HomeMy WebLinkAboutOriginal Documents 1989-1991, Project 2006/,*9, blQzl ry'F+r*.Design Revieur Board ACTION FORH Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vall, Colorado 81657 rcli97A.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: LINDSAY DECKS Project Description: DRB Number: DR8070498 09lrBl2oo7 0911812007 Phone: 970-376-3208 Location: 3907 LUPINE DR BIGHORN 1ST ADDMON FINAL APPROVAL FOR A DECK REMODEUADDMON Pafticipants: OWNER LINDSAY, ROBERT 94 DRISCOLL AVE ROCKVILLE CTR NY 11570 APPLICANT VENESSA BRYANT Project Addressi Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Motion By: Second Byr Vote: Conditions: PO BOX 4366 VAIL co 81658 3907 LUPINE DR VAIL Loh 3 Block: 1 Subdivision: 2101-111-0200-7 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvall. O9 | 1812007 Condr CON0009370 (Pt AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail. Cond:0 (PI-AN)r DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion, Nicole Peterson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Planner: 1 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of C-ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colomdo 81657 teli 970.479.2t28 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application' Please refer to the submiftal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Deiign review approval lapses unless a building permit is issgd and construction rcPgt:ences withan o p @ o \,o fno.n.'*,6fr1id icq one year ofthe approval, f rrn, v.,r, "-., r- )rt-,', Description orthe Bequex, Ap-Dt'ttld dLtA Location ofthe Proposal: Lot:.., ^--1 ' Dn{L Physicaf Address: 3'1U t kWptne - Parcel No.:t-ot tt l0a0o' Name(s) of Owner(s): Abct: / ->, Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Mailing Address: Mailing Address: Phone: invisioor nK. (orn E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs C Conceptual Review D New Construction D Addition O Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request tr n $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sLlch as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and rebining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee c,".r.No,' )! 7V sv, Meeting Date: Planner: /6' t1 'r) I 'I I ****++fl'i*******++*++ta**++********************+++**l*****+***************++*+*+**++**++++*t TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ***********t++++ft*++t*************+****+**++*+**********t*****tt****ll*+t*l**+++*++**t *t**+ statement Nr]Iriber: R020001891 Amount: 920.00 09/L8/zoo7og:23 AIq Payment Method: Check BRYANT Init : iIS Notation: 1495IVANESSA Permit tilo: Parcel lilo : Site Address: L,ocation: This Palment: DRB07 04 9 8 zroL- LLL- O200 - 7 3907 ITUPINE DR 3907 LUPINE DR Type: DRB-Minor AIt, SFR/DUP VAIIJ TotaL Fee6: Tota1 ALL PmtB : Balance: $20.00 $20. 0o $0.00 $20.00 *++t+**+t*+****+*****t********+++++t*******************l*+**a****++*++rl'|t*+***+**++fl+++**** ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR 0010000311.2200 DESIGN REVIEW EEES 20.00 p.1 Minor ffierior Alteratiotts Application fur Design Reviery DroffioaCdlr|r*toctabgtFn rs sqrn ffibf,PRoad, \'d, srs u557 - -tg: s7o.+rr-2t2S ta:90.479.1r9 xrcD: wg$.€lentdn trF*ffi, ||eicr, oirGdr,! reolild Frb !o adn5}ts . hidrlg Frnt Telgmn rror ,rfirbthcat|llr|qtflrr.rrsb'tlrpr&rbrromaUt*E-nqra.foq ry|.q$rylbO6ietrFtdcv src h cl urc .r ,rqiJitfi!9! a iifo"a tin a;trr ttr oartrpngt trrficnL Ttl relrc rny &! rrctt t * tJfL'[ft:t:-l-ffi" .H.:?ffi ;-hiL;;;;Gl rr -.ircuoo 2ya-11'-r-., t r E =F;'hi-Ft -, .,;. ^^.,f,nlg-|y- r.ryni'arw+3 DcEfrriooorureqqilr*! '49i9.{t/rtl+,.4 ''$tttg sxibhArl drcK./ r-ootorrotdrfrorp* l'6t Bhf:-3lbdhftb: Ffr*:rercrrs 310a Lw?irv. Mft-- (aont* E4b co- ftsesgr al gTf3iESlO f6 ggrcd no') ,*ffi t rdXo.'. [dtrGtErt=n |1.i] sEP 11 zoo? U TOWN OF VAIL wr rarr:Gldous{rl: riiftltLldrc +ffi(rtfg||ttt(t} irm.dfDdloft fi-f r.ft- l-rrf Alffi DDrcfEgrrdfccr O gtE E Ond.l bir'. O brft*tff O ltfrtt O l|trlffi (ngflilYftlttuf) llro.l|ffr tj.ttHbtr#nd.4 OrElr loA'FU!d?I!lt Slgftttqrf4ri '|* lrnt .1X.Cffi $l ?lIsr-OF4.rGGoftdq|nrte' E FtC t6$fro $r0 tlt ;r dsucfrr d. F l|aiE u dGrn il'G'.i;6t *-r-t frittc e # b trv ttr'EruJ c iifrHrr Lir'l-t*tfs zro rJdur r hu*r qwccm)' iltratrgnU h#E! d * rrFFstrD s4r A ;;fis. nf;t rhd.crrt' EEFr9T lbrc '{ '||i|lE{*rA-F;*aF Dffiis -u tt -ngs'''lrts. s!! 1'-iiiffi;iE--tiittr roarl llag|re, flr rd raEdE *..co ;;#*G b-- ib ffit wd It Frnrt st a tltc Oc$nna,hrrbll!" lo FGc o o Zn Ed,I6IHU'srqauord +l uatrJ!tgFlr ro ot -s MINOR EXTERIOR ALTEMTIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements, Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** 'o@* o Site and €mdingrFtan* e-+anCscapePlao*--o Architectural Elevations*o E)Cerior color and material samples and specifications.tr Architectural Floor Plans* B--LightingFtdn+-dntfeut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures rHittst€po,qlmdding Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements*o Photos ofthe existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. e-rf+riee+epprovalftom a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable o Site-qpecific G.ological Hazard Report, if applicable* IL-fre-Arlministrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (j) copies of the m erials noted with an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and underctand the above listed submittat requirements: Project 11" ". L, n clgt{ . ^?o tz r f Contractor Signature.4 ro F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\Old forms\drb_minor_alL8-28-2007.doc Page 3 of 13 Topographic sunreyi . Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor . Date of survey . North arrow and graphic bar scale . Scale of 1"=10' or L"-20'). Legal description and physical address r Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40o/o, and floodplain). 'l-ies to existing benchmark, elther USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the suruey . Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy; Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monumenb found and their relationship to the established corner.. Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.. Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title repoft. List any easement restrictions,. Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intewals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals . Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade.. Rock oukroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc. ),. All existing improvements (including foundation wallsr roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc,).r Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils). Watercourse setback, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback). Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure, Utilities to include:. Cable W Sewer Gas . Telephone Watei Electric . Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc.. Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. r Site and Grading Plan:. Scale of !"=20' or larger . Property and setback lines . Existing and proposed easements r Existing and proposed grades . Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including deck, patios, fences and walls, Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line,. All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height,. Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline ofthe driveway to accurately reflect grade,. A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction.. . Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures.. Proposed surface drainage on and off-site,. Location of landscaped areas.. Location of limits of disturbance fencing o Location of all required parking spaces F:\cdev\FoRMs\Permits\Plannlng\Old forms\drb-minor-alt_8-28-2007.doc Page 4 of 13 ,*,.-.'.'\.\$*\- \tt \. \'\ l\\\\\.'\\\\\ \ \* \ I i I :l; t ,,.,_,.,iii i.! flrlilf i-i.-r'rcJ f Q.mA\r'tCl :O r^r( (L' ) c)ia-L) i r'.i r-; t.r.r1,f1 rt! ,lftrv1vc(! s*trle: [X.l r L into irrr-yrl. pla r0 .r,,r.-if t\ V.lL pLl.,* )biccs uill DL pre>surecl pra-vent {.#e ftr+,nE -trpekd D ooa lb Old RalticA ?aioled' \J Nao ?oi\tq1 - \J LDi\\ he- Urin+ect Sonu- a5 o\d ra'\\nq cD\Dr, .roF - ltl" f T-- # l-1 L__--r p131615JllJ€r tAAiLLe I L i I -+ ..-.-'tvl\l:{.)ffiWuz -- \, € \ I ti Ii 3,o'- - --Y rq'--- 1l tl+-f. ral Irll -e'_-_ * -t :r -t- | s 5F 6 Fsdg:€t, fl.t b !!af ZP-=*i - e fll a.t Ftr {-0 f{t al0 f'l gt Fll € tl r't a E Fl l't -H r1 g I+ -Fr ,F \- cl tl -.ts H a+ -a a E Ht E g -r Fa E8 .- -t dr F v ara.F? -tEl E r9 +? er| -l rl a{r ,F F -.g al -r H ***!*X-i");:;o 3;=H ^nZl ; F tl -l]. \J=+v a--:\-ili; XA* - =uiE iolE FN Uf-ri s*=e d^>YQZ <-rlt za-i *€o ni>-r ->i !-H i!crl z E(f,n-.-*.ni =x>i.\fn Yaz Z:J -,F^ ^cq\J A-ir Yd*r f- > -,.i {-s 32c d..Z -.: \J ^'.]?U FS3 >>E zze -Yl\1{=kro .:\J z 3 F'F F E (II v)H z c o t H rlt z F]H P r o c I (f,) o- qa I z +. l"r) -i "o o 5 3. - C E z FI E. 3 ca Lr) \| z r rl (.t) l. ci 7 ts F z <l)H ts H z i*: +E i=- ;z 1 -; -:; i: i+i : 3 3 r"!-l! 4 i:'i r:ii i i l: 3-; 1. I 1 j2 ; 2 z -l- tF'-ia !-i c-i -a; *! ='-=:. = ; T 2 :: ie i::;. i'^!r l:i;:i -3ir--;1?:r? L -,. -:c.i t ii.;; i iiii i : i =:;-!:l r-c Z.-.==ra q, -t 2 o z 3 c c r m 7qs 1_-INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT u ,ot NAME DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI PM AM I I TOWN OF VA|L l-)<- | La-q q Q a^^5-z--./ - CALLER MON TUES BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER B FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING O INSULATION O POOL / H, TUB o tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr ,r*o, e- d tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EI o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL D FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR oor,- =/3/?- t* r'sP'crroil,s colrPLsr'n fhe iteoe bclow nced to be cooplete before gtvlng a perolt a flnal C of O. Please check off lD the box provlded. FINAL II{PROVEUENT SURVE'T RESID. NAT{E: rIMt BUILDING EAST SIDE:IIEST SIDE! DATE: TEMPORARY C OF O w tl DATE: FILB I{A}IE: .I +dsi I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT or;t L/3 ? ?-' JoB NAME READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION: rNstnoN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL _o_<_L f At,, A\,Ler- f&- MO L CALLER TUES L---4 WER THUR FRI Ur /.,-l- AM 7-l PM BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ,,*o,- e C trFrNAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWEB MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL E FINAL {neenoveo CT}RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED oot,- a/3 r/q zz rNSPEcroR nffisxop rhe rtcns 0",",{i'.:::'H:":"'H:- glving a perutt a flnal C of O. Pleaee cbeck off Lr tbe bor provlderl. rY tp -1- n IMPROVET-TENT SURVEY RISID. NA}IE: FINAI UECHANICAL FINAI ELECTRICAI. DATE: tl tl I I FINAI. BUILDING EAST SIDE: IJEST SIDE: DATE: I.A}TDSCAPIilG DI'E IV lv,,_T [-;lr TEMPORARY C OF O CERTIFICATE OF OCCIIPANCY DATE: TILE NAI{E: L/4 i4 * lrfi PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE -?r READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: TOWN OF VAIL /t -r.^ / JOB NAME /*-ZlV'tap-l {' '< /hz-Pt e cALLER Tl/erlZS a-, '>f ' MoN ruES 1@ :Hua FRI AM PM ?a7 ./<z '/ ,t/4- BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL I H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED KAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR o D i APPI,ICATION FOR REVOCABLE A STRUETUFA ON A (Please tlpe or print) ll DATE q IlqIgI PERMTT TO ERECT OR UATNTATN PUBI.,IC RIGHT-OF-WAY Fence wall LandscapJ.ng- other x OI$NER OF PROPERTY ROruIUO Ogt.AAIJPT NN,IE OF APPLICANT Q'O*:It-O OE_XN'IPI Br6cK I suBDrvrsr"N Sla iloaAI \ $' N\ ADDRESS 39P + LdPTNE l'tP, - - I..EGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE SERVED: I,oTL 3 (If neiessary, attach description on separate sheet). Corner lot Inside lot DESCRTPTTON OF STRUCTTRE OR rlE!,i(S) rNTO RrGHT-OF-I|AY: Attach plans showing encroachnent, property line, sidewalks, Does structure presentlY exist?Ves Proposed date for collmencement of construction curbs, -intakes, hydiants, Deters, manholes, any.other affected appuri.enance in the project area (to scale or dirnensioned) and section(s) as weII as elevations (if applicable). fn consideratt,,on u.'f the Lssuance of a revocable petmit for the structure abci:'e rndicated, applicant agrees as follows: 1. That the str,rcture herein authorized on a revocable pernit basis j,s restrLcted exclusively to the land above described. 2. That the pernit is linited specifically to the type of structure-described in this application. ', -3. That the applicant shall notify the Town llanger' _o\-his.duly authorized-lgent, trdenty-four hours in advance.of ilhe time for conmenceurent of construction, in order tbat proper inspection EaY be made bY the Town. 4. The applicant agrees to indennify and hold harnless the Town oi V"ii, its ofiicers, enployees and agents fron and against alf liaiility, claims and denands on account of inJurl',,Ioss or damage, iicluding without linitation claims arising fron bodily injury, personal injury, sic*ness, disease, death, ltop"itf ios-"'oi damage, oi any other loss of any kind ihalsoever, which arise out of or are in any Danner elrrrr€cJ.t€d uith agllllieantts aetivities nursuant to this permit, if such injury, loss, or-damage is.caused in rthore -or in part by, or is Liainea to be caused in whole or in part bl, ttre-act, cinission, ertort professional error, -iistaXe, negligence or other fault ot tne applicant, his contractor 6r suUcontractor or any officer' enployee-or representative of the appJ-icant, tris contractor or his subcontractor. The applicant agrees to investigate, handle respond to, and to proviae defense for and defend against' any- suctr liability, claims, -or demands at the sole expense "i"ttJ applicant. The appticant also agrees to bear all ottrer expLnses rel.ating thereto, including-c-ourt costs and attorney-rs fees, wheth6r or not any such llabilityr-claims' or denai.rds alleied are groundless, false, or fraudulent. fi Applicant aSfge? to procure and maintain, at its own cost, a pgligy or-policies of insurance sufficient to ensure against all liability claims, denands and other obriqations asiumed by the applicant pursuant to this paragraph i. Applicants further agree to release the Town of VaiI, its officers, agents and employees from any and all liabirity,clains, demands, or actions or causes 6f actions whatsoeier arising out of.any danage, loss or injury to the applicant gl to the applicantrs property caused by-the rown 6t VaiI,its officers, agents and enployees whife engaged in maintenance or rnorr removal aclivities or aiy-other activities whatsoever on Town of Vail property, streets,sidewalks, or rights-of-way.5. That the pemit rnay be revoked whenever it is detennined that the encroachment, obstruction. or ot-her Etructure constitutes a nuisance, destroys or inpairs the use of ttre right-of-way by the public, constitutel a traffic hazard, or the property upon which the encroachnent, obstruction, or structure exists is required for use by the publici oi it nay be revoked at any tine for any reason deened sufficient by the Town of Vail.6. That the applicant will renove, at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, or structure within ten days after receiving notice of any revocation of said pern-it.7. That the applicant agrees to maintain any tandscaping associated with the encroachment on the right-of-tray.8. That in the event said removal of the encroachnrent,obstruction, or structure is not accornplished wittrin ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to renove sane and have the right to make an assessrnent against the property and coLlect the costs or renoval in the same manner as general taxes are collected. 9. 10. That the applicant has read and conditions set forth in and understands all of the terns this application.Special conditions: si Joint ownership, both s gnatures) APPROVED: ? r1.3 u,n/LL+DSK r of Public Wor Town Manager SUBDIVTSION UTTLITY LOCATION VERIFICATION t5 raHoeN ;roB NAME R,en-: Cgt-F.a,.tr...t BrocK I FTLING ADDREss 3gO7 LJPTTTJE DP. The location of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Sionature Date 3 U.S. West Communications L-800-92 2-1987 458-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Conpany 949-578L Gary Ha1l ,'' '-aa v/ /6--/- /d -/ s--71 /o'-/{-?r HoLy Cross Electric 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Heritage Cablevision 9 4 9-553 0 Assoc. Laverty m tt Gary ;fohnson Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE:These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail, Departrnent of Public lrlorks and to obtain utilitv locations before diqcrinq in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town of VaiI. A buildinq permlt is not a street cut pernit. A street cut permi.t must be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availability and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. * Please bring a site plan when obtaining upper Eagle valley Water & Sanitation signatures. t c{\fi6 I 0 J J 8 \ z x4- $f 3d I I I v \)ul s rtl u A J .! 0-ilr' lt lslg ln\+ \, tQ.(al $\.d;o1= m lqb I PJ o:'>o- n r{1 e t J.l () s o tt.(r vr s t \ .n tA PERMIT N PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES UMI 2-t o INSPECTION REQUEST UIL r (" /' AM \PM -.' BER OF / L"t OF BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATEB O FOUNDATION / STEE.- tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING O INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH - tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ,rRJneenoveo O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTI a' DATE ---INSPECTOR ftffisxor l', '-, '', PERMIT NUMBER OF ') / l,) PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL , ,{ t, / ,.. a_,,.,',,1 l I JOB NAME i t'i (! 1 ,.. CALLER TUES THUR FRI AM PM L L.i l: BUILOING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr TI tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION i STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING N INSULATION E] SHEETROCK POOL i H. TUB NAIL o tr FINAL Xrrr.rnr- ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING n tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL '.p/'FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED INSPECTOR I , rNsscrroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL l' )'''''..' t ,. ':1 ,' READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MOl.l-l CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL n tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER O FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB :, O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr o E FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE -. -).. INSPECTOR r;1- ,*7 December 20, 1990 Mr. Ron Olebaurn 3907 Lupine Drj-ve Vail, CO 81657 REs Lot 3, Block L, Bighorn First Addition Dear Ron: r appreciated meeLing with you on December 5, 1990 regarding your satellite dish proposal for the north east portion of your Iot. f believe we cleared up several issues that had complicated the proposal up to this tine. Let me summarize them. 1. The proposal meets the setback standards. The side setback will be 23 feet and the rear setback wiII be 46 feet based on the information from the survev dated L2/2e/89. 2. The core creek stream setback is 50 feet from the center of the stream and it appears that this proposal meets that standard. Town staff will need this information added to the survey. 3. The Town will need a letter from the Army Corps of Engineers stating that this kind of proposal can be built in the wetland area. RON OLEBAUM LETTER DECEMBER 20, 1990 PAGE 2 It does appear that the satellite dish will- be above the flood plain elevationl however, because the dish must be set on a pole, staff must consider the two elements together as a singIe structure. Because the Town code prohibits structures in the flood hazard area (which includes this location), the boundary of the flood plain must be amended before the satellite dish could be approved at this location. If you want to pursue this proposal , you must modify the boundary of the flood plain so that this locatj-on is no longer part of the flood hazard area. If you are interested, I can provide you the information on the process and the standards the Town uses for flood plain modj-fication. These are the issues that must be resolved before the appJ-ication can move forr,,/ard. I understand that you are not pursuing this request at thj-s time, but may pursue it again in one to two years. The Town will take a revised plan, with the additional information, to the appropriate boards when you are ready. Sincerely, / -r'- / ,,'-r / <-.. - . (,/rto \J\Andy Knudtsen \ Tol.ln Planner AK/ds cc: Richard Matthews John T. Lockton W.T. McCaIIum Frank D. McKibben william Fricke Edward F. Ward o /z-6-?a *'---- {,a ,^rr-iln -\)P-"- d/-h*"'- Pr"l,*J W.-tL^,' / ,z s u<tt C -4+t /-^J" 4 ok 15 -4J-a,4- /t -t rlL @ Dr=l, ,-.vttJ l" 4 6/r< &r./ fL*^t Ar ,*-d -^^/r-*-'-A'.--A rt*, -,(-fr-- ln-''"( (/'/ ''t B 6k ll/r.l ek-^ n"t r-, / lnt[t oK Nr,j lo1k {,*" GF,*, ^n//r*/o, --/Z J pdfdh,l / 4 a- | p rqo ,w./'/ 4s @ @ ,,..|| LJ,tl ls U ,,rJ5u.a { k"l d-t-- A 4 t-4 4/,//"',-- J ^*J o-- &'' lf or Jl*- -==-.----4 lr tlL[ cfiPY : lueuded Condlition: L2. Tbe applicaut bas tbe oPtiou to redluce tbe lengtb of the upper road and locate tbe cul de gac furtber to tbe aast. VOTE: 7-O TN FAVOR Iten No. 6: A recruest for setback variances in order to construct additions to the Christiania Lodqe located at 356 Hansen Ranch Road, Lot D. BLock 2 Vail Villaqe Lst Filing. Applicant: PauI R. Johnston Item No. 7: A request for off-street surface parkinq at the ItHoLy Cross parcel. rl Applicant: Vail Associates Item No. 8: A request for a variance to allow a satellite dish in the Gore Creek 50 | setback and a request for a floodplain modification on Lot 3. Block L. Biqhorn Lst addition. 3907 Lupine Drive. Anplicant: Ron Oelbaum A motion to table itens 6 and 7 to November 12, 1990 and itern I indefinitely was made bv Chuck Crist and seconded bv Jirn Shearer VOTE: 7-O IN FAVOR PEC Minutes O Lo/z2/so Meetins 20 PEc lilinutes Io/22/90 Meeting Prior to issuance of building permits for building envelopes 3 or 4. the applicant shall submit plans showin<r that the pronosed buiLdincr meets the internal nitiqation recruirements of the Mears report dated Septernber, 1990. 6. 7.The applicant has the option of includinq a caretaker unit within each structure uglncr an addl.tlonal 800 sq.!t. of GRFI to tbe anount allocated to aacb bullding cnvelope for the caretater unit. The units nust complv with section 18.13.080 (B). Up to 400 square feet of unused GRFA fron the primarv unit mav be transferred to the caretaker unit, however. no caretater unit sball €xceed 1200 scr. ft. The applicant shall desiqn all retaining walls located in the front vard setback with terracincr so that none exceed three feet in heiqht. 8. 9.Prior to the issuance of, a certificat€ of occuDancy or a tetsporarv certificate of occuEancy. the aDDlLcant shall construct aII inProvenenta fron Buffer creek Road to the unit under constructLon. rf occupancy I's requesteal prior to the installation of, anv l,nprovements. the appll.cant nust escfor l25t of the construstion cost prior to the Tora lsguinq a e.o. or T.C.o. Improveuents in tbis case shall inQlude landscatriacr. walt coustruetion. roads, jlral'naqe, and utilities. 10. PrLor to the igsuance of anv buildinq.perults f,or thiE developuent' the applieant shall provide a lettgr fron ihe Foiest Service quaranteeinq tbe reconstruction of, the trall tba lindscapf.ng ehall extend fron tbe construction are? all 11. Prior to the issuance of e.O.rs or T!C.O.rs for bulldinq enveloPes 5 and 6' the appllcant shall Dlant a dlensely veqetatedl slope of, landlscapinq betweelt those conitruetion sites and Buffer creek noadl. This Jim cuI road apd Sueffet creef Rotdl. Shearer felt that there should be de sac on the upper road, to show flexibili.ty to shorten ttre less asphalt. p. \\'\b t REOUEST T WN OF VA NAME CALLER TUES 6 THUR FRI READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oo,,\=\lSu,o, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: ' tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL b noues / D.w.v. tr ROUGH i WATER D FRAMING n ROOF & SFEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D APPROVED CORBECTIONS: D DISAPPROV tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED l ql INSPECTOR o 0 )/''-,/ / -' I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE : READY FOR INSPECTION:MON / t JOB NAME (/ CALLER TUES WED THUR PM AM LOCATION: -r BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ^ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL .i-if, AppRovED a' ,' tr DISAPPRoVED D RElNSPEcrloN REoUIRED CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE L:U .\a ,*rrt".oN TOWN OF ,q;-'.-, t.'1' REQUEST VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: t)e I l^,';JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOoD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER C HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oare /4 -/- 9c rNSPEcroR fr I //4 g f ldra PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT DATE -7t JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON INSPECTION REQUEST .TOWN OF VAIL /*-/' .a cALLEB .72/enu-t5 a- >f ruES @ :'ua FRI PM AM 2a7 ./ct 't/z- BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr n D n D UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W,V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL ., tr d rwat 6/ z/z tr tr FINAL r, ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED KAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ,rry Town of Vail 25 S. Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 8]-657 (303) 476-7ooo Plan analysis based on the 1988 Uniform Building Code Project Number: 6/30/90 Name: OELBAUM REs. , Address: LOT 3 BLK 1 BIGHoRN LST.ADD. Date: June 30 t I99o Contractor: TENDS WEST INc. occupancy: R3,M1 Architect: ALPINE LoG HoMES Type of Const: V-N Engineer: GREGOR EDWARDS P1ans Examiner: GARY MURRAIN NoTE:The code iterns listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the l-988 UBC. It is a guide to selected sections of the code. FL NAME OCC I"IAX FLR AREA ALLOWED RATIO STATUS I Dwelling TOTAL FOR FLOOR B Dwelling TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILD]NG TOTAL ELEMENT R3 ok 52o Interior finish onIY 52o Allowed area not checked B Parking Garage M1 ok 5o7 Interior finish only R3 ok 69 Interior finish onlY 576 Allowed area not checked 520 Allowed area not checked OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS TAbIE 17-A MATERIAL RATING NOTES Interior Bearing wall Any 0 hr Interior nonbrg walI AnY 0 hr structural Frame Any 0 hr Exterior Struct Frame Any 0 hr see footnote #1 Floor/Ceiling Assernbly Any 0 hr See Footnote #9 Roof/Ceiling Assernbly AnY 0 hr Stairs Any None FOOTNOTES:1) Minirnum on exterior side also based on exterior brg. wall requirements' 9) fn areas with vehicles or airplanes, the floor surface shall be of noncombustible, nonabsorbent rnaterj-als. -- Sec. 702.