HomeMy WebLinkAboutDocuments & Plans - 1990-2003TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vAIr., co 81657 970479-2138 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : Valuation: $600.000.00 Fireolace Information: Restricted: Y NOTE: DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JM'"T" "'O''"*' l^oltt, "-> ,6ot'a5t-b ,ar6 THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT 3834 BRIDGE RD VAIL 3838 BRIDGE RD 21011 l10l0l I tO5ot-otqt CoIITRACTOR RESORT CONCEPTS RENOVATTON 07 /22/2OO2 phone: 970-949-9432 P.O, Box 4675 Avon, CO 8L620 L,icense: 203 -A APPITfCANI RESORT CONCEPTS RENovATIoN 07 /22/2002 Phone: 970-949-9432 P.O. Box 4675 OWNER Avon, CO 81620 I-,icense : 203 -A Gary Weiss 1051 Port Mala-bar 5 Palm Bay, FL, 32905 Iricense: o7/22/2002 Phone: 32L-773-4669 Description: RENOVATION & ADDITTON TO EXISTING RESIDENTIAL, DWEIJLING Occupancy: R3,Ul TypeConstruction: VN TypeVNon-Rated Permit #: 802-0222 ------:--:-.. ". . --''a- Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 07122/2002 Issued. .. : 08/09/2002 Expires...: 02/05/2003 # ofcas t gs: 0 # of Wood Pellel: 0 FEE SUMMARY 'lrr*:laa:l*r:r**'frt**tt'j*'j!*'r'lrtta*'ra*aata*+rrtlr*'*:]t*:t*jrtt++'rtr Total Calculated Fe6s-> Additional Fe€s-> Total Pennit Fee-------.> Payments-.-_*> BALANCEDUE - AA.\ 4 s4, 524 . 00 $125. O0 $4, 5{9 . 00 s,l. 649 . 00 90. o0 AddSqFt 2904 # ofGas Appliances: 0 Building-> Plan Check-> lnvestigation-> Will Call----> s2, 740.00 sI, ?81. 00 $0. 0o $3.00 $0.00 $0. 00 $0. 00 90.00 s4, 524 .00 Restuarant Plan ReYiew-> DRB Fee----------> Recrcation Fee__-_--> Clcan-up DcPosit-> TOTAL FEES-> Approvals:Ifem: 05100 BUII'DING DEPARTMEI{I 08/0L/2oo2 cdavis Action: inspection Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARII{ENT o7/29/2oo2 ao Action: ITEM: 05600 FIRE DBPARI'!,TEI.VT Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS o7/2s/2oo2 Is Action: AP sulrject to field AP COIID Revocable Right of tfay Pemit, nequfrea. O llallaalltlllllatrtllaa*allllllalr|itla*atttitltattttatttartttlttrttattaataitaaaatttaaataitaatttrttaaatatttt*aattltl See'page 2'of this Doqmrent for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge thal I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is cortect. I agre€ to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfiucture according to the tovms zoning and subdivision codes, design review approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECflON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOIJRS| IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OLJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: N/A 8-q- oz OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE 2 't**'|.'i'i,|'t***|t**'}'t'tt:|t!+***,|***'}'}:|*'t**'t!t'|t**|t**+!tt}***!t{t{tj**'|t'}*,}'}'}*{!*|*'t***'|!'t****'* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 8,02-0222 as of 08-09-2002 Status: ISSUED ***+'t't'*,|t'*t+|.'$'t*+:}:l***'t*****!t**,}***{t***{t!*'|',}'i'}*!t'!{!'}*:}****tl**'|'t***,|*****,|**{.'|** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 07D2D002 Applicant RESORTCONCEPTS RENOVATION Issued: 08109/2002 970-949-9432 To Expire: 02/05D003 Job Address: 3834 BRIDGE RD VAIL Location: 3834 BRIDGE RD ParcelNo: 2l0llll0l0ll Description: RENOVATION & ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENTIAL DWELLING * 'i'**,lr'r.**:{r***'r't****:r***,}**'i***,}*,}**'}******'}***!***** conditions ***t!***'}***r('}***'}'}***{r**!t*******'}****'}****** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FoR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: l6 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQLIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.I OF TI{E 1997IJBC. o *laal'+l+**f*t++ttlt't+afaa*l**'l'lft*'iaal**f+tllai+tral}**+aa*a**l*r*l*ta*l}**a+*ta*l+a*at*+++*ta TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO SrarEment **aa+*laa*i*l+*'|f+****a**'iaff*a*++*a'|'ll*tfftr*l+ftaf*+a*taaf+*laat+aa*at+**aaa'ta*aa*{'++**r*r gtatement Number: R000002863 Amount: $4,6t9-00 Og/09/2OOZO2:4L pM Palment Method: Check Init: IrC Notation: #1189/Resort Concepts Permit No: 802-0222 I'I'I e: ADD/AL,T SFR BUfLD PERMIT ParceL No: 210111101011 Site Address: 3834 BRIDGE RD VAIIJ r'ocation: 3834 BRTDGE RD rotar FeeE: 94,649.00 Thia Payment: $4,549.00 Total ALL Pmts: $4,649.00 Balance: $0.00 +*'t**'|rt+**'|{"t***+**f**t*t*+**i't*+*+****++***a*+*a***+******+**l'{'***r***a*++*++*{'+*++*r**t+** ACCOTJNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PER}4IT FEES cL 00100003123000 C0NTMCT0R LICENSES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES l.JC OO1OOOO31I2BOO !{ILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 2.740 .00 125.00 1 , 781 .00 3.00 75 S. FronTase Rd. General Contractor:Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: 4a4 - =,r-.to \r56J +|n --V-raz- BUILDING: $ jtO r><x=ELECTRICAL: $ 3c> oa: PLUMBING: $ Zc>. OoO MECHANICAL: $ ./O Ottt>TOTAL: S (t, OO. OLx.) VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Materials For Parcel # Contad Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Parcef # L\O\r!t4\O\ \t (application will not be accepted without parcel numhr) Job Name: L.Jal:'- s>>earotj Job Address:o* A H-rv.e-pb rla-ru LesatDescription ll lot: 12 ll arocrdiA Filing:2i"4oon .J SuMivision: T3rc-*<>J ownqg!flre: /<.ae< c.)e\>S Address: ?a=A t3zt>a"g- p1= .'/r-0,-Phone: Lfl (,a -8or-1 Architect/Design"'vA6.l)L flnooress46 >e)c-ustaei- v-\> ll Pnone:oz-,o-rt>3a Engineeri4.nn (. a>'.*s,-rr2-:-;> r.: c-Ad{5$t-rsrz- 4r.t--,Lc 8\Lsa ll Phone: 4q^-€t2<\ Detailed description of work: YaJarl*r'tJ { 4o}rr-ro.*J Tet €r<l:.i-}.J.1 ?r-srr>e--r.i-t4.L- T>'-dq-L-.rJr5\ Work Class: trtewfl Addition p{ Remodelg{ Repair ( ) Demo ( ) other ( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) eoth fu!Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) TypeofBldg.: Single-familyp4 Twofamily( ) MultFfamily( ) Commercial ( ) Restaunnt( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: tJ/L No. of Accommodation Units in this buildine; l/4 No/Tvoe of Fireolaces Existinq: Gas Aooliances ( fsastcxrs t/l Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ffi L + No/Tvoeof FireolacesProoosed: GasAooliances( ) GasLoas(l) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq(NOTALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (f) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No X Fees: F :/everyondforms/bld gperm **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY********************************,t***** Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 d Window and door schedule {{ { d { d d t d I0l,l,'N Depaft ment of Comm unity Development Project Name:dai:-: />>\rroJ Project Address:3A31 f?>u-.rr-ic,€- Zt> tl ptu-. ac' / This Checklist must be comoleted before a Buildino Permit apolication is acceoted. o All pages of application is complete /-d HasDRBapproval obtained(if required) Provideacopyof approval form@"roJ€,i:.'r 'r 4sr.,--'.: / ConAorninirt nrro.iution letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Famil y compbx !,/A - ) cl Complete site plan submitted d public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) d Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster.oarkino or material storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aoproval Asbestos test and resulG submitted if demolition is occurrino Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi fa;ily) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: ffi ts/,J TONNr/N Y HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Tovm ofVail Survey Community Dwelopment Departnent Russell Fonest Director, p70)4n-213e Check all that applies. 1. Which Depgrtnent(s) did you contact? Building K Environmental_ Housing_ Admin _-Planning DRB _ PEC _ 2. Was yourinilid contactwi0r ourstafiimmediate-,f, sbw no one avdfabfe ? 3. lf you were required b wa( how long was it bebre you were helped? 4. Was your project revienred on a timety nasisfdhlo lf no, why not? 6. Please rate $e performance of he stafi person who assis'ted you:5 4 3 ,2 1 Narne: (knowledge; responsiveners, availability) 7. Overall efiectiveness of tre Front Service Counbr. 5 4 3 2 I 8. What is the best lime of day for you to use fre Front Service Courrter? 9. Any commenb you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time b compleb ttris survey. We are cornmi[ed b improving our service. IUTTIIOF WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OFTHE FOLLOWING QUESNONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT": YES No/-Is this a new residence? Does demolition work being public property? require the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or NO performed YE5 Is any utility work needed? YES NO Is the driveway being repaved? Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES_ NO NO Is any drainage workfeing done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public propefty? YES_ NO__l_ Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required?YES Z NO Is the Right YES -of-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? NO_1_ If answeT is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works? YES_J/__ NO_ If you answered YES to any of these guestions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained, "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. ?a-:'q (-o,:re-v-= Z-+to-tg<-t:>- Job or Project Name: Date Signed: Coitr*{or Signature 'l /> /"2--.--+1---z-r----- F : /everyoneforms/bld penn4 Company Name PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Aoolication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifli (locate) respective utiliiles prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". ) NOTE: The above pKrcess is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and understand the above. Signature F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 Date Signed TOWNOF BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Depadment review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned depaftments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: ...,-l a,s< Gz<-..r:o.-J Print name Date: 't / 4 ,/ 4L Lrjei:: Arsbirr-l F:€ /eryone/forms/bldperm3 o-- o PW#: L-l Ll'Ll L-l U L-l Parcer#:IIII-InI'I[-IIf Affi\Brds.Permitu,EI!'fIII romvmy APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERilTT 19 1.Job Neme Str6€t Addr€ss nnn-[l (ltunknownoall LJ LJ LJ LJ L79-2138 erC 0 , LJ LJ LJ LJ 479'2138ext.0) -' Excavaling Contractor Name Maillno Addr€ae TOV Contracto/B Lkrense Numbsr REOUIRED Phong #AP City 4. Start Date Work is for lcircte onel Completlon Date Water Sewer Gas Electric Telephone CATV (Permit Explratlon Dat€) Landscaping Temp. Site Access Other Trench-width (min.4') Bond Amount $ 6. ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC JOB IS STARTED. 7. L Hubber out-riggers are required on Asphalt surfaces undemeath the A signature below indicates a signatures are obtained, permittee necessary Town of Vail signatures. BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE working on asphalt. at all times. utllity locations and approvals. Once all utility comPany appllcation through the Public Works office to obtain the up to one week to process. Depth Total SF $ TotalLF $ Permit Fee Total Permit Fee $ Public Servlce Natural Gas Group (1-800-922-1987) Public Servlce Company (1 U.S. West (1-800-922-1987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockles (1-800-922-1987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (970-476-7480, ext. 114) Holy Cross Electric Company (1-800-922-1987) Town of Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town of Vail lnigation (970-479-2158) Town of Vail Publlc Works Constructlon Inspector (970-479'2198) 9. THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. 1 10. All excavation must be done by hand within '18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). 11. Permittee must contact Public Works Departmont at 479-2198 24 hours grior to commencing of work. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Schedulgd inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. 12. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title I - Public Ways and Property, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. Contrector's Slgnature of Agreement Pdnt name clearly ATTACH PLAN OF WOFK,INCLUdNG CONSTBUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. Dats of Signatur€ Whit€ - Public Works Yellow - Conkactor DMINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items tlelow: { -|ne Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. d tne Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culvefts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Depatment for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Depaftment. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. d Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be approving all final drainage and culveft installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certiflcate of Occupancv issuance. Agreed to by:-t, c,s-t F=gz,.r'-crJ Project Name: Date Signed: //1/E /a-z- - Print Name €a:"> A-1.;lvrroJ F :/everyone/forms/bldperm6 { { TOWNOF Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSTTS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED UnlaMul deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, tol remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. d Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-34.I AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED d No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) g 1) s Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord, 2(1968) g 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions:-I-rt;< fez-.,:.^J Position or Relationship to Project: -lV.a--- W"*t^.(i=ttgo*" ',/ Date Signed: 7 € 'tz - -__7-----7- F :/everyone/forms/bldpemrT d aa KRM coNsuLars, rNc. P.O. BOX 4572 vAtL. coLoMDo 81558 970-949-9391 (FA)() 949-1577 Boz,oLfDREPoRr TO: Resort Concepts, Inc. ATTENTION: Tony Ferguson PROJECT: Weiss Residence DATE: 3/1912003 ARRME: 8:d) am DEPART: 9:15am WATHER: CooULt. Snow JOBNUMBER: 0106-03 PRESEVf Af STTE' Tony Ferguson SIAIUS OF COMPLETION: Rough ftaming nearly complete I visited the site referenced above to observe the framing for compliance with the intent of the struclural drawings, dated CD's 09-2042. The following items were noted: 1 . Detail 4/S7 shows the knife plate connection for the new (3)-1 314 x '11 114 LVL roof beam at the north end of the bent steel W 14x48, sheet S5. The LVL beam was installed on he north side of the 1/4' plate inst€ad of sandwiching the plate as shown in the detail. We have reviewed the original design, and believe that the (4)-3/a" dia. x 5" lags installed in the plate are adeuate to support the reaction, but we requested that an additional lag be installed above the plate connections, as well as (2)-314" dia. thru-bolts within the first 12" of LVL beam ajacent to the plate. The connection, as revised, appeared to be adequate for the design load. 2. The master bedroom header shown on sheet 54 as (3)-1 3|/4 x 9 1/2 LVLs did not accommodate the rough opening required. We recommended installing a W 6x15 flush with the floor framing. All conneciions appeared to be adequate as inslalled. 3. The header over the window at the entry deck was originally designed as a dropped (3)-1 3/4 x 5 1l2 LVL, which the log purtins of the deck above would bear on, as shown in section 5/S4. The header was raised to accommodat€ revised head height for the window, and the log purlins wer6 installed hanging fom the header with one lag of unknown size installed lhrough the header and into the end{rain of the lag. This conneclion is inadequate. We recommend installing two additional 3/4" dia. x 1'-0 tags in the log purlins on the outside of the building and into the header. Stagger the bolts, one each side. 4. The shed roof over the masler bedroom deck was designed to be installed as shown in detail 2/S7. This detail was not follo\.red, and the resulting roof structure is inadequate to support the snow load. There are two major aspects ofthis detail that were overlooked:a) None of the Simpson conneclols were installed. These must all be installed with the exception of the "Q" (Simpson A35) at the rater to log connection, and the "G" (Simpson HU46) at the top and bottom of each (2)-1 3/4 x 5 1/2 LVL king stud pack (eight locations total). At the rafler to log connection, we recommend installing 12" Olly soews through the top of each rafter and into the supporting log beam with 3" minimum penetration. To replace the pairs of Simpson HU46 hangers, we rec,ommend inetalling a single L 6x6x5/16 x 0'.4 wih (2)-3/4" dia. x 8" lags into the post and (2)-3/4" dia. thru-bolts through the 2x6 top plates at the top and bottom of both packs. Install the angles on the inside face of each pack at the top and bottom, closest to the door op€ning (4 locations). b) The log was not cut to lorm a tenon and eltend into the wall where it could be supported on the (4)-2x6 stud pack. Instead a single lag of unknoln size was installed through one of the LVL king studs and into the end grain of the diagonal log support. This connec{ion might be suffcient if the log brace were purely decorative, bul as a structural member designed to support half the roof load, it is not adequate. We recommend installing (2)-1" dia. thru-bolts in the base of each log brace and thrcugh the built+p gtud pack. Provide a minimum edge distance of 2 1/2" horizontally, and 5" vertically. hn.y coNSULrUs, rNc. vAtL. coLoRADO 81658 (970) 9499391 (FAX) 9/KF15z FIELD REPORT page 2 PROJECT:JOBNUMBER:DATE: 5. The floor joists over the existing game room (A2.1, room 106) have been drilled excessivety with multiple 2" dia. and 1" dia. holes, and their structural integrity is significanty reduced. The 2" dia. holes are locat6d near the middle of the joists with enough space between them that, in our opinion, would not render the joists inadequate. However, the groups of 1" dia. holes are close to the bottom of the joists and have a grealer potential to split the joist. We believe that each joist over 8'{ long that has been damaged should be reinforced with a 2x4 along the bottom of the joists. Sister the new 2x4 to the existing joist with (2)-10d nails at 12" on center. This is only requir€d along the length of joist which has been damaged and need not ext€nd into the existing ceiling covered by drywall. 6. BCI 500 series joists were substiluted for the TJI/Pro-250's shown on plan. This is a satisfactory substitution for the floor joists on this project. 7. The mid-span LVL beam on sheet 53 at the comer of the entry deck is shown on plan as (2)-1 314 x 11 7/8 LVL. A single LVL was installed. We believe that this is sufficient for the load, and does not require replacement. A double joist was specified to prevent overlapping the hanger ffanges and creating a potential for squeaking. 8. We have not been contracted for the structural design of the low roof over the mechanical room (below the master deck). lt appears to be adequately supported by inspec{ion, afthough no calculations have been performed to support this opinion. lf you have any questions about these observations and recommendations, please do not hesitate to call. COPYTO: VAG: Darci Hughes AFf'ROVED Tlr N0Fr/,n Con:: ..::/ DeveloPment DepartnEnt ButElng SaletY & InsPec{ion - S€rvico drors in sel(l plurs' tp""""":-- -':iiiei-ir "iof*ion of rhi' ccdo cd mcratr.!:s being cstricd otr &ei:utc ray o'Jr:r crdinanccTf thilenflcflon .ap t R. Mcchel INITTALS: ,A oor*0 s-il- F FEB 2+ 2OO3 3:26PH HP LRSERJET KRMoo*r,t,,*". P.O"Bo)(.152 vAtL,coLoRADo fie58 3200 p.?o ROz- ozzL (970) e.9.9591 (FA)o 04€-1s77 RECORD DATE: 2f24n0g3 PRAJECT: WeissAddilion JOBNUTBER: 0106{3 n nF, a neennsflorEs El nrsporse ) a.anncanoutcHAMoE Rasort ConcePB Inc. Atln: Tony Fequson Thie record b In reeponse to your qucstlons about lhE Alrium froor fnaming: 1. The Main Floor Freming Plan, sheEt S3, shows the f,oor joists of.the atdum to bE 11 7/8" TJUPRO-250's @ 16,,. Due to headroom prb[rrlir*it "t'r"or.eo oepttr w's requlred. lt i8 accepEble to subetitute 2xE's @ 16'. 2. Thc header over tre door into the atrlum from the exterlor deck (archftedural.sheet 2.2, struc'turel sheet S3) is shown on plan as a trrpbar1ilader,lelz*ro;s.. we uelie"e rnat d,e hcader at this locatlon may be replaccd wm 1ij-26;t; Atotner irLaOers at thisiivelmay be replaced with (3F2x8 s' lf you need any fur$er inlormation, please do not hcsltat€ to call' .d€gb ET ae ii ii fi lrt -a !g atr 9E E.E >rE se! E E.E ,c? 1-E F FT- tl! IE; 8 E' e'a..e a, f;E €E I!, !i rfr Ir H FFSH iF g t @ ff.ct F R .it E € {! 6 E B T ir J€ r,B l: IE llr Eal E!.5 Ec sl z"; F6 t:3€ TE Itr ll lr tl It €; !H 62 i-e iiF $.\l \-l s\l tU sl t ui o FEEIM FR0'1 :m BRoJl.l rr. 'r-reril vv|luLt trrl FAX M)- :815-e6e-724e Jrr.r*s"?;, f*ff= *tH" :,i June 26.2(x)3 Dcrr Mr. Drorvrr: I am *riting to il6rm you of or nccd !o crorr pur popcrty for approrimalely 80' rlorry Bddgo no4 rnd k) Nst for pur pcmissim r! do so. We mod to run rn 8" pipo dong thc curb to Orc storm ccwcr. Wc ingrd lo tcb 2-3'wilc rqd froximatdy 2'de€p, Our lq{rcn€r hc tatcn picturor ro rhu ws will bc ablo n ncnrm thiagr to thsir oridnet cqdition. AII rcpairs will'oc madc rt oru crp.nrc brckcd up wi6r a btrnt posted wilh lhc Torm of VeiL Frrtlrcrmorc, if wc are gcning pcroirsiu to erocoa;runoOiaely ,wc will hrvc evcrything bacl to exisring condfior od rwrly trr approvd wi6in t*o worling dryr. Ptcrc dgn bclor if pu rgtc tn this prmcre . Sincorcly, T€d l,€ech l) 2) 3) 4) 5) €vltrcr ro tcil*ts" tj-5J b'h"' o, R€sort Conccpts agfEes to restorE 8lt inigdion systEm col!po66 aernagcd by the ;op6J;;*d!rn and will cnsure tftc ttr6 systsm is firncrioning plopctly' as it was in is pre+onstructbn ststc. ffii4a* r-ar""e" plants alrd sod as a rcsuh of this prroject ttrd do mt s'rvira will bc rcplaccdinaticlymmu- . !''! _r-___iiitU *A nrillbe ofrhe-sslrnvadetymd color as tu a1t119 lt iiltgJ*a-a"r plm.s adjaccnt t9 ry-t:rytiT a53 $|I 1y1111 Arry Lal ere** ircurred as a resuh of tbb prolrt shall bc borr by Rccort concepts FirpHorcs. Tcd Lcech g1tyl7 J+wy. O. Sle. 296, OrEN,ct El3o ' Avon.Cotcr'do UGaO r 970 9r0 8432 r Frx 970 910C755 R 2.+ 2OO3 9: 3l Ffl LRSERJET 3EOO -.v P.2 KRMcoNSuLrANrs, rNc. P.O. BOX 4t72 v rL coLoR^DO 0165E (970) 949.s391 '(rAq9.t9-1''7 I o7- C2z2- REcoRD olTE: PROJECT: S'G'{ED,. Resort Concepts, Inc. Attn: Tony Ferguson At your request, I have reviewed the lorr roof framiE over the medlanlcal room, under the Master Bedroom Deck. The roof framang *;;ts oi2t6 rafters at 16"-o'c. hung.from a double 2x10 beam with Simpson LU26 hangers. The (2).2x10 u"".?trppoiJon-ttre exrerior founida'ron wa1 at one end, ard hung from the (3)-1 314 x 1j 7/B LVL noor ueam'atvJSi muntpre simpson straps along its length plus (2)-simpson MSTA24s at th€ south end. we believe that the roof framing is not required to support the full 100 psf snow load because it is directly belo ' an exterior deck whlch F de{;; 6 ;,+t the snow,ind there is very little space.bepeen lhe two for snow to accumulate. For this reason, we have checked $e- roof fnming ancl related main floor haming with a ilil;;k'rive -roso or gd"pui"no " J""o o"o ol 15 psf on ihe low roof. The structure, n cunently I JOBNUTBER; 010643 st24t2003 Weiss Addition fl nn A neenteuores ffi neseorse I clanncaTlourcHAucE compte'ted, appearsrobeadequaF /-. AppRovED Community Dcvclcpment DcPartnrenr Buirdins safety & '"3XiflS TOWNOFUAT'IY o.i", ** o""- D"og1pi5[.$!if;5! Jil:iTf iK;,",*ig Pr"'f i::'f1""'i:,il:", ,"T':: ;;;"r uis :cac r cf otpr:::ls b:ing c:'::J c -^L** Ii:. . ' :'.tt:*1gfi) -':"o" ...,=. O 3_ A5-e3 INITurt-s: Tyler F. Aldrich TOWNOF VAILFIRE DEPAR 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970479-2t35 NOTE: ,^Nt VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT TTTIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARMPERMIT Permit #: A03-0008 soXa1tL Job Address: 3834 BRIDGE RD VAIL Location.....: 3834 BRIDGE ROAd Parcel No...: 2l0l I I l0l0l I ProjectNo : -PRSO t -O (1 t Gary weiss 1051 Port, Malabar 5 Palm Bay, Fr, 32905 Irieense: CONTRAETOR THI]IJ EIJECTRONIC SYSTEMS P O BOX 534 AVON, CO 8152 0 License: 1L2-S APPIJICAIIT TIIT'IJ EIJECTRONIC SYSTEMS P O BOX 534 AVON, CO 81620 IJicense: 112-S 03/L9/2003 Phone: 32t-773-4669 03/L9/2OO3 Phone: 970-949-4638 03/L9/2oo3 Phone: 970-949-4638 ISSI.JED $/19n003 0410r/2003 @D8t2Q03 OWNER Desciption: LJPGRADING EXSTING FIRE ALARM COMPONENTS AND ADDDING ADDITINAL COMPONENTS TO NEW PORTION Valuation: M,000.00 FEE SUMMARY El€€trical-> DRB Fee---> Investigation"---> wi cbll-> TOTAL FEES-> 972 . O0 s0. 