HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN SUB RESUB OF LOT 20 PARCEL A LOT 20-1 20-2 COMMON ELEMENTS LEGAL.pdfoFDERI{Q.r V_t:/7/{:q trENDOHl.tO.r 6000' lSSuEDTo: LAND TrrLE o'TRANTEE cor'FAt{v BOX 3t7 VAIL CO FI6'E P.S2 PABGEL No': oolgtr l ASSESSED TO: ROSABCO, \rOHf{ - PBtrEFERr D. - FAULEOT{, J. fl 9TnEAilSIDE TtttfiA 600 AEUTH CHERFY gTREET TEIO DENVEF, CO AQ??z AXOUI{TS REFLECTED AHE YATID OI{LY UNTI! ? o1-Ert-199e 11:34 47E45.34 LAI{D TITI..E VAIL r STATECIF COLORAEO COUNTV OF EAGTE OFFICE OF THE THEAEI,,BER CEHTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE PROPERTY DESCBIPTION ttoHffiH EUE 'L9CII - LDT 2O-I & Eg-E PCL A ETNEAfi9IDE 'oo?+6F rAT LIEN EALE ATIEUilT IS EUF.'ECT TO :}IANCE DUE TO EHMRSE}IENT OF TT{E :URRENT TAX BY CENT OF PURCI#IEE {OLDEN. APTEF EEPT 1, PEREONAL FROF. l. I'IOBILE HOIIE AllillHT I8 SUBJECT TO :HAHEE. AFTER ECT. T REAL FROF. TAT SIEUNT I9 gUBJEC? TO CHAITOE. PLEASE sONTACI THE TREAEUFERE BFFICE FON ;ORRECT A}IOUNT PRIOE TE RE}IITTINO. NOTIFE I, IHE iNDEFEIShIEO. DO HEFEEY CEf,MF' TXAT IHE ETfiIhE AilOIJI{T S TAEB OUE UFOI II€'S'E ESNEED P^FCHA tr ffilt ffi ERW AXo It Ot rFrA|{qiG Sfl.ES Fm UtfAtO T^ilEE AE 3Hotf,l{ry ffE EIffiB N |'!| OFHCE. Ff,OilI W}IICH TE BilE TIAY EIT.L E BE{ECMD WM{ THE Afr,ftIT Fq'NED FOF EHFIH{ ^FE rLfSol9t CURREI{TTAX L A68.66 TAX DUE: INTEFEST: ADVERTISING: PEMLTIEg: Mtsc: TOTALT$(DUE TAX utit 3AtE3 0F DeUilOUErn rAX TETTA- AMOJT'IT TO HEDEEM gPEcnL AStltttlilT8 .TOTAI SPEC. ASSi,ITS DIJE o, o0 o, oo o. oo o. oo o. oo FAID o. oo o. oo o. oo o. oo THE cEFnFp TE DoeS figt r'rcu,loE Lailo 0n rrPHo/EtJEl{lE A88E+ 8ED TJIIDEB A SEPANA1E ECI{E:DU,E I{TJFE. PEffiOI{AL PffETY TAItEs. IFAISFER TAI( OB ii|FC, TIT OOII.ES'ED OII *}iAI.F OF gfl{EB EilrrEa EpEc|[ m uxilr. FRotfEfEl{T IrEInEr AsSESsmHtrE oR I'OBIll HqIE8. IT{IESO SPECIHCT.LY TBTTOIED. FEE FOB FSUNG ilF CEHNFFATE S A8 itoTEO tGFErl il wfiilF*l srrEREoF, r H vE {1r hf- 10. oo A=,:/ rurrn - oE |rcg| PROJECT. STREAHSTDE TOWM{OMES PARCEL DAIE SUBMITTED:12/5 COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: DUPLEX RESUBDIVISION PUBLIC WORKS MIKE BRAKE DECEMBTR 9, 1991 Reviewed b;r,:Dote: Cornments: 1) COMMON PARCEL A - SQTJARE FOOTAGE SHOUTN E ilOr CoRRECT. PLEASE CORRECT.2) BUTLD|NC nES FROM THE \'/ESTERLY pROpEBTy L|NE TO THE BU|LD|NC CORNERS DON'T SCALE THE DISTANCE SHOWhI. IS ]HERE A PROBLEM Ii,IIH THE SCALE OR }\,|TH lHE IIES? ,r 11i,- t I e, I -r'rt-f tu ! t') -i . ir ') -J .lt '," rA',. C-oric,f , ' --.,0-- Dote; FIRE DEPARTMENT Eevfewed by cont rnen ts: Ur.L,- J-Y I rur. lq'cl 0l v ^ t0wn at I f hA l\u,JuJ.livalJl f , u.q?L- 6v'/ | L0tl,' APPLICATION FOR OUPLEX SUBOIVISION REVIEI,I A.NAME OF APPLICANT Lb MAILING AODRESS 8. NME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE PHONE PROPERTY ObIN S IGNATURE PHONE ADDRESS lAtqi E, bt tL(t/iEtl ftt+cx NAME OF ot.lNER'S MAILING c. D. E. _su B0 r v r s r oN Hra e g.+L .tI*. _..,,, ., _-___xgxq:- S *ae n nsi'd. e'I oun' hclus E\ PAID II- +-,I I BY rcffi)-15' EK F.MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTEO l. Two mylar coples of the duplex subdivislon p]at following the- -requiiements'of Sectlon .l7.i6,130 (C), 'l ,?,3,q,6,7,0,9,10''l l,l3 and '14 of the Subdlvlslon Reguiations, Z, Tha p'lat must contain the foliowing statement: "For zonlng purpose$, the two lots created by thls subdivision are to be treaieb as one-entlty wlth no more than one two-fami'l y residence a'l lowed on the conbined areas qf the tr'lo lots." The staternbnt must be modlfied according to the number of lots created. 