HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN SUB RESUB OF LOT 20 PARCEL A LOT 20-1 20-2 UNIT A LEGAL.pdfo: ,o*ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: REIDY REPAINT/REROOF DRB Number: DRB040444 Project Description: CHANGE IN PAINT COLOR AND RE-ROOF Participants: OWNER REIDY, KEVIN T. 0812712004 Phone; 4656 S OGDEN ST ENGLEWOOD co 80110 License: APPLICANT REIDY, KEVIN T, 0812712004 Phone; 4656 S OGDEN ST ENGLEWOOD co 80110 License: Project Address: 4284 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Location: 4284 COLUMBINE DR, UNITS A&B A Legal Description: LoEvr3lock: Subdivision: STREAMSIDE TOWNHOUSE Parcel Number: 210112228001 Comments: see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval:0911712004 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Application for Design ew Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel 97 0.47 9.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com o Revi lrr, r ' , r- I l1' r ,i.! Vt- tt r- L., General lnformation: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application- Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Desc tion of the trnu6€lrpr t .AF1l Location of the Proposal:Lot: 1o'(etock:subdivision: =-' Z{{crr-s&51g|-<-*f,** physicar Address: tZ-21 &ca^arrre AZ, U,Uc, Ce S-1-6-{2;4Uf-E- .4 18 parcef No.: ,4 -lZle4r*SD€--- (Contact Eagte Co. Assesj1or-qt 970-328-8640 tor parcet no )a *t fax:llaa{FJ ztol izzz O6l ,Fqt z.lol 1222 Zoning: 5*trt/r,'p/{a*,u horrl)Name(s) of owner(s): !-e-qt/Z 7na7 Mailing Address:€pu€l Co Owner(s) Signature(s): .,a Name of Applicant: Kl v/t) Mailing Address:f/rqE ;;;,;n;;,k6il;tf e@d,*r- Type of Review and Fee: ,/' ?. . Signs . Conceptual Review . New Construction . Addition . Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-fami lyld uplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and relaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee $20 For Office Use Onlv: iJ pliii*ib""-'- q'r.r, ruo., 299 ( Meeting Date: /O ' b 'ot1 Paoe 1 of 12104101104 August 25,2004 Mr. George Ruther Chief of Planning Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: 4284 Columbine Dr.. Units A & B. East Vail Dear George: We spoke on the phone more than a week ago about an application for minor alterations to Units A & B of Streamside Townhouses that would cover the repainting and the re- roofing of these units. I apologize for the delay in submitting this application, but I have had to coordinate paint and roof color selection with the buyers of Unit B. Enclosed for your review is the application and related supplemental materials. I would like to inform you that we have already begun the painting process and have retained a paint contractor, who to date has scraped, sanded and primed both units. I have instructed the contractor to wait on the actual painting of the units until approval from you and the Planning Department is received. Bob Sessler, ourpaint contractor, delivered apaint sample board to your office on Tuesday, August 17In. Ifyou have any questions regarding this application, please contact me at (303) 778-5591 during business hours or (303) 522-7728 after business hours. Kevin T. Reidy Enclosures: o Minor Alterations Application (along with supplemental information, consent letters, product descriptions and picture samples) - 3 copies . Check for $20 for application fee fwu-"ta: @^1e"\ -(7fl4*,k": (Yr.m\ OO fZf/ Alfuinu' tln*s-rt+ a O i,*g fa),,* ! (e A*o V*.,f*c '/;/,^f /r"^i") yrraAe,: /rrrU y(or, Ot-t4 4-h/. /d+ (n o1i") @ fr,* /4ar/rf ' (r^/t, wrnrhu,s, fu,a}c,, r,u/ (27<,n*,n /-r"d.) n+fra,; Fa.ler iteral,4l s^'e." /r-f-v ("'c,r.7/.) 4 bs4e. 6tr -.f/ /1 luw- /yz{ LL - e,y >u vv -/y tb 46- 1,7 7? lvln' t7- ff - tt tf tt l^/ - A( 3t *a',^ {2/n' TOl /N OF I/A|L 4284 Columbine Dr.. utn * * Minor Alteration Application - Painting & Reroofing Descrintion of Apolication The parties hereto are requesting two minor alterations to thcir respective properties located at 4284 Columbine Dr., Vail, CO 81657, Units A ancl B, with a legal description as follows: Unit A and Unit B, each together with an undivided onc-half interest in and to common Parcel A, Final Plat, a Rcsubdivision of Parcel A, Streamside Townhouses, according to the Plat recorded February 6, 1992 in book 572 at pagc 244, Counry of Eagle, State of Colorado (the "Property"). Alteration No. I Both Units A & B of the Property require painting and some minor repairs to siding. The primary exterior materials are wood siding with some stucco. The decks are made of painted wood, which is probably redwood or pine. The existing extcrior colors are shown in the pictures in Exhibit A hereto and arc not likely the original paint colors to the Property. The partics propose changing the paint colors to match and be consistcnt with Units E & F ol Streamside Townhouses. The colors are shown in the digital pictures included hereto as Exhibit B and are being submitted by the parties painting contractor separately from this docunrent. Alteration No. 2 Both Units A & B are in need of a new roof. The existing roof is likely the original, wood shake roof. Thc parties propose replacing the existing roof with a new, asphalt shingle from Elk Premium Building Ploducts, Inc., an ElkCorp company. (httrr://w'u u'.e lkctrlp.corn) The parties will be using a very high quality product, selecting the Elk Prestique I High Definition shingle. We have sclcctcd the color Weatheredwood, which best matches the paint colors selected above and looks natural and consistent with othcr loof colors in the East Vail community. Exhibit C contains the product specs and color and description samples front Elk's webpage regarding the products selected and a picture of Units C & D of Streamsicle Townhouses, which have already replace their old wood shake shingles with asphalt shinglcs. Person to Contact: Questions or matters regarding this application should be directed to: Kevin Reidy Owncr, Unit A (303) 778-,5591 Work (303) 522-7128 Mobile kc v i n. rc i cl)' @' clan iel so n l i ne.co ttt kr'r'in.t cirl.V(a corttclsl.rrer (303) 778-.5.599 Work Fax (303) 377-6505 Home Fax Work ernail Home email August 16,2004 ^42E4 Columbine ur.Iits I lt B Minor Alteration Application Pictures of Existine Exterior Paint Colors Exhibit A \., ',i1 ..r I August 16,2004 a {28.1 Columbine Dr.,ltits A & R Minor Alteration Application Pictures of Existins Exterior Paint Colors lr,xhibit A August 16. l0()4 4284 Columbinu o...?it, A & B Minor Alteration Application - Pictures of Proposed Paint Colors (from Units E & F) Exhibit B August 16,2004 4284 Columbinu u".,tt" A & B Minor Alteration Application -Exhibit C Roofine Materials Color Selected: Weatheredwood (best matches old wood shake shinsle colors and selected paint colors) Up Close View August 16,2004 4284 Columbir," Or.,tt, A & B Minor Alteration Application -Exhibit C Prestique I High Definition Product size: 13 1/4"x 39 3i8" Limited Wananty: 40-year limited warranty period: 5- T.years non-prorated coverage for shingles and application labor with prorated coverage for remainder of imited warranty period, plus an option for translerability.. s-year limited wind warranty-. wind coverage: standard 80 mph, e)dended 90 mph-. See actual warrantv lor conditions and imitations. Prestique rooling products contain ELK Windcuard@ sealanl. WindGuard activates with the sun's heat, bonding shingles into a wind and weather resistant cover that resists blow-otfs and leaks. Prestique shingles meet UL@ Wind Resistant (UL 997) and Class "A" Fire Ratings (UL 790). Prestique shingles comply with the requirements of ASTM D 3462 as well as the Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code. In ICBO regulatory areas, Pr€stique shingles meet lhe acceplance criteria ol AC 127, The ICBO Evalualion Service approval number for Prestique products in these locations is ER 5414. Prestique shingles meet the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) CODE A123.5. 'See actual warranty tor conditions and limitations. Picture of Units C & D with Existins Asphalt Shinsles August 16,20M August 16,2004 Deparftnent of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: 4284 Columbine Dr.. Units A & B. East Vail To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to provide written consent in connection with a joint application being filed with the Town of Vail for the minor alteration of the property located at Parcel A, Steamside Townhouses, 4284 Cotumbine Dr., Units A 43! B (the "Subject Property"). The parties to this letter hereby jointly approve the plans dated August2:(2004, which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Departrnent for the proposed improvements to the Subject Property to be completed as follows: 1. Reroofine/Change in Roofing Materials: The removal of existing and old wood shake roofing materials, the repair of flashing and sealant materials, and the installation of40 year, Elk Prestique asphalt shingles. 2. Renainting: The scraping, sanding, priming and repainting of Subject Property using slightly different colors that, in the judgment of the parties, is more aesthetically pleasing and consistent with other units within the Streamside Townhouse parcel and the community East Vail. The parties hereby request the approval by the Staff of the Department of Community Development of the Town of Vail (the "Staff) as these minor alterations with improve the durability, aesthetic perspective and value of the Subject Property and will reduce the risk offire through the use ofasphalt shingles. We also bring to the attention of the Staffthat Units E & F of Streamside Townhouses have previously replaced their wood shake shingles with asphalt shingles, and the paint colors that we have selected are identical to those of Units C & D of Streamside Townhouses. Town of Vail August 16,2004 Page2 The parties to this letter include the current owncrs ofthe Subject Property and the purchaser of Unit B of Streamside Townhouses, who has entered into a purchase contract dated July 27, 2004, with the owners of Unit B, which is expected to close by September 30.2004. Kevin T. Reidy Owner-UnitAS Townhouses Jan E. John and Dr. Maurice John Owners - Unit B Sheamside Townhouses Eileen & Skip Thurnauer Purchasers of Unit B Steamside Townhouses Sent 8y: JoHN KENYoN EYE CENTEF; August 16,2004 288747e;AUg -4:28PM;Page 2/3 16-04 o Department of Comrnunity Development Town of Vail 75 SouthFrontagcRoad Vail, CO 81657 Re: 4284 Colurnbine Dr,., Units A & B, East Vail To Whom lt May Concern: This letter is to Provide writtsn consent in connection with a joint application being filed with the Town of vail for the minor atteration of tle Foperty looated at parcel A" Streamside Townhouses, 4284 columbine Dr., units A and B (the "subject property"). The parties to this letter hereby jointly approve rhe plans dated Augustftf,20O4, which have been submitted to the Town of Vail community Development Department for the proposed improvements to the Subiect property to be completed as follows: I Reroofiqg/change in RoofinE Materials: The removal of existing and old wood shake roofing materials, the repair of flashing and sealant materiars, and the installation of40 year, Elk Prestique asphalt shingles. 2. Repaintinq; The scraping, sanding, priming and repainting of Subiect property using slightly different colors that, in the judgment of the parties, is more aesthetically ploasing and consistent with other units within the Streagrside 'I'ownhouse parcel and the oommunity East Vail. The parties hereby request the approval by the staff of the Depaxtment of community Development of the Town of Vail (the "Staff) as these minor alterafions with improve thc durability, aesthetic perspective and value ofthe Subject Property and will reduce the risk of fire tlrough the use of asphalt shingles, we also bring to tfie attention ofthc Staffthat Units E & F of streamside Townhouses have previonsly replaced their wood shake shingtes with asphalt shingles, and the paint colors that wc have selected are identical to those of Units c & D of streamside Townhouseg. senr tsy:JOHN KENYON EYE CENTER:2887479:Aug -4:28PM; Town of Vail Augu.qt 16,2004 PageZ The parties to thirr letter include the current ownerg ofthe subject propcrgr and tle purcha'cer of Unit B of Streamsidc Townhouses, who has enteiec irrto'a prirchase conffact lated A-usus! _.------- 2004, wiilr rhe owners of Unit B which is expected to crose by September 30.2004. Respectfu lly submitted, Kevin T, Reidy Owner - Unitl 16-04 o Jan B- John and Dr. Maurice John Owners - Unit D Strearnside Townhouses Skip Purchasers of Unit B Steamside Townhouses Page 3/3 iE\Stream side Townhouses r\q*rs 08/13/2004 15:07 FAX 630 455 1692 N0RIIIANDY C0NSTRUCTI0N CO '.'" rt - B ooz August 16,2004 Departrnent of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: 4284 Columbine Dr., Units A & B, East Vail To Whom It May Concem: This letter is to provide written consent in connection with a joint application being filed with the Town of Vail for the minor alteration of the properfy located at Parcel A, Streamside Townhouses, 4284 Columbine Dr., Units A and B (the "Subject Propert/"). The parties to this letter hereby jointly approve the plans dated Augustf(2004, which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to the Subject Properfy to be completed as follows: l. Reroofing/Qhange in Roofing Materials: The removal of existing and old wood shake roofing materials, the repair of flashing and sealant materials, and the installation of40 year, Elk Prestique asphalt shingles. 2. Repainting: The scraping, sanding, priming and repainting of Subject Property using slightly different colors that, in the judgment of the parties, is more aesthetically pleasing and consistent with other units within the Streamside Townhouse parcel and the community East Vail. The parties hereby request the approval by the Staff of the Departrnent of Community Development of the Town of Vail (the "Staff') as these minor alterations with improve the durability, aesthetic perspective and value ofthe Subject Properfy and will reduce the risk offire through the use ofasphalt shingles. We also bring to the attention of the Staff that Units E & F of Streamside Townhouses have previously replaced their wood shake shingles with asphalt shingles, and the paint colors that we have selected are identical to those of Units C & D of Streamside Townhouses. 08/13/2004 15:07 FAX 630 455 1692 NORMANDY CONSTRUCTI0N CO ^ttu @ oo3 Town of Vail August 16,2004 Page2 The parties to this lettet include the cunent owners of the Subject Properby and the purchaser of Unit B of Streamside Townhouses, who has entered into a purchase contract dated July 27,2004, with the owners of Unit B, which is expected to close by September 30,2004. Respectfully submitted, KevinT. Reidy Owner - Unit A Streamside Townhouses Jan E. John and Dr. Maurice John Owners -Unit B Streamside Townhouses 'F-Z; y)l/,--^,-,J G+ ./z\tr-?,,-..-, /)** a.- Eiteen & skip Thurnauer l/ CtnA"* ) Purchasers of Unit B Steamside Townhouses **'ft***'lt **t*,1,1',r*+'t*i.t *rt'l******f ** ** * * * * 'i** 't*'t,1. {. ** *1.* r.'r,t ** * * * t*t t +'}* * * ** * 'tr * 'r r. **'r rr * t'r 'f 'r*r****** TOWNOF VAIL, COLORADO Statement **'***'i'*'f * * i"[ rr r.'f ******,f ********++++****:t*****r.{.,f***rr.:********t*+********!r?*r*****r.,rt '****{.,f ****** Statement Number: R040005520 Amount: $20.00 08/27 /2OO4to:59 AIit Palment Method: Check Init: ifs Notation: #2581/KEVIN RETDY Permit No: DR8040444 T)4)e: DRB-Minor AIt, SFR/DUP Parcel No; 2LO1-L2228OOL Site Address: 4284 COIJT MBINE DR VAIL Irocation: 4284 COIJT MBINE DR, uNrTs A&B Total Fees: S20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total AL.L Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0. 00 *f *++***'|:i*'t*:l*****t ***,*,f '*{.'l******++*****:t*{,**:tt * * '* r} * *'r' * *'}!t* f + * * + * * * *i! r!:{. 'r. *:r ** *,t** * i. '* *. * * **+ + + ACCOI.]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Oescriotion Cur"rent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI,I FEES 20.00 Laf u -l &ll th., -- ^(Lt('tl' h f z-<'t TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiITAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970 -479 -21,J8 APPLICANT CONTRAETOR OWNER .Iob Address: 4284 COLIIMBINE DR Location. - - | 4284 COLIJMBINE DR #A Parcel No. -: 2LOL-L22-28-001- Project No- : PRiroo-0L25 DEPARTMET{T OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT PETMiT #: BOO-0125 Status.. AppIied. Issued. . Ex;lires. ISSIJED 06/07 /2000 06 /2L/2000 L2/L8/2OOO GREENAI]ER DESIGN GROI]P P.O. BOX 5963, VArL, CO GREENAI'ER DESIGN GROUP P.O. BOX 5963, VArL, CO MCLEAN MARGARET Phone:. 970-926-L783 Phone z 970-926-L783 TOV/Comm. Dev. 8r_558 81558 Valuation: Fi!€place Information: Restricted: Y Bullding-----> 550.00 Plan Check- - - > lnvcatiEaEion> will call----> 62 , OOO ailrlrcved e t'noLtn t datc Add Sq Ft: 45 +of cas LogE:*of wood/Pa1let: Tolal cal,culatcd Fcc6---> L,267 .25 *of eas Appliances: FEB AUI.4MARY .00 100. oo .00 1,267 .25 357.50 .00 3.OO Rc6bualants Plan Review- - > DRB Fee---------Additional Fee6---------> Tocql Pernit 8ec--------> Paymentg-------- Rcc!6alion Fce----------> 6.75 clean-up DepogiE-------->?50.00 64L6 E TIlFrs AVE, ENGLEWooD,co 80111clean-Up DepOSit RefUnd Description: REMODEL AND ADD DORMER WINDOW CHANGE Occupancy: RL Multi-Family T\pe Construct,ion: v-1HR Not in table! Ilrlge Occupancy: TOIAI FEES-----.' ;; ;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;' . " ;, ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;,"' O5I09/2OOO .JRM ACtsiON: APPR APPROVED rLbm:'05400 praNNrNG DEPARTMENT Dept: PT,ANNTNG Division: 06109/2000 .JRM ACEION: NOTE PI.AIiIS TO ANI{- 06'/09'/2000 AKJERITLF Action: APPR PLANS TO 'JR IEbm:"Q56q0 FIRE DEPARTIVIEI{T DepE: FIRE Division:06/09/2000 iIRM Action: APPR N/A r!bm:"855Q0 PIrBr-,rc W9RKS Dept: PIJB WORK Division:06/09/2000 JRM Action: APPR N,/A See Page 2 of this Document for any conditsions that may apply to this permj.ts. DECIARATTONS I hcroby .cknowledgc thac I hav6 rcad !hi6 rpplicatsion, fillcd out ln full thc infornation tcquired, conplcCcd an accurato Plot p1an, and Etsace chat all the informaeion provided ae required is correc!. I agree to conply ldith the information and Plot plan, to comply rith all Town ordinanc€E and 6!a!€ lawE, and to build lhid strucctr!€ according Eo lhs Town'E zoninE and subdiviaion codc6, dc6ign review approved, Uniforn Building Code and other ordinancee of the To!.n applicable tshereto- REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAI,I, BB MADE TI{EI.MY-FOIJR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send CIean-Up Deposit To: ORBENAUER DESICN CRP t ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS PermiE #: 800-0125 as of 06/2L/00 Status: TSSUED ******************************************************************************** PenniE Tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 06/07/2000 Appticant: GREBNAIIER DESIGN GROUP Issued: O6/2L/2O00 970-926-L783 To Elq)ire; L2/L8/2000 ilob Address: I,OCAEION: 4284 COLUI'IBINE DR #A Parcel No: 2101-L22-28-00L Description: REMODEL AND ADD DORMBR WIIIDOW CHANGE Condi-tions:1. FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIA}iICE. 2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WAILS,CEILINGS,AND FI.,OORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 3. SMOKE DETEETORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AIiID EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.5.1 0F THE 1997 UBC. 4. FIRE DEPARTMENI APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE AIVY WORK EAN BE STARTED. _ rt ***************i**********t*********'l*****i*******i**tt****i!*r** TOWN OF VAIIT, COITORADO St atemnt *l**************++***t***t**t****t****t**********tl****i******** Statenmt Number: REC-o545 Arnount:L,267.25 06/n-/oo L3 tlo Payment Method: CK Notation: #2399/GRBEUAUER Init: LC Permlt No: BOO-0125 n|tr)e: A-MP Parcel No: 2101- 122-28 - O01 giIE AddfEEE: 4284 COLUMBINB DR Location: 4284 COTiTITiIBINE DR #A ADD/ALT MF BUIIJD PER Total FeeE: 1,26'l .25 Total AJ,L Pmts: Balance : Amount 550.00 t_oo.00 35? .50 250.00 6.75 3 .00 Thi6 Palment 1,,26',7 .25 1-,267 ,25 . oo ********t**++****i****tat******************+*!t*****t*r**t****tt* Account Code DeBcription BP OO1OOOO3].].1100 BUIIJDING PERMIT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FBES PF 00100003112300 PLAN CTGCK FEES AD D2.DEPO8 CIJEANUP DEPOSITS RF11.1OOOO3112?OO RECRBATIONPEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJI' CAI'IJ INSPECrION FEE lJ^.', ry/ f:"; ),?.b I OFFI rf;,i of Vall E OOPY rQl?t .I ll Ll a! rrlY1 nt aa Morgorct ond Don Filkins httb Rttrodd arta CC{t$h. or|f, - unlt A Hr Grlnjr lll57 stttl4!!r {r af,t r, r-I l-I - ll.i lil 1r IJ l I t ) ) ) )) I l*{ffi lFl loeuo-zll#1 I *ffi;r*^ lL5:---J +Q >.> o 6.:;Xy o -llr u *"A fu, 4i 3'b 7l & 9+?v ".1 5L. =\- B ^i- sg$H3g l-I --- Morgoret ond Don Flfklns litrF fii|.an llll o*nDl. Drln - Udr A f, E|r* n.t7 -l rt L/f rr rl.tw -r tt aa 4--g >, \c J.a q-\.r F r>c rl1 a .rF \fr Llt t'tH $h E \fL st .\\.g'r ontdtoutT -.-tFL a-I .l.i-- Morgorct ond Don Filkins hbf rndd lltf odnalr Dl|. - Unll A l|l GdcrJr lll!7 It If a-/a an rraif,{ -f,r r F F -s L:*,a\r-l r-l | 'gl**gl I ll-t * ll - Intrk t'o.rr ll.-- |lrr alllr vdti ll .rtl. C-ilrilt. Bh - Uall ^ llrrr I I cu- i llffif I vrr. drnr aro? i l--- r'-l o o t4''.o \o t F fi it Hi il T fi a F ffi l'gi#Hg['l I lllr ..' I | - httrt trncftl | | --- | lEr-sll=#1 | *fftFl;;,*^ ll.:=:---l o \\ o rl r-il-l D l fl I I L-l r1 I I i,lf |-r.tl n wl D I\;z nI I N I i ffi t@l I r--- r=- ..-. ^ ttrrr I lfl _qllrl ratr+ ll crr Gtrrsrr orrr - udr ^ lla-rr I r EE r' I bm r I i fl. Otrrc lll57 r iE- r--i o l- r-t t, o ffi|Fl lff _71|ru rru.< ll .rr.cdrrrrrdr-urnr ll1=- | I *- ' llnr r | | wf Orclo rlur ll-.--l -o @ HH d' I tt txo. ll*= --.-l I Morgoret ond Don Fitkins ll sgrygEtl I | | lnttlt Rrnocd ll I I EL_ g l ls! rrfi...-l l .2lr coturrbrE Drr - ul'rt ^ il '-- | I llrrla tl rl. Orbrdo ttrsT | 1$-----, fl l-"-lffi l,EsH.ltl I ft -q lt=_'r".'+-l I r2'.c.rsnui.Drrr-rlnne ||'-=- || -- - I lfr rr rr | | Vql. Caarado ltlsT I lE. rr,+rl ffitq= i'rr#nri I ltE----!!!-l | - rrtrrr tlllrd | | .-- !f-, enllru rllr.f,1 ll ltla Clfiliih. Dlr - Uall A llrer I i3L- 'u llG-l I v.r ffi 0.t? ll- --l l'*'*lE:=l i ,S*+lLl ! lt!=--!!!--ll ---.-hr.,-nrqrr ll--;-----l IEL-llll=ffi|. *ffi.ffi;J''^ fls;--l ttlAY-Ol-OO 13. 03 FROM ' TOV-COM- DE:v-ubP ! ' ^P?trcAnotnr ror rt |pcE rD tt *flDH - 6tZS luildltf hil*l!.(Ir?d) lov e*nhrnah"n RECEIVED Ml\Y r, ;J i'-rl I TOV-COM.DEV. nofuurrr+ittd to-olL5 7J $, &mf X& Vr|J Cchic tltt7 COrrtrrr yll,eTldls Fn, e'Ir|,Irc PlnilIT (l'br f Hilfib) robrdrutl: t-24_cJh,rnjr r rue Ex'fob 10,141 , 93't t oro-r t n-ooeM *"pttt I o"-t I or'ot I fu-m-arur*r*tlrbEthn: Yes( ) $b ffiry*: trt'b.a) Ectlot( ) Sodt Gffitunbhutihtrhs: r'L fqf-Effig Mtg t nng lntr hildlry: nmftO CLE,NJP DEPOIII TO' R/orrrqr/hu/slrrn ltAY-ol-oo t3'03 TO: ROM: DATE: ST'B'ECTI -DEv -D!l- r . oPrqlcn: FROli, IOV-col'l o i{LL CONIRAETORS CURIEMLY REGISTERED Wml Il|E TowN OF VAIL TOqNiI OF VAIL PUBI,IC WORI(S AND COItfit'IJNNY DEI'EIIIFEME}N JANIJARY L T99' CONSIRtrcflON PARKING A}ID MATEHAL STORAGE coDE S2.1lh DflToSIIs ON PUI'! tcrI'AYs PnoEIEITtD ,{. UDt d,ful d4o.itr: $bjoc! to lrbrucrim C ltrlllof-' it i! udrflftI for rltt paloo !o linlt' teclc c depoe( orcil.; ; tinac{ rnc&cd or dacird $4 gEvtt rc*1 nu4 dtuq ;, t .;; rly aar a*n a ndEu upil ||'y @.., ddeuEnr, ruoy u Fblh pbcc, or ov ouliootttof- B- illfi'f#r;: Tbc Ditwtor of hrblic wo*r rrry aci& rnd n+rrc nv pqrn who vi4rc a cnrr *1tro,;-;i"t* rhe provirion of nb*crim A bcrcot, ar c'to b", i! ib. iitcco..i qrovnmr"puror,to ",ola'or corra andhnn.o violrtcthc.m' top rwvc suchrrtrA gnydlrod+ ma di+ ow. kr5 ery drr dcbri or_artid *itil tu,6ty fqr (24) hdrn rillfoi olllitf otfotW 6c Dircra of hrHic Wqlr' h6o ; d -d ro oul a*-J co"ely *ru t1 oaicc witlin tc pcrrod of '''c hclein noci6cd, tbc Dit"*- iililr" wJJ-6mt t't*itte ago4 nv cnl$-!y nFh tuA il .t " "t4 Otr''.1"i, l'a atuttl ot cly otbet lileid tobc umvcd from aly tfiter i alctv r rlc oeoc dtc ncifiod' c. il;i;;Th.;-rd;ofnrbscctioAhcraof&dlldbo{plic&h: - . . I . rilitlil rbc imcdirF ere of rny mgrmo'n' n{*coracc or rrpcrr- pmicct of uy rma or erby or "t ;"y-G ffi-;; *n dcdticsy tin4 iir tim, Ucproc tine or eay rppuuanco thtmo; 2. To d+oritr of $"4 il;;cHhtr rcaurysrturrurdoo ofrtrc public nfco; end ;: i; ilbil" .-i &drnJ ftt i" ft4tls I ttcuic of $d mrctrdr' D. Surnmong Porlqv: et5 rlb-e"c ro rfc omitc for ranorU prs"iaca in rutcuiro B lbdr|c,Ey ** a,!o violdrl q clncc rlofihc lo violre thc rrrc' mry bc irarcd I srmmfil to ffi ilt" ;t *frt c*;;trt 1t'" tot g violrioa' rd upoo btb8 ftuad tuitty of r violrion ntlifrJtt ptbba rr prorrrdcd ir Secio l+l dthir ee{e' E. Ncicc; Pcnaltv: tt " ,ffi;tl?o; tqd*-iofril c rtfue lo oooplv with tic naicc of hc' Oirearof hrbtic Wuttg ls trovidcd-in nrb*crio Bhercof' rod rry erch pcrro'6tlt b addidu ro pr;mrnt orthc oicruc rrqnornl inorrd bv thc Dirccrr of Rrblic wor*+ u uovidcd in ntco*i"ietJot, up-** g*gtlw ofrviotrtioahcraldcr' bc iunis'btc .s plwidcd il-iJJ, i.+r ofilir coac. tfrz coac orrtiom 6 (19?9) nrddrdowldgEd EadioocRdrioflhiP aowrtcr) "*,filtt\^Jfu l9'03 AY-Ol -60 Fnon ' Tov -coll-DEV-DEP T . MVNOFUIIL Dclrllalrnt d Cotrulrltttt Dcwloenmt 75 Sot4lr Froamgc Rod WI Cdorado E1657 e70-4n-21t6 FAX 970179-2452 IUtI/9{?itl{E. '(D BUII,DING IEsMIt 6SUAI{CD' TIMB FNAMD lf.thir pcrrir rqri'lr r Tom of Varl Fin DqrrUrcu.CpDDvrl' Eogima'r (huis wo*r) rwiw rnd rppowl, a Ptooing Dcp.rUrC rwicut of,Hctltb DerrUna rvi6r, rnd t rwicn by thc Buildinf Dsptnnsf4 tc ctinucd tine for r tsl rwiew mry t&e rs log |s ttuca (3) qro?kt. All coaorrcid 0rnp or mlt) ud dl nrrtt-irnily Pclnin utill harc to fbllow 6c lbocc nrratioacd nrxingsr rcquirourems. R€tidatid end 5nall projCr rharld tako a ltrs 15opt of tine. tbrwcr, if ncidptiel q smellrr pmje* irnprrt dre variu$ rbove mcntiocd daFrtmcltt wftr lEsrrd b mcc'l|ry rgviGw, thc$ ptojccE rmy rbo olro the thrc (3) wrolt Fod. Er^rry rrunrp*itt bc m& by$ir dcpertmcnt to apodits thb pe,flrrll u roon r pordble' I. thG u!d!|ligo!4 udontud thc I'hn chcc.k Procodnrc and rimc famc. I alro undartrd drt if 6e pcnit ir nc piclcd np by oc fipiratio darc. 68I mt3t flill pty lbc Pbn chccl Fcc ud thd UI fiit to do ro it rmy rf,tct frrtrn pgttniu fu I rpplv br' Agdlo hqfctt@ Du: brbccomuftyDerdqffiilDet Wo*Sh.Et iSw,*"'- MAV-Ol-Oo r3'6rl Ff,afln r IUV-Uu!l-t Ev-|.r&F r v l|ll|ONAI{DITM TO: FROM: DATE: NE: ALLCO}ITRACTORS TOSIN OF VAIL PUELIC WORKS JAIi{('ARY I, I9O9 WI{EN A TIJBIJC WAYPERITIIT tS REQIJIRED 3. rl. 5. 6. YEL_. Nox- IcBNAME; -.,.Fu-VtnS kr ff.x( f-- DATE;5.s oo PITAIE ANSS'ER lgE FOIIOWIIIG QUESf,IOM{^IRE REG.{RDING TIG NEED F(IR A ?IIBtr,ICWAYERMII-: l. btirerrndfuc? Ir Alldm wo* rchg Fdbd u n$bF el ui dtu Rt|Ld-wty, @E d nt&cpatft -YTS- I'|O-J- rresX_ No Ir r dilftftnrsc.rr ldcd !o frc ltc othathntocxirnr3divovry? YES- t{O-.X- lilfl::r615rytbturflbt!'Rirhor'wrv'a@'cprDlismra:n Ire"Rar€blc&ghtf-wqrRrnf, rtqtftcd? YTs- NOJ- t. A. tl tc Rlthtd-wrt, mcnr or pitic poprrty r tc urd fol 3[li[f rlth| a tuilg? NO-L i. -u-rc'i r.r'. EiFha r.a's r eacing CD rqdrcd tv cwru lxtdop;rt YES- NO J-- IfwonnacdYEsio'!yoftlcccqgl$,rhl|ctrlryFadt"Eudbcottrhd!' ftlic Wry F:ruif ldicaiou Ery bG &teicl * &c Adic lllort'r o6ce or |r ComEitv Dadqo,rr U:yur bnn ry qHidlr Ce c.ll l*il{d Surbrnt froo bllc Wo*r I |?9'2196. ALL 11{E ABOT/E QUESTTONS. Crusa * Iluttl$,ttrt t/v?s_ NoA bryrdiVrultld? B tDc ddnErEY bd!gtl98ti!d? MAY-Ol-OO 13, 04 FEO}I' l(JV-tiUtr-l'Ev-|.'Err' ,-\rf ?u!ucwotf,sIDNWTInOCISS Howit rdrtrr to B'uildingP€rmits I. Filt out orr chck ti* Pruvidd with r BrildiqgPqfmit 4pPliprr4'n' If ycs wrr urswcrod tO ury Of thc qucrtioru thca e Trrtlic Wey'' ir rcqufutd. You il pi* ,e - applicrtion u cithsr-Cornmunity Devclo_pmcDt, locstEd d 75 South froihgr Rod or Public Wo*8, located at 1309 Vril Vdlcy llrivc' Z. Noticc rign oft forutitiW conpanict Allutiliticr uru*-fiaO rrcrib 0ocrtc)- rE'pccti{ Uililia prior to rig;ai4 applic*ion. Som utility o4mic rcquiru up to 4t housncricc to $hG&ilc i locttc. 3. A cmstnrction tnfic cortroVrtrging plao mu* be FGPuEd on r rcprntc rlrcct of psa'. Atr Nppruv€d sitc plrn mry rtso uc usso. Tbir plrn will rlrow locuitlru of hf tremc miiol dcviccs (tipt, *".q *c,) and thc wort zonc, (uca of connnt"t-, strging; crc").-Thir phn witl ogirt on Novcmbcr lg enc will nead to bc rcnrbmitrod for rppronl througb thc winrr' 4. skacfir of work being performed lnrst bc $ftmitted indicrtiug diEqdom 0cnglh *idrh .oU OW,tt ofJo*1. Thie nrry bc drrrtn on tho rnffic contml plsr or r sitc plen forticjob. 5. SrJbmit completcd rprplicrtion to the Public Work's ofEcc for rwicn'. If rcryiro4 locrtcl will6e schoarted torthc Tolr,tr of vril Elccticiurc rnd Inigrtiqt qsw. The tOcrrc nkc pfuce in thc morain& hrt nry rcqgirc uP to 4t hotJrt to pcrforn- 6. Thc Public wort't consmraior Inryeclor will rwicw tbs applicetioo utd rp,prove or dirrpprovc thc pcrnrit. Yor wilt bG coilr$cd rs to thf srbrs rnd uy .oquircot-rt rh.i ney be neudcd. Mo* pcrnhr arc rc13E*d within tlt l1qrn of bcing reeivd but plasc sllow up to onc (l) urcel to procces. 7. As soon re tho pcrmit is Ptoccrccd, e copy will bG ftr(d to Community Dadopmcnt rllowiug thc Suildi4g Pcrait" to bG ldcrscd. Plcera do not co!'l|te rhe -hrblic Wry Pcnnit" with a "Building Pcnrir" whic] ir to do *ort on r projcct itsclf, NOTE: Thc rborrcpoocc* io ftrurcrkin epublicway ONLY. priUc wry ecttlitr uc rnlid only untit NorcmUcr ts". A ueu, Fublic Wry Pcroit ir rtquired each y'au if wort ir oot conrplcts' t3'a{MAV-O I -60 T0m0r Dcryment d CanwitY Dawb4unt 75 Sotfi Frullimgc Rod rhil Colorado 81657 970479-213E FAX 970179-21s2 FFOr ' rov-coll )o -DEV -DEP 1..tLttat.ea NOTICD lo coxrn^cTonllt}wilEn l[ rr'DEns Etfcctivc Jrnuery l, 1999, thc Tovm ofVril Building Dcprrtncnt hrr derclopcd thc bllowing proccdurcr !o cnnnc tbat ucw conctructioo sites hevc eacquuclv ocrbtirhcd Foprr dnengs fi'on bBildins litcs along rnd rdilor;|lt to TolrB of Vail rordr orfffis. Thc Torrn of vril Public works Dcp.rtmcnt will bc rcquircd to inspcd rnd rypovc drainrgo rdjrccmrt to Town of Veil rords or ltr$tssod dle ingrallrtion of tefiporary or pqrrgtcnt Cultrcrtr n scc€ls points ftom thc rocd or SrGct otrto thc coollfuction sitc. Sudr rpprorAl murt bc obuhcd prior to atry rquest ftr inrpcrdmby thc Town of Vail Buitding Deputmcnt for footings or temporary elcc'llicsl or rny othcr iuopc*ion. Plsesp call Leonrrd Ssrdoval rt 4?9'2198 to rcqu$t ul inspcction &om the hrblic Wortr Dcflnncot. Allou'a rninimum of 24 hor notice' AIro, rhc Twm of vril h$lic wo*r Dcparmcot will be apprwiDg tll fttd dninrgo r|d qd\rcrt inrEllatiou with risrhing road parching rs necer$ry. such rp,provd nult bc obtrilcd prior to Fitd ccrtiffcate of ocopancy issrslce. $*rano,rrr* !,tAY-61-Oe l3!Oq FR(J!|, ruv roilil ot v lL - cotruMrY DEIEI'O'IEI|T corEraucTrol FEE aClllDltrl Jrrul?-rffiteo o Tdrlrat|&tt.qtblm Ft.sblao0.6 n0t.0btatm6 $agol.obltlm.0 ra0.0r.0bllms.$ tts.ot.os|enm.o lEo,$r b tl.qn dno ft.m,or.oe|o EI ItF UdllrrrrfoomrrrroE dtd!.:ltlo!0nH.{tln. briHtrlt.o.O fLOOf trnn,OOm rrrlto.6b rdrff llfr.Sr H.i thrtd,brdrr&tlIEmS rsriiiit mf,rfdm.m 9rll7,6bdrrrledfl'ffifr rHrn lnrrd,l Jldr*4 $q|E.o ta3t tr!|tF.@nPr.tt00trrdidlcaJll.D-otEt ru3l, b.Jtd rtaraii lro,m's lTouftll ltoio:ogLLot eiff l ll.o.otbc.n rt d.blrahdlll3b.0o'@ ra:o-rcnorr go,o.o rrr|.oi. =t flb||J ll.@.ot ffi rrr[l'l ]r rrarrrr 31.m.0004 glOr rrtr fr,m@DC|'lo.@E r|| rffilr.Q.o a L fr|p.cJdr ilffi noind butiila tto|tf mlittuim drt|. iio hotn' z Rirncc|on fre crad tndl pruflocre of slim 95 (e) 0f qt Uto' t,nrp..lorb.*lBr mbc | +*frcrfy ftffid Hrht Tc.il i$'cbfr' rpdd wo ro{raI torttg. ,frrfiC rcsrFr fin-ildt frlTld tilrll t l Fi.cilaHala.rtt|. ltallordftfrft Pbr Rrtuf-l !rztlo,nrt||tt||t||r|rfr' nfr Rrr||v b trl b 26rf of ttr ndttdoaa Frnf a.. yrfrlr|rtr,rcm-ltah|trf*! d t 'nl tr h€ltc|l. Daqa}l:r|r!,li.lgEt9Pl||u|'.ilrriu. crxuprirnrn' ^lfrrf .hal li h tddl6 blr iil*!,!ib.nrriil,nC If d.Fmf.frt 9frrr rdlqalr!51d flr ltr r||t*5 qrbtuhllry lttltr r*r orprtt-t al Rl* E FEfrlr Jfl t r il b c A t- trat I| gtrE3 rltlrr tFl r utilrE E - -I!r Jt ir urrro irr tmr trlw a H 2 GlsIt i hr :Ert}' iang|J ern ru'f nertod b' Cfieaa' !d.r c n llcr b 3 7i0 l|0Flur |srErlilrr.00.q.i ovr l.0or.lt I t|fltlutir|l'5O*t ar 1,50 + tr|d nC iEJ| h.t e@+ t FrmI.nnr-CZ@r|.n Ocrr clrfrtr,rfftg adc*tf dd r {u'C Jr -ctrr Jr*ru.r-b| rErc|Erll|Sl.Eldtrd rEr4bfl II gFr: rirurilr3rmm tncr lrr lffiO hl n nsrllt tLdF.O r|E||tllr t!|D,(D hl trC mgr lrr Inm.m mtrlrl ln'm.Ohlt rFl tEf lrrn|nm H ffirrttr|ilhbtrb?tF T.iErt&? t{AY- 61- Oe rSrOE FROn ' TOU-C Oir-DEv- DE P T 'llr:5rrr.i O, o,"*-corilu*wD'ErtErP*,",o EOI|STK' TPil f EE TGTCDIILE JnlllAff'OrcIIl:n2m 0 |o fr0.0@.00 t10,001.0O te 150'000'00 860,001.00 b t1c0.000.00 $150,00!.(n b t500.000'00 tEoo,oor.@ to tl,0m,0m.00 o\,Cttr,dn,(m.(n E!t 20.00 t 50.m t 1@,0o 3 200.00 t 400.m ta.000,00 h 32s,0m.00 ttt,00't.00 b f50'000. 00 f t0,00t'00 to t50O'000' 00 t50O.001.(X) to $1,000,000'00 s s $I E 100.00 250.00 t00,00 750.00 lEE CotldffonC lJsa Sp.tfil Da'.lolmt|*Dhnot MltlorSubdiviitn l/Hor Subdhrldort 8iltlc Frmly guErfi|on Scoolx||ry Unn \/|rimcc Slgn 3 200.00 $ 1,$0.00 5 260.00 t 1,000.d)t r00.m r 100.00 i 250.00 3 20.00 Addiriond GRFA 5 il0'00 cdrdo. cont|lt I Sqq4q .aierai@ \-----. a-< - --f tin atn nRUrSOorurcr*lrt) s 01s ABD (Artc|Ll B|.|rlncr txririd) I '1 00 sBnD(SldBrrR.cuskt) t 979 PO (P.i.ltE Dlstflct) t 0.10 Pt D (Pt blic Urc Dffitca) S 0 10 0.10 0.15 $t sFR ($nd. Fff|tv Rc|idcn$.|) R (Tu,o FemilY R.ddentirU RC (RcftcntlN Clurtrr) R PrB (Rlt'||'!,, S.@tflty R.d.l6iuel) IDMF (Lo, thndtY llt/ltif.mlty) UOilF (Udrm DilHtY ttillfr'|ly) rEitF (Heh Dddtt mil|f,anrvl . PA(tuUic^coolllmoddbn) OC1 (Co.ilEtioil Cort 1) CC? (Cqntacdcrl cofl 2) Cc3 (Comn.tai'l Corc 3) 3 0.15 0.30 0.*t 0.70 1.00 1.00 r,00 r.00 3 1.00 E s $i 3 0 3 CSc(coilnotohNE|tvtc.Cfiffi) $ 1q ' HB (F|.ttry Senncr) 3 1.00 A(AeilculttrdeOFnBP.cc) -t , 0'1-0..- --eOD('SD*Oafc@n;'tD*d.ti i-darru.til*lbdlr}rd-t KRM consurrnr0nrc. P.O. AOX a.rrz tfi||r.ettrt rst.coroR^ooatl gfol ealcFr FTEU' REPORT ro: Waync tlrskine AtTEllTroH: WaV6e Haskanl PROJEC|: Filkinr Remodrl .OAT5: Af,RIW: OEPAfrT: WEAfHER: &MQ€)E: 7truzo'},a 4:0O p.m. 4:30 p.m. Sunny & wrrm E912-r6 M c/ea a On.O7lt l /OO I visiro4rhdritaot rlubove ralarcncrd taBid.nce for a lreming rcvirw. Ahhough morr ol the lraming was cmplda rhc lolfowing ll.mt $ill need to be done: Shaat ,s2 Upprr Floor Frarning Plan; /. ^. I PUBL'C SERV'CE J-- conPAnv ot GOTORADO*--17 a ,lavr at|nt.r cNcratct corra.lr April 5,2000 PO 8or il30 Minlurn, Colorodo 8l 6a5-0430 Trf rphonc qf O.262.a0rO fqr 970.949.3289 Greenauer Design CrouP Ann: Melissa Greenauer, President P.O. Box 5963 Vail. Colorado 81658 RE: Request ForNew Gas Service Service Address: 4284-A Cohunbine Drive, Vail Colorado Dear Ms. Greenauer : Thank you for requesting scnice to the above referenced location. As your primary contact pen16n at nrbtic Sirvice, I'rn committed to providing the coordination artd support needed to satisfi yoru energy needs and meet your project schedule. Based on information you have provided and the service requirwrents nequestcd, I have completed the engineering design and cost estimate to provide gas service. The estimarcd cost to provide thc requesrcd service is $ 1,536.00 . You will rtccive r rcqucrt fof prynent' rfter the work ir complctcd, for the ectuel cort of the inrtellrtion. Enclosed is a notification of " Excess Flow Valve Avail{lity for New Gas Service ". You tre not requircd to euthorizc the inrtelhtion of thir velve" .\ Public Service Company will not be rcsponsible for the r€pair or replacement costs rcsulting from damages to 'Trrigation Systems" which are not marked prior to the beginning of this installation. This estimate is valid until June 4, 2fi)0 and is subject to price adjustnrcnts thq€after. PlcesG heve ttc prrty rspouiblc for your job sitc coordinrtion ren'icur the proporcd inrtrlhtion drrwing rnd notilt me of eny problcmr in conplying with thcre rcquircEcnb. Pleerc sip the enclorcd Concuncncc Dnwing rnd return it rt your errlicrt opportunity. Constructlon cttr not bc rchcdulcd until it is rcceivcd. As yonr primary contact for this projcct, I may be reached at (970) 2624057 or you may FAX information to me at (970> 949-3289. My business horus are from 8AM to 5PM, Monday ttrougb Friday. If I am unavailable and your need is immediale, you tnay eontact Kit Bogcrt at (g7o\2624070, Technician or Terry sullivan Gas operations Managerat (970\26240{r'. Should you have any questions or concerns with regard to this informatioq please contact me at your earliest conveniencc. We look fomard to being your energy provider. enc: EFV Lctter, Concurrence Drawing uI rntrtrf 1f, I I I I ,J 6 o I 6-rFr$rrilFil$ E FT ,I I ' t I I t I E t I g t t $ f Nfr o!o$i$ iB s*i$It il$ti l.r rR i$g* "\ ts- It N d k) F F fifl1 7ae sN x?$b q\ A I I 5 q s F '-4<pn*r t 6 llAR-2?-gg l.lON 1s :45 FRS. GEOTECH v EI{VIROIfHENIIL COIf8TRUCIIOI SPECItrI.ISTS ' fNC ' 1447 fl. 46m AW.,SAITE 74 DEMIER, WI0nADO 80277'2338 (303)477-470O Date: Marc|n 27, 2OOO Invoice NO: 2798.00 Greenauer Design Group P.O. Box 5963 vail CO 81658 Ph: (970) 925-1783 Fax (970) 925-1784 Request for Payment ProJect; 4284 columbin€ Driv€ vall CO Re: Partial Bullding Surv€y Descripti.on of Work Completed: 03l2']. /OA Bulk samplinE of drywall/texture & $pray on accustical for renovation areas onIY s520,00 Balance Due upon Receipt: $520'00 AII 30 day overdue lnvoices are Bubj€ct to 1.51 monthly interest charEe. Thank You l4AR-2?-BO llOH l5 :45 FRs. GEOTEcH v 3€3 4?? 2580 P.€3 Environmental construction sp€cialists Inc. 1441 lf. 46th Ave. Suite 14 Denver CO 80211 Phone (303)477-4700 Pax (303)477-2580 Harch 27, 2OO0 PARTIAL ASBESIoS SURVEY AT: 4284 Columbine Dri.ve vaII CO PREPARSD IOR: Melissa Greonauer of GREEIIAUER DESIC}I GROUP P.o.Box 5963 Vail co 81658 Phone (970) 926-1783 rax (970) 926-L784 HAR-2"-er6 r'rON 15 :46 FRe. GEOTTCH 395 .l?7 Z:Jtil, F.lr{ Findings:. Itothing det€cteal in any of the samples takon as notEd in the tab report, Any renovatlon can take place without restrictions in the materials sampled. Shoutd you have any furthgr guestions feel free to call me anytime. Sincerely Nicandro M, Ortiz ltAR- ?7-66 l.lON l5 :4 34 o 77 Z38g P.65 6 FRS. o fn8 Gsotech, rnc. 1rttl1 W. {6rh eve,, Sulte 14 Denvcz, CO I021r-2338 GEOTECH 30 Phone: 303/ {17-2559 e00 /38 5-3136 Fltxt 3031477-2580 e-rnail: frsgeooix. nelcorn. cotn March 27, 2000 M!. Nlck ortiz EnvLlonnental Construction Spectalistsf Inc- 1441 rf . rt6rh Ave-. sulte 14 Denver, CO 8 0211-2338 Re: Irab Nunber L04342 PEoject.. 4284 Colunblne Drive, Vall, CO Dear l,lr. Nick Ort.i :: The bulk 3amples submitted to FRS Geotech, fnc, havo been analyzed by polarized Irght' nlcroscopy (PLM), thc EPA-reco$$ended rnethod for d8termlnatl,on of fibrous con8titu€nts in buirdlng rnaterlals, The percent of a!be3!oa contained in the sarq)l€r is a visuaL €stLnrarlon based upon cornpa r Le ons t{lth publtshod char!,s,The results of Lhese analyaes are aunmatized ln the enclosed trbl^e. Thls repolt rel.atea only to the it,ens r€ceived and t€sted by our rsboratory. AccoldinE to requl.rementa set by th€ National Inst,itute of Standardr and lechnology/Nvl,Ap,thir report must not be used go clain endorsqnent by NvLAp or any agincy of itre us Government. AlEo, NvtAp guidelineo specify that thlr report sbould not b6 reproduced, exoepE in full, ?rithout the jrrltten approval of BRS. A copy of your chain of cuscody is attached for your convenience. lbis !€port Is consldered highly confidentiar. Resurts will not be ct{scuased with any person not aEEociated with you. Please cal.l lf you hav€ any qu€stions about this work. S lncerely,,AW Davld A, Schloeder, ph.D Data Controller EncIo!u res IiIVLAF Accreditcd AIHA Accrsdit€d .ab f102078-0 r.rb *101557 |'IAR-2?-46 HON I5 :4? FRS. GEOTECH ,^ - E€3. 4?? 25AA P. S6 IlL$ @EQtlQN, 111(:. 1{11 }t. {6th Avenuo, Suitc 14 Denver, CO I02 r 1-2 338 Phone | 303/ 477-2559 800/38 6-313 6 Esa2 JQll471-2580 L,ab No. :104312 Page! I of 3 @SIEIE-.rUII&8I&aT ?ol,reyrErr t.T6n||l r?eiar(d6DY lo t] Epr-6on /n-Ql r1'l 6 Cllentr Eavlroulaatal CoDltnrctlon Spacidtltf, lac, PEo j€ct rD I 428{ Coludi-oe Dsiv€, VrLl, @ SaqFle Numbe r t1 -tgl-----._ llD** -!f/2?/00 Drynalf /ter.ture--It stal.rs G nor.Lh rra-L +4 tAl tD*r _-0i!./27L0-0.fwhlfe and tFn Eheetrockl lnalyr.r (porcants deternined by visual esElnaEion) Sample Nu .ber ! 12 13 *4* l{ lAl - &tyrr gescong: Asbestos Minerals: iJt|oalte Anthophyl.l lte Chryootlle Crocidol ite 100 100 100 Trerno Ilte-Act in :Iite IOTII.. TSEESSGI Nptt othor Eibrous Materials : tDlr lDr.lDrf lD*r tr{brous GlasB CelIulos e Synthet.ics OEher: -14 ls Perca$t Sample f!!t!le! &4Lg pesc&iption E:r.. , 03,/27l00 sgray-on--upstalrs corner twhlte r|f-Eh-- inseparable Eaint l ffi*, 03127 IOO s6/av-on--C6nter O hean f nhite t ith -lnseparabls palnt'l W** 03/21 lol sDraJZ:gf'-Dornstairs s6uthoast corner f uhi!€l r00 95 Nonfibroug Material -99 i Conpoa j.Ce analysis (multllayejed oa.,rpl.c, 3cc . 99 86 85 lndlvldual layer anelysell . f!a(.6 <1t fr4ce <1i | * ND nean! tp+e,/rl?t.ected. A,.'ar.v€t j d/fuL:,," ,_ Ed f,afhcls Dai6r 03/2?,/00 t'lAR-2?-Og l,lON t 5 :48 FRS. GEOTECH tRE GUOIIECII, INC, 14{1 w, 46th Avenuo, Suite L4 Denv€r, CO 80211-2338 393 47a 25Ag P. 6" phonei 3031477-2559 800 /38 6-3136 Fax:303/4??-2580 Lab No. r 10{312 Page: 2 of, 3 Srsr'l-rs oF rtm,r rsBrrllon'_fllBli&_llxll:LllllS8 @ lpr.rl rpr-6oo/a-o3/a1 6 Clisnt r lo?l,rorqcfltal ConltnrctLoa SpoCirltltr, Ilc. p ro ject rD: 128{ ColrdLla Drl,ve, Val.l, CO Sargb--Nubcr t4 fB'l P€rcast Saraple Alb€ltor Di!.g Desclipt lon _lDrr 03/2?/00 f!{hite tGxture eieh :Lnseparable pal-ntl '._ t5 {Al l5*t|prr _03/?7/00@ 3puFh ual] ._ mr.n1121 lOn lwhit-a end tan sh66trockl -+_5_ n--..--- lDt* 03/27100 tHhite texture t'ith lnseFarable Dalntl *5r ,'Drr 03lIIl0A L.rvHal.i /teriture--DownsLili{t e norih $a1l Nralyt€r (percenta determj.ned by visual esuitnati.on) Sample Number: *4 lFl s5* *5 nf 15 tBl Lly€3 Doflrent: Asb€stos Miaerale: Nqos tte Anthophylllte Chlysotile Ciocidolit€ Trerno ILto-Act inol ite 100 100 9s loltrr AgE::sros _&,:3_ Other Fibroug !"r,. Lerials : NDT*lD*f HDrr uDr* Flbrous Glass CeILuJ.ose SynEheE l-os Other i Trace (1t 15 1 Nonfibrous MateEial 85 r Conposlte analysis (nultilayered sanple, sgs 8s 9q 85 indlvidual layer analysesl .it !{D means ryt9{q of'rypxea. n"tv"c,-,r#ku-- Ed/Rd ines \Date: 03/2? / 00 ttAR-27-68 r,rOH l5:,19 FRS, GEOTECH rRg Gro,lEcrr, rNc. 1{{1 }t. ,l6th Avenue, Srrite 14 Denver, Co 80211-2338 963 47? 25AB DesartpE+qn f$hite and ttn sheetr6ckl P. AA F..,ne: 303/{'17-2559 800/38 6-3r 36 ,'ax:303/tl??-2580 qEsttr.nrs J)F Etrt f, lqnnlltt'rs Flbt.t lltAt.vsys e!' EOf, rF"trF r.rt?H.'| rr.tutsc6pt_lpllL-EEr:faolEl3.A.' ri cll-enc; EneLro$rstal Conrttuct:oa Sl*cl|ll.rlr, Iac. IJab No. :1013,{2 FroJect ID: aeSa Coludrbr Dllve, Vrl,I, CO page: 3 of 3 Sanpl.e.NuIdteE l-6 IAI Paacslt Sanwle fub.atos Date rpr* _ !:ll2? /00 r5.IBt *.- rDrr O3.l?:100 ft[hlte t6!.f,Ure u{ th { nqepE $Ia oai;tl . _ lnalyles (p6!ce:1tE det,ermin€d b_., Sample Nuniber: *6 fAl -_ visual cotlmatl,on) {6-lEL__ La$tr pa.rcatt : Asbegtos M{neEi, Is: Anosit€ Anthophyllit€ chlysot ile Crocidollt€ Tremof ite-Act lnolite CelIulosa Slmthetlca OtheE: _ 15 Trace <lL 9s !0TAL lggES.los _ l|Dr*,, .. _ tpj.* ___ Otlrer Fibrous ltaterLals : Flbrous Glass Nonfibrous Mat.erlal 85 99 i Conpooite analysis (nultLlale.ed EasFIo,see individua I layer ar.alyses) Daee: Ll.lZlAlL TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FROIflTAGE ROAD vAIt, co 81657 97 0 -479 -2138 DEPARTT4EM OF COMMUNITY DEVSTOPMENT NOTE: THrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AI-,L TIMES PIJIJMBING PERMIT Permit. #: P00-007L APPLICAI T CON:TRAgTOR OWNER OWNER Descript,ion: alob Address Location.. -Parcel No..Project No. HI-TEC5I PLITMBING O57O CANYON CREEK HI-TECH PLI]MBING O57O CANYON CREEK MCLEAN MARGARET 64L6 E TI]FTS AVE, FILKENS z 4284 COIJIJMBINE DR : 4284 COi-,IIMBINE DR SIDE : 2t0t-L22 -28-001-: PR'JO0-01-25 DRIVE, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, DRIVE, GI,ENWOOD SPRINGS, ENGLEWOOD, CO 80111 SEatus...: fSSIIED A Applied. . : 07 /1,7 /2000 Issued...: O7/]-9/2000 E>rpires. . : 0L/L5/200L Phone: 970-945-l_038 co 81601 Phone: 970-945-1038 co 81601 REMOVE AND INSTALL NEW PLIIMBING FOvaluation:16, 000 . 