HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN SUB RESUB OF LOT 20 LOT 20-3 COMMON ELEMENTS LEGAL.pdft "t'. "'' i I .... .J fo( xo r-Cfl\'--1iv..u1r\ tl r ,t' \ ^ir 'j.J I : f e o th be o{- 1oK B\' 75 south lrontage road vall, colorado 81557 (303) 476-7000 November 21, 1988 Mr. John Nillson Vacation Properties Network 286 Bridge Street Vail, CO 8l-657 RE: Lot 2O-3t Bighorn Subdivision ofllce of communlty developmenl Dear Jotrn: According to the Town Bighorn Subdivision,area (GRFA) that may The existing GRFA is 11.t{1 Vail ecords regarding Lot 20-3, +1 allowable gross residential floor t on the lot is 5,357 square feet. sguare feet. That leaves a total of _.*8A sqo,are feet that rnay be added to this building. Any , addition wiII require necessary Town of Vail design approval and a buil.ding perrnit. It is my understanding that a trsitting roomil that was shown in the original plans was not constructed.Addition of this room, if it meets the square footage allowance,would also require design approval and a building permit.jr4 r*Z In addition to the Efe square feet that may be added to the building, there is a provision in the Town of VaiI regulations for addition of up to 250 square feet per unit in single-farnily and duplex structures if significant landscape and site improvements are made. Application for this additional square footage nay be made five years after the original issuance of a certificate of occupancy. ff you have any further questions regarding Lot 20-3, please feel free to contact me. Rick grlnan Town Planner RP:Kc Sincerehra 7o (t, rg'dD ''n*,. r) ,-t .-z PARET VB,LL AGREEMEIiII L'ot 20-3 ' BIGIiOFN 9JBDfVISI0,| WHEREAS, F & M DeveloErnent Corlrcration is the record oh/ner in fee sinple of tot 20-3, Bighorn Subdivision, Eagle County, Colorado accrording to the recordd plat thereof, Lereinafter "the Lot"i and WHEREAS, the Declarant together with eighorn Venture #1, a Colorado Partnership, the ovrners of the irqxcnrenrents upon said Lot 2O-3, Bighorn Subdivision, hereof wish to provide for separate ownership of uniEs upon the Lot ard to create easenents relatirg to each unit, certain separately orr,'ned 5roperty, af|l tbe party wal1 (placed equally divided on the cqmon bourxlary, separatirg the units), the footings urderlaying sudr party r'a11 ard the roof qrer such pa.rty ml1 . Nc[{ IIIEREFORE, in onsideration of these ;rremises, the Declarant hereby makes, prblishes anl declares the followirg easements ard restrictions vtrich shall hereafter run with the larrl ard be birdirg upon arri inure to the benefit of the Declarant, its sucrcessors ard assigns forever: 1. ITIE DTVISIOI{ OF $JRIECT PROPERTY (the l.ot): lhe subject property is hereby divided into three (3) parcels as follows: Parcel A (urderlyirg Unit A) Parcrel B (urderlyirg Unit B) Parael C (aI1 lard ]spwn as L,ot 20-3, Bighorn Subdivision not o<cluded as Parcel A or Parcel B) such paroels being m)re particularly described on the Minor SuMivision lriap recorded r.r-ith the Eagle County, Colorado Clerk ard Recrorder, said map beirg incorporated herein. 2. CREATIC\I OF SEPARArE ESTATES: the subject prolErty, together with all inprovements thereon, is hereby divided into separat e estates as follows: Unit. A, consistirg of Parcel A, all inprwements thereon ard all easenents ard rights-of-way rypurtenant thereto as prwided herej.n, ard an urdivided one-half interest in Parcel C. Unit B, consistirg of Parcel B, all imprwennnts thereon arul all easements ard rightsrcf-way 4>purtenant thereto as provided herein, ard an und ivided one-half interest in Parcel C. Parc€l C shaLl be deened a onncn area anl shall be crrnred as tenants in qmrpn by the c'Trners of each townhouse mit of equal urdivided qre-half interests gr the ovrners of each townhouse unit ard, o(cept for any expense or liability caused through regligence or wil1ful act of any owner, his family, agent or invitee, wtrich shall be borne solely by sudr owner, all exlEnses ard liability concerned with sudr Parcel C sha11 be shared proportionately with sucfr ownership. 257?JU eouxjS b PAGE J0Hlll{ETTE i, lrtLIpS EACLE CTY. rl':;^0RDER l{ln Z5 '$ r: ni.i 'ii.i Eac'h such separate estates shaLl be held subject hereto ard rnay for all prrposes be @nveyed ard described as Unit A ard Unit B ard as a tenant in conrrpn on Parcrel C srrsuant to this Declaratlon respectively. : : 3. "o{hlERt' DEPrNEDp"omer" as used herein, *r"J-u ocntrary intention clearly ap[Ears, strall nean either the party or parties holdinq title to Unit A or tfre party or parties holdirg title to Unit Br as the case nay be anl "Other Ohrrer" slnLl nean the party c parties toldirq title to the other unit. 4. PARIY IRLL DECI,ARAITCN: the said party vall dividirg Unit A ard Unit B is hereby declared to be a party mII ard shal1 be crcnstrued as a party vall between zuctr writs under the laws of ttle State of Oolorado e(c€pt as q>ecifically pnwided herein. 5. EA.SE'tEbfT: Each o\,mer shall have a EErpetual easernent in ard to that part of the subject foperty owned by the other qrer ard qr whidr said party wall is located for party val1 trrrrposes, includirg maintenance, repair ard inspection; neither ormer shall alter or change said party r+all in any firanner, interior decoratirg o<cepted, ard said party ra1l shall always remain in the sare location as chen erected. 6. ITAINIENANCE OF PARIY IALL: Ttre @st of rnaintainirg the party 'rrall shal1 be borne p,roportionately by both owners. Maintenanc€ of external. 4)pearanc€ arxl of roofs shall be mdertaken with tbe unanfunous onsent of both orrrlers ard at a trroportionate expense of both ohrners unless the orvrers manirTpusly ryree to the cantralf/. Said trxotrbrtion shall be determined by each ovmerrs portion of the finished square footage to that finished square footage of the entire buildirg. Unless dherwise trrovided, all items of maintenance, repair and replacernent slral1 be porated between the owners by sucfr groportion. 7 - DAI'AGE 1O PARIY 9ALL: In the srent of damage or destrucaion of said wall frqn any cause, other than t}te negligence or wilLful aet of either party thereto, then the ov,,ners sahll , at joint q(trEnse, repair or rebuild said wall , ard each party, his successors ard assigns, stral-I have t}re right of full use of said wall so repaired or rebuilt. If either partyrs regligence G act shall oause darnage to or destruction of said wall, zudr negligent or willful party shall bear the entire ost of repair or reconstruction. If either party shall reglect or refuse to pay his share, cr all of sucir @st in case of regligenqe or w:illful act, the other party may have sudr vall repaired or restored and shall b entitled to have a flEdranicrs lien on the trrremises of the party s failinE to pay, for the ancunt of such defaulting partyrs share of the repair or replacement @st,interest accruirg at the rate of 18t per annun, @sts ard attorneyrs fees. 8. DRILLIIG IHROUGIi lIlE PARPr hALL: Either party shall have the right to bneak through the party wall for the trrr4)ose of repairing or nestorirrg se\drerage, rater, utilities, zubject to the obl igation to restore said wa11 to its previous structural corriit ion at his ordn s(EEnse ard the palment, to the djoinirg ovrner, of any damages regligently a w'i1lfully cused thereby. 9. D(IERTOR DECORATIOTiI CR SIRUCIURES: Tib gdItET ShAII rMKC OT suffer any scructural or design dranges (includirg oolor dranges) of any tlpe or nature uhatsoever to the orterior of any i$provsnent cn the property without &taining the trrior nz'itten @nsent of ttre dher omler, vf,rictr onsent shal1 nct be urrreasonably withheld cr &layed. No exterior structures or entrances, in addition to those placed thereon according to the arctritecEural plans qr vhich the buildirgs are @nstructed, shrall be dded to either drrelling r:nit rrithout tfre consent of all the ftrners, rftich mnsent shall rpt be unreasonably withheld c delayed. Should either omer fail cn refuse to pay his trxoportionate share of tlre cgst of any decoration or structural change, the cther or*ner shal1 be entitled to harre a nechanic's lien on the grremises of tbe oifiFr so failirg to pay, for the anrcunt of such defaulting oenerrs share of tle cost, interest accuring at t}re rate of 18t per annum, costs and attorneyrs fees. -2- tines insurance qainst=loss cr damage by fire ard sucfi bther hazards as are generally overed in the area including lerders stardard extended @verage prwisions, including but rpt limited to vardalism ard rnalicious mischief, for at least the full insurable rreplaoenent cast of the fuq>rovenrents cn the subject ErotErty cnned thereby. lb sudr policry shall prwide for the potential of any cD-insurance penalty. Each such owner skrall cbtain ard naintain at all times general public liability insurance ard protErty damage insurance against claims for bodily injury or death or Froperty daflEge occurring qnn their respective parcels ard units, in limits of not Less than $1,0001000 in respect of bodily injury c death to any nnnber of persons arising out of cne accident cr disaster, q for damage to property. koof of zuch insurance shall be supplied by each o*ner upon the reasonable reguest of the other ohrner. Ihe fire ard extended insurance sha11 gwide that it may nct be cancelled for any cause until 10 day nritten nctice is sent to both owners. Each ovr:er may &tain Ltlatever dditional insurance he so &sires. Each cn*ner may, at any tire one lear c longer after the rost recent 4praisalt dernand of the other ormer an appraisal of the irq>rwenents fior insurancre ;>trrposes. ltre pa.rties shall share the Gosts thereof equally. Nothing prwided herein shall prevent the oerners frqn jointly acquiring a single poliqf to cover any orre or rrrre of the hazards required in this paragraph to the er.tent such is practical ard does nct otherwise diminish the insurance responsibilities set out herein. 