HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN SUBDIVISION LOT 14 COMMON ELEMENTS LEGAL.pdfIOWITI OI VAIL Memorandum 4t7t'l'l Zoning Analysis 4096 Columbine Drive - Lot 14, Bighorn Subdivision Zoning: Two-Family Residential District Land Use Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential Hazards: Gore Creek 100-yr Flood Plain High Severity Rockfall (site specific geologic report required) Avalanche Possible Influence (site specific geologic report required) Stream from neighboring pond is not a mapped watercourse (no setback required) Unconfirmed wetlands (delineation report required) Lot Size: 31,598 sq.ft. (0.725 acres) Minimum Setbacks: front 20 ft.. rear 15 ft.. sides 15 ft. Maximum Building Height: 33 ft. sloping roof and 30 ft. flat roof Allowed Density: one single family residential dwelling or one two-family residential dwelling plus one Type ll Employee Housing Unit Allowed Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA): 8,546 sq.ft. Allowed Site Coverage: 6,320 sq.ft. (20%) Minimum Landscape Area: 18,959 sq.ft. (60%) Others: existing power lines must be relocated underground to* o" uor" 75 S. FRO}ITAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479 -2L38 APPLICANT COT{TRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT .i--].{"'-''- 1'-^L; L- [ t'( ,t. - I | .r-! |tu.t^. \ I r'' ,JOBSITE AT AI-,L TTMES Permit #: E9B -022L SLAtuS...: ISSI]ED Applied..: 09/09/1998 Issued. . . : 09/09/1,998 Expires..: 03/08/L999 Phone: 970-479-2LO0 Phone: 970-479 -2100 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT ON ilob Address: 4096 COLIJMBINE DR Location...: 4095 COLWBINE DR Parcel No..: 21,01,-L22-15-002 tr,-. l(l Project No. : t/"-. \ TO9IN OF VAIL 75 S FROITTAGE RD, TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD, ,fT]DD ELEANORE P 2552 E AI,AMEDA 1.7 VAIL, CO 81657 vArL, co 81657 , DENVER CO 80209 Descripcion: STREET LIGHTS IN RIGHT OF WAY Valuation: 1,000.00 FEE SUMMARY Electri.,al-' '50 .00 DRB Fee .00 Total calcul at-ed Feee---> AddiEional Fees'---- Total Permic Fee--------> Palrrent B BAI,ANCE DUE- -... tnwestigation > t{i11 call----) ToTAL FEtls---.' .00 1.00 5l .0u 5J.00 .00 .00 .00 Item:06000 09/09/1998 Item:05500 09/09/1.998 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT JRM Action: APPR APPROVED FIRE DEPARTMEIfI .]RM AcLion: APPR N/A BUILDING Division: FIRE Division: Dept: JRM-Dept: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATTONS I hereby acknowLedge thaL f have read Lhia appLication, fil1ed out in full the infor-matiorr required, conpleLed an accur:ate plot plaD, and sLate that all the infor:macion provided ae tequir_ed is correct. I agree co conply tlith the infoH[ali.on and plot ptan, to comply with all Town oldinanceE and state lane. and to build thj"s EL[ucture according Lo the Town's zr-rning and subdiviaion codea, desigrr revielt appr:oved, Uniform Building code and olhel ordinancee of the Town applicable thereeo. REQUESTS FOR INSPACTIONS SHAIJIT BE MADE TWEIITY - FOUR HOURS IN ADInNCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 479 2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:Oo AM 5t0O PM '*JConlac t f,,;-*i';l Eagle County 28-8640 for 'f::iu ttrtd11- t, vArL coNsr*u.rf PERMTT Appjtdcdrroll ronli oarnz 7 _? p€ PERIIIT /i ^ I eppl,rcATroN rirusr BE FTLLED O,UT pOUlLETELy OR rr lIAy NOT BE ACCEPTED X - . . t o. I *-m h rb.s^ * 0 S * * * * *'ilJf, rFl, ga,lUtk * : Ak; ;. ;: . . . . * * * * * * * * :-[ J-Building 1 i-eturnbing t,u--u't6ltricat I J-Mechanibar [ ]-other Job Name: Legal Description: Lot BLock FiIing owners Nane: j C'V ' 'Address: Architect:Address:Ph. General Description: ....r{ork classz l}dew [ ]-Alteratron [ ]-Additional 1 r-Repair [ ]-other Number of Drvelting Units:Nuilrer of Acconmodation Units: ^ {pmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Apprlances_ cas Logs_ wood/perlet v '***********************it********** VALUATTONS *********************************'t Plunbing Contractor: Address:Town of Vail Req. NO.Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Req. NO.Phone Nurnber: FOR OFFTCE usE ******************************* Mechanical Contractor: Address: *****************************,*** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERUTT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUILDING PIAN CHSCK FEE:PLUMBING PI.AN CHECK fEE:MECHANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE:RECREATTON FEE: CI.EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERI{IT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNAWRE: VALUATION CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFIINI) TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479 -2L38 DEPARTMEIIT OF COMMT]NITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Job Address: 4096 COLUMBINB DR Location...: 4096 COLLJMBINE DR Parcel No. . : 21-01--].22-L5-002 Project No.: f\t'rt, -''"'"'\"-L',*,r,* PermiE. #: B9B-0189 SLALUS...: APPROVED Applied. . : 07 /L3/1,998 Issued...: 07/13/l-998 Elq)ires. . : 0I/09/L999 Phone: 970-476-3978 Phonel. 970-476-3975 TOV/Comm. Dev. MASTER SEALERS P. O. BOX 4473,',VAIL, CO 81558 MASTER SEALERS P. O. BOX 4473, VAIL, CO 816sB ,JIJDD ELEANORE P 2552 E ALAMEDA ].7, DENVER CO BO2O9 Clean-up Deposit Refund Occupancy: date llof cas Logs: rEE SUI"IMAP.Y 195.00 RestuaranL Plan Revi-e- - > .00 Recreation Fee----------> l.oo clean-Up Depos i L - - - - - - - - > APPLICANT CONTRAETOR OWNER Description: REROOF FIR ETREATED SHINGLES Type Construction: V N Valuation: 15,000 ril-eplace InfoxmaLion: ReohricEed; approved Single Family ftg5idanna Type V Non-Rated ^*-^Afnount Add Sq Ft: {of cao Appliances I Plan ch€ck- - - > InvesL i gats i on > wi 1l caLl----> ,OO Total CalculaEed Fees---> 50.00 AddiEional Fees- -- -- - --- > .00 Tolaf Permit Fea------- > 100.00 Pal,tenLs- - - - - - - - q'l4,t5 BATANCE DU8----- 414 -15 . oo 474.75 . o0 ALL TTMES t--c *of wood/PallcL: ILCM: ,O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT. DCPT: BUILDING DiVJ-S1ON:07ll-3l1998 JRM Acrion: AppR AppRovED JRti--' -- ITCM: O54OO PLANNING DEP.ARTMENT DCPL: PLANNING DiViSiON: 97 /L3/\9_9-q _JW Action: APPR Nza ftcm: 05600 FIRE DEPARTTqEI{T . Dept: FIRE Division: 97 /13/I29_q _Jry _ Action: APPR N/A --.--' ILem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS DeDt: pUB WORK Division:0711311998 .JRM Action: AppR N/A See Page 2 of this Document for any condj-tions that may apply to t-his pennit. DECI,ARATIONS r hereby acknoltledge that l have lead thi6 appticaLion, filled ouL itr full the infolmaLion reguired, compleLed an accuraLe plot PLan, end slaEe thaL a1l the informaLion provided.s lcAuired ia corrcct. I agrce to comply with the infonnat.ion and plot plan, Lo comPLy with all Town ordinances alld alate 1aes, and to build thi.s sllucture accolding Eo Ehe Torn,s zoning and subdivision codee, deei.gn leviev apPfoved, Unif o!_rn Building cod€ and oLher oldinancee of the Town aFDIicab1e !he!et.o, REQUESTS FOR INSPEqTIONS STIALL BE MADE TI.]ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII g:OO A!: 5:OO PFI Send Clean-Ud Deposit To: I'IASTER SEALERS SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR COMTRACTOR FOR HIMSSLF AND OWNER rriri *rs'r *rrrr', TOV,|N OF VArL, COLOR-ADO 8t-t€mnE SEaE.€mnl Nunb.r: REC-0423 Anounts: Payn€nt M€thod: CK NoEat.ion: 4268 474.7s 07 /L3 /98 12tLS Init: i'lAw PcrmiE No: B9s-01s9 typrr A-BUILD ADD/AIT sPR BUrLD PE Parcel No: 2101-122-15-002 SiEc Addre66: 4096 COLUMBINE DR LocaEion: 4096 COIJUMBINE DR Total Feca: 424.'15 Paymeni 474.15 total ILL Pmta: 414.'lS BaLance:.00 Account, Code Dc6c!iplion AmounE 195.00 50. o0 1 00. 00 BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERI.IIT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIEN REVIEW FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CIECK FEES AD 00100002{03100- CLEBNTTP DEPOSTTS WC 00100003112800 IIIIJL CAI,L INSPECTION FEE Page 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit. #: 898-0189 as of 07/L3/99 Status---: AppROVED ******************************************************************************** Permit, Tlpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUIIJD PERMIT Applicant-- : MASTER SEALERS 970-476-3975 .lob Address: 4096 COLIJMBINE DR Location---.: 4096 COLUMBINE DR Parcel No-- : 2L0L-722-L5-002 Applied- - : 07 /t3 /L998 Issued---: 07/L3/L998 To Ercpire , 0L/ 09 /L999 Description: REROOF FTR ETREATED SHINGLES * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FTELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS pER SEC.]2l-0 0F THE 1_991 I]BC. 8E7tll4e 67246 REauEsrs ronr?HHpPETYEfrLanFRLBHEE?s FoRz e/ 4/eE nRPtF co I Activity: Address: Locat i on: Farce I : Description: Appl ieant : 89S-S169 il 4/9A Type: A-BUILD 4096 COLUMBINE DR 4096 COLUI'IBINE DF elol-1ae-1s-ooe REROOF FIR ETREATED SHINGLES ITIASTER SENLERS Status: ISSUED Constr: ASFR 0ce: O667 User U N Phonez 97O-4V6-3i73 one:\ 970-476-3i75 : / 827-555O Tire Exp Owner: JUDD ELEANORE F' CONtTACIOT: ITIASTER SEALERS lnspeet ion Request Infornat i on. Requestor: liehael Req Tine: 01 :OO Coruents: Iters requested to be Inspe-eted. ,Ofa54O BLDG-Final C/O Inspection Histony..... Iter: OO51O driveway grade final Iter : G'BOL0 BLDG-Foot inqs/Steel Iter : o'Ao?6 BLDG-Foundat i onlSteel Iter: o'o526 trLAN-ILC Site trlan Iter: OOO3CI BLDE-Fraring fter: AUg46 * * Not trn File * * Iter: 00650 BLDE-Insulation Iter: 00A6A BLDB-Sheetrock Nail Iter: OOOAO * * Not On File * * f t er : OgATb BLDEi-ltli se. Iter: OOO9O BLDG-Final Iter: OO53O BLDG-Terp- C/O Iter: OftS4O BLDG-Final C/O t#r o C' o r:r oz o9 .o o:crc x U E A I H E E B o o al F { A & E a !a al U u r A t' o cr o o o '[l'! a E x h U g o i F H 9E d8 lrl A rE ,,2 d8 Er,H ao zo ET (,0 F !t c dl !H EH Frt ao -dl (oE 6A AFI ?? FII Elq F HH 2Z p9 -o HE r, a rrH e6 rO Ft r-r |(qt o a H2 OD oo A=!|d F E o 9r tr z o || EE EU z!l E E -!l o (Jlr H llQ p *R FI q| (J IE Ft '(A F' o A lrl 3 FI E ET 4| E a; I EI &..{Eq|Ac'-EOH EEE Desi Review Action I gn T OWN OFVAIL Pro.iectNamc: JuddiStockmarResidence Project Description: Enclose entry stair, add skylight, reroof Owncr, Addlcss and Phone: E.J. Judd and Brian Stockmar 190 E. gth Avenue, Denver, CO 80203 (303)830-721r 476-0562 Architect/Contact. Addrcss and Phone: same Projcct Strcet Addrcss: 4096 Columbine Drive Legal Description: Lot 14, Bighorn Subdivison Parccl Numbcr: 2l0l-122-15-001i002 Buildins Name: nla Comments: t Form Motion by: nla Secondcd by: Vote: Conditions: Town Plannet': Christie Barton Date: 5ll2l98 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproval I;IEVERYONE\DRB\APPR0VAL\9IIUI ]DD.5 I 2 DRB Fce Pre-Paid: $20.00 Qucstions? Call thc nfanf Staff at 479-2l2tt APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEIV APPROVAL GENI]RAL INFORMATION fhis afplication is for any p-jcct rcquiring Dcsigrr Rcviov approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcviov nru^st rcccivc Desigp l{cvicrv approual prior to s;bnlitting for a buiiding pcrtnit. For spccific infonrration. sce thc subrnittal rcquircnrcn tJ fbr thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot bc acccptcd until all the rcqtrircd infor.ration is submittcd. Thc piojcct may also nccd to bc revicrvcd by thc Torvn Council and/or thc Planning arrd Environmcntal Contnrission. Dcsign Reviov Board approval expircs onc ycar after final approval unlcss a building pcrntit is issucd and construction is startcd' B. DESCI{IPTION OF TI.IE REQUEST: FILINC:LOCAT'lON OF PROPOSAL: LOT: PI.IYSICAL ADDRESS: 4q 1rO\ l>>\s-oo\ -a' pAItCtEL* >'br r >ur(-o6l'o' (ContactEaglcCo.AsscssorsOt'ficcat970-328:8640forparccl#) ZONING: NAME Oh- OWNE,R(S): F .J ' Jv aa t MAlt.tNG toouess: tcto f- c# 6'+<rDt-*"'C'fuzDr7r, ,* o r> 4a,^ = - I'}l-[ONE: -a=*a"ae-aal- owN ER(S) SIGNA'tU RE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: u '' 5a,n'4 PHONE: Construction of a nov building. lncludcs any addition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or cornrrrcrcinl buildi ng. lnclutlcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc irnprovcntcnts, such as' rcroofing, painting, lvindorv additions, lalrdscaping. fcnccs and rctaining walls, ctc. For any application rvhcrc thc applicant rvishcs to nrcct rvith Dcsigrr Rcvicw Boardio dctcnrrinc whcthcr or not thc projcct gencrally conrplics with thc dcsign guidclincs. Thc DRB docs not votc on conccphtal rcvicws' DRB fccs arc to bc paid at thc timc of submittal. Latcr. rvhcn applying for qbuilding pcmlit, plcase identify thc accuratc valuatiop ofthe projcct. ThcTownof Vail rvill adjust thc fee according to the projcct valuation' PLEASE SUBMI'T THIS APPLICATTON, ALL SUBIVIITTAL RDQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT oF coMMUNtTY DEVELOPMBNT, TS SOUTH FRONTAGE RoAD' TOll/iN OFVAIL c. E. I'- c. I't. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: tr Ncw Construction - $200 O Atltlition - $50 ,dMino, Altcration - $20 E Conccptual Rcvicrv - $0 vAIL. COLORADO 81657. o BUILDING MATERIALS: LIST OF PROPOSED IIIATERIALS IYIE-QE-MA'IEBIAL:COLOR;* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia SoUits Windows Windorv Trinr Doors Door J'rirn lland or Dcck Rails Flucs Fllshings Chinrncys. l'rash Enclosurcs Crecnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other * Please specify the ntanufacturer's Color, number and attach a slnall color chip ** All cxtcrior lighting must nrect the Town's Lighting Ordinancc 18.54.050(J). If extcrior lighting is proposed, plcase indicatc thc nuinbcr offixhrrcs alld locations on a scparatc lighting plan' Identify cach fixhre type and provide itt. t.igttt above grade, lunrcns output, luntinous arca. and attach a cut shcct ofthe lighting fixhres. Updated 6/97 PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED; GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD EROSION CONTRO OTHER LANDSCA bottom clevations of walls elscwherc on Botanical Nanrc *Mininrunr rcqui ts for land)^caping: Conrrtron Namc OuantitJ dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conltcrous trccs _ (r fcct in hcight shrubs _ 5 gallons Squarc Footacc I FEATUR-ES (retaining walls,.*1.o::*i,]rllng pools, ctc) pJeasc specify. ,n*.un *OlO ;lilfffllf ,*iiinru'r height orrvalls *ithi' ti;l;i setback i, r r..t. i"ir*i,*, hcight or Updatcd 6/97 (\,o* oaneac), l,1v'1e,1 trl Ju b.," rt gn--6 as d J TA I E. J. J.o >.'* i)t:oo.tcriir*,es rlo;E.?:!AE. >;rE r, (- &oE z,qt;te-i Ae,^''or,+- '9'rrr*.e-^,r{i-oar.tce stnics ,e.,"^,close a,+ro Aae,r iua(u or i1 >n4rA .lvcf fJaf n of , Dec* ft+rl ae.j,rrhcrDect Sfcp, hlfeo,.t.rlrt Ta Borlea"flr,n, r\.cet S z,tJ ne.o,l{ht,c,, AccesS ' ";i2 n +" n -o!?"' E' :'''' 17 : u uiv - )'1n ^- " i i:tpi n L *. 4' e1,., s clc\o cnte. c-* A ..-<-tc-..n-4 4 -rllet n-, *.<*r, l' o,^r. v*n f tfi ^- lfo"t arf tlle .p Pna^f,oF c,h.lrc c+{cioru.r.o 4,,,{ti,+--F;'fbilat }-., v..r{;artl pg1..9 utat grnlBaiten- R*r Dri* f to-2tto '?27-I?97!- bpt Ho{o /Ju"^bryabniw t)lrL Co '\lzchf (/f, O*r Rca\*ce 4, ' T. 'B' Cu1- io 6 see\ C.* af ff,r- e-V\ a\a/€C\ u P7-Eto.zzt|. gn^rr, ?D .7i.v{t))fi,r,?u tLr !e, t G) file) +"rro'ta.. bS l\,rr1 r-6, trqr ,t r. $ $ 10t6 eoLulttrtE Ortyt ,t 6to ,g'Xt' E laLC, t ' ,":: *':.',o,. ",i6,,.,,,, o.t t ll,I ! ?rt t,rfrt.frrr. irr !.. !v I .g: W lcOr 'r : r.:?lr'l ?r'. L,5t.rg' -Er t2!.@. foLUpdlll 4!!E- LOr tt 2rt. oo' l ri ! l .:,st a/l !// IF gtELE ,i.F:y crurFr '|r^t ruts I nn0vEnEnl roc^rrun cE; ;irisrff r,iH'5; ''*L^r$,,*r ;,lr Ji-p#;ffid,irriliiii,,i,iiliidil;nu,'r, ffi ruryiliftffi tIililtr nffi lft llil,ffi f sfr i; ifr fi ,: : " ..:: OY I fl ili.i#H##t#3i{J:..er5.1fr ,,ji.ln,.,i1*i., ;';:.:',,- - -l net,ran,r,rrE\Ri.?ilr,;di.t;;.ifl!$4ffi l#li1j:#J,ll;ffi | rrE tH0H0v(ilEn,r. 0n lllll_U1cernlteli.ucnrnj..ir,,/,,u,u,",. .BAcKLUNDur,iosunvrys acconuirii-ii'ildffiiiil;X-t'l3rl3[lr!'oooo o.f-l rylll;fjlii,,ittl rolt . [r G6r.!r!0 ': o'tt^upe t usE, ^logicol'w)t t-.l|.'" Dmnt:rouc v n:),.!: rro,nP. *lo at,.. ri"ii"{ ,t/,;t!;,'';'t: ^ Bncxlunn LeNp P.O. Bor 614 FHreo. Co,8O4{8 303 o{to-979o ilovember 10, 1994 Sunvnys O E o Liccnrcd L.S. Alerke Arizonr Coloredo ldaho Mon!anr Nrw Merico uhh l,tr. Judd, As.requested I hrve crlcullted the area of Lot 14. glqhorn Subdivision, I nave found lr to be 3l,Sgg sq. f;.'Ai;;-"'the calculated dlffcrence.in elevation betwien tne grouna lnd the roof peak at the south stde of the house ls 3I.S.- l',e wiil be compr€rlng the.srtc pran of ihe house wrth the tics to t,ne lgp,ot rhe rrver uank rndtcailn! chat rhc hous;-ti'witiin ini set,oocr llmlts. Ihat will be flnisneo lororrow.' Slncerely, noth4wl Rtchard Eacklund ?L5 RB/nb Iq6 (olv$,su.rehrc\" Vrr\ G qlqk @o 5' e rr 1'l Stera ?^.t11 rtu e,0.9{ Flooa. ttc-i"rt^\\ t{.t urnt'* ho,..tcar ri.f"o,L o {olC 6o1r*!,ru },,*)B'Yeru Lo . q/r,rfu r/f, qo L__l t-rqul glrrrni i6, Fto",r \6 u 6ciLE /*'l lt.O" )'t r^,, * Uo chn une i1 /' (; +.e.'Ac L c,,r Ctrl 6v691 Grrr{ Sf.nil,t. Falrv,e urtl ar{ -16'rae' Tc Er.ict rrre$ s' tB'rrr.* o Frer.rr Strg 9 To DE ctA oec K I.,1 /l v\(c e 5q cLO9El c' METUE }GUJ E\bI . u/zq/e*r/r Qeelirr c 5l:x rJ,l\ r"d"' q ''o"Jo,rrrl e Gl^led fr)'ed,3^D! hqb-d hei{lL ^ t e rr stirrg . AJ J Co".vz oU G f\. Eyrc{rrJcl Er.rtrur,tl c Att A z '-:"r rt" 6" mqtch , Ert rJrgq o ,'1, {oq6 coLu V A\L 'CO Rea ^ oic- a ReP\ n te F\oa,a ,1r-1,1 /_o r+ l'-6" hi2V"1 '0,,rrr.o , p Gt.lr rt l!4" PAE:t1At ,€.arJp ir"oo( trr@A PLA'N scr.tg tA",tt-o" F'lhJ ,"1 Q,rQ Arrto w otat, er,'c1t*'trlulatt rr+\1r e(.i1. canay 7rn{1' wr.ll To Nrr- Ccrlr [t,Jrrrc eri r'l llort 91c!gs,.rr io e'B /atn,urrr 4""t";t"-=Jt':; fi ARlts - fll rtt.h- exl9r' el,eT ELeV ill'j-*'u^,r B[s. Jd Doo* { i1w.b ' oceuE l/4"Itt-d'@*" o $s o xe. o ,leit'Falr.Y "iltl.'1,'oa,, . l.{ e' l.lc r ,- aLPt- he >focl s grce. lrf t Fnr. *r c, "lo se giarrt Lcuc\ o! n A|t.E rant.V er,ig,3.!1 2. t. l.;,C. 1. 8.T. Y Jiu t n e.ucV oc r.,-c V6";1L9'l ll l;tt;g n'"t ^,.r{^r'F {oq6 CO|.UrrlDruL bfer tre_ '8, VAtu,(a q/tq /na r/t @ o'i FIST t=L(:V ...l'Ls o ZONE CHECK Legal description: Lot Address Owner b Phone Phone Architect Zone distict Lot size Site Coverage Height Setbacks Landscaping Retaining Wall Heigha Parking Proposed use -= 2 ir,a I / ",,' tli( u | 'qc rotar"cnre 57n * gry) Buildable Allowed Existing Proposed >6.> Toal = -7'i9"5 Remaining ?7 81. 5 / t(./) 7+t ,,-,= 1..2 I A-/ 2 | E4J + Primary GRFA _ + (425) (675*) =_ Secondary CRFA + (425) (675+) =_ * 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Does this reouest involve a 250 Addition? How much of thc allowed 250 Addition is used with this reouest? b )12 z7?.o +3K'5 = Z?58'5 tir,/r.-Tval,2 (30x33) Front Sides Rear 20' l5' l5' Minimum 3' /6' Reouired Enclosed Garage Credit Driveway Complies with TOV Lighting Ordinance Are finished grades less than 2: I (50%) Enviro nmental.[Iazards Previous conditions ofapproval (chrck property filc) (300) (600) (e00) (1200) Permitted Slope _% Proposed Slope _% Yes No Yes_ No l) Percent Slope (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands 4) Water Course Setback (30) (50) 5) Geologic Hazards a) SnowAvalanche b) Rockfall Is the property non-conforming? Describe: c) Debris Flow DESIGN REVIEW CTIECKLIST Project: O SURVEY Scale U FLoORPLANS Scale GRFA 250 additional GRFA Crawl\Aftic Space EHU tr BUILDING ELEVANONS Bcnchmark Legal description Lot Size BuildableArca Eascmcnts Topography 100 yr. flood plain Water Cou$e Setback Environmental Hazards Trees Utility locations Site Coverage EaveVoverhangs (4') DeckslBalconies Garagc connection Site Grade\Slope Rehining Walls Fences Roof Pitch EI LANDSCAPEPLAN Existing trees Proposed tees Leeend MISCELLANEOUS Scalc ColorMaterials Spot elevations O SITEPLAN Building Height EncroachmenB Setbacks utility verification form Photos ofsite Building material samples C.O. Verification Sun\Shade Angles Utilities (underground) View Conidon Variances Plat restrictions Condo Anoroval Title report (A & B) Parking/Garage Tumine Radius Drivcway (access and gndc) Fire Access Memo to Housing Planner if an EHU is proposed TII.E COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 3 03 -479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 3 9 FAX 303-479-2452 October 4, 1994 D e p arn ne nt of C omnt uniry D eve lopme nt Mr. Jim Judd 190 East 9th Avenue, #500 Denver, CO 80203 RE: 4096 Columbine Drive/Lot 14, Bighorn Dear Mr. Judd: In follow up to our phone conversation this morning, there are some issues regarding your Design Review Board (DFB) application for the addition to your house at 4096 Columbine DrivJ that I wish to bring to your attention as soon as possible. Before your application goes before DRB, staff must be provided with a color sample of the roof material you are proposing to use. your lot (Lot 14) is entirely within a high severity rockfall area. A site specific hazard report must be submitted before issuance of a building permit. This must be by a professional geologist and can simply be a letter stating the addition will not increase the hazard to other properlies. As part ol the application for an addition, we require all properties to be in compliance with the Design Guidelines. As part of the approval, the overhead power line to the duplex will need to be undergrounded. In addition, the outdoor lighting by the garage will have to be brought into compliance with the Town ol Vail Lighting Ordinance for this project. As soon as we have received a copy of the survey and elevations, your application will be scheduled lor a DRB meeting. lf you have any questions or would like to discuss these issues, please contact me. Thank you. Sincerely, Lauren Waterton Town Planner DRB lrlcATroN - to!{l{.oF vfrrL, DATE APPLICATION RECBTVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: rrrrs App,,rcA,,XlilJ#iior BE A..EJ'PEVD' C'r i'' i nNTrr, ArL REQurY)..tj:1ojtll\rroN rs SUBMTTTED T PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION.: n TYPE OF REVIEW: n ar n\ a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and zoNING R-firo LOT AREA: ff required,. stamped survey showing applicant must provide a current,Iot area. \Yt\ Mr.r nr rrtrt? ?/.ilrF rlJu'lc, Lrf AEf frJ_U/\N f :Mailing Address:lqe F cr<r',i,.,e . r s-rc De ^r,-co"-7..JijEE- NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE :Addressl |'tc {l .QtA,e + Phone I.NAME OF OWNERS: E STGNTTURE(S):Mailing Address: Condominlum Approval if applicabte. t{ DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the tlme of submittal.- of DRB apptication. f.Lier, wnen applying for a building perrnit, please iaentiiy-ifie accurate valuation of the proposal_. fhe Town ;f Vait will adjust the fee_accord.ing-to t.he table-Uufo*,'to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE PAID:FEE PAID: $d\-FEE SCHEDULE:++4e a !'ALUATION FEB ,/,1t , | 1 r---r )$ 0 - S 10,000 S 20.00 '"1 {l+f l'l- $ 10,001 - $ 50, 000 $ 50.00 av J\i s 50,001 - s 150,000 $100.00 v' \ $150,001_ - $ 500, 000 $200. O0 s500, 001 - $1, 000, 000 $400.00 $ Over $L, 000, 000 S5OO. OO * DESTGN REVIEW BOARD APPRO\I}E EXPXRES ONE YEAR AT'TER FINAJi APPROVATJ UNLESS-A.BUILD.rNG.,PERMrr .rs,rssuED }.l{D coNsrRucrroN rs STERTED. **NO APPLICI\TION WTI,L BE PROCESSED ?IITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE 1_-_ 1 New Const,rdction ($200.00) fMinor Alteration (S20.00) Addition ($50.00)qcrlrron (>5u.uu). conceptual Review ($0) ADDFaSS: 4 r .r 6 Cc {c vrr bi.o _}o\ u. LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot lrl Block Subdivision If property is described by descript,ion, please provide attach to this application. LTST OF MATERTALS t NAI4E OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRTPTTON: LOT_II BLOCK STREET ADDRESS: ,DESCRIPTION OF ca4 le SUBDIVISION The following infornation is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING T'IATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B. LA}.TDSCAPING: for subrnittal to the Desig4 can be given: MATERIAL EOLOR required approval TYPE OF exr gttF?l PLANT !4ATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Nane of Designer: Phone: Botanical Nane ]1 r:!1 €- v\ lvt g - 'Common Name Ouantitv Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED ---++ral.{_{- *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. CILt^.tLt .lL 19 ies is 2 inches. Indicate h height for coni t rees . ferous -n%7 ,' lt >t^ ;:l,e- w 0 l^ilr// rwo 3z,c't! sq C+ e x, s-l Br,, l.t . 4 @ x3S. t= \ '{ >O .. --qe, t t7,\ = .- .-t'rlr ^ - .a t N Dc ilc|r'"y Glze s 27' fn Qhr"*irr. *rt€ "Als 'Jt Sxr(O= ARMftEL,f"t'7 r.. lfqccr 4^"a (T 1hae te (at'*Iv t/zz ftL z7{ '.4' 1>C rkt sEP 121991 TOV .C0l'l|t./l. DE\J. DEPT. AAA c lc qei \cr[ '' -E 7 tr.'r.l - 3? tc tl - r l.lJFl G<1z 94 51.Jtiy.\'? ),?\ * a3't ) i :i:/:)u (.lif ,\ - '. '+-ui.'n,,./ ,t' '\L'/ 'r ,Y,"ch '':j, i t-(.f L'.uu -rVltl t!'*'- ^*^:'Y"il*i, ""inr Blcxr,uno Lnxo Sun P.O, Bor 6r.l [Hrco, Co.8Ol]{8 303 00&9780 $l?tt 10v.c0t{l{L[lE!'m' November l0' 1994 l.lf . Judd, As requested I have calculotsd the area of Lot 14, B'lghorn Subdiiision, I have found 1t to be 31.598 3q. ft. Also the calculated dlfference in elevation between the ground 0nd the roof peak at the south slde of the house ls 3l'5. ue will be cofiplet'lng the slte plan of the house wlih the ties to the top of the rlver uanlt Indlcatlng thal the house ls within Bhe setback llmlts. Ihat will be flnisned lomlrrotr. Slncerely, nbthWr Rlchard Backlund l'L5 R8/nb Licenrod rL.S. Alerkc Arizone Colorsdo Idsho Monlanr Nrw Msxico Utrh o o ! ,>e ' TOlJhl tfF uFl I1- lliscel lEnegus Cash E9-13-94 14121:35 Recsipt t+ 155581 gc,:ount+ Lll.:#482 E. JAI'lE5 JUOD\PREPEID $PB Brnoun t tendered l ?E.Bg Iren paid fui-mt. paid a16BBS41331SBS ?6.88 f:hange re t u rned ) Er. ritff THFIhII< 1/EIJ 'y'aur cashier HEIDI TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNNTY DEVELOPMENT Qm'c ev ,(-C CASH I jcK# I --{I m z n --.{ R=z'A {>-z --i -9; Z- 3< --1 Z a 8p <; >; -tc)o> o 9."--{ m nz >m --r > - m o --l €z m (- z 3 n o o I =o 7 ==(D F (D t 5 o o -6 ?-v:3 iri c)> 1l a- rY Zl T\ Ts I NI k",H tFl tl tl rl o -l !T :D = o , :l l=l> E I m I = m I o € tD - I m o ==c c e R t: F F N F t x R .t € -ilLtE o o z a {n c o {o z T m fr ={ I m I I Irr ll lrJ t(tl lr lco l|J I ! g m z o <mo l-< = r- .- l-<iir= t:iiE ls o9'l;Pt- la l= | --.i L-tL:tr=l PE z< Q@ 22 oo z z ! r_- Tt D. 1 IONF t, sl kE cE Fs = I hB 22 F3= es H! E "d t9 Fi Fi ;i= llNrn= lls€d tl tl ll 9n{<;m vz oc)lc t-z 2= --t cz@ zoa o.=?0! lm(D ii@? i=x;z VALUATION li"=< =-/-47 =: -, -i,it€: il!=..7- ^.=' 'lJ:.=- m =z o c)o z i o et 4 =V,, .. \ Vi,'.. ,/ c)o z U'{n c){o z T ! m { z o !,.o,,ti :l<l l!6 lrir l l-n o t-lri R lr;t<; I --: =t "'r c ;' CL .D g o : (D r I r --t |;-]LJL'J\I 3pP' 4zz iP t' .TI -D Or z=0(I,>=l:o"' o -{ o l' Ltnt_J o z r m n g -{ 0 m I I l.- l''t: /...-') I (I, z It c c I o = ; rl o t-m -- m o €z m o zA ,z >m --r >or- zi --{ c p<<s) -1 Z Oc) m o I z o c) z --l -i F x 'n a z _p I cO f t" n =l>-<r t>Kf lo t! r I -0 1 II I I f v 5 (0 F t>r t>l0 l< r-l>lcl l<t>t;t> I3 l=l. l-"lo = o a o m z € m z 6 --.1 -E € c) C) I t -nl i :-<E=8 ''Fn z a c f- -i z R3A33F t*i;>'-iiP=e 3 *nrF t =' 3 -d o-{llt||lf rttttl c2@n(!>Aol333 gd=i39 !EFi?5 u@9.=-9 !O(,1 I 6E e zz:ooa ||| zt) EI ;l !l $l =I ol 'l ol :l =l 'l -l !l TI >l ll XI --i '0 - c ,o --{ c a z IPNts Fi gq lYzo ls$ 32 E;; E E loo o f-\T z z H ltF>|7tlN(!=lolNrn= Fd e;,a I I =\J lt F\ r-.._ t -*--t- -.t + t*, a) o -t I o z 4J F ? c m '2=ta. t- a >'t- <c -> f _ i- z; * ,l ,'I z z c z lr ::l c)l (]l =l z .4 1 :a x -E;-. -TK jli\ N N il -{ I r rl B =\L m m a ) z c tn o q -l o I a o p )a () al m )t -i z m m a)f o c 2 m .) .) _p z I c -I z o = m u =I 'n m m v VALUATION m 3 =z o I 2 c e z o o - g: =I 2 p 4 I \J Q .I :I il 'l ?l 'l :l :l ;l -l rl :l :l "l > ^.>= :-r:;!r :;:;<Vz?7> a::,-= 2 -=2zi v.), li ( -a": -ri l.l" .1 t C>- =1!"=trJ-=- vt N v A t $ I oi 9 $$ $ S) t 1 ,ll) \ I I nl I )/r/r,rl,.r 40 rG Colu n \, i. Ql Vn,l Af" K b t '0.c, 3 o t'I 1' R""F PL lx ;alis e ',i{ yl1 *c *, ,.,, v1a -g- n lc- 3 E a z c {z z o !.) :' 6<o!Cfi D;z^ <Y cta 9.=tb I z 9>So z^= N'n ::9 o; t- m ..1 z n -6 t! tr -l T E u= ==7 Oo =l g- trl 3,I -{ - 11 t- D an -t r r -{ |n D n t- m D ;z m z o m rn T ':4-.^ Project Appllcatlon Project Name: Project Description: Own€r Address and Phong: LrL I q1 o 7.\ t,\3 o.," 7/rs/T ) ,,,. 7 lp fi / t'vev' CO- FoAoS- Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zonei Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: POrKn- seconded ov, Li >{ero {l APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL LlAa(A't,'1"-oc.t Summary: ,a val i Zoning Administrator |ltaFirb',l.il Chief Building Oflicial o J'Project Application { Project Name: Proiect Description: owner Address ind Phone: Architect Address and Phone: 4 Legal Description: Lot , ,f.r.-, \)'oJ/n' i,-'aQ L\ lA. Block Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board ////,DaE% /l DISAPPROVAL Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL Summary: Date:Date: Zoning Administrator Chiet Building Off icial BY "...............T8.........-.....-.- Qo co,,\ tt ') A.$ H tl 4t'il 'rnrtq ds)ip'1oiA, ; -F .. i-l G. !. I !tSh'|Jq ul 'r.. rO t:' ."'t ; , (- ?u Dg n ',n+xe S psw d. olJ, be\h'v"'|!e.1 r 1 J rllq Rr oc e- RoF{pz _ ' :' )r! Decrl I SGr+( eS 'i '//- ' \. _i . ({L\. ll2 t I N0 R 1.: !\ -t ir -,.1te'('t r1 t-6r \.A/ t5' 6'T' Iuwn o department of community development 1 June 1978 E. James Judd 2949 Latimer St. Denver, Colo.80205 Re: garage addition at 4096 Columbine Dr. Dear Mr. Judd: Please be advised that you are scheduled for Design Review Board on Thursday, June 22, 1978 at 1:0O P.M. It is advisable to have yourself or a representative attend the meeting to explain your plans to the Board. If you have any further questJ-ons, please contact our office. Thank you. box 10O rail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 Design Review Board DESIGN REVIEII' BOARD APPLICATION DATE OF MEETING: NAME: C e Ctv ADDRESS (MAILING) NAIdE OF PROJECT: ot?/j , /rt)/0,f7 PLAN #: DESCRIPTION OT PROJECT, I.,I T,;I AL C,4 i.IYt FO ; ,l ,i r'l /) I rorlfyL , BLocK_ , Ftr\rvc ' (,1 1il.$).FJ \_., o DESICN NDVIEI'/ BOAND o DATE OT t r. rrF.ir 7 \t/.r .;,1Ll,l Irrv.q,l 1l {,. f f n:'r 1 tlrraf f I)l L J. al|.r.Lt r ^}IEIIBERS PRESDIiT: Lou Parker Bill BishoP Ron Todd Abe ShaPiro ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: VOTE: APPROV.ED: DISAPPROVID: uorroN' J6DD sECoMxD BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: SUlrli\lAIiY: o DES August 18 Bill Ruoff o IGN REVIEIV BOARq DATE O[IvIEETING:r977 MEIIIBERS PRESENT: ACTION TAKXN BY MOTION: VOTE: Lou Parker Ron Todd Abe ShaPlro S-,'BJBCT. Ca1len/Judd R".19"rce - g"..ge addit t 74, Bighorn Subdivision BOARD: SECONDED BY: AGAINST:FOR: ABSTENTION: ROVDD:APP DISAPPROVED: By . ...........................o ^r E7 Z 3 :.7..7 suBrEcr (t..A.lz.i.l-:..F. AC.sL.|fi.gy......... ..-) '?trk:iilE*:"_ll*o W ed, 1f,.' - tzoo a rt SHEET NO. t . . ..... OF 'L JOB NO,,, oayfrr,r*Jaei gt,- f?r:,I = Exis* Gcapes @ - 9,";s* GaeN CAU&H fit ?5- oF BtAc x-r-o P / Pae rru -r,te )etilcW '.1' exts-t pa.yle rc i ;;.; / ll 6;,PI r c n 7 rr !t s o J $ i l \ ll l- -- , I li,[qo*i L_-, lT+:-: ;$J..i;- --_._--tl i - : ,' i l\:-7 ,,' - -;Jp f p.1c7-./y'1.*l"J' l, 1 ,i Pet,re. d -, li l / -or* ,1 ll \ / Ti',n bo'r' 6_tY ]E-, =!'P:;:"]4' .q;,* "t 'i;=.-''' l!t:E' \ /i Lcr \ 6o*.,.1.d ?,c a *irc _--:I*! *..-,-'I ''-'='--"- \ ''-'---- \e'l3e PLOT PL AhI ,5 E rw ec rrL E l/tt"" t l'- ou * I ) _.---n lscA Ra'^ r' sHEET No, y...... or *7pu o{ dou,,NORT\{RLEV +c Ar-r l/6tt-- \l- o' w€ 5-T E LI= V, 3? rlLE r/s\ lr.ail - .., 1.. /_ -By .:......... ............ o^TE //.1 't..1../ T' cHKO. 8Y... ........ ... DATE ."Or l(lOc.<lre Fnct r 2x8 rutar I , ,.^Lr 1"" 1 U o O?._TJ I\ 7-Xt (?v u Ve.+1--S tu 7t ,\-7A e4.I ?1,( ;tl=.6616'PJ for.- ful\ aeErJ tuG Po"f'^iq o Panl' Flo:vu e-lc.v'lo-a')\-:-":/ /-- /'.:itt Doc{ w'srr 3 L'll'{s tt t' Fl7 s\o;|L,1 t"&J,te hc'a 3/e" "r*. ?Lr.z xALoo< or, t3 l"{c' r'\j ,/* S,ll F,Q.l",r--,' I .4 r',-4 )-q1:- 2-c r{ firzrrrz I -J9 J ar-' - :----rYJ I .t,l I = r----'-:15:.l 1" G GAv"l lit" eleY, i .A:,?=,-.'l8-''3 7 . T,,o oF €r^,Pa*,.r1 cl 4 z'-9'tr<er{.al i ;i et z'-9'tr,er{.at 1,,,-6.t). Pt?9, Q2'-6u l'' (qfi> 7j "= lt- o" ' 'Pt?E ( glrs+;c)ece'T A -A :rLuF -Ev ? -n.. oa,,'','.':' 'e"'i;'.:;i;Tlti"t1?tfi;,f :::'"::- ' ":'/ ,, t!'J.l FL OOR PLAN ?L, z-* E f61-i7 Do,ic { u/nr. \ ' ; *,.' '1 =\-.r llrr;qG).ll :----.' C,rrtn l cto L.r.* t,toa'cltv. "Y .$e,*p/ '1" ') :ff,|(:Hi'";i ,-.V,"n 't4) ll;l.ni':'"''" '' 't'5 lt i / ""''r" Eri >1) 9/sf.o lhr! o"t{q J /(\_ ?,_i \ I \ i \ I \ '\ .i I I r--<* , -:!Y^Yi I \ ?.(.? I i i ; I I tL ,r,r Il ?APTT\I- P LOT :;cnLe t/6". \t- 6" I o \$ NN BY A . DATE rcHKo.'By ilq o"rE t-ii't't SUBJECT...JecD .,. (.F r.t O JOB NO. ,r....C..o lo..--. Lr- /4 6+**n 5 ja,n e4- lo rrnnlrh ex Bl,nq stt'y J tt- D v.t c t'- t: JP +\ p x T 0 /D ! t o +-l !:.l }-fl )\ F F l!il rllil i,iirii! 1"{aoo- 2-Lro 9< t\LE l/a,n= lr- o' E LI=V. r. rlr,E l/g ir. I r-Arl n \ t:l ^ t-- 3 P +* *- tr o o T t q +- D e -o18 M | _ ( "no rrr rndoors tn dw5 irffi?1s!?, NORTT{ tLEV s\a.K.s o^ 1.17^$'ilv o'.:. 2>.8 - / 6" o.c, under de eotd uoo4 WE 5'T o o t t I s :)v aY.oxeT-,Z3.:.?..7 cHKD. 8Y....,............DAT8.............-....-..1.............1.e:t..r.*..G1*..s..p-l1,:s-...J>-G.:I:*s............ .. . ....... .........1/ rr .t. \. ,...Co.!o... :.................................. ... fr""r 9HEET NO. JOA NO. oeyh c** J l.- - ^i9{.:tl = Ex is{ Gcnu.: @=s :' .t ,,.9e*tN -, ' ' 9t"r !ii rl f - -. -.-2i I j I i l,r' , r1i i t'liai"' . r il'l'ii*l,qi q j i*- -{l /t li/Ih"i t,,, l; ,it( - -t- r!+n ' ?*[.il t ': L,--\.'tt:g't.i, {_ I rt ll / fi _ii l,lt 4*i r-(l Fr^,is* Ganrc-'{--::t l_-- _ _ I j I I ; <2X i 5-t r I 1 Pr"YleK'---- : " i .,',1 lr''| .r"r.1.3i*,,, | (qzrq)? Panrq"to iti,t" -.;, r,+rfr-lEfr tffiL,lilI .iit"@ ,ll i "' lf i uu"'.{rl i oi,tr. li | 6 "o o"e \ ii I F- \"H-;-ffi '; AIR rtu I - t-,c, ' 'J L?,; 2) t 'q'L'. ^',,"[..1 ^lJ N '' P'trve- I ,\.*)it\ i Lr. \ i" r.. i , -^:Y --'-fr l, -, ':Y-t?:. -b,z*-'::i- l{fr-G r a' -' I!'jl *' ,-€'' .F t\ r {"i ,0 tl tl t,v ir t' , iq -lo i. id I t I PtoT PL Ai.l a I JOB NO. c"tn rilce f',. e . 1s'zl,'cle,r,\9 a7 p/ r d,.</ ' *R2lL 2ET ,|, 11 a OPE rJ a.bo 9p S'fd rn (eri'i to Exi:1) I @ {o"ou -.-i-(rzq) e.f .? i j ,ttr,.FS \r+ rlv \s/aQoci .fli5 *r lt odl z* I i=-6"-Z? a\ -.." 5=- + I Jfl---- t'',r_r.:* *&,; l- - ,l_h- 'r''l-t.._.. .lF _ 's' --- 'g\,- * ,/(\. ?-^ L>> Ga*w\ Dc,ic I wer-. g"*d'n-ho LUrLq9 ,J, sra!e. 7e"' l'- o" ') I / ?ASTIIL PLO.f 4 FL OOR PLAN (a) .t-$z BY ; . .. ........ ..o^f E /f . 'cHKO.ElY.......... OATE SHEET NO. JOB NO-.. ,Jlo..Ate -Cnc r r 7xB o?Er.) ttarl r .i v sraLEl=l€ ttr ,,%*t[1|"s'reer\.{cedra s,i'jg i - (ru'rrtu eXt317 P.,n. " Florfu ;i;{a\'\--):'// i,"qo?i[,?tltr1l;?"fr h,\{ oa t/t \ ?ly Dea *GLop.tt/u &z al^., fo-, r*fLc)tt " Fl. s\eJ[,.,1 fo+ a,tl PJrig -t"&Jae ficir z-r-rl Rrppe.f,.s z-t( Dec u(t/i'st to/t{-ttct r.j r, g - 1t''oc. loo':rl,'at €aV. gl'ttes B't7l l" Dn,OC iu )2'fk**?"Vn ./ o.*r secl'orll 2.. { Fraare Del wrru 3 L,ill{s Ea elF,:'-l*s'll @N-z '1r-'. -F\c - i'-?,- tli l" GrzAvel \it'o*4*s -'' trl o,*. P&9,4d trr"^r,o lLl* el€Vr A).*4.r- ,@ 9ec 1 A_A :cruF 7.t t'= lt- ot.t_ "rl wor, PIPE ( glrs+;c) w ffi n-J{,? *J f;.t , i- il t