(b) & 9o2.(b) O Page # 2 Code review for: Project Id.: oELBAIJM RES. Address: LOT 3 BLK ]. BIGHORN IST.ADD. OCCTTPANCY SEPARATIONS R3-M1 Lhr Materials approved for l-hr construction are required on the garage side only and l- 3/8 inch solid core, self-closing door. -- Sec- 503. (d) ex #3 ADDITIONAL SEPARATTONS FOR R3 OCCUPANCY: FOR M]. OCCUPANCY: EXIT REQUIREMENTSs FL NAME OCCUPANT NIIMBER EXIT PANIC RATED DOOR NOTES I,oAD REQUTRED WTDTH [ft. ] HDI{R CORRIDOR SWING l- Dwetling 2 L 0.0 No No N/R ToTAL 2 l- ( 1-) 0.0 ( 0.0) No No N/R B Parking carage 3 L 0.l- No No N/R B Dwelling o 1 0.0 No No N/R ToTAL 3 L( L) 0.1( 0.1) No No N/R Door swing is based on Sec. 3304.(b) except as noted. occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Number of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noted. Exit width is based on Sec. 3303. (b) . FOOTNOTES: STAIR NOTES: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- sec. 3306. (b) The maximurn rise of a step is g inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(c) exc.#1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is more than 4 risers. -- Sec. 3306.(j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height = 36 inches, maximurn opening size = 6 inches. -- Sec. 171-L. exc 2 The minirnurn headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- sec. 3306. (p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as reguired for Lhr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (n) AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS : There is no requirement for a standpipe. -- Table 38-A A hose is not required. -- Table 38-A FOOTNOTES:l-) The location is to be per Sec. 3805. (c), (Cl),and/or(e) WALL AND CEILING FINTSH:L) wall and ceiling finish materials are required to comply with Sec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-8.2) Carpeting on walls and ceiling are reguired to have a class I flame spread rating. -- Sec. 4204. (bl t Page # 3 Code review for: Project Id.: OELBAITM RES. AddrEss: I,oT 3 BLK 1 BIGHORN ]-ST.ADD. INSULATION NOTES!l,) AfI insulation material including facings are reguired to have a flame- spread rating af 25 or less and a maximum smoke density of 450 unless it is in a concealed space and. the facing is in contact with a wall or ceiling. -- sec. L713.(c) exc.#2 2) Foan plastic insulations are reguired to be protected. -- sec. L7L2- GI,AZING REQUTREMENTS :L) AfI glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazinq material . -- sec. 5406. (d) ADDITIONAL REQUIRE},IENTS : For R3 occupancy Provide a window or door to the exterior frorn every room used for sleeping. -- Sec. L2O4. Awindow must provide a clear open area of 5.7 sq.ft., a clear height of 24 inches, and a clear width of 20 inches(mininun). -- Sec. L2O4. A11 habitable roorns require exterior glazed openings egual to 108 or rnore of the floor area. (urin L0 sq.ft.) -- Sec. l-205. (a) A11 habitable rooms require an operable exterior openings egual to 58 or nore of the floor area. (min 5 sq.ft.) -- sec. 1205.(a) The minimum ceilj-ng in a habitable space is 7 feet 6 inches except kitchens, halls, and baths may have a ceiling height of 7 feet. -- Sec. -- L2o7.(a) Provide a smoke detector in all areas having access to sleeping rooms. -- Sec. 12L0. (a)4. Provide a smoke detector in basernent that is connected to an alarm audible in all sleeping areas. -- Sec. 12L0.(a)4. For l,I1 occupancy w ..t rE -- -l m Iq L-o .:-E lle 3 l;E ;l9g =-lri 9.IIP <l lir I l- rI =f--r - 3 o.< o:;!l -aO Ct,>e 6s n 1'm I =FP >;-'2=Z =a\/1 o;">t-t- EAE TEtr o o z a {n c o {o z !m 7 3 { \o Y;-< z<o@ E >.;- -r='a = !, zz r4 q,z lq ln -m F'FI |Dl,to l^., i Io FTI :r;-v =-{ (! m x m t { o z (-o I -{m - z H z a r I | -,-,Vr lr r- I I O s-r (I N) -T- =m -.t r- I I I I I H cJe q F 2@ r @ z IT E. U) P ,dcto OFrII =F,tti Y LNI N)ol ur Yvl ztN rl l3 14 IFd elF +. lr. o. lca _eA :; ID \) v,,l 1i -rc)o> 9.n -lm ,z >m i>or .) za m - z z -.t --t c)Oa .2. l---{ c 3= 1Z Qc) a = P t- z trl Ei t = t- fI X H F E z 5 )2 F I € z tn { a H H z l-r lo t€ 12 lo l-n t<t>t-lr-e13 19 lm olo l,l=\o 19 r\)l \ol I I lN lF ll I I ....1 (rl I s' 1.1 I I U)F] ts r t H z ! t.J \o I t.J u o P z F tJ H F c) l{lo l€ lz tn l<l> IF lm It, lz I'lF'Its Ii tE I I -{ l-.1 mlO trt€'12 lo tl t> lr-b lm le l6 I I I I I I \, \o ln s. @ I @ @ @ EE lzl le l:l< lF-1 t> t.-t; t-lm lFl to tE la lE liu tl tl lr-l lNJl t?l l=l ll 7@ O'=;d30 - oqo 369.9 ltiix oiPx Y =q) o :.'< P {o€E6- =3Eeo i +(D (u {, (D:= =-.o o, =: --;?.5E ^, --D'u 5o?: ci: e * = *o f lo9aq)*oiot -rt n, E J O! -:'o -: + i,i ;'a 9.6'€ o 1-r q'3--= Ee4 e i*9P : =< =g .: L , ."r- o =s=;il <o-: o.aP d Ylcj :E=d 5iir= 8H a:-'lRA sa=:!Y(,(D=. (D =.(D { o t l f (It I j o o f = +lo +tr | +lfrl -\ +tE I lTlc ft +l'u \ +tH k tv r [;-t > (tt za -r> 20 m_n €z m o z o 'n o I (, m t- to le l' l-I l I r -t z ft z l z r _0 m =(t z m m m o l< ' lz 2 t X I tp l^IX IY t"I I I -.t-- z (,1)c l- =o z -m --l I o z m P F lm I IO q€og +i_ =4 z = I l ll tl z>e8 Ici !<Ll.l =>o o4 m=ao z c z = z m € X D< m --l z =z 4 m ! _9 m t c c =z DoNts >m frzx2 >q x -d :\! - lrt Fio -Dn >X z at zu;qo --r c) 1Z -u a u1 >! n A n ;o = E b nz .2 <1zz r€ao tr< I --l I -t I (, :F s tJl z z F g l- 2 o z o -i m a 2 z o z 6 I --t m lGr lel tz'ol to'lW 'nl v9l vl rn FI xl Fol <1.;l tsl 3l B F H z z -{o --t l- m =-n m m U' (t m J x l-m z m ! q. m I z { m m z 'n m N)! X m I z a) _9 = o o l- z o -m x c 2 m = m =-n m m a VALUATION !m =z 9 F-l H P r- =rn o z t- o z m m i ^ @ ; 2 s' N)tJ L^J @ Q (Jl NJ NJ ul ll 5.I\J o @ hJ uRf 50 tqq ,wo -a rl -a o 6 m Xo. Hg E lE;i l. l :!5 6{3r F!"fi5 trq+. gE EEET, fiEE Fi= 96 3; = 2 s n I c 1 c .l c o n ,7 n l C ;')'g c o (t : n E m It s't n ::.-.J .t .n i/zf x :d =d o o =e :m Ya o E c c c c =m o z o c z c c ! s @ z o c c c c T TN m o t c' o 2n nz >m oa -{>ot-F o lra o o €z m u o E z =m EF pF tn pr l-{lo It lz lo l'll t<t> lF It Im lo t2 I t = { !! n ; -\{in I ()o 0( 0(o { !! n \I'.s \J q \ll o.\ {+\t \ o €z o .tl : :t t'tt P 2 o -t F F G) tr? ls bn Fr r F h |r, I m n -).J f $r s.--Ct I t,\} e vl l{ |ct 15i tol Frl t<l t>l F-1 trl mi P]tz lo I I ffi f, F'F s It R:t F I I I I s ^J A \l h H tg lz o l'll t<t> l!tm IP lz 19- FJ p b I I m trt F F-\N E hF IE R F- I I I Q S r' F I t tt TS NE s 't- YP $ e 1 F F b h fr {. $ I 0a a F is-as- F J F t o o z 2 F giiEi :H:Ei 3*=*F 3go*= EF+Ei llgEgii c'I !o z !tt t =(D z m ln o m o l<" lz t: IJ I> l6 l:r lo I' I I r L I lH: t; t l- t 8 :0 t=l l. l tct tFl | -{t tol I l;l l,l lil ll l*l lo G{EF zE :{>{t lf iE F8 B9 3e 2 I It FF li F tr l-a ll'lr li lo l2 I t-l> l8 l-l l6 lz [=il; ll3 t- N 6l m q\H FE bJ F* ffi EI 'io iq 6'a s ti t sI oo -- 19O=&l=- DFr - \./. x \rl LN -o o 0 I o .t o F,.\ $ N o z =o F @ s -I z o -o m o z z o =2 6 u o a *, tl nil UI m I o I !o FI d c c,m L o z !all s frl {o o I I t fn ct t ftl =o z at m o (\{ -fit cl z d F x c 3 g!z o rn atl o , cl F p 2 o tn o , s F 0 z o *t a !m ! = m m tn VALUATION !m t =-9 t, L \ H 3 m o !o F !c 3 gt z,o m tn o =o F l. z il o {t\ R .0 Ir N n \J n t5 \ I I t N \) o Ll \ I lr"t F.lc l8 l' lr I l> l" IY F.'la I t (; fr f{|{t{ f1, \t N p \ t\ 5 \ v $ \ $ \ N \ f N \ -(, \ I\I {l|r 'l t \N l Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST 0793 VALLEY AOAD CARBONDALE, COLORADO 81623 {30s) 963.3600 (2. HOURS) rt il.: t . .t. .1 .5r'J ,) ,i ir,r;. r_-, lli !.:ii.:l-.d i'la L. i: i r +r.,r.:: j i;r i: l- lr {ll..Jr' ,r. r-19i,.::{:.,(:. lii.l I-t :r ".,,iCr'/ 'j.:ii 1 {.1.J i.ri L {:}::,iri liLr .,;;t;t,,' I rrlti r il li)-J.vrj."-l,li::ii::l,..ii:,i.1. I Er Uerbl j.:i l:rll. C1r,r:l iidcjl Li{3ll liu:rar Iti. '- ii etr'':l I .1. it;:tvl-: i'" *i* (ir\r.',t.L r-ral:erj t l-r r..' ab c.i'yr". r'e i{=.i i:ri!:: t1{l pr-oFr:i {:'r. r'.r i. l.li r*:spec{: tn {:}re p F i1p i:l$f:riJ *irlij.i. tl::i. iti r ,' F:'J- cllt':iili '::i; r::f i,'r nv }. +:: t-. t t:lr" rjt t i.lpr':i ). 1:l , 1(r'{ttJ " l'he add:it:i un al: rit t^J i:il {l ri [rl.j.1{t:l i.J:i.,1..i. t1{]rt. 1:.li::r'i: r..r!" -iri-orn l:h11 $.r'Ft-.lLl prl iln hr.iL r',r i. 11 nec'cl t. !-r E:-' ri...,.i u 'r,r {:: yF r,.r r:i'l rn:i. l: j. q..,rti r} :r:i {:or ths fli(:i i |r. I rr.rr..r$ri.j i tgeinrl 9*F.i{r'ert ci:d {;r'r'rlr tlte. rir*in hOpge'!*1U,.'be anF odvantage in thrs ri-lverrt cl.I ;* rrrrrlsl j.de clr "avdlrnfih$. b."g_G+U,F.p material wi. ll ha're an r:a:rier r-rJute toward the creek and th$ 6rr."r'l::ent i sl {t-rr- rJer.f Lection over- to a rreighbror i6 rninimizedt It i. s r.r'l l: clrr-r l.rc:ttr*r- nrrt tm pre:;errrt tprr wi rlel a "tar-qet " and the rmlr;rr'*tinn intn tr,rn l orJ nt-r-r-rctui-e* nf t*r.i{:{irir.rnt- strenqlth can br r.i er"re+rJ .:.r!:i an arJvant;rq1s " Tlrer "::i. tr., is a ge+r.:Iugir:a1 .Ly {r,fln:riti.r.e arpa Frlrt tlrig additipnal devolopmeint r+i I L not j.ncre+as* tfre tra:rard ta otlrer 1.:lFflperty or tlLrrrc'hurea l c:r' {:o pLrbl.:i {: r':i.r::1htrs-er'f --wetyi L}LlilrJings.' road:t,' sitreets. easemegnt-*i o lrti.1. it-ie.-'s ')r 'f scili'Liers or other prop*rlli er$ n{ any [ri.nd. '14 I can ir +r tr* *ur-ther r:i*r- r,, i c--e*. rrL eaee clt: not hesi tatea to cnntn*t,rrt.'. fii ncere+.[ y "-ilu^fu. Ni *hgl asi l--;rmpir"i ril Ccin,sltL t i nq Grsnl o6i :+t Ar"h,r"/ fnntli".g.*S 741- so'|2 1 - 3oo o ("ri; k\ :=o.-=a-eE t4'rH t=1 Trr"|',s TooLs o Nioholas LamPiris, Ph.D. ooNguL?lN6 sEOLoclsT 0793 VALLEY HOAO cAnsoNoALE, coLoRADo 91823 (309 0633800 (2. HOUFS) fllpr"rl T(), l9rtt) li .. l: .,r rl Plat l: lr r:''r'r':; 11.:l l'.l tr:\w(i l!4 I'lg,f-''(]t.,. I i t l-lr r;: lj.filr'7 \,. r 'r I (.: t. I t;l t 6i1iJ I ii . :: '.','{ ' / t..l1[] 1 r' / r Dl' 1 i,',,'r 1;l r r.. Ir,tnqJ: i t,,"..'r, r'l'.r' l?\/r|.J r.';:t ti,ttJ thgl I F,?rt rfrr': l I '"l tht'l l-1r'" c)l)qtt;efl rit,ril l1:? Xt'9i/f' . P-e1 LW* NLA4v'^) A-f^;t- \L -1\-u+tg-* o\c-* brJ ffi c"rtrclvf l-6{ s}r{iflr:t)tl propert"y rrri tft adrliti$t1 . F1(l;1F6l 3ee fiy 1clti:cll" ct'f trr{-' i,,tlrJr t I flt-l ,,ltli rlt.}w pl arrrred wi I1 nt:)t' cJetHr {r rFm thf+ tlvl:'r*) l q,i ,r, ilrt: wil, ( trt::ri)(i the 1li!\tnr* t'ype rr{ fii t' j'gst i on ar' f ot tht't ,r,.{.i r' lr.,r.t{i;tir- ul:ltlq }j'etlnrittFcl {r-orn tfrm mflln hollgp mi''t y l)t"i isrr ,rl ..i|rl..ir1r, irt t ttr'' evt+rrtl g{; al tntlrll$l' i' d(.ir ':}r <lvalanch6f h r'!r: tlitu sifl: 11. ,tr..r' :,:(l r^r 1 I L ll,itYtS ,-i\ n r,j;triii Or- r"r'rrrl6 t"or'lgrrJ thg firi?ei': nnrl the ll,rl'.r'til t.\t Ir1r r,lt'f:1, lt!c:l: r on QV(lf" l:o li n(PiEhlrrlr ic mtnimric'cj' It 1 ,. rr! 1(.n L,(#ti ri{r r't,.ii t.' o preeililn'I" tr'ro wj (le a "targtst" ntltJ the ..r:-r1.11 .1t r {r') it'rrn tj.wc) l,oq rt-rttr: liLtf f.rfil o{ muf{ictent strt'rrqth can l'ts. i/r t r.Jll[l .,t'E ,rti irllVflnbrsfJe. r1,1l:,r tr.;. :r. rr i, rr{.J(l.l orJi l:,hl 1y t:ierti6i' t':ivs area trlrt thi rii' a(1rli I'r ttal r ir , , , ,t flr1r|lri_.flt H! | t, CIL I (1cr"i,f rof,i|n tlrr:.1 fral,trcl to othFr l)f'f rl]er'ty flr- , ilrr I rrt-'jr!it ()r- i.:. (l pir-rbl i c riBhtg-nf -'wAy, br'lildings" rn':ltrlt"" ,,t.y r;,r11 .,:r{ r.;,.{tiefrl.i't ll:,,ii r Llti li l:!.eis or" 'f ssili'titlg ar ot'ihefr r;r f)l:i{fv 1.. lt,'gi cl{ ..,rfrY }ii fld" ' I L , .ul t) r::! nl I t,(rIl'ler- eierviLtilf p]i*tl''!o ds not hNsi tf *t1:r tfll '.-riI Ir. f dl(:l " ve-'-[:lc]rl.{r a.L I 9r t)fihri'",1 F|lnwi Additr i r;rt 6i ncere! Y t 4tr@ Nic;troIaE Lrimplris llclrrsul ti rrq 6eol og:l t,t' ffuu, il O Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. ' CONSULTING GEOLOGIST 0793 VALLEY ROAD CARBONDALE, COLORADO 81623 (3O3) S63.36m (21 HOURS) i:iF;". j. .l ji:r ., i ri;gi_l i:: i .-. i. -..- -.1 i:l -. i'. l- l- '-, ,- i'i-i i: t ha,,4s l.ir Al:+n: " i: I iJrii ;i::=;4r ;' l:ei:i .|. i-il ilj i.':'::;i* iil:.; ::iTl"l;i' i.-l-i!l:i. tr r.t .i.j'i- i.,'il* --f-{Ilc i.,:'t;:1. i ,?r lilltr"i.:* l':i.!. r:i.; ! i-l,j#i i i. sn F iie-ai- ll :L r!'i.:lr'-cl : I h +..,'* r-,=--evsl. r..ra L: *rJ i:hs ai:r\.'i,: i*e{si-i:ncei:! iJr-':!:*i- !-- v r.J li: ii f-=siiga1: t'-:i Lile pr"r:i:fl*r-='1 .i ilci .i .:: i :{-l ,. F I sr+sie .:,"e ,ry i.r+Lteir- +{ i':1r'1r- j i I? ! Ei/+r'i -l h* *.ildi t:r nir .,;r. i-, ii']l.J il .i.;rir:1nL:al r^i:L.I. I ncil ,J+:-i e:- i!'*irr tir+: sveral.!, r:i;n i: i-it i'.r:i..!. i ncr.:ii tl-i{* rr;lfl}* iyp*.- a-F mit':ig*l:ion .is -F r:i'- 1:: f-r r. m..rj. n i',r:lt=r= " lle:inr.i jf i?jl: F.ir- i:r'i *il +rem tir* n;*j.;t h*ri-ir:e m;{v ifn g'n '+,j'.,.:*!,*SE: i i-! i: ir..r irrr r:rn t ,.:)'{i : ini-r,:j s i. idr* r::r .avs.i:..i':ciip bs'::.lr-tsi-= ii:::ii r-:r-:i aL ,.".r i .1. .1. lr.ai r+ ai-l 4r;it5:i *;- r'-*i..itg t*r'lar-ci i--h* :r-i.:,..:l,: .::, r-, ri i:he, i-.:: l:.i-1r1i-:i e{i i,i}r- di:.i:|.':itr.:+.;':i.*n flv{.:r i,: ,.:, ne:iqlii:ni' i.s i.l:i"flim j.::r:,:i ,, I l-- i.G {lf ten 'r:r:+ l. i:.ei;- i'r o 1:. L,:: Er:'r*I:r':r-it i:r:i: i..ri. ril: J. "t*.i-{:r"t" *nri tnel E*:i:tnr-*LiLin intE .Lr+* j i)C :iit i- Ll:: L i-ir-f-i; Dlr guf ','r;: j. --ni ;'i:r*iriltlr ca:r :f i:.i 'r' i er+gcl .-,,t;; eii d,. rl v..+i'i t.s.i:l{3,, J lrr,=, r;i*i: 1,::r n ir F-1-,1 -.rir::r r.. .-a,-,r:::i +.i r-r q1 ;i;.-g.j buL t-hig aCjji. ii::la.l. Cr=v*i cr:rrni-rr L ,,"ii i.i. nt:it :ir:r:r'e.li;f: tl.1e ha:ar-cl t'= ol:fiLti- p r -ir r'-j!'' l-y (ir E l:;..' ctL.ti-+-,', i:l- t,f, DLttr.L i.r r :. q ir {:,:.- c{ -tta', 'v , i:1..t1 ..d.-.rig*" r-o:.ii*..gi:r,::ei:=" €il€ii-5rn,ir't Li:; , lli i. i :i. L i. gs $r- +;t{:i. li. ti.ez lr flrhr:r- Dr-L1oi-r-ti FlG $l .e r-r v h: iitcJ. I+ l can b*: ei: i: i.ii- il:pi' *r,ir- v:i. cr:, ol.i:a*;s dL] n*i: hr*:ltati.r tL: cl:nt e-{::L i}i€l , cl i r.r ':r:r 1 r.'\{'4 l,q!-t r.r ] | -tuU 4;. i'.l i -11.al ::,: | :.-nn irr ': llr,n--r ,1 i i nn lien l nn i g. t" ONNER ARCH I TECT ZONE DISTR PROPOSED USE LOT 5JZE 0 it:Lot o-? ZOIIE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS lr L Block f _ ."r ?r (- /Filing 5rr -: "r' phq6g g-r-o77 3S? 3 ;. 31it-L Al'l orled /'rn\/??\ t'" La ! gtG). Prooosed Hei ght Total GRFA PrimarY GRFA SecondarY GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear l,later Course Site Coverage Lands caPi ng Fence/ Reta'i ni ng .rtal 1 Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock S torag e Solar Heat til lEr lql t?n\f(n\ t<- - r [ <iv I .7 1,i * Vve"-"'- 5nq Hei ghts ( 3oo ) (6oo ) (900)(1200) (so)(1oo) /rE\ltn\ (2oo)(4oo) Slope Actual Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards :Aval anche Fl ood P'lai n Sl ope |.letl ands Geologic Approved/0i saPProved Hazards Conments : Zoni ng : Date: at/\ I I t lt I -l t ti'. t./r t o, r'-. - (t ( c{ "'r-- '\<t e--'' I t ---\-\. -.* _ \_= t i l I \TTHEWS C' ASSOCIATES rdscope Architecture, Plonning 6 Reclomotion 3567 Vorl Colorodo 81658 (3O3) 9d9-5077 LEnTry @F TRANSnflIT,TAL U Samples the following items: tr Specifications n O D Resubmit-copies for approval Submit copies tor distribution Return-corrected prints tc.dr.J oF VAtu WE ARE SENDING YOU O ShoP drawings D Copy of letter Attached f1 Under separate firints D Change order cover vra ! Plans o THESE ARE TRANSMITTED n For apProval LJ For your use f, As requested as checked below: D Approved E Approved D Returned as submitted as noled for corrections EFfor review and comment ! D FOR BIDS DUE 19- O PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US "^"4lGlgo l'"' A'IENTIOtI _ TOH BRAU A) OELBAU H RSIDE{C6 AA(Lhc€ AtrorrroN coPrEs OAIE NO.OESCRIPTION ,'lar \qo d\AflA46 TuAtJ(z <ttEItTS ) SL\\ (:.L)c REMARKS trbt CLlL AjP9L\LI )K {,roJ AS \ (2.tr(€tu€ Ttfr}4 !,*J t r|uAfaD t(L (.eHMf].Jrs COPY TO srcNED, Dt)'^- U,in -,^/ troEr r.at /@k.i,i,b olrtl fr.acfor{ra.t ... nd ..,',otad, ,lndlyt nolit, u. Jr APPLICATION DATE::,i"iJ DATE OF ORB DRB APPLICATION ****TTHIS APPLICATION ltllLL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBIIITTED**T*' I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETII{G: YEETIIiG: A pre-application meet'ing with-a planning staff membel ]:-:!"ongly suggested to J"iur*.rni if any aaaitionai infoniration is needed. No application will be accepted uniets.it is comol'ete (must include all items required try the zoning administrator). it is tn" appiicant,i iesponsibility to make an appointnent.with the staff to find out unort additional submitta'l requirements. PIease note that a COMPLETE applica- : ' iion *ill streami.ine the approval process for your proiect by decreas'i ng the number oi-iondltions of approvai ttrat tne'gRB may st'iiuiate. ALL conditions of approvai must be resoived befo.re i uuitding permit is iisued. : A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:.rAi-ilA l'\--'r ' ' B. LOCATION Address OF PROPOSAL: )I Legal Description Lot Bl ock Fil jng ; ' .r Zoni ng C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Addres s Addres s '-. ,)' t, .-,' I tei ephone. D. NAI,IE OF APPLI CANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: tel ephone E. NAIUE OF OI.JNERS:\{)l'.-'Jd q-d':,Ad A-1 Signature Add res s \,r.. A,;! 1;tei ephone DRB FEE: The fee wil'l be paid at the tjrne a building perrnit is requested' VALUATION FEE $ o-$ 10,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $:50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000 $ 0ver $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 2s.oo $ so.oo $100.00 $200.00 $300 . o0 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property iines and buiiding corners. Jrges- that will be removed should also be martiO. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the . si te. 2. The review orocess for NEll BUILDINGS will normally'involve two separate meetings of the Design Review 8oard, so plan on at least tlo meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Oesign Review Board at their scheduled meeling and who have not asked for a postponement will be requ'i red to be republished. .\.r,. ' -?!: .S. l: :- i,il .-d |+ 1: ....,".l!? 4. The fol'lowing items no longer have to be presented.to.the Design Review Board' They, however, have to be presentea io iiri Zoning Administrator for approval: a. l.lindows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing Plane of the building; and b. Buildins additions that are not viewed from anv other 'lot-o.I-ryb]i-"-:t?:t' wnich hive had letters submitted frorn adioining property owners_ approv'lng the addition;-anoloi ipprovat from the agent for' or manager of a condominium associ ati on. 5. You may be required .to conduct Naturai Hazard chect< with a Town Planner before proceeding' Studies on your proPerty. You should I'IAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED LIST OF MATERIALS P6sroetr<,€ - 6eqea o ELr5AU o 6 A'rru lT|O,..l rJ , R|([{O^J STJBDI!,Ij|SJ DESCRIPTION OF P The following'information is required for submittal by the appiicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fjven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di ng Other Nall Materiais Fasci a Soffi ts lili ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name Si ze*Conmon Name ?tuEA P'Jrjqgil1 ?oPot,JI APa,Jgf t&utt ti)f{r.rls +Etqu$tDcs A1PrpJ * topx cf4ct*tlut ljsrlc C,or.,o, "rf4rJ0t5 Nrue/hr,rusF arnorJr^hno j Quani ty 3s t( 6'-lg' 2" 1" for conifers. (over) *Indicate calioer for deciducious trees.Indicate height PLANT MATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Botanical Name Conrnon Nale H04b p{n6 Quani ty b Pt,0dg Hd4f+o joNlFgfi^JS SAB'^lA ?vfdlruA_d,^}It,*<A flLtot r ats'ncnt* !*letrtl,o \nlrer{L 7G ,o"D t0cp nrrDhrYl!ts [Ltfr61 Ar-PrrJdt'r 6BTUilt '12uJ'..1 Aulrl Fl6 4,lnnA^ff l'Js,$6 Tvpe f.lrss, ?erewlrr^Lg ). 6faolqr+,wf- Size _ (A - {h" "5 .fi< -^ I -- t) Square Footage 45oo SOD ) E. E.U NZ\'1rrt$ $ss) hr)(l? ooo AUTDH&1lL filt lam h"J /-t<,19/1 TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL ..OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retain'ing walls,fences, sw'immi ng poo1s, etc.) Please specify. |-€T*tttnta U4uua 6S0JJ O^J A,. o (a 6 o C 3 \ * ( \\ ) N It --{q-z d F=j! +\, {or I li''Ir tl tl II Itt nl -.--. , I -l l't. I ll-tt +-r I I \tr\ J'-- -/ --*--$=t.I I *=-'t I l l I l I l l I I I I I ----/ I, $l P -0 I -!.s :t $l $l _-$ i Itl \l \l b-+ I _1 g9 tI +\ -!$gg *F it qiur |N... Irt o + ;$ o $ \ \ =. >* $+ {ul a /4e,, t/o^r. {/z /?D Project Application Project Name: Pro,ect Description: Contact Person and 'ri )t! ?-rd 71 Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol 3 Btocx / ,rr,,n 'Kl/, f ,zone- Commenls: Design Review Board Motonbv: )f,t[1nt/*Lr^ L APPROVAL _D Date Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL taG "o, ,J it?aL'aJf ,,fn E statt Approval - o c)o z a {n c o -{o z ! FT n 3 { -n l,Or- z< 22 o"z c- -- -l m Ic l-- o .l-tt | --r : O l<x f t! )l I lm: 6 les i l!< a lmP o l3r I f-.: m =r-l 7 o< dP -o 3d >l 16 (, f m-o 'n ! m + t_lFlt--l <gq 2== YP r ftrt] az -{Y ln m lr lL.. I lE o l5 0 l.It lN<lo\r.t-n 9ri =-{ @ m x m -i z @ o =m O F-F- {-(, I m 'Tl t-z z m FI] g rd H trt - el 'J UJ \o ! c. H z l- m o l- l-m = t- z -t --{ 2n nZ >m --l >or- o Z a't = --r an m I z z i c)i o O-p Zt- --.r c 3< t7 t: F t< Its IH IH F4 ld r l*t>rn K/) lc) I -{ I l-r to l€lz lo l:t> IF lr tm lF'lz I E lz lo t:t> lF lB lz lr to It lz lo IT t> lF lfl lz t-.t l€ lz \o 1.r s-li fl; 3tfr |.,tz le I I t*l5,IY lFi I -{ ti rn lO rl= lo lt l> t- lm lc lz lo I I I x;E 3 d ;- oEd ;3699 Eo^X^.P-6:;ciolP- o Y =D o -o :.< e {cd!.EF f = + qi ,;i =;:d6 = t, (D ==t HFas-iiI9; =o;i- <d e FB i oii j oR P?43=569=6' nO*i3 . =_t o)t J qes-=F il3s33i I 3:: r F i 9 9<:*i Ji=93 >-16- \ ;:o)o'r. -.i=< j )€ [tfi;A \X jo,o ,>' *\?'o ll 5'! p-0.4P d ! ii f 6 =. I ' Fsis;+FHaj lIi3q#I eU9P= a z c m _n €z m 'n =(, m t-'n z --l I m =z m o!@ HiE - 62 1" W*', l-lnL.t%' IFF XXX -.-T---t- fro<'b 'n -! Igl t\ -{l9 t>l-t:ls lcz =l'P,-d tue *- xlz T--_lz t;I t;I t- I I z a c r --1 o z m -t I o z m P F ]. I(]T€ -z z = I o o o 0 :o z C =d z o I -tt o z € --t m 4 -2 R }4 o =o z : in n --{ fn c -,I c z g F rl F F z z rrl H F z trl H P E- H z r F l!1 z H r r c)N)zx2 lnx; 4 ..:P io r>"n =zo ,i90 olz = 22 Xo 6p F? c: zq - I 'n2z € x 4< a € -t :', 4 J z -t :) { JI NJ z z o F g l- z z I m a =z a =z 6 I --t -.1 m Fl ol 2l Itm dE >'a -lrl IF lFr .N trt I I I -' ({ \,'a firr! lx.' l"- lP r\o l\o I i t- l,m =-n m m a c gt m o m z c ! g --t I z m m € ID o o =z m m I z l-c q, z. c) m o -i - z - o I @ c . m f m = ='n m m a g VATUATION !m =z o o z t-c =z m m ^ g 2 o N) l\ ) .F- +. *R S\ nppt icutionQte DRB MEETING DATE APPLICATION FOR A SATELLITE DISH ANTENNA I. Procedures for applying_for a satellite dish antenna are outlined in Ordinance #9 of 19g5. Oetails of these procedures are ivailab.le from the Department of conmunity Developnrent._ nppticants i"e encouraged to contact the Department of Connunity Developinlnt for. additjonat iiiormition concerning submitted requests, review criteria, and the'approval pioceis. A. NAME OF APPLICANT .G *, O e , s ^,,T*) LEGAL DESCRIPTION B.NAME OF APPLICANTS REPRESENTATIVES ADDRE NME 0F ol,lNER(S S I GNATU RE add.resses of a] I pi:operty behind The applicant D.List of names and property incl uding mai 1 i ng addresses . addresses. property adjacent to the subject and accross streets and their is responsibl e for correct mail ing /-\f LAt n E)> AS OUTLINED IN ORDINANCF {?,.19q5, NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY 9!l!5$ Is REQUTRED pRroR io'RatiE,l di'nr'rv AppLrcATrorus By rHE DEsTGN REVIE!'l BOARD. FOR THIS REASON, CONPTTTd NPPLICATIONS MUST 8E SUBMITTED T0 THE DEPARTMTNT 0F.COMMUNITv'oeveroFnENT 2i-ilii-pnlcin-io"rHE scHEDULED DES IGN REVIEI,I BOARD MEETING. a 75 aoulh lrontage rosd v!ll, color.do 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 To : Sate'l 1 i te Di sh App'l i cants From: Department of CorTmunity Dev'lopment Re: Review Criterja and Approva'l Process oftlce of communlly developmcnt The review process for any application for the jnstallatjon of a satel'lite dish antenna begins with a staff review by the Department of Community Development. Compliance with the foilriwing requirements is necessary before any appljcation is foruarded to the Design Revied Board: 1. Conplete application consisting of the following: ll conrpleted satel lite dish appl ication form and material 'l ist b) Comp'leted Design Review Board application c) Site plan showing proposed location of the satellite dish antenna d) Description of the satellite dish antenna (i.e. size, design, nnterials, etc. )e) Color samp'le (if applicable)f) Landscape plan (if applicable)9) An improvement location certifjcate and/or a preliminary tit)e report h') Elevations, perspectives,or renderings if deerned applicable by the staff of the Conrnunity Development Department 2. No more than one (1) satellite dish antenna shall be al'lowed on any1ot as delineated on the official Town of Vail zoning map. 3. The maximum height allowed for any satellite dish antenna, when measured from the top of the satellite dish antenna down to existing or finished grade, whichever is nrore restrictive, shall not exceed 15 feet. 4. The maximum size of any satel'l ite dish antenna instal'l ed for use by a single resjdence or business sha'l I be limited to 9 feet in diameter. Satellite dish antennas serving multi-family dwell'ings shal'l be limited to a maximum of 12 feet in diameter. ^,Satel lite Dish Alants, review criterla .\ and approval proclE( page two 5. llo advertising,'l ogos or identification shal'l be al lowed on any satel I ite dish antenna. 6. Satellite dish antennas shall comply with the existing setback requirements of the zone district jn which the satellite 7. Due to the special aesthetic importance of the core areas of the Town, exterior installations of satelIite dish antennas ln Cornmercial Core areas I and lI shall be permitted only if screened by some type of enclosing structure. Said structures required to enclose a satellite dish antenna in these areas shall comply with al1 applicable zoning regulations and shall be architectural'ly compatible with the existing structure. It should be noted that varjances may be granted to any prov'isions outlined above (Nurnbers 2-7) and in section 19.58.320 D of crdinance 9, 19g5. Appl'i cations in compljance with these requirements shall be foruarded to the Design Review Board. Guidelines utilized jn this review are as follows: 1. All wiring and cable related to a satellite dish antenna shal l be instal l ed unerground. 