HomeMy WebLinkAboutDocuments 1983-1987'l t Bighorn 1'Addition, Lot 1, Blk 1, Gommon Elements 210 1 111 02 012 t o 1987 (ft,pi ff-6J znn ){av/ ORDINANCE NO. 33 Seri es of 1987 6')-/ ! y fr,nl*n ,U AN oRDINANcE AMENDING oRDINANcE N0. 37, sERIEs 0;l' Q, F87 OF 1983 TO ELIMINATE CONDITIONS RESTRICTING THE NUMBER OF DRIVEWAYS TO SERVE THE RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, FIRST ADDITION WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Vail is of the opj nion that there are no negative impacts resulting from two driveways to serve Lots lA and 18, Block l, Bighorn Subdivisjon, First Addition; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission has unanimously recorunended approval of this amendment; and WHEREAS, the Town Councjl considers that it is in the public benefit to allow Lots lA and 18, Block l, Bjghorn Subdjvision, First Addition, to have indjvidual driveway access. NOhJ, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOll|N COUNCIL OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: 2 of 0rdinance No. 37, Series of 1983 is Section l. Subparagraph 2 of Section hereby amended to read as follows: Z. Access to Lots 1A and 1B shall be limjted to two driveways as general 1y indicated on the site plan by Peter Jamar Associates, Inc', dated September 4, 1987. Section 2. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of thjs ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordjnance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts' sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invaljd. Sect ion 3. The reoeal or the repeal and re-enactment of any provisions of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revjve any provision or any ordinance previously repea'l ed or superseded un'less expressly stated herein. INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED ON FIRST READING THIS day of 1987, and a public hearing shall be held on this ordinance on the _ day of ,7987 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Bui1ding, VaiI, Colorado- Ordered published jn full this day of , 1987. Paul R. Johnston, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING ANO ORDERED PUBLISHED th is day of , 7987. Paul R. Johnston, Mayor ATTEST: Pimela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Town Council Cornmunity Development Department October 6, L987 A request for an amendment to Series of L983, pertaining to Block 1-, Bighorn Subdivision,Applicant: James Sheahan Ordinance No. 37,the rezoning of Lot L,First Addition r.BACKGROUND ON THTS REQUEST In October of l-983, Lot I, Block 1, Bighorn First Addition, was subdivided and rezoned to allow for two single farnily lots. Previous zoning on the property was Primary/Secondary. The application was approved with conditions restricting the total amount of GRFA for each lot, that only one driveway be developed to serve both lots, and that an existing sewer line be relocated by the applicant. The Planning Commission memorandum, minutes,and the ordinance approving this application are included for your information. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED REQUEST The applicant has requested the removal of the restriction liniting access off of Lupine Drive to one driveway. The attached letter to Tom Braun from Peter Jamar Associates outlines the applicantrs rationale for this reguest. To sunmarize, the main justification for allowing two driveways lies in the fact that they can be developed without the removal of any existing vegetation on the properties. Irr. sTeFF RESPONSE TO THrS REoUEST In reviewing the history of this application, it is evident that the applicants originally proposed one driveway cut. The staff recommendation acknowledged this aspect of the proposal , but did not condition approval of the request on their being only one driveway. It is assuned that the reason for one driveway was to minimize any inpact on the mature trees on the lot. Following the devetoprnent of one single family structure on Lot B, it has been demonstrated that a second driveway accessing Lupine Drive can be accommodated without affecting the lotts vegetation. The newly proposed driveway alignment also presents no appreciable impact on adjacent properties in the area. II. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATTON Staff would recommend approval of the reguested amendment to Ordinance No. 37, Series of i-983. while a condition of approval was originally iruposed on this zonLnq, lirniting the number of driveways to one, staff finds it difficult to argue the merits of the reguested arnendment. It should be noted that the Planning Cornmission action on this request is advisory. Action by the Council will be required to amend the ordinance originally adopting this zoning. In ttlis reqard, we would recommend the following condition be incorporated into any arnendments to the existing ordinance No. 37: l. Access to Lots A and B shatl be limited to two driveways as generally indicated on the development plan by Peter Jamar Associates, fnc., dated September 4, L987. (l*^r^1,^ L 4r'r*{, * c--..