HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN ESTATES LOT 8 LEGAL.pdf=-a-T-\Et // \\ a. tf l _rry,.]|v-3\- ,/.t_{ o o z U){n c C){o z ! -t Ft -l7 ;t=el d --l m Ia LrD --.{ : o <: f riS e 6a=;x != g '_:..: ; o 'uir'O <-i I --:m=--1 t- J o.< fo ;!g aio ctt >I 4(!(, 3 m,+ _n m =--l tEEE <trq 2=2 YP t- Cb!tE t\): r-o 72= ^ ocD az=E oo tz z q,z -{:an m lr tl l-lzx tz l:<o r> 'n P_O ..m .1" e =\o (1 @ m x m -t z ID :m O O r.\ _J -o o I =m o --l €z m n a=m1 o>'-z m a a z rn € t> l< l;t> 1F l*l"E tIIl tw lH t; la t' 0 o m q- F z c) H € tJ) d lr{ c- --t t- 'Tl I z H IF tz I lrtl lvl t>IH tcn Z.\m o I z. o z --{ c)i o >: 3= .'i : z --i o --l m l-m --{ o t- 9."--{ m nz >m {> I = F N P F tJ P' a a c) H X o P F _!- 6 I 5 ls l5 t_rl l<l>l-lft lm lo lz l ld F! rtl r{ c) z cn H c)l-l H z l-r lo l€ lz lo ll l>IF lr IM lF,tz t:INJ lto II I' I 5 I --t t-.r mlO trl{'l= lY l> t; IF lz lo I I I I FJ z GI t trt c) F z H c) t-i l-r l= lz to l-n l<t>l- lm l= le I I l-lN,l5' IE I t9 { I .{ ].J F. l--r tn lo l-l€ 13 lzl lo lo l.ll lq l< l>t> tF l= l>t- tz tm t-P li;lz lct tol IFO ttF | -lE | !lH I o'lz ttlo | 'dl I I 5 I 5' l.J x;E 3 d : - oiO ni ila*-€;*ROP 35ie)+<-;-f, o:..< p {ro€io- I a 3 oico* +=, =6 9b ic - =; r <D f o=llA) =(Di < *X;r- n:l = oo Lu =^ -=^. - -(D J :68 *6 ? ie [!. x -.: +it 9ix6i 9:; =.i ? r,o o * r-'5i= '6 ro ? 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I n C,5t-\zl^mr \I l. .) nl .1 >:J | /:N-;tt li xl\ /\:.i t\ I el>L "tt dl -rl =l (nl FI 'nl > :o z r -o m a =-i a z m m o m o xtx;x xz . ot-t@a ml>l: l* d n l6 ; = I l; o <>n-o --t m l 9; li o I € i,.cl 3"', X X ,TNT=:O o x i ir t LIL=<:0--r >>-t -'2.\t" c: _zz : c c c o O a z_ -.1 C -+ :i -t l0 = lI| z € F E --l m _--t o =o z \ n . 4 I z --l a c o ! c I z ON-l; n= =, :i .i iP !s roza =u;Qo =o < z .ir o a.jIo64 c^?c:z> aa 'o :j ?e9 9 -€z? ;ix --l a :) I L! ,F 5 (, \l ! \.1 H z P Fo E cl P z c)r K H z B z H H t. {H z lsA l6 t>.> | =t-1 = | z lrq< lo lrd r,, | >IHF lo lEo l!lirs l=I t- | tr't.>!l t;az l;o l:3z li *a I *El <tc)l r-r lF I (nl>l Fl lvi I tt rrtHl t!t I SltFI-nF.rl;r-l | --t Hlc)lm >trl F ltr, I . t>l lzl l'l I II EP c ,^- F<- lql t-{ tr< F9 7- 6 E H F { H F ,\ E >Fd .*J --l --i t- m =-n m m c U' m -.1 o fn ?c m I m I c'2 m s t o m o m : z m m m o I z ^ c q z m rn o I o z c)I m o @ c = m = m -.t 'n m m a VALUATION m =z H F F m o I 2 c = 2 aTl m o --l o c z 1..)o\ (Jl o o, tJ \|t'..).{t,.)(,) 5 F- JI N @ l,h l{"Qcf.>-fr\ +?)Jrl Cbl PERMIT NUMBER OF ROJECT INSPECTION:MON JOB NAME I INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL CALLER TUES WED ,PM READY FOR LOCATION: ' , ,,; BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEF tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER u pLYwooD NATLTNG O GAS PIPING D INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING u tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED EI DISAPPROVED tr' REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS jr.'fu h'l: z.j'rr-y' C.-"- r)'zt-,ltt.:t.f I y'/ ( -, t ' ' DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT )i a , JNSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL o (.j 1 /,,': DATE / ' JOB NAME , CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI 'AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON i STEEL / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING E INSULATION - N POOL i H. TUB -D SHEETROCK NAIL O - f-l tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: D TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR -T'1 - O FINAL '1n leenOveO CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE ,INSPECTOR O,sge ,o*noruors'ut DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS 479.2158 FIELDIIEMO /" ,o. Eutt PROJECT (LOCAION): I,rx/4c C. o r> 6( By trr-,El,c c'clr\ t/ oapzZ?h&- CONTBACTOR'S COMMENIS Received by: White{ontraclo{ Pirk-Construclbn Engineer Canary-Flle a o oro* rNsPEcrroNrs CoMPLETED o The lteas below need to be conplete before giving a pe::nlt a flnal C of 0. Please eheck off in the box provlded. FINAL PLI'MBING DATE! t_] n FINAL UECSANICAL DATE: [l FINAL ELECTRICAI. DATE: FINAL BUILDING TEUPORARY C OF O EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE! I---7-l ryi [] T--i-r r$ rl DATE: I.A}IDSCAPING DUE DATE: FILE NAI,TE: Project Application Date Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lot Co m ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL A,tll Staff Approval MAn a .\^ .FtrF !-,|^^llHt(- 1-1.4/, lllF l^:/<vvgIv!.v.|.iv revlsed 9/tlgt T B. c. NAI,TE OF ADDRESS Bighorn EstateE ADDRESS E. FEE $250.00 PATDJCK * ,BY Nugget lane THE FEE l{gsr BE DEPARTMENT WII,L PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAI. TT F. A IIst of the names of owners of alt Plglgrly adjacent io-in. suljecr pioperry rNcLuDrNG PRoPERTY BEHIND AND ACRoss SIREETST'an'a tn-etr maillng addreEses'- THE APPLICAI.ITWILLBERESPoNSIBLEFoRcoRREcTMAILING ADDRESSES. A pre-application conference Y''ith-" q1"1111rg,:!lff member is stiongly- suggested to determine if any aclclittonar lnioifiat,ion-is neeaeo. No application will be accepted- unf"ss lt ls co*pfti. (must iirclude aII iteng requlred by iire-""ni"g adrninistrator) - rL is the appllcant's responsibility to:rnl[" an appointment' wlttr tha stalf to find oui' aUout additiortal submlttal reguirements' PLEASENotETEATACo}'PLEIEAPPLICATIoNhIILLSTREAMLINETHE iFpiOvAl, pROCESS FOH-ffiRoJEcr BY DECREASING THE NIIMBER br-dolroirroNs oF APPRoVAL THAT THE PLANNTNG AllD iirviibwrlpllier, co1naissron (PEc) !'{AY srrPuLArE'- 4! C6NDITIONS OF Apitdgvir, r'rUSt BE COMPI'IED lllTg BEFqRE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. F.oUR({)coPIEsoFTI{EE.oLIowINGMUSTBESUBMITTED: A. A V{RITTEN STATEMENT OF TT{E PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARINTCE REoijisiEb AND THE RSGUI,ATION IWOI'1/ED. THE SIATEMENT }IUST ALSO ADDRESS: 1. The relationship of the reguested varlance to other-eiiriinq br potentlaf u""s and structures in the vlclnlty. TTT 'TornOv.il FAXN0.gotzrsr Y tt/ Appllcation DaLe--+f+r.fi#- 19gp PEC MEETING DATE TPII.ICIIION TOR A \TTRITXCE This procedure is required for any projecE reguestilg a-. "liiu-nc". The applic-atlon witl not-be accepted untll aII informatlon is submitted. A. NAME 0F APPLICAf'IT narry s nenh'ie q^h- ADDRESS 4249_Nuqqet Lane; V?iL, Co- €16s2 PHoNE_1L9,-3J--4-@ REPRESENTATM pi-n^ca p---Rc sq. & Travers; P.O. Box 1526: Arzol1- ro. 81620 P H oN E-I3Q.3J_L4.9JLF-- NA!,TE OF owNER (S) oWNER(S) (type or Print) See. lA' ahove SIGNAIURE (S) ADDRE$S f\LOCATION OE PROPOSAL: IEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOTi-- BLoCK- FrIIN r ^A^F A A 4249 APPLICANT, S Wear, Rosen HAR- 3-92 TUt 15i24 IV. TIME TorOt v. i t FA)(N0, gtgZrSl pn? 2, Tlre desree to which rellef from the etrlct or i-iieiri-interpretation End enforcement of a gpeclfled reg'ulation ie ncceegary to achleve cbmpatibility and uniformity of treatment' among ;1;;;-G-irrJ'vlCinrtv or to-attain the objectives ol trrts title rithout Erant of special Prlvilege' 3, The effect, of the variance on light' and.alr' Oi"tifU"tion of populationr transport?tlon, iralltc facllttt-es, utllit'ies' and public saf,€ty' 4. How your request conplles wlth ValI'c Comprehensive Plan. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale of iit-tEiit-i; - zo' stanPad by a cororado licensed s"t"Eyoi lncludlng locitions of aII existtng fi;;;ilmanli, rnciudlng grades and elcvatlons ' other ;i[;;;il-"rti6r,-"""i ue-sfrown are parking and loadlns .ieiir-ingi€is ana-egress, Iandsciped aieas and utillty and drainage features - A 6ttc plan at a scale of at least lrt = 20' showlng cxlsttng and ProPosed br:ildinEs. All prelimLnary buildtng elevations and ftoor-plans s-"irilitrt Co-inarcate'fhe dimensl'on!r .general ;;p;il;;;, scare and use o! all buildlngr and tPaces iiristrng aird proposed on the site' A prelininary tltle report to verify ownershlp and eagements. rf the proposal ie located ln a nultl-famlly. a"".iopil"ttt-*rtfcn has a hon€owners' association' then ;;ii;;;-;;p';t;i f;;; th€ association ln support or the piojtit ln'uit, aue received by a duly authorized sEcnt for said assoclation- Arry additional material necessary f,or the-:gY+?I-of th" apitrcatton as determined by the zonlng acutlnlstrator' For interlor rnodifications, an lmprovement survey and sltc plan nay be waived by the zoning admlnlgtrator' 8. c. D. E. A. REOUIREMENT9 The Plannlng ancl Envirbnmental Coffiilsslon meets on the 2nd anO 4th Mondays of each montb. - A colflpleto anplication forrn and all accompanylng naterrar-(as diicrtbecl above) nust be submltted a nlnlnum or tour l;t-;;;i; p"ror to ttre date or the PEc glulrc^llarins' lio' lncomprtte applii"t'ions (as determined by-the zonlng Eaminfst'rator) wfif be acceptad by the plannlng staff liioic-or aftlr the designated subrnittal datg' All EEC approved variances shall lapse if eonstruction is noL commenced within one year or the date or "ppiou"t-i"a attlgentry pureued to completion' rf this appl.featlon requires a separate review-lV-anV r"""i, -stlie-ot Federai agency other than the Town of n;ii;'tl.-ipprlcatlon fee-eha1r be increasEd bv -;t0o:ool- ii^i,"plEs-of guch revlew, nay includer-but arG not ltr0lted to: cotoraoo Deplrtment, of Highway Accesg bernits, Army Corps of, Englneers 404' etc' The apptlcant shall be responslbte for pavlnq 33Y p"Uffi'nfng fccs wnicn are in cxcess of 50t of t'he ;pFii;aai5tt iee. -ii' 'au th?.appricant's requertf anv miit.t ie postponed ior hearing, causing ths rflatter to il--;;:euuriirrei, ih"n, the entire fee for guch re- puuiicitton-shail be paid bv the apPlicant' E 'l. v, B. llAR- 3-92 TUE l5:?4 TornO Vril FAX N0, gO3aZrSl P, 04 a t-I .eoollcations deemed by the Communlty DeveloPment -olbart*etL to have significant design, Iand use. or ;i'h;;'I;uei-*nrcr, mai nave a sisniiicant impact on the coillnunfty tnay regttlic-revlew.by consultants other that i;il-si;ir. 'SrrorifO a dererrntnltlon be made.by tho Lown "iifg that an outside consultant is neaded to r€vlew inu-"ppficatlon, Corununity Dcveloptnent nay hlre, an ;;iri'dE-;."i"tiini, ii snlrr estimare ths amount of ion"y-"".cssary to'pay hln or-her and thle amount shall t6-'ii,r*irded t-o [ne-i-own by rhe. appllcanr er ths rlrne ;,; iil;; fiii ipplJlaii6i'' *it'rr- itre'Lornmunitv Dev€lopnent oepirtment. Ub-on completlon of the revl'ew of the ap-ptltat,ion by the cohsultant, any of the fundE r-o'rwardec by the applicant for paynent of th€ iin."ft.nt itrtcn [i've-not been laia to the conrultant shatl be rcturncd to the appliclnt. -Expenses I'ncurred iu-irre-iown ln eice=" of th-e amount forwarded by the .i"rrca"i lnirr be pald to the Town by the applicant uitnrn 30 days of nbtttication by the Town' 2. A request for a variance from the maximum allowable drivewav grads for I,ot 8. Bighorn EstatesA249 Nueget Lane. Applicant: Barrv & Debbie Schraeer Planner: Shellv Mello Shelly Mello explained the variance requested was for a 2.9% driveway slope in excess of the maximum 12% allowed by the Town. She briefly explained the history of the sitc and similar variances which had been approved by the Town. Staff recommended approval, with conditions stating they believed the landscaping and gading would mitigate the impacts. Rick Rosen, representing the applicant, said that if the utility box needed to be removed, the applicants would also remove the wall in that area. He asked that the motion for the variance bc suted with the condition that staff and the applicants continue to work together for a solution to that area, and indicated the box and surrounding slope may need to bc raised Dalton Williams said as long as the issue was resolve4 the variance was acceptable. Kathy Langenwalter asked why the driveway grade had increased. Michael Hazard, the architect, said it was something which had occurred on-site as a result of conversations between the owners and the contractor. Rick elaborated, and indicated part of the problem was a 2O-foot access easement between this propeny and the adjacent. He said a mistake was made in increasing the grade. Shelly explained that staff determined the access easement Rick was referring to was a drainage, utility and access easement, and that the staff had determined that it was not appropriate to allow the owners of l,ot 8 to use it for a driveway. Shelly also clarified that the easement was located on the adjacent property. Dalton Williams moved to approve the request for a variance from the maximum allowable driveway grade for I.ot 8, Bighorn Estates/4249 Nugget Lane per the staff memo, with the understanding that the staff would work with the developer to resolve the placement of the utility boxes. Gena Whitten seconded the motion. It was approved by a unanimous vote of 4-0. 3. A request for a minor subdivision and a variance from Chapter 18.22.050 - I.ot Area and Site Dimensions. Public Accommodation Zone District. and a variance from Chapter 17 - Subdivision Reeulations for Villa Valhalla. a oonion of Lot J. Block 5A. Vail Villaee 5th Filinq/384 Gore Creek Drive Applicant: Villa Valhalla Association, Inc. represented bv James Pansing Planner: Jill Kammerer Jill Kammerer summarized the request. Staff recommended approval of all the requests. Harry Davidson, President of the Villa Valhalla Association and Reed Lichtenfeld, the Association's attomey, were present for the hearing. Planning and Environmental Commission . April 13, 1992 . Ptge 2 FILE COPY Present Diana Donovan Kathy Langenwalter Gena Whitten Dalton Williams PLANNING AND ENVTRONMENTAL COMMISSION April 13, 1992 Staff Kristan Priz Mike Mollica Jill Kammcrer Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Amber Blecker Absent Greg Amsden Chuck Crist Ludwig Kurz The meeting was called to order at 2:l5PM by Chairperson Diana Donovan. 1. A request for an extension of a previouslv aoproved setback variance for the Schofield Residence. 1448 Vail Vallev Drive/Lot 18. Block 3. Vail Vallev lst Filine. Applicant: John Schofield Planner: Andv Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen summarized the request. He indicated staff recommended approval of the extension, but said there was one remaining issue which he would like the Commission to address, and that was the treatment if additional retaining walls. The applicant, John Schofield, said he would try to construct the project without any new retaining walls. The existing one in the right-of-way would remain and the proposed timber staircase would act as a retaining wall, but additional walls would probably not bo needed. He mentioned it would be difficult to match the rock of the existing retaining wall if more retainage is needed. He also asked for clarification, since the Design Review Board had specihcally requested a timber retaining wall. Diana Donovan felt strongly that if additional rctaining was necessary, rock should be used. The consensus of the Commissioners was that rock be used, and they asked staff to also relay this recommendation to the DRB. Kathy Langenwalter moved the request for an extension of a previously approved setback variance for the Schofield Residence, 1448 Vail Valley Drive/I-ot 18, Block 3, Vail Valley lst Filing be approved per staff memo, with a condition that any retaining walls, which are separate from the timber staircase, be constructed of rock similar to what crurently existed on the property. Dalton Williams seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved,4-0. Planning and Environmental Commission . April 13, 1992 . Page 1 OA - lk(t'orcL '4-0 fu&*/tf,,nflohw\Una 2u,DlWd A request for a variance from Ordinance 2, Series 1983, AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REENACTING TITLE 17 OF TIIE VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE SETTINC FORTH NEW SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS AND CONSTRUCTION DESIGN STANDARDS FOR THE TOWN AND PROVIDING DETAIIS IN RELATION TTIERETO which sets forth the maximum allowable heated driveway grade at 12 percent if the Town Engineer's approval is obtained; for the Schrager Residence, Lot 8, Bighorn Estates / 4249 Nu gget Lane Applicant: Barry & Debbie Schrager Presenters: Greg HalVShelly Mello I. DESCRIPTION OF TT{E VARIANCE REOUESTED The applicant is requesting approval of a variance from Ordinance 2, Series of 1983 relating to heated driveways, for a slope in excess of 12 percent. Under this Ordinance, the maximum allowable slope of a heated driveway may be 12 percent, provided the Town Engineer's approval is obtained. However, minor deviations to this 12 percent maximum may be allowed subject to Section 17.28.160 of the Subdivision Regulations. The driveway was proposed and approved at a l2%o grade, and is heated. The driveway was not constructed to the approved plans and is at a 14.9 percent slope. The applicant did not obtain the Town Engineer's approval prior to constructing the driveway. Therefore. a variance to allow the maximum allowable glade of 12 percent to be exceeded bv 2.9 percent is required. II. BACKGROUND The construction plans submitted to the Town at the time of building permit reflected a 12Vo heated driveway. The Town Engineer has indicated he may approve driveways which exceed lT%o,but not more than l4Vo. The Town Engineer has the authority to approve a heated driveway grade which exceeds 12 percent based on Section l7-28.160 - Plan Revisions of the Subdivision Ordinance which states: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environm ental Commission Community Development Department April 13, 1992 "Should circumstances warrant changes to the approved plans or specifications, the proposed revision must be submitted and written approval must be obtained from the Town Engineer, No work shall proceed on that portion of the project being revised until said revisions are submitted, approved, and distributed. Minor deviations from the plans or specifications may be (approved sic) by written permission from the Town Engineer or his representative on the job. It shall be the responsibility of the developer to have his engineer provide the Town Engineer with a set of "as-built" plans at the completion of the project verifying all elevations, utility locations, and any other change that has taken place. (Ord. 2t19831,ll 1 tpartl)" The Town has historically interpreted that up to a 14 percent grade is a "minor deviation" from the maximum heated driveway slope of 12 percent. ru. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS * Maximum allowable heated driveway slope: lL%o Constructed driveway slope: l4.9%o Amount driveway slope exceeds allowable: 2.97o * NOTE: T\is lZVo maximum slope may be exceeded subject to the provisions of Section l7.28.160 - Plan Revisions of the Subdivision Ordinance. IV. CRITEzuA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested variance based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: l. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The Community Development Department and Public Works staff believe that the existing design does not present a change to the existing level of safety to the general public or the users of the driveway. Because of the extensive proposed landscaping plan, the design and appearance of the driveway will not have any significant negative impacts on adjacent properties. The landscaping plan consists of a mixture of evergreens, aspens and mugo pines located on both the east and west prcperty lines. The proposal also includes bringing the grade within 18 inches of the top of the driveway walls. The combination of the grading and the landscaping will screen the driveway from the adjacent properties. The applicant will also be required to paint the utility units located O on the walls which encroach in order to improve the appearance of these units from adjacent properties. In addition, there are certain permanent encroachments into the adjacent property and utility easements which have not been approved. The applicant must obtain approval of these encroachments, or remove them, prior to the issuance of a final Certificate of Occupancy for the project. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement ofa specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. Staff believes allowing the grade of 14.9 percent will not be a grant of special privilege. Ordinance 2 of 1983, which addresses the maximum slopes permitted for driveways, has been in effect since 1983. The current Town Engineer has been reviewing driveways for compliance with this ordinance since 1989, Ttre Town Engineer is aware of eight driveways which were either approved or built at grades which exceed the 12 percent maximum grade specification. Two of these driveways were associated with existing houses in which modifications to the houses triggered the Design Review Board guideline requirement that the driveways be paved. In both of these instances, there were existing garages, and neither the elevations or grades associated with the driveway or the existing garages could be changed. The three driveways associated with new construction, which were approved by the Town Engineer, and which exceeded the 12 percent grade are: . 16 Forest Road, where the grade was approved at 14.4 percent; . Garden of the Gods (SDD #19), where the driveway was approved at 13.8 percent;. 186 Forest Road, where the driveway was approved at 14 percent. However, when constructed, the driveways associated with the last two projects were constructed at grades of 14.4 percent and 13.8 percent respectively. In addition, a variance was granted in January, 1992 for a residence at 16 Forest Road for a ddveway with a grade of l9.7%o. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. As previously stated, staff believes approval of the driveway as constructed, does not pose a grcater threat of an accident occurring between the users of the drive and traffic or pedestrians on Nugget Lane. The Community Development and Public Works staffs believe that the constructed drivewav is a safe situation. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the followins findings before granting a variance: l. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classifred in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specihed regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the requested variance from Ordinance 2 of 1983 to allorv the maximum allowable driveway slope to be exceeded. Staff believes to approve such a variance would not be a grant of special privilege and that Sections B(1), B(2) and B(3Xc) of the variance findings or criteria are applicable. The staff believes that the impact of the driveway will be sufficiently mitigated with the proposed landscape and grading plans. We also believe that the existing driveway configuration with a l4.9%o grade is a safe situation. Prior to the issuance of a final Certificate of Occupancy for this project, all landscaping and grading must be complete. In addition, the applicant must present approval from the adjacent property owner and utility companies for all permanent encroachments into easements and onto adjacent properties, or remove the encroachments before a final Certiflcate of Occupancy will be released. The applicant will also be required to paint the electrical units on the walls which encroach, in order to improve the appearance of these units. B. 2. 3. Please note that, under Section 18.62.080 of the Town of Vail Tr,ning Code, if this application is approved, this approval shall lapsc if construction is not commenced within two years of the date of issuance and diligently punued to completion. c :\pc\ncmos\drn ger.4 I 3 VfuFas/vr- *V&'u/1/h v' ^A& to oA1 r"tl u ht+ to I f e)( {en*Y<- l-.n nAoo f (bdJ . {@ln,l erd \-r,ua l^4f(a/\7' W%^ W Mfu'MP nrwtvs WMw'!'' tl t t't t I t !I I gr ;i: l. tl I it i Fi $;i i'r! ! ll3! c :9 b x hi'i- 6 E .a i : da.- t fEi;It tt ,l .l 'l;d! Hi ,;l; 3 tl! ..:3 .-.------ t/.t' ',/, |'j ( \\ \ \\\ y--- ,t: ti *( NI /t-J- ^\.$lr \. NL\ $$r NN g{r V\.1 4 N. $R irt ii: E; :. {i L L A.A ,roni-ii '(F,..Yrit ;ZN5 '\ \s \:_ di igdi ,R e't j lot rli ' .l !tu itiil r; gl ii! ;Tii rt ;l ;tr s:il il El lli li$l1i! )' $rq 'li -11 ri v B r.\.... i, \.\ s].I,t F St $,{ f:.--s:x s NS \(\ $E +$ 8&ff iiiiriil' vo+ o I ! I { I I T a F .l q 6 F:ol t \* t-€ 'i I lr t rl rl ll I I I I I .r 3 Fi I aI II i E 5 +l +t ,l$ {$ s{ I .t t t.r P e t 3 !t \----'(--.\ -i\-r\ !i"'\\'. I.i9 '\ i.\i.r Bi .\i\\.\ dl ' -1---- ,l T- )..\'tr\ \ ").,t)'. 't4/lfu -::=..-;.-::.....-. J+). *'\ x \ rz i , --x ,.,;,--: .tua ,r4ua,1 c'afier' .t-,icL,,O'"uon-a: PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on April 13, 1992 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration ol: 1. A request for an extension of a previously approved setback variance for the Schofield Residence, 1448 VailValley DriveiLot 18, Block3, VailValley 1st Filing. Applicant: John Schofield Planner: Andy Knudtsen 2. A request for a variance from the maximum allowable driveway grade for Lot 8, Bighorn Estaias, Flesubdivision of Lots 10 and 1114249 i.JugEei Lane. Applicant: Barry & Debbie Schrager Planner: Shelly Mello 3. A reeuest for a minor subdivision for Villa Valhalla, a portion of Lot J, Block 5A, Vail Village 5th Filing/384 Gore Creek Drive Applicant: Villa Valhalla Association, Inc. represented by James Pansing Planner: Jill Kammerer 4. A request for a conditional use permit for a construction staging site located at the Vail Associates West Day Lot, Lots A and B, Morcus Subdivision. Applicants: Vail Associates/Sonnenalp Properties 5. A request for an exterior alteration at the May Palace Restaurant, 223 East Gore Drive/Part of Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Peter Switzer Planner: Shelly Mello 6. A request for a density variance for the FirstBank of Vail, Tract G, Vail Village Second Filing/17 Vail Road. Aoolicant: Mr. R.R. Kovener Planner: Andy Knudtsen 7. A request for a setback variance for the Wilhelm Residence, 4289-8 Nugget Lane/Lot 5, Bighorn Estates. Applicant: Robert and Karen Wilhelm Planner: Jill Kammerer 8. A request for a worksession with stafl and PEC regarding procedures. 9. Any items tabled from the March 23, 1992 PEC meeting agenda. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public review in the Community Development Department oflice. Town of Vail Community Development Department Published in the VailTrail on March27.1992 I J 3g: OE ss ii!trr- d= ooS lll r <5!d 0r t\Jo *FJts P\OQ -tp a) tt O2' Po o O\ rt 7l. ii r.r $o op go JN !t' a '_u o JF t"-f ;tF!I:$: 'f$ 3 -u9 rF t,rtl '{ ! FF P:.: ,i PsY .o6 i 6gj efi uf.9 5'P {d; Sro g"E i5/ttI ,g; F$ -o g=to i a/,c '91 F!gt i'f +5 Ff 'l d E I I X \!l;. ,re(a.*u(j ,Wur 7oL.lP,taytt7 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town ol Vail on April 13, 1992 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for an extension of a previously approved setback variance for the Schofield Residence, 1448 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 18, Block 3, Vail Valley 1st Filing. Applicant: John Schofield Planner: Andy Knudtsen 2. A request for a variance from the maximum allowable driveway grade for Lot 8, Bighorn Estates, Resubdivision of Lots 10 and '1114249 Nugget Lane. Applicant: Barry & Debbie Schrager Planner: Shelly Mello 3. A request for a minor subdivision for Villa Valhalla, a portion of Lot J, Block 5A, Vail Village Sth Filing/384 Gore Creek Drive Applicant: Villa Valhalla Association, Inc. represented by James Pansing Planner: Jill Kammerer 4. A request for a conditional use permit for a conslruction staging site located at the Vail Associates West Day Lot, Lots A and B, Morcus SuMivision. Applicants: VailAssociates/Sonnenalp Properties 5. A request for an exterior alteration at the May Palace Restaurant, 223 East Gore Drive/Part of Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Peter Switzer Planner: Shelly Mello 6. A request for a density variance for the FirstBank of Vail, Tract G, Vail Village Second Filing/17 Vail Road. Applicant: Mr. Fl.R. Kovener Planner: Andy Knudtsen 7. A request for a setback variance for the Wilhelm Residence, 4289-8 Nugget Lane/Lot 5, Bighorn Estates. Applicant: Robert and Karen Wilhelm Planner: Jill Kammerer 8. A request for a worksession with staff and PEC regarding procedures. L Any items tabled from the March 23, 1992 PEC meeting agenda. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public review in the Community Development Department office. Town of Vail Community Development Department Published in the Vail Trail on March 27, 1992 W. Cad/e & Carol R. Smail, Jr. I Lawrence C. Harris 1 Blackmer Road - P.Q. Box 1714 Englewood, CO 801 10 Roswell, NM 88202 Thomas E. & Jane M. Healy 4552 E. Meadow Drive, f26 Vail, CO 81657 Victor and Margrel Mary Loebsack Hillis of Snowmass, Inc. Charles & Jane Lloyd, Jr. P.O. Box 911 170 E. Gore Creek Drive Stirling Plaza Building Hesslon, KS 67062 Vail, CO 81657 5949 Sherry Lane, Suite 1535 Dallas, TX 75275 Helen B. Dickinson & Co. Ann Lee and Harold Miller 4429-8 Nugget Lane 4267 Nuggel Lane, Side B Vail. CO 81657 Vail, CO 81657 /u,,K t Variance Request Lot 8, Bighom Estates Resubdivision of Lots 10 & 11 The applicant is requesting a variance to allow a heated driveway with a gradient of 14.9% and increase the paving area as indicated on the I.L.S. submitted herein. The stated maximurn gradient for a heated driveway is lLVo. The subject site has several inherent hardships with relation to other neighboring sites: The site is wedge shaped, narrowing to 35'-0' at the road. The average natural gradient of the site from the road down to the useable area is 15 - 20%. The site is bounded by the Gore Creek with a 50'-0" stream setback to the North diminishing the useable area and forcing construction to the South. Further hardship was imposed on the applicant by not having the ability to utilize the private 20'-0" wide ac@ss, drainage and utility easement located along the property line defining lots 7 and 8. This was due to a design guideline requiring a shielding of driveways. The proposed driveway variance was mandated by the fear that the originally proposed driveway's alignment required excessive maneuvering with the potential for damage or injury to persons using the driveway. The proposed variance has no greater impact on any existing or future uses and structures in the vicinity. The enclosed landscape plan shows how both the driveway and parking apron will be adequately shielded from neigboring residences. The proposed variance has no effect on light, and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities and public safety. It will improve safety to those using the driveway. The requested variance is in compliance with The Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan. SCHRGC23 ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS Bighorn Esales, Resubdivision of I-ots 10 & 11 ht 5 W. Carlyle & Carol R. Smail, Jr. 1 Blackmer Rd. Englewood, Co. 80110 I.ot 6,4' Victor H. & Margret Mary Inebsack P.O. Box 911 Hesston, Ks. 67062 Lot 6B Helen B. Dickinson & Co. 4229-BNuggetIane Vail, Co. 81657 I-at7 Lawrence C. Hanis P.O. Box 1714 Roswell, N.M. 88202 I-ot 9A Hillis of Snowmass, Inc. 170 E. Gore Creek Drive Vaiul, Co. 81657 Lot 9B Ann ke & Harold Miller 4267 Nogget I-ane Side B Vail, Co. 81657 Bighorn SuMivision, Resubdivision of Lot 20 LatZG3A Thomas E. & Jane M. Healy 4552E. Meadow Drive No.26 Vail, Co. 81657 I.ot 2G.3B Charles L. & Jane M. Lloyd, Jr. Stirling Plaza Building 5949 Sherry hne Suite 1535 Dallas, Tx. 75275 .. iM ownera Form 2312 o ""?"; No. Aze4z3zo Order No. V14782 lnount 9285rOOO.OO SCHEDI'LE A 1. Policy Date: t'[ay 301 1990 TIrROUGH BOOK 530 AE PAGE 316 2. NamB of Insured: DEBBIE SCHRAGER ANd BEBRY SCHRACER , AA T€NANIE lN CONMON 3. The eetate or lntcreet In the land descrlbed ln thlc Schedule and whlch Ls covered by thla polioy let A Fee SiurPIe 4. Tltle to the eotate or intereat covered by thle pollcy at the date hersof ig vegted !n: DEBBIE SCHRAGER and BARRY SCI|RAGER , ua Tenantt ln Connon 5. The land referred to ln thle policy ls eltuated ln EAGLE County, colorado, and Ia deecrlbcd ae follotls; LOT 8, BIGHORN ESIATE8, ACCORDING TO T[tE RECORDED PLAT THEREOT' couNTY oF EAGLE, STABE OF COT.,ORADO. Post tt'" brand lax trsnsmlltsl momo 7611 i "ro.t.. t rj " (, ,j {-1(-|n-.{r^-, tro.Co O.pl.?i'c-rd q , .- ,:z a,{f rrrt yzf{ - 7U.k7 F-iT-- Fag6 1 Thls Policy valld only lf Sc,hedule B 16 attached. Addroso r.,or I, BIGHORN {TH TII'I Owner Form 2313 I No. v14782 Policy No. A2942376 SCHEDULE B Thie policy dosg noE lnfiUre egalnut losg or damage by rgaaon of, the follouing: 1. ntghts or clalua of parttes ln pcsrtoelon not thown by the Publlc records- 2, ,Eassnenta, gr clRlng of eaaensnta, not Ehown by ths publlc record6. 3. Dlacrepanclear sontllcte in boundary llneor. shortage ln area,, €ncroaahnenta' and any lacts whtqtr r correct Eutvey and lnepectlon of 'ttre preitlgos tdould dlccloee and whlch ar€ net ehown bY the Publlc records' 4, Any }len, or rlght to a lien, for sorvlcsg, Iabor, or-naterlsl thiretofore or hereatter furnLehed, lmpsasd by law and not shown by the publlc racordg 5. 1990 TAXES NOf YET DUE OR PAYABIJE AND ASEESEUENES NOT YET CTRTXTTED TO THE TREASURERE OFFICE. 6. LIENS TOR UNPAID I{ATER AND SEWER CHARGES, IF A}IT. 7. RIGHT OF PROPRTETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AIID REUOVE HIS ORE THERETRO!! SHOULD THE SN,TE BE FOT'ND TO PENETRATE OR INTER8ECT THE PREI{I885 As REEERVED TN TINITED STATES PATENT RECORDED NoVenbET 17, 1902, IN BOON {8 AT PAGE 492. 8. RICHN ON WAY FOR DIICHES O8 CANAIJE CONETRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED 8TATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATAS PATENT RECOBDED NOVENbE.r 17, L9Q2, IN EOOK 48 AT PAGE 492. 9. RE8TRICTrVE CO\/ENANTS, WsrCH DO NOr CONTATN A FORTEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUf OMITBING RESTRICTIONS' IF ANY, BABED ON RACE, COIJOR, RELXGfON, OR NATIONAIJ ORIGIN, A8 CONtrAINED IN TNSSRuI.|ENT RECORDED !!ATCh 25, 19?1, IN BOOK 220 AT PAGE 49 AND AS N{ENDED IlI INSERuuENT RECORDED OCtObCT 05, L97L, IN BOOK 221 AT PAGE 876. 10. A rM rooT WIDE STRIP ALoNG ALL INTERIoR LoB LINES FOR UTILITY EASEI'IENTS AS DEDICATED ON fHE RECORDED PIAT OF BIGHORN ESTATE8. Lt ,. EASEI|ENTS, RESERVATIOilS AltD RESTnICTIONS AS SHOWN OR BESERVED ON THE RECORDED PIAI OF BIGHORN ESTATES. o order Page TIM Owner Foru 23L3 o ord€r No. SCHEDUI,E Polloy Na. AZ9tl2376 vl4782 B rz. rEDESTRIAT{ DRAINACE Al{D UTII,ITY EASEMENT ovER THE WESTERLI 12 FEET, ovER THE NoRTHERr.,y to F888, ovER tHE EA5TERITY 20 FEET oF sUEJEc11 PRoPERtry As SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PIAT. t3. ACCESS, DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EA8BIENT ovER THE I{ESIERLY 6 FEET OF SUBJECT PROPERIY AS SHOWT{ ON THE RECORDND PI.AT. t4. EA9E{ENT Al{D RIcHt OF WAY fOR CORE CREEK AE 8Hov0N oN THE RECORDED PLAT. 15. TERHS, CONDITIONS AND pROVIsTONs Or TOWN OF VAIL ORDINAI{CE NO. 5 SSRIEE OF 1985 is sEc FoRTH rN ExHrBrr A ep coNTR.[cr DATED rtA]'luARY 4, 1990 A}{D THE EFFECT IT tilAY HAVE ON SUBJECT PROPERTY. Pago tr0MAY 2Tpgz BARRY SCHRAGER May 26, 1992 Ms Shelly Mello Town of VaiI conmunity Development 75 South Fr:ontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Owner Improvement Agreement dated 4 March 1992 Dear Ms Mello: It is rny understanding that the DRB has consented to the current driveway and proposed landscape plan pending the reduction in size of the protruding wall on the west side of the driveway. The protruding wall has been cut down to a size that I believe was approved by you. Please come by the property to inspect the new wall size and, assurning it is of the agreed size, please write a letter, with a copy to me, to the l-st Bank of VaiI releasing our funds now held by them. If you have any questions or feel that the wall did not meet the agreed upon specifications, please contact rne irnnediately. By the way, my wife and I both feel that the new wall dimensions are a vast visual irnprovement over the old ones. S inc^ere1y,,- l-'ant--" Barry flchrager cc: Richard P. Rosen 4249 Nugget Lane Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-2685 FAX (303) 4?6-1103 ttrtnot 5\qqa THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this Lf\ day of March, L992t by and among BARRY SCHRAGER and DEE'ETE-ScHRAGER (hereinafter called the rrOwnerrr), and the TOWN OF VAIL,(hereinafter called the nTownrr) and the 1ST BANK OF VAIL (hereinafter called rrBankr'). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the owner has constructed a single family residence in Vail, Colorado, more particularly located at Lot 8t Bighorn Estates, County of tiagle, State of Colorado, also known as 4249 Nugget Lane, Vai1, Colorado 81657,. vlHEREAs, the owner as a condition of receiving a temporary certificate of occupancy for the Schrager Residence (hereinafter called the ttResidencerr), wishes to enter into an owner fmprovement Agreement; WHEREAS, the O$rner is obligated to provide security or colLateral sufficient in the judgnent of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of driveway improvements as set forth below; WHEREAS, the Owner wishes to provide coLlateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the referenced improvement by means of the following: Owner agrees to establish a cash escrow account at the Bank j-n a dollar amount as set forth beIow, such cash escrow account shall provide securi'ty for the following: IMPROVEMENT: In the event the Town does not approve a proposed variance for the currenL driveway to the Residence which exceeds the maximum grade of 128, the Owner shall have the dr i veway g e qo n s t ruct ed, +t-+as.slJrf-er+e-neeb bH. **-gradg.fipitaliop; rand -- fr,:. pgr' i)\c,_ri., (,rri-.rrirlfr( tny' V,C[^otr_\\\(rarr.{ kitt(rt\r(t a-ircti( ^ f.i.i.')r'\ ,,iir.,,,1;,1"'h;'"6&; i;..-.,u-[ \;<l WHEREAS, the Bank has agreed to hold the cash'escro\r account |p,,\Ar',,c1 on terms and conditions as set forth herein. ?# [-zlwt.l NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Owner and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Owner hereby aelrees, at their sole cost and expenses,to furnish all equipment and material necessary to perform and complete, on or before August t, 1992, should the proposed variance not be approved. Owner Improvement Agreement Schrager Residence The o$rner shalI complete, in a good workmanlike manner,the inprovement as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do al1 work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter subnitted by the ovitner to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. A11 said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer, the Town Building officiaL, or oLher official from the Town of Vail, affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of VaiL Corununity Developnent Department and Public Works Departnent. 