeGeckrieity. Electncity can bum a hole in the ean and cause r.antents ta burst inta flames. Ta av¢id senous�iur{� injury, da�iat let khecan kouefs bat[ery taminals, elfxtrical conneetluns a�i motvrs or ap�liances or anyottiar suuree of �1?ctntity. Wash thoroughly�.vith soap and�.vater aFEer handlinq, keep conzain�ers close�whennot in use. Keep out of the re�ch oF rhildr�n. Ua not puncture, cn�sh or incinerate ennrainers, aven whenemp[y. 5[or�ge: Store in a cool, weil-ventilated�r�, axay From+ncom�atible materials Do not stere ahove 120 eJeg F or in dire�t sureligh[, IJ.F.0(�1FPA 36B]Le+reJ 3 Ae�osol. Hygiene Practices: 1Nash with soap and water after handlin9.. TnTnn��f�izqr, f'�1 SECTICIN 8 : ExPDSURE CQ�lTRC1L5, RERS�NAL PRQTECTIDN :{N�A) Fnn�n�aarinn r-nn�.4rnl�c• Tha Fnlln.��inn r ntmlc ara Rcrnmmm.fwi Fn�r Illnrmal£"nnciimnr Ika nF thtc Attachment E Page 45 � � ,.�. „ ..��.,,,,.. Fror�uct,,,. � �,.�..�.,w,�,,.��,��.�."���.....� �.�,,,����.....�...,,,.. ..s".� .���, llse m�well-ven[ilated area. For Bulk Processing or 1Nork�lace Use the Follawing Cc3nkrols are Recommendtd Llse adequate�en�al and local exhaus[v�ntila[ion to maintain exposureJevets 6s{vuv that oc�upational�pc�sure fimits. 5kin Pro[�tion C�rscrr�7[ion: ThQ Follawii�g Controls are Recom�mended for f4orma.l C�rnsumer Useof this Praduct: Aaoid prolong�skin contaft C�remical resistant glflves reeommendsi for aperations where skin contac[is lilcely. For Bulk Processing ar Workpl�ce Usethe Folloriing Conkrols�re Rer_ammendtd� Wearcfiemica!resistant gloves. Eye�Fa�e Prot�tian: The Fallvwing Controls are Recommend�for Narmal Cvnsumer Useof thrs Praduct: Avvid eyecantact,Always spray away from yaur Face. Fo��Bulk Pracessing o��Wprkplace lJse[he Follcswmg Con[rols are Reeommen�sl. Safety goggt�s r�ammended where ey+e contact is poss�hle. Raplratt�ry F�rot��tioir The Follox+�i�g Control�are Reeommender.l for Narmal Consi�mer Useof this Pradu�t: None ne?c4ec1 for normal us€with �deG«a[e veritil�tion. Far Bulk PrQCessing vr WvrkRlac!e Use the Fvllow+ng Conrrols ane Recammendai: M1lane required iF ve�tilativn i;adequate.IF the vccupational exposur�dmits are exceecie�,wear a NI[JSH approa�ed r�piratnr. Resv�rdtor sefectian and use shac�ld 6e h�serl an cantami�n�nt tyve,farm�nd coneen[r�[ion. Fallo�n�45HA 191D.134,ANSF Z88.2 and gaod industrial Nygiene prectice. E:ipcssur?�miLs: Chemical�.Suifactant Qccuoational Exposui2 Limi€s:None Estak�fished �Ch�nical.i�Fan-Hazardous lE�gr�tenLs C]cc�aational Exp�suie Limets:None Estafa{ished ���orkJhYygiene Frar[i�:es- Wash with;oap and va3ter�fter handling. Inpredient Guidelines Fr�retlienk:Aliphatic Hydm�ari�oi� Guldeline rype hlamrfactin-e��Exposure Liaiit Gu�deline InF�rnrats�rn: 326t}mglm3 TWA(manu(acturQr recvmmended) Tngredient;�arbon pivxide Gu7deline Ty�rs: dSHA PEL-T4NA Gu�deline InFo�rmat�r,on: SL�00 ppm Gu�deline Type'. kCGIH TLV-TWA Griid�line Infaimatian: 5���ppm Gu�rleline Type� ACGIH TLV-STEL Gu+delin�[nFairH-rat�on� 30,OOd ppm Irvgr�dien[�Petroleum BaseOil Guideline Ty�;e: OSFfA PEL-T1NA Guideline InForrnation: 5 mg�`m3 GuideJineTy�e: ACGIH TLV-TWl1 Guideline InForFinati�n: 5 mg1m3 Guideline Type: ACGIH TLV-STEL Guid�Jiiie Inforrnation: 10 mg,�m3 Ts.iTu�,nV ncu.ie �Z.� SEC�ION 4 :PHYSICAL and CHEMICAL PR(]PERTIES :(rd�a) Attachment E Page 46 i'hysRralStaLelAppearance: Liquid Color: Light arra6er �dor: Pnild odor pH; No[Rppdicah�e Vauar Pressu��e: 95�-115 PSI @ 70 deg F Vapor Densi[y: �1 �lash Pain[� i22 deg F{49 deg C] Flash PoinE Me4hod: T�g 4perz Cup[concentrate]� Upper Explosive Limit: {Svlven[Partivn): 5.69`0 L�vver Ex{�losive Limi[: (Scafvert[Pa3tion);0.8°.b 6ailiny Pa���int: 322-386 deg F{151 -198 der�C} Solubility: In Water-Insolu6le Sperific Grav�[y: 0,8-O.II2 r,�6C7 deg F �P�ereent VolaUle: 65% VolatileDrx�anir Ccym{�ound 533 grams�+Piter(65%} CantetiY: Coef€icient ai WaterJ�il SVo[��gmined �D ispih u[io is. T-,:i Tau nt uatnd �'^i SECTI�N 14 :5TR6ILiT'Y and R€ACTIViTY :{�JA1 Ghemic�l Sta6ility: Stab[e. Canditions to Avo-id� Avaid heat,sparks,f9am�and ather saurces of ignitEOrt. ❑a not puncture or rneinerate containers. Ineampatit�ilities witR othc� S#rong axidiz+ng agents.. hlateriaEs: kazardous Palymerizatkon: +NU not o��ur�. Hazardous�eromposikiQn Car6on mon€txide and car6vn dioxrde Pro[fucts: l�c,f���i���Fn.,,r��: f� SECTiON 11 :TO?CI�f3LC7�ICAL iIVFQRMATION �(Nlk) Aoalies to All In�redierrts c Ing�kian EfFects: The o�al toxicity of this product is estimated to 6e 9reater th�-��n S,OQO mg�kg hased on anassessm.ent oF the ingredi�ts.Tbes product is not cEassiFied as tvxic by estahhshed critQria. It isan aspiratian hazard. Carcinag�icity; Noneof the components of this�raduct is listed as a careinog�o� suspect� carcinogen. ReproductiveTaxicity; lVoneof the components of[his produck ks consideied a rqiaaductive hazzed, l�rr Im<<�Fu.iva:: ��� SECTIpN 12 : EC�LdGICALINFaR�'IATT(}N :(MI�) Ecolagical Pa.ragraph: No da[a is�crrrendy�vail�ble. To T��n r t ti aae '�{ Attachment E Page 47 SEGTI4N 13 :[JI�PQSALCflNSI[]ERATI(7NS (ni1A} Wast�L7�s�osal�. Gispose in a�conjan�e x�itl�federdl,siate, and IocaY ra}ulattons. fiCRA Hazard Class� Ii khis pro[luct b�o�mes a was[e,it;vould 6e expecked to meet the critena of a RCRA ignita6�le haxard4us was[e(�4{3E). Not�uever,it is[he respoeisi6ility mf the gene�ator to dete�mine at the time af disposal the pinp� classification and me[had of di;posal. rf:r:,�,��e��•1�_��� ";� SECTIDN 14:TRAI�SFdFtI"INFORMATItII� :(9u1�) �Q�T Shipping Name� I]OT aur€ace5hippia�g E]escription:ConstimerCommoclity,ORNS-D MaritimeTranspbrtatia�s Shipp�ing Des�ription�Aemsals,LT�QTY CGVS�GGLE�IM�G: CGVSJGGVE,+ThiDG 11N�r NA UN195�Y Identlflcati+an Numb�. CGVSIGGVEIIM6G Class: 2.1 T���7uu of nai.i�: � SEC77C]N 15 ; REGLILAT�RYINFORMRTIC]N :[Nfn) Applies to atl ingredie�es: TSCA e{f�):Inveratory St�t�as: ,�II of tkaecor��noneots of this product are listed an tlieTSCA inventcriy. CERCLA Se�tia�y f03: CERCLA iD3 Repatabfeqt�antity:This pro�duct is noi suL�jec[to CERCLA reparting rEquiremenks,haavwer,oil sRFl4s are reparkable ta fhe Na[ivnal RapanseCen[er un'a theClean Wat�,4ct anc�many states have more sfringee�t release reportinq requirements. Repvrk spilfs renuired under fe�eral, stateand local regiil�tions. Sec[ion 302 Ex[reme4y kazardous Neane Substances{TGQ]� S2�'Lipff 312}i�zard Category: Haaard Categcrry For Section 311,131�: Pc u te: Yes Fire: Yes Fr�sure: Y� Sec[i�n 3P3 To:<ic RFJe3SE FOfR1: SECih017 313 Toxit Cfiemicals:This produc[contains thefollot^�ing chemicals sUb�ect ta SARA Ti�tle IfI Se�t€arr 3t3 Reuoiting requiremerr[s:�hFone State: �aliFomia Safe Dnnking Wa€eranrJ Toxic Enforcement Act(Propos�tAOn 55); This produc[daes n�t contain ehernicals�eguiated cor�de� Califarnia Propositiori b5. Canada WHMIS; WHMIS Classification:Class B-5{Flamma6ie A�osol} This h15�5 has been prepared aceording tv the criteria vF theCvntrvlled Prodiiets Reys�ln[ian[CPR]and the MS�S contains�II oF the infa�mation required by theCPR. Canadian Enviranm�Cal Pmtettion Act�All af theother ingrediene5 are listed mn the Can�adian�om�tic Siihstances List or exempt fram notification. Cane+�a hf➢SL: Dne of Yhe tromponenYs is IisterJ on the N�5L. Attachment E Page 48 l�cr T�F�r,��f r x�:i� �i� SECI-IdN lfi a ADQITIC}NALINFflRMATF[�N :(NIp] i�r�[s: 1ie31tp�hazard: 1 Fre Hazard: � P.eaceis�ity: (7 MSpS Re.s�isio� �ake: 4f16�1D SLIPEI35fDE5;August 2��7 M565 Author� TICLE� ❑irector of Glo6al Cansumer R�a[�ions and Regulatory IihSIS Hazard�atiny: Heaitia -1{slightl�azard) Fre Hazard -4(severe iiazardj Reacti�ity-0{minimai I7azard) Attachment E Page 49 Attachment F: Relevant Emails From: Sealaw [mailto:sealaw@aol.com] Sent: Friday, December 09, 2011 10:35 AM To: George Ruther Cc: Wendy Weigler Vail Gateway Atty; rossg@centurytel.net; inovatcreations@aol.com; sealaw@aol.com; ims@morganreed.com; jim.johnson@russellstandard.com; karenwjohnson@comcast.net; terry@palmos- development.com; rad@morganreed.com; cindy@greenauer.com;jeff@gohighline.com; j.ryan@ryanforestproducts.com; jimliken@gmail.com; deighanone@aol.com; kelly@kellyliken.com; loret@greenauer.com; jamesd@gohighline.com; pat@peeplesink.com; avhomes@comcast.net; bluescasterl@gmail.com; irmgardl@aol.com Subject: Vail Gateway, Suite 300 Dear Mr. Ruther This is to confirm that the Vail Gateway Condominium Association is strongly opposed to having a wet lab as a tenant in our building. This lab is under construction in violation of numerous condo docs, rules and regulations for our association. The owner refused to provide our manager with a copy of the lease and it is only by his investigation that we discovered that the Town of Vail approved this wet lab where we believe body parts will be used in conjunction with a teaching facility. Since the owner and the proposed tenant will not talk to us, we are putting the pieces together to gather this information. Wet labs by definition involve the use of chemicals, drugs, biological matter and some types of biological hazards. This is not something the Town of Vail should approve in a high end commercial and residential building. I can only imagine the effect of this on the Kelly Liken restaurant when it becomes known. Also the venting of this lab will be in very close proximity to the Vail Plaza Hotel. This use is totally incompatible with our building and the neighboring building. The building permit issued by the Town of Vail without any notice to our association should be revoked. The loss of value to the owners in this building will be dramatic. Who would want to buy a condo in a building with this type of work going on. Who would want to go to a fine dining restaurant in close proximity to a wet lab dealing with cadaver parts and possibly toxic substances. Normally wet labs are in buildings specifically designed to house them per Wikipedia. Very Truly Yours Charles R. Lipcon President Vail Gateway Condominium Association Attachment F Page 1 From: Sealaw [mailto:sealaw@aol.com] Sent: Friday, December 09, 2011 6:41 PM To: George Ruther Cc: sealaw@aol.com Subject: restraining order Hi George Attached is a copy of the temporary restraining order entered today regards Charles R. Lipcon LIPCON, MARGULIES, ALSINA&WINKLEMAN, P.A. One Biscayne Tower, Suite 1776 Miami, Florida 33131 tel: 305-373-3016 toll free: 800-838-2759 fax: 305-373-6204 web: www:lipcon.com Confidentiality Notice: This email message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. This electronic message is also subject to standard copyright/ownership laws. Again, it is not intended to be reproduced, or re-transmitted without the consent of the originator. Attachment F Page 2 :.;��..-cr�,,--,. Gjj A,]V"j'�i D The moving party is hereb,y ORDERED ��''�+�"- ����'ti`�: to provide a copy of this Order to any pro � W ITH E�t�r - � 'r' se parties who have entered an �s �;I AMENDMENTS �����, . app earancein this action within 10 days K �� from tLe date of this order. - ;�`��;y -',1 � --`-- Rus�cll li.GrattLer � �,�LO�DO ' DistrictCourtJudge Court Address: $85 Chambeis Avenue Eagle,Colorado 81631 Phone Number:(970�328-8600 Plaintiff: VAIL GATEWAY PLAZA CONDOl��N1LTNI ASSOCL�ITTON,INC. �. Defe�dants: TNG I30LDINGS,LLC;ARTIIREX,INC.;J.L.V�LE CONSTRUCTION,INC. COURT USE OPJLY Case Numbar: Div.: C'trm.: TENIPOR�IRY RESTRAINING ORDER THIS 1��TTER, coming ta the Court's attention pursuant to the Plaintiff's Verified Motion far Issuance of Temparary Restrauung Order andfar Preliminary Injunction and Verified Complaint, and the Court having revie��ed the same and it appearing to the Court that, unless a Temporary Restraining Order issues, Plaintiff will suffer imme�iate and u-reparable injury ui that the Defendants may cause l�arrn to the property in violation of applicable law and the Association's governino documents. IT IS ORDERED that, pencling fiuther hearing and Order of this Court, TNG Holclings, LLC,�tluex,Inc. and J.L. Viele Construction,Inc.,together with thair employees and ageuts,are RESTRAiNED A-ND ENJOINED FROM CONSTRUCTING OR OPERATING A SURGICAI. SHILLS TRATNING FACILITY OR LABORATORY in Unit G10 of the Vail Gateway Plaza Condominitun, Thi� TEMPOR�IRY RESTR:IINING ORDER is issued u�on notice to the Defencl�nts, t1�rc��.agh their registered agents, Tom Greenauer, David Bumpous and David D. Viele, and their attorney,Robert L.Sperberg. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: a_ Plaintiff's Motion for Issuance of a Preliminary Injunction is scheduled for a hearing before this Court on the day of ,201 at Attachment F Page 3 L�, Pi�initil�'sl�all. a� a cr+i�diti�u t,f iEsu�ut�•e��f thc Tciiapc3t•arv Restiaitiing 4�rcl�r. pi„t ��itli tPti�C l�rls cif�ii��C'ot�rl a titn��t�,'b�raic3 tar l�u�r c�f dL�utiit a3e�a4h in Llic:�ai�trunl Uf' � �.s szcui7t} for�a��nznt t,f'such cnsts aucl c�.�n�3�,as��tn:Tt �ie it�curred �,r suft���ci Liv��t'�+a��y'�vl�i�i•fout���in lia�°c l�cGn��ru�igiialh�a•es�.rasi���1►crcl���. c. �'iiis T�itiips�t���'Rest�ni�utr�C�c�ler n�3�'�e s�r�'�CI Fl�`(Ii�Ct�1411[V.�Il�l'llI O1'7�7t7{'R[� '(7rC7�'1:45 tiC:CVI'P. �i. Tltis T�d����os<�r��Rzsti�ai�un��=h�de�•is issi�zai�fis :la��t,f' . 2{}1— at in t42�LilLlllll'a���I?u�;l�,Colr}r.�d�s. ��;�Ttt�.c��t��t'r: 1]i5tri�t C'crurl�fud�+� Attachment F Page 4 ��. .� �. f'ui�i4;7.0 khuri�ee C'am�n�•�r1:s: i iear-�n«:;et ut'.j:�iu. i�d�,nefaa liece�nl,e� ]':+. 'n]7 13n�iJ s.i;ii w�,i�iin un Attachment F Page 5 From: EF [mailto:bluescasterl@gmail.com] Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2011 7:57 AM To: George Ruther Cc: Sealaw Subject: Gateway Building Dear Mr. Rither: As a residential owner in the Gateway Building at 12 Vail Road, I want to express my concern about a new tenant who may be operating a "wet-lab" in our building. If this is true, it is my opinion that a business of this nature should not be allowed to operate in a residential building, especially one that also includes a high-end restaurant. I cannot speak to the specific zoning laws within the city of Vail, but common sense tells me that a business of this nature does not belong in a mostly residential building, in Vail Village. I have a feeling that if our neighbors at the Sebastion, the Four Seasons and others were made aware of this, they too would be on board to opose the opening of this business, if not solely for logistical reasons, then possibly for the precedent that is being set. If these people are allowed to operate in the Gateway Building, what is going to keep a like business from coming to the area and wanting to open in say, Solaris, or The Arrabelle, or maybe The Lodge...l can only imagine how Vail Resorts would react to something like this. I appreciate your consideration. Edward Flak Gateway Building Unit-4 Attachment F Page 6 Attachment F Page 7 From: Sealaw [mailto:sealaw@aol.com] Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2011 1:23 PM To: George Ruther Cc: sealaw@aol.com Subject: Vail Gateway Unit 300 Hi George The rated occupancy for the Wet lab Didactic area is 58 occupants (look at sheet#23 there is a chart for HVAC loading calculations) I spoke to Jerry Hines with R&H who did the air conditioning work. He said they were told it was a professional office and no mention of a wet lab was made to them. Charles R. Lipcon LIPCON, MARGULIES, ALSINA&WINKLEMAN, P.A. One Biscayne Tower, Suite 1776 Miami, Florida 33131 tel: 305-373-3016 toll free: 800-838-2759 fax: 305-373-6204 web: www:lipcon.com Confidentiality Notice: This email message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. This electronic message is also subject to standard copyright/ownership laws. Again, it is not intended to be reproduced, or re-transmitted without the consent of the originator. Attachment F Page 8 aecem�er 11, 2f111 Mr. �t�arfes Lipcorr Via e-mai�: sealaw"�,3a aol.cvrn ��: G�carc�e Ruther: gruther�a vai{g�V.com asar Charies, I am in receipt of yo�r e-mail chair� an� your actions as President flf t#�e Gateway Candorn�n��m AssociatioR �ur�ortedly "on beha�f' a�tf�e associatian. Regardle�s vf the ap�ropriateness of Arthrex as a r�ew sub�4et tenant c�f Gateway, I am dismayed t!hat o,y u �al_+�ly anci ur�ilatetatiy tavk it�o�c�urseff_withn�t any d'+scussia�n wi#h Gatev►ray c+�mr+nercial vwnersznvr the camm�rcial re�resentatiae vn the board. Rather, you tavk it upon yoursei�to speak for us, t+� hire legal counsel without conse�t frflm an�r of us and tc� initi�te legal actiar�—�II c�sts and impacts tc� each vf us as �wners. This action fs inc�angruent wi#h gover�ar�ce of an assoc�ati�an. What, may I as�C, gives y€�u the authar�ty to ac# �n behalf of the Ass�cEativn withc�u# bvard appro�ral ar�1�� c�u�tesy of, at a m�ri�m�m, discuss�an? Not ane of�s was consulte� be'�c�re you tovk it ���rn yaurs�lf ta spenc� c��r collective r�sc�urces ta �rDtest a busir�ess w��c{� rr►ay a�r may nc�t be suitable as a t�naRt of Gateway—in y�ur'[�,pinion. This see�ms to be a continuativr� af y�ur autr�cratic styie which is detrimental to c�ur �wn�r�hip rights as indir�rd�als and tv�he svciaV norms of ct�urtesy, respect and #air- play. I un�ierstand that you �nd Katia c�� make bc�ard decisivns that are b�n�ling. But reaGly, whe�, spendMn� caflect�W� resources and s�eakin� fcaT a group of c�wrters, cauld yav perhaps cvnsid�r tha�t�re r�asr�n fnr Ass�rciativr�s is t� respect the Gmu#�aa9 c�pirr�an and rsghts of��I, by ccrnsent rather than from a few whfl ha�pen to, af the moment, contcol the gnvernance an�i }audget. I am writing this not �n expectatian af either a response 4r a chang� in yaur behavio� but rather tv have Qn reco�d, that I, as a property nwner, disresp�ct and Qppase yvur Eeadershr'p by litigafivn style with respec#to the �ateway As�QCiat�or�. PerC�aps fca�yc�u, this i� "spart,,' but far me it is an unnecessary and expensive distr�ctian that irr�rartably casts our businesses mor�ey, time anc� aggra��tian. Li€e is s�ort. Lawsuits ar� Ivng. - � � Anthony Vangalis Attachment F Page 9 From: Robert Danial [mailto:rad@morganreed.com] Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 9:58 AM To: George Ruther Subject: FW: Wet lab in Unit 3 Dear Mr. Ruther I was informed that the building department has approved a permit to build a biological Lab in the unit that is directly under my residential unit. I am shocked and out raged at how such an approval could have been conferred without the prior approval of the Condo board. In addition I would like to understand how such use is incompliance with the zoning regulation of the town of Vail. I believe if the existence of such a lab becomes public information it would damage the economic base of the town significantly. I understand Gateway Condominium Association is strongly opposed to having a wet lab as a tenant in our building. This lab is under construction in violation of numerous condo docs, rules and regulations for our association. The owner refused to provide our manager with a copy of the lease and it is only by his investigation that we discovered that the Town of Vail approved this wet lab where we believe body parts will be used in conjunction with a teaching facility. Since the owner and the proposed tenant will not talk to us, we are putting the pieces together to gather this information. The loss of value to the owners in this building will be dramatic. Who would want to buy a condo in a building with this type of work going on. Who would want to go to a fine dining restaurant in close proximity to a wet lab dealing with cadaver parts and possibly toxic substances. Thank you Robert Danial (305) 867-8484 `� P/ease consider the en vironment before printing this e-mail From: Sealaw [mailto:sealaw@aol.com] Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2011 1:43 PM To: rad@morganreed.com; bluescasterl@bellsouth.net; inovatcreations@aol.com; jcjadams@gmail.com; inovatcreations@aol.com; sealaw@aol.com; ims@morganreed.com; jim.johnson@russellstandard.com; karenwjohnson@comcast.net; terry@palmos-development.com; rad@morganreed.com; cindy@greenauer.com; jeff@gohighline.com; j.ryan@ryanforestproducts.com; jimliken@gmail.com; deighanone@aol.com; kelly@kellyliken.com; loret@greenauer.com;jamesd@gohighline.com; pat@peeplesink.com; avhomes@comcast.net; bluescasterl@gmail.com; irmgardl@aol.com Cc: wendy Weigler Vail Gateway Atty Subject: Wet lab in Unit 3 Dear Vail Gateway Owners Our new manager, Ross Graves, has discovered that a proposed tenant for suite 300 is in the business of working with body parts and cadavers. The manager attempted to get further information from the owner who refused to provide any information whatsoever and refused to provide a copy of the lease. The manager went to the Town of Vail and obtained the building permit which states that the space will be used for"wet lab" and didactic purposes. Wet lab is a term of art that deals with chemicals, drugs, or other material or biological matter which requires direct ventilation and specialized piped utilities. Also certain types of biohazard material could also be involved. These types of spaces are normally located within a building specifically designed to house them. Attachment F Page 10 The manager as a well placed fear that this type of material will go into our air conditioning and plumbing systems. He is getting advise from various specialists on these matters at this time. The manager has discovered that unapproved air conditioning systems have been hung in the garage and holes cut in the concrete ceiling. The plumbing system has also been changed without permission from the Vail Gateway. In fact, none of this has been approved by the Vail Gateway in violation of our condo docs and rules and regulations. Today a letter has been delivered to the contractor to stop all work due to numerous violations of our condo docs and rules and regulations. The contractor has also been instructed to not trespass on the common areas of the building including the driveway, entry, stairs, elevator, etc. The contractor signed an acknowledgement of our rules and regulations which also include a prohibition on doing construction work between Nov 15 and April 15. Our attorney Wendy Weigler has prepared a lawsuit seeking a temporary and permanent injunction against the use of the space as a wet lab. The town of Vail is now conducting an investigation into whether or not the use of this space is compatible with the building. If you have any questions, please contact our manager Ross Graves at 970-445-7188. If you do not want a wet lab in the building, I suggest you also contact the Town of Vail. You can call George Ruther at 970-479-2145 but probably a letter would be better. Charles R. Lipcon LIPCON, MARGULIES, ALSINA&WINKLEMAN, P.A. One Biscayne Tower, Suite 1776 Miami, Florida 33131 tel: 305-373-3016 toll free: 800-838-2759 fax: 305-373-6204 web: www:lipcon.com Confidentiality Notice: This email message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. This electronic message is also subject to standard copyright/ownership laws. Again, it is not intended to be reproduced, or re-transmitted without the consent of the originator. Attachment F Page 11 From: Hans Willimann [mailto:hans.willimann@fourseasons.