HomeMy WebLinkAboutPreplanned Life Safety System impairment ProgramMike McGee - OWBR Preplanned Impairment Program DRAFT pdf
_. _. Pane
One Willow Bridge Road
Preplanned Life Safety System Impairment Program
The Weitz Company (TWC) is requesting that the Town of Vail certify via TCO a phased/partial
occupancy of the One Willow Bridge Road (OWBR) project. Code requires that life safety
systems are active and functioning throughout an occupied building. Because finish work will be
ongoing at the unoccupied areas of the building, partial and temporary impairment of the life
safety systems at isolated areas will be required during certain construction activities in order to
avoid false alarms. The preplanned life safety impairment procedure and policy is the tool that
The Weitz Company will utilize to ensure that proper notifications and procedures are completed
and documented so as to be in accordance with the applicable fire codes.
Impairment Coordinator:
Glen Mussetter of TWC is the designated Impairment Coordinator. In the event that Glen
Mussetter is unreachable, Andrew Martin of TWC is the backup contact.
Impairment Coordinator Responsibilities :
Authorize all preplanned impairments after the following items are completed.
1.1. Determine the extent and expected duration of the impairment.
1.2. Inspect areas involved and determine increased risks.
1.3. Submit recommendations to building manager.
1.4. Notify the Fire Department — Dispatch
1.5. Notify the insurance carrier, alarm company, building manager /owner and any other
authorities having jurisdiction.
1.6. Notify Supervisors in the areas to be affected.
1.7. Implement tag impairment system.
1.8. Verify that necessary tools an mated als have been assembled on the impairment site.
2. Emergency Impairment Management.
2.1. When unplanned impairments occur, take appropriate action to minimize potential injury
and damage.
2.2. Complete items 1.1 through 1.8
3. Restore Systems to service.
3.1. Confirm that necessary inspections and tests have been conducted to verify systems are
3.2. Advise supervisors that protection is restored.
3.3. Notify Fire Department that protection is restored.
3.4. Notify the insurance carrier, alarm company, building manager /owner and any other
authorities having jurisdiction that protection is restored.
3.5. Verify that impairment tag(s) have been removed
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Mike McGee - OWBR Preplanned Impairment Program DRAFT pdf Page 2
TWC has developed specialized forms to manage and document the performance of the
responsibilities of the Impairment Coordinator. These forms are attached. Below is a summary
of how these are to be used by the Impairment Coordinator to comply with the requirements of
the Impairment Program.
Preplanned Life Safety Impairment — Event Information and Notification Form
Page 1. Impairment Event Information
The impairment is given an Event ID #. The Date and estimated Time and Duration of the Event
are provided. Information regarding the location, systems affected, activities to be performed,
recommendations, necessary tools /materials and any special concerns are noted. This form is
faxed or emailed to all contacts on the Notification List.
Page 2: Notification List
This page contains the notification list for the event. Contacts included on the notification list are
the Fire Department, Alarm Company, Building Manager /Owner, and Insurance Carrier. There
are also blank spaces provided for the notificati on of on -site supervisors which may very for each
event. Included is a space to record the time and method of notification for both post and pre
event notifications.
Page 3: Tagging Log and Notes
This page is used as a planning and tracking tool for the tagging requirements associated with
the Event. This form identifies the required tags and logs the tag on and tag of times.
Page 4: Post Event Notification
This page is completed by the Impairment Coordinator after all systems associated with the
impairment event are restored. Upon Completion, this form is faxed or emails to all contacts on
the Notification List
Preplanned Life Safety Impairment — Event Information and Notification Form
This form is identical to the Preplanned Life Safety Impairment — Event Information and Notification form,
however it is for use in the event of an emergency impairment, so notification akes place after the
impairment has started
Impairment Event Log
The impairment event log is stored on -site by the Impairment Coordinator in a binder with the completed
and in progress Event Information and Notification Forms. The Impairment Event Log should be updated
weekly or as required by the I mpairment Coordinator. The log is meant to be used as a tool to track all
impairment events in one place. The log may also be used to provide advance notification regarding
projected events.
