HomeMy WebLinkAboutB07-0016 Volume 4 of 5.pdf R�s=a��c� _�� � z=MB�RL=llt� LoaG� - co�aoM=�=vM �A=L, COLORAaO - TIMBERLINE -. COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE - 12 YAIL ROAD SUITE 600•VAIL.COLORADO 81657 18800 VON KARMAN AYE.SUITE 180•IRYINE,CA.92612 TIMB�RLINE ROOST LODGE, LLC 12 VAIL ROAD, SUITE 604 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 Volume 4 of 5; Marriott�re & Life Safety Protection Module 14; Marriott Interior& Ezterior F�nishes& Color Schedule; Marriott ToiletBath Accessories; Finishes & Equipment by Owner's Interior Design Consultant, Slifer Designs; Soil Investigation. ti, rrp r�� ea �vs - 21 6 MAIN STREET � SUITE C-1 O❑ - EDWARDS, COLORAD❑ B 1 63Z PHONE: 970.926.8200 X3❑27 - Fax: 97❑.569.3221 � _ � Llght�aw��r ,Johnsesn � As�o�iate� � � architects engineers ineorporrt�d ' `"������a�`t: 700 MAIN AVENUE FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA 58103 :� 701-293-1350-phone _ 701-293-1353-faa LJA PROJECT NO. 05154 = �O Copyright December 2007 � , 9 7 I � � F G i 'r � f` I' � � [I ��: � F I' F � - i. RESIDENCE INN & TIMBERLINE LODGE CONDOMINIUMS = VAIL, COLORADO PROJECT MANUAL VOLUME 4 OF 5: MARRIOTT RESIDENCE INN INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR FINISHES; OWNERS - CONDOMINIUM DESIGN CONSULTANT SELECTED EQUIPMENT AND _ FINISHES, SITE SOIL INVESTIGATION, SIGNAGE, MARRIOTT FIRE - PROTECTION & LIFE SAFETY MODULE BIDDING, GENERAL CONDITIONS AND CONSTRUCTION DIVISIONS 0-14 ARE IN VOLUME 1 OF 5, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL DIVISIONS ARE IN VOLUME 2 OF 5 , COMMERCIAL KITCHEN, LAUNDRY, MARKET, MARKET GRAPHICS AND MARRIOTT RESIDENCE INN BRAND CONTROL BOOK FOR INFUSION ARE IN VOLUME 3 OF 5; FIRE ALARM AND SUPPRESSION ARE IN VOLUME 50F5. NOTE: ALL WORK IN VOLUME 9, VOLUME 2 OR VOLUME 3 OR VOLUME 4 OF 5 ALSO APPLIES TO WORK IN THIS VOLUME 4 OF 5. TABLE OF CONTENTS ❑ 00001 (00 01 01) Project Manual Cover Volume 4 of 5 ' ❑ 00010 (00 01 10) Volume 4 of 5 Table of Contents ❑ 00370-01 (00 3710) Interior Finish Index ❑ 00370-02 (003710) Appendix Marriott Residence Inn Infusion Finishes Index and Color Schedule PDF 34 pages-March, 2007 ❑ 00380-01 (00 3710) Exterior Finish Index - ❑ 00380-02 (003710) Appe►ldlx Marriott Residence Inn Siding Option Exterior Finishes Index 8� Color Schedule 4 pages-January 26, 2006 ❑ M14 Marriott Module 14 Fire Protection and Life Safety 19 pages-August 2006 ❑ 10400(01 40 10) Marriott Residence Inn Signage Manual 22 pages-January 9, 2004 ❑ 10800(01 40 10) Marriott Residence Inn Infusion Hotel only Toilet 8� Bath Accessory Matrix PDF 5 _ pages-June 30, 2006 ❑ 00320 (00 31 32) Soil Investigation Report ❑ Attached Engineers Soil Investigation Report dated July 14, 2005 and addendum dated October 19, 2007 ❑ Slifer Designs Owner's Condominium Design Consultant Color and Product Manual for use in all Condominium Rooms and for specific Condo Public Spaces. Pages 8� dates from November, 2006 to October, 2007. and index with coordination numbers for December 215t drawing list as of December 19 and December 21, 2007 FOR LIST OF DRAWINGS AND CERTIFICATION PAGE SEE VOLUME 1 OF 5 END OF VOLUME 4 OF 5 PROJECT MANUAL Section 00010-1 Timberline Roost Lodge, LLC Table of Contents Volume 4 of 5 Residence Inn &Timberline Lodge Condominiums-Vail, Colorado Dated 12/21/07 - SECTION 00370 (00 31 13.43) INTERIOR FINISH INDEX PART1 GENERAL _ 1.01 SUIVIIVIARY A. Section Includes: - 1. "fhis Section shall be used in conjunction with the Drawings and the Specifications for all work on the interior of all areas of the project except for the interior of the Condominium Units. Also refer to specific items in Volume 3 of 4 Marriott Brands. = 2. Also note that on Drawings, item numbers have been revised as per Addendum 1. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. Also refer to individual Specification Sections for further information on listed products. PART 3 EXECU'I'ION NOT USED END OF SECI"ION INTERIOR FINISHES INDEX AND COLOR SCHEDULE ARE ATTACHED AT THE END OF THIS SECI'ION Section 00370-01-1 Timberline Roost Lodge, LLC Marriott Residence Inn Hotel Interior Finishes Index Residence Inn&Timberline Lodge Condominiums-Vail, Colorado - Addem.#2, Rev. 3,Dated 12/21/07 ��-, , . I -- ��; F m ,� ... � ���� ' ��°���,��� - � r � * r� - - # ! � � � . - Interior Finish Index Decor: innFUSION Generation: 7.0 - New Build Issued: March 30, 2007 Publ ic/Guestroom/Back-of-House General Notes 1. All finish indices are specific to hotel brand;d�cor scheme, building generation and building cycle. _ _ (i.e. new build vs, renovation) 2. If local codes exceed the requirements contained therein,the local codes must be used as the minirnum standard. - 3. Any numbers not shown are assumed not used. 4. The Location category will appear regimented in format starting from the generic to specific in regards to use of material. i.e.Guestroorn-Whirlpool-Floor: Deck and Vertical Services. 5. Updates to the finish index will occur quarterly at a minimum and will be issued as a Bulletin. Each Item in the Finish Index will include a revision date. 6. Any variat+on of finishes herein is to be submitted via the FFE/lnterior Finish/Specification Variance Form located in the Interior Design Specification Manual.This form is to be submitted to Marriott's A&C department for approval 8 months prior to hotel opening for prototypical design and 10 months p�ior for custom design.Any deviation without approval is a potentiai violation of the franchise agreement and is subject to removal at owner`s expense. 7. "Approved Substitutions"must comply with the General Conditions,the Bidding Procedures;and the intent of the various Specification Sections. 8. Finishes listed within index occur in other building documentation.Coordinate finishes with other documents to - mitigate duplication, 9. Product Specification numbers are listed in parenthesis below the Material category of each finish.See brand specific Design Guide Project Manual Master for detailed instruction and purpose. 10. Many f+nishes have a�ternative manufacturers listed in the Design Guide Project Manual Master. Refer to the individual specification sections for approved manufacturers, 11. Contro4 numbers(X-Refl are listed where applicabVe and coordinale to Interior Design Specification Manual. See brand specific FFE manual fo�detailed information. 12. Items shown BOLDED are(tems that have changed since the last revision. 13. Finish Number Key: 100's= Floor Finishes 200's= Base Finishes 3�0's=Wall Finishes 400's=Ceiling Finishes 500's=Elevator Finishes Marriott International Design 8� Construction Services -- -- Washington, DC Resldence Inn-Gen.7.a Aecc�r:iui�FUSION Pnge 1 of 34 =---- IssuecL� Marc/i 30,200' PuGlic/Gueslroo�r�Bach-uf-House-lYew 13uild FI/tIS/t# Material/ Locatio�t Descrlptimt New OJrI Spec1X-Rej —-__ 100 110 Carpet •Hearthroom-Area Rug wlBorder Manufacturer: Brintons - 09 68 00 Product: Nylon Axminster (09680) Model: Materiai tD#125197 Color: Burgundy J Plum!Rust/Wheat - HR-001 Pattern: Geometric Squares 8 Circles Size(HxWxD�: 8'-6"Width x 11'-0"Length - Weight: 28.93 oz. FSR: Class A-ASTM E84 Comments: Refer to Interior Design Specification Manual for - Specifications. ^ Contact: Mark Oldfield Phone: 301.q93.4886 Revision Date:9/29/2006 101 110 Ca�p2f •Hearthroom-Area Rug Border Manufacturer: Brintons 09 68 00 •Library-Border Product: Nylon Axminster (09680) Model: Materlaf ID#124098 Coior: Burgundy/Plum/Wheat HR-002 Pattern: Geometric Ribbon w/Solid Size(HxWxD): 27"Width(Border: 2(�13-1/2") Weight: 28.93 oz. FSR: Class A-ASTM E84 Comments: Refer to Interiot Design Specification Manual for -- Specifications. - Contact: Mark Oldfield Phone: 301.493.4886 - Revision Date:9/29/2006 1az 1io Carpet •Breakfast Room-Fieid Manufacturer: Brintons 09 68 00 •Llbrary-Field ProduCt: Nylon Axminster (09680) Model: Material ID#124097 Cotor: 8urgundy/Plum/Wheat HR-003 Pattern: Geometric Bfocks/Circles/Squares Size(HxWxD): 2M Widlh - Weight: 28.93 oz. FSR: Ciass A-ASTM E84 Comments: Refer to Interior Design Speciflcation Manual for Specifications. Contact: Mark Oldfield Phone: 301.493.488fi Revision Date:9/29/2006 103 704 Carpet •Elevator-Cabs Manufacturer: Shaw Induslries,inc. - 09 68 00 •Exercise Room Product: Multl-Tuft Loop Tip Sheared (09680) •Of�ce Model: Malerial 1D#124839 •Registration Desk Color: Burgundy/Rust HR-004 •Stainvells-Landings Pattem: Connected Dats OA-OU1 Size(HxWxD): 72'-0"Width RE-001 Weight: 38 oz. PG-004 FSR: Class A-ASTM E8a Comments: Refer to Interior Design Spec9fication Manual for Specifications. Contact: David 8um Phone: 703.461.4780 Revision Date:9/29/2006 Residerice I�tn-Ce�r.7.0 Decor:i�rnFUSlON Page 1 of 34 lssued: Mnrcli 30,2007 Public/Guestroon✓Bnck-of-House-New Build Flni.shl� MareriaU Localioi� Descripliat -- NrK� Old SpedX-Rej 104 110 Car et •Hearthroom-Rrea Rug Field Manufacturer: Brintons 09 68 00 Product: Nylon Axminster (09680) Model: Materia{ID#124098 - Color: Plum J Burgundy/Wheat J Rust HR-005 Pattern: Geometric Circle!Squares Size(HxWxD): 2M Width Weight: 28.93 oz. FSR: Class A-ASTM E84 = Comments: Refer to Interior Design Specification Manual for Specifications. Contact: Mark Oldfield Phone: 301.493.4885 Revision Date:9/29/2006 105 705 Car e •Bifliard Room Manufacturer: Brintons 09 68 00 •Hearthroom-(Renovation Oniy) Product: Nylon Axminster (09680) •Meeting Room Model: Material ID#124095 Color: Burgundy!Plum/Wheat/Rust MR-001 Pattem: Circles&Squares Geometric BGR-001 Size(HxUVxD): 2M Width - HR-006 Weight; 28.93 oz. FSR: Class A-ASTM E84 Comments: Refer to Interior Design Specification Manual for - Specifications. Contact: Mark Oldfield Phone: 301.493.4886 Revision Date:1/512007 106 103A Car et •Corridor-Field Manufacturer: Brintons 09 68 00 Product: Nylon Rxminster (09680) Model: MateriallD�k127157 Color: Burgundy 1 Plum 1 Wheat PG•001 ' Pattern: Geometric Slze(HxWxD): 12'-0"Width Weight: 25.3 oz. FSR: Class A-ASTM E84 Comments: Refer to Interior Design Specification Manual for Specifications. Contact: Mark Oldfield Phone� 309.493.4885 Revision Date:9/29/2006 107 103A Cefpet •Corridor-Field Manufacturer: Brintons 09 68 00 Product: Nylon Axminster (09680) Model: Materiat ID#127159 _ Color: 8urgundy/Plum/Wheat PG-001ALT Pattern: Geometric Size(HxWxD): 6'-6-3/4"(2M)Width Weight: 25.3 oz. FSR: Class A-RSTM E84 Comments: Refer to Interior Design Specification Manual for Specifications. Contact: Mark Oldfield Phone: 301.493.4886 Revision Date:9129/2006 Resedence I�r�r-Ce1i.7.0 Uecor:iiu1FUS10N Page 3 oj34 �_ Issued: March 30,2007 PublidGueslrno�tdBack-of-Ftouse-Ne►v Builrl Firtislt# Mnrerini/ Lncrttioir Descriptiorr New Uld Spec/X-Ref ---- 108 103A CafpEt •Elevator Lobby Manufaclurer: Brintons - 09 68 00 Producl: Nylon Axminster (09680) Model: Meterial ID#'121656 Color: Burgundy!Plum!Wheat - PG-002 Pattern: Geometric Graphic Size(HxWxD): 72'-0"Width - Weight: 25.3 oz. FSR: Ciass A-ASTM E84 Comments: Refer to Interior Design Specification Manual for - Speclfications. Corridor Elevator Lobby Rug Contact: Mark Oldfield Phone: 301.483.4888 Revision Date:9/29l2006 169 103A CarpEt •Corridor-Corner Blocks Manufacturer: Brintons 09 68 00 Product: Nylon Axminster (09680) Model: MateriallD#127655 Color: Burgundy!Plum/Wheat PG-003 Pattern: Geometric Size(HxWxD): 12'-0"Width Weight 25.3 oz. - FSR: Class A-ASTM E84 -- Comments: Refer lo Interior Design Specification Manual for Speoifioations. - Contact: Mark Oidfield Phone: 301.493.4886 Revision Date:9/29/2006 110 101 Carp2t •Guestrooms Manufacturer: Shaw Industries,Inc. 09 68 00 Product: Tufted Cui and Loop (09680} Model: Material ID#120548 Color: Gold w/Burgandy Accent X-007 Pattem: Grid Size(HxWxD): 12'-0"Width Weight: 32 oz. FSR: Class A-ASTM E84 Commenis: Refer to Interior Design Specification Manual for Specifications Contact: pavid Burn Phone: 703.461.4780 Revision Date:9/29/2006 120 109B Caroet •Public Space-Except Stafr Risers Manufaoturer: Sponge Cushion,Inc. Paddin and Treads Product: Tred-Mor Quicklifl Padding 09 68 00 Model: Material ID#72912 (Q9680) Size(HxWxD): 54"x 60'-0"=30 SY Weight: 68 oz. P-Q01 Commenls: Reter to Interior Design Specification Manual for Specifications. For Glue Down Installation Contact: Karen Barkley Phone: 800.435.4062 X 245 Revision Date:9/29l2006 Reside�tce l�tu-Ge►i.7.0 Decor:i�r�eFUSl011' Page 4 of 34 Issued: Marc/t 30,2007 Pub/idGue.ctrooin/Bock-nf-House�-Neiv l3uild — Fi�rislr�l MnrerioU Locatio�r Desrriptio�r — New O!d SpeC'/X-Ref 121 101C Carpet �Lobby-Area Rug Manufacturer: Sponge Cushion,Inc. P ddin Product: Flat Rubber Padding with netting 09 68 00 Model: Material ID#A462 - (09680} Size(HxWxD): 4'-6"x 60'-0"=30 SY _ Weight: 40/44 oz. - P-002 Comments: Refer to Interior Design Specification Manual for Speafications. _ ForArea Rug only. Contact: Karen Barkley Phone: 800.435.4062 X 245 Revislon Date:9/29/2006 'f22 10iA Carpet •Guestrooms Manufacturer: Sponge Cushion,Inc. Paddina Product: Padding 09 68 00 Model: Material ID#701 (09680) Size(HxWxD): 54"x 60'-0" Weighl: 50 oz. X-002 Comments: Refer to Interior Design Specification Manuai for Specifications Contact: Karen Barkley Phone: 800.435.4062 X 245 -- Revislon Date:9/29/2006 130 111 Tile •'The MarkeP' Manufacturer: GranitiFiandre 09 30 13 •Hali i ProduCl: Engineered 5tone Tile (09310) •Hall 2 Model: Geologica:New Stone •Hearthroom Color. Castel •Lobby Finlsh: Semi-Matte(Honed) •Public Restrooms Size{HxWxD): 16"x 16" •5erving Area •Vestfbule Contact: Joy Klein Phone: 727.522.6655 - Revision Date:9/29/2006 Tile Grout •'The MarkeP' Manufacturer: Laticrete Inlernational,Inc. •Hail 1 Color: 24 Natural Grey •Hall 2 Size(HxWxD): See Comments •Hearthroom Comments: Size per the manufacturers reCOmmended standard •Lobby i/8"grout line. •Public Restrooms Conta�t: Nick Maorino - •Serving Area Phone: 800.243.4788 x 602 •Vestibule Revision Date:9/29/2006 131 124 Tile •Elevator Lobby•{Accent#i) Manufacturer: GranitiFiandre 09 30 13 •Hall 1 -(Accent#1) Product: Engineered Stone Tile (09310} •HeaAhroom-(Accent#1) Model: Geologica:New Stone •Lobby-(Accent#t)In front of Color: PieVa di Gerusalemme PF11 Reception Finish: Semi-Matte(Honed} •Vestibule-(Accent#1) 5ize(HxWxD): 12"x 24" Contact: Joy Klein Phone: 727.522.6655 Revision Date:9/29/2006 Residence Inr�-Ger1.7,0 Decor;i�rnFUSION Page S of 34 --- lssued: Mnrck.?0,2007 PublidGueslroonr/Back-of-House-h'ew Buif�l Fi�rish# AfnlerinU Locntio�r Descri�tiar A'ew Dlrl Spec/X-Ref — 131 124 Tile Gfout •Elevator Lobby-(Accent#1) Manu/acturer: Laticrete Intemational,Inc. 09 30 13 •Hall 1-(Accent#1) Color: 24 Natural Grey (09310) •Hearlhroom-(Accent#1) Comments: 1/8"Grout Line Per the Manufaclurer's Recommended •Lobby•(Accent#1)In ironl of Standard Receplion _ •Vestibule-(Accent#1) Contact: Nick Macrino _ Phone: 800.243.4788 x 602 Revision Date:9/29/2006 - 132 125 7ile �Hearthroom-(Accent#2� Manufacturer: GranitiFlendre 09 30 13 •Lobby-(ACCent#2) Product: Engineered Stane Tile (09310) •Vestibule-(Accent#2) Model: Geologirz:New Stone Color: Pietra dl Gerusalemme PF71 Finish: Semi-Marie(Honed) Size{HxWxD): 12"x 12" Contact: Joy Klein Phone: 727.522.6655 Revision Date:9129I2006 Tile Grout •liearihroom-(Accent#2) Manufacturer: Laticrete International,Inc. •Lobby-(AcceM#2) Color. 24 Natural Grey : �Vestibule-(Accent#2) Cornments: 1/8"Grou!Line Per the Manufacturer's Recommended __ Standard _ Contact Nick Macrino - Phone: 800.243.4788 x 602 - Revision Date:9l29l2006 733 126 Tile •Lobby-(Accent#3) Manufacturer: GraniliFiandre 09 30 13 •Vestlbule-(Accent#3) Product: Engineered Stone Tile (09310) Model: Geoiogica:New Stone Color: Ardesia Blue Finish: Semi-Matle(Honed) Size(HxiNxD): 12"x 12" - Contact: Joy Kiein Phone: 727.522.6655 Revision Date:9l29l2006 Tile Grout •Lobby-(Accent#3) Manu/acturer: Laticrete International,Inc. •Vestibule-(Accent#3) Color: 24 Nalural Grey Comments: 1/8"Grout Line Per the Manufaclurer's Recommended Standard - Contact: Nick Macrino Phone: 800243.4788 x 602 - Revision Date:9/29/2006 134 127 Tile •Elevator Lobby-{Accent#4) Manu�acturer: GranitiFiendre 09 30 13 •Hall 1-{Accent 99f4) Product: Engineered Stone Tile (09310) Model: Geologica:New 5tone Color: Pletra di Gerusalemme PF11 Finish: Semi-Matte(Fioned) Size{HxWxD); 3"x 12" Contact: Joy Klein Phone: 727.522.6655 Revision Date:9/29/2008 Reside�ice I�i�r-Gen.7.0 Decor:in�rFUSION Pnge 6 of 34 lssued: Mnrclr 30,2007 PuhlidGuestrno�i✓Back-nf-Haise-Neiv Build I'i�lish# Mnrerrnl/ Locntio�r Description — New Old SpeC/X-Ref 134 127 Tile Grout •Elevator Lobby-(Accent#4) Manufacturer: Laticrete International,Inc. 09 30 13 'Hall 1-(Accent#4) Color. 24 Natural Grey (09310) Comments: 1/8"Groul Line Per the Manufacturer's Recommended - Standard ContacL Nick Macrino Phone: 800.243.4788 x 602 Revision Date:9/29/2006 = 135 728 Tile •Lobby-(Accent#5) ManuTaclurer. GranitiFiandre � 09 30 13 Product: Engineered Stone Tile — (09310) Model: Geoiogica:New Stone Color: Pietra di Gerusalemme PF11 Finish: Semi•Ma@e(Honed} Size(HxWxD): 7"x 2"(12"x 72"mesh mounted,straight lay) Contact: Joy Klein Phone: 727.522.6655 Revision Date:9/29/2006 Tile Grout •Lobby-(Accent#5) Manufacturer: Laticrete International,Inc. - Color: 24 Natural Grey - Comments: 1/8"Grout Line Per the Manufaclurer's Recommended Standard Contact: Nick Macrino Phone: 800.243.4788 x 602 Revision Date:9/2B/2006 136 129 Tile •Elevator Lobby-(Accent#6) Manufacturer: GranitiFiandre 09 30 13 •Hall 1-(Accent a�6) Product: Engineered Stone Tile (09310) •Hearthroom-{Accent#fi) Model: Geologica:New Stone •Lobby-(Accent#fi) Color: Ardesia Blue PF18 Finish: Semi-Matte{Honed) Si2e(HxWxD): 1"x 2"(t2"x 12"Mesh Mounted,Straight lay) Contact: Joy Klein Phone: 727.522.6655 Revision Date:9/29/2008 Tile Grout •Elevator Lobby-(Accent#6) ManuTacturer: Laticrete International,Inc. •Hall 1 -(Accent#6) Color: 24 Naturat Grey •Hearthroom-(Accent#6} Comments: 1/8"Grout Line Per the Manufacturer's Recommended _ •Lobby-(Accent#6) Standard Contact: Nick Macrino _ Phone: 800.243.4788 x 602 Revision Date:9/29/2006 137 114 Simulated •Hearthroom-Hearth Manufacturer: Cuitured Stone,Div oT Owens Corning Stone Model: Hearthstones 04 71 00 Pattem: Cream CSH-3097 (04730) Comments: Stone native to property focation may be subm'stted tor review and approval. Contact: Patrick Sullivan Phone: 800.255.7 727 Revision Date:9/29/2D06 Resrrle�rce ln�t-Ge�t.7.0 Decor:i��nFUSION Puge 7 uf 34 - Issr�ed: Marclr 30,2007 PublidGuesJroom/Back-of-Nouse-A'ew Build Ft�tls/r# MnrerinU Locatin�t Description New ord Spec/X-Ref - 138 100 Tile •Prep Room Manufacturer. Crossville Ceramics Co. _ 09 30 13 Product: Ceramic Tile (09310) ModeL Porcelain Stone _ Color: Sahara Dune FiNsh: Cross Plus Pattern: A235 Size(HxWxD): 8"x 8" Contact: Nancy Wyatt - Phone: 931.484,2110 - Revision Date:9l29l2006 Tile G�out •Prep Room Manufacturer: Laticrete International,Inc. Color; 39 Mushroom Contact: Nick Macrino Phone: 800.243.4788 x 602 Revision Date:9/29/2006 139 121 Tile •Pool-Indoor Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Corp. 09 30 13 Product; Ceramic Tile (09310) Model: Porcealto _ Color: CD-31 Beige Finish; Textured Size(HxWxD); 8"x 8" Contact; JeH Eassa - Phone: 301.306.2081 Revision Date:9/29/2006 Tile Grout •Pooi-Indoor Manufacturer: Laticrete International,Inc. Color: 39 Mushroom Contact: Nick Macrino Phone: 800.243.4788 x 602 Revisfon Date:9/29/2006 _ 140 122 Tile •Pool-Exterior-Stair Nosing Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Corp. 09 30 13 •Pooi-Indoor-Stair Nosing Product: Ceramic Tile (09310) •Spa-Seat Stair Nosing Model: Mosaic Keystone -Stair Nosing Color: S832 Ebony Finish: Non-Slip,Salin Finish Pattern: DK 311 Size(HxWxD): 2"x 2" _ Edge: Buflnose Contact: Jeff Eassa - Phone: 301.306.2081 Revlslon Date:9/29/2006 Tile Grou •Pool-Exterior-Stair Nosing Manufacturer: Laticrete International,Inc. •Pooi-Indoor-Stair Nosing Color. 39 Mushroom •Spa-Stair Nosing -Seat Stair Nosing Contact: Nick Macrino Phone: 800.243.4788 x 602 Revision Date:9/29/2006 Reside�rce I�tn-Ge�rJ.O Decor:i�t�rFUSIQN Page 8 oj34 Issued: hlarcli 30,2007 Ptrhlic/Gueslrooi�t/Bnck-of-House-A'ew Build /�'i►rislr# Mu�eria!/ Lncntiofr Descriptioir — Ncw Olr! SpedX-Ref �47 133 Tile •Guestrooms-En1ry-Accent(Optional) Manufacturer: Ceramic Technics 09 30 13 •Guestrooms-Kitchen-Accent Product: Ceramic Tile {09310) (Optional) Model: Cooperative Roccia - Color: Sedmentaria Earth Finish: Flamed(Textured) Size(HxWxD): 6"x 6"and 12"x 12" ContacL• Gerry King - Phone: 770.740.OQ50 x 203 � Revision Date:313012007 142 102 Tile •Guestrooms-Hearth Manufacturer: Qal-Tile Corp. 09 3013 Product: Ceramic Tile (09310) Model: Castie De Verre Color: Greystone CV12 Stze(HxWxDy: 6"x 6" Conlact: Jeff Eessa Phone: 3Q1.306.2081 Revision Date:9/29/2006 Tile Gfout •Guestrooms-Hearth Manufaclurer: Laticrete Internatlonal,Inc. Color: 40 Latte Commenls: Minimize grout line per the manuFacturers recommended standard,maximum 1/4"grout line. Contact: Nick Macri�o Phone: 800.243.4788 x 602 Revision Date:9129/2006 143 115 Tile •Guestrooms-Accessibie Batn-Roil- Manufacturer: Crossville Ceramics Co. 09 30 13 In Shower-Enlire Floor Product: Ceramic Tile (09310) Model: Porcelain Stone Color: Sahara Dune Finish: Cross Sheen - ' Pattern: A235 Size(HxWxD}: 3"x 3" Contact: Nancy Wyatt Phone: 931.484.2110 Revision Date:9/29/2006 Tile Grout �Guestrooms-Accessible Balh-Roll- Manufaclurer: Laticrete International,Inc. In Shower-Entire Floor Color: 39 Mushroom Contact: Nick Macrino Phone: 800.243.4788 x 602 Revision Dete:8/2912006 144 �32 Tile �Guestrooms-Accessible Units-Bath Manufacturer: Ceramic Technics Q9 30 13 Compartmenl-Non Roll-In Shower Producl: Ceramic Tile (09310) •��estrooms-Bath Compartment Model: Cooperative Marmi •Gueslrooms-Closet-(Optional} Color: Travertino •Guestrooms-Kitchen-Field Finish: Honed (Oplional) Size(HxWxD}: 12"x 12" •Guestrooms-Kitchen-Entry-Field (Optional} Contact: Gerry King •Guestrooms-Vanity Area-(Optional) Phone: 770.740.0050 x 203 Revision Date:9/29/2Q06 Residence I►nr-Gen.7.0 pecor:!n►rFUSION Page 9 of 34 = Issuerl.• binrcJr 30,2007 PublidGuesrroo»�/Back-of-House-New Build Fini,ti�li# Ma�erial/ Locntfo�r Descriptio�r New Olr! Spec1X-Ref - 144 132 Tile Grout •Guestrooms-Accessible Units-Bath Manufacturer. Laticrete Intemational, Inc. - 09 3013 Compartment-Non Roll-In Shower Color: 39 Mushroom {09310} �Guestrooms-Bath Comparlment Comments: Mlnlmize grout line per the manufacturers •Guestrooms-Closet-(Optional) recommended standard,maximum 1/4"grout line. •Guestrooms-Kitchen-Fieid (Optional) Contact: Nick Macrino - •Guestrooms-Kitchen-Entry-Field Phone: 800243.4788 x 602 (Optional} _ •Guestrooms-Vanity Area-(Optional) _ Revision Date:9/29l2006 150 120 Resilient •Employee Lounge Manufacturer: Armstrong World Industries,Inc.-Commerical Flooring Floorinq •Employee Toilet Div. 09 65 00 •Engineering Workshop Product: VCT (09650) •Guest Laundry Color: Rodeo Fawn/52506 •Linen Chute Room Pattem: Excelon Imperial Texture •Llnen Room Size(HxWxD): 12"W x 12"L •Linen Storage Thickness: 1/8" •Storage Room Comments: Install: Grain to run on direction perpendicular fo wide dimension of room. Contact; Dan Giavind Phone: 800.841.4630 --— Revision Date:8/29/2008 151 135 Sheet •Guestrooms-Kitchen Manufacturer: Mannington Miils,Inc. Vinvl ProduCt: Sheet Vinyl orin Model: Residential"Realstique" 09 65 00 Color: 97051 (09650) Pattem: Arabian Night Comments: Appiication: Seamiess,unless otherwise approved. Contact: Terri Davis Phone: 651.256.0203 Revision Date:1/5/2007 160 107 Eaoxv •Housekeeping-ist Floor Only Manufacturer: Selby,BASF Buildings Systems Floor •Laundry Room-1st Floor Oniy Product: Poured Epoxy Coatin4 •Linen Chute-1st Floor Only Model: Selbatwede-41 09 96 DO •Linen Storage-1 st Floor Only Color: Color#58 (09960) •$torage-Locked-1st Fioor Only Finish: 300CR(OpGonal) •Storage Room-ist Floor Only Size(HxWxD}; Seamless with 6"Integral Base Contact: Joyce Robinson Phone: 800.628.9999 x 7175 - Revision Date:9/29/2006 161 108 Sealed •Electrical Room Product: Curing and Sealing Compound,Waterbome COnCrefe 'E�evator-Machine Room Model: ASTM C1315,25%Solids,Minimum 03 30 00 'Fire Sprinkler Room Color: Clear (03300) 'Mechanical Room Comments: Refer to Section 03300 in Design Guide Project Manual •Pool-Equipment Room Master. Revision Date:9/29/2006 Resirleiue/»n-Gen.7.0 Decor:imrFUSlON Pnge 10 of 34 lssued: Mnrdr 30,2007 PublidGues�roondBack-of-Nouse-New Builrl Fi�risk# hln�erin!/ Locntio�t Desrriptiar - New O!d SpedX-Rej 170 113 Stair •Guestroom Corridor-Stairs Manufacturer: Burke Mercer Flooring Products,A Division of Burke Treads Industries and NOSinp Product: Vinyl 51air Nosing - 09 65 00 Model: 265 Double Undercut Carpet Stair Nosing _ (09650) Cotor: 701 Black Contact: Julie Tackell Phone: 800.447.8442 x 1014 - Revision Date:9/2912006 180 119 PVC •Guesirooms-En1ry•Between Carpel Manufacturer: Johnsonite Threshold and Tile Product: PVC Threshold 09 65 00 Model: CD-XX-A w/MT-00-A Track Base {09650) Color: Black Slze(FixWxD): i-1l2"wide � Comments: Instatl long leg of track hase under tile. Refer to Project Manual Master for atldilional specifications. Contact: Jim Della Franco Phone: 800 899.8916 x765 = Revision Date:9129/2006 181 119 PVC •Gueslrooms•En1ry-Between Carpet Manutacturer: Johnsonite - Threshold and Carpet Product: PVC Threshold 09 65 00 Model: VT-XX-M6 (09650) Color: Black Size(HxWxD): 1-3/4"Width Thickness: 1/2" Comments: Refer to Project Manuai Master for additional specifications. Contact: Jim Della Franco Phone: 800 899.8916 x765 - Revision Date:9/29/2006 �82 ��2 Marble �Guestrooms-Bath-(Belween Carpet Manufaclurer: Oal-Tile Corp. Thresh0ld and Tile at Door Openings) Producl: Marble Threshold 09 3013 Model: Pari No.M704 43634DB1 L (09310) Finish: Polished Pattem: Botticino Classico Size(Hx1NxD): 4"Width x 36"Length Thickness; 3!4" Edge: Beveled - Contact: JeH Eassa Phone: 301.306.2081 Revision Date:3l30l2007 190 717 Transition •Public Space-Between Carpet and Manufacturer: Schluter Systems gtfjp Tile Product: Stainless Steef Transition Strip 09 65 00 Model: E125D (09&50) Comments: Stainless Steel Anchor with Flat Stainless Steel Screw Heads Contact: Eari Maicus Phone: 800.472.4588 x 111 Revision Date:9/29/2006 Resi�fence/�r�r-Gex.7.D Decor:i�utFUSION Poge 11 of 34 - Issrred: Marc1130,1007 PublidGuestroondBuck-of-House-New Build Flitislr# Material/ Locrrtio►r Descriptin►t New O!d SperJX-Ref - 191 118 Transifion •Public Space-Between Carpet and Manutaclurer. Bucke Mercer Flooring Products,A Divis+on ot 8urke = gtria Carpet Industries 09 65 00 Product: Vinyi 7ransilion Strip (09650) Model: 930 Snap-Down T - Color: 7U1 Black Size(HxWxD): 1"Width Thickness: 1/8" Edge: Beveled _ Contact: Julie Tackett - Phone: 800.447.8442 x 1014 Revision Date:9/29/2006 192 134 Transition •Guestrooms-Kitchen•Behveen Manufacturer: Schluter Systems Stri Optional Ceramic Ttle and Carpet Product: RENO 09 30 13 '�uestrooms-Vanity Area-Between Modei: AETK 100 (09310) Optional Ceramic Tile and Carpet Finish: Satin Anodized Aluminum Size(HxWxD): Field Verity Contact: Earl Maicus Phone: 800.472.4588 x 111 Revision Date:9/29/2006 193 116 Transition •Guestrooms-Kitchen-Between Manufacturer: Burke Mercer Flooring Products,A Division of Burke gffjp Carpet and Vinyl Industries , 09 65 OU Product: Vinyl Transition Strip - (09650) Model: 940 Standard Edge T-Snap Co1or: 206 Light Beige Size(HxWxD): 1"Width Thickness; 1/8" Edge: Beveled Contact: Julie Tackett Phone: 8U0.447.8442 x 1014 Revision Date:9/29/2006 200 Tile •Guestrooms-Accessible Units-Bath Manufacturer: Ceramic Technics 09 30 13 Compartment-Non Roll-In Shower Product: Ceramic Tile (09310) •�uestrooms-Bath Compartment Model: Cooperative Marmi •Guestrooms-Closet-(Optional) Color: Travertino •Guestrooms-Vanity Area-(Optional) Finish: Honed Size(Hx1NxD): 4"x 12" Edge: Cove/Bullnose _ Contact: Gercy King Phone: 770.740.0050 x 203 - Revision Dete:6/30f2006 Tile Grou •Guestrooms-Accessibie Units-Bath Manufacturer: Laticrete International,Inc. Compartment-Non Roll-In Shower Color: 39 Mushroom •Guestrooms-Bath Compartment •Guestrooms-Closet-(Optional) Contact: Nick Macrino •Guestrooms-Vanity Area-(Optional) Phone: 800.243.4788 x 602 Revision Oate:6l30/2008 Reside►rce I�ur-Gc�n.7.0 Decor:i�urFUSION Page 12 of 34 lssuerl: Marcl�30,20D7 Public/Gueslrnoni/Bnck-of-House-Ne�v Build Fiuisk# Mareria!/ Locatio�r Descriptiar - New oi�l Spec/X-Ref 201 Carpet •Guestrooms Manufaclurer: Shaw industries,Inc. Base •Guestrooms-Bath-Vanity Product: Cut Pile Carpet Base 08 68 00 Modei: Material ID#120828 ^ (09680} Color: Gold _ Patiem: Gold - X-001B Size(HxWxD}: 12'-0"Width(See Comments Below) FSR: Class A-ASTM E84 Comments: f2efer to Interior Design Specificatlon Manual for = Specifications 4"Heighl carpet to be bound by installer;binding color to match field. Contact: David Burn Phone: 703.461.4780 Revision Date:12/30/2005 202 Caraet •Guestroom Corridor Manufacturer. Shaw Industries,Inc. Base •Stairwells Product: Cut Pile Carpet Base �9 68 00 Model: Matecial 10#125198 (09680) Color: Burgundy/Binding Color to match field. - Pattern: Solid PG-001 B Size(HxWxD): 4"High Weight: 30 oz. Edge: Pre-Bound by manutacturer. FSR: Class A-ASTM E84 � Comments: Refer to Interior Design 5pecification Manual for Specifications Size: 4"High Typical at Corridor and Stair Landing. At Stair,Cut to Stair Stringer Profile using'12`wide solid carpet,Material ID#'125'199 Contact: David Burn Phone: 7�3.46'I.4780 - �' Revision Date:9/29/2006 203 Resilient •Elecirical Room Manufacturer: Burke Mercer Flooring Products,A Division of Burke Base �Elevator-Equipment Room Industries 09 65 00 '�mpioyee Lounge Product: Cove (09650) •Employee Toilet Color: 403 Almond �Engineering Workshop Size(HxWxD): 6" _ •Guest Laundry Thickness: 1I8" •Housekeeping Contact: Julie Tackett •Mechanical Room phone: 800.447.8442 x 1014 •Meeting Room-Storage •Storage Room Revision Dale:9/29/2006 204 Tile •Prep Room ManuFacturer: Crossviile Ceramics Co. 09 30 13 •Serving Area Product: Ceramic Tile (093'10) ��estibule Model: Porcetain 5tone Color: 5ahara Dune Fin(sh: Unpolished Pattern: A235 Size(HxWxD): 6"x 8" Edge: Cove/Bulinose Contact: Nancy Wyatt Phone: 931.4842190 Revision Date:'12/30l2005 Residee�ce Inn-GeuJ.O Decor:i�rnFUSlON Page 13 of 34 -- Issued.• Marck 30,2007 PublidGuesrroondBack-of-House-A'ew Build Fiirislt# Afaterird/ Locnlio�r Descrlpllo�t New O/d Spec/X-Ref - 204 Tile Grout •Prep i2oom Manufacturer. Laticrete Internationat,Inc. - 09 3013 •Serving Area Color: 39 Mushroom (09310} �Vestibule Contact: Nick Macrino - Phone: 8D0.243.4788 x 602 Revision Date:12l30l2005 205 Tile •Public Restrooms Manufacturer: Crossville Ceramics Co. � 09 30 13 Product Ceramic Tile Cove Base , (09310) Model: Porcelain Stone _— Color: Sahara Dune Finish: Unpolished Pattern: A235 Size(HxWxD): 6"x 8" Edge: Cove Base Contact: Nancy Wyatt Phone: 931.484.2110 Revision Date:9l30l2005 Tile Grout •Public Restrooms Manufacturer: Laticrete Internationai,Inc. Color: 39 Mushroom Contact: Nick Macrino --- Phone: 800.243.4788 x 602 Revision Date:12/30/2005 206 Tile •Guestrooms-Accessible Bath-Roll- Manutacturer: Crossville Ceramics Co. 09 3013 In Shower(Shower area only where Product: Ceramic Tile (09310} Wall tile is used) Model: Porcelain Stone Color: Sahara Dune Finish: Cross Sheen Pattern: A235 Cove Base Size{HxWxD): 3"x 3" Edge: Cove Base _ Commenis: Option:(To Be Determined by Architect Based on ShowerType} Contact: Nancy Wyatt Phone: 831.484.2110 Revision Date:9/29l2p06 Tile Gfout •Guestrooms-ACCessible Bath-Roli- Manufacturer: Laticrete International,Inc. In Shower{Shower area only where Color: 39 Mushroom wall tile is used} Contact: IVick Macrino Phone: 800243.4788 x 6a2 - Revision Date:12l30l2005 Tile •Guestrooms-Accessible Beth-Roll- Manutacturer: Crossville Ceramics Co. In Shower(Non shower area only where Product: Ceramlc Tile wall tile is not used) Model: Porcelain Stone Color: Sahara Dune Finlsh: Cross Sheen Pattem: A235-Cove Base with Bullnose , Size(HxWxD): 3"x 3" Edge: Cove Base Comments: Option:{To Be Determined by Archftect Based on Shower Type) Contact: Nancy Wyatt Phone: 931.484.2110 Revision Date:9/29l2006 Resideuce Ltn-Gen.7.0 Decor:r��uFUSION Pnge 14 of 34 lssuedr A1arc/r.40,2007 PtrGlidG«estroonr/Bnck-of-House-New Build Finlslt# Material/ Locatinle Descrip[iolr - New 0Id Spec/X-Ref 206 Tile Grout •Guestrooms-ACCessible Balh-Rotl- Manufaclurer: Laticrete International,Inc. 09 30 13 In Shower(Non shower area only where Color: 39 Mushroom (09310) wall tile is not used) Contact: NiCk Macrino Phone: 800.243.4788 x 602 - Revision Date:12/30�2005 207 207 Paint •Breaktast Room-(Wood base) Manufacturer: Sherwin-Wiiliams Co. 09 90 00 •Exercise Room-(Wood base) Color: Classic Light BuH#SW0050 (09900) �Froat Desk-(Wood base) Finish: Semi-Gloss �Hall 1 -(Wood base) Contact: RiCk May �Hall 2-(Wood base} Phone: 610.647.9115 x 102 •Hearthroom-(Wood base) •Library-(1Nood bese} •Lobby-(Wood base) �Meeting Room-(Wood base) �Office-Assistant Geaeral Manager's- (Wood base) •Office-Front Manager-(Wood base) •O�ce-Genaral Manager•(Wood base) � •Office-Sales-(Wood base) •Work Room-(Wood base} - — Revision Date:9/29/2006 208 Resilient •Guestrooms•Vaniiy Area-At toe kick Manufacturer: Burke Mercer Flooring Products,A Division ot Burke Base oivanityonly Industries 09 65 00 Color. 701 Black (09650) Pattern: Straight Size(HxWxD): See Base Cabinet Details Comments: Straight base to be used with carpet Contact: Julie Tackett Phone: 800.447.8442 x 1014 - Revision Date:1/5/2007 209 Resilient •Guestrooms-Kitchen-(At toe kick of Manutacturer: Burice Mercer Ftooring Products,A Division oi Burke BaSe kitchen base cabinet only) Industries 09 65 00 Color: 701 Black {09650) Pattern: Cove Size(HxWxD): See Base Cabinet Details _ Contact: Julie Tackett Phone: 800.447,8442 x 1014 _ Revision Date:9�30l2005 21� Tile •Pool-Indoor ManuFaclurer: Dal-Tile Corp. 09 30 13 Product: Ceramic Co�e Base (09310) Color: Almond A3401-K165 Finish: Semi-Gloss Size(HxWxD): 4-1/4"x 4-1/4" Edge: Cove Base Contact: Jeff Eassa Phone: 301.306.2081 . Revision Date:9/30/2005 Tile Grout •Pool-Indoor Manufacturer: LatiCrete International,tnc. Color: 85 Almond Contact: Nick Macrino Phone: 800243.4788 x 602 Revision Date:12/30/2005 Residexce Inr�-Gen.7,0 Aecor:i�1nFUSlON Poge 15 of 34 =-- Jssued: Mardi 30,�007 PublidGueslroa»dBack-of-Nouse-New Build Fl►rlsh# Ma�erin!/ Locatio�i Descriptin�r New Old SpedX-Ref - 2�� 211 Tile •Guestrooms-Entry Manufacturer. GranitiFiandre = 09 30 13 •Guestrooms-Kitchen-A!toe kick ot Product: Engineered Stone Tile (09316) Kifchen Base Cabinet(To be used with Model: Geologica:New Granite Tile Floor Option Only) Color: Black Galaxy R200 •Guestrooms-Vanity Area-At toe kick Finish: Polished oT Vanity(To be used with Tile Floor Size(HxWxD): 12"W x 3.5"H Option Only) Thickness: 3/8" •Guestrooms-Welcome Counter Contact: Joy Klein - Phone; 727.522.6655 Revision Date:1/5/2007 - Tile Grout •Guestrooms-Entry Manufacturer: Laticrete Intemationai,Inc. •Guestrooms-Kitchen-At toe kick of Color: 22 tJlidnight Black Kitchen Base Cabinet(To be used with Size(HxWxD): 1/8"Wide Joints Tile Floor Option Only) Comments: Special Order-Verify Lead Time •Guestrooms-Vanity Area-At loe kick of Veniry(To be used with Tile Floor Contact: Nick Macrino Optlon Only) Phone: 800.243.4788 x 602 •Guestrooms-Weicome Counter Revision Dale:1/5/2007 • 2�2 Carpet •Guestroom Corridor-Alternate Manufacturer: Shaw Industries,Inc. 09 68 00 •Stairwells-Alternate Product: TuRed Carpet (09680) Model: Material ID#125'199 _ Color: H059UBurgandy p�_ Pattern; H059L 0096ALT Size(HxWxD): 12'-0"Width(See Commenls Below) Weight: 30 oz. FSR: Class A-ASTM E84 Comments: Reter to Interior Design Speciflcation Manual for Specifications. 4"Height carpet to be bound by installer;bindfng color to match field. - - Contact: David Burn Phone: 703.467.4780 Revision Date:9/29/2006 213 CafpEt •Guestrooms-Alternate ManuTacturer: Shaw Industries,Inc. Base Product: Loop Carpet 09 66 00 Model: Material ID#120903 - (09680} Color: H626H Pattern: H626H X-00'IBALT Size(HxWxD): 12'-0"Width(See Comments 8elow) Weight: 30 oz. FSR: Cfass A-aSTM E84 Comments: Refer to Interior Design Specification Manual tor Specifications. 4"Height carpet to be bound by Instalter;binding color to match field. Contacl: David Burn Phone: 703.461.4780 Revision Date:9/29/2006 Residence t�u�-Ge�r.7.0 Decor:i►ruFUS10N Pnge 1 b of 34 Issued: Marck 30,2007 AublidGueslroon�/Back-of-House-New Builrl FlnJs/r# Mnrerrnl/ LocnJioii Descrlption New o1d Spec/X-Ref 300 Simulated •Heasihroom-Fireplace Surround Manufacturer: Cultured Stone,Div ot Owens Corning StOne Model: Drystack Ledgestone 04 71 DO Pattern: Carmel CSV-2007 - (04730) Comments: Slone native to properly location may be submitted for _ review and approval. _ Contact: Patrick Sullivan Phone: 800.255.1727 - Revision Date:9/30/2005 301 Wall •Guestrooms-8ath Manufacturer: D.L.Couch Coverinq Producl: Vinyi Wallcovering 09 72 00 Model: Genre (09950) Pattem: Zydeco GE2107 Size(HxWxD): 38"Width V-301 Weight: 13.7 oz. FSR: Cless A-ASTM E84 Type: 14 Comments: Repeat: Random Contact: Lesa Halloran/Eykon Phone: 800.222.7866 - Revision Date:8/30/2006 302 Wall •Guestrooms-Entry Manufacturer: MDC Wallcoverings - Coverinq •Guestrooms-Kitchen Product: �nyl Wallcovering 09 72 00 Model: VYCON (09950) Color: Bossa Nova Pattern� Hammock#Y45168HM/4708 V302 Slze(HxWxD): 54"Width Weight: 20 oz. FSR: Class A-ASTM E64 Type: II Contact: Jeff Langue - Phone: 800.621.4006 x 7478 Revision Date:6/3012006 303 Casework •Employee Lounge Manufacturer: Refer to Design Guide Project Manual Master for 12 30 00 Specifications (06400) Color: To match Wilsonart Monticello Maple#7925-38 Finish: Satin Finish or Equivalent _ Comments: Wood Species: Birch or Maple(Oak Not Acceptable) Submit sample for approval. Casework Hardware:Refer to Design Guide Project Manual Master Seclion 06400. Revision Date:3/30/2007 Residence l�m-CerrJ.O Decor:rn�rFUSlON Page 17 of.44 ---- Issued: Marclr 30,2007 Public/Guestroonl/Back-nf-House-New Build Fi»islr#t Nlnrerinl/ Lnccrtio�: Descriptimr NeK� o�d Spec/X-Rej - 304 Paint •Guestrooms-Front Face of Sof£ts Manufacturer. Shenvin-Williams Co. _ 09 90 00 except in Kitchen-Spatler Knockdown Color: Vanillin No.SW6371 {09900) Walls Finish: Eggshell -Spatter Knockdown Walls Comments: Application: Over spatter knockdown texture •Guestrooms-Coat Closet-Spatter `See Design Guide Project Manual Master for required _ Knockdown Walls texture - •Guestrooms-Dressing-Spatter Knockdown Walls ContaCt: Rick May �Guestrooms-Dressing Closet- Phone: 610.647.9115 x'102 _ Spatler Knockdown Walls •Guestrooms-HVAC Closet-Spatter — Knockdown Walls Revision Date:3/3112006 305 Paint �Guest Building-Door Frames and Manufacturer: Sherwin-Williams Co. 09 90 00 Casings at Pre-Finished Doors Color: To match interior pre-tinished doors {09900) Contact: Rick May Phone: 610.647.9115 x 102 Revision Date:1 213 012 0 0 5 305A Paint •Guest Building-Doors,Door Casings, Manutacturer: Shenvin-Williams Co. 09 90 00 Frames(ff prefinished doors are not Color: Classic Light Buff#SW0050 i�gg�p� used) �inish: Sami-Gloss -Picture Molding for Ceilings Above Conlact: Rick May 9�� Phone: 610.647.9115 x 102 Revision Date:6/30l2006 3Q6 Pain •Guestrooms-HVAC Access Panels Manufacturer: Refer to Design Guide Project Manual Master for 09 90 00 -Grilles Specifications {09900) Color: To match adjacent surface Finish: Manufacturer's standard finish _ _ Revision Date:12/30/2005 307 PlaStiC •Employee Lounge-Countertop Manufacturer: Pionite Decorative Surfaces Laminate •Guest Laundry-Countertop Finish: Malte !2 36 23 •work Room-Countertop Pattern: VJheat Fiber#AT991 Suede (0&4!5) FSR: Ctass A-ASTM E84 - Contact: Technical Assistance Phone: 800.777.9113 - Revision Date:3/3012007 307A Plastic •Work Room-Cabinets Manutacturer: Pionite Decorative Surfaces Laminate Finish: Matte 12 30 00 Pattem: Wheat Fiber#A7991 Suede (06400) FSR: Class A-ASTM E84 Contac[: Technical Assistance Phone: 800.777.9113 Revision Date:313012007 Residence Inn-Gen,7.0 Decor;irrxFUSION Pnge 18 oj34 Issued: March 30,2007 Pu6(idGuesfroa�✓Back-of-Hotrse-New BuiJd F'ir�isl�# MarerinU Locnlio�r Descriplio�r - New old Spec/X-Ref 308 Wall •'The MarkeP' Manufacturer: JM Lynne Coverinq •Hall 1 Product: Vinyl Wallcovering 09 72 00 •Hall 2 Model: J239-701 - (09950) 'Hearthroom Patlern: Tram TaNy _ •Lobby Size(HxWxD): 54"Widih - V•308 'Meeting Room Weight: 21 oz. •Serving Area FSR: Class A-AS7M E84 •Vestibule Type: II = Comments: Repeat: None Embossing: Standard _ Contact: Holly Waris Phone: 202.638.6006 Revision Date:9/29/2006 309 Watl •Public Restrooms Manufaclurer: Eykon Wallcovering Source Coverind Producl: Vinyl Wallcovering 09 72 00 Modei: RI55-0232-KW (09950) Pattern: Wired Dots Size(HxWxD): 54"Width V-309 Weight• 20 oz. FSR: Class A-ASTM E84 Type: II '- — Comments: Repeat: Random Match Embossing: Linen Revision Date:9/29J2006 310 Stain •"The MarkeY'-Wood Trim Manufacturer: Shervvin-Williams Co. 09 90 00 •Breakfast Room-Buffet cabinets Product: Polyurethane Vamish-Stain (09900) •Buffet Area-Lattice Screen Wall Color: To match Lamin-Art 3017-T Figured Satinwood between Buffet and Hearthroom Finish: Satin Finish or equlvalent •Front Desk-Miliwork Comments: Species: Birch or Mapie ---- �Hearthroom-Fireplace Niche- Recessed Wall Submit sample for approval. •Meeting Room-Bullt-in Cabinets •Stairwells-Hand Rail and Railing Cap Contact: Rick May Phone: &10.647.9115 x 102 Revision Date:3f30f2007 811 Stain •Pront Desk-Accent Millwork Manufacturer: Shennrin-Wiiliams Co. - 09 90 00 Product: Polyurethane Vamish-Stain (09900) Color: To match Nevamar Telltale Walnut#WW-0001 N _ Finish; Safin Finish or Equivalent Comments: Species: Birch or Maple Submit sample for approvaL Contact: Rick May Phone: 610.647.9115 x 102 Revision Date:3l30l2007 312 Plastic •Front Oesk-Cabinets Manufacturer: Formica Corporatlon Laminate Finish: Matte 12 30 00 Pattern: 7699-58 Cinder Ceramic (06400) Contact: Troy Roberts Phone: 443.271,1160 Revision Date:313012007 Resitlerrce bw-Ge�r.7,0 Decor:imeFUSION Puge 19 oj34 ______ lssued: Murch.