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Vista Bahn Building Common Area 8
• a C I A 8c Ro i A a "ANSON RANCH ROAD V 4 tg 11 0 8 8c Ro i A a "ANSON RANCH ROAD V 4 tg 11 N' D 2 n n S r N I`t G W IB a N .0 0 1 �a an ao .it 00 "0 �o cy S A v n 0 . •4 i i cn i I it TI i ' I _ I � 1 � 1 ' 1 I , 3 I yy � 1 I O i r- \ L nt i r L• " rn n I � r G A r� 1 x 8 D z �a a M1 N i a° t U U O O U O oz 00, ✓ � LA n a- as 0 iii , �� �� � WE 1 . ,� ' n � � a x 1 0 r� 0 S 41 n ao N 8� • 0 •— '-- -' --- 1 71 1 1 cp cz I � I i 1 o, p S D R— � - 1 � 8 4 a t v � N NN Up N 9 n Q 4 .k A 5 g D n a �I n Z O Z `TT C11 Z �N 1 � I � 1 u I� 0 u � o ao Ulf 0 0 uo ' , v, v �z '4> n a lid _ N v o ° o N N N N 0 8 N n rn z o� II! 46 , �o I — �� N m) � oa NI ON � to U 0 X1 6 o ,. (8 L U3 C F z m z -4 E 1- r 5m� O � n . A ul d z n C -4 O z - 7� z �5 Ill 1�8 r 6 a N N 0 �co y o � ti ' Amok ;'*AIO w .,, N < N J, -r O U) -a - 11 .i 1> 0 n -+ � 00=(P D= �1 G1 l D D 3 0 rfl �fit mp (l ( -/ g p - r1 -n -, N Ot = n- r m - . I t O fn ?7 i A! ii a• 1> , I 1 -.. 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I t} D �i pt Z (P m D A r n c rtl r A TN ltr j 1 i- p J cZP Q lJ i t - iiol�- m�t� N m(1 II( z c�i (161 (1 (P -4 t m tit I , I ;� O ii m (1 --{ 1- m Z D IOJNW N N (n N (n 10 Z I � rit L 0 Z G O fit n, cn U l 3 N r (I r 1 Z (,r �' iI t.. I A -- I U N - i O Y, � AI ^ III - Iri 1 - D - I L N p m ' O T 3 �` r, 111 w �� `•' W V tP m `''' r (It t, - , U, rn c z AI top 1n 7T 1Ji t.� cy +Al J, Cl � 4� �tpp m� Cil='71rJ � (n II O N r w fit - c !� D L '� N D C� N u• c tl' cr 0 7, I it) AI (5 111 °, z" N` 'L c e iii I <P ii -! „ D - 4 tnOln D p r ni D c1> n , �, 7, n M (n t> o At =tofrtinn - Z 'it; h ' I r `r1 Z • � �t `lr Al J> � D ML , �., r II � D O (1 t. (P W (P 0 0 -1 n N ( -zl D . { II D (n r I I ITI kj C) ao W �•• I 1 • -1 71 1 t ` it tl G 0go Ai �t Z1 ` t - n r N'ii Gl ni D Z 0 till 2 •�R m0 1�y `il (1 g 'D At HUM i fn ?7 i A! ii a• 1> , I 1 -.. Aj Ai Tl O (P (v i r- 3 l ) tl z U I� I 1_I n i t r— �� i„ t` _ N r In t » O Cl (1 L U itI D L tl N m . r m M ni n, I c1 7t1 II 1171 o r to 1 n 7 aO t,liG ( cr pi 011i 11D Dili "c7 n O 1 © Om(n O z r! �'R � r Z „m <)rrl �1 Al i7! ' } `ii ,(1 11 O (� 111 I - I; `- ill (n tit " r .. _ m a.+ It7 1 ❑j C7 - � ; t-1 Q 1> r N C� -c cr' D ^' i0 m o., D 70 D_ r - r nl rlr�c nt C) ITI 7 `n tit I. (� I . � fi` 3 -1m • m I n E cn D 6• m -. W -^ (n tit r , �1 X m r r r I lI a I l'n 111 , tit fn m to ITI c C9 D 1 ' m c O nl l7 (1 3 = iP 3 V, t` W a, a> w O in in m �t u r i L. O t> -1 _ 1 t> r• y l� N w - �{ Z z nl r1 tit m (. I z 1e i O t. , C• �, r . �i I 'it ""if z r 0 -t +. D Sii Q Z p m A W n N (r` m y r .P m D nr r a• w a, a, N N r1 i (o y. Cl r' - tt _^ ; I> I N In Ui N @ 'xl r ;9 Em D t} p71t r �l)p ptil !_ i•r t)n TN r i , r3 W a• w w »(n " - ,- -1 1 Q lJ i t - iiol�- m�t� N m(1 II( z c�i (161 (1 (P I I , I ;� O ii c At m -- to il CJ m D = , m ,Ji D cn IOJNW N N (n N (n 10 (n Z. 1�iG� 7Cf$ta II U Iri m N N _n r> r t �tpp m� Cil='71rJ � (n i ii I '1 If ;I II to � �' Itl In (PCn'�N � D y U - ,D itt r � � a l - r I' 3 ❑t' z77ppOZ-z " C,iU D gOOU` (n l,{ A0I 111' 411 (• D p n , N' At 33 Z 'it; h ' I r `r1 Z • � D r II � it I is 0 O Zi r I N �II N 1 U d n dd U U UO � n t: ,, � �c i, el-vt e � - / y - 1 ,9 5 It 6 6ac, der s x rz(rR(gq r V 0 C d4�� s (-.�y C ropy r� - _ s O - V T v - m Tr -a vvt cL-- Ii dlcek- VV-- 4 * "�� AO MEMORANDUM TO: �Iq Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: December 19, 1994 SUBJECT: A request for a worksession for a major exterior alteration in the Commercial Core I zone district and site coverage, stream setback and common area variances and conditional use permits to allow office on the third floor and to allow an outdoor dining deck to provide for the redevelopment of Serrano's, located at 298 Hanson Ranch Road /Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1 st Filing. Applicant: Margretta B. Parks and Vail Associates, Inc. Planner: Andy Knudtsen 1• DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUESTS Please note that the new staff analysis provided throughout the memo is shown in italics. Glen Heelen, the project developer and representative of the applicants, is proposing to demolish the existing Serrano's Building and replace it with a new structure. The proposal includes: •A basement and first floor of retail use. Each floor is approximately 3,400 square feet. •A restaurant on the second floor of approximately 3,100 square feet. -Office on the third floor of approximately 1,050 square feet (by conditional use). -One residential condominium on the third and fourth floors of approximately 3,600 square feet. In addition to these uses, there will be walkway and landscaping improvements to the rear of the building and to the east of the building along the Mill Creek stream tract. To accomplish the proposal described above, and in addition to the CCI exterior alteration, there are three variances required: 1 • A 6 -foot encroachment into the 30 -foot stream setback for Mill Creek; 2. A site coverage variance request of 90.5% (80% is allowed in CCI); 3. A variance for common area. a �e Also, two conditional use permits are required: outdoor dining deck on the second floor and office space on the third floor. II. KEY ISSUES The proposal includes six specific requests. Since the previous worksession, staff believes that the applicant has made improvements in all of these areas. The site coverage variance was 94.9% and has been reduced to 90.5 %. Total common area has remained approximately the same. Loading and delivery no longer requires a variance. The Mill Creek stream setback encroachment has been reduced from 7 feet to 6 feet. Also, the amount of mass and bulk in the stream setback has been reduced on the first, second, and third floors. The office area, which requires a conditional use, remains generally the same. The outdoor dining deck, which requires a conditional use, has been reduced both in length and width so that it does not extend over the entry of the building or extend into the right -of -way as much as it did. Staff believes the applicant has moved in the right direction concerning these variances. More importantly, staff believes the applicant has made significant improvements to the architecture of the building. Staff would like to see the model updated to be able to evaluate the architecture in greater detail. Using the criteria provided in the memo, staff believes that the PEC should give clear direction to the applicant as to the position the PEC holds regarding or the requested variances. Staff believes it would be helpful for the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) to focus on the six specific requests the applicant is making. Below is a summary of the comments made by the PEC members during the November 28, 1994 meeting. 1. Site Coverage Variance Little support. 2. Stream Setback Variance Little support. 3. Common Area Variance Not discussed in detail. 4. Loading and Delivery Variance Support for the request; however, since the original worksession, staff has determined that a loading and delivery variance is not required. The reason for this is because the existing building has a requirement of one loading berth and the proposed building does not change this requirement. As there is not a net increase in the requirement, no additional facilities need to be provided. We understand that the applicant will continue to work with the Golden Peak House to coordinate loading and delivery issues. 2 5. Office Conditional Use Permit There was mixed support regarding the office. The use appeared to receive general support; however, the mass and bulk resulting from the office use was a concern to the PEC. 6. C onditional Use Permit for Outdoor Din Deck The PEC appeared to support this request with the understanding that the deck would be pulled back significantly from the design presented on November 28, 1994. 7. CCI Exterior Alteration The PEC concurred with improvements have Winston een according to the comments of the building. Many imp o of the PEC. 3 / • Y a LL cu m a o N N O O O CD p M o �` L r OD M co p O Eo U N y N L O 3 \ cD N N co m ai cn 0 U 0 V, m Cl) CO U rr� m fV 7 c0 > C cd E d w m a� � o v my m S N U o N N N N cLi � > c c U L N — 3 2 `o Cl) c ' 2 C oM) CO U7 O lC) Cl) • X •-� C Z, O M C) U N U N o o cu mQ m O v an N C lC m E Z> c N 2 O a) LL E o � 0 ° 'L7 Of Z N - p N o C a U � CL C E N p CD CD (d � ✓ r N x C n O S N N -� C t U V J 2) o E NJF= -� m 2 C N E o o> c0 E a aa) 0. CD C) N c D 3 C Q r N X cm a °' m p T C) C) N N p U O cu C) N C N W C) O O v O '� .� .- cc Cno Q• E N (D CC O O O O m M M - _ C) c c U O c - O 2 ro LO L N N O N (D Q N p M C\! O O la- s C) O C O C 0 a) O d •� •� KT U O o o rp M CC) co MOQ) — d o CL U 3 a07 � O) O'C Q N Q d N C) CD Q. co O co Z Co viui� co C6 N N -� In U � (C N Y . 7 co Y .� N m m rn O N (n Y C U C r ro L N v �E �' c UC Z $ rn U Cc O J u� a b9 � O N N _U a N CC U O H N Q a N N C) N N CD L N Q Q1 _C 'D O' N N C7 C D N V C) N Y N L o a L L N o (V x L) a ro w co r• r a O ` U N ^.N c N CL E N C) v 0 cu C: a.c E i0 O co C >.y N E N *-NOO U N O L ' E Q� C v co p L ,� Lr) N U) C > "x N a Q C7 W o Q Z Cn W 3 N O N V r (D N d) N a O eq p p Cl) ,+ C) L 0) 6 a) C p O O d E / • Y a LL cu m a o N N O O O CD p M o �` L r OD M co p O Eo U N y N L O 3 \ cD N N co m ai cn 0 U 0 V, m Cl) CO U fV 7 c0 > C cd E d w m a� � o v my m S N U o = cLi � > c c U L N — 3 2 `o Cl) c ' 2 C oM) CO > Q) CO 0 3 O M C) U N U N o o cu J m O v an 49 ? c 2 O E Q v = ° Of Z - p N C O � CL N \ (d � ✓ ro 7 vi CO N -O o Q t be C J 2) co NJF= -� m 2 C / • Y a LL cu m a o N N O O O CD p M o �` L r OD M co p O Eo U N y N L O 3 \ cD N N co m ai cn 0 U 0 V, It Cl) CO N Q 7 E N >' _ N O a 2 Q O o a c � 49 2 O Of - p N C � CL a m ro 7 > CO N -O C —_ C7 t m c E a CD C) N O ~ 3 C Y c0 m F-U at cu C) O) C c — !- m a v ro a� a cu a0 O m Uvi C) c c U c - 2 ro 41 U O Y ro C a (n Y C U C E $ a - O J O _U N CC U O H N Q a It IV. URBAN DESIGN CRITERIA AND RELEVANT MASTER PLAN POLICIES As this item is a worksession, staff will not evaluate the criteria. However, please be aware that the following criteria from the Vail Village Urban Design Guidelines, the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan, the Vail Village Master Plan, the Streetscape Master Plan, and the Zoning Code will be applied to evaluate the proposal at a later date. A. Vail Village Urban Design Criteria 1. Pedestrianization: 2. Vehicular Penetration: 3. Streetscape Framework: 4. Street Enclosure: 5. Street Edge: 6. Building Height: 7. Views and Focal Points: 8. Service and Delivery: 9. Sun /Shade: 10, Roofs 11. Facades 12. Decks and Patios 13. Balconies 14. Accent Elements 15. Landscape Elements B. Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan The Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan specifically addresses the Mill Creek stream tract east of the Serrano's Building. Specifically, it calls for: Concept 8 - "Mill Creek walking path, West Side Mill Creek Path completes linkage from pirate ship and mountain path to Gore Creek Drive." Staff believes that this walk should be an extension of the recent improvements made to the Mill Creek Court Building and adjacent stream tract. Staff recognizes that it is a mutual goal among the developers, Vail Associates, and the.Town of Vail to create a new pedestrian link from Hanson Ranch Road to the Vista Bahn ski base. C. Vail Village Master Plan Goal #1: Encourage high quality development while preserving the unique architectural scale of the Village in order to sustain its sense of community and identity. 1.2 Objective: Encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities. 5 El w Vail Village Master Plan - Land Use: Vail Village Master Plan - Conceptual Building Height Plan: Vail Village Master Plan - Sub -Area Concepts: Mixed Use - This category includes the "historic" Village Core and properties near the pedestrianized streets of the Village. Lodging, retail, and a limited amount of office use are found in this category. With nearly 270,000 square feet of retail space and approximately three hundred and twenty residential units, the mixed use character of this area is a major factor and appeal of Vail Village. 3 to 4 stories No. 3 -8; Mill Creek Streamwalk "A walking path along Mill Creek between Pirateship Park and Gore Creek, further completing the pedestrian network and providing public access to the creek. Specific design and location shall be sensitive to adjacent uses of the creek environment." uDaAU�E" I /11 r EICV O" I I l CC T Pe UJ' tic- EJEOa�', \ 1 111jP I OLDO ' 3 -5 I.Urr1 / • '\ ..E0 00- = MRISI l`IIANO7� ' In staff's analysis of the goals, objectives, and policies of the Vail Village Master Plan, there were two policies which are not addressed by the Serrano's proposal. Employee housing has not been addressed or provided for, as well as short-term rental accommodations, which have not been addressed or provide for. D. Streetscape Master Plan "The primary paving material for the right -of -way area of the Village Core is recommended to be rectangular concrete unit pavers, in the color mix specified in the Guidelines for Paving section of this report. The herringbone pattern, which is proposed for most areas, is edged by a double soldier course. The intent is to satisfy the need for a simple streetscape treatment without being monotonous." The applicant is proposing a band ide along the out front of the the face of the proposed band would be 10 feet e bu►Iding. It , would wrap around the building on the northeast hat t e paver walkway in of the t side towards the base area. Staff understand should Golden Peak House will be snowmelted. Staff believes that this paver walkway also be snowmelted. V. VARIANCE CRITERIA AND FINDINGS At this time, the applicant is requesting variances for site coverage, stream setback, and common area. A. Consideration of Factors: 1, The relationship of the requested variance v ane tyo other existing or potential uses and structures in t 2. The degree to which relief regulation on s n to achieve and enforcement of a 9 ulat compatibility and uniformity ° grant of special vicinity or to attain the objectives of his title without privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, dac I b t i an population, transportation and traffic facilities, public utilities, and public safety. B. The P annin ang before arantina a variance: t of special 1 , That the granting of the variance limitations on privilege inconsistent with the on of er properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variancwinot be detri properties to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially improvements in the vicinity. 3_ That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or ounnecessary specified regulation would result m practical difficulty or physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. er C. Golden Peak House November 2, 1993 - Town Council approved a Special Development District for the Golden Peak House. This included, among other things, a site coverage request which exceeded the 80% allowed in CCI. At the time of the proposal, the existing Golden Peak House had a site coverage of 76 %. Under the approved plans, the proposed site coverage will be 94 %. (Both of these figures are based on the expanded lot). D. Curtin Hill Buildin March 8, 1993 - The PEC approved a CCI exterior alteration for this building. Site coverage at the time of this proposal was 71 %. The approved site coverage is 71.6 %. E. Christiania Lodge Under the Public Accommodation zone district, allowed site coverage is 55 %. On March 23, 1992, Town Council approved a Special Development District allowing the Christiania to expand from 32% to 39% site coverage. VIII. DISCUSSION As this is a worksession, staff does not have formal recommendations concerning the variance and conditional use requests. However, staff has provided some comments on the proposal. The new comments are shown in italics: In general, staff believes that the architecture has been revised and improved significantly. The building has been simplified in both the materials and massing. The Italian mansard roof has been eliminated on the second floor and replaced with balconies that surround the restaurant. The fourth floor condominium has been relocated to the central part of the building. As a result, it ties in better with the Golden Peak House and allows for a variety of roof forms on the third floor. Roof Design 11 - 01117002 - - 0.0 12 fig. 12 h. Staff believes it is imperative to receive a detailed mechanical plan prior to the final worksession hearing. In other projects, the mechanical plans have often not been developed until during the construction process. This often results in rooftop mechanical that has not been shown to the review boards during the planning process. Staff believes that the proposed roof design has improved significantly. Staff believes that it will be important to evaluate the roof design after a model is built. Because the fourth floor has been relocated to the center of the building, roof forms are now located around the perimeter of the third floor. An aspect that the staff believes has contributed to the improvement is a 5 -foot plate height on the third floor. This allows the roof to come to a much lower level. As a result, there is a greater hierarchy between portions of the building with gable roof forms and the portions of the building with shed roof forms. Other improvements include the elimination of the Italian mansard and the elimination of parapet walls. All clipped hips have been removed. It is important to note that the roof has been changed from cedar shake to a tar and gravel material. One of the goals the staff was advocating in the previous worksession was to have a uniform roof, continuing from the fourth floor down to the third floor. This has not been provided, as it would be difficult for the applicants to do this and still meet the zoning requirements. Though staff may still advocate a significant redesign in order to accomplish this goal, staff does not believe it is necessary. Staff believes a model is important to confirm this. Staff continues to need a mechanical plan for the building as described in letter "h" above. 2. Deck and Entry The dining deck has been reduced in size. It now extends 9 feet out from the face of the second floor. At this distance, the deck extends into the right -of -way the same distance as the existing first floor dining deck. Now that the deck has been pulled back from the entry, the main entrance has a greater importance within the elevation. It has been highlighted with an awning and a gable roof. 13 3. Stair Tower and Massing ■ MMW Staff believes that the issue regarding the stair tower is no longer relevant. Staff believes that relocating the fourth floor to the center of the building has improved the architecture. 4. Northeast Corner of Building The northeast corner of the building has improved significantly. Thq octagonal shape has been eliminated. The building now steps back with a forty -five degree angle provided on the first, second and third levels. We believe that this element is consistent with the context of Vail Village. Previously, we were recommending that the third floor be eliminated at this location; however, at this time, we believe that the building has been stepped adequately without removing third floor area on this corner of the building. To understand how the building steps, staff has provided the amount of encroachment into the stream setback per floor below: Basement: 75 square feet First Floor: 75 square feet Second Floor: 11.9 square feet Third Floor. 9.1 square feet Fourth Floor. 0 square feet 14 As one can see from the chart above, this corner of the building progressively steps back as it gets higher. B. Stream Tract Improvements /Site Improveme Stream Tract ivy MF MIV- The applicant has redesigned the stream tract improvements in a way which removes all fill that was proposed to be located in the floodplain, and the two walkways have been reduced to a single walkway. The walkway wraps around the building at the elevation of the first floor and then ascends a staircase at the rear to the bikepath. Staff believes it would be an improvement to have the walkway wrap around the building at the grade of the existing elevation. This would provide for a more natural appearance on the south side of the building, S' would reduce the steep drop -off into the south elevation, and would eliminate the in the floodway. Previously, staff had identified fill in the floodplain as a concern. At this time, the applicant has removed the fill, but has instead l shown excavation. Fill or excavation requires a floodplain modification. Staff 1 believes that a pathway that follows the existing grade would be more natural in 5� (� appearance, and would not necessitate a floodplain modification. 1 l Site Grading Staff would like to see a detailed site plan showing how the grading -on the south side of the building fits into the Golden Peak House grading scheme. As the grades drop off significantly in this area, staff would like to ensure that the two site plans work together. 3. Landscaping Staff believes that the existing trees in the area should be preserved. Given the amount of grade change in the area, this may not be feasible. Staff believes that the architect should work with the existing grade contours in an effort to preserve as many of the trees as possible. Staff also believes that the applicant should hire a landscape architect to design the Mill Creek stream tract improvements. We believe the quality should match the Town's recently completed Mill Creek Court project north of Hansen Ranch Road. Additionally, the bridge railing on the south side of Hanson Ranch Road should match the recent improvements by the Town. 15 A Im.