00 s0.00 s3.00 $?s. 00 Total Calculatrd Fees--> Additional F€€s-----> Total Permit Fee--> Payments--------------1 BAL{{CE DUE-> $?s.00 90.00 s75. 00 $7s. 00 $0. oo Approvals:IIEM: 05600 FIRB DEPART!{ETE 03/L9/2oo3 df Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL tttttttttttaattatttttatttt ttftltttat*a*ttlaatttttttttttttattttttttttttttttttttttllllatlltlrllllttlarltaala*llllltltlllaaalllltlltltlai.tttaaattaaa DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is corect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOIJN HOURS thereto. AT 479-2135 FROM t:lXl AM - 5 PM. llaftttf,fat+'t*lala+fal**ff*flrlltarl*a*****fa++arr**r*raarfr*a+*t*i+f+taaa**t{ra!**ai*+***+r*t TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Strte,ment lataafl+tll**++l++f**l*laaa*laf*aafa*ata*+tal+f+*'}***'laat**a'll{ra**ffa*a**al***ta*l****'}***aa gtatelnent Nurnlcer: R030003249 Amourtt: 975.o0 04/O|/2OO3O3:d5 pM Pattment Metbod: Check InLt: LrC NotatLon: *L5274/thttL Electronics Permit No: 403-0008 lYpe: ALARM PBRMIT Parcel No: 210111101011 gite Address: 3834 BRIDGE RD VAIIJ IJocation: 3834 BRIIX'E ROAd Total Fees: $75.00 This Payment: $75,00 Total AIJL Pmts: $75.00 Balance: $0.00 ll+*++fa*+ti++f***fff*+tl++t+f+*tl+*tla+**f+*++*fa**+**+*f**+*l****al*++a**t*ri***t**rfla++{t+ ACCOI,]NT ITEM UST: Account Code Description Current Prnts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPOMRY POhIER PEMITS I,IC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 72.00 3.00 97/L6/2992 16:29 e78s25ffs LKP EI.IGIhEERI PAGE 83 Engineering, Inc. CIVTUGBOTECHNICAL D-D&a* SOIL AND TOUNDATION INVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED ADDMON.REMODEL LoT IZ,BIGHoRN 2!ID ADDITIoN TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COTINTY, COLORADO PROJECT NO. 02109 t5,2W2 PREPARED X'OR: MR.TEDLEACE RESORTCONCEPTS P.O.BOXE130 AVON. CO 91620 i+;vffi1 P.O. Box 2837, Edwads, CO 81632, (9't0) 926t0SBTeI, (970) 926-9089 Fax s7/L6/2942 L6.29 TABLE OFCONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SCOPE OF STI]DY SrtEDESCRIPTION PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION FIELD INVESTIGATION SUBSURFACE SOIL AND GROIINDWATER CONDITION . FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATTONS EXCAVATION DIFFICULTIES SLAB CONSTRUCTION RETAININGWALLS LINDERDRAIN SYSTEM SITE GRADING A}ID DRAINAGE LAWNIRRIGATION LIMITATION T'IGURES LOCATION SKETCH .DRAWINGNO.I .FIGURENO.I FIGURENO.2 SIJBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOGS. PERIMETERDRAIN 9709269559 o LKP E]'IGIIGERI]'IG r.tc o PAGE 64 2 ) ) J .) J 3 + 4 LKP Enginccring, Inc. s7tL6/26a2 16:2s s7es26sle LKP E}-IGI]€ERII'IG Il{C o PAGE 05 EXECIITIIIE SUMMARY The proposed addition-remodel should be supported with conventional 4pe spead footings, designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2000 psf. They should constnrct the footings on the undistubed cobbles and bouldors. See Foqndation Recommendrtions. SCOPE OFSTUDY This rcport presents the results of a subsurface Soil and Foundation Investigation for a proposed addition-remodel to be constnrcted at 3838 Bridge Road in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of the subsrxface soil and formdation investigation was to dptermine thc engineering characteristics of the forrndation soil and to provide recomme,ndations for the foundation design, gading, and drainage. Creologic hazard strrdies arc outside of our scope ofservices. SITE DESCRIPTION The proposed buildirg site is st 3838 Bridge Road inthe Town of Vail, E4gle Colnty, Colorado. Tlrere is an existing house with a deck on the site. Also, there were a lot of very large (5 to 6 fe* diamctsr) boulders overOre site. The topography of the site is moderate with a stccp hill to the south. Drainage is to the oorthwest. The lot was landscaped. LKP Engincering, Inc. g7/L6/2442 15:29 97O92698't9 LKP E].GINEERII.IG PAGE 06 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION We have assuned ther the proposed addition-remodcl will consist of two stories, wood frame construction, with a concf,ete foundation. we anticipire loads to be light typical of residential constnrction. Ifthe finalized plans differ significandy from the above undcrstanding, they should notifu us to reevaluate the recommendations of this teport. FIELD INVESTIGATION The field investigation conduaed on July 10,2002, consisted of excavating, logging and sarpling one test pit. Excavation of the test pit was done with a Bobcat 341, mini tackfioe with rubbcr tracks, The test pits' location is shown on the location sketch. We show the soil profile of the test pit on the Subsurface Exploration Iogs, Figrue No. l. Soil samples for laboratory soil analysis and observation were taken at select€d intervds. SUBSIJRtr'ACE SOIL AI{D GROUNDWATER CONDITION The soil profile encountered in the test pit consisted of 2 feet oftopsoil witl boulders ovcr one foot of boulders in a sandy matrix. Ground water was not encountaed. Practioal frackhoe refirsal was encormtered at 3 fest FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS The proposed addition-remodel should be supportcd with conventional tlpe spread footings, designed for a ma.ximum allowable soil bearing pressurc of 2000 psf. The footings should be placed on the undisturbed sandy matix with large bouldors. We recornmond minimum width of 16 inches fqr the continuous footings and 2 feet for the isolated footing pads. Continuow foundaion walls should b€ reinforced top and bottom to span an msupported length INC o LKP Enginecring; IDc. o7|L6/2AA2 15:29 97692591199 o LKP ENGINEERING INC o PAGE 67 ofat least l0 feet. We recommend a mininum of 48 inches of backfill cover for frost protection of the footing subsoils. The fourdation excavation should be observed by the wdcrsigned engineer to verify tlat the soil conditions erao4ntered during construction are as anticipated in this report. The foundation excavation should be free from excavation spoils, frosq organics and standing water. We recomme,nd proof-rolling of the foundation excavation. Soft spots detected dwing the proof-rolliag, should be removed by overrexcavation. Any overer<cavation within the proposed foundation, should be backfilled, in 8 inches loose level lifu and compacted to 100% of the mocimum dry density and within 2 percent of the optimum moistrue oontcnt as determined in a Iaboratory from a Standard Proctor test (ASTM D-598). A sftuaruat fill, placed nnder footings should be tcsted by the engurecr or her representatives on regular basis. Void left in the ,foundation excwation due to removal of boulfurs should be filled with gtarel or lean concrete- EXCAVATION DIXTICT'LTIES From the condition ard size ofthe rocks observed in the test pit and over the lo! we assume that the excavation can be done with large excavation machincry. Hydraulic hammers and blasting, to loosen the rocks, might also be needed. Excavation ofnsrro\^, utility henches might be morc diffrcult. SLAB CONSTRUCTION The nanual on-site soils, exclusive oftopsoil, and organics, are suitable to support lightly loaded slab-on-grade constuction. The subgrade for the slab-on-gnde coastuction should be proofcompacted to detect and remove soft spots. They should backfill overorcavated soft spots and other underslab fill with ihe on-site soil, free from topsoil and organics, or other suitable matorial, compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the rnaximum standErd Proctor density LKP Engine€ring, Inc- 87/L6/2A92 I6i29 9769269Pe9 LKP ENGINEERII.IG INC o PAGE A8 5 (ASTM D-698). suitable marerid should be free from topsoil, organics and rock fiagments greaterthan 3 inches, The concrete slab should be oonstructed over a4-inch layer ofcleo gravel consisting of- 3/4 inch gravel with at least 50% retained on the No. 4 sieve and less than 3 pcrcent passing the No. 200 sieve. They should reinforce the concret€ slab-on-grade and score controljoints according to the A.urerican Concrete Instinrrc requirements and per the recommendations of the designer to reduce daruge due to shrinkage. The concrete slab should be separated from the forurdation walls and columns with expansion joints to allow for independent movernent without causing damage. RETAININGWALLS Foundation walls retaining earth and retaining stuctures that are laterally supported should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid density of 60 pcffor an "at-rest" condition. Iaterally unrestained strucfifes, retaining thc on-site earth, should be desigred to resist an equivalent fluid deusity of40 pcf fe1 1hs "setive" c,ass. The above desigt recommerrdations assume drained backfrll conditions and a horizontal bacldll surface. Surcharge loading due to adjacent structues, weight of temporary stored construotion materials and equipment, inclined bacldll and hydrostatic pressure due to undrained bacldll should be incorporated in the design. They should ty to prcvent the buildup ofhydrostatic pressure behind the retaining wall. IJNDERDRAIN SYSTEM To reduce i}te risk of surface water infiltating the foundation sub$oil, we recommend installation of a foundation perimeter drain (see Figure No . z).T\e foundation perimercr drain should consist of a &inch diameter, perforated pipe, sloped to a suitable gravity outlet, or to a eump pwnp location, at a l/4 inch per foot for flexible or 8t a 1/8 of an inch for rigid pipc. The LKP Engincering, Iuc. A7/16/2902 LEi29 9769259489 LKP E].IGIFEERING PAGE g9 6 drain pipe should be covered with a minimum of 6 inches of -3l4-inch ftee-draining granular material. Geotextile (Mirafi 140N or equivalent) should be used to cover the free-dmining gravel te prevent siltation and clogging of the drain. The bqoldll above the drain should be graaular material to within 2 feet of the ground surfacc to prevent a buildup of hydrostatic pressurc. SITE GRADING AND DRAINAGE Grading plan was not aYailable for oru review. The following recommendations sre general. Exterior backfill should be compacted at or near the optimum moisture cont€nt to at leastg5Vo of the mocimum standard hoctor density under paveoent, sidewalk and patio areas and to at least 9070 ofthe maximum standard Proaor density nnder landscaped areas. They should use mechanical methods of compaction. Do not puddle the foundation excavation. The site srurounding the building sfructue should slope away from the building in all directions. A minimrun of 12 inches in the first l0 feet is rccommended ip rrnFaved areas, and three inches in the first I 0 feet in paved areas. The top of the grauular foundation backfilt should be covered with a minimum of I foot of relatively imperviow fill to rcduce the potential of surface water infiltrating the foundation subsoils. Surface water naturally draining toward the proposed building site thould be diverted around and awayfrom it by means of &ainage swales or other approved methods. The roof drains and downspouts should extend and discharge beyond the limits of the backfill. LAWNIRRIGAIION It is not recommended to introduce exccss water to the foundation soils by installing sprinklcr systems next to fte lsllding. The installation of the sprinkler heads should insgre that the spray Som the heads will not fall within 10 feet of foundstion walls, porches or patio slabs, Lawn irrigation rnust be conuolled. INC I LKP Engineering, Inc. 07/L6/2s92 16:29 LKP E].IGII€ERI}.{G LIMITATION This report has been prepared accotding to locally acccpted hofessional Georcc.bnical Engineering statrdards for similu methods of testittg and soil conditions at this time. There is no othcr wananty either expressed or implied. The findings and recomnendations ofthis report are based on field exploratiou, laboratory testing of samples obtainod at the specific locations shown on the Location Sketch, Drawing No.l and on assumptions stated in the report. Soil qorlditions at other locations may vary, wtrich may not become evideart until the foundatioa excavation is completed. If soil or water cotditions s€€m different from those describcd inthis report we should be contacted immediately to rcoualuat! the rmommcndations of this report. This r,qport has been prcpared for tbs enclusive use of Ted Irach with Resort Concepts, for the specific application to tho proposed addition-remodcl at 3838 Brifue Road Eagle Cormty, Colorado. Sincerely, LKPENGINEERING,INC. C;\DooumEnh lnd SctinSr\Adnl0l$atoMy Documcnrs\Word P.r6or ntih Wp|GLKn02l09Gfl-AV.RpT.qrod 9689 o INC o PAGE 10 s'ry LKP Fwincering, Lnc. a 27/16/2992 LEi29 9799269689 ENGINEERING a s q hl (-! R tr N EtrSNNC RESIDENCIE aarttttttrtrt//tat.at/a/ttta/.rr/aarrr. Pit fl NOIE: fEsr PtfS L&AIED Ry pAaNC. Engineering, Inc. LOt '2 rcW ro nmw JTI MF FOID tN. ildt odnd, ca.aM FfrF,@ F* nEoBr coNcwIS 'A7/L6/28@2 16:29 9769269989 LKP EI.IGINEERII*G INC s Y u B o s A H P L E DgsCRIPIl(}fl tr ,IAIERIAL AND SAIIPIE L(rcAilN UEOARfORY tEsr FAi/r.7s -3 -to _t5 -n Topsoil ond boulders No Ground Woter Encountered I.EGIND: q - 2:lnc! O_D. Co,iFonto Lin* Santpla I - &tk Sonplc DD_ - Notutd Dry Outdty (pcf)uc - Naturd Hotetun Co/tto* f*l -2OO - Pqwrt pqsino Na 2N'#w U - Liqtld Limlt Pl - Ptisthtty ln&x 6n - @atnct latq I.XP ENGI}TEERINC, INC.SI,BST'RFACE EXPIORA1ION IOC PAGE t2 '87/L5/2A@2 L6t29 9709269489 LKP ENGINEERING INC tsAlrts L J SLOPE AYAY INOU 8UII.DTN6 6Ot/& BAd(nU trrH d{E NOT ff RELANELY iltPERWdjS sdl NLIR FABRIC (nRAFt tl^v ffi EWUALENT) PL^STIC UNER. GLUED TO THE FOTJNOANO.I WAU, (NOT NEEDEO WIJEN CROUNO WATER IS PRESENT) COARSE RAIEI. 34 INCI] DIAH.NH LfsS THAN 5'r NNB 1-INCII DIA'IEIER PNFaRAIED PIPE g.@ED TO A SUITAEIE OUILET AT t/'PER n,r F& HnodLE AND Ar ua'PEn ftnr FOR RtctD P|PF @AIEL THICKNESS SI1OIJLD 8E A7 LEAST 21 INAIE Engineering, Ine. LOt ,2" adpfrr fr AnfipN .99 nE nob UAL EAdE OArr'7, od.qM Pfrf',d@ F* PESORT CONCEP?F'. 07-t6-2002 Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. 5 Deer Trail Road, Boulder, C0 80302 Phone (303) 449-1175 Fex: (303) 418-1605 0a May 8, 2002 Vail Resort Concepts Renovations Mr. Ted Leach PO 8130 Avon, CO 81620 SUBJECT:Asbestos Bulk Sampling Results 3838 Bridge Road, Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. Leach: Attached is the report for the bulk sampling of suspect asbestos-containing materials at 3838 Bridge Road, Vail, Colorado. This investigation w:ui conducted on behalf of and for the exclusive use of VaiI Resort Concepts Renovations (client), solely for use in a limited asbestos survey of the property. This report and the findings herein shall not, in whole or in part, be disseminated or conveyed to any other party, nor used by any otler party, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of Boulder Environmental Management. The results of this survey are limited to materials that were assessable and foreseeable to the inspector. Additional materials may exist behind hard surfaces. Personnel lnowledgeable of asbestos containing materials should always oversee demolition activities. Demolition work should be halted and sampling performed by a state of Colorado licensed building inspector if additional materials, which are suspected of containing asbestos, are encountered. Ifyou have any questions regarding the contents ofthis report, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, C/,^/,1* Chris Maron Project Manager *Asbestos*Lead*Industrial Hygiene*Safety*Final Air Testing**Health and Safety Training* RECD JUL 16 2OO2 BouldOEnvironmental Management$c. 5 Deer Trail Road, Boulder, CO 80302 Phone: (303) 449-1175 tr'ar: (303) 4t&1605 BTJLK SAMPLING REPORT F'OR 3838 BRTDGE ROAD, VArL, COLORADO Introduction: On May 3,2002, Boulder Environmental Management, Inc.'s building inspector, Chris Maron, conducted an asbestos-containing materials survey. The purpose of the survey was to identi$ asbestos containing materials (ACM) and materials presumed to contain asbestos (PACM) as defined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Sampling: Bulk sampling was performed under the direction of Boulder Environmental Management, Inc.'s client for renovation purposes. Usefulness of this report ls limited to demolition of the west exterior wall of the house. During the sampling process, suspect ACM was separated into three EpA categories. These categories are thermal system insulation (TSr), surfacing ACM, and miscellaneous ACM. TSI includes all materials used to prevent heat loss or gain or water condensation on mechanical systems. Examples of rSI are pipe coverings, boiler insulation, duct wrap, and mud packed fitting cement. Surfacing ACM includes all ACM that is sprayed, trowelled, or otherwise applied to a surface. These applications are most commonly used in fireproofing, decorative and acoustical applications. Miscellaneous materials include all ACM not listed in the thermal system insulation or surfacing categories, such as linoleum, vinyl asbestos flooring, and ceiling tile. Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. followed EPA recommended sampling guidelines for identification of asbestos in bulk matrices. A set of three (3), five (5), or seven (7) samples were collected for each material tlpe and analyzedby Polarized Light Microscopy (PLl"f). Each sample set was systematically analyzed. Upon determination that a sample in a set contained asbestos, analysis of the remaining samples in the set was discontinued. If no asbestos was detected during the analyses, the suspect material was determined to be negative for asbestos content. *Asbestos*Lead*Industrial Hygiene*Safety*Final Air Testing**Health and Safety Training* Results: B ouldlEnvironmental Managem.ntltr. 5 Deer Trail Road, Bouldcr,CO 80302 Phone (303) 449-1175 Fu: (303) 41&1605 ft" following materials were anallzed and determined to be non asbestos-containing utilizing polarized light microscopy (PLM). NON ASBESTOS.CONTAII\M{G MATERIALS MATERIAL LOCATION SAMPLE II) Textured drywalVjoint compound Living room wall, west side ofsliding glass door, 2nd floor SE corner, ltt floor SE comer 5-3-CM-0rA 5-3-CM-02A 5-3-CM-03A Stucco on foundation West side of house South, Middle, North 5-3-CM-048 5-3-CM-05B 5-3-CM-06B Discussion: Sample analyses results are reported in percentages ofasbestos and non-asbestos components. The EPA defines any material that contains greater than one percent (l%) asbestos, utilizing PLM, as being an asbestos containing material. Materials that are identified as "non detected" are specified as not containing asbestos. Conclusion: No asbestos abatement is required prlor to demolltion of the West exterior wall of this house. The laboratory reports supporting these findings are attached. Applicable state, federal, and local enyironmental regulations stipulate that all "friable" asbestos containing building materials, 'materials that can be crumbled by hand pressure', be removed or abated before being demolished or disturbed. Please contact Boulder Environmental Management Inc. with any questions or concems regarding this report. Sincerely, Att tAA lfrq'ql Chris Maron (AHERA Building Inspector 046-50-1457) *Asbestos*Lead*Indushlal Hygiene*Safety*Flnal Air Testing* *Health and Safety Trainlng* 5fl o{az o Boulder Envlronmentd Mrnegement, Inc. 5 DcerTnll Road, Bouldcr, CO E03O2 Phonc: (303) 449-l IZ5 Fex: (303) 418-1605 _ ox . rrvre! \JvJ, .F r-r r /J rcd: (JUJ, {tu-lou5 - ASBESTOS B.ULK SAMPLE LOG y",'l LOCATION: -3 DArE:GL"f - INSPECTOR: TEST METHOD:TI]RNAROUND: SPECIAL INSTRUCTION$:STOP ONFIRST POSITIVE FOR EACH SET,POINT- COI]NT FRIABLE SAMPLES COLLECTEII A TRACE P L/n SAMPLES RECETI{ED BY: -t ,DATEs!(II9> TIME: BTIILDING/LOCATION 4" DArE: 7100 N. Brcaduny St. 6.5, Dcawr, CO. t0221. Pbm (t66)4874533 Por (303)4t7.{534 CLIEI{N CI,IENTPf,,(}If,CT#: PR'OJDCTNAI}TE: AEBEVIATIOIIIE: f,TEIEOD: DEIFCTIOIIIJIIITT AI{ALY$Tr Authorizcd Slprtrrcl BOULDI N EIYVINONMEI{TAIN IT{C. sDEENTNAILNOAD BoULDE&COt0302 3E3IBRIDGE VAIL SAMPLETYPE W.Yinyl Xloor fih F$llmr Shccling Ac-Acgurqcr, q)Fy.On CT-Gellhg Tllc IUM-Dtrrdl Joht Mud wP-WiltPhilsr GRAN.Gnnuhr I SEIP*OTECT*! DATf, OIXECTIPT: DATT OFANALYSIS: SAITIPI.EI'EY: PAGE#l 0t02{tr t13.06.{t2 0!HtG02 CLIf,NT loFr ASB$TTOSTYPE CmYS{hryrotib AMO$ADo.ii! CTOC{t',ocrdollt! I?8t-Trodlc N ,Dllo ArbGrb Dctcdld IRiICI'<I% &blrtor MATtsRr LTIPB CBltr.Cclldorc FG-Flbrcur Glrrr AGcA;grrgrtr NF-No! trtbrouf BIN-Blador SYN-Syntt ttc Ifi-fionc llrir Folrtrr.d ulhr Mhnhopyl EP.t urool600,R4y1r6 l?6A|bcrto. Irn lt[.lDrtrrr ,i.ffi's.t{u{ta tt*n TEIITUNED DTYTYAIJ./DNT- TYEITT- GNAI{ I{AT'to'3cts!r+A@ Gfi'D NO +J-CAt{EA rt3ll TEXTI,NID DBYWAIJ,,DNi. -.-,!V!!IF. OBAN IIAD tltaCI&rl+ACC GOAD t{0 6!{nt{ta ltcsl IEXTIJUED DNYWALI,'TI'M. WRTTE" CRAN t{^D fOt0CELL.+AGG GOOD NO It{M.0{B tllts!snnqlBRora{r[cx l\l NAD leontFcntcaTB GOOD Yts $t4M{58 ts.STUOOSInOVI. CnAN lfD IIPI'ASCNEGATE GOO!)YES $,t-cM.o6t ltfiF STUOCODROWN. GRAN NAD IO'.AGONEGATE GOOD Yts 'rI' 'T"r ,.ttJ- '* " qt rr. sf.+- -tb r?-r Tt rt D. |t r|atn a -+-t fl ill tE5.r .a tE l* r||'r rr* i| I|a lt rr .ha L G|I r.tb ffiilfif$|'Xlsullrdcrod4brnnrar;r:ar(<lo*lrld;ry rit"r-iii$1plil r*r 11ij6. -. #iL friifilor e. HepwoEh-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 Phone: 970-945-79EE Fax: 970-945-E454 hpgeo@ hpgeotech.com wg'op> Observation of Excavation, Proposed Addition to West Residence, I-ot 12, Big Horn 2no Addition, 3838 Bridge Colorado September 19,2OOz Resort Concepts, LLC Attn: Tony Ferguson P.O. Box 8130 Avon, Colorado 81620 Subject: Dear Tony: As requested, a representative of Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. observed the excavation at the subject site on September 13, 2002 to evaluate the soils exposed for foundation support. The findings of our observations and recommendations for the foundation design are presented in this report. The sewices were done in accordance with our agreement for geotechnical engineering services to Resort Concepts, dated Seotember t2- 2002. The proposed west addition will be a three story wood fiame structure. The lower level will have cast-in-place concrete walls. Foundations were designed based on an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 psf. The excavation was observed on September "J.L, ?OOZ by LKP Engineering, Inc. as described in their letter report dated September 1.2,2OO2. LKP recommended subexcavating 4 to 5 feet and re-establishing design footing grade with Tensar reinforced structural fill. The purpose ofour site visit was to provide a second opinion of whether the subexcavation is needed. At the time of our visit to the site, the foundation excavation had been cut in two levels from 5 to 10 feet below the adjacent ground surface. We understand that this is about 2 feet below design footing grade and the elevation observed by LKP. The soils exposed in the bottom of the excavation consisted of medium dense, slightly clayey, silty sand with gravel. The soils were similar to the soils observed in the north addition by us and as described by LKP. Three large boulders (6 to 8 feet in size) were observed within the western excavation. The tops of the boulders are reportedly below design footing grade and are mostly under the proposed slab area, The results ofa gradation analysis performed on a sample of the silty sand (minus 3 inch fraction) obtained from the site are presented on Fig. L. No free water was encountered in the excavation and the soils were moist. Considering the conditions exposed in the excavation and the nature of the proposed construction, spread footings placed on the undisturbed natural soil designed for an allowable soil bearing pressufe of 2,000 psf can be used for support of the proposed addition. The existing boulders can be left in place and design footing grade can be re- Job No. 1.02 612 Side of Existing Road, Vail, Resort Concepts, LLC September 19,20Oz Page 2 established with compacted screened rock wrapped in filter fabric. The filter fabric should be placed between the screened rock and silty sand spils or backfill but is not needed between the screened rock and the concrete slab or footings. The screened rock should be compacted with three to four passes of a vibratory plate compactor. The foundation walls should be heavily reinforced to limit the potential for cracking in the event of differential settlement between soil and boulder bearing areas. The recommendations submitted in this letter are based on our obseryation of the soils exposed within the foundation excavation and do not include subsurface exploration to evaluate the subsurface conditions within the loaded depth of foundation influence. This study is based on the assumption that soils beneath the footings have equal or better support than those exposed. The risk of foundation movement may be greater than indicated in this report because of possible variations in the subsurface conditions. In order to reveal the nature and extent of variations in the subsurface conditions below the excavation, exploration would be required. It is possible the data obtained by subsurface exploration could change the recommendations contained in this letter. If there are any questions or if we may be of further assistance, please let us know. Sincerely, HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL. INC. {}t^/^- Daniel E. Hardin, P.E. KRM Consultants - Attnr Tyler H-P &orEc4 rt rt ]U REIII{CS us $rxDrno sEnE;q,gtr sq E eo0|et E/1. I llt f 2+ m. 7HR o 4a 5I 13 Ut fft latsl 4 nL i ttl fd d roo s t0 IO J lrJ z =lrj E F z UJ o E lrj o- co2 6 o o- 50F z t!o E,trl 4) o- ) .06 .me .or .ot .gr1 .1!o JO r00 t.t3 2;u DIAMETER OF PARTICTES IN MILLIMETERS f.lrz6 fr.o 3'5 n2 1;9, N cllY lo slt GRAIEL 31 UQUID UMIT SAND 53 SILT AND CLAY 16 PLASIICITY INDEX SAMPLE OF: SliEhtly Clopy Silty Sond with FROM: Bottom of Excovotion, West Addition Grovel 102 612 HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC.GRADA]ION TEST RESULTS Fig. 1 KRM "o*"u.i*",,*..P.O. BOX4572 vArL, coLoRADO 81656 (970) 9499t)91 (FAX) 94$1sZ DATE: PROJECT: Zna Resort Concepts, Inc, Attn: Tony Ferguson RECORD 9t26t2002 Weiss Addition JOBNUMER:010&03 I uemua NorEs X aesporvse 2 cunmcanov/cuAvcE As described in the general notes, sheet S1 (CD's Ogl2OlO2l, under Foundation Design item "d", the foundation for the addition referenced above has been designed according to the recommendations by HP Geotech, job number 1O2 612 (dated 9/19/02), and according to the design recommendations set forth in the 'Rockfall and Avalanche Hazard Analysis and Mitigation Concepts report for lots 8, 9, I 0 and 1 2, Bighom Subdivision 2- Addition" by Arthur l. Mears, p,e., Inc. lf you need funher clarification on this matter, please do not hesitate to call. COPY TO: VAg, Inc.: Darci Hughes H)t 'O>>7 3. Fleischerresidence DRB02-0108. Final review of two new single-family residences, 4315 Bighom Rd./Lot 0, Block 3, Bighom 3'6 Addition. Clark residence DRB02- 0188 Final review of proposed entry addrtion 4887 Juniper Lane/Lot 78, Btock 4, Bighom 5D Addition.Applicant Stephen & Jackie Clark Applicant: Chad Fteischer, represented by John G. Martin, Archilect. AIA MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: ChartieAcevedo VOTE: 5{ CONSENT APPROVED WITH 3 CONDITIONS: 1 . That in lieu of the proposed 6 blue spruce trees, 10 blue spruce trees 8 to 10 feet in height and 10 blue spruce trees 12 to 14 feet in height be planted. 