HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN SUBDIVISION LOT 18 LEGAL.pdfFILE COPY D ep a rt m e n t o7 C o. nuit ty DiJffi 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8]'657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479_2452 www.vailgov.com Timothy C. parks 4166 Columbine Drive Vail, CO 81657 Cc: File September 13,2004 Re: Parcel of Land to the south of 4166 corumbine Drive/Lot 1 g, Bighorn subdivision Mr. Parks. This letter is being Eent as a follow-up to our con-versation in.which you requested a zoning analysis for the parcel to the south of your nome iocateJ "t +roo cotumbin; DriG.- sirr has performed an aharysis of our records regarding tire parcerloe"tmlo uvin" wnite ooioeion irre?acneo map. staff has found that the parcel is cunently unplafted "no ir i,in"o Agriculture and open space zone district. I have attached a copy of the Agriculiure and open space zone district requirements for your convenience. lt appears that there is no a@ess cunently t6 the _ parcet ir i;Gtil" Access wourd need to be ;:l?iJ:',il'"t"iffi[1"r"?ll'r;i3$H::: or f''e prop"rti nnv reioning or tn" propertv wourJ-reiui,e staff has also reviewed the Town of Vail officia I Hazardllaps and found this property to be included in the High severitv Rockfallzone. ln "Jaitio",irortions oririe site-"i"'r"ot"o in the High Hazard-Red zone for avalanches and is. in $," Fo""ioi" ivllncrre Inftuence ,onl ioim" remainder of the parcel.Portions of the parcel are also in tre nigh Fi.rlio o.orir n"*. -nil "t ttle hazards woutd need to be addressed and or mitigate as a part "tif,,, p"i"riiarfuture deveropment. ;,?:;?fi:tt these comments and if vou have any questions regarding this tetrer ptease contact me at anen Campbell {t9 """""""' """t t t $ Ari t fr {l F6 t D ep a r t mcnt oy C o^ ^unity D*iffi 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 r'LY 970-479-2452 wruw.vailgov.com Senior Planner Land Title Guarantee 108 S. Frontage Road W.#203 Vail, Co 81657 Re; 4166 Columbine Dlll^V^uitt99, LOT 18, BTGHORN SUBDTVTSTON,ACCORDING TO THE RECORDEDPI,AT THTNPOF, COT'NTY OE ElCr-E,STATE OF COLORADO, (Assessor,s parcel Nu.U", ZiOttZZtSilZ\. To Whom It May Concern: , . . Early in 2002, Timothy^parks, represented by Biil piece of Fritzlen, pierce Architects, requered avariance from dections rz-oclois-"tlacL;v;iil" code, for remodel and construction of an addition to his residence rocated at 4l66corumbine Drive/Lot 18, Bighorn Subdivision. rrre variance Request included the relocation of 5 l6 square feet of GRFA in the stream setback, the construction of 17.5 ,qur" r..t of nerv GRFA in the side setbacks as a resurt orri in.."ur" in the floor to ceiling height, and a'increase in building height to the maximum. March I l,z002,The pranning and Environmental commission of the Town of Vail, under PEC Number pEC0l006a]c"*ia"*q and approved tr,i, u*i*." request for construction of irnprovements into the stream setback and construction of new GRFA into the side setbacks -of Lot t S. A building permit was. issued ard the improvements on subject Lot l g have subsiquently been completed in accordan.. *idit. variance as granted. ely f,tp ^""r"rro r^rt" t{ b' q' SoE SUS$: !o€'< 6' S l-'1 \'5ss-s $ ssx F€SS F .w Ft- a^oo >J r-i 6'HSST crs-S E'\ :r3 ;s F-l sF'rr- i:. 6' o tsl F H H }3l H o D H H o q o o o q t E o F( z l.!?^ 4 zA li PelT F X -(,6" E8R o- :1n F !I H*s d.x. d' j. 50c E F. H 9u'Y U=6'6 sA H Hr '+-X In t:t * X o o'd € gHE 3 ;1F r ^d 1?| 886 l> siEE t6 itF IF FgH IH EEE l;i ^o=lr-1 o=tl t|n 6::l lZ TIc!,lo 856 lfn t!- a t-tt ts 6 5 lut :E+t-] x: x tF ,.,! H'd H k li l= Fi6 !.l;'r<aF lrJr '+ a f lr'l F !t!lE :r$n h1 =5 h'l- =.f X | :6'#|<--| 5{eB I qe 5'x I r)X I E[ t$r I r< I {'!. | :r t.era t- I I I I x o la n €.o n € o 9) b o (,,ta a'\ d 3 p a) o o E c ; a 2 r'1 o C')Y Itr -l x o (t o (n t+ .l Ft z NJ (Jl (.)) r-l d aEi:gil iB: g e.o 3 [1FFF$*H"!18RE'o 5 H H'F:;s.3s3.*F 6i9d 5 n a Fc9251 5 6 A q E.E ^ 9x c.d i-.+i.tr't< I nr *Fl t.{€d i ti.g +:oPB.F&E 4eBH.! EFss*t .; +E _ A estr3.te TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 06/28/2002 lssued...: 07/19/2002' Expires . ..: 01115/2003 OV|INER PARKS, TIMOTHY C. PO BOX 1790 VAIIJ CO 81"658 I_,icense: CoNTRACTOR HrLr-, CONSTRUCTTON, rNC 06/28/2002 phone: 328-22OO PO Box 173 5 Edwards, Co 8L632 License z 257-A APPITfCII{I HfLL CONSTRUCTTON, rNC 06/28/2002 Phone: 328-2200 PO Box 1735 Edwards, Co 8163 2 License:.267-A Description: REMODEIJ/ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE Occupancy: R3,Ul TypeConstruction: VN TypeVNon-Rated 06/28/2002 Phone: -8.5to"'-t:'-^b \.-ol'.s- O ouro*rMENr oF coMMUNrry ot orr* NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 802-0202 Job Address: 4166 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Location.....: 4I66COLUMBINE ParcelNo...: 2l0ll22l5012 Proiect No : Valuation: $800,000.00 Add Sq Ft: 2614 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas togs; 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 Building---> 93, 540 . 0o Restuarant Plan Review--> $0. oo Total Calculated Fees-> $6, 236. 10 plan Check-_> $2 . 301 - 00 DRB Fee-__-._-------> g0 - oo Additional Fe€s-----> $0 .00 Investigation-> 90.00 Recreation Fee---------> S392.10 Toial Pormit Fee----> $5,235.10 Will Catl--> $3 . oo Clean-up Deposit*-----> So . oo Payments-------;' $5, 236 . 10 TOTAL FEES-------> $6, 236 . 10 BALANCE DUE----> $0.00 * rtt t fit ***** t tf * Approvals:Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMEMT 07 /L9/2oo2 edavis Action: AP make note of corrections list supplied with drawings subject to field inspection IIEM: O54OO PI,AIiINING DEPARTI,IENT rTEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEI{T ftem: 05500 PUBIJfC WORKS O7/L9/2002 LS ACTiON: AP REVOCABI.,E RIGHT OF wAY pERMrr srrlrr "urr e*MrrrED. 'll+{r *l * * 'l,lr a* ** | I { I I + +:}'*'t***t *{' **'r * *:l* * *:} * * *,t 'i 'i.:i 't +,t:tt t* *:i'i *+f t ++ + t'}t +,t++a tt | | 't a*'t I *tt I + I *t:tt,t * * **,} See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. -** *:l* * * t+*l * t if | | | | * ++++,t ++ll+** | | l a*t l* *+*** *** REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWIiNTY"FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-213E OR AT OUR OFFICE FRQM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. Scnd Clean-up Deposit To: N/A OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE 2 +***'f *****+:t*'f * *t*** *** *'t'|! *{! * *:tr* * ** *!t *tt** *****,}*******'*{(** ***r***** *rt,t * ************:t** *+,h**,t,f ***********!t CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B'02-02A2 as of 07-19-20A2 Status: ISSUED **** *'**** ********* * * * * 't + * * + + + + +:t * **+ +********** *** * !t +* * ** ******:i *:t(,t** *** ********** *'f *** ***+ +*++*'t***** *:t Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applicanr HILL CONSTRUCTION, INC 328-2200 Job Address: 4166 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Location: 4I66COLUMBINE ParcelNo: 210112215012 Description: REMODEL/ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE Applied: 06128/2002 Issued: 07119/2002 To Expire: 01/15/2003 * * * 'lt,l.,l,l* * * * * * * * * * * * * *** *** *** ***+ +* ** **** ***** *{r** COnditiOnS ***,t* +** *** ****,}+* t* *** * ** ri4!**:*'t *t * * **'1,}* *** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: l6 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3I0.6.I OF THE I997 UBC. *+**tl.*+* * * **'****r*++++++*****+*+**'*****+*tt'rt*{('rr******,r.l.i+*** ***+f*'t.**a*'r***++***r t***+* * * TOWN OFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ******,i**********+++++**+*****+****t*******'i******'tl.*******+*1.'t + * rf I *+* l. * 'l + * ** *** + ** * 'l' * {. *+ + * f Statement Number: R000002762 Amount: i6,235-tO 07/19/200212:02 PM Palment Method: Check Init : L,c Notation: #102g/timothy c. parks Permit Nor BO2-0202 TyTe: ADD/ALT SFR BUrLD PERMTT Parcel lilo : 2LOLL22I5OL2 Site Address: 4156 COLUMBINE DR VAIIr Locat.ion: 4156 COLUMBINE Total Fees: $6,236.10 This Payment,: $5,235.10 Total ALL Pmts: $5,235.1-0 Balance: 50.00 * **++f,++***+tf***r**'l{******************'}*+***++***+*+*+++*+f++*++++++++++++++++*++++++ t++*+ ACCOIJNT ITEMLIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEIS RF 1i1OOOO31127OO RECREATION FEES tdc OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3, 540 . 00 2,301 . 00 392. 10 3. 00 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81557 Town of Vail Reg. No.: PLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (LaboT & MateTia|s BUILDING: $ $iO 0O0 ELECTRICAL: $ /aQr @9 OTHER: S- PLUMBING: $ $Q,OOO MECHANICAL:S elo .QQQ rorAL:$ 3@, Orc For Parcel # Contad Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Parcel # a,lo ! - l>)- -/S3 l). (application will not be accepted without parcel number) Job Name:.. oct/a^Br4,L Lg1rljpd <Et JobAddress:t 6L cau.m&4E- 6 Subdivision: BIG{.l6R.r\ } WorkClass: New( ) Addition(>1f Remodelfif Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No Work Type: lnterior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both ( Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family f4J Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:Q No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Gasloqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurn : Gas Aooliances (3) cas let ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No Fees: F :/everyone/forms/bld gperm of Construction: **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**r.**********************************tr {nptr8p 4 ffiil-. TOI{'N Department of Community Development Project Name: ca4rnBFrE- c{$Dd(lCA Project Address: AIQ,L C-outm04lt/.-_ ac@pted. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy ofapproval form condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family comprex Complete site plan submitted Public way Permit application included if applicable (refer to public works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkino or material storaqe allowed on roadways and shoulders without written aoproval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on Dlans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: A->Lp> o Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 tr B tr o tr tr o o tr D o o o o o tr F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: HOW DIDWE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Fonest, Directot (970) 479-21 39 Check allthat applies. 1. Which Department(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmental_ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB rtru Was your initial contact with our staf immediate no one available ? lf you were required to wait how long was it before you were helped? Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? _ 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app_ PEC app Bldg Permit N/A Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you:54321Name: (knowled ge; responsiveness, availability) Overall efiectiveness of the Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you nert time? Thank you for taking the lime to complete ihis survey. We are committed b improving our service. 0r 4. o. 8. WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT' IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT": Is this a new residence?YES .o{- u o o o E Does demolition work being performed public property? YES Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? :t'tfij5lle "f the Risht-of-way, easements or NO NO Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES y' NO Is any drainage workleinq done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property?YES_ -No_x_ - a Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required?YEs{ No -of-WSfsements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? If answer is NO, is a pTrking, staging or fencing plan required by public Works?YEs- NO_X_ If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public WorK at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESNONS. f)trl- contlF tLlc- Job or Project ruame: <-or-Uf,r"trrtlE GE2ts.SrKf- Date Signed:&.-rt - O>- F:/everyonelforms/bldperm4 Is the Right YE5 htractor Signature Company Name How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Buildinq Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required, You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate, A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zonef (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being peformed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. L-u,-oz- nd the above. F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 Date Signed BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Depaftment the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeKs. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame, I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by:G+rLl +r ll-l- Project Nanei Canltnblu'L ?Ecl>pzt6 Date: 6.,-AC 9\ F : everyone/forms/bldperm3 APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 o PW#:TI-!TTN o .! n Parcer#:IIII'III !-ITT Brds. Permit#,8 I !'I I n 1 Job Name Street Address n n n_fl (tfunknowncatl I ILJ | | | I 479-2138 ext.0) Excevating Contractor Name Maillng Address TOv Contractor's License Numbsr REOUIRED () Phone #zip City 4. Start Date Work is for (circle one) Completion Date Water Sewer Gas Electric Teleohone cAw Landscapins r#:H;::J*' Other Trench-width (min,4') Bond Amount $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC JOB IS STARTEO. Rubber out-riggers are required on Asphalt surlaces underneath the A signature below indicates a signatures are obtained, permittee necessary Town of Vail signatures. BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE working on asphalt. at all times. utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company application through the Public Works office to obtain the up to one week to process. Depth Total SF $ Total LF $ Permit Fee Total Permit Fee $ o. 7. 8. Public Service Natural Gas Group (1-800-922-1e87l. Public Service Company (1 U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (1-800-922-1987) Eagle RiverWater& Sanitation District (970-476-7480, ext. 114) Holy Cross Electric Company (1-800-922-1987) Town of Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town of Vail lrrigation (970-479-2158) ' Town of Vail Public Works Construction Inspector (970'479-21981 THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). 11. permittee must contact Public Works Deoartment at 479-2198 24 hours prior to commencino of work. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. 12. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title I - Public Ways and Property, of the Vall Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required' v. 10. Contractor's Signature ot Agreement ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONSTBUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. Print name clearly Date of Signature Whit6 - Public Works Yellow - Contractor ruMYOF Please read and check off each of the items below: o The Town of Vail Building Depaftment has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of vail Public works Department will be approving all flnal drainage and culveft installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Ceftificate of Occuoancy issuance. Agreed to by:@EV {ltu- Project Name: Date Signed: ed rl'1.g^t46 ?z5toE"J1.,L Print Name F:/everyone/forms/bldperm6 Please read and check off each of the items below, (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLTC WAYS PROHIBITED q Unlavvful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. tr Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. o Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 ofthis code. D Notice and Penaltyi It is unlavvful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code, (1997 Code: Ordinance 5 (1979). CODES 7-3A.L AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED o No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance, (Ord. 2(1968) 5 1) o Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) $ 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship to Project: Date Signed:'C-zc-o1 F reveryone/forms/bldpennT i0l,[Nm Vail 2002 Vail Village/Lionshead Construction Hours Handout Problem Statement The Vail Village and Lionshead are invaluable assets to the community. Thousands of people come to Vail each year to sightsee, recreate, shop and to enjoy the Vail Valley. The community and merchants rely upon the summer/winter tourism to generate revenue. Our summer/winter guests expect a pleasant experience while in Vail. To insure that all of the proposed construction has as little negative impact on the community and on our guest as possible, the Town of Vail finds it imperative to create and implement the Vail Village/Lionshead Construction Master Plan. Maps of the Village and Lionshead are included to show areas of construction being affected by this plan. It would be irresponsible for the Town of Vail, the Construction Contractors and the Merchants, to not actively participate to minimize the impact of construction on the Village and Lionshead areas. \_-- Givens The following givens are intended to provide the basic foundation by which construction will be completed in the Village: ' The public's health, safety and welfare shall be honored at all times. . Adequate pedestrian, loading/delivery, vehicle, and emergency vehicle access and circulation shall be maintained. r Roadways and pedestrian walkways shall be kept clean and free of dirt and debris. . All construction deliveries, equipment, tools, materials, etc. to the Vitlage must go through Check Point Charlie. All Lionshead construction activity must go to the Vail Police Department for a parking permit. Do not use delivery zones for construction parking, refer to approved staging plan or make other arrangements for parking. r The hours of Outside Construction Activity shall be as follows: - April 15 - June 21 & September 9 - November 15, 7 a.m. until 7 p.m., seven days a week. Between June 22 -September 6 work must end bv 4:00 p.m. on Fridavs. November 15 - April 15, 2003 work allowed within daylight hours only. - Deliveries shall be restricted to the hours of 7 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Gore Creek Drive and 7 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. on Bridge Street. - Special delivery permits must be requested in advance, from Public Works in conjunction with Code Enforcement at Checkpoint Charlie. - No construction activity shatl occur on Saturday or Sunday between June .22&September6 No outside cdluction activity shall occur on the l*ing a"t"", Friday, February 15, Saturday, February16, Sunday, February 17, and Monday, February 18. (Presidents Weekend) Saturday, May 25, Sunday, May 26 and Monday, May 27 (Memorial Day) Friday, June 28, Saturday, June 29 and Sunday, June 30. (Vail Arts Festival) Wednesday, July 3, Thursday, July 4. Friday, July 5, Saturday, July 6 and Sunday, July 7. (lndependence DaV) . Saturday, August 31, Sunday, September 1, and Monday, September 2 (Labor Dav). Friday, September 13, Saturday, September 14, Sunday, September 15 in (Lionshead) and then on Saturday, September 21 and Sunday, September 22. (Vail Village) - (October Fest) Thursday, November 28, (Thanksqivinq Dayl Friday, November 29, Saturday, November 30 and Sunday, December 1. Wednesday, December25, Thursday, December25, Friday, December 27 Saturday, December 28, Sunday, December 29. (Christmas Dav Holidav) Monday, December 30, Tuesday, December 31, Wednesday January 1, (New Year 2003) No Work allowed the entire week of the Christmas/New Year HolidaY. . The Town of Vail Noise Ordinance has been waived by the Town Manager from 7a.m. - 7p.m. For construction activities from April 15 through June 21, and from September 9 through November 15. The Noise Ordinance shall be in effect and strictly regulated from June 22 through September I and November 15 to April 15, 2001 r All construction sites will be required to obtain an Approved Construction-Staqino Plan from the Town of Vail Public Works Department in conjunction with Code Enforcement. (The approved staging/parking plan is required to be on site at all times). . The Town of Vail reserves the right to amend the Vail Village/Lionshead Construction Plan regulations at anytime should abuses or problems arise. o The Three-Strike Rule will be enforced. Step 1. (Wriften warning), Step 2. (Written warning), Step 3. (Construction site will be Red Tag until all issues are resolved). Expectations The following expectations are established to insure the success of the Vai. Village/Lionshead Construction Master Plan: . Full and complete cooperation and understanding from all parties involved in the construction activity in regards to this plan. o Strict adherence and compliance with the requirements outlined in the construction plan. . Respect and consideration for the affected interests and parties. lf you have any question, Please contact the Town of Vail Public Works Department (Construction lnspector) or Vail Police Department (Gode Enforcement Officer) 970479-2198 970476-7603 o Vail2002 Staging / Parking Plan Information The Staeine / Parkine Plan Philosonhv- Is a very important step in the building process. Striking a balance between safe public access and giving construction projects room to build is becoming increasingly challenging, for us to meet all the needs of those who will be impacted by construction projects. The fact is, there is less room to build in the Town of Vail. Developing a creative Staging Plan is a must. Staging in the Town of Vail Public Right of Way is a Privilege, not a given right. We take into account when we review and approve staging / parking plans, impacts on neighborhoods, tourism, business and the traveling public along with your right to build. The General Contractor is resnonsible for all subcontractorc and all construction activitv relatins to the buildins proiect. The staging plan will be enforced according to the Approved Set of Building and Staging Plans. You are required to keep a copy of the Approved Staging PIan on site. Two staging /parking plans are required, a summer and winter. Summer staging plans expire on November I , and winter staging plans expire on April 15. 0!Slg: Thelgjglq_e! street narking in the winter season and all materials. equipment. etc must be 10' off the edge ofasphalt). Enforcement of all staging / parking plan is as follows. A) Staging / Parking Plans to scale required. B) Once the plan is approved, they will be held to complete compliance. C) We will use a 3 step and you're out, process. Steo One- Verbal and written wamings as to the staging plan violation, then have contractor sign and date field memo waming. Step Two- Police Department issue tickets and tows or public works writes second written waming to all violators who have been notified under step one and who are still in violation of the approved Staging / Parking Plan. The Town of Vail Chief Building Official will call the contractor and notifu them, the next time any violation happens, the building department will red tag the construction site for 48 hours. Step Three- If still in violation after step two, a 48 hour Red Tag will be issued to the project site. If you have any Questions, Please contact the Town of Vail Construction Inspector at 970-479-2t98 TOli/iNOFVAIL F \cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Staging-Parking.doc Requirements for an Acceptable Staging Plan It is preferred that and Approved Site Plan is used to draw a staging plan, but a hand drawn plan may be used as long as it is dawn to scale and is neat and legible. 1.) The Staging Plan must show the following: (a) Show all parking that is required for the job site. (Including construction equipment). (b) Show the location of all material that will be staged on site. (c) Show the location of all dumpsters and port-o-john that are to be on site. (d) If a fence is required, then show the location of the fence and describe the material used for the fence. (e) If trees and / or vegetation is required to be protected, then show how this will be done. (f) If this staging plan is for a Demo Permit, then show staging for dump trucks and all related equipment. If the Town of Vail Right of Way area is needed for staging, then a Traffic Control Plan is required in conjwrction with the staging plan. (g) Please provide and show an Erosion Control PIan. (h) No equipment, vehicles, materials are allowed on Town of Vail Right of Way in the Winter Staging Plan. 2.) If work needs to occur in the right of way, then add a Traffic Control Plan to the staging plan showing the following: (a) The work zone (area that is to be performed) (b) Traffic Control Devices (warning,, signs, cones, flaggers, etc.) (c) Distances that all devices will be set up from the work zone. Also show all dimensions of work being performed in the right of way. AII traffic control plans must conform to the MUTCD manual.(Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices) 2.) This plan will be reviewed by Public Works and if Necessary the Police, Fire, and Community Development Departmenl. Once the staging plan is approved, it will be registered with the departments listed above and enforced. 3.) The Village and Lionshead area have outside construction restrictions, Please become familiar with the Yail2002, Vail Village and Lionshead Construction Hours handout. F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Staging-Parking.doc JUL-29-2002 l{0N 12:08 P}l FA)( NO,P, 0t tgl I out", a'&L-- For No.:4n-aqse. fAX ffansndttal sheet Sende/s Narne: Business Phone: *tttfrtlt*+r* Cornments: Telephone No,: Name: Company: Project: Re; No, of pages transmitted t t * | * ++ * r r * * r, * t t L t * t * t l. t t t t * | t r t t * rl * * * I !t * t tl * a * I * i * * !l * i * * t i * * * t * * * t i lf you do not receive all of the materia D (970) s,t5-2809 D Fax: (970)411 t * | t I a I a l r t I t a * * r a I rrr i * * |l r a t, f, r,tr * r * * + t i r i f t, tt * rl*r + r, * r r CONITIDENTIAI.ITY NOTICE: InJormarion rantmined wilh ftir F.4x a htended only for rhc nse of the indivi&nl or cnflry ro tr,/ron r't iS oddrersfd ottd msy rotztain infonnation rh* is pritihged, confiiteWiAl, mi! exeny {ntn dlsclosure wtder qplicable law, If you are nOt the imendad recipie4, any dittembration, distribution, or cop5ti11g o! t;1t cotnnru ct tiur iE striaty pnzhibtted, l[1w haw rcceivetl rhir c@vrrutlcttthn h crmr, please notify us intnnlietcly fi rclephone atd retwn aI pagct of tlfu FAX rransnfital to rts by thc U,S, Poual Se7gicc to thc ddress shotm below, tlnnk you. CTL/THO M FSOT*I, N NIC. ,,s4cFNrFno,ttvErGLENwooDsF,,'r""-?S?S:#:ft .,-iu3'J)rlr-1fl "? (including cover sheet); JUL-29-2002 t{0N 12:09 PH Dan Downing LaboratorylFiotd Managor DD;JM:cd cc: Town of Vail Hill General Contractor FA}{ NO,P. 02 ttrl July 29,2002 Mr. Tim Parks P.O. Box f790 Vall, GO 81668-1790 Subject: Excavation Inspection Park Residence Lot 1E, Blghorn Subdivision Vail, Colorado Job No. cs-9624 As requestred, we visited the subject site on Jury 22, 2002 The purpose of our site visit was to obserye the soils exposed at fooflng ul"nuiion" lno' juog" tt e suitability of the soils to support the planned footings. _ _ GTUThompson, Inc, performed a soirs and foundation investigation for the residcnce {CTl/Thompson, Inc. Job No. cS_9624 dateO April ZS, zooiJ. The solls exposad at the bottom of the footing excavation consists dr a siliy ianj arrd gravel with cobbles and boulders, These soils are similar to tfre soifs aliticipated and are suitable for support of spread footings designed for a rnaxirnur-i"ir boaring pressuro of 4,000 psf. The site conditions observed during our visit are consistent with tho conclusions and recommendations cpntained in our soirs aiiJ ioundation invostigation. . We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. lf you have questions or we can be of further sorvice, please call Very truly yours, CTL/THOMPSON, INC.Reviewed by: John lllechllng, P.E- Branch Manager CTL/THOMPSON, INC. 23,r cENrcH o'rvE r (]LENwoorr sr.,r,,n,39, S?r'^h]J:e",5lu3l}r:ff: JUL-29-2002 t{oN t2:09 Pt{FAl{ NO,P, 03 Excqvollon Inspecfion o t-.-----_1 I q-7 | crurrHoMpsoN, rNc. I hJ | (;ONSUL]'|NG GEO].F;CHN|CAL I , gf5 I ANO MATERIAI.S ENGINh:ERS DISJGN CIJET?r,i^ pEp CIl.m lO[41:iON -"*45-%d!--"-DAT.D Ercayoilon loyout .4pJ aaa*e eyi 4i:6 Ground Wofer Condlllons )rf$olrr rri txcevarnrr 'l I NONE Ir{COUNrErf t)N 0oRr.tc No . ..__IO...--JEEI [,.] :rcountrruo lt-. , - -J EEr N rerdnc No outfDDt iNcclurK)fvtftioN J()0 No ..__ DAIEf,_. RCMAT{$. -Recommondeo Foundofion System Xr*r-ro I oorulos / t lyf (flfuMsofrpn[ssurf A.-. .__A_OOA_ __tV.D rooruc$ wlrtr MINMuM DEADto t) MAXIMUM SOlr Ffirtssuft QF_ ._ -- .._JsF M${lMuM DEAI)-LoAD Pnf 8$U& Or-- _ _Jgt U crwx ocens aND pAos DcsroNrD roe. MN(MUM SOi. pnESSUtt Of .__... ._._ . . E$ MTNMUM Ot,\D roAD pRt ssuRE ff_ . _.. psF PROVr[d /\_. tNctr vcll) BcNEAn t cn DE BFAtiS u D{ltuto FnnloN PtEes MTT,XMUM tND PR€SSU|i, FOA nEP$ " -,. _-,-_. pSF sw rnqTpN oF_ -_.PsF. MINMUM DrAo LoAD pRt SSUnE Or_ . _..,_.,p3t: PROVDE A. -_tNCt I VOrJ BINLAI{ GRADE BFAr\is LJ oRrrfo Ffi6 tNro f,fiofiocK M&Ylttlgt11,1 g!9Pfid'S$Uraf OF,__ *_.,_-.pSF. M${MIMDG DT O/u) ppFssuf,{ ot __ _psF 810|{ fr{clrotr. .- . __. t. PSF PnovDFL-.. v$(r [rNtArH cnAo! glAr]ts le4.,c,A Qttu t: */, 't r il I ILI hhlifu 'l Ad--Az(zA From: Tim Boyle To Gary Hill Boyle Engineering, Iuc. 143 E. Meadow Drive, Suite 190 .Varl. Colorado 8l 657 Oale. 1211312002 Irme: 3:{J2:ug PM t - l ,''' )fi r- 1 .' i 't -(\|{\( ) /-{)- fage I at 2 '\Date: 12-12-02 Job Numbcr: 02?l Project: (lolumbrnc Residcace Location: Vail, Colorado Con[ractor: HillConstruction Owner: Tim Parks Weather: Snowing, 20 deg Present at Site: Tim Boyle GarY Hill David Brunt Fritzlen Pierce Architects 1650 E. vail Valley Drivc, Unit (l'l Vail. Colorado 81657 -The follorving items were observed: The purposc of this inspecrion was to do a fnal kamrng walk-through and to coordinate pcnetrations through the .floor bcam.s with the electrician. 'l'he lioming x 10091r cornPlete at this time. The clecrricran and I discussed rhc locations in both the upper and rruin levels where he could pull his homc ruus to service thc ceutral portion of the buitding. We agreed upon approxinralely six locations at each level wltcre these wires could be run. The holes in the beanrs will r,ary lkrm l '/i' to 2 %" m diameter, and will be locatcd at tle mid- depth ot'the beanrs. I found the frarning tbr rfie residence lq be in confortnancc "rrth drc plans and specificattons tssued by this ofllcc, with a cguple of nrodifications that werc cootdinated Lretwecn Ciary and myself during the construction process l heleby approvc of this residence as fiamed. Fecl free to give me a call if y'ou have any questious or commcnls on this report. From: Tim Boyle To: Gary Hill Boyle Engrneering, Iuc. l4l E. Meadow Drive, Suite 390 Vail. Colorado 8l 657 Dale: 12113/2002 lrme: 3:02:UB PM - o>'ct)- rage z 9l z d,Date: 12-12'Oz Iob Number: 0221 Project: Columbtnc Residence location: Vail, Colorado Contractor: HillConslruction Og'ner: Tim Parks Weather: Snowing, 20 deg Present at Site: Tim Boyle GarY Hill David Beum Fritzletr Pierce Architects 1650 E, Vail Valtey Drivc, LInlt (l'l Vail. Colorado 81657 -The follorving items were observed: Thc purposc of this inspection was ro do a funl ftamrng walk-through and to coordinate pcnetrations through the . floor bcams with the elecn'rcian, 'l-he liamurg rs 100o.'ir cornplete at this time' The electncian and I diicussed rhe locations in both the upper and main levels where hc could pull his home rurs to scrvice the ceutral portion of rhe building. We agreed upon approxirrately six locations at each level u'hcre these wires coutrl be nrn. Thc holes in rhe beams *'ill vary l'nrnr | ,i" to 2 %" in diamcter, and will be located at the mid- depth of rhe beams. I found thc liaming for the rcsidencc to be in conformancc urth the plans and speciiications issued by this ofl'icc, witlr a couple of modifications that rvere cootdinated betwecn Gary and mpclf dunng the construction process. I hercby appron'e of lhis r;estdence as framed Feel free lo give me a call if you have any questions or coDuncnts on this report' 6Vi'23 | iV4 tb4l6r ortel 6.6'lm2 Ti 5Ol:?1 Pfvl |,tgt 4q I Ts: O..rld Aagr -o?ha -v wtr '{1 't -t '(-? ?Yl2g),E'vvt €y-avtr r'1-t Vr-! - Pavl6a 6t o FP5 It$a: E !vz0)0 ntr: l:'lll t Fagr z ol t Ercrt. amln-rng f1c 'al. n;!|($. J'lvr sir l*l girr|o66 JrofPfrg cGrta "1 gdu':r6,, tl{$2 grot4\6211!) tAWlE t '-::- - n ----i--7-- -- "'r-E:-89-*--' rrEr:r I. t,8d.h;h.I r,htt l Fron: Tim Boyle To: Gary Hi[ tr n/--\ Eoyl', ongrqed.fr, inc.I a> \ | 43 . m€odow drtv. luilc J9O lvaffHf:rii#.*-, e tOlAT6-2tn L il,'ltr SHEET iIC, cr.r€cKEo 8Y Dat€; U16/2003 llmo: 1:53:20 PM ?tgo2sl2 * cuvWRo ?e$oPeU Proi'J ?'rr / {r $N| r: ,$r ttudr.ll TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTACEROAD vArL. co 816s7 970-479-2138 O DEpARrMENroFcoMM.JN'|}uurropMENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. PErMit #: DO2-0039 SololGo-\YA-oLd L Job Address: 4166 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: 4166 COLUMBINE DRIVE Applied . . : 06118/2002 ParcelNo....: 210112215012 Issued...: 071Q8/2002 ProjectNo.: ????S OA{{11 Expires...: O1/O4DOO3 owNER PARKS, TIMOTTTY C. O6/L8/2002 phone: PO BOX L790 VAII, CO 8l-658 L,icense: coNrRAcToR ASPEN TNDUSTRIES LIJC 06/L8/2OA2 phone: (3O3)?91-501? 10056 S Stratford Place Highlands Ranch, Co aoL26 License: 637-S APPIJICAT{T ASPEN rIIDUSTRTES rrrrc 05/L8/2002 phone: (303) 791-5017 10066 S St,ratford Place Highlands Ranch, Co 80125 License: 63?-S Desciption: REMOVAL OF ACOUSTIC CEILING TEXTURE FROM 2 SEPERATE STRUCTURES,500 SQ FT Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $8,250.00 Fircplace lnformation: Restrict€d: Building----> 5135.00 Restuarant Plan Review--> Add Sq Ft 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY l*'llll*r'l*a*r**1.....r..rr.......r......... S0 . 00 Total Calculated Fees-> 5225.15 50.00 AdditionalFe€s------>so. 00 $0. 0O Total Petmit Fee-._--> 5225.75 $0.00 Payments-----> 1225.75 s0. oo # ofCas Applianccs: 0 Plar Ch€ck---> Invcstigation-> wi cdl-> S87 . ?s DRB Fe€------> 90 - 00 Recr€ation Fee_.----> $3,00 Clean-upDeposit----> TOTAL FEES------> 5225.7s BALANCE DUE-> Approvals:Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEMT o6/te/2oo2 mvaughan Action: AP Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENI See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. i ta'l'tl:a llra t ll lll'l t*'t ****:|'l'l'l **:|**'|* **'l ***:l DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN 3412+38 OR AT OUrytrFICE FRoM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. At'rut /-Send Cle{n-up Dcposit To; N/A OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET PAGE 2 ++++++***+*tt*******tt************'********,t***.*******'t**!**!t**!t* ************+++++++,|*+*+*+**+*+**+++*++++** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: D02-0039 as of 07-08-2002 Status: ISSUED *:|.'t******,|t,t,|.'t*****tl'i,}*'|t*'|t******:*'|t|*****'t.:***.<****,t'|.'*'**'t1.*'t'|.***:|.*:|.************* Permit Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDC. Applied: 0611812002 Applicant: ASPEN INDUSTRIES LLC Issued: 07/0812002 (303)791-5017 To Expire: 01/0412003 Job Address: 4166 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Location: 4166 COLUMBINE DRIVE ParcelNo: 210112215012 Description: REMOVAL OF ACOUSTIC CEILINC TEXTURE FROM 2 SEPERATE STRUCTURES,500 SQ FT Conditions: Cond: 38 (BLDG.): THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY. AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWING THE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY FURTHER WORK OCCURING ON THIS SITE. IF FURTHER QUESTIONS ARISE, CONTACT THE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 479-2250. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. * f, * * * * * * * * * + + + + + + +:i + * + + + ++ + + + * + + * + + + + + + + + + + * * + * * * * * + * + * +* + * + ** + + + + + + + + * + + * + * * + + * + + + + + + + + + + + * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement + + + t + + + + + +++ + + ++ * + + * * | + + f + * + + + + + * + + * + + + + * * + * ++ * * +* + * +* + * + + + * ++ + + * * + + + * + + + + + ++ + + * + + + + + + + ++ + + + Stat,ement Number: R000002680 Amount: $225.75 07/09/2OO2O8;0? AM Palment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #583 7/Aspen Induet.ries Permits No: D02-0039 T)T)e: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Parcel No: 2fOL122f50L2 Site Address: 4165 COLIII4BINE DR VAIL tocation: 4155 COLIIMBINE DRIVE Total Fees: $225.75 This Payment: $225.75 Total ALL Pmts: 9225.75 Balance: S0.00 't++********* * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * *+*t*++* t++++*+ * + +** + + + + + + + + * + +* + * * * * * * + + * * *'t**** ***{.**{.'r***'}* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES 135.00 PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 87.75 t,\ic OO1OOOO3112BOO WILL CALL INSPTCTION FEE 3.OO 3076IV. Prenticc Ave., UnirJ O Litdcton, Colorrdo 807n a 720-283-89?4 | Far: 720-283-8666 Landmatk Environrnental, Inc. Iuly 15,2002 Mr. J.R. Mondragon Town of Vail Departm€nt of Community Developnrent S u lrj ect:A sbestos A hatement and Demolition - 4 I65 Colurnbine Drive, Vail. CO Dear Mr. Mondragon: Landmqrk Environmental, Inc. (Landmark) is provided asbeslos containing materials (ACM) ubaLsurcut ovstsight sctriocs, iucluding inspootions and air monitoriug during tho renrovcl of 1000 square feet ofspray-applied ACM ceiling tex&rs and approximately 2,000 square foet of ceiling texture over spray aI 4l 55 Columbino Drivs, Vail, Colorado. Prior to the abatement, Landmark cornpleted an ACM survey per Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) requirements for the sudect property. CDPHE-oertified Asbestos lnspectors and Air Monitoring Specialists (AMS) performed abatemont inspectinrrs and air mnnilnring. This letter serves to cenifo that removal of identified friable ACMs at 4166 Columbino was pcrfonned per CDPHE Regulation 8 rcquiremonts, and that analysis of final air clearance air samples documents accoptable air quality within the contaiument at the conclusion ot'the abatenrent action. final clearance air sample results are attaohed. Based on this air data, Landnark willcomploto the CDPFIE-required demolition permit opplication form. Please contact us at 720.283.8914 wirh ary questions you may havo. Sincerely, Lsndmerk Environmenral. Inc, DDz-oo3t g. rlr( 432:,., V o zaftz fgvd Q-2.-________ Maft Roberts lndustrial HygienisyPresident Enclosure Cc: David Baum, Pierce Williams Architects .3NI 'AN3 )dVWCNV-I 993A-EAZ-AZL zzigT ZAAZ/Zl/LO d o o 6 E d a N \. 8 o 6 o I o o a ;t (E 'l o\t t. #$C 5$lit 8{ l,t E\Jl *t A\E'i 1\o (n c .9 o o o J o c o o-'c .J o 0)o o o- E (!a \ I I I I I \l \\ \ E o :s c p I I I I N I -9 (\'o -g o- E tl' U) oul o-F o q) o)o L o o o (g (E o -g CL E rg o \l c)-tro (tr'E z8 o J EFE z I j +.1 gE-x'-c{ E a;o tr >oo 9<o+ro .= o 9 tl:1P =€HS#EEEmx €:;iss E5Ee r - ca F] Fll< tJ o (L E'5 Sl d- o t, !'t -l. ..! $ \s s \ ( o .t \ E o o E o o o c c o o tl OL dl O o =E =c .o c,o o)o 3 o E m J o tll c o (U o o ) o c .9 CL o o o o o o. E o @ | | llt 1 |$ ${$occ); (u0-x6 gfi E sFs \,xEE ", c) uJ lc F o'(',(! TL o o U' (U (E o -g CL E o o L $fe5€z5 I d.E ir rE e;F,i-i E oio E >oo 9<o-+\o EgEb$ EEExx E: s$ s ESEe x l-l C.l F.] F LLi TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 O DEPARrMENr'FCoMM.rN,rtu.rorru*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. PErMit #: DO2-OO4O K)LOIC'O -E t 4031 3sr oAoK Job Address: 4166 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: 4166 COLUMBINE Applied. . : 0612812002 Parcel No....: 210112215012 Issued...: 07102/2002 ProjectNo. : ?? -PR$ltr,tl Expires...: 12/29/2002 owNER PARKS, TIMOTHY C. 06/28/2002 phone: PO BOX 1790 VAIIr CO 81558 I-,icense: coNTRACTOR I{IIJIT CONSTRUCTION, INC 06/2e/2002 Phone: 328-22OO PO Box 1735 Edwards, Co 8L632 I-,icense . 267 -A APPIJICANI I{ILL CONSTRUCTION, INC 06/2e/2O02 Phone: 328-2200 PO Box 1735 Edwards, co aL632 License:267-A Desciption: INTERIOR DEMO REMODEL Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: 2? Valuation: $10,000.00 Fireplace lnformation: Rcstricted: Building-> $145.00 Restuarant PIan Review-> Add Sq Fr 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of Wood P€llei: 0 FEE SUMMARy +'rtr***+*t*'|+*t*'a*'r*tt*:|t***r++t*rr*rtttttttrr*a't*r'aar*atr** $0 . 00 Total CalculatEd Fees-> 1242.25 S0.00 Additional!66s---->$0. oo $0. 00 Toral Permit Fee-> 1242.2s $O.OO PEyments-----> 5242.25 so. 00 # ofGas Appliances: 0 Plan Check-> Investigation-> Will Call--> $94 . 25 DRB Fe€------> $o. oo Re$cation Fee------> $3. oo Clean-up Deposit-'-> TOTAL FEES*_._.> 5242 .25 BALANCE DUE_-_-> :a*'i*at +t+tt +*l,lr+ Approvals:rTAm: o55OO FIRE DEPARTT.{ENT o7/o2/2oo2 df Actionr AP Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENI See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS Send Clcan-up Deposit To: N/A IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET PAGE 2 'f **'F* * + * * 'i * * ** f,:l + * * + 'f 'f +*+*t*+:t++ ** *'** 't*{! ri* ***'i:t***'t*'t * * {r *,*,i r! * * *,*,f * ***,f *!** **:f *!******rf rf {.* * +*** +*+* **** *ltr,** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: D02-0040 asof07-02-2002 Status: ISSUED ,l* ***** **'lt* ***!t***** * 't***** ** ****'t***++:t++++++:i**++++*it *** * ** 't**'*****!t :t,r**,r.*'***'*******!******* **+***** *{t * Permit Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Applicant: HILLCONSTRUCTION,INC 328-2200 Job Address: 4166 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Location: 4166COLUMBINE ParcefNo: 210112215012 Desoiption: IN.TERIOR DEMO REMODEL Conditions: Cond: 38 (BLDC.): THIS PERMIT lS GOOD FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY. AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWING THE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY FURTHER WORK occuRING oN THIS SITE. rF FURTHER QUESTTONS AR|SE, CONTACT THE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 479-2250. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Applied: 06128/2002 Issued: 0710212002 To Exoire: 1212912002 ++************+++++++*++**++*************,tr**+******:l,t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * + + ++ * +++++*+*+**** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement *:i * | * ** * * * 'i * * * +* * * * * * * * * * + + + * * +* +*+*** + * + + + * + * * * * ** *:t *+* + ****f*** * *,1't * * + * * * ** * + * * + * * + * + * + + + * statement Number: R000002659 Amount.: #242.25 01 /02/200203:16 pM Payment Method: Check Const,ruction 19 56 Init: DDG Notation: Hill Permit Nor Parcel- No: Site Address : Loca!ion: This Payment: D02-0040 zLOLr22L50L2 416 6 COIJI'MBINE 416'6 COIJUMBTNE $242.2s T)rpe: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. DR VAII, Total Fee6: ToIAI AIJIJ PmTB : Balance: Current Pmts s242.2s $242.2s $0.00 ** *******+++++ **++****** ***+ ***,**** {r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * + *+*******:f***** * * * *{. * * * * * * + t * f * * * * * ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 l,JC 00100003112800 Descri pti on BUILDING PIRI4IT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES I,.IILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 145.00 94.25 3.00 ll APPLICA s MVNWVAILIY 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 8 Building Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 -2149 (Inspectons)1V) Town of Vail Reg. Np.:Contact and Phone #'s: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $.ffi'IO.OOO PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $rorAl: S la ,1;1ffif For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit HffiAilihJ&H lf8tftd without parcer number) Job Name; cDuvr1614g a.E lDEaJcL JobAddress: ... 21 I bh caLq^g4E suqDvruoil Legal Description Lot: l$, ll eloct:Filing:Subdivision: gtAAOefi VJVL owners Name: -r-l/a F/!,L-Li Address: b ^rrvtr4o t/arr , an {.r/,tr9 Phon t 4-?1- nq.! ArchitecVDesiqner: ,' EI- r' z r s. \ I glF .2,?-E Address: 'non"t 41,,o-(,yr1 Engineer: Trn troyr-F- ll Address:ua F- nFr'vl') Da- vA,L, ce Phon t ,lVr_ il?O Detailed description of work:duip D6r{d W ,!!tlh - WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel( ) Fpuirt ) Demold Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both D(zf Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) *o S<t Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family $<1 Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 3 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: g No/Tvoe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (3) No/Tyoe of Fireplaces Prooosed: Gas Aopliances (3) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No OtI Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No 0d **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***************rt*****************ik***'r of Construction: Date F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm Wr\dz TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 oBpFnmNr oF coMMUNr* orurrorrt NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E02-0128 Job Address: 4166 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Starus . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 4166 COLUMBINE DRIVE Applied. . : 0711512002 Parcel No...: 210112215012 Issued . . : 07129/2002 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 01125/2003 ol{NER PARKS, TTMOTHY C. O7/L5/2OO2 phone: PO BOX 1790 VAIIr CO 81658 License: colcrRAcToR BRUSH CREEK EIJECTRIC, INC. 07/L5/2002 phone: 970-328-2254 P.O. BOX 125 EAGIJE, CO 81631 L,icense z 282-E APPI-,ICAI\TT BRUSH CREEK ELECTRIC, INC. 07/15/2002 PhONC: 970-328-2254 P.O. BOX 125 EAGLE, EO 81531 I-,icense: 282-E Desciption: TEMP POWER Valuation: $1,000.00 l ** l l,t * * **:| '*:*:l*,t't Electrical--*--> DRB Fee------> Investigation---> Will Call-----> TOTAL FEES-> 9s0.00 $0.00 90.00 $3.00 $53 .00 ss3,00 $0 .00 9s3.00 953.00 $0.00 Total Calculated Fees*> Additional F€es-----> Total Permit Fee-----> Payments-----------> BALANCE DUE--_-> * * + +,1++ l't+* '| ++l { * Approvals:ftem: 06000 EITECTRfCAIJ DEPARTIT{EMI o7/Ls/2002 DE Action: AP IIEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT **'l ltl I * * 'l 't 'i 'l 't * *,1+,1:l 'l *,*rlrt *ll t t +* +*t + f+++ l alt't +++a**** | I t'l I 'l:*'*'*:l 'l *** *'* r"t *'t:l* | * *'l'i,l'i * f+++ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 l--11.?;1,.;,.11*'::.-l.T::-"::'-.",)-:.,T*".:::Y,:H:--::.-":'*""-:-i::,:,":.:...",:y:.:]fl13;--""---++,,|,+.*,,,,i..,,,.:*:*,,*,,** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Buildinc Code a)J.gl5 ordinances of the Town apphcablethercto. 7q -/ 1Y-7 * *'* 1. * 1. * **+* * ** + * **r* * + **ir* * i * tl * f ++ ti f,,t ******'|.****t I t* r * * * * * * * * * + + * +* * f, * * * + * {. * * i**ft *r t**,r{. * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted ot07-29-2002 at 13:43:31 Statement *+* ** i*l +* *** ** *** *t | +**t+ t *t* tr *:t ** * *** *t**+**r * * * **i + + ** * +t+***{.*r* + ** f* a tt* + + f*, a**J+* * * *statement Nurnber: Roo0oo2805 Amount i g53.OO 07/29/200201 :43 pM Palmertt Method: Cash fnit: DF Notation: 07/29/2002 Permi t No: Parcel No: Site AddreBs : Location: lhis Paymene: 802 - 0128 2roL122I50L2 4156 COIJI]MBTNE 4156 COLI]MBINE T14re: EIJECTRICAL, PERMIT DR VAIL NDTIfE' Tota1 Pees: ?otal AlL Pmt.s 3 $s3 .00 $s3 .00 $s3 .00 Balance: $0.00 **t**t+!i*+*'l**l****i+***f+*t**rt******+++++****f,*!r{.*****'t*******{.**+t***ar+,rt*r++***:*rr**** ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on Currenl Pmts EP 001000031i1400 L/C 00100003i12800 TEMPOMRY POWER PERMITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 50.00 3. 00 .'?\\351 '64n -JJ.*,\St-^Sot Ts|!n of ,.J: i I {{r luSilii'lLR iillt][ri +*f "per: FHPRFT Tvr,e; FE !,iade-: i Dair: 7;-ier&:01 Reieist 'ic: ?-..i.J 0escnpiron Giv F.F LENSTiLICTIUI! '.ER r- 4166 lC{-U}'lBiilE [lR irr r,lllL CHLL lNsr'if 1 4166 C0LUj'1Bii'iE IlR I'r RfllT #i.0e"0118 Tender deta! I r5 cAsr iotal i endered Total payrent ttange Trans date I 7/3A1AZ Tir€: Ano'rni r50.00 1:.i,06 ibr. ft$ t6J', fi0 f5t.0ff tllir. $0 I i r 5i':5i lriAr{H You F0R ycuF t.AyilEitTr Building Pirmit #: Permit #: rvwv0FYln 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 RINFORMATI Contractor Signature: COMPLETE FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS & Materials AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRTCALVALUATTON: $ /lO, pda Conbct Assssorc Oflfce at 970-328-8il0 or visit for Parcel #o/I Job Name: Cg--tlatat*c Rzst&='ccc Job Address: 4/bb Cc.-z-to r=.zzz D2 t Subdivision: Bt 6ua,eou 1>c, | 4 7, /=- r9un,r,,u Dz,to \l+,. Detailed description of work: (? <-2rg2a: aa-at z- c<- (?4a4 fe (- u'z-e t=--,- (-<> r.> <=- 'Aa/no() '/A Evt<72 WorkClass: New() Addition(\d 'Remodel ( ) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes\a ) No ( )Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (V4 Typ€ of Bldg.: Single{amily [/) Duplex ( ) MulU-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation lJnits in this buiHing: a'-r for a hot tub: Yes (/ Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No i*****i*:i*r**i*:r*****r*r**ii*i**i******FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*"rrr*rrrr*r******irrr*rir*r**rr**r*i F:1everyone/forms/elecperm &'ry "tt .,* Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-6. q Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. o Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. o The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the elterior wall of the structure easily accessible.o All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. o In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted. o NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. o No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES n All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). a If this permit is for installation of an elterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. o If this permit is for installaUon of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. o If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission. . from the association is required. o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. I have read and understand the above. Signature Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, pfease contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspecbr at970-479-2147. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. ,,\l' TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 or.t".*r oF coMMUNrry DEvELorn NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 802-0130 l)cx-C IGU iOI -<- 'Je ^ Job Address: 4166 COLUMBINE DR VAII- Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 4166columbinedr Applied..: 0711512002 ParcelNo...: 210112215012 lssued. . : 09123/2002 Project No ' ? ( \C): -crJl'l Expires . .: 0312212003 owNgR PARKS, TTMOTHY C. O7/L5/20O2 phone: PO BOX 1790 VAIL EO 81558 License; CoNTRACTOR BRUSH CREEK EI_,ECTRIC, INC. 07/L5/2002 phone: 97O-32A-2254 P.O. BOX t_25 EAGI-IE, CO 81631 License : 282-E APPLICAIiflT BRUSH CREEK EIJECTRIC, INC. 07/t5/2002 PhONC: 9'70-32A-2254 P.O. BOX 125 EAGLE, CO 81531 License : 282-E Desciption: remodel/additiontoexistingresidence Valuation: $120,000.00 * * * f,l:t * ***,| r* * *,r,t Elcctrical-----> 32,09?.00 lotal Calculated Fees-> 52,100.00 DRB Fee-----> 50.00 Additional Fces---------> $0.00 lnvestigation-> $0.00 lotal Permil Fec----> 52,100.00 Will Clall-----> $3 . 00 Payments-------------> $2, 100 . 00 TOI'AL FEES-> $2, 100.00 BAIANCE DUL------> 50.00 Approvals:Item: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENr o7/L5/20o2 DF Action: AP Item: 05600 FfRE DEPARTMENr +:i * *+ t l * * * t * 't:t t t * CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.): FTELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinanccs ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE o TWENTY-FOUR BY TELEPHONE AT 4 AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. RCONTRA R FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF * ** *****+ *:1.**+* * ***** * *i.**** *** *****+*+*+,t * **+*+*++** + +*********** ** ** *** *+* +**+** +* ***** * ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Shtement *** ********* *****'t ** ** * ***** * + * * * * + * {. + * * * * * ***** +** *+* **+***** * *** ** ** **+**'N. ** *+ ***'N.* ****** '} Statement Nuniber: R000003129 tunou.nt: 92,100.OO 09/23/200211;38 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Brush Creek LL57 Permit Nor 802-0130 Tl4)e: ELECTRICAL PERMTT Parcel No: 2IOL122L5OL2 Site Address: 4155 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Location: 415 5 colwdbine dr Total Fees: $2,100.00 This Payment; $2,100.00 Totat ALL pmts: g2,1oo.oo Balance: 50.00 ++**** + **+,1++ * ++,!+****+**** *,t**** * + * * * * * + * * * * * *:i,t * * * lt***** **********+ ******* ** **** * * ***{.* * * * ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPOMRY POI^/ER PERI4ITS I^JC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL ]NSPECTION FEE 2.097 .00 3.00 s TOVNupvArlly 79-2149 (Inspections) 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 -.ctrical Contractor:iii-CCii< Ezc-cr r"<'tact and Phone #'s: C,,co<as He 'v 6 7 Q-s?oL$)) Contractor Sionature:'-re*-5 COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICALVALUATIoN: $ l/// )-O, 6OO Contact Assessots OflIce at 970-328-864O or visit for Parcel S Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) lU 6 t - tL)- - / 6 O t2_, Job Name: C our^goa l?o",atn ct lobAddress: 1/66 Lotumot-t D\ Legal Description ll Lot: / ( ll atock: ll riting:Subdivision: $6fio<<t 3c< o*n"" *^ t-Tin Po ",rt ll Address:o, o or/ t > fu V:,|u.fuf1 Phone: Engineer:'fr, &c>?t,s I eaarq:.a E Ataoov Da vntc ]l ehone: n7 L -Ll7D Detailed description of work: Ets.zcaet- / ,+oor.rot,, Ta E<t/S ntu4 R-89,/a€tu6 WorkClass: New( ) Addition(Yf Remodel ( ) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both s,)Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ffi No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single'lamily ( ) Duplex Od Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling units in this building: 3 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: O Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes (X) No ( ) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) tlo (9 Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No 00 ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**********'r************************** Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:Accepted By: Planner Sign-off: F:/everyone/forms/elecperm u tr o U o Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 1O-1-6. Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easilv accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench, In multi-family dwelling unlts, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. o IJ d if tftis permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. J If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, from the association is required. {/} a letter of permission required. le o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are I have read and understand the above. If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2L47. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mailand the inspector will call you back. o HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Forrest, Director, (970) 479.2139 Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparment(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmental_ Housing_ Admin Planning _DRB _ PEC Was your initial contact wiih our stafiimmediate no one avaiiable_? 7, n 4. q o. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf you were required to wait how long was it before you were helped? lf no, why not? Was this your firsttime to file a DRB app-_ PEC app Bldg Permit l\l/A Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you: 54321Narne: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) Overall effectiveness of the Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you next time? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are commited b improving our service- siow 0r TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 ourt*r*r oF coMMUNrry DEVELorot, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M02-0167 Job Address: 4166 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 4166 COLUMBINE DRIVE Applied. . : O8ll3l2$02 Parcel No...: 210112215012 Issued . . : 08116/2002 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 02/1212003 or{NER PARKS, TTMOTHY C. 08/t3/20o2 phone: PO BOX 1790 VAIIJ CO 81658 License: CoI\ERACTOR CONCEPT MECHANICAL, rNC 08/t3/2OO2 phone: 970-949-0200 P.O. BOX 1_165 AVON, CO 8162 0 L,icense:189-P APPLICAI\TT CONCEPT MECIANICA!, INC 08/I3/2002 phone: 970-949-02OO P.O. BOX r_165 AVON, CO 81_62 0 License: 1-89 - P Desciption: ROUGH IN HYDRONIC WORK FOR RADIANT FLOOR HEAT BUILD BOILER ROOM. RLIN FLUE AND COMBUSTION AIRAND TRIM HEAT Valuation: $33,500.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 rt * rNr *:r '| +++++*+ + +:t:i Mechanical--> $580. 00 Restuardnt Plan Review-> $0 . 00 Total Calculated Fees--> $853 . 00 Plan Check--> $1?0 . 00 DRB F€e-----------> S0 . 00 Additional Fees-------> $0. 00 Investigation-> $0 . 00 TOTAL FEES-------> $853 . o0 Total Permit lie€------> $853 . o0 Will Call--> S3 . 00 Pa],ments--:----------> 98 s3 . 00 *||*,*|f+++*'}+i*,i:|.|*+,it*|''t*'*,l*****:i'|:l|:**'l*'l|'|'*|*++*++,l||,lll*'**1*+***IIEM: O51OO BUII.,DING DEPARTMEIIT 08/a6/2OO2 GCD Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENI CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. ?01 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 70r_ oF THE 1,997 rMC. Cond:23 (BIJDG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTTTRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE ]-997 I'MC. CHAPTER 10 OF TI{E 1997 IMC. Fug 19 O2 lO:13a Conc€pt llechanical Inc 9?O 949 OSOO AUG- rE-O2 rE,2E FFolr, Tov-cJuv-Ueer, rD;9?orr?e24c- p.2 PACE 3/3 Cosd; 25 (BI,DO.): GAS APPLI.ATICET! SIIN& BB I'SNMD ACCORDTTIIo 10 EHI!)TER. S AID SEAI'I.' IERUIIIATE AS SFACIIIED IN SEC.8O6 OF lIIE I99? T'MC, OE EHA TER 8 OF TIIE 1997 II'IC. Ccrud: 29 (DLDC.): ACCESS I'O HEATINO EQSIWNM MUST COMPI,,Y WIfl CHAPTER' 3 A}ID SEC.1O17 OF TIB I99? I'TIC At[D CIIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 TUC. Cond:31 (BLIX'. ) : BOILERS SXALL BE I{OITITTED ON FL,@RS OF NONCICN|BUSTIBLE CONST- uNLBgs ITLSTED toR uOglu"IIlG oll COUBITSIIELA FLooRIMi ' conc: 32 (BLDG.): pE8!