HomeMy WebLinkAboutPEC120003 Applicant's Request  Opal Building · 225 Main Street · Suite G-002 · Edwards, Colorado · 81632 970-926-7575 · 970-926-7576 fax · www.braunassociates.com  FORD PARK IMPROVEMENT PLAN C.U.P. APPLICATION May 4, 2012 The purpose of this report is to provide a narr ative description of improvement plans proposed for Ford Park. This description includes how the proposal complies w ith applicable review criteria for the requested Conditional Use Permit a nd Variance applications and an assessment of the Development Plan and its conformance with zoning standards. Included in the narrative below is the following: • Public Initiative on Impr ovements to Ford Park • Ford Park Stakeholders • Ford Park Management Plan • Improvement/Development Program • Conditional Use Permit Proce ss and Review Criteria • Variance Request Review Criteria • Development Plan/Zoning Standard evaluation • Project Phasing Public Initiative on Improvements to Ford Park Improvements to Ford Park have been an ongoi ng topic of discussion si nce the old Antholtz Ranch was named the Gerald R. Ford Park in 1977 . A number of plans have been completed in order to define the parks future and over th e past three decades many significant improvements to the Park have been made. Today Ford Park provides the community with a focal point for recreational, educational, social and cultural activity. Along with Vail Mountain, Bridge Street, Lionshead and the Gore Range; Ford Park is one of the special and unique places in Vail that defines our community. The most recent impetus for improvements to Ford Park evolved from discussions of the Town’s Conference Center funding. This past fall 87% of Vail voters approved re-allocation of the $9-plus million Conference Center Funds. As endorse d by the voters, reallocation of these funds is to provide funding for a portion of the improve ments proposed for Ford Park, specifically improvements to the Ford Amphitheater as well as expansion of the fields and restroom improvements at the Ford Park athletic co mplex. By an overwhelming margin the Vail community has endorsed improvements to Ford Park.    Ford Park Stakeholders The Town of Vail is the land owne r of Ford Park and plays an active role in the management and operation of the Park. The Town also has lease or other agreements with three other entities that manage and maintain facilities in the Park: • The Vail Recreation District, • The Betty Ford Alpine Gardens, and • The Vail Valley Foundation. Collectively the Town and the Ford Park stakeh olders have been working collaboratively on the preparation of improvement plans for the Park. To varying degrees each of the stakeholders are collaborating with the Town by participating in the design and fundi ng of their respective improvement plans. Ford Park Management Plan The Ford Park Master Plan was adopted in 1985 and in 1997 this plan was amended with the adoption of the Ford Park Management Plan. Th e Management Plan “sets forth six management goals with accompanying objectives, action steps, and policy statements to provide a framework for future management decisions”. Conceptual site plans and written descriptions of these potential park improvements are al so included in this Plan. This past Spring the Management Plan was updated to reflect new ideas for improvements planned for the Park. The 2012 update continues th e overall direction for the Park established by the 1997 Management Plan and in doing so main tains the role the Park has played in the community for the past 30 years. The update made no changes to the six goal statements or to the related objectives, policy statements and action steps outlined in the 1997 Plan, nor were any significant changes to the activities that currentl y take place in the Park proposed. The new ideas for improvements in the Park are expressed via the Ford Park Illustrative Plan, a generalized site plan and accompanying narrative description of future improvements that could occur in the Park. This plan is found on the following page. Concepts depicted on the Illustrative Plan are considered to be appropriate improvements and activities for the Park. However, all improveme nts are subject to further review by the Town (Conditional Use Permit, Development Plan review , DRB review) prior to being implemented. In some cases the description of improveme nts provided below include parameters or considerations that should be addressed during detailed design and as a part of subsequent review by the Town. Improvements proposed by this Development Plan have evolved from the concepts depicted on th e Illustrative Plan. 2012 Ford Park Improvement Plans 2 CUP/Variance/Development Plan     2012 Ford Park Improvement Plans 3 CUP/Variance/Development Plan     Improvement/Development Program The following summarizes improvements included with the proposed Development Plan: Landscape and Pedestrianization Improvements • Upgrading of walkways from Frontage Road transit/parking areas into Park • West Betty Ford Way - path widening, new path surface, seating and lighting • East Betty Ford Way - path widening, re-grading to lower slope of path, new path surface, seating and lighting, overlooks to Gore Creek • Landscape improvements throughout Park • Creek bank restoration/enhancement below (parking lot) Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater • Re-design of lawn seating area • New east restrooms and upgrad ing of existing restrooms • Garden Overlook Terrace (within