00 PluribinE-----> Plan ch€ck-- - > Inveat.igaeion> will eall- --> R€€tsuarant Plan Rewi"ew- - > TOTAIJ FEES'---- Tobal caLculated F€e6---> Addit.ional FeeB-- - - - --- - > Total Pernit Fee--------> PayncnEa - - - - - - - - 240.00 50.00 .00 3 .00 - 00 303.O0 303 . OO .00 303 -00 303 .00 ...--..,,..THi:.3 ;;;;;;;;;;;;.;........."..;::.-" Itsem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTT'/ENf Dept: BUILDING Division: O7/L7/2OOO KATT{Y ACUiON: NOTE APPROVED PER-KW 07./L7./2OOO KAT}TY ACTION: APPR APPROVED PER KW fte.mi .05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:07/L7/2000 KATIIY Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIA}.ICE. DECI,AR,TITIONS f h.rsby acknowledge !h6C I hawc read this applicalion, fillcd ou! in full bhe inforuEcion rcqultad, co'nttlcled an aecurage plot plan, and Etsate that all Ehe infomatsion Frovidcd aE !6quired is correce. I aglee to cornply rrith th€ infornation and ploc plan' to couply irtch all Torn ordinanceB and state 1aws, and t'o bulld !h16 eCructufe according Eo the Toran'a zoning.nd 6ubdiviaion codc!, deBigrn rewiew aprprrovcd, uniforn Building codc and othe! ordinances of Lh6 Torrn applicable tsherego. REQUESTS FOR INSPECAIONE SHAI,II BE MADE TWENTY'FOIJR HOI'RS IN TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Statemnt *l********i***t*i******************+******************t********* Statemnt Number: REC-O655 AmounE: 303.0O 07/L9/OO O9tO3 Pa)ment Method: 7334 Notation: HI TECH PLITMBING Init: \TN Permit No: P00-0071 Type: B-PLI'{B PLItMBING pERMIT Par.cel No : 2101-122-2S-001" gi-te AddresE: 4284 COTUMBINE DR tocation: 4284 COLUI{BINE DR SIDE A ThiE Pavment TocaL Fees: 303 .00 Total ALL Rnts: Balance: 303.00 303.00 .00 Anount 240.00 60.00 3 . OO *t+******+************************************+++***+*****+**++* Account code DeBcription PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLUIIBING PERMIT FEES PF 001-00003112300 PLAN CHECK FBES WC OO1OOOO3]-12800 WIIIIJ CALIJ INSPECTION FEE AppLrcATroeLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLE'O* unrt Project #: Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 - 2149 ( Inspections) IVWNOFYilL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Contact Assessorc Offrce at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above)2 robName: f, 1kru,< Iee robAddress: /SS/ Z./r r"BrrJtlrz Lesat Description ll rot, ll ero.t, ll ririne'Subdivision: Owners Name: /, l/1n u,Address: /)x 4 la/rln 6,;llenone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed descriotion of work:fbmc { Z-y{t*r I rvrl,/ y'/u n- t7iot, 6u fl *aled .4tea Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Alteration() Repaii( ) Other ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-tamlly / ) Duplex fr') vutti-ramily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: ;No. of Accommodation Units in this building: oZ is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No (l) COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PTUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Plumbino Contractor: tJ, aA fecH /1,,* Bln'q Town of Vail Req. NoJ--.--t) 27b- r Contact and Phone #'s: 970 -gfl -3tt z Contractbr Siqnature:Lhn Yh.X,& JUL 17 2000 ONLY*** * ** * * ** ** ** *****************************************FOR OFFICE USE F/everyone/forms/plmbperm /a\ffI.\."'A t'-=5/* J nvNEvAilW HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Departnent Russell Fones! Director, (970)479-213e Check allthat applies. 1. Which Departnent(s) did you conhct? Building _ Environmental_ Housing_ Admin Planning _DRB _ PEC 2. Was your initial contact with our stafi immediaie_ dow _or l no one available 7 3. lf you were required to wa( how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your prqect reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why nol? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app_ PEC app_ Bldg Permit_ N/A 6. Please rate the performance of fre stafi person who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall efiectiveness of the Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2. 1 8. What is the best time of day for you to use $e Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttme? Thank you fortaking the time to complete this survey. We are commitbd b improving our service. TOIIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROTiTTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2a38 APPLICAI{I COI{TRAEIOR OhINER OhINER DEPARTMEI. T OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEIiTT Job Address... : 4284 COLUTIBTNE DR IJOCAC1ON : 4284 COLIJIIBINE DR *A ParceL I.Io. . . . . : 2L0L-1-22-28-00a Project Number: pR,J00-0125 status. -.: IssIlED Applied. . : 07 /!7 /2000 rssued...: 07/L9/2000 Ex5rires. . : 0L/L5/200]- NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MEEHANTCAL PERMTT JOBSITE AT AIJIJ TIMES Permit #: M00-0074 Phone; 970-945-1038 co 81601 Phone: 970-945-L038 co 81601 HI-TECH PLI]MBING O57O CANYON CREEK HI-TECTI PIJTJITBTNG O57O CANYON CREEK MCLEAN MARGARET 641.6 E TUFTS AVE, FILKENS 6, HEATING DRIVE, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, & HEATTNG DRIVE, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, ENGLEWOOD, CO 801_l_l_ Description: INSTAI,L BOILER,WATER HEATER AND HEAT LINES Fj.replace Informagion: Re6tricted: y #Of Gas ApPlianceg: 1 ValuaEion: #Of Gaa Iroga: 15, 000 . 00 +Of wood/PcLleC: FEE SI]I.IMARY Mschanical- - - > PIan check-- - > Investlgation> Will call----> Restualanh Plan R6vicit- - > DRB Fec---- TOTAIJ EEES'- - -'- ?otal celcuLaled PeeF- - - > Additional- Fee6----- -- - - > Total Pcrnlt' Fee--------> 320,00 a0-00 .00 3 .00 ITEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTI4EIiIT O7/1.7/2OOO KATIIY ACIiON: NOTE ROUTED TO 07./L8/2OOO JFIM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED ITCM: 056OO FIRE DEPARTIIEIiTT 07/L7/2000 KATHY Action: APPR N/A .oo . o0 403 . OO 4D3.D0 75 .00 474.00 Pa)rnenta 4?g .00 BAIANCE DUE----- t: BUILDING Division: T: FIRE Dl-vision: COITDITION OF APPROVAI, PER TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE,sEc. 701 oF THE 1-997 I,MC, OR 7 IMC. ORM TO MANUFASTT'RES INSTRUCTIONS AI{D .00 Dep ,fRIq Dep 1.2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. s. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE COIIBUSTION AIR IS REQ COIIBUSTION AIR IS SEC'TION 701 OF THE INSTALI,ATION MUST TO CHAPTER GAS APPLIAN GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF TI{E 1997 I'MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TITE 1997 IMC. ACCESS TO HEATTNG EOUTPMEMI MUST COMPLY WITII CTAPTER 3 AIiID SEC.10I-7 OF THE 1997 IIMC AI.ID CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. BOILERS SI{ALI., BE MOUNTED ON FI.,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. I]NLESS LISTED FOR MOUI\TTING ON COIIBUSTIBI.,E FLOORING. PERMIT,PLANS AI{D CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MEC}IANICAI ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST. DRAINAGE OF MECIIANICAI, ROOMS CONTAINING HEATTNG OR HOtr-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS STIALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 1-022 0F THE L997 UMC, OR SECTTON 1004.5 0F TI{E L997 rMC. ***i*********************?***********************r o **************************** DECLARATIONS r h6!6by acknowledge chat r hav6 read thiE appLication, filled out in fulL th6 infontrarion required, completed atr eccura!. plot plan, and Ecate thal all Ehe informalion provided as required is cor.lecL. r agtee to collply !,ith tha inforBacion and plot. plan,to cohply t{ith all To!,n orditanceE and Etsate }at|6, and fo buiLd hhis structure according Lo t.he Town,a zoning and Eubdivigion codeE, design rcvicw apProved, unifofin Building code and oEher ordinances of the Tonn applicabte thercEo. SIE!{ATURE O! OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF TOI{N OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt *****t**!r*********************!r********************************* Statenmt Number: REC-0555 Anount: 47A.OO O1/L9/OO Ogt,z Payment Method: 7334 Notation: HI TECH PLUI.4BING Init: ,lN Permr't No: MOo-0074 Type: B-MECH MECI{ANI CAL PERMIT Parcel No: 21OL-l-22-28-OO1 Site Addrcees: 4284 COLUMBINE DR Location: 4284 COTUMBINE DR *A This Pa.yment TotaL Feee: 47A.OO Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 478 .00 478.00 .00 Amount 320.00 80 .00 75.00 3.00 ********:lit*******t*************:l***********+t***t**********t*** AccorjJrt code Descripti on MP OO1OOOO311].300 MECIANICAI, PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CHECK FEES cIr 00100003123000 CONT|RACIOR LICENSES we 00100003112800 WrLL CALL TNSPECTTON FEE 97 O- 47 I -2149 (Inspections) 75 S, Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:c Mechanical Room Dimensions r Combustion Air Duct Size and Location : Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Location r Heat Loss Calcs,r Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets it will not be accepted without the followinq: Contact Assessors Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit wvvw.for Parcel # Parce|#(Requiredifnob|dg.permit#isprov.deda 1o-1 /' , /k€ru'g Rus rob Address: th g q /elr_Rr rO Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll riting:Subdivision: ownersname:f, , / K€ n I ll nddress: lAt<4 /"/"itsrril Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed descriDtion of work:"t'2"atr''''"'""""iie tzsz* , ? t,t, fA l rrE EFn u/+ fu/ ,{e^*z;n WorkClass: New( ) Additionffi Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( 7 Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family ( ) OuOlex [d' Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 7_.No. of Accommodation Units in this building: 2 No/Type of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances (/ ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noftype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOTALLOWED) is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EpA phase iI device? yes ( ) trto fk') '\ COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (Labor & Materiats) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Town of Vail Reo. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * x FoR OFFICE USE ON Ly* * * * * * * * * * * * * * F: /everyone/forms/ mechperm *********x* Page 1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *i;;:l:;-F* * * * * * * * * t t( tr * * * * * * * * * J. * * * * * * t( * * * * * * * * * HEATLOSS Vers 5.0 Copyright 1986-1994, Thomas and Associates, Bellaire' MI (616) 533-8472 * * ** * * * *** * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * ** * * rr * tr * * * ** * * * *tr * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * *'k * * * * * * * * * * DAHL GLENWOOD SPRINGS 3356 GLEN AVE GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO. 81601 945-233r L-800 -252-3245 FTi,K"IS REMCDEL 4284 CULUMtsTNE DR VAIL COLO Heatloss is based on a Desj-gn Teirrp. Diffcrence cf 90 The BTU'S per foot of radiation is 580 06-14-2000 VOLUME IS ]. EXPOSED OPENINGS, TOTAI,ING 2 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,TOTAL,ING >>>> ROOM SIZE IS 9.0 i-,ONG by 1-7-5 WIDE, TOTALING >> wINDow TYPE IS: U-Value = .551, Double Pane, Clear Glass WALL, TYPE IS: U-value = .06, Frame Insulated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Value = .033, Unconditioned AEtic Space Above FLooR TYPE rs: U-Value = 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space MASTER BATH CEII-,ING HEIGHT IS 10.OO FEET, The Total BTUH for the outside walls are The Total BTUH for uhe Exposed Openings are The total BTUH for ttre ceilings The Uotal BTUH for the floors The BTUII infiltration for the openings is THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS The total feet of radiation required this room I,5/5 UUE.!L l.EET 5.0 SQUARE FEET 260.0 SQUARE FEET L57.5 SQUARE FEET HEATLOSS L,404 248 +15 0 300 2 ,425 4.2 MASTER BED CEILING HEIGHT IS 1O.OO FEET, VOLIJME IS L,875 CUBIC FEET ]. EXPOSED OPENINGS, TOT.i\LING 2 EXposED WALIJS, not including openings'ToTALING >>>> 24I .0 SQUARE FEET ROOM sIzE Is 12.5 LONG by 15.0 WIDE, TOTALING >> 1-87.5 SQUARE FEET wINDOw TYPE IS: U-Value = .551, Double Pane, Clear Glass WALI-, TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .06, Frame Insulated CEII_,ING TYPE IS: U-Value = .033, Unconditioned Attic space Above FLooR TyPE IS: U-Value = 0, FLoor over any conditioned space HEATLOSS 1,301 J-, bub 553 0 2,040 5,5vU 9.6 The Total The Total The total The total The BTUH THE TOTAL The total BTUH for the outside walls are BTUH for the Exposed OPenings are BTUH for the ceilings BTUH for the floors infilcration for the oPenings is BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS feet of radiation reguired this room PPftO-olzq fYroo- oo-1'{ Town of Yail CFFICE COPY Page 2 NOOK CETI-,ING HETGHT IS 9.OO FEET, VOLUME IS 589 CUBIC FEET 5 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTAL,ING 3 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,TOTAI-,ING >>>> 200.5 SQUARE FEET ROOM SIZE IS 9.0 LONG by 8.5 WrDE, TOTALTNG >> 75-5 SQUARE FEET wINDow TYPE IS: U-Value = .551, Double Pane, Clear Glass WALL TYPE IS:U-value = .06, Frame Insulat.ed CEILING TYPE IS: U-value = .033, Unconditioned Attic Space Above FL,OOR TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space The The The The The TI{E The Total BTUII for the outside walls are Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are total BTUH for the ceilings Eotal BTUH for the f100rs nfiIH infiltration for the openings is TOTAI, BTTJI{ FOR TIIIS ROOM TS Eotal feet of radiauion reguired this room HEATI.,Ogg 1,083 2,843 L82 0 3 ,239 7 ,347 L2.7 LIVINGROOM CETI-,TNG HETGHT IS 14.00 FEET, VOLT]ME IS 4,158 CUBIC FEET 5 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING 2 EXPOSED WAIJIJS, not including openings,TOTAl,ING >>>> 259.2 SQUARE FEET ROoM SIZE IS 18.0 LONG by 16.5 WIDE, TOTALING >> 297.0 SQUARE FEET WINDOW TYPE IS: U-Value = .551, Double Pane, Clear Glass WAI.,L TYPE IS:U-Value = .06, Frame Insulated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Value = .033, UncondiUioned Attic Space Above FLooR TYPE Is: U-Value = 0, Floor over any Conditioned space HEATI,OSS l-,400 6 ,934 891 0 g, 386 17 ,6AL 30.4 The Total BTUH for the out,side walls are The Totat BTUH for the Hcposed Openings are The EoEaI BTUH for the ceilings The total BTUH for the floors The BTUH infilrration for the openings is TIIE TOTAL BTT]H FOR THIS ROOM IS The toual feet of radiation required this room KITCHEN CETI,TNG HEIGH? TS 14.00 FEET, VOLIIME IS L,260 CUBTC I'EET 2 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING 2 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,TOTAI-.,ING >>>> 215.0 SQUARE FEET ROOM SIZE IS l-0.0 LONG by 9.0 wrDE, TOTAr-,ING >> 90'0 SQUARE FEET WINDOW TYPE IS: U-Value = .551, Double Pane, Clear Glass WAI,L TYPE IS:U-Value = .06, Frame Insulated CEILING TYPE Is: U-VaIue = .033, Unconditioned Attic Space Above FLooR TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Ffoor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS 1, 15L The Total BTUH for the ouuside walls are The Total The tot,a1 The t,ot.al The BTUH TI{E TOTAI, The total Page 3 BTUH for the Elcposed Openings are BTUH for the ceilings BTUH for the floors infiltrat.ion for the openings is BTUH FOR THTS ROOM TS feet of radiat,ion recruired this room o z,530 270 0 3, 059 7,020 L2.L BATH CETI,TNG HEIGHT IS 8.OO FEE'I', The The The The The TITE The 1 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING 1 EXPOSED WALI-,S, not including openings,TOTAI-,ING >>>> ROOM SIZE TS 8.0 r.,oNG bv 6.0 wrDE, TOTAT,TNG >> WINDOW TYPE IS: U-Value = .551-, Double Pane, Clear Glass WALL TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .06, Frame Insulaued CEIIJING TYPE fS: U-Value = 0, Conditioned space above FLOoR TYPE IS: U-Valu€ = 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space HEATI,OSS 313 298 0 0 360 97L L.7 VOLir-I',lE IS 384 CUBIC FEET 6.0 SQUARE FEET 58.0 SQUARE FEET 48.0 SQUARE FEET Total BTUH for the outside walls are Total BTUH for the $q)osed Openings are total BTUII for the ceilings total BTUH for the floors BTUII infiltration for the openings is TOTAI, BTUH FOR TIITS ROOM IS t,otal feet of radiation required this room OFFICE CETI,TNG HEIGHT IS 8.OO FEET, VOLUME IS 1,380 CT'BIC FEET ]- EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING 2 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,TOTAL,ING >>>> l-78.0 SQUARE FEET ROOM SIZE fS 1l-.5 LONG by L5.0 WIDE, TOTALING >> L72.5 SQUARE FEET WINDOW TYPE Is: U-Value = .551, Double Pane, Clear Glass WALL, TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .06, Frame Insulated CEILfNG TYPE fS: U-Value = 0, Conditioned space above FI-,OOR TYPE rS: U-VaIue = 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS 96L l_, 686 0 0 2,040 4,687 8.1 The Total BTUH for the outside walls are The Total BTUH for the Elq)osed Openings are The total BTUH for the ceilings The Uoual BTUH for the floors The BTUH infiltration for the openings is THE TOTAL BTTJH FOR TH]S ROOM rS The total feet of radiation required this room BED CEII,ING HEIGHT 15 12.00 F'EET, 3 EXPOSED OPENINGS. TOTAIJING VOLUME IS 2 ,340 CT]BIC FEET 32.0 SQUARE FEET 3 EXPOSED WALI,S, ROOM SIZE IS 13 WINDOW TYPE IS: WALL TYPE IS: CETI-,TNG TYPE TS: FI,,OOR TYPE IS: The Total BTttH for the outside wal1s are The ToLat BT'I'H for the El([)osed Openings are The toual BTUH for the ceitings The total BTUH for the floors The BTLIH infiltration for the openings is THE TOTAI, B'I'UH FOR TIiIS ROOM I3 The total feet of radiat.ion required this room Page 4 not incluaing opeiTngs,TorAr,rNc >>>> 400.0 SQUARE FEET .o LoNG by is.b wrop, TorAr-,rNG >> L95.0 SQUARE FEET U-value = .551, Doub1e Pane, Clear Glass U-Value = .06, Frame Insulated U-Va1ue = .033, Unconditioned Attic Space Above U-Va1ue = O, Floor over any Conditioned Space HEATL,OSS 2,l.50 1, s87 s85 0 L,920 6 ,252 1-0 .8 GARAGE CEII,ING HEIGIIT IS 8.OO FEET,VOI.,IJME IS 2 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTAI,ING 2 EXPOSED WAI-,LS, not including openings,TOTAL'ING >>>> ROOM SIZE IS 22-0 IJONG by 33.0 WIDE' TOTAIJING >> wrl[Dow TYPE IS: U-Value = O, U-Value = 0, No openings vilAL,L TYPE fs: u-value = .06, Frame Insulaued CEfI-,ING TYPE fS: U-value = 0, CondiUioned space FL,OOR TYPE IS: U-V&lu€ = .81', Concrete Floors The Total BTUII for the outside waLls are The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are The total B'IUH for the ceilings The toLat BTUH for the floors The BTUH infiltration for the openings is THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS The total feet of radiation required this room 5, 808 128 .0 312 .0 726.0 in this CUBIC SQUARE SQUARE SQUARE room FEET FEET FEET FEET a-bove HEATI.,OSS 1,685 4,032 0 4, 010 7 ,679 !'7 ,406 30.0 BASEMENI CEILING HEIGHT IS 8.OO FEET,VOI-,UME IS 1 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING 3 EXPOSED WALL,S, not including openings,TOTALING >>>> ROOM SIZE IS 13.0 LONG by 25.0 WIDE, TOTAI'ING >> WINDOW TYPE IS: U-value = .551, Doub1e Pane, Clear Glass WALI-., TyPE IS: u-value = .08, Frame Insulated CEII-,ING TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Conditioned space above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = .41, ConcreLe Floors The Tota1 BTUH for the outside wal1s are The Total BTUH for the Elcposed Openings are The total BTUH for the ceilings The total BTUII for the floors The BTLH infiltrauion for the openings is THE TOTAI, BTUH FOR TT{IS ROOM IS The total feet of radiation reguired this room 2,500 CUBIC FEET 15.0 SQUARE FEET 392.0 SQUARE FEET 325.0 SQUARE FEET HEATI.,OSS 2,822 794 0 682 960 5 ,259 9.t Page 5 LAI'NDRY CEILING HEIGHT IS 8. OO FEET,VOI-,UME IS O EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING 1 EXPOSED WAL,LS, not including openings,TOTALfNG >>>> ROOM SIZE IS 6.0 LONG by 5.0 WIDE, TOTAL,ING >> IIIINDOW TYPE IS: U-Valu€ = 0, No openings in this room WALL fiPE IS: U-Value = .08, Frame Insulated CEIIJING TYPE IS: U-Vaiue = 0, Conditioned space above FIJOOR TYPE fS: U-Valu€ =41 , Concrete Floors 240 CI'BIC FEET O. O SQUARE FEET 48.0 SQUARE FEET 3O.O SQUARE FEET The ToEal BTUH for the outside walls are The Tot,al BTUH for the E><posed Openings are The total BTUH for the ceilings The total BTUH for the floors The BTUH infilt,ration for the openings is THE TOTAL BTI,]H FOR THIS ROOM IS The Eotal feeE of radiation required this room HEATLOSS 346 0 0 63 0 409 o.7 BATIT CEILING HEIGHT IS 8. OO FEET,VOI,I]ME IS O EXPOSED OPENTNGS,TOTALTNG 2 EXPOSED WAL,LS, not including openings,TOTALING >>>> ROOM SIZE IS 5.0 LONG by 9.0 WIDE, TOTALING >> wINDOw TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, No openings in this roonr WALI TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .08, Frame Insulated CEfL,fNG TYPE fS: U-Value = 0, Conditioned space above FL,OOR TYPE IS: U-VaIug = .4L, Concrete Floors 360 C'T'BIC FEET O.O SQUARE FEET 112.0 SQUARE FEET 45.0 SQUARE FEET The Tot,al BTIJII for the outside wal1s are The Total BTUH for the Elcposed Openings are The total BTTJH for the ceilings The total BTUH for t,he floors The BTUH infiluration for the openings is TIIE TOTAI-, BTt'H FOR TIIIS ROOM TS The total feet, of radiation recnrired this room IIEATIJOSS 805 0 0 94 0 90L L.6 TOTAI.,,S *****r*********rk*r(*********************************tk*rtrtrt**rtrt*!ktt****ttrrrk**r*rt**rk***' VOLT]ME fS 22,669 CUBIC FEET 499.8 SQUARE FEET 2,67s.7 SQUARE FEET O.O SQUARE FEET 2,350.0 SOUARE FEET EXPOSED OPENINGS, TOTAI.,ING HEATIJOSS 1,5 ,442 EXPOSED WALLS,above grade nou including openings TOTAL SQUARE FEET, of walls below grade FI.,OOR AIVD CETLTNG STZE TS The Total BTUH for the walls above qrade are The The The The The 0 22,638 2,964 4,850 29 ,983 75 ,878 1_30.8 Page 6 Total BTUH for the wal1s below grade are Total BTUH for the Exposed openings are total BTUH for the ceilings total BT[,H for the floors BTUH infiltration for the openings is TOTAL BTUII, THf S BUII,DING The total feet. of radiation required ************tr*************rr*r.