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��i�r� I���i�� ��� ��TI��I F�1�l�1 � ������� � ����,�,�� ��������,��t � �� ��tF� Fr�rr���� F���� ��i I� �I�f��� �1��� t�l: ���.��.�1�� ���: ���.���.���� ��T �r��: �w�r.��i I��.�orr� Project Name: Kerr Res. Repair DRB Number: DR6120146 Project Description: REPAIRS TO ENTRY WAY AND SOUTH DECK AND WALL BELOW DUE TO WATER INFILTRATION AND MOLD REMEDIATION. REPLACE AS EXISTING. Participants: OWNER SIROTKIN, NEIL &GABRIELA J. 05/08/2012 2121 N FRONTAGE RD W 197 VAI L CO 81657 APPLICANT SIROTKIN, NEIL &GABRIELA J. 05/08/2012 2121 N FRONTAGE RD W 197 VAI L CO 81657 Project Address: 1395 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 52 Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SU6. Parcel Number: 2103-121-0602-2 Comments: See conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 05/08/2012 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0012567 The applicant shall replace all exterior elements which are removed/disturbed in order to perform the work with materials, textures, and colors which match the exisitng prior to requesting a final planning inspection. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Department of Communify Development 75 South Frontage Road TOWN OF UAIC � vai�, CO 81657 Tel: 970-479-2128 www.vailgov.com Development Review Coordinator Application for Design Review I lVlinor Exterior Alteration General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving minor changes to buildings and site improve- ments, such as roofing, painting,window additions, landscaping, fences, retaining walls, etc. Applicable Vail Town Code sections can be found at www.vailqov.com under Vail Information–Town Code Online. All projects requiring de- sign review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department, as outlined in the submittal requirements. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval expires one year from the date of approval, unless a building per- mit is issued and construction commences. Fee: $250 for Multi-Family/Commercial $20 for Single FamilylDuplex Single Family � Duplex Multi-Family Commercial Description of the Request: _ (��PA-ras 70 �,�t�c,� wA-y �,P �,�� ff v��{G ,�,�D ���}�,�. 13�t,�w i�✓� 70 'vv m7�i� �uF��7(tn'(io7v /k�Nt� ✓n O�D ��c�E��t r} 1 �a�v . R�l'C,� ,fS EXiS7, Physical Address: ��?� S ti�/e��"{/l Gc,��v. (��-- Parcel Number: �2- �� � -I21` ��'`(�vZ (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 f�r parcel no.) Property Owner: -"(�-�PO ��►� Mailing Address: � , Zll� _ rjGn��2✓, �O �Zl�I2 � 3D3-2�3-�/y Phone: Owner's Signature: �\ Primary Contact/O ner presentative: ���47�t,(,��cik� Mailing Address: � 7i7K �p�j0 �1,�WJ�S,_C.� �J���7_ uww �I�c�--�1 �- � ?�� Phone: � 70.-�2�- 1�58 E-Mail: �_��t��g G� t" ,✓� U��ax: �1(I-�Z U � �B�(g For Office Use Only: Cash_ CC: Visa/MC Last 4 CC# Exp. Date: _ Auth# Check# �S� Fee Paid:�O�00 Received From: _��jl,RuCGR�e.fZ Meeting Date� DR- B-TJo°����� —�,�,i--���� ��'a=o�t�v � J� � � Planner. ro�ect No: Zoning: . _ Land Use: __ ~[���, Location of the Proposal: Lot:_�Block: Subdivision: �E �. F VAIL sk�p�v�s�o - May 0812 09,31 a J.Krueger and Company 970-926-1868 p,1 p.1 I �epartrriert of�arr�rnundy De�refopmer�., . .- -�- 75 South Fror�tago Road � r`'~�` - Z � �r Vai! 81&57 Cj ,CO TDUYN �F VA�L`� `� Tet 970-4i$-2i28 � rn�wv.vai�gov.t� Developrr.en1�iaview Coordinator Appli�afson #or Design Rev�e�nr �linor .Exterior Ai��rat�or� General Inforrt�fro�: This sppGcaiion i�required for all Droposals imrolvi�p mi�ar cMar�es to�in�s and s�fee imQr�ve- menLs,such as roafing.painfing.x+ndow ad�fUons.landscaping.lenaes.rstaining walls,a�a Appticabla Vai�Tavn Code se�o�f�a can�e tound at www_vailQOV_eom under Vai!