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 12:18 PM To: George Ruther Subject: Wet Lab at Gateway Good morning George, I tried to get in touch with you and left you a message. I guess you might not have received it. Here is my dilemma and I hope you can shed some light on the circumstances I have been informed that presently there is construction going on at the Vail Gateway complex. Apparently the Town of Vail has approved a wet lab in that building. I believe that a wet labs use chemicals, drugs, biological matter(body parts) and has potential biological hazards. The proximity of such a facility is totally incompatible with our neighborhood and our Hotel in particular. I would appreciate your involvement to revoke such a permit, if in fact the purpose of this facility is a "wet- lab" Thank you for giving this you utmost attention. Hans Willimann General Manager Four Seasons Resort Vail 1 Vail Road, Vail, CO, U.S.A., 81657 voice: 1 (970)477-8601 mobile: 1 (970) 306-9033 fax: 1 (970)477-8666 email: mailto:hans.willimann(c�fourseasons.com web: http://www.fourseasons.com/vail Attachment F Page 12 From: Kelly Liken [mailto:kelly@kellyliken.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 2:22 PM To: George Ruther Subject: Arthrex Training Facility Hi George, I am sorry to hear that Chuck Lipcon and Ross Graves have made you feel like I am the biggest opponent to the Arthrex project. I do have my concerns, but they are concerns that deal with making sure the plumbing, waste and ventilation are properly dealt with. Ross explained to me what a "wet lab" is using a description from wikipedia, not from the company itself. I'm not sure if he wasn't able to get in touch with a representative from Arthrex? When I researched Arthrex and what they actually do, they seem like a very upstanding company that is a welcome addition to Vail, bringing in the kind of clientele that we all want to see. Although I do have concerns as stated above, I am not convinced that the concerns can't be resolved with a few questions answered. I generally feel that Chuck Lipcon has spoken FOR me in this matter without having spoken TO me. I have NEVER had a conversation with Chuck Lipcon about this matter, only Ross Graves who scared me at first, but after some research I am less nervous and would only like to be reassured that our notoriously bad plumbing, limited garbage and waste disposal and the HVAC issues are addressed. I understand that this is new territory for most people and it is scary if you read these things on the internet. It may not be the most ideal usage of the space in many people's opinion, but it will be a long term, high end tennant, which we need in the building. It doesn't seem like what Arthrex does coincides exactly with the terror and hysteria that is being distributed. Please feel free to call or email if you would like to talk about any of my concerns, as I feel that they are valid, but not unresolvable. Live In Season! Kelly Liken Chef/Owner Restaurant Kelly Liken (970) 479-0175 office (970) 343-2348 cell Attachment F Page 13 From: Sealaw [mailto:sealaw@aol.com] Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 9:04 AM To: George Ruther; Matt Mire Contact Cc: sealaw@aol.com; wendy Weigler Vail Gateway Atty; rossg@centurytel.net; InovatCreations Subject: Vail Gateway Condo Association letter re Arthrex building permit Gentlemen: The Vail Gateway Condo Association would like to appeal the issuance of the Permit# B11-0274, Project # PRJ11-0441 which was issued without notice to our association on 9/21/2011. We only recently learned about the building permit and the nature of the work Arthrex will be doing there. We have not received information from Arthrex nor anyone else but have attempted to gather as much information as we can in spite of being refused answers to our questions about what is going on. From Arthrex's web site where they list the Vail location as a surgical training site and the fact that Arthrex uses cadavers or cadaver parts and the fact that the plans show a training area and multiple lab stations, we have concluded that there will be surgical training on cadaver or cadaver parts which are considered biohazards. Please see my attached letter which is preliminary in light of the lack of notice and attempt to put something together in a short time frame. Charles R. Lipcon President of Vail Gateway Condominium Association Attachment F Page 14 Law Offices LIPCON, MARGULIES, ALSINA & WINKLEMAN, P.A. One Biscayne Tower,Suite 1776 Ricardo V, Alsina Two Sauth Biscayne Boufevard Miami,Florida 33131 Charles R. Lipcan Jasan R. Margulies TEL 305-373-3016 Michael Winkfeman 8QQ-g38'2759 Carlos F. LEinas �Iegret FAX 3Q5-373-6204 WEB www.lipcan.cam *Stacey Z. Margulies "Tanya�. Meister Decennber 13, 2011 `of counsel Town of Vail Attn: Planning Department 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Arthrex Inc.'s Pro osed Cadaver Facili in the Vaii Gatewa Buildin To Whom Tt May Concern: As President of t1�e Gateway Condominium Association for the Vail Gateway Building located at 12 Vail Road, Vail, CO 81657, it has come to my attention that a compazxy called Arthrex Inc. is attennpting to open a "wet lab" medical facility where hunnan cadavers will be medically operated on. To make rzlatters worse, Arthrex has done nathing to obtain any approval from the homeowners association; and has done nothing in order to comply with the applicable Zoning laws. � have obtained a Temporary Restraining Order in order to stop Arthrex, and hereby request this Honorable Cominission immediately look into this alarming issue. The Vail Gateway Building falls under fhe Special Developrzlent District (SDD). [See Offrcial Zoning Map attached hereto and marked as Exhibit .l.] According to the Vail Town Code; "Determination of permitted, conditional and accessory uses �in the SDD] shaIl be �made by tbe planning and environmental cammission anc� town counciI as a part of the formal review of the proposed development plan. Unless fnrther restrictec� through tk�e review of the proposed special development dishict, permitted, conditional and accessory uses shall be limited to those permitted, conc�itional and acces�ory uses in a property's underlying zone district."— 12-9A-6. �See Exhibit 2 attached.J It is my understanding that Arthrex has failed to comply with these requirements. As such, the Plannulg and Environmental Co�nmission and Town Council should formally deny the proposed use of Arthrex's property. If the review of Arthrex's proposed facility does not restrict the use, then it is determined by the property's underlying zone district, which in this case is the Co�nmercial Service Center (CSC} district. CSee the list of the CSC distr�ict's permftted, conditional and accessory uses attached hereto and marked as Exhibit 3.J As the list shows, the CSC district considers "professional offices, business offices, and studios"permitted uses.— 12-7E-3. �Exhibit 3.]Under the Code, the term "professional office" is defined as follows: "An office for the practice of a profession, such as offices of physicians, dentists, lawyers, architects, engineers, z�r�usicians, teachers, accountatits, and others who thxough fraining are qualified to perform services of a professional nature, where storage, sale, or display of inerchandise on the premises occupies less than ten percent{10%) of the floor area."— 12-2-2. �See Exhibit 4 attached.] Clearly a company which offers a training laboratory with cadavers is not a typical "professional office" as intended by the Code. As to the CSC district's conditional uses, Artlu•ex could potentially only fall under a "con�vention facility." — 12-E-4. In order for such use to be permitted as a conditional use, though,Arthrex must obtain a conditional use permit. — 12-E-4. �Exhibit 3.� The process of obtauung a conditional use permit is go�verned by Chapter 16 of the Code. �See Chapter 16 attached hereto and marked as Exhibit S.] First, the applicant needs to subzz�it an application which must include "C. A description of the precise z�ature of the proposed use and its operating characteristics.... F. Such additional material as the adminisfrator may prescribe or the applicant may submit pertinent to the applicatiou and to the findings prerequisite to the issuance of a conditional use permit... G. A list of the owner or owners of record of the properties adjacent to the subject property... The 115t... 5I1�1 include the naz�r�es of the individuals, their mailing addresses, and the general description of the property owned or managed by each. Accompanying the list shall be stamped, addressed envelopes to each individual or agent to be notified to be used for tk�e mailing of the uotice of hearing. It wi11 be the applicant's responszbility to provide this informatzon and stamped, addressed envelopes... H. If the property is owned in common (condominium association)... the written approval of the other pro�erty owner, owners or a�plicable owners' association shall be required." — 12- 16-2. �Fxhibit S.] Upon submitting the application, the Planning and Environmental Commission holds a public hearing, wherein the commission may approve the application as submitted or may approve the application subject to certain conditions which z�r�ay include, but not be liz�r�zted to, "regulation of... methods of operation" and "control of potential nuisances". — 12-16-5. �Exhibit S.] The Code defined a "nuisance" as follows: "any act or condition which endangers f�e public health or environment or results in annoyance or discomfort to the public ar damage to any property or injury to any person."—5-1-1 �See Exhibit 6.] Factars which the commission considers when deciding on a conditional use permit application include the following: "1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the town.... 4, Effect upon the c�aracter of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses... 5. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deezns applicable to the proposed use.., 6. The euvironmental impact report concern�ing the proposed use, if an enviranmental impact report is required by chapter 12 of fhis titie." — 12-12-16-6(A) �Exhibit S.] In addition, the commission must fmd that the "proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained will not be detrimeutal to the public health, safety, or -2- L I P C O N , M A R G U L I E S , A L 5 1 N A 8G W I N K L E M A N , P . A . weifare, ar materially injurious ta properties ar impravements in the �icinity." — 12-16- 6(B). ��xhibit 5.] In regard to the environmental impact report, according ta Chapter 12, the report shall be submitted ta the administrator for any project which the administrator determines may significantly change the environment, either during construction or on a continuing basis, due ta: patentially resulting in a"hazard to health and safety" or involving "any pracess which results in odar that may be objectionable ar damaging" (among athers). — 12-12-1 �See �xhibit 7.] Chapter 12 discusses both the stud.ies and data required (12-12-4} as well as the cantents the report should cantain {12-12-5). The Planning and Environmental Commis�ion reviews the report and either approves, disapproves or requests changes in the project in writing. — 12-12-11. In the event that Arthre�'s use does not fa11 under any of the defined permitted uses, conditianal uses and accessory uses of the district, section 12-4-2{B) may govern. Such section provide� that the permitted uses, conditional uses and accessary use� in the particular districts shall be deemed to be exclusive uses for those districts, and any use not specificaliy permitted as a `permitted use' is prohibited unless a determinatian of `similar use' is made in accordance with section 12-3-4. �See Exhibit 8.] To be clear, Arthrex has taken none of the required steps in order to even begin to develop such a facility. As such, please act immediately to review this alarming situation, including a public hearing, and to require an environmental impact report. Your itnmediate attention to this matter is sincerely appreciated. /s/Charles Lipcota CHARLES R. LIPCON President of the Gateway Condomituum Association -3- L I P C O N , M A R G U L I E S , A L 5 I N A $c W I N K L E iv[ A i1 , P . 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' �€� ���:����� ��g��� � ` �,� i Ei� y �{ , o `€€i �s y,,. `. _ �::`. ggF =e��������iad€S � �� �s� NDD��D��AN����� � i F�E `�'� �€E Sterling Codifiers,Inc. ARTICLE A. SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT �SDD) �I�TRICT 12-9A-1 : PURPOSE AND APPLICABlLITY: A. Purpose: The purpose of the speciaf de�efopment district is to encourage flexibil[ty and creati�ity in the de�e[opment of fand in order to promate its most appropriate use; ta impro�e the design character and quality of the new de�elopment with the town; ta facilitate the adequate and ecanomical pro�ision of streets and utilities; to preser�e the natural and scenic features of open space areas; and to fur�her the o�erall goals of the community as stated in the Vail comprehensi�e pfan. An appro�ed de�elopment pfan for a special de�elopment district, in conjunction with the proper�y's underlying zone district, shali establish the requ�rements for �uidin� de�elopment and uses of property included in the special de�elopment district. B. Applicability: Special de�elopment districts do not apply to and are not a�ailable in the following zone districts: hillside residential, single-family residential, two-family residential and two-family primary/secandary residential. (Ord. 29(2005) § 26: Ord. 9(1994) § 1 : Ord. 2�{1988) § 1) 12-9A-2: DEFINITIONS, AFFECTED PROPERTY: Property within a special de�elopment district that, by �i�tue of its proximity or relationship to a proposed amendment request to an appro�ed de�elopment plan, may be affected by redes�gn, density increase, change in uses, or other modif[cations changing the impacts, or character of the appro�ed special de�elopment d�strict. AGEfVT OR AUTHORIZED REPRESEfVTATIVE: Any indi�idua( or association authorized or empowered in writin� �y the property owner to act on his (her) stead. If any of the property to be included in the special de�elopment district �s a condominiumized de�elopment, the pertinent condominium association may be considered the agent or authorized representati�e for the indi�idual unit owners if author�zed in conformity with afl pertinent requirements of the condominium association's decfarations and alf other requirements of the condominium declarations are met. MAJOR AMEfVDMENT (PEC AND/OR COUNCI� R�VI�W): Any proposal to change uses; increase gross residential floor area; change the number of dweliing or accommodation units; modify, enlarge or expand any appro�ed special de�elopment district (other than "minor amendments" as defined in this section), except as pro�ided under section �2-�5�4, EXHIBlT � � 1 of 8 5terling Codifiers,Inc. "Interior Con�ersions", or �2-�5-5, "Additional Gross Res[dential Floor Area (250 Ordinance)", of this title. MINOR AMENDMENT (�TAFF REVIEW): Modifications to building plans, site or landscape plans that do not alter the basic intent and character of the appro�ed special de�elopment district, and are consistent with the design criteria of this article. Minor amendments may include, but not be limited to, �ariat�ons of not more than fi�e feet (5') to appro�ed setbacks andlor building footprints; changes to fandscape or site plans that do not ad�ersely impact pedestrian or �ehicufar circulation throughout the specia� de�elopment district; or changes to gross fioor area (excluding residential uses) of not more than fi�e percent (5%) of the appro�ed square footage of retail, office, common areas and other nonresidentiaE floor area, except as pro�ided under section �2-15-4, "lnterior Conversions", Or 12-15-5, "Addit�onal Gross Residentiai Floor Area (250 �rdinance)", of this title. UNDERLYING ZONE DISTRICT: The zone district existing on tne property, or imposed on the property at the time the special development district is approved, The following zone districts are prohibited from special de�elopment districts being used; hillside residential, single-family residential, two-family resident�al, two-family primarylsecondary residential. (Ord. 29{2005) § 26: Ord. 13(1997) § 2: Ord. 9(1994) § 2: Ord. 2�(1988) § 1) i2-9A-3: APPLICATIQN: An applic�tion for �ppro�al of � �p�c��l ����lopment di�trict may b� fil�d by �ny owner of property to be included in the special de�elopment district or his (her) agent or autnorized representati�e, The application shalf be made on a form pro�ided by the department of community de�efopment and shall include: a legal description of the property, a list of names and mailing addresses of all adjacent property owners and written consent of owners of all property to be included in the special de�elopment district, or tneir agents or authorized representati�es. Tne application sha[l be accompanied by submittal requ�rements in section 12-9A-5 of this articie and a de�elopment pian as in sect�on 12-9A-6 of this article. (Ord. 29{2005) § 26: Ord. 21(19$$) § 1) 12-9A-4: DEVEL�Pf1JIENT REVIEW PRQCEDURES: A, Appro�al Of Plan Required: Prior to site preparation, building construction, or other impro�ements to land within a special de�e�opment district, tnere snall be an appro�ed de�e[opment plan for said distr�ct. The appro�ed de�elopment plan shall establish requirements regulating de�efopment, uses and acti�ity witnin a speciaf de�elopment district. 2of8 Ster�ing Codifiers,[nc. B. Preapplication Conference: Prior to submittal of a formal appiication for a speciaE development district, the applfcant shall hold a preapplication conference with the department of community de�elopment. The purpose of this meeting shaEl be to discuss the goals of the proposed special development district, the relationship of the proposai to applicahle elements of the town's comprehensi�e plan, and the re�iew procedure that will be followed for the application. C. PEC Conducts lnitia! Re�iew: The initial re�iew of a proposed special de�elopment district shall be held �y the pfanning and en�ironmental commission at a regular�y scheduled meeting. Prior to this meeting, and at the discretion af the administrator, a work session may be held with the applicant, staff and the planning and en�ironmental commission to discuss speciaf de�efopment district, A report of the department of community de�elopment staff`s findings and recommendations shall be made at the initiai formal hearing �efore the planning and en�ironmental commission. With�n twenty (20) days of the closing of a public hearing on a proposed amendment, the planning and en�ironmental commission shall act on the petition or proposal. The commission may recommend appro�al of the petition or proposa� as initiated, may recommend appro�al with such modifications as it deems necessary to accompiish the purposes of this title, or may recommend denial of the petition or rejection of the proposal. The commission shalf transmit its recommendation, together with a report on the pubfic hearing and its deliberations and findings, to the town council. D. Town Council Re�iew: A report of the planning and en�ironmental commission stating its findings and recommendations, and the staff report shall then �e transmitted to the town council. Upon receipt of the report and recommendation of the planning and en�ironmental commission, the town council shall set a date for hearing within the following thirty (30) days. Within twenty (20) days of the closing of a public hearing on a proposed SDD, the town council shall act on the petition or proposal. The town council shali consider �ut shall not be bound by the recommendat[on of the pfanning and en�ironmental commission. The town councif may cause an ordinance to be introduced to create or amend a speciaf de�elopment district, either in accordanc� with the recommendation of the planning and en�ironmental commission or in modified form, or the councif may deny the petition. If the council elects to proceed w�th an ordinance adopting an SDD, the ordinance shall be considered as prescri�ed by the Vafl town charter, (Ord. 29(2005) § 26: Ord. 21(1988) § 1) 12�9A-5: SUBMITTAL REQU�REMENTS: The administrator shall establish the su�mittal requir�ments for a special de�elopment district application. A complete list of the submittal requirements shall �e maintained �y the administrator and filed in the department of community de�elopment. Certain submittal requirements may �e wai�ed andlor modified �y the administrator andlor the re�iewing body if �t is demonstrated �y the applicant that the information and materials required are not 3 af 8 Sterlin�Codifier:;,Inc. relevant to the proposed development or app[icable to the planning documents that comprise the Vail comprehensive plan. The administrator andlor the reviewing body may require the sufamission of additional pEans, drawings, specificat�ons, samples and other materials if deemed necessary to properly evaluate the proposal. (Orci. 29�20�5) § 26: Ord. 5(2003} § �4: Ord. 21(1988) § 1) �12-9A-G: DEVELOPMENT PLAN: An approved development pian is the princ�pal document in guiding the deve�opment, uses and activities of special development districts. A development plan shaEl be approved by ordinance by the town council in conjunction w�th the review and approval of any special de�elopment district. The development plan shall be comprised of materials submitted in accordance with sectian 12-9A-5 of this article. The development plan shaiE contain all relevant material and information necessary to establish the parameters with which the special development district shal[ develop. The de�elopmenk plan may consist of, but not be limited to, the approved site plan, floor plans, building sections and elevations, vicinity plan, parking plan, pre�iminary open space/landscape pfan, densities and permitted, conditional and accessory uses. (Ord. 29(2�05} § 26: Ord. 21(�98$) § i} �2-9A-7: USES: I]et�rm�nation of p.er.mitted,: conditional and aecessory uses shall be rnade by t�te planning and environmental commission and t�wn council as a part of the #ormal review of fhe proposed developrrment plan. Untess #urther restricted through the re�iew of the proposed special cievel'oprnent ciistri:ct, permitteci, coneiitional and accessory uses sha[1 be.limited to thase permifted, cor�ditional and accessory uses in a property's underlying zone ciisfrict. Under certain cond�tians, commercial uses may be permitted in residen�iaE special development districts if, in the opinion of the town cauncil, such uses are primarily for the service and convenience of the residents of the development and �he immediate neighborhood. Such uses, if any, shall not change or des�roy the predaminantly residential character of the special devefapment dfstric�. The amount of area and type of such uses, if any, to E�e allowed in a residen�ial specia� develapment district s�ta[I be estabiished by�he town council as a part of the appraved development plan. (Ord. 29(2005} § 26: Ord. 21(1988) § 1} 12-9A-8; DESIGN CRITERIA AND NECESSARY FINDINGS: A. Griteria: The fallowing design cri�eria shall be used as the principal cri�eria in e�aluating 4ofs Sterling Codifiers,Inc. the merits of the proposed special development district. It sha�i be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that submittal material and the proposed development plan comply with each of the folfowing standards, or demonstrate that one or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical solution consist�nt with the public interest ha� been achieved: i. Compatibility: Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties refative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer aones, identity, character, visual integriiy and orientation. 2. Relatlonship: Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workabfe relationship with surrounding uses and activity. 3. Parking And Loading; Compliance with par[cing and ioading requirements as outlined in cha�ter 10 of this title. 