HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB120079 Pinos Del Norte Unit I Windows- DRB Application __ y [�epar#ment.of Comrnu�ity Dev�Eopme�tt ,#'�i��s� :c�s�r.n:it �. . .. , - . • 75 South Frvnfage Rvar� �t1YylS �ir atei�� Yai1�C�8'ia67 � Te1:.9�D-4T£--�i28 - v�ruvv.vait�o►�.eom - , . . �e�eioprrter�E�evl�w Co�rdinator - ��pl�ca�ion f�r�3esign 9��vi�wr . � � . t�in�r Ezter�or�#�eration Gen�rat Enforrnatia�i: Thls appilcatio�is required forail proposals inva€ving rr�ie�or changes tp bui[dings and site im�rave- tnents,s�cf�ss ro�#ing,��intinr�,windaw adcfitians, lands�apii�,fer�ces,retaining walls,etc, Ap�lica�[e Va�i 1'own Gaofe ser�ians�an be f�aund a#ww�r.�ail ov_carri u�d�r Vail��tir,rmatio�7�'�awn Cocie Or�;ine. Ali proj�ts requiri�g de- , sfgn review must rece�ve approval.prior ta s�bmi�iing a �uitd'€ng�errn�f apptication. An application far Design Rev��w cpnnrat he accepfiad until all requireti infatrnativn is r�csived by�he.Gomrrtunity�evelaprnenf a�ar�msnt,as.outlined in �.., .. ,.._ ti3a.�u�Friit�at req�iretrrnertts, The project may�alsa n�ed fia be revi�wed�y�he Tvwn Cour�cil.andlar t�e F'lanning and . . F[�Vt�Oi7Cl'1Bf��].('r4P1I�ti�SlQn- �?4'&�n I�Vl�'Ycf 2�,�fOl!?��X�31��5 Ot1�s+�2Fff�]t7#ftia r�a4a pf�r��"='l�f��inla5��i,;.'1��1f!'f��°;'- mi#is issu�antl cnnstructl�fl tarnmences. �e�: �2���oe M�I#i-�arnilylComrtterctal , . � $�€�for 8tn�le Fa�nifylDuptex �Sinc�le Fami�y L,_-.i � Dup�ex [�,.� Mulfi-Family L__._= ,�nmrr�ercial �pY�r#�tloat ofi t�:�Ret���sf: �ame for same re�lacerne�t o�i�+p windows thst are badly d�terior�ted. Ai!mater�afs ta rr�atch exisfing_ Phys�cai Ad�t�s• 6t7Q llail V�1tey�rive,Pinos de! No�e,ApartamentQ'1'. � . Parael Numbet: �i[�i-[78�•��-00� _�,m,...,_..__._.�(Contact Eagfe Co.Ass�ssot at 97Q-32$-66�0 for�arc�!no.} . p�E��°rf,y flv,rt!�r: Pinos del hEorte,:4paitam�ta'1'.c/o P.�.Rox��.Vaif,Co 81658 � Mai�ing Adcfr�ss: P,o.Bflx 68,VaiI,CO Si 656 ' f�h�7l�s: $7o-47B-27�4'7 -� Qw�'se�'s Si�natu�e: . ' ` ' � Prirnary Contactl�wner Represenfat3ve: N��ba Gonsiruct�an,Patr�cic Pinnsll . l�ta'tling Address: P.�,Box�419,�Vait-Go 81658 ' r���i�: 97�J-8���1001 • �-N�aii• PatriCk�nedbo.cQrr� ...___ �...�..Fax• �7�-845-9979 � F�orOffice Clse Only: . . Cas�_ CC: Uisa!M� t:ast 4 CC# �xp. t�ate: Auth# Check# Fee�'aid: Rec�ived Fram: � hlleetir�g,Qat�'. . . _ . �..� �5�6I#�.: W _' . . Planner: � . : . Pr�act No: . Zonin�: Land Us�.. ��Catio�.of t�e�rop�sal: �.ot:____�_�__.Block: Sul�ivlsfon: FRDM : PINOS DEL NOR7E PHflN� N0, : 9704767612 Mar. 29 ��12 09:25PM P4 03/27I�A t 2 �h�P6�a�5 de! hl�rte Ct�r�d�r�inie�r�ASS�ia#iore�ppCOV��#h�fca�lour€ng i��nvs: �. me replace�r'i�n�4f th�#wo windows�n th�tueSt ele�a�it�n c�f utlit! �, The repainting of#€�e��ilding�n the same coiors thax they ar�right nnw. 3. �r�emoval and repi�cement af#he garage wate�proa�ng�ystem same fior sam�,and ti�e remavai af two trees f�r th�s work t�be carr+ed out. �espec�i�� � 5ilays"F� � ���a��r � Pir�os d�l Nor�e Co�+rfo�ini�m Assaciatia�.