HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN SUBDIVISION LOT 5 COMMON ELEMENTS LEGAL.pdfTOWN OF VAIL Offce of the Tbwn Manager 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 1 OS/F ax 970- 47 9 - 2 I 5 7 November 26, 1997 Gary A. McDaniel 4057 Lupine Drive Vail, CO 81657-4816 Re: Request for notice Dear Mr. McDaniel: r[r cop /"+ 5, L"i/-',* 5*/' The Community Development Department has received your request for notification of any future Design Review Board meetings regarding expansion of the structure located at 4094 Lupine Drive. At this time, this office is not aware of any request for any remodel or expansion on that property. The records of the Town of Vail Community Development Department are open records and are available for your inspection, subject to reasonable regulations. The Public (Open) Records section of the Colorado Revised Statute is located at24-72-101 et seq. The Town of Vail ordinances provide requirements for notification of adjacent property owners, as well as public notice in particular circumstances. However, we are not required to provide notice to adjacent property ou/ners for matters before the Town's Design Review Board. The Torvn staffis vigilant in assuring that adjacent property owners and the public receive the notice required by law. We cannot, however, commit to providing notice that is not legally required. If and rvhen an application is submitted, it will be assigned to a staffmember of the Community Development Department and that individual would then be the appropriate person to contact. Prior to an application being submitted, the Community Development Department has a staff member available on a daily basis (Kathleen Dorram, 9701 479-2128) whom you can contact periodically to determine if an application has been filed. Thank you for your understanding in this matter. Assistant Director of Community Development {P *""'""'"*"' o Gany A. & Lrxoa McDANTEL 4052 LuptxR Dnlve VAI|., CoLoRAr)o 81652.48 I 6 (970) 476-7t70 No..rernber 9, 1997 Design & Reviery Board Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81 557 Re: 4094 Lupine Drive VaiI, Colorado Dear Madam/Sir; I am the offset ovrner to refenenced duple><. It is my understandlng that both the orner of the w/2 and the prospective owner of the E/2 have had prelimirnrlz discussions with the lttl/ as to structural o<- pansion. At such tfue as they have made forrnal application and a hearing date has been set, I would like notification so that I rnay attend. It woul-d be appreciated if you would place this letter in their file if one has been established and if not, whatever file neces- sary to pro'iride ne notice of their application arrt hearing. Sincerely, -' canth. M"blii"i "' CERTIFIED, RETI,]RN RECEIPT 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 September 12, 1996 D e p artment of C onmunity D eve lopment Ms. Eddy Hudson Vail Lionshead Real Estate 531 E. Lionshead Mall Vail. CO 81657 RE: Lot 5, Bighorn Subdivision Dear Eddy: As you have requested, I have calculated the allowable and existing Gross Residential Floor Area for the above referenced lot. Below is a summary of those calculations. Lot Area = 29,010 square feet Allowable GRFA 25!" ol0 - 15,000 square feet of lot = 3,750 10% of 15,001 - 29,010 square feet = 