4. Comprehensive Plan: Conformity with applicable elements of the Vail comprehensive plan, town policies and urban design plans. 5. Natural And/Or Geo[ogic Hazard: ldentification and mitigation of naturaf and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on which the specia[ development district is proposed. 6. Design Features: Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional deve[opment responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. 7. Traffic: A circuEation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off site traffic circulation. 8. Landscaping: Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, v�ews and function. 9. Workable P1an: Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and efficient relationship throughout the development of the specia� development district B. Necessary Findings: Before recommending andlor granting an approval of an application for a special deve[opment district, the planning and environmentai commission and the town council shail make the fof�owing #indings with respect to the proposed SDD: 1. That the SDD complies with the standards listed in subsection A of th�s section, unless the applicant can demonstrate that one or more of the standards is not applicable, or that a practical soEution cons[stent with the pubfic interest has been achieved. 2. That the SDD is consistent w�th the adopted goafs, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail comprehensive p�an and compatible with the development objectives of the town; and 3. That the SDD is compatible with and suitable to adjacent uses and appropriate for the 5of8 Sterling Codifiers,Inc. surrounding areas; and 4. That the SDD promotes the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the town and promotes the coordinat�d and harmonious de�elopment of th@ town in a mann�r that conserves and enhances its natural en��ronment and its established character as a resort and residential commun�ty of the highest quality. (Ord. 29(2��5) § 26: Ord. 21(1988) § 1) 12-9A-9: DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS; De�efopment standards including lot area, site dimensions, setbacks, height, density control, site co�erage, ]andscaping and parking shall be determi�ed by the town councif as part of the appro�ed de�efopment plan with consideration of the recommendations of the p[anning and en�ironmental commission. Before the town council appro�es de�elopment standards that de�iate from the underlying zone district, it should be determined that such de�iation pro�ides benefits to the town that outweigh the ad�erse effects of such de�iation. This determination is to be made based on e�aluation of the proposed special de�e[opment district's compliance with the design criteria out�ined in section 12-9A-8 of this article. (4rd. 29{2005) § 26: Qrd. 21{1988) § 1) 12-9�►-10: �►N1�IV�N��N� �R����UR��: A. Minor Amendments 1. Minor modifications consistent with the definition of "minor amendment" i� subsection 12-9A-2 of this articfe, may be appro�ed by the department of community de�elopment. AI[ minor mod�fications shall be indicated on a completely re�ised de�elopment plan. Appro�ed changes shall be noted, signed, dated and filed by the department of community de�elopment. 2. Notification of a proposed minor amendment, and a report of staff action of said request, shall be pro�ided to all property owners within and adjacent to the special de�elopment district that may be affected by the amendment. Affected pro�erties shal[ be as determined by the de�artment of community de�elopment. Notifications shafl be postmariced no later than fi�e (5) days fo[lowing staff actior� on the amendment re�uest and shall include a brief statement describing the amendment and the time and date of when the planning and en�ironmenta� commission will be informed of the administrati�e action. In all cases the report to the planning and en�ironmental commission shall be made within twenty (2�) days from the date of the staff's decision on the requested amendment. 3. Appeals of staff decisio�s may be fifed by adjacent property owners, owners of 6of8 Sterling Codifiers,Inc. property within the special de�elopment district, the applicant, pianning and en�i�onmental commissEOn members or members of the town council as outlined in section �2-3-3 of this title, B. Major Amendments: �. Requests for major amendments to an app�o�ed speciaf de�efopment district shail be re�iewed in accordance with the procedures described in section �2-9A-4 of this article. 2. Owners of all property requesting the amendment, or their agents or authorized �epresentati�es, shall sign the application. Notification of the proposed amendment shall be made to owners of all property adjacent to the property requesting the proposed amendment, owners of all property adjacent to the special de�elopment district, and owners of all property within the specia[ de�elopment district that may be affected by the proposed amendment {as determined by the department of community de�elopment). Notification procedures shall be as outlined in subsection �2-3-6C of this title. (Ord. 29(2005) § 26: Ord. 2�(�988) § 1) 12-9A-1� : RECREATION AMENITIES TAX: A recreation amenities tax shall be assessed on a!I special de�elopment districts in accordance with title_2,_ch_apter 5 of this code at a rate to be determined by the town counc�L This rate shall be based on the rate of the underlying zone district or the rate which most closely resembles the density plan for the zone district, whiche�er is greater. �Ord. 29(2005) § 26: Ord. 21�1988) § 1) 12-9A-�2: TIME REQUIREMENTS: A. Start Qf Construction; Completion: The de�eloper must begin initial construction of the specia! de�elopment district within three {�) years from the time of its fina! appro�al, and continue diligently toward the completion of the project. ff the special devefopment district is to be de�eloped in phases, the de�eloper must begin constrUCt�on of sUbsequent phases within one year of the completion of the pre�ioUS phase. B. Appro�al Voided: ]f the applicant does not begin and diligently work toward the completion of the speciai de�elopment district or any stage of the special de�elopment district within the time limits imposed by the preceding subsection, the appro�al of said special 7of8 Sterling Codifiers,Inc. develo�ment district shal! be void. The planning and en�ironmentai comm�ssion and town council shall review the special development district upon submittal of an application to reestablish the special development district following the procedures outlined in section �2-9A-4 of this articfe. (Ord. 29(2005) § 26: Ord. 21(1988) § 1) �2-9A-�3: FEES: The filing fee for special development district applications and for major and minor amendments to special development districts shall be set by the town council by resolution. A�plications deemed by the department of community development to have significant design, land use, or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other than town staff. Shou[d a determination be made by the town staff that an o�tside consultant is needed to re�iew any special de�elopment district appfication, said outside consultant shall be commissioned by the department of community de�elopment. The department of community de�elopment shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the outside consultant, and this amount shall be forwarded to the fown by the applicant at the time the special development district application is s�bmitted to the de�artment of community de�elopment. Upon complet�on of the re�iew of the a��lication by the consulfanf, any of the funds forwarded by the app[icant for payment of the consultant which ha�e not been paid to the consu[tant, shall be returned to the applECant. Expenses incurred by the town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shal! be paid to the town by the applicant within thirty (30) days of notification by the fown. (Ord. 29(2005) § 26: Ord. 5(�99�) § � : Ord. 21(1988) § 1) 12-9A-�4: EXISTlNG SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS: Nothing in this article shafl be construed to limit, replace or diminish the req�irements, responsibilities, and specifications of special de�elopment distr�cts 2 through 21 . The town council specifically finds that said speciai de�elopment districts 2 through 2� shall remain in fufl force and effecf, and fhe terms, conditions, and agreements contained therein shalf continue to be binding upon fhe app[icants thereof and the town. These SDDs, if not commenced at the present time, shall comply with section �2-9A-12 of fhis article. (Or�. 29(2005) § 26: Ord. 2�(1988) § 1) Sof8 Sterling Codifiers,Inc. ARTICLE E. COMMERCIAL SERVICE CENTER �CSC� �IS��1C� 12-7E-� : PURPOSE: The commercial ser�ice center district is intended to pro�ide sites for general shopping and commercial facilities ser�ing the town, together with fimited mu�ti�le-family dwelling and lodge uses as may be appropriate without interfering with the basic commercial functions of the zone district. The commercial ser��ce center district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to perm�tted types of buildings and uses, ar�d to mainta�n a con�enient shopping center en�ironment for permitted commercial uses. (Ord. 29(200�) § 24: Ord. 8(1973) § 10.1 QO) �2-7E-2: REQUIREMENTS FOR ESTABLISHMENT; DEVELOPIVIENT PLAN: A. Re�iew Required: Prior to the estab�ishment of any commercial ser�ice center d�strict or enlargement of zone district boundaries, the town council shall by resolution ado�t a general de�elopment �lan for the proposed zone district. The de�elopment plar� may be �repared by an applicant for the establishment of the zor�e d�strict or may be prepared by the towr�. The de�elopment plan shall be submitted to the planr�ir�g ar�d en�ironmentaf commissior� for re�iew, and the planning and en�ironmental commission shall submit its findings and recommendations on the plan to the town council. B. Piar� Content: The administrator shalf establish the submittal requirements for a de�elo�ment plan appiication. A complete fist of the submittal requirements shall be maintained by the admin�strator and filed in the department of commur�iiy de�elo�ment. Certain submittaf requirements may �e wai�ed and/or modified by the administrator and/or the re�iewing body if it is demonstrated by the ap�licant that the information and materiaEs required are not rele�ant to the proposed de�elopmer�t or a��licable to the planning documents that comprise the Vail comprehensi�e plar�. The administrator and/or the re�iewing �ody may require the submissior� of additional plans, drawings, specifications, sampfes and other materials if deemed r�ecessary to properly e�aluate the proposaL C. Plan To Be Guide: The de�elopment �fan sha�l �e used as a guide for the su�sequent de�elo�ment of sites and the design and location of buildings and grounds with[n the zone district. AEI plans su�sequentfy appro�ed �y the desigr� re�iew board in accordance with chapter �� of this titie sha[l substantially conform to the de�elopment �[an ado�ted EXHIBIT � � i of� sfi��-1;��cpa�r���s,r�,�. �y t�,e towr, co�ric�i. �ord. 2s(2oa�� § 24: ord. 5{2oos� § s: ord. ${1 s7s� § 1 a.2ao� 12-7E-3: PERMITTED USES: The folfawing uses shall be permitted in the CSC district: Automated teller machines (ATMs) exteriar ta a building. Banks and financial institutions. Eating and drinking estabfishments, including the failowing: Bakeries and delicatessens with faad service. CacktaEl launges and bars, Coffee shops. Fountains and sandwic� shaps. Restaurants. Employee housing units, as further regulated by cha�ter �3 af this tit[e. Personal ser�ices and repair shaps, including the follawing: Beauty and harber shaps. Business and affice serv9ces. Cleaning and laundry pick up agencies without bulk c�eaning ar dyeing. �aundromats. Smafl ap�liance repa�r shaps, exciuding furniture repair. Tai[ors and dressmakers. Tra�el and tfcket agencies. �Professional affices, business affices, and studios. Retail stores and establishments wit�out limit as to floor area including the falfowing: 2 oF 7 Sterli�g Codifiers,Inc. Appare! stores. Art supply stores and galleries. Bakeries and confectioneries, inc[uding preparation of products for sa�e on the premises. Bookstores. Building materials stores without outdoor storage. Camera stores and photographic studios. Candy sto�es. Chinaware and glassware stores. De[icatessens and speciafty food stores. Department and general merchandise stores. Drugstores. Electronics sales and repair shops. Flo�ists. Food stores. Furniture stores. Gift shops, Hardwa�e stores. Hobby stores. Household a��liance stores, Jewefry stores. Leather goods stores. Liquor stores. Luggage stores. Music and record stores. 3 of 7 Sterling CncEifiers,Inc. Newsstands and tobacco stores. Pet shops. Photographic studios. Radio anc! tele�ision broadcasting stuclios. Sporting goods stores. Stationery stores. Supermarkets. Toy stores. Variety stores. Yardage anc! dry goocls stores. Additional offices, businesses, or serriices cletermined to be simifar to permittec! uses in accordance with the pro�isions of section �2-7E-1 of this article. (Ord. 12(z008) § 14) �2-7E-4: CONDITIQNAL USES: T�e fol[owing conditional uses shal� be perrnitted in the CSC disfricf, subject to isst�ance of a� conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of c�apter 16 of this title: Any use permitted by section 12-TE�3 of this artic{e, which is not con�lucted entirely wit�in a building. Bed and breakfasts, as further regulated by section 12-�4-�8 of tt�is title, BowEing alley. Brewpubs. Cl�ild daycare centers. Commercial laundry and c[eaning services. Communications antennas and appurtenant equipment. Dog kennels. Major arcades. 4 ot-� Sterling Cadifiers,Inc. Multipfe-family residentiaf dwe�lings and fodges. Qutdoor operation of the accessory uses as set forth in section 12-7�e5 of this article. Pri�ate ciubs. Pr��ate parking structures. Pri�ate unstructured parking. Pu�Iic buildings, grounds and facilities. Public park and recreation facifit[es. Public utility and pu�lic ser�ice uses. Ski fifts and tows. Theaters, meeting rooms, andCon�ention facilities�(Ord. �2{2008) § 14) 12�7E-5; ACCESSORY USES: The following accessory uses shalf be permitted fn the CSC district: Home occupat�ons, sub�ect to iss�ance of a home occu�ation permit in accordance with the pro�isions of section �2-14-12 of this title. Minor arcades. Swimming pools, tennis cour�s, patios, or o�her recreation facilities customarily incidental to cond�tionai residentiai or lodge uses. Other uses customarily incidentaf and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. (Ord. 29(2005) § 24: Ord. 6(1982) § 6(b): Ord. 8{�973) § 10.500) 12-7E-6: LQT AREA AND SITE DiMENS10NS: Tne minimum lot or site area shall be twenty thousand (20,000) square teet of buifdable area, and each site shall have a minimum frontage of one hundred feef {�00'). (Ord. 12(1978) § 3) 5 oF 7 Sterling Codifiers,Inc. 12-7E-7: SET'BACKS: In the C�C district, fhe r�ninimur� fron� �efback s�afl b� 4weniy f�et {2Q'), th� minimum side setback shaf] be twenty feet (20'), and the minimum rear setback shal! be twenty feet (2p'). (Ord. 29{2005) § 24: Ord. 50(1978) § 2) �2-7E-8: HEIGHT: For a flat or mansard roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed thirty fi�e feet (35'). For a sloping roof, tne height of buildings shail not exceed thirty eight feet {38'). {Ord. 37(198a) § 2) 12-7E-9: DENSlT'Y CONT'ROL: Not more tnan forty (4a) square feet of gross residential floor area {GRFA) snalf be permitted for each one hundred (1 pa) square feet of buildable site area, and gross residential floor area shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of tota! building floor area on any site. Total density sha11 not exceed eighteen (18) dwelling units per acre of buildable site area. A dwelling unit in a multiple-family building may include one attached accommodation unit no larger than one-third (�/�) of the total floor area of the dweilEng. (Ord. 3� (2001) § 5: Ord. �p(1978) § 19: Qrd. 12(1978) § 2) 12-7E-70: SITE COVERAGE: Site coverage shafl not exceed seveniy five percent (7�%) of the total site area. (Ord. 17(1991) § �� : Qrd. 8(1973) § 1 p.6Q7) 12-7E�11 : LANDSCAPING AND SITE DEVELOPMENT: At feast twenty percent (20%) af the total site shal� be landscape�. The minimum width an� length of any area quafifyir�g as lar�dscaping shall be fifteen feet (1�') with a minimum area not less than three hundred (300) square feet. (Ord. 19(1976) § 11 A: Ord. 8(1973) § 1 a.609) 6of7 Sterling Codif�ers,Inc. 12-7E-12: PARKING AND LOADING: Off street parking and foading shail be pro�ided in accordance with chapter 10 of this title. At least one-half (112) of the required �arking shal[ be located within the main building or buildings. No parking or loading area shafl be focated in any required front setback area. (Ord. 19(�97G) § 1�A: Ord. 8{�973) § 10.G10) 12-7E-13: LOCATION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY: A. Limitations; Exception: Alf permitted and conditional uses by sections 12-7E-3 and 12-7E-4 of this arficle shall be operafed and conducfed entirely within a buifding exce�t for �ermifted parking and �oading areas and such acti�ities as may be specifically authorized to be unenclosed by a conditional use permit and the outdoor display of goods. �. Outdoor Display: The area to be used for outdoor dis�lay musf be located directly in front of the establishment displaying fhe goods and enfirely upon the establishment`s own �ro�erty. Sidewalks, buifding entrances and exits, driveways and streets shall not be obstructed by outdoor display. (Ord. 34(1982) § 4) 7 of 7 Steding Codifiers,Inc. Chapter 2 �EFINI�I��I� 12-2-1 : WORD CONSTRUCTION: Words used in the present tense inciude the future, and vice versa; words used in the singular include the plural, and vice versa; the word "shall" is mandatory, the word "may" is permissi�e; and whene�er reference �s made to any portion of this tit[e, the reference applies to all amendments and additions now or hereafter made. (Ord. 29(2005) § 17: Ord. 8(1973) § 1.500) 12-2a2: DEFINITI�NS �F 1N�RDS AND TERMS: When used in this titie, the words and phrases contained in this title shal[ ha�e the specific meanings as defined in this section. ACCOMMODATION UNIT: Any room or group of rooms without "kitchen facilities", as defined herein, which are designed for temporary occupancy by �isitors, guests, indi�iduals, or famiiies on a short term rental basis, and accessible from common corridors, walks, or ba�conies without passing through another accommodation unit, limited ser�ice lodge unit, fractiona] fee c�ub unit or dwelling unit. An accommodation unit is not intended for permanent residency and shalf not be subdi�ided into an �ndi�idual condominium unit, pursuant to title 13, "Subdi�ision Regulations", of this code. ACCOMMODATION UNIT, ATTACHED: A room, without kitchen facilities, connected to a dweliing unit within a muftiple-famfly building designed for or adapted to occupancy by guests which is accessible from a common co�ridor, wa�k, or baEcony without passing through another accommodation unit, attached accommodation unit, or dwe[�ing unit. ADMINfSTRATOR: The administrator of the department of commUnity de�elopment or h�smer designee. AFFECTED PROPERTY: Property within a special de�elopment district that, by �irtue of its proximity or relationship to a proposed amendment request to an approved de�e[opment plan, may be affected by redesign, density increase, cnange in uses, or other modifications changing the impacts, or character of the appro�ed special development district. AGENT OR AUTHORfZED REPRESENTATIVE: Any indi�idua( or association authorized or empowered in writing by the property owner to act on his {her) stead. !f any of the property to be included in the special de�elopment district is a condominiumized de�elopment, the pertinent condominium association may be considered the agent or authorized representati�e for the indi�Edual unit owners if authorized in conformity with all �ertinent EXHIBIT .