2. That en arborist reporl be submited to verify lhe survivability of the proposed lendscape plan and to establish a tree preservation plan prior to the issuance of building permits. 3. That staff review and approve the final landscape placements prior to installation. 4.Allison 5. MOTION: Biil Pierce SECOND: Charti'CAcevedo VOTE: 5-0 CONSENTAPPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That this is the one'time exemption to the requirement that the entire structure must be brought inlo compliance with the Design Guidelines. Specifically, any future addition of GRFA to this slructure will require the removgl of the T-1 1 1 siding. Vail Resorts DRB02-0143. George Flnal review of proposed outdoor trampoline. 600 Lionshead Mall/Tracl D, Vait Lionshead 1s Filing.Applicant; Vail Resorts MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: ChartieAcevedo VOTE: 5,0 CONSENT APPROVED W}TH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the applicant submits revised plans to the Community Development Department indicating the location of a splitrail fence and a minimum of six landscaped The planeehall be reviewed and approved by the Department. Weiss residence Allison Final review for plans 3838 Bridge Applicant VAg MOTION: Bill Pierce hom Subdivision 2nd Addition. SECOND: Margarei Roger:s VOTE:5-0 APPROVEO WITH 4 GONDITIONS: l. That prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, the applicant shall file the final plat forthe resubdivision of Lots 11 and 12, Bighom 2dAddition.?. That prior to the submittal of a Building Permit application, the applicant shatl meet all the concems of staff addressed in the letter dated June 13. 2002. rf rr n E7|ri? REIiU.tuu tre rv-- JUL.15.?A@2 9? 44ff1 NU. /Y:' Y.J/> 3. That thefroval for this apPlication wllt vord the appal ot tne welss Residence on June 20, 2001.4. That the applicant submit revised drawings of the tower element and a new roof material for review and approval by staff. 7. Daymer Corporation DRB02-0192. Allison Final review of proposed wood decking. 123 S. Frontagi Ri. easvuoe M,N &o, Block 5D, VailVillage 1s Filing. A,pplicant Daymer Corporation, represenled by John Perkins' AlA. MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:4'0 (Acevedo recused) APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1, That the applicant shall be required to make the lollowing improvements to Phase lV, Vail Village lnn. prior to the issuance of a TCO for Club Chelsea: r All restaurant signs referring to the Villege Restaurant be removed.. The dumpster area be cleaned uP.. The fence around the pool be painted and repaired as neoessary'. The shtrtters and flower bores on at the entrance be repainted.. That the exisling Villager Restaurant awning be removed and any nec€ssary. repair and repainting as a result of the removal be clone.o The two walls at the existing Villager Restaurant entry be repainted to match existing.. Power wash the stucco and repaint if necessary.. Dumpster enclosure to be reviewed by the DRB'o A landscape plan must be submitted for review by staff.. A revised color scheme must be submitted for review by staff r Remove the fence at the pool and walkway.. All necessary repairs to the north side must be completed. 2. That the applicant submit erther a letter from the condominium association from the entire Vail Village Inn, stating that they apProve of the prqposed deck covering; or, the applicant shall provide evidence that the entire Vait Village lnn site does not have the right to use the existing r€creational facilities of phase lV, Vail Village Inn, prior to the issuance of e building permit for the proposed decking. 6. Robason residence DRB02-0163. George Conceptual review of new single family residence. 1 139 Sandstone Drive, lndian Creek Townhomes/Lot A1 , Block A, Lions Ridge Filing 1. Applicant Randy D. & Donna Robason, represented by Steven James Riden CONCEPTUAL- NO VOTE 9. Alphom Condominiums DRB02-0164. Allison Coneeplual review of fagade remodel. 121 West Meadow Drive/Lot D2, Vail Village 2n0 Filing. Applicant: Alphorn Condo Assoc., represenled by Ray Story CONCEPTUAL _ NO VOTE APPUCATTOTStt TVWNAF 75 S. Frontage Rd. Colorado 81652 Contact 79-2135 (Impecdons) ngs are required at time of on the Vail, this for Parcel # VALUATIOI{S FOR ALARM PERITIIT (Labor & Materials) CTORINTO TION Ftre AErm contractor: :rili" " et*f-",ri,, . 1',i Contact and Phone #3:-" 111-'/6 t contractorSignature: lr/J0't:.: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479"2138 #o*rrr*r oF coMMUNrrt oruurot^t NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E02-0148 Job Address: 3838 BRIDGE RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 3838 BRIDGE RD Applied. . : 0811212002 ParcelNo...: 2l0l1110l0ll Issued. .: 0811612002 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 02112/2003 OWNER WEISS GARY & KATHLEEN O8/L2/2O02 PhONC; 3838 BRIDGE RD VAIIJ CO 81657 -4 851 I_,icense : coNtRAcToR EAGITE VATJLEY EIJECTRIC 08/1-2/2002 Phone: 970-827-5772 P O BOX 1115 vArL, co 816s8 License: l-55 -E APPLICAMT EAGLE VALLEY EITECTRTC 08/L2/2OO2 Phone: 97O-A27-5772 P O BOX 1116 VAIIJ, CO 81658 License: 156-E Desciption: ELECTRIC SERVICE UPGRADES AND WIRING OF ADDITION TO RESIDENCE Valuation: $20.000.00 Electr.ical-> s350. o0 FEE SUMMARY ++rt+r''r'|rr***'**'l:|'r:***'t*++a**'|r'rtr*****t+++t++*:*'*'.'l*tr*'|*'i*r Totol Calculated Fees-> 5353.00 Additional Fees--->90.00 Total permit Fe€_> S3G3.00 Payments-----..._--> $3 63 . 00 BAIANCEDUE -s0. oo *a,ta l{.l+,}t:tttta +a t't r a* 't'},t,1 DRB Fee-_> lnvestigation-> will calt--> $0. o0 s0. 00 s3.00 TOTAL ITEES-> $363. OO ff$1t"1'u o o o Er-,EcrRrcAr., DEpARrMEl*r 08/L2/2oo2 DF Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI{ENT Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELTD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code *a of orOinances ofthe Town applicable -J REQI,'ESTi FOR INSPBCTIO}.I SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR TIOIjRS IN ORATOL,ROmCE FROMt:00AM- 5 PltrL FORHMSELFANDOWNET **l f air'l' *'f * f 'ii' 'l' 'i't * 't't**+ **+ * *'t'l *'i t'i'i ttt' *+ t* | * t* ** *fa* ** ** **+ +**** * *'i ft **t' + +*+ +* *** * **** ** * *r** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€ment * t * ** I t++{"t + +t t'}'t *'l*'t * ++ +*** +** *t +*a*+ **+ **++*** * ****** t *** *tt+ + **t****'} * * | ff+++ **{' **f** **+ + statement Nunber: R000002887 Arnount: $363.00 08/L6/2OO2O9:19 AItt Pa)ment Method: Check Init: L,C Notation: 16580/EagIe Va11ey Elec Permit No: 802 - 0148 TIE)e: EIJECTRICAL, PERIT{IT Parcel No: 210111101011 Site Address: 3838 BRIDGE RD VAIL Location: 3838 BRfDGE RD TotaL Fees: $353.00 This . Payment 3 $353.00 Total AIJIr Pmts: $363 .00 Balance: 90.00 * * * * *'t+ ++ * ++ t * ** ** ** ** t* | * *** l* * * * *** * * r* * * | | + + + * ** ** *** ** * * *** * ** * * * * *'l* + t+* * * * * r f * ** + *++** ACCOI.JNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts EP 00100003111400 TEMPoRARY P0tlER PERMITS l.lc OO1OOOO31128OO WiLL CALL INSPECTION FEE 360.00 3.00 ;'"-"'Tvug:uffi*ffi= 75 S. Frontaee Rd.Vail, Colora-do 81657 Contact Eaole Count n for Parcet #d--.-W Parcel # (Required if no bldg. p 101011 Job Name:,, . ^- -'Weiss Residence Addition r^h ^,{,1,^--.JrJ.. ,.l(^rrsJ)' 3839 Bridge Road Legal Description ll Lot: 12 ll Btock: ll firins:Subdivision: Bighorn owners Name:Gary Weiss -lFad'."...3g39 fri Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed descriotion of work;Electric Seryice upgrade, and w.iring of addition to residence workclass: New( ) Addition()() Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Temppower(x) other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both(1)Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-tumilv (p Duotex ( ) MuttFfamity ( ) commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 1 No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( X ) No ( Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (X ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkier System Exist: Yes ( ) No (l ) COMPLETE SQ. FEFT FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:!'ELECTRICAL VALUATION: 5 20'000.00 CONTRACTO R IN FORMATIO N Electrical Contractor: Eagle Valley Electf!,, Inc Town of Vail Reg. No.: 155E1 Contact and Phone #'s: San Bishop 827-5772 Cel 904-5844 Contractor Signature: ,rb,-_-^ J r)\N **+**it'****'t*************************"**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY******************r.**:+**r.*!r******:r*** .-::i1.DateReceived: ,, AcceDtedBvi .'Pla[nerSibn:offi. , : , RECEIl,EO AUGI5am F :/e/eryone/forms/deoerm TOWN OF VAIL 75 S,FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970479-2t38 ot*r"u*r oF coMMUNrt" orurrot^, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M03-0013 -35,a -oxA1 Job Address: 3834 BRIDGE RD VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: 3834 bridge st Applied . . : 02/1812003 ParcelNo...: 2l0llll0l0ll Issued. .: 0212412003 ProjectNo : ?RfO\ -O(cl ( Expires. .: 08/2312003 OWNER Gary Weiss O2/L8/2OO3 Phone: 32L-773-4669 L051 Port Malabar 5 Palm Bay, FL 3290s License: CONTRACTOR HEARTH EXCIIANGE, INC. (rHF,) O2/L9/2OO3 Phone: 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 670 MINN]RN, CO 81545 License : L74-14 APPTTICAIfl| HEjARTH EXCHANGE, INC. (T{E) 02/L8/2003 Phone: 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 670 Mr$nruRN, co 8164 5 License t L74-M Desciption: Installation ofa B vent gas fireplace Valuation: $2,957.00 Fireplace Infomation: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 ri:tt'lil'l*:l+:l'l**,1**ltt:i:r*t*,1****:l:|'l:l:l***t'i+rt'lal****tlt'l*****l++li1*'t*t FEE SUMMARY # ofGas Loes: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> S0.00 AdditionalFees---> g?8 . oo Total Permit Fe€--------> Payments---------> BALANCE DUE._-..-.> Mechanical-> Plan Check-> lnvestigation-> will cal-> $78.00 $0.00 978.00 s78. oo s0. oo $60. 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> 91s . oo DRB Fee-> $0.00 TOTAL FEES-._--> s3.00 IIEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT o2/24/2OO3 JEI( Action: AP ItEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI,TENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. Cond: 22 (Br-,Dc.); COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 Il{C. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 T'II{C, CIIAPTER 10 OF TITE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG. ) : TER!4ITIATE Cond: 29 (BI_,DG. ) : IHE 1997 eond: 31 (BI-,DG.): BOII.,ERS SIIAI,I-, BE MOI'NTED oN FLooRs oF }IoNcoMBusTIBI-,E coNsT. I,NLEss IJISTED FOR MOI'I{IITING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BI-,DG.): PERMIT,PI,ANS A}TD EODE ANAIJYSIS MusT BE PoSTED IN MECHANICAL RooM PRIoR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 GAS APPI-,IANCES SHADTBE VENTED ACCORDING tO CHAPT E AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR CHAPTER ACCESS TO HEATTNG EQUIPMMIT MUST COMPIJY WITH CIIAPTER I'UC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. A}ID SIIAIJL 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. 3 AND S8C.1017 0F (BI,DG.): DRAINAGE BOIIJERS SHAI-,L BE SECTION 1004.6 0F OF MECHANICAI, ROOMS EONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-I{ATER SUPPLY EQUIPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRATN PER SEC. LO22 OE TIIE 1997 IJMC, OR TIIE 1997 IMC. *t*+:t * +t ++t *'tat a't ***,i 'l.t'*,t* * || *a:l al a+t aa a a*** t DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that allthe information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE B AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET 'lltt****:i**+f l++ 'ilr* ***'}*alf**l + +{'*ar * *a* * +i'} ** *t+ ++ {t* f**'tt+**+++ +{' f,* * + ft+ ** + * ++ t******r*** * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€m€nt *****i***t*++a+a*'t*a't***+*||'i**lt*++*'l'***+***f*+*+******t***t+tt+**a*ttt*'t**********a*tt*+t+a Statement Number: R030003672 Arnount: $78.00 02/24/2OO3L2:50 PM Pa)ment Method: Check Init: IrC Notation: *3864/Hearth Exchange Permit No: M03-0013 TtT)e 3 IUECHAI{ICAIT PERMfT Parcel No: 210111101011 Site Addresg: 3834 BRIDGE P.D VAIIJ Location: 3834 bridge et Total Fees: 9?8.00 ThiE Palment: $78 .00 Total Al,L Prnts: $78 . 00 BaLance: 50.00 't*'i*+ + * * + * * *** *** ***t * ++ * + I Irt*'rr.t++t +* * * *t t tt *++ + +t*** * *t **f,+ t+ + t*** + t:*:!* * | + + + ++ * * * * + *.**f + ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Curnent Pmts MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 60.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 15.00 t4lc 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 3.00 #: Building Permit # 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Calondo 81657 i{edranical Permlt #: -[7 Permit will not be accepEl wlthout the follourin$ Roon tayo rl n at Dlrncndo Duct Size a 3si SFec Sh COMRACTOR TMORMATION MechanicatContracbF-/tn &J*-L,--Town of Vail Reg. No.:/74'r//Contact and Phone #'s: 1 ,V-f q 27- ?/ 2Z / ,ac 7- 44o-) tAnr]a ,t coMPtETErO. r&Materiats) I urqnnrcer.: g A "f7.d I Parcef # 27e/ ///6 /l-p. ailed descriptbn of woilf ht/a//oy'ron a,/<B'll/c.r 6-, fi,nny'o !/orkClass: ttew() Addtdon( ) Attentiq!( ) Repah( ) 0drer( ) Boiler location: Interior ( ) -E terio( mu. ( )Does an EHU edst at $b location: yes ( ) tto t t TypeofBldg: slngte-hmilytx) Duplex( l r't"lu-hrilyr ) com.rEEial( ) nrsnunnt( ) oher( ) No. of &isdng Drrudling UniB in this buildh;No. d Acorrnodatbn Untts in thE building: Yryp" t""ph* pr*"o o-; Isthbaco F: /cyaFm/ forms/rnrd: pcrm Y:lt|trtrf :f ***!r!r**rttli.r3|trr:r***r***rr*,t****rt*******!t*!*t *:t*****FOR TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8r657 970-479-2138 #o*tru*r oF coMMriNr* orurro?**, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M03-0015 'bt -o4q? (Y\o3-oo (3 Job Address: 3834 BzuDGE RD VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: 3838 BRIDGE ROAD Applied . . : 0211912003 ParcelNo...: 2l0l1ll0l0ll Issued. .: 02121/2003 ProjectNo : I,RSO\ -O(1 \ Expires. .: 0812012003 OIINER Gary Weiss 02/J.9/2O03 phone: 32L-773-4669 L05l- Port Malalcar 5 Palm Bay, FLr 32905 Li.cense: eoMrRAcToR BEAVER CREEK PITUMBTNG & HEAT02/19/2OO3 phone: 97O-47L-485O P.O. BOX 625 AVON, CO 8L620 L,icense : 141- P APPI.,ICANT BEAVER CREEK PIJI]I,fBING & HEATO2/].9/2003 PhONC: 970-47L-4850 P.O. BOX 62s AVON, CO 81620 Iricense : 14 1- - P Desciption: INSTALL DOMESTIC HEAT Valuation: $10.000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 so. 0o ToTA! FEES------> 3253 . o0 Total Permit Fee-> 5253 . 0O PaymentS+ 5253.00 Mechanical-> 5200-00 Restuarant Plan Reyiew->S0 . 00 Total Calculated Fees-> 5253 - 00 Plan Check-> Investigation-> will ca -> 550.00 DRB Fce -$o. oo Additional Fees--_>s0. 00 s3.00 BALr{{CE DUE->$0. 00 Itsem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARITT{ENT o2/2o/2oo3 cdavis Action: AP ITCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BIJDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. Cond: 22 (BLDG. ) : COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 199? IIMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BtDc. ) : INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTIJRES INSIRUCTIONS AND TO CIIAPTER 1-O OF TI{E 1997 I'MC, EHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (Br.,Dc. ) : GAS APPLTAIICEs "trac"" vBITED AccoR.DrNG To cHApTER 8 AND sHAr.r. TERMTNATE AS SPECIF'IED IN SEC.8O6 OF TIIE 1997 I'MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENI MUST COMPITY WITH CIAPTER 3 Al{D SEC.1O17 OF THE 1.997 I'MC AIiID CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOIJNIED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. IINL,ESS IJISTED FOR MOI'NTTNG ON COMBUSTIBLE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BI-,DG.): PERMIT,PLANS AllD CODE ANAI-,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI-, ROOM PRIOR TO Al.I INSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BI-'DG.): DRAII.IAGE OF MECHANICAI, ROOMS CoNTAINING HEATING OR HoT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SIALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 1022 OF TI{E 1997 I'MC' OR ::::f.i:31;l.--"j-"lT.''.'1i.]-]jl;'+t**|'*|**||l*|:r'|tt.titl*|,||**|*****t|,}|lt'i.'|'||t*t.**lt*.'++*||||i. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information .!s required is corect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHOI,IE AT 4?9-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. l\t---.+. SICNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ApprrcATroN l' no, BE AccEprED rr rn"orr.rrl* Permit will not be accepted without the following: ical Permit #: 79-2119 (Inspections) mvnuFuln 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 to scale to include: tr o D D Duct Gas Li ttt Spec CONTRACTOR INFORMATION contact and Phone #'s: E-Mail Address: COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT labor & Materials usE oNLY*'F*************************** Parcel Conta.t Eagle Coanty As$ssots Office a Parcel # rob Name: Gney \r..tSrsS robAddress: 3Bs,tRbG Rl LegalDescription ll Lot ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: owners Nrtrca\rsr s ll ndoress: bs\'P"* t\nlon^" t li Pho'."' 3A.,r 'll] \t^Lq Engineer: AISFZ Add'F{uqo ili r-+}+ llPhone: BuS lA to Detailed description of work: r brsaBrla Ll€ff WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) BoilerLocation: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buiHing:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: NoffvoeofFireo|acesExistinq:GasApp|iances()GasLoss()w NofType of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) @ fneplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( *** ** ** * * * * * ** ** *** * * *** FOR OFFICE \Wait\d&rB\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\M ECHPERM. DOC 01t26t2002 \ucisS ?bbtTtott 3B38fR'\bcB Rs \*t't*'g[57 I RF Vsiu €ru,ry:TYl Bor''+e.(cnn( C"r s d r-gNl ?*r=. Lo*s* .\t \ Henst \tG fgr:,'r '/ail OFFI JOPY 3r, I 5 I \ /.> bt\s;r,rs :Enn (*r, *v^=) r trl $ DF40n 16< F€ESA AR V.r.it'Ee + PVr- \)s J-ouc's Ot^T:3 tE>G \,twA\-l- CotUCgfe tt-sFofntn "flfPROVED r-rN r U AbR"; \ ffi*#J*Jfr , ?;H3.**.rhrdrty,or p",mia rhe issueco $#|f, 1,i*u';'#ffi ffiru{iitr*,,trtr;#.'s*:r##H*:*Hgqrx*,x;r*,#ii, J":ffi :j Tlottcr ontiaance or ge ; uj fi:"j'8H&s aad orher Cao shalt ss;i TL:rf:::; j:F "?:::'['jf, JH :1.ots r'n se,id phs. .,::{;; ::'i"li-Ijlll.I9"'n"t ,:" .flr"I-ifi or ff :iI: "" 5 1i *. rrri$, t.:'. il"i'"|", 1 :: l- T' -.:' : 1,'. : u"i-riiog R*,e*.VE,JER (*,* t*ti 8'>ep \o'iriup -1,U$Fr (J-[€ ooo BfU whea rn ricl:.::r cr;;;.;r#lrll? ;303 781 7362 #2/5 bgts. AbbrlR-O CornbustionA irS CAS-6 and CAS-7 The Fan-in-a-Drumh is a corrrmercial f product designed to dellver combustion air Into the tnechanical room, boller room or rurnace location to overcome a conflned space or inadequate alr suppty. Fan-in-a-Drum," Assemblv st Fan-in-a-Drum'"StarKap'' @D. EGlfl*msomprE l /hen the trermostal calls for heat, the Fan-in-a-Drum* engages anct begins drawing outside alr Into the structure. When alr flow is establishe4 the cAS allows the bqrner to acilvate. The Fan_in-a-Drumn <llffuses tfle outside alr lnto the roonr near the bumer to ensLlrc air supply and promote efficient combusiion. Max. Equivalent Lenglh of Ripe lrrctud ingStarlGp* CA96OIL 'kph)CAs{ GAS (BTUzhr)S duct 10P duct I 420,000 410 '1253 3.25 n55.000 344 '| 05l 1.5 490,000 291 890 5.15 )zJ,vw 249 760 4 560,O00 214 653 4.25 595,000 185 584 .+.f 630.000 ' -tl 489 ' 665,000 'r39 424 5 ToQoso 121 369 5.25 77S,OO0 105 805,000 ]J 241 6.25 875,000 s8 lro 6.50 910,000 49 't51 cA970U- (eph) CAgTCAS IBTU/hr)10. duct 12'duct 6 840,000 469 1167 4,5 -9ro,000 3El 948 98O,0OO 5r I 776 /,J 'r,050.000 z)o 637 8.25 1,155,000 191 476 9 1,260,000 142 354 J.I J 1,365.000 104 260 lu.5 1,470,000 74 186 11.25 1,57s.000 5l 127 1,680,000 3i I6 ',.75 '1,785,000 39 12.88 1,803,000 'r3 33 r-z+-uJ, 1 ;uvPt\4;Mcuoy sa les ;303 78r 7362 "# 3/ 5 o PVPowerVenters Venters for Oil & Gas) (lndoor Mounted Power ..r.'::\i?.' \ 'trijr" Acc€$ories sWH Vent tloods Designed for standard vent pipe and qass e gpe doublewall {B-Vent} connection. liovides proper clearance belween tlde gas strcam and wall combustf bles. Available in 3' lhrough 8' slzes gee p\ge 2l lor vent hoods), Mc-l Series Drdft Conlrol : Required for B0+ draft Induced systenl applications. Available in 4' through 9' slzes lsec poge 33). CK-2oF/HWK Watcr He er conhol (Requi,ted Jor cevstung resldutlol woter heaters.) Provides all system control components required to utilize the Freld power Venter with nalural gas or LP. gas mllllvolt water heater, inctuding safety inlerlock {ontrols. 'lhis kit allows you to co.vcnt a lesldential waler heater wilh a furnace or boller. T}e Indoor mounted PVG and PVO Power Venl.ers provide an economlcal power venting system for gas and oil appliances. All controls are bullt lnlo these units. A Vent llood is required to terminate the vent system (see page 21). cK20f/HwK 'MC-1 1. Thermostat or aquastat calts for heat and starts the Power Venter. 2, The Pressure switdr senses sufflclent alr flow and allows bunibr(s) tb start. 3. The Power Venter dfaws combustion air through the system and foices gases outside through an extemal Vent Hood. 4. Draft Hood or Barometric Draft Control between the appliance(s) and the Power Venter maintalns conslstent alr flow. 5. After tlre thermostat is satisfied, ihe burner stluts down and the Post Purge Control clears the ventlng systenr of (ombustion gases. 