HomeMy WebLinkAboutB12-0133�la-o�3� 1 � PO Box 2016 Phone (970) 51?-d705 Silverthome, CO 80498 Quality insulation 5ystems Fax (970i 513-4706 June 26. 2012 Mark Sculh Scully auildin� Corp. PO Box 2300 Ld��ards. CO 816�? RF: Partial (nsulation Certificare for Altair Vail - Units 101. 102. 103. 104, ?O l.?02. 203, and 30=t. INSULATION CERTIFICA7'E Eztrrior ��al]s on 2x�1 framin�� R I� Blo��•n-in-blanket insulation. Net installed to the exterior sidc of the framing �+�ith fiberglass blo�vn bet���een net and dnwall. Extcrior �valls (3x<t tramin�, + air space - flat 2�4 framin�) at lo��'er level -- R�0 Blo���n-in-blanhet insulation. Net installed to the e�terior side of the framing �vith tiberglass blo��n bet�i•een net and dr�����all. F�terior gable end walis - Hang cardboard as backer on the inside of tiraming and install R I�-23 Blo���n- in-blanket insulation. Cantilevei•s (1�3° BCI Framing) - R�9 Bio�vn-in-blanket insulation. Rim joist and boxsills �+�here drywall or shead�in� is missing - Han�, cardboard as backer on thc inside of framin; and install R15-23 Blown-in-blanket insulation. Rim joist and box sills ���ith I joist blocking - Add 1" R6 Polyiso rigid instilation to joist �veb. Foam chinkin;,z of small ��aps and ne��� exterior doors and windo�as. Face of'sheathin� - Ecoseal air barrier sealant installed per manuf'acturer recommendations. E�teriur electrical recepticles (when applicable) - Sealant putt�� pads. n� � �--�i i �1 ine • �ertai�T�edC-1 Specification Sheet InsulSafe�� SP Fiber Glass Blowing Insulation for use in the Blow-In-Blanket" System 1. PRODUCT NA,ti1E InculSite'' Sf' Fi{�er C;Id55 131ia�vin�; Insulalion lor iise in the f31ow-In-l�lan- kcrti`- Svsiem 2. �41A�\L1FA{:TURf.K CertainTeed Curpuration P.O. Rox t360 \'alley For�;e, I'.A 19=382-01 U5 Phone: �610i:341-701')� (RUO} ?33-ti�l�b Fa�: 161 Di 3-11 � 7"1 Fax-On-Dc�manrl: iRl)QI ��if -0C)�- \Vehsite: �v»�v.ccrtainteed.com i. FRODUCT DESCKIP710N 6asic Use: The 131n�a•-In-131anket S��Ste�m is a patenteci and trade- m�irki�cl IIISUI<�tinG prac.eti� a�ailablr. thrn���h f31rnv In 131ani:el. Incr. usins; In�ultiaic:� SP �;las5 (ibers. The sy5tem calis for hlo�� ing th� insulation into <�all ca��itics cr>�c�red Lvith ncitin�; or k�n��lesh` iahric. 7hE: cvstem ic �.ised in residentia) and commerciil �on- ;rructi�>n ior thermal �nd acoustical !n�ul,i'icin. Benefits: InsulSaie SN i: noncom- hustible. n�ancnrrosivc and o�l�r iree. ln additicm, InsulS�te _iP 4von't �t�ttie, contains no cheniic�ls tc� ca�ise milrlc,��� �nd fungu� growth, provicles no sustenance tor �ermin, c�mtains nn ashcct�s, w�n't rc�t or decav and ���on't absc�rb mc�isture. insulsafe SI' improves energ� effi- ciency lnd reduces energ,y ron- sumplion. Thiti ��roduct helps cnn- 5crvc n«nrcr�etvable er�er;y� s��urce�, reduces dependenr.e on foreign c�il ancl reduces grc}enhc>usc Kas emissians. Composifion and Materials: In�ulSafe �P is an unhonded, ��hite, virgin iiher, loase-iill fiber glass insii- lation designcd for pnew»atic apF�li- ca(ion. Limitations: This product is dc�- siKned fc�r usc at ambient tempera- tures in interior i���eathe� protectec�l locations. The InsulSafc SF' fil�cr �I�ss prc�du�t should be kept clry during shipping and st�ra�e. �3. TECHNICAL D,'1T�� Applic�ble Standards: • ��tr�del (3uildin� Code�: - +.ICC Internatic�nal Cc>dc� Cc:x�ncil� - iNc�v York Cit�� h1FA 21 R-S:iMy - (�Ve�v 1't�rk 5t�7te ,A'YS UFNI3C: Article 1 iJ - �C.alitorni�� and ��tinnesota Qualin� Standardv Material Standards: • :15T��1 C-6-{, Nlincral Filat�r Lc�o�e-Fill Thermal InSUlatic�n T��pe 1 - Pneumatic <'.i�plitation Properties: - Thcrm�l r�cistincc — AST;��1 C518 and C68% - Critical radiant flux — AST,ti1 E970 - Comhustitm characteristics — ASTM E1:36 - Water vapor sc�rpti�n — AST�41 C I 10-3 - C�dor emission — A57,�1 C 130� - Cormsi��c�ncss — AST,b1 Ci 6�3 - f�in�i re�ist�in�e — AST�W Ct 338 Fire Resistance: • Fire I lazard Clas�iiication: - (UI. i2i. ASTt\�1 F841 �41ax. Flamc� Spre�d Index: 5 �� � , X �� $ �::� �, z ��,,� k �,� � � �, �ti1ax. Smoke Uc�. Indc�.; � • N<�na�mbu�tihilih�: -�,1ST,�1 F1;36� �\,1eet� rec�uirc�nient� Thermal Accoustrcal Properfies: • Thermal Perrormanc�: - i�\ST,ti'1 CS 1 t3 i The �tated R-Value� in RIFiS for cicie�� �ll appli- �atic�n on thc back af tliis shcet arc .ichieved at ���eight� <�nd co�eri�;es ;pczcitic>d ��<hctn insulation i� inst�iled �vith pnc�m�atic �:qui��ment in accorclance ���ith f:e��rtainTeed re• c��mmendaticros. Sound Transmissinn Lnss: The same� 5TC ratings ohtained �� itli fiber glass bl�nkc,t insulatic�n can he estim�ted f�ar InsulSare SI' in BIBS ap��lication. Reque�t CertainTecd'S Su��r,t1 C ��nPr�al guidc� �_;0-'t3-0081, ior mc�re intnrn�ati��n cm tne wbject. QualitY Assurance: ��1am- af �ur manufacturii�g pl��nts �re rt��;istc'rt�cl to ISQ 9Q01-?pC)Q yt,�ndard5. 5. I�VSTALLA710N Installaticm �rocedure�s ancl tec:h- niqucs must be as rc�commended b�� CerlainTeed COr��ordliUn and 131�m��-In-[�lanket, Inc. C)nl�� qualified contractors certified by E;In�v-in- Blanket, Inc, mav install the f31o��•- In-lilanket System witii InsulSal'c� SP. � PI(ra,c r�ter to InSUISafeSP in.trlllation Instructic>n �4�1anu.il 30-'2=#-30?. 6. .AVAILABICITY' �iVl� COST �1,3nuiaciurE�c1 antl sr�ld thrc>u�;hout the l!nited States. Fc�r availabilitv anci co�l cc�nt�icl Ce>rtainTeed Sales Supprn-t Gr�w� in V��Ilet� F�ir�c, I'�1 at !d�0� ?33-89��C1. To iind a ccmtr�ctc�r ne�r �•c���, plc.�asc visit ti��w�r.rertainteed.cc>rn/insulati��n- ��tmTr�lt t��rs :. WARRANTY Reier to CertainTeed's Lirnited Li1c- time Insulation 1�'arranh� for InsulSaic SF' (30-Z�-3O�1. 8. h1A1NTENANCE ��o maintenance required 9. TECHNICAL SERVtCES Technical assist�nce ca�i be ob- tained irom yr�ur Ic�c'al CertainTeed sales representative. or by calling C�RainTcrd Sales Su��pc�rt Grc�up in Valle� Forg�. NA �Zt (8�Oi 233-8990, ar bv talling [31o�v-In-Blanket, Inc. in Dem�E.�r, CO at i800� 5?�-i399? or 1303t 934-77�2. 10. FILING SYSTE��tS Ac�ditio�i��! product inicrrmatic�n available upon re�uesr. Sidcwall A��plications \1�ncn in,<<}�Ic�d :��ith 1;1(3S equipment in �4�all �avitie�, thi I'ollowing thential periormance baSed un � nominal i I-Ib. i�.ii; �< .i��hi����c�rl ,�r rhr� thfri,nt�c;r�c, ���c�i�;ht� ,�nti <<���t�ra�;ets s�ecified: �11'v. BAGS ,�11N. BAGS ; ��11N1;�1U.�1 �I �tAXI,�tUti1 TIiICh,`F�ti h-N4LUE FUR 1Q00 FT FOR 100A1 DE\SITI' 11'EIGH7 ' �ET CO1'ER�1GE in. mm R R51 I - _ Ibs./ft � kglm j Ibs./ft- � kg/m II� ft' , m S I �� s�v � 1 -t � � , '�� 16,'�� � ; 8._' 1.S .� � � � Il ;_ ; � .._;(�E� �l i� � -. ; Y 1� . , i I1? ��i9 la � Lt� � Z1.1',� _'3.} Z.} )Cti_'.1 IJ.h� I 1.?�: � �1n? .I.1 �\J ; i i i I�' i I-iO ?? i.�l 3(i.Fi i :S.G � 1.$ 3FS.9 0.8? i �l.f) �1 � ;?.6 ,. � �'_>\h� i S 1'? 1d0 ZI �1.1 ' 1,i.t) ! ;r�.b _'.3 Jfi.9 1.Q�a �.1;? :9.-i _. ; ', �?Xb� I i - 1�4 � I i�3 ZSl i.l 3;i.1 S'.ti � 1.1'1 ?tS.9 1.C78(3 .i.31 _i 2E3.