2. The total estimated cost of said work and improvements is the sum of S19,600.00. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Owner agrees to provide security and collaterql as follows: (i/',X A cash escrow account in the amount rf $ilrb#f; *L*held by the Bank, as escrow agent, shall provide the security for the improvenents set forth above if there is a default under the Agreement by Owner. 3. The Owner may at any time substitute the collateral originally set torth above for another forrn of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of the improvement referred to herein and the performance of the terms of this Agreetneni-. Suctr acceplance by the lown cf aiternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employees thereof, be lj-able or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Towrl , nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work,but all of said liabilities shal1 and are hereby assumed by the Owner. Owner Improvement Agreement Schrager Residence The owner hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, clairns, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any such of its officers, aglents, or employees may become subject to,insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Owner hereunderi and the owner shall reimburse the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such J-oss, cIaim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liabilicy which the owner may have. 5. If the Tovrn determines that the improvement as contemplated hereunder is not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth herein, it shall furnish the owner a list of specific deficiencies and sha11 be entitled to continue to withhold collateral to insure such conpliance. If the Town determines that the owner will not construct the improvement in accordance with al-] of the specifications and time tables as set forth herein, the Town may give the owner written notice and unless such improvement is completed by the date as set forth above or within a reasonable period after such date if weather dgeF not permit the completiori of such improvement, the Town ney ilitnOraw from the cash escrow account such funds as may be riecessary to complete the unfinished improvement but not in an amount greater than the amount set forth opposite the category listed above and not before such improvement is completed. The Bank may release such funds upon written request and representation by the Town that such improvement is completed, the Bank shall not be obligated to independently verify that such work is complete, but shal-l- fund such request, upon the Town of Vail written authorization. 6. The Owner warrants alL work and material for a period of one (1) year after acceptance of all work referred to in this Agreenrent by tire Towri if such i"'crl.: is l-ocotsd cn Tovrn of \ra:} land or road right-of-way. 7. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from tj-me to time, provided that such amendrnents be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. 8. The Bank agrees to be bound by this Agreement and to not release any funds from the cash escrow account without the prior written auLhorization of the Town. 9. This Agreement shall expire and funds shal1 be released by the Bank upon issuance of the proposed variance by the Town of Vail. 10. If at any time a dispute should exist as to the duty of the Escrow tn , \ Agent under the terms hereof, or if the escrovr is not terrninated pursuant to q$/1^ the terms and provisions of this Agreement, then the Escrow Agent may either \ ifi") continue to hold the funds in accordance with this Agreement or deposit the ' '(i,' (See page 4 for continuation thereof) 3 - Barry Debbie day and year Schrager and Schrager Owner Improvement Agreement Schrager Residence Dated the first above written. TOWN OF VAIL Atl-est: Improvement Agreement was acknowledged of March, L992, by Barry Schrager. official seal . STATE OF COLORADO COI'NTY OF EAGLE The foregoing before ne this l4ut )) ss. ) Ovrner day Witness ny hand and v I"iy conmission expires: lly OntdOn Udres Fllrtlrry l. 1994 (SEAL) the Clerk of the District Court in the CounEy of Eagle, State of Colorado, an interplead the parties hereto. Upon- so depositing such monies and filing i t s-'eoroglaint in interpleader, the Escrow Agent shall be released from all liability under the terms hereof as to the monies so deposited, The parties hereto, for themseLves, their heirs, successors, and assigns, do hereby subnit themselves to the jurisdiction of said Court as their agent for service of all process in connection with the proceedings mentioned iti this paragraph. 10. (Cont.) Owner fmprovement Schrager Residence STATE OF COLORADO COI'NTY OF EAGLE ( sE.p^L ) STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing before me this Agreement ss. The foregoing Owner Improvement Agreenent was before ne this LJ-t^ day of March, L992t by Debbie Witness ny hand and official seal . acknowledged Schrager. My conmission expires: )) ss. ) day Witness my hand and official seal . My commission expires: Improvement Agreement was acknowledged of March, 1992, by as Town Planner foffi Owner ( sEAI,) STATE OF COLORADO COI'NTY OF EAGLE The foregoing before ne this 4th Ean'E-EE-Ttn. ss. Owner Improvement Agreement was acknowledged Ris t ow day of March, L992, by Mark !.aS Executive Vice Pres ident of the lST Witrress my hand and official seal . My conunission e:<pires: (SEAL) fLt c0Py 75 soulh trontage road Yail. colorado 81657 (303) 47$,2138 (303) 47s.2139 otlice ol. community developmenl April26, 1991 Mr. Michael Hazard Michael Hazard Associates P.O. Box 1068 Vail, CO 81658 Fle: SchragerResidence Dear Michael: On April 17, 1991, the Design Review Board informally reviewed your request to change the window color for the above residence. Upon review, the DRB found that further information was needed before making a decision. I am currently holding 2 glass samples, but will need further information to address the request. lwould be able to take the item for DRB review on May 1 the information is received prior to this date. Please contact me should you have any questions. ? Sincerely, ?"(q Shelly Mello I Town Planner t r ILE ) / :, !./ ' , ),. ,-t I ,'i r/,i' 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 (303) 479-2139 October 7, 1991 Michael Hazard Michael Hazard & Associates P.O. Box 1068 Vail, Colorado 81658 oftice of community development RE: Erterlor Llghtlng on Schrager Resldence Dear Michael: It has been brought to my attention that extensive exterior lighting is being installed at the Schrager residence. According to the approved Design Review Board (DRB) plans, there are twelve exterior ground lights and five downlit driveway lights. These were described by your office as low intensity lighting. As we both realize, the DRB was concemed with the design of fris building as it was represented. I know that there would have been additional concern with an extensive exterior lighting program. After speaking with Emst GlaEle, the Town's Electrical lnspeclor, and reviewing the buiEing permit electrical plans, it would appear that there may be additional lighting proposed which was never represented. For instance, tre lighting associated with the cold roof element. In order to avoid problems with this issue in the future, I would ask you to submit a detailed plan indicating all exterior lighting and a list of he types of proposed lights and their wattages. This item may need to be reviewed by the DHB if the staff finds there is impact on adjacent properties. Please feel free to call me should you have any questions. COPY Sincere\, ,^t --"\la'ti l/^ // rtLLgL-) Shelly Mello I Town Planner Ard YW-Z{ ,l Project Application o^," I ', rl I Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Dale Molion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL D ISAPPROVAL Summary: X.r,.,, Approvar Project Applicatlon Proiect Nsme: Proiact Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone:l\ ,ct \aL,[ *ata r c( APPROVAL Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL E statt Approval \\ It The Most Highly Insulating Light Tiansmitting, Light Diffusing System. For Skylights, Skyroofs, Clearspan Structures. OUR 35TH YEAR. AND STILL THE LEADER.01990 Kahvall Corporation FnG r:.,Urg*,, Kalwall is a high pertormance system lor enclosing all or part of the walls and roofs of buildings. It is singularly unique . in its abilitv to create I the best poisible , natural, daylighted ' environment! There is no other svstem that allor,vs the designer to achieve the most desirable and eificient balance bet'n'een natural light, solar heat, and thermal insulation. OUTSTANDING BENEFITS . ..INSULATED . LIGHTTRANS]\4ITTING . LICHTDIFFUSING . PRE-ENCINEERED . PRE-ASSEMBLED . LIGHT\,VEIGHT . SHATTERPROOF . LOIV MAINTENANCE . LOW COST . PROVEN. As THE innovato{, Kahvall sets the standards of perform- ance and qualitv - to meet or exceed the perfixmance of mate- rials such as glass, masonry and metal. Aln'avs at the leading edge of composite sandr,vich panel tech- nology Kalrvall is recbgnized x orlJw'ide for its leadeish ip rolc. \,[aior developments: . Struc- tural panels for-Iarge clearspans . Architectural, colorfast, pol1. mer f.rces. lv{ajor Building Code and Underrvriters listed panels . Lorv flamespread and smoke development polymer faces . Erosion barrier technologt' . And more to comel Superior for . Roof St'stems (07820/KAL) . Skvl ights (07810/ KAL) . Clearspan Svstem> (13123/STU), Plus. h,all Sysrems . Window' Reptacement . Exterior Re-facing . Interior Insulation (08900/KAL)! ;l: I T ! . ;k' I llll I .-.... KALWALL IS A HIGH NSULAirED IN STRUCTURAL UNIT* The primary element of the Kalwall System is a structural com- posite sandwich panel formed by permanently bonding specially iormulated, reinf6rced, transluc6ni liberglass iheets to I grid core constructed of interlocked, extruded stiuctural alumin-um I- Beams. Panels canbe curaed or flat. The fiberglass sheets are uniform in thickness and have an innovatire weather-resistant, low-maintenance composition. The panel can have an insert of translucent fibereiass insulation. The deirsity of this insulation can be changed to inirease the total insulation of the panel to provide a wide range of insulating "U" hctor options of .40, .24, .19 .15. The complete panel is only 2%" thick, although it canbe leAo' thick in small roof applications. The total effect is a Skyroof that is beautiful, contemporar', colorful and TOUGH. One that reouires almost no maintenance. One that is low in cost to buv, to erect and to ownl Insulation "U" Factor options from .40 to .15. Light transmission ranges from 39. to 839o. Shading coef ficients f rom 94 to under .06. Fiberglass insulation in !?rious optional densities for extra- ordinary insulation. Lightlveight panel and time-proven Clamp-tite installation s],stem installs rapidly. 07810/KAL. CLEARSPAN SKYROOFS A true sand$'ich panel for permanen.v backed by over 35 vear experience. Erosion barrier architectural face is tough and needs iittle upkeep. Grid core of precision interlocked extruded aluminum I-beams, Interior shatterproof faces formulated to meet interior finish flam€ and smoke requirements of the toughest codes. 'Kalilrall is an engifieered, slructural, composite, t'ablicated aqd tested according to 'Acceptance Criteid for Sandwich Panels" hy the LC.B.O. Cautiolt is urged in a.cepting " lo ok- al i ke " maf e I i a I s a s e quiva I en ts. DEPTH IN SKYR PRODUCTIINE... We manufacture standardized prefabricated and pre-engineered skylights that fit perfectly into many designs. STANDARDIZED PRE-ASSEMBLED SKYLIGHTS Flat skylights for curb tvpe installation in two series, the C-Line, 1qlo" thick, and the S-Line 2%" thick. Flighly insulating, shatter- proof units up to 5' x 20'. Our "Kalwall Iisrilated Stylrthts" brochure has details. STANDARD PRE.ENGINEERED PYRAMIDS AND DOMES These units are largeq, self-supporting skylights, standardized to expedite deliverv a;d lower t-he cost.-Fou; sided pvramids from 4 to20' square. Gdo-Roof@ segmented domes fronS to 28' diamete: are fully pre-engineered foi a 40 lbs./sq.ft. load and are actually factory pie-asse-mbled, then knocked d'own for shipment. Oui 'Geo-Roof and Pyramid' brochure has detajls. See Sweet's SHOJI STAGGER.ED Larger skylights/ complete with supporting substructure for spa up to 100' can be supplied under one responsibility While fabri- cated from standard comDonents, each roof is custom ensineere cated from standard components, each roof is custom engineered to meet your design and local code requirements. Installition by factory, or local factory trained crews, available throughout the United States. See Sweett 13123/STS. Nominal grid siz e - 12" x 24 for flat panels and curved panels standard, 8' x 20" ior flat oanels oDtional. Others are available. SKYROOF SYSTE Most Skyroofs are either shed or supported ridge type, as they generally are more economical. IOINT SYSTEMS Kalwall Skyroof Systems allow flexibility in design by the choice of two distinct panel-to-panel joint systems: the Z' double T and the Overlapl As shown in PIan A, when the supporting substructure runs across the slope, panels will be instailed rullh the slope and ioined with a Z Clamp-tite double "T" batterL Section 4. When the substructure runs with the slope, the Kalwatl Orcrlap joint s)'sterL shown in Plan B and Section 2 is used. PERIMETER DETAILS Except for canopy applications, Kalwall strongly sug- gests use of the cu rb type perimeter system, keeping the Skyroof above the roof plane and providing a natural expansion joint. The Clamp-tite perimeter frame seaied to the Kalwall paneiat thd factory for standard svstems can be the Standard type or niodi- fied tvoe. Seition 3: Standard tvpe which fits over a 1%" curh Section 3A: For widei iurbs, or Thermal Break. Section 3B Provides the most rough opening "fore- giveness", but may be limited in spa-n ari'd/or live load iapabilitv PLEASE, check with us-for guidance early in the detail stage. RIDGEDETAIL Section 5 sholvs the supported ridge connections. Note that the supporting ridgi memberishould be at least 5" in &'idth. VERTICAL WALL DETAIL A half ridge section is used, as in Section 1, with flash- ing by ottiers back to the adjoining wall surface. SUPPORT Standard Kalwall Skyroof Systems must be supported as required by local iodes, ind KalwallS span'chart on page 5 (genemlly l2'5i'under a 30 pound/sq.ft. live Ioaidl. T[e Skyroof System will be-tastenedio the sup- port as indicated in Section 4.' Kalwal I ca n provide greater span capability and engineered self-supporting svstems are available as ind'icated in Sectiirn 6, sh6wing the 3%" Integrat Stiffener. PANEf, SIZES AND GRID DETAILS Skvroof panels are manufactured in standard width m6dulesof 4 and 5'. Lengths up to ld are standard, however, lonqer lenqths are possible on a custom basis. Panels are ge"nerally)r/0" thick but can be lelro" thick for special short-span projects such as canopies. STANDARD GRID DESIGNS Write for design detail package for Kalwall clearspan systems. iMS: SHED AND SUIfrRTED RIDGE ONM?S SKYROOF PLAI{ A PAT'ELS OII SLOPE - z, BAITEII Faclory sealed perimeter frames. sKyRooFpLA B Buyline 0422 P IIELS AGAI ST SI-OPE _ OVEFLAP SYSIEX \i rn s( s,Y T it L ll t-- I I l l q2 G) ltl it_ fl ll t"@ @ 07820/KAL I E E b ; 0x l d E ! a€@IEXO€O UINflI.'I sl-oP€z 12' I I I V 84 One quarter size sections SUPPORT AS REOUIRED BY OTHERS a o.c. countcr lla3hlng not by KElw.ll .040aluminum thBhlng by Kalrall .O40 aluminum ridge cover by Kalwall {3J (3A 8',-Cf SUPPOFT g'. curo and counter flashing not by Kalwall .063" aluminum flashing by Kalwall 5 E .E o E Kalwall supported Ridge Section ridge support and tinal fasteners (not by Kalwall) \OTE: Larger clear span5 optional- Coniact factory tor prompr asslstance. RECOMI!{ENDED f,IININIU IVl PITCH Skyroofs (fiellt installed panels) 2":12" Note: Exposed metal s1'stems available in mill finish or Kalwall Corrosion Resistant Finish per AAlvlA 605.2. Special 6nishes available as options. k =3 !E I paneldimension I paneldimension I | 3%" t.s. n I r (lnlegral Stiffene0 Nole: Please check with factory tor allowable spans in your locale using this 37r" LS. 'Patent Number 4,129,973 I panel dimension SUCCESTED SPAN CHART; 21 ' Skyroof, 5 loL)t Panel N{odule, 6 \ 2d" 6nd Live Load 30 lb. per sq. ft..10 lb. p€r sq. ft. Clear5pan| 12 -. 1 ll'-l 5 foot Panel iuodu te. 12' r 2.1" grjd Clear Span 10'-t' I HnKURlrE" DErArLso U.S. Fi.m Nomb.r a,557,On rs. €" v^r. LENGTH I 9(fARCH WIT!{ STRAIGHT: SIXGLE PAT€L - SELFSI'PFOfiNIG |'1rA.C,tdA&UU!j !S Thrust loads d€termaned .4 by specific iob conditions Thrust lree desi9ns are oplional using Kalwall glructural curbing and/or collar ti6s. Consull laclory sarly in d€sign stage. @ SILL @l JAMB E r:- $LEAITTO ARCH:.IGI.E PAEL - SELFSUPP'OBTDrc LOW PROFILE VAULT: TULTIPLE PAIIEL - IUBE ,:"\ \ "4 $." ;=". \ l|,-i:v TECHNICAL SUMMARY Since Kalwall is a composite sandwich, various com- binations are possiblg-and test data shall be inter- preted from this point of view Consult Technical Services. Departrirent for clarification on your specific toD requlremenr. HEAI & LIGIIT TRANSMISSION Listed below are o7820lKAL Buyline 0422 WEATHERING/COLOR CHANGE: Kalwall's exterior face is made with proprietary super-weathering and colorfast resins tlrt: trrll llrir'kirt.-i. . . not simply cheap, commercial-grade overlaid plastic films or gelsio sirriulate weatherabilit-1r \ lr\\ : All standard exterior-faces include a permanent gh:s trr '*ion brrlicr to prevent "fiber bloom"! fmE fESfS, Although some Kalw;ll panels contain for four hours for four hours wlth no flame oenetration. Insulated Kalwall panels pass the Clasj A Burnins Brand Tes (ASTM E-108). A special configuration oT Kalwall is the light transmissiong shadins coefficients, and "U" factor"s for the manv common l{alwall Panel face sheet combinations. combustible binder resins (ienition temperature greater than 800'F). thev will i,^r"ithstand a 1200'E fla"me than 800'F), they will withstand a 1200'E flame for four hoirrs with no flame oenetration. Insulated Kalwall panels pass the Clasd A Burnins Brand Test Kalwall special configuration of Kalwall is a Sunwallo "U" = .41 ... Light transmission 83% . . . Solar energy transrnis- 1. Manv oihe! combinations available. 2. Appioximate values bv ASTM E-972. Lisht Transmission values over 30 pir?ent not recommeided for most appfications- 3. Wind C4 2 MPH; 12' x24' Grid;2%'Paidl; Perimeter aluminum excluded. Expressed as BTU/hr-sq. ft.-degree F- lvldan Temperalure: "3fF. for.24, .19 .t5, +7'E for.40. 4. Atff incidi:nce angle. Numbers forvarious panels are calculated based on tests, Since this table is of a very technical nature, please consult your heating and ventilation engineei for proper interpretation. IMPACT: The exterior face will withstand 60 ft.