HomeMy WebLinkAboutCO 3977 Lupine Drive (A)ruyfr0r{ffi, ocriilljf{rY Er,E[0p|€r{r EHi*" >r/- ' l+ lAt blLl Planning and Environmental Commisson ACTION FORM Departm€nt of Community DevelopnNent 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel| 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vaiJgov,com Proiect Name: OLIVER AMENDED FINAL PLAT Project Descriptionr Pafticipants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: owNER OLIVER, CHARLES S. - COLES-O04/L612007 1311 S GIBSON CT SUPERIOR co 80027 APPUCANT OLrVE& CHARLES S. - COLES-O04/1612007 PEC Number: PEC070023 Action: APPROVED Date of Approvall. 051 1412007 FINAL APPROVAL OF AN AMENDED FINAL PLAT (AMENDMENT TO THE PI-AT RESTRICTED GRFA uMrTs) Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: 1311 S GIBSON CT SUPERIOR co 80027 3977 LUPINE DRVAIL Location: 3977 LUPINE DR Loe 1-A Block l Subdivision: BIGHORN ISTADDHON 2101-111-0201-2 BOARD/STAFF ACTION KJESBO GUNION 7-0-0 Cond: 8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinance 26, Series 2006 shall be subject to the pending employee houslng regulations in whatever form they are finally adopted; provided, however, that if the Town fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulations by April L5,2007, this Ordinance shall not apply to such development applications. Planner: Bill Gibson PEC Fee Paid: $650.00 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department May 14,2007 A request for a final review of an amended final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to amend the allowable Gross Residential Floor Area, located al3977 Lupine Drive/Lot 1A, Block ',|, Bighorn l" Addition, and setling forth details in regard lhereto. (PEC07-0023) Applicant; Todd and Cindy Oliver, represented by TAB Associates, lnc. Planner: Bill Gibson il. SUMMARY The applicant, Todd and Cindy Oliver, represented by TAB Associates, is requesting approval of an amended final plat, pursuantto Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to amend the plat restricted maximum allowable Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) tor 3977 Lupine Drive/Lot 1A, Block 1, Bighorn 1"t Addition. Staff recommends approval of the proposed amended final plat lor 3977 Lupine Drive/Lot 1 A, Block 1 , Bighorn 1"' Addition. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant, Todd and Cindy Oliver, represented by TAB Associates, are proposing to amend the plat restricled gross residential floor area (GRFA) limits for Lot 1A that were established in 1983. The applicant is proposing to increase the allowable GRFA from 3,300 sq. ft. to 4,610.5 sq. ft. in response to the GRFA amendments adopted by the Town of Vail in 2004. The Planning and Environmental Commission approved a similar request for the adjacent Lot 1B on July 1'1, 2005 (PEC05-0052). This proposal is not associated with any other development application, as the applicants are not proposing any construction at this time. A vicinity map (Attachment A), a letter from the applicant describing the request (Attachment B), and the proposed plat have been attached for reference (Attachment C). BACKGROUND . The property was annexed into the Town of Vail by Ordinance 13, Series of 1974, which became effective on November 5, 1974. The property was zoned Two-Family Residential Zone District.. In Oclober of 1983 Lot 1, Block 1, Bighorn Subdivision First Addition (42,863 sq. ft.) was subdivided into two smaller lots (21,431.5 sq. ft.) and rezoned to Single- Family Residential. As a part of the application the two new lots, 1A and 18, ilt. tv. were plat restricted to 3,300 square feet of GRFA for each lol and were to share one driveway curb cut on Lupine Drive.. Ordinance 33, Series of 1987, removed the plat restriction which required Lots 1A and 1B to have a shared driveway curb cut off of Lupine Drive. Today there are separate driveway curb cuts servicing the existing structures on Lots 1A and 18.. On July 11,2005, the Planning and Environmental Commission approved a similar amended final plat request for the adjacent Lot 'lB (PEC05-0052) to increase the GRFA limits from 3,300 sq. ft. were 4,610.5 sq. tt. At that time, Staff encouraged the owners of Lots 1A and 1B to submit a joint application to amend the GRFA limits lor both lots simullaneously. However, the owners chose not to submit a joint application. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS TITLE 13: SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (in part) 13-2-2 DEFTNTTTONS EXEMPTION PLAT: The platting of a poftion of land or property that does not fall within the definition of a "subdivision", as contained in this section. 13-3-4: COMMISSION REVIEW OF APPLICATION; CRITERIA AND NECESSARY FINDINGS: A, Before recommending approval, approval with conditions or disapproval of preliminary plan, the planning and environmental commission shall consider following criteria with respect to the proposed subdivision: 1. The erteft b which the proposed subdivision is consistent with all the applicable elements of the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail comprehensive plan and is compatible with the development obiectives of the town; and 2. The extent to which the proposed subdivision eomplies with all of the standards of this title, as well as, but not limited to, title 12, "Zoning Regulations", of this code, and other pertinent regulations that the planning and environmental commission deems applicable; and 3. The ertent to which the proposed subdivision presents a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses consistent with municipal development objectives; and 4. The extent of the effects on the future development of the surrounding area; and 5. The extent to which the proposed subdivision is located and designed to avoid creating spatial pafterns that cause inefficiencies in the delivery of public services, or require duplication or premature extension of public facilities, or result in a "leapfrog" paftern of development; and the the 6. The erteil b which the utility lines are sized to serve the planned ultimate population of the seruice area to avoid future land disruption to upgrade undersized lines; and 7. The ertent to which the proposed subdivision provides for the growth of an orderly viable community and serves the best interests of the community as a whole; and 8. The erteil b which the proposed subdivision results in adverse or beneficial impacts on the natural environment, including, but not limited to, water quality, air quality, noise, vegetation, riparian corridors, hillsides and other desirable natural features; and 9. Such other factors and criteria as the commission and/or council deem applicable to the proposed subdivision. B. Necessary Findings: Before recommending and/or granting an approval of an application for a major subdivision, the planning and environmental commission shall make the following findings with respect to the proposed major subdivision: 1. That the subdivision is in compliance with the criteria listed in subsection A of this section. 2. That the subdivision is consistent with the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail comprehensive plan and campatible with the development objectives of the town. 3. That the subdivision is compatible with and suitable to adjacent uses and appropriate for the surrounding areas. 4. That the subdivision promotes the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the town and promotes the coordinated and harmonious development of the town in a manner that conserues and enhances its natural environment and its established character as a resort and residential community of the highest quality. 1 3-1 2-1 : PURPOSE AND INTENT: The purpose of this chapter is to establish criteria and an appropriate review process whereby the planning and environmental commission may grant exemptions from the definition of the term "subdivision" for properties that are determined to fall outside the purpose, purview and intent of Chapters 3 and 4 of this title. This process is intended to allow for the platting of property where no additional parcels are created and conformance with applicable provisions of this code has been demonstrated. 13-12-2: EXEMPTIONS lN PROCEDURE AND SUBMITTALS: "Exemption plats", as detined in section 13-2-2 of this title, shall be exempt from requirements related to preliminary plan procedures and submiftals. Exemption plat applicants may be required to submit an environmental impact report if required by Title 12, Chapter 12 of this code. 13-12-3: PLAT PROCEDURE AND CRITERIA FOR REVIEW: The criteria for reviewing the plat shall be as contained in section 13-3-4 of this title. v.SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING Land Use Zonino vl.SITE ANALYSIS Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Current Land Use: Hazards: Develooment Standard Allowed Two-Family Residential District Two-Family Residential District Two- Fam ily Residential District Two- Family Residential District Single Family Residential District Low Density Residential Single Family Residence High Severity Rockfall, Moderate Avalanche Hazard, and Avalanche Powder Blasl ProoosedAllowed Existino North: East: Wesl: South: Lot Area (min): Setbacks (min): Residential Residential Residential Residential Platted GRFA Limit (max): 3,300 sq. ft.4,610-5 sq. tt. 2,459 sq.ft. (+1 ,310.5 sq. ft.) 15,000 20 ft. fronl 15 feet sides 15 feet rear no change no change no change no change no change no change 21,431.5 sq. ft. 88 ft. 29 ft. and 16 ft. 65 ft. 1,373 sq.ft. 17,753 sq.ft. vll. Site Coverage (max):4,286 sq.ft. Landscape Area (min): 12,859 sq.ft. APPLICATION CRITERIA AND FINDINGS The purpose section of Title 13, Subdivision Regulations, is intended to ensure that the proposed subdivision is promoting the health, safety and wellare of the community. The criteria for reviewing an amended final plat are outlined in Section 13-3-4, Vail Town Code, as follows: (1) The extent to which the proposed subdivision is consistent with all the applicable elements of the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and is compatible with the development objectives of the town; and Staff Response: Staff has reviewed the proposed amended final plat and found it to be in compliance with all applicable elements ol Vail Comprehensive Plan. The exchange of equal sized parcels of land, which maintains the size of each lot does not have any impact to the goals, objectives, or policies of the Vail Comorehensive Plan. (2) The extent to which the proposed subdivision complies with all of the standards of this Title, as well as, but not limited to, Title 12, Zoning Regulations and other pertinent regulations that the Planning and Environmental Commission deems applicable; and Staff Response: Staff has reviewed the proposed amended final plat and found that all submittal documenls were received and the resulting lots will comply with all applicable portions of the Town of Vail Zoning Code. (3) The erteil b which the proposed subdivision presents a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses consistent with municipal development objectives ; and Staff Response: The proposed amended final plat modifying the maximum allowable GRFA will not negatively affect the workable relationship among land uses as the proposal will not alter the current low density residential land use. (4) The extent of the effects on the future development of the surrounding area; and Staff Response: The proposed amended final plat modifying the the maximum allowable GRFA will not negatively affect the future development of the surrounding area as the proposal will not alter the current low density residential land use. (5) The extent to which the proposed subdivision is located and designed to avoid creating spatial patterns that cause inefficiencies in the delivery of public seruices, or require duplication or premature extension of public facilities, or result in a "leapfrog" pattern of development; and Staff Response: The proposed amended final plat modifying the the maximum allowable GRFA will not negatively affect the elemenls identified in the above criterion. (6) The extent to which the utility lines are sized to serve the planned ultimate population of the seruice area to avoid future land disruption to upgrade under- sized lines; and Stafl Response: The proposed amended final plat the maximum allowable GRFA will not affect the current level of utility service required in the vicinity. (7) The erteil b which the proposed subdivision provides for the growth of an orderly viable community and seryes the best interests of the community as a whole; and Staff Response: Staff believes the proposed amended final plat to modify the maximum allowable GRFA will continue to allow for the orderly growth of the community and serves the inlerests of the community as the proposal will not alter the currenl low density residential land use. Additionally, this proposal will update the plat restricted GRFA limits for Lol 1A in the same manner as the Town of Vail amended the GRFA regulations for other properties within the Single Family Residential District in 2004 and the adjacent Lot 1B in 2005. (S) The extent to which the proposed subdivision results in adverse or beneficial impacts on the natural environment, including, but not limited to, water quality, air qualtty, noise, vegetation, riparian corridors, hillsides and other desirable natural features; and Staff Response: Staff does not believe that the proposed amended final plat to modify the maximum allowable GRFA witl result in any adverse impacts to any of the items listed in the above criterion. (9) Such other factors and criteria as the Commission and/or Council deem applicable to the proposed subdivision Staff Response: The Planning and Environmental Commission approved a similar request for the adjacent Lot 1B on July 11, 2005 (PEC05-0052). VIII. STAFFRECOMMENDAIION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the amended final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to amend the allowable Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA), located al3977 Lupine Drive/Lol 1A, Block 1, Bighorn 1"'Addition, and setting forth details in regard thereto. This recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section Vll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this plat amendment, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission make the following motion: "The Planning and Environmental Commission approves an amended final plat, pursuantto Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for an amendment to plat restricted GRFA located at 3977 Lupine drive/Lot 1A, Block 1, Bighorn Subdivision First Addition,, and setting fofth details in regard thereto." Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this plat amendment request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission makes the following findings: "1 . That the subdivision is in compliance with the criteria listed in Section 13-3-4- A, VailTown Code, based upon the review outlined in Section Vll of the Staff's May 14, 2007, memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission. 2. That the subdivision is consistent with the adopted goals, obiectives and polbies autlined in the Vail comprehensive plan and compatible with the development objectives of the town, based upon the review outlined in Section Vll of the Staff's May 14, 2007, memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission. 3. That the subdivision is compatible with and suitable to adjacent uses and appropriate for the surrounding areas, based upon the review outlined in Section Vll of the Staffs May 14, 2007, memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission. 4. That the subdivision promotes the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the town and promotes the nordinated and harmonious development of the town in a manner that conserues and enhances its natural environment and its established character as a resort and residentialcommunity of the highest quality, based upon the review outlined in Section Vll of the Staff's May 14, 2007, memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission." X. AfiACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Letter from the applicant dated April 16,2007 C. Proposed amended final plat D. Public Notice o L o o .E CL, ? r'- -lO FR gs tre .9>o= I aJl, --.FIL a-YA =<;Vr0)!t 9'E l-r I O cF,q.9c)E.9r , >F -.-=6!E y >eE =6g 9si FT E,F tr^.9 FC -yF td 6 <F t,o J TAB Associates, Inc. The Architectural Balance P.O. Box 7431 Avon, CO 81620-7431 (970\ 74e-1470 (97O\ 748-1471 tax www.tabasssociates.com ta b@ vail. net Attachment B April, 16th, 2007 Members of Planning and Environmental Commission, The sole purpose of this letter is to request to amend a plat note filed with an approved plat. Specifically the plat for parcel number: 210111102012located at 3977 Lupine Drive Lot 1A. This plat correction does not alter the character, intent or development standards imposed under previous plat approval. The amended plat note proposed is consistent with all the elements of the adopted goals, objectives and policies outline in the Vail comprehensive plan and is compatible with the development objectives of the town. The amendment to the plat note does comply with all title 12 zoning regulations of the code and also presents a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses. Currently there is a plat restriction on the lot of 3,300 SF. This hinders the owne/s wishes to add additional square footage as well as update the property. Their goal is to renovate and add additional spaces to better fit their life style and enjoy the beauty of Vail Colorado. The Oliver's, owners of the property, would like to add a recreation room, a new kitchen, garage, and master suite. This additional space will give TAB Associates, Inc. the opportunity to better address the Gore Creek, which is located just behind the property. Simultaneously creating a more attractive and functional entrance, that will both enhance the functionality from the interior but also greatly increase the property's curb appeal. We are requesting to amend the plat note, making the newly revised note consistent with Town of Vail's newest GRFA calculations revised in 2004, this would give the lot a new GRFA of 5486 SF. After doing some research we have learned that the neighboring lot, Parcel Number 2101 1102013 Lot 1B, which previously had a restriction of 3,300 SF also, was re-platted. The two lots were given the same reshiction when created by dividing the larger parcel. lt seems only natural the Commissioners to re-plated 3967 Lupine Lot 1B that they would want to do the same for the Oliver's at3977 Lupine Drive Lot 14. Sincerely, TAB Associates, Inc. David Kenney, Project Manager lil6: 5:\0658 Oliv€r Rsno\Submittal\M€mb€B ol Plennlng and Envhonmenlal Commi3sion.doc tl .ir ill l;l l ;JI !!D ;I!tli iiE lr l;It l.l-{r E It:' I Ear I tr6.{ a a ,lt iE I 6 lr -l ll IJ l{ al !l 3l tl HI il It !t !r ;ll ta EI P.; E iEi $ tit s i;i Iii;5 B rlt I lfr Eil t!|l E ll lB tl ll ll l! i!i rE lE;ilil liglilili I rl P EII I, B ?!! 18 ;zii lrt F SiJc lii H T ;.I rl ll :J Attachment G l! IH !! :1 Fl ? !l I Blr ; :B: 5 lli E iii ;! 8t ii iT t l. ti Irl ls t: !! I l.c l:t llJ t;r l# l"t;II lrt ebt 91 I rl .l iJ I I ; I i ig t! H D 2 z z t lr tl :a et 6t I I tl ti t! a E l{rE rli tll Jll it! ilg E:I "o''' S lll lliiir llElll ll!llE ! i 'lJi h i!!I $ gt ;i rl !c !c 9l ;l n nl 1I EI I I rl IEl 6l lltJ tr t: ;5 'l f;r it c6 ll 6l ad tl !l r'r El | 1 !l | | Il I I al lt8"' tt *:ttti ,i: ll !i g ;t i! 5t ffimfi "rE IcJ YrJ -=b .lo EFar "*l: ts, fi r- - "tE s 3Ht 3 \ >R--1 : -iqH E EJSEX E .ASSS3 E E 3Ai E E qes ==o ^<b t-q aoJ r5i tl: Rr t\ =s {q E I I ti 5{ 4l!:1- I t; !,!ri rE. I;E :l! ::i !rl ri lii i!!i i lil .l .a qr t ;? rg :i rl :9 ;gE E!1 i-: {i':3!;riF I I hi f.9 td st'u ,/*9 l#iriiH$$ ,l ,l tl.tll r:l !! oln F. t:l \ glv Attachment D THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12'3-6, Vail Town Code, on May 14, 2007, at 1:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for a zone district boundary amendment, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendments, Vail Town Code, to allow for a rezoning from Two-Family Primary/Secondary District (P/S) to Low Density Multiple Familybistrict (LDMF), located at 1817 Meadow Ridge Road/Lot 21, Buffehr Creek Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC07-0018) Applicant: Capstone Townhome Association, repreqented by Marc Levarn, President of the H.O.A. Planner: Warren Campbell A request for a work session to discuss the development review applications necessary for the review of the redevelopment of the properties known as "Ever Vail" (West Lionshead), located at 862, 923, 934, 953, and 1031 South Frontage Road WesUUnplatted, and setting forth details in regards thereto. (PEC07-0019,0020,0021, 0022) Applicant Vail Resorts Development Corporation, represented by Mauriello Planning GrouP LLC Planner: Warren Campbell A request for a final review of an amended final plat, pursuant to Ghapter E-12, -^arJ4P^ Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to amend the allowable Gross. fYl",rlo'l Residential Floor Area, located al 3977 Lupine Drive/Lot 14, Block 1, Bighorn 1" d{)-' Addition, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC07-0023) Applicant Todd and Cindy Oliver, represented by TAB Associates, lnc' Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a final review of an amended final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12' Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for a modification to shared property boundaries, located at 5119 and 5121 Black Bear Lane/Lots 8 and 9, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto' (PEC07- 0024) Applicant Lisa Augustine, represented by JMP Architects Planner: Bill Gibson Page 1 t^tu99 :6 L00z/91itr'o fi n F o v ,ap o ^l @ tl B Yl n L] tr tr TOWN CFIYHPf \:/; tL APR ](j Rezdling Major suHivision Minor Sultdivison Erenfiion Plat Minor Amendment to an SDD Net{ Special Cl€t/elopment Dlsbict Malot Amendmcnt to an sDD Major Amerdment to tn SDO hoebrnditutims) $1300 $r5o0 $6s0 i6s0 t1000 $6000 $6000 fr250 $650 $400 $650 $80o $1500 $250 1r300 fsoo 3200 w2'+ Pagc I of 0 Application for Review bY the Dq)anment of Community Development 75 South FrdrtagE Road, vall, Colotado 81657 tef: 970.{79.2 | 39 aax. 970.479.2457 r,t cb: wwvr,valhorr.com planning and EnMrcnmental commlsslo.l re!/i€lry t||ust receive appro.al priot to sutmitring a r6on. Flce refg to the submittal requhemcnts for lhe partiorlar rpproval that is aequestcd. Plaonino and Environmental C.ommissbn revis, cinnot be accepted unbl all required infomEtk n cornmunity Developmcr:t Department. The project rnay also nccd to be ra/elved by thc lown Planning and Environmental Comrnission Design Rcview Board. and Fee: tr Conditional Us€ Permlt O FloodplalnModificaLidl D l.linor B(tetlot Alberation E Major Exterior Alteratbn O Doclopmcnt Plan 0 tunendment to a Development Han D zoning Cqle Amendment 0 Variance O Sign Varlancc DescrlpEon of the Request: v Location ofthe Proposal: Lot:/A Block: l' Physlcal Addrecs: -11 'f t' ,-Fl ,1e- I '' 12 - cs>l C"t* Parcef fto.: P l}t n I o ?o t A (Contad Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328'86'10 for parcel no.) Zoning: Narne(s) of Owner(s): l.lalllng Address: owne(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: tfaillng Address: ?e;. 71;,' 7/ z t . 4,r", .Coa,"*4 8-/6 Jo Phonez (9:^6) >f8'/V7o Y/ E-mairAddress: ToLet t'ai /. no{ -e.tf J:pfilE:U)L- 9Y w, PtC l{0,: kojed No,: F:\cde$FORMSlP€mt9\Plannlng\PEC\etemplionJdal |0-|E 2006.doc i/i 'd t8q8'crl 'CNl SIIYIS0SSV 8VI lttt 8ll 0/6 tiYtZ:0 iLtui'!r'rtr t\ i -- 'r{, "} ":' t, t {q : *'**+++'l********++*******+*'l*++*******+***+++f**t't+*****i++**********+++*********'t*r+*******'r* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemenr *'F****++ ++*1.:i**,i*****+** ****'l+ ****+**** * *'t,t+* **** *** ***r.* **+****** * * * * * **+*+******* + ti*++{.{. ** Statement. Nunlcer: R0?0000482 Amount: $550.00 04/16/2OO703:58 PM Payment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation3 5954 /CINDY OI,IVER Permit. No: PEC07O023 TIT)e: PEC -Exemption Plat Parcel No: 2101-111-0201--2 Site Address: 3977 LUPINE DR VArL Location: 3977 LUPINE DR Total Feee: 5650.00 This Payment: $550.00 Total ALIJ Pmts: S650.00 Balance :$0.00 * *+**+t*** ****** * *+** * ** **{.rt*****+***1. ** * ***i+ * *+** *** * *** * ***** ** +** * ** + * * *** * * * * ***+ * f + * * * ACCOIINT ITEM LIST: Account Code DeseriDtion PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPLTCATION FEES 6s0.00 Current Pmt6 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Ftddity Nntiond Flurnclal Group of Compenles/Chlcego Tltte Insurancc Compony and Leod Tltle Guarantee Company July l, 2001 wc rccggnizc. and r.e.sgect.$e privacy Expccurionn of toQy's consumcrs and the rcquiremeoc of appticablc fedcral and statc pnv.acy_.laws., wc Dcllev.c oet llullng yolf a,trare of how. we use your non-public pcrsonal infoimrdon ( "Persorul l.uonna0oD"),gnd l_o y[om_il is disclosed,- I'ill form tlle basis for r Fhtionshib of nist bcrwccn us snd usoublic gla! rrc ryry9. 1 Tls Pnvqcy SalcF9nt Prqvtdes thal.explaEtion, Wc rcscrvc thC right m chaogc rhis Privacy ' Jatllrl'nr rrcm omc t0 ume collststcnt wtln appltcabte pnvacy laws. In tbe counse of our buslncss, we may collect Personsl Informatlon nbout you from thc fottowlng murcc: + From applications or ofter fornu-we reccivc flom you 0r yolr au&orizcd rcpnscnudvc;| lrom ybfur uansactions with, or from thc services 6cing pirronied bv, G, ir'ur lifriiiici, or o6en;r lrom ilur interaet wcb sitcs;r Fro,q1 the pullic ncords maintaincd by govemme al cntities that wc eirher obuin dirccrJy froo rhosc enuucs, or ltom our slnutScs or outers: and t From consumcr or odcr rcporting ageniies. Our Polldes Regnrdlng the hoteclloo ol Oe Confldentlallty end Sccurliy of Your Pcrsounl Informatlou Wc mainnin physic4, clccuonic and plocqtunl saf- cgqar{s to pnttccr your Pcrsonal Iaformatioo fronr unau0orizcd access o.r Intruslon. wc-limlt aqccs.s lo lhc P. crson|l Information only to thosc employecs who nced such rcccs in conmcoon wilh providing pmducts or scwices lo you or for other ltgitimate busincss purposcs. Our Folicics and hacticrs Regardlng thc Sbarlng of Your Persooal Informatlon [c may s.hare your P.ersolul !