HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 11 Parcel 2 Tracts A,B,C and F quit claim deedP.1 -17 Y-e 195 THIS ED Made_ this_ --day of ij AS — , pl� satiate s, 0,�tween, I THE VA3:34 CORPORAT:E008 joing busineB Inc. a corporation duly organized and OF VAXL I a existin tOr ��_g under and by virtue dr, : - of the laws of the State of cojorado, ravi 1 , ind' Tovw municipal corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the law$ Of the State of Colorado, GrariteC whose legal address is 75 South Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado 81657, WXTNESS, That, the grantor, for and in consideration Of the sum Of TSN DOLLARS ($lo.00), the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, has remis0d, released, sold and QUIT CLAIMM, and by these presents does remise, , release, sell and QUIT CIAIM unto the grantee, its successors and assigns forev6r, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the grantor has in and to the real property, together with improvementn, if anY, ,tuate, lying and being in the ,County,Of! :Eagle 'acrd State of Coloradot described as follows. Parcel 1. Tract'S, Vail Village, Twelfth ng, according to the" recorded Plat thereof, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. � Cant F, V L J V , J ak4 UVi , I I I r Tracts A, 8,; 0 i­ ng ` to the recorded plat thereof, Cojin.ty of Eagle. State 0- 0 Colorado. Parcel ,3.. Tracts A a Val Patch, according to the 4- recorded , county of nagle, state of. ColoradColorado.. rded plat thereo, B particularl des drib ed. on •Exhibit :1 4., The real property mare y parce A attached hereto and made a part hereof. gxcE1312 SUBJECT TO THE R93TRICT100S SSW VORTH *N EX13ZBIT 9 aTTACK= HERETO A1JD IN00"ORATM HZREXM. AND RzsERV=G UNTO GRANTOR THOSE MATTERS Si&T rORT.0 ON EXHISTT C ILTTACEMD HERNTO AM 12MORP9RIMPM HEREIN also 'known by street and number as vacant land,. To HAVE AND To HOLM the same, together with all and aingular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging, or in anYwise,: thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever, Of the grantor, either in law Or equity "to the only proper use and benefit of the grantee, its successors and assigns forever. IN WI SS wjMREOF, The grantor has ca ed.1to'corporate pt _.V , and be hereunto subscribed by its `Sful cOrUkt. - te=% I `7a -�vs� �� �'1 rains to Its. JUL -02 -2008 15:47 FROM:EAGLE COUNTY ASSESSR 9703288679 TO:9704792452 P.2/7 coxporats seal to be hereunto affixed, the day and yea:• f a.rat aboVe v,writtdr ' TSL VAIL CORPORATION J- - yv -J'• �. $ C�►�,carado carpc�:`at on y • Name: ►- -r ..;,�r.,•., 1` Title! SfiA'I` 'c�F COLORADO} }ss. COT =y y OF EAGtX } The fore cs I ng inst3h=ent was ac)rnowl (Iged before m this 19 94, by as of The king, oration, a C010radO corPOra.tion; on beha1 f c►f such My commiasion expires t � y�itn my land and official seal - IrTotary' .Fub11C 11 111 1111 1111 l 111 1 111 X1111 h 1111 1 T S ft /20/20M 12.21P 319 Sara Fte®r 2 o 7R35.2000.00R8.0a Ea 16 CO JUL-02-2008 15:47 FROM:EAGLE COUNTY ASSESSR 9703288679 TO:9704792452 P.3-7 EX MIT A (ATTACHED TO AND ]poRM:CjqG pART OF QUIT CL&IM VeD pRom THS VAIL CoRpORATION TO TOWN OF VAIL DATED jDfo -amZM04 - I Legal DescriPtion of Parcel 4 (attached) 111111 111111111111111;111111111111 1 .12 21P 3.10 Sara 72eWSR6111/20/20M cc 3 of 7 R 35-00 *0 JUL -02 -2008 15:47 FROM:EAGLE COUNTY ASSESSR 9703288679 TO:9704792452 P.4f7 11 I11 Illl 1111111 oil 111111111111111111111. 