3. A copy of the dec'laratlons and/or covenants proposed to assure the maintinance of any common areas, The dec] aration and/or Cavenants shal1 spec.iflcally address the palnting of tlre exterlors of the unlts sb that the units wli'l be palnted the sante color and malntalned ln the sante manner, G. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEIT CRITERIA t These carr be founcl in Chapter .|7.24 of the Subdivlslon Regulatiorts. H. FILING AND RECORDING The Department of Community Development wil'l be.responsibla fot promptly. recording the plat and accompanylng documents w'lth the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder upon Town of Vail approva)' a^rEU:Ul JctSefll .Pnutgo/1"/' 9,tse s'He,RlhA// 3+, . Pr t't.cR) C 7LztBar, F-a-*-rru, frry-Pf 4t;: ) L ie ,l trrl- At(B()BAt CO,f1ots- LOCATION OF PROPOSAL LoT +/;l_BLoCK )0-J FEE $100.00 utu- J-uI lul, I4;bI rHX r\u, JqJ4lUZrDl :t loHn ot v -. - -, I dl I f,u( If, thls Bppllcatlon reguires a sePa-rate rev{e* by-gty focal, $tate or i"a6rii "tdncy other thin the rown-of, vail, the aPFlication fee shall be in"iEiiea-Ui $ZOO.OO, Examples of su.ch revlew. may include' but are note i$itea to:-Colarado Deparfment of Highway Acc€$q-Permlts, Army Corps of, Eng:Lneert 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsibl-e. for. payins anv-publlsh'ilS-I:i?-:li:l are in excess of 501 of the applicatton fee. {f, at the aPpflcanE's lequest, any rnattei is postpon6_d fo-r hearing, ca.u,sfnq. the matter to be ij:pu[flsni6, ift"n, ttre "enlfre fee for such ie-publlcatton shall be paid by the apPllcant. Applioatlone deemed. by- the community Develoqment Department to have si;riiiiant design. l#a """ or other issues whlch 4ay have a significant f;i;;i;;-th. corftoittity *ay requfre review by consultents othel than town "tLtr. Shoul^d a aeiei'*.,irl'tiott u. made by Lhe town staf f that an outside consuftant is needeO to review any application, the Community Development' ilt-hi;; fn outsi;; cins"ft"nt,-lt-'shall esllmate the amount of noney ili";;;y-;;-fiy-[im-oi-irEr an'd this amount shal]. be forwarded !o the iJrr'UV 'ttre ipfri"int at the tlme he files his appllcation with the ionr*unity Oe"eibpmeni-nJpartrnent. Opon ,cornpletion .of the review of the ;;;;i;;;i.n- rv tr,. coniurtanr, ani of . grr.e . funds .f orwarded by the iibficant tor -payment-oi-tne consultint which have not been paid 9o llte c|isuiiint snaif'Ue returned to the applicant' Expenses incurred by -the i;;-fi *ceJe of irr"-i*ount forwarde-d by the applicant shall be Paid to itu torn by the "ppffcinC within 30 days of notification by the Town' lnwn 75 .outh honlege td. ulll, colorsdo 81557 (303).76-7000 department of community development November 29, t982 Cathy Laabs Annit-8aker Insurance Drawer G 15 North Nevada Ave. Colorado Springs, Colorado 80901 Dear l.ls. Laabs: ln response to your inquiry regarding the completion of the landscaping on Parcels A & AB lots 20-1 and 20-2, Bighorn Subdivision I have enclosed a copy of the inspection sheet for the project done on 9/20/82. As you can see the inspection disapproved the completion as the landscaping was not complete. The Temporary Certificate of 0ccupancy has been extended unti'l June 15, 1983 for the a'llowance of completing the landscaping next spri ng. If you have any questions p'lease contact me. PJ:df /PUr-B/'ym, ttstn/rcE I5NORTHNEVADAAVENUE,DRAWERG,COLORADOSPRTNGS,COLOBADO