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January 30, 2012
75 S. Frontage Road - Vail, Colorado, 81657
Pamela Hopkins
Michael Kurz
Bill Pierce
Henry Pratt
John Rediker
Tyler Schneidman
A report to the Planning and Environmental Commission of an administrative action approving
a request for a minor amendment to an approved development plan, pursuant to Sections 12-8E-6, Development Plan, and 12-8E-18, Amendment Procedures, Vail Town Code, and an amendment
to a conditional use permit, pursuant to Sections 12-8A-3, Conditional Uses, and 12-16-10, Amendment Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for amendments to a ski lift and tow (i.e. replacement
of the Vista Bahn chair lift with a new gondola), located adjacent to 250 Vail Lane/Tract A, Front Door Three Dimensional Subdivision, and Tract E, Vail Village 5th Filing, and setting
forth details in regard thereto (PEC120001, PEC120002).
Applicant: Vail Corporation, represented by Mauriello Planning Group
Planner: Warren Campbell
ACTION: Affirmation of an administrative
approval with modifications
MOTION: Kurz SECOND: Pratt VOTE: 5-1-1 (Rediker opposed, Cartin recused)
Vail Corporation shall submit a complete design review application,
pursuant to Chapter 12-11, Design Review, Vail Town Code, to the Town of Vail Community Development Department, for review and approval, by no later than 5:00 pm February 15, 2012.
Corporation shall submit a study of the current noise levels of the base tramway (Vista Bahn chair lift) to be used as a baseline for comparison to noise levels of the base tramway of
the new gondola.
Commissioner Kurz stated that he felt the administrative approvals were appropriate. If traffic was a concern of the Commission they may want to move the item to
the regular agenda and hear testimony. He felt that the traffic issues, similar to those in East Vail, should be addressed further by the Police Department and not at this venue.
Rediker asked how Staff determined these applications were minor amendments and therefore administratively approvable.
Warren Campbell explained the issues reviewed, the criteria of
the code, and testimony provided in the application. After review of all these elements the determination of administrative approval was made.
Commissioner Pierce asked about Town
Council’s role in this review.
Warren Campbell clarified the Council’s call-up ability and the upcoming DRB review.
Commissioner Pierce recommended the Commission move the item to the regular agenda and discuss
it in more depth and hear public testimony.
Warren Campbell clarified the procedural steps.
Commissioner Rediker asked if there was sufficient public notice if the item was move to
the regular agenda.
Warren Campbell explained the public notification that had occurred and confirmed that the Code required notification had been provided.
Commissioner Rediker made
a motion to move this item to the regular agenda.
Second by Commissioner Hopkins.
Commissioner Cartin recused himself due to a conflict of interest as an employee of Vail Corporation.
motion passed 5-1-1 (Kurz opposed, Cartin recused).
Chris Jarnot, representing Vail Resorts, identified the applicant’s reasoning for proposing to replace the Vista Bahn with a new
gondola, presented an overview of the project, provided a history of the past lifts in this location, highlighted the timing with Vail’s upcoming 50th Anniversary celebration, explained
the relationships of the proposed gondola with the other lifts on the ski mountain, addressed noise levels (a letter from the lift manufacturer stating how the new gondola is quieter
than the existing lift was submitted into the record), addressed impacts of the gondola on ski race finishes, identified the relationship to the new 10th restaurant at Mid-Vail, outlined
the other required approvals (US Forest Service, State of Colorado Tramway Board, Eagle County building permits, Town of Vail design review and building permits) and anticipated construction
schedules, and was available for questions.
Commissioner Pratt asked about syphoning skier traffic from Lionshead.
Chris Jarnot stated that there was not a shift in skier traffic upon
removal of Chair 1 in 2006.
Commissioner Hopkins asked about power outages.
Chris Jarnot answered that there are diesel generators at the top of the mountain to runthe gondola.
Hopkins asked about impacts to the maze area.
Chris Jarnot answered that the proposal increased the maze area.
Commissioner Pierce asked additional questions about the maze.
Jarnot noted that the maze design is not finalized, but described the anticipated design on the west side of the structure.
Commissioner Rediker noted that the 10th restaurant must be a driver for this new lift. He asked questions about the maze and impacts to the ski yard where non-skiers may congregate.
Jarnot stated that while the gondola would expand opportunities for the 10th restaurant, the investment of $20 million for the gondola was not a wise investment as the time frame to
recoup that investment was likely beyond the life span of the gondola. He reiterated that the investment was an effort to improve customer service and add several luxury elements such
as wifi and heated seats. Adding a second gondola makes a statement in the industry about he product Vail offers.
Commissioner Hopkins agreed with Commissioner Rediker’s concerns
about areas for removing skies at the end of the run.
Commissioner Kurz asked for clarification if skiers could ski directly to the lift house.