Amphitheater) to Alpine Gardens Athletic Fields • Re-configured/expand athletic fi elds and associated retain ing wall, seating, fencing, landscaping, etc. • New bathrooms and concession buil ding at east end of fields • New west bathrooms and maintenance/storag e building (for VRD and Alpine Garden) Betty Ford Alpine Garden • North entry to Garden Transit/Parking/Service • Dedicated bus stop (and shelter) along Frontage Road (location of shelter is proposed at this time, architectural design of shelter to be provided for PEC review at later date) • Re-configured parking lot, new access points with Frontage Road • Improved storm water drainage system for parking lot • Centralized trash facility (loca tion of facility is proposed at this time, architectural design of shelter to be provided fo r PEC review at later date) • New sewer line on west end of Park and new water line from Tennis Center to Amphitheater along East Betty Ford • Improved loading/delivery to the Amphitheate r by designing East Betty Ford Way such that this corridor can accommodate trucks/deliveries 2012 Ford Park Improvement Plans 4 CUP/Variance/Development Plan     Conditional Use Permit Review Process Ford Park is zoned General Use (GU). In the GU District “Public and private parks and active outdoor recreation areas, facilities and uses” are a Conditional Use. As such, virtually any improvement proposed in the Park requires revi ew of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). The CUP process requires submittal of a Developmen t Plan. The Development Plan includes detailed building plans, engineer ing plans and landscape plans. This plan is then evaluated relative to applicable CUP review criteria. The following criteria are to be used by the PEC in reviewing the CUP and proposed Development Plan: 1. Describe the precise nature of the proposed use and measures proposed to make the use compatible with other pr operties in the vicinity. Response There are no new uses proposed for the Park. Improvements proposed replace or enhance uses and activities that currently existi ng at the Park – athle tic fields, restrooms, the Amphitheater, paths and trails, parking and transit, service func tions. Given the size of the Park and the location of properties in the vicinity, no compatibility issues are anticipated from the proposed Park improvements. That said, one improvement worth noting relative to compatibility with othe r properties is the ne w bathroom/storage building at the west end of the Park. This building has been designed to be a very low-profile structure benched into the terrain a nd will include a green roof in order to minimize any impacts to neighboring residential uses. 2. The relationship and impact of the us e on development objec tives of the Town. Response Improvements proposed to the Park are in di rect response to the Town’s development objectives of enhancing the economic vitality of the community. A si gnificant portion of the project funding is from the re-allocati on of conference cente r funding. Vail voters overwhelmingly approved the use of conf erence center funding to improvement Ford Park. These improvements are intended to in crease the utilization of the park (i.e. expanded fields will allow the VRD to attrac t a wider range of us ers and groups creating economic development opportunities) and e nhance the overall ch aracter and guest experience of the Park (i.e. pedestrian e nhancements, improvements to loading/delivery and refinements to the Amphitheater). 2012 Ford Park Improvement Plans 5 CUP/Variance/Development Plan     Improvement plans for the Park are also c onsistent with the im provements generally depicted on the Illustrative Site Plan found in the Ford Park Management Plan and improvement plans are also supported by the goals, objectives and po licy statements of the Management Plan. Foremost among these are Goal #2 – Reduce vehicular intrusions in, and their impact on the Park and Goal #3 – Improve internal pe destrian circulation within Ford and the pedestri an connections between Ford Park and Vail Village. Improvements to pedestrian flow are planne d between the bus stop/parking area and the lower bench of the Park. Betty Ford Way is the primary pedestrian corridor within the Park and improvements are also planned along th is entire corridor. A major objective of these improvements is to increase the width of this path to better accommodate pedestrians during peak periods of use, to re duce the slope of path s and to improve the quality of the Park by add lighting, sea ting and improved walking surfaces. The improvement plans are also intended to significantly reduce the impact of truck traffic (primarily deliver/serv ice vehicles to the Amphitheat er) through the lower bench. This will be accomplished by designing East Betty Ford Way to accommodate trucks such that the major of all delivery trucks can enter and exit the Park via East Betty Ford Way. Currently approximately 150 trucks each summer access the Amphitheater via Betty Ford Way from the west and this traffi c significantly diminishes the quality of the Park experience, specifically on the lower bench. Improvements planned for East Betty Ford Way will allow for all but 8-12 (large) truc k trips per year to enter and exit the Park via the east. 3. The effect of the use on light and air, dist ribution of population, tran sportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. Response The proposed project will have a direct effect on two of