$orq$o4 wi& our.affilirtes, srgh as insurarcc companies, agenLs, and oher rcal csEte s€lUemcnt scrvice providcrs. Wc also may disclosc your Penon'al Inforoatiori: : to agenls, brokers or rcprcsetrralivcs o provide you widr scrviccs you have requcsled:' tP third-Pany co ractois or scwicc proViders w}o providc scrvicds or poforni roarkidng or othcr functionis oli our bcbalf: and + to othlrs wi-tlt whom we entcr ioo joiu mrrtedng agrcenrcnls for produca or scrvices rhat we bcticve you may find of inrucst. In addition, we will disclosc your Perlon4l lnfornudon.when yolr dirrct or [ivc us pcrmision. when we arc rcouired -by-law q do so, or ryhen ,wc Suspqct frrudulcnt or criminal rctvities. Wt afsar mrt liilo:6-voui Fi-norut-'- lntonnauon wben omerwise pcrni_tted by applicable privacy laws such as, for cxainplc. whcir disclosurc is occdcd ro c orcc our ngn6 ansng out of any agreemcnt, transacdon or relatioruhip witb you. 9f:-gttq ipryl!11trcsponsibilities of somg of ouq afrliatcd.rnmpanics is ro record documcns in drc public tlomain. Such documens may conrain your Pcrsonal lnformadon. - Rlght ro Access Your Fcrsonal Informadon and Abllity to Corrcct Erros Or Requcsl Changcs Or Deteilon Ccnain $atcs dford yqu- tlc righr ro-accgss yogr Personal Infomution and, under ceruin circunstalces. ro find out lo w0om your rcmnal InrcnnaUon n&s Dcen dlsclosed. Also, certaitr sulles afford you thc riqht to reouist !Plr_99tt_olt-ry!4,qtcJ1 9t d9letiql of your Penonal lnforma{.on. We rcscrve drc rilhr, whcri pcrmiuiii 6y taw, m crlarge a rcasonaDtc tcc to covcr &c costs Incurr€d in respoDding to such rcquests. - All requcsts submiucd to tlre Fi.lJ'lity. Nalignal.Financ.ial Goup of CompanicgChicago TirJc lruurance Comgrny shall tE in writing, and delivercd to'dre following aOarcs: - Privrcy Comoliancc Officer Fidclity Nrdonal Fiuncial. Inc, $gtrJs.l,ThfBi,it' Multiple hoducts or slllc6 LX.g"f9.:qP^YjS p9f_919-9ge_[pncial- product or scrvicc, you nuy rceivc morc rhan one privacy noricc llom us. wc apotognc tor any Inconvenlcnce this nuy causc you. Fom PllV.POl. Cill LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DTSCLOSTJRE STATEIIdENTS Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-l l-122, noticc is hereby given that: A) Thc subject ral propcny nuy bc locatcd in a special oxing disuict. B) A Ccnificatc of Taxes Due listing cach nxing jurisdiction mry bc obtrincd from thc Couty Trcsurcr's authoriad agent. O Thc informadon rcguding special disuics and the boundaries of such disuict-s ruy bc obrained ftom fic Borrd of County Comnisioncrs, thc County Ocrk and Rccordcr, or thc County Asscssor. Notc: Effcctivc $ptcmbcr l, 1997 , CRS 3G'10-106 rcquircs rhar all documcns rcccivcd for recording or filing in &c clcrk and rccordcr's officc shall cootain c top margin of at lca.st one inch and a lcft, righr and botom rnargin of at least onc half of an inch. The clcrk end rccordcr nuy rcfusc to rucord or file any document 6ar docs not conform, cxccpt tbat, tbe requircment for the top margin shall not apply to documctrts using fonus on which sprce is provided for rccording or filing information at rhc aop margi! of the document, Notc: Colorado Division of !rulranec Rcgulatiors 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Aniclc Vll rcquiru that 'Every title cntity sball bc rcsponsiblc for rll mattcns which appcar of rccord prior to thc timc of recording whcncvct thc tidc cntity conducts the closing and is rcsporuiblc for rccordin3 or filing of legal documcnts rcsulting fmm the transaction which was closcd". Pmvided tlut Land Title Guarantc Company conducs thc closing of the insnred uarcactioo aod is rcsponsibtc for recording ilrc lcgal docuocnr from thc mnsaction, cxccption number 5 will not appru on the Owner's Tide Policy and rhe l.cndcrs Policy when issued, Note: Affinnltive mcchanic's licn protcction for thc Owner may be rvaihble (typically by dcledon of Exception no. 4 of Schedulc B, Sction 2 of rhc Commirmenr from $e Owncr's Policy ro bc isued) upon conpliancc with Oc following condidors: A) The land dcscribcd in Schcdulc A of this commitmcnt must bc r single family rcsidcncc which includes a condominium or lownhouse unit. B) No labor or rulerials have been fumishcd by mcchanics or matcrial-men for purposes of construcdon on the land dcscribcd In Schedulc A of 0ris Gommimcnt within thc pasr 6 monrhs. Q The Conpany must rcccivc an appmpriatc affidavit indemnifying rtre Cornpany agaiust un-filcd nrechanic's and ttutcrial-men's liens. D) Thc Conpany musr reccive paymcnr of rle appropriarc prcmium. D lf tbcrc has bcen constuction, improvcmenls or major rcpairs undcnaken on the propcny n be purchascd within six months prior to thc Datc of the Comnrimcnt, thc rEquircments to obtain covcsiag€ for unrccordcd liem will includc: disclosurr of certain construction infonnrtiont financiel information rs to thc sellcr, the buildcr rnd or de conrrcbri paymeil of thc appropriate prcmium fully executed Indenrniry Agrccmenls sadsfactory to the company, and, any addirional requiremens as may bc nccessary aftcr aa cxamination of thc afore.said infornution by the Company. No covcrage will bc givcn under any cin:umsunccs for labor or macrial for which drc iusurcd has conuacted for or agrced o pay. Notc: Punuant to CRS l0-l l-123, nodcc is hcrcby givcnt This nodcc applles m owncr's policy comrnitmens conBidng a mineral sevcrancc instrument cxcepdon. or exccpriom, in Schedulc B, Section 2. A) That thcrc is rccorded cvidencc tbat a nrineral cstaE has been scvcred, lqascd. or othcrwisc convcyed from Oc surface cstatu and tlral there is a substantial likclihood tbat a rlrird pany holds some or all intcrcst io oil, gas, othcr nrinerals, or geodretmd cnergy in the property; and B) Thrt slch mincral esatc mry include &c right lo cstcr and usc the pmpcny witlrout the surface owner's pcrmission. Nothing hercin conaincd will bc deerned to obligarc drc company to provide any of rhc covcragcs rafcrred to hercin unles thc abovc condidons arc fully sarisfied. Dtscro$nE 09t01t02 ALTA COMMITMENT ShcduteB-Scction2 @xceptloos)Our Order No. Vt0010541-3 pollcy or polidc to be lsued wlll conteh exccptloos to thc follovlng unlcss Oc sarne erc dbposed ol o tbc satlsfrctlon of lhe Compaly: JR. CREATING A COMMON DRTVEWAY AND COMMON RTGHT OF WAY FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING AND/OR MATNTAINING COMMON UTILITY SERVICES RE@RDED DECEMBER 3, 1986 IN BOOK453 AT PAGE4O2 AND AMENDMENT THERETO NECORDED FEBR,UAR,Y 27, 1997IN BOOK 7t9 AT PAOE 553. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF CI.AIM OF EASEMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 2I. 1994IN BOOK 653 AT PAGE I9'. EASSMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRJCTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THEAMENDED PLAT, A RE-SUBDTVISION OF I.oT I, BLOCI( I, BIGHORN SUBDTVISION FIRST ADDITION RE@R"DED MAY I. I98.:' IN BOOK 4I2 AT PAGE ?6I. TERMS, CONDITIONSAND PROVISIONS OF EASEMENT DEED AND AGREEMENT RECORDED MARCH 24,200d AT RECEPTION NO. E7I73I. THE EFFEC| OF PAVED DRIVEWAY ONTO SEWER EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOO{TION CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY LELAND LECHNER, DATED 4Il3Ic/-, t4| I I I trl t6i |. ,, ALTA COMMITMENT SchcdulcB-Scr:tion2 (Exctptlons)OurOrderNo. V50010541-3 4e poltcy or polldes to be tssrcd will contaln excepllons to the followhg unlcss tbc samc arc disposed of to tbe satlsfacilon of the Company: Righs or clairrs of panics in posscssion not shown by the public rccords. Eascmcns, or claims of cascmcns, not sbown by thc public rccords. Discrepaacies, conflicts in boundary lines, shorugc in arta, encroachnenb, and any facs which a concct survcy and inspcction of thc prcmiscs would disclosc and which arc not shown by tlre public records. Any licn, or dght to a licn, for scrvices, labor or material thercoforc or hcreaftcr furnishcd, imposcd by taw and not stowtr by tlre public rccords. Dcfecs, licru, cncumbnnces, advcrse claims or othcr oattcn, if any, crcatcd, 6m appearing in tbc public rccords or atuching subsequent to tltc cffective date hcrcof but prior to the datc the pmposed insured acquircs of rccord for valuc the cstatc or inrrcs or mongage thercon covered by this Commitmcnt. Tares or special assessmcn$ which are not shown as sxisting liem by thc public records, Liers for unpeid watcr and scwer charges, if eny. ln addition, 6c ovncr's policy will bc srbject to ftc mongage, if any, noted in Scction I of Schcdule B hereof. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTMCT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOI,JLD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETMTE OR INTERSECT TI{E PREMTSES AS RESERVED IN TJNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 22,1939, tN BOOK I23 AT PAGE 625. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CIjUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY. BASED UFON RACE, @LOR, RELIGION. SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDEML LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRJCTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLTCABLE LAW AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 20, 1962, IN BOOK t7.I AT PAGE 403 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL 03, 1963, IN BOOK t75 AT PAGE 33 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MAY 03, 1963, IN BOOK I75 AT PAGE 8I. RESERVATION OF A IO PERCENT NON.PARTICIPATING ROYALTY INTERBST IN MINERAIS MORE FULLY DESCRJBED IN INSTRUMENT RECOR.DED NOVEMBER2, 1962IN BOOK 166 AT PAGE {07. JOINT EASEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN CAROLINE M. SHEAHAN AND CARL W. SUMMERS. 1 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ALTA COMMITMENT SchedulcB-Sectionl (Requtrtmcnts)Our Order No. V50010541-3 Corthucd: ITEM 7 UNDER SCHEDULE 84 WILL BE DELETED UFON PROOF THAT TI{E WATER AND SEWER CHARGES ARE PATD UP TO DATE. t...*++.$ NoTlcE oF FEE CHANGE, EFFECTTVE SEPTEMBER l, 20Q! r*'||.il.. Pursuaot to Colorado Rcviscd Sotutc 3G'10-421, "Ttc county clerk and rccorder shrll collcct e srrchargc of $l,00 for cach documcnt received for rccording or filing in his or hcr office. The surchargc shdl bc in addidon to any othcr fccs permiacd by satute. " ALTA COMMITMENT Schedulc B. Sccrion I (Requlrcments)Our Order No. V50010541-3 Contlnued: RECEPTTON NO. 879052 DTSCLOSES PATR|CTA LINK AS TRUSTEE(S) WHO MAy ACQUIRE, COI{VEY, ENCUMBER. LEASE OR OTHERWISE DEAL WITH INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY FOR SAID TRUST, THE FOLLOWING DELETIONS/MODIFICATIONS ARE FOR THE OWNER'S POLICY. NOTE: ITEMS t.3 OF THE GENEML EXCEPTTONS ARE HEREBY DELETED. UPON THE APPROVAL OF THE COMPANY AND THE RECEIPT OF A NOTARIZED FINAL LIEN AFFIDAVIT, ITEM NO, 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS IS DELETED AS TO ANY LIENS OR FUTURE LIENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUES-T OF THE AMERJCAN TRUST, PATRICIA LINK, TR,USTEE, NorE: lrEM 5 oF THE GENERAL ExcEpfloNs wtLL BE DELETED tF IjND TtrLE GUAMNTEE COMPANY coNDucrs rHE ctosrNc oF THE coNrEMpueret rRAlrsAcrroN(s) AND RECORDS THE DOCUMENTS IN @NNECTION THEREWITI{. NorE: UFoN PRooF oF PAYMENT oF ALL TAxEs, trEM 6 wtLL BE AMENDED To READ: TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YE{R 2OO5 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. CHICA@ TITLE INSUMNCE COMPANY SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LIENS ARISING FROM WORK OR MATERJAL FURNTSHED AT THE REQUEST OF CHARLES S. I i ALTA COMMITMENT SchcdulcB-ScctionI (Rcqulrements) fotlowlog are the requlrcmmts to be complled with: Our Ordcr No. V5@10511-3 hcm (a) Payment !o or for thc account of tbe gnntors or mongaSors of the full considcration for Oc csatc or intcrcst o bc insrrcd. lrcm (b) Proper in$nrnrcnt(g crcating thc cstate or intcrcst to bc insurcd must bc execurd and duly filcd for recod, to-witl Item (c) Payment of all uxes, charg* or assessnrents lcvied and assssscd agairut the subjcct prcmiscs which arc due and payablc. Itcn (d) Additioul requiamcnts, if any discloscd bclow; EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TMNSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. RELEASE OF DEED OF TR,UST DATED MAY 2I.2OO4 FROM PATRICIA LINK TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF CHASE MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION TO SECURE THE SUM OF $7?O,OOO.OO RECORDED JUNE02.2004. UNDER RECEPTION NO. 87905I. DULY EXECUTED AND Aq(NOWLEDOED STATEMENT OF AUTHORITY SETTING FORTH THE NAME OF CHARLES OLIVER II FAMILY TRUST AS A TRUST. THE STATEMENT OF AUTHORJTY MUST STATE UNDER WHICH LAWS THE TRUST WAS CREATED, TIIE MAILING ADDRESS OF THE TRUST, THE NAME AND FOSITION OF THE PERSON(S) AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE INSTRUMENTS CONVEYING, ENCUMBERING, OR OTHERWISE AFFECTINO TITLE TO R8AL PROPERTY ON BEHALF OF THE TRUST AND OTHERWISE COMPLYING WITH THE PROVTSTONS OF SECTTON 3t-30-172, CRS. NOTE: RELEVANT PORTIONS OF THE TRUST AGREEMENT FOR THE ABOVE.NAMED TRUST MUST BE FURNISHED TO I.AND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY PRIOR TO CLOSING SO THAT THE COMPANY CAN CONFIRM THE ACCUMCY OF THE STATEMENTS APPB{RING IN THE STATEMENT OF AUTHORITY. WARRANTY DEED FROM THE AMERICAN TRUST, PATzuCIA LINK. TRUSTEE TO CI{ARLES s. oLrvER AND CrNpy M, COLESOLTVER. AS TO AN UNprVlEp 50% INTEREST. AS JOINT TENANTS AND TR,UST UNDER THE WILL OF HENRY OLIVER. JR.. DATED JANUARY 22. 1964 AND CODICIL JANUARY 3. 1975. ARTICLE FOUR,TH. FOR BENEFIT OF THE CHARLES OLIVER II FAMILY (PNC BANK /IO OI OOI 037865N CONVEYING SUB'ECT PROPERTY. NOTE: AFFIDAVIT/STATEMENT OF AUTHORITY RECORDED JUNE 02. 2004 UNDER l'. P, Chicago Titlc lmuraocc Company ALTA COMMITMENT Scbedule A Our Order No. V500t0541-3 Cust. Ref.: Propcrty Addrcss: 3977 AKA 3967 LUPINE DRIVE A VAIL, CO 81658 EfTectlve Date:June 21. 2005 at 5:@ P.M. Pollcy to bc lssued, nnd hoposed Insured: "ALTA" Owncr's Policy l&17-92 $l,925,000.00 Pmposcd Imurcd: CHARLES S. OLIVERAND CINDY M. COLES.OLIVER, AS TO AN UNDIVIED 50% INTEREST, AS JOINT TENANTS AND TRUST UNDER THE WILL OF HENRY OLIVER. JR,. DATED JANUARY 22. 1964 AND CODICIL 'ANUARY 3. 