HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN SUB RESUB OF LOT 20 PARCEL D LOT 20-1 20-2 LEGAL.pdfoormirTY (f, .vELoPt Err Design Review Board ACTTOI{ FORtrf Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 tax:. 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com Project Name: Prcject Description: HORTON NEW CONSTRUCNON DRB Number: DRts080031 FINAL APPROVAL FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OF A RESIDENCE Pafticlpants: OWNER HORTON FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUS 02111/2008 6610 ABERDEEN AVE DALI.AS IX 75230 APPLICANT K.H. WEBB ARCHITECTS PC O2|IU2008 Phone: 970-477-2990 710 WEST UONSHEAD CrR, UNIT A VAIL co 81657 License; C000001627 ARCHITECT K.H, WEBB ARCHITECTS PC 021t112008 Phone: 970-477-2990 710 WEST UONSHEAD CIR, UNIT A VAIL co 816s7 License: C000001627 Project Address: 4284 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Locatlon: 4284 COLUMBINE DR Legal Description: Lot: D Block Subdivision: STREAMSIDE DUPLOGS Parcel Number: 2101-122-2900-5 Comments: SEE CONDffiONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Dantas Second By: DuBois Vote: 5-0-0 Conditions: Action: APPROVED Date of Approvah 03/05/2008 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review commlttee(s). EnWi 03105/2008 By: RLF Action: COND 1. The applicant shall provide a tree preservation report at the time of building permit submittal. 2. The applicant shall not remove any trees from adjacent parcels. Cond:0 (P|-AN); DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3; APPEALS. C.ond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: MCHEL FRIEDE DRB Fee Paid; 9650,00 Feb 07 0B 09:28o p.3 New Construction Application for Design Review Departrnent of C-omrnunity Devdopment 75 South Fron@e Road, Vail, Colorado 91 tel: 97O.4D.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Genenl Information: All proje$ requiring design revlew must receive approral prior to submiting a building refer to.the submisil requirements for the particulai approval that is requeieo. Fn cannot be acaepted until all required inFormation is rieived by the dmmunity oevUbpment Oepartnfint, ini project may also need to be reviewed by the Torn Council and/or the Planning and Envirmmental e-ommission.Des[gn t€view apPtovat lapses unl... a buildlng pennit is iss[ed and ojnstructlrn @mrncnccs wathin one year of the approval. Description of the Request: i:'; i I ZUfi8 u Lo@tionoftheProposaf: Lot#glock: -subdivision: Physical Address:ilq{- Pareel No.: Zoning: q) o @ o o (l) -_t 1 8lL/ (Contact Eagle C.o. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) tlame(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Mdress: Owne(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: E-mail Address: npe of Revlew and Fee: tr Signs E Coneptual Review ,X, Neu Construction O Addltion tr Minor Afteratim (multFfa mily/commercia l) E Minor Alteration (dngle.fam i lylduplex) E Charqes to Apgoved Plans D Separation Request t l'l tl- Phone: $50 Plus $1.(x) per squitre foot of total sign area. Itlo Fee $650 For @nstrucflon of a new building or derno/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or com mercial building (indudes 250 additions & interior conversions).$250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, suctt as, re.ruofirtg, pairting, windo,v additions, hndscaping, fences and retaining walls, eb.$20 fur minor dtanges to buildings and site Improvements, srcfi as, re-roofng, pairting, whctolv additiom, hndsaping, f€nces and rebining walls, eE.S20 For revi$ons to plans already approved by plannlng Staff or the Deign Rwiew 8oard. No Fee ForOfficepslenly?-- --= 7>*7 Fee hkJ: b > 'd chect f'rof-. - ' __ gv: ll".*lngo"t, 7*F- 0B *r*o) 'i,l*'l** * * **+ ** *****+*** * * ***** ********** * *** * ** *** ***,1++*++++************** *** ******** ***+++* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ** * ** ** ***** * **** * * *****+* * *+*+ + ** ** * * *{.******* * ** ** ** * * *******+++* + ****************i.*'t* **'}* Statement Number: R080000152 Amount: $650.00 02/LL/2OO,L1 :44 AM Payment Method: ARCIIITECTS Check Init: iIS Notati-on: 2349lK.H. WEBB DRBo80031 1\4)e 3 DRB - Ner,r Construction $6s0. oo $550.00 $o. oo * *** * * *** ****** *****,! * ****+,1*** +* ** **** ****,* ** *+* ** * * **f***** ********** *** *+* *+***** * *****,!* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code naar-ri rr+ i ^n Current Pmts DR 00100003tL2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 650.00 Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : IJOcat.ion : This Fayment : 270I - t22 - 2900 -5 4284 COLIJMBINE DR VAIIJ 4284 COI.,IJMB INE DR $6s0.00 Total Fees: TOIA1 ,AIJIJ PMTS ] Balance : *$f D \iletland Delineation Parecl I), Streamside Duplexes Prepared for: Ranch Creek Land Company Mr. David Hilb 1592 Matterhom Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 Prepared by: Daiva Katieb, Principal Watershed Environmental Consultants, Inc.s' Town of Vail, Colorado November 12,2004 sb{ 4) N,-P.O.Box3722 Eagle, Colorado 81631 I. II. III. ry. V. vI. VII. TABLE OTCONTENTS INTRODUCTION MBfiIODS DESCRIPTION OF STUDY AREA. VEGETATION HYDROLOGY RESIILTS CONCLUSION REFERENCES APPENDICIES LISITOFTABLES Tablp 1, Wetland Plant Species List, Parcel D, Streamside Duplo<es..... . . ..,......... LIfITOX'flGURES FigurE 1. Projectlocationmap,,...........2. Up$reamviewofriparian, Wetland L.......,.,,..,. 3. Downstream view of riparian, Wetland A at the margin of uplands on the property... . 4. View of oristing concrete slab orossing.. 5. ViewofWetlandB................ LIST OFAPPENDICNS Appendix A, Photogrophs ofstudy site,........,,..,B. Datoforms, C. Wetland delineation map for Parcel D, Streamside Duplexes....... ..., Page 1 I I J J 4 4 5 5 6 Page 3 Pa&E 2 7 7 8 8 Page 6 9 18 I. INIROIIUCTION: Mr. David Hilb of Ranch Creek Land Company, 1592 Matterhorn Circl€, Vail' Colorado 81657 has reqgested a wotland delineation on Parcol D of the Streamside Duplores subdivision in Vail, Colorado. The vacant property (County Parcel #2101 I 2229005), cunently owned by John Digby sorenron of oklehoma city, oklahoma, is located at l2S4Columbine Drive. The bbslrt,p$.efuNuf 12, Towithip 5 South, Range 80lVest. Bighorn Creek and Gore property is .5?.02 rcres. The site is locsted in Sodion October 21, 2004. Creek ftont tho propfiy near the confluence oftlc two perennial streams. Total stream frontage is approxim*e\idfeei. Watershed Environmoeitnl Conrultartq.Inc: (tl/EC) has.svsluetcd the ptoi,unty fot tltiffience of wetlands and waters of the U.S.; a eito visit was conducted on fi. METHODS: Wotlands were evaluated by ernploying procedwos descfib€d in ths U'S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Wetlands Dolineation lvlarnral (1937). A roltine on-site inspeotion for wd'land urcas equatto or less then 5 acror in size was conduct€d. Wetland boundories wers based on the prwalence of hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soilq and indicators of wetland lrydrology. Section III, Oesirtpion of study fuoa, of this report rscords the evaluation of the vegetatio4 roils, and laydrolory oftle site. Field forms for the vegetation, roils, and lnydrologil are included in Appendix B. Table I lists tho dominant vegetation observed on tho project rite. Appendix A contgrnr photographs of tho site. The wetland boundaries were identifiod in the field with flags labeled alphanumerically. Theso flagged points were surveyed and the maps are provided in Appendix C' IIL, DASCRIPTIONOTSTUDYAREA: Climatic data for the project site is unflvailable; howwer, values have been obtained at station COZ4S4,Eagle FAA Airport, elevation 6,500 fest" located approxiqatgly 32 miles, rtraightJine distenc€,we;t ofthe prqiect site. The recorded mean annual precipitation is 10'66 inohos and the rnean annual temperature is 42.9" 4 both valuos wprc evgraged ovor 47 years gfrecord (Wostem Regional ClimateCenter, 2004). Precryitation ir rel*ivcly evenly distributed tluoughout the ysar, wittr slightly higher amounts occuning in latc sumtrr and sutumn. The growing l€asonl days with the low temperature abovo 32o F, is less than 90 days. I WetloilDelineation ParcelDStreansi& hphws fi,lttd l'*flt||dnir[140{.dBl|.li.IOra*l.