2. The use of mesh antennas is high1 y encouraged because of their abjlity to be moi'e sensitively integrated on a site or structure. 3. The use ofapproprj'atecolors shall be required to provide for a more sensitive instal lation when integrating a satellite dish antenna onto a site or structure. Color selection for a satelljte dish antenna should be rnade with respect to specjfic characteristics on a site or structure. Unpainted surfaces and satel I i te di sh antennas wi th refl ecti ve surfaces shal I not be a'l Iowed. 4. Locations of satellite dish antennas shall be made so as to ensure that the satellite dish antenna is screened from view from any public right-of-vray or adjacent property to the highest degree possible. In addition to effective site planning, screening a satel lite dish antenna may be accompljshed through the use of landscaping materials, fencing, existing structures, sub:-grade placements or other means that both screen the satellite dish antenna and do not appear unnatural on the site. :i:'ln3l'1.l:!ll"'ll;.'iil13[ cri te, Satelljte dish antennas on or attached to existing structures shall be permitted provided the satellite dish anienna is architecturally integrated into the structure. Effective use of color shalI be required to ensure compatibil.ity between the satellite dish antenna and existing structure. The use of a nesh nnterial shall be strongly encouraged when attempting to integrate a satellite dish antenna onto an existing structure. Landscaping or other site improvements intended to screen a satellite dish antenna proposed on any application shall be completed prior to the issuance of a bui'l ding permit to install a satellite dish antenna. A letter of credit equal to 125% of the costs of installing landscaping or site improvements may be submitted to the Town of Vail if seasonal weather conditions prohibit the installation of landscaping or site improvements. A1 I improvements required by the Design Review Board for the purpose of reducing the visibility of satellite dish antennas shall remain in place so long as the satellite dish antennas remajn'in place unless permission to alter or remove said improvements is obtajned from the Design Review Board. All satellite dish antennas and all improverents required by the Design Review Board to reduce the visibility of satel'l ite dish antennas sha'l I be adequately maintained and repaired and shal'l not be allowed to become dilapitated or fall jnto a state of disrepa'ir. Upon final approval'from the Design Review Board, applicants must obtain a building permit prior to the installation of any satellite dish antenna. 5. 6. 7. o a" o B.Aer' 6/'-- r--zq'11 lpf -5-r /4 3ffi7 /-/,qr.L"'^-<' &-< C/L ft*lat q,tF ffiocr / W^"- /{' ZU*--"- /*4-' '" /# liztz 6fu //- "4///2,; /*f + (l a A furJ- 3f47 QrL &-*.- fu+ -) 6.td./. / ,/,/t* tZ *zLH 4 gayT> a + eZl-."A P*;. G -zaP a?*Z/,t"-L- g( da { >/ I 4-" d e*rz- /-r / % z /"'< /tzz-' %'4ffi G 7.t /atK /"-Z d 8/o s? fft k4i /r + 33a 7 60 6 /O Prt SE',L v!Mw4/1/ (137 il 0".-l**-ry% {x t( vr t rb 6rt fu t )d*6 &* a( A.* &*r(- toq'ub- t f //,{b / vf .# 67 Tf{q Z.di--,-", O//.J (6' ? ra (z ryu.a-,4 6Aa*),/ / 76oo *frfr P^4 9rrrA -e T 3^*;,; //24 ,{s /V utr o o [y,/- >ffi€ /fi,,-^W 'i{az,h* *J"./1. /4a,^4- A.Z*-, 'b {aoE -rtr,r"*- H fu S'L /tL 74 '4 "fo{z / i |} ry^S./- 24 a.az;,tu kl/- z. fe{r; Uz'* (- %4d 3k"',.4 g 0> "-Q Fr( 6^Ro* fu t-*2( "0,^tlrrry, f 5"*b -ffuo 1r'rr,A 0h4--< ' /2e-42- "4f e /c / rf ry o PUBLIC NOTICE NoTIcE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board of the Town Vail will hold a public hearing on August 15, 1990 at 3:00 p.n. the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Perot residence located at 84 Beaver Dam Road. Lot 31, Block 7, Vail Village lst. Applicant:H. Ross Perot 2. A request for a sign variance for Up The creek Bar & Grill, located at 223 Gore Creek Drive. Creekside Building. Appticant: Peter Stadler 3. A request for a Satellite Dish Antenna for the Oelbaun residence located at 3907 L,,upine Drive. Lot 3 , Block L I Bighorn l-st. Applicant: Ron oelbaun The applications and information about the proposals are avaj.lable in the zoning adninistratorrs office during regrular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNTTY DEVEIOPI{ENT Published in the VaiI Trail on JuIy 27, l-99O. of in '\:,.i',i- . " .,,:l'. " l. .\\\'::N'. \ \,.'. \.'\ -\.,.',' ' \.r\, ^\ \ \.r \ ... \-, \. t: 0. St.tl"" Wilnor, 5455 Wert J"*"ll Ao". el*l LrL.*ooJ, 0olo".Jo 80226 August 3, 1990 Town of Vail Community Development 75 So. FronLage Rd. Vail, C0 8I657 Subject: August 15 hearlng 3.00 P.M. Ron Oe l baum Satellite dish 3907 Lupine Dr. Gentlemen: As owners of Lots - 15,16 Bighorn Subdivisi-on second addition which is directly across from t.he 0elbaum residence, r{r e oppose the installation of a satellite dish antenna on this or any property in our. subdivision. This is in direct violation of the prot.ective covenants for this area and vould great 1y t.ake away from the scenic and natural beauty of this landscape. 0ur building site on lot 15 would look right down on this installation. ours To cr/haa i-/ ,ryet/ Caac-€zz. fAt-t ,'s 412 Tnr/-n.tlo ruenac / 4- 4A.- St /e-//r'./,-- d r?/7 utv- rtzt'// L- astL2 eh r!/n &//eq*?s 9q/t//.,'/. tls/.ry, , uT lap< 1l*n- ,L-s1,ec-y'tb.r "{,J <-5u9/ f,L/qr- e/ ,',"s/t7dJ,94 is 6zhq/ y'ao .q 4J 4- *4*- ,/q,.-t r€v,'eL(/. ?1 1A*- ,'-S ial/4,^l FH*<- Yarc ncry-|, 7/2.< rz e77 5 oZ-2/>ZSr Aa7 4,'-/so2 . TAqu t /e.L/ ,/- o<'Lr'a,, o / 4" li,//' /. hJ,'' S/q./C- Pz/L - /AF7 /,o/ /?j Ca-lor 4L G.tt/>3 THE LOCKTON INSI_JFII\NCE AGENCY October I, 1990 JTL: bd :(' Planning and Environmental Commission ATTN: Andy Knudtsen City of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, C0 81657 Dear Mr. Knudtsen: I am writjng this letter to express my strong opposition to the request made by Mr. Ron 0elbaum for a variance to allow a satel- ljte dish in the Gore Creek 50' setback, and for a f'loodplain modification on Lot 3, Block l, Bighorn lst addition,3907 Lupine Dri ve. As co-owner of property located at 3954 Big Horn Road' I feel that the appearance of a satellite dish would greatly detract from the natural beauty of the area. To despoil the mountains of Vail with the installation of such an eyesore in so prominent a locale cou'ld only result in a devaluatjon of the neighborhood' and would further deprive the resjdents of Vail of the beauty of the landscape they presently enjoy. I urge you to reject the request for a variance to allow installa- tion of what could become the first of many satellite dishes in highly visib'le locations throughout the area. Si ncerely,vffi*-< Lockton I I I September 10, 1990 Town of Vail Design Review Board Dear Board Members: I live at 3974 Bighorn Road. My property backs up to Gore Creek, which is a "special" part of the environment. Immediately across the creek on Lupine Drive, someone is building a log home. The home itself looked fine. The owner has now added a box-like garage structure that is awful to look at. I'm told this same owner now wants to add a satellite receiver to furthcr destroy the beauty along Gore Creek. If this person must have such a dish, I urge you to rcquire that it be located in a place where it will be an eyesore only to him and his house guests We shouid protect the creek and oui views in every way we can' Imagine the attractiveness of a creek lined by satellite dishes! They miSht provide shade for the trout, but they wouldn't do much for Vail's environment. Sincerely, W. T. McCallum 3974 Bighorn Rd. Vail. CO rtl t'/../ ^'/^-'--('y)- >-)-n'L-,/ ,/ / , ''1"/'-L 2'-7 )- /'-Y /1 t)t' \An\ArrEvt REALESfAfE 228 BRIDGE STREET VAIL, COLORADO 81657 (3O3) 476-8250 -BROKERS INC. October 8, 1990 Torvn of Vail Community Development Dept. 75 S. Frontage Rd. West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Request for satellite dish at the Olebaum Residence on Lupine Drive. Dear Sirs: As managing agent of the Hewit residence at 3947 Lupine Drive, I have been asked t<r notiS you of the Hewit's feelings on this proposal. The Hewit's are strongly opposed to having a satellite dish where they can see it from their home. They prefer to have the dish located down near the creek where the willows and other vegetation screen it from their view. I understand that you are recommending to the Olebaum's that the dish be placed next to their home, and that is an unacceptable location for the Hewits. I would appreciate being kept informed on the progress of this proposal. yours, *8,11"/L/t-- D. McKibben Broker/Owner cc: William Hewit Richard Matthews THE LOCKTON INSUFANCE AGENCY 7-lDD S';rr'. t. I r:lll ;.1. Ffl l ,. B.l lt P ,r,'r= Vi ir-.Je K;,r :. ,., €621-Fl L-i r. !t I . r ,i , _. gr_L_r( l September 19, 1990 , ,,JJ 6!u;'' - Pl anning and Environmental Cormission ATTN: Andy Knudtsen City of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, C0 81657 I am writing to express my strong opposition to the request made by Mr. Ron Oelbaum for a variance to al1ow a satel'l ite dish in the Gore Creek 50' setback, and for a floodplain modjfication on Lot 3, Block '1, Bighorn lst addition, 3907 Lupine Drive. As co-owner of property'located at 3954 Big Horn Road, I feel that the appearance of a satellite dish would greatly detract from the natura'l beauty of the area. To despoil the nountains of Vail with the installation of such an eyesore in so prominent a loca'le could only result in a devaluation of the neighborhood' and would further deprive the residents of Vail of the glory of the 'landscape they presently enioy. I urge you to rqiect the request for a variance to allow installa- tion of what could become the first of many satellite dishes in highly visible locations throughout the area. Si ncerely , C42//*- -/4-Z William L. Frick tllF: sl h 3C313 uD sEP 1 Bps ' **o t4, r)io Qe' Oailrou ffiett,Ye D's4 A4 q&.0 d,It^! ,0F Anlt A-rrer.JDEA -tile -TdA +lr++,an< I a^.1 r-t.l€ MITMIL SacaBg,r, )rb4. Ar rtk frLup,trc P, ril*r-b Q.tutt'xlrg < Drvr/r1p Mtvrl,#iTt sfits< + Otfro( dr,YF{ lwe F0,o( uto W,tg^urrre' ro -r*r FK-B. l*r ilAt ttr Drytle g { rue rr,rL 6r orrT dF atd) fAD.^ t ho fr ,ol+, A 0Ad^bT &cor6:r AdJ Mrc&A![-Itr a,TE "Jilrcil ,i cl,tl(,ttOal,.J , rlkpe@€ rdoul.D ,f 8E pAs,gte -Tt, DeFaq '+,tJc1 tlm€ dd T1q.urr-iL oJr" ?mtpu , * uo( -ran =reL qe^t sC*€tz 0<l1 a{MJc€fdJ * u.r,cc (e4.rree R"tta97a.l"nru,,n, Ta 0ua.lcmL -rFk< Drs61- FRe[re&*B(q aA] --tt{e +J+n'se uJD*srtrax, r*r -tAE degr 6,bel €,r,Jeeaal1 EbaJ#D F i^lA€D (nlu) *q1+Br6Aofd Rq*D qll--obo I Sept. 5, 1990 Shelley, Please make sure the Design Review Board covers the foltowing issues on the olebaum satellite dish: l-. Is screening needed?This is a critical guestion for then since any additional screening will complicate the review process with the Corps and FEliIA. It is necessary to nail this issue down now so that DRB will not add reguirements after PEc approval which will negate the FEI{A and Corps approvals. 2. Is the dish, in fact, 5 feet in dianeter? As I understand the situation, the yellow flag on site indicates the center of the dish and that the height will 2.5 feet above and below that flag. Please verify. f told Richard Mathews to be at hopefully, he will have all the Thanks for taking this today. the DRB meeting at 3:00t answers for you and the Board. be\Ir i{I {3r jyI +$F +,Bg t3"t fir 5{ r5S : r$s $ -&*l d"'+- €t/z- W @b\/e- 1^A& furlW - Op srRucruRE Nw: *4r{ P^w a'"rfrTTo ot'#' n/+r< fitk^/tL yta A;b{ vzrfl-b"rz *-reP % , o l,o ea-h oL - DdlWn I Peo Ptrl Prob&*tv*t ylrobter* *'/ ''/- k fVt-L +" d-tlct 'vr't *t-@Afufdn-P-,b Ct\/I'l{- Sttllr* 6.\- Allvould i wpot4' s Da-lforr- (* srdzS t\lAW NSO g-o vo4 aaia't'rt+f WX-ru 5:D noy - b"re .10 ,-- -\ld - Otvv.*,rrs tvr+iHoA to +'k'l';+e- dWt A,lz -. . - -.1 t^ - ^l- -*.. ) nppri.utionQL DRB MEETING DATE APPLICATION FOR A SATELLITE DISH ANTENNA I. Procedures for applying for a satellite dish antenna are outlined in Ordinance #9 of 1985. Details of these procedures are availab'le from the Department of conmunity Developnrent._ Applicants are encouraged to contact the Department of Conmunity Development for. additionat jitormition concerning submitted requests, review criteria, and the approval pioCeis. A. NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS DUNNF LEGAL DESCRIPTION B. NAME OF APPLICANTS REPRESENTATIVES AUUKL )5' C. NME OF OWNER SIGNATURE PHONE property adjacent to the subject and accross streets and their is responsible for correct mailing D.List of property inc'l uding mai l ing addresses. addresses. addrJsses of all property behind The appl icant fi:a b?g ar /eP- f, gpf,l ttr'1 fr -E "-.- -.t7O1 ct !f rN AS OUTLINED IN ORDINANCE #9, 1985, HOTIFId[iION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY 9!1II5!T -IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO-REVIEI,I OF EIV APPLICATIONS BY THE DESIGN REVIEl,l 8OARD. FOR THIS REASON, COMPLEiE APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY'DEVELOFMENT 21 DAYS PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED DESIGN REVIEI,I BOARD MEETING. TO3 Olebaun File FROM: Andy Knudtsen DATEB october 25, L99O RE! Status of satellite dish request As of this date this application has been withdrawn. The application went to Design Review Board August 1.5, 1990 as a conceptual review. At that meeting, the neighbors expressed opposition and the board stated that the dish was nore fitting closer to the house. Because the board was reluctant to conceptually approve the dish down in the floodplain, the variance is no longer needed. The applicant ideally wanted to Iocate the dish at the far north corner of his property in the -flgggp]ain and possibly wetland area. This rnay have been in a reeq_Eefback, sSleqn_€-elbgck, in the -floodpl=q-in and in wetl-a44s a=.! rgqqiring-ve-r.iances. Because of these conplications, the applicant has withdrawn the project and stated that he would pursue a satellite dish location closer to the house. \no\olebaum Appl ication ora"?:: AUu 2'r' i'rii1:; PEC MEETING DATE APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE for any project al'l information L requesting a variance.The appl ication is submitted. I. This wil I A. procedure is required not be accepted unti'l NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS ') L-ly /(o,' /)/;I B. l/i+', PnoNEW" iat- NAME 0F AppLIcANT's REnREsENT ntwt'G-rt *eo 11 //+rrr+r ,,t s noonn$-s 6 x SfaT c.NAME OF or^rNER(s) Si qn re ADDRESS D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL /115 / i c_[ ADon$s 4A7 lttFi*:e TP:U€ LEGAL DEscRIpTIoN 10T...-,3-BL0cKJL-FIrrne-Brc,*oe*l iL E. FEE $I OO PAID cK#FROM ThE FtE fYII-JJI bE PAID bEFORi IHE UOI"IMI.JNiIT I]iVtLOPi'1ENI UEPARiMLIiT hILL AUCLPI YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACR0SS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT l^,iLL BE RESPONSISLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO.'DETERI"IINE iF ANY'ADDiTiONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ]"IAKE AN APPOINTMENT t.|ITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION !JILL STREAMLiNE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT SY OTCEMS]NG-THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED l^JITH BEFORE A EUILDING PER}4IT IS iSSIM'. III. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A I,IRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the v'icinity. 2. The degree to which relief fron; the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a-specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment arnong sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the vapi ance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffjc facil ities, utilities' and public safety. enoxrr*tu-1Y B. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale of at_least l" - 20, stamped ' by a Colorado.licensed surveyor including^Iocations of a]'l.exisiing iiprii.:ments, including_grades and elevations. -Other elements which must-be shown are_parking and-loading areas, ingress and egress, landscBped aieas ina"-""'.uti'lity and drainage features. C. I lltg plan at a sca'le of at least l" = 20' showing existing and proposed buiidings. D. A11 preliminary building elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicate the dimensiont, gll:I.l_u?p:ulllle, scale and use of alt buildings anO-ifices existing and proposed.on the site. E. A preliminary tit'le report to verify ownership and easements F. If the proposa'l is'located in a multi=family development which has a homeowners,association, then written approval from the association in support ol irre proiebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for saiO iisociition. G. Any additi.onal material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator.. * For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. 4. How your reguest complies with Vail's Cornprehensive plan. Time Requ'i nnents The Planning and Environmental Commission meets of each month. A complete appi'ication form and (as described above) must be submitted a minimum PEC public hearing. No incompiete applications adrninistrator) wi1'l be accepted by the planning nated submi tta'l date. Var i a nce on the 2nd and 4th l{ondays all accompanying material of 4 weeks prior to the date of the (as determined by the zoning staff before or after the desig- IV. a Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST 0793 VALLEY ROAD CABBONDALE, COLOFADO 81623 (3{13) e63.3600 (24 HOURS) l:ii:j.; I .j:i:.t " .i i:ir,i,r (-l r':r.' .- 1.-,-,i*.-i . I: l- r. l:.r::r,rr: i'/!.:.rt t i"r i:,"^,,* l"ii i:'!r!1i:r{:,. r-_ i,_r l.:-.i"'j;.i ...: ...1r_:t J V;::i..i L.il i:!i#:.iiii i.:i::"'; .:.! t:)';; i....r-rt:)i ncl lir-i, vi:lr* -!:ii::rr i:-tr+:J.€- i"re,ar- $i:L c Ir ar- cl : I f r*:'"'a r*--e.;*.!. i..ta L+:i:l i:lr* i- eri!:r i't{: ll t-il*t pr-*i:ci*t*d i:ii:r r i.1. 'i.:l " t?rr't.i,. .L 3r l;*hr"i.;: i::.i r:lu,l li f:til* i. r-:i. nri absvsr r-*-f .",rr':g;-rreri l-n':*r-'L.., tsi lfi .,:.ciij:t ti,:l'i,, l':'l a.,ls1; 1:e,.: my i i:.r't t*-"r' nf ''i !:i r, :.dcli. t:i ';:r n* ri i:.]lnr F.i..,.1,'rn':li:i r"i:i, l..l rlrii: d'rl*r- +r-,rm tii* iJVFlrj ii\.1..i. r:.1..1.* i: i-i1: i.ri.,1.L ri i* er..! t-iie +*iiu,: i:.',rp r-l r} .f, ! i1::LS. ri. Dit a:; .f r:i'- 1:: i-r e in.i,i j. ri i-i {:1!."i::i:,, i:ir.l:i. rit ii ji-:lp ar-;-r. !: r+d .{: r- grri l.-- lr p mai:r hci"trlr: n$\f i-1r- r'1 .,:r:!v.Ln L,l,t l.-. i n t-h$ *r,i',..rir i ':' 1: .,:, ini"Lri€i. :l ti,..: r:r J.,,"',ts 1.,r,i-i(:l-rl] i::a,::;=rLisl: lit .t 'i .r: :- :'L ,:r i l.+i i i. h a '.,+:t i:ii: r:',L:li. i::- i-.;i.r i: ir.: i-,-1i,,r.,1l' d t-h'l i: i- si "".1i.,: ;,iirri ti:e' !::i:: !:,:rt--r'i:. i -.i i i ,:t- ri *''i ]i. tlli::1.1 i]!i .;: \,r{.? r' trt .l i'r e:i- ':l ii ii i:ri.' i. r:l in.i.:-ri.rrrr. Ir:ri., .[t il; ,:i l:*;-r l:*:r'[ i: r..;:' :tn!: li: j:] i'{ij i5 i:r !1 1 i:r:r:: ,.",ri *rl .: "I;;,ir*reli:" .,,ri-i i:i th* ';s::i::.:rr-n t j. t:ii if)L:.i:: i:r.r* j.\.:q r::i li-L$:l:i-it-!i:; t:ri ::r-il'il j.i: j.$t]i:: $.i: r-,-:?'t lJ t li1 i:;il i: i-.i .,, i i'lwElci i"r r;; il. it 1ii:j\.r::n t ia.. {:t e ,, 'l trr-, * j. te iil r:1. i:i:t*.1 i:-r i:t i. i:,r,1. Iy *ei-r,"1j. h-i.v'e ay-s:a br.rf. th:!. s *d!:ji. ii *ira.i ii;"-.ir.-.1. n irri:lrr'l: ",'i.i. l. I. n*1: :i i":i:l-L- t s ri.-' t{r* h,s.:a;,-d i:n ,:i: fi clr'- nr*pi:r'1.'; li- r*li.rr'rLri-r::;,, !::1r* i::) pL.rl:i.i.:i, i: i jqhL:i-.{14: --u;,\-:,., i:i r..r J. i.iJ:i'r-iqs,* t-rf+clr,, si:;^i+€i:E " e"1.,;ri*t,*r'r t * * lihi. ] ii li i:s t:r- 1:,'.rr:::. .i.i. t:i, e= cr- n j:hl:r' p rlcr+r't:i. Es a.{: .-ln',, llinci. I+ I r:srr b i:". cF {: lir-'Lhei- $iilr-v:r i:*,, pl. *:.e'riis dc ncit f',$rii L.,:, i:: i.' ti: c !.ln 1:,tc .|: ir'lEf , Lj i ;-' r: 'll f- '''1 i ! 1 4"U Zr;- fl:i. {:hctl,.as l-.arrp:i. r i e l"lnnqr'li-inn Gr=nl r,r1 iSl:E'l'IBUL-!J*Hli Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST 0793 VALLEY ROAO CAREONDALE, COLORAOO 81623 (3O3) 9633600 (24 HOURS) lr--:-, I i:jil,r r l::i :i. r: i-i + r' t: i'' ii i: T- l"] r ?.1i,:: ,'i,,i.i:: r: ilrl''li:: 1/ 1-l$ E i:ii:: ,, ui.,i,' i:i.: ii,i,'*l-,r,; jiii!::.;t . .:i : 1 : l 1 .. 1 ;l:' i-. Ll::t:1, l-;::+ i.ji';i..7;1- -j:i';;' i::: ;: ii ;:,r.i..i. r,-r*.* i- j'i:i. ri:::ri-ii: iir .l-::i:i]:- 1. ,i.: i;: :.':.1.iti i:l::.!i-i .i. i..:i.,::ifl -i--__=..-- I l:.:1'..r: fi..;1.j. L.t;{ i;irlii I-iti;: .: t::l t::'.'l:ll a'Fj 1: i:: i- ,:+ :": a.: t.r j:1 i;;-{:=,*:"i.'., i.ri. i--ir i- t:-'tj: ij trrc L lii: f. ii {ir i:;'-;:r.ri::;rlll .-:irit:i.i. i:::i. i:t t-i .* i-. j-: fi ,::;'..: i', i. r-i i: ii i"l i;t:i.L'+Fi-.int= V,:rl ={ilfit F.i{.: " "l-t",:i. r, .i.r.llltlr' '":,|-t rt..r.i. i::i bi: l..r:i Fi-'1 i.tr lri;n ji.,rtii::-Liutt t+i f-h fi'"' .1. +i:'LE+:- cJ.-','l: rii] ,.i l-ii: r:: r';'. i.'.:;;:irl , :in t.;hi 1ti1 ll.i{i: i'*t:i,: f *,1. I arld {it.iht'-:i. = +. ':: lt li,,;L:: rili" d::,i ;';*:r'i.i rii, ti,:i,r!;:';r,iti.i,, |!r*lrr: ii: F..l::i::: ir giIii:tr Jr!*..; ,itr'1(::it i=: h.,:i::: .::t- d ,, ''l l'ii;rr- r" i.i: + Lir.i.ft cli..t i:i::r'iil -i: ::,..,.,' .i.',' 1,":l+ t'lr) Lil€, hi.!. j si.4':',, l-!-i i.i t';::i: i::; nn'L fr:i lr.l. rr 'f t*;t:.Lr..ir'-t::i:l , i;.r*t-:t: j.i:ij f.l-',:' ].:i. !,:.: i j. h':;:i:tj i: j: .-i:r:1,, i: '::.1- '|,., lii* fir-rl. -'1.,; a, {: r- i:ris:i l"r-i::r: i: fi i:,1 r}!-.r!r -j ri:: i: .1.,:ri.. L:: ,ii|r i::,.r i:i:r: ti:i.rr-** l;'I L::1:hh il,si::r j ; i::.i. ':LJii aricj "t '''.,': i i;rir !.: i-iii],i " i iir':t;:'.: ..:.:- ia * r:: i-: i i i: :i,r i- ir :ili 'i.:i;i:l L; r r-, p il t' 1: v ,, !-iipr .r*lri i l:::i:n *;,1 ':.i..,::.ni-tilli::! r...r:i..1, 1 i,cli; lii:r Li:ii- i:i'::ili L,i_re Ovsi-.:ti.1, .!. *i_i hi_i.i:: r.l j, l.i n t:r:,:j i:i,i: ,=i.:n:* .p" r.rp i: i::.f fli L.i i:l i* t: j.,..iit ii j:' -, :ii- i-hcl n.iI i-r hnt..igri" -i ir,'i: s;i. i:.r* r.$ n i:i';',r.i. ;:riJ i.:::i:il.L':' *ttn*r. i-.i v* ar i.ir;: ht.tl di:v*-.]. L!l;l jii*fl i i.,r:i.1. I nr:ll: .l:-rr,-:i-r:e::t:t 1: ir t* l-r.*l:;,i-ri t r:: ,--- i:h r'lr" p:-i::i:el- l:'r *r- i i: t= i-i i: i: r..; i- i.l=.. a.ri' hr r:r..rr;j. i.i: -r.r:::ii... -n-i--w;i1."., l.i.i. 1dr.nCc",, :-'::;td=, = i:. i" i;...r r-::i, i:lfi:lr(nfiritn LG , r-r'l: i. .l i l,-.:i. ils i:t' i;,1,,r..: .. .. - l:,:; n:' ll i:-l-r'1"1'- Fr-r:l,Et'-.l: i ii: !, i-l i: i3n 1.' ir:;i nd" tit..."' bi!r'-rr: ':ir rtrrr.[.] r-c]ngt!" I-ii: t- f.:'rji ti:r []r-iil-.*i:l t]:r.: .;.,.rJrj i L.i.,::ir :rh{::i..rl d ni:t cle'{ 1i+ct a ro(:'r:: t nt';a.;'- cl .lnothi.i' hrrn* i. t-:itlter-, t.fi|" :L iii:+n L slri:lil r:i be tn s'ioi:l t-ht: rlr l.: r:i'- t:; mi rr:. n:i. ; E t-i1,1 ri.:.$'ra{ir:r -t i:: thr: l-ri:rrre. l-f:ist c.:r; l.t ilt d*ne "-,: +lhal--cl';Fr I e'reI ci: i:trn.f i di*n;* i.* iJe:g:i. r'eci " .i -i; mi ti c-l.:,t:. on i.:= an Dp Ll {-1n !'L-ri..t arll Corr=i.d*r-ing 1 L.tf:E h iti::l samE dt:.:i:i rlir 6:ar"ariit*t,'3l-s d.5 t L:ii" i:his l"ti:inu,, iiit* r..r s F r* c i. ;,, i .1. '..,, {:: ,i f- r! t r-i .1. nn+; ic r:r'i:,:l'i::* ,L {:i'inl,:.:.L i nc! e+'f r'-*r:t fri th i"hr* ,l; .,::1r' ::r.,.: :,- d*nr- .a.ir:t.ir-r ht-Lt i--r'Lhei- l,:i::{l|f, i:l-r.i.:i .ei- s-, il t:l'i ::l-tf 4 i. t:i i-'rrt r;:'1.:Lr:-i i::,: prerllt.t{:!ll m[.Lr:l "1nd Et-hel!- r'"rater'i fl]. f t-oin t-s.rr,:::i-r :L !1q til€t '.:iL r- i-ir: i:ur-.:.i [ \,, w'*o ]': .3.r-ri.:|-" ':i 'F-h'e e€,t"*1QLr dD.]|-!:. Tirs sdd:i t i i:n itr::e.:1,{., brri. r'i(:i r::r'i Litt]r:, l.r:L.i.t h* str-ung*r 't l-r,rn i-i it r+ei-* r:{ I ;r 4. rnn::tr-Lrct:i.':,t1 . :l. f .1. u:sn i:il i:{ f r-rr'l:}tt-.r -qer-vit:e o FLe:str dn fli:it h*.;i talel' tn con L*,rt rne,. iii ni:r.'i'*). .1, " ,4.7/ / 4 ' fvrut4 /"fu! lrl i. ,:: lr r: l. .l .i; i* s iir g:: :i t- i r: i..lnri.i.l. tj. ili:j Gr:r:.1 s i::l :i.::ih o o ARTHURI.MEARS, P.8., Nanual Hazar& Coorultonu INC. 222 E* Gahh Avc' Gunnipn' Glolado E|230 n1 - 641.J236 April 23, 1990 Mr. Richard T. Matthews Matthews & Associates Box 3567 Vail, cO 81658 RE: Avalanche loads, Oelbaurn garage addition Dear Mr. l'{atthews : This letter and the attached Figures 1 - 4 provide. the avalanche- f"iai"g analysis for the propoied garage.and additional Iiving it.. "i the belbaum residence, r,ot J, Bighorn. su-bdivision second Addition,Vail,Colorado.Theanalysispr.ovidedinthisletter is a supplement io ty previous analysis wh19h-was-discussed in a letter to Ken n"it iui dated September 12, 1989' A1 I limitations andwarningsdiscussedinthatletteralsoapplytothecurrent analysis. Avalanche loads Walls 4 and 5' as shown on Figure 1, are exposed to loads from ivalanches and avalanche deposition. The loads are much larger onwall4thanonwall5becausewall4intersectstheavalanche flow directj.on ai upproximately 60o; wa11 5 intersects the flow at only 30o. Elevation views are shown on Figur'es ? "1d 3' Pressure distribution" ur. wedge-shaped (triangular in elevation views)' in"i"u=ing from a mixi-mum at grade to zero at the top of the pressure wedge. are shown on l experience i;;;;; i" : 'n"lt"iiv-p.tp"ndicular'directions: (normal, decreasing with height) ;. iiaterai shear = 0-5 Pn at al1 heights); and (vertical shear = 0.5 Pn at all heights). The fotlOwing characteristics must be considered when designing for avalanch6 loads at this location' The magnitudes of avalanche loads and load heights iigute-a. Each surface expos".d tP.."Yil?l:l:s wil Pn -- Ps -- Pv -- l.Avalancheloadsareimpactloads,increasj.ngfrom zero to maximum in approffi-ately 0 ' 3-0 ' 5 seconds at each surface "xposeS-to avalan-ches- Therefore they should be treated as impact loads in design' l,lott Wettinc ' Amlancha ' Aulanchc Coalnl Engilrr.l;i'a 2. The avalanche probably will contain tree trunks' other vegetative debris and perhaps entrained soil and rocks, This debris may produce point loads over areas of ( I ft2 which exceed the loads specified- 3. A1 I columns and isolated objects within the carport, including supporting colunrns, will be subject to lvalanche loads and load heights as specified in the "wa11 4" loading diagram. 4. After a des ign-magni tude avalanche occurs, snow and debris will be deposited against the walls and may remain for as long as several weeks- The magnitudes of the deposit loads will be less than the avalanche 1oads. 5. A11 doors and windows within the pressure wedge wiII be subject to the loads specified - The garage doors are located in wall 4. If the garage doors fail' or if they happen to be open when the avalanche occurs' the avala-nctre- witl pass through the garage opening and will impact the north garage wa11 from the inside' Deslgn must ensure that iailirre of the south dTZe ot the garage will not precipitate general structural failure of the entire garaqe unit and the living quarters above. 