****************************************:Y****tr***** End of report o a tl v +J +)s \t t-o E {€ ral o t + o i\n a +r.t g -,s p J *t sE3 !'I,*"" i go't) *v tgLl *!""etr* .-Town of Vall OFFICE COPY d \}J .5 <-c4t <5 (r= *,f F- z* ,;& C'\< ir€ q) \t (f s) € 2.\t a-o E o o d \) 'a { -c \)?y t-. f t{ - T#t s 2 ? 'Ja, "\ .tU FO \^2 $ >4 J l! wfi ,lol'3frg o v TOT{N OF VArL l_! s. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8165?970-479_2L38 o NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTBD ON,f,OBSTTE AT ALt TIMES ELEeTRICAI pERMfT pennir f: E00_0139 ilob Address, !?94 CoLIIMBINB DR - statsus... I ISSIJED Locar,j.on. .., !?94 coiuciiG DR, rrNrr AApplied. .: o7/L9/2000 parcet No..: zrOr_rzz_ze_ijor' rilued. ..: oz/20/Zooi Projecr No.: pRJo0_012a Explres..: oL/L6/zooL APPLTCAIiNT WAGNER ELECTRIC, TNC.P'9;-!oL rezo, -iv6i'r, co 81G20 Phone: 970-949-616r coNrRAcroR WAGNER -El,icrnicl" iirc.P..9:_F_oL1G20;-Av6ir, eo st62o Phone: e?o-94s-6L61-olrNER MctEAN uane,enrr-'". 6416__E_Tt FTS A\IE, ENGI-,EWOOD, eo 80111 OWNER FILKINS Description: Er,EC TO REMODEL UNIT valuation. L4,G25.00 t*tttt'rtt****t*!'**!l****t*l!r**,,'ttrt**'r',******t'*tr*ttrrr*rrr FEE suurtirxy rrrr**t*r.r.r.**r**rr*irlr*r****rrrir**r***r***rrr*r*rrrrrrr,r Elacrricsl_-_> 27o.oo DRB FG. .OO Totsal Calculat€d t..6---> 2?3"oo Itrv.stlgation> .oo Addirional F.as---------> -oo wlll call----, 3.oo Tobal Pemit Fe6--------> 273.so !ErAL FEEg__-> 2:-3.oo ffffi:;;;;:_-:::_:::::-l ,"r.:: **t*i*r**r**t,r* r***ttar*rrat**t**ar*irir, 6Fiyi,Aggg..H+Fg;;.*_ffiil* _: -__'-; .i..',.*,i**'i** Eiigi,,g11i;_-Fffi ffi +5ffi ST:lippRovED,HE;ff ::il"'*":i;i:iil, *tr'+*ir*et**l.,r ***tt'r***rt***t*t**tr*tr**t*ltr rr***rr***t*ti**r**.rrr*irt**irrrr*a* CONDrTTON OF APPROVAL 1. FIETD INSPEE'IONS ARE RBQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.tttt,,,*tt*tt*i*tt*ttit*rlrrr***tllr*t*r9*r**t rirt''rtt***tttttir****rJ*r*trrrr+.rrrrt**r*r*rr,lir**rrrtt*r*rrrraraa* DECLARATIONS I_ hcrcby acknorl.dgc thet f havo rr.d.thi6 appllearlon, fill6d out in fult the lnfo i::"'ff :iil".ilT"*'":[:$ti!?;r:"liii,;i"i:r*1,:*ixl""i:"*i"il:q'i'sli'l;.'i#:*:,il :ffTi:: :i*.codr6 ' d'5Len r'vic* rpprol€d, unr.roro "riiii.g'ilu.^'l"a otn". o,ii,,"r,;;;i;":";J:t["il.:ff.t:ff-;;;i;-;" rubdrvtgron DEPARI14ENI OF COMMITNIT:f DEVELOPMENT REQT'ESTS POR flVSPBgrrONg 3HAIIJ BE IIADB 1'!{ENTT.FOUR HOT'Rs IN ADVAIICE BY ************************************************+*************** TOWN OF VAIL, EOLORADO Stsatemnt ***************************************************!t************ st,atemnt Number: REC-0656 Amount.2 2?3.oo o7/20/oo 14:05 Payment Method: cHEcK Notation: #19392/wAcNER rniE: RMW Permit No: 800-0139 T14)e: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERUIT Parcel No: 2101-L22-29-00L Slt,E AddrCsS: 4284 COLI'MBINE DR I,OCATiON: 4284 COLI'IIBINE DR, I'NIT A Toeal Fees: 273 . OO ToEaI ALL PmE,s : Balance: 273.O0 273.0O .00 This Payment, ****t*********************************************************** AccounE Code Descript.ion EP OO1OOOO31114OO ELESTRICAL PERMIT FEES VIC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJIJ CAIJIJ INSPECTION FEE Amount, 270. 00 3 .00 970s4s433S;JUI-1S-00 11:124M; o APTCATIOT| wrLL t{oT BE ACCEPTED rF rX@t{pLETE OR Uil[ilcilED Page 1/1 .ETE C'R UTSIGTED lq!""r*: qBto,p,olzS BuiHing Permit #z beo -olz-s Electrtcal Perrflit f: '{iiffit*Pccuom)NNNNYIIL ?5 S. Fronrge Rd Veil, Cohndo a1657 ( 9r0-tMffiqvisit #Palg9l# (Rrquirud ilno ltOg. pcrril t"o ".'*' FJhf lffi. faa;vat(4 Job Address: *ZA+ cplufi-pltte pnVe qU|f A l-egal D€scriptirn I Lot: I noar: I RUng:SubdMsbn:*ltHAf{fr n".E-Jre ,Y^?&iu lenone: Engheer:Address:Ptpne: : WorkClass: Nerv() ryg!g[!.) Re,r'odd(X Repair( ) Temppower( ) o$er( )'.WorkType: Intedor 04 Erterior ( ) Bo$ ( )Do€sanEHU€xHattlrbhxation: Yes( ) t{o( ) - TvpedBrdg.: singlefamiv( ) oupkxx ilult-htv( ) comnreniar ( ) RestilEnt( ) o$er( ) .' No. of Bd*ing Duaelling UntE In ftb burtding: Z-.No. of Armmrdathn UntB in thb buildtnq: Is qis permltlgl a hot brb; Yes ( ) No COiIPLETE SQ. FEET KIR NEW EUILIIS and VALUATIONS FOR AII OTHERS (t.ebor &, patcr;3b) @T|TRAOOR IT{FORMATIOTI AMOUNT OF 5Q Fr IN STRUCTURE: Electical Contncbr; +1.ot( t a * t a ta t ar*t i tt * r | | tr?. a* t a * | t a I I t aaa *a a I ; A ,. ^t-o #$*{u-tWl$'*" .JUL 1 I 2000 TOV-COM.DEV. F;if ecrfone/brrc/chOerm 'ltr TOIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE vArL, eo 81657 970-479-2L38 APPLICAffT COr.lTRAqrOR O!{NER DescripEion: ADD GAS FIREPI,ACE Fireplace Inforuation: Restricted! Y ROAD THE HEARTH EXCHAIiIGE INC P.O BOX 570, MTNTURN CO 81645 TIIE IIEARTH EXEIIAIiIGE INC P.O BOX 670, MTtil:TURN CO 81645 MCLEATiI MARGARET 6416 B TUFTS AVE, ENGLEWOOD,CO DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NIIY DEVELOPMENI NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT AI-,L TIMES MECIIAIiIICAI, PERMIT Permits #: M00-0077 ilob .Address. . . z 4284 COLITMBTNE DR Locat,ion. . . . . . : 4284 COLIIMBINE DR Parcel No.. ... : 2101-122-28-00L ProjecE Number: PRJ00-0125 Stsatus.. AppIied. Issued. . Hq)ires - ISSI'ED 07 /2L/2OOO oL/L7 /2OOL *of cas Appliances: Phone: Phone: 80111 Valuat,ion: *Of Ca6 IJog€: 970 -827 -9623 970-827 -9623 2, 000 . 00 *of Wood/P.ll.ts: ***rr*'ri'rtrr{r** FEE st !.{uARy *r*t!t'rt'r*t'rtttttttttttt*rrrrr*rrr*tr*rrrrrrrrrrrrrrtirtrtr M.chanlcal-- -> Pfan Or€ck- - - > Inv.6cigatsion> will call----> RcBtuerBnt PIBn R€vicr.- - > DRB Fee-------- TOIAIJ PBES----- Total Calculaled Pcc6- - - > Additional FeeE---------> Total ParBit FGc--------> {0 .00 10 ,00 .00 3,OO .00 .00 53 .00 53.OO . oo 53.OO BAIANCE DUE-- - - . " ". "' " " ;,';; ;;;-;;;;;' ;il;;-. - _ _ _ :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,."*'.O7/2L/2OOO JRI4 ACEiON: 'APPR APPROVED IEABi.95680 FrRE DEPARTMENT - Dept: FrRE Division:I7/2L/2OOO JRItt AcEion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIIAIiICE. COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 7O]- OF TIIE ]-997 T]MC, OR sEgrroN 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. INSTALIJATION MUST CONFORIiI TO IIANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS Al{D TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 t'MC, CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. GAS APPLIAIiICES SIIAL,L BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I AriID SIIATL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF TIIE 1997 TJMC, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPI.,Y WITII CTIAPTER 3 AI{D SEE,1O17 OF TIIE 1997 T'MC AIiID CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. BOILERS SHALL BE MOINTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI,E CONST. I'NLESS LISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. PERMIT,PI,ANS AI{D CODE AI\TALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECIIAT{ICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AT.I INSPECTION RBOI'EST. DRAINAGE OF MECIIANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HE,ATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOIIJERS SHAI-'L BE EOUIPPED WITII A FI'OOR DRAIN PER SEC.L022 0F THE 1997 I,MC, OR SEerrON 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. **********!t***:t:l***!t************************************************************ L.2, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. DECI,ARATIONS t h.r|!/tr rckrofl.dga tbrt I hrvc r.rd Lhl,t rEtrllcrt{on, flU.d out in full Cbe lnforretlon rrqufur.d, eoq)lrtsrd |rr rceqt u. Dlo!pl|n, rnd rtrtl hhaE dl th. lnfororblqr prorddod |! !irgu{!.d 1.. corract. t rgrlc co coqrly rlth eh. lnfori!.tld! rnd plot plrn, to cq)ly rlch rll To 1ordin|!rcar.nd rtata lrr., r|ld to bulld chb ai8uccurr icqordLng to thc toln,r ronlng rnd ]rbdiwblqr codlr, d..igm r.vLor tpprov.d. lhLf,ol|! Eulliling Codc .ad oths- ordl,nrne.! of, ch. towl qDlle.blc th.rG!o. RIQUIAT8 FoR. IIAPBCTIoNA ECrlIr BB lllDE lllEItT!-rOUR llOIrRl llf AD\rAtrCE Bv T*tlEPllOl|B AI t?9-:1!E OR tl! Ott O?FICE PROU 8!Oo .[l| BIOO ltt gx(f,tat{rRE ot odtf&, oR @NIRlctlR roR |tIt|aBLr ll|D N l-.!t' 4 APpLrcArrocLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLFllR#irt* Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9-2149 (Inspections) MWNOFUAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd, Vail, Colorado 81657 anE* VAIL MECHANICAL P Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:c Mechanical Room Dimensions r: Heat Loss Calcs.r, Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets Contact Assessors Otrice at 970-328-864O or visit www.for Parcel # Parcef # (Requiredif nobldg.permit#isprovidedabove) tiO / lZ ZZ S<C,rti lob Name: Fr lFrhs iZas,d<,,rc<Job Address: qre V Colurnbtne Pr-t u( Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll riting:Subdivision: 6u.trer,otc Owners Name: 7=iglc-ins ll Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: l-'t-& a 4.rd [2aa/a'<- c1a Lw.Aa/ Work Cfass: ltew ( )/ naaiftn 64 Alteration ( )Repair ( U )Other ( ) BoilerLocation: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single{amily ( ) Duplex (/z Multi-family ( ) Commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: No/Type of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances (r.f Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II de,rice? Yes ( ) No ( t2. COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (Labor & Materials) iooo- CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractor: {z-t+e"o Frr/;--z-Town of Vail Reg. No.: t /4-z/ Contact and Phone #'s: ga Z - ?d ;t 3 - Qua...-, //ar"44 U Contractor Signature: F: / everyone/forms/ mechperm Iti o2 .o OE Fi ov .o I FI .; tr 19 l{ U F ; Dq t{.{t{e U F lq (9 f -z {o o A(,va FI =l. t{o Or tt) Q' i! lr qH lro UET OQ @ aFr 2Z LO rit E F FF ZA IO F,tr DF AB db tl9 !l t4F HZ oo AE ET ci H d t! 4 Er !4C :U z@ c pl Et{o oll H CA l/r |(o (JL' B F ir R z b c F l: En,->o qZ41 4E EO t ac o AAg{ o '..1 .i ..:,--. :.....:',..-. lqPrttlE!tFr1 lnsfi Fnf !:}ii*' itttiitgtltu!t Ar t.a. vrii r.i.lJl€:i.i. T!;eS{tA}, ;nnr tFf'l, if}, ilt,{li .E\r .r;:i ;lr-;;.iIa;;i i:;l .'*ri-i:., ..--. .-.1-.'.. -.,.. lr .'. * F-EiEu ,Jr.lu l.i1Jr:. 4L/r;r- -,;I.','.,, -,,'l:-,.. . '5r.cl r.:: -i.>'- 9: r,-, ; . :. 1..,, - 'fr:$'. a.:" I)r+t | .) '..._: .;:.:: ..j,. 1t!!.1 Ft.F/-..Fi-il y:.*._irv*:r .-:rl:._ in j,,_' :i,::-*ll# i,- ,,, J!; -,; * J! --- ,,i4.ii.le$led f ime: llll'j,ltl ;;ilii -ilul/9. J5v_7d | - (JE/ Y ft24ry,4 Wtl k, f 1&-', hfl 0 flniA fo--4 ' E n.rc"?--'t/x r':f,\.f F.Jra:. /*trvl+ !!ir-...1 t:.r;.'r, l''-,:- ii,, . 4..' llvi r ! 1t,-i Ei.H,] ,]ir*:-:' iri'.-i,lnl :'l:lji'r?il 'i.'illa;:e,1 i icuul ,;u: $u REPTl31 Run Id: 37O I"* 3?^{?#0t tnspec0:fi,te.quF?