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HomeMy WebLinkAboutB12-0026 permitNOTE: TH/S PERM/T MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES : �awla�v� � Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.4792452, inpsections 970.479.2149 COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Permit #: B12-0026 Job Address: Location......: Parcel No....: 115 FOREST RD VAIL 210107113030 OWNER 115 COMPANY 4960 S LAFAYETTE LN ENGLEWOOD CO 80113 APPLICANT RIO GRANDE CO 3990 HAVANA ST DENVER CO 80239 License: C000003391 CONTRACTOR RIO GRANDE CO 3990 HAVANA ST DENVER CO 80239 License: C000003391 02/24/2012 02/24/2012 Phone:303-375-0913 Project #: PRJ10-0195 Applied.....: 02/24/2012 Issued. . . : 08/27/2012 02/24/2012 Phone:303-375-0913 Description: INSTALL ONE (1) NEW 60" EPA APPROVED MAGNUM BRAND ISOKERN FIREPLACE IN A NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Occupancy: R-3 Building Permit --> Electrical Permit > Mechanical Permit —> Plumbing Permit > Type Construction: VB Valuation: $14,000.00 ....................................... FEE SUMMARY ........................,....................................,,..,,,.,.,......... $237.25 Bldg Plan Check --> $154.21 Use Tax Fee > $80.00 $0.00 Elec Plan Check -- > $0.00 Restuarant Plan Review > $0.00 $280.00 Mech Plan Check - > $70.00 Additional Fees— -> ($391.46) $0.00 Plmb Plan Check --> $0.00 Recreation Fee— > $0.00 Investigation--- > $0.00 Will Call— > $5.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES— > s435.00 Payments– –�----�–> 5435.00 BALANCE DUE > E0.00 •xwwwxew►xfrmw�ewww�v�ww�eRRw*�eewwwwwwr�wevwew�RR:x►www�vvwwww�wwewwrw►xwwwwww�,ewur**s*,tx►►„�e�it+�e�eee*x�e+r+�e�fr�t�+tw�e*x***��e��zw►�t�t►e��rtttwi:iir�tt►w,rwwr»r�nkxwwwrw� DECLARATIONS I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. combination permit_012811 �!!ii,[_�l .......,,., � ................., �.�...,.,.,.,,...,,,,,.,,,......,.,... CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE MET PRIOR TO FINAL SIGN OFF Permit #: 612-0026 Owner: 115 COMPANY Address: 115 FOREST RD VAIL Location: tlfHUHARMIN1�MHeRR UMRNhlMHftrfH�'fM�kt*t*frf�fl+Ftiti�i'��fflMM�it#��tlRfMfN}►AR►MM'UR►�kfF/iYRtff�fYtf*tY�#fftffff#f�f}f��lfN�►�lftlffff/��MM►MRfthlfftfRfffffHff combination permit_012811 �owxoFy�v .........*....*.**....**......*...**.*****...*,...*.......*......�*.�*�,..*.*****.***............*........**,.*..*.*** ........................�.....;.. Permit #: 612-0026 Owner: 115 COMPANY REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND STATUSES Address: 115 FOREST RD VAIL Location: ...*..*..,.*««#.***«...**...*...,�.«.«.,«„***.*.*.....** ..............�*...*.*.*.**«,...***.***....,.«....*...,.*.......*.,...*.*...**.#�*.*«....***...,.