�0,2007 PuhlidGuestroondBnck-of-House-A'eiv Build Fi�tish# MareriaU Locatio» Descriptio►r New old Spec/X-Ref 312A Piastic �Front Desk-Countertop/Apron/ Manufacturer: Formica Corporalion = Laminate Backsplash Finish: Matte 12 36 23 Pattern: 7699-58 Cinder Ceramic (06415) ContaCt: Troy Roberis Phone: 443.27i.1 i60 - Revision Date:3/30/2007 313 PlastiC �Public Restrooms-Toilet Partilions Manufacturer: Lamin-Art,Inc. Laminate Finish: Textured __ 10 2i 13 Pattern: 229-T Flax Paperform Textured (1�165) Contact: Amanda Weiss Phone: 410.585.4212 Revlsion Date:6/30/2006 814 Paint •Stairwells-Interior poors(Both Sides) Manufacturer: Shenvin-Williams Co. 09 90 00 To be used ONLY for proJects where Color: Caen Stone#SW0028 (09900) stainvells utilize flush 90 minute labeled Finish: Semi-Gfoss doors.(Usually 4 stories and above} Contact: Rick May Phone: 810.647.91�5 x 102 Revision Date:3/30/2007 315 Paint •Etevator-Equipment Room Manufacturer: Sherwin-Williams Co. - 09 90 00 •Engineering Workshop Color: Classlc Light Buff#SW0650 {09900) •Housekeeping Finish: Semi-Gloss �Laundry Room �Linen Contact: Rick May •Llnen Chute f2oom Phone: 810.647.91�5 x 102 •�inen Storage •Mechanical Room •Meeting Room-Storage •Prep Room - _- •Sprinkler Riser Room •Storage Room Revislon Date:9/29/2606 316 Paint •Pool-Equipment Room Manufacturer: Shenvin-Williams Co. 09 90 00 •Paol-HVAC Room Product: Epoxy Paint (09900) Color: Creamy#SW7012 _ Finish: Semi-Gloss Contacl: Rick May - Phone: &10.647.9�15 x 102 Revisfon Date:9/30I2005 317 G�anite •Breakfast Room-Counter Top Manufacturer: Romala Stone,Inc. 12 36 40 •Guestrooms-Welcome She(i Color: Saffron Gold (09380) •Guestrooms-8ath-Vanily Top and Finish: Polished Backsplash Size(HxWxD): Refer to Design Guideline Drawings •Guestrooms-Kitchen-Counteriop, Thickness: 3/4" Apron and Backsplash •Hearthroom-Bar Counter Top Contact: Dino Arcuri •Lobby-Front Desk Phone: 570.650.0196 •Meeting Room-Counter Top •Serving Area-Counter Top - Revision Date:1/5/2007 Reslde�rce I►nr-Ger�.7.0 Decor:in�rFUSION Page 20 of 34 lssued: Murch 30,2007 Pub/ic/GueslroondBnck-of-Hortse-Aew Btrild FinisG# Ma�erio!/ Locatio�t Descriplion - New Old Spec/X-Ref 318 PlastiC •'The MarkeP'-Display Case-Back, Manutacturer: Lamin-Art,Inc. Laminate Sides 8 Shelves Finish: Matte 12 30 00 Pailem: 3017-T Figured Salinwood - (06400) ContaCt: Amanda Weiss - Phone: 410.585.4212 Revision Date:1/5/2007 319 Tile �Guestrooms-Fireplace-Surround Manufacturer. �al-Tile Corp. _ 09 30 13 Product: Ceramic Tile (09310) Model: Castle De Verre Color: Greystone CV12 Size(HxWxD): 6"x 6" Contact: Jeft Eassa Phone: 301,306.2081 Revision Date:12/30/2005 Tile Grout •Guestrooms-Fireplace-Surround ManufacWrer. Laticrete Intemational,Inc. Color: 40 Latte Cantact: Nick Macrino = Phone: 800.243.4788 x 602 -- Revision Dete:12/30/2005 320 Mirror �Exercise Room Manufacturer: Refer to Design Guide ProJect Manual Master for 08 80 00 Specifications (08800) Product: Polished Glass Mirror Color: Clear Thickness: 1/4" Edge: Ground Smooth and Polished Comments: Clip: Continuous bottom clip;exposed clips at top Rev+sion Date:9/29/2006 322 Tile •Pooi-Exterior-Wateriine Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Corp. 09 30 13 •Paol-Indoor-Waterline Product: Ceramic Tile (093i0) •Spa-Exterior-Waterline Color: P071 Aquarium Bermuda Biue •Spa-Indoor-Waterline Size(HxWxD): 6"x 6" Tnickness: 5/1fi" Contact; Jeff Eassa Phone: 301.306.2081 Revision Date:8/30/2005 Tile Grout �Pool-Exterior-Waterline Manufacturer: Lalicrete International,Inc. •Pool-tndoor-Waterline Color: 44 Bright White �Spa-Exierior-Waterline Contact: Nick Macrino •Spa•Indoor-Waterline Phone: 800.243.4788 x 602 Revision Date:12l30/2005 323 Tile •Pool-Indoor-Wall Field Manufacturer: Dat-Tlle Corp. 09 30 13 Product: Ceramic Tile (09310) Co1or: Ki65Almond Finish: Semi-Gloss Size{HxWxD): 4•1/4"x 4•1/4" Thickness: 5/i6" Contact: JeN Eassa � Phone: 301.306.2081 Revision Date:9/30/2005 Resldence bnr-Geri.7.0 Decor:innFUSION Puge 21 of 34 - - -- Issued: Marrh 30,2007 Prrblir/Gueslronn✓Brrck-of-Nouse-New BuiJ�l Finislitl MareriaU Luc�rtiai Descriptio�r _ New Ol�l Spec/J1-Ref 323 Tile Gfout �Pool-Indoor-Walt Field Manufacturer: Laticrete International,Inc. - 09 30 13 Color: 85 Almond . (09310) Contact: Nick Macrino - Phone: 800.243.4788 x 602 Revision Date:12/30/2005 - 324 Tile •Pool-Indoor-Wall Accent Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Corp. _ 09 30 13 Product: Ceramic Tite - (09310) Color: Q136 Fawn —– Finish: Semi-Gloss Size(HxWxD): a-1/4"x4-1/4" Thickness: 5116" Contact: JeH Eassa Phone: 301.306.2081 Revision Date:9/30l2005 Tile Grout �Pool-Indoor-Wall Accent Manufacturer: Laticrete Internatfonal,Inc. Color: 85 Almond Confacl: Nick Macrino Phone: 800.243.4788 x 602 Revision Date:12/30/2005 325 Wall •Employee Lounge Manufacturer: JM Lynne - Coverina •Employee Toilet Product: Vinyl Walicovering - 09 72 00 'Office-Assistant General Manager's Modet: J257-101 (09950) 'Office-Front Manager Pattern: Flanders Weave •Office-General Manager Size(HxWxD): 54"Width V-325 'Office-Sales Weight: 21 oz. �Office-Sales�Storage FSR: Class A-ASTM E84 �YPe: II _.,.. .....__........................... ..._........_._..._ ....._... Comments: Repeat: None Contact: Holly Wetts - Phone: 202.B38.6006 RevVsion Date:613012006 326 Paint •Billiard Room-Windows,Dodrs and Manufaclurer: Shervvin-Wiiliams Co. 09 90 00 Door Casings Color: Classic Light BuH#SW0050 (09900) -�II Paint Grade Miliwork Finish: Semi-Gloss •Breakfast Room-All Paint Grade - Millwork Contact: Rick May -Windows,Doors and Door Casings Phone: 610.647.9115 x 102 •Front Desk-All Paint Grade Mliiwork -Windows,Doors and Door Casings •Gatehouse-Windows.Doors and Door Casings •Hearthroom-All Paint Grade Millwork -Windows,Doors and Door Casings •Lobby-All Palnt Grade Millwork -Windows,Doors and Door Casings •Meeting Room-Windows,Doors and Door Casings -Ali Paint Grade Millwork •Office-Front-All Paint Grade Millwork -Windows,Doors and Door Casings Revision Date:8/29/2006 Reside�rce Ix�r-Ge1e.7.0 Decor:i►uiFUSION Puge 22 uf 34 Issuetl.• Marc%30,2007 PublidGueslroom/Back-of-House-New Bui[d Fi�rislr# Mnlerial/ Localin�t Descriptio�i - New Uf�l Spec/X-Ref _ 327 Tile •Guestrooms-Accessible Bath-Roll- Manufacturer: Crossville Ceramics Co. 09 30 13 In Shower ProducL Ceramic Tlle _ {09310) Model: Porcelain Stone Coior: Saraha Dune Finish: Cross Sheen - Pattern: A235 Size(HxWxD): 3"x 3° - Contact: Nancy Wyatt Phone: 931.484.2110 Revision Date:9/30/2005 Tile rout �Guestrooms-Accessible Bath-Roll- Manufacturer: Laticrete International,inc. In Shower Color: 39 Mushroom Contact: Nick Macrino Phone: 800.243.4788 x 602 Revision Date:12/30/2005 328 Corner •Guestroom Corridor-On1y Manufacturer: IPC/InPro Corporation Guar s Product: 90 Degrees - 10 26 00 Model; 11296N -___ (10260) Color: Yellow-6319 Finish: Textured Size{HxWxD): See Comments Comments: 1-1/2"x 1-1/2"x 96"(Full Height from top of base to ceiling) Contact: Jenny Fromrn Phone: 800.543.1729 x 183 Revlsion Date:12/30/2005 329 Plastic •Public Telephones Manufacturer: Pionite Decorative Surfaces Laminate Color: Arnber RaKa - -- 12 30 00 Pattem: A0351 Suede {064D0) Contact: Technlcal Assistance Phone: 800.777.9113 Revision Date:9/30/2005 330 Tile •Serving Area-Buifet-Wall Ffeld Manufacturer: Ceramic Technics 09 3013 Product: Ceramic Tile - (09310) Model; Cooperafive Hand Mold Color: Biscuit Fume Finish: Ma1te Size(HxWxD): 5"x 5" Comments: Insfall on a 45 degree angle. Contact: Gerry King Phone: 770.740.0050 x 203 Revision Date:6/30/2006 Tile Grout •Serving Area-Buflet-Wall Field ManuFacturer: Lalicrete International,Inc. Color: 41 Kashmir Comments: Install on a 45 degree angfe Contact: Nick Macrino Phone: 800.243.4788 x 602 Revision Date:12/30/2D05 - Residr�rce I�in-Gen.7,0 Decor:i�rnFUSlON Pnge 23 oj34 =— Issued: Marcli 3Q,2007 Prrb/idGuestroo�rr/Baek-oj-House-Ne►v Build F1�rislr# Marerinl/ Loca�io�r Descriplion _ New Old SpecJX-Ref 331 331 Wall •Elevator Lobby-Upper Ftoors Manufacturer: U.S.Vinyl Manufacturing Corp. - Coverin4 •Guestroom Corridor Product: Vinyl Wallcovering 09 72 0� 'Stainvells Model: VS-4735/7 B _ (09950) Pattern: Cabin Yellow Size(HxWxD}: 54"Wldth - V-331 Weight: 27 oz. FSR: Class A-ASTM E84 Type: II - Comments: Repeat: H=6"/V=0" - Contact: Carolyn Kilbom _—. Phone: 410.268.8745 Revision Date:9/29/20�6 332 Corner �Back of House-Per Drawings Manufeclurer: IPC/InPro Corporation Guards Product: 9�Degrees with 1/8"Radius 10 26 00 Motlel: 180 (10260) Finish: Stainless Steel#4 Brushed Size(HxWxD}: See Comments Thickness: 0.05" Comments: 3-1/2"x 3-t/2"-Full height,staRs from top of base. Adhesive: Adhesive Cement -- Contact: Jenny Fromm Phone: 800.543.1729 x 183 Revision Date:9/30/2005 334 Paint •Pool-Indoor-Wails Manufacturer: Shervvin-Wiiliams Co. 09 90 00 Product: Epoxy Paint (09900) Color: Classic Light Buff#SW0050 Finish: Semi-Gloss Contact: Rick May Phone: 610.647.9115 x 102 _ __ Revision Date:9/29/2006 335 Grarlite •Public Restrooms-Vanity Top,Apron Manufacturer: Romala Sione,Inc. 72 36 40 �Backsplash Color: Giallo St.Cecilia (09380) Finish: Polished Size(HxWxD}: Referto Drawings Thickness: 3/4"or 2mm Contacl; Dino Arcuri Phone: 570.650.0196 Revision Date:9/30/2005 336 Tile �Publfc Restrooms-Wall Field Manufacturer: Crossville Ceramics Co. 09 3�13 Product: Ceramic Tile (09310) Color: Sahara Dune Finish: Unpolished Pattern: A235 Size(HxWxD): 8"x 8" Contact: Nency Wyatt Phone: 931.484.2110 Revision Date:9/30/2005 Tile Grout �Public Restrooms-Wall Field Manufacturer: Laticrete International,Inc. Color: 39 Mushroom Contact: Nick Macrino Phone: 800.243.4788 x 602 Revision Date:12/30/2005 Residence Is�r-Geu.7.0 Decar:iu�rFUSION Pagr 24 oj34 Issr�ed: Marc/r 30,2007 PublidGaeslroa»dBnck-of-Horrse-New Build Fi�tis/r# Mareria// Locrtlio�l Dcscriptll�n New Olri Speclll-Ref _ 337 Wail •Library Manufacturer: Eykon Wallcovering Source Coverinq Product: Vinyi Wallcovering - 09 72 00 Model: RI55-292-53Q (09950) Pattern: Saltillo/Prato - Size(HxWxD): 52"!54"Width V-337 Weight: 20 oz. FSR: Class A-ASTM E84 - Type: II - Comments: Repeat 26"H,18"V - Revision Date:9l29/2006 338 Wa�� �Breakiast Room-Accent Manufaclurer: JM Lynne Coverinq �Efevator Lobby-1st Floor-Accent Product: Vinyl Wallcovering 09 72 00 'Meeling Room-Accent Model: J239-702 (09950) Pattem: TramlApricot Size(HxWxD); 54"Width V-338 Weight: 21 oz. FSR: Class A-ASTM E84 _ Type: II Comments: Repeat: None Contact: Holly Watts Phone: 202.638.6006 Revision Date:9l29/2006 339 Paint •Hearthroom-Fascia Manufacturer: Shenvin-Williams Co. 09 90 00 -Upper Walis at Light Coves and Color: Paper Lantern#SW1360 tflggpp� Room Ends Finish: Eggshell •Lobby-Upper Walls at Light Coves and Room Ends Contact: Rick May Phone: 610.647.9115 x 102 Revision Date:3/39I2006 340 CBSt •Guestrooms-Bath-Soap Dishes Manufacturer: Imperial Marble Corporation Po_ Ivmer -Tub and Shower Surrounds Product: Cast Polymer O6 61 13 Model: Simulated Tile Series (06610) Color. Marriott White Finish: Gloss Pattern: 8"x 10"x 3l32"Grout Iine _ Size(HxWxD): (See Comments Below) Thickness: 3/8"(Backwall)7!4"(Sidewalis) Edge: 2"Border - Comments: 30"Width x 62"Height,Quantity(2) 60"Width x 62"Height,Quantity(1) Joint Sealant:Sillcone VVhite Contact: Forest Harris Phone: 888.6a9.5604 Revision Date:9l30l2005 Resirle»ce Inn-Ge��.7.0 Decvr:i►r►�FUSION Pnge 25 of 34 - Issuetf: March 30,2007 PublidGuestroor►dBttck-of-Nouse-Ne���I3uild Fi�rish# Murerinl/ Locatiar Descripliar N�w Oid Spec•/X-Rej 340 Cast •Guestrooms-Bath-Soap Dishes Manufacturer: Mincey Marble Manufacturing Co. - pa_ lvmer -Tub and Sfiower Surrounds Product: Cast Pofymer O6 67 13 Model: Simulaled Tile Series - (06610) Color: 2250 Solid White Finish: Gloss , _ Pattern: 8"x 10"x 3l32"Grout line Size(HxWxD): (See Comments Below) Thidcness: 3!8"(Backwall)1/4"(Sidewalis) - Edge: 2"Border Comments: 30"Width x 62"Height,Quantity{2) - 60"Width x 62"Height,Quantity(1) — Joint Sealant:Silicone White Contact: Donna Mincey Phone: 800.533.1806 Revision Date:9l30/2005 341A Cast •Guestrooms-All-Window Sills Manuteclurer: Introsul,Inc. polvmer Product: Cast Poiymer 12 3fi 61.13 Model: Advanced Cast Polymer {06611) Color: Glacier White-ACP Finish: Matte - Size(HxWxD): Refer to Drawings Thickness: See Comments Comments: Thickness depends on application. See Design Guide - Project Manuai Master Contect: Don Svoboda Phone: 478.987.3185 x 223 Revision Date:12130/2005 341 B Cast •Back oi House Spaces-Ali-Window Manufacturer: Introsul,Inc. palvmer Sills Product: Cast Polymer 12 36 61.13 'Public Spaces-All-Window Silis Model: Rdvanced Cast Polymer - — (66611) Color: Glacier White-ACP Finish: Mette Size(HxWxD): Refer to Drawings Thickness: See Comments Comments: Thickness depends on application. See Design Guide ProJect t�Aanual Master Contact: Don Svoboda Phone: 478.987.3185 x 223 - Revision Date:12l30/2005 342 Paint •'The MarkeP'-Fascia Trim Band Manufacturer: Sherwin-Wiliiams Co. 09 90 00 •Hearthroom-Fascia Trim Band Color: Flreweed#SW6328 (09900) Finish: Eggsheil Contact: Rick t�Aay Phone: 610.647.9175 x 102 Revision Date:9/29/2006 343 Paint •Guestrooms-Walls,above Picture Manufacturer: Shervvin-Williams Co. 09 90 00 Molding{For Rooms with Ceilings Color: Ciassic Light Buff#SW0050 (09900) ebove 9'-0") Finish: Eggshell Contact: Rick May - Phone: 610.647.93 3 5 x 102 Revision Qate:9l29l2006 Reside�rce I�ur-Ge�r.7.0 Decor:i�i�eFUSIpN Page 26 oj34 _ lssued: Marc/i 30,2007 PublidGueslroo»dBack-of-JYouse-New Burld Fi►rislrl� Mnrerinl/ Lnc�rlio►r Descriptio►r New Old Spec/X-Rej _ 344 Palnt •Guestrooms-Headboard Wall Manufaclurer: Sherwin-Williams Co. 09 90 00 Color: Red Bay#SW8321 _ (09900) Finish: Flat Contact: Rick May = Phone: 610.847.9115 x 102 Revision Date:12/30/2005 - 347 Casework •Guestrooms-Kitchen Manufacturer: Refer to Design Guide Project Manual Master tor - -- 12 30 00 Specifications (06400) Color: To match Wilsonart Monticelio Maple#7925-38 Finish: Satin Finish or Equivalent Comments: Wood Species: Birch or Maple(Oak Not Acceptable) Submit sample for approval. Casework Hardware:Refer to Design Guide Project Manual Master Section 06400. Revision Date:1/5/2007 348 Casework •Guestrooms-Dressing Manufacturer: Refer to Design Guide Project Manual Master for 12 30 00 Specifications {06400) Color: To match Wilsonart Versailles Anigre#7923-07 - Finish: Satln Finish or Equivalent Comments: Wood Species: Birch or Maple(Oak Not Acceptabte) Submit sample for approval. Casework Hardware:Refer to Project Manual Masler Section 06400. Revision Oate:3/30/2007 --- 350 Tile •Guestrooms-�ireplace-Surround Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Corp. 09 3013 Product: Ceramic Tile (09310} Model: Castle De Verre Color: Greystone CV12 Size{HxWxD): 3"x 3" Contact: Jeff Eassa Phone: 301.306.2081 - Revlslon Oate:12/30/2005 Tile Grout •Guestrooms-Fireplace-Surround Manufacturer: Laticrete International,Inc. Color: 40 Latte Contact: Nick Macrino Phone: 800243.4788 x 662 Revision Date:12/30/2005 351 Tile •Guestrooms-Fireplace-Surround Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Corp. 09 30 13 Product: Ceramic Tile (09310) Model: Canaletto Color: Bianco CN01 Size(HxWxD}: 3"x 3" Contaot: Jeff Eassa Phone: 301.306.2081 Revision Date:12/30/2005 Residenre Ir1rr-Ge�r.7.0 Decor:i�:nFUSIOA' Pnge 17 of 34 - IssuecL• March 30,2007 Pu6lidGue,stroo�rdBack-of-Nouse-New Build Fi�ris�lr# Mnrerinl/ Locnlin�r Descriplio» New O/�i SpedJIC-Rej 351 Tile Grout •Guestrooms-Fireplace-Surround Manufacturer: Laticrete International,Inc. - 09 30 13 Color: 40 Latte (093101 Contact: Nick Macrino - Phone: 800.243.4786 x 602 Revision Da1e:12/30/2005 352 Tile •Guestrooms-Fireplace-Surround- Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Corp. - 09 30 13 Decorative Border Producl: Tumbled Natural Stone - (09310) Model: Walnut Rope - Co(or: TS17 Size(HxWxD}: 2"x 12" Contacl� Jeff Eassa Phone: 301.306.2081 Revision Date:9/29/2006 Tile Grout •Guestrooms-Fireplace-Surround- Manufacturer: Laticrete lnternational,Inc. Decorative Border Color: 40 Latte Contact: Nick Macrino Phone: 800.243.4788 x 602 _ Revision Date:12/30/2005 - 353 Paifft •Guestrooms-Accent Wall al Fireplace Manufacturer: Shenvin-Williams Co. _ 09 90 00 -Accent Wall at Entertalnment Wall Color: Yarrow#SW6669 (09900) Finish: Ffat Contact: Rick May Phone: 610.647.9115 x 102 Revision Date:'12l30/2005 �� Stain •Guestrooms-Wood Trim{Bahveen Manufacturer: Sherwin-Wiliiams Co. 09 90 00 Vinyl Wall Covering&Paint) ProducL• Polyurethane Vamish --- (09900} Color: To Match Wilsonart Moniicello Maple 7925-38 Finish: Satin Finish or Equivalent Comments: Wood Specles: Birch or Maple(Oak Not Acceptable) Contact: Rick May Phone: 6'10.647.9115 x 102 Revision Daie;3l30/2007 SS5 Stain •Guestrooms-Entertainment Unit Manu(acturer: Sherwin-Williams Co. 09 90 00 •Guestrooms-Fireplace-Mantel Product: Polyurethane Vamish _ (09900) Color: To Match Wilsonart Versailles Anigre 7923-07 Finish: Satin Finish or Equivalent Comments: Wood Species: 8irch or Maple(Oak Not Accepiable) Contact: Rick May Phone: 610.647_9115 x 102 Revision Date;3/30/2007 Resideace li�n-Ge�r.7.0 Decnr:iuirFUSIOIV Puge 28 oj34 _ lssued: Marc/r.?0,1007 Pub/idGuesrroondBack-of-lfouse-Nerv Builrl Fi�rish# dfareriaU Lncntinir nescriptiat - N�r Old Spec'/.1-Rcf _ 357 Wall •fiearlhroom•Accent v PAanufacturer: JM t_ynne Coverinq •Lobby-Front Desk Accent Product: Vinyl Wallcovering _ 09 72 00 Model: J23�J-301 (09950) Pattern: Tram/Cinnabar Size(HxWxD): 54"Widfl� Weight: 21 oz. FSl2: Class A-ASTM E84 - Type: II - Comments; Repeat: None - Coniact: Holly Watts Phone: 202.638.6006 Revision Date:9l29/2006 358 VVa11 •Exercise Room Manufacturer: Eykon Walicovering Source Coverinp Product: Vinyl Wallcovering 09 72 00 Model: RI55-027-42Q (O�J950} Pattem: Orbit/Solar Yellow Size(HxWxD): 54"Width Weiylit: 20 oz. FSR: Class A-ASTM E84 Type: 11 — Comments: Repeai: 26.5"H,24"V Revisian Dale:9/29/2006 359 Wall •Corridor•Accent Door Drops Manufacturer: Genesys interiors,LLC Coverinq Product: Vinyl Wallcovering 09 72 00 _ Model: A51-419 Classic Red (09950) Pattem: Classico �_:_:_—�::-__.:::_::__:::�::::-::::::-:_-:--:::::_:::::-:::::::::::-:_::::_:::::-::,_::::::::g_tu(HxWxD}: 52'Y54"Widih _:r ` Welght: 20 oz. ' :.:i FSR: Class A-ASTM E84 - ..._ : ......;:; :;: 7ype: I I .. Comments: Repeat: Reverse HanglRandom Match Contact: Jennifer Nelson Phone: 202.308.5460 Revision Date:1/5/2007 360 Corne� �Meeting Room Manufacturer: IPC/InPro Corporation Guafds Product: 90 Degrees 10 26 00 Model: 11296N - (10260} Color: Cashew Finish: Texture Size(Hx1NxD): 1-1/2"x 1-1/2"x 96" Thickness: 0.05" Comments: Full height,7op oi Base io Ceiling Contact: Jenny Fromm Phone: 800.543.1729 x 183 Revision Date:6/30/2006 390 Metal •Employee Lounge-Lockers Manufaclurer: Republic Builders Products LoCker PAodel: Standard Lockers 10 51 13 Color: 8�Cork _ (10500) Revision Date:1/5/2007 Residence Inn-Ge►1.7.0 Decor:i►�►iFUSION Page 14 nf 34 - Issued: .A1arc�/r 3q 2007 PublidGues�rnondBack-nf-Hnrrse-New l3uild Fi�rislr# Malerin!/ Locatio�r Description Nex� O!d SpeclX-Rej - 390 Metal •Employee Lounge-Lockers Manufaoturer: Hadrian Manufacturing,Inc. - Locker Model: Emporer Locker System 10 59 13 Color: 603 Almond _ (10500) Revision Date:9/29/2006 Metal •Employee Lounge-Lockers Manufacturer: Penco Products,Inc. _ Locker Model: Vanguard Lockers _ Color: 073 Champagne _ Revision Date:9/29/2006 Metal •Employee Lounge-Lockers Manufaolurer: Lyon Woricspace Products Locker Model: Industrial Color: BN 931-66 Revision Date:9/29/2006 . 391 Door •Back of House•Doors Comments: See Design Guide ProJect Manual Master,Section - Hardware •Guestrooms-Doors 08710,for Manufacturer,Model&Finish specifications. 08 71 00 'Public Space-Doors (08710} - Revislon Date:9/29/2006 392 Millwork •Bacic of House-Millwork Comments: See Design Guide Project Manual Master,Section Flardware •Guestrooms-Millwork 06400,for Manufaclurer,Model&Finish specifications. 12 30 00 'Public Space-Millwork (06400} Revision Date:9l29/2006 400 Textured •Guesirooms-Textured Ceilings- Manufacturer: U.S.Gypsum Coatin Horizontal Surface on Guestroom SoNits Product: fmperial EZ Spray(Popcom} 09 00 00 'Guestrooms-eedroom-Textured Color. Classfc Light Buff SW0050 - (09255) Ceilings Finish: Coarse Texture �Guestrooms-Closet-Bedroom Contact: Tecfinical Assistance - Closet and Coat Closet Textured Phone: 800.874,4968 Ceilings •Guestrooms-Dressing-Textured Ceilings �Guestrooms-Living Room-Textured Ceilings •Stainvelis-Textured Ceilings Revision Date:12/30/2005 Reside�rce!nn-GenJ.O Decor:i�rnFUSIOIV Page 30 oj34 Is.sued: Dfarck.30,2007 PublirJGueslroon✓Back-of-Nonse-New Build Fi►risJr# Ma�eriu!/ Locatio�i Descriptiuir Neiu Ol�! SperJX-Rej 401 Paint •'The Markef' Manufacturer: Sherwln-Williams Co. 09 90 DO •Billiard Room Color: Classic Light BuH#SW0050 (09900} •Breakfast Room Finish: Flat - •Front Desk •Hall 1 Confact: Rick May : •Hearthroom Phone: 610.647.9115 x 102 �Library _ �Lobby = �Serving Area = �Vestibule - Revision Date:9l29l2006 402 Pai •Electrical Room Manufacturer: Sherwin-Williams Co. 09 90 00 •Elevator-Equipment Room Color: Classic Light Buff#SW0050 (09900) •Engineering Workshop Finish: Semi-Gloss •Guest Laundry �Guestroom Corridor-Third Floor Contact: Rick May •Linen Phone: 610.647.9115 x 102 •Linen Chute Room •Linen Storage - •Mechanical Room __ •Sprinkler Riser Room •Storage Room •Telephone Room Revision Date:9l29/2006 403 Acoustical •Employee Lounge Manufacturer: USG Interiors,Inc. Ceil+nq �Employee Toilet Color: Standard White Tiles •Exercise Room Pattern: Eclipse(SLT) 09 5123 '�uestroom Corridor 5ize(Nx1NxD): 24"x 24" (09512) •Nousekeaping Thickness: 3!4" •Meeting Room Edge: Shadowline --- •OHice-Asslstant General Manager's •Office-General Manager Contact: 7echnical Resource �OHice-Sales Phone: 888.87a.2450 �OHice-Sales-Storage •Public Restrooms •Work Room Revision Date:9/30/2005 Acoustica! �Employee Lounge Manufacturer: Refer to Design Guide Project Manual Master for Ceilina •Employee Toilet Specifications _ Tiles Gr+d 'Exercise Room Color: 1Nhite to match celling tiles •Guestroom Corridor Thickness: 15/16" •Housekeeping •Maeting Room •Otfice-Assistant Generai Manager's •OHice-General Manager •Office-Sales •Office-Sales-5torage •Public Restrooms •Work Room Revision Date:9130l2005 Reside�rce I►r►r-Ge�1.7.0 Decor:innFUSION Page 3l of 34 - Issued: Mnrc/t 30,20a7 PublidGueslroo»d6ack-of-House-Ne►v Bt�ild Finish# MnlerraU Loratioir Descriptior� New Olrl SpedX-Ref 404 Acoustical •Laundry Room Manutacturer: USG Interiors,mc. - Ceilin •Prep Room Color: White Tiles Finish: Washable Vinyl _ 09 51 23 Paltern: Orion 210 (09512) Size(HxWxD): 2a"x 24" - Thickness: 1/2" Edge: Square Commenis: Backing: No backing on ft - CoMact: Technical Resource _ Phone: 888.874.2450 _ Rev;sion Date:9/30/2005 Acoustical •Laundry Room ManuFacturer: Reter to Design Guide Project Manual Master for Ceilin �Prep Room Specificaiions Tiles Grid Color: White to Match Ceiling Tile Size(HxWxD): 15/16" Revision Date:9/30l2005 405 Paint •Pool-Equipment Room Manufacturer: Sherwin-Williams Co. 09 90 00 Product: Epoxy Paint (09900) Color: Classic Light Buff#SW0050 Finish: Semi-Gloss Contact: Rick May Phone: 610.647.9115 x 102 Revision Date:9/29/2006 407 Paint •Pool-Indoor Manufacturer: Sherwin-Williams Co. 09 90 00 Product: Epoxy Paint (09900) Color: Classic Light Buff#SW0050 Finish: Seml-Gloss Comments: See Finish#316 Contact: Rick May Phone: 610.647.9115 x 102 Revision Date:9/29l2006 408 Paint •Guestrooms•Bath-Ceilings Manufacturer: Sherwin-Williams Co. 09 90 00 •Guestrooms-Kitchen-Ceiiings Color: Classic Light 8uff#SW0050 _ (09900) Finish: See Comments Comments: Flat Finish tor Kitchen Semi-Gloss for 8ath - Contact: Rick May Phone: 610.647.9715 x 902 Revision Date:12I30/2005 409 Paint �Guestrooms-Corridor and Soffit Manufacturer: Sherwin-Williams Co. 09 90 00 Underside at Guestroom Entry Color: Vani(lin#SW6371 (09900) Flnish: Eggshell Contact: Rick May Phone: 610.647.3115 x 102 Revision Date:6130I2006 Reside�rce litu-Gen.7,D Aecor;i�r►eFUS101V Page 32 of 34 Issued: A1nrc/r,40,2D07 PuhlidGuestroa►dltrrck-of-House-New Build Fi►tish# M�uerioU Loc�dion Descriptio�r _ n�e�� o�d Sper/X-Rej 500 500 Carpef •Elevator-Cabs Manufacturer: Shaw Industries,Inc. 09 68 00 Product: Mulli-Tuft Loop Ttp Sheared _ (09680) Model: Materral ID#124839 Color: Burgundy/Rust - RE-001 Pattern: Connected Oots Size(HxWxO): 12'-0"Width Weight: 3fi oz. - FSR: Class A-ASTM E84 = Comments: Refer to Interior Design Spec+frcation Manual for - SpeGficatfons. - Contact: David Burn Phone: 703.461.4780 Revision Date:6/30/2006 501 501 Laminate •Elevator-Cabs-Raised Paneis - Manufacturer: Lamin-Art,Inc. 14 24 23 Rear and Side Walls Product: Flat Verlical Plastic Laminate Panels (14240) Color. #3017-T Figured Satinwood Finish: Matte Size(HxWxD): 3/4"Thick Contact: Amanda Weiss Phone: 410.585.4212 - Revision Date:9i29i2006 502 502 Stainless •Elevalor-Car-Front Return Walls Manufacturer: Refer!o Design Guide Project Manuai Master for Steel •Elevator-Car poors-Interior Specificatlons 14 24 23 •Elevator-Car Handralls-Rear Wails Product: Stainless Steel (14240) Only Finish: No,04 Brushed �Elevator-Car Transom Comments: (ADA Acceptable flat metal handrail 3/8"x 2'� •Elevator-Directional Signs �Elevator-Hail Buttons •Sight Guards Revision Date:9/29/2006 503 503 Paint •Elevator-Hoistway-Doors and Manufacturer: Sherwin-Williams Co. 09 90 00 Frames Product: Paint (09900) Color: Classic Light BuH#SW0050 Finish: Semi-Gioss Contact: Rick May Phone: 610.647.9115 x 102 Revision Date:9/29/2006 504 504 Paint �Elevator-Car Walls-Behind Plastic Manufacturer: Refer to Design Guide Project Manuat Master for 14 24 23 Laminate Panels-Rear and Sides SpeGfications (14240) Color: Satin 81adc 8aked Enamel Revision Date:9/30/2005 505 505 Elevator •Elevator-8ase Manufacturer: Refer to Design Guide Project Manual Master for 14 24 23 Specifications (14240) Product: Brushed Stainless Steel#4 Revision Date:9/30/2005 Rvside�ece I►rn-Ge�i.7.0 Decar:i�i�rFUSION Pnge 33 oJ34 = Issued: Marcli 30,2007 PublidGueslroondBack-of-House-Ne�v Buitd Fbris/r# Malerin!/ Loc�rtioir Descriptio►r A'ew Uld SpedX-Ref _ 506 506 Stainless •Elevator-Interior Car-Ceiling Manufacturer: Refer to Design Guide Project Manual Master for - Steel Speclfications ' '14 24 23 Product: Concealed Frame Suspended Stainless Steel Ceiling _ ('l4240) Model: Schindler Model SC08 or approved subslitution Finish: No.04 Brushed - Size(HxWxO): 7'-4"A.F.F.Min. Comments: Lighting: 9 Downlights-Compact Fluorescent Revision Date:6/30/2006 Rwside�ece hui-Gei�.7,0 Decor:i►rnFUSION Page 34 of 34 Issued: hfurc/r 30,2007 PublidGueslroont/Bnck-of-Nouse-A'c�v Build 00380 (00 31 13.45) EXTERIOR FINISH INDEX PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: - 1. This Section shall be used in conjunction with the Drawings and the Specifications for all - work on the Exterior of all areas of the project including Condominium units. PART 2 PRODUCTS - 2.01 GENERAL A. Also Refer to individual Specification Sections for further information on listed products. PART 3 EXECUTION Not Used END OF SECI'ION _ ATTACHED AFTER THIS SEC'I'ION EXTERIOR FINISH INDEX Section 00380-01-1 Timberline Roost Lodge, LLC Marriott Residence Inn Exterior Finishes Index Residence Inn&Timberline Lodge Condominiums-Vail, Colorado = Dated 12/21/07 °- � � - � � � o � � � � o �k *k 0 ll) N � IO � � .0 .0 p�N � L �p iJ 'D 'D ~ _ � O N O '� (0 (d .� a •- � � N � Efl O n. L � � 'D 'D � a - U U � � � t L tn fd U U U � 10 - � � V O. � p O � � Z � � � � N a O � � L i (n `� E C F- rn � � � C � � N f0 (n (n C - 7 7 � j � G. � N N � 7 'D '0 +' - � C � � 'p N � � C N fd — X � � � N ' .0 .0 � Z Z p � � •3 'c� m m �' Z c},a ;o �- ::::>i::<::::::<::: � n v - ..... — rn - � � � � t �':�:;::';';' v� in � � ' � °c' � � -C =°- `o `0 3 - :��':::i:>:::: � � � � :o c� o a� � a� a� a� ::::';::::: N m v� � N x � � — � L L - � v � � a� a� p � � � ^ �:<�>::>:;; °' a X m � s X X X ti ,�,....:<. O O � V a� �; � � m " � a� a� a� � C �i�;;s;;: � � � V r-V. F- N -� �3 N .0 � � � F' N � �:i��:::;: � � ' � (p .� � � N fA V = _ —' � a ����> ` ` ? � � � (d � C � N � � � � (d `,,.��.,..'`'';»:? 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I I()?I I.S h�ILI SUIi'I3 �s � ' ����:.i. _. , __ ., tu9((1'J1? ��A __ �'r,r�i�,i 1C'•ti CLtI$ ' � '' �,� �c�fl'lUt�. __._i:�:�1��� �� ' - � , � � r;....... . ,. , '. , ,�� i� +�. .'.=�„"''.;;. " - M A R R I O T T D E S I G N S T A N D A R D S August 2 0 0 6 Module 14 Design Standards � _ Fire Protection / Life Safety __ A. General Requirements............................................................. 1 B. Definitions................................................................................ 1 - C. Codes, References and Standards..........................................2 � _ D. Systems Testing ......................................................................3 - E. Submittals................................................................................4 F. Automatic Sprinkler/Standpipe System..................................4 G. Fire Alarm ................................................................................8 H. Mechanical Smoke Control ................................................... 10 I. Kitchen Hood and Duct Fire Suppression..............................11 J. Emergency Electrical Systems ............................................. 11 K. Central Control Station (Fire Command Room).....................12 L. Means of Egress..................................................................... 12 = M. Special Considerations..........................................................13 - N. Example Diagrams................................................................. 13 Revised: August 2006, supersedes July 2004 Edition. Module Organization • This Module is a part of an integrated series of Modules. • Coordination with information from other Modules is required. • "fhe reference symbol <XX>is used to indicate a Module reference that includes additional information. Marriott Confidential and Proprietarv Information The contents of the Design Standards are confidential and proprietary to Marriott International, Inc. and may not be reproduced, disclosed, distributed or used without the express permission of an authorized representative of Marriott. Copyright, Marriott International,Inc., unpublished material. All rights reserved. Copyright, Marriott International, Inc. August 2006 ' �1�c1f f 1011 Design Standards Fire Protection / Life Safety - 14 - Fire Protection / Life Safety A. General Requirements _ 1. Application: • MarriotYs Fire Protection and Life Safety Design - -- Standards apply to all Marriott International Brands and - owned, managed and franchised properties. • The Marriott Fire Protection and Life Safety Design - Standards include design standards, perFormance - criteria, reference standards and life safety process verification that defines a comprehensive fire protection program. Coordinate requirements with other Modules and in particular 10, 12, 15A, 156 and 15C. • Application of these standards to a specific project requires a design analysis. For example, a project's qualification as either a low-rise or high-rise building will - significantly affect the elements of a project's fire protection and life safety program. - • When a Marriott property is integrated with or - interconnected with another building, the building shall provide protection equal to the fire protection and life - safety standards required for the Marriott property, as - defined by Marriott's Fire Protection Department on a case-by-case evaluation. 2. Systems: Provide the following functional systems in compliance with the listed PerFormance Criteria: • Sprinkler/Standpipe System - • Fire Alarm • Mechanical Smoke Control • Kitchen Hood and Duct Fire Suppression • Standby Power, Emergency Power and Lighting • Central Control Station (Fire Command Room) • Means of Egress B. Definitions - 1. Low-Rise Building: A building that does not qualify as a High-Rise Building as defined below. (2) • Smoke Control: See Section H for buildings more than 6 stories. 2. High-Rise Building: A building where the floor of an occupiable story is greater than 23 m (75 ft.) above the lowest level of fire department access. 3. Back of House (BOH): Includes areas such as employee spaces, employee restrooms, laundry, offices, work areas, kitchen, storage areas, shops, etc. Copyright, Marriott Intemational, Inc. J�af�lOf1 August 2006 14-1 14 - Fire Protection / Life Safety Design Standards C. Codes, References and Standards 1. Application: Current edition and associated references - are the basis for Marriott's Fire Protection / Life Safety = Design Standards and are applicable to all Marriott managed, owned and franchised properties. - 2. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) - Standards: Comply with the following: • NFPA 101: Life Safety Code (except Chapter 43 - and "horizontal exits"are not permitted) - • NFPA 13: Standards for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems • NFPA 14: Standpipe Systems • NFPA 17A: Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems • NFPA 20: Centrifugal Fire Pumps • NFPA 24: Private Fire Service Mains • NFPA 30: Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code - • NFPA 70: National Electric Code • NFPA 72: National Fire Alarm Code • NFPA 80: Fire Doors and Fire Windows - • NFPA 82: Incinerators, Waste and Linen Handling Systems and Equipment • NFPA 88A: Parking Structures • NFPA 90A: Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilation Systems • NFPA 92A, 92B: Smoke Control Systems • NFPA 96: Ventilation and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations • NFPA 110: Emergency and Standby Power Systems • NFPA 1142: Water Supplies for Suburban and Rural Fire Fighting 3. Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Listing: Provide UL listed materials, appliances and equipment. 4. Governing Regulations: Follow governing laws, codes, and regulations that are more stringent. Refer regulation - conflicts with MarriotYs Design Standards to Marriott for resolution. 5. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): Comply with Life Safety requirements. See the Design Standards for general accessibility requirements. 6. Tents and Temporary Structures: Comply with � Marriott's policy titled "Tents and Temporary Structures" as published on the Marriott Global Source. 14-2 August 2006 '�� Copyright, Marriott International, Inc. ��arnott Design Standards Fire Protection / Life Safety - 14 = D. Systems Testing 1. Application: Before a property is opened to the public, the fire protection and life safety systems shall be fully _ operational, contractor tested and approval obtained from - Marriott's Fire Protection Department. _ __ In order to obtain MarriotYs approval, the fire protection and life safety systems shall be operated by the contractor under simulated emergency conditions in the presence of Marriott _ Fire Protection personnel and the contractor shall = demonstrate compliance with Marriott's standards. - 2. Automatic Sprinkler/Standpipe System (Section F.): • Contractor shall flush and pressure test system prior to MarriotYs observation of the test of water flow and tamper switches. • Fire pump shall be tested and certified by the manufacturer. - • Underground mains flushed and tested. 3. Fire Alarm (Section G.): _ � Contractor shall pretest and operate system without trouble lights exhibited. • Contractor shall demonstrate compliance by activating all - devices to set-off alarms and verifying that proper point address or zone indications and supervision appear on alarm panel. 4. Mechanical Smoke Control (Section H.): • Prior to testing smoke control systems, HVAC systems shall be contractor tested and balanced. _ • Public area, atrium and guestroom corridor smoke exhaust, and stairwell pressurization systems shall be operational and tested to clear "cold smoke" so that exit signs are visible within 10 minutes of activation without smoke migration to other areas. 5. Kitchen Hood and Duct Fire Suppression (Section I.): _ • Contractor shall pretest all coordinated components by activation of kitchen hood and duct flow switch or control - unit. • Contractor shall demonstrate compliance by operating initiating devices, activating coordinated alarms, gas, electric and hood supply air fan shut-downs. 6. Emergency Electrical Systems(Section J.): • Generator shall be operational and tested to automatically activate upon loss of normal incoming power and to provide standby and emergency service to operate emergency lighting and specified systems. • Battery standby power and UPS systems providing - emergency power and lighting shall be fully operational. Copyright, Marriotf Infernafional, Inc. �df�lOf1 August 2006 14-3 14 - Fire Protection / Life Safety Design Standards 7. Central Control Station (Fire Command Room) (Section K.): Panels, indicators, controls and systems - shall be operational, tested and approved. _ 8. Means of Egress (Section L.): Facilities for means of egress shall be operational and unobstructed. --- E. Submittals 1. General: Prior to installation of systems, submit the = following for review and approval to: - Marriott Corporate Fire Protection: • Floor plans with exiting and occupant load diagrams, and fire resistance ratings. • Fire alarm system diagrams, shop drawings, equipment product sheets, voltage drop and battery calculations and sequence of operation matrix. . • Automatic sprinkler/standpipe system shop drawings, hydraulic calculations and equipment product sheets. - • Plans for emergency lighting and exit signs, and - information on the emergency power provided. • Smoke control system shop drawings, riser diagrams --- and calculations (space volumes, air changes, fan / equipment flow capacities and locations). Zurich Services Corporation: • Automatic sprinkler/standpipe system shop drawings, hydraulic calculations and equipment product sheets. • Set of construction (contract)drawings. 2. Mailing Addresses: • Marriott International, Inc.; Marriott Corporate Fire Protection, Dept. 52/924.36; 10400 Fernwood Road; Bethesda, MD 20817 • Zurich Services Corporation; Risk Engineering Department; 1818 Market Street, 21 ST Floor; - Philadelphia, PA 19103; Attn: Mr. Richard Gallagher, _ Sr. Risk Engineering Consultant F. Automatic Sprinkler/Standpipe System 1. Design Requirements: • Standards: NFPA 13 (not NFPA 13R), 14, 1142 8 20. • Water Source: Perform flow-test(s) and document. Provid.e dependable source of water quantity and pressure from municipal water main or from on-site cistern or tank(s) if municipal water is not available. • Safety Factor: Provide a 10% hydraulic safety factor _ up to a maximum of 10 psi. • Pressure Reducing Valves: In order to minimize adjustment and maintenance, design system within maximum pressure of 175 psi without use of pressure reducing valves. If pressure reducing valves are required, consult with Marriott Fire Protection. 14-4 August 2006 '�� Copyright, Marriott lnfernational, lnc. �8ff10t1 Design Standards Fire Protection / Life Safety - 14 = • Campus Style Sites: Provide separate fire and separate domestic water systems. Where both systems share a common reservoir of water _ (tank, cistern, etc.) locate the domestic connection at the - reservoir above the water level reserved for the fire system to avoid depleting the fire system by domestic ___ use. • Fire Pumps: Locate fire pump drivers, fire pumps, fire - pump controllers and fire pump power supplies (normal and standby) above the 100 year flood elevation and = above the anticipated hurricane storm surge elevation. _ • Low-Rise Buildings: Zone system by floor (at a minimum) and equip each zone with a control valve, flow switch and tamper switch monitored by the fire alarm system. Locate inspector's test assembly at remote ends of zone (not in guestrooms) with discharge piped to exterior drain. See example detail at end of this Module. If building contains more than one remote end, install a valve and drain at each remote end. • High-Rise Buildings: Connect ;guestroom zone sprinkler piping to 2 risers at each floor with a control valve, flow - switch and tamper switch at each riser. See example "looped" riser and inspector test drain assembly detail at =__ end of this Module. At non-guestroom levels with one - control valve, locate inspector test assembly at remote end of zone, hardpiped to exterior similar to low-rise building. If building contains more than one remote end, install a valve and drain at each remote end. 2. Inspector's Test Assembly: • Drain: Discharge hardpiped to exterior at a location where discharge will not damage exterior pavement or landscaping. • Access: Visible and readily accessible in back-of-house area or stairwell (not in ceiling or behind access panels). • Location: Do not locate in finished areas (guestroom, - guest corridor, etc...). 