13. UflILITIES:A mrtual easenent for the location, installation. maintenancre, repair and renrrrzal of utility facilities (including brt nct linited to qastems, lines, piFtes, tanks, netering ard distributiqr clevices for 9ds r water, seri€r, electricityt teletrfione ard television p:rposes) is hereby granted, @ether with the right of Jrgress ard egress therefor cn, &ove, over arxl through the subject property and the funprovenents constructed thereon, subject to the obligation to restore as rearly as possible said subject property ard fuprorrenents. All maintenanc-- ard rrepair with respect to connxcn utilities shall be accrcrnplished at the joint expense of both crrrners o defined bD. Paragraph 6. 14. CWENAIVTS RUNNII{G WITTI TIIE ISND: lhc eaSCNEntS Ard restrictions hereby ceated are ard sfralI be perpetual ard onstrued as orzenants running with the land ard each ard e\rery [Erson accrepting a Ded tr any oivrnrship interest cr ary interest in any portion of the subject property shal1 be &ened to harze accepted the sane with the urderstardirq that he is bourd tfrereby ard that each ard every other prrcbaser is also bourrt thereby, ard that he is entitled to the benefit lrereof , all to the sane e(tent as tLrough sudr lErson had signed ttris instrunent. Ttre wrdersigned, in executing ard delivering the Deeds to tfre described premises nny trrcnride, bv reference in said sonveyances, ttrat the same are subject to tenns, canditions, reservations, restrictions, arri covenants herein contained, arrt nay designate the Book ard Page of Recrcrd in ehichr this instrunent is recorded. 15. AIIRTIDMENTS: these easerents and rrestri.ctions may be arerded or revokd only by an instrument in writirg duly orecuted ard acknovrledged bV all orrners of the subject proEErty arrt all holders of recorded First lbrtgages or First Deeds of ltust thereon, ard upon the recording of said anerxling instrr"unent. 15. SEVERABILIIY: If any txovision of the Declaration or any section, sentenc€, clause, tr$rase cr uork, or the 4>plication thereof in any sircumstance. is held invalid, the validity of the rcmairder of this instrument ard the 4>plication of any prorzision, ection, sentence, clause, trtrase cr word in any cther circunstance shall nct be affected thereby. 17. GENF,ML: (a) Any lien filed by an arirner [ursuant to this Declaration shall be subordinate to the lien of any First l,lortgage q First Deed of Trust cn the unit. -3- (b) Shoul-d d!1er party be required to tO action to enforce - by legal proceed ing or otherwise ' any condit ion, restriction, crcvenant or other right or obligation funposed grrsuant to this Declaration, the prevailirg party shall be entitled to rec:over its osts and reasonable attorneyrs fees. (c) Each q.rner slrall register its nailing address with the other cnner and all rptices or dernands intended to be sewed upon owners sha1l be sent by Registered or Certified t{aiI ' postage prepaid, addressed in the name of tire oviner at such reg istered mailing address- In the alternatlve, notices may be delivered' if in writing, personally to odners. (d) Pros1Ect ive prrchasers of units shal1 be entitled to determine if a sellirq owner is in default with respect to any naintenanc€ obligation or cther obligation under these covenants by delivering a written inguiry with respect thereto to the ctrtner of Ule other unit. If rp response is received to sucft irxluiry within 30 days of the date of said notice is received" the ncn-selIirg olner sha11 be deered to have waived any claim of lien or claiin for damage. llhe existence of a recrcrded Notice of Lien' tpwever, sha1l constitute notice to a prospect ive grrchaser of a claim by an crmer of the cther unit, and shall not be affected by the foregoing request for infornntion- (e) If any ensroachments $r the improvements rpw l-ocated cn the subject property, or any mirpr encroachnent derivirg frqn replacement or repair thereof, exists upon any parcel , a val i.d easenent therefor and for maintenance thereof sha1l o<ist. (f) In the event the o$tners of the units cannot 4tree utrpn a foregoing matter, the owner of Unit A shall have the right to provlde the final vote to resolve an inpass in the erren numbered calendar years ard the oumer of Unit B shal1 have the right to @st the final tie-breaking rrote in the odd nrnbered calerdar lears. P*o ) couNrY oF g:td.tL ) Thre foreqo inq instrl[nent wa$ acxnowledged before ne ot J*l':,,+iy , 1981fi$y Lawrenc€ R. Fischer. oEVEEEENIT6-ETIOI'I. - Witness nry hard ard official seal . My ccnunission expires: RICHARO T. BENDER, Notary pub c this //4 a"v Presidd€l-F e t'l IN WIINESS I/iIIERmF' the undersigned has executed thj-s instrunent this __!.]_fr day ot _:lg,-- *_, 1982. F & M DEVEIOPMEIIT ORPORATICX! STATE OF OHIO es April 4, 1985 -4- F & M DEVEIOPMENT @RPORATIOII General Partner 7* STATE OF COIORAM OF EAGLE ) ) arrl official seal . STATE OF r,lrNNESC[A l^_,>5 coulfTr oF BUb L*CA) TLre tgregoing instrument was acknovrled<;ed before of <)'nv, , 19V3 by Arthur J. Petrie, ercffi-=ffiRE-T-T- colorado Partnership - Witness my hard ard official sea1. {e tfy onmission expires ' i: Mdress: ne tiis General 3 day Partner, ': RTCHARD T. BENDER, Notary Public STATE OF OHIO ' Cuyahoga county .My Commission Expires April 4, 1985 srATE OF CHrO ) ) ss. couNIY oF ( Lyp!&-k ) TLre foregoing instrurent was acknowledged before rre this //+{-a^V of J74rv-prcy' , 19qA by F & M DEVEIOPMENII CORPORATICN, @neral parffiil etrGm vBiIfuRE *i, a Colorado Partnership bY Lawrence R. Fisckrer, President, F & M DEtr/EIOPMENI CORPORATIOT{. Witness my hand ard offlcial seal . l,ly ron -5- / / I. T \>i!l bd \\" "") C,^ - /'.'\ ...%\ \ ^zi 1:/'u' .$\r. \ . L' (s. ',.. ) '\ // ;'... .'.,ty' , \. ilI n / "'..', \ l/ : \ ''/ \',' \ l/ ,^'r ,,1-,(' r.Y' Q, , ',1 . '' lxi.',r /4i r'i 't'f i n"-,' ,,;;; Fg s 5 (f,iii,";;i,! 'o' V --'s*rol lz ,-\, t5' PtlL' /\ .- /GA\rlr-t - .z€ L€( -r v/1, A( 5 tec .. L-^./ A ( H]\ I t)''-:,rv'Ji(. , i,\ \ \'' l'.'1,' 711'1 5' IT rl - T. V. t '/ Pr+ars € = 7$s.ui}---r--l IF l ,' I l, I II ,.i t ,i t:! ll 'r! t.1.7 y5,vr b E t' I \7 \rl ,/ \ \ l LoT @-3 Bt6*oRh'[ soB Resoe. c2F lpT 4 Al',tEhtDED ?LrFf -T?wN 06' VAIL '. ltl _-. -l)iltc - API't,lcA'l'1.(lll ^ C !, t.,j t i:tr,... trl:f.)tll:qI l()l'.11 I'trli I\ :2t)tt;t I r I.)r\r'r llamc of Appl ic:an t---91[""t xqlqry--Ll A.t.tr"rr- "/o p.rid E-'. rgtea,_Maggg_s_q#ff _Ar,_m___*_rJhone-476-430o ll-L t at' t a 6-'' B. lst Nanc of Appl i.cant I s l{cplc:''entat ivc David E. Fales, f4anaging Partrer Address P. O. Bo( 1292, Vail, CO 81658 Autholj zat j on of ProPct ti', Si. gn ature David E. r'aleETtrlanaging Partaler Addrc s s ,--_ P.. o. Bor 1292. Vail' CO-' 81658 Loca t i.orr of ProPosal Lot 2o-3 A(l(il F ii ing BIGIOFCI ST'BDIVTSICh{ Fee $100 ,/ 4to75 'I)'pc of Sub<livision: [check ont: ) I'iajor (irrvolving nole than 4 I ots) l,li nor (involr'iug 4 or fewer l'ots) )c{Duplcx (spl i.tting a <luplcx st1'uctu1'c and/or lot) I. Plrorre 476-4300 plrone 476-4300 D. ?*4 l/ tt"l G. H. procctluLes fot. rnajot. irnd minor srrbclivi.s.i <lns are as def ilrcci jn thc Tor'l otl vn j l Sub<liv j siort lir)gulatiolls on pages 9 th::ough 20 ' Duplcx subclivision Ieririres thc satitc infor:metiou as I ntinor subdivis jon r''ith 1ht' ;;i;;;;;;;-ir.'"i-Ir,. {:olIorving srstcrue'r;'iir. opp""t o' t.hc plat befo'r'r'cct'ivittg Tottn of Vai I aPPr:ova 1 : Iror- z.oni.ng or othcr. la:r<J-usc rcgulat.i.ons of the Totin of V:ri1, thc t\{o l):lr'\'t'l s cucirtcd b1' thi.s subdivision it].c clcrcntc'tl t0 bc one lot ' No nrorc tltltit t>tlt' ttio-t;tr;t:' i' rcsitlcncc shall ircr irl lotr'ccl otl thc tn'tttiu"tt cr't'as of thc two ilarccl:''..41 I ot;:rirl t' Gr:trss llcsiclcrrti:rl I;loo' Alc:* ((iRl:r\) ft)I' tirc ttr'o-fltui)y l'csidCnCc shrtll l;c calculatccl usiltg tltt: contbittcd :ttclt oi thc tt''o pitlccls' ,1'i'n1, llqt*ri rclrcnt s: 1.1:r.ior lntl ruinor sul,rlivi si.otts tttttst bc rrpplovcd. b)' lll.'.ll l,ltll:ltti attrl l:nrrit'orttttt:ttt:rl (lollrt;tiss iotl' 'l'lic l'1:(l lllc(r1 s o11 t ht' lrrtl lrrtJ 4tlt l'lotltl'rr':; ()l ("le Jr lnolltll' An ;rlipl'iclt iotl t'lil lt tlrc ll()c(:s::Il I')' ilt:collllriul)'itt11 trtl r l. t-' r' -i l 1 ntrt-s t l)(' :itti)]iiit I {''l forrr (,1) u.'