-lbs. impact. Optional hi-impact face will withstand 230 ft.Jbs. imliact. SPECS: SHORT FORM The outstanding performance superiority of Kalwall is the result of rieid s6etifications that transcend 'tommercial" o result of rigid spetifications that resu tt ot rrgro specltrca ons tnat transceno commerclal ( "industrial' stahdards and specifications. These specifica- U.L. listed Class A Roof system. The faces can have rarious Burn Rates and Extents by ASTM D-535. All are less than 2.5 in./rnin., and the'standard interior face is 1 in. or less Burn Extent. Several cateqories of i nterior fl ame-spread/smoke developed bv ASf ir{ E-84 tunnel tesfs are available to mrjet loc'al building codes. Kalwall is listed bv: IC.B.O. #PFC 1705; SSBCC #8722, MEA19-7& and s'everal state and locai areas. Wh?nevel rcfercnae is made tn frrc tests, the numeri l ratinl is not inlended to refect hazards pzsented by lh6 or any other maleria! undet a.tual fft BOND STRENGTH: Panels are a specially engineered composite designed for maximurrrarchit-ectu-ral and struitural life. Panels and adhesives are tested accordins to the strinqent requirements of 'Criteria for Sandwich " Panels" issrled bv [C.nO. and must Dass severe tensile and shear tests 6efore and afte. nu.ire.ous exposure con- ditions. llc.trire specifr.'ing an .rlternalte, rirsl-;/ t'rrr actual iii'lr/ prrirrrt oi Lrturtl inteqrit.,' over a ltl-r'e.rr frerioti. EXPANSION The coefficient of linear thermal exoansion of Kaln'all is 1.24 x 10-5 in/in/'F. (An 8' panel will eipand lengthwise approximately %" when th^e temperatur^e rises 10OrrE) 7'facing South. (Optional when Class A Built-Up Roof Unit reouireil 7.0 Uniisi c) Interior flamespread maximum 41 smoke developed maximum 350 by ASTM E-84 (Optional: 20 flamespreid, 200 srnoke; 25 flamespread 100 smoke) Burn Extent 1'br less by ASTM D-635. (Oitional: UL Listed Class A Built-Up Roof Unit System shall be supplied) d) Exterior face impact resisiance minimum 60 ft. lbs. ej Laminate adhesive shall be heat and pressure resin type engineered for structural sandwich panefuse and shall piss rig-orous testing requirements specified bv the Internatitinal C6nference of Buililine Official^s 'Acceptahce Criteria for Sandwich Panel Adhefive'. Minimum'strength shall be 750 psi tensile streneth bv ASTM C-297 after tw6 exposures to six cycles each oT the severe aging conditions prdscribed by ASTM D-1032 and 500 PSI shear strength ave:rage by ASTM D-1002 after five prescribed exr:osures. f) "U" Factor by ASTM C-236 shall be (40) (.24) (.19) (.15). g) Grid core shall be 6005{5 or 6063-T6 aluminum I-beams, 7ro" flange width, mechanically interlocked to insure even muntin-mullion intersection. Aluminum frame shall be 6063:15 aluminum with (mill) (Kalwall Corrosion Resistant Finisll per AAMA 605.2) mitered and heliarc welded corners. Clamp fasteners to be stainless steel. INSTALLAIION lnstallation shall be performed by experienced contractor in strict accordance wiih approved 3hop drawings. Please consult with oii national n'etwork oFrepresenta- tives to develop the appropriate specification for tour proiect, as various coniieurati6ns bf Kalwall and Kalcurve requirir special specifi cition treatment. CaIl 800 -258 -97 7 7. 'tommerciaL' or tions have been developed over the past thirty-fivb years based on the demands bf the architectural commuriitv for high performance, national testing authorities' guidelines, anA rirodel building code requirerients. Our "in-housd' qiualitv asdurance proqrams are supple- mented by indeperidentlaboratory irisp6ctions, monltbred by the Intbrnational Conference o[ Buifding Officials (I.BC.O). GENERAL Tianslucent skyroof shall be manufactured by Kalwall Cor- poration. Panels shall be 23l,r" thick and consist of glass fiber ieinforced polvmer faces bonded under controlledheat and pressure to a rirechanically interlocked aluminum grid core. Current Building Code Listings and Test Reports from accredited laboritories verifving performance shall be submitted. PERFORMANCE The Panels shall have the following minimum performance characteristics: a) Exterior face shall be color stable the full thickness, before and after application of protective film or coatinqs, and shall includei permanent glass erosion barrier, plrfs a fullv field refinishable and restoirable self-cleanins suiface applied under factory controlled conditions.' b) Color stabilitv fiom weatherine is such that the exterior fac6 shall not chaige more than 3.OUnits (Delta E by ASTM D-2244\, determindd bv an average of three white shmples after at'least 60 monthd outdoor e"xposure in South Flohda at FACE SHEET coMEtNAUONSI % LIGTIT TRANSMISSIONg SHADING COEFTTCTENI| EXTERIOR COLOR INTERIOR COLOR 0.40 o.z4 0.19 "u"0.15 'u"040 "g'0.24 "u'0.19 "u"015 "U" Bronze Mid White 8 5 2 0.39 0.19 0.09 0.07 Bronze White 14 8 2 0.42 0.20 0.r0 0.07 Bronze Crystal 20 10 l J 0.54 0.30 0.10 0.08 White MidWhite 20 1J 9 6 0.37 0.15 0.11 0.06 White White 30 77 10 6 0.41 0.18 0. 11 0.06 Crvstal Mid White 35 20 11 I u.5v 0.24 0.12 0.08 Crvstal White 40 z0 12 8 0.66 Q.27 0.13 0.08 Crystal Crvstal 60 30 1J 10 0.94 0.38 0.15 0. 11 7 ,, -.8.. Lr.:." \ :t:-ll --JUL! Tamarac Municipal Mller Mcier Kenyon Coaper, \. r.!€B: <a^ I'H 1111 Candia Road, PO. Box 232 it'[ancheste4 NH 03105 Phone 603-627-3867 FAX: 603-627-7905 For immediate assistance. call 800 -258 -97 77. Kalrvall Corporation is engaged rn (ontrnuing research to improve its products. Therefore, the right is reserved to rnodiiy or chanee material in this t'rochure wilhout notice. This is descriptive liierature and does not consiitute warranties, c,xpressed or implied. For statemenl of $arranty funtacl Kalla?ll Corporation U.S. Pat. Nos. 283t" 468 - z,98l9a? - 3,082,8,18 - 3,082,849 - D196,77A - D19A,259 - D199,324 - D799,525 - 4,"179973 - 4.557,090 and Pats. Pend. SL.9O **.' -J BARRY SCHRAGER April L6, l-99o Town of Vail 75 s Frontage Road vail , co 8l-657 Re: Building Size ordinances My wife and I just entered into a contract to purchase the land known as Lot 8 Bighorn Estates (4249 Nugget Lane) in East Vait which is zoned Duplex. we are beginning to plan the house we will build there and know that there are ordinances regarding the maximum square footage, garage size, etc. We also understand that there are a series of credits for certain designs that can extend the maximum size of tbe trouse. Would you therefore send us copies of the ordinances and guidelines regarding building size and credits? Thank you. ""Tfik 2835 Duffy Lane, Riverwoods, Illinois 60015-1640 (708) 948-8916 Fax (708) 948-8962 - 5h/r7 r,,*ra fura.err/.r o co-,n'nf,f;ft nb/z r ro , \:,'v e Tawd W+(, Oforl z c,,( b( W ,l tof o, wLa( L'h7tt€n" ( lr, lLls Vil a(1V ,zawk- l'l,ckf( ' I { Avndua Qb,n devs uof venn 1a aqree uit;fl" l?uaky^+ cbct tnrsl' re {bct to( droQ t'^ Zttact-r len^ Vkst :LW.I-; \,frng'6,n gdt/-. Wzc N. *.', e'@u'S) 3, O;c|,,-raae C - a , ruZb TaCrh c (C bttorn pldnue ctCpa-ucik (ar /a,r< ? l/a/,r4 ( \ ,,r b. ifr.t@, -b,af&crL_ra a9yryn bu ra&'t)or.nc,,r i 1w1W @k Vu hee" rl,n tutg,c@ i ,"r\ ,.;,'' c Trw L/rr4,L( Ldk tt w, (lu +Laat o/ 1{,.'. 'r'ij . _ rwaku_re Onrpt< . (aeo A.vtA lv.(tr(d4 slriue { ,UrrV*,a aAeD Wttq +o4ik \nth jrnilu a -€i o lr6'i . ?bu., wtQ i)nubcu4 &,Qron oLu/^7 'i I' d lVt'r'r,l ui c' ( 'h, 'nze /q vutu{c h t/uor( &fu^p z \ .'.1 o /(c?,l _-4: ,/:t\e , '-lFtteS ' r ": t. o ekrt l:< 1o' et'rcln' AeMhbor-'t rluu; __ o '\s'.. 'tti J", iug "__--"-&a'r, , sde -r { utLtn')( dtet t,-'e.((.@-;dt€ )f'orw Lr'L- Ivlu 7 ':' (1, ,716tt94LWA Wl 2h"nn4 ntehf A7 ' Qkl, nnt,n 7 t+ vuau, b I^,a^! {a)dca, . 'lnab) 8, .nu,l t'Wzt'4lnute nuno^4 {^1 \' ' .. rrn,D o-l +l,a Vnfu&vi-x c\tt,,k*'1 A \rnru-.fuWo,< 7 AaLr+/-6^\)7 i , I cCl litc(, ll^! d,olu cf 'wwV-'na,Lz. (e(Fo .4irt qo,r.a 1t,,rro, WuId tnof fufuurub"d apyrnual u:(e.q (fu)49 +o ua'hte[S fun,e Chntgahble k,l"kru4fu/lrood . loun tt.o||tih||[|arrod i.l[ Flotrdo llttt ootlat}tl@ tAr PEOf,B llnNfSl(llllllr SEEEII G4,IPiltl tlNlB: trNI PBOIIB XInEEns ,*t, -'-'ri. Z 47/)'4 l*nz ,b //: 7o ro. oF Dr@s lll DogltllEilr IxcIItDIlrG Go\rER sEEEEl ,-* /- NESPONSE NEQUIRED?S SENID EI: lDortr OF YlIt llf PBOtrB tlOtlEER3 303-'79-2157 lKtllrsloN xIilEER!- Town of Vail Conmunity Developrnent 75 South Frontage Road VaiJ-, Colorado 81557 (303) 479-2L3A Plan analysis based on the 1988 Uniforrn Building Code Project Number: 3229L Address: 4249 NUGGET LANE Occupancy: R3 rl,Il-Type of Const: v-N Name: SCIIRAGER RESIDENCE Date: l{arch 28, 1991 Contractor: SHAEFFER CONST.ArchitECt: MICHAEL ITAZARD Engineer: MICHAEL GORMAN Plans EXaminer: MTCHAEL WHITAKER NoTE:The code itens lj.sted in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code reguirements in the 1988 UBC. It is a guide to selected sections of the code. Portions of the material contained in tlris program are reproduced fron the Uniforn Building Code ( 1988 edition) with permission of Internatj-onal Conference of Building Officials LIGHT/VENTII,ATION AND NN,IE AREA EXITING REQUIREMENTS MIN.LIGHT MTN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 3 stairs TOTAL FOR FLOOR 2 Office 2 Library 2 Bedroon #208 2 Toilet #207 2 Bedroour #2L0 2 Toilet #209 2 Bedroon #21-4 2 Toilet #21-5 2 lfaster bedroom 2 l,[aster bath 2 Halls, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR #2 203 203 2L0 286 t23 50 L28 48 l_40 55 327 150 LO77 2615 0. 00 21. 00 28.60 L2.30 0.00 t2.80 0.00 L4.00 0. 00 32.70 0. 00 o. 00 0. 00 l_o.50 14.30 6. 15 3.00 5.40 2 .40 7. 00 2 .80 t-5.35 8. 00 0. o0 No No No Ye's No Yes No Yes No Yes No No l_ 1 l_ 1 1 L 1 1 1 1 l- 1 l_ 1 1 carage L228 L Mechanical Rooms 107 1 Maid's Room 81 l- Maids Bath room 44 1 Exercise Room 1-90 l- cuest Bedroom 135 1 Kitchen 32O 1- Dining room 338 3- Living roorn 44O l- Guest Bath room 51 L Dining Bath roon 37 1 Laundry room 100 L Halls, closets, etc. 692 TOTAL FOR FLOOR #1 3773 BUILDING TOTAI 6591 FOOTNOTES: 0.00 0. 00 l_0.00 0. 00 19. 00 13 .50 32 .00 33,80 44.00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 o. 00 o. 00 5. OO 2.20 9.50 6.75 15. 00 16.90 22.O0 3.05 1. 85 5. 00 0.00 1No 1No L Yes LNo lNo L Yes 1No l- No l- No l- No l- No l- No LNo 2 2 1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that is required from this room. The rninirnum the following. -- Sec. L2O4.1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches 2) The minirnun clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimurn clear area is 5.7 square feet 4) The maximum siJ.l height is 44 inches 2) The nurnber of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings)3) A nechanical ventiLation system may be used in in lieu of exteriot openings for ventilation. -- sec. L205. (c) ROOM DIMENSTONS:Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 6 inches. Kitchens, ha1ls, bathroons and toilet conpartments nay have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If the ceiling is sloping, then the minirnum height is required in only L/Z ot the area,--Sec. 1207. (a) Habitable rooms otlrer than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in any dirnension. -- Sec. L2O7. (cl GI,AZING REQUTREMENTS :1) AII glazing in hazardous locations is reguired to be of safety glazing material . -- Sec. 5405. (d)2) Note windows and doors in a tub or shower area are required to be safety glazed regardless of the height above the fl_oor. -- 5406(d) 5. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUTREMENTS: A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall at a point centralry Iocated in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area.-- Sec. 12L0. (a) 4. The smoke detector is required to be wired to the building,s power source. -- Sec. 1.2L0. (a) 3. A smoke detector is required on all stories. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4.If the upper level contains sleeping roorn(s), a srnoke d.etector is reguired in the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway. --sec. L2l_0. (a) 4 I opens directly to the exterior clear openable area must meet OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for thr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing L 3/8 inch solid core door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) ex #3 STATR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling nust be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The naximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the mininurn run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(c) exc.fl Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Mininurn height =36 inches, maximum opening size - 6 inches. -- Sec. l-71-L. exc l- The rninirnum headroom is 5 ft.- I inches. -- Sec. 3306. (p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required . for l-hr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (n) ATTIC REQUIREMENTS:1) Provide an access to all attic areas with a clear height of 30 inclres or more. The urininum size is 22 inches by 30 inches. There must be 30 inches or more clear height above the access. -- Sec. 3205. (a)2) Provide ventilation in aII attic areas. The net free vent area is to be not less than l square foot for each l-50 square feet of attic area. The vent area may be l/3OO if at least 50? of the reguired ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of the attic. The upper ventilators rnust be at least 3 feet above the eve or cornice vents. -- Sec. 3205. (c) CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS :. 3.) Provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openings in exterior wa1ls. Opening shall provide a net area of not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawl space. openings shall be distributed on two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical . -- Sec. 2515. (c) 6. Note: Vent openings nay be reduced to 108 of the above if ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and the building official approves. For a 2500.0 sq.ft. crar'rlspace area:Ratio Minirnum sq.ft. of vent L/L5O L6.67 2) Provide l-8-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note: opening may be reguired to be larger if mechanical equiprnent is located in the crawl space. -- Sec. 251-5. (c) 2.3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood, the ninirnum clearance between exposed earth and floor joist is l-8 inches. The mininrum clearance to beams and girders is is 12 inches. -- Sec. 25L5. (c) 2. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: For R3 occupancy THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRE A SITE II,IPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUB!4ITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR FRAME TNSPECTION. A],L CRAWL SPACES I{ITHTN THE TOWN OF VAIL ARE LTUITED TO A EARTH TO STRUCST'RAL FIOOR CEILING HEIGHT OF 5', BE EARTH FI.OOR ONLY, 8g VENTITATED AS PER UBC 251_5(C)6 WITH MTNIMW ACCESS AS pER UBC 2sr_6(c)2 AND lfAXrMnM ACCESS OF 9 SQ. FT. EXCAVATION BEIOW SI,ABS ON GR,ADE SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL. ADDRESS NWBERS SI{ALL BE POSTED PLAINLY VISIBLE AND I,EGIBLE FROU THE STREET. For M]- occupancy SLOPE GARAGE TIOOR TO ALLOW TOR DRATNAGE TO OUTSTDE OR PROVTDE A FLOOR DRAIN WITH WITH SAND AND OIL INTERCEPTOR TO DRY WELL OR TO SEWER. ANY GARAGE FLOOR DRAIN CONNECTED TO SEWER MUST BE APPPROVED BY UPPER EAGLE VALLEY WATER & SANITATION DTSTRICT. rN GARAGES WrTII LTVTNG AREA ABOVE, THE WALLS OF rHE GARAGE WI{rCH ARE BEARTNG THE AREA ABOVE SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH ONE HOUR FIRE RESISTTVE CONSTRUCTTON. UBC s03 (B) . n e f!!)'t f+ 7|1 *t*GFt t .a Flcl ao FFFl L;- Y 5 t3 F{r ,EE fs El f{t a E9 |1 |1 -L)r1 g !a F.f1 ,>\- sA =E ri f{l GI .r HFI f+-5s fg atr =f-r+, l<oJ ***r *xl- rn ,= -F (J 3;=*nol!:F,.r_n :>rl >9i; XA* -<- an -.1 (, O c/r le €oiP h-i 1= 8s=F 9o2 <-n{z;i r=o fr' -a\ > -.1 t>i F-G > af, ,*!*lG z Eo EUQF .r -..{ I:r -x>;-. (- Fr Ya2 \/F^ n fi: !,d<I zi=i-*AZe .,^z :O-tr A>1, FS3 lE= -=< C -{ L)kXn .:'' .-i --t\l z 3 TJ'ct F ttl F v)H trl z F' C- a F It vt F trl z H H tr o T j z I E15 > l\j F l\o |<I I Q.l I YI trtl H .<' vt., *2 >:6lE I z { d ga ga \r=f_ .d 5 N s,\o z cJ tr,H li z F z a H b r- v, o\ \o \o t\) +ai+iti : E i *a:. ;rs3?=q -! J = - : iiEii i ! +'c ; V =liiil:1::;': t<:: +q i=36;:"r ii 3 ;; i i ?:7 a -c- : ? 1i+:?:i 1;: i_1i1i+3 +: =c t a :-6i i TX :.a o ii i:. o 7f o H tb !. R ) -t , z o 'o c t, T o II Town of Vail Community Development ?5 South Frontaqe Road VaiI, Colorado 8165?(303) 479-2t38 Plan review based on the L988 Uniform Building Code Project Number: 32291 Name: SCHRAGER RESIDENCE Addressz 4249 NUGGET LANE Date: March 28, 1991 Contractor: SHAEFFER CONST. Occupancy: R3rM1 Architect: MICHAEL HAZARD ' Type of Const: V-N Engineer: MICHAEL GORMAN P1ANS ExAmiNEr: MICHAEL WHITAKER Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniform Building Code ( 1988 edition) with permission of International Conference of Building Officials # IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED 1 Kalwall AlI additional brackets or supports to be supplied to skyJ-ight system to maintain an 80 lb. per sq.ft. snow load sha1l be provided. Engineer to confirn. AII electrical work is to be complete to the 2 Throughout reguirements of the latest Natj-onal Electrical Coder all Town of Vail Ordinances, and HoIy Cross Requirements. 3 Prior to Frame This project will require a site improvement survey. Inspection This survey sha1l be subnitted and staff approved prior to a request for a frame inspection. Under no circumstances will a frane inspection be done without an approved site improvemenL survey. 4 Crawl Spaces All areas delineated as crawl spaces or nonhabit. basement shall have less than 5'ht. from earth to structural floor/ceiling above, be ventilated as per UBC 2515, with minimum access as per UBC 2516 and max. access of 9 sq. ft 5 Fireplaces are Only one wood burning fireplace may be installed per not identified dwelling unit within the Town of Vail. Gas as per description appliances with "B" vents only are not restricted under this regulation. Gas log apparatus'retrofitted within wood burning chimneys are restricted as such. '. Stucco Exterior surfaces with stucco shaIl be provided with Inspection required exterior metal lath as per UBC 4705 with 2 layers of paper. Windows and doors are required to be adeguately flashed(not with just screed metal). A lath inspection is reguired prior stucco application. Bathroom Ventilation Laundry room Ventilation Laundry room L0 Crawl Space Ventilation A bathroom is required to have an openable window or a mechanical" ventilation system. -- Sec. 1205. (c) In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry roorns a mechanical ventilation system connected directly to the outside shall be provided. Bathrms which contain only a wat.er closet or lav. may be ventilated with a recirculating fan. UBC 1205(c). Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall be installed as per UMc 1104 and 1903. Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 6' in length and shall not be concealed within construction. Ducts shall terminate outside the buiLding and not exceed 14' length. Crawl spaces are required to be ventilated by mechanical means or by openings. Such openings shall have a net area of not less than 1 sq. ft. for each 150 sq. ft. of under-floor area. UBC 2516(c)6. Provide a minimum I8x24" underfloor access. UBC 25L6 (c) 2 . No domestic dishwashing nachine sha1l be directly connected to a drainage system without the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitting. UPC 508. Cross connection control. devices shal1 be installed to protect pollution of potable water supply by use of approved backflow prevention devices. UPC 1003. Plumbing fixtures with mechanical apparatus shall be supplied with an access panel for inspection and repair of equipment. UPC 904. Heating and cooling equipnent located in the garage sha1l be installed with the pilots and burners or heating elements and switches at least 18" above the floor level of the garage. UMC 508. In buildings of unusually tight construction (all new construction within the Town of VaiI) t cornbustion air shall be obtained from the outside. Such combustion air openings shall be as per UMC Ch.6. Required size shall be per opening not per roon. 11 L2 Crawl Space Access Air Gap fitting for dishwasher BackfLow Preventers Spa Eguipment Access Platforn for nechanical eguip. adjacent or in 9arage Combustion air for gas ecluip. 13 L4 15 t5 I7 Fireplaces not identified 18 Fireplaces are not identified L9 This will be checked for on Mechanical drawings 20 To Receive Mechanical Permit 2L No gas under fnn+ i n,.l r vv e 4r.Y Not on Door Schedule Typical Residential Stair limitations Handrail reguired with 4 or more risers Guardrail requirements &details Understair Protection 22 Garage Separation The garage must be separated from the dwelling by thr fire-resistive constructi.on on the garage side. -- Table 5-B & 503. (d) exc.#3 '. Approved gas logs may be installed in solid-fuel burning fireplaces provided the installation is according to the listing instructions, any damper shall be removed or permanently blocked, and a safety shutoff valve is provided. UMC 803. Gas fireplace appliances are required to be installed as per listing instalLation instructions -with a I'Brr vent onIy. Combustion air must be supplied from the outside for all new construction in the Town of Vai-I. Furnaces not listed for closet or alcove installation sha1l be installed in a room or space having a volume at least 12 times the volume of the furnace. A boiler unit will reguire a space 15 times larger than the boiler. UMC 504 (b) Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volune) of equipment, venL location and termination, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any installation. Gas piping shal-I not be installed in or on the ground under any building or structure and exposed gas piping sha1l be kept at least 5'r above grade. uMc 2213 (b) The door bethreen the garage and the dwelling is required to be a I 3/8 inch thick solid core self closing door. -- Sec. 503. (d) exc.#3 The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the ninimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3305.(c) exc *1 A handrail is required along a stairway. It is required to be 34 to 38 inches above the nosing of the steps and if the side is open, the maximun size of an opening in the railing at the stairway is 6 inches. -- Sec. 3305. (j) e 1?11 A 36 inch high guardrail with a maximum opening of 6 inches is requied where step is greater than 30 inches to floor or grade below. -- Sec. 1711. The enclosed usable space under the stairs is reguired to be protected by thr fire-resistive construction. -- 3306. (m) 23 24 25 26 27 28 water & Ice Shielf Submi-t Report of VaiI At eaves and val-leys an adequate underlayment shall be provided to protect a structure from ice buildup and water danage. Two layers of felt solid mopped to sheathing and between layers or a conmercial water & ice shield may be used as per Table 3281. ' . z9 Soils Include a copy of the soils report for the site to to Town be built on. -- Sec. 2905. (b) & (c) BIdg. Dept. Mlchael Hazard Assoclates Arcbitecture P lqflning April 17, 1991 p.o. Box tout(!^ Vail, Colorado 81658 303.949.1958 F.ax 3o3.919.4a3a Mike Whitaker Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mike, This letter is regarding the fireplaces in the Schrager Residence located at 4249 Nugget Lane in Vail. In the home there are a total of four fireplaces. Three are gas log fireplaces and one is a gas appliance. The gas appliance fireplace is located in the Dining Room. If you have any questions give me a call at the above number. Sincerely, Michael A.,rHazard, A.I.A. Michael blazar d A ssociates o DATE: MARCH 26, 1991 LEGAL: LOT I BLOCK ADDRESS: 4249 NUGGET LANE OWNER: SCHRAGER RESIDENCE ARCHITECT: HAZARD & ASSOCIATES FILING BIGHORN ESTATES PHONE # PHONE #ffiPRoPosEDUSE: sFoNP/sLor (6.0)3.0 (7.0)0.0 0,0 0.0 UNIT ONE :I8'A:SEMENI =l-+...:'::r::..:illrsT;iFLOC tsg IR.SOTEE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3,719,0 1,206.0 152.0 107.0 0.0 0.0 72.5 r.2NDi:TFEOORi.S!2,610.0 0.0 245.O 0.0 132.0 50.0 91.0 ;.:FLOORirt 196.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 132.0 0.0 33.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CREDIT TOTALS 0.0 (6.0)3.0 (7.0)0.0 0.0 0.0 O ,nnl lSvt 1t?99' Riit iiif' 7 ARTHURI.MEARS, P.E., Natural Hazar& Comultgils INC. 222 Egr Gothic Avc. Gunnnon, Glondo 81230 303 - 641.32t6 January 30, L99L Michael Hazard Associates P.O. Box l-068 Vail, CO 8L658 Dear Mr. Hazard: As you requested, I have reviewed the prelininary site plan for the proposed developnent of Lot 8, Bighorn Estates, Vail, Colorado (4249 Nugget Lane). The purpose of this revievt v/as to determine if the proposed development is within snow-avalanche, debris-flow, debris-avalanche, or rockfall hazard areas. Snow-avalanche hazard was previously described in ny May, 1990 report to Irene Westbye and John Nickel, however a detailed topographic nap of the lot was not available at that tirne. As stated in the May, L990 report, ItThe eastern boundary of the (100-year) avalanche coincides with the edge of an alluvial bench approximately 3-to-5 feet high that crosses Lot 8.rr The edge of this alluvial bench is shown on the new map. The proposed development, as shown on the new site plan, is above and to the east and south of the bench and therefore is beyond the linit of the avalanche. In addition to the snow-avalanche considerations discussed above,the proposed developnent on Lot 8 is not within a debris-flow,debris-avalanche, or rockfall area. Sincerely, '. :- | i .^t t,.l t*a-11 (]Wa.u Arthur I; Mears, P.E. Avalanche-control engineer Mass Wcttng . Amhnchq . Axlnche C.ontnlE4ne<t'ng January -L -, ,tt, Tovrn of vai I Connunity DeveLopment 75 South Frontage Road Vlest Vail, Coloraalo 8165 7 Re3 Lot 8, Bighorn Estates Vai I, col-orado Ddar Sir or Madan: As the owners in titte of Lot 8, Bighorn Estates, we certify that we are aware that a certaln area arong the western side of Lot g lies within an avalanche path of the so-called rNugget Avalanche Arear. As such, the residential structure proposed will not be buirt nithln the defineil avalanche path. Please refer to the attached letter fron Arthur I. Mears, P.E., Inc.l Gunnison, Colorado. Deborah L. Schrager STATE OF COUNTY OF 4n6ue ss. Subscribed and sworn by Barry S. Schrager and Witness my hand and !.1y connission expires : !o before rne this Deborah L, Schrager. official seal . day of .tanuary, 1991,4b Notary Public Address:SHAW SPANGLER & ROTH I@. S, FRONTAGE ROADIIEST SUFE20 YA|L OotoMoo 81657 My Oommision expircs February l, 1994 -v@, DATE:3-27-91 LEGAL: LOT 4 BLOCK 1 FILING VAIL VILLAGE FIRST ADDRESS: 328 MILL CREEK CIRCLE OWNER: PRECOURT R PHONE: 713-658-0509 ARCHITECT: PIERCE,SEGERBERG,SPAEH PHONE # 476-4433 i: 12,262.1 IPROPOSED USE: P/S lS THE LOT:SLOPE OVEFI 300/o : YES/NO : ,r r NO. OF_UNITS:ALLOWED ON SITE . .- NO. OFGARAGESPACES l ' GRFA ALLOWED ON SITE . TOTAL GRFA WITH ALL INCREASES ALLOWED SITE COVERAGE . . SITE COVERAGE USED srrE CoVEHAG_LRFMATNTNG : LANDSCAPE COVERAGE TOTAL GRFA USED ON SITE GRFA REMAINING ON SITE INo -------r t,o t- 4^o I- g.o6ss-.. teBlss-_ l-tAs2A'te€I zAszA t ?Js?J t &rsro -,. rs.s "I I ../ -;,( 1 .7 91.0 37.5 (2.0)0.0 0.0 0.0 :] i::::::::::: !iiB.ii ::i;.:i;:::: :::l\it:i ri'A::: : ::::::|::: :l:iE|:::r .rii:i:::: :t:i:::: ::: !,ii:j: ti UNIT ONE BASEMENT SQ.FT,1 ,109.0 1 ,109.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 ,155.0 0.0 26.0 0.0 46.0 25.0 0.0 1,256.0 0.0 118.0 0.0 153.5 0.0 0.0 OR SQ.FT 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CREDITTOTALS USED 1,477.5 CREDIT TOTALS 1 ,109.0 144.0 0.0 199.5 ADDED GRFA{rE 2s0?)0.0 91.0 256.0 100.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 GRFA ALLOWED 3,06s.s GRFA USED 2,042.5 GRFA REMAIN NG 1,023.0 UNIT TWO 996.0 0.0 198.5 102.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1ST 597.0 nn 20.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 2ND;0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3RD FLOOR SQ,FT,0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CREDIT TOTALS USED 343.5 CREDIT TOTALS 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 ADDED GRFA(IE 250?)250.0 91 .0 37.5 2.0\0.0 0.0 0.0 GRFA.ALLOWED 't,273.0 GRFA USED 1,249.5 GRFA HEMAINING z5.c GEORGE SHAEFFER P.O. Box 373 Vail, Colorado 8'1658 (303) 84s-s656 October 30, 1991 GEORGE SHAEFFER 1-,'(*2 Rcib Fawcett Project Manager RF/ rm CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Mr. Dan Stanek Town of Vai I Bu'i I d'i ng Dept . 75 S. Frontage Road Vai 1 , Co'l orado 81657 Dear Dan, This letter is intended to verify your conversation with Mark Stevenson from our office 'i n regards to the mechanical area at the Schrager Residence, Bui 1d'i ng Permit No. 4790. In the garage of the Schrager Residence where the boilers will be placed and are less than 24" away from any adj acent wa1'l , we will be instal1ing 1" of metal hat track with 2layers of 1/2" duro-rock p'l aced on top of that. Where the duro-rock is insta] led there wil'l be a 1" air gap at the floor level as well as at the cei ling 'l evel. This metal f ram'i ng, duro-rock and air space will provide the protecti on that was spoken about on the jobsite. Hopefully, this will reassure you that this is being done and please call 'i f you have any quest'i ons or comments or stop and see Mark at the jobs'i te. Sincerely, Michael Hazard Peter Kol i opou 1 os George Shaeffer Mark Stevenson F't Nn,, ^_, uSlggl 75 South Frontage Roed Vail, Colorado 8I6JT t 0t -47 9 -2 1 1 8 / 47 9 -2 1 1 9 Department of Commtnitl Dcoclopmcnt July 13, 1992 Mr. Mark Ristow Executive Vice President First Bank of Vail 17 Vail Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Lot I, Blghorn Estates Dear Mr. Ristow: At the request of Debbie and Barry Schrager, owners of Lot 8, Bighorn Estates, I am writing to you to certify all conditions of said development agreement dated March 4, 1992 have been met. The Town of Vail approves fie total release of the cash escrow account of $19,600.00 to the appropriate parties. lf you should have any questions regarding any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact me at 479-2138. Shelly Mello Town Planner TIIE LA\v OFITICES OF WEAR & ROSEN A Partncrchip of ltolessional Corporations SUITE 2O5. TIENC}I\,lARK Pt.A7-A BUILDI]\-C OO48 EAST BEAVT]R CRI:I1K IIOUI-IIVARD POST OFnCA BOX 1626 AVO\, COLORADO 8t620 'l Er,ltPIIo]\;It (3o3) 949-t433 FACSIMILIi (303) 845.7643 JANIES R. WEAR RICIIARD P. ROSEII RICT{ARD D. TRAVERS ,rr-r, MAI ,. 51992 DENVER OFFICE: ,']O SEVE]\TEEMH STREFT. SUITE 950 DEN\€R, CON-ORADO 80202 TELEPHONE (303) 595-312 FACSIMILE (3Ol) 595 0456 l4ay 13 | L992 Ms. Shelly Mello Town of Vail conrnunity DerreJ.opment 75 South Frontage Road West Vail , Colorado 81657 Re: Barry and Debbie Schrager Property Address: 4249 Nugget Lane Dear She11y: Enclosed please find the original- owner Improvement Agreement for the above-referenced property. All changes to this Agreement have been initialled by the Schragers. AccordinglY' the Town of Vail's signature is now appropriate. Further, it is my understanding that DRB consented to the d.rj-veway change and landscape plan. Consequently, the variance conditi-ons have been approved. I am assuming that upon completion of the necessary work (i.e., the "protruding wallr'), the Town will allow for the release of escrow. Pl-ease cafl should this not be the case.Thanks for your he1p. Yours very truly, WEAR & ROSEN RPR/cac Enclosure & ROSEN Prolcs3lonal Corpor.tionr: JM.t R. W.&. p.C. sd Ri.hed P. Ro$n, P.C. Mlcbael Hazard Assoclates Architeclure P larrrning September 20, gdlP 2 olse\p.r.t. n'or toou) Vail, Colorado 81658 .JO.1.949.4958 h-ai Jo -1.919.44 3a 1991 Ms. Shelly Mello Town Planner Community Development Department The Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Co. 81657 Re.: The Schrager Residence Vail, Co. Dear Shelly, Per our conversation, yesterday afternoon, we will remove the stream setback indication from the I.L.C.. We will have Fagle Valley indicate all exterior walls along the south elevation of the home. Finally, we will include the held elevation of the skylight ridge as soon as it is installed and resubmit the compteted I.L.C. prior to October 15 for your review and approval. Failure to submit prior to this deadline will result in a 'stop work'. Please let me know if I have misunderstood or omitted any of your concerns regarding this matter so we may address them prior to the 15th. Thank You for your assistance. Sincerelv. cc.: File Rob Faucett Mark Stevenson Dan Corcoran Schrgcl9.doc Michael A. TO: Mr. Peter Kollopouloe Michael Hazard AEsoclateg Post Offlce Box 1058 ValI, Colorado 81658 ProJect Namer Sghrager Residence ProJect Nurnberr' 91018 Cllent: ltlchael Hazard & Assoclate€Locationr East Vall, Colorado Present at gite: Mlke Gorman, Petst OBSERVATIONS: September -18, I99I FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT DFter September 20, 1991 Koliopouloa, Mark Stevenson the northeast as orlglnally end of the southern addedl aa orlglnally }EIJJAIJ8 Alt0 OORIIAN coil$rlllo tilJcruiAL E{qNEENg ,t4 cooR stErt grE 100 oillq. coloft^Do !020t CJoJI yrr-nrr :Alt structural frarnlng had been compleled and It appeared that the electrlclana and plunbare had conplbted thelr work affectlng the structure. lrhe vorkrnanship waa v+ry Eood and it appeareil that, Ln general, the Ftruotural fram{ng had been completed in conformance with the gtructural drawtnS{. The following specific ltema rdere notedrantl digcucsed at the Job glte: : 1. The A35 f,ramlng'angles called for:ln detalte 1-84 and 2-S4 were mJ-gslng and are to be added ad detallcd. 2. fhe head seotLon of the stud wall ,over the pocket dloor 114 ln tha kltchEn Ls to be sheathed w{th 1/2' plnvood end a 2x4 etud le to be naLled to the aidle bf each floot Jolst above to provlde support dotrn to the pocket door bearlng TaIl. 3. The Eupport column that has been |eft out at corner-6f the outdoor jaccuzzi ie {o u" pracedl detatled. l I 4. A hola had becn drtlled throuEh tn" top shord of a floor Jo$t ov€r the naLdg room. A 2:f4x6r-0' member should be glued and nallcd to both sidea of f,he web up ttght under the top chord and centered on the holei 5. Thc 2x{ knec wall frarning nost crawl epace mLcro-lam called f,or on drawlng S-2. at the:nest beam fg'to be l}{l AEo!G tg @ soEreD coiREgr, uu.ts8 RE5r9[5r rO ftiE cofilr ay ll itsortg n1t0l 7 9^rt rnora DATE A60tG o a. l rrLr RtnttN :_o c0n loPP i :GOr. PHC I3. LOAT Roo Floo Bqlc Winc *hrt r trr A.B.al 48to'. i .i hr E)€. JT.l'1T'L 3'tNFEhF. CONA ELAB oN GRADE !a }T2A.-O' q ll,r'pLYttlo@ llr'6OttG T ntr'l.,fotsi CO}{T. 2xt W r4.l x 6'EXF. EOLT al #toa t\ 612I'.V' 2x at FE, ARCtd FOR SLOFE ?O DRI ' rNREtr+. coN6.. SLAE ON 6FADE h' E)'(P. Jf. HT'L. (2t I a COhIr. t.. B. , -,.iL' .t .{''o.c. il1 6n tfEcf{al tl1'.1'.4' ETAIL l'l u ar o 6. Th6 placement of the concretc tlab ov.r the nechanlcar Pil - ln tfia garag. eras dlgcugscd. It waf lndllcat€dt that the slab at the -roqihern cnd trould bc rtrUcturat to allow aGC9glr the attachEd 6cta11 2ls2 ehowE t\c rcLnf,orolng end angla support requlred for a 5r structura[ slab. REPORTED BII NEU,tAlrR E GORMAI{' INC. CONSUITTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS il^;,ll UlchaEI p\pk92391. fo P.E. \l:it t:-,r.\. o ffi-fi trY' tuLOYa- trLA tt'flln-I vzEfi'llivc 3'fu'v cvftl\g ^rr.q d^!rt{ 13 | t.fWK 6l*Yr*'r- tP h- ?r3' *4oo?qhtfrovta N0:rELT 74! rvltgo4gsr,lrrNf 4'A a$LAr4 W,r,tr{w {#ffH4#Yt' . .----..*vJfr? aHNUt-h ;fltWVJne aHFrun6 $1 worrawno .4f*ar?-rP. P At-,l-ptl' MtF.aFN VtrtTll-.\Tpfi _____r JflLLytnv Wbfif :It.|6t)TAtrI?N -Lid flV pFfl^tArL $a'11 ,tt+ N' 9A 'd l'-4" AFf{trcb,t DFIAL e,4oLD Raor BrqE VENT. g9€ll'6.t'69e'e -rD I ao€sg PtD:aDH I rE|q? ! Ul Zt.: gT HOH I6-9 -AHr,l on*rrru;OU* 4fu4 ,/,/* /r.,n /..(^. APPIJCATION FOR REVOCABLE A STRUCTURE ON A (P1ease tlpe or prlnt) DATE October 8, 1990 ' :t PERMIT TO ERECT OR I,TAINTAIN PUBLTC RTGHT-OF-9IAY Fence Wall Landscaplng_ Other Barry and Debbie Schrager OWNER OF PROPERTY N}l'[E OF APPLICANT ADDRESS and Debbie Schrager 2835 Duff Lane, Riverwoods, Illinois 6001s- 1640 LEGAL DESCRIIryION OF PROPERTY TO BE SERVED: TOT B BIPCK SUBDIVISTON (If necessary, attach description on Corner lot Inside lot v DESCRTPTION OF STRUCTURE OR ITEH(S) INTO RIGHT-OF-r{Ay: Driveway and parking apron Attach plans showing encroachnent, property LLne, sidewalks,curbs, intakes, hydrants, meters, nanhotes, any other affecied appurtenance in the proJect area (to scal.e or dinensJ_oned) and sectJ-on(s) as weII as elevat{ons (if appllcable). Does structure presently exlst? .. rr/\ Proposed date for connencement of constructlon 5/9 l In consideratLon of the issuance of a revocable perrult for the structure above lndl-cated, applicant agrees as follons: 1. That the structure hereln authorlzed on a revocable pernit basis iE restrLcted exclusively to the land above descrlbed.2. That the pernlt ls llnlted speclflcally to the tlpe of Etructure described in this application.3. That the applicant shall notify the Town Manger, or his duly authorlzed agent, twenty-four hours Ln advancq of, the tl.ure for conrrencenent of construction, in order that proper lnspectlon may be made by the Town.4, The appllcant agrees to indemnify and hold harnless the Town of VaiI, Lts offlcers, enpLoyees and agents fron and against ' aII liability, clains and denands on account of injury, loss or danage, includlng without linitation claims arising fron bodily lnJury, personal lnJury, sickness, di.sease, death,property loss or damage, or any other loss of any klnd whatsoever, which arise out of or are J.n any nanner connected wlth appllcanttE activitl.es pursuant to thls perrolt, Lf such lnjury, loss, or damage is caused in whole or Ln part by, or is clalmed to be caused ln whol.e or ln part by, the act, omissl.on, error, professional error.,nlstake, negllgence or other faul.t of the appllcant, his contractor or subcontractor or any offlcer, employee or representative of the applicant, hls contractor or his subcontractor. The appllcalrt agrees to investigate, trandle respond to, and to provide defense for and defend against, any such llablllty, clal-ms, or demands at the sole exlrense of the appllcant. The applicant also agrees to bear all other expenses relatj-ng thereto, lncluding court costs and attorneyrs fees, whether or not any such llability, clains,or demands alleged are groundless, false, or fraudulent. separate sheet). 5. Applicant agrees to Procure and nraintain' at its oitn cost' a pollcy or pollclet o'f lnEurance suffictent to ensure against iir-iiuuil'ity-cra!n;; e;;;;at a1a orher obllsatlons assuned ui-trt.