^ + GI J ke L r �Ofs �a 4. Streetscape Improvements Staff believes that the area of Hansen Ranch Road immediately adjacent to this site should be improved according to the streetscape standards. This includes concrete unit pavers, in the color mix specified in the Streetscape Master Plan. The pavers should extend out beyond the face of the building to the point which matches the proposed plan of the Golden Peak House. As noted earlier in the memo, the applicants plan to put a 10 -foot wide band of pavers on the north side of the building and wrap that around the corner and continue it up the east side of the building. We believe that these paver walkways should be snowmelted. Zoning Issues At this time, the applicant has provided a signed application from Vail Associates with several conditions. Vail Associates is required to provide their consent for the improvements on the Mill Creek stream tract. At this time, Vail Associates owns this land. Prior to scheduling this project for a final hearing at the PEC, staff is requiring that a revised letter from Vail Associates be provided deleting most of the conditions. The Town Attorney is working with attorneys from Vail Associates on an acceptable letter. 2. Prior to returning for a final hearing, the applicant shall provide documentation from the surveyor that all of the proposed construction is outside all Town adopted view corridors. The applicant has designed the building with this understanding and staff believes that there are probably no encroachments. However, this must be documented by a surveyor. View #1 and #4 must be reviewed in detail. 3. Staff's review of the project shows that the drawings include excavation in the floodplain. If the applicant would like to-propose a modification to the floodplain, a complete application must be submitted and the Federal review process should be initiated. If that is not the applicant's desire, all drawings must be amended to show that excavation will not occur in the floodplain. 4. Staff needs to verify that the applicant will either be building a common wall with the Golden Peak House or has permission to encroach over the Golden Peak House property line. Documentation for either proposal must be provided prior to returning to a final hearing. 5. The applicants shall provide signatures from the owners of the Golden Peak House if the trash room of the Golden Peak House is to be shared with the Serrano's project. If the applicants continue to propose a walkway on the south side of the building, the applicants must provide the signature of the owner of the Golden Peak House. The grades in this location may not allow a connection to the Golden Peak House, depending on how the applicant revises the grading within the floodplain. IRI 6. The applicant shall provide three dimensional site staking of the development proposal for the next PEC hearing, whether that is a worksession or a final hearing. D. Other Second Floor /Restaurant Staff believes the second floor of the building should be modified in several respects. We are concerned that the amount of fenestration exceeds what is appropriate for the second floor. We understand that the first floor should be relatively transparent. However, we believe the upper stories of the building should reflect a different character. The new decks and balconies surrounding the restaurant on the second floor, in staff's opinion, appear to be more appropriate than the mansard roof. Staff would like the PEC's opinion on the railing design. Should the railings reflect a 3 nal sty le, such as the Casino Building or the Sonne Ip? Finally, i more traditio y , it appears that the width of the balcony may not be sufficient t al w the balcony to function for outdoor dining. Should this be increase acco modate p tables ? 2. Sun /Shade it Q Staff is concerned about the amount of shading that will impact Hanson Ranch Road, the Red Lion Building, and the Mill Creek stream corridor. To d t� acts of the sun /shade analysis more thoroughly, staff woul understand the imp J ask the applicant to provide drawings, showing the impacts from the existing building and then the impacts from the proposed building. 3. Building Section Staff is requesting that the applicant show a section through the building staff has identifying floor to ceiling heights. I previous proposals the area of the floor to ceiling been able to work with applicants, particularly height in condominiums to reduce the mass and bulk. IX. CONCLUSION As this is a worksession, staff does not have a formal recommendation. Staff would encourage the PEC to review the proposal and focus on the key issues outlined above, the specific requests, and the criteria provided in the memo. c: \pec \memos\serano 12.19 17 GRFA Commercial 3,618 sq. ft. 6,786/300 2.5 spaces 22.6 space Total: 55.2 EXHIBIT A Chart 1 — Floor Area Common Area Office 136+447 500+ 132 134+530 518 sq. ft. 1,046 sq. ft. e� 2,397 sq. ft. 1,046 sq. ft. Chart 2 — Parking Common Area 0 1 8 Restaurant 3,113 sq. ft. 3,113 sq. ft. Office = GRFA Commercial Basement - -- 3,400 sq. ft. 1st - -- 3,386 sq. ft. 2nd 3rd 2,258 sq. ft. --- 4th 1 ,36 ft. -__ 3,618 sq. ft. 6,786 sq. ft. GRFA Commercial 3,618 sq. ft. 6,786/300 2.5 spaces 22.6 space Total: 55.2 EXHIBIT A Chart 1 — Floor Area Common Area Office 136+447 500+ 132 134+530 518 sq. ft. 1,046 sq. ft. e� 2,397 sq. ft. 1,046 sq. ft. Chart 2 — Parking Common Area 0 1 8 Restaurant 3,113 sq. ft. 3,113 sq. ft. Office = Restaurant 1,046/250 3,113/15/8 4.2 spaces 25.9 spaces '0 OCT 1 01994 TO: MIKE McGEE GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Return to Andy KnudtSCn Town Planner INTER - DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: jTT_ DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING i _ COMMENTS NEEDED BY: iv 12(o 161 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: �e�,a " �' U � � d.l � � �'"�-(�,r��r�..- .�- �.,l�s. � _S 0�� -• c�w.�.�_ Engineering: Reviewed by: 6 . Date: Comments: i) 4,'e.J �L G� 5 X75 -z) P- de- � oic e�:,�.► // .. ��v-� I��L -„ use� c�.( ✓. / 7� - -rf4 ,, i 5 ✓H et .:� � �bo d� /(�s� f iYrOS f C6� C�?.�e 4 �. JO ✓f T `° ` �� �'� T--/ aJ _ o � �•� ff II if nr ��� /� /•ti /ups �h cvv4 aK" ��� ��. t�, c ) k� k , d VD W � � W�`-1 �. �70�c1t n 7° � � �Jo�� of � "�' ✓� � cs Ec�. kA V r �7 Gam` ci d tic • �o -4 `To V c e k e 4 ,, > k, Landscaping 60 , • (L le e.� : Q /�.. w ��� 5 �,� l� v w��� Reviewed by: Dater Comments:. e ' S Cjr e,,J Can W r✓t o 51, a re VV far. o� On loci s �/ S✓L�.� ���> c� �,[ G / �'� /� � 114 tb) w � kt...Rv 61 rid r4) ;N Fire De�-: c leuti Z,c9..� cC Reviewed by: Date: �l Comments: f / /_ Z V `"` /- 5 e C o.v C2 !-1 � v— z � -. e �- u Distributed to the Fire Department, Public Works, and Landscaping on 10 a! �/ 1G1 All 0 ; ? , ; a , 5 4kco 6--,) o u t4- s U S 4 tom-' ;ww� lDi� q w 5 c l -- ' -') A & / I / d r 1 O 2. A request for an amendment to Section 17.26 of the Town's Subdivision Regulations - Condominiums and Condominiums and Conversions. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Tom Moorhead Tom Moorhead reviewed the memo with the PEC. Bill Anderson stated that he agreed with the proposal the way that it was written and felt that it was a positive change. Bob Armour had no further comments. Greg Amsden questioned the logic behind the proposed amendment to Section 17.26 because he felt that the market, and not the Town, should dictate ownership of units. Jeff Bowen agreed with the proposal with the addition that if any accommodation units be combined, that they should be required to go to PEC. Tom Moorhead stated that this issue had already been covered. Dalton Williams and Kathy Langenwalter agreed with the proposal. Jeff Bowen made a motion to recommend that Town Council approve the request for an amendment to Section 17.26 of the Town's Subdivision Regulations - Condominiums and Condominiums and Conversions per the memo drafted by Tom with Dalton Williams seconding the motion. A 5 -1 vote approved this request with Greg Amsden opposing per his reasons outlined above. 3. A request for a worksession for a major exterior alteration in the Commercial Core I zone district and site coverage, stream setback, density (GRFA) and loading and delivery variances and a request for conditional use permits to allow for an outdoor dining deck and to allow for office use on the third floor to allow for the redevelopment of Serrano's located at 298 Hanson Ranch Road /Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1 st Filing. Applicant: Margretta B. Parks and Vail Associates, Inc. Planner: Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen made a presentation per the staff memo. Kathy Langenwalter felt it would be helpful for the applicant to give an overall presentation, then have a question /answer session for clarification and public input. Mark Donaldson, the architect for the project, stated that he would like to address the issues in the same order as are laid out in the staff memo. He stated that the balance of square footage which would be allocated to retail and restaurant uses was yet to be determined. He said it was their intent to eliminate the GRFA variance if at all possible. Concerning the staff concerns regarding the roof design on Page 10 of the staff memo, he stated that the applicant would be willing to work with staff on Items a through h. Planning and Environmental Commission Meeting Minutes November 28, 1994 2 4 W Jim Lamont, representing the East Village Homeowners Association, stated that they were concerned with the proposed site coverage variance for the site. He felt it would be helpful to know the site coverage and commercial area for other buildings in the Village as a basis for comparison. Ron Riley, manager of the Golden Peak House, encouraged the PEC to be fair and expeditious in the review of this project. Ron Riley stated that this project needed to be the best it would be so that it could be functional twenty, thirty and forty years from now. Mark Matthews was concerned how the views along Hanson Ranch Road and Bridge Street might be blocked off. Bill Anderson, stated that he was not in favor of the 7 foot encroachment into the stream setback at this time. He felt that this was in effect asking for two variances, a stream setback variance as well as a site coverage variance. He said that the building should be pulled back and stepped down. With regard to the requested site coverage variance, he asked for additional information from the staff to aid the PEC's decision. Concerning the loading and delivery requirements variance, he supported the request if the Golden Peak House and the Serrano's Building have a coordinated plan. Concerning the location of an outdoor patio on the second level, he said he had no problem with it as long as stayed within the boundaries that were currently present. He felt that the glazing needs to be addressed. He suggested moving the residential space to the north of the building which could help the architectural features. He supported the conditional use for the office. Bob Armour felt that building was too big and that if the entire size of the building was reduced, the requested stream setback and site coverage variances would be unnecessary. He stated that he was looking forward to the applicants changes on the building. Greg Amsden stated that he would like to see the stream setback encroachment minimized. He felt that it would be advantageous to rework the location of the condominium unit in order to enlarge the view corridor. He suggested that the applicant use more decks with open railings. He also wanted the applicant to tie the roofs together. He was in favor of reducing the spacial aspects of the glazing. He was concerned with the amount of site coverage though he acknowledged that the applicants were working with a small site. He supported the office use. Jeff Bowen emphasized that the building should stay out of the stream setback and that the fenestration be limited. The roof form was critical to him. He was not in favor of the site coverage variance. He said that the stream tract improvements should match the recently completed Town project. He said that he agreed with the other PEC's members comments. Dalton Williams agreed that the building should stay out of the stream setback. He felt that a site coverage variance could have merit. He was concerned about the office space being located in Serrano's. Concerning the architecture on the building, he felt that the architecture needed to reflect a more austrian and alpine nature. Concerning loading and trash, he felt it would be important for the Golden Peak House and Serrano's to have a shared trash removal operation. He added that he felt the Planning and Environmental Commission Meeting Minutes November 28, 1994 4 TOWN OF VAILV 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Department of Public Works /Transportation 303 - 479 - 2158 1FAX 303 - 479 -2166 MEMORANDUM TO: Andy Knudtsen, Community Development FROM: Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works DATE: December 9, 1994 RE: Review of Serrano's Cantina Submittal Please accept the following comments regarding the Serrano's Cantina reconstruction submittals dated 11 -07 -94 and 11- 17 -94. 1. Provide new topographic maps tied to USGS datum. Extend existing contours to west behind Golden Peak House to show where existing and proposed contours connect. 2. 1 have several concerns regarding the development proposed in the stream tract. These are as follows: a. Applicant is using the stream tract as public right -of -way to access commercial space. Access should be pulled back inside of property line. Perhaps the structure could overhang a walkway similar to the buildings on Wall Street. b. Currently VA owns the stream tract parcel but I understand from discussions with Russ Forrest that they may be prepared to give it to the Town. We should try to leverage VA into not allowing excessive development of the property. C. The applicant is disguising their required ADA access as a path along the stream. The path along Mill Creek connecting Ted Kindel park with Pirate Ship Park should be on the east side of the stream. Page 2 Serrano's Cantina Submittal 12 -09 -94 Funds from Paul Johnson have been received into an escrow to help pay for this path. The design submitted includes excessive filling within the 100 year flood plain and excessive hardscape. 3. The encroachment of the building into the 30' stream setback should not be allowed just because it happened at the Red Lion. Perhaps the overhang concept would be a good middle ground in this situation. 4. The design of the deck on the 11 -17 -94 submittal is much better than the 11 -07 -94 submittal. The earlier submittal created to much of a restriction of Hanson Ranch Road. The street improvements shown directly across from Ted Kindel park should be redesigned. The applicant should survey the park improvements and design to them. 5. Town of Vail staff should discuss relocation of electrical transformers with Holy Cross Electric. These are primary feed cables for the Village and may have to be replaced from transformer to transformer. The next transformer north is behind the Rucksack and would mean digging up the new improvements in Ted Kindel Park. This should not be allowed. New transformer and service panel locations need to be approved by the TOV, Public Works staff. I will call Ted Huskey at Holy Cross and discuss the transformers. 6. Rework grading at the "Existing trees to remain" on the south and east sides of the building. The grade at each of the two trees to be saved is being cut about three feet. Rework grades to match existing at a distance equal to 12" radius per inch of trunk diameter from the trunk. The applicant should make an effort to save move if the existing trees. Most are being disturbed due to the walkway on the stream tract. Refer to comment 2.a. 7. The planting plan should include the use of flowers (annuals and /or perennial). Currently the plan includes only junipers and dogwoods for ornamental plantings. The applicant should put more effort into the planting design and resubmit. 8. The worked proposed for the stream tract should be reviewed and signed off on by a hydraulic engineer. Proposed fills could cause changes to the flood plain upstream and downstream of the site. Proposed cuts could allow flood water to reach the building where it cannot do so at this time. The tall boulder retaining wall downstream from the bike path bridge could deflect high flows and cause erosion or the opposite bank. Im provements /modifications to both sides of stream may be needed. k' TOWN OF TAIL • -.., `v"oraa0 8t 657 30 3 - 479 -2250 Vail fire Department MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MIKE MOLLICA / FIRE INSPECTOR 10/21/94 ANDY KNUDTSEN JEFF 13TENCI SERRANO'S "EXTERIOR ALTERATION" We have revised set elevations, comments and reviewed the revised set of plans for Serrano' Of plans did S. The roof not include all floors, exterior , and other aspects. We have the following concerns which need to be addressed: 1• The nature Of the project, size, require close coordination w:i_th the Gold if it goes forward. scope, and location will Peak House redevelopment, 2. Specifically, the timing of the demolition and construction needs to be reviewed in conjunction with the Gold Peak House project. 3. Construction staging areas should be disclncA.a 14 . Potential road closures should be disclosed so alternative access routes to the village core can be worked out. There may be significant restrictions needed re: delivery trucks, trash trucks, and emergency access. y 5. The proponent has indicated their intent to use wood s shingles on the roof. The Fire Department s trly o oses t hake Of wood shakes in the Villa e Core. _ p --p he use shingles loose ttleir fire resgstivit Fire retardant wood shake Studies show the fire resistance at this altitudetin y quickly. Vail's environment, dissipates in 1/2. the time for which the shingles are rated Given the DRB's and PEC's response to the orientation made b the Fire Department earlier this year, we suggest an alternative roofing material be selected. y tive If however, wood shake shingles are used, issues of j oint use of the property line, lack of set backs, Building Code restric regarding protection Of openings on the Propert line, and the degree of hazards imposed on the dons y doors and windows) adjacent building (ie may h . balcony and appearance have significant impact on the design, function of both bui Ser_rano's). ldings (Gold peak and SERRANOS REVISED PLANS PAGE 2 6 . The appl ation indicates the desire to install bicycle racks on the south side of Serrano's. The racks are not shown on any of the site plans. There can be no encroachment or obstructions within the required 20 foot fire access on Hanson Ranch Road. 7 . The site plan (Sheet A -2) does not show the usual collection of awnings, tables, chairs, menu boards into � and similar encroachments o Hanson Ranch Road placed there by tenants of the Red Lion Bui lding. Are we going to eliminate such uses? 8. According to the plans, the site coverage extends into the public right of way on Hanson Ranch Road. Aproad Width of 20 feet is enough to allow t he ment to through the space between Serrano's and the F L Lion but would drive allow us enough room to set up a ladder truck for either building nor enough width to connect the hose from the hydrant to a truck. S g Set-up width needs to be a minimum of 31 feet. pumper 9. The freight elevator appears to be intended for trash removal. There does not appear to be an „ Y defined loading zone" to facilitate trash Pick up and deliveries. 10. Sheet A -6 and A -7 appear to lack second exits. Golden Peak House Condos 278 Hanson Ranch Road Vail, CO 81657 Mill Creek Court Condos P.O. Box 667 Vail, CO 81658 Christiania, Ltd. 356 Hanson Ranch Road Vail, CO 81657 oIs Pd " The Vail Corporation P.O. Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 I I � 300 4 - o0�acuT's Blanche C. Hill 311 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Chamber Corporation Bosques De Chiahuahua, #111 Mexico DF 11700 - Oat (�iNJ Vencura, Ltd. 600 5th Avenue, 8th Floor New York, NY 10020 Jon & Mary Shirley Vail Trust P.O. Box 685 Medina, WA 98039 W.P. GRiffin, Trustee 1390 Main Street, Plz -1 Sarasota, FL 34236 THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on December 19, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: An appeal of a staff decision regarding the legal nonconforming status of a portion of a unit within the Mill Creek Court Building and a staff decision regarding the application of horizontal zoning for the Mill Creek Court Building located at 303 Gore Creek Drive /Lot I, Block 5 -A, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Mill Creek Sports Planner: Lauren Waterton 2. A request for an amendment to Sections 18.24 (CCI), 18.26 (CCII), 18.27 (CCIII), 18.28 (CSC), and 18.29 (ABD) regarding the outdoor display of goods and Section 18.69.050 (Hazard Regulations) regarding the maximum allowable height for garages in the front setback on lots exceeding 30% slope. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for a worksession for a major exterior alteration in the Commercial Core I zone district and site coverage, stream setback, density (GRFA) and loading and delivery variances and a request for conditional use permits to allow for an outdoor dining deck and to allow for office use on the third floor to allow for the redevelopment of Serrano's located at 298 Hanson Ranch Road /Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1 st Filing. Applicant: Margretta B. Parks and Vail Associates, Inc. Planner: Andy Knudtsen 4. A request for a worksession for an amendment to Section 18.71 (Additional GRFA) and Section 18.57 (Employee Housing), to delete the section providing for Additional GRFA (the 250) and to incorporate the 250 GRFA allowance exclusively for deed - restricted employee housing. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: George Ruther O7 ' ri I- � 10 77 a y en 47— -e 4 :z �- —4 -h,0 a. c r If L" e A,4 0 A6-,, a P AI • - Led, - � _ V� s.; r low 6 I•I f - a ' th MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: November 14, 1994 SUBJECT: A request for a worksession for a major exterior alteration in the Commercial Core I zone district and site coverage, stream setback, density (GRFA), and loading and delivery variances and conditional use permits to allow office on the third floor and to allow an outdoor dining deck to allow for the redevelopment of Serrano's located at 298 Hanson Ranch Road /Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Margretta B. Parks and Vail Associates, Inc. Planner: Andy Knudtsen Glen Heelen, the project developer and representative of the applicants, is proposing to demolish the existing Serrano's Building and replace it with a new structure. The proposal includes: •A basement and first floor of retail use. Each floor is approximately 3,500 square feet. •A restaurant on the second floor of approximately 3,500 square feet. -Office on the third floor of approximately 1,100 square feet (by conditional use). -One residential condominium on the third and fourth floors of approximately 3,600 square feet. In addition to these uses, there will be walkway and landscaping improvements to the rear of the building and to the east of the building along the Mill Creek stream tract. To accomplish the proposal described above, there are four variances required: 1 • A 7 -foot encroachment into the 30 -foot stream setback for Mill Creek; 2 • A site coverage variance request of 94.9% (80% is allowed in CCI); 3 • A variance from the loading and delivery requirements as there are no loading berths proposed for this development; and, 4. A variance for density (GRFA). Also, two conditional use permits are required: outdoor patio on the second floor and office space on the third floor. •dwL,rnr i it OF TWE REQUESTS II. KEY ISSUES Staff believes that there three key concerns�howevee ,rthet this hreeconperps which staff in this memo, staff will d Y would like to emphasize include: 1. Evaluating the architecture of the building; 2. Determining if the variance requests and conditional use requests are appropriate; and, 3. Discussing landscaping, streetscaping, and any other off -site improvements. III. ZONING ANALYSIS Zoning: Commercial Core I (CCI) Lot Area: 4,646 square The bold text indicates the standards which require variances. Proposed Development 60.3% at 33 feet or less 39.7% at 43 feet or less North: 1' South: 0' East: 1' West: 0' 2,259.0 sq. ft. or 60.8% 1 300.9 sg. ft. - allowable common area 958.1 sq. ft. - added to GRFA 3,711.0 sq. ft., 79.9% + 958.1 sq. ft. - excess common area 4,669.1 sq. ft. or 100.5% 1 dwelling unit 94.9% or 4,409 sq. ft. on -site hard scape - 106 sq. ft. on -site soft scape - 187 sq. ft. 60.6 spaces or $909,000.00 to be paid into the parking fund. No loading berths proposed. 23 feet `As this property is located in CCI, all parking that is required for the project must be provided by paying into the parking fund. At this time, spaces are $15,000.00 each. This price will increase January 1, 1995. The applicant shall be required to pay the parking fee that is in effect at the time the building permit is issued. 2 Allowed /Required b Zonin Height: 60 %, or 33 feet or less 40 %, 33 feet to 43 feet Setbacks: Per the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan Common Area: 35% of allowable GRFA or 1,300.9 sq. ft. GRFA: 80% of site or 3,716.8 sq. ft. Dwelling Units: 25 units per acre or 2.6 for the site Site Coverage: 80% of the site or 3,716.8 sq. ft. Landscaping: Per the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan Parking: Per the Town of Vail Parking Standards (restaurant - 30.4 spaces, dwelling unit - 2.5 spaces, retail - 23.2 spaces, office - 4.5 spaces)" Per the Town of Vail Loading Standards Loading: (1 berth) Mill Creek Setback: 30 feet Proposed Development 60.3% at 33 feet or less 39.7% at 43 feet or less North: 1' South: 0' East: 1' West: 0' 2,259.0 sq. ft. or 60.8% 1 300.9 sg. ft. - allowable common area 958.1 sq. ft. - added to GRFA 3,711.0 sq. ft., 79.9% + 958.1 sq. ft. - excess common area 4,669.1 sq. ft. or 100.5% 1 dwelling unit 94.9% or 4,409 sq. ft. on -site hard scape - 106 sq. ft. on -site soft scape - 187 sq. ft. 60.6 spaces or $909,000.00 to be paid into the parking fund. No loading berths proposed. 23 feet `As this property is located in CCI, all parking that is required for the project must be provided by paying into the parking fund. At this time, spaces are $15,000.00 each. This price will increase January 1, 1995. The applicant shall be required to pay the parking fee that is in effect at the time the building permit is issued. 2 a IV. URBAN DESIGN CRITERIA AND RELEVANT MASTER PLAN POLICIES As this item is a worksession, staff will not evaluate the criteria. However, please be aware that the following criteria from the Vail Village Urban Design Guidelines, the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan, the Vail Village Master Plan, the Streetscape Master Plan, and the Zoning Code will be applied to evaluate the proposal at a later date. A. Vail Village Urban Desian Criteria 1. Pedestrian ization: 2. Vehicular Penetration: 3. Streetscape Framework: 4 . Street Enclosure: 5. Street Edge: 6. Building Height: 7. Views and Focal Points: 8. Service and Delivery: 9• Sun /Shade: 10- Roofs 11. Facades 12. Decks and Patios 13. Balconies 14. Accent Elements 15• Landscape Elements B. Vail Villaae Urban Desian Guide Plan The Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan specifically addresses the Mill Creek stream tract east of the Serrano's Building. Specifically, it calls for: Concept 8 - "Mill Creek walking path, West Side Mill Creek Path completes linkage from pirate ship and mountain path to Gore Creek Drive." Staff believes that this walk should be an extension of the recent improvements made to the Mill Creek Court Building and adjacent stream tract. Staff recognizes that it is a mutual goal among the developers, Vail Associates, and the Town of Vail to create a new pedestrian link from Hanson Ranch Road to the Vista Bahn ski base. C. Vail Villaae Master Plan Goal #1: Encourage high quality development while preserving the unique architectural scale of the Village in order to sustain its sense of community and identity. 1.2 Objective: Encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities. 3 1.21 Policy: Additional development may be allowed as identified by the action plan and as is consistent with the Vail Village Master Plan and Urban Design Guide Plan. 1.3 Objective: Enhance new development and redevelopment through public improvements done by private developers working in cooperation with the Town. 1.3.1 Policy: Public improvements shall be developed with the participation of the private sector working with the Town. 2.2 Objective: Recognize the "historic" commercial core as the main activity center of the Village. 2.2.1 Policy: The design criteria of the Vail Village Urban Design Guideplan shall be the primary guiding document to preserve the existing architectural scale and character of the core area of Vail Village. 2.3.1 Policy: The development of short term accommodation units is strongly encouraged. Residential units that are developed above existing density levels are required to be designed or managed in a manner that makes them available for short term overnight rental. 2.4 Objective: Encourage the development of a variety of a new commercial activity where compatible with existing land uses. 2.4.1 Policy: Commercial infill development consistent with horizontal zoning regulations shall be established encouraged to provide activity generators, accessible greenspaces, public plazas, and streetscape improvements to the pedestrian network throughout the Village. 2.4.2 Policy: Activity that provides night life and evening entertainment for both the guests and the community shall be encouraged. 2.5 Objective: Encourage the continued upgrading, renovation and maintenance of existing lodging and commercial facilities to better serve the needs of our guests. Goal #3: To recognize as a top priority the enhancement of the walking experience throughout the Village. n 4 �I 3.1 Objective: Physically improve the existing pedestrian ways by landscaping and other improvements. 3.1.1 Policy: Private development projects shall incorporate streetscape improvements (such as paver treatments, landscaping, lighting and seating areas), along adjacent pedestrian ways. 3.4 Objective: Develop additional sidewalks, pedestrian only walkways, and accessible green space areas, including pocket parks and stream access. 3.4.1 Policy: Physical improvements to property adjacent to the stream tract shall not further restrict public access. 3.4.2 Policy: Private development projects shall be required to incorporate new sidewalks along streets adjacent to the project as designated by the Vail Village Master Plan and /or Recreation Trails Master Plan. Goal #4: To preserve existing open space areas and expand green space Opportunities. 4.1 Objective: To improve existing open space areas and create new plazas with green space and pocket parks. Recognize the different roles of each type of open space in forming the overall fabric of the Village. 4.1.3 Policy: With the exception of ski base - related facilities, existing natural open space areas at the base of Vail Mountain and throughout Vail Village shall be preserved as open space. 4.1.4 Policy: Open space improvements including the addition of accessible green space is described or graphically shown in the Vail Village Master Plan and /or Urban Design Guide Plan, will be required in conjunction with private in -fill or redevelopment projects. 5 Vail Village Master Plan - Land Use: Vail Village Master Plan - Conceptual Building Height Plan Vail Village Master Plan - Sub -Area Concepts: Mixed Use - This category includes the "historic" Village Core and properties near the pedestrianized streets of the Village. Lodging, retail, and a limited amount of office use are found in this category. With nearly 270,000 square feet of retail space and approximately three hundred and twenty residential units, the mixed use character of this area is a major factor and appeal of Vail Village. 3 to 4 stories No. 3 -8; Mill Creek Streamwalk "A walking path along Mill Creek between Pirateship Park and Gore Creek, further completing the pedestrian network and providing public access to the creek. Specific design and location shall be sensitive to adjacent uses of the creek environment." 70>•ER I. J .� j ue�lEn l ELDG. 1' __ -- J Nell OLD I 1 —ty7 L t Qq _ RED LION KRIS' • j 4 / In staff's analysis of the goals, objectives, and policies of the Vail Village Master Plan, there were two policies which are o of tl p rovided for, as twelsasrhshort proposal. ental Employee housing has not been addres sed p ro accommodations which have not been addressed or provide for. D. Streetscape Master Plan "The primary paving material for the right -of -way area of the Village Core is recommended to be rectangular concrete unit pavers, in the color mix specified in the Guidelines for Paving section of this report. The herringbone pattern, which is proposed for most areas, is edged by a double soldier course. The intent is to satisfy the need for a simple streetscape treatment without being monotonous." A V. VARIANCE CRITERIA AND FINDINGS At this time, the applicant is requesting variances for site coverage, stream setback, loading and delivery, and density. A. Consideration of Factors: • The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2• The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of Population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 13. The Planning and Environr before arnnting a variance That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a• The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. C. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. 7 VI. CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA AND FINDINGS At this time, the applicant is requesting conditional use approval for an outdoor dining deck and office use on the third floor. A. Consideration of Factors: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. 2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and maneuverability, and removal of snowffrom� nd control, access, he street and parking areas. 4. Effect upon the includin character the scale and which the proposed use is the proposed use in to be located, 9 relation to surrounding uses. B. Findin s The Planning and Environmental granting a conditional use p ermit: 1. That the proposed i location the use in accord with the purposes of he conditional u p r section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. P VII- HISTORY OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES Staff researched the histories of five buildings surrounding the Serrano's site: A. A & D Building October 8, 1984 - The PEC approved a CCI exterior alteration. No variances were requested. Site coverage was proposed at 80 %. The with the condition that a floodplain modification request be app approved by the was Town approved pr orr to construction. p May 8, 1985 - The PEC approved a floodplain modification for the A & D development. No stream setback variance was required. B. Red Lion Building April 9, 1990 - The PEC approved a view corridor encroachment, stream setback variance, site coverage variance, CCI exterior alteration, and conditional use permit to allow an outdoor dining deck. Prior to redevelopment, the Red Lion Building encroached into the Mill Creek stream setback 1 to 18 feet. The proposed redevelopment requested 5 additional feet of encroachment. The staff memo cited the location of the existing building and the A & D improvements as significant issues that would not make the request a grant of special privilege. The staff recommended denial of the requests, although the PEC ultimately approved the request. Concerning site coverage for the Red Lion redevelopment, the proposal included 50 square feet of additional site coverage. However, as part of the redevelopment, 27 square feet of site coverage was to be eliminated. As a result, there was net increase of 23 square feet of site coverage. At the time of the proposal, the existing Red Lion Building had a site coverage of 83 %. Though the staff recommendation for the site coverage variance request was denial, the PEC ultimately approved it. On October 22, 1990, the PEC approve an exterior alteration and a site coverage variance to allow an airlock to be constructed for the Szechuan Lion Restaurant. At the time of the request the building had a site coverage of 83.2 percent. The proposed airlock was 60 square feet. The approval allowed the building to reach a site coverage of 83.6 percent. C. Golden Peak House November 2, 1993 - Town Council approved a Special Development District for the Golden Peak House. This included, among other things, a site coverage request which exceeded the 80% allowed in CCI. At the time of the proposal, the existing Golden Peak House had a site coverage of 76 %. Under the proposed site coverage will be 94 %. (Both of these figures ar based onlahe the expanded lot). D. Curtin Hill Building March 8, 1993- The PEC approved a CCI exterior alteration for this building. Site coverage at the time of this proposal was 71%. The approved site coverage is 71.6 %. E E. Christiania Lodge Under the Public Accommodation zone district, allowed site coverage is 55 %. On March 23, 1992, Town Council approved a pedal Development District allowing the Christiania to expand from 3 o VIII. DISCUSSION As this is a worksession, staff does not have formal recommendations concerning the variance and conditional use requests. Ho PEC staff has at developed e y comments and issues and would like to pass them onto A. ArchitecturalIssues Staff has reviewed the proposal ( he staff believes eves that the consultant he proposal does not present an several concerns. In gene , integrated building consistent with the context of Vail Village. Roof Design Staff believes that the elevations are busy and applied because there is no depth to the roof. Staff believes the Village, the cant should: f functions as a unifying element. a. Eliminate the "Italian mansard" used in several locations on the building. b. Tie the roofs together between the fourth and fifth floors. C. Eliminate the clipped hips and use a standard gable form. d. Eliminate the parapet wall on the northwest corner. e. Add balconies icularly on the f th element, and e mansard include a , p railing. f. Reduce the amount of glazing on the upper stories. g. Simplify the apps` —ition of fascia, columns, trim and reveals. h. Staff believes mperative to receive a detailed mechanical plan prior to the final worksession hearing. In other projects, the mechanical plans have often not been developed until during the construction process. This often results in rooftop mechanical that has not been shown to the review boards during the planning process. 2. Deck and Entry a. Reduce the dining deck that encroaches into the right -of -way. Staff believes that a deck width of approximately 6 to 8 feet (up to one row of tables) might be reasonable. 10 n b• The deck should not extend over the entry to the building on Hanson Ranch Road. This makes the building's entry difficult to see. Staff believes the entry should be easily identifiable and have an importance to the building, similar to that of the recently approved Golden Peak House or the Red Lion. 3. Stair Tower and Massing a. Rather than having a stair tower at the front of the building, staff believes that the stair tower should be relocated to the center of the building and that commercial square footage should be located on the first floor adjacent to Bridge Street. b• Relocating the stair tower to the center of the building may help as another recommendation from staff is to relocate the top part of the condominium to the center of the building. Staff is concerned that locating it on the rear of the site makes the south elevation appear too massive. C. Staff believes that locating the upper story in the center of the site would also allow a unified roof to be designed from the fifth floor down to the fourth floor. This would allow the building to be encased within a unified roof and would help solve the current problem of its "boxy" appearance. 4. Northeast Corner of Building a. Staff is concerned about the northeast corner of the building for a number of reasons. It is this corner that encroaches into the stream setback. The proposed corner design includes an octagonal shape which is not reflective of the Vail Village context. This element is also three stories tall. Staff believes that this corner would work much better if it were limited to two stories, did not include the octagonal form, and were pulled out of the stream setback. B. Stream Tract Im rovements /Site Im rovements Stream Tract Staff believes that the two proposed walkways are repetitive. Staff would rather see one walkway that wraps around the building, adjacent to the shops, and another walkway on the east side of the stream. The walkway on the east side of the stream could be accessed from this site with a bridge located at the seating area. Staff would like to have the architect pursue different options for separating the two walks and leaving more of the area for landscaping. In general, staff believes that the concepts for improving the stream tracts are very good. We would like to see a style and character similar to what the Town has recently completed adjacent to the Mill Creek Court Building. It is important to note that the current design shows fill in the floodplain. Staff is requesting that this area be redesigned and that the fill be removed from the plans. 11 2. Site Grading Staff would also like to see a detailed site plan showing how the grading on the south side of the building fits into the Golden Peak House. As the grades drop off significantly in order to provide access to the first floor, at the rear of both of these buildings, staff would like to ensure that the two site plans work together. 3. Landscaping Staff believes that the existing trees in the area should be preserved. en the amount of grade change in the area, this may not be feasible. Stat, believes that the architect should trees as the existing grade contours in an effort to preserve as many of 4. Streetscape Improvements Staff believes that the area of Hansen Ranch Road immediately This inc thi site should be improved according to the street scape standards. concrete unit pavers, in the color mix and the in face of the building t to the point The pavers should extend out which y matches the proposed plan of the Golden Peak House. C. _ oninq Issues 1. At this time, the applicant has provided a signed application from Vail Associates with several conditions. Vail Associates is required to provide their consent for the improvements on the Mill Creek stream tract. At this time, Vail Associates owns this land. Prior to scheduling this project for a final hearing at the PEC, staff is requiring that a revised letter from Vail Associates be provided deleting most of the conditions. The Town Attorney is working with attorneys from Vail Associates on an acceptable letter. 2. Prior to returning for a final hearing, the applicant shall provide documentation from the surveyor that all of the proposed has designed traction is outside all Town adopted view corridors. The app the building with this understanding and staff believes that there are probably no encroachments. d wed must detaidocumented by a surveyor. View #1 a #4 must be revie n 3. Staff's review of the project shows that the drawings include fill in the floodplain. If the applicant would like to propose a modification to the floodplain, a complete application must be submitted and the s d esa review process should be initiated. If that is not the app lc all drawings must be amended to show that fill will not be located in the floodplain. 4. Staff needs to verify that the applicant will either be building a common 12 wall with the Golden Peak House or has permission to encroach over the Golden Peak House property line. Documentation for either proposal must be provided prior to returning to a final hearing. 5. The applicants shall provide signatures from the owners of the Golden Peak House if the trash room of the Golden Peak House is to be shared with the Serrano's project. IX. CONCLUSION As this is a worksession, staff does not have a formal recommendation. Staff would encourage the PEC to review the proposal and focus on the key issues outlined above, the specific requests, and the criteria provided in the memo. OpecVnemos\serano11.28 13 THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPE PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on November 28, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a worksession for a major exterior alteration in the Commercial Core I zone district and site coverage, stream setback and loading and delivery variances to allow for the redevelopment of Serrano's located at 298 Hanson Ranch Road /Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Margretta B. Parks Planner: Andy Knudtsen 2. A request for a site coverage variance and a conditional use permit to allow for an expansion at the Vail Mountain School located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road /Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing. Applicant: Pam Hopkins, representing the Vail Mountain School Planner: Randy Stouder A request for a change to the Land Use Plan from Park (P) to Low Density Residential (LDR) for a parcel owned by the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District, located at 967 Vail Valley Drive/Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Vail Valley Consolidated Water District, represented by Pat Dauphanais Planner: Jim Curnutte 4. A request for an amendment to Section 17.26 of the Town's Subdivision Regulations - Condominiums and Condominiums and Conversions. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Tom Moorhead S. A reuqest for a conditional use to allow for an expansion to the existing liquor store located at Cascade Crossing, 1031 South Frontage Road West/an unplatted parcel north of the Glen Lyon Office Building. Applicant: William Van Schneidaw Planner: Andy Knudtsen no Vail. AT VAIL Vail Trademarks, Inc. A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Vail Associates, Inc. Creators and Operators of Vail and Beaver Creek Resorts HAND DELIVERED November 4, 1994 Mr. Andy Knutson Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Mr. Glenn Heelan P. 0. Box 5770 Avon, CO 81620 Gentlemen: This letter is appended to and made a part of the application to the Town of Vail for the exterior alteration of the Serrano's Cantina building, Lot c, Block 2, Vail Village First Filing ( Serrano's). Inc. The Vail tesp ) has been do a s Vail the Town of Vail to be ("Vail Associa , A pp lication") for the "co applicant" to the application (the �� App redevelopment of Serrano's (the "Redevelopment ") because certain landscaping improvements are shown as located on adjacent Vail Associates' land (the "VA Land "). We understand and are sensitive to the time constraints for ment both the review process and scheduling e WheaRedevelop ee hat we would like the process to move forward, y understand all the issues with respect to the Redevelopment and Vail Associates' involvement therewith, including the t'efor applicant". Therefore, we would agree to be "co - app the Redevelopment as it relates to the VA Land but only conditioned upon and subject to certain provisions and reservations, as follows: Except for the Application as conditioned by and subject to the terms and provisions of this letter, the developer and Town of Vail specificallly disclaim any reliance upon Vail Associates' participation in the Redevelopment. Vail Associates will not be responsiblrela r an to co sts whatsoever, administrative or otherwise, Post Office Box 7 • Vail, Colorado 81658 • USA (303) 479.3104 (303) 845 -5572 Fax (303) 479.2054 Fax (303) 845 -5575 Redevelopment on the VA Land, including without limitation, submittal of application, review process, construction permitting and physical construction. This letter alone does not give, transfer or entitle the developer or the owner of Serrano's or the Town of Vail to any legal rights in or to the VA Land. The signing of the Application by Vail Associates dedc anon or constitute the of the VA Land. easement, Land use right, Vail Associates reserves the right to approve or reject all proposed improvements on the VA Land, whether proposed by the developer, the Town of Vail or otherwise. Vail Associates reserves the right to withdraw its "co- application" at any time in its sole discretion. If the Te od Vail a nd as a reservations acceptable condition of the Application, developer and please sign below as indicated. Sincerely, VAIV AS 5Q9IATE� , Jam s S. Mie 1 Sr. Vice President gDper: y accept and agree to the p rovisio n s, to the Application bons set forth above and append same y Vail Associates. Town of Vail Community Development: By : eelan Name: Title. 303/949 - 5200 FAXI949 -5 0 VICTOR MARK DO NAL�DSO_N_ A RCHITECTS, P.C. ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING • INTERIORS Box 5300 • Avon, Colorado November 1 . 199 •, �0� 7 194 MR. ANDY RNL'DTSEN. SENIOR PLANNER � ent Department DEPT Development . 1 is , i's�t. Town of Vail Road 75 South Frontage Vail. Colorado 81657 Re: Serrano's Cantina Variance Application. Vail. Colorado Dear Andy: to the supplemental information Please attach this we previouslv submitted in APPLICATION FOR A VARI ect. connection with the above referenced prof consideration of the following two We are request ment standards prescribed for variances with respect to develop the Commercial Core 1 (CC1) District- watercourse: to permit the 1 18,58.300 Setback fr •- into the stream setback by proposed construction to encroach approximately eight feet. ' to permit the proposed 2. 18.04.360 site Ste coverage: (3.716.8 square feet) by an construction. t�562c2es 80°G square feet). additional 12% it an effort to r two variances We are requesting these Title 18 and to achieve compatibility attain. the objectives of other sites in the vicinity• and uniformity of treatment among or literal in would we believe that the strict terpretation Further two specified enforcement of enjoyed these d by the owners of and deprive this applicant of privilege Core 1 Zone District. other properties in the Commercial or will know if you have any questions please let me s prior to being placed on the regain any additional material age or t Planning and Environmental Commission. sp 11y S e ed. Vict Mark Donaldson. AIA President VICTOR MARK DONALDSON ARCHITECTS P.C. , cc: Mr. Glenn M. Heelan 0 ,,, sod 126/94 Se ' Se ptember 26 , 199 4 Date of Application P Date of PEC Meeting October b er 19 1994 APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE 1 VAIL VILLAGE I. Planning and Environmental Commission review is required for the alteration of an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor patio or the replacement of an existing building located in the CCI District. FOLLOWING PEC APPROVAL, THE PROJECT MUST BE REVIEWED BY THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD (DRB). The application will not be accepted until all information and fees are submitted. Glenn M. Heelan NAME OF CO- APP1.!CA,k? ?he Veil Corooratzcr A. NAME OF APPLICANT ox von, ADDRESS P. 0. BE 7 Vail. CO 81658 ADDRESS PHONE 3 o z 949 -02 NAME OF OW PHONE S?�fS 5 OWNER The Vail Co- pration VICTOR MARK DONALDSON DESCRIPTION OF . ^. Tr .Vail Fillac First Fi',ino ARCHITECTS , P . C. SIGNATURE B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENAAT E CO 81620 ADDRESS P. . 8= ail O 81658 ADDRESS P • 0 • Box 5300 , PHONE PHONE - jn - i 94g 5 ;�� NER S Prt or Type) rgretta B. arks C. NAME OF BUILP.I O ( I SIGNATURE( i.1, CO 5 ADDRESS P O Box 365, PHONE " (Condominium Association approval will also be required, if applicable.) D. BLS AT BLOCKP� , VAIL VILLAGE 1 ADDRESS: E. FEE XXX $500-00 (MORE THAN TH S ) O FT.) PAID $ CK # BY THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. II. PRE - APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A pre- application conference with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. III. PLEASE NOT THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PEC MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. Improvement survey of property showing property lines and location of building and any improvements on the land. 303/949 -5200 FAX/949 -5205 --" VICTOR MARK DONALDSON ARCHITE P.C. ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING • INTERIORS Box 5300 • Avon, Colorado 81620 November 7. 199 F MR. ANDY KNUDTSEN . SENIOR PLANNER fJOY 7 R -c, Community Development Department i,4 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road � Vail. Colorado 81657 Re: Serrano's Cantina Loading and Delivery Variance Application ,fE 4 Vail. Colorado -rT Dear Andy: Please accept this additional variance application for relief from Section 18.52.130 Loading - Requirements Schedule for the above noted protect. this [� �e are requerequesting consideration o f t s variance with respect to the development standards prescribed for the Commercial Core 1 !CC1; District. We are requesting this variance in an effo to attain the obiectives of Title 18 and to achieve compatibility and uniformi +y o f treatment among other sites i the vicinity. Further.�we believe that the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of these regulations would deprive this applicant of privileges enioyed by the owners of other properties in the Commercial Core 1 Zone District. It is our intention to store trash within the Serrano's Cantina Building for daily removal to the trash compactor at the Golden Peak House via an internal corridor between the two buildings Th is shared operation has been discussed as a desirable goal between the two developers and an agreement for such a shared function should be forthcoming. In regard to the loading area requirements. the users of the redeveloped Serrano's Cantina will comply with the established parking and loading zones for Vail Village. req let me know if you have any questions or will dditior.al materials for your staff review. Submitted. Donaldson. AIA PresiWnt VI CTOR MARK DONALDSON ARCHI TECTS. P.C. cc: Snowden & Hopkins Architects. AIA Mr. Glenn M. Heelan PEC MEET L APPLICATION FOR A VrARI OCT 1 1 1994 I. This procedure is required for any project requesting a variance. The application will not be I e ,\'i information is submitted. � A. NAME OF APPLICANT Glenn M. Heelan r� ADDRESS P. 0.' Box 5770 Avon CO 81620 `�� 06 PHONE 949 -0252 VICTOR MARK DONALDSON B. NAME OF APPLICANTS REPRESENTATIVE — P-C- C. ADDRESS P. 0. Box 5300, Avon CO 81620 PHONE303 949 -5200 NAME OF OWNER (S) (typ OWNER (S) ADDRESS_ SIGNATURE (S) V P. 0. Box 365, rin Margretta Vail CO - 8 \1 658 PHONE 303 328 -6664 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: L BLOCK 2 FILING VAIL VILLAG 1ST FILING / ADDRESS E. FEE $250.00 D PAID C i THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELO DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners 6-t._ all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a list of their names and mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A pre - application conference with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPL R T p ROJECT APPLI DECREASING ST NUMBER APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOU OF CONDITIONS OF �1 PROVAL.THAT. THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS.OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS.ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE.'PRECISE NATURE OF THE l VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: I 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in I I ! the vicinity. 1 ii 303/949 -5200 FAX/949 -5205 VICTOR MARK DONALDSON ARCHITECTS, P.C. ARCHITECTURE •PLANNING • INTERIORS Box 5300 • Avon, Colorado 81620 p �6 f r J November 14. 1994 Mr. ANDY KNUDTSEN. SENIOR PLANNER. Community Development Department Town of Mall 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Re: Serrano's Cant_ +ra Vail. Colorado Dear Andy. L J U V 1 4 1 U ` l L ' D�_K. �06itl U Attached you will find items -umber 5 (information regarding the f loodplair.! and 7 (model) referenced in your letter dated November 2. 1994. This should leave one outstanding item, number 3 (topography on the survey based on USGS benchmarks). A survey has beer. order and should be available within a couple of weeks. The moment it is ready copies will be delivered to vou. Please let us know f , }: any additional materials for ,µrue any questions or will require Yo staff review. Sin er lv \. v � Richa� Gordon Architect / Pro Manager Manger w Victor Mark Donaldson Architects. cc: Mr. Glenn M. Heelan P. C. Al ----I CD CD l> x 4 CD CD ,� / ,� 00 it ;4F MA f- I'A rn o I r m ; X U3 A (P tn j -4 I �r V 0 FILE COPY TOWN OF VAIL L% 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-21381479-213 FAX 303- 479 -2452 November 2, 1994 Mr. Victor Mark Donaldson P.O. Box 5300 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Serrano's redevelopment Dear Mark: Department of Community Development After reviewing the application, I will need the following items by the dates shown in parenthesis to stay on the agenda for November 28, 1994. Vail Associate's signature on the exterior alteration application (November 7, 1994). 2. A statement analyzing the criteria for the two variances (November 14, 1994) 3. Topography on the survey based on USGS benchmarks (November 14, 1994). A statement as to how the loading and delivery will work for this building. Within the statement, please detail how the trash removal will work. From my brief review of the proposal, it appears to me that you may need a loading and delivery variance. The variance would be specifically from the required number of loading berths. If you have a different understanding, please let me know. For the meantime, I plan to publish for a loading variance (November 7, 1994). 5. Information regarding the floodplain. Specifically, how much fill is being located in the floodplain (November 14, 1994). 6. Any updated drawings since the submittal date of September 26, 1994 (November 7, 1994). 7. Finally, staff will need to review the model you referred to in your application materials (November 14, 1994). I understand that you are working on many of these items. Please consider this list of items as a preliminary list that I have generated from a brief review of the application material. I hope to be providing you with comments from the Fire Department and Public Works Department soon. I am sure that the issues will become a bit more complicated as we get into the review. I look forward to resolving them as they develop. Sincerely, kycu t p - t -Is m -) � - d ; r 0 Andy �nudtsen Senior Planner lot E J l'� r _ h %K g J-e , I I I ` L f •V d ION "r- I 1. a 0 (i C-/ dr le 12 'p— ..� ��—i I `" 1 I / ,Sol— 1/ ✓►/0Y /lx \ I G s d ' ` 1 $ OV" "a► s i J I _ - - -- - - - --- _ � ( �' /- -sue �= f�- --�— -- �2"c,� -- J ae V' i Vail Trad Inc. 6 - / A Who2y Owned Subsidiary of Vail Associates, Inc. C - l� L` C:Teators and Operators of Vail and Beaver Creek' Kesorts vc /V' I ,� HA.'VD DELIVERED November 4, 1994 D' i Mr. Andy Knutson J -JL Town of Vail Community Development IJ� � i/ 75 South Frontage Road \ G Vail, CO 81657 Mr. Glenn Heelan 0� P. 0. Box 5770 Avon, CO 81620 a Gentlemen: (J This letter is appended to and made a part of the application to the Town of Vail for the exterior alteration of the Serrano's Cantina building, Lot c, Block 2, Vail Village First Filing 7 (Serrano's) . UO The Vail Corporation, doing business as Vail Associates, Inc. ( "Vail Associates ") has been requested by the Town of Vail to be l "co- applicant" to the application (the "Application") for the redevelopment of Serrano's (the "Redevelopment n) because certain landscaping improvements are shown as located on adjacent Vail Associates' land (the "VA Land "). We understand and are sensitive to the time constraints for P, K both the review process and scheduling of the Redevelopment. We would like the process to move forward, yet we are not sure that we understand all the issuEe with respect to the Redevelopment and Vail Associates' involvement therewith, including the term "co- applicant " Therefor* wo would agreo to be "co- applicant" for the Redevelopment as it relates to the VA Land but only conditioned ail upon and subject to certain provisions and reservations, as j follows: Except for the Application as conditioned by and subject to (�- the terms and provisions of this letter, the developer and Town of Vail specificallly disclaim any reliance upon Vail Associates' participation in the Redevelopment. Vail Associates will not be responsible for any costs Q,�y whatsoever, administrative or otherwise, related to the J �� Poor Offer Box 7 - Vail, Colorodo 816 >8 USA ,�y(J`� 3C3) 479 -3:04 (303) 845 -5572 ,J F- 11011479.7()54 F.r '.a? T!Tin7:71 LART '+ A)AT Redevelopment on the VA Land, including without limitation, submittal of application, review process, construction permitting and physical constriction. This letter alone does not give, transfer or entitle the developer or the owner of Serrano's or the Town of Vail to any legal rights in or to the VA Land. The signing of the Application by Vail Associates does not constitute the granting of an easement, use right, dedication or other encumberance of tha VA Land. Vail Associates reeerves the right to approve or reject all proposed improvements on the VA Land, whether proposed by the developer, the Town of Vail or otherwise. Vail Associates reserves the right to withdraw its "co- - 7 ' 7 application" at any time in its sole discretion. If the above provisions and reservations are acceptable to the developer and Town of Vail as a condition of the Application, please sign below as indicated. Sincerely, VAS Ap MATE$ , Jam s S. M041<18 1 Sr. Vice President fenniHee accept and agree to trio provisions, conditions and ti ns set forth above and append same to the Application Vail Associates. : l L Town of Vail community Development: Y lan Name: Title: In •rv n� •v'e ToT T^' ^T LRRT 'I 'AiI Da te of Aoplicall0n 5ePtElte= 26, 1994 Date of RK Mselir>fl - 1 r 1994 APPL ICATICN FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS (N COMIAEROIAL CORL I VAIL VILLAGt I. Planning and Environmental Com mission review is regwirad for the allormion of an axieting building which add; or rcmevas zny enc ?o=-ed floor area or o0d0cr patio or the replacement of an existing building located i 1..10 CCI District, FOLLOWING PEC APPROVAL, THE FRO. ECT MUS T i SE REVIEWED 6Y THE CESIGN REVIEW BOARD (DR$). Tne appitcaven will not be accaptG'0 until all informariC" an' lies are subnat :ed. A. PJAMC Or APFL1CA,INT f. 4" M . Hapl Ar IA4: Or CC APPL:ClJJT rh: :'t ?1 n s: V AC DRESS • 5cx 5 17 , on, Ir Mq v n o, 7 Vz 1. CC . 8165E PHC,N= nni oeo -n , )r-� VICTOR MN x nf1NAJ•nSnn+ 4ARE Qf :fNER ?he V01 Ccr •ra; E. NAME OF APP LICANT'S Rt PRESZNTATIVE ARCHITECTS, P. C. I !N ACDRESS P. 0" Box 5300 , Avon„ CO 81620 .^w1 r MUSS . P . . Sox R , r ..c 1 PHON= q 4 c_e ov�ye C. NAN15 OF BU WNER(5) ( ?f t or Type) = t2LettA a =�s ADDRESS p'• D- 3�x 5 , _ it , CO PHONE 328-6654 _ (Condonllnium Association approval will also be required, it 8PPIIcUb)e.) t)- A I {U� v �f�Fp PIjWPU6AL. LL-UAL )t$(rRlt�l �OT CK VILLAGE ;ST FI „r ,�DDf3ces: . F_. FEE $200.00 (LESS THAN ;CO SO'. FT.) XXX $500.00 (MCRE T1iAN 100 SO. FT.) PAID g CK V .iHE rdt MUST 8E FAID 3EFCRE THE CCVIMi;NiTY DEVELOPMENT DEPAR"M_IN7 WILL ACCEPT YOUR PPOPOSAL. 'I. PRE- APPLICATIO'J CONFERENCE: A pr®- apcliczbon conference v0h A rInnnir4 stir rr.PmhPr i4 strnnoly e ir.Or'aiad to determine if any additonel Information is needed. No app?-cat will be accsoted unless 41s. complete (must include an ',ems required by the zoning ddriristrator). It is the aprticait's respons b3lty to make an a; poirtment with the staff to fino out about aGCitonal submittal requirements: PLEASE NOT THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROV.>\L FF,OCESE FOR YOUR r'riOJ[CT DY Dr-CACAGING TI IC NUMCCII OF CONCITICNS OF AJPPRCVAL THAT THS'PEC MAY STIPULATE. ALL CON'DJIONS C^ APPROVAI MUST EE CO31APUK W(TH BSFCnE A 2UILDING PER.NAI T 'S ,SSLED, THE FCLLOvYING MUST BE SU6NITTEJ: A. h- ,,prove rent suNey of p•cps ;y showing ;roper!y lires and location of building and any improvements on the land. 1, I �Cfii1 11:7 7 ; 77 �'.1 f , J i 71[ Golden Peak House Condos 278 Hanson Ranch Road Vail, CO 81657 Mill Creek Court Condos P.O. Box 667 Vail, CO 81658 Christiania, Ltd. 356 Hanson Ranch Road Vail, CO 81657 The Vail Corporation P.O. Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 Blanche C. Hill 311 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Chamber Corporation Bosques De Chiahuahua, #111 Mexico DF 11700 Vencura, Ltd. 600 5th Avenue, 8th Floor New York, NY 10020 Jon & Mary Shirley Vail Trust P.O. Box 685 Medina, WA 98039 W.P. GRiffin, Trustee 1390 Main Street, Plz -1 Sarasota, FL 34236 THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on November 28, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a worksession for a major exterior alteration in the Commercial Core I zone district and site coverage, stream setback and loading and delivery variances to allow for the redevelopment of Serrano's located at 298 Hanson Ranch Road /Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Margretta B. Parks Planner: Andy Knudtsen 2. A request for a site coverage variance and a conditional use permit to allow for an expansion at the Vail Mountain School located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road /Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing. Applicant: Pam Hopkins, representing the Vail Mountain School Planner: Randy Stouder 3. A request for a change to the Land Use Plan from Park (P) to Low Density Residential (LDR) for a parcel owned by the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District, located at 967 Vail Valley Drive/Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Vail Valley Consolidated Water District, represented by Pat Dauphanais Planner: Jim Curnutte 4. A request for an amendment to Section 17.26 of the Town's Subdivision Regulations - Condominiums and Condominiums and Conversions. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Tom Moorhead 5. A reuqest for a conditional use to allow for an expansion to the existing liquor store located at Cascade Crossing, 1031 South Frontage Road West/an unplatted parcel north of the Glen Lyon Office Building. Applicant: William Van Schneidaw Planner: Andy Knudtsen HA.' -D DELIVERED �Vauil. F� Vail Trademarks, Inc. � A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Vail Aaaociates, Inc. Creators and Operators of Vail and Beaver Creek' Resorts l� November 4, 1994 3 Mr, Andy Knutson Town of Vail community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Mx. Glenn Heelan P. 0. Box 5770 Avon, CO 81620 Gentlemen: This letter ie appended to and made a part of the application to the Town of Vail for the exterior alteration of the Serrano's Cantina building, Lot c, Block 2, Vail Village First Filing (Serrano's). The Vail Corporation, doing business as Vail Associates, Inc. ( "Vail Associates ") has been requested by the Town of Vail to be "co- applicant" to the application (the "Application ") for the redevelopment of serrano's (the "Redevelopment ") because certain landscaping improvements are shown as located on adjacent Vail Associates' land (the "VA Land "), We understand and are sensitive to the time constraints for both the review process and scheduling of the Redevelopment. We would like the process to move forward, yet we are not sure that we understand all the issues with respect to the Redevelopment and Vail Associates' involvement therewith, including the term "co- applicant ". ThereforO, wa would agree to be "co- applicant" for the Redevelopment as it relates to the VA Land but only conditioned upon and subject to certain provisions and reservations, as follows: Except for the Application as conditioned by and subject to l:he terms and provisions of this letter, the developer and Town of Vail specificallly disclaim any reliance upon Vail Associates' participation in the Redevelopment. Vail Associates will not be responsible for any costs whatsoever, administrative or otherwise, related to the Poet oMcc Box 7 - Vail, Colorado 81658 - USA (303) 479 -3104 (303) 845 -5572 n !,� Fax (303) 4792054 Fax i 'I ,. 