Mike McGee - OWBR Preplanned Impairment Program DRAFT.pdf �„ Pa e 3
One Willow Bridge Road
Preplanned Life Safety Systems Impairment -Event Information and Notification Form
Contacts: Name Company Contact #
ImpairtnaM Coordinator. Glen Mussetter Weitz 3032294286
Asst. Impairment nator new n Weitz
Impairment Event Information:
Impairment Evert ID Number. This number is to start with the date of the event in this format YY.MO.DY.XX.
0 24HR Format
0 24HR Format
FLOOR, AREA, UNIT and other relevant details pertaining to the location of the impairment
Descri be the systems impacted and the extent of the impacts
Describe the construction activities to be performed during the impairment
Define any special concerns or preplanning required for this event.
Impairment Evert Date:
Planned Start Time:
Planned Finish Time:
Impairment Evert Location:
Systems Affected:
Activities to be Performed:
Recomm endations,
Areas of Risk, Necessary
Tools /Materials & Special
Mike McGee - OWBR Preplanned Impairment Prq am,DRAFT pdf Pa e 4
Notification Information Checklist for Event ID# :
Off Site Notification
Contact Name
Method of
Pre Event
Post Event
Fire Wane Monitoring
Acme Warm
888-88 8-8888
8884188 -8888
Sonnenalp Property
Managemen t
TOV Fire Department
Insurance Carrier
On Site/Subcontract or Notification
Contact Name
Method of
Pre Event
Post Event
Frontier Fire
888-88 8-8888
8884188 -8888
Page 2 of 4
Step 1 • FAX or EMAIL PAGE 1 to all contacts above.
Step 2 - Upon restoration of Life Safety Systems related to this event, Fax or Email Page 4 to all contacts above.
Mike McGee - OWBR Preplanned Impairment Program DRAFT. Page 5
Impairment Taggingfor Event ID#
Tagging List and Log
Impairment Coordinator Additional Notes
Glen Mussetter, The Weitz Company
PAGE 3 of 4
Mike McGee - OWBR Preplanned Impairment Program DRAFT.pdf_ Page 6
One Willow Bridge Road
Preplanned Life Safety Systems Impairment -Post event Notification Form
Contact #
Im irment Coordinator:
Glen Mussetter
303- 229 -4286
Asst. Impairment Coordinator
Andrew Martin
Impairment Event Information:
Impairment Event ID Number:
Actual Start Time: J 24HR Format
Actual Finish Time: ] 24HR Format
Life Safety Systems related to the above referenced impairment event have been restored to
their original condition and are operational. Please contact Glen Mussetter with any aditional
questions or concerns.
Glen Mussetter Date
Impairment Coordinator
Mike McGee - OWBR Pre lanned km alrm
One Willow Bridge Road
Emergency Life Safety Systems Iml
Contacts: Name
Impairment Coordinator. IGien MLssett
Asst. Impairment oordinator Andrew Marti
Impairment Event Information:
Impairment Event ID Number:
Descri be the
Describe the
Define any sp
Impairment Event Date:
Start Time:
Estimated Finish Time:
Impairment Event Location:
Systems Affected:
Activities to be Performed:
Recomm endations,
Areas c Risk, Necessary
Tools /Materials & Special
Mike McGee - OWBR Preplanned Impairment Program DRAFT pdf Page 8
Notification Infonnat ion Checklist for Emergency Event ID# :
Off Site Notification
Contact Name
Method of
Pre Event
Post Event
Fire Alarm Monitoring
Acme Alarm
888-88 &8888
888- 888 -8888
Sonnenalp Property
TOV Fire Department
Insurance Carrier
On SltelSubcontract or Notification
Contact Name
Metho d of
Pre Event
Post Event
Frontier Fire
888-88 &8888
888- 888 -8888
PAGE 1014
Step 1 - FAX or EMAIL PAGE 1 to all contacts above.