1976. ARTICLE FOURTH. FOR BENEEI1OEIHE CHARLES OLTVER It FAMILY (PNC BANK fIO OI 001 037865?l "ALTA" loan Policy l0-17-92 Proposed lruurcd: s962.500,00 Tbc cstate or Intrnett itr the land descrlbed or rufcrrrd to In Ols Commltmmt and covercd hcrclo lsl A Fec Sinple Tltle to tbe cstaac or loterest covered hercin b at tte effctlvG drte hereof vested ln! THE AMERIQIN TRUST, PATRICTA LINK, TRUSTEE Tbc land rdcrrtd to lD thls Commltncnt ls descrlbed rs fottows LOT A, AMENDED PLAT, A RESUBDTVISION OF LOT I, BLOCK t, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FIRST ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PIIT RECORDED MAY t, 1985 IN BOOK 4t2 AT PAOE ?6I, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLOMDO. TRUSI UNDER THE W|LL OF HENRY OLTVER JR.. DATEp JANUARY 22. t964 ANp Land Title Guarantee Company Addnss: 3977 AKA 396? LUPINE DRIVE A VAIL, CO 81658 CHARLES S. OLIVER AND CINDY M. COLESOLIVER, AS TO AN UNDIVIED 50% INTEREST. AS JOINT TENANTS AND TRUST UNDER THE WILL OF HENRY OLIVER. JR.. DATED JANUARY 22. THE AMERICAN TRUST, PATRICIA LINK, TRUSTEE Ilare 07.29.2005 Our Order Numbcn V500t0541-3 lltle lVire Information: Banlc FIRSTBANK OF COLOMDO IO4O3 W COT.FAX AVENAE TAKEWOOD, CO 802t5 Phone: 303-237-5(N0 Credtt: IAND TITLE GAARANTBB COMPANY ABA No.: ,07005U7 Accouu: 2160521825 Ancuion: Alwe Dupont aaalaa+'|aa+atalaatalalaataa+ta+afta+taaaaataatat'ttaataatfaaa+aatat Noter Once an orlglnal commltmmt bas bcn lssued, uy subscquent modificailols will be empbesizcd by underlining or commentr. tla+fffrrarrttrrtafaaaaataalataa+atataaaaraiaaa'l'rtf++'laa++taaaaaaa Necd e map or dlrtc ons foryou; upcomlpg closlag? Chcck our land Tiile's wcb slte at www.ltgc.com for directirins lo nay of our 5r ornce tocauo!.s. ESTIMATE OF TITLE ]EES Alu Owners Policy lGlT-92 (Rcisue Rarc) Alta Lran Pollcv l(Fl?-92 Dcletion of Exceptions t.3 (Owner) Delction of General Exccption 4 (Owncr) Tax Rcpon #ROl lE95 $2 ,457 . 00 str ao. oo 930 .00 s70.00 975 ,00 tl !|!d tl t.l. At.ra.c.. Co{r.!t rll.l b al.,.trt !!J, !rErac!l.!,.br. 1... rJIt D. ooll.caoC at Cta! g&.. TOTAL s2 ,652 ,00 t n Cc|GlCl rllaa THAT'IK YOU TOR YOTN ON,DERI FITE COP| Deparnn en t of Community Deuelopment 75 South l'rontage Road Vail, Cotorndo 81657 970-479-2 t.18 FAX 970-479-2.{52 tuwu.uii lgou.com May 7,2007 TAB Associates, Inc. Attn: David Kenney PO Box 7431 Avon, CO 816210 RE: Dear David, The Town of Vail Staff has reviewed the proposed amended final plat application for amendments io the GRFA plat restriction on the Oliver's property at3977 Lupine Drive. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: 1. The main title must be corrected trom "Exemption Plat"to "Amended Final PIat". 2. ln note #1 : "apporued" must be corrected lo "apqoved". 3. The Gore Creek Floodplain and note #6 must be corrected to reflect the mosl recent floodplain study data - please contact the Town ol Vail Public Works Department. 4. Note #6 must also be corrected to add the following: "Verify the current adoptod floodplain mao with the Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator." 5. A note must be added stating: "Lot lA is allowed a maximum of 4,610.5 sq' ft' of gross residentiat floor area (GRFA), as defined by the Vail Town Code"' 6. The Town Council Certificate must be deleted. please submit a corrected plat addressing the above listed comments by no later than Noon, on Wednesday, May 9, 2007. lf you have any questions, please leel free lo conlacl me direclly at 479'2173. Sincerely, Oliver Residence- Amended Final Plat 3977 Lupine Drive/Lol 1A, Block 1, Bighorn Subdivision 1s'Addition A4z-: &.4-<----- Bilt Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail CC; Peak Land SurveYing {S h'rr",.r, ,.nr,,* Owner BOEHLAND, THOMAS & KIM N..JT 6321 INTERLACHEN BLVD EDTNA, MN 55436-0000 BREEDEN, ROBERT N. & SUSAN C. -JT C/O CITIBANK ARR 33 CANADA SQ CITIGROUP CENTRE LONDON E14 5LB UK HALEY, VALORIE A & JAMES E. 3988 A LUPINE DR vAtL, co 81657 M. JOSEPH MCHUGH & BRENDA B. MCHUGH REVOCABLE TRUST 6334 GLENDORA AVE DALLAS, TX 75230 CHERYL ANN SLUSHER LOCKTON QPR TRUST 2 CHERYL ANN LOCKTON REVOCABLE TRUST 444 W 47'lH ST STE 900 KANSAS CITY, MO 64112-1906 LUX, DAVID M - D.T. LUX ENTERPRISES LTD . KCC.VAIL LLC 1270 MESA AVE COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80906 DOCKSTADER, RODGERS A. & I\iIARY B. JT PO BOX 2889 vAtL, co 81658 MCKEEVER OPR TRUST 2552 E ALAMEDA 86 DENVER, CO 80209 GINSBERG, STUART & LISA .JT 43 LAWRENCE FARMS CROSSWAY CHAPPAQUA, NY 10514 ISMCS, KAYE M. & VERNON A JR 13 SUNSET DR CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE, CO 801104033 BURROW, WILLIAM F., JR, & JANIS S, C/O SAGE LAND COMPANY 171 7 W 6TH ST STE 390 AUSTIN. TX 78703 Physical Address 003966 LUPINE DR, Unitl VAIL AREA 003966 LUPINE DR, Unit 2 VAIL AREA 003988 LUPINE DR, A VAIL AREA OO4O14 BIGHORN RD VAIL AREA 003994 BIGHORN RD VAIL AREA 003988 LUPINE DR, B VAIL AREA 003987 LUPINE DR VAIL AREA OO4O3O BIGHORN RD VAIL AREA OO4O34 BIGHORN RD VAIL AREA 003987 LUPINE DR, A VAIL AREA 003967 LUPINE DR VAIL AREA Legal Description SUB:BIGHORN 1 ST ADDITION BLK:2 DESC: PARCEL B BK-0618 PG-0979 MAP 09-09-93 R818847 QCD 12-18-02 SUB:BIGHORN 1ST ADDITION BLK:2 DESC: PARCEL A BK-0618 PG-0979 MAP 09-09-93 SUB:BIGHORN 1ST ADDITION BLK:2 LOT:2-A BK-0304 PG-0167 SUB:GORE CREEK PARK BLK:- LOT:1 R687581 QCD 02-16-99 SUB:GORE CREEK PARK BLK:- LOT:2 BK-0491 PG-0274 WD 09-06-88 R777469 SWD 10-31-01 R777470 SWD 't0-3't-0't R77747't SWD 10-31-01 R777472 SWD 10-31-01 R787934 QCD 03-01-02 R912186 SWD 03-22-05 R912187 SWD 03-22-05 SUB:BIGHORN 1ST ADDITION BLK:2 LOT:2-B BK-0304 PG-o167 BK-0494 PG-0020 QCD 10-20-88 SUB:BIGHORN SUB LOT:8 DESC: PARCEL B BK-0390 PG-0318 BK-0391 PG-0007 07-23-84 R875293 QCD 03-25-04 R876744 QCD 05-06-04 SUB:BIGHORN SUB BLK:- LOT:1-B BK-0677 PG-0923 QCD 07-26-95 BK-0680 PG-0112 QCD 11-03-95 R662112 QCD 07-01-98 R815308 oCD 11-25-0? R822316 WD 12-18-02 R825398 WD 12-'t8-02 SUB:BIGHORN SUB BLK:- LOT:1-A BK-0453 PG-o525 0CD 1 1-24-86 BK-0561 PG-0168 QCD 08-09-91 BK-0677 PG-0923 0CD 07-26-95 BK-0687 PG-0405 QCD 01-26-96 SUB:BIGHORN SUB BLK:- LOT:8 DESC: PARCEL A BK-0391 PG-OOO6 OCD 07 -23-U BK-0425 PG-0364 07-11-85 SUB:BIGHORN 1ST ADDITION BLK:1 LOT:1 DESC: LOT B BK-0386 PG-0444 BK-0395 PG-o153 07-30-84 BK-04'12 PG-0761 BK-0719 PG-0553 EAS 02-27-97 R740301 QCD 09-11-00 R929375 MAP 09-1 3-05 r'ill COPY BIGHORN SECOND ADDIT!ON ir"-:zF" VICINITY MAP NO SCALE NOTES: 1) llre purpose of this plot ls to only obondon the exirtlng plot restrictlon for Lot B regording the drlvewoY occcss. a)- r-ot e lr ollowsd o moxlmum of 4,610'5 8q' ft' of GRFA' 3) Dote of SurveY August, 2005. 4)LondTltlaGuoronteeComPanycornmltmentNo'\6@1O877dotedJwre30'2@5 w'oc relid ofi for oll title ond oolcm3nt informotion' 5) Notloe: Accordlnq to Colorodo low you must commcncc o'l y bgd octftort ;fu;';;;.";;;;fi"f i" thio or.o"v within tnree )aong oftff vou flrat ai"o""i"u"n defcct. In n" eu"ni, '6oy ony oction -bo3ed rlpon ony. dcfect in i;i;;;;"t;;;mmcnceo more ihon-tcn veors from the dote of the certlflcotlon shown hcreon. ;iH;;i.';i B;;;itg;i A-llne connectino {9qnd monumcnte morkins the most westerlv ond southerty cornorc or Lli -al" n i"""irdivislon of Lot 1, Blghorn Subdlvision, First Addttlon. 7) Buildlng, decks, drlvewoy, ond numerous encroochments exists on Lot B These imorovemcnts 016 not "noiln p". thc requeat of the Town of Voil Plonning Deportment' SUBJECT SITE InT ? rl II t:; rli sfi \, ,o .f d "fi8 ,iii 6 fiiiE riil tle r rii i It ri rt ti i;i: 5P "i n 'F|l II E SIEI t6l Esl I s:El I U tt tq t! i! It |l lr il qt I II tit! il;; ttH: I!;i lii-!ll; illi i!iN ":-E I t it ;l !Ei #* t- le I' FN !r$ *lt tt, Iii ,fn !tr1 ffi]'l $i l I I 8g [iI b :.8 e-6 F3H :FE sii EE I to Bighorn 1'tAddition, Lot 1, Blk 1, Unit A 210 1 111 02 012 oluf 77-slcldton I J fho5.3,3cs6 4t G&rn ,-ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depaftrnent of C-ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, C-olorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: wwwci.vail.co.us ProjectName: LINKRESIDENCE DRBNumber: DR8040423 Project DescripUon: TREE REMOVAL Participants: OWNER AMERICANTRUSI/PATRICIA uNK08/19/2004 Phone: PATRICIA UNK TRUSTEE 90 E END AVE 148 NEWYORK, NY 10028 License: APPUCANT A CUT ABOVE FORESTRY O8lt9/2004 Phone: 970-453-9154 P.O. BOX 7133 BRECKENRIDGE, CO 80424 License: ProjectAddress: 3967 LUPINE DR VAIL Location: 3977 LUPINE DR. Legal Description: Lot: 1-A Block 1 Subdivision: BIGHORN lST ADDnON Parcel Number: 210111102012 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: ROGERS Action: APPROVED Second By: HANLON Vote: 5-0 Date of Approval: 0910U2004 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review commiftee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion, Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO TOI,IA'M General Information: Location ofthe Proposalz wl A etoc*t 1- subdivision Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs Conceptual Review New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (m ultFtumily/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-fam ily/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request t,. Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application' _PleasE r I refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Revl9\ Its cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The- . project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. besign review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Descri ofthe Request: ittisio Physical Address:77 , y'-: / Parcel No,:7l Ol I l 'O 2 O t ? (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) #r Owner(s)re(s): Name of Applacant: E-mail Address:rax 524 - ofJ J frrrr,, - Aiii, I '$50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee ,tt (-, q /* .L o tr tr tr v tr tr Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Botanical Name PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name :il:",ilJ"' 4ce,u Q,go's STuze Size / 8 EXrsrrNG'*"' Wret-L&W" tlLLe |^"- ro BE REMovEo W;-e p^.1*,1-* -TFP;-- --z-t- --f - 10" Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 5' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of r2l1Zl07l02 o UTILITY o ON APPROVAL & VERIFICATI This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility seryices, and also to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, ftoor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. Authorized Siqnature Comments Date QWEST 970.384.0257(fax) Contacts: Scott Carrington 970,458.6860 Jason Sharp 970.384.0238 EXCET HIGH PRESSURE GAS 97A.262.4076 (tel) Contact: Rich Sisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970,949.5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogart 97 0.262.4024 lim O'neal 970,262.4003 EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact; Fred Haslee COMCAST CABLE 970.949.1224 x 112 (tel) 970.949,9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar NOTES: 1, If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utility locations must be obtained before diqqinq in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildino permit is not a Public Wav permit and must be obtained separatelv. The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re- verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the comment area of this form). Developer's Signature Date *************tl**l.**++***ir***:r*********rr**r.**'r*+**'t*'t{.****t r.***+*****{.**********'}'f **r****+*** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * *t* * ** * ** {':r *,* ** * * + * * * r! '* * *'r * r.,f ***********r!r.**++**r.**'r*r.rrr.***+********'}****+i(*'*'*****t ******:}* Statement Number: eO400O5452 Amount: $20.00 O8/L9/20O401 ;O3 PM Palment Method: Cbeck Init : iIS Notation: #416?/STEVEN TARRJANT Permit No: DR8040423 I:fpe: DRB-Minor AIt,SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2LO1L!LOZOL2 Site Address: 3957 L,UPINE DR VAIIJ Location: 397? L,UPfNE DR. Total FeeB: 920.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total Alrr Pmt,s: $20.00 Balance: S0. 00 !t * * ** + * * * * * '1. *,** *'*** * * * ** * * 'r * t ********rt:tr*,irt{.*****,t'*xr.************'tr.'k***+****'**t **********'f 'r** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESJGN REV]Eh FEES 20.00 t00ztzu8 i00ztzug G I I ,{ "-{ I l I s \s \/ ,. - "{, -,\ '-i" - -' :. -q.s"\ .'t. -r-_..j i'f' r ., o t 1988 o o z a {F o -{o z T ln 7 3 { { @ m Iq i-o .:-!t l-{ l..i O l<x I l.It >l t lm: 6 l.); J f+x)lri 9.t=;o ta9 h o l<; 3 | --{ F I := o< to u<;!g (;o ctt >l 7-e _rl m = <r9 t!> e>"'r- rr E4r F4r L--j D<J X ] (, -n -O ! cc !z< F >=; --l = a> &8ft --- (]z =o ni il lr l(/) | IEU t'i 13o l- 'n .^m @< {{o (D m x m -It -{ z o TD 9 -t m !m n =-l z o E r F z z IA r f-l t- I l-- h I I a (: (t., (-t crl Z^ _--i )J -r o; m T z c) 9p -{c 3= d6 m -l ^|- 9.n -tm az >m -l>=m o I z 3 ft F fi H z FI -z H F h I' itJ mlO 6l= lo lrl t<t> lF l* lF) la I I I lr tI lO In t{ E,lz l/lo l,F tn I ti, l< liv t= t." l+ lcE tol:- 12 14 lol tr tl I tf lf-l loP1.. li" lh tvt.l' l'. n = E z F t- z .)E =b <F [> F,E <t; !Jm zlt Y I lw lx I I LJI P lX \ol tl L^l r\Jl ol I z m c-r E- z B D r l>Ft p tI Y Its l- Itr It tfc t> IH lx lxl ll'rl IF IF la) f*<.-1 {ct{ffi Ffi :4{rx E F+tl H ! ! u) I L' H l= lz ll t> IF lr l$lz l-r to l{ lz lo l-n t<t> lF II lm lP lz le I 1.,: I l't v' I t/ l-{to l{ lz lo tl lI lr lm l=lo I l,/l/,.,(/i l"..l4 t' IO tr€ zB r-1-'z = z>eR r6 I<+< >o o>ml tDo z c z =g) z c/)c -: z -l I o z m t c m ;9.