{IT,pLANS tllo CODE ANAr,ysrs Ultsf BE Posl?D IlI tlBclIANrCAL RocM PRIOR TO AN UXSPESIToN RBQUC6T. Coid:30 (BI,DG. } : DRAITiITIGE OF MECTANICAI., ROO!{S C]0I{TITNilG HBATINC OR TIOT-T{ATER SUPPIJY BOILERS 5IIAIJ,, BE BQmPPED ttITlI A Floon DRAIN PE& gEC- 1022 oF THE I99? IIMC' oR gBqrroN 100a.5 0F TIIE 1997 rl'fe - Coud; CO[0005506 PER T,EIiSEA, F?,Ot{ CONCBFT HAONNICAL C$II'BUSTTON ATR IS TO BE FA}I-FORCBD AITD EIIONIEBRED. aaa.rtaraafaattttttaaaaa.aa..taaaara..t.aJatarraatttat,ataaattttlatatttt""r""t""r.."""t"t"t""..""t"'!t't""'r"""r DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedgc rhat I have raad this rpplicotion, fitlcd out in full the infonnation rcqufu€d, completcd an rccrra{e plor pbn' 6nd $; fid 11 thJinformrdon a$ rlquirEd'* coned. I ryree o comply wirh rhe infglmtio,rqrd.plot plan, to comply wtlh,lll Town ordinsnccs and $rrc lawr and to buitd dris structurc,according to tk totms /nrng ano sil{i";sion coaes' design review rpplovcd, Urifornr Building Code and othcr ordinurces of0le T REeUESTS FOe NsDEcnOt{ sr|,ALl. aE }rADE TWENTY +our. aouts tn auy'axcE BY qphlrell]3e{fifoR Ar ouRormlt€}l&qo A}d'5 PM' SIONA ffifoRHIMSELFAI{DowNEF Permit #: mwwurL 75 5. Frontage Rd. Vai[ Coloredo 81657 Permit will not be accepted wlthout the foilowing: wtb+ Provlde ical Room Lyout drawn b ut to lncludo: RIMORMATION coMptETE vAt ulloxloB,llECHANTCAT pERtrrT labor & Materials) 5e-c.<*u, l*:Ha@ nn rcn*' (ol*-nLn tv F"r,'rl.ne e-Job Addr€ss:4 SuMivisionffiqhoaN k-11"'--r'r*L!&_Wt lW. Pnev,*-i ru ottic-i,o^a* Fo" 7Zdl6*ut ,-(1ar i.vat a Q.,t',21, Cevnktt>h'orl ai ( , <,'+-( iv^ hea. WorkClass: NewM Mdirbn( ) Atterdlion( ) Repatr( ) Odrer( ) Boilerl-ocation: lnterior Exterior( ) Other( )Does an EilU sdst at tiis location: yes ( ) No ( ) Tvpeof Bldgl singre'famitvN Duplex( ) Murt-fanrilv( ) commerciat ( ) Resbunnt( ) oher( ) No. of Existlng Dwelling UniB tn thb butHhoj No. of Accomnodatjon Unlts In ttrls building: ) Nq/Iyp" of Fireptac.s pmposeO, a wood buming fireplace to an@ t**'}0$h*,t,l. rl. r* *,* * {. r1. {. t rl rt r* rlr rl !fi ri :t * {. * * lt F: /.rGrTon./hnu/nrdrgcrm ONL ti.t***:f,* You mu* obtaln Deslqn Reul€w Board @RB) apprornt if any of ure nredranicat wod( wi[ lnrch,G Aily extedor trcrk This inctuaes ana L-td- 'ii',ifu b"emorat'a; fi;*r*nt of rrri,euray snony meft svsbm' Pl"isc conbct a planniiai-iJg-ztze bcrfi ;ifriilfing your mechanjcar permrt appllcatlon. ---- ..Ert''E tu,rr'!l TheTown of vaif has adopcert ue lggS rntenrationat M€chadcat code (rMc) u,ith the 1gg7 unitbrm Mechanicat Code (UMc) is Jnicce-p6triftrnativq All nm consfirrcuon rrlurin tlre Torrn of vail is concidercd b be of unusually tight coilstrucuon, tfius "lLffi:::trX ifr; ffi8,#.grf.rr.",fr ril'n ;ursrdc rd"tr"frire roim&-nal,-i6iilnn*nt rn sepEmber of 1991, the veil Torn coundl adopteel an ordinanrr whHr rrctrkts te corctructim and use of open ftear{fr fitepfacs wftlir'n rlnrcipui-udilies:'}ince tmt time ure odinance has undergone nunremus chinges ano .e"ision", sni"i"g rii"liii-i"i*.vet Jr;"*veEs in addressing tfte eir qu.tfty iseue. rrrercfforc ffi-6i,;;"g criErta has been adopr6d: o construcllon of,open helrfi tirood burnlng fir€ptaces is no longer permitel wiHrin Town of valt munlcipal boundaries. "rsPre"s rt r'r' rtr r Duqlingltnltr - Each ncur dueiling unit may oonrain: ,"J:Sr* phase n ceflfll"c iiia'iuo trirnine-aeuice and no ,,ore unn hrc (2) grs apprianc* OR Thb (2) gas rog firepraces and no moru uren tu,o (2) gnc appffance ftrephes (B bcnt). ' ResHcterr DrrertinqunrF - Each nerf, r€stric*d dwefring unit may ortain:orc (1) ges tog fircprac" ana not ilr"'ran one (r) gas app*ane fircprace.o AcceqmOqlaffo4 Untts - Eech neur accommodauon unit may ontaln:one (t) gaf roc ttreptaoe or-" fll-g* appilince nriprii] r rf twoormoneseparahdwctfing unlB oracoommodaffm unitsarecombined b form one raql.r uni!, tfrc comtlinci u$ rn y-illij,iJiii iruoa_tn nffi;dd;lilo,re atroedy cxicrr) and no nrore than 2 gas appfiane firc;Hccs, diilli b"*rt up ro hrdodsti;tii.piil;ffi, I rf durfng drc ounnof a -t€modcl rn cxisdng-uoodburning |lrq.ts b rftered or mov.rr, the unit illm,Hgl,H ;ll affi*"I*#IilT:#:..ili_ *prac n";t ir-Lno.t"c a f:/Gurton /fom/rr.6n ,ttt CONCEPT MECHANIC,, INC. PLUIVIBING . HEATING . SYSTEM DESIGN P.0, BOX 1165 AVON. C0L0RAD0 81620 PHONE: (970) 949-0200 FAX: (970) 949-0300 August 8,2002 Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Columbine Residence: 4166 Columbine Drive; Parcel #2101-122-15-012 Vail, Colorado To Whom It May Concem: We have completed heat loss calculations for this project. The heat loss for this home is approximately 120,000 Btuh. Calculations are based on 70'F interior temperature and a -20' F exterior design temperature. We will be installing one boiler rated at 400,000 Btuh (nominal sea level input) to heat the home and provide energy for domestic hot water production via two 80-gallon storage tanks. Two separate 300,000 Btuh input boilers will melt approximately 3,100 square feet of exterior paved areas. A separate 45,000 Btuh input furnace and 40 gallon electric water heater will serve the heating and plumbing needs of the employee housing unit. There will be a single 12" diameter type'B" atmospheric flue run from the boiler plant upward through a chase to a roof cap. Combustion air will be fan-forced and engineered to meet UMC with air proving safety interlock switches wired to the boilers. Enclosed with this letter are our mechanical permit application" schematic layout of the boiler room, and equipment cut sheets. Please call with any questions or comments. Thank you. Timothy J. Rosen, P.E.; V.P./Secretary Concept Mechanical, Inc Encl. Cc: Gary Hill. Hill Construction General Contractor Rflaveo AUG 0 8 i'002 Tov€olr.DEV' coNcEPr MEcHANr.tr*.. PLUMBING o HEATING . SYSTEM DESIGN P.O. Box 1165 Avon. Colorado 81620 "o."r*r.or" 2 ( oor.a -1 -142 Phone: (97Q) 949-0200 9-0300 rR -/ -loL o o coNcEPT MEcHANr.t,*.. PLUMBING r HEATING . SYSTEM DESIGN P.O. Box 1165 Avon, Colorado 81620 Phone: (970) 949-0200 Fax (970) 949-0300 "or"u -o", D5 o^'r.I -t'az- "^r"*.o", TK oor, 6 '1 ''O?- s R N R U T A s IOER A Rugged Industrial Designed Steel Fin Tube Heat Exchanger Residential, Commercial and I nstitutional Applications ldeal for Multiole Unit Installations Approved for Natural Gas or Propane Gas installations Compact, Lightweight, Durable and Highly Efficient Up to 84.12% A.F.U.E. Efficiency Rating Approved for Alcove or Closet Installation Zor{E Co rRoL EoARD Never has zone control wiring been easier. TE N YEAR WennertY PRorEcrtoN Super Hot SATURN SERIES boilers have been manufactured to the highest standard of quality in material and workmanship. This proven design comes with our guarantee that the heat exchanger will be free from defects in material and workmanship. See printed Warranty for details. r-\\ SATURN SERIES boilerc offer more than just comfoft: The high efficient heat exchanger will provide an exceptional long life with substantial savings in heating costs. Engineered ease of installation and lowest maintenance costs make these boilerc well suited for either new construction or the renovation market. ExcLUslvE Zore Corrnor Svsrrrrrs on four models up to SC 270 Our factory installed Zone Control Board simplifies wiring for quick and easy installation. Zones that are in use are displayed via L.E.D. lights. This unique system is ideal for monitoring and instant trouble shooting. The built in transformer is sized to accept four separate comfort zones. Additional boards can be Installed to increase the zone caoabilities in multioles of four. WELDED Sts:r- Frr TUBE HEAr Excxltcrn ADva racEs Fteruat AovtNrtcts . All welded construction . . . . no problem gaskets or push nipples . Long life expectancy. . . . . . , exceeds that of other tubular designs .2" dia. steel fin tube. . . . . . . eliminates most flow problems . Light weight for handling . . .1/3 to 1 /2 that of similar output cast iron 'PacKAGE' Corv:rretc: available on boilers up to SC 270 For installation convenience our "PS" or Packaged boilers include a number of extra components: circulator wired and mounted on a custom cast iron adapter, air purger, combination fill/pressure regulatorvalve, automatic air vent, and expansion tank. ,i.11 r I *{" ,'"1 I !i f"f!-} DIMENSIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS 12 5/16' (31.3 qn) Automatic Vent Damper 4 7lg'. (12.A.Jnt 4 3/8' (11.1cnr) lztlf.is/*'n) 30 1 /4'Q6.8{ln) - ^ \ t Available on models under 300,000 Btu/h 95/8', Q4Aon) Standad Models Include: t r Zone Control Eoard/Transformer . Stainless Steel Burners . Combination Gas Valve . Operating AquastavHigh Limit . Temperature/Pressure Cauge . A.S.M.E. Safety Relief Valve o Drain Valve . Draft Hood t . Blocked vent safety switch i . Flame Roll-Out Safety Switch t . Automatic Vent Damper (A.F.U.E. Modeh Only) t Packaged Models "P5" Include Standard Model Parts Plus: . Circulating Pump . Custom Cast lron Pump Adapter . Expansion Tank . Air Purger . Combination Fill/Regulator Valve . Automatic Air Vent Allow 24' (51cm) minimum in front for seruicina Minimum clearances to combustible mate.id foi, e'1fScm1, Siaes 2.(5cm), Rear 2"(5cm) APPROVED FOR COMBUsTIELE FLOORS & CLOSET INSTALLATION 5G 180 sG225 sG270 cr:t I a sG360 5@ sG450 sG4S Outlet 2' NPT Male Inlet2" NPT Mde Cas Connection F Optionai -Circulating Pump & - - Cast Adapter e sotutFftril'#nyor The BockTurbo-Storrru is ideal for expanding the capacity of domestic and commercial water heat- ing units. IL^ ;.t2 tptF?'t)--U^D f l-_r . -' e-t . ^ l-t ^)I fTr.77 lt l ltr\ E ElEllEFt'r -1b:6lh+ The design of the smooth, widely- spaced coils prevents lime buildup and will provide years of trouble-free service Can be remotely located to accommo- date most living or commercial spaces Bock's patented C$g/ass" resists aggressive water for years of trouble- free use. Steel coils transfer heat faster than stainless steel for excellent recovery. The quality finish adds to the heater's durability. Plus, Bock uses only envi- ronmentally lriendly paint. lncrease the long life of the heater. 3OCT RECOVERY - VARIOUS INLET/OUTLET TEM 150 GAL. 140GAL. 130GAL. 120GAL. 1,IOGAL. IOO GAL. 90GAL. 80GAL. 70GAL.350F 400F 450F 500F 550F 600F 650F Inlei water tsmo PLUS: No dissimilar metals, which increases the long life of the heater and factorv-installed T&P valve. Coil mounted in the center of the heater and elevated off the bottom to avoid lim buildup: Smooth coildesign: No chimney needed: CS-glass'lined tank an-o-C$g/ass@coated coil: Heavy-duty steel jacket: Dielectric fittings, coil inlet and outlet: Extra-thick magne- sium anode rod: 2" CFC-free foam insulation: Limited lifetime warranty: PS Outlet waler temp I 1zooF I 1250F I '1300F 1350F I 1z10oF Anode rods give added years of use when maintained on a regular basis (aluminum anode rods optional). Environmentally f riendly foam cuts fuel bills. On 30CT, 40CT and 50CT residential installations; three year warranty on 80CI 119CT and all commercial installations. tr,l . G -t|' U ,a a 4 ' {o*. 1 4 "ai,e 'r. .L11 'r" r ": ,'rt t 1 'high hobwater dcmands iliH - f ts-l, crundtoss/raco ooe qrry | TooF rise (socF/12oqF) wlth 180oF boiler outlet temperature Boiler Output Delivery 74.OOO BTUH 115 GPH 8O,OOO BTUH 125 GPH 9O.OOO BTUH 140 GPH IOO,OOO BTUH 150 GPH All Bock models use lower incoming boiler water temperature for greater fuel savings - competitors may rate their performance on 21OoF boiler water but Bock believes water temperatures in excess of 180oF are unsafe and may cause overheating. ff tE - I U El - I 15-42 Grundfoss/Taco 008 UV I zoor rise (sooF/l2ooF) with 180oF boiler outlet temPerature Boiler Output DeliverY 74,OOO BTUH 125 GPH 8O,OOO BTUH 140 GPH 9O,OOO BTUH 150 GPH IOO,OOO BTUH 160 GPH raeQ B+ cotL INLET 1" (. n cotL OUTLET MODEL # 80cT 119CT STORAGE CAPACITY 80GAL. 1|I SHIPPING WEIGHT 286 LBS. 372 LBS. 60u4I -A- 64114: 24" -B- 28" 1112" -C- 1 1lt 26" -D- 26" 8" -r- 8" 61t2" -F- 61/2" 15-42 Grundfoss/Taco 008 70oF rise (50oF/120oF) with 180oF boiler outlet temperature Boiler Output Delivery 74,OOO BTUH 140 GPH 8O,OOO BTUH 150 GPH 9O,OOO BTUH .165 GPH IOO,OOO BTUH 170 GPH MODEL #30cr 40cT 50cT STORAGE CAPAC]TY .30 q4L .40 GAL. . s0 G4!. SHIPPING WEIGHT 140 LBS. 2OO LBS. 220 LBS. , _-_.., 4f^':.. _.,-..i8:,. *20" 22" a 3/4" A: B: c: t3 \ 175.000 BTUH 26-64 Grundloss/faco 001 1 70oF rise (50oF/120oF) with 180oF boiler outlet temperature Boiler Output Delivery 175,OOO BTUH 250 GPH 2OO,OOO BTUH 260 GPH With 65% more available hot water. Turbo-StorrrM is a wise investment in the future. Turbo-Storr gives the freedom of choice between an ex- isting or new gas or oiljired boiler. At the same boiler temperature, groundwater temperature and degree rise, our 30CT will outperform most 30- or 40-gallon indirect water heaters! lmmersion aquastats for precise tempera- ture control are standard on our 40CT. 50CT, 80CT and 1 19CT.The 80CT is perfect for residential hot tubs or mul- tiple-head showers and the 119CT is a workhorse for smaller commercial applications. Savings Ghart 92.5% A.F.U.E. vs 78% A.F.U.E. Gas Furnace GasRate=$.6054/fherm Design Heating Requirement @ 70,000 BTU/HR Savings Figures are Cumulative and Do Not Allow lor Inflation. Actual Savings May Vary Due to Lifestyle, Weather, and other Factors. Why High Elficiency Gas Furnaces? rurnaces rnar are nve ro ren vears and older mav have an Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency rating (A.F.U.E.) of 65"/" or less. That means they only gcnerate aboui$.6-l worth of heat for every dollar's worth ot gas. Since i992, gr)vcrnm('nr regulations has required all gas furnaces to provide an A:F.U.E. of at le"ast 78"/o; and today, many furnaces are rated 90% or highcr. The economic benefits are obvious with- out even considering- rising fuel prices. Winter honre heatirrg bills can be reduced substantially with rhc purehasc o{ a Rheem high effi- crency gas rurnace. Vhi,r vou replacc your furnacc. you're rcplacinq a vital parr of y.-'ur entir'e cential heiring and air cbnditionihg equ-rpnrent. l he acconrDanvirrq chart shows notcntial savinHs y<.rrr can exDect from a Rheem Clissii 90 llus furnice versus a 78b% A.F.U.E. sas furnace. Payback Calculations Depending on where you live, your Rhcem dealer will be happy to assist you in making payback calculations. Factors such as where you live, local gas rates, home size and your specific comfort needs play a vital part in selecting the right gas furnace for you, Thc fol- lowing fornrula may bc used to help you determine an approximate payback period comparing rwo models of different efficiency levels. RegionalWinter Heating Load Hours Formula Difference in Cost Between Model 1 and Model 2 = Payback Period Difference in Yearly Operating Cosls Between Model 1 and Model 2 limited Wananty Inf ormation The Rheem Classic 90 Plus gas furnace was developed with reliability in mind. The prirnary and secondary hcat cxchangers carry a limited lifctime warranty. The integrated furnace control and the draft inducer have a five-year limited warranty. All other parts have a limited warranry of one year. Extend Your Goverage With a Protection Plus- Service Contract Ask your Rheem dealer about the availability in your area of our exclusive Protection Plus'"'service contract program. When the manufacturer's limitcd warranty ends, Protection Plus begins, giving you protection beyond the manufacturer's limited warranry and further peace of mind. Gonsumer Financing Plans to Fit Every Budget. Participating Rheem dealers provide very aftractive financing plans that can make your new Classic 90 Gas F'urnace even morc affordable. Just ask your Rhecm dcaler for all the details. Utili$ Rebates \fhen purchasing a new Classic 90 Plus gas furnace, be sure to contact your local gas utility to see if you qualify for their rebate programs. ama Rheem Air Conditioning Division, 5600 Old Greenwood Road, P.O. Box 17010, Rhccrrr :rlso nranu{actures resic :nti,rl ald comrnercial rvatcr heater producrs. (@. lslu. ltl flEtm.'u Fort Smith, AR72917-7010, (501) 646-4311 PriDtcd in thc U.S.A. 8/96 BP FormNo.Mt1-1076Rev.2 Canada and Alaska 3500 HLH -1, ^.ffi^ "H; It a'\:\r/ \..._t+ : Testing beyond all normallimits. lt ll I o tests have ever pusheo any l\ Rheem producr further than I \ those devised for our Classrs 90 Plus furnaces. And never have the demands for perfonnance been so exhaustive, Through a scientific study of each furnace size, a list of poten- tial failure modes (everything that could possibly go wrong) was made, along with the cause, results, probability and severity of each. Then we determined how to eliminate those chances of failure from reaching you, the homeowner. The heat exchanger is the most crucial component of any gas fur- nace. We put the heat exchangers of all12 Classic 90 Plus models through testing twice as stringent as industry requirements dictate. These rigorous tests were diagnosed to ensure a longer life for this critical conponent. ,, Therc's nothing like the l, "real wolld." \V ubjecting furnaccs to labora- tory tests and all sorts of in-plant evaluations and quality control checks are vital elements of our product development process. But nothing takes the place of actual in- home testing. During 1993, prototype 90 Plus furnaces were installed in over 200 locations all across the U. S. and Canada. North Pole, AK, Cheyenne, WY, Leadville, CO and Chicago, IL were among those sites, because of their reputation for extremes of cold, wind, altitude and humidity---conditions that have the greatest affect on furnace performance. We listened and lealned. Throughout the test we inter- viewed homeowners and dealers; returned units to our plant, disas- sembled, inspected and put them back together. Most of what we discovered confirmed that our efforts to design and manufacture a superior high-efficiency furnace had been successful. But we alscr learned there was still room for improvement. So additional changes were made; and new proto- types were put through exhaustive in-home tests. The result is a line of furnaces that are not only the best we've ever made, but we're con- vinced, are the best in the industry. The dght Rheem for you. ith upflow, convertable down- flow and horizontal models, and BTUH inputs ranging from 4.5,000 to 120,000, we don't expect you to knr;w which Rheem furnace is best for you. The part of the country you live in, plus the size of your home, its construction, and other factors, all have an imponant bearing on the selection process. Costs and even your "comfort" requirements (how warm you like to keep your home) are parts of the selection considera- tion, That's where your Rheem dealer comes in. He's trained to do a complete no-cost analysis of your needs, make recommenda- tions and provide you with a detailed estimate - all in easy- to- il:*:T:::i,:':H,Iril':T' o trust your Rheem dealer; and no company is more dedicated than Rheem when it comes to giving you the maximum value for your home heating investment. Reliability and Rheem. They just go together. re all gas furnact's with a 90'llu plus Annnirl Fuel Utilization Efficiencv (AIiUE,) rating crlual? Of coursc not. With furnaces, thc ultinrate differencc comcs down to one thirtg: Rt'liabilitv. Alrtl with Rlreem's (llassic 90 l'lus linc of furtraces, relilltilitl trkes on a wholc trcrv nteaning. Valuable dealer input. | ,rc11 .lay our ,.lc.rlcrs rrrrJ distributors dre on the firing linc I rccornmrntling ftrrrr;rc,.'s thlt best meet cusromers'indiviclual nceds; IJ doirrg insr;rll.rrion antl repair work...iu.l talking to deirlcrs rvho handle other lirtes. BecaLrsc it 'ust mirl(es good scrrse to take rtclvirtttltgc of such a vrrluable input sourcc, wc helcl .i0 all-cla1- tircus eroup meetings with dcalers and clistributors in 22 cities all across thc U. S. and Cenadrr. Thcv told trs whrrt thev and thcir customers likctl abotit our furtraccs...,r rr d rvhat thc1, didrr't lil<c. l'lrcy didn't hold irrythinll lrack. Ancl we listcncd! The result is a Classic 90 Plus High-cfficiencv gas furnacc pracketl rvith rcliable, quality fcatures to mcet your horle corrrfort rtceds. r(@ flelax. lfs R[eBm.'" SEPECT' 6-YEARTANKWARRANTY 6-YEAR PARTSWARRANTY a I I I I t Iilr,31r{rrfivro, bbre top and darry bam Everlast PB(AN* polymer dlp tJbe. Foam insulalion. 4500-watt heating element provide 20 gph recovery. Factory-installed Safety Valve (I&P Valve), Dairy Bam model (covered by 3-YeuTank, 1-Year Parb Wananty) equipped wl$ 180'thermosht,4" base and stand for dairy environment €,ttu,nrlfrD ttlclrl ltnbGr Gdcl hdty S'ffitd Ernant TE0e 2{0YAC lJpCd Lorffi OrU (Grlq|E} Sffi tflr Ed|f, ll&! F ri I BE,rrt llqr I R8[ng ls8br 6|r Rbo fhtmrn E.|ndrt W|tb0c 2{0v^g Uppor L r OmsddB h hdE3 ABC ApCftldndo Sipdng m$t(Da) TAtl c063t20nr+ qf, 10 20Ft+ ctb 52 20Fr+ ffi 65 zoniTt m&dma PG 120 20gr gt ill, 50 66 a, fls $m ,lsm 45fl) $m a5m 1fltr 45ql 45Ul /Fm 4S acD lgn 4t 18 56 6f 78 16 m m m a t) 20 gt xl c, 3l It 30 55ql 55m 550 56ttr 56tX' t6|xl 5dn s(n 55m 58|tr 55m stflD 48 8t 56 @/t fiA 0lV. 10V. SiVr flh $I/r 53,t 8/t 18 IE m 2 21 a m $ F 129 117 312 f,uuH qlo$anst mo20RS+ ffi522mS* tl 10 50 {cn 45trt 4gn €q) 45|tr $m {c 'o 50 4 & m o T o 55m 5An 5gn 5dn 55(D gD s 17 8A Nt &/t gh m m a 82 B 111 tdu'I Pogrzfls m.0ars P0 50 x,ts $ o 17 45|n $(n 1Cn tfln 4fln agn tl .E st m 6 6 c, o xl 56@ 5fln 55(n *m 5fln 55m 8t clk 37y. u 6/t E/t zt A E 't(B 120 145 u8EloP Poetan P8 40 2014 n .0 450 (5(tr a5m {dtr ill 18 m m 30 flt 55m 55qt 55m 55|It s s E E A u lill 1?t DINYMNX P€8AAloT &a50 4Cn 78 m g)55@ gtr 6ru GO 21 8T e @. For rhC.-d€mfft nt dob, d|r|gr'f b "l'h modd nun!6. (C0610108I]. ShCo-€|omdn rtalgt td 8vrI& ar Dlky 8dfl r'Ebr h!! r.ffiffi TownofVail .ffim,w*a*,d*s*b'"d 0FFlfiH Gopy SPEqAI ruft3r IaX, Itl€afurn and lr{unoy mod.b ivdrlle wl$ llt-yw trn|(' eFs pdt wdre y. Wlrao 0d0fi9, aD8l[|b'c[no" 'U'cE'a'Pf ftr "P8" h ndrl nmbr.. EU|Tk ql1o ,o 20flI, PX O A,RS, TS Te rnfit mt 8t rffi h lcf[r urr |ly. Tr[ l||€fiIn ard Lowtot nffi dguc br 8-d t urlr y ab.ddl to 8 yoa|! ql E{L Conbt Stb n0rffiftr E fibib m Solet 8lthefly A(bdnxll AI 'Cf mOoO nm 1%'!u!#h tJU. rtsr doftn$, TAu, ilIEIIUM, L0IYB0Y Hr3t flo|r Rsifigs !||.l Ru{'lGr r! nndcd b rK€st Ca!fi, All modcb hayo %" lnlot and tot cdmoc{oor oltr lEr l ti iH+1 DAIBY BARI{ F-c--i [qr I ti lrl fdrst*e \=/ tNDUsTRtEs. tNc.500 By-Pass Road, Ashland City, TN 37015 o o s[:rtt\U[ .Utl.ru '$ffAtl$ SEPECT' 6.YEARTANKWARRANTY 6.YEAR PARTSWARMNTY 6tlu,uML fiodd tltmD€t d)6 gt a,F + cD6 40 20RT+ qb 52 mFI+ m66 axrr cll6 u 20fir+ P81m 20flr PE 8A A'OT RrEt-Hdt RdnCs 0nd Rocoysrloi an Ef,drd b ncaffil galhn, A[ mod.b hevr y.' Inft &d outLt conn€cton& sl|!|6ddncrt ddlgn mt snlbDlo fi lhhr BItl lEF hlrb|a Slrft8d ddnfit watb003 shom rrt supo{crt u{o!s o0rondso sD6dfod. Oher 6bnmt wdb063 ($ b nrldmun davnl rvallablo $/hon spoclfi€d. + CSAeF|ond.lfn oddlng for Cunda, dd "CSA b mo.bl nr|t€r (qE 5A 20f,I CSA). sPtdtl ilorD$ T8ll, lr€dlum and Loy0oy modol8 avalhDlo wlh lo.yssr bnK &tw part mnrnv. Whon ofllqi|g, atuttrtr'CD10'fof'c|f fr'PX" lbr "P6" In nod6l nu q.E 0:qIo/o20frI,3l lo 2ORSTSTo9 nod€e tnaddb h l0'y!rI'rdr y, Ttll, t{iftm !fld t toy modob olldflc ftr $51 ffira y aondon h I t!ar! m hdr Cont8ct Strb Eprlcontalhro b rlsEb m S€loct I yfarsnii Exbndm Klt Al 'c0' m0d6b h!|o l%' scrffi.h iaus !b! damfib. a I t I I rum:l*boy, hble top and dairy bam Everlast PEXAN" polymer dip tube. Foam insulation. 4500-watt heating element provide 20 gphrccovery. Fastory-installed Safety Valve (t&P Valve). Dairy Bam model (covered by 3-YearTank, 1-Year Parb Wananty) equipped with 180'hermostat, 4" base and stand for dairy environment wdcrd 0D&) m s 't05 12l 117 312 TIBII IIP uniYum m30ami @6 {0 20ma cD6 52 A'RS+ P6 Et zflS F6.0mls P0 50 20rs F6 30 20Tl P010 2gI4 82 s 1t1 'Its 1A 145 lrlt 176 e @" Fr *r$drrHtt nrodob, cllrrg8'iP b'l'h nodd nmbc (@6 {r 10FI). TAt_r, ilrElttum, L0WBoY TABLEMP *,q@*r*** F- c ___t IHr lHl $E|dant E€mont $hthgg 2(lvAc tFgr towi RdrU I Cr m!8 0f 8b€ Uodnum Ems wdhoo 210V C UFor t us olmon8hB ln lncfisg ABC oPENtr{o /Foo -.lg-. --(. coro -* --R 'c1*"'*\v F- c ----l T I I (6state \=/ INDUS:IRIES. lNC.500 By-Pass Road, Ashland City, TN 37015 DAIRY BARI{ o o $:"ffiqt# ,{}-$:;: X$ fy_e:il*+ janMJr Ponass fttnchfumr' High Efficiency Wate. Heatcrs And Boile$ Toking Comfort fifficienry To i;t'\..1 Next Level An Inveslnent You'll Jeel Right At Home With Heat fbr your home or business is one of the biggest investments you'll ever make...and you deserve a heating systern that delivers unmatched comft.rrt, clcpcndability aml energy savings, yezr after yt:ar. 'I'hat'.s why Efficiencyl from Lcrhinvar is the smart choice fbr heating. Ef{iciency+ more rhan lives up to irs name, with an or-rtstanding 84% therrnal eiliciency. lr has two-stage firing that saves fuel by closely matchinl; hcat output to system rlemarr<1, rnaximizing olrratr ng effi cicncy. Efficiencyl is available in five models, with capacities ranging from 100,000 to 100,000 Btu/hr. Most competitive models don't exceed 170,000 Bru/hr, thus requiring rwo unirs to equal thc output of just one Efficrerrcy 1 . Iwo.Stoge Iiring Dr"rring the majority of the hcatirrg scason less than full boilcr input is rcquirccl to satisly r hcat ioa<I. For this reason Lochinvar has developd a two-stage firing system. Two-stage firing- strndard equipmenr on all Efticiency + boilcrs -provides dramatic fuel savings by redrrcing heat out|ut )0%. Th?rt nreans when outdoor temperatures become warmer, the boiler will use .less fuel to maintain cr.rmfortable indoor tcnrpcrat urcs.'lbo-sta1;r firing is ideal for applications utilizing indoor/outdoorreset and is advantageous in systems wherc thc Elficicncy * is used with an Efficiency Mate indirect hgater ro produce domestic hot watet The unitls pre-mix burner ensures c.lean, quiet combustion in all atmospheric conditions. Efliciency a is "environmentally friendly," with the lowest NOx rating in the industry. tsfficiency 1 is also clcsiguccl to opcratc on low gas pressure-a kcy consi<leration in dre Nortlreast, Mountain States and other regions where natural gas supply pressure is in the.4-5inchrange. Thanks to its direcr-vent capabiliries, you don'r need an existing chimney-or arry chimney improvcmcnts-to gct moncy-savirrg boik'r hcar. Efficiencyl draws its conrbustior.r air directly from outside your home-and it can vent out a sidewall. You get the benefits ofdirect venting without any special equipment...no induced draft fan or powered vent cap. When it comes to retrefit applications, Efficicncy 1 is your best investnrent. Spoce.Soving Design With Ellicicncy 1 , you gct high cfficicncy hcirtrng in a srrrprisingly conrlract unit. It fits easily wlrere otlrer boilers won't. The Elliciency1 is remarkably light because ofits copper tube beat exchanger and other design breakthroughs. For example, tsff icicncy 1 usrs loch-Heat''' tile-similar to material found on the Space Shuttle- to reduce unir weight by 25% as cofil)ared to conventional cast refractory materials. Loch-Heat tile also incrEases elficiency by reilecting heat back into the combustion chambcr rattrer than absorbinu it. low Jlrc F tt Stcge I lllgh tlrc I IT utt St.g" Z Irouble-Iree Operotion There's nothing more irritating than a boiler that sputters out when you need it most, requiring your immediate attention. Thar's why Efliciencyl has an integrated boiler cr.rrrtrol tIrat ensures safe burncr opcration and prcvcnts nuisancc flanrc-failurcs. It continuor.rsly monitors flame performance an,l can quickly restart the ignition sequence automatically. Plus the boiler control has internal diagnostic lights fbr easier troubleshootins. With standord twcstoge firing, Efficiency+ reduces gos consumption. On colder doys the boiler fires ot full input. ln wormer conditions Efficiency+ reduces heot output to sove energy. o fllost |h er mol Elfi cie n cy-l sn1 Relioble Yordstirk lor Sovings lhermol Effirienry Combuslion Effiriency F'fficiency + has an B47o thernul efficienry rating, which ueans 84 cent.r out of euery fuel dallar are uted t0 ffeate beat. Otber ffitiency ratings can be nisleading and rcult in artificially high ratings. ldeol lor Rodionl Heoting Ifyou're using radiant heating, this is the boilcr for you. Itls specially designed to maximize the efficiency ofrarliant heating systems. Efficiency + is easy to adapr to the low warer remperarures typically tsed in radiant hc-ating. All you neccl is a simple, Iow-cost trypass. And the unit's k-rw-mass design means that water gets heated quickly. Efficicncy 1 delivers a quicker rcsponse to demancl-and rhat can mcan significant savings! Trusl The Hydronics Leoder .f-or more than 75 years, Lochinvar has been manufacturing boilers for homes just like yours. rJ0e have one ofthe most ambitious research & devclopmenr programs in the business...and thar's why Efficiency 4 incorlnratcs advanced features today that the competition won't unveil for a decade. Efficiencyl takcs comfbn and savings ro the next lcvel. For more information, call your Lochinvar clealer roday.Ltthttrur' t Engi wring'f u h Cenro' Venting Options * Conwntional l'ents inb rcnventional.flLte or vent brcaching wing Tvpe B louble v'all vnt. * F.lrtciency+ Vent Dtuua lie.rh <rmhustbn uirJion an oubide u,all horizontul lt..tnl |cnts co\ bus t io\ hNl, rodu.ts thruugh u vnt ol.lhrc * Direct Vent lbrtiL.al Druws.f i'e.s h con husti o n dirJ,o\t outsile, und wnts u r m bu s t io t t ht- 1t t tt tl u c t s through r.t verticul flue. * Irire.r Vcn, Horizontat Aguin, tlruv,s li'elh .onbuttion [it .linn o tside, thu vnt.r h.\.proLhd:; tht'ough d silc wull. - R(rcr (' rn\rdllL,n ..rd op(rJt.on m,lnuai fitr,lcr,,rl! 0o tBlil00 . tj_1r50 4il200 199,999 t68,000 W 18t i ll1{' 23rfir" Y{ ?0 '16, _,_i9'iif nlfir" yi 28vi 23tki 231$i 84,000 r26,000 51 { 5ti Il rhr" I rhi' 8' |W', 5v( tw t4 1t4t l5 rt(r" 6vi 91 (5hi t9 rllf lt rt4f 8 250 2J0,0m 2t0,000 y( 28tA( 2l tAi 23 rllf 23r i ll rhi 225 146 5Vi l0 ri'16"6vi' 23tYti 6W lll\t lt rl4i'?60 5ki'tzl{'-tB!3!9 m0,000 252,000 vi - 28vn" l1l4d JJt au :' N' a1u L N arwal G c t : C ha n E(' N to 1.' li Li qz id I' np,'ne 7 Ah ilcr li"E tia equdk tffit dia,lktL' Stondqrd Ieolures: . Burner Flame Observation Port . High Efficiency Slainless Steel Burners . Two-Stage Firing (M9) . Two Adjustable Opcrators (High and Low Firc, M9) . Fixed High Limit . Hot Surface Ignition . Tenninal Strip . Gasket-less Heat Exchanger . 30 PSI Pressure Rclief Valve . Pump Relay . Galvanized Stccl Jacket . Conventional Vent Increaser . Air Inlet Cover . ASME Certitlcd to 160 PSI Working Pressure . National Board Registered . CSA Design Ccrtified for Closet Installation 0ptionol lquipmenl: . Vertical Direct Venting - 50 equivalent tbet . Horizontal Dircct Venting- 50 equivalent feet . Multi-Stack Frame (see accessories section) . Low Water Cut-Off (probe typc) . Flow Switch . Manual Reset High Limit . Pump Delay Switch . Intermittent Punrp . Alarm Bcll . Indoor/Outdoor Control U.S. P,1knt #5,989,020 TON EffE Iil ONDIRIIIG BY TODE1 ]IUTBIR This is a 150,000 BTU nutural gas Efficienci,+ bo ler. lt t50 it*[,ochinar' The Builrln Advantase- ad ,g High Efficiency Waler Heaters And Boilers ffi lm$0s,$l ffi Lochinvur Corporation .615/81t9-8900 i I-ax: www. Lochinvor.com # 615 -547- I 000 grra EtsN-o2 l" S-5M-5/01'Printed in U S A o o o Arru;,Er &1(&e -rd*ffi High Efliciency Water Heaterr And Boilers Toking Comfort And Efficienqy To The Next Level An lnveslment You'll feel Right At Home With Heat for yout home or business is onc of rhe biggest investmcnts you'll evcr rnake...and you deserve a hcaring systerr tl-nt delivers Lrnmatched comfort, dependability and energy savings, year afrer year. 'l'hat s rvhy Efficiency 1 f'rom lnchinvar is the smart choice for heatin11, Efticiencyl more than lives up to its name, wirh an outstancling 84a/c thernal efficiency. It has two-stargc firing that saves fuel by closely matching hc-at output to system dr:mand, maximizing operating efficiency. Efticiencyl is available in five models, with capacirres ranging from I00,000 to 100,000 Bru/hr. Most competitive models clon't exceed 170,000 Bru/hr, tllrs requiring two units to eclual the outpr-rt of iust one Efiicicncy 1 . Iwo-Stoge Firing During the majority ofthe heatirrg season less than firll boiler input is rctpired to satisly a l.reat load. For this reason Lochinvar has clt,veloped a two-stage firing systrnr. Two-srage fi rirrg - standard r<luipment orr all Efiiciency + boi lers - provides clramatic firel savings by rcclucing heat output 507c. That means when outdurr temperarurcs become warmeq the boilcr will use less firel to mairrtain c<.rnifortable indoor tcnr l)eratures. 1 wo-stage firing is ideal f<rr applications utilizing indoor/outdoor re5g1-ancl is aclvantageous in systems where the Efficicncy * is used with an Efficiency Mate indirect heater to producc tlomesric hot watef,example, Efficiency 1 uses Loch-Hcaf * tilc-srmilar to rnaterial fbund on Irouble-f ree Operotion the Space Shuttle- to reduce unit With stondord twastoge firing, Efficiency+ reduces gos consumption. On colder doys the boiler fires at full input. ln wormer conditions Efficiency+ reduces heot output to sove energy. 'fhe unit's prc-mix burner cnsures clealr, cyuiet combustion in all atmosphcrrc conditions. Ffficiencyl is "environmentally friendly," with the lowcst NC)x rating in the industry. Efficiencyl is also rlesigned to ofierate on low ga-s pressure-a key consideration in the Northeast, Mountain States and other regions where natural gas supply pressure is in the4-5inchnnge. Thanks to its direcr-vt'nt capabilitir:s, you don'r nectl an existing chimney-or any chimney improvements-to ger money-saving br-rilrr heat. Efficiency 1 draws its combustion air tlirectly fronr outside your honre and it can venr out a sidewall. You get the benefits ofdirect venting without any special eqrripment...no induced draft fan or powered vent cap. Vhen it comes to retro-fit applications, Efficiency 1 rs your best investment. Spoce-Soving Design With Efticiency 1, you get high efficiency heating in a surprisingly coml:act unit. It fits easily whcre other boilers won't. The Eliciency+ is rernarkably liglrt because ofirs col)per tube hcat exchanger antl other design breakthroughs. For weight by 25/r zrs compared to conventtonal cast refractory materials. krh-Heat tile also incre.ues el{iciency by reflecung heat back into the combustion chamber rarher than absorbirur ir. low llro r It Stoge I lllgh llro A TI rr II Stcge 2 There! nothing more irritating rhan a tniler that sputters out when you need it most, requiring your immediatc attention. That's why Ef{iciency+ has an incegrarcri boiler control that ensurcs safe burner operation and prevents nuisance flame-fiilures. It continuously monitors flame lrrfbrmancc and can quickly rcstaft rhe ignition sequence automatically. Plus thc Lroiler control hiu internal diagnostic lights for easier troublcslrootins. f h er m ol Ellici en cy-Y su1 o tlos t Relioble Yordstirk lor Sovi Ihermol Effirienry Combustion Eflirienry Efficiency + has an B4%, therntal efficiencl rating, uthich meaw 84 rc,lts aut ol u,ery fuel dollar are tued to create heat. Otber efJ'icienry ratings can be nisleading anl renlt in artificialfi high ratings. ldeol lor Rodiont Heoling If yodre using radiant heating, this is the boiler for you. It's specially dcsigned to ma-rimize rhe efriciency ofradiant hearing sysrems. Elliciency 1 is easy to adapt to the low water remperatures typically used in radianr heating. All you need is a simple, low-cost bypass. Ancl the unirs low-rnass design means that water gcts heated quickly. Efficiency 1 deliven a quickcr response to demand-ancl tlrat can mean significant savings! Irusl lhe Hydronies leoder For more than 75 years, l-tx'hinvar has been manufacturing b<.rilers for homes just like yours. $7e have onc ofrhe most ambitious research & developmcnt programs in the business...and that's why Efticiencyl incoqporates aclvanced fi:atures today that the competition won't unveil for a decade. Ifficiencyl rakes comfort and savings to the next level. F'or more infornration, call your l,ochinvar dealer tr-rday. o ngs Luhinar': Engiteuttg'l uh Cenur Venling 0ptions * ('onve iqnal Vents into convcntionalflue tn' vent breuching using T,-pe B douhle rallvent, * Elftci.ncrt Ycnt Drut's liesh comhustion uirfron tn outside wull hori:o nt o I l),, a t ld ten I s L t) n bus I ion hl. p roduc ts tltrorgh d vertiu)l lue. * Direo Vent lbrtical Dru\a.\ f i'es h . ombust i o n air.lron ou\ile, awl ve ts conr bttt t ion l\-pt oIucls thrcugh a vvrticul.flue. * Dirccl Venl Eorizontal ,Again, tlruu's fi"esh t omhttstion dirJiotn oubide. the wnts b1-product,t through u ide uall. * Rcfer to rnsrallanon and t4rarirn manud lor dcrails JJ O 0o rJ D.| o - o El{r00 t8Ifl50 04,000 u6,000 158,000 100,000 150,000 W' v( I' 6k" 7W' IW' 3', 5" 5" 't v( 2', z', 28 t4f $vi 23 rfii' 2814{ 19 rfi6" 23\y( 14tYri ll rh6" lslyi ll rhi' 19 rtif ll rhr 5k{ 5Vt( 180 203 2't5 tBt{200 199,999 28Yti 23thf ?3 rYrf 6 V{'.9k(5k{v( Y\"28h{ 2l t\i 23 rlif 6V{l0 rt4r"5r{i 231 i ll Ih6"246 tBt{250 250,000 210,000 r8il300 300,000 ?5?,000 Yt' 28ui 3lt1t' 'lStlti 6W'l?ttr 5t i' 27 Vri ll r,,1f 6'268 5' Air nlcr dnentn uy,ah wnt dunerer Itondord Ieolures: . Burner Flame Observation Port . High Eflicicncy Stainless Steel Burncrs . Two-Stagc F iring (M9) . Two Adjustable Operators (High and Low Fire, M9) . Fixed High Limit . Hot Surf'ace lgnition . Terminal Strip . Casket-lcss Heat [,xchanger . 30 PSI Pressure Reliel'Valve . Pump Relay . Galvanized Steel Jackct . Conventional Vent Increaser . Air Inlct Cover . ASME Certified to 160 PSI Working Pressure . National Board Registered . CSA Design Certified for Closct lnslallation Optionol Equiprnent: . Vertical Direct Venting- 50 equivalent fcct . Horizontal Dircct Venting - {A an''ir,.l-nt faar . Multi-Stack Frame (see accessorics section) . Low Water Clut-Off (probe type) . Flow Switch . Manual Resct High Limit . Pump Delay Switch . Intermittent Pump . Alarm Bell . Indoor/Outdoor Control U.S, P.ltelt 11 5.989,020 TON H$ |1I ORDEilIIG IY TODEI IIUTNBEN B lt t50 l'his is a 150,000 RTLI nantral gas EJJicienc-v+ boiler. f*tnchinrar' HiSh Efficiency watct Herlers And Boile$ The Builrln Advantace* Lochinvar ( orporation .6|5t889-8900 , Fax: 6l5-5,17-|000 www. Lochinvor.com GO grns FS-5M-5/01-Prinlcd ir tJ.SA. ..{ ( TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 orrtr"*r oF coMMrJN,* ouurror^t NOTE: .THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M02-0248 3ox'c'itr"o iot-oto4 Job Address: 4166 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 4166 COLUMBINE DR Applied . . : 11/14/2002 ParcelNo...: 210112215012 Issued. . : 1210212002 ProjectNo : -?Rloy'DX1 Expires. .: 0st3v2003 owNER PARKS, TIMOTHY C. LL/L4/2002 phone: PO BOX 1790 VAIIr CO 81658 I_,icense : CONTRACTOR HEARTH EXCHANGE, INC. (THE) LL/I4/2O02 PhONE: 970-827-9523 P.O BOX 670 MINTURN, CO 8154 5 License; t74-Vl APPIJTCANT HEARTH EXCHANGE, INC. ([HE) LL/LA/2002 phone: 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 570 MIIiTTURN, CO 81645 Lricense:. t74-M Desciption: INSTALLATION OF 3 DIRECT VENT GAS FIREPLACES AND cAS LOG SET INTO A MASONARY FIREPLACE Valuation: $14,733.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 *'i'i* *** * +*:t:l*'***'ltt'l *'l *** l**,1**,l l l Mechanical-> $300.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $0.00 Total Calculated Fe€s-> $3?8.00 Plan Check--> S75.00 DRB F€e-----------> $0-00 Additional Fees----> $0.00 Investigation-> 90.00 TOTAI- FEES--------> $3?8.00 Total P€rmil Fee-_---> $3?8.00 Will Call---> $3.00 Payments------t $37s.00 BALANCE DUE---> $o. oo *r * tl t t a +a ++,l t++,t ItEM: 051-OO BUILDTNG DEPARTMENT LT/2O/2O02 JRIri Action: AP ITEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARI'I.'IENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BI-,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BI-,DG.): INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTITRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG. ) : GA'S APPIJIAIICES SIIALL BE VENIED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 8 AND SIIAIL TERMINATE.A,S SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF TI{E 199? T'MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BI-,DG.): ACCESS TO IIEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AI.ID SEC.1OL7 OF THE L997 UMC AND CIIAPTER 3 OF THE L997 TMC, Cond: 31- (BIJDG. ) : BOfLERS SIATL BE MOIIMTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. IINL,ESS LISTED FOR MOITNTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FI'OORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS Ar'ID CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQT'EST. Cond: 30 (BI-,DG.): DRjAINAGE OF MECHANICAI-, ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOTLERS SIIALI, BE EQUIPPED WITH A FI,OOR DRAIN PER SEC. 1022 OF THE 1-997 UI4C, OR :-:-:1,'-."J-::ll;-l--."J-,1i.1--1i-i-1--lTl; DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF +:l* ***1. * *********+*+* *** ************** ***+******** * * * * * * * * * * * * * + + {. * * **** t *:t************+**'}* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statem€nt ************* * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * '* ** * ******** **+***+***** * ** * *****{.* ++** * * * * i * * * * * * * * * ** t + * * * ** Statement Nurnber: R000003512 Anount: 9378.00 12/02/200201,:10 pM Payment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #3581/hearth exchange Permit No: VIO2-O24A t!4>e; MECHAIIICAT PERMIT Parcel- No: 2IOLL2215OL2 Site Addre8s: 4165 COITIIMBINE DR VAIL Irocation: 4156 COI'VMBINE DR Total Fees: $378.00 This Payment: $378.00 Totsal At_,L Pmts: g3?8.00 Balance: S0. 00 *** **** + *'t't* **** *,t *** *** *+**** ***** * *****'****+ * *+** **********t * * * * * * * * * *.1* * * * * **** + **rt***** * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cunrent Pmts MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 3OO.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 75.00 I^IC OO1OOOO3112BOO WILL CALL INSPTCTION FIE 3.OO Pmiect #: dV-t f/ 75 S, Frontage Rd. Vail, Calorsdo 81657 Building Permit #: Permit wif not be acceptert wimoutttreEjioffill Conbct and phone #k:./ 7- COMPLETEUO r&Materiats) at 97O-328-8&m or visit forParal #Parcef * Zlel Job Name: ./ r' /<Jo /A mt7. descnpuono@ e+t f 2e7 /r-lg,.AGG, -^^",/t'+ 4/a-*,> tAtdtL **t Work Class: New ( )l99rtion( I Atreration( )Repair( ) Omerl 1 Boilerlocation: tnteriorffir( )Does an EHU exlst atthis location: vo t j--Nol- I Type of Bldg: Single-family ( )Duplex ( ) Mutti-hmity ( ) Commerciaf 1 ) nesburant 1 ) Oher ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this builr,tno:No. of Accommodation UniE in this buildlng: lsttlsacon@ to an EPA Phase tr Oevlce? yes (-T-'ii6 ,r r. :r * * rr rl {. r* rr {. * * * * t t,*: * * r. IQR OFEICE USE F: / cycryus/fonnr/nrcdrpcrn LY*,f fi * * * *,t rl,t rt,t,l. ti,l. rfi * t,t :f !i * * rt * * * * * I E OR YOUR SAFETI WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS r. Do Nor rRy To LrcHT anry applrexirs.2. DO NOT TOUCH ANY ELECTRICAL' SWITCHES; DO NOT USE A PHONE IN YOUR BUILDING. :' 3. ISI',; '-ri^i:Ly CALL YOIJR cAS SuppLIER FROM YOTJR NEIGHBORS PHONE. FOLLOW YOUR GAS SUPPLIERS INSTRUCTTONS..4. IF YOU CAN'T REACH YOT'R GAS SI'PPLIER,, "CALL YOUR ItrRE DEPARTMEI{T. --f1 :-;j:{.,i" ' '- . . :; :. J;: "-1. ,'. PLEASE READ CAREFTJLLY BEFORE 1. , 3. /+. 5. tlpa This log set is designed for usc with natural in the absence of local codes, with the national fuel gas only. gas code, FIREPLACE MII{IMUM DIMET{SIONS' WIDTIT lrEprn ,i UGE,GAS LOG STZF 18' 2y un :0" Ut' u" 30i 7t, mr ll" ']e 14" IMEO IDaN T I N F o RIII AT I, l. 4. 7. t:--r iii -. ,, ,!.r._&i 1 .,_: | , . i.ljl t 6 t D Flg.3 4. 5. 6. Rcnrcmbc. .. Thc thinncrthe scent stick, the casicritwiljiil sticks availablc in maly aroms. , ,a. l. 2. 4. 5. 6. .. .t r.l. Dark soot buildup makes logs look charred. Soot can be removed with a small paint brush as desired. Always close screens when unit is on. Always open grass doors when unit is on. Do not obsruct the ignition holc at thc base of the scent holder with embers. The front base log and the rear base log have to stay where indicated, however, you can rotate the twig logs around for a different appearancc. Installation time should be about one hour. Double check all work. If not experienced, call your local fireplace shop for installation service. Note: Instaltation should be done by a licenied or qualified gas man. o o PILOT IG INSTAL A.G.A. 3ESIGN CECfi 2-019 .",712-022 ANDARD An lnvensys company rABLE ot$,P,JXI;fi1,n l^ ,. PRE-INSTALLATION TNSTRUCTIONS _ AGA............... ......4, S, 6 tNsiALLATloN tNSTRUcfloNs _ tGNtroR / sENsoR............................... 7. I cAs VALVE .....-.................-s lGNrTtoN coNTRoL ........10 wlRtNG 11,12,'t3 sysrEM cHEcKour ................... 14 TF.cuBLESHoortNG......... .......... 15 REPLACEMENT PARTS ............... 16 The uni-Line 712 series pirot ignition system features flame rectificatron with so-lid-state iogic and flame-sensing to provide automatic sequencing that will ensure propst operation of ai iniermittent pilot ignitiori devicei The -'t 2 se.res oilot igiriiion system features quick and eaiy instailation wtth compiete in-derth instructions and troubie shooting information. f he712 piiot ignition svstems are available with one of three d ifferent gas vaive ri/il:3 ic i,i a lvi,-j: range^of furnace applications. Depending onihe mocei of gas vatve i;sec. 7-12 .yrt"r. .['"u;id;6; handte applica_tions uD ro 750.000 :lu inarurai gas). See ordering chart forthe exact srec:fl:erions of eaci i12 serieJpilot ignition systjm. UNI.LiNE ORD:R :IO. IGNITION UNIT l./ALr.':DESC:?IPTION L\-u,\(.rr, ,' ! JtrLD - .:,J;{OUT TIMING IS 90 SECONDS 712.0C3 712-009 i 12-C15 712-019 i 12.O2? 700-059 1'x 1" I UU-IJ:D i {_r u -\.r:9 1" x 1" -t 0-il4 5 i Lockout) 780-84 5 iLockout) 780-845 iLockout) 780-E45 ( Lo ckou t) 780-71 5 ,,.lonlcckout) 780-715 ri.lontockout) 780-715 Nonlockout) 780-715 i.jonlockout) 7?C.07: Universal Mocjel - Gas valve has naiural gas Dressure regulator set at 3.5.W.C. A separate -Lp gas pressure reoulator set at 11.0" fr.C. ii afso included. 170.000 Bru Max. Na!. cas/17:.ooo Btu rr.l"*l r_.i!"J. Universal Model - Gas valve has naturat gas oreslure ,eg;;;;;GIIF W.C. A separaJe ^LP gas pressure regulator set at .11.0" W.C. is atso included. 350,000 Btu Max. Nat Gas1560.000 Btu 1,tax. L.p jas Universal Model - Gas valve has natural gas pressufe regulator set at 3.5,i W.C. A separate_LP gas pressure regulator set at 11.0,,W.C. is atso included. 200,000 Btu Max, Nar. Gasl-320 OO0 Btu Max. L.p!as. Universal Model - Gas valve has natural gas pressure regulator set at 4.0,;W.C A se!:la::^1.P. g.as pressure regutator set at 1.1.0" W.C. is atso Naturar Gas only - 1r10n,o"*out. vaive has 'r12" side outiets. pressure fegulator rs factory-set at 3.5" W.C. 200,000 eru t4ax. Natural Gas OnlY.l Nonlockout. pressure regutator is factory-set at a.0,,WC. 720,000 Btu Max Natural gas. OnlY - uonrock : ',ssire regulator ts tactory_set at 3.5,,w.c. inctuded. 720.000 Bttr Max. Nat. Gasri,t sz.0oo Btu Max 'r-'i .,-"" NoNLoc;(our MODELi - cAUTroN: Do Nor usE oN L.p. cAs AppLrcATroNS 712-016 ' 3i4', * 3i.,, Natural Gas OnlY - 1on,o"*orrt. pressure regulator is factory-set at 350,000 Btu Max 712.017 1 720-07a 112"/. 31!" Natural Gas Only - Nonlockout. pressure regulator is taclory_set al 200,000 Btu Max' Natural Gas 170,000 Btu Max. o specrFrcATrotvs 7200IPER-S7C (712-008, -015 and -017 kits) Electrical 24 volt, 60 Hz Ambient rating -40.F to 175"F - 40.C to 80.C Capacity (maximum regulation) 112" x 314" straight througn Pressure regulator (factory-set) t Adiustable 3" to 7'W.C. f m1r.t"or" 6" ro r2" w.c. 2000 tPER-HC (7'12.005 and .022 kits) Electrical 24 volt, 60 Hz Ambient rating - 40.F to 175"F -40"C to 80"C Capacity (maximum regulation) 112" x 112" straight through Pressure regulator (factory-set) Input voltage Transformer Safety lockout timing (780-845) See footnote" Spark rate 3 to 4 sparks per second Relay contact ratings Pilotvalve 1 amo at.5 pF Main valve 1 amo at .5 pF Combined load 1.5 at .4 pF Ffame sense current .7 pA DC @ ZS"C I Z4VAC Maximum total current load 1.5 amp Flame failure reignition time .8 seconds maximum Thermostat anticipator setting .T amp Ambient rating - 40"F to 17S"F -40"C to 80oC 200,000 3.5'W.C. Nat Gas* 11.0" W.C. L.P. Gasf 170,000 3.5'W.C. Nat Gas 24VAC 50/60 Hz 24VAC l20VA minimum 95% noncondensing GASVALVES The Robertshaw gas valves used in the Uni-Line 712 Series kits are A.G.A. design certified to applicable A.N.S.l. standards. Gas valves that are included in the 712 Series pilot ignition systems have a built.in, stow opening feature for soft ignition characteristics at the main burner, except the 712-005 andZ12-022kits. TOOO BDER.STA (712-006 and -016 kits) Electrical 24 vott, 60 Hz Ambient rating - 40"F to 175"F - 40.C to B0.C Capaclty (maximum regulation) 1 t 2'.'. x 3/ 4' "'. stra ight througn 314" x 3/4" strailht through Pressure regulator (factory-set) * Aorusrabr" 3" io 7"'rv c 7000 DERHC-S7C (712-009 and -019 kits) Eiectrical 24 volt, 60 Hz Ambient rating - 40,F to 175"F _ 40 C to gO.C Pressure setting factory set 4.0,' W.C...natural gas field adjustable from 3" to 7,'W.C. Capacity (maximum reoulation)I x r 720,000 3/4" x 1"* O3O,OOO 314" x 314"* 4S0,0OO * Usrng reducer bushlngs rcluded In the ? j2 ktt. IGNITION CONTROL UNITS Rober+;haw ign:tion control units used in the Uni-Line 712 Seri=s kits are A.G.A. design certified to applicable A.N.S.l. standards. SP715 USI (712-015, -016, -017, -019 and -022 kits| 300,000 350,000 sP845 (7'12.005, -006, -008 and -009 kits) ..t-._;,.---?. O ^-.--..- ; -ri:;.=;-;.'. :- - o t=TlE!I[ r-E Relative humidity at 104"F * ThE Spg45 lockout ignition control used in lhe 712 sertes krts. provtdes 90 s€conds of spark followed- by a srx mrnure r,." j"tru-,.,,,i""i o.noo baween rgnrtron atemDrs. After three ,res. f ". ",i",;'",iJ ="-'.j*^_ SP845 goes Inlo a '1 hour lockour penoo ";,." :;J;;',fJ : "-.i,'liiil; cenoo f the oemand for neat rs str'r --- - ..r . a_ : -.a:::i ._i 3.5" W.C. Nat. Gas* _la PREt NSTALLATTON r UTR UCT|oNs CAUTIONS The Uni-Line 712 Series Pilot lgnition System must be installed you, the installer, follow these in:tallclion instr.uctions word for by a qualified installing agency with due regard for safety. wordandwithouttakinganyshoncuts. Takeyourtimeinstalling lmpropef insiallation could result in a hazardous condition. this system, make sure it is working properly before leaving the Instailation must compry with ail rocar codes or, in the absence r_ob site: Fairure to do so could result in a service call back. of local codes. with rhe latest edition of the National Fr.j G;; This Pilot lgnition System must be used only on appliances Code, ANSl2223, and the National Electricat CodeAf\f Sftf,,r-Ji equippedwithanatmosphericgasbumer. Useondirect-vent No.70. ' \'vrr' Ar\c'r/r\r rr\ type appliances and powerbuiners is prohibited. rhe uni-Line 712 se-ies piror rsntion system has been de- ff::ff"t}1"'"Hr.,i.'j,'ffl$'31[T,.:friT,ft'.,l5,.yj;signed for an eas_v instatlation, however, for the system to ]u|1!"'";;il;sJrii'n a nazarOous condition.funcrion properly ano ic give trouble free service, it requires that L.P. cAS APPLICATION - (tncluded L.p. Gas Mixture) Use the lcckout mccels only (712-005, -006, -008, -009) unless the unit is installed in a well-ventilated area such as a rooftop application. ln thls case, a nonlockout model may also be used. In no case should the appliance be inside a dwelling or building when used with L.P. gas, unless a lotkout model (712-00s, -006, -OOg, -009i is used. NATUP /-1. L GAS APFLICATION Use erihe: moder t','pe: Lockout models 712-005, 712-006, 712-008, 712-009 or nonlockout models 7 12-015,712-016, 7 1 2-017, 7 12-019, : i2-022. Aivl B IEi\lT TEi1,jl FE:..\TURE LIMITATIONS 8e sure the installaircn of the Pilot lgnition System will not exceed its rated ambient temperature range: rhis is exiremeiy in pcrrant when the "ppr;]ffI' l3;J':fi*t" l"t:.t"0";""0 un jt in cord crimates. DEFINITIONS Atmospheric burn:r A bufnei empioyir: :: :nergy of a jetof gas to injectairfor ccm0uslicn rnto il"r i _ i.iiner and mix it with the iet of qas. Diilc: ','e n:\ i,./sii:::,.l .tonsr:.,- : :ii t1) a centrai furnace for indoor r::etr:: : I 2) c -:tic;r air connections between the ;e nii-:t iir':lace :. t;..i ,i3 vent-air intake terminal, (3) flue gas :cnnecrions j ji\.!een the central furnace and the ,.,e1 :-atr iir:cKe tei-:r- rril. and (4) a vent-air intake terminal i^?,-ar-ll4t.^^,v, ,,,.r!..,,,.r!,1/,, ..,1^qv\,, o, constructed so all air for com- busiion :s ortains,t :icm lhe outdoor atmosohere and all flrro ,'r-<oc -rp Air. - -.rr.c _. _ _.-,. .*. ,Jd to the outdoor atmosphere. Flame failure response time The perrod of time berween loss of thesupervised ignition source cr ihe sLlD3ruised main burner flame and the aciron io shut off :::e gas supply. Forced drart burnel See Power Burner) Induced.drait burner A burner which oe:;nds on the draft induced by a fan beyono the appiiari ce ior its proper operation. Input rating The gas-burning caoacity of an appliance in Btu per hour as spec:riei by the "- trufacturer. Appliance input ratings aie baee - sea r- : : :railon end need not be changed for coerai,on up r -. i.ler ete./ation. For operation al ll3!,aiicirs 1lave -'r:i. ..rput ratinqs should be Lockout time The perioo of time betlveen initiating the lighting proce- dure and the action to shut off gas flow in the event of faiiure to establish proof of the supervised ignition source or the superuiseci main burner flame. Reinitiatino the lightin-o crccedure requires a manual oDeration. Maximum regulation The high ljmit of flow beiow which is found acceptable regulatrng ch a racieristics. Power burner A burner in which erther gas or air, or both, are suppiied at pressures exceeding, forgas, the line pressure, and for alr, atmospheric pressure; this added pressure being applied at the burner. A burner for which air for comous- tioh is supplied by a fan ahead of the appliance is commonly designated as a forced draft burner. Qualified service agency Any incjividuai, firm, corporation or company which either in person or through a representative is engaged in ano is responsible for the connection, installation, reDatr or servicing of gas utilization equipment oraccessories, who is experienced in such work, familiar with all precautions requireC, and has complied with all the requiremenrs of the authority having jurisdiction. .-.ZN l-lr('\9 US o PREfNSTALLATTOUI{STRUCT|oNS SAFETY INSPECTION PROCEDURES @ The AGA preinstallation safetyprocedures listed beloware building. Tum on clothes dryers. Tum on any exhausl il'1111": t quide to aid in determining thatan appliance fans, such as range hoods and bathroom exnausrs,ls properly installed and is in safe condition for continued so they will operite at maximum speed. Do not use- operate a summer exhaust fan. Close fireplace This procedure is predicated on central furnace and dampers' lfaftercompletingstepsTthroughl2,itis broiler installations equipped with an atmosoneric oas believed s-ufficient combustion air is not available, burner(s) and not at the direct-vent type. tt'snouiO"[e refer to 1.3.4 National Fuel Gas Code (2223J1 for recognized that generalized test procedures cannot gutoance. anticipate all situations' Accordingly, in some cases, 8. Place in operation the appliance being Inspected.deviation from this procedrlre may- ue necessary to Follow the lighting instrucilons. Adjust thermo-determine safe operation of the equipment. stat so appliance will operate continuously. A Tf is orocedure should be performed priorto any g. A. Determine that the pilot is burning pr:perly and a::3i'i:Di at modification of the appliance or the that main burner ignition is satisfactory by inter-installation' rupting and reestablishing the electrical supply to B. lf it is determined there rs a condition which could the appliance in any convenient manner. result in unsafe operation, the appliance should B. with a manometer, determine manifold pressure be shut off and the owner advised of the unsafe in order to match input after the new control :s condition. installed. The foljowing steps should be followed in making the 10. A. Visuallydetermine_thatmainburnergasisbuming safety inspection: property; i.e., no floating, ritting oi i;nback. Ad- 1. conduct a gas leakage test of the appliance piping just the primary air shutter(s) as required. and control system downstream of the shutoffvalvl B. f appliance is equipped with high and low flame i : the supply line to the appliance. control cirflame modulation, cheik for proper main 2. Visually inspect the venting system for proper size bumer operation at low flame. and horizontal pitch and determine that there is no 11. Test for spitlage at the draft hood relief opening after blockage or restrictions, leakage or conosion or other 5 minutes of hain bumer operationi. -'Use a Oratt deficiencies which could causean unsafe condition. gauge, the flame of a match orcanote, orsmoke from 3. All gas equipment must have an accessible manual a ctgarette' cigar or pipe' gas shutoff valve installed jn the gas supply line 12. Retum doors. windows, exhaust fans, lireplace oampers upstream of the appliance- lf a manual gas valve is and all otherfuel-buming appliances to therr previous not in the gas supply line within six feel of the appliance, conditions of use. and in an accessible location' one shall be installed' 13. Appricabre onry to warm air heating appriances.i.