6. The Power Venter shuts down. Powct Venter Co-ventinB: Use CK2OF/}|WK (Flqmre|g3"osEt I -24-U3 i 1 : U9P[4;Mc00y Se I es o ;303 78r 7362 # 4/ 5 ControlKrfs SWG Power Venter) (Required to Operate $ Control Klts (ClQ control the operation of sWG Power Venters. see. the chart below to select the proper klt for your appltcatlon. Control Kits can also conlrol the operation of Field Draft Inducers (see page 28). Appllcatlolr Control KiE arc ETL opryoved ac@so s5 when used ln conjunclion with thc ,WG Power Vmtsr. F a Fked Pod Purge CK-41 F nounted at ventor- Fof usc with a 24 VAC gas fired sysletn (shown wlth the cDver of0_ CK-53 remote mounled (up to 100 feet from venter). For use with 120 VAC oll llrcd systemg, Elcctronlc post purge ls Incluoed (shown wlth cover oto, AII oll flrcd syslcms- Has thermally activated post purge. One appliance using an R8lB4G (ont.ol {May requlre optlonal clelay oll valve for slmultaneous bumer operation). 30 milllvolt gas lired waler lreaters and gas {lred pool or spa heateri wlth a manual or lnternally mounted tlrermostat- Gas fired instantaneous water heaters with a pressure tap port h the bumer manitold. Fumaces, boilers, unit heaters and water heatefs opefating with a 24 VAC gas valve wlthout tactory mounied splllage -swllches- prafl Induccd 24 VAC gas Valve syslems. Includes a 4" Mc-l draft control and post purge, 750 mllllvoit operated bollcrs, fumaces, waler healers, pool or spa heaters and Fds fired flreplaces when operated wltlr a remote mounled thermostat or on/ofl swltch. Operated off a 24 VAC circuit, Gas fired draft induced 24 VAC gas valve systems and a 30 mllllvolt operated waler hcater- Includes a 4" MC-1 drafl. controt and posi purge, Gas tlrcd fumace or boiler and a 30 millivolt operated water heater. Includes po$ Purge. flgw+slesIE ;303 781 7362 # 5/ 5 nters (lndoor Mounted power Venters for Oil & Gas) Maxlrnqm Equivalent Horizontat pipe Langlt,1 (Fuil pvc-l00 PVGPAK-rOO' f 5e page 14Ior calatto ng Eoulvatent Ieet ' PVG PAKs inclutje o povrcr Ventet, a 4- MG.I Drofr ConI@|, and a 4- Vpnt Hood_" PVE-tz?o requires o CK-RL See poge 14,l* W*, tl l,-l l_Jt I I ll F------r'i ltilfr 't r._ll p-).--., Specifications l*f- H f tur catcutoung equlvotentfeet sec poge 14. ', PVE 1 2OO requircs o C,K-K!L Sce poge V >ele(l venter accordlng to lhe octuol rated mdximu,n Gpll InpuL Cpt l rdtrngs al IOO pst, Da lot s<(eed moxltnum o GpH lnDut_ uryn DEMTN.StONS ltNcHESl El [/-rcr. Models HelAht wdth Deptll Oullcl Volts tHr-IRFM T;;;Therm- P,oi,PVE-] oo 7.50 1-t J 7.00 4.oo 60 3000 2.1 YES 7,00 4.O0 60 3000 2.7 YES PVE-6OO 8.75 8.50 500 6o a 000 yE5 13.75 11.50 13.50 8.o0 17SO Maxtnum Eguivaleot Horizontal pipe Length (Feet)t (: , il@nrl.ocgb[* Page 2 of 13 '@* Crn,n I SS Ar}tri-B I It"l,.ld*.1:.g1. ETL LISTED power venter to be used for side wail venting of a :,lSl: ,1yA9,controiled furnace, boiter, or w"te, f,"at", which burns natural or f l-r^ll -|l: ?-",c ryv 3Lso p.g uSed to vent a sinste-i+vnc ""ntiotua g"" nrJ rurnace of botter and a 30 millivolt residential gas fired water heater. .-1. .!D^rF.9 pvG-i0o, 300, or 600 POWER VENTER wilh pre_wired integraf 24 VAC Relay/Timer, factory set Draft eroving Switch, and direct accessi Terminal Blocks. . Side Wall Vent Hood (Not.inctydgO). . Spill Switches (Not inctuded). Barcimetric Draft Control (Not Included) CoNTENTS System Operation . Power Venter Sizing Installation Safety Instructions Installation of Power Venter General Wiring Instructions Airflow Adjustments Adjusting Thermostat Anticioator General Installation Inspection System Control Check procedures Troubleshooting Tips Maintenance Replacement Parts List Multiple Venting Systems Venting System Operational Information Installation Information PAGE t 34 r+-5 5-6 7 I 8 A o o o 10-1 1 12 tz DO NOT DESTROY ETL LISTED PVG-1 OO, 3OO, integral 24 VAC Relay/Timer, accessi Terminal Blocks. THESE INSTRUC ffi _.?630 41po!Ioad . Ktnsren, 116 265914 plrooe; z52-m!303 1 . rMt isz.s22-di14 rll4$fleldmnfioF,cam Page 3 of 13 uHlT spictflpRnoNs lsee Tabte 1 and Figure 1) Table 1 Figure 1 STDEWALL VENT HooDs (MoDEL swH-1) sidewalt vent hoods are avail?ble in the following sizes. The vent hood should be chosen that matches the outtet size of rhe power Venrer. ts"E Fiqur" 2) Noii:' t;e;'itiff aiturent sizes consider reducers and specific size pipe *n n' aiiuriinng eguivarent lergth of vent pipe.SWH-1-3 - 3 inch SWH-14 - 4 inch SWH-1-5 - 5 inch SWH-1-6 - 6 inch SWH-1-8 - 8 inch SYSTEM OPERATION 1' The thermostat (wall thermostat, or aquastat) calls for heat and.energizes a reray which activates the power venter.l,i:Tlf"5liilI;tilj"" "".e ,p to speeJl thi p,""rur. switch ctois. rhis comptetes *," "ir.ritio tne burner and ' n'":t'L"jtoT;t:?'|.,.:J""r heaters, the sas pressure switch on the sas vatve acrivares the power venter at the same t flfti:r::ating requirement has been satisfied, the thermostat circuit will open and de-activate the burner ano power t l#ffitr?ff;S:: *"'i"'es to run the power venter for a period of time after rhe burner has shut off to purge Figure 2 lnlet and outlet dlameter. Page 2 rrrr€. I r..9.9z' .1|vl Page 4 of '13 POVYER VENTER StZtNG In order to choose the correot,size power venter for a particular installation, the total input firing rate and total equivalent length of vent pipe to be usid. must- b.e known. Refer to the following sizing chart to determine the maximum allowable equivalent feet of pipe for edch model used with the pipe diameters-"nownl when venting multiple appliances, add the input of each appliance to determine the total input. Always choose a power venter that is capable of handling more than the system requires. The choke plate can be adjusGd ro compensate for the differenoe. PR'cEDURE FoR CALcuLATTNG TorAL EouTvALENT prpE LENGTH rN FEET (see Tabre 2)1' calculate the total equivalent feet for each type of fitting used in the venting system from the following chart.2. Calculate the total amount of feet for the straight lengths of vent pipe.3' Add the equivalent feet for the fittings with the total amount of feet of straight lengtns. Page 3 Page 5 of l3 o VEnr PIpe FoR VENT PIPE FtTnNGs Eourveler.tr LeNGTH (FEEr) OF Table 3 (See Figure 3)Example:4" to B', reducer, lhe reducer ratio is d/D = 4lB = i,ll. fo estimate the equivarent foot rength for the f tting, use the smafier pipe diameter for the equ.iv^alent length figure. Example..4,, to g,, l."Orl"r;the reducer ratio is 1/2 and the smailer pipe diimeter is 4',. so, from the chart, the equivalent feet would be 7 feet. Example: System pipe Size = 4,' Step 1 2 - 90E Etbows (4',) = 14 Ft. Step 2 10 - 2Ft. Lengths of4" pipe = 20 Ft Step 3 Total Equivalent Feet = 14 Ft. + 20 Ft. = 34 Ft. INSTALLATION SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS cAUTfoN: This device n ust, !3 installed by a qualified installer in accordance with the manufacturer,s instaltation instructions' Appliances should have a miniium or zsy" comoistioi .nii.riy or have a maximum measurd ftue gas temperature of Sfr,F at the intet of the venter. l The.power venting system must be installed by a qualified installer. "Qualified Installer,, shall mean an individual who h99 be91 properly trained or a licensed installer. The installer must write or imprint his name, phone number and date of installation on the installation tag. The tag should be "ttu"hei io ir'r. power venter unit, Recording burner and venting system initial oper:ational information is recommendec "s a guiJ. r;r service or urrn"r trn"-up. Enter gris on the back page of this manuat. 2' Safety inspection of a venting ^system should be performed before and after installing a power venting system on an existing or new appliance. Procedures to follow are those recommended by -the ' National 'iu-el Gas Code,A'N'S 1.2223.1 or refer to the "General Installation Inspection" section oith[ manual.3 Plan the vent system layout before installation to avoid lhe possibility of accidental contact with concealed wiring or plumbing inside walls. 4' single.wall vent pipe ma.1 ,be used. to join an applianc-e to {he venting system, but if proper clearances cannot be maintained from combustible materials, class B Vent Pipe shoulJ be -r"JJ iot gas appliances, Refer to national or local codes for guidelines. 5' Disconnect power supply before making wiring connections to prevent electrical shock and equipment damage.6' This equipment is designed to overcome minor negative pressure conditions. To ensure extreme negative pressure does not exist, follow the "General Installation Inspeition" section of this r.nuu,.7' Heating appliances eo1r1n9d with. draft hoods, such as boilers or furnaces, Lp and natural gas appliances SHoULD have a secondary spillage switch installed. on appliances without draft noous, it is recommjndea'tnai tne secondary safety switch GSK-3 be irlstalled into the system. Gas-fired so miirivoii p"*er systems MUST be equipped with a spillage switch. 8.Air,flow.adjustment MUSI be.made to ensure appliance efficiency. This should be done at lhe appliance exhaust outlet with a velocitv t"t?l jl3jl -s-.uge or by t'he imatch test piocedure". The match test is in accordance with National Fuel Gas Code A.,N.S,l.ZZiS.tlSection e'.0-. on heating appliances not equipped with.a draft hood, a barometric draft control MUST be installed to regulate proper air flow and fluctuations in the system's air.flow durinj operation. Fluctuations can come from wind loads on the outlet of the venter, house depressurization qyring windy ?ays and the different house ventilation requirements between summer and winter operation. Use a Fieldbontrols Type MG-1 B;;;;;tric-oln control. Gas-fired draft induced systems should have a single-acting or double-acting baromelric draft control installed. 9. Reducer or increaser ratio (d/D) smail diameter divided by the rarger diameter. Figure 3 Page 4 SWG SERIES POVTER VENTER INSTALA]ION LOCATIoI{S SllfG Sciee Pow V'lbr Mud Be At LrB{ 1 Foot Abow Doorc Or Wndou!, SUre Sii.6 Powr VglE MuBt Bs ltlcrnbd Al Lssst 3 Fe€t F]un Indde Cqnan SwGScig3Powr Vdrbr Mu6t Bc Al Lsst 7 Fa6t AbovE Pubh Wsll(rayr. SVIIG Series Poue VqrlEr Musl Be Al L6ad 3 Fi€t Abor€ Any Ou!*& Ab lntfte lrllhh 10 Faet S\,\€ Sslo8 Pows Vdrbr Murt Be A Leart,{ Feot To Ihe g& Of Aty Doors Or lrhdrya SWG S*i6s PDw€r Venh Mu3tB6 MdfiH At Least I Foot Abova Fhllhod qrd€. SWG Sdl.s PoUer Ver|b !tust fu A Leart ,l F€€l Bdow \ryindoy6. I nrE. | .,z,J.J4 l1|VI Page 6 of 13 Diagram A o 2.. cAUTloN: Failure to install,...maintain .and/or operate the power venting system in accordance with manufacturer,s instructions will result in conditions which may produce bdily'injury anabr firoferty aamage.1' Remove power venter fror,n box and inspect unit for damage. lf the cartrcn has been crushed or mutilated, check unit v-ery carefully for damage. Rotate venter wheel to insure that the motor and ventli wheet rotate freety. do'rubf instatt if any damage is apparent. Refer to unit sizing chart to check proper u"niing "iring.Location of the termination of the venting system should be installed in accordance with the National Fuel Gas code,A'N's'l'2233.1, manufacturer's recomriendations, and/or local codes whiih are applicable. see the following requirements or refer to Diagram A for typical locations. a' The exit termination of mechanical draft systems shall not be less than 7'above grade when located adjacent to public walkways.b. A venting system shall'terminate at least 3' above any forced air inlet located within 10,.c' I ne venting system of other than a direct vent appliance shall terminate at least 4' below, 4, horizontally from, or 1 '. above any door, windolv, or gravity air inlet into ihe building.d' The vent termination of a direct vent appliance with an inputof 50,000 BTU/Hror less, shall be located at least 9,,from.any opening through..which vented gases could enter the bulbing. With an input over 50,000 BTU/Hr, a 12'termination olearance shall be required. INSTALLATION OF POWER VENTER g' It" vent termination ppint shall not be installed closer than 3' from an inside corner of an L-shaped strucrure.f. The vent terminatiOn should not be mounted direcflv ahnvo nr within ?' Frnri:anra rr rrn* ^^ ^ir r^-r-.,^^. ^meter. ihould not be mounted direclly above or wilhin 3, horizontally from an oil tank vent or gas CENTER \ENTHOOD IN HON-E THROUGH WAL w tt sEcltoti llrRoucH wAl VENT HOOD \€NTHOOD INiER PIPE \GXr HOOO CI,IER PFE WAI SEGNON DISCHARGE MUST POINT DOIV{WAD DO NOT ENCLO€E Figure 4 g. The bottom of the vent terminal shall be located at least 12" above finished grade. S|DE WALL VEl,tr HooD lNsrALLAnoN 1. Use the inside wall plate as a template to mark the hole location. Cut a hole 1 inch larger than the marked hole to facilitate 'easy installation (See Figure 4) 2. Center vent hood throughlthe hole from outside. Fasten lhe vent hood to tfie outside wall with the appropriate type of mounting screws. Page 5 Fasten the wall end p!?!{9 the inside wall with the appropriate iype ot moun.ting screws. NOTE: Apply sea/bnt to the outsidd mwniing plate of the vent hood to prevent leakage. Connect the venter outlei or a properly sized section of vent pipe onto the inner pipe of the vent'hood. -Fasten the connection with three sheet metal screws or equivalent fastening method. Seal the vent hood inlet bonnection and any other vent pipe joinls on lhe outlet side of.the venter with an appioved high temperature silicone adhesive sealant or equivalent material. NOTE: Do not enclose fhe space between fhe p/afes on the outside of the vent had or betwean th6 inner and wtei pipe of the vent hood.This might cause overheating, o! the wall structuie. Local codes might require fencing around the vent h@d outtet. VENTER LocnloN lnstall the power venter onto the vent hood inlet or as close ro the vent hood inlet as possible. Alwajrs install the venter such that the motor shaft is horizontal and the pressure switch diaphragm is vertical (see Figure 5) When venting a draft induced gas fiied h-eating appliance a barometric draft conr'or must be installed on the vent syJtem between the appliance outlet and the venter inlet. (See Figure 6) Page 7 of l3 OLT'TE ORE TED HOn|ZOI{T'I.LY PRE9SI RE Sy\tTCtl DI'PIfiA' MI.,37 BE \iERIICA MOTOR SH,.FT HORId{TA Figure 5 TO \EI{]ER SAROiFTRC OR'FT oot|lROL Figure 6 4 ljltl9^I:I_t-0,?1ti !:!lta':]h?yld nevgr f i.ns!?tted with the motor shaft in the vetticar wsition. rhis coutd attow heat r:!!:3 y.:?: ?tj39h,the yenter intet !ir*!!y to me ouait a ne i.z,ti$ awi";;."4:i;,";'i,tiiili##'i'ir;;i;"'rf;:E;;Z between the venter housing and combustibre materiars must be maintained. CoNNEcTtNG VENTER To THE FLUE ptpE NOTE: Ihe wwer venter shoutd be supported in accordance with National Fuel Gas code 2223.1, section 7.910 as follows; A vent connector shal! be supported for the design and weig ht of the material employed to maintain clearances aN to prevent physical danage and separation of joints. NOTE: For gas fired heating appliances betvveen the heating apptiance exnausf operation. not equipped with a draft hood, a barometric drafr control must be instatted outlet and the power venter inret to regurate any draft ftuctuations durino GE(3 sP|ll. slftTcH Figure 7 1' Use approved vent connectors to join the heating appliance outlet to the venter Inlet securing each joint with sheet metal screws or equivalent means of fastening whln required.2' Seal all pipe joints on the outlet side of the venter with a high temperature silicone adhesive or equivalent. Test the vent connections for leaks by using a soap solution as recommended by the National ruei ca. c"ailnLrr.s.r. 2223.1,Section 4.1 .1. opnoNAL GsK-3 ExHAUsr GAs S'TLLAGE DETE.T.R swtrcH rr*rsrnLlAno' NorE: /nsta//a tion of the GSK-3 seconda ry safety swtch ls recommended for LP.and Natural gas tired apprtances with a draft'hod. rhrs swdch wiil d;bct exhausf gas spr'//age out of the, draft hood due to a brocked vent system and/or i1t1deW9te.. drafr during opdration lMen this "*rff, "ense, "iitASe ;t interrupts the paner supply to the gas valve which terminates the burner operation. 1' Mount the GSK-3 on ihe .fower edge of the draft hood with the exposed thermal disk directed into the draft hood (See Figure 7)2. Route the electricar wires arong the heating appriance cabinet within an acc.epted wiring encrosure in accordance with the Naiionar Erectricar code and_ any applicable local codes. Keep the wires away from any Hdi surfaces. 3' Wire the switch into the, row vortage thermostat circuit. Refer to the appropriate wiring diagram in this manual.4' Afler installation, check thq amperage through the thermostat circuit and adjust the anticipator if necessary.cAUTfoN: rhe GSK-3 is a manual rese-f swltch. lnvestigate the system thord)ghty for the cause of any shut down and cotrect the problem before resefting fhe GSK-3 and restarting the systei. Page 6 r |||lt', I t.zJ:.rz Atvl Page 8 of 13 GENERAL WIRING INSTRUCTTONS CAUTfON: Disconnet electrical power before wiring.power venter! connect line voltage (1101120.VAC) through junction box access hole labelled "120 VAc Only,,. Connect tow vottage control wiring through junctiori box access hole labelled ,.24 VAC Control Wirini Only,,. VENTER 'fi,f USf eE CnOUNDEDI Check ground circuit to make certain that venter has been properly grounded. The wiring must be protected by an over current protection circuit such as a fuse or circuit breaker rateo at 1s amperes. preve-nt wiring contact with 'any heat source Wire the venter in accordance with the National Electrical Code ani applicable local coies. Refer to Diagram B for proper wiring specifications. 21 VF FUR'{^CE litrtH LOW VS.TAGE I€RMOSTAT Ar{D TERTIINA 9IhIP. ttattc tutltic LI mtTa[En rcaEs fio"e 2' VAC FURN'CE IAIIH LOW \OLT OE IIIERI|GTAT 0ro lERlr A stRtP) 24 VAC BOL€R I1IIH A(IJASTAT RAAY. 7-1rrtxf"* FRor$ p\G TEFMNA lil L_. f -t:l.lsl FRSI 2'VAC NEUTRA FRo' pr,E rE',.r{a rir EWFI -- T'rprca sprRK __-r_t_]zrv l/,- tcr{tno MmuLE m$r 21VlrC nErrTRA FROII ZV'C T|EUIRA FRS' P\/10 IERMINA N' FOLLO!/Y lHE DIACRIf,IB AAOIE T4HE}I II/IRING IN rPFU^I{CE l\allct{ HAs AsprRX tc{Itofl uoouLE S:I,BSnIUIE ]}tE tG nfi titOULE FOR ll€ GAs VAVE StOTlN N THE IURING DIAGRAI& Diagram B Page 7 Page I of 13 Disconnect one side of the lhermostat circuit a*t rhe gas varve or burner conlrol, and connect an ampere meter into the circu'it. Witfr tfre sysGm lLi.i.1g,, take an amperage reading on the circuit. Check the nameplate or Insrruc0ons tor the thermostat to obtain the proper amperage level, Adjust amperage level by moving the anticipator lever. Reconnect the thermoitat [o lne gas valve and start the system operating. Time the burn cycles and adjust as follows; To make the cycle time longier, increase the amount on the anticipator (Example:.4S to .5 Amps); to decrease cycle time, reduce the amount on the anticipator. (Exampie: ,45 to .3 Amps) lSee Figure g) AIR FLOWADJUSTMENTS lf connecting the Power Venter system to a gas appliance with a lL:rry:t"l anticipator,- .pfe1 to the foilowins t6 mak6 adjustments. 6. Test for exhaust gas spillage at the draft hood or the Durner operation. Use a draft meter or flame or smoke 1. To properly adjust the venter air flow, roosen the inret ring screws and open the choke plate approximatery 1/-2 lo 3t4 open. (see FigurJ 1o) start the ieating appliance following the manufacturer specified procedure, and set the thermostat to call for heat. 2. After the system has operated for severar minutes to stabirize the exhaust gas temperature, check for aii flow at the draft hood or the heating apptiance outtet using a velocity meter, draft meter, or match test proceoure. 3. Adjust the venter choke plate inward or outward to obiain the minimum draft necessary to maintain venting. Then increase the draft srightry (Approximatery 10% over minimum frow l'ate) to ensure proper venting duiing Lny'variuiions in venter performance, such as wind load or house depressurization.4. s_ecure_ the choke prate into position by tightening the screws on the inret coflar (See Figure 9) Follow.recommerded procedures. for safety inspection of a heating appliance in accordance with the National Fuel Gas code A'N S l' 2223 '1 The following proceiure'will help in evaluation'of the venting system. lt is intended as a guide to aid in determining that the appliance is properly installed and is in a safs condition for continuous use. This is a generalized procedure which cannot anticipate ali situaiions. Accordingly, in some cases deviation from thrs procedure may be necessary to determine safe operation of the equipment. lf it iJdebrmined that a condition which could result in unsafe operation exists, ihe appliance should be shut off and the owner "Jui""o of the unsafe conditions, corrections must be made prior to allowing continuous operation. The followinjsi";= "h*6t" taken in making a safety inspection.1' Visually inspect the ventipg system for proper size and determine that there is no blockage, restriction, leakage,corrosion, or other deficiencies which couid cause unsafe operation.2' To the extent possible, close all building doors, windows, and all doors to the room in which the heating appliance is located' Turn on clothes dryers and any exhaust fans- so *rui ir'"v opl-rute at maximum speed. Do nor operate a summer exhaust fan' Also close alllireplace dampers. lf after completin'g ;t";" 3 through z it is uetievea that sufficient ;:il!ifi::: air is not available, refer io the National Fuel Gas i"a" X.r.r.-sr. 2223.1 or unv ro""i.oo"s for proper 3' Place the appliance being inspected into operation. Follow the lighting instructions and adjust the thermostat so that the heating appliance will operate continuously. 4' Determine that the burner is operating properly and that the main burner ignition functions satisfactorily, by interrupting lhe electrical Bower of,the "ipii"n" in any safely "onu"ni"ni r.nner. Test the burner safety device to determine if it is operating properly by extinguishing the pilot oi ai""onn""iing th. flur" ".r.tv "ii"rit. -- 5' Visually determine that the main burner is burning properly, i.e. no floating, lifting, or flashbacks. Adjust the primary air shutter as required by lhe appliance manufactuier. ti the apptiance is "luipp.o with high and low flame controt or flame modulation, check for proper main burner oferation at both flame revers rHERfrlOSTAT A{llCtPATOR TNCREASE /cYcrE I 'IrME I \ orcnerse \ cYcE I rME AIiPERABE INDICATOR (MO!E [e{caToR ro MA]CII q'RRENT RA'IINO OF PRIUARY COMTROL) INDICATOR AOJ'SIIiIENT Figure 8 barometric draft control after approximately S minutes of main from match, candle or cigarette. room so that they operate at their maximum capacity. Then repeat dampers, and any other fuel burning appliances to 7. Turn on all fuel burning appliances within the same Steps 5 and 6, 8. Return all doors, windows, exhaust fans, fireplace condition.their CHOIG PLA'IE Z- tNt"ET COLL|R PLATE MO\EMENT Figure 9 Page 6 prevrous r.r.e. I r.aJ.Jz ntvl Page 10 of 13 pressure switch should which should allow the SYSTEM CONTROL CHECK PROCEDURES 1' Adjust the thermostat to call for heat and observe the power venting system for proper operation sequence. Repeat as necessary. a. Thermostat calls for heat.b. Venter relay is energized which starts venter motor.o. Pressure switch closds which allows burner to fire.d, Thermostat is satisfied, burner stops operation.e. venter continues to operate for up to 2 minutes during the post purge cycre.2' While the system is in operation, disconnect the draft tube from the air pressure switch. The open and interrupt burner operation, Re-connect the draft tube to Ge''aiipr"ssure switch burner relight. 3' lf a,GSK-3 secondary safety switch is installed, allow the vent pipe to cool and disconnect the vent pipe between the appliance oullet and venter inlet. Block the vent connected to the appliancu *ith u non-combustible material. Activate the heating system main burner and verify that the GSK-3 shuts down the burner within a few minutes or less, Reset the GSK-3 and repeat. TROUBLESHOOTTNG TIPS . 