Acme Alarm Campany
PO Box 883
Rifle, CO 81650
Phone 970-625-3398 Fax 970-625-0870
"We Set The Standards for Security!"
~ SILENT LO, ~4~q s ~
K.~'TS:rFiT . aaza,u~awuw
January 9, 2008
One Willow Bridge Unit 404 Vail, Co 81657
Re: Fire Alarm System
Attention: To Whom It May Concern
On January 9, 2007 the fire alarm system at One Willow Bridge Unit 404. (Unit 44)
address One Willow Bridge Vail, CO 81657 was functionally tested and inspected per NFPA 72.
No discrepancies were found and all devices in the addition were tested per NFPA 72.
Jennifer Bartels
Acme Alarm Company, Inc
cc: Vail Fire and Emergency Services
- Nov 19 07 03:46p ACME ALARPJI COMPANY 9706250870 p.1
Acme Alarm Company
PO Bax E83
Rifie, CO 89650
Phone 970-625-3398 Fax 970-625-0870
"We Set She Standards for Security!"
il " '!1•O? :.1 r:.'+, LETTER OF CERTIFICATION ~
tlovember 19, 2007
One Willow Bridge
Unit 40,2
Vail, Co 81657 ~
Re: Fire Alarm Svstem ~
' ~
Attention: To Whom It May Concem
On November 19, 2007 the fire alarm system at One Willow Bridge Unit 402. address
One Willow Bridge Vail, CO 81657 was functionally tested and inspected per NFPA 72. No
discrepancies w•ere found and all devices in the addition were tested per NFPA 72. The system
was accepted and finaled by the AHJ, Vaii Fire and Emergency Services.
~ ~/I~ti ±Bels nnifer ~
Acme Alarm Company, Inc
cc: Vail Fire and Emergency Services 4
Acme Alarm Company
PO Box 883
Rifle, CO 81650
Phone 970-625-3398 Fax 970-625-0870
"We Set The Standards for Security!"
~ 5~~ENT
Ty o~~ r=~~~a
December 21, 2007 '
Re: Fire Alarm System at One Willow Bridge Attention: To Whom It May Concern
On December 21, 2007 the smoke detectors and sounder bases at One Willow Bridge unit
308, AKA unit 38 were installed and functionally tested and inspected per NFPA 72 and local
Acme Alarm Company, Inc
By Jennifer Bartels
cc: Vail Fire and Emergency Services
{ r}/ ~
ire & Emergency Services 42 West Meadow Drive Vai4 Colorado 8I657 970-479-2250
DATE: -7 PERMIT # 05
I ~lt ~ ' ~ G..~/ ~ /l.A /7/ 'J J ,~J• - ` - ! -_''INSPECTOR: TITLE r~ s,;,,,. , • -
H U G H E S AS S O C l AT ES, IN C. 2 Garden Center, Suite 204, Broomfieid, CO 80020 USA
FIRE SCtEMCE & ENGiNEER1NG Phone 303-439-0485 a FAX 303-439-7160 o www.haifire.com
DATE: 3121105
TO: Mr. Mike McGee Vail Fire Rescue
42 W. Meadow Drive
Vail, CO 81657
FROM: Scott A. Crail~e ~
PROJECT: One Willow Bridge Road - Vail Village
Items being sent:
1 set of fire suppression plans (FP0.1, FP1.0, FP1.1, FP1.2. 17131.3, and FP1.4)
1 copy of fire suppression specifications - Section 13930
1 set of fire alarm and detection plans (FA1.0, FA1.1, FA12. FA1.3, and FA1.4)
1 copy of fire alarm specifications - Section 13851
As we discussed, these plans and specifications for One Wlllow Bridge Road are the most recent
revisions. The specifications address the comments from your January 28, 2005 letter. The plans vary
from what was submitted in the permit plan based on our converstaion last week (we removed strobes
from the non-ADA rooms). Please contact me if you have any questions or comments.
Thank you,
Bal[imore/Washington a Chicago i Cincinnati e Denver o Minneapolis v NewYork i Orlando i Providence i Sacramento n San Jose 8 San Ramon
Milan i Singapore o Taipei
, ~ .
A. Work Included: Provide all material, labor, equipment, design and services necessary to
perform the installation of the fire sprinkler and standpipe system described in the
specification and as shown on the drawings.
The specifications and standards listed below form a part of this specification.
A. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
1. NFPA 13 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, 2002 Edition
2. NFPA 14 Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems, 2003 Edition
B. International Building Code 2003 edition as amended by City of Vail Building Department
C. International Fire Code 2003 edition as amended by City of Vail Building Deparfment
D. Colorado Cross Connection Control Manual
E. All requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)
F. The system shall have proper listing and/or approval from the following nationally
recognized agencies:
1. Undervvriters Laboratories Fire Protection Equipment Directory
2. Factory Mutual Approval Guide
A. The system shall consist of a wet-pipe automatic sprinkler system in all areas except the
garage level.
B. The garage level system shall be a dry-pipe automatic sprinkler system.
C. Manual, wet standpipes shall be provided as indicated.
A. Authority Having Jurisdiction: For purposes of code compliance the Authority Having
Jurisdiction (AHJ) for this installation will be the Fire Marshal for the Vail Fire Department.
Contractor shall submit plans, calculations and manufacturer's data to the Fire Marshal,
as required to obtain a permit.
B. All plans, calculations, and manufacturer's data shall be submitted to the Engineer prior
to submission to the Authority Having Jurisdiction. All plans shall be approved by the
Engineer prior to forwarding to the AHJ.
RDAI 23149 13930-1
A. Material Submittals
1. Furnish to the Engineer a complete list of equipment and products, and a
manufacturer's catalog sheet for each item to be included in the project.
2. Partial submittals are not acceptable. Where more than one item appears on a
manufacture's catalog sheet, the item or items to be used shall be indicated.
3. Welding
. a. Welding procedures shall comply with NFPA 13.
b. Contractor shall provide information to indicate qualification of all welders and
procedures to support quality welding operations.
B. Shop Drawings
1. Prior to any installation or fabrication of the system components, Contractor shall
submit shop drawings and hydraulic calculations to the Engineer for approval by the
Engineer and the Owner.
2. Incomplete shop drawings will be rejected unless prior approval is requested and
given from the Engineer for parfial submittals.
3. Shop drawing shall conform to, and include, all items as set forth in NFPA 13 and
NFPA 14.
4. After approval is received from the Engineer and Owner, submit shop drawings to
Vail Fire Marshal for approval and permitting. Deliver copies of the shop drawings
bearing the approval stamps to the Owner.
A. Updating Drawings: Provide and keep up-to-date, a complete record set of approved
shop drawings, corrected daily to show every change from the approved shop
drawings. Keep this set of prints on the }ob site and use only as a record set.
B. Final Record Set: Upon completion of the work, the record drawings and hydraulic
calculation shall be submitted for approval by the Engineer and Owner. After receiving
approval, the record set shall be used to produce a set of final CAD files of the complete
installation. The record set of CAD files and hydraulic calculations shall be turned over to
the Owner.
A. Qualifications of Contractor:
1. The design of the fire sprinkler and standpipe system must be performed by a Level III
Technician certified by the National Institute for Certification in Engineering
Technologies (NICET) or Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Colorado. The
person performing the design shall have experience with automatic sprinkler and
standpipe systems.
2. The contractor performing the installation shall have a minimum of 5 years
experience with fire protection systems. Such experience sha11 be made available
upon request.
RDAI 23149 13930-2
A. Materials and Equipment: All materials and equipment in the system shall be new and
current products of a manufacturer regularly engaged in the production of such
materials and equipment. Where two or more pieces of equipment are required to
pertorm interrelated functions, they shall be products of one manufacturer.
B. Approval Guides: Unless othervvise indicated, all products shall be listed in the latest
publication of Approval Guides for Undenwriters Laboratory and Factory Mutual for the
service intended.
2.02 PIPE
A. All pipe shall be ferrous and meet the requirements of NFPA 13 and NFPA 14. All piping
2'/2 inches and larger shall be joined using mechanicaf couplings. Piping 2 inches and
smaller shall be joined using threaded fittings. No plain-end fitting shall be used.
B. Copper piping and fittings is acceptable in place of ferrous piping. Copper piping shall
comply with all requirements of NFPA 13.
C. Dry pipe systems, non-pressurized fire department pumper connection piping, and pipe
located in corrosive environments shall meet the requirements of NFPA 13, be ferrous and
galvanized, no exceptions.
D. Rust Inhibitive Paint: All exposed threads on galvanized pipe are to be coated with rust
inhibitive paint.
A. Rust Inhibitive Paint: Grooved Fittings and couplings shall be coated with a rust inhibiting
B. Threaded Fittings: Threaded fifitings shall be cast iron class 125, rated for 175 psi. Cold
water working pressure and shall conform to ANSI Bl 6.4, ASTM 126 and ANSI 62.1 NPT.
Malleable threaded fittings will not be permitted.
C. Nipples: No close nipples will be permitted. For short pipe connections use standard
short nipples.
D. Adjustable Nipples: Adjustable drop nipples may be used on flush or concealed type
sprinklers only and must be of double o-ring seal design.
E. Thread-O-Lets: Shop welded Thread-O-tets may be used where a certified welder is
used and the Thread-O-Lets are listed.
F. Grooved Fittings: Elbows, Tees, and reducers shall be malleable +ron or ductile.
G. Adapter Flanges: Adapter flanges (fittings) shall be cast iron/class 125 conforming to
ANSI B-16.1, with a rust inhibiting coating.
RDAI 23149 13930-3
H. Grooved Couplings: Grooved couplings and reducers shall be malleable or ductile iron
conforming to ASTM A-47. Coupiing gasket shall be molded Elastomer (EPDM) per ASTM
D2000, Victaulic grade "E" (Type A) or equal. On dry-pipe systems a"FlushSeal" or "Flush
Gap" gasket shall be used. Grooved couplings and reducers shall be of the same
manufacturer as used for the grooved fittings.
1. P{ain End Couplings: No piain end couplings (Roust-A-Bouts, Plainloks or similar couplings)
may be used.
J. Hole Cut Outlets, New Systems: No hole cut outlets may be used.
A. Hangers: Provide hangers to support all piping, in alignment without sagging or
interference, to permit free expansion and contraction and meet the requirements of
NFPA 13 and NFPA 14.
B. Pipe Rings: Pipe rings to be zinc coated Grinnell figure 69 or approved equal.
C. Hanger Rods: Hanger rods to be electro-galvanized.
D. C-Clamps: All c-clamps (beam clamps) shall be equipped with retaining straps.
E. Riser Clamps: Riser clamps shall not protrude more than 2" beyond the edge of the hole.
The riser clamps shall be UL listed, Grinnell figure 261 or approved equal
F. Concrete Anchors: Concrete expansion pnchors shall be Hilti, Phillips, Rawl, ITW, or
approved equal.
G. Explosive Anchors: Explosive driven type fasteners are not permitted.
A. Outside Screw and Yoke (OSY) Valves: OSY valves shall be cast iron, flanged and rated
for 175 psi, non-shock cold water working pressure.
B. Valves Not Permitted: Butterba44 or wafer valves are not permitted, unless specifically
listed herein.
C. Isolation/Control Valves: Sprinkler system, stdndpipe, and other above ground
controlling valves shall be gear-operated slow-close butterfly valves with flag type
indicator, cast iron lug body, bronze disc, EPDM crowned seat, stainless steel stem with
bronze bushings, two internal single-pole, double-thraw monitor switches, and locking
chain supplied by the valve company.
D. Supervised Valves, 1'/z Inches and Smaller: Sprinkler controlling valves 1'/2 inches and
smaller shall be slow-close supervised buttertly valve type or approved equal.
E. Valves Controlling Sprinklers in Elevator Machine Room and Top of Elevator Shaft:
Sprinklers located in elevator machine rooms and at the top of the elevator shaft shall be
controlled by a supervised control valve.
RDAI 23149 13930-4
F. Drain Valves: Drain valves shall be UL Listed, screw-in bonnet bronze globe valves, rated
to 175 psi non-shock cold water working pressure. Low point drain valves shall have, in
addition, a 3/4" brass nipple with 3/4" male hose threads and cap.
G. Check Valves: Check valves shall be grooved, iron body, bronze seat, stainless steel
clapper with a replaceable rubber seal (a rubber seal integral with the seat is not
acceptable), and 175 psi non-shock cold water working pressure.
H. Provide a double check valve assembly (backflow preventer), including two approved
control valves. The assembly shall be UL certified and of a type meeting the Colorado
Cross Connection Control Manual.
A. Sprinklers: Provide the following sprinkler types in the specified areas:
1. All residential units shall have sprinklers listed for residential use. Sprinklers shall be
ordinary temperature rated, concealed type, white finish.
2. All commercial areas except the garage shall be provided wifih ordinary
temperature rated sprinklers. Sprinklers in finished areas shall be chrome finish, semi-
recessed with two-piece escutcheon or as required by the architect. Sprinklers in
unfinished areas shall be brass or chrome finish.
3. Garage areas shall have upright, dry-pendant or dry-sidewall ordinary temperature
rated sprinklers, brass or chrome finish. Areas with finished ceilings shall have dry-
pendant sprinklers or pendant sprinklers installed on return bends as required by
NFPA 13.
4. Areas subject to high temperatures shall be provided with intermediate or high
temperature sprinklers as required by NFPA 13.
B. Spare Sprinklers: Provide spare sprinklers and escutcheons shall for each type and style
of sprinkler used in accordance with NFPA 13 and proportioned based upon the number
of each type and style of sprinkler used on the job. In no case should less than 6 of each
type of sprinkler heads be provided. Spares of dry-pendent sprinklers are not required.
A. Provide a spare sprinkler cabinet to accommodate the required number of spare
sprinklers and escutcheons. {nclude a wrench for each type of sprinkler in the cabinet.
A. Provide UL Listed sprinkler headguards for sprinkler heads subject to mechanical damage
or for any sprinkler of which any portion is at, or lower than, 7-0" above the floor.
A. Provide one fire deparfment connection (FDC) with horizontal type connections, dual
clapper, two 2'/2 inch inlets, with rocker lug caps and chains.~"scutcheon and FDC to be
chrome finish. FDC to indicate "Automatic Sprinkler" or equal.
B. Provide a second fire department connection (FDC) with horizontal type connections,
dual clapper, two 2% inch inlets, with rocker lug caps and chams. scutcheon and FDC
to be chrome finish. FDC to indicate "Manual Standpipe" or equal.
RDAI 23149 13930-5
A. Provide a bronze ball drip for the fire department connection inside of the building and
pipe to the drain riser.
A. Provide 2Y2 inch chrome hose valves with 2'/2 inch x l Y2inch reducing fitting, and cap
and chain. Threads shall be as required by the local fire department.
A. Provide a single piece sight drain at all flow test points.
A. Provide a 3'/2 inch diameter, bourdon type pressure gauge, 0-300 psi,'/4 inch soft metal
seat g4obe va4ve with arrangements for draining pipe between gage and valve, located
near each main or floor control valve assembly on the main line or near each test
B. For monitoring of air pressure, provide a 3Y2 inch diameter, bourdon type pressure gauge,
0-80 psi with a minimum of 250 psi retard, Y, inch soft metal seat globe valve with
arrangements for draining pipe between gage and valve, located near each main or
floor control valve assembly on the main line or near each test location.
A. Provide a cast iron drum drip at the {ow drain points on o dry system.
A. Provide a splash block at the point of discharge for the drains outside of the building, if
the ground will be disturbed by the flow of water.
A. Provide 24 gauge galvanized sheet metal with lock seam joints or'/2 inch overlap sleeves
in floors, partitions, ceilings, and in construction without waterproof inembranes. Provide
schedule 40 galvanized steel pipe sleeves in exterior walls. Provide schedu4e 40 pipe
sleeves with clamping rings in slab-on-grade or exterior walls having below grade
penetrations. Provide sleeves through roofs with flashing collars.
A. Provide plastic split ring type escutcheons and paint to match the wall. Escutcheons are
only required with exposed pipe installations.
A. Provide a dry pipe alarm valve, trim package, accelerator and air maintenance device,
all by the same manufacturer.
RDAI 23149 13930-6
A. Provide an air compressor, sized to completely refill the system within 30 minutes.
B. Provide an air filter and air dryer system on outlet of the compressor.
C. Compressor shall be hardwired to AC power on a dedicated circuit. Only means of
disconnect shall be the circuit breaker for the circuit. Provide sign at compressor
indicating circuit breaker location.
D. Air compressor shall be floor mounted and shall include isolation grommets as required
by the AHJ.
A. Equipment in this section shall be provided, installed, and adjusted by the sprinkler
Contractor. Coordinate installation of fire sprinkler system with all other trades. Conduit,
wiring, and terminations, shall be by others.
1. Vane Type Waterflow Switches
2. Vqlve Supervisor Switches
3. Pressure Type Waterflow Switches •
4. High and Low Air Pressure Monitoring Switches
2.21 SIGNS
A. Provide all control, drain and test valves with signs identifying the type of valve.
B. Provide a sign at the riser indicating the hydraulic design information for the system (i.e.,
"hydraulic nameplate").
A. Firestopping material is to be installed in conformance with the firestopping specification.
Firestopping is to be applied by only manufacturer approved personnel. All firestopping
shall be UL, FM or Wanock-Hersey Rated.
B. Provide a brush-on pipe thread sealant with Teflon, Grinnell Tuff-Loc or approved equal.
Teflon tape will not be permitted.
A. Requirements Prior to Installation: Do not order, fabricate, or install any material prior to
receipt of al1 approvals as stipulated in Parfi 1 of this Section.
B. Standards and Requirements: All installation work shall be performed in accordance with
the reference standards without exception, and as required by the AHJ. All piping shall
be installed straight, true and plumb.
C. Changes to the Work: Install all piping as shown on the approved shop drawings. Minor
deviations shall be carefully noted on the record drawings as outlined in Parf 1 of this
RDAI 23149 13930-7
Section. Before making significant deviations from the approved drawings, written
approval must be obtained from the Owner and the AHJ.
D. Coordination of Work: Carefully coordinate work with other trades so that unnecessory
offsets and revisions to the approved drawings are avoided. Failure to coordinate does
not relieve Contractor from meeting the performance standards herein.
A. Required Clearance Around Pipe; Piping passing through fire rated assemblies, inc{uding
fire rated GWB assemblies shall be provided with clearance around the entire
circumference of the pipe as required by NFPA 13. Piping 3Y2 inches and smaller shall
have a minimum one inch clearance around the entire circumference of the pipe and
pipe larger than 3Y~ inch shall have a minimum two inch clearance around the entire
circumference of the pipe. Penetrations of walls, floors or ceilings shall be made in a
neat manner using properly sized hole saw or masonry/concrete coring as necessary.
B. Fire Rated Assemblies: The annular space between the wall or pipe sfeeve and the
sprinkler pipe in fire rated assemblies shall be filled with UL classified firestopping material
in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation, also see Section 2.22.
C. Escutcheons: Split wall plates or escutcheons shall be installed where exposed piping or
hangers pass through a finished floor, wall or ceiling and shall fit snugly, securely and
cover the opening.
~ A. Install all control valves, supply valves and test valves in easily accessible locations, with
the valve handle or wheel no higher than seven feet above the finished floor.
A. Inspector's Test: Inspector's test valves shall be provided for all waterflow monitoring
devices. The inspector's test location shall be at the hydraulically most remote point of
the system and shalf include an open-bore orifice equivalent to the smallest sprinkler in
the system. The inspector's test connection shall be piped to the exterior of the building
or a drain riser terminated as directed on the drawings_ The inspector's test connection
valve shall be readily accessible, at a location no higher than seven feet above finished
B. Main Drains: Main drains shall be piped as indicated on the drawings and shall '
discharge to a safe location outside the building. Splash blocks shall be provided to limit
damage to landscaping.
C. Auxiliary Drains: Provide auxiliary drains at all low points of the system, where the trapped
section of pipe exceeds five gallons, and from the residential units. The drain shall consist
of, as a minimum: a valve, a 3/4" brass nipple with 3/4" male hose threads, and cap.
Locate auxiliary drains in unfinished areas without suspended ceiling wherever possible.
In finished areas, locate the hose bib within six inches of an access panel (minimum 12
inch x 12 inch dimensions). If located in bathrooms the panel is to be stainless steel.
RDAI 23149 13930-$
A. Provide gauges at the main system riser and each riser control assembly. Tap gauges
from the main piping, not from the drain piping. Gauges shall be provided on both the
supply and system side of the backflow preventer.
A. For lay-in suspended acoustic ceilings, sprinklers shall be centered in the tile and shall be
carefully aligned.
A. The fire sprinkler system shall not be connected to supply until the underground piping
has been flushed as required by Colorado Division of Fire Safety and NFPA 12, 13, and 14.
B. Parfial System Test or Inspection: Perform tests with the sprinklers installed in their final
positions. Where it is critical to the continuance of the project as a whole to cover
portions of the piping with ceilings or walls prior to the completion of the entire system,
partial testing of the system may be performed after receiving written approval from the
Owner. In this case "parfial" indicates an entire zone or floor of one system. A satisfactory
partial test does not relieve Contractor from performing all final testing procedures.
C. Preliminary Hydrostatic Test: Perform a hydrostatic test, conforming to the requirements
of NFPA 13, after the system has been fully installed and is ready for service, and prior to
installation of suspended ceilings. Take special precautions to detect and stop water
leokage so that any water damage will be minimal.
D. Dry System Air Pressure Test and Inspection: In dccordance with NFPA 13, an air pressure
leakage test of the dry pipe system shall be performed to ensure no or minimal air leaks.
Test the system for not less than 24 hours at an air pressure of 40 psi without the addition
of any air. Any leaks resulting in a pressure drop of more than 1'h psi over the 24 hour
period shall be repaired immediately by the Contractor.
E. Final Hydrostatic Test and Inspection: Final inspection of all phases of the Work shall be
made by Engineer and Authority Having Jurisdiction. Notify ihe Enc~inPer at IPast 7 davs
in advance of making the required tests for the
presence o e n e an e AHJ representative to witness th The installing
oreman or o er representative of Contractor shall be present at this time to conduct
any operating tests of alarm, drains or other system functions requested by the Engineer,
Fire Marshal or Owner. Test the complete system for not less than 2 hours at a pressure of
200 psi (or 50 psi above static pressure, whichever is greater) without the addition of any
water. Any leaks or drips shall be repaired immediately by Contractor.
F. Test of Fire Alarm Equipment: Test the operation of the water flow, pressure, and
supervisory switches. When Contractor has satisfied itseff that the system is in complete
operating condition in every respect, it shall notify the Construction Coordinator in writing
that the system has been inspected and tested the system and that it is ready for final
RDAI 23149 13930-9
G. Punch List: Deficiencies found in the system will be recorded on a punch list and
delivered to Contractor. Correct punch list items within two weeks of receipt of the
punch list, no exceptions. Occupancy shall not be made until all Fire Protection Punchlist
items have been corrected.
H. Certificate of Completion: A completed contractor's test and materials cerfificate shall
be delivered to the Owner upon satisfactory completion of the work.
RDAI 23149 13930-10
r ~ •
A. This section of the specification includes the furnishing, installation, connection and
testing of the microprocessor controlled, intelligent reporting fire alarm equipment
required to form a complete, operative, coordinated system.
B. Contract drawings and specifications are complementary. Whatever is called for in either is binding as though called for in both. If inconsistency exists, the most restrictive
requirement shall be applied.
C. The fire alarm system shall comply with requirements of 2002 Edition of NFPA 72. The
system shall be electrically supervised and monitor the integrity of all conductors.
D. The system and its components shall be UL listed under the appropriate UL testing
standard as listed herein for fire alarm applications and shall be in compliance with the
UL listing.
The specifications and standards listed below form a part of this specification.
A. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
1. NFPA 13 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, 2002 edition
2. NFPA 72 National Fire Afarm Code, 2002 edition
3. NFPA 70 National Electrical Code, 2002 edition
B. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL)
1. UL 864 Control Units for Fire Protective Signaling Systems
2. UL 521 Heat Detectors for Fire Protective
3. UL 464 Audible Signaling Appliances ,
4. Ut 1480 Standard for Speakers for Fire Alarm, Emergency, and Commercial
and Professional Use
5. UL 1971 Visual Notification Appliances
C. International Building Code 2003 edition as amended by City of Vail Building Department
D. International Fire Code 2003 edition as amended by City of Vail Building Department
E. All requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)
F. The system shall have proper listing and/or approval from the following nationally
recognized agencies:
1. UL Undervvriters Laboratories, Inc.
2. FM Factory Mutual
RDAI 23149 13851-1
G. The fire alarm control panel shall meet UL Standard 864 (Control Units)
A. A new intelligent reporting, microprocessor controlled fire detection system providing
Voice{Alarm Signaling Service shall be installed in accordance with the project
specifications and drawings. Minimally the system shall include a Fire Alarm Control
Panel (FACP) located as shown on the drawings for the purpose of monitoring
addressable devices, notifying occupants of an alarm, and reporting alarms and
supervisory signals to an approved Central Station via a Digital Alarm Communicating
Transmitter (DACT).
B. Basic Performance:
1. System Detectors with Sounder Bases shall be provided for all living units. Activation
of a unit smoke detector shall cause a supervisory condition at the FACP and shall
also cause the sounder base to activate in all rooms associated with that unit.
Smoke detector activation in designated handicapped units shall also activate the
Visual Notification appfiances associated with that unit without activating
notification devices outside the unit.
2. For general alarm conditions, occupant notification shall be accomplished by
playing a pre-recorded digital voice message over listed speakers of sufficient
quantity to provide for audibility and intelligibility as required by NFPA 72, 2002
3. System shall incorporate an integral microphone for manual override of the pre-
recorded message.
4. Alarm, trouble and supervisory signals from all intelligent reporting devices shall be
encoded on NFPA Style 4(Cfass B) Signaling Line Circuifis (SLC).
5. Initiation Device shall reporf as an addressable device connected to the SLC circuit.
6. Exterior Water Flow Alarm Signal: Provide horn and strobe unit listed for exterior use
to be located above the fire department connection. The hornlstrobe unit shall
have a minimum audibility level of 86 dBA at ten feet. Mount above each fire
deparfment connection at a height of ten to fifteen feet above adjacent grade.
This device shall track sprinkler water flow, and shall be unaffected by the Signal
Silence activation at the FACP.
7. Elevators shall be protected as indicated on the plans and shall be in compliance
with ANSI A17.1. Sequence of operation for elevators shall be as follows:
a. A smoke detector shall be provided at the top of the elevator shaft, in the
elevator machine room, and at each elevator lobby. Activation of one of these
smoke detectors shall initiate elevator recall. The first floor shall be considered
the primary level of egress. The second floor shall be considered the alternate
level of egress.
b. A heat detector shall be provided within 2 feet of each sprinkler within the
elevator machine room. The heat detector shall have a maximum activation
temperature of 165°F. Activation of the heat detector shall initiate elevator
recall (if not already initiated by the smoke detector). Once recall is complete,
the elevator shunt trip is to occur to disconnect power from the elevator.
RDAI 23149 13851-2
C. Basic System Functional Operation - When a general fire alarm condition is detected and
reported by one of the system initiating devices (i.e., manual station, water flow, heat
detectors, or common area smoke detector), the following functions shall immediately
1. The system alarm LED on the FACP shall flash.
2. A local piezo electric signal in the control panel shall sound.
3. The display on the FACP shall indicate all information associated with the fire alarm
condition, including fhe type of afarm point and its location.
4. The FACP shall be capable of logging all alarm and supervisory events and storing
the information indefinitely, along with time and date of occurrence.
5. Alarm signals shall be transmitted via a DACT to a monitoring.
b. A digitized voice message shall be broadcast throughout the building.
7. All door holders shall release.
8. All fans shall shut down.
9. All smoke dampers shall close.
A. General
1. Four (4) copies of all submittals shall be submitted to the engineer for review prior to
submittal to the fire department.
2. After approval by the engineer, the submittal shall be submitted to the Vail Fire and
Emergency Service Department (AHJ) as required for their review and permitting
B. Shop Drawings
1. Sufficient information, clearly presented, shall be included to determine compliance
with drawings and specifications.
2. Include manufacturer's name(s), model numbers, ratings, power requirements,
equipment layout, device arrangement, complete wiring point-to-point diagrams,
and conduit layouts.
3. Battery and Voltage Drop calculations shall be included.
C. Manuals
1. Submit simultaneously with the shap drawings, complete operating and
maintenance manuals listing the manufacturer's name (s), including technical data
2. Wiring diagrams shaA indicate internal wiring for each device and the
interconnections between the items of equipment.
3. Provide a clear and concise description of system operation that provides, in detail,
the information required to properly operate the equipment and system.
A. All work performed and all material and equipment furnished under this contract shall be
free from defects and shall remain so for a period of at least one (1) year firom the date
of acceptance. The full cost of maintenance, labor and materials required to correct
any defect during this one year period shall be included in the svbmittal bid.
RDAI 23149 13851-3
A. Atl equipment shall be provided by one of the following manufacturers:
1. The Gamewell Company
2. To the extent practicabfe, equipment make and model shall match existing
equipment in the Sonnenalp Resort. Contractor shall not match existing if same will
result in a code violation or a violation to these specifications.
B. All equipment and components shall be new, and the manufacturer's current model.
The materials, appliances, equipment and devices shall be tested and listed by a
nationally recognized approvals agency for use as part of a protective signaling system,
meeting the National Fire Alarm Code.
C. All equipment and components shall be installed in strict compliance with
manufacturers' recommendations.
A. Conduit
1. Conduit shall be in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC), local and
state requirements.
2. Conduit fill shall not exceed 40 percent of interior cross sectional area where three
or more cables are contained within a single conduit.
3. Cable must be separated from any open conductors of power, or Class 1 circuits,
and shall not be placed in any conduit, junction box or raceway containing these
conductors, per NEC Arficle 760-29.
4. Wiring shall be in conduit in the parking garage area and similar areas where the
likelihood of damage is increased. B. Wire
1. All fire alarm system wiring shall be new.
2. Wiring shall be in accordance with local, state and national codes (e.g., NEC Article
760) and as recommended by the manufacturer of the fire alarm system.
3. All wire and cable shall be listed and/or approved by a recognized testing agency
for use with a protective signa4ing system.
4. Wire and cable not installed in conduit shall have a fire resistance rating suitable for
the installation as indicated in NFPA 70 (e.g., FPLR).
5. All field wiring shall be completely supervised.
6. No terminations or splices outside of buildings or enclosures shall be permitted.
C. Terminal Boxes, Junction Boxes and Cabinets
1. All boxes and cabinets shall be UL listed for their use and purpose.
2. The fire alarm controf panel shafl be connected to a separate dedicated branch
circuit, maximum 20 amperes.
3. Surge suppression shall be provided for all circuits at the point of exit and entry from
a building or enclosure.
4. All addressable fire alarm devices shall be labeled in a manner acceptable to the
engineer with their respective SLC address descriptor.
RDAI 23149 13851-4
A. The FACP shall be completely microprocessor based and shall be listed for Voice/Alarm
Signaling Service. The system shall be capable of broadcasting an automatic digital
voice message approved by the Authority Having Jurisdiction, and also provide for
manual override of ihe voice message via an integral microphone.
B. Basic System Operator Controls
1. Acknowledge Switch: Activation of the control panel acknowledge switch in
response to new alarms and/or troubles shall silence the local panel piezo electric
signal and change the alarm and trouble LEDs from flashing mode to steady-ON.
2. Silence Switch: Activation of the alarm silence switch shall cause all alarm devices to
return to the normal condition after an alarm.
3. System Reset Switch: Activation of the System Reset switch shall cause all devices
and circuits, to return to their normal condition.
4. Lamp Test: The Lamp Test switch shall activate all system LEDs and light each
segment of the liquid crystal display.
C. System Capacity and General Operation
1. The fire alarm control panel shall include a full featured operator interface.
2. The system shall be fully field programmable.
3. The FACP shall provide the minimum following features:
a. Drift compensation to extend detector accuracy and reduce false alarms.
b. Detector sensitivity test, per NFPA 72.
c. Maintenance alerf, to warn of excessive smoke detector dirt or dust
d. Multiple sensitivity levels for aiarm, selected by detector.
e. System status reporfs to display or printer.
f. Alarm ve(ification, with verification counters.
g. Cross zoning with the capability of counting two detectors in a{arm.
h. Walk test.
i. Selectable sensitivity levels, three minimum.
j. History Storage, with a minimum of 400 events.
k. Point Enable/Disable.
1. Point Read (status and level of obscuration).
D. Signaling Line Circuits (SLC)
1. Each SLC interface shall provide power to and communicate with intefligent
detectors (ionization, photoelectric or thermal) and intelligent modules (monitor or
control). Each SLC loop shall be wired NFPA 72 Style 4.
E. Power Supplies
1. The main power supply for the fire alarm control panel shall provide available power
for the control panel and peripheral devices.
2. Provisions will be made to allow the audio-visual power to be increased as required
by adding modular expansion audio-visual power supplies or field mounted power
3. Over-current protection shall be provided on all power outputs. The power supply
shall provide an integral battery charger.
4. The main power supply shall provide a battery charger for 24 hours of standby using
dual-rate charging techniques for fast battery recharge.
RDAI 23149 13851-5
5. All circuits shall be power-limited, per UL864 requirements and include earfh fault
6. The main power supply shall provide meters to indicate battery voltage and
charging cuRent.
F. Specific System Operations
1. Point Disable: Any addressable device or conventional circuit in the system may be
enabled or disabled through the system keypad.
2. Waterflow Operation: An afarm from a waterflow detection device shall activate
the appropriate alarm message on the display, turn on all programmed notification
appliance circuits and shall not be affected by the signal silence switch.
3. Supervisory Operation: An afarm from a supervisory device shall cause the
appropriate indication on the 80 character display.
4. Signal Silence Operation: The FACP shall have the ability to program each output
circuit (notification, relay, speaker, etc.) to deactivate upon depression of the signal
silence switch.
A. Addressable Devices - General
1. All initiating devices provided and installed for the project shall be intelligent
addressable devices unless othervvise noted.
2. Detectors shall be intelligent (analog) and addressable, and shall connect with two
wires to the fire alarm control panel signaling line circuits.
3. Addressable smoke and thermal detectors shall provide alarm and power/polling
LEDs. LED(s) shall flash under normal conditions and LED(s) shall be placed into
steady illumination by the control panef, indicating an alarm condition.
4. The fire alarm control panel shall permit detector sensitivity adjustment through field
programming of the system.
5. The detectors shall be ceiling-mount and shall include a separate twist-lock base
with tamper proof feature.
6. The detectors shall provide a test means whereby they will simulate an alarm
condition and reporf that condition to the control panel. Such a test may be
initiated at the detector itself (by activating a magnetic switch) or initiated remotely
on command from the control panel.
7. Detectors will operate in an analog fashion, where the detector simply measures its
designed environment variable and transmits an analog vatue to the FACP based
on real-time measured values. The FACP software, not the detector, shall make the
alarm/normal decision, thereby allowing the sensitivity of each detector to be set in
the FACP program and allowing the system operator to view the current analog
value of each detector.
8. LEDs shall be provided that shall flash under normal conditions, indicating that the
device is operational and is in regular communication with the control panel.
9. A magnetic test switch shall be provided to test each detector for 100%
obscuration, reported to the FACP.
B. Addressable Pull Box (manuat station)
1. Manual pull stations shall be non-break glass double action style devices.
2. Manual pull stations shall be suitable for semr lus moun mg on standard single
gang box, and shall be installed not less than 42 inches or more than 48 inches
above the finished floor.
RDAI 23149 13851-6
~ •
3. Addressable pull boxes shall, on command from the control panel, send data to the
panel representing the state of the manual switch and the addressable
communication module status. They shall use a key operated test-reset lock, and
shall be designed so that after actual emergency operation, they cannot be
restored to normal use except by the use of a key.
4. AI{ operated stations shall have a positive, visual indication of operation and utilize a
key type reset.
C. Intelligent Photoelectric Smoke Detector
1. The detectors shall use the photoelectric (light-scatte(ng) principal to measure
smoke density and shall, on command from the control panel, send data to the
panel representing the analog level of smoke density.
D. Intelligent Photoelectric Duct Smoke Detector
1. Duct Detectors shall be analog addressable devices connected to the SLC loop.
Activation of duct detector shall cause a supervisory condition on the FACP and
shall cause their associated air handling equipment to shufi down. Duct detectors
shall be furnished with a remote indicating light and keyed test switch mounted a
maximum of 7' above the finished floor in a location approved by the owner.
E. Two Wire Detector Monitor Module
1. Addressable monitor modules shall be provided to connect dry contact devices as
F. Addressable Control Module
1. Addressable control modules shall be provided to supervise and control the
operation of fans and other auxiliary control functions.
G. Hard Wired Thermal Detectors .
1. Heat detectors provided in unconditioned areas shall be hard wired Thermotech
model 302-AW devices or approved equal. Individual or groups of thermal
detectors shall be monitored by addressable monitor modules as specified on the
A. All notification appliances shall meet UL 464, UL 1971 andJor UL 1480 requirements, as
B. Speaker only units shall be flush mounted units with white cover plates. Devices shall be
Gamewell SP200W or approved equal.
C. Combination speaker/strobe units shall have white finish. Devices shall be Gamewell
SP2W41224MC or approved equal.
A. The batteries shall be sealed Gel Cell type, 12 volt nominal (two required).
B. The battery shall have sufficient capacity to power the fire alarm system for not less than
24 hours plus 15 minutes of alarm upon a normal AC power failure.
RDAI 23149 13851-7
A. Door holders shall be wall mounted magnetic type devices. The device shall be 120 volt
rated. Control module shall be provided to disrupt power to door holder circuit. See
electrical for circuiting information.
A. Installation shall be in accordance with the NEC, NFPA 72, local and state codes, as
shown on the drawings, and as recommended by the major equipment manufacturer.
B. All conduit, junction boxes, conduit supports and hangers shall be concealed in finished
areas and may be exposed in unfinished areas. Unfinished areas include the parking
garage, mechanical rooms, elecfirical rooms, and janitorial rooms. All other areas shall
be considered finished.
C. Fire Alarm Contractor shall coordinate work through General ContractorjProject
Manager to coincide with work being performed by sprinkler contractor and
communication cabling contractor.
A. Prior to scheduling an acceptance test the contractor must submit a record of
completion to the Engineer of Record and the Authority Having Jurisdiction.
B. The service of a competent, factory-trained engineer or technician authorized by the
manufacturer of the fire alarm equipment shall be provided to technically supervise and
parficipate during all of the adjustments and tests for the system. All testing shall be in
accordance with NFPA 72.
C. A factory-trained representative of the manufacturer of the major equipment shall
demonstrate that ihe system functions properly in every respect.
A. A minimum of 2 instruction sessions of not less than 2 hours in duration shall be provided
as required for operating the system. Hands-on demonstrations of the operation of all
system components shall be provided.
B. The contractor and/or the systems manufacturer's representatives shall provide a
typewritten "Sequence of Operation" which shall be laminated and affixed to the fire
alarm panel in pfain view.
RDAI 23149 13851-8 -
ouir-ui-cuuo wGU u3.44 Ct7 t'HN~NU: F. ~z
s~~~,e znos
Vail UavEr ASSOCtatcs, lnc.
4148 N. Arcaclia Drivo
Ph4enix, AZ 85018
Attention: Mr. Bob Nichols
Subject: Construction Observation and
Materials Testing
Fire Truck l0.ccess
One Witlow Bridge Road
Vail, Colorada
Project No. G504433-345
CTL[Thompson, lnc. is providing construction observation and rnaterials
tasiing for lfie cantinuing One Wiltow Bridge Road preject in Vail, Coforada, The fre
trcick access is part af this construction. We understand that this pertion of the
project is now camplete.
1Ne have observed structural steel and reinforcing stee1 placement as well as
cplicrete tcsting for this part of thc prvject. The items ohsorved and tested are in
genera) conformance with the project plans and spECifcafiions.