1,401 Credit per unit @ 425 per unit 850 Total Existing GRFA- East Unit West Unit Total Remaining GRFA 6,001 square feet 1,625 1.699 3,324 square feet 2,677 square feet - Existing GRFA is based upon original lloor plans. This number may vary if work has been completed withoul Town of Vail approval. The setbacks for this zone district are: 20 feet for the front setback, 15 feet for the side and rear setbacks. As we discussed on the phone yesterday, if an addilion to this residence requires the removal of trees, it must be reviewed by the Design Review Board. The owners should expect to propose a tree mitigation plan that replaces trees that are lost due to construction. For conifer trees, every lineal foot of tree that is removed, the same lineal tootage should be replaced. For example, if two 3o-foot trees are removed, for a total ol 60', the applicant could put in six 1 O{oot trees. For deciduous trees, it is the culmulative of the diameter ol the trees that must be replaced. {S *untrro r*t^ t lf you have any further questions, please contact me at 479-2128' Sincerely, l\,1 Ll.WrruU'lcsurFr*- Lauren Waterton Planning Liaison Officer c)o z CN {n c c, =o z !m v =-{ E|.o s 3 .D o o 3 (D g 5 o =FP I:iir= lr 2== l\ = r, !, l-E V> lm =' t!l<l=t]tlp Or- z=o(I,22 z z r- m I I l!t,IH l+ll lco |lJ I m z o Ttrtr I I t- l-,l-l r t-' I 2a -{m nZ >m --.1 >or I =m c) z =m o (D m It o (:t x o=Di#c)>'r m l- m i ^t- z i Zt- I< 1Z 3 m o I z c, z --t ZC\ = --r ar --i 'Tl =z IEP lo F l-t E, tu lo H,F H.p H.t3 OB =F *F t> lo l3 l- I +l -t I I 3lI > lr0 =F >l JI *l El I I I I I l< ln Fl!Fl=|>I lg l8 Vls Il.'llm I te,Ito IH lrD tl IF I lcf tr ll tl l< lF t> 3 t= le ln lm z o I -E I -It o z € -.t m 7 6 :r TI Trl = a rn m o -m -i m :i HiA |- 2 o f- z ozrooo flq:iE uPzA 3 *nr= = =" 3 j o --.r | | I I bl rt | | El cz@ncD>6iirEs TEF=:3 usi g.=-g i A's 2 d z { x t-i m z _--l z |-. m -i m c p i c z .)= c "'-EO > .rt 2O oo '<2 a <r, o 6I Zc: 6o zz N@= Q>- ="6G = m z m t- m ; =z = l(D l= lo -rD l- I (, -'t I! i 5 :z m (^) \.1 F (,F o , I Crt F I (o I \o rn s S t>t r:: N i;;i s - ^a-;i;;\l::?st =3:= ''iaE[ \rii: N\Z::, S.i:;: N i==, Rt\ \aa.\\ .N z o z -t m z =z 6 --t J m i '-{ r m =\11 |'I th UI c) fi z m -l m z m s tn { m m --t z f'l m c =z m m .)-{ o t- z o I m o c =. _0 tTt -l m = =-n m m a VALUATION m n =z o 3 - z - c . m m -.t @ c = \ (tl o o (tl (,F o) N)(Jr f\)F Ol o o @ o o o !(tl o o (t N)5 F o o gR \.4 Le 05 a-\\-Br o o t SPE n /- (.{t., IN ,t CTION TOWN OF REQUEST . VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTI CALLER TUES WED -----<@ PM BUIII)ING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FBAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB Ftn \tt,s t\ / t ELECTBIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E FINAL tr FINAL F APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: PPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED oo-. E- ',L .ii rNSPEcroR l I PE INS ,b/y -2:/4/4.,, CTION TOWN OF / / L!'-/ - Co, REOUEST VAIL t DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALL TUES wED t"r* 4@ BUILDINGs tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL o o tr tr FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr o FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR n .' A*o, r< - inE lec4{--tr D FINAL ,,8 '1t' APPROVED CORRECTIONS: 4,ip DTSAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED z Lr 2zn.' " .i/-, / .: _ ,/:,/ ^ ;'/DATE /' '<' - /c'' ,,/ | INSPECTOR INSPECTION REOUEST VAIL JOB NAME /\ t,l y''!'