[l';ffll,'3T#,H#iiiffi,'#"':::fl"i,r":'Fl - ffiililImitcontror and ran coniroiro,p,oper shutoffvarveinthesuppryrinetoeachappriun"ll iffi",j::i,,rHl;;l*rsknr,ruj*ffiffi1 4' Inspect burners and crossovers for blockage and blower motor and determining that the limit control corrosion. Inspect all wiringfor damage, corect any acts to shul off the rnain br#r;;;. "- "' defects found. 14. Applicable only to boilers: 5. Applicable only to warm air heating appliances. Inspect heat eichangers for cracks, openings or o ,?"]:ly: that th.e circulating water pumps are excessive conosion. _ In operattng condition. 6. Applicabteonlytoboilers. Inspectforevidenceof B ]-"-tl-]:* water cutofis, automatic feed water w6ter or combustion product leaks. ::Tt?';,$"*ure and temperature timit controls 7. lnsofar as is practicat. ctosa at'tbuitdins doors and r"nrr"",ur"J."lJjo1nll",ilTil'.Tco:.J:[,,j]: windows and all doors betweoii ihe space in which to determine that they "r" in op"iliiig conoition.the appliance is located ard other spaces of the US PR Et NSTA LLATTO N tltTR ucTtoNs TESTING THE EXISTING SYSTEM Before starting installation, a safety inspection of the appli_ ance must be performed, see PRE-INSTALLATION SAFEW INSPECTION PROCEDURES ON PAGE 4. Once safetv inspection has been completed, continue as follows: 1. I Check that the existing pilot is a thermocouple rype used wiih an electromagnetic safety. Some manu_ facturers use bimetal type pilots wired to the valve operator. lf the appiication has a bimetal piiot, see ^F-|{^FrIF.l--'RE.pLACEMETJ r pARTS ordering chart on page 16 {^r ^ il^r ^i^^+^.- +A-rur puor aoaptors rnat are available separately. 2. 7 The Pilot lgniiicn System is designed to be adapted to the existing cilot. NOTE: Robertshaw and AGA recommend ther ihe original pilot be used and in its original position. 3. ! Locate ihe raiing plate on the appliance and de(3,'mine the input rating (Btu per hour). The input rating (caoacity) forthe Pilot lgnition System must be equal to or gre3rer than the input rating of the appli_ ance. See SPEIIFiCATIONS on page 2 for pilot lgnition System J;oacity or Input Rating. 4.3lf electronic components are installed in an area subject to wate!- idripping, spraying, rain etc.), then means shall be ,:rovided to protect the components. 5 3 To -:rrs'Jre proDer operation, the appliance iraiisicriier mu.ti .:e rated at: 24 ,'oitsi20V',. , ninimum) 2.1 .'ojts/4O\ : ,.'nrnrmurn) - When used in con- -1.:itiin with ,,-r ,\utomatic Vent Damoer. ll' ' ',-:tout I -': :ooliances transformer can be ;;-:,;.-::;ned :: ,: j ioiJowing steps; A. jomoute :.:e cunent draw by adding the current :rcw of th:: ,rilot lgnition System (.7 amp) to the current d;'i'.v ciany associated valving, relays. cempefs :r trher devices operated bv the transform:i. 3. l"4ultiply the total current draw computed in "A" above by 14 volts. This will give the total VA i Voltage--,n perage) required. C. The total \Ii (Voit-Amperage) required should ':e e-qual ic :r less than the VA rating of the .-:._ _.llanca . -: r::;ormer. D. lf the totat ',/A, (Volt-Amperage) required is greater then the VA rating of the transformer, repJace it',vrth a Class 2 transformer of ad- ecuale ralng. 6. I Cycle the furnace ON to ensure it is working properly. Jf the u'ansformei.,inrr s'"viich orthermostai are faulty ihe i. -'iicx -.v:' '- ' 'r: function. Check the penc -a: le r -s cf the pilot flame. The ilai'n€ 'iici,.llO be ' . ir! a;: ihe thermocoUple ano t3:rrri:-atci-. t,^.rrilauUOtOtdrrrttn"t,|,r,.- : .i..lce. 9e;'_rl i'1 7. llurnOFF all electrical power and gas to the appliance before attempting todisconnectwiring and gas valve. To shut offthe gas, use the shutoffvalve in the supply line to the appliance. lf a manual gas valve is not in the gas supply line within 6 feet of the appliance, and in an accessible location, one shall be installed. DO NOT USE THE GAS COCK ON THE GAS VALVE. 8. a Remove the thermocouple and pilot tubing from the exrsting gas valve. 9. a You may encounter two methods of gas valve wiring. Determine from the diagrams below which one you have. Disconnect the electrical leads from the gas vaive. A. TWO TERM'NAL CONNECTION Disconnect the two wires connecting the gas valve. TRANSFORMER c{:c{FA 3 B. THREE TERMINAL CONNECTION lf three terminals on the gas valve are used. two wrres may be connected to a common terminal. Remove these two wires first and wire-nut l:em rcgerher. (Three wire nuts are provided in the i<rt.) Now, remove the othertwo wires frcr; tne --x,siino oas valve. iRAi.JSFORMER :€{ Fcx 10. g Remcve gas valve andior controls containtng the main valve, regulator and safety functions from the manifold. These functions are built into the new replacement gas valve. 1 1. ; Renrove the pilot assembly and disconnect the thermocouple from the pilot. The pilot will be rein- staiieo back rnto its original mounting posjtion. '12. p Jnsoecithe jnsideof the pilottubing. ltshould befree of ;nv scaie or other foreign matter. Clean or reDtace ,f necessary. We also recommend that the pilot oriiice be ileaned to ensure optimum system operation. o IG tNsTALLnrlnr I NsrR ucrtoNs NITOR / SENSOR NOTE: On some pilot applications a special adaptor 3. kit is required. These adaptor kits are shown at the bottom of page 8. Ordei these pilot adaptor kits separately if needed. ASSEMBLY The ignitor/sensor can now be positioned for proper sparking and sensing. To obtain the best ignition characteristics: The ignitorisensortip should be located on a horizontal plane with the top of the pilotgas exit port. The tip should be located 1/8" (recommended spark gap) from the edge of the pilot hood. Be sure that sparking will occur in the path of the gas flow. Excess "wireorrod"should becutoff. Tightenthe mounting bolt firmly so that the bracket assembly will not move or change position once the pilot is installed. Seefigure#3. 1. Assemble the combination ignitor/sensor assembly by sliding the mounting bolt through the mounting bracket as shown ;r figure #.1 . e H E E F5 E .qTAR &,/ FIGURE #1 2.il'e lgnrtcr :ensor asf{mbly is ready to be attached to iL:rn::ce pr1., r. Siide th6 mounting bolt with the ignitori sensor bra.::er down through the thermocouple open- ina cf the :r:irr fi'ame as shown in figure #2. Install the .Ji-r ner nLr. ;'rl lne mounting boltand tighten fingertight. tabs to the ignitor/sensor mounting bracket FIGURE #3 4. Bend the corvn and around the pilot bracket frame. Using a pair of ptier-s, crimp the tabs so they gripthe pilot bracket. This will hold the electrode assembly firmly in place as shown in fiqui"e i4. 'l tl tl FIGURE #2 I N sTA L LATI o N I N VNucrl 3JXrt", AssEMB Ly o 5. When selecting the ignitor/sensor tip location, remember the spark will jump the narrowest gap available to the nearest ground metal. Ensure that this gap is always at the point you select and not to the main burner, furnace chassis, burner manifold, or a part of the pilot hood where there is no flow figure #5. The tip must be in the pilot flame for the ignitor/sensor to function properly. FIGURE #5 FIGURE #6 B. Measure down the ignitor/sensor rod this distance plus 1/16" to allow for bend radius fioure #7. DO NOT BEND YET. 6. After crimping the ignitorisensor mounting bracket tabs and selecting the point for the ignitorisensor tip to sDark to: A. Measure the distance from this point to the ignitor/ sensor rod figure #6. 7. CAUTION: ALWAYS HOLD THE IGNITOR'SENSOR ROD BET'\A'EEN THE CERAMIC AND THE BEND YOU ARE MAKING. THIS WILL PREVENT DAMAG- ING THE CERAMIC INSULATOR. PILOT FLAME MUST NOT IMPINGE ON THE CERAMIC PORTION OF THE IGNITORYSENSOR ASSEMBLY. Holding pliers firmly on the ignitor/sensor rod at tne distance measured, use finger pressure on ihe ignitor/ sensor rod tip to slowly bend it in the direcrion oesireo - towards pilot hood figure #8. lf tip is too long, cut off excess. FIGURE #8 NOTE: lgnitor/sensor tip must be in pilot flame for the lgnition Control Unit to function properly. 8. Reinstall pilot assembly back into its original mounting position. NOTE: Pllot is not to be relocated or altered. lf replacing the pilot becomes necessary t,u€ ro w€?r or damage, an exact replacement must be used. SPECIAL PILOT ADAPTOR KITS These special pilot adapto? kits are lrOT Included in the 712 kit. Thoy must be ordored s€paratsly. CARRIER, BDP PILOTADAPTOR KIT Includes allthe necessary parts to adapt the Carier, Bryant, Payne and Dayi Night model 732 or 733 pitot to Uni- Line's 712 Series flame rectification pilot system. oRDER 1751-716 MAGIC CHEF, GAFFERS & SATTLER PILOTADAPTOR KIT Includes all the necessary parts to adapt the Magic Chef, Gaffers & Satiler sheet metal pilot to Uni-Line's 712 Series flame rectification pilot svstem.oRDFR 17E{-aa''' FIGURE #7 I NsTALLnfr r,r I NsrnucrloNs GAS VALVE CAUTION: lf bleed tubing is used, do not allorv main burner or pilot flame impingement o-n the tubing as this will eventually cause clogging of the tubing and improper regulator operation. lf bleed tubing is not used, the regulator vent must be properly shielded from moisture. from entering control. See f^- ure #9. All piping must contorir 3 Ml\ to local codes and ordinances and with National Gas Codes (ANSI 2223.1 and NFPA No.FIGURE #9 54) Flame must not impinge on regulator vent tubing if used it may clog and cause gas valve to malfunction. All components must be securely mounted with screws, bolts etc., within the appliance. Wiring must conform to local codes and ordinances. A high limit switch is required in either the 120V or 24V side of the transformer. Make certain all wiring connections are tight. GROUNDING TERMINALS SEDIMENT TRAP (Down) 1. 2. INSTALLING THE Installation and servicing of gas appliances and ignition systems must only be performed by quatified personnel. Turn off gas and electricity before starting installation or seryice. 3. When replacing an L.p. control or a natural gas controt, new control must have the same regulator setting as the B.old control. or as spec jfied on the appliance rating plate. 4. To install or remove control, use inlet boss. Do not grip body wiih pipe wrench or vtse. 5. Installation and servicing of gas appliances and ignition systems must only be performed by qualified personnel. 6. Make sure gas piping is pressure tested before control is connecteo. High pressure can damage control caus- Ing a hazardous condition. 7. Make sure piping is clean and free from burrs. Apply a small amount of good quality pipe thread compound suitable ;or the gas being used. Thread compound should be used sparingly on male threads only, leaving the iirst two threads clean. INSTALLING GAS VALVE 1. Locate ground terminal connector. WARNING: GAS VALVE MUST BE GROUNDED TO PREVENT sURNOUT OF GAS VALVE TERMINAL CIR. CUIT SOARD, \. The ?000 Series Gas Valve is included in tne iollo\" il kiis: 712-006, -009, -016 and -019. Attach troui:,- .:r-ritnal connector to the top of the gas valve .;s shown in Figure #10A. 3. The 7?00 Series Gas Valve is included in tne followrng kits: 712-008, -015 and -0'17. Attach the 3rouri':rng iermrnal to the gas valve as shown in r:igure i 08. C. The 2000 Series Gas Valve is included in the following kits: 712-005 and 712-022. Attach the green ground wire in the wiring harness to the terminal on the gas valve as shown in Figure 10C. 2. Install the gas valve so gas flow conforms with inlet gas flc'.v indicrled cn the valve body. A wrench should only ., : rS€d r-' l:al :urfaces of the inlet boss- Never use a wrench on the body of the valve as this may distori the casting. 3. The valve snouid be mounted with the wiring terminals at the top for easy access in installation of wiring and fixture seryice testing. Do not mount valves upside down. 4. Connect the oilot tubing to the pilot gas outlet. Use the rit'iing prc.,cec :nd tighten for gas seal. Do not bend :he tubin --- .,ii?r :rghiening. 5. Regulatc' :.:. 3oth valves have a butlt-in r.rent lirntter. ir-e regu, .. - :r^l rs tacped so a tubing adaDtcr can :r: ngtlileC ' ..n- '. ^i^n is reqUired bV iocal rcc?< Check to see that a sediment trap is present in the gas supply line. lf one is not present one must be installed to oreventdirt GAS SUPPLY TO CONTROT INLET 9. 10. 11. tz. FIGURE #1OB :lGilPE.r.it-1C I NSTALLATION INSTTJCfl ONS MOUNTING AND WIRING THE IGNITION CONTROL UNIT 1. The 712 series pilotignition kits includeasix-wire (blue) hamess assembly. This hamess assembly connects the gas valve to the ignition control unit. Wirinq-uo the ignition control unit is as follows: A. Attach blue wire to terminal npv" (pilot valve, pilot gas). B. Attach red wire to terminal "MV" lmdin valve, main Uurirer). C. Attach gray wire to terminal "TH" (thermostai). D. Attach green wire to "GND" terminal. E. Attach blacuwhite wire to terminal "MV/PV" (common). NOTE: The white and black wires are assembled into one quicl-connecl terminal and it is nonnafly attached to the MV/PV terminal. However. thi GND, MV/PV and TR terminals are electrically identical, and the green, white and black wires may be attached to any of these terminals. 2. lf the appliance has an automatic vent damper, verify that damper is in the fullopen position. We recommend that the 712 series kit be installed and tested as instructed in SYSTEM CHECKOUT PROCEDURES prior to connecting vent damper into the svstem. Therefore proceeC as directed below. 3. In order for the flame sensor circuit to function, and to prevent burnout of the gas valve circuit board. the ignition control unit must be grounded. A. Locate the green wire in the six-wire harness. Be sure that this wire is connected to the GND terminar on the ignition unit and to the gas valve - see page g. B. Lccat. trie separate ground wire included in the 712 kit. Connect the "ring" terminal to the mounting screw that attaches the pilot assembly to the furnace. Connect the other end to the "TR' terminal on the ignition control unit. 4. The six-wire harness is used to connect the ignition control unit to the gas valve and to the thermostat control circuit. Determine which gas valve type you have (7000, 7200 or 2000) and proceed as directed on pages '|.1,12 or 13, 5. Some appliance wiring may result in one terminal of the secondary side ofthe transformer being grounded. lf this condition exists, damage to the translormer may occur if the two wires (black and gray) in the wiring harness are connected improperly to the two wires removed from the old gas valve. lt is necessary to determine which wire is grounded before proper con- nection to the wiring hamess can be made. This procedure is quite simple. See figure #1 1. A. Be sure all gas to the appliance is tumed off. Make sure the two wires removed from the old gas valve will not touch the furnace chassis or each other. B. Turn on the electrical power to the furnace and ser the thermostat to the high setting. C. Set the test meter to the 24 volt scale. Touch or clamp one meter probe to the chassis of the furnace. D. Touch the other probe of the meterto each wire. one at a time. E. lf no meter reading is obtained, the two wires removed from the old gas valve may be connected to either wire (black or gray) in the new wiring harness. lf approximately a 24 volt readlng is obtained at onewlre, thatwlre must be connected tothe gray wire in the wiring harness. GROUND TEST FIGURE #'{ LEAK TEST AND SYSTEM START 1. Set thermostat low. Set anticipator at .7 amp.2. Turn on main gas supply. 3. Using a leak test solution, check piping for gas leaks to the gas valve. 4. Tum manual valve or push selector arm on the qas valve to on. 5. Set thermostat to high setting.6. Sparking should begin at the pr:lol. The pilot will not lighr immediately due to air in the gas line and in i,he valve bodv. 7. When piloi gas is ignited the flame impinges on the rame sensor and the main burner will turn on immediatelv. 8. Set thermostat to desired setting.9. PTOCECd tO SYSTEM CHECKOUT PROCEDURES. With the SYSTEM CHECKOUT PROCEDURES com.pleted and the system operating properly, the vent oamper can be wired into the system. The thermostat wire is connected to one side of ihe "end" switch circuit. T.he gray wire in the new wire hamess is conneCted to the other side of the "end" switch. The end switch is only closed when the damper is fully open. WARNING: Vent damper must be in the fullv ooen position before the ignifion system is eneiglied.Fallure to verlfy thls may cause a serious i'ealth nazard to occupants. 10 TOOO SERIES GAS VALVES When installing kit numbers 712-006, -009, -016, and -019, refer to the wiring diagrams shown below. This illustrates the wiring methodwn"n using a 7000.series gas valve. The wiring connections at the gas valve are as follows: A. Locate the 4" white jumper wire in the kit. B. Attach one end (quick-connect) to one terminal of the solenr-.id valve. Attach the other end to the screw terminal "TR" on the gas valve operator. C. Connect the white wire in the wiring harness to the quick connect terminal at "TR". I NSTALLATIII I N STR UCTIONS D. Connect the red wire to the "TH" terminal on the gas vatve. E. Attach the blue wire which has a non-insulated connector to the solenoid pilot valve. F. Attach green wire to the ground terminal on the gas valve. See figure 10A on page 9. G. Connect the wire from the pilot ignitor/sensor to the "lGN" terminal on the ignition control unit. H. With all wiring completed to this point, return to step 5 on page 10 and proceed as directed. TOOO GAS VALVE TYPICAL RETROFIT WIRING *l l- sPARK GAP i,s" - c0f"lBlNATtoN IGNlTOR/SENSOR WHITEJUI"lPEP NOTE: TERMINALS MV/PV, TR, AND GND ARE COMMON. TWO. WIRE (BLACK & WHITE} QUICK CONNECTMAYBE INSTALLEDTO ANY OF THESE TERMINALS, IGNITION CONTBOL DAMPEF ENO SWITCH CIRCUIT --'TTTSFOBMER TOOO GAS VALVE TYFIC,\L qE]:CFiT WIRITIG WI_,: \1Ei.lT tAtji: :: -.l l- SPABK GAP 1re' - COMBINATION IGNITOR/SENSOR NOTE: TERMINALS MV/PV, TR. AND GNO ARE COMMON. TWO- wrRE (BLACK & WHTTE) QUTCK CONNECT I\,IAY BE INSTALLED TO ANY OF THESE TERMINALS. TH PV SENSE E3 r/:r Tr/1\r ' _ ,'rTCr'\r MV -" '"'"' i,tv,Pv GND IGN I N STAL LATI O N I NS]CJ CTIO NS 72OO SERIES GAS VALVES When installing kit numbers 212-009, 712-015, and 712-Q17, refer to the diagrams shown below. This illustrates the wiring method when using a 7200 series gas valve. The wiring connections at the gas valve are as follows: A. Attach the blue wire which has a noninsulated connector to terminal "P" on the gas valve connector. B. Aftach the white wire to terminal "C". C. Attach the red wire to terminal "M". D. Attach green wire to the ground terminal. See figure 108 on page 9. E. Connect the wire from the pilot ignitor/sensor to the "lGN" terminal on the ignition control unit F. With all wiring completed to this point, return to step 5 on page 10 and proceed as directed. 72OO IPER GAS VALVE TYPICAL RETROFIT WIRING TRANSFORMER NOTE: TERMINALS MV/PV, TR, AND GNO ARE COMMON. TWO. wlRE (BLACK & WH|TE) QUTCK CONNECTMAYBE INSTALLEDTO ANYOF THESE TERMINALS. TH PV SENSE rcNrroN coNrBoL M#J TN GND IGN -l l- SPABK cAP lrE' 72OO IPER GAS VALVE TYPICAL RETROFIT WIRING WITH VENT DAMPER OAMPER END SWTCH CIFCUIT DAMPER MCTOR PCTVER SUPFLY NOTE: TERMINALS MV,Ptl TR, AND GND ARE COMMch. ;l4C- wtRE (BLACK & WHrrEl QUTCK CONNECTMAYBE INSTALLE! TO ANY OF THESE TERMINALS. PV SENSE ttv tGNrTtoN coNTROL M; GND toN -l l- sennx enP tre' I NSTALLAT| Oot NSTR U CTt O NS 2000 Series Gas Valves WheninstallingkitnumbersT12-005and712-022,refertothediagramsshownbelow. Thisillustratesthewiringmethod when using a 2000 series gas valve. The gas valve connections lre made by a plug-in terminal. A. Attach green wire to ground terminal. See figure 10C on page 9. B. Connect the wlre from the pilot ignitor/sensor to the "lGN" terminal on the ignition control unit. C With all wiring completed to this point, return to step 5 on page 10 and proceed as directed. 2OOO IPER GAS VALVE TYPICAL RETROFIT WIRING NOTE: TERMINALS MV/PV, TR, AND GND ARE COMMON. TWO. wlRE (BLACK A WHTTE) QUTCK CONNECT MAY BE INSTALLED TO ANY OF THESE TERMINALS. rGNrTroN coNrBoL MVY; -'.1 l<- 5PARK GAP 1/8" 2OOO IPER GAS VALVE TYPICAL RETROFIT WIRING WITH VENT DAMPER DAMPER END SWITCH CIFCUIT NOTE: TERMINALS MV/PV. TR, ANO GND ARE COMMON. TWO. wtRE (BLACK & WHTTE) OUTCK CONNECi -,1AY BE INSTALLED TO ANY OF THESE TERMINALS. TH PV SENSE E3 r/:Nrrrrt Ar aarNrrtrnr lvlv ""'' "'"' Mvipv TR GND IGN --+,.1 F-SPARK GAP.1/!' sysrEM cH EcKorlpnocEDu REs The initial installation portion is now completed and ready the steps oulined below to ensure proper and safe opera- forfinalsystemcheckout. Thecheckoutprocedureslisted tion. ft you enc,ounter any inejularities, refer to the below must be followed. While there are redundant safety iCOUALLSFTOOTING GUIDE on-page 15. features built into the system, it is imperative that you follow 1. I Check all wiring connections. 2. I Turn on main gas supply and put the manual valve or selector arm on the gas valve into the "ON" position. 3. I Turn on electrical power. 4. I Thermostat set high. 5. I Sparking begins, pitot gas ignites. 6. I Pilot flame on ignitor/sensor, main burner on. 7. I lf the ignition control unit is a SP715, with main burner on, cycle thermostat off then on. System will turn off and immediately on again. 8. I With the main burner on, turn the manual gasvalvetooff position. Waituntil allflameisout. Turn manual gasvalve on again. A. Sparking will begin as soon as the pilot flame is out. B. Pilot ignition takes place when gas flow is restored. 9. I lftheignitioncontrol unitisaSPS45(lockout),withmainburneron,turnmanual gasvalveofi. Sparkingrvill begin when the pilot flame goes out. After 90 seconds the system will go into time delay (6 minutes) and sparking will cease. The SP845 lockout ignition control used in the 712 series Uni-Kits, provides 90 seconds of spark followed by a six minute time delay (purge) period between ignition attempts. After three tries, if no pilot flame is sensed, SP845 goes into a t hour lockout period. At the end of the t hour lockout period, if the demand for heat is still present, unit repeats the three tries for ignition. 10. I Check manifold pressure and compare the reading with those obtained in the PREINSTALLATION SAFETY INSPECTION PROCEDURES. Adjust pressure regulator (if necessary) to match the original input. 11.I Visually determine that the main burner is burning properly, as it was during the PREINSTALLATION SAFETY INSPECTION PROCEDURES; i.e., no floating, lifting, or flashback. Adjust the primary air shutter(s) as required. 12.4 lt is absolutely necessary that the system be cycled normally (thermostatically controlled) through at least three complete heating cycles. Set thermostat to a temperature slightly higher than the existing ambient. Allow appliance to cycle ON and run through a normal cycle. Do not manually shorten the cycle. 13.I A. Applicableonlytofurnaces. Checkboththelimitcontrol andthefancontrol forproperoperation. Limit control operation can be checked by blocking the circulating air inlet or temporarily disconnecting the electrical supply to blower motor. Determine that the limit control acts to shut off the main burner gas. B. Applicable only lo boilers. Determine that the circulating water pumps are in operating condition. Test low water cutoffs, auiomatic feed controls, pressure and temperature limit controls, and relief valves in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation to determine they are in operating condition. 14. I The ir^:tia! ll^''ri'out "-"cedures have been completed. lf the system has functioned normally, return thermostat setting to its normal setting. If appliance has automatic vent damper, complete its interface with 712 system as directed in irep J r., ;age 10. Ihe qualified installing agency must completely fill out and apply the yellow appliance conversion sticker to the front of the appliance. Leave these and all other instructions with the nomeowner. TRouBrtroortNc GUTDE PtLoT tcNtTtoN sySTEM/FLAME REcTtFlcATloN/tcNtTtoN coNTRoL UNITS sP715/sP845 THERE ARE FIVE POTENTIAL PFOBLEM CONDITIONS WITH THE THERMOSTAT SET HIGH: PRoBLEM #.4: Have pilot flam6, main burnor will not tum on' Possible Causes A. Faulty main valve coil in the gas valve B. Faulty ignitor/sensor and/or its wiring C, Grouhd wire not attached to fumace chassis D. Flame rectitication signal from pilot to ignition control unit weak E. Faulty ignition control unit SOLUTION: Set test meter to 24 volt scale. 1. With pilot flame on ignitor/sensor - probe terminals MV and MvlpV on the ignitiori control unii' lf you read 24 volts here' but not at the gas valve, there is a loose wiring connection' Repair or replace as needeo. 2. lf you do rcad 24 volts at MV and MV/PV and tha pilot flame is impinging on the ignitor/sensor rod, the problem may be: A. Faulty ignitor/sensor and/or its wiring B. Faulty ignition control unit C. No flame rectification signal to ignition control unit. 3. Set test meter to the ohm scale. Set thermostat low - system off. 4. Check continuity through the green ground wire between the prlot mounting bracket and the ignition control unit. Repair or reolace as needed. 5. Check continuity through the green ground wire between the gas valve and the ignition control unit. Repatr or replace as neeoeo. 6. Check ignitor/sensor for continuity, through the sparusensor rod. Also, check ignitor/sensor ceramic for cracks. Repair or replace 7. Reconnect all wires lhat were disconnected, including the ignitor/ sensor wire and the ground wire. 8. Set thermostat high. With the pilot buming and the flame on the ignitor/sensor rod, if the main bumer does not tum on - replace the ignition control unit. PROBLEM #5: Short-cycling of main burnsr. Main burner turns off before the thermostat is satisfied. Possible causes A. Draft condition pulls pilot flame away from ignitor/sensor rod B. Incorrect thermostat anticipator setting C. Pilot flame gets smaller when main burner comes on. O. Faulty limit control SOLUTION: 1. Check the thermostat anticipator setting. Set to .7 amp. A lower setting will cause short-cycling. 2. Set thermostat high, with main burner on, observe the pilot flame impingement on the ignitor/sensor rod. A. lf pilot flame is small and draft condition pulls flame from ignitor/sensor rod the burner will turn off and then on again. B. Adjust pilot flame higher or clean pilot orifice. C. Bend ignitor/sensor rod closer to pilot flame. lf you do not have continuity through the wire and the ignitor/sensor, check for losse wire connection in the wire' Reoair as needed. Check to see if spark shorts to furnace through a cut in the ionitor wire. lf flame impingement on the ignitor/sensor is stable and the system short-cycles, check the limit switch. Set test meter to 1 10 volt scale. A. When the system cycles off, probe the switch terminals of the limit switch. B. If you read 110V or 24V across the switch terminals the timit switch is open. Replace the timit switch. A pilot flame set too high will also cause burner to short cycle. Piloi flame lifts over ignitor/sensor. 5. TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING TEST YOU WILL NEED A VOLT /OHMMETER. REFERTO YOURAPPROPRIATEWIR- ING DIAGRAMS. SHOWN ON PAGES 11, 12 and 13. The ignition controt can also be tested, using the Uni-Line ignition control tester, part number 900-575. PROBLEM #1: Thermostat on, no spark, no pilot gas. Possible Causes A. No main power B. Faulty transformer C. Faulty thermostat D. Faulty limit E. Faulty ignition control unit SOLUTION: 1. With power on and thermostat set high, setyourtest meterto the 24 volt scale. Probe terminals TH and TR' lf you do not read 24 volts, the problem is not the ignition system. Perform normal system checks of main power, transformer, thermostat and the limit control. lf you do read 24 volts at TH and TR the problem is in the ignition system. Check for loose or defective wiring. lf wiring is good replace the ignition control unit. PROBLEM #2: Have spark, no pilot gas flow. Possible Causes A. Main gas supply turned off B. Manual valve on gas valve turned off C. Faulty primary valve in the gas valve D. Faulty wire connection E- Faulty ignition control unit SOLUTION: Set test meter to 24 volt scale. 1 . Be sure main gas valve (gas cock or selector arm) is turned on. 2. W'ih gas on and the system sparking, probe terminals PV and TR. With 24 volts at these terminals and pilot gas does notflow, replace the gas valve. 3. lf you do not read 24 volts at terminals PV and MV/PV replace the ignition control unit. PROBLEM #3: Have Pilot gas, no sPark. Possible Causes A. Defective ignitor/sensor and/or its wiring B. Faulty ignition control unit SOLUTION: Set test meter to ohm scale' 1. Disconnect the wire from the IGN terminalon the ignition control unit. 2. Touch one meter probe to the tip of the ignitor/sensor rod in the pilot. Touch the other probe to the quick-connect at the other ond of the ignitor/sensor wire. 3. lf you have continuity from the tip of the ignitor/sensor rod to lhe connector and no spark, replace the ignition control unit' REpLAcEMENT pA* FoR uNt-LtNETlz enles UNI-LINE ORDER I{O. FACTORY iIODEL NO.DESCRIPNOil REPLACEMENT GAS VALVES 314" x3t4" . Includes (2) 3/4' to 12" reducer bushings. prsssure regulator is factory-set al 3.5" W.C. natural qas. Fold adiustabiie 3" to Z, W.C. 1'x 1". Includes 1e1 t" to SIC* r€ducer bushings. High oapaclty gas vatvo 720.,000 Btu natural gas. 1,150,000 L.P. gas. Pressure regulator faclory-set 4.0" WC. natural oas. Field adjustabte 3" to 7" W.C. 112" x,3t4". Includes (1) 3!4" to 1112" reduc€r bushing. Prossure regulator is factory-set 3.5" W.C. nitural gas. Fi€ld adiustabte J' to Z' W.C. 1/2" x 1/2". _Pressur€ regulator is factory-s€t 3.S' W.C. natural qas. Field adjustabte 3" ro 6" w.c.- REPLACEMENT IGNITION CONTROL UNITS sP715 US1715U Nonlockout Nonlockout Models. Flame rectification system. Uso with gas valves 7000 BDER, 71OO DER, SP715 & SP715A. LockoutModel. The SP845 lockout ignilion control used In the 712 s€ri$ Uni-Kits, providss 90 s66onds of spark followed by a 6 minute tlme d6lay (purge) period botw€sn ignition attampts. Afier thre6 tn€s, if no pilot fams is sens€d. SP845 goes into a I honr lockout period. At th6 end otthe t hour lockout period, if0|edomandiorhsatkstillprsssnt, unit rsp€ats th€ thrc6 triss for ignition. VALVE OPERATOR PILOT SOLENOID VALVE 24 volt gas valve operator without pressur€ regulator. For Nat. Gas or L.P. Gas. 7000 Series only. 24 volt gas valve op€rator with prossure r€gulator set at 3.5" w.c. For Nst Gas only. 7000 Series only. 1750-006 N/A "D" pilot solenoid valve. Use with gas vafue 7fi)-056 only.sffi 1751-016 N/A "D" pilot solenoid valve. Usewith lnx 1" high Epacity gas valvo 700459 only. REPLACEMENT IGNITOR / SENSOR Mounting bracket, mountng hardware end 24' lead. Replacement wiring hamass (6-wire) for 712 Series pilot ignition systems. Exceot 712-005 and 712422. Repfacement wiring hamess (6-wire) lor 712405 and 7124?2' pilot ignition systems. Uni-Line North America, P.O. Box 2000, Corona, CA 9171&2000 USA 1-9634 o-a--_____Ifq_" I(ozv HEer INSTALLATION & OPERATING MANUAL #942 DIRECT VENT INSTALLATION & OPERATING MANUAL DESIGN.CERTIFIED TO: D EC 0 RATM & W ALL FURNA CE A^/S I P ER F 0 R M ANCE & SA FEry S IATVDA RDS ------------_' .,. '-' U.S. PAISTVIS: 15.931.154, #5,967,139 #6,004,493 wamock HcrseY Bi[eY I ta\ iil l,.,l-i - .J IMPORfANT: READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFU LLY BEFORE INSTALUTION. FAILURE TO INSTALL THIS FIREPUCE CORRECIIY CAIV CA USE SER/OUS STRUCTUML AND FIRE HAARDS AND MAY VOID YOUR WARp.r'.NTY. GLOBAL P?SIT?NING: N4i ,i0.177' Vl 095 " 10.662' July 2000 INDO( DESCRIPTION PAGE SafetyRequirements/Specifications..... ..........1-z VentingGuidelines/Clearances ...... 3 Positioning The Unit Rough-lnChimneyDimensions .......5- Rough.lnDimensions ........ 5 RemovetheGlassAssembly ......... 6 DirectVentSystemlnstallation .....6.13 Guidelines & Requirements for Oura-vent GS & #g00 series vent systems . . . . . 6.9 HorizontalTermination with #800 Series 0.V. Kit .... .............. 10.12 Vertical Termination with #800 Series D.V. Kit . . . . . .12-13 Fanlnstallation(Optionat) ........1&1S Gas Linelnstallation Requirements -Minimum/Maximum pressures ..... ... 16.17 MillivoltBoardRemoval/lnstallation ......1g.19 Loglnstallation...,. ....... ZO Thermostat. Remote Control . Wall Switch Installation . . . . ... 21 completing the lnstallation (Replace the Glass Assembly, upper & Lower Grills) . . . . . 22 DamperControlOperation ..........23 Lighting & Shutdown Procedures . .24-Zs Manifold(outgoing)&tnlet(incoming)PressureCheckprocedures... ...,....26 MaintenanceRequirements .........27 Troubleshooting ... . .....29.29 Replacrnient Parts INSTAL N & OPERATING INSTR loNs IMPORTANT: READ THIS IUANUA! IEEo&E INSTALLING AND USING THIS FIREPLACE MODEL #942 DIRECT VENT DECORATIVE / ROOM HEATER GAS BURNING FIREPLACE T;. .:;:piace has been tested to and complies with ANsl zl.ggacsA 2.33.M9g "VENTED GAs FIREPLACE HEATERS"' Installation must comform with local building codes or in the absence of local Uuitaing cou;s, with the National Fuel Gas Code, ANS!223.1, NFPA 54. Cunent Edition. FOR YOUR SAFETY INSTALL"ATION AND SERVICE MUST BE PERFORMED BY A QUALIFIED INSTALLER, SERVICE AGENCY OR THE GAS SUPPLIER. WARNING: lf the information in this manual is not followed exactly, a fire or explosion may result cauqing properg damage, personal iniurv or loss of life. This -appliance may be instatled in an aftermarket permanently located, manufactured (mobile) home, where not prohibited by local codes. Thjs appliance is only for use witi the type(s) of gas indiiateU on ttre r.ting piri..lilr" -ppiiarce is not convertible for use with olher unless a certified kit is used. WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS t Open windows.t Extinguish any open flame.t Do not try to light any appliance.t Do not touch any electrical switch; do not use any phone in your building.t lmmediately call you gas supplier from a neighbor's phone. Follow the gas supplier,s instructions. t lf you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire department.0 Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or - anv other aooliance. WARNING: Do not use this ftreplace if any part has been under water. lmmediately call a qualified serice technician to inspect this appliance and to replace any part of the control system ano any gis controt wtriitr has been under water. Page 1 WARNING: Do NoT REPLAcI Tn?unTER uNIT MIH ANY oTHER sIzED ,R.*. REPLAcEMENT WTTH AN UNAUTHORIZED BURNER CAN RESULT IN TEMPERATURES flCEEDING TI{E LIMNS FOR T}IIS UNIT, AND VOID YOUR I,VARRANIY. IMPORTANT: NON.COMBUSTIBLE FACING MATERIAL MAY BE APPLIED OVER THE FACE. TO PREVENT THE FACING MATERIAL FROM CRACKING AND FALLING OFF DUE TO EXPANSION OF THE FACE WHEN HEATED, DO NOT ATTACH FACING MATERIAL DIRECTLY TO THE FACE OF THE UNIT. UNIT SPECIFICATIONS. HEIGHT (TOP 0F FACE): 40. HEIGHT (TOP OF STAND-OFF): 40"FRONTWIDTH: 41il9. BACK WIDTH: 31' DEPTH (INCLUDES FACE): 19. FLUEIIZE:5" exhaust, 8" intake '0 Page2 . VENTING GUIDELINES IMPORTANT: THIS UNIT ISAPPROVED FOR USE ONLYWITH ONE OFTHE FOLLOWING DIRECT VENT SYSTEMS. THESE SYSTEMS MAY BE USED FOR HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL TERMINATIONS. . SIMPSON DUM.VENT DV.GS DIRECT VENT CHIMNEY SYSTEM - 5' X 8' Refer to pages#7-12 for complete venting installation instructions / requirements. CLEAMNCES: Minimum clearance to combustible material: -#844 - #845 - #846 From units sides & back: From unit top stand-off: To flooring: From #800 Series flexible chimney: Figure I DIRECT VENT TERMINATI0N KIT - for terminations of 6' or less. DIRECT VENT TERMINATIoN KIT - for terminations greater than 6' but less than g'. DIRECT VENT EXTENSION KIT-6' 0" From heat outleilo 8'mantel (orsee fg.l): 13"0" From unit glazing (glass) lo adjacent sidewall: 12"0' From unit to enclosure ceiling: 4"2" From Dura-Ventchimneysystem: 1" NOTE: Even though the minimum clearance from the sides and back is 0', we recommend that you allow an expansion space of 1/4" from the sides and back. lf this expansion space is not left, the unit will make a loud 'banging' noise when it heats up or cools down and cracking of any face material used may occur. t-f z =t! t_E -- =Oa 'J - a_D =E a Lr F I ,2 l.1 17' lo l5' I4' I3' I?' 1i 10' 9' .J 7 5 5 3 l/4' ? 3/A' 4!3/ 4' l t/ 4' r0 3/8' 7 1/4'--___-t, CRILr ;? - r,l NC Page 3 A)POsmoNTHE UN[fure2. 1. Determine the exact position of your fireplace. tf possible place $e fireplace in such a manner that the piping will be placed between two studs so addilionalftaming is not necessary. 2. The unit may be installed on either the outside or inside of an exterior wall. See figure 2. CAUTION: THE suRRouNDtNG wooD cHAsE oF THE ourstDE WALL MUsr BE INSULATED TO PREVENT COLD AIR FROM EI.ITERING THE ROOM. I Ensure the proper clearances are followed as ouilined on page 3. NOTE: traffic Due to high temperatures, this unit should be located out of areas and away from furniture and MODEL #942 DIRECT VENT NOTE: * = 1/4'CLEAR,ANCE IA' MIN]MUM Page 4 4. [',r,]Tlr:TilH*:ft.p. The rocarion of rhis openins is TYPICAL HORIZONTAL INSTALLATIONS; Dimensions are 12112' wide x 12 1/2" high when using the #g00 series direct vent kits and 1 1' X 1 1" when using the Dura-Vent chimney system. The top of this opening must be a minimum of 45" - above the height ofthe hearth (optional). See Fig.3. Refer to pages for additional specifications. your venting spec!fi cations. Figure 3 'IMPORTANT: This measurement is determined by the vertical height and horizontal length of the venting applicition desired. The measurement is to the TOp of the pipe. Reier to pages #7 - #13 of this installation manuaf for requirements and restrictions. DrslRrD HriRrH HtrcHr 6. Roughinthewall enclosure. Theminimumroughopeningdimensions are421ll'wide,40 1/4'high and 21' deep. Build the hearth to the desired size andierlght. Sie fiigure +. - - - NOTE:When the unit is installed directlyon carpeling, tile, orolhercombustible materials otherthan woodflooring, it mustbe instailed oi : :'t'::: :- wood panel extending the full width and depth of lhe unit. The minimum for the support platform-under the unit is 42"wioe oy 19" deep. lf masonry is to be used, (optional), prepare the necessary foundation for tire masonry load. When masonry construction is being used, a lintel must be used over the top ofthe unit to suppoil the added weight. NorE: A hearth is not required. lf a hearth is desired, combustible materials may be used. NOTE: Provide for a minimum of 6" of clearance in front of lhe lower grill. This will provide adequate space for opening to operate tl'3 ccntrol valve. Do not obstruct the upper and lower grill areas to allow proper ventilation air around the unit. Alr enters the unit al the lower grill and exits at the upper gdll. Do n-ot block this passage. FIGURE 4 40 t/4" Page 5 B) 1. PREPARE THE UNIIO REMOVE THE GI"ASS ASSEMBLy. See fig. 5. A. Locate the springJoaded handles securing the gtass assembly (under the firebox). B. Pull the latch handles out, then down to release the glass assembly. C Puil-the bottom of the glass assembly out and iln up ol1 me tabs at the too. D. Set aside where it will not be broken. E. Remove the log package and klinkers from inside the firebox & set aside for later installation. FIGURE 5 c) |NSTALL THE DTRECT VENT KtT. VENTING REQUIREMENTS See figure 7. HORIZONTAL TERMINATIONS: i'eia a Minimum 6' run directly from appliance outlet, followed by a 45{egree elbow. Minimum honzontal run outlel 6" Maximum Horizontal run: 20 ft. (with 1/4' per foot incline) VERTICAL TERMINATIONS: Attach a 4S-degree elbow directly onto appliance outlet. Maximum vertical rise from appliance outlet: 40 ft. IMPORTANT; Straight vertical terminations must use the inciuded restrictor plate for vent runs '15' - 40'. ELBOWS: (1) 45' elbow at start & (2) 90" elbows included within the / maximum vent runs. Each additional elbow reduces the maximum horizontal distance by 5'. FOR SIMPSON DURA.VENT DV.GS 5" X 8" CHIMNEY SYSTEM INSTALLATIONS - Follow chimney installation instructions included with the chimney system. H ANDLES IMPORTANT: THIS UN|T tS APPROVED FOR USE ONLY WITH ONE OF THE FOLLOWTNG DIRECT VEI.IT SYSTEMS. Note; We recommend using the #800 series direct vent system for horizontal vent runs only. The Simpson Dui't-Vent DV-GS S" x 8" system may be used for both horizontal and vertical vent runs. - #344 DIRECT VENT TERMTNATTON KtT . for vent runs 6' or less. . #845 DIRECT VENT TERMTNATION KtT . for vent runs greater than 6, but less than 9.. . #846 DIRECT VENT EXTENSION KIT. 6' , SIMPSON DUM.VENT DV.GS DIRECT VENT CHfiINEY SYSTEM - 5" x 8". *ESrt i.*inati"" A /tsdegrEe elbow may be attached dkectly to the fireplace and run a maximum of 40 ft. 2 .90-degree elbows may be f.- wed within the 40 fL verticat vent run. I Vent runs of 15'.40'must installthe I restrictor plats included with this t tireplace. I l- L oa {- rlS"cl'',,'1 tlorizontalteming lglq The minimum vent run direcily offthe fireplace is 6'. connecttoa45- degree erbow prior to attaching to the fireplace to ensule the chimney is positioned horiztontally. 2 - g0-degres etbows may be used within the maximum 20 ft horizontalvent run. For each additional etbow, the maximum horizontal distance must be roduced by t. WHEN VERTICALLY TERMINATING THE MINIMUM CHTMNEY HEIGHT ABOVE THE ROOFLINE IS DETERMINED BYTHE FOLLOWNG CHART: Roof Pitch 11l12to 12112 17l12to 14112 1il12to'16/12 16l12to 18112 1&12to20112 201121o21112 20 FT.IIAX. HORAOITAL RUN IIIPORTA},IT: 1'4'RISE PER HORtrONTAL FOOT MUST BE MAINTATNED. Itlinimum Heiqht above roof line 4ft. 5ft. 6ft. 7ft. 7 ft.6 in, 8ft. Roof Pitch Flat to 6/12 6112toll12 7112to 8112 8l12to 9112 9/12 to 10112 10112to 11112 Minimum Heiqht above roof linE 1ft. lft3in. lfL6in. 2fi. 2 fi. 6 in. 3f[3in. IMP'FT':ilr: VERTIOAL TERMtNATlOftls uslNc THE #800 sERtEs FLExTBLE cHtMNEy systEms REeutRE A suppoRTrNc cHAsE T0 8E BUILT ARoUND THE CHIMNEY ABovE THE RooF L|NE. A ?'GLEARANGE To coMiusTtBLE MATERTi\LS MusT ii MAINTAINED AROUND THE PIPE. Page 7 Follow Figure 6 for clearances to doors, windows and nrnr rnd larrol UNVENTED SEFTI I VENTEI SOFF i T 1Ar --m I T: -A- ll 0] il-r AtrD -\] {2t IIUUKE b IMPORTANT: VENTTERMINATIoN MUST NoT BE LoGATED m{ERE ITWTLL EEcoME PLUGGED BY SNOW OR OTHER MATERIALS. A. 1?'(30cn) B. ?a'(60cn) c,84'(a.1r"1) D. 12'(30cm) t'-r Af B ro ,[,,]ltE^l-e I u __L r+ ::;-" I HORIZONTAL TERMINATION o TYPICAL Figure 7A EXAMPLE OF TYPICAL HORZONTAL & VERTICAL TERMINATIONS DURA-VTNT CHIMNEY 1'MINIMUM CLEARANCE IO COMBUSTIBLES ROOF PITCH MINIMUM HEI6H] (FEET) LAT TO 6/IA 6/l?7/l La5 /12 IO B/ 3/t? fE 9/r?e /t2 TO 10/12 a.s n/ t2 3,?5 t/t?T l?/tz To t4/1? ME fo 16/r?6 T0 l8ll /t2 fo 20/12 o/t2 Io 21/12 I 40 FIET MAX l{ote; Simpson Dura.Vent chimney system shown in verti,r:l i:r-.ration. MII'r 4='rE TDP OPENING EF FRAI4 Note: Kozy Heat DiEct Vent System shown in hoft ontal tsrmination. Figure 7B Page g *SIMPSON DURA.VENT OU.N'?'*EY SYSTEM INSTALI-ATIONS: O Follow the installation instructions included with the chimney system along with the following requirements: -.Venl runs must be in compliance as outlined on pages #6 . #tl of this installation manual. Straight vertical rins of 15 . 40 ft require a restrictor plate. - - A 45 degree elbow may be used directly at the stove connec{ion to vertically position the chimney. - ]he 5" pipe on the elbow or 6" section fits t/r/S/DEthe 5" collar on the stove. ' The 8" pipe on the elbow or 5" section fits oursDE the g" collar on the stove. HGURE I secure the etbow or 6" section of chimney to the g', collar with four screws (not provided). lF TERMINATING AGAINSTVINYL SlDlNG, A VINYL S|DING PROTECTOR, INCLUDED WTH THE #844 and #845 DIRECT VENT KITS, MUST BE USED. FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS INiLUDED. 1. lf your chimney termination is 8' or tess from the stove top and doesn't require an extension kit, proceed to step ft6. 2. lf your chimney termination will require one or more extension kits (pail #846), proceed with the following steps' Each #846 extension kit contains enough 5" and 8" flexible aluminum to exiend the chimney an additional 6'. 3. Gently stretch the 5" & 8" flexible aluminum pipes on the termination kit (#844 or #g45) and on each extension kit if used, the length required so when all the seclions are connested togahir, the chimney height for your installation is attained. IMPORTANT: DO NOT STREICH THE EXTENSION KIT BEYOND 6" DO NOT STRETCH BEYOND WHAT IS REQUIRED. IT IS VERY DIFFICULT TO RECOMPRESS THE FLEX PIPES ONCE STRETCHED. DURA.VENT 45' EL9SV 8',X s', INSTALLAT|oN OF #800 SERTES DTRECT VENT TERMTNATTON K|T(S) IilPORTANT: , n:n..1.Pip:.,:..p..manentlyattachedtotheexteriorplate. D0t{OTATTACHthe#844orf&lstemtnationkfttothestove(or extension kit) until it has passed through the uall or roof. The terminadon plates should all be installed on tfie exterior of the outside GAUTION: This gas appliance must not be connected to a chimney flue servinq another tvpe of Page 10 NOTE: The snap lock connection is permanent, you will not be able to remove this pipe once applied without 5. Place a bead of sealant inside the 8" flex pipe collar (E) . the end with the internal lip . and slide it over the 8" pipe on top of the stove (F). This is a snap lock connection. Secure with additional screws. 6. lf additional extension kits are being used, repeat steps 4 and 5, placing the 5" & g" pipes onto the previous extension kit. Note: The minimum vertical rise is from the connection on the stove to the top of the pipe. FIGURE 9 t /\ t--ffi\ )[li ffi L^ ?lilt ffi P t\I\d @-, 4. Using your extension rit piectlace a bead of sealant outside the s" R.x|e collar (C) . the end with the EXIERNAL lip . and slide it inside the 5" pipe on top of the stove (D). This is a snap lock connection. Secure with additional screws. Refening to the above figure: NOTE: Attachment brackets are included with the termination kit. These optional brackets should be screwed or nailed (screws not provided) onto the top and bottom of the 12 1/2" square opening, on the exterior of the house. The termination plates then fit between these brackets, and using the screws provided, screw the brackets to the termination kit box (A). Aftach the vinyl siding protector (G). 7. Apply a liberal bead of sealant around the outer edge of the plate (A), and place the assembly through the 12 1/2" square opening in the exterior wall. Place screws through the four slots (B) securing it in place. 8. Gently pull the 5" & 8" flexible aluminum down to the top of the extension kit, or the top of the unit if no extension kits were used. 9. Piace a bead of sealant outside the 5" flex pipe collar (C) and slide it into the 5" pipe on the extension kit or rop of the stove (D). Secure with additional screws. NOTE: This snap lock is permanent, you will not be able to remove this pipe once applied without damage. 10. Place a bead of sealant inside the 8" flex pipe collar (E) and slide it over the 8" pipe on the extension kit ortop ofthe stove (F). This is a snap lock connection, secure with additional screws. 1 1, OPTIONAL: Place insulation between the 8" pipe and the wall studs. Cleoronce Fi.estop Page '11 o Prepare the chimney: 1. Gently stretch the 5" & 8" flexible aluminum pipes on the terminatlon kit (#E44 or #845) and on each extension kit, if used, the length required so when all the sections are connbsted together, the chimney height for your installation is attained. !. lf yourghimney is 8' or less from the stove top and doesn't require an extension kig proceed to the , Gonnect the chimney to the stove' section. 3. lf yout chimney termination will require one or more extension kits (#846), proceed with the following steps. Each #846 extension kit contains enough 5" & 8" flexible aluminum iiie to extena the chimney in additional6'. Gonnect the chimney sections: 1. Place a bead of sealant odsidelhe 5" flex pipe cotlar on the termination kit (#844 or#g45) and slide inside the 5" collar'the end with the intemal n6tctres. on the extension kit Secure with additional screws. 2. Place a bead of sealant inside the 8" flex pipe collar on the temination kit (#s44 or #845) and stide it over the 8" collar ' the end with the extemal notches - on the extension kil Scure with addltionilscrews. 3' lf additionat extension kits are being use-d, connect the 5" & 8" flex pipes on each extension kit together in the same manner as described in stepi #l & #2. Connect the chimney to the stove: A firestop should be secured to the 121l2 x 12 1t2" ftamed opening whenever passing the chimney through a ceiling or roof. NOTE: The framing and supporting chase for the termination kit should be at least partially complete. 1. Place a weighted rope around the end of the 5" & 8" flex pipes and carefully guide them down the chase to the top ofthe stove. 2. Apply a libenl bead of sealant around the outer edge of the plate (A) , and place on top of the chase. Secure using the screws provided. IMPORTANT: DO NOT STRETCH THE EXTENSION KIT EEYOND 6" DO NOT STRETCH BEYOND WHAT IS REQUIRED. tT IS VERY DIFFICULT TO RECOMPRESS THE FLD( PTPES ONCE STRETCHED. Page 12 3. The restrictor ptate (lncludeOft, A. placed inside the 5" flue collar on thlp of tre stove before connection of the chimney to stove is made. This is required for vent runs of 15' . 40,. a. Bend the (3) tabs on the restrictor plate required for your installation far enough so that it will securely fit inside the groove on the 5" coltar on the stove. (Note: The tabs should be in the ,up' position.)Refer to figure #i0 below. 4' Connect the flex pipes to the stove as follows: Place a bead of sealant outside of the 5" flex pipe collar (end should have extemal lip) and slide it inside the 5" pipe on the stove. This is a snap lock connection. 0PTI0NAL: Secure with additionat screws. 5. Place a bead of sealant inside the 8" flex pipe cotlar (end should have an intemal lip) and slide it over the 8" pipe on the stove. This is a snap lock connection. OPTIONAL: Secure with additional screws. 6, 0FTIONAL: Place insulation around the 8" pipe. Fi:lra 10 Page 13 o (0PTroNAL D) FAN |NSTALLATIoN IMPORTANT: IF THE FAN IS INSTALLED AFTER UNIT INSTALLATION, THE LOWER GRILL MUST BE REMOVED TO PROPERLY II,ISTALL. NOTE: lf a fan is going to be installed, the wiring must be done prior to enclosing the sides of the unit. A remolable electrical box panel is pre-installed in the fireplace and a receptacte a-nd cover is included in the fireplace components packet. IMPoRTANT: coDE APPRoVED L|NE VoLTAGE wtRlNG 16 cAucE oR BETTER MUST BE utsED WHEN WIRING THIS SYSTEII. INSTALI.ATION OF THIS FAN SHOULD BE DONE ONLY BY A SUALIFIED INSTALLER. Your optional fan kit includes; 1. Right and left fan assemblies with fan and limit switch already mounted.2. Gomponents package: lncludes speed with mounting bracket, nut & knob*, (4) nuts, installation instructions, NOTE: To wall-mount the speed control, you will need to purchase: (l) Eleclrical box Cover / switch WARNING: This appliance is equipped with a thre+prong (grounding) plug for protection against shock hazard and sh.ould be plugged directly into a properly grounded thre*prong recepticle. Do noi cut or remove the rNsrALLATroN rNsrRucroNs,t* To FTGURE #1i. NO-TE: The fan will not operate unless the speed control has been lurned on. The fan will not turn on until sufficient heat is applied to the thermostatic control switch (G). The fan willtum on and off automaticatty when the firepface heats and cools. Adjust fan to desired speed while it is running. r!9TE: Thil systen, when installld, must be etectically grounded in accordance wi h local codas, or in hE ebsence ol local codes, witlt the National Electical Code, ANSWFpA 7|-Cunent edition. FIGURE 11 1, Slide the right fan(with receptacle) (A) through the lower grill opening and ptace over the (2) right side mounting studs (B) located towards the back of the unit. 2. Slide the remaining fan assembly through the lower grill opening and place over the (2) left mounting studs (B) located towards the back of the unit. 3. Place nuts on mounting studs and tighten. 4. lnstall electrical box and mount the speed control on a wall, if desired. 5. Snap the receptacle into the cover (included in the components packet included with this fireplace). 6' Insert 115V wiring (with ground)through the romex connector installed in the elecjricat box in the side of the unit and wire to the receptacle. 7. Place the cover on the electrical box (in the side of the unit) and secure with screws. 8. Place the thermostatic control switch (C) on the boftom of the unit, directly behind the control valve. 9: l]lg fans together by inserting the three-prong fan cord on the left fan assembly into the receptacle in the right fan assembly. 't 0. Pfug cord (E) into receptacle in the electricaf box. 11. Tum on/offspeed control clockwise untit it clicks. Page 15 E) RUN THE GAS L|NE. This unit is equipped with a 3/8" flexible gas line connection 1g,'long. NoTE: The gas line should be run to the point of connection where the manual shut off valve and flexible gas line will connect. CAUTION; The manual shut off valve or fle_xible gas line must not extend outside the unit cavity. See the WARNING label affixed to the flexible gas line foi additional installation instructions and warnings. l' Run the gas line. An accessible shut off vatve (inctuded with the unit) must be installed up stream from the regulator. IMPORTANT: DO NOT RUN THE GAS LINE IN A MANNER THAT WOULD OBSTRUCT THE OPEMTION OF THE OPTIONAL FAN. ?' . . .I!it unit.is designed to accept either a318" or 1D" gas line approved for gas appliances. Gonsult local building codes to properly size the gas supply tine feaiing to a :i/b" reductioi. A6o, see the chart on page #17 for proper supply line sizing. 3' A gas line knockout is positioned on either side of the unit to run the gas line to the unit cavity. 4. Connect the manual shut off valve to the previous run gas line. 5. Connect the flexible gas line (inshlled on the millivolt board valve) to the manual shut off valve. NOTE: This appliance and its individual shut off valve must be disconnected from the gas supply piping system during any pressure testing of that system at test pressures in excess of i/2 ps-i. NoTE: This appliance must be isolated from the gas supply piping system by ctosing its individual manual shut off valve during any pressure testing of the gas su'p'ptv'pi'ping systems .t t..i pr.s=urrs equal to or less than 112 psi. Pressure check taps for both the manifold (outgoing) and inlet (incoming) pressures are located in front of the gas valve. The left pressure tap is the maniiold piessure and the righl'pressure tap is the incoming pressure. Follow instruetions on page # 26 for checking these pressures. ' GAUTION: Installation of the gas line must only be done by a qualified person in accordance w1h local IMPORTANT: ALL CONNECTIONS WHETHER FIELD OR FACTORY MADE MUST BE CHECKED FOR LEAKS, Pad^ 1A NATUF./'LG,,.SONLY The mininum inlet gas supply pressurc: 5,0 inches W.C, Tha maxlmum inlet gas supply pressure: 10,5 inchog W.C. Manifold Pressure: 3.5 inches W.C. Manifold Pressura (to seffng): 1,7 inches WC, Odfice size (0.2000 ft): 30 Input nting: 39,000 BIU LP GASONLY: The minimum inlet gas supply pressure: il.0 incheg W.C. The maximum inlet gas supply pressure: 13,0 inches W.C. Manifold Pr$sure: 10.0 inches W.C. Manihld Pressure (lo sefting): 6,4 inches W.C, Orifica size (0-2000 ft): 49 Input nting: 35,500 htfug iuddj"tion for proper nting methods. Tubinq size ilaximum run SOLUTIoN TO DGLIPLE 6os l.leter (1) Maximumdemandforouflet"A" 30CFH MaximumdemandforouUet"B" 25CFH Maximumdemandforouilet,G" 75CFH Maximum demand forouflet',D" i36 CFH _ TOTAL DEITIAND 266 CFH (21 l_e^l1q!I_of phe from the gas meter to the most remore ouflet (ouflet .A") is 60'. T}IIS IS THE ONLY DISTA}ICE USED.(3) Using horizontal line marlted 6O, outlet uA'supplying 30 cublc feet an hour requires % inch pipe. 0utlet"B" supplying 25 cubic feet an hour requires I inch pipe. Sec{ion 1 supplying outlets "h" & "8", ss cubic feet an hour requires % inch pipe. Furnoce 136,000 BTU/hr t0' 70' r00' 12s' 38' 1n" 5'8' 3t4'**t 30000 BTUznr Ronge 71000 c BIU/hr Gos Dryer ?5,000 BTUlhr SCALE I=5 Page 17 1. Turn tfie black control knob to the ,OFF'position. 2. Shut offthe gas supply atthe manual shut offvalve. 3, Disconnectthe flexible gas linefrom the manual shut off valve. 4. Disconnect any remote control, wall switch or thermostat wires from the valve. 5. Remove the upper grill, valance & glass assembly. 6. Remove the log set and set aside where they wilinot be broken. 7' Loosen, but do not remove the (2) nuts securing the burner plate to the millivolt board and remove the burner plate (figure 12). 8' Loose.n and remove the (8).1/4" nuts and while grasping the board. genfly lift it off the (g) bolts and remove the board from the unit (figure 12A). F) M|LL|VoLI BoARD INSTALLATION. See Figure 12. 1"0J5:Tli: rtit is equipped with the millivolt board system already installed. Fofiow these procedures snourd me board need replacing or is removed for servicing or fan installation. I4ILLIVoLT BOARD REMoVAL: I l: -: : Figure 12 SECURI BURNER r,10 r/4' NUTS CAUTI0N: lf theburnerand/orpilothas been burning,the looswill be urarm and will continue to hold heat place them on a protected surface upon removal to avoid damage to floor or personal S:aUR: VJILL|/CLT 3OAFiD WI]:n EIG;IT 1/4 JUrS Figure 12a INSTALLING THE MILLIVOLT BOT, NOTE: The millivolt board is fitted with a gasket to sealthe board. Make certain this gasket is properly placed around the opening before installing the millivott board. 1. Grasp the bumer with both hands and place into the unit, lining up the eight 1/4" holes to the mounting studs. (Figure 12a) CAUTION: BEFORE SECURING THE BOARD INTO PLACE, MAKE CERTAIN THAT ALL OF THE WIRES (ATTACHED UNDER THE BoARD)ARE CLEAR AND UNOBSTRUCTED. 2. Attach the 1/4" nuts (included with the board assembly). 3, Place the burner plate assembly onto the millivolt board, aligning the notches to the horizontal mounting studs and aligning the burner tube over the burner orifice. 4. check that the bumer tube is properly seated over the bumer orifice. (Figure 12) 5. Secure the bumer plate with one nut on each side. (Figure 12) 6. Connec{ the flexible gas line to the manual shut off valve. 7. Reconnect any remote control, wall switch or thermostat wires. 