3. System Application: Equip Marriott properties with complete hydraulically designed combination / automatic sprinkler/ standpipe system zoned by floor. • Building Footprint: Sprinkler building areas within building "footprinY', including canopies required by NFPA 13. • Parking Garages / Decks: Provide sprinkler protection, unless greater than 50% of perimeter is open to exterior air and not under hotel footprint. Copyright,Marriott Intemational, Inc. J�a[[IOtt August 2006 14-5 14 - Fire Protection / Life Safety Design Standards • Ancillary Buildings: Provide sprinkler protection for ancillary buildings that are occupied, have a significant - content value or have a significant impact on business = interruption if damaged as determined by MarriotYs Fire Protection review. Examples include: , --- + Golf Clubhouse - + Golf Maintenance Building + Golf Car Storage Building - + Occupied Thatched Roof Buildirlgs - + Pool Buildings with lockers or F&B Small structures (less than 9.3 m2(100 sq. ft.)) located more than 9 m (30 ft.) from other buildings do not require sprinkler protection. Examples include: + Golf Comfort Stations + Golf Weather Protection Stations - + Beach Shade Structures • Utility Spaces: Provide complete sprinkler protection in _ electrical, mechanical, telephone and computer rooms. • Loading Docks and Truck Bays: Provide sprinkler protection. If subject to freezing, provide dry-pipe system. • Freezer and Cooler Boxes: Protect with dry-type heads supplied from area wet sprinkler system. • Guestroom Bathrooms: Sprinklers are not required if bathroom is less than 5.10 m2 (55 sq. ft.). Regardless -- of bathroom area, sprinklers are required when combustible tubs or shower or tub surrounds (plastic / fiberglass)enclosures are used. • Closets and Pantries: Sprinklers are not required in clothes closets, linen closets and pantries within hotel guestrooms where the area of the space does not exceed 2.2 m2 (24 sq. ft.). Closets and pantries with - washer, dryer, water heater, mechanical or electrical equipment require sprinklers. • Building Exception: Sprinkler / standpipe system may not be required in existing buildings of 2 stories or less where all guestrooms exit directly to exterior (no enclosed corridors). 4. Wet-Pipe Sprinkler: Provide wet-pipe sprinklers for habitable spaces such as guestrooms, guestroom corridors, restaurants, ballrooms / meeting rooms, public and back-of-house areas. 5. Dry-Pipe Sprinklers: Provide dry-pipe sprinklers in attic and unheated areas to avoid the possibility of freezing. • Dry type heads from the wet system may be used in small unheated supplied areas. • Antifreeze (liquid) systems are not permitted. 14-6 August 2006 J�aff1011 Copyright, Marriott International, Inc. Design Standards Fire Protection / Life Safety - 14 - • Wet sprinkler piping covered with attic insulation, pipe insulation or heat tape is not considered "freeze protected" and is unacceptable. - • Use galvanized steel pipe. = • Design for dry valve trip test that provides water to the ____ remote inspector test assembly within 60 seconds after activation of inspector's test valve. • Provide system with valve, trim, tank mounted _ compressor, control and test valves, gauges, pressure - and high / low air pressure switches and approved - drains. 6. Sprinkler Heads: Fast-response / quick-response 57° to 77° C (135° to 170° F), semi-recessed throughout guest and public areas. Concealed (cover plate) sprinkler heads are not permitted. Exceptions where listed for a particular application are as follows: Room!S ace Head T e Tem . Ratin Quick Response-ventilated 100° C(212° F) Attic Systems Quick Response-unventilated 141°C (286° F) Quick Response-ventilated 100° C(212° F) _ Dry-pipe Systems (unoccupied spaces) C�uick Response-unventilated 141°C(286° F) Mechanical/Electrical Quick Response 68°to 77°C 155 to 170° F Balcony(combustible) �uick Response-corrosion 100° C(212° F) resistant d side wall Porches C�uick Response-corrosion 100° C(212° F) resistant d side wall Elevator Machinery C�uick Response 100° C(212° F) Swimming Pools C�uick Response-corrosion 68°to 77°C (Indoor) resistant (155°to 170° F) Sauna/Steam Rooms Quick Response-corrosion Laundry Dryer Plenum resistant , 141° C(286° F) Walk-in Coolers/ puick Response-dry pendent 74°C(165° F) - Freezers 7. Sprinkler Coordination: • Install sprinkler heads with the manufacturer's minimum allowable projection from the wall or ceiling. • Coordinate locations of sprinkler heads at guestrooms and public areas with the interior designer to avoid location conflicts (such as crown moldings) and minimize appearance impact. • In corridor ceilings, generally, position heads along centerline of corridor width. • In ceilings with acoustical tiles, position heads in center - of tiles. Copyright, Marriott International, Inc. �a�f1011 August 2006 14-7 14 - Fire Protection / Life Safety Design Standards G. Fire Alarm 1. Requirements: Equip entire building with a central fire alarm system. See the Fire Alarm System Sequence = Matrix in this Module. Coordinate with <15C>. • Standard: �IFPA 72. • System: Provide fully point addressable system (all alarm initiating and supervisory devices individually _ addressable) in all buildings. _ • Campus Style Sites: Provide point addressable - networking that reports to the continuously attended property location. • Testing: Provide the following at the Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP). + Disconnect switches to disable notification, audible appliances, visual strobes, and auxiliary function points for testing purposes. + Alarm sensitivity testing at FACP. - • Unconditioned areas: Provide corrosion resistant - (weatherproof) devices listed for exterior use. 2. System Smoke Sensors (Detectors): -- • Guestrooms, Suite Rooms and other Sleeping Units: Provide system smoke sensors with sounder bases to meet the following: + Photoelectric type sensor. + Sounder Base: Provide minimum audible alarm of 85 dBA at 3 m (10 ft.); minimum of 75 dBA "at the pillow". - + Activation of room system smoke sensor to immediately and automatically sound an alarm within the room of incident. + System smoke sensor normal and emergency power is provided by the FACP. _ + In suites and other mixed sleeping spaces, provide system smoke sensors in each separate sleeping - room, living rooms convertible to sleeping and areas providing access to the corridor doorway. Multiple sensor sounder bases located within the same suite or unit shall activate at the same time. + To minimize false alarms, avoid locating smoke sensors near the kitchen. • Public Areas, Corridor and Back of House Areas: Provide system smoke sensors where: + Required by governing code. _ + Smoke exhaust is required in compliance with the other requirements of this Module. • Duct System Smoke Sensors: Provide duct system smoke sensors as required by the NFPA 101 Life Safety Code. Provide remote test switch and indicator light accessible from floor level. 14-8 August 2006 '�� Copyright, Marriott International, Inc. �affl0tl Design Standards Fire Protection / Life Safety - 14 - 3. Carbon Monoxide (CO) System Detectors: Install CO detectors with sounders connected to the FACP. • General: Provide in rooms and areas containing fuel - burning appliances and equipment. - • Fireplaces: Provide detector in guestrooms and public ___ spaces containing gas or wood burning fireplaces. 4. Manual Pull Stations: At Front Desk only, unless required in other locations by applicable codes. _ 5. Firefighter Communication Systems: Comply with _ goveming code requirements. - 6. Alarm Notification Appliances: Provide audible notification appliances (speakers, mini-horns, horns, or sounder bases of system smoke sensors listed for general and local evacuation) and visual notification strobe lights in locations according to the following: • Guestroom, Suite Rooms and Other Sleeping Spaces: - Provide audible appliances in each sleeping room. In properties with separate multiple sleeping spaces such = as suites and apartments, provide in each sleeping room. • In ADA Accessible and Hearing Accessible designated Guestrooms, Suites, or Apartments: provide audible alarm and visual alarm strobe(s). + Arrange strobe(s) to flash in each room or area and bathroom when system smoke sensor(s) and (CO) detectors in room(s) or unit(s) activate. + Arrange strobe(s) to flash in each room or area and - bathroom when the building fire alarm notification alarms activate. Low-Rise Buildings: • Guestrooms, Sleeping Rooms: Provide system smoke sensor with sounder base. • Accessible Guestrooms / Sleeping Rooms: Provide system smoke sensor with sounder base and visual - stobe(s). Additionally provide a strobe in the bathroom. • Public Areas, Corridors & Back of House (BOH): Provide mini horns and visual strobes. High-Rise Buildings: • Guestrooms, Sleeping Rooms: Speaker and system smoke sensor with sounder base. • Accessible Guestrooms / Sleeping Rooms: Speaker and strobe(s). Additiona'lly, provide strobe in bathroom(s). • Public Areas, Corridors & BOH: Speaker and strobe. - Copyright, Marriott Intemational, Inc. �c7fr101t August 2006 14-9 14 - Fire Protection / Life Safety Design Standards 7. Emergency Message Appliances: • Low-Rise Buildings: Alert tone (three-pulse temporal - pattern). = • High-Rise Buildings: Pre-recorded, alert and automatic voice message with manual voice communication override. _ 8. Annunciator: Provide point address to indicate floor, specific location, device and type of alarm. Provide annunciator(s) in area(s) monitored 24 hours by property - Associates (Security, AYS, PABX room, Front Desk) in a location(s) approved by Marriott and governing authority. H. Mechanical Smoke Control <15A> 1. Standards: �IFPA 92A and 92B. 2. Building Configuration: • Low-Rise Buildings: Mechanical smoke control is required in buildings more than 6 stories, regardless of _ height. Smoke control may also be required in other _ low-rise buildings if Marriott Fire Protection judges that fire department access is limited or exiting is not adequate. � • High-Rise Buildings: Mechanical smoke control is required. • Atrium: Consult Marriott Fire Protection Department for atrium smoke control requirements. 3. Application: • Public Areas: Provide mechanical smoke exhaust in - lobby, atriums, restaurants, pre-function areas, ballrooms, meeting rooms and exhibition halls. Activate by area smoke detectors. • Guest Corridors: Provide mechanical smoke exhaust. Activate by area smoke sensors and by floor water _ flow switches (independent of each other). • Stairwell Pressurization: Mechanically pressurize stairwell in compliance with NFPA 101 <15A>. • See "Fire Alarm System Sequence Matrix" at end of this Module for sequence of operation. • Manual Override: Include manual override controls at the Central Control Station (Fire Command Room) or designated area. 14-10 August 2006 �aff1011 Copyright, Marriott International, Inc. Design Standards Fire Protection / Life Safety - 14 I. Kitchen Hood and Duct Fire Suppression 1. Application: Provide fire suppression system for kitchen _ hoods and duct in food production kitchens <10> <15A> - <15B> <15C>. 2. Suppression System: Provide the following: — - • Sprinkler System: Sub-zone off kitchen area sprinkler - main with separate annunciated flow and control valve tamper switches. (See NFPA 13). _ + Provide the following type heads in locations of food - production kitchen hoods and ducts: Hood/Duct Locations Head Type Temp. Rating Cooking Surfaces/ Grinnell EA-1 163° C (325° F) Appliances Plenums/Collars Grinnell EA-1 260°C (500° F) Exhaust Ducts Grinnell EA-1 260° C (500° F) + Exception: Where sprinkler system is not approved for - hood and ducts by governing authority, provide Ansul `Piranha"dual agent suppression system. - - 3. Other Functions: Provide kitchen hood and duct system flow switch or control units of fire suppression system to perForm these functions: • Send fire alarm signal to FACP. • Disconnect gas and electric for cooking appliances and lighting under the hood(s). Manual reset is required. • Shut-off kitchen hood make-up air handler. J. Emergency Electrical Systems <15C> 1. Standards: NFPA 110, NFPA 70 (NEC), IVFPA 101 2. Requirements: Emergency electrical systems and standby power are required for emergency power and lighting, and to maintain property operation in the event of loss of normal _ incoming electrical service. For other generator loads see Module <15C>. 3. Emergency Lighting: Provide emergency lighting for code required egress, property operations and security as follows: • Exit signs • Egress paths and stairwells • Exterior exit door discharge • Meeting Rooms, Ballrooms, Exhibit Halls • Restaurants, Lounges • Public stairs and steps • Telephone Equipment Room • Mechanical, electrical and elevator rooms • Public toilets Copyright, Marriott Intemational, Inc. �aff101t August 2006 14-11 14 - Fire Protection / Life Safety Design Standards • Fire Pump /Sprinkler Riser Room • Kitchens - • Laundry = • Front Desk • Employee Cafeferia / Breakroom _ • Employees lockers and toilets • Fitness Center - • Engineering / Maintenance Office = • Administrative Office area • PABX&AYS Room • Security Office • Parking Garage • Pool lighting (under water) • Fire Command Room (high-rise building) K. Central Control Station (Fire Command Room) 1. High-Rise Buildings: Provide at a location approved by the governing authority. <15C> L. Means of Egress 1. Standards: Comply with NFPA 101, The Life Safety Code, except"horizontal exits" are not permitted. 2. Guestroom Areas Corridors: <7B> A minimum of 2 remote exits; maximum 15.24 m (50 ft.) travel distance at dead-end corridors. 3. Public Assembly Spaces: • Occupant Load Factors: + Ballrooms, Meeting Rooms and Exhibit Halls <6> 0.65 m2 (7 sq. ft.) per occupant. + Restaurant, Lounges and 8oard Rooms <3> <6> _ 1.4 m2 (15 sq. ft.) per occupant. • Egress Capacity Factors: + Stairways: 7.6 mm (0.3 in) (width per person). + Doors, level components and ramps: 5 mm (0.2 in) (width per person). • Other Design Considerations: + Dead-End Corridors: 6.10 m (20 ft) maximum. + Provide door hold-open(s) with automatic release devices. + Provide panic hardware on assembly occupancy - doors where occupant loads are greater than 100 persons. - + Occupant loads greater than 50 persons, using the above occupant load factors, requires two or more remote exits. 14-t2 August 2006 'P Copyrighl, Marriott International, lnc. �8f f IOif Design Standards Fire Protection / Life Safety - 14 + The main entrance shall be of a width that accommodates two-thirds of the total occupant load. Other exits must accommodate not less than half of - the total occupant load. _ + Doors in operable partitions are not considered exits. + Egress paths through Kitchen do not qualify as an exit. - 4. Multi-Use Exits: Avoid sharing stairs and exit corridors with _ other properties (office, retail, residence, etc.). If - unavoidable, submit and obtain approval from Marriott Fire Protection of alternate facilities that safeguard the property operational and security integrity. <1> 5. Exterior Exit Path: Provide minimum 90 cm (3 ft.) wide, hard surfaced walkway leading to a public way. 6. Evacuation Signage: <16B> Provide in guestrooms <7A> and other rooms and spaces as directed by Marriott's Fire Protection Department. 7. Exit Discharge: One half of all exits shall discharge directly _ to exterior of building. 8. Stairwell Doors: Doors shall not be locked from either side. Doors to the exterior may be locked from the exterior. M. Special Considerations 1. Fire Resistive Ratings: Fire resistive ratings of walls, doors, shafts, stairwells and floor / ceiling assemblies shall comply with NFPA 101. 2. Linen and Trash Chutes: Comply with NFPA 82, NFPA 101 _ and NFPA 13. • Vent chute (full size) a minimum of 90 cm (3 ft.) above the roof line. • Provide metal prefabricated, manufactured chute within a rated shaft. • Install a sprinkler above the top service opening of the chute, above the lowest service opening, and above - service openings at alternate levels in buildings over two stories in height. N. Example Diagrams 1. General: The following schematic diagrams are provided to illustrate the systems described in this Module. • Isometric of Typical Zoned Low-Rise Sprinkler System • Isometric of Typical "Looped" High-Rise Guestroom Tower Sprinkler System • Typical "Looped" High-Rise Guestroom Tower Sprinkler Riser Diagram • Fire Alarm System Sequence Matrix Copyright, Marriott lnternational, Inc. J�aff10�1 August 2006 14-13 14 - Fire Protection / Life Safety Design Standards FLOW DETECTOR� _ L CONTROL VALVE WITH TAMPER SWITCH - HOSEVALVE - COMBINED - SPRINKLER _ STANDPIPE RISER � HARDPIPED DRAIN FROM FLOOR ABOVE� FROM END ,�. ,�i��i ;.,�„�.,;,�,�....: :..:..: .... BRANCH L NE y = FOREACHZONE�� �'i'��_� ?:Ri'iil TEST VALVE IN REA�ILY :'. - ACCESSIBLE LOCA710N n�i;rip INSPECTOR'S SIGHTGLASS HARDPIPED TO EXTERIOR �iil;ii!i1 ��o ELL ,-. i HARDPIPED i DRAIN � ���f�� �SMOOTH BORE � �i iiiiiii � _ CORROSION•RESISTANT i - OUTLET GIVING FLOW ��' � E�UIVALENT TO ONE I j SPRINKLER. i DETAIL: � INSPECTOR'S TEST ASSEMBLY i �'� / i _ INSPECTOR'S i i'� TEST ASSEMBLY;� SEE DETAIL ON THIS PAGE.�' 1 ISOMETRIC OF TYPICAL ZONED LOW-RISE SPRINKLER SYSTEM 14-14 August 2006 �a��1011 Copyright, Marriott International, lnc. Design Standards Fire Protection / Life Safety - 14 = � + - INSPECTOR'S TEST DRAIN - : FLOW DETECTOR � TAMPER tDRAIN VALVE WITH VALVE TAMPER INSPECTOR'S � SWITCH TEST VALVE INSPECTOR'S 4� �p��� SIGHTGLASS C . ' COMBINED SPRINKLERI - STANDPIPE RISER j i , �FIRE HOSE VALVE SEE DETAIL TO i ' ,��. LEFT,THIS PAGE j ", �.- i ::;. � i i � , i ;^ � i :� DETAIL: ' ' � FLOOR CONTROL VALVE i � - � ASSEMBLY INSPECTOR , TEST ASSEMBLY FIRE i j HOSE STATION. j �y ISOMETRIC OF TYPICAL "LOOPED" HIGH-RISE GUESTROOM TOWER SPRINKLER SYSTEM Copyright, Marriott Intemational, Inc. J�dfl'IOtf August 2006 14- 15 14 - Fire Protection / Life Safety Design Standards `ROOF HOSE CONNECTION ROOF ��PED CONNECTION _ ______________ ____ (TYPICAL) 10TH FLOOR 9TN F100R sni �.00R �n�F�ooR -. - - ---- COMBINATION SPRINKLER/ 6TH FLOOR STANDPIPE RISER 5TH FLOOR an� �ooR ►o- 3RD FLOOR _ 2ND FLOOR __. _ __ tST FLOOR_ _F DRAIN DRAIN FIRE DEPT. CONNECTION PUMP BY-PASS DEPENDABLE � WATER SUPPLY FIRE PUMP � SYMBOLS TEST HEADER JOCK�Y PUMP ---{�-CHECK VALVE ---`— MANOMETER --Do-- CONTROL VALVE __L �OW DETECTOR � W/TAMPER SWRCH ---�- OS&Y VALVE --�- DRAIN VALVE W/TAMPER SWITCH � FIRE HOSE VALVE --I`V--- ALARM VALVE -ao- VICTAULIC JUNCTIONS TYPICAL "LOOPED" HIGH-RISE GUESTROOM TOWER SPRINKLER RISER DIAGRAM * _ 'Verify with Marriott Fire Protection for Zoned System requirement. 14-16 August 2006 '" Copyright, Marriott International, lnc. �8ff1011 d' s�eu6ig � �c � --- 'r ap�xouoyy uoq�e� X X `° `° � 'c `° � � N m ° c - �� y a> � l6) r � E c c� � s�eu6ig�o�e�aua� x x .- �i�'� o .o c • N �(�ua6�aw3 `t E � o -°� °� o � � - U.J � (p �, "� L N� � � N C � � >,Q Q O - l8) xx a � � ° °' ° �aa o !� s�eu6ig dwnd a�i� �� .J a� Q u, � Z Z � � � Y d � (0 L 3 J say�iinng�adwel X X � � � � @� ��3�3 Q - -- � an�eq�a��ui�dg � ��? a� E Y �0 a� � _ O f0 � �oL ,�s � � � s�osuaS �a � _ _ � a�oWS 3��a X X x c�i uoi� c � c° �p E o _ +r say��inng�(�ddng c t �� �0 � `� � � - O ���46�H�Mo� X X N •3 � ? �ca Y .c.S o � m � � � o a uoissa�ddng �� ��n X >.> �o co L a�i�»�4 X X X X X � � x � �a� ° � � c c � �P o o H u a y�3��{ E a � - � C� co � o � ._ � O •� N � O � L U E E say�3iMg a�nssaad X X X X X � X X � � o � � '� � .� o 0 �a��ui�dg 1UQ � L o�o � E �n a� a� c'c �v3iv�i-o `o ° � EE - say��img . y -- c XXX XX � X X � m -o4 � ooh a� � � mo��a3e/W a�_ > . i� o- � °� �n �n �C co p-^> v' c m �° a� a� - •� suoi�e3g X X X X X X � � a` 3 �� � �,c_ io .� � c,�,C Ilnd lenueyy —° �,;—° `0 o c�y �L a�i a�i 0 o a o ... o @ -o-o � I£)s�osuag a�owg � y v°� a� � � °? � a,c m�o V wa;s�(g woo�isan� X X x x o� a�i Y@ o > °� � � .rn.rn - - - C fn � � f0 y� U� C O N fn y (0 'O"O � (LI'8 II.� N � O� E C =� O'O f0 (0 � . � s�o;�a;ap Yo��� @N� � c`oa�iEE � (n �eay woo�auiy�ew x X o �n m c � a� �nom � `mco �� � /�eys�o�enal3 v�i c`�a U o t o Y E � � � m �a � �' IL)s�o��a�aa a�i�°- m in 3 � a�o o � a��i�� y �eaHwa�s�(g XXX XXXX X �o � ��� � ��� � oo cn u�awc9-o���c� io� aa _ _ � (�)s�osuag t`p a�owg wa�s�(g X X X X X X X X a '-v v �, in ca r�ov rn C N L�.. � C � C � LL � y -o �� c c N C � (0 5' t � Y U C o �0 a� a� N �° E � 3 o m o` a`"i � L 1° � �� �n c � - r., a� � p o � • co > o, �' �n T � O 'O N N N Q � U.0 C � (9 C � ��L � � N O � � Q•� L c0 N O c0 O� N V O ._'O jri �U, �/1 � c0 .L... � � � ''C O `,C� C V V 7 !0 p � Y N"p �V � C Y y tA � ' �p Q y (0 �U �� -p� � p > ` o N C � Ur @ .r y � c � �p c r � � a �, � � � � NE @ co .0 � os �o c ° a� 4� c v� � a� a� m of �Tn � �n �o a° a ci �c � � � � � �' � � � Q am �0y aa� a� � c 3 � c� � � L � � � > > -� � �� -��o � � � d � � � � y .? 3 O y � C � p �"p 0 N � N C 7 � m � > f=6 Q y in R d Q U O � a� � � O > � . � co -o '> � � U U X y � Q .o Q h �° a� h io 3 ~- `° a ` � � NQ � Q d � d� m � c mr ">r?�°V � °' - � 3 � py � o � R � a� a aD3 � � � a� a�Q � � o ` € m � > Q �'� 'aE '° � o �- oo@u. � � � � om � N � y Q Qcoo•� � :c a�ia � 3L W o � � -o � mQ v°', •�Q � y� � �o -+ � L y` ��'� �� *x � C f0 � C 10� N N N � O.0 � C �'T (n W•� y N(n U y � � .. C N U � = y . N � � Q O � J C O C y y � � ? O N� ' - � .� c � � > p°� a x E vi r E "'° y�`m ai ea ? O� a � io o� '� � ' Q � � o d o � d d � a� Z `° E � °''� �� V1 � c � d d v p d W � � � c ° � �t c C c„a �a � f0 �c � a O �o a o �� G � o y � � N � �� = zE a`�`� ca�ac U _ „ �o UE �o � m •- d ' QQmEQ �-o �QO �'cnm Z C IaL � Q f�0 lL (/� f/y C7 C Q Q C7 � Q O Q Y N C7 • • • ,. ,... -:.:,...���,;,,r,z,-_.�,:v��. �.�� � „� - .�;n ' . , . . __ i: f — I 1 DE I IDE - SGNGU E SIDENCE NN IGN ANUAL _ January 9th, 2004 �b ;�: h-' ;�. ±�w ;.r,., . - . . ,'�� . ' � �1I� �. ,. ���� ' � q F�f'. � ��, ' .: 'M . 5 C�.)'.� k�4y`° , � tY�i. "j� _ ,:�<k '�R `� 'T P�� �y ' � �,_°.� � � � � � '..:�,.�; ' .....�r•.`.�1._�'? �' •`•�„YWC.e : ,...<.'a('.....� _ `-�����% w. .i - TP.ANSINORLD SIGNS ' . �. ':-➢ ! / j A h '..?' i �. '+5 ':eY �2.Jtr-. N/.i9' 'eF�.1':6?i .�.� x�t Y ' Y ':.: ' :,.: ..... 'L � .�. 'i ..I�I �'y !fZ F { ' i, _ 3 t': , G'� �..,I '� ; ..�'�� �- f F .�..:..._. . ..,:'._' v.,A.;... ...._.::_. _... �";.i: . ....�.::�.i ..:..... .._r ._ .':._._., }. The Sign Manual provides the general criteria for selection,sizing and placement of the Exterior Signs on the CFRST - prototypical buildings. Sign selection,sizing and placement for custom buildings,conversions,and retrofitting existing ---- buildings should be coordinated through one of Marriott's approved exterior sign vendors or Marriott's Lodging - Engineering Department. The manual is a guideline for franchise owners and/or their architects and contractors and contains enough information for rendering building elevations for the permitting process.The Sign Manual is not intended for actual fabrication of signs. Contact one of the Marriott's approved exterior sign vendors or Marriott's Lodging Engineering Department for procurement and installation information. t ...��'r -'� ,'�tE �xa'.�,"n,`,,r.+�'+:-��,c�'�-�� '�'���� f""���'�`� � �,r.. ��.�`�� ,""J'F-n.,�'w r w.�'�.�.r1� -"r.�,�'^�'�'`��,nt� .x�e� a�� :�c� �*� �;tv�r . y. � �.Y-."'�+�Gd;a,. �f��.,,� t� : 'C-.�y 4.°�. ��� .,f,�, v.��� � w �`�7-4- ,�y� sf§n� ��'*"S� �.� ���..~'�i-. �2'r r ^5, {�'y�,'C - � � iv �.j � 5- '""�'�, �4 .�,c a ' a 4� —� t 8'. x i.: .. ..r!:�>i_.t+. .:�,.�..e. ..�i..�e-..xat�..�".`�:.5,2n��:3;z!':",..,,��'e�i- ?�'Sur„k�'�°.`.h.�'a.,.��;',�f.�'i�,�`�',w.���°e"'�.�'ei�0�2',...��s�iu5��i,�`i��a"uk�+�.!T+:���.«°.�.^L�:�i"a °F`Ur�w L�'s`.--eW'-s'��i„�:,,.'��r,'..� -� , � ...,� CFRST Signage llsage Guideline Summary • Channel Letter Signs ---- • Single-faced,wall-mounted Signs ..............................................................................................2 • Monument Signs • Mid-rise Pylon • High-rise Pylon ............................................................................. ............3 ..................................... Reversed Channel Letter Signs ................................................................................................................4 TypicalChannel Letter Signs..................................................................................................................... 5 Alternate Channel Letter Solutions........................................................................................................ 6 Single-faced,wall -mounted Signs...........................................................................................................7 DirectionalSigns.............................................................................................................................................8 MonumentSigns..............................................................................................................................................9 PylonSigns.......................................................................................................................................................10 - ExteriorSign Locator.................................................................................................................................... ll �-_,�...;',:�_�;;; - ,�.� ,;.. ,.�����'�y::.�j'k� +."�£t%�Y+;��:'��� L f 3 J �4.�� Ti.��'. � I 1 � � ��( K��� 4 i . . I'.. � . F G:- I . :' ya . p��a .. � r :_ a 4' .l i l F'y`Y ii 4 . 4 I : r� ' h ! , s..y. ..rrk..�. fd.� .... .:,:r'�. ..,...�,i.�.Y�:.E.,Y.c.;., ;s „��., .._.�, .. +,r..,,..,- ..,...,.v.,., a . ..,s .�s�� i....:4_ .?,u.. ,..._�,..... �..,l�_H ....... ..... ... .. ... .. . . • CY& RI monument signs between 30 and 50 sq.ft. in total size shall be three-dimensionaL - Flat-faced signs are acceptable in certain locations(i.e.,tertiary markets, high vandalism areas, etc.). • SHS, FFI &TPS monument signs shall be flat-faced for all sizes.Three-dimensional signs are - acceptable in certain locations(i.e.,custom or urban markets). • Monument signs in excess of 10 ft.in height or 50 sq.ft.in total size shall be flat-faced or vaccuum- _ formed. ' • Llnless required by code or authorized by Marriott, primary signage structure shall not include non-Marriott brands. • When multiple Marriott brands are located on the same primary sign structure, higher transient brands should be located in the optimum visibility area(Highest transient brands to lowest are: - FFI,CY,SHS, RI,TPS). • All directional monument signs(entrance,arrows,etc.)are considered part of the new sign package and should comply with design standards. :,�,"'�?' {�.,y#„� ^;&'�a.:�g-�a� —x. �a� ,��3p�t�" � f Sxt'"+:.-,e. '�"14�`"f 5.�'r^+ �••—. §r� a?-v,e +L' t �_.n^s k g . ,Fs.'?� ��` Y�ti�:r'P � ' `°t'''c - kr i>.� �.l i'��`�°" _,��a::.r �s ur,��.�i4 �'' �.,�.� ',���i'����- a�#}l�"`_..,�r r r-rti 1P'Y�fi �.�£' � �-''�ti ,� f's ', � � ,�a.3� � ���r��„ ���`s@k° {e�'�y� 14 n�i'�.s,�6 �..�r1 ���r`'�Ft'���# �`�` `�' ,-�ta'� '� 4 7� � e � � � ^v � a...�x�.v�as�t�I, .k,.F:�.3'���,.�L i�14k��" +�i2�.ana>.b';43�'s]'��Sa:a��d.�"a x.'-0a&.�1�Q:it,��'�`t�r��i�d;:.th�c�A`• r�vw_'f�r�`5''`+`,:..�.st5u,`ez*�-�'»a:er.i+�z:lr`+�a ak��k,,wi�Ntt�.� • CY& RI mid-rise pylon signs between 50 and 80 sq.ft. in total size shall be vaccuum-formed. I Flat-faced signs are acceptable in certain locations (i.e.,tertiary markets, high vandalism areas,etc.). • SHS, FFI &TPS mid-rise pylon signs shall be flat-faced for all sizes.Vaccum-formed signs are acceptable in certain locations(i.e., custom or urban markets). • Llnless required by code or authorized by Marriott, primary sign structure shall not include non- Marriott brands. , • When multiple Marriott brands are located on the same primary sign structure, higher transient brands should be located in the optimum visibility area (Highest transient brands to lowest are: - FFI,CY, SHS, RI,TPS). ��--ttx -ye �t� P,r..r"�k,���f;r�`��'''�"ar:r�?�w�i-�L. � �`.$�s,�.nE ��9? c��+.�"'�`r.���,r�Y'.sEt�. ,�,a'�>'9 �3'M1'�._..: � '� ' 1 h 1 x�r"+� €� r ...N i� Q."F`i`,w � . . ,�, �..�+->..���v'�.�-f�I¢ti.�„�r F E!�Ax- �iz��. ,3,"i ��k4��1�7!.��. ru'������i' �3�-aV L.'�� �a+�- � � ~r n��, i�i�'a:µ ��&�+ s��,�_� ����i,,�a t;-_�� ,.t_:'*y�''�.v� . Y�1.�",�.i'���c�371�.''an�.3i�: .r�S��rnk'�'�'k'dd�.i��.,.�ti���;�;'��"�'v�n�e3��i�..��"�a.��'.n,°�R}�a.?��e�.�i�?�k.�.�F r.m���.,z,a��.;��,u:�:'�a-����.e r�.`�..r.k.j�k�_.��;..a5;1a'��:.,,.�b.t d�'.,h.�..,iN � Due to current trends in planning and zoning,verify local jurisdictionnal requirements. � By keeping the same square footage and location you may meet grandfathering provisions and therefore avoid the need for variance approval. ' • Llnless required by code or authorized by Marriott, primary sign structure shall not include non- Marriott brands. - • When multiple Marriott brands are located on the same primary sign structure, higher transient ' brands should be located in the optimum visibility area (Highest transient brands to lowest are: FFI,CY, SHS, RI,TPS). �--���� _ ,�;:�.. � �... •,--� ,:s�:�,=:-�; . . ., _-__ . � ., .. _. ,,.: �:: j . vS.� '.. x- F -' t . : A . r' Y:. J 'y . L 1 fr� '+'J �I �'�� ��[4 '.�` $} � > �y 3:�.' � y, i ��.Z yij3 � � � � F; 'C C 1 . � -�: ��y�� Y� -a# 4 L'� ) ,� ���5{ k k�� � � B� '� r e � ts �`�:7{� F d s �. J�� -'� � ,� "'4� .�r�' ,� � 5 ��-r x �` ib`� - �fi� . -. �..7�7- t ��. � � , z ; s .,,. h �� � ,� ^z� ""��.- r+rl.�� . 4 ���� x r .,...rx.:t. . ,.i;..:`r�.. ...:.,r'.: ,..,_,..�y.t�<<.....:s,r �,�„ ....-:: , , _.:�.:.. . ..::t.. _ ...,..,........ ..,. ..._. ........ ... ....'�,, .,.�..t.:a .,.. .�...� .....�.. �°L.... . „ ,.. .. .... i: t n . , � . .� .. �.. ..� .� , �... : �. � ..:.. . . ..�... � . . --° ......�,,..,.... . . .. � ,"; � i . .. _ :__ ._,_.:..._ .._.�_�_. '� , iik A�,r� ' ;.:..,:: . ..._�:� .. __..___ ._�__. _T._ . _......__... � '._�. ° ...-i:•....'' ' ..._�_.,.. . , . �� ........,. �.,_., . ._ .,_ . . .._�_� _� . . . ' " --' .,:..:.. ._ `�.'.-.. ,':�� .'..".. r......"_,. ' ;. „ ..� � ..� ..:.... .......""" . . i , —. I . . . _ . — .,;:. . ... , i s� .- '— —'.:,.:_ .I��X��. _..._ __:._- ! . ` � _ � _., _ . __ - -- __ -- � _. �� _ �l =_ — - _... � _._ - - - _i ---.� , , _ .;.... -- ; -� �� •- - � � — _ : : _ .. _ - . ,_ ___ _._._ . _�, _ _:�� _--, _: _ ,, _ . . _ �_ . .___ _: . . __ _ . � ,s � , _ �_ :� �r n� . �� — . � � C;, _ � _... :.. .. ....: ... .. . . _.. -_. _.:. . ._... . ..__� ... . � � ._ :_:_, ... ,�, ��, =� .,., , ,,, - �,, rt - . �,t .. _ , .�.r ,,_� £.� � �.,:. �. � t>, ;.�_ . _ . :., _, . Preferred Option for Guest Buildmg (F�o�t �le�ar�o�) � �2 C B 1/2 C � _.__ . ,. ....... v�--� - --� ---- .... ,--- ,,. -- ----- ---- ----- --- ---I -- �, � - , V - ' ' � � � � � : _ es1 �r��_e ,� Io � � , : Q� LL ; � I._: _ _ Inn � _. -.. _ ....-_-- ; � ,jl�arriott : - � W I i ��_ � _..--..........- - - �, - �— ----------�------�-�-----------------•---------------------.._-----= Pratedion Area ^ Preferred Option COLORS MATERIALS ELECTRICAL __..-----.._._.._.__....__...__.______...__ _._.____.�.__._..�__._.__._......-----._.___ REQUIREMENTS _.__.�._.. __ __�__�...._..�.. ..._. ._.._ ...�,. _..�._. . . . . _. . , . _. .. .. . .. .. _ . . _ .. ... .... .... .. ._ . • Letter faces:Duaf color film • 8"depth alummwn retums,painted gold. • RI Ch 24:120 volts,k amps,�:circuits 6urgundy#VDN11850. � Letter backs from computer cut aluminum. • RI Ch 3U:120 volts,Y,amps,�circuits. • Returns and tnmcap:painted gold � 3/16"thk Acrysteel faces,pigmented � RI Ch 36:120 volts,�;amps,>;circuits. PMS#872C,safin tinish. white#2447,vinyi graphic applied on • RI Ch 48:120 volts,k amps,?�cirwiES, Mdrriott first surface by cold transier. ._.----._—_-_,_._____...,----.f_.,.-,-. � 1"gold Jewelite trimcap. A B C D E F � Letter faces:red vinyl#VT11331. • 15mm 6500 whi,e neun CL Designer. • Retums and trimca afnted old • "-., .��''i"`'-,. z_`:�'�: 6'-�" 13'• 10" 24" 17" 20" 14" P P k �.,��._', , a:s:"�' c PMS#872C,satin finish. Marnott ; ,r4 ..,,�y h.,,:;� ��,z,,,� • 5"depth aluminum returns,painted gold. � Letterbacksfromcomputeitutaluminum. +,,;�� .rr� rr ' 4=��� +�s�;; T_6" 1T-4" 30" 22" 25" 18" - • 3;16"thk Acrysteel taces,pigmented WnaE�zaa�,v��,yl braphic applied on e F `" � �'W first surf�ce by cold transfer. a�f 4'�.�,s_ .��.��'�� 8'- 11'� 20�, ���� 36�� 26�� 30,� 22„ • I"gold Jewelite irimcep. � -s»�=«�t��;,-�;;;� -�"n� ::.„�: , • RedLEDlightingsysterri .�'�,4�;�".'*-,:'_t:-�J:�,,;;�a`;'��. 11' 11" 2T 9�� 48�� 35�� 4��� 29�� "!�`v4 � 'K-�50�. ps.'�F'�";,"'"P}'��°�r4'^.`� ��v�s�.-s a y'i e F�.4 m -��Ti '�'-�'�?��'�-. th �'n, ',�F,�7 9'.w, " ��w""��� k1 d9��y�`i �£� zti.�'�i�t�4'�43 �5�R�`� �-'��+'i`��a�` F h'•w "�����'c��� �� � r'` �'� Y �'��'s � e . "�-���j �'-�� a�J a S k� - �.' +�- `�' 3. 'k..L.4R�� a. ��� .y . �taU'',� J },",�'s° .. 'n° :, ��z ��'_. ���'X`." ""�i.�ti� �� �,.�F.�'.',�i��`�.'�^�..��° °Z�`^.�.�.-M��.f����� �'. L^,4n +. . '.y�.y �1 w�l�� in'@�;�s '�-�� '£��trss.��_ �C`a,. � .�����n..��a�,�..... �, _ '� .JabE�.. ,.� <.. .,.,�.:� ,s�..��...:�� .� �� �.. , . -... .� .: .. .!:,,.. ,,._ (�: -_ r < .. �- r`� �- .n 3 �: s � :._ :: � �; f - j 9,4°. a��y �kp"""v+� �"h�F'u��'� �nf` �-tz y�.�� � Yqa ��,r!�p �'YV�) ��� �cr� �f �"�, i;M;� � '�• �s� � tw� {. f r �� a � '' i � � & s .A � a A" ��k` � ��. t� � � t 4 � `F� �[ s �€ a � r �. fr ' �.. � 4 F 3 r .s x ti � z �l� "� 9�.' b, M�'ti � � "F� � n � � � � r u '� z �-.� � 1( i f . ✓ � �. .� - s � �.,�.�.Y d��,"a,kY.�:.�°,a.Y!��^:..°4��`' Y,�Ap�� ��_.h.na:��Yv�.,::..���r�.�. ��.£i.�'�g.��,.u.,,,°t.f��';�.?'r'r,�.:�....�ij ,.,�,�r�:�....2 �.: G.S.�'P,_�� ��" '� ��:r . � M _- i � � s �� - i; .._��......._ � "" �' -'.._ .._..�.._ ��� ...t.....,.,,.., •..�.,..:.; _J. '- --— "- - i��. .. � ._ __ ' "' _—�� —'__ � , ' " ......._:.. .. .. . . . . . � � ,. .. -. . . . ...,_1 .._ � F � . ,:,. i ... :.: . :: ::. . ,.---., _,,., . .. ... . ; __ .; � Y ��,-'. . .--<.�,..... _ .. , :w,. .:��, ,. r> .a:_. .... _ ' .. `_' _" i . __ :.. . �. ... .- .. _ _— _' __._ __— .. .._. _.. ... , �. ___'_.. .. . ._ . � . : . � : .:. . �" .__ . .._ _ .. . -r—� � _ _ ' _ ' � 1 i ... _ .� �._, � .. � .- .: , .... ,.� ... . .. ^_._."'_ ...,.___ «...._r. _...__ _ ' ._ . _..._ �..... . '�� '.._.,-._ . . . _. -. ,. '_ ,. "'I .. ... ' ' . . " .. . � ��'_ � � *"_ .....—__" "''' __'__' . , :. .. ".-'.--•.�_ ...__ :- � . ...... .: ..v,. . -._ �_ �._�. ................ . . ........_ . .. . _. .-�.. _ _ _J_� _— .� ., . ,.. .' •. J {_.._— . . _— . ' ___-__ f � �'.-'_' ___'__.�.�,.... ...:.�::' . '�.�___ ': . '�,._. -, _ . �,,,:. J�- . ., � , , . ..�=... ' � . . . . .., .�...:-., .:....,:,.,.. . - " . ::: � Preferred Opti�on�for Guest Buildi�g ( ��� �`����,: � .��� ���� � � �� tl Rear Elevation) COLORS - --.---..__..___.._...__.__---------_.—_.�---_�_---.._._.___.__...._.______�_.._..�.----------.--,—.-, ,�>,. • Rlle�and retemer painled burgundy#MP38021,red#MP08937 from Mafthews,and gold PMS Y612C,saUn finish. <��` • Background burgundy 8VT4152 and red 7!VT11331. • Border and trees gold#VDN11780 over a layer of#VTV9679. ' . , . . • All other copy is white. MATERIALS ,.,_.._......_.._.._,__.._._....,.......__.._____..,_�...---..._._.___�_.____.._.__......_.._......__.�...�._...__�.....____._.._.__.__..._...�___._....._,._ Panaflex O_ption � ' • Aluminum exVusiun tiller and retainer,R"depth(18"I�iigh Rue appGca[ion) painted burgundy,red and guld _ • Face fromfiezible matenal"Panaflex",vinyl graphic applied on first suAace by cold transfer. . • 24 ga metal sheel backgrcwnd,prepainled white on one side. � � • Illuminaled by fluorescent lamps,H/O, •;:;, , �,',. , Acr steel0 tion ' °° � ��; P .... Y ..._._._._.F.. _... .._.____...... ._ .__.._._.�____.__._ ._._ _... ----._.._..__.__ .. _._. .. _ ......_. , ° • Aluminum sheet filler and retainer.081 thk and 125 thk 5 depth,painted gold and red. Pafl�f�e'X �PflOrl' • 3/16"thk Acrysteel face,pigmented white,panned and molded,vinyl graphic applied on Tirst surface by cold transfer, • 24 ga melal sheet backgruund,prepainted while on one side. • Illurtiinated by fluurescenl lamps,H/O. ELECTRICAL �:� REQUIREMENTS ..._._._..----.----------------.____.___..-----��__.____._.____.------.�.._....._._�._._.._..._._.._..--.---. • HI N.�M 50 120 vol(s,7.Z amps,l cirtuit. • RI N,'A9 100 120 volt5,123 arnp<,I circuil. ' � , � � • RI N,'M 80.120�vlls,B 9 amps,I circuil • RI WA91?0.120 valts,l2 4 amps,1 c�rw�L Panaflex Acrystee) „s�.�;c;y,-Y� ',�} 5'-8"X 9'-0" 5'-11"X 9'-3" - i�'��b��'z >y„'.�.' ' ' I � �''. ,;�;?.;:�.� < T- 1"X 11'-3�� T�4��X 11'-6" - �"� z ���N�.�°3�° T- 10"X 12� 6�� -;; �y ;�;�: � � Acrysteel Option ` ' Y�� 8'-8"X 13'_9" �"' �;`. a `.�� ': 4 y���''f'` -u�'.. �1�lS� . �°"�`�5Y"+a1F� ��������m�.�,�^'''�! r�� � 'qy. ��'-Y�N�� �yr - �� W , ���i � ^��n3 t j"Y�.� �k p�" ` a' *,a �Kr,.{1�,,�� �'c�i�� yi}e, t a.,� "�'''r . . & �'. •3� `�. ' �,��,.� h L�+i'� �.«..n.3.?v. � - al°.�,��� ie .. '��r�. ' ��.,�Enis.��"'d,.'�ID�A4:�:�,.'4�������?"ro�r��i+b> �.�� "- �f. ��:,taY�i� ��u . :.>� . , i'.'�_. .. . �'ti.�°A�'��i.5'i9Y¢ ��.,a.��dS . � . .�'t'.. , .r'�i� .i;ier�:��< <pL j:gi�.: -, -. ' y h. � I �t- '. - � f.. t- k . Y y q .. 4Y, z',-, 1g ' � �s� � � � � '"� rs� { 2 S � � i E Y t;, F q" _ � t 9 r �� u � '� �'. �� r� �f �B @ E Q� �� � � $ � �i ��yr� s �&�a!v�.'+��'�'�r;��d E���I.; �. �vt L i �'�e�'rn h a� � �' _- � ���t, s� �;a�Nfi� � �'�- . � � .�.:..:.;1 �,. .:�r.:._. :. ��� . ..:��.�� .., ... ..��.�. .. ',.,�:.�... ,� ..� -.4;,:rr� ,.�,. ?` ....... ... �:F`:;, _.0 .., ..�_,.... ..... _ ._.... �. .".�.xx!;. ...,...�.!e�: .s.�.... .. ._._ ...�. � � � S- .� 3' -'f 1 s_ z p 7 COLORS = .._... . ... ._....... .. ....... _..... .... ._...... ...._...._._............�..... .... , .... ..........__......_._....._.._.... ..................... ...__._...... --._............. . ....... � �iller,�'e'ainer ar�d irimcap paimed burgundy#h1P3802�,red ' � � � #1�lppf±ii7 frnn�AAatihr.wa,and gold PMS#872C,sa±m finish. _ • Back�round b:irg�indy�VT4152 and red#VTl i?;l(�MF08937 �. � . � . Matthev:�s,satin{inish). � • Border vnd trers gold#VDN11780 over a layer of#VN9679. � . , . _ � • All other copy is�ahite. - • Uaduing painted gre�•#MP20140,Matthews,gloss finish � ' ��.;, _ __ '�`:� ';� MATERIALS � ' � ""� RI Monument�l�0 end RI�Monument 20������ �������� � � . . . ._ . ..,. _..._...,. _,. �'y$-,,.� � 'v .4�YN tt i`u '�- k�'S4 ( - �_ " i , ,.iyf,yYi • .081 thk aluminum filler,8"overall depth,painted burgundy and red. • 3/16"thk Lexan faces,pigmerted white 4T28,vinyl graphic appiied 3+.,,:�.`,�, �i'��� `��3 ,�;;o '�.a '� �;: ,�s �r :_. �i - on first surface by culd transfer. • 1"lewelite trimcap,cimented to Lexan faces and painted gold , and red. ,._. ., r • Illun'iinated by(li.iorescent lamps,H/Q • ,081 tl'�k aluminum claddinq painted grey. > _ RI Monument 30 and RI Monument 50 �_..----- ---..._�...__._.....—.__......_ ...___ .--------. ..____ • Residencc Inn section 081 thk alurtnnum hller and retainer, J' 201j2"overall depth,painted burgundy and gold. � � , � � _ • 3ilF,"thk Acrysteel faces,pigmented white#73?8,panned and � , � , molded,vinyl graphic applied on}irst sur?ace by cold transfer. � � ,__ . __. _�,_.. _. � ' • Marriott section:.125 thk ; FACE CFOSS._SECiION ` �:�':� . 1 : �,�. �a: � � eluminum liller,retafner and ! ,��j_ ! faces painted red. � � , �� • Copy ruuted-out from �- �:,F i�nc�i i� c � t� ���r_ ��`�'r'� ai�i�, alumi:wmfacesandinfdled j I.anrnO.�itl.ncl tl � � `� ' � g3��� _ ` .�x < �. z ; �,�(u�- � with 3/B"thk dcar acrylic � i;��� tT ;'`'' .�; 3 cutted-out lettcr;vvith white j -`��' �, �f x.� i � iranslucentvinylapplizdon � , ��xr' s �� 'r�u �•'t� tirs?surface by cold transfer. ` "'°":'0"�` a -i+ z».` ;, 'r ��'� b ���`' I ..FS 3.,<:.-s i • Illuminated by fluoresc�nt `��1 '},� � Y °_�' " I . 4 . . ' . ., . . . , larnps,H%O. i N�mm�•iun:a,nm� - • 15mm red neon tubin `. i t �+ Sk,� '��" '' -r° � � $ � 5.�ie•inti.iea�acryiic�n { ��� s t �;E 4�+ � }:r� (on 3 sides). ! M�«ou.rn��s _ cr�T.-��,"�: . �. . • .OFI thk aluminum claddin ! I' B t�te7nwaii.minumWr..:•--'---�►" painted grcy. i ` f � ;:. � � � . .�.�.. _--------'--°----___--..� .. RI Monument 80 ` ' ' `: • .051 thk alurninum filler and retamer,l6"overall clepth,painted gold ' s ;;(' ,� ��` and red. ` ; ,,_.._ ,.., _ . • 3j 16"thk Acrysteel faces,pigrnented whde#7328.panned and - rnolded,vinyl graphic applied on first;u!tacc by cold transfer. \"� • Illumina?cd by tluorescent lamps,HjU- _ • .U81 thk aluminum dadding painted grcy. � • , • • ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS • RI I�lonument 10 120 volis,1.5 arnps,l ur.urt. � RI Monument 20.120 vol±s,2,8 amps,l urcuit. � � • RI Monument 30:12U vol;s,5,2 amps,l circuit. • RI Monument 5U:120 volts,8 3 amps.l circuit. � ,'j�; • RI hlonument B0 1?0 volts,133 amps,l circuit. ''a �" y �b J , Overall Height � � '° �� � � � r -: � �:: ` 2, 6��X 4, �" 3, 6�� Y g ,�, � o ;,`�r: 'h� :.�'� - t��t._,�T , r'.,,M..s,�L, �;A 3�_�.,X 5,,8„ 5�.��� ,c'.' r�,w � �,� �4�'��.<,�}.�u�� +.4�r:Fw � .�,. Y� i.�s,-" - ..�,�,�>• ' :,ia�. °i�. q� 3„X 6� 9�� 6'-0"to 12�_��� rg.�y yi. _ � �. . � �: u �� ... ': ... s.� .t.ti i . 5, $��X 9�.��� 8'-0"to 12'-0�� _, ,>, ;, ,� , � T��.�,t..z. i�;;, ; . . _ .. ; r: -� �.�.s�k.�,.� ��_4�,X 11,.6„ 15'-0" �.�, �,a}� '���. r ��+. �7 �.sut',.'�R Rtkt .,r+��5 �W 1� �" �q�'�,- .. a m� '�'°rc"'!'ais:�'"��.x.gi�, g ��Lu r 1` _ ��;,..°+-zi � 'Yj; s*+,'i'7i^'���-'45� �Y�'k��ir��'S3S & T�,��yi• . �3 y�r,, � " �—r . "�� F rt�'„iS,� ,,f. �"S�.� -�' ��5.�'+.`"tki 1�'. .