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A12-0015 APP AND PLANS approved
DepartmentofCommunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontageRoad Vail,Colorado81657 Tel:970 -479 -2128 Fax:970 -479 -2452 Web:www.vailgov.com DevelopmentReviewCoordinator FIREALARMPERMIT CommercialandResidentialFireAlarmshopdrawingsarerequiredatthetimeofapplication submittalandmustincludedinformationlistedonthe2ndpageofthisform.Applicationwill notbeacceptedwithoutthisinformation.ContractorInformation:Company:_____________________________________________CompanyAddress:______________________________________City:____________________State:_______Zip:_____________ContactName:_________________________________________ContactPhone:_________________________________________E -Mail________________________________________________TownofVailContractorRegistrationNo.:____________________X ___________________________________________________ContractorSignature(required)ProjectStreetAddress:___________________________________________________(Number)(Street)(Suite#)Building/ComplexName:________________________________PropertyInformation Parcel#:______________________________________________(Forparcel#,contactEagleCountyAssessorsOfficeat970 -328 -8640or visitwww.eaglecounty.us/patie)TenantName:__________________________________________OwnerName:__________________________________________CompleteValuationforFireAlarmPermit:FireAlarm$:__________________OfficeUse:Project#:________________________________________BuildingPermit#:_________________________________AlarmPermit#:___________________________________Lot#:____Block#____Subdivision:__________________DetailedDescriptionofWork:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(useadditionalsheetifnecessary)WorkClass:New()Addition()Remodel()Repair()Retro -Fit()Other()TypeofBuilding:Single -Family()Duplex()Multi -Family()Commercial()Restaurant()Other()DateReceived:DoesaFireAlarmExist?Yes()No()DoesaSprinklerSystemExist?Yes()No()29 -May -09 1635 GOLF TERRACE H27 VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOMES INVISION COMMUNICATIONS PO BOX 2001 EDWARDS CO 81632 JOHN HARTY 970 926-1896 jharty@lowvoltdesign.com 696-S 2101-091-04-027 JOHN AND SUSAN GOWEN $4200 New fire alarm system for townhouse. Refer to plans for scope of work.4 4 4 4 RECEI V V ED 04/30/2012 @ 8:00am DesignedtointegrateseamlesslywithCCTV,accesscontrol andHoneywell’sfullrangeoffireandburglarycomponents,thenewVISTA-128FBPprovidestheultimateprotectionoflife andproperty.TheULListedcommercialfireandburglary controlpanelsupportsuptoeightpartitionsandupto 128zones/pointsusinghardwired,wirelessandV-Plex ®addressabletechnologies.AdiverselineofHoneywell initiatingdevices,notificationcircuits,communicationdevices,keypads,RFreceiversandrelaysarealsosupported.The VISTA-128FBPhasbeendesignedtomountquicklyand easilyinanattackresistantcabinet,andisavailablein12V and24Vmodels.•Eighthardwiredzonesstandard,expandableto120V-Plex addressablepoints/zonesor 128wirelesspoints/zones •Cancontroleightseparateareas independently(8partitions)•Supportscommercialwirelessfire andburglarydevices •Storesupto512events •Accommodates150usercodesand upto250accesscardholdersusing VistaKey •SupportsV-PlexaddressableVistaKey accesscontrol(1to8doors)•Twoon-boardnotification(bell)circuits delivering2.3A@12Vor3.4A@24V •Automaticsmokedetectorsensitivity maintenancetesting •Four-wiresmokeresetusingonboard J2outputtrigger •SupportsDynamicSignalingfor AlarmNetCommunicators •SupportsRemoteControlvia theInternet*•SupportsInternetAlarmReporting*•SupportsGraphicalUser InterfaceConsoles •ListedtoUL8649thEdition •Upload/downloadviaEthernet*•Carbonmonoxide(CO)zonesupport *WhenusedwithAlarmNetdevices.FEATURES VISTA-128FBP/V128FBP-24 COMMERCIALPARTITIONEDFIREAND