HomeMy WebLinkAboutDocuments & Plans - 1974, 1991-1996, 2001ZONING ANALYSIS Lot 4, Block 1, Bighom 1"t Edition Zoning: Two-Family Residential (R) Lot Area: 0.58 acres/25,346.3 square feet Setbacks;Front 20'Sides: 15'Rear: 15' Densitlt t) o,r^t^y 3o+l ttetto'"na'sttJ 2 dwefing units \1 LtSn \ . 4t?Y stogrnr{ roo I i::irffl:,:i::,*' etooo r r'4oo' r3Lrs Site Coverage: Max.2oo/o of Lot Area = 5,069 sq ft Landscape Area: Min. 60% of Lot Area = 15,208 sq ft Parking: Min. of 4 spaces/unit Credits: Garage area up to 600 square feet per unit. s lzq(o1 Iiaunrt ?r,eclt, Qw {?-q->vqo. GEOLOGICAL HAZARD AND MITIGATION ANALYSIS THOMSON RESIDENCE, 3897 LUPINE DRIVE Prepared For Mr. PatWalsh V Ag, lnc. Architects & Planners Prepared By Mhur l. Mears, P.E., Ina Gunnison, Golorado August,2001 RrcD AU0 18 Z0q1 ARTHUR I. MEARS, P.8., INC. Natural Hazards Consultants 555 County Road 16 Gunnison. Colorado 8 1230 Tel/Fax: 90.64!-3236 anmea$@rmii.com August 7,200'l Mr. Pat Walsh V Ag, lnc. P.O. Box 1734 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Thomson residence Dear Mr. Walsh: The attached hazard and mitigation analysis at the Thomson residence has been completed as we discussed. The existing building and proposed modifications are located at the lower edge of the design-magnitude avalanche and can also be reached by debris flows of minor energy. They require migitation as discussed in this report which will completely protect the house without causing any adverse deflection onto adjacent propefi. Please mntact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, 0(fW\$o^^/ Arthur l. Mears, P.E. Avalanche-control engineer Encl. Mass Wosting . Avalanchct . Avalanche Contml Eryinccrirt 1 1 OBJECT]VES AND LIMITATIONS OF REPORT As discussed with Mr. Pat Walsh, this report has the following objectives: a. Quantification of snow avalanche, debris flow, and rockfall hazards; and b. Specification of mitigation to protect from the above processes. This report also has the following limitations, which must be understood by all those relying on the results and recommendations: a. This analysis is site-specific and cannot be used at other sites or to any changes in design; b. Substantial alteration to the forest cover (through forest fire, forest disease or landslides, for example), could lead to more frequent and larger avalanches and debris flows. 2 PREVIOUS WORK Several reports have addressed the avalanche, debris-flow and rockfall hazards in the Waterfall path, the small drainage on the southwest side of Lupine Drive that forms the spring waterfall and alluvial fan. The runout zone, which extends across Lupine Drive, was designated an "avalanche influence zone" in 1976 mapping for the Town of Vail, indicating that further quantification of avalanche hazard would be dependent on future detailed study. ln 1984, as part of a municipality-wide study commissioned the Town of Vail, the entire alluvial fan was mapped as a "high-severitf rockfallhazard area and portions of it as a debris-flow area. Additionally, the Lot 15 and 16 areas were studied by myself in letters to Mr. Hillis Akins in 1979 and Mr. C. Stanley Wilson in 1988. I also completed a more detailed hazard analysis, including quantification of snow avalanche dynamics for Mr. Jan Tschirner in 2000 for property on the other side of Lupine Drive. 3 EXPOSURE OF THOMSON RESIDENCE 3.1 Exposure to Rockfall Rockfall hazard does not exist at the building, therefore mitigation from rockfall hazard will not be required. 3.2 Exposure to Debris Flows The existing building and proposed addition and remodel are within the outer edge or a 'mede'ate hazard' debris flew area. At this particular site, much of the debris flow energy will have been dissipated as it spreads across the alluvialfan a 2 on the opposite side of Lupine Drive. Additional energy will be dissipated at Lupine Drive. Damage from the remaining shallow sheet flow and muddy water will be eliminated bv the snow avalanche mitioation proposed below in Section 4 of this report. Of significance is the fact that mitigation from debris flows will not adverselv deflect flows onto anv adiacent public or private prooeftv. This conforms to Town of Vail hazard regulations. 3.3 Exposure to Snow Avalanches and impact loads The building is located in a "blue" or "moderate hazard" zone where avalanches have return periods of 25 to 100 years and impact pressures on flat walls directly facing the avalanche direction are less then 600 lbslft' The design-magnitude, or "1OO-yeai'return period avalanche will hit the existing building and proposed addition/remodel reaching the building at a design velocity of 9 m/s (20mph) and will produce an impact pressure maximum (at ground level) of 254lbslft'. Details are given below and in the loading diagram (Figure 2). The avalanche dynamics and impact-pressure potential has been computed by the following procedure: a. The runout distance (final stopping position) of the design avalanche was determined from statistical comparison lo other similar Colorado path with known performance over a long time period (roughly 100 years); b. An avalanchedynamics model was fit to the avalanche profile (from starting zone at 10,400 feet to the end of the runout at 8,380 feet; c. Velocity and impact-pressure potential on flat wall surfaces were computed (see attached spreadsheet for computational details). The impact-pressure potential on vertical walls on the west side, including the walls of the new garage will be distributed vertically as shown on Figures 1 and 2. The given loads should be treated as impact loads. There the design loads, Pe = P * Fr, where Po is the final design load (the equivalent static load), P is vertical foad distribution shown on Figure 2, and Fr is an impact factor. The impact factor F1 usually lies between 1.0 and 2.0, but must be determined by the structural engineer in final design. lt usually is related by the free period of the structure and the rise time of the avalanche which is 1.87 seconds. 4 RISK AND ADVERSE DEFLECTION 4.1 ResidualRisk Because the building is in an avalanche path (and debris-flow area), some residual risk exists between the building and Lupine Drive. However, the probability that persons will be on the west and south sides of the building exactly ' i' .. g when the '1O0-year event occurs is remote, thus the hazard is also very small. Such small hazards are permitted by theTown of Vail. 4.2 Adverse deflection The reinforced surfaces will not defect avalanches laterally onto any adjacent public or private property thereby satisfying the requirements of Section 18.69.052 'special restrictions for development in geologically sensitive areas' of the Vail hazard regulations. Additional living space may be built on the east, or Gore Creek side of the house. This space will not be affected by the avalanche. Report prepared by, Cbruww Arthur l. Mears, P.E. Avalanche-control engineer tJ-t4ct'Zt<Xt I I :56PM F RLllrl b6 tr<: :-- "9 trH ,,4 E5 =+..>3.;c: d,z< 3R; sE/ lHo tre el ["tt ;E a s ll s z ( -l L ilI v s .l 3lo LF g lvatancfrJ Impact I Surfaces ) - f"*g,ff / \ FIGURE 1. Plan view of the existing and proposed Thomson house, showing with a bold line, the walls subject to impact. The special design recommended will also protect the house from the rare debris flow event. (From V Ag, lnc. drawino of 8/6/01. 2''*" .a I to t""t at the top of expoied walls. SEGMENT DYNAMICS Thomson Residence (Pat Walsh) Starting Zone Volume:A(m2) D(m) V(m3)19500 1.2 23400 NP(szone) m3/NP 602 38.9 Hs(m): Defl Ang: Defl, Rad. o(m3/s) W(m) 146 353 790 1081 1684 1538 873 s82 208 83 1.0 90.0 1.6 Segment: width: Packet 1 z ? 4 R 6 7 I o 10 Ha(m) 0.09 0.31 0.55 0.79 1.?4 1.16 0.73 0.55 0.18 0.09 Shed L 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 150 Tmin Tmax dT(sec) Vmean NP 67.08 68.95 1 .87 10.43 68.9s 70.82 1.87 7.51 70.82 72.69 1.87 9.6 72.69 74.56 1.87 9.15 74.56 76.43 1.87 9.04 76.43 78.3 1.87 8.82 78.3 80.17 't.87 7.94 80.17 82.04 1.87 7.1 82.04 83.91 1.87 7.72 83.91 85.78 1.87 6.14 Vol(m3) 7 272 17 661 38 1477 52 202'l 81 3149 74 2876 42 1633 28 1088 10 389 4 155 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Density Pn(kPa) Pn(psfl Hs(m) Hclimb(m) Hclimb(ft) Pndefl(psf) 150 16.3 341 .1.0' .;3.9 't2.7 341 1qn- R6 177 '.',i1.0. .'2.g ,,.9.0' ',,11 - -'.-l 1s0 13.Si 289 1 .0 3.9 12.8 289 150 12.6 262 1.0 3.9 12.9 262 150 12.3 .'256 150 11.7 2M 1.0 . 4.1 13.6 , 2M 150 9.5 19E 't.0. 3.3 11.0 198 150 7.6 158 1.0 -' 2.e 9.3 .'158 150 8.9 187 1 .O 2.7 8.9 187 150 5.7 118 1..0 ,-,2.1 6.7. 1't8 Defl Angle 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Pnd (kPa) 0.0 0.'l 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 Shed Angl Pna 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 nd+na(kPa Pnd (psO Pna(psf) nd+na(psO 0.1 0.5 0.8 1.2 1.8 1.7 't .'l 0.8 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 1.3 2.1 2.0 't.2 0.9 0.3 0.'l 0.6 1,',| 3.0 3.9 6.0 5.4 2,E 1.6 0.6 0.2 2.9 9.6 16.9 24.2 38.2 35.8 22.5 16.8 5.5 2.8 3.5 10.7 19.9 28.1 44.2 41.1 25.3 18.4 6.2 3.0 Spreadsheet, showing derived avalanche-dynamics details at the Thompson House near the end of ihe Waterfall avalanche path. ProJectName: TL5n,5o6 DRBI{umber: DR8010253 Prcject Descriptionr addition of lower level below area of exlstlng deck & beyond; stairs to be added, addltion of 80 sq ft of storage; convert bed/bath area back to a garage Participants: owNER THOMSON, DAVID E., ALFRED E.08/13/2001 DARREN D. & BETTY J. 130 GAYLORD DENVERCO 80206 APPLICANT Pat Walsh, VAG, Inc. 08/13/2001 Phone: 970-949-7034 P.O. Box 1734 Vail, CO 81658 Project Addrcss: 3897 LUPINE DR VAIL Location: 3897-A Lupine Drive Legal Descrlption: Lot: 4-A Block Subdivisionl BIGHORN 1ST ADDnON Parcel Number: 2101-111-0201-5 Comments: BOARD/SIAFF ACTION Action: D(PIRED Date of Approvah Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail sbff and/or the approprlate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN)I DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Buildlng personnel prior to construction activities, MoUon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Planner: Sill{lbsoa qRB Fee P 14 S50.00 flJG, L3.?@@t 1Z: 13PN f'€. 158 P , L/ !? ?$or'ozq5 LaationdthePmpcat: btCAgockr I Subdivbnnt Phfical AddrG6: Parcd tto,: QlOl lll O? O lb /tcira*Elgte ft. Assesorat y0-32$,8640 for parcrt no.) Zonins; ?,g;Wl^l - -ilamqs) of Orner(s): MeillngA4lress: OrDs(s) Slgnaturu(s): Natncof Apglisnt: llallingA!64s; TypcotRcvhwand tcar tr Ntr|onsll$iqr E, roaum B fqhsAlGration O CtE Ees bApprov€d Plarr fz00 150 t20 f20 For conruuctln d a mn tuildho r tum/ruhxld. Fo an addtion wherc squac fDbgE b ffi b ily rEsfil€ntld or cmrrErtC hrlding (idrdcs 250 addthns A hftrhr s.n cr!ioG). For mir$ ch'|gcs to hrk!ry artd srte frptorrerncnb, rucfi a, |€mlft& paltir& wirdow additiors lilrtsEaphg llnG aftt rfiehfq EE, ctL For rsbin b pbff ehtady 4pfo',€d bl, PfdnirS SElt r tfie H|rRs'ErrBqd PIEAS6 5ug]|IT]xts AppttrAtlott, ar st BilnTAt REqJIRs.tStIs ATID l}IE FEE TO THE DEPARII-IBJT OF CO'IiIIXUTY DB/EOil,IEilT, 75 SdrTfl FRO|$rAGE ROAD, VA& @LoRADo 81e7.RtcD AUg 10 2001 Applicatlon for Design Review D+arffi d Ccnrntrfty Dar€hDtncnt t5 Sqdfr Fonbge Roaq Vdl Co{orulo 81657 hl: 970.479.2139 td.:. 9m.qf9.2452 w€D: rww.cl.YaiLco.tE Grns|tl Infurm:tlon: Thle applkaton b lbr arry trojct llquirlng DedEt R6/iav appoval, Any pgjed rcqurirrg d€sign lEYEw mrst rcrei'c apFotol trta b gJunlufq a hriftrg pnrt app0ofm. pnasc 'tttn u'Ur q^Omngt rcqrtrenrnr ttr fre Plucury appoval ttlat b iltFcted, An appflcruon lbr Dccgn Reviatr cinrlot be act@d'Lr|t| il tlquF€d intkm*ion b rccelwd ry uE communtty Det dofftert Ocpttrwtt. The pmFd mry aro ri*o 6 be rcvi$;{ by ote Tswn€orml an{or tlr t'ldming and EwironrtnbN coflinEs'nn, ri*gr nlnicr gorrd rnrwd hri unhrr e bulldtrg Filt k irold and conrtnrc0'qr rmnrrrcr uiltin-otr far d ur eppird. d,thq Regq"et l: AuG.13.aSSl I?t!4Pn NO. 150 P.?/L? QH*ns? Call ilc Plannhg gEff at 429-Zt3E ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAT OR COMUERCIAL SUBITIITTAL REQUIR,EUENTS Ganenl lrfurmaUon: Thg appllcation is rrquired h all pmposab tnvoffiig the addftiqn of GRFA Grc rcsidcntial fl@r area). InB incltdes pmposah for 250 addfioru and interior conversbns. See Tide q qra*er 15 - Gr6 Rcsiirential Floor Araa fur specific rcgulatiln. SBmped Topognghic Sunqf Sfte and Grading Phnr tn&up" PLn* Architecilml Elcvatons. su /, { 9 s tA !.1|gP|l'.C LotslFandb chg,dopesgreaterthan.too4 / trd Mplain,ol Ttes to exisuru E I lei Io ex6urE Dencfmatr, gtrErtt5gHtridfiErforEn!'^iHcHhir infunetlrn mlrst be cbarly 7 sbted on U|e suN€ry 5 Pmpqty boundaries b the nearest hundred$ (,01) d a bot accuncl. Digtrnccs and bearings and a / ht€ll'als (25'), and a n{ninum d me spot aerrtkrs m efricl sitc of dte ftt d 7 Topographic conditions at ty€ tuot contour inttnaE d Exlntng trees or goups d trccs having trunb wrttr diarut€rs of 4' or nto E, as mqF{red fionr s pcint /* t^V&t$lLr>tr, Efieriorcobrand maErial samdes U Arctitettural Floor Phns. Tppognphie runrry:€/ Wet stamp and sbnabrre of a ficensed $Jrveyor { hte of suney 6/ North ar!ry€&d graphtc bar scah g ScaE o(l'=10')r l"=20')s/ Legal dfu--pUon and phX*al address l.{A o/t.d g/ d cl , btb d beariq m$t be sftown. Sho,r existiflg pins or rnnunrerG fdund and ttreir relation*rtp O tn / establbhed coms. 67 Shwt ryht d wsy and properv lines; including bearlrEs, tfrtances and curw inhrmation.g Indicate aI eascmcns identified on the subdivision ph and Ecord€d agein* the pmpt'ty rs i hdisated in tfie tfile report. tJslt.ny easeftEnt rcsbicttns.U SpottladsFs arth" e6c d 6phat, abu S! srcetfrantage at tttc prffiy !( tEnv-firc lbd L€trting Plan* and Cut{hce(s) fur propmd firturcs Trtle r€po(, induding Sclrcdules A & B to rlutry owrrcrstrip and earernenEr Photos d the exlsting sfre and.djacent s8u(ttres, wher€ appficabh. Written appmral trom a condominiun aseoctaton or joint ovner. if applicable SlFspeclft Gohgical rhzard Repo6 f applizbhf The AdminEmbr andlq ORE may rcqure the submision d addlEonal dans, dowing, spdficltions, samples and o$er fir6E hb (ircMhg a rdel) tf &s'ncd nccesary to d#n{ne wh€ther a prcjfit wi[ cornply wth Desrgn Guthli'nes or if ttre intent of the proposal is nd clear.ly Indicated. Plgl*sabmit Afte P) Wds attfie nnffils nMwlfi an ffirst( (*). lrtfur interior conwaions witr no exterior dangc, the submiubl equirtnrer|ts incltde a csnplcte ret d otbung and pmpoSed flmr daru, a tfrle eporl and $nitta approvt ftmr a onomhlun asstrbdon d joht orvner, if applicable. RJG.13.Z@1 12: t4Pr'l r.F. 159 P.3/L? efle foot aborc grdde. Rd( outcroppings arul drer signiftant naHral feafures (hrge boulders, lntermittent sbeaflrt, etr.). All aMng impro,ErnenB (inOuding lbundafion walts, roof oGrhangs, hlildlng oa Envjrqnrntntal Hazards (8. rcclfall, debG flow, alnhncfie, wetlands, nooddain, soi Wateraourse setbacb, if applicable (show centerline and edge # sfcar oi creit inE Eluired sbeam or cr€ak setback) Show oll titiliU ilEter bcabons, incMing any @estab on gfre or in Bre rlglrtd-wey adjaceflt t0 tie si6.hact hcation of crcsting utility sourcrs and Fopwd seryice lines ftun-their souhe b ttre suucurre. Utflities to inctde:CaU€W Sewer Telepftone waEr Sire and tvge of drainage culrrertr, s-$,aEs. etr. Mjac€nt roadwap labeled and edge of asphaft for bottr sides dthe roadway shown ftr a minimum of 250' in etfier diruction fronr poperty, Sftcand Gnding Phn:d/ Scahd 1'=20'orhr 'y$s r...rf l|r.s[rg rt!n- f t I tt V $ah d 1'=30' T r'.'s.(tr?_!q 19_d. Pmperty and setback lines d7 Eristirg and pmposed easemcnts :7 trf,E-ur€ cnq Proposeo easgn d- An*ing and pmpc€d Erdes s/ L .'\||rY qr|v lJ| uPr.Eg|', grol ( ErbtitE and ptofed lalsit d buiHings ard otrc sr'rlctlrcs irdudhg dcclc, patios, turces and wab. 7 Intticate the tuundation with a dashed lirc and tie mtr edge with a solil [ne.C A|| FA06ed mf fife lnes widr propced ri4e eH:aim. Irdtd oGsts ard propceO grddes *rornn / undemeath alt rcof lines, Thb will be used to calculaE hritding height d Pmpoced dri'tsryays, indudltp pcrcct sbpe and spst eh,atims at tie tr@rty tlne, garage slab ard as / necesery ahng fn centerlirc Of the drivervay to acculatcly reflcct grade. [t , A 'l wue unheated coffireE pan at the edge of sphah for drivEyays $it edt tl|e sbeet ln an uphitl 7'direcbion.d locatbns of atl utilities induding odsting gqurces ond proposed seilir lin€s filtr squrces b the r gtructures. d7 e@surface drainag€ on ard off-sde.g. t-Gation of landscapcd areas.d/ l-ocadg| of lln{s ddbhrrbame hncing d/ Location of atl cquircd parhr€ spaces gl Snow storase aEas. !.1|, o Pmposed Oimpster ncatnn and detail sf durnpster errclosure. NA o Reralnlng walb wr$ proposed dsatiorp at @ a|d botbm of walb. A detaiH cross€acdol and e&vation dnwlngs shafi be prayUd on $e plan or separitte she€t, Smped €ngir!€cring drauings Bre - r a rcguircd fur walls betrveen q'rnd 6'tsct in height. [LI\ o odin€at! tr€a5 to be phascd and lppmpriifte timing, f applicable landccrpr Pbn:o Scahoft"=2 { v d /,g -€rr. Electrk q LandEcape plan mugt be drawn at tfie safi€ scah as tfie siE pbn.q Locatbn 0f €xi*foE be€s, 4' dhmeter or bger. lnrtrcate trces b ndnah, to be rdocaEd (hcfuding ncry ladbn), end to be r"ru\r€d. Lrrge stands of tccs rflry D€ sftown (as buFAb) f Urc *raiO b ffi being #ecEd b tha goped lnprwrments arrd grading.q IndL"E all existing ground over and sirubs.a Demikd l€end, lbthg fiG type ard size (calipcr frr decfttuuls sees, height for confas, gallon size br shrubs atd height lr fuundrtion shrubs) d all the oristirp and propccd funt ,nrtalat irdtding Sound €6€f.o Odineate crfti€al mot zonc for existing trees h ;bc Foxinify b siF grditlng anat eonsfnrtion;o kdicatc thc loetbn of a[ popsed Dbmings.o The locadon and t},pc d exidng ard proposcd wataing sysufrs to bt em$y€d in caring br ptant HJG.13.2m1 le:15Pr'r l'(). 