(iit di{.Fglirdlt DO Figure 1. Project looation map. 2 WetlardDelircation Pwcel D Stea nst& Dryleres $on-s ihe Natural Resource Cons€rvation Service (NRCS) has not mapped ths soils in this immediate looation; howwe4 much of the rrrryedgites withifi the alluviat areas along Gore Creek have been mapped as Forsey cobbly loam. It is a$sntmed that this soil associstion is continued onto the project site. Other mapped soil units on the ban*s of Gore Creek include Jerry-Millerlake loams and toniorthents-Camborthids-rock outcrop. All of there mapped soil series are Argic Cryoborols. The Fomey cobbly loam unit may have inclusions of sendstone rock outcrop, which compose approximately 5 percent ofth€ total acreage. This asrociation is typically found on alluvial fane, mountainsides, anA riAges, The parent material is alluvium, residuum and colluvium derived from mixed mineralogy. These soils are deep and well drained with a moderate permeability. The soils observed on site were well drained, No rock outcrops are located on the parcel. The gurface leyer ofthe soils were faidy uniform, mostly with only onq A, horizon. Deeper horizo-ns could nore,flectively be obs€rved because ofthe rock content in the soil, About 25 percent ofthe observed profiles were composed of stones and cobbles, No mottling or gleyngwas observed throughout tho profilor. VEGETATION Dominant nativg upland grasscs charactey'lze a large portion of vegetatton on the site, Blue spwce (Ptcea ptngetr),willow (Saltx spp,), and other woody and herbaceous wetlond plants characteriaedtheripuianareas. Woods rose(Rosawoodsti), cowparsnip Qleracleum sphondyliun), serviceberry (Amelotchier alntfuia), and graoses composed the vegetation within the transitio'n zone between wetlands nnd uplands. The fotlowing table lists the plant speciee that were observed on and near the project site. Table 1, - Wetland Plont Speoies List, Parcel D, Streamside Dupleires Scientific Common Family Odgin* Wetland** Name- Narne - Status- Achillea millefoltum Wostern Yarrow Asteraceae N FACU NNL N FACW N FACU. NNL N OBL I FACU N FACU N FAC NNL I FACU N FAC. N FACU- N UPL Achnathenm nelrcnll Cofumbia needlegrasr Poaceae AIms incano Mountain alder Betulsceae Amelanchler alnilolia Serviceberry Epllobiam angustllolium Fireweed Heracleum ryhottdyllam Cow parrnip Bromts cafirwfrrs Cwex aqntilis Dactylls glomerata Koeleriumarantha Phleum pratense Picea prngens Pirwc contorta Pufendleriua Ivflountain brome Water sedgo Orchardgrars Prairie junegrass Timothy' Blue spruce Lodgcpole pine Muttongram Posac€ao Poaceae Clpuaceae Poaceae Onagraceae Apiaceac Poaceae Poaceae Pinwae Pinaceae Poaceas 3 lletlndDelircdton Parcel D Streansi& Dtrpl*es Name -Name Stdus- Table l, (continued) Scientific Purshta trldpntats Ribes cerceum Racawoodsli Salix eactwoodtae Cornmon Antelopo bitterbrush Wsx currant Woods rose Mountainwillow Family Origin*Wetland* Popiastremioifus Asp6n Salicaccae Pseudoroegneria spican Bluebunoh wheatgrass Poaceae Poaceae Grossularisaeoe Roeaceae Salicacoae Poaceae Poaceae N FAC N TJPL NNL N I.]PL N FAC- N OBL N FAC NNL NL NI I]PL FACU Sporobofus airoldes Alkali saoaton StiW comqta Needleandthread *Oriein I Introduced N Native **Wetland Status NotLi*ed No Indicator Obligate Upland Faouhative Upland FAC Facultotive FACW FacultativeWet OBL Obligate HYDROLOGY Bighorn and Gore Creeks afe the active wot€fways that flow adjacent to the property, Both creeks are perennial streams with their hydrographs dominated by snowmelt runofr because of this it is to be e4pected tlrat seasonsl llucturtions ofthe groundwater table occur. The conlluence of Bighorn Creelc with Oore Creek ir near the southern property boundary. Gore Creek is tdbutary to the Eagle River and flows to tho Colorado River. A concrete slap crossing spans Gore Creek from the property (Figure 4). ry. RESIJLTS: Wetland4 wet€rs of the U.S. occurred on tbe project rite as riparian wetland habitats along tho margins ofBighorn and Gore Creoks and as one deprossional, isoloted wetland. Two wetland areas were idfltifiod, A and B. Wetland A (Al - A8) deffnes the wetlands within the margin along the wert, river-right side, ofBighorn Creek and tho north, river-rigltt gidg of Gore Creek ftOm the northeest€rn property comer, approximatoly 200 fe€t, to ths Southwestcrn property corner (Appendix C). Wetlord B (Bl - 87) dcfircs the ieolated wetland within a grand of ryruce. Wetland B might hwo becn creatod by ground manipulation sonrc time ago. However, alt aspecto ofwetlard$, hydrophlic vq19rafion, hydric soilt, and indicators of wetland hydrology, was €videnc€d and thc ar€e, 'thio wetland is considered to be ajurisdictional water of the U.S. 4 WalwdDeltrpatlor Parcel D Stemni& Drylexct lVatland A can be deicribed as hiCh quality riverino wotland and Wetland B is 0n isolatcd wetland of marginal qualtty, The approximato areas ofthe identified wetlands follow: A is 2,473 squarc foet, or O.Oe airos, mearured from the o$tablished wctland boundary to th€ approrimate witorr edge. Howwer, approximately 1,100 square fect of the identified Wetland A is offthe proparty. Wotland B is 298 square feot, or 0.01 actet Photographr of the site are included in Appondix A and Field data forms are inoluded in Appendix B. V. CONCLUSION: \ Background investigation and field inspection revealed wetlands along the riparian oorridor of Bigbom and Gore Creeks, and in one smatl, isolated areo, There wetlande wore evidenced by hydrophpic vog*ation, hydric soils, and wetland hydrolory. Theso are marginal to high quality riverinc wetlands, with an odsting impact ftom tho abutm€rf for the concrete slab crossing, The total ofthe identifiod wotland areas is approximately 0.06 aoree' This report presonts the results of awetland inveotigation that was performed by WEC for Ranch Creek Land Company as part of due diligence for purchase ofthe property. No rmpacts to thc wetland areos are proposcd at this time. Shoutd any impacts to the identified wetlonds be propored tlrough the devolopmurt of this parcel, a USACE permit for the proposed disturbance activity wilt be necessary It is rocoilnondod tlm Ranch Crek Land Company submit this report to the USACE for a formal jurisdictional determinotion oftho area. VI. RET'ERENCES: Reed, B.R. 1988. NUional List of plant Species that oocur inwotlands; Colorado. U.S. Fish atd Wildlife Sewice. St. Potersburg, FL. Stubbondiech J., Hatch, S.L., Butterfield, C.H. 1997, North American Range Plants, Fifth Bdition. Tho Univorsity ofNebraska Press, Lincoln, Nebraska. U.S, Army Corps of Engineers. 1987. Wetlands Delineation Manual, Technical report Y-S%I. U.S, Anny Corpr ofEngineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vioksburg MS. USDA NRCS 1999. The PLANTS Databas€ 0rttp:/lpfants.usda.go s). National Ptants Data Conter, Baton Rougo,Lurisiana 70874'4490 USA' USDA" NRCS 2000. Hydric Soils of tho United States (http://www.statlab.iastete.edu/goilillrydrig/). Iowa State University Statistical f.abonatory. USDA Soil Conservrtion Service. 1992. Soil Survey of Aepon-Gyprum fuea, Coloradq Parte ofEagle, Garfield, andPitkin Counties. U.S. GovemmemPrinting Office. Waebingtotl DC. Wgtem Regional Climate Conter 2004. (!4ry-$ssds.Cdu). 2215 Raggio Parhn'ay Reno, Nevada 89512. 5 WetlmdDelirpatton Pmal D Stremtsi& Duplexes . APPENDI}(A Photogrophr of rtudy rite 6 Wetlond Dellneattwr Parcel D Stremtst& Dupbxes Figure 2. Upetroem view of ripada4 Wetland A, FigUre 3. Downstf€tm viow of riparian, W€ttard A rt the mugin ofuplards on the propefty' 7 Weilmrdl>nteafrNl Pwcel D Streondde hryleres Figure 4, Vicw of exi*ing concreto slab crorsing. 8 walndtultuqttwr Pwcvl D Swansl& Dupluns Figure 5. Viorr of\{otlurdB. APPENI'XB Datn forms 9 l(etlondDelilrcation Pmcel D Sueqrnside Drylerzs DATAFO5UI ROUTINE WETI.AI{D DETEFMINATION (1987 COE Wotlerds Dellneatlon MaruaD :l \ Cour{y: State: Do tlormel Clrcumetarpes g$st on thg slto? ls lhe ella signltlcartly dlEturbod (Atyplcal SitBllon)? ls the arod a potentlal Problem Area? b s Commurilty lD: Transoct lD: Ptot lD:I hdbsb. aI3L.. EPtc-'fflL otsr-.ry Pml*ojl[i" tp""l6r thor 8re oBL, Frdi, n rrc (, o /. - ReodEd Ode (0€qcrlb6ln Rfiiad(s): -* $todn, Lakq or 1|& Geugo - A3rhl Photog80lrs * Othef * ltb Hocodad Dda Ardhue Flekl Ob6sn e{om: . oodhdgufroou/d8t -/ (kt:t Oodf b F.6e lvatsrln Plt .. ' (h.l Ddpth b geftrret{'d So,l: L W,l Wellord t{ydrdogy hdcotfs: Pfinory hdhab'8: _ brtnddsd fs*rraeo n uppeT 12 hahes - wrbr lvbts _ Drn une6 - Srdmetlr o€pctt8 * Irr*ragF Peltrfirh Wetbnds Spoodfly Hcalol! (ld moNb r6qul6d): -Orddbd Footchmialr h t&pcr 1? hchss - Wdd-gbhd t aflr6! ....? l-ooal80l sur€y Dara /_ Ftc+hdral T6rt * olIE {Erdah lrr Rern.*s} Rearrnr: JrEl lS ti ftft4an or4a. Appeidh B Bbnft md E|6r||ph Deti Foma Contlm LLpp€d fypa? Yor ts Motth C6hro trtollo Abundance/ Todur., Conomtlonr' l{rtxrn lldl0t![il0FtL- (fuhnra! thl$ Slzaf'ionlfa6l lflilc Soll hdlcaton: _ fbio6ol - i$lb EPhodon - $umd& odor - Aqrdc lbbfirta R 0irDt Z Raduclno Condllons - Clcyld or Lqefchromo Colot! _ Co,rcrelbm tl0h O$mlc @niant h Sirtaca t{yoJ In Sandy $ole - Otoanla g]tokh0 h Stndy Colb _ LNX6d <n Lood rwh Solh Lhl - Lk sd on l$lboal Pttddo Sollr Lbl - ('th.r (Eoldr h Bffitfi!) Rffiad$;*m6a[ 5?/ //a/t /e /oeVr, lq b cd ltdroDlrytlc vegsdon Pro3sn(l watend tidrclooy Pr€6onr? l-idrb golla Pr66 ?h fils Sampltng Poht Wlthh I Wetl6nd? (Cucle) @* 3lgt AFrtrrGd by Appdd0( E Bhnk and E)€mple oata Fomr B3 DATAFORII ROUTI}IE WETI.IiiID DETERUINATK'N (1987 COE Wetlands DelFpatlon Maruaf) VEGETATK'N ProJect/slte: Pruel Dl ,Yry4.DSdr uu{ryps.apfncanUAwnon t lrus8tlgator: Datot /dn//a/hw'84/1 _glarei Q' Do tlormal ClrcLrnstarFes oxl8t on ths sito? ls tho slte slgnlflcantly dlsturbed (Atyphal Sltrstlon)? le tho ar€a a potentlal Problom Aroa? @ Yos Yes ttt Communtty lD: TrarEect lD: Plot lD:,z W_Ftku l/?.!-.Xl- 8,- rterc.nl ot Dornlned 6@h6 thar ero O6t- FlcW or Frc O ' / .(.El'dlno FAQ.[ / a,*"", r/E{o&/ *,# u/rao;/ /rass"s. \' ?,_ t. Y _ Rscofd€d Data (Dsrcdbo ln Fomsfts): -Str enr. Ld(€, ot lld6 Giug! _Aflbl Photcgrdphs _ Othet - No F.Godod Drt' Ani|sdo Fhld Oblo dhns: OeFh of 8ur{coo Wetfi - (h,} DaFhro Ffoowat flnFtf - {tr.} DdBh to gehrot€d soll - (hJ W&rd tidfdqy &rdlc8lori: Btn0'ylrdlcators: - ht idrtsd _ sai|j|ai€d h uppof 12 hafido - Webr i,hr|| -Ddn Un . - sedlmfft odposns * Drahago Peftenr' ln Wall6id! Sdorday hdco|oro (2 c mom r4uleol: _ o'(rlL€d Fool chenn€16 h tlppof le holFt _ Waioa-tlulncd tia'r.s - Looal 8ol gttt sy Dalr - FAC-Nadtal ToEt -otlgr (Erphh 16 Rshafts) Remdr.i @ *?Sft Fr; 82 App.idh B Elat* ard E|€mpb Dd| Frxm6 4 a 30ns ilaP $l lvt'?r (g.rhr an.l Fh!8.):Orilnaga Cl8.'i - FbU Oborrv.llons Tmhmry co|t'lrt litapp.d 1}Pe? Yct l& Prafle Drrcrlolbn: 6;th-'-- fll8ktx coht fihttlE Cdord i/httb Abundancs' ,*'-tiil llorld,.r {t ulrL!fiElt- lii&stif,!