6. If the carPort area were eliminated and the garage attached direcily to the main house, avalanche loads and impact heights would remain the same on the south wall, 6ut obviously would be eliminated from the west wall of the garage. The minimal exposur,e to persons within the carport would also be eliminated' 7 ' The avalanche mitigation procedures (reinforced walls) specified in this report will not deflect snow beyond L-ot 3 and onto any adjacent public or private property. Debris-flow and rockfall hazard According to Town of vail geologic hazard maps, Lot 3 is located in a "mo-dera.te severity" oenris-ftow area and a "hi,gh-seve:l:I: rockf all area. tn" in'uty"." of A'elri s-f low and ibckf al l danger to the oelbaum addition are beyond the scope of this study. Please Contact me if you have any questions or desire additional consultation. Sincerely, ATWAN,M^A Arthur I. Mears, P.E. Avalanche-control engineer i,,l I \ \ o z I v *a-- x? 5 ?o \h\fd- il 'ile+'l a 4Q lo lrO l'.t-O-l'ir R -1 g.t !F t- _ Al -l j t- r$ sa (. or- f a L \l 0..-r! {tl d!iA Q l.- \\l \-) 2rt <Lft c{\ -- L\r-} /+{/F ,f, I ----\ iw -.rN v '! o o rl J 7 r l-11- e 1 (\ !- I rt l iH .<t^l -l o \o I 1.:+. , l\. ro/ i.l .'! r't X t.. i.: " -1,.,t .'v (!).+ ."*i{ \l .-;- i -_. tu J.\ -t 1'x4.Y3 uJAL* 5k { N. 1r-r ,.tr^\n, \l 1-'l: ' Y\if :l+ - ._ FIGURE 1. Plan view showing wallb ' "L '' . =o trrrrrr,,' , fl' tt and. 5 of addltion which receive I . .' _"t avalanche load.s. Only directlons ,,, I -: r\ i g ?.i*,.J" of nornal and shear loads are shom. f: -\ ii :: -.ii-':::::. -.. --- |t='\l /\I \ .' ) - i'- I, I \r''\"/." o FIGUBE 2. East elevation view shdwing 72.5-ft high Pressure wedse and vertical uPlift 'N S*t . .:: t \>td u-l (/) qt E. irt :.'l'J -I d l I I -t - lrl _- ;-. st =Vt a). = l-t,'u,ooGtr,Jo'n u, ro F O zH F u.l t- 1. F a.cE ! c, ua rn - J Ja-uJ o2-Y'a-F nt ,a or!,oFan A Ct .Z Oo -o JO F '!z .our dr ct c |!r ar' e < lnxt^ll f <ur (\) Y . Crl E=U'FB EAA ' E:-H HY<-c -,86--' Jo? d9l d . i tsEr.r . d u),-9Ex *u;g4E F (!' LL , EgE LtJ -lFF F <<o(o o i i i \- | _.-.- - l.--1- FIGURE 3. South elevation vlew showing nornal and upLift forces on west sid'e ' Destgn avalariche wilL flow uncler carport and. produce lateral loads on exposed colunns (see text) ' oo t^<F-I'FJ aEaavllrr(L rr, ur lJl {/} r|l FF-lo,r xrTa-t"r!-t(Jrr -{ av n'\ i. WALL 4 (P) =tgorbs/ftz ' n'max P.,. = ?" = 0,5 P. At all heights Prr)*.* WA],L 5 (rn),'"* = 7o Lasffr? Pu=P"-0.5Pn At all helghts (P)'n'max FTGURE 4. Diagran showing d.eslgn-avalanche load. detalIs on walls 4 and J. Lateral shear is not shorn in this view' l t P 12.5 ft ADDENDUM NO. AVALANCHE CALCULATICNS Pro ject THE CELBAUM RESIDINCE locotion VAIL, COLORADO September 25, 1989 LOADS: Roof Live Lood Roof Deod Lood Seismic Zone 1 Wind 40 psf Job No. 89-033 Stru ctu rol Reseorch Com pon y 80 psf 25 psf Pose 1 rf +1 North 4107 Ello Rood Spokone, Woshington 99212 (soe) e28-oes7 "A \. STRUCTURAL NOTES FOR AVALANCHE CALCULATIONS GENERAL These calculations are for special designs related to avalanche and are in addition to the structural calculations dated July 31, 1989. DESIGNLOADS See the first part of this report for pressures used for the avalanche design GLAZING Glass affected bv avalanche forces is to be laminated tempered safety glass capable of sustaining 140 psf pressure. The areas subject to avalanche forces are shown in th-e^ report. These walls are alon! gfids 1,2, and 6. Drawing iheets 51, 52, and 53 further detail the affected areas. Z 1.'<igNfn FeatoF{18 q-4 i finished grade, / OA/'TJ.: Avalanche forces are per: Art Mears, P.E. 222 East Gothic Avenue Gunnison, Colorado 81230 Avalanche forces wilt impact the South Elevation and the angled portion toward the back of the house (see the East Elevation). SOTTTE EI,EIIATION' The pressure diagram shown below has its base at dd.i i .[ tl and terminates 14.2 feet above finished grade. These pressures act perpendicular to the wall. Along with the pressures shown in the diagraln, a shear force from left to right parallel to and along the face of the walI will be present due to the angle of the avalanche with respect to the wall. The nagnitude of this force is 3,/2 that of the perpendicular pressure. A third force present is an upward shear force also equal to l/2 t}re perpendicular pressure. This shearing force acts to uplift the wall, and will cause an uplift pressure on the roof eave. 11.2' I I' 10, + I I 7', 6' 4' 2' o PRESSURE DIACRAI' __> A\/AL.at'|4-lE &4r/4 7-t4a7 oz IAfrTER ANGI.ED P0.EEION: The pressure diagram shown betow has its base at finished grade,and terminates 13.6 feet above finished grade. The pressures are the same as the ones described above for the south elevation with the exception that the avalanche will impact the structure perpendicular to the wal} and thereby will not cause the horizontal shear force parallel to the wal1. : The lower angled portion witl be consLructed of concrete and wirl have the door originarly shown moved around to the side away frorn the avatanche. There will be no openings in this wall c a:o .'1"tJ.6' 12. '| 1' 10' f,, I la' N PRESSURE DhGRAM ArvA"t- Ar-/44+€ -l #LEAJlrl q + -a 3 o. J f, r ooo -l-i I 5 A*trr+r-lclt€a E^LI4 Daa"L vr F.rt o q llt \T \s $. o. s J I oqo d.in i * a ee$e44 *oz q-/+g ralal- O6(&x/: f'/Oe+7 .a,gt Lqz: ..4 --/xr+/ /' rb (ru(F) =/afrfr, KtruHsJ w/Nbu/: rur &re A'7) Gre Aa) (=llA (1za7 tr"v) t1 =-7 (ses ,q ?) , qoxE,v fi+n {nrl | \+-+l \ t++*6,b t'(ttttP*/3'- l4^4*1,16 K/a*7 Fluu-/aN l N,G +aq LIO lE f3 xzx%u (o* 2,6' /J.(=, 1€eA LO o Structural Research company STMPLE BEAM DESTGN Length Main Span X Right Support Length Right Cant LOADS RTGHT RIGHT RIGHT MAG TRIB X N1', L7.75 t7.75 0.00 DESCRIPTION Design Name: WORST CASE LOG Date: September L5, L989 Beam Length = L7.75 X Left Support 0.00 Length Left Cant 0.00 BEAM LOAD TYPE HOW NO. DIST LEFT x LEFT I{AG LEFT TRIB unif 165.00 Menber Length 1.00 0.00 l-65.00 MEMBER LOADS LOADS: l-.OO L7.75 avalanche load i end j end Main L7.750 REACTIONS: LOAd LL Member Comb Vmax Type Dist mag LL unif 165.00 ANALYSIS RESULTS mag x t_65. O0 L7 .75 360/24O 24O/LSO xYmax E! reqd EI reqd x 0.00 Comb xvmax Left 1464.38 Mrnax Right L464.37 xMmax Main LL L464.38 0. o0 6498.16 8.88 -2L3242 8. 88 622.79 4L5.L9 /O' a laG er- o Structural Research company SIMPLE BEAM DESIGN Design Name: KITCHEN LEFT MULLION:Date: September l-5, 1989 Bearn Length = 3.33 Length Main Span = 3.33 X Left Support = 0.00 X Right Support = 3.33 Length Left Cant = 0.00 Length Riqht Cant : 0.00 BEAM LOADS LOAD TYPE HOW LEFT LEFT LEFT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT DESCRIPTION NO. DIST MAG TRIB X MAG TRIB X F1 1 LL vary 90.00 5.60 O.0O 144.o0 5.60 3-33 avalanche load MEMBER LOADS Member Length LOADS:i end j end Main 3.330 TYPe Dist nag x mag x LL vary 504.00 0.00 806.40 3 ' 33 ANALYSIS RESULTS REACTIONS: Load comb Left Riqht LL 1006.99 LL74 -83 Member 360/240 24O/IBO Comb Vmax xvmax Mnax xMmax YnaX xYmax EI reqd EI reqd -----:---- Main LL-1'1.74.833.33908.33L.73-Lo47L.6816.3010.87 o Structural Research conpany SIMPLE BEAM DESIGN Design Name! CENTER MITLLIONS: Date: September l-5, 1989 Beam Length : 3.33 Length Main Span 3-33 X Left Support : 0.00 X Right Support 3-33 Length I-eft cant = 0.o0 Length Right Cant = 0-00 BEAM LOADS LOAD TYPE HOW LEFT LEFT LEFT RTGHT RIGHT RIGHT DESCRIPTION NO, DIST MAG TRIB X MAG TRIB X AA 1 LL vary 90. OO L.75 0. 00 l-44.00 1- -75 3.33 MEMBER LOADS Member Length LoADS:i end j end Main 3.330 TYPe Dist nag x Inag x LL vary 157.50 0- 00 252.OO 3 ' 33 ANALYSIS RESULTS REACTIONS: Load Comb Left Right LL 3L4.68 367.13 llember 360/240 24o/1'8o Cornb Vmax xvmax Mnax xMnax Ynax xYnax EI reqd EI reqd Main LL-367.L33.33283.85L.73-3271.685.103.40 T+ 4rz nq/Aor' lc o Septemben 15, 1989 NAME: CENTER liJINDOl.,J HULL TRiAL SECTI0N: TS 4XZX3l16 LOADS P = 11.@0 l4x = .S0 I'ly = 6.A@ GEOHETRY l(Ix =' 3.33 Kly = 3.33 FACTORS Cnnx = L.O@ Ct'ry = L.OA Cb = 1,@0 StrFac = 1,6O SECTION PROPERTIES A = ?.@2 Ix = 3.87 Sx = 1.33 rx = 1.38 hJt= 5.87 Iy = L23 Sy = l.?9 "y = .8A ALLOI,'ABLE STRESSES Fa = 27,68 Fbx = 3@.36 Fby = 30.36 Fy = 46,@@ ACTUAL STRESSES fa = 5.45 fbx = 5.60 fby = o.A@ C0l'tBINEO STRESSES falFa fbx/Fbx fby/Fby .24 .19 O.O0 .43 Eqn 1.6-la .7.0 .18 0.O@ .38 Eqn 1.6-lb 4.0@ 0.@0 @.00 b.0O Eon 1.6-2 Structural Research Conpany STEEL COMBINED STRESS ANALYSIS kb" // *1 Desigrn Name: RIGHT MULLION: Date: Septenber 1-5, l-989 Bean Length = 3.33 Length Uain Span 3.33 X Left Support = 0.00 X Right Support = 3.33 Length Left Cant 0.00 Length Right Cant = 0-00 BEAM LOADS LOAD TYPE HOW LEFT LEFT LEFT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT DESCRTPTION NO. DIST MAG TRIB X MAG TRIB X Structural Research Conpany SIMPLE BEAM DESIGN L LL vary 90.00 2.50 0.0o I44.Oo 2-50 3.33 MEMBER LOADS Member Length LOADS:i end j end Main 3.330 TYPe Dist Inag x mag x LL vary 225.Oo 0.00 360 - 0o 3 ' 33 ANALYSIS RESULTS REACTIONS: Load Comb Left Right LL 449.55 524-48 Member 360/240 24o/18O CornbVnaxxvmaxMnaxxMmaxYmaxxYnaxETreqdElreqd Main LL '524.48 3.33 405.51 L-73 -468 1-'68 7'28 4'B5 la lL (- Kt@ w/N&N-asra- LO6 &zt// WtNoetx/: Trf '&4Y'b6'1b4) Lerr 4tJutor-/ ; fxee € t*r- ?.rt a a& 148<t.zt' /45/ (m e //) 4*tn {4b =,l/fi{;af) * "_ GA r'-_/ Z-\ /;41 (b'61_! a = 2€,*a t '4t/-Arq fa-P<-:'p frrcR d;* fl-,-r- -- '-'p7 Q/111-Lt,xAdX, =/o./;j 6x4 *'/- bxb x/+ q5'4?=(*\ = t4,ta;\,b (4b\ t-t w&xtb po @o tuR- /b'uoe -dre 67ffi *b€C fut4. 25 t4Z 01 .bb (46 il#fr6x6xh Structural Research company STMPLE BEAM DESIGN Design Name: LOG BELoW KITCHEN WINDOW: Date; September 15, 1-989 Beam Length X Left Support Length Left Cant LOAD TYPE HOW NO. DIST Length Main Span X Riqht Support Length Right Cant BEAM LOADS 17.75 0.oo 0.00 LEFT MAG LEFT LEFT TRIB X RIGHT RIGHT MAG TRIB RIGHT x A,l 17.75 L7.75 0.00 DESCRTPTION 1LL 2LL 3LL 4LL 5LL unif 144.00 0. B3 0. o0 conc 1L75.00 1.00 9 .42 conc 367.00 1.0o 11.1-7 conc 367.OO l.OO 12.92 conc 524.00 l-.00 14.67 t-44. 00 0.00 0. 00 0 .00 0. 00 o.83 17.75 L.00 0 .00 1.00 0.00 L.00 0 .00 1.00 0.00 Ieft nullion center rnullions center mullions riqht mullion j end MEMBER LOADS Menber Length LOADS:i end Main REACTTONS: Member Conb 1-7.750 Load LL Vmax Type Dist LL unif fT .LL LL conc !.b LL conc conb Left L943.22 xvmax Mmax mag L20.oo 11tq nn 367.00 367.00 524.OO ANALYSIS RESULTS Right 26t9.70 xMmax nag x 120.00 )-7 .75 0.00 0.00 o.00 0.00 0.00. 0.00 o.00 0.00 360/240 24o/18o xYmax EI reqd EI reqd x 0.00 9 .42 TL.L7 1,2.92 14 .67 Ynax Main LL -26L9.70 L7 .75 L2970.5L 16.19 -392060 9 .L4 1145 .04 7 63 .36 t-, Nb (&rf), t+ AVA.{.ANcH€,oeua4 ffiLtr;NJ4 K/eT aYzllcro*/: F/xea e tun (' Trrb =-4.n2> t1 =ry- G',++\=/s,ztL . .1019 _ =#(4D= b,o'ltr. (-+ee A/1 fae) / = 6.b'z' Tvte -- l-76' al = /44F< F ToP t-t t/, I I I /4-.,/tJ I U* T6 taxb^/4 fiu*trtrl t t'/'3€ T3 4x2x 7u Gr rre) | "r*n", BEAM DEsrcN o nisign Name: BOTTOM MUNTIN Date: Septernber L8, 1989 Atc Bean Length 5.83 Length Main Span 5.83 X Left Support = 0.00 X Right Support 5.83 Length Left Cant o.oo Length Right Cant - 0.o0 BEAI{ LOADS LOAD TYPE HOW LEFT LEFT LEFT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT DESCRIPTION NO. DIST I''AG TRIB X MAG TRIB X ---i------l- LL unif l-44.00 L.75 0.00 L44.OO L-75 5.83 MEMBER LOADS Member Length LOADS:i end j end ilain 5,830 TYPe Dist nag x mag x LL unif 252.OO 0-00 252-OO 5.83 ANALYSIS RESULTS REACTIONS: Load Cornb Left Right LL 734.5A 734.58 Member 360/240 24O/L8O conb vmax xvmax Mnax xMmax Ymax xYmax EI reqd EI reqd Main LL 734.58 o.oo l-070.65 2.92 -3790 2.92 33.70 22.47 /h Structural Research Company STEEL COHBINED 5TRE55 ANALYSIS At4 September 18, 19Bg NAME; TOP HUNTIN TRIAL SECTION; TS 4XZX3IrF LOADS P = a.oo Mx = t.@7 Hy = o.@@ GEOHETRY KIx = 5.83 Klv = L.7A FACTORS Cmx = L.O@ Cny = l.A@ Cb = I.O@ StnFac = 1.0@ SECTION PROPERTIEs A = 2.@2 Ix = 3.87 Sx = LS3 rx = 1,38 t^Ji= 6.87 Iy = 1.2S Sy = t,2g ry = .8@ ALLOI,JABLE STRESSES Fa = 22.60 Fbx = 30.36 Fby = 30.36 Fy = 48.04 ACTUAL STRESSES fa = @.60 fbx = 8.65 fby = 6.AA COMBiNED STRESSES falFa fbx/Fbx fbylFby Q-@@ @.@A 0.AO A.@O Ecn 1.6-la @.0@ g.@O A.@g A.@@ Eqn 1.6-lb @.@@ .22 O.O@ ,22 Eon 1.8-2 t7 A'1u-a4cre O aala4 ilibs4 (+* ata) 11=2o,5 t*- 45x.n/6 ,rr = bxb*//+ Lof - 4,1'7t rlhreZ--d4 -''lt--=,J-"}.i faw_ - T3 bx5n'/+ rle--/5,ta Ta 5 xbx /+ rt e-=!;,:X,y ' p'd"' , -/7-35xbx5laa=5'z? +' V = t4,7,x4,t1t Ef4af,,l7/z =4, l? pt - lz]'l*1,l'?L ,- 441k 1t fi--'i'' " 1?-?* " (e -- r Z,zt- fiL , _ 41 dn f< 4x4x /'4 N. 6+a wwooJJ oeEral. t€v7 ep6€: 4q'1+to' 4,lL- 6ry,bh- @rH- ,'ur16szr 41,1*9 :r41 1o* to ^ ,/l qtD*L,b i V?>*t6' qos 0z)@ .'= 8.1 ia ' 42,i? ll.az # q-o+5' 7-rc'a7 Ltu lz,40z\ /* T*bx3*/+ Structural Research Cornpany SI},IPLE BEAM DESIGN Atu Design Naroe: LEFT EDGE Date: September Beam Length X Left Support Length Left Cant OF BAY WINDOITJ !5, 1989 11 1'7 9.L7 9.L7 X Right Support :Length Right Cant - 2 .00 LL -L7 0.00 BEAM LOADS LOAD TYPE TIOW NO. DIST LEFT LEFT MAG TRIB RIGHT RIGHT },IAG TRIB DESCRTPTION LEFT x RIGHT x vary vary Mernber Length 49.LO 10.00 0.00 90.00 L0.00 90.oo 2.50 2.50 198.00 2.50 MEMBER LOADS LOADS:i end 2.5O TOP LOGS 9.L7 below windows j end 1LL 2LL LeftCant 9.170 Main 2.000 REACTIONS: LOAd COMb LL Member Cornb Vmax xvmax Type Dist LL vary LL vary Type Dist ANALYSIS Left 41,47 .25 Mmax ma9 x 2.'50 e.\7 x ffi nag 360/240 240/IBo xYmax EI regd EI reqd x 0r 00 2 .50 x mag RESULTS Right 0. oo xMmax Ynax Leftcant LL -4L47.25 Main LL 0.00 9.L7 -20527 .2L 2 .OA 0.00 9.L2 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 n 0 /a t/ a 47 e4i' &EY l*l//4'@t\/ r Av7fl-- ToP t'tt/tttetJ:GsNs\ E -/o,€ b=10 .l fub =// t(4,4VN:(+ae A/1) .a :4' fr=2t frPtaz- /,t)= l1of( L/68 Ts bx4 x.h StructuraL Research company SIMPLE BEAM DESIGN Ar8 Design Name: TOP UULLION Date: September l-8, L989 Bean Length = 10.50 Length Main Span = 10.50 X Left Support = 0.00 X Right Support = 10.50 Length Left Cant = 0.0O Length Right Cant = 0.00 BEAl,t LOADS LOAD trYPE ITOW LET'T LEFT LEFT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT DESCRIPTION NO. DIST MAG TRIB X MAG TRIB X 1 LL unif 90.00 2.o0 0.00 90.00 2.00 10.50 MEI,IBER LOADS Member Length LOADS:i end j end Main 10.500 TYPe Dist nag x mag x LL unif L80. o0 0.00 180.00 l-0.50 ANALYSTS RESULTS REACTIONS: Load Comb Left Right LL 945.00 945.00 ltember 360/240 24O/L8O Comb Vmax xvmax Mmax xMmax YnaX xYmax EI reqd EI reqd Main LL -945 . OO l-0 . 50 248A .38 5.25 -28486 5.25 I4A .64 93 .76 €, I @t/acq6 6EF /*1 e pF F|*A,LL.--..(t/aerc.6pA t) I W-ryrr,fo'*)f,f*n1r"nn o ro1, ot;t-+ "Tlu iii \ 6 6w'1 Z Azo PROGRAM : General Frame Analysis vI .27 Structural Research company JOB : Oelbaum Res. Concrete beam RUN:RUN#1 =====================:===========::=:==:====:=::==::::::==:===NODAT- INFOR14ATION NODE NO NODAL COORDINATES SUPPORT CONDITIONS Y CODE PX STIFF PY STIFF M STIFF Units : Ft Ft K /In K /In K -In /Deg 0 11.000 30.000 40. 000 :=::===:===:::::::========:=======:========:==:===== :--:== ELEMENT INFORMATION ELEI,I NE PE ELEM BETA PROP NE PE NO NODE NODE LENGTH ANGLE TYPE HINGE HINGE PAGE NO. 1 TIME: Fri Sep 15 16242.47 1-989 1 3 4 0 o 0 0 r XR XR F 1 1 2 l-l-.000 0 2 2 3 L9.000 0 3 3 4 L0.000 0 -L 1 l_ ===:==:====:::::-=PROPERTY INFORMATION PROP SECTION NO NAME MODULUS AREA J DTST ===:====-_===========:--=====::::=,======.=,=====:=:========:====t==--=====:==::======:Units z K /In 2 In2 In4 Ft 1- CONCRETE BEAM 3100. 00 240.000 2000.000 ========:===:==:::=======:=:======-=:======:=====:======'-=:=:=====:==:=====:::=:=ELEMENT LOAD INFORMATION REC NO LOAD CASE LOAD LOAD DIST TYPE SYs SPEC DIST PX PY K /Ft K /Ft DescriPtion Elernent List 11 : unif load : 1-3 UNIF GLO Units : Ft 0 1. O0 FRAC B E 0 0 -o.73 -0.73 0 0 fr Azl PRoGRAM : General Frame Analysis v7.27 PAGE No. 2 Structural Research Cornpany TfME : Fri sep 1,5 L6:42:5o 1989 JoB : oelbaum Res. concrete beam RUN:Run#t ELEIIENT ],OAD INFORMATION REC LOAD LOAD LOAD DIST NO CASE TYPE SYS SPEC DIST PX PY M Description : null Element List : 1 2 L CONC LOC DrST B 9.00 0 -15.70 Description : rnuLl Etenent List : 2 3 1- CONC LOC DrST B 3.90 0 -t5 -70 Description : rnull Elernent List : 2 4 '1, coNc Loc DrsT B 6.75 0 -7.00 Description : rnu11/baY Element List : 2 5 l- coNc Loc DrsT B 8.75 0 -5.80 Description : null/baY Elernent List : 2 6 1- CONC LOC DrsT B l-1. 90 0 -7..00 Description : nu11/baY Element List : 2 7 L CONC LOC DIST B 14-80 0 -5'80 Description : end/baY Elenent List : 2 I 1 CONC LOC DrST B l-7.00 o -4 ' 60 24 *e PROGRAM : General Frame Analysis v1,.27 Structural Research Conpany JOB : Oelbaum Res. Concrete beam TTME : NODAL DISPLACEIi'IENTS DX DY PAGE NO. 3 Fri Sep l-5 16142254 t989 ROTATION I,OAD COMB NODE NO Units :In Deg LOAD COMBINATIONS: COMB 1: 1.00XCASE 0 0 0 0 0 -o.2370 o.239r ELEM LOAD NODE SIGN CONVENIION : BEAM DESIGNERS SHEAR MOI'IENT MAX MOM/DEFL DIST Units : K K -Ft R -Ft /rn Ft LOAD COMBINATIONS: coUB l- : 1-.00 x CASE In 0 n 0 0 1 2 J 4 NO COMB NO AXIAL K 1 2 2 3 0 0 0 0 -3 .4490 -27.L790 32.2367 -27.s333 20.3533 -93.151-1 -93.1511 -77.9479 -77.9479 29.8490 0.0652 70 .8301- -0.5636 7.66 8.75 9.31 J 4 0 14.4297 o 7.L297 0. 0701- 3.20 NODE NO LOAD COMB PX PY UOMENT K K -FI Units : K c> t Az+ PROGRAM : General Frarne Analysis v1-.27 Structural Research company JoB : oelbaum Res. concrete beam RUN:Run#1 NODE LOAD NO COI,IB REACTIONS PX PY PAGE NO. 4 Fri Sep L5 l-6:43 :00 L9B9 20.3533 0 0 -29.8490 TIME : MOMENT ar z 4 L t_ l_ 1 0 0 0 0 3.4490 -59.4158 -4L.9629 7.L297 zb o t3 4 lt 4 tt 4 957575 665656 574747 I'IiNINUM STEEL 44 25 IO 17 PROVIDEO STEEL TOP LEFT BOTTON TOP RI6HT no, bars bar no. no. bars ban no. no. bans ban no. 4"4 CONCRETE BEAT,I DESI6N Structural Reseanch Company name: CONCRETE I^IALL BEAM INPUT OATA f'c 3.@O fy 6@.A0 span 19.00 b 2+.OA h L?.@0 cover 1.50 ANALYSIS RESULTS Vu left, 35.10 Uu rlght 33.50 uu 3.61 Vu Gd lft 3?.16 Uu 0d nsht 30.56 Vc ?2.82 Mu lef t -33.15 Mu + , 77,44 l'lu right -77 .95 PI Ieft 3.17 PI risht 2.73 REQUIRED STEET TOP LEFT BOTTOM TOP RI6HT no, bars bar no, no, bans ban no. no. barE bar no, ffiltlr: bb5bitl DESIGN SUNMARY I'lu Mu prov As req As prov req/prov Top Left 53.15 t04.Sl 2.6@ 2.64 .SB Bottom 77.44 BS.SE 2.lO ?.2O .96 Top Riqht 7?.BS 89.56 7.1? ?.29 .96 Hininurl .80 2.2@ .37 BAR TERMINATIONS T/2 AT RESI AT Too Left t. SE 4.@? Top Right I . B0 3.57 ST IRRUPS Left Side Right Slde 4/7 ,'l AV*d-a4-4a1"rg' &*/eEeF f/*tt- Caxfp._ ^-( rb? 4' ef wNt- FateB 44N. t 4s ooo t{I Y"4{fr h"b : .86 (z-)rl-z;A'@d(tl : 53,b K Vury '-- 62 tz U1e tJamn/*/-- #4 e /za ec- G Gr*t fr.utrau) svzFoFS: eFtva<- A.@, ,, a -FL'l 1" cleor 1 1/2" cleor foce. (for this detcil) Log Woll. 1"0 x 16" onchor bolts lE /l o.c. Continuous2xl2treote plote. 14" TJI's. Hong on wall wiih top flonge joist hongers. (6) # 6 eoch foce continuous ot top of woll. See sheet 51 for locotions of f 3 stirru ps. 12" concrete woll reinforced os foilows:Vert: # 4@ 14'o.c. eoch Horiz: (6) f 6 eoch foce ot top. f 5 eoch foce @ 18" o.c. bolc nce. aG) # 4 x 1'-6" dowets @ some ipocing os verticcl woll steel. SECTION NOTES tN, (N2) (!t (N4) (Ns) ( N6,) (N7) THROUGH BAY WINDOW (GRID 1) oELO3D35 4s:.*lu Azla o o ltl <_ --7 <-l I n J = <a( a) $ 51 q qt s + o _) rF /E, l.J -ti - \ \ -+- ?i { E \o {r ilr .rF- I +|-.-.1- 1 I L_ t * :t I w t alr b q) .J * 0 -l 1 r/r q t { {3 x \) iq " = g o s llr )-- +- \L L'$\ t sRl .<t *\ :t s 4 ./S =J \ \S.€ AqA4-,,"\N4+G Ol u*ad4 ?,etu f -zt-b7 a6/64 6re*- E rcE^ rebxbxft:(neF Stzo P.f @./4^N I Ma"5nt< /-},, F/u= /,7*25-43*rZ : $/f trt< @, raas e\e4L PP3 E NoEi 721/e b,b.(? Pc- P f*bk b,?e,(o Pq* Etle b'7o'1 &e*sne iod : ?/. u y' = +- b?A'' ,/'/o 7zr G) 7u'# Y6q'5tr)os de=20 E= 6( ta,U5 =Tf"bL alL. E= A(t+\:94F otr- E, t a =Z+2.= 4:' ' 'eL u =- 4+'t = E" r./b=B' A: W D.e' v+'tP- alP' f.eL (=f =,a4?b bo- = 6lL Qflo Ee-e- A x fu-- Z,Z5 ,J'ud'Al"-2*€='l' T = 7gT = (o'4 4' lJaE (a> /ra*8n 6nJog €*. s/,(2e 04wr*t- ELft-Y o#'[-@ean y49tr;f (la-. PratcLto*/ A\/A.(ANCTV€e_e,.bt *uu q\ /+ CaO&. - V :- lFz*1,17 + 'Man,l1/z 4-* 4€E_ 2 4' 21 *1.1 =.[52 1,1'l t4b*- n.i.; I Lt2 l-i I llbxa,l --ct+ /sz*q,nt'T- 3w=dd:'::, *M )" tz' 154,4 ttt< br4" /+ f/F-= i.?6 x.U- *4b = I 8Z tK.bxbx/4- a ='/K- 1=€38 43€ Ts bx4x)4 v /r.N%€ o e.t#c/rf o, Aatc.eqe WAJJ-@ ArrrY zil 4.b sfuae t 't' z:l 4,t n:? s.b T5 /-ar-3*/+ Gtn\ PAR l,{r )LA\l VIEY/ tf t ft tuu:il3Y15: /J: o 73o t f tU* e@p. Aat F: o 5rc 4"1 pu2-Q A,= 4.b- 2e q,5 P; o 4aor: ze, a,?v t*d ru*14 oy_ = 5,AZ 'LCZ b'?1 ot o Aeao Q*le. po/-4 . -a = 1,O -f7u= +/"1 (fu) = tobl*4e) --7/,tba: t# //5€ /Z'/ Co^t<' W+LL ,.,/6># b e,f; 3T o Structural Research conpany SIMPLE BEAM DESIGN Design Name: conc Date: september l-9 , l-989 Beam Length = 18.00 Length Main Span = 18.00 X Left Support = 0.00 X Right Support = 18.00 Length Left Cant o.O0 Length Right Cant - 0.o0 BEAM LOADS LOAD TYPE HOW LEFT LEFT LEFT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT DESCRIPTTON NO. DIST MAG TRIB X MAG TRIB X Att 4+r tT=Lo-.TLotJ 1 LL unif 730.00 1.00 0.oo 730.0o 1.00 18.00 10ad at base 2 LL conc 5600 .00 l-. OO 4.30 0 .00 1-. o0 0.00 lst rnull 3 LL conc 5600.O0 L.0O L3.80 O-O0 1.oo 0.00 l-st null 4 LL conc 4600.00 1.00 5.83 0.00 1.00 0.00 2nd null 5 LL conc 4600.00 1.OO 12.16 0-o0 1.o0 0-00 2nd null 6 LL conc 6000.OO 1.00 9.00 0-OO 1--00 0-00 center mull I.,IEMBER LOADS Member Length LoADS:i end j end Main 18.000 TYPe Dist nag x mag x iL unif 730. oo o. oo 730 - oo lB. oo LL conc 55oo - oO 4.30 0.00 0 ' 00 LL conc 5600 . OO 13 .80 0 ' 00 o ' 00 LL conc 4600.00 5.83 0'00' o'00 LL conc 4600. O0 L2.L6 0 ' 00 0 ' 00 LL conc 6000.00 9.00 0 ' 00 o ' 0o ANALYSIS RESULTS REACTIONS: Load Comb Left Right LL L974A-44 L9798-56 Member 360/240 24o/L8O CombVnaxxVmaxMmaxxMmaxYrnaxxYmaxElreqdErreqd Main LL -Lg7sa.56 18.O0 LO6744.O4 L3.O7 -3534961 9.00 10180'69 6787 'L3 1b Design Beam Length X Left Support Length Left Cant NaNe: CONCRETE WALL G ENTRY: Date: Septernber 19, 1989 Structural- Research CornpanY SIMPLE BEAM DESIGN 2ND ITERATION = 18 .00 0.00 = 0.00 LOAD TYPE HOW LEFT LEFT LEFT NO. DIST MAG TRIB X Length Main SPan X Riqht SuPPort Length Right Cant BEAM LOADS R]GHT RIGHT RIGHT ara^ mE) Tl) v r.lfl\t r A-r rJ Azz 18.00 18.00 0 .00 DESCRIPTION 1LL 2LL 3LL 4LL 5LL 6LL 7LL BLL unif 730.00 conc 5600.00 conc 5600.00 conc 4500.00 conc 4600.00 conc 6000.00 nont-7L600 .00 nomt71600 - 00 1.00 0.00 1.00 4.30 l_.00 13. B0 l-.00 5.83 i_.00 12.16 1_.00 9.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 18.00 1.00 18.00 1 .00 0.00 1.00 0 .00 1.00 0.00 I .00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1 .00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0. o0 4.30 13. B0 IZ. LO 9.00 0.00 18.00 load at base lst rnull 1st rnu11 2nd null 2nd null center mull Ieft end moment right end moment j end mag x 730. OO 18.00 0.00 . 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. o0 0.00 0.00 0.00 730.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.o0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Member Lenqth Main LOADS: 1B .000 Type Dist mag MEMBER LOADS i end LL unif 730.00 LL conc 5600.0o LL conc 5600.0o LL conc 4600.00 LL conc 4600.00 LL conc 6000.00 LL momt -71600.0O LL rnornt 71600.0O ANALYSIS RESULTS REACTIONS: Load Comb Left Right LL r974r-44 19798 '56 360/240 240/I8o Member conb Vnax xvmax Mnax xMmax Ymax xYmax EI reqd EI reqd Main LL PI -1g798.56]-8.00-71500.000.00.6353069.001829.68L2I9.79 +M=35144.O4@x= 9'00 rtl 4.Asb CONCRETE BEAM OESIGN Stnuctural Research Conpany nafler CONCRETE TJALL RT ENTRY INPUT OATA f'c 3.O@ fy 60.00 sFan IB.@O b 24.@A h 12.@O cover 1.5@ ANALYSIS RESULTS Vu lef t 24.03 Vu r'lght 24.@3 uru ?.67 Vu €d lfi 21 .86 Vu @d rsht 2l .86 Vc 22.63 Mu Jeft -7t.OA Mu + 37.),4 Mu riBht -71.60 PI left 3.73 PI risht 3.73 REQUIRED STEEL TOP LEFT BOTTOII TOP R16HT no. bars bar no. no. bars bar no, no. bars bar no. L@4541@4 754575 563656 4?2747 /IIINII'1UI4 STEEL 44 ?s Itr t7 PROVIOEO STEEL TOP LEFT BOTTOM TOP RIGHT no, bars bar no" no. bans ban no. no. bars ban no. s85656 DESIGN SUI4MARY Mu Mu prov As req As prov req/pnov Top Left 71.00 88.56 1.91 2.2A .87 Botton 37.1+ 83.56 .SS 2.20 .43 Top Rlsht 71.00 83.56 t.Sl 7.?A .B? l'linimurYr .80 2.20 .37 BAR TERMINATIONS 1/2 AT REST AT Too Left 1.88 4.57 Top Risht I .88 4.57 STi RRUPS Left Side USE *3 stirrups--l @ 2.5; 13 e 5 Risht Side USE *3 stirruos*-l G ?.5; 13 @ 5 .""-t 4 t) &+s R. A/H-.^N+re Ts bx3></+: @ P6 fre/4ill+^rtOW-) Ht = /82 lK x-/.7 = /6( rtg. 8' aTuas 3"'*on" : 44 r-' Tbb 6'"o'Q V ft = +( p,f) ' .+7,7 k Fc=Z(rc,a) =61,8e tr,<' &ue+a , jod A -t/ - f4o y'u - trT- 7(: @7 TF"I ( O /z'x 8' our>a3 (q €6'P : b,z-dnto: TAdiLe b-zo-7 F* = a( tu"te) Fc = ? (to,s) ../a=b y'-6" j=/Z/ 4 7,8o oo, 4f,sF'a/z- . -a d ' P- flt3 =174 Fc-= Ol t1 ata. WY 4e: Q -V -4 F-: 81,5 / aE. WY (d 6b"F x b" 37tsp13; T1 b*n'< 1q ,ffif= rt I I I t I i I 4u !t I 4 1,5 r7 .-_-,[ O'-T,a,7DFLU*,=44F A+,95 (bXtz; J'rd = q.5' tB =- b:/P. -- .-, fb =nd --4c,L -f = f1e_ - zO1 -. a,a 1f I r t-r :r-'T- - * - rv'r 'i Juo D'tb o'L'a# E %xllx /2' vt/(u) ?,/s" A n b rrtz:os ATTHEWS & ASSOCIATES ndscoge Architecture, Plonning & Reclomotion . 3567 Voir Colorodo61658 (303)949-5077 LtrTTirl @F TRANSnfl rrTAL '^" g/za lgq lJor r{o' A'I€NTION F RT: tr Samples the following items: tr Specifications D D tr Resubmit-copies for approval Submit ropies for distribution Retu rn - corrected prints To lqr.,J,J oF: r,Aru o B Prints O Plans Change order tr below:THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked E For approval U For your use ro-4-rquesreo E For review and comment n tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- O PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US E Approved E Approved D Returned as submitted as notd for corrections REMARKS FrLt5rAil, COPY TO SIGNED: \l'ru, co. 8tt,sl WE ARE SENDING YOU tr Shop drawings ! Copy of letter Attached D Under separate cover via coPtEs DAT€NO.D€SCRIPTION alzslaq R.o.t^1. PejzmrT clq lsq L*Hprflrs LcrTEft- t r{zr luq LAxPrOrs LErrfL tlzt laq O6rrr.lrrrt uendL Slzaleq lAPDscAtrE, ?r'\rJ Elzalac itrd P\.AxJ ncrrr.|! l@E-e'-, h l.rL ,t arcroaarrtt aaa not .t noaad. ilndlt nottrl tta D*".v,;,.u 31, /-n :f lfo 3{L 7tot O < € G:duzt_ z a o9 z ssa Z:I h,?-'-f ?o st ?zL'-t!-z--{-T-:i / s- l' lvzf=- S /CO {s'lr f4t'' - 3o/ .'.-....- 'l --l :* lJ oul s s-vtf_z_lr1_. Z o o \.J l' -{i]-\* .,'Y.\ a a a o ru.h Sd/u*f 3^'' =.l / r,-)\gJl13\ o o z 2 7 c o { 6 z ! -rm -l F =l=ml el { d @ m 6HH Ig <mo l-r h E $EF lf; c 3 ;!i 19 s r FF" IE E I !66r.5 i 3rr 6 €3=E 3 $EE= E e"eg'' fi i H9 i.1!E, 3 i z o .,| m I o o ! o .n !m u ={o @ m x m !