SO9Ol,TELEPHONE:(3031 635.359I Novenber 19, 1982 Mr. Peter Jauar Town Planner Torn of Vail Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re-: Eduard lt. Colt 6 Donald W.Subdivision Eond f498453 Lots 20-l alnd 20-2 Parcels Bighorn Subdivision Pros ser A€AB Dear Mr. Janar: He have been requested by Western Insurance Conpanies to contact you regarding the final inspection the above bond. Please let ne .knor if the nork has been conpleted and is satisfactorily conpleted. If so, please send ne a letter is no longer needed. Thank you for your assistance Sincere ly, advising ne that the bond in this Eatter. mnllxsxt box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 August 11, 1982 Cathy Laabs Armit-Baker Insurance Drawer G 15 North Nevada Ave. Colorado Spri'ngs, Colo. 80901 Dear Cathy: This letter is to 'inform you not been completed on Parcels Subdivision and therefore no for units A,B,C,D. Peter Jamar Town Planner PJ:df department of community development that the landscaping and paving has A & B, Lots 20-1 and 20-2, Bighorn Certificate of Occupancy can be issued ease contact me.uesti ons ,pl ease iPltr-Bi'KR N$nOrC[ I5NORTHNEVADAAVENUE,DRAWERG,COLORADOSPRlNGS.COLORADO 80901.TELEPHONE:(3031 635-3591 August 9, L982 t"lr. Peter Jamar Town Planner Town of Vail Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Edward W. Colt 6 Donald W. Subdivision Bond #498453 Lots 20-1 and 20-2 Parcels Bighorn Subdivision Prosser AEAB Dear Mr. Janar: Please find attached a photo copy of our letter dated June l7, 1982. Please advise us in writing, if the final inspection on the above referenced subject has been done and has been conpleted satisfactorily. We need this statenent fron you in order to have the bond re leased. Thank you for your assistance. Sincqrely, Cathy L bs a /4Pilr-il(R hSnt.|CT 15 NORTH NEVADA AVENUE, DRAWER G, COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO 80901, TELEPHONE: (303) 635-3591 June 17, 1982 l,:r. Peter Jarnar Torr'n Planner trown of Vail Box 100 Vail , Co. 81657 F-e:Eclward W. Colt & Donald r.^1. Prosser Subdivision Bond +49,8453 Lots 20-1 and 20-2 Parcels A &,B Bighorn Subdivision Dear Mr. Janar: Please refer to our corresDondence of .Tanuary 2L, 1982 and gour repl1z of .TanuarY 25, I9B2 concerning release of this boncl . Have you been able to complete your final inspection and if so would you confire to us j.n v..rj-tinc{ that the project has been completed satisfactorily and that our l:ond is released. Thanks for vour assistance. Very Lruly yours, il*-EZ* ? J*Ar"."- (d'5) oJ-nr^=or. ro!au". I Arriit-eaker Ins. DJF: dh a Jrrurry 21, 198? Bulldtag Deptt.tora of Yrll Yrllr Colqrado i-?roaact Subdlviglon Bond 'ta984l$3 Lott 2Q-l and 2O-2 9ereeleA&BBl3boln Eubdlvlelon Ocntlcranl fa Ltvs bcen requcstcd tO crncc! tbc rbovc bond lr Ol Januuy 6, 1982, slnce tbe DroJect hec bccn aoplctcd. Eclore D. ctn acconpllah thts rc nccd a lcttot' fron you strtlB3 tbrt tha proJoct hri b€cn trtltt.ctorly oolplot.d. Irt rc alerce hcrr tron you rccotdlngty. A rslt rddrreecd ca- rcloDo la enclosed tor t/our u!o. Yery truly youra, Doullrl J. Fordyco Antt-Brkcr lngultncl oJVJn "rFtFFF'4.,a \s,$,, .,]b \' . ::' .! box 100 vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-56r3 January 25, 1982 Douglas J. Fordyce Armi t-Baker Insurance 15 North Nevada Ave., Drawer G Col orado Spri ngs , Col o. 80901 Dear Mr. Fordyce: In response to your inquiry about the status of the project on Lots 20-1 and 20-2, Parcels A and