+:k-:3�i�vr v- �,r��"F+�+$ti'Z�r'�q�vvP+��'`�'yr�Ki�'�;���j.Sr,f!�'����P x�7:M+krg•,,,.xsa��, �...'._. . t:���, i�^��C-������3�''���t�a ��.`3yi���`xr�g���a�sl"�"t� :rv:es.e�-..a-.� e3.t�3444iL^im+�'„e. 5z'.��_�7„r....��.A:.aikre�,a� .�rt:s�...�s+�].7�� '�"1' �:'o-'�_... ?�...,,5.�m �5.� .�W.'�;..3"s.,.'�_,..�.'�4�5._..� �,.,. .�nv:r� , , _ ..-'e:_:�:,'�i^�.`: ,L•�r:t,u� .�'I.,. .i�5 c ' �' � r sl � : t� , �i '{�. a -. y�e � r�� �y� x i � :l�` 1i t R . ' ^t ;5 } WY �� f. , 1 t4 ! f. ? y � � �.y� tr�- � X F � � ;�. .r wi t �, r,� r r ,� �.3 � ' . , . -, . , .� x . , .�:���: _ .:,,:.,..� ,.. ..�,t. ,., .�;..:.�,. .. _',.��c� . .. ...�.::;-,.... ..�1.�.' . ._.�.x,.::.� ..<:N�..�.,_ t.:,.�� .,�..... .. r,,...,.._ ..�:..x._..,._„ .,... ,._r.......�� ,s�-�..., .._.,,, ... y { '* L d � I � - "- '— � , 3 �����_�� - ,��'�s �' — � w,�a ��1. , �"' _ ' �,.� � I.u. , �a*s. 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N � N �R C, � � p p VT e O. m''�y �j` o v o o � �-.� W' m o f/] 'a m ~ ~ v �� �°•': � a� � �.: � y� � d O, f0 ,G:,(,� '-�- � c9 d d cn W�':It m; . - 11��{� -�= tti`cc� ii�, ,' c N?� a.L':. .. ; Uj'i , .�y — az �= Lj.'� > Y � 3 nID N N � .0 � � � � �� ch c`') M �� � ��O: a �.N:. ip � �l: li; tD O .N, d Y t�? 'Qj "dL.'. > ` �•. �..� �� o � � � lL':>:.: .,.Z:"i, SECTION 00320 (00 31 32) GEOTECHNICAL DATA PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Soils Investigation Data: Soil and subsurface investigations conducted at site by an independent testing laboratory and report with log of borings prepared. Includes an __ added letter and data from October 2007. 2. Report obtained for Architect and Engineer design use only. 3. Copy of report is on file with Owner 1.02 SOILS INVESTIGATION DATA A. Interpretation: 1. Soils investigation data are available for information and convenience of Bidders, and is not warranted to indicate actual conditions. 2. Owner, Architect, and Engineers do not assume responsibility for variations in kind, - depth, quantity, and condition of soils. Owner, Architect, and Engineers disclaim - responsibility for accuracy, true location, and extent of soils investigation prepared by others; and further disclaim responsibility for interpretation of soils investigation data by _ Bidders such as projecting soil bearing values, rock profiles, soil stability, and presence, level, and extent of underground water. 3. Soils investigation report and data are not part of Contract Documents. 4. Report any variances from Geotechnical Report in writing to the Owner's Representative. 1.03 BIDDER INVESTIGATION A. Bidder: Visit site and become familiar with site conditions. - B. Bidder may, at Bidder's own expense and prior to bidding, make soil surveys and investigations Bidder considers necessary. C. Bidder assumes risk that soil and underground conditions may be other than that indicated in soil investigation data. D. Procedure: 1. Obtain authorization from Owner prior to start of borings or subsurface investigations. 2. Immediately upon completion of Bidder subsurface investigation, return site areas affected by investigations to condition existing prior to start of Bidder subsurface investigations as directed by Owner. 1.04 CLAIMS A. Claims for conditions found to be not as indicated in soil investigation data are not permitted. PART2 PRODUCTS Not Used PART 3 EXECUTION Not Used - - END OF SECTION ATTACHED GEOTECHNICAL SOIL INVES'I'IGAI"ION REPORT Section 00320-1 Timberline Roost Lodge, LLC Geotechnical Data Residence Inn&Timberline Lodge Condominiums-Vail, Colorado - Addem.#2, Rev. 3, Dated 12/21/07 - ICQECI�LEII� CC3tiS[:L_T1�C� E,�GI�'�E�S. i�C. CU��'SL�1 TI;�'G GE07'F_C/�.'�'lC.-�L :�,��D ;1�ATER1,-�LS F�'GI,��EERS _ GEOTrCHNICAI_ I1�V�.STIGA"f10N NROPOSED HO'frL A1�'D CONDOM1NtUM I3LI1LD1?�'G I.O"rS 9, 10; ] 1. A1�D 12 1783 NOR1'H FRUNTAGE ROAD - VAIL, COLORADO Prepared fur: - Greg Gastineau Timberline Commercial Real Estate ]2 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Job No. OS-] 12 Jul�� 1 �, 2005 Df.'A'6'FR: /7.i64 1•1'v.s/Alamcda PrkN��.,Sui;e llS,Lo�4e��•nud, CO RO?7R(.�(l3J 989-;37? Al•�.\'iC'!!.�''FRTNI)R•�f� !47/1� Oe0_h/�/19 J�,I•, i�. =�c�l�; K�%.`.rilLf.:/� CO'�5'Cl.TI:�GF_�Gl.'�'l:FR.S, l.'�C. I<,h ;���� (15-II� Corr�clr;nx Geur�chnicul L•�n.{enecrs - ;;�r�.L cF co���r���.�Ts SCOPG 1 EXl=CU"1�IVE SU�IMARY � PROPOSTD CUNSTRUCTION _s S1TE CUND]TlONS 4 = ]NVES"i'1G.ATION 5 = - ADDfT101�'AL i1�'VE5"1 ]GATfUN 6 SUBSLJRFACE CUNDITIUNS 6 GROUND WA`I'ER 7 EXlS1'ING FOUIvDAT10NS AND UTlLITIES 8 EXC.AVATIONS 9 SHORI'�1G ]0 - SEiSMICITY 10 _ R./aDON 1 l - MOi.D ] 1 FOUNDATIONS l 1 ` SL.�BS-0I��-GRADE 13 FOUi�DA1�lON DRAINAGE 14 LATERAL ��'ALL LOADS 15 RETAINING ���ALLS 1G SURFACE DRA1N:'1GE 16 1RRIGATION 17 COMPACTED FILL 1 S L1MITATl01�'S 19 VICINITY I�'[AP Fig. 1 LOCATIONS OF EXPLORATORY IIORINGS Fig. 2 _ LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS Figs. 3 and 4 LEGEND OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS Fie. 5 GRADATION TEST RESULI-S Fios. 6 thru 9 TYPICAL �'��ALL DRAIN DET.AIL Fio. l0 TYPICAL RETAINII�'G V�'ALL DRAIN DETAIL Fig. 1 1 SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Table 1 Jul�• I-1, ?Ol!; AOl:�7fL�:1� CO,�.S'LL'l.�GE;'�GI�FLRS. l.�C. I�ib '�U 0�-I !:' Consu/�ing Georcchnicn! Errgiricc�>> - - sco�r �This report presents the results of a �eotechnical in�esti�ation for the proposed hotel and condominium building to be constructed on Lots 9, 10, I1, and 12 at 1783 _ North Frontage Road in Vail, Colorado. �I-he approximalc site ]ocation is sho��n on the - Vicinih- Map, }�i�. l. l'he purpose of this investigation ��as to evaluate the subsurface conditions at the site and to provide g�otechnica] recommendations for the proposed construction. The purpose of this report is to provide descriptions of subsurface soil and bround - ��-ater conditia�s encountered in the exploratory borin�s, allo���able soil bearing capac;t��, recomirended foundation s�•stems, and recommended foundation design and construction cri;eria for the proposed building. This rcport ��as prcpared from data dzvelored during the field investigation, our laboratory testine, and our experience ��ith similar projects and subsurface conditions ii� the area. The recommendations preset�ted in this report are based on the construction o£the proposed building zs described in the PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION section of this report. V�'e should be contacted to revie�+� our recommendations when the final plans for the proposed building have been completed. A summar�� of our findings and conclusions is presented belo�y. �Ob\(� C)�-112 . Con.ful�in;; Gea�echnrrnl Engrncers EXFCU"T1vE SL1�1n1ARY l. Subsurface conditiuns encoun�cred in exploratory borin�s ��ere sliehtl�� �ariable acrc�ss the site. "fhe subsurface conditions consisted of asphal�, existin� fill. or natural, ��erv loose, sandy, �ra�elly silt o��erl�inc medium dens� to verv dense; cohblv, sand and gravcl to the rnaximum �iepth - explored of ?8.0 feet. "rhe exititing fill �{as charac�erized b�� medium dense, sand��; gra��elly silt with scattered cobbles. Practical drill ri� _ refiisal on bou!ders ���as encountered in all borinbs at depths �ar�•in�� from = ---- 1 ].0 to 28.0 icet. 2. C,!p to S.0 feet of c�;isting fill �+�as encountered at this site. Greater depths of fill could be encountered durin� construction oi�tl�e proposed building. All existing fill �vill need to be remo��ed from below construction areas prior to construction. 3. No free ground �+-ater �;�as cncountered in any of the exploratory borines _ to the maximum depth explored of 28.0 feet. F�3o��ever, plans at the _ ��riting of this report are for excavation depth up to 50 feet. Ground �tiater -- may be encountered belo�v a depth of 28 feet, Refer to the GROUND _ Wr1�I�C'P section o;th;s repo►-t toradditional details. - 4. We anticipate that sand and gravel, or possibly cobbles and boulders, �{�ill bc encountered at the pruposed foundation ele��ations. In our opinion, the natura] sand and gravel, or cobbles and boulders if encountered, ��-ill safely support spread footing foundations for the proposed buildin�. Refer to the FOUNDATIONS section of this report for complete - recommendations. 5. V1fe anticipate that t1�e soils at the potential f]oor slab elevatioil for the proposed building ��ill consist of the natural sand and gravel or possibly cobbles and boulders. ln our opinion, the natural sand and gravel, cobbles and boulders if encou�itered, or properly moisture conditioned and compacted structural fill will safely support slab-on-brade floors for the proposed building. Refer to the SLABS-ON-GR.ADE scction of this report for complete recoinmendations. 6. Because practical drill rig refusal on boulders ���as encoul�tered in the exploratory borings, �;�e anticipate that hea��y-duty e�cavation equipment will be necessary• to complete tl�e requirzd excavations. Refer to tlie EXCAVATIONS section of this report tor additional recomrnendations. � ��,;� ia. �oo� �,�o�r_:�:.c:t, �<�.•,sC'LT/:�GF.:�GI�fFR.S'. l••c - IUb '�10 U�-112 Cnn.�ul�ing G�o�rch��ical E,'i�gin��c-r� _ 7. F�xca�ations ��ere anticipated to be ?0 feet in d�pth for this in��estigation and therefore, borin�s •��er� ad�anced to a ma�imurn depth of �8 fce�. Plans at the ��riting of this report indicated e�ca��ation depth up to �0 feet. V��hen plans are finalized and the actual depth is determinecl, additional - in��estigation may be needed. 8. Due to the plans at the ���ritin� of this report indicatinS a depth of = e�cavation up to �0 feet and the pro�imity of surrounding structures, property lines and streets, it may not be possiblc to slope all of the exca��ation sides as required b}� OSHA regulations. Thereforc, a sl�oring s}stem nia}� be necessar��. Refer to the SI-�OKING section of this repon for additional recommendations. 9. I3ased on the subsurtace soil profile, this site has a seismic site classification of Site Class D. Refer to the SEISMICITY section of this _ report for additional recommendations - 10. The poteniial for radon eas is a concern in the area. Refer to the RADON _ section of this report for �idditional recommendations. ] 1. 7�he potential for mold is a concern. Refer to tlie 1�90LD section of this report for additional recommendations. ]2. Drainage around the structure should be designed and constructed to __ provide for rapid remo�•al of surface runoff and avoid concentration of ���ater adjacent to foundation ��•alls. Refer to the SURFACE DRA]NAGE section of this report for additional recommendations. PROPOSED CONSTRUCT]ON Based on the most recent architectural plans provided by G���athney�/Pratt/Schultz Architects, P. C., �ve understand that a five-story hotel and condominium building ���itli hti•o levels of below grade parking will be constructed on the subject lots that are currently occupied b}� the Roost Lodge. The Roost Lodge and its associated buildings � .,. , ....,. n�.a „��,�.r,� �v..�� ., � ,� c...vi •:_c.rt.�. : ��. Ji�b 'v0 U.-112 Cnn�ui�rir� G��r.rrclrnicul L•ir�,>rneci5 - �� ill be demolished and the ne�� structure c�n�tructed in its rlace. \�'e ai�ticipate �I�at �he t��o brlo�� erade Ie�els ��ill be of cast-in-place cc�ncrete construc�ion ���hil� tl�e }i��e stories abo�e erade ��ill hc of ��ood frame construction. The top of floor slab elevation f�or the lo���est le�cl of bclo��� grade parking under the hotel section, ��hich is thc south��est +�ing of the proposed building, will bc L-1_. ?974. ']�he top of f7oor slab _ elevation for the lo��est le��el of belo+�� grade Parking under the condominium section, - ��•hich is t}�e northeast ���in,� of the proposed buil�iin�, +vill be EL. 8007. In the north��est corner of tlie building, the lo�vcst floor slab elevation N�ill be EL. 798�. At the tiine t}iis _ report ���as prepared, structw�ai loads for the proposed building had not been detennined. - S1TE CUND1TiONS - Tl�e proposed buildin� ���ill be constructed on Lots 9, ]0, 1 ], and l2 at 1783 I�ortl� Frontage Foad in Vail, Colorado. Currently the lots are occupied by the Roost Lod�e. The Roost Lodse consists of four two to three story, Nood framed buildings and an enclosed, in-ground s�vii��ming pool. Tl�e area immediately to the southeast; south, and southwest of the existin� buildings is paved with asphalt. The Nortl� Frontage Road borders the parking ]ot and access drives to the southeast. Meado��� Road borders ehe site to the ���est. To the north of the site is a residential area. At the north end of tl�e site, a cut approximately 20 feet deep has been made in tl�e natural slope to accommodate the existina buildinos, resulting in a slope do���n to+�ard the south at a grade of approximately i:} percent. The existing parking lot at the south end of the site slopes do+�n toward the a !u!� 1;. ?G�i.� hUl:Cl�l.f�l� �O:�S1.LTl:�GE�G/�t:l:R.S'. f�C J��'.; '�u 0�-112 Can�ulr��i� G��orctlrir�cnl f�ii�;inct�rs — ���Illflti�SI 31. a ��f�d� C)� ��(1f0?�If11d1E�� 6 p�rc�nf. 1_andSCa�lI1L a1'OUfll� 1�1C e�IS1111�' buildin� consists of crass, asren trces and pii�e trecs. IN��ES�'IGA��ION Subsurface conditions at this site ��ere in•,•esticated on June 30, ?004 b�� drillin� seven exploratory borings ��ith a 4-inch diamct�r, continuous llieht, solid stem po��er au�cr mounted on a rubber-tire A�-V drill rie at the locations shoNn in tlie Locations of Exploratory Borin�s, Fio. 2. A» engineer from our of�ice ���as on si�e during our field ^ inves�igation ro supervise the drilling of the exploratory borings and to ��isually classify - and document the subsurFace soifs and �?round �vater conditions. Graphical lo�s of the - suosurface conditions encountered �+�itl�in the exploratory horin�s are presented in the Logs of Etploratory Borin�s, Figs. 3 and 4; and in Legend of Exploratory I3orings, Fig. �. — Soil samples obtained from the exploratory borings H�ere tested in our laborator;� to delemiine their natural moisture content, dry density, and gradation properties. 1'he results of the laboratory testing are presented in the Logs of Explorator�� Borings, Figs. 3 and 4; in the Legend of Exploratory Borings, Fig. 5; in the Gradation Test Results, Figs. 6 thru 9; and in tl�e Summar�� of Laboratory 1'est Results, 1'able I. � .., . . _. ... nl�t.lrll.Ll:• lv �Jt :.I/ �l� L:,�fil �['.!_A.), l �C. )�,b \'n (ij.� �? Consu!ling Geole['linrcul Engineers — ADDI"1 ION��L 1NVESTIG�TION �3�sed on �he most recent architectural plans provided b� G�ti�athney%PrattiSchultz _ ;lrchitects, P.C., ��e anticipate cxca�ations of up to 50 fee� ��-ill be required for the proposed building. Uur in��estigation tias based on previous plans (hat indicated an approximate ina.�imum depth cf excavation of 20 fect. Therefor�; borings �+�ere plann�d - - for depths of?0 to 30 fcet and the borings drilled encountered drill rig refusal at depths �var}�in� from ] 1.0 fcet to ?8.0 feet. Due to tlic proposed depth o.f exca��ation and the fact that tlie borings ���ere not advanced to deptlis greater than 50 feet, ���e recommend further _ in��esti�atio�l of this site when plans are finalized. The additional in��estigation should - provide information on the subsurlace conditions do��n to and belo��� the base of the pr�pos2d excavation. T�;iis additiunal infurrr�atiun ��ili assist in desi�ning any shoring s��stems tl�at may be required and provide informatior� on tl�e subsurface ground �+�ater conditions. SUBSURFACE CONDI7'IOTdS Subsurface conditions encountered in exploratory borings ��-ere slightly variable across the site. Tl�e subsurface conditions encountered in exploratory borings TH-] and TH-2 consisted of approximately 4.0 inches of asphalt overl�-ing red, bro��n, ���hite, dry to very moist, medium dense to ��ery dense, sand and gravel to the maximum depths e�.plored of 28.0 feet in boring TH-1 and II.O feet in buring TH-2. Subsurface condi�ions encountered in borings T}�-2 and T�li-4 consisted of approximately 4.0 inches � lul� i•a. ?OOS h"OE(7ILE/� CO�.S'lYTl.�"G/:.�G/.'�LERS', /.�C -- )ub�U. 05-11= Con�ul�ing Geo�ecl�nrcul E.�n�,��nee�rs — of asphalt o�erlying c�isting fill to depths of 8.0 fcet in borin� "i�H-2 and 6.0 fcet in boring T}-I-�. The existing fill consisted of dark bro��n to black, moist to �ery moist: medium dense; sandy, gravelly silt ��ith scattered cobblc:s. Un.ierl�-i,�g ehe existin� fill to - th� maximwn dcpths expiored of�24.0 fce� in borin� 7�H-? and ]6.0 fcct in boring Tl-I-4; - the subsurface conditions consisted of the medium dense to very dense sand and eravel. Subsurface conditions encountered in borings TH-6 and �rH-7 consisted of red, bro���n. dry to ven� moist, ��ery loose. sandy, bravelly silt to depths of�.0 feet in borin� Tl-I-6 and 2.0 feet in boring T�}-I-7. Underlying the sandy, gravelly silt to the maximum depths explored of ]3.0 feet in boring T}-i-6 and 18.0 feet in boring TH-7, the subsurfacc - conditions consisted of the mediwn dense to very dense, sand and �ravel. Practical drill - rig retusal cm bould�rs was encountered in all burings at di;pths varyino between 1 ].G and 28.0 feet. No free bround �vater ���as encountered in any of the exploratory borings to the — inaximurn depth explored of 28 feet at the time otdrilling. GROUND ���ATER No free ground waler �+as encountered in any of the exploratory borings to the maximum depth explored of 28.0 feet. ��o���ever, plans at tl�e H•riting of this report are for excavation depth up to 50 feet. Ground ��ater may be encount�red be)ow a depth of 28 feet. As indicated in the ADDITIONAI. INVESTIGATION section of t}iis report, subsurface ground water conditions could be better defined ���ith deeper borings. Ir� � ���� ia. zo��; f,nE�u�rfi� rn�s�rcri�cf:,cr�fE:�s. ��c. Jub ?�o. 05-112 ('rn�wrirn;; G��n�rchn:c :�! Fn;;inccr.c - - additii�n, our imesti��ation ��as cc>nducteJ durin�, a dn �iilie �f �ear. �l�hereic�re; i� i� possiblc: that g,round �{ater n�ay be encou��tered durin� construction if the coiistruction takes place during a ��et �imc of the �ear. if cruund ��ater is encountered durinc _ eonstruction. ���e should be contacted to pro��ide speciTc recommendations at that time. - EXIS`l�1NG FOLINDA7�[ONS AND UrJL]"T1ES V1'e understand the existing buildings ��•ill be dcmolished prior to construction of the new building. 1�'e recommend tl�at all foundations and existinc fill from tl�e existin� - structures be reli�oved and, if necessary, replaced �vitl� properly moisture treated and compacted approved branular structural fill. Any utilitics tu tl�e existind buildin� shuulci be removed and the associated till should be replaced ��-i�h approved structural till. 7his includcs; but is not limited to, Tll in trencf�es for the various utilities that could be encountered durin; deinolition o}� the exisling building or durin� excavation for the new building. A representative from our oftice should observe the re;noval of the �xisting�foundations and fill from utilities in order to verify that the TI1 and foundations have been removed prior to construction of the new building. - Ne��� eranular structural fill should be moisture conditioned and co►npacted as recoinmended in tl�e COI��IPACTED F1LL section of this report. A representative frorn our office should observe, test, and document all struciural TI1 placed for the construction oCthe proposcd commercial btiilding. Q Jul� I-J. 20U.` A(1fC11i.f.1� CC1'..S(Z77.�GE�(�;�F.E.RS, !.'�C. 105 '.�O �?-; I� Cnnsulii�i,{+ (.�eu,e[ hnicul Lnerni•ric = L=XC:AVAT1(�NS fiased on the mos� recent archilectural plans provided b� G��athne�rl'rattiSchulV_ - Architects, P. C., we anticipate that eaca�ations het���een appre�imatel� ?0 to >0 feet in = depth ���ill be required fc�r constr��c�ion of �he ne��� buildin�. 'fhe exca�•ation in the - south��est part of the site �ill be the shallowest at a dcpth of approxirnatelti 20 feet. The deepest excavation ���ill be sligl�tly east of the nortl����es� corner of tlie proposed buildine, and �vi11 be approximately 5� feet deep. Based on the subsurface conditions encountered ���ithin the borinds; ���e anticipate that these excavations �{�ill be in the natural sand and _ gravel. 1-�u��•ever, because practical drill rig refusal on boulders ��as encountered in the _ exploratory borir,gs, ����c a;iticipatc hcav�•-duty ccnstruction equi��rnent ���ill b� necessar� to complete th� required excavations. Care n�eds to be exercised during construction so that the excavatiun slopes remain stabie. ln our opinion, existing fill and tl�e ►�atural sand and gravel classify as Type B soils in accordance �vitf� OSHA. OSHA regulations should be follo�ved in any excavations or cuts. All existing foundations, fill, and soft soils beneath the proposed construction sl�ould be removed, and if necessary, replaced with properly moisture conclitioned and compacted fill. All fil] should be placed and compacted as recommended in the CO?��PACTED FILL section of this report. 9 10bti� 0�-11= Cansu:�rn� GcJo�eclra�cul EnF���ic�rrs S110fZING Uue to the depth of e�cavation and pro�imit�• of surr��undin�� structures, �iropert� lines and strcets, it mav not be possible to sl��pe all of the e.�ca��ation sides as required by OSHA regulations. Thcrcfore, a shorin� system niay be ncces�ary. Property boundaries ma}• al5o limit ho��� far th� shorinr s�steri can extend beyond the e�cavation and intrude - - into the adjacent property. The ability to complete the excavation ��ithin the site - constraints and tlie need ror a shoriiig system, including the t�pe of system, should be evaluated during the desigi� phase of the project. Based on the subsurface condi�iuns _ encountered during this im�estigation, lhe shoring system may be designed using the - rollo���ing engineering soil characteristics for the natural sane] and gravel: �' = 35°, y = J 3� psf, e: = 0. We recanmend a contrac�or specializing in siiorin� be contacted for design and construc[ion of tl�e sliorin�. SE1SMlC1TY The subsurface soil and ground ���ater conditions encoulitered v��itliin tt�e exploi�atory borings indicate that the soil profile classifies as a dense soil and soft rock profile. Based on t}iis classification and the ?003 ]nternationa] Building Code (1BC), it is our opinion that the subject site has a seismic site classification of Site Class D. A higl�er site class may be possible. Site specific seismic testinb �vould be required to determine if a l�igher seismic site class could be assigned to this site. in lul� 1�;. 3(�ri: hOC(�i!Lt_I"�'C�ii.�C(7.TI�GE.�r,/.�Eth'S. l�'C — i;��� ?�'p U�-1 ;2 (.onsu;��ne Gc�niechnicnl £'n,{inerrs _ 1Z,'�DO�1 In recen� �ears, radon gas has b�ceme a concem. Radon ��as is a col��rless, odorless gas Ihat is produced by the deca� of minerals in soil and mck. The po�ential for - radon �as in the subsurCace strata is ]ikely. Because the proposed buile�ine ��ill be = consu�ucted with t���o belo�a� grade le���s; ��-e recommend that the building be constructed with a belo��� erade ventilation system. ?�'I O L D - In recent years mold has become an issue. Mold lends to gro�a� in areas that are dark and damp, such as bathrooms and below grade are.as. Recommendations for mold prevention, mitisatinn, or remediation is outside the scope of� thic im�estigation. 1�Ve recommend that the o�vner contact a professional Industrial f-(ygienist to provide specific rec.ummendations for the prevention and/or remediation of mold. FOUNDATIONS The subsurface material at t}�e potential foundation elevation for the proposed hotel and condominium btiilding ���ill consist of natural sand and gravel and possibly - cobbles and boulders. ln our opinion. tl�e natural sand and gravel or cobbles and boulders if encountered, �aill safel�� support a spread Cooting foundation systein Cor the proposed building. ��l�e recommend that the spread Cooting foundation system be desiened and conslruc;ed to meet the follo��in� criteria: ti JOb ;�'c�. 0�-11� Cunsuliin� �rn�e�'hn�cul L'n;;inc�e�s ]. Footings should b� siapported b� the undisturhed; natur��l sand and Lra�el. cobbl�s and boulders if encounlered. or properl� m�isture conditioned and compacted fill, as described below in ]tems 7, �. and 9. 2. \�'e rccommend ���all and column footin�s bz desi�n�d for a ma�imum allo��able soil bearing pressure of�,C�00 psf for f�undations constructed on - the natural sand and bra�•el or cobbles and boulders. 3. Spread footings consiructed entirely on the natural sand and �raveL = - cobbles and boulders; or pr�perly moisture treated and compacted - structural fill may experience up to 0.2� in�h of differen�ial movement - bet�veen foundation elements. B�cause the soils are �ranular in nature, ��e anticipate that the majorit}• of the differential settlement �+ill occur during construction. 4. Wall footin�s and foundation �ti•alls sl�ould be designed to span a distance of at ]east 10.0 feet in order to account for anomalies in the soi] or compacted fill. _ 5. "f')he base of the exterior footings should be established at a i��inimum _ depth below the exterior ground sw-face, as re�uired by tl;� local Uui;ding code. We believe that the depth for frost protection in the local buildin� code in this area is 3.� feet. 6. Column footings should have a minimwn dimension of 24 inches square and continuous wall footings sl�ould I�ave a minimum ���idth of 16 inches. Footing widths may be greater to accommodate structural design loads. - 7. \�✓e anticipate that cobbles and boulders «�ill be encountered at the foundation elevation. Rcmoval of tl�e cobbles and boulders may result in depressions and rou�li bottoms in the excavation. Tl�e resulting depressions can be backfilled with compacted structural fill or lean concrete. Refer to the COMP.AC7'ED F1LL section of this report for ` backfill requirements. 8. Pockets or layers of soft soils may� be encountered in the bottom of the completed footin� excavations. These materials should be removed to expose the undisturbed, natural sand ar�d oravel or cobbles and boulders. The foundations should be constructed on the natural sand and gra��el, cobbles and boulders, or ne��v compacted structural fill. Refer to the COMPACTED F1LL section of tf�is report for backfill requiremei�ts. t� !ul� la, ,f�r.)5 f.;7lCHLC/.� CC.�.;l L71,�(, f. �C;l.�!_f�R.S. /�C. ]i>b \U US-Il? Con�ul�inx <en�erlinic :�( L �i��necis - 9. Fill shoulJ he placed and comracted as outlined in �h� CO'�1f'.ACTFi� 1=1LL section of this report. ��l�e recommend that a r�presentati��e of �ur of�ce obsene and test the placement and compaction ol� s�ruceural �II used in loundation consh�uction. !t has heen our experience that ��i�hout _ engineerin� quality control. inappropriate construction techniques occur ��hich result in poor foundation performance. _ 10. �'�'e recommcnd that a representative of o�,r office obsen�e the completed foundation excavations. �'ariations from the conditions described in this _ report, which ��ere not indicated Uy our borinEs can occur. The representative can observe the excavations to evaluate the exposeei subsurface conditions. SLABS-ON-GRADE The subsurface soils a� the anticipated floor slab clevations for tl�e proposed hotel and condominium buil�ing �.ill consi>t uf tl�e natw�al sai;d and gra�el or pussibly cobblcs and boulders. Jn our opinion the natural sand and gra��el or cobbles and boulders will support slabs-on-grade ���ith a low risk of movement. We recomm�nd the follo��•ins precautions for the cons�ruction of slabs-on-grade: 1. Slabs sl�ould be placed on tl�e natura] sand and �ravel, cobbles and boulders, or properly moisture conditioned and compacted structural fill. All existing fill or soft soils beneath slabs-on-�rade should be removed and replaced with properly moisture treated and cornpacted structural fi l l prior to construction of slabs-on-�rade. E�isting fill may be used as - structural fill if it is free of deleterious material. 2. A sub�,rade modulus of 300 pci may be used for design of slabs-on-�rade on the sand and eravel, cobbles and boulders or new compacted structural Fill. 3. Slabs should be separated from exterior walls and interior bearin� meinbers. Vertica] movement of the slab should not be restricted. �� I,�b \U (i5 ll� C �,nsuliir.g G��aicchn�cnl E�r�inrer� a. E�;t�rior slabs sh�uld bc �eparated lrom �he building. These slabs should b� reinlorccd to function as independent units. 1�9o�em�nt of these slahs should nc�t be transmitt�d directly to the ioundations or ��alls of the stru�turc. 5. Freyu�nt coiilrol joints should be pro� ided in all slalis to reduce prohlems associated �+�i�h Shrinka�e of concretc:. - 6. Fill ben�atl� slabs-on-brade may consist of on-site fill soils lree of deleterious material or approved imparted fill. Fil] should he placed and compacted as recommended in the CO'�1PA('TED F11..L section of this report. Placement and compaction of fili beneat}� slabs sl�ould lie observed a►�d tested by a representative of our office. FOUND,�,T10N DRAiNAGE - Surface ����ter tends to flow throu6h relatively permeable backfill typically found = adjacent to foundations. The �+�ater �hat llows through the fill collects on the surface of relati�el�• impermeable soils occurring at the foundation elevation. Both this surface ���ater and possible ground water can cause ��•et or moist below grade conditions after coi�struction. B�cause the proposed building ���ill be constructed ��itl� t��•o belo��� �rade Ievels. ���e recommend that the structure be constructed ���ith a foundation drain. The drain should ca�sist of a 4-incl� diameter perforated pipe encased in free draining gravel. The drainpipe should be sloped so that ��ater flo���s to a sump ���here the water can be removed by pumping, or to a positive gravity outle�. Recommended details for a typical foundation wall drain are presented in tlie T?�pical Wall Drain Detail, Fig. 10. i� ?u�•.• 1a. 2U;1� f.0lCN;.El� Cl).�.5('L71�"GF.'�G/:�C.Fh'.S'. l�C !eb ?�e� 0?-112 Cortsult�ng G'earechrtica! E'rigirteers ° I_;1"I�LR,1L �'�'ALL LO:�DS Due to the topo�;raphv of ih� site and thc proposcd depths of exca�•ation, ��alls that require lateral earth pressures for desi�n ��ill be constructed for this pro_ject. Lateral - earth pressures depend on the t}pe of backfill and the hei�ht and t}pe of��all. 1�'alls that = are free to rotate sufficientlp to mobilize tl;e streneth o�the backfill should be desi�ned to - resist tl�e "active" earth pressure condition. ��%alls that are restrained sf�ould be designed to resist the "at rest" earth pressure condition. `]-lie follo��inb table presents the lateral ���all pressures that may be used f'or design. - Earth Pressure Conditios� Equivalent Fluid Pressure -- c Active 35 At-rest Sl1 Passive 30U Notes: 1. Equivalent fluid pressures are for a horizontal backfill condition ���ith no h��drostatic pressures or live loads. 2. A coefficient of�friction of 0.4 may be used at tlie base of spread footings to resist lateral ��-all loads. 13ackfill placed behind or adjacent to foundation walls should be placed and compacted as recommended in tl�e COMPACTED FILL section of this report. _ Placement and compaction of the fill sliould be obser��ed and tested b}• a representative of our officc. 15 " . . _.,.._ .��.�.�.i r�.... . ��� •J t �_�i..V r. .1 i/,�L r./l J. r �l J��bi�'i� 0�-I12 Cou�u!/�r�{ Gcurcchr�ic «l Erdiiri�c•rs -- Rf:7�A11�1tiG \�-AL1.S Due to the t�p���ra�+hy of� �he si�e and the adj�cent �rc�prrt�. ��e anticipate that retainine ��alls may be construrted as part of the de��elopment of� the si�e. Foundations for retaining walfs may be desi�ned and constructed as recommended in tl�e FOUNDATIONS section of this report. i.ateral carth Ieads for retaining ��alf desi�ns are - presented in the 1.ATER.AL WALL LOADS section oCthis report. ]n order to reduce the possibilit�� of developin� hydrostatic pressures behind retaining ���alis, a drain should be constructed ad.jacent to the ���all. The drain may consist of a manufactured drain system _ and gra��el. The gravel should have a maximum size of 1.5 inches and have a maximum - of 3 percent passing the No. 200 sicvc. VVashed concrcte ae�=regate ���ill bc satisfactory for tl�e drainage la��er. The manufactured drain should exten� from th� bottom of tl�e retaining wall to ��°ithin 2 feet of subgrade ele��ation. The �vater can be drained b_y a perforated pipe ��-ith collection of the �+ater at the bottom of t}�e �+-all leadir�g to a positive gravity outiet. A t}pical detail for a retaining �;�all drairi is presented in the Typical Retaining �'all Drain Detail, Fig. 11. SURFACE DRAINAGE Reducing the ���etting of structural soils can be achie��ed by carefully planned ar�d maintained surface drainage. ���e recanmend the follo��•ing precautio�is be observed during construction and maintained at all times during and after the construction is completed. �� lul�� 1�. 'OU� /��7fC!lLf=�� CC7�S( !il.�G f'�:;'l�.r'F-:;.S'. 1.��. — Ipb�'0. �>-112 Cuntul�in� Gt'��Ic�ihnicu! En��nee�s - I. V�'ettin� or dnin�� o( the o�?en 1�ounc�aii�n e�ca�atic?ns should be minimized durin� cc,�nstruction. 2. ,�11 surface ��ater should be directed a��ay Gom lhe top an�i sides of the excavations durinb construction. - 3. �rhe �round surface surrounding the caterior of the proposed buildin; _ should be sloped to drain a���ay in all directions. We recommend a slope _ of��t least 12 inc.hes in the first l0 feet for landscaped areas adjacent �o tFe - proposed building. - 4. Hardscape (concre�e and as}�halt) should be sloped to drain a�+a�� from the building. ��'e recornmend a slope of at least 2 percent for all hardscape ���ithin ]0 feet of the building. �. Backfill, especially around foundation ��alls, must be placed and compacted as recommended in the CON9PACTED F1LL section of this _ report. --- 6. Roof drains should discharge at least 10 fcet a�A�ay f�roili foundation �valls ��ith drainage directe�i a��ay from the structure. 7. Surface drainage should be designed b�� a Professional Civil Encineer. 1RRIGATION Irrigation systems installed next to ;oundation ��alls or side�tialks could cause consolidation of backfill below and adjacent to these areas. This can result in settling of exterior steps, patios and/or side�A-alks if they are constructed on these soils. VVe - recommend the following precautions be followed: l. Do l�ot install an irri�ation system next to foundation �valls or above retaining �i�alls. The irrigation s�stem should be at least ]0 feet aw�ay from tlie building or face of retaining ��,�alls. » )i�b \'c� 0�-II� C�nit�uil�nk `GcJu�c•Chn�cui ,E�i�rn��r�s — ?. Jrrigation heads should be pointed a��•av 1�rom the s?ruc�ure or in a mann�r that does not allo��� the spray to c�mc ��ithin � fect ��1 lhe building or face ofretaining ���alls. ' 3. "TI-�e ]andscape around the irri�ati��n s}stcro should be sloped so that no pondino occurs at the irrigation heads. a. ]i�stall landscaping geot�xtile fabrics to inhibit kro����h of ��eeds and to - allo��- nonnal moisture e`aporation. We do not recommcnd the use of a - plastic membrane to inhibit the gro���th of��eeds. 5. Control valve boxes for autamatic irrigation s��stems should be I�cated at ' least l0 feet a�+-ay from the structure and periodicall}� cfiecl:ed for leaks and f�oodine. COMP.4C'TED F1LL - Su�uctural Gll for this project may consist of the on site soils or approved imported - fill. The imported fill may consist of non-e�pansive silty or cla�ey sai�ds �r gravels ���itl� up to 2� percent passing the No. ?00 sieve and a maximum plasticity index of ]0. No gravel or cobbles larger than 10 inches should be placed in fill areas. Fi11 areas should be � stripped of all vegetation, existing fill, and loose soils, and then scarified, �noisture treated, and compacted. Fill should be placed in thin loose lifts; moisture treated, and compacted as sho�vn in the follo�+-ing table. The recommcnded compaction varies for tl�e given use of tl�e fill, as indicated in the follo�ving table. l � lul� la. �ilO� hOF.C!il.F_/� CiI�.S'('L17\GL.�v/�f.l:X.�, /�"c. — 1c�1? '�U U:-I1? Cnn�u/��ng Ganfc�c/; ni;a/ F'nginecrs = Re�c��nimended C�m action f'ercenta�e of the Standard Percen�a�e of ehe !�9o�ilied Usc of Fill f'roctc�r 1�laximurn Dr�• Dcnsity Pructor ?�1a�iinum Dr�� Uensit�- (AST?�9 D-69S) (,AST�� D-] �57) Belo��� Foundations 98 95 - Belo��� Slabs-On-Grade 95 90 Utilitv Trench Backf;ll 9� 90 - Backfill (Non-Structural) 90 90 - Notes: 1. For clay soils the moisture content should be 0 to +3 percent of the optimum moisture contei�t. 2. For eranular soils the moisture content should bc: -2 to +2 of�he o timum moisture content. We recommend that a representative of our oflice obscr�e and test the placement a��d compaction of each lift placed of structural till. Fill belo�v foundations, slab-on- _ grade floors, and exterior slabs-on-�rade is considered structw�al. lt has been our - - e�perience that ���ithout engineering qualit�� control, inappropriate construction techniques can occur «-hich result in pour foundation and slab-on-grade performance. LIMITATIONS Although the explora�ory borings ��ere located to obtain a reasonahly accurate determination ot� fuundation conditions, ��ariations ili the subsurface conditions are always possible. Any variations that exist beneath the sitc �enerally become evident during removal of the existing building and durin� exca��ation for the ne��v structure. A representative from our ofrce must observe the completed excavations to confimi that the soils are as indicated b}� the explorator� borin�s; to verify that all existing foundations and utilities have been rernoved, and to verify our foundation and slab-on-�rade desien 14 ..._._..�..... ... .,�._,. „ �.-..,. ..", , ..�. Jub '�U. (i5-1 l' Co�isul�rng Geu/echnico! F_ngineers — and CO115[fUCUUiI re:commendations. Th� placement and coinpactian of fill, as ��el! as ii�stallation of fuundations. sl�ould also be oL•ser�•ed and/ur tcsted. The d�sign criteria and suhsurface data presented in this repon are valid for 3 vears provided that a repr�sentative from our office observes the site at that timc and confirms that the sile conditions are similar to the conditions presented in the S]TE - COND1T10I�TS section of this report and that the recummendations presented in this - repon are still applicable.. ��'e recommend that final plans and specifications for proposed construction be submilted to our of�fice for study, prior to beginning _ construction, to determine compliance with the recommendations presented in this repon. - ?n ��i� �a. �or>5 KOECIlL£l�� CO:�:;('l.lY.�Gr_.�c,�:�fc�rs. �,c. Ji�l� '�o OS-li2 Consulli�r�; Gcuicchnicu/ F;n,�rnec•r� �.'�'e a�preciate the opportunit�� to provide this ser�ice. )f ��e can he of further assistance in discussing the contents of this report or in analysis of�he pr��posed slructure froni a eeotechnical vie�tipoint, please contact our office. _ KOf:CHLEI?� C.O�!SL'LT]NG ENGINEFRS, INC. � Richard M. \�v'enzel ]11, P.E. - Staff Enginecr _ Revie��•ed by: William }-1. Koechlein, P.E. — President (4 copies sent) 1 copy via email – Greg Gastineau, Timberline Commercial Real L-state �� Consulting Geotechniczl Enginc:eis .�'>" - �} •;.� � � ;:�:,. , �� :�:; � .;:` s: .,` -� I`,.;� . � � � . - � �� ,+r..,�,,�,.,,. - C i'y v o,p'" G . . � '. �;:" �, . ' e'", �g - - '�v'. , � � i:� t"� . . - - 'S: 1�� .. . ' _ . v�'„ . ' . . . � SITE _- NOT TO SCALE VICINITY MAP - t:G. ��-�5� �t�. i ,,\\,� \ \ � � � i / �/ \� � I / � � �\\ '� \ \\ S \ \ �\ �`, / � � w �� � _`\ - \ \� �, �'�� ! I \ � � _ \ ' � � _ , , ; � DvDi 'y� \� \ '\ I '- < � \' ' ,y `, i . m x \ /,' as m�„ 3D Cx �• \p �• _ Z-ri � \��� r tn ��• . \�\ a ��( o� � ,p� �, `"`�� �� `� �CFR ' -.__ , • . � �'�\., ,;��, ��� � _ �a ,�; , � � . r ` ' wm : o � ��� �N �' � ,, � \. e 1 - n °� i� � O `.',_ n n'' �� _— � - �� �� . _� � `•. _ o :,. . ����...i;i �� X•. . - - , 07�n O o+ ` ' . T � ji .Cx O � I .� ��ln `�'� r Z rn �o� � n X ��� g 'z� �`• `� I � � i �n�. ��-''•%\ r m o r �Y, 'r,'�.".-�� � , Q C T� - ' . �•.\ ' . � ' �, � 0 0 0 �.�-����..;..., .., _ . � �0 3 ;''.:�`, ''.,, y D I � �m � �,'`.\\. ' . � ';�•� . C X�. . � 3 "•.U � m '. O �'1'•. °� I � - � � �^ x • , = z � , �, n n = Z � _':i �� � . . CA yo,p� I1�1; I � I' I'�� � RO , � I� !'I yr , , `I 9��R ,, i, I'';i o �'�� - 9� � -i . I. . _ , � � x � m n _ r a--�—� n Z 0 � �� � �O �2 j IA �p C n� o� - --- n m �z �� e�,z -m �� Ci �u' 5- N A= °� - Cortsul;�ng Geotechnical Engineers _ TH-4 kPP EL 8003 4 8005 SOGS TH-1 TH-2 APP EL 8000 0 APP EL 8000 0 TH•3 APP.EL 79981 8000 8000 - 11/12 o O WC=18 DD=99 _ �a �O -200=62 od fl0 �� _ b� 15/12 7/12 pQ 7995 7995 'Q WC=7 ��. — -200=19 19112 'Q 5015 DQ p� WC=S pc�' � °n DD=113 rrQ ❑p p� -200=9 �c3: iai12 4 38ii2 :i�. `�' p Q 7990 - 7990 o C1 WC=13 o O e _ DD=118 � o� p WC=2 p Q -c00=24 M O p 0 30!12 � -20U=7 - � �O' a a fl D_ `� � rn =- F- o�"' a o. �- LJ Q a cF' fTl W 50i3 18/12 7985 � - D Z 7985 �t� 200 13 °� "'� O flQ ao O F- ocP Z Q C2 fl -n p ,.W.� Q 78l11 �� 7980 ""� w 7980 p� 0 0� — 0 0 aQ s�0. P� p . 4 0 ��7975 7975 L1 O � A 4Q � - 7970 7970 7965 7965 LC1GS QF EXF'LQRRTORY BC�Rl�GS FIG. 3 �8 NO. Q5-112 TH-7 APP E L 8030 0 8030 8030 r 4Q I ab ~ O�b � �8;i2 a°� 802 5 8025 �� - a� Q�: P� - _ � _ � 8020 �� 8020 D�� oY a� 8015— 3015 pQ� Qm TH-6 � � IW TH-5 qPP.EL. 8009 7 ' � LL APP.EL. 5009 5 D Z 8010 � O 80?C � F. . Z Q Q. 'T� > 04 m w �o m J � �-1 W d• 8005 ��}: z2j�2 WC �g 8005 -- po Ltt�. DD=99 �p- o -200=53 � �. Aa fl O �� o a 0. 