.tii,; prio,' 1o lllc thl tr ttl: l:hc: lrroctil)U'' ENDOBSE]UIENT To be attached to and become a part of Commitment No' CompanY of Minnesota' Item 14 Schedule B-2 is hereby deleted' v-2317 ot Ti$eilsurance FISCHER 4lr/81 The total liability of the Comp"ny 1L1:':*' commitment and any endorsement thereto shall not exceed, in the aggregat, tn" f*. amount.f.r.iii.-r"iiment ana cbsts;hich theCompanyisobli- ;;;il#;t.6n-aiti3ni and Stipulations thereof to pav' Thisendorsement,whencountelsigned.by..anauthorizedofficeror.agent.ismadeapartofsaid commitment ", or tnJ'"oi;i;;ffi oate-ttrereii';;?;-t"bftt to th;-'i;h;dules' Conditions and stipulations .no e*.r*ilir'ir'or-6o*.r.g" tt#in-"Jnl"i"ed' except as modified by the provistons r,eieof. Jrrr-e lNsunnNce f,omemv or fi/lrruxEsorA -&*^{/4:8ffi a UTILIlY I,OCATION VI'RJ FICA'IION VAII,, COIORADO SIIl}DIVI SION BIGHORN, TOIVN OF J0l] NAME FrscHER BRCTnIERS HOMES BIGI]ORN DIJPI,EX LoT 2o-3 BLOCK FILING ADDRESS 4156 Coluibine Drive The location of utilities, whether thcy lines, rnust be approvcd and verified by acconpanying site Plan. Mountain Bel1 t"e6€rysf$P+s Public Service ComPanY Holy Cross Electric Assoc ' Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagle ValleY ilater and Sanitation District be main trunk the following l incs or proPosed utilities for the Date /H/ 7:r f/ 7-r/-tt ', t*/r,f,iln ( NOTE: Ihese verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit frorn the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utility Jocations.before digging in any public right- nf-wav or easenent in the Town of Vail. A building Pernit is not a street cut Permit. A street cut Pernit must be obtained separately. This forru is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. (o I c. ;i; o sc crr ', F;. LrD: q'-" '-?ciZc oL^-l3!1-91 .! E---ipi :-9.!-,,:'-i 14'= :..:'l;,! -=.j - - r-" C'- c'- ! -->.-' a.<ai c'.- C! n < '- : C L..7 c -' 9 i :,T =t --*:-'.-Z -==,::ii::. i=i:3Ft','':"'=:';".i:a:::::'."^.:P;tb b--J3ig:tTE :Eini ni ",:;:3R S o JJ !n U Do 6o-.c 6 o.n c ?o3Frr.,;;i;=- 6 (,--c |nr-cc ' P .,r'-1 -cr5? ".i-r.,it -9 ''6'lZ ct c' L'4,r Er 'dJ!.-.-:u.. -.,2-- |''-A >-r J i cr'rorcc u': !I ---t; ato-r'rqB t:cc' .q " s. i i5\e Et.:5' o^-c-of,i - L o'c'':.c f i i.gt-= _ E;.7_a^li c,Ej F.: .' t.:'i: " *' [, E?5.! e.E;6:.'^ i^:*?: E-- 3';":3'ii'' 2 Zu.) o IilEur; o Ei.-.r- laq u.c'A r':-?t9o E;iq.,-83[A;c u.,:.o- u_-"iii*. .<9F*"' .I"rrUd cco-!---==.1 i:9;€fi:5:!<!:Na, 1O?-\t) $-7 '/&-o ' (c :o-ia ?':.V u\t/\'4 n o F o ) rd <t I to .rc D lz. Itrl^ l(9:l lzj lL,J:t:lo: ld.l<. l.!.lo: lE, [-i F- Z.)p I I t-- ldo"' M (t R\ .{ t \ \ N .I +a SH -: Fl J|H r\H \.r .(f ii:- @' :::. \- % ["'o Ir I F o U> 1 C i,r, ti a = = IJ ffi 1 z z, ----'9e ,9o NT F. ---'+l! l.-- = t\\ t t) fil'Hl i :rii I / ut=!; I ( =*l ;i; | , =ii I I 'it' h :i:j I J -:.: 1 i:lr.trtrttrtttri,..-i:r, ii ii l-.:.: I o ir, 12 ir: f1, _ij I-_- I @ - JI H\ 1A t€ :t'I I t T \ .e,. \ % w iJ LrJ E o & f' ,:;, (n> - ';''%' % o o E art (lr F -o E lr- = ,t--i .: [_]r___ /i{' RUi ,j <4>:r I r! bAiffi-l {1,q*: EI GJORIi D!?:.EX o Ne\t constructron,residential duPlex 'J'!rt' f:,1lr,:.'ilr;: itrfort;:rt joll l:. F.ir:rrd lrt'l',rr': n fj.nul :rlrprov:rl it. llllll.l,l::1: i'iti'Il:lllALS rcrlrirt:d llol subuittaJ by tl:c aIPl jc:rnt to thc ljcsjt:tt lt:vjcw c:rr bc Sivcn: 'l'r,ne of i1:r1 c:'i al cealar shakes, Select neilium 3x12 Cedlar wiqr-?>(q Jges! r:is 2 Cedar veneer PI "Pel1a" Casenent - Brown Clail 1x4 Cedar solid 'core -Pine - Exterior and Interior To match winclow Trim Redwooal 2x6, Sanded anil seale'l 13" Diameter Stainl'ess stee]., triple Vla11 24 Gauge Galvanizecl I'ron llooil Frame ' 3/4" plyrvooel , stucco Finish' Metal - Col or Itocf SiCing 0rhcl l'ial I Mat crial s Fascia ( rffi + < l'; in C o r'; -q tiindorr Trin Dcors Dcor Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Fl a shings Ch:rne1's Tra sh En:l osures G:- ccnholrs eS Cthe r () B. LAIi!SCAPJNS liane of Des igner: Phone : PLA:iJ l.ii.i:?JALS TP.5iS 3 c. A ceozxT-zt rrft, f kr-luLs (-a7X'f)/z'+'- Conr:ion liame 0uanti ty Si ze sLucco - Heav!, set - Light cream color"u - 4l0h| eknu- ELU* Botani c a'l liame -,tiF,irBS ' GR( X .L$utft rqrotbt nce Aoo__._ 50D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGAT ION r, /TYPE I,J /X SQUARE FoorAGE 4,7ca-._ SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE OR I'IETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. Other Landscape Features (retainfng walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) p.lease specify. t O---,. s..t \r \ELE.TRI.AL -.L \ \ \N\__ \-.._.S\-- gt B-?.e* \--z --. ___--\- owaH@-- .o-. s' \ x tr \t\iH? ., .l \C\\ H\'"N.o'x \ .1tr_---:=o. \5 \-)q e9 (.u,a lu I t:* l, tr.t L-{ J rq (J P ( \ L-/ \ \ \_ LINE --- \\ '\* t*i a4 a a (\\t x =€n rrl N \f a ? \> u\ou t- \r \J \n \\\\l x -2 o (5 \ J ru 3 '1,v1 tl I \u .a r)3 Jt ss fr ,vl ,iil-F at ., ll ,! A I (4 s i i ; -gsnrsr$S-i;a;..= =-:i.r.'la'.If-----"==..SAtlCri*. 11{ . i#i -s .rrf bi- gr sesc-rrrii*ttr ; : rf,l t i-, rr!ffi-c$ii. =F,ff%F'H+5ffi E;i*tr#rrifif ;3#iir-# :."", :Fffi- #iffiff+11 ;;g;';ffi iH!_{;i*: i -i'1j: Rt S*:i: *ffi '+5 trgrs+rffi * --E';F:ff,€S=,tj #r;"f'.i.fiFE5:s #ffi'$i*&':H{;il';#.!s:+;f ;;1i ;:i {.:a--::'--- ;'= r_ gusst€rlctpal- co4nnttoa, organlroit .lurruaat to---.-, -i-, - -- -.iir-: --:;-;-1;t - rot r,Aea tbc s}-etu..cr sf tlc- Etetc'bf Co!.orador- tla- :-..::;-- : .1-: -. 'i r".: '*J .-:i-' G^l l=/^l=1-re>: E ?o3a1L a1rr.'r br' irritlto flcrrrr Fg ^i t.-f :':.< - r'l ,.,1' f-s 'gr ITEESE i'Eelltio!1 .'_- -=-l;.. =.=_,-q. \irE^&-',. >t L=. rr: .-rr;- D.{-rs-E I t,E:El-iBarE,t. EiL i.1..-:]_: ..;.: -- -t *:4:-3c$rfag1rael !ro?ert-- eftrra.tr_rq't}r3 corrDtt'oi gacti,..:i. .':,1 ...;i '.- -"==:r^g5tc-of_Cs1c:alci:t3,'rfti i ::;i?f : - -- .-. ;-7-'::1;;.^i =;','*-:_;-=-- ;*;.f;f$$$;g94:pc._:+9,-,+atiriiei-,df i-ao.ror_iare=drt.*i"il--:l; i."i iFQ ct*=r'e. =..E=+tit=C tIE a =C 5€E e als=€tl:F=le5t -.-i;sf rr-i lilst'>!:,r*Crdti ?r ror-20 Sgtbci'n .EStr aG.- l.: .-.;,;.+ F;f :*=j+-:-.+g'-iiti:.;sir:.;3f'r;T!+i-.--:1-.,":4{ri-:'a;;,'1;-..;;*€trH';i'f*;;'Hi'i- *=: G?'"rb oeo's!'..te: *S,i.l:r.;i";j:_:-::7_.-*--i fr-* ri5teL-tl* Seiltbar!_qgrae.'terrr acLtl OBo $'':.9.-*r:-*r-'.i{: :; = f :.€' ls!::r : siif i tr"' +'rc$.so-o ir:. c c-:,rcist roi : rE-rJI'#--'_1 -....'--;; -i-..' . 1 5-1 a<.!c5-q;b'ir" rliUtiggiy.i'r.o:ralrnc D-d;. . :.;,;:--'- * :-. -.,. . .,-, ;-=i-.1,.f1!;.t-ii,Hgff.,:=''.il:iii'-tt,"''-'*':''i-':- =-' ,;- -'i-1.^r1o; -; :::i;. _, i ::{5- :sg:sl:sesfi tr :sei.i-i tuead.-oi{i io. ? 3_ti .{e: ntrtroi:s;t.;'Ja- -:{-= .- __..1,.: ,_,"".'- .,;f,.,,-L .-:.i . l..,::l '_ i --' '_'f-' :fi- -;ffi ':t-;ti-.:?r.: is.rld i-_ -_ - |'=tbce of this Easeaent by D!'pcr :.- tllJ'c;' Ba*ltrlioa DLs.-:ilc: :haII cs:rstil:ti- its F'q'r-.-.- B"os. Al"*--r Eaglc . .rg:e€- Ln the event,in the , : tlret tbe . {-;-the property ioediatelv above-des crlbpd *---intaregt of --,--evert andl bc'ttrc donina:r t eatatc. ?. lFhe sanlta4f Eeuei p!.pe lina Lnstallcd Ln +hc rSove lescr:.bed e.aenlnt sla11 bc installed, ,.i"_tr'rned rrrd ope r: ted 3o as to FrEtt the na=iu,re- use-aaa ca j olaent of the surface by th. present anC gubsecuent oyEera of tbe abcvc descrlbed property. In case jt ir rrcccsc ery to repair or replace the ser,rer line, Grrntec rbrll restorc the surface of the land, as ,r.a'riy i" o"y lrc practicable to -rtlre sanc conditio:r lt was i"'"ii"i.,to ro=h repair or replacea=nt, provideC no ;>.raeneit bulla_ ffg, flartlng, stroeture or inprovea:nt ltratl be placcd t-bereoo. 3.lt-nc rhrll be es nearly as tl-e work va vag . cor:lcnced. l9 70. Instal.lation of the sanitary scr.er pipe cor:rcl e teCt Eo thrt the surf a-ce is rertc:ed E y b practlcable to its condiiion rt t.he SIG\'ED trID DELI\EED this /' dry, o! iJ-:dF.lin tt. Cota Gentcc la tbe tlarca-f tcr an yg;{ Januarlr 19, 1983 Ifr. Jim Sayre Tcrrn of Vai I 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Dqplex - Iot 20-3 BIGIIOFNI SI]BDTVISICN Dear Jim: Ttrank you for yoi:r letter of January 17, 1983. I assure that yorr letter ackno^rledges tlre clranges nade in ttre exterior of the duplex and apprcnres sare, alcng with tle c.hange in tle G.R.F.A. If this is not. the case, please advise rre. r^te do not want to request a Oerti ficate of Ocopanqg and find tJ.at we harie not satisfied all of your requirenents. In regard to the " ea\n/l" spa€ you nenLicn; we will not, nor will ue adveate tJ:at that spae be ccrrverted into living spaG. Other t*ran a snraII cpening needed for maintenan@ ac€ss, the spae is sealed off frorn tlre existing living spa€. ThranJ< you once again, if tiere is anytfiing firrtlrer you require, please let ne kncr,^r. Very tnrly yours, Aa^a( €4alA Davad t;- _8 4_Les l4anaging PartrEr Biqhorn Venture #1 DEF^h cc: l4r. Arthur J. Petrie Mr. Lavmen€ R. Fischer PO Bc 12{}Z Vail. Colorado 81658 GosfloadsShoeptngCerter 3@-4i6-,(n0 ' 75 soulh frontage road vail, colorado 81652 (303) 476-7000 January 17, .|983 David E. Fales Crossroads Rea'l ty 143 East Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 8.