B, Bighorn Subdivision, the buildings have been given a temporary Certificate of Occupancy and no fina1 Certifjcate of 0ccupancy wi l1 be issued unti'l an inspect'i on of the landscaping and paving can be comp'leted. Thjs inspect'i on cannot be carri ed out unti'l this spring or summer as soon as the weather permits. If you have any questions, please contact me. '0 s ince1gl.y, rfrfu,, Pe te'r Jama r Town Planner PJ:df /I box l(X) vail. colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 department of community development /(O(t'1.A2 6ao\ Tc;-r,P-rtko<-l-ae-O January 25, 7982 Douglas J. Fordyce Annit-Baker Insurance 15 North Nevada Ave., Drawer G Colorado Springs, Colo. 80901 Dear Mr. Fordyce: In response to your inquiry about the status of the project on Lots 20-l and 20-2, Parcels A and B, Bighorn Subdivision, the buildings have been given a temporary Certificate of 0ccupancy and no final Certifjcate of 0ccupancy will be issued unt'il an inspection of the 'l andscaping and paving can be completed. Thjs 'inspection cannot be carried out until this spring or summer as soon as the weather permits. If you have any questions, please contact me. Town Jamar P'l anner PJ:df AWl tr-B4rl@.INSUMI{C-E I5NORTHNEVADAAVENUE,DRAWERG,COLORADOSPRlNGS,COLORADO 80901,TELEPHONE:(303) 635-3591 January 2L, L982 Bulldtng Deprt. Town of Vall Vall, Colorado RE: Edward f,. Colt and f,e have been requested to cancel the above bond as of January 6,1982, slnce the project has been completed. Before we can acconpllsh thls we need a letter from you statlng that the project has been satlsfactorly completed. May we please hear from you accordlngly. A self addressed en-velope ls eoclosed for your u6e. Veryr..truly youra, /r ./It.fl't4 _:2 / /)t..*+ t , Douller Jt fg0ltta Anlt-lrtoa tBrur.BGa DJT/JO Donald F. Prosser Subdlvlsion Bond- *-'5a+ss Lots 2O-1 aad 2O-2 ParcelsA&BBighorn Subdlvision -24- f O ero;""t Appllcatlon 3'/, . 6 m- j' ,'-L; ProiEct Nam€: Project DescriPtion:gArrrrlZJ Owner Address and Phone: Architecl Address and Phon€: Legal DescriPtion: Lot fb' ,- , Block Deslgn Review Board 'l o,," tf 1lr/ DISAPPROVAL /@Rov,'. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, January 7, 1981 2:00 p.rn. I, Essence of Time Exterior changes Vail Village Inn plaza 2, Lionshead Directories Lionshead Tenninal Building 3, Architerra Vail Earth Integrated Housing, Discussion only 4. Warner Duplex Lot L2, B1k 9, Bighorn 3rd, Discussion only 5. Strearnside Townhouses , parcel A 6 B, Resub .of 20=1 6 20-2, Bighorn Sub Exterior changes h JFN-28-1992 Wt22 FROt'l ELL KERR TO 1,4792L57 P.Az wIIEREAS' 'fohn RoEaEcot Donald Proeser and iloeePh Paulson are tbeonnersinfeeeiupt'eofParcelA,$treamsidelfowrrbotrgeEaccord- ing to the flnal Plet recordetl septenber 26' 1980 in Boolc 310 at Page 68' a reeuHiviston of Iote 2o-1 ad'l zo-2' e reEubdivislon of, I,ot 20, anended plat, BLghorn subdlvisionl Town of Vell' Corurty of Eagle, state of Golorads,'heretnafter ETtre i..ots and wsEREAs,llhel}eclarantgriehtoprovicleforeeparateotrnerehl,p ofrrrritsulronsald].otarrdtogreateeasementErelatingtoeach unit, aertal.n eeparatel'y owned property' anil tlre party uall rrnl'tE' tlre f,ootlngs undertaying such party sau and the rosf over guoh party trall. Now, TIIEREFoRE, ln consideration of these pro[:ieee' flr'6 D€slarantE herebEr make' publieh ancl declare ttre fol'l-osing eat€nerrtE andreEtrictlonswhieltshallhereafterrunwJ'ththelandandbe bl-nding upon artd i'nure to ttre henefit of the Declarants' tlreLr suscesscrre arid aeslgns fsrever: . -. .r;-..'