BURGLARYALARMCONTROLPANEL NowUL8649thEditionApproved VISTA-128FBP/V128FBP-24 COMMERCIALPARTITIONEDFIREAND BURGLARYALARMCONTROLPANEL ADDITIONALFEATURES •NotificationApplianceCircuits(two):–Programmable –Temporalcodecompliant –Individuallysilenceable •Programmableon-boardauxiliaryrelay •Falsealarmreductionfeatures:–Exiterrorlogic –Exitdelayreset –Crosszoning –Callwaitingdefeat –Recentclosereport •Supportscommercialhardwired,addressableV-Plexpollingloopand wirelesszones •Hardwiredzones –ProvideseightstyleBhardwiredzones –EOLRsupervisedforFireand ULburglaryinstallations –SupportsN.O.orN.C.sensors –Individuallyassignabletoany eightpartitions –Upto32two-wiresmokedetectors eachonzoneoneandtwo(64total)–Upto50two-wireglassbreakdetectors onzoneeight •PatentedaddressableV-Plexpolling looptechnology –Supports120two-wirezonespoints –Globalpollingtechnologyfor fasterprocessing –Supervisedbypanel –Zonesindividuallyassignableto partitions,notificationcircuit(bell)outputorauxiliaryrelay –4,000ft.capabilitywithoutthe useofshieldedcable –Extender/Isolationbusmodules –Eightzone–ClassAandB expandermodule –Eightzone–ClassBexpander module –Onezonesupervisedcontact monitormodule •ULListedwirelessexpansion –Supportsupto128wireless zones/points –Supervisedbycontrolfor check-insignals –Tamperprotectionfortransmitters –Individuallyassignableupto eightpartitions –Supportscommercial wirelesssmokedetectors •AccessControlintegration –FullintegrationwithPassPoint AccessControlSystem CompleteGatewayinterfaceof VISTAandaccessfunctions •UptoeightdoorsusingVistaKey V-PlexAccessControl •Eventreporting •LocalprinterofaccessorVISTA relatedevents •Communication –Phonemappingbyzone responsetype –Paneloperationduring download Applications TheVISTA-128FBPcontroliswell suitedforavarietyofapplicationsas anintegratedfireandburglarycontrol.A diverselineofHoneywellinitiatingdevices supportsthisextremelypowerfulcontrol.Someoftheapplicationssupportedare:medicalandprofessionalbuildings,churchesorsynagogues,officebuildings,schools,stripmalls,largerresidences andfactoryorwarehouseenvironments.Electrical •Primarypower:18VAC@72VA HoneywellNo.1451 •Controlpanelquiescentcurrentdraw:300mA •Backupbattery:–12VDC,12AHminto34.4AHmax –Leadacidbattery(geltype)•Alarmpower:12VDC,1.7Amaxfor eachnotification(bell)circuitoutput Total2.3A@12V •Aux.standbypwr:12VDC,1Amax •Totalpower:2.3Aat12VDC,3.4Aat 24VDCfromallsources •Standbytime:24hourswith1A standbyloadusing34.4AHbattery •Fusing:Batteryinput,aux.and notification(bell)circuitoutputsare protectedusingPTCcircuitprotectors.Alloutputsarepowerlimited.•Optional24-voltpowersupply,PS24 suppliestwo24VFW,1.7Afullwave rectified,unfilteredoutputs MainDialer •Lineseize:DoublePole •Ringerequiv.:0.7B •Formats:ADEMCOLowSpeed,ADEMCO4+2Express,ADEMCOHigh Speed,ADEMCOContactID,Sescoa andRadionics •Dualphonelinecapability(using 5140DLMmodule)Cabinetdimensions •18"Hx14.5"Wx4.3"D Environmental •Storagetemp:14°Fto158°F (-10°Cto70°C)•Operatingtemp:32°Fto122°F (0°Cto50°C)•Humidity:85%RH •EMI:Meetsorexceedsthefollowing requirements:–FCCPart15,ClassBDevice –FCCPart68 –IECEMCDirective AgencyListings •UL609GradeALocalMercantile PremisesandMercantileSafeandVault •UL611/1610GradesA,AA,Central Station •UL365GradesA,AAPoliceConnect •UL864/NFPA72Local,Central StationandRemoteStation •UL985 •FactoryMutual •CaliforniaStateFireMarshal •MEA •CAN/ULCS304–Centraland MonitoringStationBurglarAlarmUnit •CAN/ULCS527–CentralUnitforFire AlarmSystems •CAN/ULCS303–LocalBurglarAlarm Unit •CAN/ULCS525–AudibleSignal Appliances SPECIFICATIONS COMPATIBLEDEVICES L/VSTA128FBPD/D September2009 ©2009HoneywellInternationalInc.ORDERING V128FBP-9 CommercialFireandPartitionedBurglaryAlarmControlPanel12VModel V128FBP9-24 CommercialFireandPartitionedBurglaryAlarmControlPanel24VModel