&kt}- tlkElCol|'"El - T6rduJ6, Concl.llons, b-/ n Hd& 8ol hdlcabrt: - l9lolol * FIr|Ir Ephedon _ Sundb Odof - Aqrdo l,bittt lo Eaof||s ' * Aoduchg CondnbnE .- Ohy6d or Lott.ohmtu Colo|! - Cdtcrotlont - H!fi Orlr|tlc @nbnt h sotlbos lsy€r lfl $tjdy Sors - Or0snh ga.dtfu 8l Ssndy sob - Llbd fi tood ttttttb Soab Lht - Lbtod on t&tlad }|yddc solls Llol - Othor tFqbh h Blmail!) ru/r I ?raet/ WETLA$ID Hltdrophytc \raqsdon Piorenft We .nd Hdrology Pr€selt|? lbt(f|o so[8 Pro66nl? YB Ye8 Y6! Ghohl (O[clt] k tldc Seprrplttg Potr wlthh a Wel,ard? t* @ RemdlG: r/* Appordk B thnk und E,€mde Osta Fo.fii6 Bg DATAFORil ROUTINE WETLAND DTf ERMINAT IOI{ (1987 COE Wothnds Dollnoatbn ManuaD sgld {a/a/g/ Cr,txtty: :tl44 Stale:. @,'- Do hlormal ClrcwfiBmeo €rdst on th€ $ite? 16 th6 slte slgnificartty dlstr^mad (Atyplcal Slt|'.ntlon)? lg the area a potsntlsl Problem Area? (lf needed. €,olhfn on rgvotse.) €#Commw*ty lD: TraB€ct lD Pbt ID: w bt+rae), qtdum tru-T7F-Lrh a. 7. 8. qnt0m {rdloabi ----i-<- Po.c6rt ot Olntrrrd Spsdos that rrc O6L FrcW or FAC 50 /.(ebtudlno FAc-). Rflm*!: rl 't ttt IYIJ? - R*ordod Dda (D6scrlb6 h F6m6dcl: - 9buom, La&e, orTds Oqt4s *AotH PltohgraPhs -o|ltor - ib E*o|{sd Dda Arallaue Wglhnd Fwdogy lndcrto|a: Pftialy hdhatoF: - hu0datod / SeruraeO tn t Sper tz ncneo Z.w.hrlihtk -OllftU$. -S€dm€fit D60odb ZJOratroOa patlonn tn I'Vsthftls Socordsy hdcabrs (2 tr molt r€qds{t): - Oxttsed Soot Cfu|nole ln Lhps le holE6 - lit dor-ebhGd Lm,r| _ tocrl 80{ suY6y Dde - FAo"lhuual T€d - Oihef (Exphh 16 Remarks) FloH Obloryathnr: . o€pth oa 6$rfsce wdof : ,- (tn,) Oopth b Ft€e Wriar In Plt (ln) D€pft bSatw'td sott , _ -(h.f F€morkl: 82 Appandh E Ebnt and Examplo Dda Forms iff#l$ffi.."r 44 -. ffi[,"tlff;; Contfm t appod T'yF.? Yoo tb 9!-L- /-t/q Flydrto 8oI lndra|on: - ltsiorol _ t{.i6 SFhrdon - Sulfld6 Odor - &0b lr,bbtuL F.Ckn - tuduqhg Condtlons - qbyrd or Lov*Chromr Color! - conctatlor! llelr Orlrnlc Contant h Suthce LeyE| h $Indy so[8 - O$.nb gttLtho h 6andy Solh -LM Loorltwh SolL LEl - Lhld on }s|lond ?iddo &I8 LlEl ._ oh.r (E|eldr h rbnNfi8) fu n/, /r WETLAITIO $d|odU/dc I'b06bdon P€rgtf? Wot rd Hydroh0y Prsofin lltd|b Solt8 Prodanl? l'lo (Cl,Ele) flo I'b (Cltoh) h rHs samplng Poht Wfthln a wet{ld? A l\lo L) Ronrarkt: lmt6\r€d w App€|rdlx B Blenk snd ExamDb t ate Fdl|ne BS DATA FOFII FOUTIT{E WETI.A'{D DETEFUINATION (1S87 COE Wetlands Dollnoathn ManuaD '{\ .1 Dala:. /o Oourty: State; U,o f.Iormal Clrcumstarcos srdst on th€ slt6? ls the €lte signltlcarfly dbMbed (Alyplcal Sittgtion)? ls tho area a potenttal Probbm Araa? fll rneded. $olaln on ro\6r8e.) Qp "o c9 Comrnunity lD: TrarFoct lDr Plot lDi Ps.Ea or^DsflhrJrl +€dec that rr! Odt plCWo,f,G b/, * R*cd.d Dda (Dosorlbe In R€mad6)l * Sbesn, L,l6, or 1lde C{tg6 _lsdsl tthcilooreh6 -OllE - llo R(corthd Ddq Areh o Fleld Ob8tlvailom: De6h {t 8wftoo Wqtfl / (rr.) Doflfr b F'eA Wabr In Plt /' lht) Dedh fo setu{elo.t so* / ,ln) Watond l{lr*ology hdl6ibn: Pfina.y hdlcrtors: - hundBtd _ Saloratod lD l.fpper t2 hohao - $rrw ttibrks * Orlt LtF - S6&ltrn o6p6lt! * OrohagE Pat€rnsln $totladr Seoodaty hdcaior8 (2 o. mol6 .6qulsdt: - Orttcdl Rootchqn€lr h tJ0por la hoho. _wabr-stahd L€al^|| * Ldal 9oll3tr$y De - FIC-t{.tIrtlT6lt .- Olher (E&hh ln Rlmarks) Romrlkr: 82 A9ocnft B Bhn ( d|d Ersrnpb Oatd Foms Oteirago Chas; Fleld ob60rv8lhn8 Cor hn [faPpod TYPe?Yog ts Pnofl6 og.crblbn: O.plh i,latrlx Colo,Monb Oobta llotlb Abundencs, Tot{ut6' Conoo{ons' ttnitre'r rb{|en 0&0$il"f!bf0-- (rrruolt ilrtbt) 8b&fifig{ ntdtu 8o{ hdlcator3? _ flrbcol - l$lb Eplpddon - &rfi(b Odor * Aqulc ltobr|a ft glno - Roducho Condnbns _ Ohv6d or Lo+Chrona Cohrs - Coirololhns - lhh Oro|trlc Contonl h srtlce Lay€J ln stndy soll. - Orgrnh Slr.thC h 68ndy SolE _ Lbted on Lood tltdrh Eolb Lbl - llit.d on l${onrl$!ddo SoI! Lbl - Ofidt (Elgleli h Humd€) fidrcphyfl c lrdgglatotl Prsidrf? Wdard Hldrotuoy Pt6drt? tl!,rtru 8o|8 Pr€oer ?;$ g"'*'(crob! b lHs Ssmp&tg Pohtwthh a Wetand? "* @ Remgrks:' bv w App6ndlr S ahf* 6nd E 6npte Ode Foms B3 , AP?EII{DD(C Wetland dcllnertion map for Parccl D, Strermrlde Duplerer 18 WetlndDelircstiql P*cel D Steqn st& Daplexes PLAI\INING DATA SHEET Horton Residence Propertv Address/ Parcel #4284 Columbine Drive Legal Description Development Site Area Ac .5202 Sq Ft 22,659 Buildable Planner/ Date Rachel Fiede2/22108 Project Description New Single Family Residence Land Use Application(s) #DRB08-0011 Owner Contact Info Primary ContacU Owner Representative Info Heather Barrie at KH Webb Zonins,lSDD #Two Familv Residential Land Use Designation Date Routed/ DRT Meeting Environmental Impacts/ Ilazards Hazard Zones Sections 12-12, 12-21, 14-6 &14-7 Snow Avalanche No Debris Flow No Rockfall No Excessive Slopes No Floodplain Yes* Wetlands YAI Yes* Water Course Setback Section 12-14-7 Required 30'Bighom 50' Gore Creek Proposed At the setback fire Prevention Sections l2-ll-3c & 14-10-5 Roof is not wood shake or wood shingle Building Separation Section 14-10-6 N/a View Corridors N/a Utilitv location & easement Existing **Proposed Sldewalks/ Trails Existing Proposed GRI'A (Gross Residential Floor Area) Square Feet Chapter 15 Total Allowed 7495 -Existing 0 -Proposed 4651 after cred 4051 +Credits (600) garage Primary Allowed -Existing -Proposed +Credits Secondary Allowed -Existing -Proposed +Credits Total Remaining 3444 Primary Total Remaining Secondary Total Remaining General Zoning Disbict Standards Setbacks (perimeter) Front 20 Proposed 20' Side 15 Proposed l5' at north side, 70' at south Rear 15 Proposed 30' Minimum Lot Lreal Width Required 15,000 Proposed 22659 Site Coverage % Allowed 20%14531 04 Proposed 14%/3153 sq ft Buildins Height Allowed JJ Proposed 33'{' Landscaping Sections 14-10-8 & 14-10-9 % Required 60%/t3595 o/o Proposed 70%/ls8t9 Plant size Huge trees Proposed No newprop Fences n/a Proposed nla Retaining Walls Sec. 14-6-7 Height Allowed 6'Proposed At most 4' Driveway Sections 14-3-l & l4-3-2 Max Curb-cuts I Proposed I Max-Min Slope Proposed 4.9% slope Max-Min Width Proposed 16', Snow Storage o/o 30%t468 Proposed 47%t747 Parking Sections 12-10 &14-5 Stalls Rcquircd A +Proposed 2 garage,2 in drive Loading Req.N/a Proposed Lighting Section 14-10-7 Allowed 22 Proposed I I that count, 22 total Waste Management Section 5-9 Wildlife Proofl Resistant Screened Screening Sections l4-10-9 & 14-10-10 Required Nccd screening of utilities Proposed ** Development Impact Fees / Mitigation Employee I lousing nla Trffic Impact nla Art In Public Places nla Notes Need survey to reflect latest floodplain study Need to ensure wetlands study matches survey How are utilities being accessed? You cannot cut down two aspens on Parcel C without owner permission. Need to accurately depict limits of disturbancc fencing Provide detailed drawings of Retaining walls in easement for access Need to provide screening of utilitics Wildlife proof trash container Need to verily natural grade under cupola peak- may be above 33' W4,L fY!-A4,ni^-hottglctn &''t P'o't $ cr'M thy'L. , lY\otTL.ug-!-'t bo d''tt/ , p 'yr cft n\!r\zU Arr\n r , vr,, l-v t - lr c v', jr*'":" t r"'-- P \r'-'t- Horton Residence Conceptual Review Desfgn Review Board 216108 Gomments glven to applicant (not reflected in conceptual plans): 1. Fire sprinkler and alarm system required 2. Snow storage will not work if trees remain next to driveway 3. Ensure path and encroachment into sewer utility easement is ok with utility company 4. Ensure new survey shows exact location of wetlands, per the submitted wetlands delineation report 5. Allwalls must be at least two (2) feetfrom property line PMI PM2 MOUN] MOUNT 17/8',I PM3 5M MOUNT MOUN] see pogo 122 for Pholometric doto. 12V MR-16 4'lLr, 5H0WN l ${T ftNlSH W|TH Sl8 STIM CONSTRUCTIT)N; BoJr'. c,rp, retlcett'r, srcm. rnJ nr,'urrr nrachrned irtrur 6.161.T6,\LlJlvllNUlv'l, hoo.1 sp,Ln lronr 6L,r6l-T6 ALUIUINUIvI shert Lens cLrr ii,rm trml,creJ borosrli,:rte -:luss l'or srrperi.,r rlln:y anJ srrength Ccr:rmrc s,tket rrreJ li[.]V llA, ?5trw $irh llig.r SE\0-l 1i|l'fi lerJs. FlNlSHllS:Ar'.rLlableinlJsLrrIrJllrJTolCp.,ly.,tcrport,d.:rco:rt|LIrrslr lirr m,rre inlo). FEA'l t llllS: Frc-1.1 rtpllc*,rl.lc lerrs. Col,x filrer ran l.c specile.l rl,1 rs hclJ secrrrely I'y a rcmovrhlc stainless steel clrf rioq Fixrure sL,pplLe.l 'r'rth 6fr. ot ll/l llndscrfe c'rble Retlcctrir roF desi,jnc,l togile m.rxintum dritnbLrtion GENERAL: Thrs frrcure r,.lrLires n ilV rnnsf,lnrer Lo funiti,rn properly (exceft rvhcn slccrire.l wirlr mL,unLLns srrle "l'Nll" \\hLch l<_ or0'->-l lzN-:=t TT-T I IF1 L Wj '(A t-l \t i \/ I -'___-t 3' rnclLrJes:r 60W rnrcgrirl rrrnsiornrer.l20V only) Trirnslomer rnrst l,e purchaseLl sepirrately, sce rccessor ies scctlon (pge 1L!l) ,{ll l.rnrps lrstrJ ,rre llV 1r1R.l0's rrnless oLherq,rse n,rre,l. Wlren usn'rjl:r cLrlor fLlLcr wrth a 75W larlp, a.lichrolc lrlreL is rc.rrrrcJ t,r rrrrrn UL lrsrlne (RED, OREEN, TnJ \'lEDlUM Bl.tlE) 6' srcm not recomrrrendcJ tor rrse s Lth PI\ll moLrnt stylr (lo$rr [1ount"' 6l'], iJjustrL'lc stcrl). SN'l n],)unl slrlc m,runrs to arry flar surface, rnd lrirs a O1.l/S",:enteL lr,,lc to accc'mmo,laLc ul ttr ]/4 I'VC tLfc irt rvirine ?5!0Linf canNOTI'curedsirh f,Ml rnounr srylc. MOUNTIN(; OPTIONS: r. stRtts Ir - J[N5oN'M 2. TAMP O- LAMP BY OTHIRs 1t- 8AB/20W/40'MR-16 14" tMW/35W/40'lvlR-16 t7. tYP/4?W/40'MR.l6 20. tXN/50W/40" lYlR- 16 24- [Y(/75Wl50'Mn-t6 3. VOTTAGE t2v- l2 voLT 6[0llN0 t1cl] T 4. ftiltsH (0t0R Bt{s- RtA(( 5M00TH 8I(T. BIA(K TIXTURTO 8R5, tnoNzt SMooIH 8RT. BRONZT TTXTURIO wtis- v,lHtTt 5M001H WHT- WHI]t TTXTURID sts- StwtR 5t{l00Tll tvs- rvoRY 5M00TH cH5. (HRoMt S[1001H N85. NAIURAL ORONZT VtT. VERDI TIXTURID 5AT. SAND TIXTURTD 5. (0t0R fil.TrR t0- NoNt fM. MIR(URY VAPOR IR. RED IND- RtD DI(HROIC IP. PINK IA. AMBIR FG. GREIII tGD- GRttt{ Dt(HR0t( FL8. LIGHT BTUI rm8- ttD .ut FMBD- MID ELUt DICHROI( 6. STIM I,tNGTH s6- 6' STEM 512- 12" 5I st8- t8" sT$il 524- 24" STIM 7. MOUNT sIYI.T PMt. PoWIR lrlouNr" 60 PMz" PoWIR MoU r" 60 W,/ TRANSIORMTN HOUSING Ai{D 60w TRAt{Sf0nMtR PM3- PoWIR MoU r" 60 ADJUSIAStt 51tM 5M- SURFI(I MOU T 8. SPtCtAt STD. STAIIDARO MOD. MODIFITD M00tfltD rTir{0ARD pq t30 Itr ] \/ ---i-.