-t'fvfef4.'of:iEuhietr@: flre Burrjeqt: property is hereby divlded into three (3) I'arcele as follows: Comon Parcel I Unit A unl't B suchparceletreingnolepartiaularlydesaribedontbelrtl'nors'rhdi- vteion l{ap recorded vith tlre Eagle county Colorado CIed( and Recorder, Eualr ffirp heing incorporated herein' 2, I lllre Eubjsct Property' togethervltha].].fuproveuentst}rereon,isherebydividedintorlto (2) seParata eetates aE follotrs: Unit A, coneistlng of all lmprovementE tlereon End all aarcttentE anA rishte-of-flay aPtrturterrant ttrer6to togetlrer uith (2) seParet€ eatatnag follost: unit A' t"ittrng of all '*"o"*f tbereon and all' easenentr ancl righlts-otry8y aPPtrrtenant thereto togietlrer t,Lth an undivided one-half lnterest in Coroon Patcel 3' Unit B, consisttng of al.l luprovements thereon aad all eagenenttandrlghts-of.flaYappurtenanttheretotogetherrith an rurdivided one-half interest in comon Parc€I 3' Both such separate eEtates sharl be held subject beEeto and uay for atl prrrposes be conveyed' and degcribecl as unLt A and unit B pur- Errant to tlteee declaratlons retpectively' JAN-28-1992 W=?3 FR0'l '(u"*TO t4n?ts? P.@3 3. ilCnmer!--Deglp€d! rroiirnern aE rreed lrerein' unless a contrary' Lntentl-on clearly appears' sball mean either the Party or parties holdtng tf-tle to Unit A or the party or parties holding tltLe to unit B, aE the caee nay be, and trOtief, oltrtertr shal} mean the party or parties holclinE title to the other unft' 4, Party wal"]. Declarqtion: The sal'd party walt divlding unlt A and llnit I is herebv deelared to be a party wall and shall be coustructed as a party wall betveen Euch unlte under the laws of ttre state of colsrado' excePt ae sSreciflcally provided trerein' 5. EaEeqengs Eaclr olrner shall have a perpetual eaeenent in andtottratpartoftheeubJectpropertyorrriredbyt}reotlterotrne;r and on whiah eaid party vall iE located, for party wall pu+'oEes' including naintenance, repalr and inspection; nej'tber ol,ln€f Ehal'l alter or cbange sald party wall in any nanner, lnterlor decorating excepted, and. gald party watl ehall always renaln in the Same loca- tlon as when erected. 6. uainten.nce pf PartY XaIt-The cost of maintaining the party r{lall Ehall be borne proportionately fry both owilerB. ltainten- ance or- g;(ter1,al apDearance ancl of the roofE shail be unde*'akerr wlt-h the unaniu6Ue'consent of bottr oitners and at a proqrortionate expenge Of both offners Unless tlre omerE unanimoUSllz agree,tO the contrary. said proportion shall be deteruined by each s$ner's portJ-on of the firrlsned sguare footage to that finl-ehed fs,lF=" footage of the entire buildlng. Unless otherwlse provided, all iterns of naLntenaDG€r repalr and replasement sball be proratad betseen the owners by suclr proBortion. r T.Dauageto'PirglJar1.rntheeventofdauageordeetruc- tion of eaid wa1l fron any cause, otjrer than tbe negll.gepce or willful act of either party thereto, then the partLes eh111, at Joint elpense, repair or rebullcl eaid rall, and eaclr par\Yr hte fIOn Of SaIq WAII rlf('l[ 'uII u€luEE, t't"r!Er' r.r'r+'r B' .v*,,ur act of, "rtl party rheretol tten tnlJrties Ebal', et Jolnt er{pense' repair or tebulrtl said TalI, and eaah party' hle sucsrssora and aEBLEm.s' ehall have the riEht of fuU use of cald wall Eo rePaired or rebullt. ff eitlrer party's neqligent or sillful act ehall 6auEe d*uage to or dest:fuction of said uaIL' EutrIl negligent