HomeMy WebLinkAboutB12-0110 ASBESTOS REPORTN`� ® Phone (303) 763 9639 E x H E R RO N Enterprises USA, Inc. Fax (303) 763 9686 r E -Mail Lennie.Herron@comcast.net 1 Hazardous Mate rials *Mold•Asbestos *Lead Paint Website www.HERRON- Enterprises.com Environmental Services *lndustrial Hygienists 7261 W. Hampden Ave., Lakewood, Colorado 80227 -5305 April 13, 2012 SRE Builders/Ms. Sarah Wyscarver HERRON® Project No.: 0410125 Job No.: Verbal Location: Unit 352, 174 Gore Creek Dr., Vail, CO 81657 Date(s) of Service: April 11 -12, 2012 Services Requested: Environmental Consultation/Limited Asbestos Building Inspection Per your request, and under the guidelines defined, HERRON® Enterprises USA, Inc. (HERRON ®) has concluded the Environmental Consultation/Comprehensive Asbestos Building Inspection at the aforementioned property. Local, state and/or federal regulations, including but not limited to AQCC Regulation 8 (State), 29 CFR 1926.1101 (OSHA), 40 CFR Part 61 EPA (NESHAP), and 40 CFR 763 EPA ( AHERA) may require a comprehensive asbestos inspection prior to a renovation or demolition. This inspection requires an AHERA and State certified asbestos building inspector identifying and sampling any friable and non - friable asbestos containing materials which could be affected by the activity. HERRON"' was contracted by the Client, to perform: Unit 352,174 Gore Creek Dr., Vail, CO 81657 a. Limited Asbestos Building Inspection prior to a renovation is intended to confirm Environmental Hazards, specifically Asbestos - Containing Materials; i. Limited to locations and materials as requested by the Client, only; 1. Drywall Walls within Bathrooms and Bedrooms; 2. Ceramic Tile within Bathrooms. ii. 1 Day Turnaround PLM Analyses; iii. It was expressly advised that although this is a Limited Asbestos Building Inspection, it is a limited inspection which is designed to indicate the presence of Asbestos Containing Materials in the Building(s), and under normal the guidelines defined, specific samples and locations have been instructed and authorized by the Client. Although some materials may indicate that Asbestos is not present in this report, and under the protocol of limited sampling whereas not `all' suspect materials were sampled, under local, state and /or federal regulations, including but not limited to AQCC Regulation 8 and OSHA 29 CFR 1926.110 1, a certain protocol for sampling, number of samples obtained, and assessment is required. HERRON"' was subsequently contracted by the Client, to perform: 1. Rush Turnaround PLM Point Count Analyses. HERROM Project No. 0410125 Page No. - 1 April 13, 2012 Limited Asbestos Building Inspection Phone (303) 763 9639 00 x H E RRO N® Enterprises USA, Inc. Fax (303) 763 9686 �r E -Mail Lennie.Herron @comcast.net Hazardous Materials *Mold *Asbestos *Lead Paint Website www.HERRON- Enterprises.com Environmental Services *Industrial Hygienists 7261 W. Hampden Ave., Lakewood, Colorado 80227 -5305 Thank you for the opportunity to be of service. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this report, please do not hesitate to call HERRON"' Enterprises USA, Inc. Sincerely, Billie J. Herron -Lusk Project Manager HERRON® Enterprises USA, Inc. Certified Asbestos Building Inspector(s): Billie J. Herron -Lusk (Project Manager), Dillon D. Carson Assumptions, and Limitations This Environmental Consultation is applicable in whole, not in part, to the entire contents of the document. HERRON"' and this Environmental Consultation make no representation or assumptions as to past and/or future conditions /occurrences of the specific area(s) inspected. The results, conclusions and/or recommendations expressed in this Environmental Consultation are based solely on the conditions which were observed at the time of this Environmental Consultation. HERRON ®'s inspection incorporated non - destructive sampling techniques and visual inspections in areas which were visible /accessible. Conditions and/or materials which were not inspected and/or commented on may very well differ from those which were inspected and/or commented on. HERRON® selected sample locations and frequency of sampling based on observations, your requirements and/or the assumption that like materials in the same area are homogeneous. HERRON* has specifically designed this