|657 Re: Duplex on lot 20-3, Bighorn Subdivision Dear Mr, FaIes: This letter is in regard to the new dup'lex located on 'lot 20-3, Bighorn Subdjvjsion. I re-calculated the existing GRFA using the plans you gave to me dated November 10, 1982. The existing GRFA is 4,949 square feet; the total al'lowed GRFA on the lot is 5,357. After inspecting the duplex I found the rather substantial "crawl spaces"in the basement: These craw'l spaces are not inc'luded in the above GRFA calcu-lation. This space should never be converted to any other use other than crawl space; if you or subsequent owners do plan to convert this space to GRFA, please come to the Town Community Development Department for applicable building and zoning approvals. If the space is found to be converted illegally the Town will take the necessary measures to reconvert the area to crawl space and summons the offenders to court. Your new'landscape plan has been approved by staff. l.le are pleased lthat tliis duplex is being brought to soccessful comp'letion. S incerely, /)t refttr JIM SAYRE ' Town Planner JS: br o AEvtse- ,+5 ,AJruf 'I I I zot.lE clt[cK for R P/S ZoirE DISTRICTS Description: Lot ?o't Block Filing 6t(l#-N .9t6 R8r4 coT2o Architect l'1/ry Iegal Ormen Zone'District Landscaping: Parl'.ing:. Proposcd Use Sides-Required'15' Proposed Rear -Requi reC 'l 5 ' Proposed llaterccursc-required 'Proposed GRFA: A'l'lor.red I 6)t7 GRFA:Primary Allorred _ Secondary iil l or'red Site Coverage: Aljoived z7.o u/85 r 7o + Io efxrErz- or e,<.cck. Propo..,ed tl?V7 Prinury Propcsed LY?rl, r Secondary Propcsed Proposed Proposcd Prop:;: ed ActuaI oA SIope Required Required Drive: Slope Perrnitted Environniental/llazards: Avalanche . Fl ood P'!ain Corrncnts.: 4CE tr:fEHf.__- rf ntc: ...!/ /fl 1.2 __.-. . t, F1 -t - E c o tt 'qt l-r f l<t t36 |'''=fo ,+l-n O ldB l, =t<=l-- 5 t "'1 c ; o !g o 3 o nf! o o z (n {F c o =o z T 1ll n = = -l m Iro t\\lf\)lN) l@ tr I I o m -l z o <PP +n2 =oo YF l- f lt-rr L'L ]LI Or z<0@ \=6o z. z.t- I I I h F t" zl o |t.'., tl ' l<.r I tJ'l ltr r-Y lqF |=(oEp -3P p', EHE =w-l*F lo f'J 01 x t,!r)+lr\)F lq)l -@51 iNsl '(q I "l I tl |l oJ lY(rK J. I*(D FJ' -r li;< lf- I FQ'li l=P l>lo ]E .rF <F t> lo IE rrl Y I I I I ol 'l !l SI ol I I t t"b rft I 1" l<t> l>o l<t>t;t>lo m t z m € m z 6 J J -0 m m €o m |.m o -T. m rn :r H;g z a, l- --l z 3383+F r*1;>-oii=27 *n1E ; =- 3 A o1 lltrll |tttl cz@t@>E:i ssc EEFT95 ott,E=-9 i E\;a '6 2 ||tl 2 m = l- m --{ 2 =z r m ! i ; --l z c)N-m^; a;I!:.i P to -)_n i =R 6 <>ac)ul f,o 6I ^= c X z a,tr o6 o 'rr2z € x ru@= n< D I ,o ei ci o,(.r - (O o -.1 m l\)CT I\) --t 6 7 z m F \)I t \)o t )I (,I (c I i m I ;f :t !l _l :l :l tl :l -l :l -€>rn >5Er {; a > F>':_ > 4>:: =-::E !z::< tr:ilx =V >. =-=zz> ;> - z;-l;cs -l 7 e:-7 ai-' anc>- =:,z-a a)-=< z z m 2 =z 6 -{o .n Ol z":Ol 1,' .ll I gtn'-l i' r l'1 t\ l1 ,9"'e tl I N lp N tq) l--' I -t I- m )E =TI m m o an z m i tn z m { m o m --{ 2 'n m m =m c) z l- T f c g z o -.t o z I m I E = |ll = m 3 =-n m m a VALUATION m 3 =z an o 2 x c = 2 m m I o c z o o o O o o o o f\)(o (.rl O N)or (o ttl (n N)Or (, !(tl o o o c c c c s c't r\) r,O t9 o (Jr CIL+ \SqSS n\aa(Br-,vu e -o c)o z (n +n c){o z !rn n = = o ot 3 (D o 3 3 o (D o 3 o []i lfl c= - i t.ti l m o _1'l m = <!P in2 (r >>(-- -n! Or- z< \2 oG'z z - o m m --t z () >fr an o n X< ;> --r -qt o o-o Zt-rc:I< --1 Z C z.;, >;-)= o> o 2t) ,z >m --l > a I =m ---l {z m I o z TN I I I I I I I I I I I I I { o:ad o>'r- -o --l t- -r'l l-z t. Fr' o< = i>-: - I:ia I -I -<:l :>a)<- =- ol -l I I I l ! I I !I o o I P o c u l F B . o I = I 3 o m I o -o I z m =O o o z ltl o n -o- cS 22 az € ooa 9b€5:nm =ti vz Fc t'z .<; -.1 cz@ za-o:o:+<Y= D.r'P :;6 *?x;z n@ mmc)thoo :6= =o ; <6 z@o m;\> 6z vl VAL UATIO N 2: *-?t- a>'r- <= ..- ";:Z - ?,-1 :-::=171::" 2, / -.,'a-- '. -1- :4.-. ^.t ar--_ , - =-,- - = - m =z ) rr, :r1 3<z';.*!\,;T q>?tz --1 ; -Z r--rc 7J?>;-=1Z O6) )J il =m ;a)>; -i a)o> Ze) )- iTl OT 7J -:. ;rn -a m t o) 7_ lt )-', .J ';j c)> -Tr f- I -:l 2 nl o tbl iql lrl l(rl bll F. l l$,tl l& Fl P\,xl Ltl I Fl p lil D0 lrl vl r'l i: (_l o n :, 1 il _9 il[ :I>'< i; 1r;ti I I I I I -ol -l I I I ll rl t:! lz I .)l -- lr' IY rg I I I :<i'::fli l1 sillii F i",F TD "r' F\tr l-+ l:C, l.^r !!i t.r.l^ lF ", |3l+'; lar^ | SFB rr R- lY I k ln oll otl !:- i3 .r Cr l>iiE 't\ f,)*fr Nh ,r! ii (1" lv t\;K c'. I \l \l FI STJ I I\I I t b h J |- : t-) ib E t_ h i! IF il i 1...li I" i l]t{l^) l^li'v 16 <t lz rJl (\+ 0l 1o (t') X \^-r C .s 4{ n. a x. {ft -'{ c) =o v -o irl g -{ at I m F<t-\ l---f.\ I -\\ t\t'\ ()o 3 c (t 5 -l -o fil c -n m = 1[t_.] Lrili_l ?m(.D i'n :- \- Ql-; =a:-ro +.1 z J' i-r 'n -0 'z= c@ >= _ r.) z r- (- rTl --{ z I I l- r ir,' 'T-' l I E It ll=li I I r ls iIt;i | ! t,n C) n PI -nl el I I I |1-trn -l > >l 14i ^ --{ t-Y-O Y30 ''FE ,- c 7 z (- c)-zIooo fi; E i 3T Ifii EHE 6 e\-ll|li rittll 7=6\AEi Ed-\id?E;Ii;E i Ez i a -a 2 |liii tttitl a -l \ (\, ffi rll '< tl 'g Il -ii tl "ll otl 'l ll F)l l-n I l'l il tl t<l l>l l>l t;l t --{ I tzl tt LI -l I I -o rn ='Tl m m v, lgN)i la E:lD!r;lF io t_',-'r lH 7. ct l8 \z fnaq l!" d !i6= 9:;lzt'_-l loo o l'r'z-z l€l<)l:c l>li'- llNio=ll;! n =il\r,,\--ll*a6 I i <v \-tl tl tl ! t^/p, i 1 p ,\. \ ?il -l ll .il : li--il -ii " tl .-t tl ;li :il t 4 z $ h )r i) .N N \ r\ l\ \ \ \l -\ F \c r_€ >;>:lE:"i-:: t ?- <c ?:-i: ^;',:..> a>: :i:-:t i:14 "4 ';z f,a,i : : - :; -1>C 1 -=zz>Cr ll> a i;>,.,; ^,L4r; - rn:J- .l I ^ .> t;l;; z_ z --l { -.{ r m 3 -.t 'T1 rn rn .) i m I m o z m { o - f,J m c) -l 7 ln I I <):! 6 c t o () I o ,i a){:jl m li"r I i( lro I trt l< I l.l tl tl tl tl tl _.L I UNT ilN frl ; t'1 :t () (: =q z o tn m a)-t .) (t,,:-I z |. i"Ir\t- .\ ("\ c \l s I q' q A n n K \0 h q s l" s : s o \ ! \ o \ (tu q" \, 1 "0 s \ \ \ ) \ $ N l.t\ i\ *i Nl ! tr 1 I I0l ^Jl si ql i:l 'o box I (Xl vail, colorado 81657 l3O3l 476-s613 August 10, 1981 John P. Fischer Fischer Brothers Homes 143 E. Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Peter Jamar Town P'lanner PJ:df department of community development DRB Submittal of 8-10-81 Lot 20-3, Bighorn Sub. Dear John: At the August 5 meeting of the Design Review Board, your submittal was.9'iven fina'l approval . Apprbval was for a primary/secondary residence with a total GRFA of 3900 sq.ft.: 1950 sq.ft. primary, and 1950 sq.ft. secondary with the fo'llowing stipu'lations: addition of landscape materials as noted, receive Public Works approval , submit flood plain report to staff prior to obta'ining building permit, protect trees with snowfence during construction. r Si ncere Profecl Appllcailon c ){ Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Comments: Design Review Board //F/,r/ e)Dete v/ /4/ Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPFOVAL Hn .z lt'^-t+ ( L --,'! ( .t.- u,..- \ .,r. ! l .l tt.,_- fr<r /,t)/<9t Alf€rUcA Qi-ptt/a .O/vsT E Statt Approval Town Planner Vls/*t : I I t .h. (o zoNE clir=qK sFR,.R,R for P/S ZoNE DiSTRICTS Legal Description:LotJQ3 sloct Fil ing Owner Architect Zone District lR,'Proposed Use Sides-Required l5' Proposed Rear -Required 'l 5' ProPosed l'Jaterccurse-requ'ired 7ol .Proposed Anor,red t Y=Sa Proposed ,znOv 44ef Primry Propcsed GRFA:. GRFA:A] I otr'ed A]l.or'ted A]i oived Prinr:ry Secondary Site Coverage: Landscapiirg: Parll ing : Drive: SloPe Permitted Envi roir"rtenta I /lla za rcls : Ava'l an che Flood Plain ' Sl oPe Secondary Proposed Proposed P: oposcd 207. Required fu % ' tl Requi red q ProPr;: ed g"b lot>e AcLuar! ueF- . -- .- Doi'ments: ARTHUR I. MHRS, P.E. NATURAL HATARDS COAJSUTTANT 222 Cort Crothtc Avontr Gunnlrcn, Colomdo !tZD (Gr)6.t-gra (a . July 30, I98l \ tq. .lohn Fischer f43-.8. libadows Drive Suite.395 vail, @_. 81658 Dear Mr. Fiscter: At,your request I cornpleted a-f.ield inspeclion of your Lot Z0_3,Bighorn Subdivision Res;6diviiion of Lor 20, Vail, Colorado, to .. deteri-:ge the degree of snow avalanche hazard. Lot 20-3 i-s., l0cated on the north bank of Gore creek. the southern part of the,-lot lies_ within a designated 'avalanche influence :i:::-.:_1:::T:::u by previoue roin of vail srudies. rr,i" a"sig_nacLon r.Ept1es Ehat part of the lot may be affected by design_magnitude avalanches expecled to occur once in a century, on the average. Ihe present site_specific study further definel, the avalanche -hazard area such that a safe Luirdi"g to..iioo can be recormended. Any avalanche affecting Lot 20-3 wourd begin in the -Bilhorn pathrl -some 2,00O feet above and to the south of Gore Creek. irr.ing design avalanche conditions, major avaranches i" trt" rigiorn path will cross Gore creek and will ieach severar building" Ji- rot"located west of 20-3. During April, 19g0, a f..g. ,;t-";o,avaranche crossed G-ore creek "pp.o*i-rt.ly 300 feet west of the s'f corner of Lot 20-3 bur did not tross Gore- Creek adjacent lo Z0_3.Future avalanches may -cross Gore creek south of 20_3 and extend a short distance (I0 to 20 feet) into the wooded erea north of the creek. Ilowever, even these large avalanches will. not ascend the strean bench and reach the proposed Fischer Broihers Home. .In conclusion, I reconrmend that the Fischer Brothers Hore be locaced as shown on the Darryl S. Larson and Associates drawings of July 18, 1981. such rocalion wirr not require avalanche protection. This concurs rrith uy previous conclusion, daEed 0ctober 9, 1975, a copy of which ii enclosed. - S incere ly, Q*t ^ 4 {\pa'a Arthur I. Hears, p.E. AU: prt Enc I osure Avolorxh Dynomio, O"l"-.. Zoni@ Fee 52.00Pd hoo l: .1-: t rrl.r: lo' r..o.d lhc R...ttron No.. . ,., lag6 410 ..i ''drv ql f. e.o. ,, !.1,. I ,.9.9. " ",-. .1. .,. Eagle County Johrnette Phil liPs ;,f____---__ -. . .RECORDER. Doc. Fee sl4. 