1Ne appreciate ithe oppvrtunity to work with you on this project. If you have
yuestions or we can Ue of further service, please cait
Vcry Vuly yoiirs,~~'
CTl. ~ THO C. Reviewed by:
Dan Uowning John Mechling, P.E.
L7bar;itory/Fiaid Manager Branch Manager
234 Center Drive ~ Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601
Telephone:970-945-28fl9 Fax:97'0-945-74i1
Addltlona/ coples oi thls form ere Loss Preverdlon Publications - Tralning Resource Cerder
availeble to lnsweds from: Faclory Mutual EnglneeAng and Research, 1151 Boston Providence Turnpike, PO Box 9102, Norvvood, MA 02062
Upon completion of work, inspection and tests shall be made by the contractors representative and witnessed by an owners representative. All
defects shall ba coRected and system left in servica before eontrectors personnel finelty leave tha job.
A certificate shall be filled out and signed by both representatives. Copies shall be prepared for approving authorities, ownets and contractor.
It is understood the owners representatives signature in no way prejudices any claim against the coniractor for faulty material, poor workmanship,
or failure to compy with epproving authority's requirements or local ordinances.
One Willow Bridge Road Vail, CO.
PLANS 42 West Meadow Dr. Vail, CO. 81657
SYSTEM Entire buildin Exce t Retail Market Place on Main Level
VIKING Freedom 2006 1/2" 1319 155
VIKING F-1 10039'7 1191
me a er
0.0.0 10 147 40 28 45 12
Does each circuit operate supervision Doas each clrcuit operate valve Maxlmum time to oparete
MAKE MODEL less elerm9 ralaesas9 ralaase
HYDROSTATIC: Hydrostatk tesis shall be made at not less ihan 200 psi (13.6 bars) for two hours or 50 psi (3.4 bars) above static pressure in
excess of 150 psi (10.3 bars) for two hours. Differentlal dry-pipe vafve clappers shall be le(t open during lesl lo prevent damage. All
TEST DESCRIPTION aboveground piping leakaqe shall be stopped.
PNEUMATIC: Estebllsh 40 psi (2.7 bars) alr pressure and measure drop which shall not exceed 1-7/2 psl (0.1 bars) In 24 hours. Test pressure
tenks at normal water level and air pressure end measure alr pressure drop whkh shall not exceed 1-t/2 psi (0.1 bars) In 24 hours.
Underground meins and lead-In conrre ons to system risers shall be flushed before connection ma e lo sprinkler piping.
0 YES ? NO
!L T T& Q A-r 2c) f In0`+/
c. ~ f e f-c; ~ I A. Q S'r -m sk
Frontier Fire Protection, Inc.
Z - v
70 s-~ ~ y
Nlay 24 07 09:21a • ACME ALARPJI COMPANY 9706250870 p.1
DATE: May 24,2007 „
Tp; Vai! Fire Department FROM: Michelle
Attn: Mike McGee
Fpx: . 970-479-2176 FpX: 9707625-0870
TEL: 9.70-479-2250, TEL: 970-625-5535 .
CC: . PAGES: 5 ,
Re: One Willow Bridge
NFPA Record Of Completian (4 pages)
f41ay a4 07 09:21a ACME ALARPJI COMPANY 9706250870 p.2
Name of protected property: RNiZfb6
Represcatative of protceted pro,pfrty (nWdphonc):
Aukhori:yhaving jurisdiction: VAIL. 1'lizcr Y ~W- ~~~~p~ „tL~.`r~ ~ . _ . .
Addres;hetephone numbcr:.~.~ 1L3. i'7r'~le1'l..-" bt`14-7~ .
O+~anization name/Ahone Representatsuenome!ptone
Installcr 'tX ' .,__.4
. ~
~emjrL At-Ar. - ka
5cnice organization
Location of recard (as-built) drawings: 4
Location of operation and maintenancc man als: Zaa.
Locatian of test reporte: ~ ~ k1L.
A Contract for t and inspection in accorlancc with N~FiA standard{ )
Con=a•-t No{s)NW. ou~ww~ Lb Effeccive date: ~ Eapirntion date: ~
SysYem Software ~(a) Operatingsvstem (executive) aof.warerevision level(si: TZLI 'C7
(b) $itCSpeciSc software revision date:
(c) Revis-ion completed b1^ A 1.1C: ~ -,citi,e, ltZi
(name) (flrm)
1.7ype(s) of System or Service
jYFPA 72, Chaptcr 6 - Local •
~ If alarm iy tranamitted to locationisl otl' premises, list where receised:
-)(-.YFPA 72, Chapter 8- R,einote Statioa
Telepho numbers of the orgaaization receiving alarm:
Alerm: ~aATQRL 46-i - 25f .1 'Z
Supcrriso c.
Troub[e: taLl:"I ~ ~_UM -~'Sie1 ~Z
Tf alarms are retranaroitted to public fire ~ervice eommunicationa center3 0)r otherte, indicate location and telephono
numbers of the arganization receiving alarm: ~ey26> (}"7ri -ZZ[;[~
Indicate how alarm ie retransrnitted: 4
A:VFPA 72, Chaptcr 8 - Proprictary
TclepLone numbera of the organization receiving alerm:
If alarrns are retransmitted to puElic fire service communications centers or othera, indicate location and ;,eluphone
numberfi of thc organization recciving alarm:
Indicate how alarm is retransrnitted:
JA NFPA 72, Chapter e- Central Station
Prime contractor'
Central statien location:
(NFPA 7Z 1 of 4)
FIGURE Record of Completion.
' 2002 Edition
fVlay .24 07 09:21a ACME ALARM COMPANY 9706250870 p.3
Means of transmission of signals from the protected premisca to the central station:
McctLlah Multiplcx One-way radio
Digital alarm communicator Tn+o-wav radio Othere
Me of transmission o al ms to the public fire service communications oenter:
(b) L,z
System locatioa: '
QA. NFPA 72 Chapter 9 - Auxillary
indicate type of wnnection: Locel energy Shunt Parallet telaphone
LocxiLion of telephone number for receipt of signals:
2. Recard of System Installation
(Ftill out afCer instal[azion is complete and wiring is chedced for oprns; shorts, ground faults, and improper branching,
but priar to conducteng operational accepfance tests_)
Ths system 0=1 btalleci in accordance with the NFFA standards as shown bcl.ow, wae inspected by
I on ineludc:s the dcvicos ahown itw6o in 5 an 6, and has been in scrvice sincc
~NFFA 72, Chaptort3 1~ 2 3 4 5 6^ 8 9 10 ll (circteall that apply)
~ NFPA ?0, Natr,cnal Eleclricul Cotle, Article 760
~ Manuf'acturer's instructions
_ Othcr (;pccifv):
Signed• Date: S! l I b-7 .
Organaatio . i-'r
3. RecoM of System Operation A~vaii.AZ~ G t
Documentation in accordance with Inspection Tceting Farm, IYgure_10.6.w3, is einelwd f~C.'+7~' Q1.A;2T+7 ,,-,e1'~i1..i`(
All operalionsil features and functiona of this systern were tested by lct-c`f a.3 date
and faund to bc opcrating properly in accordancc Mith thc rcquireryents of:
-)b47PA72. Chapters 1 2~' 3 b 6 8 10 11 (circleallthatapply)
~ NFPA 70, Na±iortal Eleclricnl Codc:, Article 760
-'K.Manufarturet's instructions
_ Othcr (specify):
Signed: Date:
at' : ['~i'rl~ JIiA'?Z.T'7 C r~'-iQA&A1/' `f4/',
Organiz IZ
4. Slgnaling LineCircuits
Quantaty and ciass of signaling line circuits connected tosystem (sse NFPA 72, Table 6.6.1):
Quantity:-ce Style:43 Cluss:~_ far~
. , (NFAA 72 2 of 4)
FFGUItE Cmetiriued
200re Edition
Nlay ~4 07 09:21a ACME ALARPJI COMPANY 9706250870 p.4
5. A[arm-lnitiadng aevices and CircuFts /I.~i - ~
Quantity and class of iniciating device cireuits !see NFPe~i 72,Ta51e 6.51: J~IL `
(l.~~TiA`t~~+lx QAZr XAae+SJF'Si.r
Quantity:Style• Glass:-1- j_, grr_ Pl.ttb{:TL `Ls=cwt 4
(a) T4anual stations Noncodcd_x 'C`ransmit'crs Coded AddrCSSeble
' (b) Combination rnanua] fire alerm and guard's tour coded stations 1Joi.tF-
Coverage: Compicte Partialk Mai"P . saL.- 9fima,,;7isr,n 1
Selective Nanrequired
(a) Smoke dctoctors Ion PhotoAddrea,Eabie i 3f±>.
(b) Duct detectara Ion PhotoAddroaeable Z..
(c) FCeat detectors FTRR FT/RR RCAddressable
(d) Spr:nkler waterllow indicators: Transmittcrs Noncadcd Coded Addressoblo
(c) The elprm vcrification foat. c is dissibledor enablod , chan;ed fcrom secor?ds to aeconde.
(f? ather (listi: 1 &bAl?~ M1CL..~ `y";'_`_`
6. Supervisory Signal-tnitiating pevices and Circuits (use b[anks to indtcate quantity of devices)
(al~Coded 3tations
(8)Nonooded sta:aons
(c )--Compulsory guard's tour system comprised of transmitter atationa and in-.:crmediate stations
Noto: Combination dwrices are recorded under 8(b), Manual, and 6(a), Guard's Tour.
• Chedc :f provided
la}J_Valve supervisory switches l'
~78 `7"Rin~im'z7~,Temes Ta't79i-
(b)_$6__ Building tcmperaturc, points "
(c) _0 Site wr.?tor temperature pointa
(d) A6 Site water supply level points
Electric fire pump:
(e) F4re pump power -
(fl S Firc pump running
Engi ~drivcn fire pump:
(h) Selectar in auto position
(i) Enginc or contro] panel trwble
!j)~1 Firc purnp running FNGIT-E-DRIVEN GENEI2ATOR: •
(u)*-Scloctor in auto position
(b)jq&_Con:rol panel truuble
(c) 1ransfer ewitches
(d) hjj& Enginc running
Othcr su.pcrvisory function(s) (specifyi: lleu , Aut - E w ti 12
QQ -511 x~
(wFPa 72, s a a)
FIGURE 4.5.2-1 Conanued
2002 Ed&ion
Nlay 24 07 09:22a ACME ALARPJI COMPANY 9706250870 p.5
72-34 VAT1UNf1L. FIRE ALARM (:U[)1•:
7. Annvnciator(s)
rumbcr:Type: Location:
8. Alarm Notificaiion Appliances and Circuits
11rFPA 72, Chapier 6 = Emergency VoicaAlarm Service , . ,
Quantity of voiccJalarm channcls: ~ Singlc: M ltiple: ~
Quantit.y of speakers installcd: 1Quantity of speaier zanes: r
Quuntit.y of teleyhanes or tclephone jacks included in system: 9(_
Quantity and the cla3s of notification ap~p/liance circuits co~ected tro~sy~stem (see 1vFPA/ ~72-, T_able 8.7):
Quantity:t_ Style: 7 Class:_.s~ n6- _~~`"~HEEM
Types and qus+ntities of notificatioo Appliances inata]]ed:
la? Bclls 0 _ With tiisiblc ~
Ib! Speakers ~7C3 tVithvisible zZ
lcl Horne ~ tVithVisibLe
(d) Chimea ~V'ith`'isible
{e) Other: P416 With `'isible
if1 Visible appliancea without audible: l~
9. System Power Supplies •
(A) Fire Alarm Contro] Panel: Nomir.al voltagc: Z.~1 J Current rating: ~A7''tP'J
Overcurrent protection: Type: _arsEnt., CurrenL rating: !
I.ocatian: *'Sc>'f TGin LEP: A n?.tb ft.L),aM~ OF itE ' ik"=t
ib) Secondanr (standby); /
Storage battcry:Amp-~:our rating: 55Qti Gv- e~c>
Calculated capacity to drieo system, in hours: ui
Engine-driven generator dedicated tc fire alerm aystem: NA JA '
Gocation of fuel storagc: ;c) Emergency syatem used as backup to primary power supply:
Emergency system descnbed in NFPA 70,Article 700: M ~A ,
10. Comments Frequcncy of routine tests and inspec_ions, if other than in accordance with the referenced NFPA standard(s);
System deviaticns from the referenced hFFP.4 standard(s) are:
f,5igned) , aulallEticn [ractodsupplier (titlel
A[.r4i2+'7~I~Ct~. c~ ! a
(s ned)t iarm s%qce company pdlci (da 1
isign orcentralstation (tdle) (dae)
L;pon cornpiction of the syatcm{a} satisfae;ory tGtis) witnessed lifxequired by thc suthority hovingjurisdictianf:
(signed) represenqthie oi the au[hority having jurisdiction (title) (daie)
(IYFPA 72, 4 of 4)
FIGURE Contirrued '
2002 Edition
05/48/2007 ToE 12:41 FAx . . ~441/OD6
/ ~ . . . .
. 1 SWILb of1 "Ob t3Ok&MRgL111Y.
71Oe ~ ~/0~ ~C~.~ ~
~ /Y?! i ~ lJc ~4 ~eM: q .
' r0~.?~Y' t/ ~/J DAIV-- 5-- 8ro 7 ,
~ FaK: yl PPAM ro PoLcM s-.
; .
05/08/2047 TvE 12:42 FAx la006/006
' MAY/0412007/FRI 07:47 AM NCCOG FAX Vo,9704681208
G y
. g _
, To: Charlie Davis, Town of Vail, BuUding .0~`itial - Frorn: Mike Stevuart, Lead Elevatar Inspectqr 970-468-0295 ext. 108 or elevatiorOnwiccag.co.us
Date: 5/3/2007 . "ec* Namc:: Onie NUilfow Bridge/ Elevabr #5 ~ C! ElevMr Plan ReVieW C3 Elevabor Test and InspeWan .
~ Locatlon: One Willaw Bridge R,d, Vaff, Co.
Perrnl Number: NWCOOG 05-108
Elevabar'Cype; Raped Wydraulic Passeger
? The plans; have been rerlewed and iound tio oonfbtm to all applicabie ASME 17.1 and
tRe' The rabed speW of the conveyanae rneefis ASNiE A17.1 cequiremerts, speeci in up ditecdon 150FPM, speed In dowm dlrectfon 15U FPM 0--' The Elevabor at the atwvve loeation was inspeded and tested an 5/2/2007 and a:
W' TWPORARY Certificabe; has been issuetl. . . . . . .
C] FrNAL Yr,sPecraon Certficate; has been is.sued.
? NQ certificate; is being issued.
Comrnerrts: Tempcxaty CerEificabe Wtll ecpire 6/4J07
NorlhvuastCalorado CaLmdl otGovenvrtents . PO 8=2308 ? Mvsr9iome ? CO ? 80498
970-468-0M • Fac970-968-'[20$ • wwwinroeccg.m.ua
05/08/2007 TU$ 12:41 FAx • IM002/006
MAY/04/2007/ERI 07:46 AM NWCCOG FAX No.9704681208 P.001
This cerfifies that the EI.EVATOR was inspecWd an the date below and meets *e
minimum requirements far operation.
1D Number: 449108
qa#e af Inspection: 51212 Q7 ,
lnspeator: , tiate af [ssue: 51312007
Expimtian Date: 61412007
' posMtv ftc Note 7671 PSJL? CnJl7eD ; LG CkL , i Phmo f PWMO M
I FOX t ,r FA7L
0 ~
q7b- ~41 ' Q`fcx~ . .
05/0812007 TUE 12:41 FAx " 0043/006
` MAY/04/2007/FRI 07.46 AM N4dCCOG FAX No, 9704681208 P. OOZ
T'his certifies fhat the ELEVATOR was itespeCted on the date below and rne.e#s the
minLrnum requfrements for aperafian. ' ID Number:4491p6
Type: ROPED HYDRAULIC PASSENGER ' Location: OIdE WlLLOW BR1bGrm E1,EVA'I'OfR #S i Date af Irtspection: 51212007
~ [nspector.
i .
Dats aF Issue: 513/2007 Expira#ion Date: 61412007
( ,
Thts certifies that tFre ELEVA7OR was fnspecied on the date below and moefis the
minimurn requirements fior operation.
ID Number: 449707
Date af lnspectian: 5/212007
inspectar Oa#e vf Cssue: 513/2007 , , . E,xPlratich Date: 61412007
05108l2007 Tv$ iz:az FAx • 0004/00e
- " MAY/04/2007/FRI 07;47 AM NWCCOG FAX Na, 970468i208 P. 003
y y.
~ ut cJ1 o cov~H . T~' •
~r f N CRAIN
To; Charlie DaMS, Towm af Vail, Bui[drg Offidal
Froen: Mike Stouvarl, l_eead ElevaCar Inspector .
970~'i$-0295 ext.108 or elevaor@nwc.aog.ca.us .
Da#s: 513/ZQ07
Praject Name: 4one W'lllow Bridge/ Ekvartor #3 .
? EjeraWr Pian Revierv
EIevaGor Test and xnSpecdon
~ Lacati0rtc One Wilbv+? Bridge Rd, Vait, Co.
; Permit Number: NWaCOG 05-106
ElevaEor Type: Roped Nydraulic Pasgenger
? The plahs; have been rev"iewed and fiaund to r,onfnrrn tq all applicabie ASME 17,1 and
IBC cades.
L~ The rated speed af if7e wnveyance meets ASME A17.1 requirements, speed in up
direction ISOFPM, speed in dawn direction 150 FPM .
ar'--'-7he Elevator at the abave.locatlon was fnspected and tested on 5J2/Z007 and a:
12--''fEMP4RARY CertiFFcabe; has been issued. . , . . . _ _ .
0 FINAI, Znspecdan Certificate; has been issued. ? ND c:erhifieatie; is being bs,ted. .
Temparary Gertificatie 11Viff Wire 6/4j07 , - .
' ' ' . . . , l .
NorthUNest Golarsdo Counql of Oaverrirnetts • PO Box 2308 ? Sllverlhome ? GO ?•90488
9704884295 t Faoc970-46&9238 t www.nwmcop.ca.us
05/08/2007 TvE 12:42 Fax ;1005/006
_ • -
" MAr/04/2007/FRI 07;47 AM MWCCOG . FAX No,970168:206 P.004
0"dma4- c~t o ~ '
TO: Chariie Danris, Tov+m of Vail, BuiIdrig Oft'idal
From: Mike Stewart, Lead Elevator Zr~specGor .
970-458-0295 ext 108 or elevator@nwc.cog.co.us
" Daft: 51312007
Prajud Namie: vne 1lVilbw Brfdge/ ElevMr #4 . .
p aevatar Plan Review
. i 2'0"" ElevatQr Test and Irspectior[
Location: One WiIlow Bridge Rd, Vai(, Co.
Petmit Number. NWCCOG 05-107
. Elevator Type; Roped Hydraulic Passer?ger . ° - .
' 0 The pians, have been revewed and found to oonform to all applicable ASME 17.1 and
IBC codes.
W' The rated speed aFthe conveyance meets ASNiE A17.1 reqLarerneryls, speed in up
directlort 150M"PM, speed in down direcdon 150 FPM
00"-- 7he EJevator at the above IoratSon was inspeched and tesbad on SJ2/2007 and a:
0'-' TEMPOW4RY C.ertificMe; has been issued.
C] FlNAG, Inspmtion Certificate; has been issued.
hlQ certifica#e; is be[ng issued. ? FOR QONSZRUCRON USE ONLY
Temporary CertiTicate Will expire 6/4107 . , . : r: .
, . . . SignaWre .
. Noftvuestcalorado Gourmil arQowmmerb ? Pp BvxZ3oe • S?verftma ? CO •W496
970-068-0296 ? Fax 970468-12D8 4 wuaw.nwc.pog.ca.ua
(TWC Itesponses dated 6112106 in Italics)
TOWN OVail Building Safety and Inspection Services75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2142
May 16, 2006
Vail Building Safety & Inspection Services
Plan Review Corrections List
One Willow Bridge Phased Occupancy Submittal Dated 5/4/06 # B04-0316
Owner: Vail Dover Associates LLC
Contractor: The Weitz Company
Conections are listed below.
Sheet Item
Cover Page one, item 2a, states the parking garage is not intended for public use. If it is not intended for
public use, it is under construction. Just because there is a proposal to utilize "valet" services to
pazk vehicles does not reduce the hazard. The cars being parked are owed by the general public
and the valets are not part of the construction team. Please amend this statement or remove it and
provide an agreement of how the valet service is intended to work and be protected from
constxuction hazards. (See revised narrative and plan. The parking garage will have active life
safety systems and is separated by a 3hr fire separation from the rest of the building. Staging and
tenant finish activities may be ongoing in the area of the garage not utilized by the Sonnenalp,
however these activities will be limited to non hazardous activities that will not result in
activation of the life safety systems in the entire garage)
Cover Page one, item 2c, states the fire command room shall be complete and fully functioning. Provide
clarification. This must be completed PRIOR to occupancy approval with the following:
1) Alarm system components installed completed and tested prior to inspection for occupancy.
(We understand this is a requirement)
2) Sprinkler system and all monitoring devices completed, tested and inspected prior to
occupancy. (We understand this is a requirement)
3) All building systems installed and completed including emergency lighting, rated construction
and all opening protection and penetration patching through the rated construction. (We
understand this is a requirement)
4) The means of egress system completed for access to and from the Fire Command room
including the exit access, exit and exit discharge to a public way. (We understand this is a
General How are adjacent construction activities being coordinated? There appears to be a lack of
coordination and control between the Sonnonalp project and the One Willow Bridge project.
Provide clarification. (Sonnenalp and OWBR construction teams will work closely to coordinate
construction activities and will work as a team to ensure that there are not gaps in responsibility)
yFloor Plan ' What is the calculated occupant load proposed for the occupied portions of the parking garage?
(Calculated Occupant Load is 30) Show the proposed occupant load and how it has been
accommodated regarding: (See revised Plan)
1) Exit Width (For an occupant load of 30, in a S occupancy group, a 36' Minimum is
required this requirement has been met.)
2) Travel Distance (400 Ft is allowed for an S Occupancy with Fire Sprinklers, this
requirement is met, see revised plan)
3) Number of required exits. (Two exits are required. In order to avoid mixing of the
Sonnenalp parking and OWBR Staging areas, the proposed exits are the OWBR stair
enclosure connected to the talisman and the Stair located in the Talisman
underground parking garage - Directly adjacent to the area Sonnenalp will use for
4) Common path of egress travel (The revised plan addresses this requirement common
path of egress travelis a maximum of I00 ft.)
Site Plan Exit dischazge is not clearly shown. Show cleazly on plans and written format the following:
1) Level of completion (Site work may be in progress. Areas where work is ongoing will
be protected from adjacent activities)
2) Access to public Way (Access to the public way is indicated in the attached Floor and
Site Plans)
3) Exterior lighting (Egress lighting will be provided.)
Be aware that all exterior work affecting the exit discharge portion of the means of egress system shall be
completed in all areas that contain an exit discharge. (Areas to be protected from above by 7 ft clear overhead
Site All overhead work shall be completed in all areas intended for occupancy including all exit
dischazge portions. Provide clarification .(Given the construction ongoing at OWBR as well as in
EMD (Streetscape) it seems reasonable and more practical to protect the exits from hazards
above and adjacent)
General How is the exit being separated/protected from construction activities? All exit enclosures shall
have the required fire-resistive assemblies installed including doors, lighting, handrails, guards,
etc... Provide clarification. (See attached plan)
Floor Plan After review of the floor plans, there appears to be a chain link fence separating the occupied
portions of the garage from construction activities. Construction activity poses a hazard to the
occupied portion of the garage. A fire-resistive smoke partition is required to separate
construction form occupied portions of the garage. (See attached plan, if a fire resistive enclosure
were provided, the mechanical ventilation system would not be functional. Inhabitants of the area
being utilized for Sonnenalp parking will be protected from coning into contact with construction
activiry by means offencing. The entire garage is protected from fire and smoke via the fire
alarm and sprinkler systems, as well as a 3 hour fire separation)
General All mechanical systems associated with the S2 parking garage shall be operational, tested and
balanced prior to a request to occupy the parking garage. Provide clarification. (Mechanical
systems, including the garage ventilation will be operational.)
C~neral All sprinkler and alarm systems shall be tested, certified and approved prior to a request to occupy
~ • the parking garage. Provide clarification. (This requirement is understood.)
General Has all performance bond issues been identified and submitted to both the Planning and Public
Works departments? This issue shall be resolved PRIOR to a request to inspect and occupy the
parking garage. Provide clarification. (TOV has indicated that a bond will not be required.)
T'he above referenced plan been rejected. The above mentioned corrections shall be addressed in a future
submittal. Be aware that conections from other departments shall also be addressed and the future submittal shall
address all corrections from all Town departments.
Plans Examiner/ Building Official: Charlie Davis
:4 . .
One WiIlow Bridge Road Garage TCO Plan
Building Permit 604-0316
Revised 6/12/06
Enclosed you'll find the following information: written narrative detailing the request for Temporary Certificate
of Occupancy (TCO) at the garage level, key notes and items that will and will not be complete at the time of
request for TCO; a garage level drawing indicating fence bamers, exit signage and egress pathway; and a
Level 1//Site plan indicating access to the public way, egress pathways and location of functioning Fire
Command room at street level.
Written Narrative 1. Parking Garage Partial Tumover
On or around June 15, 2006, we intend to request a TCO for the garage at One Willow Bridge Road
(OWBR), prior to requesting a full building TCO. The purpose in requesting a TCO for the garage is to
allow the use of seventeen (17) parking spaces, owned and operated by the Sonnenalp Resort, for their
summer operations. The attached plan illustrates how we intend to meet egress requirements and
graphically shows how we intend to partition the OWBR garage, temporarily, for use by the Sonnenalp
2. Key Notes
a. Use of the OWBR garage for Sonnenalp parking will be restricted to Sonnenalp resort valet employees.
b. The area designated for Sonnenalp Parking use will be separated from the area being utilized by the
OWBR construction team using a 6' Fence with green screening. A fire/smoke resistive barrier cannot
be utilized due to the ventilation requirements of the garage. Because life safety systems witl be
operational at the garage level and a 3 hour rating is located between the garage and first floor will be
intact, a fire/smoke resistive separation should not be required.
c. Because the life safety systems in the garage will be complete and operational, any constniction
activities that would present a hazard to the Sonnenalp parlcing areas and its inhabitants would resutt in
the activation of the life safery systems.
d. Peak usage times for the Sonnenalp parking operation will not coincide with peak operation times for
construction. It is likely that the heaviest parking traffic in the area will occur on weekends and after
construction hours.
e. Parking for disabled patrons will not be available in the location of these seventeen (17) parking spaces.
Valet parlcing services will be provided by the Sonnenalp Resort.
f. The Fire Command room on level 1 will be tested and operational for the garage life safety systems.
g. There are no elevators available for use by the Sonnenalp Resort.
h. The Weitz Company will coordinate material storage in the garage with TOV Fire Department
3. What Will Be Complete
a. All standard life safety systems, including fir'e sprinkler, fire alarm, and exit lighting, as well as overtiead
lighting, mechanical heating systems, air quality detection and exhausting systems.
r;, . .
b. Fire rated man doors, specifically door 018 (stair core 9 entrance door at garage level), door 022 (door
separating north half of garage from south half of garage) and door 120 (stair core 9 egress door at
level 1) will be installed, labeled and functional.
c. Adequate egress away from the building as indicated on the attached plans. Exit to the south and east,
behind the Talisman structure.
d. Temporary exit signage for the area to be TCO'd.
e. Standard final inspections, including mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection (sprinkler and
f. Fire Command room to be operational for the area to be TCO'd. Access to the Fire Command room will
be clear and unobstructed from Willow Bridge Road. Access will be protected from construction activity
per the attached plan.
One Willow Bridge Road Garage TCO Plan
Building Permit 604-0316
4. What Will Not be Comolete
Site work outside the Fire Command room; finish grading and pavers, concrete walks, etc.
Sonnenalp Parking , OWBR Construction Staging
g_ 2 6090 SF 5_2 3835 SF
occupants ~ 30 200 70 200
~'`o~~upant~°ad PLAN FOR OWBR TCO
Exit Via SonnenalplTalisman
Common Path of Egress Travel 100 Ft
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~ 73170
g 1 ouwnby: EnE
Overall Site Plan - OWBRISonnenalp
a N sne, a
10AeA1J ~
'C 7001/1005 RDA
O~i` Il
Project ~t Jv
Building Permit /
Sprinkler Permit - Q070(
~ 970-479-2135 (Inspections)
Fire Sprinkler shop drawings are required at time of permit submittai and
75 S. Frontage Rd. must include the following. Permit application will not be accepted
Vail, Colorado 81657 without this information:
• A lorado Re ' ere g s p r N.I.C.E.T. Level III (min) stamp.
c ater' .
rau ic cal
• ate of Colorado Plan Registration for .
• Plans must be submitted by. a Registered Fire Protection Contractor.
Fire Sprinkler Contractor: 11 Town of Vail f2eg. No.: Contact and Phone #'s: A,2~ l.t'z
rieDi7w -s
I E-Mail Address:
Contractor Signature:
Fire Sprinkler: $ ?j'
Contact Ea /e Coun Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eagle-countv.com for Parcel #
Parcel #
I Job Name,),, ~ILLO Job Address:~ VA-i V~~
Legal Description Lot: Block: Filing: ~ Subdivision:
w Na . dd;~i,ld/LC.d..rJ~vQ.~..~, (f9y4_ J Phone(eZ Z2g -,WZ.. ~
I.F~n,9iAddre~ s• 2 G"~,~¢~11~ Phone:
1~tr hFo T~~oM.~i&tp ~ Lo~ ?~3^ ~Tv~ I~
Defailed Location of w k: (i.e., floo , unit bldg.
I Detailed descr tion `of work:
j'~lG.~/~~~S~~j'~J • I
Work Class: New~ Addition Remodel Repair Retro-fit ( j Other
Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) ~I
No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: =olmmodation Units in this building: 2Z ~I
~ Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes No Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes No il
~*:~***,~,~*:~**~**,~~*************~**,~*****FOR OFFIGE USE ONLY*~*:~~**********:,::~**~**,~~*:~*~:~:t~*****,~
Other Fees: , Date Received: T~
Public Way Permit Fee: ~ Accepted By: i
i Occupancy Group:
Vai I\data\cdev\F0RA4S\PERMITS\SPi~~~!IIOC 07/24/2002
~ 3
~ Mike McGee One Willow
From: Mike IVAcGee To: smartin@frontierfreprotection.com
Date: 12/12/2005 1:53:53 PM
Subject: One Willow
The fire sprinkler plans are approved as noted:
Use caution in placement of sprinkler heads in units on 4th floor, especially Unit 403 Great Room and
Bedroom 2.
Ptans do not show fire sprinkler coverage in the elevator mechanical room, Sheet 4. Coverage is
Equipment cut sheets do not show the PRV to be UL or FM. A listed PRV is required.
CC: Fire_Inspectors; John Gulick; scraig@haifire.com
+++n+ _ ~
= ~I~
2"d review comments are shown below the original comment in bo/d italics. Comments that were
addressed have been removed from the list.
TO: Contractor Architect
Weitz Company Resort Design Associates
EMA1L: donato.lipariAuvei4z.com eellis@reortdesign.com
FROM: Matthew Royer
DATE: 02/13/2006
OWNERS NAME: Bob McNichols
SITE ADDRESS: 01 Willow Bridge Road ,
The design documents subrnitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the locally
adopted codes and amendments. The following comments must be addressed before a building
permit is issued.
For processing:
. Please submit (2) complete sets of revised construction documents containinq the requested
information or plan revisions with all revisions clouded or otherwise identified.
. Please respond in writina to each comment bv markina the attached list or creatina a
response letter. Indicate which qlan sheet, detail, specification, or calculation shows the
reQUested information. Please send revisions to the attention of the plans examiner with the
buildinq permit application number noted.
Responses such as "will comply with code" are not adequate. Revised drawings must
clearly show code compliance.
. Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the enaineer's or architect's "wet" stamp, siqnature,
registration number and date on the cover paqe of anv structural calculations, all structural details
and structural sheets of the plans. For commercial or multi-familv proiects all sheets of the plans _
must be stamped.
. Re-submittal may be made to the Town of Vail Building Dept.
C:\DOCUM E- I\,ADMIN I-l \LOCALS- 1 \Temp\tov-b04-03 ?6.2.DOC
Architectural Comments:
7. Please amend sheet A13.001A to show the type of door to be installed and the direction of swing for
the elevator shaft (Door 101). Are the doors equipped with magnetic strips or auxiliary rails? P/ease specify. If auxiliary
rails are installed, then the door mofor will need to be tied into the backup power system to
allow occupants of the elevator to exit.
ESR-1136 requires that a smoke detector in compliance with UL 268 be installed at the ceiling
in front of the e/evator doors and shall be tied into the emergency backup system. The
detectors are not shown on the plans. P/ease amend p/an to include the detectors and
backup power.
ESR-1136 requires that the e/evator door shall be a rated 90 minute door to comp/y with the S
rating requirements of the 16C. P/ease provide the documentation to show the rating of the
elevator doors.
17. Please indicate how the shafts near stair 3 and 4 on sheet A7.5 will be constructed and inspected.
The plan indicates. W3 wall type on sheet A2.1, A2.2 and A2.3. These shafts are small and that wall
type requires drywall on the inside of the stud wall. Please clarify that it is possible to construct the
walls and have them inspected.
Questions in regards to the response and manufacture of the fire wrap.
? Is the wrap listed for installation around flue piping? Manufacture has concerns about
surface temperature.
? What e/se will be run through the shafts?
? P/ease detail how the dampers are integrated with the duct wrap. Breakaway, support,
protection, access, etc.
? Very small shafts occur throughout the building. P/ease review each and verify that all
concerns with each type of shaft and duct are addressed.
18. The shaft near stair 4 passes through 4 floors with equipment vents from the mechanical room and
must be 2 hour rated. Amend plans accordingly. (IBC 707.11)
See item 17 above. 19. Please provide tested assembly information for the fire-resistive assemblies shown in the "system
notes" on sheet A4.2 and others. This information is necessary for proper construction and
inspection of the assemblies. (IBC 703.2)
P/ease amend building secfions to show the proper wall tag used for the assemb/y per our .
phone conversations for the exterior wall packet. Different wall tags are shown for the same
wall on the inside and outside of the building. Ex. wall tag W1 and W26 shown on the same
wall that reference different Listed wall assemb/ies.
20. One stair must extend to the roof for access. (IBC 1009.12)
P/ease provide documentation from Town of Vail Fire Department that this is not an issue for
fire. department access.
C:\DOCUME-I WDM INI-I \LOCALS-11Temp\tov-b04-0316.2.DOC
22. Combustible exterior wall coverings are not permitted more than 40 feet above grade. On sheet
A4.2, A4.1 and A4.3 there is wall type W5 shown above 40'. Please amend plans. (IBC 1406.2.2)
Response to this item was that an administrative modification will be applied for. P/ease
provide the application for review with all necessary paperwork and documentation to support
approva/ of an administrative modification. This must be approved prior to re%ase of
comp/ete corelshell p/ans.
25. The means of egress from dwelling units may not pass through sleeping rooms. Unit 403 has both
required exits passing through sleeping rooms. Units 204, 205, 304, 305, 402, 403 and 404 have
one of the required exits passing through a bedroom. (IBC 1013.2).
The attached meeting minutes were not /ocated as referenced by the response to this
comment. P/ease provide the minutes for review.
Accessibilitv Comments:
ANS/ 2003 edition was chosen for this project P/ease amend common restrooms on f/oor one
to comp/y with ANS/ 2003 for grab bar locations.
Public restrooms must have vertica/ grab bars installed at accessib/e wafer c%sets per 2003
ANSI section 604.5.1.
29. The Clubroom Kitchenette must comply with the minimum requirements for accessibility as defined in
the ANSI A117.1-1998. (IBC 1109.4)
After much research and code opinions offered by /CC and Town of Vail, the kitchenette does
not rit into this excepfion for emp/oyee work area. The intent was for minor modifications to
areas such as work stations in an office or the /ast two work stations down a hallway. Please
amend p/ans to show compliance for an accessib/e kitchenette.
34. Amend the Type A accessible unit number 102 to comply with all the requirements of a type A unit.
? Doors shall not swing into the clear floor or ground space or clearance for any fixture. See all
. bathrooms within this unit. (1002.11.1 ANSI A117.1-1998)
? Amend shower in bathroom 1 to comply with the required clear floor space. (1002.11.5.1
ANSI A117.1-1998)
? Amend shower in Bathroom 1 to comply with section 608 of ANSI A117.1.
? Amend washer and dryer to have a clear floor space that complies with a parallel approach
and center on the appliance.
The response to this p/an review comment was that only one bathroom in the residence is
required to comply. After review of this response and the standard, things just weren't adding
up. Research and conversations with /CC has provided that there is an error in the 2003 ANSI.
The first paragraph of 1003.11.1 should reference the 1003.11.4.
One restroom shall fu11y comply with section 1003.11. All shall have access, fixture
clearances and be adaptab/e including backing for grab bars. P/ease amend p/an accordingly.
,This unit is part of the core/shell p/an and will not be permitted as a deferred submittal.
CADOCUME-I \ADM INI-1 \LOCALS- 1 \Temp\tov-604-0316.2.DOC
35. All units except 102 shalt meet the requirements for a type B unit. Doors shall not swing into the
clear floor space for any fixture. (1003.11.1.1 ANSI A117.1-1998)
All units have the following items which are not in compliance with ANSI A117.1-2003:
1. Microwaves must be within the reach ranges of section 309 ANS/ per section 1003.9
ANS/ A 117.1 -2003
Each unit is listed be/ow with the detailed items that do not appear to comp/y with the code.
1. Unit 101
a. This type B restroom has the tub /ocated where future grab bars need to be
attached. Provide documentation that a fufure flip down grab bar is a possibility
for the /ocation.1004. ANSI)
b. Water c/osef is not permitted to be within the c/ear f/oor space of the tub at the
control end. (1004. ANSI)
2. Unit 201
a. The opening into the shower must comp/y and allow for transfer into without
reconstruction of the show enclosure. The minimum size shower and opening
is 36': P/ease amend p/an to allow for fransfer type conversion. (1004.
b. Minimum c/ear floor space required for a water closet is 60" wide measured
perpendicular to the side wall of the water closet. (1003.11.7.2 ANSI)
c. Shower door must swing out
3. Unit 202
a. The opening into the shower must comp/y and allow for transfer into without
reconstruction of the show enc/osure. The minimum size shower and opening
is 36': P/ease amend p/an to allow for transfer type conversion. (1004.
4. Unit 203
a. Shower door must swing out
b. The opening into the shower must comp/y and allow for transfer into wi#hout
reconstruction of the show enclosure. The minimum size shower and opening
is 36': P/ease amend p/an to allow for transfer type conversion. (1004.
5. Unit 204
a. The opening into the shower must comp/y and allow for transfer into without
reconstruction of the show enclosure. The minimum size shower and opening
is 36': P/ease amend p/an to allow for transfer type conveision. (1004.11.3.1:3.3 '
ANSI) b. Shower door must swing out
6. Unif 205
a. Minimum c/ear floor space required for a water c/oset is 60" wide measured
perpendicular to the side wall of the water c/oset. (1003.11.7.2 ANSI)
b. The opening into the shower must comp/y and allow for transfer into without
reconstruction of the show enc/osure. The minimum size shower and opening
is 36': P/ease amend p/an to allow for fransfer type conversion. (1004.
c. Water c/oset is not permitted to be within the clear f/oor space of the shower at
the contro/ end. (1004. ANSI)
C:\DOCUME-l WDMINI-I \LOCALS-I\Temp\tov-b04-0316.2.DOC
7. Unit 206 '
a. C/ear f/oor space of 66" is required for the water c/oset measured perpendicu/ar
from the wall behind the water closet if the /avatory is within the c/ear floor
space of the water closet. b. 40" c/earance is required between opposing cabinets within the kitchen.