-{ o z c o @ 2 i m c, m @ \o \o Fd Fr F z u) ts z U)E .Fl I I'L)l"r I'J I O O r c-) CrJ O z,o -{ m o z !l- =I z (- @ z =IT Pt RI trit Eat Ei Flt H z rd = o t!H z f; nE le F I H t) F lo ltl t; lF l!lm le, 12 It -{o €z o 'rl z -I m 9'z e z o .tt :r ! m 5)z o .{ \o t\)o\ I (, t\) Ltr !E = H z cxt €rq v)F, H z -l o €z o .I I - m F)z I trJ I \J \o (.tl s. I (/l N l.J I !3 F tr4 H z rll r I 2 |- v m 6 a X o -{ H H z H .>& =E =E >lfl ow frF t) ]-J H iJr li t! EF FI vl HI FI -l al *l I a -l H F z H z 5 FI z F F$ s; 3i Fi sEi3 =EiF (, o:at =-.oD Ca--o*tt- ia:g HEaq 9or95. 3aB={og=(,' de4g rE:F Ja9 6' 5.s 3'1 Ie aE i s.9 8 @3oL t;Fi 6:3n 3 *H*B e ii€6'EFP = o --- o s.o t D ! o o -o c =o = @ s. CI 5'(o o o o.o B =o. o J o p CL 5'D J o o o =o -{ { D !9. o D r 6 t o a o rr ts z H c)F€ONF oz DTi(/I t,F oN{>trt u) v)tsU€FF.(nF aZ oF. ooH \OF !> z o i I m o €z m @ 5 vt =z g =z r ! m a =-{6 z m an m l<' lz l2 t> Ir- F I T-a fio<4'nI m -m o g,o t m x J { t-t- z o t =z I I o ^z m v, at t-- m tr r -t z n z l It m !t- m Ul l- €m t-tr z =g, r c)o o o =z c z i <t, I 2 m t x X X --{m E i 6 2 c' ..t ^z |- u m =7 i !m 'n t t- =z aJ) ll t F F 6)NF fn_t9{E R;F E3 s i3 I ?9 t6r.,.3: e H zg - J oo o 'nz z {o a x P>_ N@= r,Jr a-<E< = z U)H F H z z =F l3t H z H H rr w I Ot o 5 \o \o 14 x H z z tr. F H H H ch H H E rat \o -.\ (,..\ 3 lz. l* t:li t*r!tf-t> l*'IF IF l"tr ; I |4 =v z J' o =z o F @ g -I z G,z -{m o o z =o o =z 6., -{m tEl lSr lr 9l ,rtl ot1 lH o!l '; 'ilr I otr 'x >:i t6 li tFl rFl I .t) li td Ell 'lt t.r.: ol..> .-1,6rl o \ol I I I 4 -t n i\ \J ! -{o t |- !m a ={'n m m (t, c U'm -.1 x o t-m z !0 m 3 L 0 m .4 o z t m 5 m { o a c' T m o v m 6 2 .tt m m =m z o t- !t- =P 2 6) m m o -{F o - '0 |- z o m o 7 o -o z o !m v = !m 1 ='rl m m U' VALUATION !m !3 2 9 H |l E 3 m o ,.) F !t- 3 I 2 o m -m t o 7 @ F o z o s \o \o ! N) b )r ().ft Y'K s.o\ {a (, o\@ o\ N)t\)(, \l @ N u)o\ N \R\\$N o o z 9,E c 3 o 2 T lrl n 3 { tD g 9 z 6) l-c =g z c) m o T o - o z o t- -rl - d @ m Io.Fg *E I ml d 3c i iE s rF 5 <=35 6€:0^df BT CE >e fii o 'Il 1o lfi :jF o 'Tt-'.3"O l-s / -{k -E l6 I I lil ls,tz T-ll lm 16, l6 I E li I- H I I =l ^J) N al- "\-. I N \,r .' l- c a J -l o t z o al I -t m P 2 I c, l- *J J] F {' ,)t< f.- a 1 <.-. F bt --1- lt (.: c.c o 9 { o z ]- !m , ={ cD z m rD c, m .o I<" lz lz l-{ t>lr R!t O - FE€ f, 3 g$E gcH E ;i*e t,' o:4J T-.o o,C t --o=tt- E+iH Fsq;aslS -! oE e_3-; il da !.3' 3.e 3'1 :Egt lir; iera iasS ;*3€ ,x.F g a E6_.o $a *g€ N NS$N\3 s'8 No \3 ,Fg sl\3 EF- F oro tF-. s llFi 3k€ fl|" g filF 5 s tr:s S 2 0 m o {z m r i m o z =o z t- |n l, t-81 n*io >n =o ao ;a 8!i9 6 - rn= -1 ri (<\YV C)m z m I F o m I 3 !I o z o 1t {o :'7 > c,\J E l;'z\\qrA' ,d 3lF "l I I I 'Js TN | -s. I o ) .q0 OO o c z o 6 z c 't n 3 : C 0 n n 1 C c c 0 a : n !m ! = z o JI\tru It .tr U ,)v 75 south fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 oltlce of communlly deyelopment TO: FROM: DATE: CTIEI TFTTM . and ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TowN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COI4I"IUNITy DEVELoPMENT I,IARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE lt /fur,'/a*{sl;,.} Jn'n ('ewt*tt, Posrtion/Relationship /to project (i.e. rn sumrnary, ordj.nance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or rnaterial , incruding trash dumpster!, porLabte ioirets and workmen vehicles upon 1ny street, sidewaik, alley or public pllg" or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way 3n alr Town of Vair streets and.roads is approximateiy 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.This ordinance wirl be strillry enforcLd by the iown of vail PyPii: works Departnent. persons found vi6lating this ordinan.e wrrJ- be glven a 24 hour written notice to remove said material .rn the event the person so notified does not cornpry with th; - notice within the 24 hour time specified, the pulric works Department wilr remove said rnateiiar at the expense of person notified. The provisions of this ord.inance srrirr not be applicabre to construction, naintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 in fuI1, please stop by the Town of Vail BuiLding Departrnent to obtain a copy. rlrank you for your cooperation on this matter. contractor, owner) | ,,to u^^'f 'o ' 511 ICISI OF VAIL 75 S. IRONXAGE ROAD \aIL, @rrRAm 81657 BA.SED CI{ ffiE 1985 I]NIITR{ E IIDNC ffi frI[S LS A TASf, MNffi IEAfiT ffiCETTCN w [k^r. BGINER: \., o t+/ I PTSN E(AMINM,: HTE: statsrpnts have been filed corplyirg with alf perLixent requir.ererfs of the code. Ilre hol<le of suctr perrnit strall proceed at their crrn risk wrthcxrt assu:rance that the t or str:r.rcture Sec.3o3. (a) lhe hrildirg official nay i.ssue a perrnit for the constnrcbion of part of txrildirg or sEnrctu:e before tlre entj:re plans ard specifications for ttre t*role hrildirgl or stnrsture have been sulnritted or atrpro\red, provided adequate inforrnation ard detailed AFPTIGETCN PMEI]RE PTEN CIIEEK WIlt, TUI ffiIN I,NTTL AI;L OF TIE EETOW IS CI{PT.,,EED CRJT'B{ITIm. (1) reqtrea. (Z) plannirq/Zonirg final approral frm Ccnunrnity Develrynent Staff. (3) AIf records, agreeuents, title rreports, letter:s of oredit, bords, etc. nnr-st accorp yo,rr application. RDO. u- /J- /J /J- /J /J /J NO /X lX N & N /y fl PERI,IE LSstruG ID Yq'R PT.EI€ $ff IHE FOIIOWITG ITU6 M\I{(ED X AITE RETtrIl3m C}I TIE PIANS' OIIIERS }BY IOT EE RryIIFED. YES 2 en electrical plan? /J F:re proofirg? LZ sprirxrer stroPs? U Fo" alarm strops? 7-,2 fini-str sctredule? 2 spitications? 11 o|*;re;rZ ANlsE(g[CI{ SxnLL IUI Pffi) EYCT{D SIE RIINI OF APFROI'AL. 'tMEt iJrclude I, THE UNDERSIGIIED, InVE READ AND UNTERSXND. *** ADDITIONAI PLAN REVIEI.' REQUIRED BY CITANGES, ADDITIONS OR REVISIONS TO APPROVED NO /J /J /J U- D /J /x/ REO. /J /J- /J- LJ- /J /J- /f YES t$ e' "tt pran? * /ft tot"aution plan? )J /x/ A sn.lL tes,.E? zV starpea stnrctu:aJ-? Art "h^.A -1: - 3fu^4*<^^a0//\a.u,1/'/y aat 7S n*t Plans? Y'LaFt'.W,, &. *rere'ations? a'ult">+^J'ttt r 2] A necfranical plan? PLANS, A FEE OF $3O.OO PER. HOUR WITH A MINIMI,IM CHARGE OF ONE HALF ITOUR. rlF Tonn a-f Vai I :5 $. f:r nnt "rgn Flnail Vai l , Cnl or-ado #1657 (:il:::) rt7cr..-.7(l(10 Fl ari anal ysi s has*d nn the 1?88 Uni f nr-m Fr.ri 1cli.na Cnrie Fr"ci.iect Id: nt:l"['AUH IlEgIDHhl{:F Firjdr-es*;: ;1901? LL,FIhIE DF{M Dates Ar-rqt.iqlt I5, l.cl{;cl Cnntr artnr- ',: TF{tj:NnS IAE:ST ? I Hil, {Jci:r-rparrcy; fl;l l}e,si. r.:1ner I Al-FINf, LnE F{Llt'i[.tj -[vpe ci4 f;on:;t; V*N i]nerne,,-e.:rI frl0f'lE F l.,,rn q E;r an i. n u.r I Nt.]FiFl I iI Nil-l F-l -l'he rcicJe :it-nms tiste-'.J :in i:hi* rr+pc-rrt nr-el nnt i n Laindeld tu be a ccm;.;l*t*1:t.r;ti.ng c,{ ;r11 ;-io=e i b.l. Er ;oder re+r1ui rerne':nte .in th* I98fi UBC. It j.si a gr-r:ide+ tn '*elel:1:crd se{:ti. rntl n{ tirol cn<i*, SEF,A|TAT I NN DiRFCTITJN SOUI.JNARY AREA IFTJR[ASr F IFIE FftOTET,:-IIOI.,I N{IRTH Frnl:errf,y I i. ner 57" (:} l*eet 57"':-r Fent Hil'ST Fr*perty L i no 7{i}" t) Feet. 7Ei, i:) F€et SnUTii Frnper-l:y 1inc.r li6"i-r Fa:*:t S/r,,r-r Fs+elt:I^,EST [:'r-r kr I i fl: hray 6T, t-r F eret 4.: " {:} F:€if Ht Ar-*a i ncrea*ecl 1i)i1,, i){)7, {cr- nFEln ar€_ja nrr 4 sid+_.s," FL NAT.1H OCC I.IA}: FL"F{ P'REA FII-.L.flI.JED F{ATTN STATU$ ? Draerl 1 i ng F{f, nl: 376? LJnL j. nri terJ c}1.:: TO]"AI" F:nFi f"L-nOR 37S9 iJnl i mi ted r:[,:I Dwel I :i ric_] R;l ol,: ?8t-)& l'lrr1 i riri tel,J nl,: 'f OTFrl.- f:C]l:i F|...{lt.}R ?fji-r{: Un I i nri ted nl.r Bt.,lLDIhlG Till-AL 55/3i Urrl i rni tsrj r:t: F:XI'EftINR hI/,\L-L FiItE FA'I"iI',16$ AND fiFENiN6 F'NOTECI"ION T;rL:1 u 1.7--A ii Tab I e+ 5 -il NtiRTH EfiST SfiUTH bJE$T NCT FR[i I'JIJFI-BRG I]F'NO BRG NSN-BRG OFNG BRG} NilN*FR{.] OFhIG E{ftTi N[]N,-FT{G NF'NE t,dAL..I.. NALL Ff{fiT I4AL.L., ITIAL|* F'F(NT hIALt. IJALL F'RNT hIALI.'. I,JALL F'HOT R3 (:,hr tlhr NcJne r-)hr r-rhr Nons, r-)hr (-rhr None (:)hr (_rfrr Norre The erxteri cr^ walls may he o{ COI"IFUSTIFL-E natsri*rl " Sec, ?;t0l. Nnn* ^- f',Jo fire protertion reqnir-enent:i 'f or- upeningr. FroL, -* Openi ng!: iare to ber pr$t€?ct€cl w j. th f,/4 hr {i rr;, a.;s*mbl i es. 5{-r7" E+ thc" ar-na of tt're wal1 malimt-rni. Sec. ?2tlli, (b) tr Tatrl e 3-6 l"l;ril i mttn s,i119L e windnw si::€t is 84 sq.ft with no dimsnsion gr-c"ater than J.? f ee{: " ---" liec. 4iirltlr. 11, I F]*-rqe # ? flocl e r"t+v:i ew f or': F:'rt:.ir*c,t Id" : 0[::t-.FAtJPl RESIDENC[ Addr-r:rgt;; .:itlt)7 l....LlfrINE nRIVH NfiF "* Openi. nqJii lre.j noL permi tted i n tfri. s+ wi..r l l ..* *"- l'hes;t:: w.rL l st may br.t rtrrllrir"ed l:i: l-r..rvts a parr-apet uJaL l I inchr':;, ahtnve the: r'cio{ i ng,. The par-ape.:t w.rL l :i. s relqr-.ri r e+ij tn hRv.l: th$ s;.rriiqt i; j.re raLit-lq a5 tiri* w;i.1. ]' il*e ser-L:iott 1.7i-r9, {or do:tai. l.:; ;rnd t+r:cept-.i nn*, OTF{[l'1 FtJ I L..D l tJG HL.F;l"lE:N-f 5 T ;rb I rr ]. /- rt It-Et't[iNT' I nf-i'lr- i or Fe;lr':i. nrtr l,l;i I 1. l. ntei- i. or rrnnhr-q v,,i;r I I 5trltr.:trrr-a1 [:r- a.rne;: HIq TET;i I AL. Any diny {trri y RAT I I''{G {i hr- r:.) l'l r- {:i hr' {r I'r r l. hr- u nr (lr hr- Nnrie NIJ I F-{i fir.+n {ootnmIe'ilI li'. r t-. er- j. nr- $tr-r-rct Frani+: Any $ha{t Hnclosr.rr-e:ftny F l. ncr.i Cri:i. I i. rrq Asr:ernh 1 y Any Rno{.r(]tli Ling A*sembl y Arry Sf"ai rii:r-|rry Nt-lTEr llee Serc, l.7O*;, ta) f r:r Sfi;ri L Errclor*lrrel ertrr:.ruti.ons" F 001-NfJTE:lt: t ) ['li.nirnltm un elxtericli- s;ide ".rlgct h;;rEe-.cl ctn t.lxtirr-ir:r' brq. u.ra ]. t r- t;q n J. r *lmu,-n t:i, ilc0t.JFAlquY staPAFiill- I fl t'tE; Nonet re:nni recj ADI].!- T I I]NAL $T:F.ARAT I NT',Is FUR FiT UCC|JF i\HillY: [:x I T F{EiALj IFiHtlEt'J t'{]: F:L NAI4E. OC[:LJF}i\[I'T' FJI..JHT{TR EXIT F'ANI{: RAI-F-D DfiOR NN]EEi LOAN FH.AUIREN HINTH T+.1 . ] HDWN (:]NRFIIDT]R SIh}INF i ilwnl. I i rrq Li I ti. ? t'lu Ng N./lt TnTrqL.- ? 1( l) {:).:j( rl .?) htr: Nn NiR L llwe.l ]. i nq C 1 0. ? ltJa Nc: N/R TfiTAL ? L ( 1) 0.: ( fi":; ) Nc; Ni: t,t/11 IJtnr- s;wi ng i s bassci on $r;c, Jfi{)4. ib) excr:p:t $$ r}{f,t {i,JLJ "Ocrutpant l oad i s base'rJ on TabI L, :il-.A. NLrmtler- n{ e:.r i ts i.r; b.ar.ied on T,rtrIe Tf,-A except as rrsLed, Ex i t r,r i. clth i g based on Sec " f,:{(l:i, tb } . The nt..tnberg in t ) are inclurcJe r:ccurpant lsading {rum f loor-s a[:ove Lhig f Lonr. -- $gc. JJ(11, (b) FOOTN{]TH$: Fage # 3 f]mcle revi aw $ or I F'roject Ic1 .: OELFAUI"I RESIDENCE Acldrsrss I ::9(:r7 LL-IFINE DRIVE STAIR NOTHS: A :i{:ai rwiily i n ;r dwel l i nq mL,rr-*t- ber at 1e;rgt ,:i6 i nches; wi de, ---- Siec. i:i.l(-t5. (Lr ) The ma:l j.mutm rige c{ a step is I inches ;rnd th* mini murrn rnn ili ? i nchu.:i. -- Se-,c, f,:!06. (c) exc.#J. F'rovi de s handrai I on r:ne ::i iJe a stai rulay 34 to 38 i ncher$ al:sve ths nnsl ng i $'h-here i.s nore than 4 ri. sser-s. --* Sr*c, f,3i)dr. (j) Frovidc' ar gnard rail wherre dropr o{{ is greater than .Jt:} incheE, l'linirrrutm hei qht" = :16 i.nchesn ma:timltrn npnning sire * $ inclrs:. -.- Sec " 17LL" exc 11 The minimltm headroom is; 6 f t. - E inches. -- sec, IIr)6. (p) En*l msed utsnbl e space under the stai rsi i:i r-eqlti r"ed ta Lre prater:tnlcJ ss reqLri red fnr thr {i.re-"r-esi. stive fions3trLr{::tion" ** $erc, ;i]10C:. (n) ROOFING REOUIREI"IENTS: 1) The roof ing on thi.: bt-ti ldi.ng ig not requtirerJ tn be {ire retardant,*- Table .13-A AUTOI4ATIC SPRIN}':.LER SYSTEI'I$; STANDF I FE REfJU IF|F-I"IENTS : h,AL-L Af'lD CEIt-INE FINISI-{: 1) lrJall and ceiling {inish materi;r1g ;tra rr+qlrired tcl camply tvi t-h $ec, 4ltlr4. ier) arrci Table 4?-B- 3) C;rrpeti ng crri wal I s antl c- E-, i 1 i rrq are+ reqLri r-ed to have a Cl arse I 'f 1ane :;pread r-aLing. -.- i3ec. 43()4, (tl) INSULATION NOTE$r 1) All inst-tlatian materiaL inclr-rding f ;rcinqs are reqrri.re,d to have a f 1*me-- spr-erad rati ng of f5 or i ess and a ma:r i mum smolre clens:"i ty n{ 45O lrnl ess j.t ie in a ccnce;ll ed sp*ce and the f ac j. nri is in cont,act wi. th r,r wal1 or ceiling. -- Sec. :L71ii. (c) errc..h! ?) Foarn plagtic ingltlations are requrired to he protected. -- $ec. 171:- I.JL.AZ I F.IG 8HI-JU I REMENTS: J.) Alf ql a:i.nr-1 in ha:arcJoLr':i Inc;(tiong isi reqnir-tlrJ to bp o{ r;a{ety gl ar i ng inateri al . ** $ec, 54t16. (d ) ADDITINNAL REGUTREI4EFITS: For Rll c:cct.rpancy f,ambr-r,stion air- {or ga*i f irerd niechani rarl equripment is requri red per- U.1"1.f,. {iec, A(:r2 fi1 6(:}1 . Frovi de mecharri cal exhaust i n I alrndry roofns and any bath ,/ toi l et rooJnsi which dnnot frrovi de npenings to extericr. Acces,s doorg to crawl spaceg mav not exceed J{l) " x 3O". Fireplace chase is reqr..rired to have 1-hr fire rating to terrnj. n*ti on cap. Chimney cap to be congtrurcted with non-.combr-igtable m;rterierl. St*i.rs, gLrardrailso and handraiLg to be per U.B.C.. Fage # 4 (inde r*tvi Fiw f clf- : F:'r'njecL Id. l SELBAUI'I RESIDEhICE Acldr-n,:iisi; 59ij7 l-UF INH DRIVE Fjar-*rqE are;ir l"l"- 1 ; Strr-rrtutr"rl. el olrnentl; ci{ qar*rq.1e: t-u have L-hr , {:iflnt;1: r-lrc t i r:n, tr\rrl;i !r(:tFleratinn wa1I t p;rr-ty r.r;tI1 ) b e,.t wele*rr nnits is reqr-ri r' erl tu h;irvcr tv,rr: l[ --hr r.lar]. 1 s nqlr t.J. B. {]. sec . :;fi5. l4r: j.:itt..rre el:r h+rr..tr-",t clr".tcte {rnm dryer$ st-r,:\11 terrmi naL.e cin the eilter:ior- ancl s;lial1 be eqlripg:;e'd r.ritlr ;:. b;;rc; l,: r.;r.f t clamper. F'er U.14,C. *:r.-lit, 1?r);j: flnl. y nnel s.i:1i d $ltel hltrning {irelpiLac* F$r dwrrl, lirrg urrri.t is;llicir^rsd per 1-nwn nf Vai i. nri-rri:i c:i pal rndr: si€ictinn B. ?[t. i]30. Al .1. mErch;rn i. cal. ec1r".t i pmerrt and or app I J. arict=!{3 tn tie i nst;r1 I el cJ per i. tr: L.J ,, 1... af:pr-fivi:i I Frnvida' s window or cjaor tt: the exterrior {r-oni every rsc:m r-rsed {or |il slep:i nq " --- sec " 1.;lt)4, A wr ncJotv nll.ltit prclvi de s r:l e:*r- opori iira'a o{ ii" 7 sq"{t", a c1. erar l-re.riqhr uf :14 i rrrhp--. ancl a cle;rr- wiclth r:.f ?t-t inchelsi(mini.mlrnr). --- Sec" i2f4. ftL 1 habitaLilE- r'clomr: r'erqi.ri.re extetri. or gla:t':d openin!rr ereLr*r1. to 1t-t7, r:r r' mnr-* of trhcl .{: l uor- ar-tl*r" (m:i rr 1{:} :l i:r " {t" ) * - llec. 1?i)5. {.r) 6+ l. I ft.:hi i tahl. E: r-$ornt; r e'rlt.ti r'"er ;in aparr;ttilE+ eirte*ri or c'Flenirig* *rql.reil to 5?'l t:tF rnnr- 'i.il n'f: the 'tlnor ilr'tlir" (niin i:i sq,f t, ) .*-- Sec. 13t-t5. (a) -[he' miriirnltm ceilirig j.n a habj.table erFatrF j.::7 {eet 6 inche"..; ririiceFit !.':i tclrri:ri:i,, hall- , and hathr, niay fr.rve a ceilinq heiqhL. c:f 7 f eelt-" --liierc. *.... 13i-t7, (;r ) Fr-ovi rJc* a gnro[,:e dertertar i n ,:r1 I *r'e;is l-rav.i. nq1 acc{+::ri tn sl elep.i. ng rrlrirng, -.- Siec, 1?1li" (a) 4. F'r-uvi d *... i:r .-; lt:l:L. det*r- L.crr clrr ;tl l f l r:r:r s, th;it i si r:onnFct-.ed t r.r i:i n al aFm alti-Ji.ble :in ;,i1 .[ *lc.epine ar$ca:i. -* Sec. tilO, (a]4. ffiilil-.?e- p t oove engrneerrrg rrrj 143 e me(r.lo^/ dr surle r r-10 ('r(i6sroods stu)pprrrg ceoter \,rjrl. c.)lO.CrJO 8165 / n3/a/6-2170 ,j ? at;- ,'..I r' - ."',{ t" 4'rz i',t "-+ -1 ,:.'. -. ; p;r t*7 r ,< .-.','.2 ,.1 -+ ' r-f:.p|j;i; '" ) lH t; Ff"/'-n 4 .: 'yIV.e'0 rl lt lc c:' -b.'", t ,, , gt'o.t, i -'+ 4 -+- ! a tl .9 I -t -- F NIIMBER 17 BLASTING PERMIT THE FORM BELOW MUST BE FILLED OUT AND RETURNED TO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 24 HOURS BEFORE ACTUAL BLASTING TAKES PLACE. A MINIMUM 24 HOURS NOTICE SHALL BE STRICTLY ADHERED TO. ALL INFORMATION AND SIGNATURES MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETE BY THE APPROPRIATE PERSOII IN ORDER FOR THE PERMIT TO BE VALID. INFORMATION TO BE FILLED OUT BY PERMITTEE LT(-ns.- I1I X T6DAY'S DATE: ?' 2{' 8? \ BLAST DATE: ?. ZS - AT TIME 0F BLAST: 5i: oa P"+a ' PERMITTEE nAf,ft: /--/t E:r.nua-f,o- i af.*L1 J-'a/< - ,/7'4182-- INSUMNCE'NUMBER AND NAME: ACTUAL PERSON IN CHARGE OF L0CATI0N 0F BLAST: 7?o7 OTH ER : 43 F€ >-"t's l7s>'1jr/tl,'ue^"tJ'a' 7a1 . /m*26/7/€/O BLAST: /a,z/ ia. Z4', ,/aslor DR,-"€ ar!/f;rfi,?rh" y* 1,*,*o,,t ELECTRIC COMPANY, '/LL-,/ &;"J"'*. 7t BUILDING DEPARTMENT:(FINAL APPROVAL) Z CONTMCTOR TO PROVIDE ALL TMFFIC CONTROL AS IS THE VAIL POLICE DEPARTMENT. - NECESSITATED AND APPROVED BY 7' zi^r. ?""(5 r;,:ffI.fr sTGNED cLEARANcE , -AL, .Zt--,-,,,---.---- FIRE DEPARTNTNT: 5,1 "rx',nI^t^.:i /-fIfi, poLrcE DEPARTMENT: i--:9\$-"*S*q^a-- q I ?, \8't Tor,rN sHoP: &/-- 6rrrr.r# +wr TELEPHoNE cot4pilr't, 0 o,/U-{6.,- ?-t/" {/ -t i - AU., 4'',/.-|ElErnul'f E rumr)\I ha,!/<49 '> -( +tz=n,fA/F t GAS coMpANy. tlh^r{,'l 7,'f,c/ uF(./s D :: o*V 6r-{y Tur,rn nf tJa i J. ?fj S. Fir nn t- "ic; e Rc:aiJ V,,li i. I , {ln]. rir'+rcJa Sl:L&57 (.:i(JlI ) 4 7*r--7t)i"it) F l "ir n .-.lnet1"**i s tr ":isr:d nn t-hFi 1.I?HEJ Ur'-,i{*y"m Lrlri idirrg i:rdr: [:'r-r.:..i+;ic;t i ciI ilHt.-Fiiljl'l ftH$]:l]ENfiL: llrli:Jr i**i:r.: :l;91:i7 t.,l.1i:1 I l',iE: DFt L UE {,J *: r:: t-r l: i ,.: ri c /: I;ii -iypl-* ci{ Cnnl*{:: i (.r-hl I);.,t1t:ll: [imptembrrr' 3*, ]. 1;]8{i Ci:n{:i"inctnrr lllENDSi tdliFi T . Il''if:, e:;i grier- I ALF If'lF- l.{.iG fi{il'.'ifit;i Iirrq i nr*er- ; rrl-tl:ijfift I1 . Er)i,..JAFtD{i Ia.[;ins i]rain:llrt+r';,lllF: hlnilRIS l!{-1 l-ti:: l-ti*: r::oiJ e-r i Luing I i.r:;tei+d ir' thir+ rep*r-t a r- r'.r not inL:endr::t:l tc: hr: a c*inii L cti{:{n L j. t.;t: j.nc1 n{ ;,'t11 pc.r*l: j. hrL e:.r corJe i'- u"-t1ut i r- t".'flrc:n Ls i. ri t.iru: tt}B[] IJFC- I; i:; .r qr-.r j. iJei l-. r: '*n.i r.:+r:: t- ed sr+r::t i. i::rit; it'f. ths: cnde*, $FfrAfiAT.i nf\l F i nf:.t.;T I ithl i:r[ri'!l'JDfill\' AFiF.Pr ]:i{CR#.!q5[ F: I Fi[ FrROT H rjl I Oi\l Fll.lftl H Flr:p:ir*r-ty .1. i nr.: :j7, i-i Ft?{lr t lJ7" r-i Fe+r+*, f flliT F r r:trr:i- i: / I i, ri* 7fi. i:i F er.,t :: t3 " r) F:rrc:t: 5tii,ll-l-i 1;:rr-npr:rty I i r-rl:;r 56. i:: Friiel S&. t:l Fere-'t: lrJEi i:i -f Fi-rh J. i c i\,fr.y dr,:; ,, r) F:{,!'r?t 4 i1i, i-: g:6'''-.1 l.\r e:a .i rir: r *,.,,r * l'-, Li 1{'!(:i" tl(:,li f sr mf:r.rr ;tr- i*;:.r c}n li g:ir.l*r,, Ft...hr*HE:nL:C l'ift),: FL Fi AtlF,p' fiL-L-{lilJF;I} ft41 1 fl ':i"f il TLIS ii Dwr:l 1 i. ng T[!TriL" FilR Fr.-i-l{]ft i. i}.rl .[ ]. i rr q -f []TAt, F[][;i f::l-l]OFl F-iU 1L.I) ] l\tE "l'0Trit... R.:i oll )r&t l.irrli itti L: e,rci fil,. 7o9 i.Jn L i ni te.d rJ[,: Ftl; ril,: tlt.lt6 ljni i mi tecl $lj: frii-t{: L.ln I i ni tr:,-.i:l r}lr: l.il,75 L.lrrli.mitri+cl r.: l.; L::{l-t-i.f.lIr_ln t'lAL-L r IRE F"tRl" INl$t-l l\l{ii OFet.tI Nti FFiill EC-i" Int,t TabLe f7'*A & -l ,lbii.: Ii-'F'r NilF{Tt.l fipi$l :j0ljTt{ l^l[:$T {.iil{] Fjitlii NiiN-EFii:i ni:'FlG tlRG Ntlf'i-.Fjfin (-lFNG Ffl{:i Nill{*BR{.i |JFNG EtRf:} Nnt{-.tJHn OFFTG t{i:}1..1- Nl\L t" FItt}-f HriLL tJt\t..L FF{lT tdAl.t.. hJAL"L F,ROT NfiLL_ htAl..t.. F,tinT f;i::i {:rhr i-rf-rr hlorii: t)lrr. rl}l-r r" Fl{rnfi| (_}hr ohr Nnner i:)h r- {)hr- None Tltil +*x [:eri mr r,ra]. 1!i may br.: n{: fil-ll.'lFu$T i Bt-E. m;rttlrii{}. Siilr":}t}f " Nnne -"* hlr.: {ire pr-ote:c1:inrr r"etluir-enrrntg, {or o1:erii ngs.,.Frmt --' up*ninLJ!:! Jrrr+ tu be prrrL.ecrtii,'rJ l,litfr lir'4 hr { j.rr* ;:s;sefibl i$$., 5r-t ?, o{ tl-ie sr"e.r *f tlie wai. l. ma>:irnurm, Si,:t::. ?llrll . {h,,) ir "l-ahl {'"- :i*ij\ l'l;:rir i mnm singlsl wi ndr:w s:i:{i.: is i34 eq.fL r,ri t-h no di.nren*i crr gr-€*at-er- than J.? {:[rHti" ** $r:c, 4f{r,5" 11i; tf r: {lcicle re:r,,i e'ol 'i i:r- r F.i.njt.jli:t Icl , r LlHLEirll-JH ftlii$IDENilE: t:\cjdr-tl*:i_r .:4it{l.l i._tJFJINF, DFt:l.VH NfiF' ---- []1:i'eln j. n0t-] &r'€] ri{:i L: iJm'r"tTritLe+d irr thl.s r+":i i. 1.. 'r -'-- i-ftr"r:;e l'rx l. I s m,.ry bt:l r,ilcji-l i. r-erJ h.n fi,.:r.;e a pr*rr;:palt r{*rl I ii t-t i nrFic,ll, ith fl','i.i th*r r"ocili. nq, ltre 1: "tr i.rtr:: a't ui",rl. I i.* rt:rr1rri. r'*cJ Lci h *.rs: tfit* l;smel { j. rrr r;rtir'riJ ii:::; lhi.: w;,r11. $*e: sr.:ci-inri l.;7{:iq. 'f c:r r:Jei::<:i lru i:ir-r cl e*:rcep Li nn.;1" nTF.lE,Fi tll.i i Ln l: hlG trt..f;ii'1Ef iT s O F a ct er T;:h ll. er J. 7-.i:i iiAT I F]* i!nT[:t: l.t frr i) hf" 1:i ilr i-j l-rr $e;l f nolnn{:i:., +i:L .L I it- i-, ht" i-l fi r' l'.1*nn { t:r !}t-rst f t [iric I n*r.rr'-e ":i dn eil su hasercl *n .".ll.t r::r-,:rpl t i i:n:." ftl{ t riir i *r' i:rq:1 . h,{:i l. L r i.-'rlr.r.i. r.Eflr€.rnt. .l. Ht."L.t1[i1'.il- .[ n L, rrr- :i ur" F.ielxy- i rr6! u;a.i. 1 Irrt-*ri. nr n ;.rri [] ]* {:.i r,.i'lr L l 5tr.-r".ru tltrrrl Fr ainir,r l:l:l i:: rilr i nr" f:ltrt-tr:t l:r-,rns iifr *i + t Erir. 1nl;ur"rir lr:1c:r:irz'Llr::i. L i r,q /ls;sminbL )"' Fi*af ,,'fJui I i nqtr A:;r;r:nrb1y 5t-ai ls f{tlTF- l Se*e lliec . i. 7{i.i' - {;r } Ijt-ii-iTNtl T[:5 x L ) i'li, rii fir-lrii on s,ir'i.rri nr {-i{:(.:l.l[:Crf']l.:Y $[:F AR/] 1 I {"1N[:j l'.Jcirt e r- nq r-.r i. rtliJ iiDIl l: I i Ul.lAt- liEl:'ilRri l'i:nhlfi FirE R:.r fJi-'[LJF'Ai"]r-'Y I [::X.l T' Rf;::iltj IF:H:NE:f'l Ifi r !it... l..tfitls_ijilUt.lF ,qN] Nl il"lEt[Fi E X I -f L"nrqn FIF"O|J I REtr [,J I I]Tl-{ t + [: l-'FiFl L i-- iiA"ir;r' I)fimi I'lllTrEi I tjDt^lR ';uFjit I Dclr-t {tbt.1 rifi HATF:l'i I iql- /l rr ,ri Ari y Any f\ny Ari i; Any i1n,v Frn,y' 1,1 fls,rL. i l. i. ncl Tl"rTAL." 1. iir+r.L .t i. irg Iill 11'1.. ;J :t ;ri I i{ .L 1i 1) l.l 1 I,r,. I ( r:)" .i t hl(] r"1,, 1) hlll FIci {). I ) Nr.r Nc: ;ri rf Nc: tv cl Ni FT i{ ,/ ir:i t\i / ti I,'lr' Ft t) Dtsp i5*i.rrA i$; hal:ierJ i.rn $(iJc:: , l:::il,i " {!l) erici;".pt flsi rro'teld. fktripant iu;lrJ i.: E;i:c.,cl r-rrr Ti*l: 1c," .:i:,:i-A. llit.lrnher' *f rlxits i.t; b 'rilr:rl on T*blE :if,-.A tl:rcclnt- ali nott:d" E:lit ;*irith i',:. ba.;sEJ rn $ec, :i:::11..!f,. ih!) "'Tl-rt-i nLrmL.,Brs; :tn i ) &rr: incli-rdF i:c \:: l-ttj,:tn t Io*rJ j.nq fror! {lnar-s itl:rovF t-h:i,"; {l.ur:r" -- $tlc. 3;1i)."1; " (b) F{*-TUTNUTH$ I O ncle r-ov i. r.l w ii nr l f:'r'o_iercL: Ld. * flf:L..FAtJl,i F{ESILiEt.lCF" ArlcJre::,;:;: ..:i9O7 l--tJFiI I'iE IIF{ I V|:-. t:iTil I Ft fd{-}T E$ I A stairtr*.iy Lri ,a dwfll 1i ric.1 irrlr::t hE: "lt 1r:a:.;t .ii: ini--li*r:; ulj.dr*, -.* lltlc,, ::i:::;i:)C, " iir) Tile m.::tirnlim ril;r':i r'f '.r r.;t*p i's til i i-rr: h r:!fi ;{ncJ the iniriifi?r-rrn r-Llt-r iu f :i ni:f-rslr$,,-* !!e'i.: " Jf't-ti:;" {c ) s':rt:"*tJ. Frr:vi iJt! i( fi;iJ-ri:ira:i I cin one *i.cJe :r :,,.i t i;r,. i. r" r,.r+ry lji4 tc: t-.l-i r:r.r :i. r; inl:it- er tfi,xrr '4 r-isi':r-*" .--- S*.'rr: " :ii;::ii:j6. i,i) F'i-*vi der a qir.rrrrj r-;,ti 1 l".ifii,:,r e clru;: rif { i s gr-eatr:,r' ..i ;':iii i. rrc-hkjs:i, rti.r.il i. mL-rnr npc.rr i. ng rr, i. ;i H ':a 6 i rrrhr:.:s;,'l hrl rrininir.riii lieadrr*ni is: 4r {l::, --. {3 i fih€+ll;,, --^- 13 eilt: lilrri: L rr fi s..r,J lis",rhl.E lgftafi:i: i..l'i{lhrr- tnel r:L;ri y-g, i.it r'*:i.1i..r:i {r:r thr { i r-e--r'ei:li s;ti '., el r:nrrs,;Lr-r-.tcti ri. *.- liieri:, nr.rilF,i NLI liit-tiliJ I FiL.t"tLrru T ts r l.j IhrT', rrrif inU on 1:.:fii *: br.ii 1cl i:rc1 :is" rrr:t ri?{-lt".ti r" s,'d '-- Tr:h1e ilil -"/,\ AilI'Ut"t6iT t l"i i.!F ti I Nt':.L. Efi sysTE t'1u r drre r e,",rir,i i i"'e.,.'tj ts |-i:]fiipJ. v w:i. tl"j r e;rc.it-r i rsrd t*i h*r,'e ;l .[ asi"i .1. ih) .fl. .-l Ji;l i nchclr'- ;rbnv r ';. h r* nflr::ii:i rig i f 'l:h Eiri :i;(-! i rrch€ig" l'li rii. iir r..rni fie:riqht: --- Sit.l'::: " i }- J. l. " eex i: ll " SLJd:" r.p) r-erd {:n t:r: prr-.r1-t=clr'rd iis rc+c1r..rir*cJ ::::i1-i6,, {n i tn Lie {:i r'+: r-*t..:ir-i:Ji,int $Tpl!..lnF'l PE: IIL-B|J.1. i:iEl'][:NT$ I t/.lAr .l.- Al{n fiF l i- 1 1{6 F: I N j $fl ; 1) l,{al1 ::nd r:Ei,i 1:ine .f i. ni Eif-r rni:itrf-:l ail,:; ilir."- i:: " rlt.]i-r4,, {;i ) arid l ;rh I (.:r 4.;l* ll . ::) [.iar-g:iell:i r'],J Lti-t r.la.[ .L E; arid ce.ii ."r :i ni; .rr- er 'f l.,sn*r spi-,:li.rr:l r-"rt- i. riq, ---. lii.:*. qlil4, l:NSUL6it-IUht N0TE$i :l) til. I i. ri g lt L *t i: :i c, ri r.naitL?r" i iri1 i irci L.rdi rir,; {;lciilqli eif-r: r€irclLii rrid 1::ci flr:iv{:r ;} .IL;l;nE:-- s1.: r- i.ii*il r',at:irrq n.$ 15 nr- 1t--:F,li anrJ a m,,rili.niuu $ffi(][::e dFjns;:ii::y c:{ 4:j{:} r-rnJ.Ei$$ i h- i* in "-,r cut-rcea.l\i:)d .$ii a.r: r., ;irrcl ths {*ri.rr;1 i i:,, i,n r:r:n t.iri::t w:i. t-.lr a wal. I cir' r*-ri L rl rig,, *-" l:icli:, J.7i:3" {r) e;.lr:. fl'l ii) Fclam p-l ,:t'liit i r: LL nt:;ltl elti tl"l:; *i:r'$ r-iilrlr.li r'*:d t* L;e ;:rroteci:cid, --- 5 r.:i:: ,, 1;r1:i. ilL._il:: I i{n FtH0i-t I ft El'li::t'.tT ti ; 1) Al 1. rli*rirrq in h;ir:ar"dnlrr:; i.;la;: i rir; in":ter-i;+,1- " -* fiec I r:i;:.iiti un.s i'=i rrrclr..rJ r r::i{J to hre o{ $ii{(:..v fi4tli$,, {rJ) ADll I1 .t lltJAL FtEOt.J I F{El'1E.NlTg I fjnr- Rli ctcc i-tF.ilnc y AJ. I br;,ithracmr;, L{ater c1 ni,pt. nonip*trtnri:rrts, J. auirrdry rc:nrils iind si mi .1.;-,rr' 'ir-ea:t sihal I he prnvided ui l-h r-ratlrral van t"i.1. ahi. r:n or- a rneiclrarr j.caL v*:nLi. 1:r't. j. nn *yetr,.rm per L(ifi$ t"l.F.tj" ufi. f.il n s*c" l?,:13 (c) . F.ireplace r.-h"rr;i-r.: arg.. rnc ,r.i recJ 1--o lri,:l''re a lninimt".{n I'-hr fire ralinq te t ni: n{ termi ri":rti. on c:ap" Fii-ep1*ca f l. L($ pi.prr' ir',; rifquj.r-ed tc: ber acre"$$i. hI e .l.nr rleiining F Ll r- F i.r $e !-r " I)ec*raliv+.1' {irf:i,p1"rce r.:hi nirrr.'y cJrns; to ijgl r.:cinsttrt.rctrjcl $f n{:in--*mmblrs;i:;r[:l rl rnater- i .l:i. r+ F ar-lel # 4 [.]ncle r-tlvi *l r^r 'f ctr r F:'r n.j er,: t I rJ , : OllLErajl]f4 R[r$ I nENiCE ilcJcJr-r*ssr :i;9();? l--tJf:'IF.lF: nfi 1VF" n1y unc: *nL icl 'f r..rel hr-rrni.rttl "f irE:[i1;iri*j per rlurerl.f.inq i.rrrit j,* *]. i. r:prr,rd 6er- Tt:rrin i:f V*j. I rnurn:i. i:: :ipal L: de ci"i. il$. ordi. narrce" rrr,t" fll." Sl uperd ql..:i: i nqi aritl tl.ryl. i cJiitg L: r:i he ccinii:tr-l.lct-{iid arir.i iri:lt;rl i Bd pr,ii- ,l 9f.:i ti l.,l " B " il. ch ,, ;:i-'1., tiL.l. { i.iti'.ri bt..rr-ri j,;ig e+qut:i []tne t sli*1 I hi r: asi:;nreld ;l sn'i:{ i c:i i'lnt $LrFip.l.y fl{ r:r:mhr.rr,tiurl $,ir- ptlf- i.9tlt1 U" l"l .[" i:::h, t.', " 611l a1-ip.L i aiice;,-s ;:nd murfr.,rni. r::n1. *rc;lri F] rTlr:ln L r;fr;r..1 I hc,l j.nsL.;.r1. l. e.rcl p:*r ii:s.. {Ii(nrrl,{ f .ifl:{: r..l|- |nri .i. j. *h.,i.rrql per- .l'lf]fi tJ,l'1. C" r::h" 5, si:c. 5t-i4. fiL1 .,tp:6r l j.ainc*r*; arrrj rl tii i:: il i: r-t :i. r"iil. c,-qr-.1:i;:nren L:: g;h;irl L b r.r *r c c e E, gr i i:i L r+ "f r.lr i, n::;;:*r'b. i nn , $et-vl. fit: r r-(ir.Fai r *rid r-*:tr.:, .[ ac r::rne*ri t uv i. t h r']Lrl:: r"':+riirvi nq p*rin;lnerrt r:cirrst-ruct j. *n " Fe;' J.?{l$ {.J.1'1,, {:, r:l-:, li, siec " 5{lg" t:\ 1. I fti+lrtirrq &n{J cr:i:ll. i i'irJ {:r!1..r:ipn*nt .l r:c;r1.. i,-,d in * qara €.i alid urhir::li qetnor'g{l.ui: a qJl.rjw,r Ej;Ffiri,. r:r- {IiimFr r:ifi"jr} I br+ in:l.L*--llelcl r.::i. tii tlrs Fj. l.oLE;I t:Lr:-rri*r's ,lntJ gt'li lj. i l-rrr-ii ;:L l. tira:;1:. l.ilJ" abi.:.,rE: 'i:1or:r " Fnrr- lt.jSA 'i.1,, Pi , i:" cl"r ,, ll ,r.:i|:{:. :i l:} il " r':r l. .t. hcli. L e:r rr::nrrii; :"ii,:i.[ ] ht; eqni. ptgrc*d w.i t.h i+ { l. nr:r' cir'.rii rr . pr err- L ?i:}fJ lJ " Fi,, ll , n:h ,, lil I , srlc,- " ::l 1 J, ';:. f:r.|..1. { t-tri',i Li.i,i3 pi.;:'li riq eli;lll h* i. rr:;ti:il. l. elti prtrr l9ilt} U" F"l .t:" ch,. ":,i:: ,, i),"i I mi.::i i: l: i..tr- t::l r+y l-r",li-.tr;{: cJLrt:t::r sirh.,t.l..l f-er"rni n,-.ite nn tfie t:r..its:i d ri: i:{: L.hr:l t.ir.ti l rii rig anrJ giiiiil.l. Lre e;r.:it.ripFL:rd FJi $r a b*cl: dra{t rj*mper, f:t.