154 P.4/ L? Pd maErial following ils insEllaton.a Exbting and t,fopo6ed contour lines. Retainlrq walF shalt be hduded wt0r fie bp of wall and ttre bottonr d wall ele/atons noted. Archilccurref Ffoorptens: ffi)d, kafe of l/8" = 1'ortarsec V{ E Dr€ftfl€t(?Ab''= l'- e' -/v rnr p66 of the propced dadopfli€nt dawnEffifitrfrilfiimensbned, Foor ptans and bulding / elevauons must be drawn at the same scate. d7 Chrty indkate on he floor plnns tle inslde face of the exterior structural walb of the building.d/ LaDel floor platrs to itdicaE the pmpmed lloor arur use (1.e. betr@m, kirtren, e&.).d Onc set of floor phns must be 'r€d-tincd" indkating how the grms rcsidential floor area (GRFA) was / c,,tutlaFd, see TlUe 12, Chapter 15 - Groas Resitentnl Fbor Arcr tor regulahm.O Ptoyith difiEnsions of all roof eaves and orcrhangs. A#htttctu6l Clevations:d, fute of tiS" = I'or hrger; l/4" is p 7 ft &;dft "r d''e pd;&ti""ifi;ih;dirnensioned. The derration dnwlngs mu* snow bofi existing and finlgh€d graftS. Fbor plans and buiuing elaratbns must bc drawn at the same scale.t\ft o If buiHing faces ae pmposed at anghs not rtprcsenGd wrll on tfte nomnl buiHing ebrations, show 7 hesefuc€ also.d/ El€vations $rall show proposed finished etevation d floors and rods on a[ Iercb" |1/ All e(erbr matrrrab and coloR shan be specified on the ebntbns.d the fobwiry shall be stqwn gnphtEly and fuly dirnarrioncd: f&h, trin, raltrrEs, drirney caps, nretlr focrtols,andwindowdctarls. ,€>, t\A ry Show all proposed eterior lighting futures on the buiHin{.farQ &JAAI d ltfustneafl d€Cf$, porctresand bakon€g. %NA o IndEate the rwf and hribhg drainage systern (i.e. gutt€rs and dornspouB)F\, idWuXA\NA q hdhat€ all roffiop mchanical slaterm ad all oder rod srucur€s, if app[ddF+-AJ NA tr nlustr|E pto06ed buiHing hepttdevation on rocf rrnes and rtlges.lDrg.ehcQoQqstndrt coonlFrae with he finshed floor elevahbns and tfre da$m used fDr$e surwf,-0^chn t4d ') Affi{, q Ederior cobr end nnerFl samples shall be submfted to $ar ancl pr,Marudt6n Re/ierv Boad I rngetmg. lhhting Ph o lfilicateV o Include hebht abore gra&, lurcns output luminous ar€a o AtFch a cut slEetfor qtclr prWSed finure. bukting pcrmit has been isred, and consitrlrctbn b fand befor€ Ur BuiHing sdedule a ftilnhg inspection, two @Lr of Locatin CeffioE survq (Ild)by a rcaistered prpiesbnal must be suhnited. The fufiillng hbmation must be on tfie ILC: Basb of beadrng ard tb b All roperty pins bund ot &riUing fEs b pEpefty (b. dFtances and angks) ther@rEdqu da Eot gErag€ noor cbratinu and all rcof ndgi line ehvatins and utjh'ty servic line as-htilE, gtroiling tlpe o EI g Er o B AI easementr 9tre and *t location guc.13.e6A1 12:16PN l.P. 158 P.7/IZ luaFlnq }latEdrb UST OF PNOPOcED }IATERIALS Tvpe d llatsial gotor Roof Siding Oh€r Wall MaErids Fascia SotrG . Windoffi WittdowTrim Doors DoorTrim Hild or Deck Raib FIues Flashing Chimne6 Trash EncloCurts Grcenhqres Retaining Wrlls Btedor Lrghflng Oficr ilOEE: Flccc specifl tfie manufacture/s ffir and num!tr and atbdt a cotor chip. 4 s(g|er lbtdng rnuLrneet t[elorntlqubtb|E rcgEElirE f9h6ng (scr TiSc 14 - D€ildoflrnt SbndaG). If e,@ior lbhtifig ls propced, plcase IndirirE the numFr oftrrtures andbo0otr on e Scpante ligh[ng phn. lder@ ech florre type and prwirte ttre heigftt above grade, lurneffi qltpnt, luminous area, and atbctl t cut sheet dttte lbht tixhrres. 6 0 N Itlr avfu^ 7 | -_ ll ^Nl\ir tl ,z t\t/ 2 N' M Na ft.G.13.2661 12:17Pf'1 PROPOSED TREES AI{D S}IRUBS No. 159 P.8/t2 PROFTX'ED LAIIDSCAPITIG Eotanlcal tlame fnnmor llarne Quantihr Size NA NA- \EuSnNGTREE ) NR _ To BE REtiovEo/- Minimum RequiremenE br Landscaplng: kciduqs Trces - 2" Glipcr Conffeous Tre - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvoe SauaruFooEoe GRCIJND CO,ER soD SEED IRRIGANOII TYPE OF E]ROSION MNTROL Plerse sgifr otrc landscape tbatrrG (i.e. retaining wdb, fenc, srvlrilning pods, etr.) ilLE, tsP\ Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-24s2 www,ci.vail.co.us October 25, 2001 Pat Walsh VAG, Inc. PO Box 1734 Vail, CO 81658-1734 RE: Thomson residence - 3798A Lupine Drive/Lot 4, Block l, Bighorn l't Addition Dear Pat, The Town of Vail Public Works Department has reviewed the revised Design Review application for the proposed remodel ofa duplex residence at 37984 Lupine Drive. The following issues must be resolved prior to the issuance of final Design Review approval: l. Revocable right of way permit required for all landscaping in Right of way. (existing) 2. Site plan shows rehining wall on east side of home at 2 ft., but sheet A3-1 shows a 5 ft wall - which is correct? Provide starnped engineered drawing from license PE. 3. Third vehicle parking will not work and must be adjusted. Driveway grade is at 12.5%o, driveway is not heated and the max cross slope for parking cannot exceed 87o. If you have any questions or conunents, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173 or Leonard Sandoval, Public Works Department, at 479-2158. Sincerely, 4J-A-4v,/L Bill GibsorL AICP Planner I Enclosure: Revocable Right-of-Way Permit Application tp un'uo'^'o COP Y FIL E Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us August 22,2001 Mark Stevenson 37988 Lupine Drive Vail. CO 81657 RE: Thomson residence remodel - 3?98A Lupine Drive/Lot 4, Block l, Bighom ls Addition Dear Mark, The responsible parties for any application for Design Review are the property owner, the applicant, and their authorized representatives. The Design Review application for the Thomson residence remodel located at 3798A Lupine Drivellot 4, Block 1, Bighorn 1r'Addition identifies the property owners as David and Larah Thomson and the applicant as Pat Walsh, VAC, Inc. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2113 or at bgibson@ci.vail.co.us. Sincerely, -z/./c_ h _ ../r'L- Bill Gibsoq AICP Planner I CC: Pat Walstr, VAG, Inc. {P un"uo"u qUF "?- ZAA| l6:24 FR a-n-ml L.frPt{ --.a-vr i y: raa',lar.!tlt,t t-t2-0I ; l: lDA.a i SILVERTHORNE HP FROM 97A46814@r T0 9499134 ir,ru J!. lJz9r P,A? P.2 it2 UIIUNTIoGATTOI{ UEilT'EAIIO'I 11t'5 brD il b w|fy rtnie .n.b!lu and hcr!fi fr rrn col$rrfn ild rhfl Da U3at ln rurlunrthn w,Ur pridne Wry udtV pnn ud rffirrfi! IEEFU!|!. ThE hdoo |!d rudhtflV !f AilFr* ilr:0rcr trci, ,rt ottin hrrf-ftF a foneld frr* nrt E rrFuld rrd rtflU !v Utt tslwliE uUdG! ltr dr rennqtn e fir at@^Filsn !E otxEsr ''o38r,E:t(El)r70.$r.@t(tI, Cffi6t troi$rr? rulIIC S4MCE I{GTI PREIE NE 6A5 90.{60rnr(u) 468'tlot C€nt cE Htliitlr99ln.s rsYcKFsa-EcrlKrs, flzz=P / ''otrtstta(tst)90.r.0..[65 (fu) c't'Fai! YrdtftFit * AG.RENGT to'.tl.tslr (Elt ?7 o - 262 - (o 3@'tr.7lt7 (ru) ontftE Brl*Fi9p,-i-. €^clt nflf R WA1E I sANrrfnoil usr$crr 9to.ar6.7180 (trt) tt0.rfr6.l089 (hn) OiEGt Fld,{ilhr allTrRrxD8Afo 97O9r9'Dl{ r llzGt) . tflr.9B.trt!firl C'|ffi: FWS$.nl 8-27-a/ y.z 1-o7 8-2t-ot lDlih!.ttor'l frol| CE Ath $"? l| l, d l. U t|G ufflU wrnErUgr tntr trl rUm fiott sd t Oa ldnt qrvlt* rnf rn srslF rn ;rC3--qtuy or ttf, t't|t, ft fmr rd pcrrf fi! Utttt atr g&rr rnt th rtetnfiilsuirod. a !r gdtf c0|ntrot tn cll'rr i,!| tr. ptF.a c$rdttn, t|i uilf nrtrnEm $rf rrt oi{lonft uufrtril[61 ff,6 o*U']GblFeEltriHt tsF bnnarrL tIf, blttt'dl6 Bi|I| tsadr, h.t rffit hlf b!|ctD|tr c[l ltoru' Fn lp h m{ fit [ | ttr rwt*r d !E t||ry cttFrt .|{ 6. $!btt b |t!h| itutffi " toDc?!. !- Tlccrrrillertbr do rltcrnt,|t t!|!'rll dtrrnnilfr D #t. ft*lvrtEilf thr! trr orprtnut t twF rfi.E sfi Tdn C vil @ tlhg h .fU rult i$l oltrf c sU|t |rll*t tf, ffii dvll' l qliT F rt{r h 1rr. AIlSf.I t!!tr.d irr b 4|r|d -Fiilt. ${bthn 0tdct ftr|br r* fi,tlr )ddrs. {- N62Pgeq,S ---Lo-r {- I gt&v | , ?tt?-A iuhrE &vc ' VAIL,' C oLsSA*J 8-zz'o/ llotttr x* TOTfrL PAGE. EE I8 L E*g1x f;c.$sry $Irgetses!$ Lr{fleg b32t-E+40 fer Pctcel f,, EO+IS Af V[lI I t.| 2iot - i t t - o ) --ec,_-!c- pEpltsr lFgLIt dl eriIL LCIIi-0EU llrJs-479,-245'2 .0tS P;81 t.tf Pt0cr I *itt+lftfrrr r: DITE:,,- AFpr,lcrrlon ltusa fi trrtLn$ spT qll]lD **c+tt t t *r*rt *!t *r r.. r tt.. !gtU(!T ftt08illtlffl t'* t f tt ti 't€E A.ddnrec rddrlnerl Iitlng I l-Fluf,rb.lng [ ]-lLcs*rtsEl 6 1-nacrrdnl'caf 1. 1-cittrer -€F . tI Dcaoriptlonr r.ot-f gtoc|q_il- Ftl N*ttM*klr€a5i/W # /1L),Sfauutsn *arcgr-I3 r@ ilcBlrddresgr Deecrl.p,tlont €hgc: I l-f.r t l-Artbtrtl.on of Dlclffttc 'Jnltac *****l+*ftt*t* ll tt#n* t Jlnspatr i f-citaer-Q $uebBr c'f Aaeolrnqdsilon glrltp: #:?r''t'E wel:ngitw tn{ liype ef llrreplrrunsi Cat Appllanpcr.......--- oqc lpsiu*- llocil,/FrU-ct- ri*************i.r.i+i*rr+t*t V,1;15IATIOSS..aa*aa*a**1*a*t*a*J**++.*l*tt*** EEsmrcArt t_--msrlllcrLl s_-*_oCHSRT I I TCtlDlL,r | | * t * rih I !r* i ** til* *****tlttt** tredtrlcal qontrautott Tosn oE ValI Irhonc tlrtnberr nds, ll0" Ins E6l .Pl nlcal @ntriitgtrrrr qfr; sEEr IYIE OF HE8; ilEIE4ilh tr6f,ll11tBE: !Ot{ll{Cr 9tdffimfiSr FPR !* IJ:uB Forl{f - tranrr krr lr3nrnittrt mflno ;'Ff l Tom of ,vall ndE. tto.*- f-hons FUIbat! ; : F-€- I rbrn oF vill Bqg. Phqn6 l$r$arn : f,SCRElSlo! F88r c1#At-ltD bGFOSII! 8OEil FEIffiT FBFB; r@'d z*,e6Lv 0f '15N0f,t5NIJDrlil l-1lt'ld l"roui HdtrA; trta 966T-lB-i'A .t !? **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL' COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0119 Anountz 2O.OO 04/03/9.6 L4'00 palrment Method: cK Notation: PREPAID DRB FEES Init: cD 896-0044 Type: A-BUTLD ADD/ALT sFR BUrLD PE 2101-111-02-0 0 6 3897 LUPINE DR **************************************************************** Tot'al Fee6: 20.00 Total ALI-, Pmt6: Balance: Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES Permit No: Parcel No: I-rocation: This Palment Account Code 01 0000 41331 606.7s 20.00 586.7s Amount 20. 00 g4-a'3-tg96 E1!@8PM FROM PLtrTH RBBFING&CBN5T.4?9245] P.@2 ,i I Sep,temberE, 19gg Pege 2 of 3 for ieel" lce and Wat€r Guard by "Protedo Wrap" over entir€ pit to msnufadurece epenificatlone. Extend rncmbrsne up walls a roof-to-wall junctures. Use mastic as neecied' .Riva $clecf metal thingle$ byvail lilletal $ysterns. use starter and as needed. DFNT Plattl the upon interior be h6fd pri€, will b€ agent.s of vail Fe cut pfoper allqv fior rnerket 3O dqyg. 1l etegr of 12" 3l hsthl prefinished flashings (color to matctr. roofing panele) and trim as ne i"mpf{:e ;ystem. Flashing q.,toi to be selec{ed by thg contracilor from the mar stand{rd color charts, +l het*t . rcll vento at att ridges that have €xisting "vent-a+jdga'. Thp plywood ULcf i.S" ori either side of the ridge at the 'roll venf location$ to allflt/ ventilTron. , , ' Pdce forwort rr sPeciffed above; \ D|ri;afld QualificstioF: rgof il ncrt a *oU root. ThG 'roll venf descflbed in 4l abcn6 i8 to of the rafter gpae; to control condensation. off existing cedar shake roofing and removE all debris ftsn the *ion wilt keep the iobsite ae claan aa possible and pradical tion. and a thorough cleaning of Pleffr's work areas will ho ped Pleth Con$trrction will take allreasonable gecautions to protect ilb $uilding fforfi water and weather. Honever, Plath Constnuc*ion shall r ble frfr anyJnterior damagc sustain6d ftom leaks caueed by sudden and/or Itnat 6ccur during the tear off phase sf this work Inspfc* the plyrmod for welet damagc, and feplece as needed. TttG ircrh if r,6qulreO, will be an additional cturge over and a!9y9 the wilt Oe cterged at the rate of f ,1.86 p6r square foot No additibnal wihout prior notificdion d, and aritrrorization from, the owner or construdion will provide sll insurance atd permits required by ihe T I SB'J ZE!Z6LE 01 'LsNof,t5Nijoou HIUId NoUl t.ld66:iE 966\-tE-Fg t Pagp 3 of Wntcrvork is notfigured in th're proposal. Gonstruction canies prop€rty damage liability inzurance in rle O.0O per osurenco. Pleth Construs{ion caniee auto insuranae in mo $a,(),000.tn. Flath Construction carieB eppropriate Workrnsl's Cr l ttrrp,ugh Colorado Sterte CompensEtbn' No qilF.r indurnnee in our pice, and if required, the additionalco6t shall be aCdgd to receipt of the sntrac,t price, Plath Gonstruc{ion will iseue a u,anenlY eim monng agningt l6aks clue to flafs in worlmanghF for a peflod.of l!-'!!''_1e..--- ti, Oet6 * roofing completion Leaks qualifoing under the term$ of sa6 $ eCaired promptly * no cost to the'orrrir.- This wananty dgbs not ic contmct y9ar5 ty \idll r eny . Fg'd zgvz6Lv B1 '15N0)39NIJ0DU HrHtd t-louj hldEtr tria gaar,'ta-w o NOTE: THIS PERM]T MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES TO'IVN'OFVAIL Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX e70-479-2452 3897 LUPINE DR 2101-111-0 2-00 6 Status... Applied,. Issued. . . Expires. . ISSUED o4/03/te96 04/a3/we6 0e /30 /tee 6 APPLICANT CON?RACTOR OI,]NER Job Address Location... Parcel No..Project No. PLAT}I CONSTRUCIION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 81620 PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAr{ER 5920/ AVON CO 81620 STEVENSON MAUREEN M 7242 OLD POST RD, BOULDER CO 8030I Phone: 3039491905 Phone: 3039491905 Description: TEAR OFF EXISTTNG ROOF INTALL METAL ROOF Occupancy: R3 Type construction: Sing).e Family Residence Valuat,ion:22,916 Add Sq Ft: F i replacc Infornation: Rlstricted:#0f Gas AppI iances:#0t cas Logs:f,of tlood/Pa t tet: ****ttffiffi***f,|#ttlditft*'t*li*****th#i'*lt*ir:Jc**** FEE SUl|llARY ffrt#t*****ffit*ti**ffi***********ftf**r**t*ffi*r* 8ui lding-----> P tan Chcck---) lnvest i gat ion>!itt Ca L t----> 275.00 17E.75 RestuEr3nt P (an Rev i ev--> DFB teF-------- .0O RecreEt ion Fee---------->.00 Torrl Pernit Fee--------> .0O Total Catculated Fees---) 5 0.00 additionaI Fces-------t o90. a ) .00 o\Jo - r) Clcbn-Ur 0egosi t-------->10c.00 TOTAL F:ES------ *Jrl*f,#tffi***irtrtffi**ffr'.ff**i'ril*t***,*****fi#****,ii*lr*r**r*Jri#r'rt*H*ffiffi# Paynents-----* Itenri .051q0 BUILDJNG DEPARTMENT DepE: BUILDTNG Division:04/03/1996 CHARLIE tcrion: AppR CHARLIE DAviS- -- It'e.m:'05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT I)eDt: pI,ANNTNG r'!iwicinnr I!e,4i"q5{q0_qll,NNrNG DEPARTMENT Depr: PLANNTNG Division:04/03/I996 CHARLIE Action: APPR PER LAUREN I^i..Itbm:' 05600 FIRE DEPAR?I'iENT Dept: FIRE Division:Item: 0s500 pUBLIc I,JoRKs Dept: pDs-wonx Dlni;Ioii: **ff *,httf*ffi ffi {ffi **t*ffi ffi i.ffi r*ffi #lffi***Hffi r*tirt**tffi *t****t"hffi t**.r***rfr rffi fi see Page 2 of thi.s Document, for any conditions that rnay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I . hcrtby .a cknov tedgc that J hrvc rcrd.this apptication, tilted out in ful,l, the infornation requirrd, Plan, .nd stata that a[L thc lnfornation providcd as required ig correct. I agree to conply riitn tna to conpty t{ith stt Topn ordinlnccs rnd statr [avs, and to build thls structurc rccordinq io/th Tosn,codcs, dlsign rev'lev approved, unifonn Buitding codr rnd othcc ordinanccs of tha rovn a[q;ig6tc tfi REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIOIIS SHALL BE IIADE THENTY-fOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4 TURE ?r ^rn.uo ru*!t cotnp(!ted an rccurut" ptot ion snd plot ptan, subdivislon ing snd Send Clcah-Up Deposit To: a Page 2 ..ffiw$0FvA#,*************************************************************** 75 South Frontage Road Wi]frilva#o 8$0tr-0044 CONDITIONS as of 04/05/96 Deparnnent of Community Development Status---: ISSUED **9V0-1f9-2l.W4Wt<7139****J.***********:l**************************************rk****** FAX 970-479-24s2 Pennit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUII,D PERMIT Applicant--: PLATH CONSTRUCTION 3 039 49L90s Job Address:Location---t 3897 LUPINE DR Parcel No--: 2101-111-02-006 Descript5-on: TEAR OFF EXISTING ROOF INTALL METAL ROOF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. F]ELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DE?ECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. {g "n"uo'.uu Applied--: 04/03/te96 Issued---: 04/03/t996 To Expirez A9/3A/L996 ************************** * * ** * ** * * * * *'**'l* * *** * * * *********a *** TowN oF VAIL, CoLoRADO statemnt * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * statemnt Nurnber: REc-0120 Amounti 586'75 04/05/9.6 10:59 Pa)rment Method: CK Notation z *L7262 Init: CD 895-0044 Type: A-BUTLD .A'DD/All sFR BUrLD PE 2101-111-02-006 3897 I,UPINE DR 5UO. /f ******************!t*********:************************************ o *** Permit No: Parcel No: Location: This Payment Account, Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 4L336 Total Fees: Total ALL Prnts: BaLance: Description BUITDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIE!' FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WII-,I, CALL INSPECTION FEE 606.7s 606.75 .00 Amount 275.O0 30.00 t78.7s 100. 00 3.00 \e'\r'15 I TL Ctuwwv'"q' . TPb dzr'o'*n {dFr, b - t October 17, 1995 4ppeat of a Design Review Board decision to deny an application to reroof the Stevenson residence, using a metal roof, located at 41g7 Lupine Drive/ Lot 4, Block 1, Bighorn Subdivision, 1st Addition. Applicant: Mark and Maureen Stevenson, represented by Erich Hill BACKGBOUND on october 4, 1995, the Design Review Board (DRB) denied a request for a reroof of the Stevenson residence. The roof is currently cedar shakes and the ipplicant wishes to go to a metal panel roof. The proposed roof is made of metal panels that are folded and lormed to give the appearance of individual shingles. The proposed roof is a dull gray, similar in color to the existing wood shakes. The DRB denied the request because they believe that this material is not compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. The Stevenson residence is located on the downhill side of Lupine Drive and the roof is visible from the road. The Design Guidelines allow metal roofs as an acceptable roof material. Section 18.54.0S0(C)6 states the types of roofing material allowed: "Roof surfacing materials shall be compatible with the site and surrounding buildings. The predominant roof materials utilizied shall be wood shakes and their uJe is strongly encouraged. The use of'metal roofs is acceptable, however, in no instance will metit- roofs which reflect direct sunlight onto an adjacent property be permitted. lf metal roofs 3r9 ysed, they shall be surfaced with a low-gloss finish or capable of weathering to a dull finish. Metal roofs shall generally have a standing seam in order to provide some relief to the rool surlace and be of a heavy gauge. Asphalt and fiberglass shingles shall be permited provided that they weigh no less than three hundred pounds per roofing square foot and are of a design and color to be compatible with the requirements of Section' 18.50.050.' Due to concerns regarding the fire risk of wood shakes, the statf and the DRB has recognized the need for changes to the Design Guidelines of the zoning code (chapter 18.54) that removes the emphasis of wood shakes as the prefered roofing material and increhses the acceptance of the more fire-retardant synthetic materials, such as metal and asphalt shingles. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Town Council Community Development Department o STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Town Council overturn the DRB'S decision to deny this application, and allow the Stevenson's to use the proposed metal panel roof. Stalf believes this'ii an acceptable roof material and that it would be compatible with the neighborhood. f :\ewrl,ongkounci l\momos\Btevenso,o | 7 I \o'\T-ts fL ov*w*d p(t'?, &uvwsn {d\-a G - t October 17. 1995 Appeal of a Design Review Board decision to deny an application to reroof the Stevenson residence, using a metal roof, located it +t SZ Uupine Drive/ Lot 4, Block 1, Bighorn Subdivision, 1st Addition. Applicant: Mark and Maureen Stevenson, represented by Erich Hill BACKGROUND on october 4, 1995, the Design Review Boarcl (DRB) denied a request for a rerool of the Stevenson residence. The roof is currently cedar shakes and the applicant wishes to go to a metal panel roof. The proposed roof is made of metal panels that are folded and formed to give the appearance of individual shingles. The proposed roof is a dull gray, similar in color to the existing wood shakes. The DRB denied the request because they believe that this material is not compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. The Stevenson residence is located on the downhill side of Lupine Drive and the rool is visible from the road. The Design Guidelines allow metal roofs as an acceptiable root material. Section 18.54.0S0(C)6 states the types of roofing material allowed: "Roof surfacing materials shall be compatible with the site and surrounding buildings. The predominant roof materials utilizied shall be wood shakes and their use is strongly encouraged. The use of metal roofs is acceptable, however, in no instance will metil roofs which reflect direct sunlight onto an adjacent property be permitted. lf metal roofs are used, they shall be surfaced with a low-gloss finish or capable of weathering to a dull finish. Metal roofs shall generally have a standing seam in order to provide some relief to the roof surface and be of a heavy gauge. Asphalt and fiberglass shingles shall be permited provided that they weigh no less than three hundred pounds per roofing square foot and are of a design and color to be compatible with the requirements ot Section 18.50.050." Due to concerns regarding the fire risk of wood shakes, the staff and the DRB has recognized the need for changes to the Design Guidelines of the Zoning Code (Chapter 18.54) that removes the emphasis of wood shakes as the prefered roofing material and increases the acceptance of the more fire-retardant synlhetic materials, such as metal and asphalt shingles. TO: FROM: DATE: SU&JECT: MEMORANDUM Town Council Community Development Department STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Town Council overturn the DRB'S decision to deny this application, and allow the Stevenson's to use the proposed metal panel roof. Staff believes this is an acceptable roof material and that it would be compatible with the neighborhood. f:\svsryo ne\counci l\rn€mos\stevenso.o | 7 VAILTOWN COUNCIL 6;30 P.M. 1. 