1 . Burner does not fire when thermostat calls for heat.a, Make sure draft tube is securely fastened to the air pressure switch, and is not blocked.b. check for continuity aiross pressure switch r,erminais when venter i" op"iuung.c. Check wiring connections between air pressure switch and appliance, ' -' 2. Venter does not activate when thermostat calls for heat.a. Check to see if relay qloses when thermostat calls for heat.b. Check wiring connections.c. Check motor for unrestricted shaft rotalion.3. Exhaust gas odor. a. Check system draft level during operation.b. Check vent system on outlet side of venter for leaxage.c. Check for negative prdssure in building. MAINTENANCE 1' Motor: Inspect the motor once a year - motor sho-uld -rotate freely. To prolong the life of the motor, it must be lubricated with six drops of SWG Superlube, partlt46126200, ;nil;ily, - "' 2' llowyr Wheel Inspect the blower wheel annually to clear any soot, ash or coating which inhibits either rotation or air flow. Remove all foreign materials before operating.3' 5::*I"13'["f^"f,,^1,^Y:1,^.^.:1:lil",?nnually for loosene.ss, for evidence of corrosion and for flue sas teakase. lill"":l::ll::'Ji9I,:1.?i?",.gnnecrionsjf necessary. check rhe p;*;;;;;i;,;#;ili;?jn#;i i"?Ift?in place. check lhe barometric draft control, if installed, to insure the glte swings-iree,y.o ""J;f1^t?I:t{:^,"::"?""1^*f[.,t" lr3filo syslem operatins disconnect the pressure sensins tube from the pressure X131;:^H..v^""p':.1$ *:.,11..1 thie bumer dpeiidn. R;:;;;;;ff;.j["'"]iil'iSiiii'di'i'J;"",i'ffii; 31lll,^l5l1!l3 y,"l?l: disconnecione read or tne siir swii;h ;;;;il};; ilffi;;"*;jilj'i,li,="ri#'utiliiil should shut off the pilot and the burner. Re-connection wiil ailow reJighting oi irre pitot. The following items are availadle for replacement, if necessarv. Blower Wheel 24 VAC Relay LO n/|,u Ln plF verun Ha svsrqrvts 1. To vent a 24 YAC controlied boiler or furnace and a 30 millivolt residential water heater dsing one pVG power venter refer to the following. a. Follow the instructions for safe and proper venting previously specified in this manual. Make sure that the combined gross BTU/Hr input and equivalent vent pipe length does not excebd the maximum venting capaciiy of the venter selected.b. An HWK control kit M UST be added to the system to properly control the venter during operation of tire water heater. Refer to Figqre 10 and Diagram C for vent pipe arrangement and wirihg information. 2. To- vent two 24 VAC appliances using one pVG power venter refer to the following. a. Follow the instructions for safe and proper ventino previously specified in this manual, Make sure that th6 combined gross BTU/Hr input and equivalent vent pipe length does not exceed the maximum venting capacity of the venter selected.b' A cK4't Control Kit must be added to the system to properly control the venter when common venting an additional 24 vAC furnace or boiler' Tee the draft tube on tne pVe unit to connect to lhe air pressure switch on the Control Kit. Refer to Diagram C for wiring instructions. Page 1t of 13 TY?ICII- I/EI'IT PIPE ARRAI{GEIIENT FOR ITULIIPTE IPPLIAT{CE VEN]TNO WAIER HEAIER FI'RNACE ffi, BC|IER WA'IER HEA'IER IENT @I{NECNoI{ NrO Coi,MON EREECII SHOUTD BE BETITEEN FURNACE OR BOIIR A{D 1GNTER NTET Figure 10 Page 10 Pag€ 12 of 13 PVG WRING FOR MULIIPLE 24VAC APPLTAIICES. Sq,E INTERI\IA WRING NOT SHOW{ FOR CL^R|TY. AR PRESSURE SWITCH MOTOR LEAI)S APruA{CE coltNEcTtoNs TERTdNA SIRIP IN 24vrc CONTROL KIT OIt SECOND APFUA{CE PVc WRING FOR A 24VAC Al.tD MILLIVOLT AppLlAl,tCE SOIUE INIERNAL WIRING NOT SHOVYI\I FOR CLARITY. AR PRESSURE SWITCIi GAS PRESSURE SWTTCH ON IILLI\OLT APPUAAICE Dlagram C Paqe 1 1 Page 13 of 13 Date: Heating appliance BTU/Hr inout Gas valve operation $ressure Vent system d raft above draft hood or below barometric draft control C02 measurement CO measurement Appliance outlet flue gas temperarure INSTALLATION INFORMATTON MODEL NO.: INSTALLER'S NAME: INSTALLER'S COMPANY: INSTALLER'S PHONE NO. DATE OF INSIALLATION: PVG a P/N 46246300 Rev E 01/01 -o D +t-o o o an E 3 3 ql e ! o E !, d o. @ - r .l f (,, F o A (9 o)o (o @ t\) ! .8.o o FI CN c 3 3 !t e -rr I oq =tr ut ctt c,c' -{6 - c,D o E to N s, ht o o l9 < (!t E8 qN o 3 ;t QT =o 6_E oo q,o-2n EO !t:! ':5- @ om 9>3<m v o v m m x .o t-qt o €g flgg ;Fg Eg ig ii* Ei F t. $E H* it s 59 =Efl au: ;Hg Efr :Pi 99" 'E- B o-!L= €> * g Eeo l lnc6Z -E 8 g atgg ss r6 o tt,o {-{ {{{{{E OO OOOOO v 66 RSSSS s gg Ei=gH 3 = b oE-_P 3i n€ 3g:i" a+e f,i= r@ (O(,r l$Nr j.r-{ -o!o}-or_@ N(r) (nqT€,OO O{ {5A('rN O{ll {O<O-'\1 rD@ oooEo c c c c E =c == tt=- J ..t..t..i4 c 1t E o o o Efr = oel 5 35=a u6: c o o * *li - -13 * n liH ; ; lgSs ra * EFE$ ^@ E€ =@ -a oo E=EO ==ir ;{ =f trA =o 5E -<rli <DJ O t\J -@=3N _-.1 --l ('ro (o0 ot (,l -N -O (.'o EE'to <o 3a ^5 E=Ef 3r I E 3F'i € EFgs ; xEg$s el 6 ls lir l3s |55'ra Fur @ m 0 v o o =tu o (p { @ c,ot a ^(D E€ =o ==a EE 35 ef EA 33 oE',o =o 33 -a E= 51 +o I -ol -l I l=s3 sf 2 "Fut :F'3 o b (,r !o ao o o N o 3 t o C! 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HuEFuci sssgsdC oeooooc' sHicq.si aAi:Q=-iiitl(oir('qt --V-r-b.it !t o N 0 N o o -o (L C q t o € ts s C! 5 J o o C! c,o 5 1 (t, C d o e o t ol b ,o s. o = vrn CD tcL l!t =|+<tr,ro ro bGt 6= 3 s o { €' E=o E q !T .d.gt ol ti A* iF# Fls <ro >tI r.r o 6J"g FfiHg ! d E o o CL @ :{ q m v o tr T-oc fro o-m aa,7a 5C o!.oI dk Aru (o Nt ?{I !r, OF Nz x 'Tt _9l .,2 9m 9.t s-l Ro IO 8L oz m_(/,3c)g.o is 9t6 EX b 3 a @ 5 c to 5 o o O g !t p.-o o 3 !-g. o o F}a c 3 3 !t q gEEil$$EEEs$ i$f;:n:q tqF Ef -ebxlil g'r; EE Xdq(p "' p H=F- A O =q>> 3 E rr-i o f o.r0 6Z o I o = iddgEd EtFstt efi s*nosqd s ;:'i +C Utr 3 v D CL o =F} tr,o o .E' =trt !t F}!l N o 5 o 7 D I I v I 3 o 5..r c ct,o ! OE oo ee ; clr 0 :o il -lO - r<o 8..9 .ll o o !o 3 E gi ? 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I =e S*e6$ l\t t9 l\t it it (rl I ct (o o o P 9 N P 5 {l\, I (t @ I (^t o I trJ i9N E8L ,o){*Pi -o@ 999 (r (rr (D @Gr@ 99!o (,) (t Ot (o{o 9!r9 (.J@{ 't o o o N o (rl o l' !o o c 2-:GI € a,0 g D 5 at o CL o o GI =at,t_it o o-:t atr b ,o I o =I ov co lo.ls $=Qo rO n2.6(o O5 3 s o { €E E=o l! o -lt d E o) d o. @ :s € t--t m v o tr T- 96 OI m aa ACn .c !qt <oI d< A r.r (oN or{ gst (Dr Nz x 'Tt _ H> 9m tr Ro r:o 8E oz mP 3c)9.o <@ =o ltl (,r sN q. e a @ J c (o =o a C"E E 9. ?t o 3 T I ng.gt ot r+drt eFn Fls <o tI r.r E 6,." g !tr 19 -|rm e =B* s = {l ili .t| o o ! D t r o o = =o =I {g E o { t,o @ =EJ to--=iit ro =*'3s =e$ss t-o o :lt E o t- -o -*5 g.lt t t- t- egi 3E gsi ^ 'll 5; .ql-I -oo N!D ooo -t9 3gl ID 0 o o 3 o : m 3 C'o o-(t o C! J o 'o m x t.? (rl I o N (rl t9 I 5 o I o b o P o I (rr (o !o (^t !!t @ N o =o I gH$5 cl rIE =;8 Fi i5v ..o o 3 o F 3'-o : F€F 3 ;9E c v o o 3 .ll o o !o 3 {E tt o -{ E o o ^! -l r-=:fE GI gsi ^-[ EF =i.ig Etq =E€rt r o o!|t !0 f -o 'i=ellr !} t- t-^o o -4t o gct o.EiO Err }|tc o orc v q9 3;i E *O* =z = =E q1 i q9 !rH iq F <==393 F5-5 ooo trtrtr oGt(El t==??e ooo 6' 6' 6' ==t ooo ooo !i !, tt ooo Jt=ooo .lt\t! mmm xxx \^:\ (rr (t (rr 999 ooo .. (rr 5 t .-.,' : tsx N N)N (, o) (D 5@Ol o3i 99-o (, (., (, Bdl (rr o i, cr@ 99 (., G' = r\l \l{gEi'E OJ E D @ o (t o ol o o 5 o c! c 3 GT ct o e D t cl o c\o o GI J (t,I o o d at a (tl b ,t o g. ct f 5 ann E!l ICL -tl DA Qs rO r9.6(o O= 3 s o € €E' E=o ll q T d It o, d o. TD F T m n o tr T- 96 gI m ACD 7a -c !qT oqP d< Aru C)N o){ gs, OF N= x 'Tt _9l '' 2. sm 9r !{Ro IO 8E oz sln 3c)g.o :?<@ -<o Il (t qts o 3 a (o =c (o =o 6 Q C !,! i,o 3 !n .0.gt ot tl dr* qFf; FTE <rq Srsif ;-- I Pil B =B* s ; N o 3 o Ol r{5 5ilE F do u t 3 o f o J a E o n o o .tl o o ! D 3 I B€fr 3 a9: e {E r o { tt o ctt ^!{56=-=o la t- o:*!o t-^o _ri f gao g ^55 --i|t D €ao c E!a gai a1t EF .EF--oo N!D orc i9 3;l =$nii E|a =iEsu @q' =e .1r@ o dE o oi ' -O 'rS o-5 ON @(!tDo oe oo 33 oo tt mm 33 ct ct oo o- o-Cl. CL oo C\ CL tt oo .It -o mm xx NiJ I\J I (tt o crN bb -l Gt O) -..1 P:'o(o (,or 99 oo (,)g 3!o ^ {!P r {rH irr ir, FE : i,,r x;60) N o =o o gi 3E do d 3 o I ie ..1[E..o v o o 3 .tl o o ! D > ol$srN S ='(,'o 3 F€F :. 6gf e {t I o -t E o @ E{:o- -..- !!- r -5o aa t-o o*E o t- -o _{: -=cl FT a9t eao c 9E =a$^.n EF Err Nao 9ro 132 3gl 'i=14 oao t9 :Ee dF r!==- F -f,ev; @ ..8 g 'i9 A=;d 66 al4 2i qt +!+o 3=IDD 5' 5'EE oo trtr Gt tE|==33 GO 6- 6'==o0 oo !t Tl oo cc =t oo 1' .It mm xx l\t t\, N oot (o5 ur (,l 99 oo c-s Gi !tq :' -r sc Ji NN -L or ('l dd -!o (tt 9i or ('| s$ F$i\Jo bo !D (l o 5 o (n o ;a t C !1 a aEl =E o C! a -ct o Ct 0 o a GI :(tt I a o d : ('l b ,t o d J I ov ES TCL =D s=Qo rO -O it ro 63 3 o t €' E=o l[q ! o !t o B @ x €t 5 m v o tr T- 96 OI m a(D 7a 5C Q! -!:i t-d<lro (DN CD{ gg, OF N2 rtI 9l .,2 sm 9rr a-{Ro IO FE oz 1lD 3c,g.o :?{P (D-i q'ts b. 3 CL (o =c cl =o 6 o c !t ?t B 3 !nE €t o'ar drt gFH FIB <!o > 3.8 E Ffi H g N o =o ?tss $ini rd ; v 3 'n o o !f 5 i FEE {c r o { 8 o --oe -to € gsl Ei 'E*3t E t' t9 =EE dF =-E€ g |- o:l !a |.^o -d3 .=G = FT egE':}g EF:E rcl a ira a o.c i9 3il I -t- l! e!9m 4Z {a 3 D 5'r o q tr a =?o @ =o o !t o = :t o 1'm x l\) G-('l 5{g3 CN 9 o i\J st E o b in 5 @ 5 o !t o o (tt o (r! C)e a d .L c 2 9 rE =e s C|. 5 3 8 tt I o a tE =<t G a f 3.o t at b 7 o 3 !t o ! 5 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.'FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M03-0026 Job Address: 3838 BRIDGE RD VAIL Location.....: Parcel No...: 2l0l I I l0l0l I projectNo ' ?g!6\ _ O\q \ owNER MARY C.B. & GARY M. WEISS nRO4/O9/2OO3 phone: C.B. WEISS TRUST 1051 PORT MAI,ABAR BIJ/D NE STE 6 PAllr{ BAY FL 32905 License: CoNTRACTOR GYPSUII CREEK SI{EEIIIETAL & |+EO4/09/2O03 Phone: 303-524-7254 P O BOX 250 GYPSI'M CO 4L637 License: t32-|i{ APPIJICAIIT GYPSITM CREAK SrrEETlrtETAl & 11E04/09/2003 Phone: 303-524-7254 P O BOX 250 GYPSUM CO 8163 7 License: L32-ttl Desciption: Extensions for exisitrg Fireplace Flues Valuation: $2,500.00 Fireplac€ Information: Rcstdcted: ot*** oF coMMr.rMrv orvnlotNr # ofGas Appliances: 0 Status...: ISS{.JED Applied. . : 04/09/2003 Issued. . : 04/1512003 Expires . .: l0ll2/2003 # ofcas togs: 0 # of wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY tlii*i'llraaalllrr*r*rt'lraaar**ta*atarataattara...raat'.'li*r.:r So. oo Totll Calculatcd F€€s--> s0 . 00 Addirionrl Fccs__> S?8. 00 Total Permit Fec--> Payments----> BAIANCEDUE - M€chanical-> Plsn Ch€ck-> Investigation-> rfill Ca[-----> s78. O0 $0. 0o 978 .00 s78 .00 90.00 560.00 Restusrant Plan Review-> S1s. 00 DRB Fe€--> $o. oo TOTALFEES > s3.oo Item: 05100 BUIL,DING DEPARIT-{EIIT o4/L4/2oo3 cdavis Act,ion: AP subject to field inspection rtem: 05500 FIRE DEPAR1'I{E![T CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BT,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIR$ TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPITIANCE. Cond: 25 (BI.,DG.): GAS APPI,IANCES SHAIJIJ BE'UEMTED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 8 A}ID SHAIJIJ TERI{TNATE AS SPECIFIED I}l SEC.806 OF THE 1997 I'MC, OR CITAI'IER I OF TIIB 1997 rMC. Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERIIIT,PITANS AND CODE AIIALYSIS UUST BE POSTED IN I.IECHANTCAL ROOI{ PRIOR 1.O Al{ TNSPECTTON REQITEST. DECIARATIONS I hereby acknowledge tlut I have read this ryplication, filled out in firll the information rpquired, comple0ed atr accutde plot plan, and strte that all the information as rcquired is conect I agee to comply with the information and plot phn, to compty wih all Town ordinances and statc laws, and to build tris structur€ accordingto the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved Unifomr Building Code and otter ordinances oftte Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECNON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOI'RHOTJRS IN Al.lCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT Ot R OFFICE FROM t:00 AM - 4 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNET *'i'l***lt+a*+**'l'}**+*t*+**l++t******a*r******+**++t***a***t****+t+*++***t*'lf't'**f**********r** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€ment +*tt*'l****tf+*'|*****{'it:t*{'f!t**l+**+**i'f'af****'t!t**t+*+tt+*f i*ir*+r++++ *****t'**,tt * *'t+++ l+***** t* * gtatenent Number: R030003805 Alnount: $?8.00 O4/L5/2OO3O2:58 pU Pa)ment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: 12833 Gypsum Creek Sheet Metal Permit IiIo: M03 - 0025 I)pe: I{ECHA}IICAIJ PERIiIIT Parcel- No: 210111101011 Site Addreee: 3838 BRIDGE RD VAIIJ Locatsion: Total Fees: $78.00 This Payment: $78.00 Tota1 t\!L Ernta: $78.00 Balance: 50.00 **f + +f *+ * 'l I * ***** + t + +* * ** *t *1.'t,|t l. 'i'* ++* t* * * * * * * * ** *** al +* + 't* * * * ** *l ** | * * ** * * * * * *1"* + * + + * * * * ** *t ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriptjon Current Pmts MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 60.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 15.00 t,lc OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO 75 s. Frontage Rd. Vaii, Coiorado 81657 APPIJCATION NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR Firmit will not be accepted without the foliowing: Provide iqechanicai Room Layout tirawn io siaie to incliide: o WILL o Medranical Room Dimensions o Combustion Air Duct Size and Location a Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size ai-rd Loca$ofi o Heat Loss Calcs. n EquipmentCut/SP€cSheets {r8 f Building Pennit #: Mechanial Permit #: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contact ancl Phone #'s: Rooe. 51tl*>254 or 37O'Town of Vail Reg- No.:cal Contractor: s t.-v.-Qveek S\ee\ lttetol VALUATION FOR I.IECHANIC4IIEB}TTT & t{aterials * Eron,.y:t ft-., aS B€,^te rt960 ,r-b, )6 C*'>ean"nt . !E=(ou0ut+*tV glE1y'r r x x ***=l r. ":.::"1*** ** * * *** *roe-ME Soo 9" FoEs. permFEl- provided "bYjI-Xl_O1\\l Nll robAddress: 5tr38 &;J6e @ lobName: [Ja,== f-(.slJenq€ Addre{-s: 3836 Bri Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) eltenrrcn ff) R"ry'ti- Ooer an EHU eldst at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )eoil.il-o.ation: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other( ) b-family ( ) Conrmercial ( ) R*""'"t ( ) COh* ( ) l{o. of Accommodafion Units in this building: irlo. of Existing Dw.elling t,nits in thb building: NolTyPe of Firepiates Frbproseri: Gas Appiiances (', e-ir o,." r -\ r-nJrv{JlPotlet { ) Wcod Buming (NOT ALLOWED) I !E., !v:,J - -- q-a l*..o t t --. !t4.) !P<. | ! tglr ! Is thts a conversion from a wood Dutlliilg rilcPlcice LU drr Lrrr r r'e5': rr uu.w' '--- r-- "- AwrcOffice or visit {or ParceI # ***H*******-'* ***'t ** *+ *+ * *FCR oFFIeE TOWN OF VAIL 75 S..FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 #o*rrr*T oF coMMUN,t" o.urrot^, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P02-0143 "-.,XO <2. < Job Address: 3834 BRIDGE RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: Lots l1 & 12, Bighom 2nd Applied . . : 10/30/2002 ParcelNo...: 2l0llll0l01l Issued..: 1l/04/2002 Project No : p356\ -o tc1 I Expires . .: 05/0312003 OI\INER Gary weiss L0/30/2002 Phone: 32t-'773-4669 1051 Port Malabar 6 Palm Bay, FL 3 2905 Lricense : CONTRACTOR BEAVER CREEK PI-,IIMBING & HEAT1O/3O/2O02 PhONC: 97O-47L-485O P.O. BOX 625 AVON, CO 8L620 License: 141-P APPLTCANT BEA\IER CREEK PLI'MBTNG E" HENTL0/3O/2O02 Phone: 970-471--4850 P.O. BOX 525 AVON, CO 4L620 License: 141-P Desciption: PLUMBINGREMODEL Valuation: $20.000.00 FireDlac€ lnformation: Restricted: ??# ofGas Appliances: ?? t | * * **++a'lll* ll|. * +a,t * Plumbing--> S300.00 Restuamnt Plan Review-> Plan Check--> Investigation-> will call-> s75. 00 DRB F€e------> $3.00 50.00 TOTAL FEES-> S378.00 Total Permit Fee---> $433.00 Palments-------> $433.00 # ofGas Logs: 1? # of Wood Pallet: ?? FEE SUMMARY il'it++r*+l+rtt:iritt'.*r*++'l++'|+'|++++++++t++a+tatt:r":r*r*"**'r*'l S0. 00 Total Calculated Fe€s--> S3?s . 00 S0.00 Additional Fees->$ss.00 BAIANCEDUE >s0. 0o Itern: 05100 BUIL,DING DEPARTMEIim LO/3O/2OO2 ,rRI Action: AP ITeM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI{ENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. t a'tattaaaa*t** at a aaaaaa aaaa**a*'|'!'!'!:l:l*:lt*l*r*:l)*+***:**a**aa*:l**a*** * +,1+ + ++ll I l:l i:lllt* t + + l*aatat't DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR D.ISPECIION SHAIL BE MADE .FOUR HOIJRII IN ADVAI{CE BYIEIEPHONE o TWENTY o AT 47$.2t49 ORATOIJR OffiCE FROM 8:00 AM-4PM. SIGNAITJRE OF OWNEROR ***** * + +*+*+ +*+ + +f++++*+********++*a ++t* *t'}'t** a* ar al + f{r't *f*+** * tr ******** ***** + ++ +++++tf ++ ++ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Star€ment **********++*+++++++++++*****t****+*f+t*'att**l**ta*at**l'l'**'t't'i't'tl**+'t!a*+**r**********+*a*+++ Statement Nunber: R000003377 Anount: $433.00 LL/04/2OO2o3:18 pM Palment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: 4019 Beaver Creek Pluribing & Heating Permit No: P02-0143 Type: PIITIT{BING PERMIT Parcel- No: 210111101011 Site Address: 3834 BRTDGE RD \rAIIr Irocation 3 Lots 11 & 12, Bighorn 2nd Total Fees: $433.00 This Payment: $433,00 Total ALL PmtE: $433.00 Balance: $0.00 ** *** f, ** '! ** f *** * ** * * * * ** * *a* t ** *'l' t ftt | * * *'tll * ** * * * * * ** * ** * * * * *** * ** ***** * ** * *'l** lr ** * * **** * ** rl* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts cL 00100003123000 C0NTMCT0R LICENSES 55.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 75.00 PP OO1OOOO31112()(] PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 3OO.OO tdc OO1OOOO3112BOO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO \ \rroT BE ACCEPTED rF TNCOMPIEOR Ul a Project *:s NWT|WUAILIY 75 S. Frontage Rd, Vail, Colorado 81657 lot - oIl' Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 97 O - 47 9 -2149 (Inspections) CONTRACTOR COMPTETE VALUATION FOR own of Vail Req. No.: \.-\ I P Contact and Phone #'s:Irq \J i l'/ Contractor Signature: Contad ****************!***********************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* Asssrc OflTe at 970-328-8640 oruisit for Parcel #k*t#>.,tot t r torolf Job Name: w E;r ss ron{5i93}er}B ftr L"g"r p"*dpb'" j L*, t> il ll riri"sSr.o hs*iJ subdiuson:!\ e [}.R/**"9ryeY\NB,{ t"'"*'frtn g*s..,ln*e n \WorkClass: New() Additionft) Atteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Tvpeof Bldg.: singte.family|g Duptex( ) Mutti-famity( ) commerciat ( ) Restaurant( ) other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I No. of Accommodation Units in.this building: g Is this a conversion from a wood burning Rreptace \WaiI\data\cd9v\FORMS\PERMITS\PLMBPERM,Doc Inspecton Requect ArPlD !ilormat on Aclh,tr: Cond Tlli:owttf: Applhant Corfrrclor: D!*dp{on: lWca: l.lotlc.: Commcrt Cormmt Comrner{: Comm|'rl: Item: R€qu€$or: Comrn€fits: Acsloned To:- Actlc.r: lhm Cornm.ntr: Requested lnspect Date: Inspacuon Atea: Slte AddrEss; Bf'2.{li222 T)ry€: A.BULD Occupoircy: GaryWs|ss RESORT COiICE PTS R€ riloVATP[ I [y"y,Dec€mbef 0l,2003 SS4 BRIDGE ROVAIL 383E BRIDGE RO Sub Ty?s: Lrsa: Phone: 97G949-SKE Request€d Tlme: Plpm: Enb|dQ6 Phon: S2t-77$4O59 Strfrr: ISSUED ln$AFa: CD 0l100 Pl{ 97G9.lg-9€a -or- 92t& 8771 DGOL.EN K ASFR VN RESORTCOiPEPTS |?€NOVATPN Ptrooo: 97$9|99.lP RENO/ATTON E ADDITI'3H TO EXISTS}G RESIO€NTIAL DWELLSIG Bqpc.rlb dgiltof *iy permit racbved by PW ud In fie - LSAI{DO\,AL C,o d.ril€d Fr Pt|r[tni . ICAT'PBEIL lLed & R€vocrt)ae Rlqhl otWay Psrmlt 8olo,€ TCO. F.pc{ot/rd - LSANDOVAL Must suitnrit Dkl lb,r rftprdino **x to brdktlm penril Fci*ltE - AOCl.tS Foutrdation shd Framlno iLC's redd - AOCHS ' ROUTED TO CHAftLIEPTA'.INT.IG AI{D LEOilARO FOR REI/GWAPPROVALS. DFLORES Resueeted lnsp€cdor{sl Itanl 90 BLOG-Flnal Rcquc.,br: RESORT COIrcEPTS RE|.TOVATON, LLC Commmb: rYill c.ll g)+5600 R€quested Tlme: 0l:00 PS ' Ptronr: 97$94t>94&l -or- 9r$ 4771 Asslgn€dTo: CDAVIS Ent€redBy: DGON-OEN l(- tullon: Tlme EiD: Irom comilffi: FUffil[EFltRov r- nEiiifrEo mmgu*lfil pERMrrs ARE sr[-L oFEN ELEcTRtcAL PERMM OP€N COfi'TRACTOR I{OTIFED 8Y PFoilE 534 Pt AN - FTNAL C/O , RESORT COiICEFTS REI\|OVATION, LLC wtll c{11 90+5dn I FRE nrnQEp: 3. erDos€d con&dt. @s lhEs. €tc. no{ D€tct€rl 4. sddr sl& qEdim- below sione rnriet l€dqer rrot comobhd 5. Borrth 3lde -,nlry FrcI not cornptel€d (or n6t mn o dirs) | . Wrtsl SldC laolno aDor/., {!!llOC nd b{rlll to Dlitls 2. deck rails rxt drilt ts odtrs: iortrr & e*l sfu€ dG 2. deck rrils nat_Uuilt ts plans; noft & erS std€ decf tlscir tlol lnrtrlbd Co^*r0 Inso€cfion Hl3torv ncr: 10 BLDqF_9p{a$'/Sl-l " lpgovrO * 0Sn6/U-lntDactor: cdavls fttrnor*s: Solr remrt mmh,t r.pod qqeh,td Ar{on: }{OI0TFED Commor*g: Commrils: F U}ETNZ [ED.do.: JRM mmr*s: FOt t{OATnN Pi TICN PLA'I FIAS CltAtlcED, REvlSlOiEt ACIhN: PAPIRTIAL APPRC}VAI- :D. REVISIOIE; REOD 2 gETS.' PEtlDlllG RE-REVIEW OF C}lAl.lG€S BY PLANnff,|G AID BLDG. 11r?5frn hsDedoc JRM A.lho: APAPPRO\rED Cofiffirts : APPROI/ED INTERIOR PADS ATO TOI,|C'IITH POI.RED W^LL WEST END llem 20 BlDGFoodaoory*el - Aporo$d * 1(}O4/(p hs9.ctof: C'CD '' '' Aa{otl. APAPPROVED cofist nts: NEW Fout'toATloil wAt-Ls AI\[) 13 PGRS As NOTED Oil p[Al.ts. |tlm/o? IrED.clo(: JRM A.ilo.t; APAPFROVED Comn nti: APFROVED irECH ROOU REVISION STEII WALL.. AD\I}SED CO|.ITR CTOR Oil ltc R€OUREMENT [orn: 30 BLDG'FrrmtTT * loorowd * (Irl,UOO -kispcctor: COA}IS REPT131 A.dofl. PAPARTIAL APPRC'VAI Run fd: 1453 12-01-AX)3 55 Itan: 50 It€m: liom: lbm: lbm: 539 PW.R}JALC/O nfii: sin PW-TElp.CvO Inrpecdon Request Page2 oat24h3 ln p..to.: OCD Acilon: APAPPROT/ED CO'N'n3NB: LOWER A'tD TfO LEVET ruRRET FRAilSNG APPROT/ED PER REI'}SI€D FR l,f,t{GFoFROOFAPPROI/ED Art A.don: AP AITPROI/ED D SHEETROCI( FASTEM|IG iAr€ TYP€ hl THE FOOL AR€AAI.|D TtE U STER 0324t)3 hep€.io.: GCD Aclin: PAPARTIALATTPROVA Comtftsrts: li{DDIE & LOVI/ER LEVEL hlSuLATlOtl EXECPT rcOl AREA. 0424/03 hsp€cto.: GCD Arllo|l: Afr APPROVEI) Item: 60 BLDG-Snearcck f,le[ " ApgorrEd "(X,01103 Inspactor: GCO " Actbn: PAPARTiALAPPROT/A Commentr; TdDDLE AnX,i LOWER LRELS EXECPT I BATHAI.IO POOI AREA MASTER B TH REQS WATER RESISTII E GYP 7{r ABOVE TUB DRilS.f. o42Eg3 Cotlrnantr; 70 BLOGMFG.1Afitoz Co'|ltrts|lti:ftnJt2 Cofirfirmb:05/t{/a cofimeru3:q) BLDC*Fnd 11tzltflr} Comm€otB: * AlDfousd '- lrEoecbr: JFNI VIGATHER PROOFI\E Instoclor: JRM /tctbn: Di.l DEl.lED WRSEO INSPECTON OET{ED REOURE MECH PERTilT lncpcdor: GCD Acton' AFAPPROVED STI,CCO LATH ,qdbfl: APAPPROIVED An{on: APTPPROTGD Ariloo: APAPPR€iIED A.[on: t]N D€I{ED Ardon: APAPPROT/ED lbm: lsm: 2t PLAI$ILC Founddon Fhn " apponto * (917/m kEp.cbf: !o 22 PtA&lLeSXEPkr -ApproEd" 0317/tl0 lnspodor: -'ao 533 PLAr+TElp. C/O 534 PtJAil-FT{lfLCVO lO€1,1}3 hlpec'tor: bchoon Arlbo: DNDE}.IED fimdtb: 1.*dCqg{ding.!,or3-g.r'gond-hllopts'l3 _Conm|.ol3: L uct Jdc ctallno.!(^,3orro. rd boil b Dhn3 2. rlccknilond bidnto p6rc; ioil &dsge rtectbecb not N[.d 3. arp4.d cooduil" g.s-thG. etc. nol D*rbd t. $ift dde $!dbg- b*wslono qr* bdg.r rncofipLird 4. r.iih dde o.edho- b*w 3!ono rcfia.r bdo.r noa coflroht 5. loutr rldo fuy piftn notconuLH (or nA bdrb p5rE)ffiY porcn nof cofirDLH lor nol brlt - Apgmi,rd * 10/31roO kEp.clofi b Co!r!r!!€!!|3. R.lrrDb ddt of wry nquirod rU44B rFp€.lo|: b iun: 5{B Frvfkrddlrrrrygr€di BATH REPT131 Run Id: 1453 3';31#'' *Hfl$:ffim%B''" '*"''' Rcsucghd |n|p.Gt [r.b: tkrd.ry, Drc.|nbcr (X, A16 ' ln3orirbnAmr: JRf, - SlbAdrbr$: s83r g{gc RDvAL 3t34 hideesi ArPD lnforn.tl,on Acllvtv: ConarY16: Otsror: Agplk nl: Criihrclor:Deiblon: Comin nt: Rgt.|ED JRM A|n: Reoo€cbd lnsoecilon{s I lbn: 390 tECH#lnd Re(n$dor: HEARTH EXCfIAI\|CIE, ltlc. (TlG) AsbnadTo: JMOI\FRAGON - Acdon: T[ne Exo: ttim Cornmont!: FffiISTED TER*.IATKIN CIf-- lnsoc€don Hlrbrv bn: 200 llECl+Roudr "ADorowd-UZnBn{ h+.cior: JRt " tnn: 310 ll|ECfl-l'ldro nEm: 315 PLM&GarPdno "A9cror.d" 02ft8rf)3 hsDocior: 'JRM Comflr€ntB: lotAnTEsT lbm: 4X) llEcl-+Ftnd Adoo.APAPPROVED APAPPROVED CR CORRECTb}.I REOUAED 0&06/03 h$..ior: Gc'D A&n- Co{ffnsrE: PnblTDE LISTED TERtff.{ATlOlrf C P /,0 ,,J ryln"w ; ': REP'If,l31 Run 1453 R.cu..cd hD.at Ddr: tqtd.l| Oca.mb.r fi, AxlE ' lnslact0on /lru: CD StbAffirc:: S8sEffiIGE ROVAIL sl.rlE: ^sFR Phm: t)3{a+?24{ Phonc 3O:!54+72e{ Tl|lrErg: A/F/D||tbnn{bn Adr,ily: rrc{XBB T}B; &IECH ConlTvri: Occunihn O*ibr MARY C.B. & GARY M, tlT'E}STi IRIFTEE . IIA,RY A!DIIG.'It GYPSIJTI, CREEI( S}EETMETA & FGAT Coribacbr: OYPSTJTI CREEI( S}EETilETA & FGAT DrscrlDabn: ErHlsboi for srlrtho Fteo,bce Fhrs COMinE* RCII/TED TO CI-TARI- - dFLORES Reouesbd Insoccdon(.I tbn: 3e0 ilECH+hd RrOuosiof, GYPSTJMCREEK s}CETIFTAI & I-IEAT Cmimer{r: dnca{C}+sdD *ryrn: coAvs Insoccf,on Hlstofy / R.quesbdTlmcl 0li00Pt - Plrone: 3{852+725a Enbr.d ry DGC}LDEN K $in: ISSUED h.pArr: CD lmr: 2tl0 MECl.FRouofl Ct13(}3- Frcpoctor: GCD Adlon: CRCORRECT|OiIREOURED Comnonfis: I.HASO]fiYANCF€RS RE@ FOfi Flll'lGiE ATTAC]0|ENT. SCREW Pt CAPTOPFE. z,FRO{/EE T CLR TO COi'BT'SITAA"ES N ATTE ON 31o MEC}}H€a0m / 315 PLTBGGPIDfE 39OMEC}}Ftnt'- t. lbm: lbm: lbm: REPTl31 RIrl Id.: 1{53 I I I Inrpecton Requect Rca|Gebd Inrpcc-t o.br:- lmpectlon Are.l ShAddrc83: ffit,ttccc|nbsol, Am 3834 ERIOGE RDVAIL Ld ll & lt, thDrn zrd A,F,Dlnfo't|l.tlon Actrrrfrf CofdTna: Pt2411B *a.r#&PLT'B BSI.ED .nM Appllcanf cdibecbr: Owrn: Garyw.ks gllcanfr BEAVER CREEK PLT,tFhre foacbr: BEAVER CREEX PLt,tA$\rc ;ddlon: PLULBhIG REIIODEL PLtt B|I\re&HEAT PLIJTG${G & HEAT thcrldlolt: PLULBhIG fi.flr: 23O n m: 240 Aem: 29O PLI,BMbC. 11t25t92 Coflilffinb: 02/0303 Cormenb: fiUz&(x} CofiTnonl3: PI-MBRnal PLlBRouotuW6r - ADoniro{t - @/'?