7 ( 7 X'l A7 'H Redevelopment on the VA Land, including without limitation, submittal of application, review process, construction permitting and physical construction. This letter alone does not give, transfer or entitle the developer or the owner of Serrano's or the Town of Vail to any legal rights in or to the VA Land. The signing of the Application by Vail Associates does not constitute the granting of an easement, use right, dedication or other encumberance of the VA Land. Vail Associates reserves the right to approve or reject all proposed improvements on the VA Land, whether proposed by the developer, the Town of Vail or otherwise. Vail Associates reserves the right to withdraw its %Q- application" at any time in its sole discretion. If the above provisions and reservations are acceptable to the developer sad Town of Vail as a condition of the Application, please sign below as indicated. Sincerely, VAX ] AS SQ61ATU , Jaml s s Sr. Vice President I re y accept arid, agree to thQ provisions, conditions and r ery tions set forth above and append same to the Application s gne by Vail Associates. D roper: Town of Vail Community Development: -` By: lenn Heelan Name: Title; c J ccnn IaU T, ,5 "gin 'Y'; ti�7 mvi or: inftMi Gate ofAoplicalion 5 ePtemtei 26, 199 Date cl PEG Meeting g ctabe; 19 . 1594 APPLICATION FOR EXTE ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I VAIL VILLAIil: t. Planning and Environmental Commission review i3 required for the all;oralJort cl an 6xiAtimS building which adds or romovat any enclosed floor area or , :uldecr pafio or the replacement of an existing bAdino located In In CCI Dist'iCt. FOLLOWING PEC APPROVAL, THE I ROJEGT MJST BE REVIEWED BY THE D BOARD (Df S ). T[1e appticatfon will net be acceptea until all informarictn ano tees are subfrut.ed. A. NAME OrAPPLICAN7 114no M. HaP1an `'411r Or O0- APP',1C1,N7'tx V911 CZ ; =wat;u; ADDRESS o On, cu 8iG 6!!62FfiR A n P. ^.z 1 da CC 1! He PHON= 'SON! NAIK OF 09H£a The Vail Ccr o.woa VIC'TnR %14�1K nnNAT,nsnn L'j:L'4t:Pf1C'i C.`' ?" , Val] Vi{laj^ rs: c {'i1 F•; B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ARC HITECTS, P . C . - -- r ADDRESS P. 0. Sox 5300 , A�'On_, CO 81620_ 6sctutu4: SICHAT e. . 3ox f R r .c 81858 PHONE - ' NON! C. NAM€ OF BUI� fjl NER(S) (Pr or Type) :41;2"A 3 • a.'1:S °.i"ATUf1E($ib -- -Y 6 T:_ l " X1 ADDRESS p'• 6_ 3n�.i1 , Ca PW P 303 - - — (Cordominlum Association approval will also be required, if applicdbfe.) JSTA�Ii LQ K L V LLAGE I FSi�SN ,4D01`tEE6; F. FEE $200.00 (LESS THAN ICC) SQ'. FT.) xXX 5503.00 (MORE THAN 100 SO. FT,) PAID $ CK # SY 'FHE t MUST BE PAID 8EFQ19E THE CCNIMJNITY DEVSLOPMIENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. 11. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A pre - application conference with a r1nnnino atilt m�rnhpr i4 twnnoly ao0Qii to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will be acceptad unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the appl'icant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to finC out about additional submittal requirements: III. PLEASE NOT THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOn YOUn r nOJDCT OY DCCFRCASING TI IC NUMOr OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE'PEC MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS QF APPROVAI MUST RE CdVfPLIEn WITH BEFCRE A 2UIL0{IUG PERMIT :S ISSUED. THE FCLLOAING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. Improvement survey of p showing groperty lines and location DI building and any improvements on the land. Tr 'T (' rnn ')IT 'T 171 7 Nn77 'V'.1 T�T17 i ;Rhl'' ',h)i,T 0 0 U C- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- -- - -- --ot4,- S - c.v v �- _✓ October 28, 1994 Mr. Jeff Winston Winston and Associates 1426 Pearl Street Mall, Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80302 RE: Serrano's redevelopment Dear Jeff: We have received another redevelopment proposal in the Village and would appreciate your help in reviewing it. I have talked to the developer and the architect and they understand that they will be paying your fees for this review. The first Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) meeting for this project is November 28, 1994. We would like to have comments from you by November 14th. Could we arrange a time on that day to have a conference call with Mike Mollica, myself, you, and possibly Paul? We will need the comments from the meeting on November 14th to discuss at planner's staff on the 15th. I understand that you may be in Town on the 16th for the Roundabout. Would you be available to meet with the architect on the 16th? I hope this schedule works with you. Paul told me that you were headed over to Russia to do some work there. Its interesting that you are involved with implementing some of the headlines we see in the papers. Please give me a call and let me know if this schedule works for you. Sincerely, Andy Knudtsen Senior Planner ,6 �� 42 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 303 - 479 -2250 MEMORANDUM Vail Fire Department TO: MIKE MOLLICA / ANDY KNUDTSEN FROM: MCGEE, DURAN, ATENCIO, A.K.A. VAIL FIRE DEPT. DATE: 10/11/94 RE: SERRANO'S "EXTERIOR ALTERATION" We received a copy of the application and the plans for Serrano Is "exterior alteration" this morning. We have reviewed the proposal and have the following comments and concerns: 1. The Serrano's project was apparently submitted to you on Sept. 26, 1994. The application mentions certain "meetings" that have occurred between your staff, Tom Moorhead, and perhaps others. The Fire Department is not aware of any "agreements" or concessions made at those meetings and our review does not assume any concessions have been made. 2. The scope of the project is certainly more than an "exterior alteration." The nature of the project, size, scope, and location will require close coordination with the Gold Peak House redevelopment, if it goes forward. 3. Specifically, the timing of the demolition and construction needs to be reviewed in conjunction with the Gold Peak House project. 4. Construction staging areas should be disclosed. 5. Potential road closures should be disclosed so alternative access routes to the village core can be worked out. There may be significant restrictions needed re: delivery trucks, trash trucks, and emergency access. 6. The proponent has indicated their intent to use wood shake shingles on the roof. The Fire Department strongly opposes the use of wood shakes in the Village Core. Fire retardant wood shake shingles loose their fire resistivity relatively quickly. Studies show the fire resistance at this altitude in Vail's environment, dissipates in 1/2 the time for which the shingles are rated. Given the DRB's and PEC's response to the orientation made by the Fire Department earlier this year, we suggest an alternative roofing material be selected. Serrano's Page 2 If however, wood shake shingles are used, issues of joint use of the property line, lack of set backs, Building Code restrictions regarding protection of openings on the property line, and the degree of hazards imposed on the adjacent building (ie. balcony doors and windows), will have significant impact on the design, appearance, and function of both buildings (Gold peak and Serrano's). 7. The application indicates the desire to install bicycle racks on the south side of Serrano's. The racks are not shown on any of the site plans. There can be no encroachment or obstructions within the required 20 foot fire access on Hanson Ranch Road. 8. The site plan (Sheet A -2) does not show the usual collection of awnings, tables, chairs, menu boards, and similar encroachments into Hanson Ranch Road, placed there by tenants of the Red Lion Building. Are we going to eliminate such uses? 9. According to the plans, the site coverage (landscaping) extends into the public right of way on Hanson Ranch Road. A road width of 20 feet is enough to allow the Fire Department to drive through the space between Serrano's and the Red Lion, but would not allow us enough room to set up a ladder truck for either building nor enough width to connect the hose from the hydrant to a pumper truck. Set -up width needs to be a minimum of 31 feet. 10. The freight elevator appears to be intended for trash removal. There does not appear to be any defined "loading zone" to facilitate trash pick up and deliveries. 11. Sheet A -6 and A -7 appear to lack second exits. f X 303/949 -5200 FAX/949 -5205 - - -- VICTOR MARK DONALDSON ARCHITECTS, P.C. ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING • INTERIORS Box 5300 • Avon, Colorado 81620 October 11. 1994 MS. GERRY ARNOLD. Legal Department Vail Associates. Inc. Vail. Colorado OCT 1 1 }99{ TO - CO DE DEPr, HAND DELIVERED Re: Serrano's Cantina Applications Exterior Alterations /Variance App Vail. Colorado Dear Gerry: Please find attached a copy of our entire application for the above noted project for your review and use. Also. please find a separate copy of the cover to our app a signature line for "co -appli °ant As we discussed this morning, it is our request that an authorized signature for The Vail Corporation, as the owner of Tract E. be provided in the co- applicant signature line. upon reviewing our submittal. You will Jt see s �hat p we khi e e proposing to construct two sets of jto o f th reconstructed will lead to the South nest corne. r Serrano's Cantina. It is this work for which we are requesting that you obtain an authorized signature as co- applicant. The balance of the improvements shown for Tract E on our can sheet A2 is provided to ddepic how o+rlJnewmpopstnt ° +oonnote ta work with proposed East Portal that these improvements are an idea only at this time: not a solicitation by anyone to pay for same. i + Mr. Glenn Heelan will be willing to pay his My c�ien.., t proximity and fair portion of any such improvements due to he p clear t benefit to his project. how thetEastsPortalrpr'o1'ect y will befur.ded to any of us as to in its entirety. Please feel free to contact me should you have any ques- tions or reed any further input regarding s behalf of Mr. Heelan and myself, we appreciate your assistance in this matter. P� MS. GERRY ARNOLD Legal Department Vail Associates, Inc. October 11 1994 Page Two CL CC t 1 1 1994 TOV - COMM, DES; DES We hope that you will be able to provide the signature in about two weeks as we discussed this morning. Should you reed any more time than that. please let me know. I want to keep Mr. Andy Knudtsen informed of our progress. Very Truly Yours. Victor Mark Donaldson, AIA President VICTOR MARK DONALDSON ARCHITECTS. P.C. CC: Mr. Andy Knudtsen. Senior Planner Town of Vail Mr. Glenn M. Heelan United Capital Holdings. Inc. enc: as noted herein .odinsre< Se tember 26, 1994 Oct Date of Application P Date of PEC Meeting October -T9 1994 - APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS T IYIr, DEU, DEPT, OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I VAIL VILLAGE I, Planning and Environmental Commission review is required for the alteration of an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor patio or the replacement of an existing building located in the CCI District. FOLLOWING PEC APPROVAL, THE PROJECT MUST BE REVIEWED BY THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD (DRB). The application will not be accepted until all information and fees are submitted. M. Heelan P;AME OF CO APP The Vail Coraorati — A. NAME OF APPLICANT Glenn ox I von, ADDRESS P ^ ?ox T Vail. CO 8 _ ADDRESS PHONE PHONE 3 n 3 9 4 9 0 2 5 2 -- NAME OF NNER Th u Corporat Or' VICTOR MARK DONALDSON D ESCRIPTIO N OF PROPERTY Tract E. Vr 41 Villace Firs* Fai ❑P : B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ARCHITECTS , P.C. SIGN ^TU?E " ADDRESS P . 0. Box 5300, Avon, CO 81 620 ADDRESS D 0. Box 7 Vail, CO 8 PHONE _ PHONE � arks C. NAME OF BUIL WNER(S) (Pn or Type) r 9 retta B. SIGNATURE( ADDRESS P. O. Box 365, il, CO 58 PH iE 303 328 -6664 (Condominium Association approval will also be required, if applicable.) D. LOCATION BLOCKPROPOASAL: LIEGALGDESSRIPTION: G LOT ADDRESS: E. FEE $200.00 (LESS THAN 100 SQ. FT.) xxx $500.00 (MORE THAN 100 SO. FT.) PAID $ CK f# BY THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. if. PRE - APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A pre- application conference with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. 111. PLEASE NOT THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PEC MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. Improvement survey of property showing property lines and location of building and any improvements on the land. r 303/949 -5200 FAX/949 -5205 VICTOR MARK DONALDSON ARCHITECTS, P.C. ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING • INTERIORS Box 5300 • Avon, Colorcdo 81620 October 6. 1994 ity 4if DU 1 1 Mr. Andy unudts - - -. Sen -nor Planner IM � TOWN' OF VAIL. Community Development Departme r Q 75 So. Frontage Road � UMM, DEV: DEPT" Vail. CO 8657 Re: SERRANO' S Cant - -a Variance Applications Dear Andy: In con.;unction with our Application for Exterior Alterations. we are submitting two variance requests, as follows: site coverage Varia Stream Setback Variance We are allowed 80% of the site (3716.8 sq.ft.). we are proposing 92% of site (.4279 sq.ft.). We are proposing to build 8' into the 30' stream setback. for a limited area. along Mill Creek. A signed application and fee of $250 for each variance 1 T balance of the submittal is enclosed he ica i n i a r information is contained within our app! c tior. for Exterior E Alteration submitted September 26. 1 .994. Please contact me if you have questions or require additional information. Thank you! VICT Mark Donaldson. President MARK DONALDSON ARCHITECTS VMD /mck enclosures cc: Glenn M. uee?an P.C. I �r - revised 10/5/92 Application Date PEC MEET APPLICATION FOR A VARI OCT 1994 I. This procedure is required for any project requesting a variance. The application will not be accepted until'` information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT Glenn M. Heelan ADDRESS P. 0.' Box 5770 Avon CO 81620 PHONE 949 -0252 VICTOR MARK DONALDSON B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE P.C. ADDRESS P. 0. Box 5300, Avon CO 81620 PHONE303 949 - 5200 C. NAME OF OWNERS) (typ rin Margretta B arks ry OWNER(S) S I GNATURE (S ) ADDRESS P. 0. Box 365, Vail CO 81658 PHONE 303 328 -6664 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT C BLOCK 2 FILING VAIL VILLAGE 1ST FIL ADDRESS E. FEE $250.00 PAID CK #k BY THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a list of their names and mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A pre - application conference with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF AP.PROVAL.THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 1 L e " 11 revised 10/5/92 � Applicati 4M PEC MEETI ATE O C T 1 1 1994 APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE '? 'T I. This procedure is required for any project requesting a variance. The application will not be accepted until all ' information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT Glenn M. Heelan ADDRESS P. 0. Box 5770 Avon CO 81620 PHONE 949 -0252 VICTOR MARK DONALDSON B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE P.C. ADDRES P. 0. Box 5300, Avon CO 81 PHONE 949 C. NAME OF OWNER(S) ( type OWNER(S) S I GNATURE (_1) ADDRESS P. 0. Box 365, t ) Margret, B. Vail Co 1658 PHONE 303 328 -666 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT C BLOCK 2 FILING VAIL VILLAGE 1ST FILING ADDRESS E FEE $250.00 PAID, � CK # C 0 � THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a list of their names and mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A pre - application conference with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS.ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 1 F 303/949 -5200 FAX/949 -5205 r -- - - -- VICTOR MARK DONALDSON ARCHITECTS, P.C. ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING • INTERIORS Box 5300 • Avon, Colorado 81620 S 26 199' MP. MIKE MOLLICA. ACTING DIRECTOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail Colorado 81557 HAND DELIVERED SEP 2 6 i cy, TOV - COMM , 0 DEPT, Re: Reconstruction of t he SERRANO'S Cantina Buil Lot C Bieck 2. Vail Village, 1st Filing Vail. Colorado Dear Mike. Please find attached our APPLICATION FOR EXTER ALTER - ATIONS OR MODIFICATION'S IN COMMERCIAL CORE I VAIL VILLAGE for the above noted protect. My firm is the APPLICAMT REPR ESENTATIV E for Glenn M. Heelan who is acting on behalf of the BUILDING OWNER. Margretta B. Parks. My client st aff and I wish to express our sincere f or • ass i st ance i n o' a l � $ F h appreciation o your o ur an alys i s c t design and planning issu in the pr of this Application and the accompanying work product. It is our intention to meet the goals and oh °ctives of the Exterior Al terations proces throughout the course of our work sessions and public hearings. with your continued assistance. We will provide any additional information that y ou and your staff may request upon review and will continue to evolve our design to the best of our abilities with the variou input we receive along the way. contact my office for any clarifications or additional information as you m °y so desire . v staff will be pleased to assist you in these Submitted. k Donaldson. AIA President VI CTOR MARK DONALDSON ARCH ITECTS. P.C. Please e &A.& 1 v r revised 1/26194 Date of Application Septem 26, 1994 Date of PEC Meeting October 19 , 1994 APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I VAIL VILLAGE I. Planning and Environmental Commission review is required for the alteration of an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor patio or the replacement of an existing building located in the CCI District. FOLLOWING PEC APPROVAL, THE PROJECT MUST BE REVIEWED BY THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD (DRB). The application will not be accepted until all information and fees are submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT Glenn M. Heelan ADDRESS F . U . ox von, PHONE �o3 949 VICTOR MARK DONALDSON B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ARCHITECTS, P.C. ADDRESS P. 0. Box 5300, Avon, CO 81620 PHONE C. NAME OF BU: (Pri :or Type) rgretta B. arks SIGNATURE( li"_ ADDRESS P• 0. Box 365, :l, CO 58 PHONE 303 328 - 6664 (Condominium Association approval will also be required, if applicable.) D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: L T C BLOCK 4, VAIL VTLL,AGE 1ST FILING ADDRESS: E. FEE $200.00 (LESS THAN 100 SQ. FT.) xxx $500.00 (MORE THAN 100 SQ. FT.) PAID $eCK # BY THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. II. PRE- APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A pre - application conference with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Ill. PLEASE NOT THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PEC MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. Improvement survey of property showing property lines and location of building and any improvements on the land. x r 6 1 "IX B. ADDRESSED, STAMPED ENVELOPES AND A LIST OF THE NAMES OF OWNERS OF ALL PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE SUBJECT PROPERTY INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS. THE �G APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. C. Submit four (4) copies of a site plan containing the following information: 1. The site plan shall be drawn on a sheet size of 24" x 36" at a scale of 1" = 20' showing existing and proposed improvements to the site. A "c variation of the sheet or scale may be approved by the Community Development Department if justified. 2. The date, north arrow, scale and name of the proposed development 4L, with it's legal description shall be shown on the site plan. 3. The existing topographic character of the site including existing and 01 proposed contours. 4. The location and size of all existing and proposed buildings, structures >, and improvements. 5. The existing and proposed landscaping, patios, additions or deletions. 6. A title report to verify ownership and easements. 7. Preliminary building elevations, sections, and floor plans, at a scale not smaller than one- eighth equals one foot, in sufficient detail to determine floor area, gross residential floor area, interior circulation, location of �L uses within buildings, and the general scale and appearance of the proposed development. r 8 ) A scaled model may also be required if deemed necessary. IV. THE APPLICANT SHALL SUBMIT IN WRITTEN AND GRAPHIC FORM A PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE BEFORE THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION INDICATING THAT: A. THE PROPOSAL IS IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PURPOSES OF THE CCI DISTRICT AS SPECIFIED IN 18.24.010. B. THE PROPOSAL SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLIES WITH THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN AND CONSIDERATIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Pedestrian ization 2. Vehicle Penetration 3. Streetscape Framework 4. Street Enclosure 5. Street Edge 6. Building Edge 7. Views 8. Sun Shade Analysis Many of these items may be addressed by graphic means, such as sketches, models (including neighboring buildings), photos, etc. or written statements. If the applicant is proposing a major change to the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan, the procedure for changes are noted in Section 18.24.220(B). C. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF HOW THE PROPOSAL COMPLIES WITH THE VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN, STREETSCAPE MASTER PLAN AND OTHER RELEVANT DOCUMENTS OF THE VAIL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. D. THE PROPOSAL IS COMPATIBLE WITH THE CHARACTER OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD. V. THE TOWN OF VAIL ZONING CODE FOR CCI ALSO DESCRIBES 01 ZONING ISSUES THAT THE APPLICANT MUST RESPOND TO IN WRITTEN OR GRAPHIC FORM. VI. THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR MAY DETERMINE THAT ADDITIONAL MATERIAL IS NECESSARY FOR THE REVIEW OF THE APPLICATION. VII. APPLICATIONS FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN CCI INVOLVING MORE THAN 100 SQUARE FEET OF FLOOR AREA ARE ONLY REVIEWED SEMI - ANNUALLY. THEY NEED TO BE SUBMITTED ON OR BEFORE THE FOURTH MONDAY OF FEBRUARY OR SEPTEMBER. THE PEC HOLDS A PRELIMINARY REVIEW SESSION WITHIN 21 DAYS OF THE SUBMITTAL DATE. A PUBLIC HEARING SHALL BE HELD WITHIN 60 DAYS OF THE PRELIMINARY REVIEW SESSION. APPLICATIONS FOR THE ALTERATION OF AN EXISTING BUILDING THAT ADDS OR REMOVES ANY ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF NOT MORE THAN 100 SQUARE FEET MAY BE SUBMITTED AT THE REQUIRED TIME OF THE MONTH FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) REVIEW. FOR MORE SPECIFICS ON THE REVIEW SCHEDULE, SEE SECTION 18.24.065. Note: In 1994, the submittal dates shall be the fourth Monday, May, September and November. VIII. YOUR PROPOSAL WILL BE REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE WITH VAIL'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. IX. A. If this application requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. B. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re- published, then, the entire fee for such republication shall be paid by the applicant. C. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other than town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is need to review any application, Community Development may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. PO PSG 100 —yr Floodplain PA 2 3 8» /r EDGE OF \ � B DRIVE S V / 8178 / O \ \ 4 SERRANO'S CANTINA EXISTING BUILDING � I 5 Q s e J 7 / EMH EXISTING FLOODPLAIN ON EXISTING BUILDING LOCATION OF X— SECTIONS 0 FLOODPLAIN ANAL YSYS SERRA NO 'S CANTINA BUILDING PROJECT NO.: 950017E DRAWN BY: L P SCALE: 1 " = 20' DATE: 2 -23 -95 DRAWING NO.: 1 l :'ON 0NIM"(3 96 - fZ - Z :31VO ,0Z = „l :31Vos d :A8 NMVaa 3L 100S6 :' 103ro8d VFU DNIC7 1179 VNl1 NV,? S, ONV &l3S S,(S,(7 MV Nl V 7&000 7 0 SNOliOIS — X �O NOLVOM ONimin8 adSOdOdd NO NIV da00Td ONLSIXI 6 L � 9 � � S I / 1 \ a ONIGII 9 QHSOdMd ` VNIJNVO S,ONVHHHS I I I � t \ S ! 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CONDITIONS Page 1 THIS RUN EXECUTED 23FEB95 11:57:50 T3 0= 150cfs, WSEL = 8176.3 J1 ICHECK IND NINV IDIR STRT METRIC HVINS 0 WSEL FG 0 2 0 0 8176.3 NC .06 .06 .04 .1 .3 QT 2 150 230 X1 1 12 20 28 GR 8176.6 0 8176.3 8.5 8176.2 15.2 8176.5 17.2 8173.7 19.0 GR 8173.0 20.0 8172.0 22.7 8171.9 25.5 8172.3 26.2 8173.1 28.0 GR 8177.0 39.0 8177.5 42.5 X1 2 10 28 35.5 26 23 24 GR 8177.7 0 8177.3 17.5 8175.5 21 8173.6 28 8172.8 30.6 GR 8173.0 33.5 8173.8 35.5 8177.2 43.6 8179.0 48.5 8179.3 50 X1 3 10 18 26.5 28 31 29 GR 8178.2 0 8177.2 12 8175.0 18 8174.4 22.5 8174.5 25.0 GR 8175.0 26.5 8178.5 33.5 8178.7 37 8180.2 38.3 8180.6 40.5 X1 4 9 17.7 28 14 27 20 GR 8178.2 0 8177.76 12.1 8176.77 15.3 8176.65 17.7 8176.05 23.2 GR 8176.9 28 8180.37 35.8 8181.2 38.8 8183.06 52.7 X1 5 11 28.2 41.5 14 17 15 GR 8178.3 0 8178.3 9 8178.6 12.5 8178.7 18.0 8178.1 25.0 GR 8177.4 28.2 8176.9 34.5 8176.7 39 8177.4 41.5 8182.1 58 GR 8182.6 61.0 X1 6 8 26 37.2 11 10 11 GR 8179.3 0 8179.37 5.6 8179.15 14.6 8177.8 26 8177.68 27.7 GR 8177.9 31.5 8177.61 37.2 8181.67 53.8 X1 7 10 21.5 32.0 25 25 25 GR 8180.4 0 8179.5 9.0 8179.6 11.7 8178.5 20 8178.2 21.5 GR 8178.0 26.0 8178.2 30.6 8178.5 32.0 8179.7 36.7 8180.3 44.3 X1 8 6 3.0 17.5 17.5 16 17 GR 8183.7 0 8179.1 3.0 8179.1 3.5 8178.8 10 8179.8 17.5 GR 8183.3 22.0 Run Date: 23FEB95 Run Time: 11:57:50 HMVersion: 6.51 Data File: 950017jk.hc2 Page 2 X1 9 5 2.96 16.63 10 10 10 GR 8183.0 0 8178.74 2.96 8180.28 16.63 8183.73 21.55 8183.6 22.65 Run Date: 23FES95 Run Time: 11:57:50 HMVersion: 6.51 Data File: 950017jk.hc2 0.00 SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL GLOSS L-BANK ELEV G GLOB QCH GROG ALOE ACH AR08 VOL TWA R-SANK ELEV TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST *PROF 1 CCHV= 0.100 CEHV= 0.300 * SECNO 1.000 3265 DIVIDED FLOW 1.000 4.40 8176.30 0.00 8176.30 8176.49 0.19 0.00 0.00 8173.00 150.0 7.5 122.4 20.1 5.5 31.9 14.4 0.0 0.0 8173.10 0.00 1.36 3.84 1.39 0.060 0.040 0.060 0.000 8171.90 8.50 0.001825 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0.00 27.06 37.03 * SECNO 2.000 2.000 3.51 8176.31 0.00 0.00 8176.57 0.27 0.06 0.02 8173.60 150.0 26.4 111.4 12.2 12.9 23.8 7.5 0.0 0.0 8173.80 0.00 2.04 4.68 1.63 0.060 0.040 0.060 0.000 8172.80 19.43 0.003588 26. 24. 23. 2 0 0 0.00 22.04 41.47 * SECNO 3.000 3301 HV CHANGED MORE THAN HVINS 3685 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTED WSEL,CWSEL 3693 PROBABLE MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 3.000 2.27 8176.67 8176.67 0.00 8177.48 0.81 0.19 0.16 8175.00 150.0 10.4 132.2 7.4 3.8 17.3 2.8 0.0 0.0 8175.00 0.00 2.72 7.63 2.63 0.060 0.040 0.060 0.000 8174.40 13.44 0.016653 28. 29. 31. 20 14 0 0.00 16.41 29.85 * SECNO 4.000 3685 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTED WSEL,CWSEL 3693 PROBABLE MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 4.000 2.13 8178.18 8178.18 0.00 8178.76 0.58 0.31 0.02 8176.65 150.0 24.6 121.5 3.9 8.8 18.2 1.8 0.1 0.0 8176.90 0.00 2.79 6.67 2.14 0.060 0.040 0.060 0.000 8176.05 0.67 0.015305 14. 20. 27. 20 11 0 0.00 30.20 30.87 Page 3 Run Date: 23FEB95 Run Time: 11:57:50 HMVersion: 6.51 Data File: 950017jk.hc2 SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV C QLOB OCH QROB ALOB ACH AROB VOL TWA R-BANK ELEV TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST * SECNO 5.000 3265 DIVIDED FLOW 3280 CROSS SECTION 5.00 EXTENDED 0.34 FEET 3685 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTED WSEL,CWSEL 3693 PROBABLE MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 5.000 1.94 8178.64 8178.64 0.00 8179.13 0.49 0.22 0.01 8177.40 150.0 14.6 129.8 5.6 8.4 21.7 2.7 0.1 0.0 8177.40 0.00 1.74 5.98 2.06 0.060 0.040 0.060 0.000 8176.70 0.00 0.013667 14. 15. 17. 20 11 0 0.00 42.13 45.87 * SECNO 6.000 3685 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTED WSEL,CWSEL 3693 PROBABLE MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 6.000 1.64 8179.25 8179.25 0.00 8179.77 0.52 0.17 0.01 8177.80 150.0 25.0 109.1 15.9 9.0 16.6 5.5 0.1 0.1 8177.61 0.01 2.77 6.57 2.89 0.060 0.040 0.060 0.000 8177.61 10.59 0.018513 11. 11. 10. 20 11 0 0.00 33.31 43.90 * SECNO 7.000 7185 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 7.000 1.83 8179.83 8179.83 0.00 8180.35 0.52 0.42 0.00 8178.20 150.0 26.7 115.0 8.3 10.0 17.8 3.5 0.1 0.1 8178.50 0.01 2.67 6.45 2.35 0.060 0.040 0.060 0.000 8178.00 5.69 0.014986 25. 25. 25. 2 8 0 0.00 32.66 38.35 * SECNO 8.000 3685 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTED WSEL,CWSEL 3693 PROBABLE MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 8.000 1.82 8180.62 8180.62 0.00 8181.34 0.73 0.30 0.06 8179.10 150.0 1.5 147.8 0.7 0.7 21.4 0.4 0.1 0.1 8179.80 0.01 1.97 6.89 1.67 0.060 0.040 0.060 0.000 8178.80 2.01 0.020557 18. 17. 16. 20 5 0 0.00 16.54 18.55 Page 4 Run Date: 23FES95 Run Time: 11:57:50 HMVersion: 6.51 Data Fite: 9500171k.hc2 0.4 SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV Q GLOB OCH OROB ALOB ACH AROS VOL TWA R-BANK ELEV TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST * SECNO 9.000 3685 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTED WSEL,CWSEL 3693 PROBABLE MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 9.000 2.27 8181.01 8181.01 150.0 4.8 144.6 0.6 0.01 2.69 7.05 1.61 0.021115 10. 10. 10. 0.00 8181.76 0.75 0.21 0.01 8178.74 1.8 20.5 0.4 0.1 0.1 8180.28 0.060 0.040 0.060 0.000 8178.74 1.38 20 11 0 0.00 16.29 17.67 Page 5 PROFILE FOR STREAM 0= 150cfs, WSEL = 8176.3 PLOTTED POINTS (BY PRIORITY) E- ENERGY,W -WATER SURFACE,I- INVERT,C- CRITICAL W.S.,L -LEFT BANK,R-RIGHT BANK,M -LOWER END STA ELEVATION 8172. 8174. 8176. 8178. 8180. 8182. 8184. 8186. 8188. 8190. SECNO CUMDIS 1.00 0. I L WEM 2. 1 L WEM 4. Cl LR WEM 6. Cl LR WE M 8. Cl L WE M 10. CI L WE M 12. C I LR WE M 14. C I LR WE M 16. C 1 L WE M 18. C I I.R. WE M - 20. C I I.R. WE M . 22. C I I.R. WE M. 2.00 24. C I L. WE M. 26. C I LR W E M. 28. C I LR W E M. 30. C I LR W E M 32. C I LR W E M 34. C I .LR W E M 36. C I .LR W E M 38. C I. L W E M 40. C I. LR W E M 42. C 1. L W E .M 44. C I LR W E .M 46. C .1 L W E .M 48. C .I L W E .M 50. C I L W E .M 52. C I L W E .M 3.00 54. I L W E. M 56. 1 L W E. M 58. I L W E. M 60. 1 L W E M 62. I L. W E M 64. 1 L W .EM 66. 1 LR W. E 68. 1 . LR W. E 70. I. LR W ME 72. I LR WM E 4.00 74. .I LR WM E 76. .I LR W E - 78. 1 LR W E 80. 1 LR W E - 82. I L MW E 84. 1 LR MW E 86. 1 L MW E 5.00 88. I L M W E 90. 1 L MW E 92. 1 L MW E - 94. 1 RL. W E . 96. IRL. W E 98. IL. WM E. - 6.00 100. 1. W E. 102. IL W E 104. It. WM E 106. IL WM E Path: 8:\ File: 950017JK.OUT 48,005 .a.. 2 -23 -95 11:57:52 am Page 2 108. IL WME 110. IL WM.E 112. ILR WM.E 114. 1L W ME - 116. IL WME 118. ILR W.E 120. ILR W.ME 122. ILR W.ME 7.00 124. .ILR W E 126. .IL R W EM 128. .1 L R .W E M 130. IL R .W E M 132. 1 L R W E M. 134. IL R W E .M 136. I L R W E M 138. IL R W E M 140. I L R. W E M 8.00 142. I L R. W E M 144. 1 L R W E M 146. IL R W E M 148. IL .R W E M 150. IL .R W E. M 9.00 152. 1 . R W E. M Run Date: 23FES95 Run Time: 11:57:50 HMVersion: 6.51 Data Fite: 950017jk.hc2 J1 ICHECK INO NINV IDIR STRT METRIC HVINS 0 NSEL 3 8177.3 J2 NPROF IPLOT PRFVS XSECV XSECH FN ALLDC IBN CHNIM 2 FO ITRACE Page 6 Run Date: 23FEB95 Run Time: 11:57:50 HMVersion: 6.51 Data File: 950017jk.hc2 5.3 SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV 0 GLOB OCH OROB ALOE ACH AROB VOL TWA R-BANK ELEV TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST *PROF 2 CCHV= 0.100 CEHV= 0.300 0.15 0.20 8175.00 7.2 22.6 5.3 0.1 * SECNO 1.000 8175.00 0.060 0.040 0.060 0.000 8174.40 10.85 20 14 3280 CROSS SECTION 1.00 EXTENDED 20.25 0.70 FEET 1.000 5.40 8177.30 0.00 8177.30 8177.49 0.19 0.00 0.00 8173.00 230.0 27.4 162.9 39.7 24.1 39.9 25.1 0.0 0.0 8173.10 0.00 1.14 4.09 1.58 0.060 0.040 0.060 0.000 8171.90 0.00 0.001531 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0.00 41.10 41.10 * SECNO 2.000 2.000 4.49 8177.29 0.00 0.00 8177.56 0.27 0.05 0.02 8173.60 230.0 51.1 152.7 26.3 22.3 31.2 14.5 0.0 0.0 8173.80 0.00 2.29 4.90 1.81 0.060 0.040 0.060 0.000 8172.80 17.51 0.002731 26. 24. 23. 2 0 0 0.00 26.34 43.85 * SECNO 3.000 3301 HV CHANGED MORE THAN HVINS 3685 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTED WSEL,CWSEL 3693 PROBABLE MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 3.000 2.90 8177.30 8177.30 230.0 23.0 191.1 15.9 0.00 3.18 8.45 3.01 0.014299 28. 29. 31. * SECNO 4.000 3280 CROSS SECTION 4.00 EXTENDED 3685 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTED WSEL,CWSEL 3693 PROBABLE MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 4.000 2.54 8178.59 8178.59 230.0 51.4 170.5 8.2 0.00 3.20 7.60 2.55 0.015030 14. 20. 27. 0.00 8178.24 0.95 0.15 0.20 8175.00 7.2 22.6 5.3 0.1 0.0 8175.00 0.060 0.040 0.060 0.000 8174.40 10.85 20 14 0 0.00 20.25 31.09 0.39 FEET 0.00 8179.29 0.70 0.28 0.02 8176.65 16.1 22.4 3.2 0.1 0.0 8176.90 0.060 0.040 0.060 0.000 8176.05 0.00 20 15 0 0.00 31.79 31.79 Page 7 Run Date: 23FEB95 Run Time: 11:57:50 HMVersion: 6.51 Data File: 950017jk.hc2 SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CR1WS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L -BANK ELEV Q GLOB OCH GROB ALOE ACH AROB VOL TWA R-BANK ELEV TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST * SECNO 5.000 3280 CROSS SECTION 5.00 EXTENDED 0.70 FEET 3685 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTED WSEL,CWSEL 3693 PROBABLE MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 5.000 2.30 8179.00 8179.00 0.00 8179.56 0.56 0.21 0.01 8177.40 230.0 41.4 177.8 10.8 18.3 26.4 4.5 0.1 0.1 8177.40 0.00 2.26 6.73 2.40 0.060 0.040 0.060 0.000 8176.70 0.00 0.013295 14. 15. 17. 20 15 0 0.00 47.12 47.12 * SECNO 6.000 3280 CROSS SECTION 6.00 EXTENDED 0.35 FEET 3685 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTED WSEL,CWSEL 3693 PROBABLE MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 6.000 2.04 8179.65 8179.65 0.00 8180.20 0.56 0.16 0.00 8177.80 230.0 54.0 149.8 26.2 18.6 21.1 8.5 0.1 0.1 8177.61 0.00 2.91 7.11 3.09 0.060 0.040 0.060 0.000 8177.61 0.00 0.015806 11. 11. 10. 20 15 0 0.00 45.52 45.52 * SECNO 7.000 3685 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTED WSEL,CWSEL 3693 PROBABLE MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 7.000 2.22 8180.22 8180.22 0.00 8180.83 0.61 0.38 0.02 8178.20 230.0 52.3 159.1 18.6 16.9 21.9 7.0 0.1 0.1 8178.50 0.01 3.09 7.26 2.66 0.060 0.040 0.060 0.000 8178.00 1.80 0.014407 25. 25. 25. 20 8 0 0.00 41.48 43.29 * SECNO 8.000 3685 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTED WSEL,CWSEL 3693 PROBABLE MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 8.000 2.30 8181.10 8181.10 0.00 8182.05 0.95 0.28 0.10 8179.10 230.0 2.9 224.7 2.3 1.3 28.5 1.1 0.2 0.1 8179.80 0.01 2.25 7.89 2.16 0.060 0.040 0.060 0.000 8178.80 1.70 0.018451 18. 17. 16. 20 8 0 0.00 17.48 19.17 Page 8 Run Date: 23FEB95 Run Time: 11:57:50 HMVersion: 6.51 Data File: 950017jk.hc2 SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV 0 GLOB OCH GROB ALOB ACH AROB VOL TWA R-BANK ELEV TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST * SECNO 9.000 3685 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTED WSEL,CWSEL 3693 PROBABLE MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 9.000 2.77 8181.51 8181.51 0.00 8182.48 0.97 0.19 0.01 8178.74 230.0 7.7 220.0 2.3 2.7 27.3 1.1 0.2 0.1 8180.28 0.01 2.90 8.05 2.15 0.060 0.040 0.060 0.000 8178.74 1.04 0.018822 10. 10. 10. 20 11 0 0.00 17.35 18.38 Page 9 PROFILE FOR STREAM Q= 150cfs, WSEL = 8176.3 PLOTTED POINTS (BY PRIORITY) E-ENERGY,W-WATER SURFACE,I-INVERT,C- CRITICAL W.S.,L-LEFT BANK,R-RIGHT BANK,M -LOWER END STA ELEVATION 8172. 8174. 8176. 8178. 8180. 8182. 8184. 8186. 8188. 8190. SECNO CUMDIS 1.00 0. I L M WE . 2. I L M WE . 4. Cl LR M WE . 6. Cl LR M WE . 8. Cl L M WE . 10. C I L MWE . 12. C I LR MWE . 14. C I LR WE 16. C 1 L WE 18. C I LR. WE . 20. C I LR. WE . 22. C I I.R. WEM. 2.00 24. C I L. WEM. 26. C I LR W E. 28. C I LR W E. 30. C I LR W EM 32. C I LR W EM 34. C I LR W EM 36. C I .LR W E 38. C I. L W E 40. C I. LR W E 42. C 1. L W EM 44. C I LR W .E 46. C .I L W .E 48. C .1 L W E 50. C I L W .E 52. C I L W .ME 3.00 54. I L W E 56. I L W E 58. I L W ME 60. I L W. ME 62. I L. WME 64. 1 L W M E 66. 1 LR WM E 68. I . LR W E 70. I. LR W E 72. I LR MW E 4.00 74. .I LR MW E 76. .I LR M W E 78. 1 LR M W E 80. I LR M W E 82. I L M W E 84. I LR M W E 86. I L M W E 5.00 88. 1 LM WE 90. I L M W E. 92. I L M W E. 94. I RL. M W E 96. IRL. M W .E 98. IL. MW .E 6.00 100. I. M W. E 102. IL M W. E 104. 1L MW. E 106. IL MW. E Path: B:\ File: 950017JK.OUT 48,005 .a.. 2 -23 -95 11:57:52 am Page 3 108. IL MW E 110. IL MW E 112. ILR MW E 114. IL W E 116. IL MW E 118. ILR .W E 120. ILR .W E 122. ILR .W E 7.00 124. .ILR W E 126. .IL R W ME 128. .I L R W E 130. IL R W E 132. I L R W EM. 134. IL R W E .M 136. I L R W E. M 138. IL R W E M 140. I L R. W E M 8.00 142. I L R. W .E M 144. I L R W .E M 146. IL R W E M 148. IL .R W E M 150. IL .R W E M 9.00 152. I . R W E M Run Date: 23FEB95 Run Time: 11:57:50 HMVersion: 6.51 Data File: 950017jk.hc2 Page 10 HEC-2 WATER SURFACE PROFILES Version 4.6.2; May 1991 THIS RUN EXECUTED 23FEB95 11:57:52 NOTE- ASTERISK ( *) AT LEFT OF CROSS-SECTION NUMBER INDICATES MESSAGE IN SUMMARY OF ERRORS LIST Q= 150cfs, WSEL = 8176.3 SUMMARY PRINTOUT TABLE 150 SECNO XLCH ELTRD ELLC ELMIN Q CWSEL CRIWS EG 10 *KS VCH AREA .01K 1.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 8171.90 150.00 8176.30 0.00 8176.49 18.25 3.84 51.79 35.11 1.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 8171.90 230.00 8177.30 0.00 8177.49 15.31 4.09 88.99 58.78 2.000 24.00 0.00 0.00 8172.80 150.00 8176.31 0.00 8176.57 35.88 4.68 44.18 25.04 2.000 24.00 0.00 0.00 8172.80 230.00 8177.29 0.00 8177.56 27.31 4.90 68.04 44.01 * 3.000 29.00 0.00 0.00 8174.40 150.00 8176.67 8176.67 8177.48 166.53 7.63 23.94 11.62 * 3.000 29.00 0.00 0.00 8174.40 230.00 8177.30 8177.30 8178.24 142.99 8.45 35.13 19.23 * 4.000 20.00 0.00 0.00 8176.05 150.00 8178.18 8178.18 8178.76 153.05 6.67 28.85 12.12 * 4.000 20.00 0.00 0.00 8176.05 230.00 8178.59 8178.59 8179.29 150.30 7.60 41.69 18.76 * 5.000 15.00 0.00 0.00 8176.70 150.00 8178.64 8178.64 8179.13 136.67 5.98 32.83 12.83 * 5.000 15.00 0.00 0.00 8176.70 230.00 8179.00 8179.00 8179.56 132.95 6.73 49.25 19.95 * 6.000 11.00 0.00 0.00 8177.61 150.00 8179.25 8179.25 8179.77 185.13 6.57 31.11 11.02 * 6.000 11.00 0.00 0.00 8177.61 230.00 8179.65 8179.65 8180.20 158.06 7.11 48.09 18.29 * 7.000 25.00 0.00 0.00 8178.00 150.00 8179.83 8179.83 8180.35 149.86 6.45 31.36 12.25 * 7.000 25.00 0.00 0.00 8178.00 230.00 8180.22 8180.22 8180.83 144.07 7.26 45.79 19.16 * 8.000 17.00 0.00 0.00 8178.80 150.00 8180.62 8180.62 8181.34 205.57 6.89 22.62 10.46 * 8.000 17.00 0.00 0.00 8178.80 230.00 8181.10 8181.10 8182.05 184.51 7.89 30.88 16.93 * 9.000 10.00 0.00 0.00 8178.74 150.00 8181.01 8181.01 8181.76 211.15 7.05 22.69 10.32 * 9.000 10.00 0.00 0.00 8178.74 230.00 8181.51 8181.51 8182.48 188.22 8.05 31.05 16.76 Run Date: 23FEB95 Run Time: 11:57 :50 HMVersion: 6.51 Data File: 950017jk.hc2 Q= 150cfs, WSEL = 8176.3 SUMMARY PRINTOUT TABLE 150 SECNO G CWSEL DIFWSP DIFWSX DIFKSS TOPWID XLCH 1.000 150.00 8176.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.06 0.00 1.000 230.00 8177.30 1.00 0.00 0.00 41.10 0.00 2.000 150.00 8176.31 0.00 0.01 0.00 22.04 24.00 2.000 230.00 8177.29 0.99 -0.01 0.00 26.34 24.00 * 3.000 150.00 8176.67 0.00 0.37 0.00 16.41 29.00 * 3.000 230.00 8177.30 0.62 0.00 0.00 20.25 29.00 * 4.000 150.00 8178.18 0.00 1.50 0.00 30.20 20.00 * 4.000 230.00 8178.59 0.41 1.29 0.00 31.79 20.00 * 5.000 150.00 8178.64 0.00 0.47 0.00 42.13 15.00 * 5.000 230.00 8179.00 0.36 0.41 0.00 47.12 15.00 * 6.000 150.00 8179.25 0.00 0.60 0.00 33.31 11.00 * 6.000 230.00 8179.65 0.40 0.65 0.00 45.52 11.00 * 7.000 150.00 8179.83 0.00 0.58 0.00 32.66 25.00 * 7.000 230.00 8180.22 0.39 0.57 0.00 41.48 25.00 * 8.000 150.00 8180.62 0.00 0.78 0.00 16.54 17.00 * 8.000 230.00 8181.10 0.49 0.88 0.00 17.48 17.00 * 9.000 150.00 8181.01 0.00 0.40 0.00 16.29 10.00 * 9.000 230.00 8181.51 0.50 0.41 0.00 17.35 10.00 Page 11 ro E� M 11 SERRANO' S CANTINA BUILDING RECONSTRUCTION VAIL VILLAGE, COLORADO 2/20/35 0� O F? 0 0 il Jl i . n i C ti 0 ci o D T r- A E 3 �r p� � ��p -tm i -F j M I, DD TA ID 1 � z Ll b M Ma �ca�D 0 �cm ca � �m r cr O cj rtl M p 6 fill F% / I a mr= O'ta m d�� pp pa Pa r cAni�� Q m0 4Z NTA0 �z >AM i A p 3 ft cr A J ?� O rio / DAL a ' 0 OX1"DG�m -1 t u n tT C (p � rm z rn� a ��� z H � $ \�� r M� Em E w a < ��� � t m p / �a 0A x� m H m r z m��Clrr�� tiCmA`M r0 � mpi m O ® tA zi x WE o A ' r- a a$ UNA rn n r p rI 1 LSZ' �O L rAr m °a m cZ m o mZ) w r 1> 2p rn r m N �1 0 aeiea /9s SERRANO' S CANTINA BUILDING RECONSTRUCTION VAIL VILLAGE, COLORADO w 0 a J Q N tl1 r- im f e d l ►�i y m e E ci N e ° 0 gyp, p)- z ..� rn m � r mg o O ar5�� X 70 an y, c�+ r w� u A B�r -4� - z2� r� � m �rnC�mADd N i O�-j I Z% rr' D zii O � �m �p '70�z - g' m m� 3 d p�m��cn r , C10�0 nr7 �w�ifi -4 cn M �rnA_O p -4 6 O 7p m 4 z *1 1 m 7 I � o d D 6 C7 D D D6 O 1 v SERRANO' S CANTINA BUILDING RECONSTRUCTION WL VILLAGE, COLORADO 02/20/97 303/949 -5200 FAX/949 -5205 — - -- VICTOR MARK DONALDSON ARCHITECTS, P.C. ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING •INTERIORS Box 5300 • Avon, Colorado 81620 &�p¢ennber 23, 1994 AT SEP 2 6 1994 TOV • COMM. DEV. DEPT. NAIL Vllllall<,AGE APPLICATION LIICATIION for EXTE RIIOR ALTERATIONS fors SEBHBNU "5 VAIL VILLAGE TOP OF BRIDGE STREET IN THE HISTORICAL CYRANO'S LOCATION cantina j' GLENN M. HE LAN P.O. BOX 5770 1 AVON, CO. 81620 i! 1 I 303/949 -5200 FAX/949 -5205 - - -- VICTO MARK D ARCHITE P.C. ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS Box 5300 • Avon Colorado 81620 September 26. 199 ^ - MR. M IKE MOLLICA. ACTING DIRECTOR COMMUNI DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail Colorado µ 81657 HAND DELIVERED P n the SERRANO'S Cantina Bui lding R e: Reconstru ^f � �, Lot C.. Block 2. Vail Village.. 1st °lling Vail Colorado Dear Mike: Please find attached our APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR ALTER- ATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I VAIL VILLAGE for the above noted proiect. ;4 fi is the APPLICANT'S REPR ESENTATIVE for Glenn M. n Heelan who is acting o behalf of the BUILDING OWNER. M-- rzretta B. Parks. My clien+ staff and I wish to express our sincere appreciation for your assistance in our analysis of the design. and planning issues it the p +ion of this Application and the acco- Darying work product. to meet the goals and obJectives of It is cur intention ""� r the Exterior Alterations process throughout the course of ou� ublic hearings, with your continued work sessions a nd n' assistance. We will provide any additional information that you and your sta my request UPO review and will Continue a to evolve our design to the best of our abilities with the various input we receive along the way. 1 Please a", f o r contact my additional v staff will Submitted. office for any clarifications or information as you may so desire. be pleased to assist you in these k Donaldson. AIA President VICTOR MARK DONALDSON ARCHITECTS. P.C. ----------------------------------- I N D E X T O D O C U M E N T S --------------------------------- - - - - -- INDEX TO ATTACHED RELATED DOCUMENTS (Four copies each provided) ------------------------------------------ i. Application for Exterior Alterations or Modifications in Commercial Core I Vail Village (includes $500.00 fee`. 2. Addressed. stamped envelopes to owners of all property V/ p adjacent to subject property including property behind and across streets. 