***� Item: 00090 BLDG-Final 08/17/2012 By: JRM PERMIT M11-0304 combination permit_012811 Action: AP Comments: SEE � � �co-ot°�s �I� — c��� �� **********************************************************************�********************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ****************************+**********************************+**************************** Statement Number: R120001177 Amount: 5435.00 08/27/201209:57 AM Payment Method:Credit Crd Init: WC Notation: VISA 0694 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B12-0026 Type: COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-071-1303-0 Site Address: 115 FOREST RD VAIL Location: Total Fees: $435.00 This Payment: $935.00 Total ALL Pmts: $435.00 Balance: $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code -------------------- MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 UT 11000003106000 WC 00100003112800 Description Current Pmts ------------------------------ ------------ MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 280.00 PLAN CHECK FEES 70.00 USE TAX 4$ 80.00 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 5.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOWN OF UAIL GOM DEU 75 S FRONTA6E RD. VAIL� CO 81657 970-479-2324 TERMINAL I.D.� 1082 MEACHANT #: VISA i�k�bk�B694� MAIL ORDER BATCH; 089546 INU:000004 AUTH:027982 AU6 27� 12 08:50 TOTAL $435.00 CUSTDMER COPV MECHANICAL PERMIT Boiler/Furnace Aoalications MUSl' include: n Mechanical Room Layout/Plan with Dimensions o Combustion Air Duct Size and LocaGon ❑ Flue or Vent Size ❑ 6as Piping Plan (if applicable) ❑ Heat �oss Calculations* n Equipment Cut Sheets For Boiler/Fumace '�Not required fwsame size (BTUJ boiler replacement with no sysfem changes, or snow mel[ Pro�ect StreetAdd� :n C� � �l ► � � 'ti lJ� ..�(� �'ti`�i (IVumber) (Street) (Suite #) Building/Complex Name: Fir�pl�ce AoalicatiQns MUST lnclude: o Equipment Cut Sheets for Freplaces/Log Sets (Manufacturer's info showing make, modei & approval Ils�ng) Office Uae: Projoct #: PR.S IO - O 1�,S Buliding Permit #: 8 � fl- 03n 3 Mechanical Permit f!: g �o� - (�Da, �n �__ , ...,..,.: � _ .. . . .... ... .. �....:: , .... . .. . ..: ,: „ . ..,... .....:.,...,..:................ ..... .,.. _ __ _ _ _ _.__.._. .. Lot #: Block # Subdivision: ---•-----7- ••- � Company: � Company Add ciry: � Contact Narr� �n ��.s `+\ �" v c �� / q Detailed Description of Work: � > Q�-Y� � , i�`' �A- �L� State: � Zip: �V a ` �� � '�J�-�'J� ` � l� �' .� • , - -- +3�.�' ���- (���-� ' ; Contact Phone: ,, (use additionei sheet if necessary) E-Mall 1��� �� �-�Q'' `-"'`� � � ❑ Gas Piping Indudod ! Town of Vail C ntrector Re istrati o,i �-1`�-�'✓� ������as Piping by OthersCQ1�-�D 1� � '. o Wood to Gas Fireplace Conversion �--._ .._...._. .... _...__._._..._.. _...._..._._ _....._-- •--•------ ------ ----•---.._..:: � Boiler Location; ' Co to igna uro (roquirod) � ,,.,.: Interior ( ) Exterlor ( ) Other ( ) ' ..�..�, ._ .. ...........------ .... ... . ._ . _. ...._�..�..