Environmental Consultation for Client use in the location and identity of Asbestos Containing Material (ACM), and under no circumstances is this Environmental Consultation to be copied, used as a bidding tool and /or used for the development of an Asbestos Abatement Specification document without the express written permission of an executive officer of HERRON ®. HERRON® is not responsible /liable for any opinions, conclusions and/or recommendations as provided by others based on any means presented in this Environmental Consultation. With use of Environmental Consultation, and/or use of any services offered by HERRON ®, Client(s) agrees that HERRON® has been given the authority by the Owner(s) of a property to enter the aforementioned premises, perform the services, utilize any and all floor plans, blue prints, etc., and agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend HERRON ®, its Officers, Employees, Assigns, etc. for any and all claims, costs or damages that may result from services contracted, etc. HERRONm Project No. 0410125 Page No. - 2 April 13, 2012 Limited Asbestos Building Inspection H E R RO N ® Phone (303) 763 9639 Enterprises USA, Inc. Fax (303) 763 9686 4pa E -Mail Lennie.Herron @comcast.net Hazardous Materials *Mold *Asbestos *Lead Paint Website www.HERRON- Enterprises.com Environmental Services *Industrial Hygienists 7261 W. Hampden Ave., Lakewood, Colorado 80227 -5305 Recommendations The Client has advised that Unit 352,174 Gore Creek Dr., Vail, CO 81657 is a renovation. As Regulated Asbestos Containing Materials were identified during this inspection are in good condition, no further action is required, however, the materials should be managed and not disturbed. HERRON® would recommend as a minimum Plan of Action: 1. Management Plan (not applicable should any Asbestos Spill Response Actions be required): a site specific Management Plan to include an Operations and Maintenance Program (O &M) which could effectively manage the materials, dependent on the use of the structure, occupants, etc. Should a renovation or demolition occur, the Regulated Asbestos Containing Materials will require removal by a trained and Certified General Abatement Certificate Holder (Abatement Contractor) in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations, including but not limited to AQCC Regulation 8 (State), 29 CFR 1926.1101 (OSHA), 40 CFR Part 61 EPA (NESHAP), and 40 CFR 763 EPA (AHERA), and in accordance with Client Specifications: 1. Comprehensive Asbestos Building Inspection: a continuous process in areas which may not have been within the scope of this inspection, accessible, or for materials which may have been concealed in previous inspections. Asbestos Abatement Project Design (Plan of Action): coordinated with Owner should be developed in order to direct exact areas and quantities of removal for demolition purposes. Asbestos Abatement (to facilitate renovation or demolition): coordinated with Client, should the material be required to be removed prior to a renovation or demolition activity. 4. The Asbestos Control Program must be notified 10 working days prior to asbestos abatement and demolition activities; a. Asbestos abatement projects require a permit from the Asbestos Control Program and must be done by persons with training, accreditation, certification, and licensing. 5. Asbestos Air Monitoring: of project on behalf of Client, i.e., compliance to local, state, and/or federal regulations, including but not limited to local, state and federal regulations, i.e., baseline air monitoring, pre- abatement visual containment inspection(s), removal air monitoring, OSHA Compliance air monitoring, final visual containment inspection(s), final clearance air monitoring, etc. 6. Demolition Notification: is required, i.e., prior to demolition (or demolition of a load bearing wall), the Colorado Department of Health and Environment requires that the building(s) be certified by the State Certified Asbestos Building Inspector as: a. not having any regulated asbestos existing anywhere in the building(s); b. this document serves as a certified notification to the owner /operator of the facility and the demolition contractor; i. the non - friable asbestos - containing building materials, i.e., window glazing and caulking, tar