------r-.---.-----r----.-----r---------l---_.-.-..r.----------r----.--.--T--_-.12345678 \.isir r,rLr WilscapcrM from Winona Liglrtinl rr.l.'ite lor aoutf lrrr'f ((ili.ntt(,ni: li6Lr \\'. I i'trrth Srrerr \\'in,rnrr, \l\ rr\r'lr'.$ i nonaligh I ing. corrl ;i9s7 li'll Fne: sLrtr.il,.5lrlI Fur: 5(r7'{ij.lsll J1 Spirit" Series $Mft 35VilR-8l|At0ctlt(Mufiipher:?0v,l=.47) tuMENS:300 BALI241?.IES l8' Stem Helghl 6' 2' 0' -2' JensOn'" SefieS [AMP:75VMR-I6l|At0GtN(i|,luhhlierj: 20W=.29,35t,l/=.55,42l4l=.5s,50W=.2) tUMtl,ts:1,100 BAr1241B.rEs l2'Siem Heighf lS" Sfem Height 24" Sten Heigh t?' I' {' 0' -4' -8', | 2' $tem Height r.l 1 2 4 12' Siem Heighf | 8" Sfem Height c {7 It 21 u 6' 4 2' 0' .2', Tioga* Series with T.3 Top LAMp:50VllR-I6r{Ar.oGEt(Muhiplhrs20w=.42,35ul=.7t42tt=.Br)[UilEl{S! 800 BAL1oB84.IES l?" Stern Height 'lrrr; ' Visit oui q'elsite for complete specifications: rvwv.rvinonallghtihg,com Winscapent from Winona Lighting 3?60 W. Fourth Street Winona, MN 5598? Toll Freer 800.128.5291 3" Stem Heighl 6" Stern Height Faxr 507,454.1814 Stone Manor Lighting > Canterbury copper garden lantems and porch lights > garden out... Page 2 of 3 .-l '-1'.:. .. ' '': i: {rlor .- 3w Estate Size Lantern (16 H x 10'W - Watl Mount) l' 'c€: 5f,iirl.00 Garden Lantern - 25' Hook - 6" Lantern Price: 5180.00 - ShjoDinq: 514.00 1Z volt Garden Laniern w/ Shepard's Hook Garden Size Porch Lanterns - ADorox. 10 H x 6 Vr' Price: 5235.00 - ShiDoine: S14.00 '| 2-volt Wa{l Mount 110-vo{t WaiI Mount Porch Lanterns - Approx. 12 H x 7"Vr' Price: 5410.00 - ShiDDine: 518.00 volt Canterbu Watt Mount g Pilasier Watt Mount {EIEEIE Pitaster Estate Lanterns - Approx. 16"H x 10"W Prjce: 5600.00 - Shjpping: 525.00 '** Custom Orders Only '"" 50J, Il, rr.r;-i inJlbL!- lL't)i,.t r':c'. rcd: volt Watl l\f,ount 4it@iil Pitaster WatL Mount maftn ZEEfiA Pilaster http ://www. stonemanorli ghting. com/htmls/cantl anterns. htm 21812008 NORTH ELEVATION ,iiirr 't:ll t' -_' ;:-i.. TOWLR STUCCO I\l al cril ls l-ist Ilool- N4cral Iiirscitr Nlclitl slucco l\Jairr l. ir irrg, Ar.ca SlLrce tr 'l'ot'cr Slono \/cltccr \\/irrtlol lr.irn \\'inrlols Solllls l-ookottls ( iulrlrlririls = 4:o =t == II:S ('oarings l{,,\1, 7{)ill ll:S ('oatirt g s ItAl.700l Color to Iniltch IJ,fvl ( l-i9S\\' IJJ -. \J c)-. r_u da O E r-r.r e, ProJI(t tlti 0lr1l8l 0rll i t.i Irlr! !r! $ (iancsos li(rr Atrir. ri.r*1, A, col,r l, rnlrtch lltrl I l'il-'i0 ; _,-_.. ...thllrr l.itrrcslonc \\.,sntu(l:,c iir()lrl \r'o(,(t (.ctl.rr srock *.,/ Ol-r rrrpir Sr;rii ,,itt,l Altrtrirtrrrrr('lrrtl Jcltlrlcn(.olorl,(.t03(.hlnrylr:nc 6" 'l &( j Cttl;rr ()l;, rnpic Slirirr iiTi)9 \\'rrod Sllrin lo nlrttlr rroLrrl tlint i\lr'l:rl l)outlcr coutctl lo nr:rlclt llint rr :rlrrrrr in r,nr clb lc rrill LrilL_j STONE W/ SMUI]GE GROt,| r \,,: __-= * -_:z -" lrl TRIM/ WINDOW COLOR STUCCO +&ll,'* .;.;, ' -,i , '.' ii[ it5 Jl Jr 4It --t G' dn TOWN OF VAIL Depamnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colnrado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 w l l8lor ftllo*el (t'PA' 1'qqr Frank D. McKibben 228 Bridge Strcet Vail. CO 81657 Novcmber 20. 1998 RE: Devclopmcnt Potcntiat for Lot Xl-1, Parcet D, Bighorn Subdivision j tOl l A A LlCO'; Dear Frank: Accolding to thc Town of Vail records, the resubdivision of Lot 20 Bighorn Subdivision was heard before the Planning and Environmental Commission on August 22. 1978. While thc staff memo fi'om this date could not bc located, I have included a copy of the minutes liom that meeting. Becausc the original analysis of devclopment potential for Parcel D could not be locatcd. I have also included a current analysis of dcvelopment potential for this parcel. However, becausc rve do not have a current survcy on file, all analysis is apploximate. If you have any questions. plcase do not hesitate to call me at 479-2369. Lot 20 ParcelD, Bighom Subdivision Zoning: Lot Size: Approximatc Building Envelope: Standard Site Coverage l5% (if slopcs >30%) 3399 sq. ft. 20% (if slopes <30%) 453l.tt sq. ft. GRFA: 5366 sq. ft. Alkmahle Dwelling Units 2 units Sincerelv./ tt.i. ' /) /) ,r'/tu//&L (( u-L_ Allison C. Ochs Planncr I Two-Family Rcsidcntial 22,659 sq. ft. 10.628 sq. ft. Allowed 4a {,2 *""""'o '^"* lllHU$.|,.til|! ,lurt3ut..l 13.. I O7:l 9t. e Cortlna and feels the lot ls too close to the creek. Ed Drager then questioned whether there should be a streamside setback. Roger Tilkenreler felt that to answer all the questions brought up today this matter should be tabled until the next reguLarly scheduLed meeting. - His Motion is to tabLe the lst Bank of Vail request for a Conditional Use Permit and Parking Variance until the Planning & Environmental Commissi.on meeting scheduled for September 12, L9'18. Gerry l9hite seconded the Motion and the Commission voted unanlmously to table thls matter. The 4th item on the agenda, I{edel Inn - Rezonlng from Public Acsormodation to CCL has UeEn'-rri-ildiawn-S@Sffic&nt. The Corunission requested that item number six be discussed at this time. CaCSlaLVgi.ljI - Request for Resubdivision of Lot ?, Block A, LionsrIffifFl- Deane Knox and Harold Engstrom were present to speak to the ConrnriSsion. They explained their proposal which is basically a townhouse concept. Their proposal. ls for 2,4OO sq. ft. duplex lots and one 3,20b sq. ft. tripfex lot. The units will be 1,400 sq. ft. GRFA and tbe density meets the Zoning Ordinance requirements as stated by Jim Rubin. Thelr access will be from Sandstone Road and VaiL Vlew Drive. The covenants have architectural controls' Bon Todd. made the Motion to approve Casolar Vail ff request for Resubdivisicfn of Lot 7, Block A, Lionsridge Filing No. I as it is in accordance with the cluster housing coneept and has been recommended for approval by the Department of Community Development. Gerry White seconded the llotlon and the Commission voted unanimous approval . Item 5 on the agenda. was then discussed.Cooper - liots ror 20-L and 20-2 (Resub. Lot 20) Bishorn Subdiy,--r uest vaiatEn ot 1bt line between these two lots - .-.-.r- The owner wants to work with this site as a whole. These are two Residential Cluster sites, 9 units are permitted, the ovmer is putting :on1y 7 unlts on the site. The'commission asks for the ownerts reasoning on this request. It was explained during discussion that it may be more feasible to vacate the lot line making one single site so that they will only have to have one driveway for access to the projeet. It was nilteO that the plan is to save trees on the site by arranging the buildings around t-he existing tiees. The Deslgn R6view Board had approved this plan. The comrnission .feels the plan as a single projeci is a good idea and gives the project more flexibility. 'Roger Tilkemeler made the Motion to approve the vacatLon Pg. 7 of tbe 10t line between Lots 20-1 and 20-2 a Resubdivlsion of Lot 20, Bighorn subdivision as requested. Ron Todd seconded the Motion, the Commission voted 4 for approval and Gerry Whtte voted in opposition. Item 7 on the agenda was Avalanche Report for Bighorn Estates. This will be set asitie for a future meeting for Commission review. The 8th item on the agenda was. to be confirmation of Pam Garton as rotating Conmission member to Design Review Board. Mrs. Garton was not Present. The last item on the agenda was approval of Minutes for the rreeting of August 8., 19?8. Gerry Tlhite made the Motion to approve the Minutei of the Commission meeting of August 8, L978, Rogei-Tilkemeier seoonded the Motion, the Commission voted approval with Sandy Mills and Bon Todd abstaining' Ed Drager advised the Commission that will be interviewing and appointlng the new Commisslon member to replace Scott Eopman. Meeting adiourned - 5:30 P.lr't. the Town Counci.I Planning & Envlronmeutal *4..__a Eaglo County Devolopment TO Whom It May Concern (Corporate Seal) ATTEST: Corporatlonl AI,'IE}ID}IENT TO DECLAMTION OF PRO- TECfIVE COUE,\ANIS F'OR PARTS OF' LOT $ITENIY, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, Al[D FOR BIGHORN SUBDMSTONTFISSm. ADDITTON COUNIY DEVSLOPI,IENT @RPORATTOX Wm Jarnes Sianl< appllcable, also, !o thqtollolving descnlb^ed property J,n Eagle Countyr .,;!oiorac.o: &421l#qr-rv p<-u*a W f 1. The flve'residentlal ldbs shown 1n the resubdlvlslon of Lot 20 -,. Iof the tsigho:'n Subdlvislon, belng Lots 20-2r. 2O-3, 2F\, 2O-5 and 2V6.r I _.'' /.7\u coirenants shall not be applicable to Lois ?O-A,20-8, 2O;'C,20-D and - l 4,v-J-. .ffi-n,r.s'on r-n , lrestrlctive-covenants sha1l not apply to sald resldentlal flve l-ots 2O-2 I I through 20-6. The sald nesubdlvlsion of Lot 20 of Blgho::n Subdlvlslon .