or flillfut party sball bear ttre entire cogt of repal'r or recorrstrustl.on. If, either Party eball neqlect or refuse te ltay his shafe, of aII of gualr cogt l-n case of, neglLEtence or willful act, -2' JRN-28-199A A9=24 FR04 u"*14wetg7 P.64 the other party tay have such talt repaired or regtored arrd shaIl be entltted to De\r=, Eucrr witt rien on trre prenises of tlre party eo f,aillngtopay,fortlreanountofeughdefaul.tlrrgparty'eEhareof, therepalrorreplacenentcoet,interestaecruingattlrerateof 18* p6r a llmr coetg and attorneyts f€es' 8. Dtll-lina ltrotrgh P4rty wa].t' Elther party ehall have the right to driII through ttre Party wa1l' for the PurPoEe of repairing at restoring, sewerage, uat€8, utllitiee, subjact to tlre obligatlon to regtore eald rall to its original structural conditl'on at his o\rrr e:rlrBnse and tfre payuent to the acljointng oryne;r of any danages negrllEently or rLllfuUy caueed thereby' 9. elcterior DecoratLort of structures' No orner ehall maJts or auffer any gtructural or deeigm changres (inaludins color changes) of any tlpe or nature rhatsoever to tbe enterior oE any Lnprorrement on tlre property wLtlrout obtaining the prior vrLtten consent of the otber oflrletr, whlcn coneent shall not be unreaeonably withbeld or delayed. lfo e*terior atructuEeE or entraJrces in addltion to those placecl thetreon according to ttre architectural plans on whicih the hrilding are Gonstructed thaU be added to al.ther duelting unit t{lthout tlre consent of all tie o?'nere, shieh coneent shaIl not b8 unreasonably Vtthheld or delaye4. Sbould either oflner f,all or refuse to Pay his proportlonate eb'are of the coet of alry dedoration or struatural elrangre' the otlrer osrrer sha1l be entltled tO have a nechanicre lien on tJre preUtteE of ttre Wner so fal"Ling to pay, for the anount Of Euclr defaultinE OSnertS ebarE of the coet, lnterest accrulng at ttre rate of 18t Per annurr coets and attorneYts feeg. I 10. DertructLoq of ltrelliFo Irnit. In the errent of a deStrus- tLon of lrnlte A anat/or D, or any portion thereof, the dwellLng or duellintre s6 flsrsrtroYed she1} be teetored at the joint and pfopor- TO 10. tton of llnltE A and drellLngs so destroyed slrall be restored at the jolnt and propor- tional extrense (aE detemirred in ParagrEaph 6. of tlre oYnerg, accordlng to a urifor|u arclrl.tecttrral plan and flnlgb congLstent yith the ori.Elnal plan and finlehr' if, any drellinE ls but partiBuy ileEtroyed Eo thet the cast of restorJ.ng l-t i5 not €guel to the cost of, rertoring the adJoining unlt, then tlre ownert thalr Pey the regtoration betseen the orrnerg. If tlre ol|lner of sucfi danaged -3- JFr.f-28-1esa astzs FRof'r T **1,4wplg7 P.6 l-mprovenents d,oes not comence repair or reconet$otion wl'tJrin 3O daya fron the date such danage occuts, the omer sEry do ao; provided horever, that euch repalr or recotetrucltion Ehall not be urrdertatcenwithoutpriornotl.aetoanyholderofaFirsttlottgaEe wbomay'byreaeonablenotlce,fefusetoconsanttosuchrepal'ror replacetent'ShouldanyoTnerfatlorrefusetopayhlsshereor proportionate ghare of the costs of, repair or replaceuerrtT tbe other onnar nay natse payoent and sball be entitled to have'a necihanic.e llen on the prenilJ.aes of the party Eo falling to payt for the anount of suclr def,aulting pa*yrs ehare of ttre relrair ef replacenent coets, lnterest accnrlng at the rate of 18t per anrlu[' coEts anil attorney'E fees' 11. Insurange. EaCh ownerr slrall obrtain and ualntaLn at all tlueg