impregnated asphaltic roofing materials, floor tiles, mastics, etc. will be allowed to be demolished with the building provided that the proposed building demolition methods do not include explosives, sawing, grinding, abrading or blasting that will render the materials friable; HERRON& Project No. 0410125 Page No. - 3 April 13, 2012 Limited Asbestos Building Inspection Phone (303) 763 9639 00 H E RRO N® Enterprises USA, Inc. Fax (303) 763 9686 �r E -Mail Lennie.Herron @comcast.net Hazardous Materials *Mold *Asbestos *Lead Paint Website www.HERRON- Enterprises.com Environmental Services *Industrial Hygienists 7261 W. Hampden Ave., Lakewood, Colorado 80227 -5305 ii. any asbestos - containing material allowed to stay in the facility must remain non - friable during demolition. Once the Demolition Notification has been signed -off, the Owner /Contractor is to submit an original to the Colorado Department of Health and Environment, which then undergoes a ten (10) working day notification process, after which a Demolition Approval will be issued, to be posted at the project site during operations. After receipt of the CDPHE demolition approval and Building Department demolition permit, renovate or demolish the areas of the Building(s) inspected (recycling prohibited), in accordance with local, state, and/or federal regulations as indicated (only). The Owner has been advised of the soil regulations 6 CCR 1007 -2, the Colorado Solid Waste Regulations - Asbestos and Asbestos Contaminated Soil. The demolition contractor is required to remove `all' demolition building material debris from the project site. This would include all `small' pieces of the structure. HERRONG Project No. 0410125 Page No. - 4 April 13, 2012 Limited Asbestos Building Inspection �i Phone (303) 763 9639 0 x H E RRO N® Enterprises USA, Inc. Fax (303) 763 9686 E -Mail Lennie.Herron @comcast.net 1 Hazardous Materials *Mold *Asbestos *Lead Paint Website www.HERRON- Enterprises.com Environmental Services *Industrial Hygienists 7261 W. Hampden Ave., Lakewood, Colorado 80227 -5305 Conclusion Based on the information generated by this report, we conclude that the aforementioned property does contain Regulated Asbestos Containing Material(s) (RACM) in the locations inspected for purposes of a renovation. In order to comply with local, state, and /or federal regulations, the following RACM, or assumed RACM will have to be removed if they will be affected: Sample No. Homogeneous Material Description 'Approxi AAHERA Asbestos Layer/ -mate Rating Laboratory Physical Description Quantity Results 041112 -5A 041112 -5B 041112 -5C White Textured Drywall Walls, Surfacing Material (S), Non - Friable, Good Condition (Current Condition), throughout 2 "d Bedroom N Wall, 3' from Floor, 3' from W Wall, Sample 1 of 3 S Wall, 5' from Floor, 3' from W Wall, Sample 2of3 At SW Corner, 4' from Floor, Sample 3 of 3 'SF 0.0% 0.0% 2.0% C point count 2.0% C 0.0% <1.0% C point count .5% C 0.0% 0.0% <1.0% C point count 1.5% C 0.0% 0.0% 3.0% C point count 3.0% C 0.0% A: White paint B: White compound w /white paint C: White compound D: White /tan drywall A: White paint w /white compound B: White paint w /white compound C: White /tan drywall A: White paint w /white compound B: White compound C: White tape D: White joint compound E: White /tan 'Quantification not within the scope of this inspection. ZAHERA Rating based on current usage, however, is likely to change dependent on the use of the property. AHERA RATINGS Rating Surfacing Material TSI Miscellaneous Material 1 Damaged or Significantly Damaged 2 Damaged 3 Significantly Damaged 4 Damaged or Significantly Damaged 5 Good Condition with Potential for Damage Good Condition with Potential for Damage Good Condition with Potential for Damage 6 Good Condition with Potential for Si ificant Damage Good Condition with Potential for Significant Damage Good Condition with Potential for Significant Damage 7 Good Condition with Low Potential Good Condition with Low Potential Good Condition with Low Potential HERRONm Project No. 0410125 Page No. - 5 April 13, 2012 Limited Asbestos Building Inspection 00 Asbestos Forms C = Chrysotile A = Amosite TA = Temolite- Actinolite HERRONO Enterprises USA, Inc. Hazardous Materials`Mold "Asbestos`Lead Paint Environmental Services'Industrial