7:30 P.M. 2. 7:35 P.M. 3. 7:40 P.M. 4. Steve Thompson 7:55 P.M. 5. Russell Forrest Jim Curnutte TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1995 6:30 P.M. lN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS EXPANDED AGENDA Administrative Hearing On People's Ordinance No. 1. Citizen Participation. Consent Agenda:A. Ordinance No. 17, Series of 1995, first reading of an ordinance repealing and reenacting Ordinance No. B, Series of 1973, Special Development District No. Z, The Marriott Mark; amending an approved Development Plan for Special Development District No. 7; amending the Title of the Special Development District to the Maniott Vail Mountain Resort SDD in accordance with Chapter 19.40 of the Vail Municipal Code; located at 71S West Lionshead Circle/Lots 4, 7, C, and D, Block 1, Vail/Lionshead Third Filing; and setting lorth details in regard thereto. B. Resolution No. 23, Series of 1995, a resolution designating additional signers on an imprest checking account for Library deposit transactions for the Town ol Vail with Russ Johnson and Kathleen Winfield as signers on that account, permifted by the Charter of the Town, its ordinances, and the statutes of the State of Colorado. Ordinance No. 20, Series of 1995, first reading ol an annual appropriation ordinance: adopting a budget and financial plan and making appropriations to pay the costs; expenses, and liabilities of the Town ol Vail, Colorado, for fts fiscal year January 1, 1996, through December 91, 1996, and providing for the levy assessment and collection of Town ad valorem propefi taxei due for the 1 995 tax year and payable in the 1996 fiscal year. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Approve Orctinance No. 20, Series of 199s. BACKGROUND RATION : The Council has been reviewing the 1996 budget for several weeks. The ordinance summarizing the expenditures is required by statute. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Ordinance No. 20, Series of 1995. Ordinance No. 19, Series of 1995, first reading An ordinance to change the zoning of 67 properties in the Town of Vail from their current zoning tb the Natural Area Preservation District, Outdoor Recreation District, or the General Use District (See Exhibit A). ACTION HEOVESTED OF COUNCTL: Review the proposed changes and then approve, disapprove, or change the proposed rezontngot 67 properties. BACKGRPUND RATIONALE: On August 22,'tgg4,staff received approval iv irilcirr"i iirc iexi ui Cnaprer l8.su, ureenDelt and Natural Open Space District (GNOS) and Chapter 18.36, pubtic Use District (pUD), of the Vail Municipal Code, and to create a new Chapter 18.33, Outdooi Recreation District (OR). These text amendments and the proposed zoning changes, as identified in Ordinance No. 19, are intended to insure that the uses allowed in these zone districts are consistent with their purpose statements, and that properties throughout Town, especially those with open space characteristics, are located in the appropriate zone district. The plarining and Environmental Commission reviewed the proposed zoning changes oi September 24, 1995 and voted 4-2-'l to recommend appr6val oithese changes. The two dissenting members stated that they wanted parcel #21 o (proposed par 3 site) to be rezoned to the General Use District. Staff also rwiere! issues and public comments conceming the proposed rezoning of the Ml Bell site (ffia). The PEC fett strongty that the entire Mt. Beil paicel should be rezoned to the General Use District as per the statf memo. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Stiaff recommends approvalof Ordinance No. 19, Series sf 1995. Ordinance No. 21 ,.Series of 1995, first reading of an ordinance amending Section 5.04.120 Transfer of License and Section 5.20.100 Exemptions; and setting forth details in regard thereto ACTfON REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve/modity/deny Ordinance No. 21, Series of 1995. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: 1) Council requested statf to prepare an ordinance that would allow some relief from the Annual Business License fee when a new owner occupied an existing space and began a new operation in a space that a prior owner had paid the annual business license tee. 2) Council requested statf to prepare amendments to our special events license to guarantee that exempt, non-profit organizations will significantly benefit from such special events. This direction was provided as a result of a special event that was perceived to be nothing more than a retail sales event that did not provide significant benefit to an exempt organization. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1) Statf recommends a more equitable approach is to prorate the annual business license fee for the initial year of operation. 2) Staff advises that the change may significantly impact special events and sales tax revenue from those events. Ordinance No. 14, Series of 1995, first reading of an ordinance providing for the malor amendment of Special Development District No. 31 , Golden peak House; amending an approved development plan for Special Development District No. 31 , in accordance with Chapter 18.40 of the Vail Municipal Code; located at 278 Hanson Ranch Road/Lots A, B, and C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing and a portion of Tract E, Vail Village Sth Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Applicant is requesting that Council rescind the action taken in regard to this Ordinance on September 19, 1 995. To Rescind the previous action there must be a motion made by a Gouncil member who voted with the prevailing side upon first reading. lf such motion to rescind carries, then Council can reconsider the ordinance. 9ACKGROUND RATIONALE: On September 1 1, 199S, the planning and Environmental Commission voted (by a vote of 4-2, with Armour and pratt opposed) to recommend approval for the applicant's requests. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The statf recommendation is for approval of the applicants request to modify the density section of the SDD, with regard totheoverall numberof dwellingunits. Additionally,stiatf recommendsdenial of the applicanfs request to modify the density/GRFA portion of the proposal. Please see the attrached staff memorandum, dated September 1 1 , 1995, to the Planning and Environmental Commission. Ordinance No. 18, Series of '1 995, tirst reading of an ordinance amending Section 9.22.101A. which contains the definition for larceny. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve, modify or deny Ordinance No. 18, Series of 1995 on first reading. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On Juty 1, 1995, the State definition for theft was amended by increasing the value of the thing involved from 9300 to $400. lt is necessary for the Town of Vail Ordinance to remain consistent with the State provision, STAFF RECOMMENDATTON: Pass Ordinance No. 18, Series of 1995. o 8:40 P.M. 6. Tom Moorhead Steve Thomoson 9:10 P.M. 7. Mike Mollica 9:55 P.M. 8. Tom Moorhead 10:05 P.M. 9. George Ruther 10:10 P.M. 10. Lauren Waterton 10:25 P.M. 11. Lauren Waterton A request for a 30-day extension of the hearing process on the appeal of the Cook 250 addition proposed at 1012 Eagle's Nest Circle/Lot 2, Block 6, Vail Village 7th Filing, The applicant, Mr. Cook, is requesting that the appeals process hearing be extended form the October 17, 1995 Vail Town Council meeting to the November 21 , 1995 evening meeting. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve or deny the applicant's request for a 30-day e)dension of the appeals process hearing. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On September 27, 1gg', the Town of Vail Office of Community Development received a written requ€st lrom the Cook's adjacent property owners, Tom and Flo Steinberg, requesting that the Design Review Board decision to approve the Cook 2SO addition be appealed to the Vail Town Council. Pursuant to Section 18.54.090(c), appeal to Town Council, the Vail Town Council may grant a 30-day extension to the appeals process if the council find that there is sutficient information available. The applicant is requesting that the appeals hearing be extended to the November 21 ,1995, Vail Town Council meeting to provide the opportunity for the applicanfs architect and legal counsel to be present at the hearing. Statf is of the opinion that the unavailability of the bpplicanfs architect and legal.counsel be interpreted as insufficient information. SJAFF RECOMMENDATION: Upon consultation with Town Attomey, Tom Moorhead, staff would recommend that the Vail Town Council grant an approval of the applicant's request for a 30-day extension of the appeals process hearing due to insufficient information. An appeal of a DRB decision to deny an application for a reroof of the Stevenson Residence, located at 3897 Lupine Drive/Lot 4, Block 1, Bighom Subdivision, 1st Addition. Applicant: Mark and Maureen Stevenson. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Uphotd/reverse/modify rhe DRB,s decision. BA9KGROUND RATION : At the October 4, 1995 DRB meeting, the DRB passed a motion to deny (4-1) a request for a reroof at the Stevenson residence, replacing cedar shakes with a metal roof. The DRB based its denial on the incompatibility with the surrounding neighborhood. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Statf recommends that the DRB decision be ove(umed and the request to reroof using a metal roof be approved by the Town Council (see the attached memo for a complete discuision). A request for a 30-day extension of the hearing process on the appeal of the Dews demo/rebuild using two 250's, located at 278 Rockledge Rbad/Lot 15, Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant Julie Dews. fhe applicant is requesting that the appeal hearing be extended from the October 17, 1995 Vail Town Council meeting to the November 7, 1995 meeting. ACTION. REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Approve or deny rhe appticanfs request for a 30-day extension of the appeals process hearing. @: Pursuantto Section 18.54.090(c), appealto Town Council, the Vail Town Council may grant a 30-day endnsion to ttre appeals process if the council finds that there is insufficient information available. Julie Dews has requested that the Design Review Board decision to deny the demo/rebuild using two 250's be appealed to the Vail Town Council. The applicant is requestino that the aooeals hearinn he eytenrtaa to November 7, 1995, Vail Town Gouncil meetirij to provide tie opportun-ity for theapplicant to be present at the hearing. staff ii of the opinion that th6 unavailabilig of the applicant could be interpreted as insutficient information. $AEF RFCOT\4MENDATION: Upon consuttation with Town Attomey, Tom Moorhead, staff would recommend that the Vail Town Council grant an approval of the applicants request for a 30-day extension of thelppeals process hearing due to insutficient information. o 10;30 P.M. 12. Randy Stouder 1O:5O P.M. 13. 11:00 P.M. 14. An appeal of the Planning and Environmental commission's (pEC) denial of a request for a density (GRFA) variance to allow for the conversion of attic space to GRFA located at 3130 Booth Falls CourULot 6-4, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing. Appticant: Jeffrey & Eiteen Shitfrin. ACTION HEQUESTED OF COUN,CIL: Uphotd/modify/overturn the pEC's denial of the variance request. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The applicants converted an area above their garage to habitable space (GRFA) without design review approval or a building permit. staff became aware of the unpermitted construction after the Fire Department responded to an alarm at the subjeci property. Construction was on-going when the Fire Department arrived, and no building permit was in evidence. The Fire Department alerted the Community Development Department of the unpermitted construction and the job was red-tagged (stop work order issued) on July 26, 199S. A letter was sent to the applicant requiring that the unpermitted GRFA be removed (copy attached). The applicant decided to request a density variance in an attempt to gain approval to allow the GRFA to remain. On October 9, 199S the PEC unanimously denied (by a vote S-0) the applicant's variance request. The applicant is appealing the PEC decision to the Town Council. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Statf is recommending deniat ol the applicant's request for a density variance. Town Manage/s Report. Adjournment. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING STARTTIMES BELOW: (ALL TIf,ES ARE APPROX|IIATE AI{O SUBJECT TO CHANGE}||||l THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION wfLL BE oN TUESDAY,lon4$5, BEGINNING AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov couNctL OHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL HEGULAR WORK SESSION wlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 111//95, BEGINNING AT 2:00 p.M. lN Tov couNctl- GHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING wlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 117195, BEG]NNING AT 7:30 p.M. tN Tov couNctL GHAMBERS. c:uGENDA.rcE lllll'| TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA REQUEST (Request form must be given to the Secretary to the Town Manager by 8:00 a.m. Thursdays.) MEETING DATE: OCtObEr 17.1995 (Prepare a separate Agenda Request for each agenda item. lf the agenda item will be discussed at both a Work Session and an Evening Meeting, be certain to check both boxes in this section and indicate time needed during each meeting.) I Work Session ! site Visit X Evening Meeting WILL THERE BE A PRESENTATION ON THIS AGENDA ITEM BY NON.TOV STAFF? X No. ! YES. Specifics: WILL THE PRESENTATION OF THIS AGENDA ITEM REOUIRE ANY SPECIAL EOUIPMENT? X No. tr YES. Specifics: WILL THERE BE MATERIAL TO BE INCLUDED IN COUNCIL PACKET FOR THIS ITEM? tr No. X YES. lf yes, is the materialalso forpurh[e-cligEibuliqn? X Yes. tr No. ITEM/TOPIC: An appealof a DRB decision to deny an application for a reroof of the Stevenson Residence, located at 3897 Lupine Drive/Lot 4, Block 1, Bighorn Subdivision, 1st Addition. Applicant: Mark and Maureen Stevenson ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Uphold / reverse / modily the DRB'S decision. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: At the October 4, 1995 DRB meeting, the DRB passed a motion to deny ( 4-1 ) a request for a reroof at the Stevenson residence, replacing cedar shakes $,ith a metal roof. The DRB based its denial on the incompatibility with the surrounding neighborhood. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the DRB decision be overturned and the request to rerool using a metal roof be approved by the Town Council (see the attached memo for a complete discussion). Lauren Waterton Community Development TIME NEEDED: TIME NEEDED:- TIME NEEDED:-15-mtnules Oct B6 ' 1995 12: BBPI'{ PARADICM DESICN Oatober 6, 1995 lown of vail co[[unlty Developnent Depafrnent 75 south Frontagc Road vail, colorado 81557 RE: gtevenson Reroof Dear Laurent On octobF-r 4, 1995 the ne:ign Review Board dcnicd thc rcroof of thc Sitevenson DuFLex at 3897 l,uplne Drlve. (Iot 4. block l, Big Horn Subdi.vislon lst Divieion. vail, eolorado). llhs oltners, l{rrh rnd llaurine Stevenson nould lil(r to appeet thie decieion to the fFown Corrncil, BceauEe the vintrr ie eoninE roon, w6 ttould lllte to dccldc thic natter ss ioorl as poeel,ble, thank you for your tine and afforte. ARCHITECTURE SCUtPTURE INTERIORS FRO14 o 197e,479?o P.A2 Erlch Hill, Architcct 303-499-4252 TOTNL P. B2 835 INC^ PARKWAY BOULDER, COTORADO 80303 tr olgn Review Action Ftl TOWN OF VAIL Category Number ,*" A( | 1,45 ero;ect ruame: 4c \ld t'r'rC Yr Pg f C&f Building Name: owner,Address ^naenon", \'"l,AyV 4 fl\fuV'urceuw (kWqffin 0dr(ArchitecVOontact, Address and Phone: 4q \r,,t, /l Legal Description: Lot 4{ Block Zone District Project Street Address: Comments: Gfr istaftAut o,t Motion by: seconded or,-%, A't tfA ! Approval ,KisaRRrovat ! Staff Approval Conditions: Mc'htrn to *'r\ L i t v vr n lr\tr=[ c,( 1w", Town Planner ox", OCi , 4 , ('\(--- DRB Fee ere-paia '\i l.r), ?-' l t.1'l6cA f/ 74 /94 DESIGN REVI o EW BOARD fttl',:'!ii,,{,;-,,; fffclsrp r r t- APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAII,, COI,ORADO @ DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: ****t***** I. A. i:*lt*****ra* DESCRIPTION: B. TYPE OF REVIEW: D. New construcLion ($200.00) X- Minor ArLerat.ion ($20.00)Addition ($50.00) _Conceptual Review (g0) ADDRESs, bffi1 b-qA. L-WluE- DR. LEGAL DESCRIpTTON: LoL _-4_'-_ Block .l SubdivisionF,+Hras.u1_cl"111dg;i_lrf p,*hs*..- APPLICANT: Address: Phone G. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: l{NAME qF OWNER(S): OWNER(S) SIGNATURE: Mailing Address: APPLICATIONS WILL NO? BE PROCESSED WITHOTIT O''I\IER'S SIGNATT'RE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are to be paid. at the time of submitLal of Ehe DRB applilation. l,^atei, wnen applying for a buildinq permic. prbase identify Lhe accurate valuaLion of Lhe proposal . The Town of vair will adjust ttre fee according Lo Lhe table beIow, to ensure the correct. fee rs paid F'T'F' qrrIJE NIIT.E . ?h P If propert.y is described by description, please provide to Lhis application. a meeLs and bounds on a separa t.e sheeL legal and att.ach E. ZONTNG: F. NAME OF Mai l ing rr) I, ,J. VALUATION ^A \,, I rv, vvv $500, 001 - 91, 000, 000 $ Over $1,000,000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES APPROVAI,J ITNIJESS A BUIIJDING PERMIT IS IS STARTED. ONE YEAR AFTER FTNAI, ISSUED AI.TD CONSTRUCTION FEE + zu. vu $ so.0o1 - $-Tt0;0'0'0 $1s0, 001 - $ s00, 000 $ r.00 . 