� _°.6 ='Xi)� � � ? Ud th•1 il i.i ��<I.H •18.3 1.3 if,,,Lt L,if10 6.���1 2?.3 7.1 i2XS, 9 1�4 ( 23a �7 6.3 +i.�.t� 4u? 1.0 2il.�i) 1.3i1D G.7III 2_'.3 ?.1 �_'XIO+ , �� I,. � �� � �--� -��__ h.i? --7-'._ 'i !,1 _(� �'� !. S � iF�.9 I I. , ..��.t�(,-{ � 1 -.:i � I.i� ?\10 � ! I I I I � R r����,�n: ��ci���ni�i� tr� h��,it ilrn�, Thr� hi�;h��r th�� R-1"�ilut�, the �re,iter the in�ulaiint; ��� ������r. Ti� ,;;��t th�� mar�c�c� ft-A�',�lur, it is e�sential tliat thi� insulatiun is inst��lled proNerh�. � �/ '�'', _ `-, �„� � : �r' . ��i:'�ltv�F� ASK ABOUT OUR OTNER C��TAINTEED PRODUCTS AND SYSTEMS: EXTERIOR: ROOF!'16 • �!D:�dG • WIPJD0INS •�ENCE • DECKING • RAIIING • TRIM • FOUNDATIONS • PIPE INTERIOR: IfJSUTA'`IOi! • WALLS • CEILINGS Ccrtuiiil'rrtl Cur��oraiinn Prrtr,�i��n:tl: NOi�-?33��3yy{� CC). E�ux ti6Q C.��nsui.ier: 8i?0-?ti?-S7; 7 \`alic�• Forgc. Pr1 144S'_ ����v.rcrtaintecd.com �_�('� C en.milrcd l�.oqHirounn. 1'nni�d rn t!..� CertainTeedC-i . , _. .' . ., . .,.� k,�;,-. NOTE: TH/S PERM/T MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ,. TQWN OF VAfI.' ' Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Permit #: B12-0133 Project #: PRJ11-0464 Job Address: 4192 SPRUCE WAY VAIL Applied.....: 04/26/2012 Location......: COMMON ELEMENT: ALTAIR VAIL CONDOMINIUM Issued. ..: 05/21/2012 Parcel No....: 210112209001 OWNER COUGHLIN, JONI M. & SHAWN T. 04/26/2012 PO BOX 5704 VAI L CO 81658 APPLICANT MARK SCULLY 04/26/2012 Phone: CONTRACTOR SCULLY BUILDING CORP 04/26/2012 PO BOX 2300 EDWARDS COLORADO 81632 License: 890-B 970-376-1807 Phone: 376-1807 Description: ALTAIR VAIL CONDOMINIUMS - RESIDE & WINDOW REPLACEMENT Occupancy: R-2 Type Construction: VB Valuation: $477,904.00 ................................................�.........,..�...............,... FEE SUMMARY ,........__.,.......,............................,.......,...................,,. Building Permit -----------> $3,110.55 Bldg Plan Check ----------> $2,021.86 Use Tax Fee-----------------------> $9,358.08 Electrical Permit ---------> $718.75 Elec Plan Check -----------> $467.19 Restuarant Plan Review--------> $0.00 Mechanical Permit ------> $0.00 Mech Plan Check ---------> $0.00 Additional Fees--------------------> $0.00 Plumbing Permit --------> $0.00 Pimb Plan Check ---------> $0.00 Recreation Fee--------------------> $0.00 Investigation-----------------------> $0.00 Will Call------------------------------> $10.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES--------------> $15,686.43 Payments-------------------------------> $15,686.43 BALANCE DUE------------------------> a0.00 .................�.....,...............,......,.,......,.,...�.................,..,,.,,...,.,,....,.........,,,,,.......,..,.,,.�...t...........,...,......._.....,a..........__.._._. DECLARATIONS I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. combination permit_012811 � � TO�N aF �AI� ` .....................................................................................................................................t.....,....,.,.,,.....,.........,.......,....... CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE MET PRIOR TO FINAL SIGN OFF Permit #: 612-0133 Address: 4192 SPRUCE WAY VAIL Owner: COUGHLIN, JONI M. & SHAWN T. - JT Location: COMMON ELEMENT: ALTAIR VAIL CONDOMINIUM .............................�...........�....,,,.,,..............,.