Step 2 - Upon restoration of Life Safety Systems related to this event, Fax or Email Page 4 to all contacts above.
Mike McGee - OWBR Preplanned Impairment Program DRAFT.pdf Pale 9
Impairment Taggingfor Emergency Event ]D#:
Tagging List and Log
Impairment Coordinator Certification.
Glen Mussetter, The Weitz Company
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Mike McGee - OWBR Preplanned Impairment Program DRAFT.pdf Pa 10
One Willow Bridge Road
Emergency Life Safety Systems Impairment -Post event Notification Form
Contact #
Impairment irment Coordinator:
Glen Mussetter
303 229 4286
Asst. Impairment Coordinator
Andrew Martin
303 -476 -8833
Impairment Event Information:
Impairment Event ID Number: ��
Actual Start Time: �y 24HR Format
Actual Finish Time: L_I 24HR Format
Life Safety Systems related to the above referenced impairment event have been restored to
their original condition and are operational. Please contact Glen Mussetter with any aditional
questions or concerns.
Glen Mussetter Date
Impairment Coordinator
Mike McGeeOWBR Preplanned Impairment Program DRAFT. pdf Page 11
One Willow Bridge Road
Life Safety Systems Impairment -Event Log
Item # Event ID # Date Location /Descrip tion Notification Status Date Closed
Mike McGee - OWBIR Pre tanned Im airment Pro ram DRAFT. df
P,,..:.,. , __ . ., ., P Pae 12
965 N. TEN MILE DR. ! UNIT #A -1 / P.O. BOX 4536 / FRISCO / CO 80443 / PH:970.668.4700 / FX:970.668.9400 / WWW.WEIT2.COM
Charlie Davis
Town of Vail Building Department
75 S. Frontage Road
Vail, CO 81657
April 17, 2007
Dear Charlie,
RE: One Willow Bridge Road
Phased Occupancy and TCO Plan
As you are aware, it is Weitz's intention to request a TCO in order to allow for occupancy of the Fractional
Fee Units and Common Areas of One Willow Bridge Road. Attached are 5 copies of Weitz's Phased
Occupancy/TCO Plan for distribution and review as required. The plan includes the following items:
1. OWBR Phased Occupancy/TCO Outline Narrative — Level by level overview of the status of the
building at the time Weitz will request a TCO.
2. Phased Occupancy/TCO Plans — Full -size code plans for levels G — 4, identifying construction
and occupied areas as well as signage and additional information.
3. Hughes Associates, Inc., Garage Staging Letter — Life Safety Engineer's recommendations
regarding construction staging at the OWBR parking garage.
4. OWBR Life Safety Systems Preplanned Impairment Program — Narrative and Management forms
for compliance with TOV FD and Fire Code Requirements
Please review the attached and contact me with any questions or concerns. It is our intent to request a
TCO inspection when construction progress is completed per the attached documentation. Weitz will
request a courtesy inspection if we complete the required construction activities while outstanding design
issues remain that prohibit the issuance of a TCO. The project team appreciates your continued
cooperation as we work toward meeting the Town of Vail's requirements for a TCO and Partial
Occupancy of One Willow Bridge Road.
Todd Johnston
Project Manager
CC: Robert McNichols, Vail Dover Associates, LLC
Michael Brisbois, Michael Brisbois Associates
Dan Vickers, Weitz
Frank Makris, Weitz
One Willow Bridge Road Phased Occupancy
Phase 1: Fractional Fee Units and Common Areas
Below is an outline format overview of the status of the building by level at the time Weitz will
request a TCO inspection for partial occupancy. Please see the attached plans for more detail.
a. Life safety systems are active in the garage.
b. Contractor will utilize a portion of the garage for staging and access to unfinished
units. Please see attached letter from Hughes Associates, Inc regarding staging of
combustibles in the parking garage.