57112 8000 8000 �P WC=6 � '0 -20�=15 _ O �v D a �' �Q O �: 9 7995 7995 . _ •p. rs° 7990 7990 �o�s oF �xP�owaTa��r eQat�t�s FIG. 4 JOB NO. OS-112 ' KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS,INC. - Consulting Geotechnical Engineers LEGE�D: � P.SPHALT � No sample recovered Q� SAND and GRAVEL, Cobbly, S�Ity, Occas�onal boulders, Dry lo very mo�sl, Med�um dense to very dense, Red, Brown, While � FILL, Sill, Sandy, Gravelly. Scatlered cobbles, _ Moist to very mo�st, h1edium dense, Dark brown, BI�Ck � S�I1, Sandy. Gravelly, Dry to very moist, Very - loose, Red, Brown "� CAVING Indicates depih at which soils caved while dnihng. T REFUSAL Ind�cates practical dr�ll rig refusal on boulders. _ � CALIFORNIA DRIVE SAMPLE The symbol 15/12 �nd�cates that 15 blows of a 140 pound hammer fall�ng 30 fnches were requ�red to drive a 2 5 �nch ___ O D sampler 12 inches. � SPLIT SPOON DRIVE SAMPLE. The symbol 78!?i ind�cat�s lhat 78 blows of a 140 p�und hammer fall�ng 30 �nches were requ�red to drive a 2 0 inch O D sampler 11 inches � BULK SAMPLE. Obtained from the auger cuttings. Jotes Exploratory borings were dnlled on June 30, 2005 us�ng a 4-inch d�ameter, continuous ilight, solid stem auger mounted n a rubber tire ATV dnll rig No free ground water was encountered at the time of drilling �n any of the bonngs to the maximum depth explored of 8 0 feet The Bor�ng Logs are subject to the explanations, limitafions, and conclusions as contained in this report. Laboratory Test Results: WC - Indicates natural moisture (°io) DD - Indicates dry densily (pcQ -200 - Indicates percent passing the No 200 sieve (%) Approximale eleval�ons are based on bonng TH-7 having an elevalion of 8D30.0 lhen measuring the elevat�on d�Nerence E2Ch GI ;he rerr�aining torings w+th a Stanley Corr�pulevel Ele�at�on hicaSllfErlclt SYSicfll. LEGEP�D C�F EX�LC3RL��QRY B�F�6�'GS B NO. OS-112 FIG. 5 KOECHLEIhJ CO�JSULTi�JG Eh.IGIN�ER� 1� I � I i � � If — � 1: �' �� %G � � � m z � � � � � ;n T a ? � sc y� � - z m w � � � D - w Z a � 3L ;Q �' — A 90 tC g0 o ,00 �uo ,ro +o i o, o o� c ao, DIAME7ER OF PARTICLE IN�,AM COBBLES GRAVEI SANC SILT CLAY Sample of GRA�'LL,Sand�-,Siltv GRAVEL 44 % SAND 3? % Source 'TI-1-I Sample No. Elev./Depth Q.0 fecl SILT 8 CLAY 19 % LI�UD LIMIT % PLASTICITY INDEX % —___- �oo 0 � �o � � �o �o .� � m Z � - N e° 4° rn a z a ...� r � � � Z m w ...{ � ap 5p D W Z a R' w �o � ?0 BO - 10 9p 0 t00 z� ,00 ,o i o� oo� 000, DIAMEfER OF PARTICLF IN MM COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Sl�i CLAY Sample of SAND.Gra�ellv,Siln GRAVEL 25 % SAND 51 % Source fH•I Sample No. Elev./Depth 9.0(ecl SILT 8 CLAY 2a % LIQUID LIMIT % PLASTICITY INDEX % GRADATION TEST RESULT� �--- Job No. (15-1 Iz r-i�.� KGECHL�IN CC�NSUL.T!r�G ENGINcE��S .x i o y �r. a= I 70 I �� � � � u) Fq ,o n :n m Q z - a � x x � z m w -� _ � a � D w Z - � m x, ;o c x � +o �„ o ,o0 z�o �w ,o a� oo� cw� DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MM COBBLES GRnVE� Snr�D Si�T CLnr Sample of SANll.Gra�•elly. Siln GRAVEL ?4 % SAND �:� % Source �fl l-I Sample No. Elev.lDepth 14,U(eel SILT 8 CLAY I:� °/, LIOUD LIMIT % _ PLASTICITY INDEX % �ao 0 x ,o eo zo �o �o � - � m Z � N 5o co c� � m a z a � � � � a Z m w � � ap 6p D W Z a m �o ;o � 20 80 �0 90 0 iQ0 1"'J� 700 t0 t Ot OOt 00J7 DWMETER OF PARTICLE IN MM C088LE5 GRnvE� SAND Si�T C�/+Y Sarr.ple of FIL1.. Sill,Sand� GRP.I�EL � % S�.ND 36 % Source Tl I-4 Sample No. EIev.IDepth Q.0}eeI SILT 8 CLAY 62 % LIOUID LIMIT °/ PLASTICITY INDEX % GRAQATfON TEST FZ�SULTS JobNu. ('S-112 FIG.7 E<OEC�LEIN CC�NSJLTING ENGINEFRS -- .� , - , �- - � � - 7_ �1� I 6J 70 7i Y.l � �� m Z � �n � � m c� cn m � � - r � � � z m � � � � '� �p D w Z c m - w 7o c' _ 70 HO — �0 90 e ,a� 20D �OD �0 1 Ot OOt G�t DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MM COB6LES GRAVEL SAND SILT CLAY - 5ample of SAND.Gravclly GRAVEL 22 % SAND b9 % - Source "fH•4 Sample No. Elev./Depth 9.0 f�eet SILT 8 CLAY 9 % LIQUD LIMIT % - PLAS7ICITY INDEX % ' �ao 0 9G tU BO 70 I 70 Jp .D — � m z � N �c w c� �n m a � � x � � Z m w � � ap fip D W Z a ^� �o �o � ao eo �G 9J 0 tOD 20p tpp t0 7 01 007 0001 DIAIJIEZER OF PARTICLE IN MM COBBIE$ GRAVEL SANp , SILT CLAY Samp�e ei GR;avEL,S;]rd) GRAVEL 64 % SAwD 29 °!o Source 7�7i-4 Sample No. Elev./Depth ]a.0(ect SILT 8 CLAY 7 °/, LIQUID LIMIT °/ PLASTICITY INDEX % GRAQATlQf� TEST RESULTS Job rdo. Oi-112 F�G.K KCECf�LEIN CONSULTiI�G ENGINEFRS = � - - -� �a � � c v- — I :c I ec ?o ;o x Z, � m z � � �. 4 r, cn m < Z - a --� � � � � Z m w .-i = � � � D w z - a m x �c � . a� c eo o ,00 �oo ,00 �o , o� co� c�� DIAMEiER OF PARTICLE IN MM COBBLES GRAVEL SAND SILT CI.AY Sample of SIL�r,Sand�• GRAVEL 1 % SAND 4G % Source fl l-G Sample No. Elev./Depth 4 0 fec:i SILT 8 CLAY 5 i % LIQUD LIMIT % _ • PLASTICITY INDEX °/ ,oc o ec �o ao zo �c 30 � - � m Z � � 60 a0 l� � m ¢ z a � � � � � Z m w � � a0 Bp D W z a r" �o �o � 20 BO l0 90 0 100 200 tOD �0 1 0 t OOt OOD7 DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MM C086LE$ GRAVEL SAND SILT CLAY Sample of S�ND,Gra�cll�.Siln- GR.4VEL .�.9 % SAND 56 % Source Tl�-6 Sample No. EIev.IDepth 9()fcet SILT 8 CLAY IS % LIQUID LIMIT °/ PLASTICITY INDEX % �RADATfQN TEST RESULTS - Job No. (1�-I 12 FIG.9 C.OnSUliing cseotecn:-,ical engineers CLAYEYEACKFILL �� - - 1 � _-_-_- - -� - ' =111=11 --- � —"�=1 I II—I COMPACTED BACKFILL f BELOW GRADE WALL -�j� � EDGE OF E%CAVATION - (EXCAVATE AS PER OSHA REGULATIONS) MANUFACTURE� WALL DRAIN� _ • I WATERPROOFING _ f OR DAMPPROOFING � � � � - FIITER FABRIC I GRAVEI - 12" _-- �PLASTIC SHEETING f--�—1:'MIN. PERFORATED PIPE NOTES: 1. dRAIN SHOULD BE AT LEAST 12 IIVCHES BELOW TOP GF FOOTING AT THE — H1GHE5T POINT AND SLOPE DOWNWARD TO A POSITIVE GRAVITY OUTLET OR TO A SUMP WHERE WATER CAN BE REMOVED BY PUMPING. 2. EXCAVATIONS ADJaCENT TO FOOTINGS SHOULD BE CUT AT A 1 TO 1 (HORIZONTAL TO VERTICAL)OR FLATTER SLOPE FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE FOOTINGS. EXCAVATIONS ADJACENT TO FOOTINGS SHOULD NOT BE CUT VERTICALLY. 3. THE DRAIN SHOULD BE LAID ON A SLOPE RANGING BETWEEN 1I8 INCH AND 1/4 INCH DROP PER FOOT OF dRAIN. 4. GRAVEL SPECIFICATIONS: WASHED 1.5 INCH TO NO.4 GRAVEL WITH LESS THAN 3°lo PASSING THE NO.260 SIEVE. 5. THE BELOW GRADE CONCRETE FOUNdATION WALLS SHOULD BE PROTECTED FROM MOISTURE INFILTRATION BY APPLYING A SPRAYED ON MASTIC WATERPROOFING, DAMPPROOFING,OR AN EQUIVALENT PROTECTION METFlOQ. TYPICAL WALL DRAIN DET�4iL - JOB NO. OS-112 FIG. 10 KCE(:Hl_E�N �ONSLILTINv E�Q�.:�INFERS, INC. Cons�il[i;ig GFotechnic�l Engineers — CLAYEYBACKFILL �� - - 1 �— _-_-_- � - - - - - � MANUFACTURED -III-�II I I - ' WALL pRAIN I Ii-I COMPACTED BACKFILL I RETAINING WALL - � EOGE OF EXCAVA710N - (EXCA.VATE AS PER � OSHA REGULATIONS) I � � I WATERPROOFING OR DAMPPROOFING � � - � FILTER FAB IC ' � - GFA EL po 0 o� PERFORATED PIPE NOTES: 1. DRAIN SHOULD BE SLOPED DOWNWARD 70 A POSITIVE GRAVITY OUTLET GR TO A SUf�iP V�HERE WATER CAN BE REMOVED BY PUMPING. 2. THE DRAIN SHOULD BE LAID ON A SLOPE RANGING BETWEEN 1/9 INCH AND 1/4 INCH DROP PER F00T OF DRAIN. 3. GRAVEL SPECIFICATIONS: WASHED 1.5 INCH TO N0.4 GRAVEL WITH LESS THAN 3% PASSING THE NO. 200 SIEVE. 4. THE BELOW GRADE CONCRETE RETAINING WALLS SHOULD BE PROTECTED FROM MOISTURE INFILTRATION BY APPLYING A SPRAYED ON MASTIC WATERPROOFING, DAMPPROOFING, OR AN EQUIVALENT PR07ECTION METHOD. TYP�CAL RETAlNING V1�ALL DRA[N DETAI� JOB NO. OS-112 FIG. 1 i v z =- � � � LU W >. : : . Z :--� - ��.. � � :/: :l� ;f. � '/� � T - _ - = j, Z --+ I r f - � I. � z - � - .i v J� � i `1 F- � � � J �.. C � N �. � < � J ✓: ,� � Z y% � ! ' �; 'l, 'l. l � v z w J _. F- � U E � - � , 2 .-. � �° � •'� °o °.f Y � 3 ° _ �, :� � c � �--, z O � o a v r�. r� 7.. � r.: v� � (n w o ra - .G '^ " - � � � � � z ;� �--� - W � - F-' f- _ - 7' u LL1 0 x v% �- C] ° = p -- �- v; � , W � '�. ....] .� �.: V) �' J 0. O E-�. C� ti � ,`�� I--' , � Z G:. x O w -� ^ � c � — � � a � o� � � � � Q � a � � c x �, �, s o. - a � Q `V v Z Q W ..� � F- � = w ^ x � f-- �-. o � '^ Q 'O �� rv � �. �- � z ; oov z � u w � a. F- � o � � � � � � o � L' v c c� '7 v o� `� a o� Q � � � � �I> `'a - - - e v c �? � � � � T ,_, � � � ' _ _ � � � _, �-. � r �. F- �-' i- Z y m^ __—_ V � Koechlein Consulting Engineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers � 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy • Suite 115 • Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 www.KCE-Denver.com LAKEWOOD AVON/SILVERTHORNE (303) 989-1223 (970) 949-6009 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX - October 19, 2007 Greg Gastineau - Timberline Commercial Real Estate 12 Vail Road, Suite 600 Vail, Colorado 81657 =_ _ Subject: Geophysical Investigation Proposed Residence Inn and Timberline Lodge Condominium 1783 North Frontage Road Vail, Colorado Job No. 07-101 - As requested a geophysical survey was conducted to reevaluate the depth to bedrock and its engineering characteristics underneath the construction footprint for the proposed Residence Inn and Timberline Lodge Condominium in Vail Colorado. In addition we reviewed our geotechnical report titled Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Hotel and �Condominium Building, Lots 9, 10, 11, and 12, 1783 North Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado, dated July 14, 2005, Job No. OS-112 and the Subsurface Investigation Addendum Letter dated August 23, 2007, Job No. 07-101. The purpose of this letter is to present the findings of the geophysical investigation and to revise any recommendations for the proposed construction. The geophysical investigation and analysis was provided by Zonge Geosciences, Inc. under subcontract to Koechlein Consulting Engineers, Inc. This investigation was performed by collecting information from ten refraction lines situated across the site to obtain representative data for the subject site. Refraction lines L-1 thru L-5 were oriented approximately north to south, while lines L-6 thru L-10 were oriented approximately east to west. The locations of the refraction lines in relation to the proposed building envelope are shown on The Locations of Refraction Lines, Fig. 1. Due to the close proximity of the subject site to Interstate 1-70, which creates noise during the data collection process, and the site topography, it was decided that a --- combined seismic survey approach would be better suited for the collection of data. The site was analyzed using two-dimensional (2D) refraction tomography and one-dimensional (1D) refraction microtremor(ReMi) testing. Greg Gastineau KOECNLEINCONSULTING ENGINEERS,INC. _ October 19,2007 Consulling Geotechnica! Engineers Job No.07-10] Page 2 of 4 The 2D refraction tomography analysis was conducted to determine variations in the engineering characteristics of the overburden soils, weathered bedrock, and competent bedrock through the analysis of compressional-wave velocity vs. travel time. By analyzing the variations in velocity waves in the different types of subsurface soils and bedrock, a depth to bedrock can be determined. Based on the geophysical data there were variations across the line with high and = low spots. The following tables show variations along the refraction survey lines for the elevation of the contact of the overburden soils and the weathered bedrock surface. Tomography Lines Elevation of Bedrock Elevation of Bedrock Shallowest Elevation - orth End Z South End Z of Bedrock3 L1 7973 7943 7973 L2 7964 7940 7980 L3 7977 7957 7980 L4 7973 7949 7988 LS 7974 7942 7978 L6 7977 7958 7980 L7 7980 7979 7988 L8 8008 7995 8008 L9 7971 7975 7976 L10 7959 7966 7976 - Notes: 1. Tomography lines Ll-LS are oriented approximately north to south and lines L6-L10 are oriented approximately east to west. 2. Elevation of bedrock based on a 2D refraction data to surface of weathered bedrock. Refer to Appendix A, Figures 3 thru l4 for specific depths of bedrock along the survey line. 3. Indicates shallowest elevation of bedrock encountered alon the tomo ra h line. In addition, as recommended in the previously mentioned report, a geophysical investigation was conducted to determine the in-situ shear-wave velocities of overburden soils and the bedrock through Refraction Microtremor— ReMi testing. The initial geotechnical investigation gave the subject site a seismic site classification of Site Class D. Based on the results of the Refraction Microtremor—ReMi testing, the subject site was reevaluated and has a seismic site classification of Site Class C. The following table shows the average shear wave velocity for each line and the shear wave velocity at the foundation elevation across each survey line. Greg Gastineau XOECHLEINCONSULTINGENGINEERS,INC. October 19,2007 Consulling Georechnica! Engineers Job No.07-101 Page 3 of 4 Shear Wave Velocity Anticipated Bedrock at - ReMi Line Data at Foundation Elevation� Foundation Elevation2 Ripable3 ft/sec - Line 1 1,299 No NA - Line 2 2,354 No NA Line 3 2,228 Yes Yes Line 4 2,420 Yes Yes Line 5 3,263 Yes Yes Line 6 2,691 Yes Yes . Line 7 2,761 No NA _ Line 8 1,638 Yes Yes Line 9 2,857 � Yes Yes - Line 10 2,420 No NA Notes: 1. Refer to Appendix A, Table ] thru Table 10 for results of the shear wave velocity test vs. - depth. 2. We anticipate that bedrock will be encountered at some portion along the line, if not the entire length along the line. Refer to the Preliminary Bedrock Contour Map, Fig. 2 for anticipated bedrock elevations. 3. Ripper performance in relation to seismic wave velocities was analyzed for use with Multi or Single Shank D9R, D10R, D11R, or Single Shank D11R CD Caterpillar Rippers or an - a roved e uivalent. Based on the most recent architectural plans provided by Lightowler Johnson Associates, we anticipate that the proposed Residence Inn and Timberline Lodge Condominium will be constructed with two levels of below grade parking under a portion of the structure. Based on the provided plans, we anticipate that excavations between 15 to 55 feet will be required for the proposed construction. We anticipate that the subsurface conditions at the foundation elevation - will consist of either the cobbly, silty, gravelly, sand with scattered boulders or the siltstone/shale bedrock. Based on the ReMi survey the bedrock encountered at this site will be ripable. The Geophysical survey also shows a highly variable topography with peaks and depressions filled with overburden soils. Preliminary bedrock contours have been evaluated from the geophysical survey and have been shown on the Preliminary Bedrock Contour Map Fig. 2. Please note that variations in the topography are likely and could result in differences in the elevations at which bedrock is encountered. Differences in the results of the subsurface investigation and the geophysical analysis are most likely a result of the interpretation of the contact zone of soft and hard bedrock. The subsurface material at the potential foundation elevation for the proposed structure will — consist of natural sand and gravel with cobbles and boulders or the siltstone/shale bedrock. Since the foundation system for the proposed structure will be supported by two bearing materials with very different support characteristics, we anticipate that the risk of differential movement is high. In order to reduce the risk of differential movement we recommend that different bearing capacities should be given to the soils and the bedrock. We recommend that Greg Gastineau KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGlNEERS,INC. - October19,2007 Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Job No.07-101 Page 4 of 4 the spread footing foundation system bearing on the sands and gravels with cobbles and boulders - should be designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 6,000 psf. Footings bearing on the siltstone/shale bedrock should be designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 20,000 psf. Because the soils are granular in nature, we anticipate that the majority - of the differential settlement will occur during construction. A representative of our office should observe each footing foundation excavation to verify that the foundation is supported by the soils or bedrock in accordance with the structural design. Al1 other foundation - recommendations should be followed in accordance with the previously mentioned report. We appreciate the opportunity to provide this service. If we can be of further assistance, please contact our office. KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Jessica E. Street, E.I. Staff Engineer Reviewed by: William H. Koechlein, P.E. President (3 copies sent) � � — `o \ m z e / \ � � / � \ � � - \ _ \ _ � \ = � ; I - \ m a 0 � z � � r N m r A � ° � o O 4 I y m o � m � c r u Q = " Z r � O Z = D � ��� -� � o y � m Z N N r O " � rn =o � n m T � O Q � 2 Z y C m 9� •A •� � r �!! '� z � � or+ - a I Q r � • ,�x m S D O mr ror rar � G D N D �D N rtl� 2� 2� r= y Z y Z • y� �� �T m �� �� � ?o ?o � y O� O� � m0 m� \n � O� O� � --- e �� T 5^O v0 0= - - �p �� .� P c1 a �+Z �Z sz n � � � n'c r Z °oi B� �m �_ �•C) ri mm '� �z 0 � �q y •_ a n \ -- o / � _ m Z � e � V \� \ I = I \ \ _ 3 � O N c \ ` _ � m � O D O �� � , � �j I � a �� OD _ S 4 � � � m �,. •� -- r OSB� � 3 S►�� , D , U D � � � � _ W D m o ° �. v � � � - 9 � O �� � � � O� _ O � a C = 'A A 3 � � s 0 m c�!�+ r.i:- z � G m v z?= GZim m � = m m oON mC y Z o D o m �c; �a c aiyi 00 0� o� � �yN C1fZd °an .�in 2 D�L Z 2 D Z� Z 1 � � m�D C1vl m0 m0 = 2 �9 pl0 NZ NZ N G yp0 2� �O �O O Z Dm D�c p; �N �9 �9 m C �C �r 0 r O� ZC Z�z Z� OZ c�'�� OD p`� c� a�oo zp zp p� �o o� o� � No �o =I�il n�� N Z �Z m Z� p� � � n �O �W S ■ �� _ e mx � �_ n c= �y b� �� O= �� �m �_ . � =� „ �m � b y N �� R� M. KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS,INC. - Consulting Geotechnical Engineers APPENDIX A GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATIUN - Zo n g e �990 S.Garrison Street,Suite#2 � �� Lakewood, CO 80227 . M Phone:(720)962-4444 Geosc�ences, �� IC■ Fax:720-962-0417 zonaeco/oC�zonae.com October 1 S`, 2007 - Bill Koechlein Koechlein Consulting Engineers, Inc. 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy, Suite 115 Lakewood, CO 80228 Subject: Geophysical Investigations Report—Proposed Residence Inn and Timberline Lodge _ Condominiums Project, Vail, Colorado. Dear Mr. Koechlein, This letter report presents results from the geophysical investigation conducted at the Proposed Residence Inn and Timberline Lodge Condominiums Project site. The investigation was located in the town of Vail, Colorado, north of the North Frontage Road and I-70 as shown on Figures 1 and 2. Zonge Geosciences, Inc. (Zonge) performed the geophysical investigation under subcontract to Koechlein Consulting Engineers, Inc. (Koechlein). Field data were acquired on September 13`''and 14`h, 2007. The objectives ofthe geophysical investigation are twofold: 1)to map the top-of-bedrock and determine thickness and lateral variability of unconsolidated soil deposits; and, 2)to obtain seismic velocities within the bedrock, if encountered,that may correlate with the mechanical strength and rippability of such materials to aid in the excavation planning for this project site. Based on the geologic setting and the site conditions outlined by Koechlein, Zonge determined a combined seismic survey approach using two-dimensional(2D) refraction tomography and one- dimensional (1D)refraction microtremor(ReMi) soundings would best achieve the project � objectives. � This report summarizes data acquisition parameters and field methods for the investigation, and also includes brief sections on data processing (1D and 2D), and results/interpretations. SITE DESCRIPTION The area of investigation is located just west of Vail, Colorado, and just north of I-70 (see Figure 1). The seismic lines were placed around the existing buildings at the Roost Lodge, on pavement and in dirt. I-70 and a frontage road where located to the south(see Figure 2). Holes were drilled in the pavement using an impact hammer drill for the placement of each geophone. This area had extremely heavy traffic, including heavy cargo trucks on the highway and frontage road ---- that caused a significant amount of vibrational noise. r -. . �>... . � x a � y o _ v�i � � � J -° � o � �, Y. � o �" u V �k� � - .,�j •�V !��, ,b � m Z a� � - � 7 � ^v' � 8� '� � m � �s� .� _ � fn d x � Q. c� ��d � c 0 .y � v 0 �+ U � . - � �O i. a - � c -- � - .� •� 0 b c 0 U a� dn b 0 a � c - .� a� � � H b c � s � �, � v . c a� b .N a� � b a� � 0 a 0 �, a i r, . � �. � ao ... w � i, . ..Y ... 1-� • i i 1 i, • :f � �_ ,�'b,� ' . a � • � . `''Y� � -, �� !,y� � ` � �ri�. . '�x.� k.,' "{�`1'1,k SS. �� . � � t.� ��� ��,� .T ,f,�+f`+ {:..r �•,r ���' •• "� t zi r �� y . � _. - � :+�. ' "?4, S: .°- �� . "t� • i°; n,.. s�'�. ,� . �8 _� ��{� � '. y` �' fit� � _ 6 � .,�±'ti � ir �. �'� �. ��. . ���A 4 �y��'� 11.. . . � �g x�'v���,�. • � �� - . j��;t1� � • � �1 5 �t,'; . 2 t �T1y �4 �1 4y .j" '. � Y�� � d+ � t � c�'" ��Lr f � r" � � '� '� F� -�. .��. � i�� . �s, , _ �� � �4 �_ _` d 1'�` `��� ' ` { �� t � T � � . - - �s .`- '�,c�.�*-S+ . r . � � � - r^� '. Y Y..� � • . � � t �j � �� .:i �` �f.�i'��.t �� � � `4 . .;';ii..� • � � � - .'.� ,�,� - �'., .�_ .. .�l� .- If .' ` - ��� . .;� ' � `� '� .. ~, ' � -� i' - � � .�� �: . . . DATA ACQUISITION Seismic refraction and ReMi data were acquired at the project site us'vng a DAQ LinkII seismograph. This system utilizes a state of the art, 24-bit seismograph connected to a field laptop via ethernet cable. Analog data from the geophones are collected in the DAQ seismograph where it is anti-alias filtered, converted to a digital signal, transmitted to the laptop computer and then recorded on the hard drive. DAQ modules have a 24-channel capacity, and one module was _ needed for this seismic investigation. Twenty-four receivers (geophones) were placed on the ground along each spread. The receivers were Mark Products, 4.5-Hz vertical component _ geophones, and the same setup was used for both refraction and ReMi data collection. Refraction: _ A total of ten refraction lines were acquired for this investigation. Approximate line locations and orientations are shown in Figure 2, where each line had channel 1 on the west or south end of the spi•ead. Thus the tomograms are viewed as if the reader is "looking north"or"looking west." Geophone spacing along each lines 1, 2, 3,4, 5 and 7 was 5 feet and lines 6, 8, 9 and 10 had 10 foot geophone spacing. Compressional-wave (P-wave) seismic energy was created with a - source that consisted of an elastic wave generator(EWG). The EWG used for this project is a truck mounted, hydraulically controlled, 100 pound weight that is lifted and then accelerated onto a metal plate using a large rubber strap to maximize acceleration and the resultant amount - -- of energy imparted into the ground. A 16-pound sledgehammer striking an aluminum plate was also used in shot locations that didn't require additional energy or couldn't be safely accessed . with the EWG. Up to a maximunn of 20 EWG or hammer blows were used to transmit seismic energy across the line of 24 geophones with the maximum number being required for the 2 of� end shot points or during exceptionally noisy periods ofthe day. Source points were located as shown on the inset illustration; `off-end' shot points were located between 40 and 100 feet beyond each end of each line. This offset was dictated by special limitations including buildings, roads and other obstructions. Refraction shot records were acquired in SEG-2 format, using a - 0.25 millisecond(msec) sample rate and 500 msec ('/2 second) record length. Geaphone 1 TB-1 Geophone Z4 1 I X. . .X. . .X, , ,X, , ,X, , .X, � .X, . �X� � �x 230 ft X =Sout�ce Point • = Geophone ReMi: The refraction microtremor(ReMi) method uses the same instrumentation and field layout as the refraction survey. However, there are no predefined source points required for this seismic — method. The ReMi method uses ambient noise, or vibrational energy, that exists at a site. The existing natural vibrations were enhanced by Zonge personnel with the use of the EWG system, random sledge hammer blows, driving a vehicle along the seismic line and walking up and down each line. These small-strain vibrations cause surface wave energy to propagate across the site and be recorded for the ReMi method. At least ten, unfiltered, 30-second ambient vibrational energy records(`noise'records) were recorded for each line using a 2 msec sample rate. DATA PROCESSSING Refraction: - Refraction tomography is a modern extension of the seismic refraction method, and has been used to study the interior of the earth from scales of miles to tens of feet. The method was introduced in the 1980's, and uses a similar mathematical approach as the CAT scans (computed = automated tomography) used for medical imaging. Tomography is the process of reconstructing - spatial variations of a physical property(in this case compressional-wave velocity) from spatially - distributed measurements that depend on that property(travel time). It follows that tomographic surveys require the measurement of travel times from large numbers of paths, or"ray-paths" through the media being imaged; in this case, soil and rock materials below the refraction spreads. For this project the tomographic inversions were performed using a simulated annealing algorithm. Due to the noisy nature of this site, and the resulting noise in the data collected on these two lines, a low-pass filter was utilized to remove noise and better identify the first arrivals -- of refracted energy along each shot record. First-break picks were then made on all of the shot records acquired along each line. Travel times, along with source and receiver positions and elevations were formatted into files and input to the tomography software. Tomographic analysis was carried out using SeisOpt@2DT"'(�O Optim, Inc., 2006), a commercially available refraction tomography package produced by Optim, LLC (Version 4.0). A two-dimensional cross-section with velocity information at each subsurface point is produced. P-wave velocities can be correlated to the material type. Simulated annealing is a Monte-Carlo estimation process that derives arrival times (P- and/or S- wave) and a velocity model from the data (Pullammanappallil and Louie, 1993; Pullammanappallil and Louie, 1994). The algorithm works by randomly perturbing an arbitrary starting model until the synthetic travel times computed through it match the travel times picked from the data. Unlike linear, iterative inversions, simulated annealing optimization will find the global solution while avoiding local error minimums. The method is insensitive to the starting velocity model, removing the interpreter bias that may be involved in a prospect or project. The fact that SeisOpt@2D makes no assumption about subsurface velocity gradients makes the method ideal for imaging laterally complex subsurface geology. Refraction tomography allows reconstruction of both vertical and lateral velocity variations. The ray-path coverage for all rays traveling through the model is analyzed to determine coverage. A ray is a region in the model that has the highest contribution to the first arrival time. In this survey, the rays probed 20 to 80 feet below the ground surface. The depth of investigation for any refraction survey is dependent on the receiver line length, and the velocity distribution of the subsurface materials, and the offset shot distance. ReMi: The ReMi method calculates the shear-wave velocity(Vs) of layers and the respective depths to interfaces beneath the refraction line as described by Louie (2001). The ReMi method is primarily used to calculate shear velocity versus depth at a point (1 D)to satisfy building code requirements(International Building Code—IBC). The analysis computes the average shear- wave velocity to a depth of 100-feet (30 m) as described in Section 1615.1.1 of IBC 2000; that is the "Vs100". ReMi data were collected for both refraction lines at this site. The `noise' records collected at this site were processed using the SeisOptOO ReMiTM software (OO = Optim LLC, 2005) (Louie, 2001). The ReMi technique is based on two fundamental concepts. _ The first is that common seismic-refraction recording equipment can effectively record surface - waves at frequencies as low as 2 Hz. The second idea is that a simple, two-dimensional _ slowness-frequency (p-fl transform of a microtremor record can separate Rayleigh surface waves from other seismic arrivals. This separation allows recognition of the true phase velocity and discriminates against energy propagating in other modes without dispersion. The advantages of ReMi from a seismic surveying point of view are several, including the following: It requires only standard refraction equipment; it requires no triggered source of wave energy; and, it will - work best in seismically noisy urban settings. Traffic, construction, and wind responses of trees, buildings, and utility standards provide the surface wave energy("source") for the recordings. There are three processing steps to derive the Vs profiles: Step 1: Create a velocity spectrum(p-f image) from the noise data. The distinctive slope of _ dispersive waves is an advantage of the p-f analysis; body waves and airwaves cannot have such a slope. Even if most of the energy in a seismic record is a phase other than Rayleigh waves, the p-f analysis will identify the dispersion of the surface waves. Step 2: Rayleigh-wave dispersion picking- Picking is done along a lowest p-f envelope bounding the dispersed energy appearing on the p-f image. The picks thus discriminate against - higher apparent velocities present because `noise' impacts the linear array from all directions. Picking a surface-wave dispersion curve along an envelope of the lowest phase velocities at each frequency has a further desirable effect. Because higher-mode Rayleigh waves have phase velocities above those of the fundamental mode, the refraction microtremor technique preferentially yields the fundamental-mode velocities. Step 3: Shear wave velocity modeling - The ReMi method interactively forward-models the normal-mode dispersion data picked from the p-f images with a code adapted from Saito (1979, 1988)by Yuehua Zeng(1992). This code produces results identical to those of the forward- modeling codes used by Iwata et al. (1998), and by Xia et al. (1999) within their inversion procedure. The modeling iterates on phase velocity at each period (frequency), reports when a solution has not been found within the iteration parameters. The analysis approach and the propagation properties of surface waves allow velocity reversals (low Vs layers at depth) to be modeled successfully. + . . . . . RESULTS/INTERPRETATIONS Geologic and geotechnical borehole information was provided by Koechlein for the area investigated using geophysics. Correlation can be made between geology and seismic velocities calculated and presented here. Interpretations of the data are made based on the 2D velocity distributions and gradients obtained by the tomographic inversions, the 1 D trends in shear wave velocities with depth obtained by the ReMi inversions and geologic borehole data. Borehole logs indicate a thin layer of fill materials overlaying undisturbed soils and colluvium. The overburden soils are most likely fairly uniform, with the possibility of small to large - boulders within the overburden due to typical erosion processes that occur in this type of alpine _ valley setting. The unconsolidated materials presumably consist of a mix of silts, quartz and feldspathic sands and/or gravely sands and larger clasts or boulders of similar composition - deposited from the erosion ofadjacent mountain slopes. Refraction: The 2D refraction results for lines 1 throughl0 are presented as seismic sections (i.e., distance _ vs. elevation and velocity distribution) from the tomography analysis on Figures 3 through 12. Elevations were recorded using a hand-level and stadia rod, and were corrected to approximate absolute elevation based on site maps and borehole logs. Velocity scales are the same for all lines, and elevation and distance scales may vary slightly due to varying geophone spacing and depths of investigation. Interpreted depth to weathered bedrock and depth to competent bedrock are indicated on the tomograms with dashed and dotted lines respectively. Approximate locations and elevations of refusal and bedrock encountered during drilling are also annotated on the tomograms. For actual depth to geologic interfaces, Koechlein boring logs should be consulted. Elevation of bedrock, as interpreted by the refraction tomography, is based on a velocity threshold of about 5,000 ft/s (i.e., mid-green color). 5,000 ft/s is a reasonable value for fractured and weathered sedimentary rocks. The potential for low densities and weathering at the soiUbedrock interface can be seen in the 2D sections as the variable section of greens and light blues above the faster velocity regions indicated by yellow and red. Interpretation of the P-wave refraction velocity sections obtained indicates three velocity layers: low-velocity materials interpreted as unsaturated andlor saturated, unconsolidated soils, colluvium and fill(i.e., 1,000-5,000 ft/s), generally shaded in blue or"cool"colors; moderate- velocity materials(i.e.,5,000-6,500 ft/sec) interpreted as weathered and/or fractured rock shaded in green to light yellow; and, relatively high-velocity materials interpreted as competent bedrock (>6,500 ft/s) shaded yellow and red or"hot" colors. Tomographic results were gridded, and the interpreted depth to weathered bedrock line (dashed line) is a digitized pick of the 5,000 ft/s contour. The 2D seismic profiles generally indicate a sharp boundary between the interpreted overburden and bedrock. In addition to standard 2D results presented from refraction tomograms, the approximate and general trend in the interpreted top-of-weathered-bedrock from the tomography solutions is presented in the form of a 3D surface plot seen in Figures 13 and 14. These images were created using the digitized picks of�5,000 ft/s from each seismic line's tomogram. Trigonometric calculations were made, utilizing hand-held GPS coordinates of line-ends, to assign an X -- (easting) and Y (northing) coordinate for each of the 5,000 ft/s picks along each line. These picks were then gridded using the Kriging approach (a robust 3D gridding algorithm similar to !i .. � a'R.•.:.i' ,.�..,. ._. .. , , . the minimum-curvature approach), and were then plotted to create a 3D surface. This surface represents the approximate top of 5,000 ft/s and offers the general trend of this P-wave velocity distribution. The color scale represents approximate absolute elevation. Figure 13 presents this velocity contour map from a skewed perspective to show the geometry of the surface, and Figure 14 shows this surface plot in map view with the approximate line locations annotated as they are in Figure 2. The red line on Figures 13 and 14 is an elevation contour plotted on the surface at an elevation equal to that of the proposed floor slab (7974 feet). This indicates areas where the _ interpreted top-of-weathered-bedrock is above the proposed floor slab elevation, and these may be areas where rock is encountered during excavation. It is important to understand that this - surface plot does not necessarily represent the true surface of bedrock, and that the areas between = lines may have shallow bedrock that hasn't been detected by the refraction survey or plotted due to seismic line locations. _ Some of the tomograms show vertical bands of�3,000-4,000 ft/s (light blue-green) surrounded by lower velocity regions(darker blue). These vertical bands are a result of concentrated ray- path coverage calculated during the inversion process, and they suggest the presence of a sharp transition in P-wave velocity with depth (slow soils over fast rock). This can be seen on many of - the tomograms, where the interpreted top-of-weathered-rock (dashed line) is just above the interpreted top-of-competent-rock (dotted line). There are some discrete areas of faster _ velocities (�-4,000 ft/s) distributed at relatively shallow depths as seen on the tomograms. These = could be a result of variable soil compaction, the presence of excessive cobbles and boulders or saturated soils that have increased the average propagation velocity of P-waves within these zones. Several inversions were performed on the data to ensure that the results presented here are the best fit models for each Line. REMI: ReMi soundings (i.e., 1 D S-wave velocity values versus depth) were computed beneath each of - the 10 seismic lines, and the models are assigned to the center of each line. The 1D sounding data are derived by averaging the ambient noise across the 24 channel receiver array and represent the bulk properties of the soil and/or rock beneath the `entire'array. ReMi calculations are based on determining the lower-bound for the surface wave dispersion which provides a conservative (i.e., lowest possible) shear-wave velocity for each layer modeled in the 1D result. The resultant ReMi models are presented on Figures 15 through 24 and in Tables 1 through 10. Calculated Vs100 values are annotated on these Figures and included in the tables. The average Vs100 value for the 10 lines is=1563.9 ft/s. The ReMi results indicate a sequence of overburden deposits with S-wave velocity ranging between about 200 and 2,000 ft/sec. These observed S- wave velocities are in a reasonable range for unconsolidated colluvial deposits. The two models generally indicate an increase in S-wave velocity with depth, but there are velocity inversions in some of the models, where low-velocity layers are modeled. Trends in the S-wave velocities, that are interpreted to indicate bedrock, are seen as the sudden increases in velocity at depth for the ReMi models. This is generally interpreted to indicate the interface between weathered and competent bedrock. These trends in S-wave velocity models generally match the relevant P- wave tomograms fairly well, but some of the ReMi models appear to indicate the depth to competent rock rather than the top-of-weathered-rock when compared to the P-wave refraction tomograms. These discrepancies are most likely due to the orientation of the lines with respect to the highway which was the primary source of surface waves at the project site. Note that the . . !, _� ........ �` velocities and layer thicknesses derived by the ReMi method are averaged over the 230-foot seismic line, and the P-wave tomograms are believed to represent the distribution of velocities and interpreted geologic interfaces more accurately. Four observations provide confidence in the geophysical results: 1) There is good correlation between refraction tomography(P-wave) and ReMi(S-wave) seismic results and borehole data provided by Koechlein; 2) Multiple tomographic inversions - were performed and yielded repeatable results and consistent trends in velocity distributions that support the provided interpretation; 3) The trends in interpreted top-of-weathered-bedrock are similax between adjacent lines, and the 3D surface plot of this interpreted interface has a strong = downward trend dipping to the south(as expected); 4) The seismic data quality ranged from fair to good,and was improved by the use of selective filtering in the frequency domain. - If you have any questions regarding the field procedures, seismic analysis techniques, or the 2D refraction tomography or 1 D ReMi results and interpretations presented herein, please do not _ hesitate to contact us. We appreciate working with you and look forward to providing you with geophysical services in the future. Respectfully Submitted, � Justin Rittgers Phil Sirles Geophysicist Managing Geophysicist Zonge Geosciences, Inc. Zonge Geosciences, Inc. ��. .. . . ... <'r-. . �, Table 1 - Line 1 ReMi Data Depth, ft Vs, ft/s - 0.0 418.6 - -4.8 418.6 -4.8 963.9 - -20.8 963.9 -20.8 1299.1 -72.1 1299.1 -72.1 2893.1 -91.9 2893.1 - -91.9 3481.7 -100.0 3481.7 Line 1 Vs100' = 1,303 ft/sec - Table 2 - Line 2 ReMi Data Depth, ft Vs, ft/s 0.0 217.0 -1.9 217.0 -1.9 819.0 -5.0 819.0 -5.0 1096.9 -42.8 1096.9 -42.8 1348.3 -52.2 1348.3 -52.2 2353.9 -100.0 2353.9 Line 2 Vs100' = 1,347 ft/sec (!.'I5�h'nc��,•hlc�iia %��:���,�r-i Table 3 - Line 3 ReMi Data De th, ft Vs, ft/s _ 0.0 217A _ -1.9 217.0 - -1.9 852.1 -5.3 852.1 -5.3 1110.1 -13.3 1110.1 -13.3 1130.0 -47.8 1130.0 _ -47.8 1348.3 -53.5 1348.3 -53.5 2228.2 - -100.0 2228.2 = Line 3 Vs100' = 1,325 ft/sec Tabie 4 - Line 4 ReMi Data Depth, ft Vs, ft/s 0.0 �706.6 -1.7 706.6 -1.7 786.0 -6.4 786.0 -6.4 1262.3 -7.9 1262.3 -7.9 620.6 -10.2 620.6 -10.2 1208.4 -13.4 1208.4 -13.4 1295.4 -48.0 1295.4 -48.0 2420.1 -95.8 2420.1 -95.8 2506.1 - -100.0 2506.1 Line 4 Vs100' = 1,560 ftlsec 0,'1�6 Kr>echlc�irr . :`s'�-,���_�, Table 5 - Line 5 ReMi Data De th, ft Vs, ft/s 0.0 1023.7 -1.4 1023.7 -1.4 904.0 -9.6 904.0 -9.6 1596.1 -11.6 1596.1 -11.6 463.7 -14.0 463.7 -14.0 2447.7 -26.5 2447.7 -26.5 1718.6 -37.9 1718.6 -37.9 1493.9 -49.3 1493.9 -49.3 3262.5 - -100.0 3262.5 Line 5 Vs100' = 1,932 ft/sec Table 6 - Line 6 ReMi Data Depth, ft Vs, ft/s _ o.0 2ss.s -1.7 289.8 -1.7 408.8 -8.0 408.8 -8.0 1077.1 -11.8 1077.1 -11.8 779.3 -16.7 779.3 -16.7 1057.2 -37.4 1057.2 -37.4 825.7 -61.0 825.7 -61.0 2691.4 -68.3 2691.4 -68.3 2962.6 -100.0 2962.6 Line 6 Vs100' = 1,080 ft/sec D?.!