--'9. PJ-anning and Environmental Cornmission Conmunity Development Departrnent TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: r. --1 a^\ September 28, 1987 A request for an arnendment to Series of l-993, pertaining to Block 1-, Bighorn Subdivision,Applicant: James Sheahan BACKGROUND ON THIS REQUEST In October of 1983, Lot l, Block l, Bighorn First Addition, was subdivided and rezoned to all_ow for two single fanily lots. previous zoning on the property was Primary/Secondary. The application was approved with conditions restricting th- total arnount of GRFA for each lot, that only one driveway be developed to serve both lots, and that an existing sewer r-ine-be rerocated by the applicant. The planning Commission menorandum, minuces,and the ordinance approving this application are incruded for your inforrnation. Ir. Tle applicant has requested the removat of the restriction limiting access off of Lupine Drive to one diiveway. The attached retter to Tom Braun from peter Jamar Associates outrines the applicantrs rationare for this requesc. To sumrnarize, the main justification for allowing two driveways lies in the fact that they can be developed without the removal of any existing vegetation on the properties.? IIT. STAFF RESPONSE TO THIS REQUEST fn reviewinq the history of this application, it is evident tnaf tne appricinr= orisinliit-;;;;;!ed one driveway cut. The staff reconmendati6n-acinowledged this aspect of the proposal, but did not condition approvar of the request on their being only one driveway. It is assumed that the reason for one driveway wa-s to rninirnize any impact on the rnature trees on the 1ot. Forrowing the development of one single family structure on Lot B, it has been demonstrated that a seclnd arivewiy accessing Lupine Drive can be accommodated without affecting the lotrs vegetation. The newly pioposed driveway arignrnent arso presents no appreciabtl imlact on adjacent properties in the area. 7** Ih,*,t Ordinance No. 37,the rezoning of Lot 1,First Addition f::lt' IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff would recornmend approval of the requested amendrnent to Ordinance No. 37, Series of 1983. While a condition of approval was originally imposed on this zoning, liniting the number of driveways to one, staff finds it difficult to argue the merits of the reguested amendment. It should be noted that the Planning Commission action on this request is advisory. Action by the Council will be required to arnend the ordinance originally adopting this zoning. fn this regard, we would recornmend the following condition be incorporated into any arnendments to the existing Ordinance No. 37: t. Access to Lots A and B shall be linited to two driveways as generally indicated on the development plan by Peter Jamar Associates, Inc., dated Se.pternber 4, L987 . l. Attached is an applicarion for resubdi'ision and rezonLng for Lot l,Block l, Bi.ghorn subdivision, First Addi.tion. r am requlsting a change froo tr^'o ianily residentiar (42,2s3 sq. ft.) to t.,,o single farnily lors (2I,726.5 sq. fr. approximarely), The reasons for the request are as follows: August 29, 1983 IIr. Peter Patten Zoning Adminis trator Town of tr'ai I Vai1, Colorado 81657 llr. PaEten: i) The i::ass creaEed by two single family houses will have much less impact on the site than the mass crealed by a duplex. 2) The height required by tr-'o houses r,rill be less than that required by a duplex. The large stand of houses. lluch nore a ttent i on while retaining the and its vegetation. Duplex home sites across the strean have less streeE frontage than we are proposing. In closing, we feel as long-tine VaiI residents there is a shortage of single fanrill' hornes; primarilv due ro the high cost of land. We ieel that this is one of the fer" sites that lends itseLf to resubdivision. Sincere Jt 7 (/tl , :-= / . - /l/l*'/'"''----L. bneanan 1\ 4) trees can be left undisturbed by the use of 1gr) and decail can be given to landscaping general feel of the surrounding area Rocky S.Chris topher s) JES/RSC:dvb \ ' "tl .l ( PEC 9/26/83 -4- \\ @ 6. Appl icants: Bi I i and pattilnd-ersoi-, RusGl I l4otta Jim savre explained lh:: l{^It:l:llglns the lot tines, there viourd be no change in the square foctage of each propeityl Viele rnoved and Pierce seconded to approve the uest for the subdivision the staff recommenZation.vote was 5-th Corcoran a s!alntnQ. pt rcants: JanEiJlreahii . 'rr ' ' sq', L). .,dnes 5neahan & Rocky Chri stophef approve the 1? sljgl=:=nrllE_s ubd i v i s i on r the staif-mEhorvr't-uriher res tri cJ ion -tEaT-thE -) 7. Peter pat.uen pnesented the request. C"l::::l,reminded the board that they rvere only to recomnend the zone to the Town Council. Eskwith itated that the application for the mTnoFlubdivision r.i i"rtirgent.on.tn. ..rori"g."pi"..u felt thal.he had no problem, piper was generarry inl.t.ineo-;;-;;;;;;"i'singte famiry structure,but there was more tendency for th"e stitt to. zone ror dupiexes. piper fert that thot the applicants' reason staled "mass createo uy ir.ro-siniT"-rur:)y structures rvill be Jess than that required uv_u ouJi.