[,1. pn{::;:i,r1. tll r',iat s:r rirr-{pFly 1i rrc:u $h,,i]..1. l:r r: prrtter:l--erd r* j. th ;ipp:r-averJ [r"ic.[,: J:] u t,-.t i:Jer,icsls; trJ prerv€rfit {:::r" tlis; i: r-i n*i.':ti. rn " iFjl 1".rwn *J:r-i.ri[,:.1 {]f-$ anri hni 1 i;rr ri Fri vate !:liir iiqer -f l. {:(]r clr';ii ntl. rr-ray rrnt h* connu'r'[ed to thsr h:L.i j. l. di rig w,n:l;ti: l,rnd vlrn{: 1:inr.ls r..irrl E:gE, ancJ ;\n "rppi-crvad inr*pt--i::r i.$ irrsl::a1}Erd" [ilu*d Lir..rt-rri rirl *;tavn mltst ne*lt $l;ite o{ Cal c}i- ".-rclr] riJqui rnrnernt$, in .i*tJii i t i clrr {-.c,.it .;indar d c cid e r- etslr i r- e*mr*tr t g " F'rr.:vi. dF.i a uiinclciFJ rit. donr to thts er.rtr:rior {r'mrn evgir"v r- r.}cl{l L.r.'6e: d + f:}r s.[ r*epi.nq,, -- fi r-" r: - 1.?i]4.. A wiriclol.: irit.tr'[- prcvide a cl el*.rr clp€Jn art?;it c]+ ::i,,7 sq,, {t,, n a cJ. c,:;ir- hcli. iiht- n{ ?4 ini:Fisti,. and * clii+;ir urj.rJl:h n-F i,l i.r irrcirs-.;(rn:i.n:Lnilrnri " *.* ticr:. 11,::{)4" A1 I hahi. tahL t.* t-ofirrrs; r'cqr.tl r"r E*ilt.*r-ior gi. ii(:6rjrj $riEnriirrq!i silLir:\L l r:r l. {..t71 gr niilFe of Lh$ {losr are,rrr. (rn j. n .L i") |'ju,{{:,, ) ---- $r..li::,. 1:{-r:1 " {"ri fiI .l liaL,i t;,thl ti't r cictr"rig !- f,rii:lL[ j r'rr itn (-ifr (:]i'*i[.] L r: el:r'l:nr j. r;:r' {lpqrn j. nr;* *c1L.r.x.l. ti: 5j !'" or rnnr- r'.f cif the;l {.1 mr:tr" r*.+,$. irir:i.n lj si,n.4: L. ) .."-- llerc " l:l(15" {a) [:]tj,rie +] "i (,li::del ra+vi. r::r,.J -l ir":: F-'r" c:.'i erc l: il, il , r iltil".litiqlil4 FiH* I tiH.l',lCF" /rrcJ r:lr r....r':;::; r ;:'7i-''7 l"..i.Jl.;' I gJi: illl l: uh. Ti it:r iri.r. r: j. nii..titi ti.:.ri 1j,ni..1 ir ii i.r,ri:!i i::;lbl e"' $plrcri j.r,; 7 rr Erc.rt: i: i rrchi':::; e:l cr-..'plL. iri.'l:t::l-ii*r'i:";, lii:!l i:ii I firr{::l [r.:Lfir; r'nii y fi;:tve x c:r,ii l.i riq l-reiiJhi: n.f 7 *srrllt., .-- iir,:rr: ,, - * :l i.tt..;;', ,i nn, Frttu:i. t.iii,. .:,r ii:; lrrtll.,: F tl{"'t {.r{:'t mr in ail nT e.i';;,i; ft.lvi.rirl ftflceg.!i Li:i i:lr.r*pi,riq rnnnl; , -"- lie,:r , L i:'J. i-i " (.: ) ;l " Fr'*r,i {:itil fr :jlmcl l.::r:+ dell..Errt*r' nrr all {: l. *ilr',::, ttr"rt :i.:, crnnE:i:tc,rd t r", ;ift a.l. ":rr-nr "rt-rcJi t--r1*i iri .:iL 1 x.[c;:e1.iirifi iiru-ai:l , *.. ii:ielc:: " :.;i1i-]. {a)4,, Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and K,,TI- | q / q* r o )'i Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block t'1 I I ritins ,/3H rsf- ,2.^. Comm6nts: APPROVAL Deslgn Review Board / t,6/z//f7 DISAPPROVAL // Town Planner 'li!.td.ryY l o^," -7fza/f7 Statf Approval t S.,./- , 7- '< 2-d (7,/ x /a./ -, 1/'"3.Y A/N-a*JC+4€&-6+aY1 L@G Oeru</S =ou# &EJ! P64TeNoEau^E 'Ta 111: * a @ &ero a.: 41,1X E,nT-zbL v -- ./t 2*x,n ?'7X9*7,tX/z - 4,d4> # nb*6,n5-- lo55 zgtEt*tlnrq'17'L +(a - ZZrt4 t# tl tsxb'1(Zl' - /6?o* LL,b t 1, t7x046l + z,*t,tg = Sbzz# ,ry* {aw*u;zz\ = 4bt4e8t4 ta, = M:I lo.r. Vf,o.t. FeoF - Nrz. ,NA,{L tl< - @ I ) ,+,,a')" o=ffife!#-r, L& =/,b? &4ctOA tuefr'-a* | '4e b'Q.L,t'ure /'14x/5aP-*4 @ A'e-' 47cH /4G e-ailAa€:. b,'J>Lanqa15 WALL e, 6p/o q-K-h? (' ".41,1r-.8.,ffi- 49( '4oy6.*U='741 1o*c,s 3g$ l<bxQ,5 =867 coo ti \,/: 4qatz.5+ %o*z-s = 7?f2'7# N= z!-^ukz,s* 7fl2 f 4/aa3'2'5 k 7,5 wAa-eaPn + zffi{64 + 7a7*6,b?/L + ?oz*uq :4o25+ l* -_ -+ i r I -+ 7-V47il1- auT aU&-f)F*/t'JG €aerO !- t I = ffi,* z%b1!* 9,4?, 4/+"4 L&(&z 5-1423 = P/^a= 2/r€' 't/t 3*6zqz ft.oa=ahz€/"f La.a+ I 1 ' 3b?%.5--{o?z* Att ' - -' I use @)1.''/fr'tcra+-,-p.rei-1i ii",t { "x t4 N= +c7bv,<ts; (o) FDN+'fttQxe4 TAt-e (EF.O aOT /.J - @ alo€: rqr -11r. = 'l?b1 = 106 t>(r 1,79 ?9.--a'174)l fu(fr.@yh 77r T (- AV*e.*gag &-g,+el4 stt'b ,Adeeqa_tr W^r t_ ft/dffi eF 6,<te b.. pel37vNG = ?*96y. 6'^'F:_;t:rl#^ -(z.'v --of = 16 *1 = 1la ilL' VJNII e--*.t/ o(eVtlFd gEuO* 1,4,a't'1-4: t-*tO -/- RaleMf=.' +ru rqn z'b" lnlto€o%; + E= 9*E -- bs,nbfta teA l"(= ilSth' +-- fu-*4sze'Q' d !'!! 4,Pa( *1,44 = 4 /-t'(--':> 4rt8' aLtJ,lu)t 4 rl:4?(3, =-4b W *'ftln* tl i *fi;/__,"*7#o e € @)#a e( alioe /Z'qe. /e/J 6'1- u x /2' TP/"e-- 7-pa;-A* ( *e 4-tr-d 44,1x6'6 =-?'15 1r; z(st-I,n'+ 4@1 =MF ,#r +e) lnd sea t4 =245*?:t {aTI, l( +O(-JK(tl( --rz_ | zz \' s73x1,11\z(1ta Tt = ?f:9 -- 1?11 , -?r% ?btr3 /ahx/€r ) lYd a2'x-tlnaA BaLT; tbuaoowr-t Tr(q Sb(ftat4 e.o) /NTb Cs'/cEefE 2 - nbab'o= tlEs ooo * t)-E utfTtAb 'f1urcP z (rL*/,otso ?+n Q'-q ' LTLZ t P a.AEa 7-/ooP, (:'6ID€ Naf+7 cl\ae e-B^ti4 -B-A € &qeG at zeaEi Vp*e: .61+ (ti,txl,t1+ t+l*1,t1 /' ogo {d rli : €Ua p:K, -- %(+#tfs:l?to */a-r abtd -ar 7tr- = t.14t e- +' 2' og' .r, 4tso 4 aaz€LQ wPt L +f& ^zjL{= 4,lt+4'.F. el6a4- J ro Leai ffi* I*a * 6a7 F6. <AE --) Zuos*' //,r . z:!= -- q,+L' a.c./ T' r*ao1 6tN4&b<,+, *PNJ &g.tWgt7*UT - ( I I fis l/bs /'/4 wLrc € 4Suo.c.ry +A"4 wLr% e 24&o 4s /"d x/14 Rao3F fr€-e,<zeo hbcf> e I 71a-a7 4Pztp7 (-'6bb F6 lPl/Fraoffi+(-f =44 py reat etr 'tLlkLl- =- 1,2 *ZZ,eP * ?!o Pfxu O'L, = 3"t fg. Nq'uPutr = b4D - ?4( =tuI 4 /"'# < lO' LA43: 5' tl €'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.7\' LeG' A-t-t-ox-/ : 5/2 )+$ = 6bo#/.*(-=.' ory= ffi e ,E/ae- o/+44 x lDot^69, Eil *) PA* LaG l<Lc-av/,s 4Z4tS =- ?tlS+/*t- 7J =ffi a zy',41o s, /+*v€ CL, AL, ri Ll.oi h.: I /+e 4h'4 K/oaaaz @, to' ,.c, &,a# /erJ,P-.#- /A/ APflftaJ To l"Q Fs4na, ,4o6: /'tdx /datta= d.LA'!e-c' H^Y r'G Ton4rrv)reo PA fu# ,-'*fr/'R + V+"4 / *61, @/N, 4! Paft: UPU<T - 0,L. sF 4 t*/,/ir,f = f4pf,, = peaf = /Zify Ne F.*qat-ttt'//s @O.t o90 'li : Oun reL -NAu- o*Na 7a TaP OP= P"t*/L LOG v'l//d@ bu^.- g7veeao @ U*ttl, Fz/+?e1>- ftqe/€ffifrr.e{*- /\ta"t+574y4:gys gA4t7 LotNe< ,FarAlzexl ! pe@4alT n/A,LL e aztCI a: GAg L *.a O/,\1iaA/.| (* PRtrtouT F, tr,A2 ) /,,r1''i t'*o i offi,r*u -YJaogt \r w l/5€ ga a*/e vJ+tt-- vt/#@@_b.+-rsspT' *+ Ae/6(0e. /-bZ/4, €7w- ./t Ct aqA-- At /^JitP€ tA{=€. Re*lt frl4 Ngc. ,.tor<. @ st-oa N+L Structunal Research Conpany BASEMENT I^IALL DESI6N September 19, 1389 NANE I I.,IALL G ANGLED PART INPUT DATA f 'c 3.0@ f y 80.@0 H ural I 10,50 h 8. 00 cover I .50 H soi I I I .60 Eouiv Flui d Pressure 18,2 ANALYSIS RESULTS Rtop .39 Rbot . Eg l'lmax 1 .44 Vu nax L:n Uc 6.98 REQUIRED STEEL REQ UERT STEEL HlN UERTICRL IIIN HORIZONTAL bar no. spaclng ban no. spacing bar no. spacinp 313211 J7 4?4421 413 s37s32513 652646628 PROUIOEO STEEL VERTICAL HORIZONTAL bar no. spacing bar no. spacing 4145IB OEsI6N SUMMARY l'lu Mu prov As neq As prov req/prov Vertlcal 2.43 4.63 .10 .17 .57 Min Uert -t? .I7 .67 Min Hori"z . l5 .?1 , SJ Rpr : 11o A1 L1 \) (4*r$\ oo0 *{i te6au-/ 6xr< a-/f' U,/xu-= ca nt rP. Eror = 61a # r/tt*t = 41o* 4o ttIL r- ziz-€ F4^,',1r : '2T-74 - LtL ,L/ a . . e'J 7V.5"€ Fa%6 d)T b.tl uLloee <leeP-UJN'L' ffi=79 ' -_ 3,''r1 fe4 or*fllp%'a; a744 7dr- ay'de L'ae €DE=- lba os' FteE. 5/+E4F^ tN*l-L: /r'pr*o ,uf od NA.tt-5. o bu o9' eo6-# a lZno-c' fleP, Sic'x-'L ,e+tc-4aR ,wf3: 6bo4 ,4^/a//a< te* e e2" ac' ^uw,7:f;ee-%{ retal e btNe{: .u = l,?2 q, r^4. =#(az/a)(u,n'''#)) = t"!fi! I l I I I I I I .l 4) ri I @ aNreF oaraN: fRbil A 4t, : f,4rr,=4ft9 tJrr W/N@,N /+ EL4'N,re I T- /t+AP /- 4,L7' /4u = 4,b-7 'r ZA€ -- 8'1?2 tk A.*o - .6X5 7va (z) /s: 44 = -62 L.r 4 /, n I I a.\\(l ,': fr-'(A-U(4-a)) a:+fJ- = ,t1(4, ,, Bsfc- b ,k &, o)(tz) C = A- l/.-/4-G,zsn Cs (4w vsqfte vrtsltuy.ll - f.€€ HgnT -l 17k)ra^EQ /ei/NF: v%r44e/4h fii+L.Jgralo- 46x-B|a"a,o$ 7-tmc*<-'. o ol>iJ.z {ar*. I /2" c./ea-r oA+i& fuu- ttt c-/etr' J I I I I I I I I 'l .l €o.z € /44a.. tr,Jtr/Aa'uJ p4t4,A/: f 'J o4UPa,q*tctrE; L>A/6K-- ht/rNrcul: ffiArfE: /-/C 6x8,F tftltt-tartA: et*.Vlo = .Zb ,la?:x lZ= 6,5 ttA i^ A4t -, I -z-, ---(rt^rr@ ecro 6) 3:5 qoo 'l+: -a\t4- ,44,5-)rr-T' 4 x-L xi/tu rlg= 1,77*,Lx4' &,9&, \.. t41bx65, !/.t KQ ASE nC 8x8,5 w/N@^/ p37-<r-1f; laaT tNG u,O*aAefa WA'LL. 7?? x ba 1Nd4, eVJas F> 6horJr'/ (/4 ror-*.t-) ljbE Ta 4nZxVta /42/UJa {3 August 28, 75 south lronlag€ road Yail, colordo 81657 (303) 479'2138 (303) 479'2139 1.989 Mr. Richard l,[atthews Matthews 5r Associates 0225 Eagle Road Avon, Colorado 8l-620 Re: Oelbaum residence, Lot Addition office of communily development Dear Richard, After reviewing inforrnati-on is 3, Block 1-, Bighorn Subdivision, First your submittal for the Oelbaum residence, the following needed: L. 2. An avalanche study completed by a registered avalanche expert to determine if nitigation is necessary for the project. If nitigation is necessary, the recomroendations must be included in your building perrnit plans. The starnped survey should indicate the L0o-year floodplain and acreag'e for the property. Please note the survey must be stamped by a registered land surveyor. / n\ /) I z{fnick Lampiris must comment in a letter on the berrning proposed for \\--z the proiect. / n.), A letter from the owner that has been notarized indicating his | < awareness of the hazard situation on the 1ot must be subrnitted. A final landscape plan indicating the changes for the Design Review Board approval . All sizes, uraterials, and types of trees should be indicated on the plan. A11 utilities must be place underground. Please show the sewer easenent on your survey. The site plan should indicate all roof ridge elevations for the 6. 5. 7. project. Please indicate the roof ridge elevations as well as the existing and finished grades for each roof ridge. w 8.\6r The town engineer must approve the proposal for two cuts for the g driveway. (".J) The landscaping on the Town of vail right-of-way must be reviewed \v through the use of a revocable right-of-way permit. L0. The driveway slope should be indicated on the site plan. LL. Indicate on the plans the type of rock which will be used for the house. As soon as this information is submitted, I will finish checking the project. If you have any further questions, please feel free to call me at 479-2L3A. Sincerely, ('+,t. f,'{L Kristan Pritz Senior Planner KP: Ir cc: Joe Norris lnwn 2. 3. (3 r/ 75 routh lrontage roed vell, colorudo 81657 (3qD 47S2138 (3qD 479'A39 offlce ol communlty dsulop|nent Uay 24, 1989 Mr. Richard Matthews Matthews and Associates P.O. Box 3567 Re: Olebaum, Lot 3, Block l, Bighorn First Anendment Dear Richard: In looking at our subrnittal dates for Design Review Board, I see that last Monday, the 22nd, was the subnittal date for the June 7th DRB meeting. The next date for subnittals will be June 5th for the June 21st meeting. We are asking for the following itens to be submitted ly .fune 5 and wili schedule you for a Design Review Board neeting after we have received them. l. A complete application form with the otrner,s signature(s). You will note that this includes a list of naterials,colors and the landscape list. A prelininary title certificate. A utility sign-off sheet. A survey cornpleted by a licensed surveyor showing contours, lOO year flood plain, center of creek, all easements. 5. A landscape plan with compete landscape list (see page in application packet). 5. A site plan showing proposed drainage, existing and finished grades, and elevations of top of roof ridges with existingr grade shown underneattr to determine lreight of the building. This can be combined with the landscape plan. I have checked the GRFA and deterrrined that the residence will contain 41897 square feet of GRFA. Allowable is 5,643 sguare feet. I .r^,. Please feel free to call rne if you have any further guestions. Sincerely, ./1 /-i ,/ -'r-- 1,-/ /ir'\ / /'__,rC{d-C/e 7 6L'b1 /" r-t 't Betsy Rosolack Planning Technician ^. ^. r.^ri:PLlcATio!,trffilo8fi'h',lllii'*l3ril3F]nlprrn'nr* [;ii"-onle F$ /oq'J* \ rve.Lru rrunr'uf -rr^ Landscaplnf-- O!{ilCR OF PROPERTY NA.I'IE OF APPLICANT ADDRESS tr., _[*t etufrL S'( .1) lC-,tlar7. ( a,utt)tt /I/ 7-( 0ther.___ \,',/ /ft LICAL DESCRIPTIOI{ OF. PROPERTY TO BE SERVEO: I.OTIALOCXf:SU8O.(If nrccroary, rttach aescription-on-ilparacr shc't.) Cornu lot_ Inrldr lot V tft, PMllPIlgI oF-STRUcTURE 0R rrEr,t(s) lNTo RrGHT_oF-HA\ p/e,, r. r fl :l:il.'lI lil^ iII r I g,.li[::. lTfl ii_ f :i;rii-i i il, Iiimrm;.r,. .," r;rr(cil Tillll;"Tllfol::,.::{,::}:T lli::fFe ;il;^i"e''inil'ri'if;l"ilij.li.li;,'?ll dtmenrtoned) nnd ceciril(ai ;s ;;ii'r;':i;iliiilr'tri"lpfiilffi.i: Doeg structurc presenily 6xlrt? Propored date for comnencemont of construcilo In conrldaratlon of appltcant agr'os ,, llirliilancr of a rtvocablo permlt for tht'rrru..lru abovr lndicated, l' Thrt the structure her^ern.authorJred on a revocable pcrm{t basrc {s restrrcted exclu-^ !lvgll. ro the tand rbove d;;;ribil:1' iilltllftffirmlt ls llmltcd rpeclrlcallv to tha type or structura dEsrtbrd In thts 3. That thc appllcant shall noilfy rh..^lo1l-lfnager,^or-hl! dgly aurhortzed agenr., rwenty . ii!|.i!ii; ;il'i:'il1!ro[rrff;*.+mri" commenciment or conrrrlciidii, in-Jri;" trrat proier 'l' rnat tho appl'lcant agreei to lndemnlfy ond save hrrmless tht Town of vall from and asrtn3t all clalms, iutti, -oai,igi;, i6sIl', i;;;";-;ilii-oxpen!e3 In any_mannor resulrlng from' arlslno out of,0F ionnCciea'*iih-lhc ""icirJli'or malntcnance of thr above ldantlflad siructure. - 5.That the pennJt mav-be revoked^whenavcn lt ls determtnad that-thc cncroacftmont, obrtruc-tlon, or other strtcture.cdiiiriiji;;'; nuisincil'iiiiiiy, or tmpatrs the usc of rhq rlght'cf-wrv bv thc. puurfc, .oniiiiutis-; ilFiic-;;i;;'d; or the property upon whlch tne eneroachment. obitruction, oi itructuru ixiiis ii-i.r-iufrro for use bi, thc publtc;0r lt may be ravoked.g! rny iiri-t6r-iny rerron Oiamia'iJiftctant by tha.Iown of Vail.That tht appllcant wtii iimove,-"i'irti'a,*pcnre, ttrr incioisnmanr, obstrucil0n, or sructur' withln ten days after receintni'noiiic;l il;'iivocatton of said pormtt. Il'lnlni,lf,llliil:":r'eis [i maririiin'i;i iffi;;uiini"i,ii.iiiia-iirir,, ine-afiiroacrrment Thrt ln the event iaJd removal of the cncroachment, obstructlon, or structura ls not rccompllshed wlthln ten iavi. iiii iown-li nifJiy-irir,i.izad to rem'v! same and navr ths rtght to r{:_11.r:iciimerii-aiarngi ttri'pigpi.ii-ond cc.poct the cosrs of Igmgv!.| fn the srme,manner.!s general'lrxrc are cblii;i;d. |!;i,:firi.rrnlt so irsuoa ti-n6t'iiiig'iii;ii,-ild-l;'i;ild solely tp the underrrsned Ilttllltriii]::lil^ltt read and understrndr all or tha terms and concrtlons gar ror^th 6, 7. 8. 9, 10. Il.Speclal cbhdltlons: .?rDw er41 xrltt+ z < [Jt Q.ro.n /C,"> L.t t /tt t uc To*-',- Q o. t^, llop*tj) _f&-4.*Oo Zat 0In 0t{nc rl . DATE s l gnaturcB furJtc $'&'- scal r ve ropmen E F fl d ,1 t/ $ Krtt {t4 l-u .J v *n t F P LT ,t. $9 #tlte F3 F? I I t I I I n P 0 ;-t tJ & trt (, r-\ -.2o 4o '-r X- N g| Fd 'ih ./f l. A tl { /L TI it :|": (l{ -i J a ^i '{ d n: ,rd) -,\t\ 't- iJ-I J c ,I r c c.T o l \!-}tt C 7 r 1t! ftt al s -(r ,uI ob b 9t-flrg hr ITT 0a P n (, Fs te B-e ["')r i '-\., 'l ll ll It tl ll r''1.f . rl rl ll I I 'r\I \..l '+.lr\ - _i '' 6' ix x Ir v 0 L G t f F d + -l t l. t.. $f hL IJ \q= I TMPERTAL STREET, SUITE 5oo, ToRONTO. oNTARto, CANADA MsP lcl TELEPHONE (416) 483'8016 July 27, 1989 The Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 8L657 Re: Lot 3, Bloch L - Bighorn Subdivision, First Addition. Gentlemen: We have been advised that you requrre files, acknowledging that we have been is in 1',hat is known as a hazard area, geologists report on sallef Prior construction on the site. Accordingly, we hereby confirm that we have tahel' i'ldtice Dt this caution, -and acknowledge your advice to do so' Yours trulY, Prasident ROBERT SLIMMON A CommltBlon8r. et6., Judlclal Olrtilct ot York, fot YBstsr FlnanclBl 9€ttlcer Llmited. $drer Fct{ber 19, \900' a conxirming Letter ror your aclvised that the subject loi ancl that we snoulcl obtain a Eo the connencenent of Ronald Oelbaun q ,&'{ ]MPERIAL STREET, SUITE 5OO, TORONTO, ONTARIQ. CANADA MsP 1C1 TELEPHONE (416) 483€O1S PLEASE DEI,IVER THE FOf,LOWING PAGE9 TO: FAX # NAITIE I FTRM: FROM: rAx # Don ltatthews Ronarr Colorado, Irrg. CI?Y: VaIl, Colorado CITY: Toronlo. Ontario TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGESg_ (including transmitta] form) TRANSI-IISSfON DATE: _,, August 24r, 1989 ,.- TRANSMfSSIoN TIMEf J;!5 p.rn. rF YOU DO NOT RECETVE ALI, OF THE UNDERNOTED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE NAttE r Verna Glbeon PAGES, PIJEASE CONTACT THE (416) 483 - 8ot8 ! NAIvIEI FTRM: Verna GLbaon MESSAGE: ponr . " Followinc le a copy of che ot ln lnal lec c er to The Tordn of Va ll ulth our Cordtrlssloners SCamp.If EhE Town wlII not accept thls, pleaee advlee Ron on Monda 25 IMPERIAL STREET, SUITE 5OO, TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA MsP 1C1 TELEPHONE (416) 48}8018 JuIy 27, 1989 Tfre Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vai1. coLorado 41657 Re: Lot 3, Block 1 - Bighorn Subdivision, First Addition. RONAN COLORADO, INC. lrOelbaun Residencerl Gentlemen: We have been advised that you reguire files, acknowledging that we have been is i-n what is known as a hazard area,geologists report on same, pricr construction on the site. a confirming letter for your advised that the subject lot and that we should obtain a to the commencement of Accordingly, we hereby confirn that we have taken notice of this caution, and acknowledge your advice to do so. Yours truly, Ronald Oel-baum President 25 IMPERTAL STREET, SUITE 5OO, TORONTO, ONIARIO, CANADA MsP 1C1 TELEPHONE (416) 48}8018 July 27, 1989 The Town of Vail 75 S, Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 8i657 Re: Lot 3, Block 1 - Bighorn Subdivision -First Addition. RONAN COI,oRADo, INC. ttoelbaum Residencerl centlemen: We are pleased to enclosed the geologists report for your information, reference the above site. construction will be taking cognizance of the geologists findings. We are enclosing a copy of the geologists report. Yours truly, Encl . bsident I *,ono,as Lamptns, Ph.D, 3 coilttuLTtNo 0EoLoclsT O79O VALLEY NOAO CAHBON DALE, COLOHAOO 9162S (st) 943{100 {2. HOURSI Jr.r,np r/,, J tl[3rl. F'i eh ar,: Pla L. lh er.J -ir Flat t h elr'jb L AEt;r-rr. l;'l'l F'r:,t '1.567 V,*i, 1, Ell f,t L fri,ili f,[ii l?irll l-\,11 i nsl Dririr+*-F{ocl,: f *r,i ]l lr l}nhrr- j,s [iIcn I)enr K:i ch,nr'l: i ir&vi: e.".a ll i-raten i'i.r trr ilbove ra'i[3renc:ed ;.trc1:e:-ti .4ri::h .?r"itre€t 'i-- o l;ire Ll:i gf. l:tor!,: f ilI1 l'{!\:afird nrr,.J l"l,:*ct i t..rm ljehrLs F;. t?'^, f iasBrq rn ;he '!'nwn nS Vr:i L ':l mans prr-rdt"ici;rl hl' me .end i-\r't f lpai': -i. :r i gP.4 ,,'ihe: I nL j. r' ':rrr ths, nDi-'lf 1 Iii dn ej'f i.-uf: i |1e! Dri','e nenr" thg bai;ri .f A q-'[ pe.n h :! :1. .1. i--r r. d:r {:s 1: l'l i" lioLrt.h- f hl'..;'r$ i$; ,.,r] fi(:] 11 .ino}.' .:r v.i.l. .1 |i r; ii f hl;r:.ard r.rlr r r:l'r llr.-- lvlr',larE is ;irrv$:;tiecirrrq t.;;- the' 'tr'f::,..re i-';../ a{'-r1.rg{g t. !'r r+ E i:r'e*'1: " '!-!'r.r r i.E a th:,. 1-' i:iritf:rop f irr,r''i':, .l sl" Dn tlral lril:.t;rCo,, -ll".o t'r,cl":j ,i: r'rol- hi.qll .l'., ir,-.:.rrture;d r r-'-.rlu.rc:Lnq l:hc '1. r I.,;eI i ru'roi:t n'! ;-oct,:{si i. l r'rc, i.lt".tl. ).;' ilEr"c:r.;1; {r r-c,ri l.ltcl :r,.rh _j ril,;: h Iof csn b.l 'Llrr,+ ij..flr:-{r? oi lr rrl:: h rJr:5r'r rii 'f L.JW6 ano n',' a l. ;rn r: l. r.::: ., 'l'l'l ri!!::, e .:.rrF a. i:: Lr i .-1- t3r" t1 l: ol- 'f. h i. r; I:t-ofrr:r'l--1," TFi i9 '.5 ii t.e i * al ;rr.n., oe ,. c i'r !. .1 .,, ';cn:':r t L'n g ;rrea h r-.tt ::r't'i: :)',1in€n'l ri 1l- rn:- i nr:;-rta:.1 Llrr,. h.l.l:.rrC to '::tlir!r Fl-'J.reri'.. .: r'- .sErt-tr:t-trr.31;, or- h"o .:uh.i:i c: ,''rqh'\s.-r:-fi- N.iil," ht't j. I rJi,nt;1$. r"onlr!i n rjt:-,trrrtF," ll,'i+:i l1rnl--lr'1, r., :.ft:i i i.ti. crs nr *ar:i,[ i.tierF cJr rrt!ls.f- tf,'-tfpq!rj:: "5 ai .i:-.y ir:i r;i. :lnv ;ier-m rl u.ra.l I r:r:rrr..;1 r-t-rr:t p.",1 f-ci Ftt-ot*ct the ':rcrbrrF:\'shr::ltL;i flf:t: ,:1e+ i::.rct n r::.1:I:. iowrcr.d idl-lrrthdit- l'll]mei raf.her, the i n'f-irh f. s.llculrJ bln ti: qi'h|JF 'L h r.,t rOch: nr to mi,ni mixe tire Car:aErs 'f,11 l.'. ir q-: i-. nr!.1 , Tlri.:: r,qn lr nir clone hn wl"rai:e.;er' l, €./n-.1 e+ .:i n+ i di.!:1c*l 'lii clairri. rnr.i bt,l'h cilrr hsi expeft$i:! \,e. I{: nl1 [iq$t!crn ia 4n r:tpt l. ill't yri-11..1 ar'r? (:rfr15i ':leri n(J I hl6! crl'1 Nr:rlr: f,J:i tt) i' qtrrlrtl-tra.l. rirl e1t nder ,r{ ygt,r r:hc)l Ee ofl the desi qn par-E!.rrrciti?f"F. I l";rrr;w thal:. l':i m ;ln",Le, a Vai I t rrtlt.rl(.-1sf,. :i.13 r,.rr:r- [r:i nr: cn ,rr/,sl,r1i11- j'r,:> nri. +-i. r:ati orr wi.i'-ir Art t4('raFti ItlAl. m.ry l,,re] l. tal,{t fic-rrG fl'f rfl,qr:|.t ,:r'i l::'18 alt ':v,s lr.tiral-rlg t{h r. (h l hnrzel .i rlcinti"i i ed f mr the fi.l,.ll:i,'i rrr. q I rf i:,., Yai,.t lnE\,)r p:j.rilt Ir: r:cn'l;rnt ritn iln tc l5erhatr5 :r.rr'f.jcipi.r1:rJ ir'r tire overdirl: dEt:ir_rn, I'f I eij|n E$ r:{ ft-t.'thr':r' snr'.r j rjl+. ,:lL e &t:*!r elt: n$t irgrsi t.tts.l l:cr cnntact rrc-i. $ i c$,r'(ill',, I ,rV'/ / 4 \' t/&..{/U4 4naul v ' a---4 l"lr choJ. iilit r.-,rtlrnrl: r'': 1r, (:, L:r"l rrl.,r l. t:i. trfl l-itt'":.!. L-r,:] 1::t :14 ftl i- l ALTA owner'r PottcY - lA4'D POI",ICY OF TITL E INSURANCE I.SSUEI) 8Y GII A RA FiT'Y C(} IIT I'..t N'Y srjE jhcr"rcr THL LXLTLU:iiCNS FRO\,,r '-;ovf RA(;a, rlrE CxcEpltoNS FFLrlt co\': trAGE 'JONTAtNED lN scHhr)r,r I n ArJD Tt-{r coN0lrloNs AN0 srtptJLArt0NS, sirt:wi\FT I trt.i: clJARA.\t rv cofllpANy. a Texas |]r,i|:.,)|a|l,JllJl}]|c;,1l:.:|,|{jt|]8cl)n)pa''.'t.i'.!ur€5,a$0fL'}irte.fPo|ic.,,rh0\,v;l'l5lhcdlll.]A,.Jq,tilIrl|oj5t)i,dA|8q8.nc,\t rxLaedir,,.l lhrl Arrrgr;rrt {,1 l!rL,l|lrrr(,( -qtite,1 ,''r SnhprJr.rle A.:,U,(1.?i',cil qr in1, .ri LV rhc i,t.:uradr.,, ,,.,J: ,,r if 1 *,tie t,-t r li s .r i i,J t t! ,:. i ir''lii'p:t desc.ibia 'n ScJretjr-rle A b/t',. j ,/Asiecl i,'lrlrJ, .tr?: r .t!;ttt?d,,f,,r*r -. : rl.,'\ ilL-io'li n ri, ligr, c;r :rrrliinbrJj::r: on the ri:le; I 11,r,\,rrk.rtal,ilit.7 4l th,1 rr1's. .1 l-tak ii : lhl.,,l .r;.plg rir.rnd tionr tlrc land. 1-lrg i,,,.11,1- . ,..,r1i "rlri t:JV !h,t. rl,,,:. 'rY,h,rt i. ,,"|e,j,,r r'rr. (!r1.j tr,:r,: lnrJ Sfit'utatiOrrt. i^1 .!lTi!bl::'',, /llil il[-r,;F, .jt9,.,:]ri Tilte Suar;ni1 Cr)r'npnn,,r I'a. r:atrse,! tlr 5 prri,iy rO Di .rij:,i.,i rr.rij ,:{.2:r..r tj!. iir;,l:ril ;tr:ir:)"rJ{!,1 ci'i:e;: -;; .,1 thp D;le oI Pr)i,Cy Shc].,.;n i SchqdUlc A. it I' n\_4r{tn.w- /t-Sn,-.-p s 't' f,l \r',\ rt,I. 'I. I -I' l, l,; (?traF.aH'rt aI) r{ pa-vY FXr:lLtStOrt5 FR0M,:!! Ela6t ", ',,1, i ''r.irr,hn ra'r 11.14 .,1 ,lr,i:torii; ^ j '1. ,^,.n..r:r .. " 't.:ji' rtil! u:rr'. i-.."r.rd.lg i'.vl -ol ltnileo ll bt'idili sr:i :r'' ' ,.ri 10r,i. -: ,r ,. rl ... ,,...i /;r rx. , ri., , _ J r'ti t-tl ', Ii| 'r r, r, !,jlri/ , j. j ,,:]t er. . tl "g lr:.- _ ! ,rr'rvi rna !1!P,1ilf ij ,1 f.1 ,,"rj .i , n. - rr .. ,r. ,j,, . r.,r lht rr. .. rLr.-,rp.,l 1..:, ,r.,,. , .tc,d"d .,. rl,t pr,bi r ;qrr:],._.; ,, . ,t 1 '.!rr.,1 i:,,t r' \ 1. ,-. ./ r;r.,-.ii .l ".r P ' I :"i-Fai.'q:t"tr.\i,-.-flr.q!*;.iVr- tl.tll f i "t'I 1'u; ,;'1't1' ,(l{ \.., l.00,r i :l Iii{i,ifit F-i.. lgoB _.€ ^*;;;*" 7 | ;ffr!L] +;i lFf?'"':\rj rrr. , 'iA 4 i,t , -'_rtj H. Il JLr VrJ coNorToNS AND SilPUlAilOitS ' thc'follow,nq'..'fr\ ,'hrn 95ed in tr. Dqir{y r.,rf,.r.l (o) 'nrurcif ir,r :..r.,r9,.i nomed ,j. ::he..ttlr.r. -, ond, !ubirrl to 0ny ghr,,or dclgoret.the {-'crr.c1- ' wour.1 no'e h:r.J.ogorFrt "., .oi.a-,"'ru13j, ,hore ,rho 5u(Ceed lO thr: .nlerest :. .c6 noF€d in1,;r4j gy 6pq16rr,1'r of lOg ot dilrrnEuirhetl ltodl pu.rlot 'nlr.Jo .;. . rl rror ::nrtgd r,.. netr.,, Orrtr!9r.!eei. devrrecr, rurvrvorj p!?td/.:i rr..Fre:pltoi t,.. :.crr n1 I.n. or <.,rporote a- :rJJctor/ ju((p!..ori. {o .' ,,rrd (to'-:-' o^ .rlgrpl il.rrrn,nq ,o.r nr domeot (( knawrndgc .:r lno.a.., . oirvol lnowiecor:, not conr;uctiye rnDyreooe or ootia.o.whk\ .rgi Lr,npUted to on i,rlrre,:l by .".ron nt ,,,. OrOfn r","raii,delr_ntd r1. lh,.r pcrrrl .rr ony othr-r .ecrrrrt \rilrch ,moort conri.u(irrE nolr(e ot rfidtlert olffit;n,r rne ,.r.d (dr ''lood ",ig :rd derrribeo or ri.ferred tc rn S(hedvle ,t, dnl rrnF,oyr.nenB ollireJ.rhrrerr.r ,.hrth by r{, Ccrl:lrtr.,te ,eol prope.i7. Ttra-i"r,n ,,icnd,, fltr 1o' ,n..uo.,ony propedy betond the liner ol the orea de!(ribed of ,rferred 1.".]:.."i"111"_ 1_^or {)r, ngh!. rrrie. rnrefelt. errole or €oeemcn, in obufirng l:"i,rt. T"9r, cvenvc;, ol:ei/!. tonci. .{orr.or sorrrwoyi, but nOfil'ng hcrein rhoii modtr)4 9r rrFr,f lhe crt?.tr to +hirh rr r.ghr 6l o(16s3 to ond irOni rhe lond ir inrurcd. by rhir potrcT, ,_-.- lll .rongog.": mo goEe. d4d cf trur, fus, dced, o, orhef tacvnt)In!lru/tcnl. , ,l!].-'oub/rcfcrordi're(ord!ertobIlhedunderltoterrolutliotDdtf,o{p01.y-:i'-:T- p"'l:1!-0r r,noo.r lrq 'oo!rrualiv! nen(e of rnorer! .etsring td reol ptageny to 9r,r(hqrcr: 'or vor-o 0nd wjtho!,t r'rowradge, wrth relgerr to Sectron lio)(ir,1 of the [xclutons from fqv61q9s, ,'pr,bt;c riiord/ ihililto ,n.luo"snvironmenrol proredion tis"5 liled in rhe.-reroidr ol ,ho.,art oith'" U-iir"d 5to,*,dirt.rd (ourt lor ih6 d'rh(f ,n v/hi(h thc iond il lototed.' .. .(91 ."vnmo,letobil,ry o{ thg ririr': on oilegel oiipporenr mqnsr of'rr,np th€ hrle to ?nc lond nd ert udcd c. errcoted iron aove.oqs whi(h wculd en?itta o purchsrer cl rhe etrore or rntsrqrr /s16;if,sJ i" S.rria"fei to Ui'rje"osca irom fhe. obligotio; r0 pu'(5ose by vinr,e Jf " ir.ri*,r"i i.iii,,il ,'Jil,;rinq ,1,.delivrry qf morletoble trll*.?. CONIINUAIIOH OT INSURANCE ANEI COIVEYTNCE OF IIII.E. ,^..^.tll_::::.:-n-".,:{ ,hl: pol(r rhotr conrinve in t;; ;;;i 6o,.'oi rorny ,n I:-v9r !l :n,lntuftd fnly r0 long or rho rarrrred r.tsinr on r,tote o, Inleres, In rhc :sns, or nofgi qn 'ndEbted.erJ jecr,,rcd bI, o purtlole,rorey mortgogc giv?n bt o purthottr from the rnlurud, or only ro.l;ng ol ths rn3rr73J ih.1 fri""'t,oi,firy Ui 1"^11l,ol.-""1l^tr ol *c"qnr,,.,r,.,de Ui r[". ,nruicJ'; oi; i;;;;;; ;. .o"""r.ont. ot the rrtote of inrcrort. Ihir pol:ay lholl not tonfin,Je in torce ;n lo"orif ony purchorer from tha rn:ured of s,il,er i;) on eltirc ". inren* in iie iind. or iiit on ;ndrb.rednur rccured h7 o gvrrno<e no^ey rnortgog6 q,ven ,o,tt " ,niurlit'',i NotrcE or crArH r0 sE GrvEN ay ri$uniD"ciiriiiiir. "" " Iho,'6yy6d rholl roritv th? (rmpoa, pronrptly in wr;t,ng (i) in cqre ol ony litigotiqn qs ltt lqrtf In :er-r,qn lioi below, 1,; rn r'ose lnowli{ge rh'Jli,oru ,o on inlurud hereundrr o{ ony clo,.r1 olrrtle or'intrrert *tr;ci il oi"virrelo rrrc r*re ,o, ?hr €ilou or irlhres. ur rrsr,rutl., ond *h,ch.,nijhr .oi,io'i""'or?"1nog, L *'.h th. Cgmpont rrov be tiobie by vrrrve 0t ,t,is, pii,ii, "ii;,;l ti'iri" ro t,"erfote or inr.rert, qr ro;ureil. ir rrreced o: unrncAetlble' it-proipi ior,c" rtolt not bc A,yen ro rhe Cornorv :ho^ o5 '.: lht rrrureC oli l;obi,,'ry oiitre tompony llll: ]:','i""q + r.,.sE1.6 i6.,Ls ior.j o-. ;;;, r.;;:i{ri o,oriinon." u tlqullto, provrdcir( \o,cJcr .not {oil!re to nohfy the COmpony sholl ;n n9 6q1s :::l:1i::,r1" 1pf'l oj o"y r.sureC under rhrr pp;i6y ur.tcss rfe Conp;ny shu!,bc orerudr(_ad by tht lotlv/e ord lir:n orrz tc tha ext;nl ol the prcrudire.1 lFfFIqi frls p.RosEcuiloN of rciloii: ouiv o{rriSrir.io Cl,:t161111 I0 COOpEtAf r. . - {oi Uf:on yr;fl€., r.,t{e)r by ths.;,iir1a6 rr4 sublecr to th6 qprisn! qonloinad i_!'qi:il 6 oa rhr* C!,,.diro.i o.l sieiio,,o*, ii;i;;;;=";i;';i, "", .o,, ,".1-o^:1l9yt rn'!o:'J.rrlr.,4c.J), r"orl r,rorrde lc.,:he derrn.jcf on iq5,J,gJ 1,.t9o 0n,rir whr(n oc, th.rC pc,t), o!rftt, o cloim qirenl lO,hc tirlC or irtrra:t o! :T:.::dJ-!r! ""ly or ro .