�6 h"r��:�cl�lc�ir� ' i;:;_ , Table 7 - Line 7 ReMi Data De th, ft Vs, ft/s 0.0 1116.8 -4.5 1116.8 -4.5 457.0 -5.7 457.0 -5.7 1868.4 -6.8 1868.4 -6.8 559.7 - -11.1 559.7 -11.1 2081.8 - -15.5 2081.8 -15.5 2761.7 -20.7 2761.7 -20.7 3713.5 -24.3 3713.5 -24.3 982.3 _ -27.4 982.3 - -27.4 2082.8 - -63.7 2082.8 -63.7 3732.7 -100.0 3732.7 Line 7 Vs100' = 1,992 ft/sec Table 8 - Line 8 ReMi Data - Depth, ft Vs, ft/s 0.0 456.4 -3.3 456.4 -3.3 978.1 -11.8 978.1 -11.8 1637.8 -36.2 1637.8 -36.2 2428.0 -57.0 2428.0 -57.0 3008.1 -61.3 3008.1 -61.3 2636.2 -82.7 2636.2 -82.7 5513.6 -86.4 5513.6 -86.4 5592.9 -100.0 5592.9 Line 8 Vs100' = 1,924 ft/sec _ _ �)71�fi h'nec•ialc�in - '''"•; Table 9 - Line 9 ReMi Data De th, ft Vs, ft/s _ 0.0 719.2 -1.7 719.2 -1.7 1019.9 - -6.1 1019.9 -6.1 600.7 = -13.8 600.7 = -13.8 850.0 - -14.8 850.0 - -14.8 1963.6 -27.1 1963.6 -27.1 1447.6 -31.7 1447.6 -31.7 627.2 - -40.9 627.2 -40.9 2856.8 -100.0 2856.8 -____ Line 9 Vs100' = 1,731 ft/sec Table 10 - Line 10 ReMi Data Depth, ft Vs, ft/s - 0.0 719.2 -1.7 719.2 -1.7 647.0 -6.1 647.0 -6.1 845.5 -13.8 845.5 -13.8 850.0 - -14.8 850.0 -14.8 1156.5 -27.1 1156.5 -27.1 1447.6 -31.7 1447.6 -31.7 1010.9 -52.0 1010.9 -52.0 2420.1 -100.0 2420.1 Line 10 Vs100' = 1,445 ft/sec �l;1�fi R'ncr��•Jalc�iy� ., ,-°1 REFERENCES Iwata, T., Kawase, H., Satoh, T., Kakehi, Y., Irikura, K., Louie, J. 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Xia, J., Miller, R. D., and Park, C. B., 1999, Estimation of near-surface shear-wave velocity by inversion of Rayleigh wave: Geophysics, v. 64, p.691-700. (;� . �fS��i;i .�. � , .� e��i.:, . . '. Elevation ft .� � � � , L .,.,o � c a .� o .� �� �� M M � Q 0 Q W O � _ .O O 00 CO d' � ; � ;� � . O � � � � � �E 00 I`� I`� I� O Y .a �� ,..a � 0 � N W � ~ � z � H .o i T � � �� O 4� � � � � � � � O y ; y < O � � T O .� . � '.�: O � � �� a � � o r� _ M ��� � � ��,a,�,���. W � (!� E � .� < '�� tl\ � '�`�— ° � U C3 � ��;� C� U � o � � .E � � � `�r��x#°"�` �3 }��;, //'� � � V N oi � O �'" , �� �,�J �j m� E �-1 � a �' ,>�� L y � � o ° a� W � � �] � � � ° � � � a _ .,L., � O N {.. I �-� k m� � � �.�... � � N . � � � s�* ��, ❑ � � L m O � '�i'. Q �` � � �"'� � a a� a t t U T ,� 4 '� ;, � � � E � �. '° A� . y N ° �, �� � � � W •;�5 Q � � U � � � � :,�� : N � ��E a o ,� N �J '` f {,.. 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Shear-Wave Velocity,ft/s 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 i -10 �Vs100'=1347 ft/s —2� -30 -40 � � � -50 � A -60 -70 I -80 -90 -100 07156 Koechlein, Line 2: Vs Profile Figure 16 ' Figure 16—Proposed Residence Inn and Timberline Lodge Condominiums Project, Line 2 ReMi model. Shear-Wave Velocity,ft/s a soo laoo isoo 2000 2soo o � � -10 �Vs100'= 1325 H/s '2� -30 -40 � � � � � � -50 I � A -60 ; -70 -80 � -90 -100 07156 Koechlein, Line 3: Ys Profile Figure 17 ' Figure 17—Proposed Residence Inn and Timberline Lodge Condominiums Project, Line 3 ReMi model. Shear-Wave Velocity,ft/s 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 —10 —vs,oo�_,5so rus -20 -30 -40 � � � -50 � A -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 07156 Koechlein, Line 4: Vs Profile �� Figure 18 Figure 18—Proposed Residence Inn and Timberline Lodge Condominiums Project, Line 4 ReMi model. Shear-Wave Velocity,ft/s 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 0 -10 —2� �Vs100'=1932 ft/s -30 -40 � � � � -50 o� A -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 07156 Koechlein, Line 5: Vs Profile Figure 19 Figure 19—Proposed Residence Inn and Timberline Lodge Condominiums Project, Line 5 ReMi modeL Shecar-Wave Velocity,ft/s 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 0 —1� �Vs100'=1080 fUs —Z 0 -30 -40 � w � 'JO � A -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 07156 Koechlein, Line 6: Vs Profile Figure 20 Figure 20—Proposed Residence Inn and Timberline Lodge Condominiums Project, Line 6 ReMi modeL Shear-Wave Velocity,ft/s 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 0 —10 —vs,oo�_,ssz fus -20 -30 -40 � � y -50 o� A -60 , -70 -80 -90 -100 07156 Koechlein, Line 7: Vs Profile Figure 2I Figure 21 —Proposed Residence Inn and Timberline Lodge Condominiums Project, Line 7 ReMi model. Shear-Wave Velocity,ft/s 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 0 -10 , - � �vs�oo�=isza rvs -2� -30 -40 � � � -50 � A -60 i � -70 -80 -90 -100 07156 Koechlein, Line 8: T�s Profile Figure 22 Figure 22 —Proposed Residence Inn and Timberline Lodge Condominiurns Project, Line 8 ReMi model. Shear-Wave Velocity,ft/s 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 —1 0 °V5100'=1731 fUs —2 0 -30 -40 � � � -50 � A -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 07156 Koechlein, Line 9: Vs Profile Figure 23 Figure 23—Proposed Residence Inn and Timberline Lodge Condominiums Project, Line 9 ReMi modeL Shear-Wave Velocity,ftls 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 —10 —vs,oo�_,aas rvs -20 -30 -40 � � � -50 � A -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 07156 Koechlein, Line 10: Vs Profile Figure 24 Figure 24—Proposed Residence Inn and Timberline Lodge Condominiums Project, Line 10 ReMi model. Page 1 of 2 .�.......... Timberline Lodge Public Spaces For Condominium Areas Only-See Marriott for Hotel SLIFER DESlGNS Job#: 8355 Date: 2/t5/2007 Lasl Revision: 12.21.07 Contents: S ec.Code Trtle Current S ec Date fTEMS REVISED TO CROSS REFERENCE FINISH SCHEDULE,NOT BY DNISION N/A FLOORING F-27 STONE FLOORING(ST-i) 12..21.07 F-22 MAIN CARPET(CPT-1) 72..21.07 F•23 CORRIDOR CARPET CPT-2 i2.27.07 BASE B-8 WOOD BASE(MW-1 J 72.27.07 B-9 STONEBASE ST-1 72..7107 CEIL/NG G5 CEIUNG PAINT P•3 72..21.07 - � - WALLS W20 PAINT BELOW CHAIR RAIL(P-2J 72..21.07 W-21 KNOTTYALDERPANELING(MW-f0) 12..21.07 W-23 BATH WALL TILE(CT-1/CT-2) 12..21 07 W-24 WALLCOVERING(wc-i) 12..27.07 W-26 PAINTABOVECHAIRR.QIL P-1 72..2tG7 SURFACES S-3 6RANl7ECOUN7ERSS8-1 f2.2107 rvis�on ason 04402 CUT STONE VENEER 5124.'2007 SN•1 Fireplece Stone SN-2 Fire lace Hearth Stone 04405 STONE SLAB SB•1 Rece tion Desk and Restrooms Counteho roiswn - , as cs om s es ' 06400 WOOD MW1 Base MW-2 Horizontal Case MW-3 Vertical Case MW-4 Crovm MW5 Chair Rail � MW-6 Reception Desk Corbel MW-7 Reception Desk Base MW-8 Applied Molding MW9 Mantle MW-10 Column Wainscol MW.11 Restroom Vanit Apron and Front 06650 PLASTICS � ��� VCT-1 Vinyl Ti�e . VCT•2 Vin I Base . roision - oors m ows OB216 DOORS : D-t Interior poors 08710 DOOR HARDWARE DHW1 Inlerior poor Hard�rare � DHW-2 Hinges DHW3 Door Sto s iwsion - ini es- oa , one i e, oonn , a , am in 09250 GYPSUM WALL BOARD GWB•1 Walls 8 Ceilin s 0930D CERAMIC CT-1 Public Restrooms W all Field Tile � CT•2 Public Reslrooms Wall Finished Edge Field Tile CR3 Public Res�rooms Transition Behveen Wall 8 Stone Tde �� 09300 STONE S7-1 Stone Floorin 09686 CARPET CPT•1 LobbyB Game Room Broadloom �� CpT.y Corridor 8roadloom 8 Bordar 09900 PAINT P-1 Above Chair Rail � P-2 Below Chair Rail � P-3 Ceiling � P-4 Store e antl Mechanical Rooms Back ot House WAI.LCOVERINGS � WC-1 8ehind Rece tion Oesk Vin I Walicoverin s 099D0 STAIN � S-1 Stain Color � Page 2 of 2 _. _..... Timberline Lodge Public Spaces For Condominium Areas Only-See Marriott for Hotel SLIFER DESIGNS Job i1: 8355 Dale: 2/15/2007 Last Revision: 122t07 Contents: S ea Code Tifle Currenf S ec Dafe Division 10-S ialties Fire laces,Balh Accessories,Shower Enclosures 10 10305 FIREPLACE BOX/LOG SETS pp-� PER ARCHITECT'S SPEGFICATIONS 10800 BATH HARDWARE ' BHW-� ADA Grab Bars �� BHW-2 Single Hooks BHW-3 Double 7issue Holder iwsion 3D000 MIRRORS&FRAMES M-1 Public Reslroom Minors M-2 Public Restroom Mirror Frames �' - Division 15-Mechanical 15 15440 PLUMBING FIXTURES PLU-1 Public Restroom Toilet PLU•2 Public Restroom Faucet PLU-3 Public Res�room Lavato Sink Division 16-ElecVical 16 16515 DECORATIVE LIGHTING LTG-1 Chandeliers LTG2 Entry Sconces Page 1 of 2 Timberline Lodge Condominium Resident Rooms Only SLIFER DESIGNS Job#: 8355 Date: 11/27/2006 Last Revision: 0927.07,12.19.Q7 Contents: S ec.Code Title Cuaent S ec Date ITEMS REVISED TO CROSS REFERENCE FINISH SCHEDULE,NOT BY DMSION N/A FLOORING F-17 KITCHEN FLOORING(ST-1)2 OPTIONS AVAILABLE 12.21.07 F-18 BATH FLOORING(ST-2J 2 OPTIONS AVAILABLE 12.21.07 F-19 UNIT CARPET(CPT-1J 2 OPTIONS AVAILABLE 12.21.07 F-20 UNIT CARPET PAD CPT-2 12.21.07 BASE ` B-8 WOOD BASE 12.21.07 B-9 STONE BASE ST-2 2 OPTIONS AVAILABLE 12.21.07 CEILING G5 CEILING PAINT P-1 WALLS W-22 WALL/SHOWER TILE(ST-2J 2 OPTIONS AVAILABLE 12.21.07 W-25 WALL PAINT PT-1 12.21.07 SURFACES S-5 GRANITE SLABS(SB-1)2 OPTIONS AVAILABLE 12.21.07 S-6 MARBLE SLABS SB-2 2 OPTIONS AVAILABLE 12.21.07 ivision ason 04402 CUT STONE VENEER ° SN-1 FIREPIACE STONE 04405 STONE SLAB SB-1A KITCHEN OPTION A SB-1B KITCHEN OPTION B SB-2A BATH OPTION A SB-28 BATH OPTION B iv�s�on - oo as ic 06410 CUSTOM CABINETRY(Including Hardware) CMW-1 KITCHEN CABINETS CMW-2A BATH CABINETS OPTION A CMW-26 BATH CABINETS OPTION B CHW-1 KITCHEN CABINET KNOBS CHW-2 KITCHEN CABINET PULLS CHW-3 BATHROOM CABINET KNOBS ivision - oors �n ows 08216 DOORS D-1 INTERIOR DOORS D-2 ENTRY DOORS 08710 DOOR HARDWARE DHW-1 INTERIOR DOOR HARDWARE DHW-2 ENTRY DOOR HARDWARE DHW-3 HINGES DHW-4 DOOR BUMPER DHW-5 SPECIALTY DOOR HARDWARE DHW-6 COMMERCIAL DOOR HARDWARE 09.27.07 iv�sion - mis es- oar , one i e, o0 oonn , a e, ain �n 09300 TILE(Ceramic,�uarry,Glass,Stone 8 Metal) ST-1 KITCHEN FLOOR ST-2A KITCHEN BACKSPLASH OPTION A ST-28 KITCHEN BACKSPLASH OPTION B ST-3A BATH FLOOR AND WALL TILE OPTION A ST-38 BATH FLOOR AND WALL TILE OPTION B 0968fi CARPET CPT-1A CARPET OPTION A CPT-1 B CARPET OPTION B CPT-1C CARPET PAD 09900 PAINT P-1 WALL AND CEILING COLOR Page 2 of 2 - Tlfl�iberline Lodge Resident Rooms Only SLIFER DESIGNS Job#: 8355 Date: 11/27/2006 Last Revision: 0927.07,12.19.07 Contents: S ea Code Title Cument S ec Date Division 10-S eciafties Fire laces,Bath Accessories,Shower Enclosures 10 10305 FIREPLACE BOX/LOG SETS FP-1 PER ARCHITECT'S SPECIFICATIONS 10800 BATH HARDWARE BHW-1 TOWEL BARS BHW-1A TOWEL BARS 09.27.07 BHW-2 ROBE HOOKS " BHW-3 70WEL RlNG BHW-4 TP HOLDERS BHW-5 SHOWER RODS . 10825 SHOWER ENCLOSURES SGL-1 FRAMELESS SHOWER ENCLOSURE iv�sian - w ment 11 11452 APPLIANCES A-1 REFRIGERATOR A-2 RANGE A-3 DlSHWASHER A-4 MICROWAVE A-5 WASHER A-6 DRYER A-7 DISPOSAL wision - 1 30000 MIRRORS&FRAMES M-1 BATH MIRRORS M-2 MIRROR FRAMES Division 15-Mechanical 15 15440 PLUMBING FIXTURES PLU-1A KITCHEN SINK PLU-1B KITCHEN SINK PLU-2 KITCHEN FAUCET PLU-3 BATH FAUCETS PLU-4 BATH SINKS PLU-5 BATHITUB SHOWER FITTINGS PLU-6 BATH SHOWER FlTTINGS PLU•7 BATH TUB PLU-8 BATH TOILETS PLU-9 BATH TUB FILLER Division 16-Electrical 16 16515 DECORATIVE UGHTING LTG•1 BATH SCONCES LTG-2 OMITTED LTG-3 OMITTED LTG-4 OMITTED Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: SN-1 Project Information Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE Item Location: LIVING ROOM Project No.: 8355 Item Description: FlREPLACE STONE First Issue Date: 11/27/2006 Revision Date: Vendor Information OR EDUAL Suggested Vendor: ROBINSON BRICK Address: Coniact: SONIA ARNOLDS ' Phone: 970.328.3591 Fax: 970.328.2592 Item Information Product: KIAMICHI THINROCK Description: KIAMICHI"fHINROCK Edge Detail: N/A D'rmensions: VARlES Thickness: 3"-5""fHICKNESS, RANDOM BED Finish: KIAMICHI THINROCK ' Grout/Mortar: DRY STACK Water Absorption: Chemicat Resistance: Notes: All naturai stones lack unitormit and are sub'ect to variation. Appl 511 Porous Plus Sealer(natural look). 511 Porous Plus resists moislure&stains while allowing vapor to escape. Refer to Manufacturer's specs. ��- .. � ,: �.� .. � bs, �'� :'�: !,ww-i » .1 ,r...�, �, ",� � �:.� � �" .0 ..,y�`� 4" ,�t F F�; '�'1 •.{�,�� f �.�? `�� ...��s $,'-"� �� �1:' . :f• ~l` y ' Y��. � • �.� I�.1,9 ��.�'�:'`"`� , � 5 � ,� • � ,� � ,�,,,,,,,,,�,,,�. Slifer �Desi ns� � ���=.� . ��� � . g 216 A1ain Street,Suite C-100 EdN'ards,CO 81632 Phonc:970.926.8200,Fax:970.569.3221 Section 04402 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: Mw-� Project Information Name: Timberiine lodge Item Location: Public Spaces Including Corridors ProJect No.: 8355 Rem Description: Base First Issue Date: 02115/2007 Revision Date: Vendor Information SuBgested Vendor: Genesis Innovation Addrecs: 0210 Edwards Viilage Blvd. Edwards, Co. Contacf: Phone: 970.926.9315 - Fax: 970.926.9312 item Information Manufacturer: Selected 8 Contractor Product: Base Descrfpt(on: Contractor to Match/Similar Specification Image o(Profile Dlmensions: 5/8"x 6" Flnlsh: Refer to S•1,Stain Spec Species: Knotty Alder Notes: Contractor To Provide Sampies of Simiiar Mitiwork for Approval Comments: Suppiier to veri that a11 necessary arts for installation are ordered. All material and methods of construction must compiy with all applicable fire and I'rfe safety codes. Fabricator to provide structurally sound roduct. Al�materials and consiruction must be conlract qualily. Any metal parts must be guaranteed against rust corrosion and scratching. �,,.�' Subminal: Supplier/Subcontractor to provide sampie 8 shop drawings for Slifer Designs ap roval prior to fabrication. _ z:s�� � � Slifer �Designs� 216 Main Street,Suite GI00 Edwards,CO 81632 Phone:970.926.8200, Fax: 970.569.3221 Oivision: 6400 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: ��-2 ProJect Information Namr Timberline todge ftem Location: Public Spaces Including Corridors Pro)ect No.: 8355 Itsm Descrfption: Horizontal Case Flrat tssue Date: 02/15/2007 Revislon Date: Vendor Informat(on Suggeated Vendor: Genesis Innovation Addreaa: 0210 Edwards Vilfage Blvd. Edwards,Co. Contact: Phone: 970.926.9315 - Fax: 970.926.9312 Item Intormation Manufacturer: Selected 8 Contractor Praduct: Horizonfal Case D.scriptlon: Contractor to Match/Similar Specification Image of Profile Dimencions: 1"x 5" Ftntsh: Refer to S-1, Sta'rn Spec Spect�s: Knotty Alder Notes: Horizontal Case to Extend 1"Past Vertical Casing on Each Side Contractor To Provide Samples of Similar Millwork for Approval Comments: Supplier to verify that all necessary parts for instaAation are ordered. ; All material and methods of construction must comply with all applicable fire and life safety codes. Fabricator to provide structura�ly sound product. All materials and construction must be contract quality. Any metal paRs must be guaranleed against rust corrosion and scratching. ' Subm�ttal: Supplier/Subcontractor to provide sample 8 sho drawings for Sliter Designs a proval rior to fabrication. � � Slifer �Designs 216 Main Street,Suite C-]00 Edwards,CO 81632 Phone:970.926.SZ00,Fax: 970.569.32Z1 Division: 6400 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: �W.3 Project Information ' Nema: Timberline lodge Item Locatlon: Public Spaces including Corridors Pro)ect No.: 8355 kam Description: VertiCal Case First issue Date: 02/15/2007 R�vls{on Date: Vendor Information Suggested Vendor: Genesis lnnovation Address; 0210 Edwards Village Blvd. Edwards,Co. Contect: Phone: 970.926.9315 Fax: 970.926.9312 Item Information Manufsctur�r: Selected B Contractor Product: Vertica!Case Dsscrtptton: Contractor to Match/Similar Specifica2ion!ma e of Protile Dlm�nslons: 3/4"x 3" Flni�h: Referto S-1,Stain Spec Species: Knotty Alder Notes: Contractor To Provide Samples oi Similar Millwork for Approval Comments: Supplier to verify that all necessary parts for installation are ordered. AH materia!and methods of construction must comply with all appiicable fire and life safety codes. Fabricator to provide structura(1 sound roduct. All materials and construction must be contract quality. Any metai parts must be guaranteed against rust corrosion and scratching. Submlttsl: SuppliedSubcontractor to provide sample &shop drawin s for Slifer Designs approvai prior to fabrication. ;�: H. � .. :;�:m` ':;:r ` a: �il Sli�er �Designs� 216 Main Street,Suite GI00 Edwards,CO 81632 Phone:970.926.8200,Fax:970.569.3221 Dlviaion: 64D0 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: M�-L� Project Information Neme: Timberline lodge Rem Locatfon: Public Spaces including Corridors Project No.: 8355 Item Description: Crown First Issu�Date: 02/15/2007 Revlsfon Dat�: Vendor information Supgested Vendor: Genesis Innovation Addreas: 0210 Edwards Village Blvd. Edwards,Co. Contact: Phone: 970.926.9315 - F�x: 970.926.931 Z Rem Information M�nutactur�r: Selected B Contractor Product: Crown Deacription: Contractor to MatchlSimilar Specification image of Profile Dimensions; 4" Finl:h: Refer to S-1, Stain Spec Species: Knotty Alder Notes: Contractor To Provide Sampies oi Similar Millwork for Approval Comments: Supplier to ver'rfy that all necessa paRs f�r instailation are ordered. All material and methods of construction must comply with all appiicable fire and life safety codes. Fabricator to provide structurall sound product. All materials and construction must be contract qualit . My metal parts must be guaranteed agains2 rust corrosion and scratching. Submtttal: Suppiier/Subcontractor to provide sample 8 shop drawings for Slifer Designs approval prior to fabrication. �., `� . � � `7�.1�, J��'�•��R�e~�':1��. �� 4 3�..1�.,, 4 'h�i. '•!{��;���� :_t�E�,ti'ti � i► �1e'�,, �� h � ny�,;y "�+' �'��'Y:•. �'i7l .4.,�*�. `5`:�:����.I � - f.,� iw,.. i. �Slifer �Designs� 216 A'Iain Street,Suite C-100 EdN•ards,CO 8163z + Phone: 970.926.8200,Fax: 970.569.3221 Dlvision: 640D Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: Mw-�j Project information Name: Timberline lodge hem Location: Pubiic 5paces Including Corridors Pro)ect No.: 8355 kem Description: Chair Rail First Issue Date: 02115/2007 Revisfon Date: Vendor Information Suggested Vendor: Genesis Innovation Address: 0210 Edwards Viilage Blvd. Edwards,Co. Contact: Phone: 970.92fi.9315 Fax: 970.926.9312 Item Information Manutacturor. Selected B Coniractor Product• Chair Rai! D.scriptfon: Contracior to Mafch/5imilar 5pecification image of Profile D{mensions: 5/8"x 3" Finlsh: Referto 5-1,51ain Spec Species: Knotty Alder Notes: Contractor To Provide Samples of Similar Millwork for Approval Comments: Supplier to verify that all necessary parts for installation are ordered. All material and methods of construction must comply with ali applicable f'rre and life safety codes. Fabricator to provide structuraliy sound product. All materiais and construction must be contract qualit . Any metai parts must be guaranteed agairtst rust corrosion and scra2ching. < ���`� Submittal: Suppl+er/Subcontractor to provide sampie ��",`'�r� ..�j.:,::'`;n�. 8 shop drawings for S�i�er Designs � ' �•'`•;f,..:.:.. approval prior to tabrication. :"i^�';` ' .t.: , j8,., � � Slifer �De�signs. � �� � 216 Main Street,Suite G100 Edwards,CO 81632 Phone:970.926.8200, Fax: 970.569.3221 Dlvidon: 600� Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: MW-6 _ Project Information Name: Timberline lodge kem Locetion: Public Spaces Reception Desk ProJsct No.: 8355 Itsm Description: Corbei First lssue Date: 02/�5/2007 Revisfon Date: Vendor Information Suppested Vendor: Genesis Innovation Addrrss: 0210 Edwards Village Blvd. Edwards,Co. Contsct: Phone: 970.926.93]5 '` F�z: 970.926.9312 Rem Information M�nufecturer: SeleCted 8 Contractor Product: Corbel D�scription: Contractor to Match/Similar Specification Image of Profile Dlmsnslons: 3 1/2"x 6"x 8" ftn(sh: Refer to S-1, Stain Spec Speclas: Knotty Alder Notss: Contractor To Provide Samples of Similar Miliwork for Approvai Commsnts: Suppfier to verify that aii necessary arts for instailation are ordered. All maferial and methods of construction must comply with all a plicable fire and i'rfe safety codes. Fabricator to provide structurally sound product All materials and construction must be contract quality. Any metai parts must be guaranteed against rust corrosion and scratching. ��. .,�. s� �����'' Submlaal: Supplier/SubconVactor to provide sample �.,v,,.,,F��� + �;:,. &shop drawings for Slifer Designs - � ��f,',-- :.;r�=w...;� approval prior to fabrication. i Slifer �Deslgns� 2l6 Main Street,Suite C-1 QO Edwnrds,CO 81632 * ��F�-.� •�' Phone:970.926.8200,Fax:970.569.3221 Dlvisiun: 6400 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: �W_7 Project Information Namr. TimberGne lodge Item Location: Pubiic Spaces Reception Desk ProJ�ct No.: 8355 Itam Description: Base Flrstlssue Date: 02/75/2007 Revlslon Date: Vendor Information Supgested Vendor: Genesis Innovation Addresa: 0210 Edwards Viliage Blvd. Edwards, Co. Contact: Phono: 970.926.9315 F�x: 970.92&.9312 tlem Information M�nufacturer: Selected 6 Contractor Product: Base D��cription: Contractor to Match/Simiiar Specification Image of Profife Dlmanslons: 5/8"x 7" Flnlsh: Refer to S-1,5tain Spec Sp�cies: Knotty Alder Not,s: Contractor To Provide Samples o(Similar Miliwork for Approval Comments: 5upplier to verrfy that all necessary parts for instaliation are ordered. AII material and methods of construction must comply with ali appficable(ire and life safety codes. Fabricator to provide siruciural! sound product. All materials and construction must be contract quality. Any metal parts must be guaranteed against rust corrosion and scratching. �,.,�t}, -,,.:: Submittel: Su plier/Subcontractor to provide sampie 8 shop drawings for Slifer Des' ns approvai prior to fabrication. ,,r,�?�`•- �`d. . w� P:f ,:.: v � . Stifer �Designs� 216 Main Street,Suitc C-100 Edn•ards,CO 81632 Pbone:970.926.8200,Fax:970.569.3221 Dlvidon: 64DD Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: MW-8 ; Project Information Name: Timberline lodge Item�osation: Public Space Recepiion Desk Project No.: 8355 ftem Description: A pl+ed Molding First Issue Date: 02/15/2007 Revlalon Date: Vendor Information Suggested Vendor: Genesis Innovation Address: 0210 Edwards ViNage 81vd. Edwards,Co. Conta�t: Phone: 970.926.9315 Fax: 970.926.9312 Itern Informat(on Manutactur•r: Selected B Contractor Product: Applied Mofding D�acrlption: Contractor to Match/Simitar Specification Image of Profite Dfinenslons: 1"x 1 1/Z" Finiah: Refer to S-1.Stain Spec Spscies: Knotty Alder Notes: Contractor To Provide Samples of Similar Milfwork for Approva! Comments: Supplier to verify that all necessary parts for inslallation are ordered. All material and methods of constnrction must comply with al!applicable fire and life safety codes. Fabricator to provide structurally sound produot. All materiais and construction must be contract quality. Any metal parts must be guaranteed against rust corrosion and scratching. Submittal: Supplier/Subcontractor to provide sample 8 shop drawings for Siifer Designs A( h• approval prior to fabrication. �.�'•`� ,:;;; • ? �i�. ; � , r-° A•*���, ,a� �:�n � .::�t. i ,r•� � �::.4 � 3 .. ��. Slifer �Designs� 2l6 Main Street,Suite C-]00 Ed��ards,CO 81632 Phone:970.926.8200, Eax:970.569.3221 Dfv(sion: 6400 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: �y�yy-� Projec2 lnformation Name: Timberline todge Item Location: Public Space Firepiace Project No.: 8355 ltem Description: Mantle First Issue Date: 02115/2007 Revfsion Date: Vendor Informetion Suggested Vendor: Genesis innovation address: 0210 Edwards Viliage Bivd. Edwards, Ca ContacL Phone: 970.926.9315 Fax: 970.926.9312 Item Informatian Manufacturar: SeleCted B ConiraCtor Product: Mantie Descrlption: Refer to ID Drawings for Dimensions, 5tyle and Locations Dimenstonc: Re(er to ID Drawings for Dimensions, Style and Locations Finisn: Refer to S-1,Stain Spec Species: Knotty Alder Notes: Contractor To Provide Samples oi Similar Miliwork for Approval Comments: Supplier to verify that afi necessary parts for instaHation are ordered. All materfal and methods oi construction must comply with all applicable fire and life safety codes. . Fabricator to provide structurail sound product. All materials and construction must be contract quality. Any metal parts must be guaranteed agafnst rust corrosion and scratching. #—� q._b. }—�.� B.-0.. '_ _ 4� . Submittai: SupplierlSubcontractor to prov+de sample I b � &shop drawings tor SIAer Designs ° :,� � - ! ° - � - approval prior to fabrication. , � , —' �," � _ � � 1� - �;-� -�,,.r� � -- , � . , - - � _. . i. -,. ,- ,� �; � �._6.. 6.i b.� ' . ,� !— � t� '�—, � � _ 1 �' =L 4 �jJr'�;," -- S�iFer Designs� , . .I . - -� _ � � - . 216 Main Street,Suite C-]00 ...__ . � _ � , -. - . Edwards,CO 81632 - `�' --* —�— - — '� — i a� Phone: 970.926.8200, Fax: 970.569.3221 � � D)vision: 6400 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: Mw•1 (� Project Information Nam�: Timberline lodge Nem Location: Public Space Columns ProJoct No.: 8355 Nem Description: Wainscot First lssue Date: 02/15/2007 R�vls}on Date: Vertdor Information Suegested Vendor: Genesis Innovation Address: 0210 Edwards Village Blvd. Edwards,Co. Contact: Phone: 970.926.9315 - Fax: 970.926.9312 Item Information Manutacturer: SeleCted B Contractor Product: Wainscot Descriptlon: Rail and Stile Dim�nclons: Refer 10 ID Drawings for Dimensions,Style and Locations Finfch: Refer to S-1, Stain Spec Sp.cies: Knotly Alder Notrs: Contractor To Provide Samples oi Similar Mitlwork for Approvai Comments: Suppiier to verify that ali necessa parts for installation are ordered. All material and methods of construction must comply with ali applicable fire and I'rfe safety codes. Fabricator to provide structurally sound product All maierials and consiruction must be contract quality. Any metai parts must be guaranteed againsf rust corrosion and scratching. 1 Submittai: Su IiedSubcontractor to provide sample � 8 shop drawings for Slifer Designs ap roval prior to fabrication. � -- - _� --� � I � � Slifer �Designs� �_-_ :--�i � 216 Main Street,Suite C-100 __.. - Edn•ards,CO S1632 � Phoue:970.926.8200,Fax:970.569.3221 Diviiion: 6d00 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: SN-2 Pro'ect Information Name: Timberline Lod e ltem Location: Public Spaces Proje�t No.: 8355 Item Descrfption: Fire lace Hearih Stone First Issue Date: 2/15/2007 Revision Date: Vendor information OR EGIUAL Suggested Vendor. Gaile os Cor oration Address: 1097 S rin Creek Rd. G sum, Co. Contact Phone: 970.524.4322 Faz: 970.926.3727 ltem Information Product: Colorado Buff Descriptton: Colorado Buff Sandstone Edge Detail: Naturai Sna ed Ed e Dimensions: Slab Thickness: 2" Notes: All natural stones lack uniformity and are sub'ect to variation. Appiy 511 Porous Plus Sealer(natural look). 511 Porous Plus resists moisture 8 stains while allowing vapor to escape. Refer to Manufacturer's specs. �L- � ifer�'Desi ns� Sl g 216 Main Street,Suite G100 Edwards,CO 81632 Phone:970.926.8200,Fax: 970.569.3221 Section 04402 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: S B-� A Pro'ect Information Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE item Location: KITCHEN Project No.: 8355 Item Description: COUNTERTOP OPTION A First Issue Date: 11/27/06 Revision Date: Vendor Information OR EQUAL Suggested Vendor: THE BENCHMARK GROUP(PREFERRED VENDOR Address: Contact: www.thebenchmark r .com Phone: 610.274.1494 Faz: Item information Product: SANTA CECILIA Description: SANTA CECILIA GRAM1lITE SLAB COUNTERS Edge Detail: EASED EDGE Dimensions: 2CM Finish: POLISHED GRANITE Grout: N/A Notes: Please Refer to ID Drawin s for Stone Locations Comments: All stone is a natural roduct and therefore sub'ect to variation in color,shadin ,and veinin . All natural stones& rout require sealant. Refer to architectural drawin s for desi n and pattern layout. f _ All material and methods of construction must com I with all a licable fire and life safety codes. All materials and construction must be contract ualit . Fabricator to rovide structurall sound roduct. An metal arts must be uaranteed a ainst rust corrosion and scratchin . Submittal: Supplier/Subcontractor to provide sample for Slifer Desi ns a roval rior to fabrication. ��^� ta ' � �� � �• �� �}�' i "�'�- �,� ��J } �.,.'qi ��r� �; ��i�`�� *'�y � "iF:y� � �,.�,: 1� ; r` ,� � i'� t� l �,� i � 1 ��,� - � �, k •� � . 1�1';, � � >.f: t�*�"�l i ,.i. . �9: -��'y�, � � •�'u�.. `�. ,,i ' . � • � • V� ���� � ♦� 3�� �.. Slifer Desl ns� �� ���� � �xa � g � -, � �� ,� ��: : � r. :;�.. 216 A1ain S[reet,Suite C-lU0 �1. � � ' Edµ�ards,CO 81632 � �-r� �, � ,� Phone:970.926.820U,Fax: 970.SG9.3221 �`�, 'y�� . � ���,+ ��� �} ,/.�� �• ' , Section 04405 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: SB-1 B Pro'ect Information Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE Item Location: KITCHEN Praject No.: 8355 Item Description: COUNTERTOP OPTION B First Issue Date: 11/27/06 Revision Date: Vendor Information OR E�UAL Suggested Vendor. THE BENCHMARK GROUP(PREFERRED VENDOR) Address: Contact: www.thebenchmark r .com - Phone: 610.274.1494 Fax• Item Information Product: BALTIC BROWN Description: BAL`I'IC BROWN GRANITE SLAB COUNTERS Edge Detaii: EASED EDGE Dimensions: 2CM Finish: POLISHED GRANITE Grout: N/A Notes: Please Refer to ID Drawin s for Stone Locations Comments: All stone is a natural roduct and therefore sub'ect to variation in color,shadin ,and veinin . All natural stones& rout require sealant. Refer to architectural drawin s for desi n and attern la ouT. Al!material and methods of construction must com I with all a licable fire and life safet codes. All materials and construction must be contract ualit . Fabricator to rovide structurali sound roduct. An metal arts must be uaranteed a ainst rust corrosion and scratching. Submittal: Suppiier/Subcontractor to provide sample for Slifer Desi ns a roval rior to fabncation. � Slifer �Designs� 216 A1ain Street,Suite G10U Fdwards,CO SI632 Phone: 970.926.8200,Fax:970.569.3221 Section 04405 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: SB-2A Pro'ect Information Name: TIMBERLWE LODGE Item Location: BATHROOM VANITIES ProJect No.: 8355 Item Description: COUNTERTOPS First Issue Date: 11/27/O6 Revision Date: Vendor Information OR EQUAL Suggested Vendor: ARIZONA TILE Address: Contact: DALLAS Phone: 303.574.2990 Fax: Item tnformation Product: WHITE CARRERA Descriptian: WHITE CARRERA POLISHED MARBLE Edge Oetail: EASED EDGE Dimensions: 2CM Finish: POLISHED Grout: N/A Notes: Please Refer to ID Drawin s for Stone Locations Comments: All stone is a natural roduct and therefore sub�ect to variation in color,shadin ,and veinin . All natural stones 8 rout re uire sealant. Refer to architectura(drawin s for desi n and attern la out. All material and methods of construction must com I with all a licable fire and life safet codes. All materials and construction must be contract ualit . Fabricator to rovide structurall sound roduct. An metal arts must be uaranteed a ainst rust corrosion and scratchin . Submittal: SuppliedSubcontractor to provide sample for Slifer Desi ns a roval rior to fabrication. , • ,. t. . U . � . ... �.. Slifer �Designs� � � � � 216;�1ain 5treet,5uite C-l0U EdH�ards,CO 81632 Phone:970,926.8200,Fax:970.569.3221 Section 04405 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: s B-2 g Pro'ect Information Name: TIMBERI_INE LODGE Item Location: BATHROOM VANITIES Project No.: 8355 ltem Description: COUNTERTOPS First Issue Date: i l/27/O6 Revision Date: Vendor Information OR EOUAL Suggested Vendor. THE BENCHMARK GROlJP(PREFERRED VENDOR) Address: Contact: www.thebenchmark r .com Phone: 610.274.1494 Faz• Item Information Product: TROPIC BROWN Descrfption: TROPIC BROWN GRANITE SLAB Edge Detail: EASED EDGE Dimensions: 2CM Finish: POLISHED Grout: N/A Notes: Please Refer to ID Drawin s for Stone Locations Comments: All stone is a natural roduct and therefore sub'ect to variation in color,shadin ,and veinin . A!!natural stones& rouT re uire sealant. Refer to architectural drawin s for desi n and attern la out. All material and methods of construction must com I with all a licable fire and life safet codes. A(I materials and construction must be contract ualit . Fabricator to rov+de structuraN sound roduct. An metal arts must be uaranteed a ainst rust corrosion and scratchin . Submittal: Supplier/5ubcontractor to provide sample for Slifer Desi ns a roval rior to fabrication. � Slifer �Designs� 216 A1ain Street,Suite C-100 Edwards.CO 81632 Phc�ne:970.926.8200,Fax: 970.569.3221 Section 04405 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: �;MW-1 Project Information Name: TIMBERLiNE LODGE Item Location: KITCHEN Project No.: 8355 Item Description: CABINETRY Ffrst Issue Date: 11/27/06 Revision Date: Vendor Information OR EDUAL Suggested vendor: AR"fISAN DESIGNS OR APPROVED MANUFACTlJFiEFi Address: 56 EDWARDS VILLAGE BLVD. S'fE 114 EDWARDS, CO 81632 - Contact: MICHELLE Phone: (970)766-7444 Faz: (970)766-7445 Item Information Product: OVERLAY CAB'S WITH SLAB DRAWERS Description: MED.DISTRESSING, LOW GLOSS Color: MATCH SAMPLE STAIN Dtmensions: REFERENCE DRAWlNGS r-- Notes: � Slifer ��esigns� 216 A'fain Street,Suite C-100 Edw•ards,CO 81632 Phone:970.926.8200,Fax:970.569.3221 Section 06410 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: (;MW-2 Pro'ect Information Name: TIMBERLIfJE LODGE Item Location: BATHROOMS Project No.: 8355 ftem Description: CABINETRY OPTIOtJ A First Issue Date: 11/27/06 Revision Date: Vendor Information OR EQUAL Suggestedvendor: ARTISAN DESIGNS OR APPROVED MANUFACTURER Address: 56 EDWARDS VILLAGE BLVD. STE 114 EDWARDS,CO 81632 Contact: MICHELLE Phone: (970) 766-7444 Fex: (970)766-7445 Item Information Product: OVERLAY CAB'S WITH SLAB DRAWERS Description: MED. DISTRESSING, LOW GLOSS Color: MATCH SAMPLE STAIN Dimensions: REFERENCE DRAWINGS Notes: �i � ' �'De i ns� Sl�fer s g ?16 Alain Street,Suite C-lU0 Edwards,CO 81632 Phone: 970.92G.8200,Fax:970.569.3221 Section 06410 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: (;MW-3 Project Information Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE Item Location: BATHROOMS ProJeci No.: 8355 item Description; CABINETRY OPTION B First Issue Date: 11/27/06 Revision Date: Vendor Information OR EQUAL Suggested vendor: ARTISAN DESIGNS OR APPROVED MANUFACTURER Address: 56 EDWARDS VILLAGE BLVD. STE 114 EDWARDS,CO 81632 - Contact: MICHELLE Phone: (970)766-7444 Fax: (970)766-7445 Item Intormation Product: OVERLAY CAB'S WITH SLAB DRAWERS Description: MED.DISTRESSING, LOW GLOSS Color: PAINTED WHITE,MATCH SAMPLE Dimensions: REFERENCE DRAWINGS Notes: 7his profile,painted White � � � �� 1 IIS� Sl�f er es g 216 A4aiu Strcet,Suite C-100 Edwards,CO 81632 ' Phone:97U.926.820Q,Fax:970.569.3321 Section 06410 Slifer Des�gns Specification Sheet: (;HW-� Project Information Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE !!em Localion: KITCHEN Project No.: 8355 Item Description: KITCHEN KNOBS First Issue Date: 11/27/06 Revision Date: Vendor Information OR EGIUAL Suggested vendor: ALPINE LOCK & SAFE Address: 34520 US HWY. 6 EDWARDS,CO. 81632 Contact: DAWN Phone: 970.926.8000 Fax: Item Iniormation Manufacturer: ASHLEY NORTON Product: BZ118 BRONZE KNOB Description: BZ118 BRONZE KNOB Dimensions: 1 1/2" Finish: DARK BRONZE Installation: REFERENCE DRAWINGS BY SLIFER DESIGNS VERIFY DRAWER SIZES CAN ACCEPT 9"PULLS PRIOR TO ORDERING Notes: SUPPLIER TO VERIFY THAT ALL NECESSARY PARTS FOR INSTALLATION ARE ORDERED. ALL MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY CODES. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION MUST BE CONTRACT QUALITY. ANY ME7AL PAR7S MUST BE GUARANTEED AGAINS"f RUST CORROSION AND SCRATCHING. � � ' �'Din � Slifer es g s 216 A4ain Street,Suite C-lU0 Edwards,CO 81632 Phone:970.9?6.820U,Fax:970.569.3221 Section 06410 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: (�HW-2 Project Information Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE Item Location: KITCHEN Project No.: 8355 tlem Description: KITCHEN PULLS First tssue Date: 11/27/06 Revision Date: Vendor lnformation OR EOUAL Suggested vendor: ALPINE �OCK&SAFE Address: 34520 US HWY.6 EDWARDS,CO. 81632 Contact: DAWN Phone: 970.926.8000 Faz: Item Information Manutacturer: ASHLEY NORTON Product: BZPL392 PULL Description: BZPL392 PULL Dimensions: 5 1/2"X 1" Finish: DARK BRONZE tnstaliation: REFERENCE DRAWINGS BY SLIFER DESIGNS VERIFY DRAWER SIZES CAN ACCEPT 9"PULLS PRIOR TO ORDERING Notes: SUPPLIER TO VERIFY'fHAT ALL NECESSARY PARTS FOR INSTALLATION ARE ORDERED. ALL MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY CODES. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION MUST BE CONTRACT QUALITY. ANY METAL PARTS MUST BE GUARANTEED AGAINST RUST CORROSION AND SCRATCHING. � � i r�'Desi ns� Sl fe g 216 Main Street,Suite G100 Ed�+�ards,CO 81632 Phone:970.926.8200,Faa: 970.569.3221 Seciion 06410 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: (,H W-3 Project Iniormation Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE Item Location: 6ATHROOMS Project No.: $355 Item Description: CABINET KNOBS First issue Date: 11/27/O6 Revision Date: Vendor information OR EGIUAL Suggested Vendor: ALPINE LOCK& SAFE Address: 34520 US HWY.6 EDWARDS, CO. 81632 Contact: DAWN Phone: 970.926.8000 Fax: Item Information Manufacturer; ASHLEY NORTON Product: C113 KNOB Description: C173 KNOB ' Dimensions: 1 1/4" Finish; .9 POLISHED CHROME Installation: REFERENCE DRAW INGS 8Y SLIFER DESIGNS VERIFY DRAWER SIZES CAN ACCEPT 9"PULLS PRIOR TO ORDERING Notes; SUPPLIER TO VERIFY THAT ALL NECESSARY PARTS FOR INSTALLATION ARE ORDERED. ALL MATERlALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY CODES. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION MUST BE CONTRACT QUAUTY. ANY METAL PARTS MUST BE GUARANTEED AGAINS7 RUST CORROSION AND SCRATCHING. :ti� 4 . �.kRN2 � ��, �� ��;�: ;;�a`: �r��:�� � :M:. � ,. - � � ��-��� 1'f r�'Desi ns� Sie g 216 n4ain Strect,Suite C-1(IU Edti��ards,CO 81632 Phone:97U.926.8200,Fax:970.569.3221 Section 06410 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: �-1 Project Information Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE item Location: ENTRY DOORS Project No.: 8355 item Description: ENTRY DOORS First Issue Date: 11/27/06 Revision Date: Vendor Information OR EGIUAL Suggested vendor: BY SUBCONTRACTOR Address: Contact: Phone: Fax: item Information Product: ENTRY DOORS Description: SINGLE PANEL DOOR W ITH T&G INSET � Color: STAINED KNOTTY ALDER TO MATCH SLIFER SAMPLE Dimensions: REFERENCE DRAWINGS ` Notes: Supplier to verif that all necessar arts for installation are ordered. All material and methods of construction must compi with ail a plicable fire and life safety codes. Fabricator to provide structurall sound roduct. All materials and construction must be contract qualit . Any metal parts must be guaranteed against rust corrosion and scratching. � � Slife�Desi ns� g 216]1�1ain Street,Suite C-100 Ed�•ards,CO 8IG32 Phone:970.926.82UU,Fax:970.569.3221 Section 08216 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: �-2 Project Information Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE Item Location: ENTRY DOORS Project No.: 8355 Item Description: ENTRY DOORS First Issue Date: 11/27/06 Revision Date: Vendor Information OR EDUAL Suggested vendor. BY SUBCONTRACTOf� Address: Contact: Phone: Fax: Item Information Product: INTERIOR DOORS Description: DOUBLE PANEL DOOR WITH T&G INSERTS Cotor: STAINED KNOTTY ALDER TO MATCH SLIFER SAMPLE Dimensions: REFERENCE DRAWINGS Notes: Sup lier to verify that all necessa parts for installation are ordered. Ail material and methods of construction must compl with all applicable fire and life safety codes. Fabricator to rovide structurall sound product. All materials and construction must be contract uality. An metal parts must be uaranteed against rust corrosion and scratchin . ;{� �� ;s Vi � � • � . �� Sllfer Des�gns� i 216 iblain Street,Suite G10Q Edwards,CO 81632 - Phone:970.926.8200,Fax:970.569.3221 Section 08216 �� � � � ` ' w � Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: DHW�1 Project Information Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE Item Location: INTERIOR DOORS Project No.: 8355 Item Description: HARDWARE First Issue Date: 1/27/O6 Revision Date: � Vendor Information O EGIUAL Suggested Vendor: ALPI LOCK& SAFE Address: 34520 U HWY.6 EDWARDS,C0. 81632 Contact: DAWN Phone: 970.926.8000 Fax: Item information Product: ASHLEY NORTON Description: HAMPTON SUITE,#BZAR 0 Finish: BRONZE Installation: PASSAGE ON CLOSET , PRI CY ON ALL BATH'S Notes: ALL METAL IS UBJECT TO VARIATION IN OLOR. ALL MATERI S AND ME'fHODS OF CONST CTION MUST COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE FIRE& LIFE AFETY CODES. ALL MATE ALS AND CONSTRUCTION MUST B ONTRACT QUALITY. Submittal: SUPPL R/SUBCONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SAMPLES F R SLIFER DESIGNS APPROVAL PRIOR TO F RICATION. � _;�� i .�� �—,�„•—� , � . �(i � .�. �. ' �'Desi ns� Slifer g 2l6 tiiain Street,Suite C-100 EdH•ards,CO 81632 Phone:970.926.8200,Fax:970.569.3221 Section 08710 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: ST-1 A Project Information Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE Item Location: KITCHEN AND ENTRY Project No.: 8355 Item Description: FLOOR First issue Date: 11/27l06 Hevision Date: Vendor Information Suggested Vendor: ARIZONA TILE Address: Contact: DALLAS Phone: 303.574.2990 Fax: Item Information Product: RUSTIC GOLD GAUGED SLATE Description: RUSTIC GOLD GAUGED SLATE Edge Detail: N!A Dimensions: 12"X 12"X 3/8"TH Finish: SEALED Grout: POLYBLEND#185 NEW TAUPE Installation: REFER TO ID DRAWINGS Notes: Comments: All natural stones lack uniformit and are sub�ect to variation. A I 511 Porous Plus Sealer(natural look) which increases the coefficient of friction on all surfaces&com lies with ADA's recommendations for sli resistance(ASTM C-1028-89)on olished& honed surfaces. 511 Porous Plus also resists moisture&stains while allowin vapor to esca e. Refer to Manufacturer's recommendations. Submittai: Su Iier/Subcontractor to rovide sam le for Slifer Desi ns a rovai rior to fabrication. � � Slifer�'Desi ns- g 21C�Main Strcet,Suite G100 Ed��ards,CO 81632 Phone:970.926.8200.Fax:970.