Chris Jarnot clarified that no skis
would have to be removed..
Commissioner Pierce opened the meeting to the public
Sacha Gros, resident, asked for further clarification about how guests access the lift from the east
Chris Jarnot stated that those approaching the gondola from properties to the east would have to walk a short distance further to get in the maze.
Stephanie Whittelsey, resident,
asked how non-skiers can access the 10th (must purchase a lift ticket today) and stated her concerns about skier congestion at Mid-Vail.
Chris Jarnot anticipated charging for foot passengers
in the same manner as the Lionshead gondola. He does not anticipate moving more people to Mid-Vail, but moving early morning crowds faster. Future upgrades to Chair 4 are being considered.
A skier education program highlighting terrain options from Mid-Vail will be implemented. When at the base of the mountain in the Vista Bahn ski yard guests have no options but to
wait, but at mid-Vail they would have access to multiple other if 4 and 5 are crowded.
Marty Head, adjacent property owner, asked about anticipated parking changes.
Jim Lamont, Vail
Homeowner’s Association, stated he won’t second guess Vail Resort’s expertise with lift design. He said he doesn’t see anything particularly wrong with improving year-round access to
the mountain. He noted concerns about moving the gondola base further north of the existing lift base and its impacts to both summer and winter family gathering areas, especially with
the close proximity of pirate ship park. He doesn’t doubt that the gondola will be quieter, but wants evidence that it will be no louder than the existing Vista Bahn. He is concerned
that success can lead to excess and is concerned about increased skier drop off problems on Hanson Ranch Road. He noted that this is a Town of Vail problem that the Town needs to step-up
its share of the parking enforcement responsibilities. He commented that Ever Vail could relieve year-round traffic pressures and congestion at Golden Peak and this location. He noted
that during the design review process, noise can be further addressed. He urged that the application and approval be moved forward and any remaining issues be addressed by the Town
Bob Bosselli, business owner, noted the positive impacts to businesses and identified the need to educate skiers about navigating the mountain. He asked about impacts to the summer
Teva Games.
Chris Jarnot stated that Vail Resorts and the Vail Valley Foundation are working on that issue and will establish alternative event locations.
Warren Campbell clarified
the procedures for a motion to conclude the hearing on this item. He explained that the Commission could affirm, affirm with modifications, overturn, table, or call-up the item if it
was felt staff was in error in its administrative approval.
Commissioner Rediker asked when staff was contacted by Vail Resorts and where the bike path will be relocated.
Warren Campbell
stated that he had become aware of the proposal to install a gondola in December a few weeks before the application was submitted. He added that he was aware that Vail Resorts was speaking
to others in the organization before he was made aware of the applications that would be submitted.
Commissioner Pierce asked for additional information about noise and existing sound
levels. He recommended further reviewing the queuing.
Commissioner Rediker agreed with Pierce. He recognized the applicant’s need to keep moving forward, but wishes applications
had been submitted earlier. He generally supports the project, but is concerned about impacts to the skier yard. He has concerns that tents and outdoor display will have negative
Commissioner Pratt applauded VR for improving the lift. He has concerns about the lift base location and impacts to the ski yard. He would like to see this project move forward.
oner Schneideman supports the project as submitted, but recommended obtaining metrics for current noise levels.
Dominic Mauriello asked if noise concerns could be addressed with the
design review application.
Commissioner Hopkins asked that the applicant further review the design of the ski yard.
Commissioner Pierce asked that a queuing plan be examined and
addresses the impacts of the existing public plaza area and demonstrate the demand or capacity is met.
Commissioner Hopkins clarified her concerns about peak skier times.
Chris Jarnot
further explained the proposed lift base and maze locations and usage. He reiterated that they do not intend to move more skiers, but to move the existing number of skiers faster, thus
reducing the queuing demands
Commissioner Pierce reiterated his concerns about noise.
Dominic Mauriello noted that the Town Code address noise concerns.
5 minutes
A request for the review of a final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for the re-subdivision of Lots 2 and 3, Bighorn
Subdivision 4th Addition, located at 4316 and 4336 Streamside Circle West, and setting details in regards thereto. (PEC110063)
Applicant: Diamond Assets, represented by Triumph Development
Bill Gibson
ACTION: Table to February 13, 2012
MOTION: Kurz SECOND: Tyler VOTE: 7-0-0
15 minutes
A request for the review of a variance from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town
Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for new construction within the front setback, located at 1895 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 26, Vail Village West Filing
2, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC110061)
Applicant: Alejandro Diazayas, represented by Shepherd Resources, Inc.
Planner: Bill Gibson
ACTION: Approved
Rediker VOTE: 7-0-0
Bill Gibson gave a presentation per the staff memorandum and identified how this request was similar to the three previous setback variances granted to previous
owners of this property for house that were never constructed.
There was no public comment.