Hvaienists Phone (303) 763 9639 Fax (303) 763 9686 E -Mail Lennie.Herron @comcast.net Website www.HERRON- Enterprises.com 7261 W. Hampden Ave.. Lakewood. Colorado 80227 -5305 Although a material may have been determined to contain < =1.0% Asbestos, such as the composition of drywall/joint compound (when the joint compound does not cover the entire surface), traces of asbestos in surfacing materials, thermal system insulation materials, or miscellaneous materials, etc, which is not considered Regulated Asbestos Containing Materials by NESHAPS, EPA (AHERA), or the State of Colorado, may still be regulated by OSHA. OSHA regulations may apply during potential disturbance activities, and the inspection document will serve as a Hazard Communication and should be reviewed during an activity such as a renovation or demolition, to ensure that an exposure does not occur. The Maximum Allowable Asbestos Level (MAAL) may not be exceeded at `any' time in accordance with local, state, and/or federal regulations, including but not limited to AQCC Regulation 8 (State), 29 CFR 1926.1101 (OSHA), 40 CFR Part 61 EPA (NESHAP), and 40 CFR 763 EPA (AHERA). This document serves as a certified notification to the owner /operator of the facility and the demolition contractor that any asbestos - containing material allowed to stay in the facility must remain non - friable during demolition. All building material field information concerning sampling protocols, locations, assessments, etc. is available in our files for Client use should the need arise. Suspect materials which were sampled and determined to contain < =1.0% Asbestos (refer to Attachments), by PLM and /or PLM Point Count analysis are: White Ceramic Tile and Adhesive, Walls and Floor, Miscellaneous Material (M), <160 SF, Good Condition (Current Condition), Non - Friable, throughout Master Bathroom 2 Sample(s), 041112 -1A, N Wall, 2' from floor, 3' from W Wall 041112 -1B, Floor, at SE Corner White Floor Filler, Miscellaneous Material (M), <160 SF, Good Condition (Current Condition), Non - Friable, throughout Bathrooms, 1 Sample(s), 041112 -2A, 2nd Bathroom, 1' from S Wall, 1' from W Wall White Ceramic Tile and Adhesive, Walls, Miscellaneous Material (M), <160 SF, Good Condition (Current Condition), Non - Friable, throughout Bathrooms, 1 Sample(s), 041112 -3A, S Wall, 1' from Floor, 3' from W Wall White Drywall/Joint Compound, Walls, Surfacing Material (S), <1,000 SF, Good Condition (Current Condition), Non - Friable, throughout Bathrooms and Master Bedroom, 3 Sample(s), 0411124A, 2nd Bathroom, E Wall, 3' from Floor, 1' from N Wall 0411124B, Master Bedroom, E Wall, 5' from Floor, 1' from N Wall 0411124C, 2nd Bathroom, E Wall, 6' from Floor, at N Corner Suspect materials which were not within the Scope of Work at the time of the inspection were: 1. `All' EPA suspect Materials not requested. 2. `Any' confirmed or suspect ACM which may have been concealed at the time of the inspection. HERRONO Project No. 0410125 Page No. - 6 April 13, 2012 Limited Asbestos Building Inspection Phone (303) 763 9639 00 x H E RRO N® Enterprises USA, Inc. Fax (303) 763 9686 �r E -Mail Lennie.Herron @comcast.net Hazardous Materials *Mold *Asbestos *Lead Paint Website www.HERRON- Enterprises.com Environmental Services *Industrial Hygienists 7261 W. Hampden Ave., Lakewood, Colorado 80227 -5305 During a normal inspection, and more specifically when non - destructive sampling techniques are employed, it is not within the scope of the inspection to remove surface materials to inspect the structures and/or materials which may be under the surface, i.e., within or under concealed areas such as under carpet, under sub - floors, within chases, walls, crawlspaces, tunnels, etc., to remove suspect Asbestos Containing Material(s), to move and/or sample electrical wiring which has not been 'locked out', etc. All said areas are to be assumed as containing >1.0% Asbestos, until such a time that these areas are made accessible, and/or rendered safe so that sampling can be performed. HERRON® recommends extreme caution during a renovation or demolition of these areas in the event that an area which was not suspect, visible, accessible and/or specified during the inspection, is discovered to contain or is suspected of containing an Asbestos Containing Material (ACM). Under local, state and/or federal regulations, should such an event occur, the Client and or Contractor is required to cease operations which may effect this (these) material(s) until an inspection is concluded and a determination is made by an AHERA and State Certified Asbestos Building Inspector. 