HomeMy WebLinkAboutDocuments - 198975 south ftontage road
vril, colorado 81657
(303) 479-2105
oftlce ot town menager
JwLy 27, 1989
Ms. Athena Buxman
3797 East Lupine Drive Vail, Colorado A1-657
Dear Ms. Buxman:
Thank you again for your letter of Ju1y.r-8 regarding your proposar to trade Lot L of the Bighorn second addilion, f5r the Torrn,s assistance in. filtins thg pond on Lot 5 and thereby creating a deveropable rot.After discussion of your proposal with ihe Town,J planning stirr, -it
appears that a nurnber of approvals wourd be necess-ary pri5r t"-""v nodification of the 1-00-yeli rtooaplain on Lot s. wE irave identiiiea the following:
l-. A Town.of-Vail Planning and Environmental Comrnission approval of a floodplain rnodification is required. This woula iEquire the subnittal of an Environnentar rhpact report, and more speci-fically !!re.hydraulic anarysis necessaiy for the floodplain nodification.
2- An Army.gorls of Engineers pernit, either an rndividual or a Nationwide permit, would be- reguired.
3 - A conditionar Letter of Map Revision fron the Federar Energency lranagement Agency (FEMA), wourd also be requirea.
Due to the specific expertise necessary to complete the Environnentar rrnpact Report and- the reguired rown of vail apirovars, r berieve it would not be in the Town,s best interest to pirisue your proposar.Hovrever, the Town would be wirling to assist you thiough'tnE iequirea processes should you decide to pursue the rto-oaptain .5aieic"ai;;-;"your own.
Thank you again for please feel free to contacting us and Lf you
contact ne.
should have any guestions
Rondall V. Pttil
Town ltanager
cc: Vail Town Council
Peter Patten
Irlilce t'tollica
75 south trontage toad
vail, colorado 81657
(303) 479-210s
ottlce of town manager
Ms. Athena Buxman
3797 East Lupjne Drjve Vail, Colorado 81657
Dear Ms. Buxman:
Thank you for
to trade Lot in fil ling or
that filling
Envi ronmental
July 19, 1989
your letter of July 1.8 concerning your proposal
1, Bighorn Second Addition, for the Town's help partly fjlling the pond on Lot 5. I beli eve
the existing pond will take Planning and
Commission review. but I am not certain of
I am forwarding your letter to the Community Deveiopment
Department for review and will be discussing your proposal
with them in the near future. Please understand that we are
'i nterested in your proposal , and will respond following our staff review of all the implications.
t,|e appreciate you contacting us, and will be back to you in
the near future.
cc: Peter Patten,
Rondall V. Phill
Town Manager
Community Devel opment Department
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