\o€ 5rci.c.ccullr o1. oiiq" orr.i:ni o iJirg. ri"n o.Cn(umbrdnca ,r, ctn,, rorif r in;,red ,.rgo rrrt by lhir poi;ri llrc Comiony lhot,hov. rhe ,,ght ro iete(l .or,rr"r o; .i. r..rlc: :_1,.c, ,oiia-i,g;i}.-ria,nrrr.d ro obitcf torr;oror.obie irrerc) '(, :eF:rurt,rJ rhr insrrred or tc,filc;toi; aouter ol lfly_,ld_:ldl 1;1 ,r.,.: ,,oulu :0, c.. i *;ir nor poy rhe i"* oio"ny'oit,i,.o_,"t,rDe LsnronT niil rol eo', o:rv f.fr, (ostJ.or eioins;ncunedbi rta'inrvreJ;n lH::l,T:" or ths5, .r,'.' oi o.rion *i ich ttLi; il;;;i t"r".l,;ioro,nu oy - .- qi 1:.loneonl rhqll hovo rhe rjghr, or,ih 0$,n.orr,,o in5rrlur. ond prore.cuta ory oitio'r o' p,occedino or to dq.Lny orher oo *h:ri i. iri oiii;i" ,oy Uc neccsrcrt o' dc;rqbtc ro elioltirh rte rirl6'1" [i;;;; il";;r;t;'inrrred. o,lo prevcrt o,edyre lol or donoce ro rhr ;nsuieJ. th; a;;;;;;';;il";gpptop,iote ottion urdcr rhe rolni ur rr, , po C, ;n,,ii., ". i";i ,io4 U, "o,"horeunder, ond rhol nor tho,ebr.:cnracr:'tiohli;,r;;;;;,; on-1 i.,irlJn o1 11,,,qolry ll the Conrpcr.T riro r e:rri,ro ,r r;ghtr !nd;,.,r,5 oorogilf,l, ,, rt,ofi ao,o drrrgtnlly. . l,, DFnMflot oFtE[Ms. I:l 3,,""T:::,tn^l !::T:ir,'1 .1, r".e broushr cr ocrion or inrerpored o dclenre or requirad or pu,*,*,l b, rt,.l,-c;,,";i-ir iri,j"jini'd;"ifi'[ir; :ly fljt:: _o"il.liligorion 1o.i'no, dr ]0, r r rnn rio,r hy o cr,u rr ir-ioliei,rn,, n,un.ll"JjJj'::j,i1,li:n:.':r:ro,i"crrrio," ,jni;,;;t'.',;;;,iil'il,J,;,iiilffi*t odven judifl)c,1i or ordc,.l:1"*,.:*:lii.l.;^*'i;;";;i;;'l:H[']':,#li:.llij;li';'J"*; id) In oll.corer whcre fiir polcy p:rnrilr or rcquirer thc GofiFor, to art!cur'., o. otov,de icr lhe dete,lrd ol do) o(rre,r.of oro.'rdrng, ttri ldrd ilrol le({lrr to tnc Lofipony the righr to rc proricure or orovrde dileue iift. oifl", l_..lq.t^!!r19: o"1,ol oppeotl.thcriin, ord peffnrr rhc Coopo y lo tl|c, o, i,opf.c"ne nooe Ot th? 'lrwted ior lhrr purpote. Wnenever *iVernd L, thr Co,npor) lhe.inturld, ot thq icopony'r.erocnlt, r.roll givc tf,l ionpory of :"-:j:- ":,:. :f..!- l"-9^l 1i'11. o. o,eceed,n I rccunng ."foa^.. oirdii"g ;nc:re,, ofrre(g?rg cr dgtrndrFn thg o,ir,or or protredlp,_ or ellccting ti,ttle l^"i,j ::.j_ jil)-,: j.^y other iowtu,.orr ,.,hi.tr.," tni op,ntm'oi it "-dj.,,oo,"y ,q 3u^Ju:", : t, 0t dfsrrgble t6.eilo bf:r h 'he tirle_ ro r€ erlot or ihlc.aet d, fniw?d.rr the Lo'yreonf ti-pretudrced br thc lorl,,trt oI rhe inlurcd ro lurnirh fh:. reouirad coopdror;an the Cornoany'l oi,,qot,onr to rh-. Insur.d ,.d* til p;li;i ;;li l;rqrnore in(lv-drng ony hpft,ilty 6 ' ,.rbhgorten ro drtrnd, proratvfe, [, *nnn* o-[r]gorron, wr?h te{ord lo the fiotta, of ,nolltff rlquiring suth (dopetofioo.5. PIOOFOf tO55 0R OAMtt r_ ln oddirrofi to ond ofte, tn6 n{ticer. rrquired undcr Scoion 3 of th*e 6lrdi.t;onr qn.j Sripulrticnr hove beei p,o"iCed ihc Co,reony, o Jrool otts o, don_ 9c a'S:l:.d ond.tworn lo b), the ,^r'rrcd doi|ront rholl 5e ll,rnl|hed ro rhr Con.pcny wr|nrn yt ttoy! olte? thr inrured cloirnonl rholl s*crtOh lhe fodt giviag lit. 11 11.-'-0":1 dglose. Thq prool a1 to:i.or donose oU a""i[.lukf#i",or rten or en(umbronre on tir I rle, gr othe, noltcr,iarurrd ogoinrl by flh poltty :hi(h (on!t,tutc! rh0 boris 6f 1613 o. dq$q9€ ond rho{l-lroe, io'rii" .lfanr -"i.ble. rha hoiir of rolcuiorins rhc o,'o,rni "iih.l*;;;r;;i:lt ,il.'C#il;t fl:i:{1{-!y thcJortvre o-f rhe ,nrurc! doinonr 16 pyeria. ili l"li,?ij ffiJi lll,_l]-119?l: rl. Lornpsnyi obi solicni ro rhe .imured undrr rhe pol'ic7 $€tl lult],l.ot!: l*'rd.lnS ony liob'li} or obiigorron ro dclead, prolcrufe, ir <sn,ruc ory xrqonon, wrrh r?gord to thr nrole, or motrr.s icquiring luth prool of lof gr osnogr In qddhio't, the insured cloirronr rnoy ruorcnobly be required lo tubnil lo :j:il:f.l^'*tj ill !l "t suthorircd reprclln1!t1r. ol-,tu-io'pony ono lnori prooura ror erom,notQn. ,ntf{(i,g,r 6rd fopyrng, o, lucl, ,eqsonobb finct qno prd(er ol noy be dlngnoted b7 on, ourhor,3q{ rlprlrenfor;vs ol fhc Con. Lllli^l'j.^1.13t-0,- tookr, lcdgeru..thel.lr, rcrlapondrn(e qnd melnorondo,wnghei btoflng o date betom or olt€r Dtrte ol palky, whhh reqrooobll perroil l:^tf"-!tj-t, domoge Fu6hs;, ,{ 'eque..rd by ony outholrcd ,e;erir,fotryr of ::::il9t/, lhe rllulld floi,nsrr rhol gronr rr permiuion, rn w,iring. lo, say oLrnoflzeo rlprateilotrvc 0l llr. Compo^, lo ?torrnine, ,nrpcO gnj copy 6fi ::,:j1:-?:?t:,^i:99€n..rheshs.,tcnslpondinre ond 'n..no,oido ii ric ciritrii :-i::::?i:t]:ll':l.Ff *r. *tr,,i| 'e9r9iobl7 perrcin re.rts to,, o, rhmoso. Aft rnrcrfiot on Celrgnaied.or -cnnlide:rirl by thc .nslred do.oonr pr9,11664-1f 1ra :^'i:-":1,11111"i1 ro rhtt se(ion rhqli. r'ot be dirlored to 6thqrs vnls55, s6 16s :foi9t39l. ludgr.r..t ol the Compony. ;r ,; ne(?riory in rhe odminitrrdion o{ thc :j:.:i -:l-',i: jl tjr-9 miureC .tor4jsnr ro rub,nrr lor erominoticn unde, mrh, p|o-suEe. orner reoloflobr), requcrted irf6;6g1,on or gront pe.n,fiiofl to jecure reo.!onobly necdtssry i,rforndticr {rcn tirrrC porr.11-o, ,.iru,.J1,., rfr:i *1"i,";; tholl 14g1191_e _o1r liobitiry cl Ine !r,Tpo,iv urcler rh,r pn,n" ", ro ii,Ji .,o,".6 :Ollf'.o.f,t!_lg pAy or orHERrvrsf ieiir crliliI '- "' - ""' IElli{nlrlOil 0f [AgtUrr. In cqse oi o croirr u,rde, th,r !.rii, t\e Cefioory rholl hqve rhc folloying lCdittonol cptiors tol Io Poy or lcndnr Poyn,nr r ;i l.,p Amounr Of Inturonte . .1n pol_,ot ien!47 Fllrre-' Jl .tl . n.nellrr of inruton(e undrr lhit pol;gt 'ogelre, wilh snt (orh_ o..if,4e.rr ip.i orc, 6rpen5cr;*ui ej bv'rte ini,rrcj clqimont, whirh worc authorind b!, rh, Coiponi up ro rd; i;-.;1 _"_*r o,lende. of pqynrnr ond wfiit thr i,,r:io, , :. ,,bfiodrej,o oo" - - --, Upon lht crefciti by lho Co".;;r.y,,,r r oohc.. ot lrxlil;lT crnl sili;g61;911 to fhe it3ured undlr rhir poliry, :,hr. 11.,., :r : rIe jhr poy^,.'.; r"q,i,iea, *rott ferfi:noi€. incl,lding ,r.! ftcbi ':, ,r, oc {,.r,pl rc deterd, prorcru.e, o, todti0uc i":i-,itl?:!"r ond thc poticy rt cl Lr :u.erjc,eJ'ir-:i;-i'oipony ro,c0nCgllslion .-.. .,ir.t T9 Poy or Othrrwitc lrttle With fsrticr Oh.r lhor, rhc Inrurrd or With the lnrurid Cloirnonr. . .(rl lo poi, or othlrw;se rcitir ,^/itl_ ilirrr podie: lor c.,;n the ncmt of on irsurod (lsimont onr (tqim *.rd ,:g:_,]jllnli;h,;;ot";, ,oo;,i;i;ilt, ;;;colh. O Ofne),r'lrfi ond arperlrt,,,r..rrrro !), ,n6 InrufEd (,iJt'non, lynran uera l "]l?r"?d,bI lhc Co,rrpony vp rc rhuirni' oi ioyi."i ". l j: i.r,'ii, J corpo,,y r! obirgolod lo poy; 9r (ii) io.poy or othrrvilc ccnle wjt: thr iotured clorconr the lss or ogtl,oEr previded {or unda, rhit ooliqv,;fr;;;;' ;;;t;;l by'ii.',""i,"jitJ' "s€rh' ttah onv ('dr! otro' nevt' faes ord Fonv ue ro ,h4 r,dre o+ ..".*, "^,i'"illl ;:'?";::.::::"i:rdtv.the con' upon rhs .era rcire ly'rhe' c Jn;" ; J' :; ;ri "'..1 /,'# "i, :;; lilll,il j?], r" l:,?_S'?Pitp]{i) orii;t rieCrnr..:',.r;Lt,;y;,o1,rr,rt :;nrr,,sd'rrderrhirpot_rc/ for thc.do;mcd io!? o.s.jr.a!€ rr\,r.-,ton ft,u poy".rt-, eqJired O be mode, rholt terminel6, inctJd,ns oiy i,,.rh,r.1 ci "bl;"i,;l;; ;;{il Frorc(urr or conlinuc ony litiootion,7 DErEnMD.lAilbN, txtrNr ot UABil.ity A|tD ColNSurANcE. _ -. InI pottcy rt.0 (onftocl of indenniry,ogoinrf oOuO! rnoa Ory lo$ or don,ogo $ttointd ot inCurred by the inru.c,6 glslDqnt *to hOr rvl{ercd bS or dOrn_ ;3,.d:},d:liBlr, noncn iirurcd .eoinu by rhir Fiie;;;';i";ii" grrn, r8,l Or,Eq lr;ontinuefl lnd cr'^, t ,A..1 ^i t--. ^. -- -t ^. .,. il- lrIt-:r:,f [r:]t INSI{Sq|NUH drlj_-r3fr :OI 9r:!; 3n1 IA.-g@-Nnf I o o THIS P()LTCY DOFS N()T ]NS[]RE AGAINST LOSS OR DAM.AGE (ANT) T}TE COHPANY fiIILL NOT PAY CO:;TS. ATT()RNEYS' FEES OR EXPENSES) WHTCH ARtSg t}Y HITA:JON OF: 1. 'J t.l.! Y{7 E. 6 . Thc r-.f f ec't ,rf i ne l usr on:i t:ons;ct'vsni'\', f ire pt'otecti')n, ,li.st t'1r..f (-)r rnclustcn in .rnv are1. SCHEDULE B POLIcY NO. I o-994L-3448L7 S[{C'WN BY BY TIIE 2. R{GHTS OR CLAI:{S OF PARTIES TN POSSESSTON NOT TI{E PI.]BLIC REEORDS. BASEMENTS, OR CI,AIMS OT.' EASEMRNTS, NOT SHOWN PUf}T.IE RF]CORDS, 3 . DTSERF,PANCIES, CQliF'L ICTS IN BOTINI-IARY LINES, STIORTAGE IN .qRK'A, E.\CROACHMENTS, .{ND ANY FACTS WHICH A COPRECT SURVEY AND JNSPECTION OF THE PREMISES T{OUIJD NISCI,OSE ANI) WHICII ARE NOT SHOI{II BY THE PIIT}LIE FECORDS. 4, .qNY I,TEN, OR RIG}]T 'IO A LIEN. FOR SERVICES, LAFOR OR MATF:RIAi. HERElOI'OR!] I')R HERE.CF'TER FURNISHED, IMPOSEL) BY L,At,'i ANP l{OT SHOWN BY Tt{E pllBLIe RECORDS. 5 , Any anrl s J- I unpaid taxeg arrd asrssEssrnen{-s an<J an\' ,lnledeemed tax ca I ag. j.n anl'rJeneraI or specific water so i -i ,r.rn ge r\ta l:. on o !: ,,rt he r water service or sl-reet lnrjrr,\1'ement 7 . tti,llrt .,, f Prop.r:leLor' ')f .r veln ,)l' lode t,r rrxl rar.t- .: rr<l r. em()r/._: h I n ,,t'rt tlt':t'..:f r t>rl .rhoulrl Lhe :;ame trr: Er:un,i to pr.:r*1 | r';rl. e <.rr rnLprsr:r:l Iirr' p:1pr11geg ,ts f egr,"rverl rrr [.r-n ll ed Statpg P.1f-ent recorrle<l Nc-verober f 3, 1939 in Book ll3 ,-rt Page 625. B. Tf.rr dr:flr"'erl n,.lt lr l'.j , I r'r illrst Boolr 1 tj 6 I n f {-\ r'e I..,, t: 1:rrr:r.'enL no n - pd r t. r c i pa t r ng royalty in and t;o prroeeeds f rrrnr t-hr: sale ,rf ninera.l c, ,)f what,soel'er krn,.l .rnd protlur:r:rl an,l nrne,l f rom t h.: sa i.d prentsos. rlr reserved lit "rhF- r5,es b)' r rtst- rttn.-rtl- rs:crL-rt'rled Nrlrremh{:r -'. l q6? in s.f t:t;rge ,1O7, .rnci arry' ,,rnd al I ,,: ,.; r+ .i. g nne n I r i ],t',..:f or s t.lrrr t'c i ri " q. Tr-rilsi, ,''lrrrlt: :lr)n:;, rrhl r.r;.tt tr:nS .tn{ 1-45f,rr L-1. ) r.)riI. .r.r r.lOntAined in t)r'r,t ,.-.r: t )\'e ilt.,rvr-.nanf, s recorded t)r:cembar :0, l'.]{ .l rr f.l,;ok I7.1 at P,.icg.' 11 0 i as Recept:.on No. 96856 .rncl for Bighc.rrr :jrtirr'l i.t'lsilrn, Frrsi \Ll,l't r,rrr rer:o rde,i :n Ror:k 175 at Fag,r 3l al rir'''r'l t r,)l'l ii,:i. 97f -ci ,:rr)d tn Br,ok 175 .rt, Far;*' Ill -rs Rct-;eption Nr'.. )1rt'll, 10. IiasL'rxerrt for constrttction and na inLenanee cf dist:'rbtttr.on g!'stLrn in roads of Bighorn s[bdivis:rr,:r] 1r,: 'Jtsclu:re.d Lr)' clo,-.trr^er-lt- rr:'r:ordetl August l-1. , 1965 in Bo.r!< ItJf) 1i l.r,lF. ilf) 5 .-rs ReceJrt- r on N(i . I 0l 9l,t . ll. L't.l I ri- i' an.C ,lr,-'ri.n.rge ,r.:irgenent* ;s :':hown .'r ncl ;. ,: : ,; r' ,,' t) cl ,,il Lli{: plat of ;J r 'qirr)rn Subd j.wisr.('ln, Frrsf .Ar'lri r. t j-,:n "Cont r nueC ,)n nr"'x I r'.1 J,' ri'l'ti 1\'.\ R't' T I't't.tl rlllAllI:{YY r'rtltlt^ \ I .L1.13t.J3lr"-, rfJl,j dr:r].Jfrr :{ll 8! ::1 :nI Io,-96-l'lni {5o(lM r.Ai) t o t t o CONOITIONS AND STIPULATIONS Continu€d (continued ond concluded from renons ride of Policy F*rl . {o} $c liobility of ihr Comcony under thir policy rhcll not crceed the leorl ol: (i) the Anount ol lllltonc" :lotc'J 'r .'irhcduic A, or. (ii) lhr ditfrr6nc. bctNa6n rh€ ,e'u. q{ !hc inrrrrurl r;lolr or lntlrar! o: inrurerj ond lhe vo|,ro of tha rnl,.rtd cttole 0' ,4lerert r,ibiect to ihc dcfrc, lirn ot en<r,rrbto"re inruled rgorrrr by this poliq. ibi ln the rvani tl'.c Amcuni el l,rruronri?,,hrred in Schrd..tfi A r? Ar Qole of Policy ,', !e:: thqr 80 F..rcnr r.1 li2 ,q 16 rl 'Le ,nrured eCole or inlcrsir o/.llt fulf conqidrrotion ?aA lr llc o-d. r,hrrhe.r'r ir lerr, or il rul,req'2aot te the pete o{ Poliry oo improven+nt ir 6rr(rcd l'i thr lo-/ *hrrh rfl(reoset the volve gf rhe inrured erlole er '^lemri by or rorr 20 pr,rcar dvt( lhe Amount of lnrvronco Itolcd in Sched,.;h l. l.!cn th,r Pcrlic),r r;liie:. t': the lollo,rirrEt {i] whore no rubreqr,r:,t impror.ntlr h'rr hlrn rnode. or ro any por tiol 'orr ihe Comprny ,|,411 t,,l/ r. irI th4 1:*; :ti,; rela if rhr proporti6n thnl lh. orgsnr ot inrlro"ce i;t Oole ot F,r[c./ bror! to rhr tolol vclue cf lhe intuled rltdtr C,. i.trrt:r 6r Q6rr of Prl,, y; e1 (,i) wi ere i rubreq,,r,,'.r inlrr'i!on6,,t h.ii l)o€rr rnode. lr lo ony poriioi log, the Comptrny lnoil 4nly pu, tr'e lcl iJrr rll in rl^e p.qp9.tr6n .hgt llC Ocrccn' ol !ic Amr,,,r,t ,.i lrir,,, ,,,,r1 :tq'eC r', 5ljredu.e I brdrt fo i\c rum cl thr 1r6!nt cl l^1u'ortF lluleo i'r (,:hrdvle A ,J,.d ne rmou.r e,rperded lcr rhe ,mplovemenf, fhe pro' ' o-i ol th') Frrr()a .lph ,h,rltla'.rIf, / lr (e:ti, olil,rreyt' leer c"r/ erpentet lt. wi,iii, t'3. (3'n1';',7 r.. i'rhir ,1'15' ti 1 pliicv. or,d :hOl only Oppll lo lhot lortrorr ',i ,.i"/ lo,,: ,"i, ri |rrrrdr. r 'i'r oggrc4xt6 1C percent ql tne Amou:rl rl irrlr,rrrs :rcled ,- $,lredVle A, gc) Th,r r,-,:,r,pci,'y *'il 1:or ao'v :hale (Jtr!. 1n1n.2y7' ls2r ond expenlt incurre.j ic t-:.:r4s,r:.o.,,'i":',.t ." ,l c; l:r!c C:nC'.,cr,r ci15 !lioirl.r!ion! 8. A'PORIIONMEHI l! ::,r. I 'a,j ,tn., r i:r.rj ,. i.l r t '" /, i,c,:t :,1: ,tl r..rqr Or r."dre gqifei: wh;fh dre not vrecl J. o : ,E ! 'i l,;. :til .., li;:r r ttlsbi th€d a{ieitrng cr,s or.r'ore cl lLB pcr(clrb('l 1cl dr.'n.io:i!ii:i fra , r!rrrvfe:i o1C teHled an q prO ri)to botit Ot ,f il.g 1:,r..;;1:' .i t-,.,r.,.f , , ;',' ,tr .Cr:... " lr 4ivi.Jcd dfO r.,:rir i! tO lta eot.,9 'rn Do'a .,' i,tl ;v .ri xc:h -co),1'!r p: (r l: lr:4 ,,hote, e'.(l!1rve oi ony itorover.'-r,tr ro{1 r1l.1i.jr.; ' r.: Cr,^ .r 0r,iiry. .,'rrlst o l'ob'lrly or "rrrqe hol o?harrir..: iir\.,\ ii'rfa !itr tr . ; ^ eoili p.rrrr'l b,v the {omgory ond fhe,nr,rr;d Ot lhe t:.ne ol f . r!i,o4i? g: th,r oct rr O.l i:1* r. h:r 3r e(pr95t :lolement Ot by Cn enti,Jr:,(r,-.' ., ;,,0.:lr:,j l.) !riir iC ,,o. uMrlAIr0H 0I ilA8ilIY ,ol lf trt '-;rrrlrr/ /:rt'JLl ,i r1 tl'.. | "rr , r renoyrr tiia llbgrd datrl, 1:rn ct eiir,,-...re\(E. f. (!fee'r.e ::1. oi ..r I gfl oi ra(crt fo or {.orn tha iOnd, c' .,,,.. rl'i ir nr ,,1 , n,rlrrr L r,r.,','l r 1{ r t!?. I | 11 rnsyr4f, i6 1.1 1,gs16nqliy dilrgent 'r,1| r: rrl ,, i -,e,1,.rd r;r1,, ! ., lir,-'t,,r ,rr.l 'f,,. .(rc'pir!lio^ el qny ogp+oir thO,l1'r',. ,r r, (trl i,)v. r''t11 1.r 'i. :'.r::l l: r,L 9,Jl')' . -'l!, 'etpe(l fO tt.ol rnon.r qn! glill ; :1 l,p .rt-,1,r 'r,'r ib: i" rfnn.rr,i ): ini .r ir',,i,', Influ j, ii l.r.ostr(,4 bi lhe ir'nrpo,r, cr wth lfr; fqmosny'r r,:.r.e il ll't (],-,o15.y ,r';,ii ,.';'6. "6 l.x[ri;[ fo'lett c'd:moge vntil tl.rt'r iOr lrro r finOl ,iol.r^ir,-t\r".a i,r r\ ,':,(':l lt.,)F'FerCrl ..r:r'..1!:1:- cr4 ,J' p;t;t ,,. .1 r;1 ,.;1,1 2,t|. r 1r.-'l',,".,.,-l' r",q 't !l,c l,tle or r.turei. {c) '1,t, t^,.rnOrrny 1;Oll r{-l it rli;;'. r,.!t Ci,'1,)r.r.r? li rr,1r,.,rrrtrail l';i liobrlrtt r...rr",.rjlt':.,,u,. e,r 'rv | '-' ,'r,r:ed r/r i.i' .g ony tloin or lurl wrlhoul fh6 priof ,4/i'lt. rcn\c.r riJ lle Ccacr,trr.:0. ttDUCIl0f., liF iHSUPA\.f f l[9rr-11i-1;9 Cf ltlf(tf{Alloil 0F llAgittIY All r,,'r1 l'rrtr ,,.!'1tr'rh i ;,; ', '?. iil' ts...r tt,,:r Iu.ie l';''.t',1, c,"u,r':tr' hcloro cr;''r.rl. rlru |.+r.::'u? al(rr. a'lh6',(J'once p'o tcnlo I I rtA&UtY H0r{cUFttlr-AIiV€. !t il t.rprell,r ,. lcrrrro..l r"rf ,1,,_l lr'!ouit.rl ,,rru onre \rrdar rhit pOl;iV tholl be red,,<trl 1,, 'r,,' ,'. 'f, rr', ,: a't:-; f o, ;1oi J 'icr .n/ polra' .ntv/i'rg o ngngoi;e ' qr.,f i ,.,,. ."'qi . , ,' .; rr,',.l '; rrl,. r'cJ ar llgreCt lO bv thf Inrurgd -rid -h:.h . ,.. i!,: :- . i. ) .- '-,! ,,r:.rr jjl .'t6rqli ,161.r,b6d o, r.l€.r6d t1 ,n .(,c!an,,. /) ..,.J' 1.-.r'.i-.. ,: , ..l,,: Jl.oir i)e deemed + potmert Under .h, O._,1,(,/ ,,. ,'," ,r ,.,,. I .. ,rr I2. PAYMENT OT IO55, t.r\ Ntr f\$t...!!,,r irr(,1 lr '.r'Jr.t .-,tlir.rir F:r,tJ,;cirrl ll t poli!y {q1 9rd.lr1g nCnl or !':fr ?:yfietl r,rr.,.) rl," i;l,y hlr trf r'r iLr.l ,ir dt;t,oyrl. r! ,h'(h inir pr0Ol ci li.s; o, .lnJii'-,,trclr, rralr i,4 l,Jrnr:lre!, lC 1r4 tCltriC{!rg. Ot lhe COmpql",. {bt r';:'gn ob i'y o|"d .\r errenl vf lflr or dcroEc 5or beco Jcfinifelt lirrd iq ,,'ro'.i.r',o * tn lf,.:1:: i-"rj,ti'.ir,i ,,..j -ir'9\r|rt r.n,, ,l,e lul ir rj'rrr.q?e rhoil bc osrirbia - th 4 ?0 it,r' '1.,1'et:lt+' 13 SURfi06aflO|'',1 lrPorl PiYvfqi 0n (tr!rerdCr.ll (o; Ihr tlo":pon7 r Figh' .rl'.,rbrcgctr':.,,. Whcnc"ar lbr t-orr,pLr',, ri,) ilitr.6,,. 'lr(.t frrJ pord o:lorn vnder th t pOl icy, oll rigirt qf rui,li'g,rr,rr. !!. ,rrl ,,r ri4 t...r,porv r',rrllccta.1 b7 ony ort ol lhe rnrured ilJinonf Ihe Conpony droll bc lubroeotcd to qnd br cntitl.d to oll rhhtr ond nrrr J;,)J whi(h rh6 .alured <loimqnt wculd hovc hcd ogoin:t ony prBoo or propart q ,elpe(t lo lhc rlo:n hod thil poliq rlof bc.F imrcd. tf roqvcrtcd by tNr Cari, pony. the rr:urcd cloinrcrt rholltrorrrfe' to rho Compony olt right ond rcmcd'nr o0o;,1ti ony pa.r6n or propcrty nc(t$ory ;n order tc pe#rc rhil nghf of f{rbrs !olb.r. llg i41s3gd 6lgrmont rholl permil lhe Colrpony lo rur, <ornpmnis! 9y fttle in the nonc ol thr lngurcd tfoimqnl ond to us. rh1 n6m6 6f rhc inrurcd (loinicnl;ri odt tronrodion :r litigotion involving ther.r rfuilr or rer*dior. lf o poynrtnf on o((rtenr ol o cbin doei nol full! cov.r thc lo$ of th; inrv'ecl cfornqnl, tho Coapony sholl bo rubrcgorcd t thrfl 'igbr ond rilrrgdigl in thc prepoaion vrhi(h lL. Comp,ony'r poym.nl bldG fo rhr wholg cnroud cl 'lha lo!t. ll lolr rhorrld rrldl {roryr ont sd ol tho ir,r,rrtd ddinont, ot rtolad qbovc, rh,rr o(t rhoii not yoid lhir iolicr, bi't thc Compcny. ,n f':ol cycnf, rholl bc reqi rrd to pol only thot porr o{ ony lorrtr inturid ogoinrt by thil golirT vhich ghqll ortced lhs oftolnt, ,f ony, lon to 116 Cgmpuny by rcorcn of thc impoir. lleat bt thi inql16/ ql6imonr 6f rhc Coopooy'l rbhr b{ r.rbroootron. qb; Iho Cornpony'r Rigltr lgoinrl Non.;nrurd Oblipn. ihc Conponv'r yrgll r,f 1ulrpgqlig'r ngfl'rrt rcn.:nslraaj obligoo:hoH rrirl o.rq iir<tll .n(;udr, witf oul 'imitor'on. lh6 "gl'rl ,'i lhe i'rru6d to indarryritier. gss- roniies. olher poli(ior o{ inlurcnc or ho*.jr. ,roiirlhrto^ding on)/ t0rmt Or (Ondi. l;0.r9 .oolo'aed rn l|qrc lrrhumrrltlt whi<l p.,rl.,J6 fcr rubrogolion righn b), tao. ron 0{ lhi! eoli{v.t. AlBtnAiloil tlnrlss prohibrtcd by nppliqsblc iow, erfh?r lhi Cofiponf ,r' the inrured moy d*nond o'bitrol,or purwoit ro thc Titlc lnrvroraa Arbitrarion Rvl$ ql rhs Amai (on a,,bilr/'t:c^ A$,:rrqlion Arbitrsblc ncnf;q i,ldr ,rr.lyy'3, lgg ore for l;nitd rg, qr,v (onlreverrl or iloim betrren thr il,: rpur,y ond ile ,niirftd oriring out Ol ;r rerrtrng to lhil poii.y, (1r'v r'..,yr(e cf {,.p acinpon! 'i (onrlci,an with ril igu. ,)r(d or ihe breqc\ ol o psl,{r p.ovrt;o. c: r'fl, o[rligof.or Alf olbit{obla filo|. te:r .,"lren thc Arro'rnl cf l r ! jran(e ii 7j tt6 VtQ ,;r lers thoil bo orbihoffd of fie .rpion r.r{ ,rrlher lhe C.Jmf'or;, or the i,". ,, rac ,t ll orL;lroble not'len rrhra ,he Arount cf Inru'onr. '( In.y(Arr ol t l.0i!l,li|n rholl b,r orbitrotCd Only whcn dqretd to by l:oth lhe Cocpony ond lhc rrrrecl Arbitrqtrcn pufluont !o th;t pol,t, ;nrl !nd4r th. R'J161 ,. glled on 'l.e .js.e thf damond for qrbitrqthn ir mode q., ot ,hE cplion qt 'h. ;n!vr.d, t\e ?{rier rn eilgtt ot Darc ol fulky:hcll bl brnding upon ffre porl;et l|r oword ,rrr,I ir.lvde oiornlyr' fcrl onf it fii Io*r ol thc 5f916 rr whrlh tne lqnd:r locrted pr.rrrir ') ccr,'"| lo o(o,d ofiornclt' her to o ptcvgiling porty l.r'Jgn er.t lpon tl'6,;r,s'4 'e,rdcred by rhe Arbilio. 'Dr(r) fi.t/ !8 €nfeteC l u.i/ (au4 h,:'irg ,,ir,,rj,c:.:n thlreol. Ihe lov of thr tilgt of tlit l:rnd;h(}ll .og,v r?.iii /,t:bil,,rti!'ta ,in<{er fhc Tile I..luran(e A,b"roi,on Rul.r- A <c5ry t''f thf Fuiar c.,rr bc ebto "erJ rr:,1 tlt Corrp':ly !t'dn rrq'Jerl.r5 ABnrrV UMitEo I0 lHrs poucy 'rcu(y t?t n[ coNlrAcl. -"i., ,1 -,ry. ,116.hrC htrcro by -, -.cf. rh. ,n!."r.i n,\{ tl.e CO4!. i ., ', ;.,ril;y -(lo'l bn (.nt?ru6d ot i ,r!Y {l1i/:,\', 'f! r$ *rrl'09 ,,,ri".r r f rir', p,il,-y c"d , til,r' '(.r tt 77?J2 tir,r'. (.t tt J,iJl l:t.i. i,! ..'a,llii,na. Ol I 'r|ra ,. , . ,:.:,).I Ut tt,ri/ '' ! tir e'l f.t -l' l'; \r "r, :l Ll,r'lf ,t ,ll-1. -lr -l ' rilt''l'l't't.t-: fY r.ritt'AtI .rt rI IA . --lll-l'llli LIST OF HATERIALS information is required for submittal by the appiicant to the 0esign Review a finai approval can be ltven: |'IATER,IALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL 5lolno nt I lM,& [f"ry t- -0ther Wal'l Materials I 4,,,, - +rAr'rE oi-ilqf igi: ., . o: / ha Lt - /l=?!!/e u( e =,, ,Lielu DESCRIPTI0II: LoT -'---TLoTK _J---FILING t sTREET-ADDRT!): -^^ oESCRIPTION 0F PR0JECT: r-cig- orrr , r.:r €. Aq.sr r,rNrL- The foiloling Board before A. BUILDING Roof ""/ff |.n? no Fasci a )oT T 'r ts l,li ndows |.lindorv Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimnevs C</c r aD eD*L Rails Loc- W-t;fttt-. /ta..l tzt&../ 7 Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther TnTw q^k'" W4 t' B. LANDSCAPING: Name of PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES .,, .? /e ))A-u:*<-<) /,W . Desi gner: Phone: Botanical Name Common Name Quani tv Size* ne o ?- -- ( C) f'*-' '*' ,4, *ry fuaoo fhurpo /a-.--.- lftu y'Inil 7*,ur4? EXISTING TREES TO BE REI'I0VED //,q *Indicate caiiper for deciducious trees.height for conifers. ' (over) Indicate o o . -.-r-l -b.',.! t-:- PLANT TIATERIALS: Eotanicai llame Comnon ilame Quani t.r Size - f nr'ntf \'. \LUll Lii (uD n q EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REI'IOVED Tvoe (nrr.rro Fnnt2 flp UKIJUIiU LU 7 CKJ enn TYPE OF titnt/r."nrl IKKIL]/-t I T UII TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSIOII CONTROL C. 0THER LANOSCAPE FEATURES (retaining vral'ls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. ,..o at "istt Lftt ,L1l't'-.* 75 roulh fronlrge road vrll, cdorado 81657 (3Gl) a79'2138 (3Gl {7}2139 olflce of communlty derelognenl Ylay 24, 1989 Mr. Ri-chard Matthews Matthews and Associates P.O. Box 3567 Re: Olebaum, Lot 3, Block 1, Bighorn First Arnendment Dear Richard: In looking at our subnittal dates for Design Review Board, I see that last Monday, the 22nd, was the submittal date for the June 7th DRB meeting. The next date for subrnittals will be June 5th for the June 21st meeting. We are asking for the following.items to be subrnitted by June s and wili schedule you for a Design Review Board meeting after we have received thern. ''",1-';:Xr')*1,- 7 u,u,7. r- lmn A cornplete application form with the ownerrs sigfi-aturels).You will note that this includes a list of mateiials,colors and the landscape list. .-2- A preliroinary title certificate. A utility sign-off sheet. A survey completed by a licensed surveyor showing contours, 1OO year flood plain, center of creek, all easements. ,,5. A landscape plan with compete landscape list (see page in u' applrcatj.on packet). 6. 4.slte plan showing proposed drainage, existing and finished grades, and elevations of top of roof ridges with existing grade shown underneath to determine height of 1. ,,.2. i/, 3 . 1,.4 ' f the building. This can be combined with the landscape plan. I have checked the GRFA and determined that the residence will contain 41897 square feet of GRFA. Allowable is 5,543 square feet. Please feel free to call Sincerely, if you have any further questions.me 11 -r' /2 /'/.\ / r''--4Lc/L / gz-'l,c 1 /- c-t'-t Betsy Rosolack Planning Technician Ort {,, ^ IHTIR.DEPARTI'IENTAL REV I EIi DATE OF PUELIC HEARING Gtr-rJ-ot -.,- \Flu- J Fl-"'^- Date Date DATE SUEIIITTEO: 6/r t- - PROJECT: Reviewed by: Conments: Reviewed by: Connerrts: Reviewed by: Cw;ents: RECi:EATi ON OEPARTI.IiNT C0f.',i,tENTS NEEDED BY:' L,/ z-o ,1 v,,st ,l'y ERIEF DESCRIPTI0N OF THE pR0pOSAL: 1' /4 /t- 4tco a(et ,cE L A- /A ,--' /*or- ( -cu(tJ., POLICE DEPARTI.IENT '.:'r. Dr,*,'U FIRE DEPARTI4ENT Date UTILITY'-OCATIC:: VER,IF:CAT:C:I )UDL/,t.l lJ r!/rl JOB NA}IE lnT Mouncain BeIl 468-65 00 Wescern Slooe Gas Co. 1800 922-r987 Harry Moyes Public S e rvr-c e Conpany t4J -) t o L ^--., u-1I \r4! t rr4rr, l{oly Cross ELectirc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Hericage Cablevision I.V. >.a>-)))u a^ -., t^t - - --v4r. J/ ,J vrrrrr!rrr Upper Eagle Valley l,Jater & Sani.cation Dis trict 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee /f,tf'4.-.,'r I t LII\ \, ^nnoFcq - / /tlLrlJA!.JJ i / - i /' . .-- The locacion of ucillcies, vhecher they be nain Erunk lines or proposed 1lnes' Busr be approveci and verified bv the following ucilicies ior che acconPanying siEe D Ian. Auchor:zed S:-znarure Dace 6 - r-s7 /-z-s7 d - rg.z -l a_z- pT h--7-77 l,_7tY NOTE: These verifj.cacions do noc relieve che concracccr of his responsibilily to obEain a sEreec cu! permlt frour che Town of Vall , Depart:nenc of Publ:c Works and co obcain urilicy locacions before diggi:rg in any public righ:- of-way or easemenc in che Town of Vail. A builCinq pernic is noc a screec cuc DeEmi!. A screeE cut peruric musc be obcained separarely. This forn 1s to verify servlce availabiliry and locarlon. Thls should be used in conjuncclon with preparing your ut111Ey plan and schetiullng lnstallacions. , *(Please bring a slce plan when obcaining Upper Eagle Va11ey Wacer & Sanltatloo slgnacures ) nAftr.- ==;;;-----LEGAL DESCRIPIiUN: LOt- ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Block Fi1in9 AODRESS: OI.,INER Tnrrc nIqTDTaf LLJIIL IJ ARCH I TECT PROPOSED USE I NT q I7F A l I ot'led /?n\/??'l Prooosed Hei ght TOTAI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front \1aaq Qder !,later Course Site Coverage | : nr{c rr ni nn Ls.reJeEr rJ Fence/Retaj ni ng 'ilal 1 2nl 15' 15' /?n\/cn\ Hei ghts Parki ng |.rad i f< 'C: r: na Mechan'i ca I Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmenta I /Hazards : ( 300 ) (600 ) (soo)(1200) (s0)(100) (2s)(50) ( 200 ) (4oo ) Slope Actuai Ava I anche S'lope Phone Flood Plain t.{etl ands Geo'logi c Comments: Hazards Zoni ng: Approved/Di sapproved Date: )Eatt 5l gna Eure 't o RH ,t / IUITC LNLLA rUK sFR, R, R P/S Zot{E OISTRICTS ADORESS: OI.INER ARCH I TECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSE! USE r nf cT?E LUI J^4r- Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA secondiXenrl Setbacks: Front Qirlac Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landsca Pi ng Fence,/Retaining ".lal 1 Heights Parki ng l.r^a; i l< ' Ge r: np Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : Al lot'ted (30)(33)..''. {bc: r iuo E t. t, \ <- h cu lr-' 1 )8l ock ririnq 6f( Is/=- Prooosed l a-Lr^ \'t^. <:-#'.'t.:''-+3't '!i"i' )Al lqr (30 ) (sc ) (3oo ) (6oo ) (eoo) (lzoo) (so)(1oo) (2s) (so) ( 200 ) (4oo ) to ?-o o il X ir,Slope Actual Aval anche F'lood Pl ai n Sl ope }Jetl ands Geoi og i c Hazards [..(r^,:q- \.