HomeMy WebLinkAboutDocuments & Projects - 2001-2005 (CO)i. ROCKFALL AND AVAI-ANCHE HAZARD ANALYSIS AND MITIGATION CONCEPTS I LOTS 8, 10, AND 12, BTGHORN'sueoMSlON 2ND ADDITIoN Prepared For. Mr. Steve Riden PrePared BY Arthur l. Mears, P-E.' Inc. Gunnison, Colorado MaY,2001 : ll ?,. ARTHUR I. MEARS, P.E.,INC. Natural Hazards Consultants 555 county Road 16 Gunnison. Colorado 8 1230 Tclutrlaxl-97Gl641'3236 aim€trs@rmii'com May 10,2001 '' Mr. Steve Riden P.O. Box 3238 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Hazard and mitigation analysis, Lots 8, 10 and 12, Bighorn 2nd Addition Dear Mr. Riden: The analysis of hazard and mitigation design concepts you requested is attached. Although some expo;ure to the abovedefined hazards does exist' site-specinc mitigltion, inOuding fill against back walls or special fences, is feasible and can probably be iniorporated without substantial expense' Please contact me if you have any questions' SincerelY, /t-\ t, l.rr VLl'n^^!VUW'P Arthur l. Mears, P.E. Ava I anche-control engineer Encl: RePort Mass Wosting ' Aralanchcs ' Avalanchc Conlrcl Engincering 1 REPORTSUMMARY The principal conclusions, recommendations and limitations of this study are detailed in Sections 2 - 6. The summary is as follows. 1.1 Exoosure All lots, proposed buildings and additions considered in this study are within range of rockfall and avalanche hazards. These hazards originate within or directly below the obvious limestone cliff outcropping of the Maroon formation approiimately 300 feet above the building sites (Figures 2 and 3). Both rocffall and avalanches of sizes sufficiently large to damage buildings are rare events (estimated return periods of 100 years or longer) but do require mitigation as discussed. Roekfalf or Avalanche T H 'Protected- House ffi .i 9 i.-. .- .tr 1 <', o:d RECOMMENDED MlncAnoN - Mitigation recommended tor the building posifions shown in the April, 2001 Steve Riden drawings conCists of placing a fill to a height H against all back walls of ioposea nouses. Ihe fiil shoitd ertend veftically for a height "H". H = 10' on Lot I (upper), 8' 'on'Lot 8 (lower), 10'on Lot 10, and 8'on Lot 12. Sufiace slope of fill should be 1.%:1. Thiswill protect ftom aeiign-magnitude roc4fa!! and avalanches. An altemate mitigation (a rockfall energy-absorbing fence) is discussed in Section 6. '1.2 Mitigation Because of small velocities and energies of avalanches and rockfall' the recommended mitigation will consist of fill against the uphill walls of all buildings as shown in the above figure. The lower section of the walls must be reinforced for the resulting soil pressure, as determined by the structural engineer. Any walls and windows on the back walls within 12 feet of grade should be minimized in area and reinforced for a horizontal pressure of 100 lbs/ft'. The fill will dissipate rockfall and avalanche energy such that buildings will not be damaged and rocks and debris will not be deflected adversely onto adjacent public or private property. This will protect residents and others and will satisfy the Town of Vail hazard regulations. 2 OBJECTIVES AND LIMITATIONS As requested by Mr. Steve Riden, this report has the following objectives: a. Analysis of the dynamics and resulting hazard from design-magnitudel rocKall and avalanches on the subject properties; b. Quantification of the impact and/or static loads on exposed buildings; c. Recommendations of mitigation procedures that are feasible at or above the buildings' 'i Discussion of any adverse deflection of rockfall and dvalanches onto adjacent properties; and Discussion of risk. This report also has the following limitations which should be understood by all those relying on the results and recommendations: a. Only rockfall, and snow and debris avalanches are considered, other hazards or constraints to development, if any, are beyond the scope of the study; b. The analysis is based on building locations provided in the Steve Riden drawings given to me in April, 2001. c. Any substantial changes to the terrain or forest cover (e.9., by forest fire or landslides) above the building sites may increase the hazard; d. Extraordinary events (e.9., with return periods of 300, 1000 years or longer) may exceed the sizes delineated or analyzed in this report; and e. The study is site-specific and may not be applicable at other sites. 3 PREVIOUS WORK The Town of Vail has developed rocKall, debris avalanche, and snow avalanche maps which indicate Lots 8, 10, and 12 (as well as some adjacent lots) lie within hazard areas or potential hazard areas. These Vail maps are generalized thus do not indicate the physical characteristics or destructive potentials of the above processes. Modifications to these maps based on site-specific analysis and more detailed study have been provided in Figures 6 and 7 of this report. Additional site-specific hazard or hazard mitigation studies for Lots 8, 10, and 12 have not been completed since the originalVail studies. 4 TOPOGRAPHIC SETTING AND SITE OBSERVATIONS Figure 1 is a generalized location map of the project area taken from U. S. Geological Survey topographrc data. The approximate location of the rockfall ' Design-magnitude - Events with return periods of approximately 100 years. Avalanches do have return periods because events ol one year are not related to those of subsequent years, however, rockfall events may be dependent on events of prior years. d. e ita E lSl *^*{-* FTGURE f/lctn'tty napihowing'idy area and approximate tocation of Lots 8-12- At this Iocation, avalanches aid rockfai begii primarity below 8,680 feet elevation level within ", !?!?y the limestone cliffs. Many other avaTanches, debris flows, or rockfalls also o.ccur in the general vicinity but are not shown on this map. Hazard detineation and subdivision into red and blue zones are shown in more detail on Figures 6 and 7. SCALE: 1" = 500' J-D TopoQuadr Copyright @ 1999 Dtlormt Yrrnrouth. MD 0.f096 Sourcc Duhr USGS ft $crle: I : 6,{X}0 Dc&ll: t{'3 D!tun: WGSt4 and avalanche area and lot locations are indicated and the general topography of the immediate area is shown. The steep colluvial (rock and debris) slopes below the limestone cliff shown in Figure 2 is littered with boulders, smaller rocks and assorted debris. This material results from the combined effects of rockfall, FIGURE 2. Obtique photogaph (taken from the noftheast on Apil 27, 2001) of Bidge Road cul' de-sac and the west end of Lupine Drive. Steep colluvial slopes below limestone cliff band can 7 oroduce sma!!-to-moderate sized avalanches. Rockfall originates within clitrs. FIGURE 3. Oblique photograph showing greater detail in project area (above Lupine Drive and south of cul-de-sac) and .the runout area for the rockfall and avalanches. Very large limestone boulders near houses probably originate from glacial activity rather than rockfall. avalanches, other mass-wasting processes and glacial activity. Much of the upper Gore Creek Valley was the site of extensive glaciation during the fleistocen" glacialepoch which ended here 10,000 to 20,000 years before present. The extensive glaciation probably scraped rocks from the cliffs and deposited many near the present location of homesites as the ice melted. Alternately, a single or multiple rockfall, rock avalanche, or landslide event(s) may havaoccurred and deposited these rocks. However, the major boulders' appear to have been in place for over 1OO0 years, perhaps more than 10,000 years, judging from soil development and lichen growth on the rock surfaces (see Figure 4). FIGURE 4. Major 8-10 foot-tong boulder in the vicinity of the tower building srfe on Lot 8' Boulder probabty reached this position duing or immediatelf following valley deglaciltion, not from 'rockfalf. tt may have moved into plice from landstides that occuned after valley deglaciation or by melting glaicial ice. tt is unlikeiy that this boutcter fetl ftom the cfiffs as an isolated event because-it-*orld have rotleO mu6h fafther or broken into smaller rocks. So,1 around the boulder and tichen cover on the sw-face suggesfs it has been in the cunent position for at least 1000-3000 years, possibly more than 10,000 years. Rockfall and debris-avalanches have also occuned since valley deglaciation and deposited smaller boulders in the vicinity of existing and proposed houses' Such examples are widespread on the colluvial slope above Lupjle Drive and other areas within the valley. An example of a rocffiall-deposited boulder is shown in Figure 5. This 3-foot diameter boulder rests on the soil surface and probably has faiien into place during the past several centuries as a result of rockfall' Rocks of this size have the capability of reaching the proposed houses and therefore require mitigation. fhey aie the basis of the rockfall modeling conducted in this studv. t FIGURE 5. Rocl<fail4erived boulder approximately 2.&3.0 feet long v,rhich fell from the limeslone ctiffs. Notebook is approximately one-foot tong. A 3.l-foot diameter rock similar to fhis one was used in the rockfatt dynamics analysis and was the basis for the mit:tgatlon recommendations. 5 ROCKFALL AND AVALANCHE MODELING METHODS APPLIED 5.1 RocKallModeling. The velocities, kinetic energies, and bounce heights of rockfall events at the proposed buildings have been quantifled through application of the Colorado Rockfall Simulation Program (CRSP), a stochastic rockfall dynamics program developed by the Colorado Department of Transportation and the Colorado School of Mines. The following steps were used in application of CRSP: a. Rock source areas were identified in the field and through analysis of aerial photographs. b. The colluvial slope below the limestone cliff was characterized in terms of steepness, roughness, and haidness, parameters used in the CRSP analysis. c. The sizes of boulders and their probable stopping positions were determined in the field. d. The CRSP model was forced to produce boulder stopping positions as determined in the field. e. Velocities, kinetic energies, and bounce heights at selected analysis points (positions of mitigation) were determined at the building locations by the CRSP analysis. The maximum extent of 3-foot diameter rocks (the design r"o"lifall event) in the project area is shown on Figure 6. This map should be used to update the existing Town of Vail rockfall hazard maps which were prepare'd in 1984. Complete details of the results of the rocKall-dynamics analysis are provided in Appendix A. A summary of the design criteria which were used to develop the rockfall mitigation measures recommended in Section 6 are provided in Table 1. Table 1. Rockfall desiqn criteria for mitigatic Note: Mitigation design criteria are based on the 90% cumulative proDaalty levet, meann.g rnar there exists a 10% probability that the design rockfall event (which is a rare event) will exceed the cntena. 5.2 Avalanche modeling Avalanche dynamics were modeled by fitting a three-parameter stochastic model of avalanche motion to the flow, assuming a starting position at the cliff band and a stopping position consistent with observed stopping positions observed in topographically gimilar paths in Colorado. The following two steps were used as recommended by the Colorado Geological Survey: a. First the design-magnitude avalanche stopping position was determined by terrain analysis, observations of prior events in similar terrain, and statistical modeling; b. Second the avalanche-dynamics modelwas used to compute energy (of clear snow and debris avalanches) to determine the red/blue hazard zone boundary (mapped in Figure 7). Avalanche velocities computed in step "b" at the proposed buildings were determined to be 1Om/s (22 mph) or less and would produce impact pressures generally less than 400 lbs/ft2 at the bases of large, flat walls normal to the flow. Because the apparent avalanche return period at the proposed buildings is more than 25 years, this would place buildings in the "blue" (moderate hazard) zone, as indicated on Figure 7. According to the Vail hazard regulations, construction with mitigation is allowed in such areas. a'l n cntena Tor m )n Siie Velocity Kinetic Energy Bounce Height Lot 8 building (Upper) 51.30 fVsec 120.O27 ft-lbs 7.69 ft Lot 8 building (Lower) 39.30 fUsec 74.167 ft-lbs 15.51 ft Lot 10 buildins 51.07 fUsec 117,046 ftJbs 7.60 ft Lol12 buildinq 41.97 ftlsec 89,848 ft-lbs qRqfr Note:de criteria are based on the 900/5 level, meaning that ,r.?jl ):a,- /7. (,, ..i 7.;:.":ii:,; ; . :.;:; ti.i= /,,----t.,s, Iai' r I z:. l' ,"t t\\|:\ ,,.-\1.A,t.- / f,f...:. ;.: I t J l / y' / :,/t . :t ::::'.,,.1.,n.. 1..//:.: f : i. t---:-\ ,::l ,:N.', ':.,"'l I/' l/ - < FIGURE 7. Map of the maximum erteft of snow or debris avalanches in the Bridge Road and west Lupine Drive area. Red (high hazard) and BIue (moderate hazard) zones are shown. Map was produced ftom aerial photography taken in 1997, thus recent construction does not appear on the map. SCALE: 1" = 100' 7 6 MITIGATION Two forms of mitigatlon from rocKall and avalanches is recommended. These recommendations are based on the observations and analyses presented earlier in this report. 6.1 Berms against backwalls The recommended mitigation form consists simply of berms builtbgainst the uphill walls of buildings (Figure 8). These berms must be built to a height of 8 - 10 feet to dissipate rockfall and avalanche energy. The required heights are given in Table 2. criteri Berm surfaces should have a slope of 1 /.: 1. Walls must be designed to withstand the static soil load, it being assumed that the impact loads of rockfall or avalanches will be dissipated by the deformable soil and rock material of the berms. FIGURE E. Rockfail and avalanche berms placed against the uphill walls will provide mitigation on Lofs 8, 10, and 12. The required berm heights for vaious locations are provided in Table 2. Berm surlaces should be at a I yz.: 1 slope. Wndows yithin the lower 12 feet of the back wall should be reinforced for a normal pressure of 1O0 lbsfif . Berms will not deflect rocks or snow/debris mixtures onto adjacent public or private propefty. able 2. Berm n a BUILDING LOCATION BERM HEIGHT Lot 8 buildinS (upper)1O feet Lot 8 buildins (lower)8 feet Lot 10 building 10 feet Lot 12 buildins addition 8 feet Windows within the lower 12 feet of the back walls should either be avoided, minimized in surface area, ot reinforced for a pressure of 100 lbs/ft'. An alternate form of mitigation, which rockfall is the energy-absorbing fence is primarily used for defense against (Figure 9). FIGURE g. Energy-absorbing rockfall fence (manufactured by GeoBrugg of Sante Fe' NM) installed above a house near Telluide. Ihis is a 'medium-energy" absorbing fence which would be capable of dissipating rocks with the design energies above Lots 8, 1 0, and 12. This type of fence has been widely used in Europe and the United States, primaiity above highway rockfall areas. The medium capacity fence shown in Figure 9 is approximately 9 feet high and would cost approximately $300-$500 per foot installed. Each fence would be within approximately 50 feet of each building and would extend the full width of the structure. Modifications to the -k fence design would probably be required in order to withstand avalanche loads. Although either berms or rockfall fences could be used, the final choice will depend on cost, environmental disruption, and esthetic considerations. These choices can be made during the final design stage. Report prepared by Qvfmlw\-r,'o Arthur l. Mears, P.E. Avalanche-control engineer TECHNICAL APPENDIX A. Rockfall-dynamics analysis The following pages provide input and output data used in computing rockfall dynamics parameters at the building sites. t r,( : CRSP Input File - Dfcrsp\Br&om Lot 8.dat Input File Specifi cations Units ofMeasure: U.S. Total Number of Cells: 8 Aaalysis Point X-Coordinate l: 425 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 2: 481 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 3 : fnitial Y-fop Starting Zone Coordinate: 8660 :' Initial.Y-Base Starting Zone Coordinate: 8540 t' Remarks: Cell Data cell No. Surface R. Tangent c, Normal c. Begin X Begin Y End X End Y I .5 .8 .5 0 8640 30 8600 2 .5 .8 .5 30 8600 150 8520 3 1.5 .7 .3 150 8520 340 8420 ' 4 1.5 .7 .3 340 8420 42s 8390 5 1.5 .7 .3 425 8390 465 8380 6 1.5 .7 .3 465 8380 481 8376 7 I.5 .7 .3 481 8376 511 83.74 8 .3 .8 .3 511 8374 561 8370 CRSP Analysis Point Statistical Analysis - D:\crsp\Bighorn Lot 8.dat Analvsis Point 1 Analysis Point l: X= 425, Y= 8390 Spherical Rock 3-ft dia., 23331b Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: 78 t Cumulative Probability Velocity (,ff/sec) Energ (t-h) Bounce Height (ft) 5ff/o 75% 90% 9s% 98yo Note: Velocrty and kinetic energy are analyzed assuming a normal distibution. Bounce height is analped assuming a log distribution .1 33.46 42.85 s l.3 56.37 62.06 62938 92994 t20027 136257 154472 l.6l 4.81 7.69 9.42 I1.36 CRSP Analysis Point Statistical Analysis - Dlosp\Biglorn Lot 8 dam.dat Analvsis Point 1 AnalysisPoint 1: X= 440,Y= 8400 Spherical Rock: 3-ft dia., 2333-lb Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: 9 L t Cumulative Probabilitv Velocity (ff/sec) Energrr (ftlb) Bounce Height (ft) 5V/o 14.2 15351 0.37 7s% 18.91 23233 2.21 90% 23.15 30323 3.87 95% 25.69 34579 4.86 9S% 28.55 39356 s.97 Note: Velocity and kin*ic energy are analyznd assuming a normal distribution. Bounce heiglrt is analyzed assuming a log distribution. I CRSP Input File - Dlcrsp\Bighorn Lot 8 dam.dat Inout File Soecifications Units ofMeazure: U.S. Total Number of Cells: 10 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 1 : . 440 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 2: Alalysis Point X-Coordinate 3: Initial Y-Top Starting Zone Coordinate: 8660 Initial Y-Base Starting Zone Coordinate: 8640 Remarks: t CellData cell No. Surface R. Tangent c. Normal c. Begiu X Begin y End X End y I 2 .' 4 ) 6 8 9 10 0 30 150 340 425 440 455 465 481 5ll 8640 8600 8520 8420 8390 8400 8390 8380 8376 8374 30 150 340 425 440 455 465 481 sll 561 8600 8520 8420 8390 8400 8390 8380 8376 8374 8370 .(i-/- ' CRSP Analysis Point Statistical Analysis - Dlcrsp\lBigborn Lot 8.dat Analysis Point 2 Alalysis Point 2: X= 481, Y= 8376 Spherical Rock 3-ft dia., 2333:lb Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point 44 Cumulative Probabilitv Velocity Lff/sec) Enercry (ft-lb) Bounce Hbight Cft) 50% 24.97 36668 0.69 75% 32.52 56410 8.49 90% 39.3 74L67 r5.5r 9s% 43.38 84827 19.72 9'8% 47.95 96792 24,4s Note: Velocity and kinetic energy are analyzed assuming a normal distribution. Bounce height is analyled assuming a log distribution. t CRSP lnput File - D:\crsp\Bighom Lot 8 dam2.dat Input File Specifications Units of Measure: U.S. Total Number of Cells: 9 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 1: 493 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 2: 0 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 3: 0 Initial Y-Top Starting Zone Coordinate: 8660 Initial Y-Base Starting Zone Coordinate: 8640 Remarks: CellData Ceil No. Surface R. Tangent C. Normal C. Begin X Becin Y End X End Y t I 2 J 4 6 7 .5 1.5 1.5 1.5 i.5 .5 a .J .5 .J .J .J .3 .J ,3 .3 0 30 150 340 425 465 481 493 505 8640 8600 8520 8420 8390 8380 8376 8384 8376 30 150 340 425 465 481 493 505 561 8600 8520 8420 8390 8380 8376 8384 8376 8370 8 9 aa CRSP Analysis Point statistical Analysis - Dlcrsp\Bighorn trs1 3 dem2.dat Analvsis Point 1 furalysisPoint 1:X= 493,Y= 8384 SphericalRock 3-ft dia., 2333-Ir- Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: 4 ,l 50Yo 75% 9OYo 9sYo 98Yo 8.48 8.48 8.48 8.48 8.48 7037 7037 7037 7037 7037 0.02 0.7 1.31 1.67 2.08 Note: Velocity and kin*ic e4ergy are analped assuming a normal distribution. Bounce height is analyzed assuming a log distribution. :.. CRSP Input File - D:\crsp\Bighorn Lot 10.dat Input File Specifications Units of Measure: U.S. Total Number of Cells: l0 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 1: 380 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 2: Analysis Point X-Coordinate 3: Initial Y-Top Starting Zone Coordinate: 8660 Initial Y-Base Starting Zone Coordinate: 8640 Remarks: t Cell Data Cell No. Surface R Tansent C. Normal C. Begin X Begin Y End X End Y r .5 .8 .5 0 8640 40 E600 2 .5 .8 .5 40 8600 r l0 8560 3 1.5 .7 .3 1r0 8s60 230 8480 4 1.5 .7 .3 230 8480 360 8420 5 1.5 .7 .3 360 8420 400 8400 6 1.5 .7 .3 400 8400 420 8394 7 r.5 .7 .3 420 8394 465 8386 8 1.5 .8 .3 465 8386 490 8382 9 .3 .8 .3 490 8382 530 8378 l0 .3 .8 .3 530 8378 570 8376 t CRSP Analysis Point statistical Analysis - Dlcrsp\Bighorn Lot l0.dat Analysis Point I Analysis Point 1: X: 380, Y= 8410 Spherical Rock: 3-ft dia., 2333-Ib Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: 9l s0% 7s% 90% 95% 98% 32.83 42.43 51.07 56.25 62.07 59678 89881 117046 133355 151659 1.47 4.69 7.6 9.34 1r.29 Note: velocity and kinetic energy are analyzed aszuming a normal distribution. Bounce height is analyzed assuming a log distribution. CRSP Input File - D:\crsp\Boghorn Lot l0 dam.dat Input File Specifi cations Units ofMeasure: U.S. Total Number of Cells: 12 Analysis Point X-Coordinate l: 395 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 2: Analysis Point X-Coordinate 3: Initial Y-Top Starting Zone Coordinate: 8660 Initial Y-Base Starting Zone Coordinate: 8640 Remarks: Cell Data t Cell No. Surface R. Tancent C. Normal C. Begin X Begin Y End X End Y 1.5 2.5 i'.l J t-4 t.5 l.6.5 I.> 8 l. 9 l. 10 .3 ll .3 tz .J .5 .) .3 ,J .3 .J .J .3 .3 .3 .J .3 0 40 ll0 230 360 380 395 410 465 490 530 570 8640 8600 8560 8480 8420 8410 8420 8410 8386 8382 8378 8376 40 ll0 z3v 360 380 395 410 465 490 530 570 580 8600 8560 8480 8420 8410 8420 8410 8386 8382 8378 8376 8375 t cRsP Analysis Point statistical Analysis 1 D:\crqp\Bo$orn Lo! 10 dam.dat Analysis Point I AnalysisPoint l: X= 395, Y= 8420 Spherical Rock 3-ft dia., 2333-lb Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: 1l t s0% 75% 90o/o 9s% 98% 13.5 r7.38 20.87 22.96 25.32 t4231 20946 26987 30613 34683 0.35 6.36 71.77 15.01 18.66 l.Iote: Velocity and kinstic enersf are aaalyzed assuming a normal distribution' Bounce height is ardryzrnassuming a log distribution' CRSP hrputFile - Dlcrsp\Bighomlot 12.dat Inp.ut File Specifi cations Units ofMeazure: U.S. Total Number of Cells: l0 Analysis Point X-Coordinate l: 410 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 2: Analysis Point X-Coordinate 3: Initial Y-Top Starting Zone Coordinate: 8660 Initial Y-Base Starting Zone Coordinate: 8640 Remarks: Cell Data CellNo. SurfaceR Tangent C. Normal C. Begin X Begh Y End X End Y .5 .5 .3 .3 .J .3 .3 q .5 .5 37s 395 419 456 476 8420 84lO 8398 8396 8392 8390 35 135 285 345 375 395 419 456 476 516 8600 8520 8,+40 8420 84r0 8398 8396 8392 8390 8388 t 8640 8600 8520 8,140 0 35 135 285 345 .5 .5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 -t -z .2 'I a J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . '' CRSP Analysis Point Statistical Analysis - Dlcrsp\Bighom Lot l2.dat Analysis Point 1 AnalysisPoint 1: X= 410, Y: 8397 Spherical Rock: 3-ft dia., 2333-lb Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: +7 t Cumulative Probabilit], Velocity (fl/sec) Enerey Cft-lb) Bounce Heieht (ft) 50% 24.43 38322 0.84 75Yo 33.67 65449 3.48 900A 41,97 89848 5.85 95% 46.96 104497 7.28 98% 52.56 120937 8.87 Note: Velocity and kinetic energy are analyzed assuming a normal distribution. Bounce height is analyzed assuming a log distribution. CRSP Input File - D:\crsp\Bighorn Lot 12 darn.dat Input File Specifications Units of Measure: U.S. Total Number of Cells: 12 Analysis Point X-Coordinate l: 422 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 2: Analysis Point X-Coordinate 3: Initial Y-Top Starting Zone Coordinate: 8660 Initial Y-Base Starting Zone Coordinate: 8640 Remarks: t I a J 4 ) 6 8 9 10 l1 T2 .) .5 .3 .3 .3 .J .3 .3 .3 .5 .5 .5 8600 8520 8440 8420 8410 8398 8397 8405 8397 8392 8390 E388 35 135 285 345 375 395 410 422 434 456 476 516 8640 8600 8520 8440 8420 8410 8398 8397 8405 8397 8392 8390 0 35 135 285 345 375 395 410 422 434 456 476 CRSP Analysis Point Statistical Analysis - D:\crsp\Bighorn Lotlz dam.dat Analysis Point I AnalysisPoint 1.:X= 422,Y: 8405 Spherical Rock 3-ft dia.,2333lb Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: 9 Cumulative Probability Velocity (,ff/sec) Enerery (.ft-lb) Bounce Heielrt (ft) 50% 7.32 5105 0.07 75P/o 10.67 n29 7.28 9U/o 13.69 13888 13J7 9s% 15.5 16385 17.66 9E% t7.53 19187 22.03 Note: Velocity and kinetic energy are analped assuming a normal distribution Bounce height is analyzed aszuming a log disuibution. I t TECHNICAL APPENDIX B. Avatanche-dynamics analysis The following pages provide slope profiles and avalanche-dynamics analysis used in determining the loading parameters and design specifications of the recommended avalanche miti gation. , Avalanche Profile and >/y coordinates Bighom Lot 6 Data in meters Segment Data X-meters Y-meters L-meters Ang - Deg Sum L 8600 8520 8420 E390 8380 8376 8374 8370 Raw Data in feet X-feet Y-feet 0 120 310 395 435 451 481 Ea.| 44 65 27 1Q. C 9 ,TA 0 37 95 120 133 138 147 162 2622 259E 2567 255E 2555 2554 2553 2552 33.7 27.8 19.4 14-0 14.O 3.8 4.6 Avg Angle 0' 44 33.7 109 i 30.1 197, " 2E.O 145 26.8 155 26.4 164 25.2 179 23.4 Bighorn Lot 8 Avalanche Path tr o r! o IJJ 2640 2620 2600 2580 2560 2540 2520 2500 40 60 80 100 120 140 Horizonlal distance (m) 160 180 200 Page 1 c:\pIk\bighorn Lot 8.txt Path drops: 70 m Friction mu = 0.35 Iog r{/D = 2.00 Random R = 0.200 Alpha = 25.3 degrees 220 particles start from ." segment. J\. O Front stops at [ = 146 n *-_-*.Front speed (max = 11.? m/s) --------.!Iean speed (na:l - 10,? m/s) Deposition (not to scale) Exit and view distributions in your fiLe c:\plk\results.txt 339 par :les deposited. ' , ., ,t', . re suft s Please note! !tl v-verlables are in meteFs/second' Please note: !11 t-viriables are in seconds' Please note: NP is nunber of pafllcles in p.cket' AVALANCHE ENTERIN6 SEGNE T ITUII BER OF PARTICLES NOVII{6 NI.JItBER OF PARTICLES STOPPE' NETERS TRAVELLED FRON STAR T ae0 0 tlq VHI6H A, Aq vLou 3.00 VRAN6E !. Aq v ll EAI{ L. r{? vSTDEV t ' e! tHr6H |, ?l tLolt 0. s5 IRAN6E 6. ]6 tnEA 5. Ll TSTDEV ?. EA VHI6H lq.l? v L0ld 1. ?a VRAN6E ]3. 15 VNEAN TO. LL VSTDEV ]. t? tHt6H rs. 3t tLoL, e'!1 IRANGE L. t6 tnEAN 14. 53 TSTDEV 1.34 PACKET e q 5 b 7 6 I tfir1{ 0.5s l. !? ?. 16 3. 00 3. 6E q. bq 5. qb b. a? ?,03 ?. 51. ?AL o r| 313 E IIII N INAX lt. 0h t3 . a3 13. a3 Ib . 7a th. ?a 11 . 5q 19. 5!t ?4. 3? ct.at c5.EU e5. as e6 . 03 ?a. 03 30 . 6L 30. tL 33 . lA 33. LA 3b . 51 3t.51 31.3q tllAx vnEAN 1.3? 3.00 a. rt 3. 