. BUILD!NG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FRAMING tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr O FINAL O FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr coNourT D SUPPLY AIR 'tr'rtruau tr FINAL tr,APPROVED ISAPPROVED EINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: '?1,,. , 1,42'L'' {4 s r{ j \ \ T \ \ t/'t+:rn)- INSPECTOR @ FORT COLLINS. COLORADO 80525 /df ***tu 7>z (303) 22H836 6z/ a/l^', C/r*,.'-- 4r7,' 1a 4n.,.ez- TIlE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: "H/Ct,E/JOB NO ffn*'4"/" y'r,/ DroA* uc-.arr o^l 'Unrl &/anoaa D-;i tu/e r€MP. o at "at AM PM PRESENT AT SIIE r aij t:; -TO T,Q?Tn-P/ .)ffi2q-P - rjl(r r-:ll, ri \ '..'IcLrr.],J '. a Project Appllcatlon Proiecl Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block ,r^n f'/Q!;Cl 516, , Zone - Commenls: Design Review Board Oate Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ?otffi ,- tt-/.-{ lI t'L'L/,2: / J4.-f . | /. <-. ,-t I f -/ | E--'- lc- ll . I ip?t F - ftzt,x/os - *rtt Crrn T> _l ,j Z//P Staff Approval c f Ei # t EASY PULL-OUT REMOVABLE SECTION FOUR SEASONS GREENHOUSES 910 Route 110, Farmingdale, NY Phone: (516) 691440o PRICE LIST No. 27A, Feb. 1981 Prices and sp€cificahons subj€ct to chang€ without notice I I i .l q ACCESSORIES AND EQUIPMENT- V"* -C**n"t*/Sunroorn/Solut Collector can be fitled with various optional equipment, according to what you want.th.e space used for. Solar equiPment will help you collect' slore and distribul€ solar energy. Totally compatable with lhis function are the heahng' shading aiJ ventilating equipment which will help you conbol the en- uiron-""nt *ithin to make your greenhouse a comJortable room for liv- inq and/or qreenhouse growing. Because you will probab)y choose a ao'uUl" "t tilt" glazed m-odel, your greenhouse t''rill be much easier to heat and to iool. The insulated panels keep the hirsh temperature ex- tremes outside, both winler cold and summer heal' so you can even air-condition your greenhouse if it is properly shaded' STANDARD EQUIPMENT-Your greenhouse com^es equipped *itt u ttiaing putio door (except 5' wide modelsl and one Z-lite awning *ira.*.-e njpi."f 8'x i2'lean-to would not require any additional it".f't uit, no*it"r a very long greenhouse 120' or longer) should have un-"*tu *inao* or two. Shades should be used iI natural shading io""t. "t .l *Ui ."i shade the greenhouse roof in summet' An exhaust i"" .t p."j n V*t should alsJ be used to maximize the air circulation' exceoi however i{ the connecting house wall were removed Exhausl ""^t-.g it especially needed when a hottub or spa is built into the greenhouse. FRESH AIR VENTILATION-ilo lne AWNING wlNDow-32" high, provides over 6.squaie feet ol ventilation. Features positive wealherseal' security locking ryri"-, f".al insulating glass and insect screen Cost for additional windows- ModelAW'3" "$110'm SINGLE LnE AWNING WINDOW- 16" high' provides over 3 squa," Ieet of ventilation- same {eatures Tr}:J'N,ili::: . . $ 90.m SLIDING PATIO DOOR-Five feet wide, includes lockset' insect **n utta {actory