8. Replacethe logs. Referto page#20. 9. Replacethe glass assembly. Referto page #6. 10. Verify proper operation of unit and tog position. IMPORTANT: CHECKALL WHETHER FIELD OR FACTORY MADE FOR LEAKS. Page 19 G)Loc INSTALLATION. This log set includes: See Figure 13. (1) 88-Los (1)AP-Los (1)AY-Los (1) BC-Log (1) M-Los (2 pc.) (1)E-Log (1)BD-Log (1)AZ-Log BASE LOG INSTALLATION: 1. Position base logs onto the bumer cover in the following order: 'BC' log,'BB' log,'M' tog (2 pc.),'Ay' tog, and 'M'log. NOTE: The'BB' log extends onto the plate extension. Press the logs onto the mounting pins to secure lhem in place. IMPORTANT: D0 NOT ALLOW THE LOGS TO COVER THE BURNER OR BURNER PORT HOLES. Figure 13 TOP LOGS INSTALLATION: 1. Positionthe'AP' log,'BD'log, and,E; log over the base logs as shown. KLINKER II.ISTALLATION: Place klinkers as desired on the left and right open areas in the firebox after the millivolt board and log set have oeen installed. CAUTICN: DO N?T :LAC:: I{LINKERS ON THE MILLIVOLT BOARD, BURNER COVER OR BEIWEEN THE LOGS. INITIAL BURN PERIOD NOTE: lrtr :r :he initial burn period, the logs and refractory willdlscolor. This is normal and part ofthe curing process. 0nce the curing process is complete (approximately 24 hrs,) the true color wiil retum. DO NOT BURN THIS FIREPI.ACE WITHOUT THE GLASS ENCLOSURE IN PLACE. *MAKE SURE THE HOMEOWNER IS AWARE OF THIS* THE CoRRESPoND|NG LETTER(S) FOR TltE LOGS ARE FRINTED ON THE BOTTOM OF EACH LOG. Figure 13A Page 20 H) THERMOSTAT-*tr*ff''r nc''r^+F ^^"+'^r,*rt*1oN(optional). CAUTION: DO NOT connect high voltage (115 V) wire to the switch. 1. lf desired, a thermostat, wall switch 94 remote control unit may be used to fum the unit off and on. Onlv one of these mav be installed. Follow in:: l.:t;ons included with each kit. NOTE: II{srnLLcTtoN oF A THERIIoSTAT oR WALL SWITCH SHOULD ONIY BE DONE BY A QUALIFTED INSTALLER. 2. Run low.voltage (thermostat)wirefrom the on/off switch, to the desired location ofthe thermostat or wall switch. Do not run wire more than 30.. NOTE: lf too heavy of wire is used or run more than 30', the electricity generated by the unit's generator will not be sufficient to make the regulator work properly. lf,ii..llTAliT: No high voltage (115v) is required to operate any of these systems. Figure i4A The on/off rocker switch on the millivolt board must be in the ,off, position if any of the above systems are installed on the unit. Note: The fireplace must be turned ,on' and 'off by the same method. For example: lf the fireplace is turned ,on' by the remote, it must be turned ,off' by the remote. Remote Control Wiring Diagram GAS VALVE Figure 148 Paoe 21 [Ft o INSTALLATION |) COMPLETETHE 1. Complete the fireplace walls and the unit facing. Optional edging brackets are avaifabfe. CAUTION: THE SURROUNDTNG WOOD CHASE OF THE OUTSIDE WALL MUST BE INSUI.ATED TO PREVENT COLD AIR FROM ENTERING THE ROOM. 2. THIS STEP SHOULD ONLY BE DONE BY A QUALIFIED INSTALLER OR SERVIGE TECHNICIAN: A) Perform lighting and shutdown procedures as described on pages #24-25. This should be done orior to replacing the glass so that any necessary adjustments can be made and properoperation verified. 3. Replace the glass assembly. Figure 15. A) Align the slots in the top of the glass assembly over the tabs on the fireolace. B) Place the glass assembly so it is flush with the front of the firepface front. C) Secure the assembly to the fireplace by pulling the springJoaded latch rods out, then up and releasing them onto the brackets securing the glass assembly (located under the firebox). WARNING; D0 NOT OPERATE THIS FIREPLACE WITH THE GLASS ASSEMBLY REMOVED, CRACKED OR BROKEN. Replacement of the glass assembly shoufd be done by a licensed or qualified service 4. Install the lower grill. Refer to Figure 16. A) Place one of the bolts through the hinge in the lower grillopening (A) & attach the 1/4. nut (B). B) Repeat for remaining hinge. D) Tighten both 1/4'nuts. The grill is now in place and may be lowered for lighting purposes, etc. 5. lnstall the upper grill. Referto Fig. 15. A) Line the rods of the grill up with the upper holes. B) Place the rods in the holes and push up untilthe bottoms of the rods clear the vatance. C) Place the bottom of the rod into the lower holes and release. The grillwillset down into place. 6. Slide the rubber thumb grip onto the damper control handle. (lncluded with comoonents oacket.) FIGURE 15 FIGURE 16 HANDLTS '_--- /- J) DAMPER coNTRoL oto'o* This unit has been design-certified to be operated with the damper in the fully opened or completely ciosed positions, depending on the heat output desired. To reduce the amount the heat entering the room, pull the damper control handle (A) down and slighily to the left to the fuily open position. This allows more of the heat generated to exit through the flue iaiher than into the home through the upper griil. lf more heat is desired, slide the damper control handle (A) slightly to the right and release to it's original position. NoTE: The damper position is located in the upper portion of the firebox and may be visually checked by looking through the front viewing glass. Refer to ltem (B) in the figure below. FIGURE 17 o OWN NOTE: Prior to lighting' check all fittings for leakage. This is accomptished by applying soapy water on all connections made. lf there is any leakage, bubbleJwill appear at the point of ionn'eition. I bubbles occur, tighten the fittings until the bubbles no longer appear. NOTE: The appliance and its individual shutoffvalve must be disconnected from the gas supply piping system- during any pressure testing of that system at test pressures in excess of % psi. NOTE: The appliance must be isolated from the gas supply piping system by closing its individual manual shut off valve during any pressure testing of the gas iine at test pressurls equai to or le-ss than 1/2 psig (3.5 kpa). Pressure check taps for the manifold (outgoing) and intet (incoming) pressures are located in front of the gas valve' Therightpressuretap.isthemanifoldpressureandtheleftpressuretapistheincomingpressure. Foliow instructions of page 26 for checking these pressures. NOTE; Read 1'8 before lighting the unit for the first time. Refer to figure 1g, page 25. Open the lower grill by grasping the center ofthe top louver, and pull out and down. Set the thermostat, if used, to the lowest setting cas vaLvs K) L|GHTING & SHUTD Turn off all electric power to the appliance. Push in control knob (A) slightly and turn clockwise r to "OFF", NOTE: Knob cannot be turned from "PILOT" to "Off'unless knob is pushed in slighfly. Do not force. 5. Wait five (5) minutes to ctear out any gas. lf you then smell gas, STOP! Fotlow the safety information on page 1 of this installation manual. lf you don,t smeil gas, go to the next step. 6. Find the pilot - follow metal tube from gas controt. The pilot is behind the burner tube inside the combustion chamber.7. Turnthecontrolknobongasvalvecountercloclndse r' to"plLOT". 1. 2. 3. 4. 8. Push in the control knob all the way and hold in. Press the piezo igniter button (C). The pitot will generally light with two or three pushes on the igniter. Hold the knob in for about one (l) minuie afterihe pilot is lit. Release knob and it will pop back out. Pilot should remain lit. lf it goes out, repeit steps 4 through g. 9. 10. ' lf knob does not pop out when released, stop and immediately call your service technician or gas supplier. ' lf the pilot will not stay lit after several tries, turn the gas control knob to "OFF" and call your service technician or gas supplier. Tum gas control knob counterclockwise ; to',0N'.. The burner can now be tumed 'on' or lit by depressing the ON/OFF rocker switch located beside the valve /B) 0R by setting the thermostat or remote controt to the desired sefting. IMPORTANT: TEST ALL GONNECTIONS WHEIHER FTELD OR FACTORY MADE. Page24 ' l'l0TE: When the unit is initiailfiondensation witl appear on the glass, tf normal in alt gas fireptaces, and will disappear in one to threEminutes. TO TURN THE BURNER OFF: To tum the burner'OFF', depress the ON/OFF rocker switch to 'OFF', flip 'off the watl switch or adjust the setting on the thermostat or remote control. NOTE: The pilot will stay lit, TO TURN THE PILOT OFF: To tum off the pilot, push in and tum the control knob to the "off' position. Do NoT FoRcE. WARNING: This control valve has an intedock device. After turning off the pilot, it cannot be relit until the thermocouple has cooled, (approximately 60 seconds). FtG.18 NOTE: A PAINT SMELL WILL OCCUR DURING THE FIRST FEW HOURS oF BURNING. IT Is RECOMMENDED TO LEAVE THE FAN OFF DURING THIS PERIOD AS THIS WILL SPEED UP THE PAINT CURTNG PROCESS. IN]TIAL BURN PERIOD DUE TO THE MAKEUP OF THE LOGS & REFRACTORY, THE CURII.IG PROCESS MAY TAKE UP TO 4 HOURS OF BURN TIME. DURING THIS PERIOD, THEYWILL DISCOLOR. ONCE THE CURING PROCESS IS COMPLETE, THE TRUE COLOR WILL RETURN. DO NOT BURN THIS FIREPI.ACE WIHOUT THE GI.ASS PROPERLY IN PLACE. "III.AKE SURE THE HOMEOWNER tS AWARE OF THIS* NOTE: Children and adults should be alerted to the hazards of high surface temperature and should stay arvay to aYoid bums or clothing ignition. Young children should be carefully supervised when they are in the lame room as the appliance. clothing or other flammable matedal should not be placed on or near the appliance. t_ )u tEl T BJ Page25 PRESSURE TESTING MANIFOLD & INLET PRESSURE TO CHECK THE MANIFOLD PRESSURE: 1. Light pilot. ?. f-o9"9n the manrford pressure tap [Gl by turning the screw counter+rockwise.3. Attach-manometer to pressure tap using a 5/16; l.D, hose [Et.4. Tum black control knob [Al to the .on, position. 9. Iu- the bumer on by depressing the rocker switch [Bt to expose the 'red' and note manometer reading.5. Turn the rocker swltch [B] to the ioff posifion. 6. Disconnect manometer hose and fighten screw (ctockwise). Screw should be snug, do not over llghten. 7. Attach manometer to manifold pressure tap to verify that it is completely sealeo. Manometer should read no pressure when'the rocker switch is tumed oh.. NoTE: lf manifold pressure reading is within the normal range, an incoming pressure check is not necessary.A too high ortoo low pressure reading warrants an inlet (lncoming) gas pre-siure check. TO CHECK THE INLET PRESSURE: !. loos9n lnlet pressure tap screw [Dl by turning screw counter-clockwise.2. Aftach manometer using a 5/16.. l.D. hose [E].-3. Light the pilot. 4. Tum the black control knob [Al to the 'on' position. (Bumer shoutd not come on) and note manomoeter reading. 5. Turn the rocker switch [Bl to the 'on' posllion and choct( the pressure to ensure that it stays near the marimum inlet pressure. 6, Tum the rocker switch [Bl to the ,off position. 7. Tum the pilot to the .off position. !. Pi:::i"Tt_hose and tighten screw (ctockwise). Screw should be snug, do nor over $ght€n.9. Relight Pilot and tum the controf !ryb tAt to the 'on' positlon. Attach riinometer to th6 inlet pressure tap to verify that it is completely sealed. Manomiter should iead no pressure. NOTE: lf Inlet pressure reading is too high or too low, contact the gas company. Only a quatified gas service technician should adjust the incoming gas pressure, CAUTION: A LoW PRESSURE READTNG cAN CAUSE DELAYED tGilmON. rFt l(o)l t-l I lEll L-tl I i )T)n A :1119!I4!!T NOTICE: A pressure check tap for both the manifold (outgolng) and lntet (incoming) pr"""*" nas oeen IncorpoEted into the valve. The rlght pressure tap is the manifold pressure and the left pressure measures the incomlng pressure. Foltow the instructions below for FIGURE 19 Page 26 'L)MATNTENANce ntTnEMENTS 1. The appliance should be inspected at least once a year by a professional service penon. NOTE: INSTALLATION AND REPATR SHOULD BE DONE ONLY BY A QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSON. THEAPPLIANCE SHOULD BE INSPECTED BEFORE USE AND AT LEAST ANNUALLY BY A QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSON. MORE FREQUENT CLEANTNG MAY BE REQUIRED DUE TO EXCESSIVE LINT FROM CARPENING, BEDOIITIG MATERIALS, Erc. |T IS IMPERAT]VE THAT CONTROL COMPARTMENTS, BURNERS AND CIRCULATION AIR PASSAGEWAYS OF THE APPLIANCE BE KEPT CLEAN. 2. The compartment below the firebox (behind the lower grill) must be cleaned at least once a year, more frEuent cleaning may be required due lo excessive lint from carpeting, bedding materials, or other fibrous materials. lt is imperative that the bumer be cleaned once a year. FAN The fan should be disconnected from electrical cunent, and cleaned (vacuumed) every six months. The bearings are sealed and require no oiling. VENT SYSTEM Annual examination of the venting system by a qualified agency is required. 1. Remove the glass on the front of the unit. 2. For easier access, remove the logs. 3. Cover or remove the millivolt board. 4. Open the damper by-pass. 5. Examine proper sealing of the vent system. 6. Closedamperby.pass. 7. Replace the logs, glass and uppergrill. IMPORTANT: ANY SAFETY SCREEN OR GUARD REMOVED FOR SERVICING MUST BE REPLACED PRIOR TO OPERATING THE APPLIANCE CAUTION: LABEL ALL WIRES PR|OR T0 DISCONNECTION WHEN SERVICING CONTROLS. WIRING ERRORS CAN CAUSE IMPROPERAND DANGEROUS OPERATION. VERIFY PROPER OPERATION AFTER SERVICING. MILLIVOLT BOARD SYSTEM 1. Annual cleaning of the bumer is required. The bumer tube / cover may be removed for easier access. 2. Remove the logs. 3 . Remove the bumer tube / cover by loosening the two nuts securing it on each side of the bumer mver. 4. Visually check for blocked port holes, especially near the pilot. Blocked port holes may cause delayed ionition. 5. Visually check the pilot light and bumer when they are buming. See Figures above and below The flames should be steady, not lifting or floating. Burner Orifice Pilot GLASS CLEANING & REPLACEMENT r Clean glass only when cool and only with non.abrasive cleanserc.. Do not operate this fireplace with the glass/frame assembly remove, cracked or broken. Replacement ofthe glass & gasket assembly, must only be performed by a licensed or qualified service person. DO NOT SUBSTITUTE MATERIALS. Do nof strike or slam glass assembly shut GAUTION: KEEPTHEAPPLANCEAREA OLEAR oF COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS, SUCH AS GASOLINE AND OTHER FI.AMMABLE VAPORS AND LIOUIDS. P A-'6 e A4 \, (L-/ Page27 M) TROUBLE SHooTtLputDE ltloTE: Tho regulator boad Include! the following items: Regulator, ganerator, pilog piezo, dsctodq rccker switch, bumer, odfice and orifice holder. lf any of these ihms are defaiivg contact your iiater for oi apiroprijto rcpaiJ replacenent procedures to follou WARNING: OO NOT ATTEMPT TO SERVICE THIS UNIT IF YOU ARE NOT A QUAIIFIEO INSTAI,IER OR REPAIRMAN. l. ffthe unitfaits to ignite a qualified service person should check the unit installation. 2. lt is imperative that thE control compadment, bumer and circulation air passageways of the unit be kspt clean. Tlris is necessary to provide adequate combustion and ventilation air. 3' All of the working parb ofthis unit can be removed at one tima Beforo removlng regulator board, check for loose wiras. PROBLEM Pilot wont light Pilot wont stay lit CAUSE Gas shut off. Gas line not bled out Not holding regulalor valve in long enough. Not holding pilot button in long enough. Generator wires loose at valve terminals. Generator wire grounded out due to pinching of wires Generator or Thermocouple has film build-up on tlp. Pilot orifice blocked. SOLUTION Tum Gas'On'. Hold valve knob in lon(; enough to bleed out line. Hold ln longer. Hold button in longerto heat generator. Reposition wire and tighten screns. See Fig.20 forwiring diagram. Nub on millivolt board may neeJ b remove pinched wire. See Fig. 13. With the generator and ftermocouple tps cool, clean the upper 3/8" with a very fine emery cloth. Replace orifice with a neworifice of the exac{ size and Upe. / i.r!! @rotcl ^t lraR zr' Ol ltt,,ttA.&fr. Figure 20 Page28 PROBLEM No spark when piezo buton is depressed Bumerwont light Burner won't stay lit Flame too blue after 15 minutes of buming. Garbon build up inside of fireplace. CAUSE The nut which holds the piezo in place is loose. Wre on bacl of piezo button is loose or 0ff. Wre from piezo to electrode is loose at elecfode. Electrode moved out of position, Pilot not lit Valve not tumed to 'on'. Rocker switch not turned 'on'. Rocker switch wires not connected. Remote con8ol or thermostat not connested properly. Remote conbol or thermostat seting bo low. Wall switch or thermosht wires too thick or run more than 30 ft Eumer fube venturi open too far. lnconect log placement Bumer fube venturi closed too far. Tighten nut Put wire back into place, Reconnecl wire. Realign elecirode with 1/8" space between it and pilot Relight pilot. Tum valve to "on". Press bottom ofswihh exposing the "on" indicator, Check wiring diagnm Figure 20 and ensure that all wires arc securc. Connect properly or disconnect and and use the rockerswihh only. Set to desired temperature setting. Dlsconnect wires. lf bumer stays li( change location of uall switch or thermostat or use the rocker switch. Contact qualiFred service person lo adjust venturi. Approximately 3/8' open.LP gas & l/8" - l/4" . Nat gas. Check log placement adjust Contact qualified seruice person to adjust venturi. Page 29 O REPLACEMENTPARTS IUPORTANT: IHESE REPTACEME}IT PARTS ARE ONLY FOR IHIS FIREPLACE MODEL AS IIANUFACIURED. PREVIOUS MODELS tAY USE DIFFEREIIT COMPOI{ENTS. DO t'lOT SUBSTffiJTE COMPOI'IENTS. CONTACT YOUR TOCAL DEAI€R NLIJiIOLT BOARD AND PARTS 942-700 f[llllvolt board. ]latural cas 912.701 Hllllvolt board. LP cas 700033 On/Otf Rockor Switsh 700085 l{atural Gas - S.l.T. Gag Valva 7000E7 LP Gas . S.LT. Gas Valve 700088 Pilot / Genentor I lh$nocouplo Asscmbly. Natunl Gas 700089 Pilot/ Gensrator, Th.mocouple Assembly. Lp cas 700091 Flexiblo Pllot Tubing . Oatve to pilotl 7001192 flillivoltcen€ntor 700093 Thennocouole FAN ANO FAN PARTS tO4-{ Llmit Stvitch Assembty (*61 4 fan kit)80Gl Fan Kit 600085 Spe€d Control 600087 Speed Control Assembly. Dashboard REMOTE CONTROLS / THERMOSTAT 796-1 Remots Controt with Ths.rnostat 197-1 Remote Control 791.2 Remote Bracket - Dashboard fN038 Walllllountlh€rmostat ct-Ass 70001T Replacement Glase Arsombly. inslsdes 21'r 35" gla3s E ge3tot 900006 fadpol€ ghss gesk6t , TER'IINATION KITS / PARTS 81,1 0V Tcrmination Kit.6 ft.845 DV Tgnninatton Xit. I ft.E48 0V Ertrnsion Kit. 6 ft.847 VinylsldingProtrctor 8/t2-060 Firestop 91258A Rosfictor(15'.4Svorticalteminations) tscELlAtttEous 817 Lintellron 300624 12 or. Asrosal touch.up paint. SaUn Btact TWII IIESH DOORS 9{2.lilD0R Tr.ditiooal Twin ilesh Doors 942.PDOR Prairie Style Twin ltlesh 0oors PATENT 15.931.151, f5,967.139, *6,00L19i Model *912 DV . US INSTALIAnONS ONLY Pilot Odflce . l{atunt Gas Pilot Orifice - LP Gac HULo Adjusbble Regulstor. l.latural cas lll/Lo AdJustaDle Reguhtor. LP Gas Pllot Hood Plszo lgnibr wih nut t{anual Shut ofr Valyg Flerible ces Llne . 18' Flerible Ga3 Llne -24' ( Vahe to Eumer orilico conn€ction) f30 Bumer On'fice - ilalurdl Gas ll49 Bumor Odfice . LP cas Burner Tubo Bumer Cover Elack Grill SEt Brass Gdll Set Brass Accent Grill Sst UPPER & LOWER GRITLS 700094 700095 700096 INNT 700098 700099 700203 700213 700n4 7fi230 7002/A 900035 942035A GRILL SETS 500354 500352 500353 301113 301114 301115 302111 8,f2003 302101 Upper Gdll . Elack Upps. Grill . EnsE Upprr Gdll- Enos Accsnt Lowsr Grill- Brass Lo|rer Grill - Elack Lovuer Gdll- Bra39 Accsnt GI.ASS FRAMES A BRASS TRIIII 942005 500942 942REC Arched Glas3 Frane Archsd 8ns! Trlm (2 pc.l Redangular Glart Frams IOGS' KLINKERS' REFR,ACTORY 900KtJ( 942900A 8 pc. Log sst B8.Log BC-Lo9 BD.Log AP.Log AX.Log AY.Log AZ.Log E.Log Klinkers 4 pc. Refractory Brick Panek GAS CONVERSION KlT OCK.S3o Natural cas Conversion Kit OCK.S,{g LP cas Conversion Kit TTANUFACTUND BY: Hussong Nmuhcwring Cmtpany, lna M hdustial Perk Drive Lahefield. lt 561fl Revtsied Jury n00 www.koryheatcon Page 30 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 oroQrrr* oF coMMUNrt o.*rot* $0.00 TOTAL FEES------> Sso9.2s Total Permit Fee--> $509.25 Payzrents--> $509 .25 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P02-0087 Job Address: 4166 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 41.66COLUMBINE DRIVE Applied..; 07/17/2002 ParcelNo...: 21,0112275012 Issued. .: 08/21/2002 Project No : Expires . .: 02/17 /2003 ov\tNER PARKS, TIMOTHY C. 07/L7/20O2 phone: PO BOX 1790 VATL CO 816s8 License: CONTRACTOR CONCEPT MECIIAITICAIT, INC 07 /L7 /2OO2 Phone: 9?O-949-O2OO P.O. BOX 1155 AVON, CO 8t620 Iricense: 189-P APPLTCAITI CONCEPT MECHANICAI, INC 07/L7/2OO2 Phone: 970-949-0200 P.O. BOX L165 AVON, CO 81_62 0 License: 1_8 9 -P Desciption: SET AND TRIM PLUMBING FIXTURES. ROUGH-IN WATER VENT AND GAS PIPING FOR NEW HOME Valuation: $26,800.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: ??# of Gas Appliances: ?? # of Gas logs: ?? # of Wood Pallee Plumbing-> 94 05 . oo Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check-> 5101.25 DRB Fee -_--> So. 00 Tota.l Calculated Fees-> $509.25 S0. 00 Additional Fees-> Investigation-> willcall->$3.00 BALANCE DUE_>90. oo IICN: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARTMENI O7/L7/2O02 DF Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FfEI-,D fNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiory filled out in full the information required, completed an $o .00 accurate plot plan, and state that all tn"t*rution as required is correct. , "O".Q.o-Oly with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state lawt and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN PM, FROM 8:00 AM - 5 /P/ 5e crv o **+****** * * * * * * + + * * * t * * + + + + + 't + + + t * + + ++ *** i+ *+***+ ******** ****** *** ****** ******** *{.*****{'**** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Sbtement *******,***+*+**+*++**++*++++++++i+++++*+**++***+****'t********'tt******tr*+***+'tr't {.**** ** ***f**{.* St.atement Number: R00000291G Anount: gS09.2S Oe/2L/2OO2LO:25 AM Payment. Method: Check fnit: LC Notation: #7112/Concept MechanicaL Permit No: P02-0087 Type: PLIIMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2L0tt22!50L2 SiTE AddrCsA: 4166 COIJI'MBINE DR VATIJ 'I,ocaLion: 416 6 COIJUIVTBINE DRIVE Total Feea: $509.25 This Payment: $509.25 Tot,a1 AL,L Pnts: $509.25 Balance r $0.00 *****************,t****ji*jl.***,1******{.r.*******'}*****+**f,++****t*+**{.,t*********************t *t * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curnent Pmts PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES i01.25 PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLUMBING PIRMIT FTES 4O5.OO |/,]C OO1OOOO31128OO I,JILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO MWNOFVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 a' IN COMPLETE VATUATION FOR PTUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) umbing Contractor:Town of Vail Reo. No.:tHp Contact and Phone #'s: PLUIVTBING: $ 2U TOO. W- Contact Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above)o2lot'l a2 l9.bra Job Name:fu1,+nJi,*- fQrci& o* o Job Address:ol ri , 0 t-At ^, k n,, \r.'.*e- Legal DescripUon mt' [8 Block:Filing:Subdivision: i}1", ho-n S*, owners Name: Jr-M p^ak.- ll nddressQpr. Bnx \-lqo v{Jk*' ll Phone:41-gq- I \q+ tnsineer:('1"63e6\-t0ec-k"^:,lltAddress:Poitrer\[Lq, A-l,,rt lliEniLr.,u-4.oa.or-: Detaifeddescriptionof work: {!e* AAd 4/rr- ell*ih1na hll*lt. t Rru,rl^tn rMaltr , in*' VttJ- 'ai) iu/,',1;,-,^ h+A/ot tLn^n. (J IJ WorkClass: Newft Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-fami[ ]$ Duplex( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:Q?No. of Accommodation LJnits in this building: (>? Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No (A *************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:Acrepted By: Planner Siqn-off: RECD JUL 1,6 2oo2 d<_ ars F/everyone/forms/plmbperm t. Town ofVailSurvey - Gommunity Development Department Russell Foneit, Director, (970) 47s-213s Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfinent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmental _ Housing_ Admin _ Planning _DRB _ FEC A p t r,. t tl Was your initial contact with our stafi imrnediate no one available ? slow nr i 4 Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf you were required to wai{ how long was it before you were helped? lf no, why not? Was this your first time to file a DRB app- PEC app Bldg Permit N/A Please rate the performance of the stafi person who assisted you:54321Name: (knowledgq responsiveness, availability) Overall effectiveness of he Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Seruice Counter? 9. Any commenls you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttme? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are commited b improving our service- 7. 06-20-2003 InspecUon Reque.st Reportlng Page 5 A$-u----- - vrul- co -rowr br - Reouerbd lnsocct D!b:' lnsp€cdon Area: Slte Addrecr: Frld.y, June 20, 2083 4IOC COUJTSNE DRVAL ltl00COLUm|NE ArPn lnlbrm.tlon AcJrfiy. B{E-(I2OZ Type: &ButLD SnbThe: ASFR Shtr3: ISSIED ConstType: _ _ Occuprircy: [6e: VN krcpAm: CD osihr: PARKS. ThTIOTHY c. ApDtlclnt HILL CONSTRI CTIOiI, ltlc Fhona: 32&22tto erntrrclor: Hfl.L COilISTRt CTION, hlc Phon : 3a&220O D3scflcuon: RETrcDEUADDfiION TO EXXSTII.JG RESF€I.ICE Corn,n nt eagm: STRUCTU L DRAWhIGS ROUTED?OPtAl,|'rllttl(i. C}|ARLIE AIDLEOMRD- CDAV,IS COMM.NI 7NryOA: ROt,TED REVISED DRAWI'IGS TO PLAT.S.IT\|G AID C}URLIE FOR REVEW POSStsLEY iIAY I,IEEO A,I|oT}ER DRB AFPRO/A. DRA APPLEATIOiI CAffi IN WOI.|T C}ECK FOR C}|ANGE TO APPROVED PI.ANS. ALLISOITI ACCEPTED TtlE 6 SEfI' OF ORAWllGli, 3 WERE STAITfEO FoR BLOG AM) 3 FOR PLAr.lnmrc? - LCAIFEELL D Rcqucrt?dTlmer 0E:00At ' Pllono: 3?&22$ Entsr.d Br Dfl-oRES K / W( os/&,'1ttrrruf,, 0&09(E hspmr: ccbft'- \ ,,4c0on: i,lOttlOTFlED Comrmil3: gonn fnncctolr p.fi0frnd.t$6cd (FrHhls lEye D..n l|Ibnltbdblhs Tom rcvbt|g sfucnml foufiffihwori.'fs/l?V, hto.tb:'tfirdr Ac0oo: PIPARTL'TLIIISPECT0|cotm|]rb: Pattof fo||n&lbfi cilL, wrxs Nfrun htDrdr JFil, Ar0on: Pl PARTIA,| INSFECTI COMMeNb: AFPRCIA/EO ilAIN ROC'M, F/P TGARTH, EASETENT AREAON.Y 0904m hrD€cbc ocD Ac$on: APAPPROVED Co'|iltoni.: REST OF FCXTDA.NON /qPMCUED. }.|€ED EI,|G TETTER RE DETAT- B/S5 FOR EARAGE B|-txlFrrr{no FAop|ouoct * 01Hy&l -ln 9.cloc cfilili Aclbn: APAPPROI/ED iffi' flHffi,ruEf. L.erfiom Wftrt|tns CommG: EffiJ FRtlihlc APPRo\/EO Ofi TO hftsutlrE.O1/l7m ll.p.clor: GCD Adoo: PAP RTI/ILAFPRCn'A COttTItJilr: UPSTAIRS RREPLACE FMIffI.IG APPR. ENTRY WALL FRAlfr.E AFPftOl/ED oN( FOR 8TO[€.lbnr: 50 ELDc'l|l|ubtbn - Apfio,ed * EnAm Inspelor: CCD co0rfllarlr: EHU Wz$n |r}spcc?or: gCD A0{on: APAFpROI/ED Co{InFnts: MAIN l-lOt SE. C||( TO ROCK.l5n: 80 BLDO-Stsbock f{rd " Aptrot Bd " IA2sNZ lrl3p.clor: cdrrrb'' Adon: lfrNOTRE DYrcRIIISPECTIOIiI Commonb: ConDlcbr cuEdLd rnll rocchedub fof nst fiy 12l3f}/A2 lnsclor: OCD A.ilon: PAPARTIAI AFPROVAL Comrncnts: EFIU t NlT. Ol( TO FIMSH. (y2/2903 In$.dffi c&rA rqchn: APAI'PFOT/ED NOl[$ noE)p: tJ \e lnroac0on Hlrbry bmr 10 ELCICiFo('dn@'Sbol A/01/m- hwector:bm: 20 BlDG-FountbllonTs:lrcl - ltam: 3[) Comm.nt PW r*.hred Rcyoc.bh Rhfitsd-Wsy t omrn lD.r Lsndd) . DR}IOADES Comm.d: REVOCABLE RIGHT OF WAY PERIiilT STLTREOI.MED. GARY Til-L WAITII.|G, TO RECET,E FROTT OII'ITER,. DRHOADES Coffin r|t ROTITEDTOCIORLEAI@ FOR RA'EI'U/APFROVAL. DFLORES Rcqu..bd Insoadod{rl \ f rem; 60 eLDG+rnarJ j( -Roqrcor: t&iffISTBL{cTtff | Corim.ntr: 3$3lrcr- ", | , ^*bH.Ii: ,Rr\5fc,,Al- FLOOR POI'IIi{G ot'ER WALL A.Ibn: PAPARTIAL APPROI/AI. REPT131 Run Id: 1108 ixi-2F2003 Inspectlon ilequest Reportlng _s-5!_sL____: _____JA!L*CCJO$.IIOE_ -_It€tn: 70 FLDC'-Mlsi. 10io,4ft2 lnspeclor: cdavts Coanmer,b: Consullalixl ,qctjon: i.lO FnnFilED Windlng shir$.1€a.lkrg to lo{f hval must be re$i||t to otbln mtnlmum 5' at the ruirormt polnt o{Ms or reb{riH E alra acr4rd,rq lo tfsld apprond dnltdng*Ms or reb{riH E alra acr4rd,m b tfsld apprond d''ldnqs O.K^ !o bulld s windorv s6al in kfr be<rnoonr'thd h a mhlfium 36' wld€ to bs u$sd Es s 9.p to €dr€s lrlnd{t slll hebht ts oY Siil helght ls oyef 44t du€ to for$ ass€riltr{y Ot/1.$'$3 lmD€ctor: GCD Acihn NO SIOTFIED mmefttg: PRIMARY ELECT RCTJGH REOD BEFO,FE PART}AL FRA Commefttg: PRIMARY ELECT RCTJGH REOO BEFOFE PARTIAL FRAT'IF}G. R')IJGH FIREP!-ACE tN{ipECTlOtl REOD"R')IJGH FIREP!-ACE tN$pECTlOtl REOD" STORAGE IN UPPER LTVEL REOS Pl.AhI[IhIGAPFROVAL 02/24l(B lmp'Ec1or: C'CD ArSa,n: l.nNO'fFED Commsryls: IUB lS 33 1/? AT GREATEST DElLtlNSlCLl OfFSET. 3 |VATER CLOSETS ARE 14'TO CENTER LINE F-ROM TU8, OFF SE'T C!-OSET FLAT.TGES TIAY BE IISED TO GAIN CO'OE cofilPltAitcE. 04,'2203 lmpector: JRM Anbn: l'lOF{OTlFlED Commenh: REzuILT STAIRS, M€T W COT.ITRACTOR ON HANDRAIL 2 1i4 INCH [IAX. ANO CTEARANCE FROM I,VALL REO.D . FIANDRA|| MTJST BE FEruR}.IED TO WAIL OT.I T€RMF.IATE AT IIEWEL POST. Itom: nem: llsml It€m: fbm: ItBm: 90 BLDG.FI'IoI 2t PLA'+|LC Founddbn Ptsr 22 PtAI$ll-C She Pbn . EADHDV$ '|*12tfr&, Insp€ctor: ' itd G€ftri€fi Fcton: APPR APPROVED CommsnB: Framlnq ILC s33 PLAI{-TEMP. CrO - r 54) SLDfe.RnslC/O i -..tr, C,.i.. r- \ .-5.{) 8l-DCe"FlnslCJO r' ...'.. r-.. ,- \ f,34 P|-AI.!-FiNAL c/o L '\\ \ \'d, \r-'-.. 06119/0S lnsp€dor Wanen Atrthn: iltDENE& - ''i "* , Comm€nis: Fhishlll l8nd3caplr{{ollt{rrMoildily'P.lllffiDhc0ixr i'f ' I \1 \'\ . : '.t REPT131 Run rd: 1108 /6 / ?rt frl?fli- '*mf"Hffi$fi"&1l Pase27 Req|esEd lngp€ct Ofb: Thureday, Jum 10, 2lxl3 Insp€s'lron A,Br: JRil Slh Ark ret3r f{66 COUrtEl{E DR VAIL .3t66 COLUilB|NE DR|\E ArP,D Inlbn rUon ApDlhant:Cdndor Dr8crf,flon: ReouastedlnEDogtbnf rl 01nffi ComlroE: F{/2.W7 Tlpc: SPLlltB occupoifra: PARKS. TlI'OTttY C. COi.ICEPT MECI{ANICAL. IFS srbTffi: ASFR Sitdi!3: IrppAru: flgsrrED JRM Phone: 97$94${1200 @l.lCEPT I'EC]UNICAL, il.E Pfpnc 97D9#]-(E00 SET AnD TRIM PLUr/EStlG Fl,lTt RES. ROt cl.FlN WATER VENT AnD cAS PFhIG FOR l.lEW l{Ot|€ 220 PLilSRoudYD.W.V. -ApDorrcd"lais'lffZ lru9ecior gCD Acdon: PAPARTULAPPRqT T Cortm.rdr: Etfl,, WATER COLUlitrl TEST OlmfirJ kED&r:co|rundtr: APPRCI/ED Aclbn: CR@RRECTICINREOI..MED I.EVET LEA( N IAT,TIFRY/EATH AREA KITCICN S$rI( DRitIil TO MlS.lTAl.l lr4'Pm FOOTGRAD€. AcIm: APAFPROI,ED IOFTHEAD liom: Zt)FI.IER tERo||drfwrit 1?tXlr0{ lnsorc lmlftiE lnsorctor: GCD Adonr PAPARTU{-APPROVAL Cornmqris; EHJ WATERFFE 80 pd AIR TEST. Oomm.r$: 0l/l{/(B ln$ccbr: GCD mn r{3: PRhlARYS0od,Y s,9{48 TEST r.ro n B SfiOWER VArvEs A.[on: PA PARTIALAFPROVA hom: 240 f{-}GGrPblm orylzm IEb lcm: 2fo Lm: 260 Actlon: CR CORRECT|OT{ REOIJRED Co|nn.|ilr: 1.R WRE RE@ FOR SECOIOARY I'MT, WUNIT GASPIPE lS NOTINTREI.ICHO PIPE ls NOT lN TREI|CH Oil SOUT}I SDE OF H.f,Drr|G t€ED TO l5n 29() PLUeftU ll Azd f,7 _ Requ.ebrlTlmc: 0lr00Pil OZ -O2/g: Pironc: 970-9.tF@00 Erl.|sdry I)FI.ORES K cot{FRlt t8"DEPfi.(pt3/Ul h.lecior: crJrt/b A.ilonr APAPPRCIT,ED Coflurnt: trrro Hn.r hbd or 6(t alrt rt llll3lul, loffior; clcD Acllm: PApAT'IiILATPFOU|L Cortmrtu EI.ICK lRol.l GASPIPE FROlyt UNDERGROt I,ID STIffJP TO $$BDE BlttDl.lO FOR TEI$PC)RARY HEAT. zpel METER 3oed TEST. FSTED Tre. 1?JoEfrP firlgscbf: GCD Adoor PAPARTIALAPPRO'AL Coilndi$ GASPIPE FOff EHU l6DgI AIR TEST. 01r1{O0 loiDeclor: cCD Acdon: PAPAtfllflPPRCf,rlL CoflNdI.: FRIMARY INffi AlR TEST TAG ISSI,ED. Pl-ilBFool,HotTub PLtiB.lilrc. REPT131 Rrn Id.: 1098 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Project Namei Parks Residence Changes DRB Number: DRB030142 Project Description: Changes to approved plans. The mechanical space found in the crawlspace added BB.4 square feet of GRFA to the home. The attic spaces were lower than five feet in head height and therefore did not count as GRFA. All chanqes are boubled. Pafticipants: OWNER PARKS, TIMOTHY C. 05/05/2003 Phone: PO BOX 1790 VAIL CO 81658 License: APPUCANT Fritzlen Pierce Architects 05/05/2003 Phone: 476-6342 1650 E Vail Valley Drive C-l Vail, CO 81657 License: Project Address: 4166 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Location: 4166 Columbine Drive Legal Description: Lot: 18 Block: Subdivision: BIGHORN SUB Parcel Number; 2l0tL22l50l2 Comments: See Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second Byr Vote: Date ofApproval: 05/2312003 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for buiHing. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Goo) (eoo(ffirzoo) Pcrmiftcdslopc lO y, v.r. / No ' Y",-y' No 2) Floodplain 3) \Yctla-uds I Proposcd stopc 1 lQ , < b7. or,.r--5-€ zoNE CHECK tion: Lot 8.lock ____ -1_ Fi ling Addrcss Orncr Arch itcc r Lot sirc Pbonc Phonc Proposcd usc Buildablc arca Allorvcd Existin s . proposcd Total Rcmaining srqrC'rrcRFA +(.125)(675+)=- - . 4A1 = qei -73 GilU '- + 6'15 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition (30x33) Front Sidcs Rcar Rctaining Wall Hciglts Parking Caragc Crcdit 3'16' 3 Encloscd 4) Wdtcr Coursc Sctback (30) 5) Gcologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Rocldall c) Dcbris Florv Pro'ious condidons of rpproval (chcck propcrty filc ok ls thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: Docsthisrcqucsrinvorvca2soAddirion? Mfut/u4.dl ir no Lrlor ehg$le +, ?,5: ry Horv much of tlc atloivcd 250 Addition is uscd wirh tlis r.qu.stl > l ? ' t 5' S ilundnn,"co'crasc M +s'let+ A5?( 3rASl * S,2tlD =32uo Hcigbt 1)ern'n'o**' 7, t\_ 20, 9o-'r5' gV, Wt' r\)on. carlr^t^q ry 5o' 6rc &wJ+ dS7*a. cortfv',^a'.r' --Lros 7tus ?h *, _ApK hndscaping b0'[ ivrinimum 1rI.,0Z nquir.A 5 Drircvay Conrplics rvith TOV Lighting Ordingncg Arc finishcd gradcs lcss tlan 2:l (50%) Enrironmcntal4le".tds \iJ., *f ry &,8*[) a '.s1dr"331bjn .l r'r1i$i r'i.''3 $.'' , .\ 1l l; :1. - -r'." , +'.;' r.*l' ; l'','l ;t frr f.r'- suoux!qs5l leld ttl**n ,l cdol5laperg cltg uotlcJuuoc ,fEJeD ', ! e'rjil,.!q!.uocreE/qcacl (9) sSoeq:ea6Tscaeg . ssa3ov,blrq ' . llJ 'F,\i't/'tlr"r ',, 'ra. ': ' tBSl$,tWs 1rJtrr.. ' . (cpe.6 pue ssrme) rrm.n;['i'lii-. i "' ":j i x' ii 't- (1t.\'': : ' .. a. ^ t.s 1;.\lnFst3urftfu1r:t b. o' \ -> f!: iral!'r | , .,- l,-a ' . ./t., 1, J t -!a \ r 1ih9!, i..' , (?unosnp'ur1159irr|11 I ,: 1.. scpuy cpeq5lung -'"]-,'.&*sgbb ' rsrlduss pualeur ?wplng "rtsfit&dd . rroJ uortsf,gg*tldn (s:p v) uiarl"ntt 1r.ir..*m-, .n"' n^.idaf qg*' r.1rrrvit r.oc 'l=;. - 'lli ^orooY qPqo l?;. t-I'o1 .. "..(i r, ,'-.C; t'. vj-rri,r.ri .ll 11.' ..ll"qt'r'.-l ,' i{ ri ? qrEqlcs :t-t: slucunlf,Pojf,uS ------: tqSng Surfpng ''t n4r,,*: ctRJS ! | r). NV-rd SIrs D r l'sicripcsodo:.r '' r suoqEAclc lDdS -.-;-q -r . at" t.- scrq f;uqsnxS t,: :fl1dadv3soNvl D i) :qrl!dJoou s[Ep.lP],,\ivoloJ "t""},[1,. suoqetol ,(1rr11 seaJI sprs'zsg 1e uaruubnrug :tr?qlcs csmoc lJlsr't\ unld goog .rd gg1 {qdefodol sluJrussB:l E rvstqsplln8 czrq lo.1 .: uoudFscp lsi3.I - .i :IJEUTqJUJB sNouv^sls cIyFJns F..,J .nHA-- . )?, 3tE0S illl\^l^rer3 -vrrro rqjq+ple6q2ii"-- ; r') **6-^r.l .^{' i'1,. 5 trf,l crr-r,it'YcI?'--; "to,l'. clsrs ' ,I !' JJ'lag i clcrs ,l3^tns D a 9r,.,.', ,^, I 'rt1-1 i.."...>.'.,' !.,r r\. r.(". : -. =-;:lmfo:4 . ISITXf,fl{J;$XIASUNSISSC r0r4il\,t) Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.21 39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us General lnformation: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Descriptionof theRequest:--CSA\9*5-_19--z!ry39_LqP_--BASL- Location of the Proposal: Lot: lD Block:.- -- Subdivision:Fto*cPq Physical Address:4\Vb Coqj$6l}\€ gplVE Parcef No.: 2lol - l2z- lSolL (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: TNO FAl^tL{ P€s\DEH'ltr.t- Name(s) of Owner(s): __]JltBEa Mailing Address:P.o. Eox t Owner(s) Signatu re(s): Name of Applicant: MailingAddress: la6S e. VAlt VAUEY I>FVE +FAr.Ptp€'F -VA[4-co - E.mailAddress:lSE€_VAUABe$!1EClEi-@_t4_Fax: Type of Review and Fee: . Signs . Conceptual Review . New Construction . Addition . Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) . Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) . Changes to Approved Plans . Separation Request 1to - 11b .4ol $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Dtr'FIVtrN For Offlce Use Onlv: i*p"iJ' -j-ti'' cnxxno.: ll(t04 Application Date: Planner: By:- ,, a l\,)t'lrlri, lr, \l\ \r\1, 1\rI -Willl,rfr) I lit'r{1, ,\lir|rii'r I llrr,rrr,is R. i)u lirir, .\rr lrilr.r I $1('l)h ri{' l, 'lri lrrjrrr:,rrr, {nlri{r'r I l),rvirl {},rrlllr. ,\rr lrit|r I l.,ttirt I |'.lirt*:, ll(rr'i1 rri r i\'1,lrl,ttr \ LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL FRITZLEN PITCT ARCH ITECTS VAIL, COLOMDO Re: Date: To: From: Shop Drawings X Other Monday, May 5, 2003 Ceorge Ruther, TOV David Baum, FPA Columbine Residence Tim Parks, Owner Please Find: Progress Prints Specifications Plans CC: Attached , ftem l!9, i1 I No, of Copies , .Dggcriplig1 3 Revised drawings for the changes to approved plans submittal The ltems Listed Above Are: X For Review and Comments For Your Use As Requested Returned After Review Other Remarks: Ceorge: I have enclosed a complete list of the changes made with our revised application. lf further clarification is required, we are happy to meet with you at any time to discuss any issues you feel necessary. Sheet A101 r Catch basin re-located from center of drive to west side . Exterior walkways are now heated, stamped concrete r The southern exterior patio between the EHU and main house is no longer paven but flagstone r The drive is no longer pavers but now heated, exposed atgregate concrete . UtiliW metem are now located on the east wall below the eastern stair 1{,ill lJ,"l \'Jil VJill'\ l}fr:r'. l.rilr}{it{ i '1 l'.rri ( i \l, ,r,t{i', il1(;l.' l): rj ji..ll{, i) i l.l l ' ir:1j .J lr ll]i)l l: illr, ri:'i)i;iij,rr, Jrjl,', rt r ltr \\rr!.\irl,lrl Jti{r.t l: r ( rirl l\ \'!l:l;f ( 1 , I I I i I ) I \ i I r i , li|:,t,111|, ri.(.lI rr,:lr, rrrr|,rrr.r,',1{. )\,\{,,1( lr,tir,i i.tlr rl{ ), FRITZLEN,,Q., ARCH ITECTS VAIL, COLOMDO Sheet 42O1 . Provided a slab on grade at all crawlspaces . Revised the mechanical crawlspace layout o Deleted a CMU support wall south of the east stair Sheet A202 o Revised the glass wall to the east of 201 o Added a window to the west of 207 Sheet 4203 r Revised the entry in the master suite to incorporate a stone archway Sheet A204 Deleted the chimnev above the master Changed the roof pitch above the master and the master bath Revised the roof above the west bedroom E't,E2 &E7 Sheet A207 o Provided attic storage above rooms 305 & 308 o Provided attic storage above rooms 3't 5, 316 & 317 . Provided attic storate above room 320 Sheet 4302 r Revised the chimney cap on 1 r Elimination of the diagonal bracing above the east end of the garage door on 1 o Elimination of the diagonal bracing under the shed dormer on 1 o Revised the chimney caps on 2 . Deleted a chimnev on 3 o Revised the chimney caps on 3 . Added the large diagonal bracing on 3 . Revised the window trim on the 3 square windows on 3 o Deleted a ridge beam on 3 r Revised the chimney cap on 4 Sheet A303 o Revised the chimney cap on 1 . Added the window to the north of the French doors on 1 . Deleted a chimnev on 1 . Stepped the Fascia above the west door on 2 Details o Revised the handrail \ " I :. \ ril L ' 1,,, r,i rlr"' l ,r \r ] r.',l,ll I tr,1r I r,.11r1ll { irli11,.\ r 1,rl lrir\'' t'. !,r)! i\ \i\\ |,rrllrt lrr11.l.,,,ll . ueleteo tne cntmnev aDove the mas v, Changed the roof pitch above the n l/. Revised the roof above the west ber . SheetA206 u.l lU\rld r Provided open storage above rooms lr'- FRITZLEN,,Q., ARCH ITECTS VAIL. CQLORADO r Revised exterior lighting, see attached Thank you for your continued efforts, please feel free to call with any questions or comments. David Baum, FPA Stone Pattern and sample, Vogelman Brown Farmers Rock Window Cladding, Quaker Bronze, Semco Standard New handrail IFRrrzrENl l'''-"1 -1 FRITZLEN,,Q., ARCHITECTS VAIL, COLORADO Roofing Material Sample Carage Door Similar Chimney Cap a l\ri't Frl'l\',r \14 \rr'lrlrrt V willi,rr) L f'ri ft\,. \rrlrilril I htrrrar R. L)Lr lirrl:, An lritr,.'.t 5lrplrani,., l,,r.f l\)lrn$ {r, A||lritrr.i D)ri(i B.iurir,,\r(trili,, i li.rtirv | 1t'.lirtga, Busir u:ss ,\{,ru.rrlr LETTER OF TRANSMITTAT Friday, May 9, 2003 Ceorge Ruther, TOV David Baum, FPA Columbine Residence CC: Tim Park. Owner Aftached Please Find: Progress Prints Specifications Plans Shop Drawings X Other FRITZLEN PI t ERC ARCH ITECTS VAIL, COLORADO To: Re: The ltems Listed Above Are: X For Review and Comments For Your Use As Requested Returned After Review Other Remarks: Ceorge: I have enclosed the revised Landscape Plan for the residence at 4166 Columbine Drive for your review. Sheet 1101 :The single aspen outside the main entry door has been replaced with a single, Multi- stem Canada Red Cherry, reducing the quantity of Quaking fupen from 11 to i 0, but maintaining the total number and specified size of deciduous trees. The mix of plantings in the riparian area has been revised to include more naturally occurring species, including Chokecherry, Chokeberry and Serviceberry in lieu of the Emerald Mound Honeysuckle previously specified, though the quantity and size remain unchanged. I l5r) [I5l V,lil Valh,v llrir*-", | ;llridgc C-], Vail, (hl, 'r.1d() 811i5: P: !7{ J...17h {i,i4l f: lr;{ ,.47(). {9t}'i Ir ir]11)@)vdilJrdlitcrtts cI)nl rr,"'vr,r, r,ailar<:ltitr"tlr.r'(}r rr (:Vi1li ' {.lrrhlnrlrinc R*sidr-'nr;r"Grnr:spr rixl*rr*'\T{)V\{,iR T*rur r;rP ls.cl,ir: FRITZLEN,, T., ARCH ITECTS vAtt, cotoMDo A mix of Oregon Crape Holly and Serviceberry have been chosen to replace the previously specified Purple Leaf Sandcherry, though the quantity and size remain unchanged. Please feel free to call with any questions or comments or if further information is required. 1{ri(l ta:l V.ril Valley Drivr', Fallrirlgr,' (.1, Vril, C(,h.lr,lcl{r li1 1):il P: tJ r-().476.634') f: ();{ } 476.'1q01 [: ink r(g)vailar(:hite(]s.c( ) l wnq,,v,riliirr.-hitcrts.r r rrr r + 't'l 'i** ** * * t"t 'i* + * * * * * | **** *+ * +***,i *,t i ** *** * *** *{.'r** 'r. *,r * *** ++ ** *'r.,ttr {rr*** *+ + ir*,r r * *r, * * * * *,* * + t * {r TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO StAtEMCNt {' ** * + **'t*l' 't lt *'t * *'f 'r * 'l' * 'i * t( 'f+ + ++ *tt f l'tlt* r':rr **+ +t'f * +* ** * * '* {r {' * *r} ** ** *,r*r * *,r ** **+ *i { | rir:r,rr * * *,}**++ * * rr rr statement Number: Ro3ooo3919 Anount: g2o.oo 05/06/2OO3O5;25 pM Palmen!. Method ! Check Init, : iIAR Pierce Notation: I16G4 Fritzlen permit, No: Parcel No: Site Address I Lrocation: Thia palment,; DRBo3 0142 2toLI22I5012 4 15 6 COIJT'MBTNE 4155 CoLumbine Descriptj on Tl4re: DRB-Chg Eo Appr plans DR VAIT, Drive ToEal Feea: Total AIrL ttnts: $20.00 s20.00 $20.00 Bal_ance: go . oo i' 'l' ** 'l' i( *'i + * *:lt* 'i 'l* * * * + *{' *** tl' t* tt l.tt * * *+ * * {r* * * rN r* + * * rt * ti+ ++ ** *'t*rti,r.*r} ** * + * *** *,f *,r,,i,ir** + * * ,r **,t ri,,., r * * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIthJ FEES 20.00 25123/2093 11:33 97447 6494L o FPS PAGE A2 @ I IAAI i dffi$#kr -.__=_ 4??-?ra , s;rr. AJ (- COLUMBINE RESIDENCE ,aL Odlr-l dt/l utttEOrlElEa vll. crd.ollDo tA p !G olt FR,ITZLEN PIERCE atc.trlac?l y[2:/28s? . tt. 33 _ e7647643]qL v i COLUMBINE RESIDENCE ar o4rflia lllvl t-dt |' tscl tnvg{ vlrL odn E tlpEat FPS PAGE A3 TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEW STAFF APPROVAL o \ AFFAPPROVAL \ 5- ay e.clt' A v i a-eT 3|-5 FRITZIEN PIERCE Alchrrlc?l g'rors' N C - a5]23/2AOs 11.:33 979476494L FPS PAGE A4 o a LINE OF 6EILIN6 AT FORE6RAIN9 i fr.ll|ltr l-- - "r il i'-'^i lrr I TOWN OF \/AIL DESIGNI RFVIEV1I S-l AFI-- AP r-'-',' . oor, 5- ? 3- a@j_^ $err, 4l) c -) COLUMBINE RESIDENCE n couna ffi rol t, 5{olt{ lEr VA. CCIOIADO pA lo llo oot FRITZTEN PIERCE rrctrr?actt qtDF-+ 65/13/2As3 1:33 9744 FPS ( COLUMBINE RESIDENCE ata GqtI|l llil 10tt-lfitll|ol ttL GCld E . tlprboE 76494L o PAGE g5 @ I I i\ T'iOWN OF VAII- DESIGN REtriPyy STrFF l, [:FTrflAL 5- A3-&ooz lnc- 4zr+1 sl FR.ITZLEN PIERCE rrclltllc?l - I tta r(t t irt <J ta-rfl--Sa rLir F.rD \\l , a5123/2A93 \LL:33 97A47649AL -1--------r o \\I FPS PAGE O5 a I I t \ @ I I TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEW Q- .. r:r- i r:.?n\/AL DAr 5-a3- a@s cr,, 4rJC FRITZLEN PIERCE ltclrtttcrt COLUMBINE RESIDENCE a3 cattSa d tSTa,ECalEYq va|. 6lr'c 6 p pl]s.E l{av O5 O3 l1: OSa Chandlcr &Henrv r 970 | 328 - 1639 GADL4 copper 6ADI4.AC HanO'Oafted coppor . :2 Volt . ZO watt maxlmum (10 watl included) r T3 '-amp . Slandard 4x4 Post mount Hourlng - Hand'lormed solid c{pper. Bra$ screws and linial' Finlalt- Natulal copp€r wilh han+appllsd o'\lde coating will age narurallY to a fine Pdtlna. Lonr PolY€oongls rol'ec{ive lens RalloctoF Ficld adiuetBblg, four'sided nouse'3icle shieid allowo lght distributlon on 1 , 2, 3 or 8ll 4 sidss' 3oct.t - Bi'Pin iYPe {G4) WlllDg* Pre-!,t/ked wlih a 6-tl. pigtall anc Quick conneclor Tor easy hogkup lo rhe suppty cabte iriirt uL, cUL Lirlod. L- ---r $IAFF - 8870.rS 'DL 7 I ' a Ll s7a-1o Ett-I. tAAtL I't-fD. 887 t-r 5 i ) \t I Outdoor Woff Lontern effi 8870-rS lwhite Finish Solid Brass 887044 | Weathered Copper Finish Solid Brass 8810-98 | Brushed Stainless Finish Solid Brass I Clear Seeded Glass Size: Width: 8" Height | | /J' Extension: 9" Height from Center of Outlet Box: 61/2 " Wattage: One (M) l00w max. Clear Bulb Recommended. I OutdoorWall Lontern 887 l-'|2 | Black Finish Solid Brass 887 r-t! I whhe Finish Solid Brass 887 t44 I Weathered Copper Finish Solid Brass 88l r-98 | Brushed Stainless Finish Solid Brass I Clear Seeded Glass 8871-98 mvu[ oF Srze.' Wottoge: Width: I l/r" Heirht 15 %" Extension: 13 %" Height from Cenilr of Outlet Box 9" One (M) l0ow max. Clear Bulb Recommended. / h - ?ro] $TAFF: @ Design copyright Sea Gull Llghrlng Products, InG. PAGE 30, TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 F,tx 970-479-2452 www.ci.yail.co.us May 20, 2003 Fritzlen Pierce Architects c/o David Baum 1650 East Vail Valley Drive, Fallridge C-1 Vail, CO 81657 Re: Parks residence changes to approved plans, located at 4166 Columbine Drive/Lot 18, Bighorn Subdivision Mr. Baum, This letter is being sent to inform you of several items which are need to complete the review of your application for proposed changes to 4166 Columbine Drive. Staff visited the site and requests that the following items be submitted in order to complete the review of the application. On sheets 4-206 and A-207 you identify that the proposed attic spaces are less than 5 feet in height. Please provide cross-sections of these areas so that I may verify the heights are less than 5 feet in height as they will count towards your remaining Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) if they are greater than 5 feet in height. Statf has determined that the mechanical space which is within the existing crawlspace is greater than 5 feet in height and will count as GRFA. Staff calculates this area to be 88.4 square feet. Please examine lhe area and if there is disagreement please submit a drawing showing the area which is 5 feet or greater in height as measured lrom the soil under the slab to the bottom of the floor ratters above. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 479-2148. Please submit this information al your earliest convenience. I will be out of the office from May 27 to May 30 if you should have any questions during this time period please leave a voice message and I will return your call. With regards, lilw Warren Planner ll Cc:File {g *""o*or r* ^-. U IOI4'N#M Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us Project Name: DRB Number: DR8020240 Pror€ct Descriptionr Changes to approved plans Partlcipantst OWNER PARKS, TIMOTHY C. 07/25/2002 Phone: PO BOX 1790 VAIL CO 81658 License: APPUCANT Fritzlen Pierce Architects 07 12512002 Phone: 476-6342 Bill Pierce 1650 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 License: ProjectAddress: 4166 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Locationt Legal Description: Lot: 18 Block: Subdivision: BIGHORN SUB Parcel Number: 210112215012 Comments: Approved per plans submitted and dated BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approvah 0812912002 Conditions: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PlxN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Pald: $2o.OO Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. DescriptionoftheRequest: FrEN oF a\lA{Cfs U(rftEED c{tkl: Location of the Proposal: Lot: lD Block:_ Subdivision: 9€*\otaN PhysicalAddress: +1C26 AoLU}4BII€, ptNe Parcel No.r z;lol- lLz- l;olL (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: TNO fAHtLY FE6IDEN-IIId- Name(s) of owner(s): Tll.t FAtt<E, Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: 0 TOI/|IN E-mailAddress: DB,\Lltr@VAtLAGCHt1a1sFax: rt1o .+1A -.tqol .cot1 Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review n New Construction tr Addition tr Minor Alteration $250 (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration $20 (single-family/duplex) { ChanSesto Approved Plans $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $20 No Fee Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting. window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff orRl€ C E I V E D tr Separation Request Design Review Board. t\wt 7lr4L JLlt i' l, ;ijil2 PBt3U26a2 68:15 91647Jt lrrln rri!?i,.{r.,nln ,\l..ti i"r-r !t'rllii'ir' |. i'ir..r ..\ri.liiir",:i 'ih,tr!rJt N. I-lI ilrir. \ra:iritlt(i Slli)jr,tnjn ! r.'xj..l,,iiir\,,,. \r(.trii.idJ i );r'riiJ linrr!r!. .\!'( irltf., I li.rliilr !.tr,ilirrin. !ir rti;!+,r. ,r,i :r'r.r r:r r FAX COVER SHEET FPS PAGE O1 Datel To: Re: $ender: CC: Thursday, August 29, 2fi)2 Georye Ruther, TOv Tim Parls, Owner Columbine Residencr David 8aum, FPA Fih FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS VAlf (999&iDO 970,479.2452 97o.479.1222 Far: For: You should eceive 2 page(s) including tttir *G, (970D 476-6342 Ext12, George; Thank you for your qukk response to nryiar yesterday. I have enclosed a compls6 list of the changer made wjth Our rwised application. lf further clarificadon is rcquired, we are t "ppy t" *** with you at any lirne to discuss any isues you feel necessary. Sheet LtOl,r f liminated_the.glass pa\rcls on the eastern drivervay. rt ir our belief that with a Type r EHU,we are entided b a redrrtion of landscape area Vy 5%, * indtcrted by the Torvn of Vail. Thercfore, we are required to provrde SS% of the iie arcr as hnOscape area. We believe we o(ceed this standard. sh€et A1O1 ' Added a heated concreE walhivay in frcnt of dre prages fmm the main entrance to the southeast stair.r Onnged the snowmdt pxvsrs m a heated mncreE walk at tfie patio between the EHU and the Great Rorom SheetA201 r Rwisions to the foundation between grid lines A! and A6, AA and AG (no longer crawlspace, but slab on gade).r Relocated act6s to the crawlspec€ below kitc-hen and nraln enby.r Added +/- 30 J.f. CRFA within the build able area to accommodate mechan;cal equipment ! Door i01 is revised for less than 12 s.f, of atceso,r Stone foundadon ar EHU reduced tirough Value Engineerlng. Sheet A2O2 r Doon A1 and ,{3 revere Swing . Numerous interiol finish changes Sheet 4203 I Windorrys F21 , e17 , F22. and 818 rryerc rovised '| Liil |,ri i'.i tr ".itii,,t i J,, ;., i.!.1,i,Ji.. i "i i.lil r..' r::{.t.r' I l,' ..',.: l,; i."i. ,: :r r...ri ..1:/ | .f';J.:t::t. .t:ri;i I irttrvl.l 'r':t.!,.:r" iir- 't,,.'.,' r,.!,,,i,.,,jl i.ii, |,irh.i:.I1 i.r, [.riril;' , !"-..i,:r!r:rjri,,.iir..,ir r..r r.1..t;i,r,..Lrr"..l!rUth...t:{3,,r,\i.rl! IFRTTZLEIII lP'ERcEl tt fl 68136/2882 88:15 s7a47l''at FPS PAGE g2 FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS vAll coroR^Do Ooon A6, Ag, and A10 have been revised fiom French doors O sliden Sheet 4204 r l4ajor dormer on nofth and rou0r side over tarage revisd from elebrows to sheds.r Flat roof and drain added abore western unit" Sheet 4302 r ? ; Elcbror,v dormet feyised to shed dormer r 1; Added stone header above window Fl3 r 1 : Eastern wrll of orErior stair rwised from stone to wood siding . 1: Windows beloy dormer revised to eliminate arch top r 2: Southern dormers rwised from eyebrows to sheds r 2: Wndoivs belolv dormer r€vised to eliminae arch top r 2: Stone wainsmt r€duced on rcuth elevrtjon betriwengtd lines A2 and A5 r 2r Doors A2 , A4, A5 rsircd b eliminate arch mp windol,v r 2: Sbne bebw deck eliminated in favor of shrcm o 3: Stone tntween AC and AG rcduoed from fullwall to wainscot r 3: Windorivs Wl,W2, Fl9 and F2O revised to eliminab arch top . 3: Wndonr Fl, F4, and F5 revisd for wood herders o 3: Door A3 rcvisd b eliminab erch rop SheetA303 r l: Sbne and siding beforv deck eliminated in favor of *ucoo r I : Door A1 |er/ised to eliminab arch bp r 1: Dorrner revased to odend full lengdr of second floor balcony r 2: Windol 81 revised to cdsemenginsbed of double.hung r 2: Window UZ enlarged for greater arch bp r 2: Roof betncen 85 and EO rwised in elevation ' 3r Sbne beh^€en BB and,8E beonres full height in lieu of wainsco$ tretrcen BE arrd gC, sbne has been eliminaEd r 3: Windows 810, 811. and Bt 2 rcrvised to Grienrenb irstead of double_hung r 4; Siding below deck eliminatd in favor of stucco Sheer 4304 r 1 : sture reduced in favor of stepped wainscot and siding between c,A and cB r 3; sbne reduced b€t\ileten cB and cA in favor of waindot and siding throughout r 4; Stone reducrd in favor of wainscot and siding r 4: Srone below deck eliminabd in favor of 5tu;r 4; Wndoun FlS, Fl6, A6,83,84 and BS radsed forenlarged arch top . 4: Larye lintel above window grouping elimirrabd - Thank you for your continusd effpru, please feel fiec o call widr 7ny questiong or commenB. David 8aum, FPA Buildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other PROPOSED MATERIALS Tyoe of Material @re? *{lxeLe 5or{e: Ap$rJF*{D cu1 vctt€tF, C.BR\f1 TTg CIAD Noop Color tu EHAA|4IR }4CCFE EAF.HblcED tflAlt{, DlungD U'€rtfl -lrurttl>E CIEN' =EAI.ED RTflY RnlY , E/n rvnqnAl- Fctr^rgoD. t^J6D@3tDtNg, N6NEeB.lotlE F/n FAFNt06prptunEp l,\glad + br€D col4Gb. CEFAr"rtc CIAY corFeR 51 ONE : AJT{TANP CIr1 \'ENEFF FAW CDPEEF Ll6l\'1 -rEuJlBrDE NIL gro He: A*$tArD crn rErtRF sEE A-1'lAC+lt€N'1 Lltrtl-r -le$rFlDe Notes! Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of 12102107102 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitl talrb|9,{EftF,l l?- lrJtlfrE FIF n VaFleefieD emco 26 TT^ltiIGE|rtBY $dlel:(rqE ll EHEFAI.D hD. T{OICYgTHE T-I Size zW cxr-. lo'- t+' se'A;v. 5 4r-. 6^u. 9eeru' 5€l+l-. PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS E?T\ISA T.T$T?EF t? FrRPG rlAF E$DaIEFFY lO EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED cp$weFoui lf l(d)rzhz:) bespqouS +1k ") Minimum Requiremenb for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Tvoe i^,rt.bFTDUIEB Square FootaEe fSDo S AftNt' t ru$1Altl HeADolrl Ytt*!tu6 Please specifo other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc,) PageT of 12102107102 o :i*'t ***! **+* +** ******!r*** ****** * **** ++******+* f **r.* ****:r**+*t** +**** ********* ** ** *******+** *** TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Statement *** +1. + * *** *** *** ** * * ** * **** {.** +{.** **** * ** *** ** *** * * + * * * ** !i* ** +* *** tt** * ** * ** ** ** ****+*+++* * ** Statement Nruiber: R000002797 Amount: $20.00 07 /25/2OO2O2:29 PM Pa)ment Method: Check Init : JAR Notation: 1LL82 Fritzl-en Pierce Architect6 Permit No: DR8020240 T)ape: DRB-Chg to Appr PIan6 Parcef No: 2\OLL22L5OL2 SitE Address: 41.66 COLI,I\4BTNE DR VAII., Location: Total Fees: 320.00 This Payment: $20.00 Tota] ALL Pmts: $20.00 Balance: 50.00 * **** * **** **+* *** ** * * *** * * ** ********* * * * ++*** *.******* * *** * **** *** *** **+* *** *{.***,}***** * ** *** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descrr'ption Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVlEli FEES 20.00 'vt lE E,ih hJ l. * * * ** * * * * +* ** ** * * * * ** * * t * * *+ + f ** * ** * * ** * * * * +* * ** + * * * *** * **f ** * * ** * * +* * ** * * * * * * * * + * *+** + * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * * ******* **** *******+**+** ***++* ***** ***r. * ****** * **+********!* * * * * * * +*+ + * * * * ** *,t * * ********* *+ Statement Ntxnber: R000002697 Amount: $550.00 07/09/2OO2O3:21 PM Palment Method: Check fnit : iIAR Nolation: t114sFrit.zlen Pierce Architsects Permit No: DR8020040 Tl4)e: DRB - Conceptual Rewiew Parce1 No: 2!OIL22L5OL2 Site Addrese: 4155 COLIIMBINE DR VAIL Locat.ion : Tot.al Fees: 5650.00 This Payment: $550.00 Total ALL Pmts: $550.00 BaLance: $0.00 * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * ** * * * * * *'1. * * * * ** * * + * * * * 'r * * * * * ********* * + * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * f +f * * * ****:t**** * ACCOIINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DFSiGN REVIEI,J FEES 6s0.00 exP. Agg. ONC.@ Dgcta H1D. totP-V' t,t-lD @ ta" 5- gII<J)I Lt<11 tat. zl ! f a (,{,C,r|lqr ?/ro - TYPE IEIdPTOYEE HOUS'NG UNIT RESTR|CTIVE COVEI{ANJ WHEREAS.+(ir/are -thelwner(s) (1tre otvnof ) of certain gopcrty legnlly described as: commonly known os:fthe Prcpertf[ and WHEREAS. ths ownor wishet to phce oertrln reelrlctions on lhe utc of a unil or aporu.n€nt locabd on lhe Prcperly for lhe benefil of the Owner and the Tom of Val, Cdorado (,lhe Toryr,l. NOW. THEREFORE. the Owner does hereby impo. esteblish, edsprr/.sdge, end declare fur ho beneflt of an perEong who may herelnalter purdEge, or leago, or hdd the rubject land ths foltgwing nggtridionf, . covenents' snd oorditions. all of which shallbe ds€mod to run wih thr land and inurs b tho bondit and be bondfng upon the Orvner. ilg rerpecthn grenlee$. slrocesso.B, and esslgn6. The Employee Hou$lrq Unit (EHU), (I,ntatnlng +3O equare faet, is hereby restricted as r Type I EHU which must complywih allthe povbtm$otchapbr 13. Tite 12 of the Town cod. of Vail as amerrded. Tho Type I EHU shail not be $ubdMded or dlvided fnto any fom of tmo"hares, inrerval ownershb, or fractional fee The Type t EHU shalr be loasad b and ocanpiod by ternnto who arc ful-umc ernproyeee who work in Eagre Qounty' The Typs l EHu Ehdr not bo r€as€d br e Dedod rcs han r,,ny (30t consecutive days. For rhe purpo?s dfis pangnaph, a ful{me orproy'e B one hfio vrorkr an average of a mlnlmum ol thirty (30) hqurE each week on a yaar found basls. Tho own€? of tho Typo l EHU atrarr rent the unil at a monrhry renbr ,'te consistsnt w[h or rcuer rhan rhoso mark€t rabs prevrrsnt ftr tiniilar Fopertiss in tho Tovrn Ths Type t EHu shafl be ont|nuarsry rrnted and shatr not rornain vacant for a pedod to uceed frve (E) csrroc'rive rnwrtlrs, oocupancy of the Type r EHU shafl bs ilmite{, b a m",dmum of hrc pergonc por bedroom. lf the Type I EHU is construc'ted without E dedicated g€rage. e minrmum of serrenty{ve (75) sguarc feer of sbrago area ln addruon to no''''gl cro6ct Gpaco rc recrtrad for the qdu3h,o use of the occrJpanb cf the Typs I EHU. il The Type I EHU shail havo its own qrtnance. The,* ehail b€ no intdrrior acgees from any EHU lo any ClwElling unit to which lt may be attacfied. , fie Type I EHU must contsln a kihhen or kildrenetb and a bathroom, 8' rhe Type I EHU may be eold. lransfened, or convryed aep*ably from ho slngle tamly o, two family dwelllng only ilA is b t b tissd by the Ornerof the Typo I EHU as a p€rman$l,rosidonoe. For the purpose of fiiB parcgraph. a permanent rcsidgncg ehall r|€an the home or place in which one's habitailon h fted and lo which orn, whenever he or ars b ablont has a pn*enl inbntion of retuming afier a departuro or absenca lhorsfrom, re(€rdes6 of tre duraliorr oI abeance' In delcrminlng wtEl 15 a permanent re.ridcnce. ttre Torrn +tafr shal bk lhc ltrllowlng circumgtancer rehting to thg Own€r of lha rpcidence Into d,ount: businogs purtuib,omploymenl incorne sourooE, reddonoo for incomo of otlgr l|x ruiposec, a€|6, merlhl stBuic,reddence of parenls, sparse and dritdren if any, location or pewar and roal property, and Fcvirad Apdl 1E.Am : : i p4otot2 lflillllill lillilllilllllllllllillllllilllfllllllll *fl-1; #],,,.", I Sare J F .fer Easl€, CO 373 R IO.OO D O.OO 1. 