€tc/J In3prrb|: JRM Coflrndrts: l00tAnTEST PLIIEC'G PlD|m - AD9rovgd n fi!28()3 lncFactoc JRM " Cofivn ntE: 1Ot ArR TEST PLir&tud/l-lot Tub Actlon: APIPPRd/ED Adi{'l: APAPPRO\rED lnrpcc{on H|3brv it€m: 21O PLIBUF,(broround " Apgrou.d * fin7,(jrz]ncpedo: GeO Actton: APAPpRO\GO Coflm€nts: 5 oa{ TEST.lbn: ??0 PLlrtlBRomND.W.V. " ADo.o.nEd " @,i2&O5 ln$.clor: JRU Acthn: APAPPROIrED Co|ilnsfits: APFROI/ED DUW 6' AF TEST AL STT,DOft \,ENTS , Itfin: 25O Itrm: 2fl) lrE!.cbr: JRm Acbn: APAPPRO\GD r'APFRq'EDhI FLOOR I.GAT I2,3 FLOORS IM' AR TEST / 0AOEJ03 lrEo.rcbf: .Ril Aftn: Conlr|€nts: COIPLETE tl(lt sE P|-Lmrc Ft{ L }s T}CWA\G * ADgroved * lnsr€dor: "Rfil' Arilon: PAPARTIAI AIIPR(}VAL AI+RPVED N FLOOR }€AT ru8|NG A IOO ' AII TEST LqUER I5/EL OI.Y tGosctof: GCD Actkh: iIOIIOTFED CdURTESY WALK THRU WITH TOII RECaAROfiE Eot ER \/ENTlfii, COr&rSTPf.l AR AID IIEC}iA}{CA ROOil. SI'8HT HEC}IAOSIL PI-T.IS FOR ffivEw. PAPARTIAL REPr131 Rlrn rd: 1453 FRS1 : ESGLE US-LEY ELECTRIC Ttd-2azou3 7'.O2am ArFrDtr{bnn|ton Ac0rrlty: E02-Ol,l8 C€nF{T}??ffir.r: ltEFSieflly& O pF€hE tlo. I s?a az? wl':;6 lro"- 2! ws s3:oa$'t P2 lBsFctftrn Rcq|*st Rcmrtino -v||l - Co:TOIUN OF_ - _ page 11 R.q*89_!glSSE: fqcad.y, AEUst zb. 2oos tncpgdthnAt€* EG SrbAddrrr!: 3!g BRDGEROVAIL 3&ISERIOGE RD $DT€: ASFF SEnrS: FSIJED t!a'p Arao: EG fmlcl*Ctrfrcla Et*rltcrr I=:ff$hffiffi.;rc-.- os'*"ms{H* ^qffi lFrffi?* ioeE$r-nrr ---, ?lnE:g: EntrdBY: oFLgREs I(/ri;Z f,- z 6^ o; Red|rcqf, $lsr'rctaNrtsf hrgpcctorrltts!try :::lE&Wffi* ec ffi- ttm: tzs ElE-linqlfh -;Awq:r6- nrm r30,,Hiffi;frcccac "s'-' ---- lrlr tlt a€g-l!*. -Apseyd-GlAlB lrro.clofi co-- ---- _qqldnde rEi tI} arp-sgrtca Llr 15 EIEC..FId lchr: f.doa 'tctoo: ^PPRTPPRO\,ED AFFRIFFTOI,EO IPFRAPFRO\,EP 'r'Rlrl- o tq. \ 30 1-ax^< RSPT131 Run Id: 1264 6tI z-^t LB+ 17- ELECTRONICS, INC. for the Weiss Residence 3839 Bridge Rd. Vail. CO .n6aee'nocnxnt EggHnmTYm 6 REuse N',0 nesuBMlt , g*tt'?.*un o#XEii.'ifii | - -- --^ - ^.rGo!r ..NFoRMA e',fu Tl- OIHER slxs woRK. P.O. Box 534 Avon. CO 81620 ( 970 ) 949 - 4638 FAX 949-1928 mthul @ thulelectronics.com iilo $nrrr or sPectrtc^r' n o o UI STA- 5 O P AT ISTA- 5 O PU t ADEMCO's VISTA-SOP Control Panel provides the flexibility of up to eight independent partitions with the economy of a single control. FEATUFES: Dependable foaturos to meot your most demanding installalions: ffin- o Nine hardwired zones standard o Expandable to 87 total zones o Eight partitions standard o 75 user codes work in all partitions o Seven authority levels o 224 event memory log/printer optlon . Four trigger outputs o 5800 Wreless compatibility o Supports two-wlre multiplex o Scheduling of events (real time clock) . Wireless remote controls (featuring single button system operation): - 5804 - Four-Button Wireless Key - 58048D - Bi-Directlonal Four-Button Wlreless Key Wth system status feedback . Single or dual-button wireless personal oanic: - 5802MN - 5802MN2 o Home control features actlvate llghts. appllances, garage doors, and numerous other devices . Keypad macro features . Master console option for viewing all partitions at a glance o Common lobby logic r Fast downloadlng . Supports up to 1 6 relays andlor X-I0 . Quick start programming r False alarm features . UL Commercial Burglary ltsted (VISTA-50PUL) . The VISTA Interactive Phone Module (VlP) gives the end user control of their system from any touchtone phone. The 4286 VIP responds in English, wlth a vocabulary of over | 00 words o Full Engllsh display keypads for clear understanding of system status and zone locations . Timed event applications: - Opens garage doors and turns on lights - Provides " lived-in look" while awav from home - Ablllty to llmit access to parts of the home at certaln times End uretra will appreciate the eary-to-use convenience and control featuree of the VISTA.5OPT AtrIEMECI GFI(]TJP UI STA- 5 OP AT I STA- 5 O PU L Electricalr . Aux power 12 VDC, 750mA max . 16.5 VAC/40 VA transformer . Alarm output 12 VDC, 1 .7 Amps max o For UL installations. combined Aux and alarm output cannot exceed 750mA Output Gontrol: . Supports up to four relay boards (Part No. 4204) o Each board suppods four relays for a total of 16 o Optional X-10 interface (Part No.4300) may be used to control X-10 receiving devices o Each X-10 receiver address counts as one relay when computlng total relays o Real tlme clock can be used for relaylX-10 control Zonegr o Nine hardwlred zones o Selectable response on zone 9: 10msec or 500msec . Assignable to any partitlon . 14 zone types to choose from . Programmable swinger suppression Gommunicationr o Touchtone or pulse . Formats supported: ADEMCO Contact lD, ADEMCO 4 + 2 Express, ADEMCO low speed . 3+1, 4+1 and 4+2 reporting . Reporting capabilities: Split, Dual, Split/Dual . Low battery repods | 1 .2-1 1 .6 VDC . Expanded reporting o Up to four digit PABX codes supported o True dial tone detection o Double oole line seizure o AC loss and restoral reporting supported ORIIERING: Part ilo. Deecription VISTA-SOP Control Panel LNl€silPIO 2]M Supported Devices Hsrdwirod Expanrion Devicecr . 4208U Eight-Zone Expansion Module . Keypads - 6139 Custom Engllsh (required for programming) .l00mA - 6128 Flxed English LCD - 30mA o Voice Module 4286 VIP-I60mA . Two-wire Smoke Detectors . Duct Detectors . Serial Printer . Wf Polling Loop Devices o Key Switch Devices Wirelcss Recelver Systerns: . 5800 Series - 5881 ENL up to 8 zones-S0mA - 5881ENM uo to 16 zones-SOmA - 5881ENH up to 86 zones-sOmA r All Receivers Support: - Diversity reception wlth two antennea - Remote mounting for best location - Use of second receiver for maximum coverage or tough installations - Unique supervision and low battery Indications by point Transmitterer . 5800 Series - Three volt Duracell lithlum batteries - One mile range - Tamper standard Agency Listingr: o UL Residential Fire and Burglary and CSFM o UL Commercial Burglary rylSTA-50PUD SPEGTFIGATIONS: ll5 EiLr WrI SI!..|a, XY lltll C.Irfitt O2$2 Pttq Crr..dbo mEflql b i H||Ol i.!hi]d C.qrt AtrtElvtco N6752V8 U98 REMOTE KEYPADS 6129, 6137, 6137R, 6t.39, 6139, & 6139R * +t :f +* Notcr slpha-nu6.ric diiplsy Lc)D6d rourt bc u3cd ro progrst! th..e collroL.Ure non.eddrerssblc oodc with thcrc controL (.€t to addre.t 3l). Use sddrecrable oodc (rddrctcr 0GJ0). Keypad color rubject to lpprov!l of locd rr:ttrority baving jurirdictioo.permsn.ot dirplsy brcllitbti.Dt ir en option on romc "".;;"1:; ;i;; ""ntrot,! ilrttruction!. INSTALLATION GAIDE KEYPAD FEATARES 6128 Fired.Word XeYPad 613?/6137R Fired-Word xeYPad 6138 l.Llne Alpba 6139/6139R 2.Liae Alpha Kevoad -:.---+- Yes (see pote below) Yes Backlit Display No fes (see note below)V6c,.-- -^.^ L^l--r Dedicated Panic Keys No Yes Flush Mount Option Nn No Yes All lh. !bov. kpvnadr hnve heclrlit Yes cr>curc, navc a ^co AKMtsD Indlc itor and ! Grrcn RFa V ADEMCO CONTROLS v V V \.1A16r/4lt0XM' / 4r toDL.Yes Yes,6!37 No y143gpl*7 y1439pgBL Yes Yes,613?Yes Yes,6l39 \4 S?A IOSET'7y15,NA 2OSE1'Yes Ye8, ttIS?Yeg Yes,6139 4r2oxMt.Yes Yes,6l3?No Yes,6t39 4 t4OXMp r7y1g14 491.r Yes Yes,6137 No Yes, 6I39 VTSTA-50 pt.'7y191tr.59 g1t'r /vtsTA-r28Br'. Yes Yes, 6137 No Yes, 6139 5I t 0xi\4T./5120x}4t1 No I€s,6137 or No Yes, 6139 or 6I3 9Rr I r 5 I 4 oxM I .'/VlsTA _32F81.. I VI514-1 g9tr.ly1STa tZBFBl" No No No Yes,6l39 or 6 t39R...I A 2'L-. slDha-nu6.ric GENEN"AI, INI.-ORI\{ATI ON The 6128,613?, 613?R, 6138, 6t39, and 6139R Remorc Keybads are kelpad addressable (oo DIP swikhes), aod are intrnded for- use wjth the controls listed jn the table above. They can b€ set for the non-addressable operation (address 3l) if required by the clntrol with which they are used. Note: The 613?R snd 6l39R.hsve red bezels instcad of gray.Otherwise, rlrey are exactly the sa]ne as the 6lB? and 6139,resp€ctively, The 6128 and 613? are frxed.word, ke}?ads- thst provide twodigjt oumerics for zone identittc',iol- gn9 -1. ":-t of pre-deiignate d Engli-sh language promprr (e.g., Aj-ARM, AWAY, STAY, CH-ECK et4.) for iDdicatlng rhe sysrern'e Elatus. The 6li8 is a one-line a)pha keypad that displays a 2.line message one line at a tine. The 6139 is a rwo-line alpha keypad equipped with a programmable 2-line, 32<harocter ( 16 characters-per line) Engljsh languale display for complet€ zonc idencificarioo (if descripror_r ur" prJgruirrr11"j), plu.syst€m status. To display the second line of informatjon, press the [fJ key. Press the [#l key again to return to the first lioe oi informatjon. The display auromxticslly returns to the first line of informalion if no key is pressed for three Eeconds. Note: AJler pressiog the lil key to vjew the second. line or returD to the first lioe, wait at least three seconds before entering 6 "oniru puo.,command (e.g., arm the syslem). The keys on t-he ke,rpads are located behind a decorative door, aod sre continuously backlit for convenience. _The inside of the decorgij;e door has space for a zone ID label (supplied)on which the jnstaller can write descriptions ci each zone for haody user reference. All keypads.allow panic alarm activation (if enabled in conir(programming). For the 6Ug, panic alarms .r" ".ilu"i"J by'pru"",., fII:-T-l-ll & t*1, t*l & lrl, alq l3l.&.lrt. rhe orsir6iiin,'orse, "*6139/6139R are equipped with dedicar€d "inni" -k;";"; acrivar,ion - keys A, B;';d Ci*";;"rL'r*l'"'Ja ff;"""i:i, ffli are equivalent to the lll & l*1, l*l & lrJ, and tsl '&'-'i*l k"y,respectively. Single panic keys (A, B, and C) must b€ held down for at leas 2 seconds to activate an alarm. A set of adhesive-backed labels with some typical panic symbols (r.e. !,.^":-Bol"",pereonal emergency, etc.) is provided. These labels can or praced on or next to the kevs to identify each key," furr"tion ioi ,f," ",,,userlss der4rmined by rhe control p""lr. *p.iir"y:; j';;";'.,nr_ ",see the control'g instructions). WIRING AND INSTALI.ATION Tbe keypads can be surface mouoted directly to a drywall, or rc a sinele- or iouble-gang electrical bor. For nu.firnouiti.,J tr,-. itse ana 6^13_9/6 t 39R ro drywqll, use rhe optionat 6t39TRf ii;:s;'il-ounr i<it (6128 & 613?/6lg?R cannot be flush mouoted).I fu-mwe. th-e case back by pushing down two ,,snaps." See diagram on he nert pagE. 2. Rout€ wiring from the cootrol panel through the openiog in rne case baek. 3. Mount the case back to a wall or €lectrical box. 4. Plug the supplied flying lead conneclor into the keypad PC board and splice the panel wiring to it, or wire directly to tha brminal block on the PC board (wire colors are malked next to trrmi[alr). Wire colors and functions are described in the SPECIFICATIONS section. 5. Re-attach the keypad t{ its case b8ck. 6. Remove the cl€ar prot€clive hlms from the LCD display and keypad labels. nomova crta Dacl bt pu.hlng dovn tha 2 ''.napt' .long th. kctqdt loP .cac .nd pul ng tht ctaa aparL SETTING THE KEYPEP ADDR]]SS The keypad can b€ set for an address of 0-31 (the keypad will not accept entries greater thall 3l), which is stlred in EEROM memory. The keypad's default address is 3l (non -sddressa ble mode-some early versions of 6139/6139R defsult to 11). To change lhe keypad's address, do the following: l. Enter address mode: Power up (plugin) the ke5.pad. Within 60 seconds of power-up, press and hold down the lll and I3l keys at the same time for 3 seconds. (lf unable to enler addresE mode, power up and try a gain. ) The current keypad address will be displayed, and the curior will be under the "rer)s" digit. If l0 seconds have parsed with no key entry, the keypad sutomaticslly exits address mode. You must powcr dolrn, power up and start address mode again. NOTE: The kelpad will not eoter address mode if the peoel to whicl it is connect€d is ia programrniag mode. ?. S€t the curr€Dt address to "00': Press [0) to clear the current.,tcns digit. The cursor will move to the "ones'digit position. presg [0] t, clear the current uones" digit. The cursor will move back to th, 'tens" digit positioo. 3. Enter the keypad's address: Enter the proper ',t Ds,, dieiit of th, ke;rpad's addrers. The cureor will move t-o the .oDes', digrt positioD Ent€r the proper 'ones" digit of the keypad's address. Nota tha address'3l" sets the keypad to nou-addressabte mode. 4. Exit address mode: Press l*l to save the displayed address and erit address mode. VTEWING TTIE IGYPAD ADDRESS Press aDd hold down the lrl and l3l Leys at the aarne time for about seconds. The current address is displayed. No key eotry is allov,.ec Press any key to exit or wait l0 seconds t! erit viewiag mode. SPECIFICATIONS Physical: 6128: 4-V4'H r 5-3/4"W x l"D (l2lmm x 146mm x 25.4mm) 6137613?R: 4-3/4"H x 6-V4'1rV r l'D (12tmm x l59mrn x 26mmr 6138,/6139/6139R: 4-3l4"H x 6-U4"W x l-V4"D (l2lrnrn x l59mrn x 32mm) I il Wiring: (all Keypads) Current: 6 r28: 6137/6137R: Gffilersgn, Displays: 6t39: 6139,6139R: 6128,613?: Sounder: Red: +12VDC Black: Ground. Blue: If present, oot used.Green: Data to control panel. Yellow: Dats from conttol paDel. 40mA sounder on, 20mA standby, alarrn sounder olT. 85rrrA (A-RMED LED lit, LCD bscklight and sounder on reduc€s to 40r&A wheD paDel is opersting in staod! rnode (backlight olD. 1x 16 alpha-numeric supertwist LCD, backlit. 2 x 16 alpha-numeric supertwist LCD, bgcktit. Fixed.Word LCD (613? backlit). Piezo-electric (fire slarm is loud, pulsing siogle tone; (all Keypads) burglary alarm is loud, contir,uous, due] tone). loa rnoi! o, oEoErlto t^|.c r6Ya- -0' r(ft ror utto to? r rE wr€Doit. ADEMCO LIMITED WARRANTT Al.rmD.\1c.]l.nuf.ctunngComprny.rDivirionofPiltu'|ycorporruon.diudin|ior.|uE lob.inconfonMnc.g1lh|!rown9|sntgtdrP.ci6c,tiont|ndtob.fr..homd.frcEinh.t.ri.j..ndworthi,t.hiPundrrnorru|rrrrrrrdrcrviro.2{ |h.9roduc|o.'rorP'odt,.|.nolh.v|[t|nAd.hcodil..bmP.forl2nonduf'omd|t.ofonginrlpu'd.r.unlcrrrh.in!b||s!io.li1uc6oNo'gElo8 c.!.lhtthor{erP.riodth.ll|Pply.s.l|.r',ob|ig|(ion|h:llb!|imj!.db..P||rintornpts.in!,.rit..oP|ion. *i|hs.|l.''..P.cifc.t|oNorProv.rd.r.cdv.inln.te8l!.or$or!D&! i!.|(.'.dorirnProP.r|y7.p.irrdo'..rvic.dby3nyonco!h.rthrnAd.mc!r..!oryt!ric.Forwrrrrntyrrrvre'n!urnP.oducttr.'ttpo W.y, Syo$.t. \.* Yorl ll79l. THERE ^xE r-O W^RF^\T|ES, EXPRESS OR IIIPLIED, OF iIERCHA}ITAB ILITY, OR FITNESS FOB ^ PARTICUIA-R PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE, WHICH EXTEND BEYOND Tl DESCRTPIIO.\..Oi\..THI F^CE HEREOF I.\- NO C^SE SHALL SELLER 8! LUALE TO A}'YONE FO8 A}.IY CONSEQUENTIAL OR TNCIDTNTAL DAMAOES FOR AREACH OFTHIS ( A\Y OTHER W^RR.|!\T1. EXTRESS OF lIlPLlED, Ofl UPON At'lY OTHER DAsIS OF LIABjLITY WHATSOSVER. EVEN II THE LoSS OR DA.i'tlCE lS CAUSED BY THE SELLET OlI1i NECLIC TSCE OR FAULT. s.||.'do.|no(..pr...n|rh.trh!productJitr.||smaynotb.cnmp'omj|.do'dr.unv.nt.d;|h|tth.p'oductlr.il|P'.vtnr.nyn crlrrc:orthrr!h.Prod!Gurill|n.l|car.jProvid.rd.qu|Qwtmi.toIprotrc!ionCur!omcrund.rsuod||h.!.P'opc'lyint|l!d t|.r,'robb!D6rtoroLhrrrvrnreo<turintwi||outprovidint|nsJrrm,b!t!|i|nolin.ul.nc.ol.turrnl..0rrtruuil|nolr r r.tull. COSSEQL'ES'iLY. SELLER SHAIL H^\T .r"O LIASILITY FOR ANY PEnSONAL INJURY, PROPERTY DA {^CE OR OTHER r,OSS 8ASE0 ON A CLAIM THE PRODUT FAILED TO CIVE WA.R;\..h..C. HOWEVER. IF SELLER IS HELD LIAALE, WHETHER DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY. fOR ANY LOSS OR DAMACE ^.R'ISING UNDER THIS LIMITI WAaS.^'YTY OR OTHERWISE, RECAADLESS OF C^USE OR ORIOIN, SELLERS MAXTMUM LI EILITY SHALL NOT IN ANY CASI EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE OF TI PRODL CT. \r1l ICtt SHA!L 8E TH E COITPLETE A\D EXCLUSI!'E REME0Y AGAINST SELLER Thir wrr.nty r.plecq rny pr:viour werr.nti.r rnd ir lhc only w.rrnly rrsd. by Scil.' rhrr D'oducr \ o rncr.as€ or altlration. $.ilLn or v.rb.l. ol th. oblifslions of thir Limj|td Wrrrntv i!.utlorir.d- 155 Eileen Way, Syosset, New York 1179'l Copyrighl @ 1993 PITTWAY CORPOBATION ilt || il11ilililil ilt illllil lil N6752V8 B/98 Atrreruce An ADEMCO Group Company (,*oi!il',,,0 look, durability and adaptability these devices are the right choice for all your system smoke detector needs. 5192 Smoke Detector The ADEMC0 5192 Series low profile, addressable V-PlexN smoke detectors deliver state-of the-art features and benefits in a cost-effeclive package. These detectors are designed to provide open area coverage and are compatible with ADEMCO's VISTA controls supporting V- Plex technology. An LED on the detector will blink periodically during normal conditions, remain on steady during alarm and cease to pulse if the chamber is out of acceptable sensltivity ra nge. An extremely powedul feature available within the 5192 Series is the Automatic Maintenance AlervReporting capability - a leature normally found in today's high end analog addressable systems. The detectors continually monitor their own sensitivity levels in addition to the basrc normal and alarm conditions. These HIGH and LOW StNSITIVITY signals are communicared back to the control, via the V-Plex addressable loop, to indicate locally and at the central srarron that the detector may not be able to detect smoke or may false alarm. This feature works with Vista-32FB, 128F8, 1288 and Firsr Alerr Professional FAl600C More important is the cosl saving associated with Automatic Maintenance Reporting. The feature is an approved alternate lo NFPA 72 field sensitivity calibration testing that require external test meters. This eliminates the need to schedule insoections to determine detector sensitivity/viabi lity. Another important benefit ol these V-Plex (addressable) smoke detectors is their ability ro operate on existing wiring. There is no need to run special twisted pair, data grade or shielded wires, providing you with the right choice for all your retrofit applications. Thar equares ro cost savings in time and materialsl FEATURES: a Low profile design + V-Plexru addressable loop device a Automatic maintenance reponing t Available with integral heat sensor r Simple 2 wire installation + Tamper resistanl I DIP switch or serial number programmable <) Lines on existing or conventional wiring APPLICATIONS The 5192 Series smoke detectors are designed to provide open area coverage and are well suited for most fire detection applications. These smoke detectors are compatible with all A0EMCO VISTA Fire and Burglary controls that support V-Plex addressable toop technotogy These agency listed alarm initiating devices support most commercial and residential applications. They are suited for use in museums, hospitals, day care centers, retail stores, strip malls, schools, libraries, fast food chains. medical or Drofessional office suites and in f actorv and warehouse environments. AtrlETv|Etrl GFIC]LJP COMIV1EBCIAL SYSIEMS OIVISION AtrTEIVTEtrI An ADEMCO Group Company INSTALLATION The 5192 Series smoke detectors are suoolied with a convenient mounting bracket thaiillows the detector to be mounted t0 a varietv of electrical junction boxes A removable terminal block, that accepts 14 to 22 gauge wire to provide easy wiring connections. The detectors are designed to meet all applicable requirements for UL Commercial and Hesidential Fire insrallations as well as NFPA 72 requiremenls when installed in compliance with the National Electric Code and approved/listed control pa nels. COMPATIBILITY Standby.currenr (maximum @ tZVl: o GEleqewffi&$ Diameten O 5.5 inches ('l40mm)(including mounling bracker) Height: t 1.7 inches (43mm) (including mounrrng bracker) Weight; O 5.3 ounces (150 grams) Environmental: Installetion temperature range: a 32o to 100.F (0" to 3g"C) Installation humidity range:t '10% to 93% RH, non-condensinq Heat sensor (5192S0T onty|:t) 135" fixed lemperature electronic thermistor EMI: ',1 Meets or exceeds the following requiremenls a FCC Par|I5, Class B Device a IEC EMC Directive AGENCY LISTINGS Fire: a UU68 Commercial System Smoke Detector i Meers UF 217 Bequirements for Besidential Applications a Factory Murual(pending) <) California Srate Fire Marshall <) MEA (Pending) COMPATIBLE DEVICES i VISTA-4O Partitioned System'(Residentiat Fire)a VISTA-S0P and VISTA.F0pUL panirioned System'(Besidential Fire) + VISTA-100 tnregrared FirelBurglary Conrrol '(Commercial Fire) <) VISIA-I28F8 Inregrated FirelBurglary Conrrol {Commercial Fire} a VISTA-1288 Parritioned Burglary Control (Besidential Fire)i VISTA-32FB Integrated Firelgurglary Control (Commercial Fire Pending) 'Automatic Maintenance Beporting f eature no.r supported by control oanel These smoke detectors are compatible with all VISTA control panels thal suppon V-plex (addressable) polling toop rechnology. The detectors support Dlp switch or serial number addressing. DIP swirch ionfiguration are compatible with 5t40XM, VTSTA-40, and VISTA- 50P controls. Serial number addressing is supported on VTSTA-32FB, VtSTA.t00, VTSTA- 128F8, VISTA-I2BB and First Alert professionals FA1600C controls. flefer to control panel and smoke detector installation instructions lor details. Automatic Maintenance Beponing Compatibility The automatic maintenance feature is compatible 0n with the following control panels 0/V0( VISTA.32FB {coming soon), VTSTA_128FB, VISTA- l28B and Firsr Alert professionals FA1600C. The automatic maintenance may be disabled for all other controls that d0 not support this feature. ileter t0 control panel and s,noke detector lnstallation InsVuctions for details. SPECIFICATIONS Electrical: System voltEge range: a7-14V 165 Eileen Way. Syosser. New york l179l . Copyrighr o t998fficorpo,ut;on flEVC01s an tS0900t Registered Company ffi orP diagram lor 5192SO/SOT smoks delector J-F oz- |lJS -z 9.o =o :*: <F 6d<s>'o 0rdering Information Part No, Descriotion 6111188 rtsddtffi!& r,Sbtil6lEfilic --lg$$&g$o' 5192SDT Addressable Photoelectric Smoke Detector w/lntegral Heal Sensor u51g2/D 1/99 58t|8LST ADEMCO's power{ul 5808LST is a combination wireless photoelectric smoke and heat detector that trips when temperatures reach l3So F. ldeal for difficult to wire locations, situations where room aesthetics are critical, or where hazardous materials exist, the 5808LST provides the ultimate in installation flexibility. Remarkably cost-effective, the attractive, low profile unit blends easily with any d6cor and provides benefits rarely found in smoke detectors in this price range. Smart CheckrM remote maintenance reporting automatically aleds the central station when it is in need of service. and built-in drift compensation continuously corrects sensitivity variances caused by dust. The 5808LST is UL 268 listed for use in both commercial and residential applications. r,.i, FEATU RES: . Low profile housing . Extended battery life . Two 3.volt Lithium . Automatic drift cornpensation r Smart CheckrM - pre-alarm maintenance signal r Test/alarm silence button - lmmediate signal 2.5 sec delay horn activation . Field replaceable chamber . Heat Detector - dual 135" thermistors . Low temperature alert signal . Temporal Code 3 sounder . Pre.Low battery signal to central stauon (if applicable) seven days prior to horn chirp . UL 268 . Commercial and Resldential AtrIEMEtrI GFIOIJP All trademarks are property of their respectjve owners SPEGTFIGATIONS: 5808tST Mounting Inrtructions First. determine the best location for the smoke detector - that provides strong wireless transmisslon paths and proper smoke detection. A good transmission path must be establlshed from the proposed mounting location before permanently installing the detector. To mount the detector: 1 . Install the mounting bracket on the ceiling or on the wall (if local ordinances oermi0. Use the two screws and anchors orovidod. 2. Prlo( lo mountlng the detector to the mounting bracket, the system must "enroll' the detector's lD. 3. Turn the detector in a clockwise direction in the mounting bracket until it clicks into Prace. 4. Test the detector immediately after completlng the lnstallation and refer to the control system's instructions for additional information concerning the use of wireless smoke detectors. Electricalr . Two-volt CR123A lithium batterles (lncluded). Replace wiih Duracell DLl 23A, Sanyo CRl23A, Panasontc CR123A. ADEMCO 466, or Varta CR123. . Hot sensltivity: 0.6570 + 0. 