*;,,.t" r"ii.iriJt"ii,J'in.ruuru in square foota-oe made it difficurt to agree. The reason-,'rne neigir;-;d;i.; by trvo houses rvil be less than that required uv.-orii.-.'" pipu. r6sponded io uv stating that usualry the height has rittle regard as to'wneiirgl or 1ot a house is singre fami]y or dup)ex."The large stand of treei can be left-undisturbei [v ir'J'rJ" of tr.ro housei.,, piper stated that there would be increased ritu.ou".a_oe, increasec, driveways, and an increased footprint, ',.herefore h;-;ir;;;""a wrttr-trrri ;;;;;; ror the request. Donovan agreed rvith Piper and added that.this.r,ras spot zoning, and that the commun.ity vrourd not sain from this change. -irr" ija"J inJi-tn5r";;;';" quarantee that there H:'l.l;;r:in3o[]o'"t' ror a iezone in the tuture. -sil."i"rt u.'" prui"nt-.".""iit Sheehan responded that he vrould not have to have the maximum GRFA or heights. Eskwith added that the pEC could-p1a5:9..iirr'iiions.^ sheahan ttul"j ilgr i," was_wilinq to ;::'i:':li.iff';;':i;i :l-il:u idlt';#h:- Pait;; ;;pi;i;;; that a singr;'iiliiv TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ ECT: MEI'lORANDUM Pl anni ng and Environmental Cominission Conrnuni ty Development Department September 2l , .l983 Request for a minor subdivision and rezoning Residentjal to trvo Single Famtily jots on Lot Applicant: James E. Sheahan ZONE \t I F I # UNITS ALL0'y{ED to t,convert one lot zoned Block 1, Bighorn lst. It would be difficult in this matter to discuss the tr.ro requests separately due to their reiiance upon each other. Thus, thJ r"ro-"ili i.Jit ilru twJ iequisii-basicaily as one to better understand the impacts and meriis of the overall effect. The statistics of "before and after,' are as fol.l orvs: ExistingLotl R 42,253 New Lot A SFR Zl,126 New Lot B SFR Zi,1?6 (llote: The proposal results in a net GRFA 2 5862 1 39E7 _1 398i increase of GRFA of ZlrlZ sq ft.) suitable to evaluate this The proposal also includes desiEnated building envelopes for each nerv lot which keep structures out of the "blui zone" ivatanitre i'u.ii.j-on-ihe south side of the lot. ..One access drive off of Lupine Drive is uiso-pioporeo. The applicant,s reasons for this request are attached. Note that rte ools-iot proposed any special development standard restrictions other than thoie ir-;;; sin oistrict and that he r'rould relocate the_ existing sewer line and associateJ-u]rur"nt t.hat runs through the middle of proposed Lot A. CRITERIA EVALUATION Ii:;::it:]'l';ili::t'tions state cri teria vihich are uihe burden of proof shall rest rvith the applicant to shorv that the application is.in compliance with the intent and purpoiis.of this gnuJr"., 6"-roiing-o.jinur,..arrd other pertinent regulations that the.PEC deems appiicable. cre consicirltion shall be given to the iecommendations old:^gy public'!-ounii.r, ui.ilitv ioiiu,,,iu,and other aqencies ccnsul'ued under l7.l6.ogo. 'ine prc'shill ievrew ti,"-.JIii'.ltion and considei its appropriateness in regard to Torrn "i-viii'poticiei ;;i.;;;;'""to subdivision controi , densities proposed, regulations,'o.bjnun..s and resolutions and other applicable documents, environmental i"t"g.iiv'una'.onpuiilirity-wii,rr" s urround i ng I and uses. ', ,L .t e/2) /83 4.lq![qlili_lX tvi th Surroundi n Area , Blk l, Eighorn lst -Z- from the Upper relocating of the rezoning s' I f t.Dens i ty The nunrber of units resulting__in thisproposal are the sane as the existing situation. However,. potentially, there could be an inc..is" in GRFA of 2112 square feet if both single-famiiy tot ovrners-br;ii'ii-tn. maximum.It should be noted here that this roi could easily,u"i ite subdivision regulations concerning minimum lot sizes for tne "nesiJeniiit ton. 1^erutting jl lng duplex tots and four units. Thus,_this p.oporii.oJta u" u.iuiitv "limiting density by proposing trvo single faimirv rbti-raiher ttran trvo duplex rocs. Proposed Site Plan The single access off of Lupine Drive is a good solution for the tlvo ne\,/lgtr. Hor'rever, the proposbd buiraing'envelopu,,r,'orii"be-eriminated and the siting of the houses'reft until tie DRB i!".r-irrr.r-tillv'.un be more closely studied according to ail .onii.urnrs ano opportunit.i es. Server Line and Easement As of this date, we have not received any rvritten approval Eagle Vailey r'rater and sanitation 0istriits concernil,s-ih"the ser'rer line and easenent. This must be outaineJ uirJ."goes to Council. 