insulated tempered glass One door is usually stan' dard. but you may wanl two eiitt lguin'ng 16 5 square.ft of added ventilationi or not have any outsid€ exit into your greenhouse' Cost of an additional door Model M-51' ' ' ' $175'm Credit tor no door Credit Modet M-5O' ' ' ' t175'm EXHAUST VENTING-If your greenhouse is nol very long (20'or Ioti iit" "-f.""tt tan in a gable Lnd (as indicated) will per{orm very well io, i"* .ort p"t CFM of venting However' for very long greenhouses "r tft"t" *iri "t, a gable end Ge Pow-R-Vent is the best choice' Ex- haust venting at the-gable end will not get the heat out lrom the center of a long gteenhouse. EXHAUST FAN-12' model with gravity shutter and.built in ther- ir"ri"i"t."ia"t S00 CFM o{ efficient' quiet operation You can order -DIV. FOUR SEASONS SOTAR PRODUCTS CORP,- NOTE: Awning windows can lit in any s€chon except as noled either one or two fans per 303h" gable end glass section You can put fans al one or both gable ends Each fan comes with mountjng panel and winter storm panel l10 volts A?oa.t EF-r2.. ..$150.s each POW-R-VENTT|{-To equip your greenhouse with a Pow-R-Vent you must order the continuous houiing as origina) equipment Roof llass suoplied near the ridge will be 6" shorter to accommodate thd Fo*-R-!"nt .ontinuous housrng As many 200 CFM blowers as need- ed (one per 303/c" section) can then be fitted into the conbnuous hous- ing (purchase & installation either now or later)' 1. CONTINUOUS HOUSING-MusI be purchased for the entire length of the greenhouse. Comes wjth an insulaled winler ,toi. punel. Priie per 303/c" s€ction of greenhouse lenglh- Model PH'I)-...SID.fl) each 2. BLOWER FAN-Exhauss 200 CFM each' Purchase a blower lor - ru"* 303/c" bay. or skip a few bays' you can always add blowers Lt"r. Op"rut"t on 110V. AC with a thermostat (see below) Long greenhouses can have two thermostats to cycle fans on at varyrng temperatures. Cost per blower-Model PB-ffi' ' ' ' $70'fi) each 3. THERMOSTAT-Line voltage. blowers. Onlv one need to control ModelPT'10.. '.$t2.m t ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREE DELIVERY SHADING (Roo0 o PPG Solarcool Bronze Glass, or: D(HAUST VENTING . Pow-R-Ve ntTM or (Continued on bock Poge) o se p l. 2t) )qel Dno. S irsl T Rr^ B l; I /r.* o t qo €7 Lr2inz ?r)u< { fi".e by Xi o. rny ,rtri#e* perpt'ss ia r'^' lo. Double E a3lz E*1.. * o ad cl 4 fru- $e.-so*s gree,L ho,,.s. ( tixs) *o each- side o{ +t.c- doTle.x u.y\de.- ao^rf6'*c{iorru a|4011 Lug i ne- D "i,,,e - T-[r^L Vo,^ qO{7 Lu7),e D.;u<- ) box 1O0 vail, colorado 81657 {3031 476.s613 department of community development June 19, 1981 Double Eagle Enterprises 112 Racquette Dr.Ft. Col I i ns , CoI orado BO4Z4 RE: DRB Subnittal of 6/I9/8L Lot 5, Bighorn Subdivision Dear Sirs: At the June 17 meeting qI tf'" Design Review goard,.your submittal for a duplex {9s given final approia't witn tn.-i"ir'.*irg"iiiputations:remove.extra f1ue, receive Town Engineer's approval,-rni p"ot".t trees during construction.- Approvir was_ ror'i primirvii"ionou"v residence with a totat GRFA oi'goz+ sq.ft.: rsiz;q.it:-;;;ru"i,and 1562 sq.ft. secondary. S'i ncerel y , Peter Jamar Town Planner PJ:df V Project Application Project Name: Project DescriPiion: Own€r Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot J Block Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL () N9a Chiel Building Ofticial Da,- G-rst Qq g-srst ! ctQseg 141-t,';E t ,$rfr -:g-17 q7C4t7 7 'ft1'3 r r,t SUBDIVISION UTILIfi LOCATION VERIFICATION LOT Date jJ /liio I ri ll,. o o Fr,. 