3. Index of Drawings: Al Existing Conditions Site Plan A2 Site Plan A3 Basement Floor Plan A4 First Level Floor Plan A5 Second Level Floor Plan. A6 Third Level Floor Plan A7 Fourth Level Floor Plan A8 Roof Plan. A9 North Elevation A10 East Elevation All South Elevation Al2 Building Sections A13 Urban Design Compliance A14 Urban. Design. Compliance 1 of 1 Architectural Survey 1 of 1 Floodplain INDEX TO DOCUMENTS INCLUDED HEREIN: (Four copies each provided) ---------------------------------------- T APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I VAIL VILLAGE II. PRE - APPLICATION CONFERENCE III. COMPLETENESS OF APPLICATION A. Improvement Survey B. Adjacent Property Owners C. Site Plan Information (1 -8) --------- - - - - -- T - N D E X T O D O C U M E N T S continued . . . ------------------------- - - - - -- IV. PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE BEFORE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION A. Conformance with the purposes of the CCI Zone District B. Compliance with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan (1 -8) C. Compliance with the Vail Village Master Plan. Streetscape Master Plan and other Vail ComP- rehensive Plan Documents D. Compatibility with the character of the neighborhood V. COMPLIANCE WITH TOWN OF VAIL ZONING CODE FOR CCI VI. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DETERMINATION OF NEED FOR ADDITIONAL MATERIALS VII. SUBMITTAL DATE OF SEPTEMBER 26. 1994 VIII. TOWN OF VAIL REVIEW OF COMPLIANCE WITH VAIL'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN IX. ADDITIONAL REVIEW AGENCIES AND FEES A. Referral Agencies and Fees B. Publishing Fees C. Town. of Vail Consultants and Fees --------- - - - - -- ------------------------------------ End of Index to Documents 1 1 rvvisvd 112 6194 Date of Application - Septem 26, 1994 Date of PEC Meeting October 19 , 1994 APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I VAIL VILLAGE I. Planning and Environmental Commission review is required for the alteration of an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor patio or the replacement of an existing building located in the CCI District. FOLLOWING PEC APPROVAL, THE PROJECT MUST BE REVIEWED BY THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD (DRB). The application will not be accepted until all information and fees are submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT Glenn M. Heelan ADDRESS von, PHONE 303 q49 -025? VICTOR MARK DONALDSON B. NAME OFAPPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ARCHITECTS, P.C. ADDRESS P. 0. Box 5300, Avon, CO 81620 PHONE C. NAME OF BUIL NER(S) (Pr1 7Tp ) r gretta tB a rks III. PLEASE NOT THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE "PEC MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. survey Improvement of property showing property lines and location of building P Y and any improvements on the land. 1 i SIGNATURE(Sebi — . ' �- ADDRESS P O Box 365, il, CO 5 V PHONE 303 328- 664 _ (Condominium Association approval will also be required, if applicable.) D. L?YATIQN OF LEGA LIO R IP ADDRESS: E. FEE $200.00 (LESS THAN 100 SQ. FT.) XXX $500.00 (MORE THAN 100 SQ. FT.) PAID $ CK # BY THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. II. PRE - APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A pre - application conference with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. III. PLEASE NOT THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE "PEC MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. survey Improvement of property showing property lines and location of building P Y and any improvements on the land. 1 i B. ADDRESSED, STAMPED ENVELOPES AND A LIST OF THE NAMES OF OWNERS OF ALL PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE SUBJECT PROPERTY INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. C. Submit four (4) copies of a site plan containing the following information: 1. The site plan shall be drawn on a sheet size of 24" x 36" at a scale of 1" = 20' showing existing and proposed improvements to the site. A variation of the sheet or scale may be approved by the Community Development Department if justified. 2. The date, north arrow, scale and name of the proposed development with it's legal description shall be shown on the site plan. 3. The existing topographic character of the site including existing and proposed contours. 4. The location and size of all existing and proposed buildings, structures and improvements. 5. The existing and proposed landscaping, patios, additions or deletions. 6. A title report to verify ownership and easements. 7. Preliminary building elevations, sections, and floor plans, at a scale not smaller than one - eighth equals one foot, in sufficient detail to determine floor area, gross residential floor area, interior circulation, location of uses within buildings, and the general scale and appearance of the proposed development. 8. A scaled model may also be required if deemed necessary. _ IV. THE APPLICANT SHALL SUBMIT IN WRITTEN AND GRAPHIC FORM A PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE BEFORE THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION INDICATING THAT: A. THE PROPOSAL IS IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PURPOSES OF THE CCI DISTRICT AS SPECIFIED IN 18.24.010. B. THE PROPOSAL SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLIES WITH THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN AND CONSIDERATIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Pedestrianization 2. Vehicle Penetration 3. Streetscape Framework 4. Street Enclosure 5. Street Edge 6. Building Edge 7. Views 8. Sun Shade Analysis Many of these items may be addressed by graphic means, such as sketches, models (including neighboring buildings), photos, etc. or written statements. If the applicant is proposing a major change to the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan, the procedure for changes are noted in Section 18.24.220(B). C. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF HOW THE PROPOSAL COMPLIES WITH THE VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN, STREETSCAPE MASTER PLAN AND OTHER RELEVANT DOCUMENTS OF THE VAIL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. D. THE PROPOSAL IS COMPATIBLE WITH THE CHARACTER OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD. 2 V. THE TOWN OF VAIL ZONING CODE FOR CCI ALSO DESCRIBES OTHER ZONING ISSUES THAT THE APPLICANT MUST RESPOND TO IN WRITTEN OR GRAPHIC - FORM. VI. THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR MAY DETERMINE THAT ADDITIONAL MATERIAL �I IS NECESSARY FOR THE REVIEW OF THE APPLICATION. VII. APPLICATIONS FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN CCI INVOLVING MORE THAN 100 SQUARE FEET OF FLOOR AREA ARE ONLY REVIEWED SEMI - ANNUALLY. THEY NEED TO BE SUBMITTED ON OR BEFORE THE FOURTH MONDAY OF FEBRUARY OR SEPTEMBER. THE PEC HOLDS A PRELIMINARY REVIEW SESSION WITHIN 21 DAYS OF THE SUBMITTAL DATE. A PUBLIC HEARING SHALL BE HELD WITHIN 60 DAYS OF THE PRELIMINARY REVIEW SESSION. APPLICATIONS FOR THE ALTERATION OF AN EXISTING BUILDING THAT ADDS OR REMOVES ANY ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF NOT MORE THAN 100 SQUARE FEET MAY BE SUBMITTED AT THE REQUIRED TIME OF THE MONTH FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) REVIEW. FOR MORE SPECIFICS ON THE REVIEW SCHEDULE, SEE SECTION 18.24.065. Note: In 1994, the submittal dates shall be the fourth Monday, May, September and 1 November. VIII. YOUR PROPOSAL WILL BE REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE WITH VAIL'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. IX. A. If this application requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. B. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re- published, then, the entire fee for such republication shall be paid by the applicant. C. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other than town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is need to review any application, Community Development may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. f] I N PRE-APPLICATION - CONFERENCE( Sl-------- --------------- --- ------------------------------------------------------- - - - -- During the preparation of our application. meetings were held with the Developer Team (applicant. architect) and members of the Town of Vail Staff (planners. environmental & / building staff. attorney). These meetings were very informative and healthy discussions of the following issues were had: A. Sharing of the common property line with the Golden Peak House. B. Influences on proposed East Village Portal and urban issues. C. Tract E issues (contains existing "trash chalet ") as they relate to this development D Flood Plain issues pertaining to Mill Creek. E. Stream Setback issues pertaining to Mill Creek. F. Site Coverage calculations and policies. G. Cooperative efforts by applicant in regard to off - site improvements desired by the Town of Vail. H. Architectural character and conformity I. Encroachments onto Town of Vail public ways. J. Trash Management System K. Request for Variances regarding Site Coverage and Stream Setback. L. Application procedures and submittal requirements. (COMILEETEI- OF AD °L TCATrCr, A. "Improvement survey of property showing property lines. and location of building d." and any improvements on the land.'' REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY - IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY JOHNSON. KUNKEL & ASSOCIATES, INC. DATED 21 SEPTEMBER 1994 (Attached Related Documents B. "Addressed. stamped envelopes and a list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property n ac stn T he applicant including property behind a nd ac o street will be responsible for correct mailing addresses." REFER TO LIST OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS (next sheet AND THE ADDRESSED. STAMPED ENVELOPES (Attached Related Documents). C. "Submit four (41 copies of a site plan containing the following information." 1 " Th e site plan shall be drawn on a sheet size of 24" x 36" at a scale of 1" - 20' showing existing and proposed i m pr ovements to the site. A variation of the sheet or scale may be approved by the Community Development Department If j ustified . '' REFER TO SHEET A, EXISTING CONDITIONS SITE PLAN & SHEET A2 SITE PLAN (Attached Related Documents) V 2 "The date. *forth arrow. scale and name of the proposed development with it's legal description shall be shown on the site plan. �. REFER TO SHEET Al EXISTING CONDITIONS SITE PLAN & SHEET A2 SITE PLAN (Attached Related Documents) 3. "The existing topographic character of the site »c l i» existin » contours i....�ud�..g a..d p ropo s ed REFER TO SHEET 1 OF 1 ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY AND SHEET A2 SITE PLAN (Attached Related Documents). 4. "The location and size of all existing and proposed y d improvements.'' uildings. structures an i v REFER TO SHEET 1 OF 1 ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY. SHEET Al i Ti T CO NDITIONS ITE PT T TD SHEET 2 S ITE PLAN (Attach EX S NG S A:� A:� A S AR Related Documents!. is ----- - - - - -- ----------------- - - - -- PPLICATION von +i „Lei ---- ESS -- - ---------------------------------------- - - - - -- 5 "The existing and propose d landscaping. patios. no r deletio additio or o..� . 'r REFER TO SHEET 1 OF i ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY. SHEET Al ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY AND SHEET A2 SITE PLAN. 6 rrA title rep to verify ownership and easemen REFER TO TITLE REPORT ( "Comm to Insure " PREPARED BY LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY (next six pages). 7. "Preliminary building elevations, sections and floor . p l an s at a scale not smaller than one- eig inch equals one o de, ar gross foot. in sufficient detail t determine floor area. residential floes area, interior circulation location of uses within buildings, and the general scale and appearance of the proposed development. REFER TO SHEETS A3 THROUGH Al2 (Attached Related Documents). g "A scaled model may also be required if deemed necessary.'' UTILIZED R THE GOLDEN THE EXISTING MODEL L FOR EN PEAK HOUSE O D APPROVALS IS BEING EXTENDED AND MODIFIED TO INCLUDE THIS DESIGN PROPOSAL. THE MODEL INCLUDES GOLDEN PEAK HOUSE, HILL BUILDING. PLAZA BUILDING. RUCKSACK BUILDING AND THE RED LION? BUI LDING . --------------------------------- LIST OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS ------------------------------- - - - - -- TRACT B PARCEL # 2101 - 082 -45- 001 -024 2101 - 082 -45- 027 -032 GOLDEN PEAK HOUSE CONDOS 278 HANSON RANCH RD. VAIL, CO 81657 TRACT E PARCEL # 2101- 082 -42 -006 THE VAIL CORPORATION P.O. BOX 7 VAIL, CO 81658 TRACT G PARCEL # 2101- 082 -39 -004 TOWN OF VAIL C/O FINANCE DEPT. 75 S. FRONTAGE RD. VAIL, CO 81657 TRACT H PARCEL # 2101 - 082 -53- 007 -016 VENCURA, LTD. F /K /A RETA SERV. CORP. 600 5TH AVE. 8th FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10020 TRACT I PARCEL # 2101 - 082 -40- 001 -023 MILL CREEK COURT CONDOS P.O. BOX 667 VAIL, CO 81658 TRACT L PARCEL # 2101 - 082 -23 -007 BLANCHE C. HILL 311 BRIDGE ST. VAIL, CO 81657 r.nT D. BLOCK 2 VAIL Vrr r (3E 1ST FI INC Jon A. Shirley and Mary Shirley VAIL TpUST P. 0. Box 685 Med na. 'N'A 98039 CHRISTIANA LTD. 356 Hanson Ranch Road Vail. CO 81657 CHAMBER CORPORATION Bosaues De Chiahuahua #Ii'_ Mexico DF 11700 w. P. GRIFFIN. TRUSTEE 1390 Main Street. Plz 1 Sarasota. FL 34236 SEP -20 - 94 TUE 16:10 HOLLEY ALBERTSON POLK PC OM FAX NO. 303 233 2860 X74 56 97 `f ts> ,";. AIiACnstmant- •1970Hav:• 1 n, 1 L� 1 1 1 P. 03 r. u - as l d en tlfW in So MINNESfffA a tl r,nesata rbcPotairon. herein called the f,pmpanY• for 4 TTttftfflAriCE CpNtPANY OF r tAc propo nmits to issue its pd*O or po(4 of title ansur of the estate or tef es uto veluabla corns M tostx ed n in Schedule Aess owner a mwt9 86 A in f&/0I Qi the P f or refetcad to In Schedule A � Pa nt of the prCmi[un5 and 0*9'CS * iC cmrcd hereby in the larLd Cortdrtlot>S end 5tipu18tiotts t,ecftof. tharefa. all }act tD tho lxftuotis of St jet A Wd B and to the t of the �C �n the ldent'ty Of the prGN� Insured and Uw it Ht the time a[ ,!M( This Commitment OWI be 0=6ve omty teil in Sthe&le A hereof try tta CompanY• pot'rcy or potxlas com vn lnsar mitted fm hw- semant. �K the tsw a of this Commitment or W subs OOM endar tssuarroe of such pNlq a polities of tide ��°� a all liability and mu Commitment is preliminary to the vided flat the WIL9e to L sus vCh policy or horaurt4gr chali taus and tErtttirtate six montlU after the atfetth'e date hereof or when tho policy nbtlpatrnns eye frr4t occurs. pro of pa�rm c ommitted for Stull issue. pdiaes to not the fault a dig CampanY• CpNMTVWS AND STiPUTATIONS previOOLN rid pt tns1, trust dvcd. or other serucy inw llwt t Se �'�pe�, wtrurt used tteretn Shall ►rxtudo ds detect lien, encumbrertca. Hdvarse claim 2. {t the prppomd Irccurad has or ku lres actual ►Wwledge of titrY thia _ eo mrm rn Schedule 9 beret{. and shaA fail to wnt other than thole sic a soli n9 trom any net at r IM8 heroam the asta[e or interest of mort8a96 thetao ro" eb}eved fro" `iabiGtr for any lost: or damag t ry shaU dtwv,5e soh a* Or Dtttef nta[tes atloctin9 t0 the (',prr writing tt Co (hp ay t lt the IxvP�� a at {u air lOCa such IIAOMOdge 'allure of the 'O s d hvx * to $D dlsclosa uch tmW+t brand. � ciplm or other M811(11, M811(11, r• tht GomP m t to to the extent the Cornlny 1 s ENOiUdlced try dated lien, enaun Ilabi b lrnm tity 1ncdtred pursue M the Company, r it the ant' otberwtse a�ulres actual btrM84 of ant stsdr Il nat reile>te the ComPMY 0%lon MM amend Schedute B of thls COM(trltmant � &Qly, but welt aMn�t Insured and such tmrrtt Shea be ontY u ri,e named proposed pamwa,Dh 3 of these Ctxt� pons and 3tiputA'tons• tiablitY of the ct n ierthta C y to ertual ims intoned in reGanaG h w6artal'3n9 Gc�DS mttrmttted for $� B, a lc) to eaiuice or create the aPtste w ;ntafesl of panies irrclr400 Under the derrm +lion of insured N the form of po a< fm r � sit ytatad in Scltadu mmitted rr and iremenjs hOteof or (bl to siiminaW pxrxptrons X10 ' la A for the DDIM or po lic;es co Ikras committed ppod tefth (a} to corn>�Y rrrth tits re4U t fi no event at I Suitt lisb4ity of the lout` of i>� Y P ar can "O(Od by this cmilkitmen Condldotu and gbpu,b ns and the e ¢tusmru horn Covor BS7 rtiodiU2d Wgkn- o ' o � to the insuring Pfoyslofts are file pf this to- rrutrr 8%Cept as azp h ' a the Such fa i s are hereby v lWated by r�f and made a t ma have or may brir b. 9 ed insured wtix� a cwerad by thrs C.pmmitmant tnuat bas¢d p ° and for In fawn a! the pn� ag q g action ar actions w [rgh[b of acton the[ Bra propose4 fns Company at iM out ttf the status of the title to the estats or tttternst of the xtptus of the rntutaaa WE suW to the provisions of th Comrnlune STANDARD EXCEPTIONS luciws tram Coverala above in addition to [ho manors contained in the fandidons and Stipulations and Ex� are not a otans is ais0 subjt+ to Ore follawlnf� esslon not shwa+y ft � retetred to. t raco�d his t ommittnsru 1. ft: � o paRfes in eau any ftfcts �trkh a 2 f2sgments. w claims of easBtnantS. rot in il�& eoeroothMerim 3. D.,screpan�as• ewfiim In bGundsry the Wt records 1 or heteatter furnished. Mawd by On Of the premises vvouid d4clnse and lvftidt services, labor rx ,t,aterTal thereto or>s Wrroct surrey and lrupect, i Any lien Or tight to a {ism first appesfag in ft tt records rse claims Or other 'Ott of record I raltx the estate a interest or law sod not gloom M the W Detects. Hotta. encutrrbra: ad e "P osed ins Bcq z caused its corporate name and 3=1 to ba puNk records a attarhinq subsequent to the ¢lEACtire date t,eronf but prier to the date p q has , sfgratory• rr tt r�tt covered by this Commitment- W 5y�}UE()F. Tick tM�rlf " corip! of M � a vdlidat7na atficar or other woXx its avthtrind off on the date 6f+o+'+t in Schedvia A be varrd wt>er+cpuntffs+g by t TITLE 1NStfRN1Cf CdNPAK'c hafewto affrxrd by r pip RE.f�tlBtiL NATgAA A Srocf CwPp1' uwuror° 1l,eeuaa� &4(0� 44V Setoa Arne+ py �Bt91 »r.rrrl Pr�ndraf Ar�ortr� SJp "�7 SEP -20 - 94 TUE 16 :11 HOLLEY ALBERTSON POLK PC FAX NO. 3303 33 860 FR OM MARK E_ WELCH Aj,,tl► 001SKITNSNT dCN=uLit r` Ot�r 0rds7c No. V911O Iintorlation only P. 04 r . - charged " ALTA owner policy $15!5.0 Tntd a�,ndsz .. WoTAL ,� _ L'F.ASS Im To OUR 00m N0 • TV �B�.e�sbsr Z3 � i993 st a :0� J►.�i• I . Ufforstive Date: 16dd insured= 2. policy to be j&*Usd# and prapo 11 " a , mo r►a policy pxaposed 11%1 =edt pgri'TA 15. RAR3Cg 3 The eetrt%� or i ntertst a th p land �pazibed ar Fe�arred to in a�v+ar� herein ie this Cvrpitwmt and A Feo sitpla sd Wain is at the Tlt;ls t O th !state arvest'ad Intere e7� eftcrlt ive data hereof ���Rxrl► �. P�S S . The loxld ref erx sd to in his Comm�tmant �a deseri2�ed ae follawst N4� ACCGRDYNO' TO TNT Wp C � 8L0� 2 r V1►7T,=VIM�Y of � ST?iT% OF COLgRpDO, vsr+ pAwt i - P. 05 SEP -20 -94 TUE 1612 VOLLEY ALBERTSON POLK PC FAX NO, 303 233392860 P _ _ FROM MARK E. WELCH ALT C0XKITXEjj T SCHEAULB 8 -1 (R krsmen' -B to be compiled yith: sx� the r antorR or Aartga-gors 0:E The following o� the V twat to bQ accolalt 1. Palrm�rr►t to ° a i oration i the aX the full con id t to be insured- tsto or intaVOO -witi Qv aatinj thA � filed for r000rd to 2. proP@ A- "tru'D0II' eouto3 amd insurod mur�t b4 MM No gpLICY 11114'j BE I�St�D Tazs CC)IMITMrXT Y� FOR I QR?tKTION ONLY, PURS11"T HERB' Gds OFFICE � It d nm COUNTY CLERX 1690 g XDDRzs n ON UflOUMVT8 8 F0� RICO p,&GZ 2 SEP- 20 - 94 TUE 16:12 HOLLEY ALBERTSON POLK PC FAX NO. 30323 2860 P.06 - FROM ryARK E- 14ELC , �- A C H $NT aCg$nUX+F+ a "2 (�caspt�an Our at'der No. Y�1106 - 3 ,Ptiono to tho contain 00 suede il af to d satiefAction of The 01 ��Y ar poi the to ba fckx aygin U leases the o �hast- ,r Cam cover tl d �nepti.ott9► s thxc�u�h 5 pr �, n tad ou the 1. Standgir ar payable and OPraial enta not ytiat dus Traas=* r a off ice . 6, Tax�A� end 450*§smgt certified to the �t` ag assasamants not Y ajnat Sa id, Und- 7- Any unpaid tax s or xAftns !pr unpa id watax and OeWeX ahar4*5, & g gAGT I►KD RBKG� THE Y?- 'M'Ug3 OPX A Vrz2i OR w TO �'O $ 1N SOog 48 AT g . �GHT aF p 13B PaT�iD � �x��,� 18991 gEtOM BAOiD BTATg$ PATS 1 I I 12. E XISTxNG �,L*ASES AN U TENT CzEB. Ipkts is auo� o �tIUSIZVED og Tan STS ! n13ERVATZ4N$ AjAN R G$ 58 IF �T SILTNG - 1� . EA$� PLAT OF 'VA1L VII�W' RSEROZD IN UNITISb PAGE SY TOM "'PRO" 01? 475. 999, S Gg camx o0xsTari�� REc pRDEn July 13, pTTC- 1N UjaTr.Q I;T), rs pNITYM PAT T 14 • RIGHT OgTATSSg� REBER� rN SWR 48 AT P7►f3$ N CON'TIa DT A C ,�Rg�IGtO , CR YVZ covEx a� aN atop RU xuqu�� lo, is62. TN Rgs'tRIC ANY. ` gECA RUT OMZT`� 0 gggTR G CONTAXNEA XN QTR NATY0IN7.L ORIGIN A8 5001. 174 ITT PAGE 179. I I PAGE 3 SEP -20 - 94 TUE 16:13 HOLLEY ALBERTSON POLK PC FAX NO. 303 233 2860 P.07 FROM MARK E_ WELCH 5037456972 " G R 1,Nx�a COMpI►KY DTSCLOSU" STATINCI" .eVi by 64z"to Dill 91"3-4 The pub j eat. real PrOPa may k* la"ted in a epeai.al t„xSt�V diatri ct-, , listing sncri tmXin�! t 3�isdi-atioA ' } i► Corti.! icR ��� � � 'rr� carat or he County T�CAO.�rer 0 authoriQSd a�eDt• tha bo� °ri6a nrdiM app 'al r tb. ap�d of GautstY �} Ths i � o3m ation re,g , obts a R44 o rder r or the CQUnty of such distriOt G l g nr► Ca3miosionarx r th Asoapaor. R * Vired by 8„nat• Dill 92-1 ch taxiing iuriadiction s 0110 1 1 ti" an yr or the GO UntY Cort.ifi o Taxe the Co=ty 'i"ra ahskl be dbtai.ned i$ed ngeDt Treaouzsx' auth ' SEP -20 - 94 TUE 16:13 HOLLEY ALBERTSON POLK PC F ROM MARK E. WELCH �* * OLI E PU B L R C Mari �2111* * * FAX NO, 303 233 2860 . P. 08 Z O:574 Commitment To Insure laatw Iytr tflt Offioa of OGEE COMPANY 108 S. Flteip Road W. Sutte 2a p.p. Box 357 Vat, (7O 81 2651 !FAX (303) 476-4 (303) 08- 1 GU� COMPANY L' L r 1 J►GOM R10GE P- � 2M ROO g rdQ�� 00 W424 '�- QQ551 FNC X 014 12 � m mmoo 1 OpI 247 -58601 FAX (103) 2 I c"TLE ROCK VtOME 0111C.F FV)MRS ORE> K Qa60 8. �, , orma Card $ 5 W Aga f CO 891 4Z gpg -5383 FIUC 00 a= E01"Ava.. SVRe 60O V'rw. co 11 771 %� F COLORADO Sf t"IGLS P.O. 0" SIAO D 00 80817 HAfAPD1�1, 4100 102 S. T60n. 5100 CdOrB 5g S �i 10 01 t-1 ego ! FAX 322.7603 682N� f FAX 268$1 1 V 1 M (7 &U' ARAP)MOrs T790 G N Road HWkWood, CO 891 11 FAX 740-04-1 75 -a2n .tEFF 711 f pII LOti P. 0_ Box 429 S D'diVn )Aa)A'3 _ SL tC 740'62951 amcid, C ,2o O 802 7J3S111 / Fh% 154 00 OD435 � 2e2-1 an FAX 0 22-090 6up yy� Aob4 i200 soo02 120 W tt�t fAX 4231396 m 0101 4-' 0O 90090 D NG9 017 C4wcs do Avcn^ SuCla 200 bR�l C 26 w vk 27OC 4301372P.O. - 93 g011Tt1WESr �np at 802 1 g45 -Wto!' FAX (�) 9454-9454-M4 ' 1 7945307/ FAX 784-5902 3 S. g V 5 C PARKER h 10 p13T SM-85W 4 tQbt� Co$0134 53W p PA. #105 A CO 80014 Y09 re ! 