-"ppiilanl puriuant to thls Paragraph 4 ' Applicants further !9ree-to release the ToHn of, Vall' lts officers, agents -una-".pfoyees fron any -and. alt liabllity' olalrns, deruands, oi act'ioni or causes of actions whatsoever arlsing out of ony-aiiig",-fo"" or lnJury to the-apPllcant or to the appllcantrE ProPerty caused-by the Town,ot VaII' Its offlc"t", "g.ni"-u-na inpt'oyees whlle engaged. In rqalntenance or ""o"-=E ovai'aciivitles or any other activltie" wrratsJev"i-ott Town of vall propert'y' Etreets' sldewalks, or rlghts-of-waY-'.fhat the permlt i'"i-U"-r".*r'oX"a whenever lt ls detemlned il;; iii; Ln".o""ni'.n[, oustructlon, or otber. structure constltutes a nulsance, destroys oi irnpalrs the'use of the rlghr-of-way by ii!'p"6rig, coistrtutei a trafflc hazard, or the propertsy upon whieh thL encroachnent' obstructlon' or structure extsts is"i"i.tii"a for use fy ifre publlc; or it mav be revoked at-any-€rure for any-i"a'"on deLned sufflcient bv the Town of ValI.iil"i"[r,"-;;pii";;t-wl1] remove,, at his expense'. the encroachment, ousiriicti"", or itructure wlthin ten days after recelving noelce of, any revocatlon of gald per:alt' rt ii-t},*-ippr-i6"iii-;;;";; io'rnutntarn any landscaplng i""oriii"a'i'ftn ln"-6n"toachnent on the right-of-way' That ln the eveni'-iotd-r"tova1 of, the encroachment' obstructlon, or'Jtit"luit ls- not acconplished wlthln ten ;;;;;-;i;-t;""-i!-;;;;;v-";[rroirzea to renove same and havE the rlght to uake an aslessnrent agilnst the P::p:rty and collect ttre cost! ;; il;;;i in tfre sane nanner as general taxes are corrected' lndergtand" o{r of the terms That the aPPllcant has read and t ina-""noitii,n" s"i i"itr, in this appricatlon' 6, t. 10. Speclal condltions: e t Obrner APPROVED: ector rectoi Developnent ADEOUATE AVATIABTLITY AND UTILITY INCATTON VERTFTCATION ADDRESS 4249 Nugget Lane, Vail SUBDMSION Bishorn Estates JOB NN.IE Schrager Residence I,OT 8 BIPCK FILING The rocatLon and avalrablllty of utilltles, whether they be nal_n if""I llr"g or pTgpgged llne-, uust be approved and verifled by the following utllitles for the accornpany-ing slte plan. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. West Conmunications 1-800-922-1987 458-6850 or 949-4530 PubLic Senrice Conpany 949-5781 cary Hall HoIy Cross Electrlc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Huskyr/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 94 9-5539 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitatlon DLstrl,st * 47 6-7480 Fred Haslee NOTE: * Please bring a site plan, f,loor plan, and elevations nhen obtainLng UpBer Eagle Valley !{ater & Sanitatlon signatures. Fire fLow needs must be addressed. /r -"/ Theee verLf,icatLons do not reLieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut per:nit fron the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to oFtain utllltv locatlons before dlqqincr in any public rJ-ght-of-way or easement in the Town of, VaiI.- A bullding permit ls not a street cut permit. A street cut permit must be obtained separately. Thls forn is to verlfy senrice avallabillty and location. Thls should be used ln conJunctl,on wlth preparlng your utility plan and scheduling installations. $ S,\*+ +. .Qc+ikr13 d,As\"ogsed' \ CorrgqrnrllS ,-\q bC- I have read the survey policies listed above and will adhere to them. TZ/t^,( c. > -'-ffi E" &-+ c. n- -m- /9L. ( {e. a*r(*-(-r.-ffi II 4l zz'(nl Date c r \k!lstan\Esror\rurvey.pol ^&ct1 CHECK roR ZONE DISTRICTS DA*E: lirl t I nr t"' n LEGAL DESCRTPTIoN: Lot n Block - Filing ZONE sFR, R, R P/S ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE IOT SIZE Height Total GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front sides Rear Water Course site coverage 1t;o lc Landscaping tt C'lo Fence/Retaining WaII Heights Parking Credits: carage Mechanical Airlock Storage Drive: Perrnitted Slope d;ctt et,tc,uclr- rl.W L{-f- CNicu ('rtcttacLw WWt"Ut5. PHONE PHONE Allowed Qq@ lffik Proposed /aI '-)l IV\A,Y -l ) t t-/t .+/..(r T I al- t1 LTLVY 1--. -. 1.,/t/ r.- -_> ./ ---1 -7-) -eflt,d t] l,q\ PK .,E4 ft+)q bl €- Existl-ncr cr h \- e 20. 15 1 L5| ( 30) +l cr1,1 3. /6. Reqrd l'r rt't a (3oo) (6oo)-__l-tu'i- ( eoo )(12 oOD q frtTu\AL (so)@ 8* Actual Slope (4q1') Approved by Town Engineer: Uk Date: Environnental/Hazards : Avalanche Flood Plain t Slope Geologic Hazards 1) 2) 3) tll,Ll_ty,sf r-lrprcw d n+ --cl I'z'1 tfrlD t.t /'a) Snow Avalanche L'lc > b) Rockfall -c) Debris Flow 4)wetlands r |Jttd k nr<-\ I t' / gi u-'ic drr rt-rll\ tnl-,r"v W,l r-l r,,t c,l+4 E<,,p.ar' T Otl'i'U yr'n'l .-.'-o uttLv Block - Fillng PHONE PHONE Allowed Existinq Proposed Total c OR ZONE DISTRICTS SFR, DATE:N! Lot ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRTCT PROPOSED USE I'T SIZE Height Total GRFA Priurary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Cover^g" (.?,O\ Landscaping Fence/Retaining Wall Parking Credits: carage Mechanical Airlock Storage Heights 3'/6' Reqrd ( 300) ( eo0) (50) ( 25) (2OO (3o)@ 201 15 1 15 1 (30 4tqn e @ @ ,@ Drive: Pernitted Slope 8* Actual Slope Approved by Town Engineer:Date: Environmental/Hazards : Avalanche Flood Plain t Slope Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow 1) 2' 3) 4)Wetlands PETER COSGRIFF JOH N W. DUNN ARTHUR A, ABPLANALB JR. ' IMO'I HY H. BERRY ALLEN C. CHRIS'TENSEN LAWRENCE P. HARTLAUB IN LEADVI LLE: CosGRlFF, DUNN 6 BERRY e o. Box rl LEADVT LLE, COLORAOO 6O46 | (719r 466- re65 Design Review Board Town of VaiI 75 S. Frontage Road Vai1, CO 81657 RE: Schrager driveway Dear Board Members: We represent Mr. and Mrs. Philip Connors, owners of Lot 7 on which the Schragers desire to build their driveway. The Schragers' right to such use of their neighbors' land is limited to the language of the subdivision plat which provides: The access easement between Lots 7 and 8 shown hereon is for the common use of the o\,tners of said lots for ingress anO-Eq;ess EEereto, and the use of the resi-denls of the subdivision for access to the recreational area to the west... (emphasis addedf. The Connors currently do not need to use the easement area for access to their lot - but wish to preserve that right. Under the law, the Schragers cannot make improvements on the easement that will either make the eonnors use of iti or of the remaining portion of their property, appreciable less convenient. We believe that the present design does create appreciable inconve- niences to the Connors and to the other residents of the subdivi-sion and should be denied. Our arguments are as follows: 1. The driveway is shown to be a steep J.2B grade following the fall line. Because the drive is also elevated, the steepness could create hazards for cars of sliding off. A garage placed higher and to the front of the lot would be much safer. 2. The driveltray is shown to be entirely on the Connors'lot for more than I the length of the tot line. The easement is also partially (5 feet) on the Schragers' lot but they do not use any of their 1ot for this downhill portion of the drive. Since the easement of 18 feet in width is for the comrnon use of both lots, we believe that the present design does not in fact use the easement for the common use of both lots, rather, the Schragers are using only the Connors' portion for their own use. LAw OFFTCES CoscRrFE DuNt! & AgpLANALP A PARTNERSHIP INCLUDIN6 A PFOFESSIONAL CORPORATION VArL NATToNAL BANK B u rLorNG SU ITE 30O IOB SouTH FRoNTAGE Roeo Wesr VArL, CoLoRAoo 8t652 TaLE PHoN E, (3o3) 476-7552 TELEcoPf ER: (3O31 476-4765 October 31, 1990 THE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION IS DUNN & AEPLANALP. P.C. IN VAIL. 3. The design shows an elevated drive (some 5.5 feet above grade). This means that Connors could not use the driveway as intended by the plat language. 4. The drive appears to be within 2 feet of the edge of the easement. Thus, there is no room for snow storage on the easement. The Connors object to their lot being used for snow storage. 5. The driveway creates hazards by virtue of its steep grade and elevation. The Connors have children who play in the yard (now where the drive is proposed to be located). Vehicles may slide off the drive, vehicles may fall off the edge of the drive. Even though they are on their own lot, how can the Connorsr children safely play within 2 or 3.feet of the drive? 6. The Schragers' lot receives some drainage frorn snow me1t. The elevated drive will divert aII of this water onto the Connorsr lot. It appears from the landscaping plan we have seen that they have made no promises to avoid the diversion. 7. The plat easement permits subdivision ohrners to access the recreation area to the rear of the lots. We have seen many pedestrians and one or rnore vehicles using the easement. There is nothing in the plat easement that disallows vehicles access by subdivision owners. Hovreverr the design would prevent this type of use, and since people normally avoid walking up and down private driveways, lre are concerned that our neighbors will walk further over onto our land, thus off the easement. 8. Although the access easement allows the Schragers to use it for access, they must buiLd something that is safe for their neighbors and does not make it appreciably less convenient for their neighbors' use or use by other subdivision resj-dents.There is no requirement that the driveway be built on the ease-ment. Indeed, others on this street have built garages and off-street parking without such driveways as presented to us here. We reguest that the present design be denied, Respectfully, LPH/dje Schrager - 824 COSGRIFF, Lawre o FIL E COPY 75 south frontage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 (303) 47$2139 ollice of community development December l-, l-990 Michael Hazard Michael Hazard Associates P.O. Box 1-068 \r:i'l an a16qa l grr, RE: Shrager Residence Dear Michael , Upon ny final review of the Schrager Resj.dence on December 1, 1990 it came to my attention that the following items are not in compliance and will need to be corrected prior to the issuance of a building perruit for the project. 1. There is a 9 foot deck encroachment into the side setback cn the west side of the building. The naximum a dec}: may encroach if within 5 feet of grade is 7.5 feet. 2. The site waLl to the rear of the house now measures at 7 feet from grade on the north side. This wal1 can be a maximum of 6 feet from grade. 3. only one wood burning fireplace and one wood burning stove are allowed per unit. A11 other fixtures must be gas appliances with type B vent. cas logs are not considered gas appliances. Unlike the credits, the restrictions are applied to constructed units versus allowed and must be located within the unit. A1lowable fireplaces are not transferable betr,'/een units. Also, since Greg Halt has not had the opportunity to review the DRB approval will be conditional upon his approval . Should you trave any guestions please contact JiIl Kannerer at 479-213a as she wilt be handli-ng the project while I an away. Thank You, yt/4 whL(,w (t Shelly t'Gtto Town Planner 4/toz W.gD // GrE/ t cT#tr //ft/t4.b ,/s/r, e/ / a-r/. a J/acca z'ur,/zta& - .,r/t"-e' fee/s //*r,li ,r/.zrr# Atnz,vzfra/ r, ry, 1''4:': 7/a*--' Utfe - /"- thrj - ,/// Sa1l2 t:f4,' *'-J) /p/ z<l.grno/ aA13r1 \-,/ (r.z?i!22) ---., at//z ",,(2.2, ./z^" 4rr,a ,.2*,r /d ) ztz/n;s /. /ry. /h irk' lttry'--"'.-:rzt../ na/ ,''arr'p'alL / /t' &/o*- d A*1 ,r, ,sr/+ e-l?- rTl d( &' rz, tq4- Vroo{ -J' a \J f't;r/2.'..'1 6pu la (aapcr,274utu ,dL r,o:;qna ,/rae a dahtc,4u{ 4/4 - rfrzs ?ze1 7,4/ 2,- .r/* (at t ktY t u rn .11 z),4 /( t.< e, ty t)t"e.l .i,.t1, i qyattc/ %Ar0l /4.- /?€!ifi6. efu CmtlTxipr/rfl fs /s -"2o,tt2 Cfi2itz+"- Ttc,iAl /r/-l ,.40? hata tu?p"t zsa/ rt:1); V oirt*,ni l'*l @4 ,2y'.' " r ubl,4at %1,4r'tL 4 Ca)zy;;f - da'n/ fr /, e<tetut nc/hhtar7 : r'L, /a2"2< "'*r// a_- ,fur,y'aziezrh/ /s-tu/) - DP6 ql.t&L'rrta nd/a,4*r-t - /y''-. 4rph, /as (o)A.a- (+ /04 /. 7ti ;f -zn/.*,afrt.V .h<"* -ld t/e- *r&.orrJh/." ,t/er{r/,i2aa //4 rbo- n,e/ 0 M,'at*/t"s, ! tlr:c:@ dr(. Ave@ZL, PA Ceo. y'rc/,sJ - 4^,' jtt';.tu ,,-, /t /"N- /7a./zit ti,:JR tr. t' tlry./'i'y'i''.tq /c2,,;d 6 *'r= 21c?/?E) -.??o/-t/zzzi*b rr'b"rz o'-'- afi az'ru.rq dfr,z-Z &l&-rrr 7uo7't'ert-r (-t.,tz y't-' -oa/rfu,fu//o rzy' b,lrun aa afuE c>,' ft 1z'-r'--%nA)' /kz -neL ;rit.u a,{4h-e( ,+risrn/ h A/} dann*rtr!, &dZ a t/,iza" dtt 4 r:ziq4' hatzgy'v,f,.ztqra l 5 MV^ ZrTtt flrr*'- o'Zr;xr.y *f- auaz<-)"rt'Vrc>u- </ ' fla,r:aa li' g/7rt >?-:r' ,"f ff4& rua.L ,27r'.,1€ rehi 7//Z Ow,latua-,o.&, /p attilt / fuU /?/ dluer- /otf 72zza'r6" 4/- /pf, ,'vfl?@'ut { rqL ,root J Uv€- hcZ + 4//2- /q3 ro* H? / rQtr a- fttu-ru ,/O - tfufzuw /77nv , frct-,, ,) *o.1h tb,.rrC,a dt /a tjltz-t/' ) /nff, dlrh,l a(/ la4r//z)r,,itr") ,4u{ae,L c4t t?F:;-e--t tba: /- Ed ,4 a4/?t17, aE ,lz-a e/ry'. y' to.2 . .- 4k, /zzlru zZztU/azcc> , cigi-o, /44 r-caf ,oe,t -slazuz,u u&4" t / / , ^-/ t / Y t 7C/t;tz/ - rt'o(/€/ hAJ A{f/ "..71o 4t/ /a/> zhl/dj ,to/ ^.tLau:3 2 a b ,&'f*''- T-;:L lLa:e ra //a-t ttzv /tfi1a J tlr/tcii - &,--, ,ffff*/,,""tuf ' 4a nd rt/'^P/4'-z Pa/ o Coruzt€ //,"a/ - 1l:t'.,/W /a @th ?tXf,/ o fu'1 ,ttauy'acr on- d /,/ey'-" hzrH gPP* 7t:t,''at 4/ ai /6,,re/ /stu/ .oz/y'E': ,€/ a17'"n'r'? - ,Ua/ 1u.',f /i ,' ''t/tr:.--.; ."7y' /: 7t"zl o/, y'a+ae- c./ntt ztitrr,/Lz./,b< "nA, '"1f t' ,":' ::ly,Vw.i,byeh'g tt "zlbe ,1" y' Jtr:'r, ,/se '/'-' : 4,b/ alr 14"- a/r/ti:: YVzzr:t r ?/ru,,'n*o'O : 4 // )/ I aru ,'i-;.7- fur.'1e- 6ro ' zlr/r lrp s 5 -Sh ek,t ,1t * , //nt h,ry',z,t/ -Zri /U:r:.u .uit, -L{ q /d ed7ryat. " / -:+ ru€^-/w"' h4 u//t/"'ir)/ ' J/ -t6oo,tsat- arz,z&t':i-? ila'{ i: /)7tr"2.- tu-ftlbb'' ild- fi,b/e ?d trohor..-ko 2"e 3*o No .HANGE rN Gt oR srr' covERAGE rnuril ,ot o*ftt L:iL i'; i390 12/ 19 /ed DRB IPPIIC}TION DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB NEETING: rT***THTS APPLTCATION WTLL NOT BE ACCEPTED I'NTTL AtL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED*'IIr** | I. PRI-APPLTCATION ICEtING: A pre-appllcation ueetlng with a plannlng staff oeuber is atrongly suggested to detenolne lf any addltlonaf inforaatlon le needed. No appllcation will be accepted the zonlnq adnlnlstrbtor'f. It is the applicantts responslblllty to uake an appolntnent with the staff to find out about additlonal subnlttal requlrenents. Pl'ease note that a COMPIETE appllcatlon w111 streanllne the approval process for your proJect by decreaslng the nunber of condltlons of approval that the DRB nay stlpulate. ALL condltlons of approval uust be resol.ved before a building permlt ls lssued. Applicatlon vill not be processed vithout ownerrs Signature. A. PROJECI DESCRIPTTON:A single-family residence of aooroximatelv 4,300 square feet on two levels. E|t ar r.r a l?l?a\lt lJ\., \,4\ .l' J.vat Address Lega1 Descrlptlon l,ot E Bfock subdivision BtshoEl E€!a!e€zoning@aI n NA].{E OF APPLTCANT:Barrv & Debbie Schraqer q3-9cl? I Ilailing Address:2835 Duffv Lane, Riverwoods' IIlinois, 60015-1540 Phone NN'IE OF APPLICNITIS REPRESENTATTVE:Michael Hazard Assocrates Malllng Address:P. O. Box 1 068 Vail, Colorado B 1658 Phone 949-4958 E. NAME OF OWNERS: SIGNATURE (8) s Xalling Address: Tllinoic- 6nn15-164n F FEE $ 10. 00 s 25.00 $ so.oo $100. oo $200.00 s300. 00 OF PROPOSAL: 4249 Nuooet Lane VALUATTON I o- $ 10,001 -I 50,001 - $150, oo1 - s5oo, 001 -I over s 10,0oo $ 50, ooo I 150, ooo $ 500,000 91, ooo, ooo s1, 000, o0o condoroinlun Approval lf apPlicab1e. (0vER) sgR,R, ZO}TE CHECK FOR R P/S ZONE DrSgK[CllS DATE: -lrr.+nhor 16 l QQd LEGAL DESCRIPTIOIIi l.ot --8- Block - fIIlnS Figh^rn Fcr--+ac ADDRXSS: 4?4q .Nrrgget T,^nF,! \/'i'l ; /-n ,OWIIER Farry r Dphhie Snhrager PHONE ("ne) gdq-aq6r AACHITECT M{r-hepl ltszirrl !.ciqnr.iaros PIIONE, (?n3) qrg-4gSg ZQNEDISTRIC!@ PROPOSED USE cing'la Fen{ly' IPT SIZE Helght Total GRIA Prluary GRBA Secondary GRFA Setbacksl Front Sldes Rear Water Course Slte Coverage Iandscaplng Pence/Retalnlng Parking Credlts: carage Mecbanlcal , Airlock storage Drlve: slope Pernltted Env ironuEntal/tla zards : Date: (€€+) (€ee) (e€f) (1200) (€o) (100) (25) (50) (€€€) (400) 12t Max-Heated Ivalanche see Slood Plalnsee survey Slope N/A Il L owed (30)F(33 ) -a?339- -!,32S.- 201 1El 15r' f.€+ (50) -a-J59J7 -6llt--ci-o-i'3' Max-8ront' Setbaqk 3' ltax-Front Set-6' {a*"Si$el8ear -#4tanrFrs:6s7 back set,baci( i,eai-SeE6ick -2-ui-n- (;//o -42----4,O.0- Slope Actuall 2* Max-weated* attached. report Fronosed 31 t. Maximum :/rz.qb 4z?p # _2AJ- --lsL -J5 | --54L 3,72b -tll-- -61-s3- Wall Helghts 98 Geologlc Hazards Avalanch onlv - See report Zonlng: Approved/D!.saPproved' *Driveway design has been subrnitted for approval Revocable Right,-of-Way permit submitted to Gteg by Greg HalI. HalI for approval. LIST OI I{ATERIALS NA}TE OF PRNES: LEGAT, DESCA,IPTTONs IOT-3- BrrCK - suBDrvrsroN -P!g!@s STREET ADDRESS: 424q Nuooet Lane r DESCRIPTION OF PRq]ECT! 4,300 square feet on two levels. 'The JoflovlnE Reviev Board A. BUII,DTNG Roof sldlng lnfo::natlon Ls regulred for eubulttal to tlre Design before a flial approval can be given: I(ATERIAI"S 3 TYPE OF I'IITERIAIT COI,oR Copper lx4 TcG,/Butt Joint ffi I{lndow lstg same as wtndows Doors Clad Metal & Glass Door Trl:u N/A Hand or Deck Ratls -Painted T&G Butt Joint FIues !lashlngs Chi:ureys Trash Enclosures Within Garage Greenhouses N/A . other Roof over.,Stair Tower Et TPNDSCAPXNG: Naue of Des!'gner:.Trr'l i a Man-qha l I Phone: ( ?n1l q?q-16?4 Botanleal Narne Connon Harne ouantitv Size* .Pinus Ponderosa Ponderosa, Pie-9- 12' Pinus Ponderosa Ponclerosa Fine 7 14' Pinus Ponderos'a Ponderosa Pine 4 16' Other llall Materials Fascla Sofflts .Wi.ndous Ballasted Menb Machine-cut Ce m T&cTBuCt Joint-ttorizontaL Smoo S cco w shown Control oints as EDOIE ucco- Paint Copper Stucco Lt. Grey BaLlast I'leta Wood PIANT UATERTAIS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REI.IO\IED Picea Pungens Colorado SPruce 4 14' - Plll4gs_Iemdoiqgs AFpgn 42 2' cal Pinus Contorta LodgePole Pine 2 12" cal Pinus Contorta Lodgepole Pine 2 8" cal *Indl.cate callper for abol I s seni-trans P-arent Dryvit Dover Sky *104 Natural White #103 Cabotrs seni-transParent PeIIa UC61953 Match Windows To Match Windows 'Kalwall'Cabot's trees. deciduous trees. Illnlnun calip?E for nches. Indlcate height for conlferous PLATflI I{ATERI},IS: PROPOSED SHRUES EXISTING SIIRUBS TO BE REI.TO\TED rfndlcate sl.ze 5 oallon. SEED TYPE OF TRRIGA?TON of proposed shrubs. lnrpe I,llnlnuin slze of sh::ubs ls €otanlq$ Nane eonnon Name ouantlW Size* GROUND CO\TERT'Daran n { al: Frlaworq ?On soD WiId Flower and Sheeprs Fescue 5050 Sguare Footaqe (Lupine, Penstemon, Fireweed, Flax Automatic frriqation Svstem TYPE OR UETHOD OF On the area surroundinq the entrance to the ERosroN coNaRorr drive where the srope is steeper, excersior neittlnq wI.II be used to eontrol eroston while c.orHER ralrDscApE r"fiift1"r "f"t"?ll;rns valle, rences, EnlBlrns pools, ete.) Pleage speclfy. Indlcate heighte o! retalning valls. l{axluuu belght o! ualls vlthln the tront Eetback ls 3 feet. Maxlnun belgbt o! nalls elsewhere on tlre property Ls 6 !eet. o tzf t4 kD o o k*tr P*tf Nd " ,^a4 ryYrh+^+qAprcl 4u.qrt-o-"e1 ' dft',i-l 0-rT %eA lltAa-n illr WnA ,{r/reA1 @ U qhdn - eI!a/\.-- (l itt ro - ,,'4r la,t-4zr 6<rt.-A 49",:n- %w{ u l{U'U,D \ * Y bc,orog Moh+^,n V,k "I9 ?-0 o o o o o o etoR 6(L€g PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMI'NTS NEEDED BY: IN.I'BII- DT PARTI'{EI.I.I.AL REVI EW DA'I'E OF PUBLIC IIEARING Reviewed by: D tiuL,'^g 0 doat.,tl *Q^,-\l-Wo ^l/*J r.lRE DEPARTMENT en € Leyo |,:^ fin zl*/tt otn( ooi' t tl t4{.^, 0 dt _Da L_, I , la, (.s ot uJ.