6- t-g tlt, -'h) <or^c i -- --/ J t, I .t'///r'/ F..i i-ofJ;,,-,{ ".t groo'nlr. tl"ooam '-il,,8t ti,'*"," NOTE: lhese verifications do not reli"eve tlie contiactor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit fron the Town of \,'ai 1, Department of Publ ic hbrks and to obtain utility locations before diggi.ng in any public right- of-way or easement in the Torvn of Vaii.. A building permit is not a stleei: cut pernit. A street cut permi.t must be obt:rined separately. This f,r rrn i.s to ve:r-ify sen'ice ava.ilabi ity an cl l.ocation. Tirj s sliould be used in conjunr:tion l.rith prcpaling your utj.lity plan and scheduling installaticrns. .roa Nnun f,)-..Wr - 6..gle 6.^t, So\a- 5 BLOCK FILING ADDRESS ,^^bi,^o br, The location lines, nust accompanying | ^1".,4-Jtz9 x l"lountain Bel 1 Western Slope Gas Public Service Conpany lloly Cross Electriq Assoc.q.f i,,,* r.,, t_2h. 1.[1 l"^,ad Vail Cable T.V. ,t/".1 drrn.r.i c., 'n <a '< 'r' I Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District of utilities, whether they be approved and verified by site plan. be nain trunk the following lines or proposed utilities for the Authorized \ .bIST OF I"'ATIRIALS NAME OF PROJECT LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOr__jt_BL0cK F IL ING DI]SCRIPI'ION OF PR,OJECT The following information is Board before a final approval A. BUILDING MATERIALS Roof Siding Other lt/al1 Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails F lues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther PLANT T'ATEF.IALS (Vegetat iv e, La,ndscaping Botanical Na.me required for subrnittal by the can be given: applicant to the Design Review Color Ty!.e of Material 2'i ro' R"*gi^ Culo' P.9ol, Olfti. c1... ri.i,- Ag-l+e*d"-r?ly l-ri?\e J.lc'a .lrlood---.-- -Aa"U"-go*1iy*t -r.t a r9t or aa ,en..}c. I {<6n B. l'laterial s includin g Cornmon Narne Trees, Shrubs, g"-'"!4I and Crourrcl Cr:ver) Si ze -ttLL ,L-is u-crf l-euui$r uro-e{:J -h**fuf*-f'. ard--SL'*b'' Ocr.s-i-rt{(v!+i o,'\' tr-[ae-fh<- rnatrx,r-.(--\n-vrds caPe t^.,i$^ u'' i ^isgl-di s {,^'{r.,,c -tq--d-"*-erexrat-.l s tc!s-- .\ c. 011{ER LAII.pSCAPE FEATURES (Retaining Wa11s, Fences,Swirnrning Pools, etc.) PLease specify. o ENGINEERING CHECK LIST 6 tcga<,,L Mtu! (Acceptab'le) (]{ot Acceptable) Subdivision Lot B'lock Filing _g 1. Submittal Items (A) Topo I'lap (B) Site Plan (c) Uti I i ty P'lan (D) Title Report (E) Subdivision Agreement (if 2. [,ngineering Requirenents- app l'rcaDIeJ - /2" t-P e-16% rnaiT--Gctua lJ :s,t Z:,1' Z es ./ (A) Culvert Size (B) Drivenay Grad 3. Source of Utiliti t! h.g-rz h--rce zt.-es-, e4S/ €C3C74C , 7U nee c@ot4lt lte$-ts€ '' >Vel Aae -e--3gt-4-ts-A'+?-%o.