VISTA-128FBP/V128FBP-24 COMMERCIALPARTITIONEDFIREANDBURGLARYALARMCONTROLPANEL AuxiliaryDevices •6160CR-2–RedAlphaKeypad •4204–RelayModule,fourformC contacts •4204CF–Twosupervisedoutput circuits •5881SeriesRFreceiver •5883HRFreceiver •6220S–Systemprinterusedwith 4100SMserialmodule •6160CR-2–RedFireKeypad •6160–BurglaryKeypad Two-WireSmokeDetectors Conventional •SystemSensor •ESL •DSC Horn/Strobes •SystemSensor •Wheelock •Gentex ManualPullStations •5140MPS-1 •5140MPS-2 V-Plex(Addressable)Devices •4208ULoopExpansionModule –eightzones •4101SNSingleRelay/ZoneModule •4208SNFClassA/BExpanderModule •4190SNRemotePointModule –twozones •4193SNTwo-ZoneSerialInterface Module •VSIModule •4293SNOne-ZoneSerialInterface Module V-PlexExtender/IsolationModules •4297Extender/IsolatorModule •VSIIsolatorModule V-PlexSmokeDetectors:•5193SD •5193SDT V-PlexPassiveInfraredDetectors •998MX •IS2500SN •DT7500SN V-Plex(Addressable)Contacts •4939SN-WH •4944SN-WH •4959SN V-PlexGlassbreakDetectors •FG1625SN Optional24VPowerSupply •PS24–24Vpowersupply–3.4A CommercialWirelessDevices •5808W3–Photoelectric Smoke/HeatDetector •5806W3–Photoelectric SmokeDetector •5809–WirelessHeatDetector •5817CB–WirelessCommercial Transmitter •5869–Hold-UpTransmitter •5881ENHC–RFReceiver •5883H –RFReceiver AccessControl •VistaKeyV-Plex(addressable)AccessControl •VistaKey-SKStarterKit •VistaKey-EXExpansionKit AlarmCommunications •7845i-ENT–Internet/Intranet Communicator •7845GSM–DigitalCellular Communicator •7845i-GSM–InternetandDigital CellularCommunicator •GSMCF/iGSMCF–CommercialFire CommunicationKits(whenavailable)Formoreinformation:www.honeywell.com/security/hsc AutomationandControlSolutions HoneywellSecurity&Communications 2CorporateCenterDr.Suite100 Melville,NY11747 1.800.467.5875 www.honeywell.com Productspecificationssubjecttochange. 6160 ALPHA DISPLAY KEYPAD CO06010 L/6160/D September 2006 © 2006 Honeywell International Inc. Honeywell Security & Custom Electronics Honeywell International Inc.PO Box 9035 Syosset, NY 11791 www.honeywell.com ORDERING 6160 Alpha Display Keypad The 6160 Deluxe Keypad is easy to install and simple to use. The attractive white console blends with any décor and features a contoured, removable door that conceals illuminated soft-touch keys. The 6160 also features a new larger and brighter 32-character display with easy-to-read plain-English status messages.The oversized function keys are easily accessed even when the keypad door is closed, and can be programmed for fire,burglary, personal emergencies and other operations. Colored self-adhesive labels are included.• Large, easy-to-use keypad • Keys continuously backlit for greater visibility • Speaker with audible beeps to indicate:- System status - Entry/exit delay - Other alarm situations • Zones and system events displayed in plain English • No confusing blinking lights • Four programmable function keys • System functions clearly labeled • Functions performed by just entering security code plus command • White with removable door blends with any décor FEATURES Physical • 5-5/16"H x 7-3/8"W x 1-3/16"D (135mm x 190mm x 30mm)Current • Standby-40mA • Activated Transmission-160mA Wiring • - (Black):Ground • + (Red):+12 VDC (Aux. Power)• D1 (Green):“Data in” to control panel • D0 (Yellow):“Data out” from control panel Compatibility • Fully compatible with all VISTA controls.SPECIFICATIONS WITH DOOR ATTACHED WITHOUT DOOR The Honeywell 5192 Series low profile, addressable V-Plex smoke detectors deliver state-of-the-art features and benefits in a cost-effective package. These detectors are designed to provide open area coverage and are compatible with Honeywell’s VISTA controls supporting V-Plex technology. An LED on the detector will blink periodically during normal conditions, remain