HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN SUB RESUB OF LOT 20 PARCEL C LOT 20-1 20-2 COMMON ELEMENT LEGAL.pdf75 3oulh fronlage road Yail, colorado 8165? (303' 475-7000 0ctober .|5, l9B4 Al ida Zwaan % Gore Range Properties 5ll l,Jest Lionshead Mall Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Al ida, The following information wiIl subdivision application for the l. The Coopers' s'i gnatures on 2. A written statement as to ofllce of communlty developmenl Re: Parcel C, Resub of Lots 20-l and 20-2 Bighorn Subdivision be needed to complete your minor Sorenson-Cooper properti es : an application form. the reason for this request. 3. A certificate added to the my1 ar copies for the signature of the chairnan of the P'l anning and Environmental Commission. 4. A "dotted line" on the my1 ar copies showing the property'l ine that is proposed to be abandoned and the sizes of both existing and proposed 1ots. This item w'i ll be scheduled for review by the Planning and Environmental Cormission when the above information js submjtted. Someone representing the applicants will have to be present at this meeting. I apologize for any inconvenience caused on our part with respect to this application. Now that everyone appears to be clear on what is being requested, we will do what we can to expidite this app'l ication as soon as possib'le. Please do not hesitate to call me with any questions you may have. Si.ncereJy, /r \ .l / , i., rA / \ il,\.) IN-'r\ Thomas A. Braun Town Planner TAB: bor P. Cl Box c- roo avoN,coLc|.et€?o r303t 9ae-6ct72 E t'Hffi;.Jff;*". .r.?*i#t.s;EEa ttE ARE FonwRnotHo JD you:' ffi.rewith I Estlmafes I Prlnts D C"py of Letter D tr U Proposa I s Speclfications Change Order I UnOer Separafe Cover Vla D Reports E !.tey W ry/e4rs NO. COPIES DMI1ING NO.LAST DATED DESCR I PT ION Z Y-{o7/s a/B/.A-/"/ /f€5egA/u,Jr:2Ll 6F BA;€(S C Ary2 I\ SVzr .ioe' Dupce,o . R, . n, Suflilu*r*r ---../ ALr/l of ytq/i. THESE ARE TMNSMITTED: D fp. Your Use ffiror Approval tr tr For Revlew and Corment Approved as Submltted tr u A-s Requested PLEASE NOTE: t.uuW trtor-Xorrtrlr .PER Avon Lakewood o;rO @tober 26, L984 Dear PEC: Re: Parcel C, Resub of Iots 20-1 ard 20-2 Bighorn Sr.rbdivision I4r. Coope.r sold ttre above V2 dr.plo< to l4r. & Ivlrs. Sorenson last Februarlz. fte Sorensons felt they stould have a sun/ey ccnpleted to be certah of the lot lines. The result ves that ttre deck qr ParceI C encnoactred onto Parcel D. I4r. Cooper agreed to tte statqents attached in the letter frcrn ttennis ble. (See attached) Thank 1or.r for lour cooperation in tln above rnatter. Sincerely, A.q' n /)/Z/-a>f}' Alida Zwaan U/ Core Range Properties Scott Ridler Bridge Street Real Estate oj COLORADO OFFICE: OO82 EAST BEAVER CREEK BLVD. POST OFFICE BOX 1633 AVON, COT,ORADO 81620 (303) 949-546r DENNIS D. COLE A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW INDIANA OFFICE: 1115 MORNINGSIDE DRIVE ANDERSON, INDIANA 46011 (31?) 649€866 February 24, I9B4 A1 ida Zwaan ski & Shore Rea] Estate 288 Bridge Street Vaif ' Cqlorado 81657 and John Nilsson and Scott Ridler Bridge Street Real Estate & fnvestment Ca. 286 Bridge Street Vai1, Colorado 81657 RE: SaIe from Rorrald Cooper to John and Darleen Sorenson Dear Alida, John and Scott: By means of this letter, I simply want 'to confirm the written agreements entered int.o at the time of closing the above transacti-on, whereby the three of you on behalf of your respective real estate companies agreed to be responsible for re-pJ.atting the property l-ine between parcel D anci Common Parcel C. You are responsible for cornpleting the following: 1. Vacating the existing property line between ' Parcel D and Common parcel C. 2. Having a nerr property line surveyed pursuant to the red a-g line drawn on Exhibit IA,' to the agreement entered into between Cooper and the Sorensons. Subrnitting a new plat of parcel D and Comrnon Parcel C. re-platted pursuant to the new property Iine as surveyed. 