00 3.00 3. 31 3.A? 'r'35 q. Lq 5. a5 5. qL b. 0?h.e? L.6a ?.ot ?.ql ?.11 a'D? 6. ?T A. LD iP L' 1t' Lc IO AI a5 a6 33 AVALAI'ICHE ENIERI116 SE6IENT NUNBER OF PARTICLES NOVI N6 ilUNBER OF PARIICLES S TOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FRON S TART PACKET tNI N t a. ql ? i. ro 3 3. t0 q l,D. 50 5 l,r. a0 h lI. al 7 !4. rl I 13. al t L3. l5 10 Iq. L6 tnAX vllEAN 1. l0 11' LL t. t0 a. La 10. 50 a. 30 l|-t . CU lu' IU 1r . at rD. Lq 1?.51 10. 01 13. el r1.0L 13. lt 11. 5l 1{ . LA 1r. le t5 . 3A 11. lL ltP rl 10 qq gt qA 3e 35 1C AVALANCHE ENTERIIIG SE6N ENI NUNEER OF PARTICLES NOVING I'IUIl BER OF PARTICLES STOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FRON S TART VHIGH 18. qA vLotd 0. q3 v RAI{6E le. 00 vtl EAl'l ?. Ll vsTIEV a. 5q tHr6H 3.t. 3q tL0l', 1I.0h IRAN6E EA, ?A tI.I EAN IL. LL TSTDEV 3. ll vtlEAt{ e .34 1. 5l ]. ?0 ]. ae l. ?1 t. ei t.5L !.60 tnax vllEAl{ 13. Le L. otl lq. {c 5.77 1,5 . 3r{ L. Lb lb. aD 5. A3 r?.0L L. 03 PACKET I e q L I I r{P I6A 5l r{ h a A VALATIC}IE E1{TERII{6 SEGNENT UNBER OF PARTICLES N OVI T16 NUNBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED Il ETERS TRAVELLE! FRON SIART .g ?5L ?0 ts0 tNIN 14.7L 13. be lrt . qa 15, 3q lL. e0 vHl6r{ l. ?3 vLou 0, !1 VRANGE 1. 5II vnEAI .5. 5r vsTtEv l. hl PACKgT 3 q NP a q 5e Dl rro 1 tHtcH ?1.3?tlou l?. ?b tiA[6E a. Ll tnEA l?. ta .rstrEv r'll AVALAIICHE EIITERIfl€ SECIIEX' runSEi or PAitrcLEs novlre TUNIEi OT PAiIICLES STOPPE' NETEiS TiAVELLED I'iOII SIARI resuLts r?,Eb l?. qe 5. Lt l?.te ll. ?l 5.50 16. ?1 ll. L5 tr. bl tl-L5 e0.sl 3. t5 eo.5l el.3? r.0? tiAx vnEAI lq. q5 5. {0 15.3r q.5? lL.e! q. t3 l?.1! l. b3 It.0e. q.c! It.tl t. a{l.t.a0 {.4?e0.\t 3.41. . al.sa a. ?l Ee.{t 1.30 5tl q5 .31 l3 a L ?I .| l0 b ilo7 le{ Is5 t vHlcll c. L?vLou D. q0 vialtcE l. a?vnEAil q. EC VSTDEV 1. f,E PACKET TIIIX I 13.5L ? 1{.tt5 3 ts.lq { lL. at s l?.l3 L lt.oa ? lt'll t ll. t0 I eo.l!r0 al. Et aa. tc 13. 5t r. l?It. eq r. 5l XP I tt' II z7 !t 53 3t e3 6 3 [un8Ei 07 PAnrlcLES novrtc ]IUIIBER OF PAiTICLES STOPFED FAS'ES? PIRTICLE SPEE' A? TiOTT F S?ESI PARIICLE SPEED (AI{YIHEREI ALPHA ?5.3 degrlr i^X-IEP0SI? lbE ..tcrs nl -DEPoSIT 13? rrt.rt iAX€LDEPoSIT ?5 ..ter3 llEAll-DEPosIl lg? r.ter3 STD-,EV-DEP0SII b ..t.rr .IHIGH tLota tRlI6f t|lEAl{ tstDEv Paclat llax (r, r lito e lqe 3 1{5 q t{7 5 t50 L lsa ? lss a l5?5 ILD 10 lba nln(r) Prrtlcl.t 13? rq . .1r0 s trl I l{5 ll ttt? lt !50 lb lsa 3t lss I53 t5? g3 lLo I 0 131 la.o r/t llt . t r/t @e2 Sheetl Avalanche Proflle and x/y coordinates Bighom Lot 10 Raw Data in feet Data in meters Segment Data X-feet Y-feet X-meters Y-meters L-meters Ang - Deg Sum L Avg Angle o 8600 o 2622 0 70 8560 21 2610 25 29.7 25 29.7 190 8480 58 2585 44 33.7 69.i 32'3 320 8420 98 2567 44 24.8 112t- 29.4 360 8400 110 2561 14 26.6 126 29.1 380 8394 116 2559 6 16.7 132 28.5 425 8386 130 2557 14 10.1 146 26.7 450 8382 137 2555 8 9.1 154 25.8 490 837E 149 2554 12 5.7 166 24.4 530 8376 162 2554 12 2.9 178 22.9 Bighorn Lot 10 Avalanche Path 2640 2620 -,. c, o a|' .E UJ 2600 2580 2560 2540 2520 2500 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Horizontal distance (m) 160 180 200 Page 1 L20 particLes start fron ,P segment.. a Front stoPs at [ = 152 m -__Front speed (rnax = 13.5 rnls) -------.--Mean speed (max = 12.9 mlsl -Depositlon. (not to gcal€) Exit and view digtributions J-n Your fl1e c:\Plk\results.txt 265 pa cles dePosited.' c:\plk\bighorn lot 10.trt Path drops: 5? rn Friction mu '= 0.35 1og M/D = 2.20 Random R - 0.200 Alpha = 24.0 degrees results Please noter !ll v-vaniables rpe in neters/second,Pleas€ not€t !l,l t-variables rre in seconds. Please note: l{P is nunber of prnticles in Dacket. AVALANCHE EI{ 'ERI }16 SE6NENT NUNgER OF PARTICLES }I OVIN6 UNBER Of PARTICLES STOPPED IIETERS TRAVELLED FROII START IP0 0 e{ VHIGH ?. Ig vLolj 3.0! v RAl,l6E rr. I0 vltEAN 5.05 vsT'EV 1.3? IHI6H L.It\ tLoU B. 5? tRAt{6E 5. E? ttl EAl,l q. ?A TSTDEV T,5} VHIGH IL.5O v Lol, ;. al vRAl{6E lq. ?I v tt EAN le. 6L vSTDEV a. b3 IHI6H L0. ?3 tLott 5. L?tRAN6E 5.07 TNEAN A. {? TSTDEV 1. lb AVALANCHE EI{TERI1i6 SE6NENT NUI,IBER OF PARTlCLES I,I OVI NG NUII BER OF PARTTCLES SIOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FROIT START tNIN 1.lb 1. ?5 E. 55 P. ra J. 5I r{ . 0.1 {. h6 5.e? 5. AL 3 0 LI PACKET tNIil I s. L? E b'tl 3 L. LA rr ?. l9 5 ?. L1 L A. EO 7 r.?l 6 1. el c t. ?a .ru tu. a! tnAX vl'IEAN I.lE l.UU l.?5 3.00 e. 33 3.00'. e. 1a a.!7 3.5] !.t0 q. 0l q, q5 q . Lt 5.05 5. a? 5, Ll 5.AL h.a?L.{q b.a3 tnAX vnEAil b. r7 t3. q6 L. EA ]0. L6 7.rl r0.ql 7.Lt 11.69 B.a0 tr.0?6.?I tq.tl j.z1 Iq.00 1.?a tq.ll I0. a3 lq. al 10. ?3 L3, E{ PACKET I rl L 6 I ]D NP rtt s :t ?t r,3 t5 L7 16 l{P q { eb ]9 I5 ae ?0 te AVALANCHE EI{TERI I{6 SEGN ENT NUIl BER OF PARTICLES NOVIN6 NUNBER OF PARTICLES S TOPPE' NETERS TRAVELLED FRON START q e0q 0 113 5 o leb VHIGH IL. 5?vLoll I.33 VRAN6E 15. E{vnEAN t]. 0D VSTDEV 3. ?A THIGH }L. ?5 rL old t.ll tRAN6E ?. L{tnEAil le. 51 TSTDEV I. 51 VHI6H 1?. q? v Lotd 1. Le VRANGE 15. IB vi EAt{ Il. 3{vSTDEv 3. ]l PACKET tNIiI rt.-!l|e t. a?3 10. L3 q 11. q0 5 ta, tL I t ?.93 ? 13. 6t r I{. qs I 15. aa 1r1 15. 1t tnAX viEAl{1.r? 13.?5 .10. h3 te. 0l 11. q0 re.5a }e. th ]1. ?{Ie.13 ll. ?5 13.ht t1.3q lq. rts l. ?e 15. ae L. qq 15. ra 7. 3l tL.?5 b,?0 AVALAT{CIIE ENTERIN6 SE6NEilT IUNBER OF PARTICLES N OVIT{6 NUNSER OF PIRTICLES STOPPE! NETERS TRAVELLED FRON SIART NP q 13 z7 3l q? 3t I3 . Itl 5 llP q ta ' 3q ul 5?r PACKET { tNIil 1.15 10. ?1 ]1. brl te. qt 13. 3a tlt AX vnEAN IE. ?t t! . 5?lr. Lq ll. t0 ta. q6 la. q6 13.34 r1.t3 Itt , ]L le. 3A Page 1 results IHI6H ]6. 3h tlold r. 15 TRANGE A.II} tnEAN !,3. ?l tsrDEv 1. ?3 VHI6H IE. q5 vLold 0.5q .VRAN6E I}.I}vnEAN 1.rZ VSTDEV e. ql IHI6H ?0. Dt tLou le, ?0 IRANGE 1. D'rnEAN 15. ?? TSTDEV 1. EL VHI6H ?, \5 vL0rd 5. ?? VRANGE A. ],8 vrEA l.1?vslDEV 0. b6 t5. 00 le . oa 15. 6{ l. oL ll.ht a'01 I? ' 5a 4.15 tt.3b 6.35 et 15 T5 I5 { b 7 6 9 1E tq. rb 15. BU 15. 6tl Ib. ba l?. 5? AVALAiICHE ENTERING SEGNEilT NUNBER OF PARTICLES N OVI T{6 iIUN BER OF PARTICLES STOPPE' NETERS IRAVELLED FRON STAR T VHIGH lL. 15 PA vLol, l ' 50 vRAir6E lq. L5 vnEAil 10. 70 VSTDEV A. 9A tHr6H 11. 0l rLou 10. 3? IRAN6E A. ?? tnEAN }q, qa TSTDEV }. A} AVALANCHE ENTERI Ii6 SE GNENT ilUNBER OF PARTICLES tl OVI IIG NUNSER OF PARTICLES STOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FRON START tnlil tn Ax 10. !? rI. ?q 11. e't !?. re la. t? ra ' il Ia. tl 13 . ab 13. rr 1{. ?3 tq. ?3 ls. Et 15, L} lL. rrA th. q6 1?. 35 t?. 35 la . aa 16. aa lt. ol VNEAN 13. ee le. cl IE.3I la. aq 10. tq 10.05 7.57 7. q? 7. t5 ?. b3 I?L LL Iqh TIIIN tNAX VNEAN t1.5t la. q5 l. 65 1?. rts 13.3t 1. 13 13. 3a lq ' 3A A. 5e 1'{ .3a t5 ' aL l. qq tr.eb 11.?0 E.19 lL. e0 I?.13 5. b3 1?. 13 la . o? tl . stl 16. 0? 11. 01 .9. ql 13.0r li.ls tl.0b Ii. t5 a0. tl ?. h{ 6 t?q 125 153 tnAX v ttEAt{le.19 1.3? 13. ?6 10. 35 }'t.5? 6'll Is. 3b h. t3 }b.lrt ?.ll lb,13 5.?0 \1.1? { ' tb 16, s] q.3q !1. 30 0. 00 e0. 03 5. 1l b ?al 7 l3? r{P .t la t' 2t 3L 77 ll 1L L? q VHI6H la.e6 PA VLOU O. q{ vRA 6E rr.6\ v ll EAt{ 7. ?E VSIDEV ?. a3 tHI6H AO . AT tL0ltl ll. 5l IRAN6E 1. 3I |EAN I5. q{ ISTDEV l. ll CKET I a rl h 1 c I l0 t{P L !0 AA 3t 5h IL q ,2 CKET I { 5 L c I t0 AVALAiICHE EI,ITERI I{6 SE6NENT UNBER OT PARTICLES I'I OVIN6 NUNEER OF PARTICLES STOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FRON START PACKEI tNI N r 14. e0 a ra. ll ! 13. ?a { r{.5?5 15. 3L b lL. lq ? lL. q3 t r?. ??I la. 5I 10 ll. 30 t{P { aa al L\ q 0 AV ALAI'ICHE EiITERII{6 SEGhEN T NUNSER OF PARTICLES N OVI N6 NUNEER OF PARTICLES S TOPPED II ETE RS TRAVELLED FRON START 9 I !L5 tttlN tn ax trt,30 lq. be !q. L? !q.3rt lq . r{ 15, e5 ls. a5 15. 5? PACKET rt vltEAN L. a? o. D0 '8.00 5.q0 0 01 NP r ,.{ r t , . resul-t.s IHI6H I?. I,I ?tLou lq.30 IRAN6E 3,I?. tnE^x t5, tb tsTDEv l. e5 IUNBER OF PARTICLES I'IOVIII6 E . ilUN8ER OF PARTTCLES S?OPPED ?h5 FASTEST PAR?TCLE SPEEI A? FRO ' Is.L N/S FASTEST PARIICLE SPEED (Al{yUfiERE) 17.{ r/s ALPf{A ?t.0 d3grels :t ' iAX_DEP0SIT 116 meteFs a.iIil_DEPoSIT t?L neters RlllGE_DEPoSfT qe.reters - nEA _DEPoSIT lst oeters STD_DEV_DEPoSIT I .eters Prcket n!x(m) Itln(!t) psrticlas I 130 l?b 5 ? 13q 130 ll 3 t3t 13rt 15 q lq! 131 It 5 l{7 }rt3 e1 I tsl lq? {e ? 155 tst rta I IhD 155 5e I tLrt tho ?t lD ILt th{ f7 .5 15.5? 15. t! 0. D0 0 L !5. tl rt.?r 0,00 D 7 lb.al 1L.5a 0.08 tr e tL.se rh,tq b.50 a .t Ib.E{ I?.lb s.Ct I l0 l?.lb 1?.rt7 5.1! e Page 3 | . d' . Sheetl Avalanche Profile and x/y coordinates Bighom Lot 12 Raw Data in feet Data in meters Segment Data X-feet Y-feet X-meters Y-meters L-meters Ang - Deg Sum L Avg Angle 0 8600 0 2622 0 100 8520 30 2s98 39 38.7 39 38.7 250 8440 76 2573 52 28.1 91 .t32.6 310 8420 95 2567 19 18.4 110 ,.' 30.1 340 8410 't04 2564 10 18.4 120 2s.2 360 E39E 110 2560 7 31.0 127 29.3 384 8396 ',t',t7 2560 7 4.8 134 2E.0 421 8392 12E 2559 11 6.2 146 26.3 441 8390 134 2558 6 5.7 152 25.s 481 E3E6 't47 2557 12 2.9 '164 23.8 Bighorn Lot 12 Avalanche Path E c o t! g IU 2640 2620 2600 2580 2560 2540 2520 2500 60 80 100 120 140 Horizontal distance (m) 160 180 200 Page 1 . , { }g2, particles star' c:\plk\bighorn lot L2-txt Path drops: 54 rn Friction mu = 0.35 log M/D = 2.30 Random R = 0.200 Alpha = 26.2 degrees from top se.gment.^^7 particles dePosi-ted. a Front stops at X = 126. m -_-*-*-Front, sPeed (max : 10.7 n/s) ---------l'tean speed (max = L1.7 m/s) -Deposition (not to scale) Exit and view distributions in your fite c:\Plk\results.txt results Please note: all v-varilblcs arc in neters/s.csnd.Plcase noter all t-vanlebles art in seconds.Pletse notcr. NP ls nuabcr of parttcles ln prck.t. AV^LANCHE EI{ TERI l{6 SE6IIENT NUTIBER OF PARTICLES NOVI NG NUIIBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED NETERS IRAVELLED FRON S'ART AVALANCHE ENTERIN6 SE6NEilI NUNEER OF PARTICLES IiOVIII6 ilUNBER OF PARIICLES STOPPED NETERS IRAVELLED FROI.I S?ART vHI6H t5. 5e vLou I. 6a vRAl{6E 13. ?0 vnEAN 11. bC vslDEv a. 3L tHI6H Ia. Orl tLou ?, l?tRAl{GE {. A7 . tnEAN t0. 0?TSTDEV 0. tq VHI6H I. AIt vLou 3. 00 v RAll6E L. 6{vnEAil L. 90 vSTDEV e. ll tHI6l{ 7 . ?7 tlo!, 0. 51 t,RAit6E L. ?b tlrEAt{ {. cl ISTDEV t. ?r vHt6H 13. b? PA vLoLl l. f A vRAN6E tl. h6 v nEAi{ l. a7 vSTDEV a. 13 tHr6H th, 03 tLou t.5a IRAN6E L. S}tnEAN le. oa TSTDEV !. OL VHI6H 13. 73 pA vLold 0. t0 VRAN6E 1?. e3 VIEAN t. ?S VST}EV E.EP ( PICKET tNI I ?. I?e ?. t5 I A. 15 { E. L3 s 1. le L i. hI ? to. t0 t 10.5t I 11. 07 r0 lI. st tnAx vnEAll !. lt 3. 00 r. th 3. 00 e. 5{ 3.3b 3.et tt.3a l. al 5. et q,5? L, a0 5.?q ?.0t 5. ta 7, la L.51 r.???.4? c. qt tnlx vnEAil ?. LL t0, bt I. t5 11. 93 a. h3 3. ct r.Ia 10.11 1. br 11.30 l0. ro !t. 30 10, 53 11 . ab tl. 0? ta, le It. 5h 13. l0 la.0{ ra. 50 PACKET t ) 3 t 5 h a I l0 tnt 0. g1 I, la t. t5 e. 5q 3. el 3. At q.5? s. a{5.le L. 5t e rta 0 3A 3 zq { 0 to q a3r e5 lI0 s ?3i 3{lt.l lrP 5 t II l5 IA et zq 27 30 33 t 1{P {I 'a! 3? {A {t a6 l0 AVALANCHE E}ITERING SE6NEil? UNBER OF PARIICLES ttOVIt{6 NUNBER OF PARTTCLES STOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FRON START CKET 3 { L A I I0 CKET a { E tltl ll tnAX vnEA[I. ge t0. I? 1. 5{ 10. !7 l0, te 10.tI l0.t? ll.rt? l0.ar lI. rt? la. ta 10. ?5 ta . la ta. ?t 9. 9? !4. ?t ' !3.tt3 i.?a 13. {3 tq.0c L. ci lq.0a lq.?3 0.00 l{. 73 15. 3A a. 50 ts.3E tb. D3 r. i6 NP l0 lb q5 qh 5b q? I{ 0 3 llP I6 t0 {e 6 AVALAI{CHE EI{TERI 116 SECNEilT ilUNBER OF PARTICLES NOVIII6 tIUIlgER OF PARTICLES STOPPED IIE TERS TRAVELLED FRON START tnlil sn^x 10.3? 1I. 51 II . 5} I?. L5 !,e . L5 t3. ?t 13, ?t lrt . lrl lq .lrt lL, 0a VNEA I'L0 t. 91 1. 77 6.qt 5.ta Page 1 results tHI GIt ?I. ?5 tLolJ I0.3? IRANGE 11. q? tnEAN 13.l,\ ISTDEV t. 50 Ib.0t l?. e: l?. a? rc. fb 16 . 3L rt. 51 lt. 5l e0. h5 e0. L5 e1. ?1 L 7 A I 3. 85 0, !0 0,00 1. l'6 3 e 0 E AVALANCHE E}ITERII{G SE6NEilT NIIIl BER OF PARTICLES NOVING },IUI.I BER OF PARTICLES STOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FRON START VHI GH 15 . DL vLou e. e? VRAN6E 14. ?3 VNEAN IT1. L5 VSTDEV Z' 05 tHI6H P3. 5I tL0l', 11. 0L tRANGE 14. 5e tnEAN 13. Atl TSTDEV l. bb AVALANCHE EI{ TERI N6 SECNE T NUNBER OF PARTICLES NOVIN6 NUNBER OF PARTICLES S T OPPED NETERS IRAVELLED FROI'I START PACKET tNIil TIIAX r 1t'06 la.3r a ]?'31 13.5? 3 1,3. 5? l,q . l?rl ltt ' 6a th. 0? 5 lb'07 17.3? L l?.3a 1l-5? ? ]6.5? 11.6? r 11.Aa al'06 r ?1,. 06 e?. 33 l,tl ?? ' 33 a3 ' 5A 'l et? ?E 5 3q t :l vIEAt{ IO. LI 1r. 0?t,?l ?.{l L. q0 b. qa D. 00 D. OD b'll NP en IC ?q b e 0 0 j VHIGH 10. qq vLou 0 ' 95 VRAN6E I. q9 VNEAN 5. E3 VSTDEV 1. AA tHI6H l7' 03 tLou 14. Il IRAN6E {.611 tnEAN lr'1. 52 TSTDEV ].0{ PACKET tItI II 1 la. 11 ? ]?. b7 3 13. rL rt 13. bq 5 1q'13 E lq'bl ? 15. 01 | 15.56 I }E. 0h .tu Its. 5J tnAX vllE^tl la. h? L. 50 t3.lh b.5l 13. b'r h. 0! Iq. l,3 h ' 01 lrt . Ll !. 0t 15.0t 5'?q 15. 56 5. q5 lh. oh q. 3q r,h. s5 3.3L l/.uJ 5.EE NP 6 ]{ cc 36 !1 { NUNBER OF PARTICLES IIOVING 1 NUIIBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED ?i? FASTEST PARTICLE SPEED AT FRONT ]}.! N./S FASTEST PARTICLE SPEED (ANYI'IHERE) I!.? tNlS ALPHA 25. a degnees iAX-DEPoSIT 1q3 neters nIN-DEPoSII t0 meters RANGE-DEPoSIT 53 netens nEAN-IEPoSIT tr3l meters STD-DEV-DEP0SIT l0metens Packet llax ( !|, l'lin(n) Particles 115507 a !01 155 3 lDL 101 b q I11 10L 1 5 llL lll s b l?a 115 a 7 L?7 1?e 7 r 13e 1?? 2l t 134 13? 169 lo I{3 138 rl { Page 2 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES PROJECT TITLE: NEW(SFR,P/S,DUP)PERMIT permit #: 804-0215 OWNER GAYLIS, NORMAN B. TT/30/2004 Phone: 179 OCEAN BLVD GOLDEN BEACH FL 33160 CONTRACTOR ATWELL DEVELOPMENT, INC - 08/13/2004 Phone: 9'70-476-9770 1390 BUFFEHR CREEK ROAD #1 VAf IJ, CO 815 57 I-,i-censel. 202-e APPL]CANT ATWELL DEVELOPMENT, INC. 08/L3/2004 Phone: 9]0-475-9770 1390 BUFFEHR CREEK ROAD #:VAIL, CO 816 57 I-,icense:. 202-A Desciption: NEW SFR Occupancy Type Factor Sq Feet Valuation Dwellings Zone 2 V-N 97.80 3,231 $31-5,991.80 Private Garaqes Zone 2 V-N 25 .55 540 S13, 802 .40 Totals. . . 3,23L 5600, 000.00* Number of Dwelling Units: I Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: S600,000.00 Fireplace hformation: Resticted: Y # ofGas Appliances: I # ofGas tngs: I # of Wood Pallet: 0 rrr,r*,1*:***,1**,rt111:r,l***+,***,r)*:********:**.)rtt*rrrtrrrrrr*r!rrt!*'rrrl*rtrr FEE SUMMAIIY ll* Building----> 53 , 708. ?5 Rcstuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check--> 52 , 4L0 - 69 DRB Fee---------->s0 . 00 Additional Fees------> Job Address: 3828 BRIDGE RD VAIL Location.....: 3828 BRIDCE ROAD ParcelNo...: 210111101020 Project No : PRI04-0164 $3.00 Clean-upDeposit-----> Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 08/13/2Q04 Issued. . : 0910812004 Exoires. .: O3lO7l2OO5 S0. 00 Total Calculated Fees----> SG ,525 -54 s0.00 Investigation-> Will Call----> S0 . 00 Recreation Fee-------> S323 . 10 Total P€rmit Fee------> 55, 525 . 54 S0 . 00 Payments--------------> 56 ,525 .54 TOTALFEES-------------> 56,52s.54 BALANCEDUE----->s0.00 Approvals: ITEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEIiIT 09/08/2004 cdavis Action: AP APPROVED AS NOTED 0I/10/2005 cdavis Action: AP 2nd revision approved as noted. A11 red-lin corrections noted on drawings shall be addressed in an approved manner Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 08/1912004 MRG Action: AP Revisions reviewed and aproved Item: 05500 FTRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 09/0I/20O4 Is Action: COND Provide a boulder wa1l single and double ti starned drawing frorn a license PE. For retaining wall 4-6 ft. in height. Provide eroison control at cul-da-sac, downhill porLion.To prevenE sediment from f street. To be removed when snow is present. l:':*i--9j::g-IT-q-1TIgTJll9-*'*.|*.**,t...**a....4'.,||||t|ir|.|i||'***'|'|''.1|..lt.||r*|..''**..'!| See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full tlie information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws. and to build this shucture the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiew approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the T REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOIJRS IN ADV AT 479-2149 OR AT OtrR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATI.JREOF OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNER PAGE2 **'t****:3*{.'3'3****+++++{t*'}'}:}'**!*,f**:}**'}*!i'}'t**+*++******'i*:t{t'i'|.'}:***:*:i'i't'l't{'{t't'}+++*:}*'t!t*'t**!t********** CONDMONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 804-0215 as of 01-l l-2005 Status: ISSUED **'t*+**'t'*'}'|**'t**:t*:t**'|*!t'i:i'i*++++'t***'t{.|*:|,|*'t't:*,|.:**'f**'t{t!t:|t**+,}'t+'t,t**'}{.{.'}* Permit Type: NEW (SF&P/S,DUP) PERMT Applied: 08/t3/2004 Applicant ATWELL DEVELOPMENT,INC. Issued: 09/08/2004 Job Address: 3828 BRIDGE RD VAIL Location: 3828 BRIDGE ROAD ParcelNo: 210111101020 **!**!********:*:t:t:8:|.'t't*,**:|.****!i***++*+*'t*{.{'*{.*'t!8't***|*,t*,|t'}'}'}'|.,t***:*****:t***,t****'t,*****!***!}*,*****:t*** CONDITIONS +*'i*+++*+****,f ,*!****'t**'**'***'*!s***,******:t*ti't*******!t*********!t,3*,*!t***,*'|,t '|*'t:t'r{.:r{.**********'t,t***,}***!******* Cond: 33 (PLAN) THIS PROJECT WILL REQI.IIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH STIRVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIORTO REQUESTFORAFRAME INSPECTION. Cond: 12 @LDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLJIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. t*a+++{"}*a*at:l***+++a++*{r****aal***+++*t*+*++r*+f*tr*aa+++++**t*a*aaraf*taat*+*+tt***t*|t*** TOWNOFVAIL, COTORADO Statsn€nt rttf'i+*t**+*fl****tti**'al9l*+++ta***tffa{'**'}l++*+t*f**+*a***ff***++alt+a*ttt**r**a**a***+*** starenent Number: R050000016 Amounti $80.00 I1/LL/2OO5!1 :52 AIvl Palment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Zeeb5774 Permit No: 804-0215 Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERI4IT Parcel No: 210111101020 Site Address: 3828 BRIDGE RD VAIL Location: 3828 BRIDGE ROAD TotaL Fees: $6,525 - 54 This Payment: $80.00 Total AI,IJ Prnts: $6,525.54 BaLance: S0.00 ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAI{ CHECK FEES Current Prnts 80.00 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMLINITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S,FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES ELECTRICALPERMT Permit #: E04-0280 Fo 4-o>t{- Job Address: 3828 BRIDGE RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 3828 BRIDGE ROAD Applied . . : 1112312004 Parcel No...: 2101111010202 lssued . . : ll/29/2004 Project No : ,2, Expires . .: 05/28/2005 'Oo+' otb+ OWNER NG WHITECLOUD I-,P 7I/23/2004 Phone: 305-652-6676 2845 AVENTURA BIJVD srE 100 AVENTURA FL 33180 License: CONTRACTOR SABO ELECTRIC 1I/23/2004 Phone: 970-524-1970 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS ROAD GYPSUM, CO 81537 L,icense: 27 6-E APPLICANT SABO ELECTRIC II/23/2004 Phone: 970-524-7910 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS ROAD GYPSIJM, CO 8163 7 License: 276-E Desciption: PERMANENT SERVICE AND TEMP POWER Valuation: $10.000.00 't:t** * 1. *,t *)t )t )t*,t)t:** Electrical-----> $141 . 00 Total Calculated Fees-> 5144 . 00 DRB Fee-----> S0 . 00 Additional Fees-----> S0 ' 00 Investigation--> S0 . 00 Total Perrnit Fee-----> S144 . 00 Will Call-----> 53.00 Paym€nts----------> 5144.00 TOTAL FEES--> 5144.00 BALANCE DUE--------> S0.00 Approvals: Item: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT LL/23/2004 JS Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infonnation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfuchrre according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Buildiog Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN A-DVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. f*,25-t"-la **tl'*******l++++++++**+'+*************+a**l*********++t*tl********+*ff+ff******+'tt*********** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on ll-29-2ffi4 at 15:31:19 ll/2912004 Statem€nt ****l***********r3r,l.tt**l***+++++t+******t*********+*++++++ft*+*****+*f************+*+*tlltl* Statement Nurnber: R040007192 Amount: 5144.00 It/29/200403:30 PM Payment. Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Sabo electric 6645 Permit. No: E04-0280 t\.pe: EI-,ECTRICAI PERMIT Parcel No: 2L011170]-0202 Site Address: 3828 BRIDGE RD VAIL Location: 3828 BRIDGE ROAD Total Fees: $144.00 This Payment: $144.00 Total ALIJ Pmts: $144.00 Balance: $0.00 +'l"f*'i*************++*fft+*****'if't*r********f+***+ff****************+'ll.lt*'********++++*+tt**** ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account. Code Description Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31111OO TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 141. 00 3 .00 ttl23l2AA4 16:11 97s524797s SABO ELECTRIC INC PAGE AL Efectrfcal Permlt #: -97 O- 479 -x,/,g (trcP€Guotll 75 S,.Fr.ontrge Rd. lftil, colorado 81657 COT{TRACTOR I}I FORTIATIOI{ 'S*l,oElearri.;gh4 el.u-' 91 A.2Lt "nQ*(5,1f COilPLETE sQ. FEEf FgR llEW EUILDS and VALUATIOI{S FOR ALL oTHERS (labor & lrlabrials) ELECIRICAL VATUATION: I .nmounrOr sQ FrIN STRUGTRE: 3&3.f lglrlra f oaeA lobAddress: lOCs .p.ctqwi4 Vt,l Co Job Name: Gaql,s Re;,A,pn $or- 6t3- 66-76 ?e-r*rrurr-r* Serv'(L r Tc-n7 ?ooo' WorkClass: Ne*K1 Mdition( :)-- n"te( -)Repalr( ) TemPP*,"1--l--ottte( l ffint Yes() t'lo()@E<ter'ior( ) Both( ) llo. of nmonrrnoOaUon Unlts In thls building:@it'inthlsbullding: ffiYeEI) No lQ'l" N?v,:, j TCIl/-e0M.DEv. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970479:2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E05-0043 Boq -o((t Job Address: 3828 BRIDGE RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED l,ocation.....: 3828 BRIDGE ROAD Applied . . : 03l3ll20fl5 Parcel No...: 2l0lll10l020 Issued . . : M/12/2Cfr5 Project No ' pA-ro'l -o (.G 1 E*pires . .: l0/W/2W5 owNER GAYLIS, NORI,IAN B. $/3a/2OO5 phone: 179 OCEAN BLVD GOI,DEN BEACH FL 33150 I-,icense: CONTRACTOR SABO ELECTRIC 03/3L/2005 Phone: 970-s24-797O 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS ROAD GYPSI]M co 4L637 License = 276-E APPL,ICAIflI SABO EI-.,ECTRIC O3/3!/2O05 phone: 970-524-7970 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS ROAD GYPSI'M co a1637 License: 276-E Desciption: NEW RESIDENTIAL ROUGH & TRIM Valuation: $0.00 DRB F€e-------- > lnvestigation-- > will cdl-------- > Electricrl------ > S146. 05 $0. o0 $0. o0 $3. Oo TOTAL FEES-> 5149. 05 FEE SUMMARY Total Calculat€d Fe€s--> 5149.05 Aclditional Fees----- >s0.00 Total Permit Fec----> S149.05 Palm€nb---------- > $149.0s BALANCE DUE--.-.- >s0.00 Approvals: ftem: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENf o4/o4/2o05 cdavis Action: AP Subject to field inspection Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARII{ENI CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 J,"*Pf;;].;..1T-113..IJ*.t3:l-t-o-lH--ffi-5IPJ,.ll1?.,.*t*9.-,.qP--9-T...19*..S93I..9.o.yJ*lH9*;*'****"..**,.ra.*,,*,++':|a:i*:i*+** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state ftat all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR IIOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM.2*z;S;t-'- +**'iaa'****t++l'i*+f**++'ttt***t++f'}trr*****+****a*fta'3***atf*tt*a*******++ffafaaaaa**f*'iaata** TOWNOFVAtr4 COTORADO Stat€ln€rlt **+ltl*al'**ltl+++at*f+f+lfat*****afa*aa+**t*+alflllltlta**l*rl*taa'lta*tl'aaa***t********a**** Statehent Number: R050000369 Arnount: $149.0S O4/L2/2OOSL0:26 Alt Payment Method: Check fnit: l|T Notation: Paut Sabo / ck *2L97 Permit No: 805-0043 T)E)e: ELBCrRICAIJ PERI{IT Parcel No: 210111101020 Site Address: 3828 BRIDGE RD \IAIL Location: 3828 BRIDGB ROAI)' Total Peea: $149.05 ThLs Palment: $149.05 Total AIJIJ Pmta: $149.05 Balance: $0.00 +**++**+++++f**+****'tl.*l*******'+'i**t****t*+++*t+!t***'|l'****t**t***'l*'l**'l'*l'**tt't**++++++++++++ ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account eode Descrlption Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31111OO EIJEETRICAL PERMTT FEES WC 00100003112800 WIIJIJ CAITL INSPECIIOII FEE 145.05 3 .00 ApprrcArron wrLL Nor BE AccEprED t:r1ff ".rff"T #I*"-t"p O_,Sg ! + !t q f"^4'fsLD,736orn :.f#'?ffi r-- lrlcI d q lts s7o'47s'2!4e (rnspections) mv[wvlil, 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81557 ec((pL(3 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contact anO Phone #'s: ?o_l JQo.r1ft6 Crt r lc 7*'a'1 5"14 COMPLETE sQ.FEETFoRNEwBUILDSandVALUATIoNSFoRALLoTHERs(tabor&Materia|s) EIECTRICAL VALUATION: $ AMoUNT oF sQ FT IN STRUCTURE: 3a€l Parcel # .A.toail(o ao,io Job Address: gAAg S..otq- l?A Job Name: GoriS i: R.e-t;,den(e_ Subdivision: Phone:o'rr- 6Sa- 06-76 P eL^r R'e"'oLat"'f tot I Work Class: New{() Addition ( ) Rernodel ( )Repair( ) TemPPower( ) Other( ) %Yes() No() Does an EHU exist at this lc :a'*ior() Bout()Work TyPe: Interior ( ) ffi,.."ttA"u"n unig in this building: N"-f E-'|st"S Dwelling Un'rts in this building: Is this Permit for a not tun: Ves ( ) M ru ffi)No( 328'8640 o! vis\for Patel # Conbct fficD MAR $ ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***********************L**** e\ Vc v fu- uf\wz p.3005. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHAMCAL PERMIT Permit #: M05-0017 CONIRACTOR AI,I,IANCE MECIIANICAI PO Box 1855 Eagle, Colorado 81531 License:299-M APPLTCA}TT AI,I,TANCE MECHAIVTCAI, 02/0L/2005 Phone: (970) 328-0303 02/01-/2005 Phone: (970) 328-0303 ,S0.00 TOTAL FEES------> 58?8.00 Total Permit Fe€----- > S878.00 $ot\-o ((5 Job Address: 3828 BRIDGE RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 3830 BRIDGE RD Applied . . : 02l01lz0[,s Parcel No...: 210111101020 Issued. . : 03ll4l20[ls Project No : ?Rto r{ - C (O L1 Expires . .: 09ll0?CF.5 owNER GAyr.,rs, NoRr{AN B. 02/0L/2OO5 phone: 179 OCEAN BI.VD GOLDEN BEACH FL 33L60 Iricerrse: PO Box 1855 Eagle, Colorado 8L631 License : 299-V! Descipion: BOILER IN FLOOR, FLUE AND COMBUSTION AIR, BATH, RANGE AND DRYER VENTING Valuation: $34.590.00 Fireolacc Information: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliarrces: 0 # ofcas L,ogs: 0 # of Wood PeUet: 0 FEE SUMMARY Mechanical-- > S?00. 00 Resnrarant Plan Review--> Plan Check--> 51.?5.00 DRB Fee----------------- > 50.00 Total Calculated Fees-- > 5878 . 