The Commissioners expressed their support for the variance due to the unique site conditions
which rendering one-half of the lot unbuildable.
60 minutes
A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for a zone district boundary amendment, pursuant to Section 12-3-7,
Amendment, Vail Town Code, to allow for a rezoning from Ski Base/Recreation District to Ski Base/Recreation 2 District, located at 598 Vail Valley Drive/part of Tract B, Vail Village
Filing 7, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC110067)
Applicant: Ski and Snowboard Club Vail, represented by Tom Braun
Planner: Rachel Dimond
ACTION: Recommendation of
MOTION: Kurz SECOND: Pratt VOTE: 4-2-1 (Pierce and Rediker opposed, Cartin recused)
Luke Cartin stated he was recusing himself due to his wife’s employment with Ski and
Snowboard Club Vail.
Rachel Dimond made a presentation per the staff memorandum.
Commissioner Pierce asked what the dwelling unit/acre requirements are for other similar other zone
Rachel Dimond stated that Commercial Core 1, Public Accommodation and High Density Multiple Family have a maximum allowable density of 25 dwelling units/acre, Medium Density
Multiple Family has a maximum allowable density of 18 dwelling units per acre and Low Density Multiple Family has a maximum allowable density of 9 dwelling units/acre. The proposed
Ski Base Recreation 2 maximum allowable density is 8 dwelling units/acre.
Tom Braun, representing the applicant, introduced several representatives.
Aldo Radamus, the Executive Director of SSCV, made a presentation on the growth of the club and the expansion
in programs offered over the years. He stated that the Club is not actively seeking to grow, but to better serve the community.
Tiffany Hoverstein, CFO and Business Manager of SSCV,
discussed the growth of the ski club from 100 in the 1970s to over 500 today. She spoke to the economic benefits of the Club from early season training groups. SSCV has 133 employees
and hosts over 40 events throughout the season.
Tom Braun made a power point presentation highlighting the challenges of the current space and the anticipated programmatic needs of
a new building.
Bob McCleary, representing Manor Vail Condominium Association, stated that he understands what was presented today. His Association has questions regarding, bulk,
mass, traffic, etc. He and his group understand that drawings haven’t been done, but some conceptual plans might have addressed several of the questions he heard.
Jim Lamont, representing
the Vail Homeowners Association, spoke to the letters that the Town has received asking for a development plan to accompany the rezoning request. Without a rezoning, there would be
no dwelling units on the site. He stated that the nervousness of the neighborhood is the introduction of the dwelling units on the site. Schematic plans are necessary to help the neighborhood
understand the changes that are going to be suggested. He expressed concern about the small lot area and the demonstrated program needs for the site.
Jim Aiken, representing Northwoods
Condominium Association, stated their support for the goal of improving the program. Northwood’s concern is traffic on Vail Valley Drive. He added that he is concerned about the need
to expand in the future.
Diane Milligan, manager of the Rams-Horn Condominium Association, said they are proud of the SSCV and her owners are asking form some sort of a visual representation
of the proposal. They do not believe this is an undo burden to provide. She added they are concerned about traffic impacts and the safety of pedestrians.
Commissioner Kurz expressed
pride in the success of the club. He said he understands the desire of the neighboring properties to see a rendering; however, the development parameters are straight forward and the
outlay of funds by a non-profit is risky. He said he is in favor of the rezoning without the provision of the imagery.
Commissioner Rediker expressed a belief in the appropriateness
of the proposed zone district. He said traffic will not necessarily improve. He does not believe the Commission can make findings without a development plan with regard to review criteria
2, 3, 4, and 5.
Commission Pratt stated that a rezoning is appropriate. He added that a rezoning approval does not guarantee building property line to property line and that the
development plan will be highly scrutinized.
Commissioner Hopkins agreed that a sketch now would be without critical thought. The eventual development plan will be scrutinized. Traffic
on Vail Valley drive as always will be a concern.
Commissioner Pierce stated the Commission needs to be aware of the issues being created through the change in allowable uses on the
site. The program is a success and traffic cannot
not get worse. He said he is very concerned about setbacks and would like to hear from the adjacent property owner and their needs in the future. He stated concern about the height
permitted in SBR2. He said a volume massing model could be easily prepared and submitted. He voiced concern about approving a 43 feet height limit. He said there may be an issue with
the required parking. He said because of his concerns, he is not in favor or moving forward at this point without a basic site plan and volume study.
Tom Braun responded to the commissioner’s
comments, including John Rediker’s comment that the criteria cannot be reviewed. He added that Pierce’s comments regarding height will be reviewed again with development plan.
Pierce stated for the record that the site should not be solely residential. He suggested a percentage of GRFA of the floor area for the SSCV.