c. Elevator 2 will be used solely for construction access to Units 206 - 208, 308, &
d. Elevators 3, 4 & 5 will be used for resident access to the Level 1 Common Space,
as well as units 101, 102, 201 -204, 301 -304.
e. Elevator 1 will be turner over with the completion of the Marketplace.
f. Garage Egress Paths per plan.
g. One bay of the loading dock will be available for general use.
h. Two -way traffic lanes will exist at the ramp and drive lanes of the garage.
i. Weitz will utilize traffic control within the garage as required to ensure movement
of construction materials across the drive lanes is coordinated safely with traffic
within the parking garage.
j. Parking Calculations will be provided to ensure parking spaces are provided per
code requirements for areas to be occupied.
k. See attached Plan A0.0 for additional detail and information.
2. 1st Floor
a. Units 101, 102 complete and ready for occupancy.
b. Common areas complete and occupied.
c. Elevators 3, 4 & 5 active at this level.
d. Elevator 2 will be used for construction traffic. Access to these elevators from the
common space will be restricted via the building access control system.
Construction Traffic within these elevators will not be permitted to access the 1st
e. Egress Paths per plan.
f. Stairs 1, 2, 3 (Egress for units under construction) to have access restricted to
prevent intermingling of occupants and construction traffic.
g. See attached Plan A0.1 for additional detail and information.
3. Marketplace
a. Finish work may be in progress.
b. Life Safety Systems Active.
c. Demising walls and doors between this build -out and the OWBR common areas
will be complete
d. See attached Plan A0.1 for additional detail and information.
Pagel of 2
4. 2nd Floor
a. Units 201 — 205: complete and ready for occupancy. Egress per plan. Depending
on the timing of the TCO inspection unit 205 may or may not be a part of the
initial TCO request. This is due to minor finish work at the elevator lobby that is
currently in progress. Regardless life safety systems at the unit and adjacent
lobby will be fully operational.
b. Units 206 — 208: finish work in progress. Drywall is hung and inspected and life
safety systems are functional.
c. Please see the attached preplanned impairment program and associated forms for
information on how we propose to have planned shut downs of areas of the life
safety systems at the unoccupied units as required for construction to be
d. Construction access to unit 206 — 208 is through Elevator 2 and Stair 3.
e. See attached Plan A0.2 for additional detail and information.
5. 3`d Floor
a. Units 301— 306: complete and ready for occupancy. Egress per plan. Depending
on the timing of the TCO inspection units 305 & 306 may or may not be a part of
the initial TCO request. This is due to minor finish work at the elevator lobby
that is currently in progress. Regardless life safety systems at the units and
adjacent lobby will be fully operational.
b. Units 307 — 308: Finish work in progress. Drywall is hung and inspected and life
safety systems are functional.
c. Please see the attached preplanned impairment program and associated forms for
information on how we propose to have planned shut downs of areas of the life
safety systems at the unoccupied units as required for construction to be
d. Construction access to unit 307 — 308 is through Elevator 2 and Stair 3.
e. See attached Plan A0.3 for additional detail and information.
6. 4a' Floor
a. Units 401 - 404: Finish work in progress. Drywall is hung and inspected and life
safety systems are functional.
b. Please see the attached preplanned impairment program and associated forms for
information on how we propose to have planned shut downs of areas of the life
safety systems at the unoccupied units as required for construction to be
c. Construction access to units 401 - 404 is through Elevator 2 and Stair 3.
d. See attached Plan A0.0 for additional detail and information.
7. Building Exterior
a. Exterior Finishes Completed.
b. Most landscaping in place.
c. Exterior Hardscape Complete.
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2 Garden Center, Suite 204, Broomfield, CO 80020 USA
FIRE SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Phone 303439 -0485 ■ FAX 303439 -7160 ■ www.haiftre.com
April 5, 2007
Todd Johnston
The Weitz Company
One Willow Bridge Road
141 E Meadow Drive
Suite B171 -B
Vail, CO 81657
RE: One Willow Bridge Road
Garage Level Staging Criteria During TCO
Dear Todd:
At your request, Hughes Associates, Inc. (HAI) has evaluated the Garage Level of One Willow Bridge
Road (OWBR) to determine acceptable staging configuration that is consistent with the hazard
classification of the sprinkler system. This letter provides our findings and recommended limitations for
construction storage for the building.