50 FILING STAMP 3i[iifjtHlnif Flt TutsDuEo, Madethis 31st day of March le81 ,between RAYMOND COTE of t l.)e County of Eagl e and State of ('r,lolado, of the first part, and JOHN P. FISCHER s lrose legal add t ess is trf t lre P.0. Box 1288, Frisco, Colorado 80443 County of and State of Colorado, of the second part: l lTj\- ESSETH, Th st the said party of th€ first p8rt, for and in con sid eration of the sum of ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIVE THOUSAND AND/NO----- '------DOLINRS. to tire said party of the first pa.rt in hand paid by the said party of tle second part" the receipt whereof is bereby acknowledged and confessed, has bargained, grsnted, sold and conveyed, and by these Presents does grant bargain, sell, convey and confirm, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs aDd assigns forcver, all the following described lot or parcel Countv of Fanlo LOT 20-3, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 20.AMENDED PLAT, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE' STATE OF COLOMDO, als<r knou'n as street and nu nlber TOGETHER r+.ith all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging, or in anywise apper- tainins. and the reverslon and reversions, remainder and remainders' rents' issues and profits thereof; and all the es tate. l.ight, title, i nterest, clainr and de mand wh stsoever of the said party of the first part, either in la\r' or equity' of' in and to the above bargained premises, uith the hereditaments and appurtenances' TO HAVE AND T() HOLD the said plemises above balgained and described, with the appurtenances, unto the said par.tI, of the secon(l part. his heirs and assigns forever. And the said party of the first part' for himself, his heirs' executors, and ad m in istr.ator.s, does covenant, [arant, bargain, and agree to and with the said party ofthe second part, h is he irs a nd assigns, t hat at t he tim e of the en seali ng and deli verl' of t hese presents, he is rflell seized of the premises a bove con v eyed. as of good. sure, perfect, absol ute and ind efeasible estate of inheritance, in larr. in fee simple, and has sood riaht. full po*.er and lar,r.ful authority to Frant, barFain, sell and convey the same in manner and form as aforesairi, and that the ssme are free and clear from all former and 9t-]r;r prantl, 9"rg9i"_"t ""]::: liul:'l:]-"": assessnentsandencumbrancesofwhateverkindornaturesoever't except ljenera I laxes tor tne year f SgT'i;ii'subieq;ent t&is and subject to restrictions, reservat'ions, easements and covenants of record, and the a6oved t,al.gatned prenrises in the qui€t and peaceable possession ofthe said party ofthe second part, his heir.s and assigns against all and ever.y person or persons lawfully claiminF or to claim the whole or any part thereof, the said par.ty of the fir.st part shall and will wARRANT AND FoREVER DEFEND. The singular number shall incl urle the plu ral. the pl u ral the singulal, and the use of anl' gender sh all be applicable to all genders. I l- $.ITN ESS U'H E REO F. the said pa rty of the first p&r't h as hereunto set his hand and scsl the d ay and year first ahc'\'(' \sl lltcn ' of lard, situate, lying and being in the and State of Colorado, to-wit STATE OFCOLORADO I I ss. Cou n tl of Eagle I The foreFoing instrument *as acknorrledged befol'e me this tt81 .I'v RAYMOND COTE ll 1- co nr nt ission ex Pi res l4v n^** -,.r., vvtlil,r . - . - . Wrtness m)! |rand and official seal. t ^ '(-/ ..i n ^/./-N'../ut /-(/ ,-;.r:s L:_?y 30. lgEl APR 10 1981 C /tt4- (, WFno corr :l:^ day of Apri I I Spec Form 9324. WARRANTY DEED-Fo' PbotoaiaDhtc ncclrd -Tbe C. F- Hocclcl Co., D€nv.r 32995'l u-2317 FISCHER BR.OTIIERS IIOIdES 1.43 E. Meadow Drive Suite 396 Vail, CO 81657 July 30, 1981 Mr. Peter Jamar Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Vai1, CO 81658 Dear Pete: Enclosed please find a copy of letcer, daEed July 30' 1981 , fron Art Uears concerning avalanche hazard on Lot 20-3, Bighorn. I em forwarding this copy to you in reference to our upcoming DRB approval request on this loE scheduled for August 5, 1981, under Fischer Brothers Homes . We brought Mr. ears to Vail at your suggestion, and he did an on-site survey. I think this should clean up the question of avalanche hazard on the loE. Please advise if there is anyth ing further I can do to acco@odate the Board or your office. Sincerely, aJa-: ,)5hn P. I /Agent , Fi JPF: pw Enc 1o sure cc: Ctrairman, Town of Vail, Design Review Board COMMITMENT TO INSURE GUARANTEE COMPANY 3665 CHERRY CREEK NORTH DRIVE, DENVER, COLORADO 80209 Telephone (303) 321-1880 LAND TITLE This commitment was produced and issued through the office of aliatatin9 olttcer \D ll !.t! -< Representing: Jrrr-e Counrersrgned: | ru s u na ru ce [o rvr ea ruy-olm{N:s_o_re TfM form 25a2 2/78 AMERTC LAND TITLE ASSOCIATTON COMOIENT - 1970 Rev. OF a Stock Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA, a Minnesota corporation, herein called the Company, for g veluable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of litle insurance, as identified-in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortggee of the e-state- or intere-st covered hereby in the land describsd or iefeired to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedulcs A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed lnsured and the amount of the poliry or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endoresement. This Commitmenl is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obliga- tions hereunder shall cease-and terminate six months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS l. The term "mortgage", when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. 2. If the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge.of lny defect, lien,_encumbrance, adverse chim or other matter affecting the eftati or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commirment othe,I than those shown in Schedule B hcreof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in witing, the Company s]rall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the ex,te_nt the Company is prejudiced _by failure of !1e pryposed Insured to sotisclose such knowlldge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if thc Company other- wise acquires aclual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Compaay at ils option may amlnd Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to palagraPh 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties in- cluded under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and onJy for actual loss incuned in rd- liance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitmcnt. In no event strall such liabiliry exceed the imount stated in Sdredule A for the policy or policies co_mmitted for and such liability is subject to the insuring pro-visions and the Conditions and Stipulations.and the erclusions from Coverage of the form of policy or policies com- mitted Tor in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposcd- Insured may have or may bring against-the Company arising out of the jtatus of the title to the estate or interest or the status of the mongage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to lhe provisions of this Commitment. STANDABD EXCEPTIONS In addition to the matters contained in the Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Coverage above referred to, this Commitment is also subject to the following: l. fughts or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area. encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection ofthe premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any 1ien, or righr to a lien, for sewices, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matlers, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or atraching subsequent to the effective date hereof but priror to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Title Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by i1s duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A, to be valid when countersigned by a vaiidating officer or orher aulhorized signatory. T I n lrrLE lNsuRANcE f,ourearuv or flf rrururson --:-;:r\'.. )----' -32'y*.8--- i I I \ I [[lrr.r r.r EsorA Jrr-e |r.rsu nnnce f,orvr ear,rv a tl Secrctary " 9,,L. U l'l l"l ;cHEITULE I A l NENT 1 ;. - t-harses - Llurter. Foi tcr 5'iC,4.