�b9.322] Seclion 09300 Stifer Designs Specification Sheet: ST-2A Project Information Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE Item Location: KITCHEN BACKSPLASH OPTION A Project No.: 8355 Item Description: KITCHEN BACKSPLASH OPTION A First issue Date: 11/27/06 Revision Date: Vendor lnformation Suggested Vendor: ARIZONA TILE Address: Contact: DALLAS Phone: 303.574.2990 Fax: Item Information Product: TUMBLED TORREON RHOMBOID MESH MOUNTED Description: TUMBLED TORREON RHOMBOID MESH MOUNTED Edge Detail: N/A Dimensions: 2 1/2"W X 6"L X 5/16"TH, MESH MOUNTED SHEET- REFER TO DRAW INGS Finish: HONED AND SEALED Grout: FILLED AND GROUTED WITH POLYBLEND#382 BONE Installation: REFER TO DRAWINGS Notes: Comments; All natural stones lack uniformit and are sub'ect to variation. Ap I 511 Porous Plus Sealer (natural look) which increases the coetficient of friction on a!i surtaces &com lies with ADA's iecommendations for slip resistance(ASTM C-1028-89)on olished&honed surfaces. 511 Porous Plus aiso resists moisture&stains while allowin vapor to escape. Refer to Manufacturer's recommendations. Submittal: Su lier/Subcontractor to rovide sam le for Slifer Desi ns a roval rior to fabrication. e� ; , "�� �y Y �+���. : . �L/ ,�i1 . � _.4��ryd.*e',. � '�:� ;�. , li er�'Desi ns� S � g 216 Main Street,Suite C-100 Ed��ards,CO 81632 Pho�ic:970.926.820U,Fax:970.569.3221 Section 09300 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: ST-2B Project Information Name: TIMBERLINE�ODGE Item Location: KITCHEN BACKSPLASH OPTION B Project No.: 8355 ltem Description: KITCHEN BACKSPLASH OPTION B First issue Date: 11/27/06 Revision Date: Vendor Information Suggested Vendor: ARIZONA TILE Address: Contact: DALLAS Phone: 303.574.2990 Fax: Item Information Product: TUMBLED MEXICAN NOCHE RHOMBOID MESH MOUNTED Description: TUMBLED MEXICAN NOCHE RHOMBOID MESH MOUNTED Edge Detaii: N/A Dimensions: 2 1/2"W X 6"L X 5/16"TH, MESH MOUNTED SHEET- REFER TO DRAWINGS Finish: HONED AND SEALED Grout: FILLED AND GROUTED WITH POLYBLEND#382 BONE lnstallation: REFER TO DRAWINGS Notes: Comments: All naturai stones lack uniformit and are sub�ect to variation. A 1 511 Porous Plus Sealer(natural look) which increases the coefficient of friction on aii surfaces&com Iies with ADA's recommendations for slip resistance(ASTM C-1028-89)on olished&honed surfaces. 511 Porous Plus also resists moisture&stains while allowin va or to esca e. Refer to Manufacturer's recommendaiions. Submittal: S� IieNSubcontractor to rovide sam le ' for Slifer Desi ns a roval rior to fabrication. � Sli�er Desig�s� 2161�1ain Street,Suite G100 Ed�+ards,CO 81632 Yhone:970.926.820U.Fax:970.569.3221 Section 09300 Slifer Designs Specification Sheei: ST-3A Project Information Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE ltem Location: BATHROOM FLOOR AND WALL TILE OPTION A ProJect No.: 8355 Item Description: BATHROOM FLOOR AND WALL TILE OPTION A First Issue Date: 11/27/06 Revision Date: 10/31/2006 Vendor Information Suggested vendor: ARIZONA TILE Address: Contact: DALLAS Phone: 303.574.2990 Fax: ltem Information Product: CARRERA MARBLE Description: CARRERA MARBLE Edge Detail: N/A Dimensions: 12"X 12",4"X 4"X 5/8"TH Finish: POLISHED AND SEALED Grout: POLYBLEND#i165 DELOREAN GRAY Instailation: REFER TO DRAWINGS Notes: Comments: All natural stones lack uniformit and are sub'ect to variation. A I 511 Porous Plus Sealer(natural look) which increases the coefficient of friction on all surfaces&com lies with ADA's recommendations for slip resistance(ASTM C-1028-89) on polished&honed surfaces. 511 Porous Plus also resists moisture 8 stains while allowin vapor to esca e. Refer to Manufacturer's recommendations. Submittal: Su lier/Subcontractor to rovide sam le for Slifer Desi ns a roval rior to fabrication. � ' • .. F Slifer �Designs� � � � 21(141ain Street,Suitc C-IQO Ed���ards,CO 81632 Phonc:970.926.8200,Fax:970.569.3221 Seclion 09300 Siifer Designs Specification Sheet: ST-3 B Project Information Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE Item Location: BA'fHROOM WALL AND FLOOR TILE OPTION B Project No.: 8355 Item Description: BATHROOM WALL AND FLOOR TILE OPTION B First Issue Date: 11/27/06 Revision Date: Vendor Information Suggested Vendor: ARIZONA TILE Address: Contact: DALLAS Phone: 303.574.2990 Fax: item information Product: TORREON TRAVERTINE Descriptfon: TORREON TRAVERTINE Edge Detail: N/A Dimensions: 12"X 12".4"X 4"X 5/8"TH Finish: HONED AND SEALED Grout: FILLED AND GROUTED WITH POLYBLEND#382 BONE Installation: REFER TO DRAWINGS Notes: Comments: All natural stones lack uniformit and are sub'ect to variation. A I 511 Porous Plus Sealer(natural look) which increases the coefficient of friction on all surfaces&com lies with ADA's recommendations for slip resistance(ASTM C-1028-89)on olished&honed surfaces. 511 Porous Plus also resists moisture&stains while allowin va or to escape. Refer to Manufacturer's recommendations. Submittal: Su lier/Subcontractor to rovide sam le for Slifer Desi ns a roval rior to fabrication. �L � i , Slifer�'Desi ns� g 2l6]1Sain Street,Suitc G10U ° - Ed�rards,CO 81G32 Yhonc:970.926.8200.Faa:970.569.3221 Section 09300 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: CPT�1 Project Information Name: Timberline Lodge Item Location: Public Spaces Project No.: 8355 Nem Descrtption: l ubt,�v.Game Room and Office First Issue Date: 2/15/2007 Revislon Date: 5'2�'2�±(?i Vendor Information Suggested Vendor: Durkan Patterned Cas ets Address: 8027 S. �uince Circle Centennial, Co.60112 Contact: Barbara Marc Phone: 303.221.6655 Fax: 303.221.6856 E•Mall: barbara marcy@mohawkind.com Item Information Manutacturer; Durkan Product: Broadloom Tufted Tapistron Pattern Carpet Descrlptfon: Avalon U4871 X0207120P Cotor: 1 -7058,2= 1078,3=7062,4 =7066,5=1291,6=6149 Constructiont: Continuous Filament 100%Nylon Pile: Cut Pile Fiber type: Mpact Solution Dyed Nylon Guage: 1/13 Pile Thickness: 0.281 Stftch per inch: 13 Pile Weight 54 OZ. Per SG�. YD Totat Wefght: 93.60 OZ.Per S�.YD Dye Method: Solution D ed Primary Backing: Woven Pol ro lene Flammabiiity: ASTM E648 Class 1 Smoke Density: ASTM E662 Static Propensity: AATCC-134 Under 3.5 KV Warrem(es: 15 Year on Wear,Static Protection& Backin 2 Year Manufactures Defect Installation: Refer to Manufactures Recommendations- O+rect Glue Down Noies: Refer to Architectural drawin s for design 8 attern la outs. Atl materials 8 methods of `� `� `�" construction must com i with all � � j � fire 8 safety codes.Ail materials& construction must be contract � '� � quality. � 6� ,� , submittal: Sup Iier/Subcontractor to rovide ,� � �= � � sam les for Slifer Designs ap roval s � prior to fabrication � � '� � � � .:� �,� � � � � � ,� �l��E�r��)f'�1«jis F �. : .:� ��. �, � � w�� '!� :.. 2l6 Main Street,Suite C-100 � "tl�� �►"� � �'�: <� Edwards,CO 81632 � rtY,� . .; .;�):s'� Phone:970.926.8200,Fax:970.569.3221 �"'"' ��� � Seclion 09686 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: CPT�2 Project information Name: Timberline Lod e nem�ocation: Public Spaces Project No.: B355 Item Description: CorridorS First issue Date: 2/15/2007 Revision Date: Vendor Informatinn Suggested Vendor: Durkan Patterned Carpets Address: 8027 S. Quince Circle Centennial,Co.80112 Contact: Barbara Marc Phone: 303.221.6855 Faz: 303.221.6856 E-Mall: barbara marcy@mohawkind.com Item Information Menufacturer: Durkan Product: Broadloom Tufted Ta istron Pattern Car et Descriptfon: Avalon U4869 X0207120P Border 8 Broadloom Color: 1 =7058, 2= 1078,3=7062,4=7066, 5; 1291,6=6149 Construct�ont: Continuous Filament 100%N lon Pfle: Cut Pile Fiber type: M act Solution Dyed N lon Guage: 1/13 Plle Thtckness: 0.281 Stltch per inch: 13 Pile Weight 54 OZ. Per S0.YD Total WeIgM: 93.60 OZ. Per S0.YD Dye Method: Solution D ed Primary Backing: Woven Pol rop lene FlammabiUry: ASTM E648 Ciass 1 Smoke Density: ASTM E662 Static Propensity: AATCC-134 Under 3.5 KV Warrenttes: 15 Year on Wear,Static Protection& Backin 2 Year Manufactures Defect Instaliation: Refer to Manufactures Recommendations-Direct Glue Down Notes: Refer to Architectural drawings for design 8� attern la outs. All materials 8 methods of construction must compl with all � - fire 8�safet codes.All materials 8� construction must be contract � .,� ..,,,. �, .,.. quali . � � �� �- ' Submntai: Su lier/5ubcontractor to provide � � sam !es for Slifer Desi ns app�oval � � � prior to fabrication �-" � � � � � � � � .� � * •� `lifF�r�l���i r�� ! �- � � �� ���:;. � � � , .� � � 2I6 Main Street,Suite G100 � � ,jF' � Edwards,CO 81632 � '�"� j��;,� ":'��� . b: Phorte:97Q.926.5200,Fax:970.569.3221 Section 09686 Slifer Designs Specification Sheei: CPT�� B Project Information " Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE Item Location: CARPET Project No.: 6355 Item Description: CARPET COLOR OPTION B Firs�Issue Date: 11/27/2006 Revision Date: Vendor Information Suggested Vendor: SELECT SURFACES Address: 760 NOTTINGHAM RD. AVON,CO 81620 Contact: BECKY Phone: 970.949.6800 Fez: 970.949.6802 Item Information Manufecturer: ASSOCIATED WEAVERS Product: BUT7E TUFTED LOOP BERBER,WOOL BLEND W(dth: 13'-2" Descripdon: BIJTfE TUFTED LOOP BERBER, WOOL BLEND Color: 44 BRACKEN Yern Content: WOOL BLEND Instaliation Method: REFER TO MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS Pad: REFER TO CPT-2 Notes: REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR DESIGN AND PATTERN LAYOUTS ALL MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE FIRE 8 LIFE SAFETY CODES. ALL MATEfiIALS AND CONSTRUCTiON MUST BE CONTRAC�QUALI7Y. Submittat: SUPPLIER/SUBCONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SAMPLES FOR SLIFER DESIGNS APPROVAL PRIOR TO FABRICATION, � SIifer �Designs� 216 Main Street,5uite C-100 EdN�ards,CO 81632 Pl�one:970.916.5200,Fax: 970.SG9.3221 Section 09686 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: (,PT�2 Project information Name: Timberline Lodge Item Location: PubliC Sp3Ces Project No.: 8355 Item Description: Corridors First Issue Date: 2/15/2007 Revision Date: Vendor Intormation Suggested Vendar: Durkan Patiemed Car ets Address: 8027 S.Quince Circle Cernennial, Co.80112 Contact: Barba�a Marcy Phone: 303221.6855 Fax: 303.221.6856 E-Mail: barbara. marCy@mohawkind.COm Item Information Monufecturer: Durkan Product: Broadioom Tuhed Tapistron Pattern Carpet Description: Avalon U4869 X0207120P Border&Broadloom Color: 1 =7058, 2= 1078.3 = 7062,4 =7066,5= 1291, 6=6149 Constructiont: Continuous Filament 100%Nylon Wle: Cut Pile Flber type: M act Solution D ed Nylon Guape: 1/13 Pile Thfckness: 0.281 Stltch per Inch: 13 Pile weight 54 OZ. Per S�.YD Total Weight: 93.60 OZ. Per SO.YD Dye Method: Solution D ed Prlmery8acking: Woven Polypropylene Ftammability: ASTM E648 Class 1 Smoke Density: ASTM E662 Stetic Propensity: AATCC-134 Under 3.5 KV _ W�rrentles: 15 Year on Wear,Static Protection&Backin 2 Year Martutactures Defect Installation: Refer to Manufactures Recommendations- Direct Glue Down Notes: Refer to Architectura!drawin s tor desi n 8 attern la outs. Ail materials& methods of construction must com I with all ' i fire&safet codes.All materials & construction must be contract uali . r submit�al: Su IieNSubcontractor to rovide � sam les for 5lifer Desi ns a p�ovai prior to fabrication s � 'r ' �lifer �Design,s� �; , 21G Main Strert,Suite C-]UU � Edwards,C08](i32 ,� � Pbune: 970.92G.820U,l��x: 970.5G9.�221 � Section Q9686 Siiter Designs Specification Sheet: (�PT-2 Project Information Name: TIMBERLINE LQDGE Item Localion: THROUGHOUT ProJect No.: 8355 Item Description: CARPET PAD Ffrst lssue Date: 1 1!27/2006 Revision Dete: Vendor Iniormation Suggested Vendor: SELECT SURFACES Address: 780 NOTTINGHAM RD. AVON, CO 81620 Contect: BECKY Phone: 970.949.6800 — Fax; 970.949.6802 Item Information Manufacturer: ELITE BONDED PAD Product: ELITE,BONDED 8 PDUND BLUE MULTI PAD Width: N/A Descrlption: ELITE,BONDED 8 POUND BLUE MULTI PAD Color: BLUE MULTI Traflic Rating; EXTRA HEAVY Installetlon Method: REFER TO MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS Pad Thickness: 250-.450 Notes: REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR DESIGN AND PATTERN LAYOUTS -"' ALL MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE FIRE & LIFE SAFETY CODES. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION MUST BE CONTRACT QUALITY. Su6mHtal: SUPPLIER/SUBCONTRACTOFi TO PRDVIDE SAMPLES FOR SLIFER DESIGNS APPROVAL PRIOR TO FABRiCAT10N. i � Slifec �Desigris� 216 Main Street,Suite C-100 Ed���ards,CO 51632 Phone: 970.926.8200,Fax:970.569.3221 Section 09686 Siifer Designs Specification Sheet: CPT�1 A Project Information Name: TIMBERLiNE LODGE Item Location: CARPET Project No.: 8355 Item Description: CARPET COLOR OPTION A First Issue Date: 11/27/2006 Revision Date: Vendor Information Suggested Vendor: SELECT SURFACES Address: 780 NOTTINGHAM RD. AVON, CO 81620 Contaot: BECKY Phone: 970.949.6800 Fax: 970.949.6802 Item Information Manutacturer: ASSOCIATED WEAVERS Product: BUTTE TUFTED LOOP BERBER, WOOL BLEND w;din: 13'-2" Description: BUTTE TUFTED LOOP BERBER, WOOL BLEND Color: 33 HONEYDEW Yarn Content: WOOL BLEND Instaliation Method: REFER TO MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS Pad: REFER TO CPT-2 Notes: REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAW INGS FOR DESIGN AND PATTERN LAYOUTS ALL MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY W ITH ALL APPI_ICABLE FIRE & LIFE SAFETY CODES. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION MUST BE CONTRACT QUALITY. Submittal: SUPPLIER/SLIBCONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SAMPLES FOR SLIFER DESIGNS APPROVAL PRIOR TO FABRICATION. �� ��, � IV'�" "�I , �� ; � . �� �� :� : � � �: t I , � 7.� � , , (' ,� �" ,M I Il ' �'D i ns� Slifer es g 216 Main Street,Suite C-100 Edwards,CO 81632 Phone: 970.926.8200,Fa�:970.569.3221 • • '�`� � Section 09686 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: C PT�� g Project Information Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE Item Location: CARPET Project No.: 6355 Hem Description: CARPET COLOR OPTION B First Issue Date: 11/27/2006 Revisfon Dale: Vendor Information Suggested Vendor: SELECT SURFACES Address: 780 NOTTINGHAM RD. AVON, CO 81620 Contact: BECKY Phone: 970.949.6800 Fax: 970.949.6802 Item Information Manutacturer: ASSOCIATED WEAVERS Product: BUTTE TUFTED LOOP BERBER,WOOL BLEND Widih: 13'-2„ Description: BUTTE TUFTED LOOP BERBER,WOOL BLEND Color. 44 BRACKEN Yarn Content: WOOL BLEND installation Method: REFER TO MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS Pad: REFER TO CPT-2 Notes: REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR DESIGN AND PATTERN LAYOUTS ALL MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTFiUCTlON MUST COMPLY WlTH ALL APPLICABLE FIRE & LIFE SAFETY CODES. ALL MATERfALS AND CONSTRUCTiON MUST BE CONTRACT QUALITY. Submittal: SUPPLIER/SUBCONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SAMPLES FOR SLIFER DESIGNS APPROVAL PRIOR TO FABRICATION. II � � ' �'D si ns� Slifer e g 2l6 Main 5treet,Suite C-1 UO Edw•ards,CO 8163Z Phone:970.926.82U0,Fax: 970.�69.3221 Section 09686 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: CPT-2 Project Information Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE Item Location: THROUGHOUT Project No.: 8355 item Description: CARPET PAD First tssue Date: 1 i/27/2006 Revision Date: Vendor tnformation Suggested Vendor: SELECT SURFACES Address: 780 NOTTINGHAM RD. AVON, CO 81620 Contact: BECKY Phone: 970.949.6800 Fax: 970.949.6802 Item Information Manulacturer: ELITE BONDED PAD Product: ELITE,80NDED 8 POUND BLUE MULTI PAD Width: N/A Description: ELITE,80NDED 8 POUND BLUE MULTI PAD Color. BLUE MULTI Trattic Rating: EXTRA HEAVY Installation Method: REFER TO MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS Pad Thickness: .250-.450 Notes: REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR DESIGN AND PATTERN LAYOUTS ALL MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE FIRE& LIFE SAFETY CODES. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION MUST BE CONTRACT QUALITY. Submittal: SUPPLIER/SUBCONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SAMPLES FOR SLIFER DESIGNS APPROVAL PRIOR TO FABRICATION. � Slifer �Designs� 216 Main Street,Suite G1(10 Ed��•ards,CO 81632 Phone:970926.82(10,Fa�: 970.�G9.3221 Section 09686 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: (;T-� Project Information Name: Timberline Lodge Rem Location: Public Restrooms Project No.: 8355 Item Description: Wall Field Tile First Issue Date: 2/15/2007 Revision Date: Yendor Informat+on Suggested Vendor: Euro Bath&Tile Address: Contact: Phone: 303.298.8453 Fax: 303.298.0908 Item Information Product: Royal Mosa Description: Global/Metropolise Edge Detail: N/A Dimensions: 4"x 8" Finish: Gloss-Color 16670 Grout: Polyblends-#22 Sahara Tan Instaliation: Refer to Architectural Drawings Notes: Ail ceramics lack uniformiry and are subject to variation. Apply 511 Porous Plus Sealer(natura(look) which increases the coefficient of friction on all surfaces 8 compiies with ADA's recommendations for slip resistance AS"fM C-1028-89)on polished 8� honed surfaces. 511 Porous Plus also resists moisture&stains while allowing vapor fo escape. Refer to Manufacturer's specs. Submittal: Supplier/Subcontractor to provide sample for Slifer Designs approval prior to fabrication. �i � Sl��er�'Des� ns� � g 216 Main Street,Suite G100 Edwards,CO S1632 Phone:970.926.5200,Fax: 970.569.3221 Section 09300 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: (;T-2 Project Information Name: Timberline Lodge item Location: Public Restrooms Project No.: 8355 Item Description: Wall Finished Edge Field Tile First issue Date: 2/15/2007 Revision Date: Vendor Information Suggested Vendor: Euro Bath&Tile Address: Contact Phone: 303.298.8453 Fax: 303.298.0908 item Information Product: Royai Mosa Description: Global/Metropolise-Bull Nose Edge Detail: N/A Dimensfons: 4"x 8"LE Finish: G(oss-Coior 16670 Grout: Polyblends-#22 Sahara Tan Instaliation: Refer to Architectural Drawings Notes: All ceramics lack uniformity and are subject to variation. Appiy 511 Porous Pius Sealer(natural look) which increases the coefficient of friction on all surtaces 8 complies with ADA's recommendations for slip resistance ASTM C-1028-89 on pofished&honed surfaces. 511 Porous Plus also resists moisture 8 stains while allowing vapor to escape. Refer to Manufacturer's specs. - - Submittal: SupplierlSubcontractor to provide sample for Siifer Designs approval prior to fabrication. � � if r�'Desi ns� Sl e g 2l6 Main Street,Suite C-100 Edwards,CO 81632 Phone: 970.926.8200,Fax: 970.569.3221 Section 09300 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: (',,T•3 Project Information Name: Timberline Lodge Rem Location: Public Restrooms Project No.: 8355 kem Description: Transition between Floor Stone&Wall Tiie First Issue Date: 2/15/2Q07 Revision Date: Vendor Information Suggested Vendor: Euro Bath&Tile Address: Contact: Phone: 303.298.8453 Fax: 303.298.0908 Item Information Product: Roya!Mosa Description: Global/Metropolise-HI Edge Detail: N/A Dimensions: 1"x 8"HI Finish: Gioss-Color 16670 Grout: Polybiends-#22 Sahara Tan Instailation: Refer to Architectural Drawings Notes: All ceramics lack uniformity and are subject to variation. Appiy 511 Porous Pius Sealer(natural look which increases the coe�cient of friction on all surfaces&complies with ADA's recommendations for slip resistance(ASTM C-1028-89 on polished &honed surfaces. 511 Porous Plus also resists moisture&stains whiie allowing vapor to escape. Refer to Manufacturer's specs. Submittal: Supplier/Subcontractor to provide sample for Slifer Designs approval prior to fabrication, � � Slifer�'Desi ns� � 216 Main Street,Suite C-]00 Edwards,CO 8I632 !'hone: 970.926.8200,Fax: 970.569.3221 Section 09300 Project Iniormation Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE Item Location: WALLS AND CEILINGS THfiOUGHOUT UNIT Project No.: 8355 Ilem Description: PAINT First Issue Date: 11/27/06 Revision Date: Vendor information OR E�UAL Suggested Vendnr; SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT Address: 40800 HWY 6, UNIT iJ1 VAI�, CO 81658 Contecl: CUSTOMEfi SERVICE Phone: 970.845.0686 Fax: ltem informatfon Menufacturer: SHERWIN WILLIAMS Product: WALL AND CEILING PAINT Description: SW7012 CREAMY Finish: EGGSHELL Notes: W � � ' �"D , ,i ns� � Il�er e� g 216 !�4ain Strcet,�uite G10U Ed�+•ards, CO 91632 Piionc: 970.926.8200.�ax: 97Q.569.3221 Section 09900 �.�-____ ��� ._ _ . _ _ . . ..e.r � ----..._ ...... . ... . .. . . . __•---. . .. . . � � � ._.__....... . .. ,�" `"`` . . .. ��� � .. ._...__._ . .... .... . . ... '_ .. . ... .�.. . .. . _., .. .. �.�-Q.. .� .. . _...._...._.... .... . . . . . _.. � � _._....:_ ... ....._.. .__. .... ._ .._ . _ . .. . _ � _. _.... . .._.. ... . . � ...... .. , .. .. . _ . . — --.._.�. ._.._ .. .._....� . ._ ._. .._. .._... . Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: fjH�/�/-� A Pro'ect tnformatian Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE Item Location: BATHROO��IS Project No.: 8355 Item Description: TOWEL BAR First Issue Date: 9/27/07 Revision Date: Vendor Information OR EOUAL Suggested vendor. HUGHES SUPPLY Address: Contact: Phone: 970.949.4300 Faz: Item Information Manu}ecturer: KOHLER Product: K-11410 BANCROFT TOWEL BAR Description: BARNCROFT TOWEL BAR Dlmensions: 18"BAR Finish: POLISHED CHROME Instellation: REFERENCE DRAWINGS FOR LOCATIONS Notes; SUPPLIER TO VERIFY THAT ALL NECESSARY PARTS FOFi INSTALLATION ARE ORDERED. ALL MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY CODES. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION MUST BE CONTRACT QUALITY. ANY METAL PARTS MUST BE GUARANTEED AGAINST RUST CORROSION AND SCRATCHING. �. � Slifer �Designs� 216IbIain Street,Suite C-]00 EdH�ards,CO 51632 Phone: 970.926.8100,Fax:970.569.3221 Section 10800 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: BHW-� Project Information Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE ttem Location; BATHROOMS Project No.: 8355 ItemDescription: TOWELBAR First Issue Date; 11/27/06 Revision Date: Vendor Information OR EGIUAL Suggested Vendor: HUGHES SLIPPLY Address: Contact: MICHELLE KESSLOF Phone: 970.949.4300 Fax: Item Information Manufacturer: KOHLER Product: K-11411 BANCROFT TOWEL BAR Description: BARNCROF TOWEL BAR Dimensions: 24"BAR Finish: POLISHED CHROME Instailation: REFERENCE DRAWINGS FOR LOCATIONS Notes: SUPPLIER TO VERIFY THAT ALL NECESSARY PARTS FOR INSTALLATION ARE ORDERED. ALL MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY CODES. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION MUST BE CONTRACT QUAI_ITY. ANY METAL PARTS MUST BE GUARANTEED AGAINST RUST CORROSION AND SCRATCHING. � � ` � � � ' �'Desi ns� Sllfer g 2l6?�lain Street,Suite C-]00 Edwards,CO 81632 Phone: 970.926.8200,Fa�:970.569.3221 Section 10800 Slifer Designs Speciiication Sheet: BHW-2 Project lntormation Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE Hem Location: BATHROOMS Project No.: 8355 Item Description: ROBE HOOK First Issue Date: 11/27/06 Revision Date: Vendor Information OR EGIUAL Suggested Vendor: HUGHES SUPPLY Address: Contact; MICHELLE KESSLOF Phone: 970.949.4300 Fax: Item Information Manufacturer. KOHLER Product: K-11414 BANCROFT ROBE HOOK Description: BANCROFT ROBE HOOK Dimensions: Finish: POLISHED CHROME Installation: REFERENCE DRAWINGS FOR LOCATIONS Notes: SUPPLIER TO VERIFY THAT ALL NECESSARY PARTS FOR lNSTALLATION ARE ORDERED. ' ALL MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY CODES. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION MUST BE CONTRACT QUALITY. ANY METAL PARTS MUST BE GUARANTEED AGAINST RUST CORROSION AND SCRATCHING. � u �-%� � � lif r�'De i ns� S e sg 2l6 Main Street,Suite C-100 Edwards,CO 81632 Phone:970.926.$200,Fax: 970.569.3221 Seclion 10600 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: B�W-3 Project information Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE Item Location: BATHROOMS Project No.: 8355 Item Description: TOWEL RING First Issue Date: 11/27/06 Revision Date: Vendor Information OR EDUA� Suggested Vendor: HUGHES SUPPLY Address: Cootact: MICHELLE KESSLOF Phone: 970.949.4300 Fax: item Information Manufacturer: KOHLER Product: K-11416 BANCROFT TOW EL HOLDER Description: BANCROFT TOWEL HOLDER Dimensions: Finish: POLISHED CHROME InstaHation: REFERENCE DRAWINGS FOR L�CATIONS No1es: SUPPLIER TO VERIFY THAT ALL NECESSARY PARTS FOR INSTALLA'I-ION ARE ORDERED. ALL MATERIALS AND METHODS OFCONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY CODES. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION MUST BE CONTRACT QUALITY. ANY METAL PARTS MUST BE GUARANTEED AGAINST RUST CORROSION AND SCRATCHING. _ � 1i �• • '' �j s� �i 1� ' ` 'fe�'Desi ns� Sli r g 216]�lain Street,Suite C-100 EdH�ards, CO 81632 Phonc: 970.926.8200,Faz: 9711.569.3221 Section 10800 Siifer Designs Specification Sheet: B�W-L� Project Information Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE Item Location: BATHROOMS Project No.: 8355 Item Description: TP HOLDER First Issue Date: 11/27/06 Revision Date: Vendor Information OR EGIUAL Suggested Vendor: HUGHES SLIPPLY Address: Contact: MICHELLE KESSLOF Phone: 970.949.4300 Fax: Item Information Manutacturer: KOHLER Product: K-11415 BANCROFT TP HOLDER Description: TP HOLDER Dimensions: Finish: POLISHED CHROME Installation: REFERENCE DRAWINGS FOR LOCATIONS Notes: SUPPLIER TO VERIFY THAT ALL NECESSARY PARTS FOR INSTALLATION ARE ORDERED. ALL MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY CODES. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION MUST BE CONTRACT QUALITY. ANY METAL PARTS MUST BE GUARANTEED AGAINST RUST CORFiOSION AND SCRATCHING. � � � � � � ' �'Drn � Slifer es g s 216 A1ain Street,Suite C-100 Edwards,CO 81632 Phonc:970.926.8200,Fax: 970.569.3221 Section 1080� Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: BHW-�j Project Information Name: TIMBERI_INE LODGE Location: BATHROOMS Project No.: 8355 ftem Description: SHOWER RODS item Location: First tssue Date: 1 1/27/O6 Revision Date: Vendor Information Vendor: SEACHROME SHOW ER RODS AND RINGS Address: 939 NORTH VERNON AVE. AZUSA,CA 91702 Contact: DIANE Phone: 800.955.2476 Fax: 626.334.3452 item Information Manutacturer: SEACHROME SHOWER RODS AND R1NGS Product: CURVED SHOWER ROD:SR18-C6036 WI"fH EXPOSED FLANGE Description: STAINLESS STEEL SHOWER ROD WlTH EXPOSED FLANGE Dimensions: TO FIT 6'0"OPENING, Openings may vary-Must VIF Finish: STAINLESS STEEL Style: 20 GAUGE STAINLESS STEEL ROD, FLANGES Total�uantity: TO BE CONFIRMED BY CONTRACTOR Comments: Supplier to verify that all necessary parts for installation are ordered. All material and methods of construction must comply with all applicable fire and life safety codes. All materials and construction must be contract quality. Fabricator to provide structurally sound product. Any metal parts must be guaranteed against rust corrosion and scratching. Notes: Installer to verify location in field with designer. ••t'��r�-';��' � ` � . � . �� K,,.�::�.M� .. . 7.3' Ciient Approvaf: ° �,,�.--^: �C[ ��l� '`'' " gJ11 "�� t t ; �(tY��� v.,e���•�.�; ..ea.L �' � � � Slifer �Designs� 216 A1ain Street,Suite G10U Edwards,CO 81632 Phone: 970.926.8200,Fax:970569.3221 Section 10800 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: SG L-� Project Information Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE Item Location: MASTER SHOWERS Project No.: 8355 Item Description: SHOWER ENCLOSURE First tssue Date: 11/27/0& ! Revision Date: Vendor Information OR EGIUAL Suggested Vendor: AMERICAN SHOWER DOOR Address: 6920 E. SLAUSON CITY OF COMMERCE, CA Contact: Phone: 800.421.2333 Fax: 323.726.74&9 Item Information Product: AMERICAN SHOWER DOOR Description: FRAMELESS SHOWER ENCLOSURE Color: CLEAR GLASS Dimensions: 3/8"GLASS Finish: POLISHED CHROME HlNGES AND HANDLES Instailation: Notes: ALL GLASS IS SLIBJECT TO VARIATION IN COLOR. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAW INGS FOR DESIGN AND PATTERN LAYOUTS ALL MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE FIRE&LIFE SAFETY CODES. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION MUST BE CONTRACT QUALITY. Submittal: SUPPLIER/SUBCONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SAMPLES FOR SLIFER DESIGNS APPROVAL PRIOR TO FABRICATION. NO PHOTO � � ' r�'Desi ns� Slife g 2161�4ain Street,Suite G100 Ed��•ards,CO 81632 Phone: 970.926.8200,Fax:970.569.3221 Section 10825 •---. ___.�.._ ..r—_...--_•—•• —••_--• i • . Project Information Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE Nem Location: KITCHEN Project No.: 8355 Item Description: REFRIGERATOR First Issue Date: 11/27/06 Revision Date: Vendor Information 5uggested Vendor: DCA 4ddress: :onlact: BOB BOZYNSKI �hone: 970.748.6442 ax: tem Iniormation �anutacturer. GE �roduct: GE PROFtLE PFS22SBSSS iescription: STAINLESS BOTTOM FREEZER FiEFRIGEFiATOR �imensions: 69 IN x 33 7/8 IN x 32 7/8 IN inish: STAINLESS STEEL otes: REFER TO MANUFACTURER'S CUT SHEETS FOR POWER,WATER AND INSTALLATION REQ. �mments: Re1er to architectural drawin s for la out. All materia�and methods o1 construction must compl with all a licable fire and life safet codes. Ali materials and construction must be contract quality. Fabricator to provide structurally sound product. An metai parts must be uaranteed a ainst rust corrosion and scratching. bmittaL• � .�. " t`" (oiw; � i� r--f �, �� r :: .�r.iyr ' ,�o�'i*_�,•_ o�`�. � . � '-`' � ��w.� ` . - F'�� ' � �,�..+�,,,,�,..�„�' ,.. ,Slifer �Designs� 2161�9ain S(reet,Suite C-100 . �� EdH�ards,CO 81632 . .�._. _:...... ._ _;''�,'� Phone: 970.926.5200,Fax:970.569.3221 Pege: Section 11452 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: /4-2 Project Information Name: TIMBERLINE LOGGE Item Location: KITCHEN Project No.: 6355 Item Description: RANGE First Issue Date: 1 1/27/O6 Revision Date: Vendor Information 5uggesfed Vendor: DCA Address: Contect: BOB BOZYNSKI Phone: 970.748.6442 Faz: Item Information Manufacturer. GE Product: GE PROFILE JGS905SEKSS Description: 30"SLIDE IN GAS RANGE Dimensions: 28"D X 38"H X 30"W Finish: STAINLESS STEEL Notes: Refer to manufacturer's cut sheets for power,water,8 installation requirements. Comments: Reier to architeclural drawin s for la out. All material and methods o1 construction must com i with all a licable fire and lile safet codes. All materials and construction must be contract quality. Fabricator to provide structurally sound product. Any metal arts must be uaranteed against rust corrosion and scratching. Submittal: _� ..--- 'i��Y � �.4, Slifer �Designs� 216 A7ain Slreet,Suite GI00 Edwards,CO 81632 Phone: 970.926.8200,Fax: 970.569.3221 Page: Seclion�7a52 lifer Designs Specification Sheet: �y-� Project information Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE ^ Iiem Location: KITCHEN Project No.: 8355 Item Description: DISHVJASHER First issue Date: 11/27/O6 Revision Date: Vendor Information Suggested Vendor: DCA Address: �ontact: BOB BOZYNSKI �hone: 970.748.6442 =ax: _ Item Intormation Ulanutacturer. GE �roduct: GE PROFILE PDW9980LSS ]escription: DISHWASHER 7imenslons: 24 3/4"D X 34"H X 24"W =inish: STAINLESS STEEL �otes: Refer to manutacturer's cut sheets for power,water, 8 installation requirements. :omments: Refer to architectural drawin s for la out. All materiai and methods oi construction must com I with all a licable fire and life safet codes. All materials and construction must be contract quality. Fabncator to rovide structurail sound product. An metal paRs must be guaranteed a ainst rust corrosior+and scratching. ubmittai: _ tl' AQR� . "h�-:� .�. •c.: ,e`i_ y. �i� :��;',a; •'�.. � "�ai �,9'.i '' -�� � ����,'`�� �' . SliFer �Desl ns� �� g 216 A'Iain Street,Suite C-100 EdH•ards,CO 81632 Phone:970.926.5200,Fax:970.569.3221 Page: Section 11452 5titer uesigns Specification Sheet: A-l�, Project Information Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE item Localion: KITCHEN Project No.: 8355 Item Description: OVER THE RANGE MICR0INAVE First Issue Date: 11/27/06 Fievision Date: Vendor Information Suggested Vendor: DCA Address: Contact: BOB BOZYNSKI Phone: 97�.748.6442 Faz: Item Intormation Manutacturer: GE Product: GE PROFILE JVM1790SK Description: OVER THE RANGE MICROWAVE WITH HOOQ VENTILATION Dimensions: 15 3/8"D X 16 7l16"H X 29 15/16"W Finish: STAINLESS STEEL Notes: Refer to manutacturer's cut sheets tor power,water, 8 instal�ation requirements. Comments: Refer to architectural drawin s for la ouL Ali materiai and methods o1 construction must cornpl with all a plicable fire and life safet codes. All materials and construction must be contract quality. Fabricator to provide structurally sound product. Any metal parts must be guaranteed a ainst rust corrosion and scratchin . Submittal: - — -- � � , •.• ._. .. .� . . .. Sllfer �Design,s� 2l6 Main Street,Suite C-100 EdK•ards,CO S1632 Phone: 970.926.8200,Fax:970.569.3221 Page: Sectiontta52 iier Designs Specification Sheei: �y-� Project Information _ vame: TIMBEALINE LODGE tem Location: LAUNDAY aroject No.: 8355 tem Description: WASHER =irs1 issue Date: 11/27i06 �evision Oate: Vendor Information iuggested Vendor: DCA 4ddress: :ontact: 808 BOZYNSKI �hone: 970.748.6442 =ax: _ _ tem Iniormation danutacturer: FRIGIDAIRE �roduct: GLTF 2940E �escription: FRONT LOADING WASHER �Imensions: 36"H X 27"W X 27 3/4"D =inish: W N ITE Jotes: Refer to manufacturer's cut sheets!or power,water, &installaiion requiremerns. This unit can be installed stacked or side by side. If inta!ling stacked ma4e sure to include all hardware for instatlation. ;omments: Refer to architecturai drawings for layout. Aii material and methods of construction must com I with ai(a piicable fire and lite sa(et codes. All materials and construction must be contract qualit . Fabricator to rovide structurafl sound producl. Any metal parts must be guaranteed a ainst rust corrosion and scratchin . ,r., X, �ubmi!lal: r �t;, _"---� ._..y�.------ - .. ;��..� .. �::;; ,�+;� �-.:; ij�:� ',?, �. s";�•• '�r.. � � `�:`�:� 4;� �:.:;:; !i ;..;.:: :��;°.: w,.. Sli�er Designs� �M`�-�� ��;: ^4t,.� 216 A4ain Street,Suite G100 �; Ed.��ards,CO 81632 '� Phone:970.926.8200,Fax:970.569.3221 Page: Section 11452 5�iter uesigns 5pecirication 5neei: H-p Project Information Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE Item Location: LAUNDRY Project No.: 8355 Item Description: DRYER Firsl Issue Date: 11i27!D6 Revision Date: Vendor Information Suggested Vendor: DCA Address: Contact: BOB BOZYNSKI Phone: 970.748 6442 Fax: Item Iniormation Manulacturer: FRIGIDAIRE Product: GLEQ 2152E Description: FRONT LOADING DRYER Dimensions: 36"H X 27"W X 28 1/2"D Finish: WHITE Notes: Reter to manufacturer's cut sheets for power,water, 8 instailation requirements. This unit can be instailed stacked or side by side.if intailing stacked make sure to include all hardware for inslallation. Comments: Reter to architectural drawin s for la out. All materral and methods of construction must compl with all a licable lire and Irfe satei codes. Ali materials and construction must be contract quality. Fabricator to provide structuraily sound product. Any metal paris must be guaranteed a ainst rust corrosion and scratchin . Submittai: :�, � . _..�-_�""'. ii�.�.r � y`.. . C. � 1n�1 Y, i ��. �,,.:;. Slifer Desi ns� ����--- � g �� 216 A'Iain Street,Suite G100 �' Edwards,CO 81632 Pl�one:970.926.8200,Fax:970.569.3221 Page: Section 11a52 fer Designs Specification Sheet: ry- � roject Iniormation ame: TIMBERLINE LODGE �m tocation: KITCHEN oject No.: 8355 am Descriplion: DISPOSAL rst Issue Date: 1 1/27/06 �vision Date: endor Information �ggested Vendor: DCA �dres5: �ntact: BOB BOZYNSKI ione: 970.748.6442 �x: em Intormation enutacturer: INSINKERATOR oduct: fNSINKERATOR BAGER 5 DISPOSAL �scription: 3/4 HORSEPOWER DISPOSAL menslons: REFERENCE CUT SHEET nish: STAINLESS STEEL �tes: Refer to manuiacturer's cut sheets 1or power,water,8 installation requirements. �mments: Refer to architecturai drawin s 1or la out. All material and methods o1 construction must com I with all ap licable iire and life safet codes. All materials and construction must be contract quality. Fabricator to provide structurall sound product. Any metal parts must be uaranteed a ainst rust coriosion and scratching. � � �bmittaL• , � � IJ� � Slifer Designs� -��� Z16 A4ain Sireet,Suite C-100 Edwards,CO 8163Z Phonc: 970.926.8200,Fax:970.569.3221 ' ,. ' Page: Section 11452 � —�{ � o � � �— w ---� -��-�-----�--...-- � N �, -------_._�.___.. �s.a o � �� o � 3 ��s � a.� � '> C'� � '� o =e � �- � .. a u c.-. u �—� � � a � � U `� � 0 a � a� � (� C �� O 4— �j Q� � tr Q) v m �I � Q) � LL ¢ . C � � o 0 '� N W •7 C N O � � 1 � \ \ � � � C � � rn r .+ r � � ..+ .� .� �, o 0 C� w �+ .1 m .� v, .� rn u+ N �b °' v� o, w � � N M M .7 M M .•C_. 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'� �"'"'`�``�" Automatic Water Level �Larger Pidure Control Lock Models available: �r� Cycle Status Ughts �rt� - Bfack t�� �r� Door Lock Ught GL T'F 2 940EB ,�-� Estimate d Tlme Remalning Indlcator �"'1 Whlte Metallic Bezei and Door Ring Decoratfon �----� GLTF2940E5 On/ Off End-of-Cycle Slgnal MSRP: �829 Suggested price may not reflect actual Wash/Rinse Cycles dealer prtce,and does no[Include dellvery,lnstallatlon,accessorles,or removal and e�sposai or ale appllances. 2 Staln Level Selections 14 Cycles 4 Wash/ Rinse Temperature Combinatlons: Warm/Cold; Cold/Cold;Warm/Warm; with Hot/Cold Manual Temperature Control Extra Rlnse &Extra Spin Auto Options Press Saver Setting Related Products Matching Electric Dryer: GLEQ2152E Matching Gas Dryer: GLGQ2152E http://www.frigidaire.com/products/laundry/washers/front_load/prod_GLTF2940E.asp 11/8/2006 Installation Options Frees[anding Hidden (In Cioset) PedesWi Stacked Under-Counter Dimensions � Height: 36" Wid[h: 27" • Depth: Z7-3/4" Approx. Product Welght(Lbs.): Z04/217 � , Approx. Shlpping Weight(Lbs.): Z17 Home � Products ( Dealer Locator � Customer Service � Press � Contact Us J Search Frig(daire.con PNvacy � Terms and Condttfons � Dealer/Dlstr(butor � Site Index p2002 -2005 Frigidaire�Al!rights re: http:�/www.frigidaire.com/products/laundry/washers/front_load/prod_GLT'F2940E.asp 11/8/2006 . ..._ ;,�` _. , ' � � � :�e , �j ��'7."'r� / 1i.. / Ji.' �i . J� / ��. 4 �...., �. _ . , ;,� �t�,i.. ���t =.. � � �•�. : r�' • .�,; Home Products Dealer Locator Customer Servlce Press Roam Contact Us 5earch Frigidaire.c� Refrigerators Cooking Dishwashers Freezers Laundry R�om Afr Condltioners Outdoor Washers Dryers Laundry Centers Home > Products> Laundry> Dryers > Electric> GLEQ2152� GLEQ2152E - 5.8 cu.ft. Capacity Dryer f:�``:J;: " '-.q;=� Dryer Features More Informatioi r'!�4_"r`..: _ �_ ..�".:1..' 5.8 Cu. Ft. Super Capacity Drum T�- Guldes B� Man � 7 Auto Dry Cycles � � Extended Sen , __ ___ __ •. • • 4 Dryness Level 5electlons � . 90 Minute Ttmed Dry � Deater Locato � � Auto Shrink Guard Optlon � T��; Product Regis Controi Lock `°° Cycle Status Lights r: Accessories 5� �� � �� Drying Rack ElectronJc Controls Estimated Time Remaining Dlsplay Precision Dry Moisture 5ensor ,�.�.�; Tumble Care Drying System _. ,. . ``�^"�" Auto Press Saver Option �l.arger Pfcture 5 Temperature Optfons; High Heat, Medlurn Heat, Medlurn Low Heat, Low Heat, No Heat Models availabte: On/ Off End-of-Cycle Slgnai _ Black Inter(or Drum L(ght GLEQ2152EB f "�White Reverslble Door ' U GLEQ2152ES Ciean Lint Flter Indlcator MSRP: $599 Quick-Clean Lint 5creen 5uggested price may not reflect actual dealer price,and does no[Indude Related Products ! dellvery,installatlon,accessories,or ' removal and disposal ot old appilances. Matching Washer: GLTF2940E Installation Options , Freestanding i Hldden (In Closet) ' ' � Pedestal � Stacked � � Under-Counter I Dimensions l _ I I � http://www.frigidaire.com/products/laundry/dryers/electric/prod_GLEQ2]52E.asp 1 1/8/2006 l i Helght: 36" Wldth: 27" --- -�--• -- Depth: �B-1/2^ '----- �- --- Apprax. Shippl�g Weight (Lbs.): 118 • Home � Products � Dealer Locator � Customer Service � Press � Contact Us � Search Frigidaire.con Privary � Terms and Conditions � Dealer/Distributor � Site Index QZ001 -2005 f�rgldalrem All righ[s�e; httpJ/www.frigidaire.com/productsllaundry/dryers/elecn-ic/prod_GLEQ2152E.asp ] 1/8/2006 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: M-� Project Intormation � Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE Ilem Location: BATHROONI MIRRORS Project No.: 8355 Item Description: MIRRORS Flrst Issue Date: 11!27/06 Revision Date: Vendor Information Suggesled Vendor: Ea le Valley Glass Address: 241 Broadwa Ea le,CO Contact: Perr Churchill Phone: 328.7228 Fax: Item Information Product: MIRROR Descriptlon: TYPE 1 TRANSPARENT FLAT,CLASS 1 Oimensions: 1/4"THIC K Finish: CLEAR,QUALITY Q1 MIRROR SET Notes: MEETS ASTM 1036 TYPE I Comments: Sup lier lo verif thal all necessar arts for installation are ordered. All material and methods of construclion must compl w�th all a plicable fire and life satet codes. Fabricator to provide struclurali sound roduct. Ail materials and construction must be contract ualit . Any metal parts must be guaranteed against rust corrosion and scratching. SubmRtal: Su IieNSubcontractor to rovide sam le for Slifer Desi ns ap roval prior to fabrication. � Slifer Designs� 216 A4ain Strcel,Suite G 100 Ed��ards,CO S]632 Phone: 970.926.8200,Fax: 970.569.3Z21 5ection 12400 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: ��-2 Pro'ect Information Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE Item Location: BATHROOM MIRRORS Project No.: 8355 Item Description; MIRROR FRAME Flrst Issue Dale: 1 V27/06 Revision Date: Vendor information Suggested Vendor: ABC MOULDfNG Address: Contact: Phone: Faz: Item Ihformation Producl: ABC MOULDING 41-421 Description: PITTED PECAN MIRROR FRAME Dimensions: 3" MIRROR FRAME Finish: TO MATCH CABINETRY Stein: TO MATCH CABINETRY Notes: MEETS ASTM 1 Q36 TYPE! Comments: Su lier to ver�f that all necessa arts ior instailation are ordered. AI!material and methods of construction must compl with all a plicable tire and iite safety codes. Fabricator to rovide structurall sound product. All materials and conslruction must be contract ualit . Any metal parts must be guaranteed agalnsi rust corrosion and scratching. submival: Su plier/Subcontractor to rovide sampie tor Slifer Desi ns a proval prior to fabrication. � Slifer �Designs� 216 Main Street,Suite G100 EdM�ards,CO 8I632 Phone;970.926.8200,Fax: 970.569.322] Seclion 12400 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: �LU-'� A Pro ect Information Neme: TIMBERLINE LODGE Item Location: KITCHEN SINK Project No.: 8355 pem Description: KITCHEN SINK Firs!Issue Dale: 11/27i06 Revision Dete: Vendor Intormation Suggested Vendor: HUGHES SUPPLY Address: 0950 NOTTING HAM RD PO BOX 436 AVON,CO 81620 Contact: MICHELLE KESSLOFF Phone: 970.949.4300 Fex: 970.949.4048 (tem Iniormation Product: KOHLER, K-3180 Descriptlon: UNDERTONE STAINLESS SINK Dimensions: 31 3/4"X 1 B" Finlsh: STAINLESS STEEL Note: DISPOSAL ON D/W SIDE Comments: Sup Iier to verif that atl necessar aRS for installation are ordered. '� AII mater�al and methods oi construction must com ly with all a licable lire and lite safet codes. Fabricator to rovide structurail sound roduct. All materials and construction must be contract ualit . submncai: Supplier/Subcontractor to provide sample lor Sliter Desi ns ap roval nor to labrication. 