00 so. oo AdditioDal Fees------ >90.00 Investigation- > Will Call---- >$3.00 $ 8?S - 00 BALANCE DUE----_ >s0 .00 I'ALAIIUE t-rUE-------> 5U - UU Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTTT{ENT !2/L7/2OO5 Jw Action: AP IIEn: O55OO FTRE DEPARTMENST CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIEI.ID INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COI{PI,IA}ICE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEc. 701 OF TI{E 1-997 IJMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (BLDG.): INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANITFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AIiID TO CHAPTER 10 OF TI{E 1997 I'MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SIIAIJIT BE I/EI|TED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 Al,lD SHAI-,L ,IERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE ].99? IIMC, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC, Cond: 29 (BIJDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUfPMENI MUST COl,tP[Y WITII CHAPTER 3 A]ID SEC.1O17 OF rHE 1997 UME AND CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BI,DG.): BOII,ERS SHAI.,L BE MOI'T.ITED ON PLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTTBLE CONST. I'NLESS LISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBI,E FIJOORING, Cond: 32 (Br,Dc.): PERMTT,PIJANS At{D coDE A}IArJysrs Musr BE posrED rNMECHANTCAT RooM pRroR TO AN TNSPECTTON REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BIJDG.): DRAINAGE OF MECIIANICAIT ROOIT{S COIiITAINING I{EiATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPITY BOIIJERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITfi A FLOOR DRjAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 tMC, OR f.1:LtP,X-*9-9-1;.:--.oJ--f ..,t:,3;*I.TS*.*.** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and stalo ftat all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stnrcture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOIJR HOURS IN ADVANCE PM. AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ++*+*l'*l"t**********+'l'|t'i'i*t*ri*++**+r***t'*t'|!**'t*r**at*****'tit***+l't't"lt'+***+**********++l+,3*,t**+ TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statement **+*****{'f{t'tt*'t****++*******f**'}*************fl***.''}'}*'}**********fll++fl*+++++*++++*++ttattf Statenent Number: R050000230 Pa)ment Method: Check Mechanical 5733 Amount : $8?8.00 03/L4/2ooso3 : o2 PM Init: DDG Notation: AlIiance Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location: ThiE Palment: M05 - 0017 210111101020 3828 BRTDGE RD 3830 BRIDGE RD $878.00 TIE)e: MECHNiIICAL PERMfT VAII-, Total FeeB: Total AIrIJ Pmta : Balance: $878.00 $878.00 $0.00 Current Pmts ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 Deacription IIECHAIiIICAL, PERIr{IT FEES PI,AII CHECK FEES WILL cjALL IIISPECTION FEE 700.00 175.00 3 .00 75 S. Frontago Rd. VatL cdondb 8t6sz no#,?,lt'ilffi1 gllgMechanical Room layoutdnwn b anlcal Roo CfrTVED FEB 0 1 2005 TOV.COM.DEV. t Loer Calcu ulpmant Crt/Spec Sheetr Permlt will not be acepted wlthout the following: At -t ntS46*+Ec,r{AL_0{ e.AL Conbct and Phone #3: qpu A.Hd q'tD.q11 - bzt,g 6MPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHAT{ICAI pE r & Materiats) I urcxmrceu * .3 t/ f7 c> [ # zlot\tl Job Narner crAvr-rb f<Esioe^t ce-Job Address: Sfrb 6RrD(r9 KD - VA1L . co SuMMsion : 6 lcrHclzl.t 2FDAo>rrr cl.l Ntr Wr-t tlE{,lq^b @rlE ra' tupuocrt . Fr Lt .! ecvtBLr WorkClass: ttew(y' nOaruon( ) ruteration( ) Repair( ) Odrer( ) Boiler location: Interlor (Exedor( ) Other( )Does an EHU o<Lst at thb locafion: yes ( ) No ( ) Tvpcof Bfdgr srngb+anfi(4 Duoex( t M,rreftrn( ) commedal( ) R€shurant( ) oher( ) No. of Bdsdng Dwelling Units fn mG Uufldfng:No. of Accommodation Unfts ln ttrls bulldlng: ffi rl.rtr* rl*,l.rl.tt{arlr{.**,t,fi rtl.,l,trt,*rl.,l,l.usE LY{.f.tf rf f.f.*r}***!t*rt,l.:t,trf, *rfi rl.,l.rl.*t !trt,*!* f !/!Y.rFrc/6[E/mcdrp.nn tr18 - TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHAMCAL PERMIT PErMit #: MO5-OIO6 Job Address: 3828 BRIDGE RD VAIL Location.....: 3828 BRIDGE ST Parcel No...: 210111101020 Project No t Prj o(-o tro( So( _oH6 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 05125120f5 Issued. . : O6l29l20f5 Expires . .: 1212612005 O$INER GAYI.,IS, NORMAI{ B.os/2s/20os 179 OCEAN BI,VD GOIJDEN BEACH FL 33150 APPITTCANT FRISCO FIREPLACE & SHOP, INC05/25/2OO5 phone: 970-668-3750 P O BOX 1330 FRISCO co 80443 License: L01-M corrrRjAcToR FRIsco FTREPT,ACE & SHOP, ANC05/25/2OO5 phone: 970-668-3760 P O BOX 1330 FRISCO co 80443 L,icense:101-M Desciption: NEW SFR-INSTALL 1 cAS FIREPLACE AND 1 WOOD BURNING FIREPLACE Valuation: $8.531.65 Fireplace Information: ResFicted: Y # ofcas Applianc€s: 0 # ofcas t gs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 **:t*****'r;r'ri**:r:**!a'|*,|*+'r'r*'r**'***'|.t'ttrt******,t:t't******'r'r,**rr)*ra*,r'rittt*tt FEE suMMARy Mechanical--> S18o. oo Resuan Plan Review->50.00 Totel Calculated Fees-- > 5228.00 Plan Check-- > Investigation- > Will Call----- > $45.00 DRB Fee-------------------- > $0.00 Additional Fees------ > $0-00 s0. 00 ToTAL FEES- - S228 . o0 Total Permit Fee----- > S228 . 00 $3.00 Paymeots-------------- > $228.00 BALANCE DUE----- >$0 .00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPART!,IENr 06/08/2005 .rRM Action: Ap Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTITIENI CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAIICE. Colrd | 22 (BI-,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF TI{E 2003 IMC A}ID SECTION 304 OF THE 2003 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL,. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIILTER INSTAITIJATION MUST CONFORM TO MANTFACTIIRER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPL,IAIICES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG. ) : ACCESS TO MECI{A}IICAIJ EQUIPMENT MUST COMPIJY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC AIiID CIIAPTER 3 OF TTIE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHAITIJ BE MOITIITBD ON FLooRS OF NONCOMBUSTIBL,E CONST. ITNIJESS LISTED FOR MOITNTTNG ON COMBITSTIBITE FIJ@RING. Cond: 32 (BLDG-): PERMIT,PLANS AIID CODB AI{AIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAIT ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPECTION RBQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BIJDG. ) : BOTLER ROOMS SIIALL BB EQUIPPPED WITII A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTIIER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSTNG OF LTQUTD WASTE pER SECTTON 1004.5. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, cornpleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as requircd is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances ard state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building ard Residential Codes ard other ordinarrces of the Town applicable thereto. REQLJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT Ot R OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 *ft+'t+*****+{'+'t'}****++t+*'trta*+'}+*a'}*rr***f*+lr'}*t****+t*++*l'}{r'}***+++tf+*+t+***tttf++++*tt*+ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Starement l+l++++++*tf++++**t*l''f+t+++++ftt+++++**+tlt+++++f++a****++*l't+*******a**a******++t+****r*** Statement Nunber: R050000959 Amount: Palment Method: Check FIREPI,ACE $50.?s 06/29/2OOSOe:59 Arrl hit: IJC Notation: #31029/FRISCO Permit No: MO5-0106 rype: MECHANICAIT PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-111-0102 - O Site Address: 3828 BRIDGE P;D VAIL IJocation: 3828 BRIDGE ST Tota1 FeeE:This Payment:$50.7s Total AJ.,L PntE : Balance: $228.00 $228.00 $0.00 ++*t**************f*{'{'**i***t*********t'f**+**f'}tt**t*******++++++++++***++****************** ACCOUNTITEMUST: Account Code Description Current Pmts MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112I00 MECHA}iIICA! PERMIT FBES PLA}iI CHECK FEES WIIJIJ CAI.|I.| INSPEETION FEE L2.'t5 45.00 3 .00 TOWNOFVAIL, COTORADO Stat€ment Staternent Nrrt|iber: R050000682 Arnount I S16?.25 05/25/20O5O8:57 AIrl Payment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation! 30845/FRTSCO FIREPI,ACE Permlt lilo: M05-01O5 ?Upe: MECIIAIiIICAL, PERI4IT Parcel No: 2101-111-0102-0 Site Addreaa: 3828 BRIDGB RD VAIIJ Irocation: 3828 BRIDGE ST Total Fees: $228.00 This Palment: $157.25 Total ALL Pnts: iL67.25 Bal-ance: $50.75 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deecription Current PmtE MP OO1OOOO31111OO MECHAT{ICAIJ PBRMIT FEES L67.25 APPLICATSON WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR. U Building Permit #: Mechanical Perrnit #: 97 O- 47 9 -Z!49 { Inspections) TOWN OF VAIL MECHANICAT PERMIT APPLICATION Permit will not be acceoted without ihe foilowinq: TCIWNAFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd.*''*'"F{i Heat Loss Calcs,o EquipmentCut/SpecSheets COMPLETE VALUATIoN FoR mECHANICAL PERMIT (Labor & Materials) for Parcet #Conbct Assessots Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit Parcef # (Requiredif nobtdg.permit#isprovidedabove) <lO( ll tO lO -iLC) JobName: ffi JobAddress: SfrAB ZE/)4. el, resat Descripti'o;-- ll ;i, - - ll eu.t, ll ririns,Subdivision: owners Na*fura2ra1=-*ncrv llaaaress'p,O,tsdx531,,. utu/offi ll Phone: 5t3-,7oL\' Encineer: _ ./bt +v+.,(^s,y l FAAa.ess:Phone: - Detailed descripiion of work: /il3.f*L/_ 1Nt7'*.t.c / a>y''! fifcPL.4{.€ 3o, /- rr boA B u.'.'i tilI /? Ee /2i4{€ aD1)Bn) WorkClass: rue*ffi Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Ihterior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this locaUon: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-tumily pd Duplex ( ) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodaiion Units in this building: No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( ) Nofl-ype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( 7{MECHANICAL: $ 6 57 /, (/5' CONTMCTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractor: Fnga fiaeft*tE Town of Vail Req, No.: L}I- i{1 C.onbct and Phone #'s: Ne+se/ l,ilLLl eA 170' tl,fi' 37hO Contractor Signature: *>4 nn ,', ,U. ( {t u( *****x+********+***x****FoR oFFICE USE ONLyx*********+**********x******* F: / everyone /forms/ medrperm v*L,f DV360 @+@ *K CFM CFM SPTCIALIY HOMT PRODUCTS o drvi5ion d (lll [oryorolio,r 7' Dra 4'D,a In the interest ol constant product improvements, we reserve lhe r'ghl to change spectficalions without notice Belore installations' please read lnstallation Instruclions and check all local Building Codes and Gas Reguhljons CDN Patents: 1 2U 765 1 284 765' 1 284 767 1 295 8gO U.S. Pafenls: 4 838 240, 4 838 241. 4 9O9 227. *Patent pendrng Vermonl Castrngs rs a regrsle(ed lrademark ol CFM Corporalion 4I 0 Admirol Blvd. Mississougo, Onl L5T 2N6 ref: (9o5) 67O-7777 For: {905) 565- 4690 www.moiesticproduds..om wuw.vermonlaoslin gs.com YOUFi CFM SPEC|ALTY HOME PRODUCTS DEALER version: 6 1000 ?'i't3 09.'04 Cosl Trim Specificotions for DV360 MODEL SPE€IFICATIONS: nough F.-tg Duptt', t q t la" Zg I fZ" o^ ^r. Fr^min^ tsa,.hr 38 I /2" 42 1','2" ^s!!J ' I ru!'r"iY s iY' i, ,.^-;,^i,iJ Aitl 4.i14" 47 1t4" Btu! l'^ox. inpur 30,000 NG.TLP - -38'000 NG'/LP R+,,'. ^.{in inh,,r 2l,0OO NG/LP 26,500 NG/27,000 LP EnlElil" Rofins, Fi."plo." Effi.iun.v 53% . - -- 5 t 1ol" Si"oav Sror" ffl.i"ncy Roting 8370 NG/84% LP 83% NG/849i' LP rth fon on AFiji toy D.C.E. tf{iciencl 64'/a 6A',i" Viewino Width 32 1/4', DV58O k Bouoh ODenrno Wrdllr 47l.'i t I Rough OPenrn! Vr',dlh 4r ":"i Lool ior ItP E atculd. Gt! Fi.oplac.e Energy Eltrcie.ncy Raling in this brochure A....t 6 CSA P| 142 ., :'iFr l'{iARTH f iTUOD EUF.NINC flREftACEt The SuperHearth Series wood buming firePlaces are the pe#ect solution to create a totally authentic, custom built masonry setting' The SuperHearth series offers one of the most€xpansive hearth areas in the industry and is the largest firebox that Vermont Castings, Majestic Products has to offer. The SuperHearth series fireplaces can be installed quickly and easily due to the zero clearance design. Standard Features and Benefits . Availabfe in 16",42" ,48", and 52" opening width models . Totally refractory-lined firebox. Sides and back are lined with a realistic herringbone firebrick Pattern imprint for beauty and durability. The hearth is lined with a classic brick pattern for easy ash clean uo. . Buif t-f n Cast lron Flue Damper in 42" and 52 " . Steel Damper in 36" and 48 ". Dampers help reduce home heat loss when the fireplace is not in use. . laoered Firebox Sides assure greater reflection of radiant heat . '.- ean Surround Face permits flush finishing around the firebox for a traditional aopearance of a firebrick surround finish . Fully insulated firebox construction helps improve heat efficiency by reducing outside cold infiltration. . Built-ln Ash Lip helps to reduce ash spillage . Black Wire Mesh Firescreen with s$ish brass pulls Protects against . denerous wood basket grate made of 5/8" diamond stock steel . Factory installed connection for Outside Air System assists with flow of combustion air to firebox. Venting and termination sold separately. . Uses Majestic's 1 1 " double-wall chimney system that keePs installation simple and economical. No tools or fasteners are required for this snap-together pipe system. . Cas Line Access has easy knockout on both sides of firebrick for optional gas applicaiions. . UL Listed and Tested to meet and exceed safety standards . 30 Year Protection Plan and limited war4nty to assure quality and dependability. Optional Accessories . Tempered Bi-Fold Glass Doors are simple to install and operate. These doors provide a Sreat eie!"' cf the fire while helping to r€duce heat loss. Available in Bhck, Pdwtet, Brushed Brass, and Deluxe Polished Brass finishes. . AK-MST Outside kit provides onstant flow of frsh air to the fire box for tighdy sealed homes. . Full sunound mantels are available in a vrtiety of materials and come pre-cut for fast, easy installation. Slmple, Economical ChimneY SYstem The SuperHearth Series is designed to utilize our 11CF double wall chimney s)astem to keep installation simPle and economical. No tools or fasteners are needed for this snap-bck plpe sectton and elbow system. The 13 1/z'slimouter wall construction uses the traditional 17 th' x 17 1,/2' ceiling opening. P c L c: c 36 29 10 r 42 '2 . r0 - ,18 " 15' r 1:t- . 10: . 93; I 52 2a 9. 1:', : r !5 a 53 .', ?9 . 53', 5! . 2t.. 68 63 3l Sultri{*a:il} TOWNOpVan 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: PLI.JMBINGPERMT 3828 BRIDGE RD VAIL 3828 BRIDGE ROAD 210111101020 Permit #:P04-0170 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES Status . . . Applied. . Issued . Expires . . Plumbing---> Plan Check--> Investigation-> Will Call---> 5360 . 00 R€stuararf Plan Review-> S90 . 00 DRB Fee-----------> s0.00 ToTALFEES------> s3.00 tT/30/2004 Phone: 1,1,/30/2004 Phone:9 7 0-32 8- 03 03 1,L / 30 / 2004 Phone :970-328-0303 # ofGas logs: ??# of Wood Pallet: ?? FEE SUMMARY t'rr1**t'r**:t:r****:r'**:r***r.*'r:r*ar.a,|arrr!r!r***:r:*****:*****+***,rr* s0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> 50.00 AdditionalFees-------> $453.00 Tolal P€mit Fee-----> Payments-------------> BAI-ANCE DUE.-_---.> | *.t *+ta*:tt:a,;tl:t,;rta t*tra**'l:* ****,1,1| +* *ta +,it***aaat **:l tt**,1**'l * *:t'l*****,1** *)i* l. *t**t***a*,tlt,|:|,1:;t*latll*a**** Item: 05100 BUTLDING DEPARTMENT IL/30/2004 JS Action: AP Iten: 05500 FrRE DEPARTMENT (BLDG. ) : FfELD INSPECTIONS CONDITION OF APPROVAL ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:12 ,1,***,1** *i * a 'l t:l:i 'i:i:| a:| '* * * *:*'l 'l,l,l** +t'tll* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in ful1 the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town appli thereto. ProjectNo t PrJ o rf- o tgrr1, OWNER GAYLIS, NORMAN B. 179 OCEAN BLVD GOLDEN BEACH FL 331_60 License: ALLIANCE MECHANICAL P.O. BOX 1855 EAGLE, CO dl-b5r License : L4'l -P AI,I-,IANCE MECHANI CAL P.O. BOX 1855 EAGLE, CO 815 31 License: 147 -P CONTRACTOR APPLICANT Desciption: NEW PLUMBING FOR ENTIRE RESIDENCE Valuation: $24,000.00 Firenlace Information:Resbicted: ??# of Gas Appliances: ?? 6o 4 -oNF : ISSUED : 11./30/2004 : 12102/2004 : 05/31/2005 s453.00 s0.00 s453.00 9453.00 50. 00 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOIJR HOTJRS IN ADV AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. +*li**+f*****'i*'if'|*l'**'+**lfl+t****:t*l't*'i'i'|'l*'|*****lf++*+t***++f**t********fl++++****'i!*t**'r*t TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat€rnent ***+*************{'**tl'*+******l'*f 'tl'*'}'l"tt'l'l"a'}'}*'t*+llt++{r't't*'}***'t'}**'}*+f ++++**+******r*t***{t** Statenent Nurnber: R040007214 Anount: $453.00 t2/02/200404:43 PM Palment Method: Check Init: DDG Notalion: Alliance Mechanical 5 595 Permit No:Parcel Nol SiEe Address : Location : This Payment: P04-0170 1]r;le: 2101_1110102 0 3828 BRIDGE RD VAIL 3828 BRIDGE ROAD s453.00 PI,I'}TBTNG PERMIT Total Fees:Total ALL Pntss : Balance: $4s3.00 $4s3 .00 s0.00 ACCOI.JNT ITEM UST: Account Code 001000 03112 3 00 0010 00 03111100 00100003112 800 Descriptj-on Current Pmts PF PP wc PLAN CHECK FEES PLU!4BING PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 90.00 360.00 3 .00 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG TOWT{OFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Plumbing Permit #: Contad Asseclorc Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit for Parcel f Parcef # (Requiredif nobldg.permit#isprovidedabove) Kg+(y#44 ercrr rrrorozo Job Name: GAvct= gg31ov-aicE lobAddress: 3bza r3t3tDc^e Bp - Vnre Legal Description Lot: lO Block:Filing:/tt> Al>o.Subdivision: B iGt,1CI7..,t{ owners Name; irG wr{ trE oLt>.rtff$'*ii,fi?3#':I:%,%u'i 1$Jhone, Engineer:Address:Phone: rtailed description of work: ia.^; 7/.',-L-- Ln o,-r !.,.,,^^',;S*-^- work class: ne* ("{ Addition ( )Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family (vJ Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: t No. of Accommodation Units in this building: I Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No (r1 COMPTETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: $ A ooO. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Plumbing Contractor: A u u r A tte-E, |F.{E@l-tAt r tcr'.L tLr( Town of Vail Reg. No.: /TL) P Contact and Phone #'s: Rou l\.r-ro bz6'ob? lq.', .bzbs Contractor Signature: ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* lf 2\*p/td F/everyoneforms/pl mbperm 4trt 4fi1t RECD NOV 2t 2004 1t.-:a'.. .t ., ,.'i ', r /.(,: !'rl- MIS-Pt: HOW DID WE RATE UUITH YOU? Toum ofVailSurvey Community Development Department Russell Fomst, Director, (970)479-2139 Check all thd applies. 1. Which Departnent(s) did you conbc0 Building Environmenhl_ Housing Admin Planning _DRB _ PEC Was your inilial contact witr our staffimmediab_ dow _or no one available ? 4. lf you were required to wail how long was it before you were helped?_ Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why nofl 5, Was tris yourfirstlime to file a DRB app- PEC app Bldg Permit ltUA Please rde fte performance of the sffiperson who assisbd you: 54321Namq (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) Overall efiectiveness of fie Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is he best time of day for you to use fie Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenb you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? 7. 8. Thank you fortaking the time to complete this survey. We are committed b improving our service. (F21-2006 Inspectlon Request Reportlng Page 7 4:?0 pm Vall. CO- Cttr fli - Requested Inspect pate: ![ursday, September U, 2005 ' lnspecton Area: CD SiteAiidress: 3828 BRIDGE RO VAIL 3828 BRIDGE ROAD A/P,D lntaimEflon Actlvltf BO+0?15 Cor.st'l';'pe: 434 ^_- ..IYl:: B'BUILD vi L !.Palr llt. / Ststus: ISSUED lnrp Area: CD NSFR r, t I Ciiiier: GAYLIS. NCRMAIJ ts.plicant ATWELL DEVELOPMENT, iNC.Applicant ATWELL :onkaclor: ATWELL Reouested InspecUon(s I Item: 90 BLDG-Flnal Requestor: ATJI/ELL DEVELOPMEi'IT. INC-' Denny o?'7-2-o{ Requested Time: 01 :00 PM ' Fhcne: 970-476-9;70 -or- 970-376- 4453 Conltaclot: ATWELL DEVELOPMENT, lNC. Phone: 970-.176-9770 Phone: 970476"9770 Desc riptiron; NEW SFR Notice: Revls€d drawlmo with proper stamps r€c€rvrd. revi€wed, ard approv€d by phnnlro. - MGENNETT COMMSNT ROIJTED IO CFIARLIE DAVIS. IYIATT GENNETT, FIRE AND PUBII.,',1/ORKS - JSUTFiER Comment STAMPED SET OF DRAWII.IGS AND HAZARD MIflGATION ANALYSIS ROUTEg TO CHARLIE DAVIS - JSUTHER Comm€nt: PW has recieved R€vocoble Rloht ot vlrav Permn. - COAVIS COMMENI: SotLS REPORT RECEN,'ED AND tit RLE - GEIENCKLA Comnrent REVISICI.JS ADOIT{G SQ FOOTAGE SL'BMITTED AND ROL'TED TO CHARLIE DAVIS ANO MATT GENNETT {t'ro ADD'nOt !.0.'_ r,f A.LUAT'O}! 9ECLARED) - JS'JTHER C . rnn:Ent: RF,'19[D DPAWNGS R!-':CTED ENCII';E:R CF RECOP3 Al..'f APC]JITHECT OF RECCRD MUST STAMP DRAW}IGS . GDI:.ICXLA Ctmm€nt RE\4SED DRAWI{GS .fiT,LI EI'IGII.IEEF ANC ARCHITECT STAMP SUBI,ITTED AND ROUIEB TO CHARLIE DAVIS AND MATT GENNETT. JSUTHER C!'mment ILC SUBMITTED AND ROUIED TO iil,ATT GEIINETT JSUTFIER ComTn€nt ILC SITE PLAN SUBMITTED ANO ROUTEC TO WARREN CAMPBELL COVERING FOR MATT GENTIETT - JSUTHER Entered By: FROIJT K OV T@ /W /"a/" d, /"U- f: 3648 or.r?f,T,A'?5i virl:all 26ouce 37&4453 Grag please -],*i:t:-;s'.mrr,,r.*,,T,!E*F,Jtf s{sitr?mAl*go'.M f;fubAtlL rnsre.:;Ji:ristriy A OW trdW+Z-142 102204- Insmclor. GCD l/ Actbn: PA Cornrnent PERIMETER AND iNTERIOR FoOTINGS. lN F 102204- Insmclor. GCD l/ Actbn: PAPARTIALAPPROVAL Com'n.nl PERIMETER AND iNTEFITOR FOOTINGS. IN FOOTINIG PADS ANO 2 EXTERICXT PADS.llrm: 2O ELDclFoudatboSbel " approrcd " <\ ,.\ . A ;, ;ffiffiJtr' i:il;. *' APAPPR.'ED @ Pw--og,iZo6 irBt;i,br: wanefr----- Actbn: APAppROVEDn . , r t+ nem: so sl3ft'nloo'-"""tqf,[]Fs'^o*'*" h&,rt M REP?I31 @ e,rtutr-d INSPECTION REQUEST Town of Vail 479-2149 Permit Number: fu/-O7J{ /o-o7- o{ n& Date of lnspection: Job Name: Job Address: Requested 81 Other Comments: Day of Inspection: BJ Phone: rues wed rnur@ Ao /o Mon lt BUILDING: a Footing/steel PLUMBING:*Underground *Rough / DWV *Rough / Water *Gas Piping *Pool/Hot Tub o Foundation/Steel o Framino o Roof & Sheer o Plywood Nailing o Insulation o SheetrocUNail o *Final o Final ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: *Rough t1 n g o Temp power 'Heating Rough *Exhaust hoods Conduit * Supply air Final * Final Approved Denied Reinspection required Corrections / Com @ A/PrD Inlb:'mt0oE Inspec{on Request Eo+qxi] - Typ€: $ELEC occupancy: GAYLIS. I.IORMAN B. SABOELECTRIC SABOELECTRIC NEWRESIDEI{TIAL ROUGH & TRIM ROUTEO TOCTNRLiE DAVIS. LCAMPBELL Requested tnspeci Datel ![ursttay, Septembcr 08,2005 - InspecdonArea: CD Slb Addre6s: 3828 BRIOGE RD vAlL 3828 BRIDGE ROAD Acih,ltr/: Const TypE: Ownot: Appllcant Cohbactor: Dascriplbn: Comrnort: Heiu?sied Insoection(sl .r' ttem: 190 ELEC-ildat Requ€stor. SABo ELECTRIC coBirmnls: PM Assion€d To: SMHN - Actlon: Requested Tlme: 0l:0C PM - Fhone: 390-9516 Entered By: OGOLDEN K 9 - oY- 2@es- ststus lssuEo Insg Arce: CO Tlme Erp: ttem: 110 Item: 120 l!em: 130 It€m: 140 Item: 190 Aclion: APPR APPROVEO sub]g: ilsFR Phone: 97G524-7970 Phonc: 97$52#?970 +rru {fr/4 lnsoecdon Hlstorv ELEC-Temp. Powet ELEC-Rouoh t!4'1905 lnsfoctor: Commsnt ELEC-Condult ELEC-Mlsc. ELEC-Flnal " Approv€d " eg REPT131 Run Id: 3593 -g -.,* i Rccu.sbdTlmc: l0:00At Plro{r: 37511453 Efirldry LCAMPBEII K CR CORRECIION REOIJRED /-f WC fr"sl Vq/B;ff ""ryffi,[B:Sl8r*"' '*'u -*,*i*lffi ff.ll lff*y, s.pbrnb.r 14, 2005 SlrArHncc: tfilE BRIOGE RD vAlL 38:48 BRIOCE ST AJP,DIn{bnnr0qr Rcaue3Ed Inroacdo|{3l tbm: 3e0 tECH+lnd tutp€.br: FRII)CO nR€PtlCE & SHOP. ll{c 1f{Ar.lCY Co|wITt{t: tUtI CAIL 1/:E }N A}GAD FOR D€NNY ^*qd*; GDehrcrttt T[nc Exp: Hffnarru lnrocgton HEbrr lbm: 2(D ffEg+Rough -Approwd"(t/il!(,f InrDror: GCD-- A6tto0: Coffin ft rdINLEVELFIREPIICE I .2' MN CLR TO COTBJSIIBLES RE@ 2.EI3ER SIIilP |a M'TFULI I'UDTII OF MASTER sUIIE FF A'PROVED, FC,RCf{H\EY. o7tllr(E ltHcbr: .m Ac0oo: APAPPROT/ED Cormrru effiRECnON @llPLErE APPRChGD 912/OO lrsecbr: Art Commnt i.lCtOtG AT LICATION - CALLED UERECLOEEDOilrcffDAY. I ICC}}+hatm PtlE€.rPtDtrc IGC}}Extil.if Fbo<b EC}}8r+grrAl ECll{tic.-EctlFlnrl Sbir: lSSu€D lilpAru: JRM WASTTIATl}GY I \ 3ro 3t5 3iD *n 3.{t 3S lbm:lbn: lbm:lbn:|lor: lbnt: REPT131 Run Id: 3611 R.Cu.!bd In p.c.t grb. UFfesd.y, S.!bmb.r 07, 2005 - lmodrbnAru.: CD $rAo&cr: StiltER|D€E RDVA[- t8,ABRDAERC'AD P0a{l7ll Typ.: eP|.f€ _oeq{aiiil o YLts. l.toRltAN B. A.UANCE I|EC}IAMCAI A|.INNCE TECHAilCAL T.|EWH.UTB}.|G) FOR EMNRE RESIDEIiCE A,P,I'ln Wm.don Rrou.ctld Ineocodon(rl ,} a Smrg: In pAr. : ISSUED CD Ac!ilhn Condlyri: Clwrir: ADD0G.il Cr*tr&r: hccrlp{on: r,,.[ I Eril.rd ry /t ^# /t/ 0fr h Inro.cilon HFbn, tbnE 2lO Pu|&thd.rg[o|nd *fppoY.d- lZtB(X lnrnroc c{hy|l '- AcJon: APAI'PRCI{IED CofiIrFrt flAXbd . ffiffiH#p$L$hcncat.dhconc|ll-P'roy|drrnot'|sm.b|blorrpSlqesbr bn: 2'n R-ilFRo0qh/D.W.V. -eD!|ovrd" . 0a'13/Ir6 hs.don GCD Aclbn: AFAPPRCryED Cooul|rt: YUAIER COLI llltl TE9T. llrrm: 2FD PllFfiouohrilrbr - O{rt36 tilD.c j - Cafrnd{: Isd' R.q|.sr: A*r|.dTo:- Ariloo: ]bm: 2,5 lbn: 2ll0 PuGfoolrtbtTrS lbm: zql Pt"Fl&.lbn: 2q, PUtF||l Coiln nt |n/:II,E Corm.il *tB: * Phorr: 9703i1&{Xt03 Ptroil: g7G3El&GIli Rrqu..tdTlmc: ll:!04fl - PlEm: 97tt*11&{Xm Tlne Erp: ED A.dofi: APAFPRO\JED llp?rol|O-Afrn: APAFPROI,ED CrfS P[tE 60Dd IEST.Aclolu APAPFROVED OASI'TIE PRESgtitE IEST 60pc IE9T. tbol: 2e0 PLflB+]nd wlil call *&{XS or 977€il€SALLlAlrlCE I|EC}IAMCA oo€ir|(|.A REgr131 Run Id: 3590 0cT, i,2005 i 4:50Plvag AltzEEB ctJsT0M REMoDELINC LLC FA)( N0, s704s81208N0,923 P, 1P.01 4: ae gilg oF Charlio &l.vts Wayn MarUn, Eevabr InsPector Town rf /ai( Tir: FrcNT: 97tr{68'0295 ott. 108 or .elq{slcrtBlur-gpg.lss Ilaini $/6/ot Prnjc,at Harner bori,, t&si&nc( 0 H b,( EI P] Flevator Plan Rcvlew ErevatrY tn::*o t$ffiY Bri,lge R"oA rocati'on Vi,=t, CO g tdgY PeinritNumber ilWCCog 05-OE1 Erevatnrllpe Res',da'liol Chaia OliV( lhe plarrs harrc been reriewed and for.rnd trc conform to alt appltcable ANSI U'l and LIBC odes l'he elewtor / e#ffigar / U*/ duffifunn&n at hs above locauon vrns inspected and tertetf on -LL4QM- and a: tl TEMPORARYCeltificate has been isst'ted. d F$AL Inspedlon Ceftjficab h-as been issr.led. If, NO cErtii-tcrb is baing bsred- Conrrnuttr;: $snartrn:fl louro*&Ulfrh -{l ll'.r afr',."r'iili iii"-ffiiGiiiri&E- F046!4aEE r FongrudGF1?os . wvvurnwccog.ccut ocf . 7, 2005 4:50P|v|49 AIIZEEB cuSToM RElv|0DELIl'lo LLc Ffl( t0. gz040gl20g l'10, 923 P, 2 r. oe CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION , NoRrHWEsr *:1ff%g?Ht"Jhlfi **RNttrENrs Tlr?s ig lu certifythat lh,e --, ETEVATOB- as Indlcated lras beert inspeciled on the datc snJwn helowahdwasfounCsetcto cxny -950- lbs' tD Number: 1533S$ Ty?er ftESlDEfilTlAL CHAIN DRIVE Locatircn: GAYLIS FIESIUENCE, VAll* CO 'Data of Inspection: 9J26n005 trf$p{r$tor; Ld/""!"i #" 4i/'rili*t' oate ol bsue:9128 2005 Erphutiori tlate: 9/3012008 lzr€hzoos tns4q n8uE[Sf'ort'ng ease t ReguesEd Inspec{ D!b: l[ontlry, Dccember 12, 2005 ' lnspec'flon Area: CD SlbA&lr.