on steady during alarm and cease to pulse if the chamber is out of acceptable sensitivity range. An extremely powerful feature available within the 5192 Series is the Automatic Maintenance Alert/Reporting capability – a feature normally found in today’s high end analog addressable systems. The detectors continually monitor their own sensitivity levels in addition to the basic normal and alarm conditions. These HIGH and LOW SENSITIVITY signals are communicated back to the control, via the V-Plex addr essableloop, to indicate locally and at the central station that the detector may not be able to detect smoke or may false alarm. This feature works with VISTA-32FB, 128BP, 128FBP, 250BP, 250FBP, 40,50P, 100-24 and FAP FA1600C, FA1660C and FA1700C.More important is the cost saving associated with Automatic Maintenance Reporting. The feature is an approved alternate to NFPA 72 field sensitivity calibration testing that require external test meters. This eliminates the need to schedule inspections to determine detector sensitivity/viability. Another important benefit of these V-Plex (addressable) smokedetectors is their ability to operate on existing wiring. There is no need to run special twisted pair, data grade or shielded wires, providing you with the right choice for all your retrofit applications. That equates to cost savings in time and materials!• Low profile design • V-Plex addressable loop device • Automatic maintenance reporting • Available with integral heat sensor • Simple 2 wire installation • DIP switch or serial number programmable • Lines on existing or conventional wiring FEATURES The 5192 Series smoke detectors are designed to provide open area coverage and are well suited for most fire detection applications. These smoke detectors are compatible with all Honeywell VISTA Fire and Burglary controls that support V-Plex addressable loop technology. These agency listed alarm initiating devices support most commercial and residential applications.They are suited for use in museums, hospitals, day care centers, retail stores, strip malls, schools, libraries, fast food chains, medic al or professional office suites and in factory and warehouse environments.APPLICATIONS 5192SD/5192SDT V-PLEX ®SMOKE DETECTOR L/5192/D May 2009 © 2009 Honeywell International Inc. ORDERING 5192SD Addressable Photoelectric Smoke Detector 5192SDT Addressable Photoelectric Smoke Detector with Integral Heat Sensor SPECIFICATIONS 5192SD/5192SDT V-PLEX™ SMOKE DETECTOR Installation The 5192 Series smoke detectors are supplied with a convenient mounting bracket that allows the detector to be mounted to a variety of electrical junction boxes. A removable terminal block, that accepts 14 to 22 gauge wire to provide easy wiring connections.The detectors are designed to meet all applicable requirements for UL Commercial and Residential Fire installations as well as NFPA 72 requirements when installed in compliance with the National Electric Code and approved/listed control panels.CompatibilIty These smoke detectors are compatible with all VISTA control panels that support V-Plex (addressable) polling loop technology. The detectors support DIP switch or serial number addressing.DIP switch configuration are compatible with 5140XM, VISTA-40, and VISTA-50P controls. Serial number addressing is supported on VISTA-32FB, 128BP, 128FBP, 250BP,250FBP, 100-24 and FAP FA1600C,FA1660C and FA1700C c ontrols. (R efer to control panel and smoke detector installation instructions for details.)Automatic Maintenance Reporting Compatibility The automatic maintenance feature is compatible with the following control panels:– VISTA-32FB – VISTA-128BP – VISTA-128FBP – VISTA-250BP – VISTA-250FBP – FA1600C – FA1660C – FA1700C The automatic maintenance