'rr..;' - :`:v.;:: W `�+� . ��� i ` . . � , �� •._� ~ 4 '��`� =5�r.:. t�;i�� , . . (/';� � '���, i� , ` 'Y� 7y �'D 1 - �.,.�: �� �liEer es gns II6 R1ain Street,Suite C-100 Ed�rards,CO 81632 Phone:970.92G.8200, Fax: 970.569.3221 Section 15440 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: r �v- i u Pro'ect Information Neme: TIMBERLINE LODGE Item Location: KITCHEN SINK ALTERNATE Pro)ect No.: 8355 ilem Description: KITCHEN SINK ALTEf;NATE First Issue Date: 11/27/06 Revision Date: Vendor IMormation Suggested Vendor: HUGHES SUPPLY Address: 0950 NOTTING HAM RD PO BOX 436 AVON, CO 81620 Contact: MICHELLE KESSLOFF Phone: 970.949.4300 Fex: 970.949.4048 Item inlormation Product: KOHLER, K-3334 Description: LINDERTONE STAINLESS SINK Dimensions: 15 3/4"X 20 3/8" F(nfsh: STAINLESS STEEL Note: Commen�s: Sup lier to verify that all necessar arts for instatlation are ordered. All material and methods of construction must compl with ali appiicable fire and Iife safety codes. Fabricator to rov�de st�ucturail sound product. All materiais and construction must be contract ualit . s�bmi�cei: SupplieNSubcontractor to provide sample for Slifer Desi ns a proval prior to tabrication. ' �:�: . . � �' . ? � SliFer �Designs� 216 Main Sireei,Suite C-100 EdK•ards,CO 81632 Phone:970.926.820U, Fax:970.569.3221 Section 15440 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: PLU-'� C; Project Intormation Neme: TIMBERLINE LODGE Item Locat(on: KITCHEN SINK ALTERNATE Project No.: 8355 Item Description: CORNER SINK First Issue Date: 1 1/27/06 Revision Date: Vendor Information Suggested Vendor: HUGHES SUPPLY Address: 0950 NOTTING HAM RD PO BOX 436 AVON,CO 81620 Contact: MICHELLE KESSLOFF Phone: 970.949.4300 Fax: 970.949.4048 Item IMormation Product: ELKAY, ELUH3232 Description: UNDERMOUNT CORNER SINK Dimenslons: 7 7/8"DEEP, 16"X i 6"SINKS Flnish: STAINLESS STEEL Note: Comments: Sup lier to verif that all necessar arts for installation are ordered. All material and method�of construction must com I with all a piicable fire and lite safety codes. Fabncator to rovide structurall sound roduct. All malerials antl construction must be contract quaht . � suemi»ai: Supplier/Subcontractor to provide sample for Sfifer Desi ns approval rior 10 fabrication. - �••— — — I 1. ,. ,,. � Slifer �Designs� 216 Main Strret,Suite G100 EdH�ards,CO 81632 P6one: 970.926.5200,Fax:970.569.3221 Section 15440 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: }'LU�L Project Intormation Name: 'fI�vIBERLINE LODGE item Locetion: KITCHEN FAUCET P►ojeci No.: 8355 ltem Description: KITCHEN FAUCET Flrst Issue Date: 11/27/06 Revision Oate: Vendor Informafion Suggested Vendor; HUGHES SUPPLY Address: 0950 NOTTING HAM RD PO BOX 436 AVON, CO 81620 Contact: MICHELLE KESSLOFF Phone: 303.298.8453 Fax: 303.327.8500 ttem iniormation Product: KOHLER, K15160 Descriptlon: CORALIAS SINGLE LEVER PULL OUT FAUCET Dimensions: Ffnfsh: POLISHED CHROME Water Flow: Note: DRAIN TO MATCH Comments: Su lier to verif that ali necessar arts tor installation are ordered. All material and methods ot construction must compl with ali applicable fire and lite satety codes. Fabricator to rovide structuralf sound product. All materials and construction must be contract qual�ty. subm�i�ai: Supplier/Subcontractor to provide sample ; for S(ifer Designs approval prior to fabrication. � � ( . � ,„. Slifer Designs� '� � 216 A1ain Street,Suite C-100 � Ed���ards,CO 81632 - Phone:970.926.8240,Fax: 970.569.322t Section 15440 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: PLU�3 Project Information Neme: TIMBERLINE LODGE Item Location: BATH FAUCET ProJeci No.: 8355 Item Description: BATH FAUCET First Issue Date: 11/27/06 Revision Da1e: Vendor Information Suggested Vendor: HUGHES SUPPLY Address: 0950 NOTTING HAM RD PO BOX 436 AVON,CO 81620 Contact: MICHELLE KESSLOFF Phone: 970.949.4300 Fez: 970.949.4048 Item Information Product: KOHLER, K-10577 Description: BANCROFT WIDESPREAD LAVATORY FAUCET Dimensions: 8"WIDESPREAD Flnish: POLISHED CHROME WITH POLISHED CHROME LEVERS Notes: DRAIN TO MATCH Comments: Su lier to verif that all necessa arts 1or installation are ordered. All material and methods o1 construction must compl with all a plicable fire and life safety codes. Fabricator to rov�de structurall sound roduct. All materials and construction must be contract qualii . submncei: Supplier/Subcontractor to provide sample for Slifer Desi ns approval prior to fabrication. ' ��`~� ,` -_"�._ _. �. �t�'' AQ � +.., � '�j '�cd�F�i�� .r�r �?;;. ` _ r a c.�_ �it SliFer �Uesigns � y 216 Main Street,Suite C-]00 EdN•ards,CO 81632 Phone:970.9Z6.8100, Fax: 970.569.3221 Section 15440 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: r-LV-� Project information Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE Item Location; BATH SINK ProJect No.: 8355 Item Descr(ption: BATH SINK Ftrst Issue Date: 1 i!27/O6 Revislon Date: Vendor Information Suggested Vendor: HUGHES SUPPLY Address: 0950 NOTTING HAM RD PO BOX 436 AVON,CO 81620 Contact: MICHELLE KESSLOFF Phone: 303.298.84 53 Fex: 303.327.8500 Item Information Product: KOHLER, K-22ti Description: CAXTON UNDERMOUNT SINK Dlmensions: 19"X 15" Finish: W H ITE Note: Comments: Sup lier to verif fhat all necessar parts tor installat�on are ordered. Ail material and methods oi construction must compl with all applicab!e fire and life safety codes. Fabricator to prov�de structurally sound product. All materials and construction must be contract uality. submiccei: Supplier/Subcontractor to provide sample for SiiTer Desi ns approvat prior to fabrication. � Slifer �llesi ns� � g 2161�4ain Strret,Suile C-100 Edr+�ards,CO 51632 , Phone: 970.926.8200, Fax:970.569.3?21 SeClion 15440 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: p�„U-5 Pro'ect Iniormation Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE Item Location: SHOWER/TUB FITTINGS Project No.: 8355 Item Description: SHOWER/TUB FITTINGS First Issue Date: 1 1/27/06 Revision Date: Vendor information Suggested Vendor: HUGHES SUPPLY Address: 0950 NOTTING HAM RD PO BOX 436 AVON, CO 81620 Contact: MICHELLE KESSLOFF Phone: 970.949.4300 Fax: 970.949.4048 Item Intormation Product: KOHLER, K-T10582 Description: BANCROFT RITE TEMP PRESSURE BALANCING BATH AND SHOWER TRIM Dimensions: Finlsh: POLISHED CHROME WITH POLISHED CHROME LEVERS Notes: DRAIN TO MATCH Comments: Su lier to verity that all necessa arts for installation are ordered. Ali material and methods of construction must compi with all a licable fire and I�le satety codes. Fabricator to provide structurall sound roducL All maferiais and construction must be coniract qualit . suemit�ai: SupplieNSubcontractor to provide sample for Sliter Desi ns a proval prior to fabricalion. �fS� .�..� � / ` Slifer �Deslgns� 216 A4ain Street,Suite C-100 EdH�ards,CO SIG32 P6unr:970.926.8100, Fax: 970.569.3221 � I . = Section 15440 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: P LU-6 Pro'ect Information "` Neme: TIMBERLINE LODGE Hem location: SHOWER FITTINGS Project No.: 8355 item Description: SHOWER FITI-iNGS Firsf Issue Dale: 11l27/06 Aevision Oate: Vendor Information Suggesled Vendor: HUGHES SUPPLY Address: 0950 NOTTING HAM RD PO BOX 436 AVON, CO 81620 Contact: MICHELLE KESSLOFF Phone: 970.949.4300 Fex: 970.949.4048 Item Infarmation Product: KOHLER,K-T10582 Description: BANCROFr RITE TEMP PRESSURE BALANCING BATH AND SHOWER TRIM Dimensions: Finish: POLISHED CHROME WITH POLISHED CHROME LEVERS Notes: DRAIN TO MATCH Commenis: Su Iier to verif that att necessar arts for installation are ordered. All material and methods ot construction must compi w�th ali a plicable fire and life safet codes. Fabricator to provide structurall sound roduct. All mater+als and construction must be contracl ual+2y. suamt<<a�: Supplisr/Subconlractor lo provide sample for Slifer Desi ns a rovai rior to f abrication. ."�:• y ,:.,�`.�,'.: �, � Slifer �Des�gns. .. ,. �, ,. 216 Main Street,Suite G100 ' Edw•ards,CO 81632 Phone:970.926.8200,Fax: 970.569.3221 5ection 15440 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: PLU-7 Project Information Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE Item Location: BATHROOt�1S Projecl No.: 8355 Ilem Description: TUBS First Issue Date: 11;27/O6 Revlsion Date: Vendor Information Suggested Vendor: HUGHES SUPPLY Address: 0950 NOTTING HAf�I RD PO BOX 436 AVON,CO 81620 Contacl: MICHELLE KESSLOFF Phone; 970.949.4300 Paz: 970.949.4048 Item Information Product: KOHLER, K-715/K-716 DEPENDING ON DRAIN LOCATION Description: VILLAGER TUB 3 WALL ALCOVE Dimensfons: 60"X 30 1/4"X 14" Finish: WHITE Noles: VERIFYTHE INSTALLATION OF THIS TUB WILL WORK WITH FLOOR PLAN CONFIGURATIONS Comments: Sup lier to verit that all necessar arts tor instalfation are ordered. All material and methods of construction must com I with all a plicable fire and lite safety codes. Fabricator to rovide structurall sound roduct. - All malenals and construction must be contract quaht . submic►ac SupplieNSubcontractor to provide sample tor Slifer Designs approval rior to fabricafion. � 0 � Siifer �Designs 216 n4ain Street,Suite C-100 EdH�ards,CO 81632 Plione:470.926.820Q,Fax: 970.569.3221 Section 15440 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: F''LU��S Pro'ect Information Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE Irem Location: BATHROOMS ProJect No.: 8355 Item Description: TOILETS � First Issue Date: 11;27/06 flevisfon Da[e: Vendor information Suggested Vendor: HUGHES SUPPLY Address: 0950 NOTTING HAM RD PO BOX 436 AVON,CO 81620 Contact: MICHELLE KESSLOFF Phone: 970.949.4300 Fax: 970.949.4048 Itern Information Product: KOHLER, K-3496 Descriptfon: CIMMERON TOILET Dimenslons: 29 3/8"X 19"X 30 3/4" Finish: WHITE WITH CHROME TRIP LEVER Notes: K-4688 CACHET TO�LET SEAT Commenls: Su lier to verif ihat all necessa arts for installat�on are ordered. Ali material and methods o1 construction must com i with all ap licable (ire and life safet codes. Fabricator to provide structurall sound roduct. All materials and construction must be contract ualii . submi��a�: Supplier/Subco��tracta to provide sample (or Sii(er Designs a proval prior to (abricat+on. -w 1�^ � -�`._._...�-� Lt! _,�-_- � ►Slifer �Designs� _ - � 2l6 Main Street,Suite C-100 Ed�sards.CO 81632 Phone: 970.926.8200,Fax:970.569.3221 Section 15440 ' Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: PLU�g Project Information Name: TIf�IBERLINE LODGE Item Location: TUB FILLER Project No.; 8355 Item Descrlption: TUB FILLER First issue Date: 1 1/27/06 Fevision Date: Vendor Information 5uggesled Vendor: HUGHES SUPPLY Address: 0950 NOTTING HAM RD PO BOX 436 AVON, CO 81620 Contact: MICHELLE KESSLOFF Phone: 970.949.4300 Fax: 970.949.4048 Item Information Product: KOHLER, K-T105B4-4 WITH 373 NON DIVERTED SPOUT Description: BANCROFT,SHOW ER 'f R IM W ITH DEVONSHIRE SPOUT Dimensions: 5 1/4"SPOUT Finish: POLISHED CHROME WITH POLISHED CHROME LEVERS Notes: DRAIN TO MATCH - Commems: Supplier to venty that ail necessar parts for installation are ordered. All material and methods of construction musl compl with ail appiicable fire and lite salety codes. Fabricator to rovide structurail sound product. All materials and consiruction must be contract uality. subm�«ai: Supplier/Subcontractor to provide sampie for Slifer Desi ns approval rior to fabrication. i , �I ` . . � � J/ ' � `�-yH•; fi"' SliFer �Designs� ,) Z161�4ain Street,Suite C-100 EdN�ards,CO 81632 Phone:970.926.8200,Fax:970.569.3Z21 Section 15440 KfJHLER� r - � Features UNDERCOUNTER SINK . 18 gauge s�ain/ess steel K,•3'� 8 0 . Undercaunter . Double (equal) compartment . Includes insfallafion hardware . 7-5/8" (19.4 cmJ deep basins . 28-3/4" (73 cmJ x 1S' (38.1 cm) I Codes/Standards Applicable I Specified model meels or exceeds the following: . ASME A 112.19.3 . IAPMD/UPC Colors/Finishes . NA: None applicable Accessories: . CP: Polished Chrome . ST: Sfainless Steel . NA: None applicable . OCher: Refer to Price Book (or additionai colors/finishes Specified Model Model Description Co(ors/Finishes K-3180 Undercounter sink Ll NA Optfonal Accessories , K-3119 Hardwood cutiing board (for eilher basin) ❑ NA K-3129 Stainless sleei botlom basin rack (For either basin) O ST K-8H01 Duostrainer�,sink sirainer O CP ❑Other�_ K-8B13 Stainiess steei sink strainer with lall iece ❑ CP K-BB14 Stainless steel sink slrainer less tailpiece ❑CP Product Specification The undercounter sink shall be 28-3/4"(73 cm) in length and 15"(38.1 cm) in width,with 7-5/8"(19.4 cm)deep basins. Sink shall be made of 18 gauge stainless steel. Sink shall be double(equal)compartment. Sink shall include installation hardware. Sink shall be Kohler Model K-3180. Page 1 0l2 USA: 1-800-4-KONLER 1 D 16732-4-B Canada: 1-80D-964-5590 kohler.com � ' • Technical fnformation lnstallation Nutes install this product according fo ihe installation guide. Fixture': Allow a minimum oI 2"(5.1 cm) minimum clearance around Basin area 14-1/2" {36.9 cm) x 15-3/4"(4D cm) the sink nm for clip attachment. Water depth 7-5/8"(19.4 cm) Drain holes 3•5/8"(9.2 cm) D. 'Approximate measurements Ior comparison only. Included components: Hardware kit 91915 - Cut-0ul template 1016732-7 1-3/8" (3.5 cm) ' ; 8-15/16" � �22� �m� Countertop 17-3l4" � —�-- -� -- - (45.1 cm) �-----� II Sink� -- -� Clip 8-1/8" � 15-1/4" � 2"(5.1 cm) (20.6 cm) (38.7 cm) Min ' 31-1/2°(8D cm) � 8" 13" � ; I(20.3 cm) (33 cm) I ' � � � �-----4-----Q— \\�/ I 1-1/2" OD Product Diagrarn UNDERTONE*��UNDERCOUNTER SINK THE BOLD LOOK Page 2 of 2 OF K�pHLER� 1016732-4-B KOHLER� . - . Features UNDERCOUNTER SINK . 18 gauge stainless stee! ��3334 . Undercounter , Single compartment . Squared bowl(sJ � �� . Includes installation hardware � I . 14" (35.6 cm)x 18-5/8�' (47.3 cmJ Codes/Standards Applicable Specified model meets or exceeds the following: . ASME A 112.19.3 . lAPMO/UPC I Colors/Finishes . NA: None appiicable Accessories: . CP: Polished Chrome . 0: White . NA; None applicable . Other. Refer to Price 800k for additional colors/finishes Specified Model Model Description Colors/Finlshes K-3334 Undercounler sink O NA Optional Accessorles K-2989 Countertop cutting board ❑ NA K-3277 �re basket O 0 White ❑ Olher K-8801 Duostrainero sink sUainer ❑ CP ❑ Other Product Specification The underc�unter sink shall be 1 G"{35.6 cm)in Iength and 18-518"(47.3 cm)in width.Sink shall be made of 1 B gauge stainless steel.Sink shall ba single comparimenl wilh squared bowi.Sink shalt incfude instalfation hardware.Sink shalt be Kohler Model K-3334. Page 1 of 2 � USA: 1-800-4-KOHLER . Canada: 1-B DO-964-559D 111138-4-AB kohler.com I 1 ' • Technical Information Installation Notes Install lhis product according to lhe inslallation guide. Fixlure': Allow a minimum of 2"(5.1 cm) clearance around sink rim for Basin area 14" (35.6 cm) x 18-5/8"(47.3 cm) clip atlachment. Water depih 7-7/16"(18.9 cm) Drain hole 3-5/8"(9.2 cm) ❑. 'Approximete measurements for comparison only. Included components: Hardware kit 91915 Cut-out tempiate 113195-7 1-3J4"(4.4 cm) R. 7/g" (2,Z cm) � ��8„ Counlertop (20 cm) --�--- O 20-3/B" Sink � i - � (51.8 cm) \.� i Clip 2"(5.1 cm) Min 15-3/4"(40 cm) 7-5/B° 13" (20 crn) (33 cm) I i � , I '_____j y_\ .. T 1-1/2"OD Product Dia�ram UNDERTONE�.�UNDERCOUNTER 51NK THEBOLD LOOK Page 2 of 2 Or K�pHLERm 111138-4-AB Lustertone° Undermount E���� Double Bowl Corner Sink SPECIFICAT/ONS Model ELUH3232 GE1�IERAL Highest quality slnk bowls seamlessly formed ot 1l18 gauge, type 304 (19-8)nickel bearing stainless steel. Underside of sink is tully protacted by heavy duty Sound Guard' undercoating. DESIGN FEATURES ° o 0 Bowi Depth:7-7/8'. Coved Corners:1-3/4" vertical and horizontal radius. Finish: Exposed surfaces are hand biended to a lustrous highllghted satin finlsh. Underside: Fully protected by heavy duty Sound Guard•'under- coafing to dampen sound and prevent condensation. OTHER Drain Opening: 3-1/2'. Faucet Holes:5ink has 31-1/2"diameter faucet holes that can be Mode!ELUH9232 used as a template when installing the taucet to the countertop. NOTE:All Elkay undermount sinks are designed to aHix easily to the underside of eny solid surface countertop. OPTIONAL ACCESSORfES Rinsing Baskets:LKR61611 and LKERBSS. Cutting Boards:C81 b13,CB1713,CBR1316 or CBS1316. Instatlation Profrle of SINK DIMENSIONS (INCHES)• ELUH Double Bowl Mcdels The template provided wllh each ELUH sink provides m�mc the only type of instaliation recommended by Elkay. Drerall Each 8owi MlNmum Snlp. Motlel �lout ln C�binet Wi. CoNiOUR EDGE NUfnbaf L W L W o Counlerto Sli� LIIi COUHTERTDP TO CUSTOMER OESIRE ^'�}''12' ELUH3Z32 32 32 13'/z 16 7�/e Te peate" (Comer) Z9 I � �}.�561CONE CAUIif L� I �NOLFURNISHEDI 'LenplA e Inil lo iiqhl Wldlh L•ironl lo bacN. "Tnnplale anU rnunlei�op mountmp dips aie puwcC+Nl�evcry sink MOUNiMG BMCKEf FISTENEA SINK 'fi� �IOT NRN�HEDI �ELUH Double bowl) �'''�"' � � � 22•5/B' . 18-1/2' q• \ � 1S' `�\ q• \` 32' 1 ,3.,2• `. , } � Temp�ate ICulout ` t8• � Smk 13-1/2' 13-1/2' t-3/4' O� � R 16, ���. is-�a• �e-�ir 32' f �� y4,R 7-7/B' � Model ELUH3232 Illustrated ALL DfMENSfONS (N INCHES, TO CONVERT 70 MILLIMETERS MULTiPLY BY 25.4. h Acepurg mM v�r pd_ry ol conlmu�n0 Pmtluc!�myovemrN,E1noY�e:crv�s Ne�1ph1�o d�Onpe Ti.s sp�o�niion oesv�nea an Erwr prod�cr��m dcpn,q�m�ry am1�unmm�a anor��s io mc �rowcf�iGCC�.om iri7rnul notic�. ut�r Wnen rroWnp o cn�mon d oMerprod�cr�'o11eMr}�,u�ce.cvn�na:r/enruns nrr rwi ownoo�v�d. � Elkay 22Z2 Camden CouR Printed In U.SA. Oak Brook,IL 6D523 �2005 E1kay www.elkayusacom ' (a�051 1-211 1 _".....� �.........,�., .,.__. �...... , �.._..._....7. , .,.........., ...,... .,......... r ................ �_..�_'"'_' _—'.. _ _c_ ' _' _ �—_....__..._. . .._..�r�, ._ .. . � ELK�AY� . :_;����,��� .. . � <Back Undermount-E�uHS�s� - -- -- ;;--� -��- -- --- � , � ., Specificabons ! � Search � �+�� , ��;�,`` _ '= _dxi .., , ,_.,__.,.. ...._ �... -^ - XF Flle t :!' i:�°;:r'.:"fj..•.-- L - 5' � ' .,�,. D i ; _ ., �€., ; �,�1� _I! �, [ � � � � i' .,r� .., ' ���� ` 1 r.� i•� ' ti„' ` ' E-mall_[h�s to a fnend �� - �..�:�7 _2 .'e, �•_',.�3 , s'1 '� I� � j ;'r'-'.i �._� Ir� r t � r..� � Prinrer Fnendly L:.------ ._._ ...._.�, ,--z-- — —, Design Features �":fii'�--�u �:�;'�..� ..._._.. GENERAL highllghted satin finish. �__._.. .. , 1 .�'r'-.:: � �y/ +. � .j �._,_t.,,, aJr �.., �'1+ ;•=� Nlghest quailty slnk bowls seamlessiy lormed ol z 18 gauge, Underside: Fuily protet[ed by heavy duty So� �" �` - —"`•:, underroa[Inp ....,.....-. . f' . j,,;.,,"_�;'~';` _ "� type 30a(1B-B)nlckel bearing stainless steel. Underside of sink to dampen sound and prevent condensatlon. ��QY Is luily Drotrcted by heavy duty Sound GuardO undercoadng. •--e n n n n c� OTHER � DESIGN FEATURES D21n Opening: 3-1/2". �! -_'.�`.'" . �'4:' ' . J 'L - ��� �.7:;'.!` Bowl DeD[h: 7-7/8"'• � ''' �``�"',;;;:' � j , � Faucet Hoies: Sink has 3 1-1/2"diameter fau !:, I e •�jtr'="''C•' be '� Coved Corners: 1-3/4"vertital ana horizontai 2dlus. (-'.' �''��.��i^;'�.,"' I:: � (..'_ � �:,... �-' �,�����=' used as a tempiate when Ins[ailing the fauce[ L��;:�:.",='w'�.-�J Fin�sh: Exposed surfaces are hand biended to a lustrous � NOTE: All Elkay undermount smks are design � ni��.:,��u t��•.,, � � the underside of any solid surface rountertop r� � � / � �' / ,� __�—_ J C��;:���:,-� r��_ ;���i_•��,:,r.,l� :r��,::� Elkay Sales, Inc.• 2�Z2 Camden Cour[• Oak Brook, IL 605�3 U.S.A. Phone: 630.574.84B4 • Fax; 630.574.5012 • Direct Customer Service Number: 630.' Quality System ISO 90�1 Certified Copyrighf 2006 Elkay Planufacturing Co. Legai Notice � Privacy Notice http://elkayusa.com/catalog/sin};..s/product.asp?product_id=30D0348 ll/?;/20D6 � ; KOHLER� FAUCETS � - . . 0 Features PULL-OUT SPRAY KtTCHEN SINK . Metal construction FAUCET . One-piece, sel/-contained ceramicdisc valve allows K�15160 both volume and temperatu�e control . Temperature memory allows Iaucet to be turned on and ot�at any temperature setting ,� . High-temperature limi!stop /or added safety ����==�� . Lever or Loop hand/e /� ` . 9" (22.9 cm)swing spout reach � a ;: . Touch contro!/or stream-ta-spray wafer f1o�v �— . 2.2 gallons (B.3 L)per minufe � . 1�" (25.4 cm) escutcheon plafe fo�three-hole / installafion � . Integral vacuum breaker Codes/Standards Applicable Specified model meets or exceeds the tollowing: . ASME A i 12.18,1 . csA s�zs Colors/Finishes . IAPMO/UPC a NSF 61 • CP: Polished Chrome . Energy PolicyAct o(1992(EPACTJ • Other. Refer to Price 9ook for addrtional colors/frnishes . Listed in the State o(Wisconsin . ADA Specified M�del Model Descriptlon �] � � � K-15160 Faucet with lever handle and matching color U CP J Other sprayhead K-15160-AP Faucet with lever handle, Polished Chrome body U CP and White sprayhead K-15160-L Faucet with loop handle and matching color U CP CJ Other sprayhead K-15160-LA Fau�el with loop handle, Polished Chrome body U CP and White sprayhead Product Specifcation Single-control pull-out spray kitchen slnk fau�et shall be of inetal construction.The valve shall be a one-pie�e, self-contained ceramic disc valve,and allows both volume and lemperature�onUOl.The valve shall feature lemperature memory,allowing lhe taucet to be tumed on and off at any lemperalure setting,and includes a high-temperalure limit stop. Prpduct shall include 9" (22.9 cm) swing spout wilh inlegral sprayhead and hose, lever or loop handle, inlegral vacuum breaker, and 10"(25.4 cm) esculcheon p�ate. Faucel shall be Kohler Model K-151fi0-__- Page 1 of 2 USA: 1-80013-KOHLER 1003666�-B Canada: 1-800-964-5590 � kohler.com i � ! � � . . � Technical Information Installation Notes Install ihis product according lo the instaliation guide. Applicable Faucet: Lever Loop This producl meeis all local plumbing codes for vacuum Handle Handle breaker requiremenls. Chrome body/Chrome K-15160-CP K-�5760-L- spray CP All necessary parts included for bolh single-hole and Chrome body/White spray K-15160-AP K-'15'160-LA three-hole installat;on. 61ack body/Black spray K-15160-7 K-15160-L-7 While body/White spray K-15160-0 K-15160-L-0 Almond body/Almond spray K-15160-47 K-15160-L- 47 Biscuit bodylBiscuit spray K-15160-96 K-15160-L- 96 Handles are ADA compliant. ADA 5-3/4"(14.6 cm) 6-3/8" (16.2 cm) . � � Lever Loop 10-1/2"(26.7 cm) + 9" {22.9 cm) � .---� � ~ � � Lever 11" 8-3/8" (27.9 cm) � , Loop 11-5/8" (21.3 cm) 6�� � 2-1/2' (29.5 cm) 4 ' (15.2 cm) (6.4 cm) I P (10.2 cm) _ Max. O en \ � � � � ---- - - -1-5/i6" \ I 1-3%8"(3.5 cm) Max.! (3.3 cm) D. ' � � 1T' 4" � � 2-1l4" / 5.7 cm D. Spray 10.2 cm 5pray � ) (43.2 cm) Hose � � � Hose ' Weight \Valve OutJet , Hose�14° \Supply Hoses With (35.6 cm) 3/8"Compression Long Fitting Product Diagram CORALAIS�PULL-OUT SPRAY K(TCHEN SINK FAUCET THE BOLD LOOK . Page 2 of 2 OF fCpHLER. 1003666-4-B KOHLERm FAUCETS . , . � . Features WIDESPREAD LAVATORY FAUCET . Meta/construction f��10577 . Flexib/e connections for easy installation ALS� �'(-10578 . Brass valve bodies . Reversib/e quarte�-turn washerless ceramic disc A�Q valves . 2.2 galfons(8.3 LJ pe�mrnufe / . Lower flow aerator optrons are available (refer to the Kohler Pnce BookJ . Pop-up drain with IiR rod and lailpiece . Lever handle . Complements Bancroft,�, Suite . 4-7/8" (12.4 cmJ spout Codes/Standards Applicable / 5pecified model meets or exceeds the following: . ASME A�12.18.1 �_/ . CSA B 125 . IAPMO/UPC . NSF 6� Colors/Finishes . Energy Policy Act o( 1992 (EPACTJ . CP: Polished Chrome . ADA . Other. Refer to Price Book (or additional colors/finishes Specified Model Model Description � � _� K-10577-4 Lavalory faucel with metal lever handle O CP [J Olher___ and metal drain K-10577-4P Lavalory faucet with ceramic lever handle ❑CP U Other_ and metal drain K-10578-4 Lavatory faucet with metal lever handle U CP ' and plastic drain K-10578-4P Lava)ory Iaucet with ceramic lever handle O CP and plastic drain Product Specification The two-handle widespread lavatory faucet shall be oi melal construction with brass valve bodies.Faucet shall have a 2.2 gpm (8.3 Ipm) flowrate. Producl shall have lower flow aerator op(ions. Faucet shall feature reversible quarter-turn washerless cerarnic disc valves, assuring positive handle stop positloning. Producf shall include fle:ible connections, 4-7/8"(12.4 cm) spout, pop•up drain with liR rnd and lailpiece, and lever handies. Product shall complement the Bancroftr�Suite, Faucel shal( be Kohler Model K-�_-_. Page 1 of 2 USA; 1-800-4-KOHLER 1�39583-4-D Canada: 1-800-964-5590 kohler.com ' • ' • . Installation Notes Install this producl according 10 1he installation guide. 16"(40.6 cm) Max 4-7/8"(12.4 cm) 8"(20.3 cm) Min i 1-5/16" � 1-3/16" + 1-13/16" , (3.3 cm)\ ' �(3.0 cm) . 3-3/16" . J (4.6 cm) ; I — (8.1 cm) , , . i ; � � ; ' i ' I 3-3/8" ' � � (8.6 cm) � � I � I � � I I 4-7/8° i , r--_� ' (12.4 cm) 2-9/16" 1 2-1/4"(5.7 cm) D. 1-1/4"D. (6.5 cm) � Ceramic i - --^- —9/16"D. �1-3/B" - ------- ����2.5cm) --- (3.5 cm) z-1�4„ --- — , I -—- - Max (5.7 cm)D. 3/4" 3-3116" r' � '� �----� --• (1.9 cm) (8.1 cm) � � � . . : . , I 2-5/8" � , 3-3/B" (6.7 cm) � (8-6 cm) 4"(10.2 cm) I :.—_._.1 � � 2-1/4"(5.7 cm)D. 1-1/4"OD J Metal Pop-Up Drain Product Diagram BANCROFT,�WIDESPREAD LAVATORY FAUCET THE BOLD LOOK Page 2 of 2 �F K�pHLERm 1039583-4-0 ' KO HL.ER� . . Features UNDERCOUNTER LAVATORY . Vifreous china K�22o9 . Undercounfer �°�w� O' ■ �-�w� � . Wi7h or wi(houf overllow 1 K � . Includes 52047 c/amp assembly, unless speciTed . 1S' (38.1 cmJ x 17' (30.5 cmJ I ADA . 1 T' (43.2 cm)x 14" (35.6 cm) . 19' (48.3 cm)x 75" (38.1 cm) Codes/Standards Applicable Speci�ed model meets or exceeds the following: . ADA . ASMEA112.19.2 . ICC/ANS!A 177.1 . IAPMO/UPC �_ . CSA B45 Colors/Finishes . 0:White . Other: Refer to Price Book for additional colorslfinishes Accessories . CP: Polished Chrome . Other. Refer Io Price Book tor additional colorslfinishes Specified Model Model Descrlptlon Colors/Finlshes K-22D9 Lavatory, 15"(38,1 cm) x 17'{30.5 cm), wilh overflow,with clamps O 0 White D Other K-2210 Lavatory, 17"(43.2 cm)x 14"(35.6 cm), wilh overilow,wilh clamps U D Whlte l:] Olher K-Z210-G Lavalory, 17"(43.2 cm)x 14" (35.6 cm), with glazed underside, O 0 Whfte ❑ Other_____ wilhoul overflow, wilh clamps K-2210-L Lavafory, 17"(43.2 cm) x 14"(35.6 cm), with overtlow, without ciam s O 0 While U Olher K-2210-N lavatory, 17"(43.2 cm) x 14"(35.6 cmy, without over0ow, wilh clamps q 0 While U Other K-2219 Lavaiary, 19" 48.3 cm)x 15"{38.7 cm), wlth overllow, with clamps D 0 White O Other__ K-2211-G Lavatory, 19"(48.3 cm) x 15"(38.1 cm), with giazed underside, Cl 0 While ❑ Other___ withoul overflow, with riamps K-2211-L Lavatory, 19"(48.3 cm) x 15"(38.1 cm), wilh overflow,withoul clamps O 0 While U Other�_, Product Specification The undercounter lavatory shall be 15"(36.1 cm) in length and 12"(30.5 cm)in widlh, 17"(43.2 cm)in length and 14" (35.6 cm)in widlh,or 19"(48.3 cm)in length and 15"(38.1 cm) in width. Lavatory shall be made of vitreous china. Lavalory shall be available wilh or w;thout overflow. Lavatory shall include 52047 clamp assembly for all models excepl K-2210-L and K-2211-L. Lavatory shall be Kohler Model K- ^ Page 1 of 2 USA: 1-B00-4-KOHLER ; C a na da: 1-800-964-559 D 10504B-4-DE kohler.corn � i . � Technical Information Recammended Accessory K-9998 P-Trap ❑ CP U Other _ ADA complianf Inciuded components: Fixture': 6asin area Waler $asin clamp assembly (not included 52047 depth wiih K-2210-L and K-2211-L) K-2209 15"(38.1 cm)x 12"(30.5 cm) 4" Cut-out template, K-2209 85838-7 (70.2 cm) Cut�out template, K-2210 1002975-7 K-22101 17"{43.2 cm) x 14"(35.6 cm) 4" Cut-out template, K-2211 1018997-7 K-2210-U (10.2 cm) K-2210-NI Installation Notes K-2210-G Install this producl according to ihe instal�ation guide. K-2211/ 19"(48.3 cm)x 15"(38.1 cm) 4" K-2211-G/ (10.2 cm) Supplied basin clamp assemblies require 1"(2.5 cm) K-2211-L minimum counleriop thickness. lnstaller musi supply anchors Drain hole 1-314"(4.4 cm) D. for thinner countertops. 'Approzimate measurements for comparison only. K-2209: (X)= 14"(35.6 cm), (Y)= 17"(43.2 cm) 24"(61 cm) K-2210:(X)= 16-1/4"(41.3 cm), (Y)= 19-1/4"(48.9 cm) 3"(7.6 cm) K-2211;(X)= 17-1/4"(43.8 cm), (Y) =21-1/4"(54 cm) 10-3/4" 34" (27.3 cm) �'k of Fitting 2_1/2"(6.4 cm) (86.4 cmj 8�� ` n - - l - -�- 5-1/B" 27" i(20.3 cm � � _�(13 cm) (68.6 cm iM�n (15.2 cm) � �2-5/B"(6.7 cm) Min 9"(22.9 cm)Max (x� -- -1-- Min � 1"(2.5 cm)= K-2209 Recommended ADA installation , � 1-1/8"(2.9 cm) (y� 3/8"(1 cm) D. 1/2"(1.3 cm) T 7-1/2" � 14" 13-1/B" I (19.1 cm) 10-3/4" 518" (35.6 cm) (33.3 cm) (27.3 cm) / (1.6 cm) _,____ Sealant ti/ --' �ADA Drain Outlet Marble Installation 318"Hot / I� �\318"Cold 1-1/4"OD 1-1/2"(3.8 cm) � U � 4"(10.2 cm) � Standard tnstaNation Wood fnstaffation Product Diagram CAXTONT�� UNDERCDUNTER LAVATORY THE BOLD LOOK Page 2 of 2 O������ 105048-4-DE KO LERm FA CETS . , . �- Features BATH AND SHOWER FAUCET TRIM . Metal constructian f��T10581 . Ceramic or metal lever handles ALSO K-T105$2, K-T105$3, K-T10584 . 5-3/4" (14.6 cm) diverter balh spout with NPT or slip-Ft conneccion ADA ; . lntended for use with Rife-Temp or HiFlow Rite-Temp valves . Comp/ements Bancroft�„Suite CodeslStandards Applicable 5pecified model meets or exceeds the following� . ASMEA112.18.> . CSA B 125 . lAPMD/UPC . ColorslFinishes . CP: Polished Chrome . Other, Refer to Price Book for additional colors/finishes Specified Model Model Descriptfon ColorslFinishes K-T10581-4 Bath and shower irim, metal lever handle, NPT spout (shown) ❑CP O Other_ K-T10581-4P Bath and shower trim, ceramic lever handle, NPT spout U CP U Other_ K-T10582-4 Bath end shower trim, metal lever handle,slip-fit spout ❑CP O Other_ K-T105B2-4P Bath and shower trim,ceramic lever handle, sfip-fit spout U CP U Other___ K-T1D583-4 Shower only trim, metal iever handte ❑CP O Other__ K-T1D583-4P Shower only irim, ceram;c lever handle ❑CP U Olher__ K-T1D584-+1 Valve only trim, metal lever handie ❑CP O Other K-T10584-4P Valve onfy trim,ceramlc lever handle ❑CP O Other__ Recommended Accessory K-10588 lPS diverler balh spout D CP O Other___ K-105B9 Slip-�t diverler baih spoul ❑CP U Other�_ Product Specification Rite-Temp pressure-balancing single-control bath and shower faucel trim shall be of brass construction. Bath and shower 1rim shail inciude showerhead with arm and flange,5-3/4" (14.6 cm)diverter spoul with NPT conneclion,and faceplate with handle. Shower only lrim shall indude showerhead with arm and Oange, and faceplate with handie. Valve only trim shail include faceplate with handle. Faucet trim shal�be K-T__.___�__ ___ and Rile-Temp val��e shall be K-304- -NA OR K-3D6-KS-NA HiFiow Rite-Temp vaive. Page 1 of 2 USA: 1-8D0-4-KOHLER Canada: 1-800-964-5590 1036173-4-A kohier.com . � . � . Required Accessory , K-304-K Rlle-Temp va(ve without stops p M1!A K-3D4-KS Rile-Temp valve with stops a NA K-306-KS HiFlow Rite-Temp valve with integral stops ❑ NA K-3D8-K Non-pressure•balancing valve without stops U NA K-3Q8-KS lJon-pressure-balancing valve wrth siops U NA Optional Accessory 88526 HiFlow Rite-Temp lhin wall insfallation kil 0 CP ❑Other__ (nstallation Notes QCAUTION: Rlsk of damage to the K-3D6-KS vatve assembly. When using tlie K-3D6-KS valve in a fiberglass or acrylic instaliation, use the thin wall inslallation kit(88526). lnstall this product according lo(he inslailatlon guide. Avoid cross-flow conditions. Do not install shut-oH devlce on eilher valve oullet. Inslall straight pipe or lube drop of 7"(?7.8 cm) to 18"(45.7 cm)with single elbow between valve and wall�nour�t spoul. �- - �--�`-- - -- - - -¢-- - -----.- -- - i3-3/16,� •4-9/16" � ;(8.1 cm) 1/2"-14 NPT I � �(11.6 cm) I 72"(182.9 cm)- -�- ; 78"(198.1 cm} Ceramic , I j to Floor(Typical} , i I I I 6-7/8" 'T I (17.5 �m) 6-3/8"D. t 3-3/16" I « (16.2 cm) I(8.1 cm) I ; ^ I Metal 1 I � � i For slip-fit spout, 7/2" nom. I � � tubing must extend 2-1/8" � � 1 D"(25.4�m) � (5.4 cm)min.;3-1/2"(8.9�m) ' to Spout � , max.beyond finished wall. � � (Bath Only) For 1/2" IPS spout,pipe must I ; exlend 4-1/2" (1 1.4 cm) � 48"(121.9 cm) beyond finished wali. �� � to Floor �__— __— _ -�--___ (Shower Only) � Top of Bath I4"(10.2 cm) 5•314" (14.6 �m) � Product Diagram BANCROFTn.�BATH AND SHOWER FAUCEr TR1M THE BOLD LOOK Page 2 of 2 OF����� 1036173-4-A �HLE f�.. . . FEATURES BATH . 6°"x3°_"4'�x i4'� K-715 K-716 • Cast iron with Safeguaro'y finish � o LeR or right outlet QpA • ADA compliant when installed wilh seat at head end �� ��� � o ��� � ,.�\ / �� . CODESISTANDARDS APPLICABLE � / Specified model meels or exceeds the following: � ADA �~�_ � ASME/ANSlA112.19.1M • � CABO/ANSI A 117.1 • IAPMO/UPC • Canadian Standards Associalion(CSA) COLORSIFINISHES • Stafe of Massachusetts � 0 While � Other Refer lo Fixtures �rice Book icr addilional colors Accessories: • CP P�lished Chrome • PB Polished Brass • Olher Refer to Faucets Price Book for additional finishes SPECfFIED M�DEL: Model Description Colors/Finfshes K-715 Bath with outlet at left ❑0 White DOlher K-716 Bath wilh outlet at righ! DO White ❑Olher Recommended Accessories K-716aTF Drain OR ❑CP ❑PB �Other K-11660 Adjustable drain ❑CP OPB DOther PRODUCT SPECIFfCATION: The bath shall be 60"in lenglh,30-1/4"in width,and 14"in heighl. Bath shall be made of cast iron with Safeguard"y finish. Bath shall have an outlet at left or righl. Bath shall be ADA compliant when inslalled with seat al head end. Bath shall be Koh►er Model K- We�serve the righl to make revisions without nofice in the design of frxtures or in packaging Page 1 of 2 unless this right has spec�cally been waived at the time the oider is accepted. 105009-4-BA (A) , � PRODUCT INFORMATION Fixture': basin area top area weight 8athing well 45"x 22" 55"x 24" 316 Ibs. water depth capacity To overflow 8-5/8" 33 gal. 'Approximate measurements for comparison only. 1__� � �� �' � o � � o j Roughing-In Notes I' I 14'��2� �I I FINISHEQ WALL � No change in measurements if connected with drain il- � � lustrated. I 30-1/4" �I I . I 8-1/2� I- o o � I � I � � 718" r-- 6 p„ � � FINISHEQ WALL��� 3-��a°L. 14" 1-1/2" I.P.S. THR'D. � -7/9•—j�4„ / 1/2" \ �-1/2"O.D� 3� FINISHED FLOOR SUB-FLOOR 364 PRODUCT DIAGRAM K-715, K-716 Villager7A1 Recess Bath �� �[�r��[};��;;_;� Page Z of 2 (:�-�����• 105009-0-BA(A) KoH�ER� . . . . Features COMFORT HEIGHTTM TOILET . 12" (30.5 cmJ rough-in n�3496 . Vilreous china . Elongafed bow! � /�►DA J . Less seat and supply -�� -' . Combination toilet . Class Fiveti Oushing system . 2-1/8" (5.4 cmJ g/azed lrapway . 1.6 gp((6 Ipl� or 1.4 gpI(5.3 Ip� or �.28 gp((4.B!p� � . 16-1/7' (41.9 cm) high bowl is ADA campliant . 11-3/4" (29.8 cm) x 9-i/4" (23.5 cmJ water area . 29-3/8"(74.6 cm) x 19"(48.3 cm) x 30-3/4" (78.1 cmJ Codes/Standards Applicable Specified model meets or exceeds ihe following: s . ASME A 112.19.2 . ASMEA1�2.19.6 . �,aPMOiuPC � Cofors�Finishes . Energy Policy Act a/1992 (EPACT? . 0:White - . CSA 845 . Other: Refer to Price Book for addilional colors/finishes . ADA Accessorles: . PB: Polished Brass . Other; Refer to Pri�e Book for additional colors/finishes Specified Model Model Description Colors/Finishes K-3496 Elongated fronl(lefl side Irip lever), 1.6 gpf(6 Ip� U D ❑Olher or 1.4 gpf(5.3 Ip� K-3496-HE Elongated fronl (left side irip lever), 1.28 gpf(4.8 Ipq U 0 U�ther __ K-3496-RA Elongated front(right side trfp lever) ❑D ❑�ther Recommended Accessories K-4664 Brev+a.0 seat wilh cover �0 J Other___ K-7637 3/8"Angle supply with stop G CP �PB J Other Product Specification: Toilet shali be 29-3/B"(74.6 cm)in length x 19"(48.3 cm)in width z 3D-3/4"(78.1 cm)in height.The 2-piece loilet�ombination shati be 12"(30.5 cm) rough-in. Toile!shafl be made of vitreous china and have art elongated bowl. Toilet shall be at comfort height.Toilet shall be rated a1 1.6 gpf(6 Ip�or 1.4 gpf(5.3 IpQ or 1.28 gpt(4.8 Ip�,with Class 5n,flushing system and a 2-1/B" (5.4 cm)glazed trapway, Toilel shall be ADA compliant with 16-1/2" (41.9 cm) high bowl.Toilet shall be less seal and supply. Tollet shall have 11-314"(29.8 �m)x 9-1/4"(23.5 cm)water area.Toilet shall be Kohler Model K-3496- Page 1 of 2 USA: 1-800-0-KOHLER Canada: 1-B00-964-5590 1020805-4-D kohler.com 1 � � , Technical Information Fixture: Configurafion 2-piece, elongaled Flow rate 1.6 gp((6 IpQ or 1.4 gpf(5.3 IpQ or 1.28 gpf(4.8 ip� Passa eway 2-1/8"(5.4 cm) Water area 11-3/4"(Z9.B cm)x 9-1/4"(23.5 cm) Water deplh from rim 5-7/8"(1A.9 cm) Seat post hole centers 5-1r1"(14 cmj Included components: Tank cover 1075867 Trip lever,lefl side 1034693, 1051911 Trip lever,right side 1036058 Bolt ca accesso pack 1013092 Tenk accessory pack 1016548 Installation Notes Install lhis producl according to 1he installation guide. 0 � 3/4' (2 cm) 29-3/B" (74.6 cm) 19" (48.3 cm) Front of Bowl • - — • __ ------__...._.----•—�i _ i � � �D ' I �D I �i s-v2„ � .(41.9 cm) 2-3/4" 1 � � (7 cm) � � 30-3/4" I � � ._ �� (78.1 cm) � ' i �9-1/2" 16-1/2" i ' ;(24.1 cm) (41.9 Cm) I V , 5� I � � =' (12.7 cm ; �11" t�._� a � r� (27.9 cm) 12 '\ 3/8" NPS 4-1/2" (30.5 cm) � of Toilet Supply (11.4 cm) Product Diagram . CIMARRON��COMFORT HEIGHT�TOILET THE BOLD LOOK Page 2 of 2 OF����� 1020805-4-D Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: LTG-1 Project Information Name: Timberline Lodge item�ocation: Public Spaces Project No.: 8355 Hem Description: Chandeliers First Issue Date: 02/15/2007 Revision Date: 916/2007,9114;2007.010/01!07 Suggested Vendor OR EOUAL Suggested vendor: Charles Eisen&Associates Address: Contact: Carol Hu hes Phone: 303.744.3200 Fax: 303.744.3203 Item Information Manufacturer: Candella Product: Iron Chandelier I Description: Iron Chandelier I, Duantity: 5 ' Finish: Iron&Amber Mica Mounting Height; Refer to ID Drawings �amping: 4x26w fluorescent,dimmable ballast-electronic Dimensions: 36"Dia X 26"H Approx. 136 Lbs. Notes: All Materials& Methods of Construction must Comply with all applicable Fire 8� Life safet codes All materials &construction must be contract quality. Comments: Supplier/Subcontractor to verify that all necessary parts for installation are ordered. �<.:a.�. ;r,. v ` ��j,,` .'P'{`;,'.. 'y*rka.l, . ��'; . �i.�'•�'� �j(,/ � 1 � Slif r�'Desi ns� , .w �. ; ,: - e g 4 � _ � ,� 21b!�Iain Street,Suite C-]00 �� � �`"�: Ed«•ards,CO 81b32 �';;;�~'`' - Phone:970.92b.820(1,Fax:970.�69.3221 `'�%i<<::: ' ,�,,..: _ Section 16515 Slifer Designs Specification Sheet: LTG�� Project IMormation Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE Item Location: BATHROOMS Project No.: 8355 Item Descriptlon: SCONCES Firsl Issue Date: 11/27/O6 Revision Date: Suggested Vendor OR EQUAL Suggested Vendor: RESTORATION HARDWARE Address: conracc: www.restorationhardware.com Pnone: 1-800-910-9836 Faa: Item Iniormation Manufacturer: RESTORATION HARDWARE Product: CHELSEA DOUBLE SCONCE Description: CHELSEA DOUBLE SCONCE Quantity: REFERENCE DRAWINGS Finish: POLISHED CHROME Mounting Height: REFERENCE DRAWWGS Lamping: 2/60W MAX. Dimensions: 17 3/4"W X 9 3/8"D X 9"H Notes: ALL MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION NIUST COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE F'IRE & I_IFE SAFETY CODES. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRtJCTION MUST BE CONTRACT QUALITY. Comments: SUPPLIER/SUBCONTRACTOR TO VERIFY'fHAT ALL NECESSARY PARTS FOR INSTALLATION ARE ORDERED. - .r a -'F;�A��.'Far'r�;-,�. , : '' 1�8,; '�G�?�T+_,'�_�4';F . �. � �:R�,:� ' ' ,f��.:r�, � � . �'`.:���.. . . '���a��.. T � J � ` � � .�'.:�4.�.r,s:.^:.ii-.: . Slifer Designs� . �. . ��„ �- �,; 216 A4ain Street,Suite GI00 "L• ' Ed�+�ards,CO 81632 ` ��" , �i � Phone: 970.926.8200,Fax: 970.569.3221 r �°"'� �`� ' 4J` `• . .�h'r •.%"s7�1:3}r.....;`v,.`:�"' 'J.� "�.'.�.�:oi.•�+��� . _--^�-r . ;fv:'.:Nlr+:':L'i-�fc'r:��'.'. Section 16515