2. ? The entire surrounding area is zoned Residential vrith very few'lots having the buildable site area of Lot l. The houses in lfre a.ea are general)y duplexes contained in a single structure or attached structures. The proposal of tw:ij single family buildiigs on this site or nuuiiv-in acre will not be incompatible with the neighborhood in terms ;; ;;;;;iy; scale, tot size or remaining open space. RECOI1MENDAT I ON rhe community Development Department recommends approval of the minor subdivision and rezoning proposais. The benefit to the rown i! a potentiar decrease.in density if one considers that_it ippears this could,eut ir,e requirement for two duplex rots. The singl.e lglitv structures proposed wiri oe compatible with surrounding developrnent and will be sited according to future ona aiprovai."'""Conditions of approval are as fojlows: 1. The set'rer line and easenrent vacation and relocation must be verified in writing 9y Upper Eagle Vailey l{ater and sanitation Districts before the proposal goes to Council for rezoning approval.- 2. The building envelopes must be elirninated. r- :.; r...r'F. a.,' PETER JAMAR ASSOC!ATES, lNC. PLANNING, OEVELOPMENTANALYSIS, RESEAFCH September 8, 1987 Tom Braun, Senior Planner Tor,rn of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road, I'Iest Vail , Colorado 81657 Dear Ton: rn 1983, tot 1' Brock 17 Bighorn First subdivision lras subdivided and rezoned in order to create two single farnily lots from one duplex lot. At the tirne of t.he subdivision and rezoning a restriction vas placed upon the lots r'rhich provided that "there sha]1 be onJ.y one drivevray off of Lupine orive accessing both lots.r' The purpose of this application is to remove this restriction in order to allorv each home to have its ovrn access onto Lupine Drive. one residence has been constructed upon Lot B and access currently exists for t.his single farnily c}relling in approxinately the sane Location indicated previously for aicess to both lots. The new requested drivelay vrould provide a separate access for the single family dr.relling to be built upon Lot A. 9lhen Lot 1 r.ras subdivided there r{as concern expressed regarding the retention of the Iarge number of existing Lrees upon-the site. since the exact siting of the dwelling units wis unknovrn at the tine' it vras fett that a single drivevray access for the two separate hornes would possibly serve to rninirnize lhe future possibility of tree removal. Holrever, now that more detailed sit,e planning has taken place and one of the trvo homes has been constructed it is clear that a second driveway access can be constructed vrithout any removal of Lhe existinq trees. This driver'ray access would be located in the sane l6cation as the previous utility easement which was relocated (see attached site plan) . The owner berieves that the provision of separate access for each hone wirl elininate a nunber of potentiar pioblems in the future regarding maintenance and parkin| as werr is provicling aaaiiionar privacy for each hone. l:' 'the driveways bringing .-:J. "-i The configuration of the nen access would result in being located to the rear of each hone as opposed to Suite 308. Vail National Bank Euilding 108 South Frontage Boad V1/est . Vail, Colorado 81657 . (903) 476-7154 igrli"yti t", Pranner Page 2 traffic into the side yard. rt is a rnuch rnore desirable solution now that the exact rocation of each structure and the lack of impact upon the existing trees is knovrn. r_hope this clarifies the request being nade. please ret me know if you have any questions or need further infornation. Pet.er Jan PJ:ns Enclosu re . 'Y.4., - i:..-,:;^t."'-+...-':.. . -=.;-.gtd Janar, AfCP PETER JAMAR ASSOCIATES, INC. PLANNING, DEVELOPN4ENT ANALYSIS, RESEARCH Septenber 8' 1987 Tom Braun, Senior Planner Town of VaiI 75 S. Frontage Road' west Vai1, Colorado 8L657 Dear Tom: In 1983, tot 1r BLock 1r Bighorn First Subdivision ltas subdivided and rezoned in order to create two single family lots fron one duplex lot.. At the time of the subdivision and rezoning a restriction vras placed upon the lots which provided that "there shall be only one driveway off of Lupine Drive accessing both lots.tr The purpose of this application is to remove this reetriction ln order to alLow each home to have its own access onto Lupine Drive. One residence has been constructed upon Lot B and access currently exists for this single fanily dwelling in approxinately the same location indicated previously for access to bottr lots. The new reguested driveway would provide a separate access for the single fanily dwelling to be built upon Lot A. when Lot L was subdivided there qtas concern expressed regarding the retention of the large number of existing trees upon the site. Since the exact siting of the dwelling units was unknown at the tine, it. was felt that a single driveway access for the two separate homes would possibly serve to mininize the future possibility of tree rernoval. However, nout that nore detailed site planning has taken place and one of the two homes has been constructed it is cLear that a second driveway access can be constructed without any removal of the existing trees. This driveway access would be Located in t.he sane location as the previous utility easement which was rel.ocated (see attached site plan) . The owner believes that the provision of separate access for each hone will elininate a nunber of potential problems in the future regarding maintenance and parking as wefl as