�........,.,,.......,,,.,,..,...,................,......,....,,....,,.......,...,,........,...,.,.,,,.,,,.....,.. Cond: 42 (BLDG 2009) CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED PER 2009 IRC R315 Cond: 16 (BLDG 2003): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R313 OF THE 2003 IRC. Cond: 18 (BLDG 2003): STAIRWAYS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R311.5 OF THE 2003 IRC OR SECTION 1009 OF THE 2003 IBC. Cond: 19 (BLDG 2003): GUARDS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R312 OF THE 2003 IRC OR SECTION 1012 OF THE 2003 IBC. Cond: CON0012549 All permits issued to install windows and sliding doors in units by contractors in addition to this permit shall be completed prior to requesting a final planning inspection for the project contained within this permiYs scope of work. All window and sliding door frame colors shall match the approved color and dimensions (tan). combination permit_012811 ► � TOWN OF VAI� ` .....*,*,..**.****.,**.****,...*...***.*.***..***..*.**.,**.....*....***...,,.****...,....,**..�***��*���***„����****************�*.***********.,.**.,.* REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND STATUSES Permit #: 612-0133 Address: 4192 SPRUCE WAY VAIL Owner: COUGHLIN, JONI M. & SHAWN T. - JT COMMON ELEMENT: ALTAIR VAIL CONDOMINIUM Location: .*�*«***„**.�*,.**.���**�«***«*«*****.***********�*************�**�.���**,.�*��.,*������**********,.*********«.,«*****«*«*******«.,*««*«***.,********...**** Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item 00030 BLDG-Framing 00050 BLDG-Insulation 00060 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail 00070 BLDG-Misc. 00120 ELEC-Rough 00190 ELEC-Final 00542 PLAN-FINAL 00090 BLDG-Final combination permit_012811 **********+**********+************�+***+************************�*++************************ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 02-13-2013 at 10:46:43 02/13/2013 Statement **********************�***********************�******+************************************** Statement Number: R120001231 Amount: $806.44 08/31/201202:55 PM Payment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B12-0133 Type: COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-122-0900-1 Site Address: 4192 SPRUCE WAY VAIL Location: COMMON ELEMENT: ALTAIR VAIL CONDOMINIUM Total Fees: $16,492.87 This Payment: $806.44 Total ALL Pmts: $16,492.87 Balance: $0.00 ****************************+*************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code -------------------- EP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES Current Pmts 488.75 317.69 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- M . TOWN �F VAIl. �� � Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 � Tel: 970-479-2128 www.vailgov.com Development Review Caordinator BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (Separate applications are required for alarm & sprinkler) Project Street Address: �� _�Y'.�c� ��'�i /��i Tti� � T-�/ (Number) (Street) `� (Suite #) Building/Complex Name: � 1 I C( �1' U�'�f �. Contractor Information � // � " � r � �� Project #: ;,/ ��G�� �i� � L: � IQ T/ —' C� / �DRB #: ���°J: r i - �� �� Building Permit #: �� l�— �� 3� Lot #: � Block #� Subdivision: �r �.,�i ' � 1 i�:J �1.� /�1�[LL�! 