�n[ormalion-7own Code Onlino. Al)�nojects �quiring do- sign review mus't receiva approv�l�r1or tio submilting a�uidirg?eRn it appl'uxtioc�_ An applicaFroa So�pes9gn Review cannot be accepted unti al!required inlormatbn ls receiverl by the Cornmunity t)eveloRmenl Depa�lmer�t,es outlfned i� the submittal requiremen[s. Tha project may also need to be raview�d by the Taum Cauncil andlcr the Planning a�d Environmsntat Commjssicn. Desige�:eview apprvval s�cpires one year from 1he date at approva�,unless a b�titding per- mit Is issued arxl cflns�cuc�ian cornrnences. �ee: �Sp fw�flu�-Fatr�ilylCammercial SZO for Singte Family/Dup1�c Stngie Fami�y L Du�k�ac Muf#i-�ami)y Corrun�rcia! D�scriptian ofthe Request: ��CPk�A� -to �.'�� w+� �h�o S�,n�• a� � rn�•��. ���.a� Dd(L Z�7 ;,b�'tF.2 �wFi�TW�rtloJ�s kJJb �nOW ��W+C�?Irirt�E�v �� Jlcs �Glt? ��ys�ai adar�s: 1�,�t S"�r��'�rta�� �� �� �e�'bv'�s�-f�-, Pa�cel3dun�ber: •2 [d�j -i21- 0�v-(-l�Zy [Contacl ag!e Co.Asse�or at 97 326-8640 tar parcel no.) .v�a.ara.r.a�� �y a.r��.� �",U��EJ�''1 B'f�/iVL��►3 S t iCf� f'rs�pelty Owner. _ Mailing Address: �,(�� � � �.'�'� .�t�1 u .ar+' �C� iv'�- i�i 7 �C'+t:Lo �L'�+�- 3�3�Z�t�L-/���Phone: G, t y ��t,e7�.-�oS�o' Owner's Signature: X Primary Confact/Oy�ner enlative� �„��i.t�.�._Cs1(�__ Mail7ng Address: . � r�.��. �0-'��- t?.�3 �P�a»e:_�-� �S� E-Mail: _ ti 11�Ttar� ,/ �Zdi/u►� x:,_,R7f?-�Z� " �1� � ForOtficx�3se Only: Cash CC: llis2l AIIC Las14(:C� Exp.Dat,e: Auth# CAedc# FeePaid �e�� F�= Meeling Aate: D�B No.: Plarmer. PtajeCt No- . IZoping: ..-•----- Land iJse: l�ocatio�af the Prnposal: Lot: Blodc Subdivisicn:__._—,•• -• - --•- ��� � z TOWN OF VAIL ' . JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER The applicant must submit wrilten joint property owner approval for applications affecting shared ownership properties such as duplex, condominium, and multi-tenant buildings. This form, or similar writlen correspondence, must be com- pfeted by the adjoining duplex unit owner or the authorized agent of ihe home owner's association in the case of a con- dominium or multi-tenant building.All completed forms must be submitted with ihe applicants completed applicat�o�. I, (print name)_ �1�2 _ � ' �!�'p� _ , a joint owner, or authority of the associalion, of property located at _1�lS�,�� Qv4wrt f, IT' , provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated __�n� Q MI S_ � _ _ which have been submifted to the Town o�Vail Communily Development Department for Ihe proposed improvements lo be completed at the address not- ed above. 1 understand that the proposed improvements inctude: t�E_I it-1/L S 7� r"N7� ct.�_�m� SO v'7�f !>�(� � lai�h�. /3�w .ov� l:c�1_�/�t�'!� //�Frc. ?'R�� 7i���IL��c lLF��+Jiri7i�� 11EF..r7v7,/.(/! ��F C-�U77�2 L)��'r'/rr7 tri�YT� _.ta.✓J O�r w7 T�/' ��,4i�.L 6fii�A/2-s� ��PGfiG� 2f,��1rlv� N�JR�tEf='�fiZ R�11 �s1ri?,L �o F�iP€c%�vS Gd.v�l7�dA/ --� T�J � f�'►�� 74 TN� �!/�trZ�(L- �4.ti. ------- --- — — _ - • - �/ 2_ (Si iature) (Date) Additiona�ly, please check the statement below which is most applicable to you: 1 unde�stand that minor modifications may be made fo lhe plans over the course of the review process to ensure compli- ance wilh the Town's applicable codes and regulahons. (lnitial here) I understand that all modifications, minor or ofherw�se, whrch are made to the plans over the course of Ihe review pro- c ught to my attention by!he applicant for additional approval be�ore undergoing further review by the Town. al �e�e) � � �o� � � p 1 �,�s MAY 0'� �U�2 TOWN OF VAIL r°��___f Rcd � � (� 1� 2 .._�.'.� ��JLJ� � w z �� � � . I � � .�/ a . .__. � ,.�� Q W a � � W � ~ . � �+ � � ° ,�. � O � m (((��� ,,,,,, ��n U �n , . . � � ,•-1 w �n ..� Z W � � `—�.� . � _ • �- - __ _ -�51 a � � o w � o O aa _ _ ____ � � 0 '-�,-_. � \ " '� � �, Q o . � : _ � � __- �' � � , � a '� � _t--- �, > _ �/ —�_ � ; � Z ` � �J�r��4� / . . \ ,�g �/ 3 � aR�sses _� � t � - \ / y .y~w, Q a_°. � � -/ ... _. . :\ .� Y��'� '__-�� .��u � J �n . � r t 1 _ `� � , ° - /� . \ „r /.t' .. \��' -l�' � � o� " ` y _ , _ �.. , � a . , , � • , � � . . . - _ , __� _ \ / � \ — � . . � . . , .:<� �, ��t � . � `�� o a M �. —�_ . ' �� /i. -� -`� ..,_ /- \T 'J'j ��� ��v i O , � � , I � V � li+ . 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