-1.1--'e6 L2 Comments: Zoni ng: Approved/Di sapproved 0ate: 5Latf SignaEure e ') ^s1t / \7" '' ]7'-___f-7-=s-ey" cOl \l J lc-,;, c ! .:< UTILITT LOCATIC:I VER,IFICATiO:I SUBDIVISiON JOB NAME pt nala ETI rrla r lLl.r u Al)DRESS The locacion of utillci.es, uhecher chey be nain trunk lines or proposed l1nes, Eust be approved and veri.f ied by the following utilitles for che acconpanying sire p1an. Authorr:eci S lznaEur e l'louncain BelI 406-O)UU DaE e Wescern Slope Gas Co. 1800 922-1987 Harry }toyes Public Service Courpany 949-578r Gary Hall I{oly Cross Electirc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty llericage Cablevisi.on I.V. 949-ss30 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Wacer & Sani.cation Dis cricr 47 6- r- 4BO Fred Haslee NOIE: These verifications do nor relieve g'he concr3cror of his responsibilily Eo obtain a street cuc permic frour che Town of Vail , Departmenc of Publ:c Works and !o obt.ai.n uEiliiy locarions before digging in any public righE- of-way or easeDenc in che lor.rn of Vail. A buildi.ns Dernic is noc a stteeE cut Dermii. A sEreec cu! pernit musE be This forn 1s to verify service availabillty and locatlon. Thls should be used in conjuncrlon reith preparlng your ucillty plan ard scheduling installacions. t *(Please bring a slEe plan when obraining Upper Eagle Valley Hacer & SaniEaE.lon slgnacures ) sitt.'tQifz*nt/ '/'', ttl - 4 ,/, t--.<r_ 3 - !?7 (..J.**'/"' ,L i- C. e-rt4L/ /L'l rlrf O J?o'/7";'2 # s-D' /--r- --,,.*-c,-;7 Y Ln/c,- t/*? -/i xlrt /-/ '4 6zt-- <- o-/uCf " @: h+sO 6H,tl- - ---h( 3 Tbt /-r/ -..( a,.z--- &,2'3- t;4 1f ttt utl YL. r : L,L--<- h*f .- fl aa- --4-Lb- ) r ku I- /t- *- ,/u -.- v-d-'E _ ,tute__\ I [_ \ ^l <bv/{1 ^' htr *,*{ <) e LIST OF MATERIALS MME o; pROJECT: Qs .e'au rn FE s ,o 1',,;n s Lte'ir-bE!CniFiron: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF The following inforrnation ls required for submlttal Board before a-final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF ''IATERIAL by the applicant to the Design Review cEro*q CEO1+R. SHTNGLEI:-Roof Sl di ng 0ttrer wai'i' Fasci a Soffi ts sm$tr-.*e, EEr|,*rt- sth(l(t; OtiftQ!-- 6ti00FN aejtiL*e-' Tj C' sff,-o(E: Rocr- 3,F*a:oelu -' t' 29q rz bD ilc- I r, l I I .t 't lli ndows l,flndow Trlm Doors Door Trim Hand on Oeck Rails Fl ues ; Fl ashi ngs Chlmneys Trash Enclosures Loc' _ /}lsr-r*-.* 6Au. fneT*L STDNrt ' ' . NA te- 8 9ts ";?$ r p PY;le3 * 6 z9i. 'l) X-F\i 8 6 o{9= T= 5>.o rD !c <i ) = .7 z 11 ; lr.,l X lrJ Greenhouses 'Other PArr o LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT I4ATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES of Designer: Phone: Quanity Size* lh ftTr4eo's 8. Botanical Name Common lhme o I I -_ ,- .er v, I ri'-.-iirri**rr-dll5|ldirrc :'-.**.- - *..----+-+*---+*rji; $t) F ll> .llc N] 0 Itlli6 ADDRESS: OI'INER ZOI{E CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZOIIE DISTRICTS Block Fii ing rs ildd Phone ARCHITECT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Al'loled (30)(33) Prooosed Hei ght I ota I bKrA PrimarY GRFA SecondarY GRFA Setbacks: Front (r'dac Rear Water Course Site Coverage Lands caPi ng Fence/Retaining ''lall Park ing Credi ts: Garage 20' 1qt 1Ft (30)(50) Hei ghts Mechani ca l Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat (3oo)(600) (soo)(lzoo) (50)(100) (2s)(so) (2oo)(4oo) Actual ,) Drive: SloPe Permitted Envi ronmenta l,/Hazards :Ayal anche Fl ood P'lai Slope Hetl ands Geol ogi c Hazards Corrnents: Zoning: Approved/DisaPProved 0ate: JEatt 5tonaEure 0[8: ld]t\do ro]or ^^f *"ru$ h- subrn,t4ed .S1ope fhmnro. hftfro,**q ur& lru,\i\sr ,*&ry*dl- rr* t*"**{ 7 l,u ) j)3L Lh(-. .xt]3D 6r f-h.* b6rJfUi fi,rofu,rr]u S$uo,^,ol",q thd @nd{h,^ /f-*\ Ncq.{dr [* p ^ tl^^l ,- t+d*+"dL$"^l) @ rtt.r, U to*nrnq^t! a\ Bruniry - @ \b{okdtfio"" g\oud-tlq Oa b Ow,u- lDs$' \*bte*p Q\on/cJ,ongor W 0rg /lwl q fl^\duia0rfiPJ- Di,*x-h*.qQo ? >4 ut\,\ Unb,td I ,ho sqttet qo,px*oa* Mw e l.\a-, Ro{ R'tf €\uu-'\'r"Dba- i\iltc^1od D 6{ Nnd'0 4 a.,^:k + WMcqU tuv P'B\^f'{dS 0 hiuoura'1 lbPN tkD"' (iE!:l i,L Se[,tetrti,er 12, 19it9 Irlr'. K':n Herkii:c Trends wcst , 1t)c. l?(J PLaza []tii Sol Cc)l ciradc Sf,r i ng5, AR|HUR,I. MIIARS, P.8., INC. Nrtural Hazardr Colrulttrtn ?22 f.ea CaI". A.c. 6umirr"r, CiJ,ra,[, 8l ?]0 f0] - 6,t l.t2]6 ll,,'o I1., F' .r-t, AH ,s ' c,s T4 f I:a cfr cQ 8090? si ic, anC g,I:..1,t,:',ed t-,.ti1.tir',q i s .crttrrosecl tcr ( I ) sr'c'vr avail an!*heS:-1']d ! ',, ! rtni-,r-i q f I ow,s and re(lllIL. a'e. f-) f r)l-r:'ct j oD -TTTni-m both pf OC:eSSe:s.(:r-) dc.f,lj-l-j-!-g!€--end-le'gr-rirje'e'. [-)rr)1-r:'ct jon--[i'onr both Froc:eisf:$' 'i.i'i"ffi1,iott'rctioni':oni$rrot,'a'''a1anc}tesit]e}tris Defj r M!-Hirrkiasl 'l.,lri s I ett ev. <Jes<:r,'i Lrn"s q{rr-}f oqi cal hazarrL lllLgit'r'r' and l1(opased 1'lrr-r : 2, P.lvr-:* b€, dr: i.; r.r(t j ily'ro il'.urtn4 o At,ithntillt t A t:l.,rr;&e Coatrcl Eula.lr.l i f ICrw 1-,:-Crte i-t j ()!l lras l-r;:+ ir acitlrossCd I n a Selrlrate rep6t-t ' The buildinE irite,r jor airfl occuP,tnt-c wt I'! l:'e$t !j,* Pt:ti:!r:.:,1]I direcL-+"=jJiflllCS'nre'lrt ol exposed buridlinq !''aJ Is' Relocatlon -Tffi?;ffiffi-' tl;.-huil al rlS-nltT-l.l(it _- ne re{'essary ; t }re requirer{ l-,rr.1l: rqtrtj(,}t rl,,rir tre incor:poriL,:'il ,*itlt t}i* },Uilding in ttre trr igi tiol 1,'qs;it !on. {.lic, ti'rre:e ,,.,ii i I s w}ritll Ar.t| ('XI)C)Se(l t() 6valanclte lClrlg are Shown As; L'a1ls lrutrrbert-:ci I, 2, an(-t: bn tht' irtLir.-6ed sileel'' Tlrt: vettical !.'AiJ S IIUI|Uert:(! L1 {1 olll,! -, r!,rl J rrart cl j rit t: -i l-r'.rt.rC,nS On t h{,:F e lda11fi Are- als(J shcrt*n. T]}e---cA-f}I}I, I $;ill al.s(; .lrC e;.: Iros:'tl to-aVaIanCiie:.t lirrt 'lc'oe ntit r$tltri't*../ t--rEo?r-'c{li'rr l,c.-au:ffing alea' l= Tfre foliowing adrljLj('1;itl l-riiillts $ust br') considc'r{-(l irr tlesign: l. t41v)1lgv.,5 .: l!,-1 d.iors orl lhe ex!)osed walls nl6o rr-'ce'rtze 2yall .1g;g:l,e J(rad:';. I'he m;I!Jnitud'r of the-:e loads oan b+: delerrrirr,.,,c'! irr final desi.grr frorn tlrtr vcftical load <l j stri!:rutic't'rs [)rc]rrldc(.1 . a j: q-' a iso expr;ggcl Lo av'rlal)cile ri oac'ls wtri clr can ne,:l f rc,r'ir tlt* vc'r-ti(:4 1 Joad diet:r j.brrti-r-rns. 3. I'oiItt I qr6r1'!v-: nrey fi1so intf)act '.{a I ls 1. ?, ar:ci 3 f rottt ciel;r i s c:ir u! i r::<1 l.iy if,e aval strclie: . Tll(r'jc i.fiy (:H '':'eL:cl the spe1]i f retl I rr.-r.d$ but 'lf tect smeli areas of < I f t-4' Tlto lrt'oirc:5q,r-| "glir ect -Irr r,)L ect -iorl " (lf'JJ gir wi 11 rr '-'t- de'f lcct gnow ()t' debris ltrtcl'aI l,v tor,,'irrrl adlacent prot-xrrty' Althor.rr;ir tlie 1,r'+ircs;e d design r+ill prcrtect btli 1<jirrg or:culla:!:'-l' wi 11 do nothi ng tc, 1rr:+tect people $hD nlay tle ct!tside when tll(: I I I l cles.,ign, ul00-yeilr" ffr:3-lart'::lle occ(lr5' 1l're llrolr-xb:i-Iity of l',tsjirg Crulsicle wltr;:ti tirr.r riesi.9!'' *tal Enqhe OccLrrs i s r-;ittill ] f:lrr;t!Qh- tt} be ai"re'gotat'O in rrli",tiilg and i.s a risk acf,e['tec ]-'l'th('Town of Vail ancl r-!rr>se wlic, bu-i. 1d in Vail aual.anche areaii. hlevertheless' ttris iisk ii-; firrita irnr] (:arr bE'redusecl ever: further if those who I ive j 1r h.rzi.rr{3 ar(:i.i,5 }-,ecOnre e.luf frted .rbrir.,t. thc e1,3 lalt(rh+ Pr(>cess anc] lrt:red aii ciffigj;1 ! s.11'1rj19s. '?'.A,NV{.'r, "-gpl1l1rr -l- engj lieer a,efr Ava I an cb I I .' t'- lrr,,ir-r- (sj irli 'r lll /',ii .q I.r t / ,, ,r'i i4./ I.t ..- ---'. -r -t-.'Jf \i - - i _. a. _z I ,,,.. . ) ..t i {il i //"' :.t, t"1'1+ i q'l ir ii''- '"":,. /i :. 6 ,\g{-O' 1.,\.t.' (h.''' i:ri.:-,r.:r' f.i."f,6-1r<r, .'r;l\r |: L ''d+)F L'{ri; I k*f ..'r*uur:Arrc{ vA!-L \q ll I -+{lr I a-- .. . d.l)F Lr g k@ E !*- l;- '.: .-* --;, j ;, ll ]r"ri /-...-s...\ ,! I J' I '= =l I SEP 11 ,BB 16:18 HtlIL EOH o CENTER 58552.{t6EE I 'l "/1 STRUCTURAL RESEARCH COMPAN Y North 4107 EIla Road Spokane, Washingron 99212 (s09) 918-0es7 September ll, 1989 Mr. Ken Harkias, Secretary Treasurer Trends West Developmert 120 Plazadel Sol T eirace Colorado Springs, Cotorado 80907 Dear Kenl This lertcr is to uptlate you on the status of the Olebaum Residence in Vail, Colorado. The residence is being designed to withstand an avalanche in accordance wirh aiiirii-1oi*"roirt-io "mJ-bt-d en Mtars, P.8., who is an expert in the field of i"a-iiitriaisigo-fir"ti wiiibe no problem in meeting the avalanchi design criteria. No chanees in the foundalion are anticipared with the exception -rhar there will be ;n6;ft"dlv iooilslo anchor bohing on the sides of the hous-e subject to avalanche f;E;.-'-W6ria il ;ti" iounitaiion c-ould commence, with details bn the avalanche desip to follow shortly. I am currentlv investigating bullerproof glas for the windows facing the direCion of ih;';;rttil-hd. *Mthlfiiiiio bisign a-welded steel frame to suppon the glas at whatever spacing id required by the glass manufacturer. I will submit detailed designs for strengthening the log structure and for the glazing for your use anrl for the buil<ling departmenr. If you have any question\ please give rne a call. 6.$*#f,ry,J ::r'. l2i?70 : '14'. ..';.: !r_ "fr& - -.g|- Nicholas LamPiris, Ph'D. coNsuLTlNG GqoLoclsr 0793 VALLEY ROAO CARBONDALE, COLORADO 81623 (3O3) 963-3600 (24 HOUBS) L.j r..! l. 1:r .,,::i...1 . L irii'i:i r.'l ll: r. r:::f r .r r- iJ i'i + L {.: i t r't +: li i.l,,\ i:. lit ft {:: ',r $i i;r il*il:itti:: " l: ll li i:r: r ..:i l::i {'ir'l \r.r i .l. i.i..l i:r! i ii:rLi;l I:il:: r .ti,qir..r i i....r..i1;:i. fi !* !-ri-:i. ",'* -- l:i(](:: l:l::''l.l l i:r iit*i:ir-:i ':1; Fr'l (::ii4 Lii l. -rt- l::i :i. :.: ft +r r:l I .||i:i':l .| i:,,'|: {'' gt. i. l; i' il.Lli+ni:it*cl '[ l.i ilit.ipi:;). i+Hr:1fi 1.. |T|.,,. .i.$:t Lr:':- r:i,i Jc''int* {i'.. l9i:]'"-l-h-.,tYiij11".,::.1'',i.r;',.:''.Jfil\t/t.:]t.1l*':].i-...:L|i:l:l.i:lil-'.|:-|ti*l':lll;l:::;ll|:l:i. ,lt]!'.,1'rr:lr.F..,i:r:.'r'i:r.ir'+.:tiJpi.r:i6ii;lri:y,',:t.it-|:i't.lv:i'i:::i'.tr:l{: ,,]'i:]f.i::!f;i:i'|'..h+';|:.r.i.li...,i::Lri'i:.il.:i-rltr.jii:j,If:!'i::j't]..l[:'j.*t.iJ:r.;t- !r i, rrd .1.lr ".:i.L: i.i:. i.:mr'i trrt- illE| 1i.: cr f-hr: t- ilrt.1t..i i t- cirin.:'}tt i:: l; ,r|i: l:llf:' Tt][l'rl] 4]J tl;,:i r .1. ,. -l.'ltiti.: Lr r+r- iii L"Lri..i..1. ri i..i{:: iriiii ir .i. (::}(-1:"; ::::r:: it.t.!:.j.i:iti irt-l'[ l'l:i i 1 cii i'*i" ;:i .,,; i. i:1t-t .i Li. i::,:in.l: {: t- i::in l.ltc. li::,r.;.,:,t,tr-d j ,, [:j.,.,, {* i-l 1i: rii:r'i"f't;i !'if :i.:l {:. ij:iiil ] ?:{- f,i{J ':tl;f-i:!+:i 'hhg i:;1: r' i:lii i.. ., lii n t.::i=r r: .t. Y ',.il:/t-'2-^:- fI'V 0W /""pfru r.J i ': hi r 'L.]:t l-'-r.inl] i l' j. ":; {..i rl rr $ rr l. 'L:: :r. n ci {ii * i:r .1. {::: U :i- :'t 'L: { I i : Nicholas LamPiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST 0793 VALLEY ROAD CARBONDALE, COLORADO 81623 {3o3) 96}3600 {21 HOURS) 1ii.rtii.r J:.r- 1 1,:l:illlr ilt ir-1i..ir. r{ l'!;rl.:i: itll:L.l:-' 11,.1i. l- h i::r'J:r:; ir!- i':tir"'r':;i ii .. 1:i1i 1:1;i;., .'r.l:i;f' r' !.';i I ,l'l i: i,.,,1 ,1:, liI; t :,:,ri'ii.j." I rrri i i.; i.,t: i1i. I .,.r,iir- .'ili.:i.i: i ,:,i.1. .! il; :.til:l..ll-:i i:i: j"j.i. i::jrJ ; : it'.,rr- i l :!. i::t1 ).,.ii- t:l ;i I I i ".i .* i::l 1; 1 l:lii:: lij. i:li-r 1,.'r:i:i,:'i:,:: j. l. !- !-r ji: | ! I't,,!! i i:i.{ 'l|1;:-;irl.l'']i'1:;i::f]t:li:..:::-ii:ri.i:,il:ll:i':!l'l.::lijl.L{l,}i'ii:i'Ji'j, .q -r:: f i:'r:r;;; li:i .i..1.:::::i r'1f 1,, f:ili'l :,,iiriLl;: ir. 'i ir;i:'i- ii:: :1 1l': :1 1l!i:i::l 'ir 'l:i|-l i:]r'j'r :i'."....i.|,;,li:]':lj1':i!'|t,:];jil-i:]t'ji!i'i::!'ii:ii..l!.'it:::.:i.: :::r-iiii;.':' l:i' i:ll lli i:11::'l:! j lrj::r iji jl:i' ij:'..r"i- " i,liii,l-l..:;'..:.:1|-l'i:i'11i.']i'l.|:i:|,*i.j.j:.'i:i!..i' .i ',,r r i i:r l: l-r j. r:i l r .l. '|.l.iq.,l.11ii'l..l:1i|i'li':ii:::i:t,i::ili,'L.iii]:"'::::i''1il:)jt:i,::.i:.ji:]J.i:.[:il;1l'i i'::i-it':l':,:j,..:ill'j-l',;'!.j.l;,,.t.::: i- i i :i. :ll I.i i- r.rl ! f.r'- l' t/ ', - -1 ir,,,. ,,, i!',,' i':i ,:: iirt:1i i:'i- lii ':ii!:.1 1,il i' .;. i.!i: i,1,,i--! 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',i. I'l :i * h c:i J. i:i ::i, 1.... ,:il rll l:r I !- :r i:; i i rt:,r.{ l. lr :i. riil i.ir-.:i {:1 1. f":l i F i: r'i11iir$1: iiii- *; " box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 July 26, 1982 Mark Donaldson 1000 Lionsridge Loop Vai1, Co'lorado 81657 department of community development RE: DRB Submittal of 7-ZL-82 Dear Mark: 0n July 21, 1982, the Design Review Board gave final approval to the Feagin Duplex for Lot 3, Block 1., Bighorn i.st Filing. An irrigation system should be provided, disturbed areas reseeded and construction should be kept within boundaries as specified on the site plan. Si ncere ly, -/4-'>" *-?^*,/. Jim Sayre Town Planner JS:df \ Project Application Project Name: !: f A {, t x\ t1,l au f: ^'/. Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Lesal Description' t-ot .3 , Btocx / , ritins /98'/J a/'L N '/ Comments: Zone - Design Review Board Motion by: f ii,.tq_,-DISAPPBOVAL seconded tv, P4 fr.l'"EY-z- - \/ APPROVAL i i ____"/ Summary://.j r /Ywr-1 :.a{ -T rr:\i 1V37 ta t-|/)L L- t7r:' ;,'' ft'''.) f 42{4:, '"t) ' ,4">i r'. {tc ., ( r!..11-t1r1 c OJ "-Ptj :, 7/ A r-! D statt Approval 9., ,iivision Lot &lc:k Fii rri$ ENGINEERING Agreement (if aPPlicable) !r ot Acceptable) ,/ 1/ nto*{- ['i ii+t (A r r:1t 1i; . .Submittal ltems 1^) To, Y"p (8) Site r,"r,'^l ttt;lity Plan io) ritle RePort (E) Subdivision A B c D E F u, 2. fngineering Requirements I i ] ! : I : ru,' L:-; out#^,fframn -^rrce of Utilities El rrtri c r'115 Setrer lla ie r Tel ephorie T.V. 4. Cotninents:O ruo :roPo. 6ct&tA--LarL-,l4'fu Approved: 0i sapproved: Bil I And:'e:+s TO Victor Mark DolaldsonJhitects P. O. Drawer D vAtL. coLoRADO 8r658 LtrTilR @F TRANSnfl0T'TAL o^rE i /t / nz, l'"" "z gJn4 artENrroi{ / I RE: hau;t .Dao; Kz;/e'-."o WE ARE SENDING YOU ! 4*q drawings ' D Copy of letter Attached E Under separate cover via )Srints ! Change order ! Plans tr Samples the following items: tr Specifications (303) 476.1128 coPlEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 2 ./rZ U^-zA,nA-,-/,ta'zn- s/a.+.- /tl;/^m *.^&- ora i -^t-/''-.9^.' tt -/t -v a l-#" u., , -nnf/- q? '/' ^4rT,,..- "4J: >J--,-h;-a -Tl;--t /ffizh\ /Th -*ntl-2.-i3=, -,{t U u // THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked E For apProval -/ -,/For your use ! |eCuested .4 For rcview and commcnt tr FOR BIDS DUE belo$r: E Approved as submitted tr Approved as noted tr Retumed for corrections Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies tor distribution Retum -corrcc{€d prints n 0 tr tr 19- D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: Pioorr 2.G? /@rE &stt t!!. ol|l tl ancloau.aa ar. n& aa notad, kindttt ttotity u3 ra onca. l? .Lrffi NAUE OF PBOJECT LEGAL DESCRIPTION a LCIr Fascia Sofflts f,lndows Window Trlm Doors Door Trlm Eand or Deck Ralls Flues Flashlngs Cbimneys Trasb Enclosures Greenbouses Other Botanical Name Date BLOCK f re-a'T FILING DESCRIPTION OF PROIECT-!3. n4 \e- aTo;a-f 'J ,-\...-re-arJf e* -.a,s,rr=-Jz- Tbe followlng lnformation ls requlred for submittal by the Appllcant to the Deslgn Review Board before a flnal approval can be given. A. ) BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Stding Other Wal1 Materials Type of Materlal Color 4fe tte b>gl CztbA P €rL-r er4 (a€r ., r fleze 'z'tF na-[Ag '- '.I 1*('leoza C-rJ AA B. ) Pi-ANT MATERTALS (Vegetative,^Landscaping Materials including Trees, Shrubs,and Ground Cover) a,e,faer5{a.5 1,*o See{=6 r -,a-tee-eSee*aEA_ J.r J,PgsaJa a."r, Je,J<^o ep&€vPT,Fou4 FgJuJb . Tfaern li\-ez. c:rge ?-? pi<.eJs--Cir+.19^ '(AeuP eitc'p' aE AaBe4tE{ , J..Ar**z 6rze eJ u-ee i r= Jl.f .eFo-, - r.r6a a-e 1e,Jr*6Tr'r?- Fg, J<l , '*e*J Cornmon Name -_ PTI9JT!u.-/s Quantirv Size r+ lo z\ le 6 Ca, >w 5 ooa,i-. 6 Ca^v 6 GFv G-\c251 \e a}lrJz:iLE=2 <-u^g= a '-,-tng\( Ez.JJ w,=Jersr-- caJc,g 6.-ro_f r. Page 2 Plant Materlals Continued Botanical Name Conrnon Name ,\')..,,. ' *1"., ' '.f.rl Size c.)OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (Retaining Wa1ls, Fences,Swimnlng Pools, etc.) (Please Specify) llcr nltvrrtt tsoAnD cnncr+ r,f NAME OIf PROJICT oJ LEGAL DESCRIPTION 6 LOT I BLOCK DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT '2- +u\ FILING Prelim Approval A. Bulldine Considerations Building Location on Slte Building Con f i guration Appropriateness with Nelghborhood Height Mass Roof Forms Use of Materials Cholce of Color Energy Efficlency B. Site Consideration Flnal Arlrrroval Conments Disturbance of Natural Features Access onto Site Sn6c flemoval Vehicular and Pedestrian Circulation Landscaping Plan Grading Plan Erosion Control Irrigation System Exterior Lighting Ret.aining Walls Accessory S truc tures C. Miscellaneous considerations Other Comrnents D. FINAL APPI{OVAL - ZEnTn lj-trdm InTs t ra t or UTILIlY LOCATION VIITI I: ICA'I'I SUBDIVISION r c;rrAa f.-J t I aJAe.- r€,aJ JOB NAME-c>Jp_r--aX ?es.oe.Ja€ Farz- fl€.4 f-1€a' 9r-2.<3 f€raarJ a ON The location of utilities, whether they lines, rnust be approved and verified by accompanying site plan. Lor---J--BLocK / Frtwc Bi?/.-a / at'+eo,t,-J ADDRESS 4ao-7 LJP,Je, -pe. be main trunk the following lines or proposed utilities for the Date I{ountain Bel l Western Slope Cas Public Service Company Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagle Val ley l{atcr and Sanitation District Ba 4: NOTE: These verifications do not relierre the contractor of l:is resnonsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Tor.'n of Vai I , Departmertt of Publ ic ltbrks and to obtain utility Iocations beiore digging in any public.right- of -way or c.rscnent irt the To rvrt of Vai1. t ALTA OV,/NER'S PoI ICY AI CN Order No.: .3,173 Date of Policy: Jtiilt 31, SCHEDULE A lq:ll 'iT 2:11'l i)'CLOCK P.l.l- Policy No.: 0-41?17]' Anrourrt of Insrrritrrcc: S170,000. 00 1.Name of Insu red: IJAVID A FEAGII{ and The estate or interest in FEI S II.IPL E OilYLE[fr FtncIt,.! the land described herein and which is covered by this policy is: 3. 4. The estate or interest referrecl to lrerein is at rJLVID ,rr. FEAiI:i an,l ct!yLii:,1 t:i .,GI:j Date of Policy vesterJ I'l J4ItiT Tr:r4:.'cY ,n: The land referred to in th is LOT 3 3L0CK i il I Gi1fi ii.ll SUi.l) I l.t I S l.,l;l FI'iST ADI]ITJ{)Ii COLII{TY OF TAGLT STATI: 0F C0Lr-tRr100 policy is described as follows: Fi'l' I.: \r'.\ tt't' 'l' I 'l' L tt l)lralaln_1'Y ('rr t| l',t it i. coo€ ool2 uTtro]-ileilTotfiTcF.s r] n(l I- ilr '- Page 2 SCI{EDULE B Policy No.: 0-412173 This policy does not insure agairrst loss or tlanrage by reason of the following: 'l . Rights or clainrs of parties irr por;se:;siorr not :hown by the rrublic recorcls. 2. Easements, or claims of easerncnts, rrot shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in iloLrrtclar.y linos, shortage in area, encroacir nrc n ts, anci arry facrs which a correct survcy attcl inspectiort r-rf lltc prerrises would clisclose anrl wlrich are not showrr bV the prrlllic rcco rr ls. 4. Arty licn, or right to a lien, for:;rrr.,ices, lalror or nraterial lreretoforc or hereafter furr-'isherl. irnposed by larv and not sltou,/n by the grulriic | {)cor(ls. 5. Taxes for 1931 and subseqlr\-1ni ycars. 5. Thc effect of inclusion in ariv rriincral protection, soi,1 consr:rva r" ioil or other servlc{} or strL.3t i;,r1trovt':rr'rrt ,-t r t,l . or spl.cific l'rater conservancy" flre r!istrict or 'incl usion in any ,,{ater 7. ttight of way For J{tches and cin,ris construcie,l hy\a\thorlty of the llnltod States, as reserved by Pat-.nt recorded i'iovEnber 22,'\39, in Book 123 at Page 628r. (\ \ 8. Ten percent non-particiDltirrg royalty\tr\anC to nrocce,l\ derived fronr the sale of any r,:lnerals, of :rJhrtsoev.rr kirid'/and natrrre, produced and nined from the said pre;riscs as rts,:.ryeJ i.:r ilust (ight{pes clnrl [va J. Xlahtlpes by instrument recor,ler.l iicvernber ?,1t..'? trr irocl: ,l65 atY'aqe,'107, .'rnd any and a]l ass'lrtnnrents thereof or.-interests tirr:rt'i h. ,,. t , t. 9. Terms, conditions, obl iqatior-ls dnd resirictions as containerl in Protective Covenants regordedrJecer:rl.*r 2i1 . l1€2 ln Book I74 at Paqe 403 as ReceFtlon rlo. 96356. \ \ \-'l @ @ 12 @ Tenporary Easenent 50' ln widtli to construct a sew?r line granted to Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation Dlstrict, reccrderj |iovember 20, ltl73 in Book 273 at Page 699 as Recci)tion:io. l7l;109. (Cop.y.rttacheC) (lU Right of way easein.nt i.o construct, enlarrJe, operate, and craintain an electrlc transnlsslorr or distribution systeql over ihe Southerly 20' of sub.lect property granted Lo lloly Cross [],)clric ;lssoclation, recordticl 'lov*rher 21 , 1r)79 ln llook 294 at Faqe oil as Rcce;;tion 'lo. 91 386. (Cr)'lTJ::rt[: ;l 0'i pACE 3-n) s'l' lJ\fr.,\ tt't''t' I't'Ltt rttrarrlNTt ( (rttt'r l{t' [.ase:,tent for consl:ructiqr an1 i.irirrtenancc of cas Clstribut{on systenr fn roads cf 0'ighorn SubCivisiorr as ,:!isclosrJ 'cy ilocrr:',reni recor,:tcC Aulust ll, 1965 in tlook l9C a i Pagc' 40i a s Re.c.:irt ion 'lo. 1 Cl !)l 4. Utiiity and draina'lc ilasil:u{ir1ls as sholar and res(}rvecl on the Plat of Elghorn SubCivislon, Flrst Ad,Jiiion. Rlght of rday for tlie urrint;:rF [rf,eil f'lotrr of Gcre Creel... Right of way 20' ln width server 'l ine, as qranted to January 19, .1979 ln ilook io 1.1y, opcratc, inspcct, nra{ntaln and lj;:;r+r [agle Valle_y Sanitation 0'lstrjct, 2lil at Paqe 361 as Receptlon No. 11241 3. rgrlove a recorded (Copy attached) lGt3 Paqc 3 t, It /rt t. t\ |a Attachecl to and macJe a part of Slewlrt Title Gtraranty Company policy No. 0-41217j Contirrlrat iorr of Schcdtrle B 16. 0eeil of Trust froer Davld A. Feagln anrt Cl.yieen Feagln to of.Eagle County for the use of dharles Fanrell, i.6. to-gateq^gllg 23, 1981, recorded June 30, lg8l ln Book 325 !{o. ZAt66D. the Publlc Truster secure $95.0C0.00 nt Faqe 296 as Receptlon 3-A Page _ s't' Flw.,\ ttT .I. t.f LE (}UARANTT (}()|lPAIYY a l, , l I vail, colotado 81657 (303) 476-s613 Jim Schorsch Vail Associates Real Estate Box 7 Vai'l , Col orado 8.|657 Dear ilinr: DST/di cc: Dave Mitchell office of the town manager August 23, 1977 RE: Lot 3, Block I ' Bighorn ]st Addi tion : Enclosed is a letter from Ron Halley of Hydro-Triad pertaining to the avalanche condjt'ion on the subiect lot, I believe the'letter is self-explanatory; however for cl arification, the Town would allow building in conformance with the letter. Before preparing building plans for the site' please check the Gore Creek 100 Year Flood Plain maps as a smal'l portion of the lot appear to be within the flood area, If you need further information please give me a call. S. Toughill Admi ni strator ,r' )' rj' t RD/ts692 ZJ r7fvt -/\i.tr,..'. , IIr/r., 1,tr .4 - irl.{i, i..1._.- |tt.t'.,, f-\.t-?I /O,cx*e-|€-J =>Je'.a-.,.<,ra l)l::.(., ii'111., oli l'l'(J.,i.(:l Fz-r (r\4_g<./-=*.ooipA+-:t _-err ?-e/- \,l \ - --. 7-:?IeE<----FelAe -.;/- J".c*r-..?i1 -.e24=:=flt="\-T - ' 'lhc I'rrll.,r.i1!l inforp:rt i6rr i,; rcr;n ilt,tl l'or' ::t-tlrr:i iLtll t)y tltc itpplit:rrll t.o thc Dc:; irltr ll' vi r.',; llorrrd l:c lot'c a f j.nal ;rt)t)rovit I c:rtt llc Jl jvctl: A. lll,ll,l, Iii(; l"t'f[RlAl,S 'lypc ol' iu:r1-r:r'ial -t49: J Roof Siding Other l'ia I I I'taterials Fascia Soffit s ltlindows Window Trim Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Rails Flues F lash j.ngs Chinneys Trash Enclosuies 6reenhotrs es 0ther \flce E- D-o crJ{-J r: gno.- e J='>1-(4 Ov2Ae 3.--'O e(2ts'2 fr$..i6->jli+:zsJ{o 3 6 g,.r{ Z^ d EneT+,-- ftape-e r:rJ 4+ t1loovag a J 44= Z4 c+t r'.- r- - f1-oea AJ 4+ Cornmon Name .51 T+ 9-b.,f<- B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botani ca'l Name ve.';ri Jcte S"- '@1s:J{r\-e-} FA era 5<c- ( 6zC-Q6e\+ e\-JE aF'"*\c€ F>-rat: Tt e e/A''t (4 ou.r> et@p, )-ft,_ r+t i.- s \egGar-A1lcg#igr <a"2-:!"-g oert\ -t{,gr '+s€c.e<5 ah',- E Gr+,- 5 g,t-_ 1O g-la<,er.\e Pees-J-5 '7',:e* 7' E6 \+ at) ac> ig4a,16s- ac''1c,,s €V>T.E'2-- SHRUBS /:.e_JJ1-ie->L_F=tL,n<:E--_6<'41--- s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE SQUARE FOOTAGI: SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE r*- i, JiJ,..- fe-re' 4e %, +.'t.*-"Tsu etz.,rng ae- .2\-rtJ:s TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. Other Landscape Features (retaining wal'ls, fences, swimming poo1 s, etc.) P'lease specify. a,.#aZau'*-? azr=-.o-"r---. - ^&.? I zoNE cll[cK SFR, . R, for P/S ZONI DISTRICTS Lega't Description: Lot 3 Block /I Fi]ins AlileN Ji, Amer F46tA ' Architect ,r Zone District t<. ; .Proposcd Use e?t -' Hei ght A1 'loued 30, Proposed - . ' - ': Setbacl<s: Front-Requf iea-zOi'-"Pro'plsed Z3 R Sides-Requircd l5' Proposed Rear -RequireC l5'Proposed ' .{f . l.laterccu rse-requ i red I GRFA: A'l'loued ! GRFA: .Primary A1 I or,red Secondary Al I or.red Site Coverage: Landscaping: Parking:. EO €Tr{ Proposed 6G Fz**q CaeA orc ao4 4 . Proposed gfOX - Propcsed 31e{ Proposed tB o 3,C-" - Primrry Secondary Proposcd ProP(;:r ed Actual "? Drive: Slope Permitted 3"L SJ-ope Environmenta'l ,/llazards: /rve'l anche t/O/2<> Alloived 1t7q I Required Requi red z ' Slope A)4, Conrlcnts: / c:t : r'l:t : f,> ? HYDRO-T8IAD, LTD. August 4, 1977 Mrs. Diana Toughill Zoning Administrator Town of VaiI P.0. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Diana: Per your request, I have made a field reconnaissance evaluation of the runout area of Avalanche No. I in the Gore Creek Valley. Avalanche No. 8 is designated in "Snow Avalanche Hazards of the Vail Area" C.G.S. , t975 and usually referenced in our office as the Ice Fal'l Ava'l anche is located on the south valley wall directly across from the mouth of the Pitkin Creek. In fact, there is strong evidence that the Ice Fall drainageway is an extension of a geo'logical fault which Pitkin Creek lies within in the lower reaches before entering the VaI 1ey. The purpose of my reconnaissance evaluation was to examine the site and give the town an appraisal of whether lot 3, block 1of Bighorn ljes within or outside the runout zone of the avalanche or whether additional study would be reguired to establish the impact of a maior avalanche on that particular lot. Lot 3lies on the very northeast extremity of the runout zone for the Ice Fall avalanche. In reviewing the ev'idence within the runout zone and the configuration of the cliff area, it does not appear a major flowing avalanche wi'l 'l impact the total'l ot. If build'ing was excluded from the west 30 feet (along the boundary with lot 4), the remainder of the lot is outside a major slide runout zone. The two homes located on lots 4 and 5, howevero are within the probab'le limits of a major avalanche runout zone, and some steps should be taken to acquaint the homeowners with the hazard, evaluate the extent of the runout zone and resultant impact pressures to ascertain if any protective measures are technically and economically feas'ib'le. If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you. Sincerely, {YDRo-TRIAD, LTD.,/" \ ) /,/ /'--/l"Lr'/ V1 / Ronald L. Halley, Presi dent RLH/j h 75OO \,V. [,1 ISSISSIPPI AVE. SUITE 1O LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80226 PHONE 303.9342,!;1