inEurance against loss or danage by fLre and guch other lrazards ar are generally cdvered in the area including lendera standard extended Coverag€ lnovisions, including tmt not liul-ted to, vandalisu and nallciouE ulechief, for at least the full insur- able replaceilent cogt of the inproveuente on the eubJect property orrned thereby. t{o such policy shall provide for tlre potentJ-aL of, any co-ineurance pena1ty. ' Eaah sush o'rn€r shall ob'tain and naLntain at all tfunes general public ltatrtlity J.neurance and property denage insuranae against claims f,or bodily tnju4r or death or prdlterty danag6 occurring ulron their respective lota and.unite, ln limLts of not lees than $3oo'o0o Ln respect of bodily lnjurrr or deattr to any nunbef of PEIaOns arieing ogt of ene aceident or dieasterr Or for dauage to property. koof of suctr ineurance shall be suppliad lEf each osner ulton ttr€ r€AEonaDIe requeat of, the other owlleE. The fLre a:rd extendett issurance ghall provide that it nay not be canceled for any GauBe lrntil 10 days nritten notice Ls Eent to both TO .I:;*ffJGH^";";;:;.{i, nav nq, be canceled fot any sauEe Imtll 10 days writtecl notice ls eent to both ovners. Each mrrer rnay, at any tlme one year or longer af,ter the noet recent appraisal, denand of, t-he other o'$'rreE' an alrpraleal of, the lnrprovenents for Lnsuranse purPociea. ltre parties slraLl glrare the cortE thereof equally. ilothing provided herci.u ehall prevent tb.e qtmere frsu Jolntly acgulring e slngle Psltcty to cOrrcr anlr one Or rore of tbe hazatds required l-n this parag6aph to ttre eoctent -{- Jfl{-28-1992 Bgt?s FRUt'l 1,4t9t57 P.Eg sugbispracticalarrddoesnototlretgisedininishtbel'nsurance responeibillties set out berein' L2.Uttliiteg.AutrtuateaEeuentforthelocation,l.nstalla- tioilrualnteaarrce,repalrandreDovalofutilltyoruti].l.tlee (including but not ll-lited to, systeus' Ilneg' pLpes' tanlEs' retera and dietritnrtion devices for gas, sater, Eewer, electrlclty' tere- Itlrone, and tBl'evLsl'on prrrposee) ls hereby Erranted' togetber sitb the right of ingress and egtregg' thereforer ellr abov6' over and through tlre subJeet Brortert'r' and the lnprovenente eonetruct€d tlrEreon, srrFject to tJre obllgation to restore ae nearly ae trloeslble Eaid eubJect propeft.y ancl iuprovaents, AII uaLntenance and rapair with respect to cq|m'on utitltiee shall be acsouPllshecl at t'he JoLnt elrp€nse of both ctrmers ae d,efined in Paragrraph e' 13 ' ' lt*re eageoents and restrictions fretehl' created are and shall be perpetual and sonstrued aF C(ntenf,nte rurning rith the land and eaab ancl evet|lt perron acceptlng a deed of arry ovnership Lnterest ot anY intereet in arry portlon of the subject property shall be deeusd to have accepted tJre EaEe sith the understanding that he is'bound t'hererby and that eaclr and evcrfr othar purahaEer ls alsq borrncl tbeneblr' and that be ie entl-tled to the beneflt h€reof' aI.I to the sene extent ae thoggh such pereon haS sigmed tbis lnstrument. tltre underslgmedr irr exesutlng and del!.vering deeds to the descslbed preulsee tay provide, by ref,erence ln said aonveyance, thet the Eame are subjeat to terns, condltione, reserwations, reEtrictions and covegantE hereLn gontained, and pay d€ELgnate the Baok a$d Page of the R€cord ln whielr this tngtrunen'E is recorded. 