the considerations listed above – the project will result in significant improve ments to the Town’s park and recreation facilities and the development of a dedi cated bus stop will improve transportation operations to and from the Park. While Gore Creek technically does not fall within the considerations listed above, potential effects of proposed improvements on Gore Creek warrant discussion. Specifically, this relates to plans for improve ments to the parking lot and to East Betty Ford Way and associated retaining wall cons truction. A number of improvements and other measures are planned to minimize adverse effects of these projects on the Creek: 2012 Ford Park Improvement Plans 6 CUP/Variance/Development Plan     • Best Management Practices (BMP’s) will be established during the preparation of construction drawings. These improvement s will be designed specific to the steep slope of the creek bank and include among ot her things measures to prevent run-off and erosion into the Creek during construction. • A slope restoration plan is pr oposed for the existing creek ban k. This is in addition to the re-vegetation of areas disturbed by c onstruction. This program will improve the aesthetic appearance of the bank. • New stormwater management improvements are proposed for the parking lot. This plan will collect runoff from the lot and r un it though a filter system prior to discharge into the Creek. Currently runoff flows o ff the parking lot dir ectly to the Creek. 4. The effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking  area.  Response The expanded athletic fields arguably will allow for an increased level of activity at the Park, i.e. two lacrosse or soccer games on “fu ll-sized” fields would be able to take place at the same time. However, this level of activity is much less than that of other events such as the 3 on 3 soccer tournament. Further, two soccer games can occur simultaneously today on “junior level” fields so in that respect ha ving two “full-sized” fields would not significantly increase traffic or congestion in the Park from what can occur today. The development of a dedicated bus drop-off, se parate from the parking lot, will increase safety and convenience for both the bus riders and private vehicles.  5. The effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed us e is to be located, including the scale and  bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Response There are no new uses proposed for the Park and as such uses will have no effect on the character of the area or surrounding uses. A ll new buildings proposed for the Park are very low-scale and will be comp atible with surrounding uses. Variance Review Process A variance to the 6’ maximum retaining wall hei ght is proposed. While the majority of all retaining walls proposed for the project are within the 6’ maximum, there is a small section of 2012 Ford Park Improvement Plans 7 CUP/Variance/Development Plan     wall adjacent to the Amphitheater loading dock and to Gore Creek that exceeds the maximum allowable height. Refer to the attached sk etch for plans of existing and proposed wall conditions. Additional information on this variance is provided below. 2012 Ford Park Improvement Plans 8 CUP/Variance/Development Plan      2012 Ford Park Improvement Plans 9 CUP/Variance/Development Plan      Factors Enumerated: Before acting on a varian ce application, the planning and environmental commission shall consider the following factor s with respect to the requested variance: 1. Describe the precise nature of the proposed use and measures proposed to make the use compatible with other pr operties in the vicinity. Response A boulder retaining wall of approximately 12.5 ’ currently exists along East Betty Ford Way adjacent to the Amphithea ter loading dock and Gore Creek. The widening of East Betty Ford Way has created the need for a new wall in this area. An engineered wall is proposed. At its highest point this proposed wa ll is +/-14’6” tall. Site conditions are major factors in the height of this wall. Existing amphitheater improvements do not allow for the path to be moved to the north (which would allow for a lower wall). Limited space between the wall and Gore Creek preclude the possibili ty of terracing the wall. Limited space between the wall and Gore Creek also precludes the possibility of creating a fill slope below the wall. As a “fill wall” this retaining wall will not be as visible as a cut wall. Visually the wall will be buffered by existing vegetation. Th e wall will be faced with Colorado Buff Sandstone Veneer. 2. The relationship and impact of the use on development objectiv es of the Town. Response The wall is a direct function of providing a wider path. Widening the path accomplishes two purposes – to improve pedestrian flow to and from the Amphitheater and to provide a path of sufficient width to accommodate deliv ery vehicles and in doing so significantly reduce the number of trucks that currently im pact the Lower Bench of Ford Park. These improvements are directly consistent with goals for the Park as outlined in the Ford Park Management Plan. 3. The effect of the use on light and air, dist ribution of population, tran sportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. Response Other than the benefits to the Park as men tioned above, the variance has no direct effect on these other considerations. 