Cabinet containing BC and cabinet containing DW are /ess than 40" aparf.
8. Unit 207
a. C/ear f/oor space of 66" is required for the water c/oset measured perpendicular
from the wall behind the water c/oset if the /avatory is within the c/ear tloor ,
space of the water closet.
b. Amend p/ans to provide clear floor space at the contro/ end of the tub. The lavatory and wall are within the CFS of the tub at the contro/ end.
c. 40" clearance is required between opposing cabinets within the kitchen.
Cabinet containing BC and cabinet containing DW are /ess than 40" apart
9. Unit 208
a. Amend p/ans to provide c/ear floor space at the contro/ end of the tub. The
water closef and wall are within the CFS of the tub at the contro/ end.
10. Unit 301 ,
a. Minimum c/ear f/oor space required for a water c/oset is 60" wide measured
perpendicular to the side wall of the water closet. (1003.11.7.2 ANSI)
b. The opening into the shower must comp/y and allow for transfer into without
reconstruction of the show enc/osure. The minimum size shower and opening
is 36' : Please amend p/an to allow for transfer type conversion. (1004.
c. Shower door must swing out
11. Unit 302
a. The opening into the shower must comp/y and allow for transfer into without
reconstruction of the show enclosure. The minimum size shower and opening
is 36' : P/ease amend p/an to allow for transfer type conversion. (1004.
b. Shower door musf swing out.
12. Unif 303
a. The opening into the shower must comp/y and allow for transfer into without
reconstruction of the show enclosure. The minimum size shower and opening
is 36': Please amend p/an to allow for transfer type conversion. (1004.
b. Shower door must swing out
13. Unit 304
a. The opening into the shower must comply and allow for transfer into without
reconstruction of the show enclosure. The minimum size shower and opening
is 36': P/ease amend p/an to allow for transfer type conversion. (1004.
b. Shower door must swing out
C:\DOCUME-I WDMIN I-I\LOCALS- 1 \Temp\tov-b04-0316.2. DOC
14. Unit 305
a. Minimum clear floor space required for a water closet is 60" wide measured
perpendicu/ar to the side wall of the wafer c/oset (1003.11.7.2 ANSI)
b. The opening info the shower must comply and allow for transfer into without
reconstruction of the show enclosure. The minimum size shower and opening
is 36': P/ease amend plan fo allow for transfer type conversion. (1004. ,
15. Unit 306
a. 40" clearance is required befween opposing cabinets within the kitchen.
Caliinet containing BC and cabinet containing DW are /ess than 40" apart.
b. C/ear floor space of 66" is required for the water closet measured perpendicular
from the wall behind the water closet if the /avatory is within the c/ear floor
space of the water c/oset.
c. Amend p/ans to provide clear floor space at the contro/ end of the #ub. The
lavatory and wall are within the CFS of the tub at the contro/ end.
16. Unif 307 ,
a. 40" clearance is required befinreen opposing cabinets within the kitchen.
Cabinet containing BC and cabinet containing DW are /ess than 40" apart.
b. C/ear f/oor space of 66" is required for the water closet measured perpendicular
from the wall behind the water closet if the /avatory is within the c/ear floor
space of the water c/oset.
c. Water closet is not permitted to be within the c/ear floor space of the tub at the
contro/ end. (1004. ANSI)
d. Amend p/ans to provide clear floor space at the contro/ end of the tub. The
lavatory and wall are within the CFS of the tub at the contro/ end.
17. Unit 308
a. Amend p/ans to provide c/ear floor space at the contro/ end of the tub. The
/avatory and wall are within the CFS of the tub at the contro/ end.
b. Water closet is not permitted to be within the clear floor space of the tub at the
contro/ end. (1004. ANSI)
18. Unit 401
a. Neither bath complies. Bath 1A is the c/osest to compliance. This room on/y
needs clear floor space af the control end of the tub.
b. Bath #2 that is shown as the accessib/e bath needs clear floor space of 66" for
the water closet measured perpendicular from the wall behind fhe water closet if
the /avatory is within the clear floor space of the water c/oset.
c. Bath #2 a/so needs clear floor space for the shower and the opening into the
shower must comp/y and allow for transfer into without reconstruction of the
show enclosure. The minimum size shower and opening is 36' : P/ease amend
p/an to allowr for transfer type conversion. (1004. ANSI)
19. Unit 403
a. Amend p/ans to provide clear floor space at the contro/ end of the tub. The
/avatory and wall are within the CFS of the tub at the contro/ end.
20. Unit 404
a. 40" c/earance is required between opposing cabinets within the kitchen.
Cabinet containing BC and cabinet containing DW are /ess than 40" apart
C:\DOC UM E- 1\A DM IN 1-1 \IAC A LS- I\Temp\tov-b04-0316.2. DOC
~ .
Electrical Comments:
40. Elevator standby power is required. Amend plans to indicate standby power in accordance with IBC
Sections 2702 and 3003. (IBC 1007.4)
The 2003 Internationa/ Building Code requires that standby power be provided for the
elevator. It is my understanding that to achieve an a/ternate design which eliminates the
standby power that it must be done through an Administrative Modirication. lf you choose
this method, p/ease submit the required paperwork and documentation to show an equiva/ent
design which can be reviewed and accepted by all parties invo/ved including the Town of Vail.
Please refer to the cover sheet for information and instructions for resubmitting plans. The recheck of plans
usuafly occurs within 3-5 working days of plan resubmittal. In order to avoid delays please check all requested
information is included with the resubmitted plans. ,
Plan Review Comments .
Matthew Royer
Building OfFicial
Colorado Inspection Agency
C:\DOCUME-IIADMINI-1 \LOCALS-11Temp\tov-bO4-0316.2.DOC
One wi 11 ow Bri dge 63006 Diie pr INw az~ 15 1~~1~~j"
~ 0
Start of Event suffer I j aj q(l
StdtUS:NORMAL 11/28/90 06:22
Exit Program Mode
StdtU5:RE5ET 11/28/90 06:22
Commencing systeM Reset
Status:NORMAL 11j28/90 06:22
system zdle
StdtUS:ALARM 11/28/90 06:23
Fire Alarm in Ckt:9 Dev:46 Igr:17
Heat Detector
South Parking Level
Status:ACK 11/28/90 06:23
systeM ,4cknowledged
Status:SIG SIL 11/28/90 06:23
signals Deactivated
Status:RESET 11/28/90 06:23
Commencing systeM Reset
Status:NORMAL 11/28/90 06:24
System Idle
StdtuS:ALARM 11/28/90 06:24
Fire Alarm in Ckt:9 oev:55 Igr:17
Heat Detector
South Parking Level
Status:aCK 11/28/90 06:24
systeM ,4cknowledged
Status:SIG SIL 11/28/90 06:24
Signals Deactivated
Status:RESET 11/28/90 06:24
Commencing systeM Reset
StdtUS:NORMAL 11f28/90 06:24 `
system idle
StdtUS:ALARM 11/28/90 06:25
Fire Alarm in Ckt:9 Dev:53 Igr:17
Heat Detector
South Parking Level
~ - - - -
Status:ACK 11/28/90 06:25 7e '
systeM Acknowledged i ll~ o,~, g.
Status:SIG SIL 11/28/90 06:25 ~
Signals Deactivated
Status:RESET 11/28/90 06:25
Commencing systeM Reset
Status:NORMAL 11/28/90 06:25
System Idle Status:ALARM 11/28/90 06:26
Page 1
one willow Bridge 63006
Fire Alarm in Ckt:9 Dev:54 Igr:17
Heat Detector
South Parking Level
Status:ACK 11/28/90 06:26
systeM acknowledged
Status:SZG SzL 11/28/90 06:26
Signals Deactivated
Status:ALARM 11/28/90 06:27
Fire Alarm in Ckt:9 Dev:48 Igr:17
Heat Detector
South Parking Level Status:ACK 11/28/90 06:27
systeM Acknowledged
5tatus:SIG SIL 11/28/90 06:27
signals Deactivated
Status:RESET 11/28/90 06:27
Commencing systeM Reset
StdtUS:NORMAL 11/28/90 06:27
system zdle
Status:ALARM 11/28/90 06:28
Fire Alarm in Ckt:9 Dev:51 Igr:17
Heat Detector
south Parking Level
Status:aCK 11/28/90 06:28
systeM Acknowledged
Status:SIG SIL 11/28/90 06:28
Signals Deactivated
StdtU5:RE5ET 11/28/90 06:29
Commencing systeM Reset
Status:NORMAL 11/28/90 06:29
System Idle
Status:ALARM 11/28/90 06:31
Fire Alarm in Ckt:9 Dev:9 Igr:2
Heat Detector
East Parking Level
Status:ACK 11/28/90 06:31
systeM Acknowledged
5tatus:SIG SIL 11/28/90 06:31
Signals Deactivated
Status:RESET 11/28/90 06:31
Commencing systeM Reset
Status:NORMAL 11/28/90 06:31
System zdle
Status:ALARM 11/28/90 06:32
Fire Alarm in Ckt:9 Dev:10 Igr:l
Page 2
one willow Bridge 63006
Heat Detector
North Parking Level
Status:ACK 11/28/90 06:32
systeM acknowledged
Status:SlG SIL 11/28/90 06:32
signals Deactivated
Status:ALARM 11/28/90 06:33
Fire Alarm in Ckt:9 Dev:3 Igr:l
Heat Detector
North Parking Level
Status:ACK 11/28/90 06:33
systeM Acknowledged
5tatus:SIG SIL 11/28/90 06:33
signals Deactivated
Status:SIG SIL 11/28/90 06:33
signals Activated
Status:SIG SIL 11/28/90 06:33
Signals Deactivated
Status:ALARM 11/28/90 06:34
Fire Alarm in Ckt:9 Dev:26 Igr:l
Heat Detector
North Parking Level
Status:ACK 11/28/90 06:34
systeM Acknowledged
5tatus:SZG 5zL 11/28/90 06:34
signals Deactivated
Status:RESET 11/28/90 06:40
Commencing systeM Reset
StdtuS:NORMAL 11/2$/90 06:40
system Idle
Status:ALARM 11/28/90 06:45
Fire Alarm in Ckt:9 Dev:26 Igr:l
Heat Detector
North Parking Level
Status:ACK 11/28/90 06:45
systeM Acknowledged
Status:SlG 52L 11/28/90 06:45
signals Deactivated
Status:RESET 11/28/90 06:45
Commencing systeM Reset
Status:ALARM 11/28/90 06:45
Fire Alarm in Ckt:9 Dev:2 zgr:l
Heat Detector
North Parking Level
5tatus:ACK 11/28/90 06:45
Page 3
one willow Bridge 63006
systeM Acknowledged
Status:SZG SzL 11/28/90 06:45
signals Deactivated
Status:RESET 11/28/90 06:46
Commencing System Reset
Status:ALARM 11/28/90 06:46
Fire Alarm in Ckt:9 Dev:12 Igr:l
Heat Detector
North Parking Level
Status:aCK 11/28/90 06:46
System Acknowledged
Status:SZG SzL 11/28/90 06:46
signals Deactivated
StdtUS:RESET 11/28/90 06:46
Commencing System Reset
StdtUS:NORMAL 11/28/90 06:46
System zdle
Status:ALARM 11/28/90 06:47
Fire Alarm in Ckt:9 Dev:13 Igr:l
Heat Detector
North Parking Level
Status:aCK 11/28/90 06:47
systeM acknowledged
Status:SIG SIL 11/28/90 06:47
Signals Deactivated
StatUS:RESET 11/28/90 06:47
Commencing systeM Reset
Status:NORMAL 11/28/90 06:47
system zdle
StdtUS:ALARM 11/28/90 06:47
Fire Alarm in Ckt:9 Dev:14 zgr:l
Heat Detector
North Parking Level
Status:ACK 11/28/90 06:47
systeM Acknowledged
Status:SIG SIL 11/28/90 06:47
Signals Deactivated
Status:RESET 11/28/90 06:48
Commencing systeM Reset
Status:NORMAL 11/28/90 06:48
system zdle
StatuS:ALARM 11/28/90 06:48
Fire Alarm in Ckt:9 Dev:l Igr:l
Heat Detector
North Parking Level
Page 4
One willow Bridge 63006
Status:ACK 11/28/90 06:48
systeM Acknowledged
Status:SZG 5IL 11/28/90.06:48
Signals Deactivated
Statu5:RE5ET 11/28/90 06:48
Commencing systeM Reset
Status:NORMAL 11/28/90 06:49
System zdle
Status:ALARM 11/28/90 06:50
Fire alarm in Ckt:9 Dev:17 Igr:3
Heat Detector
Elevator 5 Parking Level
Status:ACK 11/28/90 06:50
systeM Acknowledged
5tatus:slG siL 11/28/90 06:50
Signals Deactivated
Status:RESET 11/28/90 06:50
Commencing systeM Reset Status:NORMAL 11/28/90 06:50
System Idle
Status:ALARM - 11/28/90 06:52
Fire Alarm in Ckt:9 Dev:27 Igr:1
Heat Detector
North Parking Level
Status:ACK 11/28/90 06:52 systeM Acknowledged
Status:SZG SIL 11/28/90 06:52
signals Deactivated
Status:RESET 11/28/90 06:52
commencing systeM Reset
StatuS:NORMAL 11/28/90 06:52
system zdle
Status:ALARM 11/28/90 06:53
Fire Alarm in Ckt:9 Dev:25 igr:l
Heat Detector
North Parking Level
5tatus:ACK 11/28/90 06:53
systeM Acknowledged
Status:SIG SzL 11/28/90 06:53
signals Deactivated
Status:RESET 11/28/90 06:54
Commencing systeM Reset
Status:NORMAL 11/28/90 06:54
System zdle Page 5
One willow Bridge 63006
Status:PA55 11/28/90 07:04
Password Accepted
Security Leve1:4 User ID:USER4
Status:NORMAL 11/28/90 07:04
Program Mode Entered
Use Up/Down Keys To Scroll
Press Enter Key To Exit
Display Menu
1=Config 2=Dict 3=Events
4=Misc S=Detectors O=Exit
Page 6
C,:.\Documents and Settings\Ken\Desktop\Acme Folder\Acme Panel Accounts\Fire Accounts Gamewell\OWB-2
Card 4: CCP4, 2 Sigrial Circuits, Class A
CardAddress: 4 `
CardID: 1- CCP4, 2 Signal Circuits, Class A '
Circuit:129, Voice Evacuation
CardAddress: 4
CardID: 1- CCP4, 2 Signal Circuits, Class A
Circuit: 129
Device Type: Conventional
Description: Voice Evacuation
Alarm Activation Level : 2 - Alarm ~Q
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence U
Signal Type: Steady ON signal
Drill: Yes 0-0(~(eQ f l5
Auto Signal Silence: No
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 129 - Voice Evacuation
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed I
Circuit:130, 8xterior Horn Strobe !
CardAddress: 4 ~
CardID: 1- CCP4, 2 Signal Circuits, Class A
Circuit: 130
Device Type: Conventional
Description: Exterior Horn Strobe
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Signal Type: Steady ON signal
Drill: Yes
Auto Signal Silence: No
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 130 - Exterior Horn Strobe
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Card 6: CCP6
CardAddress: 6
CardID: 5 - CCP6
Circuit:131, No description
CardAddress: 6
CardID: 5 - CCP6
Circuit: 131
Device Type: Conventional
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Reset
Display Card Number: 0 .
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 131 -
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Card 7: IInueed
CardAddress: 7
CardID: 7 - Unused
Card 16: Apollo Interface
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9,- Apollo Interface
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface ,
CircuitNumber: 9
Device 1, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 1
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Heat Detector
North Parking Level
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 1- North Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description) •
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 2, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 2
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Heat Detector
North Parking Level
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 1- North Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 3, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 3
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Heat Detector
North Parking Level '
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 1- North Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 4, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 4
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Heat Detector
North Parking Level
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 2- East Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description) Bypass State: Not bypassed
Devica 9, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 9
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Heat Detector
East Parking Level
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 2- East Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 10, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 10
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Heat Detector
North Parking Level
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 1- North Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 11, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 11
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Heat Detector
North Parking Level
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 1- North Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 12, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 12
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Heat Detector
North Parking Level
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 1- North Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 13, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 13
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Heat Detector
North Parking Level
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 1- North Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 14, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 14
Device Type: PID-95
Description; Heat Detector
North Parking Level
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 1- North Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 16, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 16
Device Type: XP95-T
Description: Heat Detector
NW Electrical Room
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 25
Alarm temp °C: 58
Rate of rise: Off
Input Group: 9- Tamper Switch Elevator 4
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 17, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 17
Device Type: XP95-T
Description: Heat Detector
Elevator 5 Parking Level
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 25
Alarm temp °C: 58
Rate of rise: Off
Input Group: 3- Elevator 5 Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 18, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 18
Device Type: XP95-T
Description: Heat Detector
NW Electrical Room
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 25
Alarm temp °C: 58
Rate of rise: Off
Input Group: 9- Tamper Switch Elevator 4
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 19, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 19
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Tamper Switch ,
Elevator 5 Parking Level
Zone Type: Supervisory
Input G'roup: 8- Tamper Switch Elevator 5
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 25, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 25
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Heat Detector
North Parking Level
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 1- North Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 26, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardlD: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 26
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Heat Detector
North Parking Level
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 1- North Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 27, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 27
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Heat Detector
North Parking Level
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 1- North Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 29, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 29
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Tamper Switch
Elevator 4 Parking Level
Zone Type: Supervisory
Input Group: 9- Tamper Switch Elevator 4
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 33, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 33
Device Type: XP95-T
Description: Heat Detector
Elevator 4 Parking Level
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 25
Alarm temp °C: 58
Rate of rise: Off
Input Group: 4- Elevator 4 Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 36, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 36
Device Type: XP95-T
Description: Heat Detector
Elevator 3 Parking Level
Zone Type: Automatic .
Average temp °C: 25
Alarm temp °C: 58
Rate of rise: Off
Input Group: 6- Elevator 3 Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 37, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 37
Device Type: XP95-T
Description: Heat Detector
Elevator 3 Housekeeping
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 25
Alarm temp °C: 58
Rate of rise: Off
Input Group: 2- East Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 38, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 38
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Tamper Switch
East Mech.Room
Zone Type: Supervisory
Input Group: 16 - Tamper Switch East Mech.Room
Bypass Group: 0 - (rio description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 42, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 42
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Tamper Switch
Elevator 3 Parking Level
Zone Type: Supervisory
Input Group: 11 - Tamper Switch Elevator 3
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State:_ Not bypassed
Device 43, MS-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 43
Device Type: MS-95
Description: Pull Station
Elevator 3
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 2- East Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 44, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 44
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Heat Detector
East Parking Level
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 2- East Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 45, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 45
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Heat Detector
South Parking Level
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 17 - South Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 46, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Tnterface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 46
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Heat Detector
South Parking Level
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 17 - South Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 47, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Iriterface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 47
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Heat Detector
South Parking Level
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 17 - South Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 48, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 48
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Heat Detector
South Parking Level
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 17 - South Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 49, MS-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 49
Device Type: MS-95
Description: Pull Station
West Parking Level
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 17 - South Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 50, MS-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 50
Device Type: MS-95
Description: Pull Station
West Stair
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 17 - South Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
DevicQ 51, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardlD: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 51
Device Type: PID-95
Description: . Heat Detector
South Parking Level
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 17 - South Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 53, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardlD: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 53
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Heat Detector
South Parking Level
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 17 - South Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 54, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 54
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Heat Detector
South Parking Level
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 17 - South Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 55, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 55
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Heat Detector
South Parking Level
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 17 - South Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 60, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 60
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Heat Detector
South Parking Level
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 17 - South Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 61, MS-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 61
Device Type: MS-95
Description: Pull Station
SE Parking Level
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 17 - South Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 65, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 65
Device Type: XP95-T
Description: Heat Detector
Elevator 2 Parking Level
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 25
Alarm temp °C: 58
Rate of rise: Off
Input Group: 7- Elevator 2 Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 66, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 66
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Tamper Switch
Elevator 2 Parking Level
Zone Type: Supervisory
Input Group: 12 - Tamper Switch Elevator 2
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 69, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 69 Device Type: PID-95
Description: Tamper Switch
Elevator 2 Equipment Room
Zone Type: Supervisory
Input Group: 12 - Tamper Switch Elevator 2
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 72, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
Card2D: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 72
bevice Type: XP95-T •
Description: Heat Detector
East Water Room
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 25
Alarm temp °C: 58
Rate of rise: Off
Input Group: 2- East Parking Level
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 74, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 74
Device Type: PID-95
.Description: Tamper Switch
Main Riser # 2
Zone Type: Supervisory
Input Group: 20 - Tamper Switch Water Room
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 75, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 75
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Tamper Switch
Main Riser # 1
Zone Type: Supervisory
Input Group: 20 - Tamper Switch Water Room
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 76, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 76
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Waterflow
Main Riser
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 21 - Waterflow Main Riser
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 77, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 77
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Tamper Switch
Garage Dry System
Zone Type: Supervisory
Input Group: 20 - Tamper Switch Water Room
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 78, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 78
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Alarm Pressure Switch
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 22 - Waterflow Garage Dry System
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Devica 79, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 79
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Low Air Switch
Garage Dry System
Zone Type: Supervisory
Input Group: 26 - Low Air Switch
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 86, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 86
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Lower Tamper Switch
Zone Type: Supervisory
Input Group: 27 - FACP Room
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 87, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 87
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Upper Tamper Switch
Zone Type: Supervisory
Input Group: 27 - FACP Room
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 88, MS-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apo1lo,Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 88
Device Type: MS-95
Description: Pull Station
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 28 - Fire Alarm ist Floor
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 89, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 89
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 28 - Fire Alarm ist Floor
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 90, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 90
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Duct Detector
Garage Level
Zone Type: Supervisory
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 29 - Duct Detector
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 92, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 92
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Exterior Tampers
# 2
Zone Type: Supervisory
Input Group: 30 - Exterior Tampers
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 94, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 94
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Exterior Tampers
# 4
Zone Type: Supervisory
Input Group: 30 - Exterior Tampers
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 95, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardlD: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 95
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Exterior Tampers
# 5
Zone Type: Supervisory
Input Group: 30 - Exterior Tampers
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
Card 18: USM-8, Class B
CardAddress: 18
CardID: 54 - USM-8, Class B
Circuit:41, North Parking Level Strobes
CardAddress: 18 •
CardID: 54 - USM-8, Class B
Circuit: 41 '
Device Type: Conventional
North Parking Level Strobes
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Signal Type: Steady ON signal
Drill: No
Auto Signal Silence: No
pisplay Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 41 - North Parking Level Strobes
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Circuit:42, South Parking Level Strobes
CardAddress: 18
CardID: 54 - USM-8, Class B
Circuit: 42
Device Type: Conventional
South Parking Level Strobes
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Signal Type: Steady ON signal
Drill: No
Auto Signal Silence: No
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 42 - South Parking Level Strobes
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Circuit:43, No description
CardAddress: 18
CardID: 54 - USM-8, Class B
Circuit: 43
Device Type: Conventional
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Reset
Signal Type: Steady ON signal
Drill: No
Auto Signal Silence: No
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 43 -
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Circuit:44, No description
CardAddress: 18
CardID: 54 - USM-8, Class B '
Circuit: 44
Device Type: Conventional
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Reset
Signal Type: Steady ON signal
Drill: No
Auto Signal Silence: No
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 44 -
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Circuit:45, No description
CardAddress: 18
CardID: 54 - USM-8, Class B
Circuit: 45
Device Type: Conventional
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Reset
Signal Type: Steady ON signal
Drill: No
Auto $ignal Silence: No
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 45 -
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Circuit:46, No deacription
CardAddress: 18
CardID: 54 - USM-8, Class B
Circuit: 46
Device Type: Conventional
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Reset
Signal Type: Steady ON signal
Drill: No
Auto Signal Silence: No
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 46 -
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Circuit:47, No description
CardAddress: 18
CardID: 54 - USM-8, Class B
Circuit: 47
Device Type: Conventional
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Reset
Signal Type: Steady ON signal
Drill: No
Auto Signal Silence: No
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 47 -
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Circuit:48, No deacription
CardAddress: 18
CardID: 54 - USM-8, Class B
Circuit: 48
Device Type: Conventional
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Reset
Signal Type: Steady ON signal
Drill: No
Auto Signal Silence: No
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 48 - J
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Card 20: R/Y LED
CardAddress: 20
CardID: 30 - R/Y LED
Card 22: R/Y LSD
CardAddress: 22
CardID: 30 - R/Y LED
C:\Documents and Settings\Ken\Deaktop\Acme Folder\Acme Panel Accounta\Fire Accounts Gamewell\Sonne
Card 4: CCP4, 2 Signal Circuits, Class A
CardAddress: 4
CardID: 1- CCP4, 2 Signal Circuits, Class A
Circuit:129, Voice $vacuation
CardAddress: 4
CardID: 1- CCP4, 2 Signal Circuits, Class A
Circuit: 129
Device Type: Conventional
Description: Voice Evacuation
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Signal Type: Steady ON signal
Drill: Yes
Auto Signal Silence: No ~
Display Card Number: 0 s.
~f, \ l
Display Card Position: 1 ~ V\J
Output Group: 129 - Voice Evacuation
Bypass Group: 129 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed ~
Circuit:130, $xterior H/S
CardAddress: 4
CardID: 1- CCP4, 2 Signal Circuits, Class A
Circuit: 130
Device Type: Conventional
Description: Exterior H/S
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Signal Type: Steady ON signal
Drill: Yes
Auto Signal Silence: No
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 130 - Exterior.H/S
Bypass Group: 130 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Card 6: CCP6
CardAddress: 6
CardID: 5 - CCP6
Circuit:131, No description
CardAddress: 6
Card2D: 5 - CCP6
Circuit: 131
Device Type: Conventional
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Reset
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 131 -
Bypass Group: 131 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Card 7: Unused
CardAddress: 7
CardID: 7 - Unused
Card 16: Apollo Interface
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CardAddress: 16
CardIrA: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
Device 1, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
Card2D: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9 DeviceAddress: 1
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
Garage Corridor
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 24
Sensitivity: 4 - Low
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 2- West Garage
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 2, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 2
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
Garage Corridor
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 4 - Low
Auto compensation: On
, Input Group: 2- West Garage Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 3, MS-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 3
Device Type: MS-95
Description: Pull Station
Garage Corridor
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 2- West Garage
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
DeviCe 4, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
Card2D: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 4
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Duct Detector
Boiler Room
Zone Type: Supervisory
Average count: 30
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 3- Duct Detector Boiler Room
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
DeviCe 5, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 5
Device Type: XP95-T
Description: Heat Detector
, Garage Boiler Room
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 31
Alarm temp °C: 86
Rate of rise: On
Input Group: 2- West Garage
Bypass Group: 9 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 6, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 6
Device Type: XP95-T
Description: Heat Detector
Garage Boiler Room
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 33
Alarm temp °C: 86
Rate of rise: On
Input Group: 2- West Garage
Bypass Group: 9 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 7, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 7
Device Type: XP95-T
Description: Heat Detector
Garage Boiler Room
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 32 ,
Alarm temp °C: 86
Rate of rise: On
Input Group: 2- West Garage
Bypass Group: 9 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 8, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 8
Device Type: PID-95
Description: West
Garage Heat Detector
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 2- West Garage
Bypass Group: 9 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 9, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 9
Device Type: PID-95
Description: West
Garage Heat Detector
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 2- West Garage
Bypass Group: 9 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 10, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
Card2D: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNuinber : 9 DeviceAddress: 10
Device Type: PID-95
Description: West
Garage Heat Detector
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 2- West Garage
Bypass Group: 9 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 11, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 11
Device Type: PID-95
Description: West
Garage Heat Detector
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 2- West Garage
Bypass Group: 9 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 12,PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 12
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Center
Garage Heat Detector
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 4- Center Garage
Bypass Group: 9 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 13, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 13 Device Type: PID-95
Description: Center
Garage Heat Detector
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 4- Center Garage
Bypass Group: 9 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 14, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 14
Device Type: PID-95
Description: East
Garage Heat Detector
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 5- East Garage
Bypass Group: 9 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 15, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 15
Device Type: PID-95
Description: East
Garage Heat Detector
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 5- East Garage
Bypa,ss Group : 9 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 16, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 16
Device Type: PID-95
Description: East
Garage Heat Detector
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 5- East Garage
Bypass Group: 9 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 17, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 17
Device Type: PID-95
Description: East
Garage Heat Detector
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 5- East Garage
Bypass Group: 9 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 18, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 18
Device Type: PID-95
Description: East
Garage Heat Detector
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 5- East Garage
Bypass Group: 9 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 19, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 19
Device Type: XP95-T
Talisman East Storage
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 25
Alarm temp °C: 58
Rate of rise: Off
Input Group: 6- Talisman Garage
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description.)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 20, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 20
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Tamper Switch .
Talisman Elevator
Zone Type: Supervisory
Input Group: 11 - Tamper Switch Garage
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Devi,ce 21, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 21
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
Talisman Elevator Equipment Room
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 6- Talisman Garage
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 22, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 22
Device Type: XP95-T
Description: Heat Detector
Talisman Elevator Equipment Room
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 25
Alarm temp °C: 69
Rate of rise: Off
Input Group: 6- Talisman Garage
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 25, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 25
Device Type: XP95-T
Talisman West Storage
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 25
Alarm temp °C: 58
Rate of rise: Off
Input Group: 6- Talisman Garage
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 26, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 26
Device Type: PID-95
Talisman Garage
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 6- Talisman Garage
Bypass Group: 9 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 27, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9 DeviceAddress: 27
Device Type: PID-95
Talisman Garage
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 6- Talisman Garage
Bypass Group: 9 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 28, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 28
Device Type: PID-95
Talisman Garage
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 6- Talisman Garage
Bypass Group: 9 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 29, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 29
Device Type: PID-95
Talisman Garage
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 6- Talisman Garage
Bypass Group: 9 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 30, MS-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: ' 30
Device Type: MS-95
Description: Pull Station
Garage East Center Stairwell
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 4- Center Garage
Bypass Group: 9 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 31, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber:. 9
DeviceAddress: 31
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Heat Detector
Center Garage
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 4- Center Garage
Bypass Group: 9 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 32, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
Card2D: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 32
Device Type: PID-95
Description: South
Garage Heat Detector
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 7- South Garage
Bypass Group: 9 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 33, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: ' 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 33
Device Type: PID-95
Description: South
Garage Heat Detector
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 7- South Garage
Bypass Group: 9 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 34, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 34
Device Type: PID-95
Description: South
Garage Heat Detector
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 7- South Garage
Bypass Group: 9 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 35, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 35
Device Type: XP95-T
Description: Heat Detector
Garage Storage
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 25
Alarm temp °C: . 58
Rate of rise: Off
Input Group: 7- South Garage
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not Yiypassed
Device 36, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardlD: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 36
Device Type: XP95-T
Description: Heat Detector
Garage Storage
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 25
Alarm temp °C: 58
Rate of rise: Off
Input Group: 7- South Garage
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 37, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 37
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
Electrical Gear Room South
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 23
Sensitivity: 4 - Low
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 7- South Garage
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 38, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 38
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
Electrical Gear Room
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 23
Sensitivity: 4 - Low
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 7- South Garage
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 39, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 39
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
Electrical Gear Room North
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 24
Sensitivity: 4 - Low
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 7- South Garage
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 40, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 40
Device Type: XP95-T
Description: Heat Detector
Engineering Garage Storage
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 25
Alarm temp °C: 58
Rate of rise: Off
Input Group: 7- South Garage
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 41, MS-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 41
Device Type: MS-95
Description: Pull Station
West Center Stairwell
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 7- South Garage
Bypass Group: 9 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 42, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 42
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector Phone Room
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 2- West Garage.
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 43, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardlD: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 43
Device Type: XP95-T
North Elevator Pit
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 25 ,
Alarm temp °C: 58
Rate of rise: Off
Input Group: 8- North Elevator
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 44, MS-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 44
Device Type: MS-95
Description: Pull Station
Talisman Garage Elevator Lobby
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 6- Talisman Garage
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 45, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 45
Device Type: XP95-T
Shunt Trip Elevator Equipment Room
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 25
Alarm temp °C: 55
Rate of rise: Off
Input Group: 10 - Shunt Trip Elevator Equipment Room
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 46, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 46
Device Type: XP95-P
Elevator Equipment Room
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 24
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On Input Group: 9- Garage Elevator Lobby
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 47, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DevkceAddress: 47
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Tamper Switch
North Elevator
Zone Type: Supervisory
Input Group: 11 - Tamper Switch Garage
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 48, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 48
Device Type: PID-95
Description: West
Garage Heat Detector
Zone Type: Automatic .
Input Group: 2- West Garage
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 49, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 49
Device Type: PID-95
Description: West
Garage Heat Detector
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 2- West Garage
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 50, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 50
Device Type: XP95-T
Description: Heat Detector
Garage Elevator Lobby
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 25
Alarm temp °C: 58
Rate of rise: Off
Input Group: 9- Garage Elevator Lobby .
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 51, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 51
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Dry System Waterflow
Zone Type: WATRS
Input Group: 12 - Waterflow Garage
Bypass Group: 4 - Waterflbw
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 52, PID-95
CardAddress: 16 ,
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 52
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Dry System Low Air
Zone Type: Supervisory
Input Group: 13 - Dry System Low Air
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 53, PZD-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 53
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Dry System Tamper Switch
Zone Type: Supervisory
Input Group: 11 - Tamper Switch Garage
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 54, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 54
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
1st FL. Elevator Lobby Tailsman
Zone Type: Automatic a
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 6- Talisman Garage
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 55, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 55
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
ist FL. Talisman Stairwell
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 6- Talisman Garage
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 56, MS-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 56
Device Type: MS-95 '
Description: Pull Station
lst FL. Elevator Lobby Tailsman
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 6- Talisman Garage
Bypass Group: 9 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 57, MS-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 57
Device Type: MS-95
Description: Pull Station
lst FL. Talisman Stairwell
Zone Type: Automatic Input Group: 6- Talisman Garage
Bypass Group: 9 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 118, RC13-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 118
Device Type: RCE-95
North Elevator Primary Recall
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Relay Reset: Instantaneous
Display Card Number: 0 .
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 2- North Elevator Primary Recall
Bypass Group: 2 - Elevator
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Davice 119, RCE-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 119
Device Type: RCE-95
North Elevator Alternate Recall
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Relay Reset: Instantaneous
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 3- North Elevator Alternate Recall
Bypass Group: 2 - Elevator
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 120, RCB-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 120
Device Type: RCE-95
North Elevator Fire Hat
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Relay Reset: Instantaneous
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 4- North Elevator Fire Hat
Bypass Group: 2 - Elevator
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 121, RCL-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 121
Device Type: RCE-95
North Elevator Shunt Trip
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Reset
Relay Reset: Instantaneous
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 5- North Elevator Shunt Trip
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 122, RCS-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 122
Device Type: RCE-95
Talisman Elevator Primary Recall
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Relay Reset: Instantaneous
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 6- Talisman Elevator Primary Recall
Bypass Group: 2 - Elevator
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 123, RCS-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 123
Device Type: RCE-95
Talisman Elevator Alternate Recall
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Relay Reset: Instantaneous
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 7- Talisman Elevator Alternate Recall
Bypass Group: 2 - Elevator
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 124, RCE-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 124
Device Type: RCE-95
Talisman Elevator Fire Hat
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
AZarm Restore On: Signal silence
Relay Reset: Instantaneous
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 8- Talisman Elevator Fire Hat
Bypass Group: 2 - Elevator
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 125, RCE-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 125
Device Type: RCE-95
Talisman Elevator Shunt Trip
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Reset
Relay Reset: Instantaneous
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 9- Talisman Elevator Shunt Trip
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Dev~ce 126, RCE-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 9
DeviceAddress: 126
Device Type: RCE-95
Description: HVAC
Shutdown Boiler Room
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Reset
Relay Reset: Instantaneous
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 10 - HVAC Shutdown Boiler Room
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
Device 1, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10 ,
DeviceAddress: 1
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Main Floor FACP Room
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 4 - Low
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 14 - Main Floor FACP Room
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 3, MS-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 3
Device Type: MS-95
Description: Main Floor Pull Station '
East Stairwell
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 24 - Main Floor East
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 4, MS-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 4
Device Type: MS-95
Description: Main Floor Pull Station
NE Retail
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 24 - Main Floor East
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 5, MS-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 5
Device Type: MS-95
Description: Main Floor Pull Station
South Entry
Zorie Type: Automatic
Input Group: 24 - Main Floor East
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 8, MS-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 8
Device Type: MS-95
Description: Main Floor Pull Station
SW Entry
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 24 - Main Floor East
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Devica'9, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
Card2D: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 9
Device Type: XP95-T
Description: Main Floor
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 25
Alarm temp °C: 65
Rate of rise: Off
Input Group: 24 - Main Floor East
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 13, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 13
Device Type: XP95-T
Description: Main Floor
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 25
Alarm temp °C: 65
Rate of rise: Off
Input Group: 24 - Main Floor East
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 14, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 14
Device Type: XP95-T
Description: Main Floor
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 25
Alarm temp °C: 65
Rate of rise: Off
Input Group: 24 - Main Floor East
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 15, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 15
Device Type: XP95-T
Description: Main Floor
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 25 .
Alarm temp °C: 65
Rate of rise: Off
Input Group: 24 - Main Floor East
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 16, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 16
Device Type: XP95-T
Description: Main Floor
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 25
Alarm temp °C: 65
Rate of rise: Off
Input Group: 24 - Main Floor East
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 17, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 17
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector Future Spa Hall
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 24 - Main Floor East
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 20, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 20
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector Food and Beverage
Directors Office
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 23
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 24 - Main Floor East
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 21, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 21
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector Office
Elevator Lobby
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 26 - Main F1oor.Elevator Lobby '
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 22, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 22
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector Office Hall
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 24 - Main Floor East
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 26, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 26
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Tamper Valve West
Zone Type: Supervisory
Input Group: 19 - Main Floor Tamper Switch
' Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 27, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 27
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Main Floor Waterflow
Zone Type: WATRS
Input Group: 15 - Main Floor Waterflow
Bypass Group: 4 - Waterflow Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 28, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface '
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 28
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Tamper Valve 3rd Floor
West Stairwell
Zone Type: Supervisory
Input Group: 20 - Tamper Valve 3rd Floor
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed •
Device 29, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 29
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Waterflow 3rd Floor
Zone Type: WATRS
Input Group: 16 - Waterflow 3rd Floor
Bypass G'roup: 4 - Waterflow
Byp4ss State: Not bypassed
Device 30, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 30
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Tamper Valve 4th Floor
West Stairwell
Zone Type: Supervisory
Input Group: 21 - Tamper Valve 4th Floor
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Devica 31, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 31
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Waterflow 4th Floor
Zone Type: WATRS
Input Group: 17 - Waterflow 4th Floor
Bypass Group: 4 - Waterflow
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 32, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 32
Device T.ype: PID-95
Description: Tamper Valve 5th Floor
West Stairwell
Zone Type: Supervisory
Input Group: 22 - Tamper Valve 5th Floor
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 33, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 33
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Waterflow 5th Floor
Zone Type: WATRS
Input Group: 18 - Waterflow 5th Floor
Bypass Group: 4 - Waterflow
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 40, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 40
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Main Floor
Luggage Room
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 24
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 25 - Main Floor West
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Devi,e 41, MS-95 ,
Card' 3dx-ess : 16
Card ~J: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10 DeviceAddress: 41
Device Type: MS-95
Description: Pull Station North
Entry Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 28 - Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 42, MS-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 42
Device Type: MS-95
Description: Pull Station West
Entry Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 28 - Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 43, MS-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 43
Device Type: MS-95
Description: Pull Station East Kitchen
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 28 - Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 47, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 47
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector Conference Services
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 23
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 24 - Main Floor East
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 48, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 48
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
Electrical Gear Room
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 24
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 24 - Main Floor East
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 49, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardlD: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 49
Device Type: XP95-T
Description: Heat Detector
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 25
Alarm temp °C: 58
Rate of rise: Off
Input Group: 24 - Main Floor East
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 50, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 50
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector Human Resources
Directors Office
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 24 - Main Floor East
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 51, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 51
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector Human Resources
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 24 - Main Floor East
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 52, MS-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 52
Device Type: MS-95 Description: Pull Station Office Hall
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 24 - Main Floor East
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 53, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 53
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector North
Entry Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto cornpensation: On
Input Group: 28 - Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 54, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 54
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector Coat Closet
Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 24
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 28,- Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 55, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 55
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
N.E. Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 28 - Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 56, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 56
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
N. Center Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 24
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 28 - Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Davice 57, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress:• 57
Device Type: XP95-T
Description: Heat Detector
N.W. Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Zone Type: Automatic ,
Average temp °C: 25
Alarm temp °C: 58
Rate of rise: Off
Input Group: 28 - Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 58, XP95-T CardAddress: 16
CardID:• 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
Dev~iceAddress: 58
Device Type: XP95-T
N. Center Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 25
Alarm temp °C: 55
Rate of rise: Off
Input Group: 28 - Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 59, XP95-P
CardAddress: ' 16
Card2D: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 59
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
Bar area Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 27
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 28 - Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 60, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 60
Device Type: XP95-T
Description: Heat Detector
Waiting Area Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 29
Alarm temp °C: 69
Rate of rise: On
Input Group: 28 - Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Bypass Group: 10 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 61, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 61
Device Type: XP95-T
Description: Heat Detector
Storage Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 25
Alarm temp °C: 69
Rate of rise: On
Input Group: 28 - Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Bypass Group: 10 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 62, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 62
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
Bike and Ski Rm.