Construction storage in the garage consists of the following:
■ Non - combustible materials (stone, tile, mortar, etc)
■ Easily ignited combustible materials (cardboard boxes)
■ Ordinary combustible materials (wood)
■ Limited amount of plastic material
It is understood that the wood storage is limited. However, during site delivery the amount of wood
materials will increase temporarily until the material is distributed to the appropriate areas of the building.
This temporary storage will not result in exceeding the design criteria of the sprinkler system as long as
this increase in storage is consistent with the criteria addressed below. HAI also understands that a draft
curtain will be provided between the construction staging area and other areas of the Garage.
Based on the shop drawings from Frontier Fire Protection for OWBR, the sprinkler system is a dry
system with a hydraulic design of 0.02 gpm/ft2 over 1950 square feet. Since a dry system requires a 30%
increase in the design area, the comparative design is 0.02 gpm/ft2 over 1500 square feet. A sprinkler
density of 0.02 gpm/ft2 provides an Ordinary Hazard group 2 designation. Based on NFPA 13 Section
5.3.2, Ordinary Hazard Group 2 occupancies are designed for occupancies where quantities and
combustibility of contents are moderate to high, stockpiles do not exceed 12 feet, and fires with moderate
to high rates of heat release are expected.
Based on the existing fire sprinkler design criteria and our understanding of the requested staging area,
HAI believes that the following storage restrictions are appropriate to ensure that the sprinkler system is
not overcome by a fire in the area.
1. Storage is to be in areas limited to 1500 square feet. It is understood that storage within these
areas will be a mixture of combustible and non - combustible materials.
2. A 10 feet aisle is to be provided to separate the maximum 1500 square feet storage areas.
3. Storage is not to exceed 6 feet in height.
Baltimore/Washington I Anchorage j Chicago I Cincinnati I Dallas I Denver I Minneapolis I New York I Oakdale I Orlando
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� / @ A&�T
Todd Johnston
One Willow Bridge Road - Garage Level Staging Criteria During TCO
April 5, 2007 page 2 of 2
4. Good housekeeping practices are to be implemented to minimize refuse, including empty
cardboard boxes, throughout the area. Note that this issue was identified as a critical element of
the plan by the Vail Fire Marshal. Specifically, it is required that packaging material including
cardboard, shrink wrap, plastic, foam, and similar materials are not to accumulate to more than 3
cubic yards in any pile. In general all refuse is to be maintained in dumpster and is not to be
present in areas of general storage addressed in items 1 through 3 above.
Please contact me at 303 -439 -0485 if you have any questions or comment. Thank you.
Hughes Associates, Inc.
Scott A. Craig, PE
One Willow Bridge Road
Preplanned Life Safety System Impairment Program
The Weitz Company (TWC) is requesting that the Town of Vail certify via TCO a phased /partial
occupancy of the One Willow Bridge Road (OWBR) project. Code requires that life safety
systems are active and functioning throughout an occupied building. Because finish work will be
ongoing at the unoccupied areas of the building, partial and temporary impairment of the life
safety systems at isolated areas will be required during certain construction activities in order to
avoid false alarms. The preplanned life safety impairment procedure and policy is the tool that
The Weitz Company will utilize to ensure that proper notifications and procedures are completed
and documented so as to be in accordance with the applicable fire codes.
Impairment Coordinator:
Glen Mussetter of TWC is the designated Impairment Coordinator. In the event that Glen
Mussetter is unreachable, Andrew Martin of TWC is the backup contact.