providing additional privacy for each home. The configuration of the new access would result in the driveways being located to the rear of each home as opposed to bringlng Suile 308, Vail National Bank Building 108 South Frontage Road West . Vail, Colorado 81657 . (303) 476-7154 Tom Brauni Seniqg Planner Town of vaif __!Septenber 8, 19f, Page ? traffic into now that the impact upon I hope thls if you have the side yard. It is a much more desirable solution exact location of each structure and the lack of the existing trees is known. clarifies the request being made. Pl.ease let me know any questions or need further informatlon. PJ: ns Enclosure Peter Jamar, AICP o o 1984 Uppen Enelr Vnu-ev WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTS 846 FOREST ROAD . VAIL. COLORADO 81657 (303) 476-7480 May 8, 1984 Town of Vail P. O. Box I00 Vail, Colorado 81658 RE: Easement Vacate for Lot l, Block L, Bighorn Subdivision 1st Addition Dear Sir: The property owner to the above lot has requested to vacate an interior utility easement. The vacating of the easement wil-1 be addressed at the next scheduled Upper Eagle Val1ey Sanitation District Board Meeting, on May 15, 1984.I will recommend the Board vacate thi.s easement. The property owner has already relocated the District sewer line over to the east property 1ine. I hope this l-etter will aLlow him to proceed with the re-plat and obtaining a building permit. Sincerely, o a7 Y,;g'.4 David Krenek, P.E. Technical Director DK: pf ff Prnntcteefl c DtsTntcTs - ARRoWHEAD METRo WATER o AVoN METRo WATER . BEAVER CREEK --,1 tll METRo wATER . BERRy cREEK METRo wATER e EAGLE.VAIL METRo wATER . EDWARDs wp:.ta /' c!€4N \ /ltl LAKE cREEK MEADows wATER r uppER EAGLE vALLEy sANrrATron . uo,l uofiit @ ! ff coNSoLrDArED wATER o VAIL wATER AND sANrrATroN EASEMENT DESCRIPTION A strip of Land across Lot 1, Block l, Ilighorn subdivision, Firsr Addition, Town of vail, colorado, according to Ehe map recorded under ll.eception No. 97239 in the office of Elre tragle county, colorirdo, clerk and Recorder, sai<i sErip being 20 feeu wide and lying 10 feet on each side of the f ollor.rine described cencerline: Beginning aE a point on Ehe northrresterly line of said LoE 1, whence the mosE norcherly c('rner of said Lot I bears N 49'11' E 19.01 feeE distant.: lhence s 46o13'04" E 92.48 feer; rhence s 44o51t14" E 83.16 feet Eo rhe sourheasEerly line of said Lol l, whence the mosE easterly corner of said Lot I bears N 34"41 ' E 2(.48 feet distanc. TCGET!{EP. I,JITH A 15 foot r,Iide strip of land l)'ing adjacent to, norgherly of, and p;rrallel nith the southeasterry line of said Lot l, rhe bearing of said line being N 34'41',E. Tite side lines of the abo';e strips are shortened or lengthened to terrninaEe aE DroDertv lines. LOT 2 s46<'i3'O4"E,92.48' s 440 5 t'14" E,83. t6' oo Exisfing lO New l5 Sewer LOT 8 ,* + = IOO EAGLE VALLEY ENGINEeRING AND SURVEYING lNC,, Voil. Calorodo Ulility Eo sernent Eosement R= 847- 69 L - 214.51 "ii;l+ .oA S:"s".\ \-o. \i (**g,'"i*f.\ .// >71 /r /a o o 1983 t t ORDINANCE 37 Series of 1983 AN ORDINANCE SUBDIVIDING AND REZONING LOT I, BLOCK I, BIGHORN lst SUBDIVISION TO CONVERT IT FROM A DUPLEX LOT TO THO SINGLE-FAMILY LOTS t,llTH RESTRICTIONS t^IHEREAS, resuiting a duplex the Town frorn the upon said Council is of the allowance of two lot; and opinion that s i ng I e-fami ly there are no negative impacts residences rathlr ttran ' r''',i WHEREAS, the zoning proposed is compatib]e with the sumounding area and. li'mitations 0poi the GRFA below those normally allolable in.the Single Family Residentiai zone district are proposed; and l^lHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental commission has recommended approval of said subdivision and rezoning; and WHEREAS, the Town Counci] considers that jt is in the pub'lic benefit to subdivide and rezone said lot. NO|'l, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF VAIL, COLORADO THAT: Section l. The officjal zoning map of the manner: Lot 1, Block l, Bighorn lst Addition shall be zoned Single Family Residential and divided into parcels of equal size. Section 2. Town of Vai I s hal I be al tered i n the fo1 'l owi ng than 3300 square feet Drive accessing both lots and Associates dated The following conditions apply to said rezoning: '| . Each single family lot sha'l I be at'lowed no more of Gross Residential Floor Area. 2, There sha'l ) be only one driveway off of Lupine as generally shown on the site plan by Baldwin August 29, .l983. 