Zone Type: Automatic .
Average,count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 25 - Main Floor West
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 63, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 63
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector Office
Bike and Ski Rm
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 24
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 28 - Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 64, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 64
Device Type: XP95-T
Description: Heat Detector
Kitchen west
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 25
Alarm temp °C: 74
Rate of rise: Off
Input Group: 28 - Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 65, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 65
Device Type: XP95-T
Description: Heat Detector
Kitchen East
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 25
Alarm temp °C: 74
Rate of rise: Off
Input Group: 28 - Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 66, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 66
Device Type: XP95-T
Description: Heat Detector
Prep Area
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 25
Alarm temp °C: 58
Rate of rise: Off
Input Group: 28 - Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 67, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardlD: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 67
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
Men's Restroom Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 28 - Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 68, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 68
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
Women's Restroom Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 23
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On '
Input Group: 28 - Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 69, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 69
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Hood System
Kitchen Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 28 - Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 70, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardlD: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 70
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Duct Detector
Swiss Chalet Restaurant
Zone Type: Supervisory
Average count: 24
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 29 - Swiss Chalet Restaurant RCE
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 124, RCL-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 124
Device Type: RCE-95
Makeup Air
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Reset
Relay Reset: Instantaneous
Display Card Number: 0 '
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 18 - Makeup air in kitchen
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 125, RCE-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 125
Device Type: RCE-95
Fire Screen Garage
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Relay Reset: Instantaneous
Display Card Number: 0 ~
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 15 - Fire Screen Garage
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 126, RCE-95
CardAddress: 16
CardlD: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 10
DeviceAddress: 126
Device Type: RCE-95
Description: Main Floor
Fire Screen
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Relay Reset: Instantaneous
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 26 - Main Floor Elevator Lobby
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
Device 1, MS-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 1
Device Type: MS-95
Description: New Addition 3rd Floor
East Stair
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 38 - 3rd Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 2, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 2
Device Type: XP95-P
Living Room Unit 326
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Gxoup: 41 - Unit 326
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 3, XP954
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 3
Device Type: XP95-P
West Bedroom Unit 326
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 29
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 41 - Unit 326
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 4, XP95-P CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: ' 4
Device Type: XP95-P
Unit 327
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 28
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 42 - Unit 327
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 5, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 5
Device Type: XP95-P
Unit 328
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 27
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 43 - Unit 328
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 6, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 6
Device Type: XP95-P
Unit 329
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 44 - Unit 329
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 7, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
Circuitl3umber: 11
DeviceAddress: 7
Device Type: XP95-P
Unit 330
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 29
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 45 - Unit 330
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 8, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 8
Device Type: XP95-P
Unit 331
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 27
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 46 - Unit 331
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 9, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 9
Device Type: XP95-P
Unit 332
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 47 - Unit 332
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 10, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 10
Device Type: XP95-P
Unit 333
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 48 - Unit 333
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 11, XP95-P
CarclAddress : 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 11
Device Type: XP95-P
Unit 334
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 30
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 49 - Unit 334
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
DeviCe 12, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 12
Device Type: XP95-P
Living Room Unit 335
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 50 - Unit 335
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 13, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 13
Device Type: XP95-P
North Bedroom Unit 335
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 50 - Unit 335
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 14, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 14
Device Type: XP95-P
Entry Unit 335
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 24
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 50 - Unit 335
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 15, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 15
Device Type: XP95-P
South Bedroom Unit 335
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 27
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 50 - Unit 335
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 16, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
Card2D: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 16
Device Type: XP95-P
Living Room Unit 336
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 51 -.Unit 336
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 17, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 17
Device Type: XP95-P
South Bedroom Unit 336
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 51 - Unit 336
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 18, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface '
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 18
Device Type: XP95-P
Entry Unit 319
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 27
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 52 - Unit 319
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 19, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 19
Device Type: XP95-P
South Bedroom Unit 319
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 52 - Unit 319
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description) '
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 20, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 20
Device Type: XP95-P
Unit 320
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 53 - Unit 320
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 21, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 21
Device Type: XP95-P
Unit 321
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 54 - Unit 321
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 22, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 22
Device Type: XP95-P
Unit 322
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 55 - Unit 322
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 23, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 23
Device Type: XP95-P
Unit 323
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 56 - Unit 323
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 24, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
Card2D: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: il
DeviceAddress: 24
Device Type: XP95-P
Unit 324
Zone Type; SUPVSBS
Average count: 27
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 57 - Unit 324
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 25, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 25
Device Type: XP95-P
Living Room Unit 325
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 29
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 58 - Unit 325
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 26, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 26
Device Type: XP95-P
East Bedroom Unit 325
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 58 - Unit 325
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 27, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
Card2D: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 27
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Outside Unit 326
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 38 - 3rd Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
DeviCe 28, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 28
Device Type: XP95-P
Outside Unit 327
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 24
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 38 - 3rd Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 29, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 29
Device Type: XP95-P
Outside Unit 325
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 38 - 3rd Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 30, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardlD: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 30
Device Type: XP95-P
Outside Unit 328
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 23
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 38 - 3rd Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 31, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 31
Device Type: XP95-P
Outside Unit 322
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 38 - 3rd Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 32, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 32
Device Type: XP95-P
Outside Elevator
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 27
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 38 - 3rd Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 33, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apoll.o Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 33
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: 3rd Floor
Elevator Lobby
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 35 - 3rd Floor Elevator Lobby
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 34, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 34
Device Type: XP95-P Description: 3rd Floor
Electrical Gear Room
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 24
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 38 - 3rd Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 35, XP95-P CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 35
Device Type: XP95-P
Outside Unit 321
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 38 - 3rd Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 36, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 36
Device Type: XP95-P
Outside Unit 320
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 28
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 38 - 3rd Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 37, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 37
Device Type: XP95-P
Outside Unit 335
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 38 - 3rd Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 38, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
Card2D: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 38
Device Type: XP95-P
Hall South of Unit 335
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 28
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On Input Group: 38 - 3rd Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 39, PID-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 39
Device Type: PID-95
Description: Sounder Base Supv. 3rd Floor
Zone Type: Supervisory
Input Group: 23 - Sounder Base Supv. 3rd Floor
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 41, MS-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 41
Device Type: MS-95
Description: New Addition 4th Floor
East Stair
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 39 - 4th Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 42, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 42
Device Type: XP95-P
Living Room Unit 426
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 59 - Unit 426
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 43, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 43
Device Type: XP95-P
East Bedroom Unit 426
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 59 - Unit 426
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 44, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 44
Device Type: XP95-P
Unit 427
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 28
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 60 - Unit 427
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 45, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 45
Device Type: XP95-P
Unit 428
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 61 - Unit 428
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 46, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 46
Device Type: XP95-P
Unit 429
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 27
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 62 - Unit 429
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 47, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 47
Device Type: XP95-P
Unit 430
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 27
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 63 - Unit 430
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 48, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 48
Device Type: XP95-P
Unit 431
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 27
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 64 - Unit 431
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 49, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 49
Device Type: XP95-P
Unit 432
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 27
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 81 - Unit 432
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 50, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 50
Device Type: XP95-P
Unit 433
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 82 - Unit 433
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 51, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 51
Device Type: XP95-P
Unit 434
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 83 - Unit 434
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 52, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 52
Device Type: XP95-P
Living Room Unit 435
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 27
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 84 - Unit 435
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 53, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 53
Device Type: XP95-P
North Bedroom Unit 435
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 27
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 84 - Unit 435
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 54, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 54
Device Type: XP95-P
Entry Unit 435
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 24
Sensitivity: 3.- Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 84 - Unit 435
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 55, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 55
Device Type: XP95-P
South Bedroom Unit 435
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 84 - Unit 435
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 56, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 56
Device Type: XP95-P
Living Room Unit 436
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 27
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal >
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 85 - Unit 436
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 57, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 57
Device Type: XP95-P
South Bedroom Unit 436
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 85 - Unit 436
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Davice 58, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 58
Device Type: XP95-P
South Bedroom Unit 419
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 27
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 86 - Unit 419
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 59, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 59
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Entry Unit 419
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 86 - Unit 419
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 60, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 60
Device Type: XP95-P
Unit 420
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 87 - Unit 420
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 61, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardlD: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 61
Device Type: XP95-P
Unit 421
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 30
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: SS - Unit 421
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 62, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 62
Device Type: XP95-P
South Bedroom Unit 422
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 89 - Unit 422
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 63, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: il
DeviceAddress: 63
Device Type: XP95-P
Entry Unit 422
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 27
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 89 - Unit 422
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 64, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 64
Device Type: XP95-P
Unit 423
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 29
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 90 -.Unit 423 Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 65, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 65
Device Type: XP95-P
Unit 424
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 27
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 91 - Unit 424
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 66, XP95-P,
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 66
Device Type: XP95-P
Living Room Unit 425
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 92 - Unit 425
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 67, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 67
Device Type: XP95-P
East Bedroom Unit 425
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 29
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 92 - Unit 425
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 68, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 68
Device Type: XP95-P
Outside Unit 426
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 39 - 4th Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 69, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 69
Device Type: XP95-P ~
Outside Unit 427
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On '
Input Group: 39 - 4th Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 70, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apo11o Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 70
Device Type: XP95-P
Outside Unit 425
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 39 - 4th Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 71, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 71
Device Type: XP95-P
Outside Unit 428
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 27
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 39 - 4th Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 72, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 72
Device Type: XP95-P
Outside Unit 422
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 39 - 4th Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 73, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 73
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: 4th Floor
Outside Elevator
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 27
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 39 - 4th Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 74, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 74
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: 4th Floor
Elevator Lobby
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 36 - 4th Floor Elevator Lobby
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 75, XP95-P •
CardAddress: 16
CardID:• 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
Devi.ceAddress: 75
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: 4th Floor
Electrical Gear Room
Zone Type: Automatic
,Average count: 24
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 39 - 4th Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 76, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 76
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: ,
Outside Unit 421
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 27
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 39 - 4th Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 77, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 77
Device Type: XP95-P
Outside Unit 420
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 39 - 4th Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 78, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 78
Device Type: XP95-P
Outside Unit 435
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 28
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 39 - 4th Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 79, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
Card2D: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 79
Device Type: XP95-P
Hall South of Unit 435
Zone Type: Automatic
Average.count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
AutA compensation: On
Input Group: 39 - 4th Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 123, RCE-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 123
Device Type: RCE-95
Description: 4th Floor
Fire Screen
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Reset
Relay Reset: Instantaneous
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 13 - 4th Floor Fire Screen
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 124, RC$-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 124
Device Type: RCE-95
Description: Fire Damper 4th Floor
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Reset
Relay Reset: Instantaneous
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 11 - Fire Damper
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 125, RCS-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 125
Device Type: RCE-95
Description: 3rd Floor
Fire Screen
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Reset
Relay Reset: Instantaneous
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 12 - 3rd Floor Fire Screen
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 126, RCE-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 11
DeviceAddress: 126
Device Type: RCE-95
Description: Fire Damper 3rd Floor '
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Reset
Relay Reset: Instantaneous
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 11 - Fire Damper
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
Device l, MS-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 1
Device Type: MS-95
Description: Pull Station 5th Floor
East Stair
Zone Type: Automatic
Input Group: 40 - 5th Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 2, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 2
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
East Bedroom Unit 526
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 28
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 93 - Unit 526
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 3, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 3
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
Entry Unit 526
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3.- Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 93 - Unit 526
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 4, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 4
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
Living Room Unit 526
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 93 - Unit 526
Bypass Group: 0 - (no,description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 5, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 5
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
West Hall Unit 526
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 93 - Unit 526
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 6, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 6
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
West Bedroom Unit 526
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 28
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 93 - Unit 526
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 7, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 7
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
East Bedroom Unit 529
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 94 - Unit 529
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 8, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 8
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
Living Room Unit 529
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 94 - Unit 529
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 9, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 9
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
West Hall Unit 529
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 94 - Unit 529
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 10, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 10
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
West Bedroom Unit 529
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 94 - Unit 529
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Devica 11, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 11
Device Type: XP95-P
Entry Unit 535
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 95 - Unit 535
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 12, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardlD: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 12
Device Type: XP95-P
North Bedroom Unit 535
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 95 - Unit 535
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 13, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 13
Device Type: XP95=P
Living Room Unit 535
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 24
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 95 - Unit 535
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed '
Device 14, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 14
Device Type: XP95-P
South Bedroom Unit 535
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 95 - Unit 535
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 15, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 15
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
West Bedroom Unit 519
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 96 - Unit 519
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 16, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardlD: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 16
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
West Hall Unit 519
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 96 - Unit 519
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 17, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 17
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
South Bedroom Unit 519
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 96 - Unit 519
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 18, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
Card2D: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 18
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
Living Room Unit 519
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 96 - Unit 519
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 19, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 19
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
West Bedroom Unit 525
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 97 - Unit 525
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 20, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 20
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
Entry Unit 525
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 97 - Unit 525
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 21, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 21
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
Living Room Unit 525
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 97 - Unit 525
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 22, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardlD: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 22
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector
East Bedroom Unit 525
Zone Type: SUPVSBS
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 97 - Unit 525
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 23, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 23
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector 5th Floor
East Stair
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 31
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 40 - 5th Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 24, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 24
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector 5th Floor
Outside East Stairwell
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 40 - 5th Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 25, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 25
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector 5th Floor
East Corridor
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 24
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 40 - 5th Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 26, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 26
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector 5th Floor
Outside Unit 526
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 40 - 5th Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 27, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 27 '
Device Type: XP95-P
Hall East of Elevator
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 40 - 5th Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 28, XP95-T
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 28 '
Device Type: XP95-T
Elevator Shaft
Zone Type: Automatic
Average temp °C: 25
Alarm temp °C: 58
Rate of rise: Off
Input Group: 27 - Elevator Shaft
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 29, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 29
Device Type: XP95-P
Hall East of Elevator
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 40 - 5th Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 30, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 30
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: 5th Floor
Elevator Lobby
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 37 - 5th Floor Elevator Lobby
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 31, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 31
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: 5th Floor
Electrical Room
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 40 - 5th Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 32, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 32 .
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector 5th Floor
Outside Unit 519
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 31
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 40 - 5th Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 33, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 33
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: Smoke Detector 5th Floor
West Hall
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 24
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 40 - 5th Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 34, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 34
Device Type: XP95-P
Outside Unit 525
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 25
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 40 - 5th Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 35, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 35
Device Type: XP95-P
Hall South of Unit 535
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 26
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 40 - 5th Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 36, XP95-P
CardAddress: 16
CardID:. 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 36
Device Type: XP95-P
Description: 5th Floor
North Stairwell
Zone Type: Automatic
Average count: 23
Sensitivity: 3 - Normal
Auto compensation: On
Input Group: 40 - 5th Floor Common Area
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 124, RC$-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 124
Device Type: RCE-95
Air Relief Elevator Shaft
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Relay Reset: Instantaneous
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 17 - Air Relief Elevator Shaft
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 125, RCL-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 125
Device Type: RCE-95
Description: 5th Floor
Fire Screen
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Relay Reset: Instantaneous
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 14 - 5th Floor Fire Screen
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Device 126, RC8-95
CardAddress: 16
CardID: 9 - Apollo Interface
CircuitNumber: 12
DeviceAddress: 126
Device Type: RCE-95
Description: Fire Damper 5th Floor
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Relay Reset: Instantaneous
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 11 - Fire Damper
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Card 17: RM-8
CardAddress: 17
CardID: 94 - RM-8
Circuit:25, No description
CardAddress: 17
CardID:. 94 - RM-8
Circuit: 25
Device Type: Conventional
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Reset
Relay Reset: Instantaneous
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1 -
Output Group: 25 -
Bypass Group: 25 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Circuit:26, No description
CardAddress: 17
CardID: 94 - RM-8
Circuit: 26
Device Type: Conventional
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Reset
Relay Reset: Instantaneous
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 26 - Main Floor Elevator Lobby
Bypass Group: 26 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Circuit:27, No description
CardAddress: 17
CardID: 94 - RM-8
Circuit: 27
Device Type: Conventional
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Reset
Relay Reset: Instantaneous
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 27 -
Bypass Group: 27 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Circuit:28, No description
CardAddress: 17
CardID: 94 - RM-8
Circuit: 28
Device Type: Conventional
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Reset
Relay Reset: Instantaneous
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 28 -
Bypass Group: 28 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Circuit:29, No description
CardAddress: 17
CardID: 94 - RM-8
Circuit: 29
Device Type: Conventional
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Reset
Relay Re~set: Instantaneous
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 29 -
Bypass Group: 29 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Circuit:30, No description
CardAddress: 17
CardID: 94 - RM-8
Circuit: 30
Device Type: Conventional
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Reset
Relay Reset: Instantaneous
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 30 -
Bypass Group: 30 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Circuit:31, No description
CardAddress: 17
CardID:. 94 - RM-8
Circuit: 31
Device Type: Conventional
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Reset
Relay Reset: Instantaneous
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 31 -
Bypass Group: 31 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Circuit:32, No description
CardAddress: 17
CardID: 94 - RM-8
Circuit: 32
Device Type: Conventional
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Reset
Relay Reset: Instantaneous
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 32 -
Bypass Group: 32 -
Bypass State: Not bypassed .
Card 20: R/Y LED
CardAddress: 20
CardID: 30 - R/Y LED
Card 21: R/G LBD
CardAddress: 21
CardID: 26 - R/G LED
Card 24: USM-8, Class B
CardAddress: 24
CardID: 54 - USM-8, Class B
Circuit:65, Garage East Strobes
CardAddress: 24
Card2D: 54 - USM-8, Class B
Circuit: 65
Device Type: Conventional
Description: '
. Garage East Strobes
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Signal Type: Steady ON signal
Drill: Yes
Auto Signal Silence: No
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 65 - Garage East Strobes
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description) .
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Circuit:66, Garage West Strobes
CardAddress: 24
CardID: 54 - USM-8, Class B
Circuit: 66
Device Type: Conventional
Garage West Strobes
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Signal Type: Steady ON signal
Drill: Yes
Auto Signal Silence: No
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 66 - Garage West Strobes
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Circuit:67, Main Floor $ast Strobes
CardAddress: 24
CardID: 54 - USM-8, Class B
Circuit: 67
Device Type: Conventional
Description: Main Floor
East Strobes
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Signal Type: Steady ON signal
Drill: Yes
Auto Signal Silence: No
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 67 - Main Floor East Strobes
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Circuit:68, Maia Floor Weat Strobes
CardAddress: 24
CardID: 54 - USM-8, Class B
Circuit: 68
Device Type: Conventional
Description: Main Floor
West Strobes
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Signal Type: Steady ON signal
Drill: Yes
Auto Signal Silence: No
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 68 - Main Floor West Strobes
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Circuit:69, 3rd Floor Coamnon Area Strobes
. _ , . _ ..A
CardAddress: 24
CardID: 54 - USM-8, Class B
Circuit:. 69
Device Type: Conventional
Description: 3rd Floor
Common Area Strobes
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Signal Type: Steady ON signal
Drill: No
Auto Signal Silence: No
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 69 - 3rd Floor Common Area Strobes
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Circuit:70, No description
CardAddress: 24
CardID: 54 - USM-S, Class B
Circuit: 70
Device Type: Conventional
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Signal Type: Steady ON signal
Drill: Yes
Auto Signal Silence: No
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 70 - Strobes Unit 321
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Circuit:71, No description
CardAddress: 24
CardID: 54 - USM-8, Class B
Circuit: 71
Device Type: Conventional
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Signal Type: Steady ON signal
Drill: No
Auto Signal Silence: No
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 71 -
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description) `
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Circuit:72, No description
CardAddress: 24
CardID: 54 - USM-8, Class B
Circuit: 72
Device Type: Conventional
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Signal Type: Steady ON signal
Drill: No
Auto Signal Silence: No
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 72 -
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Card 28: R/Y LSD
CardAddress: 28
CardID: . 30 - R/Y LED
Card 32: USM-8, Class B
CardAddress: 32
CardID: 54 - USM-8, Class B
Circuit:73, 4th Floor Common Area Strobes
CardAddress: 32
CardID: 54 - USM-8, Class B
Circuit: 73
Device Type: Conventional
Description: 4th Floor
Common Area Strobes
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Signal Type: Steady ON signal
Drill: Yes
Auto Signal Silence: No
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 73 - 4th Floor Common Area Strobes
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Circuit:74, Strobes IInit 421
CardAddress: 32
CardID: 54 - USM-8, Class B
Circuit: 74
Device Type: Conventional
Description: Strobes
Unit 421
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Signal Type: Steady ON signal
Drill: Yes
Auto Signal Silence: No
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 74 - Strobes Unit 421
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Circuit:75, 5th Floor Common Area Strobes
CardAddress: 32
CardID: 54 - USM-8, Class B
Circuit: 75
Device Type: Conventional
Description: 5th Floor
Common Area Strobes
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Signal Type: Steady ON signal
Drill: Yes
Auto Signal Silence: No
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 75 - 5th Floor Common Area Strobes
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Circuit:76, Strobea IInit 526
CardAddress: 32
CardID: 54 - USM-8, Class B
Circuit: 76
Device Type: Conventional
Description: Strobes
Unit 526
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Signal Type: Steady ON signal
Drill: Yes
Auto Sig;ial Silence: No
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 76 - Strobes Unit 526
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Circuit:77, No dascription
CardAddress: 32
CardID: 54 - USM-8, Class B
Circuit: 77
Device Type: Conventional
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Signal Type: Steady ON signal
Drill: No
Auto Signal Silence: No
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 77 -
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Circuit:78, No description
CardAddress: 32
CardID: 54 - USM-8, Class B
Circuit: 78
Device Type: Conventional
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Signal Type: Steady ON signal
Drill: No
Auto Signal Silence: No
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 78 -
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Circuit:79, No description
CardAddress: 32
CardID: 54 - USM-8, Class B
Circuit: 79
Device Type: Conventional
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Signal Type: Steady ON signal
Drill: No
Auto Signal Silence: No
Display Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 79 -
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed Circuit:80, No description
CardAddress: 32
CardID: 54 - USM-8, Class B
Circuit: 80
Device Type: Conventional
Alarm Activation Level: 2- Alarm
Alarm Restore On: Signal silence
Signal Type: Steady ON signal
Drill: No
Auto Signal Silence: No '
Disglay Card Number: 0
Display Card Position: 1
Output Group: 80 -
Bypass Group: 0 - (no description)
Bypass State: Not bypassed
Card 36: R/Y L$D
CardAddress: 36
CardID: 30 - R/Y LED
_ ..,..n...~,,~ : ~ ~4. .........w.~.~,,.._.,,~~,
e McGee B06 0013 The Market Place at One Willow Pa e 1:
From: Mike McGee
To: Building_Division; Fire_Inspectors
Date: , 02/23/2006 4:24:47 PM
Subject: 606-0013 The Market Place at One Willow
The plan review notes are as follows:
1. Sheet ID 102 Tables cannot obstruct exit doors.
2. Sheet 200 30" x 30" access hatch to storage beneath stairs may not be allowed beneath required
interior exit stairs. Consult the Building Dept for clarification. It such use is allowed, fire sprinklers are
required and the type of commodity may be limited.
3. Sheet 202 ADA seating cannot obstruct exit doors.
4. Sheet E 1.1 Panel B Breaker 29 refers to Fire Suppression System: What electrical component is
` intended to be served by this breaker. All fire protection elements must comply with NFPA and IFC code
5. Approval is pending review by Bldg Dept and Public Works.
. ~
H U G H E S AS S 0 C I AT E S, IN C. 2 Garden Center, Suite 204, Broomfield, CO 80020 USA
FIRE SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Phone 303439-0485 a FAX 303439-7160 o www.haifire.com
Design Basis Report for the:
Fire Suppression Systems, and
Fire Alarm and Detection Systems
Date: February 2, 2006
Hughes Associates, Inc. (HAI) has been retained as the Engineer of Record to design the fire suppression
systems and fire alarm and detection systems for the Marketplace at Meadow Drive Tenant Finish in Vail,
Colorado. This design basis report is submitted to establish the design concepts for the fire systems for
review by the design team and the local Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). The AHJs for this project
are City of Vail Building Deparhnent and the Vail Fire and Emergency Service department.
The building is a four story structure with a basement constructed originally as the One Willow Bridge
Road project. The gross square footage for the building is approximately 91,000 square feet. The
basement is mostly parking garage with some mechanical and service areas. The ls' floor is comprised of
retail, restaurant, and residential units. The 2nd, 3~d, and 4th floors are comprised of residential units. The
4th floor has peaked ceilings so there aze no attic spaces. The project area is limited to the northwest
portion of the 1 St floor. The project includes renovation of the space in support of new retail and
restaurant uses.
The fire systems installed during original construction will be modified to provide a code compliance for
the new uses in the project area. Modified fire systems will be consistent with the original building
design intent and with local AHJ requirements.
The design of the fire systems shall be based on the 2003 editioa of the International Building Code (IBC)
and the 2003 edition of the International Fire Code (IFC) with Vail Amendments. The system installation
and design will comply with the following National Fire Protection Association standards:
• 2002 edition of NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Codeo
• 2002 edition of NFPA 70, National Electric Code
• 2002 edition of NFPA 13, Installation of Sprinkler Systems
• 2003 edition of NFPA 14, Installation of Standpipes and Hose Systems
Fire System Design Basis Report
February 2, 2006 page 2 of 3
3.1.1 Water Supply
The water supply for the existing fire sprinkler system is from the municipal supply. A new 12 inch
main has been provided along the north side of the building. A new hydrant is provided on the NE
corner of the building. This hydrant is supplied from a new dead-end main routed, supplied from the
new 10" main, along the east side of the building. This dead-end main is also used to supply the
domestic and the fire sprinkler system. A separate 6" underground supply main is provided to the
building from the 10" main for the fire suppression supply. The municipal supply is adequate for the
sprinkler system but is not capable of supplying 100 psi at the highest standpipe outlet (see Section
3.2.1 below).
The existing ls` floor fire sprinkler zone will be used to supply sprinklers in the tenant Finish area.
During original construction, isolation valves were provided to allow this Tenant Finish project to
occur while maintaining sprinkler protection in the other areas of the 1 St floor. These isolation valves
are indicated on the fire protection drawings.
3.1.2 System Design
The sprinklers in the Tenant Finish will match the remaining building which was based on NFPA 13
and local requirements. Currently, the 1 St floor is a single zone and has additional supervised control
valves provided for residential units and retail spaces to allow modification without taking the entire
system out of service.
3.1.3 Hazard Classifications
Hazard classifications for the project area will be based on Ordinary Hazard Group 2 from NFPA 13.
Specifically, the system will be designed for a 0.20 gpm/sq. ft. over 1500 square feet. Small offices
and common areas (corridors and lobbies) will be based on Light hazard occupancy (0.10 gpm/sq. ft.
over 1500 square feet).
3.1.4 Sprinklers
All areas of the Tenant Finish will have quick response sprinklers. Style and finish of the sprinklers
will be coordinated with the design team and will match existing where feasible.
3.2.1 System Configuration
The standpipe and hose system is existing for the building and will not require modification due to
this Tenant Finish project.
3.3.1 Main Control Panel
Fire System Design Basis Report
February 2, 2006 page 3 of 3
A Gamewell intelligent fire alarm control panel (FACP) exists for the building. The FACP is located
in the Fire Command Room. A graphic map will be provided in the Command Room that indicates
the location of every device. The map is graphic only and will not employ LED for each device. The
existing graphic map will be revised to identify Tenant Finish modifications.
3.3.2 Notification Appliances
Notification devices are provided throughout all areas of the Building. For the Tenant Finish area,
speaker and strobe units will be provided compliant with NFPA 72 and ADA requirements. Audible
devices will be provided throughout to provide a minimum of 15 dB above average ambient
conditions. Visual appliances will be provided as necessary based on applicable codes.
3.3.3 Manual Devices
Manual stations aze provided throughout the building. Manual stations will be provided or relocated
as necessary to support the Tenant Finish project.
33.4 Smoke Detection
Complete automatic detection is provided in most areas of the building. Smoke detection will be
provided in all areas except where the possibility for nuisance alann due to ambient conditions, i.e.,
kitchen areas. All smoke detectors will be addressable analog type to match existing.
33.5 Heat Detection
Heat detectors will be used throughout the project areas where smoke detectors are not appropriate.
Heat detectors will be addressable devices.
3.3.6 Duct Smoke Detectors
If necessary, duct detectors will be provided as required by applicable code. Specifically, duct
detectors will be provided on supply fans over 2,000 cfm in size to initiate shut down.and to initiate
closing of smoke dampers, as required by the International Mechanical Code.
Prepared by:
~ ~ - p REGIST
~ ~P~•P~ ••F9
Scott A. Craig, PE
Senior Fire Protection Engineer v~N ~
~o'• .~i~ •
H U G H E S AS S O C I AT E S, IN C. 2 Garden Center, Suite 204, Broomfield, CO 80020 USA
FIRE SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Phone 303439-0485 o FAX 303-439-7160 o www.haifire.com
Design Basis Report for the:
Fire Suppression Systems, and
Fire Alarm and Detection Systems
Date: February 2, 2006
Hughes Associates, Inc. (HAI) has been retained as the Engineer of Record to design the fire suppression
systems and fire alarm and detection systems for the Marketplace at Meadow Drive Tenant Finish in Vail,
Colorado. This design basis report is submitted to establish the design concepts for the fire systems for
review by the design team and the local Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). The AHJs for this project
are City of Vail Building Department and the Vail Fire and Emergency Service department.
The building is a four story structure with a basement constructed originally as the One Willow Bridge
Road project. The gross square footage for the building is approximately 91,000 square feet. The
basement is mostly parking garage with some mechanical and service areas. The ls` floor is comprised of
retail, restaurant, and residential units. The 2"a, 3`d, and 4t' floors are comprised of residential units. The
4'hfloor has peaked ceilings so there are no attic spaces. The project area is limited to the northwest
portion of the ls` floor. The project includes renovation of the space in support of new retail and
restaurant uses.
The fire systems installed during original construction will be modified to provide a code compliance for
the new uses in the project area. Modified fire systems will be consistent with the original building
design intent and with local AHJ requirements.
The design of the fire systems shall be based on the 2003 edition of the International Building Code (IBC)
and the 2003 edition of the International Fire Code (IFC) with Vail Amendments. The system installation
and design will comply with the following National Fire Protection Association standards:
• 2002 edition of NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Codeo
• 2002 edition of NFPA 70, National Electric Codeo
• 2002 edition of NFPA 13, Installation of Sprinkler Systems
• 2003 edition of NFPA 14, Installation of Standpipes and Hose Systems
Fire System Design Basis Report
February 2, 2006 page 2 of 3
3.1.1 Water Supply
The water supply for the existing fire sprinkler system is from the municipal supply. A new 12 inch
main has been provided along the north side of the building. A new hydrant is provided on the NE
corner of the building. This hydrant is supplied from a new dead-end main routed, supplied from the
new 10" main, along the east side of the building. This dead-end main is also used to supply the
domestic and the fire sprinkler system. A separate 6" underground supply main is provided to the
building from the 10" main for the fire suppression supply. The municipal supply is adequate for the
sprinkler system but is not capable of supplying 100 psi at the highest standpipe outlet (see Section
3.2.1 below).
The existing 1 S` floor fire sprinkler zone will be used to supply sprinklers in the tenant Finish area.
During original construction, isolation valves were provided to allow this Tenant Finish project to
occur while maintaining sprinkler protection in the other areas of the l st floor. These isolation valves
are indicated on the fire protection drawings.
3.1.2 System Design
The sprinklers in the Tenant Finish will match the remaining building which was based on NFPA 13
and local requirements. Currently, the 1 S` floor is a single zone and has additional supervised control
valves provided for residential units and retail spaces to allow modification without taking the entire
system out of service.
3.1.3 Hazard Classifications
Hazard classifications for the project area will be based on Ordinary Hazard Group 2 from NFPA 13.
Specifically, the system will be designed for a 0.20 gpm/sq. ft. over 1500 square feet. Small offices
and common areas (corridors and lobbies) will be based on Light hazard occupancy (0.10 gpm/sq. ft.
over 1500 square feet).
3.1.4 Sprinklers
All areas of the Tenant Finish will have quick response sprinklers. Style and finish of the sprinklers
will be coordinated with the design team and will match existing where feasible.
3.2.1 System Configuration
The standpipe and hose system is existing for the building and will not require modification due to
this Tenant Finish project.
3.3.1 Main Control Panel
Fire System Design Basis Report
February 2, 2006 page 3 of 3
A Gamewell intelligent fire alarm control panel (FACP) exists for the building. The FACP is located
in the Fire Command Room. A graphic map will be provided in the Command Room that indicates
the location of every device. The map is graphic only and will not employ LED for each device. The
existing graphic map will be revised to identify Tenant Finish modifications.
3.3.2 Notification Appliances
Notification devices are provided throughout all areas of the Building. For the Tenant Finish area,
speaker and strobe units will be provided compliant with NFPA 72 and ADA requirements. Audible
devices will be provided throughout to provide a minimum of 15 dB above average ambient
conditions. Visual appliances will be provided as necessary based on applicable codes.
33.3 Manual Devices
Manual sta.tions are provided throughout the building. Manual stations will be provided or relocated
as necessary to support the Tenant Finish project.
3.3.4 Smoke Detection
Complete automatic detection is provided in most areas of the building. Smoke detection will be
provided in all areas except where the possibility for nuisance alarm due to ambient conditions, i.e.,
kitchen areas. All smoke detectors will be addressable analog type to match existing.
3.3.5 Heat Detection
Heat detectors will be used throughout the project areas where smoke detectors are not appropriate.
Heat detectors will be addressable devices.
33.6 Duct Smoke Detectors
If necessary, duct detectors will be provided as required by applicable code. Specifically, duct
detectors will be provided on supply fans over 2,000 cfm in size to initiate shut down and to initiate
closing of smoke dampers, as required by the International Mechanical Code.
Prepared by:
V~u G . REG!
~ p ST
Scott A. Craig, PE
Senior Fire Protection Engineer :Q
~Q ••:~:~3 ~..°~~,v`~
. ,
~ REGiST~9
O~?° PU`" ~ F.O
SECTION 13930 ~ •o G~"~:
~.1..,,, ' c~
A. Work Included: Provide all material, labor, equipment, design and services necessary to perform
the installation of the fire sprinkler and standpipe system described in the specification and as
shown on the drawings.
A. The specifications and standards listed below form a part of this specification.
1. NFPA 13 Standazd for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, 2002 Edition
2. NFPA 14 Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems, 2003 Edition
3. International Building Code 2003 edition as amended by City of Vail Building Department
4. International Fire Code 2003 edition as amended by City of Vail Building Department
5. Colorado Cross Connection Control Manual
6. All requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)
7. Underwriters Laboratories Fire Protection Equipment Directory
8. Factory Mutual Approval Guide
A. The scope shall consist of modifying an existing wet-pipe automatic sprinkler system throughout
the project area.
B. Manual, wet standpipes are existing in the building. Modification to pipe routing and hose loca-
tions shall be provided as necessary to support the project.
A. Authority Having Jurisdiction: For purposes of code compliance the Authority Having Jurisdic-
tion (AHJ) for this installation will be the Fire Marshal for the Vail Fire Department. Contractor
shall submit plans, calculations and manufacturer's data to the Fire Marshal, as required to obtain
a permit.
B. All plans, calculations, and manufacturer's data shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to sub-
mission to the Authority Having Jurisdiction. All plans shall be approved by the Engineer prior
to forwarding to the AHJ.
A. Contractor shall not proceed with purchasing, fabrication, or installation of submittal related work
until notified in writing. Re-submit as required until so marked by the Engineer. Work that is
executed without required prior acceptance by the Engineer and AHJ shall be submitted to rejec-
tion. Removai and reconstruction of rejected work shall be at the Contractor's expense.
B. The submittal shall include product data, working drawings, hydraulic calculations, and fire-
hydrant flow test report. Partial submittals shall not be acceptable.
C. The shop drawing submittal shall be submitted for review within 30 days of notice to proceed.
D. Review by the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor from full compliance with the require-
ments of the contract documents, codes, and standards.
E. Completed State of Colorado Plan Registration Form shall accompany the shop drawing submit-
A. Prior to any insta.llation or fabrication of the system components, Contractor shall submit shop
drawings, equipment submittals, and hydraulic calculations to the Engineer for approval.
B. Partial submittals are not acceptable. Incomplete shop drawings will be rgected unless prior ap-
proval is requested and given from the Engineer for partial submittals.
C. Shop drawing shall conform to, and include, all items as set forth in NFPA 13 and NFPA 14.
D. After acceptance is received from the Engineer, submit shop drawings to Vail Fire Marshal for
approval and permitting.
E. Contractor shall provide information to indicate qualification of all welders and procedures to
support quality welding operations.
A. Product data shall contain annotated descriptive data to show the specific model, type and size of
each item the contractor proposes to furnish.
B. Catalog cut sheets shall be submitted in a suitable folder or binder and indexed referencing the
applicable specification section. Unclear or partial reproductions of manufacturer's original cata-
log cut sheets or descriptive data shall not be accepta.ble.
C. Each item supplied shall be clearly identified on each sheet. Where the submitted material de-
scribes items not intended to be provided, the additional items shall be crossed out and the sub-
mittal item shall be identified.
D. Contractor shall submit product data for all equipment to be provided for the project including the
1. Pipe and fitting materials and methods of joining.
2. Pipe hangers and supports.
3. Valves, including specialty valves, accessories, and devices.
4. Alarm devices. lnclude electrical data.
5. Sprinklers, escutcheons, and guards. Include sprinkler flow characteristics, mounting, finish,
and other pertinent data.
A. Contractor shall provide working drawings for review that include all information required by
NFPA 13.
B. Drawings shall be a minimum size of 24"06", with a minimum scale of 1/8" = 1'-0".
C. Contractor shall include details and sections as required to clearly define and clarify the design.
D. Drawings shall be in strict compliance with NFPA 13 and drawn on computer to a commercial or
architectural/engineering drawing standard. Computer drawings shall be full scale and be plotted
to a noted scale.
E. Contractor shall be responsible for acquiring any general arrangement drawings depicting the
building layout, overall site plan and the detailed building drawings, as necessary to develop
complete submittals. Contract drawings are available from the Architect. Other reference draw-
ings may be obtained from the Owner if available; Contractor is to verify such availability prior
to bidding.
F. An up dated set of shop drawings approved by the AHJ that incorporate all field changes shall be
maintained at the job site, in good condition from the start of construction until all inspections are
G. The drawings shall show the location and rating of all fire rated floors and walls. Each pipe pene-
tration of these rated assemblies shall be firestopped with a UL listed assembly and detailed on
the drawings. Note that UL listed assembly information may be provided with the product data.
H. Hydraulic calculations shall be provided along with the drawings to verify pipe sizes.
A. The "Room Design Method" and the "Small Room Rule" shall not be used.
B. The contractor shall use the following water supply data for design purposes:
• Static - 117 psi
• Residual - 108 psi at 1600 gpm
C. Water supply data above was obtained on July 18, 2005 and includes a 10% reduction for sea-
sonal variations as required by the AHJ.
D. Flow velocities in underground water mains shall not exceed 16 feet per second. Velocity in
above ground sprinkler piping shall not exceed 20 feet per second.
E. Contractor shall provide a 10 psi margin of safety for available water pressure at system demand
flow in addition to the 10% seasonal safety factor.
F. The hydraulic calculations shall be calculated back to the loop water main.
G. The Contractor shall prove the most demanding 1,500 sq. ft. remote area. Contractor shall pro-
vide auxiliary hydraulic calculations as necessary to prove the most remote and demanding area
was calculated. Allowable reductions in the system's area of operation for the Area/Design
Method from NFPA 13 are not acceptable for this project.
H. Sprinkler Occupancy Hazard shall be provided as shown on the contract drawings. If not indi-
cated on the contract drawings, Sprinkler Occupancy Hazard shall be based on NFPA 13.
1. Maximum Protection Area per sprinkler shall be provided based on NFPA 13.
J. Hydraulic calculation submittals shall cleazly define and annotate all devices which will cause
friction loss with equivalent lengths of pipe. Contractor shall assume 10 feet of equivalent length
of pipe for vane type water flow switches.
A. Submit as-built drawings to the Engineer and the AHJ for review and acceptance. The as-built
submittal shall include all the information required under the shop drawings. The as-built draw-
ings shall show the system as installed, including all deviations from the approved shop drawings.
B. Dependent upon the extent of field changes required to the original approved shop drawings, the
Engineer and the AHJ reserve the right to require a supplemental set of hydraulic calculations, at
no additional cost to the Owner to verify the adequacy of the system in the as-built condition.
C. Submittal of the as-built drawings shall be submitted within 30 days upon completion of the
sprinkler work. Contractor shall revise and resubmit as necessary to obtain Engineer and AHJ
acceptance of the submittal.
D. Final Record Set: Upon completion of the work, the record drawings and hydraulic calculation
shall be submitted for approval by the Engineer and Owner. After receiving approval, the record
set shall be used to produce a set of final CAD files of the complete installation. The record set
of CAD files and hydraulic calculations shall be turned over to the Owner.
A. The design of the fire sprinkler and standpipe system must be performed by a Level III Techni-
cian certified by the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) or
Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Colorado. The person performing the design shall
have experience with automatic sprinkler and standpipe systems.
B. The contractor performing the installation shall have a minimum of 5 years experience with fire
protection systems. Such experience shall be made available upon request.
A. Materials and Equipment: All materials and equipment in the system shall be new and current
products of a manufacturer regularly engaged in the production of such materials and equipment.
Where two or more pieces of equipment are required to perform interrelated functions, they shall
be products of one manufacturer.
B. Approval Guides: Unless otherwise indicated, all products shall be listed in the latest publication
of Approval Guides for Underwriters Laboratory and Factory Mutual for the service intended.
2.2 PIPE
A. All pipe shall be ferrous and meet the requirements of NFPA 13 and NFPA 14. All piping 2'h
inches and lazger shall be joined using mechanical couplings. Piping 2 inches and smaller shall
be joined using threaded fittings. No plain-end fitting shall be used.
A. Threaded Fittings: Threaded fittings shall be cast iron class 125, rated for 175 psi. Cold water
working pressure and shall conform to ANSI B 16.4, ASTM 126 and ANSI B2.1 NPT. Malleable
threaded fittings will not be permitted.
B. Nipples: No close nipples will be permitted. For short pipe connections use standard short nip-
C. Adjustable Nipples: Adjustable drop nipples may be used on flush or concealed type sprinklers
only and must be of double o-ring seal design.
D. Thread-O-Lets: Shop welded Thread-O-Lets may be used where a certified welder is used and
the Thread-O-Lets are listed.
E. Grooved Fittings: Elbows, Tees, and reducers shall be malleable iron or ductile.
F. Adapter Flanges: Adapter flanges (fittings) shall be cast iron/class 125 conforming to ANSI 13-
16.1, with a rust inhibiting coating.
G. Grooved Couplings: Grooved couplings and reducers shall be malleable or ductile iron conform-
ing to ASTM A-47. Coupling gasket shall be molded Elastomer (EPDM) per ASTM D2000,
Victaulic grade "E" (Type A) or equal. On dry-pipe systems a"F1ushSeal" or "Flush Gap" gasket
shall be used. Grooved couplings and reducers shall be of the same manufacturer as used for the
grooved fittings.
H. Plain End Couplings: No plain end couplings (Roust-A-Bouts, Plainloks or similar couplings)
may be used.
1. Hole Cut Outlets, New Systems: No hole cut outlets may be used.
A. Hangers: Provide hangers to support all piping, in alignment without sagging or interference, to
permit free expansion and contraction and meet the requirements of NFPA 13 and NFPA 14.
B. Pipe Rings: Pipe rings to be zinc coated Grinnell figure 69 or approved equal.
C. Hanger Rods: Hanger rods to be electro-galvanized.
D. C-Clamps: All c-clamps (beam clamps) shall be equipped with retaining straps.
E. Riser Clamps: Riser clamps shall not protrude more than 2" beyond the edge of the hole. The
riser clamps shall be UL listed, Grinnell figure 261 or approved equal
F. Concrete Anchors: Concrete expansion anchors shall be Hilti, Phillips, Rawl, ITW, or approved
G. Explosive Anchors: Explosive driven type fasteners are not permitted.
A. Outside Screw and Yoke (OSY) Valves: OSY valves shall be cast iron, flanged and rated for 175
psi, non-shock cold water working pressure.
B. Valves Not Permitted: Butterball or wafer valves are not permitted, unless specifically listed
C. Isolation/Control Valves: Sprinkler system, standpipe, and other above ground controlling valves
shall be gear-operated slow-close butterfly valves with flag type indicator, cast iron lug body,
bronze disc, EPDM crowned seat, stainless steel stem with bronze bushings, two internal single-
pole, double-throw monitor switches, and locking chain supplied by the valve company.
D. Supervised Valves, 1'/z Inches and Smaller: Sprinkler controlling valves 1'/z inches and smaller
shall be slow-close supervised butterfly valve type or approved equal.
E. Drain Valves: Drain valves shall be UL Listed, screw-in bonnet bronze globe valves, rated to 175
psi non-shock cold water working pressure. Low point drain valves shall have, in addition, a 3/4"
brass nipple with 3/4" male hose threads and cap.
F. Check Valves: Check valves shall be grooved, iron body, bronze seat, stainless steel clapper with
a replaceable rubber seal (a rubber seal integral with the seat is not acceptable), and 175 psi non-
shock cold water working pressure.
A. Sprinklers: Provide the following sprinkler types in the specified areas:
1. All residential units shall have sprinklers listed for residential use. Sprinklers shall be ordi-
nary temperature rated, concealed type, white finish.
2. All commercial areas except the garage shall be provided with ordinary temperature rated
sprinklers. Sprinklers in finished areas shall be chrome finish, semi-recessed with two-piece
escutcheon or as required by the architect. Sprinklers in unfinished areas shall be brass or
chrome finish.
3. Areas subject to high temperatures shall be provided with intermediate or high temperature
sprinklers as required by NFPA 13.
B. Spare Sprinklers: Provide spare sprinklers and escutcheons for each type and style of sprinkler
used in accordance with NFPA 13 and proportioned based upon the number of each type and
style of sprinkler used on the job. In no case should less than 6 of each type of sprinkler heads be
provided. Spares of dry-pendent sprinklers are not required.
A. Provide a spare sprinkler cabinet to accommodate the required number of spare sprinklers and es-
cutcheons. Include a wrench for each type of sprinkler in the cabinet.
A. Provide UL Listed sprinkler headguards for sprinkler heads subject to mechanical damage or for
any sprinkler of which any portion is at, or lower than, 7'-0" above the floor.
A. Fire department connection is existing and adequate for the project.
A. Provide a single piece sight drain at all flow test points.
A. Provide a 3'/~ inch diameter, bourdon type pressure gauge, 0-300 psi, '/4 inch soft metal seat globe
valve with arrangements for draining pipe between gage and valve, located near each main or
floor control valve assembly on the main line or near each test location.
B. For monitoring of air pressure, provide a 3`/z inch diameter, bourdon type pressure gauge, 0-80
psi with a minimum of 250 psi retard, Y4 inch soft metal seat globe valve with arrangements for
draining pipe between gage and valve, located near each main or floor control valve assembly on
the main line or near each test location.
A. Provide a splash block at the point of discharge for the drains outside of the building, if the
ground will be disturbed by the flow of water.
A. Provide 24 gauge galvanized sheet metal with lock seam joints or'/z inch overlap sleeves in
floors, partitions, ceilings, and in construction without waterproof inembranes. Provide schedule
40 galvanized steel pipe sleeves in exterior walls. Provide schedule 40 pipe sleeves with clamp-
ing rings in slab-on-grade or exterior walls having below grade penetrations. Provide sleeves
through roofs with flashing collars.
A. Provide plastic split ring type escutcheons and paint to match the wall. Escutcheons are only re-
quired with exposed pipe installations.
A. Equipment in this section shall be provided, installed, and adjusted by the sprinkler Contractor.
Coordinate installation of fire sprinkler system with all other trades. Conduit, wiring, and termi-
nations, shall be by others.
2.16 SIGNS
A. Provide all control, drain and test valves with signs identifying the type of valve.
B. Provide a sign at the riser indicating the hydraulic design information for the system (i.e., "hy-
draulic nameplate").
A. Firestopping material is to be installed in conformance with the firestopping specification.
Firestopping is to be applied by only manufacturer approved personnel. All firestopping shall be
UL, FM or Wanock-Hersey Rated.
A. Provide a brush-on pipe thread sealant with Teflon, Grinnell Tuff-Loc or approved equal. Teflon
tape will not be permitted.
A. Requirements Prior to Installation: Do not order, fabricate, or install any material prior to receipt
of all approvals as stipulated in Part 1 of this Section.
B. Standards and Requirements: All installation work shall be performed in accordance with the
reference standards without exception, and as required by the AHJ. All piping shall be installed
straight, true and plumb and installed in a workmanlike manner.
C. Changes to the Work: Install all piping as shown on the approved shop drawings. Minor devia-
tions shall be carefully noted on the record drawings as outlined in Part 1 of this Section. Before
making significant deviations from the approved drawings, written approval must be obtained
from the Owner and the AHJ.
D. Coordination of Work: Cazefully coordinate work with other trades so that unnecessary offsets
and revisions to the approved drawings are avoided. Failure to coordinate does not relieve Con-
tractor from meeting the performance standards herein.
A. Required Clearance Around Pipe: Piping passing through fire rated assemblies, including fire
rated GWB assemblies shall be provided with clearance around the entire circumference of the
pipe as required by NFPA 13. Piping 3'/z inches and smaller shall have a minimum one inch
clearance around the entire circumference of the pipe and pipe larger than 3'/2 inch shall have a
minimum two inch clearance around the entire circumference of the pipe. Penetrations of walls,
floors or ceilings shall be made in a neat manner using properly sized hole saw or ma-
sonry/concrete coring as necessary.
B. Fire Rated Assemblies: The annular space between the wall or pipe sleeve and the sprinkler pipe
in fire rated assemblies shall be filled with UL classified firestopping material in accordance with
the manufacturer's recommendation, also see Section 2.22.
C. Escutcheons: Split wall plates or escutcheons shall be installed where exposed piping or hangers
pass through a finished floor, wall or ceiling and shall fit snugly, securely and cover the opening.
A. Install all control valves, supply valves and test valves in easily accessible locations, with the
valve handle or wheel no higher than seven feet above the finished floor. Coordinate valve instal-
lation with the AHJ.
A. Inspector's Test: Inspector's test valves are existing and adequate for the building.
B. Main Drains: Main drains are existing and adequate for the building.
C. Auxiliary Drains: Provide auxiliary drains at all low points of the system, where the trapped sec-
tion of pipe exceeds five gallons, and from the residential units. The drain shall consist of, as a
minimum: a valve, a 3/4" brass nipple with 3/4" male hose threads, and cap. I,ocate auxiliary
drains in unfinished areas without suspended ceiling wherever possible. In finished areas, locate
the hose bib within six inches of an access panel (minimum 12 inch x 12 inch dimensions). If lo-
cated in bathrooms the panel is to be stainless steel.
A. Provide gauges at the main system riser and each riser control assembly. Tap gauges from the
main piping, not from the drain piping.
A. For lay-in suspended acoustic ceilings, sprinklers shall be centered in the tile and shall be care-
fully aligned.
A. Partial System Test or Inspection: Perform tests with the sprinklers installed in their final posi-
tions. Where it is critical to the continuance of the project as a whole to cover portions of the pip-
ing with ceilings or walls prior to the completion of the entire system, partial testing of the system
may be performed after receiving written approval from the Owner. In this case "partial" indi-
cates an entire zone or floor of one system. A satisfactory partial test does not relieve Contractor
from performing all final testing procedures.
B. Contractor shall perform a pneumatic test of the new piping prior to filling pipe with water to
avoid water damage to the existing building.
C. Preliminary Hydrostatic Test: Perform a hydrostatic test, conforming to the requirements of
NFPA 13, after the system has been fully installed and is ready for service, and prior to installa-
tion of suspended ceilings. Take special precautions to detect and stop water leakage so that any
water damage will be minimal.
D. Final Hydrostatic Test and Inspection: Final inspection of all phases of the Work shall be made
by Engineer and Authority Having Jurisdiction. Notify the Engineer at least 7 days in advance of
making the required tests, so that arrangements may be made for the presence of the Engineer and
the AHJ representative to wifiess the tests. The installing foreman or other representative of
Contractor shall be present at this time to conduct any operating tests of alarm, drains or other
system functions requested by the Engineer, Fire Marshal or Owner. Test the complete system
for not less than 2 hours at a pressure of 200 psi (or 50 psi above static pressure, whichever is
greater) without the addition of any water. Any leaks or drips shall be repaired immediately by
E. Test of Fire Alarm Equipment: Test the operation of the water flow, pressure, and supervisory
switches. When Contractor has satisfied itself that the system is in complete operating condition
in every respect, it shall notify the Construction Coordinator in writing that the system has been
inspected and tested the system and that it is ready for final inspection.
F. Punch List: Deficiencies found in the system will be recorded on a punch list and delivered to
Contractor. Correct punch list items within two weeks of receipt of the punch list, no exceptions.
Occupancy shall not be made until all Fire Protection Punch list items have been corrected.
G. Certificate of Completion: A completed contractor's test and materials certificate shall be deliv-
ered to the Owner upon satisfactory completion of the work.
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A. Work Included: Provide ail material, labor, equipment, design and services necessary to perform
the installation of the fire sprinkler and standpipe system described in the specification and as
shown on the drawings.
A. The specifications and standards listed below form a part of this specification.
1. NFPA 13 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, 2002 Edition
2. NFPA 14 Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems, 2003 Edition
3. International Building Code 2003 edition as amended by City of Vail Building Deparhnent
4. International Fire Code 2003 edition as amended by City of Vail Building Department
5. Colorado Cross Connection Control Manual
6. All requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)
7. Underwriters Laboratories Fire Protection Equipment Directory
8. Factory Mutual Approval Guide
A. The scope shall consist of modifying an existing wet-pipe automatic sprinkler system throughout
the project area.
B. Manual, wet standpipes are existing in the building. Modification to pipe routing and hose loca-
tions shall be provided as necessary to support the praject.
A. Authority Having Jurisdiction: For purposes of code compliance the Authority Having Jurisdic-
tion (AHJ) for this installation will be the Fire Marshal for the Vail Fire Department. Contractor
shall submit plans, calculations and manufacturer's data to the Fire Mazshal, as required to obtain
a permit.
B. All plans, calculations, and manufacturer's data shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to sub-
mission to the Authority Having Jurisdiction. All plans shall be approved by the Engineer prior
to forwarding to the AHJ.
A. Contractor shall not proceed with purchasing, fabrication, or installation of submittal related work
until notified in writing. Re-submit as required until so marked by the Engineer. Work that is
executed without required prior acceptance by the Engineer and AHJ shall be submitted to rejec-
tion. Removal and reconstruction of rejected work shall be at the Contractor's expense.
B. The submittal shall include product data, working drawings, hydraulic calculations, and fire-
hydrant flow test report. Partial submittals shall not be acceptable.
C. The shop drawing submittal shall be submitted for review within 30 days of notice to proceed.
D. Review by the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor from full compliance with the require-
ments of the contract documents, codes, and standards.
E. Completed State of Colorado Plan Registration Form shall accompany the shop drawing submit-
A. Prior to any installation or fabrication of the system components, Contractor shall submit shop
drawings, equipment submittals, and hydraulic calculations to the Engineer for approval.
B. Partial submittals are not acceptable. Incomplete shop drawings will be r~ected unless prior ap-
proval is requested and given from the Engineer for partial submittals.
C. Shop drawing shall conform to, and include, all items as set forth in NFPA 13 and NFPA 14.
D. After acceptance is received from the Engineer, submit shop drawings to Vail Fire Mazshal for
approval and permitting.
E. Contractor shall provide information to indicate qualification of all welders and procedures to
support quality welding operations.
A. Product data shall contain annotated descriptive data to show the specific model, type and size of
each item the contractor proposes to furnish.
B. Catalog cut sheets shall be submitted in a suita.ble folder or binder and indexed referencing the
applicable specification section. Unclear or partial reproductions of manufacturer's original cata-
log cut sheets or descriptive data shall not be acceptable.
C. Each item supplied shall be clearly identified on each sheet. Where the submitted material de-
scribes items not intended to be provided, the additional items shall be crossed out and the sub-
mittal item shall be identified.
D. Contractor shall submit product data for all equipment to be provided for the project including the
1. Pipe and fitting materials and methods of joining.
2. Pipe hangers and supports.
3. Valves, including specialty valves, accessories, and devices.
4. Alarm devices. Include electrical data.
5. Sprinklers, escutcheons, and guards. Include sprinkler flow characteristics, mounting, finish,
and other pertinent data.
A. Contractor shall provide working drawings for review that include all information required by
NFPA 13.
B. Drawings shall be a minimum size of 24"06", with a minimum scale of 1/8" = 1'-0".
C. Contractor shall inciude details and sections as required to clearly define and clarify the design.
D. Drawings shall be in strict compliance with NFPA 13 and drawn on computer to a commercial or
architectural/engineering drawing standard. Computer drawings shall be full scale and be plotted
to a noted scale.
E. Contractor shall be responsible for acquiring any general arrangement drawings depicting the
building layout, overall site plan and the detailed building drawings, as necessary to develop
complete submittals. Contract drawings are available from the Architect. Other reference draw-
ings may be obtained from the Owner if available; Contractor is to verify such availability prior
to bidding.
F. An up dated set of shop drawings approved by the AHJ that incorporate all field changes shall be
maintained at the job site, in good condition from the start of construction until all inspections are
G. The drawings shall show the location and rating of all fire rated floors and walls. Each pipe pene-
tration of these rated assemblies shall be firestopped with a UL listed assembly and detailed on
the drawings. Note that UL listed assembly information may be provided with the product data.
H. Hydraulic calculations shall be provided along with the drawings to verify pipe sizes.
A. The "Room Design Method" and the "Small Room Rule" shall not be used.
B. The contractor shall use the following water supply data for design purposes:
• Static -117 psi
• Residual -108 psi at 1600 gpm
C. Water supply data above was obtained on July 18, 2005 and includes a 10% reduction for sea-
sonal variations as required by the AHJ.
D. Flow velocities in underground water mains shall not exceed 16 feet per second. Velocity in
above ground sprinkler piping shall not exceed 20 feet per second.
E. Contractor shall provide a 10 psi mazgin of safety for available water pressure at system demand
flow in addition to the 10% seasonal safety factor.
F. The hydraulic calculations shall be calculated back to the loop water main.
G. The Contractor shall prove the most demanding 1,500 sq. ft. remote area. Contractor shall pro-
vide auxiliary hydraulic calculations as necessary to prove the most remote and demanding area
was calculated. Allowable reductions in the system's area of operation for the Area/Design
Method from NFPA 13 are not acceptable for this project.
H. Sprinkler Occupancy Hazard shall be provided as shown on the contract drawings. If not indi-
cated on the contract drawings, Sprinkler Occupancy Hazard shall be based on NFPA 13.
1. Maximum Protection Area per sprinkler shall be provided based on NFPA 13.
J. Hydraulic calculation submittals shall clearly define and annotate all devices which will cause
friction loss with equivalent lengths of pipe. Contractor shall assume 10 feet of equivalent length
of pipe for vane type water flow switches.
A. Submit as-built drawings to the Engineer and the AHJ for review and acceptance. The as-built
submittal shall include all the information required under the shop drawings. The as-built draw-
ings shall show the system as installed, including all deviations from the approved shop drawings.
B. Dependent upon the extent of field changes required to the original approved shop drawings, the
Engineer and the AHJ reserve the right to require a supplemental set of hydraulic calculations, at
no additional cost to the Owner to verify the adequacy of the system in the as-built condition.
C. Submittal of the as-built drawings shall be submitted within 30 days upon completion of the
sprinkler work. Contractor shall revise and resubmit as necessary to obtain Engineer and AHJ
acceptance of the submittal.
D. Final Record Set: Upon completion of the work, the record drawings and hydraulic calculation
shall be submitted for approval by the Engineer and Owner. After receiving approval, the record
set shall be used to produce a set of final CAD files of the complete installation. The record set
of CAD files and hydraulic calculations shall be turned over to the Owner.
A. The design of the fire sprinkler and standpipe system must be performed by a Level III Techni-
cian certified by the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) or
Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Colorado. The person performing the design shall
have experience with automatic sprinkler and standpipe systems.
B. The contractor performing the installation shall have a minimum of 5 years experience with fire
protection systems. Such experience shall be made available upon request.
A. Materials and Equipment: All materials and equipment in the system shall be new and current
products of a manufacturer regularly engaged in the production of such materials and equipment.
Where two or more pieces of equipment are required to perform interrelated functions, they shall
be products of one manufacturer.
B. Approval Guides: Unless otherwise indicated, all products shall be listed in the latest publication
of Approval Guides for Underwriters Laboratory and Factory Mutual for the service intended.
2.2 PIPE
A. All pipe shall be ferrous and meet the requirements of NFPA 13 and NFPA 14. All piping 2'/z
inches and larger shall be joined using mechanical couplings. Piping 2 inches and smaller shall
be joined using threaded fittings. No plain-end fitting shall be used.
A. Threaded Fittings: Threaded fittings shall be cast iron class 125, rated for 175 psi. Cold water
working pressure and shall conform to ANSI B 16.4, ASTM 126 and ANSI B2.1 NPT. Malleable
threaded fittings will not be permitted.
B. Nipples: No close nipples will be permitted. For short pipe connections use standard short nip-
C. Adjustable Nipples: Adjustable drop nipples may be used on flush or concealed type sprinklers
only and must be of double o-ring seal design.
D. Thread-O-Lets: Shop welded Thread-O-Lets may be used where a certified welder is used and
the Thread-O-Lets are listed. '
E. Grooved Fittings: Elbows, Tees, and reducers shall be malleable iron or ductile.
F. Adapter Flanges: Adapter flanges (fittings) shall be cast iron/class 125 conforming to ANSI 13-
16.1, with a rust inhibiting coating.
G. Grooved Couplings: Grooved couplings and reducers shall be malleable or ductile iron conform-
ing to ASTM A-47. Coupling gasket shall be molded Elastomer (EPDM) per ASTM D2000,
Victaulic grade "E" (Type A) or equal. On dry-pipe systems a"FlushSeal" or "Flush Gap" gasket
shall be used. Grooved couplings and reducers shall be of the same manufacturer as used for the
grooved fittings.
H. Plain End Couplings: No plain end couplings (Roust-A-Bouts, Plainloks or similar couplings)
may be used.
1. Hole Cut Outlets, New Systems: No hole cut outlets may be used.
A. Hangers: Provide hangers to support all piping, in alignment without sagging or interference, to
permit free expansion and contraction and meet the requirements of NFPA 13 and NFPA 14.
B. Pipe Rings: Pipe rings to be zinc coated Grinnell figure 69 or approved equal.
C. Hanger Rods: Hanger rods to be electro-galvanized.
D. C-Clamps: All c-clamps (beam clamps) shall be equipped with retaining straps.
E. Riser Clamps: Riser clamps shall not protrude more than 2" beyond the edge of the hole. The
riser clamps shall be UL listed, Grinnell figure 261 or approved equal
F. Concrete Anchors: Concrete expansion anchors shall be Hilti, Phillips, Rawl, ITW, or approved
G. Explosive Anchors: Explosive driven type fasteners are not permitted.
A. Outside Screw and Yoke (OSY) Valves: OSY valves shall be cast iron, flanged and rated for 175
psi, non-shock cold water working pressure.
B. Valves Not Permitted: Butterball or wafer valves are not permitted, unless specifically listed
C. Isolation/Control Valves: Sprinkler system, standpipe, and other above ground controlling valves
shall be gear-operated slow-close buttertly valves with flag type indicator, cast iron lug body,
bronze disc, EPDM crowned seat, stainless steel stem with bronze bushings, two internal single-
pole, double-throw monitor switches, and locking chain supplied by the valve company.
D. Supervised Valves, 1'h Inches and Smaller: Sprinkler controlling valves l'h inches and smaller
shall be slow-close supervised butterfly valve type or approved equal.
E. Drain Valves: Drain valves shall be UL Listed, screw-in bonnet bronze globe valves, rated to 175
psi non-shock cold water working pressure. Low point drain valves shall have, in addition, a 3/4"
brass nipple with 3/4" male hose threads and cap.
F. Check Valves: Check valves shall be grooved, iron body, bronze seat, stainless steel clapper with
a replaceable rubber seal (a rubber seal integral with the seat is not acceptable), and 175 psi non-
shock cold water working pressure.
A. Sprinklers: Provide the following sprinkler types in the specified areas:
1. All residential units shall have sprinklers listed for residential use. Sprinklers shall be ordi-
nary temperature rated, concealed type, white finish.
2. All commercial areas except the garage shall be provided with ordinary temperature rated
sprinklers. Sprinklers in finished areas shall be chrome finish, semi-recessed with two-piece
escutcheon or as required by the architect. Sprinklers in unfinished areas shall be brass or
chrome finish.
3. Areas subject to high temperatures shall be provided with intermediate or high temperature
sprinklers as required by NFPA 13.
B. Spare Sprinklers: Provide spare sprinklers and escutcheons for each type and style of sprinkler
used in accordance with NFPA 13 and proportioned based upon the number of each type and
style of sprinkler used on the job. In no case should less than 6 of each type of sprinkler heads be
provided. Spares of dry-pendent sprinklers are not required.
A. Provide a spare sprinkler cabinet to accommodate the required number of spare sprinklers and es-
cutcheons. Include a wrench for each type of sprinkler in the cabinet.
A. Provide UL Listed sprinkler headguards for sprinkler heads subject to mechanical damage or for
any sprinkler of which any portion is at, or lower than, 7'-0" above the floor.
A. Fire department connection is existing and adequate for the project.
A. Provide a single piece sight drain at all flow test points.
A. Provide a 3'/z inch diameter, bourdon type pressure gauge, 0-300 psi,'/4 inch soft metal seat globe
valve with arrangements for draining pipe between gage and valve, located near each main or
floor control valve assembly on the main line or near each test location.
B. For monitoring of air pressure, provide a 3'/z inch diameter, bourdon type pressure gauge, 0-80
psi with a minimum of 250 psi retard, '/4 inch soft metal seat globe valve with arrangements for
draining pipe between gage and valve, located near each main or floor control valve assembly on
the main line or near each test location.
A. Provide a splash block at the point of discharge for the drains outside of the building, if the
ground will be disturbed by the flow of water.
A. Provide 24 gauge galvanized sheet metal with lock seam joints or'/z inch overlap sleeves in
floors, partitions, ceilings, and in construction without waterproof inembranes. Provide schedule
40 galvanized steel pipe sleeves in exterior walls. Provide schedule 40 pipe sleeves with clamp-
ing rings in slab-on-grade or exterior walls having below grade penetrations. Provide sleeves
through roofs with flashing collars.
A. Provide plastic split ring type escutcheons and paint to match the wall. Escutcheons are only re-
quired with exposed pipe installations.
A. Equipment in this section shall be provided, installed, and adjusted by the sprinkler Contractor.
Coordinate installation of fire sprinkler system with all other trades. Conduit, wiring, and termi-
nations, shall be by others.
2.16 SIGNS
A. Provide all control, drain and test valves with signs identifying the type of valve.
B. Provide a sign at the riser indicating the hydraulic design information for the system (i.e., "hy-
draulic nameplate").
A. Firestopping material is to be installed in conformance with the firestopping specification.
Firestopping is to be applied by only manufacturer approved personnel. All firestopping shall be
UL, FM or Wanock-Hersey Rated.
A. Provide a brush-on pipe thread sealant with Teflon, Grinnell Tuff-Loc or approved equal. Teflon
tape will not be permitted.
A. Requirements Prior to Installation: Do not order, fabricate, or install any material prior to receipt
of all approvals as stipulated in Part 1 of this Section.
B. Standards and Requirements: All installation work shall be performed in accordance with the
reference standards without exception, and as required by the AHJ. All piping shall be installed
straight, true and plumb and installed in a workmanlike manner.
C. Changes to the Work: Install all piping as shown on the approved shop drawings. Minor devia-
tions shall be carefully noted on the record drawings as outlined in Part 1 of this Section. Before
making significant deviations from the approved drawings, written approval must be obtained
from the Owner and the AHJ.
D. Coordination of Work: Carefully coordinate work with other trades so that unnecessary offsets
and revisions to the approved drawings are avoided. Failure to coordinate does not relieve Con-
tractor from meeting the performance standards herein.
A. Required Clearance Around Pipe: Piping passing through fire rated assemblies, including fire
rated GWB assemblies shall be provided with clearance around the entire circumference of the
pipe as required by NFPA 13. Piping 3'/z inches and smaller shall have a minimum one inch
clearance around the entire circumference of the pipe and pipe larger than 3'/z inch shall have a
minimum two inch clearance around the entire circumference of the pipe. Penetrations of walls,
floors or ceilings shall be made in a neat manner using properly sized hole saw or ma-
sonry/concrete coring as necessary.
B. Fire Rated Assemblies: The annular space between the wall or pipe sleeve and the sprinkler pipe
in fire rated assemblies shall be filled with iJL classified firestopping material in accordance with
the manufacturer's recommendation, also see Section 2.22.
C. Escutcheons: Split wall plates or escutcheons shall be installed where exposed piping or hangers
pass through a finished floor, wall or ceiling and shall fit snugly, securely and cover the opening.
A. Install all control valves, supply valves and test valves in easily accessible locations, with the
valve handle or wheel no higher than seven feet above the finished floor. Coordinate valve instal-
lation with the AHJ.
A. Inspector's Test: Inspector's test valves are existing and adequate for the building.
B. Main Drains: Main drains are existing and adequate for the building.
C. Auxiliary Drains: Provide auxiliary drains at all low points of the system, where the trapped sec-
tion of pipe exceeds five gallons, and from the residential units. The drain shall consist of, as a
minimum: a valve, a 3/4" brass nipple with 3/4" male hose threads, and cap. Locate auxiliary
drains in unfinished areas without suspended ceiling wherever possible. In finished areas, locate
the hose bib within six inches of an access panel (minimum 12 inch x 12 inch dimensions). If lo-
cated in bathrooms the panel is to be stainless steel.
A. Provide gauges at the main system riser and each riser control assembly. Tap gauges from the
main piping, not from the drain piping.
A. For lay-in suspended acoustic ceilings, sprinklers shall be centered in the tile and shall be care-
fully aligned.
A. Partial System Test or Inspection: Perform tests with the sprinklers installed in their final posi-
tions. Where it is critical to the continuance of the project as a whole to cover portions of the pip-
ing with ceilings or walls prior to the completion of the entire system, partial testing of the system
may be performed after receiving written approval from the Owner. In this case "partial" indi-
cates an entire zone or floor of one system. A satisfactory partial test does not relieve Contractor
from performing all final testing procedures.
B. Contractor shall perform a pneumatic test of the new piping prior to filling pipe with water to
avoid water damage to the existing building.
C. Preliminary Hydrostatic Test: Perform a hydrostatic test, conforming to the requirements of
NFPA 13, after the system has been fully installed and is ready for service, and prior to installa-
tion of suspended ceilings. Take special precautions to detect and stop water leakage so that any
water damage will be minimal.
D. Final Hydrostatic Test and Inspection: Final inspection of all phases of the Work shall be made
by Engineer and Authority Having Jurisdiction. Notify the Engineer at least 7 days in advance of
making the required tests, so that arrangements may be made for the presence of the Engineer and
the AHJ representative to witness the tests. The installing foreman or other representative of
Contractor shall be present at this time to conduct any operating tests of alarm, drains or other
system functions requested by the Engineer, Fire Marshal or Owner. Test the complete system
for not less than 2 hours at a pressure of 200 psi (or 50 psi above static pressure, whichever is
greater) without the addition of any water. Any leaks or drips shall be repaired immediately by
E. Test of Fire Alarm Equipment: Test the operation of the water flow, pressure, and supervisory
switches. When Contractor has satisfied itself that the system is in complete operating condition
in every respect, it shall notify the Construction Coordinator in writing that the system has been
inspected and tested the system and that it is ready for final inspection.
F. Punch List: Deficiencies found in the system will be recorded on a punch list and delivered to
Contractor. Correct punch list items within two weeks of receipt of the punch list, no exceptions.
Occupancy shall not be made until all Fire Protection Punch list items have been corrected.
G. Certificate of Completion: A completed contractor's test and materials certificate shall be deliv-
ered to the Owner upon satisfactory completion of the work.
op REG/sT~
O~P~P~N• 9~F
SECTION 13851 p ;y
:5131 : ~
A. This section of the specification includes the furnishing, installation, connection and testing of the
microprocessor controlled, intelligent reporting fire alarm equipment required to form a complete,
operative, coordinated system.
B. Contract drawings and specifications aze complementary. Whatever is called for in either is bind-
ing as though called for in both. If inconsistency exists, the most restrictive requirement shall be
C. The fire alarm system shall comply with requirements of 2002 Edition of NFPA 72 and the re-
quirements of the AHJ. The system shall be electrically supervised and monitor the integity of all
D. The system and its components shall be UL listed under the appropriate UL testing standard as
listed herein for fire alarm applications and shall be in compliance with the UL listing.
A. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
1. NFPA 13 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, 2002 edition
2. NFPA 72 National Fire Alann Code, 2002 edition
3. NFPA 70 National Electrical Code, 2002 edition
B. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL)
1. UL 864 Control Units for Fire Protective Signaling Systems
2. UL 521 Heat Detectors for Fire Protective
3. UL 464 Audible Signaling Appliances
4. UL 1480 Standard for Speakers for Fire Alarm, Emergency, and Commercial and Profes-
sional Use
5. UL 1971 Visual Notification Appliances
C. International Building Code 2003 edition as amended by City of Vail Building Department
D. International Fire Code 2003 edition as amended by City of Vail Building Department
E. All requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) which is the Vail Fire and Emer-
gency Rescue deparhnent.
F. T'he system shall have proper listing and/or approval from the following nationally recognized
1. UL Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
2. FM Factory Mutual
G. The modifications shall be interfaced to the existing building fire alarm control panel.
FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM - Rev 1.1 02/01/06
A. Initiating and notification devices shall be deleted, relocated, replaced, or added as necessary to
support the project renovation.
B. All new and relocated devices shall be interfaced to the existing intelligent reporting, microproc-
essor controlled fve detection system.
C. The existing Fire Alarm Panel is networked to the fire alarm panel behind the front desk at Son-
nenalp and the fire alarm panel in the main control room on the east side of Sonnenalp.
D. In general, the existing seyuence of operation for the building shall be maintained by the project.
E. Basic Performance:
1. For general alarm conditions, occupant notification shall be accomplished by playing a pre-
recorded digital voice message over listed speakers of sufficient quantity to provide for audi-
bility and intelligibility as reyuired by NFPA 72, 2002 edition.
2. Alann, trouble and supervisory signals from all intelligent reporting devices shall be encoded
on NFPA Style 4(Class B) Signaling Line Circuits (SLC).
3. Initiation Device shall report as an addressable device connected to the SLC circuit.
4. Elevators shall be protected as indicated on the plans and shall be in compliance with ANSI
A17.1. Sequence of operation for elevators shall be as follows:
• A smoke detector shall be provided at each elevator lobby. Activation of one of these
smoke detectors shall initiate elevator primary recall to the first floor, except for the first
floor lobby. The first floor shall be considered the primary level of egress. If the first floor
lobby detector activates, the elevator shall initiate alternate floar recall to the second floor.
• Elevator Phase 2 opera.tion shall be provided by the elevator vendor.
F. Basic System Functional Operation - When a general fire alarm condition is detected and reported
by one of the system initiating devices (i.e., manual station, water flow, heat detectors, or com-
mon area smoke detector), the following functions shall immediately occur:
1. The system alarm LED on the FACP shall flash.
2. A local piezo electric signal in the control panel shall sound.
3. The display on the FACP shall indicate all information associated with the fire alarm condi-
tion, including the type of alarm point and its location.
4. The FACP shall be capable of logging all alarm and supervisory events and storing the in-
formation indefinitely, along with time and date of occurrence.
5. Alarm signals shall be transmitted via a DACT to a monitoring.
6. A digitized voice message shall be broadcast throughout the building.
7. All door holders shall release.
8. All fans shall shut down.
9. All smoke dampers shall close.
A. General
FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM - Rev 1.1 02/02/06
1. Four (4) copies of all submittals shall be submitted to the engineer for review prior to submit-
tal to the AHJ.
2. After approval by the engineer, the submittal shall be submitted to the Vail Fire and Emer-
gency Service Deparhnent (AHJ) as required for their review and permitting process.
B. Shop Drawings
1. Sufficient information, clearly presented, shall be included to determine compliance with
drawings and specifications.
2. Include manufacturer's name(s), model numbers, ratings, power requirements, equipment
layout, device anangement, complete wiring point-to-point diagrams, and conduit layouts.
3. Battery and Voltage Drop calculations shall be included. Contractor shall provide battery
calculations for the entire building and provide new batteries if necessary.
4. Provide all information as required by NFPA 72 and the AHJ.
C. Manuals
1. Submit simultaneously with the shop drawings, complete operating and maintenance manuals
listing the manufacturer's name(s), including technical data sheets.
2. Wiring diagrams shall indicate internal wiring for each device and the interconnections be-
tween the items of equipment.
3. Provide a clear and concise description of system operation that provides, in detail, the in-
formation required to properly operate the equipment and system.
A. All work performed and all material and equipment furnished under this contract shall be free
from defects and shall remain so for a period of at least one (1) year from the date of acceptance.
The full cost of maintenance, labor and materials required to correct any defect during this one
year period shall be included in the submittal bid.
A. All equipment shall be provided to match existing equipment in the building which is from the
Gamewell Company.
B. All equipment and components shall be new, and the manufacturer's current model. The materi-
als, appliances, equipment and devices shall be tested and listed by a nationally recognized ap-
provals agency for use as part of a protective signaling system, meeting the National Fire Alarm
C. All equipment and components shall be installed in strict compliance with manufacturers' rec-
A. Conduit
1. Conduit shall be in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC), local and state re-
FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM - Rev 1.1 02/02/06
2. Conduit fill shall not exceed 40 percent of interior cross sectional area where three or more
cables are contained within a single conduit.
3. Cable shall be separated from any open conductors of power, or Class 1 circuits, and shall not
be placed in any conduit, junction box or raceway containing these conductors, per NEC Ar-
ticle 760-29.
4. Wiring shall be in conduit in the parking garage area and other exposed areas where the like-
lihood of damage is increased.
B. Wire
1. All fire alarm system wiring shall be new. Existing wiring may be reused where code com-
2. Wiring shall be in accordance with local, state and national codes (e.g., NEC Article 760) and
as recommended by the manufacturer of the fire alarm system.
3. All wire and cable shall be listed and/or approved by a recognized testing agency for use with
a protective signaling system.
4. Wire and cable not installed in conduit shall have a fire resistance rating suitable for the in-
stallation as indicated in NFPA 70 (e.g., FPLR).
5. All field wiring shall be completely supervised.
6. No terminations or splices outside of buildings or enclosures shall be permitted.
7. All terminations shall be at terminal strips. Pigtail connections shall not be used.
C. Terminal Boxes, Junction Boxes and Cabinets
1. All boxes and cabinets shall be UL listed for their use and purpose.
2. The fire alarm control panel shall be connected to a separate dedicated branch circuit, maxi-
mum 20 amperes.
3. Surge suppression shall be provided for all circuits at the point of exit and entry from a build-
ing or enclosure.
4. All addressable fire alarm devices shall be labeled in a manner acceptable to the engineer
with their respective SLC address descriptor.
A. The existing FACP shall be reused and completely microprocessor based and shall be listed for
Voice/Alarm Signaling Service. The system shall be capable of broadcasting an automatic digital
voice message approved by the AHJ, and also provide for manual override of the voice message
via an integral microphone.
B. Basic System Operator Controls
1. Acknowledge Switch: Activation of the control panel acknowledge switch in response to new
alarms and/or troubles shall silence the local panel piezo electric signal and change the alarm
and trouble LEDs from flashing mode to steady-ON.
2. Silence Switch: Activation of the alarm silence switch shall cause all alarm devices to return
to the normal condition after an alarm.
3. System Reset Switch: Activation of the System Reset switch shall cause all devices and cir-
cuits, to return to their normal condition.
FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM - Rev 1.1 02/02/06
4. Lamp Test: The Lamp Test switch shall activate all system LEDs and light each segment of
the liquid crystal display.
C. System Capacity and General Operation
1. The fire aIarm control panel shall include a full featured operator interface.
2. The system shall be fully field programmable.
3. Drift compensation to extend detector accuracy and reduce false alarms.
4. Detector sensitivity test, per NFPA 72.
5. Maintenance alert, to warn of excessive smoke detector dirt or dust accumulation.
6. Multiple sensitivity levels for alarm, selected by detector.
7. System status reports to display or printer.
8. Alarm verification, with verification counters.
9. Cross zoning with the capability of counting two detectors in alarm.
10. Walk test.
11. Selectable sensitivity levels, three minimum.
12. History Storage, with a minimum of 400 events.
13. Point Enable/Disable.
14. Point Read (status and level of obscuration).
D. Signaling Line Circuits (SLC)
1. Each SLC interface shall provide power to and communicate with intelligent detectors (ioni-
zation, photoelectric or thermal) and intelligent modules (monitor or control). Each SLC loop
shall be wired NFPA 72 Style 4.
E. Power Supplies
1. T'he main power supply for the fire alarm control panel shall provide available power for the
control panel and peripheral devices.
2. Provisions will be made to allow the audio-visual power to be increased as required by add-
ing modular expansion audio-visual power supplies or field mounted power supplies.
3. Over-current protection shall be provided on all power outputs. The power supply shall pro-
vide an integral battery charger.
4. The main power supply shall provide a battery charger for 24 hours of standby using dual-
rate charging techniques for fast battery recharge.
5. All circuits shall be power-limited, per UL864 requirements and include earth fault detection.
6. The main power supply shall provide meters to indicate battery voltage and charging current.
F. Specific System Operations
1. Point Disable: Any addressable device or conventional circuit in the system may be enabled
or disabled through the system keypad.
2. Waterflow Operation: An alarm from a waterflow detection device shall activate the appro-
priate alarm message on the display, turn on all programmed notification appliance circuits
and shall not be affected by the signal silence switch.
FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM - Rev 1.1 02/02/06
3. Supervisory Operation: An alarm from a supervisory device shall cause the appropriate indi-
cation on the 80 character display.
4. Signal Silence Operation: The FACP shall have the ability to program each output circuit
(notification, relay, speaker, etc.) to deactivate upon depression of the signal silence switch.
A. Addressable Devices - General
1. All initiating devices provided and installed for the project shall be intelligent addressable
devices unless otherwise noted.
2. Detectors shall be intelligent (analog) and addressable, and shall connect with two wires to
the fire alarm control panel signaling line circuits.
3. Addressable smoke and thermal detectors shall provide alann and power/polling LEDs.
LED(s) shall flash under normal conditions and LED(s) shall be placed into steady illumina-
tion by the control panel, indicating an alarm condition.
4. The fire alarm control panel shall permit detector sensitivity adjustment through field pro-
gramming of the system.
5. The detectors shall be ceiling-mount and shall include a separate twist-lock base with tamper
proof feature.
6. The detectors shall provide a test means whereby they will simulate an alarm condition and
report that condition to the control panel. Such a test may be initiated at the detector itself
(by activating a magnetic switch) or initiated remotely on command from the control panel.
7. Detectors will opera.te in an analog fashion, where the detector simply measures its designed
environment variable and transmits an analog value to the FACP based on real-time measured
values. The FACP soflware, not the detector, shall make the alarm/normal decision, thereby
allowing the sensitivity of each detector to be set in the FACP program and allowing the sys-
tem operator to view the current analog value of each detector.
8. LEDs shall be provided that shall flash under normal conditions, indicating that the device is
operational and is in regular communication with the control panel.
9. A magnetic test switch shall be provided to test each detector for 100% obscuration, reported
to the FACP.
B. Addressable Pull Box (manual station)
1. Manual pull stations shall be non-break glass double action style devices.
2. Manual pull stations shall be suitable for semi-flush mounting on standard single gang box,
and shall be installed not less than 42 inches or more than 48 inches above the finished floor.
3. Addressable pull boxes shall, on command from the control panel, send data to the panel rep-
resenting the state of the manual switch and the addressable communication module status.
They shall use a key operated test-reset lock, and shall be designed so that after actual emer-
gency operation, they cannot be restored to normal use except by the use of a key.
4. All operated stations shall have a positive, visual indication of operation and utilize a key
type reset.
C. Intelligent Ionization Smoke Detector - Ionization smoke detectors are not permitted.
D. Intelligent Photoelectric Smoke Detector
FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM - Rev 1.1 02/02/06
1. The detectors shall use the photoelectric (light-scattering) principal to measure smoke density
and shall, on command from the control panel, send data to the panel representing the analog
level of smoke density.
E. Intelligent Photoelectric Duct Smoke Detector
1. Duct Detectors shall be analog addressable devices connected to the SLC ioop. Activation of
duct detector shall cause a supervisory condition on the FACP and shall cause their associ-
ated air handling equipment to shut down. Duct detectors shall be furnished with a remote in-
dicating light and keyed test switch mounted a maximum of 7' above the finished floor in a
location approved by the owner.
F. Two Wire Detector Monitor Module
1. Addressable monitor modules shall be provided to connect dry contact devices as needed.
G. Addressable Control Module
1. Addressable control modules shall be provided to supervise and control the operation of fans
and other auxiliary control functions.
H. Hard Wired Thermal Detectors
1. Heat detectors provided in unconditioned areas shall be hard wired Thermotech mode1302-
AW devices or approved equal. Individual or groups of thermal detectors shall be monitored
by addressable monitor modules as specified on the plans.
A. All notification appliances shall meet UL 464, UL 1971 andlor UL 1480 requirements, as appli-
B. Speaker only units shall be flush mounted units with white cover plates. Devices shall be
Gamewell SP200W or approved equal.
C. Combination speaker/strobe units shall have white finish. Devices shall be Gamewell
SP2W41224MC or approved equal.
A. The batteries shall be sealed Gel Cell type, 12 volt nominal (two required).
B. The battery shall have sufficient capacity to power the fire alarm system for not less than 24
hours plus 15 minutes of alarm upon a normal AC power failure.
A. Door holders shall be wall mounted magnetic type devices. The device shall be 120 volt rated.
Control module shall be provided to disrupt power to door holder circuit. See electrical for cir-
cuiting information.
A. Installation shall be in accordance with the NEC, NFPA 72, local and state codes, as shown on
the drawings, and as recommended by the major equipment manufacturer.
FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM - Rev 1.1 02/02/06
B. All conduit, junction boxes, conduit supports and hangers shall be concealed in finished areas and
may be exposed in unfinished areas. Unfinished areas include the parking garage, mechanical
rooms, electrical rooms, and janitorial rooms. All other areas shall be considered finished.
C. Fire Alarm Contractor shall coordinate work through General Contractor/Project Manager to co-
incide with work being performed by sprinkler contractor and communication cabling contractor.
A. Prior to scheduling an acceptance test the contractor must submit a record of completion to the
Engineer of Record and the Authority Having Jurisdiction.
B. The service of a competent, factory-trained engineer or technician authorized by the manufacturer
of the fire alarm equipment shall be provided to technically supervise and participate during all of
the adjustments and tests for the system. All testing shall be in accordance with NFPA 72.
C. A factory-trained representative of the manufacturer of the major equipment shall demonstrate
that the system functions properly in every respect.
A. A minimum of 2 instruction sessions of not less than 2 hours in duration shall be provided as re-
quired for operating the system. Hands-on demonstrations of the operation of all system compo-
nents shall be provided.
B. The contractor andlor the systems manufacturer's representatives shall provide a typewritten "Se-
quence of Operation" which shall be laminated and afFixed to the fire alarm panel in plain view.
FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM - Rev 1.1 02/02/06
A. This section of the specification includes the furnishing, installation, connection and testing of the
microprocessor controlled, intelligent reporting fire alarm equipment required to form a complete,
operative, coordinated system.
B. Contract drawings and specifications are complementary. Whatever is called for in either is bind-
ing as though called for in both. If inconsistency exists, the most restrictive requirement shall be
C. The fire alarm system shall comply with requirements of 2002 Edition of NFPA 72 and the re-
quirements of the AHJ. The system shall be electrically supervised and monitor the integrity of all
D. The system and its components shall be UL listed under the appropriate UL testing standard as
listed herein for fire alarm applications and shall be in compliance with the UL listing.
A. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
1. NFPA 13 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, 2002 edition
2. NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code, 2002 edition
3. NFPA 70 National Electrical Code, 2002 edition
B. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (iJL)
1. UL 864 Control Units for Fire Protective Signaling Systems
2. UL 521 Heat Detectors for Fire Protective
3. UL 464 Audible Signaling Appliances
4. UL 1480 Standard for Speakers for Fire Alarm, Emergency, and Commercial and Profes-
sional Use
5. UL 1971 Visual Notification Appliances
C. International Building Code 2003 edition as amended by City of Vail Building Department
D. International Fire Code 2003 edition as amended by City of Vail Building Department
E. All requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) which is the Vail Fire and Emer-
gency Rescue deparhnent.
F. T'he system shall have proper listing and/or approval from the following nationally recognized
1. UL Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
2. FM Factory Mutual
G. The modifications shall be interfaced to the existing building fire alarm control panel.
FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM - Rev 1. 1 02/01/06
A. Initiating and notification devices shall be deleted, relocated, replaced, or added as necessary to
support the project renovation.
B. All new and relocated devices shall be interfaced to the existing intelligent reporting, microproc-
essor controlled fire detection system.
C. The existing Fire A(arm Panei is networked to the fire atarm panel behind the front desk at Son-
nenalp and the fire alarm panel in the main control room on the east side of Sonnenalp.
D. In general, the existing sequence of operation for the building shall be maintained by the project.
E. Basic Performance:
1. For general alarm conditions, occupant notification shall be accomplished by playing a pre-
recorded digital voice message over listed speakers of sufficient quantity to provide for audi-
bility and intelligibility as required by NFPA 72, 2002 edition.
2. Alarm, trouble and supervisory signals from all intelligent reporting devices shall be encoded
on NFPA Style 4(Class B) Signaling Line Circuits (SLC).
3. Initiation Device shall report as an addressable device connected to the SLC circuit.
4. Elevators shall be protected as indicated on the plans and shall be in compliance with ANSI
A17.1. Sequence of operation for elevators shall be as follows:
• A smoke detector shall be provided at each elevator lobby. Activation of one of these
smoke detectors shall initiate elevator primary recall to the first floor, except for the first
floor lobby. The first floor shall be considered the primary level of egress. If the first floor
lobby detector activates, the elevator shall initiate alternate floor recall to the second floor.
• Elevator Phase 2 operation shall be provided by the elevator vendor.
F. Basic System Functional Operation - When a general fire alarm condition is detected and reported
by one of the system initiating devices (i.e., manual station, water flow, heat detectors, or com-
mon area smoke detector), the following functions shall immediately occur:
1. The system alarm LED on the FACP shall flash.
2. A local piezo electric signal in the control panel shall sound.
3. The display on the FACP shall indicate all information associated with the fire alarm condi-
tion, including the type of alarm point and its location.
4. The FACP shall be capable of logging all alarm and supervisory events and storing the in-
formation indefinitely, along with time and date of occurrence.
5. Alarm signals shall be transmitted via a DACT to a monitoring.
6. A digitized voice message shall be broadcast throughout the building.
7. All door holders shall release.
8. All fans shall shut down.
9. All smoke dampers shall close.
A. General
FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM - Rev 1.1 02/02/06
1. Four (4) copies of all submittals shall be submitted to the engineer for review prior to submit-
tal to the AHJ.
2. After approval by the engineer, the submittal shall be submitted to the Vail Fire and Emer-
gency Service Department (AHJ) as required for their review and permitting process.
B. Shop Drawings
l. Sufficient information, clearly presented, shall be included to determine compliance with
drawings and specifications.
2. Include manufacturer's name(s), model numbers, ratings, power requirements, equipment
layout, device arrangement, complete wiring point-to-point diagrams, and conduit layouts.
3. Battery and Voltage Drop calculations shall be included. Contractor shall provide battery
calculations for the entire building and provide new batteries if necessary.
4. Provide all information as required by NFPA 72 and the AHJ.
C. Manuals
1. Submit simultaneously with the shop drawings, complete operating and maintenance manuals
listing the manufacturer's name(s), including technical data sheets.
2. Wiring diagrams shall indicate internal wiring for each device and the interconnections be-
tween the items of equipment.
3. Provide a clear and concise description of system operation that provides, in detail, the in-
formation required to properly operate the equipment and system.
A. All work performed and all material and equipment furnished under this contract shall be free
from defects and shall remain so for a period of at least one (1) year from the date of acceptance.
The full cost of maintenance, labor and materials required to correct any defect during this one
yeaz period shall be included in the submittal bid.
A. All equipment shall be provided to match existing equipment in the building which is from the
Gamewell Company.
B. All equipment and components shall be new, and the manufacturer's current model. The materi-
als, appliances, equipment and devices shall be tested and listed by a nationally recognized ap-
provals agency for use as part of a protective signaling system, meeting the National Fire Alarm
C. All equipment and components shall be installed in strict compliance with manufacturers' rec-
A. Conduit
1. Conduit shall be in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC), local and state re-
FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM - Rev 1.1 02/02/06
2. Conduit fill shall not exceed 40 percent of interior cross sectional area where three or more
cables are contained within a single conduit.
3. Cable shall be separated from any open conductors of power, or Class 1 circuits, and shall not
be placed in any conduit, junction box or raceway containing these conductors, per NEC Ar-
ticle 760-29.
4. Wiring shall be in conduit in the parking garage area and other exposed areas where the like-
lihood of damage is increased.
B. Wire
1. All fire alarm system wiring shall be new. Existing wiring may be reused where code com-
2. Wiring shall be in accordance with local, state and national codes (e.g., NEC Article 760) and
as recommended by the manufacturer of the fire alann system.
3. All wire and cable shall be listed and/or approved by a recognized testing agency for use with
a protective signaling system.
4. Wire and cable not installed in conduit shall have a fire resistance rating suitable for the in-
stallation as indicated in NFPA 70 (e.g., FPLR).
5. All field wiring shall be completely supervised.
6. No terminations or splices outside of buildings or enclosures shall be permitted.
7. All terminations shall be at terminal strips. Pigtail connections shall not be used.
C. Terminal Boxes, Junction Boxes and Cabinets
1. All boxes and cabinets shall be UL listed for their use and purpose.
2. The fire alarm control panel shall be connected to a separate dedicated branch circuit, maxi-
mum 20 amperes.
3. Surge suppression shall be provided for all circuits at the point of exit and entry from a build-
ing or enclosure.
4. All addressable fire alarm devices shall be labeled in a manner acceptable to the engineer
with their respective SLC address descriptor.
A. The existing FACP shall be reused and completely microprocessor based and shall be listed for
Voice/Alarm Signaling Service. The system shall be capable of broadcasting an automatic digital
voice message approved by the AHJ, and also provide for manual override of the voice message
via an integral microphone.
B. Basic System Operator Controls
1. Acknowledge Switch: Activation of the control panel acknowledge switch in response to new
alarms and/or troubles shall silence the local panel piezo electric signal and change the alarm
and trouble LEDs from flashing mode to steady-ON.
2. Silence Switch: Activation of the alarm silence switch shall cause all alarm devices to return
to the normal condition after an alann.
3. System Reset Switch: Activation of the System Reset switch shall cause all devices and cir-
cuits, to return to their normal condition.
FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM - Rev 1.1 02/02/06
4. Lamp Test: The Lamp Test switch shall activate all system LEDs and light each segment of
the liquid crystal display.
C. System Capacity and General Operation
1. The fire alarm control panel shall include a full featured operator interface.
2. The system shall be fully field programmable.
3. Drift compensation to extend detector accuracy and reduce false alarms.
4. Detector sensitivity test, per NFPA 72.
5. Maintenance alert, to warn of excessive smoke detector dirt or dust accumulation.
6. Multiple sensitivity levels for alarm, selected by detector.
7. System status reports to display or printer.
8. Alarm verification, with verification counters.
9. Cross zoning with the capability of counting two detectors in alarm.
10. Walk test.
11. Selectable sensitivity levels, three minimum.
12. History Storage, with a minimum of 400 events.
13. Point Enable/Disable.
14. Point Read (status and level of obscuration).
D. Signaling Line Circuits (SLC)
1. Each SLC interface shall provide power to and communicate with intelligent detectors (ioni-
zation, photoelectric or thermal) and intelligent modules (monitor or control). Each SLC loop
shall be wired NFPA 72 Style 4.
E. Power Supplies
1. The main power supply for the fire alarm control panel shall provide available power for the
control panel and peripheral devices.
2. Provisions will be made to allow the audio-visual power to be increased as required by add-
ing modular expansion audio-visual power supplies or field mounted power supplies.
3. Over-current protection shall be provided on all power outputs. The power supply shall pro-
vide an integral battery charger.
4. The main power supply shall provide a battery charger for 24 hours of standby using dual-
rate charging techniques for fast battery recharge.
5. All circuits shall be power-limited, per UL864 requirements and include earth fault detection.
6. The main power supply shall provide meters to indicate battery voltage and charging current.
F. Specific System Operations
1. Point Disable: Any addressable device or conventional circuit in the system may be enabled
or disabled through the system keypad.
2. Waterflow Operation: An alarm from a waterflow detection device shall activate the appro-
priate alarm message on the display, turn on all programmed notification appliance circuits
and shall not be affected by the signal silence switch.
FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM - Rev 1.1 02/02/06
3. Supervisory Operation: An alarm from a supervisory device shall cause the appropriate indi-
cation on the 80 character display.
4. Signal Silence Operation: The FACP shall have the ability to program each output circuit
(notification, relay, speaker, etc.) to deactivate upon depression of the signal silence switch.
A. Addressable Devices - General
1. All initiating devices provided and installed for the project shall be intelligent addressable
devices unless otherwise noted.
2. Detectors shall be intelligent (analog) and addressable, and shall connect with two wires to
the fire alarm control panel signaling line circuits.
3. Addressable smoke and thermal detectors shall provide alarm and power/polling LEDs.
LED(s) shall flash under normal conditions and LED(s) shall be placed into steady illumina-
tion by the control panel, indicating an alarm condition.
4. The fire alarm control panel shall permit detector sensitivity adjustment through field pro-
gramming of the system.
5. The detectors shall be ceiling-mount and shall include a separate twist-lock base with tamper
proof feature.
6. The detectors shall provide a test means whereby they will simulate an alarm condition and
report that condition to the control panel. Such a test may be initiated at the detector itself
(by activating a magnetic switch) or initiated remotely on command from the control panel.
7. Detectors will operate in an analog fashion, where the detector simply measures its designed
environment variable and transmits an analog value to the FACP based on real-time measured
values. The FACP software, not the detector, shall make the alarm/normal decision, thereby
allowing the sensitivity of each detector to be set in the FACP program and allowing the sys-
tem operator to view the current analog value of each detector.
8. LEDs shall be provided that shall flash under normal conditions, indicating that the device is
operational and is in regular communication with the control panel.
9. A magnetic test switch shall be provided to test each detector for 100% obscuration, reported
to the FACP.
B. Addressable Pull Box (manual station)
1. Manual pull stations shall be non-break glass double action style devices.
2. Manual pull stations shall be suitable for semi-flush mounting on standard single gang box,
and shall be installed not less than 42 inches or more than 48 inches above the finished floor.
3. Addressable pull boxes shall, on command from the control panel, send data to the panel rep-
resenting the state of the manual switch and the addressable communication module status.
They shall use a key operated test-reset lock, and shall be designed so that after actual emer-
gency operation, they cannot be restored to normal use except by the use of a key.
4. All operated stations shall have a positive, visual indication of operation and utilize a key
type reset.
C. Intelligent Ionization Smoke Detector - Ionization smoke detectors are not permitted.
D. Intelligent Photoelectric Smoke Detector
FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM - Rev 1.1 02/02/06
1. The detectors shall use the photoelectric (light-scattering) principal to measure smoke density
and shall, on command from the control panel, send data to the panel representing the analog
level of smoke density.
E. Intelligent Photoelectric Duct Smoke Detector
1. Duct Detectors shall be analog addressable devices connected to the SLC loop. Activation of
duct detector shall cause a supervisory condition on the FACP and shall cause their associ-
ated air handling equipment to shut down. Duct detectors shall be furnished with a remote in-
dicating light and keyed test switch mounted a maximum of 7' above the finished floor in a
location approved by the owner.
F. Two Wire Detector Monitor Module
1. Addressable monitor modules shall be provided to connect dry contact devices as needed.
G. Addressable Control Module
1. Addressable control modules shall be provided to supervise and control the operation of fans
and other auxiliary control functions.
H. Hard Wired Thermal Detectors
1. Heat detectors provided in unconditioned areas shall be hard wired Thermotech mode1302-
AW devices or approved equal. Individual or groups of thermal detectors shall be monitored
by addressable monitor modules as specified on the plans.
A. All notification appliances shall meet UL 464, UL 1971 and/or UL 1480 requirements, as appli-
B. Speaker only units shall be flush mounted units with white cover plates. Devices shall be
Gamewell SP200W or approved equal.
C. Combination speaker/strobe units shall have white finish. Devices shall be Gamewell
SP2W41224MC or approved equal.
A. The batteries shall be sealed Gel Cell type, 12 volt nominal (two required).
B. The battery shall have sufficient capacity to power the fire alarm system for not less than 24
hours plus 15 minutes of alarm upon a normal AC power failure.
A. Door holders shall be wall mounted magnetic type devices. The device shall be 120 volt rated.
Control module shall be provided to disrupt power to door holder circuit. See electrical for cir-
cuiting information.
A. Installation shall be in accordance with the NEC, NFPA 72, local and state codes, as shown on
the drawings, and as recommended by the major eyuipment manufacturer.
FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM - Rev 1.1 02/02/06
B. All conduit, junction boxes, conduit supports and hangers shall be concealed in finished areas and
may be exposed in unfinished areas. Unfinished areas include the parking garage, mechanical
rooms, electrical rooms, and janitorial rooms. All other areas shall be considered finished.
C. Fire Alarm Contractor shall coordinate work through General Contractor/Project Manager to co-
incide with work being performed by sprinkler contractor and communication cabling contractor.
A. Prior to scheduling an acceptance test the contractor must submit a record of completion to the
Engineer of Record and the Authority Having.Jurisdiction.
B. The service of a competent, factory-trained engineer or technician authorized by the manufacturer
of the fire alarm equipment shall be provided to technically supervise and participate during all of
the adjustments and tests for the system. All testing shall be in accordance with NFPA 72.
C. A factory-trained representative of the manufacturer of the major equipment shall demonstrate
that the system functions properly in every respect.
A. A minimum of 2 instruction sessions of not less than 2 hours in duration shall be provided as re-
quired for operating the system. Hands-on demonstrations of the operation of all system compo-
nents shall be provided.
B. The contractor and/or the systems manufacturer's representatives shall provide a typewritten "Se-
quence of Operation" which shall be laminated and affixed to the fire alarm panel in plain view.
FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM - Rev 1.1 02/02/06
•SECTION 13930
A. Work Inc{uded: Provide all material, labor, equipment, design and services necessary to
perform the installation of the fire sprinkler and standpipe system described iri the
specification and as shown on the drawings.
The specifications and standards listed below form a part of this specification.
A. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
1. NFPA 13 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, 2002 Edition
2. NFPA 14 Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems, 2003 Edition
B. International Building Code 2003 edition as amended by City of Vail Building Department
C. International Fire Code 2003 edition as amended by City of Vail Building Department
D. Colorado Cross Connection Control Manual
E. All requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)
F. The system shall have proper listing and/or approval from the folfowing natiorially
recognized agencies: 1. Undervvriters Laboratories Fire Protection Equipment Directory
2. Factory Mutual Approval Guide
A. The system shall consist of a wet-pipe automatic sprinkler system in all areas except the
garage fevel.
B. The garage level system shall be a dry-pipe automatic sprinkler system.
C. Manual, wet standpipes shall be provided as indicated.
A. Authority Having Jurisdiction: For purposes of code compliance the Authority Having
Jurisdiction (AHJ) for this instaflation will be fihe Fire Marshal for the Vail Fire Deoartment.
Contractor shall submit plans, calculations and manufacturer's dafia to the Fire Marshal,
as required to obtain a permit.
B. All plans, calculations, and manufacturer's data shall be submitted to the Engineer prior
to submission to the Authority Having Jurisdiction. All plans shall be approved by the Engineer prior to forvvarding to the AHJ.
R DA1 23149 13930-1 •
A. Material Submittals
1. Furnish to the Engineer a complete list of equipment and products, and a
manufacturer's catalog sheet for each item to be included in the projec:t.
2. Partial submittals are not acceptable. Where more than one item appears on a
manufacture's catalog.sheet, the item or items to be used shall be indic:ated.
3. Welding
a. Welding procedures shail compiy with NFPA 13.
b. Contractor shall provide information to indicate qualification of al1 welders and
procedures to support quality welding operations.
B. Shop Drawings
i. Prior to any installation or fabrication of the system components, Contractor shall
submit shop drawings and hydraulic calculations to the Engineer for approval by the
Engineer and the Owner.
2. Incomplete shop drawings will be rejected unless prior approval is requested and
given from the Engineer for partial submittals.
3. Shop drawing shall conform to, and include, all items as set forth in NFPA 13 and
NFPA 14.
4. After approval is received from the Engineer and Owner, submit shop drawings to
Vail Fire Marshal for approval and permitting. Deliver copies of the shop drawings
bearing the approval stamps to the Owner.
A. Updating Drawings: Provide and keep up-to-date, a complete record set of approved
shop drawings, corrected daily to show every change from the approved shop
. drawings. Keep this set of prints on the job site and use only as a record set.
B. Final Record Set: Upon completion of the work, the record drawings and hyclraulic
calculation shall be submitted for approval by the Engineer and Owner. After receiving
approvpl, the record set shall be used to produce a set of final CAD files of tf e complete
installation. The record set of CAD fites and hydraulic calculations shall be turned over to
the Owner.
A. Qualifications of Contractor:
1. The design of the fire sprinkler and standpipe system must be performed by a Level III
Technician certified by the National Institute for Certification in Engineering
Technologies (NICET) or Professionai Engineer licensed in the State of Colorado. The
person performing the design shall have experience with automatic spririkler and
standpipe systems.
2. The contractor performing the installation shall have a minimum of 5 yea-s
experience with fire protection systems. Such experience shall be made available
upon request.
RDAI 23149 13930-2
A. Materials and Equipment: All materials and equipment in the system shall be new and
current products of a manufacturer regularly engaged in the production of such
materials and equipment. Where two or more pieces of equipment are required to
perform interrelated functions, they shall be products of one manufacturer.
B. Approval Guides: Unless otherwise indicated, all products shall be listed in the latest
publication of Approval Guides for Undenwriters Laborptory qnd Factory Mutual for the
service intended.
2.02 PIPE
A. Ali pipe shall be ferrous and meet the requirements of NFPA 13 and NFPA 14. Ail piping
2Y2 inches and larger shall be joined using mechanical couplings. Piping 2 inches and
smaller shall be joined using threaded fittings. No pfain-end fitting shall be used. B. Copper piping and fittings is acceptable in place of ferrous piping. Copper piping shall
comply with all requirements of NFPA 13. If copper is installed where exposeci to direct
fire impingement, the copper piping shall be brazed.
C. Dry pipe systems, non-pressurized fire department pumper connection pipina, and pipe
located in corrosive environments shall meet the requirements of NFPA 13, bF: ferrous and
galvanized, no exceptions.
D. Rust Inhibitive Paint: Afl exposed threads on galvanized pipe are to be coated with rust
inhibitive paint.
A. Rust Inhibitive Paint: Grooved Fittings and couplings shall be coated with a rList inhibiting
B. Threaded Fittings: Threaded fittings shall be cast iron class 125, rated for 175 psi. Cold
water working pressure and shall conform to ANSI B16.4, ASTM 126 and ANSI E2.1 NPT.
Malleable threaded fittings will not be permitied.
C. Nipples: No close nipples will be permitted. For short pipe connections use standard
short nipples.
D. Adjustable Nipples: Adjustable drop nipples may be used on flush or concea3ed type
sprinkiers only and must be of double o-ring seal design.
E. Thread-O-Lets: Shop welded Thread-O-Lets may be used where a certified welder is
used and the Thread-O-Lets are listed.
F. Grooved Fittings: Elbows, Tees, and reducers shall be malleable iron or ductilE:.
G. Adapter Flanges: Adapter flanges (fittings) shall be cast iron/class 125 conforming to
ANSI B-16.1, with a rust inhibiting coating.
RDA1 23149 13930-3
H. Grooved Couplings: Grooved couplings and reducers shall be malleab{e or ducti{e iron
conforming to ASTM A-47. Coupling gasket shall be rriolded Elastomer (EPDPA) per ASTM
D2000, Victaulic grade "E" (Type A) or equal. On dry-pipe systems a"FlushSeol" or "Flush
Gap" gasket shall be used. Grooved couplings and reducers shall be of the same
manufacturer as used for the grooved fittings.
1. Plain End Coupiings: No plain end couplings (Roust-A-Bouts, Plainloks or similar couplings)
may be used.
J. Hole Gut Outlets, New Systems: No hole cut outlets may be used.
A. Hangers: Provide hangers to support all piping, in alignment without sagginc or
interference, to permit free expansion and contraction and meet the require ments of
NFPA 13 and NFPA 14.
B. Pipe Rings: Pipe rings to be zinc coated Grinne{I figure 69 or approved equal.
C. Hanger Rods: Hanger rods to be electro-galvanized.
D. C-Clamps: All c-clamps (beam cipmps) shall be equipped with retaining straps.
E. Riser Clqmps: Riser clamps shall not protrude more than 2" beyond the edge of the hole.
The riser clamps shail be UL listed, Grinnell figure 261 or approved equal
F. Concrete Anchors: Concrete expansion anchors shall be Hilti, Phillips, Rawl, FW, or
approved equal.
G.. Explosive Anchors: Explosive driven type fasteners are not permitted.
A. Outside Screw and Yoke (OSY) Valves: OSY valves shall be cast iron, flanged and rated
for 175 psi, non-shock cold water working pressure.
B. Valves Not Permitted: Butterball or wafer valves are not permitted, unless spe cifically
listed herein.
C. Isolation/Control Valves: Sprinkler system, stpndpipe, and other above ground
controlling vplves shall be gear-operated slow-close butterfly valves with flag type
indicafior, cast iron lug body, bronze disc, EPDM crowned seat, stainless steel stem with
bronze bushings, two internal singie-pole, double-throw monitor switches, ancl locking
chain supplied by the valve company.
D. Supervised Valves, l Y~ Inches and Smaller: Sprinkler contralling valves l 1/2inches and
smaller shall be slow-close supervised butterfly valve type or approved equal.
E. Valves Controlling Sprinklers in Elevator Machine Room and Top of Elevator Shaft: Sprinklers
located in elevator machine rooms and at the top of the elevator shaft shall be controlled
by a supervised control valve. Valve 'shall be butterball type of approved equal.
RDAI 23149 13930-4
F. Drain Valves: Drain valves sha11 be UL Listed, screw-in bonnet bronze globe valves, rated
to 175 psi non-shock cold water working pressure. Low point drain vplves shcall have, in
addition, a 3/4" brass nipple with 3/4" male hose threads and cap.
G. Check Valves: Check valves shall be grooved, iron body, bronze seat, stainless steel
clapper with a replaceable rubber seal (a rubber seal integral with the seat s not
acceptable), and 175 psi non-shock cold water working pressure.
H. Provide a double check vaive assembly (backflow preventer), including twc approved
control valves. The assembly sha{I be UL certified and of a type meeting the Colorado
Cross Connection Control ManuaL ~
A. Sprinklers: Provide the following sprinkler types in the specified areas:
1. All residential units shall have sprinklers listed for residential use. Sprinklers shall be
ordinary temperature rated, conceafed type, white finish.
2. All commercial areas except the garage shail be provided with ordinar),
temperature rated sprinklers. Sprinklers in finished areas shall be chrome finish, semi-
recessed with two-piece escutcheon or as required by the orchitect. Sprinklers in
unfinished areas shall be brass or chrome finish.
3. Garage areas shall have upright, dry-pendant or dry-sidewall ordinary tE:mperature
rated sprinklers, brass or chrome finish. Areas with finished ceilings shall have dry-
pendant sprinklers or pendant sprinklers installed on return bends as required by
NFPA 13.
4. Areas subject to high temperatures shall be provided with intermediate or high
temperature sprinklers as required by NFPA 13.
B. Spare Sprinklers: Provide spare sprinklers and escutcheons shall for each type and style
of sprinkler used in accordance with NFPA 13 and proporfioned based upon the number
of each type and style of sprinklerused on the job. In no case should less thcin b of each
type of sprinkler heads be provided. Sppres of dry-pendent sp(inklers are not required.
A. Provide a spare sprinkler cabinet fio accommodate the required number of sjDare
sprinklers and escutcheons. Include a wrench for each type of sp(nkler in thE) cabinet.
A. Provide UL Listed sprinkler headguards for sprinkler heads subjecf to mechanica( damage
or for any sprinkler of which any portion is at, or lower than, 7-0" above the floor.
A. Provide one fire department connection (FDC) with horizontal type connections, dual
clppper, two 2Y2 inch inlets, with rocker !ug caps and chains. Escutcheon anci FDC to be
chrome finish. FDC to indicate "Automatic Sprinkler" or equal.
RDAI 23149 l 3930-5
B.. Provide a second fire department connection (FDC) with horizontal fiype connections,
dual clapper, two 2Yz inch inlets, with rocker lug caps and chains. Escutcheon and FDC
to be chrome finish. FDC to indicate "Manuai Standpipe" or equal.
A. Provide a bronze ball drip for the fire department connection inside of the bijilding and
pipe to the drain riser. 2.11 HOSE VALVE
A. Provide 2'/2 inch chrome hose valves with 2Y2 inch x 1 YZ inch reducing fitting, and cap
and chain. Threads shall be as required by the local fire department.
A. Pravide a single piece sight drain at all flow test points.
A. Provide a 3'/~ inch diameter, bourdon type pressure gauge, 0-300 psi, '/a inch soft metal
seat globe vplve with arrangements for draining pipe between gage and vci{ve, focated
near each main or fioor control valve assembly on the main line or near each test
B. For monifioring of air pressure, provide a 3'/~ inch diameter, bourdon type pre.isure gauge,
0-80 psi with a minimum of 250 psi retard, '/4 inch soft metal seat globe valve with
arrangements for draining pipe between gage and valve, located near each main or.
floor control valve assembiy on the main line or near each test location.
A. Provide a cast iron drum drip at the low drain points on a dry system.
. A. Provide a splash biock at the point of discharge for the drains outside of the kwilding, if
the ground will be disturbed by the flow of water.
A. Provide 24 gauge galvanized sheet rrietal with Iock seam joints or'/z inch overlap sleeves
in floors, partitions, ceilings, and in construction without waterproof inembranes. Provide
schedule 40 galvanized steel pipe sleeves in exterior walls. Provide schedule 40 pipe
sleeves with clamping rings in slab-on-grade or exterior walls having below grade
penetrations. Provide sleeves through roofs with flpshing collars. 2.17 WALL ESCUTGHEON
A. Provide plastic split ring type escutcheons and paint to match the wall. Escuicheons are _
only required with exposed pipe installations.
RDAI 23149 13930-6
' A. Provide a dry pipe alarm valve, trim package, accelerator and air maintenance device,
all by the same manufacturer. 2.19 AIR COMPRESSOR:
A. Provide an air compressor, sized to completely refill the system within 30 minutes. .
B. Provide an air filter and air dryer system on outfet of the compressor.
C. Compressor shall be hardwired to AC power on a dedicated circuit. Only means of
disconnect shall be the circuit breaker for the circuit. Provide sign at comprE~ssor
indicating circuit breaker location.
D. Air compressor shall be floor mounted and shall include isolation grommets as-required
by the AHJ.
A. Equipment in this section shall be provided, installed, and adjusted by the sprinkler
Contractor. Coordinate installation of fire sprinkler system with all other trades. Conduit,
wiring, and terminations, shall be by others.
1. Vane Type Waterflow Switches
2. Valve Supervisor Switches `
3. Pressure Type Waterflow Switches
4. High and Low Air Pressure Monitoring Switches
2.21 SIGNS
A. Provide all control, drain and test valves with signs identifying the type of vplve.
B. Provide a sign at the riser indicating the hydraulic design information for the system (i.e.,
"hydraulic nameplate").
A. Firestopping material is fio be installed in conformance with the firestopping specification.
Firestopping is to be applied by only manufacturer approved personnel. All firestopping
shall be UL, FM or Wanock-Hersey Rated.
B. Provide a brush-on pipe thread sealant with Teflon, Grinnell Tuff-Loc or approved equal.
Teflon tape will not be permitted.
A. Requirements Prior to Installation: Do not order, fabricate, or install any material prior to
receipt of pll approvals as stipulated in Part 1 of this Section.
RDAI 23149 13930-7
B. Standards and Requirements: All installation work shall be performed in accordance with the reference standards wiihout exception, and as required by the AHJ. Alf IDiping shail
be installed straight, true and plumb and installed in a workmanlike manner.
C. Changes to the Work: Install all piping as shown on the approved shop drawings. Minor
deviations shall be carefully noted on the record drawings as outlined in Part 1 of this
Section. Before making significant deviations from the approved drawings, written
approval must be obtained from the Owner and the AHJ. D. Coordination of Work: Carefvlly coordinate work with other trades so that urinecessary
offsets and revisions to the approved drawings are avoided. Failure to coorciinate does
not relieve Contractor from meeting the performance standards herein.
A. Required Clearance Around Pipe: Piping passing through fire rated assemblies, including'
fire rated GWB assemblies shall be provided with clearance around the entire
circumference of the pipe as required by NFPA 13. Piping 3Y~ inches and smaller shall
have a minimum one inch clearance around fihe enfiire circumference of the pipe and
pipe larger than 3'/~ inch shall have a minimum two inch clearance around tlie entire
circumference of the pipe. Penetrations of walls, floors or ceilings shall be mcide in a
neat manner using properly sized hole saw or masonry/concrete coring as necessary. B. Fire Rated Assemblies: The annular space between the wall or pipe sleeve and ihe
sprinkler pipe in fire rated assemblies shall be filled with UL classified firestopping material
in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation, also see Section 2.22.
C. Escutcheons: Split wall plates or escutcheons shall be installed where exposed piping or
hangers pass through a finished floor, wall or ceiling and shall fit snugly, securely and
cover the opening.
A. Install all control valves, supply valves and test valves in easily accessible loccitions, with
the valve handle or wheel no higher than seven feet above the finished floor,.
Coordinate valve instailafiion with the AHJ.
A. Inspector's Test: Inspector's test valves shall be provided for all waterflow monitoring
devices. The inspector's test location shall be at the hydraulically most remote point of
the system and shall include an open-bore orifice equivalent to the smallest sprinkler in
the system. The inspector's test connection shall be piped to the exterior of ttle building
or a drain riser terminated as directed on the drawings. The inspector's test connection
valve shall be readily accessible, at a location no higher than seven feet above finished
B. Main Drains: Main drains shall be piped as indicated on the drawings and shcill
discharge to a safe location outside the building. Splash blocks shall be provided to limit
damage to landscaping.
RDAI 23149 13930-8
C. Auxiliary Drains: Provide auxiliary drains at all low points of the system, where the trapped
section of pipe exceeds five gallons, and from the residential units. The drairi shall consist
of, as a minimum: a valve, a 3/4" brass nipple with 3/4" male hose threads, and cap.
Locate auxiliary drains in unfinished areas without suspended ceiling wherev,:~r possible.
In finished areas, locate the hose bib within six inches of an access panel (m;nimum 12
inch x 12 inch dimensions). If located in bathrooms the panel is to be stainle;s steel.
A. Provide gauges at the main system riser and each riser control assembly. Tal) gauges
from the main piping, not from the drain piping. Gauges shall be provided cn both the
supply and system side of the backflow preventer.
A. For lay-in suspended acoustic ceilings, sprinklers shall be centered in the tile <ind shall be
carefuf{y aiigned.
A. The fire sprinkler system shall not be connected to supply until the underground piping
has been flushed as required by Colorado Division of Fire Safety and NFPA 1'e, 13, and 14.
B. Partial System Test or Inspection: Perform tests with the sprinklers installed in ttieir final
positions. Where it is crifiical to the continuance of the project as a whole to cover
porfions of the piping with ceilings or walls prior to fihe completion of the entire system,
partial tes#ing of the system may be performed after receiving written approval from the
Owner. In this case "partial" indicates an entire zone or floor of one system. f, satisfactory
parfial test does not relieve Contractor from performing all final testing procedures.
C. Preliminary Hydrostatic Test: Perform a hydrostatic test, conforming to the requirements ,
of NFPA 13, after the system has been fully installed and is ready for service, c nd prior to
installation of suspended ceilings. Take special precautions fo detect and stop water
leakage so that any water damage will be minimal.
D. Dry System Air Pressure Test and Inspection: in accordance with NFPA 13, an air pressure
leakage test of the dry pipe system shall be performed to ensure no or minimal air leaks.
Test the system for not less than 24 hours at an air pressure of 40 psi without th~-, addition
of any air. Any leaks resulting in a pressure drop of more than l Yz psi over the 24 hour
period shall be repaired immediately by the Contractor.
E. Final Hydrostatic Test and Inspection: Final inspection of all phases of the Work shall be
made by Engineer and Authority Having Jurisdiction. Notify the Engineer at le!ast 7 days
in advance of making the required tests, so that arrangements may be madE~ for the
presence of the Engineer and the AHJ representative to witness the tests. The. installing
foreman or other representative of Contractor shall be present at this time to :,onduct
any operating tests of alarm, drains or other system functions requested by thi: Engineer,
Fire Marshal or Owner. Test the complete system for not less than 2 hours at a pressure of
200 psi (or 50 psi above static pressure, whichever is greater) without the addition of any
water. Any leaks or drips shall be repaired immediately by Contractor.
RDAI 23149 13930-9
F. Test of Fire Alarm Equipment: Test the operation of the water flow, pressure, and
supervisory switches. When Contractor has satisfied itself that the system is in comp{ete
operating condition in every respect, it shall notify the Construction Coordincitor in writing
that the system has been inspected and tested the system and that it is reacly for final
G. Punch List: Deficiencies found in the system will be recorded on a punch list wd
delivered to Contractor. Correct punch list ifiems within two weeks of receipi of the
punch list, no exceptions. Occupancy shall not be made until all Fire Protecf ion Punchlist
items have been corrected.
H. Cerfificate of Completion: A completed contractor's test and materials certificate shall
be delivered to the Owner upon satisfactory completion of the work. ' END OF SECTION
R DAI 23149 13930-10
A. This section of the specification includes the furnishing, installation, connectian and
testing of the microprocessor controlled, intelligent reporting fire alarm equipment
required to form a complete, operative, coordinated system.
B. Contract drawings and specifications are complementary. Whatever is called for in
either is binding as though called for in bofih. lf inconsistency exists, the most restrictive
requirement shall be applied.
C. The fire alarm system shall comply with requirements of 2002 Edition of NFPA 72. The
system shall be electrically supervised and monitor the integrity of al{ conductors.
D. The system and its components shall be UL listed under the appropriate UL testing
standard as listed herein for fire alarm applications and shall be in complipnc:e with the
UL fisting.
The specifications and standards listed below form a part of this specification.
A. National Fire Protection Associqtion (NFPA)
1. NFPA 13 Standard for the Instailation of Sprinkler Systems, 2002 Edition '
2. NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code, 2002 edition
3. NFPA 70 National Electrical Code, 2002 edition
B. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL)
1. UL 864 Conirol Units for Fire Protective Signaling Systems
2. UL 521 Heat Detectors for Fire Protective
3. UL 464 Audible Signaling Appliances 4. UL 1480 Standard for Speakers for Fire Alarm, Emergency, and C:ommercial
and Professional Use
5. UL 1971 Visual Notification Appliances
C. Interna#ional Building Code 2003 edition as amended by City of Vail Building Department
D. International Fire Code 2003 edition as amended by City of Vail Buiiding Depcirfiment
E. All requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)
F. The system shall have proper listing and/or approvpl from the following nationally
recognized agencies:
1. UL Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
2. FM Factory Mutual
RDAI 23149 13851- i
G. The fire alarm control panel shall meet UL Standard 864 (Control Units)
A. A new intelligent reporting, microprocessor controlled fire detection system K}roviding
Voice/Alarm Signaling Service shall be insta{led in accordance with the projE~cfi
specifications and drawings. Minimally the system sha{I include a Fire Alarm Controi
Panel (FACP) located as shown on the drawings for the purpose of monitoring
addressable devices, nofifying occupants of an alarm, and reporting alarms and
supervisory signals to an approved Central Station via a Digital Alarm Communicating
, Transmitter (DACT).
B. Basic Performance:
. 1. System Detectors with Sounder Bases shall be provided for all living units. Activation
of a unit smoke detector shall cause a supervisory condition at the FACF' and shall
also cause the sounder base to activate in all rooms associated with thcit unit.
Smoke detector activation in designated handicapped units shall also activate the
Visual Notification appliances associated with that unit without activatir,g
notification devices outside the unit.
2. For general alarm conditions, occupant notification shall be accomplished by
playing a pre-recorded digital voice message over listed speakers of sufficient
quantity to provide for audibility and intelligibility as required by NFPA 72, 2002 •
3. System shall incorporate an integral microphone for manuat override of the pre-
recorded message.
4. Alarm, trouble and supervisory signals from all intelligent reporting devices shall be
encoded on NFPA Style 4(Class B) Signaling Line Circuits (SLC).
5. Initiation Device shall report as an addressable device connected to the SLC circuit.
6. Exterior Water Flow Alarm Signal: Provide horn and strobe unit listed for exterior use
to be located above the fire department connection. The horn/strobe unit shall
have a minimum audibility level of 86 dBA at ten feet. Mount above eac;h fire
department connection at a height of ten to fifteen feet above adjacent grade.
This device shall track sprinkler wpter flow, and shall be unaffected by th s Signal
Silence activation at the FACP.
7. Elevators shall be protected as indicated on the plans and shafl be in compiiance
with ANSI A 17.1. Sequence of operation for elevators shall be as follows:
a. A smoke detector shall be provided at the top of the elevator shaft, n the
elevator machine room, and at each elevptor lobby. Activation of c>ne of these
smoke detectors shall initiate elevptor primpry recall to the first floor, except for
the first fioor lobby. The first floor shall be considered the primary leve~l of egress.
If the first floor lobby detector activates, the elevator shall initiate altUnate floor
recall to the second floor.
b. Elevator Phase 2 operation shaN be provided by the elevator vendor,
c. A heat defector shall be provided within 2 feet of each sprinkler within fhe
elevator machine room. The heat detector shall have a maximum az:tivation
temperature of 165°F. Activation of the heat detector shall initiate elevator
recall (if not already initiated by the smoke detector). Once recall is complete,
the elevator shunt trip is'to occur to disconnect power from the elevcitor.
RDAI 23149 ' 13851-2
C. Basic System Functional Operation - When a general fire alarm condition is detected and
reported by one of the system initiating devices (i.e., manual station, water flow, heat
detectors, or common area smoke detector), the following functions shall immediately
1. The system aiarm LED on the FACP shall flash.
2. A local piezo electric signal in the controi panel shall sound.
3. The display on the FACP shall indicate all information associated with the fire alarm
condition, including the type of alarm point and its location.
4. The FACP shall be capable of logging all alarm and supervisory events cind storing
the information. indef'initely, along with time and date of occurrence.
5. Alarm signals shall be transmitted via a DACT to a monitoring.
6. A digitized voice message shall be broadcast throughout the building.
7. All door holders shall release.
8. All fans shall shut down.
9. All smoke dampers shall ciose.
1.03 SUBMI7TALS A. General
1. Four (4) copies of all submittals shall be submitted to the engineer for review prior to
, submittal to the fire department.
2. After approval by the engineer, the submittal shall be submitted to the Vail Fire and
Emergency Service Department (AHJ) as required for their review and permitting
B. Shop Drawings
1. Sufficient information, clearly presented, shall be +ncluded to determine compliance
with drawings and specifications.
2. Include manufacturer's name(s), model numbers, ratings, power require+rents,
equipment layout, device arrangement, complete wiring point-to-point diagrams,
and conduit layouts.
3. Battery and Voltage Drop calculations shall be included.
4. Provide all information as required by NFPA 72 and the AHJ.
C. Manuals
1. Submit simultaneously with the shop drawings, complete operating and
maintenance manuals listing the manufacturer's name(s), including technica{ data
2. Wiring diagrams shall indicate internal wiring for each device and the
interconnections between the items of equipment.
3. Provide a clear and concise description of system operation that providE~s, in detail,
the information required to properly operate the equipment and system.
1.04 WARRANTY A. All work performed and all material and equipment furnished under this contract shall be
free from defects and shall remain so for a period of at least one (1) year frorri the date
of acceptance. The full cost of maintenance, labor and materials required to correct
any defecfi during this one year period shall be included in the submittal bid.
RDA123149 13851-3
A. All equipment shaH be provided by one of the following manufacturers:
1. The Gamewell Company
2. To the extent practicable, equipment make and mode{ shalV match existing
equipment in the Sonnenalp Resort. Contractor shall not match existing if same will
result in a code violation or a violation to these specifications.
B. All equipment and components shall be new, and the manufacturer's current model.
The materials, appliances, equipment and devices shall be tested and listed by a
nationaily recognized approvals agency for use as part of a protective signaling system,
meeting the National Fire Alarm Code.
C. All equipment and components sha{I be instal{ed in strict compliance with
manufacturers' recommendations. 2.02 CONDUIT AND WIRE
A. Conduit
1. Conduit shall be in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC), local and
state requirements.
2. Conduit fill shall not exceed 40 percent of interior cross sectional area wllere three
or more cables are contained within a single conduit.
3. Cable must be separated from any open conductors of power, or Class 1 circuits,
and shall not be placed in any conduit, junction box or raceway contairling these
conductors; per NEC Article 760729.
4. Wiring shall be in conduit in the parking garage area and similar areas where the
likelihood of damage is increased.
B. Wire
1. All fire a{arm system wiring shall be new.
2. Wiring shall be in accordance with local, state and national codes (e.g., NEC Article
760) and as recommended by the manufacturer of the fire afarm system.
3. All wire and cable shall be listed and/or approved by a recognized testing agency
for use with a protective signaling system.
4. Wire and cable not installed in conduit shall have a fire resistance rating suitable for
the_ instailation as indicated in NFPA 70 (e.g., FPLR).
5. All field wiring shall be completely supervised.
b. No terminations or spiices outside of buildings or enclosures shall be perrr itted.
7. All terminations shall be at terminal strips. Pigtaii connections shall not bE used.
C. Terminal Boxes, Junction Boxes and Cabinets
1. All boxes and cabinets shall be UL listed for their use and purpose.
2. The fire alarm control panel shall be connected to a separate dedicated branch
circuit, maximum 20 amperes.
3. Surge suppression shall.be provided for all circuits at the point of exit and entry from
a building or enclosure.
4. All addressabfe fire alarm devices shall be labeled in a manner acceptable to the
' engineer with their respective SLC address descriptor.
RDA1 23149 13851-4
A. The FACP shall be completely microprocessor based and shall be listed for Voice/Alarm
Signaling Service. The system shall be capable of broadcasting an automatic digital
voice message approved by the Authority Having Jurisdiction, and also proyide for
manual override of the voice message via an integral microphone.
B. Basic System Operator Controls
1. Acknowledge Switch: Activation of the control panel acknowledge swiich in
response to new alarms and/or troubles shall silence the local panel piezo electric
signal and change the alarm and trouble LEDs from flashing mode to steady-ON.
2. Silence Switch: Activption of the alarm silence switch shall cause all alarm devices to
return to the normal condition after an alarm.
3. System Reset Switch: Activation of the System Reset switch shall cause all devices
and circuits, to return to their normai condition.
l 4. Lamp Test: The Lamp Test switch shal{ activate all system LEDs and light E!ach
segment of the liquid crystal display.
C. System Capacity and General Operation
. l. The fire alarm control panel shall inciude a fuil featured operatcr interface.
2. The system shall be fully field programmable.
3. The FACP shall provide the minimum foilowing features:
a. Drift compensafiion to extend detector accuracy and reduce false cilarms.
b. Detector sensitivity test, per NFPA 72.
c. Maintenance alerf, to warn of excessive smoke detector dirt or dust
d. Multiple sensitivity levels for alarm, selected by detector.
e. System status reports to display or printer.
f. Alarm verification, with verification counters.
g. Cross zoning with the capability of counting two detectors in alarm.
h. Walk test.
i. Selectable sensitivity levels, three minimum.
j. History Storage, with a minimum of 400 events.
k. Point Enable/Disable.
1. Point Read (status and level of obscuration).
D. Signaling Line Circuits (SLC)
1. Each SLC interfpce shall provide power to and communicate with intelligent
• detectors (ionization, photoelectric or thermal) and intelligent modules (monitor or
control). Each SLC loop shall be wired NFPA 72 Style 4.
E. Power Supplies
1. The main power supply for the fire alarm control panel sha11 provide available power
for the control panel and peripheral devices.
2. Provisions will be made to allow the audio-visual power to be increased cis required
by adding modular expansion audio-visual power supplies or field mounted power
3. Over-current protection shpll be provided on all power outputs. The power supply
shall provide an integral battery charger.
4. The main power supply shall provide a battery charger for 24 hours of sta-idby using
dual-rate charging techniques for fast battery recharge.
RDA1 23149 13851-5
5. All circuits shall be power-limited, per UL864 requirements and include eorth fauit
detection. 6. The main power supply shall provide meters to indicate battery voltage and
charging current.
F. Specific System Operations 1. Point Disable: Any addressable device or conventional circuit in the system may be
enabled or disabled through the system keypad.
2. Waterflow Operation: An alarm from a waterflow detection device sha{I activate
the appropriate alarm message on the display, turn on all programmed notification
appliance circuits and shall not be affected by the signal silence switch.
3. Supervisory Operation: An alarm from a supervisory device shall cause tfie
appropriate indication on the 80 character display. 4. Signal Silence Operation: The FACP shall have the ability-to program eac:h output
circvit (notification, relay, speaker, etc.) to deactivate upon depression of the signal
silence switch.
A. Addressable Devices - General
1. Alt initiating devices provided and installed for the project shali be intelliclent
addressable devices unless otherwise noted.
2: Detectors shall be intelligent (analog) and addressable, and shall connect with two
wires to the fire alarm control panel signaling line circuits.
3. Addressable smoke and thermal detectors shall provide alarm and pow-ar/polling
LEDs. LED(s) shall flash under normal conditions and LED(s) shall be placed into
steady illumination by the control panel, indicating an alarm condition.
4.. The fire alarm control panel shall permit detector sensitivity adjustment through fiefd
programming of the system.
5. . The detectors shall be ceiling-mount and shall include a separate twist-Ic>ck base
with tamper proof feature.
b. The detectors shall provide a test means whereby they will simulate an alarm
condition and report that condition to the control panel. Such a test mciy be
initiated at the detector itself (by activating a magnetic switch) or initiated remotely
on command from the control panei.
7. Detectors will operate in an analog fashion, where the detector simply rrieasures its
designed environment variable and transmits an analog value to the FACP based
on real-time measured values. The FACP software, not the detector, shall make the
alarm/normal decision, thereby allowing the sens'itivity of each detector to be set in
the FACP progrpm and allowing the system operator to view the current pnalog
value of each detector.
8. LEDs shall be provided that shall flash under normal conditions, indicatinci that the
device is operationaf and is in regular communication with the control pcanel.
9. A magnetic test switch shall be provided to test each detector for 100%
obscuration, reported to the FACP.
B. . Addressable Pull Box (manual station)
1. Manual pull stations shall be non-break glass double action style devices.
2. Manual pull stations shall be suitable for semi-flush mounting on standard single
gang box, and shall be installed not less than 42 inches or more than 48 inches
above the finished floor.
RDAI 23149 13851-6
3. Addressable pull boxes shall, on command from the control panel, senc data to the
panel representing the state of the manual switch and the addressable
communication module status. They shall use a key operated test-reset lock, and
shall be designed so that after aetual emergency operation, they cannot be
restored to normal use except by the use of a key.
4. All operated stations shall have a positive, visual indication of operation and utilize a
key type reset.
C. Intelligent lonization Smoke Detector - lonization smoke detectors are not permitted.
D. Intelligent Photoelectric Smoke Detector
1. The detectors shall use the photoelectric (light-scattering) principal to measure
smoke density and shall, on command from the control panel, send data to the
panel represenfiing the analog level of smoke density.
E. Intelligent Photoe{ectric Duct Smoke Detector
1. Duct Detectors shall be analog addressabfe devices connecfied to the :yLC loop.
Activation of duct detector shall cause a supervisory condition on the Fi\CP and
shall cause their associated air handling equipment to shut down. Duct detectors shall be furnished with a remote indicating light and keyed test switch mounted a
maximum of 7' above the finished floor in a location approved by the owner.
F. Two Wire Detector Monitor Module
1. Addressable monitor modules shall be provided to connect dry contact devices as
G. Addressable Control Module
1. Addressable control modufes shall be provided to supervise and control the .
. operation of fans and other auxiliary control functions.
H. Hard Wired Thermal Detectors
1. Heat detectors provided in unconditioned areas shall be hard wired The•motech
model 302-AW devices or approved equal. Individual or groups of thermal
detectors shall be monitored by addressable monitor modules as specified on the
plans. ,
A. All notification appliances shall meet UL 464, UL 1971 andlor UL 1480 requirements, as
B. Speaker only units shall be flush mounted units with white cover plates. Devices shall be
Gamewell SP200W or approved equal.
C. Combination speaker/strobe units shall have white finish. Devices sha!l be Gamewell
SP2W41224MC or approved equal.
A. The batteries shall be sealed Gel Cell type, 12 volt nominal (two required).
RDAI 23149 13851-7
B. The battery shall have sufficient capacity to power the fire alarm system for reot less than
24 hours plus 15 minutes of alarm upon a normal AC power failure.
A. Door holders shall be wall mounted magnetic type devices. The device shal be 120 volt
rated. Control module shall be provided to disrupt power to door hoider circ uit. See
electrical for circuiting information.
A. Installation shall be in accordance with the NEC, NFPA 72, local and state codes, as
shown on the drawings, and as recommended by the major equipment mariufacturer.
B. All conduit, junction boxes, conduit supports and hangers shall be concealeci in finished
areas and may be exposed in unfinished areas. Unfinished areas include the parking
garage, mechanical rooms, electrical rooms, and janitorial rooms. All other cireas shali
be considered finished. '
C. Fire Alarm Contractor shall coordinate work through General Contractor/Project
Manager to coincide with work being performed by sprinkler contractor and
communication cabling contractor.
A. Prior to scheduling an acceptance test the contractor must submit a record of
completion to the Engineer of Record and the Authority Having Jurisdiction.
B. The service of a competent, factory-trained erigineer or technician authorized by the
manufacturer of the fire alarm equipment shall be provided to technically supervise and
participate during ali ofi the adjustments and tests for the system. All testing sfiall be in
accordance with NFPA 72. C. A factory-trained representative of the manufacturer of the major equipmerr- shail
demonstrate, that the system functions properly in every respect.
A. A minimum of 2 instruction sessions of not less than 2 hours in duration shall be provided
as required for operating the system. Hands-on demonstrations of the operation of all
system components shafl be provided.
B. The contractor and/or the systems manufacturer's representatives shall provicfe a
typewritten "Sequence of Operation" which shall be laminated and affixed to the fire
plarm panel in plain view.
R D A 1 23149 13851-8
•4 .
c f~lor, aoa ins
2"d review comments are shown below the original comment in bold italics. Comments that were
addressed have been removed from the list.
TO: Contractor Architect
Weitz Company Resort Design Associates
EMAIL: donato.lipariCd-weitz.com eellis@reortdesign.com NUMBER OF PAGES: 7
FROM: Matthew Royer
DATE: 02/13/2006
OWNERS NAME: Bob McNichols
SITE ADDRESS: 01 Willow Bridge Road
The design documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the locally
adopted codes and amendments. The following comments must be addressed before a building
permit is issued.
For processing:
. Please submit (2) complete sets of revised construction documents containina the requested
information or plan revisions with all revisions clouded or otherwise identiried.
. Please respond in writina to each comment bv markina the attached list or creatina a
response letter. Indicate which plan sheet, detail, specification, or calculation shows the
reauested information. Please send revisions to the attention of the alans examiner with the
buildina permit application number noted.
Responses such as "will comply with code" are not adequate. Revised drawings must
. clearly show code compliance.
. Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the engineer's or architect's "weY" stamp, sianature,
reaistration number and date on the cover paqe of anv structural calculations, all structural details
and structural sheets of the plans. For commercial or multi-familv arojects all sheets of the plans
must be stamped.
. Re-submittal may be made to the Town of Vail Building Dept.
CADOCUME-I WDM[NI- I\LOCALS- 1\Temp\tov-b04-0316.2.DOC
Architectural Comments:
7. Please amend sheet A13.001A to show the type of door to be installed and the direction of swing for
the elevator shaft (Door 101).
Are the doors equipped with magnetic strips or auxiliary rails? P/ease specify. If auxiliary
rails are installed, then the door motor will need to be tied into the backup power system to
allow occupants of the e/evator to exit.
ESR-1136 requires that a smoke detector in compliance with UL 268 be installed at the_ceiling
in front of the e/evator doors and shall be tied into the emergency backup system. The
defectors are not shown on the p/ans. P/ease amend p/an to include the detectors and
backup power.
ESR-1136 requires that the e/evator door shall be a rated 90 minute door to comply with the S
rating requirements of the /BC. P/ease provide the documentation to show the rating of the
e/evator doors.
17. Please indicate how the shafts near stair 3 and 4 on sheet A7.5 will be constructed and inspected.
The plan indicates W3 wall type on sheet A2.1, A2.2 and A2.3. These shafts are small and that wall
type requires drywall on the inside of the stud wall. Please clarify that it is possible to construct the
walls and have them inspected.
Questions in regards fo the response and manufacture of the fire wrap.
? Is the wrap listed for installation around flue piping? Manufacture has concerns about
surface temperature.
? What e/se will be run through the shafts?
? P/ease detail how the dampers are integrated with the duct wrap. Breakaway, support,
protection, access, etc.
? Very small shafts occur throughout the building. P/ease review each and verify that all
concerns with each type of shaft and duct are addressed.
18. The shaft near stair 4 passes through 4 floors with equipment vents from the mechanical room and
must be 2 hour rated. Amend plans accordingly. (IBC 707.11)
See item 17 above.
19. Please provide tested assembly information for the fire-resistive assemblies shown in the "system
notes" on sheet A4.2 and others. This information is necessary for proper construction and
inspection of the assemblies. (IBC 703.2)
P/ease amend building sections to show the proper wall tag used for the assemb/y per our
phone conversations for the exterior wall packet. Different wall tags are shown for the same
wall on the inside and outside of the building. Ex, wall tag W1 and W26 shown on the same
wall that reference different Listed wall assemb/ies.
20. One stair must extend to the roof for access. (IBC 1009.12) "
P/ease provide documentation from Town of Vail Fire Department that this is not an issue for
fire department access.
C:\DOC UM E-1\ADM IN 1-1 \IACA LS-1\Temp\tov-b04-0316.2. DOC
22. Combustible exterior wall coverings are not permitted more than 40 feet above grade. On sheet
A4.2, A4.1 and A4.3 there is wall type W5 shown above 40'. Please amend plans. (IBC 1406.2.2)
Response to this item was that an administrative modification will be applied for. P/ease
provide the application for review with all necessary paperwork and documentation to support
approva/ of an administrative modification. This must be approved prior to re/ease of
comp/ete core?shell p/ans. 25. The means of egress from dwelling units may not pass through sleeping rooms. Unit 403 has both
required exits passing through sleeping rooms. Units 204, 205, 304, 305, 402, 403 and 404 have
one of the required exits passing through a bedroom. (IBC 1013.2)
The attached meeting minutes were nof located as referenced by the response to this
comment. Please provide the minutes for review.
Accessibility Comments:
ANSI 2003 edition was chosen for this project. P/ease amend common restrooms on f/oor one
to comp/y with ANS/ 2003 for grab bar locations.
Public restrooms must have vertica/ grab bars installed at accessib/e water c/osets per 2003
ANSI section 604.5.1.
29. The Clubroom Kitchenette must comply with the minimum requirements for accessibility as defined in
the ANSI A117.1-1998. (IBC 1109.4)
After much research and code opinions offered by /CC and Town of Vail, the kitchenette does
not fit into this exception for emp/oyee work area. The intent was for minor modifications to
areas such as work stations in an offi'ce or the /ast two work stations down a hallway. P/ease
amend p/ans to show compliance for an accessib/e kitchenette.
34. Amend the Type A accessible unit number 102 to comply with all the requirements of a type A unit.
? Doors shall not swing into the clear floor or ground space or clearance for any fixture. See all
bathrooms within this unit. (1002.11.1 ANSI A117.1-1998)
? Amend shower in bathroom 1 to comply with the required clear floor space. (1002.11.5.1
ANSI A117.1-1998)
? Amend shower in Bathroom 1 to comply with section 608 of ANSI A117.1.
? Amend washer and dryer to have a clear floor space that complies with a parallel approach
and center on the appliance.
The response to fhis p/an review comment was that only one bathroom in the residence is
required to comp/y. After review of this response and the standard, things just weren't adding
up. Research and conversations with /CC has provided that there is an error in the 2003 ANSI.
The first paragraph of 1003.11.1 shou/d reference the 1003.11.4.
One restroom shall fully comp/y with section 1003.11. All shall have access, Fixture
c/earances and be adaptable including backing for grab bars. P/ease amend p/an according/y.
This unit is part of the core/shell p/an and will not be permitted as a deferred submiftal.
C:\DOCUME-I W DMINI-I \LOCALS-I\Temp\tov-b04-0316.2.DOC
35. Ali units except 102 shall meet the requirements for a type B unit. Doors shall not swing into the
clear floor space for any fixture. (1003.11.1.1 ANSI A117.1-1998)
All units have the following items which are not in compliance with ANS/ A117.1-2003:
1. Microwaves must be within the reach ranges of section 309 ANS/ per section 1003.9
ANS/ A 117.1-2003
Each unit is lisfed be/ow writh the detailed items that do not appear to comply with the code.
1. Unit 101
a. This type B restroom has the tub /ocated where future grab bars need to be
attached. Provide documentation that a future flip down grab bar is a possibility
for the /ocation.1004. ANSI)
b. Water closet is not permitted to be within the clear f/oor space of the tub at the
contro/ end. (1004. ANSI)
2. Unit 201 a. The opening into the shower must comp/y and allow for transfer into without
reconstruction of the show enclosure. The minimum size shower and opening
is 36': Please amend plan to allow for transfer type conversion. (1004.
b. Minimum clear f/oor space required for a water closet is 60" wide measured
perpendicular to the side wall of the water closet. (1003.11.7.2 ANSI)
c. Shower door must swing out
3. Unit 202
a. The opening into the shower must comp/y and allow for transfer into without
reconstruction of the show enclosure. The minimum size shower and opening
is 36': P/ease amend p/an fo allow for transfer type conversion. (1004.
4. Unit 203
a. Shower door must swing out
b. The opening into the shower must comp/y and allow for transfer into without
reconstruction of the show enc/osure. The minimum size shower and opening
is 36' : P/ease amend plan to allow for transfer type conversion. (1004.
5. Unit 204
a. The opening into the shower must comply and allow for fransfer into without
reconstruction of the show enclosure. The minimum size shower and opening
is 36' : P/ease amend p/an to allow for transfer type conversion. (1004.
b. Shower door must swing out
6. Unit 205
a. Minimum clear f/oor space required for a water closet is 60" wide measured
perpendicular to the side wall of the water closet. (1003.11.7.2 ANSI)
b. The opening into the shower must comp/y and allow for transfer info without
reconstruction of the show enclosure. The minimum size shower and opening
is 36'; P/ease amend p/an to allow for transfer type conversion. (1004.
c. Water closet is not permitted to be within the clear floor space of the shower at
the contro/ end. (1004. ANSI)
C:\DOCUME-I \ADMINI-I \IACALS--1 \Temp\tov-b04-0316.2.DOC
7. Unit 206
a. C/ear f/oor space of 66" is required for the water c/oset measured perpendicu/ar
from the wall behind the water c/oset if the /avatory is within the clear floor
space of the water c/oset
b. 40" clearance is iequired between opposing cabinets within the kitchen.
Cabinet containing BC and cabinet containing DW are /ess than 40" apart.
8. Unit 207
a. C/ear floor space of 66" is required for the water closet measured perpendicu/ar
from the wall behind the water closet if the /avatory is within the c/ear floor
space of the water c/oset
b. Amend p/ans to provide c/ear floor space at the contro/ end of the tub. The
lavatory and wall are within the CFS of the tub at the contro/ end.
c. 40" c/earance is required befween opposing cabinets within the kitchen.
Cabinet containing BC and cabinet containing DW are /ess than 40" apart.
9. Unit 208
a. Amend p/ans to provide clear floor space at the contro/ end of the tub. The
water c/oset and wall are within the CFS of the tub at the contro/ end.
10. Unit 301
a. Minimum clear floor space required for a water c/oset is 60" wide measured
perpendicular to the side wall of the water c/oset. (1003.11.7.2 ANSI)
b. The opening inio fhe shower must comp/y and allow for transfer into without
reconstruction of the show enc/osure. The minimum size shower and opening
is 36' : P/ease amend plan to allow for transfer type conversion. (1004.
c. Shower door must swing out.
11. Unit 302
a. The opening into the shower must comp/y and allow for transfer into without
reconstruction of the show enclosure. The minimum size shower and openin,g?
is 36' : P/ease amend p/an to allow for transfer type conversion. (1004.
b. Shower door must swing out
12. Unit 303
a. The opening into the shower must comp/y and allow for transfer into without
reconstruction of the show enclosure. The minimum size shower and opening
is 36': P/ease amend p/an to allow for transfer type conversion. (1004.
b. Shower door must swing out.
13. Unit 304
a. The opening into the shower must comp/y and allow for transfer into without
reconstruction of the show enclosure. The minimum size shower and opening
is 36' : P/ease amend p/an to allow for transfer type conversion. (1004. 11.3, 9.3.3
b. Shower door must swing out.
C:\DOCUME-1 W DMINI-1\LOCALS-I \Temp\tov-b04-0316.2.DOC
14. Unit 305
a. Minimum clear f/oor space required for a water c/oset is 60" wide measured
perpendicular to the side wall of the water closet. (1003.11.7.2 ANSI)
b. The opening into the shower must comp/y and allow for transfer into without
reconstruction of the show enclosure. The minimum size shower and opening
is 36' : P/ease amend p/an to allow for transfer type conversion. (1004.
15. Unit 306
a. 40" c/earance is required befinreen opposing cabinets wifhin the kitchen.
Cabinet containing BC and cabinet containing DW are /ess than 40" apart.
b. C/ear f/oor space of 66" is required for the water c/oset measured perpendicu/ar
from the wall behind the water c/oset if the /avatory is within fhe c/ear floor
space of the water c/oset.
c. Amend p/ans to provide clear floor space at the contro/ end of fhe tub. The
/avafory and wall are within the CFS of the tub at the contro/ end.
16. Unit 307
a. 40" clearance is required between opposing cabinets within the kitchen.
Cabinet containing BC and cabinet containing DW are /ess than 40" apart.
b. C/ear f/oor space of 66" is required for the water closet measured perpendicu/ar
from the wall behind the water c/osef if the /avatory is within the c/ear floor
space of the water closet.
c. Water closet is not permitted to be within the clear floor space of the fub at the
contro/ end. (1004. ANSI)
d. Amend p/ans to provide clear floor space at the control end of the tub. The
lavatory and wall are within the CFS of the tub at the contro/ end. 17. Unit 308
a. Amend p/ans to provide clear floor space at the contro/ end of the tub. The
/avafory and wall are within the CFS of the fub at the contro/ end.
b. Water closet is not permitted to be wifhin the clear f/oor space of the tub at the
contro/ end. (1004. ANSI)
18. Unit 401
a. Neither bath complies. Bath 1A is the closest to compliance. This room on/y
needs clear floor space at the control end of the tub.
b. Bath #2 that is shown as the accessib/e bath needs clear floor space of 66" for
the water c/oset measured perpendicular from the wall behind the water c/oset if
the /avatory is within the c/ear floor space of the water c/oset.
c. Bath #2 also needs c/ear floor space for the shower and the opening into the
shower must comp/y and allow for transfer into without reconstruction of the
show enclosure. The minimum size shower and opening is 36': P/ease amend
p/an to allowr for transfer type conversion. (1004. ANSI)
-19. Unit 403
a. Amend p/ans to provide c/ear floor space at the contro/ end of the tub. The
lavatory and wall are within the CFS of the tub at the contro/ end.
20. Unit 404
a. 40" clearance is required between opposing cabinets within the kitchen.
Cabinet containing BC and cabinet containing DW are /ess than 40" apart.
C:\DOCUME--1 \ADMINI-I\L.OCALS-I\Temp\tov-b04-0316.2.DOC
Electrical Comments:
40. Elevator standby power is required. Amend plans to indicate standby power in accordance with IBC
Sections 2702 and 3003. (IBC 1007.4)
The 2003 Internationa/ Building Code requires that standby power be provided for the
e/evafor. It is my understanding that to achieve an alternate design which eliminates the
standby power that it must be done through an Administrative Modification. If you choose
this method, please submit the required paperwork and documentation to show an equivalent
design which can be reviewed and accepted by all parties invo/ved inc/uding the Town of Vail.
Please refer to the cover sheet for information and instructions for resubmitting plans. The recheck of plans
usually occurs within 3-5 working days of plan resubmittal. In order to avoid delays please check all requested
information is included with the resubmitted plans.
Plan Review Comments
Matthew Royer
Building Official
Colorado Inspection Agency
C:\DOCIJME-I WDMIN I-I\LOCALS- I\Temp\tov-b04-0316.2.DOC
, Mike McGee _ One Willow , _ ~_.Page...1.
From: Mike McGee
To: smartin@frontierfireprotection.com
Date: 12/12/2005 1:53:53 PM
Subject: One Willow The fire sprinkler plans are approved as noted:
Use caution in placement of sprinkler heads in units on 4th floor, especially Unit 403 Great Room and
Bedroom 2.
Plans do not show fire sprinkler coverage in the elevator mechanical room, Sheet 4. Coverage is
required. Equipment cut sheets do not show the PRV to be UL or FM. A listed PRV is required.
CC: Fire_Inspectors; John Gulick; scraig@haifire.com
~ SenergyO ElFS & CQatilngs
'fi~st Results
4 '
"FS'`k ~ s;3't" x.'t js~*.`a ~:.a ..y ~F•. .~;f
Ter?Z : . "Rf:5Uft . ,
F91'G" TE51S: ?^i?e «st,+i"=ef "`p+ R113SAD C'tw: ;'1:0 ii.''.~: CC1i P:T1~,5~.°".~ Sign{fica1"'y+ tD ~"j j!? 1te!Y1Z.."di
MOdifi$d ASTPJ# E'3fl8 c,° 'nGi =a".,3! i;a"11e 3vr'8c~" '.:Y, t`t° eXteni1; Cr i'~6' wall.'1Tae Fnt:L"C .'"'in.10
Cox, ar:1 Reiit;'',?;CIn mE?.An fF'p'*°'i'a L'Y6'(E u3iast3?E v"; ~."S6oV"e.ritting fiafrm,
ne~Y3.n tyTY ~y l' ~.s :a~ , v~ ~i~jZ'1 i 3V^S~ :y Fi1 ~3~}~ b.~ifi~ y~~V+~ M!p u
a, ( I ~Yr~ii~.EYi i`l61 " i~ ~ ~7f VM
SEgS"lsfic_si'I C munts oi .~'ai r...itkL '.1u(i~g ei:ner oi '•~"•e iw.'8..`u. T'~e iC~4'~il`Cdi of
',3 ~e r3°, ,..a?: v:",',' ~~i1PgI~Ss C;?F'.'„1 Pc'a~"'a eX~rvS? ~'1C ~i31 ~OtE ui4
f:Lt°: Ova:`54P?r °'"ei? b.''e !i`e jaEl¢^vfmu13Ce :,°`ie 5V"`8'F:eX'4'v91# sva"`:E"!1.
UBC 5iatsdafd 26-4fNf9A 285 'tho SEr?a"f?ex w8;1 Sr~.er't su;c~e~f:P~ ""e''1' of th;: tWEI :ming Cs";Ton;:i;
Futl SCa[e Muiti-Stt9fy Fii'e T45Y i. S c 9i-pfG*'agatit3g fwfls C~ iCl `Eot cCw€.r u:?r :11A CXt°;ior fa&i~,?,.~. Dx
~v~IL'::. ~ •
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4iJrF inJ53lb7Sr{ tiJ t£SL 3i:i::~ Vi {,~.n iGzl ~eifG9,3. §3 y~ '
~l/F ~iGi}3 P{h1i~:~4~J iEi~~
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' sil~SatG 41~'v'~YFwti:33t liJ,taiµal Ni.i~Cws 5e1thFw! 1+3„VL§}3$ iwLJre iSWY?dlLition N!
. . VYLi 1-~~iix?£ nir ilPte3~W§ 6GJi palne' aMrfG'.r.~wl.
ro, T2P'`'"3t:3E£S3i3ea',."s's6. LfE:i 24 9'~?3'1 ft`i ;;iE i('ite~'i'~',aif&c': t~7 '
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S. ?==c":E"'°n w! i Ri: penBti'r"sLey~:11e; se',.cCY." t;Qaf 'eAEC tilmA't ? Vva'l(.
iI~ uj >tid'.' 7r,•'ief'.or f:Jce 0; 84+¢ Sv:b~ prale;.~5e ,
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fno.~i i~i
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anterrnediate scate Fire Test
J~'^;3ci~LC~'~ $'3$ Cf~€ i"i{.7;'~Cwii:' 17L'"r tY3i BACCtsCi@r ~s"SC1i't^~S ~s
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i1iJo! y~ii3 pwGls tAs\
FlInr3k }1r4p'+/(yzlvn iX iioi o"iT.ai..:t t1: fAi3i
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cvsY exterior cr 'sn:eriof test wne; sustaces.
3E.'.'?^;je'at:z'i,-`S 3T'.£'i'3.SUtet; 2S '3"9'n t1"y~ f,~'"a'•37~ Z"!C li~:eti,.:°77C SLif~~j~.~1J~ p:`~
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t;co~ inter :ect on or:}€': °6e:~?:=nv; r„e of test par,eis.
Aar`TIiA E119 'I`i"~-^, SV!'~4;'fleJSWi»€I Sys2.'1? ,10 s'tot i8c:ece t'a'ie la"f' i"?S',zi("cf.' ..''f :Iir;
!L"iiti?~d tOP ~;t£ s~? C~i~d`f'E C W"~! ~55t'SY4ii~'.
"'f'~ ~ C'4"r ;;;G11
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~~~~';W'F i ii4.3c1 F G: yr' ertii Ww iML~a+LD.la §€Gai P'eaYipAdr:u'L C7s :.25 YYf cm".
GJ>A1/133.C•5147-M .";e SC-"w'II,x Al-':;, a;StEr''a W3M :3LPh!A SA:iEVr+! ?HA DRY EMSE
SCa",.;;;;i:, s. y^r; r*g..-q„'~`,ri of f;i«' ~as.:.'s7L~ CC3:."~:;v^'1S of s?;.°~^p:G"`_e.
. . . .
ei'CLi1'a.`." :E t25~ of W:4?:v31g
cv^n5*ruY'E.J; i t'nd ff;$:e'Sl •
CAN4°5114•M. ~'vs.P}".t+, (%R`t .Ss.t1STied 'r°unali2?."•'-S ot ui=ta: iC"9.^`,
te5: frr ^u'
; }g iT:z'3?5 ' .
lmpact Tests:
Ata`TM E595 NU C'wCKs ;n i5e ex;`ehar ;<?SU;at,'anwnl fi:^:35t`< sv5ied`n?r0T";i a C:rAa
?t^10= M"A 51c;^CC-' I"s;it 0s =.$3 :rl ;6'3< N1«xs8'^1UP1wuC°"?:d','3tsvc G:tl ^'Y £Xw^'-ad
Test - Result
Eivq impaa star.dartl 101.85 1- X,1~•~f•.~
c".lC::i. L't 12! _r..._.
.i.:1~..G... .~~.....~.~i..'~..C.C
L~: a.~~-i.`~4'1? iJJ- C.".C:t
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.'i'• r.
- ti~.i. ~ . :S : .~....G..
"L: ~ i ~:.i ..C _ _
_ Nd^:-.-7 S : .:X~_~ 4-RD
_i~r. "'n.- . .
Physica! 7ests:
Dade Cpunl'y ProtOCOI 201
pa4e Cotlnty,ProtOCOi 202
..11'C'"' C. a l-?::.
Dade COUrI:y F'I"oiDC01 203
~)'CI .n .i:: : LO SS_
. :SN. 2~%
r'~. Gi'... - .r1 •l.'.•
' •:a F_EYC~..rl;,4 ?
- j2-:'~ JY:", .r
X : 17c =c ~6'. d :5 t;'.
;.-I,;v ;,^?_;::.•-0 VOte: Dade ProtoCOl cloes not requirG the larg8 f11i5Sile irt1p8CY
test for assemblies using 5/3', 5 pty plruood sheathinR vjith
2" x a" wood stud iraming spacec: tb iaches on center.
. 1i.!=1~~?~tJy~wM•~rT•. .'IfV.`N'v L{~.\ i:Jl.d lw~.r.r...--y•~':',LLi:.7/'+s .~.:.I~.LV.i-l~if7
izXCI.P.:C _v~11- 2, k :::u: ~37s i'~~ =s ` ~ _3.~' ~r~•s~~
c.S3r.^9;.y' b. i ~/d', a-;] •y 7 y1:.~~G silk- :,'i . SC- °-i GX G~ 'N 21-11 Jv?. .r LGJ
.ry,r-.- 'J tp,ic.: 3:~0 ~ ' ' ] I~j " ,:iJ - r•.+~~ Cr~~i:.~~C
:i~.. : C.:.:•:'f':J:'I ~ ~i i ~ \I1f:_'i. tiT_ 1
~O: S' 1. r;'n'^^^c
•lLr., EX E Va'~ Vi:;- - •iVi~.4~ L, G. r ~ ~.~~ar:.J v...a.. . r. _1. ..i. G.i i
n~:.::G 1• cve, -F ~.c.,;c e. : _ee s:.:.. :l~_. : ;S•".• ~s'; : esr~' ~'as..._
2~S-ai'Jik1 1..:. :"M p E'Dd1T--
:,ml-'.'- 231, :r i:. ~:,..a:.
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S. _d
Z"S' Ch r.5
iG-~ c1°5 G:~ ~;hi2~! •
~^v c,fy ,i;• r_ r,4 ~~2 3'
y v .^11
NOte: Uade ProtOCOl nors net require the large missiie impact
test for assemblies over CMU 61ock WallS.
EINIA 101.C7 (MOditied ASTN. C67) --;c e5
Fed. Spec. TT-C-rJS$g r.ti: ~t ...1= S~°n.°.':'r~= a...~^I~IC~'
.,r_..i ;,e:,s ~:c'-~. ._Gr.'~s`:.:.' r -.,:5~~:~ r.a••;:t;..r"~i.-.:-.
~ ~ ~ r, ; e:.~_ •e~.
111Li rAx NO. 303 399 2645 P, C1/:2
ProCoat L*ms
"~Ipir~g Pev~vic B~rs~a ~ect~r &dta~nge" ,
Date; 10/I3105
; . .
Ta: Accent W&II Systems ` • - ;
Mlk-e Cslffptd ~
Fax: 719-486-4998
From: Marty Dincr
Iridiner,,,,~7prOCOStSyStem9.corn (e-mail)
Phvne: 303-322-9009
Fax; 303-399-2645
Subject: . Une'Willow Bridgc ,
sen=V wau systems
Fire Rating Test Results
Attachcd is a listing of vaTiaus test results for thc Senergy EIFS wall
systems. Please refer to page far ASTM test EI 19.
Tbis is a fim rating test as requested. Per the results,° an EIFS system wilt not •
reduce thc firc resistance of a walL Convetsely, the BIFS system will not add
' to the ratiug, so whatcver the core wall is rated vcon't change with the
addition of un EIFS system.
Please call ifyau have any questiocs.
Cc: Mike Neilson / Midwest Arywall Faz: 970.384.2657
• •v~ ~ - ~ Ulu_ il; eb nn rr~~Ufif 6Y6s hM-Vt NhK F.% M 303 .399 2845 P. . 02/ l2
. -Tacmck VAIZN
E1FS & Cpatings TeSt ReSUItS 1017674
•w'",rr` h ` j~°s. .
C'vnstrurtion Chemicals
FAx NC. 303 399 2045
- ~ uui-i-3-~~~~ :r;u 1: ~lb ~tn nc~~vt~': SYSTE~s-D: ;r~. .
SenerW E1F5 & COa#ings -
rest R~~lts
~CNNIULL ~NFi3RL1nA.TtOM .ec;~°Icat services ~~'er= ~r ~afk Iecammerfmwns conea'?iftg ~t ~ erc ia• .
~ a~~~na~ t~'arr,~:~on about ~r~duc~ scd ays~e
se waa sYSMffa
Ca~9+:~ ~',8 yy~s~°.. ew~w•se~e~Y•s. •
sF~ltatlons...wswk tm Sene'EY
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c1~77 :-ij-~~~- 1'liU i 1:E9 fu`4 f'KOC~7qi SYa'~tl::°DII~EP. R?{ y0, ~Cs ?°9 2E45 D5/12
Senergr EIFs & Coatings
Test ResultS
_ ::ir~i?it';".;~:::~~~ - ; : ~
.....n....... . ,
FIP2 TeNts: , '1't'e Se(IBBi+ F'.rJM CaBk 014 '1Ct 2CGtrOu1B B'e 1+'+CAf1dY to thb V6ti=l
lVlodtNes!IlsM ltoB a ho[imrltal fzTe saeei onft awor cR ta wa8. The ir+nc: Fl,'lsr
CC9t a'SQ Rehlc:ft N,89; ~ 1sYCrB W8f1 e32M oI SU"OASt I'g f.@f!le
]nxus,an i'.Ta the MP rsvlty,','s rinish Coat dld rot arod~,~w
strlfimr,t amm•.r,s a scrotix d4&Seleier af t"e tese~.T~s :err.otia: :f
if';0 F1'1is'1 CogR 8md f•b7$Ifls9 r^.e9P1 "r sv sxppab iF19 to8rr: oDfe Cld
. nat eCVrer9ey a4e-n : ie I;ra ;e:;'crm,aqce at tV SM"mc%YSll 5Yswn.
'-fla~tanaara-744,Wk2as': rfl*~laesWOWAy'r.rpialkotirs:f~"~awr~g,v~ie~a~
::~?n;sraie:nn~u~~sst~iy:Mre~,:' _ '-=~=~'s8~~~ W~s:Aama'c~~Lra~?ex~~~r~`a~•-;;..`.
z P'9T.'°a?":~~:'. ;r:: • `a~:4•::1F:•;:.: .,,9y,.:~':••;~`.
~,j,: , i~. :;i~i; '2.,'~~~;~~~i~ 1:?;""
• :
_ ' f~s;(a~tl6h'E4?q)+?;urtil~`~['d[s~e¢t,~0~r~i : ~ y ~ ~ ~
, r," "3C ~~~:I~`1 ~d~ps~AtCttxl!'t~•~C~~9oCC•N~kPe~sth~lt'a
B6*0 Sp„8~~.@58M1s:' ihi,~~1~'.Ca•'a~BL'~1~CI1~orL•.:.
MSA »v1oC.lo.! .e6foeq '~st ea~l~l'~T~xs;:t., ; , ~--:~•r
~ , "
:s' •,i.i•'•:L'''••: i'n1~ ' ' • ;~J ~
• „ , rielgiNlth;,~ri96~COr;q~~y`.~k+'nat,e~tcHe4,17T~t~0'~•,,:~."
;t, . . . ~~g::?'PIFyn:~iQ~73~PEt'a~bett'~eseaerKJ,ibar.ft
. ; ~i . .
U13C stsndZrd 26-4/1a!FA 285 Su-~sfulry~nes aEt of tho f*aai-g Crtarle using ~9°:1i4 EP5
znlemmetllase Scele RireTast irsuiBtion bbands
. t. sw-prnprpqaa tl9nw did nat oCCUr am i'1e excprler rPdw or
me gMls
z. ft'e prvps,avon d1e F41 ow mmmoy or:mrajjy "rno ths
coe Itz:imOrf to es Umb o` :le tett paMK
3. "rtame Ampamtkn diC no: oarx to Ihe trit ftor weU pmlele• that
iimulapa idlewt 1aoeW spacps olther tl'iroup aore hsWaMn or
' evu oxmicr er 11'arfaraeet panel sj%=
4, TIrnpe%u•resrneasurec z5 rm 7h srorn :+se in;ar,~su±f,ace cf
tESf pA11s15lhMl t'16 80CDfltl SWfY dlc Rot eXG82p 177 C C3M'tL
s. F:ames d1d rot Pe"ettate the saceAd flOw eiftf ftcugh the wa'U
flao: htN3ectw. or on Fr.erlor f= o!` th2 tes: panem
~ASi71R ~1l~ ~ ' . i : ;~ic~`'.~aiiarrexllVal?.S~i~er.~l p!d (sai re~e xv~he tesisy~toe~ tG~' ~
•~[,hDC?3E~'.iQ614•~Of•~N~CI$•;• ' ~'~S~1dRa~~~~.~,. ,,E~1~,+..~..•• w~. "1~: ;Y~:.e~:::'
~ ' ~ ~ i.,., ~ _ - •3 •
d E1~Eei~iictldf~ :~wFeri~ _ ' ~ •
. , . ~~C•.~_.-. ~.._~.n'.... . • -.,.....~~~..i~T,.,.'•P"' . . ' ~ . .
AIFPA 263 SaWi2o oonLqqm a! socepczrm i0r 13' 1lUc~ P5 IIWEE; 0.1. Alc
RzCf9attt Cdst ox?osut9 '~.~t{o'1 Ltp~i1 ml'.-2*vC'$•,'R 1e8t BKp094jIL' 8: T.ZS -/z".
. . . . .
1~AlSVt1iG4':tp'1-N[~%%:- " ~ :~~2.'Sens/~1¢~t.1ArJ~SY61~i1.w~Atp~11LZJlASF~ALPt~a~t3R1r•EiC.Se::~.:",,=
, ^St;'r,~e,:'.yx~6~C:af~t+e_ se ~~19~2CfiAnd;ti~ZSOf,~e,',ept3il:~~~
=6f1K11~7~iCC~ ~CStS Gr;9lJAdl1~ ~ ~ -:1• ~ ~ ~ . _ ~ ~
'~:CO~`S~'~:ClfdF 81'd ~[Ti3ar~8'~ : ' `
. . • . • ' . • .
CAN4-i914-M A+pk'A CaY BAS_° smISIfad Ctna7 M0n8 9f OcS..°at.l; Im
Sffitr-M i8ii fY Cutg.', T!ma'dOr .of ~
~or..~rn9uSrbtlRy f,~ ~~I;~I°igmatBA.ls
; =1ripaet'rASts:.,
',AbTM E69~ : - _ ;~C Cf~ks' ~i !he e~':9Y SP',-:.'I~C18TSC i{~St',sy7~`• ftbF.';$;~~Cp ' .
•;n:,~aar~a~3~er.'G~:~: ,~~els ir,i6
: s: ; B:3'r1~T ~.33'J.'; • • ,i:: -
. , • , • • . . , - , ~ ..~~a~~ . .
FAM t~ 3~3 399 264a P~-~38t1~-
_ ~ ~.,s=2U~5 T~313 ~ wl ~_29 A~ PR~A~' S~tSTEd~,~~.~ .
~t i'..~ ~.t w , ' ti s : ; . ,
: . ~ a~~` •'r'.~' i". .
~ ..~i:k~ ~".j"':°,b§i":;a:'ia~ar:a+'~;;.+.;,: .;,s."n%S'.. '."~.::a. .
~lar+^* .:w6f }a~ ~e~„f ' ! ~t v.? ?s ~M . ..::1Sg~F.i~A~~ 'u , .1.+«i•
~.M'oba +t~~4!, A3Aa ~a
+A~:~fe1O.Mr•:er:'w..'..~,~e[y':t.'~A~+i°~ ~ ~ ' ~ f--~~Ap}1~~~ilt/'pWIT~~~f~iwsv+ .
Q} ~7I: 1Mf~f.
ElldA 1triW"~ ~ '~Q1'~~` Skd~ ~
~ ~
s~ ~ ~,a~
,S~W~'~?~ .
~ ~ feSl&~'st~s ~e C~st~
re ~x e~ ~v~ +us~a~~
~ ~ ~~rs~~ ~
sraoa~ a xa.~ .
~tra ~ ~f~ ~rST.~h~ ~ ~
~,,~~~w~~f ~ i~
Y;VV~' 4°'~}`"" .i. :ke'r: s•l:;YSS x e',~•:2.~;i:~
~'t° ~`i<'. 'A~r ~iSAiw~a~ ~.wqt~w ~~w'e•~''~'"`• }~t~~1, •e iC•'t~e..s.
:Pl~Ys~~','~` 3 . r' i~~°':,,;~. „
~Ypppti7t;es1,2D1:• ~ <:s,~.~. y,~^~:: '~~§=°.:e`s:;:^.i"°,:
i~ :~~~~%'¢t?~'3~1~~r. .*i` ~ , , . • ~ . . ' '
t~i~ 1C~t~+9~ ~ ;i~R , . n :s : , .
Vtu"€~'?~~~itTat~~ . • . , , :ts'"`;='~°.;t: "M~ , ,
~~~~~1i . . .~b~#. , „ , - . ~ ,
. . . , , ` PA ~C2 $c ~3
e t'xainty
E ~ ~ e~vi~? Ft~G1~A~~ °,~r ~ .,t ~ !Pa GSO F~ ~ t~ rnb~ ~d
x e• ,~?d~d~ ~,e s~~v ~ L'r~e ~ ~ ~ ~ y~f1Tq~ r~
~'rP~Y P~ ~i~' , tC~ !d~ ~ ~ 1b OA tplfbiR
x A'tAtottd ~sld ' ~q;'~k~"~a~. `.'.-~'k m&.?I1F~' . ~
w.:~~~~,y.~ ' M Y«~.:.^ " . "~,~~„',a:•S`:.•' ^
,p, •i. y,~:e94~ ~4"~'~:~~'• '~p '4/-'~~«~~~,~~~.~.,'~...~.~~ ~~l"r,~'.~«,. _ 'i ,
w~ .~~-~^~'~~.~,'~~{:5~~~`.,',' r~`~::Y~;9. ,•,.iw~?': : . ' ::.~'.,q ~ :
~~r ,.r~Y;l ~r . i i.~ p~A ~ tiw= W' ~ ~
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~4%'p~~~iiiJfili"t1Y3~.7~+'~~i „~e~'~~aLiWF~'~'~H°°,~v'~°k~ .
~jlliC{4 4 S7Vt~' 7b ~ ~ `~'e~~~~p~ '
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Si~D Ws~'N~ + . .j».wn ' , <"^'^".T•": l~~ia';:-~~a~nx Y a
y~j ~'A~:~~R-,~ ~i~$~~ ~.a.„ :y»r.. :s.~....Z
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7: p~;iAA~'I~~,~~'T£j1Z,C~.~: Ei:Mi{. i:~i S.. ca ; .:"t::~'i'~:,'.ii:,~.,.„`;;:'Y`t::~ r:
m.H.,, . ~~,..'l`, =P~'d~B~~y~PA~D1 L~f(19~ ~
S~~t~t~ 35+s~~ `,u~+~'" ~ ~ ~ r +I- 311x t65 ps~ ~ P~~ ' : E
~y'1~t1 . . , ~ ~g., ~amii':; ..~.A;•., e.
~~855~'s17~5~ ~ .s :..,`•'sti~c+¢~i~f„~C~". "y~. Y...* .;,".~1:,:,::'. :
•.m«w y'~•~saai ~t ,~p ~ , »::3.',
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s .e ~ , E ~~~g t~#~, f~ a A<
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S~.».~.~3w ' . a'"'~~'~:'f0i'~~~`„
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: : ~ . : ; +4a e':7: ~ . ~ < : , w.v w> " ~a : : . ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~r „)"H""'
...~~41~Q@~~yr~~~}~, ~~r,~ ~~i~"~~7~ ~ o a: .;:~'"o
~1~7P.i*i~~11+V .x re s •.w..• s ~ t.~.~?~1MO~~~.a~a~~..~b
;~r•~~"f'~~x~i~39~i', i ~~'a,~~V&t~~.t~~'~,t3'~~1.'T~S~v ~~~,~T~t1~3i~,F'
a j~~4"~~~~'Ui~pw yr.r. ~~i' i' ~
,.7"~d~;L1~"s~,.~r~. ~gs~yv' _ ~ ~'~V'i~~k,~`~'•'a~'~' . . . •°•a:;., . '•b. , :v9R'.", ~
° ~ . . " . + . , . , . ~ . > . • .
G~T-13-21.1b r;: :1 :22 Ar -?FX0PT SYSTErkS-J iNE3 ;?X N0, 303 399 20345 F. 07/:2
-senerW EIFs & Coatings
Test Results
-.'rest~,~ .',I.., ..''.,."arsuli'.~ . " „"i-~~.... . , . • - .
AS7M E33c In actcss ef 7182 Fa f15D;.87+M:h= Mr.d ?alli-Mo
ASTNi ~g;a~:::: ~ , • • ~ ':Ho,u,fsua~~~n'e":~dvP?~ ~1e~irnor~asiiacooiirn aa~~ec~me~a,.~,:'
~'v~la~~P~~e?~for~vf~e~~lor.?vt~Caws~_. ,'vcc~rre«atPat9pe~Pessure;dtf "e.~Esi-
:cGrm;z vveGs;;orn ~car~•'JY,:r~`CrtTi:9~Gc ~ • ~.'c:' •
~•~tr~re.ssu'rediSe~en~z. . , . . . . ° - , .
a5fful C297 E=ees 6s kAa,to psp cf vsno.,s sutstra-m Incluang nmnry.
?ersix eo;w sI ~sun sheamlrtg, e^.c wroc•:,asea aaaewns.
~.Absar{r'Ccft-Ffi+We'ResJstar~rz'.:•"::,',:;=z ~.';;:::;'~'';'~'~=-';`•°~:';::+'~'.•:;:~:`:..':'~;~::_:::=:~,~.•;:~~~•";~•~.::~~~•.~::.r
"~~~i~aB'.tG'J~Ba~,~`.~v8140~YR1~0rSCOVt6$~•~ :A14T.'mlIi~r~IL~p~'~$fef(~'i~F~6'SI:aS:'.^iCC.YY~O'S1~~V~'
~•:~~q~:cr?:'~e~:a~,~ya'c~r'e~~cra,~ . .~',=c,..',.y:_,. ~ . . .
SlrtgBpete Test- =f~E "Inisn snuwea no 91~,ie gfawv, aRw 8 Wemcs
55 ]dS: 1990 G1pP0nGpc By
~ • - ¦
' Ag~ bc6d sife', ~ • - . - . • . i .
5f3~kr~E1DrB8Se'Cr.~:lEPS'CtJ`., ~ . ~ ~ , ~ • -
C~t~eR[-Or~rd: • ~ . '.9C.~ yei, , , . - -
, ' aCris~Giae~'c~o~~ ~ ' ~ . . . :'34.~.ps~~ ~ • ~ , . . . . .
.xtara,~tRsum snea!r~r.g,~ , • . 24;~'p~~.•~ , , . • , . . • • . . . - •
. rr r
PhYsRmli Ts44s
IRlwA aoao3 (n~ee AITM E331f ?asa. No: an: af 1eWage an~ M s!wffmtt a*:ro~nz dA-Aer o,tha
TeSSt rf;9mad ibr:At9vt;tijiq3 ttie 3ralni^B 'n~tior Df tre s?o:tml. . .
p@r!arn8tM a% otyi-c tateiral v 4ass P8
Exteeor kmi'sqar and F{r:lsn SYSm*L9.
- - ~ - r
~ ~ . ~ . ~ , . .
, , .
;Fif'D•`1bst6:' , . ~ _ ''F"- , „ . - -
r:ANAu+.c s~o~-tNaA`. ~ ~y::: 4~ ' 7;ie.sg~9rftfleic~ren~e;an~aid~`a's'~;ro• oe~g,r~~rr~er~ cFitc~a::':. . .
uac seanoard 26•9/N1FAA 285 N1Et tEgR M:erlB,
miern~edlate scafe Mwtl-ftqY API
. ~;IIRDSlI$ad ~/ISTKR'E339~•,~,::~, . . . "k~.`eirluf o,`!i'~e'sp'BCA~O'.:'': • . . ' . ' . . ~ ~.°~j1•
,a97m [ssa Mnd-lafd •
ArcornMy descrfgdan: ~ver~ge L •:atacn ic8~:
MBeE sC.•C frarlR$ a0 fqt;gg 1d"ac,ltz' De t. 8S ~s9
EJpsr'r SRbo'.hl-y. R-A r7f-]hFGR~NG .-+~6RIC P
aver T SEN:~SH:EW-R. Swefgy 2633Pa 4 55 p0r.c nim x`.adure
Arieslve, expdndW Fc:Ys"Ae ;^9tlatfar
bc3 Sene[Ey MU C064 FLMUaJta 4 '
r_'tvF0a.CIR3 M"s5H, Senergy Fir,ish.
' b-TH"J :1 :29 fiCl FRCCOAT SYSTE:'1S-pi';Er2 r"?X tv0. 3C3 399 2 6 45
- ~ i : ':.N".>'; •pn , '
• ~l:b't:' .'I .r " ^~ol!'....' r . . . . ~.e = , . . . - i i.;'.. . . . _ • .
. . _ . . ..IA^Y•r....... ii.i ,i:•.. . .p .
ASSemE{y deWotcr: AVerage j1":e.DaCS:
hrood asai:MY Tx-0 9a•c.:., 7/15" - 8979 Pa 175 7d
ExpCS+ara O5d. 9•4 RF,NFORCIlVG iABRIG » 3591 py (4.76 ps$ nos LILT! to failtire
aver s17eelh°r$ MI'M SPNEfi56IF0R Sef1C 1'e1'
aCAaslve, BxPfinCeC aa"Yrrne ifNJ!Mdan
~aard, 39e.Ty Base Go~.C r~EXG~~?u~c a •
~n~Fca~c rasH, serersy Pnisn. - ~ 6 -
qrP Tests: succeao%#Y -ne: ao of Me tof.lMing ulcena:
UBC StaRftd 26-4MF?A 2$6 1. 5elt-prsmgatcr 'lams Ctd noc nocu arermw exce:.cr wrEs of
1Mermedlato srme rte Tast te P4MtL
ZF13"tB ~ppqptlop;~W rz: CLw V2mcwtY 0' W".4:a:lY ~rW' ft
. c= vwedcn mrte tlrds a.' ft ms: p•.vis.
a. Fane arcnoIor: dir. not o=+r ~c fus: iMar wert ~s the:
sirtwiate adj-X@!'!t WLfel spaceselC'erttroug,h COt'e d'sAtI0l1 of
aie p=do' cr kl4xio• •aat p8R919Jii=ea
4. TamaeraLms rrsasu-e0 7S m~n ct`I kocr 0m hwlor s:irtam aF
test caRIS wr* ft WCC-et =y+ ~qd ~ux fteao 17't pW?-ry,
S. Flemes diQ ; iCt perxbals t"e samnC'iour eidia k`~r0~ ti~e walU
' flcbl' :'N~rsa~on a 0" ~x1 I~1G~1ot t-..^: af Lhe tes~ pa.'tm
~ NPPA 268: ' ~ ~ " ~ • . ~ied `•oa~Cliaru~d occo~sarice.7or.;F, ?'a','.nk~~?~ai- No ' ;
, :M*ntJfeat'•Fiipmae're,~., . • , ":~Sytio~r..sboA~~n~~adle~t~eat.eimo~'Et,725.ti4~/aii'" , ,
Physlcal Sests
pyTlvl E2273 Pass Na ag1s a? 4earage a.V Ro aiqtiFwt1 a^ount o! Xagr c^
Daterm Lning the dzdfl9g~ afficter~y I~~rter s~cir~s~}.
pehbl"Rar.Cg Qf FXL9riar k;&I9p'1 Fir;is`7
5yaeme #M Gad Wap ASSum4tIeE
a;'ASSOEr~~fYGB~'1_:?' ''AvaraeB-WOr7teta laeOr4.::.
=neeE~s't.~;sra~!1[.~'t2oPp~e~1a•'a:c;.~%2''~ ."~:9~:~;P~4~[~~: _ ri•:
'~~YCsu~iia~iea'•~p~~~'~~Ex~unRa_~AC' ,,';~~i'aQad+~1•~sS:Uic~k:~~'•'i-~".i
~ ~he~`~~l(~;;5eh~~-~~'i~,:se~nc~:;:::: ' - ';Ac'.hesl~ue,9~'~mCOC'~9Oy"'ok?8•;!8atstibr*• _ .S;
~ 7oe~ .5An9f$~,I~se; Cca--:F.[F-%CUARD'4::
;RcE~;''IA~I,M1IG:MESF}~5Q*tef~,yr"111~~;' '.;p -°`:i' - , • , . ,Y4~:
. .i.~.,.• i•...... . .........i ..q• e..-. .:J"'
• ~ tr ~
P~~ Tests:
BMA 200.03 (Madlfled ASTn+1 0331) No s~M of lea4W- arI ^o 6g-;1,=Mamourx W. Kms^ or cha ir.:eriar
PcRotmnriae 9nC Teet ure'.100 im datsrmnfrg CftrlF smrner.
ti' e d:'81."ags anci d,y{r'g tr` Ct-z.a PB
FxlB90f 1PtsalgCcp aid FIntSi Syste1Ts
~,~T1ii? E$SD ~ _Av~lag2,L`k.'R~e~ 1fss~¢L5{~'. -
''rJln.~laad:.- .:::,°ti,, - ' .+'~80l~ed~63i~':,'•: . .
,~~~ae~:,d~ji ~~r~~~.~ ' _ ~ ~~z;l aE i~ i5~;~??~~.' , • .
, im,sresClp?"o,'F~ A 1a~paae~.' .m,ataj'• - , _ . ,
1;~21Ai.F.i/o~:EI~r7:iCL1~'dD3~d~ - -
~ S~S~~.M,r!0•w.vy r~VV^15V r,lsli~ , ~G,~ ~ . _ • , , • . - , , . . - . . , - , .
rr~~;t:~'~' ~~~~°~~s-DIN~ _FAX 303 _399 2645 F, ---~/-12 .
Settergy* EIFS +ccaatings
TeS1r Results
a~?'• , . : ~R;..4.C* '
'3" :~°e~'. '~.;,y.~,~.`y'p~,9r.y,»Rl".`«~i:~I~:;%'st~°~e:ey°"~,~$+ea.~....~....' ~~.i~~•a:«.,.,...:~t:uti:..,.. ~
~Y~~'.•~~~e}~'ie, a~'aeL'+M~1::~e;.~~' °o:::>:. . »».a,.wi~.: , i ;..i.' .
ASM VM AlC LOXaPr.: two? DZN d1TS/`~
~ Aftfiit Mg VJM 8~*'hft .
a1r m.31. •
* ~ *
1~t't T~ mu s"I o!'th9 womftoftm.
~et ~~l~Gitw c~a
u~ Stani#a'd 2b-9t1+1WA M 1. ~mw
Srt~~,ecAIS'n;a tw. &,rt paaopdM dld M c~ Wtu 10 or WXft t"4'a t"
=1e "24140M i) d19 OWA of ft Ma ozidL
f:~ ~t~ ~t tfc~ t~o' tc!!~s tr~ fioar~I ~ #t~a!
~ akmmg offw a~m etw 0=4~ ore hwAo, ar
- ~or or '3 maftw&
~ tzvw A00* of
~ ~ ~ swfy cm m Waesw im QWF).
S~ FW'M dd r~a Oee1ene t~e ~ Ha~t e~' vnxv to waq
Aow ~diS Ott tli9 3n~ ~ ~ ~ '
' eo ~ . . • ~ j • . ,.te ~~.m~°~:, •
~1A1~7t~ ' , .t~e~~T~t6~A+~s~} ~ , , , .
proson EwaRadm Rmofm
y~ ata~c n~ ~ ~
15 '1•~' s 3.5"sDeM $RQ P8 ~pa t~t3 P~ ~ti'&~ a? t.11 Ond 2.D li2
~ ~ x ~ t~7m i
=W,1r,75" 04 SB' teM-GM C-Nd, 38
rpry •i~YS'4~
A51%~11~+~~~~: w"e' ' ~~~Q§";~l~"'S^~~~'+~~..~:Y:.w:' ,°+'as~ . .
• ~ ' ~i;~~ y ~y~w
/~~}q9ry5~y,,,,'~'s~..}+w~ ~N . -~~~iZ'N6sau`:.te
i'L: i+~`~ :.9:;i•"e.'.4`a'. ~~F
~~ifBwiNi.+' .'.lssu.a.l ~ .nT`m ..fi ~ '~.`f }fr~ • . '`~A:'~v ~Y` f.
s.~'. :~,'a17 ;.li h~a~,"~3~e,y a +w ~
~694WE +t 4j.- ~
~ ~'e :I',:' YiL~".;}"~'°,,.e :1~`° :2; 'ti'•'
AM E" A FWe spteAd ,c 25
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As "dc0or oS 2 to 2 Is g&Wd41y ut .~ze
, • TABLE 503.4
Listed Catcgan, I equipment TB gas vesu (Section 503.G) Listcd equipment equipped with draft haxi unney (Section 503.5)
Eqn:pmcnt listed for use with'fype B gas vrr.t '$ingle-watl mctal pipe (5ection 5033) I
~ Listed cZur.iney fining systcm for gas veating (Section 503.53 )
iSpeeial gas vent listed for diLc equipment (Secaon 503.4.2)
Listed vcntcdwali fumaces i7ype H-W gas ?•eat (Sr.c:tions 503.6.608)
Category II equipmcnt Irs specificd or furnishcd bv mariufactureis of listccl eqvipment :
,(Sections 503.4.1, 503.4.2) °
Category ll1 equiprnent bpecifird or fumishal by maoufacturerc of listeJ eyui}srrient ~
(.Sections 503.4.1, 503.4.2)
. . ~
iCategory IV equipment As specified or fiuniched by snanufacturers nf listed eAluipment
: (Scctions 503.4.1, 503.4.2)
lneinerators, indoors Chimnev (Seccit?u 503.5)
Iacinerators, ewtdcors ISing1C-wall mefal pipe (Sections 503.7. 5Q3.7.fi)
l:quipsnent which may be convened to use of solid fuel Chintaey (Section 503.5) I
Unfis-ta1 combination as and oiI-burnin uipmcnt Chirnucy (Scetion -503 _5)
1Listeei combination gas and oii-burning equipment Type L vent (Seedon 503.6) or chiFnney (Secdan 503.5)
- - .a',
Combination gac atnd solid fucl-burnin cquipment Chimncy (Secriou 503.5)
Equipment listed for use with chimncys ouly ;Chimncy (Sectian 503.5) • E; ~ _
i:niisted equipmcnt t (Scction 503.5)
Docoratir•e a liaace in vcnted firc lacc Chbmey
Gar-fued toitcts Sssigle wall metat pipe (Sa;ticxi 625)
Direct vcnt equipment Scc Soctioa 503.23
Equipment with integral vent See Secsion 503.2.4
5035.4 Cbimney terrnination. Chimneys for residen- Icss than tfie area of the appliance floc wliar or `
iial-type or low-heat gas utilization cquipmeet shall exs,encf at hocxl outled, aor greater thsla seven times tte lcast 3 feet (9I4 mm) above the tiighest point whene it passes ' hood oudet area. 'tiuough a roof of a building aDd at least 2 feet (610 mm) 3. Forsizingachimneyventingsysiemconnectedto!
higher than any portion of a building wztttin a hexizoatai dis- appliances with drafi hoods, the effective area o#'.
tat?ce of 18 fcet (3048 mm) (see Figure 503.5.4). Chimneys chimney fluc shall be nat Zess than thc arca c~f;
for medium-heat e[3uipment shall extend ai least FO feet Iner draft hood outlct plus 50 pcrcent of the
(3048 min} higher than any pcxtion of any building within 25 ~e Ssnaller draft hood outlet, nor greater than -
feet (7620 rnm). C'himneys shall extend at least 5 feet (1524 ~~,s the smallest ctreft hoocl oudct arra.
mm) abvve the highcst cnnnected equipment etraft hvod out-
let or flue callar. Decorntive shrouds shall :snt be atstallod at 4. Chunney venting systems using mechanical .
tiie terminatioa of factory-built chimoeys except whue snctn shaFl be sized in accordance with approved en 'shmvds are lisLed and labeled far ase wiih dhe specific fac- ing methods.
tory-buig c.himney system and are installed in accordance 5_ pEher appror•ed engineering methods.
with tbe manufachffels' instal3ation instructiaos.
503.55.7 IndEner3tor venting. Whcre xa iucir?cre
503.55 Size of chimneys. The effective area of a chimney vented by a chimney senzng other gas utilization
veating sysietn scrving listed appliances with draft hnocls, ment, the gas input to ihe incinerator Shall ncn
Category I appliances, azxi other appliances listed for use cZuded in ea4culating chimaey size, provi
with Tpe $ vents shall M; dctcrmined in accorQance with chimney flue dianaeter is not lcss than l inoh {
I onc of the foltow•infi methodg= largcr in cquivaleat dit?meu.r Li' an the diameter o~
I 1. The provisions of Sr,ction 504. cinerdtor fluc outlet.
~ 2. For sizing an individual chimney vcnting aystem fnr a 503.5.6 Irrspecfion of chimners. liefore replacing a
single appliancc with a draft hood, the effcc;ive areas ing appliance or connecting a vcnt coctnector to a.
of ihe vent connccror and chimacy flue shail be not tlte chimncy passsgeway shall be examiacd to a."
uciz4izuu5 ua:17 Kna aYu 945 5y45 bi;tiuuh5hx uiiiiuuiv mbztsx wuutiuut
. ~ ~ n. t~•C c.-~ y ~ ~ ~
1 18 w. 6rM. sulTe 200 P.O. sox 2 155 P.O. eox 3086
E N G 1 N E E R S S U R Y E Y O FI S GL£NWOOD SPRINGS. CO 8 1 60 t A9PEN, CO SI 61 2 C1tL9iCD BUTfE. CO 6 1 224
970-949-1004 970-825•6727 970•349•5355
ax: 970-945•5948 Fx: 970,925•41g7 rz: 070•349•9358
DATE: June 23, 2005
TO: Linn Schorr, ERWSD (970) 476-4089.
FROM: Chad Paulson, SGM
RE: One Wi/!ow Bridge rriain line extension
As requested, we have evaluated the need for looping the new 12" line in East Meadow
Drive to the existing 6" line from the Village Center area. According to the water model
for the Vail Water System, this line does not need to be looped. Model results indicate
that 4000 GPM fire flow can be delivered to the new One Wiliow Bridge deve{opment
using only the new 12" main. The District may wish to complete this loop in the future
for operational reasons but it is not necessary with the cuRent system configuration to
achieve fire flows.
Please call with questions andlor comments.
cc: file
"/05; 2004 12: 48 FAX 9704768616 PEAK L.AND CONSIIL - ia01
_ - - -
:wt~_ - ~ r _ _ • " _ PFAc uwo wRMHG iNc.
970-476-9644 - FA7c 970-4768616 ¦ 1000 IlON'S R1DCE LOOP • ViqL Cp 81657
970-726-3232 ¦ FAx 970-726-4343 ¦ 78436 US I-IVV1r 40, P.O. BaPC 1680 • 1VINTER RNM CO 80482
FACSIMILE COVER SHEET Y]ate;10 -rj - GPages to Follow:__a
. Fax Z4 7 - 2-
From:-- A.,)1 h q LGp-) e-I r- S Re: 0 j"1 e, /G ~ l
If you fail to receive all of the pages or if I.hey do nQt iransmit clearly, please call as saon
as possible. Thank you. .
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