Impairment Coordinator Responsibilities:
1. Authorize all preplanned impairments after the following items are completed..
1.1. Determine the extent and expected duration of the impairment.
1.2. Inspect areas involved and determine increased risks.
1.3. Submit recommendations to building manager.
1.4. Notify the Fire Department — Dispatch
1.5. Notify the insurance carrier, alarm company, building manager /owner and any other
authorities having jurisdiction.
1.6. Notify Supervisors in the areas to be affected.
1.7. Implement tag impairment system.
1.8. Verify that necessary tools an materials have been assembled on the impairment site.
2. Emergency Impairment Management.
2.1. When unplanned impairments occur, take-appropriate action to minimize potential injury
and damage.
2.2. Complete items 1.1 through 1.8
Restore Systems to service.
3.1. Confirm that necessary inspections and tests have been conducted to verify systems are
3.2. Advise supervisors that protection is restored.
3.3. Notify Fire Department that protection is restored.
3.4. Notify the insurance carrier, alarm company, building manager /owner and any other
authorities having jurisdiction that protection is restored.
3.5. Verify that impairment tag(s) have been removed
Page 1 of 2
TWC has developed specialized forms to manage and document the performance of the
responsibilities of the Impairment Coordinator. These forms are attached. Below is a summary
of how these are to be used by the Impairment Coordinator to comply with the requirements of
the Impairment Program.
Preplanned Life Safety Impairment — Event Information and Notification Form
Page 1: Impairment Event Information
The impairment is given an Event ID #. The Date and estimated Time and Duration of the Event
are provided. Information regarding the location, systems affected, activities to be performed,
recommendations, necessary tools /materials and any special concerns are noted. This form is
faxed or emailed to all contacts on the Notification List.
Page 2: Notification List
This page contains the notification list for the event. Contacts included on the notification list are
the Fire Department, Alarm Company, Building Manager /Owner, and Insurance Carrier. There
are also blank spaces provided for the notification of on -site supervisors which may very for each
event. Included is a space to record the time and method of notification for both post and pre
event notifications.
Page 3: Tagging Log and Notes
This page is used as a planning and tracking tool for the tagging requirements associated with
the Event. This form identifies the required tags and logs the tag on and tag of times.
Page 4: Post Event Notification
This page is completed by the Impairment Coordinator after all systems associated with the
impairment event are restored. Upon Completion, this form is faxed or emails to all contacts on
the Notification List
Preplanned Life Safety Impairment — Event Information and Notification Form
This form is identical to the Preplanned Life Safety Impairment — Event Information and Notification form,
however it is for use in the event of an emergency impairment, so notification akes place after the
impairment has started
Impairment Event Log
The impairment event log is stored on -site by the Impairment Coordinator in a binder with the completed
and in progress Event Information and Notification Forms. The Impairment Event Log should be updated
weekly or as required by the Impairment Coordinator. The log is meant to be used as a tool to track all
impairment events in one place. The log may also be used to provide advance notification regarding
projected events.
Page 2of2
One Willow Bridge Road
Preplanned Life Safety Systems Impairment - Event Information and Notification Form
Com an
Contact #
Impairment Coordinator:
Glen Mussetter
303 - 2294286
Asst. Impairment Coordinator
Andrew Martin
303476 -8833
Impairment Event Information:
Impairment Event ID Number: This number is to start with the date of the event in this format YY.MO.DY.XX.
Impairment Event Date: YY.MO.DY
Planned Start Time: 24HR Format
Planned Finish Time:
Impairment Event Location:
Systems Affected:
Activities to be Performed:
Areas of Risk, Necessary
Tools /Materials & Special
24HR Format
FLOOR, AREA, UNIT and other relevent details pertaining to the location of the impairment
Describe the systems impacted and the extent of the impacts
Describe the construction activities to be performed during the impairment
Define any special concerns or preplanning required for this event.