3. The sewer line existjng on the eastern part of said lot must be relocated as per the letter from David Krenek of Upper Eagle Va1 1ey water and Sanitation Djstricts to Peter patten dated September 23, l9g5 a;.t I I Section 3 q Section 4 The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordjnance is necessary and proper for the hea'l th, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Section 5 The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shal'l not affect any right which has acsrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced' nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repea'l ed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby sha'l 'l not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. The minor subdivision on September 26, .1983 the Town Counci'l . INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED 1983, and a publ.ic hearing of October Panela A. Brandmeyer Town Clerk INTRODUCED, READ AND approval given shall be null by the Planning and vo'id if this and Envjronme4tal Commission ordinance is denied by ON FIRST READING THIS 4th sha'l I be held on this ordinance lay of October on the Counci l 18th Chambers of day - the Vail Municipal Building, Vai1, , .|983, at 7:30 p.m. in the Col orado. Ordered published in full this 4th day of October , 'l gg3. I APPROVED th is ON SECOND 18th READING day of AND ORDERED PUBLISHED October , '1983. Pamela A. Brandmeyer Town Clerk Rodney I 'ifer, Rodney T0: Planning and Envjronmental Cornrnission - FR0M: Conrnunity Developirrent Department DATE: September 2l ,.1983 SUBJECT: Request for a minor subdivision and rezoning to convert one lot zoned Residential to tlo Singie Famlily lots on Lot l, Block l, Bighorn 1st. Appl icant: James E. Sheahan I It wou.l d be difficu1 t in this matter to discuss the tvro requests separately due I to thejr reljance upon each other. Thus, the memo will treat the two requests I basjcally as one to better understand the impacts and merits of the overall effect. I rhe statistics or t":il: "0 "il'" "f,r,riil'' GRFA I MEMORANDUM txistingLotl R 42,253 2 5862 New Lot A SFR 21,126 I 3987 New Lot B SFR 21,126 -1 3987 (Note: The proposal results in a net increase of GRFA of ?112 sq ft.) The proposai also includes designated building envelopes for each new lot which keep structures out of the "blue zone" avalanche hazard on the south side of the lot. One access drive off of Lupine Drive is also proposed. The applicant's reasons for this request are attached. Note that he does not proposed any special development standard restrict'ions other than those in the SFR district and that he would relocate the existing sewer ljne and associated easement ihat runs through the middle of proposed Lot A. CRiTERIA EVALUATION The subdivision regulations state criteria which are sujtab'l e to evaluate this proposal as a who I e: "ihe burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of th'is chapter, the zoning ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the PEC deems appf icab1e. Due consideration shall be given to the recommendations nrade by public agencies, utjlity coinpanies and other agencies consul*ued under .l7..l6.090. The PEC shall rer,iew the application and consider its appropriateness in regard to Toi.rn of Va'i 1 policies relating to subdivisjon control , densities proposed, reguiations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicabie documents, environmental integrity and compaiibility with surroundi nq Iand uses, " b'Lo t l,o Blk I, Bighorn 1st -2- Density The nurnber of units resulting in thisproposai are the same as the existing sjtuation. However, potentia11y, there could be an increase in GRFA of 2112 square feet if both single family 1ot owners bujlt to the maximum.It should be noted here that this lot could easiiy meet the subdivision regulations concernjng minimum lot sizes for the Residential zone resulting jn tvro duplex'l ots and four units. Thus, thjs proposal could be actually limiting density by proposing trvo single faimily lots rather than two duplex I ots. Proposed Site Plan The s'i ngle access off of Lupine Drive is a good solution for the two new lots. Hovrever, the proposed building envelopes should be el iminated and the siting of the houses left until the DRB level when they can be more closely studied according 'uo all constraints and opportunfties. Sewer Line and Easement As of thjs date, we have not recejved any written approval from the Upper Eagle Va11ey l,,later and San.itatjon Districts concerning the relocating of the ser^rer line and easenent. This must be obtained before the rezoninq goes to Council. 4. lsqs The entire surrounding area js zoned Residential with very few lots having the buildable site area of Lot l. The houses in the area are generally duplexes contained jn a single structure or attached structures. The proposal of two sfngle family buildings on this site of nearly an acre will not be incompatible with the neighborhood in terms of density, sca1e, lot size or remai ni ng open space, RECOMMENDAT I ON The Community Development Department recommends approval of the minor subdivision and rezoning proposa'l s. The benefit to the Town is a potential decrease in density if one considers that it appears this could meet the requirement for two dupiex lots. The single family structures proposed will be'compatible with surrounding development and will be sited according to future DRB approval . Conditions of approval are as follows: l. The server line and easement vacation and re'location must be verified in writing by Upper Eagle Va11ey l,,later and Sanitation Districts before the proposal -ooes to CounciI for rezoning approval. 