�.. ... , . � �,.... ..,.. ,... ; Property Information �...,. . .,,......... �._.. ......._....._....._. _.,..�..._. _..... ..._____..—._._ .._... ___....._..---.-j , Numbnr of Existing Fireplaces: � Parcel #: f ' (For parcel #, contact Eagle County Assessors O(fice at 970-328-8640 or ; Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellel � visitwww.ebglecounty.uslpatle) �... ........._.... ....._...._...._ ,._,......,...x_.....,_...,.....,,..�._......,..�.....,.�......._..�..� � Number o( Proposed Firep►aces: • Tenant Name: (Gommcr�cial Properties) Owner Name: . __. . .. . . . . _.....,. ... . . . Complete Valuation for Mechanical Permi(: �Q Mechanical $: � `� g�ti : a6ed ZSt�Z6Lt�0Z6Z � �l ' Gas Appliances Gas Logs ;. ._._.......-•---•.....----._....-• -...._..._......--- � Type of Buildin : � Single-Family (� Duplex ( ) Multi-f Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) Date Received; � D� ��� Wood/Pellet � � amily ( ) Commercial ( ) ! : I ��� � � �012 '�' �- � C �WN OF �/A� 0i aiea-ta-a�� Isokern� MAGNUM� Fireplace with Fire-Lite Application and DM Chimney System Installation, Operation, Maintenance and Owner's Manual MAGNUM Models 28, 36, 42, 48, 60 & 72 A PRODUCT OF EARTHCORE INDUSTRrES, LLC. Important: This manual contains assembly rules, installation steps, guideliues, use and n�aiutenance in- structians for the MAGNiJM Series fireplace, DM 54 chimney systcm, and Fire-Lite Application with the FTF-13 Chimncy System. This manual must become thc property of and be reviewed by all current and fututc uscrs of this product. It is the responsibility of thc gencral contractor and the installer of this product to eusure t�iat thc: inslrucliuns in �his manual are followed exactly and, fi�rther that any alluwed gas log ap- pliance used in this product be instalied in strict accordance with NFPA SR, NFPA 54/ANSi Z223.1 and the gas log manufacturer's explicit installatinn, si�ing and operation instnic�ions. It is the responsibility uf the gencral conirractor tu pruvide ndeyuute clea.rances frpm a11 fircbox surfacc;s as specified in this manu�l. 1NSTAL.LCR: Leave this manua.l with the appliance CONSUMER: this manual for Fucure reference Be Sure to Read Entire Manual Before Beginning Construction. Contents of this manual may change without prior nolification. THIS FIREPLACE IS DESIGNED f.o�- USE with SOLID WOOD LOGS, PLUMBED PROPANE (LP) or NATUI2AI. GAS (NG), ONLY WARNING: Tf thc information in this manual is not followed exactly, a flre or explosion may result causing prnperty damage, personal injury or IoBS of life. SBCCI NO. 9h2h ICC Rc�port NO. ESR-2316 IBC 2006, IRC 20U6, IMC 2006 ���c�xr� _�/ . ��., US . �ock N°� NYC-1VIEA 241-90-E LA RR NO. 25483 Issued:December, 2009 Revision: 003 1NTERTEK TLSTiNG SERVICES REPORT NO. 3159656MiD-008 C� 2007 �arthcore indusfies, L.L.C. TA�S MANUAL CAN ONLY BE REPRODUCED IN YTS �NTIRETY g,Z:a6pd ZSbZ6Lfi0L6T��l :wo�� S0�0S ztiOZ-bZ-B�� Warnock Hersey Listing Labe� ' - Facsimile - �� MODULAR REFRACTORYFIREPLACE � �! � MAGNUM: ❑28" ❑36" �4Z" ❑48" ❑60" Q72" wu,rro o+a�� CaMPLIE8 WITH APPLICABLE REp. QF UL 127, ULC 5610 Cd N� 1��' CLEARANCE 70 COMBUBTIBLES: 28", 3A", 42", 48" UNIT FRON'f ANO ISqKFRN CHIMNEY UNIT SIDESAND REAR C�MBUSTIBLE SHEATHING ABOVE pPENING TOP SHF�4THING OR TRIM TO OPENING SIDES MANTIE ABOVE OPENING OPENING TO 510EWALL HEARTH FJCTENTION BEYOND FRONT HEARTH EXTENTION BEYOND SI�E5 COMBUSTIBLE FLOOR INSULATION FROM FIREBOX s n �n. =1 _S ln. = 6 in. = S in. =14 In, 9 261n. = 20 i�l. =12in. = 4 in. = 3 in. (38mm) (203mm) (203mm) (356mm) (660mm) (508mm) (305mm) (102mm) (76mm) ��� [] MAOe ir, usA � MADE IN OENMARK EART.HCORE INDU3TRIES, LLC. JACK80NVILLE, FL 32256 s�� 8 �Z� = 0 in. = 1.5 in. = 24 In. = 9 in. = 38 in. = 48 in. = 33 ►n. = 12 in. - N/A = 3 In. (38 mm) (610 mm) (229 mm) (985 mm) (1219 mm) (a3e mm) (305 mm) N/A (l6 mm) U5E 50LID WOOD fUEL OR LI9TEG �ECORATNE GAS VENTED OR UNVENTED APPWiNCE, ALSO FUR U5E WITH LISTED YIETAL CHINNFf. FlRE��TE aPPUCanoN ro usE �F19 oR EGUIVAIENT cHIMNEY oN�Y. DO NOT USE A FlREPUICE IN9ERT OR OTHER PRO�UCTS NOT SPECIFlED FOR USE WITH THIS PROOUCT. "WARNUlG" TFfl9 FlREPLACE NA3 NOT 9EEN TESTED FOR U9E MIfTH GLASS DOORS. TO REOUCE THE RIBK OF FlRE OR INJURY, DO NOT INSTALL GLASS DOORS. IF DOORS ARE USED, OPERATE RREPUICE WITH DOORS RlLLY OPEN. WNEN BURNING A DECORATIVE GA5 APPLIANCE IN THE FlREPU►CE, LOCK THE OAli�FJt TO THE FULLY OPEN POSfTiON. ONLY UNVENTED GAS LOG 5E15 WFIICH HAVE BEEN fOUND TO CONPIr wmi THE STANDARU fUR UNVENiID ROOM HEATERS, AN8NA91AGA Z21.11.2, AfiE TO 8E INSTALLEU IN THIS FlREPIACE. 00 NOT OPERAATE AN UNVENTED GAS LOG SET IN THIS FlREPI.ACE WIT'H THE CMMNEY REMOVED. SEE INSTALLATION AND OPERATINd INSTRUCTION9 POR 71t19 MODEI. AND ICC iF ESR•2916, I,A.RR � 25489, MEA �2490�. ONLY UNVENTED GAS LOG SETS WHICH HAVE BEEN FOUNp TO COMPLY WITH THE 9TANDARD FOR UNVEI�(TED ROOM HEATER9, AN9UTASIAGAZ21.11.2, ARE TO 9E INSTALLED IN THIS FIREPLACE CONTACT BUIIDING OFfICIAL VRIOR TO INSTALLATION FIGURE 1 Isokern Fireplace and Chimncy Sy��om� aro tcstcd a,nd listcd to UL standards: UL 127, ULC SG10, auil UL 1U3i1T. Tha listing labcl tihown in Fiburc 1 abuve outlines the listed clearances to cornbusubles and indiest�s that the units are suitable for use with solid fuel or listed gas appliances. Refer tu the inanul'actun;r's inatxllxticm manual f�r dctailed ci�eriptiem uf clearanees to combustibles ead all other insta,llation infonnation. A metal tistiag tabel similar to that shuwn �buve is atTixecl to cach MAGNUM Scries fireplace. Do not remove the listing Label from the 1VIAGNUM Sc.�rie� fircpiace_ Prior to beginning installacion, eontact yu«r loctil builcling nt}icial to dctermine the need to nhtain a permit. g��:a6ed ZSbz6L�0L6S��l :wo�� S0�0ti ztiOZ-bZ-83.