� � 1 af 19 Sterling Codifiers,I�c. requirements of t�e condominium association's decfarations and all other requirements of the condominium declarations are met. AMUSEMENT DEV�CE: Any de�ice which upon insertion of a coin, s[ug, token, plate or disc, or payment of consideration may be used by the publ�c for use as a game, entertainment, amusement, a test of skill, eit�er mental or physical, whether or not registering a score, which shall include, but shall not be limited to: pool tables, snooker tables, foosbafl tables, pinball machines, electronic games, fixed stand coin operated [ciddie rides, and mec�anical bulls, but shafl not include radios, devices that pro�ide music only, or te[e�is�on carrying commercial broadcasts. ANNEXED AREAS: Parcels of land that ha�e been introduced to the boundaries of the town of Vail. ARCHITECTURAL PROJECTfONS: Building project�ons including, but not limited to, towers, stairs, spires, cupo�as, chimneys, flagpoles and similar architectural features. ART IN PUBLIC PLACES BOARD (AIPPB): The art in public places board established p�rsuant to title 3, chapter 3 of this code. ATTIC: The space between the cei[ing beams of the top story and t�e roof rafters. AUTOMOTlVE SERVICE STATIONS: A facility with retail sale of motor fuel, �ehicle servic�ng and repair and optional accessory con�enience store. AVALANCHE AREA, BLUE HAZARD: An area impacted by a snow produc�ng a total static and dynamic pressur� fess t�an six �undred (600) pounds per square foot on a fEat �urfac� normal to t�e flow and/or a return intervai in excess of twenty fi�e (25) years. AVALANCHE AREA, RED HAZARD: Any area impacted by a snow a�alanche producing a total static and dynam�c pressure in excess of six hundred (600) pounds per square foot on a flat surface normal to t�e flow and/or a ret�rn �nterval of less than twenty fi�e (25) years. AVALANCHE AREA, ZONE OF INFLUENCE; Any area in a potential avalanche hazard zone where detailed information is not currently a�aifable but w�ic� may be impacted by said hazard. T�ese zones of influence shall be designated on the appropriate maps of t�e administrator of t�e town. BAKERIES AND CONFECTIONER�ES: Commercial retail or wholesale properties whose main products are baked goods and desserts, either produced on t�e premises or off site. BARBERSHOP: A commercial establishment whose primary business is the cutting and/or styling of human hair. BASEMENT: For the purposes of calcufating gross residentia! floor area (GRFA) on t�e fowest level of a structure, the total percentage of exterior wal! surfaces unexposed and below existing or finished grade, whichever is more restrictive, s�a�l be the percentage of the �orizontai area of the lowest [e�el deducted from the GRFA calculation. The percentage deduction calculations shail be rounded to nearest whoie percent. The lowest level's exterior wall surface area shall be measured from the finished fioor ele�ation of that level to the 2 ot l9 Steriing Codifiers,Tnc. underside af the structura[ floor members of the floorlceiling assembfy abo�e. For the purposes of these calculations, retaining walls and site wal(s shal[ not be considered part of the lowest Ee�el's exterior walfs. BASEMENT OR GARDEN LEVEL: For the purposes of implementing horizontal zoning within specific zone districts, basement or garden le�el shall be any floor, or portion of any floor, of a structure located substantia[ly below the first floor or street level of that structure, as determined by the administrator or the planning and en�ironmental commission. More than one floor, or portion of floors, may be defined as basement or garden level within a single structure. BATHRO�M: A room containing a working shower or bathtub, sink, and toilet. BAY WINDOWS: A window or series of windows that pro3ects from the main wall of a building and forming a bay or a�cove in a room within. BED AND BREAKFAST: A business which accommodates guests in a dweiling unit in which the bed and breakfast proprietor li�es on the premises and is in residence during the bed and breakfast use. BOWLiNG ALLEY: A recreation and entertainment facility where the sport of bowlEng takes place. A bowling alley may also include accessory entertainment facilities and uses such as eating and drinking facilities, retail shops, nightclubs, arcade facilities, billiards, Ping-Pong, darts, meeting rooms, and similar uses, BREWPUB: An eat�ng place which includes the brewing of beer as an accessory use. The brewing operation processes water, malt, hops, and yeast into beer or ale by mash�ng, cooking, and fermenting. The area used for brewing, including bottEing and kegging, shall not exceed fifty percent (50%} of the total floor area of the commercial space. The brewery shall not produce more than se�en thousand five hundred (7,500} barre[s of beer or ale per year. A barrei is equivalent to thirty one (31) gallons. BUILDABLE AREA: Any site, lot, parcei or any portion thereof which does not contain designated floodpiain, red hazard avalanche area, or areas in excess of forty percent (40%) slope. BUILDING: Any structure ha�ing a roof supported by columns or wails, or any other enclosed structure, for the housing or enciosure of persons, animals, or property, CHILD DAYCARE CENTER: A residence or facifity that pro�i�es reguEar care and supervision, for an entire day or a portion of a day, for se�en �7} or more children who are not related to the owner, operator or manager thereof, whether such facil�ty is operated with or without compensation for such care. A daycare center shall comply with all applicab[e standards for childcare centers of the Colorado department of social services. CLUBS, HEALTH: A facility where members or nonmembers use equipment or space for the purpose of physical exercise. COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT: Any de�elopment that includes uses such as business offices, profess�onal offices, accommo�ation units, general retaiE, grocery, liquor and 3 of 19 SterIing Codifiers,Inc. con�enience, recreatfonal amenity, real estate offices, conference facilities, health clubs, eating and drinking establishments, service oriented businesses, or similar uses. COMMERCIAL LINKAGE: An obligation that requires developers to pro�ide housing for a certain number of new employees that are generated by a new commercial de�elopment, focusing salely on a de�elopment`s impact as reiated to empfoyee generation and not taking into account secondary impacts. COMMERCIAL SKI STORAGE: Storage for equipment (skis, snowboards, boots and poles) andlor clothing used in skiing related sports, which is availabfe to the pub[ic or members, operated by a business, club or government organization, and where a fee is charged for hourly, daily, monthly, seasonal or annual usage, Ski storage that is part of a lodge, or dwelling unit, in which a fee is not charged, fs not considered commercial ski storage. CONFERENCE FACILlTY: A facility used for conferences, con�entions, seminafs, banquets, and entertaEnment functions, afong with accessory functions such as lobbies, precon�ene areas, and exhibition space. CONVENTION FAClLITY: A building or portion thereof designed to accommodate three hundred (300) or more persons in assemb[y, but not inciuding a dining room or meeting room in a Iodge, if the dining room or meeting room is designed to accommodate less than three hundred (300) persons. CREEK QR STREAM: A body of flowing water indicated as a perennial stream on the most recent USGS topographfc map of the area. DECK, ROOFED OR COVERED: A deck that is prot�ct�d from th� �I�m�nt� �ia a roof or other similar co�ering, DEED RESTRICTION: A permanent restriction on the use, occupancy and transfer of real property that runs with the land and is recorded aga�nst the property in the Eagle County clerk and recorder's office. DEMOIREBUILD: The destruction, demolition, or remo�al of fifty percent (50°10) or more of the gross resident�al floor area of an existing dwelling unit or structure. The determination of the fifty percent (50%) shal! be calculated upon "gross residential floor area" as defined in this section. DENSITY C�NTROL: Any requirement of this titfe that regulates the number or size of dwelling units per unit of fand. DESIGN REVIEW B4ARD (DRB); Design review board established pursuant to ti�le 3, cha t� er 4 of this code. DEVELOPMENT: The constrUCtion, impro�ement, alteration, installation, erection, or expansion of any buifding, structure or other impro�ement in the town. DQRMER: An architecturaf structure projecting out from a sloping roof of a building designed to pro�ide light, air, access, or interior �olume to a space and usually containing a �ertical window or venti[ating fou�er, ha�ing a gable or shed roof, in which the totaf cumu[ati�e length 4 of 19 Sterling Codifiers,Inc. of the dormer(s) does not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the length of the sloping roof, per roof plane, from which the dormer(s) projects. DORMITORY UNfT: A fype of employee housing unit which houses not more than five {5) persons and incfudes common kitchen facilit�es, a common bathroom, and a minimum of two hundred fifty {250) square feet of GR�A for each person occupying the unit. DRUGSTQRE: An estab[ishment engaged in the retail sale of prescription drugs, nonprescription medicines, cosmetics and related supplies. DWELLING, MULTIPLE-FAMILY: A building containing three {3) or more dwelling units, including townhouses, row houses, apartments, and condominium units, designed for or used by three (3) or more famifies, each living as an independent housekeeping unit. DWELLING, SINGLE-FAMILY: A detached building designed for or used as a dweEling exclusively by one family as an independent housekeeping un�t. DWELLING, TWO-FAMIL.Y: A detached building containing two {2) dwelling units, designed for or used as a dwelling exclusive[y by tuvo (2) families, each li�ing as an independent housekeeping unit. DWELLING UNIT: Any room or group of rooms in a two-family or mult9ple-family buifding with kitchen facifities designed for or used by one famify as an �ndependent housekeeping unit. EMPLOYEE: A person who works an average of thirty (30) hours per week or more on a year round basis at a business located in Eagle County. EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT (EHU): A dwelling Unit which shal[ not be [eased or rented for any period less than thirty (30) consecutive days, and sha11 be occupied by at least one person who is an employee, For the purposes of this definition "employee" shalE mean a person who works an average of thirty (30) hours per week or more on a year round basis in Eagle County, Colorado. ENVIRQNMENTAL IMPACT REPORT: A document oUtlining the effect of proposed development or action on the en�ironment. FACILITiES, HEALTHCARE: A facility principally engaged in pro�id�ng ser�ices for heaith maintenance, diagnosis or treatment of human diseases, pain, injury, deformity, or physical condition. FAMlLY: Family sha[� be deemed to be either subsection A or B of this def�nition: A. An indi�iduaE, or two (2) or more persons rela�ed by blood, marriage or adoption, excluding domestic ser�ants, together in a dwelling Unit used as a single housekeeping Unit. B. A group of unrelated persons not to exceed two (2) persons per bedroom plus an additional two {2) persons per dwelling unit used as a sing�e housekeeping unit. sof19 Sterling Codifiers,Inc. FIRST FLOOR OR STREET LEVEL: For the purposes of implementing F�orizantal zaning within specific zon� districts, first floor or str�et le�el shall be any floor, or portion of any floor, of a structure focated at or nearest to (either above ar below) the level of the adjacent vehicular or �edestrian way, as determined by the administrator or the planning and en�ironmental commission. More than one floor, or portion af f[aars, may be defined as first flaor or street level within a single structure. FLOOD HAZARD ZONE: The land in the floodplain subject to a one percent (1%) ar greater chance of flooding in any given year, The area may be designated as zone A on tF�e flaod hazard boundary map (FHBM). After detailed ratemalcing has been completed in preparation for p�bfication of the FIRM, zone A usual[y is refined into zones A, AE, AH, AQ, A1-99, VO, V1-30, VE or V. FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY: The official report provided by the federa! emergency management agency that [ncludes flood �rofifes and water surface ele�ation of the base flood as wefl as the flood boundary-floodway map. FLOOR AREA, GROSS RESIDENTIAL(GRFA}: See chapter 15 of this title for GRFA definitions, regulations, and requirements for GRFA calculations. FLOOR AREA, NET: The tota� floor area within the enclosing wal�s of a structure nat including the fo[lowing: A. Areas s�ecifically designed and used for mechanical equi�ment to operate the b�ilding. B. Stairways. C. Elevators. D. Common hallways. E. Common lobbies. F. Common restroams. 6 of 19 SterIing Codifiers,Inc. G. Areas designed and used for parking. H. Areas designed and used as storage which do not nave direct access to an individual affice ar retail store, nat ta exceed five percent (5%) of the tatal praposed net floor area for office and nat ta exceed eight percent (8%) of the total proposed net flaor area for retail. "Common areas" are spaces for which all tenants in the buifding contribute taward tne upkeep and maintenance tnereof and are not used for employee working areas. FLOOR AREA, SEATING (Used Only For Calcufating Parking Requirements): The floor area within tf�e enclosing walls of a business or structure that is devoted to the seating of guests far dining or meeting purposes, exclusive of lobbies, prefunction areas and kitchen facilities. FRACTIONAL FEE: A tenancy in common interest in improved rea] properiy, inc[uding condominiums, created or held by persons, partnerships, corporations, or joint�entures or simiEar entities, where�n the tenants in common ha�e formerly arranged by oral or written agreement or understanding, eithter recorded or unrecarded, allowing for thte use and occupancy of the property by one or more cotenants to the exclusion of one or more cotenants during any period, whether annually reoccurring or not which is binding upon any assignee or future owner of a fractional fee �nterest or if sucl� agreement continues to be in any way binding or effecti�e upon any cotenant for tl�e sale of any interest in the property. FRACTIONAL FEE CLUB: A fractional fee project in which each dwelling unit, pursuant to recorded project documentation as approved by the town of Vail, has no fewer than six (G) and no more than twefve (�2) owners per un�t and whose use is established by a reservation system and is managed on site with a front desk operating twenty four (24) hours a day, se�en (7) days a week pro�iding reser�ation and registration capabilities. The project sha[] include, or be proximate to transportation, retail shops, eating and drinking establishments, and recreation facilities. FRACTIONAL FEE CLUB UNfT: An individual dwelling unit in a fractional fee club described as such in the project documentation and not an accommodation unit within the fractional fee club. No offer of a fractional fee club unit sl�all be made except pursuant to an application for registration and certification as a subdi�ision de�eloper of a timeshare program or an exemption from registration appro�ed by tne state of Colorado real estate commission pursuant to Colorado Re�ised Statutes 12-61-40� et seq., and the rules and reguiations promulgated pursuant there�o. WEthin ten (10) days after receipt of a written request, the developer of a fractional fee cfub unit sF�all provide to the staff of the department of commun�ty de�elopment a copy of the appl�cation or request for exemption filed witl� the state of Colorado real estate commission and/or evidence of appro�al of the application or request for exemption. FULL TIME EMPLOYEE: A person who worKs an average of thtirty (3D) hours per week or more on a year round basis in Eagle County, Colorado. FUNICULARS AND OTHER SIMfLAR CONVEYANCES: Exterior, tram like �enicles, designed to mo�e up and down steep slopes by use of rails or tracks. 7 of 19 Sterli�g Codifiers,Inc. GEOLOGICA��Y SENSITIVE AREA: An area with�n the town of Vai� which may be su�ject to rockfails, mudflows, debris flows, de�ris avalanches, and unsta�le soil, slopes or rocks. GRADE, EXISTING: The existing grade shall be the existing or natural to�ography of a site �rior to construction. GRADE, FINISHED: The finished grade shafl be the grade pro�osed upon com�letion of a project. GRADE, INTERPQ�ATED: The reestabfished topographic conditions of a de�elopment site ex�ressed in two foot (2') contour inter�als and determined by connecting sur�eyed spot ele�ations located at ten foot (10') inter�als around the perimeter of a �roperty boundary and used in the determination of maximum ailowable �uilding height. HABITABLE: Any area designed for sleeping, living, cooking, dining, meeting or recreation as a��lied to f[oor area. HEIGHT The distance measured �erticafiy from any point on a proposed or existing roof or eaves to the existing or finished grade (whiche�er is more restrictive) located d�rectly below said point of the roof or ea�es. Within any building footprin�, height shall be measured �ertically from any �ofnt on a pro�osed or existing roof to the exist�ng grade directly be[ow said �oint on a proposed or existing roof. H�ME CHILD DAYCARE FACILlTY: A residence or faciiity that provides regufar care and supervision, for an entire day, for more than two (2) but not more than six (6) children from birth to sixteen (16) years of age who are not related to the owner, operator or manager thereof, whether such facility is operated with or without compensation for such care. Residents of the home under twel�e (12) years of age who are on the premises and all children on the premises for supervision are counted against the appro�ed capacity. A daycare home shall comply with a[1 applicable standards for chi[dcare centers of the Colorado department of social ser�ices. HOME OCCUPAT�ON: A use conducted entirely within a dwelEing wh�ch is inciden�al and secondary to the use of the dwelling for dwe�ling purposes and which does not change the residential character thereof. INCLUSIQNARY ZQNfNG: A zoning obligation based on the communiiy's need for employee housing considering many factors and secondary impacts, including scarcity of de�elopabfe land; rising home �alues; inadequate availa�i[ity of employee housing in the market; and direct employee generation impacts. INTERPRETIVE NATURE WALKS: Unpaved pedestrian trails with e�ther fixed signs or marked points which are used to exp[ain the natura! flora, fauna, geology, geography, or history in the immediate area. This use would exclude all mechanical �ehicles except wheelchairs and maintenance equipment. KITCHEN FACILfTIES: Fix�ures and equipment for food storage and preparation of ineals, including a sink, stove, o�en or microwave o�en, and refrigerator and food storage facilities. 8 of I9 SterIing Codifiers,Inc. KITCHENETTE: A room containing the following fixtures and appf�ances only: a microwa�e o�en, sink, and refrigerator. LANDSCAPING: Naturaf or s�gnificant rock outcroppings, native vegetation, plant�d ar�as and plant materials, including trees, shrubs, lawns, flowerbeds and ground cover, shall be deemed fandscaping together with the core development such as walks, decks, patios, terraces, water features, and like features not occupy�ng more than twenty percent (20%} of the landscaped area. LAUNDROMAT: A facility where patrons wash, dry or dry clean clothing or other fabrics in machines operated by the patron. LIMITED EDITfON: One of no more than nine (9) copies produced from an original artist's mold. LOBBY: A communal space in or near the entrance area of a building. LODGE: A building or group of associated buildings des[gned for occupancy primarily as the temporary lodging place of individuals or families either in accommodation un�ts or dwelling units, in which the gross residential floor area devoted to accommodation units or fractionai fee club units, is equaf to or greater than seventy percent (70%} of the total gross residential floor area on the site, and in which all such units are operated under a single management pro�iding the occupants thereof customary hotel services and facilities. Notwithstanding the abo�e for properties containing gross residential floor area equal to or less than eighty (80) square feet of gross res�dentia! floor area for each one hundred (�flfl) square feet of buildable site area, �uch prop�rties shal� be defined a� lodges, provided that gross residential ffoor area devoted to accommodat�on units or fractional fee club units exceeds the gross residential floor area devoted to dwelling units. LODGE DWELLING UNIT: A small dwelling unit with fimited kitchen and floor area and which contains six hundred fifty (650) square feet or fess of floor area and is intended to be rented on a short term basis. LODGE, LIMITED SERVICE: A building or group of associated buildings designed for occupancy primarily as the temporary lodging place of v�sitors, guests, indi�iduals, or families, on a short term rental basis, [n limited service lodge units or any combination of accommodation units, limited ser�ice [odge units, fractiona[ fee club units, or dwelling units in which the gross residentiaf floor area de�oted to accommodation units, limited service lodge units, and fractional fee club units is equal to or greater than se�enty percent (70%} of the total gross residential floor area on the site, and in wh�ch ail such units are operated under a single management pro�iding the occupants thereof customary lodge services and facilities. LODGE UNIT, L[MITED SERVICE: Any room or group of rooms with °[citchen faci[ities", as defined herefn, in a iimited ser�ice lodge which are designed for temporary occupancy by �is�tors, guests, indi�idua�s, or families on a short term rental basis, and accessible from common corridors, walics, or ba[conies without passing through another accommodation unit, limited serriice lodge unit, fractional fee club un�t or dwelling un�t. A limited service lodge unit is not intended for permanent residency and shail not be subdivided into an individual condominium unit, pursuant to titke �3, °Subd'[vision Regulations", of this code. 9 of 19 Sterling Codifiers,Inc. LQT OR SITE: A parcef of land occupied or intended to be occup�ed by a use, building, or structure under the provisions of this titfe and meeting the minimum requirements of this title. A lot or site may consist of a single fot of record, a por�ion �f � lo� of record, � c�mbina�io� ofi lots of record or portions thereof, or a parcei of land described by metes and bounds. LOT OR SITE LINE, FRONT: The boundary line of a fot or site adjoining a street which provides the pr�mary access or street address of the site, or adjoining the primary access from a street to the lot or site. LOT OR S1TE LINE, REAR: The boundary line of a lot or site extending between the side lines and forming the boundary of the lot or site opposite the front line. In the event of a lot or site ha�ing only three (3) fot or site lines, a line ten feet (10') in length w�thin the lot or site extending between the side lines and paralle! to the front line shall be deemed the rear line for purposes of establ�shing setbac�cs. LOT QR SlTE LfNE, S1DE: The boundary line of a Eot or site extending from the front line towards the opposite or rearmost portion of the site. MAJOR ARCADE: A pface of business where an individual, association, partnership or corporation maintains fi�e (5) or more amusement devices. MEETING AND CONVENTION FACILITY: A building or buildings that contain space for the convening of organizations or groups of people for the purposes of educational, pol�tical, social or fraternal ad�ancement. MlCROBREWERY: A mixed use commercial operation that processes water, malt, hops, and yeast into beer or ale by mashing, cooking, and fermenting that shall also include an on site pub[ic restaurant andlor bar which sells the beer and ale produced on site. The maximum brewing capacity for the microbrewery shafl be seven thousand fi�e hundred {7,500) barrels per year. A barref is equivaient to thirty one (3�) gallons. The microbrewery use shalf not exceed eight thousand (8,000) sq�aare feet of floor area, excluding enclosed areas for loading, trash, and deiivery. The public restaurant and/or bar sha�l ha�e a minimum seating area of two thousand {2,000) square feet and shall be exc[uded from the total microbrewery maximum square footage limit. MINOR ARCADE: A place of business where an individual, association, partnership or corporation maintains four (4) or fewer amusement devices. MULTIPLE USE LOADING FACILITY: A facility where a single off street loading facility serves more than one use or one user. NATURE PRESERVES: Areas of [and andlor water that are managed primarily to safeguard the flora, fauna and phys�cal features it contains, whi�e not precluding public access. NEXUS STUDY: A report, prepared at the request of the town council, updated at least e�ery five {5) years or more often if deemed necessary by the town council, analyzing the current and future employee housing needs resulting from new de�elopment and redevelopment in the town. IO of 19 Sterluig Codifiers,Inc. OFF SITE: A location within the boundaries of the town other than the sife on which the commercial development Es located. OF�ICE, �USIN�SS: An office for the conduct of general busEness and service acfivities, such as offices of real estate or insura�ce agents, brokers, secretaria! or stenographic services, or offices for ge�era! business activities and transactions, where sforage, sale, or display of inerchandise on the premises occupies less than ten perce�t (10%) of the floor area. OFFICE, PROFESSlONAL: An office for#he practice of a profession, such as offices of physicians, dentists, fawyers, archi�ects, en.gineers, musicians, teachers, accountanfs, ,and others who through training ar� qualified to perform services of a profess�onal nature, w�ere storage, sale, or display of inerchandise on �he prer►aises occupi�s less fhan ten percent (1�%) of the floor area. OFFiCE, TEMPORARY BUSINESS: An off�ce for the conduct of general business and service activ�ties and transactions for a limited fime period to accommodate the temporary disp[acement of an existing business office within the town of Vail due to redevelopment construction ac�ivities. OUTDOOR DISPLAY: A temporary ou�door arrangement of objects, items, or products representative of the merchandise sold or rented by a retail establishment, and further regulated by section 12-�4-21 of this title, OUTDOOR RECREATION AREAS, ACTIVE: Outdoor recreafional activities which involve organized or structured recreation that is associa�ed with recreational facil[fies, excluding builc�ings. For example, active ou�door recreation would include, but not be Cimited to: athletic fiefds, playgrounds, outdoor basketbaif and tennis courts, outdoor swimming �ools, sledding and skiing areas, fitness fraifs wi�h exercise stations, etc. OUTDOOR RECREATION AREAS, PASSIVE: Outdoor recreation acti�ities whic� invo�ve unstructured recreation which does �ot require facilities or s�ecia[ grounds. Passive oufdoor recreation woufd include: picnicking, fishing, walking, hiking, cross cou�try skii�g, informa! pfaying fields, etc. OWNER: Any person, agent, firm, corporation, or partnership that alone, jointly, or severaliy with others: has legal or ec�uitable title to any premises, dwelling or dwelling unit, with or wit�out accompanying actual possession t�ereof; or has charge, care or contro[ of any prem�ses, dwelling or dwelling unit, as agent of the owner or as executor, administrator, trustee, or guard�an of the es�ate of the beneficial owner. T�e person shown on fhe records of the recorder of deeds of �he counfy to be the owner of a �articufar property shali be pres�med to be ti�e person in control of that property. PARTY WALL: A common wafl shared by two (2) attached struct�ares, b�aildings or dwelling un�ts. PATHS, BICYCLE AND PEDESTRlAN: A corridor for use by bicycles and pedestrians, prohibited for use by motorized vehicles. PERSONAL SERVICES: A nonmedical commercial busfness where a service is offered to 11oflR Sterling Codifters,Inc. the customer and where accessory retail safes of products related to the ser�ices may be pro�ided, �ncluding, but not fimited to, beauty and barber shops, tailor shops, dry cleaners, ]aundromats, repair shops, and similar services. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION: The body responsibie for re�iewing de�elopment proposals or any maiters pertaining to the commission as pro�ided by this code and to act in an ad�isory capacity to the town co�ncil. The planning and en�ironmental commission focuses on e�aluat�ng projects based on the zoning ordinance, master plans, subdi�ision regulations, en�ironmental concerns, etc., and as established by tidle 3, cha�ter 2 of this code. PLANT PRODUCTS: Fertilizers and plant seeds packaged in quantities weighing not more than twenty fi�e (25) pounds, and trees, shrubs, bedding plants, ground co�er and Christmas trees and wreaths. PRIMARY ROOF: A roof which covers five hundred (500) or more square feet of building area. A primary roof shail not include required secondary roof forms, dormers, architectural projections, co�ered entryways, shopfront colonnades, awnings, lou�ers, porte-cocheres, co�ered decks, and other similar roof forms. This definition is used in the determination of building height [n the Lionshead m�xed use 1 and 2 zone districts. See figures 8-1��a-c) in the Lionshead rede�elopment master plan for additional clarification. PRIMARY ROOF RIDGEL�NE: Generally the highest or most dom�nant roof ridgeline�s) atop a building mass or series of building masses used in the determination of bui[cling height in the Lionshead mixed use 1 and 2 zone districts. See figures 8-15(a-c) in the Lionshead rede�elopment master plan for additional cfarification. PRIMARY ROOF RIDGELINE, ASSUMED: The established centerline portion of a flat or mansard roof andlor the sloping ends of a gambrel or hip roof used in the determination of building height in the Lionshead mfxed use 1 and 2 zone districts and as determined by the administrator. See figures 8-15�a-c} in the Lionshead rede�elopment master plan for additional clarification. PRIVATE: A use, area, property or facility which is not public. PRIVATE CLUB: An association of persons and its premises esta�lished for the fraternal, social, educational, recreational, or cultural enrichment of its members and not primarily for profit, whose bona fide members pay dues and meet certain prescribed qualifications for membership, use of such premises being restricted to members and their guests. Parlc�ng structures may not be the soie facifity for a pri�ate club. PRIVATE PARKING STRUCTURES: A parking area within a building for the exclusi�e use of its owners, to be considered an indi�idual land use not to be linked with parking requirements regulated in chapter 10 of this title. PRIVATE UNSTRUCTURED PARKING: A parking area not within a �uifding for the exclusi�e use of its owners, to be considered an indi�idual land use not to �e linked with parking requirements regulated in chapter 10 of this title. PROPERTY OWNER: A person, persons or pub�ic or private entity with the right to exclusi�e 12 of 19 SEerling Codifiers,Inc. use, controf, or possession of property due to transfer of property through a deed or other leg�l do�umer�t. PUBLIC: A use, area, property or facilify which: A. Is owned and operated by a governmental entity, and functions or is availabie for use by all persons whether with or without charge; or B. Is owned or operated by a person or entity other than a go�ernmental entity, and functions or is a�aifabfe for use by all persons wi#hout charge. PUBLIC ART: Any original crea#ion of artwork that is accessibie to the generai public. PUBLIC PARKING STRUCTURES: A parking area within a building for use by the pub�ic, to be cons�dered an indi�idual iand use not to be �inked with parking requirements regulated in chapter 10 of this titfe. PUBLIC UNSTRUCTURED PARKlNG: A parking area not within a bui�ding for use by the public, to be considered an indi�iduai land use not to be linked with parking requirements regulated in chapter �a of this title. PUBLlC UT�LITY AND PUBLIC SERVICE USES: Any structure, not otherwise exempted from the definitfon of "structure" efsewhere in this title, which is reasonably necessary to facilitate adequate pubf�c utilities and public services. Pubfic ut�lities and public services shall inciude, but no# be limited to, distribution, coflection, communication, supply or d�sposal systems for gas, eiectricity, water, wastewater, stormwater, telecommunications, irrigation, sofid waste, recycling, and other similar pubfic utilities and public services. For the purposes of this title, public utility and public service uses shall not include public transportation faciiit�es, sewage or wastewater treatment facilities, sanitary landfills, salvage yards, storage yards, business offices, or communications antennas and appur#enant equipment. QUASI-PUBLIC: A use which is characterized by its availability to the public, with or without cost, but which is conducted by an entity, organization, or person which is not a governmental entity, REAL ESTATE OFF�CE: An office for the purpose of conducting rea! estate transactions and/or property management. RECREATION AMENITIES TAX: Afee or dues levied on certain development that is used to fund an exterior recreation based improvement or facility including, but not limited to, swimming pools, hot tubs, athletic fields and courts, ice rinks, s�Cateparks, golf courses, driving ranges, playgrounds, and other simiiar amenities. RECREATION STRUCTURE: Any detached (i.e., not connected to any main structure or structures) covering erected over a recreationaf amenity which is not a seasonal structure. For the purposes of this title, recreation structures shal! constitute site coverage but shail not - 13 of 19 SterIing Codifiers,Inc. be subject to building bulk control standards. Any recreation structure is sub�ect to design re�iew. RECREATIONAL AMENITY: An exterior r�creation based impro�ement or facility including, but not limited to, swimming pools, h�ot tubs, athletic fields and courts, ice rinks, skate parks, golf courses, dri�ing ranges, playgrounds, and other similar amenities. REDEVELOPMENT: The canstructian, impro�ement, alteratian, instalfation, erection, expansion or change in use of any existing building, structure or other impro�ement in the town that resu�ts in an increase in net flaor area or GRFA. RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION: A building used for public worship by any number of congregations, excluding buildings used exclus��ely for residential, educational, recreatianal or other uses not associated witY� worship, Incl�des churches, chapels, cathedrals, temples, and similar designations. REMODELING: The alteration ar rena�ation of the interior only of an existing residential dwelling unit in the town of Va�l, without any increase in GRFA. RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: A de�elopment that includes at least one dwelling unit, incl�ding singfe-family dwellings, two-family dwellings, multiple-fami(y dwellings, fractional fee c�ub units, lodge dwellings units, attached accommodation units, and timeshare units. ROOF, FLAT: A roof that is not pitch�ed and the surface of which is generafly parallel to the ground. ROOF, MANSARD: A roof with two (2) slopes on each of four (4) sides, the lower steeper than the upper. SATELLITE DISH ANTENNA: A dish shaped or parabolic shaped reception or transmissian antenna wY�ich is more than two feet (2'} in diameter (including dishes stored or temporarily placed for more than 1 day} for the reception andlor transmission of satellite signals, [ncluding, but not limited to, tele�ision signals, AM radio signa�s, FM radio signals, telemetry signals, data communications signafs, or any other reception or transmission signals using free air space as a medium, whether for commerc�al ar pri�ate use. SEASONAL PLANT PRODUCTS BUSINESS: Any person, corporation, company or partnership which sells any "piant products" as defined in this sect�on. A seasonal plant praducts business shall onEy operate as a condit�ona! use in zone districts where it is allowed. A seasonal plant products business shail be entit[ed to not more tY�an two (2) permits per fot for any one year, and each permit shail not exceed sixty (60} consecuti�e days each. Whenever a seasona! plant products business is not in operation, all structures, fi�ures, materials for sale and equipment relating to the business shall be remo�ed from the site or location of operation within a period not to exceed se�enty two (72) hours. SEASONAL USE OFi STRUCTURE: A temporary co�ering erected to accommodate or extend educational, recreational, and cultural acti�ities. Such temporary co�erings may not be in place for more than se�en (7) consecuti�e months of any twel�e (12) month period. For the purposes of this title, a seasonai use or structure shall not constitute site co�erage and sY�all not be subject to building bufk control standards. Any seasonal use or structure is 14 of I9 Sterling Codifiers,Inc. sub�ect to design review. SETBACK: The distance from a lot or site line, creek or stream measured horizontally to a line or location within the lot or site which estabiishes the permitted location of uses, structures, or buildings on the site. SETBACK AREA: The area within a lot or site between a fot or site line and the corresponding setback line within the lot or site, SETBACK LiNE: A line or location within a lot or site which estab[ishes the permitted location of uses, structures, or buiidings on the site. SETBACK LINE, FRONT: The setback line extending the fu[l width of the site paralle! to and measured from the front �ot or site line. SETBACK LINE, REAR: The setback I�ne extending the full width of the site parallel to and measured from the rear lot or site �ine. SETBACK L1NE, SIDE: The setback line extending from the front setback line to the rear setback Iine parallel to and measured from the side !ot or site line. SEKUALLY ORIENTED BUSINESS: An adult arcade, adult store, adult cabaret, adu[t motion picture theater or adult theater, except an estabiishment where a medical practitioner, psychologist, psych�atrfst or similar professional licensed by the state of Co[orado engages in approved and recognized sexual therapy. SHOPS, BEAUTY AND BARBER: A facility where one or more persons @ngage in the practice of cosmetology, incfuding hair, naif and skin care. SHOPS, ELECTRONICS SALES AND REPAlR: A facility where home electronics are sold and/or repaired on the premises. SHORT TERM RENTAL: Shall be deemed to be a rental for a period of time not exceeding thirty one {31) days. SlTE: (See also definition of Lot Or Site.) A parcei of land occupied or intended to be occupied by a use, building, or structure under the pro�isions of this title and meeting the minimum requirements of this title. A lot or site may consist of a single lot of record, a portion of a fot of record, a combination of lots of record or portions fhereof, or a parcel of land described by metes and bounds. SITE COVERAGE: The ratio of the total bu�iding area of a site to the total area of a site, expressed as a percentage. For the purposes of calculating site coverage, "building area of a site" shaEl mean that portion of a site occupied by any building, carport, porte-cochere, arcade, and co�ered or roofed walkway constructed at, below, or abo�e grade as measured from the exterior face of the sheathing of the perimeter wails or supporting columns. For the purposes of this definition, a balcony or deck projecting from a higher elevation may extend over a lower bafcony, deck or walkway, and in such case the higher balcony or deck shail not be deemed a roof or co�ering for the lower bafcony, deck or wa[kway, In addition to 15 af 19 Sterting Codifiers,Inc. the abo�e, bu�iding area shal! also include any portion of a roof o�erhar�g, ea�es, or co�ered �tair, ���ere� �eck, c��ered p�rch, c��ered terrace or co�ered patio that extends more than four feet (4`} from the exter�or face of the perimeter buifding walls or supporting columns. SITE SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN: Shall mean and be fim�ted to a final major or minor subdi�ision piat, or a special development district development plan. SLOPE: The de�iation of a surface from the horizontal, expressed in percent or degrees and calculated through rise o�er run. SPA: A commercial estab[ishment pro�iding ser�ices including massage, body or facial treatments, makeup consultation and application, manicures, pedicures and simifar ser�ices, but excluding beauty and barber shops. SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, MAJOR AMENDMENT (PEC ANDIOR COUNCIL REVIEW): Any proposal to change uses; increase gross residential floor area; change the number of dwelling or accommodation units; modify, enlarge or expand any appro�ed special development district {other than �'minor amendments" as defined in this section), except as pro�ided under section 12-1�-4, "fnterior Conversions", or 12-15-5, "Additional Gross Residential Floor Area {2�0 Ordinance)", of this title. SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, MINOR AMENDMENT {STAFF REVIEW}: Modifications to building plans, site or [andscape plans that do not alter the basic intent and character of the approved special development district, and are consistent with the design criteria of chapter 9, articfe A of this tit[e. Minor amendments may inciude, but not be �imited to, �ariations of not more than five feet (�') to approved setbacks andlor building footpr�nfs; changes to [andscape or site plans that do not adversely impact pedestrian or �ehicular circu�ation throughout the speciaf development district; or changes to gross floor area (excluding residential uses) of not more than fi�e percenf {�%} of the appro�ed square footage of retaif, office, common areas and other nonresidentiaf floor area. STORAGE AREA: An area within a dwelling un[t which is designed and used specifically for the purpose of storage and is nof required by the fatest ed�tion of the adopted b�ilding codes to pro�ide either light, �enfilafion, or to comply with any code requirement for its funct�on or existence. STORE, CONVENIENCE FOOD: Commercial retail entity that special�zes in selling fast food and beverage, and only includes counter service, not table ser�ice. STRUCTURE: Anyfhing constructed or erected with a fixed location on the ground, but not �ncluding poles, lines, cables, or other transmission or distribution facilit�es of public utilities, or mailboxes or light fixtures. At the d�scretion of the design re�iew board, swimming pools and tennis courfs may be exempted from this definition. STUDIO: A buifding or portion of a building used as a place of work by an artist, photographer, or an artisan in the field of lighf handicrafts, provEded that no use sha�l be permitted or no process or equipment employed which is objectionable or injurious to persons or property in the �icinity by reason of odor, fumes, dust, smoke, cinders, dirt, refuse or wastes, noise, vEbration, ill�mination, glare, unsightliness, or hazard of fire or explosion. 16 of 19 Sterling Codifiers,Inc. SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT: Any repair, reconstruction, or impro�ement of a structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds fi�ty perc�nt (50%) ofi the marke�value of the structure. Market �alue shall be determined by a qualified assessor designated by the administrator. The market �alue of a structure is determined either: a) before the impro�eme�t or rep�ir is started; or b) if the structure has been damaged and is being restored, before the damage occurred. For the purposes of this definition "substantia[ impro�ement" is considered to occur when the first alteration of any wall, ceiling, floor, or other structural part of the buifding commences, whether or not that alteration affects the external dimensions of the structure. The term does not, howe�er, include any project for impro�ement of a structure to compiy with existing state or local health, sanitary, or safe�y code specifications which are solely necessary to assure safe fi�ing conditions. SUBSTANT�AL OFF SITE fMPACT: An im�act resulting from de�elopment or rede�elopment on the surrounding neighborhood and public facilities in the �icinity of a de�elo�ment or rede�elopment site ha�ing a considerabie amount of effect upon the area. For example, substantial off site impacts may include, but are not limited to, the following: deed restricted emp�oyee housing, roadway impro�ements, �edestrian waikway impro�ements, streetscape impro�ements, stream tract/bank restoration, loading/defi�ery, public art impro�ements, and similar impro�ements. THEATER: An establishment for fhe rehearsal and �resentation of performing arts and/or the showing of mo�ies or motion �ictures. TIMESHARE ESTATE: Shall be defined in accordance with Colorado Re�ised Statutes section 38-33-110. TIMESHARE LfCENSE: A contractual right fo exclusi�e occupancy of specified �remises; �ro�ided, that the occu�ancy of the �remises is di�ided into fi�e (5) or more separate time periods extending o�er a term of more than two (2) years. The �remises may consist of one parcel, unit or dwelling or any of se�eral �arcels, unifs or dwellings identified af the time the iicense is created to be identified later. No timeshare is a fimeshare license �f if ineets the definition of inter�af estate, timeshare or fime span estate. TIMESHARE UNIT; A dwelfing unit which incfudes the fofiowing forms of interval property ownership: fractional fee, timeshare estate, or �imeshare license, as appro�ed by the town of Vaii. No offer of a fractional fee, timeshare esta�e, or timeshare license in a timeshare unit shall be made exce�t pursuant to an appfication for registrat�on and certification as a subdi�ision de�eloper of a timeshare �rogram or an exemption from registration ap�ro�ed by the state of Colorado real es�ate commission pursuanf to Colorado Re�ised Statutes 12-6�-401 et seq., and �he ruies and regulations �romulgated pursuant fhere�o. Within ten (10) days after recei�� of a written request, the de�eloper of a timeshare unit shafl �rovide to �he staff of the department of communi�y de�eiopment a copy of the application or request for exemption filed with the state of Co�orado real estate commission and/or e�idence of appro�al of the ap�lication or request for exemp�ion. TRANSPORTATiON BUSiNESS: A business which provides transporta�ion for persons in the form of a shuttle service (e.g., �an transporta�ion) or by pro�iding automobiies for cus�omers (e.g., car rental). Transportation businesses do no� include businesses pro�idfng vehicfes for the transporfa�ion of goods or products including, but not [imited to, panel trucks, mo�ing �ans and trucks, and o�her similar �ehicles. 17 of 19 Sterfing Codifiers,Inc. TRUSS TYPE STRUCTURAL SYSTEM: A structural system that inc�udes trusses used as structural suppart, perpendicu[ar ta the outside walls, on the inside of a roof structure. UNDERLYING ZONE DlSTRICT: The zone district existing on the property, or �mposed on the property at the tEme the special deve�opment district �s approved. USABLE OPEN SPACE; Outdoor space usabfe for outdoor living or recreational activit�es, incl�ding patios, terraces, gardens, lawns, swimming pools, water features, or recreation areas, and dec�CS or balconies, b�t excluding driveways, parEcing areas, access walks, utility and service areas, and required setback areas. Patios used for restaurant and bar service shall not be considered as usable open space. USABLE �PEN SPACE, GROUND LEVEL: Usable open space pro�ided at grade or on decks or similar strucfures nof more than ten feet (10') abo�e gro�nd leve! and accessible from gro�nd le�el. USE: The purpose for which a site or structure or portion thereof is arranged, designed, intended, erecfed, mo�ed, aEfered, or enlarged, or for which either a site or structure or portion thereof is or may be occupied or maintained. USE, ACCESSORY: A �se or acti�ity that is s�bordinate and incidental to a perm[tted or conditional use. USE, C�NDITIQNAL: A use or activity with unique or special characteristics that requires additional re�iew to ensure they are located properly with respect to the objectives of the zoning regulations, and to ensure their compafibility with other surrounding uses and fhe town at large. Due fo their unique characteristics and fhe potential for impacts to adjacent uses, conditiona! uses are often allowed subject to specific limitations and conditions. USE, PERMITTED: A princ�pal use or acti�ity a�lowed by right within a zone district. VAIL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Vail comprehensi�e p[an is an advisory master plan for the developmenf of the town of Vail, The Vail comprehensi�e plan is the compilation of numerous pfanning documents that include the Vaii V�Ilage urban design guidelinesNail Village design considerations (adopted June 11, 1980, and re��sed January �5, 1993), Ford ParklDonovan Park master plan (adopted August 5, �985), land use plan (adopted No�ember 18, 1988), Va�l Vi[lage master plan (adopted January 16, 1990}, streetscape master plan (adopted November 20, 1991}, fransporfation master p�an (adopted January 1993), municipa! cemetery master plan (adopfed December 7, 1993), comprehensi�e open ]ands plan (adopted 1994}, en�ironmental strateg�c pfan (adopted �994), Ford Park management plan (adopted Apri� 14, 1997}, Lionshead redevefopment master plan (adopted December 15, 1998}, and art in publ�c places strategic plan (adopted No�ember 6, 2001). VARIANCE: Permission to depart from fhe I�feral requirements of a zoning ordinance, as further regu�ated by fhis title. VEHICLE, COMMERCIAL: A vehicle that is designated for commercial use through �icensing requirements by the state of Colorado. 