00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 4t' rr. rrr. A pre-applicaEion meeting wit.h a member of t.he planning sLaff is encouraged to det.ermine if any addicional application information is needed. It is che applicant.,s responsibiliLy to make an appoinLments qrit.h t.he sEaff Eo determine if there are additional submittal reguirement,s.Please note that. a COMPLETE application will sLreamline the revj-ew process for your project. In addition to meet.ing:submittal reguiremenLs, the applicant must stake and tape the project siLe t.o indicate property lines, building lines and buiLding corners. All E.rees Lo be removed musE be Eaped. A1I site tapings and st.aking musL be completed piior to Lhe DRB site visit. The applicant musL ensure that stakinq done during the winter is not buried by snow. The review process for NEw BUILDINGS normalty requires Lr^ro separaLe meetings of the Design Review Board:.a conceptual review and a final review. Applicant,s who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have noc asked in advance t.hat. discussion on their it,em be postponed, will have t.heir items removed from the DRB agenda until such Lime as the it.em has been republ i shed . The followi.ng items may, aL the discreLion of t.he zoning administrator, be approved by Lhe Community Development Departmerit sLaff (i.e. a formal hearino before the DRB may not be required) : a. windows. skyliqhcs and similar exterioJ chanqes which do noL alLer Lhe existing plane of Ehe building; and b. Buildinq additions not visible from any other loE or public space. At the time such a proposal is submitced, applicants must include letceis from adjacenL properLy owners and,/or from t.he agent for or manaqer of any adjacenL condomini.um association sLaLing Lhe association approves of the addiCion. ff a property is locaLed in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfalI. flood plain, debris flow,wetland, eLc.), a hazard study must, be submit.ted and the ohrner must sign an af f idavit recogrnizing the hazard report. prior Lo the issuance of a building permit.Appri-cants are encouraged to check with a TLwn pranner prior to DRB application to determine t.he relaLionship of the property ro all mapped hazard,s. For all resident.ial construcLion: a. Clearly indicat.e on the floor plans the inside face of the exteri.or strucLural wa11s of E,he building; and b. IndrcaLe wi-th a dashed line on the site plan a f our foot. dlstance from the exLerior face of t.he building wa1Is or supporLing columns. ff DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, aII condit.ions of approval must. be addressed prior t.o t.he application for a buildinc permi t. A B. n $*.e.'le-t*', A\{'ra-{'ro'r l-+ +, P5\al, 65 b{ocn 3*ladrvrsto^ O N a6-r ET-E-ZAT Ir>N\ naDSla+c, ar1 U,t*^t 6viri$e.> flf,rD 51a.-{'c- {-ee1 !\ a{t^t lrr.15,Irs 5a+tt{ E.\-EvA-r loH pJin(\.- )fgyV>- ?od^k' Wvw- \ytfuijn f(vw' 'Ug o lquLo+ utnT^*'a"'t,b1 DArt6 <t r4fl+ WX h aa4l/1tuk A7'€'617/x;h'G{ - u,xalhurzz( T\[W fnr't 'hWL' wl '*t* W ^* o-'Wrwahvat't?' rv't*4-1 ,;qwfuyr/tv k h fr*4 vw{tiol )t@u+ . Orub rir ^Y oY W + t' a1o u"wAl^ /-ry,& ur{ ttan4o 4Ef.b +o4 4-t _. ----.:17, ff,'-:: ' |t . - ul.! tt 4lh)ntels r'' (.i,u11st'lt)1\ ttl llttt Janrs Wur. Sror,Rlr- . JoHN D. Goopvnx i' Kennv H. Wellacr August 11,1994 Town Of Vail Community DeveloPment 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, Co. 81657 REFERENCE: Resubdivision of Lot 4,Block one, Bighorn Falls Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed prease find for filing with your ofhce the following: a. Application for Condominium/Townhouse Plat Review; b. Filing fee of $100.00; c. PartYwall Agreement; d. Four original, partially executed Final Plat Maps' please review the enclosed documents at your earliest convenience and upon your initial approval of the same, we will have the mylars prepared and fully.executed and then sent to you. offi." for final approval. Please let me know if you require anything further and thank- vou for vour time and consideration. KHW:kah RI.Ni:|l]'1ARK|]A7'{BltXi..48E.rsrI]tAVl-R(]REI]KBlVD..SLlln2tr].l.t).l)R.\wER5s60.A\1)N'(jos16]r].(](]i) .1 l',1'lij!t,'nLtl (,i,t/)t 't dl i(,t 1 Very truly yours, & GOODMAN, RRY H. WALLACE FfLI OOPY 75 Sourh Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 303-479-21 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 September 1,1994 D e parune nt of Com nt uniry D eve lopnent Kerry H. Wallace Benchmark Plaza Building 48 East Beaver Creek Boulevard. Suite 202 P.O. Drawer 5860 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Fesubdivision of Lot 4, Block 1, Bighorn Falls Condominiums Dear Kerry: Upon review ol your application for the resubdivision of the property referenced above, the following determination has been made by the Town of Vail Office of Community Development planning slaff. 1. lt appears that from the iniormation sent to our olfice your clients wish lo creale o,L separate parcels for fee simple ownership purposes. In order to create separate parcels for fee simple ownership purposes you need to file an application for a duplex subdivision review, rather than an application lor condominium/townhouse plat review. I have enclosed a copy of an application for duplex subdivision review lor your completion. 2. Change the title on the duplex plat from "final plat of Lot 4, Block 1, a t(-, resubdivision of Bighorn Falls Condominiums, Bighorn Subdivision, 1st Addition, Town of Vail, Eagle Gounty, Colorado" to "Duplgl-Plat o!-,-". 3. Indicate on the duplex plat the location of the centerline ol Gore Creek and thej eL boundary of the 100 year floodplain. 4. The note at the bottom of the plat indicates three parcels have been created.6L According to the submitted plat plan, however. only two parcels exist. Please make the appropriate corrections. 5.,y' To verify ownership of the said property, please submit a copy of Schedule A - and B of a title report. nL6. The plat must conlain the following statement: "For zoning purposes, the lots cteated by this subdivision are to be treated as one lot with no more than two dwelling units allowed on the combined area ol the two lots." Mr. Wallace September 1,1994 Page Two 7. All current laxes must be paid prior to the Town's approval ol the duplex plat. ,g The Certificate of Taxes Paid must be signed on the plat or a statement from u the Eagle County Assessor's office must be provided with the submitlal information stating that 4l! taxes have been paid. 8. Provide a note on the plat indicating that the said properties are located in a 6Y' debris flow moderate hazard zone and a high severity rockfall area. 9. Per Greg Hall, Town of Vail Engineer, set pins are needed in the ground to --.(., indicale the new property boundaries being established by this resubdivision n application. ., 10, As submitted, accommodations for vehicular access to each of the respective b'- garages and parking has not been accommodated. Please indicale a vehicular ingress/egress easement to the two properties as well as a cross access agreement for on-site parking. I hope the information stated above will be of help to you as you progress lowards completing your application for a duplex subdivision review. lf you have any questions or concerns with regard to the information stated in this letter, please do not hesitate in giving me a call. I would be pleased to help in any way I can. I can most easily be reached during regular office hours at (303) 479-2138. Sincerely, P'l 4 it ,' /J/^-"f l<vl)'j1-r"/l George Ruther Town Planner Attomels 6 Couflselors 4l Lau) Inurs Wu. Srovall . IoHN D. GooouaN . Krnnv H. Walmce December 28, 1994 HAND DELTVER TOWN OF VAIL Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 REFERENCE: Resubdivision of l-ot 4. Dear Gentlemen: II.,'itLr-1. ) \ - fi{Fr$siru ;'.;rr ||Ec zglgg4 TOV - C0lVlitll, Dtrr, r.nP L Block one, Bighorn Falls Enclosed at your request are five copies of the subdivision plat regarding the above- captioned matter, as well as two copies of the mylars. The application and fee have previously been sent to you. Please don't hesitate to contact Melody Massih or Kerry Wallace of this office if you have any questions regarding this matter. Very truly yours, STOVALL GOODMAN WALLACE, P.C. Diana C. Steverson Secretary :dcs Enclosures BENcHMARK PLAZA BLnc. . 48 EAsr BEAvER CREEK BLVI). . SurrE 202 . P.O. Dnnwer 5860 . AvoN, CO 81620 . (l0l) 949'42Co . FAx (l0l) 949-6841 Stouall Goodman wallace P ( Lr a prck$ional corynr^lion February 14, 1995 George Ruther Town of Vail Office of CommunitY DeveloPment 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 REFERENCE: Resubdivision of Lot 4, Block Condominiums Attorflejs e Counselors al lau' JAMES WM. Srov,ru. JoHN D. Gooot't,q.N . Ksnnv H. \Uar-lece 1, Bighorn Falls , :.. Dear Mr. Ruther: Enclosed are checks for $10.00 and $65.00 made payable to the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder for recordation of the duplex plats and the Party Wall Agreement' A copy of the Titte Report on the property should also be enclosed by First American Heritage Title Company. 1r Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you have any further questions or problems concerning the plats or the Asreement. Very truly yours, GOODMAN WALLACE, P.C. f V1---- MELODY D. MESSNT MDM:hs BENCHMARK PLAZA BLuc. . 48 EAsr BEA!'8R CREEK BLVI). . SurTE 202 . P.O. Dnewer 5860 . AvoN, CO 81620 . (103) 949-4200 . FAX (301) 949-6841 Stouall Goodmun w4llace P.( is u pfttJes\ional corlhr.ttitnl GUARANTEE First A merican Title Insutance Company H721638 Form 1282 -CO 16/89l, cuARAreE COnrDrTroNs AND STTPaIIONS L Dcotltlon of Tcrms Thc following terms when used in this Guarantce mean: (a) "Land ': The land describe4 specifically or by reftrtnce, in this Guannree and improvments afrxed thereto which by lalv constitute real property. O) "Public Records": records established under stAte statutes at Date ofcurrantee for the purpos€ of impaning construcdve nodce of mat- ters r€laring to rsal property to purchasers for value and without know- let8e (c) 'Date": the effective date; (d) "The Assured": the party or panies named as the Assured in drts Guarantee, or in a supplemental writing (x€cuted by the Company; (e) "Mongage": mortgagq d€ed of m.rst, mrst deed, or other s€curity instnrm€nt 2. Erclusions from C.orrrage of r''te Gu,trz tf,'e Thc Company assumes no liability frr loss or damage by reason of the firflowing: (a) Tirxes or ass€ssmcnb Etddr afe not sholr'n as existing liens by the records ofany uxing authority that lcvies ta:rcs or ass€ssm€nB on rsal prop€rty or by th€ public recods. (b) Unpatented mining clairDs; res€nadons or excqrtions in patear$ or in Acts audrcrizing the issurnce thereot vrater righa, dairns or tide to water. (c) Title to any property beyond the lines of the land expressty de- scribed in the description set fcrth in this Guarant€€, or dde to stnoets, oads, averues, lanes, wa)E or watercralc on whidl such hnd abuts, or the right to maintain dlerein vaults, tunnels, ramps or any other smrc. irfe or improvemeot; or an! rif,hts or e:rgements therein unless zudr property, rights of easemens are expr€ssl.v .".d specifically rt focth in said description (d) Deftcts, Uens, encurnbrances, ad\/c(se dairns agairst the titlc as guasrteed or other mafter$ (l) creatc{ suffere4 assumed of agt€d to by one or mor€ of th€ Assuc4 or (2) rcsulting in no loss to the As- sured (e) Any ftcts, righ6 ifteresE or claims whidl are not shor*n by the public records. 3. Prosecudon of Acdons (a) The Company shaU have 6e dgbt at jts opn cost to institute and pros€cute any action or proceeding or do any odrer act whidt kr its opinion rnry be necessary or desirable to establish or corlfrrm the mat- tefs h€f,ein guaranteed; and the Company may take any appropfiate ac- tion under the terrns of this Guarantee wbehter or oot it shall be liabl€ thereunder and shrll not thereby concede liehiliry gl srxin ,nt Oaot- sion her€of (b) In all cases stlere the Company does so insdtute and pros€cute arry action of proceeding, tll€ Assur€d shall permit the Company to use, at its optior! the narne of the Assured for sudr purpose. \Xrhen€r€r re. que*ed by the company, the Assured shall giv€ the Company all reas- onable aid in prosecudng such action or procc€ding, and the Company strll reimburse the Assured for any expenr rc hcurred. {. Nodce of Lo6s - I I'rrtr.don of Acdon. A statement in *Tidng of any loss or danage tot *ttidt ir is claimed the Company is liable under dris Guarantee shall be fumished to the Com. pany widtin sixty days aftcr such loss or .l'rnrge strall hnre b€en deter. mined, and no right of action shall xcclue to the Assured under this Guarantee ufldl &irty days anf,f, srdr sarement *tall harc been fur- nishe4 attd no recovery strll be had by the Assurcd under this Guaran- tee unless action shall be commenced tltereon s/ithin two ycars after er?iradon of said ftirty day p€riod. Failure to fumish such statement of lo6s or damage or to cofirmence suci acdon within the drD€ hereinbefore specifie{ stnll be a conclusive bar against maintenance by th€ Assur€d of any action under this Guardmee. 5. Optton to Fry, S€ttle or Comproeise Claims The Company shall have the option to pay or settle or compfomis€ ftrr or in the namc of thc Assursd arry claim which could result in loss to the Assured within the coverage of rhis Guarantee, or to pay dte full amount of this Guarantee or, if this Guarnntce is issued for th€ b€nefit ofa hotder ofa mortgage, ttrc Company shall hane dre option to pur- chas€ th€ indebt€dness rcuned by said mortgage. Such purdtas€, pay- ment or tender of payment of ttrc full amount of the Guarante€ shall terminate all Uabiliry of the Company hereunder. In the eyent after no- tice of claim has b€en given to the Comparry by the Assued the Compa- ny otre6 to purchase said ind€b'tedness, the owner of such indebted- ness slull transftr ard assign sdd indebtedness and the mongage sccur- ing the same to dre Compary upon pqrnent of ttrc purchas€ price. 6. r lrrrlr',don of Uabiltty - FE'rm€at of Irss (a) The liability of thc Coqpany under rhis Guarantce slull bc limir€d to th€ arnount of actual loss su$uin€d by rhe Assured bccausc of reli- ance upon the assurances herein set forth, but in no ereft shall such li- ability cxceed *re amounr of fie liability stated on the hce pagc h€reof (b) Thc Company v/i[ pay all costs impos€d upon fie Assured in liti- gation carried on by the Company br th€ Assure4 and all costs and at torneys fces in litigation carried on by the Assured witft fie q.riatcrr au. thotization of the Company. (c) No claim for dan:ages shall aris€ or be fiRinEinable uodcf &is Guarantee ( I ) if the Comparry after having recei\ed notice ofan dl€g€d deftcq lien or encumbrance not shoqrn as an Excepdon or cxcluded h€rein rcmoves sudt defecq lien or e-ncumbrance widrin a reasonable time after receipt of sudr notice, or (2) for liability voluntadly as*rmed by fte Assured in sftding any claim or suit widtout wrirt€n consent of the Company. (d) All palmrents under dtis Guannteq erc€pt br anome/s ftes as provided for in paragraph 6@) hereof, strall reduce the amount of the liability hereunder pro tanto, and no payment strall b€ filad€ without producing dds Guarantee for endorsem€nt ofs.rch paym€ot unle$ tbe Gurrantee b€ lost or destroye4 in whidr case proof of such loss or de- struction shall be fumished to dle sadsfaction of the Company. (e) Vhen liabilitf has b€en d€finitely ffrrcd in accordancc rith the conditions of this Gualantee, dre loss or .h'nxge shal be pryibte qrithin thirty daF thereafter. 7. Subrogatton Upon Payment of htlemetr't )Fhenever the Company slull harc setded a claim under ftis Guaran- t€e, all right of subrogation Ehall vest in the Company unaftccd by arry act of the Assured, and it shall b€ $brogated to and b€ entitled to all rights and remedies which the Ass:tlred would harE had aginsf afrf prr- sori or prDpefty in nespect to such chim had tl s Guarantee not b€en issued If the palmem do€s not cover *re loss of the Assurcd, tbe Com. pany sttall b€ subrogated to sudl righrs and remedies in the proportion which said payment beats to thc amount ofsaid loss. Tb€ Assur€d ifr€- questgd by the Company, shall transfer to the Company all rights and . remedies against any pe$on or property necessary in order to perfect such right of zubrogation, and stull p€rmit the Company to use the name of the Assued in any Eansaction or lidgation involving sudr dghts or rem€dics. E. Guarantce Elldre Contrrct Any action or actions or rights of action that th€ Assured miy harc or may bring aginst the Company arisir8 out of the subfct rmner hereof must b€ bas€d on the prcvisions of this Guarantee. No provision or condidon of this Guaranree can be waived or changed except by I writ- irr8 €ndorsed or attached her€to signed by the President, a Vic€ Presi- deqt, th€ S€cretary, an Assistant Secretary or odrer validadng ofrcer of thc Company. 9. Nodces, Vh€re S€nt All notices required to be gircn ttre Company and any starem€nt in writhg required ro b€ fumished the C-mparry shall be address€d to it at ll4 East Fifth Streeq Santa Ana" Califomia 927O1, ot ro the ofrce which issued this GuaranGe. 10. F€e The fee specifed on the hce of this Guarante€ is the total fee br title s€arch and exarnination and for this Guarant€e. OO First American Heritage Title Company P.O. BOX 1980 318 BROADWAY EjaGr.nr co 8L631 4 Dlessenger: P1ease deliver to address circled. * STOVAI-,,L' GOODI{AI'I & WALIACE * P.O. DRAWER 5850 * AVON, CO 81620 ATTN: IMIPDY * * ,t * * * * * * * * * Order No. EG00021895 The attached iten(s) have been forrrarded to all parties as indicated above. TIIAI.IK YOU FOR DOTNG BUSINESS WITII FIRST AI.