-' AJ€ Sp€ 61" Lpproved: Disapproved g/zo/I/- Depart:,rerrt of f'ubl'i c i,lorks Di 1 l- An rllet"s A) ilectric B) Gas C) Sewer D) Water L/ le l epnon F) T.V. orlntr.l rrt s : fr a Legal 0h,ner zo i'-"PropLsed l5' Proposed l5' Proposed GRFA: GRFA: Requi red Requi red Drive: Slope Permitted Environinenta'1,/Hazards: Avc.'lanche F'lood Pl ain Sl ope Corrments: Slope zot'lE ctiEcK for SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS -Description: Lot l Block Fi,ins B/altrAf Archi tect Zone Djstri rt R Proposed Use Lot Area 4? OtO re'ight Altorved 30' Proposed -_---r- Setbacks: Front-Require-d- Sides-Required Rear -Requirec! lrlaterccu rse-requ i re d Proposed A'l'lor,led i g/9/ Primary A'llowed At7 C S- Primary Proposed Secondary Allor,red a f-(fsecondary Proposed 7+tfo Site Coverage: Alloived ?o o/o Landscaping: Park ing : Propcsed 3,271'l - Proposed Proposcd Propr.: ed Actual Dri.: :tl@pi )a /srpo !7fo //ro/o / (ol COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment vYas produeed and isrued through the office of LANDTITLE GUARAiITEE COMPAIIY P. O. BOX 357, tO8 SO. FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VAIL, COLORADO 81857 Telephono (gt3l 476-2251 - n ---V counte*i$.d:Y.-., . . : \-li_"-*--_ V.lld lng Ottlcar Representing: Jrrr-e |rusunnr.rce florvrenr.rv or [ff rrur.rEsorA frelarJeS --=z-r'xtQ- 'd:oteu8ls pezuoqlne lar{lo to racg3o trnleprprr e fq pau8rsralunor ueql\ prIB^ eq 01 'V eFpeqrs rn u/r\ol{s a}pp aql uo srocuJo pezuoqne {pp s1t Iq paxl3lu olunereq eq ol IBas pue eunu e1u:od.roc stt pesn?c s?q Blossuullll Jo ,tuudruo3 ecu?lnsul anlJ 'JOTUSHI\ SSANJLAI NI 'luotulluruoJ sIrO fq para,roc uoeragl ateEgour !o lsatolur ro alelsa aql enFA roJ proce.r 3o sarrnbce pernsur pasodord eg1 alup eq1 o1 rolrd lnq Joaroq alsp e^[caJJe arp o1 luanbasqns 8u.n1cu11e ro sprorer cqqnd eq1 ur tuuredde lsJU 'palEeJJ'fue Jr'sJell?u-r JeWo ro sl,Jrel3 asJeApE 'socuerqurntue 'sue[ 'slceJe( '9 'sprocer c11qnd aq1 fq u,norp tou plj? ^\BI ,{q pesodur 'pewlurnJ rausoror{ ro eJoJolejarB l?pol?ul ro roq?l'sef,r^res JoJ 'uaII e or lqtu ro'ueg i(uy 't 'sproca: crlqnd aq1 {q unoqs lou eru qelqr$ pue esolJslp ppo,n sesprard erp go uopcadsut pue fa,uns loarloJ e qc[qa slcq ,{ue pue 'sluaurqcuolcuo 'eere ur eBulroqs'seq1 d:epunoq tn slJTguoc 'selcuedotcs.rq '€ 'spJotor J{qnd eql Iq uloqs lou 'sluoues?e Jo srrrrelc ro.'queuesBg 'Z 'sprocer c11qnd aq1 ,(q u,noqs 1ou uorssassod q sapred 3o sunelc ro slqEr I : EunrolJol aq1 o1 lcafqns osp sl luflullluruoJ s!t{l 'o] parraJer a,roqu eEura,ro3 uro{ suolsnlJxg pw suoglupdp5 pus suorlrpuoJ eqt q parq?luoJ srelleul eql ol uolllpp? uI 'luaullruutoJ slrll Jo suolsl oJd aq1 o1 1calqns eJB plrE uo Pes?q oq $nu luaullunuo3 srqr ,(q pere oc uooloql ateElrouj aql Jo snlBls 3ql ro lseralu! Jo al?ls3 3ql ol 3n!l aql Jo snlEls eql Jo lno tun!.re {ueduro3 aqr rsupEu 3u1.rq i(eur ro a.req i(eur parnsul pasodo.rd aqt lBr{l uollJe Jo slqEu ro suollcu ro uoltcz {uy 'V 'urareq peglporu ,(psardxa su ldacxa tueurlruruoJ sr-ql Jo ued ? epeu pue acuoreJer ,{q palerodrocur fqaraq are r{crq/$ parnsul pasodord eql Jo !o^BJ ul roJ pellpr -uroa sa1c11od ro fc11od ;o uJJoJ aql Jo a8ere,ro3 uro{ suo$nlcxe aq1 pue suollelndtrs pus suolltpuoJ aql pu? suont^o:d tutmsut eqr ol tce[qns sr {lygquq qcns pue ro; pett;uuroc sercrlod ro .