5. It was expressly advised that although this is a Limited Asbestos Building Inspection, it is comprehensive to the aforementioned materials. Only materials impacted requiring response actions have been instructed and authorized by the Client. Under the protocol of limited sampling whereas not `all' suspect materials outside of the response action areas were sampled, under local, state and/or federal regulations, including but not limited to AQCC Regulation 8 and OSHA 29 CFR 1926.110 1, a certain protocol for sampling, number of samples obtained, and assessment is required. 6. Disturbance of these areas could create a potential health hazard. Suspect materials which were visually inspected and determined to be Non -ACM materials at the time of the inspection were: Fiberglass Wood Glass Metal Plastic Concrete Etc. Inspection Methodology: HERRON* selected sample locations and frequency of sampling based on observations, Client requirements and /or the assumption that like materials in the same area are homogeneous in accordance with EPA Publication EPA 560 / 5 -85 - 030a `Asbestos in Buildings: Simplified Sampling Scheme'. Sample locations and frequency of sampling of Walls and Ceilings are based on EPA 9/30/94 EPA Sampling Bulletin - ASBESTOS SAMPLING BULLETIN September 30, 1994 - Supplementary Guidance on Bulk Sample Collection and Analysis. Section V of this guidance bulletin offers a suggested strategy for distinguishing between joint compound found at joints in wallboard systems or when the material was applied as a skim coat; i.e., for determining whether "joint compound" has been applied as a "skim coat" over a wall surface (as referred to in the NESHAP Jan. 5, 1994 FR notice.). HERRON, Project No. 0410125 Page No. - 7 April 13, 2012 Limited Asbestos Building Inspection e x H E RRO NO Enterprises USA, Inc. Hazardous Materials* Mold *Asbestos *Lead Paint Environmental Services *Industrial Hvpienists Phone (303) 763 9639 Fax (303) 763 9686 E -Mail Lennie.Herron @comcast.net Website www.HERRON- Enterprises.com 7261 W. Hampden Ave., Lakewood, Colorado 80227 -5305 1A and 1B 2A and 3A W 4C A 5B 4A 5A HERRON, Project No. 0410125 Page No. - 8 April 13, 2012 Limited Asbestos Building Inspection REI LAB Reservoirs Environmental, Inc_ April 12, 2012 Laboratory Code: RES Subcontract Number: NA Laboratory Report: RES 233549 -1 Project # / P.O. # 0410125 Project Description: None Given Lennie Herron Herron Enterprises, USA, Inc. 7261 W. Hampden Ave. Lakewood CO 80227 Dear Customer, Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. is an analytical laboratory accredited for the analysis of Industrial Hygiene and Environmental matrices by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program ( NVLAP), Lab Code 101896 -0 for Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) analysis and the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), Lab ID 101533 - Accreditation Certificate #480 for Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM) analysis. This laboratory is currently proficient in both Proficiency Testing and PAT programs respectively. Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. has analyzed the following samples for asbestos content as per your request. The analysis has been completed in general accordance with the appropriate methodology as stated in the attached analysis table. The results have been submitted to your office. RES 233549 -1 is the job number assigned to this study. This report is considered highly confidential and the sole property of the customer. Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. will not discuss any part of this study with personnel other than those of the client. The results described in this report only apply to the samples analyzed. This report must not be used to claim endorsement of products or analytical results by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S. Government. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval from Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. Samples will be disposed of after sixty days unless longer storage is requested. If you have any questions about this report, please feel free to call 303 - 964 -1986. Sincerely, Jeanne Spencer Orr President Analyst(s): Paul D. LoScalzo Wenlong Liu Michael Scales Adam Humphreys Anita Grigg Robert R. Workman Jr. Bethany Nichols Anya Angst P: 303 - 964 -1986 5801 Logan Street, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80216 F: 303 - 477 -4275 Page 1 of 4 1- 866 -RESI -ENV www.reilab.com RESERVOIRS ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. NVLAP Lab Code 101896 -0 TDH Licensed Laboratory # 30 -0136 TABLE PLM BULK ANALYSIS, PERCENTAGE COMPOSITION BY VOLUME RES Job Number: RES 233549 -1 Client: Herron Enterprises, USA, Inc. Client Project Number/ P.O.: 0410125 Client Project Description: None Given Date Samples Received: April 11, 2012 Analysis Type: PLM, Short Report Turnaround: 24 Hour Date Analyzed: April 12, 2012 Page 2 of 4 Client Lab L Asbestos Content Non on- Sample ID Number A Sub Asbestos Fibrous Number Y Physical Part Fibrous Component E Description ( %) Mineral Visual Components M R ; Estimate (% M 041112 -1 A 041112 -1 B 041112 -2A 041112 -3A EM 116485 EM 116486 EM 116487 EM 116488 A Tan fibrous material w/ white paint B Tan resinous material w/ white fibrous woven material C Gray granular cementitious material D Brown /white tile A Tan resinous material w/ white fibrous woven material B Gray granular cementitious material C Tan granular cementitious material D Brown /white tile A White resinous material w/ white fibrous woven material B Gray granular cementitious material C White tile A Tan resinous material B White tile ND =None Detected TR= Trace, <1% Visual Estimate Trem- Act= Tremolite- Actinol ite Note: Further analysis by TEM is recommended for organically bound material (i.e. floor tile) 5 5 10 80 5 5 5 85 5 5 90 5 95 N N ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 70 5 0 0''. 2 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 n -f n A 30 95 100 100 98 100 100 100 90 100 100' 100 100 RESERVOIRS ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Page 3 of 4 Client NVLAP Lab Code 101896 -0 L TDH Licensed Laboratory # 30 -0136 TABLE PLM BULK ANALYSIS, PERCENTAGE COMPOSITION BY VOLUME RES Job Number: RES 233549 -1 Client: Herron Enterprises, USA, Inc. Client Project Number / P.O.: 0410125 Client Project Description: None Given Date Samples Received: April 11, 2012 Analysis Type: PLM, Short Report Turnaround: 24 Hour Date Analyzed: April 12, 2012 Page 3 of 4 Client Lab L Asbestos Content Non on- Sample ID Number A Sub 100 Asbestos Fibrous Number B Y Physical Part 10 Fibrous Components 90 10 E Description ( %) Mineral visual Components M material R Estimate (% M 041112 -4A EM 116489 A White paint w/ tan resinous material 5 ND 0 100 B White fibrous material w/ gray resinous 10 ND 90 10 material C White compound 40 ND 0 100 D White compound 45 ND 0 100 04111248 EM 116490 A White fibrous material 20 ND 90 10 B White compound 20 ND 0 100 C White texture w/ white paint 60 ND 0 100 041112 -4C EM 116491 A White tape 10 ND 90 10 B White compound w/ gray paint 40 ND 0 100 C White compound 50 ND 0 100 041112 -5A EM 116492 A White paint 5 ND 0 100 B White compound w/ white paint 10 ND 0 100 C White compound 10 Chrysotile 2 0 98 Point Count 2 D White /tan drywall 75 ND 15 85 041112 -5B EM 116493 A White paint w/ white compound 10 Chrysotile TR 0 100 Point Count 0.5 B White paint w/ white compound 40 ND 0 100 C White /tan drywall 50 ND 30 70 ND =None Detected TR= Trace, <l% Visual Estimate Trem- Act =Trem of ite- Actinolite Note: Further analysis by TEM is recommended for organically bound material (i.e. floor tile) n-+- n A RESERVOIRS ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. NVLAP Lab Code 101896 -0 TDH Licensed Laboratory # 30 -0136 TABLE PLM BULK ANALYSIS, PERCENTAGE COMPOSITION BY VOLUME RES Job Number: RES 233549 -1 Client: Herron Enterprises, USA, Inc. Client Project Number/ P.O.: 0410125 Client Project Description: None Given Date Samples Received: April 11, 2012 Analysis Type: PLM, Short Report Turnaround: 24 Hour Date Analyzed: April 12, 2012 Page 4 of 4 Rent Lab L Asbestos Content Non on- Sample ID Number A Sub Point Count 1.5 Asbestos Fibrous Number Y Physical Part ND Fibrous Component E Description Mineral Visual Components M R Estimate (% M 97 041112 -5C EM 116494 A White paint w/ white compound 5 Chrysotile TR 0 100 Point Count 1.5 B White compound 10 ND 0 100 C White tape 10 ND 90 10 D White joint compound 10 Chrysotile 3 0 97 Point Count 3 E White /tan drywall 65 ND 30 70 ND =None Detected TR= Trace, <1% Visual Estimate Trem- Act= Tremol ite- Actinoli to Note: Further analysis by TEM is recommended for organically bound material (i.e. floor tile) n -. +-, n A Due Date: Li - ( z - t 2 RES 2335,19 Due Time: L�2� :�eEr z..4sa �L581"�✓'l7 %IrSr FIrTV!!