may be disabled for all other controls that do not support this feature. Refer to control panel and smoke detector Installation Instructions for details.Electrical:• System voltage range: 7-14 V Standby current (maximum @ 12V):– LED off: 1.2mA – LED on: 2.8mA Mechanical:• Diameter: 5.5 inches (140mm) (including mounting bracket)• Height: 1.7 inches (43mm) (including mounting bracket)• Weight: 5.3 ounces (150 grams)Environmental:• Installation temperature range:32° to 100°F (0° to 38°C)• Installation humidity range:10% to 93% RH, non-condensing • Heat sensor (5192SDT only):135°F fixed temperature electronic thermistor • EMI: Meets or exceeds the following requirements:– FCC Part 15, Class B Device – IEC EMC Directive Agency Listings • UL268 Commercial System Smoke Detector • Meets UL 217 Requirements for Residential VISTASERIES ULLISTED COMPATIBLE CONTROLPANEL REMOVABLE TERMINALBLOCK DIP SWITCH Wiring diagram for 5192SD/SDTsmoke detector For more information: www.honeywell.com/security/hsc Automation and Control Solutions Honeywell Security & Communications 2 Corporate Center Dr. Suite 100 Melville, NY 11747 1.800.467.5875 www.honeywell.com Agency Listings 5600 Series Mechanical Heat Detectors System Sensor’s 5600 series mechanical heat detectors offer a low-cost means for property protection against fire, and for non-life-safety installations where smoke detectors are inappropriate.Features Multiple configurations for installations: – Single- and dual-circuit models – Fixed temp and combination fixed- temp/rate-of-rise 135°F or 194°F ratings.Plain housing for residential installations (Model 5601P)Easy-to-use terminal screws A broad range of back box mounting options: – Single gang – 3.5˝ and 4˝ Octagonal – 4˝ square with square to round plaster ring Reversible mounting bracket •••••Multiple configurations. The 5600 series offers a full-line of configurations to accommodate a broad range of applications. Both single- and dual-circuit models are available for low- and high-temperature ratings with either fixed temperature or combination fixed temperature/rate-of-rise (ROR) activation. The ROR element of the fixed/ROR models is restorable to accommodate field-testing.Installation flexibility. To satisfy a variety of installation needs, the 5600 series easily mounts to single-gang and octagonal back boxes. And these models accommodate four-square back boxes, when used with a square to round plaster ring. The reversible mounting bracket permits both flush- and surface-mount back box installations.Visual identification. The 5600 series provides clear markings on the exterior of the unit to ensure that the proper detector is being used. Alphanumeric characters identify the activation method, as well as the temperature rating, in Fahrenheit and Celsius degrees. Fixed temperature models are identified FX, while combination fixed/rate-of-rise units are marked FX/ROR. The 5600 series also provides a post-activation indicator in the form of a collector. When the detector is activated, the collector drops from the unit, making it easy to identify the unit in alarm.S2101 3016008 199-03-E 7270-1209:227 3825 Ohio Avenue • St. Charles, IL 60174 Phone: 800-SENSOR2 • Fax: 630-377-6495 ©2006 System Sensor.Product specifications subject to change without notice. Visit systemsensor.com for current product information, including the latest version of this data sheet.A05-0351-002 • 11/06 • #1676 Specifications Architectural/Engineering Specifications Mechanical heat detector shall be a System Sensor 5600 series model number _________, listed to Underwriters Laboratories UL 521 for Heat Detectors for Fire Protective Signaling Systems. The detector shall be either a single-circuit or a dual-circuit type, normally open. The detector