(ERICAN IfERITAGE TITLE CoMPANY rrThe Company with a Conrnitment to Excellence0 t SUBDIVTSTON GUARANTEE SUBDMSION: DUPIJX PLAT, A RESUBDMSION ORDER NO. 0002L895 or r0T 4, BIocK L, BTGHoRN SUBDIVISION FIRST ADDITION, couNTY OF EAGr.E, STATE OF COI-,ORADO FIRST AI,IERICAN TTTTE INSI'RANCE CO}IPANY a cor?oration, GUARANTEES STOVALL, GOODMAN & I{ALIJICE The county of EAGTE and any City within which said subdivisions located in a sr::n nat exceeding $1,000.00. That according to those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the title to the land incLuded within the exterior boundary shown on the p of the above referenced subdivision, the only parties having any record title interest in said land whose sigmatures are necessary on the certificates consenting to the recordation of said map and offering for dedication any streets, roads, avenues and other easements offered for dedication by said map are: 1. KENNETH P. KENNEDY AND SARA C. KENNEDY 2. CHASE I{ANIIATTAN FTNANCTAI, SERVICES INC. 3. MAUREEN Ij[. STEVENSON The map hereinbefore referred to is a subdivision of: CONDOMINIW I,'NITS A AND B, BIGHORN FAI.IS CONDOMINII'I,IS, ACCORDTNG TO TIIE I.'AP THEREOF FILED FOR RECORD OCTOBER 30, L974, TN BOOK 237 AT PAGE 1.44, AND THE DECI,ARATION RECORDED OCTOBER 30, L974, TN BOOK 237 AT PAGE 143, COIINTY OF EAGLE' STATE OF COI,ORLDO Dated: JANUARY 5, 1995 4Lrr/,,,//t.r-* , Authorized Signature t '' -/r", " PARTY WALL AGREEMENT AND COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, AND RESERVATIONS Eagle County, Colorado RECITAI.S A. Kenneth P. Kennedy and Sara C. Kennedy and Maureen M. Stevenson ("Declarants") are the owners in fee simple of the real property situated in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, described as: Bighom Subdivision, Fint Addition t-nt 4, Block 1, Fagle County, Colorado B. Declarants have constructed on said property, certain improvements, intended for use and occupancy as residential dwelling units and which are divisible into two units, to be designated hereafter as the 'Unit A" and the "Unit B,'. C. Said Lot 4 shall be subdivided into l-ot 4A which shall contain Unit A and into Lot 48 shall contain Unit B. DECLARATION Declarants do hereby publish and declare that the following terms, covenants, conditions, easements, restrictions, uses, reservations, limitations and obligations shall be deemed to run witrr the land described herein, shall be a burden and a benefit to Declarants, their personal represenLLtives, heirs, successors and assigns, and to any person acquiring or owning an interest in the real property which is described herein, and improvements built thereon, their grantees, personal representatives, heirs, successors, and assigns. DEFINTTIONS Unless the context shall expressly provide otherwise, the following terms shall have the following meanings: A. "The Properties" shall mean all of the real estate legally described as Lrt 4A and I-ot 48, also known as Lot 4, Block, Bighorn Subdivision, First Addition, 3897 Lupine Drive, Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, according tb the Map.thereof recorded in Book the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. at Page _ of REC 65.00 - F ;B. "Irt" or "Parcel" may be used interchangeably. C. "Duplex" or 'lBuilding" shall mean the two contiguous dwelling units constructed upon the Lots. 558186 B-662 Sara J. F i sher P-159 02/27 /95 04:22P PG I oF 13 EaEte Count-v Cl-erk & Recorder D. "Unit" shall mean .rny one of the two dwellings comprising the "Duplex"- E. "Owner" shall mean a person, persons, firm, corporadon, partnership or association, other legal entity, or any combination thereof, owning an interest in the Properties. F. "Map" shall mean the engineering survey of the Property by Intermountain Engineering depicting and locating with specifrcity thereon the Ints, Units and other improvements, such land and improvements being herein submitted to this Declaration. Such Map shall be recorded in the office of the Fagle County Clerk and Recorder prior to the recordation of this Declaration. l. DESCRIPTION AND RESERVATION. Every Contract of Sale, Deed, I-ease, Mortgage, Trust Deed, Will or other instrument may legally describe a Unit or real property interest therein as follows: Lat4A or 4B, Bighom Subdivision, First Addition according to the recorded Map thereof and according to the Party Wall Agreement and Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for I-ots 4A and 48 Recorded in Book at Page of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Fqgle County, Colorado. Every such description shall be good and sufficient for all pulposes to sell, convey, fansfer, encumber or otherwise effect the Lot and all appurtenant rights, benefits and burdens tlereto, as created by the provisions of this Declaration, and each such description shall be so construed. This provision shall apply to the Properties as said term (the Properties) is defined in this Declaration. 2. PROPERTY DIVISION. (a) Declarants hereby subdivide the Properties inlo two (2) parcels for ownership in fee simple consisting of Lots 4A and 48, as more particularly described on the Map thereof attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof by this reference. (b) No owner shall bring any action for partition or division of llts 4A and 4B. (c) In the event I-ots 4A and 48 are owned by the same entity, the doctrine of merger shall not apply. (d) The parties, if niore than one, having the ownership of each unit, shall agree among themselves who to share the rights hnd obligations of such ownership; provided, however, that if a corporation, partnership, association or other legal entity shall become an owner, and there shall be more than one entity, having concurrent ownership of a unit, then such entity of concurrent owners shall from time to time designate one individual who shall represent a 8-662 P-159 02/27 /55 O4z22P PG 2 F \1 5 5 8186 oF 13 such entity or conculTent owners in all matters @nceming all rights and obligations pursuant to this Declaration. (e) Any such entity or concurrent owners shall give written notice to the other owners designating the individual to act on its or their behalf, and such notice shall be effective until revoked in writing by such entity or owners. Any act or omission by such designated individual shall be binding on the entity or owners having designated him in favor of the other owner or any person who may rely thereupon. (D Each unit shall be considered a separate parcel of real property and shall be separately assessed and taxed. 3. ENCROACHMENTS. If any portion of Lot 4A or Ilt 48 now encroaches upon the other parcel as a result of the construction of any building, or if any such encroachment shall occur hereafter as a result of settling or shifting of any building, a valid easement for the encroachment and for the maintenance of the same so long as the building stands, shall exist. In the event any building shall be partially or totally destroyed as a result of fue or other casualty or as a result of condemnation or eminent domain proceedings and then rebuilt, encroachments of pads of the building on the other parcel, due to such rebuilding, shall be permitted, so long as such encroachments are of not graler extent than those previously existing, and valid easements for such encroachments and the maintenance thereof shall exist so long as the building shall stand. 4. PARTY WALL. (a) The common wall placed equally divided on ,h" ***on boundary separating I-ot 4A and I-ot 48 the footings undedying and the portion of roof over such wall are collectively referred to herein as the "Party Wall". (b) To tfte extent not inconsistent with this Declaration, the general rules of law regarding parly walls and liability for damage due to 4egligence, willful acts or omissions shall apply to the Party Wall. (c) The owners of either unit shall have a perpetual easement in and to that part of the other unit on which the Party Wall is located, for Party Wall purposes, including mutual support, maintennnce, repair and inspection. In the event of damage to or destruction of the Party Wall from any cause, then the owners shall at joint expense, repair or rebuild said Party Wall, and each owner shall have the right to the full use of said Party Wall so repaired and rebuilt. Notrvithstanding anything 6ontained above to the contrary, if the negligence, willful act or omission of any owner, his family, agent or-invitee, shall caused damage to, or destruction of, the Party Wall, such owner shall bear the entire cost of repair or reconstruction, and an owner who by his negligent or willful act muses the Party Wall to be exposed to the elements shall bear the full cost of fumishing the necessary protection against such elements. -3- 8-662 P-159 02/21/95 04:22P PG 3 ts 558186 oF 13 5. LANDSCAPING. SERVICE FACILITIES. AND PARKING. (a) In addition to each owner's individual obligation to maintain each owner's lot at their own expense, the owners from time to time shall undertake such common landscaping and common general outdoor improvements including, but not limited to, driveway, entry brezeway and parking areas, as they may mutually and unanimously deem proper for the harmonious improvement of both units in a common theme, and, except for any expense of liability caused through the negligence or willful act of any owner, his family, agent or invitee, which shall be borne solely by such owner, each owner shall share all expe.nses, liabilities and general upkeep responsibilities with respe€t to such landscaping and outdoor improvements. The owner of one unit shall not unreasonably damage the value of the other unit such as by shoddy upkeep outside, but both owners shall make all reasonable efforts to preserve a harmonious common appearance of the units. @) Common utility or service connections or lines, common facilities or other equipment and property located in or on either of the units but used in common with the other unit, if any, shall be owned as tenants in common of equal undivided one-half Q/2) interest by the owners of each unit and, except for any expense of liability caused through the negligence or willfrtl act of any owner, his family, agent or invitee, which shall be borne solely by such owner, all expe.nses and liabilities concemed with such property shall be shared proportionately with such ownership. The owner of the unit on which such property is not located shall have a perpetual easement in and to that part of such other unit containing such property as is reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance, rqrair and inspection. (c) It is expected that common access facilities will be provided on a portion of each of the units. There is hereby created a reciprocal easement and right-of-way for each owner over, across and through that part of the parking and access facility located on the other owner's unit. The owners shall have equal right to the use of such access and no owner shall hinder or permit his invitees to hinder reasonable access by the other owner and his invitees to the owner's unit or park or permit his invitees to park any vehicle on the parking and access facility located on the other owner's unit without the consent of the other owner. It is presumed that snowplowing will be required from time to time, the costs of which will be shared by the owners. Other maintenance, repair or improvement of such parking and access facilities may be required from time to time, and the same shall be undertaken upon the unanimous agreement of the owners who shall share all expenses. 6. ALTERATION. MAINTENANCE.-AND REPAIRS. (a) In addition to maintenance provided for, the owners shall, at their joint expense, provide exterior maintenance and exterior repair upon the units and the unimproved portions of the parcel upon which are located the exterior walls and the roof of the units; repair, replacement or cleaning of exterior windows shall be considered interior maintenance. If the -4- 8-662 P-159 02/27/95 O4:.22P PG 4 e F { 558186 oF 13 need for repair is caused through the negligence or willful acts of any owner, his family, agent or invitee, such owner shall bear the entire cost of such repair or reconstruction. (b) In the event an owner at hrs own expense fails to maintain, preserve, and replace as needed, the trees, shrubs and grass (the plantings) within the property boundaries of lus I-ot commensurate wrth the standards set by the other residences in the Bighorn Subdivision, the other owner may, after fifteen Q5) day's written notice to that owner, if wiihin said time the owner has failed to make a good faith efforts to bring his plantings into substantial conformity with his neighbor's plantings, contract with responsible parties to bring to standard the offending owner's plantings and charge the owner therefore and such cost shall be added to and become a part of the assessment !o which such Int is subject. The owner hereby grants to the other owner, its agents and assigns, an irrevocable easement to perform the aforesaid work. (c) Each owner shall be solely responsible for maintenance and repair of the inside of his unit including fixtures and improvements and all utility lines and equipment located herein and serving such unit only; window glass and frames shall be deemed interior maintenance. In performing such maintenance and rqnir, or in improving or altering this unit, no owner shall do any act or work which impairs the structural soundness of either unit or the Party Wall or which interferes with any easement granted or reserved herein. (d) Utility or service connections or lines, facilities or other utility equipment and property located in, on or upon either ofthe units, which are used solely to supply a service or utility to one unit shall be owned by the owner of the unit using such utility or service and all expenses and liabilities for repair and maintenance shall be borne dely by the owner of such unit, which shall have a perpetual easement in and tro that part of such other l-ot or unit containing such property as is reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance, repair or inspection. (e) No owner shall make or suffer any sftuctural or design change (including a color scheme change), either permanent or temporary and of any type or nature whatsoever to the exterior of his unit, or construct any additional building or structure of any type or nature whatsoever upon any part of his l-ot without first obtaining the prior written consent thereto from the other owner, In case of damage or deskuction of any unit or any part thereof by and any cause whatsoever, the owner of such unit shall cause with due diligence the unit to be repaired and restored, applying the proceeds of insurance, if any, for that purpose. Such unit shall be restored to a condition comparable to that prior to the damage, and in a harmonious manner, to promote the common theme of both units. 7. ALLOCATION OF EXPENSE; Coits and expenses of common landscaping, service of common facilities, common parking, common alterations, common maintenance and repairs, except as caused by the negligence or willful act of an owner, shall be allocated in the following proportions: I.ot 4A I-ot 48 e ts 45% s5% -5- 02/27/95 04:2Zp pc s for yardwork, snow removal and major repairs; and 558186 8-662 P-159 oF 13 for breezeway expenses 8. MECHAMC'S LIENS: INDEMMEICATION. (a) Except for item incurred as a common expense as provided for herein, if any owner shall qruse any material to be furnished to his parcel or unit thereon or any labor to be performed therein or ther@n, the other owner shall not under any circumstances be liable for the payment of any expense incurred or for the value of any work done or material furnished; all such work shall be at the expense of the owner causing it to be done, and such owner shall be solely responsible to contractors, laborers, materialmen and other persons furnishing labor or materials to his unit or any improvements therein or thereon; nothing herein contained slnll authorize either owner or any person dealing through, with or under either owner 0o charge the encumbrance whatever; and, on the contrary (and notice is hereby given) the right and power to charge any lien encumbrance of any kind against one owner or against one owner's unit for work done or material furnished to the other owner's unit is hereby expressly denied. (b) Except as provided for below, if, because of any act or omission of any ownetr, any mechanic's or other lien or order for the payment of money shall be fited against the other ownetr's unit or any improvements therein or thereon, or against any other owner (whether or not such lien or order is valid or enforceable as such), the owner whose act or omission forms the basis for such lien or other shalt at his own cost and expense cause the same to be canceled and discharged of record or bonded by a surety company reasonably acceptable to such other owner, within twenty (20) days after the date of filing thereof, and further shall indemnify and save the other owner harmless from and against any all costs, expenses, claims, losses or damages, including reasonably attorneys' fees resulting therefrom. 9. INSIJRANCE. (Q Each owner shall keep his unit and all fixtures therein insured against loss or damage by frre and extended coverage perils (includihg vandalism and malicious mischief) for the maximum replacement value thereof. Any owner may on thirty (30) day's written notice, at any time one Q year or longer after the last appraisal of the units, obtain a written appraisal of such units from a competent appraiser, charging both owners with the costs thereof. Such appraiser shall be a disinterested and independent third party who is unrelated in any manner to either owner whether through joint business adventures or otherwise. O) Each owner shall provide ana rcep in force, for the protection of himself, general public liability and property darnage insurance against claims for bodily injury or death or property damage occurring in, on or upon, his parcel owner in fee simple and the improvements thereon, in a limit of not less than $300,000.00 in respect of bodily injury or death to any number of person arising out of one accident or disaster, or for damage to prop€rty, -6- ts-662 P-159 02/27/95 A4:22P PG 6 I-ot 4A I,ot 48 5OVo 50lo 558186 oF 13 and if possible against tort liability, such higher timits shalt be carried and each owner shall name the other owner as an additional insured party under such policy. (c) Each owner shall deliver to tle other owner certificates evidencing all insurance required to be carried under this paragraph, each containing agreements by the i'nsurers not to cancel or modify the policies without giving the other owner written notice of at teast thirty (30) days. Each owner shall have the right to inspect aud copy iil zucn insurance policies of the other owner and require evidence of the payment of premiums thereon. (d) Nothing provided in this paragraph shall prevent the owners from jointly acquiring x single policy to cover any one or more of the hazards required ia this paragraph to be separately insured against by each owner, IO. DESTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS ON PARCEL. (a) In the event 6f demege or destruction to a unit by fire or other disaster, the insurance proceeds, if sufFrcient to reconstruct the unit, sball be deposited into a bank a@ount which requires, for withdrawals, the signatures of both the owners. The owner shall then pronptly authorize the necessaqr rqrair and rcconstmction yqft end the insurance proceeds will be applied by the owner to defody the costs tbereof. "Repairs end reconstruction" of the units, as used herein, means restoring X[s imFrovements to substantially the same condition in which they existed prior to flhe d'mage with each unit having the same boundaries as before. (b) If.the insurance proceeds are insufficient to repair and reconstruct aDy damaged unit, zuch damage or destmction shall be prompflyrepaired and reconstnrcted by the owner using the insurance proceeds and the proceeds of a special assessment against the owner of the damaged unit. Any zuch assessments shall be equal to the amount by which the cost of reconstruction or repair of the unit exceeds the sum of the insurance allocable to such unit. Such assessment shall be due and payable not sooner than thirfy (30) days after written notices thereof. The special assessment provided for herein shall be a debt of the owner and a lien on his kt and the improvements thereon and may be enforced and collected by foreclosure proceedings in the courts. The owner shall then promptly authorize the necessary repair and reconstruction work and the insurance proceeds and proceeds ofthe special assessment will be applied by the owner to defray the costs thereof. "Repairs and reconstmction" of the units, as used herein, means restoring the improvements to substantially the same condition inwhichthey existed prior to the damage with each unit having the same boundaries as before. (c) Nofwifhstanding the above, the owners and first mortgagees of any or all of the destroyed or damaged units mat' agre€ thaf the destroyed or damaged units shall forthwith be demolished and all debris and rubble caused by such demolition be removed and the parcel(s) regraded and landscaped. The cost of such landscaping and demolition work shall be paid for by any and all insurance proceeds available. Any excess insurance proceeds shall then be disbursed to such owners and their first mortgagees jointly. -7- 9-662 P-159 02/21/95 O4:22P PG 'l e F 558186 oF 13 II. RIGHT TO LIEN. (a) If an owner, at any time, shall neglect or refuse to pe.rform or pay his share ofany obligation required