|35 Lenoer Pa i i c'Y S:O. UO 'l a:l t-'ertri. $5' (rt-r iBl rL - - t*;:f 'tl ' g5 rirrth rour r'enrl ttance Ftease rerer' tc' V('l:'117' Appl icatiorr Nc. VO:317 For IrrforrratiBn OnlY Lrrl A. t'I. 5145' ugti. OtJ s-63, OOO.00 r'ef erred to 1rr trrlS Lttectrve Itaie: FEBRUARY 1'7' 1?91 at d! Frri icies tc, Ee issueci' arrd prcpc'sed ifisur'ed: "irLTr:" tlurrer'5" s Fr-,i ic'i F,r r-nr L-1-{.,7Li inrnenoed fO-17-79) Frc'rc,sed i. nsur'€'c : "AiIrt" Loarr Foi tr '-t l?7Li He\,1sicr' ) i,1.6rRr:rs€d I rrsured ! RA r l'lLlt"lil L.Et l'E I he estate c'r irrterest irr tfre I Brrd cis5trr'ibed r' r' i.r-,nrdrltnti-rrt arrd Eavered h{3r'el rl 19: tr FBt 'l:.t1e !.-' r ire r-3stat€ c,r' i rrter'est covered.herein is at ihe ef fective dat€ rrsi et,i vegtei irr: r,r ; y tl -:i.,llt L.,JT t i rrr. larr6 r.€rei-'r'ed tt, irr thrs Lorrnritrrerrt is Ci€5c!''ihed as f ('i i ou'S: Lr-.i -:Lr-:., tru.iluHirl tutiltiVIEIr:rl{' RE:uElIVlSiul.l ilF LL|T 20 AI',IENDEB f',LAl ' /-:r-.:--,-:;L,rf\irr'lU'iHl ftEu:irittl=Li FLrri'iFiE:-lLr-tF' Ltrilt1lTY'-tF TAGLE' C'IATE LIF l-.,-.-,-tnf iULr. ,.- ! t) t-.L'rl l! i-rPl Ll'iTO ( F: e q u I r' e rrt e n i s ) Appl ttratic'n i\ic, ' 1'rLt?J17 -i lre 1-a i l':'ulirrs ar'e tirr: r'€9uir'enrerris trr :'e conrpi ied uJitfr: .1, par.Jiri,,rrt tO C,r inr. tire a':r:':'urrt iri tlrP 9r'arrIt'r's. ct!- ITrr:'r'ts€rs(rr's i'{ ihe :ul1 a,:,rr9 i 'ler'at i t,lr t*r' thL' {-'s'rate ;'1 1;11L:';'a-gl 1r' l'€ lrtsur'ed' ... F.t-.,:,per. i rrEtr.r:nrc'nt { -.- ) ':r'L,af l rr:l t rr'! estalr? t'r' I'rrter'e9t tr' Ee r nsut'!3'l lY;u!.r t,{.a e::ic-cutEd arrd qu ri' ti I ed f c'r' r'ect:rD: !r:r-ulti .:r. F:cr.-Lrr:ic atF irEElr tiF I rtLi5l L'r-rl E j-r : EF TEi'lELii Lr':r' 1 :t:::ij ' F hr-rn ki* i']i-ri\U i-,-rl-E tri Th- Fl-r-qLIf. TRLi;'lE= i:iF EH!-''LE i-.tltUlrr'i ! FLiii Tni i-.r='i L'F F.rH:if .EAhii'" Lir- =HuLt iLr :,EL:LIRF -iHE i:Ui'1 UF $51':'ill!.irii liEL:r:lkLlLL, :iLFlEFliiiri i7' 1!:tu I l! !'-irl:f . ::r:):./ ! i i- i'AGE :':''.f . ,:t, L.;f:'iiFiLATE r-F i,1:.FlI!.i/rL li.t,LiEit FY I!-i; L.LaF:i'' tiF L,L!.lhll. l f:LrllFil IN ;-11'.;;-r F:_:i IHE r-.'Jr-liriy LlF Lrir-:LE, uF t-.iVlu fil:jIUl.l hl'-l. r:11:)1.\,r!ti2 El'll'ITLEI-I- F ik.:, I !1i-ii.rt. r_!l- li.rr:L_L 1.r_it_iN ! Y: il L:Lll-lrnf-rl-lu LI'F:F U:-'itr i.i-ifr FLHlFil lFF (5) v::.- Firlyl,lart\:ir ::.,:tl-E, FT a''L, O;pg1r1tiA!'.iTia'). i'l'JlIL.E ,-rF Ll:r F'EhlirEFlS hE:-.:-!:-ili=i: i-ir-l -rtlF' ;'-'' 1 -,r;.r-r i i! F!-li:it.. :i 1 1 AT F Ai.rL :' /1:'. :,. ;.ri-liii-.iilt 1 r L,L,itt FHi-:!'l F:A -. i'liihllr l-i-i-i i r r-r ,-ir-irii{ i'' F.i::''-hrF( t'Lii'lr'i': rli'; ":'l-iB'-iiL- I F nlr: !iT:"a irEli-i rl -iF:r-r!.]- Fh'.:tf'l .-iur-iii F. F i-.L.frEh I U lHL F':-iLi-If l ir-i:;l tt L'F EAL'LE t:.a!r-it-r i.r Ffirt i-1-5 i-it,E LtF ni) t l'l:-r,\Ii l-. i:t -! E lLl ':;Ll.LiF.E TH- .rLill r-rts !i/:i' Oi:tO.u(:r. I'r:-iiL: li1:, FRLIFLFii-Y n'rr lf :,Ul:-i:L.'l -i lt ItiE h:*L E.;;Tf-iTE -i F:AN;,FER -l A)' !: r ,; j= it-rr uF I i!L.l-u::; Itrl.j I i..l tH- T ill'Jl''l uF VrrrL. HLEA::.. t.l:rhll frLT THE Tll!^ll{ li:- VH 1i FtF: =ri 1f! ri55E=.!'i'!:N r . trr_t'l e: I H 1i; F'ftaF'EFtTY FIA i EE 5,LiF.lEl.l l it TiiE F 1 a.iluF;hl F'AV 1f.jG Fi:.!E551'IENT I1r .,,:FtTL.E aiF thiil.Lrt tl:ihi Il.i THE EIIlniiRt'i FAl';Il'i5 frI!.1-RIl::.i. FLEA:::E u.r-r;.]-lrrl.l I HE I ttljN uF Vl) r i- iiiGi+FItl rriG =A 1i Ar:':,E:.iFlEI'll . ,n i, rj) L. L' l'l !"i I r t{ E l'l rO ..I::HETIULE B_I (E:rcepii,:ns) Appl icatiarr Nc'. Vi-t;317 Jire pt'i rcr. c, r. pol icies t,r bE issued u:i I i cr-'rrtai n enr:ePtiorrs ta tfre t r-, I lcrulng unles,g ihe s.anre prr'e oisel'slscj of tc' tfre s'atisf actic'n c,+ the l.l, nrrr a rr'r' l 1. !'iandar'i E,'.rcepi i *rrs 1 thrc,usn Ii nr inted t'rr tfte t:c'\'er- srr!'et. x.. la.,:-e:. arrd agsessfirerrts rr':'t /L:.t drje a'r' Pa1'able arrd spec ial asgessnrents rrr,t i'st cer'tif ied tc' tire -I r'sasur'er" s' c'rrlre. 7. .iir i r,.j:-rFi.r.,l ia:'<es or' agses.srTrerrts a=airrst gaiC .larld. :i;. Lier;g. f c,r' urreaio urai'er' anC Er,'uer char'ses' rf anr. .:.. ::.r r-'il L:f r- nLrF':-;1E Turi LrF tr VE 1l'J U{ Liilrr. -tU EiTF;AL I *l\It kEf':i:lvf H i E L-r:i:'i ri=i:iFFiLrr'1 :,r.1r-ri-ii-li Tl'iI:;J:r!*lE FF FttLil'.iL! TO FEI'iElt'r'lTE t:'k If\TERSEi.T THE r-:-i=!il::.i: i-r:. i.L.rLr,ivELl il{ Lri'ril Ei, !, f rr'ff::. rA-1'Ei'iT LrF REi:uRrl 1t\i IhjSTRL|!'4ENT . i-i:i.Liriiltir t!:a:Ll':!Eri i7' 1:'ir" Itu laiLii' u: i; HJ 7 iti:i 4tJ'i/ .t r-i. ;-. j ,_.,i1 :i !::;: riHY Fr-ii L: I Tr-.H!i r-ril L.r-'il'rr\L::; i.r-il'l:i'l Fi'il:.-f Ei-i i. r. TFii fil! r HUi' I T Y l-iF I n+ Lri'ri;:i-r 5TH-l L:,, f:l::. Fir:.F::!/LLi ::'l rr|Jl I Ei' :,1 Fr-i L:' FAI Lf'i I h:i'Lti'il!r!r 11. hr:-TFiIL.l j!;E L.!-'V=HAi,iT5, }.irli!:.i-t Ii|J l.,rr-!l L:lrf'JiHlfi r+ FUF:FEITUftL Lrtt HE\TERILR :-.uri.-i j.E, |li lUti r rrll'rllr 1:1 i f'l::i i ftLil'rc.Fr'i REi::1:iFillat ttf L.Elrt;'Ex lr-r' 1'.?c.l IN ',. L Er-'aif.. i'/4 AI F'|}L:t 4!:i,:: tri',lil r-lP1Lf'jirE!t IN lN:;TFtUll3iitl REl:O!'tfrfft AFftiL Ui' 'ji-r H|'lLl..lLiEtr IN II't,il'FUPiEhiT i{Etlr:rR[rEn HA\ '-.,.:: ,Litt,iffi t.:. bF.l.-.i!'1:l\T AS GRAr\iTEIr l-i:i EAGLE VALLEY SANITATItrl'j I ISTRItT IN I .I.r:,lk!_it.lEr{T FiELirRLlEii AL}Guil 7, fi,7t-r 1N Eirirh.:'1fr HT FAGE 419.i i.:. i=!'r pEftiEl.iT ,.rirlriPiifrIIt-.rFFrTIl{r-l F:r-r!'ALTr IN Ahiil T!J THE FFiiriEEItS -LtEFiIVEtl Fn!-,t't Ti-1E !.i.rLE urF I'jIN=FA!_:." TEL,, FFiaifri-lf.En Af.ili Hil'ira, FRirFl SAIIt r-.F.r.l-rjj,i:., HLL a)::, rtT Fr:riiTH Fri A F{E!,EF{\,/E[| RitiHr Ihi rrl-i!,T i.IAHTIiiEi iihitr ,-' ir-rii!. 1i\i 'lHL LrLElt I:-r IhE. SELLER IrAl-EIr !'EFTEF1BEk rt' 1:7i'l' Ar{l' i-:=,-.r-rFlilEj-r jl'j Hr-iL!|, tLrt r:T FAIjE 4i-i7, i:.ULlf'JTY L:F ECr-'iE, iIATE LiF !-.r-il-LrnAlrf . - :r;:,EF1:1..r-i t-:-1 Gl;Al'JT3Il Tar G*J-' FFri-IL1-I 1E!;' lNr-. ' rT F'JBLIt UTILITY r-.Lr|..ir-'--rnrr-i jar,1 FarR ,l!-rf'l!.T;tr-l::.1 ir-tli Lrllv-il.Jil" f'li:til'JTE|'rrilrltl.E, FEMaiVfll-, FiEPFIIR r:irLr h::- ur..rr-.ii'i:L-l r-rF rl'H::. LIii=' riEa.ftFiirEti !.5FTEr'i3;r: ';,' f .ir*'-t-' 1N EDUIl- :15 I t v bI o Form2575 Bev I /78 )'-3 ENDORSEMENT o Jrrur lr.rsuRANcE Co"PANY ot MINNESoTA a Stosk Company of MinnorPolir, Minnesota To be attached to and become a part of Commitment No' Company of Minnesota' Item 14 Schedu'le B-2 is hereby deleted. u-23L7 orriueifrur.r,ce FI SCHER 4/r/81 The total liability of the Company under said commitment and any endorsement thereto shall not exceecl, in the aggregate, the face amount of said commitment and costs which the Company is obli- gated under the Conditions and Stipulations thereof to pay. This endorsement, when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent, is made a part of said commitment as of the commitment date thereof and is subject to the Schedules, Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Coverage therein contained, except as modifred by the provisions hereor Jrrr-e lr.rsunnncr f,oruearuv or ffi'rxEsorA -fu*"y-+.Efu Forn 257\ 8ev. 1i 78 )'-9 Jrn-e lr.rsuRANcE Co"pANy ot [l/|INNESoTA a Stock Gompany of Minnerpoli3, Minncsota E1{DORSETENT To be attached to and become a part of Commitment No. Company of Minnesota. Item 14 Schedule B-2 is hereby deleted. ik U'23L7 of Title'insurance FISCHER 4/L/8r Thc total liability of the Cornpany undcr said commitment and any endorsement thereto shall not exceed, in the aggregate, the face amount of said commitment and costs which the Company is obli- gated under the Conditions and Stipulations thereof to pay. This endorsement, when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent, is made a part of said commitment as of the commitment date thereof and is subject to the Schedules, Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Coverage therein contained, except as modified by the provisions hereor Jrru l'suneruce fiorvreer.rv or lflrruruEsorA ql.l-r _i1_l,0c41 l qN-J]l!-ll!\ 1. I!]! SIJITI)IVJ SION BIGHORN, TCWN OF VAIL. COLORADO JO$ NAl"tE FISCHER BROTTIERS HOI4ES BTGIIORN DI'PLEX LOT' 2o-3 IJLOCK ADDiI.ESS 4166 colunibine Drive F IL ING The location of utilitics, l ines , must be appror,,cd and accolpanying site plan. bc main trunk lincs or proposed the followj-ng utilities for the whether they verified by Date Mountain Bel1 Wcf+er+E*fttFz€* Public Service Conpany Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagle Val1ey Water and Sanitation District 2@1 Ln-,f / 7-fl-tt zWe,z-- rt NOTE: Ihese verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibili.ty to obtain a street cut permit frorn the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-wav or easenent in the Torvn of Vail. A bui-lding perrnit is not a street cut pernit, A street cut per;nit nust be obtained separately. Ihis forn is to verify service availablity and location. Thi.s should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. \\ )\ \\_J i:tr-- ;CALE' l" = lO' rO '..- e " =6dJ s : € c-€C Y1LL e- : u/4?€< il - T.\./. = 76L9PHuJ€ //\fJH /, -f \x t// \- ,, I /\Y 8-60 r 8421.78 N.W I 842t.88 S.E. \ ft?'