4. 5. 6, 7. aIIAaI IOAZ LJa Za )IrJr{I.)$J(,L fl.l(rtr ztJ 9. molor Yohlde rgishafon. Thtrty (g0) days Mor b ts t ans{q of tteed fa tro Type I EHU, the prospodive purctnser shdt subrnit an apprrcaton obhrned from thc community Dovlropm6nr Department, to rh' communily Darelopmenr Depsrtnent d*rmenlng that the pro'p€currs Purchaser tneets the cr'iteri€ sel lorlh herein end rhall include an affdavit afrrmang thet h€r or she mesb hese critorfa. . ; t I t'ro rater than Februry 1 cf each par. the ownor of th€ rype l eHulrrratt submrt hru (2) cofl* of a swom affdavrr on a forrn to be obtahed from tho cqrrrunity Dghrop{a.nt oeparrrnonr ro lha comrhuniu Devdopment Dspartnonl soitlng lbrth evldsnce oEtablhhing lhat tho enrployee harsing unil has boen rented or ownor-ocailpied trnrghant lhq yoer, he rontal rala, lhe employer, and that rhs r6nanl who rosidoe wihin thc c,nplcy"e'housrng unar is a fufi_time employee In Eagl€ County. : The Type I EHU shar be operated and mainbrned h aooorbnce wilr ctapb 13. Trde 12 0f trs To't'rr code of Vall- Fairure b do so may r€surt h onfgrcemontt n*ang" "-" *rn "compe.'nl Jurisdrcflon and rn amordanoe with Grnpter 3, Tnre 12 cf the To*,r code of vair. The condirione, resfrcrbna, Bfpulatonq and agreemontr cont.rn'dhordn shafl not be wdved.abandmed, lerminaled, or amended eroefl by hs wltten conesnt of bogr tre Town ol Vait ard thoOwnerofthoproparti. I 10. | 1. By: My commtsslon oeires: By: eroperty'Onci Th. forrgE|||l |nttrum.nt w|| rot$owt def,d brtuil mr fnrrg4Ury or:_:-I 'Lg l,],,.l.'^^^ R.vised Ap.ll 10. 2OOO ,2011- ill TOWN OF VAIL, e Coloqdo,rxlnlcipal corpot€tim $lill [.llll.l lllffi il| ilil|lil llill [| ro.,*flfifi 7,,u lryt2ot2 FILE rJf/PI rttnfam The undersigned @z_btP read the Ai-lL4tt4ttE Hazard Report, dated 20eL, prepared by lA//e understand from the conclusions that the proposed building is located in a ,4attt rhhaeila*hazard zone, and there is the potential hazard of fuL4-82'4€ reaching the proposed house, causing damage. We are prepared to accept these facts and request the Town of Vail Building Department grant us-a permit. STATE OF COLOMDO COUNTY OF EAGLE Geologic Hazard Review The foreqoino instrument was acknowledqed \i,J'r ,zo&nv -fi-"ih+.c p,'*5 the persehwhose name is subscribed\o the foregoir before me tnls tTlh Oay of , known to me instrument and me that he executed the same for the purposes Mt(dufitfiiffb?rg$fies June7,2004 STATE OF COLORADO COUNry OF EAGLE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of 20-., by known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein exoressed. My commission expires: ss. (Name,Owner) F.!)9^{"9 \\Vail\data\cdev\FORMS\Ceoloeic Hazard Review.doc 07 t0?/2002 \ ARTHUR I. MEARS, P.E.,INC. Natural Hazards Consultants 555 County Road 16 Gunnison, Colorado 81230 Tel/Fax:970-64l-3236 arfiears@rmii.com July 14, 2001 Mr. John Nilsson 288 Bridge Street,2d Floor Vail, CO 81658 Re: RocKall and avalanche hazard, Lot 19, Bighom Dear John: At your request, I completett a site inspec'tion of the lot described above lo dBtermine the exposure to rocKall, debris avalanches, and snow avalanches. The following summadzes my @ncluFions. Rockfall According to Town of Vail maps,.the lot and guilding are located in a'high severity" rockfail area. l-do ngt believe this designalion is corec{. The hrd'e limestone boulderi on tfie siope across P9P9,t""k result from. glacial deposition and asso6iated mass.wasting, not from rockfall.KogTlalf source areas (steep fractured cliffs, loose rocks) dg nol crop out above the site. The lot anp bullding arg nol located in a rockfall area. Debris Avalanches Accolding to Town of Vail maps, the lot and building are north of the debris avalanche limiis. I aqlee wilh these maps. Such d€nse, debri+ladenlvalanches stop at or above core creek and will nol affpct the buitding. SnoW 4valgncheq According to Town of vail maps, the lot and building are within an 'avalanche influence zone," or area where avalanches may be possible but have not neen studied in oetait. t have not co-mpleted the required avalanche-dynamics analysis, but believe that dense, flowing avalanches will stop in Gore Creek and poMer-blast may reath the building. this conbusion is based on numerous observations of €valanches <luring the past 29 years-in a wide variety of tenain both in Vail and elsewhere in North America ancl Europe.' Avahnthe forces wouf oe 6matt anO easity incorporaied into design of a new building. Thi site is in a 'blue zone,n where avalanches are less freguent than once in 25 years on the average, and pressures are tess than 6oo-lb"lnd "flat.surface facing the flow. This site woukf be su-bjfd lo much tesser prciiureithan thos€ used to define the red/blue zone boundary but heve not-been determined. while on sile I made the required field measurements such that I sne-specific avalanche_dynamics analysis could be completed at a future date. Please contact me if and when you wish to proceed with a site'speciftc avalanche analysis and devetop the design-ioading criteria. Sincerely, Cvft,^*/. thV^* Arthur l. Mears, P.E. Avalanche-control engineer Mass Wastlng . 4yalonches . Avalanchc Contml Enginecring o Design Review Board Parks Residence ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DR8020203 0612612002 Phone: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Condltions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Actlon: APPROVED Date of ApprovaF 0612612002 C.ond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). C,ond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. ,,-ffi Prcject Name: Project Description: Participants: New Construction of a single family home wtih aType I EHU. OWNER PARKS, TIMOTHY C. PO BOX 1790 VAIL CO 81558 License: APPUCANT Fritzlen Pierce Architects 0612612002 Phone: 476-6342 Bill Pierce 1650 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 License: Project Address: 4166 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Location: Lot 18, Bighom Subdivision Legal DescrlpUon: Lot: 18 Block Subdivision: BIGHORN SUB Parcel Numbert 2L0L722L50L2 Comments: Seeconditions Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: f65O.OO Application for Design Review Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.2739 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co. us General Information: This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal reguirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Descriptionof theRequest: ADpl,lloN 3 f€N$rfi1lD{ of eY61tN{- tloM€ 1) N TTSE, 'TY?E :. ETII. Location of the Proposal: Lot: [6 Block:- Subdivision: 6F'HO€N Physical Address: 4.{C,b fd-rlMBlN€, DFt\tE Parcel No.: 2lol - lz2- l9ol2-(Contact Eagfe Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: T\rlo Fl.l tLY ?Ess)et{-1rAL Name(s) of owner(s): TtYt FAF\.S Mailing Address: 16 lirIFlF st. | 6\k{ab{tr> | .A ?t0'o1 Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address; VAIL r cp. gl(251 Phone: T1o.+1b.c*2- Type of Review and Fee: D New Construction I Add,tion D Minor Alteration D Changes to Approved Plans $200 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $50 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, palnting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQU]REMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. Application o o PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name OuantiW Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS r.\V'h€' /6*U.f lZ Nttl-le FtF ?:1 VArzlErtaiED tEG;r^boD 2$ T^)tNgEleTY HUIEIET€E 11 EtlEFAl-D |,lp- tbt€\Br&.E t1 eFFusA nr$reEF 11_ arePt,.ElcrF STo|DGIEFFY lO_ zW cxv. to'- l+' 5 €AL. -5 €2Al-. 6€AL. Serru' 5€'Al-. EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED cpslrFEFo{J5 beapqoqg 7(d),zhz) * b") Minimum Requirements for Landscaping :Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in heiqht Shrubs - 5 Gal. GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Tvpe bJtLbF(ot^EFb Square Footaqe r3D S AftNt t4d,r*1Alrt HeADOtrl l^t*ttuo # Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) PageT of 12102/07102 UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the. accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date QWEST ,: 970.384.0238 (tel) 970.384.0257 (fax) Contact: Jason Sharp EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.a477 $el) Contact: Brian Sulzer HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC, 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4024 (tel) 970,262.4038 (fax) Contact: Kit Bogart EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICTX 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact; Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.949.7224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar *Please provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1 If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail, Utilify locations must be obtained before diooinq in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A building permit is not a Public WaLoermit and must be obtained separately. Page B of 12102/07102 Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIATS Tvoe of Material @ft? e+{lNeLg rtoNe: A>HIAFID cu-r veNeF. 3 nec,tE lrJooD, CEDAF TIg CIAD Noop t^tcoD @ slDtllg, xoNE @ sroNE heT{- * hJoop co}4€o. CEFAh^Ia c|AY co??ee sl oNe : A+t{r-r$lP c$1 veN€F Color EE}[aA{rr nooFE EARNtrrccp +fiartrtrptqff€D Lltr\fl -Ieu-trplDE CTEAF =eN€D RTfiY n$'t'( | B/n bwruF^.L ER$Jop. [4AW CD?FEP Lt6[\1 -lEutItrDB sro NE : A*tt4$lb Crn \E$EF sEE A-l1AC+lt€N1 LlCttl'l -IALuFlDe Notes: Please specifo the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of 12102/07102 o Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Lighting Plant o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area o Attach a cut sheet for each proposed filture. II, REPAINT PROPOSALS For all propoSals to'repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required; o Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s) . o Architectqral elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: r Page 5 ot l2l02lO7/02 ,,*#Depa'rtrnent of public Wort<s Civil/S ite Plan Review Worksheet w OvrnerslFrolect Name, Proj€ct Addres$t Applicant Submittal -4it"ft*o survey of property oz Civi/She plans {r*"Reporr (Secrion B)q/ Landscape plarr d { v { { { North anow Prcp€|scah (1'110' or 1,=2C) Legal d€scripbbn t"F"Fq rightof way and pm.peo rin6s; incfuding bearings, disbnces and curve inforiraticn.Labcied €€sements (i.e. drainage, util,ty, p€destian, etc:..) Ar6a of proFerly (seuare feet and acres) Property blocl( and ;ot #, €ctdress and ow:ef s narne Adjac$t properiy block and lot *, and ownef€ narn€ Basis of bearings Oate of survey Adjac$t roadw€ys labet€cl and edge of asphalt fcr both sides olthe rcadway shown lor a minimun of 250' in eiher direction fom propefry. L Agce$ (olecka[)t' Odveuqy lype and finished surface are shown on the srte ptan. o )on-Heated J "^^ll*T$ote: fleated dfivewey sections within TOV Row must be on a $eparate zonc.)s cinc^,v storege are3s.drs -defued on th+site plan a6 per the To#n of vail Devebpment _/ Sandards Handbook |FOVDSH).s lil 9yg*y grades, dim€rrsions, radii are cJear,y notad on ihe site ptan and conform to J. IoYDSfl, page i1. Steep€st Section Driveway'c"ace lnarrJ;;G"d;;t, -i6Z v Patking spaces and tuming €clii are noted on site plan and confom to fdvos'riffirear + ll- Con$ruction Site (clreck ail)r- Location of all utilities and m€ter pits are shown on the site phn.of Ljmits of disturbanoe sgnstructjon fencing is shown on tfre site plan.s | .aT "*qe that approved Saging and Constucton Traftc co;rol plans. as per .,he Manuat of , Unifonn Traffc Control Oevices, \uill be neces$iry prior to congtuqlion.r t atri aware that a Revocable Right of Way p_-rmit wiil be requhed prior to constructon. llt. Dginage (check air that apply)d The required Valley pan is shown on tlre sire pian as per TOVDSH, page 12. (Note: Vglley pan must not be heated) , (4 Foot Concrele pan tr g Foot foncrete pan ( Posnive and adequate drainage is rnajntained et a[ tmes within he proposerl site.o curverts have been prcvided and ere labeled and dimensioned on the slte otan.c A Hydrauiic report has been provided. /,,As reque$ted by Town Engineerl E /e :IC Vd zsbzBLbozE, o I 'Idgo-A3c- o3_n 0J.. t^loal cz,bl ea-al-2JdV grf+,. < .- .. fV. Encsion Conbol (Chect( ail that appty)tr Distuftance area is greater than ona hatf acre. J , ^^-gl::iir*" Erosion Conbol Plan has been professiorra[y enEirreered and pE sFemped_s Less Elan one half acre hes b6en distJrbed, ar:d proper erosicn conboi devir;gs 61s $hown on l,he sjle pfeo. V. Fpodptain (cfieck a[ that apply){ The projtct iies u,"ftrin oi adlacent to a 1C0 year F,oodplain. s. 100 )€ar Fjoodpjain is shown on the site plan. a A Floodplain study ha$_been prcvided. (Required if t?oodplain is wnhrn constlction limits or as requested bv Torrn Enain€er)o The peject does not lie witlrin or aO1'aceol to a f O0 year Floodplain Vt, GeotoghaUEnvironmental ttartras (check all that apply)tr The project lies witirin a Geologic/Elviroftmental Halirt area. (See TOVDSH, page 20)/ g A Fla:arC Report has been provided { The proiect does not lie wihin a Geobgulc/Errvironmental Hazard area. Ml. Gpding (cf'€ck all that appty)g Existng grd pruposed gEdes/contours tre prOvidod on ltle $te phn. rfAil disturbed ereas have b€en retmed to a 2:1 grade, a All disturted arees not refi.lmed to 2.1 grade ha/e been Pofesefonalty Engrneered wj8| slope protection and/6r stabte soils. PE strnped debit$ are prwiAic wittrin pbns.a only e,\isting corltours are $bo','r on ttre 6ite plan, rhere b no proposerd b.o"ts. Vlll. Prr*tng (cfieck all)s All residentral and ccrnmercht parJdng spaces conform to tre TO\DSH, page 12&1i. X- Retaining Wens (check ait rhat apply)fl AJI rehining wa0s conform b th€ standard$ in the TOVDSH, page 19.o AJI retaining walls and cornbanation tnalls over4 fua have been Prcfessionatty Engindefed €nd a , PE sbmped detail has been provided witiin the ptans.ir Ail retaining walls are sftown on ihe oite plan, with hbeted top aod bc{ro|i, of watl elevations and typ of rell construclion.o No rebining walls are reguired for ttris prulecd )C Sight Dilianr* (check alt that appry)il Proper sight distance has been attained and 6hown on site pbn as per TovDsH, page t2.n Proper sight distarce has not been attaured. Figlanation why: x.Sgn/ey hfonrrtion orl Labeled right ot way anct property tin€s are shrwn on the site plan.il, Labeled easernents ar€ shown on the srte plan. nz- Norib anow s shown on the site plan.d ptan is at a scaie of 1'=20' (minirnum) Additional Comments Please provide any additional cornments tftat pertarn to pubiic Works Rs/i€w Applrc€nts Signature 3|)V.t ZS bZ64 t'AZ6,O I 'Jdaa-ar3CI-NOf,-AO,L , DtOl{C ER,br U O-Ot_ddV O ARTHT.JR r. tvrEARS. pE..t|. Natural Hazards Consultants 555 County Road 16 Gunnison, Colorado 81230 TeUFax: 970-641-3236 artmcars@rmii.com Jury 14, 2001 Mr. John Nilsson 288 Bridge Street, 2m Floor vair, co 8,t658 Re: Rockfall and avalanche hazard, Lot 1g, Bighom Dear John: At your request' I completed a site inspection of the lot descdbed above to €letemine the exposure to rocKall, clebris avalanches, and snow avalanches. The rorcwint summarizes my conclutions. RocKall According to Town of Vail m.aps,.the lot andjuilding are localect in a ,high sevefity" rockfall area. !-do n9t believe this designalion, is co.necl. The targ; limestone oouroeri on tirJslope across Gore Creek resull from otacial deposition ancl assoiiated mass.wasting, noi irom rod<fall.nogfa.t! sourc" areas (sieep rraciured "rin", r-"ii.i;lks) dq not crop out above rhe site. The rot an! bullding arg not located in a rockfall area. Debriq Ay4gnches Accoding to Town of Vail maps, the lot anct building are north of the debris avatanche limits. I aqPe wtl these maps. such clense, debris-laden-avalanches sop "ior aoo* core creek and will nol affFGl the building. Snory 4val?nches According to Town of Vail maps, the lot and buil<ling are within an 'avalanche influence zone,. or area where avalanches may be possible but have rio neen studied in detail- | have not completed the required avalanche{ynamics analysis, but uelieve ttrat oln*, no,ning avalanches will slop in Gore creek and powder-blast may reaih the building. This conclusion is based on numerous observations of avalanches ouring ttre past 29 y""o'in ";id;-;;,i"t; of tenain both in vail and elsewhere in North Ameri.ca and eJrope.'avannbhe forces would be;ma[ and easily tncorporated into design of a new building. The gite is in a "uue zonu,"nt riu "u"ranches are less frequent than once in 25 yeans on thL average, and pressures ari tess tnan ;il'il#:; "flat surface facing the flow' This site would be suiofa to'murh resser pt"""ureitn"n those used to define the red/brue zone boundary but have not'been cretermined. while on site lmade the requirecl field measurements such that a site-specific avalanche-dynamics analysis could be_completed at a future Oate. ptease "ont""t'me iiano,n"n you wish to proceed with a site-specific avaranche anarysis and deverop th" daid_roilng criteria. Sincerely, n Uzl't,*,!. tnb* Arthur l. Mears. P.E. Avalanche-control engineer Mass Wasting . lellanches . Avalonche Contrcl Engineering I iSTEWART TITLE OF VA]L :P.O. BOX 2000 ,VAIL, co s1659 o Pleas€ ddiver this to: i ;ROD POWELL VAIL LIONSHD RE l ILINDA G WILLIAMS This fa:r was cr@t€d at 6-IIJL-2001 13:O4:53.85 It has a total of,6pages, not including this sover sheet. If there are anytrroblenis, contact the sender *,9264230, QOMMENTS : i RE: 4166 COLUMBINE DR TFIA,NK YOU. J ,) l i I I I ll.].-,:..... titrlqr.'Et-rr:l.r;r-a-, I .-:l4lgsl!e=l: :v !:eP-cu'vr rQ!1,<.,|-rrvc c SCHEDIJLE A (h) A,L.T..,4.'LQ.ul PntFo.tad IitiUre..l: i:; Inuehalel Proltose<l ln tarcd: ..Jtafrdirtd r Dnler Numher: o ) 029 +87 l. EfizL'tivc d&e; June 20, Ze|l at 7 r45 A"t!, .?. Puli<t ur Pitli.t:iss ti h( istutd: ([t) A.L.T,A.t Otr,ritr'.r loxtended.) Praposrtl In5uld; rJ t&,r{y a, i!ARt{6 iAutnni ty lnsann,"tt J.j{ cro, ooo .c0 i i$ :l .\t'A?a:if t'h,r <tb' ( :LTRULS Iles': ;h*rgt 5 tlr', tlr, ot,t l.t.r.i.thk h.'[;n u ftrlllt f.ul be ij.rrrcd. I r'fr'fi! t,i.t :9!l(r4r, ritRtl otfr{F,'fi.s j i I Sl,J0r.0('r tAt ,,'E!.t':, ! 20.0a j. Tlw eslste ur t,ttu..,st in the lwrtl dest:tibetl ttr reltrreL! nt in thls .fe€ F!r!p.l€ :i- Titlr k) the I fet sjxlplc JAj,JE$ (.EyJtv sft ydt,ir.Ail .5. Tfu land r4ittrr,d lt in thi.y Cons11j1p,,111 i.,; it:rt.ihrt! qs fitlh;trs: SEE Arl.,,rCilEO Ld,'Ol{, D.u'sCRr'F TrO tuEpo:+"ed Addre,sE ! I t 66 3?LLI4BI^'F 08:r'E vt lL, eo 8)657 nrerul hercln ls lrtrrqf re stetl tn:r. it(t" (r ittlvtt,st in .witl iand is at t ind J,}9IE IEE BR!]'AS?AD toyrn l)0,1 v0.OO S(:IIEDAI.E A Or,ltr Nttnher: Lot 18, North _];o39,J0" gasi 34.04 teet; tha\d.e 44.14 teet along tha atc of a surve to the tjght a radius af )08.)B feet. a cefrtrel angld of 23.js,301 , a j of Eairl aving thenci* alcng eajd rvor0jret iy Jir:e ,!1.J6 feet to Ehe Lefi having € radju$ of SO,OA feet,4t 6A"00,00", and a chord vhich b€dr.s soutJ,50,00 teet, ?o fh€ Point et tsegit:ning, COLIN'JI! IJb' EAEIJE STATE OF CO!,ORAT'O. ef E cut^l'e . U 01029187 LECAL DE,IC'RIPIION LaL J8 t E.l. CH()Itn' Sr,i8rl tl St Ory *Ccr)/lrl Md \fi !'kL' RaCORDy'D pLA?, rHEnEe! 4/VJ ,q lror:t jo,l of the iitglt f,f ay of CoJurnbine D:civF. ad) nletn Lot 1:8, Bighotn Subdlvlsion, a rrlirdjvjsio,t recorded jr, Ot{id6 at t-he E.1gle County, colotaclo CJerk and xFcot,dea:,6,ri.l ttartion beiny mere pdrtjculrrly dagcrrrgd ds taJlah 8egi^n!n?attne&oItflea6tconleIo'3aIdLottgi tner)oe along the extersion to tl6 Nortlr of the tost lIDe ciord uhtcfi hedrj Narri 64"Oe,Jb" tieet 44.2j teet Cp ctre .?Jon'r t4 s {r' a ceLtral a rig 22.20'tC. .J'HI S COIIJ{TTNE|JT h?S FNEPAffEO QN ,' LILY I' 2OO] , FOR oogslrol{s EdcARDJ}lG Tt{trS Cotut tx't48N1' pl,rAst; carJ0 LINDA WILLIATTS, THE ?ITLE QFPICER, AI 97OI926-023C. ).'oR aftEsIION$ RE6I.RD.L]!'6 rJJ Cto.gJnrc, l,ibAsg cALl) KAN$y HttUL.tI{AN, I'HA ESCROW OFFTCEF, At g /0i 17g-6010 j .l,rtJs.cofimitnetlt ,is ser t r,: i'tolty PAFFi JA/.!E'6, { JarJ' il.RI&ESfL JOlft'I itvrtssof/ ROD reWELL cJ16tt,Jtu *tv +t t;)i DeP-d0-ul o SCHEDALE B ,9drrion J Ortler Nnnber:. 0I0294 8r I REQUIREMENTS i I Thc fiilhtwing at's thi lpqttirt,nertts to lte oDlpli€d n'ith: , I hem 1a1 FaSn pnt tD trr .far tlv ut'utun( of'rlw gntnturs (.tr nutr(gu1ttrs. ttt rfu fuft <ltn i.ntere lt n be insu red. : I I ltnt(b|Pnt1>r,/ittrutu2|!(l)treuri|,ethe?sfre.Dh||ere$rtlbeinsurer|Dwst'.i()i!'t|4'.rtf.! rentrd. to wit: I I L Ut/jdenqe Eat:sfactory to Stewart ij,jtle 6(]arant;r Cenp6ay atipaynent €t aiI outstatiding taxep and assassmrntc as certrfied Ay tle taqti' ccunc;7 .t.z.e.rsurer, .l 2. Execqtian of aftldavit as ta Dehts end Liels.rnd ilr r*tu"i to stprdart ritle 6uarnr: -ty ccr.npdl'ly, I i i J. Lxec tJor by tJle Eelle.rf s) of tr\e Af f id.avit reJating to suJ-vey ,?areel.r tn connection irj t,t sut'_lect pEoperty. j I rl { ' Ev i'dence satistectory ta s'tevart '!it)e €tarancy Colrp6ny ti}t rle rea1 est.rte Crar.Bfqr ea)r esgegaec, hy tlte ?own of VaiL hae i"., purd q.'-l .,,.,at tie transac:ion Js ex€rlp t froor sa Jd ta-v . , i :l '5 " Felea6€ by the pr;bJlc lr:.tstee ot EagJe cc nty o! zhe peec br lruFl tto\ Janes l(evitt dry{estnd and Jad,le ree Bryrest,id tor ehe use ef #er,i.j tt tyltch Credj t corporotien tu .sgcui-e $50a,00a.00, ddred o,rtober 28, J99d,lr*eorderi ocroier .?J. l-9-9d i,1 Sook 7IO ar p8ge It) rs Raceptlon o, 6060r{. i ,l 6. Deed fiot Janes xevin atynestad a.,]{t Jadig r,ee ar]yfiestact, ivbsting fee sirple tttle ln tinotny C, Parks. , i ;i A0llgr tJr)t'At'j O& Ot fsF r8cnl, AODRaSS oP rlrE GRAlIfEa lros.r .Alb.psAlq oN Tffa otlrD As FEn 19)':6 t^JsrpMEN'l 1'O SfArura oN RsConDrfiG op DEgDs ctrs iih -35-r}g (2 ) . .il .I :I to;o\t;Psge 4/ / J..Rixlrts,,rtiktimsq|'txlttiesipn.f]t1,Jsi|J,t'tttltsltottttb1'thts'uhlit'rtt't,t.tls' 2.&txnu!:iior,tL|i||$nfeoscnutts.lo'sl,0lulh1'thepublicreutnl::, : .1. Discrtpancies, conll;tJs i.tt brtxncluy littc$, tltrtrtag,, in artd. tncrrxrclttttet y, su[v) un.d. insltaa'1iq41 ttJ'the preniws yvuuhl ii:i<fior my' r'lt/t.it urr ,*,t sltrn it Onler Nunfier:0 r0294 87 Tht poiicr ot lrylici$ ru hr i!$Kl *,ill runtdtl sulisltt<tin .,J' th( Catnput$: 1CHENAI.E E Set:riofi. 2 EXCEPNONS u,(e\Ii.ofit to lltt fitllttt'ing \JsP_<.ir_\rr tq,D.tl fdge )i t O. ; l uLtiis lht :i,anc art: d.i4zuteel a)j' rp tlH" lax sa] es , servancy, flte j.r r'ry ?d t er 9 til e is-cunice ches or gata l s €cl tn united gt a te6 tzrui uu .fatts u,hich tt &)tr(. I t{ plirti( tyt:lt\ls. 1. AnS lirn, dr ri v risht ta u lil,a, for s€ryl(?i, labor ot natetidl lwrettrfure or ?t lutni:t[red, inposecl h.t lt^r, -t. and not shrtvttr lw the puhlic recurtls. I ,i Defery" licns, entunhrances, ndvrst clut;l ur ather u lus, if un1., ,.rir lir.rt appnn'in,q fu thr ptl>lir rcotds ora!tc<:hing.suhsequent to t.. e.llpt:tirc tlttrc ltcnrf, hut priitr ti the e lht proposa,l insure!! .rtguit4s ' ];.l r&'ord lor wlu? th( cstqt( ur inlercfl ar D,orlqc,t( lhtrrun t:<tver*l bl lhisl :6. Lhtptuemd ntntng t,luhns: rdj.?rluflolrs or ex ,pliota ut Wl? tr. un d<:t :lltr Issudntt( rhereof.\rut(!r lilihis. t:kims ur lill(. tu \vdt(t. I At:y tnd:a.ll unpaid talr€s and assessjnelts ard erly unredeelra 8.t'he ettaet al lnc)usions in any gelaral of epaeltjc water:prectetjorsoil, coneaNation ot otlrar ctistrj ct or incJLrsi r:ervice ior strest j/npr og eJrrtrrr C ir-l.rf.l , : j 9, Reserua(ionE of eJeeptjons jn patenis, or ln lces authorjdj tlleieof i TncJudinE the !ese.ruat ion ot a rlgjrt ot vay tor di colrstructgd by the autrlo.r jly of t/re Ulljted .gi|tes, as res4 Patent recor-ded tr'overaber 22. 19J9 Jt: Iook IJ,f at page 615. 10, ten por:deJrt no -particjpati q .-aya j.ty ln and tc proceeds de et tlincnaT€it o! ult t6oever. k.lrrcl unrl naturr. produ<,pd end ni p.reh{seg. as l:eservad by 6udti K1€itipes and Eva J. KrrizLpe rp.corded Nrruenber 2, J962 jn Book J6d at l,age 4OZ, ar)(t .eny tlereof or interests tjrerei.I notz-particzpati q .-ayai.ty ln and tc proceeds d .ll , Rastrjcljon.s as cor: tajl3rd jn-Lnsttvnent recotded at Eage ,403 a8 Reaept iorl No, 96955 .rnd i/rstrunF-J)f Dpcenbet '2 reeorded ived f z'.cn t,he sale €a/ f rvnr tl'r€ adi iry jr srr:unent nd a"l,l .rss igrunen t,s , )962 in ts(E!. lT4 D Bolrh l7.5 1t f'nqe ,1lon9 toads of aighorn .gubdjujsjon, as iecordpcj ,4uguFt JI Pftqi 405 a6 ltece.Ett ion No. )0)914. I I I oj rlr griorn ll t2 -EasefiBrts. !estrlctloJ)B ar)d .r j g/lt s -o f -ways os sitoon otr l0d Subdirrj{ion rccolded December i, )962 as Receptiorj Na, )6,i6 l Fcrsaflerrd fot cjnstrucljoD an,:, najntennn*e of gos distrjbutr I con a lnued on ,r:bxt I I n sJrs t ern i:r altl 965 .rn looli t 90 at JttJi, 18, IgtT aE p.c9 e Otder aid Decree ct-eatlfig tl jgfiorn datsLlst; jcr., as recotdLc J,Recepcion No, 106210, t+. r$nru _.1 ' -o- I rt tt I :F-l:.{"lhryriEt$t a ^i I rvtt I 'l ,l ,,1 i ' Cnrti::uotior oJ Scjredul e .6 - .r^egtion 2 i rl O.f'der frui&6ri 0J02948/ ii il ir J5. Ordef and Dactee CteatLng The Bigllorn tlte PtoteltJon Ojst,rlct. recorded ,ecell ler 9, J97 I as Eeceptroj! !te. JJ|ZJ4. : I :l l6 - ?erms, c--nditlons, reeerva!ions. "yestrjct joJ.'6 ,lc, otriigatibJs d,s ,1oDta.in,pct jlr t'o$tn ot:vail Ordinaace, entitlerl An Ordlnafice praviding fioj" t.he vdcation at A lcrt iott bf coJunbjr:e orJve, BigJrorll subdjvj€lojr, Jjl the fq,r$ of !'aiI, color:aco,recolded Augusc 19, J988 in 800k 489 at paqe 649 as Fece.oui,bn -rvo, J95849, ii JVO!'; 4XCSPTJOAIS ' AND { AEOVA WJ.LT, gb; DT;LyT'TD AN THE fJA'A',' O'V-Ii'EFE POLICY, PfdoVIDEil BOTa SELLER(s) AJvD PURCHASqR(S) EltECu!'E :l'd!; t.cliljtf9l fiEeulRED ArrrDAyJ.rs ArJ! sri0 AFgrfiAv'ns ARE AppqovEo By rHE c,o&ptryy. r j Cnrti::uotiol oJ Scjredule .6 - rl^egtiart t Order frui&6r; 0 J 02948 r ' . SEE .DTgg'DSI/fi9S" JNCLLDED HERE?III|H, 'XCEP?TqN5 2 AXD J WILL BE PELETUD ON ! E TJIIAT OWTJEI?.S UTIII'b r PROVTDAD rEA! rHE pRESENT Or;tvr'Lg t)iaiutg I,HE SUHVEy elI,rO.+yi,t,. EIICIIPT T(N 5 1TILL NOT APPEAR ON ,IHE OMIERE POLI€Y I A,VD dAP ] i PRO,"EL-IIOT' WILL BE GRAN?aD FRIVIDEq rgx? sT'lrART rITbE Qh, trtt;:,a couu,T,r I EIITaRHT; CU}SING.D]'SEARSdT,'ENTS N,ID RECORDINA OF A'L DOCIJMENTS. : I i o DISCII)SUREIT Purriusjrl u) ti.R . S . 10.1 t - 13:, n$titc is h!'rrh' uiven that; Nulo; C9)orbdo Divisir''n of lnsutancc RtgulaLkrrs ,l-5.1. Paragruph C Ql' Aftic VII rrquircs that '' tvery tiUe I(,,rotding N hener.er the rille antitj' .rhqll he rcsponsiirlc ii)t iJl nurtt!'rs whiclr uppal of rctotd frri{r n thc (i entit! cqnductJ (he ul(BinE lrxl is rc$rrasittlc lirr rer,'ording or filing o1'clocuucnr.s rcsuhing lronr the cordlrcls lI: i:lo::ing c't' the trdJlBar:tidn which trar clcned. " PrQridrd tlBr St€.*alt 'l'itle Dl V$]. lnc, insured Lfansactictn and is rcspcnxihle fbr rcr.'otding the lsgf,l duu(irudnt$ th'rll rhc 1ir)t, iru!'Fli(r[ nurnhcr 5 will nor 1ppca7 on the ()wnpr'B'l'ide PQliL,y and lb(' Letrdsr'$'lirlc P{)licy when i AcER',l.tFICA',tE OF lAXES LltjE LIST|NG EACH lA-\lN0 lluBtSDt<'tt.rn JHALL sE oB'rAlNED FRON4 THE COUIiTY rREAlil.'REft OR THtl ('Oi.'til'y TIiEASUnIR'.S A(ITH0RIZED AGEh-'I: . i :j rNr,oRMATIOri ReTjARDN(,j SPTLTL{L pl5fRfcTS AI.in 4IfE BOt"liI)ARIHS ()F SIICH I)IS,TRICTS MAY 8E OBTA1NED IITOM THE BOARI) OF COUTJTY T'OM}I{ISIIIUNERS. ,IHE cOuNTY cLr,nK ANl) REC0RI)ER. OR rHE coUNTY ASSESS{)R. (B) : : I'r{E SUBJET T RFAL PROPERTY MAY BE L0CAT ED 1.{XIN6 0I*\TRICT': Note: At1}'rr.$rrve Mf(hctrii"r No. 4 ufjltthedulr,-. B, S+ction l {;r;lo$i F rdndilinns: FULIY SATIS}IED, 0102e487 Lirn Protcctinn (br thr Ow dr ru,r} of thc Coryrmiturent li'eu th€. ( lw cr' Ir availahJ* i ica)lr b.r delerron ot Ert-r:ptron s lflii{ry (o hd r ) upon cor:rpit:tncc w;!h rhr Thf lu1d dcsr:r(red in Schedulc,t ol fhi.\ ar)murtutr,lr rrirt!nglu t'ant:iy r\'.siddnr-t. 9,bi!'h includcs a contlornilirrrn or ln$thoure unil. No lnbor cr rarerills bave h{en lunrished by ntetbonicts pr nr{tel oft tird hfld oesiribr.d in Schalu)c A of tlris Cosunitmont within lbr: The C()nlpnny rnust rgurcivr' an ntrpl0Prillc *ffidavit iode(onifi'thB {lc}mp;ury ayeinst unliicd tlr!.r:brutu's and n}il'tcrialrncn's litns. "l'hc. co$rl)8ny ftusf rs(eivc pfiylllG:n[ or Ih* nppri)prjitlc pre[rius;, tbr putporer (1l ri)rrf (lvcti n rrlftnth!. lf thera trfls ltcn colLqlru.-tion, iollrlovelnrn$ ot rlu.ior lr,pairs urfertelett on ihc irl,rlrr'rl! [,1 l)i pUrch;rsCd, willin srx rufitths priot to I'ni: DAt. rrf Lhe e Olnrf tNcnt, $f regLtiLclne n(s lo 'lhritin ccvi'3ge {i.,r uru,;rorrled lisnc wi)l in".lude rlisciosurr -of rerlirin con>trut'rrall ijnibrnrution: tir*uclal rnt' nrtl:ion ir$ tro thc sellrt, rhc. truildcr rurdior thc tantm\lh?ri pryrncnt oI rhe ryr$r'ttpri|rc prctniultr; ltllly cxrcrrterl Ind,,.rnniry ggriertsnrs srtisfi{crut} to the sornFony iurrf. any ad{rti,rnal rrrquir:tttenl:t ac ruav i)e net'esra4 aflrlr at eri nindicn ol the albrclilid intbrrnalro-n Lly thd Cilqlpany, I Nr) c($er6gc will h,: givcn ulrdrl iuq, \:ircuutstam(rs tbr' latxrr' ot mrtcrjal llrr,*bid ths ittnrlcd has cnntnt,.1t,1 tul or rglccd ro pa-t . i :l N()TtlNc liltREl\ CO.\T.\1.\'ED WTLL ITB IlEElrbD T0 OBLIG/IIE qlE C0Nlf.d\rl' IU I'KOI'UU i Order No, Iti(,:txitui i l $[rpi R.\ lt)'{jv . 'r Vrir irritrlcr. AlA. r\l{:!rilrl.i \\ ilii*rr [. l:'icf(]e, Afi)lii{i(rl I irr:,:r:as ll. Dri lJdi!, A.(:hitr,'{.t Slepli,lcilr l,.,rJ -jr;brr:,,rr r, Ar;] iif rrl r.lnvi(i l:l;ri,'i,r, ii.chil.{,iil *;iit',u iit,'rlit1;r, iilrtiitr::t:j l'1.1r:t;l(ir COLUMBINE RESIDENCE: 4.166 Columbine Drive Vail, Colorado LICHTINC FIXTURE SCHEDULE: TypeA: Bega 1140. Black Type B: Bega 7511, Black Type C: BegaBTT0,Black Type C1 : Bega 8730, Black Type D: Elco EL530C, Specular Clear Reflector See attached cut sheets for more information. i brli) LrrrL !,til Yrl;i,r' !-;r:rr:, i .r!lrir r:,,. i. : . \:,rii. i Lr l.:i:drr ijlIll' l::':.1);:'i;.i)::;t ,t:: r)i; t...;: ij 1,.).ii 1..; l: l,; i.',:.:*iriir, lliit:: i:: rr; ,v!\rv\l:_. !.itj:iiii trtiirl ir, , r)ill FRITZLEN PIQCT ARCH ITECTS VAIL, COLORADO Recessed wall luminaires Designed for low mounting heights lor the illumination o, steps, stajrs. ramps, aisles and other locations indoors and outdoors where guidance and security lighting is required. These small and large scale luminaires fealure high output asymmetrical tight distribution, glare free. Housing: Constructed ol die cast aluminum with integral wiring compartment. Enclosure: O,re piece die cast aluminum faceplate, 3/6,thick, clear tempered glass lens. Faceplate is secured by two (2) socket head, stainless steel, captive screws threaded into slainless steel jnserts jn the housing casting. Continuous high lemperatufs O-rjng gasket tor weather tighl operation. Electrical: Low voltage: c4 (20W) or Gy 6.35 (SOW). bi-pin lamphotder with ceramic insulator and high temperature leads. lntegral electronic 120V/1 1 6V transtormer. An internat t hermal proteclion devico is provided. Beflector is semi-specular anodized atuminum. Compact lluorescenr lampholder: GX23-2 (13W), c24d-3 (26W). 2-pin. rated 75W. 600V. Ballast: 13W and 26W are magnetic, HpF. H.l.D. Lamphoidor: Modjum base porcelain with nickel plated screw shell supplied with 200.C high temperature leads, pulse rated 4KV. Ballasts; Magnetic HPF. Available in 12OV ot Z77V - specity. Through Wiring: Maximum ol four (4) No. iA AWG conductors (plus ground) suitable for 90"C. Two z,6'knockou(s provided for ,b' conduit. Finish: Standard linish is an eight step process consisting of two coats ol black or white polyurethane, one with light texture over a phosohate base. Cuslom colors supplied on special order. U.L. lisfed. suitable for wet locations and fot instalation within 3 leet of ground Suitable for all types of construction including poufed concrete Optional CPC, Concrete Protection Cover: Consists of a molded oolvmer sleeve which is recommended tor poured concrete construction as i "rough-in" housing forming a corrosion barrier between the luminaire recessed housing and the concrete. Also contains its own through wiring box, provides a clean finished instaltation cavity and facilitates perfect totational orientat ion. Available tor 1140, 1240 and 2926p only. Type: BEGA Product #; Project: Voltage: Color: Options; Modified: A. Die cast aluminum trim. Socket head stainless sleel captive tasteners. Molded borosilicale glass spread lens. Asymmetrica, reffector. fntegral 12OV-1 1.6V electronic transf ormer. Lamp supplied with luminaife. Color: Black, Yvhite, EurocoatrM. 1140 Opening: 4%' x 4" 1240 Opening: 5%'x 4" Lamp Lumen A B 1 ge€s!e91d"11,€p-l_?9w94, 1 ?v :'.-35o--l#-1.4_1_ -1240 Recessed wall 4EE 1 50W Gy6.35, 12v lOOo 6ilr 5%6 4 500 C.P.C., concrete protection cover lor 1140 510 C.P.C , concrele protection covet lor 124A BEGA/US 1000 BEGA Way, Carpinteria, CA 930r3 [p] 805.684.0533 [F] 805.6S4.6682 OCopyright BEGA/US 2000 updared ?/fl1 Small scale floodlights Small scale tloodliqhljng lumjnaires with optional spread lenses for symrnetrjcal or asyrnmetrical distribution. Housing; One piece die cast aluminuin with integral cooljng tins. Enclosure: Lamp enclosure/opticai system consisls ot a die casl alurninum clamping ring. clear tempered glass, molded high lemperature sjJicone tubb er gasket and feflector secured lo housino by lwo (2) captrve srainlcss ste6l sc,ews threaded into stainless sre;l inserts in lbe housjng casthg. FuJly gasketed for weather tight operation ln any rnountjng orjentatjon usjng a molded silicone rubber O-ring. Bearn patlern js adjustable from spot to llood by turning a socket head screw located on lhe back ot the housing. Mounting; Two piace die casl aJuminum canopy suppljed with universal mouniing b tackel lor diect allachment to 372'or 4' octagonal wifing box. Die casl aluminum swivel with positive stainless steel lock-up can be locked in a fixed position and altows for horizontal and vertical adjustment. E ectrical: Lampholders: GY 6.35 porcelain disk, bi-pin (7St 1) DCB (8314) wjth stainless steel contacts supplied with 250"C high temperature leads - rated 600V. GY 6.35 tungsten halogen lamp supplied. No ttansformet is supplied (751 1) so a remote | 2V power supply source must be Novided. Finisb: Standard finish is an eight step process consisting of two coats of black or white high solids, UV stabitized polyurethane, one with light texture 0ver a phosphate base. Custom colors supplied on special order. U.L. listed, surtable tor wet locarions. Note:8314 post mounted floodlighl contorms to above spec for the lurninaire housing only; the 40W DCB Jamp is included and is for operatioo on 12OV. c Lamp Floodlight to. mounting to wa,,, ceillng or wiring box. Adjustab,e beam from spot to tlood. Fully adjustable 90" vertjcal, 360. horizontal rotation. Flequjres /emole 12V power suppjy. 5oW GY 6.35 larnp jncluded. Colori Bjack or while. Lumen A Type: BEGA Product #: Project: Voltage: Color: Options: Modified: B. 1 50W GY6.35 12V 1000 ,A l{ otl V liltl 7511 '/|\,4tg. Plate Optional internal spread lenses. 310 Round symmetrical lens lor 7511,8314 311 Elliplical lens tot 7511.8314 P^ Post mounted floodlight with baseplate. Adiustable beam kom spot to flood. Fully adiustable gO. vertical. Lamp included. Color: Black or white. Lumen A 8314 ry/ Post 1 4OW DCB 3114 4% 33h BEGA/US 1000 BEGA Way, Carpinteria, CA 93013 [p] S05 6S4.0533 [F] 805.694 6682 ocopynght BEGA/US 2000 udared 2/oo Lamp o inaires Low level directional lum - above grade Applications include delineation of ramps, walkways and entrances or illuminalion of oathwavs. Housing: Constructed of one piece copper free die cast aluminum alloy. removable for relamping, secured together with stainless steel screws which provide a pressure seal to gaskef and gjass. fnclosure; Sjngle "port" (8730/31) or four "ports,'at 90" (8770/71) with clear borosilicate focusing lens. N4olded, one piece, high temperature silicone rubber. Electrical: (8730/31) DCB tamphotder with ceramic insulator and high temperature leads. (8731/7'1) G12 porcelain bi-pin lampholder wirh stainless steel contacts. sow, GY 6.35 tungsten halogen lamp supplied, (877O171) c12 porcetaln bi-pin lampholder with siainless steel contacts. Magnetic HpF ballast available 12oV ot 277V , specily. A separate waterproof wiring box for power supply must be provided below luminaire (by contractor) in addition to the anchorage. Finish: Standard linish is an eight step process consisting of two coats ot black o( white high solids, UV stabilized polyurethane, one with light texfure over a phosphate base. Cusiom colors supplied on specialorder. U.L. lisled, suitable for wet locations TYPe: BEGA Product #: Project: Voltage: Color: Options: Modified: cl. ffi\" _4@H_ Low level ground illuminators utilizing highly efficient line voltage xenon lamp and ceramic metal haiide light sources. Lamp suppliad for 8730. 18O", s,ngle port lumjnajfe. Color: Black. Lamp - 8730 18O' 1 pon 1 60W DCB 948 6tttt /,/, 8731MH 1Bo" 1 port 1 39W G12T6 t/H 33oO gTAa st/a S96A,ln"trorageiorazffi Low level ground illuminators utilizing highly efficient line voltage xenon lamp. Lamp supplied for 8770. 360". four port luminaire. Color: Black. LamP Lumen BEGA/US 1000 BEGA Way, Carpinteria, CA *@- .tt=n-* r_ opfr oca - ,4s 6'i/* ru -e- *'*. *_-* - !'$.#:+ ::-'=---**=**;::i,r-.i=-4- 977,lMH 390"4egI J, 39WG12T6 N4r-1 3soo s'Aa ek 896A Anchorage for 8770 aizr "upJiieO 93013 [p] 805.684.0s33 tF] 805 684.6682 tp --, ..1i:. j: ri.:: 1,.t!.,\ir'j1.ir't. I ' r ;il .t:r. I i ta ti\.. ,.,r1.lIl( i.i i!:()!'f:,rr ii. ll)r $+ls. Ar hitlr:t 5t:,p:rlrriir l. lril"jciir r:r,,r r,'\ri;!rilt:i t :_):r!.taj []:rt,Ir, /\t i:hifat{t1 :i:rlliv' j(:rlii'1,,1 llt,itilrj'i.;,\/r.tr;lqer FRITZLEN PTCI ARCH ITECTS VAIL, COLORADO TITLE: DETAIT NO,: PROjECT: RE: TYNCAL 6ABI.E, END ERACKET PFB aol l'l/2" s lr-orr Columbine Residence, 4166 Columbine Drive, Vail, Colorado ii;liiti: r:r i;',i,: \'.riir,'i ;.)rl!r'. 1riii:it,: i_ l, \,'. rri it):rririiii ij:i,5.i i'r 'l iril i;'..{!lr:,, l; ,j ji; .l ;ri: ..iii : I:.i,r;,, r-:I.,:III,: i.hl:r,,.rl :,r :r ,".,!., !r, j.r:,,.,ri lr,l,.f:j., i)r:i Stone Sample for Pattern No. 1, Light Telluride i, FRITZLEN PIEOE ARCH ITECTS VAIL, COLORADO Putty Cladding, Pella Standard FRITZLEN PI ER?E ARCH ITECTS VAIL, COLOMDO I Barnwood Stain I Natu ral Redwood Stain Sample Roofing Material Sample Carage Door ' ' (y lo Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Deparfnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Parks Residence Type I EHU, Setback & site coverage variance PEC Number: PEC010064 TOI4'Nffi ProJect Name: Project Description: Participants: OWNER Project Addr€ss: Legal DescripUon: Parcel Number: Comments: PARKS, TIMOTHY C, 09/25/2001 Phone: PO BOX 1790 VAIL CO 81658 License: APPUCANT Fritzlen Pierce Architects 091?51200I Phone: 4764342 Bill Pierce 1550 Vail Valley Drive Vall, CO 81657 Licensel 4166 COLUMBINE DRVAIL LoCaUON: Lofi 18 Block Subdlvision; BIGHORN SUB 210112215012 see Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Scofield Seoond By: Doyon Vote: 7-0 Conditions: Action! APPROVED Date of Approvah 03/11/2002 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vall staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0005382 That the applicant proceeds forward with an appllcation for Design Review Board approval prior to constructing any improvements on site. Entry: 07102/2002 By: George Action: AP Planner: George Ruther PEC Fee Pald: $250.00 I l. rl 1 a +**'t'l'1.'t******++**{r***********+*****'1,},t * * * * +* * ** * * ** * * ** * * * * ++* +* * * * *,} * ** * * ** * +** * * * '}* **'t * * * * TOWNOF VAIL, COLORADO Slatement * **{.'} * * * + + +* *'} * t' * * *** * + +* * * 't ** *,t * * ** * * + +* * ** *** * * ** * + + t * 'r 'r * 'r,r,} +* * ***+ * +* * * ** 'r*** * * *'* * ++ + + * * * Statement Number: R000001431 Amount: $250.00 09/25/2OOLO9:59 AI'1 Palment lrtethod: Check Init : JAR Notation: 10625 Permit No: PEC010064 Type: PEC - Variance Parcel No; 2lOlI22L5ol2 Site Addresg : 4165 COLUIT{B fNE DR vArL Location: Total Fees; 5250.00 This Payment: $250.00 Total ALL Pmts: $250.00 BaLance: $0.00 *+ + + *'t * *,i* * *:t + * ++ * * * ** ** * * * * + * + * * * * * * * *:* * ** *+*** *:lr,* 't******+************+*:t****** **** ****+* * * ACCOUNT ITEM LISI': Account Code Description Current Pmts PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPLICAT]ON FEES 250 . 00 r0fi,frr tr E n tr tr o D o D t .-b $200 No Fee $200 $s00 $200 $500 $s0o $200 $2s0 Description of the Requestu Aflitl{r^\t lpli trrP- 'TYfre -f. r;. t-iLl I AFf\ ,\lFj^l Application for Review by the Planning and Environmentaf Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General fnformation: This application is for any project requiring approval from the Planning and Environmental Comrnission. please refer to the submittal requiremenb for the particular approval that is requested. An application for ntanning-and Environmental commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received Uy the Comriuniv Deve,opment Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town councit a;d/or tfr" O"ris;Review Board, Type of Application and Fee:ts Variance D Sign Variance D Rezoniru tr Major Subdivision tr Minor Subdivision tr Special Development District ! Major Amendment to an SDD E Minor Amendment to an SDD E Zoning Code Amendment $2s0 $200 $200 $1000 + $2oltot $2so $rs00 $1000 $200 $2s0 Conditional Use Permit Employee Hot.lsing Unifiype: Bed and Ereakfast Major Exterior Alteration in Vail Village Minor Exterior Alteration in Vail Village Major Exterior Alteration in Lionshead Major Exterior Alteration in the pA District Floodplain modifi cation Amendment to a Development plan Location of the Proposal: Lot: /A Block: Physicaf Address: 4lbb i:trtur"tf,lyt1 DW. Parcef No.: 2l! I - I'r:2"" !{yl ft^ (contact Eagle co. Assessor at g7o32a-8640 for parcet no.) Toningz Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Phone:-41'l Owner(s) Signature(s):'-- Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone: PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPL]CATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DE'ELOPN4ENT. 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAil-, COLORADO 816s7. 4"f"' tvt u FEB ! 1 2902 )o L',lr') i I itzk'n. Al.{. ArL irilc, i 'William i'. Picr(;!..,.\riti'tir{.J lhor::rs Il l)r,lir':s- Ar. hil.r I Siopiraril I r'rri-johri :rr, r\ri:liiter:t D.tvid B.r L,n, /\r(jilittJi:t FRITZLEN PI o ER CE ARCHITECTS VAIL, COLORADO Xn:ir\. l-i!'rlir)lir, iir rii no55 t1,tnr,tli(rr February 11,2002 Ceorge Ruther, Senior Planner Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Lot 18, Bighorn Subdivision 41 66 Columbine Drive, Vail. CO Ceorge, Attached are the following Applications for the above referenced propeny: 1. Applicalion for Variance to add volume to existing buildings (built prior to annexation to the Town of Vail) within setbacks. The Application includes adding volume to areas within the existing structure that are currently under 5 feet in height (approximately 1B square feet). 2. Addressed envelopes for adjacent property Owners. 3. Fees were paid for the previous Application that is hereby amended. I have enclosed three sets of plans to describe existing conditions and the proposed redevelopment of the site. Structures on the subject property were constructed prior to incorporation within the Town of Vail and consist of three existing legally non-conforming Dwelling Units on the site. The site does not conform to the minimum site area (the site contains 13,0b5 sq.ft.) in the Zone District (Two Family Residential). lt is the Applicant,s intention to reduce this non_ conformity by establishing a single family dwelling, garages, and a Type I EHU on rhe subject property. The majority of the existing construction is within setbacks established by the Zone District and Supplemental Regulations. lt is the Applicants intention to reconstruct these buildings within the current footprints of the existing construction and the reconstruction will not exceed what is currently constructed. The Applicant proposes no new floor area within the side or stream setbacks (except for increasing the headroom in portions of the existing Units in areas that are currently under 5 feet in height and are not currently considered CRFA (approximately 1B square feet)). New construction otherwise meets all current zoning standards. l6rt0 i:lrl V,ri; \,,rll,rv i)r'ii,r. llliriilje i " r. V,1il. i .{)ioftd,) lll rrll f,: ');i).4 )i>,()i:t: l:r !i7r.l I 7t) ,l:iij i f: ir ! t)(i:) \;,lihr(:lr itcit).(:r il: vu}1.\r.1/l ili r(. h il c(:i-! ( oJlr o ERC FRITZLEN PI ARCH ITECTS VAIL, COLORADO In closing the Applicant believes the proposals herein are a minimum to achieve reasonable use of the property. lt is likely that many properties in the immediate area that were constructed prior to incorporation in the Town of Vail and vary from zoning standards established following incorporation. Approval of these variances would not be granting a special privilege. There would be no negative effect on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Please call me if you have any questions, '1650 East Viil Vollcy Drivc, l:allrklgr C"t. Vail, C0lorndo ll'l (i5 7 P: )7r).47(>.6312 F: 970.476.49i'l E: inl,o@)vailarchilf rts-corrr \,!$ar/.vaila rch itects. c0 m -,I _ l-rnrt i rjrzlcn AlA. Ar, hitr,f I Wiiliarn I-. Picror. r\rChikr(:t I ltrrrrr.rs ll. L\r B.'i5, .\(:hi!€:{-l Slephdnio 1.'rd"j()hrlsi)n, Ar(-hjL({rl Drvid 8aunr, A(Jrikr.rt Kaih,v I{lslirrqa, lilrrsirIe-i:; r\1.11:r!ir:r Monday, February 1'l , 2002 Provided is a brief outline of the design process to date for the project at 4166 Columbine Drive in East Vail: FRITZLEN PI o ER CE ARCHITECTS VAIL, COLOMDO Columbine Residence Lot 'l8, Bighorn Subdivision 3 Dwelling units enjoying " legal non-conforming" status. re: T.O.V. letter dated .luly 31 ,2OO1 Two Family Residential 13,005 sq. feet, T.O.V. letter dated November 16, 1981 . 50' rear (streamside) 15' side 2O' tront (Columbine Drive) 1735 sq. feet, calculated by FPA per Eagle Valley Survey dated Existing Project Data: Project Name: Location: Existing Structures: Zone District: Lot Size: Set Back: Existing Site Cov.: November 28, 2OO1 . Allowable Site Cov.: 2601 sq. feet (20% of 13,005 sq. feet) Existing CRFA: 1621 sq. feet. calculated by FPA per Eagle Valley Survey dated Allowable CRFA: November 28, 2OO1 3676 sq. feet, 3251 sq. feet (25l" of 1 3,005) + 425 sq. feet (425 per allowable unit, 1 units allowed, lot sized < 15,000 sq. feet), per TOV 18.13.080 Existing Curb Cuts: 1 Allowable Curb Cuts: 1. confirmed per meeting with T.O.V., 1 per allowable uniq 1 allowable u nits Allowable carages: 2, (2 per allowable unit), not to exceed 300 sq. feet per, total of 6o0 sq. feet. Synopsis: It is the intention of the owner to remodel the existing structures, joining 2 of the units (West and Center) into a Primary residence while building a new attached garage with new bedrooms above. In doing so, the Owner intends to fill in the basement level space of the Center structure, creating a crawl sPace, and relocate that "existing non-conforming" space to a level above the main floor, creaiing a 2- story structure of the exact same size changing only the configuration of that space. The third uniton the property (East) will then be designated as a Type I Employee Housing Unit and will remain a free- standing structu re on the site. In designating the East structure a Type I EHU, it is our assumption that we will be granted an extra 5% of site coverage as well as an additional curb cut. Lastly, unlike our previous design, the revised scheme does not require any variance applications. The entireties of the additions proposed occur within the legal building setbacks as shown. only renovation work will occur on the units outside the setbacla. lfiS() [,]5t V,i!l VJilcv l)riv.-'. i:aiir ill(r' i.l L V.ril. ( itir''.i1.111 11i 1:,5 7 P: l)7t) 'l;'$.63 !2. I :,1,'().1,'ir,..illu i i::il ioiiijv;.rr i.r,r:l it''r.t,,., r r rrI ''l,wr'v. \,'a i i:t ! ( th i l..,ct t. r. { ) r't l o ERC Proposed Project Data: Lot Size: Proposed Structures: Revised All. Site Cov.: Site Cov. as shown Allowable CRFA: CRFA as shown: Allowable Curb Cuts: Curb Cur as shown: Allowable Carages: Carages as shown: Variances required: FRITZLEN PI ARCH ITECTS VAIL, COLOMDO 13,005 sq. feet 1 dwelling unitto remain and Type I EHU 3251 sq. feet (.25% of Lot Size, increase allowed due to designated) 3174 sq. feet. 3676 sq, feet (allowable 425 credit per unit applied to one unit only as second unit exists outside the building setback) 366O sq. feet 2, 1 per allowable unit, 2 allowable units, (1 Primary, 1 EHU) 2 4, 2 per allowable unif 2 allowable units, total of 1200 sq. feet. 3, total of 791 sq. feet. re: attached 'Iti5() [on V,iil Vclley t.)rivc, Fallririrt (.] L \til. C-(.il$r.d0 i1'l (i5 7 Pt :)7O.4:6.6'J.4) F:9:()..t:'6.4!r0l [: in ti'1ii\aila lr:h itr,'c.l.s. r':o rrr w\wv vi.i ila lchiled s.(.{) r'tl t v cr-rr I J'ut t0l rtit!u at,: : ,STBWART TITLE OF VAIL iP.O. BOX 2000 :VAIL, co s1658 ------i'j---ii Pleass ddiver this to: , I :li ,ROD POWELL : I :A,\,rL, flr,vl DIJL : I \/ATT ' TNI.TG{I.,T\ DF I ,vAIL LIONSIID RE r ::|::l :i -.E....r..&& --___"1 This fax is frorr: , i i : ;LINDA G WILLIAMS This fa;r was srdat€d at 6-JllL-2001 13:04:53.85 It has a total of 6 pages, not including this cover sheet. If therc ars anyproblems, cortirpt the sendcr atg2ffiz3}. COMMENTS RE: 4166 COLUMBINE DR Jt u .+to +t lci $ep-il6- ul r b: i'z;Fage 1 o ,l rl ,l :f-- I ii I I j I I I 9ru +a(J 9t /:t, SCHEAT)LU A Ouler Nnnhcr:' o to?.9 4gl L Efie*ivc.t p: June 20t 200J at 7;45 A,E, :t. Pulity or Pblicies tD lre istued: U) A.LT.A,: t)rl.|rcr',t (Extended) Ptop.,s.tI lr t li ur&l : rnp?tty c. ttAHKs : (h) A.L.T..t.ll.utut Prnporccl hNure..l: (,:) Lusehold I Propotcd Insured: : i Tht, eslste ur inl$$t in the kuul tkst:ribed ttr r.l|tr cd rn ht this fee e.L:nple J- Titlt ro he I tae cjnlple fit..|( ot irtl,j' Ht : ..':rr.ti8$ K.0PrlN SRydSsfAD end JADIE LEE : Tfu lrntd relerrecl lo in this C mnitnrn! is tll.rcrihed as lr hnt,s: : sEE Arrtilt8ts LaoAL DESCRIPTI2N yurPo:lad Addres : 4T66 CO'WBINP PRIVE v^]!,, eo 8)557 : eeP-co-ut I o; dl;FAge e /Jta,!di.: d ) .5lr/t'.ryI'(,l' (HAIiUES iltn unii pu,inl:lt: ht1irr u tt 4n! oJ ln,u.lnu 950,0rJ0 .00 TARiI .sJ{0r.00 20,00 ,0 .00 iAu t$ I I I I j I I I ls I .5. tax:Exriri fann 120.1 Tlese clutrgfi eo \a itcc:J. LDlc|tt,iJttJ 1t\) +t lJ,DeP-ZO-Ut tO:JO; SCH}:I'ALE A Or,fur Nun$er :. 0 i02 9 1 g 7 LECALDE'CRffNON ' I,at ltg, a.t GHo/rN sd80l !'l s.l otv ACCDAD) NG '1O Y'HE RuAORDAD PLA']' fiITEREOF Fage u AirD j A }:olltjorr of the niEht Of tiay of CoJurnbjne Drivc pdlsgfinl. s.,2 Lot li9, BiEhonl Subdlvleion, a puircijvjsjon recotded in :ttr,r Ot{ide of the Edgl6 Covnty, CoJotaclo Cjark and xecordel, i Eaid1Jottion *tng nore partjculdrly descrjljod as toJlow|t Aegiinlng at the floJtrreir6! corlrer o./ sald Lot lgt , I tnende alo)1E ti:e cxtersion to tfe North of the East .llnelof saja Lot 1:8, lvorti -37..t9,i0', Easr 34.e4 teet; i zhencle 44.54 teat along tha ar-c of a curve tto the rightl. ltaving d radlus of lO8,)g feet. a ceDtial angle of 23.;t,lOi, ;al chord which lrears Noftir 6.r.08,1i" ciest 44,2t feet tq rX:l Norc{etly Jlne ot said r,at tE,. :l thondc dlonE sald jvortlarJy I jce bA, J6 teet alorrs tlla Er.& of n cus.,,,e to tie left hevlng d radius of 5e,O0 leett a centmJ angle ot 64"00'00" / rtDd E chord vhich bears Sout} 2Ao20,lC. Ea+t 50.0A taat, j I ?o Tha Point Of Begitning. ' I :ll cofrlv'Jf! lJF' EAcLt; I I srArri oF coLoRArc. I I ::l !,'TJS COI'UITMEI'T 'fAs PREPARED AN JUE,V 6 ?OOJ. . I FoR QUESIIONS EA€AapJj/C THIS CO\ULI!M0N!\ pI,tAst; cALtr i I t INDA r/rtLrAus, rrlg TrrLE oFyIcER, AI 970/925-02t3. i !'ox oussruoivs RE6A.ROI^'C THE CIK,SrNC, I'irb'ptig ]ALL I KAMMv. flOULITTAN, THE| ESCROW OFFICER] AT g,'|i 1/9-6010 : I .I.hi s conmitrnelt is sert to: r'.!, irt y'ttY PA&KS JAttgq 6 JaDJt SFIlIc-Sf.1i) JOJIM fiJiSSOiv ROD fr'IETJL vL1J.J. L tonsnEaO HeaJ, ts5IAI e:gtu 416 41 t5;tjep-?b--01 16:33;Page 4/7 Order Nwrher:. 0102 915 / SCHEDALE B Sfi:tion l ..'- J,.'''....'n'.'' .'.. ,.,|"''',''''.'.'. . l heu (a.l PtrynPnr to nr .for th( u.'tuu t t,l' tlr( gruntorr er m() !lu!!(,$ o-[ tht futl ]xtsitiprdti.t),t .litr the $tcttt or interclt nt be lnsured. : I REQUIREMENTS i The j>llox,in t drp thp rcquir?n.tnts lo h( conplicd. t+'ith: I I Itnn ih1 Pn4t/7 i,11 t 1v11s71s,tt (.t ) c:1'0oting the est.ite .v inlercst ro he insrred lnwl:. b( (,trt;uttrl uu.l tlul'y'fils.l .fttr t(t:t !.{., to l1/il: I J, tiridenee gacisfac,tory to Stepart :.!'itle ruaranly a:anpany ctipaynant at dlI outstarlding taxeo and cssassnsnts as ccrtjfJed by cfie EagI; Count! tledsurer. ',2. Execution of tttidavit as to Dabts and ,:ier:s ,rrd ili returh to Stapart l,itle Gudr€r:tiy conpdny, I j i J. aJtec,lLlon by tlle sel|erls) of tfie AfIidavit relating to Sufvey natcet.s in connection ir.ith subject pEoperty. i I ,l { . Ev )clenee setisfae?ory to Stew,irt :i jlle Guirran ty €oinpany tif t tA" rea.l estate tr.rnsf€lr tax tacesred hy the l'own qt VaiI hat bcen paid clrl that tAe tl-aqsaciron ls ex€ript ffoo seld tay. I I I l - &eleaea by the pubrlc frirrte€ ol Eagte L'cunty ot r.le oeea $r r,ru6't froa Jones (evir? 4ryl'lestad and Jadie Lee Btynest.ld tat the u6e cf /tertjll ayJ:ci credjt CorporAt ioti to secur"e i500,0O0,A0, dated ocrober 28, J99A,lr-*eordad eer,ober 3J, J996 iti Sook 7J0 dt Pdgc lJ.5 rs Receptlon l{o. 60609{. . i ,;l 6. rleed tion 'lanee xevin Bryneatad and ,Jadie !'ee brynpstad, lvleting fce tinpJe titJe in ,rlnothy C, Parks. : i :i s'ol'$; iactS'A'l'.r oll otr rHE LEaAL AoDeEss or rHs cRAlrrEr .wrsr aFpsAf; oN rtru oEBD As PER LgL6 AuTENDIIENT I'O AnATUTE CN &ACOIDTNG OF DEEDS CH6 3b-)|-Joe (2). ,i ii t,t l rl il or. vcrJr Ll'uf t5tiitlu ny61 c5tHrei 9ttJ .+t6 +l ta; $ep_25-ul !.1 " Patant tecorded ^'ovember 22, t939 !!z Book tJJ ;t pale dl5; I :l ten perdeilt non-p€rtic.r.pating royarty in and tc Froceeds dei..ivea f!-ol,| tfie sale et nitiJgid76, o! e tatBoever' ,kj,ld arld rintr,!'e, proLluc,ec) cnd rfjhec/ t!-on tir€ eajrl pfern{seg, a3 reserved by Gudt Klaitipes and Eva J. Klahaipeb by j,jFcrurnetrt reeorded ivovenDer 2, J962 in Book !66 at t,agp 407, anct any frna all assigruneuts tlereot or interests tJrere_i,L rI :I :l Restrrctjons as cor:t:j.ned jn jnstrunert recorded oecelflb€r' llt, lgsz in aook 174 at Psge,403 ae Rrceptjon No. -96856 .lrd Jrrstfl,fient recr:rderl f, tt Ho(tk t7S nt pa,la r :( |,l Sasemends, lest.lct10r)6 and ny/]ts-o f -vays as Eiro(r,r ott uzi f tua o: dJgjiorn r6:u4;Page 5/7 ry!rE";ur'&: _r I YI SCHEIJA|.E I I Secfioir ? I rl On.tcr Nurnber: 0 t029 4 87 I i ' ExcEPnoN.r i I I'he poiir.r or Wlici(i to hc issnttl will cunnfu $(:pptit,ttr ru tttt, .fiill o.,t iry mies! tuli7l'cr<tion t[ thr Conpcrn..r.' I tht sttn., ure tlisptt:i*l Q' tt tlw .L Riqltls or <ll:tims ql Ntnies in possessittu, not slrotnt !21. fls publk rct:or.d.s, I 2. httunu s] ttr t:htlrtts nf casentems. ror trdu,l 14' the ltublic rtrttftl:: , .?. Discrtpotiies, cotgli<ls in huuntluty li.ttc$, shortoBt in orea, encrtntfuntttts,l 5u11'1:1 urrl insptltktn uJ'the pttntises *uuhl disdtue und il.h urc ru,r .thlt it'i 'y lltd pubtit ,?i:r,l*. drui utv fuLts v,hidt u u)rr((l 6. Ltng:rtrttttt{ Yt ktr ghlJ 1 , An1 ,liu. _d{ tipllt tu. a lii ., for services, labor ot unteriql lrcrerttlare pr hrr{t1ier 1il,tlth l, ittlto.recl ht lutv atd nor shityttt lty the nublic recortls. : I ,l -5 D$?tts, licns, enunbrtt c?s, .tdt?rt( cluinrs ur olher fiw .,tJ, i,i unt', , riulut. 1ir.rt <rltputrin,g in thr prltl1t' rccol/s or: dtraclling ,subsequent ro tlrc efih;.tlw .llrt? tercDf, hut prlor to the &t{e te propuserl insuretl uuluires of reL:ord jor valut'ilv: eskt(. .)t i,rl{$l ot t t)tt(.,t<t lhtrian t'<tvcral by ttttst <lt>tnnitittnt, lntning dalrnr; r(,Jf ,'luri{rn.i Ot excppti2,ts itr lrete ts . .rr .in .).'t althori:itr,q the isSt.'inu rhereOf; , tkunts or litl( t0 rv ttt. i I 7 ' Ary and a-11 unpaici ta.xes ard asgessinerlts and a,ry unredaernaal tflx r,r]es,i"i nserva!1cy, tire proteet.loa. soil cotttct.ra cio.n pr oth6r diatri ct or ihcJua{cf rn .rDy watas !aeseryadjons or exceptioirg in patents, or ln Aces uthoria thereof ,, lncluding the reee'.rat ion of a rlght ot vay for dilehes or canel3 corrstruited by tha authoriLy of tie unjred seates, as resar[,"ci jn unr te,:t gtaue,s 8. 9, lo. r'he ef teet ot tnclusions in any gereral or s2,tael t ie r4ra eer .ef rreer vancy, tit proteet.loa. soil cotttct.ra C jo.n pr oth6r djatrj ct or ihcluatcir rn rDy watas cetvice lor sLreet irnprove-mtint rrt.ea, I i tteservadions or exce.ptioi)6 in patents , or ln Aces fluthorjgjhc tt:e issua.ice thereof ,, lncluding the reeer.rat ion of a rlght ot uey for dilches or canel3 ror)dtluqted by tha authoriLy of tie unjred seates, as resarf,eci jn unj le,c g r'l S.tsgrnoJlt fat conatruetjott attd ltajntenalge of qa€ djstrjbutrbn sjrs t ern in arrt-l along roade of BiEhorn Jufrcjjvjsjon. as ipccrdld Auqust lt, lj9e5 PagF {05 aE llecept ion lVo. )0J914. gubdivilion resolded Decembez' 3, J952 as Receptiot No, )676F. I S.tsgrnoJlt fat conatruetjott attd ltajntenalge of qa€ djstrjbutrbn s1rs t ern in arrt-l along roade of BiEhorn Jufrcjivision. as ipccrdld Auqust It, L9e'r rn BooJi t90 .?t tsn'to .tnl .e p a^a..r i ^F N^ 1t11o) A I ,l I Qrdet and DecreB ct-eattrig tt jghcrn rinteJ irj€t;ict, cs ldL-otdptf .,rrr.t;, j8, l9t7 xs ,l I L'on c lnuecl o,r',.,r$*c purlu :l J4. FeceptjOJ, NJ, )06210, Lorote, ere i.v r?r r!,, irgp-c(J-vt tu,r,t, f.