('F. z t-|-1 m o 2 - z 4 ITI c b _n N- x<x! >'r ZO O vr, o6t Zc: :=zz Flo =9 -m "?i 'Etn <8 P= ;z Y^ =j Fi -,1 ;.'.1 vl EI El € 3 H {H H F z { 3E3a - o!-d 3699 oR iiP 6iP)+ '=<Rt o{E6- *jrt' (/) o:af o ;iE -f Y;i= h:-=E --ioro i Q B.a o^,gr: 3aF=@g+o 6s1€_1C c'! e.3- = il "r a !.3 5s3"i (rr3l= ue4 & 5 =.5 E @3pl *otdr E;F= Es;q <o-f E:AP d s;E l 3iei S ut a'=-'Pga f r;€(o3-X o t !, o t = (! =. (o FT o El F- (t € {-r td F i-l fr €<. F>.iF e <td H XHTT E{H FZ -JdO o' F. o z -{ o o -rt o 'r -o m t-'t I lo ,P IF I rE 'n rE la I I I Cl - '11 =lCnO lr<T lxd lO; rF 't{ I I I z = 2 ,', -l o :]F -@ UF zo 72 nz wQ lrt -'l --m .,o @l v)l 14l ul t. rft F 14 a)r!, H rtt -l --t a-.It m ='Tl m m at) m z m i m I o z s ft! =@ @ ; z !m = = t- z c)I m o ^ m n = ='r'l m m o VATUATION l. =.2 N) N) (.1) (R+ trtus I I +{t or o;m- .-,.' r':-t ^!>; {;;rr.|-J ri 9-nf rT|:H:o;=5 I *=1 3 m Fo i,"-=3 <F:! --: 6 "'€r -{- O rnI ;f'Y:^=E >";> -:f, -3 ni >:l ar=;^tgl tn !:b <= c)o 2 v) -l c o =o z T m 3 -{ z o -j m I o o -It o 'rl .T X, I t- lI} !r- . 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Al (ot ol O( (Dr ori 6( (D; c'r o- ON tro tr=)- D5 !- ,9 ,< 19. o .o I o 6' i m n o.{ lll o o z o ..1 o r1 o !i <l 6l anl qt >z r m = ls :..O-.o<8; >'n 2a)v9 o; I6!; Ei OO zz v) lo l!' lr c : z lm t=lz F t;lo lo l^ =l ^t !€ofil =Z 1A .'z -a, tl l \\ l-.| \l o o o o z c z at, I I z ! r)m -.4 I z a =ani -{ o o J o z ,- !m =-'a,z m m o m .o l<" 2<^ L'F PH p18 Fi lo n6 H5 m = =n m m v, c =-t o 6 o ^t- m z m 2 z an t ct :- o .D I -{ i |- m ='tl m m (n l9i El f :\ t-r l<t\el I r, tv !2. rgtf Al = J\_tr|6lw ol q;? =;9,) t i[ |'r I lg ll ll o, t' 9l l\o ;l -r,) r '}-*-.- ! z z F - z z m ls ri $ \ VAt UATION -'rto >t:f-l >lz l6 t> ! = = .l1 m o a\\-l f-\\\c\ o c4 o .0 0 o o '.." I x X x. e fv a't f+ arle Hl -l f-l g a+fg tl f{t a \E9 r.t |1 J L+r1 gt F -.f't ,F \- GI tl ts -. -ar+ -a EI'f{l E gt -tr Fr H F -dr F v d. -a FI |ll E'f9 t I F3 FT E -a -.!1 FI -|.+ t<-r **xr *=-.1 "r ;:;o 3;5X ooi!;Fr.r-D av--lA \J=\ir-'FifH X^- -KUiF {olE rn F-,-:)a+-l(-F]H=E ' *rrt:q On3 <;i ZA*., 3Eo i^i>*J x> +F-H >fn*EJ -a'-.i ! an zr(f FceF =7rt YQZ Z=:l 11anl,- -"r !,< _3i';:jttH =Zc do3 r-i !/ ,l'a\>u 3=g :iE r-tA\ :=R kro .:\J l, lr: fI z J p F ti H z UZ H z z tr,€ z F rI' Frl F t H l- c o a F v) H z H H F F o I l.l) ca t I z u)lJl \cr -t () z R. -{ = Fl F (-. F P Ir H z ({ \o ! \,1 F Fd H a F H rq F € F F F H -P z H F H z v,€ z g t!,F o \o CD \o '+tiiZii .' =:l : - ^ -5;:4 +1 ;i5ig:+l" : 5 i :;-i = i ! :-,; = E ; ; 1;-Z a L =--5'tEa Ld !-i o-.- :^: g= -. =.' -.- ,' t - -, - 4 i : ? " l: +:: 3 = i'-"r :2ar i2 a::.9;i -a:e-=.8 . =- l i e :: iz19 2 i = l.+t E eiii i I3 +i F;r,: r-i t ^': ; i i f l F z U'H F z x =. =' :: 9. o o i 2 o z 6 o T o FI o u"'tro;i';;*;,o8"u' Plan analysis the 1985 Uniforn Project Id: B.J. GRALfNO RES.Address: LOT,1A BLK,l- BIGHORN 1ST. Occupancy: R3,I{L Type of Const: V-N NoTE:The code items listed in this report listing of all possible code requirernents selected sections of the code. based on Building Code Date: October 13, 1988 Contractor: RBD, INC.Architect: V.I{. DONALDSON Engineer: NONE PlaNs Examiner: GARY MURRAIN are not intended to be a conplete in the 1985 UBC. It is a guide to DIRECTION BOUNDARY NORTH Property line EAST Property line SOUTH Property line WEST Property line Area increased 50.O0? NAME SEPARATION AREA INCREASE 3O.0 Feet 66.0 Feet l-6.0 Feet 64.0 Feet for open area on OCC MAX FLR FIRE PROTECTION 30.O Feet 66.0 Feet 16.O Feet 64. O Feet 2 sides. AREA ALIOWED RATIO STATUS FL 2 Dwelling TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1 Dwelling 1- Parking carage TOT.AL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL ok ok ok R3 R3 M1 1L98 Unlinited 1198 Unlimited 1090 Unlinited 399 Unlinited 1489 Unlinited 2687 Unlinited ok ok ok ok ok ok $::;.H"i;:,';:;. "*",*o Q".Address: LOTTlA BLK,L BIGHORN LST. occ R3 ML EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG I{AI,L WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None ohr ohr None ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterior walls rnay be of COMBUSTIBLE rnaterial . Sec.22OI. None -- No fire protection reguirements for openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protected rrith 3/4 hr fire assemblies. SOt of the area of the wall maximum. Sec.2203.(b) & Table 5-A Maxirnurn single window size is 84 sg.ft with no dimension greater than L2 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- Openings are not permitted in this wall.* -- These walls may be required to have a parapet wall 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wall is required to have the same f,ire rating as the wall. See section L709. for details and exceptions. OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS ELEMENT MATERIAL Interior Bearing wall Any Interior nonbrg wall Any Structural Frame Any Exterior Struct Frame Any Shaft Enclosure Any FloorlCeiling Assenbly Any Roof/Ceiling Assenbly Any Stairs Any OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS R3-M1 l-hr Materials approved Itarage side only and 1 3/8 inch s03. (d) ex #s ADDITIONAL SEPARATIONS FOR R3 OCCUPANCY: FOR M1 OCCUPANCY: ohr Ohr Ohr ohr thr 0hr 0hr None Table l-7-A RATING NOTES See footnote #1 See Footnote #9 NOTE: See Sec. 1706. (a) for Shaft Enclosure exceptions. FOOTNOTES:1) Minirnurn on exterior side also based on exterior brg. wall requirernents.9) rn areas with vehicles or airplanes, the floor surface shaLl be of nonconhustible, nonabsorbent materiaLs. -- Sec. 7OZ.(b) & 902.(b) for thr construction are required on the solid core, self-closing door. -- Sec. s:ff.Ii"ffi:,';:;. "* ","oQ,.Address: LOTTlA BIJKT1 BIGHORN 1ST. EXTT REQUTREMENTS:FL NAME OCCI'PANT NWBER EXIT rcAD REQUTRED WrD?H [ft. ] PANIC RATED HDWR CORRIDOR DOOR NOTES SWING 2 Dwelling 4 t O.t No TorAL 4 1( 1) o.1( 0.1) No 1 Dwelling 4 t o.1 No 1 Parking carage 2 L O.O No ToTAL 6 1( t) 0.1( 0.2) No Door swing is based on Sec. 3304. (b) except as noted.Occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Nurnber of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noted.Exit width is based on Sec. 3303. (b) The numbers in ( ) are include occupant loading fron floors floor. -- Sec. 3303. (b) FOOTNOTNS: No No No No No above this N/R N/R N/R N,/R N/R STAIR NOTES: A stairway in.a dwelling rnust be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The maxirnum rise of a step is 8 inches and the rnininrum run is 9 inches.-- Sec. 3306. (c) exc.#1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 30 to 34 inches above the nosing if there is more than 4 risers. -- Sec. 3306. (j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimun height =36 inches, naximurn opening size=5 inches. -- Sec. 1211. evrc, 2 The ninirnum headroom is 6 ft.- 6 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (n) ROOFING REQUIREMENTS:1) The roofing on trris building is not regulred to be fire retardant.-- Sec.3202. (b) 1. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS : I{AI-,L AND CETLTNG FTNTSH:l-) WaIl and ceiling finish materials are required to conply with Sec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-8.2) Carpeting on wal-ls and ceiling are required to have a Class I flarne spread rating. -- Sec. 4204.(b) TNSUI,ATTON NOTES:1) AII insulation material including facings are required to have a flarne-spread rating af 25 or less and a maximun snoke density of 450 unless it is in a concealed space and the facing is in contact with a wall or ceiling. -- Sec. L7L3.(c) exc.f2 2) Foarn prastic insulations are reguired to be protected. -- sec. L7Lz. ;:3;"::"+;:,';:;. "*",*oQ,.Address: I,oT,LA BL;K,I BIGHORN 1ST. GINZ ING REQUIREI'IENTS :L) AIl glazing Ln hazardous locations is required to be of safety gLazing naterial . -- Sec. 5406. (d) ADDTTTONAL REQUTREMENTS :For R3 occupancy Provide a window or door to the exterior fron every roorn used for sleeping. -- Sec. L2O4. A-window must provide a clear open area of 5.7 sq,.ft., a clear height of 24 inches, and a clear width of 20 inches(rninihurn). -- Sec. t2O4. Al,1 habitable rooms require exterior glazed openings eguar to LOt or more of the floor area. (nin l_0 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1205. (a) Alr habitabre rooms require an operabre exterior openings equal to 5t or more of the floor area. (nin 5 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1205.(a) The ninimum ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feet 6 inches except kitchens, halls, and baths may have a ceiling height of 7 feet. l- Sec. -- l-207. (a) Provide a smoke detector in all areas having access to sleeping rooms. -- Sec. 1210. (a) For Ml- occupancy the Project Id: B.J. GRALINO RES.Address: LOT,IA BLK,1 BIGHORN Occupancy: R3 , Ml- Type of Const: V-N IDENTIFICATION o u"|io:i';;e1;,03"u' o Plan review based on 1985 Uniforn Building Code 1ST. Date: October 13, Lggg Contractor: RBD, INC,Architect: V.M. DONALDSON Engineer: NONE Plans Examiner; GARY MURRAIN CORRECTION REQUIRAD 1 A-4 2 A-4 A-4 A-4 A-4 A-4 A-4 10 A-4 Note Note A-4 Fireplace The flue chase is required to be in a Lhr. shaft. Mechanical room This roorn is reguired to have a floor drain as per. L985 U.l{.C. Mechanical room A11 mechanical equiprnent located in or having access from the garage vhich generates a glowrspark or a flame must be at least 18r, off the garage floor Sec.--508 l-985 U.U.C. Mechanical room lhis roon rnust have combustion air as required by sec.--602 (a) of l_985 U.M.C. Foundation vent. Under-floor areas shall be ventilated as per.sec.--2516 (c)6 of the 1985 U.B.C. Under-floor areas The crawl space must be assessible with a mininum LSttx 24,'as per. sec.--25L6 (c) 2 of the Note 1985 U.B.C. This area requires glazed opening(s) having an area egual to 10? or more of the floor area. -- Sec. 1205. (a) This area reguires operable exterior opening(s)having an area egual to 58 or more of the floor area. -- Sec. 1205. (a) This area requires an exterior opening for emerg:ency escape or rescue with clear area/dinensions specified. -- Sec. L2o4. A smoke detector is required in the access area to all rooms used for sleeping purposes. -- Sec. Note r.210. (a) Garage to house This is required to be a t hour assernbly since it is an occupancy separation. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503. (c) A-4 11 A-4 Requrreo correcEions for: I Project Id.: B.J. GRALINo R:ES. Address: LOTTlA BLK,L BIGHORN 1ST.# SHEET TDENTTFICATTON o CORRECTTON REQUTRED L2 N/A Note Include a copy of the soils report for the site to be built on. Buildinq Departnent Town of-Vail VaiLr CO 81657 wyaleveld Construction, Inc P. O.Box 657 Edwardsr CO 81632 August 24t 1989 RE: tilain Electricar cut on Lupine Drive in East vair -DI.B.T Qrc\rno (oornr) Dear BuiLding Department, Due to an unusual situation on Lot t-A, bLock l, Lupine Drive in the Bighorn subalivision in East Vailr a direct burial nain service line was buried in sshedule 40 pipe.PubIic Service broke this Iine that ltoly Cross located. The line was located in error. public Service spliced and patched the line. The General Contractor i.e. Steven F. Wydeveld, waives any liability the Town of Vail and its employees nay have in regards to this rnain electricaL service now or in the future. Town of Building Vai1, C0 lJydeveld P.0.Box Edwards, Vail Depar tnent Constructlon, Inc o) I c0 81632 o on Dr, B.J.GrallnoIs East Vai1, C0: August 14, 1989 Dear Slrs, The following subcontractors are working at 1ot 1-A block I Blghorn Subdlvlsion, house located Plumber Va11ey Wide Plumbing Avon, C0 Elec tlc IIess Electric Eag1e, C0 If you have any questions,please 1et us know, 1) 2) - . i'r ) .t)l .,- lnwn u llal 75 south lrontage .oad vail. colo.ado 81657 (303) 476-7000 department of public works/tra nsportatlon TO: FROM: DATE: RE: rn sumnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that 1t Ls unlawful for any person to lltcer, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrls or rat"iiil, including trash dumpscers, .portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any sEreeE,sidewark, a1ley or public place or any portion Ehereof. The right-of-way on all Town of vail streets and roads ls approxirnacely 5 ft..off pavement.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Ton'n of vail public works Deparcment. Persons found violating thls ordinance will be given 24-hour wriEEen notice to remove said naterial. rn the evenl the person so notified does noc cornply with the notice within the 24-hour tirne specified, the Public works Department will remove sal-d mate.rial at the exDense of person notified. The provisions of this ordinance sharl noE be appticable io con'structlon, maincenance or repair projects of any stre€t or a11ey or any utillties in the right-of-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in ful1, Deparlnent to obtain a copy. Thank Read and Acknowledged by: KB,D,lNc- W please stop by the Tor"m of Vail Building you for your coopera!ion ln this matter. VAIL1989 I'{EMOMNDIIM ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH THE TOi.IN OF VAIL TOI.IN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT MARCH 16, 1988 ORDINANCE NO. 6 =l:lD* Engineering Consultants 953 So. Frontage Rd. West, Suite 202 Vail, Colorado 81657 303/476€340 \" .'' 1.'t'r- December 26, 1988 Mr. Mark Donaldson Victor Mark Donaldson, Architect P.O. Box 5300 L \ v-..\'- \ nvon299-=Rr 620 --...---_____ Rf,: Grallno Residence \ ',. Vail Pernit No. 3591 ..=.