Nn +ifira4inn lnfnrmatinn Checklist for Event ID# :
Off Sitp Notification
Contact Name
Method of
Pre Event
Post Event
Fire Alarm Monitoring
888 - 888 -8888
888 - 888 -8888
Acme Alarm
Sonnenalp Property
TOV Fire Department
Insurance Carrier
On Site /Subcontractor Notification
Contact Name
Method of
Pre Event
Post Event
Frontier Fire
rage Z or 4
Step 1 - FAX or EMAIL PAGE 1 to all contacts above.
Step 2 - Upon restoration of Life Safety Systems related to this event, Fax or Email Page 4 to all contacts above.
Impairment Tagging for Event ID# :
Taaaina List and Loa
Impairment Coordinator Additional Notes
PAGE 3 of 4
Glen Mussetter, The Weitz Company
One Willow Bridge Road
Preplanned Life Safety Systems Impairment - Post event Notification Form
I Company
Contact #
Impairment Coordinator:
Glen Mussetter
I Weitz
303- 229 -4286
Asst. Impairment Coordinator
Andrew Martin
303 -476 -8833
Impairment Event Information:
Impairment Event ID Number:
Actual Start Time: 24HR Format
Actual Finish Time: 24HR Format
Life Safety Systems related to the above referenced Impairment event have been restored to
their original condition and are operational. Please contact Glen Mussetter with any aditional
questions or concerns.
Glen Mussetter
Impairment Coordinator
One Willow Bridge Road
Emergency Life Safety Systems Impairment - Event Information and Notification Form
Com an
Contact #
Impairment Coordinator:
Glen Mussetter
303 - 229 -4286
Asst. Impairment Coordinator
Andrew Martin
303 -476 -8833
Impairment Event Information:
Impairment Event ID Number: This number is to start with the date of the event in this format YY.MO.DY.XX.
Impairment Event Date: YY.MO.DY
Start Time: 24HR Format
Estimated Finish Time: 24HR Format
Impairment Event Location: FLOOR, AREA, UNIT and other relevent details pertaining to the location of the impairment
Systems Affected: Describe the systems impacted and the extent of the impacts
Activities to be Performed: Describe the construction activities to be performed during the impairment
Recommendations, Define any special concerns or preplanning required for this event.
Areas of Risk, Necessary
Tools /Materials & Special
Notification Information Checklist for Emergency Event ID# :
Off Site Notification
Contact Name
Method of
Pre Event
Post Event
Fire Alarm Monitoring
888 - 888 -8888
888 - 888 -8888
Acme Alarm
888 - 888 -8888
888 - 888 -8888
Sonnenalp Property
TOV Fire Department
Insurance Carrier
On Site /Subcontractor Notification
Contact Name
Method of
Pre Event
Post Event
Frontier Fire
888 - 888 -8888
888 - 888 -8888
PAGE 2of4
Step 1 - FAX or EMAIL PAGE 1 to all contacts above.
Step 2 - Upon restoration of Life Safety Systems related to this event, Fax or Email Page 4 to all contacts above.
Impairment Tagging for Emergency Event 1D#:
T�nninn 1 ict and Lea
• •
Impairment Coordinator Additional Notes
Impairment Coordinator Certification.
Glen Mussetter, The Weitz Company
PAGE 3 of 4
117occation • •
Impairment Coordinator Additional Notes
Impairment Coordinator Certification.
Glen Mussetter, The Weitz Company
PAGE 3 of 4
One Willow Bridge Road
Emergency Life Safety Systems Impairment - Post event Notification Form
Com any
Contact #
Impairment Coordinator:
Glen Mussetter
303 - 229 -4286
Asst. Impairment Coordinator
Andrew Martin
303- 476 -8833
Impairment Event Information:
Impairment Event ID Number:
Actual Start Time: 24HR Format
Actual Finish Time: 24HR Format
Life Safety Systems related to the above referenced impairment event have been restored to
their original condition and are operational. Please contact Glen Mussetter with any aditional
questions or concerns.
Glen Mussetter Date
Impairment Coordinator
One Willow Bridge Road
Life Safety Systems Impairment - Event Log
1 Item #Event ID # JDate 11-ocation /Description I Notification Status I Date Closed