(,ve olt n.liri:,:.fltsRlElliF||tFilrlrr.rErr|a!8Gfiiltliilref -_i I ';' 'Ttt"**-l :rl ;l ,l :lj il c'ontjnuatdor of Sciedule a - .Sgctjo/, 2 ,l Ordcr lvur&cs i O:OZg48r I I ,.1 il 15. Order and Dactee cL-eatlng rhe glghorn tlre Pcot€ctJon Drstt{cc. recolded 1)eceJlt,er 9, )gtt ac fi€c€ptioJi !lg. l)82J4, i I !6. Tetmc, dondrtions, rescrvltiorts, .regtrietiols or?cJ oo:.tgatlt{s as contajnecl jrr !'6n ot )Vdll Ordinance, en|-itJ.ed An Ordlnance Pro!' j,Cing fof tfro ydcatio,r of A last ion pf CoJurbine Dtive, Bigholtt gulrcljyjslon. ln itr€ I'qlr+ of VaL7, Colorado, recorded A{guet J9, J986 itt Eook {89 at pege 649 as Recept,jjfa No, Je,g4g, 'rl ilgrn.' q,rcsPIJoNS I AND 4 AEOrE t4J L!, BE DaLb!'gD ON fH! frllrll ohlrrEFs poLrc!, PWVIDEA SOTH SELLER( S, AXD PUTCHASSR(S) EI{E0UIa r.HE I,EIITTNI REQUIRSD ATITDA yJ.rs II'D .S' TQ AFFIAAVITE ARE APPEOI'EO BY THE CO!'PANT. , I ExcBptrq,Ms Z N{D J wrrJL aE DH,EIED ON I,n$ }-r&A.0 Or4lJr'Fs tor.Jtt pRovraga rHAT TtrE pF srrv? oslfltas sxgcure tHE sugva! *.t'tox.vlt,. EXCEHI'IOiI 5 WJLL NOT APPTAR ON rHE OhruAnS POLICIf, r,VO Cer ; i PRO?ECTIQI\I WILL BE dRA ?EgI PR9VIDEP TI'T ? 'rEryAFT nIrfJE oI. ial,oLa couvr'I TERyoT<Hs CWSING DISBORSTI'ENTS A!J' RECOfiDTNO OF AT.L lprEUMENrS, : I SET'DT.9S,OSLIREE" INCLUDED HE'IEWZTfl , DISCLOST.IRES Itrsus|lr toC.R.S. to.l l-i?:, nrrticc i+ h!',cl't) $iedr lhrti IA) IgE SUBJECI RFAL PROPERTY IV'AY BE LOC'AIED IN A $PIECIAL I.CXINC I]ISTRICI.: (D) : (l--) : Noto: Cilorado Divirion ot lnsurancr.' Rrgvlaikars 3-5.1, Paragruph C ol' ,{rdcfe Vll tequrrr's thnt "Evely tiuc Note: Ai'tilmrrti';e y.'rh{ ri.''s Lien Protcclton lbr dte Owner uury ltc aviriltbl* (11 No. 4 t.'tj$,;hedu[- B, Scction 3 of thc Co3nmitoltflt licur thc owner's Prrlirv to hc i call; try delerion ot brr,'cption $pon u{)r:rpiirnf$ wjth rh{ lirilowin! .'ondilions: Th€ ldnd dgi(rtbed in Scherlule A (,1' Lhis irlfi,.nutule[t ur'.tst lx it istoglc I'Anliiy r,.:si<lencr:. rrb],"h includcs a condornirlirrrn or to$nhouse unit. ' i I No lalror or nntcriitls bave b(rcn furnished by nrecJranicrs 0r n.tterii{l{cn tbr lurposet ol li)llFlluctiim on tho lnnd oessibed in Sthedul., A of this Conmirntelt wjthut tht' Ilr+ 6 lrt('nlh:. I The Corrp{1y rni.rst rsr-Eivc. an l;rpropliltc stfi,Javit lndeurni$rn{ rhe (l(tmpeny asainst uniilcd nrcuhaniu's and sutctialmcn's litns. i I ,l 'I'hir. \-'orlrpuny $usl receivc pnyrn'nt ot th!' uppti)prilllc preflriuu.. i i l[there t]fls hecn aolLrlruftion, ;nUrr.'rvctrrcn$ or rtra.ir:rf lcpails u{lertntctl on thc Pl$!!rrlv h] hi purchuuecl, witlrin six rmnths Ifior (o th': D0tr o[ the C\llnrnitotcnt, tht requile'rncnts kr ob''irin ccr/illBe ii.,r ugcc.rded licns will i,**l1r(6 disciosurr of 1'erhin con)rrurtroir ilntbrnrrrion: tinancral tnr\rrrtta:lttn ir{ to tbg sellel. thr. lruildcr rrnd,'or Lha tontt:r{krti pLryutent ol rhe rydr$Ffiirlc premiutrr; tttl]y cxrlx:te{.1 Ind,"rnnify grtclnents satislrut(,ty to thd r'OrnFonyi rd, anv ad{itiunal rltquir-'lnenls a6 t:1aY lrl nec€.sxar' 1f11r1 5 slgrninafiin of tbe ul'(rrcsitid int'crrmatie'n Lry dw Coq4ranv No cr)vtsrrgc will lri- givcn ulrdtr !fly (lrcullrstaruss tbr'lahrt 91 11;rrcrral fi,r vlrL'{ ths lttsrrcrt hns ctrntntrctd tur'or rgreed i., pa.r. i N()TltltN'G lllrRlil\ t'O.\T,\l\:f,D Wttl, us IlEElftuD T() oBLt(;A'tE TilE coeP.{\-}'1'o llROYUl$ ai\n' oF TrrE c0lxRA(;Es RETURRED ',I'O HERtlN tir-LESS TuEi ,\Bovli cONDI't'Io\s; ,','lt(I' FULT,Y SATI!|}:ED. i rl ,l OrdEr No, 01029097 | I I 1)irrrrr,.irtr i l 5DD) Rr\ . l0/!r9 | A I .F :-rL- , o VENNFRS, LORI & THEODORE 4196 COLUMBINE \N 1/zYAIL, CO 81 6s7 DOWNEY, CALE & BEVERLEY ANNE 1624 S CAROLINA HARLINCEN, TX 78550 BRYNESTAD, JAMES & JADIE 13051 W. 79IH ST ARVADA, CO BOOO5 MCCONAHEY, KATHLEEN L 1O5O CREEN OAKS DR LITTLETON, CO 80121 NELSON W. PETERSON, COLEMANJACK 20 HUNTWTCK LN ENCLEWOOD, CO 80110 CHERRY, NORMAN & IMOCEN RTE 2 BOX 81 ARLINCTON, KY 42021 SCOTT, JONATHAN & SHARON 36 N BROOK LN IRVINCTON, NY 10533 SOBIN, VERA L 330 E 33RD ST 20 M NEW YORK, NY ,I OO1 6 FINNECAN, ROBERT & HELEN 2415 WOODBLUFF CT AUCUSTA, CA 30909 MARTHA B WILSON TRUST. SCOTT, CYNTHIA - WILSON, KATHLEEN - BURKE, DEBOMH s4ss w.IEWELL AVE LAKEWOOD, CO 80232 MOORE, HALE & CAROL PO BOX3746 AVON, CO 81 620 SKAER PROPERTIES LP 3054 SOUTH COUNry ROAD 13 LOVELAND, CO 80537 BURKS, DOROTHY y 4207 E COLUMBTNE DR 6 VA|L, CO 816s7 HANLIN, JOSEPH & JANET 2403 VTRCO COLORADO SpRtNCS, CO 80906 HOEVELMANN, KARL & URSULA 161 S. COLDEN DR. SILT, CO 81652 DONOVAN, JOHN EAMON 1014 HOMESTAKE CtR VA|L, CO 816s7 MAY, JUDITH C. 38 WEDGE WAY LITTLFTON, CO 8O123 CMMSHMMER, SHEIKA CARINA 4145 BICHORN RD VAIL, CO 81657 WILSON, CHARLES & REBECCA 5565 W JEWELL AVE LAKEWOOD, CO 80232 DON DAVIS169 LAMPLICHTER LANE _ PONTE VEDRA BEACH, FL 32082 Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Depadment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2739 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Geneml Information: This. appliation is for any project requiring appmval From the Planning and Environmental Commission. please refer to the submittal requiremenb for the particular approval that is requested. An applicahon for planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required informauon is received by the Communitv Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or tf," o"ris;Review Board. ! Conditional Use Permit J{ rmpnyee Ho*ing Unitnvp", I Bed and Breakfast Major Exterior Alteration in Vail Village Minor Exterior Alteration in Vail Village Major Exterior Alteration in Lionshead Major Exterior Alteration in the pA District Floodplain modifi catlon Amendment to a DeveloDment Plan .Trye of ApplicaUon and Fee:X Variance fl Sign Variance n Rezonirp D Major Subdivision ! Minor Subdivision fl Special Development District ! Major Amendment to an SDD ! lvlinor Amendneft to an SDD tr Zoning Code Amendment $2s0 $200 $200 $1000 + $20/lot $2s0 $1s00 $1000 $200 $2s0 C D D tr D tr C $200 No Fee $200 $s00 $200 $s00 $s00 $200 $2s0 Location oftheProposal: t-ot: r{i'i etock:Subdivision: Physicaf Addrelx;: 4/ lZo t,-,-,..';t.-Lttz ; &ti,-lt,; {}:2, Parcef No.: !ta/ /da tf, z(Contact Eagle co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: I{ame(s) of Owner(s)! Mailing Address: Owner(s)Signature(s): l,z Mailing Address: PLEASE SU8ItrT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTI4ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLOMDO 81657, | , /: i': t".'i J ..', 1 E8 SEP p + 2gg1 ' # -move t aElE o h€Ueer Uu* 1o Umpty w/ TO: FHOM: DATE: SUBJECT:A request for a variance from Sections 12-6C-6 (Setbacks) & 12-6C-9 (Site Coverage), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a Type I Employee Housing Unit, located at 4166 Columbine Drive/Lot 18, Bighorn Subdivision. OiA*r6 . OK Applicant: Timothy Parks &*te*r . Planner: George Ruther DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST Mr. Timothy Parks, represented by Bill Pierce of Frilzlen, Pierce Architects, is intending to remodel and construction an addition to his residence located at 4166 Columbine Drive/Lot 18, Bighorn Subdivision. The proposed remodeland addition project includes adjoining two of the three units on the site into one new primary residence and converting the new secondary residence into a ndw Type I Employee Housing Unit. In addition to combing the two of the units into one and creating an employee housing unit, the owner also proposes to convert the lower | ,*r,u, g, \rlear rl,til- Sqthdts MEMORANDUM €e,aVo",t _ Dee?, DoLJq ,- ll.s + Sohrl . oE Eie;'+t' oU- Planning and EnvironmentalCommission L1n,o.a .,V_ Community Development Department March 'l 1,20A2 {"h" ' Bn;,tr. 1-o r . I r I n^, ,^ level of the primary unit into crawl space area and relocate the GRFA square !'\' ' I LL'/^'e' tootage up to a new second level of lhe residence. The proposal also includes the construction of a new three-car garage on the site. Currently, no enclosed parking spaces exist on the property. The applicant is proposing to relocate floor area that is already within the stream setback area and construct additional building bulk and mass lo portions of the residence already localed within the side setbacks. Even though this is considered infill development that will occur within the eonfines of the existing building footprint, a request for a variance must first be reviewed and approved by the Planning & Environmental Commission because additional square footage and building bulk and mass is being within setback areas. The variance request must be approved qprior to the proposed improvemenls being constructed. The variance request includes the relocation of 516 square feet of GRFA in the stream setback, the construction ol 17.5 square feet of new GRFA on the side setbacks as a result of an increase in the floor to ceiling height, and an increase in building height of approximately feel maximum. The original application included a sile coverage variance request. The plans, however, have since been revised and the need for a site coverage variance has been eliminated. There is no need for the Commission to take action on that request. o il. TOWN CODE The existing residence was originally constructed in Eagle County prior to being annexed into the Town of Vail and becoming subject to the Town's land development regulations. As such, the original residence was built closer to Gore Creek and the sideyard property lines than would have otherwise been permitted in the Town of Vail. staff has determined that the improvements constructed on the property were lawfully established and legally non-conforming with regard to density (dwelling units/acre) and structures and site improvements (setbacks). This delerminalion is based upon the review of Title 12, Chapter 18, Nonconforming Sites, Uses, Structures, and Site lmprovements, of the Vail Town Code. The relevant sections of Chapter 18 have been added for reference, 12-18-1: PURPOSE: This Chapter is intended to limit the number and extent of nonconforming uses and structures by prohibiting or limiting their enlargement, their reestablishment after abandonment, and their restoration after substantial destruction. While permifting nonconforming uses, structures, and improvements ta continue, this Chapter is intended to limit enlargement, alteration, restoration, or replacement which would incl'ease the discrepancy betvveen existing conditions and the development standards prescribed by this Title. 1 2- 1 B-2 : CONTT N IJ ANCE : Nonconforming slfes, uses, structures, and site improvements lawfully established prior to the eflective date hereof may continue, subject to the limitations prescribed in this Chapter. Sites, uses, structures, and site improvements lavvfully authorized by permits or regulations existing prior to the effective date hereof may continue, subject to such limitations as prescribed by such permits or regulations. 12-18-3: S/IES; Sites lavrfully established pursuant to regulations in effect prior to the effective date hereof which do not canlorm to the minimum lot area and dimension requirements prescribed by this Title for the district in which they are situated may be continued and shall be deemed legally established building sites, subject to the site development standards prescribed by this Title. No such site shall be further reduced in area or dimensions. 12-18-4: USES: The use of a site or structure lavvfully established prior to the eftective date hereof which does not conform to the use regulations prescribed by this Title for the district in which it is sifuated may be continued, provided that no such nonconforming use shall be enlarged to occupy a greater site area for building floor area than it occupied on the effective date hereof . Any subsequent reduction in site area or floor area occupied by a nonconforming use shall be deemed a new limitation, and the use shall not thereafter be enlarged to occupy a greater site area or floor area than such new limitation. 12-18-5: STRUCTURE AND SITE MP4OVEMENT: Structures and site improvements lavvfully established prior to the effective date hereof which do not conform to the development standards prescribed by this Title tor the district in which they are situated may be continued. Such structures or site improvements may be enlarged only in accordance with the following limitations: A. Lat And Structure Requirements: Structures or site improvements which do not conform to requirements for setbacks, distances between buildings, height, building bulk control, or site coverage, may be enlarged; provided, that the enlargement does not further increase .^*( the discrepancy between the total structure and applicable building {.'{dp\ bulk control or site coverage standards: and provided that the addition - o_' futly conforms with setbacks, distances between buildings, and height ?7 standards applicable to the addition. B.Density Control: Structures which do not conform to density controls may be enlarged, only if the total gross residential floor area of the enlarged structure does not exceed the total gross residential floor area of the preexisting nonconforming structure. 12-18-6: MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS: Nonconforming uses, structures, and site improvements may be maintained and repaired as necessary for convenient, safe, or efficient operation or use; provided, that no such maintenance or repair shall increase the discrepancy between the use, structure, or site improvement and the development standards prescribed by this Title. 12-18-9: RESTORATION: Whenever a nonconforming use which does not conform with the regulations for the district in which it is located, or a nonconforming structure or site improvement which does not conform with the requirements for setbacks, height, density control, building bulk control or site coverage is destroyed by fire or other calamity, by act of God or by the public enemy, its use may be resumed or the structure may be restored, provided the restoration is commenced within one year and diligently pursued to completion. All new construction must conform to the applicable Uniform Building Code, Uniform Fire Code and other relevant codes regarding safety and construction which are in effect at the time rebuilding is proposed. III, STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Developmenl Deparlment recommends approval of the request for a variance from Sections 12-6C-6 (Setbacks), to allow for the remodel and addition of the Parks' Residence located at 4166 Columbine Drive/Lot 18, Bighorn Subdivision. The staff's recommendation for approval is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section V of this memorandum and the evidence presented with this application. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, staff recommends that the following findings be made part of the Commission's molion: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on olher properties classified in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone Districl. 2. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to this site that do not apply generally to other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. Specifically, the rendering of the residence as a lawfully established legal non-conforming site with regard to setbacks upon the areas annexation in 1974. 3. That the strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properlies in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this request for a setback variance, the Community Development Department recommends the following condition be made part of the Commission's motion: 1. That the applicant proceeds fonivard with an application for Design Review Board approval prior to constructing any improvements. IV. ZONING - SETBACK STATISTICS Zoning District: Primary/Secondary Residential District Lol Size: 13,005 square feeU0.298 acre Minimum Required Lot Size: 15,000 square feet Development Standard Required Existino Proposed Selbacks Front 20 ft. 65 ft. 20 ft.Sides 15 ft.(East) 9.5 ft. 9.5 ft.(West) 3ft. 3ft.Stream 50 ft. 26.5 ft. 26.5 ft. *pre-existi ng setback e ncro ach me nt V. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS _ SETBACK VARIANCE A. Consideration of Factors Reoardino lhe Setback Variance: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The applicant has made numerous revisions to the plans prior to submitted for a final review of the side setback variance request. The revisions have included changing the building plans to reduce the amount of site coverage so that a variance from the site coverage requirements would not be needed, eliminating all the new GFIFA from the side setbacks with the exception of that new GRFA that is created once the floor to ceiling height is increased '4 (17.5 sq. ft.), removing the infill construction between the primary residence and the employee housing unit to further minimize the amounl of deviation requesled from the setback regulation, and amending the plans so that all new construclion (garage, bedroom, second floor addition) occurs with the prescribed building setbacks. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of trealment among siles in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant ol special privilege. Hardshin: The applicant's residence was constructed prior to the adoption of zoning regulations in the Town of Vail. The structure became lawfully established and legally non-conforming only after the Town applied the Primary/Secondary ResidentialZone Districl to the property in 1974. On May 8, 2000, the Planning & Environmental Commission made a finding that these conditions constitute a hardship for lhe property and granted a similar setback variance. Special Privileoe: The lollowing is a summary of similar garage/GRFA setback variances granted by the PEC in recenl years within the Primary/Secondary zone district: . Huerta Residence. 3003 Bellflower Dr. The variance that was approved by the Planning and Environmenlal Commission allowed 90 sq. ft. of GRFA beneath the garage. . Vlaar Residence. 2963 Bellflower Dr. Allowed for approximately 110 sq. ft. of GRFA in the front setback. . Hilb/Cumminqs Residence. 2338 Garmisch Dr. 815 sq. fi. of GRFA was allowed beneath the garage within the front setback. . Phillips Residence. 2696 Davos Tr. The lot has slopes greater than 30%, therefore the garage was located in lhe fronl setback. 874 sq. ft. of GRFA was allowed beneath the garage. . Drisko Residence. 325 Forest Rd. The Planning and Environmental Commission found a hardship in the steep slopes off of Forest Rd. No GRFA was approved in conjunction with the garage, and the applicant actually removed GRFA from beneath the second garage in the setback as part of the approval. B. . Avlesworth Residence. 2586 Davos Tr. 24 sq. ft. of garage was located in the side setback as part of this variance request. . Lashovitz Residence. 1748 Sierra Tr. No GRFA was approved in conjunction with a variance granted for a garage. . Tavlor Residence, 2409 Chamonix Rd. No GRFA was approved in conjunction with a variance granted for a garage. Given the history of other variances granted lor properties with similar circumstances within the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District, staff does not believe approval of the proposed setback variance would constitute a grant of special privilege. Additionally, staff does not believe the proposed infill development is excessive in its deviation from the setback requiremenls. 3. The effect ol the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff does not believe there would be any negative impacts associaled with lhis proposal, if constructed, on the above- referenced criteria. In fact, staff believes that the existing conditions on the site will be improved by this application given the proposed construction of a new three-car garage and a development site that fully complies with the Town's parking requirements and density requirements. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make lhe followinq findinqs before qrantinq a variance: 1. That the granling of lhe variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting ol the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b.There are exceplions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The strict inlerpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. A3/6812AaZ L7225 2t2-758ss9 FR(F OFFICE Jorcph A. Sobin '1167 Cotunbinc Dr. #3 Vril CO tl6s7 (9701 41625t7 **r,r* Ivlr. G. Rrrhr Oftcc of Connunity lhvctopmcrr, Vril Colando llI. S. FrmbgERtrd V.iL CO 8t65z RE: PAGE b2 I I lqrrtv Prrfr Vrrhn nrqrcrt lrc[ Gdunblrc Dr. Bidcn Snbdftfilcr Dcar Mr. Ruthc: Pkrsc ta nc bqin bv oore*ilu-ry rporogicq rs I vilt nc bc rbrc to rlgrd rhc pEC nuing r+ccb.ddGd fa tthrdl l tt. ns eptrinoa'in iyFi*riar",, I m o.rr of$"n,th* dayas t hrd prrnnod to rdtardttcprcvia'ocaing!, *iidr r"*ryJc.*.rry-Gpo*p*oo *r six (6) rnmrh paiod. I hsd thc oppdtlnig o rwier the noc rur Gign or5cd nrtEirrr.r vie tlc ebovr 11fuaced vrimoc rpplictiqr, rto l.fincobc wtro psirtci-mc wrs'no* pcrrorrb, kaowlcdgabtc ud r aodt to thc Twn of vail srfi whilc-r diqnc.r hirarnq pr.o* r.i,ni, "eiilni- ffin-Jgm iom o"plnning procccr ucre mo* apprcirtcd. whilc I rdnit thc rwirod olans nu-.n imPlovaqrt ovlr he initirl grlrnigsiqr fto the urrna of2tXtl, I fel the follm,ing isarcs dun *eatcssri-;f-";;;;'*, t rypoor.A, t) $crtecf Vrriaoe: At ry* rhc rppticmt ir. irand frdrcrod" rcgrrding rtrc cxilins inpro narc viotcirig qidio"'d"* roq,ritilt*c,Iili;dfr6il-#iffiH, nrximize thc inpronaarrs wi6in thc brilding --t:To, dr; .epticrnt *i-u ;d"i; b*; ;rq,r-"focrgc hm the violeticr ofthc ra Ld Iim;*;;l I 2) Opqt Sptcq I }rw bcanrold thc rpplicrntphnr b rc rhc criditrg .t r+r o rhc Sodt fr{dc in tf c+ilt{gr_of qco_rproc rquiil cr hii zoe tor aerin, ft friist ir;,Ii,re.1he bar dbilh rrtdr' es trc dqt rc gred fithcrod ln ua mru toOnifify ti i i,ilf.u,* "f *,ripdrn righs t$sht€d with cq,G cro*. nc$c ncc rhc uisting t1{j1[ ii ffiL - o6*GSA rnd po ploc b$Eta ctftml!.d to p(sct th€ sfirrurc fr, dc ;; of " ,riao wioln o"p.!a | 5 )Erq r rlidc did ocor ..o of thc rfuoture blc&ing tho 0ow of O. Cr.g, iq I O, l hqrr i lmodirl: rs l hrw fudicrtd tryr eG tEE trc .,bpu4rxphr, it rmrrhc omcr,,d ihc.rrrit ct hrw- ucd tfiG G{iding zgring oodc! totheir .t-'rt g.'t ilLidnfu-trti uffiffJi u"t rot Whilcthcqplicrn dch''Ethc_lqrl diht rD dGo;lifi rfr"of*hgru,ir;-aUriiJrd4fo., Uc inpromcns mrld hrvc to oqrfqm to ttt" pr*-t b"tidi"g o,*rqc, add,.s' trc RSA irop .rd ro ffi. Lyy^ry th" Plt9tug l.tC, idulr to rilow rhe sirtins rrrurrc b bc inprovcd ufrilo ulc tmpmt at rDc neighuqs anal wrrrll tfficcrpc of crlumunc Dr. t*-tl I .l I ! brlAA/22tj2 Lli25 Mr.6. Rrilrcr Mrrch E,2002 Prye2of2 212-7T388, l) Hckht: Limit fic hcight offic improvcmcnb nc to qccrd the odrting hcight of{t-c.ncafcC-rcof''' ;ifl'irft;i in rf," oidrg 1rimry rcsidcaoc. To ellow the owlcr ro build to 33' rhilc ir rllor""bt; wi[ lcd to a 6.'crrft of mrscivG brilt qS of proportiu with ihc to1 od tbc sucdicrye 2) G6sg: Oricot thc grrge with thc rcccss frcing *e*. firis will rvoid thc trcc (3) car grrrgF a' lr - ff"fl*dr it'* -tffi i*io.tiog ftc airtingl-rccarcpa llrrc thc grrgc' nclh aperc bc ;;fiil;-";dt;dr". c o6i6orp--tn-rtrridrto'ro0sr lhcbulk of thc gtnrduru rndto orfiu r mcc plcesrnt srcot SPGoL 3) ffttdsc.pinS: Thc qisting ld ofrcr ndruc lm&crping inc{ine.hl.11 lfuritcdlo.nr[nc -' Ap--, ih[ rna fvtrgfr fru. Thc Applicrnr rcqucsts r cirurlrr &ivcrnywith.incrc|lcd "ri"t of 6po"i"s nfrc. ngrin, Urc rypiionr ir uring thc 6cd. in the-ripa'im righb to - - - crlorlaa cicn rproc. the appl-icrni oorid Uc tlnitca m e gr.rgo rroo $:q1T:tdtlt uAicb n f,ltcc tomrdr tlic grrrS!. Thur, the mrtrrc lrndrqin-g q9 bo pcrtnttd-vltid i!-impqutrt dl Colmbinc Srro4 w|ldh fu e podr*rim rhcwghfirc fc drac rruiding Bighca Rad. As a neiglrbq. I pcrsonrlty sriw o imporc my propaty urd our pond rlog colunbinc^sFct. MY ic,id|H ualipgeidrbetoraaicry roi'suittcrrrrct r(! llowing qr !flN ofcolumhne stroa to f,rio " rrt*J icuse of Veil. $&ilc I applld tlc epplicant fa hir d6fut to irplot € ftc ltnrfittc tl I t co cottrntinc, he in trrrn ir nqurning io build a "McMenrim" ucing thc aicing improrucntr el a ,-cy t" ,u*Uid hil ''urc fofib, mi,ncbnart ar Gsc g.tdr rnd rvoid qa rproc nd GS ''rri whitc his dcdrtr rc mridrcd lc, il undcr Sp Tqilr of Vril codc, ir il dhicrp And ii it lDp'ryi* | dtsim fu r malt lcr? IfOe rbovc-rocdios cil bG rcrictrcd ard implcmartod, I bcliac dl drc t,6idd - ,f," *rl '111;a bc hrypicr widr I proiccr rhrt arl.ncce ur drcascepc. At prcsrg thc pbns ruhittcd r* r* "pprop.ittr fr iiighno Rmb a Rodrlodgp R64 which oftr Lfgltr tro urd slwtwca. I do hoc vot: the pEC rrd thc rr6itds an ncrd vill n:vic{ this tcttrr md mridct rhc rwiriur O tbc rlttst i*" mp pro*t phnl fr rcviov sharld not bc rypnovod rs dcrigrcd" PROF OFFICE PAGE 83 i I { I Joseph A. Sobin 4167 Columbine Drive #3 Vail, CO 81657 (970) 476-2s37 FeWu ry20,2002 Mr. George Ruther Departmant of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road VaiL CO 81657 RE: Timothv Parks Anplication/ Meetins Pmtponement Lot 1& Bishorn Subdivision 4166 Columbine Drive" VaiL CO Mr. Ruther: You may have reviewed my letter addressed to Brent Wilson dated October 29d', 2001 concerning the opposition to the variance request proposed by the applicant for the above referenced property. To summarize, my opposition and that of my neighbors including concems regarding the bulk of the structurq overall lot coverage and the applicants desire to "overwhelm" the lot with his proposed improvements. The applicant acquired the lot knowing the size of the lot and having awareness that the existing improvements, while technically non-conforming are "grandfather" under current zoning codes. When planning for irnprovernents, the owner and his team of local architects are well aware of the lot size and strould have planned accordingly. I had scheduled to be in Vail on February 28d, 2002 for tlre meeting and discussion with the PFC. I am now made aware the meding has been postponed AGNN rmtil March ll^,2002.I will be out of state sr that day and will not be able to attend the presentatior. The pattan ofcontinuos postponements is most troubling. The applicant and his architects seem to be delalng the hearings or the applicatim as a normal cowse of action. This is most froubling as myself and my neighbors do not have the luxury to continually revise our work schedules to accommodate the applicant. The applicant has made no attempts to contact the surounding neighbors to discuss his future plans for the site. Sinct the applicant was/is asking for a variance, it is common courtesy to contact adjacent propefiy owners who may be able to resolve the issues and provided a unified agreeinent on the improvements proposed. However, no contact has been made. As I will not be able to attend the meeting proposed for March lP , 2002, I herebv reserve the rieht to file obiections to the oroposed variance as an affected neighbor. I believe it is the applicants requirernent to show evidence ofa physical hardship for his variance request. To request building an oversized stucture on a small lot is not a hardstrip. Please conside,r the impact on the neigfrbors, the streetscape and so forth before approving this project. Unfortunately because ofthe applicants continued postponemants, I will not be in attendance which is most foubling as I feel I am being isolated from the planning process based on the whims of the applicant and his inability to provide documents and plans cn a timely basis. The postponements have been occurring over a six (6) month peiod. Please feel fre€ to contact me using the following phone number which will forward to where I am on business at any given time at (800) 465-8184. :t' }tr ) I T o x b t $ 1 l I I // \/ \, f /./\/p ,/ $$ R I f / I $$ *R tl ls "J$ ( I I il rlJ /I V I a .tt a t ti I i .1,f \t ix , ''\/ ./ \ t E t $ il I ll|,fr 7ti I M r. ./ t-' i/Ir \ ..1 \{, $ $ I ( T I t R b * H F Lr /--f \u,ti \ V ' a Jt , t' \.*, \.rtl >f ,.) /I ( I * $ 0 $ s .b ul -1 /I v I I il / t I l I /4 I $$ iL,-i( I $ 0\ 6\ $ -{ d $ i / / /I $I /\- ILt| - /\ nt , llr l\ \, t\fv $ $ R T / l,' t,''t / / \t {Y- J o I UI $ t. rn N h,r a N. '- l= \1 \ a' \,\t ,^,!ir/Y 1i^E li \. r ,\ ' ,,\ I \l $ I ) $\{s t .{ $ $t p !f; I i .t \r\ A $N $t j il /,ll l,/'!,' ('/l I \,i*{ "/,' /;^>s / l"t:'// ,/ll \/'' "I *^t. i"V q 't')'-r d t-rr (t)'\$q !-- X R ilS)i{F|/V + {3 !x UI ||[ t|n u r b -$ P1 lir r;*o 3u'tii S fiu.. o f d l V $b {l Se T 4 n-\_!_ [1 o ,l LL --\\\\ \ll _-.\ 0/ \J s- :l I --t --t- ( eE:i E!F< I- *dir iltFu 3r$t$5t:i * ss$ifr ?s qBS isilH$ s G I : u s ts !.<.:r \,t o /T\qv 3$i F>&. $E$$ Sryl .zsSb ${ffi O:o )_ ..*(I N/I I \_ -\\\J \\\ I \l N f o -_\ l I I +9 r x!E u15 *g\ E s1 I ('o r \5 \N r !J E .p ,g ,d o o o { ur I{ $.I Fl. .c.s \$ g\ f r{ Er Fs- n F L f s 3 3 d T f \|I nr A1 I I Itt T l\ \) rr \-IG t\;r \Li \\ -Itr ro | \\\lf i , , ",'l..i;tl .,....1.1 ::;,:,;ri:riir.+-,;i":,gi;,,!-q,.r.:!+;ntii;rili.;..qiqerri;g*n:i;u**Otf*Al*11##F J b *f J f st bl T F L ot I A -l $$1{ '{G )':x{IE LK oa+$I- {\vur i b-B i{t *t: fr q/i 7- <' }-IL ri s; i& $$ $1>|I.4 Fi$ $si i$5 tl f5 9T iuI }H,:"-F {$i r r tr .,.rl j 1o elf af \-r {T S{- ta .f :(l s3'i Fxl f*g Hfr& \F r 1 I I r*rs .-l lr \t I z. .0 $l *sl \J \l AI 3 LI T T g \.' lu I \$ r t-l \J (o rul Yi So r- ut i i0. drr ${ r-=S I E urL $) j l\n r a-t &+l ut *--F <\l $\$ -l g1\,2- STIF r nsf i iafi fi lrli d > 'rri .:$FF f t z i ul -r uJ <\r 0-- slf \l t .l '5-r z|l Est sB u ,t..r fl or ct ug :-l l\lo l! f s ] {(r) urt YH.lI .LF \li 6t\$ \t {d t \F *1 ^ roS yla '!{ .EPi a rl \r iJ 3g1 :i6$ $$sg r$FF RuR.r *s-{s 6a: E EEg{ \L ilf \E ul s 3 FE et 3 hr 6t fiE d!0{ .o z<6v s9 ... {:rt L i-- a-E l.l H$ Jf i*rC o o s ! I f n$l F$r {il $$ E F $F o t r f l.r I {r I 3 & 3 b x II \ || !. v )l :l \) s { aa \T 6 ia i I i M t J IL E \} lll E 3 $'3 R T 3 f r U E l\\ -\|rr r \-M 0 L o "'lr, \\\ rl\ + f\t r $ t --,t t L q 5 o > (It {n s $ -t -o >t- I \) T E -a o E I|t ,.!t A s u { m l -.1 r ltlm It n(l\ o$TF.qi SR X.>I.t-.r-t :{ I - -,- o d-t O '-r oo !o otr +JJ4|-lo o(J c)a ol4 bo '. .,.{ E B.FO c+t o gfilc'oE5(u o Ot-l F{ F{ u|o oo c zoNtrl venners, ""Q * Theodore 4196 Cotunbtne W t/2 Vailr CO. 81652 Dovney, Gale & Beverley Anne 1624 S. Carolina Ilarllngen, TX 78550 Brynestad, ilames & ,Jadie 13051 W 79rh Sr Arvada, Co 80005 L tr o ol o EFr HN o !a (\tf c |!x E'-r|(l{@ or zxs oo .trI +,h trl f{N q H ..1 OO.r g+J t{C)ft4 McConahey' Kathleen 1050 Green oake Dr Llttleton, co 80121 FI o t{ fit (,o !d(oN \f ro O F ,-.,{ (v! o (t !cxo oc).m or l|.tr oo o o.F >ad Scottr ilonathan & Sharon 36 N Brook Ln Irvlngton, NY 10533 Sobin, vera L 330 E 33rd St Apt 20M New York, NY 10016 Finnegan, Robert & Helen 2415 WoodBluff Ct Augusta, GA 30909 -Martha I Wllson Truat Scott, Cynthia Wlleon, Kathleen Burke, Deborah 5455 W itesell Ave Lakevood, CO 80232 Q(7| Fl -l f- (Yt o€rft o040 .rl @ +r> 1.. +t O o cc)Q5 oo \t{OO AC qt fit l.t.{orl o fitlo D xo o (fl.Yt Fl o ('I (\ FI o o c)o 'r()Efi'+rE -.'{tr o[ro 5 En +)r"g o OF{'B+>r +) ftt @ .F{ E.yt|l Burksr Dorothy Y 4207 E Colunbine Dr 6 Vail, CO 81657 Hanlln, Joseph & ,tanet 2403 Virgo Colorado Springsr CO 80906 lioevelmann, Karl & Ursula 161 S Golden Dr silt, co 81652 Donovan, ilohn Eanon 1014 Honeetake Clrcle Vail, CO 81657 o tr t{.! c.) t!J' .?|oo 5EF v,|rr trro h Oco ot Ebo E.dC)EM Or E r', F{t!S.rr h.{ d o$> Don Davi s 169 Lamplighter LN Pont,e Vedra Beach , FL 32092 Wilson, Charles & Rebecca 5565 W Jewell Ave Lakewood, eO 80232 ?,, ,r=" MAY AFFEcr ror* ,*ort" PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section '12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on March 11, 2002, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for an Early Learning Center and a request for development plan review to construct Employee Housing within the Housing Zone District and setting forth details in regards thereto, located at the site known as "Mountain Bell"/an unplatted piece of property, located at 160 N. Frontage Rd./to be platted as Lot 1, Middle Creek subdivision. Applicant: Planner: Vail Local Housing Authority, represented by Odell Architects Allison Ochs A request for a final review of a text amendment to Title 12, Chapter 3, Administration and Enforcement, of the Vail Town Code, to establish criteria for consideration for text amendments to the Vail Town Code, Title 12, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: George Ruther A request for a Major Amendment to Special Development District #35, Austria Haus, to amend an existing condition of approval prohibiting the operation of restaurants within the special development district, and setting forth details in regard thereto, located at 242 E. Meadow Drive/Part of Tract B, Block 58, Vail Village 1" Filing. Applicant: Johannes Faessler Planner: George Ruther A request for a worksession to discuss planning issues and studies that should be recommended to the Town Council for action. Planner:Russ Forrest A request for a variance from Sections 12-6C-6 (Setbacks) &'12-6C-9 (Site Coverage), Vail - Town Code, to allow for the construction of a Type I Employee Housing Unit, located at 4166 \ ll,plumbine Drive/Lot 18, Bighorn Subdivision. -wJ -&atr -dtt ppplicant: Timothy Parks ' Planner: George Ruther A request for a variance from Section 12-6H-6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for the remodel of Vail Townhouses, Units 2A & 2C, located at 303 Gore Creek Drive, Lot 2, Block 5, Vail Village "l't Filing. Applicant: Vickie Pearson, represented by Pam Hopkins Planner: George Ruther , ,/'t_1 ( u-,t14 ')l TOIIIN OF I/AIL A request for a minor rrooiPsion of Lot 2, Block 1, Vail Lionshe"o s"?"0 Fiting (Evergreen Lodge) and Lot F, Vail Village Second Filing (Medical Center); a request to rezone a portion of Lot 2, Block 1, Vail Lionshead second Filing (Evergreen Lodge) from special Development District No. 14 to Lionshead Mixed Use 1; a request to rezone a portion of Lot 2, Block 1 , Vail Lionshead Second Filing (Evergreen Lodge) from Special Development District No. 14 to General Use; a request to rezone a portion of Lot F, Vail Village Second Filing (Medical Center) from General Use to Lionshead Mixed Use 1; and a request to amend the study area defined in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan and setting forth details in regards thereto, located at 250 S. Frontage Rd. West I Lot 2, Block 'l , Vail Lionshead 2no Filing and 181 South Frontage Road West / Lots E and F, Vail Village Second Filing. Applicant: Evergreen Hotel and the Vail Valley Medical Center Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a rezoning from High Density Multiple Family (HDMF) to Lionshead Mixed Use -1 (LMU-1), to allow for the redevelopment of the Lodge at Lionshead, located at 380 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 7, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1't Filing. Applicant: Lodge at Lionshead, represented by Jeff Bailey.Planner: George Ruther A request for an amendment to the Boothfalls Homeowners Association Rockfall Hazard Map, that would approve rockfall mitigation, located at Boothfalls Townhomes, 3094 Boothfalls Road/Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12'n Filing. Applicant: BoothfallsHomeownersAssociation Planner: Russ Forrest A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for an ATM machine, located at The Club, 304 Bridge StreeVLot H, Block 5A, Vail Village l"tFiling. Applicant: The Club Planner: Bill Gibson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published February 22,2002 in the Vail Daily. Joseph A. Sobin 4167 Columbine Drive #3 Vail, CO 81657 (9701476-2s37 October 31. 2001 Town of Vail Department of Commr.nity Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 RE: Onnmition to Variance Anolication Lot 18. Bighorn Subdivision. 4166 Columbine Drive. Vail. CO Dear Sh or Madam: This letter is to provide documentation of my opposition to the above referenced varianc€ application. My family owns the condominium unit at 4167 Columbine Drive #3 and I am providing this letter of opposition on behalf of my family. As owners directly across Columbine Drive from the subject property, we would be most affected by the variance request. Please consider, variances are provided when there is a physical hardship associated with a lot. The existing improvements on the zone lot, while technically legally non-conforming, contribute to the sfeetscape, provide affordable housing units (2 rental mits in addition to main house) and provide adequate shelter to those who have owned the residence over the past 25 years. To rcquet a variance to build a larser home is not a phwical hrrdship. While the applicant states "the proposals herein are a minimum to achieve reasonable use of the property'', I would question the applicants definitior of'Yeasonable". If the applicant desires to build a larger home, the applicant should have considered the existing lot-size and in response obtain a different lot in which his housing desires could be achieved without a variance. While I am not an architect, I will try to explain our opposition as best I can apply the limited information on file provided by the applicant and his architect. Please accept my apologies for not appearing personally at the hearing on November | 2d', 200 | as I have a previous business enqagement out of state. I was in attendance for the hearing scheduled for October 22d, 2001 to provide my request for denial ofthe proposed variance in person. However, I was informed the variance request had be€n 'labld" mtil November llh. If I may also commen! the application on file on October 22* was deficient of many required documents and illustations. As I was able to attard the public hearing on ttre scheduled date, I would have expected the applicant to also be compliant to adhere to the scheduled hearing and not request a delay for being unprepared. Thus, t am at a personat deficit as I have not b€er able to review tlte application in its entirety and have had to rely on the commeflts set forth in the architect's statement submitted to Br€nt Wilson dared Septernber l9d', 2001. While the informatiqr available on 10-22 was considered insufficient for the Planning Commission, the information available was adequate to provide me with the basis for my opposition for the proposed variance requests. l) Application for Type I EHU for the subject site per Section l2-6D-8C: While I commend the owners of the referenced property in applying for a Type I EHU, in reality, the redevelopment ofthe site as proposed will result in a deficit of one rental housing unit. The existing structure includes three (3) living writs, the owner's residence and trv(2) rental units which historically have been leased to locally employed persons. While the EHU application is admirable, in reality, the existing structure has allowed two allordable rental units to be occupied in a severely strained local rental housing market. RECEI UEO il()v f 5 i.jfri, Town of VaiV Departnent of Community Development Oc'tober 31,2001 Paga2 of2 2) Application for a Variance to Section l2-6D9 to allow site coverage in access of the allowed 20% of site area: The allowable site coverage is 2,601 sq. ft. The existing stnrcture cov€rs 1,699 sq. ft. as indicated in the applicants applicatiur. The applicant can legally add 902 sq. ft. of site coverage to the existing stuctne. To allow the applicant to cover 3,615 sq. ft. of the lot would overwhelm the site and provide for a structure out of scale with the existing improvements on Columbine Drive. The additional 8% lot coverage on the pres€nt snall lot would be detrimental to the streetscape which is dominated by older structrnes with open spac€ areas on their lots. The existing lot, as well as the neighboring lots, are dominated by mature Asp€n and Evergreen trees. The proposed rcdevelopment would ultimately remove mahrre fees in an atternpt to build a larger sbucture whidr I contend is not appropriate for the site. 3) Applic*ion for a Variance to Section 12-14-17 to allow construction of a limited amount of GRFA, within established setbacks from the centerline of Gore Creek, to connect existing Buildings on fie site: The applicant states additional site coverage is needed to facilitate the connection ofthe exi$ing structures, provide the EHU, and add garages to the property. The applicant also states the majority ofthe sruc*ure is one story and so forth stating that "it is impossible to redevelop the existing site in a reasonable manner without additiqral site coverage". To cormter, the main house (the center stucture) is actually two (2) levels. The lower level of the middle struchne contains two bedrooms with full height ceilings. In addition, there is a standard door from the lower level onto land adjacent to Gore Creek. The roofcovering the main structure is peaked giving the volurne and fugade appeorance of 1.5 stories. The one story structure consists of the 2 rental units flanking the main house and is smaller in size, as they were developed as auxiliary living mits. These two units were fully rurovated within the last four years and have continually been occupied. Mv concem as a neiqhborine prooerF owner is the apolicants desire to construct a buildine whidr will be prossly out of scale and proportion in relation to the existins zsre lot. While I appreciate the applicant's desire tb improve his property, the applicant should have considered his desires before obtaining a smaller than average lot in an establi*red neig[rborhood. The majority of structures on this particular block of Columbine Drive were consEucted pre196? and offer a mix of housing designs including single family, duplex, condominiuns and row houses. Residents include locals, weekend visitors and out of state owners. Additional neighbors include the East Vail Fire Station and the abrmdant wildlife found in and around Gme Creek and in orr pond at the comer of Columbine Drive and Lupine Drive. The applicants proposal to increase lot coverage and so forth is not acceptable. The existing sbucture with the three (3) residential units can be adequately redeveloped without the need to exceed the allowable 20% lot coverage. My fear md that of my neighbors is that we will have a redevelqed residence on the lot which will overwhelrn the site and provide a visual element which will be out of scale and character in relatior to thc existing streetscape. I request as an irrmediate neighbor and resident for the Planning Board to oppose the variance as requested. Dr. Joseph Hmlia 4167 Columbine Dn. Mr. Ctarles Wilso4 4167 Columbine Dr. Mr. Tod Venners, 4 196 Columbine D. t r.'o VENNERS, LORI & THEODORE 4196 COLUMBINE W l/,V\lt, CO 81557 DOWNEY, GALE & BEVERLEY ANN E 1624 SCAROLINA HARLINCEN. TX 78550 BRYNESTAD, JAMES & JADTE 13051 W. 79n{ ST ARVADA, CO 80005 MCCONAHEY, KATHLEEN L 1O5O CREEN OAIG DR LITTLETON, CO 80121 NELSON W. PETERSON, COLEMANJACK 20 HUNTWTCK LN ENCLEWOOD, CO 80110 CHERRY, NORMAN & IMOCEN RTE 2 BOX 81 ARLINCTON, KY 42021 scoTT, JoNATHAN & SHARON 36 N BROOK LN |RV|NCTON, NY 10533 SOBIN, VERA L 330 E 33RD ST 20 M NEW YORK NY 10016 FINNEGAN, ROBERT & HELEN 2415 WOODBTUFF CT AUCUSTA, CA 30909 MARTHA B WILSON TRUsT. SCOTT, CYNTHIA - WILSON, I(ATHLEEN - BURKE, DEBORAH s4ss wJEWELL AVE IAKEWOOD, CO 80232 MOORE, HALE & CAROL PO BOX 3746 AVON, CO 81620 SKAER PROPERTIES LP 3054 SOUTH COUNTY ROAD 13 LOVETAND, CO 80537 BURI(S, DOROTHY Y 42OZ E COLUMBINE DR 6 VAIL, CO S1657 HANL|N, JOSEPH & JANET 2403 VrRcO COLOMDO SPR|NGS, CO 80906 HOEVELMANN, IGRL & URSULA 161 S. GOLDEN DR. SILT, CO 81652 DONOVAN, JOHN EAMON 1 014 HOMESTAKE CtR VAIL, CO 81 657 MAY, JUDTTH C. 38 WEDCE WAy LTTTLETON, CO 80123 bnnusnu,raER, SHEIKA CARTNA 414s BrcHoRN RD vAtL. co B1 6sz wtLsoN, CHARLES & REBECCA 556s W.'EWELL AVE LAKEWOOD, CO 80232 DON DAVIS169 LAMPLIGHTER LANE - PONTE VEDM BEACH, FL 32082 o THI o ERTY S ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROP PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section '12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on October 22, 2001, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municioal Buildino. ln consideration of: A request for a variance from sections 12-6c-6 (setbacks) & 12-6c-9 (site coverage) , Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a Type I Employee Housing Unit, located at 4166 Columbine Drive/Lot 18, Bighorn Subdivision. \^t ApBIlt: Timothy Parks P|Eln' George Ruther J A request for a worksession to review preliminary alternatives for the development plan of Middle Creek Village, located at the site known as "Mountain Bell"/an unplatted piece of property, located at 160 N. Frontage Rd./to be platted as Lot l, Middle Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Vail Local Housing Authority, represented by Odell Architects Planner: Allison Ochs The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for informalion. Community Development Department Published October 5, 2001 in the Vail Trail. tl l,, ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPE PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on December 10, 2001, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: o THIS A request for a variance from Seclion 12-7H-10 Square Lodge, located at 660 West Lionshead Applicant: Lion's Square Lodge Planner: Bill Gibson Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: A request for a variance from Sections 12-7 A-9 (Site Coverage) and 12-74-6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a new front entry feature at the Mountain Haus, located at292E. Meadow Driveilot 5, Part of Tract B, Vail Village 1"'Filing. (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, at the Lion's Place/Lot 1, Vail Lionshead 1"r Filing. A request for a worksession to review preliminary alternatives for the development plan of Middle Creek Village, located at the site known as "Mountain Bell"/an unplatted piece of property, located at 160 N. Frontage Rd./to be platted as Lot 1, Middle Creek Subdivision. Mountain Haus, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects Bill Gibson Vail Local Housing Authority, represented by Odell Architects Allison Ochs A request for a variance from Sections 12-6C-6 (Setbacks) & 12-6C-9 (Site Coverage), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a Type I Employee Housing Unit, located at 4166 Columbine Drive/Lot 18, Bighorn Subdivision. Applicant: Timothy Parks Planner: George Rulher A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast operation to be located at ',|710 Buffehr Creek Road/Lot 2, Lia Zneimer Subdivision. Applicant: Paul & Nancy Rondeau Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a minor subdivison of the proposed "Fallridge Parcel," a Part of Lot 1, Sunburst Filing No. 3 / a portion of land adjacent to the Vail Golf Course Townhomes in the 1600 block of Golf Terrace. A complete metes and bounds legal description is as follows: That portion of Lot 1, Sunburst Filing No. 3, according to the map thereof recor:ded in the office of the Eagle County; Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 2, Warren Pulis Subdivision, according to the map thereof; thence 500000'00' E 109.62 feet along the west line of said Lot 2 to the northeast corner of Lot 1, Vail Valley Second Filing, according to the map thereof; thence N89o23'41" W 101.18 feet along the northerly line of said Lot 1 to the easterly line of Lot 11, Block 3, Vail Valley First Filing, according to the map thereof; thence N00036'17" E 114.75 feet along said easterly line; thence N64o23'43'W 35.16 feet along the northerly line of said Lot 11 to the easterly right-of-way line, of Vail Valley Drive; thence, along said easterly right-of'way line, 7 .97 leetalong the "r" ot "J" to the left, having a radius of zs.oo tl a central angle of 06005'17", and a chord that bears N08o33'46"E 7.97 feet; thence, departing said easterly right of-way line, the following four courses along the southerly line of Condominium Map for Vail Golfcourse Townhomes Association Phase lll, according to the map thereof; (1) 58.14 feet along the arc of a curve to the right, having a radius of 253.31 feet, a central angle of 13009'05', and a chord that bears s85o43'11" E 58.02 feet; (2) S79008',38" E 63.09 feet; (3) 10.83 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 310.00 feet, a central angle of 02000'07', and a chord that bears 580009'15'E 10.82 feet; (4) 500000'00" E11.20 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.310 acres, more or less. Maps referenced in the above description are recorded in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder. Applicant: FallRidgeCondominiumAssociation Planner; Bill Gibson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office.frours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend Project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon requesl with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information Community Development Department Pubfished November 23,2OO1 in the Vail Trail. Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 138 FAX 970-479-2452 wwwci.vail.co.us January 7 , 2002 Dear Adjacent Property Owner, I have received written notice from Mr. Bill Pierce, of Fritzlen Picrce Architects, representing Mr. Timothy Parks, informing me of their need to table the application for a setback variance request to allow for the redevelopment of the residence located at 4l 66 Columbine Drivc. Thc itcm had been on the agenda for the meeting of the Planning & Environmental Commission on Monday, January 14,2002- Thc nced to table the item is to allow the architect time to continue studying altematives to the plans that will reduce the amount ofdeviation from the regulations to accomplish the Owner's goals. The item has been tentatively schedulcd for review on February 25, 2002. This schedule will remain tentative until a revised proposal is received at the Town of Vail Community Development Depanment. ln ordcr to be placed on.the agenda for the February 25s meeting a complete submittal musl be r;ceived by no later than January 28'n. I am hopeful that this delay has not created any undue inconvenience. I believe the applicant is anentpting to respond positively to the input that I have received to date from various adjoining property ownen and neighbors. Should you havc any questions, please do nol hesitate to call. I can be reached most easily by telephone at (970) 479-2145 or you can call Mr. Bill Pierce directly at (970) 476-6342. Sincerely, fl*n-Q"*l'^'t Gcorge Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail L,rvt. I ",'{-;r"#t ffr I {,2'u""uo'^'" sL/A712g82 11:45 "r(OrrlAl L|'|r Friltlen, NA, Anihita(l Williarn F. ['i(d:6- Ar,:hitect 'llnmr: R. D|' Bnir, An:hi{w't Srephanitr Lord'luhnsrq, Arshil(!rt Oa\,;d Faonl. A(hikrct lrth! l iojlinf,B, Burirlcrt irlina8er FAX COVTR SHEET 'Sender: Bill Pierce CC: FPS PAGE AL FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCH ITECTS v rL, cotcrR^9o To: lanvary 3, zaA2 Ceorge Ruther, Torrrn of Vail, Deparunent of Community Developnrcnt Hearings, Lot 18. Bighorn Subdivision You should reccive 1 pageG) induding this cover sheet 19701 4766342 lf pu do not rccelve all the page.. please call Ext 1 1. Ceorge, At fie direction of the Propeny Owner of the aborre referenced propery, Tim park5. I requ€st that wr pospone the Planning Commission's consideration of releEd Variances fmm dre schedu6d hearin6 on January 1 4,2002, to a later date, tentatively February 25, 2fi)2. We are conUnuing to study alternatives *tat will reduce dre amount of dg,viatjon from the regulations necessary to accomplish the Owner's goah Please call me if you have any questions, '1,i90 Ee v il lirlcv Odv,r, F&ltiidfi( C-1, Vd;|. CDlor.rd0 til r;!: P:970.,4t6.63{2 tr ,.,,i. .4:lj,.lqt)1 [ ; in ti.'([:vailir rt.h iy'4r5.;61'y lr^rry. v{iirrcjritqcli.(, ) nl I'i\Dl2; CDhtn ti,t,,\ lier(ito(:{,1c:,r,'e|llxrrdar,i{:g.!,I(rvtpe(:,rrlg F,irnHnr,ds(: Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 wwwci.vail.co.us fiQ coPF Iuly 2,2002 Mr. Bill Pierce Fritzlen, Pierce Architects 1650 East Vail Valley Drive, Fallridge C-l Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Parks Residence 4166 Columbine Drive/Lot 18, Bighorn Subdivision Dear Bill: I have completed my review of the Parks residence building permit set of plans. Upon completion of my review there are several details that must be addressed. The purpose of my letter is to provide you with a written list of items that must be submitted to the planning deparhent prior to final approval of the building permit application. They are: l. A Type I employee housing unit deed restriction, and 2. Payment of$650 for the Design Review Board application, and 3. A Geologic Hazard Acknowledgement Fonn. Once these items are submitted and approved I will approve the building permit application request otr behalf of the planning depaftment. Please consult with the building depqrtment to detennine the status of their review and any questions they may have. Should you need to reach me, please contact me by telephone at 479-2145. Sincerely, fl+Q-*t-a George Ruther, AICP ChiefofPlanning Town of Vail {g*no"or ro oooo DeJ)artment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us April 10,2002 Mr. David Baum Fritzlen, Pierce Architccts 1650 East Vail Valley Drive, Fallridge C-l Vail, Colorado 81657 Fax 476-4901 Re:Parks Residence, 4166 Columbine Drive/Lot 18, Bighorn Suhdivision Dear David: I have received your most recent submittal for final design review board consideration of thc Parks' residence. I have scheduled the final rcvicw to occur at the Wednesday, May I , 2002 meeting of the Town of Vail Design Review Board. ln anticipation of the upcoming meeting, I forwarded a set of proposed plans to our Public Works Department for review and approval. Upon review of the plans, Lconard Sandoval, Construction Inspector, has askcd that you complete a civil/site plan review worksheet. Please review your plans for compliance with the items identified on the worksheet. I have enclosed a workshect for your rcvicw. Once completed, pleasc rcturn thc workshcct and any revised plans to the Community Development Department. In order to remain on the May I Design Review Board Agenda you will need to respond to this requcst by no latcr than noon, Monday, Aprll22. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitatc to call. I can be reached by telephone at 4'79-2145 or by email at gn-rther(4ci.vail.co.us. Sincerelv. U*Q,.x/,.-r George Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail {,7 """uu 'o'u* I i \-", Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us April l,2002 Mr. David Baum Fritzlcn, Pierce Architects 1650 East Vail Valley Drive, Fallridge C-l Vail. Colorado 81657 Fax 476-49O1 Parks Residence, 4166 Columbine Drive/Lot 18, Bighorn Subdivision Dear David: Thank you for appearing before the Design Review Board on Wednesday, March 20, 2002, for a conceptual review of the proposed Parks Residence, located at 4166 Columbine Drive. Overall, the Board agreed that your proposal for the Parks Residence generally complied with the Design Guidelines for residential development. The Board did, however, have several questions that they believed needed to be addressed prior to a final review. The purpose of this letter is to provide you with a written list of issues raised by the Board. Please be prepared to address these issues at the upcoming meetings: o Please provide architectural details for the many elements of the building. The architectural details should be drawn on the elevation plans or as separate sheets. The drawings should include beams, brackets, braces, fascia, railings, chimney caps, door and window fim, etc. o The window style and arrangement needs to be addressed. The current arrangement lacks consistcncy and unity. r A sample-board look using varying types and applications of exterior building materials shall be avoided. Greater aftention needs to be given to the front entry design and how the materials relate to other materials on the building. Please consider added more window fenestration to the garage elevation of the building. The EHU design is too foreign to the remaining design on the property. More consistency in material usage is needed to tie the two strucrures together, The landscape plan shall address the l7 trees that will be removed as part of the redevelopment. The plans shall also indicate minor streambank restoration to repair the damage created during the original construction of the house. {P u"'"t'o 'nn"r o o . Please stake the general outline of the new building footprint for the April 3t meeting. You are cunently scheduled for a second conceptual review on Wednesday, April 3, 2002. I have received the most cunrent plans that were delivered to my attention on Monday, April l. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. I can be reached by telephone ^t 4'19-2145 or by email at sruther@ci.vail.co,us. Sincerely, rL*+R'*t*r George Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail D epar lme n t of C o mmunity D eve lopmen t 75 South Fronlage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us r!! E r,[\tt October 15. 2001 Bill Pierce Fritzlen, Pierce Architccts 1650 Vail Valley Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Parks Resid,ence - Requestfor a setback and site coverage variance at 4166 Columbine Drive/ Lot 18, Bighorn Subdivision Dear Bill, I have received your application request for a setback and site coverage variance at the Park Residence, located at 4166 Columbine Drive. Upon review of your application, I have determinsd that your submittal is incomplete and that additional information is needed. As you are aware, we can not accept incomplete applications. The following infbrmation is required pursuant to our subnittal requirements for a variance requesr. 