!nA,,. \ ,MH INV. wv I ,t I I I I s$ :.5 \= // \'/\/ \/ Y /\ /\ fi &l o |')t-- \ \ I \ EAs€i4EAt7 ---I t/ I T,l. ,( \\\r I \r \t i $ *& rq" '{).,- o44d '/ ,/,I a\ \o t<lrrl -t- trtr ID ll"r \ \ \ \ \ \ 6b W"/ / f' ,\'o e'ur I I q s.' ,a-\\z ,/ \1 /i"' " uYr* /)/(4/ l^[n'" +" L) /\ n4 tr / ry$ ((\\ \rl Q 15'a've (tl o t $tr&(/ €tcct 'lo Be _ru8 '^/t;ALL( - r 5EUJ;\ - at' ttt t0t.!5 ! _ -- -.1 '€ if tfrtc EaBeDent bY o54rr Eeglc trict shall conatitute itl agrce-. ' lollcn: tl,n rnd ln thc cveDt tlrlt tlrc aatcr!t E;t-;-;;; ir6t-"r,iii i,-"iai.-atcrl' rrve:.r eadt br tf.t .ft r rrgclt ls thc doninrnt Gtt'tt' rultrrY tarcr rmaat thrlf ,t-;Fff"c- lartallcd in tha rbonc-dercrlbed " I f,i:ru.naoncdtr tlre propcrty 'latrrest of- l. lbc ranttrrY .crrct plpc llnc lnstallcd ln tbc rbovc ilircrlbcd cercoint rhel1 bc Instrllcd!, nrln- trlncdl rna opcrrtea t" .t t" Pcrntt thc naxlmrn uge andt ;i;tt "i"i-o: rurfacc ry lhc prcrent and rubsequent frB.ar of tD .lovc-Cctcrllea property' In eege lt-ir ;;;;.;i to reprlr or rcplrc=- thc tcner line' Grlntcc iu.if-itit rr tlc lurfaee-of thc hnd-es neariy :?-:tI L ei..ii"rUtc to Ule rae condition it urs in Prlor- Bo roclr rcpatt ot t lriiFtti' providtcd no D'erarneit uulla- lag, plentrag, rtrrrcittt "i iryro""*tot irratl be glcccd tbarcon. !. Ialtlllttion of the sanitary t?tttt^?i::- ltre rhrtt bc €tPi;led lo that the rurtaie 1r rcrtorcd ;;.:;[-;-"tt i.-pii"li"eblc to lts condition rt thc F1 tl'* rort wrs 'corurenced. SIGNED EUD DELIVENED thiS ,/'75.y ot 1970. lli box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 475-5613 November .|8, 1975 Mr. Abe Shap'i ro Vail, Co] orado Re: Lot 20-3, a Resubdivision of Dear Abe: This is to inform you that we have avalanche hazard and flood p'lain. You may now proceed with building with the zoning ordinance. If you feel free to cal] . Yours truly, Di ana S. Toughi 1 1 Zoning Admin istrator office of the town manager Lot 20, Bighorn Subdivision found lot 20-3 to be free of pians for the site in accordance have further questions, please DEPART/qENT 0F C0I'IMUNITy DEVEL0PIIENT t/i ='-I M--4)*--42 oo oo I White River National 8€horn Subdrvrslon Thrrd Addrtron r3 1 ht rstatc 70 Rldqeviaw Souara ,.'Sitiiiivision" BrglrornggbClviiion ' -YHra Aldffion t O, ', -Aghom Subditson Fqrrttr &5ftirn--f 11 tf'_Fjllg Y!gs!_ Subdivisbn (t a t_l Normal Creek Ghannel & 1OO Year Flood Source Gore Creek Flood Plain Informat@n Vail. Eagle Co. Colo- Colorado Watar Conservalion Board By, Hydro Triad, Ltd. June 1975 Ponds APPPOVED BY: TOWN OF VAIL PLANN I NG COMMISSION TOWN C OUNC IL -Otr . iHE TOWN OF VAIL White River National Forest Gore Greek Flood Plain Royston, Hanamoto, Beck and Abey Landscape Architects Currgnt ConditionS A component of the comprehensirre Plan Town of Vail Eagle County, Colorado THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS I5 A OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE VAIL, COL OR ADO ATTEST I COMPONENT TOWN OF CLERK, TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO oo Forest ' o . 3t ' a 3 ,'2\,/ ./ OEb:1977 DATE Briscoe, Maphis, Murray, Lamont lnc. mffiil-_'l'llllll Managernent Consultantt o 2oo r,o 5oo 7m ffi J O Oo Fl,oot S;a'A/r o. .- oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ATTEST: I'OWN COUNC I L FOR THE TOWN OF VAIL MAYOR CLERK, TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO DATE DATE White River National Forest <' J'l B€horn Subdrvrsion hrrd Addit on White River National Forest I ? J . t' -- ,, 6 / B 9 lo tl '-.r: \ !- :,9-r+- Biohorn Subdivigioo 'tliira Aiftlltifr- -- t) Vail Assoc. Katsos Ranch (McDowell-Smith & Assoc. and Arthur t. Mears) lnlcratate 70 Shapiro Study fg & Assoc. High Hazard - Red Zone Avafanche frequerit and/or powerful Moderate Hazard - Blue Zone Avalanche less frequent and less powerfut than Red Zone Powder Blast Extremely rare flowing Possible Avalanche Further quantification of I. r-'--,-r.-l Yl'l|J, 1 ". !_"i: 'i i""%gJ' U ' ' fua, Fo|* Townhosgc3 \ '. , - Filins ltF."' "._---\.-' ' C.Oa. Pt itt lorflnhousas -.Tflffi-nfr-.-_-- ail Meadows Arthur l. Mears and EnvionnPqlql- ^4!_"ch. _ G.orocic/ a.dd H.-- Ee"lF#A&-"tr. Sloo. An t a Wc"t.ti-'t w,rlllt Comfiunity .zm!'!9 Land Ut i.cr.-lonlq'!n se!c. uiin|- Iblt Viusgp i5 iT-Fliing /'12 ., 4 '_ .' : Vail Villa9. tl th,Fitrng Old Muddy & Path 5 (lrthur l. Mears) King Arthur's Court (Hydro-Triad, Ltd.) Avalanche CUffent COnditiOnS A component of the Comprehensive Plan Town of Vail Royston, Hanamoto, Beck and AbeY Landscape Architects , o'Di.:jf-T;-': Hemb (Arthur of the Vail area by, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research 1973 avalanches and/or powder blast pressures fnfluence Zone hazard dependent on detailed study Brghorn Subdrvrsron Th'rd Addition bierstan,70 '8(Forn Subdiyisl'on Fourth Additbr---T m m t-{l- 'E Preliminary Study lla'^.r' -l l-lara ^- White River National Forest Eagle County, Colorado *fl f,5:fr#iT";"Iiiill" Larnont'* fu SU Mc Dowell,Scott,& Cox) oo oo or to of .o or ot o o N flV*lr1rJ 9t\c o - -t in,.-t t'-i L- 1'l-l t.. I l-=-i l,{.{!l i()s:l l!1.(:L'I t<u cr utr cr' s4-= C'F "o ?,- i2Ei,2" i C'- g CJe a::-5=-'=-i';?;"25"::i:: ; i=!:g;t":i:i .l :t.o..:=:"; - rc,,C >< c\ rr .J!1CraJF Q 9:" ?;i;3: F i -" c, <r o'''1 rri N.! n lra U tr. 'B'F.:33;rt*T E-:? "lr-l-!!.- (n Ca' ; t;=:i'F!;;:! i .'l'* d c,o c'c 2 "'2";35lEi: ^ F;:_,F_o.-i.i c,EI l ;*:nI r E'=!;:'2 Y-.:"3[Eu,-l$ ;E ,E:;tii!'sfu: '; u c o c c'o- !' ri ;! H5i"i5i:: c -C! I C;! a\r g- ; - - ..l: aati rl, - = \,) o ca .-{ 4. t! cl li rr OO.<C 3.\r.-i |! lJa i c>. e n -? A>oE |!.c o cJ.q.;! =>o C a.a A d clE \- <(tN '! t oz ol . \v- \,/& -o , '- - or i i/ trJ r.l-l & LJ o -6'.7. o--a' () =d Ld z o lrl a T a I F-- 4n ta' (\I F ) ] 4--7-," '2 'o^/ r''Za'-i .r '",t^l#t!y' ,' *+i*Fi "v'// o0r,e "ra" lt u (/ -t tr, f,o a/, i trj uJ (:) { N o t\ |IJ t- F U) q u F ? IE t<(lJ l^-rt{r (Jl 3ll zrl /r- :g {i* ( --..-,...r 3N I I run -l O J.: c IJ l.!:l-?| -l a $\0 t rd (J l o_ a/, ft$v R' "$t \ \ N $ g ci t \r \ { % @", 6* I I '::. s o % F o u, a ! tf-ffi,l Lll(? I l\L LK I l\U Llll:Llr, Ll)l L i Subdivisio Lot Bl ocP. Fi1in9 9-9** 20-3 2. Elgineering Requirements (A) Culvert Size lz" crne, ( e ) ori ver''ay Grade I 8% -max)-(7\c'cuell 3. Source of Utilities 1 . Su bmi tta 'l I tems El ectri c Gas Sei..'er l,l a 'ue r Tc1e1:lrcrie T.V. g reement (A) Topo t'tap (B) Sjie Plan (c) utit'iiy Plan (D) Title Report (t) suua;v'ision A A B c n U t- F (Acceptab'le) (Not Acceptable) ---=- A)oat€ (if applicable) - /"7 /r. Conrments: -*A nlr- B_s,. P-->-___t^,._A&y@.__--/o_6C ttwf 6 F.ooo P.ar^' G..,.e.^,s Approved: Di sapproved : ,.7 /< oE__( ' -Deparinicrli of Bi l I An drc ,cs Publ i c llorks Ti [] F BooL 321 PagF, 4lu F'l.d lor r?cotd th....-....-^.r'd.t "' -APT,nzz) 1 ^. o.,r ....91..9.i99...".'*r.4-",.Johnnette Phi.1lips''- *':::: Eagle County '( Doc. Fee $14. s0 FILING STAMP THls Deno, Made this ofthe (:(,lorado, ofthe first part, and rtlrose legal addless is uftlre 31st day of Ma rch P.0. Box 1288, Fri sco, County of G-QF'F re81 . bet*'een EmTf,".iryf, County of Eagl e and State of described lot County of of land, situate, lying and being in the and State of Colorado, to-wie SIAIT Fifl,l,ltlli/lii'f FII APR 1O 1981 $.'/,:/.,sa.&! _ Colorado 80443 and State ofColorado, ofthe second part: $'|T:\ESSETH. That the said party ofthe first part, for and in consideration ofthe sum of ONE HUNDRED F0RTY-FIVE TH0USAND AND/N0----- -------DoLIrRs, to the said party of the first pert in haad paid by the said party of t}e second part' the receipt wlrereof is bereby ackrowledged and coofessed, has bargained, granted, sold and conveyed, and by these preseots does grant, bsryai!, sell, clnvey and coDfirm, unto tle said party of the second par! his heirs a-od assigns forcver, all t}le following or parcel Eagl e LOT 20-3, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 20.AMENDED PLAT, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLOMDO, als<r knor,r'n as street and nunrber TOGETIIER with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging, or in anywise apper- taining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and all the estate. r'ight, title, interest, clainr and demand whatsbev€r of the said party ofthe first part, either in lew or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premises, u'ith the hereditahents rnd appurtensnc€s. TO H.AVE AND T() HOLD the said premises above bargained and described, with the appurtenances, unto the srid pat.tl. of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever. And the said party of the first pert, for himself, his beirs, executors, and administrators, does covenant, I(rant, barFain, and aFree to and with the said party of the second prrt, his heirs a nd assigns. th at at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents, he is well seized of the premiser abore c11nveyed, as of good, sure, perfect. absolute and indefeasible estste ofinheritance, in lau', in fee simple, and hea good riFht. full power and lar*'ful authority to Frant. bargain, sell and convey the same in manner and forrn rc eforesaid, and that the same are free end clear from all former and other Fants, barlgains, sales, liens, taxes, assessnents and encu m brances of u,hgtever. ki nd or natu re soever. r eXCepl benel"al laxeS tOf Ene yea|. t-98t and subsequent years