- [ vras fiied with the Clerk of said Eagle County on Apr11 1, 1963, and carrles \Receptlon ]lo. 97238.2. AtI of the Blghorn Subdlvtslon, Fl:rst AdditLon, the plat of whlch . was flled April 1, L953, rvlth tho Clerk and Recordor. oi Eaglb Countyr0olo- RECEPTToN N0. 97387 BECORDD: gook 175r Page 81 RECITES: EAGLE COL-IITY DE\IET,OPIENT CORPOMTfO}I' a Colorado corporati-on,fee orvner of the real propenty horelnafte:' descrlbede hereby makes and declares those limltationsr:'estrlctlons and uses as set t'orth 1n the DECLARATIOI{ OF PROTECIM CO\rE}TANTS FOR TiIE tsIGHORN SUBDIVfSION as re- corded in Book I74, at nage \03, etc.r of the Records of Eagle Countyr Colorado, upon and as appllcablo to said. heretnafter desc:ribed properly as restrlctive and protectlvo covenants, through r.oference ther.eto and hereto in all deeds and contracts fon salo issued. by'sald Granton to or fon any pant of said herelnafter descrlbed p:roperty, as beneflis and ob-J.lgations running ririth such p::operty, and as blndlng upon the Grantor and,'upon aII partles clalrnlng und.er sald Grahtor and upon a}l future owners of any part of such prope::ty, so long as such restrlctlve covonants shall temaln in force and effect as norv wrltton or as her"eafber altered: Such origlnal covenants for the Blghorn Subdivislon are he::eby made ::ado, anci carrles Recoptlon No. 97239. fN I/TITNESS y/IiEn3OF, EAGLE COIINTY DE'r/tr-,0PI{ENT CORPORATION, by authorliy of its tsoard. of Dlnector.se has caused this lnstrument io be execut€d by its . Presldent, attested by lis Soc:rotaqyr and lts corporate soal hsreto afi'lxed this 2.l.'rrh day of Apr11rl.963. EAGI,E By -contlnusd- Prosldont Ffli nia?.+\! L.rt; -L.jJ,RXiIGIO]I OA lT. Ii. lieldtbnlnk t-'' TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frcnnge Rod VaiL Colordo 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 July t5n, t999 Lisa Aggett Box 1218 Avon, CO 81620 Re: A Resubdivision of Lot 20, Bighorn Subdivision / 4284 Columbine Drive "|.\t |.44 a)/'Y.'- -r \L, \ t 4 4/\ \\-^-' ' Dear Lisa: Enclosed please find an updated parcel map for the above-referenced property. Per our conversation yesterday, the units at 4284 Columbine (Lot 20-l) are eligible for an addition not to exceed 250 square feet. Lot "D" (as referenced on the enclosed parcel map) has potential for the development ofa duplex or single-family dwelling unit. However, significant site constraints exist on the property and development would most likely be limited to the upland portion of the lot (northeast corner). Applicable wetland permits from the U S. Army Corps of Engineers may be required prior to the issuance of any development plan approvals. Additionally, there is a required 50' setback from the mean centerline of Gore Creek. Development within this setback is prohibited. If you would like to discuss these iszues in greater detail, please contact me at 479-2128. Sincerely, \W/- Brent Wilson Planner II {p *nt"t"o " ru I llo( tAA4<6d /77:-,t+ 29r /183 fo ?'.a 4 /4".'- .4*a "46 2-/ 4,/?-- *12 A-rp.? -J ''2'''4:.- 3.-Z T*" ,4tu@'4- 'fWr-..t& 2,.= .4".- /a-A/^/ 4-Z+- e?y iaa.u"z4/4 ,7, 4---1 / . "(z uD ", t---42, J 4-- tzz*,-/ /t^ "<h 7-/4# V ft n Zk--. g U tut ri?J *o I o Ae 4'*4,*4 ffi{"-a/ 4 -vz'/ 4 Z +a.-a->",4.4.2&* 7t* /.4b le 74d-/'Y .'e %/4 -/ '-' ^ ru o?,*.?A{,: -.r{/iz 4 z?-tL.et>zt .Q 4-' f4t-ct7e /./ J*- \-./7 L-*/'2*z-ezaA-.- z-- H- .z--,2h. .&r4^ tuwn n Ilill 75 Bouth lrontage road vail,.colorado 81557 . (303) 476-7000 August 24, 1983 olllce of communlly developmenl Ron Cooper 8030 West 78th Way Arvada, Colorado 80005 Dear Ron, Re: Lot 20-1 , 20-2, Bighorn R€-sub Lot -20 I'm following up on our conversation of B/lB, and I apologize for the late response, I've been iil lately. For your rezoning application, I will need'the following: l. A wirtten statement on why you feel the rezoning is iustifjed, What condiditons have changed which warrant the existing zoning un- sui tabl e ? 2. An improvement survey or existing site plan showing the exi.st-ing improvements, lot lines and'any subdivision which has been approved. This should include neighboring properties. As discussed, the next submittal deadline is August 29 whjch will putyou on a public hearing before Planning Commission on September 26. PJease contact me for further assistance. Senior Pl anner APP: br o OR REQIJEST FOR A CHANGE IN DISTRICT BOTJNDARTES I. This procedure is reguired for any amendment to the zoning ordinance or for a request for a digtrict boundary change At-/)- A. NAII1E OF PETITIONER I)OMALD I- I?OPEQ ADDREss f,oeo 18 { Uky Petition Date o PETITION FORM F A,!4ENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OR PHoNE +z{-ut3 B. <ry.vrrv e,vs NAME OF PETITIONERIS REPRESENTATIVE ADDPS,SS 2g c.AUTHORTZATION SIGNATURE ADDREss !o3o l,'/ 78 4 AnlAoA, (tzo D.L@ATION OF PROPOSA], b/, enoNz476 rb,6'lf 6to t- nr \t . nyl ADDRESS WilT;EG*,D us1.,++ ' dsr.l. dC.,C.) ?^,.-, A Dot @orrno Go- Box I sqs 8oc\{ Coi"ro.ao $",.i5s, G 6oqo/ Ao-n Ao->D,arro Fn.aEs Ce-c,ss Ro*oe R. AS'".L /q3 E- ftka-c{ou,, Ar. lr/^-;_0 | C,o. g,9-l-) ";i {h..- QcoPertV /fu /2t,w pHoNE "()'{-/t53 - /ai,6h nrc rz EGA], DESCRIPTION LoI7O-( blocK fr-l t t 2 | ..-J,A+-^t E' FEE $100.00 plus an anount equal to the then current first-class postage rate for each property owner to be notified hereunder. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property, and their mailing addresses. P^"r.-t C R"* e*g.r 80 3o uJ . -l grt^ -fl\€- be\a-*.. -i1 hrd.."d by CFe€.Es l\dq<r _ Petition form for Amen. to Zoning Ord or Request for change in boundaries tli ^ O .tv . A. The petition shall include a summary of the proposed revision of the regulations, or a complete description of the proposed changes in district boundaries and a map indicating the existing and proposed district boundaries. Applicant must submit writtcn and,/or graphic rnaterials stating the reasons for request. III. Time Requirements The Pl-anning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd. and 4th Mondays of each month. A petition with the necessary accompanying material must be submitted. four weeks prior to the date of the meet-ing. Following the Planning and Environmental Commission meeting,aLl amendments to the zoning ordinance or district boundary change must go to the Town Council for f,ina1 action. fj Project Application Projoct Name: Pro.iect Description: Architect Address and Phone: oo t t-o^r. dtlT f 73 {' c' f t0 C A' C. uzt Owner Address and Phone: <'* '-' o (e - !' ,, , ^" l > -- 1.1 ,,. X le ir '/luo,.t (nc e. lt,,- Lesat Description'1-o, -, () ,aro"r f #A ,riring Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board ' , /--- /,^," lf 7/ ).i Motion by:'j,-. '' (. '- ' ul O n, Seconded by: DISAPPBOVAL APPROVAL \' I v4 /lA tLw ttq ,. Sum mary: Zoning Administralor Date:Date: Chiet Building Oflicial [;1 is Pai PfIOJ T.CT LE GAL DE SCR I PT I ON o- -4 usE zorJE 'J(C--, PRoPosED usE ( s ) Lbzt4*; FROfITAGE LOT S IZE SETBACKS: /6 Rear Rear ft e max I Actua I . D i aoona I J 'r r . /984:, Acl ,.ra ft., Actua I S ITE COVERAGE : A I lowab le Actua I sq. ft. USEABLE OPEN SPACE: Requi red Ground Leve I LANDSCAP ING: I r ^..^t | ^ c^I r(JhrorJ t(' JY sq. r1 RE V I El'/ Date IT Chairman, Des i gn Rev iew Board Town Engineer Da te ENV IRONI,4ENTAL IMPACT APPROVAL l.ila y o r Date --A'o,.,lJ,JFiT,cKL I sr qP f ., ARCH I rLCT (lJfuL fr4 o- , Sides 2-o' i ght A I 5 mum length /op' -, Diagona leng-th _3{', Required - Front "4, , Sides /O f ','._ . Actua I D ISl ANCE BETl,i EEN HE IGHT: Average IES APPROVAL I'UA X U - Front BU I LD INGS: Requ i red Grade He _J6+ d t#ai:jl,,i, lowed ' 3D'tu*#, Actua t 2C,>{i c.R.F. A., 2th Ratio, Auowable sq. tt. ALE€Z.f , Actual sq Allowable so. f t. trrrr.#l .fuv*W, /Required (/O fi,t+ !\^-t..^ |5V. | | . t trL I UCI I PARKING AND LoADltlG: No. Requi ,"d /4 , No. Actua, /y' , Govereo nF {o fi /4 *o.; covered Ac y"t J4-, /aafL r m i n i s t ra to r DES IGN UTIL q u i re d ZON I.NG APPROVAL APPRO VA L : _- J- Zori Date S ubm i Da-te Submi Date Submi E xten s ion ng Review gn Review ron me n ta I t'l'e d tted tte d o{ for for for 7on Des Env d/7 t _t iew Dea d Dead Da te Date tl ti ne ne lmpact Rev to date of Ordinance No. B (Series ot 1973r, Dead I ine as pqrmi tted i tem by Sect I COMME NT S lr /u,-(t AU"&-4={'da- /|'.crfu4 .- /Qtr,.t ?. ,r./"f_fr . Ll y-1=-* : (1r#j'dlt, t vffi, Lof :>'o - | ./-1 't //J .