� Assembled Firebox Dinr�ensions - Models 60 & 72 �� � D � � e Right Section C � ■ I A I Front Elevation 0 � Top Plan View K "I � B ___L__ �_ � � �� Plan Section M�xiel A B C D E F G H I J K M N O 60" 73 1/2" 28" 85 3/4" 41' 69" 57 1/4" 55 1/2" 25 Y." 4 3/4" 5" B" 14 1/4" 11 " 55 1/2" 72° @5 1/2 " 28" 85 3/4 ' 41' 81 1/4' 69 3/4" 65 1/2° 25 '/e' 4 3/4' S" B' 141 /4" 11' 65 1/2" Minimum Framing Weight 76 1/2^ W x 87 1/2" H x 29'/s" 2500 Ibs. B81/2"W x 8� 1/2" H x 29%," 2900 fbs. P.rt Flrepl�ce �u.inthy: No_ Slzt MT7 60' W 2 M77 72' W 2 :yM � � T'OP PLATE � �, �� g,b;a6pd ZSbZ6Lb0L6Z��l :�'o�� S0�0ti ZZOZ-bZ-B�� Isokern@ EPA Qualified� Fireplace Installation, Operation, Maintenance and Owner's Manual Model 36 C A PRODUCT OF EARTHCORE INbUSTRiES, LLC. Important: This manual conta.ins assembly rulcs, installation steps, guidclincs, usc and maintcnancc instruc- tior�s for thz 5tandHrcl EPA quatified system. This manua( must become thc praperty of and be reviewed by all currcnt and future users of this producl, Tt is the responsibility ot th� �eneral contractor and the inst��llcr of this product to ensurc that the instructions in this ma.nual are followed exactiy and, fiarthcr that any al- lowed gas Iog applianee used in this prc►duet be installcd in strict acc�rdance with NFPA 58, NFPA 54/ AN51 Z223.1 and th� gas lug manufacturer's explicit inst�ll�tion, sizing and operation insiructicros. �t is th.e responsibility of the gen.eral con�raetor to provide adequate cic:�raaces 6-om all firebox surfaces as specified in this manual. 1NSTALLER: Leave this manual with the appliance CONSLTMER: Retain this manual for future reference Installation Date NOTE: The Catalytic Combustor system should be replaeed at a minimum in 3 years, maximum of 5 years. Be Surc to Read Entire Manual Before Beginning Construction. Contents of this manual. may change without prior notification. THIS FIREPLACE IS DESIGNED for USE wi�th SOLID WOOD LOGS, PLUMBED PROPANE QI.,P) or NAT�iTRAL GAS (NG), ONLY WARNING: if the i,nfvrmarion in this manual is not followed exactly, a fire or explosion may resuit causin� property dama�e, personal injury or loss of life. SBCCI NO. 9626 1CC Rcport NO. ESR-2316 IBC 2006, IRC 2006,1MC 2006 ����r��- V� � �I �+�oek N•��a NYC-MEA 241-90-E LA RR NO. 254R3 Issued: February, 2010 Revision: 403 INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES REPORT NO. 3159656M IA-OUS OM1�1I-TEST LABORATURIES REPORT Nq. 257-F-d6-3 Tast�d ` B�s�rw{�n L+sRe� 8� � Onrqon USA �I�Te�r! lubor�lor�s, tric R�pwi Na; 23f.P�OS4 Cc� 2007 Earthcorc lndustrics, L.L.C. THIS MANUAL CAN ONLY BE REPRODUCED IN ITS ENTIRETY giS:a6pd ZSbZ6Lb0L6ti��l :wo-�.� 90�0ti ZZOZ-bZ-83� Warnock i�ersey Listing Label - Facsimile - Q(•�-"'�� .GI�lDIJ1AR �FRAC�v �IR�uCE � �� �O� t]1t C3+� ���•.