1 S of 19 Sterling Codifiers,Inc. VEHICLE ST�RAGE YARD: An area where �ehicles are temporar�ly parked while awaiting repair or disposition. Vehicfes stored in a �ehicle storage yard must be licensed �ehicles, and no one �ehicle may remain in such a storage yard for more than one hundred twenty (120) consecuti�e or nonconsecuti�e days in a one year period. A�ehicle storage yard does not include the repa�r and ser�icing of �ehic�es or the remo�al and sale of �ehicle parts or other accessories. VESTED PROPERTY RfGHT: The right to undertake and complete the de�elopment and use of property under the terms and conditions of the site specific de�elopment plan, and shall be deemed estab�ished upon appro�al of a site specific de�elopment p�an. VIEW CORRIDQR: An unobstructed location, position or area that permits an unhindered panoramic �ista of particular interest or pleasure or unique �iew to a particuiar point from a public place, adopted by ordinance, as further regulated by this title. VIEW POINT QRIGINATION: The survey point, cafled out as the instrument in each legal description defining a �iew corridor boundary, which is the basis for each �iew corridor. ZONE DISTRICT: A specifically delineated area in the town of Vail with uniform regulations and requirements which go�ern the use, placement, spacing, and size of land and buildings as mapped on the town of Vail official zoning map. ZQNING MAP: A map that specifies the boundaries of zone districts within the town of Vail. (�rd. 22(2010) § 1 : Ord. 13(2008) § 1 ; Ord. 12{2008) § 1 : Ord. 8(2008) § 2: Qrd. 1(2008) § 1 : Ord. 39(2007) § 1: Ord. 32(2Q07) § 12: Ord. 28(2007) § 2: Ord. 22(2007) § 2: Ord. 8(2007) § 1: �rd. 7(2007) § 1 : Ord. 4(2006) § 1 : Ord. 2�2006) § 2: Ord. 29(2005) § 18: Ord. 24(2005) § 3: �rd_ 1�(2005) § 2: Qrd. 26(2004) �§ 1, 2: Qrd. 14(20Q4) § 1 : Ord. 33(2003) § 1 : Ord. 18(2003) § 1 : �rd. 5(2003) § 1 : �rd. 29(2402) § 2: Ord. 28(2Q02) § 2: Ord. 31(2Q01) § 2: Qrd. 24(2001) § 10: Ord. 19(2001) � 3: Ord. 17(2001) § 2: Ord, 5(2QQ1) § 6: �rd. 9(2000) § 1: Ord. 23(1999) § 2: Ord. 22(1999) § 7: Ord. 3(1999) § 3: 1997 Code: Ord. 13(1997) § 1 : Ord. 1(1997) §§ 1, 2: Ord. 22(1996) § 1 : Ord. 14(199fi) § 1 : Ord. 6(1995) § 6: Ord. 21(1994) §§ 1-7: Ord. 17(1994) § 1 : Ord. 33(1993) § 1 : Ord. 9(1993) §§ 1-5: Ord. 8(1992) §§ 1-3: Ord. 43(1991) §§ 1, 2: Qrd. 35(1991) § 1: Ord. 17(1991) § 2: Ord. 15(1991) § 1 : Ord. 27(1990) § 1: Ord. 31(1989) §§ 16-19: �rd. 32(1988) § 1 : Ord. 36(1987) § 1 : Ord. 9(19$5) § 1 : Ord. 41(1982) § 1(A-B): �rd. 26(1982) §§ 7, 8: Qrd. 23(1982) §§ 1, 2: Ord. fi(19$2) § 1(a-c): Ord. 37(198Q) § 1 : Ord. 26(1980) § 1 : Ord. 16(1978) § 1 : Ord. 12(1978) § 1 : Ord. 30(1977) § 1 : Ord. 19(1976) § 2: Ord. 8(1973) § 1.600) 19 of I9 Sterli��a Codifie�•s,Inc. Chapter 16 �C7fV���'IONAL lJ�� R�RMI�`� �2-16-� : PURPOSE; L1M�TATIONS: In order to �rovide the flexibility necessary to achieve the objectives of this title, specified uses are perm�tted in certain districts s�bject to the granting of a conditional use permit. Because of their unusual or s�ecia! characteristics, conditional �ses require review and e�aC�ation so that they may be located properly with respect to the purposes of this tit[e and with respect to their effects on surrounding properties. The review process prescribed fn this chapter is intende�{ to assure compatibility and harmonious �{eWeiopment between con�{itional uses and surroun�{ing properties and the town at farge. Uses listecf as conditional uses ir� the various districts may be permitfed s�bject to such conditiQns anct iimitations as the town may pre5cribe to er�sure that fhe 'location and operat�on of t�e conditionaf uses will be in accordanc� with de�elopment ob�ecti�es of the town an�{ wil! not be detrimentat to other uses or properti�s. Where condifions cannot be devised to achieve these �bJecfives, appfications for conditionaf use permits shall be der�i.ed. (Ord. 8(�973� § 18.100} 12-1fi-2: APPLICAT�QN; CQNTENTS: ExH�arr � �� lofll SterEin4 Cndifiers,Inc. Application for a conditionaf use permit shall be made upon a form provided by the administrator. The application shall be supported by documents, maps, p[ans, and other material containing the following information: A. Name and address of the owner and/or appl�cant and a statement that the applicant, if not the owner, has the permission of the owner to make application and act as agent for the owner. B, Legal description, street address, and other identifying data concerning the site. C. A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and its operating characterist�cs, and measures proposed to make the use compatib[e with other properfies in the vicinity. D. A site plan showing proposed deve[opment of the site, including topography, b�ilding locations, parking, traffic circulat�on, usable apen space, landscaped area, and �tflities and drainage feat�res. E. Preliminary building plans and ele�ations sufficient to indicate the dimensions, genera[ appearance, scale, and interior pian of all buildings. F. Such additional material as the administrator may prescribe or the app�icant may s�bmit pertinent to the appfication and to the findings.prerequisite to the iss�ance of a eonditional use permit as prescribed in section 1�-16-fi of this chapfer. G. A list of the owner or owners o# record of the properties adjacent to the subject propertj+ which is s�bject of the hearing. Provided, however, notification of owners within a condominium project s}�afl be satisfied by notifying the managing agent, or the registered agent of the condominium project, or any member of the board of directors of a condomini�am association. The list af owners, managing agent of the condomini�m project, registered agent or members of the board of dErectors, as appropriafe, shafl inelude the narrmes of the individuals, their mailing addresses, and the generaf description of the properky owned or managed by each, Accompanying the Iist shall be stamped, addressed e.nvelopes to each indi�id�al ar agent to be notified to be �sed for the mailing of the notice of hearing. it wil[ be the applicant's responsibility to pro�ide th�s informafion and stamped, addres5ed envelopes. Notice to the adjacent property owners sha[I be mailed first cfass, postage prepaid. 2 of 11 SterlinL Codifiecs.Il3c. H. If the proper�y is owned in common (condorrminium association) or jointly wit� other property owners such as dri�eways, AIB parcefs or C parcels in duplex subdi�isions, by way of example and not [imitation, t�e written appro�al of the ofher proper#y owner, owners or applicabie owners' association shafl be required. This can be either in the form of a letter of approval or signature on the application. (Ord. 29(2005} § 38: Ord. 24(2000) § 2: Qrd. 49(1991) § 1 : Ord. 5a(�978) § 15: Ord. 3Q(1978) § 1 : �rd. 16�1978) § 4(a): Ord. 8(1973) § 18.2a0) 12-16-3: FEE: The town counci� shall set a conditional use permit fee schedule sufficient to cover the cost of town staff time and other expenses incidental to the review of the application. The fee shall �e paid at the time of the application, and shall not �e refundabie. (Ord. 29(2005) § 38: Ord. 8(1973) § 18.300) 12-16-4: HEARING: Upon receipt of a conditional use permit application, the planning and environmental commission s�afl set a date for �earing in accordance with subsection 12-3-6B of tnis title. Notice s�a[� be given, and the hearing s�all be conducted in accordance w�tn s�bsections 12-3-6C and D of t�is tit�e. (Ord, 29(2005) § 38: Ord. 8(�973) § 18.4aa) �2-16-5: PLANNING AND ENViRONMENTAL COMMISSION ACTION: A. Possib�e Range O# Action: Within thirty (3a) days of the applicafion for a public hearing on a conditional use permit, the planning and en�ironmental comm[ssion shall act on the application. The cornmission may approve the appiicafion as submitted or rr�ay approve the application su�jeet to such modificafions or conditions as it deems necessary to accomplish the purposes of this title, or t�e commission may deny the application. A conditional use permit may be re�ocable, may be granted for a limited time period, or may be granted subject to such other condit�ons as the commission may prescri�e. Conditions may include, but shall not be limited to, requiring spec�al set�acks, open spaces, fences or walls, landscaping or screening, and street dedication and improvement; regulafion of �enicular access and par�cing, signs, i�lumination, and ho�rs and methods of operation; cor�trol of potenfiaf nuisances; prescription of standards for maintenance of �uildings and grounds; and prescription of devefopment schedules. 3 oi° �i Sterlu�;Codifiers,Inc. B. Variances: A conditional use permit shall not grant variances, �ut action on a variance may �e considered concurrently with a conditional use permit app�ication on the same site. Variances shall be granted in accordance with the procedure prescri�ed �n chapfer �f7 of this title. (Ord. 29(2005) § 38: Ord. 16(19�8) § 4�b): Ord. 8(19�3) § 1�.500) 12-�6�6: CRITERIA; FlNDlNGS: A. Factors Enumerated: Before acting on a conditional use permit application, the pl�nning and environmenta� eommission snall consider the following factors with respect to the proposed use: �. Refationship and impact of the use on deve�opment abjectives ofthe town. 2. Effect of the use on iight and air, distribution of popu[afion, transpor�ation facilities, utifities, schoofs, parks and recreatian facilities, and other public facilities and public facilit�es needs. 3. Effect upon traffic, with par�icufar reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow ar�d control, access, maneuverability, and removai of snow from the streets and parkir�g areas. 4, Effect �tpon the char.acter of#he area in which the proposed use is to �e located, including the scale and bulk of the:praposed use ira relation to �urrou�ding uses. 5. Such other facto.rs and criteri.a as the commission deems appiicable to the proposed use. 6. The enviranrnental impact repo�t concerr�ing the proposed use, if an environmentai impact r-eport is required by cha�ter �2 of fhis title. B. Necessary Findings: The planning ar�d environmenfal commis.sion shal� make the � faElowing fiindings before granting a conditional use permi.t: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of this title and the purpases of the zane district in which the site is locafed. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it wou�d be operated or m�intained wifl r�ot be detrirnental to the public health, safety, or welfare, ar materially ir�jurious to properties or impra�ements in the vic�nity. 3. That the proposed use wili comply with each af the app�icable pravisions of this titie. �Ord. 29(2005) § 38: Ord. 10�1998) § 9: Ord. 22(199�) § 3: �rd. 3��1980) § 1 ; Ord. 8(1973) § 18.600) 4 of 11 Sterling Codifiers,Inc. 12-16-7: USE SPEC�FIC CRITERIA AND STANDARDS: The folfowing criteria and standards shal� be applicable to the uses listed below in consideration of a condifional use permit. These criteria and standards shall be in addition to the criteria and findings required by section 12-16-6 of this chapter. A. Uses And Criteria: 1, Bakeries and confectioneries: The use shall be resfricted to preparation of products specifically for saie on the premises. 2. Beauty and barber shops: Within the commercial core 1 and commercial core 2 zone districts beauty and barber shops shall ha�e no exterior frontage on any public way, street, walkway, or mall area. Within the Lionshead mixed use 1 and Lionshead mixed use 2 zone districts beauty and barber shops shail ha�e no exterior frontage on any primary or secondary pedestrian mall as defined by the Lionshead rede�elopment master plan. 3. Brewpubs: a. There shall be no exterior storage of suppfies, refuse, or materiaEs on the property upon which the brewpub is operated. b. The operator of the brewpub shall comply with the town's loading and deli�ery regufations as set forth in this title. c. Brewpubs wh�ch self beer or ale at wholesale or which sell beer for off site consumption are aliowed so long as the total of wholesale sales and sales for off site consumption do not exceed forty fi�e percent (45%) of the product manufactured by the brewpub on an annual basis. 4. Commercial storage: No exterior frontage on any public way, street, walkway, or mali area is permitted. 5. Con�enience food sfores: a. Maximum store size shall be eight thousand {8,000) square feet. b. No more than thirty three percent (33%) of the gross buiid�ng area of the entire structure on site. 6. Major arcades: a. No exterior frontage on any public way, street, walkway, or mall area is permitted. b. Amusement de�ices shall nof be �isible or audible from any publ�c way, street, walkway, or mal! area. 7. Tele��sion stations: s of 11 Sterling Codifiers,Inc. a. The production room/studio shall be visible from the street or pedestrian mall. b. The tefe�ision station shall �e "cablecast" only, requiring no additional antennas. S. Timeshare unit or fractional fee club proposaf: Prior to the approval of a conditional use permit for a timeshare estate, fractionaf fee, fractional fee club, or timeshare license proposal, the following shall be conside�ed: a. If the proposal for a fractional fee club is a redevelopment of an existing facility, the fractional fee club shall mainta�n an equivalency of accommodation units as are presently existing. Equivalency shall be maintained either by an equal number of units or by square footage. If the proposal is a new development, it shall provide at least as much accommodation unit gross residential floor area (GRFA) as fractional fee club unit gross residential floor area (GRFA). b. Lock off units and lock off unit square footage shall not be incfuded in the calcufation when determining the equivalency of existing accommodation units or equivalency of existing square footage. c. The abifity of the proposed project to create and maintain a high level of occupancy. d. Employee housing units may be required as part of any new or redevelopment fractional fee c[ub project requesting density over that al[owed by zoning. The number of employee housing units required w[ll be consistent with employee impacts that are expected as a result of the project. e. The applicant shall submit to the town a fist of all owners of existing units within the project or building; and written statements from one hundred percent (100%) of the owners of existing units indicating their approval, without condition, of the proposed fractionaf fee club. No written approval shall be valid if it was signed by the owner more than sixty (80) days prior to the date of fifing the application for a conditiona! use. f. Each of the fractional fee club units shalf be made available for short term rental in a managed program when not in use by the club members. The project shal! include or be proximate to transportation, retai� shops, eating an� drinking esfabiishments, and recreation facilities. 9. Transportation businesses: a. All vehicles shal[ be parked upon approved parking areas. b. All vehicles shall be adequatefy screened from public rights of way and adjacent properties, consisting of lantiscaping and berms, in combinafion with walls anti fences, where �eemed necessary to reduce the deleterious effects of vehicle storage. c. The number, size an� location of vehic�es permitted to be stored shalf be determine� by the planning and environmental commission based on the adequacy of the site for vehicfe storage. Consideration shall be given to the adequacy of landscaping and other screening methods to prevent impacts to adjacent properties and ofher 6 of 11 Sterling Codifiers,Inc. commercial and/or residential uses. d. Parking associated with transportat�on businesses shall not reduce or compromise the parking required for other uses on site. 10. Home child daycare faciiity: a. The maximum number of children shall be no more children than allowed by the state of Colorado iicensing authority for a childcare home or a tota! of six (6) children, whichever is more restrictive. b. A state of Colorado license is required to operate a chi[dcare home and a current copy of the ficense shali be kept on file in the town of Vail community de�elopment department. c. A conditional use permit for a home occupation to o�erate a home childcare facility sha�l be valid for one year. The perm�t hofder shall be responsible for requesting renewals and maintaining alf permits as current. 11. Funiculars and other similar conveyances: a. Funiculars and other similar con�eyances shafl only be al[owed when des�gned for the purpose of �roviding access to a residential dwelling, as determined by the planning and en�ironmental commission. b. Funiculars and other similar conveyances shail only be allowed when significant site constraints prevent con�entional means of vehicuiar access to the residential dwelling, as determined by the p[anning and environmenta[ commission. "Significant site constraints" shalf be defined as natural features such as mature trees, natural drainages, stream courses, and other natural water features, rocK outcroppings, wetlands, excessi�e slopes, other natural features, and existing structures that may create �ractical difficulties in the site planning and de�elopment of the �ot. c. Funiculars and other similar conveyances shall only be allowed when designed to be compatible with both the site u�on which they are located and the residential dwe[ling to which they provide access, as determined by the planning and environmentaf commission. d. Funiculars and other similar con�eyances shall only be a[lowed when designed to be appro�riately screened from �iew, as determined by the �ianning and environmental commission. 12. Single-family and two-family residentia! dwellings in the L�onshead mixed use 1 zone district: Singie-family and two-family residential dwelfings shal[ be allowed when: a. Developed as �art of a coordinated mixed use de�elo�ment; and b. A low density residential scale fs advantageous to create com�atibility with or a transftion to other [ow density residentia] de�elo�ment in the �icinity of the coordinated mixed use de�elopment; and c. The single-family and two-family residential dwelfings are designed to the same 7 of 1 t Sterling Codifiers,Inc. generaf scafe and character of res�dential dwellings in residential zone districts that allow sing�e-family and two-famify residential dwe[lings; and d. The proposed coordinated mixed use de�eiopment containing the s�ng[e-family andlor two-family residential dweflings is consistent with the intent and object[�es of the �ionshead rede�elopment master pfan. 13. Business off�ces and professiona� offices in the residential cluster zone district: a. Offices for physicians, dentists and similar medical practices shall be exc�uded in the residential cluster zone district. b. Business and professionai offices shal] be secondary to the residential use of the district. The net floor area of the office use shall be no greater than fifteen percent (15%) of the a�lowable gross residential floor area of the de�elopment site. c. The sale of inercY�andise sha[I be prohibited. d. �ff street parking shall be pro�ided in accordance with the pro�isions of chapter 10 of this title and shall be clearfy separate from the area designated for residential parking. e. No o�ernigY�t parking or storage of commercial vehicles associated with the professionaf or business office use sl�afl be permitted, f. S�gnage shall be permitted in accordance with subsection 11-G-3A, of tY�is code, business signs within sign district 1 (title 11, "Sign Regulations") and shal! be subject to review by t�e design review board. g. The number of employees allowed in a business office or professional off�ce witl�in t�e residentiaf cluster zone district sha11 not exceed one employee for each two �undred (200) square feet of net floor area. h. Homeowners' association appro�al shall be required of all cond�tional use permit applications for a professional office or a business office witl�in t�e residential cluster district, pursuant to subsection �2-11-4B�d of tY�is title. 14. Temporary business offices: a. Offices for real estate agents shall be excluded. b. The storage, sale, or dispiay of inerc�andise on the premises sl�all occupy less than ten percent (�0%) of the office's ffoor area. c. Off street parking shalf be pro�ided in accordance with cY�apter 10 of this title. d. Signage sl�al! be pro�ided in accordance titfe �1 , "Sign Regulations", of th[s code. e. The business and ser�ice acti�ities and transactions of a temporary business office may on[y be conducted for a iimited time period, not to exceed tf�ree (3) years. Unless the time period is fimited to a shorter duration, the appro�al of a conditional use permit for a temporary business office shall expire and become �oid witY�in three 8 af 11 Sterling.Codifiers,Inc. (3} years fram the initial date af approval. The planning and environmental commission may grant a subsequent extension to a conditiona! us� permit approval to allow a temporary business office to confinue activities and transactions beyond the original time period limif, if the commission determines speciai circumstances and/or conditions exist to warrant such an extension. An extension may oniy be granted far the minimum time period necessary to #acilitate specific redevelopment construction acti�ities that achieve the town's goals, policies, and objectives, but in no e�ent may such an extension be allowed #or more than three (3) years wifhout additional re�iew. f. A conditional use �ermit approval for a temporary business office shall be reviewed by the planning and environmental commission on an annual basis to verify the applicant's compliance with fhe conditions of approval. f 5. Business offices and professionaf offices in the hausing (H} district: a. Business and professionai offices shafl be secondary to the residential use of the district. The nef floor area of the office use shall be not greater than fifteen percent (15%} of the net floor area of the deveiopmenf site. b. The sale of inerchandise shafl be prohibifed. c. Off street parking shafl be provided in accordance with the provisions of chapter 10 of fhis fitle and shafi be clearly se�arate from the area designated for residential par�cing. d. No overnighf parking or storage of commercial vehicles assoc�ated with fhe professional or bus�ness office use shall be permitted. e. Signage shali be permitted in accordance with subsection 11-6-3A of this code, business signs within sign district 1, and sha[1 be subject to design review. f. The number of employees aflowed in a business office or professional office within the housing district shall not exceed one empfoyee for each two hundred (200) square feet of net floor area. g. Homeowners' association or property owner approval shall be required of all conditional use permit applications for a professional office or a business off�ce within the housing (H} district pursuant to subsection f 2-11-4B1 d of this code. 16. Sexuaily oriented businesses: a. Sexuaily oriented businesses shafi be [ocated a minimum of five hundred feet (500') from any: (f) Relig�ous instifution; (2) Public park; (3} Library; 9 of I1 Sterling Codifiers,Inc. (4) State licensed daycare facility; (5) School or educational facility serving persons under eighteen {18) years of age; ar (6) Any other sexuaf�y oriented business. b. The distance between any two {2) sexuafly oriented businesses shafl be measured in a straight line, without regard to inter�ening structures, from the closest exterior structura! wall of each business. Distance between any sexually oriented business and any refigious institution, school or pubfic park shall be measured in a stra�ght 1ine, without regard to intervening structures, from the nearest portion of the structure used for the sexually oriented business to the nearest property line of the religious institution or school, or the nearest �oundary of the public park. c. Sexually explicit advertisements or other promotional displays for sexually oriented �usinesses that are harmful to minors shall not be �isible to minors from pedestrianways, walkways or other public areas. d. Sexuafly oriented �usinesses shall obtain a �icense pursuant to title 4, "Business And License Regulations", of this code, as a condition of appro�al for a conditiona� use permit. (Ord. 1{2011) § 1: Ord. �3(2008) § 3: �rd. 35(2047) § 3: Qrd. 22(2Q07) § 3: Ord. 33(2QQ6) § 2: Ord. 29(2QQ5) § 38: �rd. 36(2003) § 1 : Ord. 33(2003) § 1 : Ord. 31(2p01) § 6: Ord. 17(20Q1) § 2: Qrd. 10(1998) § 11) 12-�6-8: PERMIT APPROVAL AND EFFECT Approvai of a condit�onal use permit, or an amendment to an existing conditional use permit, shall lapse and become void if a �uilding permit is not obtained and construction not commenced and diligently pursued toward compfetion or the use for which the appro�al has been granted has not commenced within two (2) years from when the appro�af becomes final. Approval of a conditional use permit shall also lapse and become �oid if the use for which the approval has been granted is discontinued for a period of two (2) years, regardless of any intent to resume operation of the use. (�rd. 12(2QQ8) § 2G) 12-16-9: CONFLlCTlNG PROVISIQNS: In addition to the conditions which may be prescribed pursuant to this chapter, a conditional use shall also be subject to all other procedures, permits, and requirements of this chapter and other applica�[e ordinances and regufations of the town. fn the e�ent of any conflict between the provisions of a conditionaf use permit and any other permit or requirement, the more restrictive provision shaEl prevail. {Ord. 10(1998) § 1 Q: Ord. 8(�973) § �$.9QQ) 14 of I1 Sterling Codifiers,Inc. 12-16-10: AMENDMENT PROCEDURES: A. The administrator may approve amendments to an existing conditianal use permit (including, but not Iimited to, additions to buifdings and structures assaciated with the use, changes to the operation of the use, changes to the previous conditions of approval, etc.