5 B. 811 -46001 FAX (5�) Sl1.10 751 -4334 r FAX 746200 9500 'F �� YAtL w tos s. makwool) 9041 S0. bylaw" W'J. s 100 boo a��wa 2M p,0 j 0Qx 3 77 ZW 1 9040 Blvd, #210 24z6 C e CD 8�1 VA 00 8185E 41476-2261 r FAX (103) 476 -1334 444-4101 ( 706. pal) J►GOM R10GE P- � 2M ROO g rdQ�� 00 W424 '�- QQ551 FNC X 014 12 � m mmoo 1 OpI 247 -58601 FAX (103) 2 I 04 I a F,A m -4 M-2 --a Ll C A SOUTH ELE VATION OF RED LION INN FROM SERRANO'S SO E LEVATION OF RED LION INN FROM SERRANO'S J 1 1 P 1 1 1 EAST DOWN HANSON R AN C H R OAD a LJ 1 1 1 [1 f 1 1 F u pi �l 1 1 1 1 NORTH ELEVATION OF GOLDEN PEAK HOUSE G EAST ELEVATION OF HILL BUILDING I W ei 'M SOUT ELE VATION OF SERRANO'S SOUTHEAS VIEW F ROM SERRANO'S pig; W11W i M � f �+- - 41 ww #' At" t �l Ll 1 I IN 1 1 L r, 1 �l EAST ELEVATION OF SERRANO'S I O EAST ELEVATION O SERRANO'S LJ ------------------------------------------------------------- PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE BEFORE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION -------------------------------------------------- - - - - - Ir "The applicant shall submit in written and graphic form. a preponderance of evidence before the Planning and Environ- mental Commission indicating that:" A. "The proposal is in conformance with the purposes of the CC! District as specified in 18.4.010" I THIS APPLICATION PROPOSES A DESIGN SOLUTION FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF SERRANO'S CANTINA THAT REFLECTS THE PEDES- TRIAN ENVIRONMENT BY WAY OF THE TIGHTLY CLUSTERED BUILDING F " MASSING AND U TILIZATION OF THE HIGHER QUALITY BUILDING MATERIALS FOUND I N THE MORE RECENT URBAN IMPROVEMENTS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I. WHILE ABUTTING TO. AND STEPPING DOWN SLIGHTLY FROM THE GOLDEN PEAK HOUSE (recently approved design). THIS PROPOSAL IS SENSITIVE TO THE PROPOSED EAST VILLAGE PORTAL (TRACT E FUNCTIONAL AND AESTHETIC REQUIREMENTS. THE SCALE OF BUILDING MASSING. ORGANIZATION OF PROJEC- TIONS AND STRATEGIC USE OF MA AFFORDS WELL PROPORTIONED RETAIL AND PEDESTRIAN ELEMENTS. THESE ARRANGEMENTS RE'SPE'CT AND COORDINATE GOOD URBAN MASSING BY WAY OF THEIR RELATIONSHIP WI TH SURROUNDING BUILDINGS. THE EXCEPTIONS TO CONFORMANCE OF THIS APPLICATION ARE AS ' FOLLOWS AND AS ILLUSTRATED IN THE ATTACHED RELATED DOCUMENTS 1. SITE COVERAGE 2. TOWN PROPERTY COVERAGE 3. SETBACK VARIANCE B "The proposal substantially complies with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and considerations as follows:" THE GENER T SUE S PECIFIC T TAR PR TE T LO RF .H... ISSUES �0 0 0.,�� A..� AS FOLLOWS: * MILL CREEK BRIDGE AS A EAST ENTRY /GATEWAY TO THE TOP OF VAIL VILLAGE * MILL CREEK ENHANCEMENT FOR NEW EAST PORTAL TO INCLUDE LANDSCAPING (SOFT 8 HARDSCAPE TREATMENTS) TO REIN- FORCE THE QUALITY OF EXPERIENCE ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF THIS PORTION OF MILL CREEK. c 1 II I� 1 1 1 THE TRAFFIC IMPACT. WHICH WILL INCREASE PROPORTIONALLY WITH THE SIZE OF THE NEW DEVELOPMENT. WILL BE ABLE TO UTILIZE THE SERVICE AND DELIVERY POLICIES CURRENTLY IN EFFECT THE USE AND RESIDENTS OF THIS NEW DEVELOPMENT WILL ALSO BE UTILIZING THE "OUT OF CORE" PARKING LOCATIONS AS WELL AS THE ALTERNATIVE SERVICE AND ACCESS POINTS. 3. "Streetscawe Framework" OPEN SPACE & LANDSCAPING: TRACT E TO OUR SOUTH AND EAST WIT L AFFORD A VARIETY OF SOFT AND COLORFUL LANDSCAPE TREATMENTS ALONG THE INTERCONNECTING PEDESTRIAN ROUTES. THESE WILL BE FURTHER ENHANCED BY WAY OF RELATIONSHIP TO THE PIRATE S PARK A SEIBERT CIRCLE AS WELL AS OTHER MILL CREEK PARK IMPROVEMENTS NEARBY. INFILL COMMERCIAL STOREFRONTS: THE LOCATION AND STATURE IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD EMPHASIZES THE OPPORTUNITY FOR NEW COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY GENERATORS ALONG THESE NEW & ESTABLISHED PEDESTRIAN ROUTES. THIS PARTICULAR PROJECT RESPONDS WELL TO THE NOTION THAT A VARIETY OF CLOSED AND OPEN SPACES IS DESIRABLE WHILE OVERCOMING EXISTING UNDEFINED PEDESTRIAN CONDITIONS. 4. "Street Enclosure" THIS NEW DEVELOPMENT PROPOSES TO MEDIATE THE VARIOUS SURROUNDING BUILDING HEIGHTS BY STEPPING DOWN SLIGHTLY FROM i ------------------------------------------------------------- PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE BEFORE PLANNING ARID ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . continued ------------------------------------------------------------- * THE COMPLETION OF THE NEEDED LINKAGE BETWEEN THE PIRATE CHID PARK AND THE MOUN PATH TO GORE CREEK DRIVE. 1. "Pedestrianization" WITH LIMITED DELIVERY T RA FF IC. WE HAVE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF THE OPPORTUNITY TO PROVIDE INVITING POINTS OF ENTRY FOR PEDESTRIANS ON ALL THREE EXPOSED SIDES OF OUR PROPOSED STRUCTURE. THE PEDESTRIAN WAYS SURROUNDI THIS PROJECT ARE CLEARLY OF AMPLE WIDTH AND PROPORTIONAL TO THE INTERCONNECTED NETWORK OF EXISTING PEDESTRIAN WAYS AND WILL SERVE THE VOLUME OF ANTICIPATED PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC. 2. "Vehicle Penetrator." 1 II I� 1 1 1 THE TRAFFIC IMPACT. WHICH WILL INCREASE PROPORTIONALLY WITH THE SIZE OF THE NEW DEVELOPMENT. WILL BE ABLE TO UTILIZE THE SERVICE AND DELIVERY POLICIES CURRENTLY IN EFFECT THE USE AND RESIDENTS OF THIS NEW DEVELOPMENT WILL ALSO BE UTILIZING THE "OUT OF CORE" PARKING LOCATIONS AS WELL AS THE ALTERNATIVE SERVICE AND ACCESS POINTS. 3. "Streetscawe Framework" OPEN SPACE & LANDSCAPING: TRACT E TO OUR SOUTH AND EAST WIT L AFFORD A VARIETY OF SOFT AND COLORFUL LANDSCAPE TREATMENTS ALONG THE INTERCONNECTING PEDESTRIAN ROUTES. THESE WILL BE FURTHER ENHANCED BY WAY OF RELATIONSHIP TO THE PIRATE S PARK A SEIBERT CIRCLE AS WELL AS OTHER MILL CREEK PARK IMPROVEMENTS NEARBY. INFILL COMMERCIAL STOREFRONTS: THE LOCATION AND STATURE IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD EMPHASIZES THE OPPORTUNITY FOR NEW COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY GENERATORS ALONG THESE NEW & ESTABLISHED PEDESTRIAN ROUTES. THIS PARTICULAR PROJECT RESPONDS WELL TO THE NOTION THAT A VARIETY OF CLOSED AND OPEN SPACES IS DESIRABLE WHILE OVERCOMING EXISTING UNDEFINED PEDESTRIAN CONDITIONS. 4. "Street Enclosure" THIS NEW DEVELOPMENT PROPOSES TO MEDIATE THE VARIOUS SURROUNDING BUILDING HEIGHTS BY STEPPING DOWN SLIGHTLY FROM PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE BEFORE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION; c_,tinued ------------------------------------------------------------- GOLDEN PEAK HOUSE AND BY ACHIEVING A COMPATIBLE HEIGHT TREATMENT TO THE RED LION BUILDING. THE RESULT IS THAT THE CANYON: EFFECT IS AVOIDED AT THIS CRITICAL PEDESTRIAN NODE A THE TOP OF BRIDGE ,STREET AND HANSON RANCH ROAD BY WAY OF NON- UNIFORM BUILDING HEIGHTS. THE NORTH (SECOND LEVEL) BALCONY BRINGS THE MASSING AND HEIGHT ON HANSON RANCH ROAD DOWN TO APPROXIMATELY THE SANE HEIGHT AS THE RED LION RETAIL FACADE THAT FACES SOUTH. ' THE CREATIVE USE OF CANOPIES AWNINGS E 7 ��. � cs, axcAD�s A ND BUILDING EXTENSIONS WILL DIRECT THE PEDESTRIANS FOCUS AWAY FROM THE UPPER PORTIONS OF THE PROPOSED BUILDING. 5. "Street Edge" an d 1 6. "Building Edge" THIS DEVELOPMENT PROPOSES TO BUILD AT OR NEAR THE PROPERTY LINE, BUT WITH CAREFULLY CHOSEN INSET BUILDING ENTRIES ANGULAR BUILDING CORNERS AND WELL PLACED LANDSCAPE PrANTER!BENCHES. FURTHER. TREE PLANTING ALONG MILL CREEK. ARCADE'S. RAISED DECKS AND TEXTURED GROUND SURFACES WILL ASSIST IN REINFORCING ' THE STRONG. IRREGULAR STREET EDGE. r/ ��V i ay y t 5. 11 WHILE THE NEW DEVELOPMENT WILL INCREASE IN BUILDING HEIGHT THE DESTGN HAS BEEN CAREFULLY ORGANIZED TO REDUCE THE APPARENT IMPACT THE NEW DEVELOPMENT HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO MEET T BUILDING HEIGHT ('60;40; DEFINITION AS WELL AS TO AVOID ENCROACHMENT INTO ANY ADOPTED VIEW CORRIDORS. 8. "Su- Shade A--- ivsis" IN ORDER TO MINIMIZE THE SHADI EFFECT ON HANSON RANCH ROAD THE FOURTH LEVEL HAS BEEN LOCATED STRATEGICALLY TO THE ' SOUTH EDGE OF THE PROPERTY REFER TO SHEETS A13 AND A14 FOR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION REGARDING EXISTING AND PROPOSED SHADING CONDITIONS. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - REFER TO SHEETS A13 AND A14 FOR GRAPHIC RESPONSES TO ISSUES. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 I LJ PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE BEFORE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION continued -------------------------------------------------------------- C. "Complia._ With t "e Vail Village !aster Plan, Street - scape Master Plan and other Vail Comprehensive Plan Docu- ments" ' VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN: GOAL *3. "To recognize as a tflp priority the er.har.cement of the walking experience throughout the village." GOAL #i: "Encourage high quality redevelopment while preserving the uni que architectural scale of the village in PROVIDE MISSING order to sustain its sense of community and identlity." IMPORTANT. ADJACENT WALKING ROUTES AND T HE PROPOSED TREATMEN OF ARCHITECTURAL SCALE A THIS DETAILING COMPLY WITH THE DESIRE FOR HIGH QUALITY REDEVELOPMENT PARTICULARLY I N RESPONSE TO THE SPECIFIC SITE AND NO LINK IN LOCATION: AND SURROUNDING STRUCTURE'S. THIS APPLICANT PROPOSES TO COOPERATE WITH THE TOWN: OF T VA�L TO :t k A A:�D [n�.S BANK ... E NH A NCE THE TE 7 E CT PO T iF T 1 IL C IMPROVEMENTS TO CONTI AN ORDERLY EXPRESSION OF COMMUNITY AND IDENTITY IN THESE AREAL ' GOAL #2: " Foster strong tourist industry and promote year around economic health and Viability for the village and for the community as a whole." THE RETAIL. SERVICES. OFFICE DIALING AND DRINKING USES PROPOSED TO BE INCREASED WITH THIS DEVELOPMENT ARE I KEEPING WITH THE THIS IM PORTAN T ESTABLISHED LAND USE PATTERNS CHARACTERISTIC WIT NEIGHBORHOOD. THE BUILDING MASSING AND ARCHITECTURAL TREATMENTS BEING PROPOSED ARE COMPLIMENTARY TO THE EXISTING HISTORIC AND RENOVATED STRUCTURES FOUND IN THIS MAIN ACTIVITY CENT THIS DEVELOPMENT DOES PROVIDE FOR A HIGHER QUALITY COMMERCIAL AND RETAIL EXPERIENCE TO MEET THE EVER INCREASING NEEDS OF OUR GUESTS. GOAL *3. "To recognize as a tflp priority the er.har.cement of the walking experience throughout the village." THIS DEVELOPMENT TAKES ADVANTAGE OF THE UNIQUE OPPORTUN]- !TIES TO ENHA EXISTING WALKING ROUTES AND PROVIDE MISSING LINKS TO IMPORTANT. ADJACENT WALKING ROUTES AND USES. THIS PROPOSAL CHANGES WHAT IS NOW A WORN OUT STRUCTURE WITH ONLY NORTH AND SOUTH POINTS OF PENETRATION AND NO LINK IN 1 1 THE STREET L RETAIL. LOBBY /BASEMENT ACCESS POINTS ' T SE COND LEVEL D I NING , E NTERTAINMENT MD TENT A:�D SE 0:� . DR INK I NG & CO MPONENT S S WILL ADD DRAMATICALLY TO THIS ACTIVITY CENTER AND EXISTING STREET LIFE. GOAL #4: "To preserve existing open space areas and expand green-space opportunities." THE OPPORTUNITY TO ASSIST IN THE CREATION OF THE NEW EAST VILLAGE PORTAL PRESENTS VERY POSITIVE SOLUTIONS TO THE MILL CREEK EXPERIENCE AND THE INTERCO LINKS. ACTIVE AND PASSIVE RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES THAT CAN BE REALIZED ALONG WITH THIS DEVELOPMENT WILL FIRMLY ESTABLISH THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THIS SERIES OF PUBLIC WAYS. THE SELECTION OF HORIZONTAL TEXTURES AND MATERIALS AND CREATION OF A MORE PERSONALIZED EXPERIENCE WILL CONTINUE THE OVERALL FABRIC OF VAIL VILLAGE. GOAL #5: "Increase and improve the capacity. efficiency and aesthetics of the transportation and circulation system throughout the village." THE CREATION AN IMPORTANT CON AT PEAK HOURS ON OPPORTUNITIES T O IMPROVEMENTS WILL STRATEGIC AREAS. AND ENHANCEMENT OF HECTOR LINK WILL ALL THE WEST SIDE OF THE DIRECT PEDESTRIANS ASSIST IN IMPROVING THE MILL CREEK AREA AS EVIATE SKIER CONGESTION GOLDEN PEAK HOUSE. THE ALONG THE MILL CREEK THE AESTHETICS IN THESE GOAL #6. "To insure the cont i nued i m provem ent of the ------------------------------------------------------------- PREPONDERA OF EVIDENCE BEFORE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSIO *: ------------------------------------------------------------- continued BETWEEN. TO AN INTEGRATED COMMUNITY STRUCTURE WHICH PROVIDES A GRACEFUL TRANSITION ALL AROUND THE THREE EXPOSED SIDES, THE ARCADES. BALCONIES R LANDSCAPE TREATMENTS WILL POSITIVELY INFLUENCE THE QUALITY OF WALKING EXPERIENCE. WHICH DOES NOT EXIST TODAY. THE MILL CREEK STREAM ACCESS IS A DELIGHTFUL BONUS TO THESE ISSUES AND IS A STRONG AMENITY TO THE NEW EAST PORTAL. THE STREET L RETAIL. LOBBY /BASEMENT ACCESS POINTS ' T SE COND LEVEL D I NING , E NTERTAINMENT MD TENT A:�D SE 0:� . DR INK I NG & CO MPONENT S S WILL ADD DRAMATICALLY TO THIS ACTIVITY CENTER AND EXISTING STREET LIFE. GOAL #4: "To preserve existing open space areas and expand green-space opportunities." THE OPPORTUNITY TO ASSIST IN THE CREATION OF THE NEW EAST VILLAGE PORTAL PRESENTS VERY POSITIVE SOLUTIONS TO THE MILL CREEK EXPERIENCE AND THE INTERCO LINKS. ACTIVE AND PASSIVE RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES THAT CAN BE REALIZED ALONG WITH THIS DEVELOPMENT WILL FIRMLY ESTABLISH THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THIS SERIES OF PUBLIC WAYS. THE SELECTION OF HORIZONTAL TEXTURES AND MATERIALS AND CREATION OF A MORE PERSONALIZED EXPERIENCE WILL CONTINUE THE OVERALL FABRIC OF VAIL VILLAGE. GOAL #5: "Increase and improve the capacity. efficiency and aesthetics of the transportation and circulation system throughout the village." THE CREATION AN IMPORTANT CON AT PEAK HOURS ON OPPORTUNITIES T O IMPROVEMENTS WILL STRATEGIC AREAS. AND ENHANCEMENT OF HECTOR LINK WILL ALL THE WEST SIDE OF THE DIRECT PEDESTRIANS ASSIST IN IMPROVING THE MILL CREEK AREA AS EVIATE SKIER CONGESTION GOLDEN PEAK HOUSE. THE ALONG THE MILL CREEK THE AESTHETICS IN THESE THIS DEVELOPMENT AFFORDS SAFE AND EFFICIENT ACCESS FOR FIRE PROTECTION AND PUBLIC UTILITIES FOR THIS AND ADJACENT STRUCTURES IN A PLEASING RESORT SETTING. GOAL #6. "To insure the cont i nued i m provem ent of the vital operatic -a1 elements- of the village." THIS DEVELOPMENT AFFORDS SAFE AND EFFICIENT ACCESS FOR FIRE PROTECTION AND PUBLIC UTILITIES FOR THIS AND ADJACENT STRUCTURES IN A PLEASING RESORT SETTING. 1 u ------------------------------------------------------------- PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE BEFORE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION . . . . . . . . continued ------------------------------------------------------------- T ART DR MA S TE R S.R��.SCA. L ..AS��R PLAN: THIS DEVELOPMENT PROPOSES TO ELIMINATE AN EXISTING ALLEY AND EXPOSED TRASH ENCLOSURE IN FAVOR OF THE CONTINUATION OF A HIGH QUALITY PEDESTRIAN WAY. OTHER IMPORTANT ISSUES TO NOTE FOR OUR COMPLIANCE ARE AS FOLLOWS: PAVING TREATMENTS: THE COLORS OF CHARCOAL. ARAPAHOE BLEND AND BROWN WILL BE SELECTED FROM THE FIVE PAVING MATERIALS SUGGESTED FOR USE AROUND OUR BUILDING APRON AND THE MILL CREEK WALKWAY. BENCHES: A VARIETY OF WOOD BENCHES (PER TOWN OF VAIL STANDARDS) ALONG WITH LANDSCAPE WALL INTEGRATED BENCHES ARE BEING PROPOSED SURROUNDING OUR DEVELOPMENT. TRASH RECEPTACLES: TOWN OF VAIL APPROVED TRASH RECEPTACLES WILL BE PROVIDED AT STRATEGIC LOCATIONS AROUND OUR DEVELOPMENT. BICYCLE RACKS: A TOWN OF VAIL A PPR OVED BIKE RACK WILL BE PROVIDED AT THE SOUTH SIDE OF OUR DEVELOPMENT ROCK WALLS: MASONRY PLANTER BED WALLS WITH CUT STONE CAPS ARE PROPOSED AT MORE FORMAL RETAIL /PEDESTRIAN AREAS. BOLDER RETAINING WALLS ARE PROPOSED AT SOUTH SIDE TO INTEGRATE THE CHANGE OF LAND FORMS MORE CAREFULLY INTO THE S T REETSCAPE MASTER PLAN. LIGHTING: VARIATIONS OF THE A VILLAGE FIXTURE ARE PROPOSED TO BE USED ATTACHED TO THE BUILDING AND INSTALLED WITHIN LANDSCAPE PLANTER AND PEDESTRIAN AREAS. COMPATIBILITY W ITH OTHER TOWN OF VAIL DOCUMENTS IS ILLUSTRATED WITHIN THE ATTACHED RELATED DOCUMENTS. D. "The proposal is compatible with the character of the A e lgh.borhood . " THE USE OF DETAILING AND ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES IN THIS DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL CONTINUES THE "MODERN TYROLEAN" CHARACTER OF COMMERCIAL CORE I IN VAIL VILLAGE. A SUMMARY OF THESE FEATURES IS AS FOLLOWS: ROOFS: ROOFS PROPOSED ARE TYPICALLY GABLE I N FORM AND MODERATE (6:1 TO LOW (3:12). THESE ROOFS ARE DESIGNED TO t `�I LJ PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE BEFORE PLANNING AND ENVIRONME COMMISSION continued ------------------------------------------------------------- AFFORD PEDESTRIAN PROTECTION AT POINTS OF ENTRY AS WELL AS SUPPORT THE "MODERN' TYROLEA FEEL WITH WIDE OVERHANGS. ' WOOD SHINGLES /FIRE TREATED) ARE PROPOSED AT THE UPPER LEVELS AND COPPER ON THE LOWER PEDESTRIAN SCALE ROOFS W HICH ARE ORGANIZED IN SIMPLE PLA FACADES: THE USE OF WOOD. STUCCO & GLASS WERE SELECTED AS OUR EXTERIOR M FOR COMPATIBILITY WITH EXISTING VILLAGE ARCHITECTURE. THE COLORS WILL BE SELECTED TO E THE STYLE AND NEIGHBORHOOD COMPATIBILITY. WINDOWS: THE RETAIL LEVEL GLAZING SYSTEMS ARE RAISED OFF THE GROUND 18 ". SUBDIVIDED AND GROUPED IN BANKS FOR AN APPROPRIATE STREET LEVEL PRESE WINDOW BOXES AND SHUTTERS HAVE BEEN UTILIZED TO FURTHER ENHANCE THE STYLE OF ARCHITECTURE. DOORS: TRA DOORS. COMPATIBLE WITH THE WINDOW STYLE HAVE BEEN SELECTED TO EXPRESS A INVITING CHARACTER AT ' THESE STRATEGIC POINTS OF ENTRY TRIM: THE WOOD TRIM PROPOSED IN OUR FACADES IS IN KEEPING WITH THE USE OF SUCH TRIM'. AS A UN ELEMENT IN OTHER VAIL VILLAGE ARC HITECTURE ' DECKS AND PATIOS: OUR USE OF PATIOS AND PROJECTING DECKS WILL CO TO THE STREET ACTIVITIES AND PERCEPTION OF UPPER LEVE ACTIVITIES. BALCONIES: OUR BALCONIES ARE DESIGNED TO FUNCTION WITH SOME REMOVABLE WINDOW WALLS FOR SEASONAL OUTDOOR USE AND TO INTEGRATE INDOOR AND OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES AS MAY BE ENCOURAGED. THE RAILING DETAILS AND EDGE TREATMENTS ARE COMPLEMENTARY TO OTHER SUCCESSFUL VAIL VILLAGE STRU'CTU'RES. ACCENT ELEMEN THE USE OF AWNINGS FOR THE RESTAURANT ENTRY AT THE SOUTH UMBAELLAS ON THE DINING DECKS. ANNUAL FLOWERS IN PLANTER AND WIN DOW BOXES AND ACCE LIGHTING AROUND THE STRUCTURE WILL PROVIDE EXCITEMENT WHICH DEPARTS PLEASANTLY FROM THE STRONGER ARCHITECTURAL MATERIALS AND MASSI LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS: THE USE OF PLANTERS AS A BUILDING BORDER WILL ALLOW FOR AN APPEALING TRANSITION FR OM NATIVE TO FORMAL LANDSCAPE EXPERIENCE FOR THE PEDESTRIAN;. r-- J 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- PREPONDERA *:CE OF EVIDENCE BEFORE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COM.M•.ISSION continued ------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- SIGNAGE: A SIGN PROGRAM WILL BE PROPOSED TO CONFORM TO VAIL VILLAGE STANDARDS. THE CAREFUL PLACEMENT OF PROJECTING ROOF AND BALCONY FORMS WILL BE AN EFFECTIVE AND AESTHETICALLY ' PLEASING SOLUTION WHICH COMPLEMENTS THE ARCHITECTURE PROPOSED. L 1 1 �, I 1 1 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- COMPLIANCE WITH TOWN OF VAIL ZONING CODE FOR CC! ------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- THE ATTACHED RELATED DOCUMENTS ILLUSTRATE THE ZONING COMPLIANCE OF THE APPLICATION WITH THE NOTED EXCEPTIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. SITE COVERAGE VARIANCE 2. TOWN PROPERTY COVERAGE 3. SETBACK VARIANCE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS APPEAR TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUISITE TOWN? STANDARDS FOR CC!. 1. ACCESSORY USES ARE AS ALLOWED BY 18.24.080 2. BUILDING HEIGHT HAS BEEN CAREFULLY CALCULATED AND CONFORMS TO THE 60/40 RATIO AS PRESCRIBED. 3. THE DENSITY CONTROL FOR GROSS RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA COMPLIES WITH THE 80% OF BUILDABLE SITE AREA. 4 WE WILL REQUEST A SITE COVERAGE VARIANCE AS SHOWN ON THE ATTACHED RELATED DOCUMENTS WHILE COMPARING TO THE EXISTING SITE COVERAGE. 5. THE LANDSCAPING AND SITE DEVELOPMENT CONSIDERATIONS ARE DEEMED TO BE APPROPRIATE FOR THIS S'T'RATEGIC LOCATION. 6 PARKING AND LOADING REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE MET BY WAY OF CONTRIBUTING TO THE PARKING FUND AND OTHER COOPERATIVE EFFORTS WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL. 7 THE LOCATION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITIES HAS BEEN CAREFULLY DESIGNED TO COMPLY WITH THE STANDARDS FOR VAIL VILLAGE COMMERCIAL CORE I. J ------------------------------------------------------------- ' ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, DETERMINATION OF NEED FOR ADDITIONAL MATERIALS ------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ' THE APPLICANT AND HIS REPRESENTATIVE STAND READY TO PROVIDE OTHER DATA THAT MAY BE DEEMED APPROPRIATE. THIS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION WILL BE PROVIDED AS TIMELY AS IS PRACTICAL IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN THE WORK SESSION AND PUBLIC REVIEW PROCESSES NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS APPLICATION. I r-� l � I 1 1 1 1 � I 91 � I � I � I ------------------------------------------------------------- SUBMITTAL DATE OF SEPTEMBER 26. 199^_ - ------------------------------------------------------------- THIS APPLICATION IS BEING SUBMITTED ON MONDAY SEPTEMBER 26. 1994 IN ORDER TO COMMENCE STAFF MEETINGS, STORK SESSIONS AND OTHER PUBLIC REVIEW MEETINGS AS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROCESS. PLEASE NOTIFY THE OFFICE OF THE ARCHITECT AS TO THE SETTING OF DATES AND TIMES FOR ANY OF THE ABOVE :NOTED MEETINGS 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- ' TOWN? OF VAIL REVIEW OF COMPLIANCE WITH VAIL'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- AS THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REVIEWS THIS APPLICATION FOR CONFORMANCE AT ALL LEVELS. PLEASE ADVISE THE ARCHITECT OF ANY DEVIATION THAT MAY BE OBSERVED EXCEPT THOSE ' VARIANCE REQUESTS NOTED HEREIN. EVERY REASONABLE EFFORT WILL BE MADE TO ACCOMMODATE THE ' COALS AND OBJECTIVES OF VAIL'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. f; J I 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONAL REVIEW AGENCIES AND FEES ------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- A. REFERRAL AGENCIES AND FEES: SHOULD SUCH AGENCY REVIEW BE DEEMED NECESSARY. THE APPLICANT STANDS READY TO PAY THE ADDITIONAL FEES UPON REQUEST. B. PUBLISHING FEES: SHOULD THE PUBLISHING FEES INCREASE, THE APPLICANT STANDS READY TO PAY THOSE ADDITIONAL AMOUNTS UPON REQUEST. C. TOWN OF VAIL CONSULTANTS AND FEES: SHOULD THE TOWN OF VAIL DEEM IT APPROPRIATE TO EMPLOY THE SERVICES OF SPECIFIC OUTSIDE CONSULTANTS IN REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. THE APPLICANT STANDS READY TO PAY THOSE FEES UPON REQUEST.