1111 IN 7,50486 01/20/2000 12 :22P 319 Saran F14hW PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 4 of 7 N 33.010 0 0,00 N 0.00 E&9as 00 An unptatted pOreet of Land tocated In the Ni /2 of section 7, Township S south. Range 60 West of the Sixth Principat, which Is bounded on the north by Vait /11.Ionshead, Second FII:no, and on the south by VaIL Village - 'third Fitin according to the maps thereof recorded in the office Of t4 Eagle C;Ounty. Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, said parcel of tad described as follows Be$ inning at the northeast corner Of Lot 6. IRLock 3, sold Vait V:Itp9e - Third Fiting, which Is ats+a ththencehthrtfr�ttowln$ft �t 41, 9lock 7, Volt VItiage First Filing) Bald Vaal Village - Third course$ *tong the northerty boundary of Filing, (1) N72014'00•M 573,00 feetl (2) 53$•11'43'11 673.40 feed to the northwest corner of Lot 5, Black 4, said Va1t Vittape - Third Filing, which is atgo the most northerly corner of t.Qt 1, Stock 2, Vail. Village, Sixth Fitlnogi thence, departing ,paid northerly boundary, NO3.00,281U 400.45 feet to the southgrty boundary of TraCt -9, Valt /L1onshead Second Fit Inoi S the fa t tvw i ng ten courses alon� sa l al southtrty� boundary � K 1) 1082.241001E 37.00 feet) C2) M5403 ' 00'E 72.00 feet) C33 llli'34'00•E 252.00 feats t4) N64.22'00'9 95.00 feed (5) N88*051006e iLa.00 fee #1 i6) S73'36•t10•E 1018.00 feet= t7) N90. 00' 00'M; 150.00 feed (8) 340036'00'E X5.00 feed ?` ! C'4) S86148.42•E 179.90 feet$ C10) SiS•52138'W 101.57 feet (SIq*I%`50'W 179.60 feet Calculated)$ to the point of beginning, containing 6.302 acres, more or tess. Notes Bearings based on record cat t,, Valt /1_tonshead SeCOind F ubd i v i lions which sueroundsthe parse tfroh the recorded Date�� M WOS'W E 126.00 N 4VZVOC` E: N JjV -34W E - 72.00 N ar2410W E - 37.00 - Stan F rag dt �~ Colorado P,L-S. 26598 T(t3V A. VAV. 1 UW4HM. SECOND FWMC }�+ 1p OF i,� r S ar4a- E 114a x LOT Z f� 1 �G LOT 4 LOT 3 LOT t PARR L 6.302 ACRES LW I VA14 MWAZE, TMRO nUNO �- PON - 150" S ar4a- E 114a f� 1 �G RW na.a. LOT a 204 a 200 400 600 Fe4t JUL -02 -2008 15:47 FROM:EACLE COUNTY RSSESSR 9703286679 TO:9704792452 P.5/7 11 111 1111111111111 11111 1111111 III 1111 1111 111111 720985 01/2012000 12:91P 319 Sari: Fisher 5 o 7R35.00D0.110N0-0090010 to EXHIBIT E (►TTAE1) TC! AND FORMING PART OF QUIT CLh1M ilET1D FROM THE iTF,x7«. GOI PO . ,.T-10K To 'TOWN OF VA'IL DATED ���.� .�^ � D A:� %TEED HE1R�'f1E}�jIN "PYtEMISES- SgALL MEAN THAT REAL PlZO1 T T�ESOI2IRE�? IL3 THE DEED.) s 1. RESTRICTZONS �. a} Subject to existing uses as of the date hereof, matters of record and, the Reservations set forth in Exhibit C hereof, the premises are restricted to the following uses: omen space, provided, he r�tever, that the following uses are permitted: public= pedestrian access (including sidewalks, benches, trams, wetlands boardwalks, bridges, landscaping elements, retaining walls and other improvements oonsist�ent with such use) f' utilities and appurtenances; drainage and appurtenances; the conatruction, reconstruction, creation, installation, enhancement., enlargement and maintenanoe of wetlands, streams and water coursee; recreation activities; and eignage relating to ski area operations and mountain activities, and further provided that, with respectexs,ances Parcel. 