-_*-< Dear Mark: fn a recent conversation I have had with Dr. Gralino, lt became obvious that he is very uneomfortable with the proposal f have submitted to him for RBD, Ine., to eonstruction manage the building of his home in Vail. He would prefer to have a firm bid frorn a general contractor. I tried to explain the merits of a construction management contract to him. f also explained fhat. RBD is able to act as construction manag'er but not as a general eontraetor and that to personally general contract his home on the side vould not be to anyone's advantage. It would not be fair to RBD, f could not dedicate enough time t.o Dr. Gralino, and, to do it properly. f would have to provide builder's risk insurance, worker's compensation insuranee, €tc., that substantially adds to the cost of one single building project. Because he has had a good working relationship with you, ve discussed your continuanee in the project. I suggested to him that you assist in canvassing competilive bids from several area general eontraetors you might recommend. Other Otffces: Fort Cotlins, Colorado 303/226-{955 r Colorado Sprlngs, Colorado 719157+3W \ --\. '\\ _ .i4i .-tr.f itlF4q l am sending you t,he building permit issued by the Town of Vail and the plan check set, issued by the Town of Vail. You should retain this material in your file until such lime as it can be re-assigned and receipted for by the general contractor of Dr.Gralino's choosing. r rri11 provide you with any other lnforrnatlon you may need and vill assist you in any way I can through the transition. The Town of Vait Building Official r,rilI be made aware throuqh copy of this correspondence Very truly yours, RBD, fnc. Kent R. Rose, P.E.Project Manager cc: Dr. Gral ino --Mr. Gary Murrain r/ r{RR/r1mj Page 2 Nicholas Lamplrls, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST 0793 VALLEY ROAD CARBONDALE, COLORADO 81623 (303) 96+3600 (24 HOURSI Jurly 36r lgBE Dr. F. J. 6ral i no 1.1,,l-ornbardy Terrace Fort tdorth , Tex as , 76l I? FiE: 6eologic Str-rdy Dear Dr 6ralino: t.l3Y" investigated the architectlrrar plans {or the homesite within the Town o{ vail which li*= u*tr**n Lurpi ne Drive and Gore creel: . Arthor-tgh that general "r** contains rones of "high roctr':+al l harardr " these are restricted to soL(th o+L-r-rpi ne Dri ve i n thi s i mrnedi ate vi c:. ni ty. The pl acement of your homesite on the 6ore Creel: hal{ of the l'tt and the shi*iuing e++eci-.i exigting nom*, ".ror= Lurpine Drive should asslrre that rock{alls wilI not reach yourr proposed home. Obvioursly, there will be no miiifation necessary and certainly none that courl d adversel i a++ect a nei ghbor, The br-ri l di ng 'f tne nome r.ri I I al so not r ncrease roc!':f aI1 harard to any neighbor. It is rny urnderstandi ng that the home ig not to be'in ttie iOC, y*", {lood plain. The site is one with a potentially high ground water table,and that thi s shor-rl d be taf..:en i nto consi derati'n when designing your home. .A. :oi ls engineering report is advisable to i nsrrre prclper f or-tndation aesi{n. rf you have {urther qt-testi ons, please do not hesitati to conract me. 5i ncerel y.4'/J..4 .t-.-yqrl C?w>f,l/l^4 Ni chol *= r-*rpli.iI EonsL(]ting Geologist \ \ \ \) (- -t\\ -,*j \\ I i INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMI DATE ROF \j'T NUMBE t'\..'r PROJEC -{ '' ., -- i \ ^i, INSPECTION:.\.., ,a.\ a T JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: ,THUR ' ,\FRl BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR - -INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT '\f .^ \',r "4,,',DATE '.. -r..'.t>, , r t JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI ) LOCATION: (;f,'.. s' ' CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEI tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING ^ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D tr #,ro,-tr FINAL O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PriFsuop I - ).1 i .\i JoB NAME Li'-- {\ \'l .,.. ,1 r\INSPECTION TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: /'--\' MON t. WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE* tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB o FINAL O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING _. ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL $LqppnovEo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED onre ,/2-3a- ?2 rNSPEcroR PrSis,,o" Project Applicatlon -i ,,,/r, ,/-' Project Name: Proiect Oescription: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPFOVAL Summary: i/ Town Planner // /,4 Date: E staft Approval I "l o APPLICATION DATE:$ru% DATE OF DRB IIEETI|.IG: DRB APPLICATION *****THIs APPLICATION t,lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORI'IATION I5 SUBIIIT;ED**** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to A-elermiir! if any additional 'information is needed. No application will be.accepted unless it js complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). it ii ttr" applicint's respons'i bility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional subm'i ttai requirements. P'l ease note that a COI'IPLETE applica- iion wil'l strejmline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of ConOitions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued B. ot) telephone @ilW<4A tetephone 741"gUo F OWNERS: The fee wjll be paid at the time a buiiding permit is requested' rE.L @!)12s-4N Address t. uKd rLE: VALUAT I ON 0 - $ 10,000 10,001 - $ 50,000 50,001 - $ 150,000 50,001 - $ 500,000 00,001 - $1,000,000 0ver $1,000,000 $ $ R $1 CC s $ 10.00 $ 2s.oo $ s0.00 $100 .00 $200.00 $300.00 II4PORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addjt'i on to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the s'i te to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should aiso be markLd. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. Z, The revierv process for NEH BUILDINGS rvill normally invo)ve t','ro separate meet'i ngs of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least tlo meetings for their approval . 3. Peopie who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. A. pRoJEcr DEScRrprr'N, qNArL WtUt( FAWKL LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Addres s Lesal Description rct(FTA @@ Zonins AilJ(,(t rryilul wwYltr t,li'ltj o?w1L I C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Addres s D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Add res s NAI'IE OF S i gnature te1 ephone 4. The following items no longer have to be presented to the Design Review Board' They, howei";,';il; io Uu pi.t.ni.o-io-irtb i-nins niminisffatoi for approval : a.!.lindorvs'skylis|'!,.lld.limjlarexteriorchangesthatdonota.Iterthe existins pline-of the bui lding; and b.Bu.ildingadditions.thatarenotvjewedfromanyother]ot^ol!:b]j.space' which hive had tetters suuiiiiea'fiom aoio'ining piopertv owlel: approving the addition; and/or approvai from the agent firl'ol-*anugut of a condominium as soci ati on ' 5. you may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property' You should in".f-i,ith a Town Planner before proceed'i ng' NAI.1E OF PIIOJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTIOII STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTIOiI OF PR LIST OF i'IATIRIALS The follorving information is required for submittal Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING i'lATERIALS: TYPE OF I'IATERIAL Roof Siding Other Wal l l'laterials Fascia Soff its lJi ndovrs l,lindol Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashings Chi mneys Trash Enc'l osures Greenhou s es 0ther B. LAIIDSCAP I IIG :Name of Designer: phone: by the applicant to the Design Review COLOR Pnp+W C. L FtrVtY-l, *\rydlrlJ efi) AnD4N- ?LIN PLAi,IT I"IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name EXISTING TREES TO BE RE|'IOVED Conrnon ltlame Quani t:r Si ze* for con ifers . (over) "'4-1lt oxH"frt *lndicate calioer for deciducious trees.Indicate height ZOIIE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/5 ZOI]E DISTRICTS DATE: 1. IS'IFX LEGA.@BIOCK / n A tst-Cili^n l\ rr AnnRFqq, 6--F7, nl,tNtrp - .ONNER AKLN I ItrL I ZOIIE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE l.loi nh+ l''C e I ql l €Pzc'6'4 Totat GRFA '[Lblf I ,Jr",-c.f.ir: p'"ima ry GRFA SeeenffinSn Setbacks: Front Sidoq Rear l.Jater Course Site Coverage *' L r --,t-^-^; -^LO|l\J>LqPllrg Fence/Retai ni ng !'la1l Heights Parking Credi ts r Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock S to rage Solar Heat Dri ve : S1 ope Perm'i tted Envi ronmental,/Hazards : ( )' Aval anche Flood Plain I oo Phone A'l I o';ted Gvt19 3 3od LU 15' /rn\lcn\ Prooosed ) t-/ O/L olu' ,\___--_!_-:- SU o<_ Slope Actual e1{- Vo3 0lL 2L.'o S'l ope ^,M,c/t. (orVi2, , ["nr \U'u--- ' Comments : t,letl ands Geo logi c Hazards 9zt- t- .4 [zo I v (300)(600) (eoo)(1200) /(nl/rnn\ \ Jv, \ -vv, (25) (so) (2oo)(4oo) Zon'i ng: Approved/Di saPProved Date: 5taff Siqnature INILITY LOCATION VER IF ICATION SUBDIVISION I6HO KN S 5to JOB NAME $-J"6 L({DE N\(] E |.6-I lor A r ffcl)3.1rr.ocr FILING FIKTT ADOITTCN 'L 'ADDRESS 577Z LLlPiNf DR The location of utiLities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, m.rst be approved and verified by the followi-ng utili-ties for the acconpanying site plan. Authori zed Si onature Da te b 30-,?r' Mountai n Be l-l ( r - -2aa-tls7) l,lestern Slope Gas Harry Moves 1-468-2528 Public Service Company Gary Hail Holy Cross E'l ectric Assoc. Ted Husky/M'ichael Laverty Vai'l Cable T.V. {eff- H.qghqs i949-5530 Upper Eagle Valiey Water and San i tati on Di scri ct .rffirnE\\$'$.q>\qv (Please bring a site Plan when obtai ni ng UEVI'JSD iiiA % _ 4-so-s/ * For ncn cons &-f,$ease fill ou at"acned sheet Qt'L<ft &-v.-EY s i gn atures ) NOTE: These verifications do not reli.eve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a st:eet cut pernit frorn the Town of Vail, Department of Public ltlorks and to obtain utility locations before digging in any publj.c right- of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. A building pernit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut pexrnit must be obtained separatelY. This form is lto verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. Date: 0ctober 6, 1988 To: Town of Vail c/o f1r, Kent Rose 2905 Booth Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 From: B. J. Gralino Jr., f1. D. 13 Lombardy Terrace Fort Worth, Texas 76132 To whom it may concern: With respect to my intentions to construct a homesite wlthin the Town of Vail in the Bighorn Subdivision between Lupine Drive and Gore Creek, I acknowledge the fol lowing: l. I am aware that the homesite is within a geologically sensitive area which contains zones of ootentlal rockfall hazard. 2, I have received a recent geological report of my homesite as well as a previously conducted soils engineering report. Although I under- stand that there is potential rockfall hazard in the immedlate vicinity, the consulting geologist has indicated that adverse effects to or from my homesite are unlikely due to placement north of Lupine Dnive. I further understand that the home is nol to be in the 100 vear f lood olain. Signed: THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT This instrument was act<nowledged before me 0n the 6th day of October, 1988, by B. J. Gralinio Jr, ...,.,t:'j','1.,,,. Notary Public in Texas l1y commissi on Expires: of tEr o o 1987 290s BOOTH CREEK DRIVE . VAIL, COLORADO 81657 .-\/Alt 3CBtq?Efi rO'r'DENVEF::tql|l/ 1'-582 476-3375 October 12, L987 Dr. B. J. Gralino 13 Lonbardy Terrace Ft. worth. TX 76L32 Dear Dr. Gralino: The VaiL Town Council r.:nanimously passed on first reading an ' ordinance removlng the stipulation requiring one driveway to access both Lots A and B. You may nolr proceed with plans to construct your own,seParate drivewly down the area where the old sewer service l-!ne existed to your proposed building site. Best wishes to you and your project. If vou need anvthing in the future, pLease feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, \ ausnN.R0sE c0NsIR[flt0D 2905 BoorH CFEEK DRIVE . vAlL, coLoRAoo 8165? . vAlL 303/+7Fe1rro;BGtwEfF3€3/+7{4s6e 476-3375 October 2, 1987 Dr. B. J. Grallno 13 Lombardy Terrace Ft. Worth, TX 76L32 Dear Dr. Gra'lino: You may be pleased to know that the Town of Vai'l Planning Comnission has unanimous'ly approved the request to remove the stipulation relating to a cormon driveway between Lot A and Lot 8. Their recormendation will go before the Town Council for ffnal action within the next few weeks. yours r Kent R. Rose AIJSNN.ROSE CONSTRTIff IOIF 2905 BOOTH CREEK DFIVE . VAIL, COLOFADO 81657 . VAIL 303/476-0110 . DENVER 303/771-2562 September ?5, 1987 Dr. B. J. Gralino 13 Lombardy Terrace Ft, Worth, TX 76132 RE: Lot A, Amended Plat, A resubdivision of Lot 1, Block l, Bigram Subdivisjon Fjrst Addition Dear Dr. Gralino: Per your request, I have reviewed the T'i tle Commitment' Soils Study' Rockfall Study and the Joint Easement Agreement furnished by George Lamb.'T-mvt aTso uisiteO the site. I was asked to do this from the standpoint of the _buildability of the 1ot, how jt might be,best developed a.nd to give specia1 conslderation to a restli ctjon relating to a driveway easement. I was asked to comment only on the specifics relatjng to these i ssues. Schedule B-1 of the Title Commjtment contains a note regarding the Bighorn Street Improvement District. Most assessments have been paid in full for that D.i strict. No assessment remains on the subiect property. I verified th'i s with Sally Marquis of the Town of Vail. schedu'l e B-? of the Title comm'i tment conta'i ns two paragraphs,9 and 1l' relating to ore or mjnerals. It was explained.to