15% per foot Cold sensitivity: less than 6% per foot . 2.5 inches (14 cm) . 5.5 inches (64 mm) . 0.7 lb. (310 S). 4.4' to 37.8'C (40' to 100"D o 5% to 95% felative humldity . 135"F fixed temperature electronlc thermistors . 45"F fixed temperature electronic thermistors Agency liatingsr . UL 268 - Commercial and Residential lnstallations ORDEBING: Part No. Description 5808LST Smoke/Heat Detector with Sounder u*o'Lslto 2J02 '16! tih.n Utht Sylssd, llY lltsl CcpFilhl @2001 Pittl|t Corlordion lltM00 ir rn lS0900l lrgirtnrd Gomp|ny AtrIE]VIEtrI GFTOIJIs ssslENfromADEMC" "tU AEIElv|EEI ADEMQO>Wireless>58e1 5881 ENL, 5881 ENM, 5881 ENH .. ADEMCO Page 1 of I Group Produ Receiver - connects to four wire keypad data lines 5881ENL r Up to I zones ?\ 5881ENM o Up to 16 zones 5881ENH . UP to 64 zones depending on control panel 5881EH r Commercial wireless fire recel.rer r For use with Q.E.D. control panels only r Approved for UL864d commercial fire installations \,! wilh the VISTA-100 control and Sg08 wireless smok O2003 Pittway Corporation I Terfng & Conditiqns http://www. ademco.com/ademco/products/wireless/5 g g 1 .htm v1512003 Sry Ent V/;,J.rr R"r;r.. Sp,.s SPECIFICATIONS Dlmenelonr: Current: . Operating Temperaturs: ,. :.0-50:C . -U :. t. : :tt; rlr: li: ' : .,':47:3/8''Wx'4.3/8' (t0-7/8' danrennas) " r t.trtU. O,,,'itr t88m.riW.x ll2rnm H (2?7mni w/antennas) x 37mm D ' i: .fy,rput.v.gllagda.,,i,, _;,- , ' ,. "..- . t ,ulqyDc (191t 9gnq9t'i reypad terminats) , , , . I, i,.- --.-^.- -.-'- - Itntrt.r..wtrtnsi.-1, ^. -' r' . i jlRED,tti: l.- l2VD.C.input (+) Aux Power GREEN: t Data Out to Control : i :YELLOW:- Dbtir-,In from'Control | .^BLACKi | -c;difid (-) r: Range:' LI2991,(60m) riomlnal indoors from wireless rransnllr ' (thei actdat ' range lto be determined with rhe secu system [n the Test mode). ' tl .:. ! rt lll .i.. i.1:il.- ': r .,lir i) i t.t, ,.:: ,;..;J; .,1 :ii,,\'i ,r., 1' :l I . 1.; r, I'.j .. , - .,,, ,, iifi, iijr i i1.$ // .:.,rj ,. i)J,tiir:j. . .;i !i r, :. r!,ri r,, 1r'';1 ,1.r.;;,,.. ,i !ii ,t -..;.,!.J i ri.' :':,t ,;tri,:.,.:,; I r:. I i.rra r irl:..i:, r '.:,a l. l-i --_ ,4 Multl-Alert Mod€ls Sounder MA72/24D Strobes SS24 LO S524M SS24LOLA Sounder/Sttobes N4ASS24 LO MASS24 M N4ASSI-OLA Mini-Alert Sou nders Red Beige White pA4oo pA4oo e,BAdgg$ PA4OOR-F PA4OOB.F PA4OOW.F Add-on Strobe s Red PS24LO Product Overview White PS24 LOW MultlAlert Sounder: 72 and 24V operation 8 tield-s e le ct a ble tones Multi.Alert Strobes and Sounder/Strobes: 24V operation 1.5 or 15 candela ULt638 llsted Mlni-Alert Soundets: P and 24v operation 1.5 cd add-on strobe available g@s@ryn* Engineerlng Specifications system sensor's Murti-Alert sounder and sounder/strobes are suited to provide pr or sec6ndary signaling tor fire and security apptications. The MA and MASS n:or provide eight field.selectable warning tones, The lr4rlrr-.{lerr models mounr direcrly ro 4" squrre back boxes. o>conrl ,,-rL plate; are available for eirher flush or semj-fltish insral.lao,rns. N4odel tv4A12/2{I) rs sL rt:: for outcoor applicarions rvhen irstalled with rhe VBB weather-proof back hrx. Mulii-Ale rt strobes. sysrem sensor's Mulri-Alerr srrobes are LiL163g c()rnpliiirr elecrr.rric visible warning signals thar llash approxinrarel; every r.5 second;. circuirs are polarized to be compatible with DC alainr supervrsron. Mini-Aleft sounders. systenr sensor's PA400 series lr4ini-Alcrr soundcrs (,ncr at 12 a'd 24 volrs and are ideal for hotel, morel or residenrral firt. svrr:', , applicarions, where a smaller norifrcarion device js clesrrecl. Thc IA400 sourrders are available with or withour FIRE idcnrifrcarrorr. anci arc oif er.r( red, beige, and rvhire. t- I 'l t t Multf'Atert sounders shall be a System Sensor Model ]r4A 72/24D capable of operatrng at 12 irnd 24VDC. Soundcr sha.l I listed to Underwriter's Laboratories Standard lJL454 for 6re proreciiue signaling sysiems. Sounder shall have an operalr temperature between -31'F and l5l'F. Sounde:-shall lrave eight rone opri6ns, sefe.lred by nreans "f .iifi. - ' Minl-Alert Sounders shail be a Sysrenr Sensor lvlodei -- capable of operaring at l2 and :4VDC. Sourrder shall be li.rr to underwrirer's Laboratories Standard UL464 lor iire proreitive signaling ryri.-r. Sounder shall havc ",i op.ru,,,,g ,,.,.,perature berueen l4'F and 140"F. Multl.Alert and Minl.Ale?t Sounder/Strobes shall be a Svsrem Model _ capable of operaring at 24VDC. Souroerrstr )b shall be listed ro Underrvriter's Laboratories St,rndards ULq6q and IJLt538'for 6rc prbtecr,vJ signalrng systrrns. Sounder/strobe shall havc an operating lenrperature bcrween 32'F and 120"F. Sounder shall iraue eighi rone oplons, s,:t( ed by means of clips..Strobe shall be powered .indepenJenrl1, of rhe sounder and shall operare ar 24i,DC, w,irh e UL- r.. q1 taring of ,22 5 to 30VDC. .Actual ope.raring- vclrage rrrr.sr be berween I 8 and 33VDC. Sirobe shrll have a nrilirnurr I g,rr' ourput of 1.5 or 15 crndela and shall be uLl538 lrsrcd for private mode applications. MulthAlert Sounder Speclfl o catlonr Olmenrlon| 4"4"2y.'MountlnS Sufllcr 4' r 4' bsck box 11y2. to 2yr. dsep)Flush 4' r 4' BBD d.rp brck bor (2yr. d;p) Scml.tlurh 4'r 4.. bgak box (1y2. to 2Vr..d..p) whh MP.SF moun{ng ptrt6 oper€tlng T€mperature Rsngo .32. to 151.F C35. to 6o.cl wslShr s.7 o:. (162 g) Op.ratht Volt88! 12VOC to 24VDC FwR unfflterod. hput Termlnglt 12 to 18 AWo .Actual 12 V opsrating voltag€ cannot bo tals th6n 9.6VOC or gn8ts, then lE.7VDC.Actual 24 V op€rstlng voltage cannot be lass thsn I8VDC or grest8f th8n 33VOC. Multl-Alsrt Strobe Specltlcatlons Dlm€nslon6 4. | 1. \ 2t6/ro- Mounttn8' i :rrf?9: . 1: x 4' back boi (1i2r to 2 i6: d6ep], Operstlng Tomp6raturc Rangs '31' to 151'F C35'to 66.C) W€ight 4.2 oz. 1232 gl Op€rutin8 VoltsSB Input Tarmlnalr 12to18AWG ': 24VDC .nd FwR unlllterod. 'Actull 24V ops.sung vottsge c6nnot ba lsgs lhsn I8VOC or grGrt.r thsn 33VDC. Mlnl-Ale.t Specltlcatlons Seml.flush 4' x 4'bsck bor (1y:. to 2 rir. Oeeii wlth MP.SF mounting ptrt. Dimen!lons 4t/z' ,2./.'x !r/s' MountlnS Surfsce FluEh Slngle gsng back bor 4' r 4' BBD d€cp bsck box (2V..d€€D' Operatlng T€mperEtuf e Rsn{e 14' to 140'F (.10. to oo.c)- wcighr 2.4 or. (159 O Input TG,minEls 12 to 18 AWG 12VOC to 2'lVDi FWR unftte,od. .A6tuEl 12V op€ratlng vottage cannot be l€s3 th€n 9.8VOC or grcli€r thEn 1E.7VDC. Actual 24V op€rltlng vottage cannot be lcas thsn I8VDC o, greater th6n 33VDC. Orde?lng Intormatlon/Current Draw Multl-Alert/Mlnl-Alert Model Numbers Opera nS VoltaSE Red M t2/24O ss24Lo ss24M ss24LOLA M SS24LO MASS24M MASS24LOLA PA4OOR PA4OOR.F PS24LO 8€i8e P44008 nrrcO&F Prrrco\nF Oescription Csndela dB Output (uu)"' 75€5 75€5 7S85 7185 6Z PS24LOw Addon 3trobe L2/24VDC r -Currenl runges trom 10mA lo S5mA dep€nding upon voltoge ond sosnd setccted r. -current ranges from 35mA to 80mA dependtng iJpon "oittge ind ii;no setecled ... Sound output varies dep€nding upon vottage-ana sounO ietecteC-.- - ' Nore: LU ano M style strob€ and sounder/stroba models are not MEA approwd. Syst€m S€ngor Sales and Servlce Multl-Alrrt aounder/svobe (.f UEGO MlnfAl€rt 3ounder (.Fife. lden ficotion) Accessory Model Numbers Westh.rproot blsk bor tor MA f2/24D Syatom S.nror H!rdq!.rtora 3825 Ohlo Awnue St. Ch l€s, ll 60174 Ph:800.sENsoR2 Fr:630/3776495 Oocumlnts on Demand 1€OG?367672 13 rwrr.sr6tefEcnaor.9om SyEtrm S!naot Csnrdr Ph:905.812.O767 Fr:905.812.0771 Syrllm S!naor Europc Ph; 011.44.1403.276500 Fx: 011.44.1403.276501 Syrtem S!ntor In Chln. Ph: Fr: 011.86,29.524.6259 Syrl?m S!nror In Slngrpora Phr Fx: 0U.65.273.2610 Syrlrr|l Srnror- Frr Erat Ph: 011, Fr: 011.85,22,736.6580 Syrtrm Sansor- Aurtralh Ph; 011.613.54.281.142 Fx: O11.513.5,4.281.172 O 1999 SI.l.tn Sanior. Tha coaigany r€serv€i O|e ri8ht to chsr{e p.oduct spactficationl *ttho{n no cc.AO52O707. 11,/991 1OX). r571 rrt No''tiz Q7/27 ',W ,tvz rD:egqStt .ABLE S'STEIIt f 't 414 g47 o?24 'AGE 1 GENESIS CABLE SYSTEMS Customor Speclflcstlon Part Number: 4107 Doscrlptlon; ffi Compliance; UL Standard 142a; NEC Arllcle 7g0 Constructlon: Conductor rfltf8ff*\Ar€Esgitffi,S$flffifffip No. of Conduotors r**nAlt Insulgtlon TYPe Pofipropylene Color Black, Red, ylw, Gm Thlckness 0,00E', nom,Dlameter 0,067,'nomn Lay Lenglh Straight Jackol Type pvc Color Red Thlckness 0,015,, nom.Dlametor 0.162,,nom. Legend (lnk Prlnt) ocn..t, crbt. Eyrromr _10Awo {rc _ (uL) wpE FpL ei751qr _ w/o* Propertles Temperature Railng -20 to 75 oC Opcratlng Voltage 300 Volts max.Capacltance 1g pflftnom lmpedanca 100 Ohms nom. DC Reslstanco 6.32 Ohms/M, at 20oC Flamo Ratlng UL Verflcat Trav F 'o 5 b' F 6. t1 ) t4 -n p F o ..,J d ! a l8 t$) & r",, tn It N hr l" N F vl \J I .---:: - 3 ( o ,n -l EgHs IXEE H"8; E EgEFE EE={E H;gEE F$EgE EE$EE sgEEE eiEgE -t = i gt i- IP 5lr zl! qlF <lt 9t9 rlt !J:rll f rta -t:l =lo rl -l at -l I I I I rl s a a tr 6 6 I rt sl ;Gl ir slRi P : ! o ;c =- P9: == a -I 5= F2 =!:1 I c) t-:= ql 11 t E€;3 =: EF ;3 i= E5 EH BF 6' EE gq dt : ..l; !F ;lS ?rr ;\J EES ;3 ,* t< o. a - =I = d F, 5 : 6 4 F A.t\ TFt Ff./ r vl l ; Jcs EqD - fl t\ fYr \, l ; 3cr => * IT P ls i8 l* ir q z I ,|) :i i "l ;l g5 \.d E i; fi't - lrla t: lE Q c c BI .a F $g a lP lb I ! 9 3 8t - a t:ti B :1ll:-t\ I I ar C:C l,r i" 1 I q t: lr. lr rf ta t: lo I 5 .+-lg-l 1-t tTl tol tol l@l tPl INJI tNl l9l lol ' lc It llr EIi crlF sjt tr 5 - tr ;;] |J B E .. "u*u t Sealed Lead Acid Bgies Sealed Lead Acid Batteries Product #: Product Name: Descriptlon: Page 1of3 Go lo Can I 0 items Go to RFO | 0 items Concorde@ Duracell@ Eveready Hawker Lifeline Odyssey Optima Power Sonic Yuasa Aircraft Alkaline Flashlioht Lantern Lithium Lithium. Alkaline Manganese Marine Medical Nickel Metal Hydride Photoflash Sealed Lead-Acid Silver Oxide Zinc Ai Sealed Rechargeable Lead-Acid Battery Recognized by Ul File No. MH16464 - Made in the USA (Hays, KS). Recognized by Ul File No. MH 12970.FR: UL94- VO, Flarne Retardant Case and Cover (Oxygen index: 30) Cycle use: Maximum charging current 1.75A. Charging voltage 14.4 to 1 5.0V. Standby use: Float charging voltage 13.50 to 1 3.gOV. CAUTION: Avoid short circuit. Do not charge in a sealed container. Prlclng Informatlon: Unlt Prlce: 925.90 Email this Page http://www.thomasregister.com/olc/batteryoutlet/smartcat.cgi?az=072152O5&template=s1a2... lt7\ZOO3 Yrasa ; Sealed Lead Acid Batteries ;,1,t O : Page 2 of 3 Package Type: Units Per Package: Product Details: FR Type: Volts: Nominal Capacity (20 Hr Rate - Ah): Length: widrh: Overall Helght lnct. Terminalst Weight: Layouti Termlnals: Energy Density (20 Hr. Rate): Specific Energy (20 Hr. Rate): Internal Reslstance Of Charged Battery: Maxlmum Discharge Current With Standard Terminals (amperes): Maximum Short- Duration Discharge Current (amperes): Operating Temperature Range/Charge: Operating Temperature Range/Discharge: Charge Retentlon (Shelf Llfe) At 68 Degrees F (20 Degrees C) 1 Monthl Charge Retention (Shelf Life) At 68 Degrees F (20 Degrees C) 3 Months: Charge Retention (Shelf Life) At 68 Degrees F (20 Degrees C) 6 Months: Life Expectancy/Standby Use: Life Expectancy/Cycle Use (Approx.) 100% Each 1 NP7.12FR 12 7.0 151.omm (5.94") 65.0mm (2.56") 97.5mm (3.84") 2.65 kg. (6.17lbs.) 4 A/D 1.49 WH/cubic inch (91.0 WHilitre) 13.6 WH/lbs. (30.0 WH/kg.) 30 milliohms (approx.) 40 210 5to 122 Degrees F (;15to 50 Degrees C) -4 to 140 Degrees F (-20 to 60 Degrees C) 97"/o 91% 85% 3-5 years 250 cycles http://www.thomasregister.com/olc/batteryoutlet/smartcat.cg!?az=07215205&template=s1a2... Lll /2003 Yuasa - Sealed Lead ecia Bflies Depth Of Dlscharge: Llfe Expectancy/Cycle Use (Approx.) 50o/o Depth Of Dlscharge: Llfe Expectancy/Cycle Use (Approx.) 30% Depth Of Dlscharge: Sealed Gonstruclion: Standard Terminal: Housing Material: Mlnimum Order Quantlty: OEM Name: Page 3 of 3 550 cycles 1200 cycles Can be operated or stored in any position without leakage Quick Disconnect .l87 or Optional .250 ABS Resin or ABS Flame Retardant (UL94-VO) 1 Yuasa BACK -BAgKfAfAP Battery Outlet, lnc. 1608 Camoostella Rd. Chesapeake, Virginia 23324 Phone: 1-757-545-4442 FAX: 1-757-545-421'l Toll Free: 800-333-8280 E-mail: exboc@aol.com IqrElrc:r?tEltrECl eThom.r PubfJhhg (rmpan, 2oo2 http://www.thomasregister.com/olc/batteryoutlet/smartcat.cgi?az=01215205&template=s1a2... l/'l12003 The leading high security key box. ldeal for larger businesses anC i nd u stri a I p rope rties, KN[IX-B[IX' ( . Heavy-duty, high security construction . fr4edium capacity storage . Holds keys, access cards and small enrry ,te . 1/2" solid steel door o Dimensions: Surface 5"H x 4"W x 3-1/4"D Recessed 7"H x 7"W F la noe . Ship Weight: 9 lbs.. Colors: Black, Bronze, Aluminum . Options: - Alarm tamper switches - Aluminization (additional rust and corrosion protection) . Use Recessed Mounting Kit for new masonry construction KNOX-VAULT Heaw-duty, high security co nstr uction Large capacity storage Holds keys, access cards, floor p ans, anC other entry items 5/8" solid steel door Dimensions; Surface 7"H x 7"W x 5"D Recessed 9-1/2"H x 9-1l2"W Flanoe Ship Weight: 29 lbs. Colors: B lack, Bronze, Aluminum Options: - Alarm tamper switches - 5ingle, dual, or combination I - Aluminization (add itiona I rust and corrosion orotection Use Recessed Mounting Kit for new masonry construction KNtlX KEY SWITCH ( Electronic override for perimeter gates, parking garages, and gated (ommunities For fire, EMS & law enforcement Single or dual-key options 5hip Weight: 1 lb. ,4113 Surlace f 2 75 S. Fruntagc Rd. Colorado 81657 ere rcd attlmeof roolication submittrl rnd must includc Inlbrmation llshd on the Vall Flre fidpt prcccss, 2t page of thls norm. Appllcaffon wlll not b€ acceptcd wlthout thir inllormation. Tt *\ Elq.\.o''l Job Address: 3a3$ * ( ) Remodel( ) Repalr( ) Retro-flt()Q Other( ) X) T$ro-family( ) Mulu-family( ) Commerc'nl( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Acconrnodatlon Untts In thls bullding: COMPLETEV & Itateriab) ..r*...tt*.**t*a*.ltt***il***r*tii.rra*FOR OFFICE USE OflLY*.rr.r...tttt..*.t*..llt*.tt * * *t 'l tt ' RECEI{EO il*'!l t.', l:ili F:/c\Eryon46rm3/alrmperm a 9-1[.'-'+^ >'-'^b rYvDEvsLopMENr t 1*t Ae.\ Permit #: 801-0055 Status . . Applied. Issued . Expires . APPLICA$T SIGNATURE CONSTRUCTTON, rNC. 04/O2/2OOL Phone: 970-926-4329 P.O. Box 599 Edwards, CO 342L5 Hwy. 5, Ste. 205 Edwards 8L632 License t 63'7 -B coNrR;AcToR SIGNATURE CONSTRUCTTON, rNC. 04/02/2OO7 Phone: 970-926-4329 P.O. Box 599 Edwards, CO 34215 Hwy. 6, Ste. 205 Edwards 8L632 License: 537-B OV|INER WEISS GARY & CATHLEEN 04/Lo/2oot Phone: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNI NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES 0 # of Gas l,ogs: 0 I TOT^/NOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2738 ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Job Address: 3838 BRIDGE RD VAIL Location.....: 3838 Bridge Road ParcelNo...: 210111101011 ProjectNo ' ?O\Clr 4OnL License: Description:inter'ior remodel/ converting kitchen to bath Occupancy: R3 Type Construction:V N Single Family Residence Type V Non-Rated Valuation: $61,000.00 Add Sq Ft:0 # of Cas Appliances:Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y Wood Pellet Lol rz. ISSL]ED 04/02/2001 04/10/2007 10/07/2001 #of Building-;' Plan Check-> Investigation-> wiltcdl----> $545.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> 53 54 .25 DRB Fee--------> $o . oo Recreation Fee.._-._> 93.00 Clean-upDeposit-------> TOTAL FEES-___> s0. 0o s0.00 $0.00 90.00 $902.25 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-> Total Permit Fee----> Payments-> BALANCE DUE-> s902.2s $0.00 s9o2 .2s $902 .2s $0. 00 Approvals:I€dm: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEIiIIT 04/02/2OO3" Lc Davis 04/09/200r JRM o4/LO/2OO]- trErl Item: 05400 PL,AMING DEPARTI''IEI{IT Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTI,IENI Item: 05500 PITBIJIC WORKS Routed to Charlie ROUTED TO iIRM PI,ANS REDLINED Action: NO Action: No Action: AP o See page 2 of this Document fo, u?.onaiHons that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inforrration as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforcration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: n/a ORATOUR 8:00 AM - 5 ATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF f PAGE 2 ffi*ffi*****rt*#*********riffi*****#*#H**ffi*****ffi#**ffi*****!H*******#**rt***** CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Permit #: 801-0055 as of 04-1G2001 Status: ISSUED Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BLIILD PERMT Applied: 04/02/2007 Applicant SIGNATLIRE CONSTRUCTION INC. Issued: O4/70/2OOI ' 97U9264329 ToExpire: 70/07/2007 Job Address: 3838 BRIDGE RD VAIL Location: 3838 Bridge Road ParcelNo: 210111101011 Description: interior remodel/ converting kitchen to bath Conditions Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQTIIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:15 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 OF THE 1997 UBC. TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statem€nt a *** * *** **+ * + ++ t | +* + + + * ** * * * ** * * t a 3 r* 'r *'l ** r +++ + + +t * * ** +* + +* * ** * * *r***+ * f f*+*+ t*+* * ** * i** * tt* Statement Number: ROoO0o0577 Anount: $g02.25 04/LO/2OOLL2 L4 F{tl Payment Method: Cheek Init: L,C Notation: #16479/sistrature Con8truction Pernit No: 801-0055 T14re: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 210111101011 Site Addrees: 3838 BRIDGE RD VAIL Location: 3838 Bridge Road Totaf FeeE: $902.25 This Palment: $902.25 Total ALIr trnts: $902-25 Balance: 50.00 * * ** * ** * * ** * + ++ +t * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * +* +* + + + + * * * * * ** * * * * * * * f + + + * * * + * * * * * * * t+ * * f +* + ** * * ** *+ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES 545.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 354.25 |^JC OO1OOOO31128OO I,IILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3,OO Descri pti on Building Permit #: [\Ol- 970-479-2t49 (Inspections) r0wN0|utn 75 S. Frqntage Rd. Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical. etc.!/! s. tl rontage l(u. Vail, Colora-do E1657 ConbdEaole Count Asrcsors Offrce at 970-328-8640 or visit l:,H"!* Parcel s A+*+hi. Ztol llt or n t rob Name: wlrss Ktsdtnct fr*,ra, t Job Address: j(-JV 6,.t,A^L Kchd LesalDescription ll L"t, lL llg!.k, : llflfq. ljsruoiuirion' gr\'rrlrn /nAr,t!,h,; owners tttame: dlr'{ ifdihtrtn wtss l|]19:l-n tuo.tl,q-tr?-r.r3 r/r,l 1Vh.*'qi;q;4ft Architect/Designtt' s.kr,L r-rrlr n A%'"9: iz<y^ vXrL rea e/ust 'Yi"i-qqq-4/2t Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed descriotion of work: Tr-r*rLo,t kn,/,/ o,rh tAaqunl,,rq l-,lrL* + BA+L WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (f,) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior f;f..) Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family (|,) Two-family ( ) Multi-tumily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: I No/TypeofFireplacesExistinq: EasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninqtl ) Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances (-) Gas Loqs (-J Wood/Pellet F) Wood Burninq (NOT,\LLOWED) Does a Fire Alarin Exist: Yes ( ) No (X)Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist. Yes ( ) No (X) COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) BUILDING: $ $s,oo ELECTRICAL: $ Bo o OTHER: $ O PLUMBING: $ iO.oo o MECHANICAL: $ aoo o TOTAL:$ at,oo15 REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: General C.ontractor: ia{Vfuvc 0ongtrrrr.hon [rrL. Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'si ? 24, - q? z q Contractor Signature: 2 .t .zt ol *'******rc**:t*'**************************+FOR OFFICE USE ONLY* **r!******************** Public Way Permit Fee: : F :/everyone/f ormybldgperm RECDAPR022001 Questions? Callthe Building Team at 479-ffi 2t31 tr -l D a tr o tr o o o o o I o Appficant's signature; 21 ay' *-- Date of submittal: I0l,f'N Project Name: Department of Community Development fus,oo Pa.*,o {, / Project Address: This Checkh'st must be comoleted before a Building Permit application is accepted. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster.oarkino or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written approval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: NWNOF BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to uy: -t,^.JL* E rn{(^.",r(n ( Print name F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 Project *un'tu' [n/ r,"r Or-o4, \ It Date: t lz$ lzoo ' MWFIOF WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OFTHE FOLLOWING QUESNONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": Is this a new residence?YES NOV tr fl tr D Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES Does demolition work being performed public property? YES Is any utility work needed? Is the driveway being repaved? require the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or NOY YEs K No YES X NO Notr Is any drainage work,being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES -NO K - U U Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES NO X Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES_ NO_rx,_ If answer is NO, is g _parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YES Nb X If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. nature /ul', o - /?.a r-.- l- / =/-a /.--- Contractor Sig Job or Project Name: Date Signed: F :/everyone/forms/bldperm4 Company Name PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Aoplication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifi7 (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the tralfic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to peform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. f have read and understand the above. -+"n.-{-rn -Sttaa*e '\.-./'Date'Signed F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 MWNOF DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check offeach of the items below: o The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. o The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2t98 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. o Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancy issuance. Agreed to by:t^t Project Name: Date Signed: T-^. L(" t )e.- - R"^^o A,. / gl.^ !.--r F:/everyone/forms/bldperm6 MATERIAL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTION PARKING Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE s-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED UnlaMul deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlaMul for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notiry and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified, Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or ciruses another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be ounished as orovided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. a Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 5 (1979). CODES 7-3A-1 AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 1) Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge, (Ord. 2(1968) 5 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 t) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: .-h"^o\t Date Signed: > {.t lzn", F:/everyone/tbrmVbldpermT n TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 #ootrr* oF coMMUNr* ouurtMENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICALPERMT Permit #: E01-0075 lob Address: 3838 BRIDGE RD VAIL Status . . . : I9SUED Location.....: 3838 BRIDGE RD Applied. . : 04/20/2001. Parce1 No...: 210111101011 Issued. . : 05/01./2001 ProjectNo: Expires..: 10/28/2001. OV|INER WETSS GARY & KATHLEEN O4/20/2OOL PhONC: 3838 BRIDGE RD VAIL CO 81557 -4I5L License: coI{'rRAcToR D.C. ELECTRIC COMPANY 04/20/200]- phone: 97O-524-9780 P.O. BOX r-82 GYPSI]I4, CO 8L637 License : 7-62-E APPLTCAT\Ir D.C. ELECTRIC COMPANY 04/20/2OOa Phone: 970-524-978O P.O. BOX 182 GYPSUM, CO 8153 7 I-,icense: L62-E Desciption: move service and change kit and bath Valuation: $12,000.00 FEE SUMMARY f,lgsfai6f_> 5216.00 DRB Fee_> 90.00 Total Calculated Fees-> 5219 - 00 Additional Fees-->$0. oo Investigation--> wiil call-> TOTALFEE9-> S21e.00 Total pemrit Fee__> S2l-9 . 