&tforting eage 0 Requestod inspe$S+S: t$rgf ebruary 02, 2001 lnsooctlon TvD6: iIECH Inipectlon Arba: JRt S[e Addross: 4284 COtUItiBlt{E DR VAIL 428'l COLUllBlllE OR #A A/P/D hrformdlon Ac'tivity: M0&0074 Type: &MECH Srt Type: Const TvDa: Occuoahcy: Use: Pai,LGl: 210112228001 fuplicanl: HLTECH PLUMBING & HEATING Phonc:Orrer: MCLEAN MARGARET Contractor HI-TECH PLUMBING & HEATING Phone:O*ner: FILKENS Oescfiptlon: INSTALL BOILER,WATER HEATER AND HEAT LINES Reouestod lnsoectlon{s) ADUP 97G94$1038 97&94t1038 Srtatus: ISSUED lmp Ar€a' JRM Reouostod Tlme: 0l:00 Pll - Phonc: 97G94$1038 Enicred By: LCAMPBELL K frem: 390 tECH-Flnal RsouastoI: HI-TECH PLUMBING & HEATING/SIWe Coflimcr s: Unlt A Assioned To: CDAVIS - Aciion: Timc Ep: _ lnsooctlon l{lsilonl -- Comments: Item: 390 MECH-Final y;*Y#Wra^,r t Hoods ' (ODtional)Air (Oplidnal) (Ootlond) " /,j$**iTt;;proved*' (J tStBLt2 JRM Aclion: APPR APPROVED Inspcc{or: JRM APPR BATH FANS (Reqlrld) {W,J€,Q Itam: Item: Itom: -/rb6f' REPTl31 i Run Id: 370 o 3?^-3r"#0, Inspec$on,lequFgt le|ortins page s Roquosted lnspos?+s: E$.fffobrudy 02, 2001 lnsDoctlon Typ€: PLIIB Ins-pectlon Alba: JRil Slte Addess; 4284 COLUMBINE DR VAI! 4284 COLU]IiBINE DR SIDE A Slatus: ISSUED InspAlg.' ,*tu| *r'q$,Ht cDAVrs hsoectlon Hlslorv Comments: 10 PS It6m: 250 PLMSPooUHot Tub Itom: 260 PLMSMisc. Item: 290 PLM&Final APPR APPROVED (ODtlonal) JJW ' Ac'tlon: APPR APPRoVED /i,tfi',U L&)FJ* Br+r,* 9rilt< Mof C-ufugE l/N?rfLc StAft,uht_ O^) LAJI'JOBq to,tn4 tr/cd^DPnN tr) PgPT131 Run Id: 358 ,o'.# 01-30-2001 lnsoection Reouest Reoortino Paoe I 8 0(l am Vail Co'- City Of - - Requested lnspect Date: Tuesday, January 30, AIrl ' lrrsper,iiiorr Alca: EG eite Address: 42gf COLUmEIiIE DR vAlL 4284 COLUMBINE DR. UNIT I. A,i P/D Infgrmatlon Activitv. E0C'0i 39 Twe. &ELEC /ranar ?rai ^^^,^-;l '.Annli.;nt \ /AGNtrR Fl FCTRIC INC ' coffractor: wncNen ELECTRIC. tNc Opner: MCLEAN MARGARET (,lwner: FILKiNS Desctiptiurr. ELEC TO REMODEL UtllT Reouested lrlsoectlonlsl ftem: Rcque:iur. Arslonrd To:- Achon: nill csll O 1f; hr before EGLATZ_E "tr hsoecilon Hlstorv 1C0 ELEC.Fhal WALiI.IEn ELeU t itlu. lItlU./.JArl Timc E)e: ELEGTemo. Power {Optional) Reque!*ed Tlme: 08:00 All ' Fhotre: 39&9335 Gaty Entered By: LCAMPBELL K. sub Type: ADUP U5e; Phonn: 97G.94S6161 Phone: 97&9496161 Siatus: i56UED InsD Area: EG 4?a kit',/"^ igD ry4 !-^i 4 Itcm: It6m: 110 ELEGTemp. 120 ELEGRough Inspeclor ,arrn!rvEt, toJrYJnl"rf'lf npo,oJJo - _S p,l-c"-4A LPv Adron: 'PPR APPROVED C orrrtrterts: Comments: ELEoconduit ELEGMisc, ELEC-Firal lfteoecton LPV Action: CC CERTIFICA A.DDTL COMMS. PAFTIAI- ONLY UPON CONDITTONS COI PANEL.. GFI UPSTAIRS. MOVE KITCHEN RECEP.:: RESCI Item: Item: Iter r-t: 130 140 't90 (Opliq1al) tfiHfi1"Jj :., :; L',/: 4 0 t' 30 \OI I t Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Mclean Addition Project Number: PRJ00-0125 Project Description: Addition of dormerl replacement of windows and garage door Owner, Address, and Phone: Margtret Mclean 6416 E. Tufts Ave,, Englewood, CO 801f f 303-257-6416 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Melissa Greennuer, Greenauer Design Group P.O. Box 5963, Vail, CO 81658 926-1783 Project Street Address: 42bl Columbine Drive, Unit A Legal Description: Streamside Townhomes, Unit A Parcel Number: 2101.1222E001 BuildingName: StreamsideTownhomes Comments: *45 sq.ft. added under 250 ordinance *Eagle Co. Assessor has parcel / address information recorded incorrectly Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions. Board/Staff Action Action: Staff approved with 1 condition 1. Materials and colors must match existing Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: 05124100 Project Name: Mclean Addition DRB Fee Paid: $50.00 r.rAy-o I -60 l3 ' oo FRoM, Tov-coM-DEu-DEPT.*;"Jilil;- *,tiJ.,x APPUCATION FIOR DESIGN REUIEW APPROVAL 4.G9 ( cr,ar..!.r"(- , u-'.,T A ott }>Th@ | .4 I'D'l- .A'AL' ffi.TERAL INTORMATIoI,I This apdf:atbn is lbr arry prcJefi reqLdrtng oeOgn Radew apprc\al. Any project l€euhing (biJn revierv m$t rc0eh/e Destgn Re\den app|oval prcr to grhnHhg fur a bultlioo o€mL For spccifE inlbnnatlon, see tt|e cJbtribl requirenents frrfie partcular appmrol that b requesEd. The aFllathn cannot be acce@ unhl all the equlted informtbn is $hnitted. The proied may abo neert to be rcvievred by the Tovm Courril and/orthe Phnniry and Envionrn€fltal Comrnisshn. Dcrign Rwbur Berd approval rxpires one Year eltcr finel apprcwal unlers a bliHing pcrmit ie lreircd and eonstrudbn b sbftrd. DE5CRIPTICN OF THE RRUESf : LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: PhIYSEAI ADDRESS| c D. E F. G. OF REVIEW AND FEE: lleryGonctnrctin - 92OO Addhron - f50 llinorAh€retion - 52O &nstrucbon of a nerw building, Indudes any additbn whsre squarc foegc b a(Hcrl !0 arry rcsittefitial or conmercial buildftg. Indutlcs n$nor changes to buildinlp ard sie impnn larc, such as, rlroofing, pslrting, windonv additbnS hndsaping, fences and rctainirtq walls, etc- DRE fees are b bc paid at the tine of srbmi,tbl. libr, wtEn appVing br t br.rildhg permQ please Uendry the acn rate vduation d the p|oFd. The Tovm of Vall yYil adjust he fue accodhlg to the ptpied vabatin. PIEASE SrBtilIT ilIS AFPIICATIOII' ALL SUBIIITT L RRUIREHENTS AIID THE FEE TO TI{I DEPARTITIETTIT OF OMHUI{ITY DCVEIOPIIEI'II, TYPE * tr I ^^l a-tl flTllqb?i,r,,'_ *t I l-- t _-. 7s sottrH FRotrt'TAcE RoAD, vArL @roR oo 816s7. w^'/*tbn*r- /\ '. ^i J rr'\t ' l,:: fiz+ L'" - 'r j,zo4ft (-) i-ra Co. Ass€sso6 Ofrrce at 9lt-32&E640 fu pard #) oTYNER(S) zloLrtzz-z6O4-'Pt"t)+F oo oo ei; lt nD,Ic urtr-n lrt-s; W IIEEQE..IdAIEBAL:GEII&B:. Rod Siditr& Othcr WrIl Macridr F.$i! Sofrrts Windows ' WindolTrim Dofir Door Trim Hend c Dcct Rrils Fluqr Fla*fthgr . Ciima6r. Tn$ Eicloarrc$ Gtt*ofourcr Rcldning Wdlr Extcrior Lighting'r Othcr r Hilc tpccify thc lilltrdurs's color, nm$cr ud rtt*i e gmrll color chi r' AII ottcior lighting ruc rocd 6c To*r'r Ligbting ordinrroc I E.i1.0s0(J} tf qtqic ligirinB ir ptopgrcd, Plclso hdlc$t ta nrdc of,finuu rnd locrions on r reprnto liciling plu. Idsrdry crcb trtrc rfb iic pmvro thc hcighr rborc fFrth, lrmu ortprt. lunhcl lcr, rrd dtrh r sril 3tcet of tbc liglffiig firEu. V,zvnAII Updr.d6,Y, ,/" _U*4po,5&*;r*ia>t flt7ura( Ot hnndMrrgrcHfir 6416 E. TulLrAv. ChryHf Vil&.OOl0lll Ilcr f,fr. rd rft. Fk a OiltrnrFCtIu I o'd d,lltt6 -t&l'' ItC''r!l!D" rf'ux€ 3 tafd |r! al-o l^t NO^XD'' ll5|t '' t'z t0!!o4' :f3't1 o0/'rl' tt"tt'otr /^Dr.rtdffir lftricrJoht tl2lTrthd,Rod Loubvib.KY {040? MrEl-,20m Wc brve rwbrnd 6c *ctctrcr h ulior cb;a h you lc ooql*f; r pr oft}: rcmO&rl pmj*t brpur rilc dlb drdsrt {2t{ Cofr{*E Ih. udt Al ld btil m o{rcb'rto tb FFr I ot cpr. Ttfi ubo of"tnolim ioIf i brh3 3fir plla m tb Ooml wdl{aubtEd hhrU romrcroftffiArd IralLCobdt|E h. Wo underrllnt rhl prr rnmnntbn cruw rill cmlcdl rmrbb clbll El ro itffi wlt qrr tn our Ftopclty tlui|3 tha oHlluilbD Pcdod' o o o Atf,,r J-rFr$rrfrf E I .t i la is i8 lo I t J I e sH D\ $i tt!l!t-.\$ i$ls il$$i t.r s N s h) s F g$lt F qt $t t Fg o o z o c r F rn z o m J o im lx ii qF c, "\ E o\ $ o o 0 f, Lii ll rl l*'*lF- l,g#*l I lfr t-{ I - hEr' r.u..r I I --- -- I loEuo-tll#Ji *,Ht[,ii;'*^ lF=:J A ili5 ili: P\ ) l'*'*lfl f ,g+Eltl I lln r'r-l | - rttrt r.'.n .r | ! --- |loEuo-zll#Jl '*fifHi,.1',u*^ llF:---l ro l*-lffi Fryl ! A_t ll-. ,*_l I ol crrrlrr s.r- - udr e ! | 1-=- |I " ll-h t il Yt orrttl.67 | l: -:= trrl tll lltil F l!"fi , ilt F ltll lrll r I I I I I I >\q ^6--T\ Y d -t Ir ra- an rrtffi *GT Morgorct ond Don Filklns ht'f |trtc.||a flta Oinlhr Dlvr - Unlt A ttl Grarrjr llllT o?aanou|r 'rftFrr t----- r-I l 'le+*ltl I lEs- "r-J| - hiti?Rdofl ||--- |lrr Illlr Vn*1 il iffr!'r C.lrrffl. Dt- - Utn A llrrr I t Lu- t il---l I H- drrr-lta6? |l--'- ..-a o ro il F f ii T it ri { fi t F ffi f ,ss+*i I IlI. gJ! - htrtctdl ll--- I Ier-rll=#-rl *'ffii.;,'*^ ll-:=:---l o \ o tT]r-1 l.*'*lfl l'g*Sqtl I l|!! Ir | | - rir{r lricr I | ,-- |IEL-4ll#ll **ffi;;,T^ lF=:---l E F E I I I rl nl I ! (( rli l7:t ru tvl x F:Z nI f"-'*lF:--- t@l | | lr' r't:--.j | - hrrt trndr | | rE- t i fl -q llffil l .r- c.J'u. ur- - u* ^ 1 r-- I I Er v i lt; rr i i fl. hr'lo lll57 i tE- ----i o -. tTl :o i-ii-i ffi t-Ft lfl -7llrl ,ru*r ll .rr.c.rmrhfir-u;re ll1=- |i -- ' ilrt r I I rr||. Oo.?F ]llt J i- --l l-r i--i i ,{EEr xo. ll#: _ J I uo.goret ond Don Fitkins I I- ,g#n I I I lntrlr Rrnoad lt I I EL_8 f lqt rrtu{--l | .zu.Gornnbrnr l'r - unrt r | | 1-;- I , -- - llr; rr | | v.t. C..Edc !rrs7 I l-e'r r F-l Flffi t@l lft -qflsr rfve ll ,744c.lunlri.Drrr-unrte ll1--=- |I bb v I lun rr | | vot. craroea llst I lerr rr--l I r*erra ll-- ll Morooret ond Don Fllkins ll sj$l*l{l I IFE-==--| | - htrrr rFldl | | .-- |l-, .^ llr! tlttltrl ll fl!. CduGrih. o'|f, - Uilt A llfer I IR L- lu lFslr Ll I h[ cr|o.rarT _ il-.e rs, r*{ffi [_Fl IEL-l1 ll#l I **ffi.fi,;,'*^ lls=---l ll". ti!' e]!lo9lll (It an} r r-- --a- iiiiii fi -r I r=t rn ll'* I I Moroorct ond Don Filkins I I liry-l | - rirr'' nrm.- | I ss s.6_11 lrr ,f.,tal I rU C-rirh. DIF - Unli A I lELEtr-'l!ff'l I nr c.r-.o oru I rtl ll! tI| ill l|l |Il Il rll |Ii tll t- L I I I In" ii'iiliii orudloutT qrar|tL ,FI {rri- '-t L aa- an VCYt<l tl| |rt ta -, Morgoret ond Don Filkins latrt lrrsad {llf Odn*lu Oth - ttlt A H, 0drrdc ttltT 08/14/98 F'RI ll:01 FAI 970 476 6495 Prudentlal-vall @ ooz Legal dercrlPtiou: Unit A, Together with an undivided 7r interest in and to Comnou Resubdivision of ParJ li-itrcanrioe Townhouses ecrordlng il;;ry a,-rgrz in Bti'szz at Page 2{4 u Reception No' Colondo. Ihcrebycotisthatt|rislmprovemorrtLocalgnCertifrcatewaspreparcdfotltudentislG6e R8r,ge prop€rties, [nc..or Jt;; ;ff;t;il itr; ;is"J. co. Inc., tlEt it is not a land survcv Plat or improvement survey plat #iil tG; to ue relred "fi" r* the esublishrnent of fence' building or * "ffi1g"#fft[11,o i!prou..*o.91t\ above d$oribed porcer on this datc August 10, ree8,exceptutilityconnecti;;I,e**t;i;:tilg:^Py.g:"*"-t:.1tr1"Tffi tr"*Ht*:ffi:' fiT ":H'ffiff 'i ;J;"T;#uti"''*' ui improvcmcnts ^on g11-adlornrns premises' .,.o€,pt as indicate4 -a tuti#eli.;";il#;a*"i "r i.v utt"oum$i$!:fl,,::** *t partorsaidparcel,cxccpt*t,rT -/ -.*H*i?#;Z Parcel A, Find Plat, A to the Plat rccorded 468361t Ergle CountY' T #L- I @: ' 'wil;r:..u1.15 Notes: Recordedinformationandtlrelpgsldescnptiln-wasprovidcdbyStewartTitleofEagleCo..Those eosemcnts listed on Corrnitn*q{'ffi. Sio-l-ffiCt tf*i fit "lUU"'nt subject property and are described i" " *"i tttt "uows them to te d"awn' are shown on the drawing Unit A outline fotlorrs thc du rlex outline' Ad&ess: 428/. A Columbine Privc I a,'.ia 2 .il NotdAccrrdilStocokndoLu,ludr4cmur@rlytcgircriobr*duporoy&turcrthirocfificrbwihhthttryar|rffcryoufil ditcovc, '|Eh dE&.L lD F Gvcd ny rry ldioo br.{ uFs rly {bfcai io ou"ffln?"I -tt--".0 mr th[ Ln yG'F aoo |bG ddo of c.rtifcrtilto shm bEcor. ur"a r-..t1i PLq 30946 Coudy' Rd 356 Bulor'VitL' co' trzl I ol9) 395-9160 t I I o8/t4/98 FRI 11:02 FAX 970 476 6499 Prudetrtial-Vail __ Colorado. UnitA,Togetherwithenundivided%intercrtinandtoComnouParcplA,x.imlPbt'A Resbdivision of prrcel rro streemsid" r*ioo."", accord-ing.!:-!1" plrrt rccorded Fobruary 6, tg92 in nooilsiiit r"gu 24H; Rec.ption No.45&161, Eegle county' l;r ze-z S<ALE l'= .'a "u \,Nl\t 1 *...^rrtt\ t\\,\ \\ q -T- \f\\,r,\\ ,i \ \N*) FAKCAL B @ooB .\Ktl,t\N j-ru* ',9 qbL'4 r^P,,,E.:U c tlzr-'51" e tee.ae' (Wfu_ r cooonnco rny lcgtl rtio! brsr uod ary &filt 6 thit csrifrcrb sifri!-fitc yclr rftlr l'o fu rcabn b.&d rymrny Uoru iout Jft=i"o*o"a nie&! t6 yEr$ fiofi te'ltaof I k>7 Ps" I g'-\ PfS, 30956 Coltty. Rd 356 Bsln vistr' Co 8l2l I (?19) 395'160