me by Gail trlar'l ichlLowenthal of Land Title Guarantee Company that paragraph 9 is general in naturer !o€S with most property transferred.here and allows iomeone to "follow h-is vein" onto the property during mining operations. The Town of Vail does not allow min'i ng within Town limits so the exception shou'l d be of no real concern to you. Paragraph 11 grants Nick Kiahtiepes'. an original rancher here, a ten percent royalty on a.ny minera1s extracted and so-ld. Again, if nothing cah be extracted, nothing can be sold and should be of no concern. Paragraphs i2 & 13 of Schedule B-2 descri bes sewer and utility easements aton! tne rear lot line and east lot line. These are necessary for the consiruction and maintenance of existing and future utilities. There are also mjnimum setback requirements imposed by the Town of Vail on rear, side and front lot line!. The existence of these easements should have ljttle or no effect on the ability to develop this lot within Town of Vai I gui del i nes . Paragraph 14 of Schedule B-2 makes general reference to an easement for Gore-Creek. You are no doubt aware that the property extends'i nto Gore Creek. Paragraph 16 again references the easements descrjbed in paragraphs LZ & 13. Paragraph l5 references the joint agreement easement which I will address later. Th9 sgi!s rgporl, that is available was prepared by Chen and Associates in 1983 for Mr. Jim Sheahan. Chen is a reputable fjrm who has done a significant amount of soils investigation work in this area. My opinion 'is that the report jndicates good soils conditions on which to found a residence. There appears to be nothing out of the ordinary on this site that would make bui lding costly or difficult. He does have some concern that ground water wil I be a problem during construction. Elevations of garage slab and first floor slabs or floors above crawl spaces shou'l d be given due consideration during the design phase. If floor elevations are set above high ground water elevations and proper drainage is provided under slabs and around foundations as per the Chen recommendations, there should be no problems. The sewer line shown diagonally across the building site and designated as "to be abandoned" has in fact been relocated along the east property line. The o1d pipe remains but will cause no problem if proper design and construction techniques are adhered to as delineated in the Chen report. The Town of VaiI commissioned a study a few years ago to designate and map various hazard zones within the Town. An area of potential rockfall was identified across Lupine Drive from the subject property. The May 19, 1986 letter from Nicholas Lampiris states that the proposed building .si te i s out _of _a-1y runeull _Zone. It f urther states -E-hdrne mey 5t desi gned iTfho-ut-any mi ti gi-tr-on bei ng neces sary. I have read through the Joi nt Easement Agreement dated September 29 , 1986 between Sheahan and Summers, and feel that it has been misinterpreted. You have no obligation under this agreement to use the common easement. As I read it, you are obligated to allow the owner of Lot B the use of the easement over Lot A forever, but you may develop any access you desire for your purposes as long as it is entirely on Lot A. The agreement goes on to say in paragraph 4 that costs for repair, maintenance, snow removal, etc., will be shared " ... up to such time, any improvement (or snow removal ) on sajd easement shall be the sole responsibility of Lot 8." It would be my suggestion to develop the site with a separate driveway coming jnto the building site along the old sewer alignment where no trees would have to be cut, and at the appropriate time, notify the owner of Lot B that you have no further use for the driveway over the common easement and the fulI cost of maintenance, snow removel , etc.,is theirs. You may be best advised to seek lega1 counsel regarding this i ssue. The Town of Vail was not a party to this agreement, but accepted the restrictjon of one common driveway as access to the two lots in 0rdinance No. 37, Series of 1983. I have discussed a proposal to create a second dri veway down the old sewer alignment to access Lot A with Town staff member, Tom Braun. He visited the site and has informed me that he w'i II recommend approval of the separate driveway to the Planning Commission on Monday, September 28. I cannot guarantee they will approve the request, but am relatively certain they wi1l. The recommendation will then need to go to the Council to overturn the 1983 Ordinance. Again, I cannot guarantee approval, but feel relatively certain they wjll and you may have your separate driveway. I I have also reviewed two other studjes for you. Qne, a snow avalanche study commissioned by the Town of Vail and the Gore Creek Flood P'lain study. The avalanche study shows a portion of your lot in an area of "extiemely rale flo-wing avalanche dlor lqrygler Lleqt -pre-sg{es." - You -5hodftfbe- aware of this and--fi-ring design, the garage should be placed on the affected side of the house,-window placement considered carefully and thought should be given to strengthening walls if investigation into the snow avalanche situation requires it. I would suggest you have _an expert gi.ve . you a _:lg!!__!Pg!1iE_* study regarding avalanche potential prior to design. The flood plain study prepared by Hydro-Triad, Ltd., in 1975 indicates that Gore Creek at Sectjon 51.3, the approximate location of Lot A' is fairly well contained in its main channel. According to the maP' the lot is not subject to inundation and may be built upon. I would suggest the first floor of the home be built above the.8382- foot elevation to respect both the flood plain and the high groundw-ter table discussed earl i er. In summation, I feel the'lot is not only buildable, but has excellent potent'ial . There is one lone tree toward the rear of the lot that may be in the most desireable area to build. l,lith the removal of that tree' there is ample space to construct a two story' single-family h_onlg -yp to the maximum gross residentjal floor area a'l lowed by the Town of Vail. There are good'long-range views to the North and close, high vieus of tree covered slopei to -the South. A proposed house cou'ld be oriented to take advantage of both of these view corridors plus good morning sun. George and I discussed a'll these points prior to his leav'ing town. lle was going to talk to Jim Sheahan prior to leaving' and plans to proceed with your purchase on his return. Thank you for allowing me to be of assistance, and if further discussion is necessary, please give me a call. I would also like to discuss the opportunity of designing and building your home at the appropriate time. Very truly yours, Kent R. Rose cc: George Lamb THE ZONTNG OA,DI};ANCE BOT]NDARTES any amendrnent to the zoning ordinance bounCary change PEONE RE?R5SENTA T!\,E 87,2 \.lfu€ prioxF:tr/6:W erox" 41h lbgb r. PETITION FORl,t FOR AIIEND:\IENT TO OR A crraNGE ffitgi:;-i3i This Prccedure is required for or ror . ,"qou=i r"r..-lff.iii. A. NA.|.IE OF PETITIONER ADDRESS B.N.A.I.IE OF PETITTONER IS ADDR.ESS c. P NAI'IE 0F Ol{NER (pr.int type ) SIGNA?URE ADDP.ESS LOCATfC)'i OF pRO?OSr\I. a! rJ L,, iI_tr > 5 D. LEGAI DESCRTPTToN 1^!block frlin ".. FEE F. A list subject $roo. oo pArD A VTqot "*f_!h" names of orvners of property, arrd their ,"lri"-g ::1,J,::::rtv adjacent ro rhe (OvER ) .etition form for .tsncn. I zonins ord or Request rf char,g" i., uo5r.,a;:ri*, rT. Four {4)of the follorving infor;:lation: suninary of the A. The shall include a prooosed,revi s i on graphic nareriaL,a"ait,g tl ruit\ a r .rrr. rime Requr$;**=*1,-;Kifr#'"^'eesons ?;. ^: :; "': ;l : ttffi '"' ;pi.? fi; ; - ;"il; lii::i:::i"3.:iu^:l$::"{;:i,'.::J*iii"in3."5l, o, .n. 2nd anc 4th $r "":i:is*;i$:"ii$i*i;:t. Hh::xi" i:" :*,i:*"i"!:illi=.-nusr so to the ;:,^'n!"fflii;rlluil=*.f, |";ii.l". u"",,J.,v -;;;;s" copies petition TITLE 6UARA rtTrr' C*mpanr sf ctrHFA Hi nrresota NY j I I I ,l I I I I I I I I I 11, 1V87 vl l r&7 F.J. GRALINCI CARCILINE T,I. I BETH Titl e f rrsurarrte TI.{ANH YBU l-r:tri YSUR Olin€n SIIEAIIAN COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was Produced and issued through the office of LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 1O8 South Frontage Road P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81658 l303l 476-2251 ft{r",,is*d, n QU- r / t/\ C-r:-"-r-z-.-- Ll . J-i-'.a^lf-@ Representing: Jrrre Insunaruce fiorvrenr.rY oF [!|lNNEsorA fiBlerJeS --:2,-7'FnQ_ :j t. -,'.. . ;,1 ',ftoleu8rs pazuoqlne loqlo Jo re:g-1o Surleprp,l e ,{q pau8rsratunoJ uoq/R prle^ oq ol 'V otnpeqJs ur urAoqs alep eqt uo sroJUJo pazuoqtne ,{1np s1r ,{q paxg.;e otunaroq eq o] I?os pue eureu alerodror sll pesner seq Blosauur4 jo ,{ueduo3 rJuernsul ollll 'COEUgH/r\ SSINJIA\ NI 'lueuilrruuroJ srql Xq pare,roc uoareql o8e8l:ou: Jo tsarolul ro ol?lso aql enlu^ roJ pro.ol 1o sarrnbce parnsur pasodord aqt arep sql ol roud lnq Joeraq at?p o^nroJJo aql o] tuenbasqns 8urqcelle ro spioaaJ rrlqnd aqt ur Su eodde lsru 'peteorJ 'fu? Jr 'srellEul rerllo ro surelJ osro^pe 'saJuerqunaua 'suarT 'slJaJoC S 'sprocor lrTqno aql Aq u,r\oqs lou pue aael ,{q pesodtur 'paqsrurnt JoUBolaq Jo aroJolaroql IEualeur Jo roq?l 'sec res JoJ 'uarl e ot tqSu .ro 'uerJ ,{uV 'sp:ocar rqqnd eqt fq u,roqs lou e.Ie qcn{^\ pus osolJsrp plno,tr sosruard aq1;o uorlcadsur pue ,{a.,r.rns lJorroJ e qJqr$ slJBJ ,{ue pue 'sluaurqceor:ruo 'eere ur e8Buorls 'saurl ^rBpunoq ur slcruuo3 'sarruedarcsrq 'sproca: crlqnd aqr ,{q u,roqs lou 'sluaruasee Jo surelr ro 'sluoruosea 'sprora: crlqnd er{l .(q uaorls 1ou uorssassod ur sarl.led jo surelr ;o stqSrX :tsuurolloJ oql ol llatqns oslE sr lusu.llruruoJ srql 'ol pauaJol a,roqe a8era,ro3 tuoU suolsnlJxE pue suorlclndrls pue suorlrpuoJ eql ul pauletuol sjall?tu aql ol uorlrppe uI 'lueutruuJo) slql 3o suotst,rord aql ot tcefqns aJB pus uo pasBq aq tsnu luaullruruo) sFIl ,{q pera,roc uoaraqt eEeSlrou eql Jo snlels oql ro }sorelul Jo alDlse oql ot elll} eq} Jo sn}?ls eql Jo lno tursgz ,{uudruo3 aql lsu?88 Surq .{eur ro a,req ,(uur pernsul pasodord eql t?ql uorlce 3o s1q8r.r ro suollce ro uorlce ,{uy 'b 'uraraq perJrporu ,(1sse:dxa se ldecxa luaulnuuoJ s1q1 3o lred e opeur pue acuaJaJor lq pagerodrocrn ,{qareq are qJrr{^\ parnsul pesodord aql Jo ro^eJ u roJ pellnu -ruoc sarcllod ro Icqod Jo urJoJ eql Jo e8eraao3 ruo:; suo$nlcxa aqt pue suortelndng pue suorlrpuo3 aql pue suorsr^ord Sumsur aql ol tcafqns st,(1pqe1 qcns pug roJ pellltutuot satcllod ro ,{Jllod eql roJ V elnpsqts u palels lunoue oql peeoxe f1t1qe1 qcns fleqs lue^3 ou uJ 'luoulllruruo3 stqt ,tq pore^ot uooroql e3e31:ou: ro lso]alur ro al?lso eql o]eor] ro armbce o1 (c) ro 'g olnpeqcs w u^\or{s suotldacxe alEurrrrJla ot (q) ro yoeraq sluouorlnbar aql qll^{ ,{ldruoc o1 (?) r{lleJ pooE ur Buryet:apun ur uoareq oru?rl -ar u perrnJul ssol I?nlJe ro3 fluo pue roJ pallnnuoc sarollod :o fr11od Jo uuoJ eql ut parnsul Jo uooruJep eql rapun papnlr -tn satlred qJns puB pa:nsu1 pesodord paueu oql ol ,{Iuo aq IIBqs luaur}nxruo] sJqt rapun ,{uedu.ro3 oql Jo ftlrq?r'l '€ 'suot1e1ndt1g pup suorllpuoJ asaql Jo e qde:3e:ed ol luensrnd perJncur .{lsnouo.rd ,ttrpqe11 uory ,{wduro3 oql o^a![el lou ller{s }uarupueue qJns }nq 'XlSurprorce lueurtruruoJ srqt Jo g olnpaqJs puaure ,{eur uotldo slt 1e ,(uedu:o3 aql'JollBru rsqto ro lurEla esre^pe'oruprqunrue'ual 'l3aJap qrns ,{uu 3o e3po1,nou1 1en1ce sarrnbce esua -roq1o fueduro3 eql JI ro'{updruo3 aql o} aipal,noul qcns esolcsrp qeqs pe:nsu1 pasodord aqt g1 e8pal,noul qlns asolJsrp os ol parnsul peeodo.rd eql Jo arnle; fq pecrpnlerd sr ,{uedruo3 eql }uelxe aql o} uoeleq scuerlar Jo 1re ,{ue uro:; Surtlnser aSeu.rep :o ssol ,{ue ro.; {1ntqet1 utoU pe^allor aq leqs ,{wduioJ aq}'tulllr^A ur,{uedu-ro3 eq} o} a8pel^roq qons esolJslp ot IreJ lleqs puE 'Jooraq I olnpaqcs ur ul\oris esoql uBql r6qlo luarulrulruo3 snrl {q pera oc uoaraql a8eSlrou ro lsaralu ro alBtso eql SullJoJJB Joll?trr rer{lo ro uI?lJ esJalp? 'acuerqunJuo 'ue{ '}JaJop ,{uz go e3peJmoul 1zn1ce sarrnbce ro s?r{ pansul pasodord aqt ;1 'L 'luounllsu! ,{lunces Jeqlo to 'poep lsnri 'lsnJl Jo poop epnltw llsqs 'uroJeri posn uaqAr '..a8e31rour,, [u!al oql 'l 'fuzdtuo3 aqt Jo llnq eql tou sr sercJlod ro ,{cttod qcns enssr ot ornlsJ or{1 leql pepl^ord 'slncco }srrJ Ja^er{rr-q^r ' onssr II?qs roJ pellruluoc satcllod ro ,{cJ1od aql uorl^\ Jo Joor6q atep a^rlJaJJa eql reUB sr{}uoru xrs elBulr.lJel pue oseeJ IIEqs Jepuneraq suorl -etqqo pue fi1lqeg1 1e pu? ecu?rnsrn aplt 3o sarcrlod :o fcrlod qons Jo ocuenssr oql ol d:eururlord sJ luaullrunuo3 srql 'luauosaJopue luanbasqns ,{q .ro lueulluruoS slql Jo etuEnsst or{t Jo aulrl eql le reqlle '.{uedruo3 eq1 ,{q 3oaraq v slnpaqcs uI peuasur uoeq a Br{ roJ pellnuuor setctlod ro ,{c11od eqr go lunout aql pu? pornsul pesodo:d aq1 ;o ,{1t1uapr aql ueq/r\ dpo ear1ca33a oq [eqs luautnuuo3 srql ';oaraq suorlelndlls pue suonrpuo3 eql or pue g pue V solnpaqJs 3o suorsnord oql ot l.afqns 18 :roJoraq] se8reqc pue srunnuard aql;o tuaru,{ed uodn 'y elnpaqrs ur ot porroJar Jo poqlr)sep puel eql ut ,(qa.laq Pare^oc lserellrl ro ol€lso aq1 1o aaSzEuour ro reu^\o sP 'v olnpoqts ur pouEu pernsul pasodord eql Jo iolq q :V elnper{Js ur peurluepr sE 'eJuernsur a11il Jo selcllod ro ,{c11od str enssr ol slruJruoc ,{qeraq 'uolleraprsuoc alqenl?^ u:o3',{wdruo3 aqt pa[[DJ uareq'uorlyrodroc B]oseuul4l B 'VJOSANNII^I CO ANVdI^1OJ :IJNVU1SNI AlI11 eloseuullA 'sllodeauulw lo Aueduoc lcols e 'n 't '7 .I '^au 0161 'INllll|ltlllo3 Nolrvlcossv 31fl1oNvl Nvctu]tilv s8/9 ZO9Z lurog y{ tI t o o o o o o o o 1986 o Project Appllcatlon 't' (\ | own€r, Address and phone: -\ t rtt i \ \d tt n f \ ff ,i . n , Date - Proiecr Nam€: )\tPqhc,n rctrdqjnU Project Description: Contact Person and Phone /\\.