$: 38:tE BRIDGE RD VAIL 38:18 BRIDGE RC'AI) AIP,Dlnfprmttql Acitt lh,: ConstTVri: Chfrier: Appllcrnt Coitbacbr: Dcscrlplbn: l$,tce: Comment Comnent Commortt Comrnrnt: Comment ComnEnt Commcnt Comment Comment lmpacflon HlrbrY lbm: il)+0r!15 TyDe: BBt ILD &1 Occupaiiy 7 GAYUS.NORMANB. ATYI/ELL DEVELOPIIENT, I}.IC. ATI,I/ELL DEVELOPMENT, I}IC. l.EWSFR Revbsd drEvrftrog rvlth prooer Smos recahcd. revlewed, ald aoorowd bv ohnnho. - IIGEI.NETT ROI'TED TO CFhRLIS DAVIS, MAYT GENNETT, FIRE AND R}TTIC TJITORKS . JSUTHER STAT'PED SETOF DRAVUM]S AND I{AZA,RD MITISATON AT.IALYSIS ROI'TED TC} CI{ARLIE DAVIS . JSUTTIER PW h83 recl€\rs.l Reybcsbb Rlqht of Vlhy Pilmlt - CDAVIS So|LS REPO,RT RECEIVED AND IN FILE . GDEI.ICKLA REVISIOM} ADDING SO FOOTAGE SUEMITTEDAND ROUTED TO CI{ARLIE DAVIS AND MATT CENNETT O.IO ADTXTIOTTIAL VALUAIIOII DECLARED). JSUTHER RE\'ISED DRATMNOSI REJECTED ET.IGINEER OF RECORDANDARCHITHECTOF RECORD MI'ST STAI,P DRAWMiS - Gffi T.ICKLA RE\r|SED DRAITUiIGS VttTH El.lG,lt€ER At\D ARCHITECT STAMP SUBI,IITTED AND ROUIED TO C|{ARLIE DAVIS AND UATT GEM{ETT. JSUTHER ILC SUBTIITTED AND ROI'TED TO MATT GENI.IETT - JST'T}GR ILC SIIE PLAI.I SUBMITTED AND ROUTED TO WARREN CATi|PBELL CO/ERIMi FOR MATT GENNETT. .fiiUIHER t'olB: FnI* Phon: 97$4789770 Ptpne: 97047S9770 Sttts: ISSI ED hcpap"' "o d bv D.nnY / wlfl call 12 ff gla. Frr4Ffi ffiSFtNeL effiiffEnANEmrtrru neoo. RDllc |Srl(3 rnd Mechenlc.l pomlt hsl|Ct comp|3bd fbndralls a]e mbsbrg fiom lntddor $hr Requeated T|me: 10:00 Ail ' Phono: 37ffi3 EniBnd BF FRONT K It m: lbm: lLm: 5O2 PhFRonghgr.de sGt PIV-Ffit ldrirrrrvtr d€r0 8L@FoolagE/SthI fiffi2|o{.-lnroedor SO-z- A.ilon: PAil,RTIAIAPPRO/AL Commcnt PERhaETER AND INIERIOR FOOIIIGS. lN FOOTII'IG PADS A ID 2 EXTERFR PADS. 20 BLDGFom&0onSbel'Apptordn IIl(J{l(N InrD.clofi c.hvlr -- Ac0on: APAPFRCnED Comrmnt lhm: SilO PLAf$lLCSn Phn .-ADDrowd" G/1?05 InrF.cbr: Uhmn- Acdon: APAPPROVED Com|n.r|t Atf"ol,rd byl hncn In i,buiAlc.nor. REPT131 Run Id: 4006 .2. \o",^ lA Design Review Board "5 AcrroN FoRM Lo+ (o Department of Crmmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project'Name: GAYUS CHANGE Project Description: NEW SFR Pafticipants: OWNER GAYUS, NORMAN B. 179 OCEAN BIVD GOLDEN BEACH FL 33150 DRB Number: DR8050101 03/1s/200s APPUCANT STEVEN IAMES RIDEN, AIA ARCH03/15/2005 Phonei949-4tZl PO BOX 3238 VAIL co 816s8 License: C000001738 Project Address: 3B2B BRIDGE RD VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 10 Block: Subdivision: BIGHORN SUB ADD 2 Parcel Number: 2101-111-0102-0 Comments: seeconditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval; O4l28l2OO5 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to cohstruction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007086 Any retaining walls associated the natural outcrop (10') must have PE stamped engineered drawings submitted prior to building permit. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $20.OO LocationoftheProposal: t-ot: lD Btock:-suooivision:,%t{r.dsDrl 4Fr€pLlO At$. PhysicalAddress: 4bZb ?rO tOti tLt . P^,".|No''ffi(ContactEag|eCo'AsSeSSorat97O.328-864Oforparcelno.) Zon ing: Name(s) of Owner(s): llailing Address:4., Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s) :au Ftt-6 Name or Appricant: ?C€.t .€.r-t -\*tgg {2+o€f-t a r A Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailaov.@m $50 Plus $1-00 pef square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or @mmercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window addjtions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls. etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. v d w o vl o \o L Type of Review and Fee: - Signs . Conceptual Review - New Construction . Acllition . Minor Alteration (multi-fa mily/commercia l) Minor Alteration (single-family/du plex) Ct€nges to Approved Plans Separation Request $20 $20 No Fee REGH;VE TOYW General Information: AJI projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building pefmit application. Please refer to the submittal requirernents for the particular approval that as requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Cornmunjty Development Departmenl. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Co|Jncil andior the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description Request: ,f ff*'r"*tt' check No : Page 1 of 12l04lo1lO4 Status: I Approved Couuunffy DEVELopMEIT Rounnc Fonu I Approved with conditions fi Denied Routed To:Leonard Sandoval, PW Date Routed:06128t04 Routed By:Planner Date Due:07106104 Description of work:Final Review of New Single Family Residence - Revisions 6128104 Address:3828 Bridqe Road Legal:Lot: 110 Block:I Subdivision:Bighorn Second Comments:Date Reviewed: 3/18/05 lssues. Need additional review bv Fire Wall shown on the south side of the soa exceeds TOV standards. conections needed. +****+*++ita++++++**+tt+++*++l'|t'i*+********'|*t*frtt'!'l**l'tt*t*****t*l**'.*'t't*******ftl*+++++,1',1'* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€ment t++++++**flll++++t{'t{'49*+***++t+*ta*tf++l*ilft+tftaaaaa'*{'l'***********tll+++++++++l********** Statement Number: R050000239 Anount: $20.00 03/I5/2OOSO8:03 AIt,t Palment Method: Check Init: iIS Notat,ion: #1375/STEVEN it. RIDEIiI Permit No: DRB050101 Tl4)e: DRB - Chg to Appr PlanE Parcel No: 21011110102 0 Site Addreea: 3828 BRIDGE RD VAIL IJocation: TotsaI Fees: $20.00 Thia Palment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description DR OO1OOOO3LI22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Ptnts 20.00 rl TOWNOFVAA, 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECT TITLE: NEW(SF&P/S,DUP)PERMIT Permit #: 804-0215 !.ot tO Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 0811312004 Issued. . : 0910812004 Expires. .: 03107/2005 Job Address: 3828 BRIDGE RD VAIL Location.....: 3828 BRDGE ROAD Parcel No...: 2l0lU I1d0202 Project No : PRI04-0164 OWNER Nc WHITECLOUD LP 08/73/2004 Phone: 305-652-6676 2845 AVN{TURA BI,VD STE ]"OO AVEIITIJRA FL 33180 License: CONTRACTOR ATWELL DEVELOPMENT, INC. 08/L3/2004 Phone: 970-476-9770 1390 BUFFEHR CREEK ROAD #]-VAIL, CO 8155? License z 202-A APPIJICANT ATWELL DEVELOPMENT, INC. 08/13/2004 Phone: 970-476-9770 1.390 BUFFEHR CREEK ROAD #1 VAIL, CO 8L 65? L,icense z 202-A Desciption: NEW SFR Occupancy Type Factor Sg Feet Valuation Dwellings zone 2 v-N 97 . 80 3 ,237 $315, 991.80 Private Garages Zone 2 V-N 25.56 540 $13,802.40 Tota1s... 3,23L $500,000.00* Number of Dwelling Units: I Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: $600,000.00 Firqlace lnformation: R€stricted: Y # ofGas Appliances; I # ofGas Logs: I #of Wood Pallec 0 FEE SUMMARY Building-> $3,708.75 Resbarant Ptan Review-> Plan Check-> 32 , ALO .69 DRB Fe+--------> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> 56 ,445 .54 90.00 AdditionalFees------->90.00 Investigation-> Will Call--->S3 . 00 Clean-up Deposit------> TOTALFEES----------> S6.44s.54 BALANCEDUE--------->s0.00 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEhIT 09/08/2004 cdavis Action: AP APPROVED AS NOTED ITCM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT 08/1912004 I.c.G Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIflI rtem: 05500 PuBr,rC woRKs 09/0L/2004 Is Action: COND Provide a boulder wall sinqle and double ti stamed drawing from a license PE, For retaining wal1 4-6 ft in height' provide eroison control at cu1-da-sac, downhill portion.To prevent sediment from f street. To be removed when snow is presents. J-!.:1:...15jl.9''H-9J.T'lP.l.lli9..|.'|'|.t'tt'|..'..|..*||t||.i|.....'......!|*l.r|||'l.. See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. 50.00 Recreation Fee-----> S323.10 Total P€f,mit Fee------> 56'445-54 s0 . 00 Paym€nts----------> 36 , 445 .54 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this ap'plication, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as requirod is corr€ct. I agr€e to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stnrcture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desip review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry.FOUR HOT'RS IN ADVANCE OR AT OLJR OffiCE FROM 8:00 AM -4 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNER !! PAGE 2 |t{.'t{.*l.|t**+{t*'}*t|''t't**'}*||*+******||t1tt}*'f't'}*+++*****'}'}*,|.**'}'}:t*tt|tt*!*!*!*'t!t*!t,}'t|t!}'t|tlt**** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 804-0215 as of 0948-20M Status: ISSIIED **'|.:t'}*l.*|t'}*'}ttt.****'tlt't't'|tt*|tlt|t't,}'t*'}*'}'t*''t|t*1t*'}*l+:t*++t*'t**:|t*l|t*'}|t******* PermitType: NEW(SF&P/S"DLJP)PERMIT Applied: 08/13/2004 Applicant ATWELLDEVELOPMENT,INC. Iszued: 09t08/2004 Job Address: 3828 BRIDGE RD VAIL Location: 3828 BRIDGE ROAD ParcelNo: 2l0llll0l0202 '|t*'|.:|lttt*'}***t***{t'|.*'}***'}*!it+****'},}'},}{.****:}'|t't't*t*****,t'|.*,tt****:}*'r'}'*******+***'t*'}'|.{3** CONDITIONS 't't***:}******ll*t*!t*:t*:h}'}*'t*'t'|t**+*+*+*,t'3'****'t|t**:|t:}{t:}*'}*******{.'}'}*:|.**tttt*'t:t*'}***+*++ Cond: 33 (PLAI.T) THIS PROJECT WILL REQI.JIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SI.]RVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SLIBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQLJEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTTON. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. a*a'}**+++faa+*laa'|'3***+++*'3**l+*ftt*t+al*ff*****++t*+**ara*+aa++at+**aaaft***a++tt*aaaat***+ TOWNOFVAIL, COIJORADO Stat€ment *+atl*tla*r*raat'}+a*atal+'i9*+fft|}ala**+flal****ttfttl'aa++l++*tt'ta****++*+f**+t*r*r***+****** Statenent Nurdber3 R040006594 Amount: Pa]tment Metshod: Check Remodeling 5522 56,445.54 09/08/2004L0:28 AM Init: DDG Notation: Zeeb Custom B04-02L5 T!4)E: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Total Fees: ToIal ALL PmEs : Balance:f*****fa*****++t***'}at***aia+**'i*ar+*+f+tff+**+t*'i***t**+++++f*ftt*****t+lt**i*1+++rl'*++t+** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address : Location: This Payment; 270LL]-L0L0202 3828 BRIDGE R.D VAIL 3828 BRIDGE ROAD s6,445.54 $6, 445 .54 $5, 44s . 54 $0.00 BP PF RF WC 00100003111100 00100003112300 11100003112700 001000031-12 800 3,708.75 2 , 41"0 .69 323.10 3 .00 BUIIJDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES RECREATION FEES WILL, CALL fNSPECTION FEE APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG Project #: Buildinq Permit #: tl {tL NVt{0FVtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 8'1657 tsEcElvED CONTRACTOR INFORMATION 3?o- tSo/ ALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT & Materials BUILDING:$ 5& @o ELECTRICAL: $ p,oeO OTHER:$ PLUMBING:$ *^rAlF MECHANICAL $ 4b,Ctt>TOTAL: $ (a*22*r-,-o For Parcel # Contact Eagle CounU Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Parcer# bL toBL-oL g,b B*r.,r- ^ id Ut'o")T*E Job Name: C-"r*,L t Po-t JobAddress:sF'a€d;EV Legal Description Lot: lD Block:Filing:Subdivision:'p1 )"*rtd AJ4 yWiDl,hLLd zP ll^dd*"'2e(liLu'L""3\ud E1- l| en-on3ro- e,-3a> ArchitecvDesig nS*.P,'J r-.-OOOr""r, Vrr,,l U 'nonw?-g/zr gngineer:f,6zrB-rl"Address: \/4.it ,Oo.Phone: Detailed description of vfork: WorkClass: tlew() Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family {4 ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restauranl ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Noffype of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs,,Fl Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs 0() Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No f( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (X) *t*it**************r**tr******i*r*****FOR OFFICE USE ON Ly*******i(******************+ri******* 07t2at2004 F:\UsersuSuther\newBLDGPERM. DOC UL-c) Znpit. 4v+' t T E-|ntl1 til- vr r r |rraT o o a o o o o tr o D D o o o cl o o I have rcad and underctand Applicanfs Signature: TOI{/N Depaftment of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: This Checkhlst must be omoleM befote a Euildina Permit aoolication is aeepted. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-FamiV complex Plan Check Fee required at submittal for projects valued over $25000,00 (See attached Construction Fee Schedule for calculations) Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parking or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulderc without written aporcval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevaUons(4 sets of plans for SFR and Duplex, 5 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial Buildings) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on struchiral plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantlty of fireplaces shown Questions? Callthe Building Team at 479-2L28 submittal rcquirements: Date of submi tl F:\UsersuSuthe^newBLDGPERM.DOC Received B $ -t3a't' 07n8n004 tt BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Enginee/s (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Depaftment review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multFfamily permiE will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projecb impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may take five (5) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Print name i.i-l , - Signature Project Name: Date: 3 F :\UsersuSutheAnewBLDGPERM. DOC 07n8n004 tl o o mw0F WHEN A'PUBLT WAy pERMIr" D REQUIRED PIEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF fiE FOLLOWING QUESTDNS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A YUBLtr WAY PERMIT": a Is this a new residence?YES {- NO- Does demolition work being performed require the use of the Rightof-Way, easements or public property? YES_ NO ./ Is any utility work needed.r YES r- NO Are there any improvemenB being done b the driveway ? YES_ NO Is a different access needed b the sib oher than the existing driveway? YES_ NO Is any drainage work being done that aftcts the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property?YES NO - Is a 'Revocable Rightof-Way Permif'required? YES FNo Is the Rightof-Way, easernenE or public property b be used br sbging, parking or fencing?YEs NO If ansuer is NO, is a paking, staging or Encing plan required by Public Worla?YES NO If you answered YES to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permlt" must be obbined. 'Public Way PermiY'appllcations may be obbined at the Publlc Wor4<'s office or at Community Development (a sample is atbched). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandowl in Public WorK at479-2198. I HAVE ALLTHE ABOVE QUESIONS. AJ/ , ,- ,/. Job or Pmject Name: DaE Signed: F:\UsersuSutherhewBLDGPERM.DOC F ' Awc^,^na ,6^rmc /hldna'rYr4 Company Name 07t28nm4 PRI #: TOI4[VM APPLICATION PW#: FOR TOWI\ OF VAIL Parcel #: PIJBLIC WAY PERMIT 20_ Bldg. Permit #: E __I Job Name Sbeet Address (lfunknown call 2. 479_2t39\ Excavating Contractor Name Mail Addrcss TOV Contractor Licensc Number - REQUIRED Phone # Start Date Completion Date (Permit Expiration Date) 4. Work is for (circle one) Water Sewer Ges Electric Telephone CATV Landscapiug Temp. Site Access Other 5. Trench-width Length Depth (min.4') Bond Amount $ Total SF $ Permit Fee S 6. ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON T}TE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. 7. Rubber out-riggers arc required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces undemeath the bucket and lugs shall be protected 8t all times. E. A signature below indicates a review of the arca and utility locations and approval. Once all utility company signatures are obtained , permittee has option of routing applicetion through the Public Worl(! ofrrce to obtail the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow up to one week to process. ziP State City J. TOTAI LF Tota! Permit Fee $ Xcel Energr i Public Service Company (l-E00-922-1984 Xcel Enerry High Prcssurc (l-800-922-1987) Quest ( I -800-922- l 987) Comcast Cable (l -800-922-1987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (97G476-7480, ext. I l4) Holy Cross Electric Company ( I -800 -922-1987) Town of Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town of Vail Inigation (970-479-2158) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction traffrc control plan must b€ submitted and approved by the Public Works Departmenr prior to issuance ofth€ permit. 9. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" ofutilities - (Senat€ Bill 172). 10. Permittee must contact the Public Works Deoartment at 476-2198 24 hours nrior to commencine of work. Failure to Notifr the Town will result in forfeiture ofbond money. Scheduled inspections that are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I l. I certiry that I have read all chapters of Title 8 - Public Ways and Property, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility Company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. Contractor's Signature of Agreernent Print name clearly Date of signature AffACH PLAN OF WORK. INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION TRAFFTC CONTROL PLAN White - Public Works Show str€et with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LIN!g-FOR CUT. Yellow - Contractor ....,-- F:\UsersUSutherlnewBLDGPERM. DOC 07PSrZSU tl mwt0F PUBLtr WORKSANDTHE PUBLT WAY PERMIT PROCESS IIow it relates to Building Permits: Fill out he atbched check list witr the Building Permit Aoolication. If yes was answered b any of the questions hen a Yublic Way" permit is rcquired. You can pick up an application at eiher Community Developrnenl locaEd at 75 South Fronbge Road or Public Works, locaEd at 1309 Elkhom Drive. Notice signofls for utility companies. ALL utilities must field veriff (locaE) respective utilities prior b signing applicafion. Some utility companies rcquire up b 48 hours notice b schedule a locab. A consUuction Faffic conbol/sbging plan must be prepared on a separab sheet of paper. An approved siE plan may abo be used. This plan will show locatons of all baffic conbol devices (signs, cones, etr.) and he work zone, (arca of construction, staging, etr.). Thb plan will expire on November 1st and will need b be resubmitted for considention for approval through dre winbr. Be aware that your resubmbsion for winbr may be denied depending on the location of consUuction. Sketrh of work being performed must be submitEd indicating dimensions (length, width and deph of work), This may be dmwn on the traffic contol plan or a sib plan for the irb. Submit compleEd application b he Public Work's office for review. If required, locaEs will be scheduled br he Town of Vail ebcficians and inigation crew. The locaEs take place in the moming, but may require up b 48 hours tc perform. The Public Wod<'s ConsUuction Inspecbr will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacEd as b the sbts and any requiremenb hat may be needed. Most permib are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up b one (1) week b prccess. As soon as tfie permit is approved, he Building Depaffnent will be notified, allowing the "Building Permif'b be released. Please do not confuse he Yublic Way Permif'with a "Building Permif'. NOTE: The above prccess is for uork in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is requircd each year if pork is not complete. Re-applicaton each November 15th does not mean an aubmatic rcnenral. 07t28t200/ rl mv[w DMINAGE AND CUTVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORI(S! Please read and check offeach of the items below: The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new constuction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streeE. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the consbuction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198 to request an inspedion from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice, Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancv issuance. Agreed to by: Print Name Signature Project Name: Date Signed: F:\UsersuSutheAnawBLDGPERM. DOC 07t28t20u ll NVNAP MATERNL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTION PARKNG Please rcad and checkoff each of ttre iEnr below. (Copies of compleE text are available upon request) CODE 5.2.10: DEFOSIS OI{ PUBLT WAYS PROHDITED q UnlawfiJl deposits: Subject b subsecUon C hereof, it is unlawful fur any person b litbr, b"ck or deposrt or cause b be litEred, tracked or depcibd, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or mabrial upon any street sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. o Notice; AbaEmenL The Direcbr of Public Wods may notiff and require any person who violabs or cause another b violaE the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in he Direcbfs employment a person who violabs or causes another to violaE ffre same, bp remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt snoq ice or any other debris or maErial within twenty bur (2a) houn aftr receipt of said notjce by he Direcbr of Public Works. In the event he person so notified does not comply with the noUce within the period of time herein specified, the Direcbr of Public WorK, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rccls, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other maErial b be removed from any street or alley at the expense ofthe notified. u Sumrmns and Penalty: As an alEmatve b the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violabs or causes another b violab the same, may be issued a summons b appear bebre the Municlpal Court of the Town for said violaUons, and upon being fuund guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 14-1 of this code. o Notice and Penalty: It is unlawfirl br any pemon to fail or'refuse b comply with the notice of the Direcbr of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by tre Direcbr of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinarrce 6 (1979). CODES 7.3A-l AND 7.3A.3: PARKNG OBSTRUCTT{G TRAFFT & TMPOUNDMENT AUTHOREED D No person shall paft any vehich upon a sbeet or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditons as b inErfere wi$ the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper sbeet or highway mainbnance. (Od. 2(1968) 5 1) a Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle atEnded or unatFnded, sbnding upon any portion of a sfeet or upon any place within ftis Munhipality in srch a manner as b consUhJb a violation of any section of this Article, or left unatbnded for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed b be abandoned under tre conditions prescribed by Colondo Revised Shtubs section 42-4-1102, as amended, tfie officer shall require the vehicle b be removed or cruse it to be removed and placed in sbrage in the nearest garage or oher place of saEty designaEd or maintained by tris Municipality, and the charges for bwing and sbrage of such vehicle shall be charged b the owner of the vehicle in addiUon b a En dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) $ 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship to Project: ElutcdiBlEfi erhewBLDGPERM.Doc 07n8t2004 I - I0Y'IN0ML7 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2L39 tax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: GAYIJS NEW SFR DRB Number: DRB0.10203 Project Description: NEW SFR Pafticipants: OWNEF. NG \ /HITECLOUD LP O5l25l2U'X Phone: 305-652{675 2845 AVENTUM BLVD sTE 100 AVENTURA FL 33180 Ucense: APPUCANT STEVENJAMESRIDEN 05l25l2OM Phone:9494121 PO BOX 3238 VAIL co 81658 License: ProjectAddress: 3828 BRIDGE RD VAIL Location: 3828 BRIDGE ROAD Legal Description: Lot 10 Block Subdivision: BIGHORN 2ND ADDffiON Parcel Number: 2101111010202 C,omments: see conditions of approval BOARDiSTAFF ACTIO1T Motion By: Mathias Action: APPROVED Second By: Hanlon Vote: 4-0-0 Dateof Approvalz O7|2L|ZOM Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursuedtoward completion. Cond: CON0006577 1) The applicant shall submit to planning a revised East Elevation, prior to issuance of a building permit, which depicts a bellyband added at the level of the deck, add stucco beneath it instead ofthe proposed cedar siding and add two windows above the garage as agreed upon and indicated on the plans. 2) The applicant shall submit to planning revised elevations, prior to issuance of a building permit depicting finished concrete or cut stone lintels over every arched opening. 3) The applicant shall submit to planning a revised South Elevation, prior to the issuance of a building permit, depicting stucco, instead of the proposed cedar siding, on the recessed portion of the lower level. 4) The applicant shall submit to planning a revised West Elevation, prior to the issuance of a building permit depicting sfuccq instead of the proposed cedar siding, on the lower level and an adjustment to the roof which fixes the awkward meting of the overhang and adjacent hip. 5) The applicant shall submlt to planning a revised North Elevation, prior to the issuance of a building permit, which shows the window proposed on the east end removed and stucco added. 6) The appiicant shall submit io'the Town of 'v'ail an erosion and hazard mitigation plan addressing the elements articulated in the'RocKall and Avalanche Hazard Analysis" provided with their application prior to the commencement of any work on the site. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $650.00 l..r May 10,2001 Mr. Steve Riden P.O. Box 3238 Vail, GO 81658 RE: Flazard and mitigatim analysis, Lots 8, 10 ard 12, Bighom 2m Addation Dear Mr. Riden: The anafysis sthapfrdand mitigation design conepts you reqrcsted is attached. Although some exposure to the aboredefined hazards does exist, sit+specific mitigation, induding fill agpinst back walls or special ftnces, is feasible and can probably be incorporated wihout subetantial expense. Please contd me if you have my questions. Sincerely, Chrt*,{.\Ava," Mhur l. lttlears, P.E. Avalancfp-conbol engineer Enct Report ffi1,1.;i'3.qU o idl4At6ii " t*?'-'.''ijii# Mats Wosting. Avalanches. Avalonche Contml Engineering ( 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail. Colorado 81657 Fo el #Co APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED REVISION TO TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT coM CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: .7*b 4r*tL-?rrrro-/Ju Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #ts: &A 37a'/s'-a,/ ATTENTION: JR, CHARLIE, cREqboRIS C o n tractor Si S"^t", "ffiffi /2 PLETE SED VALUATIONS FOR PERMIT Labor & Materials REVISED AMOUNT: $ e ELECTRICAL: $ O OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ a MECHANICAL: $ O REVISED TOTAL: $ 6 'or Parcel # Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Vutut.eBglB:ppynly.cpm 'oo *"t"'rlarrL. R.=,Job Address: ,/ t Sezg ,6zr4e- 4 ct, t Legal Description Lot: lD Block: ll Filing:Subdivision:],,ohoo^ 2'lAl! - Owners Name:Address:PhoTe: Architecu$t*er,R. J. -Address: /..1 I 'non?r?.r/a) trngrneet h B-.rl-Address: Ve,.i\Phon .r(%-2t7a REASON FOR RB/|SIONS: Ao[e,\rr{ ge. trt.FEFeweo Nov 0 22004 rilr-c(il"oEv, *************+*i**+*******H+*-ROUTING INFORMATION FOR OFFICE USE O N LY"*******s*********t************** BUILDING DEPARTMENT:PLANNING DEPARTMENl: CElveu NOV 2 I Zooq Clwindows\Oesktop\DFLORES INFO\Revised Btdg permit.doc 10116t2002 EI:, ?fnWIS'Pl{t{,lj'Brt irB{.kehh.$Wr!' Et . :"' ': So,il*t* prl u* lrc vo**ir$. u,,$S t*et Design Review Board ACTION FORM TOWV o tfrffi*:f' /ift a teli 970.479.2t39 faxj. 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proiect Name: GAYUS CHANGE DRB Number: DR8040499 Project Description: CHANGE TO APPROVED PLANS FOR NEW SFR Participants: OWNER NG WHITECLOUD LP O9lI7l2O04 Phone: 305-552-5575 2845 AVENTUM BLVD srE 100 AVENTURA FL 33180 License: APPUCANT STEVEN JAMES RIDEN, AIA ARCH09/17|ZOO4 Phone; 949-4121 PO BOX 3238 VAIL co 81658 License: C000001738 ProjectAddress: 3828 BRIDGE RD VAIL Location: 3B2B BRIDGE RD Legal Description: Lot: 10 Elock: Subdivision: BIGHORN 2ND ADDffiON ParcelNumber: 2101111010202 Comments: See conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: DateofApprovat:10/06/2004 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with ' Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. ' 't Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 ,- TOI4'NM I Application for Design Review General lnformation: Department of Cornmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com A t Vp*Lt fu^e- L["tJt S/"nl-o n - [-' lz' All projects requidng design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requiremenb for the particular approval that b requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Developm€nt Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Courpil and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a buildlng permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Descri ptiorPf the Req ufst: Location of the Proposal: Lot: lD Bbck:Subdivision: Name of Applicant:1t€wL* Ataplf-+ @-IOE+I AtA Maillng Address: E-mail Address: Aoo Type of Review and Fee: . Signs . Conceptual Review . New Oonstruction . Addition . Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) . Minor Alteration (single.family/duplex) $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For corstruction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any reidential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sucfi c, rermfing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences ard retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and sit€ improvemonts, such a, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.. , rguirnrng wat|s, elc. )0 Changes to Approved Plans $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Phnning St"ff oblF"^ _. . seDaration Reouest No F* Doign R*iew Board' ?t t' c E I y E 0 Owner(s) Signature(s): Separation Request .-.cf I I o>,o-l+t{o .l .1 N o a t-l 5:n'i;1, = a'* a : <ooE=.fi qad€ i-.5'H::ur .=F E 9r r N + ; € L\- G lg,.'\ tdR +v l-. l-e ,! iqF |rrE Mrr lss o c' It h) .\9 I o ?r4E :.aQa'o q;'o D! ';*=bJg b<l r,c) o-n 'e .r, !r_'v '.)o' tJ l.,l o P .R 'I '='V?+r G ts 2 Hffe * lt 3 .rg t\\ b\=\Gt 1 \--'l (,' -.L xr r t R v.!ujq I NE ln' l\-/ 2 \s tu I i'| | | .'rtl I .Ll ' rc)| ts l' luR I t'tgl ttl .t I I 'il| ttr I r I trFlc lv.l fi I t- | r./t Fi t. . t{) || 'l-rl- lw lvr-l\l \l \l .l$\lll I le 'l ll ll lll-q lfIs tl tl l-\b \P \-. |-o o o |. I t\ I I I I I ,fl '7 "..S.\AD Ub\ I I I lo I I I n N l*h | '. lu6 tl tl F.r tsJ & f) Fr .888 l'1. d.tt=l-t..l\ ls tr-t\t\e?I rl 'tl a 2vl ,6..Flr lllP ltI ttl lls rr 'o |^ -o- o I lr.IN lv I 'I I .\ NIH _Hl :a=e.a rX t,-- ll v,t0 ts I I ls .}\ lp' I lv L^/ls l\" I I I l$.' B lb lq l"\ F lr) ili. N l'" I oo oo o F tt !t I trt lb H. Iqg I +' [rF ta., D< l-t hc F,IJJ E IP to l+ ts-F h^ Li N. E. Frr,It* I I I I '+ a |-, o\{ J ,tl I I I I I I +. Ol { t\J t1 l.J D' E: o A I-r'I P' \o o =h.J gt <ctx Y=:.-3+A 3R gq F }Y. !,.J ilFci l! r^ J/E_ ^al 6n,h. i:o a 'tatr' id'e at K .+ 5 .o o Y ;ir (ra u (-) r, A € c) .o tn cr o ct (lc N D' <t' I r ct :! lr 'I r=.K \\ .U' at It 'cl (NNs5Nlltrl o U,c) Llrr b \lrN x \. \ \ES'Y'g'.''E.'t J cr Cr.-rF€ gfi I tl tt I !^r :o -l o o a- - I lJ:i lt l\ lr g j!tDt-: :5-9ij5 agl;:6 36r)tt=H.8 S; B 5.3.8o 9ts4 dns# '1 .Z O t', ,l1l\ =\g ox eE-E.P *.8 Fr Er o **at||la|tlla:tia*t*tA*llffllfi+tttltftllta***lr***l*ltaa*l**rarirlr*lll*aa*lal*tlttll*f++++*'tlltt TOWNOFVAtr COI,oRADO Statcmcnt gtat€oemt Nunhr: Ro<[O0O6683 Anormt: S20.00 O9/l7|2OO4L1:18 A]l Payneot lletbod: Check RIDEN fnit: iI8 Notation! *1284lsTEt/B Perait f,os DR8040499 T!Ee: DRB-Chg to eppr Plalg Parce1 lfo: 2101L11010202 Sl.te Addreee: 3828 BRIDGB RD \rAIIl Locatl.on: 3828 BRIDSA RD Total Pees: $20.00 This Palment: $2O.OO TotaL II.lLr htg: $20-OO Balarce: SO. O0 ACCOI,JNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on DR ()O1OOOO31122{)O OESIGN REVIEI.I FEES Curnent Pmts 20. 00 0ct .21 2004 I 0:27Alrl HP GEOTECI HEPWOKTH . PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL Odcrzl'20l 216OmRooddiry rc Ddb P.O. 86 fgYf Avu,Colrr& t1620 N0.7060 P. Hsp*ofih.Pawl* Geocchnical ' Inc' P. O. Drawgr 188? Silvrnhome, Colordo 80'198 Phonr: 97046E-I9E9 Faxr 9?0-,168.5891 crneil; hpgeor0hpgeorcch.com Nau W-!*tS- JdI'b.,|(|f 35t SS,o.t OtsnlitnofE$il,e,nttF.odf,rrllc,3t2tlt4lon64Vrl Cdc&- Ilcrltfr.Zc6: Ar rcgc3od, r FFErraTirl dtleffit*rrt* Gcobctnlel h. fuvad tb stllitn J lh dioct rb o Odtr I l, 20f b cnb tc rib egod tuffiin npOqt Tb lhd''t ofcroblaralitu d rmocadrb ftr|tc ftlldlin dcqf rcfrgood ia ttb tqqt Tb svi.E nrulpfucd b s& rll s rglu fu gGEhiEd Fii''irr-lg t rvi= r Zd Om fcrury&d Ottok Il, 2Ot Tb prqud ninu ritrtoe-jlo -ry ltlcb olftl'o H btdt &*s ri[bc prsvilhd fttfu brcrh lcvel" Cor'rairnl rood Anemutr will bc urd$en" g!& ritfrytds* frFndti! Elb tdowgn&. Mfdrrillbc$ cxr&. fb frciry rc Gisd rii a rd &r1& eil Dcrig p:re d40O lmincrryrcedQrQ. Ar tc tir dc rL rirl, b Mb €Ylin hd bc.o d b ftrG lcrn|| iu tbcl a b 20 tu ldof, tulsd lrndstc. Ib d qadbfu b@dlb etcb crdcd D0dy dbd&r d odtlc rll r rty, d rd grrtd cir- No nlc wF Er mtd b tb esrdl dfu rib rut fpdy qtr- CaniliqLcdin crpcod ire eslctrdD IErdfu pud cor*udu, gld ndry phood o tb ffi rurl d &dgEd fa n rldlc sl b.tbs jruad2,0 pdhd bc dog- fu qatdefWod trdtb. Ib 4ord qlir $ft lFil b cry dn elGd rdlh! dd tc re pfi+cudlc !fu dtuUdcifrbbcri3ribbrerc- Glenwood Springs 970.945.7988 . Parker 303.841-7119 . Colorado Springs 719.633-5562 0ct.2l . 2004 l0:28AM l|P GE0TECI N0.7000 P. 3 ZdbRdiry Ocrsbrr2l,20(X PljB2 Fodiry d bc euidr rltt dft ifu frsic rS d 2 b fr e. Lc d &rtrd aib - ftcfu lr tu|d to cqd c prrd d& brhg ],y!t dd &nb tb rffi ltd rrt Bei:idb tuii bo povilod rfb dcAc nt owr $ovctdrbairg dctlirfu fior F*dc. CtroF hdi! wrlb tcld bG n&fordq dbut- o ryr hcrl db d n bysirg n rycltcql|Ldah lOitr. A patoe rfiir fsld b pvl|dr prc Qcrry hndry dty*orrric FrF! bffi rb rtrlb d Frd rrlilB dtto b ladr. Smonl fll Fc.i tAlh flE dS ls ca ccb dtb mrb frob re cqcdb r b 95?Sddttc (ASIil D{00) dry.tady irlirtne cG Eo6ilrr. hpfin pH Jd|h" rtrut fu5 tc ooryddfu rre gd b gmrl la.tq dlfu i h f0 tc d ts hild+ A mlo sllbG lqtftd Jorlfu niablo crhc rtc * rodb tuEf!. tb r@in ruhicd b *ir lcc rs td c ff otsrilb dlb rib o{lcd rihirtb Mer ccevrb d & d i# drb qldirt 6fblb eJsfuodin rli-lb bddSdtubcftFre. Tb dy b Hotc qdo tb td3 b.rd lb ftrlblt htc.Fl c E ryct b tb ogaod. Tb r* dhdb Dt d ny b gtrnb irdd ir lb rqat b dDcib vrliE ir tu erDtr sdic. h &b rsral tbrc d ca6dvrilir b tb ffor dir br rb mrdio, tililt EB b nN-!i. ti lordc fu b ffij W orro quin qE €e tb nodi: od b rtb b. Skdy, CxglU.HllI,EL Rsvit:rdbf nrr|dt ltrh,P.E.Arb or fn8oy&-BoylchUt !#&m Sl5.o|3tl c&cr j-25-?EO5 d'2APt1 I r!rr,. lrrrr TJUJTE :.J, UVr, lFaU FROt.l TEEB S78325A294 Lr!||t ttaJaulJ tirc. I_J.r,Jt |.tvl Iioyic EruurccltrS, In{: l{3 E. Meada* }nvc. Scite j90 V I. Coiora,lo 81657 -103'4.?o-2 I ?0 FAX 10i,.176-+-rEl Apni 2-5,2O05 Oenry Stoaer ZEEB CUSIOM CONSTRLC'I.ION. LLC P.O. Bor l9ll7 Avon. Cslorrdo 8162t) Subiect: Gaylis Recidcnc€ 3$28 BridSe R.oad Vail, C<rlorado W4-0716 Dear fle'nny: This is to eonfu'ra oru telephfiG converEsliglr todty ttgardbg the fremilg of tbE Cdylis ReSidetce- Fitst, I luve approved dclcring thc CMSTI4 cootinuour 3ffip dc anlund rie extcrior oi &t r$na ar thc tcp platc locetion Tts strap is nO long.a necdcd due Io tbc lrtggcrcd plyuood layer desigt tbrt the ftaffirs uscd m creiting dte top phtes. liecond, I hrve coordiaetd rhc rutntitutj,ol of tr$lc 2 r 6 hcrdcra for thc typlc*l triple 2 x l0 hcadcrs rn s€lected locahons with clilck ( ihc le{d fiarrcr), t sgove of tin* trPlc 2 x 6 headcrs iD thc iocat]odl wher€ thay have been fratncd' Third, ibc triple 2 x l0 header ovcr tbc firphce opcai4 is requircdi I heve rcvlcrred tfi,c irlgtrilrtion of thlit clcroott and approvc of it as frnmcd. Fourrh, I app,rovc ol'thc rgbstiutioo of BCI il50 scrics ioire for tle TJi 210 s4ties iorsts firgrnally spccrtied tbr tlrs protcct Finelly, I hrve rcvic$/.d drc hcedcr substiurion fq de biPlc 9 W LVL hcedcr rp*ificd over thl west Oinioi *"o- window. This instenctiod will be acccpbbb rince thc fcrution Forn drc herder supporttag n das" beam rt tlrc lewl rbcrr vcry merly strcks ovcr tllc doubtc trrE,Ecrs ud kiq eh*l. or conrrrnlg o! thrc natter. P. 1 Fr$: r vr r Plearc givc me I Tinptft,v Fron: Tim Boyh To: Bob Zcab h.: .gl3/2005 Titnc: 10:53:50 Al, , Date: 4.t3-05 Job Nunrbcn 0442 Projcct: Gaylis Rcsidcnce Locatioo: East Vail Contrrctor: ZccbConsurtion Oqr!€r: Mr. Gay'is Wcathcr; Sunnn 45 deg Prcscot at Sitc: Dcony Stoner Tim Bovle Srcve Riden P.O. Box 3238 Vail. Colorado 81658 The following lterm wcre obs€rved: Tbe taming for this residence is I OOo/o corplete rr this timc. It has bson corEtructcd according to the plms and spccifications issucd by this office wi& throe oxceptions. They lrc as follows: l. Tbree nnrc raftcrs n€ed to be added to tle south side of thc roof ovcr 0rc Oflicc to conplefe th€ 12" centcr spacing on this sidc offte ridge. This occurs al tk east etd. Z. A a -i x 6 6r should be added udcr thc tiple I I 718 LVL bclm rt thc rrytst si& of thc ceutal stain at thc Garagc Level. 3. The b6ari4g yall notcd on 52 or a eiplc 2 x l0 hcadcr utd I -2 x 4post should bc added under thc floor ioigts betwrcn the elcvator and tbc ccntrrl stairs at thc Gragc lrvel. This coaplctes fu itcrns notcd &at d€virted from tbc originnl stuctual corElroctiotr docunrnts' I hercby qrove of thig stnrcuue as fralrgd with tre colrwtions mtcd above, Fecl ftcc to givc rr a call if you lnvc .ny qugstiotrs o! conrmcnts rcgarding thie Prcsided 8c,/tilr Prle 1 of 1 Boyle Engineeriag, Inc. 143 E. Mcadow Drive, Suite 390 Vail. Colorailo E1657 t o D o ah o H F Fl H Fsl H o tr H hl o ql o o o ci rd tr z o F{ q8H *+.8' Ets:8 id sa Lir b ,- H''o:tii EF 6' oo(a i.i (a =7i,rx ai tr'* lDo: E.p qc8= trprv dE F oa gP 9(',F.d g-d iE-e 8-g a'5oo q{l EB6 i,t :r !'otr6 "?;Fs6 o Fg' EX D 5(a@ q-c 9r 6'n r- i'{T H. tt Ro,E**: F'a = ,/l {+ E,c d€ Dr !a 6'<CD otr: g o E !. i' o !T l^ tal t< l(t to u ;. -8.o !T H 6 q-X =E;!i' :i' E .fZA r E9 cxt S€ilo 2tst\llF sttx .lIt"6' lcd I rlAl 6tol .lr-l tr' lq rlo .ilo c3 eYz 6lYa XYL'7Z^:'*E X r-r rd EX9 !r X' ln ,,tt(' Dlf allC ollF Etzl gl>'ol -lFl Kl<- 5lo -ra\a ,: ,:' b)FI =v n'Ha trul 3 o<;o.o: !qo e<'-\l * z tf '- L1 l>)E d'ol <ol rrl 6'tl |,ll otl tl 9lz xto ol o t5 o 'tr o { o o l! o N 5 i+ (a ; A) o o n t! id E' ID oc (n E.(< \, (n (\o CA ^t R (A ft e (D n b' =\>rS *sls.;s€ 5ss'S 'ri d * -'s' l- !r ;l s€R co >U t-1 Er O ,r.-O\Sii (.rr\S \-r G - .)o ,i: (D FIS lN)l-.. l- I Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Dwdopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxz 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us ProjectName: GAYLISNEWSFR DRBNumber: DR8040203 Project Description: NEW SFR Palticipants: OWNER NG WHnECLOUD tP 05125120a4 Phone: 305-652-6676 2845 AVENTURA BLVD sTE 100 AVENTURA FL 33180 License: APPUCANT STEVEN JAMES RIDEN O5l25l20o4 Phone: 9494121 PO BOX 3238 VAIL co 81658 License: ProjectAddress: 3828 BRIDGE RDVAIL LocaUon: 3828 BRIDGE ROAD Legal DescripUon: Lot: 10 Block Subdivlsion: BIGHORN 2ND ADDffiON Parcel Number: 210U11010202 Comments: see conditions of approval BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Mathias Action: APPROVED Second By: Hanlon Vote: ,l-0-0 Dateof Approyal= O7l2Ll20@4 CondiUons: C,ond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activlties. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006577 1) The applicant shall submit to planning a revised East Elevation, prior to issuance of a building permit which depicts a bellyband added at the level of the deck, add stucco beneath it instead ofthe proposed cedar siding and add two windows above the garage as agrced upon and indicated on the plans. 2) The applicant shall submit to planning revised elevations, prior to issuance of a building permit depicting finished concrete or cut stone lintels over every arched opening. 3) The applicant shall submit to planning a revised South Elevation, prior to the issuance of a building permit, depicting stuc@, instead of the proposd cedar siding, on the recessed portion of the lower level. 4) The applicant shall submit to planning a revised West ElevaUon, prior to the issuance of a building permit, depicting stuc@, instead of the proposed cedar siding, on the lower level and an adjustment to the roof which fixes the awkward meting of the overhang and adjacent hip. 5) The applicant shall submit to planning a revised North Elevation, prior to the issuance of a building permit which shows the window proposed on the east end removed and stucco added 6) The applicant shall submit to the Town of Vail an erosion and hazard mitigation plan addressing the elements articulated in the "RocKall and Avalanche Hazard Analysis" provided with their application prior to the commencement of any work on the site. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $650.00 ) '{ ,'- T0t44V0r Application for Design Review REc E tv E 0 M.,, 2 r lilllt Department of Community Development 75 South Fronbge Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All p@ects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and constructaon commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Locationof theproposat: t-ot: lD etock:- suoaivision:9=lbA2L$ 4€1#,tLLF- &OO. physicarAddress: 4oO7 on UtZtOUe USZ. (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): f-{ailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild, $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as. reroofing, painting, window additioni, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee D p n tr D n Conceptual Review New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (multFfamily/com mercial ) Minor Alteration (si n gle-family/d u plex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request Fs8ff*r',Egdt' cneqr.ryo.: {zz6 ey: T0!\ftr General Information: The revlew process for new construction normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual review and a final review. Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposal at a minimum of hvo meetings before obtaining final approval. and Grading Plan* lstape Plan* NEW CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS zf Lra{rdscape Plan* <-R-Eh*ectu ra I Elevationsx ('Vqterior color and material samples and specifications. s- Architectural Floor Plans*s- Arfhitectural Floor Plans* ffirng Planx and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures { Sn6 report, includinfschedules A & B to verify ownerships and easements* { S,hffgs of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. {)Arrten approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable, t' Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* o The Administrator and/or DRB may .reqrire the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples a'nd other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whethei a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Plerce submit three (3) copies of the mateilals noted witlt an asterisk (x). Topographic sunrey:o Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor o Date of survey o Nofth arrow and graphic bar scale o Scale of 1"=10'or 1"=20') o Legal description and physical address o Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40%, and floodplain) o Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the su rvey o Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to a o the established corner, Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information. Indicate all easements identified on the suMivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions. Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.). o tr SU B'{ITTAL REQUIREMENTS Page 3 of L2102107102 o All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhdngs, building overhangs, etc.).Q Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, weflands, floodplain, soils)o Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edgfof stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback)o Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their sturce to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable TV Telephone Sewer Water Gas Electric n --.\ n u Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc.B Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from property. / Site and Grading Plan:o Scale of 7"=20'or larger o Property and setback lines D Existing and proposed easements 0 Existing and proposed grades Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line ahd the roof edge with a solid line. All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof linee. This will be used to calculate building height.a Proposed driveways/ including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade,o A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edEe of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction.o Locations of all utilities including Existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures, | .o Proposed surface drainage on and off-site.o Location of landscaped areas.o Location of limits of disturbance fencing a Location of all required parking spaces D Snow storage areas.D Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.D Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls, A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4' and 6'feet in height.o Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable Landscape Plan:o Scale of 1" = 20' or larger o Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan.o Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and gradlng. o Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs.s Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including grouno cover.tr Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction.o Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. o The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. Page 4 of L2/O2/071O2 o Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Architectural Floor Plans:u Scale of 1/8" = 1' or larger; 1/4" is preferred o Floor'plans of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale,o Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building.a Label floor plans to indicate the proposed floor area use (i.e. bedroom, kitchen, etc.).a One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations.o Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhanos. Architectural Elevations:o Scale of 1/8" = 1' or larger; 1/4" is preferred a All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings must show both existing and finished grades. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale,o If building faces are proposed at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show these faces also.u Elevations shall show proposed finished elevation of floors and roofs on all levels.a All exterior materials and colors shall be specified on the elevations.o The following shall be shown graphically and fully dimensioned: fascia, trim, railings, chimney caps, meter locations, and window details.o Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtureron the building. oIl|u5tratea|ldecks,porchesandbalconies,o Indicate the roof and building dralnage system (i.e. gutters and downspouG).D Indicate all rooftop mecharlical systems and all olher roof structures, if applicable.D Illustrate proposed building height elevation on roof lines and ridges. These elevations should coordinate with the finished floor elevations and the datum used for the survey.o Exterior color and material samples shall be submitted to staff and presented at the Design Review Board meeting. Lighting Plan:a Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area o Attach a cut sheet for each proposed flxture. II. IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE (ILC) Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location Ceftificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted. The following information must be provided on the ILC: o Basis of bearing and tie to section corner o All property pins found or set o Building location(s) with ties to property corners (ie. distances and angles) o Building dimensions, including decks and balconies, to the nearest tenth of a foot o Building and garage floor elevations and all roof ridge and eave line elevations o All drainage and utility service line as-builts, showing type of material, size and exact location o All easements Page 5 of r2l02lo7/02 Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvpe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: LfuwL1q"NE /coM hLa r^-r r-l lFtJ*-* Le,0?20- hrtL ,Y et,s u(vtz= Please specifo the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 5 of I2lO2lO7/02 Botanacal Name PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name :il",'ffJ-"'ffi EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Size ol o zia"Cxv Minimum Requlrements for Landscaping;Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of LZlOzlO7l02 , UTIUTY LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to verify service availability and location for new con$ruction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date QWEST 970.384.0238 (tel) 970.384.0257 (fax) Contact: Jason Sharp EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4077 (tet)w fi*fl 970.949.s892 (tel) 970.949.4555 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4024 (tel) 970.262.4038 (fax) Contact: Kit Bogart EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITANON, DISTRICT* 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476,4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee l. 970.949.1224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar or a#'*.Vjhn 5at a4 6-;u{d r rlcol *Please provide a site plan, floor plan, and when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District, Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility represenfative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained before dioqing in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A building permit is not a Public Way permit and must be obtained seoarately. Page B of LZlOzlO7l02 -----7 . 1T tO ?>\L'LVt')-xl Z 1bL,b -Owau.t: LD I t) ,,. \.:-.\T- Authorized Sionature pate UTILITY LOCATION VERIFTCATION i f-\ ..-,L\q L1 ,i,!1 4t7l This form is to verifo service availability and location for new conStruction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. QWEST 970.38a.0238 (tel) 970.384.0257 (fax) Contact: Jason Sharp EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4077 (tel) Contact: Brian Sulzer HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC, s70.949.5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.2623024 (tel) 970.262.4038 (fax) Contact: Kit Bogart EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION, DISTRICT* r . 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.949.1224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar I l, ttAtspor.i^eR sr-ts d^) rl\9 -q-t ll"bii rff E tt t3' rrme: 89 ROA ' l\O s-n Bs \^rg,Rg PlAC.6b TO Ldt lo PFol^ f I T\€ TFA'\tsF oefv\€R-slalE_ *Please provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District, Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. UtiliW locations must be obtained before diqging in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildinq oermit is not a Public Way permit and must be obtained seoarately. Page B of L2l0ZlO7l02 (4,16 (616 PilW.0DFzzb> gvrwu,*1*,,oNvERrFrcArroN V*el4 t . This form is to verifu service availability and location for new con6truction "no ,norft?fl ,#l7l conju nction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Date QWEST 970.38a.0238 (tel) 970.384.A257 (fax) Contact: Jason Sharp EXCEL H]GH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.a077 (tel) Contact: Brian Sulzer HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.a02a (tel) 970.262.a038 (fax) Contact: Kit Bogart EAGLE RiVER WATER & SANITATION, DISTRICT* 970.476.748o (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.949.1224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar ? xPlease provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTEST 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility represeniative shall note clirectly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a public Way permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. UtiliV locations must be obtained before diqging in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. n uuitoino oermiiil not a Public Way permit and must be obtained seoaratelv Page B of 12/02107102 Authorized Siqnature SPECIFIEO MOO€L NUMBTR' BASE AI)O IIOOELN(}. I,AMPST'FFI)( Dll'ttll$0t'ls MNIG.w H 0 cEr'rTtB AOD FINISH SUFFIX [ --T-.- ----t---.\ 'l Tnlwrl lwl I I.-:, t t.€:, t l tffimil tffiit I |'::.I|..-'ll -0- -7' 1T 178,rljr 36fin FI4', S3/r 171nn 171flr -t0F13.10f26 -1Mm H0US|ltGr +T, W TOP & MM: .PT &3/4' 15-3lT' 9-3/t' 8-3n' 0w1062 22ffr 391rm ZJ&nD 21&m -20F13,20F26 -a'l75 IET/PEDSAl|tBLlsIED GI,ASS PANELS SINOIED tsx/1' sv1' 17lllrn 171run -10F13,10F26 -1 1m .T1T 178m 305nn HOUSING: .N, VG TOP E AAhI: -Pl &Vd' 1$3/S S3/8' &3/8' Z22rn 391mn 23&nrn 213m -20f13,20F26 -ai75 --,.-T\\ --r\- iltrl El Itrl trl TETIPEBED SAIIOSWTE} GLASS PIIIO.S STANOND SL,|B II PNEI DESIGN NTW0f,( FoR 0u01ATt0 T 12' 6-3/4' 6-V,{' 178nrn 3(Efln 171m 171fin -10t13. 