3. o3 Alida Zwaan John Nilsson Scolt Ridler February 24, l9B4 Page 2 Very urs, Making sure that Cooper then deeds to the Sorensons any interest which he may have ln the new Common parcel C as defined by the re-olatting and having the re-platting approved by the Tordn of Vail. rn accordance with the agreement entered into by you with the Sorensons and Mr. Cooperf you will be responsib-le- for al1 costs and expenses incurred in completing the a-bove. If f can be of assistance to you in any way at all, please feel free to contact me, otherwise r simply warr'ted to miki sure that you understand your responsibility to have the above items completed by not later than Septefrber t, \g84. it is, of course' a pleasure to work with you and r am grateful for your cooperation and assistance in c.l,osing this paiticular transaction. If you have any questi6ns or ^need any further information from me, please Lontact ne. t' ,- /,(u nis D torney at Lal, DDC,,/smf cc: Mr. and Mrs.John Sorenson .? i o3 OOoor, g-ar-ry APPLICATION FOR DUPLEX SUBDIVISION REVIEW NAME OF MAILING A PPL ICANT 't.'r^r b,AR q€r,€A. So6-Gn,.icnl ADDRESS P,o. B-<tg3 B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE MAILING ADDRESS PH}NE 4'.74 3337 Cc+-*'ro<, PHONE n NAME OF Oh.lNER'S |\4AILING PROPERTY OI^JNER (pri nt tvpe)J*y D S IGNATURE ADDRESS 4. S-ida.{>,..) E + 76 3337 t.- Cut D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL LOT BLOCK : SUBDIVISION F ]L ING v-)tt d.L/ la /-' 7"/,II' l. Two^myl ar copies_of.the_duplex subdivision plat following the requirements of Sectjon .l7.'16.130(C) I ,2,3,4,6,1,9,9,.I0,.li,.t3 and l4 oi the Sutjdivisio;- ReguI ations. 2. The plat must contain the fol'l owing statement: "For zoning purposes, the two lots created by this subdjvision are to be treated as one entity with no more than one two-family residence allowed on the combined areas of the two lots." The statement mirst be modified accordingtothenumberoflotscreated...,,.. 3. A-copy of the declarations and/or covenants proposed to assure the maintenance of any common areas. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIE!|l CRITERIA These can be found in Chapter 17.24 of the Subdivision Regulations. FILING AND RECORDIN6 The Department of Comnunity Development will be responsib'l e for promptly recording the plat and accompanying documents with the Eagle county clerk and hecbrder upon Town of Vail approval . H. oo A PPL ICANT APPLICATION FOR DUPLEX SUBDIVISION REVIEW OOoo* A.NAME OF MAIL ING ADDRESS PHON E B.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE MAiLING ADDRESS PHONE C. NAME OF O!\lNER'S MAILING ADDRESS PROPERTY Ol^lNER (pilin lXtqp"l >/...'|'./ D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL LOT BLOCK SUBDIVISION E. FEE $100.00 PAID FIL ING 1.,0, li""'ll ;rr. 1r.1 7 \,i)ae"l ,,,,, *tri: 52r.,, ,,ir, ^ J F, MTERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED 1. Two-mylar cgqig:_qL!fe_duplex subdivision plat following the requ.irements of Sectjon .l7..l6.|30(C) I ,2,3,4,6,1,9,9,.l0,.li,.|3 and l+ oi the Suddivisi;; Ponr r"l :f innc 2. The p'l at must contain the following statement: "For zoning purposes, the two'l ots created by this subdjvision are to be treated as ope entity with no more than ohe two-family residence alloweo on the combined areas of the two lots." The statement mirst be modified according to the number of lots created. 