-* /n u '' 444't'-/o / Lr ' Peter Patton , Planner Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 8L657 l- f z-o Dear Mr. Patton, Piease be advisea that Lhe construction project of iuir. Pat Campbell aL 4284 Columbine Drive of Vail does not follow the architectural drawing of Wheeler - Piper architects approved by the town of Vai1. I draw to your attention specifically the asphalt shingle that Mr. Campbell substi- tuded for the cedar shakes as designated in the blueprints. I feel this variance lowers the esthetic value and continuity of this project. The architects designed the roof speci-fically to combine good looks with function in handling the snow in East Vail. I feel the original plans in regard to the cedar shakes on the roof approved by the town of VaiI should be adhered to. Your immediate attention to this matter will be appreciated. CC: Wheeler-Piper 910 Carr Lakewood, CO 80215 November 12, 1980 Yours lntcr-Mourrtrln Englnccrlng ua October 17, l98O Mr. Marty orFallon Suite 2OO 1624 Market Denver, Colorado 80202 Re: Iots 2O-1 andl 2O-2, A Resubdivision of Iot 20' Asrended Pl.at' Bighorn Subdivision Totln of Vail' Colorado . Dear llr. OrFaLLon: The purpose of this letter is to re-enphasize points made in the various discussions that have taken place over the past few ldeeks between members of our staff and yourself, Mr. Gary Cooper r !tr. Don cooper, Mr. Pat campbe l1 and Mr. George Taeckels. During these dis- cussions rre have made a complete disclosure of all problettts which we know to exist ttit}l the above referenced survey. we also have informed you how the work was performedr and what we believe still should be done. The Arnended PIat of A Resubdivision of rot 20' as recorded in Eagle county, (by surveyor Cecil D. Broyles) r is in error and does not close nathematically. In addition, our field survey performed in August 1979 (with unbalanced precision of I part in 16,O0O) shor.ts that the Foint of BegS-nning (the Northetest corner of Section 12' Tounship 5 South' Range 80 west of the 5th P.M.) is in conflict wi th the state Highway Departrent right-of-way narkers along th€, soutb side of Highway 5 by aPproxiDately 12.4 feet in a norttffesterly direction (see eneLosed nap) - In the subsequent recorded plat of Bighorn Subdivision Fourth Additionr which is adjacent to A Resubdivision of Lot 20' l{r. Cecil Broyles calls for chese right-of-way m.rrkers, and the sane tie to the Northwest corner of Section 1? as on the Iot 20 PIat. In addition' there is a 10 foot discrepancy in the distalce called for along the South right-of-way line of Highray 6 on Hr?-Broyles' recoriled plat of Bigltorn Subdivision. These problems resulted in trao surveys being issuedt by this office which conflict with the survey nost recently perfornred. trhe original re subd ivis ion plat done by Richards Engineering in l-9?9 (this Plat was nc,t recorded) shows that the lo foot discrepancy is in the North line of lpt 20-1, and was based on the information availabl,e at that time. BOX c-100 AVON, CO 81620 949-5072: DENvER E93-1531 I42O VANCE STREET LAKEWOOO. CO 80215 232-0158 Mr. Marty orPall-on October 1?, 1980 Page 2 v-9171S orrr fielil survey of septenlcer 1980 (with an unbalanced precision of L part in I8,O00) showed that the lo feet is not in the North line of Iot 2O-l but on the other side of Colr:mbine Drive. Thi s is based on a pin that sas found at the intersection of the llest line of Colunbi.ne Drive and the South right-of-way line of Highway 6 (see enclosed map). Ihe irrprovenent locations shown on our survey of 'Streanside Duplexes" t ll,ay 198Or are also in error since they were surveyed frcmr t.l.e sane control.s. During our field survey of Septenber 1980' we set pins to locate what we befieve to be ttre rnost probably boundaries of Iots 2O-I ancl 2O-2. Pins were found in the aitjoining subctivisions (Bighorn Subdivision Fourth Addition and Bighorn Estates) but no pins or monuments were found in r,ots 2o-I, 2o-2, 2o-1, 2o-4, 2o-5, o! 20-6 (see enclosedl nap). The pins found in Bighorn Fourth Ad.dition and Bighorn Estates were within 0.1o feet of the plat location rith resPect to the rcnlIlentg on Highway 5. Thus' these monutnents were useil to set the pins for I-ot-s 2O-f and 2O-2. 8y this control, the l-ots are in their proper loca- tion in relationship to Bighorn Fourth Addition and Bighorn Estates and in relationship to Highway 6. Had the North\test corner of Section 12 referred to above been used to set the pins according to the recorded plat of A Resubdivision of T-at- 20' Lots 2O-I tlrrough 2O-6 would shift so as to overlap adjoining lots in some places and create a "gaPt' between lots in other Places. Because of aI1 the problens mentioned above and the lack of field evidense in Iots 2O-1 through 20-6. rte rtould reconutend that at the Ieast, Mr. Ralmond Cote (owner of I-ot 2O-3) be contacted and shovtn the plat of Iots 2O-1 and 2o-2, and the field location of the pins for his concurrence. Mr. cotets telephone nrglber is 476-5567- Ftore preferabl,y, we reconnend a resuntey of aII of the Anended Plat of A Resubdivision of Iot 2O be done and a correction Plat filed with Eagle County. Any proration caused by tbis resurvey would involve the line corunon to Lots 2O'2 and 2O-3, and so Mr\, Cote should certainly be made aware of this. The other boundaries bf Lots 2(F1 ana 2O-2 l€uld not be adjusted, as they are "fixed" by other suMivision boundaries and roads. I trust this will fglly disclose both what has been done and our recomnendations for $rhat still needs to be done to resolve this plat. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. JMS : cjn cc: Mr. Gary CooPer Mr. Don Coope! Mr. Ronald Cooper Mr, Georqe Taeckels Mr. Pat CamPbe l-1 ur. Jack Johnson Mr, Jim Rubin Mt P.-\rmarh.:l (-ote Sincerely ' INTER-!4OTJNTAIN ENGINEERING, LTD. \ t\ -.-'".I ':-L)- r' Jef rery !,1. spanel, PE ',vice Pres\dent tl $ fi $ ; :: '. :., t,rrs [7;J,,er5ef6. ]hiLt ftances y- $oore, Jrried and ,). lrirrl !:.:c oI !he Ciry of Xokoho, r,f iJr'. r.rt C,, nrr-. irr rh(, Si t{,r.f Indiaia , ,_ til, r-. rl(,tui(ln i,, ti.onnld Lce Moore, 14g Bl.ue Valle:,/ Cour!, I Xrnhartan, Kansas 66 502 Subdilision, County of Ea.Le, State of Colorado, and iDclLdiFA right to one (l) seaer lop liitho,-lr charie as ir:anced bv thc tlFller \:allev Snnira!ion - *rFi+Lri.'-.rnJ c,,i! f,,. ^r .lrqlr tjsrric! . ,/-..-_=-.=:1 | 'l.ii \( r. ll i. '','i,' --\. :l <i i a"(, \ ,i) | )t ,<t 1' :! of O1e Bn.l noll1o -------_- _-_-_-__-- D,,lta,.. :lnd ,rrhr', rrlrral;lr cr,|).i;lrrlti{,n. the r.(eillt \,her.t",f is het,il,l. r,cln,,nlr,,lptrl. {le f,,lIrr, rnc rltscr.iirrri ll.,rt Arnre in [aB]e . Coun!).. i,, r.,, Sti,h nf Ci)1,,r.rdo .1,)-l{lt: ,--.\.ot-z6a a*t L.t t0-, .ili" """"0"a il"i; .,.-' the Resrh(livision of lc\t 20 of Lhe 6i?horn l j I 1 1 l I j ) 3:11i qi:t|J'rit ffi ;rL z( ; t. r., i4l-.r - ,- (, l-'.1 \\ ( t, ;l ,r ,t dr"( , rr,'.!t. TIjF si{, Fr.rnc(, s :.:. }!o(rra hir hlrrunt,' rri her lLii(t rntt srit . rxrs lt(\l lsD Ir"nrr h,. thf ci,!..r {nat. I i.'rr.r} t.utrl,.,n.nn ft,r rrlJ r,.uir), r|r. J, o rk ,t., "r ,(.ie r!/<. nt,,-rt ii r::l c r\," -^E-d .,.F,.J \. .t.)hn i: $i\od. Arri\ri1.v {r lit {? t: l,f ,xot.{i-A. j) 1l .\ ri (..q I il .:,.i ,l - Fr'J'n, s M. Hor,r., .,,t 1.ln.rt.J(,.t rAr.!n crr.n .l rtr nv.tr,nt ,nr.JD..( '' ,) i Bi!{'i nrt lLn,t r^,1 .'lt..,rt *rl I ,r Tnrc Tlrrol. Tho dd bs tl!.cnto rt her hrrd 'l| l, /-6 I S.d, rtLil) QUrT-CLAtn DEED fhtt and.rlura Wrtnasratl, That Fr&caa !1. Moorc, Drrrled ard of Iegal age of the Cltt/ of Kok@o, of Houard Countl. in thf St:rte of Ind lana k,.l"a' ,n',i Quit-cl"i,r to Ronald Lee Moolc, 148 Blua vallet Courr, Uanhattan, Kangas 66502 'l ,'r RIIeY (i'[ntJ, in th. State 0f Kaasas . f r nnd in c,'nrideration ol Ona .nd no/100 --------- ---------- tlolloa. and other taluable consi&ration, the rrceipt $hettof is hercby rckn,'$ledged, I I the tollolring de*cribcd 8"al f,rrap in Eagle County in the State of colorado , to-!rit: 5llll ||fiIl||l m jul 'al,' 7( ]'/b2-a- -.,'- sr::r.!!1f*ali. -.::.-=- ..... ...-,-,*. -, -----;ttirrl Rfm- Ool|fr.r: it n F, t-na-dtsd, r ttfr4 ittrc r rt te Il c/'{rrl t Frarca ! !1. l{oolc ndd , tlb 20rh art d July 't --lFrrIt-.J lA)Lc",, /11 Z'J+<ur Fl^rcls l|. xx)lE 90 *L . ro d C*r ,rarffi t .|..d- dtila{a r-r-* Cenr, L. Hnrrrsux ATTORNEI A'TD COUNSEI.LOB AT Qf 't' i't-'l' '' ",i='tl tt//// h/44an \hft r'/ EI.IIIE bpg UNIYXRSITY BUILDI.,\G 91O SIX.TXET\"II SfREET DllnrysR, coLoRADo ao20? T-r w la.r CoDr 8Og ftarPaort 282-1645 0ctober 19, 197\J0-l Tovrn of Vai I Vai | , Colorado 30-L Re: Zoning - Bighorn Subdivision Gent I emen : Reference is herein made to prior correspondence to your municipality through a branch thereof setting forth objection of my clients to any variations from the zoning covenants existing at the iinre of acquisi-tion of the fol lo"ring described property in the Bighorn Subdivision near Vail, Colorado, to wit: Lots 20-1 and 2O-2 Bigliorn Sr-rbclivision, Resubdivision of Lot 20 Amended Plat, according to Resubdivi ded Pl at thereof , Eagle County State of Col orado At the time of the acquisition of this property, covenants there-with provided that the property was authorized for use comrnercial ly, and my cl ients acguired the property in reliance thereon and intend to avai I themselves of such commercial use and the re fo ie . fo rma I ly object to any attempt at re-zoning the property to restrict the use thereof in any way inconsistent with the original covenants apptying.,to said p rope rty. Please consider this correspondence and its predecessor as for- mal notification of objections to any modi fication in zoning or use of sai d premises. TH cLH/dh At to rney at Law c-s -., >-5 <- r i{o ,,, 1t5 ov.,+'no ;o 5 0\9 = q: \r ---J = a\CL uE >G r- tt 1I -'-l O ntrn o o z a {F c o {6 z T rrl F 3 + <E@ m :-- (- - --t L,+n2 =^r_\o; -' >a-t- ftf tfl Lrt .tL l "11 !Or- z.