{r11od eq} roJ V elnpoqts u pelu}s tunouB arll paacxa r(1t1qeq qcns IpW lue^o ou ul 'luorulluruo3 sgqt fq pala^oc uoeraqt aEeSlrou.r ro lsarelu ro aletse aql elsatJ ro ertnbcs ol (c) ro 'g aFpaqts ur u,{or{s suondacxa aleuru{la ot (q).logoeraq sluaurarrnbe.t eql qll/r ,{lduroc o1 (u) qtp: poot u1 tuqupapun ur uoareq etuell .ar rn perncu ssol Ienlcr rog {1uo puu roJ pollluruoc selo11od .ro {c11od Jo ruroJ aql u! parnsul Jo uorlnnJap eql repun pepnlc -ur sargad qons pu? parnsul paodord pauruu aqr ot ,{1uo aq IFqs tuauJlrurr.uoC s1r{t rapun fuadruo3 eq1 go flJpqerl '€ 'suorlelndng pu? suollrpuoJ eseql Jo g qdurtered ol luensrnd patrnJur ,(pnonad {lrpqug uro.rj {wduroS oql e^e{ar tou n?rp luaupueure qrns lnq ',(lturprocce luorultunuoJ sr,ql Jo g elnpeqcs puarue {uur uorldo sll 1e {wduro3 oql'ra}l?ru rerflo ro unelJ osla^pe 'aJuerquncue 'ue![ 'loeJap qcns {ue 3o aEpal,noul pnlce sartnboe asr,t -raqlo ,(uuduro3 eql JI ro'fu?duroJ er{r ot etpalmoul qrns asolJsrp lpqs pa.rnsul pasodord aqt j1 'a8pal,nool qrns esol3stp os ol pa:nsu1 pasodord aql Jo ernpu3 ,{q pecrpnfa:d sl {uedulo3 aql luelxe eql ol uooraq aouell€r Jo 1ce {ue uror; Eullpsar a8uurep ro ssol ,{w :o3 i(lrpqert ruo{ pe^aqar aq geqs ,(ueduo3 aql '3ur1u,rr ur {wdruo3 aql ol atpalmoul qons asolcsp ol llq IIBt{s pu? 'Joeraq g aFpeqJS u ur$orp a6oql ucql raqlo luourllruuro3 sr-qr ,(Q paJa of, uoereql a8etlroru ro lserolut ro elBlso aqt Euncag.;r Jaugu raqlo ro rr4q3 osJa^pe 'ecuulqluncua 'uell 'lcagep i(ue 3o atpalnouq pnlce sarrnbcu ro s?q pemsul pasodord aqt 31 'Z 'lueurnrlsur r(luncas reqlo ro'peap lsnr1'lsnrl Jo paep epnltrn IIBqs 'ulalar{ pesn uaq,r '..atetuour,, ural oql 'l ',{uBduoJ eq} Jo lFeJ eqt lou sl sorcqod ro ,(cJ1od qrns enssr ol ernlEJ aql rHfl popl ord 'srncoo tsnJ re aqtlq \ 'anssl llsqs roJ palluuruor sarcqod ro ,(cnod eqt ugq r ro Jooraq el?p e^rloaJJo ar{l raue sq}uoru x.rs eleuFrrel pu? as?ec llgqs rapunaraq suoll -rt11qo pue flrpqe;1 ge pue ecusmsq elllt Jo sarrllod ro r{cJ1od r{cns Jo erusnssr eql ol ,ftuutu41a:d st luaullnuuo3 slql 'lueueseropue luanbesqns {q ro lueulrunuoJ srql Jo acuens$r eql Jo aurl aql le raql;a 'i(uuduro3 oq1 ,(q joaraq V elnpeqcs u peuesu uaaq aAurl IoJ pellr.uuloc sarcqod ro {c11od aq1 3o }unorus rql pus pamsul pasodord aqg ;o {lquapr aql ueq \ {po earlco;ge aq 11uqs luaulplutoJ slql '3oaraq suorlelndlts plre suolupuoJ ar{r ol puu g pu? V salnpeqcs.;o suorsnord eql ol lcafqns W :roJeregl seSreqc pue surnruo.rd aql 3o 1uau,(ed uodn 'y elnpaqts ul ol perraJer ro pequJsap pu?l oql ur ,(qaraq pa.rarroc tsoralu ro olElsa .ql Jo eateStroul ro reuno s3 'v elnpeqcs q PauIEu pamsul posodord aql Jo ro^EJ ul 'V alnpar{os rn paufruepr sB 'ecu?rnsul alllt Jo selcJlod ro .,(cg1od slr anssr ol slnuuo. {qareq 'uotlerappuoo alqenp^ e roy'i(uuduro3 aq] paller uraraq 'uorlerodroc slosaur4lll B'VIOSSNNI^I gO ANVdI4IOJ 1ION\rU6SNI 1I'IJII slosauul4 'srlodeauurl l1o Aueduro3 lcols e '^eu 0t6t - rNSWlthll{oc Notrvtcossv 3lrlr oNv't NVclu3wv ralz A z89z uJlol n lr AL0 f,crHrrrHENT SEH€DULE A Aprl lcatlqn No. VO(fO?S76 Fqr Inforrre.tlon Onlv - ChaFres - Ouncr Pol lcv t3S4.5O Tox Ccrtif.t5. oo --TSTAL-- i3S?.SO Hith vour ncnittencc rlerse rcfer to V0OO2576. l. Ef fcctlvc Datcr APRIL :l' l98l at €l(tO A.Il. 2. Pol icy to be isguedr and FroFosed Insuredl "ALTA" Ouner'g Policv tltO..OOO.OO For'n B-197O (Anended 1t)-17-7O) Prcroscd Incunedn DOUBLE EABLE ENTERPRTSES' lNC.' A Colorrdo Corporetion 3. The estate or intnrest in the lend describcd or rrferrcd to in thlg Conoitment and covered herein isr A FEE ,1, Tttlc to the estate or int€n€st cover€d h€r€in is at the cff*ctlve date hereof v€st€d 1n! RONALD F. BLIFFERT AND R. J. THRCICKFISRTCIN 