hereunder, the other owner may, but shall not be obligated to, after twenty (20) day's written notice unless the circumstances require immediate action, make such payment, on behalf of such other owner, expend such sum as may be necessary to perform such obligation including, but not limited to, the payment of any insurance premiums required hereunder or the underhking of any work required hereunder or the undertaking of any work required hereunder for repair, restoration or maintenance, and such other owner shall have an easement in and to the part of such defaulting owner's unit as is reasonably necessary for such repairn restoration or maintenance. O) All sums so pard or expended by an owner, with interest thereon at the rate of eighteen percent Q8%) pr year from the date of such payment or expenditure, shall be payable by the owner so failing to perform (the "defaulting owner") upon demand of the other owner. (c) All sums so demanded but unpaid by the defaulting owner shall constitute a lien on the unit of the defaulting owner in favor of the other owner prior to all other liens and encumbrances, except: (i) liens for taxes and special assessment; and (ii) the lien of any fust mortgage or first deed of trust of record encumbering such unit. The lien shall attach from the date when the unpaid sum shall become due and may be foreclosed in like nunner as a mortg€e on real property upon the recording ofa notice or claim thereofexecuted by the non{efaulting owner setting forth the amount of the unpaid indebtedness, the name of the defaulting owner, and a description of the unit. In any such foreclosure the defaulting owner shall be required to pay the costs and expenses of such proceedings, including reasonable attorney's fees. (d) The lien provided for herein shall be subordinate to the lien of any first mortgage or deed of trust, including all additional advances thereon. Sale or transfer ofany unit as the result ofcourt foreclosure of a mortgage, foreclosure through the Public Trustee, or any proceeding in lieu of foreclosure shall extinguish the lien of such assessments as to payments thereof which become due prior to such sale or transfer, but shall not relieve any former owner of personal liability therefore. The mortgagee of such unit who acquires title by way of foreclosure or the taking of a deed in lieu thereof, shall not, however, be liable for future assessments on the date it becomes the owner of such unit. No sale or transfer shall relieve such unit from lien thereof. In the event of the sale or transfer of a unit with respect to which sums shall be unpaid by a defaulting owner, except transfer to a first mortgage€ in connection with a foreclosure of its lien or a deed in lieu thereof, the purchaser or other transferee of an interest in such unit shall be joinily arid severally liable witli the seller or transferor thereof for any such unpaid sums. (e) Upon written request of any owner, mortgagee, prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other prospective transferee of a unit, the owner of the other unit shall issue a wriften stat€ment setting forth the amount he is owed under this paragraph, if any, with respect -8- 9-662 P-159 02/27/95 04:22P PG 8 ts P 558186 oF 13 to such unit. Such statement is binding upon the executing owner in favor of any person who may rely thereon in good faith. Unless a request for such statement shall be complied with within fifteen (l5) days after receipt thereof, all unpaid sums which became due prior to the date of making such request shall be subordinated to the lien or other interest of the person requesting such statement. 12. ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT. Both lot owner shall be equally responsible for the administration and management of the obligations created hereunder.. However, in the event that both owners cannot agree when a decision is required by this Declaration, the impasse shall be resolved as follows: (a) Decision required in year 1994 and every second year thereafter: Lot 4A owner's decision is binding. (b). Decision required io year 1995 and every second year thereafter: I-ot 48 owner's decision is binding. B. OVERRIDE. In the event any owner believes, based on the standard of the reasonable man, (i) that an impasse decision has been made incorrectly or contrary !o the Declaration as (ii) that the owner in ultimate control is guilty of mis-, mal-, or nonfeasance with reE)ect to this Declaration then the aggrieved owner may petition the F:gle County Distict Court for a judicial determination of the controversy which decision shall be binding upon both owners. The Court may assess costs and any reasonable attorneys' fees as may have been incurred by the parties based upon the merits of the case. 14. USE RESTRTCTIONS. (a) Each unit shall be restricted to a residential dwelling as a permitted use, and to such uses, as well as conditional and accessory uses as shall be allowed by the Town of VaL Zoning Restrictions and Covenants for Bighom Subdivision. (b) No ex0erior mounted radio, shortwave, television or other type of antenna whatsoever or tank of any kind, either elevated or buried, or clothesline or incinerator of any kind whatsoever or outside storage of any personal property shall be permitted or maintained on either unit without the prior written approval of both owners. (c) No animals shatl be kept or maintained in, on or upon either unit, except that each owner may keep and maintain within his unit no more than two domesticated dogs and/or one domesticatel caq provided, hoiv6ver, that s-uch domesticated animals are kept under control at all times, do not present a nuisance to the owner and are kept controlled in strict compliance with all County of Eagle ordinances that may apply to such animals. (d) In addition to the parking restrictions set forth in paragraph 5, "LANDSCAPING, SERVICE FACILITIES AND PARKING', above, each owner may keep -9- 8-662 P-159 02/27/95 04:22P PG 9 F. (V 558186 oF 13 no more than three (3) automobile vehicles permanently on his I-ot. Parking of boats, trailers, qunpers, motor homes, ATVs or recreational vehicles on either unit is expressly prohibited. Parking of more than three (3) automotive vehicles by either owner of his family, agent or invitee on.such owner's. I-ot for more than a forty-eight (48) hour period is expressly prohibited. (e) No "time sharing", 'interval ownership" or similar interest, whereby ownership of a unit is shared by owners on a time basis, shall be established on either unit without the prior written approval of both owners and all lienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of Lot 4A or Int 49, which approval shall be reflected in a document of record. 15. NOTICE. Each owner shall register its mailing address with the other owner and all notices or demands intended to be served upon owners shall be sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed in the name of the owner at such registered mailing address. In the altemative, notices may be delivered if in writing, personally to owners. 16. DIIRATION OF DECLARATION. Each provision contained in this Declaration which is subject to the laws of rules sometimes referred to as the rule against perpetuities or the rule prohibiting unreasonable restraints on alienation shall continue and remain in full force and effect for the period of twenty-one (21) years following the death of the last survivor of Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy or Mrs. Maureen Stevenson, or until this Declaration is terminated as hereinafter provided, whichever first occurs. All other provisions contained in this Declaration shall continue and remain in full force and effect until 2010, and thereafter for successive period of ten (0) year period of extended duration, until this Declaration is terminated by recorded instrument, directing termination, signed by all owners and all lienors holding a mortgage or deed of trust of record on any portion of I-ot 4A of I-ot 4B. 17. AMENDMBNT OR REVOCATION. This Declaration may be amended or revoked only (i) by Declarants so long as Declarants own both t ot 4A or Irt 48, or (ii) upon unanimous written approval in recordable form of all owners and all lienors holding a mortgage or deed of trust of record on any portion of Lot 4A or Lot 48. 18. EFFECT OF PROVISIONS OF DECLARATION. Each provision of this Declaration, and agreement, promise, covenant and undertaking to comply with each provision of this Declaration, and any necessary exception or reservation or grant of title, estate, right or interest to effectuate any provisions of this Declaration; (i) shall be deemed incorporated in each deed of or other instrument by which any right, title or interest in any portion of I-ot 4A or I-ot 4B is granted, devised or conveyed, whether or not set forth or referred to in such deed of other instrument; (ii) shall, by virtue of ioceptance of any right, title or interest in any portion of I-ot 4A or I-ot 48 by an owner, be deemed accepted, ratified, adopted and declared as a personal covenant of such owner and his heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns; and, shall be deemed a personal covenants to, with and for the benefit ofeach owner ofany portion of Irt 4A or I-ot 48; and (iii) shall be deemed a real covenant by Declarants, for themselves, their heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns, and also and equitable servitude, -10- 8-662 p-1S9 02/27/95 O4:ZZV pc t0 OF 13 F 558186 running, in each case, as a burden with and upon the title to each and every portion of I-ot 4A. and Lot 4B. 19. ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES. (a) Each provision of this Declaration shall be enforceable by any owner by a proceeding for a prohibitive or mandatory injunction or by a suit or action to recover damages. If court proceedings are instituted in connection with the rights of enforcement and remedies provided in this Declaration, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs and expenses in connection therewith, including reasonable attorney's fees. (b) Each owner hereby agrees that any and all actions in equity or at law which are instituted to enforce any provision hereunder shall be brought in and only in the Distict Court of Eagle County, State of Colorado. (c) Failure to enforce any provision of this Declaration shall not operale as a wavier of any such provision, the right to enforce such provision thereafter, or of any other provision of this Declaration. 20. EXERCISE OF RIGHTS. Any exercise of any right granted hereunder by one owner with respect to the other owner's unit, including, but not limited to, the use of any easement $anted herein shall be exercised in a manner which shall not unreasonably hinder, impede or impose upon such other owner's use of his unit. 2I- SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. Except as otherwise provided herein, this Declaration shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of Declarants and each owner and the heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns of each. 22. SEVERABILITY. Invalidity or unenforceability of any provisions of this Declaration in whole or in part shall not effect the validity or enforceable part ofa provision of this Declaration. 23. CAPTIONS. The captions and heading in this instrument are for convenience only and shall not be considered in construing any provisions of this Declaration. 24. CONSTRUCTION. When necessary for proper construction, the masculine of any word used in this Declaration shall include the'feminine or neuter gender, and the singular the plural and vice versa. -11- 8-662 p-159 OZ/27/95 04:ZZp pc 11 OF 13 ts g 558186 WHEREOF, Declarants have _, r99/. executed this Declaration this lL{ day of KENNETI] P. STATE OF FLORIDA ) )SS. couNTY oF.__-, ) lfruoinn, 'l('ioce- Subscribed and sworn to before me this -.,1$_ day of FeLaua,z/ 1994, by Kenneth P. KennedY' Pe.so*elly kno-- Jo me, WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. AW PUBLIC A -5-oyee Ed, rno /^ro s o,v srATE OF FLORTDA ) )ss. couNTY oF ,..-\, )Dr,,6in,v'K,ueA Subscribed and sworn to before me this AL day of Fil.,zu,+at 1994, by Sara C. Kennedy. /--:-\'Yep.somclly Kno** ]a rne, WITNESS MY TIAND AND OFFTCIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPiNTS: {sEAL} o ts MY CO r6sgt r 0C 092t80 EXPISES: Aprf 7, 1$5 ed*dlhtu lffy a* [hA dh o YeLe Ed, r^o r'r o s o /HY qXrUFStoN ' CC 092sfi1 D(P|RES: ltr{ 7, 1S6 Bdftd ll|ru @t hnfc thdfi^,rllt 558186 8-662 P-159 02/27/95 O4:22P PG 12 oF 13 t STATE OF COTORADO ) )ss. couNTY oF BOULDER ) -r9 Subscribed and sworn to before me this I My of lAavcA 1994, by Maureen M. Stevenson. WTINESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPTRES: a/- g - q (, {sBA 5581868-662P-15902/27/9504 22PPG13oF13 c MAI]REEN M. STEVENSON NOTARY PTJBLIC ,---t -13- TOUN OF .i VFIl L CO},I-DEV |tlia rtrlrt rry3-47 _q-2452 r'1AR 0U Dato Hecelved by the 9:43 No.002 P.01 (IA t\ APPUCATION FOR ooNDoiltlilul/uTowfl HousE PI-AT BBfl EW (Ohapter 1722 Vall ltunlclpal Cotb) (Csaso prlnl or typo) Aoqlrata dlmensions to tha naarest ono.hundredth of a loot for alt lhss. angler and curyes used b deEcrlbe bounderi06, stesb, solbaoks, allgyt, casimenh, gh,toturg6, areas to be resErvsd or dsdic8tecl tor publlc or common ucos ard othor lmportant lsaturo8. All curves shalt bo olrctJar srcs and efiall be detlned by tre ractius, central angle, arc Eoorod dlstancoe and bearlng. All dlmenslons, both linear-and arqular, srs b bs dotermh8d by tn a€dJrato oonfol survey In tha flEld whictr musl balanoo and olose wlthh a llmlt of ono h ton thousand. Nonh anow and graphlc eoale. A syatemadc ld€ntflcaUon of all exlsting and proposad buitdlngs, untts, lots, blocks, and names for all stroetg. (lr* A.AppLICANT Kenneth P. Kenned and Sara C. Kenned MAILlNC 27 52 oorwill Ln. Vero Beach B. APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIIE James tr'Jm. stovall,, ,, ADDRESSI .o. Drawer C. FHOPEHTY outNER'88|ONA MAfLINOADDRESSZIS2 llrlppoorwill Ln. Vero Beach, FL 32960 Vail-, Colorado LOr 4 _BLOCTGSUBD APPLICATION FEE $1OO.OO PAID IilATERIAI.S TO BE SUSMITTEDI o. E. F. 't . Two mylar coplse and ons paper copy of thE subdivlalon plat shall bo eubrnittod to lho DspanmEnt of Conrmunlty Dovslopment. The ptat shalt lnctude a elte map wlth ths lollowing requlrements: / ,t a. Ths flnal plat Ehall be drawn by s reglstsrod survoyor In Indla Ink, or ' othar eubstanthl Eolutlon,.on a reproduclble rnedium (pret8rably mylar) wlh dl.ylensron of hvsnty-lour by thlrly-slx InchcB and shall be at alcdls of one hundred leet to one lnch or laqer wlUr marglns ol one end one. half to hvo Inchsg on tha left and ong-half Inch on all other sldes. rc. .d. 589-5 r87 lS'tl'trs tl'rtl frY'rrr t ftn.t P@t{t'' brand fax ran$mltlal memo 76/1 *- TO!JN 0q vRIL c0H-DEV 9:43 N0.002 P"02 s, An ldentllicauon of th6 stroats, elleys, parks, and 0lh0r publlc amat or lacltitiee as shoum on the plat, and a dedloetlon thereof to lho ptbllo uso. An ldentlllcadon d lhe easemsnts as shown on tho plat and a grant hetaof to ttro pnblb uE6. Aroas reseryed for fulute publla aoqulsltlon Ehall also be shown on the pat. f, A rwltlon suley deBodptlon ol the area lncludhg the tolal aaroeoe h ths noar€s| approprtats slgnlfrcant tlgure. The acrseoe of eacfi lol ol pfiuol ehall be shown In fils mannsr as well. , S. A dgscrlpilon ol ell sulvoy monumsnE, bolh found and Eat, whloh mark $6 boundarlee of the sl&dlvblon, and a dasctlPtlon ot atl monumenB ussd In conduc{ng he suruoy. Monument potlmsht pet Colonrlo stgtutss. Two perinreter tnonunonts shall bo eEtabllshed aq malgr oontrol monurnbnts, fte matsrlals wtrlotr shall bs dobrmlnsd by tho tot tl snglnoEr. h. A etat€ment by ths land sunoygr explalnlng how boathg bage wes detonnhed. l. A cartlllcate by tho rsglEtsrod land sunnyor as outhed ln Ghapler 17.32 ol thls tltls as to lhe accuracy of the euruey and dst, end trat tho sufvoy wsg peilomed by hlm ln acoordance wlth Colorado Rsvlsod Strtutos 1E73. Tlile 38, Arilcle 51. J. A cerdftcate by an attomsy admltt0d to p|aatioo In ths $hta of Colorado, or coporato fitlo InsurErr hat the owner{s) ol racord dEdlca[ng h rro publlc the publh dght-ot wEy, sraas or tadllllBs as shorvn lhsleon are thE owners thereot In fea almph, fr00 and cloar ol all llEng and onoumbranceg except as noted. k. The proper lofm lor filing ot the plat wlth ilrs Eagle county Qleilt and Fleoorder. r l. Csnificata of dedlcatlon and ownerehlp, Should tho oortlficalo 0f dsdlcalion and ownorshlp provlde for a dedlcatlon ol land or lmpmvements to thE publlc, all bsneflohrles ol deeds ot tust and morlgago holdelB on sald roal tr0p6rty wlll be requlrad b slgn ths cedlllcatE of dedlcatlon ard ownershlp In addlllon to the fee elmple ownor lhgrsof. m. All currsnt taxss must be pald prlor to tho Town8 approval ol plal, Thls lnoludes taxss whtoh ha\rs been bllled but aro not yet due, eThe oettlflaate ol tEu(es pald m|lst bE glgnod on tho dat or a Elalsmsnt from the Eagle county Assesso!'s olflce must be pmvlded wlth lhe submlilal Infoflrratl0n stEthg lhel ell taras have bean pald n. Slgnature of owner. The condomlnlum or townhouse plat ehatl also lndude ffoor plans, elsvatlons ind cross-soc{lons as nscssgafy to accurately dstsrmlne ldlvldual alr spaCas andor olhsr ownorshlps and lf the projest was built eubstantlally ths Bamo es lhe approved plans. A copy ol fie oondomlnlum documenls for gtafl rovlew to assure ilrat thoro ar6 malntenance provlslons lnaluded for all commonly owned areas APPROVAL PBOCESS, REVIEW CHITEFIA Upon lecelvlng two copies ot a complote submlttal along wlth paymsnt ol hs approprialo toa ths zonlng admlnlstrator shall roule on6 copy ot lhe slta map to the town anglneer for hlE review. The zonlng adnrlnlEtrator strall then oonduot thlc revlery concunently. The town englneet shall lsvlew the gubmlttal snd roturn comm6nb end ruO3-47e-2452 MHROU 2, 3. G. T0lrjN 0F VRlL CO|,|-DEU rI03-4?e-2452 r{HR ou 9 :44 No .002 P..03 H. hotlfloatlonB to the zonlne admlntstrebr who Bhall bansmll the appruval, dleaFHoVat or approval wifi modfloafrons of lhE plst wlhh fourtosn days to he nppflcant, The zonlng dmlnlstralor shalldEn the ptat lf appmved or rcqutrg modflaa[ons on [rN plat for-approval or deny approval dus to Inaonslstencfst wtrh he orlgfnel! approved plan or tallure lo maka ofril l?gufrod rnodlfi0stlons ol lhe plat. FILINS AND BECOHDING The ronlng admlnlsfator 6hallb6 frE frnat stgneturo ruqulred on lhc ptet do ft8t he Dopartment of Gommunlty DoveloFmfitwUt bo rBsponglbte tor prunitly rcoodhE the lpplo{sd plal wlth tha Eagle county Glerk and Rocorder. FaB6 lor recoolr|e thal bo pald btl lh€ apFllgant, The Communlty Dsvehpmgnt oeparffient wlll retafn on6 firylar oopy ot tle ptat lor helr records and wlil roco|d th€ ramalnlng rnyhr copy, lt lhls appllcatlon requlres N separets revtew by any local, glsts or Federd agemy otr6r than the Town of Valt, h€ aopllcafion lee ghail bo Increagod by SA00.00. Examples of eudr r€vlow, mey Indude, but arp not fhltsd lo: Colorado Dopartmont ol Hlghway Acoess Pgrmtts, Arny Corps of Enghsers 404, otc. Tlrs sppllcant Ehdl bs rasponslble for paylng any WblEhlrE tgor whlch arc In scael ol 506/o of the appllcatlon frs. lf, at tho aFplloanfs roqu$t. eny hattot b poglponed lor hearlng, causlng lhe matter to be re-publlshsd, then thE entre tee lor such r+ pub[callon shall b€ pdd by ths apdloant Appllcatlons deemed by tha Comm.rnlty Developmont DeDailment to have sbnfficant deehn, land usa or oher lssueg whldr may haw a slgnlllcant |mpf,c{ on tht comrnunlv may roqulro revleru by consullants ottrer th|n toh'n Btatf. thould e detsrmlnatlofl b6 mado by ths town steff thBt 8n ouBld€ consulhnt ls needsd lo ravhn any Eppllcatlon, lhe Communlty Development Dapartnant may hlre en oul6,Ha consultant, lt shall estimate th6 amounl ol money nsogEsary b pay hln or har and hb amount shall bo lorwa/dcd io tre Town by he appllcent et b0 tmr ho frlee hle appllcatlon w|th A|e Communlty Devalop,ment Deparlment. Upon oompla[on of he rwlew of the sppllcaton by the consultant, any of thE fundB forwaded by tho appllcant lor payment ot he coneultEnt wtrlch have not b€on patd to thr consulbnt rh||l be relutnad io the aFpllcant. Expgnsss lnouned W he T. wn ln excsFs ot lhe anrount forwerdod by lhe appllcatlon shsll bo Fald to the Town by the apollcent wlhln 30 days of notlflcatlOn by ffro Torvn. 