3. A-copy of the declarations and/or covenants proposed to assure the maintenance of any common areas. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEI^J CRITERIA These can be found in chapter 17.24 of the subdivision Requlations. FILING AND RECORDING The Department of Conrnunity Development will be responsible for promptly recording the plat and accompanying documents with the Eagle county clerk and Recbrder upon Town of Vail approval . H. o DA TE A. NAi4E OF APPLICANT APPLICATION FOR MINOR SUBDIVISION RIViEl,l (4 or fevrer 'lots) PHONE MAiLING ADDRESS B. c. NAME OF MA IL ING NAME OF O|^lNER'S MA IL ING ADDRESS APPLiCANT'S REPRESENTATIVE PHONE PROPERTY Ol^lNER S I GNATURE (print or type) PHONE ADDRESS D.LOCATION OF LOTS PROPOSAL BLOCKS SUBDiVISION F IL ING E. FEE $100.00 PAID F.MTERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED G. H. I. The subdivider shall submit. three (3) copies, two of which must be mylars, 9f tle proposal fo1 lowing the requirements for a fjnal plat as found-in Section .|7..l6..l30 of the Subdivision Regulatjons, Certijn of theie requ'irements Tay qe waived by the.zoning.administrator and/or the Planning and Environmental Commissjon if determined not applicabie to thl project. An environmental report may be required if so stipulated under chapter 1g.56 Environmenta'l Report of the zoning code. ]!9 leoartment.of commun'ity-Deve1 opment v.ri.lI be responsible for seeing that tne approved plat is promptly recorded with the Eagle County Clerk ani Recorder. Include a ljst of a'l I adjacent property owners and thsi. mailing addresses. 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 January 5, .|983 Marti n 0' Fal 'lon .|624 Market Street Denver, Co 80202 olllce ol communlty developmont Re: Ronald Cooper Lot 20-l Bighorn resub Dear Mr. 0'Fallon, Enclosed is a check made ou to the "Planning and Environmental Commission" for $.|00.00 dated August 4, l98a and signed by both Gail and Ronald Cooper. The Coopers djd not follow through 0n a request for resubdivision, hence we are returning their check. Would you please return this to them? Thank you. --4 5l nCere ly, ..:;. .4 ;.'/ .:/ /\ l- , JL-lz 1/c c/-) BETSY B,OSOLACK Secrethry ENCL. check o,u"8ff 333FE['RON COOPER OR CAIL CooPER 29-!=q4 l{"H*f$. For rlloeodtlL I5O Or. iert r.!.r.jn B.nr nor. a A, - Datc March l, 1982 APPLICA'I'ION ITORM FOIT A SUI]tTVISION IULqqgST Appl icant Ronald CooPer c/o l,lartin OrFallon, 1624 Market St.,Denver, cO 80202 Phone572-8866 D Applicant t s ltePresentat:.ve Inter-Mountain Engine ering Box 978, Avon ' CO 81620 phone 949-5072 Authori zation of Property OMler Name of Address Nane of Address Si Snature Phone Addres s D. f. Location of ProPosal Parcel c Lot Block it n I E.l''l U i 1 in C_glrgemCige _lUpfcxes Fec gloo .-n"il--*/ '/r7/ Tlpe of Subdivision: (check one) I',{ajor: (involving rnore than 4 lots) Minor (involv.ing 4 or fewer lots) -I -=-Duplex (splitting a duplex strllcture and/or lot) G. Procedures for najor and minor subdivi'sions are as defined Subdivision Regulations on pages 9 through 20' Duplex subclivision recluires the sarne infornation as a niuor reiluirernent that the following statctncnt lnust apPeal' on f,ne Town of Vail aPProval: For zoning or othcr- lancl-use regulltions of thc 'Iown of c1'eatcd by this subclivision irre deetncd to be one lot' res irlence shal I be nl Iowecl on thc conrbined al'eas of: the Gross Residential [jloor Area (GRFA) for the two-farnily calculatecl using thc cornlrined aren of the two parcels' Tirne Rerquirenents: Ivl;r -io} ancl ninor sr"rltdivisions )nust be approved by thc Plannrng a*d llnvir..onucutal cc,rnrniss ion. 