\ A drat;n "1" "14 a +L*++k lo,,- 1t duir-* r,.r;(d ot'-2 Ar-^. Reviewed by: Cornments: Reviewed by: Reviewed by: Comnrents: o€-ll. T +V"L L Jr;ve*"6 -d*-,I tle oL^"n Date: Date: POLICE DEPAITTMI]I'I1' Commetrtg: dt e-z*,ti l,* T -{ bu l- .+i'+ bq*t) "-',\ ,,,ojl u<'ct^ ['- U\/L{v-4- - C a-- L,;: .JL PUISIJIC WORKS l*s {-ilr-J \_ .!r-g y*-e, (. . ")rr_-1-t {"'-- H"]LJ REcREATToN DEpARTMEN'r' -1.(*, .r..-\_J. Da /.g..e--7_ ,u v C l- 0r.te: \t ?*r,J4.,., t- i: b,ft-iss- .q- +L.( b," ll7 P4Et .f, -+1* )o (- F-:_l.*- -.j- i1 F: F:: I :i. r:- ; q.:. tl ii: I'r,:r.1j I dlr=,:. 1::J Fr::.;,,:.i: i':r.+.F.r 3[r i''t!+ r,+ErI|;: w,*w ??..5 -".i t //!/' . i{o P L.- F-l{ ,rf 'DF NF'r'fi1 4., ./ h It=lC-oo o o o o o o o I NTEP..OEP.qRTHENTAL REV I EI.I P?OJECT: DATE SU3I.IITTEO: COI"U'4ENTS TIEEOED BY: BRIEF DESCR,IPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: DATE 0F PusLrc HE RTNG 17/ /1 &*f, . FIRE DEPT.RTI'iENT e*LJ-*J . @r^-el ff 5;L fcr-' "< J o,u- Qr+. l.l*-J- E.euJt,^ "l 8, ?L d) uJo-u€i& Reviewed by: Conments: * ioit" )nq-"u*t -,0t.- r, o.r\t- t tt1 - 8'Q*J:,-'@n d,^;r" u^U Da te VY/a rT V (5 POLICE DEPARTI4ENT Revi erred by: Comiler,ts: ,I'tt . _T,Q 4 t. "inc-^e."1-i 'r:.'t. .ij; REC ;]:AT i OX DEPARTI.::NT Da te ..:Revlered.by: Co;;"ents: ={ :J xlr.,-+r.- : li 6q'f Dlu) I t5n ea;J :+4Y-- JLZ nzz-l J- rTl,L S;L J- ofto'"u J1-,--y l.' / ,"5 Jhr. -i1 t*-r . SNOW.AVAI,ANCEE DYNAT-TICS ANAI,YSIS ror I, BTGHoRN BsrATEs, vArL, cdr.,onaoo PrePared Por Irene Wesgbye and ilohn Nickel PrePared BY Arthur I. Mearsl P.E.r Inc. Gunnison, Coloraclo MaY, 1990 OB\TECTIVES AND LIMITATIONE Thls enalyEl6 of snow-avalanche dynanics and runout potential requested by t'ts. rrene westbye of Gore Range propeitiee and the followlng spectfLc objectlvesr a. ttistorical research of avalanches at and near tlie ' Nlckel properry (Lot 8, Blghorn Estates), b. Calculation of the runout potential of the ',design-magnltude,' (I00-year) avalanches on the Nlck-el property; e. Calculation of design-magnitude avalanche velocities and, if necessBlfr deetructlve energyS and d. Land uEe recommendatlons on Lot g. Exposure of r,ot 8 to rockfall debris-fIowe, and debris-avalancheg wae also conEider_ed.as part of this analyeis. lot 8ls bcyond thg lang-e of aII three processes. rhte...conf irms .rocktill,debris-fIow, and debti6-avalanohe mapplng completed in lgsa bi the Town of VaiI. 2 AVAIANCHE TERRAIN AND AVAJNNCHE EISfORY The western portlon of Lot g can be reached by avalanches f,rom !h" nNugget. avalanche path (l'igure r). t,he iargeBt avalanches in this path begin below a sandstone clift it 9,900 feet elevation, flow acroas a low-gradient bench at 9,200 feet (above the llnestone cliffs)r and falr over and through the cl iffs to run out onto a steep colluvial fan and into Gore Creek. Low-den.sity flowJjlg snow and powder blast from large dry snow avalanches will cross Gore Creek. Ins-pe_ction of aerial photographs taken in I939, 1950, 1962, L974,and 1984 indicate.that the Nugget path has been active'durlng recent decades. Fleld inepection of debris in the runout zone aleo lndlcates freguent avClanche activity, although debrls does not extend €ast to Lot 8. In Mayr I9g0 a large wet-anow avalanchc occurred and ran into cdre creek. apprdximately 400 feet leest of Lot g. Thle is the only time the-wugget patir haF reached to Gore Creek eince the eafly tgeO's, Becauee 10t I is locat.ed Just beyond the eastern edge of the corluvia] fan it ls beyond the range of armoet itr large avalanchee tn rhe Nugget path. However during wideepreid condltlons of unstabre snow, avalanches of large mass can ipread raterally int,o the western portion of l,ot g. - This wil I 6ccur when the flowing qnow te derrecrect to the eaEt by a bectrock ep-litting wedge itttrlt the cllffe. smalr avalanchee can aleo releaae from the ateep hillslope direqtry southwest, of IJot 6, but these will not reach Lot B. - wag haa 3 CAITULATIONS OF DESTGN AVAL}INCHE RUNOUI AND \IELOCTTY Because the design. (1O0-year) avalanche has never been observed at this locat.ion buc nrlst bo considered f n- rand jpitili;;-;; :iS:l::I+"g applications, indtrect-procedures have been applied ro cornpute trunout distances _(etopping positlonJi'ana "etodrlrei,.A two-step procedure was applied li fltiors. a' the Nugget avaranche runout distance wae computect t hr ou sh g.p.-pi i ca r r; ; --;i- t ;-geli"t t "gl- "un"u t -O i st ance model. rhis modor is based on field measurements of,runout distances ln I l2 C-olorado avif ""cf,e pitf,sl Large dry-snow avalanches will cross iore-irieX. b. Avalanche velocities were conputed by application :f-,a--4Flqgl. nodel, it-biing assumed thit tne design avalanche stopped as predicted ln step 'a.,' The reEults of the statrsttcal and physicar nrodering procedure is shown on the Nugget aval"n"f,"lplil, Orof if L- t-rlgure 2), which 9?!+lp. topograph-il features,- iot' e loiat-ion-,- "i.,A-.r isto computed velocitieE at t!" top.and botrom of each L.gmerrt. Thie inf ormation is of use'ln deteirnining -tne -i.rJtanctre impact characteristics on Irot g (Secgion et. 4 AVAI,ANCHB HAZARD ON IOT 8 As shown on Fiqure 1, the de'ign-magnltude (100:year) avalanche reaches onty thL wes.ter.n- portioi or iol-g:- i'h;-*;stern boundarv of the avallnche coincides witrr ttre edge'or--an ;ii;;i;i"Hilt 1g1_roxi.mately 3-to-5 feet high that cr-osses Lot 8. This bench Lrees noE appear o.n the topographic map, but ie crearry vlsible on the ground. Land to the-eist'of thib bench is beyona the linit ?I t.h" 9gqfgl avalanche. Building h,irhin the -avaranche path (west of the bench referred to abov6), routa J"po"L structurea to very rare but potentlally high-energy avarinches capaure oi damaging buildings. The general overall hazard to avalanches to thoee uslng r.rot g ie Y"ry sntallr howeverr €ver| within tne maplea arulanche area because avalanches reaching r,bt- b have- r.i,ii, p"iiods of 30-to-100 years. Hoq,everr rhe p5tentiat r,"riri-in;;";;;" very quickly to the west on the, €teep runout.-zone fan "f ih;-N;gget avalanche pathr becauee this is-an area of more ri,Llrent avalanche acrivity-. rhis area, which i" eisiry ;;;;";;:=r; Lor 8, shourd be avoided durtng timee of snow i"i,t.l-i-iii".---ia remalne the reeponsibi I ity ;f thg:se r"i-;it this area to derermine when the anowpack beconres unstable and a-valanctres irJ -rir.Lr-y, 5 AVAI,ATCHE MITTGATION AND BUU.,DING NESTRTCTIONS Most of Lot 8 is froe of avalanche hazard (Figure 3), therefore does not requlre.any form of avarancne protettio-n-o, nitigation.If-liilq+g- withiri ilr" avarri"rt" path (west or the bench olEcussed 1n section 4l t is lggessarlr then a vertical,reinforced avalanche barrier "rtluia re-uuift'on-'iri" west side of ll: !-"l]!ilg;. rbis woura aeiieci the avalanche into core creek and- protect the structur€.. . .Design for minor !o"ao"-ulast forces gi:t "lso be nece€sary witnin Ln6-aeeisnit"o iiii"rt zone lrisui- Final deeign lor a der:lect.ing barrrer or other types of bulrdinc reinforcement f or avalanche- loads cannot ue pii,iia.i -"Ttli.i"i architectural derailE about br:iioing 8ize, roci[ion, and shape.These detalls usualry become avaiii6re-ouii"g-iil' rrn"r.d;;i;;€tage of building. ort repared by, Ava I anche-contro I engineer H o o |.t l.-r d ll (t u, E Br FIcllRE 1. Locatlon nap sho$lnB :the avalanche path and, the locatton of SCALE| 1" = 1000' sg 4 000 3gg s8g | 17'30" I MILE 4000 s000 6000 TOOO FEET -:-:-F:: I KII NMtrTtrO 7 '7t ko'\ tN,' frN N RI\: \ N z t 3 a ? tl nl - e !) 'dl 9 () t l o I t i i 5ro @{ o\vr.t\rr t * ff N o {g r.: OE tsHS 5 BSSH N 5\O CD o\\c) O\ F rO rJ Og l-N BSts $E'.SU,X {E orl II UJ ts i.,l ;o co {r F+l c|. =rd J t;;gH 8A33r' FH?gg gtPri Eb,BP rFtF 8ts E,A F: flt $E.B rg$:or<@F Ses$dBEb, FFsE FETi 3sis fiH; 3g$F s#[tr ofr 'ao o o uts gs ssHuBE i^;' ;^G L b,;. b bb FSPFFFYSSP \,@H.\'NO\o\tsQ@ l* I l' E E o b E 1tr \.lJ l\tf |\' tl raltuxtlac t ol trrttrr,l t t 0l | 301{{r!.Ut 6ta}ar lnrn -vf .. LAND TItr.,E GUARANTEE \-OMpANy Representing Title fnsurance Company of Minnesota THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER April 20, 1990 Our Order: Vt-4782-3 BUYERzOIaINER: DEBBIE SCI{RAGER and BARRY SCHRAGER SELT.FRi JOHN T. NICKEL ADDRESS: LOT 8, BIGHORN 4TH GORE RANGE PROPERTIES DELIVER IN VAII RUNS ]. Attn: GINNY CULP GORE RANGE PROPERTIES DELIVER IN VAIL RT'NS L Attn: IRENE WESTBYE ICK ROSEN DELIVER TO # 2OO IN VNB L Attn: CLOSER l- Attn: SHARMAN o ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Application No. vI47B2-3 For Inforrnation Only LOT 8, BTGHORN 4TH - charges -ALTA Owner Policy $865.00 s20.00 Taxcertit--totol-- s8g6.oo With your remittance please refer to VL47A2-3. 1. Effective Date: April 16, l_99o at B:oo A.U. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: IIALTAT owner r s policy 9285, OOO. OO Form B-l_97O (Amended j-O-l_Z-7o) Proposed Insured: DEBBIE SCHRAGER and BARRY SCTIRAGER 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and. covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: JOHN I. NTCKEL 5. The land referred to in this cornmitment is descri.bed. as fcl-lows: LoT 8, BIGHORN ESTATES' AccoRDING To THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF,COUNTY OF EAGT,tr, STATE OF COLORADO. PAGE ]. o ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-]- (Reguirenents) Application No. VL478Z-3 The following are the reguirements to be complied with: l-. Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate-or interest to be-insured. 2. Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured rnust be executed and dury fired for record, to-wit: 3. EVTDENCE SATISFACTORy lO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDTTIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TR,,ANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 4. I'{ARRANTY DEED FROM JOHN I. NICKEL To ToM TATE, TATE RANCH, INc., AN OKLAHOMA coRPoRATroN AND BRyAN TATE coNVEyrNG suB;Ecr pRoiERTy. 5. WARRANTY DEED FROM TOM TATE, IATE RANCH, TNC., AN OKI,AHOMA CORPORATION AND BRYAN TATE To DEBBTE SCHRAGER AND BARRY scIrRAdER coNVEyrNG su&fEcr PROPERTY. PAGE 2 v AI,TA COMMITMENT SCHEDUI-,E B-2 (Exceptions)Application No. VL47A2-3 The_ policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satilfaction of the Company: l-. standard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessnents not yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treasurerrs office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. RTGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOI'ND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED fN UNfTED STATES PATENT RECORDED November J-7, L}OZ,IN BOOK 4g AT PAGE 492. ].0. RTGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE ITNITED STATES AS RESERVED fN IINITED STATES PATENT RECORDED November 17,1902, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 492. o L1. RESTRTCTIVE COVENANTS, WHICH DO NOT CIJAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN BOOK 220 AT PAGE 49 AND AS AMENDED rN BOOK 22t AT PAGE 876. CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER rF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, REIJIGION, INSTRIJMENT RECORDED March 25, 1971, IN fN INSTRWENT RECORDED October 05, Lg7L, L2' A FIVE FOOT wfDE STRIP AIONG AIJL INTERIOR LOT LINES FOR UTILITY EASEMENTS As DEDTCATED oN THE RECORDED PrrAT oF BrcHoRN ESTATES. l-3' EASEMENTS, RESERVATTONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED oN THE RECORDED PI,AT OF BIGHORN ESTATES. L4. PEDESTRTAN DRATNAGE AND UTrLrry EASEMENT OVER THE WESTERLY L2 FEET, OVER THE NORTHERLY 30 FEET, OVER THE EASTERLY 20 FEET OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PI,AT. l-5' ACCESS' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT OVER THE WESTERLY 6 FEET oF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS STTOWN ON THE RECORDED P!AT. PAGE oo ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDUTE B-2 (Exceptions) Application No. vL47gZ-3 ].6. EASEIIENT AND RIGHT OF WAY FOR GORE CREEK AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PI,AT. 17. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIoNS OF ToI'vN OF VAIL oRDINANCE NO. 5 SERIES OF l-985 AS SET FORTIT IN E)CIIBIT A OF CONTRACT DATED JANUARY 4, LggO AND THE EFFECT I[ MAY HAVE ON SUB.fECT PROPERTY. PAGE 4 iil rl ri I o J i :ir n I r iW*q q/ Cu.MnKg Lvuabtvw h W fu,,itu f ,; lal,rdtJ{ryrllil - o lu' r,i D lht /1c /'*N\.ataf/( W\da/"c-s" - }="co?fwa! ?*'Ue'W l,Qlyrw* b htrh c\' t!"i'd o/euP ET ?r*' drhw'+ tir,u.dr yfu,\ trA Vrril UlnW r toa'rrU- ; M 6'Wlk d\uru^t{/ ,, fl,( Aww -"*.W^&- M\elin *., Avv\!/Wrld- ro I a'w'avt^xi- % ;: htarit p" r\xu:afut>or w6A v UU I wb Mrr,vuV \a(L ur't l,r.)a,u'{- 4-r\ /-b.r^* , trall/- |MeoA'Y \nntnlc g{an^cJ i{ a+X,rYn\J<- O o t o^.!a.a p+ wvua,WJdn- - --l o*l.t- d'tj4* 1t An / f^nn 'l Vv€Xr lJbv .r.\1- .t. ..- w,ro,1 g+64? UJn rl- ur.,A,V1\Ail" yAvrt^,rrU L,vA -ew"wnp W or,{,k lb \/u tv\vtA flL- U^rrtxrrs I\ad No0lil, fuve4vv,l \^A^^- -r/ U tllonra*y a,w A' lrAA-p.K- tl- ?)-qo WWw era J--f *d) r,-db% Dv^i,n W w- .-/a da \rx/v) 0 H l^" 2tW tTryvW ( >,/,u&4nUU ut 2/\Upub )r^f* y-r,rW /"ir xlwttyrw.) ww4w-ql n .+n vutvwilJM w"l4tr {atux1 w 1il4v0 Y,4? PaN 'u "V"^n rYl!M4 ,*t 4w [ruvu->1 ,trp - h*rt S Ww\r >Uon )s t^r,14 frra fl^n rg o o Nrd in. rf n lst, 'vtn,ra/4fua TW CA/1/Y Lrq +Ta{+ t;*rv6c *,1ft-r*v rc YuT ^11^-J w6; -1rV, _ _7qig4A UAW*W-Orrt:f fvtal<rnur, y(, lft^*t-lv ,l ht iqo 'f \ , I L\( {il"nd,\ J" witl r,\'r>-e. it^f*/u JK.- LAW OFFICES OF SHAW SPANCLER 8 ROTH IO8 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST su tTE 200 vAtL.coLoRADO 4t657 TELEPHON E I3O3I 478.8222 FACSTM tLE (303 ) 479-92a4 Itoo BRoaowaYr SulrE r4oo DENV€R. COLORAOO 40290 IEtEPHON E €O3) ea | - 2e23 fac3r Mr LE (J03) a6r-o63a JuIy 31, 1990 Ur. tilichael Hazard Uichael Hazard Associates P.O. Box 1068 vaiI, Colorado 81558 RE:Lot 8, Bighorn Estates Vail, colorado Dear Mr. Hazard: Enclosed berein please find photocopies of the specific easement, language contained in the recorded prat for Bighorn Estates. The copies were not. very clear so the identical language has been typed in the margin. As identified in the plat, tbe easernent betrreen Lots 7 and g is for the common use of the owners for ingress and egress. unl.ess there has been modifying language that r am una\^rare of, it appears thaE the use of the easernent for access is appropriate. r would recommend that a letter be sent to the ovlners of Loc 7 explaining ehe contemplated use of the eas ement . ff f can be of any furE,her assislancer, please ca1l. Eruly, Rosen RPR,/c ac Enc losu re cc: Mr. and Mrs. )rF^=* Richard P. Barry Schrager ( via fax) oi lar aaq f00 *" (,,6 .G\ c o'{ O e-- V\Qsrtd - -r'9 \'(u O 'r{ 'Et \t^ \lr l|€ o '1,I9€€ t r{Ot, btto6 O O 'Fl Etu.a o 4! rl -{ i.ao. .j\\.; \\t sE \.t ara , g-\ 8gE \\o, +'|''tr \l. O0O O o ort{ {J q{ oqo0,.Fl (' 'F{ lJ ;;I+ 6* '.c,r.t.c o ,'i. 1 ',t* @t ': .;;i'i - ; !:T t,N p.n:dr*t?;'i*3" i C: : ; br- Jt3frJ:l1*tt*tex-*#? ". i'i 6 .ii Jlt lta dtJ,ro( &dU tr 1* ftl br'' , ' E F 2 r'*r .afl cnJ H* Ut "l t r*t'rt tbe u tH O 0J - - -.2- * J -E /.t Lln-3t 3i* n t*h crtd ta lr/-t)t xttt J d /otb (* it' J - FE\ ; d "put btlt'd t*t to ol rtL;ti** ofl*l S t .g S ' '-i."- Lo h (t ro-*ttla lo ttrttdal 9, c *, n aot *JtrhJ L lh ,#'l3 rd rJ o $-r c, I ttt trotbled .tt a .l?ftJtt aJ glJtfil'J ; ;' 5 #;;-rt;;';;tnbt-orisot',oPatt.*h ., I ; - )-ri.i .i *tt;*'-'*bir*bt tJ*I.fh*J. 5*, E tetHrnfudttUtS. ''|EooJo (, .d'.1 l: ;; ;rl-g, ri;6yitf[J", 'Hia , jiiii3 br'' g;#i .r*rrr*rrq#n . :io' I :t $'.n.-)S"sri*#S i''ffiffi o d t! u .5. taDt r' ^38.fl rr*bti 383. 4,q r r U' xlJi*i €f f 3 'i'4lqf.A it'Ftfl. " a lt .*t' :,fr' ffi'-- i*- P' i' q#i+o t* t itr r' #'ffi-t]1 iry***i tit i' ia u tdot r t *n t,,tr hrt r*, "tJi:Ji'i'tril t*t*rtt:+v ;;.. J x{ tn* I Fr}t' t'af tfr $t'r'*l b h 7r;|$ ;,*"" Y1' y2ilg#",*, i,t"tfo u tx w e- J uuqapta*w' ^, ffi'tq * tntt d33rv tra J*l'ltutttot a*'fri L -'-"' trl stvt tr'( D'rU' q t s'?t't tfr!'. tH. d) C "a1&E t( frarl' ql ll tzqq. nlrt Ji ii J nt idi;. * tt r'r I er'r'+YAt2 ttto f*lt t)trrwr t" '''\a '' ----- ho l.h*sr tata ir,.i '* tt"rr'a t( atd ft e "a\fclr.iMt nt tc4aV.tt*AA *tlyn '.;;;;.':rtl;t* r trtt Dt- N' E' tatlJ 3 #E'" * tl*trlr s- r d ztt.f:i: j-1-l,i',t.i Fr .. .q a*' -T)Ujarfn* .iJ J attFtt nbldq ff..'dr nh t*t-f. l*t"lan f],Eh-ta. tfl3 a;',F ''ti1riandrfrr,,,;.;,j*,'. 'ry''i' '. ,' 1^-,j *:8ff;7**n'P.fff*--TrT * ar- t -'* 5-* 6 P1 ltr'ffi^.irlg 'E]--.tnr*.ffi"b*dtf, o cr o o tr l,l th o n { l.J. l! o n n H.E F'P o E 0e t,F P tr tt o n o n rd o.H.tsfi o !ro ti F At e rlH Iro |-rdO !fH ooo ID odr 0rOf4 o i'!,EErr o l-r o E' FJ q.rtO p o 7l F P l-? o F @ o E o f'o rt l n o .o ..r?..n !. 1E -...i O ',i;l: i! it,a7t r'.rlrirrr',rdr '' l1t lt t*t *ia 'btt * : r-l .+;.\' : :)h);rdrtbi;*;iflil| &L',i4*{! ;.I 4ii'' qo o<ott QFI B olt OF OF cd Frt |JO rl !,F rn <P oo A It oa o!,g t']ot {trt4 FN pts ?l l*P.O 0l OF XO Ori o 'Jil E {ii;Et Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone t( (L Owner. Address and Phone: Architect; Address and Phone:\'A ,c[ \at-!*a<tt t d Legal Descriplion r-ot b , erocr Com ments: Filing , Zone Design Review Board Date Seconded by: D ISAPPROVA L Summary: Town Plan ner ,I E start Approval \ l SNOW.AVAI.ANCSE DIAIA}TICS ANALYS IS Lo! I' BTGIIORN EsrATEs' vArr" i6ionerio ' PrePared For Irene litestbYe and .fohn Nlckel Prepqred By Arthur I. Mearel F.E.r Inc. Gunnieon; coloratlo MaY, 1990 1 OB.'ECTIVES AND LIMIfATIONS Thls analyets of snow-avaranche dynanics and runout potentiar wa6 requested by t'rs. Ir_gne westbye of Gore Range properties and hag the followlng speclflc obJeculvas: a. ttlstorlcal research of, avalanches at and near ttio . Nlekel property (Lot 8, Blghorn rstates)l b. Calculatlon of the runout -potential of the ,,design-magnitude,, (100-year) avalanches on the Ntck';l property I c. Calculation of design-magnitude avalanche velocities and, lf necesEary,-destrictlve energyl and A. LBnd u6E reconmendatlons on Lot g. Exposure of Lot 8 to rockfall debrls-fIows, and debris-avalancheg was also consider-ed as part, of thrs anatysis. Lor 8li t;t6;d lhg Iang_e of aIf _thre6 processes. rhie-..conf lrms .rockf irI,debris-f1ow, and debrls-ivalanche mapping completed in lig4 by the Town of VaiI. 2 AVALANCHE TERT{AIN AND AVAI,ANCHE EISTORY The we_st'ern. portlon of Lot g can be reached by avalancheg f,ron tne'Nugget'r avalanche path (!-igure I). l,he far'geet avalanches il t!i,s pa!_h begrn beiow a eindEtone "riri-ir 9, g00 f eer erevatlon, Erow ?qr,oss a low-gradient bench at 9,200 f,eet (above the limeetone cliffs)r and fait over and throush the cllffe to run out onto a st€ep colluvial fan and into cbre creek. IJow- :.:1.,"1_t{ 1l_oy*."g snoi,r_ and . powdor btlsr riom- rirge dry snow avarancneE will cro8s Gore creek. rns,pectlon of aerial photographs taken in 1g3g, 1g50, 1962t Lgl4,and 1984 lndicate, t.nlt. tbe Nugget _path lras been ictJve'd;;i;;recent' decades. Fleld tnspectl-o-n of debris tn trre runout lone also indlsates freguent avglanche activity, uiir,"ogr, oeurrs boeg not extend €ast t,o Lot g. rn Mayr rfgo i iirge rder-anow avalanche occurred and ran fnto cdre cteek, apprdxtmadeff i0ii feet vresr of Lor B. Thlg ts the only timJ ir,J'fugget patlr hae reached to Gore Creek elnce the early iggO,s Bocauee lot 8 ls. located Just beyond the eastern edge of the cor I uvlar f an it 1s belondt tn-e range ot almost aIl larce avalanches 1n th.e.lruggeC path. Howeler durint wid;ei;;;;condltlons of unstabre-inowr- avalanches or targe-miss can ipread lateral.Iy into ths vrestern portion of r,ot g . -' rirrs wl l I occur i"'hen the flowlng. snow ie Serrected t,o the ea6t by a bedtrock sp-lltting wedge vlttntn tn" "irfts. snralr avaranchee can alao release frorn {he Eteep hillslope oirectty routn*""'i, of Lot 6-, but these will not reaqh Lot g. - CAIrcULATTONS OF DESTGN AVALANCHE RUNOUT AND TIEI,OCTTY Because the deslgn. (100-year) avalanche has never been observed at this rocation uut mrjet to considered-rn-iana-planning and :l9il::11"g appllcatlons, inJLteqt.procedures rrlve been applied to conpute runour distances (stoppii_g-io"iii"nii uno veropltles.A two-step procedure wa6 apptilb-as f-otiors:-- -' a. The Nugget avalanche runout distance was computed through applicatlon of a mo d e I .