HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB120122 APPLICATION Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road T�DUII'N (1F URd� vai�, CO 81657 Tel: 970-479-2128 www.vailgov.com Development Review Coordinator Application for Design Review Additions - Residential or Commercial General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving the addition of any floor area, in- cluding net floor area and/or gross residential floor area (GRFA). This also includes proposals for `residential 250 additions' and `interior conversions'. Applicable Vail Town Code sections can be found at www.vailqov.com under Vail Information —Town Code Online. All projects requiring design review must re- ceive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department, as outlined in the submittal requirements. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Plan- ning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval expires one year from the date of approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction commences. Fee: $300 _ Single Family ✓ Duplex Multi-Family Commercial Description of the Request: Exterior: Removal of 3 windows on north elevation, addition of 3 windows on east elevation. Addition of small entry area. Interior: Addition of loft over kitchen area. Addition of 193 sq ft of GRFA (Residential) or sq ft of net floor area (Commercial/ Office) Physical Address: 2239 Chamonix Lane#B Parcel Number: 2103-114-25-006 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Property Owner: Kathy Standage and Michael Oldham Mailing Address: 16131 W. Ellsworth Ave. Golden, CO 80401 kstandage@exclusivevailrentals.com Phone: 303-882-7413 Owner's Signature: Primary Contact/ Owner Representative: John G. Martin, Architect, LLC (agent of Martin Manley Architects) Mailing Address: PO Box 4701, Eagle, CO 81631 Phone: 9�0-328-0592 E-Mail: John@martinmanleyarchitects.com Fax: For Office Use Only: Cash_ CC: Visa/ MC Last 4 CC# Exp. Date: Auth# Check# Fee Paid: Received From: Meeting Date: DRB No.: Planner: Project No: Zoning: Land Use: Location of the Proposal: Lot: Block: Subdivision: TDf�N 0� V��i'- JOINT PRQPER,7'�' (�{IVNER 'VwJRIT7EN ►4PPRUVAL LETTER The appEi�amt mu5t 5ubrnit writtQn Jeint prdperty cawner �pproa�l fQr appiicatic�n5 aff�Cting shared ownership pmpertres Su�Ch as dupl�x, candt�m+nium, and m�€ti-ten�rri buildin�s. Th�s form, L7r 5irraifar wr�tt�n COrrespnnr#ence, must be cvm- �leted by the adjosning c3uplex unii o�mer or the authorizeci agent of the hame a�vner's asss�ci�tion ir�the�5� of a con- rlesminium ar muitj-#B�l�n�bUildin�_ A1[G4m�71e�e�t fam'SS rr1sJ5��7�5U�mitkBd Wlth khB 21p�J13Cdf1tS COfll�f�f+2t1��?pfiGafi4�l. I, �print n�me} � A .,a� ���int owner, or authority c�f the assaciati�,r�. Of pYV{�erty lacated a# ��� t��P J� r�G- , pravicl�this le#t�r�� v�rritfen appr��+a� af tt�e plsns dated which hav�e i�een subrnFtted to the TQwn of`Vaii�ommunrty D�+velopment Qepartment far the propc�sed itr3prvvements to'be cornp�eted at the ad�3re�s not- ed aba�e. ! us�derstan�thak the propc�s�d im�rovements include: Exteri��Addilion, hlew��atry Area �A.3 sq,ft.�at the existing recessed entry space. Waod an+d Glass. lnt�rior Additior�� N�w Loft Ar�$ (150 sq. �t.j�#{hg IpC3�tian pvpr the kitch�n, Window Revisians� 3 hi�h wir�dows remC�++9d€rvrn r�vrth kitchen wafl. 3 hi�h win�ows arf�ed to east kitcher�wai9. _ _ , r ������� Si � � } ,� � � �'�ate� AdrtSi�ir�rt�lly,ple2Se�he�lt tF�e stakemerrt t�el�w whiclt is mast appaicable ta you� f urrderst8+�d th8#+mrnQr rnod�cataons may be rr€aa!e to th��aI2n5 ovar th�cc��rs�of th�revrsw p+naC+ess f�e�rsvre com�lr`� artC� i# the 7" w ' apPlicabfe codes$rrd rg�t.+l�trons, .. � - (fn'i�!h@r8) I unrlerstand fhat a{I rrror�ificafirsns, rr�inor or atherwrs�, wltiGh �re mad� tt�ttre ptarrs aver�h� cor�rse of#he r�view pro- cess, 6e brought to my aitenti�n�iy tne ap�ficanf fvr additional�pprova�t b�f�r�und�rqair�g furt�ser r�vle�v by tlre '�4wn. �`tr+r��ar here) 2012-C94-16 T1:�3 6192958777 Pag� 3