- [7ni7TGl7�•ai� rF1C� 5801 Logan SL Denver, CO 60216 • Ph: 303 964 -1986 • Fax 303. 477 -4275 • Toll Free :866 RESI -ENV Pager: 303.509 -2098 INVOICE TO: (IF DIFFERENT) CONTACT INFORMATION: ve. - -- - Pole Number endf P.O. R : Final Data HERRON Group r Project DescriptonlLocatim: VALID MATRIX CODES LAS NOTES: STOS LABORATORY HOURS: Weiekda "tss: Tarn - 7prrt REQUESTED ANALYSIS PLM / CM / TEM RUSH (Same Day) PRIORITY (Next Day) _STANDARD V (Rush PCM a 2hr, TEM = Shr.) c v c ro � O + a _ $ h m � a � -8 ( Q Air = A Bulk = B Dust = D Paint = P CHEMISTRY LABORATORY: HOURS: taekda sc Sam - Spin Soil = S Wipe = W Metal(s) / Dust _ RUSH _ 24 hr. _­3 -5 Day RCRA 6 ! Metals & Weldi -Prior notification Is RUSH _ 5 day _10 day required for RUSH Fume Scan! TCLP _ turnarounds �' 3 d 5 D Swab = SW F = Food Drinking Water = DW Waste Water = WW _ 0 -Other -ASTM E1792 approved wipe meda only Organics 24 hr. _ ay ay 0 d o = z MICROBIOLOGY LAB: ORATORY: HOURS: Weekd ' gam;- 6Pm:; -:; : - -•: : : =< ; :: `� h g a = F_ coli 016T:HT, Colifomts, 8.aureus _ 24 hr. _2 Day _3 5 Day g o g o Salmonella, Listeria, E.coil, APC, Y & M — 48 Hr. _3-5 Day g ~ N o ;, +. ci a I4 w Mold _ RUSH 24 Hr 48 Hr _3 Day _5 Day i > m N ^ m + o a o g o e m S m r = a "Turnaround times esutblish a laboratory priority, subjedt to laboratory vo{inne and are not guaranteed. Additional fees -' m w x o + + ° F E apply for aftarhoura, ttraekonds and holWaya. _ - 2 W m a w c Date Tim Special N d F. NutUILE. EQUIRED OT W a CSV � tnabeei]ltitl(yL) Yboratbry W w a v Collected Collected r .... . Clientsam Ie:IDtnumise�s..,:: .. -:, SERI ID8 rnust. beunique) MICROBIOLOGY hh /mm erp ? 3 S ttj 1 7 .. ; 8 .. 9 � Number of samples received: (Additional samples shall be listed on attached long form.) NOTE: REI will anatyze incoming samples ased upo inform ion received and vAs not be responsible for errors or omissions m catoulations resulting from the inaccuracy of original data, Sy signing cGenticompany representative agrees that submission of the following samples for fetprsaMd analysis as indicated on this Chain an anslyheat services agreement wan paymem terms or NET .w days, wk— i. wn,p,y vnur Pay,. - -1.11. � ,o ,—. ,.. •• -••• •••- ••••••, - •• -• - -• --- •• —s, -• Relinquished B Date/Time: f � t Sample Condition: On Ice Sealed et Laboratory Use Only q - ( ( , t7 LU-5— Temp. (F°) Yes / No Yes! No Yes / o Received By: Date/Time: Carrier. Cvw er✓ Results: Conta t �rhone)Email Fax Date IZ12 Time I �- Initia Contact Phone mail ax Date Time Initials Contact Phone Email Fax Date Time Initials Contact Phone ail Fax Date Time Initials 7 -2011 version 1 analysis as indicated on this Chain an anslyheat services agreement wan paymem terms or NET .w days, wk— i. wn,p,y vnur Pay,. - -1.11. � ,o ,—. ,.. •• -••• •••- ••••••, - •• -• - -• --- •• —s, -• Relinquished B Date/Time: f � t Sample Condition: On Ice Sealed et Laboratory Use Only q - ( ( , t7 LU-5— Temp. (F°) Yes / No Yes! No Yes / o Received By: Date/Time: Carrier. Cvw er✓ Results: Conta t �rhone)Email Fax Date IZ12 Time I �- Initia Contact Phone mail ax Date Time Initials Contact Phone Email Fax Date Time Initials Contact Phone ail Fax Date Time Initials 7 -2011 version 1 7 -2011 version 1 STATE OF COLORADO Cr A' tj-. ' yado'ep 440.,.' COIQ D f j�bQ� 2;hj V, .fir P.W. 'A: 0-41-u P r.'U— lgi. that: Ail .A 2 ceitifigar6: n Nf6v 140; _4 T4 P A. NL Y :1 .4 0,7 C ivWity s met th6r4re4W ment§1 25 "Air! d i 0111tliss. by lion qe� c fied V rtl%. �. I "i j; 01 71' Issued: 11/3/2 0. 1 Expires on: 11/3/2012 k. * This certificate is valid only with the possession of current Division-approved training course certification in the discipline specified above.