- i r,-f"'it oi - i " - i " J"f*f+*#,: : : ; I : ;lt^"r'"" T ;runout distances Jn ll2 c-olorado "riiifri.ne paths.L.arge dry-snow avalanches wilr crose co'"i-ii:!"x. b' Avalanch-e vel0cltles were computed by applrcatl.n of a ohvsiqa.l modeI, ia-being assumed thit tire deslgn avalanil?GE6lpeo as' pi"oiJiua in srep 'a.,, The results of the statrEtlcal and physical nrodering procedure is shown on the Ntrgget_ av"tanc5l-path profile (Figure 2)r which 9:\1t^t,.-Yopdgrapn-il i"itur"l',-i'ot's ioiaCro1,-"i.,a.risr6 computed verocitles at tl" top- and botrom of .i"[-'.egnent. This inf ormation is of use -in -JeG-rrnining -tr,. -ri"" lanche impact characterietics on Lot S tsec-tii; qf. 4 AVALANCHE HAZARD ON LOI 8 3:_^"l_"yn ".n F+guI9 l, rhe de6i9n-magnitude ('o'lyear) avalanche ::u?t:" onlv rhe wes.tern_ porrjoi or ioi-c.- ,i'r.r.-.;srern boundary ar tne avatanshe colnc_ldes $rith the ;dg;-of-'a-n;ii;;;J;;#il :lt:oi^iJlteiv 3-to:5'feet- rrigi"tn"r crosses Lor 8. rhls bench qoes not lppear on .rhe. topogriphic mapr. but i.e ciearry ni"iur"".ii trre sround. Land ro the-eist'of thi'b. *;;h l;-ieyono rbe l{mit of the deslgn avalanche. -l"ir,iin9 within t]h-e-avatanche path (v,rest of the bench ref,erred to atov6), would ;;p."; structurea to very r'are but p'_t'enttal ly htgh-energy avalancbes capabre of damaging buildings. The generar overarl hazard to avalanches to those uslng Lot g iB :::I sntall, however' even withtn the *ippia -""aIanche area Decause avalanches reacbing r,bt g nave retiiri!"lioa" of 30-to-I00 years. However,.the p.itenti"i ;;;;r;-i;;;.fi;" very quickly to the west on tho Et,eep ;unout-zone fan "f ';i,;--N;gget avalanche pathT becaugs this is'an "iea- o-r more rl,e!"'ert avalanche activity. This area, whicrr i" eisify ..dessi;-f=# Lot B, should be avoided durtne_rimee oi ;;;-i;'"i;;jr iii."i'. remarno rhe :-":.?-on:"?itiry :-r__t!.":" ,"1;t rhis area ro derernine v,hen the anowpack beconres unstable ano a-vaianches "r"-rrX"rl . 5 AVAI,ANCHE MITTGATION AND BUTI,DING RESTRTCTIONS Most of Lot g le froe of avalanche hazard (Flgure 3), therefore does not requlre.a.ny f,orm og uu"Jancire protettiol.,-o, mitlgation,,If _:'rildi.nS. wlthin- iti" auurri'.f," path (west of the bench orscussed 1n Section 4l r is necesgafy, then a vertical,reinforcEd avalanche uarrlei "r,luia be buir't' "n--in" west side of lli !-"llgllg.'. rnis wJuid.e";l;;i t_he avaranJii"-into Gore creek and protect the "-!t_!?t Iq:. .Design _for minoi"poirAir_lrasr forcee li:t "tr" be neceeearv wittrtn-lr,i-cesign"t"a ;"ii;it zone (Figure FinaI deelgn lor a def-recting_barrler or other types of buirdr.ne reinforcement f or avar.anche- toiae cannot ue piovia;; ;ltlio.uE architectural detailE about Utiiaing size, Iocatlonr &hd shape.?he8e deralls usualry become "vaii"6r" -Jiii,ig-rn-"-'fr#i-a1.;iii stage of building. repared by, i$i r.*i..r (:".',\,/, x\*.. ixAi fr'iN f, "l IJH p?9 € !{t f{D \-' x RX clF (I5 aPl * rl 6!l-'(!(0 o Fn9 + oo z ,d 0q o r o o a o P' P,g P'i6 iF Fd Oo H tt 0,e, "|'8*',o & @ o q l'+, (+ o ll (a E E N FICIJRE 1 , &v6,lanche p&th and. the locatton of Lot 8.i, (+ LL| ' 3Bg | 17'3Q" IMILE 4ooo 5o0o 6000 TOOO FFFT =:--- SCALET 1" = 1000' Qoo'\ N\ ,re N \N s\\N $\: N N N { I !r b: o E t> lF* t'lhr .lo IE ll{t>lz t: Itrl IE t5 tF,1 lel l(/r FP FF' [; o Eto o., o\\^.F\r'" * ffi o i:il s uts sB$s,s FE $ l";u co I3 r ar-*tsH85BG$H l.g i.., b'G b e^b i^;-.oi 'a I uts5sssB,uuts..^...{ }r Fln ts Or }- O @\O O .E o- s-HtstsFsHu$u (.,b;-iliol"i^LbbD, \o ^.PO|.-zt H1]EE eft'1E Tr=EN \-'<tr.{r.gFHdz EAiE6 'o<Ho sJ !r r.i !dPt 9'IrFSt dtH.i'OOOJ .5P oFtp 9t t e 6*Eo F.t o E Fp P B fpln xpF FP ^ooo fr'.?lr .t EpP*?ts ^tooP :Foo 'Y,F.or0)I:Pd.f at #!'dlto ^5'$Fl _.: E rf F -eaEi *.loco EgIH,\-,' o aD o s *l g !v. tr o ruoH Hfr r(n c? o l< g l< lq'lrt lal.itr4rtC t Dl t,.loq. ||.t Ol | .|.0t.0lrl yr O!aO.al \./nta ARTHUR I. MEARS. P.E. NATURAT HAZARDS CONSULTANT 222 Eott Gothic Av.nur Gunniron, Colorqdo 8l Zn (s)6.r"3xb hf tl B;7a,ru, Esf-fir Decenrber 7 , 1978 lir . .'i ohr Nickel ?,O. Bcx 7982 Vail , Colorad.o 8t6Jl Dear Mr. Nickel; In response to our discussions on Novenber 2I and, December 5, t9?g, I have conducted a :ceconnaissance stud.y of the snow avalan che hazard. poten_tial to ],ot 8, Bighorn Esiates subd.lvision, vail , colorado. The melhod.s,reconmendations, aJld. conclusions of this stud.y are given below. _l,o caliorr of Lot 8 with respect to avaLanche paths .:-,o t I is located on the south bank of Core Creeh Uelow stggp, tinbered-,rror+',h-f acing slopes broken by outcrops of the Min'r.urn Forrnation. Because of ihe orien'"ation of these slopes, they can collect and. maintain a d.eep snoripack during a typical colorado Ninter. Furthernore, because of the rninirnun exposure to sunlight, the snowpack can readily forn structurally weak layers whi ch can serve as locati-ons for avalanche release. Tro slopes are of concern to d-evelopnent of groperty in thi- s area; (r)a steep, tin.berec slope south of. the access road. to Lot g, subsequently referred to as "S1ope A", and- (z) ttre 'l'Iugget" avalanche path, the subject of a previous stucly . Iriethod of analysis Because the objective of this recoruraissance study is slnply to d.eternine if potent i-al- avaian che ]nazard. exists rather than to define the hazard.quarl'-itatively r the followi-rrg concluslons anil reconmend.ations are based.on my subjective estinate of the hazard.. Ttrus the estinrate is based. on ny er-perience Hith the study and mapplng of avalariches irr the vall area and on my experience with similar avalanches areas in the western Unitecl States and Europe. However, the conclusions and. recornmend,ations are not based on results derlved through any analytical techniques, r have cond.ucted- trrief field" inspections of the area d-uring snow-free and.snofi-covered conditions and have also cond.ucted. a d-etai_ied. study of the Nugget avalanche, the results of which are i_ncorporated. into thls stud.v. Conclusions Both wet-snow and dry-snow aval-anches can fa1} frorn "s1ope A,' and will cover nost oj. the area presently subdivid.ed as l,ots z through 5, Bighorn Estates Subd-ivision. These avalanches will be srnall and of nod.erate velocity but do corrstitute a potentiar hazard to constrrrctlon on these 1ots. Howlver,avalanches frorn "s1ope A" will probably not flow past the access roa.d that bound-s Lots 2 through 6 on the north and. shoulc not present a hazard.to structures on Lot 8. As d.eterninec in a previous detailed st'dy, the d.esign avalan che in the Nugget path will p,roduce a dry-flowing/powd.er avararrihe. The frowing avala:rche conporrent of the d-esign avalalche can reach the western po"tion A,cloh'\e Dynom cs, Delense. Zoning O Mountoin Jo'ronr Anclvsis a Slop. Stobilify l1r. iohn NickeL -- Paee ? 01 lJoa o. F e corTfnendati ons In order to ensure avoidance fron d-esign-nagnitude avalanches in the Bighorn path, 1 recoru':end" that builtling be restricied to the eastern half of l,ot 8. If building is to take place on the western half of I-,ot 8, then such con- struction should be specially designed. to withstand- the various static and dynarni c loads associaied. with the desiSn aval-anche frorn the Nugget path. Pl-ease contact me if you have any f'uir ther questions. Sincerely, ,t] I t,,1t I t l, lt'1 ll l'l'1,^ ^uL\rw'r Y t(u.').4 Arthur I" Mears, ?E R eferen ce "Avalalche d-ynanf cs of the Nugget path, Vailr Colorado, " A. 1. Mears, Jufy, 19?8, 5pp. cci l{r . J in Rubin a box 100 vail, colorado 81657 {3031 476-s613 December 14, 1976 office of the town manager Dr. George Mizner 9603 East 0rchard Drive Englewood, Colorado 80] l0 Re: Lot I, Bighorn Estates Subdivision Dear Dr, Mizner: As we discussed by te1 ephone on Friday, the Town of Vail would be willing to abide by findings of an avalanche report to be prepared by Hydro-Triad' Ltd. To expand upon this, if the lot'i s found to be in a moderate hazard zone and a structure can be defended against the avalanche hazard or sited in such a way as to avoid the hazard, the Town would allow con- struction so long as the parameters !'rere met. If you have further quest'ions, please contact me. Si ncerely, DEPA{TI4ENT OF COMM-UNITY DEVELOPMENT lf^/'// I /{-J. -n ...,.-' ./*y',' */o-;"{' /Diana S. Toughill /' Zoning Admjnistrator z ARTHUR I. MEARS NATURAL HAZARDS CONSULTANT 404 S. 'disconsin, #4 Gunnison, CO 81230 64L-3236 December 3, 1976 lr'Is. Diana Tougtrill Box 100 Town of Vail Vail , Colorado 81657 Dear Diana: At your request I am providing tlre following information about the potential snow avalanche and other hazards in the Bigtrorn and Big-horn lstates subdivisions. Specifically, my conrments are restriited to lots 6, and 7 (both developed), and lot I all of Bighorh Estates,and to lots 20-4r 2O-5, and 2O-6 (developed) of Bighorn. you should have a previous letter from me (dated October g, L9T5> discussing hazard on lot 2O-3. ity preliminary maD, air photo, and field reconnaissance of last month indicates that this area nay be affected uy _tyo, categories of natural processes: iiass r,vasting (dbbris f 1ol rockfall) and snow avalanche. snow avalanches occur in path 7 and on the steeD slopes irnmediatelv east of nath 7. Both dense flowing and mixed fiovring/powder avalanches probably-occur in path 7. T?re flowing avalancires wilil probably be deflected to the eastern and rtnestern parts of the runout zone 6y a natural -splitting rvedge in the cliff band. Therefore, it apneais tha-t buildings on lots 6 and 7 may be reached by florving avalanches although these same buildings would tend to proiect lot g. on the other -hand, plvuder avalanches would not be deftected, would not spread lateral1y as muclr as f,lowing avalanches, and could reach lots on the north side of Gore creek. including lot 20-6 $'hich is nresently built on. ;l total of three existing buildings included in the scone of this reconnaissance may be reach6d by snoi avalanches. Lots 6, 7t and I nay also be within range of smaller avalanches which release from steep slopes just east of patir Z. They could flow east of. buildingl 9n lots 6 and 7 and u'ould .irobably stop somewhere on lot 8 because of its lesser gradient. r{owever, it'is nbt known if a building could be placect-on lot B beyond the range of the ae-ig;avalanche. These snaller avalanches may a.lso irniact the existfng buildings on lots 6 and. T. rn addition to the snow avalanches, debris flows nay also occur in path 7. Ttrese flows would begin wittrin and just beiorv the cliffs in stgg?-gu1lies fil1ed rr'ith loose rock and soii as these areas are mobilized,by r.rater. Debris flcrws worrld nrooat'iy not endanger lots nortli of Gore creek but should be considered a iiefinite ooSiioiiiiy on lots -6, 7, and oart of B. rn sone areas these prccesses may be el'er,v tlit as dangerous as snorrr avalanches. lls. Diana Toughill December 3, LgT6 Page 2. r hope these preliminary connents are of sone use to you. A much more detailed study is necesiary in order to define the r.tazar<ls more 'rrecisely and, in this c.si r recomnend firat such a study be compre_hensive in nature and consider mass wasting-ura-*no'" avaranche hazards. Please contact rne if you have any questions. Sincerely, C,u;&rq tlVatt A@ HYDRO-TRIAD.[TD. November 30, 1976 Mrs. Diana S. Toughill Zoning Adm'inistrator Box 100 Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Di ana : Pursuant to your request, I made a field reconnaissance of the lower end of the avalanche chute and runout zone of the ava'l anche located between Timber Falls and Waterfall (No. 7 on the Avalanche and Geologic Hazards Map). This particular avalanche has not been studied in detail, to date, and the moderate hazard runout area as defined in Colorado Geological Survey report, "Snow Avalanche Hazards of the Vail Area", does cover portions of lots 7 and 8 of The B'ighorn Estates Subdivision plus 20-3, 20-4,20-5, and 20-6 of Bighorn Resubdivision of lot 20 north of Gore Creek. The High Hazard area as defined by the same study does not impact any of the currently p1 atted 1ots. The purpose of my inspection was to make a quick field appraisal of the potential for the avalanche runout (probably Moderate Hazard) impacting lot #8 and whether a more detailed study'is iustified at this time (a condition prior to development of that lot). The lower'l evel of cliffs through which the avalanche chute passes contains a large rock nose that will tend to sp1 it or spread a flowing ava'l anche. The field evidence indicates a velocity vector change at least for some types of avalanches. This is reflected jn the shape of the runout zone as defined in the Colorado Geological Survey report. The limits of the high and moderate hazard areas appear to be reasonably conservative; but with the'l imitations of the original study and the scale of the mapping, the accuracy of the lines are certainly no better than +20 feet (maybe plus 15, minus 30 feet would be a better measure of potential vari ati ons ) 75OO W. MISSISSIPPI AVE. . SUITE 1O LAKEWOOD. COLORADO 80226 PHONE 303-934-2477 Mrs. Diana Toughill November 30, 1976 Page 2 This does not provide a spec'ific finite definitjon of the potentia'l avalanche hazard for this particular lot, and a more detailed study of this avalanche will improve the accuracy or confidence 'level in the definition of the boundaries of the two zones and/or impact pressures. My concern' howevero would be directed more toward the existing house on lot 7 and some of the'lots on the north side of Gore Creek, assuming a dwe'l ling structure on lot 8 would not encroach on the back 30 feet of the lot' based upon the lot corner stakes observed on November 23, 'l'976. If there are any questions, please contact me. Thank you. Si ncere'ly, Presi dent RLH/j h L)r'(irr 4, T 'fl*rylft Jh;.r 7,rtc'r\/ 4! QlJter -& t(qJ llm,4 r1u/ t,o pa., - W *q i t Jvnaar,?./ rtV aJit,2;. G"{- Vq; (:t o(,*0,/ Thaf 8t4( wbr /,e"f / T wrt( bt- S{-ot'l,ug ol fl* f-e4t ,t?a/rzri/ Art { wi' [l f tf- ;f ,g uf o; J.?: / o1 72c t " -/Q AI ( s, (?crt Jr/c/ ilA! -fl,V otbu { ha /r) "+',? ft^! wh4| V0,'( /lkrdo*u Pa/lt Qga**, Fvo,"t hr * 6*/o.r.t, (Zf ???) .J \! h;l' ') 'r" )' 2]1" ,l- l-' Ir. 4\') [ ,'l' HYDBO-TRIAD, [TD. November 30, 1976 Hrs. Dlana S. Toughlll Zonlng Adnlnlstrator 8ox 100 Torm of Vall Vall, Colorado 8f657 Dear Olana: lower end of the avalanche chute and runout between Tlmber Falls and t'taterfall.(tto. 7 on Hazards Map). Thls partlcular ava'lanche has zone the not '-r/; ,;)/,,.1 'd /5, "/ ^, , 1', ffi,n'U of the avalanche located Avalanche and Geologlc been studled In detall, to date, rnd the moderate hazard runout area rs deflned ln Colorado Geologlcal Survey report, "Snow Ayalanche Hazards of the Vall Ar"ea", does cover portlons of lots 7 and I of The Blghorn Estates Subdlvlslon plus 20-3, 20-4, 2O-5, and 20-6 of Blghorn Resubdlvlslon of lot 20 north of Goru Creek. Ttn HlSh Hazard anea as deflned by the sane study does not lmpact any of the cur'rently platted lots. The purpose of my lnspectlon was to make a qulck fleld appralsal of the potentlal for the avalanche runout (probably lloderate Hazard) lmpactlng lot fB and whether a mone detalled study ls mustlfled at thls tlme (a condltlon prlor to developrent of that lot). The lower level of cllffs thrrough whlch the avalanche chute passes contalns a large rock nose that wlll tend to spllt or spread r flowlng avalanche. The fleld evldence lndfcates a veloclty yector change at least for som types of avalanches. Thls ls reflected ln the ghape of the rtnout zone as deflned In the Colorado Geologlcal Survey report. The llm{ts of the hlgh and mderate hazard areas appear to be reasonably conservatlve; but wlth the llmltatlons of the orlglnal study and the scale of the mapplng, the accuracy of the llnes are certalnly no better 161n +20 feet (maybb pius 15, nlnus 30 feet would be a better measure of potentlil varlatlons). Pursuant to Jour request, I made a fleld reconnalssance of the 75OO \^/. MISSISSIPPI AVE.-SUITE 1O LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80226 PHON E 303-534.2477 o lhs. Dlrna Toughlll November 30, 1976 Prge 2 Thlr does not provfde r speclflc flnlte deflnltlon of thc potsntlrl rvalanche hazrrd for thls panlcular lot, and I rbre detrlled study of thlt rvalanche rfll fmprove the accuracy or confldence level In the definltlon of the boundarles of the two zones and/or lmprct protsur€s. Hy concerr, however, rou'ld be dlrectcd mne towar{ the exlstlng house on lot 7 rnd sorne of the lots on the north slde of Gone Creek. assunlng a dnlllng structurt on lot I rould not encrcrch on the brck 30 feet of the lot, based the lot comer stakes observed on Hoveilbcr 23, 1976. If therc rne rny quastlons, please contact m. Thank ;ou. Slncerely, IYDR0ITRIAD' LTD. _1,-,rl/', Ronald L. Halley, Prcsldent I rt''/lrt P.E. / RLH/Jh \ a'a lltltlGr\ I lUr\: Automrtic underground sprinklcr system with automstic controls dcsigned witb appropriatc spray besds and zoning to bc compatible with the various typcs of plant o \r I \ \ f,.), F,l',? ,t$r;tl' .l \.< rD-,r l'foirit' 3-+ /t- I I F- aWS I I I I 6,1t> tT\lL 4|F'AwAhrLil o|Q'0p, "tAEa(ftl!.p Par 38,250 wan i ncandanccnt flood in dircctional cone. Pavcmcnt insct fixture with 2-40 watt compact floresceDt (Deluxc warm white) 30" Higb dircct Burisl Bollard (@ gradc); platc mountcd (@ dccks). All lighting on timer with 3-way switch override. ,'\.fr. 6-b3.L OI E?ALVf w$rtw vu oA7e. ^/ IDEOUATE AVATI,ABTLTTY AND uI'rLTTy LOpATTON VERTFTCATTON SUBDIVf,SION Bichorn Estates JOB NAI'TE LOT 8 BI,CK FII,ING Authorized Siq4gture The locatlon and avaLLablllty o! utllltles, whether tlrey be nain t5.r\ llr.: or propoEed line-, must be approved and veritled by the followlng utllities f,or the acconpany-lng elte plan. Date 4'c.!<i't. /36L?{ U.S. West CoruunLcatlons 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Publlc Se:rrl.ce conpany 949-5781 Gary HaIl HoIy Cross Electrlc AEsoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Mlchae] Iavertyv Heritage Cablevislon T.V. 949-5539 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley WatEr & Sanltatlon District * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTEi These verlflcatlons do not relleve the hls respbnslbllity to obtaln a street s before diqglnq ln any public rlght-of,-uay v"fr.' i . A street This fo:m Is to verify Locatlon. This should preparlng your utlllty lnstalLatlons. se:nrice avallablllty and be used ln conJunctlon vlth plan and schedullng ' o-?n-' I /0-4'7o 'o-?4o t0^q^q n _--.+^/ contractor of cut pe:ruIt fron -'- Works and to