3 o o z a {7 c c){o z T rrl F ={ -.{ m f4 i.- o -..r : o <x f riS ;C)n I ;x .- != g '_i-' ; o 4;'j'o <-t I -m='- t-J \c o< 6P -.D 3d ct >l =E m-r o _n !m 3!q 2=Z \, > t- r'lt t I- l \O A:! =;r z= rc >=z =o z H t a t.\--EE rrc4r-L r tr41 r-i az i-i t.ti --1 m Ir L-t lzo loY lz<luo lfd T '-t "-s G{9-{ m x m -{ zl (- (! 2 -{m z r Pi z O c) N)(Jl o) Z.\ R<z'A ;>62. --.1 ^9> z; l< a)= od t 4; ;: --l o o> c) 9n uz >m -{> I =m -l o €z m - z m (t Fl z tri rl H z a-] r-- m a t)o>'r- -n l-z z a a H ts m t-m l6 l€ lz o l:t> lF B z o I I l; l=tz lo l:t> l. lfi la lz --l €z o .Tl I t- m z I 3 \o N I UJ u)lrl w P € -lll '-l H cl I = z c) z H ; €z o - m z o a 3 o I c)|<P .=FE bl'pl <t0 l > lI ls:I Ii; IH :r E4 lf!tt<l, lt4 @lz t\o an l-{ o IZ F-. I -Fl + tdl -Hl FI Fi TJ FI t,tl --t l€ 9 =oosY - ogat j6*s x gx 6':sX !.'< R {aIEF - + oi ,i-!. - - -.n @ o::t cl--o-E- =lro)o; < "' i. sr o 5o?:x-,^q, a:9*r-*o f ro94o o -=D : or -:* -r +i;;taId { o f F v'5i=!eie ={YX .,^rH= R5 0,6 <o-f E aP o" - qr =. :1 8 i s:o)X = i e33d *ot: o € o) o 9 c l l c. - (o o o J J (D I ='o) T)o .St o -l {:l o) =o D) 6 =o o z { o --l -Tl I tn m l-_n z -.t I m €z m ol!Lrn l>l< l!lo la tz I l" I tl ll l1 l I I l--r- XX + I l o 9 --l z r 1)m =--l a z m m T1 m cno o I I i I x ><' ---------r------_ ,'2 lf I It : r- I I --l o<'n -o m P l" I!T{OI Ir zd z = z> lc r<+.i < >a o>||:6o z c 4 --{ l 1r zl El -l >l al ;l 3t ql 'lI nl ol EI >l >i rl -l n {l nl _l --t m c I c =z .c)NP \2 P:aexn ;P EO r-l - > 'n z= 2 () -cli Qo '-o<z a- O ul !f,o 6 n ios S E >22 - =FJn z z '€ x :o< I Lr.t zl=2 t= ", l>9o lg o l<c lz - llh = lr z t>o l:z li qI ill 9l c 27 OY z fd6) >n 2!zo r'l; ol ;l fq z a Fl r F F]N - CJ -l i t- m ='Tl m m c a m a) m ?c o m _o e I I'l q z m € I|o frl -l z m o I z o |.c = =c) m c)-t n .) z c)I m x @ g o z m = m = =-rl m m VALUATION m v =- 2 L = z o a- c = m m o -t o g z c) \Jt Ln o( 3z_ ?,^*4i+- (zl7l.1 I o o z o {7 c o I o z !m F ={ --- {o @ m Io.F!TE )ll :d ;r x'.;o +-ig m=<E ;=.o<lc 6t -O e9 ;i 6g o .tt !rn ! -{ !m o 'n !In t =. =m(D t=z =oc)!) >Pt-|- t_tLlLl r3 z=0(!>- ;6 2 Itr! (-- z =IT \A N N \) 1o I+ (-) i.i -r o \ ()E =D <F \ts a' ll \.H \Ei \h \l\ I'il> l\ ln I ()B =D <F p P tn w p I I I !l 'l I I I E lz lo t: t: lm t: l9 I { .Cr q $ ),) l-{ tct l{ lz lo Fr t<t> lF It IF lz lo Ir Is ls\ t\I' 3 = H It t{ lz lo l'n t<l> lF tm lp lz le {l{nlo 5t€,l; t< t:t;lm lP l6 I I (,z lq fnil I o ! .tt ?l m =I o @ m x m .o -l z L o @ 9 m $\\i (A el No= 3n= \= Si ; z t- m 3 -{U'z m m m o l<' lz lz li t>ll- -t 9d m fi € l- (t, Ptz 2l?I Ir o o o z o -a o 1l o t =q, tn -1t {>te a!':z ttl to Po 9g€ s i i i ir=:Elisi i=E3F f (p O =t J =-O O P E t=;: flE*ii 99o96. [;.i r;o'-g6s Eagg; EE F3 iE 1 SaiFi ,li li\ !m a 3 z o rNsttoN REeuEsr PERMIT NUM ER OF ROJECT Z ..,o" *nnre CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES APPROVED -.D DISAPPROVED I DATE THUR FRI lt ^M tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH i D.W.V. O ROUGH i WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR tuwn n llal 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81557 (303'1 476-7000 offlce ol communlly development ZONING STATISTICS Lot 4, Block 1, Bighorn Sub lst 5897 Lupine k{ tt,t\rf Duplex Zone Si te Area Allowed GRFA Units Wes t East 25,743 4824.3 Allowed GRFA 2412 sq. ft. 2412 sq. ft. Existing GRFA 1781 sq. ft. i610 sq. ft. Addi ti on +150 s.f. g reen n0 us e tiqt Renra ini ng GRF 48l s. f. r-.r !1 * Note: East unit has turned garage into bedroom Site 'is also in a moderate avalanche zone 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oltlce of communlty developmenl ZONING STATISTICS Lot 4, Block 1, Bighorn Sub lst 5897 LuPine L+l\ nt'r 25,743 4824.3 Duplex Zone Site Area Al lowed GRFA Units t^|est East All owed GRFA 24I? sq. ft. 2412 sq. r[t. Exjsti ng GRFA 1781 sq. ft. 1610 sq. ft. Addi ti on +150 s.f . greenhouse Remaining GRFA 481 s.f. * Note: East unit has turned garage into bedroom Site is also in a rnderate avalanche zone lnter- Hountain Englneerlng Ltc 0ctober 18, 1985 Mr. Albert Reynolds Reynolds Construction Box 738 Avon, Colorado 81620 Re: Lot 4, Block 1, Bighorn Subdivision First Addition Vail, Colorado (3897 Lupine Drive) Impact of Greenhouse Additjon Project No. V-5162G Oear Mr. Reynolds: As you requested, we have made a physica1 inspection of the above referenced site, reviewed the plans for the greenhouse addition (provided by you) and the Town of Vail's debris flow and debris avalanche, and rockfall studies. The purpose of this review is to comment on the potential increase in hazard caused by the addition of a greenhouse. Proposed Construction/Existina Conditions Currently, a duplex residence exists on the property. The owners wish to construct a greenhouse over an existing deck on the west end of the residence. The house sits below Lupine Dri ve betvreen'i t and Gore Creek. The yard on the west side is heavjly landscaped and a solid wood fence is constructed along the westerly prooerty 'l ine. Debris Flow and Debris Avalanche Hazard Analysis The above referenced report, prepared for the Town of Vail by Arthur I. Mears, P.E., November 1984, identifies this lot to be in a debris flow- moderate hazard area. These areas can experience property damage through flooding, erosion, and impact of mudd.t,water, sojl, rock and debris. Because a mudslide vrould affect the entire structure, the addition of a greenhouse would not significantl-v increase the hazard potential to other public or private property. Box No. 978 Avon, Colorado 81620 949-507 2 Denver 893-1 531 '1 42O Vance Street Lakewood, Colorado 8@15 Phone: 232'01 58 t' Reynolds Construct'ion Page 2 0ctober 18, 1985 v-5162G Rockfal I Stud-v This report was prepared for the Town of Vail by Schmueser and Associates in November 1984. The report identifies Lot 4 as lying within the high severity rockfall hazard area. It is certainly beyond the scope of this report to address the probability or potentia'l severity of a rockfall, but general comments follow. 1. The highest risk involved in the greenhouse would be to persons either jn the yard or in the greenhouse being struck b.y shards of g1ass, if the glass were to suffer a direct hit by a falling rock. 2. The angle of the residence to the street and mountain tend to shield the proposed greenhouse, reducing the potential for such a direct hit. 3. The sol'id wood fence a1 ong the west property line should provide some shielding for the adjacent property from shards of g'l ass. 4. The properties to the north are separated by Gore Creek, and this additional distance will provide some protect'ion. Conclusions As stated previously, the greatest resjdents themselves caused by a direct may want to consider the use of tempered since these products tend to break into chance of injury. The geologic hazards ficantly increased b.y this construction. JMS: cj n ccr Bill Andrels, Town of Vail risk of this construction is to the hit from a falling rock. The owners glass or Plexiglass for the greenhouse more rounded pieces, reducing the to adjoining properties are not signi- If we can be of any further assistance, please contact us. fpanel, P.E. nt t g l-r f<ozld lrrzoE lm'd l,^r c) rrl lYt'HH fii F7 H lT 7 ri* t=,. E I E f-r rr F uFttl , tt, r4 tt ,'a ,,aHEl 'HZH ",1 tt \\F =FP lnz =-\-r 9>-' trutr trTE -nT O-- z=otD 22 =C)z ZF o@ :o lr, tt Fd ..c 'z TJ U' z Y -.|m ,I ,o ;o rT lo -Tl TI m I =-l q o @ m x m t -.1 z L @ I -{m tt'./2 /-' /',-j 4/(r'7t L 'r.- "// !,///- '// i / I /.l)4 t/ o -l m l,-lo t"\ le l3 L C C:' r*)'-' t- o Z a') >; X=z': {> ^2 9l o z;-tc p< --1 Z 8J 4E ;: -ro o> 9.n -tm nz >m i>or- T =m --t €z m t- (D z m o- U1 = (D (D 5 =- (D )=ui#c)> -t qt a I l* I I -n t-z o @ lr.o l5 lo t-l3 I I tJt lc tq {m t-m t6 l€ lz l9 l<t> l- B I 4 3 I ll lo l€ lz lo II t> lI le,lz -t m t-rl I { \) ld {z lo : ; B z -n r c'|-. rD =n p 5' AJ -l €z 'r't I t- m a z o m - lrl tr I 'l \)\)tr l+ l€ lz lo l'rl l< r lm lo z v |.\)(Jl (tl I I r (D K 5 o. ;a I F P m l = o - I E F F D p m z 3 m (oO- ^-f;(u:ao -ou r, :' \< Riir l=- .<R€ {Io :r Pg o:af- --o ot =+-o= -ilqt aol o ;r- or -o.lo) a -6'o-to,-=E E olo I -:(- J=.-o;' 3l=lax x <=* "'ll =_<.-...ls=a\o € ur <h _. E=3 ;xa Uaj Oo: ol: {I f c J 6' c o o A)o o =' =o -t €f a N l c q =o l o o I o a. ro o o { o o t = J s. = o A' (D >a za r> mc ym zO m-n Po =z z -l o _n I (o m a-_n : z r .It m =-t U'z m m t-l m l'< ' o t-o t@ lml>lr--<lrll I lAlz I l-'lo -.1 o<-n 'I' m (,lm otf > lo -l I I I IT o n I f l I I z a c T -l o z -o rrl .l T z m t-c 1 I q€oI {i- -z z.a '' z I I ll z>9R n-i fr<!.t < >o ol m @o z c z 1l tl tl t1 z m € l---t tTl =o z o - z (- m m c _9 c --.1- z l, t: t; t', ll t. t;t; l; l' IJ t:l( t l. l( I l(l( l' 3 : tu o ii B3 ;A i3o d4 r;Z c:'-z a In z z "t +9 ti -a.lN@=Dl N - = 't qt n.o-<)f u <'tl =I +l rl I I I qJ (tl € o (tl s = X =kt)= 15 bP ;t" =K Es ie ul F'o aH n- 1 F:q -.t lc+ 'f oN r ol I I tl t; l-- r'\ 1l\) IF 5iE -rl t-> -<z OF Ja tta -2 \ tm a o- (D (D A)o 5 --l r -o m ='n m m al, a m -{ x m z i ! m q --l m z m m € m c) m f z n m m m I z ! c = = m m -l o f' z I m o x g l- = m = m n = =-n m m (.r) VALUATION T m =-.1 2 o =m C)I z |- t- = = m m --l , >t- (D c |- 2 (tl 5 F (.'l (, N): N)(tr D c c f\)t\) (tl I\) N)(t tr c-R. 3rtsq.{ fl-) io/:rlwsJA. -!- z o -T (,^t (D (D + -.t m Io l-(D ;io .-t o 63 ig Po mO rl <=li o.< l(D (J< c/, g (tt O ct >t 7E -tl !m a =I qt lv cl< =l!!lm =te ol.o lm lzl t=l-{R P\c\ @ z <tr -l'\a >;z= !, >r trtr "n z -t z trtr E6 mil 1' o 'n m -lr =-l -l o @ m x m !-i o z (-o @ 2 -{m -r l{mlO rt= lo l-n l<t> t; t: le I I I I lr lo l€nlz vlo - l-n =t<\J l> r, l;\tm \to iti le I t I I I TIoF hi€F lzl lol EI t>l lFl trl lmt 19, I lzl lel tl tl tl rll tl II o- JE :a(D 'og -< o- n, =-.o o 3=. . d.x 66 =f ,o q, 'D- OO o-(D d= ilqt ;!or! +;;;=.:.o 9E 6'o df <= d= os: gr(D xo E] =.f x=. -.Y 8Q o o 'c) 5 ?-r € = (D f J ot o E 9'f o 3 € I {l o o f qt o .{I 'f v, o q) o ='(o o -{ { N. (D t o -o.c = @ = ='ro o o o o- o o o z I -.{ -n o It r a m t-_n z 't m o €z m z a T =z =-.1 a z m m m tr{otr Ii-23, '' z : I I o o -.1 6 z c ,z --l I I I '.!\.} E z rn 6 i --l m --t o z =z \ m t'u I- }\ ttr i m o c I r- P o z Nt-o --r Ri Em >'t Z. .'i qci a2 O@ crAn = EF oo zz --$s <v N |{,Y !*r x M la D :e s \l lv ol zl zl ol tt tDl FI 6l {l BI F+ Fi al 1 '., I I -{ .1 r E ii 'lt m m U' m x c)r m z m t2 -t m z tn m { fik o4 il$ TF zD nL- 3 m z o ! c = 2 m t-m a) o z o m c)I c z m --l !m u ='Tl m m .J' VALUATION !m I, = =z o m m o x |- (D c |- = fi $ CI I J fl ;l \ 'o c .\\] I __et P p s \,I N P N p tr l.A 0.\ X Project Application Proiect Name: -l Proiect Description: ' Contact Person and Phone Architect, Address and Phone: ,t Legal Description: Lot l Block Comments: i' J r.,Zone t--i- i ,l Filing Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 'l " t)1 Summary: E St"tt Approval Date: o PE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT tJ'\ I E READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME B o o 4 ! D tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ,,FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr I D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr E ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr FIML D FINAL E} APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PR The fol lowing Board before A. BUILDING information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review a final approval can be fiven: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MA ERIAL B. Roof Si di ng Other Wall Materials \--,t\,tf--r,rrq-v-c Fasci a Soffi ts }li ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Ch i mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Dnone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Quanj ty Si ze* EXISTiNG TREES TO BE REMOVED nl fers .*Ind'i cate cal'i per for deciducious trees. Indicate heigr (D Botanical Name " PLANT MATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED 't \-r \ GROUND COVERS Common Name --+-- Quani ty Si ze --- Tvpe Square Footage s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1ls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. \ f nter. llountai n Ea gl ne ering na. 0ctober 18, 1985 Mr. Albert Reynolds Re.ynol ds Constructi on Box 738 Avon, Colorado 81620 Re: Lot 4, Bl ock I , SliSno;n.,subdi.vision*;rst=A-o-Cjtip[. Va.i t, Co I orado lpgtfiL.'lqjt9.*9ftgel$ Impact of Greenhouse Addition Project No. V-5162G Dear Mr. Reynolds: As you requested, we have made a physical inspection.of the above referencld site, reviewed the plans for ihe greenhouse addition (provided by you) and the Town of Vail's debris flow and debrjs avalanche,.and.rockfall siuiiei. The purpose of this review is to comment on the potential increase in hazard caused by the addition of a greenhouse. Currently, a duplex resjdence exists on the property. The owners wish to construct a greenhouse over an existing deck on the.west.end Of the residence. The-house sits below Lupine Drive betr'teen it and Gore Creek' The yard on the west sjde is heavily landscaped and a solid wood fence is constructed along the westerly prooerty 1ine. The above referenced report, prepared for the Town of Vail by Arthur I. Mears, P.E., November 1984, identifies this lot to be'in a debris flow- moderate hazard area. These areas can experience Property damage through flooding, erosion, and irnpact of mudd;'water, sojl' rock and debris- Because a mudslide vrould affect the entire structure, the addition of a greenhouse would not significant.l-v increase the hazard ootential to other public or private propertY. 8ox No. 978 Avon. Colorado 81 620 949-5072 Denver 893-1531 Condi ti ons Debri s Aval anche Hazard 1 420 Vance Street Lakewood. Colorado 8O215 Phone:232{158 . ie:--:-- .* -- - :{: Reynolds Construction Deao ? b.i"ult 18, 1985 v-5162G Rockfa I I Stud-v This report was prepared for the Torvn of Vail by Schnueser and Associates in November i984. The report identifies Lot 4 as 1yin9 within tlre high severity rockfall hazard area. It is certainly beyond the scope of this report to address the Probtbility o,. poiunii"i-se"erity oi a rockfall', but general .ermgnts follor. 1. The highest risk invo]ved in the greenhouse would be to persons either in-ttre iaro-oi-in'the gieent,ouse being-struck by shards of glass' lf the g)ass wersto suffer a djrect hit by a fa'l'ling rock' 2.Theangleoftheresidencetothestreetandmountaintendto shield the proposeo l."unr,oure, reducing the potentia) for such a d'irect hit- 3.Thesolidwoodfencealongthewestpropertylineshou.ldprovide some shielding for the adiacent property from shards of glass' 4' The properties to the north are seParated by Gore Creek' and this additiona'l distance will provide some protection' -. -;gfld5-'*r'r"*" --- ' ( a Conc l us&ns As stated previously, the greatest residents themselves caused by a direct may want to consider the use of tempered si-nce these products tend to break into chance of injury. The geologic hazards fi cantly increased by this constructlon' risk of this construction is to the hit from a falling rock. The owners glass or P1 exiglass for the greenhouse m6re rounded piices, reducing the- to adioining iroperties are not signi- { If we can be of any further ass{stance' please contact us' JMS:cjn cc: Bill Andrervs, Town of Vail y/\. Spanel, es \dent .$'tufrP,P'E' '---=- ,'o ,-t^-=^ !'. ? i,l.^ii t r :; iJ _ti-*X tt;;'i:r c)o z-!t>TI fr c o =o z T m n 3 -{ --- d @ m I4 l"- o l-'.h E t<x f tHi 3 19n r li= g t=;o liq 3 l=E =i5 o<1o-dP a9 (;o ct >l 6s m.a T m = 3trq m:- L 9 ii'-tn> = /-,r t^ 9X"'t- !!E 3P z=9(D 2Z 66)z Za\ io+o,n m _T. z z --.1 --t 9p --t c 3<<r! d6 n zI -rx - --t -lo o> o z, E) --{ m nz >m of,t -l>or- I =m o -l z IT 6) ED a,ll o =.c -l r -l o o = Pf,aA o>'t- -z 6'r R F v1 tr P -{ l{mlO 5l€'lz l:t> Ir-l!lm 16,,lz I' I I I ld l€lz le t<t> lF II l-r to l€ lz E t> lF F a-rt G't-rrl r =@ =CJ l-t to l€ lz lo li Ir lfl l-{ t'n l8E tzl lel t<l t>l tFl t_l tD 6t Irr tc 19 ln l=H l:" I I lt1 I l'E IF IF lrn tl tl rl i . +f\)(^) 5 3 t- m (.^) @ ro ! t-c !t =(D I -t - ntrtr q,z lq mil l-.r I 1\)l\- o lEr lo t'n T m ! =i I o (D m x m !-{.o z (-o i@ 'u)f m c- c". F l. t oC)-(cIO-d3s o9d 6Rg 8:t l=x =0r o '<q{ 5.s F i*F (D =f =**d'p. --otJ i-JP :ioro Q 3.a or-o aB= ! * (/,:95 lc o)E !t -='-f +i; a96 oo<, ?!fo ..: Lo =9I f! -. =< =da=t qf :89 o-f ox o :: :. 1 ;s*ii a'3 38A ol:(ro=- 9r;ao (D --- {o 0t o CL f A) (cI -t € (o ot o c o. o <t o o (cI o { A' E o t = = @ g. -' (o o o- J o -l E f D =o o) ; o d m i l l z t- T m =--.1 z m m m l-< ' lz l/,J t- a {z lr r t1 0 il" ll m € t- a t- ll z a c t- : z I x z m at t- c m tr I z n J z I m t- m vt €m tr z z --1 <, J z c z z m { r i m 2 o =z m _9 --t m P :rl t-c 6 z ONF ? sr ii o3 >F io O.- > -n q 68 #: gs .+Z v, - -l to6 6 '.22 ffi => !< = r (^, = f\)t\)(tl o Y. lz 2t= F lo m 13 ! t=l- | <lt : t!o lt 6l;rl ml (!? | i m =l s T|-d|tr \ \ N -l o x \t m E \-'r ral s a m -'t x t-m z c m o (t, m z m m € @ m m l z '|t1l tr! 3 m - z t- t- = = m t-m = t- t- z o m o x @ F o z m -t !m a = =-n m m U' VALUATION =m o z |- t- @ z m |-m --{ t- |- z rA\ lc'' ,G -\ N I -tl -: N I t^l l\) 1\)ol N u1 o N N (t c !m v = =2 9 l, ro t\) \(t o o o 1\)(t o o ro t\)(tl (^) @ (tl o /J-/- s3 ?L,tttt{6. O P"l CR l:7 F-.4 J- rc\:1 't € --el CL o tl o o u o o o 3 3 c m n -t-l-r P l<x IHE lOo lrr o l!<tmT lnf,l<J l=g <TP tn> =oo YF f- !tr!Z. 11 qn 3 m o T z o c) z -l o 9: 3<<(It i3 -m o --{ f,) t- -l -{ n o Zo im nz.>m i>or n T m z =IT {\\$. \,|1 $ a\ l l_ 2 { I--r mlO Hl€:tz t: lF lfl l2 le I I I H l€ lz lo l1l t<t> lF It lm lF,lz \j \) I vl w \ H F r |l\ t$ li l{ lz lo I.n t< li lm lv,lz I Ir.- lo Ir lflr I I x) \o I N u) l-r l€ lz lo II t> lr' lfi lz lo t.- lt)ll.r Ir l(-" I I c)E =r <F p P u r I I =l .l I I z F E= l.n, N |.\t,r fi n \i *) F N t' I = (- - -A :-\1 I \f\ I =f I -m=-, 1 T5 o< d9 a!g aO CE >l 1i5 () f .l1 m ={ n!! -r1 .Il O- z=o@ z=oo z ;i 0J o -ltO O -r ;d3E ' O! di 369.9 o. H. ot 6'i e * :.-R{ot E o- ;13s (/, o Y j E J -+o*E- ;:-58 --3oro iQB.a o^.(,): .ilO)ia6'5 to9a@ o*=! f6-==*.r = i'i :l=6 i' {o:-l f-o o *v, l.i= ue48 i=gP -iE-. I ai =s .= g .,1. = F=3r <o-=0.aP A' f 6 =.J ^-;q)iiaii= FUt a:-'lRd oiXo o,^:c o € T' o t o 5 -c. f f o rtr TA '3 f o -t \€ q, E F = o a z c m o 'rl €z m o z -l I m €z m a o m ! ^z (! =z o -t I o z m I c m o r-t l z t- m ll =-{a z m m m lz lz IF :r c i *J \ z (n c -.t z t- t rrl :{ € t-t- ,ro m€otr TF -z za .z : z>9R rd 4<!j.l < >a o> @6 z c z =tl tt tl z m € i m --l o z =z -: N -{ _9 m -n =z \ s N lr-o<o<o3 c ,'| >'n ZO \Y C> u,e qP <r-x 6o 2Z ^)@=Nm= \,t -"FR m z m t- an .c)tI =r= \z -Tl € 'I t iI N ( q.,t C^t a m ='"./.F ?