shall be rated for activation at either 135°F (57°C) or 194°F (90°C), and shall activate by means of a fixed temperature thermal sensor, or a combination fixed temperature/rate-of-rise thermal sensor. The rate-of-rise element shall be activated by a rapid rise in temperature, approximately 15°F (8.3°C) per minute. The detector shall include a reversible mounting bracket for mounting to 3½-inch and 4-inch octagonal, single gang, and 4-inch square back boxes with a square to round plaster ring. Wiring connections shall be made by means of SEMS screws that shall accommodate 14–22AWG wire. The detector shall contain alphanumeric markings on the exterior of the housing to identify its temperature rating and activation method. The rate-of-rise element of combination fixed temperature/rate-of-rise models shall be restorable, to allow for field-testing. The detectors shall include an external collector that shall drop upon activation to identify the unit in alarm.Physical/Operating Specifications Maximum Installation Temperature 5601P, 5603, 5621, and 5623: 100°F (38°C) 5602, 5604, 5622, and 5624: 150°F (65.6°C)Operating Humidity Range 5 to 95% RH non-condensing Dimensions with mounting bracket Diameter: 4.57 inches (11.6cm) Height: 1.69 inches (4.3cm) Alarm Temperature 5601P, 5603, 5621, and 5623: 135°F (57°C) 5602, 5604, 5622, and 5624: 194°F (90°C) Weight 6 oz. (170 grams)Rate-of-Rise Threshold 15°F (8.3°C) rise per minute (models 5601P, 5602, 5621, and 5622 only)Mounting 3½-inch octagonal back box 4-inch octagonal back box Single gang back box 4-inch square back box with a square to round plaster ring Electrical Specifications Operating Voltage / Contact Ratings 6–125VAC / 3A 6–28VDC / 1A 125VDC / 0.3A 250VDC / 0.1A Input Terminals 14–22 AWG Ordering Information Model Circuit Identification Method on Exterior Temperature Rating Activation UL Protected Spacing – 10 Foot Ceiling*5601P Single None 135°F (57°C)Fixed Temperature / Rate-of-Rise 50 feet × 50 feet (15.24m × 15.2m)5602 Single Lettering 194°F (90°C)Fixed Temperature / Rate-of-Rise 50 feet × 50 feet (15.24m × 15.2m)5603 Single Lettering 135°F (57°C)Fixed Temperature 25 feet × 25 feet (7.62m × 7.62m)5604 Single Lettering 194°F (90°C)Fixed Temperature 25 feet × 25 feet (7.62m × 7.62m)5621 Dual Lettering 135°F (57°C)Fixed Temperature / Rate-of-Rise 50 feet × 50 feet (15.24m × 15.2m)5622 Dual Lettering 194°F (90°C) Fixed Temperature / Rate-of-Rise 50 feet × 50 feet (15.24m × 15.2m)5623 Dual Lettering 135°F (57°C) Fixed Temperature 25 feet × 25 feet (7.62m × 7.62m)5624 Dual Lettering 194°F (90°C)Fixed Temperature 25 feet × 25 feet (7.62m × 7.62m)*NOTE: Refer to NFPA72 guidelines for spacing reductions when ceiling heights exceed 10 feet.5601P F X /R O R 1 9 4 °F /9 0 °C 5602, 5622 F X 1 3 5 °F /5 7 °C 5603, 5623 F X 1 9 4 °F /9 0 °C 5604, 5624 F X /R O R 1 3 5 °F /5 7 °C 5621 Agency Listings CO1224T Carbon Monoxide Detector with RealTest ™ Technology The System Sensor CO1224T CO detector provides early warning by using electrochemical sensing technology to measure carbon monoxide levels in the air.Features RealTest • ™ technology allows installer to test detector with CO gas Full compliance with UL 2075 • A code required trouble relay • Wiring supervision with SEMS terminals • A six year end-of-life timer • 12/24 VDC• A current draw of 20mA in standby and 40mA in alarm • Versatile mounting for wall and ceiling • Electrochemical sensing technology • With RealTest ™ technology, the CO gas sensing cell of the CO1224T CO detector can be tested using a carbon monoxide gas agent. Simply hold the test button for two seconds. After the alarm cycle (temp 4) the green LED will flash about once per second, indicating that the detector is ready to accept CO for testing. Spray