1. Please submit three copies of the proposed floor plans for the new single-family residence with EHU and garage areas clearly identified. The plans shall be at a scale ofat least l/8" = I' and shall indicate use of all interior spaces and show all architectural details. 2. Please submit three copies of the proposed building elevations. Again, this plans shall be at a scale of at least li8" = l'. 3. According to the Official Town of Vail Hazard Maps, Lot 18, Bighom Subdivision is located within an identified snow avalanche and debris flow hazard area. Pursuant to the Hazard Regulation section of lhe Town of Vail Zoning Regulations a site specific geologic hazard study is required to be submitted. Due to the incompleteness ofthe variance application, I must pospone your review before the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission until Monday, November l2rh. In ordcr to remain on the agenda for the November l2'n meeting you need to submit all of the information described above by no later than noon, Monday, October 29'n. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call. I can be reachcd by telephone ^t 479-2145. Sincerely, rL-,-?*rt-" George Ruther, AICP Chief ofPlanning Town of Vail {,7 *'"'"""o '^"* oo September 19,2001 Brent Wilson, Planner Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Lot 18, Bighorn Subdivision 4166 Columbine Drive, Vail, CO FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS Brent, Attached are the following Applications for the above referenced Property: 1. Application for a Type I EHU for the subject sire per Sectionl2-6D-8 C. 2. Application for a Variance to Section 12-6D-9 to allow site coverage in excess of the allowed 20% ol site area. 3. Application for a Variance to Section 12-14-17 to allow construction of a limited amount of CRFA, within established setbacks from the centerline of Core Creek, to connect existing Buildings on the site. I have enclosed a series of site plans (1": 2O') to describe existing conditions and the proposed redevelopment of the site. Structures on the subject property were constructed prior to incorporation within the Town of Vail and consist of three existing, legally non-conforming Dwelling Units on the site. The site does not conform to the minimum site area (the site contains 13,005 sq.ft.) in the Zone District (Two Family Residential). lt is the Applicant's intention to reduce this non- conformity by establishing a single family dwellin& garages, and a Type I EHU on the subject property. The majority of the existing construction is within setbacks established by the Zone District and Supplemental Regulations. In order to connect the three existing structures into a single building as required by the Design Review regulations, it is necessary to construct some additional floor area within the 50 foot stream setback. The Applicant proposes no new area within the side or front setbacks. The floor area proposed to connect the existing structures does not extend into the stream setback further than the existing structures, The additional CRFA within the stream setback is approximately 300 sq.ft. Additional site coverage is needed to facilitate the connection of the existing structures,, provide the EHU, and add garages to the properry. With rhe majority of existing K:\01 27 COLUMBINE RESIDENCEVONINC VARIANCE APPLICATION.DOC PACE 1 of 2 Planning .Architecture O Interiors 1650EastVail Valley Drive Fallridge C-1 . Vail,CO81657 . vailarchitects.com . fax (97O\ 476-4901 . (970) 476-6342 o structures being one story buildings (and the desire to minimize the non- conformity with the stream setbacks by constructing over them), and the limited area of the existing site, it is impossible to redevelop the existing site in a reasonable manner without additional site coverage. The site coverage permitted is 2601 sq. ft. The existing site coverage is 1699 per the survey by Dan Corcoran, dated 7126189. FRITZLEN PIERCE Proposedsitecoverageisapproximately36'15sq.ft.,including522sq.ft.ofnRCHlTECTS site coverage associated with the proposed EH U. An additional 300 sq.ft. of site coverage (which is included in the proposed 3615 sq.ft.) is associated with the garage for the EHU. In closing the Applicant believes the proposals herein are a minimum to achieve reasonable use of the property. lt is likely that many properties in the immediate area that were constructed prior to incorporation in the Town of Vail and vary from Zoning standards established following incorporation. Approval of these variances could not be granting a special privilege. There would be no negative effect on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Please call me if you have any questions. , -'- -) K:\01 27 COLUMBINE RESIDLNCE\ZONINC VARIANCE APPLICATION.DOC PACF 2 of 2 PlanningoArchitectureolnteriors f650 East Vail Valley Drive Iallridge C-1 r Vail,COB1657 o vailarchitccts.com . fax (970) rl76-4901 . (g7o) 476-6342 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us July 31, 2001 Michelle Hayes, President Megastar Mortgage P.O. Box 2650 Edwards, CO 81632 Re: 4166 Columbine Drive / Lot 18, Bighorn Subdivision Michelle: The above-referenced property is located within the Town of Vail's "Two-Family Residential" zone district. This zoning designation allows up to two dwelling units per buildable lot. Although Lot 18, Bighorn Subdivision contains three units, it is a "legd nonconforming" triplex. Pursuant to Chapter 12-1 8, Vail Town Code, non-conforming structures lawfully established prior to the adoption of zoning regulations may continue and may be maintained and repaired as necessary for convenient, safe, or efficient operation or use. Again, the Town of Vail acknowledges this is a "legal nonconforming" property. lf you would like to discuss this matter in greater detail, please contact me at (970) 479- 2140. Sincerely. S*f cr/-: Brent Wilson, AICP Senior Planner tP u""uo"* Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Zoning'. Lot Size: Allowable Density: Allowable GRFA: Allowable Site Coverage : Required Sctbacks: December 29,1999 John Nilsson SENT VIA FACSIMILE Re: Lot 18, Ilishorn Subclivision / 4166 Coh.mbine Driye Dear John: The following is a synopsis of development potential for the above-refcrcnced lot pursuant to our conversation yesterday. Please be advised these figures are approximate and verification of developmcnt statistics will be conducted prior to thc issuance of any design review approvals from this office. Although non-conformities currently exist on this lot (dcnsity, setbacks), any new construction would be required to comply with applicable zoning requircments. The building cnvelope (the area within all required setbacks) contains approximately 3,455 square feet of land area. Ifyou would like to discuss this property in greater detail, please do not hesitate to contact me at (970) 479-2140. S incerelv. Two-Fam i ly Residential 12,733 square feet I .2923 acres One dwclling unit (and potentially a deed-restrictcd EHU) 3,608 square feet 2,547 square f'eet 20' (front); l5' (sides/rear); 50' (Gore Creek) E^* u/^--- Brent Wilson Planncr II {,7 *'n""o 'o"* o o z a {n c) =o z T FT 7 =-{ -l o m I4 !-o t-,, h E l<x f t'o Y I lm: 6 l9r 3 lri g t'-i..: F o l.{, h O t<rt l-m=f'-r r- a i5 o< dg a9 (io CE >t z6 (, ! 'n m rt -t ra- 1Z r ltr -n! Ot- z= 22 z \ nn +f- I og m oY FF ez qro E2 o FlI o 9z 40 ;.: -{ni lr I tro t<o NI $-o | -r'l \.oT \om =-l -{o t! m x m { o z L (! 2 i m !m =I 2 o ^ 6)1 O (^) 2 \1 n 8=z': n.!;>z ix Y> 9p -t 1-3< 6@ d6 n oV o m'-z;ix 3! io o>Fr o -.{ m vz >m -{> I ;m -t €z m (- z IT Ft o o (D 11 o gf,uia o>'r l- t ( t- 'n t- z.o qE s'lr o ffi i m t-m --l €z ; t> ;m o z I €z '11 - a m F) z I = l-{ lo l€ lz le t<t> I { l€z 'r1 t< L>F m ; .r1 -{ m t- rn cl\ cI\ I Lrr N l-r lci l€ 12 lo l'n t< lP t; ln 6 f 5 I (n l'n r b" l'..J t- a r a I = F p p m an = z > = ID c)B =F <F t> o[J tkn : l!4 Ftl I I5 ls'l5' I | ;.: - lo u)tH r.J lo ttv urlFt @t.F. l \tl _f z t--Il m =I a z m m m o l< ' lz 12 t=t;l- i -q m -t I o z m c fi rt o o t-t p a 0l o ri < o FI o m F2 om riE x> oO Xn H'! n ;i6 =e.z g tg .Yr Z €o.o 0rx NH a+ c ,.' >1t Z6 c20 1Z C> at xE -{x z -I 7< 3 ; lii :ia E lEi sil 1E+lqd, Qo* oF vArL coNsrRuc* o*it;ue L PERMIT APPLICATION FORM PERMTT ttbflB DArE:H€e+dl!+;', t.).)J ( o,-'n\ . O'""CATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED t I****************************'r'r PERMIT INFORMATfON *****************************A.Jf - -t*l-Building [ ]-ptumbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-other Job Name: Green Residence Job Address3 4166 columbine Dr., Vail Legal Description3 Lot 18 Block_ Filtng susprvrsroNr Righ . Owners Nane: Helen Green Address: 444 cir.'lc nr -D.esr.e-r-Ph'320-5847 Architect:Address:Ph. General Description: e as existing work class: [ ]-Nevr [ ]-Altera{ion I l-Additional lx]-Repair [ ]-Other Nunber of DwellLng Unitst f Number of Accommodation Units: N,pmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances- Gas Logs- Wood/Pe1let- Iot ,t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS *********************************rl BUILDING: $ 5.000-00 PLUMBING: $ ELECTRTCAL: $- HEC}IANICAL; $ o Phone Numbe r: 558:5552-- Town of vail Reg. No. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: OtUrR: I TOTAL: $- [*************************** CONTRACTOR INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 't l!en"r"I Contractor: c & G Roofing,Inc. Tolln of Vail Reg. NO.tffi/.J'Contractol3 G & G Roofing'Inc.Tolln of vail Reg. No.4ffi /l/-J Address: P.O. Box 317,Frisco. CO 80443 ELectrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: Contract,or: ******************** *),t t t r. * yti&tt FOR OfFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PERMIT FEE: q5 "' BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: /",4 EL PLUMBING PERI{IT FEE: }IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF TEE: DRB FEE: PLI'MBING PIAN CHECK FEE: I-'ECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES:AS? ,,, VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATT'RE: CLT1AII I'P'DEPOSIT REFI'ND f.""51"5i?7'.ll!;o, co 8oO ili i' 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21_38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: oftlce ol communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTSRED WITH RHE TOWN OF VAIL TO!{N OF VAIL PUBLTC I{ORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STOR,AGE In sunmary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debris or naterial , incl-uding trash dunpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VaiI Public Works Department. Persons found violating thls ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to renove-sald naterial .fn the event the person so notified does not cornply with ttre notice within the 24 hour tine specified, the Public Works Department, will renove said rnaterial at the expense of person nqtified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicabJ.e to construction, maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of Vail Buifding Departnent to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this rnatter. r#JA-fs (i.e. contractor, owner) -4L , I 75 Boulh honltge road Yell. colofado 81657 {303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 olllcc of sommunlly devclopmettt BUILDING PERI'IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permi.t t"equr:res a Town of Vail Fire Deparfrnent Approval, Engineel's (.Public l,lopks) reyiew and approval , a Planning Department review or Health DeparUnent review, and a review by the Building Department, the estilated time for a total review may take as long as three weelts. A'll commercial (large or small) and aIl multi-family permits will have tg follow the above mentioned maximum requirementd. Residentia'l and snall projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if fesidential or smal'l er projects lmpact the various above mentioned departments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects may a'lso take the three week period. Every attempt wrlll be made by this department to expedite this permi.t as s.qon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the p'lan check procedure and time frame. Com.muni ty Development Departrnent. PERMIT DATE :'i / -' to INSPECTION REQUEST ,(,tio*^ o,l ,u!)\' T JOB NU,M E ) JI 7 R ('q o :R E B INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES ' i 11./;, .il;,. 1 WED .'Fnr NAME READY FOR LOCATION: , llt THUB ( .,F Fnnoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING B INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr b+rnnl D FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR niFsroP DATE -II -E ID m Ia LrH! . I g <TP IJ iJ E T;'r' q I; o +?O= 1'.fi 5 e =I9s :iQo lr i 9.iF lgH I l= -r r l=P =T-tr-tr-'r < E .NrLrLr 3 =o, .,il _y O <o'Yl- 1 o-c) z= o t E9s s t E=6 S E z> 6 g a.m.l rqlo T m =-t !m n ={ z -{m o o 'o 'n -It m =-1 -1 o (D m x m -t o z (-o U'{ m z z a) rI] tJ I -.1 m z L.J z cn --J O o o z @ {F o J o z €z m r- -l l*t@ 'Tl =z F z z IT fI] z G]tdl [1! H F r. OE =r -.F r p lo |n m Y I I =l -l I I u=3Fi o>'t- -{I m z -t c)-{ m 'r z z- P< 1z Oc) 1; ;: -to o> 2."--{ m vz >m on -l> -t l+mlO rl= lo tI l> lF lfl lz I I I I I l{b l€ lz lo IT t>l- lm lz lr to l€ lz lo t:t> lF ll tm lp lz r! z rl] Fr c)H l-{to l€ lz \o lo F.lr fti o.lr- vrlm 'lo lz le I I I I I ld l{ lz lo II t> lF l!lm lF,lz 5H3a - OE di SiFg *U lB 9f=- :.'< g f o{ E o ==*q'(, =\v -- (, o:1 f F3"==g --=olo H 6'=: 343=(o! -sl o *=! f6-==*-f+ii Ja13 { o r- -:I,o o + ",5i=Eeis ir9P @3ol s .= L o i. =c > o-+EssI <o-l 0:a P o' 3 iE =8asP SU a =-,ERA oAxo !P.,d5. o € q) o c =o a o = 5 (c) o o f o o 5" o o o :'o ---l f, o o o o o o z -{c m o o o z --{ o i o ''.l o I a m r 'n z i I m =2 m l z f- ! m =a z m m o m Iz 12 l-It 1r- o Irl 3 I z (D - (t z o J o c --t X X X X z U> l- -.t o z -t m i f o x z m a c m T tr I --l z z I :o m 'tt m o €m !z a q Z -l o o o _-l z c 1 -t z m € r -.{m l ^z t I =z m _o :!m G ! 'n l-c 2 z z Ni-OJ XD >'n zo -<2 Ou,o2 :z fr< ? I z m pz ftl rr1 ;\> EH HO \)=Za 142 S=!:o PU Eix >l E'I rrt |< c) Fl I l.J 4 z o F @ F 2 o z o m v, z z .6 I --t --l m -zo oZ. D{a x;D{I o EE L'z z o F' F.z H r. H N t"{ r9 5' N) r m ='T1 m m (t a m x t-m z c m i m 2 2 m m € m m _--l z -n m m frl o z -o |.c 2 m m x t- z -m x |- =!m = = m n = =.Tl m m U'' VALUATION !m u =- z o =m I =c) = =o m r m c)--l 6 z N (/l k{ latqzl ql6p2 VP \' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT \-\\-\rr p416 \ \ \) -rr-\_ JOB NAME r READY FOR LOCATION: TNSPfCTTON:L\i TUES WED THUR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL FRI AM Ah BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED . CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED DATE lt.rri".a 6/L8/sL COLORADO DRB APPLICATION _ TOWN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: DESCRIPTION:/{1,,-ft-t f' ) t**t*ttt*t THIS APPLICATION VTILI., NOT BE ACCEPTED T NTIL ALL REQUIRED INFORIi{ATION IS SUBI-|ITTED ******t*** f; i,t- "u 1:e c.splt S"rn L.Vu & 2_ B.TYPE OF REVIEW: a D. T a meets and bounds 1egal on a separate sheet and r-LOT AREA: 1f required, stamped survey showing NAME OF APPLICANT: MaiLing Address: :{tYc\6't[, must provide a current -l t reert ( I' appl i cant lot area. n:e! t 4e Phone !t NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: Phone NAME OF OWNERS: SIGNATURE (S) : G.. "rr) ^-i .,/t,//e Mai_Iing Addre YV ( v-4. t^( f t' t will adjust the fee according to the table below, -to ensure the correct fee is paid - l nd) ,/tl!F@^ Phone DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate vafuation of the proposal. The Town of Vai-l FEE SCHEDULE: gl VALUATION FEE s 0-$ 10,000 $20.00 $ 10, oo1 - $ 50, ooo $ 50. oo $ 50, 001 - s 150,000 $1oo.0o s150,001 - s 500, ooo $200.0o s500,001 - s1,000,000 s400.00 $ Over $1,000,000 $500.00 bgD lat New construction ($200. O0) X-!.4inor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00) Conceptual Review (S0) ADDRESS, (/ l('L (oTunL3'nr* \r. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision oN: Lot lt Block T5,r,JrouT If property is described by description, please provide attach to this application. ZONING: Condominium Approval if applicable *NO APPTICATION T{ILL BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE NOTE: Concern for the actual layout of the Green driveway and possible loss and removal of trees, the staff required staking of the driveway prior to Design Review Board (DRB). Due to the onset of winter; the applicant has decided to withdraw the application until spring, when construction can proceed once the driveway is staked. 'd t- T-'- t- r eo LOT 17 v? Aw€1"?iffi5^X6A,&'i7; h\tote r,€flovtT1ot1 *I.TrH4 ager€ PAVEI,€NT /:il'J"'ii-5"%/ ii''rv er-ev = ac'z -----"----cl' , t'\ler-eY€ 4o€?aqe PO RT VACA' TOWN .>--- /v oJ + ^. -- t< .',:1...--. . ir,,Xo.n\ (':P?.rl,t *;H ; "*{I I *d t e --\ 't : .\-'lf Lt-'vL- )r... .D (50,) '., *"r\ \_- 12"ptttE ' 8" PNE t, .i ,-? o ,/ 9o. \.._.. ,lu'I'qJ?[li;''' ' ,N\' ELI\' - " a'ATEN.,d,' 8 ,ASP€N ///4 ' 'i n*lvE*/ 'z'cRAvcL -I t'tr -L3'I GARB AGE -oT t7 re"flNE q ^ r), ako' 1 \ 8" PlNE \_ l2"PlNL ------.-. COMI a o 3l'/: () *,', ': a,- _-;j :&'.'.. t', . \* ..-\ > \ \c \e. a\ \ -----)--' /o /"'--* /---:-'l^--^^, ruoo^R -d.Lu:;to*' OE9K ,UTILITY EASEMENT il tl il I t :':- ll-_ ,;:.. 'q b .t .."*'hi,fil r\ tr3;"8 ,-'Pt;.9i"?903 l--.tr L'z\rB-.-.S]: l,i;,/R\ ,dl8l*:"'i' Jrie j' ,\3trtuo -l3^vug 'gl zntFA 1 Heasv.93 \.t rr,l3ti3',Vd JC \ \ $il'?s 3 loHNv tf d l|., 3tild,,8' \".\'. .dfi#ir.r.:-;._r :il .\: rttl,\ol _v3V iBOd abvQdD a\o'aaz ....n -t------:rt8 3 '43'13 nNl / : zp6 = 'At13 nlU /-loHNVil uSil;lS' \ . \N",\r i YF]\r\ AN . ':'\ " \Y; rN:lfl3rvd J0 ; ..' 3903 '/tr. ,2/ttt &'/,L't- ri' t/,h7 t ',, ,:y :r'€ - INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW J DATE SUBUITTED: -&Jl:tiz-Z- DATE COI'IMENTS NEEDED BVz -&ztF- !';€,, BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAI.,: l>€'-PAz>L=:l- 4|1,y..-11. It'1 VELVa /'-\-)L> ,& 2- i7*e-+J)q 7^Q'-> {1-e'>'-<:, l,.(+- avGp- .,-z-t?-.,t-11:.-s€i) f L./--, ^r-!z:, a-/>€!=F':--\,-L -I -- {d-z'6JJr Jc1 } anrY{-_y-e1--.- 6,,n,,-( Ev-rv€ L_l ,-,r_- €y-f€t-tr-t C,'J-rc, t>a,V'-t5t-J-1. ff,aSYll LIC WORKS - -1'z-w,,e- r,.lr'f /,.- F=,.-i -f-t,ee=-. a , a /I9f+Ig+gF++ 1-1',-u'e- c',-tt /,.> re*-L -(tee':Date:a- 3-a /Reviewed bY: coDments: t) nsP* -l 1 r4roteot'c''t^'c: pR, n.r-e PrZ"F,,er7 z-) :--, AFfL^a - T r1ff- -T JE a ' ?''") /r)+-/ Rs rtAe-;=) ,7rta:qaP€ ^,-rl 7v1 us7 ,l4 rt u'tdft a.l'l alR= A&E i-f' "rh 5r )€. .:tf P,Qor'o:e:l:' t4 S P/lArT r/ ^.,\ Nr<f/?o,a ,.'t 1 l7 FaeA*-" 7-h2€ 15 4ta f'tar4 1lt.o- hSrr1 ,t' -rr^aSPhr,:-J, o .-_) | i: .*,6,.t- A ,...r5- *.tARAa<-v-t ij '->d.rzt/t:or7E eL! af )u afi;c."(n = < a r-c,c-7 t/o.O )u , 7a n^,ouE D,a,-e f ,-/E re -, aia -f ,/'I),.\'// 'ro ) Z faiT -, D- PROJECTs T rl€ Ru, t D, D t2, ,'g 7.o 4,.-4y F ae*'r ila , .up.,,-, e- FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Conments! POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: ConmentsS RECREATION DEPART!{ENT Revlewed by: Cornments3 Date: Date: o .i\ revised 3/LL/9L Date: 75 louth trontrg€ road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 September l-4, l-988 To Whom It May Concern: Re: Bighorn Subdivision, Lot The above property is a legal is zoned duplex and is under dwelling units cannot be sold Iong term rentals. Sin_cerely '8"/**/-" Planning Technician off lcc ol communlty developmenl l_8 nonconforming triplex. The lot 15,000 square feet in size. The separately, but two must remain Vry."-\Betsy Ro$olack Thc printed portion!ofthis form rpproved by the Colorrdo Rcal Erlstc Co'nmi!sion (Cl',10-2-81) IUIS IS A UGAL IIISTBUMEI{T. IF ]IOT UNDEf,STOOO. LEGAL. TAX OR OT}IEB COUNSEL SHOUTD BE COTISUTTEO sEFOBE SIGilING. COUNTERPROPOSAL RE: Proposed contract for the purehase ofproperty desclibcd as; Lot 18, Bighorn Subdivision 41 66 l.nlrrmhina Dtirrrr also known as number situatcd ;n g1.r" Town of Vai I County of- Eagle , Colorado, dated August 29, ,19!!_ betwecn-.lohn and Marvlou Shat Janes K. Green and l-lelen Green 'Ihe undersigned Seller acccpls said ploposed contlacL, sulljcct to thc following amendnrcnts: 1. The purchase price shall be $130,000.00 payable as follows: $4,000.00 hereby rcccipted for; an additional $126,000.00 in wire transfer funds on date of delivery of decd. Purchaser hereby waives his financing conti-ngency. A1l language in the contract attached rclating to .c.l -^-^.:rrr,<!,,\-.!r,8, *-.,,.,-ingency is no longer applicablc to this agrcenent. 2. Date changes in contract sha1l be: A. Paragraph 9,...Septcnber 20, 1988. B. Addendun A, #4....Septcmber 28, 1988. C. Addendum A, #5....Septembcr 28, 1988. 3. If the paperwork for the Purchaser regarding this transaction is not complete by the date of closing, the closing date shall be autonatically extended fourteen (14) days. 4. This agreement may be signed in counterParts and when the parts are put together, they sha1l constitute the entire agrccnent bctween thc parties. AII other terms and conditions shal] rcurain the same. If this coun tc:'proposal is acccptcd by Purchaser, as evidetrced by Purcir:rser's signature ltcreon, and if Scllcl lccqivcs noticc of sttclr lcccplltrcc on r.tr llcfolc -S-cp-LCmb-Q L8- ' I g-8€-, the said proposcd coltl,ract, as an)cnricd hclcby, sh all becotric a conl,L;rcl btrLrveelt Lhc plt'tics. Zon- &, u4-rfu'A .. 1-- l4ar,ftLou Sha t tuck The folegoi ng cou ntelproposal is acccptc(l tlris - d ny o f l9_. Purchuse r Janes K. Green lr'rrchrscr lJ^ I ^- r/-'+aa ^^-.-,. -^ --n If this coulterproposal is accepicd by Pulclrascr as aforcsairl, Scllct'aglccs to pay listing brol<et a cotrrnrission of A,e-tr$n (fJ Tooft5epur.clrnscpriccforselviccsinthislransactiorr,irtrtlagt'ccsthat,inlhcevctrl,offotfcilure of payr.nents antl things of valuc lccl:ivc<l l'rclqundcl lrncl utrdcl said pt ollosed conlracL, riuch l)aylucnts ;rrrrl things of valuc s51ll bc 4ividcd bet\yccn Scllct ;rn(l lisling blokcr', onc'half llrct'cof lo said lrt olicr, bul not !o cxccr:tl tlro f *N,B. Whcn tlris countcrploposal is uscd, sairl p|.oposcd cotrtt'act is n0t l,o bc signcrl iry scllel. This cou ntelpt'oposal nrust bc seculely:rttlchcd to said pt'ollosed contl'i\ct' .('rhnrc.l-xt!\,nxl.C,'l,r1!1h,s0:ll-(.11).1):11-6r)(x) n.tl (,fi) John Shattuck Shattuck No. Cl'40-2-81.llrndloftl l\rhli.hin! C0 .58:5 w ( Project Application Date Proiect Name: Pro ject Description: Contact Person and Phone - Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Com ments: Design Review Board Oate Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: Date: Town Planner E statt Approval \A\\'.a \.. ''l \rt r i' \.'\.. \\ September 5, 1989 Vail Design Review Board 755 Frontage Road Vaii. Colorado 8i657 Attention: Kristin Prinz Re: Property at 4166 Columbine Road Dear Ms. Prinz: This letter is to comply with the Design Review Board's Reguirements. We acknowledge that the property referred to above and its structures are located within an area that the Town of Vail has designated as an area of geologic sensitivity by Town of Vail ordinance No. 5 (series of 1985). STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF DENVER He!en C. \ ) ss. ) Subscribed and sworn to before me Lhis 1989 by James K. Green and Helen C. Green. Witness my hand and official seal . 5th day of September, 1050 - 17rh Denver, C0 street, suite 1700 80265 May 18, 1991.expires: Address: CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS . ^rl p{i\fii Augusf 29,1989 Montgomery, Green, Jorvis, Kolodny & Morkusson Attorneys ot Low 1050 - lTth Street Suite 1700 Denver, Colorodo 80265 Attention: Mr. Jomes Green Subject: Consultotion Triplex - Bighorn Subdivision Voil, Colorodo Job No. 16,354 Gentlemen: At your requesl I mode o visit to the site of o triplex locoted in Eost Voil in the Bighorn Subdivision on August 20, 1989. The purpose of my trip to the site wos to observe the locotion of the structure, its generol condition ond generol geologic conditions ot the sife. There ore residences locoted on either side of the sfructure. The reor of the structure (south side) obuts Gore Creek with o relotively steep slope rising to the south of core Creek. The steep slope oppeors lo be o snow ovolonche trock ond there ore o. few lorge.boulders foirly high on the slope. lt is my understonding the slope oreo hos been clossified os o geologic hozqrd oreo by either Eogle Couniy or the Voil Plonning Deportment. The residences in the Bighorn Subdivision pre-dote the ordinonces designoting this oreo os o hozord zone. One of the purposes of my trip wos to determine if proposed remodeling of the structure wou'ld increose the risk. The zone of obvious rock foll ond slope debris oppeors lo stop on the south side of Gore Creek. The rehobilitotion of the friplex is primorily plonned to be directed ot ihe interior of the structure with o slight extension pionned on the north side of the residence. In my opinion, ihe proposed oddition will hove no effec.t with respect to either increosing or decreosing ihe risk of geologic hozord ot this structure. The proposed ollerotions to the structure will not increose the hozord from ovolonche rockfoll or debris foll to other properties or structures, or to public buildings, righfs-of-woy, roods, streets, eosements, utilities or focilities or other 1971 WEST l2THAVENUE . DENVER, COLORADO aO2O4 . (3O31A25-O777 -2- properties of ony kird. In my opinion mitigotion is not needed for the minor extension on the north side of the building or cosmetic chonges which cre being mqde. Very truly yours, Robert W. Thompson, P. E. President RWT:dd CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATER IALS ENGI NEERS August 29,1989 Monfgomery, Green, Jorvis, Kolodny & Morkusson Attorneys ot Low 1050 - lTth Street Suite 1700 Denver, Colorodo 80265 Attention: Mr. Jomes Green Subject: Consultolion Triplex - Bighorn Subdivision Voil, Colorodo Job No. 16.354 Gentlemen: At your request I mode o visit to the site of o triplex locoted in Eost Voil in the Bighorn Subdivision on August 20, 1989. The purpose of my trip to the site wos to observe the locoiion of the structure, its generol condilion ond generol geologic conditions ot the site. There ore residences locoted on either side of the structure. The reor of the siructure (south side) obuts Gore Creek with o relotively steep slope rising to the south of Core Creek. The steep slope oppeors to be o snow ovolonche trock ond there ore o few lorge boulders foirly high on the slope. lt is my understonding the slope oreo hos been clossified os o geologic hozord oreo by either the Eogle County or the Voil Plonning Deportment. The residences in the Bighorn Subdivision pre-dote the ordinonces designoting this oreo os o hozord zone. One of the purposes of my trip wos to determine if proposed remodeling of fhe structure would increose the risk. The zone of obvious rock foll ond slope debris oppeors to stop on the south side of Gore Creek. The rehobilitotion of the triplex is primorily plonned to be direcied ot the interior of the structure with o slight extension plonned on the north side of the residence. ln my opinion, the proposed oddition will hove no effect wifh respect fo either increosing or decreosing the risk of geologic hozord ot ihis structure. Very truly yours, Robert W. Thompson, P. E. President RWT:dd 6-"#'r".'" t TotB \ fu-r'^'$ 1971 WEST l2THAVENUE . DENVER, COLORADO AO2O4 . '3O3) a25.0777 75 souih lfontage rod Yrll. coloredo 81657 {303) 47$2138 (303) 479.2139 August l-8, L989 olfice ol community d€uelopment Ms. Susan Phillip Swart 23749 Shooting Star Drive Golden, Colorado 8o4oL RE: creen Residence, Lot 18, Bighorn Subdivision Dear Susan, On August L5, 1989, the Design Review Board reviewed conceptually your remodel for the Green Residence. Below j.s a list of their comrnents which should be addressed for your next Design Review Board meeting on August 30th. Check the areas around the new roof to insure that you are not impaeting any trees. .The Design Review Board suggested that you may want to actuaLly notch the roof around the tree. walls shall not have a greater height then 6 feet. If any wall is proposed for the front setbacl< it nay not exceed 3 feet. You may berm up to a wall to meet the height requirement (within reason) . Top soil should be added to the property to improve the grasses. The garbage shed must be removed. Please evaluate the parking layout. The Design Review Board did not support the relocation of the five aspen trees on the west side of the property. However, they asked that you analyze your parking layout and if it is absolutely necessary they woul-d consider the possibility of relocating the trees. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. At this time Susan, f am hoping to be on a backpacking trip on August 30th. Either Rick grlnan or Mike Mollica will handle your project on August 30th. As a reminder, the Planning Cornmission sill review the reguest on August 28th and the Design Review Board will review your project on August 30th. Both meetings normalJ-y start at 3:oO p.n. However, you should check with our office on Friday to rnake sure that the meeting is starting at 3 p.m. You will need to attend both ureetinqs to represent the owner. If you have any further questions please feel free to calL me.I am sorry I will miss the review of your proposal however it seems there is always sone type of conflict when you try and leave the happy vaI1ey! cood luck! Slncerely, $rh Kristan Pritz Senior Planner APPLICATION DATE:JuIy 31 , 1989 DATE 0F DRB MEETING. August 16, 1989 DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION I.IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I . PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No applicatjon wilI be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about addjtional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. pRgJECT DESCRIpTIgN. Remodel of existing residence. To i-nclude: renovation of upper and lower levels of maj-n unit, new exterior finishes. at all buildings plus new landscaginq. Maior exterior construction to be addition of roof overhanqs plus addition at master bedroom. B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 4166 Columbine Drive Vail, Colorado Legal Description Lot 18 Block Fi i i ng e r-do.I4__Subd iv i s ion Zoning Two FamiIy Resid.entiaf Distrrcr (existing unit is a triplex) C. NME OF APPLICANT: Addres s D. NAME OF 30731 Eldora Court Everqreen, CO 80439 telephone 1-674-462t APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Susan Swart dba/ perceprions E. Address 23749 Shootlng Star prive Golden, Co 80401 telephone I-526-1125 NAME OF OWNERS: Si gnature Address 30DHldora court Everqreen, co 80439 . te] ephone I-674-462I l. DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION be paid at the time a bu'i1d'ing permit is requested. FEE $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,00i-$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000 $ Over $1,000,000 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requ'i rements, the appficant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. 2, The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normal1y invoive two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. Peopie who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be requjred to be republ ished. 4. The following items no longer have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Zoning Admin'i strator for approval: a. l,lindows, sky'l ights and similar exterior changes that do not a'l ter the existing plane of the build'ing; and b. Building additions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space, which have had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium assoc i ati on . 5. You may_be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You shou'ld check with a Town Planner before proceeding. MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED I . NEI,I CONSTRUCTION A. Topographic map and site plan of site containing the following (2 copies): 1. Licensed surveyor's stamp. 2. Contour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour intervals will be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees hav'ing trunks with diameters of 4" or more one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc. ). Avalanche areas, 100 year f'l ood plain and slopes 40% or more, lf applicable. Ties to existing benchmark, ejther USGS landmark or sewer invert. Locations of the folIowing: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing size and type of culverts, swales, etc. b. Exact locations of all utilitjes to include existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to include: 5. 6. 7. cable TV Tel ephone sewer water 9as e'l ectri c c. Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. A'l I easements 8. Existing and flnjshed grades. 9. All existing and proposed improvements including structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining walls (with spot e1 evations), and other site improvements. 10. Elevations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to determine height of building. B. A statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability. To be submitted with site plan. C. Preliminary title report to accompany a'l I submittals, to insure property ownership ' and all easements on property. D. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 2 copies 1. Show the location of 4" diameter or larger trees",other'ghnu6s'afri-iia'tive plants tha are on the site and the1ocation and design of proposed landscape area:s with the varieties and approx'imate sizes of plant materials to be planted. l. 2. Complete landscape materials list. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. N0TE: As much of the above informat'ion as possible should occur ori the site p'l an, so that the inter-relation of the various components is clear. The landscape plan should be separate. The existing topographic and vegetational characteristics may be a separate map. The applicant must stake the site to show lot lines and building corners. Trees that will be lost during constructjon must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. E. Architectural Plans (1/8' = 1' or larger) 2 copies 1. Must include floor plans and all elevations as they wil'l appear on completion. Elevations must show both existing and finished grades. 2. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and submitted for review on the materials'l ist available from the Department of Conmunity Develop- ment. Color chips, siding samples etc., should be presented at the Design Review Board meeting. F. The Zoning Administrator and/or DRB may require the drawings, specificatr'ons, samples and other materjal necessary to determine whether a project will comply submissjon of additional plans, (includjng a model) if deemed with design guidelines. II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the iocation (site plan) of proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirements given above, as long as they provide all important specifications for the proposed including colors and materials to be used. rr. ADDrrr.NS - RESTDENTTAL 0R ..MMER.TAL -/ lite-*bef:'$n'r".$. { l-\ -- .^- nrr-r ..i+h ,rr .h6^irinr+.ie,ne chnun iap{ 1\t"t\f't (-.4/ Original floor plans with a1'l specifications shown r-\ rur PrqrrJ rrrr'rr cr" ":"rr rlur'rvrrJ Jrr\rYrrr ,r$pul^1^6 v (Ay Floor plan for addition - 2 copies rqlvMo I I \L/ Site plan showing existing and proposed construction - 2 copies topos '( n Q. I Elevations of addition >< XG,) Photos of existing structure *F) Specifications for all materials and color samples on materia'l s list available at t \-./ Department of Community Development the request of the Design Review Administrator you may also be required to submjt: Statement from each utility verifying Iocation of service and availability. See attached utility location verification form. ,@ Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyr".P O@il\04Jo I. Preliminary title report, verifying ownership of property and lists of easements. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building permit has been issued, and when the project is underway, the following wilI be requi red before any building receives a framing inspection from the Building Department: A certified improvement survey showing: A. Building locations with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. AlI utility service ljnes as-builts show'ing size of fines, type of material used, and exact locations. 2 copies Drainage as-builts. 2 copies Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. A1 1 property p'ins are to be either found or set and stated on map. Al I easements Building floor elevations and roof ridge elevations. At x IV. D. G. H. LIST OF MATERIALS NAI4E 0F PR0JECT: Green Residence LEGAL DESCRIPTION: iViSiON irnerr ADDRESS: 415ZETifr5Tne orivE------Vl-lT, colorEd6--- oescnlprton 0F PR0 in gs, Plus landscaping. The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Natural Cedar Shake :r Roof l Siding -< Other Wall Materials Redwood w/ wood preservative stain Clear Same as above Wood, stained to match siding Wood, stained to match siding Anderson, Pella or similar; Iow E insulated glass Wood, stained to match siding Wood, stained to match siding Wood, stained to match siding > Fascia * Soffits 2\ Windows > Window Trim r. Doors {Door Trim -l.Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Ch i mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther Wood, staj-ned to match siding N/A N/A Stone N/A N/A N/A B.LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: pnone: Perceptions L- 526- r r25 PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Tremuloides Quaking Aspen EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED T0 same as above Quani ty 6-B Si ze* Min,2"Dia. /6' Ht. for conifers. ( over ) *Indicate cal i oer for deciducious trees.Indjcate height 3 / 4"Dia. " PLANT I{ATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUES TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Botanical Name Common Name N/A N/A Tvpe trt/A Size Square Footaqe -_.',''_r,\ SOD SEEI) Natural TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Natural grasses c.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, Landscape timber retaining walls fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. and steps G south area Redwood siding fence G north area to act as prj-vacy buffer; stained to match color of house f\5 ' i+ .a Not APPlicable SUBDIVISION UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION JOB NAME LOT___BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed llnes, must bc approved and verlfied by the following utilities foi the acconpanying site plan. Authorized Signature Mountain Bel I I -634-3778 l.lestern SIope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company Gary Hall * HolyCross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Mi chle! Lave^Lty Vail Cab'le T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagl e Val 1ey l,later and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek NOTEI These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibiJ.ity to obtain a street cut permit frorn the Town of Vail, Department of Publ.ic Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Town of Vail. {, building pernit is not a stTeet cut pernit. A street cut permit Eust be obtained sepalately. This fonn is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. Date t * For nevl const please flll out attached sheet. / ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: July 31, 1989 lgeRl @Block -- Filing eiqhorn subdivision ADDRESS : 4166 Co1uffi:iiE-b-rive vaTTl6loEdo & Helen Green Hei ght TOtAl GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Frond Si des Rear llater Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Reta i ni ng l,lal 1 Heights Parki ng Credits: Garage Mechani ca I Al rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted EnvJ ronmental /Hazards :Ava'lanche Flood P'laln ne l-6'1 4-4621 Proposed Al I owed (30)(33)n* r$$urp' -0 l'r}{La-''t $jt $$'t 3,* '.}-,i) 0{1 EqT s1a.l *.UO:$.{T ]lo r 15', 15' (30) (50) \l J.16l- (3oo)(600) (eoo) ( 12oo) (so)(1oo) (2s) (s0) (2oo) (4oo) S'l ope Actual Sl ope l,letl ands Geologic Hazards ARCHITECT--EEEepT1ons p6ensJ:3ZB:TIts zonr otsr PROPOSED USE is triplex; to rernain same use)LoTsrzE @ rqsq ItF ffit- 5_++- 20, Zoning: Approved/Disapproved Date: Staff Signature i'; ,o o ApDllCatlOn Uate JuIv 31, 1989 . PtC MEETING DATE euqust zB, 1989 APPLICATION FOR A VARIA}ICE I. Thjs procedure is required for any project requesting a variance. The application wi'll not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME 0F APPLICANT_ ,irin & tlelen Green ADORESS 30731 Eldora Corrrf B. Evergreen, Coloracio 80439 p11ggg 1-674"462I NAME 0F APPLICANT,S REPRESENTAIIyE Susan Swart dba Perceptions ADDRESS ,eraq *t,..,^ti.g ** i.,r. Golden, Colorado 80401 p11ggE 1-526-1,125 c. NME 0F ol.lNER(S)type I .-ritn c H^f -- r:-o-n ADDRESS 30731 Eld.ora Court Evergreen, Colorado 80439 PROPOSAL 4166 Col.umbine Drive p1.1gpg 1-674-4621" D.LOCATION OF ADDRESS Vail, Colorado LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 18 BLOCK FILING Bighorn Subdivision .? / - t--/ E. FEE g]oo PAID '1""='/t' ,r u r6s7 F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INcLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS_StRerTS-, and their mai'ting aiaiesies. THE APPLICANT I.IILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECf NNTIiTIE AOORESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICAT_IgN CONFERENCE I,IITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO.)DETERI"IINEIFANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION l,,ILL 8E ACCEPTEO UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEI"IS REQUIRED BY THE 2onIne U!I.N!9iR4I9E). IT IS THE APPLiCANT.S RESPONSIEILITY To unTe nH APPOINiMENT WITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT AOOITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. - ' PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION I{ILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECr sv-0ecEmINFrHE NUT"TBER oF coNDrrroNs 0F AppRovAL THAT ue-punntne AND ENI'IR0NMENTAL_COllHIsS!0N MY STIPULATE. ALL C0NOITIONS 0F APpRoVAL-MuST BE COMPLIED WITH EEFORE A EUILDING PERJ,IIT I5 ISSM-. III. FoUR (4) CoprES 0F THE FoLLoWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: , A. l_tln]IlFry SI4JqIENT 0F THE pREcrsE NATURE 0F rHE VARTANCE REQUESTEo AND rHE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADORESS: l. The relationship of the requested variance to'other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The- degree to-which re'lief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified requlation ls.necessary to acrrieie-iiriiliuiiitv and uniformit-v gt treatment ailrong sites in ttri-vitinit! o" to iiiiin'ini'-'objectives of this tiile without grant or sptiiii-privirege. - -tt!"r y'rri FRoM Green THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. OVER t vari ance -2- 3. The effect of the variance on light ang-q!r, distributjon of population' transporiation, traffic facilitiis, utilities, and public safety. ,./g, A topographic and,/or lmprovement survey at_a sca'le of at least l" - 20' stamped Uu-i'C6loi^udo licensed surveyor including-locations of all -existing 'lmprove- ilrisl-inLiuC.ing-graOes and elevations. -Other elements which must be shown are parking and loading areas, inlress and egress, landscFped areas and utilitY and drainage features. "/.C. A site plan at a scale of at least l" = 20' showing existing and proposed bui'ldings. "/'A. A11 preliminary bui'lding e'levations and floor plans sufficient to indicate lh. iin'.nrlons', gg11gp6l-appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spaces existing and ProPosed on the site. -.'E, A pre'l iminary title report to verify ownership and easements X If the proposal is'located in a multi-fami'ly development.whjch has a-homeowners associaiion, then written approval from the association in support.of.the projebt must Ue-"eleiuea Uy'i Ouly authorized agent for said association. G. Any add.i tional material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator.. * For interior modjfications, an improvement survey and site plan may be wa'ived by the zoning administrator. ? t,Tjme Requirments The Planning and Environmental Commission meets ii-eicit monin. A complete applicat'ion fonn and ias-OeicriUed above) must be submitted-a minimum iiC prUtic hearing. No incomplete applications aOmihistrator) will be accepted by the planning nated submittal date. on the 2nd and 4th MondaYs al1 accompanying material of 4 weeks Prior to the date of (as determined bY the zoning itaff betore or after the desig- ?t- P?.OJECT: DATE SU3I,IITTEO: COI".I4ENTS I{EEDEO 8Y: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF FiRE DEPA.RTI,IENT Srn OATE OF PUBLIC H NGJ/Jtr$l- Date fn-pto nL t*;k 4to'.,]a lo>c ) INTER-OSPARTIIENTAL REVI EH 1'*?&*\6irfon o4 Do.gt itt c.^e-..-reJ bpLro,,--., A"rt_c^-a,)a;I;o.-t f*rtdi b.lo'--f e7 u I*a I Reviewed by:Date Conlents: POLICE DEPARTI.IENT Revieired by; Conilerrts: Revierred.by: Co;;ents: Date \\ 't'r. RECiEATiOI{ DEPARTI,IANT Date o D 'lHq O*Ut^, ru{ or' D bonn r4' t)or\ .tl^^t _ nn / ^l 5u uh![ nR- b-fl - rn^x' ll I /-V/ O NdA. T4xoi\ &,irnpfrr,tt"'fr qnlAPL . UU /,t/1 \bd.f$o& \ \oC, J [aeudr.,ttr 'l'I it i I P I i () \ \ PamoA A*\.,,rg '/J rime\-,\b- WHILE YOU WERE OUT RETURNED YOUR CAII JEEEm, uat .PERCEPTToNSo % 3/t/?o7 C):%*.,r't 7ffi fu4ry ;! ",-b'*r/ a- rc re 4 bc'ia d' fuA2""'n-^ Z ae,b J" A' tC I o -il"/ 7* !:l7.l1l SlxN{urg Star' [)rt!e ( i'l'l('r. ( i)1.'nd(' il01{}l 3{r:t.526.1t'.1:) lrrterir,r antl cxterior desigrr. lI.rw'rr.rlizt.ct corrsrrlunion arr<l rltrtkrpntcrrt. t I tu, Lo-.L pa-"L fr) /* dlbJ *,/--,.2;;o ,4t+\- /urq.TJ /l* ,L 4-*o "A'^fu 4t*- J* o4 &. ,rtz &-,*e- /,.,*- /".*, .ry4a-,-L /LL,r- A.?eL o t lo*tH, $UPugr .r ra. ,...ar c 6fii;hte- Sa, ._aqlbr \1.,18'{'' libu* &rl-u-sc tlt d<-$r€o-: \\,t'+ ?*rr*$ sJt t-=:.-:,=-- J}}}X, ha,p- nD\ ba^" *alary a,*-t ii /l',ii ti'i'i tA r:6* t,! . t-i /.-,. ' . :. I udr. \-t i,;, rt/: ^, i.: i; .l i lj.tt. ''.' <:.r, ; t"". I i ,-i -' /, -) r,L . l, i ,,i,:, '' ;f,')1,'!2 i o t )Li9(lct- uwuulr-''ffi\ h€r//\ ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS For: Lot 18, Bighorn SubdivLsion Lot 17, Blghorn Subdivision Parcel 2 Kathleen L. McConahey 1050 Green Oaks Drive Littleton, Colorado 80121 Lot 20-6, BLghorn Subdivis ion Gale T. Downey & Beverly Anne-Gale 186 7 liorth Shore San Benlto, Texas 7 8586 T. Downey, M.D., P.A. Lot l9-8, Bighorn Subdivision Bighorn Condorninium See attached sheet for homeowners and addresses Parcel I I"l, Peterson Nelson & Jack Coleman 455 Sherman Street, Suite 100 Denver, Colorado 80203 IMPOETANT MESSAGE I'ro TIME Area Code q^ r.\ \\ I \C-& Erchange .lA1' :* \'<-{) CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN RETURNED YOUR CALL a DATE: 05/?2/43 EAcLo couNrY AssEiloR CONDOMINIUPI LISTINE PAGE: 3 CODE: OO19 CONDOI"IINIUH: BIGHORN COND. ------=========-===============================================:======= OO11 SCHEDULE: Al"360 DISTRICT: lOS NASSIHBENE. CHARLES J. & SHIRLEY J. 1336 KENILT^,OOD LANE RMRl^lOODs BEERFIEL$ STATE: IL ZIP GODE: 60015 UNIT A BLDG. A BK 0213 PC 0379 TAX ITEHS: 113O 1330 OOle SGHEDULE: 0111OO DISTRICT: lOS PETERSON, HELEN H.iI PIANEER REAL ESTATE 3OE4 M]RTHEAST 34TI{ AVENUE PORTLAND STATE: OR ZIP CODE: S72Le UNIT 1 BLDG. E BK 0251 Pe O1EO TAX ITEH9: 113O 1?3O OOtS SCHEDULE: OlOEgo DISTRICT: IOS PRITZI ELDON G. & JUNE FLORENCE 19CO CONSTELLATION DRIVE COLARADO SPRINCS STATE: CO ZIP CODE: 80906 UNIT 5 BLDG. A BK OE13 PG 086? TAX ITE['{5: 113O 1e3O OO14 SCHEDULE: 01101O DISTRICT: 1OB sKAER, ARTHUR T. & LORINE B, 3855 SOUTH HIBISCUS WAY DENVER STATE: CO ZIP CODE: 80237 UNIT 6 ELDG. A 8K Oet? PG 0953 TAX ITEHS: 113O 1?3o OO15 SCHEDULE: 011A2O DISTRICT: IOE SLIFER & CO. DRAWER 1248 VAIL STATE: CO ZIP CODE: S1658 UNIT 7 BLDE. B BK O?49 Pe OA77 TAX ITEf"{5: 113O 123O . . -,+.ta.-i { .r EAeLo couNrY AssEiloR DATE; vs/?a/aa v - pAGE: 4 C T]NDOT.I I N I UI'I L I ST I NG COBE: OO19 CONDOIIINIU|t: BIGHORN COND. Oo16 SCHEDULE: Ore66O DISTRICT: tOB WILSON, C. STANLEY & HARTHA B. 5455 T.JEsT JEWELL DENVER STATE: CO ZIP CEDE: AAAA6 UNIT 7 BLDG. A BK Olgl Pe 0545 TAX ITEMS: 113O 123O a o o DtrFMRTMtrNT @tr tr@MMUNITV DEVEL@FMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcroN FoRM slz NZ N? \I? \{? N'.2 \'?ZS te 5F -'= .+= .;= e-?,tr.) ?rN ,4r\ 4N ZN 4N AN ACCOUNT #TOTAL AMOUNT 01 0000 41330 COM. DEV. APPLICAT]ON FEES 1 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS 01 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFORII BUILDING CODE 0'l 0000 4241s 1988 UNIFORM PLUIIBING CODE 1 0000 42415 11988 UNlFoRl/MECHANICAL CODE 01 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORM FIRE CODE 1 0000 42415 1987 NAT]ONAL EIICTRICAL CODE 1 0000 42415 OTHER CODE BOOKS 01 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS (MYI-ARS) 01 0000 42+12 XEROX COptES ,/ SfUO|ES 1 0000 42J71 PENALTY FEES / RE_INSPECTION 01 0000 41322 OFF HOURS INSPECT]ON FEE CONTRACTORS UCENSES fEES I 0000 41330 OTHER FEES 01 0000 41413 CoMMENTS: /r,I.n , o,^ , u { tn' J, ,,- , 4-o;, | ,oroa t t'5L,, t f"nJJi,6 ''nr. . loli i (rrlorru (c,.'C ?wt1'€0,t",, /ir. prl3l w INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEETING LO:00 A.M. AUGUST 2L, 3_989 Upstairs Conference Room Attn:Ron Phillips Stan Berrlman Greg HaIl Pete Burnett Ken Hughey Dick Duran Mike McGee Pat Dodson Aqenda Streamwalk sign Vail village Mast,er Plan changes creen variance - give comments to Rick Bike path bridges Ice Arena/Library sidewalk Pam Brandmeyer Peter Patten Gary Murrain Susan Scanlan Mike Moltica Kristan Pritz Rick $rlnan Betsy Rosolack t. 4. 5. o PUBI,IC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY cMN that the Planning and Environmental ConnLssion of the Town of Vail wiII hotd a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the rnunicipal code of the Town of VaiI on August 28, 1989 at 3:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Buitding. Consideration of: l-. A request for a side setback varLances and a etrean r"tuaaf t variance to construct an additlon to a residence on Lot 18, Bighorn Subdivision Applicant: Janes & Helen creen The applications and lnfornation about the propoEals are available in the zoning adrninistratorrs office during office hours for public inspectJ.on. TOVIN OF VAIIJ COI'{MUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Published in the Vail Trail on August 18, 1989. ivta{ (cP b ,P) tT W ryv rr€-15 " \'j sl'.{zr I€crq VARIENCE STATEMENT For: tot 18, Bighorn Subdivision rn order to improve the quality of habitation and comforE, as well as, public _safety specific inprovements are being proposed for the property known as Lot 18, Bighorn subdivision. The existing triplex is in need of considerable improvemencs. Two major improvements which affect conformity to adopted zonlng regulatlons are: l. Addition of roof overhangs 2. Addition to Master Bedroom Addltion of Roof Overhan The new design plan proposes an lg" roor o$nang t\" added at the perineter of roofs where no overhang currently .*i"c{[ rhere \ a great need for these overhangs, as well as, corrective grad{rg e perlmeter of che buildings, because currenr des j4n condil ions["r,r". "rro*l ani rain to drain down along exterior walls. rne ur:fltrqes arf stro{ng consiqfrable rnoisrure damage at the walls, upper 1evel s"froo\ "s olrr ^1, _1999j!|{ton warrs ar rhe lower rever-. rE is the opinion of ttr" +"r,fd""iFr, .rrd consurring conrracEors that overhangs {ould subi t thi! problem. In order to accomplish lh1:,9."tr:.plan\,vari"t:-F" requef ted f ir,""-tro of rhe Ehree exisrins buildings lie wit\in the U5'area. The proposed overhangs dll have minimal impacr upo\ adj acfnt and uses, and will clear!/zinprove the public health a\,sarltv of rhe said properry. Denying ""-f"\_-;;pro.r"r :::,::i:":":ll'l;:,:, 1fi::l H"lil:":::":::T::1":*#:\.\c i; ;h; proposed at the master bedroon'to offer ownd$f realistic circulation and sufficienc storage. Upon reviewLnydl?e pr\b\"{ f,Lgr,, yo,, wt11 see Ehar rhe f loor plares are quiEe sna1l gtdtl ,.r.- n{ lv"i)-rr,L ,ruv' addirion requi.res a variance since the exifigglbu:.1[ing is rlSated wirhin Ehe 50 r serback f rom Gore creek' once again, St\lriiraf",rsarttneccessari.ry resrricrive if additional space requirements cannot the total building area is well within maximum allowable atea, (2,360 S.\l fr\*igrr"g buildable wiuh 2,546 S.F. allowed and ecessary hardshiR f-n:,Jt"l.' rrf\-,I*}f".* .lffH 1,, "uu,.i.n is hang t There i k around ause sn g consi only an added square foota$fof vrrry €!' dq.'.e. square rootattrot E). The addition will have a positive inpact on adjacent uses and properlies since it will enhace the appearance of the subject property. l,ie hope your consideration on these two variance favorable. Thank you. matters will be determlned ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS For: Lot 18, Bighorn Subdivlsion Lot 17, Bighorn Subdlvlslon Parcel 2 Kathleen L. McConahey 1050 Green Oaks Drive Littleton, Colorado 80f 21 Parcel I W. Peterson Nelson & Jack Coleman 455 Shernan Street, Suite 100 Denver, Colorado 80203 Gale T. Downey & 1867 Nortb Shore San BenLto, Texas Beverly Anne-Gale 78586 T. Downey, M.D., P.A. and addresses tot 19-B, Bighorn Subdivl-si-on Bighorn Condominium See attached sheet for homeoruners EAeLO c0uNrY AssrOo* DATE: 03/22/A3 C ONDOT'I I N I UI'I L I ST I NE CODE: OO19 CONDOHINIUH: BIGHORN COND. OO11 SCHEDULE: O12360 DISTRICT: IOE NASSIHBENE, CHARLES J. & SHIRLEY J. 1336 KENILTIOOD LANE RMRHOODS DEERFIELD STATE: IL ZIP CODE: 6001S UNIT A BLDG, A BK 0213 PG 0379 TAx ITEHS: 1l3O 1?3O OO1? SCHEDULE: 0111OO DISTRICT: lOA PETERSON, HELEN T.I. Z PIT}NEER REAL ESTATE 3OE4 NORTHEAST 34TH AVENUE PORTLAND STATE: OR ZIP CODE: q72Lz UNIT 1 BLDE. E BK 0251 Pc O1AO TAX ITEHS: t13O 123O OO13 SGHEDULE: OIOB8O DISTRTCT: lOA PRITZ, ELDBN G. & JUNE FLORENCE 19OO CONSTELLATION DRIVE CSLORADO SPRINCS STATE: CO ZIP CODE: 809(}6 UNIT 5 BLDC. A BK 0213 PC OE62 TAX ITEI'15: 113O 123O OA14 SCHEDULE: O11O1O DISTRICT: lOe SKAER, ARTHUR T. t* LORINE B. 3855 SOUTH HIEISCUS WAY DENVER STATE: CO ZIP CODE: a0a37 UNIT 6 BLDO. A BK 0219 Pe 0953 TAX ITEl"tS: 113O 1230 OO15 SCHEDULE: O11E2O DISTRICT: lOE SLIFER & CO. DRAWER 1E48 VAIL STATE: CO ZIP CODE: 41658 UNIT 7 BLDG. B BK 0249 Pe OE77 TAX ITEHS: 113O 1230 PAGE: 3 **",:fl DATE: 03/?j?,/e5 COT}E: OO19 CONDOIIINIUI.I: BICHORN COND. EAeO ctruNrY ASselon CONDOHINIUM LISTINO PAGE: 4 ============================== OO16 SCHEDULE: O12660 DISTRICT: lOA WILSON, C. STANLEY & MARTHA E. 5455 WEST JET.JELL DENVER STATE: CO ZIP CODE: e022d UNIT 7 BLDC. A BK OlSt PC 0545 TAx ITEH$: 1l3O 1230 t.o TII'l tJulrrer's Fr.rr.nr t31!FuI icr Nn. A7.757A39 File No. V1255* Arrount $l3O'CtOCt,OO gIHETIUL.E A Add res s l, Fol icr' ftate! Ectc,ber l4' 1'"4*G at' g:OO A.l-1. l. Name r,f Irrsur'ed: JAI'IES t{.. FREEN and HELEN GREEN ' es Jrrirrt Terrarrts 3. The estate c,r'irrterest in th€ land descrihed in this Schedule arrd rrthich is cover€d br this poI ic.r is: A Fee $imple 4. Titla, tr-' th€ estate ar interest ccvered bt this pol icy at the datt+ her'ec'f is vested in: '-lAHEg lt:. FRF:EN and HELEN GREEN r tss,-loirrt Tenants 5, Thrg larrd r'efer'r'ed tn in this pol icv is situated in EAGI-.E Countv, f-o I r,r'a.dc'r arrd i s descrihed as f nl I *us! LflT 18, BIGHORN SUBNIVISITIN, ACCCIRNING TO THE REf,ORNED PLAT THERENF.' T-:NI-INTY OF EA6LE' STATE DF NDL.I]RAT.IO, Fa.se I This Fol icv val i.d ,rnlr it 6chedr:le E is attached. J, TII'f fitrrrrer. F':rnr ?313 Fi I e No. Vl?558 Fal iu'v No. A275753? $CHFDULE F This pc, I ict does rrnt insure agairrst I c,ss ar danraee h'r r'eason of the f ,rl l nurirrsl L. Riehts *r c I ainrs of parties irr l"'issess ic,rr n,lt shown bv the pub l ic r'ecr'rds, ':. Easemdrrtsr r-1t"' claims 'tf €asemerrtF' rrnt shr:urr br" the Fubl ic r'ecc'rds. 3. tliscreparrcies' ronf I icts in btundar"r I ines, shc'rta.se in area' encr'oacl-rm€fitFr and any facts urhi r:h a rarrect sunve'r and irrspection of the premises uould disclnse and ulhich ar€ not shc,un h'r the rubl ic records. 4. Arr'r' 1 ien' or' r'ight to a I ien' f or ser'vi. cers, I abor'' dr' rraterial theretc,f or.e or. hereaf ter f urnished, inrr"os€d hy I au arrd not shoun b'v the publ ic records. 5. I?EF TAXE.:; NOT YET DLIE ANN PAYABLE, t:. LIEN:3 FnR UNPAII HATER AND SEt^lER fHARliEE, IF ANY. 7. RIfiHT trF I'AY FC'R DITC:HE$ NR CANAL*CI I:NN.'JTRIJCTEN BY THE AUTHORITY CIF THE I-INITEIT STATES AS RESERVED IN IJNITEI EiTATEE PATENT RECOREEB Navenrber ??' 1p31_:" IN BCrOH 1?3 AT PAGE zr?5. !iJ. REE;TRIT-IIVE I::NVENANTS I.JHII:H TICI NflT I:NNTAIN A FNRFEITURE ER REVERTER CLAUSE, EUT CII'IITTIFIG RE:JTRICTION$, IF ANY, FASEN CIN RACE, CCILOR, RELIGION, NR NATINNAL ']RIGIN' A5 TONTAINET' IN IN:JTRUT'IENT REtrI:IRIIEII Eecember IO' L962' IN Brtrt"t 174 AT FAGE 403. .I. TEN PERTENT NIJN-FARTITIPATINIS RI:IYALTY IN AND TO PRD*EETI5 EERIVEN FROI'I THE SiALE DF ANY HINERALS OF I4HATSOEVER }.:INN ANII NATUFE, FRCIIIUCED AND HINED FRCII"I THE gAIN FREI,,IISHS AE RESERVEN TE IJU-qT II:IAFTIF.ES ANN EVA J. HIAHTIPES EY INSTRUIIENT RECIREETI NIIVEMFER ?' I?/rI IN IIOIJI.I I4{. AT PAGE 4O7' ANN ANY AND ALL A:SSIIJNT4EN.TS THEREOF If,R INTERE:]T:: THEF{HIN. 1I), UTILITY EATiET,IENT 5 FEET IN WINTH ALI:IN6 THE TiALiT LCIT LINE OF.6UBJECT FRNFERTY ATJ 5}{|fWN 'fN THE REI:I]RNEB FL.AT NF BIIJHSRN =iUBNIVISIEN. 1I" TERI4S, I::CINTI ITIINs ANN PRfiVIGITINS TIF |fRNINANCE FRCIVINING FNR THE VACATION OF A F.I:!FTIfiN IlF IJOLUMBINE NRIVE RECERNET.T AugrJst 1...?' 1:,"Sg IN BOOP;4S9 AT PA6E t-. L,:! Fa:re ;l TIi"l tluner' For'nr ?313 Fi I e Nn. V1?55*Pol icy No. A2737=3? SEHEDLILE B 1:, EXISTIIII{--i LEAGES ANB TENANCIES. 13. nEEn ilF TRUr::T IATED September 28' l?Sfi, FRIIH JAI'IES K. GREEN and HELEN 6REEN Tfi THE FLIBLIf, TRUSTEE OF EAGLE C:CIUNTY FNR THE LISE NF CCII-ORAIIO NATINNAL FANF;-EVERGREFN TO SECLIRE THE SUM nF $gQ'tlOO.Oo REEORnEn rlctober 13' 1988'IN BBN}: 4"? AT FAGE S7?. J. Pase 3 a LANrJ TITLE rjl-ln RANTFE. r:: r:r I4PANY Repr'esentins Titlr: Irr :.ur'a.rrf r? []L:IrrFarrr r'f Mirrn€.1 r.'ta THANt,:. Yr:rl_J Fr:rR Yr:rl.