1 0F25 -1u1m HOUSIM: +T, VG TOP & Mh{: .PT &3/4' 15-3.8 9-3/8' F3/8' Aann 3glrm 23&n 213rn -afr3,20F26 'zt'l?5 TTCHNICAL SPECIFICATIONs PHOTOMEIFICS F ItSHES LAMPING Conlel locrl repres€nlatilr l0r |aD s0ecificaions.A00lirdions assislance available.PT Painled BALLAST tlonnal Po Er Felor 0 dege€ bhcrlEil niflimum (Specily olor sullix ko.n FinistEs brodrure) VG Vedioris (tland applid linish over solid cwer. Finish will ry lr0ln lixlure lo lixtuB.) slartirE lemperatum l0r lluorescenl laflDing. H0USlll6 Fabdcrled melal, casl aluminum cap and sandblasted lernpered glass p3rEls MoUNTING Mounls lo a slandard eleclrical *all iunclim box. AC Asyiic fEls irEtead 0lslandard glass pan€ts.l€rily maxirum 277V Fluorescenl hnDino @*0,*,,*1,@B@oro* oesig{r Modilidtion Righls Res€rvEd. 86ti0 Wesl Eradley Rd. Milwaukee, t /l53224 VISA LICHTING An OrdenbuE Cloup Cohpany Tel: 41{ 354-6m0 Fax: 414 354-7436 Specilier Hollin€: 1 {00-788-V|SA @ 19S3 visa Lighting /VLISDCPP / 0W004 PrinlCode Rev (894 mmm I-|.'T (DAJN mm r-qa (o co (D Cl mFt t-r qa 33 mmmmm l-rrr-r ('lD>9(,t 3 d e s-s oJl mmTnm r.rrr <,r cn D 0)lSgg mrnmmm rr-rr-T <,r<loD@ -.J (O -.J .^ /r -r@o66 5 o €{:* 66 €€€€ P- o)N €€ iu'=Ef >!i to!' d){ €€ >:0 oP qo €€!> €{ irn o mmrrl rrr mmm --r (D(o(O @(o(0 mmmm l--t-t-<93< 3:og mmmmmm |---rr-F <n c,r or ' 'I] 3 O (O O O cr,.(,orJJo6 mmmmmmm r--r-rrf-Ho-P!33 .F:3 3 a s €€E 833 o) d) o) (t (, €{ i$ i\) -J! €€ -.1 ! -J (,| {.fl (Jt €€{ 1Ml nbb iu' s:ss io. /'n €{>I mmm rr-mrnmmm I-rr-f-r .la<,r3- ! _ J., -,1 mmc9mm f-t--r-' -r -s -^- 3 -{r=,.{ mmmmmm -t-l-l-r--.t ur <,.r s 3 -! r r J.\ \l mmmmm -r-a-rr -.ts<,.r3- mmmmms t- - t- a'f'=-.roro<r3-Y --lo--.'..i ;";. €€+; N', m - N) (,) € N m T_ (., € N rnfnm rr-r N mmm r-r q)0lN mmm --r q) c,J N mmm -l-r o)oN mmm --l- mmmmmm r---rl-r JJNO)CDN oN-a (, @6(o qt o) .D>t: m -E mm rr @o mmm f'l-a-mmm l- l- t- (o(fo { =?t P+rI . mmm t- t- f-mmm r-F mmmm r-t-TT €€ (o (o (,ro {€ N €€€r>> o@(o >--> J(O mm --;; €€{3<3 q) o) o) . Ps2 63-5 6 Aiitiqile Biiqijiilir Cast aluminum path. light .'. vtith clear seeded gldss., ..r . Sizet.6.1/2' dial/ 9 " r hti,.":r),:' 1/2 " NPS..thidad (ofder,, 1ii;, ' morrnting stem sepaiatiiyj;". . Lam p: One mediuni base :'' Landscape . lamp, 100w max. l'it 188, 189, 190 TI a YttJz-25 ACi0 veroe on Solid Brass. P 5Z3Z-20 Antique Bronze on Solid Brass Path lrght. Metal shade with clear bound g{ass bottom. 1/2' NPS thread (order mounting stem separately). Size: 6-1/8" hl., 4-1/4" sq. I rmn' nno 1?-w^lr ( a bayonet (#'1 156), 24w. E= ,,(il -. P5268-3 1 Black P5268-3 0 White Pagoda-style cast aluminum path light. 5hades are white innerlined . for Ereater reflectivity. Ribbed white glass diffuser. Fordirect burial only. Requires weatherproo{ junction box (by others). Size: 10" dia. Overall ht. to 37" 1/2" NPS thread. Lamp: One medium base lamp, 1 00w max. P5259-31 Black P5269-3 0 White Compact {luorescent. Same as P5258-31 excepi for drreci burial or surface mouni. Complere with weatherproof ballasted junction box. Standard l20V NPF ballasts Lamps: Two 7w twin compact fluorescent lamps.{l A,luminum dome, 12-volt. White inner-lined shade for maximum light output. Size: 9 " dia., 26-3/4" ht. 1/2" NPS thread. Lamps: Two lz-volt S.C. bayonet (#1 156), each 24w. P5265-31 12o-volr. Same as P5264-31 except uses one medium base A-19 lamp, 100w max. E= Medium Base Lamp G23 Base Comoaci Fluorescent La mp t S.C Bayonet t! Base La-p E co-panion fixtures on paaes rndicated. E--= Low Voltage {) Energy Efficient Fluorescent Spread Lights Spread lights pror,ide circrrlar patterns of light to illurninate general areas, di.splay plantings artd prevent acciclents by lighting paths. steps, n'alks ancl driveways. > P5213-31 Black Mini spread light. 1 2-volt. Black aluminum. White innedin€d shade for maximum light output. Size:5-3/4' dia., 29" ht. 1/2 " NP5 thread. Lamp: One 1Z-volt 5.C. bayonet (#.1 156), 74w. t=- M ushroom.l2-volt. Black ^aluminum with white in nerlined shade for maximum light output. Size: 9 " dia., 23" ht. 1/2" NPS thread. Lamp: One lz-volt 5.C. bayonet (#1 156), 24w. rJzo r-J I rzu-vorl )ame as P5266-31 except uses one medium base A- l 9 lamp. 100w max. b_i ^ P5266-31 Black P5254-31 Black Progress Lig htin g 239 ' A-bout LightingO lncandescent Warm general service deco.ative lamps Lamp Waffs Sase Lamp Life Hours lniial Lumens 1000 505 1000 865 s 419 40 Medium 60 Medium 15 Medaum 100 Medium 1190 1710 irl-ow-:voltage 1 2volt t,Excellent color'rcndition and beam.pattern control. Good precise task li'!ishting.with etergy savings. i..lrlln tamp and PAR lamps !; Cbmpact halogen unit souice with good beam pattern control. Lamp Watts Base Lamp Life Hours lnitial Lumens , MR'1'1. Q35 2-Pin 3500 NA MR15 Q35 2-Pin 4000 NA '. Q50 2-Pin 4000 NA Q75 2-Pin 4000 NA 750 750 150 Medium 750 28 50 810 Blunt Tip or 25 Candelabra 1500 CA10 Bent Tip 40 Candelabra 1500 60 Candelabra 1500 235 370 650 G t 6-112 Globe Incandescen't R-Lamps Reflecrive general service lamp. ldeal for recessed downlighting and . PAR36 Bayonet and BFPin lamps Halogen or lncandescent low voltage lamps. ldeal{or landscape and Undercabinet aoolications. SB (lncand.) #1141 17 SC Bayonet 1000 AR70 (Halogen) 20 DC Eayonet 2000 T3-l/4 (lncand.) #161 3 Wedge Base 20.000 T5 (Xenon) 5 Wedqe Base 10,000 210 MRll(Halogen) 20 DC Bayonet 3000 NA 35 DC Bayonet 3000 NA MR16 (Halogen) 35 DC Eayonet 3000 25 Candelabra 1500 40 Candelabra 1500 60 Candelabra 1500 23s 260 450 Q35 Screw Terminal 4000 Q50 Screw Terminal 4000 250 400 bl) btooe 25 Medium 40 Medium 60 Medium 1500 1500 1500 210 410 710 G40 Globe 25 Medium 40 Medium 60 Medium 100 Medium 2500 2500 2500 2500 740 'r3 80 NA NA NA NA I 235 440 NA NA 350 1375 2200 2950 2800 17 25 32 32 r6-1t2 70 lntermedrate 1000 244 R20 50 Medium 2000 410 15 Medium 100 Medium 2 000 2 000 770 1195 2000 T3 (Halogen)Q20 BFPin 1 50 Medium 300 Medium zoo0 2000 '1500 3500 Incandescent Par Lamps More sophisticated reflector Iamp with incandescent or tungsten naro9en PAR2O 50 Medium 2000 570 lncandescent Halogen Lamps Minidture halogen source provides excellent color rendition and maximum beam control. Q300 Double ended 2000 Q75 Mini-cand Q l 50 Mini-cdnd Q250 Mini-cand Suitable for outdoor use. 50 Medium Base 16,000 l.Fluorescent i:.fiuorescenl lamps are Fbout five times as efficient as incandescent lamps at ' converung elecncrty. t-j. ! : !inear.Preheat.; Laiio Walts Ease Lamp Life Hours lnitial Lumens ' Yellowish emitted color. 'Medium Base 24,000 r.Mercury.Vapor 'Blue/green liqht, IFCT . 400 850 1000 760 1300 Linear-Rapid Start Energy saving . F3OT12AVM 30 Medium 8i-Pin 18.000 2025 F40T12UMM 40-"U" Medium Bi-Pin 12,000 2400 F4OT12A/VM 40 Medium Bi-Pin 20.000 2850 50 Medium 75 Medium 2000 2 000 otu 'r 030 50 Medium 15 Medium '100 Medium 150 Medium Q250 Medium 2000 2500 2000 2000 4200 590 1050 1400 17 40 3600 "14 2000 2000 2000 1200 2800 5000 T4ETF - al:O. DC Eayonet 2000 2700 Compact Fluorescent Long li{e and energy efficient fluorescent lamp. Excellent for general illumination.LamD watts Base LamD Life Hours lnitial Lumens Twin T4 7 z-Pin G23 10,000 400 9 2-Pin Gz3 10,000 600 13 2-Pin GX23 1 0,000 900 Quad T4 : F8T5 F13T5 'F15T8 F15T12 F20Tl2 8 Minature Bi-Pin 7500 13 Minature 8i-Pin 7500 15 Medium Bi-Pin 7500 15 Medium Bi-Pin 9000 20 Medium Bi-Pin 9000 13 2-Pin GX23-2 1 0.000 13 4-Pin GZ4q-'l 10,000 18 2-Pin G24d-2 10,000 18 4-Pin G24q-2 10,000 22 2-Pin GX32d-2 10,000 26 2-Pin G24d-3 10,000 26 4-Pin G24q-3 10,000 28 2-Pin GX32d-3 10,000 Linear-Electronic F17T8 F25T8 F32T8 FB32T8 850 900 1250 1250 1 200 '1800 1700 1 600 Medium 8i-Pin Medium Bi-Pin Medium Bi-Pin Medium Bi-Pin 20,000 20.000 20,000 20,000 Circline FC8T9 FC 1 2T9 FC 1 5T9 4 Pin G 10q 4 Pin G 10q .4 Pin G 10q 12,000 12,000 12,000 22 32 40 1 000 1800 2700 840 1200 1250 1800 2850 13 4-Pin GX24q-1 10,000 18 4-Pin G24q-2 1 0.000 l8 4-Pin 2611 20,000 27 4-Pin 2G11 '12,000 39 4-Pin 2G11 12,000 bqht source Wrde array of beam patterns, whiter light PAR16 50 Medium 2000 ,'Hish Presiuie Sodium ; Most efflcient.HlD source. . lED lT 50 Triple T4 Progress Lighting G) -nl Recessetl - ''-.rt n r-1 idOfS & WallS Lishtinsforsaretvintrarricareas'indoors bteps? \-,orrl and outdoors. Brick Li*hts - Outdoor & Indoor :Cast aluminum housing with black metal louver. Three 1/2 " l.P conduit entries. Measures 7-314" x2-112' x3-1/8' For wood, brick, masonry. and poured concrete installations. UL listed for wet locations. P6802-31 ComPact f luorescent, Lamp: One 7w compact fluorescent lamp. f-l P5803-31 Therma-Gard protectlon Lamp: One ]zOV T6-1/2 75w intermediate base. Indoor & Protected Outdoor 5pring-held white louver faceplate. Metal housing has 12' l.P conduit entry. For indoor and protected outdoor use. UL listed for damP locations. P5820-30TG Therma-Gard protection. Porcelain socket Lrmp: One 60w A-19. P6821-30 Compact fluorescent. Standard 120V NPF ilrfol o.. 7w or 9w twrn compact fluorescen, t..p (] P5825-30 Compact fluorescent. Same as P6821-30 except with a shatter-resistant whrte acrylrc faceplate .-l Lamp: One 7w or 9w twin compact tluorescent lamp. tl Thru-Wall Double Face 4 1-3/4' I ,_1r'l 1-1/A't-|Tr-L r-r-t* 'r 3'1/8" iI , t e 't : 3-1n" l-7-sl8 ! l:l l:l t-t l* 8,s/8't One metal housing with two shatter-resistant white acrylic faceplates for both sides of a stud wall, 3'112' rc 4-1n' thick. White trim. Reduces costs by illuminatinq two areas with one fluorescenl light. For indoor and protected outdoor use. UL listed for damp locations. P582/t-30 Compact f luorescent. tamp: One 7w or 9w twin compact fluorescent lamp. {f P5825-30 Compact fluorescent. Same as i\ P6824-30 except wrth two louver faceplates \l 1. 8'-i P6816-15 P5817-16 f' 7'!n P6818-15 P6819-16 7-3t4' * A'19 Lamp Compact Fluorescent Lamp qj Energy Efficient Fluorescent zao G23 Base Indoor' & Outdoor P6815-16 Cast aluminum, porcelain socket, reflector, tempered glass. Two 'll2" l.P. for conduit entry. For poured concrete and masonry lnstallations. UL listed for wet locations. P6816-16 White glass face. Lamp: One 25w A-19. P6817-16 Louver faceplate over glass. lamp: One 25w A-19. P6818-16 White glass face. lamp: One 75w A-19. P5819-16 Louver faceplate over glass. Lamp: One 75w A-19. P6817-15 T T-II 4-rF'l ll -L t- t/ -1 F 3-1t2', TI el II *l .1 T T-I ;. I I t T6-12 Lamp F 8' -l I-l t-l i-l FA3/4'+l F 8-3/4"1 P6818-r 5 P6819-16 Progress Lightinq Parcel Detail Page I of2 County Officials I County Services I Community I Videos Advanced Search I Calendar I Eagle County Ass€ssor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information Assessorfireasurer Property Search I Assessor Subset Query | Assessor Sales Search Basic Building Characteristics I Tax Information Sales Detail I Value Detail I Residential/Commercial Improvement Detail I Land Detall Tax Area Account Number Parcel l{umber Mlll Lew sc103 RO52227 210111101020 46.566 5 AVENTUM BLVD STE 1OO Owner Name and Address Legal Description SUB:BIGHORN zND ADDITION LOT:10 BK-0405 PG-0971 08-23-84 BK-0522 PG-0931 oCD 01-24-90 R774225 QCO 10-23-01 R867653 QCD 12-15-03 Locatlon Property Tax Valuation Informataon Actual Value Assags€d Value Lnd:275,OOO 79,750 Improvcment9:0 0 http://www.eagle-comty.com/Goodturns/assessor/parc€l.asp?ParcelNumbeF2l0llll0l... O5n4/2004 Phvslcal Addrcss:3830 BRIDGE RD UNIT: VAIL Subdlvlslon:BIGHORN 2ND ADDMON Acr€s:0.336 Parcel Detail Page2 of2 Basic Building Characteristics Number of Residential Buildings:0 Number of Comm/Ind Buildings:0 No Building Records Found Tax Information Tax Pavment: First Half Tax Pavment: Second Half Tax Pavment: First Half Tax Payment: First Half Top of Paqe Assessor Database Search Options I Treasurer Database Search Options Contact us by phone: (970)328-8640, in Colorado (800)225-6136 By mail: Eagle County Assessor, 500 Broadway, PO BOX 449, Eagle, CO 81631 Or by email The Eagle County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices make every effort to collect and maintain accurate data. However, G Software and the Eagle County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices are unable to warrant any of the information herein cor Copyright @ 2001 Good Turns Software. All Rights Reserved. Database & Web Design by Good Turns software. http://www.eagle-county.com/Goodtums/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber2l0l I I 101... 05124/2004 lrlaylll-01 01:08pnr Fron- vn2378 Schedulc A Amounl $320,000.m I.oT 10, BIG.HORN SUBDIVISION, SCOND ADDTTION \+- )o-b{ -Im+ehi$l at5:00P'M. '** / D A (oluadocjrnit-aPartu'*nip \ Jhiretloud- L P, A Cola inrercst in rbe land dcscribed or r.elered to in this Schedule and whicb is covered by this policy is: or interest covertd by this policy at tl|e date hercof is vcsted ln; uJhitccloud LP , ft Co b"ctdo uin'rrrt4 fanwcmtal1 to in thie policy is described as follos's: SUBDNISION, SECOND ADDITTON, AC@RDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT @UNTY OF EAGLE, STAIE OF @LOR.ADO. This Policy valtd only il Schedulc B is artached- Laad firle Guerertee ComPanY Reprecnring Chicago Tirlc bsrrrarcc Coupany FomrAO/CEI Our Order No. Policy Dalt: fitle to the 5. The land t-oT 10, TI{EREOF 1-231 P.02/M F-058 ,May-19-04 01:08pn Fron-T-231 P.03/01 F058 v272378 Sctredule D docs rot inslre against toss or damage (and rle Company will not pay COSts, tfionreys' feeS or e:penSeS) by rcrson of: claims of panies in posses'sion not shown by tlu public records' or clains of esscminrs, mt showtr by $c public recor(s' 48 AT PAGE 477. ,ies, colflicts in boundary llax, shonage ia uee, encroacbnenrs, and any facu which a cortect Survcy atrd of rlu prenlses woukl rliscl,ose and which are uor slown by thc public records. or rigbr to a lien" for sewiccl, tabor, or matcrial heretofore or bereafter furnished, inposed bv law aql by rbe public rccords. NOTYET DUEAND PAYABLE. R UNPAID WATERAND SE1VER CHARGES, IF ANY' FPRoPRIBToRoFAVEINoRLoDEToBXTRACTANDRBMovB}IIsoRE ROM SIIOWD THE SAME BE FOIJND TO PENETRATB OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES VEDINUNITEDsTATEsPATENTRECoR.DEDAPRIL2S,1900'lNBooK4EAT F WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF TTIE STATESAS RESERVBD IN TJNITBD STATES PATENT RECORDED A}RIL 28' 19OO' @VENANTS WHICIT DO NOT G)NTAIN A FORFEITI]RE OR REVERTER CLAUSE' GANYcovENANT|)RRESTRICTIoNB^SEDoNRACE,col-o&RELIGIoN' ,{D]CEj', FAMILTAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN T'NLESS AND ONLY TO TIIE TtIAr s*n covEIANT (A) IS E)(EMPT UNDER CIIAPTER 42, SEcTloN 3607 oF STATES SDE OR (B) REI.ATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT rn eCenrSf HANDiCAP PEnSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSrR.UMBNT R.ECORDED W.N,1D62,INBOOKr74ATPAGE4O3ANDASAMENDEDININSTRT'MENT ED SEPTEMBER 19, 1963, IN BOOK 715 N PAGE257 ' .CBNT NON-PARTTOPAIINGROYALTY IN AND TO TIIE PROCEEDS DERIVE:D FROM OT T,.THSRALS, ETC,, PRODUCED AND MINED FROM SAID PREMTSES' ALLAS eNonrseRvEDIN]NSTRUMENTRB@RDEDINBooK166ATPAG8407. Our Order No' rO. ATEN Jlay-19-91 0{:08pn Frorr T-231 P.01/84 F-058 Schedule B ;, RESERVATIONS AI{D RESTN'ICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE ir-qf oi, nicnoRN srJBDlvI$oN, sE@ND ADDITIoN' AND PROVISIONS OF NOTIG OF ENCUMBRANCBAND RESOLUTION errur- so, 2001 Af REcllPuoN NO' 75s?57' rRusT DATED MAY 2'4, 2101, FROM BIIIY I:qAHL TO TIIE PIJELIC oF EAGLE couNry FoR;rb;i.C oiiglqa1_g1L-Isro sBcuRE rHE suM oF irilCo-noeo nme ot, 200r, UNDER REcEPTIoN No' 1s834s' Form AO/CEI Our Order No. June 14, 2004 Stephen James Riden, AIA PO Box 3238 Vail, CO 81658-3238 RE: Gaylis Residence - Design Review application for a new single-family located at 3828 Bridge Road/Lot 10, Bighom Second Addition Dear Steve, As discussed the week of June 1,200/' Town of Vail Staff has recently reviewed the Variance application for the proposed Gaylis Residence and the following is a summary of the remaining issues from that review: 1. Please depict a limits of disturbance fence around the site; 2. There are several points on the roof ridges that exceed the allowable height maximum for the Two-Family P/S zone district, please adjust and revise; 3. The average slopes of the building site exceed 300/0, thereby restricting the allowable site coverage to 15%, or 1,947 square feet, of the site area. Please adjust and revise; 4. On the Garage level, the area undemeath the recreation/offioe spaoe is closed to an extent where it would have to be included as GRFA - please adjust and revise: 5. Per Public Works please respond to the following comments:+ PE stamped retaining wall plans * 6'maximum allowable wall heights * First 10 feet back from pan must not exceed 8o/o,12o/o for remainder of heated driveways. At this point, we can schedule this application as a Conceptual Review for June 16,2004, and continue with a Final Review, if you are ready, on the next regularly scheduled DRB meeting. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2140. Matthew R. Gennett, AICP Town of Vail Status: I Approved corrrnailFY DEVELoPMENT nofic Fonut I epprcved with conditions fi Denied Routed To:Leonard Sandoval. PW Date Routed:05t26t04 Routed By:Planner Date Due:06t0?/04 Description of work:Final Review of New Single Family Residence Address:3828 Bridse Road Leqal:Lot:10 | Block:Subdivision: I Bighorn Second Comments:Date Reviewed: Need additional review e l.t2 to' f- at = ,r. o>,o-l+!to F = N a) N K) 14 Itr'r K) |r.'n \n .\.' o o t + .o o o t. Or -J tl A hJ () hJ o It l- N c| -l ; t\u | \,/lq + I ls | (/\t\ tl' . D. l\\ lz ldP r '$r 1"... F .I\J E ll='l ui I r'( KUF la: € I\H l(,^ -r\_ r > t$ E' lN"tv 'l e. lns. lf n \l El ,T J L-:lrz F-lE l- 6 a I rt tl II ll l+t.-\A 3 +l ',ll I tl tl '| I IT I't u, 8 o a c).' I I I I I A N) 9\{ .tl = o c, lrt o .r.l s.t g'F 7 [ ? F * F EFi: f FE?5 edi€.F EF ,F i 'rr g Fo e -+tr, 1' 8. F. =E. -E € 5 rsF -q' - \-\\.5 .& N- -9.,t G N:St Bl'eN'*uelNi vut 'I y, ' \=\ | *: I I t:=i--' ' i 5lo, lou;;Sk\.g l\./ | ' 'G I l- I llrl i + lb l^ l(r' L"o h^o f'-- | - l$'I ls l\lsl l\l ls\ l.l\l ."1 I ltd lo,-, R r-' | | | lrul*. lslNlv.l I I I Nql rr llll'l '9 1 d ln l^ I E lQ lll tNf l- I 9l Pe <('-J.g iE 2 i a?€gE g n!=/_r E 3=r;aft. Fts. -('o l9 Y r r,rt E', ...F H U5 TF.F F g 5a I t' =.."og l" I F' e- _nz I \\F |E'H L? ,4 ,3 l^..-S$IIP i-llr""l'l l-d f luE lN\ a -o lr E t tt l)I lu tl ll 't{ see 8fF .6.:F , o ii .F 9<El $il I * l'| €l FPI |\l|l Il t.|l llll v' :'39 <, .:.o eG \vr 5q = .!. er!J ,t5 ug 89 qi+a..E go t!t5 t^ <)fr' ='t'\J a? r l\r' i7 :tl tt( Itl xgFri llll 3 s r E | -.t o l F' r tNt { | Fl lol ll 4l Ir ltit lxl llll \lttl \ | | I 'l e\-llll t!. tttl r. llll \r I t- 1."t"tttl llll a oc €,I fd h'.ff,{ h 't- IN |n, l$" *,lN ?to tz IE 'ts lv Kl t g\ I vL-tI' ?rr-l-r E z an .x. EIN g \,( o:ar gE FE (r l\ lo l{x I xlx l< l<, l( l< lr I I F (, , l(lrF i' E' g F .F 'cd'X3=noiS 6EF9f.!1 A ggFH FE .J.t:A' E.I - g\ E\c\ g Nr^iRx \tn rgo,hic:vz 9*d6'gE }L'98-go -l 9 Fa a8-e-Bo 'oF t o (<. :.l o o = ln Ffg$$ 5F ttHUa g.F B.t E ln, l* lxlxNE lrloF ;FuE*lgBFgE.EF5.Ets EE.€FF'r,;E Ffr a' 3;E g +e *3 l\lSl; l\r+tF :g !r Dr a 5.fl.8 o 5 ? R stri s€ $au A o o 5.o.o a i.O. t r< z .o RoCKFALLANDAVALANCHEHAZARDANALYS|SAND MITIGATION CONCEPTS LOTS 8, 10, AND 12, BTGHORN SUBDlVlsloN 2ND ADDITIoN Prepared For. Mr. Steve Riden PrePared BY Arthur l. Mears, P'E., lnc' Gunnison, Colorado MaY,2001 ^*q* I. MEARS, P.E.,INc' Natural Hazards Consultants 555 CountY Road 15 Gunnisou Colorado 81230 TcUFax: 9?0'641-3236 srtnears@tmii.com May 10,2001 Mr. Steve Riden P.O. Box 3238 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Hazard and mitigation analysis, Lots 8, 10 and 12, Bighorn 2d Addition Dear Mr. Riden: Theanalysisofhazardandmitigationdesignconceptsyourequestedis attacneO. Although tor" "*poirre to the lbovedefined hazards does exist' site*pecilc mitig;tioq i;duding ntt against back walls or special fences, is i""ri6f" and cariprobably be incorporated without substantial expense' Please contact me if you have any questions' SincerelY, O+L'"^lwV/* Arthur l. Mears, P.E. Avalanche-control engineer Encl: RePort -. I Moss Flosting' Avol0nchcs ' Aval,[.chc Conml Engincering 1 REPORTSUMMARY The principal conclusions, recommendations and limitations of this study are detailed in Sections 2 - 6. The summary is as follows. 1.1 Exposure All lots, proposed buildings and additions considered in this study are within range of rockfall and avalanche hazards. These hazards originate within or directly below the obvious limestone cliff outcropping of the Maroon formation approiimately 300 feet above the building sites (Figures 2 and 3). Both rocKall and avalanches of sizes sufficiently large to damage buildings are rare events (estimated return periods of 100 years or longer) but do require mitigation as discussed. RockfaLl or Avalanehe T H Hgtto" 'hote 1{ouse cted. 4ii;i 4:.3!i;i1:;11: RECOMMENDED MITIGAT\ON - Mitigation recommended forthe building postfions shown in the April, 2OO1 Steve Riden drawings consrsfs of ptacing a fill to a height H against all back walls of propsed houses. The fiil shoutd extend vertically for a height "H". H = 10' on Lot I (upper), I' 'on'Lot 8 (ower), 10' on Lot 10, and 8' on Lot 12. Sufiace stope of ftll shotlld ,pe 1.% : 1. This will protect from design-magnitude rockfatl and avalanches. An aftemate mitigation (a rockfall energy-absohing fence) is drscussed in Section 6. 1.2 Mitigation Because of small velocities and energies of avalanches and rockfall, the recommended mitigation will consist of fill against the uphill walls of all buildings as shown in the above figure. The lower section of the walls must be reinforced for the resulting soil pressure, as determined by the structural engineer. Any walls and windows on the back walls within 12 feet of grade should be minimized in area and reinforced for a horizontal pressure of 100 lbs/ft'. The fill will dissipate rockfall and avalanche energy such that buildings will not be damaged and rocks and debris will not be deflected adversely onto adjacent public or private property. This will protect residents and others and will satisfy the Town of Vail hazard regulations. 2 OBJECTIVES AND LIMITATIONS As requested by Mr. Steve Riden, this report has the following objectives: a. Analysis of the dynamics and resulting hazardfrom design-magnitudel rocKall and avalanches on the subject properties; b. Quantification of the impact and/or static loads on exposed buildings; c. Recommendations of mitigation procedures that are feasible at or above the buildings; d. Discussion of any adverse deflection of rocKall and avalanches onto adjacent properties; and e. Discussion of risk. This report also has the following limitations which should be understood by all those relying on the results and recommendations: a. Only rocKall, and snow and debris avalanches are considered; other hazards or constraints to development, if any, are beyond the scope of the study; b. The analysis is based on building locations provided in the Steve Riden drawings given to me in April, 2001. c. Any substantial changes to the terrain or forest cover (e.9., by forest fire or landslides) above the building sites may increase the hazard; d. Extraordinary events (e.9., with return periods of 300, 1000 years or longer) may exceed the sizes delineated or analyzed in this report; and e. The study is site-specific and may not be applicable at other sites. 3 PREVIOUS WORK The Town of Vail has developed rocKall, debris avalanche, and snow avalanche maps which indicate Lots 8, 10, and 12 (as well as some adjacent lots) lie within hazard areas or potential hazard areas. These Vail maps are generalized thus do not indicate the physical characteristics or destructive potentials of the above processes. Modifications to these maps based on site-specific analysis and more detailed study have been provided in Figures 6 and 7 of this report. Additional site-specific hazard or hazard mitigation studies for Lots 8, 10, and 12 have not been completed since the original Vail studies. 4 TOPOGMPHIC SETTING AND SITE OBSERVATIONS Figure 1 is a generalized location map of the project area taken from U. S. Geological Survey topographic data. The approximate location of the rockfall 1 Design-magnitude - Events with return periods of approximately 100 years. Avalanches do have return periods because events of one year are not related to those of subsequent years, however, rockfall events may be dependent on events of prior years. o ffidi area and approximate tocation of Lots 8-12. At this location, avalanches and rockfai begii primarily below 8,680 feet elevation level within or below the limestone cliffs. Many other ava-lancheg dibris flows, or rockfalls also occur in the general vicinity but are not shown on this map. Hazard delineation and subdivision into red and blue zones are shown in more detail on Figures 6 and 7 J,D TopoQuads Copyight O 1999 Drlome Yrrnrouth. M[ 01096 SourccDuto: USGS ft Scnle: l:6,000 DctnlL l4-J Ditum: WGS84 o and avalanche area and lot locations are indicated and the generaltopography of the immediate area is shown. The steep colluvial (rock and debris) slopes below the limestone cliff shown in Figure 2 is littered with boulders, smaller rocks and assorted debris. This material results from the combined effects of rocKall, FTGURE 2. Obtique photoqaph (taken trom the northeast on Aqil 27, 2001) of Bridge Road cul- de-sac and the wed-ena oi Lupine Drive. Steep coiluviat slopes below limestone cliff band can produce smal!-to4noderete shed avalanches. Roc-kfail ortginates within clitrs. FIGURE 3. Oblique photograph showing greater detail in proiect area (above Lupine Dive and south of cu!-de-sacl ind tfre runout arca for the rockfall and avalanches. Very large lirnestone boutders near houses probably ortginate from glacial activity rather than rockfall. o avalanches, other mass-wasting processes and glacial activity. Much of the upper Gore Creek Valley was the site of e)densive glaciation during the fleistocene glacial epoch which ended here 10,000 to 20,000 years before present. ThJ eXensive glaciation probably scraped rocks from the cliffs and deposited many near the present location of homesites as the ice melted. Alternately, a single or multiple rockfall, rock avalanche, or landslide event(s) may havaoccurr;d and deposited these rocks. However, the major boulders, "ppe"r to have been in place for over lOOO years, perhaps more than 10,000 years, judging from soil development and lichen growth on the rock surfaces (see Figure 4). FIaURE 4. Major 8-10 foot-tong boulder in the vicinity of the lower building site on Lot 8. Boulder probably reached tnis position during or immediately foltowing valley deglaciafion, not from 'rockfall. lt may have moved into plice from landslides that occuned after valley deglaciation or by melting gtaciat ice. lt is untikeiy that this boulcler fett from the cliffs as an isolated event becausek-would have rolled much farther or broken into smaller rocks. Soil around the boulder and lichen cover on the suface suggests if has been in the cunent position for at least 1000-3000 years, possibly more than 10,000 years. RocKall and debris-avalanches have also occurred since valley deglaciation and deposited smaller boulders in the vicinity of existing and proposed houses. Such examples are widespread on the colluvial slope above Lupile Drive and other areas within the valley. An example of a rocffiall-deposited boulder is shown in Figure 5. This 3-foot diameter boulder rests on the soil surface and probably has- faiien into place during the past several centuries as a result of rockfall. Rocks of this size have the capability of reaching the proposed houses and therefore require mitigation. They aie the basis of the rocKall modeling conducted in this study. FTGURE 5. Rocl<falt4erived boulder apgoximately 2.53.0 feet long which tell from the limestone ctiffs. Noteboo| is apgoximatety one-foot bng. A 3.Gfoot diameter rock similar to fr?,s one was used in the rockfatl iytamics aialysis and was the basis for fhe mitigation recommendations' 5 ROCKFALL AND AVALANCHE MODELING METHODS APPLIED 5.1 RocKallModeling The velocities, kinetic energies, and bounce heights of rocKall events at the proposed buildings have been quantified through application of the Colorado Rockfall Simulation Program (CRSP), a stochastic rockfall dynamics program developed by the Colorado Department of Transportation and the Colorado School of Mines. The following steps were used in application of CRSP: a. Rock source areas were identified in the field and through analysis of aerial photographs. b. The colluvial slope below the limestone cliff was characterized in terms of steepness, roughness, and hardness, parameters used in the CRSP analysis. c. The sizes of boulders and their probable stopping positions were determined in the field. d. The CRSP model was forced to produce boulder stopping positions as determined in the field. e. Velocities, kinetic energies, and bounce heights at selected analysis points (positions of mitigation) were determined at the building locations by the CRSP analysis. The maximum extent of 3-foot diameter rocks (the design rockfall event) in the project area is shown on Figure 6. This map should be used to update the existing Town of Vail rockfall hazard maps which were prepared in 1984. Complete details of the results of the rockfall-dynamics analysis are provided in Appendix A. A summary of the design criteria which were used to develop the rockfall mitigation measures recommended in Section 6 are provided in Table 1. Note: Mitigation design crfterta are basecl on the gOrG cumulattve proDao, ty teveL meantng mat there exis{s a 10% Vobability that the design rocktall event (which is a rare event) will exceed the criteria. 5.2 Avalanche modeling Avalanche dynamics were modeled by fitting a three-parameter stochastic model of avalanche motion to the flow, assuming a starting position at the cliff band and a stopping position consistent with observed stopping positions observed in topographically similar paths in Colorado. The following two steps were usecl as recommended by the Colorado Geological Survey: a. First the design-magnitude avalanche stopping position was determined by terrain analysis, observations of prior events in similar terrain, and statistical model ing; b. Second the avalanche-dynamics modelwas used to compute energy (of clear snow and debris avalanches) to determine the red/blue hazard zone boundary (mapped in Figure 7). Avalanche velocities computed in step "b" at the proposed buildings were determined to be 1Qm/s (22 mph) or less and would produce impact pressures generally less than 400 lbs/ft2 at the bases of large, flat walls normal to the flow. Because the apparent avalanche retum period at the proposed buildings is more than 25 years, this would place buildings in the "blue" (moderate hazard) zone, as indicated on Figure 7. According to the Vail hazard regulations, construction with mitigation is allowed in such areas. Table 1. Rockfal criteria for m on Site Velocity Kinetic Energy Bounce Height Lot I building lgpper) 51.30 fUsec 120.027 ftlbs 7.69 ft Lot 8 building (Lower) 39.30 fUsec 74.167 ft)bs 15.51 ft Lot 10 buildins 51.07 fUsec 117.046 ft-lbs 7.60 ft Lot 12 buildins 41.97 ftlsec 89.848 ftlbs 5.85 ft Note:criteia are based on the 90% cumulative probabit 'tty level, meaning that o FIGURE 6. Map of the maximum extent of rockfall hazard in the Bridge Road and west Lupine Divearea. Mapwasproducedfromaerial photographytakeninl99T,thusrecentconstruction does not appear on the map' scALE. 1,'= 1oo' :..:': i:?: i ' FIGURE 7. Map of the maximum erteft of snow or debis avalanches in the Bridge Road and west Lupine Drive area. Red (high hazarcl) and Blue (moderate hazard) zones are shown. Map was produced from aerial photography taken in 1997, thus recent construction does not appear on the map. SCALE: 1"= 100' 6 MITIGATION Two forms of mitlgation from rockfall and avalanches is recommended. These recommendations are based on the observations and analyses presented earlier in this rePort. 6.'1 Berms against back walls The recommended mitigation form consists simply of berms built against the uphill walls of buildings (Figure 8). These berms must be built to a height of 8 - 10 feet to dissipate rockfall and avalanche energy. The required heights are given in Table 2. Table2. Berm design criteria Berm surfaces should have a slope of 1Tz:1. Walls must be designed to withstand the static soil load, it being assumed that the impact loads of rockfall or avalanches will be dissipated by the deformable soil and rock material of the berms. 1.;?i d;ttliii.;llt.ur;i FTGURE 8. Rockfall and avalanche berms placed against the uphill walls will provide mitigation on Lots 8, 10, and 12. The required berm heights for various locations are provided in Table 2. Betm surfaces should be at a I % : 1 slope. Wndows within the lower 12 feet of the back wall should be reinforced for a norma! pressure of 1OO lbstf . Berms wi!! not deflect rocks or snow/debris mirtures onto adjacent public or private properv. oeslgn cnrena BUILDING LOCATION BERM HEIGHT Lot 8 buildinS (upper)10 feet Lot 8 buildinq (lower)8 feet Lot 10 buildinq 10 feet Lot 12 building addition 8 feet Windows within the lower 12 feet of the back walls should either be avoided, minimized in surface area, or reinforced for a pressure of 100 lbs/ft'. An alternate form of mitigation, which is primarily used for defense against rockfall is the energy-absorbing fence (Figure 9). FIGURE 9. Energy-absorbing rockfal! tence (manufactured by GeoBrugg of sanfe Fe, NM) installed above a house near Telluride. Tris is a "medium-energf absorbing fence which would be capabte of dissipating rocks with the design energies above Lots 8, 10' and 12. This type of fence has been widely used in Europe and the United States, primarily above highway rockfall areas. The medium capacity fence shown in Figure 9 is approximately 9 feet high and would cost approximately $300-$500 per foot installed. Each fence would be within approximately 50 feet of each building and would extend the full width of the structure. Modifications to the f fence design would probably be required in order to withstand avalanche loads. Although either berms or rockfallfences could be used, the final choice will depend on cost, environmental disruption, and esthetic considerations. These choices can be made during the final design stage. Report prepared by C;1it^,lwu,oro Arthur l. Mears. P.E. Avalanche-control engineer o TECHN ICAL APPENDIX A. RocKalldynamics analysis The folloring pages provide input and output data used in computing rocKall dynamics parameters at the building sites. t, I CRSP Input File Specifications Units ofMeasure: U.S. Total Number of Cells: 8 Analysis Point X-Coordinate l: 425 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 2: 481 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 3: Initial Y-Top Starting Zone Coordinate: 8660 Initial Y-Base Starting Zone Coordinate: 8640 Remarks: Cell Data Cell No. Surface R. Tangent C. Normal C. Begin X Begin Y End X End Y 1 .5 .8 .5 0 8640 30 8600 2 .s .8 .5 30 8600 150 8520 3 1.5 .7 .3 150 8520 340 8420 4 1.5 .7 .3 340 8420 425 8390 5 1.5 .7 .3 42s 8390 465 8380 6 1.5 .7 .3 465 8380 481 8376 7 1.5 .7 .3 481 8376 5l l 8374 8 .3 .8 .3 511 8374 561 8370 Input File - D:\crsp\Biro.t *.4", --t CRSP Analysis Point Statistical Analysis - D:\osp\Bighour I,ot 8.dat Analvsis Pclint I AnalysisPoint l:X= 425,Y= 8390 Spherical Rodc 3-ft dia", 23331b Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: 78 Cumulative Probability Velocity (fl/sec) En€rE (S-lb) . Bounce Height (ft) SU/o 33.6 62938 1.61 ?5o/o 42.85 92994 4.81 9V/o 51.3 L2@27 7.69 95o/o 56.37 136257 9.42 9E% 62.06 154r'J72 11.35 Note: Velocity and kinaic €n€r5f are analyzed assuming a normal distrbution. Bounce heigbt is aoslyzed assuming a log distribution. s0% 75Yo 90% 9s% 98% t4.2 18.91 153 5l 23233 23.15 30323 25.69 34579 28.55 39356 oo CRSP Analysis Point Statistical Analysis - D:\crsp\Bighom Lot 8 dam.dat Analvsis Point I Analysis Point 1: X= 440, Y: 8400 Spherical Rock: 3-ft dia., 2333-lb Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: 9 Cumulative Probability Velocity (ff/sec) Energy (ft-lb) Bounce Height (ft) 0.37 2.21 3.87 4.86 5.97 Note: Velocity and kinetic energy are analyzed assuming a normal distributron. Bounce height is analyzed assuming a log distribution. CRSP Input File - D:\crsp\Bighom Lot 8 Inout File Specifi cations Units ofMeasure: U.S. Total Number of Cells: l0 Analysis Point X-Coordinate l: 2140 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 2: Analysis Point X-Coordinate 3: Initial Y-Top Starting Zone Coordinate: 8660 Initial Y-Base Starting Zone Coordinate: 8640 Remarks: Cell Data Cell No. Surface R. Tangent C. Normal C. Begin X Beein Y End X End Y o dam. .5 1.5 1.5 .5 dat .) 1.5 1.5 1.5 ^J I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .8 .8 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 ,7 .8 .5 .5 .3 .3 .3 30 150 340 425 440 45s 465 481 5ll 561 0 30 150 340 425 440 455 465 481 5ll E640 8600 8s20 8420 8390 8400 8390 8380 8376 8374 8600 E520 8420 8390 8400 8390 8380 8376 8374 8370 .3 .3 .3 .3. .3 .r )' Analysis Point 2 AnalysisPoint 2:X: 481, Y= 8376 Spherical Rock 3-ft dia., 2333:h Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: 44 Cumulative Probabilitv Velocitv (,ff/sec) Enerey (,ftJb) Bounce Height (ft) s0% 7s% 90% 95o/o '98% Note: Velocity and kinetic energy are a4alyzed assuming a normal distribution Bounce heiglrt is analyzed aszuming a log distribution. ol CRSP Analysis Point Statistical Analysis - D:\crsp\Bighorn Lot 8.dat 24.97 36668 32.52 56410 39.3 74167 43.38 84827 47.95 96792 0.69 8.49 15.51 19.72 2A.45 o Input File - D:\crsp\Bighorn Lot 8 o dam2 r rr|l CRSP Input File Specifications Units of Measure: U.S. Total Number of Cells: 9 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 1: 493 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 2: 0 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 3: 0 Initial Y-Top Starting Zone Coordinate: 8660 Initial Y-Base Starting Zone Coordinate: 8640 Remarks: Cell Data .dat I t J 4 5 o 7 8 9 .5 .5 .3 ? .3 0 30 150 340 425 465 481 493 505 8640 8600 8520 8420 8390 8380 8376 8384 8376 30 150 340 425 465 481 493 505 561 8600 8520 8420 8390 8380 8376 8384 8376 8370 .3 .J .3 .3 2'o CRSP Analysis Point Statistical Analysis - D: o \crsp\Bighom Lot 8 dam2.dat Analysis Point I AnalysisPoint 1:X= 493,Y= 8384 Spherical Roch 3-ft dia., 2333-lb Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: 4 s0% 75o/o 9OP/o 95% 98% 8.48 8.4E 8.4E 8.48 8.48 7037 7037 7037 7037 7037 0.02 0.7 1.31 1.67 2.0E Note: Velocity and kin6ic e4ergy are analyzed assuming a normal distribution. Bounce height is analyzed assuming a log distribution. o File - D:\crsp\BighomLot 10.dat lnput File Specifi cations Units ofMeazure: U.S. Total Number of Cells: 10 Analysis Point X-Coordinate l: 380 Analysis Point X-Coor dinzte 2: Analysis Point X-Coordinate 3: Initial Y-Top Stafiing Zone Coordinate: 8660 Initial Y-Base Starting Zone Coordinate: 8640 Remarks: Cell Data Cell No. Surface R Tanqent C. Normal C. Begin X Begin Y End X End Y o CRSP Input r- I 2 3 4 ) 6 8 9 l0 .5 -) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 .3 ..J 0 40 110 230 360 400 420 465 490 530 8640 8600 8560 8480 8420 8400 8394 8386 8382 8378 8600 8560 8480 8420 8400 8394 8386 8382 8378 8376 40 ll0 230 360 400 420 465 490 530 570 1-' CRSP o Analysis Point Statistical Analysis - D:ighorn Lot 10.dat o \crsp\B Analysis Point I AnalysisPoint l: X= 380, Y: 8410 Spherical Rock: 3-ft dia., 2333-lb Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: 9l s0% | )"/o 90% 9s% 98% 32.83 42.43 51.07 56.25 62.07 59678 89881 1t7046 133355 151659 1.47 4.69 7.6 9.34 71.29 Note: velocity and kinetic energy are analyzed assuming a normal distribution. Bounce height is analyzed, assuming a log distribution. o Input 0 40 ll0 230 360 .8 .8 .7 .5 .5 1.5 .E .8 .8 .E .J .3 .3 I 2 t 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 1.5 1.5 .5 .5 1.5 1.5 .7 .7 .8 .8 .7 CRSP File - D:\crsp\Boghorn Lot l0 dat Inout File Specifi cations Units ofMeasure: U.S. Total Number of Cells: 12 Analysis Point X-Coordinate l: 395 Aaalysis Point X-Coordinate 2: Analysis Point X-Coordinate 3: Initial Y-Top Starting Zone Coordinate: 8660 Initial Y-Base Starting Zone Coordinate: 8640 Remarks: Cell Data Cell No. Surface R. Tangent C. Normal C. Begin X Begin Y End X End Y o dam. .5 .5 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 ,3 .3 .3 .3 .3 380 395 410 465 490 530 570 8640 8600 8550 84E0 8420 8410 8420 8410 8386 8382 8378 8376 40 ll0 230 360 380 395 410 465 490 530 570 580 8600 8560 8480 8420 8410 8420 8410 8386 8382 8378 8376 837s 'r- J'o Analysis Point Statistioal Analysis - D: o \crsp\Bo CRSP Analysis Point 1 Analysis Point 1: X: 395, Y = 8420 Spherical Rock: 3-ft dia., 23331b Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: 11 ghom Lot l0 dam.dat 50% 7sYo 90% 95% 98% 13.5 17.38 20.87 22.96 25.32 14231 20946 26987 30613 34683 0.35 6.36 Lt.77 r 5.01 18.66 I.*Ute: Velocity and kinetic energy are analyzed assuming a normal distribution' Bounce height is andped assuming a log distribution' File - D:\crsp\Bighorn Lot o CRSP Input .5 .5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 .3 .2 .2 I ,, J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 o 12.dat Input File SLecifi cations Units ofMeasure: U.S. Total Numbcr of Cells: 10 Analysis Point X-Coordinate l: 410 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 2: Analysis Point X-Coordinate 3: Initial Y-Top Starting Zone Coordinate: 8660 Initial Y-Base Starting Zone Coordinate: 86,40 Remarks: Cell Data Cell No. Surface R Tangent C. Normal C. Begin X Begin Y End X End Y .5 .5 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .5 .5 .5 0 35 135 285 345 375 395 4t9 456 476 8640 8600 E520 8440 E420 8410 839E 8396 8392 8390 35 135 285 345 375 395 4t9 456 476 516 8600 8520 8,+40 8420 E4l0 839E E396 8392 8390 8388 '= ,joo CRSP Analysis Point Statistical Analysis - D:\crsp\Bighom Lot lz.dat Analysis Point 1 AnalysisPoint 1: X= 410, Y= 8397 Spherical Rock: 3-ft dia., 2333-lb Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: 47 Cumulative Probability Velocity (.fl/sec) Energy (t-lb) Bouqce Height (ft) 50o/o 24.43 38322 0.84 75% 33.6'1 65449 3.4E 9ff/o 41.97 89848 5.85 95% 46.96 104497 7.28 98o/o 52.56 120937 8.87 Note: Velocity and kinaic energy are atrzlyzdassrming a normal distribution. Bounce height is analyzed assuming a log distribution. a dalrt. . ril CRSP Input File - D:\crsp\Bighorn L.otl2 Input File Specifrcations Units of Measure: U.S. Total Number of Cells: 12 Analysis Point X-Coordinate l'. 422 fuialysis Point X-Coordinate 2: Analysis Point X-Coordinate 3: Initial Y-Top Starting Zone Coordinate: 8660 Initial Y-Base Starting Zone Coordinate: 8640 Remarks: Cell Data dat I 2 J 4 5 6 7 35 135 285 .5 .5 .3 .8 .8 .7 0 35 135 285 345 375 395 410 422 434 456 476 8640 8600 8520 8,140 8420 8410 8398 8397 8405 8397 8392 8390 345 375 395 410 422 434 456 476 516 8600 8520 8440 8420 8410 8398 8397 8405 8397 8392 8390 8388 E 9 10 11 L2 CRSP Analysis Point Statistical Analysis - Dtcrqp\Bighorn Lot 12 dam.dat Analysis Point I AnalysisPoint 1:X= 422,Y= 8405 Spherical Rock: 3-ft dra., 2333-1b Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: g cumulative Probability Velocity (ff/sec) Ener€y (.ftJb) Bounce Height (ft) so% 7.32 5t0s o.o7 75% 10.67 nzg 7.28 90% 13.69 13888 13.77 95% 15.5 16385 17.66 98% 17.s3 19187 22.03 Note: Velocity and kinetic energy are analyzed assuming a normal distribution Bounce height is analped aszuming a log distnibution. o TECH N ICAL APP ENDIX B. Avalanchedynamics anatysis The following pages provide slope profiles and avalancfredynamics analysis used in determining the loeding parameters and design specifications of the recommended avalanche mitigation. ' lrr ;10 -r o Sheetl Data in meters Segment Data X-meters Y-meters L-meters Ang - Deg Sum L 44 65 27 13 5 I 15 0 44 109 137 149 155 164 179 Avg Angle 33.7 30.1 28.0 26.8 26.4 25.2 23.4 Avalanche Profile and /y coordinates Bighorn Lot E Bew Dat4ln fee! X-feet Y-feet 0 120 310 395 435 45',! 481 531 6600 0 8520 37 8420 95 8390 120 8380 133 8376 138 8374 147 8370 162 2622 259E 2567 2558 2555 2554 2553 2552 33.7 27.8 19.4 14_0 14.0 3.E 4.6 Bighorn Lot 8 Avalanche Path 2640 2620 2 2600 c E ,uro a!i zsoo IJJ 2540 2520 2500 40 60 80 100 120 140 150 Horizontal distance (m) 180 Page 1 220 particles start from] segment.SSe nafles deposited.' r{l c: \pIk\bighorn 1ot 8.txt Path drops: ?0 m Friction mu = 0.35 1og M/D = 2.00 Random R - 0.200 Alpha = 25.3 degrees a Front stopg at X = 146 n .. Front speed (max - 11.7 m/s) --------Uea.n speed (nax = 10.7 n/s) neposltion (not to scale) Exit and view distributions in your file c:\plk\results.txt Jrj I Please note: at1 v-variables Please note: aIl t-variables Please noter NP is nunber of AVALANCHE ENTERIII6 SEGIIEI{T flUNBER OF PARTICLES IIOVI IIG I{UTIBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FRON START resul-ts are in [eters/second. aFe in seconds.psrticles in packet. e ea0 0 {rl AVALAI{CHE ENTERIN6 SE6NE T ilUNBER OF PARTICLES NOVI NG NUNBER OF PARIICLES STOPPED NETERS TRTVELLED FRON START VHI6H v L0ld VRAN6E VNEA V S TDEV THIGH tL0td TRANGE tNEAil ISTDEV t. tq :I , BIt 5. tq h. q? 1. 61 6, ?3 U. 55 A. trA 5. b6 2. 0a VHI6H ]q,le vLoU ]. ?6 vRAN6E lil, ]g VNEAil IO. L5 VSTDEV I. I? IHI6H 15. 3T tL0l', l.ql IRAN6E b. 16 tnEAN 12. 53 TSTDEV 1. 3A vHr6H 1?. q? vLott 0. q! VRANGE lE. OO vnEAl{ ?. bt vSTDEV A.5q tHr6H 31. 3q tLold 11. 0h tRAl'I6E EA, EA tnEAil th. LL tSTDEV 3. ll tItIN 0.55 r. 3? e. t6 3. 6a q. Eq 5. qb 7-01 ?. 9r tnlil tnax 6,ql 1.10 l. 10 1. a0 9. e0 r0. 50 I0. 50 ll . e0 rt. e0 1] ' ar lt . 61 re. 5t ]2. 5q 13. at 13. at 13 . ll 13. il }rr . ba rq . LA 15. 3A tlt rlt lAx la. ?h 13 . ba 1!. ba tq. {t L{. 't6 !5. 3q r5 . 3q lh. as tL. a0 1?. 0L tflax vnEAtl t.3? 3.00 ?.!a 3.00 3.00 3.31 !. 6? q. 35 q. brt 5. a5 9. rtb L.0? L. ?? E. 6a 7. 01 ?. trl ?.rtl 6.0? 6.?3 A.l0 PACKET q 5 h A 9 t0 IP h 5 l{ ]6 tq AE 30 l:l 3L NP q 10 ae rtq 51 qt 3e aq lrt atL 0 lt0 AVALANCHE ENTERIIG SE6N ENT NUII EER OF PARTICLES T'IOVIN6 NU}IBER OF PARTICLES S TOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FRO}I START PA CKE T rl b 7 I I PACI(ET tNI N I 11. 0b ? 13. Al 3 lL. 7?q ll. 5q 5 ae. r?L ?S. Z0 7 ea. 03 a :lo. lL I 33. b6 ]0 31. 5! VNEA I1. hh 6. te t. 30 10. r0 r0. !q t 0.0t 11.0L l!.51 1r.14 11. lb tnAX v llEAl{13.ll a.?5 th. ?e 6. 3a Il.5'r ?'?L ea. 37 l. 5l E5. e0 1. ?0 ac.03 l.le 30.tL l.?1 33, Lt l. ll 35.5r l'5E 3t.3rt l. 60 vnEAil L. 0r{ 5,77 L. bb 5.63 L. 03 q 515 0 117 C e5b 7l) 150 NP rd6 5i tl b 5 l ^VALATICHE ENTERING SEGNENT ilUNBER OF PARTICLES IIOVI N6 I{UNBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FROII SIART VHI6H 1. ?3 PACKE T vLoU 0. Il I VRANGE i. 5{ a v ttEAN 8, 5:l 3 VSTDEV I. bh : ltP q Page 1 I L 7 t I l0 resulte r?.EL l?.te 5. ht r?..t? rl. ?l 5.58 It.?1 ll.lg {.ll It.bs 30.51 3.C5 e0.5I el.e? 1.0? Irt U{r6l{ ?1.77 tLoI r?. ?b tiA[6E l.ll tnEAI l?. {e tsttEY l.ll ,t{ {5 .3L lt a ^V^LAXCHE EX?EiITE IEEiETT xuitEi 0l PAillclts llovtxS xuitEi cl Plitlc|.Es srcPPEl NEfEIS 'iAVEILED FIOII STAIT L gE? l!l 155 vHISll l.l?YLoI O. {0 viAl€E t. a?ullE^ll {. ea vstlEv l.le ' tr{I6H :4. {a il-or l!. gL tRltcE A..la tEAt ll. al tsTtEY l.5l PACTET IIIII r lt.5l a lq. rts I l5.l{I ll. E3 E l?.13 L 11.0e ? rt.ll a l||. to i e0. Ll l0 al.st tiax unEAl l{.q5 t. r0 lr.t{ t.5?tl.3l t.lt l?. rl I' lt .de. r. tl It..ll r. Er llil! t. E? !!.lt l.43.al.st e. ?l ea. ta 1.10 XP I 3 li t?li tl !t e3 I 3 tuigEi 0F PAiU(LES ll0YIX6 ,IUIIBEi O' PAiIICLES SIOPPED TASTES? PAiTICLE SPEE' AI Tioil? FASTEST PAi?ICLE SPEED (AXTIHERE) ALPHA ?5. 3 tl.tt..t ttAx-rEPcSIt lla r.t.rl llIlUEPoSIt l3? r.t.rt iAX6LDEPoSII eS r.t.l"ItEAllJEPosIt lse r.tri't STDJEVJEPOSII L T.I.TI Prckat ll.x(tt tlln(r, P.rtlcl.t I llto 13? 3l a lle ll0 I 3 ll5 lle I r lq? lq5 ll 5 150 l{? ll r lsa lto lb ? lss lse la r l5? lls rll I llo ll? s!r0 rL? llo I 0 3t!lE.0 ./t ll.l ./t @e2 G, Raw Data in feet X-feet Y-feet Sheetl X-meters Y-meters L-meters Ang - Deg Sum L 0 70 190 320 360 380 425 450 490 530 Avalanche Profile and /y coordinates Bighom Lot 10 Data in meters Segment Data 8600 8560 8480 8420 8400 83S4 8386 8382 8378 8376 0 21 58 98 110 116 130 't37 149 162 2622 2610 2585 2567 2581 2559 2557 2555 2554 2554 25 44 44 14 6 14 I 12 12 29.7 33.7 24.8 26.6 16.7 10.1 9.1 5.7 2.9 0 25 69 112 126 132 146 154 't66 17E Avg Angle 29.7 32.3 29.4 29.1 2E.5 26.7 25.8 24.4 22.9 Bighom Lot 10 Avalanche Path E tr o a! .E EI 2640 2620 2600 2580 2560 2540 2520 2500 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Horizontal distance (m) 200 Page 1 3-20 particles start etotfn segment..ZeS e{cles deposited.t{l : c:\plk\bighorn lot 10.txt Path droPE: 67 m Friction mu = 0.35 1og M/D = 2.20 Random R = 0.200 Alpha : 24.0 degrees a Front stoPs at X - 152 n -_*-_-Front speed (max = 13-5 tnls) -------.--Mean sPeed (nax = L2-9 m/s) -Deposition. (not to sca16) Exit and view distributions ln your fl1e c:\Plk\results-txt et'o PlEase note I sll v-varlables Please note I rll t-varlabLes Pleese note: t{P ls number of AVALANCHE EI'ITERI t{G SE6NEilT ilUN8ER OF PARTICLES NOVI N6 NUNBER OF PARTTCLES S TOPPED IIETERS TRAVELLED FRON START resu.Lts are in neters/second. are in seconds. Particles in plcket. VHIGH vLotd vRA 6E VIIEAN VSTDEV tHI6H tL0ul tRAtIGE tltEAtl tS T DEV ?.10 rt.l0 l. l? L, qq 8.5? 5. A? q. e6 r. 5l PACKET I 3 { 6 q ]D tNIil 0.57 t.lb r. ?5 C. 55 e. ca r,5t q.0t q. LA 5. a? 5. Ah AVALANCHE ENIERIN6 SEGNEN T iIUN BER OF PARTlCLES iOVTN6 NUNBER OF PARTICLES S TOPPED Il ETERS TRAVELLED FRON START tnAX V]|EAN I.lL 3.00 l,?5 3.80 E. 3! 3. DO a.5e 3.17 3. 51 3. t0 q. 0i q. q5 rr . Lt 5.0e 5. e? 5. ht 5.Eh h.a7 h. qq b. a3 VNEAN 13. r.ta IO. LA 10. ql rl. 69 1r. g7 tq. rl rq.00 1q.11 lq.6] 13. Lq tnAX vltEAl{ 10. ?1 lr. 9e 1I . Lrt 1l, :t0 1e. qt 14. qt !3. r: tl . 6! lq . tL 1?. re e 0 aq tl ?01 o tll l{P q ? 1 1t l3 t5 lc VHI6H trh. 5O vLol, E. e9 vRAN6E tq. e]vrEAN 14. 6L VSTDEV ?. L3 IHI6H 10. ?3 rlotd 5. L?IRAN6E 5. O7 tII EAN A. q? ISTDEV 1. th PACKET { 5 h 7 A I IO PACKE? tI| II{I r. 15 e r0. ?l 3 r1. Lq { 14, qa 5 -tl. lC 3 tb5 0 L1 IIN lAX 5. b? E. t? b. 1,7 t. b6 L.bt ?.19 ?. li 7. hq 7.11 t.a0 r. E0 6. ?l r.7t r.el 1. el 1. ?a 5. ?P !0. a3 I0. ?3 r0 . ?3 t{P q q la l5 15 :t AVALANCHE EI{ TERI I{6 SE6NENT NUNEER OF PAR?ICLES N OVI N6 NUII EER OF PARTICLES STOPPED IIETERS TRAVELLE! FROIl START VHI6H }L. 5?vlold 1. 13 vRAl'lGE 15. eq vllEAN 11. O0 vslDEV 3. ea THIGH Ih. ?5 tL otd r. tl tRAt{6E 7. Lr.l TNEAN }P. 5I TSTDEV I. gI PACKET tnl lAX vttEAtl I C.tl t.a? lr.es e 1. a? r0. L:r Ia . 01 3 t0. L:r lr.{0 Iz.5a q II. q0 Ie.lb tI. ?t 5 la.lL Ie. 53 II.75 I t? . t3 13. Li 11. 3rl 7 r3.ht lq.qs !.a?6 t'{.qs 15.9e l.{rl I 15. ?2 I5. 16 7. 3l 10 15.5t :,h.79 b.?0 1{P AVALAI{CHE ENTERIN6 SE6NENT 5 NUIIBER OF PARTICLES IIOVING AAE NUNBER OF PARTICLES STOPPE' B NETERS TRAVELLED FROII START IEL q 13 27 3.t {7 3A I3 lr{ I} 3 l{P q t3 ' 3{ qe VHIGH ]7. qP v Loll l. Le VRANGE 15. TO vnEA l],3{ VSTDEV 3,11 Page 1- THIGH }I. 3L tLot, l. 95 tRAi{6E l. rl I tllEAN 1r. ?l tSTDEV l. 73 vHr6H l?. rr5 v Lotd 0. 5q VRANGE 11. 1l vnEAN ?. 13 VSTDEV a. ql tHlclr 40.01 tLoU !4. a0 IRAIIGE ?. A6 tnEAN lg. ?? TSTDEV l. eb VHI6H ?. r15 vLou 5. ??vRAt{6E a. 1l vnEA[ b.1? VSTDEV O. L6 results PACKE? tNI N I 10. 3? e 11. aq ! Ia. la q 14. 11 g l3.lL h l{. ?3 ? !5, LI 6 rL. ql 9 17. 35 !0 16. az l{. lL 15.00 lz. 0l t5,00 15.lq t.0L rg.aq lb.ba t.sL th. bt 1?.5a t.55 17.5e 16.3h t' 35 'aa AA !5 I5 I5 q E t 1 t! AVALANCHE EiITERING SE6NE T NUNBER OF PARTICLES NOVI IIG ilUNBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FRON STAR' h ee! tta vHI6H 11. 15 vLoU l' 50 vRAN6E Iq. bs v,lEAN 10' ?o vSlDEv e. t6 tHI6H 11. 0l tLou ]0. 3?rRAt{6E 6. ?a UrEAil l{. {e TSTDEV I. II AVALAI{CHE ENTERI I{G SEGNEilT NU}IBER OF PARIICLES N OVI l{G NUNBER OF PARIICLES STOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FRON START VHI6H la. eA vLoU 0. q{ vRAt{GE lI. trl viEAlt 7 .1E vSlDEv P. eC tHl6r{ e0. al tlou Ir. .gt rRAl{6E l. 36 tnEA[ 15. {{ TSTDEV 1. tl AVALAflCHE EN1ERI l{6 SE6iE[ 1 ilUNBER OF PARTICLES NOVI N6 UNEER OF PARTICLES STOPPED I1ETERS TRAVELLED FRO'I START P^CKET tII I1{r tl. 5r e l?. {5 3 13. 3A { t{. 3a s 15. eb h lL. a0 ? l?. t3 I 11. 0?I r5. 0r r0 tt. 15 6 tzq 145 t53 PACKET tNI il I te. eo e la'll 3 13. ?t \ lq, 5? s 15. 3L L rb. lrl ? rb.'13 a r?. ?e I 16, 5r 10 11. 30 tNAX VTI EAil r!. aq 13. ae r?. 12 la . q9 t?. ltl 14. 3l 13. 6h le . aq Irt. 73 lO. lq 15 . hl !u. 05 rL.ql 7.s7 l?.39 ?.ra? ra. aa 7' 1b 11.03 ?. h3 l{P ta 5l 3h a? IL l? q I?L ht lqL fltAx vnEAi{ !a. q5 1. A5 13.36 3. 13 1q.3a l.sz 15.at 6.{i lt. z0 c. ll 1?.13 L.h3 la.0? q. s{ ll. gl s. ql ri.t5 q.0L e0. tt e. h'l flP h l0 2A 3l IL { 3 7 tltAx vfiEAN Ia.11 1. Z7 !3. ?A 10. f,s l't . 5? E. }t ls.3h b.13 It.r{ ?.91 tL.13 h.?0 l?.?a q.qh 16.51 {.3q 11.30 0'00 e0.09 5.1'l t{P q 3 I3 a3 33 aq Iq { 0 I AVALANCHE ENTERI116 SEGNEilT iIUTEER OF PARTICLES N OVIN6 i,IUII BER OF PARTICLES STOPPED Il ETERS TRAVELLED FROII START I I ?5? IL5 P ACKE I I 3 { tnli tnAX vnEA t{.30 lq.Ea b.?? tq.La I{.qrr 0.00 lq.lq 15. a5 o. oo 15. z5 15 . 5? .5. tlo 0 0 Darra 2 ^a -- .- results v tlttcH l?. rt? tLoI tq.30 tRll{6E 3.1?tnEA[ lC. tb TSTDEV I. E5 o 5 tt.s? rs.rt 0.00 0 b !t. at tt.El 0.00 E ? lL.al lL.5E 0.00 0 I lt, s? tb. t{ b.50 e . .t tt.tq l?.lb s.tt I t0 1?.1b t?.{7 5.13 ? tau!8ER oF PARIICLES iovritc 0 , UNEER OF PARTICLES S'OPPE! Ah.g FASTEST PIRIICLE SPEED At pnoltT l5,l r/s . FASTEST PARTICLE SPEED (AI{YUHERE' l?.{ r/s ALPHA E{. U degree3 iAX-DEPOSIT lbo neters nIil_DEPOStT leh net.rs RAI{GE_'EP0SIT qe..ot.rs nEA _DEPoSIT l5l nst.rs STD_DEV_DEP0SIT I ne!.r3 Packet nrx(n, nin(D) particles r 130 lab 5 e 13rt I30 II 3 139 13{ l5 q I{3 }:n lt g rq? r{3 ei L tst t{? {e ? I55 151 q6 a rbE 155 5e r rbq lLo aa l0 lLt IE{ t? Page 3 r.t Sheetl Raw Data in feet X-feet Y-feet 0 100 250 3't0 340 360 3E4 421 441 481 0 30 76 95 104 110 117 128 134 't47 2622 2598 2573 2567 2564 2560 2560 2559 2558 2557 39 52 19 10 7 7 't1 6 12 38.7 28.1 18.4 18.4 31.0 4.8 6.2 5.7 2.9 Avg Angle 0 39 38.7 91 32.6 1 10 30.1 120 29.2 't27 29.3 134 2E.0 146 26.3 152 25.s 164 23.8 Avalanche Profile and /y coordinates Bighom Lot 12 Data in meters Segment Data X-meters Y-meters L-meters Ang - Deg Sum L 8600 8520 8440 8420 6410 8398 E396 6392 E390 8388 Bighom Lot l2Avalanche Path 2e40 m20 ; 2600 E ! ,uro |!i zsoo tr 2540 2520 2500 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Horizontal distance (m) 1\.t Page 1 tgz particles *"r Y staurom top segment./[ particles dePosited. - c:\plk\biqhorn 1ot tr2.txt Path drops: 54 rn Friction mu = 0.35 J-og M/D = 2.30 Random R = 0.200 Alpha = 26.2 degrees O Front stoPs at X = 126 m --_..--Front speed (nax : 10.7 n/s) --------j1ean speed (max : 11.7 n/s) -Deposition (not to ssale) Exit and view distributions in your file c:\P1k\results-txt results Please noter !ll v-variables ane ln Detens/second.Plelse notc: !11 t-varlabl€s are ln seconds,Plalse note! NP ls nunber ot partl.cles ln pack.t. AVALAI.ICHE EiITERI I{G SE6NE T UNBER OF PARTICLES ITOVI N6 UNBEF OF PARTICLES STOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FRON SlART 'a* e 11e 0 3A vHl6H l. Arl vLoLl 3. 00 vRA GE b. lrl vnEA 5. l0 VSTDEV e. ll IHI6H 7. Z7 tLot 0.51 IRAI{6E L. ?L trEAN {. a}ISTDEV 1. ?t vHIGH 13. ?3 vLold 0 . l0 vRAN6E I?. A3 vnEA[ 1. es vSTDEv e. ee PA CKE T I ? tl L 7 I 9 t0 tnrI 0.51 l. la I. AE a. 5q 3. EI 3. tl q.5? g.aq s.ie b. 5i 3 a{q 0 t0 PACKET tNIil L 7.L7 a 7, ht 3 A. I5 { 6. h3 5 1.1?L 1. ht ? 10. to a 10. 5t I tt. 0?r0 11. gL tnAX viEAil I. IA 3. O0 t. 6L 3. 00 e. sq 3. 3L 3. et {,3a !. at 5. et q.57 b.e0 5.eq ?.08 5. ia ?. lE 5. 5i 6.7?7.27 C.qA tnAX vnEAil ?. bb r0. 56 6. l5 tr.53 r. b3 1. !t l. te 10. 1!:t. hl 11.30 r0. 10 11. 30 10,5A Il. a5 rl.0? l?. la Ir. 5b 13. IB te. 0q le. 50 NP 5 f, l5 I6 el atl ?7 30 33 AVALANCHE EiITERIIi6 SECNE T NUNBER OF PARTICLES N OVI }16 NUNEER OF PARTICLES STOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FRON START vHI6H 15. 5e vlot ]. t? vRA 6E 13. ?0 VNEAN I]. LA vSTDEV a.3L tHI6H t?. 0q tLou ?. ]? tR At{6E 't.67 riEAt{ 10.07 tsIDEV 0. t{ AVALANCHE EN TERI Ii6 SE6NEilT [un9ER 0F PARTICLES i0vI t{6 ilUNBER OF PARTICLES S TOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FRON STARI vHIGH 13.b7 vLold t.1l vRA GE II.5I viEAN l. A?VSTDEV a. ]3 THIGH Ib. B3 tlot 5. 5a IRAN6E L. 5I tnE^it la. Dt TSTDEV }. OL PACKET tII I I{I 9. Sa a I0. t?3 10. 6a q ll. q7 5 la. r2 b IA. ?A 7 13 . rt:t a lrt.oa I I{. ?t l0 15. 36 tll^X vnEAil l0, r? 1, 5q 10. 6? 10. aI ll,rt? r0.?6 re . le I0, ?s t?.?c 1.1? 13. q3 1. ?t lrr . 0c h. tl lq, 73 g. 00 15.la a.so 11.03 1.lA 5 431 3q lr1 tnIN ttl AX vnEAN r0.3? !1.5l t. b0 tr.5t la.hs l.ttl Ia . L5 13 . ?t a.77 13.71 lrt.l{ a.tL lq.9q lL.06 5. Ia 1{P q q e5 1? qa q1 e6 33 rl a3t e5 110 tiP .lU !b {b qL 5L q7 lq 0 I AVALAI{ CHE EI{ TERI 116 SE6NENT ilUIISER OF PARITCLES NOVI iI6 UNEER OF PARTICLES S TOPPED NEIERS TRAVELLED FRON START PACKEI I q t{P tt 73 to qa A Page 1 ,|.r' results rE. 0a l? . a2 t?.?e lt. !l ra . 3h ll. st 19 , 5r e0. b5 ?8. L5 al . ?1 L 2rrh rat tHr6H el. ?i tLOltl 10. 3? IRANGE 11. qe ulEAll x3. l{ tsTtEv l. .50 L t I 10 3. 05 E. 5E 0. 00 0.00 1. lt I a 0 3 AVALAI{CHE ENTERIN6 SE6NENI ilUNBER OF PARTICL€S IIOVI il6 IUNBER OF PARIICLES STOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FRON SIART VHTGH T5. OL vLotd a. a? vRlNGE te. ?'l v IIEA I0. h5 vstDEv e. 05 tHr Gl{ a3. 56 tLord 11. 0L TRANGE 1?. 5E t,ttEAN 13. t{ TSTDEV }. hL AVALANCHE EII'ERI I{6 SE6NEilT UNBER OF PARIICLES NOVING ilUNBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FROII START VHIGH 10. 'I{ PA vLoLl 0. 15 v RAI{6E 1. {l vnEAN S. L3 VSTDEV 1. [6 THIGH 1?. O3 tLou la. rl IRAN6E 'I. Aq tnEAN I'r. 52 tSTDEV l. 0{ tNIN TIIAX VNEAil la. tl Ia. h? L.50 re. h? 13. r5 b.s1 t3 . IL 13. hrt b. Dl 13. Lq l{. 13 h. 0r lq. t3 !q. hl h ' 0l Iq. br I5.01 5. ?{ 15. Ot 15. 5A 5 ' {5 !5.56 rh.0L q.3q th, oh r1.55 3. 3b !L. ss 1?. tl3 3 . ?h PACKEI tTlI l{l tl. 0b e Ie. 31 r 13. 57 r{ lrt ' 6a 5 lL. 0?h 17.34 ? lt. s?r 19.64 I al. 0t 10 aa. 33 tnAX v nEAil ta.3t r0. Ll 13. 5? Ir ' l0 lq,6a ll'0? th. 0? t. ?1 1?.3e ?.qr tt.5? h.q0 11. Ea E. {a ?t.06 0.00 ea.33 0. O0 ?3.5E h.rl t{P .lu t5 13 zq b ? a 0 0 NP t 1q 55 3b 5E 36 I?!l { ? ?t? 7U r33 CKET I c. 3 { b 7 I 5 IO NUIIBER OF PARTICLES NOV11{6 T NUNBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED A1? FASTEST PARTICLE SPEED AI FROiIT 1].I N/S FAS1EST PARTTCLE SPEED (AI{YIIHERE) 15'? N/S ALPHA aL. a degrrrs N AX-DEPOSI T IITN-DEPOSI T RAI{6E-DEPOSIT NEAiI-DEPOSII STD-DEV-DEPOSIT Packet tlax (m) nln(n)11950 a 101 15 3 lob 101 '{ tMoh 5 lll' rll 6 la? llb 7 le1 lee a l3a 12? 1 r3A rta !0 1rt3 I3l n eter s 'tetrrS nettrs netaFs metErs Particlcs 1 b I e a1 lc3 qq lqf i0 c: I3l t0 Page 2 a I July 21,2004 Design Review Board Meeting DRB04-0203, The Gaylis Residence, New single-family residence Suggested Condition of Approval: That the applicant submits an erosion and hazard mitigation plan to the Town of Vail prior to the commencement of any construction work in accordance with Vail Town Code and the.Rocffill and Avalonche Hazard Anolysis and Mitigation Corcepts preparcd by Arthur I. Mears, P.E., dated May 2001. FIII COPY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEIIORANDUM Legal Files for Lots 8, 10, & 11, Bighorn SuMivision, Second Addition Community Dwelopment Department July 20, 2001 Results ol Town Council Executive Session regarding the determination ot interest in purchasing or acquidng conseryation easements on Lots 8, 10, & 11, Bighorn Subdivision, Second Addition Sumulnvor REsuLTs Community Der/elopment Department stalf met with members ol the Town Council on July 17, 2001 , to determine the lwel of interest in purchasing or acquidng conseruation easaments on Parcel 40, noted in the Comprehensive Open Lands Plan as being a high priority for acquisition. The Gouncil had three oplions: Oprpr A - PuRsuE A puRcHAse or Lors 8, 10 & 11 Parcel 40 is approximately 3.4 acres in size. The option to purchase the lots within Parcel 40 has nol been discussed with the presenl owners. The benelit to the Tom in purchasing the lots is that the Town would acquire all ol the dwelopment dghts. Hence, lhe Town would be able to ensure lhat the lots would remain as open space in perpetuity. Though there may be limitations due to geologic hazards, all of the lots may be dweloped at present. Omoil B - PuRsuE coNsERvATtoN EAsErrErrs upoN Lors 8, 10 & 11 The applicants' representative has informed statf that lhe owners of Lots 8, 10, & 1 1 may be amenable to the Town ot Vail acquiring a conseruation or erwironmental easement across the red hazard avalanche areas on these lots. This would nol preclude derrelopment on the lots altogether. Horvever, it could ensure that the geologically sensitive areas and steep lots would . not be developed in the future. Also, the ds/elopment rights for the easement areas could be lransferred to the Town of Vail and/or to the Eagle Valley Land Trust. This would significantly reduce the derrelopInent potential of Lots 8, 10 & 11. Omor C -TxE No Aclox The red hazard avalanche designation exists on a large porlion ol Parcel 40 (Lots 8, 10, & 11). The Torvn ol Vail hazard regulations prohibit dwelopment in the red hazard avalanche area. Hence, Council may decide not to take action on the subject lots. The downside to this is that although the red hazard area can not be built upon, the area is still included in calculating dwelopment potential. Hence, the ou,ners of Lots 8, 10 & 11 would retain all their existing dwelopment dghts. Tourn Gouncil opted for Option C, to take no action on Parcel 40. The decision was ralionalized by the facl that the Torvn's existing hazard regulations and development standards will strictly regulate any future developrnent on this site. The Gourrcil noted that the o^rners should be encouraged to create conservalion easements on their lots to ensure the preservation of open space while realizing a property lax savings. o MEMORANDUM FILT Vail Town Council Community Ds/elopment Department July 17, 2001 Town Council Worksession, Executive Session Determination of Town Council inlerest in purchasing or acquiring conseNalion easements on Lols 8, 10, & 1 1 , Bighom Subdivision, Second Addition COPT FROM: DATE: FORUM: SUBJECT: Summanv Lots 8, 10, & 1 1 , Bighorn Subdivision, Second Addition are relerred lo as Parcel 40 in the Gomprehensive Open Lands Plan. Parcel 40 is identilied as a high priority lor acquisition because it could prwide access to a potential South Trail and is located in a geologically sensitive area. The Community Derrelopment Department has received a proposal to consolidale Lots 11 & 12. Another proposal has been received to resubdivide Lots 8, 9, & '10. Both of these proposals were reviewed by the Pfanning and Environmental Commission on June 25,2001. Since that time, it has been determined that the minor subdivisions can not occur wilhout variances due to the lack of buildable area on Lots 9, 10, 1 1 , & 12. Hence, a final rsriew of both minor subdivisions and associated variance requests is scheduled lor August 13, 2001. Prior to a linal decision by the PEC, stall would like to determine whelher or not the Town Council has an inleresl in purchasing or acquiring conservation easements upon any of the subject properties. There are three options: Ornor A - PuFsuE A puFcHAsE oF Lors 8, 10 & 1 1 Parcel 40 is approximately 3.4 acres in size. The option to purchase the lots within Parcel 40 has not been discussed with the present owners. The benefit to the Town in purchasing the lots is lhal the Town would acquire all of the ds/elopment rights. Hence, lhe Town would be able to ensure lhat the lots would remain as open space in perpetuity. Though lhere may be limitations due to geologic hazards, all of the lots may be dweloped at present. Orrpn B - PuRsuE coNsERvATroN EAsEItENTs ueor Lots 8, 10 & 11 The applicants' representatlve has informed statl that the owners of Lots 8, 10, & 11 may be amenable to lhe Town of Vail acquiring a conservation or erwironmenlal easement across the red hazard avalanche areas on lhese lots. This would not preclude derirelopment on the lots altogelher. However, it could ensure that the geologically sensitive areas and steep lots would not be dweloped in the luture. Also, the development rights for the easement areas could be transfened to the Town of Vail and/or to the Eagle Valley Land Trust. This would significantly reduce the dwelopment potential ol Lots 8, '10 & 1 1 . Ornor C-Taxe NoAcToN The red hazard avalanche designation exists on a large porlion ol Parcel 40 (Lots 8, 1 0, & 1 1 ). The Town of Vail hazard regulations prohibit dwelopment in the red hazard avalanche area. Hence, Council may decide not to take action on the subject lots. The downside to this is that although the red hazard area can not be built upon, the area is still included in calculating dwelopment potential. Hence, lhe owners ol Lots 8, 10 & 1 1 would retain all their exisling dwelopment rights. Bighom Subdivision, Second Addition. The request is for the reconfiguration of the property lines shared by these three lots. Currently, Lot 8 is 0.87 Acres in size, Lot 9 is 0.34 Acres in size, and Lot 10 is 0.30 Acres in size. With a resubdivision ol these lots, Lot 8 would be 0.825 Acres in size, Lot 9 would be 0.372 Acres in size, and Lot 10 would be 0.367 Acres in size. The total area under consideration is 1.56 Acres. There are currently no dwelopment proposals for any d the lots. Howsrer, statf anticipates that these would be forthcoming if the minor subdivision is apprwed. The applicant, Gary Weiss, represented by Stwe Riden, has submitted an application to the Town ol Vail Community Dwelopment Department lor a minor subdivision ol Lots 1'l and 12, Bighom Subdivision, Second Addition. The requesl is for these two lots to be consolidated. Currently, Lot 11 is 2.23 Acres in size and Lot 12 is 0.71 Acres in size. The total area under consideration is 2.94 Acres. The creation of a single lot would be accomplished by vacating the existing property line between Lots 11 and 12. In conjunclion with the minor subdivision requesl, the applicant is proposing lo construct an addition to the existing single tamily residence located on Lot 12. BAcKGRoUND The Bighom Subdivision, Second Addition was platted on July 22, 1963. The Board ol County Commissioners of Eagle County approred the platting as the property was then under Eagle County jurisdiction. Lots 8-12 have remained in the cunenl configuration since being platted. The Bighorn Subdivision, Second Addition was annexed into the Town ol Vail pursuant lo Ordinances 13 & 20, Series ol '1974. The annexation became etlective on Nwember 5,1974. Upon annexation into the Town of Vail, Lots 8-'12 were zoned Two Family Primary/Secondary Residential. At the time of annexalion, residential structures existed on Lols 9 & 12, and Lots 8, 10, & 1 'l were vacant. In 1976, the Town of Vail conlracted with Arthur l. Mears to complete a Geologically Sensitive Areas Study. For purposes of the study, geologically sensitive areas were delined as snow avalanche, rock fall and debris flow. In response to the findings of Mr. Mears' study, the Town of Vail adopted Geologic Hazard Maps for snour avalanche, rock fall and debris flow as componenls ol the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan. The maps were adopted by the Town in 1977. In 1978, the Town ol Vail adopted Hazard Regulations. The purpose of the regulations is to help protect the inhabilants of the Town from dangers relating to developmenl ol flood plains, avalanche paths, steep slopes, and geologically sensitive areas; to regulale the use of land areas which may be geologically sensitive; and further to regulate dwelopment on steep slopes; to protect the economic and property values of the Town, to prolect the aesthelic and recrealional values and natural resources of the Town, which are sometimes associated with llood plains, avalanche areas and areas ol geologic sensitivity and slopes; to minimize damage to public facilities and utilities and minimize the need for reliel in cleanup operations; to give notice to the public of certain areas wilhin the Town wfiere flood plains, avalanche paths and areas ol geologic sensitivity exist; and to promote the general public health, safety and wellare. In 1986, the Vail Town Council adopted the Town ol Vail Land Use Plan. Like the Geologic Hazard Maps, the Land Use Plan is a component ol the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan. According to the Land Use Plan, Lots 8-12 are designated 1ow density residential". The purpose of the low-density residenlial designation is to prwide sites for single-lamily detached homes and two-tamily dwelling units. Density of dwelopment with in this category would typically not exceed 3 structures per buildable acre. Also within this area would be private recreation lacilities such as tennis courts, swimming pools, and club houses lor the use of residents of the area. Institutional/public uses permitted would include churches, fire stalions, and parks and open space related facilities. In 1994, the Vail Town Council adopted the Comprehensive Open Lands Plan. The obrjectives of the plan are: . To identify citizen and visilor needs and preferences for a comprehensive sygem of open space uses such as parks, recreation, protection of environmenlal resources, trails, and to resbrve lands for public use;. To prioritize available open lands for acquisition or protection;. To identify creative strategies to implement the acquisition and protection program;. To deline a management system to appropriately manage Town-ovwred open space lands, and;. To bulfer neighborhoods with open space. The Comprehensive Open Lands Plan is an action-oriented plan that identilies specilic parcels of land that require some kind ol action either for protection of sensitive lands, for trail easements, or for public use. In dweloping the plan, over 350 parcels were evaluated with 51 parcels on which actions were recommended. The recommendalions were developed utilizing specitic criteria to e'raluate the areas ot highest priority. Generally, areas received the highest priority il they met the stated objectives of the Town and its citizens and were an integral part of the open lands system. Within the 51 parcels, lhere are live priority areas made up of a number ol recommended actions. These priorities are: . Prolrt sensilive natural habitat areas, riparian areas, and hazard areas;. Extend the Vail Trail to East Vail and add several lrailheads to access the trail:. Add a new trail on the north side and western half ol Town to connect existing trailheads and neighborhoods;. Add three "trailheads" in the core areas lo access Vail Mountain trails and inform visitors ol trail opportunities and prwide betler access lo Gore Creek;. Add bike lanes to the north and south frontage roads and add paved shoulders to Vail Valley Drive. To date, the Town of Vail has taken action on at least 41 of the 51 parcels identilied lor action in the Plan. This most recently includes Lot 16 of Bighorn Subdivision, zno Addition. The Action Plan and Priority Plan of ,the Comprehensive Open Lands Plan identilies Lots 8, 10, and 1 1 , Bighorn SuMivision, Second Addition as "Parcel 40" for implementation purposes. Parcel 40 is classified as a "High Priority". The high priority classificalion is based upon the Town's desire to acquire both the dwelopment rights and trail easements lor the proposed South Trail extension. However, in Seplember of 1999, Town staff worked with a former U.S. Forest Service trail construction supervisor to determine the leasibility of constructing the South Trail from the East Vail water tank to Mill Greek and the Vail ski area. As a result of this study, the following problematic issues were determined: . Cliflbands and steep grades along the proposed route make access to the trail from most East Vail neighborhoods difficult and/or dangerous. Access poinls along the trail would be limited to the Easl Vail water tank and portions ol the Vail Trail adjacent to Golden Peak.. The pending White River National Forest Management Plan re/isions change management direction in the area lrom "Backcountry Recrealion, Non-Molorized" to "Forest Carnivore." Therefore, the U.S. Forest Service may not permit the construclion ol a new recreation trail under this designation. The plan also notes that Parcel 40 is located in a geologically sensitive area. Strategies for prolecting Parcel 40 include purchasing the development rights, and/or acquiring an access easemenl through the parcel. As a high priority classification, Parcel 40 meets both Lwel One and Level Two Evaluation crileria. Lwel One Evaluation focuses on meeting community needs relating to the natural resource system, the recrealion syslem, trails system, and reserving lands tor tuture civic/public uses. Ls/el Two Evaluation focuses on the availability of the parcel utilizing criteria such as the lhreat of dwelopment or insversible damage, opportunities to lwerage other funds, cost, unusual opportunity with a molivated seller, J o opportunity for trade with the USFS, low managemenl requirements on lhe Town ol Vail and low liability to the Town. The Town ol Vail Zoning Code prescribes the land development regulalions for development within the Town. The following code sections are particularly relevant to the eyaluation of the applicants'proposals: . Chapter 6 - Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential . Chapter 21 -Hazard Regulations The purpose statement of Chapter 6 (Article D. Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (PS) District) states: "The Two-Family Primary/Swndary Residential District is intendd to provide sites for singl+family residential uses or No-family residential uses in which one unit is a larger primary residence and the seand unit is a smaller caretaker apaftment, tqether with such publb facilities as may Wroperiately be located in the same district. The Two- Family Primary/Swndary Residential DistricI is intended to ensure adequate light, ah, privacy and open space tor eadr &velling, @mmensurate with single-family and two- family wupancy, and to maintain the desiable residential qualities of such sites by establishing appropriate site development standards." To date, there are no structures on Lols 8, 10, or 11. This is due lo the prevalence ol geologic hazards on these lots including avalanche and rocklall (see Figures 6 & 7 attached). Dwelopment has been proposed on Lot 11 in the past. However, due to lhe difficulties presented by geological hazards and steep slopes, dwelopmenl has nwer occuned on the site. There are three geologic hazard analysis reports in lhe legal file for Lol 11. Each report identilies geologic hazards on the site including high severity rock lall, debris flow, and snow avalanche. There are varying opinions as to whether Lot 11 is located in a moderale or high hazard avalanche area. Howeyer, in a recenl study ol Lots 8, 10, & 12, Arthur Mears identifies an area of Red Hazard avalanche that clearly impacts Lol 11. Figures 6 & 7 have been attached lor reference. All three of the reports suggesl possible and potential hazard mitigation measures; earth-built structures, locational siting of the slructure, boulder barriers, a rear concrete foundation wall protruding at least six feet abo/e finished grade and "splitting wedges". However, no construction is permitted in a Red Hazard Avalanche area so these building techniques would not be applicable. According to the Hazard Regulations (Section 12-21-'l0l: No struclure shall be built in any fld hazard zone or red avalanche hazard areas. No structure shall be built on a slope ol lorty percent or greater except in Single-Family Hesidential, Two-Family Residential, orTwo-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Zone Districf;s. The term "structure" as used in this Secilon does not include recreational structures that are intended for seasonal use, not including residential use. Structures may be built in blue avalanche hazard areas providd that proper mitigating measures have been taken. The Administrator may require any applicant or person desiring to build in an avalanche hazard zone ol influence to submit a definitive study of the hazard area in which the applicant prorroses to build if the Town's master hazard ptan does not @ntain sufficient information to determine if the proposed location is in a red hazard or blue hazard area. The requirement for additional information and study shall be done in awrdance with Chapter 12 of this Title. The Administrator may require any applicant or person desiring to build in an identified blue avalanche hazard zone to submit additional information ot rcprts as towhether or not improvements are requird to mitigate against the possible hazard. lf mitigation is required, said information and reprt should sp*ify the improvements proqsed therefore. The required information and reprts shall be done in amrdance with Chapter 12 of this Title. 4 A. B. C. D. ilt.ZONING ANALYSIS Zoning Existing Lot Size Density: 2DUs+1EHU 0 GRFA:6.889 sf LOT 8, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, SECOND ADDITION Two-family Primary/Secondary Residential (PS) 0.87 Acres (37,888 s0 Proposed Lot Size 0.825 Acres (35,937 sQ Stiandaid Allowed Existino Proposed Front -20 ft. nla Sides-15 ft. nla Rear- 15ft. nla 2DUs+IEHU 6,694 sf 7,187 sf 20 tt. 15 ft. 1sft. 0sf 0sf Site Coverage: 7,578 sf Setbacks: . Landscaping: 22,733 st ' Building Height 33'max undeveloped 21,562 undeveloped 33'max o LOT 9, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, SECOND ADDITION Zoning Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (PS) Existing Lot Size 0.34 Acres (14,941 s0 Proposed Lot Size 0.372 Acres (16,204 sf) Currently Proposed Standard Allowed Existino Allowed Density: 1DU+1EHU 1DU GRFA:4,160 sf(+250) ' Site Coverage: 2,988 sf t Setbacks:Front -20 ft. Sides-15 ft. Rear- 15ft. Landscaping: 8,956 sf Building Height 33'max t *The existing development statistics for Lot 9 are not known. 2DUs+IEHU 4,720 et l+2501 3,241 ai 20ft 15ft 15ft 9,722 sl 33'max LOT 10, B|GHORN SUBD|VIS|ON, SECOND ADD|T|ON Zoning Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (PS) Existing Lot Size 0.30 Acres (12,898 s0 Proposed Lot Size 0.367 Acres (15,986 sfl Cunently Proposed Standard Allowed Existinq Allowed Density: 1DU+1EHU t GRFA:3,650 sf Site Coverage: 2,580 sf Setbacks: 2DUs+IEHU 4,697 sf 3,197 sf 20ft 15ft Front-20 ft. ' Sides-15 ft. Rear- 15ft. * 7,739 sf Landscaping: 15ft 9i592 sf 33'max Building Height 33'max t *Lot 10 is an undeveloped lot. LOT 1I, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, SECOND ADDITION Zoning Two-family Primary/Secondary Residential (PS) Existing Lot Size 2.23 Acres (97,139 s0 Proposed Lot Size to be eliminated Standard Allowed Existino Prooosed Density: GRFA: 2DUs+1EHU t 9,457 sf nla nla nla Site Coverage: 19,428 sf Setbacks: Front -20 ft. nla Sides-15 ft. ' nla Rear- 15ft. .' nla Landscaping: 58,283 sf ' nla Building Height 33'max nla 'Lot 11 is an undeveloped lot. o Proposed Standard Allowed Existinq Allowed construction Density: 2DUs+1EHU 1DU 2DUs+IEHU 1DU GRFA:6,146 sf (+250) 3,350 sf Front -20 ft. Sides-15 ft. Rear- 15ft. "The roof of the existing structure encroaches '1.5 ft more than is acceptable into a required setback. This is a legally non-conforming situation.**lncludes natural areas not to be disturbed bv construction. Zoning Existing Lot Size Proposed Lot Size Site Coverage: 6,185 sf Setbacks: LOT 12, BTGHORN SUBDtVtStON, SECOND ADD|T|ON Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (PS) 0.7'l Acres (30,928 s0 2.94 Acres (128,066 sf) Currently 1,378 sf 22.5ft 63 fU17.5 ft 16 ft" 2E,769 sf 31' 1l,003 sf 25,613 sf 20ft 15ft 15ft 76,840 sf 33'max Proposed. 6,421 sf 2,935 sf 22.5ft 17.5 ttJ17.5 ft 16 ft- 124,385 sf'- 31' Landscaping: 18,557 sf Building Height 33'max o o <= ..* 5 s .o .t -(t 'u < E s o (J s)(r) i o ts-.9 5 --o .=|./') (, t?\s-o -.s .or o o "6 o\ 6 vt o J t\d)i C.,:...// C)r ,N h o o /J= <9 \".'Gl g .o .t E E -tt s o () q)o g .o .9 .:E -o J o g L o -g .gr o (\I "U vl o J )( )./N ' l& i.!: the Bridge Road and west Lupine Drive area. o|,ii'iiiii'i'iiryt;;/a-yr2?l;::::'::!J.i3i.ii1ii.iiy!;#!, Y"Z:,' ;#;:;:;l;:;';;;"i;;"i;:;;;;;;hi,;;; risl;tnu',u"unt construction does not appear on the maP. SCALE: 1'= 100'