*t 9 B3i <IB Y z A'. I :h: ;F ') tl I | ,_, or tl >F- =l #,d ;+-_l .r__ |lo(,vl tl z z g t- 2 z m a o -t t- m =TI m m U) c (t, m x .-m z c m L m 2 z m m € rn m =z -n m m r'I o - z c) -c = 2 m fi -l |- f. z I m o x t- z m = m n = =.Tt m m tr VALUATION =m o z o r- = = m t-m i |- g . \\l\J \U "l : N 0'r q \ \ t\J \) & :{ L \q \I )I I s \ t (/\ I q \ :{ t- \ 4l K tl s ,"rt"toN REouEsr TOWN OF VA]L JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr o u TEMP. POWEF tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR -.4 I 3'ScHEDULE A, PAGE v PROPOSAL / CONTRACT I /'t . Job Locarion ./, o OL- D" ' Description and specifications of work to be performed: T +' DlnA %,y b( r^,€ F-__ I ot D k//// /,)r"€ A/t c<-t tA,q/fle 0 uzr// l, Abous , Qalteo lrrt//lilltzt 8t /au' z*rl fi,ztrf k tr..or-r i, ..-. f')rJ \:1.0i L I t#akt- Oate:z?zz z-s 9= t'/a'. SCHEDULE A, PAGE PROPOSAL / CONTRACT Job Location Description and specilications ot work to be porfoamed: ,;.-i,,,. :,: .jr ri.i I r-ll nQl n.j tC.r.: ,l _ .tr i'_ l'-' '-,r:r.jl,. : "114' '<l ..ir :-.,1.].;r Llii-:-j,1..',il"]-f:l'j- f.':',i,'l,..G:''.r1':i,1 rl!1,- r:rrniili. l, 8 : ll 0 l.il i i'.- ,., '.ll) .i-i -l l-' . ,' ..r Aili . 'F '-ri;-',.i '-:;..7' 'ir (-j' rr'-r' '''L i.ll r' :-T. ''r -,'llill i 0.' -i" r,r',.'I r-il; -; '',i','..,irfl i r.,')r'. 'T.,:' .1,-t.,. l.^li '-'':'a I Ii -'''-1 rr 'llrril'l'j:.- i . :, , , ,, 1 1"1 l,r ;i- ,0 ::. '.j :,,-1 '" ,fJ'. ,.r. :: li r_r_. ::: -.;j \ ,..'.;. :'1,- r.-) l.:,'i:.i ir-1i. -t".,1_ 1_ Dl.l,- i_.,,... -:-,' l ,-r,^,.. .',. ,:,1' .i, :i: :,r ..1; l.': rllr:t-], l ,_ ._l', ,.;,1, i.l:,. '.i',-: , i".i -:r.t ii ,[I'!. r.]. :1..',.',.-.-. lC.lI {, )': (,1'l llirii ll'i,T rlil:l'l :l'i ,',:. : ."r1" .i .:l;-r..,iJ 'j , .l. .' .1". '.:-.-;. l.l.i ' Ir-1-i'j lJl-t j-'llf,: '1. :)Diil.l l,r '^l ; r..,i, (rt-r,, I '.i,; il . tlli': :) l . i'_:';., ^11.- D _r ii rrr"' r./ l.n . "'i.,1 ' ii i'\, .: )" Ii ll il -ll ll lt .tl tl _tl tt :i i 1r{t- beskl. r , Tlzzt.-F LA.4 o,-{ i ,1 \.i vl RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES Date:,r//zr zz - ez ,r, 4le.nzr/ te-tla I 1 Description and speoitications ot work to bB perfo.m€d: 'r/ I '.HEDULE A, PAGE lfett{- R ' rr^* Prr-c $ r0i.--r- -+ Lrorz 'b.J,.:L .l h+, oWehe*4 AbouE',t t /\ts e , ? I ,. t z (\ /1 /r 1-'"' rloe& .+ 37,,,o ) rc LA - -/-----$]J / /,-t -4 r'- ' 7*t-fu4/Lj KJt)t-",.r t'tl >,._l2hAn- \ \)(\ r'0 l,r \q l, \4/ ",! ){K ul:Lr t ul rr' TERPRISES rhu zs 83 Dato: ,t SCHEDULE A, PAGE PROPOSAL / CONTFACT Job Location Descriplion and specificalions of work to be pertormed:hes oo€ehepl Als a ALoue lSeat{- R'Yr"- Pt.-r; 5 rAi^,c PProved iunied Toln ot Vail Communny DevaloPment Plan guitd Hoanh II LJ ll LJ Fire tr u -7 | oou bJ,, L //1/Pr)-.co lrdecA Sh,alnaL zx\ zry' g.t5 ,,,yt[y[,{/-ff;" Ddo;t-' I L = - | 4rd:ffil'iillll,iiill'ffi #.ffi t'i'f iffi ''.;'.f.,:ii ,T,:,j'ffi$$;*iffi*U Prr{r l[b;;|5[# ,uJ<,zD Al"4 ?11*,"\ Flo,. T41un.) ,rbu z-s 83 f SCHEDUTE A, PAGE PROPOSAL / COT{TRACT Job Location ,laP)ne Dc. Doscrlplion and epecificetions of work to b€ porform€d: EN],AR].48I'IT OF UTIIIT/ NOO],4 OI\ TOI."ER DEC]GD AREA OF HOUSE. REiIOIE OTJD FRAiiIING STRUTURE ALREADI 3UTLT. PLUS DEC],iING AROUND F.OO]iI, ADDTNG B ' TO IJORTTI IJAII AI'ID ADD 4' t.Y 4' ADDITJONAI, SECTIOII T'O ROO],{ TO I}IE ';,EST. TUILT]NG OF ]IIEII FI,OOR AND INSUT.{T]NG BEIOTI. AI,SO I.'IAT-,IS. ADDING T'1,'Io I,AYERS OF 5,/B'' SHEETROoK. l'iAlER GAGES ETC. iNO\TED SO TO GET TO FIOOR FOS. INSI.ILATION AI{D SHEEEBOCK, fiAS iiOT mliE EEEORE HAV.E HAD AT,0T 0F PRO?L$I'r':-TH FR0ZEN PIPES SEFORE BECAUSE THrS R001.{ l'J.{S NoT II{SInATED. AFTER CoNIRUCTIoN HoT fiIB pIIIIIBING lrAfER GAGES ETC HooKED Up, rN iLACE. ELECTRT IAt r_,rcHT AND S1,'{rTCH ADDED TO T,IEV S;IALL ROO,'{, AND ].,]GHTS AJID SI'IITCHES IIOVED IN UTIT.]ry ROO;.{. STA]NED AI{D CLEAN. SLr0i.r- Nooa l-l[,l,,Iq €-oo.a^- €okin u PR-ett"-F Leq "J RUSTY SP1KE ENTEFPRISES s4 ?z //z/.2-= - az ,r, 2t.a2y' tc-,/.+ SCHEDULE A, PAGE PROPOSAL / CONTRACT Job Locatlon / " 0;.o lo. Dsscription and specificalions of work to be p€rtormod: rblu- \"ru.k_8 o/ D tr//// /-nx Bt -e A)tcrt FZltne/ /,t//// T +' Z,trra. Dra( nul ZE tflrn of &q/e"ir ,4ba ua, Fz,ertt*O /,t/,/// ,rVltuzt Bc /a,o, z*t Hrtl Re.^ou s\. Town ol Vail CsnmunlU oovol00m6nt Approvtd Conled Hoalth Fhe nu rl t-l Phn tr tr Bulltl tr tr Valldlty ot Psrmlt Sec. $it (a) tsez u.e.c' 'i#i$hqq{{f'ffinr'#d'll:I?,ffi l;:'fl'Itll? ,,tta." OATE: Date:h/a z-C 9s RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES o o /art ,*#pg*o$, $FLouEsr r/,i '- I 7'{/{, JOB NAME DATE C.,ALLER READY FOR INSPF:CTION:MON TUE WED THUR LOCATION: - BUlLDING: tr FOOTINGS O FOUNDATI tr FRAI'/ING / CTtrtrI ON / STEEL --- PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O GAS PIPING - ROOF & SHEFjH " pLYWooD r'{i\lLlNG tr POOL / H. TUB tr INSULATION _=_--- tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL O FINAL TIn,IECHANICAL: ELEGTTiICAL: O TFJMP. POWER D, ROUGH - t] HEATING o L:.XHAUST HOODS tr SIJPPLY AIR l'tr coNDUr-, Itr tr- S t:lNi\L l-*, * t t t"T I o N R Eo u I R ED tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: I rr'roiluo PERMTT orrr,&moN Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION 1 qlsee rtrrcxeo sxe:r I - 1et addition ztp pHoN E MAIL ADO RESS PHOiI E LICENSE NO. ARCHITECT OR D€SIGNEF LICENSE NO. MA IL AOOF EsS PHONE L ICENSE tjlO, MAII ADO FE SS EIANCF usE or 6u I LDrN c 8 ctasolwork: trNEw trADDlrloN !nlrEnnrioru trBEPAIR nMovE trREM0VE 9 Describe work: T 10 Change of use from l1 Valuation ol work: $ Occupancy Group SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size ol Bldg. (Total) sq. Ft. Firo Sprlnklers Required flyss lNe APPL!CATION ACCEPTED BY APPBOVED FOF iSSUANCE BY: OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OH IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OF ABANDONEO FOH A PEBIOD OF I2O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. PRESUME TO GIVE PROVISIONS OF ANY TY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE TATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING RFORMAIICE OF CONSTRUCTION. ZON ING SOI L REPORT Jurisdiction of wHEN pRopERLy vALTDATED N THrs spAcE) THrs rs youR pERMtr O PERMIT VALIDATION cK. M.O. CASH Form 100.1 9-69 at Hr.r"/r,/-# Js /Zf lNSpEcroR "{,. p,t^V/rtt / a - 7-73 INTERNATIONAL CONF€R€NCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS. !!60 s. woRXMAN i.r!! no^o. wHrrrrcR, cal.rF. eo6ol INSPECTION RECORD DATE REMARKS INSPECTOB FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK lJ^f'w TRENCH la^il7J rt phrl <a<-l-.-'t-' a'otl - b -23 /2'4 REINFORCING 13 -f.13 0./T.Z.- FOUNDAI-ION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING Jl t t"la fl,'t-;-t CONCRETE SLAB 6 - i-tq &-rt-ru,--* Zr*^t a, k.L/a"*l** FBAMING b--:)'>tu ,ll ,,h----*:- -.,-.--,..-t -,rl-J; /-.t2;.f- tC{---'e-= INT, LATHING OR DRYWALL -.f t ,;'U'J' u EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES. FOLLOW-UP, ETC, t o \ INSPE t cf EAG clN FIEGIIJEsiT LE COUNTY DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER fl oruen ! pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTIQN </1 \--)-?^-"4, WED r)Oy) COMMENTS: I eppRovED tr uporu rxe CORRECTIONS ! otsnppRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR DArE /0-st* 7//' Jr/ ' DATE t a TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER INSPE t qf EAG clI\I FIEGIUEST LE COUNTY JOB NAME E orHsn I pnnrtrl. MON COMMENTS: TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED {Y;2t ,^, f .'/5-' ^r@ ,XorPRovED ! orsnppRovED I netNsPEcr IN SPECTO R /.DArE / /- 4 .- 1t ---.---___+----- O R€cs"'' uuN-{; - ? - "t .,.. ATICI\ Q'b'u' rcTil !rt t?ll \PPLIC BqEryHSg LFKtVtl t, l'\f (Lt\.-f'\l l\Jl\ Jurisdiction ot €--:z q(t, ( z---.4; Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. t-J-o- l 8/Jt / . / " / 1. firu/,",-S=t.-/-,,,,..D : . : .-,- . LECTL /' IaL$/ I I rFAcr .z /l'(LjsEE- ^ rrac f' Eo 3fi€€1) ' // ' -5 ./);, ,,.,,.I tal-<-;r,-/ /r,n/, -- rrtrrl ^orp!'.ls Pflori E ;) I t/c? ii//. //ls,:,,".Let*l;,llo tl AL -)4 r \f/lt 6 / aitHrrEc r oR oEslcr{EFt LICETISE NO. 5 o U5E OF BUILDIX 7 8 ClassofwoTK: WfiEW trADDITION DALTERATION trREPAIR EMOVE trREMOVE q Describe work:c ,.,. f, l.^-{.-i (,.1 A, t< -.,/"' ,i,le x 10 Ch?r3e of use from Change of use to 1l Vafuation of work: $ &)O A PLAN CHECK FEE PERMIT FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS:Type of Con9t. Occu pancy Group Divlslon Size ot gldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. No. of Stories Max. Occ. Load Fi'.e Zone U5e Zo ne Flr€ Sprlnklefs Requlrod [r7s5 [Nq A?P!ICATION ACCEPIEO AY: ,L//**L PLANS CHECK€O AY.APPROVEO FON ISSIJANCE AY No. of Owelling Unlt5 OFFSTREET PARKING Covored SPACES: luncovered t/ NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. IIIG. HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERiV]IT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF !''/ORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF COI\TSTRUCTION OR !,ORK lS SUSPENDEO OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. tv1eNCE O. I HEREAY CERTIFV THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THIS APPLICA'TION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORR€CT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COfuIPLIED WITH IVHETHER SPECIFIED HEn'iir oR NoT. THg GRANT|r.ja. r: ' .1 I':Rt-lli orlzs ^iaT Special Approvals Reqsired Becoivsd Not Boquirod ZONING HEALTH OEPT. F IRE DEPT. SOIL RSPORT OTHER (Speclly) !rrr3-i . re oF'fo!"t^iroR o€ asfoclteD-A6iNr './,- .^ t-, -t;..-. : '-/n, ''.-.''t (oarEl oF OWIER lrF OvlNEi BO|LO!F) (OATEI WHEN PROPEBLY VALIDATED {IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAT': CitECK VALIDATION cK. |'1.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION M.O. f o !t (( COUNTY OF EAGLE ELECTRICAL PERMIT I 002 \with Permit HP32 rju otng - Building Valuation $.75-,.Q.0..8...-9..Q.--.-. ElectricalVatuation $.2-'20O-^O.Q-.-----. Job Name.--.1=.9..t..4'..4!-h--1..-Pjgb-srn..9v.!:d.i-v-ielo-n-..'...V.ai.t Electrical Contractor Timberline E lectric Co. Plan Checker Ng Peroit Fee Ilsp€ction Fee Total Fee s.... ....!.?:9.9-....--. 32.00 $...--.-..--.--.--.----. .- Applicanl.,a'/'-.4-,*.- (.-.cr APPROVALS 20.00 $..-..-...-.--..-.-.--..----. -? 1') '4. [h*='4'- ChtG/ Bdlldttrs Or|lc,5l /7 THIS JOB Date Paid.....- Received By.--.....--..-.--.....--... ./.=.tu..?.1 . Drta FORIII IS TO BE POSTED 01{ SITE DURIIIG COT{STRUCTIOil /ft/ iuours ADVANCE NorIcE BEQUIRED FOX. INSPECTIONS rxi !- r- r!tr(r! cr., Errrar rorrll / 55-7qt'/ SFgr;q7g,- JUN Z 4 t,ti.. o*n ct Qurtr I tt DATE JOB NAME rz, TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I N s P E ?il :'t ",T,=: L' E s r E panrrnl. FEADY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PM APPROVED E upon rHE FoLLowrNG conRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E orseppRovED ! nrrNsPEcr t o t a t-- --a,TNSPECIEN FIEBUEST EAGLE COUNTY oo* lo- t 7- 7 TIME RECEIVED JOB NAME PM CALLER E appRovED E upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS I penrrnu fl orsnppRovED X,*a NsPEcr oarc /0- t?-7tJ ! ,!ilf\ Ju risdiction of ,plicant to complete numbered spaces only. USE OF E! I: OI:I G Class of work:tr NEW ! ADDITION il ALTERATION N BEPAIR Describe work: ;PECIAL CONDITIONS: \PPLICATION ACCEPTEO AY NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OF CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMIVIENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OH WORK IS SUSPENDED OA ABANDONED FOR A PERIOO OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TII\4E AFTER WORK IS COiN- MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFTEO HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMTT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION, PLU G PERMIT APPLI roN t Gr SIGNATURE OF CONTfiACIOF OR AUIHORIZED AGENT rls ee rrrncxro sxrerl Typ6 ot Firtura ot lt m WATER CLOSET (TOILET) LAVATORY (WASH AASIN) KITCHEN SINK & OISP. PLANS CHECKEO AY APPFIOVED FOR ISSTJANCE BY LAUNDRY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATE R DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR SINK OR ORAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS I..AWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT TOTAL FEE WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT ,LAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION M,O. TE M{) I NTERN ATI ON AL CON F Et..ENCE OF FILE BU I LDI NG OFFICIALS.=orm loo.2 9-69 J t a o I t,, Proiect Name: Prolect Appllcatlon Fa-tvH4 Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: cl Legal Description: Lot ,/ , Btock / Commgnts: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: .i . *.FtrLrivd- Xt"uApproval --^ - --- ----- -..-.. 1f.'29'-- e.E eEe.e.r.- -,'\,___--..- >:----se_tnEtl ----- *--- =-=l---tt' !gPru=. Dal!a C-o "+9 -' - -_] _-- o\-.---- 'p :'$' l'=zo'- o1 3 !5n-P LAN I v.,' I teoeEl) ru Jrrrtrr, FPSE fit"A.r/" t"gbrt-zn, fl,*. CIVIL ENGINEERING . PIINNING . sURVEYs SUBD|VIS|ONS . WATER & SEWER SYSTEI\S Kcnneih E. Richqrds Box 1908 Voil, Colorodo 8I657 Phonc 476-5O72 Dqnvcr 244-1521 September 24, 7974 Rcgisrercd Profcsdonql Enginccrr Registcred Lond Surveyorr Mrs. Diana S. Toughill Zoning Adnlnistrator P. O. Box 100 Vail , Colorado 81657 Re: Bighorn Falls Townhouse Mr. Abe Shapiro, Developer Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District Dear Diana: The proposed townhouses on Lot 4, BTock I, Bighorn Subdivislon First Addition can be served by the sewage system of the Upper Eagle Va11ey Sanitation District upon extension of a seriter line from the East by the developer. Ihis sewer line has been designed and I underst.and will be j.nstalled yet this fall. As you probably know, a eonsiderable amount of repair vork has been done this past surnmer on all l1nes within the Bighorn area. We foresee no capacity problems for any of the proposed developnents in this area. Slncerely yours, RICHARDS ENGINEERS, INC.@96x"*L Kenneth E. Richards Engineer for the District KER/pr cc: A. L. Shapiro James Collins, Mgr. A1 Flewelling, Supt. Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District September 17, 1974 HOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINC N0TICE IS HEREBY GMll that Mr. Abe L. Shaplro has applled for a resubdlvlsion of Lot 4, Block I, Blghorn Ist Addltlonapursuant to Artlcle IV of the Torn of Vall 9rMlvislon Regulatlons. The re- sultlng subd{vlslon ls to be kroiln as Tracts A and B, Blghorn Falls Townhouse. A Publlc Hearlng wlll be held on 0ctober 3, 1974 at 3:00 p.m. before the Town of Vall Plannlng Commisslon. The decislon wlll be trans- mltted to the Town Council for the Town of Vall for flnal declslon on 0ctober 16, 1974 at 7:30 p.m. Sald hearlngs wlll be held In the Town of Va{l }hnlclpal Buildlng. DEPARNENT OF COI-f,IUNITY DEVELOPI-IENT Dlana S. Toughill Zonlng Admlnlstrator cc: Hr. Abe Shaplro I'|r . V. K. Turner and l{. K. l'luncaster, et al. i'tr. Leigh H. lhrgren & Cqnpany lf . Hill{am F. l'lltche'll f'lr. Stanley C. and l'lrs. t'lartha 8. tfllson Upper Eagle Valley Sanltatlon Dlstrlct Publlc Servlce Company of Colorado l'lountaln Bel'l tloly Cross E'lectrlc Publfshed ln the Vall Trall Frlday, Septonber 20, 1974 A1l coples Certifled nall, Return Recelpt Requested ! ? NO. r | 2019 o SPEED. MEMO TO ABE L. SHAPIRO r -r P. O. BOX 15't7, YAIL COLORADO SlS57 V PHONE: (3113) 478-3511 APT.4O4 N. OPALTOWERS 11{9 RTE. A1A, HILLSEORO BEACH, FLA 33062 / PH'NE: (3os) 39e-013s "^-'?' f. SPEED.IAEhIO l,r,;*L.irl rrrt .r, n;' '\ '... . .\'s4-:rir,ri.^414 trrD-r(- ri,,r... \\r w 6) _t:O 33 z. (n ffi ci K cJ) ffi a- Fr .-..!.n C)6,(f r. i.".F'ii c, c)o(,,! f:-t =-{m | 5,r O:J $lE o :: frze (JG)O -.u nl :> 6)r-Irl c)c)C c3- -t t) rq rrl 5 TJ trl '7 --l C) C)}J :CI c, cn fJi () :.".' l)fi;:xd t-p r, (n cra ();i 5., u-J Ct FrE c)fn l\ i,G \\ I i i I I I \i\ ,\) {,Ni ,.,',:1,/, X ,' 1 ,ri i' j *\ i)i \\ ].i il /ti ri{ \"t l , ii,\ ii\ii\ ir ll, i,'li' .t ,ll l;,ii. FR tl fi3 aF itl .,ll fith -.ll- il"*8 ',.".. r-r c)o {{ao (t .i I,I raJ i-r <nt (f frl m z i;-{ ao a -,|nt iz! t t; li:l | :,'l iiir' rli ill ,i :..: -..- - 'r' i f:;!.- r '2 '- l. € -I fL o It o -lf :(D =;o g6 45 =i '-i A c t (D q o 3 o ntrtr Ltntr =r@ +n= = /'\ ,.\o;">t-t- -n -o z= >= z z l- o o z a -{7 c o -{o z T m 7 ={ o o =o !,:r c?n X<zx *>-^2 --r F \J> \,, -E z. t-ic 3= 1z oc) 80 =;;: -l (,o> - =^i ;2 !. >m -.t >or-n I =m -1 €z m { z =m =F |i (t) (s (o n rs ZJ ts (s f,=D 'i;o>'r t-o --{ t- l =z o = !- P |- 0 m l l<t> t;t>o o n m -n ; I t- o m a U' l I t- m (t lI l= laJ I :- F o s o c}(-'o s : !I t- m lh o I I =- m a a lw ln t: r$ft ta, r' c) ! o 'Tl - o z ON z9)m!f; 4 )-:F bo Y.za)@o,o o12 :ooq,Xo 6p ^Z c k za---l ooo 'r1 zz € 7 x Nro= qoI 5-I< I 1.. l<ts t>ID ti..la lF lo r ts IQ IF t5 l(s t}| lo IF l(s l(s l(r. F !m ;|- z. -i m € -l m ec 7 a J I n m m r m XIP H=8 Fn 5 z u)c I- --l z o €m t-T z c z -r I z z n l" m ozlo oomo 5-6<ijnE< 9P23 !Br: ^ii2 z atl o -.r zo>m a).4u1 ?d)i 3r{;ot'9.=; 9s 3F zz 2 m € t-i m --l z 0 =z m --.1 o x z m (, o:\I\ tr (..-lN lN' :\t)'{ I I l\ 9lnr rrilW ld,) It! z =z a -.t z 2 -t m { -l r .E m =-i 'Tl m m U) a_m z m U' m v,o 2 m m =@ m - z o t- =z m 3 -r m = ='Tl m m at VALUATION t-c 3 2 o -{m 1'n o (- m o -{ z o !m n = =2 o \ F.. ^FJ N-) .. n \ a{>t >:r!rt €+c>(,- <o !>':_ iiio;g > o>:gliti :zFlo>', o>o ctor-lX SI>o=rYzze-9!u>=xi;6u !.'; I ":3c-> dc/) ci > -:i3ir Z;EH; z.t(t F atl o DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON FRI AM ' PM') INSPECTION REQUEST.. TOWN OF VAIL CALLER TUES WED THUR READY FOR LOCATION: BU trl trl EII trl or E ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING NSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL EL tr E tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR F'APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o DATE INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t.'|,,t a /) JoB NAME - //'lr;, '+*r*t, {<S t4to 6ALLER /--'n ' e' --\ rA e- Co - -<-.t- READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON ruES wED +Il ,@ C ,r. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB E,FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPE o CT ION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DArE t-aq-XO JoBNAME CALLER -=R \ -'*- '-V\a o o LL{r- INSPECTION:MON ruES wED r.-iiuF) rnr READY FOH LOCATION: AM PM BUILD!NG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING SOUGH D EXHAUST HOODS D tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL {} APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE .) rrgrtnrryrua'r o" JOB NAME CALLER tJ\/"e READY FOR INSPECTION:MoN @-ES) wED THUR FRI LOCATION: INSPE e CT ION REOUEST DATE 'hrf't, TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL g/uNoencnouruo O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT r'l O SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL T o FINAL PROVED PPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED @-AP CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR 'l tl ltl 'tl '\t rtl .1.) : () -l I'r ltt I- .. 1 l.() ,' ;t) ii il .l) t' art o -t- t- '<;,>n -rx ;z ;o _t Zn o3 i -*, -i l!t-.lI (l ) .t (, t .)o ., '|, . | ). .) .., u [,(,-t, -rt -O Of- CC ZR cJ(o >;-t ;;C)z o z.r: -() a r: =z. 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Legal Description: Lot Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Chief Building Otficial