3 of the Premises, communication. equip PP (and buildings containing such equipment) , including but not lmited to antennas, towear a and, other communication devices are i also permitted. (b) Notwithstanding the use restrictions set forth in Section 1. (a) of this Exhibit S and subject to the j�eservata.ons set forth in Exhibit C below, the 'lows:. of Vail may further restrict uses on the Premises, Subject to existing u$es as of the date hereof, parking cif, 2. passenger vehicles (e. g., care, vans) is strictly prohibited on the premises. 3. The Premises, and any use or rights of use thereof, shall not be conveyed., granted or transferred to another party without the express written consent of The Vail Corporation. 4. The Town of Vail shall not seek redress or claims against, fox- any Vail Corporation, and The Vail corporation will not be liable, damage or injury to persons, land or improvements within or outside of the Premises caused by, arising from or resulting from high waters of any body of water, including mining water, g!F--610gic and soils conditionO, and other condition.e of nature of the i Premises. 3;J. RLIMSZON If the Town of Vail does not comply with all the restrictions set forth in Part I of this Exhibit E, arid, upon written notice 30 days etheiTowx: rofrVailndoesanotocorrectosuchsviolat +ion, athen then JUL -02 -2008 15:47 FROM:EAGLE COUNTY ASSESSR 9703288679 TO:9704792452 P.6/7 ownership Of the ilxCcaspor will automatically execute revert to The car desirable tb effect ar,ci record such such documents as neces$ary r refuses to reversion. if the Town uch dooumentsowithin t � da�c�s afterwwritten execute or deliver anX demand therefor. The Vail Corporation shall be entitled. to and all such acknowledge, of execute and of deliver any attorney-in-fact fqr the tTown, Of can behalf Vail. l�'y acceptance of this Quit Claim Iaeecl, the Town of Vag hereby irrevocable appoints The Vail Corporetiozi as Town of Vail I s and all execute and described herein for on behalf OfltherTO i of Vail- documents 'fox The Restrictions a successor* and assigns of Thet binding Vail Corporation hall be binding d�.ding ng o on the the Town of Vail. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 till 72081!8 01/210/2M 12:2 %P 312 Sara Fisher 6 of 7 It 346.00 0 0.00 H 0.00 angle d0 JUL -02 -2008 15:47 FROM:EACLE COUNTY ASSESSR 9703288679 TO:9704792452 P.7/7 gmiTSIT C RESIMVATZONS The Vail Corporation, for itself, its ,successors and assigns, hereby reserves perpetual non - exclusive easements sin, Over# Under, across, above since through (�.) the Premises for the uses set forth ac Section an 1 (a) Of Exhibit B above and. (ii) parcel 4 of the by Premises for the purposes of ( ')access tine�ress and egress) round d pedestrians, bicyclists, s klers • snowmobiles, s�nowe;ats, round fire maintenance: vehicles, and caner means of traverse consistent with, recreation activities and maintenance on Vail Mountain, and (z) parking of suer e(wipment and /or yehicles . The Vail corporation, the Town of Vaal and any public utility company. shall not be responsible or liable for damage to or lose of any improvements existi t rights reserved or set forth in1iths ExhibiteC, Of 1 1111 1111 111111 II 1 11111111 11111111 1 111 1 720888 102/20!2000 12 ;22P 319 Sara Fisher 7 of 7 R 35.00 D 0.00 N 0.00 fa51s CD