} if the administrator determines the amendment meets the following criteria: 1. The amendment is in accordance with all appficable elements of this code and the Vail comprehensive plan; and 2. T�e amendment does not alter the basic character or intent of the or�g�nal condit�ona! use permit; and 3. The amendment wili not adversely affect the pubfic health, safety, and welfare. B. Ail amendments to an existing conditional use permit not meeting t�e above listed criteria, as determined by the administrator, shafl be reviewed by t�e planning and environmental commission in accordance with the procedures described in section 12-16-5 af this chapter. (Ord. 12(2008} § 27} 11 of 11 Sterline Cac�ifers.Inc. Chapter � PUBLIC NUISANCES 5-1-1 : DEFiNlTIONS: NUiSANCE: .For the purpose of this code, a nuisance is hereby defined as any act or condition which endangers the public health or environment or results.in annoyance or discamfort to the pubiEC or damage to any property or in�ury to any person. PERSON: As used in this chapter means a natural person, corporation, business trust, estate, tr�st, partnership, assaciation, jaint stack company, joint �enture, two (2} or more persons having a joint or common interest, any other legal or commercial entity, or a receiver, executor, trustee, conservator or other representati�e appointed by order of any court. {1997 Code: Ord. 18(1966} § 1) 5-1-2: DESIGNATED GENERALLY: Each of the actions or conditions set out in sections -5 1_� through 5�1-1� of this chapter shall be deemed to be a �ublic nuisance and may be proceeded against according to the provisions af this chapter, {Ord. 18{1966) § 2) 5-1-3: KEEPING JUNK: The storing or keeping by any person within the town of any old articles or materia{s which may be classified as junk, adjacent to or in clase praximity to any public buiEding, pub�ic �ark or grounds, business buiidings or residences withaut first pro�iding fuliy enclosed buildings for the storage of t�e same, s�afl be deemed a public nuisance. It is specifically provided that trash, garbage and refuse and trash, garbage and refuse cantainers, barrels and cans must be obscured from �iew and not accessible to scavenging animals. lt is further specifically provided that "junk" as referred to in this chapter sha[I be expressly deemed to include, without limitation, any motor vehicle t�at �s incapable of a{�eration under i#s own pawer. A motor �ehicle shaif be presumed incapable of operation if it has remained �n one location far a period �n excess of t�irty (30) days. (Ord. 16{�968) § � : Ord. 15(19�8) � 1 : Ord. 18{1966) § 2{b)) 5�1-4: DEPOSITING WASTE EXHIBtT � � � flrii Sterling Codifiers,Inc. The throwing, depositing, scattering by any person or the permitting by any person of the throwing or scattering of any waste or other materiaf of any kind upon any sidewalk, stree�, alley, pu�lic passageway, pu�lic park, open area or upon any private property wi�h�n the �own shall be deemed a publ�c nuisance. (Ord. 18(1966) § 2(c}) 5-1-5. ABATEMENT QF MOUNTA�N PINE BEETLE�: (Rep. by Ord. 23(2007) § 1) 5-�-fi: NOXIOUS WEEDS: A. Piants Listed: All plan�s declared noxious weeds pursUant to the town of Vail weed management plan, which shall f�e annualfy reviewed and updated in compliance with fhe Colorado Revised Statutes, section 35-5.5-101 et seq., "the Colorado noxious weed act". B. Declaration Of Nuisance: Any and afl plants designated noxious weeds by the town are declared to be a public nuisance. Suc� action may be taken as is available for nuisance aba�ement under the laws of this state and f�e town, and as �own council, in �heir sole discre�ion, deem necessary. C. Removal Of Noxious Weeds Required By Property Owner: Property owners within the town shall �e responsible for the eliminat�on of noxious weeds from �heir property within ninety (90} days of �he effective da�e hereof. Sucn removal shafl �e accompl�shed in an ecologically feas��le and environmentalfy safe manner in accordance with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. D. Enforcement: The town s�all have the right to enter upon any premises, land, or p{ace, whether pu�lic or private, during reasonable �usiness hours or upon proper notice for the purpose of inspecting for the existence of noxious weeds, and shall have the right to propose, impiement or enforce the managemenf of noxious weeds upon such lands in accordance with the provisions of Colorado Revised StatUtes sect�ons 35-5.5-108.5 and 109. 2 of 11 Sterling Codifiers,Inc. E. Ad�isory Board: T�e Vail town council shaf� be the local ad�isory board for all s�ate and focal noxious weed statutes, ordinances and regulations. The mayor shal[ be ��e chair and t�e mayor pro tem shall be the secretary. A majority of �he members of the board shall const�tute a quorum. F. Penalty: Viaiatian af this sec�ion shall be subject to penalty as pravided in sectian 1-4-i af this code, in additian to any other remedies provided herein or allawed by ordinance, law, rule, or regulation. {Ord. 6(2DD4) § 1: 1997 Code: Ord. 19{1993} § 1) 5-1-7: NOiSE PROHlBITED: A. Prohibited Act; The making and creating of an excessi�e or an unusually loud noise at any location within �he town heard and measured in a manner hereinafter se�forth, shall be unlawful, excep� when made under and in comp�iance with a permi� issued �ursuant to subsection E of �his section. B. Definition: An "excessive or unusualiy loud noise" shall be defined as follows: 1. Noise of any duration which exceeds the af�owable noise limit for the zane in wh�ch the noise source is foca�ed by fifteen (15) decibeis. 2. A noise, one minute or more in duration out of any ten {1 D) minu�e period, which exceeds the a�lowable noise limit tor the zone in which the noise source is located by ten (10) decibels. 3. A noise of fi�e (�} minutes in duration and a totai of fi�e {5) m�nutes ou� of any ten {10) minute period, which exceeds the allowable noise lim�t for the zone in wh�ch the noise so�rce is [acated by three (3) decibels. C. Sound Measurement Standard: For the purpose of determining and class�fying any noise as excessive or unusually loud as declared to be unlawful and prohi�ited by th�s section, the noise shall �e measured on a decibei or sound levei meter of standard design and quality o�erated on �he A weighting scale. 1. If the noise so�rce is ]ocated on pri�ate property, the noise shall be measured at or beyond the property line of the pro�eriy on which the noise source is located. 2. If the noise source is located on �ubfic property, the noise shafl �e meas�red no closer than ten feet {10') from the noise source. 3of11 Sterling Codifiers,Inc. D. Aflowab�e Limits: Tne following shall be the allowable noise limits for fhe time periods and zones specffied: 33`.':,F�`�`��-s:"�v i53..�:-F�:�,S.y.". _4:.�" _.d.i-� .r:6_..:. <�n�::���_3 - .�«:ffF_'.�a,E�� s�.3di:r.1'w�s�'.{�i'C=��.3:a",�'.:1�-�.� mAY.�.=F�S.�;_ � Zoning Designation L;� � Of Property On ! Maximum Number Of Maximum Number Of �� Which Source Of a Decibefs Permitted From Decibe[s Permitted From Noise Is Located _�� � 7�00 A.M. To 11:QQ P.M. � 11 :00 P,M. To 7:OQ A.M� ;� All residential zones � 55 decibels 50 decibels � excepting HDMF i _ w�� �� Commerciaf plus HDMF � �65 decibels� 60 decibels . -- - �i �� _s � Industrial service zones�� . �80 decibefs � � 75 decibels �� ,:� E. Permit To Exceed Limits: Applications for a specified permit to exceed noise level designated in this section may be made to the town manager or duly authorized representat�ve. The town manager or duly authorized representafive may grant the relief as applied for if helshe finds tne following: 1. Tnat additional time is necessary for the appficant to alter or modify sucn activity or operation to comply with this section. 2. The activity, operation or noise source will be of temporary duration, and cannot be done in a manner that will compiy with subsection A of this section. 3. That no other reasonab�e alternati�e is a�ailab�e to the applicant. 4. Tnat the permit is necessary for the community's cultural, nistorical or social �enefit. The town manager may prescribe any conditions or reau�remenfs deemed necessary to min�mize ad�erse effects upon the community or the surrounding neighf�orhood, including, but nof lim�fed to, specific times or functions of the noise on location of the noise source. Any permit granted by the town manager under this section shall contain all cond�tions upon which the permit has �een g�anted and shall specify a reasonable time that the permit shall �e effective. F. Exceptions: Tne maximum permissible noise ]imits for the times and zones specified in subsect�on D of this sect�on shaif not apply to sound emitted from fhe fol[owing: 1. Any autnorized emergency vehicle when responding to an emergency call or acting in time of an emergency; 2. Activities of a temporary duration permitted by faw and for which a license or permit therefor has been granted by the town, including, hut not limited to, parades and fireworks displays; 4 af 11 Sterling Codi�iers,Inc. 3. Any construction equipment operated upon a residentiai, commerc�a�, industrial, or public premises during the time period between se�en o'clock (7:00) A.M, and seven o'clock (7:00) P.M.; provided, howe�er, that the operation of the construction equipment during the hours of se�en o'clock (7:00) A.M. and se�en o'cfociC (7:00) P.M. shaiE not exceed ninety (90) decibels; 4. Any snowmaking equipment; 5. Any motor �ehicles designated for and operated on the publ�c streets, alleys, highways or freeways; 6. The sounds of any permitted belfs or chimes or the amplified reproductions of the sounds of any bells or chimes played between the hours of eight o'clock (8:00) A.M. to seven o'clock (7:00) P.M., pro�ided that said sounds shall not exceed eighty (80) decibels. G. Motor Vehicle Noise: 1. Type Of Vehicle; Time Period: No person shaf� operate nor shall the owner perm�t the operation of any motor �ehicle or comb�nation of motor vehicles at any time or place when such operation exceeds the following noise levels for the category of motor �ehicle and for the designated time period specified in the table set forth befow. The standards set forth in this table shall apply to alf noise emitted from motor �ehic�es including any and alf equipment thereon, under any conditions of acceleration, deceferation, idle, greater foad, and whether or not in motion. Maximum allowable noise le�e�s for motor �ehicles shall be as follows: .z?r�,a�w� .:z,.s.�.; 1r�.,W�. -..�:-�-._:� - ���c�.,»��`:-..,�..�:t_�-��=�:r.s �c�s ':..�t�} ;':�-�-'�7s��..�<:'z=a� � ! ��� � Measurement � � ; � Maximum AIlowable - Distance ; � ��e Of Vehicle `� Time Period � Noise Levels � From Vehicle � �..� ,� � Vehicles weighing less � Any time 80 decibels � 25 feet � ; than �0,000 pounds, � , : �_ manufacturer's gross � ' � � �ehicle weight ! � �� _�._.�...._.__._,�_�__._.w_..__._...�_�..�...1_�._�_.._____�_.� _�___�...�._____��_�.._� __...__�.__._-�__.___�� Vehicles weighing j Any time � 90 deci�els � 25 feet � more than 10,000 � � � pounds, manufacturer's � � � ' 3 gross vehicle weight ; �.� v� - - �..� - .�..� 2. Exhaust Muffler3: It is unlawful for any person to dri�e or mo�e or for the owner of any motor vehicle to permit to be dri�en or mo�ed, any motor �ehicle or combination of motor vehicles at any time which is not equipped with an exhaust muffler. It is unlawful for any person or for the owner of any motor �ehicfe to change or modify the exhaust 5 of 11 Sterling Codifiers,Inc. muffler, air intake mufffer, or any other sound reducing de�ice in such a manner that the no�se emitted from the motor �ehicle: a) exceeds the noise le�els as estab[ished in the maximum allowable noise level table for motor vehicles, or b) is increased abo�e the sound pressure le�el of the �ehicle as originally manufactured. 3. ldling Engines: a. It shall be unlawfui for any person to idle or permit the idling of the engine of any bus, truck, or any motor �ehicle of any kind whatsoe�er, for a period of time in excess of twenty (20) minutes with�n the town limits. b. Notwithstanding subsection G3a of this section, it shall be un[awful for any person to permit any idling whatsoe�er of the engine of any unattended bus, truck or any motor �ehicfe, except for refrigeration �ehicfes, within the Lionshead mixed use 1, Lionshead mixed use 2, commercial core 1 or the commerc�al core 2 zone districts of the town. H. Amplified Sounds: 1. Purpose: The town council enacts this legislation for the purpose of securing and promoting the public comfort, safety, and welfare of its citizenry. While recognizin� that cer�ain uses of sound amplifying equipment are protected by the const�tutionaf ri�hts of freedom of speech and assembly, the council ne�ertheless feels obligated to reasonably regulate the use of sound amplifying equipment in order to protect the correfati�e constitutionai rights of the citizens of this community to privacy and freedom from public nuisance and loud and unnecessary noise. 2. Prohibition And Regulation: It shall be unlawful for any person other than the personnel of law enforcement or governmental agencies to install, use, or operate within the town a loudspeaker or sound amplifying equipment in a fixed or mo�able position or mounted upon any sound truck for the purposes of gi�ing instructions, directions, talks, addresses, lectures, or transmit or project music to any person or assembfage of persons in or upon any public street, alleys, sidewalks, park or place, or public property, except when instal[ed, used, or operated �n compliance with the foilow�ng pro�isions: a. In a�l residential zones, no sound amplifyin� equipment shalf be installed, operated or used for commercia[ purposes at any time. b. The operation or use of sound amplifying for noncommercial purposes in all residential zones and within one hundred feet (100') thereof, except when used for regularly scheduled operati�e functions by any schoo[ or for the usua[ and customary purposes of any church is prohibited between the hours of four thirty o'clock (4:30) P.M. and nine o'clock (9:00} A.M. of the followin� day. c. At the Gerafd R. Ford Amphitheater located within Gerald R. Ford park, the operation or use of sound ampl�fying equipment for commercia] purposes is prohibited between the hours of twel�e o'ciock (12:QQ} midnight and eight o'c[ock (8:00} A.M. of the following day. 6 of 11 Sterling Codifiers,Inc. d. In all other zones, except such portions thereof as may be included within one hundred feet (�00') of any residential zone, the o�eratian or use of sound amplifying equipment for commercia[ purposes is prohibited between the hours of ten o'clock (10:00) �.M. and eight o'clock (8:00) A.M. of the foiEowing day on Sunday through Thursday, and between the hours of ele�en o'clock {11 :00) P.M, and eight o'clock (8:00) A.M. of the following day on Friday and Saturday. e. In afl other zones, except such portions thereof as may be included within one hundred feet (�00') of any residential zone, the operat[on or use of sound amplifying equipment for noncommercial purposes is prohibited between the hours of ten o'clock (�0:00) P.M. and se�en o'clock (7:00) A.M. of the following day. The only sounds permitted shail be either music, human speech, or both. The sound emanat�ng from sound amplifying equipment shall be [imited in �oiume and intensity for the times such sound is perm�tted by subsection H2 of this section shal[ be as set forth in subsection D of this section. In no e�ent, shall the sound be ` loud and raucous or unreasonably jarring, disturbing, annoying, or a nuisance to reasonab�e persons of normal sensiti�ity within the area of audibility. 3. Permit Required: It shal] be uniawful for any person, business or carporation to operate sound amplifying equipment in accordance with this chapter without first obtaining a permit from the town. Appfication for such permits will be on forms pro�ided by the town. The following information shall be pro�ided by the applicant: a. Name, address and telephone number; b. The place or places the applicant wif! be playing amplified sound; c. The dates and times the applicant wil[ be play�ng amplified sound. Afl perm�ts shall be �alid for a period af one calendar year. I. Appeal: Appeal of any action of the town manager or duly aut�orized representative pursuant to subsections E and H of this section, denying the issuance of a perrrmit to exceed the noise ie�el or to play amplified sounds, may be filed within thirty {30) days following such action with the town council which shall hear said appeal in accordance with its rules of procedure. The town council may confirm, re�erse or modify the actions of the town manager or his/t�er duly authorized representative. J. Pena[ty: Any person, partnership, association, or corporation con�icted of a violation of any provisian af this section sha[l be subject to penalty as pro�ided in section �-4-1 of this code. K. Four Day Limit: 7 of 11 Sterling Codifiers,Inc. 1. Any person wishing to play "amplified sounds" as defined in subsection H of this section during any period not to exceed four (4) consecuti�e days shall not be required to provide the �nformation set forth in subsection H3 of this section in such person's application. 2. Upon the receipt of an application to play ampfified sound during any period not to exceed four (4) consecuti�e days, the town manager, without the necessity of a public hearing, shail either grant or deny the application after consideration of all the rele�ant factors. Before the town manager shall grant any such application, the town manager shafl be required to make the findings set forth in subsection E4 of this section. (Ord. 14(2007) § 1 ; Ord. 3(1999) § 10; Ord. 2p(1988) § 1 : 1997 Code: Ord. 15(1988) § 1 : Ord, 26(1984) § 1: Ord. 32(1982) § 1 : Ord. 1(1981) § 1) 5-1-8: MUFFLERS�: The operation of a motor�ehicle within the town which is not at all times equipped with a muffler in good working order upon the exhaust thereof and En constant operation to pre�ent excessi�e or unusual noise, or the use, by any person operating a motor�ehicie within the town, of a cutout, bypass or sim�lar mu�fler elimination appliance shall be deemed a public nuisance. (Ord. 18(1966) § 2(e)) 5-i-9: !CE AND SNOW OVERHANGS AND ACCUMULATIONS: A. Located O�er Public Property Or Ways: No owner, occupant or manager of any real property or impro�ement thereon shall allow or permit ice or snow to project or o�erhang from any roof, ledge or other part of the structure or building owned, managed or occupied by such person where the projection or o�erhang constitutes a hazard or reasonable possibifity that the ice or snow projection or o�erhang (or water resulting therefrom) might fail, collapse or drop onto any sidewalk, street, afiey, publ�c way, park or any other publ�ciy used way. B. Accumulations On Buildings: No owner, occupant or manager of any real property or impro�ement thereon shall allow or permit ice or snow to accumulate on the roof or any other part of the structure or buifding owned, occupied or managed by him or her where the accumulated ice or snow constitutes a hazard or reasonab[e possibility of sl�d�ng off the building onto any sidewaik, street, alley, pub�ic way, park or any other public�y used way. (Ord. 9(1978) § 1) sofll Sterling Codifiers,Inc. 5-1-1Q: ICE, SNOW AND QBSTRUCTIONS ON SIDEWALKS: A. Duty To Clear Sidewafks: It shall be the d�ty of every owner or occ�pant of any lot, property, or parcei of land within the town, or his/her agent, to keep the sidewalks in the p�blic right of way on or adjacent to such �ot or parcel of land, free and clear of and from snow, ice, mud, and af1 other obstructions. It is unlawful to fail to Keep the sidewalks free and clear of snow, ice, mud, and a!I other obstruct�ons. Snow, ice, m�d, and other obstr�ctions c�eared from sidewalks shaEl not be deposEted in publ�c streets or alleys. B. Notice To Responsibfe Person: If the town manager or his/her designee fir�ds that any portion of a sidewalk has not been cleared of snow, ice, mud, and other obstr�ctions as req�ired by subsection A of this sectian and that a hazardo�s condition exists, the town manager or designee shalf notify the owner or manager of any property, the lessee leasing the premises or any adult occupant of a single-family dwelling that such person must remo�e the snow within twenty four (24) hours. Notice under this subsection is sufficient if hand delivered or telephoned to the owner, manager, lessee, or occ�pant. C. Town Abatement For Noncompliance: If the person so notified fails to remo�e the snow as required by the notice set forth in subsection B of this section, the town manager or his/i�er designee may cause the snow removal to be done to meet the requirements of this section and charge the cost thereof, plus an additional amount up to twenty fi�e dollars ($25.00) for administrati�e costs to the person so notified. D, L�en; ff any person fa�ls or refuses to pay any charge imposed under this section, the town manager may, in addition to takfng other collection remedies, certify d�e and unpaid charges to the Eagle County treasurer for coflection. (Ord. 