a small amount of CO into the detector per the installation instructions, and within seconds the detector will alarm, indicating successful gas entry.If dangerous amounts of carbon monoxide is detected, the CO1224T detector will alert residents by sounding and flashing a temp-4 signal alarm. Protection is guaranteed 24/7 by a central station, regardless of whether residents are away from home, sleeping or already suffering from the effects of CO.This specific device is designed for system operation. The detector is fully listed to UL 2075. It offers a code required trouble relay to send a sensor failure or end-of-life signal to the control panel and the central station. It also uses SEMS-type terminal Philips head screws to provide a quicker and more positive wiring connection and code required wiring supervision. The CO1224T detector offers a low current draw, allowing more devices to be connected to the panel without having to purchase a more expensive panel or an extra power supply.The CO1224T model will operate on most industry security and fire alarm control panels because it is is a 12/24 VDC detector.2075 3825 Ohio Avenue • St. Charles, IL 60174 Phone: 800-SENSOR2 • Fax: 630-377-6495 ©2008 System Sensor.Product specifications subject to change without notice. Visit systemsensor.com for current product information, including the latest version of this data sheet.A05-0437-000 • 8/08 • #1953 Ordering Information Part No.Description CO1224T 12/24 volt, 4-wire system-monitored carbon monoxide detector with RealTest ™ Technology CO1224T Carbon Monoxide Detector Specifications Architectural/Engineering Specifications Carbon monoxide detector shall be a System Sensor model number CO1224T, listed to Underwriters Laboratories UL 2075 for Gas and Vapor Detectors and Sensors. The detector shall be equipped with a sounder and a trouble relay. The detector’s base shall be able to mount to a single-gang electrical box or direct (surface) mount to the wall or ceiling. Wiring connections shall be made by means of SEMS screws. The detector shall provide dual color LED indication, which blinks to indicate normal standby, alarm, or end-of-life. When the sensor supervision is in a trouble condition, the detector shall send a trouble si gnal to the panel. When the detector gives a trouble or end-of-life signal, the detector shall be replaced. The detector shall provide a means to test CO gas entry into the CO sensing cell. The detector shall provide this with a test mode that accepts CO gas from a test agent and alarms immediately upon sensing CO entry.Electrical Specifications Operating Voltage 12/24 VDC Audible Signal 85 dB in alarm Standby Current 20 mA Alarm Current 40 mA (75 mA test)Alarm Contact Ratings 0.5 A @ 30 VDC Trouble Contact Ratings 0.5 A @ 30 VDC Physical Specifications Size Length: 5.1 in, Width: 3.3 in, Height: 1.3 in Approximate Weight 7 oz Operating Temperature Range 32°F to 104° F (0°C to 40° C)Operating Humidity Range 22 to 90% RH Input Terminals 14 to 22 AWG Mounting Single-gang back box; sur face mount to wall or ceiling Operation Modes Operation Mode Green LED Red LED Sounder Normal (standby)Blink 1 per minute ——Alarm —Blink in temp 4 pattern Sound in temp 4 pattern RealTest ™ Feature: The System Sensor CO1224T carbon monoxide detector with RealTest ™ can evaluate the functionality of the CO sensing cell using canned test agent. NOTE: Check with local codes and the AHJ to determine whether or not a functional gas test is desired for an installation.Hush Feature: Pushing the Test/Hush button will silence the sounder for 5 minutes (except in RealTest mode).Trouble Feature: When the detector is in a trouble condition, it will send a trouble signal to the panel.End-of-life Timer: After the