'l`r'C� Business Name: �C't� �/ �A � �/) (/��, C�c - ' - /'� n I� w3 � ���> `� Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( } Alteration ( � Business Address: �-•L' / �[- ; � . _ City ,+:J� Stat %'� Zip: , f� Type of Building: yy� ' Single-Family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-Family (//j Contact Name: _li!/ IQ !'�� � ('u���a Commercial ( Contact Phone: __ �� 7L� �j %� •- /pG� � �C°O � ��/a i� ���� �� t�' hvr�,�:.Work Type: Contact E-MaiL -- � � I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review ap- proved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town a licable thereto ) Other ( ) Interior ( ) Exterior (,/f Both ( ) Valuation of Work Included Plans Included Work _ _._.__ __. ��.. ._._. . Electrical es No � s �� � i � ) i )Yes ( �No ..., G ,_._ Mechanical ( )Yes ( )No ( )Yes ( )No Plumbing ( )Yes ( )No ( )Yes ( )No PP • Building ([ir'es ( )No ( )Yes ( )No s ' �" x ` , ��G1,��� � �° ,C� _ __ _ ___ .. # ' � Value of all work being pertormed: $� i �� Owner/Owner's R��sentative Si ture (Required) '(value based on IBC Section 109.3 & IRC Section 108.3� ` Electrical Square Footage Applicant Information � Detailed Scope and Location of Work: � � ApplicantName: _�Gci���/ /�Lli ICA�4y ���� ���lyc;�.2 -[�xi��,n< <�,Gli�uc� "Ttir� `�i>.•��K, Appr�a�t Pnone: _ _1�� - � 7� - / �� 7 > i nlic a �o, i`? '� � , /�, I Y. ��/���.'N� Applicant E-Mail: �l'U ��✓� � Ll � � G�'� �`'�/�f l7� +•�ok� � 1�. �� r: ( � � �qf�: IA fro� � � c_lJr �(�K t�:�.; �l�llv•� �� Pro�ectlnformation / � /� �� � �'�'c�C; ,�c1,n� �j'� �=��l�n ( ,� �t,� < < � Owner Name: �/`�/�Ci I�" �l�! � ���1 � Se..,�,, rn� �► � X.scJ t/c:J , � _ G c G Parcel #: � �/ / � �,,, (For Parcel #, contact Eagle County Assessors O�ce at (970328-8640 or visit %7 �� s� 57�yf� 7 T� Ci AtLX rC �'l /n 1- www.eaglecou nty.us/patie) For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: ����%. DS Received From : ALYA, 2 VR i� I �I�! SSa�� A r�.��( Cash Check # �� CC: Visa / MC Last 4 CC # exp date: Auth # (use additional sheet if necessary) .-.��..�. Date Received: � � � " `� � D APR 2 4 2012 TOW � N OF VAIL t S-Mar-2012 d � `e 11-05-2012 Inspection Request Reporting Page 3 4:20 qm Vail, C� - Citv Of Requested Inspect Date: Tuesday November 06 2012 Site Address: 4192 SP�tUCE WAY VA3L COMMON ELEMENT: ALTAIR VAIL CONDOMINIUM A/P/D Information Activity: 612-0133 Type: COMBO Sub Type: OTHER Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occupanc� y: Use: R-2 Insp Area: Owner: COUGHLIN, JONI M. & SHAWN T. - JT Contractor: SCULLY BUILDING CORP Phone: 970-376-1807 Description: ALTAIR VAIL CONDOMINIUMS - RESIDE & WINDOW REPLACEMENT Ite 542 PLAN-FINAL iest r: SCULLY BUILDING CORP nen s: 376-1807 ed : BGIBSON lctio � �ment: omp e e an rails, i all � gufations/ , Item: Requestor: Comments: Assigned To: Action: Item: Requestor: Comments: Assigned To: Action: Comment: Inspection Historv Item: 30 BLDG CORP Time Exp: CORP Time Exp: Requested Time: 08:00 AM Phone: 970-376-1807 Entered By: JMONDRAGON K light bulbs in the fixtures which meet dark sky Requested Time: 04:30 PM Phone: 970-376-1807 Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Requested Time: 09:00 AM Phone: 970-376-1807 Entered By: JMONDRAGON K 06/21/12 "Inspector: sgremmer Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: 1 st strip of vapor barrier under upper windows east side Item: 50 BLDG-Insulation Item: 60 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail 08/10/12 Inspector:. sgremmer Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: vapor barrier