3(1992) § 1 : Ord. 1(1968) § 1 : Ord. 18(1996) § 2(g)) 5-1-11 : CONSTRUCTION WORK LIGHTING: The purpose of this section is to minimize the possible negati�e effects of construction work lighting on adjacent properties within the town. A. All artificial I�ght sources operated for the purpose of illuminating construction worK acti�ities shall be directed internally to the de�elopment site toward the specific construction work area or on site objects in�ended to be illuminated. Any artificial l�ght sources operating between sunset and sunrise for the purpose of ill�minating construction worK acti�ities directed at an adjacent property or pubfic way within the town 9 of ll Sterling Codifiers,Inc. shall be deemed a public n�isance. B. All artificial lig�t sources operated for the purpose of illummating construction work acti�ities shail cease operation once the associated construction acti�it�es ha�e ceased. Any artificial light source operating between sunset and sunrise for t�e purpose of illuminating construction work acti�ities that remains in operation after the associated construction acti�ities ha�e ceased shail be deemed a publfc nuisance. C. This section shall not appfy to lighting required for identifying hazards or illuminating road construction. D. This section shall not apply to any outdoor lighting otherwise regu[ated �y section 14-10-7, "Outdoor Lighting", of this code. {Qrd. 4(2009) § 1) 5-1-12: CREATIQN QF NUISANCE PROHIB�TED: No person shall perform any act or acts constituting a nuisance under sections 5-1-2 thro�gh 5-1-11 of this chapter nor shall any person create, keep, maintain, or allow or cause to be created, kept, maintained or to exist any nuisance set forth in sections 5�1-2 through 5-1-11 of this chapter within the town. (�rcl. 4�2049) § 1) 5-1-13: INVESTIGATION; ABATEMENT NOTICE: The town council or any person specifically authorized by the council shall in�estigate into e�ery public nuisance within the town, and the town council shall ha�e the power to defi�er a req�est for abatement to any person in controi of any publ�c nuisance. Any request for abatement deli�ered by the town counci[ shall be in writing and shall state the nature of the nuisance or nuisances which are to be abated and shall spec�fy a reasonabie time within which such nuisance or nuisances are to be abated. It is the duty of any person �n control of any public n�isance within the town to abate the nuisance upon recei�ing a request for abatement from the town councif within the time specified in the request. {prd. 4{2009) § 1) 5-1-14: ABATEMENT PROCEDURE: 10 of 11 Sterling Codifiers,Inc. In addition to or in piace of proceeding under section �-1-13 of this chapter against any person who is believed to have violated or to be v�olating any of the provisions of this chapter, the town council may direct the town attorney to bring an action in the municipal court for the town to abate and restrain any nuisance set forth in sections �-1-2 through 5-1-11 of this chapter within the town; provided, that any action to abate and restrain any such nuisance shall operate as a bar to any subsequent proceedings under section 5-1-13 of this chapter for the violation of any of the provisions o# this chapter where the violat�on occurred prior to the action to abate or restrain the nuisance, and no testimony given by the defendant at any hearing in an action to abate or restrain the nuisance shall be admissibie against such person in any proceeding under section 5-1-13 of this chapter instituted for any �iolation of the pro�isions of this chapter occurring subsequent to the hearing. (Ord. 4(2009) § 1) 5�1�15: CIV1L REMEDY NOT PRECLUDED; No provision of this chapter shall be construed as prohibiting any private person from bringing any action, seeking any remedy or taking any step with respect to any nuisance set forth in sections 5-1-2 through 5-1-11 of this chapter as that person may be authorized or permitted to bring, seek, or take under state �aw. (Ord. 4(2Q09) § 1) 5-i�i6: VIOLATiON; PENALTY: Any person con�icted of �iolating any of the pro�isions of this chapter shall be punished as provided in section 1-4-1 of this code; prov�ded, that each separate act in �iolation of the prov�sions of this chapter, or each and every day or portion thereof during which any separate act in violation of th�s chapter is committed, continued, or permitted, shall be deemed a separate offense. (Ord. 4(20a9) § 1) Ilof11 SterIi�ig CadiC7ers,Inc. Chapter 12 EN1/1R�NiV�ENTAL E�fIPACT REF�QRTS 12-�2-1 : PURPOSE: Submission and re�iew of an en�ironmentaf impact report on any pri�ate developmer�t proposal or public pcoject which may aifect to any significant degree the q�ality of the enuiror�ment in the town or in surrounding areas is required to achie�e the fol[owfng Ob��CtIV�S: A. A�ailability Of inforrnation; To ensure that comp�e#e information on #he en�iranrnental effects of the proposed project is a�ailabl.e #o th� town council; the planning and en�ironmen�ai commission, and the generaf pubfic. B. En�ironmental ,Protection A Criterion: To ensure that long tsrm protecfion of tne environmen# is a g�iding criterion in prQject pEanning, and that land �se and de�elopmen:t decisions, both pui�fie and pri�at�, tal�e into account the refati�e rnerit_s of pos5ib(e alte.rnative actions. C. Review And E�alUat�on Proc�dure: Ta pro�ide procedures for local r_euiew and eval�ation of th� environmental �.ffects of'pro�osed prQjects prior to �ran�ir�g of permits or. otner authoriza#[ans for commencement af d'eve[opment, D. Avoid Geoiogic Hazard Areas: To ensure that buildings are not constructed in geologic hazard areas, i�y way af i[]ustration, floodplains, avalanche paths, rockfalE areas, where sUCh nazard cannot practicaliy be mitigated to the satisfaction of the planning and enviror�mer�tal commissian and the town councif. E. Protect Water Quafity: To ensure that the quality of surface water and �ra�nd water within the town w�f I be protected from adverse impacts and/or d�gradation due to construction activities. {Ord. 29(2005) § 31 : Ord. 37(1980) § 10: Ord. 19{1976) § 14: Ord. 8{1973) § 16.100} �2-12-2: APPLICABILfTY: ExHis�r � � Ea�s Sterling CodiFiers,Inc. An en�ironrrmentaf irnpact report shafl be submitted to the administrator for any project for which s�c� a repor� is required by federal or state law, or for any project which the administrafor determines may significantly ck�ange the en�ironment, either during construction or an a confinuing basis, in ane or more of the following respects: A. Alters an ecofogical un[t or land form, such as a ridgeline, saddle, draw, ravine, hiils�de, cfiff, slope, creek, marsh, watercourse, or other natural landform feature. B. Directly or �ndirectly affects a wildlife habitat, feeding, or nesting ground. C. Alters ar remo�es nati�e grasses, trees, shruhs, or other�egetati�e co�er. D. Affects the appearance or character of a significant scenic area or resource, or in�ol�es bui�dings or other structures that are of a siZe, hulk, or scale that would be in marked contrast to natural or existing urban features. E. Potenfi:ally resulfs in avalanc�e, landslide, siltation, settlement, flood, or other land form change or hazard to health and safety: F. Discharges toxic ar thermally abnormaf substances, or in�ol�es use of herbicides or pesticides, ar emits smoke, gas, steam, dust, or other partic�tlate matfer. G. ln�ol�es any process which resu[ts in odor that may be objectionable or damaging. � H. Requires any waste treatment, cooifng, or settlement pond, or re�uires transportation of solid or liquid wastes to a treatment or disposa( site. I. Discharges significant volumes of solid or liquid wastes. J. Has the potential ko strain the capacity of existing ar pfanned sewage disposal, storm drainage, or other �ttility systems. 2ots Sterling CadiCers;Inc. K, In�olves any process which �ene�ates noise that may be offensi�e or damaging. L. Either displaces significant n�mbers of people or results in a significant increase in popu�ation. M. Preempts a site with potentia( recreational or open space �afue. N. Alters local traffic patterns or causes a significant increase �n traffic �olume or transit service needs. O. Is a part of a larger project which, at any future stage, may invoi�e any of the impacts listed in this section. (Ord. 29�2005) § 3�: Ord. 8(1973) § 16.20D) 12-�12-3; EXE{1lIPT PROJECTS; An en�ironmentaE impact report shall not be required for the following projects; A. Alteration, repair and maintenance of existin� structures and site impro�ements, B. A phase of a project for wl�ich an en�ironmental impact report previously was submitted and re�iewed covering the entire project, provided that the project was appro�ed and not subsequently altered. C. A project which, on tl�e basis of a preliminary environmenta[ assessment co�ering each of the factors prescribed in section 12-12-2 of t}�is chapter is found to ha�e an insignificant impact on the en�ironment. Tt�e preliminary environmental assessment and the fi�tding on en�ironmental impact sha11 be made by the administrator. (Ord. 29(20D5) § 3� : Ord. 8(�973} § 16.3D0) �2-12-4: STUDIES AND DATA REQUIRED: 3ofs Sterlin�Codi[iers.Inc. A. Range �f Studies: The env�ronmental impact repo�t shafl be based on systematic studies conducted by the town staff or by professional co�sultants, as determined by the administrator. The e��ironmen�al impac� report on a public project may be prepared k�y the�responsible public agency or l�y professiona� consuftants it engages. The range of studies needed to de�elop #he technicai data for an en�ironmental impact report includes the following natural systems and other studies: 1. Hydrologic conditions, such as surface drainage and watershed characteristics, ground water and soil permeability characteristics, naturaf water features and characteristics, and any potential changes or impacts. 2. Atmospheric condi�ions, such as airshed characterist�cs, potentiai em�ssions, and any potential changes or impacts. 3. Geologic co�ditio�s, such as landforms, slope, soil characterist�cs, pote�tial hazards, and any potential changes or impacts. 4. Biotic co�ditions, such as vegetative characteristics, wi�dlife habitats, and any potential changes or impacts. 5. 4ther e�viro�menta� condi#EO�s, such as �oise leve�s and odor characteristics, and any potential cha�ges or impacts. 6. Visual co�ditions, such as views and sce�ic values, and any potenfial changes, impacts, or marked co�trasts. 7. �a�d use conditions, such as characteristics of uses, compatibiiity with officially approved �and use and open space policies and objecti�es, and potentiai cha�ges or impacts. 8. Circulation and transpo�tation conditions, such as volumes and traffic flow patter�s, transit service needs, alternati�e transit systems, and potential changes or impacts. 9. Population charac�eristics, such as residential densities, neighborhood patterns, potential dispiacement of residen�s or businesses, and potentiaf changes or impacts. B. Summarization: The environmental impact repo�t shalf summarize the findings and recommendat�ons of the technica! and other suppo�ting studies in terms that can be assessed and evaluated by town officials and the general public. Technicaf data shall be submitted as supporting documenta#ion. Technical data prepared as a part of any ofher procedure or requirement of this chapter, or of any other ordinance or federal, state or town regulation, also may be used to support an environmentaE impact repo�t. (Ord. 29(2005) § 31: Qrd. 8(1973) § 16.401) 12-12-5; REPORT CONTENTS. ' 4o�s Sterling Codifiers,Inc. A. Information And Analysis: The enviranmental impact report shafl canfain information and analysis, �n sufficiertt detail and adequa�ely suppor�ed by�echnical studies, to enable the town council to judge the en�ironmental impact of the projec� and to judge measures proposed fo reduce or negafe any harmful impacts. B. General S�a�ement; Descriptive Mater�als: The environmental impact report shall inc�ude a general statement, describing the proposed project and its purpose, identifying �he owner andlor sponsors, and, if a public project, identifying the funding source and ��me schedufe. Descript�ve materials, maps, and plans shal� be submitted show�ng the followirtg information: 1. Project boundaries and boundar[es of the area within which en�ironmer��al impact is likely to be significant. 2. Presen� and proposed uses of the site. 3. Present and proposed zoning of the site. 4, Quanfitati�e informafion reiafive to �he project, such as site area, numbers of residential units, proposed height and bufk of buildirtgs, building floor area in square feet, and such other data as will contribute to a clear understartdirtg of fhe scaie of fhe project. 5. A fis� of regulatory or review agencies and the specific regulations to which the projec� will be subject. 6. Copies of subdi�isiort maps, development plans, or ofher pertinenf documents illustrating the proposed project. 7. Proximity to wafer bodies, the disfar�ce from the centerline of live creeks or streams to any proposed structurai de�elopment within the project: 8. Soil types based upon the National Cooperative Sail Survey, USDA, Soil Conservation Ser�ice and interpre�atiorts of soil types, vegetation shall be described and �hree (3} masses shown. C, Environmenfal Inventory: The enviranmental impact report shafl fnclude an environmental inventory, providing complete ir�formation on the en�ironmental settir�g existing prior to the proposed project and containing sufficient information to permit ir�deper�dent e�a�uation by reviewers of factors that could be affected by the proposed projec�. The environmental in�entory shail irtclude maps, photographs, or other appropriate illustrative material. D. Categorized By Impact Type: Areas categorized according to type of possible impact shall s oe s Sterling Codifiers,Inc. be identified. The environmental inventory sha[i describe both the physicaf and ��ologicaf natural setting, and the manmade setting of the site and its surroundings. E. Ana�ysis: The en�ironmentai impact report sha�l include a comprehensive, qualitative and quantitative analysis of any significant impact that the proposed project will ha�e on the en�ironment. The analysis shal[ describe temporary effects that wil] pre�ail during construction, and long term effects that will prevail after compietion. The analysis shafl describe both �eneficial effects and detrimental effects. The ana�ysis shall consider primary effects and secondary effects which will resuit from the project. The analysfs portion of the environmental impact report shall fully assess the foflowing items: 1. Ad�erse effects which cannot be a�oided if the proposal is implemented. 2. Mitigation measures proposed to minimize the impact, including water quality, erosion control and re�egetation measures. 3. Possible alternati�es to the proposed action. 4. Refationships between short term and long term uses of the en�ironment. 5. Irre�ersible en�ironmenta� changes resulting from implementation of the proposal. G. Growth inducing impacts of the project. (Ord. 29(2005) § 31: Ord. 37(1980) § 10: Ord, 8(1973) § 1 fi.402) i2-i2-fi: REPORT; ADD�T�ONAL MATERfAL; The administrator may further prescribe the form and content of an en��ronmental impact report, setting forth in greater detail the factors to �e considered and the manner in which the report shall be prepar�d, and may require submission of information in addition to that requEred by section 12-12-5 of this chapter. {Ord. 29(20Q5) § 31 : Ord. 8(1973) § 16.403) i2-i2-7: TIME SCHEDULE: The en�ironmental impact report required under this chapter shall be prepared w�thin thiriy (30) days of the date that plans are submitted for design re�iew as prescribed �n sections 12-12-4 through 12-12-6 of this chapter, subJect to extension of the t�me period to a maximum of ninety (90) days by the pfanning and en�ironmental commission. The time period may �e extended to a maxim�m of one h�ndred eighty {180) days if seasona! conditions pre�ent a comprehensive analysis. {Ord. 29(2005) § 31 : Ord. 16{1978) § 2{a): Ord. 8{1973) § 16.4Q4) 6of8 Sterling Codifiers,Inc. 12-12-8: FEE: �n the e�ent that the town engages professional consultants to prepare an en�ironmental impact report, the cost shall be paid by the sponsor of the project. The sponsor may be required to deposit a fixed sum in ad�ance to co�er the cost of the report, with the unexpended ba�ance returnabfe to the sponsor. (Ord. 29(2005) § 31 : Qrd. 8(1973) § 16.405) 12-12-g: SUBMISSION OF REPORT TO OFFIGIALS: The en��ronmental impact report shall be submitted to the administrator. The administrator shall prescribe the number of copies to be submitted. The administrator shall notify the town council, the pfanning and en�ironmental commission, and the design review board of receipt of an en��ronmental impact report, and shall transmit copies of the report upon request. En�ironmental impact reports shall be a�ailabie for pub�ic re�iew in the offices of the town. (�rd. 29(2005) § 3�: Ord, 8(1973) § 16.�01) 12-12-�l0: TIME LIMlT; SUPPLEMENTARY �NFORMATION: A. Time Limit: The planning and environmental commission sha[1 re�iew the report withfn thirty (30) days of submission subject to an extension of the time period thirty (30) additional days in order to obtain additional information from the town staff, from the sponsor of the pro�ect, or the author of any portion of the report. B. Supplementary Data: The commission may recei�e additional statements or supporting materials from the sponso� of a project, from the town staff, from professional consultants, or from others. Such additional materiais may be considered as supplementary or amendatory to the environmental impact report. (Ord. 29(2005) § 31: Ord. 16(1978) § 2(b): Ord. 8(1973) § 16.502) 12-12-�l1 : AGTlON BY GOMMISSION: A. Criteria For Decision: Following re�iew of the environmental impact report, the planning and en�ironmental commission shail appro�e, disappro�e, or reqUest changes in the project in writing. The pfanning and en�ironmental commission shall appro�e the project 7of8 Sterling Codifiers,Inc. unless it finds that either the project will have significant long term adverse effects on the en�ironment with respecf to the natural systems or other factors studied as prescribed in section 12-12-4 of this chapter or the project will have short term ad�erse effects on the environment so detrimentaf that public health, safe�y or welfare considerations preclude appro�al of the project. In the case af eifher finding, if changes in the project are feasible which ameliorate ar a�aid the ad�erse effects on the en�ironment sufficiently ta permit appro�af af the project, the planning and environmental commission, in writing, shall describe those changes and request those changes be made. If the pfanning and en�ironmental commission determines that the changes are not feasible, it shall disapprove the project in writing, describing the ad�erse effects on the environment, the significance of the effects either to the natural systems or other factors studied as prescribed in section 12-12-4 af this chapter or ta the pubfic healfh, safety or weffare and the planning and en�ironmental commission's reasons far concluding fhat no changes in the project are feasible to ameliorate or a�oid those effects. B. Design Changes Require Resubmission To Design Re�iew Board: If the planning and environmenta! commission reques�s any changes in the project which would alter the design of the projec� pre�iously appro�ed by the design re�Eew board, and the sponsor of the project makes those changes, t�e re�ised design shall be resubmitted to the design re�iew board for i�s appro�al uniess fhe planning and en�ironmental commission wai�es this requiremen�. {Ord. 29{2005) § 31 : Ord. 16(1978) § 2(b): Ord. 8(1973) § 16.503) 12-12-12: .PERMIT fSSUANCE: A. Conformance To En�ironmental Impact Report: Upon approval of�he projec�, applicable permits may be issued and fhe project may proceed, subjec� fa such addi�ional requiremenfs, permi�s, or authorizat�ons as may be required by this ��tle and by ofher applicable ordfnances or regulations of the town. No permits shall be issued and no au�horizations shalf be gran�ed which would allow a project�o proceed in the e�ent tha� the planning and environmen�al commission does no� grant appro�al of the en�ironmental impact report after re�iew. No permits shail be issued and no authorizations shall be granted for any project which does not conform substantial�y to the descrip�ion of the project contained in the environmental impact report, B. Exception: T�is section s�afl not apply to a project for which an environmental impact report is not required, as prescribed in section 12-12-3 of this chapter. (Ord. 29(2005) § 31 : Qrd. 16(1978) § 2(b): Ord. 8(1973) § 16.504) s of s SCerling Codifiers,Inc. 12-4-2: PERMITTED USES: A. Listed Uses Exc�usive: The listing of any use as being a perm�tted use in any particular zone district shall be deemed an exclusion of such use from any ot�er zone district unless expressly permitted as a permitted use, conditiona[ use or accessory use. B. Prahibited if Not Permitted: T�e permitfed uses, conditional uses and aecessary uses an the particular districfs shalf be deemed to be excfusive uses for t�ose districts, and any �se not specifically.permitted as a permitted use is prahibited unless a determination of simiiar us� is made in accordance w�t� s�ctian �2-3-4 of t�iis t�tEe. (Qrd. 29(20d5) § 21 : Ord. 50(�978) § 2�) EXH161T � SA� tati SEerling Codifiers,Inc. 12-3-4: DETERMINATI�N OF S�M�LAR USE: A. Uses Not Listed: In order to ensure that the zoning regu(ations will perm�t similar uses in certain prescr�bed commercial zones, the town council, on its initiative or upon written request, shall determine whether a use not specifically listed as a permitted use shall �e deemed a permitted use on the basis of simifarity to uses specifical(y listed. The procedure prescribed in this section shal! not be substit�ted for the amendment procedure as a means of adding new uses to the lists of permitted uses, but sY�all be followed to determine whether the characteristics of a particular use not fisted are sufficiently similar to certain cfasses of permitted uses to justify a finding that the use should be deemed a permitted use. B. Review Use Ct�aracteristics: The:adrninistrator, upon:request of fhe town council,: or wrifter� request of any person for a determination under this section, shalf review the characteristics of any use.proposed'to'be determined as .simiEar to permitted uses, and shall transmit a report to'the council advising in what respects the proposed use woufd be, [r� fact, similar'to°specified permitte.d uses in the Sarne zone distr.ict, or in what respects the proposed use wou�d not be similar to permitfed uses, or would be similar to uses specifically perrnitted on]y in other zone distrEcts. After receipt of tt�e report, the council may determine tt�e proposed use to be similar to uses specified as permitted uses in the same zone district if it finds that the proposed use wiil not E�e substantially different in its operation or other characteristics from uses specifically permitted �n the same zone district. The council shafl state the basis for �ts determinatfon, and the use thereafter shall be deemed a permitted use subject to the same regulations as specifical[y permitted uses �n the same zor�e district. (Ord, 29(2005} § �9: Ord. 8(�973) § 21 .200} EXHIBIT � � b t o� i