detector’s internal sensor has reached the end of its life, a trouble signal will be sent to the panel. This will indicate that it is time to replace the detector. An electrochemical carbon monoxide detector lifespan is approximately six years, and the detector must be replaced by the date marked on the inside of the product.1.2.3.Push and hold the Test/Hush button for two seconds to enter RealTest mode. The green LED will flash once every second to indicate RealTest mode has started.Spray canned CO agent into the detector.Verify CO sensing at the control panel. The detector will automatically exit RealTest alarm mode after about 20-60 seconds. Agency Listings Mini-Horns The SpectrAlert ® Advance series of mini-horn sounders are designed to simplify installations to provide primary and secondary signaling for fire and security applications.Features 12 and 24V operation High and low volume settings Temporal and non-temporal tones Mounts to single gang back box Compatible with MDL sync module Mechanically and electrically compatible with PA400 series Mini-Alert ™ sounders ••••••The MHR and MHW mini-horns operate at 12 and 24 volts and are ideal for hotel, motel or residential fire system applications, where a smaller notification device is desired. The mini-horns offer high and low volume settings, and temporal or non-temporal tones. The horns can be mounted to single gang back boxes for aesthetically sensitive applications. Synchronization is also provided when using the MDL module.The MHR and MHW mini-horns can operate between 32 and 120 degrees Fahrenheit from a regulated DC or full-wave rectified, unfiltered power supply. They are listed to Underwriter’s Laboratories Standard UL 464 for fire protective signaling systems.S4011 3028007 MEA7-07-E 7135-1653:196 3825 Ohio Avenue • St. Charles, IL 60174 Phone: 800-SENSOR2 • Fax: 630-377-6495 ©2007 System Sensor.Product specifications subject to change without notice. Visit systemsensor.com for current product information, including the latest version of this data sheet.A05-0414-000 • 1/07 • #1743 Ordering Information Part No.Description MHR Mini-Horn, Red MHW Mini-Horn, White SpectrAlert ® Advance Mini-Horn Specifications Architectural/Engineering Specifications Mini-horns shall be a System Sensor Model MHR or MHW capable of operating at nominal 12 or 24VDC and shall mount to a single gang back box. Mini-horn shall be listed to Underwriter’s Laboratories Standard UL464 for fire protective signaling systems. Mini-horns shall operate between 32 and 120 degrees Fahrenheit from a regulated DC, or full-wave rectified, unfiltered power supply. When used with the Sync•Circuit ™ Module, 12-volt rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between nine and 17.5 volts; 24-volt rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 17 and 33 volts.Physical Specifications Dimensions 4.6˝L × 2.9˝W × .45˝D Weight 2.67 oz.Operating Temperature Range 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C)Mounting Surface: single-gang back box Flush: 4˝ × 4˝ BBD deep back box (23/4˝ deep)Electrical Specifications Input Terminals 12 to 18 AWG Nominal Voltage Regulated 12DC/FWR or regulated 24DC/FWR Operating Voltage 8–33 Operating Voltage with MDL 9–33 UL Sound Output and Current Draw Data Sounder Output (dBA)Switch Setting Pattern Output Level 8–17.5 VDC 8–17.5 VFWR Nominal 12 VDC Nominal 12 VFWR 16–33 VDC 16–33 VFWR 1 Temporal High 68 67 71 70 78 76 2 Temporal Low 66 65 69 68 76 75 3 Non-temporal High 72 71 75 74 80 79 4 Non-temporal Low 70 69 73 72 78 77 Sounder Current Draw (mA RMS)Switch Position Sound Pattern Volume 8–17.5 Volts 16–33 Volts DC FWR DC FWR 1 Temporal High 12 10 17 15 2 Temporal Low 10 9 14 13 3 Non-temporal High 22 17 29 25 4 Non-temporal Low 17 13 21 19