and subject to restrictions, reservations, easements and covenants of record, and thr abor:ed bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said party of the second part, bir heirs and assigns aFainst all and every person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, the sai4 par.t)- of the first part shall and rx'ill WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND- The singular number shell incl ude t he plu ral. t he plural the singular. a nd the u se of any gen der sh all be applicable to all genders. lr- lt'lT\ESS \A HEREOF. the said party of the first part has hereunto set hir hand and seal the day and yerr first a ho$e $rrtt('n. STAT E OF COLORADO Countt of Ea gl e The frrreroinF instrumcnt n'ls ackno*ledged r8l , ht RAYMOND COTE l!1' (,mnrission ex Pi res Liy Con;:,.::.:.::/;,i:s I,:ay 30. lgg3 drvof April - Witness my hand rnd officirl scd. 1.. before me t his 8.34 317 t tta Sp.c Form 9324.WAnRANTY DEED-Fo' Phototirphlc Rccord -The C. F. Ho.cLt Co.. D.nvcr :U9951 nnt Oj oo FISCHER BROTHERS HOMES I43 E. Meadow Drive Suite 396 Vail, C0 81657 July 30, 1981 Mr. Peter Jauar Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Vail, CO 81558 Dear Pete: Enclosed please find a copy of leEter, dated July 30, lggl , from Art Mears concerning avalanche hazard on Lot ZO_f, figio.rr. I an forwarding this copy Lo you in refere approval iequest on- rhis - ror 8c;;;;i"l"i"i"o.lH";T:i;8rlT"o",Fischer Brothers Homes. We brought Ur. Me3r1. p_ Vai! at your Euggesrion, and he did an on-sire survey. I think this should ctJin .rp ii. l"."iiJ" "r avalanche hazard on the lot. Please advise if there is anything further r can do to accomodate the Board or your office. S incere ly , @ ,Idhn P. Fischdr zAgent , Fischer Bros. Homes JPF: pw Enc losure cc: ctrairman, Town of Vail, Design Review Board box 1fi) vail, colorado 81657 (3031 47S5613 August 10, 1981 John P. Fischer Fischer Brothers Homes 143 E. Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Peter Jamar Town Planner PJ:df department of community development RE: DRB Submittal of 8-10-81 Lot 20-3, Bighorn Sub. Dear John: At the August 5 meeting of the Design Review Board, your submittal was-given final approval . Appioval was for a primary/secondary resiience with a Lbtat enrR bf ssOO sq.ft.: 1950 sq.ft. primary, and 1950 sq.ft. secondary with the following stipulations: addition of landscai,e materia'ls al noted, receive Public Works approval' submit flood p1 ain report to staff prior to obtaining building permit' protect trees with snowfence during construction. Si ncere t Dale Project Appllcation ,)t Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriptio n: Lot lt -3 , Btock ,a,1,^ ,// riting Ky':7 .V' t"r - . ..^. Com ments: Design Review Board //F/-r-/ p./ DAta :a/ /J/ Motion by: Seconded bv: rfiffi-**iS DrsAppRovAL - 6 -?) frr<f <S/l/Ail fF/1/C€ frl Pta,b Staff Approval zoNE Or[cK sFR I R,R for P/S ZONI DISTRICTS Legal Description: Ut&3 Block - Filing or*"rlZBLlfl- W5, nrchitect -..,1 Zone Distri.t - R ;' proposecl Use 02, tt-l 7 neisht Altoric..t 3g, - Front-Requ irca* 2o i'-"proiilsea Sides-Requircd'15' Proposed Rear -Required 'l 5' Proposed l.laterccurse-required 7O/ propied GRFA: GRFA: A]l or,red Prinarl, Al Ioned Secondary A1lorved Si te Covera ge : Al 'l oived Landscaping: Parlt ing : Lot Area Setbac!<s: P ropose d Primrry Propcsed Secondary Proposcd qq &4t Drive: Slope permitted gtb---*-Slop<: r\cLu;r-l-. .6 Enviroiriiii.:nt.ri,/|1azarcls:,,,,..^,,,,"-&-_-';4{,h[W Fro,,d Pr^rr.- kt&fT-o _ __s'ioPc - --lJ 4----- Con"rlcrrts : Propos ed - Proposed __QA ,/, ^ c, //Rcquiled @./O p:oposcil Required -__[)rop:;: ed l).r i r' : ARTHUR I. MEARS, P,E. NAru&AT I{AZARDS CONSULTANT Zd Eo|' Gotfilc^Y. ,. Gqmbon. Colorodo tlZ! (s)6.1-3!r5 July 3O1 1981 ft. .lotrn Fischer 14]LE. l,feadows Drive Suite.396 vail , @- 81658 Dear Mr. Fis'Cbgr : At your requeaE I coopleted a field inspection of your Lot 20-3, rig'hcrn s,rbdivision Res;6dtvidion of Lot 20, Vail, Colorado, to deterfrlpe the degree of snow avalanche hazard' Lot 20-3 ie. located on the north bank of Gore Creek' Ttre southern part of the,Jot lies ltithin a designated rravalanche influence zonett as decermined by previous Tonn of Vail studies. This desig- .r"\-ioo implies that Part of the lot uay be affected by design- nagaitude avalanches exPected to -occur once in a century' on the ".r-."g", Ttre Presenc site-specific seudy further defines the avalanche -hazard area such that a safe building location can be recomended. Any avalanche affecting Lot 20-3 would begin in the "Bilhorn Pathl -soie 2,O00 feet above and to the south of Gore Creek' During design avalanche conditions, major avalanches in the Bighorn path will cross Gore creek and will reach several buildings on lots located west of 20-3. During April, 1980, a large wet-snow avalanche crossed Gore Creek approximately 300 feet west of the SW corner of Lot 20-3 buE did not cross Gore creek adjacent to 20-3. Future avalanches ttray cross Gore Creek south of 20-3 and extend a short distance (10 to 20 feet) into the wooded area north of the creek. Ilowever, even Ehese large avalanches *rill not ascend the sEream bench and reech the proposed Fischer Brothers Houe ' In conclusion' I reco@end that the Fischer Brothers Hoe be Iocated as 6hown on the Darryl s. Larson and Associates drawings of July 18, 1981. Such location will not require avalanche proteciion. Thi"s concurs with uy previous conclusion, dated October g, Lg'15, a coPy of which is enclosed' - Sincerely, O*f^ 4 {tlpara Arihur l. Mears , P.E. AH: pw Enclosure Avolorrhr Dynomlcr, Dofemr, Zoning a Morrntoin Torr.nr AnolFi! a Slopr Srobllfy ;, lti f l;l 'i ll r I) Lr1EIl HOMES BIGHORN DTJPI,EX QO lir.ll.i, Ol l'l'rt.rl: ;New construction, residential duPlex o 'l lr lltr ]'c(luir'('d Jfor sulrrrrittll by 1.lrc ir11rl j(:;u)t to thc Ds.s j 1'.rr lirv j cw c:;, rr lrc Iivcn: i tt l'orri:r t i r.rrt i .; a fi trl I :rltplov;r I I'i(1'l:ll.l Al,S li.Lg =!!Llr,r'jal @dar Shakes, Select med'ium Ct> J or o l','a.l l Mat eriaI s Fascia Soffits l{indor.,.s ll'indovr Trin Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinnel's Trash En:l osures Gie cnh or.rs es Other lxg cedar Channe l- Rustic Stucco - Heavy Set - Light cream colored 3x12 Ceilar with 2x6 Cedar Trim 2 Cedar veneer PI "Pella" casement - Brovtn Clad lx4 Cedar Solid.Core .Pine - Exterior and Tnterior To match Window Trirn Redwood 2x6' Sanded and sealed 13" Dianeter Stainless steel, Triple waI1 24 Gauge Galvanized Iron Vlood Frame, 3,/4" plywood , Stucco Finish , l'leta1 Jza : a acrrz,va,rT*rv hzrz-ta7 v kle Corrnon Name Quanti ty Si ze o TREES B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT t'iATERIALS Botanical Name IHRUBS ' ,3$;*-&ta/'u^u^*_ - ,o?ooo, aer aoo-- x -tu SOD SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE fsreo rf TYPE [\/,1. TYPE OF IRRIGATION ,'/ ./-VAtvtf<- ?t'+tvr:* Lo ,/ l-Ka<x- Lat '+ Ynaz+ TYPE OR I'IETHOD JF ER0Sr0N C0NTR0L c. Other Landscape Features (retaining wa)1s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) please specify. O't box 100 vail, colorado 81557 (303) 476-5613 November 18, .|975 Mr. Abe Shapiro Vail , Co'lorado Re: Lot 20-3, a Resubdivision of Dear Abe: This is to inform you that we have avalanche hazard and flood plain. You may now proceed with buiiding with the zoning ordinance. If you feel free to ca] I . off ice of the town manager Lot 20, Bighorn Subdivision found lot 20-3 to be free of p'l ans for the site in accordance have further questions, please Yours truly, DEPARPIENT 0F C0t'iMUNITy DEVEL0PIIENT i/,' <"- '4'/k2*=-)*l--Z/-J Di ana S. Tough'i 1 1 ,/ Zoning Admin'istrator t?orHuR r. MEAR'Q NATURAL HAZARDS CONSULTANT 630 SOUTH 46TH STREET BOULDER, COLORADO 80303 (303) 499-0989 October 9, L975 lls. Diana Toughill Tovrn of Vail Vai1, CO 81657 Dear l,is. Toughill' RE: Lot 2O-3, Bigtrorn Subdivision' Vail , Colorado C'n October 7, Lg75 T studied lot 2O-3 (described on enclosure), in tite field to determine if Potential snow avalanclres should be considered in building locatLon and/or design. It is my oninion that the probabil$ty of snow avalanches reaching 1ot 20-3 is negligibte, and should not impose a building constraint at this location. If you l-rave further questions, lrlease contact me at Rl-'lBL Crested Rutte, Colorado 8J-224. tx.:."^t^, , O-"+l^l Yt@"q Utr l\\(a,"/ Ar thur I. I'lears l:nclosure cc : A. L. Slraniro \rJ N tl tl il lt tl t I I i 15 -.. t box 'l O0 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 I'lovenber .|8, 1975 Ittr. Abe Shapi ro Vail, Co]orado Re: Lot 20-3, a Resubdivision of Dear Abe: Thjs is to inform you that we have avalanche hazard and f'lood plain. You may now proceed with buiiding with the zoning ordinance. If you feel free to cal I . Yours tru1y, off ice of the town manager Lot 20, Bighorn Subdivision found lot 20-3 to be free of p'lans for the site in accordance have further questions, p'l ease DEPART,I?ENT 0F COI'iMUNITY DEVEL0PI'IENT ,/ -A'r'/; - < / ///" \.--y'-.""'^--r./*J /Y*4._-_-t 4 oiana S- Toushil l f,/ Zonino Administrator <.t l 'lrl