< c] TI] \= o-'z z r- l< F t>la l< l= lH l<t> I lg i m ts l\\\t\ t-\ T n (- m c)i z o z lo o {{ m o t z -{m r € J m 4 =al 6 --t --l -9 TI m Itl t- € o m l-m o G] ci) -m --t m ^1 H=8 - z (,c t- = z. o2-.)c)0 ?9H9T;fidiia=IhiEdg ^qr9P1 6 ?vt<n l+ lr" | | lo ln,I I I I l,ril'c 2 tD f,, @ \>ZO>mmO Q-+29R :e=P6:TEF T33 .;<nqz@g ;+i>i fiE t 662 .lsFF-1,[, fi z m € m z o =z t- m ! --t m ! I -n -t c --t z 6)N m^z 22 lnX+4-m P no a)_n =2o @c)o a)<2 noa. !nAn ==c:2@---{o6 o 'nzz € 4 x T< \ I w > 3 I s c I \ n 6-. fl s v al c\ i m N q N --t T o x z m .rl q N \a \ ',.1 \)k c\ .t$ tl N N 'l) s N h 4 c { S \J \ t t-c m €>F +:>* <o -o>:j:iE iii<zfio>Q>a c-ix =>5==zzY z->= r60i vj .aJn 2J;=3c-.t I f "={ !-l>;ll; 2 z z --t m z zl ol 0l <l 2 6.1 I >l --.r I ,l I I Ei -r I I I ol -ib iN- --l r- m n = =-n m m U) o t-m ? ! m 1)o a I N \J \ t1] =2 Itl m € ^J m o m -t z 'n m m m I z t- l-c 2 m l-m o o r t- z o m 7 a\i,,t >$t\ g z o m = m 3 ='n m m U'' VATUATION !m F =-.l z o m I z o t- 3 = m m --t 6 l- ID c t-0 z S s \ \ b VI 0 T 4' \S) a t\ -\ { h\ N \ \ \" N \ \ di $t \ \) N $ri \x \s \\. Itr J 0,$ \l 6 C\ Nlc t'll t l''>clb P ) .-) c..u \ h r, o o PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that John l{heeler representing Mr. Cooper has requested the vacation of the lot line between *-L,e!E-29:l- an4-t,o]-2f3 (Besubdivision of Lot 2o) Bighorn - S-ubdivision. The request is being made in accordance with Article IV, Mj.nor Subdivisions, of the Town of Vail Subdivision Regulations. A Public Hearing will be held in accord with Article III, Section 2 of the Subdivision Begulations of the Town of Vail before the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission on August 22, 1978 at 3:00 P.Iil, Said hearing will be held in the Vail Municipal Building. TOWN OF VAIL DEPABTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT A.A rrW-auA-11.,U /l Jfrnes A. Rubin Acting Zoning Administrator Published in the Val1 Trail August 4, 1978 t .PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEnEBY GMN that John lYheeler representing ur. cooper has requested the vacation of the lot line between Lots20_1arrdLot20-2(ResubdivisionofLot20)Bighorn subdivision. The request is being rnade in accordance with Article IV, Minor subdivisions, of the Town of vail subdivision Regulations. APublicHearingwillbeheldinaecotdwithArticle III, Sectiou 2 of ttre Subdivision Regulations of the Town of vail-before the town of vail Planning & Environrnental Commissi'on onAugust22,:l.g78at3:00P.}il.Saidhearingwillbeheldin the Vail ii{unieipal Buil-ding- TO}'IN 03 VAIL DEPARTIVMNT OF COIUMUNITY DEVELOPI\IENT Acting Zoning Administrator Published ln the Vail Trail August 4 ' lg78 Jack & Joan Carnle' Box 533 Vatl Lot 1, Bighorn 4th Geo. H.,Jr & HoPe G. Curfman 2O Elm St. Denver, 8O22A Walter Kirch Box 1937 Vail Alexis E. Llenchenco 250 Kearney Denver 8O22O Unit #hF Unit 13 Bighor n Terrace Lot 2, Bighorn 4th Abe Shapiro Lot Box 1547 Vail Gordon & Barbara Unit A Box 32 Vail 23-3 Big- horn Sub. Rowe 14 Bighorn Terrace v I department of community development August 25, 1978 John Wheel-er Box 3129 Va{l, Co1o.8165? Dear sir: Please find enclosed copy bt tne Minutes of the Planning & Environmental Commission meeting of August ZZ, LgZg. Your request for a vacation of 1ot line between Iots 2O-l and 2O-2 (Resub. Lot 20, B{1}!norn Subdivision was approved,but please be a.dvised of ttfe ten (10) day appeals period wh.ich makes the decision of the Planning & Environmental Commission final on September 1, 1978. Sincerely, Zonlng Adrninistrator JAR/gew lnwn box tfll vai!. colorado 81657 (3031 476:5613 /y##6,-*s,.) >- MINUTES PLANNING & Meetlng of COMMISSION ENVIRONMENTAL COMMI SS ION August 22, 1-978 MEMBESS: o I Ed Drager, Chairrnan Sandy Mi1ls Eon Todd Eoger Tilkemeier Gerry White Jim Rubin Elrppiro - Recreation STAFF The Easement first Trade agenda,item on the in Sunburst Frank Dalton of Shapiro Construction Co. made,the presentation on this item. He explained to the commission that the areas involved are identical and. stated that Eld.on Beck, a Consultant for the Town of Vail has reviewed. this plan and has approved it. The area wi1l be treated as a recreational area with picnic tables etc. Jiru Rubin advised the Commission that in ascordance wlth-the.speciar Development District they rvere required to put in this recreationar area that will be used foi Fallridge Condo and Townhouse residents. Mr. Dalton also stated that he would like to see the bicycle path connect with this area and that they would, not be unwilling to have the area used by the public. After further discussion Gerry White made the Motion to approve the Recreation .Easement rrade in sunburst Filing 3 .requested by shapiro and i.n accordance with the Department of community Development recommendations. The Motion was seconded ,by Ron Todd and the Comnission voted. unanimously to approve. Number 2 on the agenda, f Proposal - Parking Variance,- Gondola Phil Ordway of Vail Associates, Inc. made the presentation to the commission. He brought in a model of the proposed structure,and advised the commission that it has been revieiueal by Terry Minger and'Eldon Beck and they generally agree with thb proposal . Ed Drager advised Vail Associates on the gL,OOO assessment per parking space as.set forth by Town Council and. Mr. Ordway stated that they will comply with the stipuLations on this. Mr. Ordway explained to the Commission that thls variance request is contingent upon the Torest Service grantlng V.A.access across Forest service land and that to date he does not hav-e the signed permit, however, the Forest Service has given a verbal ok and with some changes in drawings etc, a permii will be lssued. Mr. Qrdway is asking the Commission to give their Associates Minutes 'PEC August 22, L978 Pe. 2 approval subject to Permlt until Forest the Town of Vail withholding the Bullding Service approval is given. Mr. Ordway then explained that they are now seeking approval for 6 covered parking spaces rather than the 15 sought in the initial request. They feel there will be no impact on the Village Core as a1l deliveries etc. will be made at the rear of the proposed building. He explained that the parking spaces were reduced because of changes in their drawings and their need for more storage space and more space for mountain operations Sandy Mills asked whether there would be room for one car per apartment. Mr. Ordway stated that they may have the Association l-ease the spaces to owners of the units as needed, they are not yet sure of assignments for the spaces. Sandy Mills wonders about the excess cars that may have to be absorbed by the public parking areas in Vail and we may be behind in planning for the extra spaces that may be needed. Mr. Ordway then showed the site plan and floor plans to the Commission. He atso explained that there is l-and conveyed to the Town of Vail for a park, and that they moved their strflcture in 20 feet and have decided that it would not be a good idea to build underneath this piece that the Torvn of vail will use for a park. He went on to say that with the rear access it will be a big safety feature, as injured skiers will be brought directly to their first aid station and then moved on to the clinic without the ambula4ce having to come through and back through the Core. There will be separate delivery doors for t- the few commercial spaces that are allotted for this structure' There will also be private entry for the condominium owners. He explained that 4 condominiums are planned and one small managerrs unit. They feel that a resident manager for the building will prevent uniuthorized parking and parking abuses by tenants. They ptan to have 10-15 minute delivery zone. They are planning a tey controlled gatervay to the structure and possibly a telephone wherL a detivery man, sirop owner or resident would have to identify themselves. to gain entry Ron Todd asked holv wide the roadway will be. Mr' Ordway stated it will be approximately 2O feet wide, will be wider than the standard drivewiy. Mr. Ordrvay assured the Commission that .the leases will contiin strong language to make sure the tenants and shop owners do not abuse the 10-15 minute delivery zone. Jim Rubin told the Commission that staff recommends approval and supports the concept where there will be no additional ti"attic through -th. Co.. and major pede.strian areas with the rear access and covered Parking. o O Minutes - PEC August 22, 1978 Pg. 3 Gerry White made a Motion to approve the Parking Variance firr the proposed Gondola I structure requested by Vail Associates, inc., contingent on the Forest Service approval on access through their land and according to the Department of Community Development memorandum dated August 2L, L978 with the record showing the request for 6 covered parking spaces rather than the t5 spaces initially requested. Ron Todd seconded the lilotion ind the Commission voted unanimous approval . The third item on the asenda, fg.!_@nEj!-Eif - Request for Conditional UFP PPrmi-t- a+S -Parkj-ng Variance ffithe bank building. Jay Peterson' Attorney made the presentation to the coumission. He explained there is a Joint Parking Agreement between the lst ea-nU ot Vail and the Valt Interfaith Chapel to use the area behind the chapel for the additional parking area neededbythebank.Mr.PetersonfeelstheConditionalUse Permit requested should be granted because this is the best place for the bank and it does not impact the-area in its iresent .focatlon. In regard to the variance from Covered Parking he feels covered parki-ng would be inappropriate-for the bank' it would be hard to eet in and out. causing traffic tie ups and would be difficntt to keep clean, etc' He stated they had been trying to work with lhe vilia corti-na on this t expansion, Lut that they had been unwilling to cooperate with these plans' ,. rh^ nroie.t showed the Ken Tfentworth, Architeet for the projeet sho drawings of the proposed. addition to the Commission' He u*pi"iil.O that t-he irCOition will take one row of existing palting (approx. 