30 minutes
A request for the review of
amendments to a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-16-10, Amendment Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for additions to the Vail Public Library, located at 292 West Meadow
Drive/Part of Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 2, and setting forth details in regard thereto (PEC110066).
Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Snowdon and Hopkins Architects
Bill Gibson
ACTION: Approved with condition(s)
MOTION: Kurz SECOND: Rediker VOTE: 6-0-1 (Hopkins recused)
1. This conditional use permit approval is contingent upon
the applicant obtaining Vail Town Council approval of the release or exchange of the existing library employee housing deed restriction in accordance with Chapter 12-13, Employee Housing,
Vail Town Code.
2. This conditional use permit approval is contingent upon the applicant obtaining Town of Vail approval of the associated design review application.
Commissioner Hopkins
recused herself as she is working on the project.
Bill Gibson gave a presentation per the staff memorandum. He highlighted parking and employee housing as the two topics which needed
to be addressed.
Commissioner Pierce summarized that the issue regarding the EHUs is that they are in an area that requires no net loss per the master plans which sounds like the preverbal
shooting yourself with your own gun.
Commissioner Kurz asked why the proposed improvements are being made to the library.
Pam Brandmeyer, Assistant Town Manager, described how the
first floor of the library was the “prime real estate” of the building that should be used to serve the public rather than function as staff offices. By relocating the offices to the
lowest level, first floor area would be converted to new tutoring rooms and expanded computer/technical areas.
Commissioner Cartin asked about the high stream flows such as the July
flood and what is being done to address the situation.
Greg Hall spoke to how the July flood occurred and how the culvert system has been improved to prevent this situation in the future.
Commissioner Pratt asked questions about the history of the existing EHUs.
Greg Hall provided additional background on the historical uses of the library building.
Commissioner Pratt
is wondering if the EHU requirement is still in effect.
Bill Gibson provided additional information about the Town’s adopted EHU policies and future policy discussions that may be
needed around the unclear EHU policies.
Greg Hall spoke to the conversation with the Town Council, as the property owner, that occurred prior to coming before the PEC hearing.
Rediker spoke to the EHU situation as a member of the Vail Local Housing Authority. He described how the 1999 EHU was constructed for the specific housing needs for some seasonal Australian
bus drivers. He also described the VLHA’s discussions about mitigating the loss of this EHU.
5 minutes
A request for a final recommendation to the Vail Town Council for prescribed
regulations amendments to Title 12, Zoning Regulations and Title 14, Development Standards, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, to provide regulations
that will implement sustainable building and planning standards, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC090028)
Applicant: Town of Vail
Planner: Rachel Dimond/ Kristen
ACTION: Table to February 13, 2012
MOTION: Kurz SECOND: Tyler VOTE: 7-0-0
5 minutes
A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for a prescribed regulations
amendment, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, to amend Chapter 12-22, View Corridors, Vail Town Code, to allow for the maintenance of designated view corridors impacted
by vegetation, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC110056)
Applicant: Town of Vail
Planner: Warren Campbell
ACTION: Table to February 13, 2012
Tyler VOTE: 7-0-0
5 minutes
A request for findings of fact and a determination of accuracy and completeness, pursuant to Chapter 12-3, Administration and Enforcement, Vail Town Code,
and Article 12-7B, Commercial Core 1 District, Vail Town Code, for applications for a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7B-7, Major Exterior Alterations or Modifications,
Vail Town Code, to allow for the addition of GRFA (Rucksack Building), located at 288 Bridge Street, Unit R-2/ Part of Lots C & D, Block 5A, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth
details in regard thereto. (PEC110045); and a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7B-7, Major Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for additions
of enclosed floor area; a variance, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code, from Section 12-14-17, Setback from Watercourse, Vail Town Code, to allow for encroachments
into the Mill Creek setback and a variance, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code, from Section 12-7B-15, Site Coverage, Vail Town Code, to allow for additions of enclosed
floor area in excess of allowable site coverage, located at 288 Bridge Street, Unit R-1 (Rucksack Building)/ Part of Lots C & D, Block 5A, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details
in regard thereto. (PEC110046, PEC110050)
Appellant: Bridge Street Building, LLC
Planner: Rachel Dimond
ACTION: Table to February 13, 2012
MOTION: Kurz SECOND: Tyler VOTE: 7-0-0
Approval of January 9, 2012 minutes
MOTION: Rediker SECOND: Cartin VOTE: 6-0-0
Information Update
Informed the Commission that iPads would
be provided at a future hearing and training provided on there use. Staff explained that the iPads would become the hardware to be used for the review of the digital packets and at
the hearing.
MOTION: Kurz SECOND: Cartin VOTE: 6-0-0
The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular
office hours
at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The
public is invited to attend the project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing
in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call (970) 479-2138 for additional
Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification.
Please call (970) 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing Impaired, for information.
Community Development Department
Published January 20, 2012, in the Vail Daily.