at 10, 206, 107, 207 Item: 70 BLDG-Misc. `* Approved "" 06/26/12 Inspector:. sgremmer Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: vapor barner for units 201 and 202 on north side 06/28/12 Inspector: sgremmer Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: 201 windows and vapor barrier 06/29/12 Inspector: sgremmer Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: units 203, 204, 202, partial vapor and new windows Com�ment Lathe from S�corneeto forth section of buildin gPARTIAL INSPECTION 07/20/12 Inspector: sgremmer Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: north lather from east corner to forth section water sheild at 105, 205, 106, 206 REPT131 Run Id: 14988 �^Y 13 Inspection n9 (1 ��� �. f� (/_ �,/ Page 7 Requested Inspect Date: Monday Februa 11 2013 Site Address: 4192 SP�iUCE W�Y �AIL COMMON ELEMENT: ALTAIR VAIL CONDOMINIUM A/P/D Information Activity: 612-0133 Type: COMBO Sub Tyse: R 2HER �nsp Area: ISSUED Const Type: Occ�upanc� y: U Owner: COUGHLIN, JONI M. & SHAWN T. - JT Contractor. SCULLY BUILDING CORP Phone: 970-376-1807 Description: ALTAIR VAIL CONDOMINIUMS - RESIDE & WINDOW REPLACEMENT Reauested Inspection(s) Item: 90 BLDG-Final Requestor: Comments: FOL OW UP Assigned To:�DR GON Action:i Comment: . o s on y Comment: Insaection Historv Item Item Item Item Time Exp: Requested Time: 02:30 PM Phone: Entered By: JMONDRAGON K 30 BLDG-Framing '* Approved " 06/21/12 Inspector: sgremmer Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: 1 st strip of vapor barrier under upper windows east side 11/06/12 Inspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Comment: 50 BLDG-Insulation " Approved " 11l06/12 Inspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Comment: na 60 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail " Approved " 08/10/12 Inspector:, sgremmer Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: vapor barrier at 10, 206, 107, 207 11/06/12 Inspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Comment: 70 BLDG-Misc. " Approved " 06/26/12 Inspector:, sgremmer Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: vapor barrier for units 201 and 202 on north side 06/28/12 Ins ector: sgremmer Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: 20�windows and vapor barrier 06/29/12 Inspector: sgremmer Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: units 203, 204, 202, partial vapor and new windows 07/18/12 Inspector: sg remmer Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: Lathe from SE corner to forth section of building 07/20/12 Inspector: sgremmer Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: norih lather from east corner to forth section Item: 120 Item: 110 water sheild at 105, 205, 106, 206 08/27/12 Inspector: mdenney Action: AP APPROVED Comment: lathe - center section of north and south elevation. 09/11/12 Inspector: mdenney Action: AP APPROVED Comment: units 106, 107, 109, 711, 207, 208, 209, 210 211 - windows. 09/14/12 Inspector: mdenney Action: bP APPROVED Comment: west end of bld�. ELEC-Rough ' Approved " 06/13/12 Inspector: sgremmer Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: East side heaT trace runs 06/19/12 Inspector: sgremmer Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: all boxes for exterior lighting 09/12/12 Inspector:, mdenney Action: AP APPROVED Comment; new electrical �ear and meter bank. ELEC-Service " Approved ' REPT131 Run Id: 15062