2. The bu'i lding envelopes must be el iminated. 9/2t / 83 I t' 2. ? t August 29, 1983 IIr . Peter PaEten Zoni.ng Adminis crator Tor,'n of Vail Vai1, Colorado 81657 IIr. Patten: At.tached is an application for resubdivision and rezoning for Lot l, Block 1, Bighorn Subdivision, First. Addition. I am requesting a change from two fanily residential (42,253 sq. ft.). to two single family lots (21,126.5 sq. ft. approximately). The reasons for the request are as follows: 1) The aass created by two single family houses will have much less irnpact on the site than the mass created by a duplex. 2) The height required by two houses r-ri1l be less than that required by a duPlex ' The large stand of trees can be left undisEurbed by the use of i trr) hou ses lluch nore attention and detail can be given to landscaping !r'hile retaining the general feel of the surrounding area and its vegetation. Duplex home sites across the stream have less street frontage lhan ;-e are proposing. In closing, we feel as long-time Vail residents there is a shortage of single fanily homes; primarily due to Ehe high cost of land. We feel that thi-s is one of the few sites that lends itself to resubdivision. a') s) Yr ( lrl ) //t / -/./ltU//a"\'.-,-" ,/ |L. Sheanan Rocky S. Chr i s topher I ! I I Sinc er e T.Fc /pca.dvb PUBLTC NOTTCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and Environmental Cornmission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the municipal code of the Tor'im of VaiI on September 28, l-987 at 3:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: l-. A request for an exterior alteration of less than i-OO sqluare feet to locate a storage locker on the west side of the Bel1 Tower Building at 201- East core Creek Drive. Applicant: BeIl Tower Associates, Ltd. 2. A request for a conditional use pennit in order to operate commercial storage in the Concert Hall plaza Building on Lot 1, Lionshead 4th Addition. Applicant: Vail Investment Co. 3. A request for a minor subdivision to create two Primary/Secondary lots on Lot 4, Block 4, VaiI Village 3rd Filing, 443 Beaver Dam Road. Applicants: Ben and Martha Rose 4. A request to anend Ordinance 37, Series of L983, pertaining to the rezoning of Lot 1, Block 1, Bighorn Subdivision, First Addition. Applicant: James Sheahan , ..) I)t lv I The appJ-ications and inforrnation about the proposals are availabl_e in the zoning administratorrs office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THOMAS A. BRAUN Zoning Administrator Published in the VaiI Trail on September t_1, L997. / ,6*z /.e*X E.A SL.tn^ f ?/ Buak /, 8/6 rttutJ h); l/,a,.n D' Qet'oil #7 fur.y H'//s 0t'"e 6n/tu'L?/ Co Setto U ,&*z( S. S;ay / 2/"-/ 5. ome,& #6/z fu4l@r / 8ozz.{ tol g 6,4horn SuJ &b{ n *€/tu ? 07 L,+oi<, Drtre '^'l /-, L D/r.-+2 ft"O 0, 4/6n,fia m 519b Stwrny L<<. + /e /O h//a> ,TX' 7{zz-s: //4,*3 bl 2, 6o Ow,(Ar( ElWeFeStS t-\-. n #4 4/4tt/e I t\ e'si/'" h,A, ilY /oo17 "/ l 0z,q 9e/ rr'a,l o brz, &.at 2 9AWau &yt".*r0 6tQ &uk 6qq Va, /, (a 8/ess 79,EroctQ, Eto6Mn /2*,) fm"k C, sharb. 7gz Lr'aco/.t F/e, e &v/Aa., Co AoSoz * \Ail Associates Real Estate A Subcidiary of Vail Assmiatcs. Inc., Crcaton of Vail and Bcarrcr Crcek April 15, 1983 Mr. Jim Sayer Town Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail-, CO 81657 Jim: Pursuant to our phone conversatlon, Itm enclosing the 1982 avalanche study done by Art Mears for Lot 1, Block 1, Bighorn Subdivision, First Addition. Because of the unusual location of the rear corner pins (i.e. I-n the creekbed), I rrould llhe to get a l-etter from you as to the Town of Vai,lts positlon concerning the hundred year flood plain and the Town of Vailts requirements for building on the above lot. Sincerely, _Y4I!_AsSOCI-N[ES REAL ESTATE, rNC, \ .-l- r', -4,'{-,4 i-ff q*,J1,\_-\2)a* .), -,)/- :. Rocky S. Chrlstopher Associate Broker RSC/pd Enc Losure Box 7, Vail, Colorado 81658 . Vail Village Officc (303) 47645@ o LionsHcad Office (303) 4763393 Avon Officc, Box 5t3, Avon, Colorado 81620. (303) 949-4404 o Toll Free Denver Arca 571-5594 o o 1982 o AVALqNCHE HAZARD AND I'IITICATIOII . LOT I, BLOCK I, BIdH0RII SUBDIVISION, VAIL, CqLoMDo t. PREPARED FOR I.IRI PATRICK DOUGHERTY Ar.thur I. ilears, P.E.' Inc. Gunnfson, Colorado August, 1982 o ARTHUR l. MEARS, P.E., tJ,tC. Natural Hazards Consultanf s' Arlhut l. Mears ; 222 Easl Gothic Avenue Gunnison. CO 8123{l (303) 64 1 -3236 Bichard C. lbcullough 2649 Champa Sl. Denver, CO 80205 (30:!) 82t1140 August 3, 1982 . Mr. Patrick Dougherty ,' Box 2717 Escondito, Ca] ifornia 92025 Dear Mr. Dougherty: The enclosed study of ava'l anche hazard to your property in Vail was conducted in accordance with discussions with Rocky Christopher. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sfncerely, /!llJ/ '\Jquu\( rue1r4 Arthur I. Mears, P.E. AIl4 : be Encl osure ci: Rocky Christopher Ayabncho Dynemics . O€tsnsa Zonino .Avalsncha Cootrol EngirE ing OBJECTIVES The following study of potentia'l avalanche hazard to Lot 1' Block 1, B'ighorn Subd'ivision, VaiI, Colorado, ivas requested by Mr. Ricky Christopher of Vai'l 'and Mr. Patrick Dougherty of Escondito' California. As requested, the study describes the hazard, specifies the magnitude of avalanche loads, and reconrnends structure locations. : TYPE OF AVALANCHE HAZARD The avalanche hazard was described in a detailed 1975 study to Mr. Abe Shapiro of Vail. Fr-gure 3 of this previous study (an avalanche map), surmarizes the findings and is inc'l uded here to show the'location of Lot l with respect to the flowing and powder avalanche runout zones. Since the 1975 study was prepared, buildings were constructed on Lots 9, 1, and 2, on the south side of'Lupine Drive, but Lot 3 (directly across from Lot 1), has not been bui'l t on. Therefore, the avalanche boundaries shown near Lot I are correct today. The design-magnitude flouring avalanches that must be considered in design and'location of facilities have return periods of 100 years' an "order-of-magiritude" estimate based on terrain analysis, comparison with other simi1ar avalanche areas' application of equations of ayalanche motion, and study of vegetation. l'lhen the design avalanche occurs, a dense flow of ava'lanche debris will cross Lupine Drive as shown on the enclosed nap and reach the southern end of Lot 1. Floting ava'lanches will be moving slowly after crossing Lupine Drive and are not a major design consideration, as discussed in tJte next section. Powder avalanches will also occur here and will produce the maior effect on structures because they cannot be avoided. The design-magni- tude powder avalanche wil'l deve'lop as dry-snotv ava1anches fall over the c'l iffs, entrajn air, and flow around and through the aspen forest south of Lupine Drive. This low-density avalanche fonn wi'l 'l be approximately 30 feet deep and will protluce forces similar to those of an intense wind gus t. Avalanche damage ii evfdent in the trees south of Lupine Drive but not in the coniferu n"u" Lot 1. Therefore, inspection of damage suggests I an avalanche of the magnftude described here has not occurred for a long time (perhaps 50 to 100 years), and has a long return period. AVALANCHE LOADS AND MiTIGATION Although Lot I is within range of the design ava'lanche, the des- tructive potential is m'inor and mitigation is feasible as described below. 1. Avoidance of the flowing avalanche. The flowing avalanche can be completely avoided if buildings are located at least 60 feet nortJt of Lupine Drive. The northern 150 feet of Lot 1 will not be reached by the design floning avalanche. Buildings should be located in this portion of the lot. 2. Building reinforcement for powder avalanches. Powder avalanches extend north of the flowing avalanche 'limits and will affect all of Lot 1. The design powder avalanches will have the following character- istics at this location: ?5 n/sec (55 mph) io kglm3 (0.6 tbs/ft3) 10m (33 ft) Stagnation pressure: 30 kPa (60 lbs/ftz) The 60 lb/t*.pressure will have a duration of 5 seconds and wil'l pro- duce forces on the structure equivalent to that produced by a S-second gust of wind (clear air at sea level) moving at 150 mph. The ava'lanche ve1 ocity is much le_ss than 150 mph but the pressures would be equivalent because the avalanche iS assumed to be 8 times as dense as air' Buildings on Lot i may safely w-ithstand the powder-avalanche forces if they are designed for lrag and lift forces induced by avalanche passage. Eecause of the avalanche depth (33 ft) a'l I surfaces will be subject to these moderate forces, including walls and the roof. The rngnitudes of the drag and lift forces wi'l I be of the same order as the stagnation pressure (60 lbs/ft2), but the values of the forces depend upon building design details, including orientation, size, and shape. These design details must be taken into account by the engineer and architect to determine the final loading. The 60 lb/f* stagnation pressure is not excessive and is similar to wind pressures used in design of buildings in areas exposed to strong wfnds, such as in hurricane areas. Proper design for powder avalanches in this casewill not necessarily exclude windovrs and doors facing Lupine Drive providing they can withstand the powder-avalanche pressures. ResPectful lY submitted'/-.(i*,,." I tA,l n-v)c(l"utn V. l't't ?fu4 Arthur I. Mears, P.E. Vel oci ty : Dens i ty: Flow thickness: I f o (tl rl LrJ '\\ \\ 'r';,4 (JltJ. (/?t. f\dn1 o (v ll trl _l C)a t/ .l t'7 (42./ W, ':2 t i7;. ra (l, L f ,9 LL Z/ '€,c o o c J (u E c I o c, T'3 C'& IF l.:q 1..1 b.l f.l tal trtl q,c o =o c J a,E 4J c g o C' CD c,'t I n !, =a o €,o !) lrJ T&i:"frlii/,7.2 t irirrt illllll>,111:irtrtrrrirr:iiirirrtrr/Llrtttrirtt /at,"///' ril tl il ^l .il 9t il tl ,()l I .. : =q H.tr OF. o.5 a o c u, l;\ Ir iJ !i wffi [,i;:r,:& ffi,r9,, .' .{1 s:lgl (.-7'..'.'ff ;i .$...:-.'. :.'.?.'.t;: -.f-r'.) .Al/^ 17 1.Y firti tttfh ,t t{i { {,i. +.'ct-- o -!r{r #g .attaa '. a:4 7i'w;:i