14. tron-laftfllgD. rhe cornponents of the eeparate estates dessribed In Faragrraph ? hereln Ehal1 be deened ineeparable in oernetuitV and not eubJect to partition vlttrout the unaniuoue u'. **IU pe4)etuity and not eubJeot to partition rlthout the unanl'uous conEent of tl.e ot'nera and ttre holdets of aII mortgages and deede of, truet erraunbaring ttre properby or lrortion th'ereof ' 15. ^eE€DdEEDtE. lfhese eae€lraents and EestrictlonE uay he auended or revolcea onty by an lnstJuuent in writlng duly executed and aeknowledgred b1z all ownsrci of the eubJeat ptoPerty and the recording of Eaid anendlng insttuilent -3- ffi_rggz aetz6 FRor.t T. o=o L4?9EL57 P.W J.6. SeveEalril-l-ty, If any provision of, the Declaratl_on or rny eectlon, getttence, cl.auee, Fhrase or rord, er tbe. applicatlon thereof in any clranrnetance. is held invalid, the val-idity of tJre remainder of this inetrunent anrl the applLcatlon of any provleion, section, elauee, plrtase or yor.d in any other eircrrnstance Ehatl not be aff€cted thereoy. L7. eene{:a].s (a) Any lterr fl.Ied by an oyner pursuant to thia Declara- tion ehall be subor-dLnate to tbe l-len of any flrst ttdrEgaEe or Firet Deed 0f f?ust on ttre unit. (b) should eith.er party be regutrecl to tatse actton to enhance, by legal proceeding or otheryi€e. any oondLtion, restrLo- tion, covenant or otlrer right or obllgatLon Luposedl pur8uant to thLe Declaratl.on, ttre prevailing party shall be entitlecl to recrovsr Ltg coete and reasonaJrle attorneyts fees, (c) Eac.rh oyner Eball reglster tts natllng addrese trlth the other osnet and all notices or denands intended to be aeryed upon o$nere shall he gent bgr Registered or ce*ified l{ail, postage ptepaLdr artdresEed J-n ttre nane of the owner at euch, regristered nailing addrese, fn tlre alternative, noticee nay be delivered, if ln rriting, trerconally to ownetFo (dl Fro=pective purclrasers of rrnl.ts shall be entltl€d to deteriline if a selling owner ls ln defautt uittr respec*, to any ualntenance obligation or other obltqatlo$ ralder theee aovenagts lryr dellvering a vritten inguiry wLth respect ther€to to the d$ner of ttre other uni.t. rf no rsrponse is reeeived to such inguiry witJrl.n 30 days of, tlre date said notice iE received, the non-Eer-ling o*rrer ie deened to have walved any clains or rien or clai-u for darnage. Ehe exietense of a fecorded notice of lien, however. ehall coneti- tute notise to a proepective purcha,ser of a qraim by an owner of TO rrrre exiet*""" ";:'"n;;;;;;;;:"1;;;; ;".;:tt 'tute notise to a prospectLve purcbaser of a clatm blr an swner of tJre otlrer unLt, and Ehall not be affected lry the foreEoLng reEuest for l.nforilation. (e) If, any eneroachnents by ure luprovenents nff locatecl on the subject property. or any ntnor ensroacbnent derLvl,ng fron replacencnt or repalf, thereof, exists ulron any 3.ot, a val.ld eaae- nent tlrerefore and f,or naintenence theteof, shall. exiet, JFN-28-1992 Ag.n FR0t'1 IN WIIIITESS WEEREOF' C!|oIINIY OF Attorney-Ln-Fact TO ggt day of tc-erJrr , 19e-!-r BY Jomr RosAsco' wLtnese mY hand and official seal' Hy connieeion expl-="*' SllI ltE-- STATE OF COX,oRADO ) coIINrY oE frif.ttrl t=t ,td rrre roreJoing instrument waE acknowledged hefore ne ttrie 7" BY DONAI.,D PROSAER. StrATE OX'COIpRADO A corrNw ot flsgrb I rni tore6oing 'T* uent ti,e {4 day of StrAI:E oF COIJoRAI'O Y ul. !:!=::- k tt Etre foregoinE instnnent t'ae aclrnowledgecl before ile tht's --{-S' L47E2L5? P.M the urrderslgmea bave e*ec"uted thtE inetnr- Ae.* S'+A'J& t r. I *raE acl<rlowledged to"" me tlrlg -& day of [^ ,^ [ra , LgsiL' b'y' Donatd Prossef,' as attorney- in-ract for Jo$EFE PN[rsol{' I fo