-lfi r-rf{nER rllr'der' N,r. V1t55t1-2 o o o o l_1 ,-Y;d; < ^j --1 N i I ;{ \ i"..gg4ffif.% -[\\__ --.F-I LHt of ufrz tE,/€, fl&, ''lA/,Arw4 Hom-t EreA 3re 1r*NxttoH ^AL€ t '/o, = 1' - q) AT6 ' Juuv 21 , r1b1 a o o o tseoBF1 l,NtNCr R@n "-*p t.Eibiirra:Ftert' Geaeni, ..Rea,oeW qNS-\L-E..e.t''Ql' - - lotlae61e woc.K ForJl.lPArlaH tJAll' 6 6xwna hz{/Al a UJI'IN'AHCDJ a I ?o ,F+r€6"\Td J . Q'L? J ^t^h 9r(. J . -..., --- G*eer ?etperlc] ,1,c*tgrt/a'z 1'.6) Wi Ft+y tbr_lno-a REvqeoz Jutv 2, l1b1 f.ttt<y lA5Tq 'Uff,&-spf QEt tua 'Ktt LtvrHq Foan I o I b6>zoon -1 1W#,(H?2 Xz,ttrr,utrl' lxlw r'oe agg7e.a46 Atu{e ?Afl,Y ?PN 4t tU grK. a o o o H6U (EPA| atll& ?oo€ :UAe oF 6l'6TtHCa HIH?oA Feu Uu?oAt n6u R1DTWQ W ctaR t Inoret Gb^r5 6104 ' erYe) tft( $@N? HorrH ,^7reu$toil ScxvZz'4 -l''o" o o o o t-l/u $wE. 'H;ka RooF t#4 We..wD lr)tfta bJ/CvA? t@ TSE ?f|adtve HELI Attlfrorl 66toa7 6v^% o|'zc( 'W3HerE"t sulv t rcvQ ftnrr l,acr<rra x I r'/Vazr Tvevp{iDu Z,:AL/ l r/qtr ' lj- O'' o o O o HELr Ce?Ak 'I1A.KE' ?etr HVU l-JtHDOL,t5 Ha^l geovtooP 'iPt|t4 A/casr u@? 7?eaeiv\T\w r- 5outH ,,6D€nAT toH ZNei '/4 ,l'-O], f ---- - Heu Atfleo o o o o Heu 4*e. 4++Ar;e ?or F€u WA.W? 5tvrt4 u/Cv#R. u@ ?vt€?vxiryF ,A UtHvoA5 ExSrHq ?oo? HVU !AnwL.{' tvl'./- Lltwteft r'' TMffiR f,pfNdpl4l HAtf it\g. o.1 /x?1t14eA'v/ --7 (fyB ) / Llo+r /vavxort *AE ', '4" -- l'-ol ins Perurit Ot<octobeillo, ]-989 Build: creen Residence, Lot L8, Bighorn Subdivision This property is zoned Duplex and allows for only two units. The fact that there are three units on the property nakes this project a legal nonconforming use. In L981, the Toqtn vacated a portion of the cul de sac on Columbine Drive and allocated the 896 square feet to lot 18. The 896 square feet shall not be used for GRFA. Below is a summary of the zoning analysis for the property: Main unit East unit West unit Zone: Duplex Gross site areai .2923 acres Deduct for cul-de-sac: 896 sq Site area: 1l-,837 sq ft Allowed GRFA: 2959 sq ft Existinq 1238 sq ft 497 sq ft 52L sq ft or L2,733 sq ft ft Proposed 55 sq ft for bedroon expansion 0 o Total l-293 sq ft 497 sg ft 521 sg ft Totals 2256 sq ft* * Credits for storagle, etc. ,figures. Site coveragte: .2o AIIowed coverage: 2367 Existing 1699 sq ft Proposed 64 sq ft Total Parking: 1.763 sq ft 55 sq ft have not been taken 2311 sq ft* out of the GRFA East unit Main unit West unit Totals spaces l-.5 spaces 2 spaces No change No change No change No change No change No change The for spaces 6 spaces driveway will be asphalted. No the bedroom expansion. 6 spaces variances are required nlt tnwn 75 soulh frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 479-2139 August l-8, L989 office ol communily development Ms. Susan Phillip Swart 23749 Shootj-ng Star Drive Golden, Colorado 8O401 RE: Green Residence, Lot L8, Bighorn Subdivision Dear Susan, On August 15, 1989, the Design Review Board reviewed conceptually your remodel for the Green Residence. Below is a list of their comments which should be addressed for your next Design Review Board meeting on August 3oth. 1. Check the areas around the new roof to insure that you are not irnpacting any trees. The Design Review Board suggested that you may want to actually notch the roof around the tree. 2. I{a1ls shall not have a greater height then 6 feet. If any wall is proposed for the front setback it nay not exceed 3 feet. You may berm up to a wall to meet the height requirement (within reason). 3. Top soil should be added to the property to irnprove the grasses. 4. The garbage shed must be rernoved. 5. Please evaluate the parking layout. The Design Review Board did not support the relocation of the five aspen trees on the west side of the property. However, they asked that you analyze your parking layout and if it is absolutely necessary they would consider the possibility of relocating the trees. - t-., At this time Susan, I am hoping to be on a backpacking trip on August 30th. Either Rick Pylman or Mike Mollica will handle your project on August 30th. As a reminder, the planning Cornmission will revj.ew the reguest on August ZBth and the Design Review Board will review your project on August 30th. Both meetings normally start at 3:00 p.n. However, you should check with our office on Friday to make sure that the meeting is starting at 3 p.rn. You will need to attend both neetings to represent the owner. ff you have any further questions please feel free to caII rne.I am sorry I will rniss the review of your proposal however it seems there is always some type of conflict when you try and leave the happy valley! Good luck! Sincerel.y,.r\ nl . V.I V^,4 ITFP4\ 1l I rt' Kristan Pritz Senior Planner 75 south tronlage road vrll, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Septernber 14, 1988 To Whom It May Concern: Re: Bighorn Subdivision, Lot The above property is a 1ega1 is zoned duplex and is under dwelling units cannot be sold long tern rentals. olflcc ol communlty developmonl 18 nonconforming triplex. The lot 15,OOO square feet in size. The separately, but two must remain I Sin_cerely,P,t I 1--o s ^6-'--/--/ \€x-,{"' ''\l netsy Rodolack Planning Technician I t BUTilNG PERMTT APPLI&ToN Jurisdiction of Aitplicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION I oEs c F.tlse: e rrecx eo sxeert -4.7// Rari/,/*.p9o9 VA IL AbO iE SS PHON 17o - ?Jf,/ ATCHITECI ON OESIGNEF USE OF BUILDING 8 Ctassof work: tr NEw FAD0|T|0N tr ALTERATToN tr REpAtR n MovE ! nEMovE f 10 Change of use from 1 1 Valuation of work: $ /,9 . AA A . -PERMIT FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Division Size ot Bldg. (Totat) Sq. Ft. Fi16 Spiinklors Requlred !y", !;so APPLICATION ACCEPTED AY APPAOVEO FOF ISSUANCE AY No. of Dwelllng Unitr OFFSTREET FARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PEHMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PEBMIT BECONNES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHOBIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOH A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCEO. I IIEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEO HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT qRESUME TJ? GIVE AAJTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIODTYOF ANV qTHER F.TATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING coNsTRUrtTroN oR rHE ,{ERFORMANCE OF CO,IISTRUCTION. OF COr{ rRAC torzor /t{Jt{Onlz HEALTH DEPT. F I RE OEPT. SOIL REPORT OTH€R (Spoclfy) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION M.O. CASH v " 352.a fL t;- zs Form 10O.1 9-69 INTEF|NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF AUILDI|G OFFICIALS. H|LL noao. r ., INSPECTION RECORD DATE REMAR KS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK ?,7Qj ' O' /{-*- TRENCH Q-t (O,K L REINFORCING ?.? b 0,1<a.t-'? FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING ?-2 b AB CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING /D- t*zt ert 'f /hj-r) INT, LATHING OR DRYWALL //- fu-r:o,6 4'+ EXT. LATHING MASONRY lJ-*43 +t -t'-l-rr-q /-.Z;/f 6t4 " 7-€z 7y'-4t ,'' fJ : A^=-- r2,,fr"-J rt^. FINAL 4u'+"2('&a?.ryv' USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC. N". 23565 firruiurD uf 7S- County Treasuret's Ofllcg Eagle CouB, Colorado I Eagle, Cotorado, -4 'r'aZ 4 s ,lgzt .tP 'DOLLARS /d' on Fund iD $ $ 1/ 4---z- L. - , Treasurer Cash Book Page /424;244'.rJ, Deputy 15,o1 -,irl !,t -/-a-., 4,r44 P' 6. a,/.*-rt 4-l V12,'y' 4€"s I "fi*o PERMtrott'&t.oN Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION Juridiction of l.r t/r J i r't fisee trrecneo sxtrr) 2s"hx o8o ClliPP E 8a3a > "^'t' ^oott?, o, $of 5'o AT t dq -'- hl t' ut c'f . io"'7'z4-9?sc - ''"n7 t ^ lo AiCH I TEC I OF OESIGNEi MAt L ADDiESS , pHOt{E IIC EN3E NO. ENGINEEi MAt L ODiESS PHO|{E LICgNSE NO. 5 Tltli MAIL ADDTESg IIA?ICH U3E OF 3OI LDIN C 8 ctas of work: tr NEW fl nootrton tr ALTERATI0N tl REPAIR TyF ot Fixtu?. o? l!.|n WATER CLOSET (TOILET'SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK & OISP. LAUNDRY TRAY A?PLICATIOfi ACCEPTEO 8Y:APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE AY: CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTBUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR I\IORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PEFIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOBK IS COM. MENCED.I HERESY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEO HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR_5INK OR ORAIN GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. - WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION lNspEcroR ,{.*t-l Form lOO.2 9-69 INTERNATIONAL CONFE tT!.NCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS. s35o s. USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP. ETC. r) 1' rtrmtNc PERMTT nrpu&roN Jurisdiction of to complete numbered spaces only. e I AR CH ITEC T OR OESI6NER LICENSE NO. LIcEN 5E r{O, us€ ot ErrrLD !c Class of work:tr NEw O AootT|oN I ALTERATION tr REPAIR Describe work: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: APPIICATION ACCEPTEO BY NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WTTHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR AEANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCE D.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL AE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. PERMIT FEES SIGNAIURE OF COII WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT {[sre arrecxeo sr'r e er I Typo ol Fixtura or ltam WATER CLOSET (TOTLET) LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK & DISP. DISHWASHER PLANS CHECKEO 8Y APPROVEO fOR ISSUANCE AY LAUNDRY TRAY CLOT HES WASHER WATER HEATER ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR SINK OR ORAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTeMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTE RCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT 'LAN CHECK VALIDATION cK.M.O. TEI.1I F ILE M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION o o prurvrfiNc PERMTT APPLr&rpN Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. Jurisdiction of I o Esc R,1f]s e e arucx eo sxe:r r MAI L AOOF ESS PFONE AFCHTTECT On OES I GN Eh LICE{5E NO. MAIL AODR E5 5 PITONE MA IL ADOi ESS BIANCH USE OF AUILOING 8 C|ass of worK: I NEW f] AOOITION tr ALTEBATION tr REPAIR Typo qt Fixtu?r or ltam WATER CLOSET (TOI LET)SPECIAL CONOITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK & DISP. DISHWASHER APPLICATION ACCEPT€D 8Y:APPSOVEO FOF SSUANCE 8Y LAUNORY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATE R HEATE R NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC" TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCEO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL AE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEO HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 5I CNAI'IJ RE OF CON'TRACTOR R A! TNOFIZ€O AGENT URINAL DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR.-SINK OR DRAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACIJUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SVSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT TOTAL FEE I/IIHEN PROPERLY VALIOATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION cK.M.O. AUDIT INTERNATTONAL CONFLHENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS.Form lOO.2 9-69 oo NICAL PERMIT APPLIC ATION MECHA I Juridiction of Applicant to complete numberd spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PROPERLY VALIOATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION INSPECTOR REOhOEF FROM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS ' 6O !O. L05 ROBLES ' PASADEXA. C^LIFORNIA 9I1OI T I i r I,,iY".E ATYAGHEO SI'IEET) 'qaa/r rrtp;; AR'T] ITECT OA OESIGNER n7tr, IICENSE NO. USE OF BJ II.OIN G I ctass of work: fl NEW finootrtoru tl ALTERATI0N tr REPAIR 9 Describe work: Type ot Fuel: Oit D ruat. Gas ffl lPC. ! SPECIAL CONOITIONS: Air Cond. Units-H.P. Ea. Un its-H,P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units-Tonnaoe Ea. Forced Air Svstems-B.T,U. Systems-8.T.U. M Ea,APPFOVEO FOF ISSUANCE 8Y APPLICATION ACCEPTED 8Y:PLANS CHECKED AY: Floor Furnaces-B.T.U. M Wall Heaters-B.T.U. NOTICE THIS PERI\4IT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SICNATIJRE OF CON TRAC Unit Heaters- B.T-U. M Ventilation Fan Form lOO.4 969 a USE SPACE EELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. No.23655 s JrL Coun8 Treasuret's Officg Eagle Couty, Colorado fr-, u. t.v $ze_ ilerriupD uf L =-_DOLLARS Account of Fund $ $ $ q - C?rsL Book Page trr c, r. |load(E! co.. oE{vli (T t) C t t{' ?:- .fi" ia;)'Zt (l 3B I a2 ->oRDINANCE NO JN ' Series I981 .,AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF COLUMBINE DRIVE' BTGHORN SUBDIVISION, IN THE TOWN oF VArL, coLoRADo. roou T.;l- ^$-le- . i0i jr \. .Tr i'll!'! iilis ,' i , tY. iltccnI i:R 4 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE NOV{, THEREFORE' TOWN OF VAIL: Airc 13 4 to PH.'BB I{HEREAS, the following portions of Columbine Drive' bordering on r,ots 20-6, i"b f g, Bighorn Subdivision' Arnended pfit, roin of Vail, County of iagle, state-of Colorado' have never been neceriii-V for -the puUiic use and benefit, and the owners of the .uutting lots and lands desire to improve said ili""t" hereinafter d6scribed and P1a99 tle -same on the tax rollsoftheror"'n'andtheTowncounciloftheTownofVail';;;;;g-a"ierninea'that such use wiII benefit the public interest i Section 1. For and in consideration of $1 .OO as good and valuable considEffi[Si-the Town hereby vacates al 1 its interest in two parcels of land being a portion of Columbine Drive, Bighorn Subdivision, Town of Vail, Colorado. Said parcels being more particularly described as follows ' t A portion of the right-of-way of columbine Drive adjacent to I.ot 20-6, A Resubaiiision of I.ot 20, Bighorn s_ubdivision' Amended PIat' a subdivision recorded in the office of the iigfe county, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, said portion being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said I'oL 20-6, thence al5n9 thi extension to the north of the westerly line of saidl.ot20-6,N37"39'30"34.04feet;lhence16.08feet along the arc of a curve to the left havinq a radius of loS.lSfeet,acentralangleofS"3It00..andachordwhich b".r" S gOo11,30" E 16.06-feet; thence 84"27 '00" E 40.25 feet to the northerly line of said Iot 20-5, thence along said northerly tine D1-63 feet along the arc of a curve to lne-rigitt naving i radius 9f 50.00 ieet, a central angle-of iOS"OOiOO", and a chord which bears S 75009'30" w 79'34 feet t"-tit" point of beginning, containing L1878 square feet or 0.043 acres' more or less. A portion of the right-of-way of Columbine Drive adjacent to r,oi fa, Bighorn suldivision' a subdivision recorded in the office of the n.tf" County, Colorado, Clerk- and Recorder' iiia pottion beiig tot" p-utticularly described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said Lot 18 ' thence a16ng th6 extension to the north of the east line of said Lot i8, N 37"39'30" E 34.04 feet; thence 44'54 feet along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 108'18 i..t; a central angle of 23"55'30", a chord which bears N 64"0i,'15* w 44.23 ieet ro the northerly line of said Lot 18, thence along said said northerly line 52'36 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius.of 50.00 feet, a central angle of 60o00'00", and i chord which bears S 22020'10" i s0.00 feit, to the point of beginning, containing 896 L square feet or O.O2I acresr lrlof,€ or less' County of Eag1e, State of Colorado t- t>'.' ' Sectlon 2. This vacation is expressly conditioned in that the , rigfiEffiat hereby vacated shal 1 not be considered or used to increase . th; allowable GRFA (gross residential floor area) or number of units on the property receiving the vacated right-of-way' section 3 . That due regard has been given to the. irghts ana-r.'-"o"="ities of t.he Public and it is satisfactorily ippearing that said. portion of the above described street is not necessary to the inhabitants of the Town as an avenue of travel . sectj.on 4. That afl rights of way or easements for the "o,'ffi"ofexisti''9i"=,s"*er,waterorsimi1arpipe lines and appurtenences ita tor electrical , telephone and similar lines and appurtenances and for any other rights of way or easements be- ieserved pursuant to the provisions of Section 43-2-302, C.R.S. Section 5. That Alvin R. B. Knoblock, Kathleen M. Knoblock .nd-John B. shattuck are the owners of the proPerty abutting said street, being the parties requesting this vacation and they agree to Pay all costs incuried with the preparation and-pu6lication 6f tni" ordinance and said sum shall be paid to t-he Town Clerk prior to the Ordinancers adoption' INTRoDUCED'READ,ADoPTEDANDoRDEREDPUBLISHEDTI{ISINFULL 17th DAY oF November , 198r' towN INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED THIS /A DAY By PUB L ISHED OF c: ATTEST: ov-({71 /,/ o- ATTEST: line, Town Clerk ^ -ffi$ffffi \i ki Y a\ 'l' i; /: '.'-\_=..,. o' -\S-14,.. !.. d !- l:. ' "t.j'4s'ro .----<.fl $ $r Ht I /i + ? ?lir* 6-''' . o crr / ':1.- f, -: 'j.D.=- F ! -'-Q.r >'*s -- ,:i,i:-t'/(.S *fi{:t*'./tJJ (o 0 s Y I ,j I . ;.{ly/ i= o *"i ?/,r,/* -: eY 't - | = '-\ .,-\i,,l -^'t) ... v-; - - \ - \,- - I e^\ -' -: Y- r n,-" L o "-. \.'' /*' {' ,!,/*'-,/,' --b '. /iv,. i- .l' .,- A x N I (x f\)o I lo f. f! .,..i +\' -.-*+ \ ;- 'J r^--. .,_f - {-- l t tu : 't .i e -:-c\-> /-, \t t "d("?ff 6\ d, Jr \{' box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 November 16, 1981 TOWN COUNCIL Department of Conrmunity Development Vacation of a Portion of Co'lumbine Drive department of community developrnent TO: FROtvt: RE: The following calcu1 ations reflect the of the 'lots which would be affected by Lot 20-6 0wner: A] Knoblock Sq.Ft. of Lot Area: Sq.Ft. added to lot bY Ord. #38 TOTAL Curyent AlIowab'le GRFA: Al'lowable GRFA with adoption of^0rd. f,Jb D I FFERENCE Olner: John Shattuck Sq.Ft. of Lot Area: Sq.Ft. added by 0rd. #38 TOTAL Current Ai lowable GRFA: Allowable GRFA with adoption 9I^0"d.f,J6 DIF FERENCE The current GRFA on this lot is 2400 sq.ft. comprised Lot 18 current status 0rdinance #38: 26,615 1;878 28,493 sq.ft. 4,911 sq.ft. 5 ,099sq . ft .+ 188 sq.ft. 12,109 896 13,005 sq.ft. 3,027 sq.ft. 3,251 sq.ft.+ 224 sq.ft. of 2 units. n! (-', The current GRFA on this lot is approximately 1,895 sq.ft. and 4 units exist. i-'( Page 2 Recorded at----_ __-__ o,clock__ _ $t.. Recc pt ion No.--_____.__ Tuts De eu, lrarte this between The Town of Vail Corporati on of the Counry of Eag'le Colorado, of the fi rst part, and J6lp B. ShattUCk and Mory Lou Shattuck and stllte of whoselegaladdressis 4080 Chippewa Dr., Boulder, C0 g0303 b- Becorder, ^ \'\ 'l)' i ' ,'r- , clay of , 19 , a Colorado Municipal 3BB0s5 UCr j u d [...,_J_!J_ ,eer-.FQ.a) , iiriI l'.1.: ;.llLLlFS ,i,iL[ cTY. riEc0nDtF. e6 3 zo PH'88 I I I , I ofthe Counry of BoU I def Colo rado, of t lre second par t, WITNEIiSETII, That the said Dart ten (10) Signed, Scrried anrl L)elivcr.crl in thc presence of STA?C OF COLORADO, IN WITNESS \vltERDOF. ?he sairt prrry of rhe first part ha S he and seal the dal. and year first above rv;l1jg4. / :rnd stut!, of Col orado of t he first part. for and in consirlcration of the su m of i+^nto sct I LJ hand d,t a x-l$,t nla,a-l x.< , tg ff,lrvitne"" nr.v hanrl and official scal- UatL tothesaidpar!y ofthe firsrpart in hanrl p:rirl trythe said parti€S ufthesecontl part, the,"."lriifl"li;is hereby confessed ancl acknowledged. ha remised, relea,sed, sord, conveyed.ancr eurr cLAIlrED, and by these presentsdo€S re mise, release, sel[, convey and e U tT CLAI lrl u nto t he saia parti e S oi the second part, thei fheirs,successors and assigns' forever' all the right, title' int€rest, clainr and denrand rvlrich the said part| of the first part haS in and to the fot owing descri bed rotorparcer of rand situate, Iyin-g and bejng in thp or Eagi€ and Stale of cotorado, to wit i as m0re part.lcuru"ty O"{E"ibed in counly Exhibit A attached and made a p;ii heieof uy'rererenie." -- also known ils street.and nrlrrhcr r"'"::'IJ;:;-J:J:il":: tlrc same' toseth., r with all anrl sitrgul.r the *rlrl*rtenances anrr privileges thereunro il:,J:i*;":: ti lii:[:i,*:tiTk"#,ilt,1[:::il^j:;Jll,lli] it;]f ::: il,":,i:r;:*; i* q qit ?i SEALI EALI SEAL' /rTP Date:..-?--2to 7g! Eagle County St;te Dcc. Fee f efore me this I nl/LlL4,u,r' --l..Jri. a-rro.ap,rri.r,ing.rlii[-_ - Gold.d, Colorado t040t _ tl0l):?8.06a.1 _S_S0 EXHIBIT A I nortion of the right-of-way of Co1 umbjne Drjve adjacent to Lot 18, Bighorn Subdivisjon, a subdivis.i on recorded in the offjce of the Eagle county, Co1 orado, Clerk and Recorder.said portion being rnore particularly descrjbed as followi: Beginning at the northeast corner of sajd Lot 1g, thence along the extension to the north of the east line of said Lot 18, N 37'39'30" 8 34.04 feet; thence 44.54 feet alonq the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 109.15 feet, a central angle of 23"35'30", a chord wh.i ch bears N 64"08'75" W 44-23 feet to the northerly line of said Lot lg, thence along said northerly line 52.36 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 50.00 feet, a central angle of 60o00'00", and a chord whjch bears S ZZ"ZO'lO" E 50.00 feet, to the point of beginning, conta.i ning 895 square feet or 0.021 acres, more or less. f,r ?4 o Land Title Guarantee Comeany F.0. Box 3$7 Vail, [olor'ado S1658 303-476-2251 o rf *tf {s sL, v10s TO:T01.fN 0F VAIL REFERENCEI Attn CHRISTIN ALTA Oulner Po I i cv 0&E v0 * 1+rf nrf I OUR N ORDER IC 1194V t+{st$r$ **ttlt 06-07-88 o. o0 75. OO 975.00 l$ lf lt tf l(TOTALT qu\ &VffIu# $Ntl&l.-,O-b^r;l I l l I I LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COHFANY Eated Hav 19' 1PBE Case Vl184 Pol icr OO ENDNRSEI-IENT NE t]t^JNER ANN ENCUMFRANCE REP']RT |::HARGE r875. C)r-, That accar'dirrs to the indices of the c'rrlntr' Fec,:r'der' of EAI]LE Countr tlo I orado r relative tc, the f 4l I r-,uins r'ea I Prc'Fc-rt1'! LCIT EIGHTEEN (18}, BII:HI:IRN SUFTIIVI,SINN' AI:f,I]RNIFJIJ T$ THE FLAT THEREC'F REf,ORTIEN fiN NECEMBER;J' I.Ih?" AT PAGE 7? T.IF THE PLAT BCICIK |fF THE RECOREISi fiF THE ':LER].: AN[' RE'::fiRNER I]F EAL-iLE I:NUNTY" cuLErRAtt0. A. The r'ecorded c,uner c,f said r'eal Fr'r:rPer'tf is: ..ICIHN F. SHATTUCF: ANN HARY LCIU SHATT!:II:I.:: B. There ape nrr mortgases *r' deeds ,:, f Tr'r.rst " Federal Ta:': Liens 'Associatic'n Liens' *lrrdgnrents or Hechanic Lierrs ufrich pur'part tc, af fect said r'ea.l pr'nper'tr, other' tharr the f nl I ouins! NSCUI"IENT RET:ARTIEII AFRIL 3CI' I?74 IN BONH 334 AT PALiE 47S Nt irrf c,rmat iorr is f r:r'rrished herein ulith r'espect tc, ':r-'vsrrarttsr conditions' restrirtionsr €its€lrr€lrtsr c,r' real estate ta:";es and assessments. This certificate is dated tr-' irrcl rlde the l.?TH da'r r-,f l'lAY' 19134. 14I NNEiil-lTA Authar'i zed Sf:Fir* r' c,f Aserrt LANE TITLE GUARANTEE Tfr. lOB South Frontase Rtad l^lest 5u i te 2(r? Vai I ' f,ol orada EIh37 Fhnne - 47h-A?A! Liabil itr of the cc,mparr'r' under amount of charEe. this certif ica.te is I imited t r-, th* ::5l$t6it"n-n'".7 The Endarserrertts f ar' rc,rrr' tlase S Vl 1S? aPe €nt l osed I W@lro Lr,6L/t1 ffil DArE - -'ue Q'f,'i WHILE YOU WERE GOOFING OFF... * John sha*rr I ,"o*, 1?Q- Qaor't AREA COOE ' NUMSEF EXIENSION E Phoned to harass you E Wants you to tc{urn catl: E Stoppsd by to harrass you - Evontually ff Oidn't sornd important - lmmedi8tsly o LANB T]TLE GLIARANTEE CEII'1FANY Eated l"lai'1'7' lPtlg Case V I 1ll4 Pc' I ic"i (:, (:) ENtrtrR$El"lENT ']E t:JI,.JNER ANTI ENI::I-IMERANI-E REFTJRT r-:HARtiE $75. C)(:) Tfrat acrr-'r'dirrg tc' the irrdires,:f the c,--,untr'F{ecsrder,lf EAELE Cc,untr" Col srads' r'el ative t,r tfre f r'l I c,uins rc"al prorertl': LCIT EIGHTEEN (18), BIGHDRN T:;UBEIIVISI|]N, AI:I]I:!RNINI3 TO THE PLAT THEREEF REI::I:IRNET| IJN TIECEMETER 3, L'!6?, AT PAGE 7? CIF THE PLAT BC'OI4 I]F THE REf,flREtIJ I:IF THE T:LER}.i ANII REII:IRTIER t:IF EAIJLE t]flUNTY, ti" i s I Associatirrr Lir.,rrs, .ludgnrrsrrts or Mechanic af f c-ct said r'eal er'r,per't t' c'tfrer' tharr the I|OC:LIMENT REr::CrRtrEtr APRIL 30, 11774 lN Br:lr:rfi No irrf':'rnrati,rrr is fur'rrished fr€rr?irr u,ith r' canditiorrsr f'€strictic,nsr €ss€IIr€fitsr Err r' aSsessnlents. This certificate is date,l t,r incl ude the I'1 I NNESI:ITA LANB TITLE IJUARANTEE I::N. 1OB Sauth Frontage Rc'ad tlest $u i te !t-t:f Va i | , f:* I r, r'a d c, fl! l:37 Phcrrre - 476-?7AI Liabil itr of the conrpani' under' tl-r is arlc'unt 'lf tharsr'. st" Feder'al Ta:* Liens' Lierrs uthich pttr'pc,rt tc, f ,r I I ,:'U i rrs ! ?34 AT FAL]E 475 esPL!ct t r-, coverrants t eal estate tar,:es and !.i-rTH dav r-,f MAY' I9gA. ':er'tifi,:ate is I in,ited tc, the .\ c0LL:IRAtrtr. A. Thc- r' .loHN B. |iHATTUT::1.: ANtr l"1A ::;HATTT:ll::l.i EF€-a r.e rro rrc'rtgases crr' deeds ,:'f Tr'u 'rF. -. Er.,.l'.fr- z*,r,?,+- .t:..r, ...r,,,r, t-'--r c.r * (r1'lt--1;'5 f-.A ,:,,-,.-'l r' c. 'z' d o o {rhn$, und IIb"r tqL l}!"++-A-\tX) dniOpeuto, lD., Bo'!.&q[ul 6p6 1 o aztl%l ' :; -\'J'ti R** &r ur l6ttr -,d J,rr ,D t3 , utmn u|os, Itr. 'rchrr oarr rr b **. * - i ffi HI;EA-oa tL tftr t rr. ra tll.nf0 tl^tt lllrFrrrtf, r{0v 7 dL .r0r l. SilTnEr tnd qny Lq, 5HTTTUCK ua_ bsldar .|. &.a d Ocbrtd., d tt ..-i rrri -. rm.l||tlt: fbr tb rl Frt d tl firrr t *, t. ed ir.o.da.: . tL .a tL .c d T.n rid m/lqL- -hbf,rrdr|{IriL-taFd..dr-E-{t.r--tr. . -'::::------- DoLL r!, r srutd. t rit { * -. * -f^r'r' rb tr'dtr rrdrd b r'rrt "d-a -a tL -L F.{- d $. Ea f-l. - L f- - -' - F-'! E rtE _rtr. d' c-rt ..4 ..dt+! Et .{ L rdtr ..a & r rr. --.--?:: !t.1r || -?. o...t'rn' * ., n o.lr-ilffi ;u. r a --i-. r-.,-. .,,r-{t ETT":?,Xfi Ul[ .d ftt b O.c€.a Ergl..{tt{Od.r..,r,L; p $$*ft#;ffi_lf*dtiirin t.llE'l!-* i.Odt L. Fri rr --.a b.-Frr r- r L Li.. *_r, _H :k _r r r rn al _r;; ;;r..it or datADO,l- - lJrqrr uns. ry-- -p.4-1{hL dli !. surru..: "-r lt tr.aqbr-rr-.d.aadldD.. r. tlb rrtl ,b ,bh l. Strtd,i.tt Lou Si.ttuct l6tlr 5d ,Jurr }rtfO.t|lfa Irfrl-H-dr.'- trrdh. .|d ^!l't,, !tr..." d tltE ry Ll .ra.dLt l nl.pt a.ka{tJ.: ',., a:r. r^rar!.r D6-.r- rq-i |. I.tr i,-- _ _ _ t,.a,..i ht$.a c._ ttlaa ta_ xd h!_ c+.* VANRANTY DEED ..*-.-.- I lDrrr I rpS,JI-...-._..-_ !o .-., . 9qn 8...$trnf,t rrd _____:...-._.hr i-I bt..{t tl.r ft *Z-nn .z. ,E ,_ 4_ nA-a2.l*.*-8-*--tt-Ytut/al ;-3J/7i . ?-? A,-. -,f+.' 'l a :- t-,+2,ooth,... E ti r|rL-L$tr|Gl _ _l0 grlF lh. : m'D $Yiifs.1',0 L0lJl lssf,llr! E cq-oRlDo Bllrr. nvEl, coLo cEe ' \'ri' " rq1 lsq t 80-o90lo-!ilTE qT Tf,J,fr rrEl.r||Ilh- t lfth e o,____4g!!_ , le_23__, r.tw_JOctt- Salrllcrr*Lry rtatr !dlt - c6r l|lll|lil. LL fl'I, rb 7arbae.lI Fabry -a. b.h.u _r. htridfart sl " ,-rbt (t rta ooo- orl )ta* .o t o't o' qru) SAVDG! A'.D ulrx Assfir^T*rt i!-.i -td rb -ADdrb-. rtc rd4rr ! llll S^uth C.toi.do ||orrt.v!rd- D.E?.r .C.r...a.;r-.. _al.t' _.blrd! j9j.OO tn.tsl L hrrll,lit-ha tun. 1 ,ff fq' - ,tfUilg (1, b *b. tctt Eof bF dr d b,b ^-.. ..ffi;ffi;H$.tr:S:;ffiffi 'nldFltq-Ea d lGr.. a 6. f.* aiif ,f .r." _a *r*nf of rt i!.nr.ct FseB c ior:a rH nrr' rqd.. ri| ry o|Lr fr- ..qrfra k* rH ra .rr.-.a t rl. AD.i.rbo.r dori|d rdriv fq ..-ro' gia /trdrrba rr! ..orqr... ra .L rr -i t J o, rl Ardi. -a f6 rb rryrrr d-a h.r -a l-.. t- r|:r tb E tro: -. aa pyt d r|. d r|-ra _l Fr* .it Aehid|rl| FoF r..rGt .a dl E- -d iEc Fdd b.f@ &rt!.i Flriad, if dE! b |ny Olbq6.y h rl|. ,.yrEitt t:eY-:l|. dhac' ftrt.Th.dtr,|. e-.r-,.1.1, j-_ --C_.1. &, ov.rt h rt tudD tda b, -t L i|5a ro rr-0. d ha.Cl.d.. na h .rr Eil tU it ,_ '".|L, ,o p.y tb .E ..ch Fr I 6..8 =:,lq- !I t *y E tt &ticar.y ro th: frcitoa rart f rrr p Fil a cc., rir A_.arih r,.r tr o. 'h. -.L. rL ri! hrbi.ih.- ,f. da Fr* a _y n !r t|;ilry ro L b_, dcf i{ b. t ..r io tL e bra d pndrb . Facirt i.itr-..i .d Fqlaid Lrf", Ji _ rli .r dy ir.h..a .r.ffiffiffira ra 1nn vrr, re r."a-iJr- "-- Dy h",c d.6dt, FlF d !u.. d -E. - ;* -;ffi.ffi,mfi ,: ffiffi 'ry;; ; , - .. .(2) Ad rrrrrrr' d rrrc F r.a lor rbrrcr.avbo.t al r..saoaaa Asa'r. h ! +rc,nc{y rartaJ br.t.ir[.. f rt lI b. . Frt of rh FiE".t ,t+r.t !, ,r"r J Jrr, "*rr..rd .*;;;,e;;-.dt.arioifl L . Fr lrr.r. rd dli At &i ot,r." f .*.. " .fd'i' ro t qiid aa||.t r _y ebl.aE{ - !t d Aroddo. lo rL -Lr or thi es! b aida. fb ,ali !u_ Dy, ,Ft th FGbddn, It -.{, ,*r tb a.a oa rtt{ ridoor frit.r furhf .. tc .ra {lird dne rt rffd bfay aa ! &t:.dr !ttr. t! & co|rrhrc r atca of rhr [r ,o, i *.n -"._..r. - (r) Aed hrnr ril ;lu f &|tqr of ro[q dr D.yErr of .h. FiEiFt .!d hr,.6t d .! o.i., sr dE * al l.-rd dl-oara E r.a tu-.a of ,ro,|! & lnt ;',r..i. -,. -y t , dra .of..ftb .J.n b r .!fr' -. .. tl lt, lr c rl* rcran ; ;. 5;;;;;;C.-' C_ J:elg__ . I tb gta. o,ooa6ao, tLrna |o . -uu_-. 11 5:1:3|;_:1ry.1:-.t :.".F Fl'-, _. fo. th Fec.fq!_(r..cr tr,tr,!-,;|,*-::lynodrrrr nrnrc, i rrr r.*-,. rr. r"rr".iallfi C{ay of z!:!e f,s-rqtq.uErqEr a 6ira.a FoFrty Cr|.lrd in 6._ -- , -a rl. Saas. o, Colo.do. ro-t lrT 18r BI6fOf: SFSDMSIo., r.. --,Cr.^ to tl-c r"...:C€C a,.r :_,r.rf loSathor .rith al' troroveil!-r. ',: atf,i th€r.on. ((}ib.r&. fn.. rd r*r.a Lot 18. 8igh,r'. S:,5Ctr'tst..n __- I (5) tO H.AVE AND TO t{)t! r||.t.dl. rq?th.r e,rh.I bu{d|nl n t.nd, md.\urp.n nr roi or h.,..rir.r irpo..t.d !d -lr|rd .ta rh. rf.nr{er.ittd pr.nrr*r, *d ,lt burld,.4 ,rnp..,.,-,_,i,. ,.,_., "r epFrrtn.n ts nor or hcrr dl" t"cr'd d.'ro.'' itdditl ru rP9..rtu. .srip,,rnt, fut.r. or rnrtrrr. whcrh.r m v,3r. unrt, or ...nr,..lrr .or.hnbd urd r.,rpdy L't ttt' dro.'ditsrltl. t l.r' lahlt, tFe.r. ..fracr:rirn. t.nrrlrrnan or orhcr !.ftr!r, .nd In! nrht: rhrnrr n,,s .,r i.rarftar !|turtad lharlo or aharaoat msludrrl tul not luu(ad to crrpatrry. {r$rnr, ,torm .,\)ti rod srn,los\ !r.r..\.J tl.r.,a)rlnrtt. rr.cn .too''. rrr:tu,l trlndr ,n-;daor b.d!. :e,!mJ:. hurlt.,n ,rr!(r !J rrr.r h.:t.r!. it,ih \.inrj. ,,,d t..hJd((.lrFBrh. ncludm! r?!{rc.nrnrr !h.r.r,f. rll oi *h,ch .r. d..l'ed 1,, b( r prrr,,a qtd r.rt .!trr. !h.thf, ph\,.r \ ,, r:r. ,l rhr..t{, or not .l!, r.ntr. prott, rni! ,{ion\. rh.r(frum ..in\.r,r {rr(, .,.f ",,", ,,1u,. J,r\rL rr:J :r:.r : it:.!!< t.r.bv pl"dtcd. r|'rtncd. lrrrn. .J !Id 1.r ,)\., h.r.r,rl (a) l| !fi l.Wnllul fb l a "ry ib b- t tDhr c li *!nri it lDl'r6t' Etf3 ba E J.,i.r oa d .O r.a ab -.a or g-' t /trctb a l|. bJ *t of d. iil'..a|Er !.inGi hrar..& dL t- blr ad.rl d -d ra l| -.d6 L ara lb rl rqrny L .,rrnirtl b*ratdh E-- 1l| tbd.atbl- dco.|-brdcr-rat orttLta drtt{?a d :-.IJra tr oal t-r (- r I li rFa. tra\ r d * rtr -t B br),.d at-{toldh.orlln.r, Bb!rr.lr lh,lHc A& r |i. tt6t adoat!cdtrhr. ttbc-ta.r-.d.rc d tr*r I rt L l..Ira b t do,r.l-,aq ab lah -d Ld Fr.. l-r.lqbd: o),L lL d trE ft. llJ d ta b Llt aEsrr' d ffio rtdt litl to ra ta.b cr dldd rdt dr b...|.t-ta5. d ||0ar.t t$|| rr ir.a a L.dtr..Fa d h.rr- I dt r--Ard-of l bdradrr' nG sr|tD Gr xrol rurrGl oovBl{lNlll AllD A61EES: o) Topt alay f dl-|btLcfl dan,ra -drt rof rvpv-b'*ao, d-dtb-d ot tt a ||. -'r llFth'.ly fi tb r rilt hc ar ra to F{d ra..d.lt dtd-, fr-r, d ldb hdts-ra lBdoar.rt;|l h |[..f,| tb A-.5o ad t o. b.e $L ta a dbna b r.t aat r.r c -t rt lrtf !a& 91G o. Flrlctt.l Lr q brt. fq aad d| @nr of rl.tt! tL -.a of adElrLD,qlb&nf.-a.dbtlt.roF l- AEbdlr h -tr trba to l- - &b of raidLro.Erl.tLlhl@tdtl.it tc6.1. p) fh |h /trca.tb Dt fA tu i4rffilr 6 .i! ti*t h|.ra .arii lo. tt f|'t' rh&ao.!' d .A.fudr t. An&b. Dt nqL, h -d cFa r d.ipa..Al-L b' ll. ADcirbo ra fo. itt ldir. i. - -r.l |pr L. tt- rl o.lb.l FhdFl oa th lodr aia h. d.r; rd f tL icr..t .Lslt to Fv. h. ! ht i .- tL to nli., rtd. d tttbE 6. r.ltqry b a had. L ArEi|lid .i.! ltG & oFio. lo + tt lL F...&ot -d cd .|ihd of $f b. ?d l|. c f.*t !.-d t to L ftl El of tL i-|t.ft hd-a.a- to tb A-Crh; r! E D toaat q| Lrtroruo o b rl.rta ffir. -sil- uhtt t q|r.d t rb AD€hb 6 th oi-r oa t ttd - -{ b.,rl.-a l' d A-cldr l|l6t d d t|r.] d-a..4.ct ral tra. td.t - Li. Et|lr't atr auAaa 6-tro b ftu oa rf ArEliD. 3El. L G.-td d.ar lo Jrl|r -D arbrr q corrt, c hrat r|t|.lrt d -Llilt|. tb -o!. t!q-a;1l' b t .lG.tlon$l lL A-tr It b Dl ffid- io .t r ||| na.r{ .t -t tb o|l. tb a tb .-f,ry -t oa lL adrl| tofcy' thtdtbL rb ra|ry*tort A|.ocalh [r lb! crrr.rr r.t rt.r ft.. hrr -r Lr lb ffi- ola All ].||rd Fr|i.at a .iLrdo.oa .raii t lb r|I L i tL S of rL Aroalda i ld nft*r ar''| Fbr lo.tt 5.i a.N. rd t.or, tL A-ai6 Dy F{r. i Grr|!'. ar.r, r |..Fi. Jd6 Ft t fo. lli.l G.I|{ irt ,.y .F rH a *il .L ac:n -y .rt .c ri. Fi..i.l bla oJ tb br rt ttr toL optbo of dr A|.od.*n. (lot llq i Ua air G.r .i ftl dr.h lift, ici-it d i.dth iD|rIa. .nd A-.blh. J.ll b rh. oi*r d fd& d.ry t f.t c tdd. oa rd i-|.|a . frrtl$ sity trrnr|& rd Gnator dd d..bdl h Fyctll of .ny ti-a lbo,, Ardab -t .Lrr ro t y rt rl td6, ..4 ry sr ro F.d o.y b. .dd.d bt A$i.rio lo llr *rl.a f.rtdd brL d.caiEr. (lt) lo F t'odt I llt t, E lrq Lt5. n lr t-tr b.E f|.dd' d dl oaLt lil|ti[|it. oattcr -.r-.G r t t tc rb. (f 2) l.or ro dlra|l or aid*.r ro iha FjarL. oa tb Acir-. ri.l i.l .rtaL, o.6e,t. Fral. o, slt t rlt !r, FDr. r -F.Ib oad F .'|t. OO S rbtFty cotrt. t thh a..d oald t cdrry.d tt ||. t-ro., |rit.t€c.r a 6rF! lo.!y tll Frr. t-. r L otda d L /lFdlbn rlE ri* r of t haltal d h|.nd Fyrta. ud&r lb not ot mt r td Lt.t ta IF. idaly -. d gt, Cdt h tri3-j d lir b. otr.ila frq! ]t A-cirtion b.fot! t*rba dL- d t .b ff h sa a- L Ea t -t tiL Fiod, -d .oGrr |'' dr .tst tEr| lo rt at aGt- tI i L -aa r cd ro -y -Ft aortF d lb Fr oa ltr. rirEr o. tr|..tD.t oa It t!l(. f|I Atoabb. fl id h dott il froo .rqcilitt !.id o?{bn 'n r.ly ty r"|!oi or hF. of ri||r f'tlkt*m! v -t|..b. ao.rrrca, r fi aaata-aa ? ia A-db d .nt tayclt!.ftar - u'rlhqrz.d as,tvlytnc. dul not b. aa-ra al df q dill! b aLtt caat to {d nl4|D.t b.Dt t.l|r rcllad $ h.idn lott Provd.d Thc ^!db flL Erlb tla,.. s3b F!.a.|i lo ostlr. \ to lt* .r4lion o{ drit d..d of t.utl .nd tb frllaatb rlbl il a.r.l1 ro raqaa rL !.rd.bt tf l|i. mta red r,.t dccd of tnrl incra.tdt thc rlta o[ ml.tttt rhr.- n lb a- lb c-t b r.!-.a: d rb t&rd 1r... lo b. bqd La !i rrlif.r uy rrdr tEttlr or ||n.r|+ qt. Alt ra! ar orc 6 Fr!i-. of tb r*i.cr Fit nt |h.! b. &!@d to htr. .-rrEd |nrt rgccd lo F rl'i,n r.Dtco nd'|tLldab lt*, rlr.lbr a d rh. i|.tru nt ."ilnchl rEt d. \f tmtf.r ttFltrlt io P.oti&l tnd d|d (fi-r {.I rs rith aaiil '|lta(y rd rtrlh & foi far. Ed.ffact uratl !|ld fi::bt.dtrf.. ir lqsdrtd..ndth. Aroclio E , rfldt @tb to trlrtor dad ritl erh rl.r orrcr or orrrcrr rirh rcfc..n t to ihri (!bt rcsrcd b' lhD J..d of lnlt h Oa E 'r-r ! rllh tha t|nts rirho.r $ ant r|y .ltcrr[ fi driDhrgqa lb. t'|nld'r llbrlty ]rcun&t ug'n lh. ind.tt.taa h.nt' r6|tld. Utoi xrtM ttulfar or rrroo tha .t.curF. of .ny conlrNt ol rrl. ,|th nlpc.l lo rh. Ecl|rtd Fo9.nt tt... drall b.t .E dr. .id F $L ro rh. A!..xulih rtr tlrn du!.nt trinlflr f.? .nd t!.h ,,lhrr .r't[ ot rh( rrrnlxtroo a rltX ll iDcrr.ttd tt lh. At calitr. UDon t dul. l.' 9.] r|d J.cr th.y m.!..t th. optrn ',r rh. \(i{'.,r! r \r .ddcd to th. Fmrlp.l rr&br.dn $.x (h. Airocirrxm nuy &cLru. d.l:ulr (l') tbt r -t q'orraultl ,.F-r of .tra.'k,, rnt b-n a.na..t ]rd hrr. nor b.an.qnpa.r.d fio." rh.dl ura ,'qrrlr F.- ]o rrr d& r"r'' tr-rd d, nair. .i -;;; ;r-" 8 r In,!r fun{ ro bc agprrd ririr re r,.FyD'nr oa rttr pgrr of @'rr o, lh. iqiorrrl.rrr ..d i;i';;-;;for rqr oricr tutor; u., ir J ;:-;}a': '* T^ * T t" t4i{ b.fot u&{ rrr Frt of rh. rord -,'.,u.io r,-*.., ;;,ffi;.:l,ffiJryl ru.fX E;rf*3,*:i;try t& pcd. of dd Frai*r.!d t r coorr.ct ,or or "J-fr',J .lt.t rhll.ld Fy t|r c6. rlLrlof .., "r ,r--,.I-,i : :::-"- r: co'n9'?lnt of t id irrrFowrh.ni, .!Fi.r, o{ -.0*n "a *''":;:"TJ;5H il.ffiti fl',: *H,1,###*qt r.y b. dvtn .d tv rtr Ar.ocilir rrd &lt b.., "_." ., ,f. lTri (H of t,.or, Fwid.d, hor",tr. !.r, .dd;;-" ;*T': -'j-T.* nt' E Pitcitrl ind.br.d*r &d ncu'd by rnr ffisJ ilffiffi ilfr,# :!is *x au ;:,mrus x _gl;nil'ffi Ltrfi::t1-': m:;Tlr;:; fr ffi :i?:, tril3 fi:H ..qrd..dant ir,!.r r-.--;;-Hfr:* ffi,,Hffi ,-- - ,r- - - lr-ir., Hff,* ory rr* .,or irrirs ao,,. .r .,."ro,r ;'.J;;;';;il,iffi .:ffil ::f;l ffi ( | J) Tbt if .''t F'l of t'rd &sih'd Foflrtt itEu b. coi&',rn d o. rdr.n ror n,brt rE und.r .''^ bair. or : *.& Io?."r ltdl b. d&!.d .rh., uy ptir L.i, * e.";;:. ;;: Fi-to lt:.A3htl.i rr .iu.c upo.r rhc ,,,rlbi.drr. dr u.&r .it no.. qn '!d cotllP''o tixr Fit u.tdoi. dEu Ar '€itiro of d to r*l "-,r'.1 .a-rr-, o,' coorrcrioo rLrtriah. .'d lha dccd of t,.,r.!'t.r d.ducibo by d! (t6) Th|r rlF A.rai.rih fuI h|ti tl,. rthr ro fib.!d g.r|d '||rtt.r rl 'lcorrv of d.&-a o. ro uphord rh. bi of r!.. d..d .r,,* ,- 0.,..*',*Ttr;Tfr,i#ff tr lH .rF d.d!co.r!of ut lirt tih. or rdnft.d fy ,fr. foo",.,r_,'riJf L'rL Grprrly rl'.qFd rirh rh. Atrarrbn -;-; ::_'::::lT -:tt " ..Frl by annro. uF,r dillrd o. rl r!.y b. rcl Fa by rr.ntq, ilar bacor* - *-o * tu"t .'th 6l"t3l th'r'Q rl ti F.rurc.pr,"rrorny rdhr. rid., o. ,.,.1.4'T' ""ot'o*,.:i'i'or';:fiTlH*Trfffi ;irj b. Fi, our or,"'*LJ.i," ;;;i,JtH,,;.ff:T tub*q{tnr ro 'h' lin h"cor.Dd ',,a' "ct.a-"",il (17) Th rf rhi! rrut| d.cd it fo|tctor.d rhrourh rlt hurs Truncc, rn r 'td int.r6. drr d| r.il noG rcilrtd h.'l}t 1 rh. ri.rr of rt|. forccl.,a[c .n *f;JY:l t lo] of tlt tor.l F|naFl ro ou.r co.u o, tor.do..r... tn dr Gert lhrr,*;,;.;*,-,; ..-:l::|;-rE llr.tr rF- rtlor|rd !!:llo|nrr.i f..r rdd |dr rord o. F sl ..d u; ;;;T'H"',ffit jffi Y* *: cq.n. .n .oa,rs,rr j,; ;; ; ;'il facr u rddltEt to tha othar "o't, of f-tUorrt rtd coatrt csrtr. Coort I)Gcl!. rhdl ba ru.d at rttonry.r (lt) lT lS S?fCIFICALLY AGREED, Tlul ItnF t' o, th. .!Gr.r of liir t|. Li.t, .r.qron. .drniairn.c\ e&lrrod ; .:;?,; :l':- uT ot tnrr c(nl.tcl |nd ft.t M th..Enr .h. tr.nror,*_:,-.,.t -";;';;;ff:^f,ilT.J;il.f'."i* l;::--ll t"d n, ""D. * ;;G',; -t1T d.:t rnrlr. ril A.o.irs ,n.y d irr odirr d.d& ; ;;;-,h1" 'rts lTttEnrs cootri'rd ia i.it no& ".odF 'h od ..y ru6 nra:'r; ;-;::: T'T.-T'* t?nE'tu'{ hdcb{cdrE!. oy.rl: rh.rcsid..fr5j*-#*;? ffi:l frffi,#rfr ,:"i:;ffi ffJ: r,f *:IjTinit H".T#f.#'#,',Jffi ]Iil##;?s'mt,:r*,1*;']h;:i1",,tr ffi #**,,:.*T,:* ffild, H i"1f J*ff "ffiH.*l **I,,ff ::Y' *r ;; ;;f ;#.-,:fI'i"ffi "*TTlilt'ffi, *fi*#Jil,*flrrcttorn. rrtt (t ro dr nt|rr -d dirctro.r, of rh. cqrrt, to th. Frr.ri .ji"ir,.a_- ,?cur.d h.€by (t9) l}ir{h. n l!!.Ed to n|r FcFd n ,iv t:rnorf er.or ** ;Tffrf:f"'j:,HHT' o.qrdrt- rhtr. wlEn tr.. q!r.!rr. rrylunr Fy 90 d.F ml.nt utEr a|rc r!r.trr. ''"o.,nr pr.Fd_ t rxJic rcutld h.ttby. th. trmtor rhrll . " llot Th:r c..j,Cht, Ii,tr,.rd llr|tdy tErc|r| c<ntrrrd trFln ,h( ^r.ore ftnrdy o{ lh. Attoci.uo }tErlE, h.ran - r," "- .^-.--_] l'l]-'t'": '* rEocrrrDn .i cJmubrrre ol €"c'} orh.r ndl ul .xFct or impt'.d, by rtrc eso..i ', or rtJ by- lr* 6qnLtcd .trd mry b. .nfqc.d '..,n..r,,.rrt\ ih.r.rrrh- rhrr no *artrr. :1.:ll.i"-,:n*, ,n. ,,a, Ji* i".i#i'J,Hr'.tJ:#;re.rr rrrcur u rn rri ob,r',,,". - ,",*o *.rr,i.*.i*, il,;fr:Ill : ,";ffiffi',.?,J::,,ia",'"n hc'eund., * '.il, "i;;;;;;;,:fiT::#i':1.::.:i ;Jlr;ll o- . u ^,.u. ,rfii;';; j ;Tff, 't'' dc.d or trurt. rnd rh" r'r!u:: ,,f rie Aru,rrr.,n ro .r.rr.rc rh. (n r,i. ,r.,tb,.dk,, .\ . w.vcr or r h. , rs,hr or rh. A.!ocrrrr"" ," :-::: :L'"trrruni ih'rr nd 'wn :'iourh 3uch d.r! u rr b. r.pilrcd h. ., n J{, .,.tt rxctora ruCh opt'on rr ttt, ttm? thcr..n.r .nd rrthour n,n(., rl,c r,rrr, I r'lJ lll.1 rlJ ,,f rh? ..iy.n nr,\\i i i.,\ rNJ ..p!r!.i,( rv.). ,r...",.,,,. , tno r!c'n*rti h'rfrn c,n,t.trr.d J.rll .rrrn,i |u .rJ h. b rd rr uir,, ,. ,,rnd J\,Brr l*h.rhe, v,,lori.r) ur Inrolu r.,) b! orn,rr,.,) ,.r .,r I i,r rt,, ,, r\ !, lN llll{Etss l f,n-Cof . tL ra srll(, h.. br.o.to rt h! h.ra lh. -y dd yc.r fi.!{ .tror. arnr.n sl^tt o cotd,a$ ! ---..1! ltv rd h|r c--D!.ogt.I--- rr hr-r br- i -.-aJ t h - [-!-1U - d---------------Igll t::-, 4.fi? AnrI{lctall ra tu to IOiLD SAY|ISS At{D UrAl{ ASlAnO ot lbri. Cdd&, brrurn , I rd. h ||a .!u|t oa t 64. 0O0. m rcura bt -.d o, alt| rFt !. rt l .!l|t &.rri!.d a lb rH oa Ar.a Fa*3 tb ElFl ca ,qtlr .r.dt a l' rh. d.'r blto,t r.a l|lEll S, rb r|raatf.a -ri!----to fcd.r ..rn, ..d tlr -a Aar.iti,| t! .tqfH .| r..irb. .!a nrrb Htt} fc tb plt of rll bd.L.-..i .. darlrt of tb tt.rr p.o.at' -a h.ar d d -r.rS.a rrd .t rc, h cr oa d.frdl h G. F t oa .!U hrm. ..turiq tlrroo, !.{rllrl ru.r .!d ir.rnn . fdl:[ i|. -d .r . i.rh.f r.rrilt lc tb fdorr- oa.! c, ll. t ro..d co.ali(E.rF.!.d i. dd C..a of rnrt. rrc?ncltF(xE,JohD g. Shitturk ind ]lr:v Lco Shrttuch f€ .d . cdr.lt b o( t||. r|d of tl.m |rd oria vrl|.tlc conrl&ntidtr, th r!.{n rtrrtof ir lrt*t r&orlGtr4Co br.l' {r, tr*t, -d -r oir r6to rL .i. AGi.rir tL rrnrt, !.olL rd h 5|l{ f.{ r|. F-r| -d tL blh.. ..d iqq.Drt! rb'tqr, rth fd urd .ootlr. drioritt ra {trr it Cd Act|rtoo, b o oa Cblr r rt F r-r. oa rI *ta.b. €.,ry Ft aLl!o,. oa fllr. b cootlt riti .|y oa rb rcrE.i @dd-r oa ia rd-.a of nnf, b rfo.4 .olcl. rsh't, ara ,t rTt fo. *tr nilr. i..c, ra t dltl !o l& tGhr oa rl t|t-t riridt Ml. rr..lrr l?oa.r.a ab|rfd, to.tnt ri Hl. Irqr rllr ro dD ra gly U. -r F!...-d ldt r t, b.ct|a Fo,ir fr6 L FFrrt rF.ia h-0tr6.., .|rl ll llh$rrf!, .&ri<.i t dibd|| a. L$t i.rrrt ahfl tt tb t|l.e oa rX rnrl. a E|ll tl|l i oltdrd rhqi fa.do..n a oabt'ir. A.tlrr ddur|.a dttLt lb .-tcol ot .|rtt | !.crr.t rl* I trh d.,o(--4!r!1- -. \t l' , i '\-- ) '.-.;r . ur.. r -.\- {,{'.! q. S\,rtr,rclr W tl^tf c clt8aD Cl tv anJ cel' I D.ovet lb t t l l{- i d-lai Yrr r t l'tJ 6.a tt_-'- . t .tohfl q. Shrtt,'.k rnC Yr-v '..'r :latt,'.ta fi I ll I .T T ri I fu ;r lr pl : <1 : -1 t_. a- I ' l;(,1 .i t':; 19it l "/rll Olllrl tli'lJCIi l)llOVII)Il.l(; I'()ll '.i'lln VACl'^T'lO:l Oir /\ I'Oll':'.JO:l Ol.' COl,UliU-t::I': i)!:lfVIi' IlTGIiOiiir s;tjtli)IVII;rOl.l , IIJ fiin 1'Olll'J OF V/t f l, , COLO it/rl)O. WIIDItEAS, thc foltr:wi ng por:tj.ons of Columbine Dr:ive, borciering on Lots 20-C,, lrnd 18, Righorrr SubCivis j.on, Arncnded Plat, To',rn of Vaj l, Counl-y of llagle, Statr: of Co]orado, have nevcr bccn nccessary for: the public use and benefj-t, and the ovrners of the abutting l.ots and lancls dcsire to irnprove said streets herej.naf ter dcscr:jbecl and place l-he same on the tax rolLs of i-lre Tor./n. ancl the Tovrn Council gf Lhe Town of VaiI, having determined that. such use will bent fil- the public irrterest; NOrl, TiIEIEFORE, BE IT OIIDAINED BY TIIE TOWN COI.IJCIL Of THE TOI'II.I OF VAIL: Section 1. For aud in consideration of $1 .00 as good and valuable consideiati6[-the Torvn hercby vacates aI 1 j.ts intelcst 1n two parcels of land belng a portion of columbine Drive, tsi.ghoru subdivision, iorvn of Vail-, colorado. said parcels being more particularly described as follorvs: A portion of the righl-of-way of Columbine Drive adjacent to I-'ot 20-6, A Resubdivision of Iot 20, Bighorn SubCivision, Amended Pla--, a subCivision recorded in the office of the Eagle Ccunty, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, said portion being mol-e particula.rly described as fo1lo',+s: Beginning at the northrvest corner of said Lot 20-6, thence along the extension l-o the north of the westerly line of said Lot 20-6, l.l 37o39',30" 34.04 feet; thence 16.08 feet along the arc of a curve to the lefL harring a radius of 108.18 ft?et1 a central angle of 8"31-'00" and a cltord r,rir-ich bears S B0 "11' 30 u E 16. 06 feet; Lhence 84o27 I 00 " E 40 .25 feet Lo the northerly linc: of said UJt 20-6, thence along said northerly line 91.63 feet a1ong the ar-c of e. curve to the riqht har,'ing a radius of 50.00 fcetr a centl:al angl-e of 105"00'00", and a cllord whicl-r bcars S 75o09t30" I,I 79,3r1 feet to the point of beginning, containiltg I,B7B square feet or:0.0.i3 acles, more 'or 1ess. A portion of the righl--of-r,.'ay of Colunbinc Drivc adjacent to qlto:.-n Sirbd j.rrisiori, a sr.rbdivj.s: j r.rlr rccordcd in tlre Lo! IU, B.i fi Coloraclo, CLr.rrl'. arrd liecorder,saicl por:tion being morc pi:::ticularl1, .1.t,t"r,ibed as follows : l)eg j nni.nq at L]-re northeasL corner of sa.ir-l l,ot l B, l-l:ence aloiig t-l.re exte:'rsion i--o tlrc rrorth of thc casb. l-.ine of saicl l.ol IB, i** 37"39'30" n 34.0r1 fc:et; tl.ren<:c 4/,.54 fect alorrq t!ic ar-c of a curr.rc t.o thc r:-iqht lrevintl .r l-;rclius of. l.0B.IB f<.:c:l-, ir c()lrtt'il:l aDqlrr of 23" j5,30,', a r.:iic,r-c'l r.'hj.ch l-.,c,ars N 64''0[lrl.-r" l,' 4-1 ,23 fcc:t to t.lrc- norl,lrcr'l\' lirir: of s;riti L,ot 18,t )tt':tc:t-' ;rlorrq sticl -cai{ 6or-t.ltcrl1' 1i.1t: 5ll ..jLr j:cct ;r l cln<j t}re nl'c of ;r curvc. to tl)c lt_.f t_ lr;rving a r-,'tdi ut; oJ. 50,00 f cc,t_, a ccilLr-.rI;rrrr;).c of 60,,()0,00,,, ;rrr<l i chor.<l r.,,]ricl.r bc;rrr; r;22"20r10,,Il :;(). (l 0 -f r,'ct:, to tlrt, l)()jnL c,f bcgi:tning, currttrirrjrrg ti9(r !i(ltli,)'c fc'r,t- or- 0.02I ir()r.a,{;, l0orc ()r- LL)...;:i. (:()l]l)t.\' of )tirq.1 <:, Sl_, t (. of Col orirdo 1.,,1 j,':r 11. l'irllr I - r,l*.. ,r' l.ltl l I lr ',';l lr Ic l. ll { i l),'{ | lr(' l'l. \' ATTEST: (', Itr,t r'1,..' (iti. l,'A ( I'r-,r't. t !'j Llr, I lt,'l', :l :r utr il.; rrtt i .,,. f i",,,1,,'''' ;,',','' !',t (li ;:, t't':i i(lr. I i.r I tlji t lrc \';l(:irl{ rl t'i r', I l'!. rl ;:lr1 (,1 )t' ilt'r lt ) r)t ltl:f;!lr()f O1' . , r l -rv;r.y. l'.,,r:L j r,n i.i . 'l'lr"rt. <lrtr.' r crlill-(l I.,r j l-,..,-.n gi,votr to '.lrr: i.rghts ar,ii'ir.ri'.c,tf i Lier; of t. lr j 1.,rrirIl c ;:nd j L i:; s;rLis;f irctr:ri ly aPpcar j-ng tlrat sa i tJ por t j.on of Lllc al.,uve dc:;criLcd tjLreet is .rrol- n(:cessary to tlie inlrabj.Lants of Lirc Tow'l iIs an .rvcnue of travcl. qqgEc," a . Tliat al J. rights of l,/ay or easenrcnts for the contin=ilc<1-rlde of czisting gas, sewer, r,rater or sj.milar Pipe lines and appurt.cnenccs and for electrical, telcphone and similar lincs and appurLenances and for any other rights of way or easements be reoervcd pursuan! to the provisions of Section 43-2-302, C.R.S. Section 5. That Alvin R. B. Knoblock, Kathleen l'1. Knoblock and-J6li-n-.--Shattuck arc the ohrters of the property abutting said strcet, being the parties requestipg this vacation and they agree to pay all costs incurred v,rith the preparation and Publication of this ordinance and said sum shall be paid to the To'r.n Clerk prior to the Ordinance's adoption. INTRODUCED, READ. ADOPTED AND ORDEI1ED PUBLTSHED TIIIS DAY OF , l98l. TOI{N OF VAIL BY Rodney SIifer, Mayor Colleen Kline, Town Clerk INTRODUCED, PUBLISHED READ, APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED THIS DAY OF , 1981 l'layo r ATT EST : ', 1,,;,1,',,,']..:,Tm"l" 9\ -c--.r_t - lU o I o ro o I @ I rc o t 5 \t O--' z ric C.l| *.a t-.1 rS,.:Al :.;?rI t-P y'i** '*-j' >..j' /,{rlh -\- r'\ Y ---\-.-_ S ", 3.,] ,ll.- '\\ :' J {_P . \>y.- * ,z';f /,i(P; / _,4ijl"'/x.,/'r : I ,!/ ',i' ./' ;:' ,-7.S - t' / I: r")/''c ./ - O t/-./. -A ,F.& - / - r.j..i.F-" \3,c.t'\-- ru -.t.. \..'\- ?:?il -i-". ox- c,tlr. -.,.I"-\' \ .-..,/\ + \- 'lt .zt (a\ F v- .."/.i .::- '\ ;r',",\.- .,,^,_'-N'l'.Ft- --\ .. )---" <\17 -,"- "7' - ./\-/,,/ .. / L. ./ ".'t"-t it i fu o I ('l i -i'') fi ^l :l -.1 : Yi - cl -- e-l : "? ^( Qc\ O1 rrtA /*' + \rv I \\. /$.:/ \ ,/""" .cl tA' o u,J 8/rl ru f;tuff .or J':nl cl i-! \o o ' r*i Y I .D ...J. fo () I t\) t\)o I ; 1'-v\*,^ tt.r'-le}:c"{ -t r-. :| , -_._.- .. : ' ' .nr^.-, r. .,,....,+*,.....,,._. ,.., ,, o o z g n c c){5 z !m 7 =-.1 tr m Es lrH E IHE 3 19c t lli g lE6 s r=i i ;=.oq 3$ag e€>t fii I !m , i TltFrFl " s,{ .}< I .rrr = Or - >=c) o@ 9Zz c io 5Z H z rq EEE iHE =E; t- z 4T =m -i z 2 i n o { T t- 3 g z o o 2A -1 m frz >m c)E -t>or-n (- CD z =IT rll z ctt H rqt B r4 F H z tJ) ts H CA H z *lg le t<t> It l- I I z 3 m Cr D B vt o, rrt r z F z F F z T c'\ !s, I s.o\ N H to l€ lz lo l'rl t<t> lF IT IM le,tz I 3 g z H z a -{ {z o .n !- mr 2- .,J I \o s. I s,(Jl B P H trl trl trl r!:t-rt € l-{ tg lz lo I''l t<t> |r It lm l.o lz lo I I l- l{ll lrn I I \o i.J I +'._J I N { l.J 0z lq mt Ir loo no lE!r< lr., o F 'r't >-!3s \o= { -l o @ m x m !-l o z q o (D L -l m F{ z H z a O -F- --.J r c*F et H t1 tJl t' $o- H3d oE ci =o Ct rr 6'\<8:t t:x =J::1 ol o '<Pt iF6 J-+(D =J -.o o = --dE- a:g Q B,a rg.t aB= O-@ g- ile O otO D -='-r +;; a !.3 ^ff OO+ giE 3gg J! -.odt =s.= dE= = ilq o-= si5 9 ;*3 3qE @o=.69d 6 _-o 0 t -@ B o o q s. o. =nt @ o a ID o o o d =(o o f o ,-{o t u; J rct D o. o c ct g: 2.o 3 o o o,o I o o 9.ro (D s.o { 9r !,!, o o -o c f o 3 @ = 5'<t o o o 0t o. o =o -! | z'\+tF + lf4 +tP +lz Tlc +l'd ile 5ffi A T\,'0-a Bpo LU fr 'oi'oP t o-)(/' o c F 1 e0 f +l >u, =d {>I{mc rr!:m 20 |n 'll o I o o z {n o {o t '?l o ! =U,m t-i| l!t> tx tz l" I I I !L |D t v,:z l z t- m =-l a z m m o m o l<" lz lz t>Ir- tq lo tq I L ! @lm = lm ilo "l I tm tx l:IP ln, T_ I t_l'tz lz l-tl I I I z g,c t _{o 2 -t m i I o x z m o t-t-c m I tr I i z T z r tn t o m <t, €m tr z z i o :o z c =a 2 tn { {m , ^z F x x =z a- m t tn o v n =2 EI >l r-rl FI F z t rtl r F H a 7 H Ft z -z v) F.l > IF t- Orrrr EF E8 ;fr ae 63 e2 Y3E E H qzg - -4 ooo o Ctzz z1 (to l>E IFJ : lbl r>- lZlNo=l,l I I =lFlD-<lr4 l ! <lEl 3 lEl lxl I \rl (, (/) x ,l t-- z H () H F z F i'_r F !- z =o F @ c -I z o z o -{m g, z 2 =z a E t 0 - m Fl =l ol o:nsl 'EQI u) >'tsl Zl I t nl NI I ol HI 'ol .* ;i I \o ol \o I I I rtt z o Fl -t o -l r 'o m T ={'n m m (n o m -.1 x o t-m ? !o m E 4 m I o 2 a m s m €o 0 m t m 6 2 .l1 m m X 3 m o 2 o 1t t-c =g z m l-m o v o |- !t- 2 -m ()x E 7 2 o !m =-{ !m D ={ 1t m m U' VALUATION H d -{ =9 H H F - 3 m o - 2 =- !-c 3 g z rn t-m o ,o a F o -o (.I)N)q)N @ & .{ @ (.'l C ++ tl @ |\.J ul vr N)s F RR\\s$ =l d m Io LO lrQ E IHE 3 l9q 1 l!X s l:.:.: ?3 (t liq I l.e =35 6e df E$>T fi5 o 'I o o z g 7 o {o z T m F ={ 97 m; kl l\c t'c l_l 1 t\; t^ l s() -\TN : c 0 n 2 n l s a g C 0 o : n ]-l- tstrB =FP tin=F:io >=z FE" DQE S EE \ z= ^ E= "\ 6c)l\Z \\\ (- '.1 l: >r x x x Tf 4o -l !5 X= =tr *i 6Z ;P o 9p 3= d6 o-9F =m ;o t-{o=d9 ior o 2A -{ tn FZ >m C)I i>or-u n o =m o o €z m F t_o z =!T r\ \ {\:\ \\-r-\ t-t r-hm 6c)o>'a- =6 it -{m trl l-{k) l€ lz lo l'rl t<t>n'lr tIn lP z I u a HE lo ti |r It lm l6-, l- I -{ m Fl \\\ I \ a m EO E I \ N\ N lr\' \ t'-.t' ia 2 /, { m - frl \s \ \i !o \- n |r.l E \.'\\; -{ F Fl \v I \cl \> p ld l{ lz lo It t<t>-lr lm l9) lz I' I >-l lT -l W1 ); FI FO r s R Nt NI t\ N F,- N s fr o ! 3 t |- !nl tt tn :a a \,,e' \\ a \: I \\>\ t s N E P t- o o ;o m w tn e D E f" N. R N f" ta \ hr N N \ |1\K R \ ^ qtf)- E:fl saf i3e :83. i***o=f,:'9I OP: :.58 gi; s' !1 5.d*= D -A'g- ie E oro d== ;q5 o ----OO* 5i= eE8 3.e g ggl g*; eEe :s.i d*i iqE (/lo=.6ga 0,.{gt !l J q o ct 'o. a at) o o 0l o o o a 5 (o o o {o {f U' N o (o o, CI v, q' Q o ,o o 6.(D u, o.o vt (cl f o o { o !l o o -o.c o 5 @ c s f r(l o o CL o !t J o. o o o B x z o |- U' z 6 o s =o z !m :0 5 -'t a,z m m o m o l<" lz lz t-t>lF ]t :r o q lm tx l;t-IF l6 I r_l I I z o s i z 7 6 -z a, f - n tr o z :l I 2 !t p m o €fn tr 6 c ={vl g T I o z , g, I I z |n { F m ,zf F v =z e m = A 1 t ll o ! o n |- d 2 .rl ; \ \ n \:( t\ ln= ,lA tri t9 Y- ttt F E*io >n 10 ao ;a pe -9 6 z o-)m 2 m E F E'm I !!o d3 29 oo .lr:E t o I l i'-hN ISA, liY I t\t\t^ l\+1 t' I n w 4 tl lr! 1 ts ln { o o -{ !m =:ri ll m m tn c v,m -a x o m ?c T o m 3 a -| o m I o 2 D E 3 o o I 0 u m c,u m -t 6 - 11 m m 1-.' 6 3 m o 2 6 F P c 3 I z o m F m o {io o F T 2 o m o :i q'g r I z o rt m t = !m D =-{'n m m (t, VALUATION 3 m o l o F ! c =o z o m m a :o o F @ z til r/ b U t / L I ) v $ ( tp 0 & \-/$(sb s r\ U fl $ N r0 $ /I !m tt = z 9 J )0 vl '$ v lrt v^.' rd u t, v ,0 c )J c\ IE q tI) J' l.) r8 t t))- tc 'ir ',/P.O.48 E. Avon, onroe englneerin?onsultants Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Colorado 81620 303-949"7768 u .: t-.: t/)Fi tu F 'f)=YA d 7@ sr n H lr 1 il 4 J V A b .ro l1 fr 3 fii (rl z p ld QT 7rl0 r LJ J +-5 14;E ail #t 4 a rn 7 aA iYr I ;(a i:J v I I ir lr N tr \/e rL Y f ?;8:r t,l v-l ll rl N L tr 9 \ :h I F,|. ?t-l',I fr H /// F :.i L x J ?^1r f, F n >I fa !li VL)E a H x t,rl+ 7t : ' .z-..ln._,tr I-r iF g l:-l(o t na i-,{-^lil iE J$J'!1 ;q IF O *3b DU 1.c....,Ug .....-..Y<i.n L'J ,&:q ir; IF s pfi$11L NA Hi :ll )1'.T PI lN -nl dg I Iffi N:zl )z L: ,<*(:?ffi bb g lr(nr alN J W. ,Xl mi ff: r() -l I F V !} r.. (+i]TH x vi pq}o d J\J o )I dr +E ul lljC n\:il-iI+9o U c\fi trU 1r r-.,l"gE ?,,,v ic c UF ?i l';.Lr lj- t-r AI. r >r t! t-./{|( I \w P_r JT 9. r.r V li J WA \i U >nl fn!t fi x' ll fr28 a2 Ill r- llF t.i4 BTUi \tl!2 Gt Dl Al #9q P 4 rg EE -7 flF -t, I uiv->(') LIJ ^)r +z IH \iffiz +-c t\J I b t= +E J d{'i iq,UitIILU ,rr'd1 'r. 7 \B f'"(:-fi )'o' ?oa J t/) I n \ I 4 F{, kifi i6J-)aut {I €7 F f I t- a q;A -]J .\H fs $\"{u$ff1-5 ;r,-!r/l 5 F tl tf,Ez*+N' :l iTA .+i,i:]llcri,t ttl'.]': .v.- Y"*Q,i l)t .t 1t- :t0 ., E I z )t **Ai Yr''.I (iD gii n FI:I I 4 I (:il[i-fiTrrrrr F !t]l rfTt L J lu ) ft * C +V L-n c)2 +- tnoqlc, lott,/@)|t,Gdcr th!. 0r.lt Too/d.lpio'rETortfaE€lsut!&-- engin""rif,consuttants P.O. 48 E. Avon, Beaver Creek 8lvd.. #3O7 Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 SCAL€ onro€ "o."r.^r.o ", G$'lY) CHECKEO BY- i'i C :tj 0 \\ FI rI 4 0t :r.l \rrl 4 t 'I N N F ut 1r trt h tl trl L )H .E $L -'l )l4t n FI n YAH.c Y:5-a 7:ts ?t/Flr o =!b nlr t tsc NE F f6 ln N a( l A )ul 7lc V)E L H 4.E a.lt I 1.\ = rN. Fa.GE qa=.tnF strl(r _-'tll =z o g t-7t \?)t 4i )!Irnq x{l -a{}G l\(t 4z 9E NE iL.)-a rcl 1rT F ItI ncl E Yls T. \r )-=)c ;FTla Jlr- rtrtl J fiil rI Xrl n-'L a){:RI E 74 14 { rtt {\). -l )n )rtF l:n{2y I IE QS I r!?l .*J i$l NAI ?"i \rt iq ,"dtl 'red ,;:ri *z (N \3\\OJ ?,\E -}{t NI\I :Yr t9 ]IIAUU] :-4.,b3:!t'r }NA "11 ;ii{s-f -4 irr,c,i.(elJ l.*o Pi00tCt 26r,@ft. Gdcl. {r!| ol. . to 0.d., pflox€ to(l. rnEE |{}zzJi!&- onro€ Engineering Consultants 48 E. Eeaver Creek Blvd., #307 Avon. Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 CHECKEO BY OATE *oOugt zit @ " 6,0rrr t|r 0t.rt ro fts nO{E rou n{t r.&25{3o MONTGOMERY KOLODNY & GREEN, JARVIS, MARKUSSON KEVIN F. AMATUZIO TRACY J. CROSS PET€R S. OUSAABEK JAMES K GREEN H- KEITH JAFIVIS JOYCE L. JENKINS JOEL A. KOLODNY sCOTT A. MC GATH OENNIS H, MARKUSSON C, MICIIAEL MONTGOMERY ROBERT W, MUILENBURG IHOMAS S PARCHMAN .JERALO L. RAUT€RKU5 JOIIN T VAN VOORHIS 1O5O SEV ENTEENTH STREET 5u rrE l TOO DENVER. CO LORADO 4o265 TE LEPHON E (303) 534-4AOO TELECOPTER {303) 595-3740 September 2t, L99O Town of Vail Re: 4155 Coluribine Lane Dear Sir: This wiII verify that I have inspected the drlzwall at our property at the above-referenced location, and have found it to be installed in an acceptable fashion and meeting the standard of the industry for drl"wall installation. JKG/bbj I June 5, 1990 P. O. Box 1597 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd', #307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 Mr. James Green -7o ltotttgomery Green, Jarus, Kolandy & Markusson 1050 17th Street, Suite 1700 Denver' CO 80265 RE: 4166 Col-umbine, Vail, Colorado ' t4EC+410 Dear l'1r. Green: As requested, Monroe Engineering Consultants ' Inc' i."""dfv conilucted a site observation of the project' The observation was requested to get our opinion regarding the correctness of'the construction to date. we specifi- ".irv-"r"erved the repairs to the exterior masonry walrs and. lome items of framing which were pointed out to us' our observation of the exterior walls indicated that the consLruction outlined in our sketches has not been com- pleted. The top of the waterProofing membrane- is not irr"tull"d, the membrane is n6t installed on the south end of the east wall , and the wall between the center unit ancl the east unit has not been removed. The backfill is ""t ii"i=hed with one area on the north side of the residence dug out 4-6 feet with the drain pipe exposed' In addition, the steel channels are installed on the outside ot ihe wall- in lieu of inside and the membrane is an Owens-Corning product in lieu of the w'R' Grace product specified. Subsequent to our observation, I have had discussions with fourself. Mr. Tom Weber (Great Divide construction) i"a -ti." city building inspector and I have reviewed our original design calculations. Based on my revle\,'t and my conversation with Mr' Weber, it !s my opinion that the ctrannels on the outside of the wall ari satisfactory. r have been assured by Mr' weber that the expansion anchors attaching the channels to the walls are in grouted cells- onroe Engi neering Consullants As I discussed with you, the only way to assure the waterproofing membraie is installed correctly is-to re- excavate the area. However, j-n my conversation with Mr' Weber, he stated that it was inslalled correctly and that it was inspected by the Town of Vail' He also agreed that the top poitiot .rri th. south end are incornpJ-ete ' Based on the above and your desire not to expend ad'djtional funds, it is *v oiri"i""-itt" existing work can be left in place. In my oPinion, the fotlowing remains to be done to com- plete the exterior work: L. The installation of the membrane needs to be com- pietea. This will require taking ou! backfill to 7 exposed undamaged mat-erial and lapping- on -new mate- 1 ;;;i-io ritti"rtl rt *irr also require the finishing the south end. 2. The backfiJ-Iing and grading should be completed' This will inclide reSeddinq the exposed drain pipe and completing it to daylight through the walls between the uiits which will require removal of / .aaitional wall (the top of the walls can remain to ,, ;;;;;iL tr," d.eck). rhe backfill shourd be installed' prllably compacted, and sho9ld be sloped to drain water around the sides of the residence' The final grades should slope as much as possible ' 3. As we discussed., it may be desirable to install a concrete swale next to the builtling and slope it to provide a more positive drain for surface water' The ,trtuLZwaLe should be at least 3'-0 wide with it's low point at the centerline. Our cat )/ observatj-on of the framing and our calculations indi- e the following: In our opinion the framing around the fireplace as currentl! installed. is adequate to support the existing roof beam. The framing at the stairway is satisfactory as constructed. fhe roof beam spans from fireplace to exterior watl and is not supported at this location' The door header in the basement currently 3-2x4 needs to be 3-2x6. 4.We suggest the floor joists which frame into the freaaei at the fireplale each have '6 nails minimum ittto tft" header. f?ris is acceptable j-n lieu of hangers. The double 2x header shouLd be fastened to the end beam with 8 nails. The load above the existing east door is very light ita "ftftough the framing aiound the door doesn't comply wit6. current staidards, j-n our opinion it is acceptable. If you have any questions or comments, please call' Peter D. Monroe. P.E- President PDt"l: Im truly yours t