11 spaces), which will be picked up bV !!9 joint iair<1ne "".t ttlino iire Chapel. He.stated there will 6e tan-oscaping between the proposeo aoaition and the villa Cortina u"A-r"t."ning-of the parking proposed behind the Chapel' fie-eipfa:-ned ttrat the alternaiive proposal worlf$ be to raise the building and put parking in underneath and he feels this will not work neaiiy i" well , it would' have to be a split level and the addition woirtO have to be 5 to 6 feet higher' sanoyMillsaskedwhetherthefewouldbeabasementand Mr. Wentworth said no. Chairman Drager asked whether a Setback would be needed? It was felt there would be no setback required because the bank owns haif itre tanO. Jim Rubin stated that he would speak to Larry Rider for a ruling on this' o t Minutes-PEC August 22, 1978 Pg. 4 Sandy MilLs suggested that the employees using the parking should park in back of the Chapel alleviating some of the movement of traffic to the back of the Chapel .It was explained that the employees have been parking on the north si<ie of the bank in the sma1l Iot because of the congestion through traffic makes between the two stop signs on this cornet. Gerry White asked about controlling the lot. Mike Loken a bank officer was present and explained.that they did have an employee in the lot duriug the winter season from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and that under the proposed plan, the back 1ot behind the chapel would be used by employees of the bank so that they would not have to control this arel. Ron ?odd asked about the percentage of land.scaping required. Ken Tlentworth stated that they would be increasing the amount of landscaping, Ron Todd stated that he doesnrt think they can meet the 30% requirement. Jay peterson statef that he was Unsure of this and would check into it. Jim Rubin stated that they would not be taking away any landscaping so that the site though non-conforrning would not be made more non-conforming, they are not taki_ng out auy green, only asphalt and sidervalk. Ron Todd and the other Commission members feel that there were important points'missed on this and that they should be advised by, Larry Rider, Town Attorney. Ed Drager stated that with the change in staff from one Zoning Administrator to another, and the Commissionrs feelings that there are points which are unclear, he doesn't want to stand on rvhat is being said at this time. Jay Peterson asked that the Department of Community Development memorandum be part of this record. Terry Quinn, Attorney was present representing owners of units in the Villa Cortina. He stated that none of the alternatives to the proposed bank addition are agreeable to the unit owners, they don't like the idea of the parking lot in back of the Chapel and they dontt like the idea of the bank addition. They do not want their views blocked in any way and they take the position that the Setback Variance should be requi-red, as they feel the building rvill be too close to the property line due to the one-half ownership. t o t Minutes-PnC August 22,1,978 Pg. 5 He further advised the Commission that the Deed to the Chapel from Vail Associates, Inc. contains the phraseology which would prohibit commercial use of any of the church property and is restrict.ed to church or religious use only. He stated that there are 5 owners present today and they want to state their opposition to the bank additlon. He feels the Xst Bank of Vai-1 is entitled to no more or uo less than auy other commercial businsses in Vail and he also feels there is special privilege being granted the bank in this case.It is his feeling that the bank should convert the condomini-ums in the bank into office area it they. need the expansion.In reference to the Conditional Use Permit, he feels permission for this addition would crowd the area and would be injurious to the property owners of Villa Cortina. He also questions the landscaping requirement as brought up by the Board. Ed Drager stated that he feels they should meet the 30% landscaping requlrement. Terry Quinn went on to say that he feels a self-imposed hardship is not valid for granting a variance and the bank should. consider a new site where they can have additional parking. Jim Rubin reminded the Commission that the Town Councll will have to make the flnaL decision on off-site and the joint parking use, this is not part of the variance that is requested today. Sandy Mills commented makes alot of sense. that the joint use of the Parking There was further discussion on the zoning Chapel in Agricultural , Bank and Villa Cortina 1n and ttre inherent problems with this. Jay Peterson asked that the matter be tabled until the next Comrission meeting. The Villa Cortina owners were then asked to speak to the Commission. Bob'Qualls who owns unit 125 stated he had 'been driving through this valley for 2O years, he thlnks that its beauty is being. destroyed with all the additional parking being put in. He doesn't wantthe Villa Cortina surrounded by paving _ he stated. that he knorvs the condominlums in the bank are owned by officers and employees and that they should take this space filr banking services instead of adding to the existing building. Henry Gerken who owns unit 220 then spoke in opposltion' He cl,oes not wint his view obliterated and-agrees with all the statements made by Mr. Qual1s. A woman then spoke in opposition (I couldn't hear her name). She does not want parking close to the Villa in the atea, PubLic Accommodation Minutes-PEC August 22, 1978 pel o Cortina and feels the lot is too close to the creek. Ed Drager then questioned whether there should be a streamside setback. Roger Tilkerneier felt that to ansper all the questions brought up today this matter should be tabled until the next regularly scheduled meeting. His Motion is to table the Ist Bank of Vail request for a Conditional Use permit and Parklng Variance untll the Planning & Xnvironmental Commissl.on meeting scheduled for September 12, J-978. Gerry White seconded the Motion and the Commissj-on voted unanimously to table this matter. The 4th item on Pub]1c Accommodati.on the agenda, Wedel Inn -to CC1 has been withdrawu RezoninE from by the applicant. The discussed of Lot 7, Commission requested that item at this time. Casolar Vai-l II number six be - Request for Resubdivision Elo_ck A,Lionsridge Filing 1. Deane Knox and Harold Engstrom were present to speak to the CommiSsion. They explained their proposal which is basical).y a torvnhouse concept. Their proposal. is for 2,400 sq. ft. duplex lots and one 3,200 sq. ft. triplex lot. The units will be 1,400 sq. ft. GRFA and the density meets the Zoning Ordinanee requirements as stated by Jim Rubin. Their access will be from Sandstone Road and Vail View Drive. ?he covenants have architectural controls. Ron Todd. made the Motion to approve Casolar Vail II request for Resubdivision of Lot 7, Block A, Lionsridge Filing No. 1 as it ls in accordance with the cluster housing concept and has been recommended for approval by the Department of Community Development. Gerry lVhite seconded the l{otion and the Commission voted unanimous approval . tots The owner wants to work with this site as a whole. These are ttvo Eesidential Cluster sj.tes, 9 units a1e permitted, the owner is putting.only 7 unj-ts on the site. The'Commlssion asks for the owner's reasoning on this request.It was explained during discussion that it may be more feasible to vacate the lot line makirlg one single site so that they wiLl only have to have one driveway for access to the project. It was noted that the plan is to save trees on the site by arranging the buildings around the existing trees. The Design Review Board had approved this p1an. The Commission .feels the plan as a single project is a good idea and gives the project more flexibility. Roger Tilkemeier made the Iltotion to approve the vacatlon Item 5 on the agenda was then discussed. Cooper -20-l and 20-2 (Resub. Lot 20) Bighorn Subdiv, request for vacation of 1ot line between these'two lots. Minutes-PEC August 22, Lg78 Pg. 7 of the lot line between Lots 20-1 and 2O-2 a Resubdivlsion of Lot 20, Bighorn Subdivision as requested. Ron Todd seconded the Motion, the Commission voted 4 for approval and Gerry White voted in opposition. Item 7 on the agenda was Avalanche Report for Bighorn Estates. This will be set aside for a future meeting . for Commission review. The 8th item on the agenda was to be confirmation of Pam Garton as rotating Commission member to Deslgn Review Board. ' Mrs. Garton was not Present. The last item on the agenda was approval of Minutes for the meeting of August 8, 19?8. Gerry White made the Motion to approve the Minutes of the commission meeting of August 8, 1978. Rogei Tilkemeier seoonded the Motion, the Commission voted approval with Sandy Mills and Ron Todd abstaining. Ed Drager advised the Commission that the Town Council will be inteivlewing and appoi.nting the new Planning & Environmeatal Commission member to replace Scott Hopman Meeting adiourned - 5:30 P.M.