'f1e plic nlscrt s oll thc 2lrd an.l 4tl'r M,rrdtry-s ol' t'ltch ntonth. An applicat lo1 wi.tl't the ttccc:;sitIy accolllpallyiug nrltcrial tnust bc subnrittcd four (4) rr'ccks prior to thc dlte of thc meeting' II. I. in the Town of Vail subdivision wi.th the plat beforc receiving Vail , the two Par.e-el 's No more than one two-fantj-I; two Parcel s . A1 lorr'ebl e residencc shal I bc J. s r R O, s r D E r o w N H o u?, , vAlL,COLORADO frk u/tln Decemben 30, 1980 Design Reyiew Board Town 0f Vail Attention; Mn. Peten Patton Gent lemen: Oun pnoject in East Vail is scheduled on the agenda of the Board meeting of Januany 7, 198 1. We are pnepaned to nequest a change in the appearance of the extenion of oun two build-ings. Specifically, we aFe Feguosting a change in the natio of stucco to siding on the pontion of the two buitdings, and the deletion of two sets of stairs from the lower decks to the ground. we wi ll have oniginal elevation dnawings as werl Es proposed elevations to present at the neeting. In considening these changes, we sought the advice of the pnoject anchitect, Mn. John Wheeler of Wheelen, Pipen in Vail. Mr.Wheeler. was most helpful, and concurned with the proposed changes, indicating thet they were consistent with his intended design of the pnoject. l{e ane looking fonwand to presenting our nequests to you on January /, and hope thet our proposals will meet with the appnoval of the Board. S i ncere ly, Stneamside Townhouses, A Joint Venture h'J. ll,',(< (,-o,C.rop.. / ffirt,?"K%"" -l Project Application on" t t/o/ro Proiect Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: 2c>'/io-Z Legat Description: Lot @----r-- , atock 1!1,'r7,,,,', Zoning Approved: Deslgn Revlew Board ,ll/ / Motion by: / '' -ta''; 'y''t-1,"t'-;:/r //// / .//f c;l'loloL Seconded by: APPROVAL - '3 l,/',J, ,l,t tr t-/ yr Chlef Building Official at It Project Applicatlon Project Name: Proiect DescriPtion: Owner Address and Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Oate Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL 1l fit [ii iil Jll til {ti \,lli Ntl nll 4V,*-r//,/r/, 4ry @ | -ea-- - 39 * r.,€ ^,/ z- /9 stoa ctaHrs il L_l tl :=tl t__l l-_l II tl r----]lt tt t---l L_l t-r ti t-l tl t-__l tl t__l LI n__l TI nn nn AL SP€-c- /F tt tO ', / P*:.. -.":-:-9?:l<:::1 orc-. Ff ill It It ttl LX ffi M{ li:=I til ILJ m IAI ilJ M i r-=-l nil fiil fiJ Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: f O Projecr Apprication tO tn .+'. l.!tr a 'r.in,^ (rwdr., J; A'U?-;9/Li H:'?/86 Legal Description: Lot , Fjlirrgt a-1f Zone: Zoning Approved: Deslgn Revlew Morion by: '///t l l (' seconded ort FErn€ . -.----'----_--'-\ Board ( APPRovAL "=-.-"] t_DISAPPROVAL Urt/Ail " " tS -a Administrator Chi€f Building Off icial o o o oo D*^DT F* E*J, ') ,!-"r, /A/B*'L-JM 'wD* ao I ,rt)!;:*#ir*ffiffi ^/U, W.*IJ r*,,^ ds/f h ,U"ry^;-d.N /t ,.' J'* ,"/',-" t*f^ *,t ,^, ,rq" t" ,'lU *Mfu'e^2ffiffi.Jh i."hltrffiffiffir xk*M'-/; JJ W'*,// A4- e4t ,l^, t 7Ll J4 /N *rJ .rt. r *JU -n" ,J4 ,"^l //r i '*a ft t H *' 4'/'", f /,tE / "'t a;;","* ^rprcarion i-.i !l) t | ,/ _:(.- /d,,Darc t /t - t-': ,/ (.1 /r Proi€ct Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: . -),: 'i '", / i' I ' I - Legal Description: Lot J/ -/ ) '' , Block Zone'. Zoning Approved: Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL /, ,1 /'/-it /.1 4..7t'Il Chief Building Official