�.... MiM o��1 Y' ] W►o4! w ae�r�,�.t �� M� C�14411C�i �YR�IIbf4�'.i 9011RllfS MRf11 A1M�LECieL$ RD�.Of UL 12Y. VLiC 811Q J�O�YR.LC !L 3�i c�ea►R►Madro oo�uots� uia�sn�r�i;mho�+aaNnmr ��aw. uiar.emEaumaq�n � �ak Oen�N. CoibUa:�CLC���MW�b{'OR ��K. QOMiMiA a►1Sa17�1q110ty1'dRIMfOar�NMi0El0ES '�M, �0 1W/7LCAB0V4bPkerJNG1. � • 14h, {�0lriii0 ov�nsmWra�u�t� -'Mt� Nooir.+ ��t'�M�IDH'riKR10� 'ION (OOIiRw�{ ur.wmi r�c�ti�trrar �row ar� • u M: oo�p CWmnsTaB"iKOal � � a. S?� 9i0W11'1�41}SiOMfIA�OX +Sku (►Enr+O 0o Mar uaga �R�nr� na�tr�acr�r r�oucra E14T b'PECMI6D P'QR 1]OE'NIITd17Nt9 PfiOaIICl, "INIAR1�10"TNIA PIRi{fh,A�6 MAl�'NGT 6H�N 7'8$T6D•ROK !!SE iM7H QtJt33: DCflR� TO RCOUCE i118 Rl816 OF FIRG OR Ai�URY; GO NGT iNBTALt GLA38 GOOR'a.1F DDORB ARG USQb; o��raTe �n1�FtAGC WiTw oOCI� �LILLYOP�I. tiYH�H suRliiNC'no�cbni►nve oas �ev�c� nt�T11e FlREPLAGl. COGICSHE �IAOIPHR' UI TMG fULLY QP6N P08lT1011. OO NOl DPQRA?$ A1� 1lN�:l�TiBO, GA� 1.06 E�7 M SHiQ F�RBPLACB YYITN 1'NE GlI�IIIN6Y R�IIlC1f&D. t8e SOEJC tAOoD RI�l4R IdTBD' o�littr! GAO YlJ11lL.dt pMY011� AaPt�A11G! . Ati4 POR u0E wIM 11318D I�l CiOME'E 88H' IN8TALLA�tON A�ID Oi�RATU� �1R1lC]WNa RCR TMIS Ibd�. AtW� IOG 0 B8R.Z31E,: IJIRA �t6�dJ� M8A R� C�NL1Ci 0111.00160MCULIRlOII 101�llAifOM EPA Yellow Qualifying Hangtag 0 P�iASE 2 QUALI��ED U.S. Ernironmental Protecpon Aqency Wood-buming Freplaoe Program �ax z a�sKa mo�t ae eea�a ma a�.� � we mora mead. u�x Iwr �v m� dJ� rnYrMIS �� [I�WIR D7 71NOh! �1M Dlal !•JJOCl�C NEI f�y O�IQfi ill� CS�1d IIi11A QItl01i7r. KWaY I�YI tiw h1ar,�rN rrliyrt0 rtqlr 1�1Q{I[! �011i IiR� RA' TNA i1fOrMrli0�1 p l0 m�w,epe�Qar/b�mwae FIREPLACE SMOKE EM15610N3 RANOE lww E�r�.�u�w Nlphx Em'ratiinno 0 720 LW i.1 v�.w�ars�enura YNl9 �d� nw4�.ln h...iw.�a. o�aeia•Ia.M...�n Naw � ePT1 vev�M• M11111��[7�I�R NOOit �OI y�7MCOtl 11oYYlt!l11� lLC B�IIr 7� 0 �11/7Lti! Om�Dlllc 7.�] QYi/vi O� rOOD �IMIID• � MA��mM�rr�.WW:e'�ar�jr . •�11r Mn�Y1614d T�wbl� 6�' �1 KGe40o1 fd�MOR.�YYMf Yd � fallpY100 M��/�MY �1 ��4 M1'Y� �MIr+IM.IM Ow �A�P+� RM PM 7 w�+aen 4r1 b lAA MY Vd.w� Poq6a rro4�r. isokern Fireplace aud Clumney Systenis a��e tzsl.ed auJ listecl to UL �Ixn�Krda: UL 127, ULC S610, and UL 103HT. The liscing l;ibel shvwn above autl.ines the listeci clearances to combusables and inclic3les that th� unitK are �uilablc for usc with solid fucl or listed gas appliances. itefer to the ulaauFacturzr's insl�llalicm manual fur dctailcd dcscripticm uE elearances to eomb�vtiblcw and all pther installation informatl�a A metAt lietiag labc[ similar tu thxt shown above is aHixc:d tu caeh Stancidrel EPA qualified fireplace. Do not remove the listing label frum the Stanilard EPA qualificd fireplace fireplace. IIn addition, an EPA qualifyin� Iabel will be af6xed to the Catalytie Combustor systcm. Keep this label in a�fe place if needed for permits or building inspcction. Prior to beginning installation, coatac� your local buiicling ot�icial to dctcrminc thc nccd to obtain a ! permit g�g:a6pd ZSbZ6Lb0L6Z��l :wo�.� 90�0ti ZtiOZ-bZ-B��