5. The land rcferred to in thig Comrnltmcnt !s describcd as follotogl LOT S, BIGHORN SUBDIVI$ION, ACCORDING TO THE RECBRNEE PLAT T}IEREOF, CI]UNTY If,F EAOLE' $TATE OF [OL$RAI}O. ,'i L Oi f,uHf"tIlNEf{1 SCHEFULE B-1 (Require$ents) Applicstion No. VOOO?576 "l"fre f ol louirrq are the requlretrr6'ntg to he compl ied uiths 1. Pavrrent tq or for the account of the srentors or mortaaeors of the full conslder'ation for the estate on interegt to be lrrrur€d. 2. Froeer ingtnument(el creatinc the egtste or interest to be insuned must be executed end dulv filed for necord' to-uitr 3. RELEASE OF DEED C,F TRU6T DA EN JULY 2$, 1973, FFOH BONALTJ P. BLTFFEfiT 1'i1 THE PUzuIC TRUSTEE OF Ef\8LE COU}.TTY Ft]R THE USE OF CSLUTISIA 5AVIM3S AfiIf' LO/{N ASSIf,CIATI&N I'O sE{;URE THE $UH OF *4S,OOO.OO RECDRDSD JULY ,3O, I?73 IN BOOK 13O AT PA6E 324. 4. EVII,ENCE $ATISFACTORY TI] THE CO''IPANY "IHAT TIOUBLE EA6LE ET'ITERPRISES IS AN EI{TI Y CAPABLE tlF AIfiUIRINS TITLE TO SUBJECT PROPERTY. S. T"JAftRANTY NEEB FROH RONALD P. BLIFFERT ANI] R. J. THROG}:I'IORTON TO DOUFLE EAGLE ENTERPRISE$, INC., A Color'ado forporation GOHVEYING SUBJECT F'RCIPERTY. N{,TET THIS PROPERTY I'IAY BE SUBJb-CT TO THE REAL E$TATE TRANSFER TAX BY VIRTUE OF INCLU$ICIN IN THE I'AUN tfF VAIL. FLEA$E CONTACT THE TtJl.lN 0F VAIL Frf,R SfrID ASSES$I'IENT. ALO COHI"'ITFIENT Sf,HEDULE B-2 (Exceptiong) Aeplicetion No. v(xlOZS76 'l he r.al icv ar' pal icies to be igcued ulI I conta.in exceFtiong to the frrllouine uftless the grne ara disroosed o$ to the satisfactlon af the tlomranvl t. $tandard Exceptions I throush S printed on the cov€r sheet. &. Taxeg and asgessnentg not y*t due or pavabl e and gpecial asseEgoentg not y6t certified to thc Treasurer's oflice. 7. Anv unrnai d taxes or aseccrrnents aEaiost said lnnd, g. Lieng for unpaid uater and ,reurer charseg, if anv. .i. RESTRI*]'IVE COVENANT$, L.IHICH NO NOT CISNTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAU$E, A$ COHTAINED IN INSTRUFIENT RECORDED B€CEIIEER 20. t96ti IN BAOK 174 FrT PAEE 4r)3, IO. EASE}'IENT FRANT.EfI TO I4ESTERN $LOFE EA$ COHPANY TiI:ROSS THE NORTHERLY ?$ FHET UF $LIBJECT PROPHRTY IN INSI'RUHENT RECORDEO ffECEI.IBER 9, 196€ . IN SOOI ts7 AT PAC'E 473. ,rt 4*r1. LANDTITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 3665 Cherry Creek North Drive Denver, CO 80209 321-1880 13693 East lliff Avenue Denver. CO 80232 7514336 83i!13 Greenwood Boulevard Denver, CO 80221 427-9353 31 10 S. Wadsworth Boulevard Suite 102 Denver, CO 80227 988-8550 830 Kipling Street Lakewood, CO 80215 232-311r P. O. Box 2280 Breckenridge, CO 80424 453-22s5 303 South Cascade Golorado Springs, CO 809G1 634-,4821 121 1 Main Avenue Durango, CO 81301 247-5860 P. O. Box 357 108 So. Frontage Road W€st Vail, CO 81657 476-2251 3600 S. Yosemite, Suite 350 Denver, CO 80237 779.{J,220 650-17th Strost Denver, CO 80202 629-7329 9725 E. Hampdan, Suite 103 Denver, CO 80237 7508424 COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and isf,rod through the office of LANDTITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY P. O. BOX 357, r08 gO. FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VAIL, COLOHADO 91687 Tolophone (g)81 476-225I Tkb In|ur.tra eorFany ot Mhn Et. h I |t|lidLry qt Mlnnrotr farL Fln.|rahl CorFo.|tloo, ASOAO avrnbol - MTlt,