2012 Ford Park Improvement Plans 10 CUP/Variance/Development Plan     4. The effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenien ce, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking area. Response The wall height variance will allow for widening East Betty Ford Way. This will improve both convenience and safety for park users. 5. The effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in re lation to surrounding uses. Response While exceeding the maximum 6’ wall height, the retaining that is proposed is not uncommon for mountain conditions and as such the proposed wall height should not have an effect of the characte r of the surrounding area. Development Plan/Zoning Standards Development standards within the GU District are to be determined by the PEC during the review of a proposed Development Plan. These standards include lot ar ea and site dimensions, setbacks, building height, density control, site coverage, landscaping and site development and parking and loading. Most of thes e standards are not rele vant given Ford Park’s large site area and the relatively modest level of development that is proposed. Further, the majority of proposed improvements involves landscaping and s ite work and as such does not affect these development standards. Development statistics for proposed buildings are: West Restroom Building 1,785 Gross SF 14’ 10” Building Height Bathroom/Concession Building 1,612 Gross SF 13’ 6” Building Height East Amphitheater Restrooms 981 Gross SF 11’ 6” Building Height 2012 Ford Park Improvement Plans 11 CUP/Variance/Development Plan     Below is a summary of parki ng standards for the project: Parking Ford Park currently has 199 parking spaces, on a typi cally a number that is more than sufficient to meet the parking needs of the Park. “Peak days” are another matter – the 4 th of July Lacrosse tournament, the “3 on 3” soccer tournament, Am phitheater events, etc. all draw a significant number of people to the Park. During these types of events th e on-site parking will be 100% utilized and alternative m eans of accessing the Park are utilized. Foremost among the alternatives used by Park users is to park in the Vail Village Parking Structure and walk to the Park. The Town also provides direct shuttle bus es from the Structure to the Park and also extends the “In-Town” route beyond Golden Peak to provide service to the Nature Center Bridge. These alternative means of access to the Park ar e in keeping with long term goals for parking management. For example: The 1973 Vail Plan discussed the Antholz Property (later to become Ford Park) and highlighted the property’s “ease of walking distance from the Village” and that “major parking will be accommodated in the transportation center”. The 1985 Master Plan for Ford Park depicted only 136 parking spaces, yet this plan included basicall y all park improvements that currently existing and a swimming pool complex. A policy statement from the 1997 Ford Park Management Plan states “new uses added to Ford Park in the fu ture shall be structured to encourage users or participants to walk or ride the bus rather th an drive.” Another policy states that “adequate parking for the needs of the park are to be provided in the park and at the Village Structure”. In summary, the premise for Ford Park has always b een that parking for peak events should be provided at the Village Structure and that alternative means of accessing the park be provided. The proposed Development Plan includes 203 park ing spaces, 188 of which are located within the parking lot and 15 are proposed along the Fron tage Road. Frontage Road spaces will require approval from the Colorado Department of Tran sportation. Dialogue w ith the State is ongoing and an initial decision on these spaces is expected in the coming months. Currently all 199 existing spaces are located w ithin the parking lot. The Town Council’s objective is that improvements to Ford Park resu lt in “no net loss” of parking. The proposed parking standard is for 203 spaces, with the condition that CDOT approve the 15 Frontage Road spaces. In the event CDOT does not approve the Frontage Road spaces the proposed parking standard for Ford Park would be 188 spaces. Th is lesser number of space s is considered an adequate number of spaces to meet the typical daily needs for the Park and that during peak events bus transportation and the Vail Villag e Parking Structure provi de sufficient parking alternatives. 2012 Ford Park Improvement Plans 12 CUP/Variance/Development Plan      Project Phasing Initial improvements planned for Ford Park in clude all improvements outlined above and as depicted on the Ford Park Phase I Development Pl an (that accompanies this application). There will however, be some phasing of these Phase I imp rovements as the project will be implemented over the next couple of years. Funding for thes e improvements is coming from three sources – the Town of Vail, the Vail Valley Foundation and the Vail Recreation District. Cost estimating of the Phase I Development Plan is currently underway and the results of this analysis will influence decisions regarding th e final phasing of the project. Detailed phasing, or better term ed “construction sequencing” will be provided at time of final review by the PEC. These plans will be made based on funding availability, construction efficiencies and the premise that all improvements to be initiated can “stand on their own” (i.e. are not dependent upon the completion of other improvements at a later date). 2012 Ford Park Improvement Plans 13 CUP/Variance/Development Plan