^,,t-1.,.\ Architecl, Address and Phone: r \ Yf t t t,v \. Legat Dosiription,ao, i A ,etocr [ ,riting Commenls: Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL ',\(/ \) \ 0\ Krrf'.rrr \clQ. Town Planner o",", Jr*o \, $(t E statt Approval o 75 south fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 June 16, 1986 Mr. Craig Snowdon Snowdon and Hopkins Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive Vai 1 , Col orado 81657 RE: Sheahan Residence Lot 1A,Block 1, Bighorn First Addition Dear Craig, 0n June 4, 1986 the Design Review Board gave final Residence. My caiculations show that the GRFA for 2852 s.f. This figure wil'l be checked again during The following information should be submitted along drawi ngs: otflce ol communlty development approval to the Sheahan the new resldence is buiIding permit review. with building permit 1 Mountain Bell and Heritage Cablevjsion utility sign offs. 2 Bill Anderson has requested that the drainage between the wa1 kway and driveway be reviewed when doing the final land- scaping for the project. He felt that there may be a minor drainage prob)em in this area. If you have any further questions please feel free to call me. Si ncerel y , Kr\'" [}'h Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP:jlt o- (o .l p. c) @ o T' 0) V)'lJ o) o U) g) @ F 0) ,:=:-...+ i e oi.:o $,,,o i 5i €o o o. : .lf SHEAHAN RFSIDFJU(:F' PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTI0N 0F THE pROp0SAL:. Reviewed by: Comments: INTIR-DEPARTMENTAL REVI TI.I DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING PUBLICWORKS 4t r / ,, "^t" K+ o^t"-G/Lr/EQ ) thqT *act< A -lhrane pQltaq6 latttkttw h AA)v€e^r47, Srgon.o Ut ,r'e7-, Qat at I f t zt/? c 4tve 9C4pr^r6 . ,a*- u )irj- - fags>z ;€r-a FIRE DEPARTMENT \et DK* paxE - 4'!--*&4/ r ? (eru-c, €, frco'r€-rr' at-€)--/ (A flas . p*<;oe;c- Bte- Date I /CoecC.*t /t€7@(ic.,l) c€ zaoYlP 47 POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments:' Date RECRlATION DEPARTI,IENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date , sNowDoN s [g:t"]"l t4f recrs LffiTft @F T'RANSNNIT'T'AL vArL, coLoRADO 81657 WE ARE SENDING YOU $ Attached fl Under separate cover via TO d Ptans E Samples the following items: tr Specifications tr Shop drawings O Copy of letter ^S Prints ! Change order D (303) 476-220r coPlEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 4 ,/?tlFe 4 fimito/ o/at4 ' tltlnttn* ,I f i?bt 60 t,-ai-,Wntu+uiilt i),rt-ayn ; 'rft, tltatt Li'l-! I tl ( THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked b€low: E For approval { For your use K As requested D For review and commcnt D FOR BIDS OUE Approved as submitted Approvsl as noted Returned tor correc{ions tr Resubmit-copies for approval tr Submit-copies for distribution O Retum-corrected prints tr C tr ! 19- N PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SlGNED: Piourcr2ao2 /@/ hc- onft tb. ol4l ,t arEroarrata aaa to( aa notad, taind, aotlrtt ata at onc..- LIST OF MATERIALS ,/ro/ ou, NRME OT PROJECT: LEGAL OESCRIPTIOiI: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P Roof Si di ng . Other |r|a'l'l Materia'ls The following information is_required for submitta'l Board before-a fina'l approval can be fiven: A. BUILOING I'IATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL by the applicant to the Design Review COLOR Fasci a . Soffits lli ndows . tlindow Trim Doors Door Trim 'Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues F'lashings.. Chimneys Tras h Enc'l osures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES " Name of Designer: phone: Botani ca'l Name Common Name Quanj ty Si ze* 'rIut t ,l It ,a ft 7 , -+ 'pari" I 1'1iil40 ilriliffirl-EEs T0 #{pu: {nn[,+r, f:* *l .r,.f i. ' r nr I i nar fr',. Aoni Attri nttc lroce I ndi cr ta hoi nhf f^r .dniferc - a/u/ht PLANT I.TATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REi'IOVED Botani ca'l Name Common Name Quani ty Size Ir,i iLl, f f,f/.d41,4 t if^f- GROUND COVERS Tvpe Square Footage s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER.LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa11s, fences, swimming poo1s, etc.) p]ease specify. | -t 1..r I APPLICATION DATE:5 May 1986 DATE OF DRB MEETING: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION l,lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI,IITTED***** I. PRE.APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-app'ljcation meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to . determine if any additional information js needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning adm'inistrator).It is the applicant's responsibifity to make an appointment with the staff to find out about addiilona'l submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applic:- tion will streamline the approval process for your proiect by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building perm'it is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:Single Family Residence B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 3977 Lupine Drive Legal Descriptjon Lot t Block r'Filing First Addition Zon i ng two famlLy residential district APPLI CANT:$rowdon & Hopklns C. NAME OF Addres s 201 Gore Creek Drive, Vail , Colorado 81657 D.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:Craig N. Sroudon Address 201 Gore Creel< Drive, VaiI, Colorado 81657 E. NAME OF OWNERS:James Sreahan tel ephone \76-2201 tel ephone 476-2201 S i gnature Address 2b50 Bald Mountain Road tel ephone 476-4500 F.DRB FEE: The fee wrl]l VALUATION be paid at the tjme a building FEE perm'i t is requested. 0 - $ 10,000 10,001 - $ 50,000 50,001 - $ 150,000 150,001 - $ 500,000 500,001 - $1,000,000 Over $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS 1. In addjtion to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that wjll be removed shou'l d also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. $ 10.00 $ zs.oo tqnnn $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 TO THE DRB: c $ $ $ $ $ 2. The review process for NEll EUILDINGS will of the Design Review Board, so p1 an on at normally involve two separate meel!ngs least two meet'i ngs for their approval . : Board at their scheduled wi'l] be reoui red to be 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review meetint and who have not asked for a postponement reoubl ished. ./li;il - ( i:!,-r-K for R, R P/S 7()llt DISIRICTS hVn&, Propos ed l?}f,mir, m1}tr' SFR, bth Lot I Bl ock Lega 1 0vIn ef Descri pt'i on: Zone District Lot Size Height Toial GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front 5i des Rear Ila ter Cours.e Si te Coverage L a ndscapi ng Pa rll i ng Cred its: Garage Archi tect Proposed Use Al I or';ed , r (30)(33) y/',S*jila_,ffi, 20' 15' 15' 23f}|l v OL 0t- ok- OL J6.ri/ (30)@ [;ssmD (6tlrool (2s) (50) ( 2oo) (4oo) t DL {}? 6 ,foa *i* 0 Stora ge )/ a'Drive: Slope Permitted 0 /o S'lope Actual l'lechan i cal Ai r'l ock Storage Solar Heat Environmen'r-al/Hazards: Avalanche F'l ood P] ain- Con:ients: l?,t Da te: t,>L ) Zon'i ng: APProved/Di s:PProved $lt r f,l^ Itdd^r o o ffi, :i . Anl {Nra {LuQ-l i:'ri ' ,,[ ?tt )l AI l. () ,\ 0(l fi 2\\- -.U- l, + \,v v- I' J i I I '; 'l f+] tJ,.r 6L(A Llv 31 16,|YJJ frt, n] J8,o ?t /r$L ,zl ,<(l )f y / Jt yt 43 '/7 f -J ti,,F - +',-.(xtr -33 b+.M"tr; as(f # o O .l I -, r COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and issued through the office of LANDTITLE GIIARAiITEE C(IMPANY 1G SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST - P.O. BOX 537 vAtL, coLoRADO 81658 (3O3) 476-2251 Representing: J rrr-e I r.rsu nar.rcr [o ru ear'rv or ffl r ru ru EsorA r ^rrrtrr4,ft??t ',{:otuuSrs pazuoqlns reqlo ro tocg3o Surleptp,r e ,(q peuSrsralunor uerl,r prF^ eq ot'V olnpaqJs ut u,roqs olrp aqt uo sracgJo. pozrroqtne ,{1np sll fq poxUJE olunoroq aq ol [?es pu? eu8u oleJodror str posne, seq Elosouurw Jo AueouroJ esuBInsul 0111I 'loaugH^\ ssaNIL\.\ NI 'luorulruruoJ srql fq pare^ot uoe:aql eEe8l:otu ro tsarotul ro alelse eql enJe^ roJ ptoJol go serrnbce pa.rnsur pasodo.rd aqt atep eql ol rorrd lnq Joeroq al?p a^nJeJJa eqt ol luanbasqns 3urqce11e lo sprocol orlqnd eqt ur Eur:eadde lsrg 'polEorJ ',tue Jt 'sralieut Jaqlo ro stjlml. aste^pe 'so3uErqunJue 'suetl ;srJoJeC S 'sproca: crlqnd eqt /iq u^\oqs iou pue r' el , q pasodurr 'poqsrurnJ Jou?ereq Jo oroJolaraql IBFeleu ro roqEl 'seJ!^los loJ !ual[ e o1 lq8rr ro 'uet1 fuy ', rrlrl vl{rs:^i ir P{ i lij J0 nN?.1 tr*fi rsNVUnsNi 'sproce.r rqqnd aql ,{q ulloqs lou aJ? qJtr{^\ pue osolJstp plnom sastua.Id aq} Jo uotlsodsut puz,{a,uns }JerloJ E qrrq/r\ slcBJ ,{ue pue 'slueurqaeorruo '€el? ut e8elroqs'sau11 ,{rzpunoq uI sl3tuuot 'satcuu dorcst6 'sprore: crlqnd aqt ,{q unoqs lou 'slueulasEJ Jo stutBlJ Jo 'slueuJsea 'sprocar c11qnd eqt ,iq u.troqs 1ou uotssassod ut se4rud.;o surtelc ro slq8ry :8uk\olloJ aqt o1 lJafqns oslu sI luaulruuoJ sltil 'ol peJraJa.r a,roqe a8ereao3 uo{ suorsnlJxE pue suorlelndng pue suor}IpuoJ eql q paqquor stellEtu aql ol uoluppe ul :,\OIidl'.)X Li ilVCI NVi-S 'luaulrunuoJ slql go suorsuro.rd aql ol Falqns arB pue uo poseg aq lsnu luaurlnuuroJ slql r(q pera,roc uoeraql atutgoru aql Jo snlsts eqt ro lsaralu! ro alelsa oqt ol allll aql Jo snl?ls agl Jo lno Eursue ,{uudu.ro3 aqtlsrneSa Surrq feru ro a,req ,{eu parnsuy pasodord oq} luql uollcp Jo s1q3u ro suo[]J? .to uotlre {uy 'i 'urereq polJlporu ,(lssardxe se ldacxa luou1uuroJ srql Jo upd e ep?u puB acuelaJar {q palerodrocut fqaraq are I{3II{^\ pernsul pasodord aql Jo ro^EJ u .roJ- Pallltu .ruoc sarcllod ro r(iqod yo ruroJ aql Jo a3ure,ro3 urorg suonnltxa aqt pue suotl?lndlts pue suot]Ipuo3 aq] pue suotsl^ord Sutmsut aqt ot pafqns s; ,(1gqe11 qcns pue roy pallgruroc sanqod ro ,{c11od aql roJ V alnpaqcs rn peluls lunoure .ql paacxa {ttgqeq qcns Ilpqs lue e ou ul'luatullunuoJ slqt Iq po.ra,roc uoareql aEe8uoru ro lserolrn ro al?lse aql alearJ ro ortnbce ol (c) ro 'g elnpeps w uA\oqs suopdacxa aieulu.rla o1 (q) ro 3oaraq sluau:arrnbar oqt ql!/r,\ ,tlduroc o1 (?) t{lleJ pooS ut Suqe}:apun uI uooraq aJu?![ -ar ul palrncq ssol Fnle? 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'YIOSANNII^I dO ANVdWOf, AJN\runSNI A1I[ slosauurlrll 'srlodeeuurw lo Aueduioc lcols e JU ]SNVdNSN 't 'z .I k/..!-rstrrf'Iltru ANVd *"t r1ill '^aU 0461 'IN3hlIlt ll,llO3 NOIIVICOSSV f 'lIlI qNVl NVCIH3t lV 8l/Z ZAqZ uroJ Wt_L o PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COt'lMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL:. ]NTER-DEPARTIIENTAL REVI El.J DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING Date S/a/W '--__-7--{-- 7"t ,F f /6*Qffi ,>" b'cl t/ 1l r?b*. Buz* 4 I'1"'! rt',",,'',,;' tlt 4t'"/ FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments:' Date RECREATIOIi DiPARTI.IENT Reviewed by: Comments: Da te UTILITY LOCATION VERIFIC.\TION SUBDIVISION JOB NA.,\IE Sheahan Residence -.- LOT I B,LOC.K l- FILING Bighorn First Addition ADDRESS 3977 Lupine Drj.ve lines or proposed utilities for the be nain trunk the following The location of utilities, whether they 1ines, rnust be approved and verified by accornpanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date Mountain Bell 1-634-3778 Western Slope Gas Harry Moyes /"6'&L 42{'!L Public Service Company Gary Hal l Ho ly Cros s E'l ectri c Assoc. Ted HuskyTMichael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley t/ater anci Sanitation Discrict David Krenek * For nerv cons pl ease fi I I ou atiached sheet *zkr NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit frorn the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public lVorks and to obtsin utility focations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Torun of Vail. A building permit is 'not a street cut pernit. A street cut permit must be --obtained separately. This fonn is to verify service availabli.ty anC locati.on. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 8'1657 (303) 476-7000 May 12, 1986 offlce of communlty development Ms. Pam Hopkins Snowden Hopkins Architects 20.l Gore Creek Drive VaiI. Colorado 8.l657 Re:Sheahan Residence, Lot A, A Resubdivision of Lot l, Block l, Bighorn First Addition,3977 Lupine Drive Dear Pam: I have reviewed your drawings for the Sheahan residence for the Design Review Board meeting on May 21, .1986. i have calculated that the residence has 2,852 square feet of GRFA. This lot is restricted to 3300 square feet of GRFA. I am also requesting that you submit the following information either for the Design Revjew Board meeting or at the time of building permit. 1. Util ity sign-offs for Mountain Bell and cable TV. 2. A drainage plan for the property. This particular site has drainage problems, and it will be important that the drainage for Lot A tie in effectively with the drainage for Lot B. 3. The structure must be designed to meet the standards of Anthur Mears' Avalanche Hazard and Mitigation Report dated August, .|982. 4. The lot is in a high severity rock fall area. Please see the enclosed geologically sensitive areas ordjnance which will describe the parti cul ar type of study that wi lI need to be done to ensure that the construction of the residence will have no impacts on adjacent properties or public right-of-ways. This study and the necessary mitigation must be completed before a building permit may be reviewed. If you have any further questions, please feel free to call me. S incerel v.tr, I -n.l lnrtatr ftTt Kri stan Pri tz Town Planner KP: