HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB120095 HOA Apr 12 12 11:17a p.1 C]epaetment of Cflrnrn�nity Develapment i�J ' F5 South Frantage Road ��Y��r �� ����' Received va�i,ca a�ss� rei:�7a-ars-21�a TOWN QF VI�II.f � ByShelleyBellmat4:48pm,Aprl7,so�2 www.vailgov.com Developmer�t Review Goordi�ator — __-----------__._._..__._.._.__.... __._. Application for Desi�n Rev�ew Changes to Appr�ved Plans General Ir�farmatson: This applicatRfln is for atl change5 to appro�ed plans priar t� Certificate of Qcc�pancy. An application for Design �eview cannot be acce�t�d�ntil all required infarrr-iation is receiv�d by th� Comm�- �ity development Department. Design Review approval expires one year frorn khe dal�aF approval, unless a building permiE is issued and constr�ction cammer�ces, S��rniital Requirements: i. Three [3} capies af all pertinenE approved plans with illustf�ted, iabeled changes 2. Jornt Prop�rty �wr�er Writ�er�Approvai Let�er, if applicabEe. Fee: $2p Sit�gle Famrly Duplex f Mu{ti-Fami�y Cqmrr►ercial DeSCiiptipn Of thB ReC{uBSt: �xpand allqwable GRFA frprn the exisiing�t#� �huilding j levei nf iJni1 R-2 wifh a modest, tho�ightf��l � architecturally campatit�le for�ti that honors ti�e protected vi�w eorric�or&d�sign guid�lines PhysiCal ACtdress: ���t R'2�88 8tidge Stre�t-Vail. CO �� Parcel Number ��a1-Q82-44D0-3 (Coniact Eagle Ca Ass�ssor at 970-328-864fl for parcel no.) Property Dwn�r: �ar Ilally Maifing Address: �Re i!I Road- Boulder, CO B(33(J7 Phone: i303y818-852� Owner's Signatur . Primary Cantact!Owrier Representative; ��ark DonaldsonlVh+lDA Matling Address: �'O Box 53{�D Avon,CO 81624 Phane: 9A3-52�0 Main + :i9U-530D��I�__.______--_ E-Mail: markd�vmda�earn Fax: 91U-51Q5 For�ffice Use Only: --�� �T �.- —� Cash�„ CC: Visa i MC Last 4 CC� Exp Date: Auth�# ChecEc#} F ee Pa�d: Received Frorn: ,Me�ting I�ate DR8 No.: � 'Pfanner. Prajeci N�: Zo�ing: _._._.,_ _�_..._�.__T._..—._____ _�. �.and lJse: ._ .. __ . _.__ _ . . . _.....__-_____.�_.. Lacation af the Proposai; Lol: Bfack: ___ _ Subdivisla��: ' � _ _ - -- --- — t Apr 12 12 11 : 17a p .2 i DV'JfJ UF VA� JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER The applicant must submd written �oml property owner approval for apphcatcons affecting shared ownership properties such as duplex, cor2dommium. antl nruEti-tenanl buiid�ngs This lnrm nr similar wnlien correspondence, n�ust Ge com- pleted by the adjoinmg duplex unif owner or the authonzed aqent of the home awner"s assocration in the case of a cen- danmium or multi-tenant building All completed farms must be sabmitted with Ihe applican[s completed a�plic.3tion � . (print nan�e) ��rgo A4ullally ` ` _ __ _�,_._.__.____ _ ._._. .._ __ .__ ._� 3 )om[ owner, or authonty of Yhe assoaat+on, of prope�y located ai Unit R-Z 28F3 Bridge SlreeF � V;ail . CO __ y. ` � � �, �,EOVide this le,ter as written ;�pproval of the pl�ns dated _ �' 1 Z112 prepare.d Gv VMDA_ _ . � ` v _ which have t,een submRted to the Town ef Vail Communiiy De�elopment Geparlmer�t for Ihe prpUOSed impr.nvements lo be con�pleted at the atleiress nob eci above. I understand thal the prnposed improvements include� ihe: utldilion uf :ip�roximately 71 SF GRf� A of rem,�ininq mven�ory per I own an�7 as reviewe�f and approved ry. A. ) Bridre Strr,e! Building Condommium. Inc. HOA, B ) 8F21DGL- S �RLE I� f3UILD1IVG . Jeffery L' . Se,fE�y , Mannyer (Owner of Units C.�G ?_. G3 and C�11 by and C. ) Texm �.if Vail planninq and Environmenlal Commisslon ( r,-t)� 7his mod�:;l expamsion is cra4ed wilh rn �Ichm�.� (a.ci�FS_bram Eail extensions, sidiny. wkndn�ms. sluccc and ruofin�:� — ---- ------- materials and root pdch in such 3 �nanner as tn lncus this arr.hlle�:ti.irsl element tnward sun Exposure ar�d nki �rea --_.. .-__ . . . .— . .. -�----- �- ..____ . _..__.... . vew5 � . _.__.,_. ___--_ . . . . . ._. .. . - '-- � ---- --- - . _-_. . . �../- " .__°- . _ "��` /��i�— . _--- ----- (Signat�irej i ( Date! Add'etional]y, please check the statemertt below wbich is most applicable to you�. f underst�ncl fN:it rnfnnr nivdi�rc:atrons nlay be n�nde 10 fhe plans ocer ffir course o( Ihe roview process to e�3surn rr,nipp- crric�w4tG thc Tow�� �s aAplicab/c cedes and regulahnns. Il � J %�:11- - ; Init�al �ierel f urirfersttand (7�a7 ofl rrrodifiC;�llons, niirinr oi olhe�eu•�,;e. ndrir,lr ara niade lo N�e p1aRS over !he coursc,� of !he rnv�e�a< pro- ccss. hc brouylrf Fo rny a�t(enF�on by the �ppke��nl �a aUA�lioira! a��proval baeloie urrdergoiny lur�her revre✓; hv tlre lordn. (Iriib�if 1 irr rr�/ �