00 Payments-> S219.00 BALA.IICE DUE_>s0-00 s0.00 s3. oo Approvals:I€e'm: 06000 ELECTRTCAL DEPARTMEIIT o5l01-l2001 .lR"Ivl Action: AP CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Cond: 12 .:::"::1,:...:3*'::-:-'::::s*::::'-Y-:"::":::":3-'i3H": DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable REQUESTS FOR INSPECNON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVryfuCE BY TELEPHONE AT.179-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM E:OO AM - 5 PM. /' ; t,l l'4r/ SICNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF +*****+:;+**a****:|*,t**:l'lr****t**+*++++++r|***************t***t**+**f*+++**+*a******r**t*tttt** Statement Number: R00.0000655 Amount,: 9?X9.00 05/01,/2O0tL1 :43 AIrl Palment Method: Check Init: RA Notation: t22O Permit No: E01-00?5 TyPe: ELECTRICAI PERMTT ParceL No: 210111101011 Site Address: 3838 BRIDGE RD VAIL Location: 3838 BRIDGE RD Total Fees: $219. OO ' This Palment: $219.00 Total ALL ttnts: $219.00 Balance: $0.00 *t'} **+:i************'i*********+*+**,t***************+*+*******+****r.***:t r *** | {r f* * ftt * * *** **** * ACCO{JNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cur"rent Pmts IP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPOMRY PO!,IER PERMITS lic OO1OOOO31128OO IlliLL CALL INSPECTION FIE 216.00 3. 00 /-:\-KI\'r'-^ts/.J NntfrtmY HOW DID TYE RATE WTTH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Forrest, Director, (970)47e.213e Check allthat applies. 1. Which 0eparfnen(s) did pu conEct? Building K Environmenhl_ Housing_ Admin Planning _DRB _ PEC 2. Was yourinitialcontactwitroursffimmediate X dow_or no one avdlable_? 3. lf you were rguired to wail,Jrow long was it before you were nApeaz //o t;r i'( 4. Was your project reviewed on a limely basis? Yes / No lf no, why nof; 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app_ PEC app- fl,r) Bldg Permit_ ttUA 6. Pleasq rate fte performance of fte stafiperson who assisted you: 5 A3 21 Namq (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall eftctiveness of fte FrontService Courrter. U O t 2 t 8. Whatis the besttime of day for you b use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenb you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you brtaking the lime to complete this survey. We are committed b improving our service. TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 OWNER WEISS GARY & KATHLEEiI 3838 BRIDGE RD VAII, CO 81657 -4 g 51 License: CONTRACTOR ALLIAIiTCE MECHANI CAI-,, P.O. BOX 1855 EAGLE, CO 8163l- License : L47 -P APPIJICANT AI'I'IA}ICE MECIIANICAI' P.O. BOX 1855 EAGIJE, CO 8 L63l- License: 147 -P Desciption: PLUMBING FOR 1 BATH ONLY Valuation: '$9,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: ?? Wood Pallet: 04/t6/200L Phone: 04/L6/200t Phone: 970-32S-0303 04/1-6 /200L Phone: 970-328-0303 # of Gas Appliances:?? #ofC'aslogs: ?? FEE SUMMARY PLUMBINGPERMIT Job Address: 3838 BRIDGE RD VAIL Location.....: 3838 BRIDGE RD Parcel No...: 210111101011 Project No : PfXOt - OmL NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ot*rrr* oF coMMUNrrv oBvsLo?BNr Permit #: Status . . Applied. Issued . Expires. P01-0023 ISSUED M/76/zcnl M/77/2m]. 10/74/2m7 #of Plunbing-> Plan Check-> lnvestigation-> willcdl-> g135. oo Restuarant Plan Review-> 933 . ?s DRB Fee--> 9o. oo TOTAL FEES--> s3.00 s0. oo 90.00 Total Calculated Fees--> AddiHonal Fees---> Total Pemrit Fee---> Paym.errts---> BALANCEDUE__> s171 .7s $o. 00 s1?1.7s 9171 .75 90.0o Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMmfiT O4/L6/200L JRYL Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMETiIT Cond: 12 (Br,DG. ) : CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLI.ANCE. DECLARATIONS **ili*lf ** *'i'tt **+****+ *'f TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprintcd on ll4-17-2fl)l d 0:57:50 |Mtnunl Statqnent tl***tlt***'|******t*t't***,t*'|f**'t*++f+++'i*'l+*+l***f,r:t**:t{r'l****tll+lt**l*atl*'t**at+'ts**t*l*lla||t Statement Number: R00000050? Amount: 9171 .?5 04/17/2OOL09:5? All Payment lilethod: Check fnit : itRU l{otatloEr: Total Pees: 9171.75 Ttria Payment: $1?1.?5 Total AIJJ Pmta: $121.?5 Balance: $0.00 *tltlf tltt*tlt****t*'|*tl*t*t!******tt+++***it***'lr'i***'t*'i**l****+l+++ta**rlf t+f ltlf +'tt*tt****+*a**'i*+t ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri Dti on Permit. lfo: P01-0023 Pareel No: 210111101011 Site Addrege: 3838 BRIDGE Irocation: 3838 BRTDGE 00100003112300 00100003111200 00100003112800 TlT)e : PIitl,lBIlrGi PBRIIT RD I/AIL RD Current ffi,s PF PP t.lc PLAN CHECK FEES PLUMBING PERMIT FEES I^IILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 33.75 135 .00 3.00 AppLIcArroNJ'- nror BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpbE;*Jftfl&* Building Permit #2 AOt - cbsf Plumbing Permit #: 97 O- 479-2149 (Inspections NWI{WY/M ,J 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Contad Asssnrc Offtce at 970-328-864O or for Parcel # COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PTUMBING PERMIT (LaUor & Materials) Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) lob Address:2,," Address: pf y.fr- *l ,fln O"t 4 WorkClass: NeW( ) Addition( ) Alteration(72f Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family U/T Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( PLUMBING: $VA-?J-d CONTRACTOR INFORMATION HW:Y'a*j Town of Vail Reg. No.: /(/ -7 fz fflfaciand Phone #'s: 7fo t7Y 7/ 7^ ,*/,, 3rb o Jot 4/. - Contractor Signature:32t -sz)a G4 tL)o/w,,u D#k,49, tb'&\*h F/everyoneforms/pl mbperm fsLT F l vsg o Community Development. Department Russell Fonest Director, (970)47e-2139 Check all thd applies. 1. Which Departnent(s)did you conbc0 Building Environmenhl_Housing_Admin Planning _-DRB _ PEC Was your inilial contact wiilr our sffiimmedide_ no one available ? slow 4.Was your project reviered on a timely basis? Yes / No lf you were required h wait, how long was it before you were helped? lf no, why no? Was his your first lime b file a DRB app_ PEC app Bldg Permit NI/A Please rate $e performance of he sbffperson who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) Overall efiectiveness of fie Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best time of day for you to use fie Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you harre which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to compleG this survey. We are committed b improving our service. 7. 8. Pp C r:'rp 0$02-2002 . .,_lnspccilon Rcquert Repoftlng P^agc 16 7:9?--an- - -- - ---uatL.cojlosrtt0F-_-- -_ Fl.qu€sFd lBp.ctElsb: Thursday, Mry 02, 2002 In3p€c{on Are.: JRH site Addr€€s: l3l3 85lHt*so""t AIP/D lhlbmr.tlon ReouestF(LlpllcgEltl{ s i lt3m: 90 ELtS-Fin.l R€qucator: SIGNAI titlE CONS'rRUCTION. ltlc. Comot€nls: will c8il 3!x.t-7579 *bH,n: cDAvr.s BOt{o65 Typr: ffiUlLLl Occupon6}: vt'EISS GARY & CATHLEEN SGNATURE CONSTRL'CTICN, IT.IC SISNATTJRE CO+ISTRTJCTION. tf\tc. lnterlor ramodel/ convortlng kilch€n to bath Til21+ Fxp: R€quesEd Tlmcr 01:00 Pill Phona: 97S92SrK!29 -or- 39CF 7579 Eritilod By: DGOLDEN X AclhrlM concl typ6: ora,nef : Co(*rador: Applhrnt: flesr.riEfion : ,l il I Strtus: lnsp tuer: IS.SUED JRM fnsp€c-tionHlstorv ^/ ^\F ,, It€tfi: f0 BLFFoolir,gr.:,nel (ltl' "/It€m: 20 BlDC-Foun,;atl.rn,Sle*l I ' ./llem: 3O BLDC:-.Franr,n,: " .qDDfc {rr<l " t ./ 0803 0 ' -;nsp€ctor. ffi rrftioo: APPR AP.9PC'VED ttrsn: 5o amdtiiuiaton-'----" A llsm: 80 BlD&Shs€trock Nlll '" AF$r,rov€d " l I 06/10/0l lnsFsclor: 6nG Acllon- NR nPT READY FOR INSPECTTON t I C4fiotgnt! fnht''cb{ clncalleri ncr Lynne Canrpb€ll. lV (E'tr,-o-i.lnspocto(- GRG Aclhri APAPPRO\IED | .,^ttcm. N) BLDGMI-si Itcm. 70 BL;sr#H|. -lmpedd-'13Rc Aclh'n. APAPPRo\IED ,.L,^ Item: Sl BLDCrFinar A I N A X.V" n ii it lW\rl.il)"u\ rA t\ ./t/ '/ SubTvDs ASFR fJse V N PhoFe: 9?S926429 Ptlon€: 9XL9AS4:I29 REPT131 . Iirr} td,: 1525 o I Design Review Board ACTION FORM ,-t)Departrnent of Oommunity De\relopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co,us Project l{ame: Weiss Residence DRB Number: DRB020160 Project DescripUon: Change to approved plans for addition Participants: OWNER WEISS GARY & MTHLEEN 05/2912002 Phone: 3838 BRIDGE RD VAIL CO 81657-4851 License: APPUCANT VAG Inc., Architects & Plann05/29l2002 Phone: 949-7034 POB 1734 Vail, CO 81657 License: CONTMCTOR SIGNATURE CONSTRUCEON, INC.05/29I2002 Phone: P.O. Box 599 Edwards, CO 81632 License: 637-B PrcJect Addrcss: 3838 BRIDGE RD VAIL l-ocaUon: 3838 BRIDGE RD legal Description: Lot: 12 Block: Subdivision: BIGHORN 2ND ADDilON Parcel Number: 210111101011 Comments: BOARD/SIAFF ACTION l.loUon By: woldrich Action: APPROVED Second By: Rogers Vote: 4-0 Dateof Approvalz 0710912002 Condidons: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not consUtute a permit for building. Please consult widr Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005429 Revocable permit required at Building Permit Cond: CON0005430 ,o*n 6nd: @N009431 Plat for resubdivlsbn must be reorded prior to submittal for bulldlng permit 6nd: @N0005432 Gedogh hazard adnoud@ementform must be submltted with bulldlng pemit Allison Ochs DRB Fe€ Pald: S2O.OO a \ DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, July 3, 2002 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS PUBLIC WELCOME PROJECT ORIENTATION'/ LUNCH - Community Development Departmont 12:00 pm MEMBERS PRESENT BillPierce Hans Woldrich Charlie Acevedo Margaret Rogers SITE VISITS 1:30 pm' 2. 2 4.( o. Driver:George PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:00 pm 1. Daymer Corporation DRB02-0198 Allison Final review of proposed trash enclosure 123 S. Frontage Rd. EasULots M,N &O, Block 5D, VailVillage 1s'Filing Applicant Daymer Corporation, represented by John Perkins, AlA. MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 3-0-1 (Acevedo recused) CONSENTAPPROVED 2. Weiss Residence DRB02-0160 Allison Final review of changes to approved plans 3839 Bridge Rd. / Lot 12, Bighom 2m Addition Applicant Gary and Cathleen Weiss, represented by VAg, Inc. MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 4-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 1 GONDITION: 1. That the applicant shall submit the color of the roof material to staff for review and approval prior to submittal of a building permit. %*, MEMBERS ABSENT Clark Brittain Pattison residence - 5126 Black Gore Drive Vail East Lodging - 4093 E. Spruce Way Johnson/Porter residence - 4857 Juniper Lane Koellhoffer residence - 2388 Garmisch Donovan Park - 1600 S. Frontage Rd. West Daymer Corp - 123 S. Frontage Rd. East I I 8..L,. S Vail East Lodging DRB02-0197 Warren Final review of proposed re-paint cl " ' Vail East Lodge, 4093 E. Spruce Way/Lot 4, Bighorn 3d Addition ' Applicant Vail East Lodging Association MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the applicant explore using a darker trim color on the four upper buildings on the site, as suggested by the DRB, as deemed appropriate by Town staff prior to painting. 4. Pattison residence DRB02-0110 Bill Final review of proposed new single-family residence 5126 Black Gore Drive/Lot 2, Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision Applicant Pete and Carol Pattison MOTION: Charlie Acevedo SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED APPROVED WTH 2 GONDITIONS: 1. That a metal chimney cap is required.2. That the deck be constructed in such a manner that no cut edges of the Trex material are visible. 5. Johnson/Porter residence DRB02-0175 Allison Conceptual review of proposed addition and exterior modifications 4857 Juniper Lane/Lot 8, Block 4, Bighom 5s Addition Applicant Jeff Johnson, represented by Gwathmey, Pratt SchulE Architecls CONCEPTUAL- NO VOTE 6. Koellhoffer residence DRB02-0070 Allison Conceptual review of a new Primary/Secondary residence 2388 Garmisch / Lot 9, Block G, Vail Das Schone 2nd Filing Applicant: Garth Koellhoffer CONCEPTUAL_ NO VOTE 7. Donovan Park Pavilion DRB02-0181 George Final review of proposed new park pavilion 1600 S. Frontage Rd. WesUUnplatled, Donovan Park Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by VAg, Inc. MOTION: Charlie Acevedo SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 4-0 TABLED UNTIL JULY 17, 2OO2 Staff Approvals Jeffrey H. Bailey Revocable Trust DRB02-0152 Allison New rock fagade, new garage doors, spruce addition 5155 Main Gore Drive/Lot 20, Block 19, Vail Meadows Filing 1 Applicant: Jeffrey H. Bailey Revocable Trust Checkpoint Charlie DRB02-0186 George Information sign Intersection of Vail Road, Willow Bridge Road and Gore Creek Drive Applicant: Town of Vail Hanslresidence DRB02-0187 Allison Interior conversion 1151 Vail View Drive/Lot A-7, Block 12-B, Casolar Vail Applicant: Montine B. Hansl Kelton residence DRB02-0193 Bill Exterior color change 1034 Homestake Circle/Lot 5, Block 6, VailVillage 7m Filing. Applicant: Arthur M. Kelton Hillresidence DRB02-0190 Bill Change to apprcvcd plcn: 4889 Meadow Drive/Lot 14, Block 5, Bighorn 5s Addition Applicant: Joan S. Hill Dunning residence DRB02-0166 Allison Addition of greenhouse, stairs and deck e)dension 1461 Greenhill CourVLot 7, Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant Peter B. & Lucy Dunning Walker residence DRB02-0194 Allison Replace deck and railing 2831 Kinnikinnick Rd., ,A4, Columbine North/Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Intermountain Applicant Edward B. Walker Vaschke residence DRBO2-0191 Allison Install two trapezoid windows at east end of building. #354 595 Vail Valley Drive, Unit 354/Lots A&8, Manor Vail. Applicant Justin L. & Ann Gail Vaschke Atwell residence DRB02-0180 George Air condition unit addition on pad with refrigeration piping along wall 1390 Buffehr Creek Road/Briar Patch Applicant WebsterAtwellll Byers residence DRB02-0177 Allison 250 sq. ft. addition plus interior conversion 352 Beaver Dam Circle/Lot 5, Block 3, VailVillage 3'Filing Applicant: Byers Living Trust D'Agostino residence DRB02-0178 Allison Stone wall addition 971 Spraddle Creek Drive/Lot 8, Spraddle Creek Estates Applicant Franco D'Agostino VailClinic Inc. DRB02-0202 Allison Freestanding sign 181 W. Meadow Drive/Lots E&F, VailVillage 2n0 Filing Applicant: VailCliniclnc. Club Chelsea DRB02-0199 Allison New awning sign (formerly from Club Chelsea) 100 E. Meadow Drive/Lots M&O, Block 5D, VailVillage 1d Filing Applicant Daymer Corp., represented by John PErkins, AIA Petrus residence DRB02-0205 Bill Change to approved plan (stone material change) 84 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 28, Block 7, VailVillage 1s'Filing Applicant Petrus Managemenl Corp . The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Ccimmunity Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. o c) TJ .-J r- GI I) C) o r. 9P 5F gct t-| c) .) f-N uro N6-c);. 9.t {z o v) 2. a c, 4 + +iJ' Or { t ,tl I I I I I I I I I I I I t.+ G IJ .9 Or ._l ..: ,ll ' I I I I I I o o tJ =' l.\' I (-(nrtn A I 6-=+.' = d ^:'=.c,;= :r "i {.6 n g =Eo €tEA ;' .--=.i <Pu? -<-o ;.<D -a + 7 ='= ?9n G I qriRl\ I lr\ l-\lr, l.s-\r ls I !t!2as cj <' P-ee'6' ==(tr I e3.E(EF +d*r Fl;iO E';ic,Fr 7-4,F. !: .\Y a Lrr E'r?E €)6 9\ss.se a o o P.,c, (? at 7; o 5 r) o € + o ..,1 =0i).\) l-l / o C' I I ao:rn !.eHe a-Lt'fDr <C),==. O4l r ; C) € at csr -\-i ]E=J E's €i s9 =t * d -G + ;st s ---'-*.t l* Ol \t ll A |.J a) c) l\) e St *=btr *ls*-3s'EI l"F ls l3 l-'a o\ o (n t .c, o (n o It I IN lo tz F"n IFFI K) b ls- F l* I I I oo c,o o o D' at l-. lrD L\r tz k\ ta' IYI IJ NJ ttr I I + N l" ll N l*'].tr- Fr F I tl'!loo 19 t$E lll=.l.; L N I I t.--lsl tsa l-+ I ll I ts F I h-\ l.$ls ls IN (,rt Ut O c='e.fs z i-Fi"FEl. l o\ x (| I I I Fn I I t,o Or \c| <> a5... \-\l \ -_t I \ z ,o I I I tJ o (t c) (a. c, F)N a cr ct 7f o (2 :r. '' l* l- m c, c, I i t o O 6 t, r! 3 I I I vt a-t E E"O s5 -E€St * E.g r,-tr='_cr:l E$5€\z R.5tEa Z'Ec/2.5 .o!=/i E-V-E tr6o.i5 'c tr a€?dd.P af,E .ieRg €Fa.' H 5,E,8 3 t\ \r EI g = sg g"E.E trr$ 2f,og fr$ggf; E r; \1\1 fr 44,tr; 6 .o trt bo 'E f, # 'so E E F F€g$:ol)d,XEfr FsFHf,f€&, E E E "'E € E €#F 2^ nF$s$jggfs$gu ,Br s g$gg \ y\l \l \l \l .rl \l \\rrr Y'o 'E o ()>.E #j t d, at -a-r()atl EE €€.g E R8F sf 2.9 6 {r 5\r \l otl o Fl t\g \rt legel I lal \l: I'l \ !t \\l\i :l \l 3 lrl F s l\r'l \l \l \l \l 4el \1,t1 F\d D x IJ ' (.,'a UI I -.lr -,-t VAg,Inc. Architects & Planners July l,2002 Alison Ochs Town of Vail Planning Departrnent 75 South Frontage Road vail. CO 81657 Re: Weiss Addition Revisions Dear Alison: We are including this letter as a part ofour response. In order to clearly identifr items that have been revised from our DRB Meeting Submittal, we have established the following list of items for your review. Site Plan: The site plan has been noted requiriug that the heated portion of the driveway located in the Town of Vail right-of-way will be indicated on the control box. A note has been added indicating the stream is a recycle strearn The grades have been continued on the east and south sides ofthe house where they were previously missing. Snow fences are shown on the roofplan as well as the elevations. A deail is attached as well. The elevations for all roofridge, eaves, chimneys and domrers are included on the roofplan. The main roof material has been changed to Mira Vista Slate by Owens Corning. A color image is included as well illustrating the Cavern color to be used. Floor plans are included for clarity. The snow fences are included on the third floor looking down onto the roof over the master deck. The turret construction has been changed to include vertical log comers rather than the interlocked horizontal logs originally shown. The roofrnaterial has been changed to Mira Vista Slate and is reflected in the change to the roofpattem on the elevations. The snow fences are shown in elevation. A detail ofa boulder wall designed and stamped by a licensed engineer is attached. A snow fence detail is attached. Please let me know of any questions that you may have or concerns regarding this set we are submitting to you for modification. Thank you for your time and careful consideration ofthis submission. fl.: R:D226.0ewcbsAdditiooDRB0?o!02ft'ol dx 07t0v02 Mailing Addrcss: PO. Box 1734 Vail, CO 81658-1734 l. 2. 3. RoofPlan: l. 2. 3. Floor Plans: l. Elevations: l. -'. Details: l. 2. Physical Ad&€.ss: 90 Benchnar* Rd.. Suit€ 2O2 Avon. CO 81620 2. (nq 949-7034 fax: (970) 949-8134 emait gcneral@vagarchit€cts.com YI \15 VAg, Inc. Architecs & Plarmen July l,2002 Alison Ochs Town of Vail Planning Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Weiss Addition Revisions Dear Alison: We are including this letter as a part of our response. In order to clearly identifu items that have been revised liom our DRB Meeting Submittal, we have established the following list of items for your review. Site Plan: The site plan has been noted requiring *rat the heated podon of the driveway located in the Town of Vail right-of-way will be indicated on the control box. A note has been added indicating the stream is a recycle stream. The grades have been continued on the east and south sides of the house where they were previously missing. Snow fences are shown on the roof plan as well as the elevations. A detail is attached as well. The elevations for all roofridge, eaves, chimneys and dormers are included on the roofplan. The main roof material has been changed to Mira Vista Slate by Owens Coming. A color image is included as well illustrating the Cavem color to be used. Floor plans are included for clarity. The snow fences are included on the third floor looking down onto the roof over the master deck. The turret construction has been changed to include vertical 1og comers rather than the interlocked horizontal logs originally shown. The roof material has been changed to Mim Vista Slate and is reflected in the change to the roofpattern on the elevations. The snow fences are shown in elevation. A detail of a boulder wall designed and stanped by a licensed engineer is attached. A snow fence detail is attached. Please let me know ofany questions that you may have or concerns regardrng this set we are submining to you for modification. Thank you for your time and careful consideration of this submission. fiL R /2226.0o-wcbsAdditir/DRB070l02h l doc 07/ot/o2 Mailing Addr€ss: P.O. Box 1734 Vail, CO 81658-1734 l. 2. 3. RoofPlan: l. 2. 3. Floor Plans: l. Elevations: t- 2. Details: J. l. 2. Physical Addrcss: 90 Benchmark Rd., Suite 2O2 Avon, CO 81620 (910) 949-1034 fax: (970) 949-8134 cmail: general@vagarchit€cts.com LINE OF L& A&VE 4x4 AltlGL E 9EAT 1TrcER&LT IIOLE9 ag gHouN 4"x4" PLATE VERTICAL BELOIU 1vz"x1vt"xt4" BAgE PLATE ALIGN tsOLT HOLES II'l CENTER PLATE 'TOP ' @fTOT1 OF FLATE lO" dt.. L& vz" X 4' 9p' LXt BoLfg 4r4at4xb At{6L E gEAT ITJELDED TO VERT. PLATE 4xll4" vERf ICAL PLATE IIELDEO TO 1x1xlt4 B,A9E PLATE 'lx']xrzr " BA9E PLATE &LIEO TO 2X PI.ATE Ut (2) vz". 39. WLT$ VAg,Inc. ArdiEr & P|roqt hob-l?ta Va @ ar,ll ltl (gmt 949.7v,4 ftr: (90) 9{9.813,1 d!tdaq6rr tl-rdbA PITAS& o SHESI: D7.01 R& Y^FltE€D PRO'BCT NAM& V/eiss Addition 3839 Bridge Road, Vail, Colorado DRAWING TNLE Snowfence Detail SCALE f-MI - l'4' @ 2@t v a g rrE lrchll.ct. t pl.ryE . PROIECT NO:.@ EIII,'E DATR (r'OUU ffi LINE OF LOG A@VE 4x4 Atrl(iL E 9EAT 3TlGf,lER BOLT llOLEg A9 gr.rouN 4"xv" PLATE VERTICAL tsELOuJ 1vz"x1vz" xt4" BA9E PLATE ALI6N BOLT I{OLEg IIil CENTER FTLATE 'TOP I PJTON OF PLATE to" dtt. L& vr" X 4" 99- LXt *Lfg 4x4xVx6 Ah,l6LE 9EAT IUELDED TO VERT. PLATE 4xlt4" YERTTCAL PLATE II,ELDEO TO ']xlxl/4 BA9E PLATE 'tx.lxlzr " BAgE PLATE &LTEO TO 2X PLATE rU (2) vz"o 9.5. BOLT9 VAg,Inc. ArchiEr. & PLDEr v. @ ratlt'l.(nq 9,703/. nL g/0) 919.t134 dlF.aLt|*s- Fl-tldt-t PH,{SB: CD SHEBT: D7.01 RB 'v^RtEeu PRO'BCTNAM& PRO'ECTNO: Weiss Addition 3E39 Bridge Roa4 Vail, Colorado DX.A.WING TITL& Snowfence Detail SCAL& f-V2' = f'{' @ 2@ot v a g rE .rchrt..t. t pr.d6r. ISSIJA DATE zEtt.& @nug2 Hff LINE OF Lql AEollE 4x4 AIIGLE SEAT 9TA6fIERB€LI UOLE9 a9 guouN 4"xvt" PLATE VERTICAL aELOU, 1V2 "x1V2 "xt/." BA9E PLATE ALI6N BOLT IIOLES IIJI CENTER PLATE 'TOP ' @Tfc|'1' OF PLATE lO" dta. Lql l,r' x 4" 9.9. LNt Ecilrg 4x4xVxb Af.lGLE 9EAT u.ELDED TO VERT. PLATE 4xlt4" rr'ERTICAL PLATE IIELOEO TO lxlxl/4 BAOE PLATE lx'lxrzr " 6,qgE n41E WLTEO TO 2X PLATE w (?) 4'o 95. BOLTg I' ^ T--l,,tt rrtt: Adit6&PbEr va @ Da'll'la (yto)94.9.7031 fir: (t0) 9{9,E134 .dtr.dhfre tl--irtbA I4IAS& CD SHEBT: D7.01 n& v^Rtesft ITOJBCT NAME Weiss Addition 3839 Bridge Road, Vail, Colorado DTAWINO TIII,E Snowfence Detail SCAL& l-lll' = I'f @ 2@l v A g lic .rchrtacl. . pl.r'E . PROJBCT NO:zn6fi lSllUB DATE ('li0un ffi I<RM CONSULTANJS, INC. P.o Box *z Voil, Colorodo 81658 (e70) s4e-sJs1 rox (szo) 949-1s77 D^_ 06/o5/o? cHto( 6Y 0Alf SCALE 3/+" - 1'-o GRAVEL FILL AND FILTIR FABRIC PER SOILS ENGINEER FOR DRAINAGE I NOTES: 1. BOULDERS ARE TO BI 1,_6 TO 4'-O IN DIMENSION AND SHALL BE OF ANGULAR SHAPES (NOT ROUND) 2. PLACE EOULDERS SO THEY INTERLOCK BOTH VERTICALLY AND HORIZONTALLY. 5. DIMTNSIONS SHOV't'l ARE APPROX. BUT TI-1E TOTAL HEIGHT OF THE WALL MAY NOT EXCEED 6'-O AND THE SLOPE MAY NOT BE STEEPER THAN 2: l 4, BACKFILL AND BASE SOILS SHALL BE VERIFIED BY SOILS ENGINEER DURING CONSTRUCTION OF WALL.EA. BOULDER TYP. TYPICAL BOULDER RETAINING WALL SINGLE TItR SCALE:3 l(RM CONSULTAI|TS, rNC. P.O. Box J72 Voil, Colorodo 81658 (s70) e4s-eJs1 Fox (szo) 949-1577 .;.,^;,;.',-c-o^_ 06 /o5/o2 cilto< 8Y OAIE scAtt 3/+" - 1'-o GRAVTL FILL AND FILTER FAERIC PER SOILS ENGINEER FOR DRAINAGE NOTES: 1. BOULDERS ARf TO BE 1'4'_O IN DJMENSION AND BE OF ANGULAR SHAPES -6 TO sfrAlL nouNoy 2. PLACE BOULDERS SO THEY INTERLOCK BOTH VERTICALLY AND HORIZONTALLY. 3. DIMENSIONS SHOV'4! ARE AFPROX. EUT THE TOTAL HEIGHT OF THE V/ALL MAY NOT EXCEED 6'-O AND THE SLOPE IJAY NOT BE STEEPER THAN 2:1 4. BACKFILL AND BASE SOILS SHALL BE VERIFIED BY SOILS ENGINEER DURING CONSTRUCTION OF WALL.EA. EOULDER TYP. TYPICAL BOULDER RITAINING WALL SINGLT TIER SCALE:3 l<RM CONSULT,AIITS, rNC. P. o. Box lt7 2 Voil, Colorodo 81658 (e7o) e4e-eJs1 rox (szo) 949-1577 .^..o-'.^rro ,t -1t- or,-- 1 D^.- a6 /05 /02 cHtc( 8Y OA TE SCAL€3/4" - 1'-o GRAVEL FILL AND FILTER FASRIC PER SOILS ENGINTIR FCR DRAINAGE NOTES: ,I. BOULDERS ARE TO EE 1'4'-O IN DII/ENSION AND BE OF ANGULAR SHAPES 2, PLACE EOULDERS SO THEY INTERLOCK EOTH VERTICALLY AND HORIZONTALLY. 3. DIMENSIONS SHOvil! ARE APPROX.BUT THE TOTAL HEIGHT OF THE WALL MAY NOT EXCEED 6'-O AND THE SLOPE MAY NOT 8E STEEPER THAN 2:1 4, BACKFILL AND BASE SOILS SHALL BE VERIFIED BY SOILS ENGINEER DURING CONSTRUCTION OF WALL. -6 TO SHALL (Nor ROUND) I EA. BOULDER TYP. TYPICAL BOULDER RETAINING WALL SINGLE TIER SCALE: J TOWN OF VAIL D e p artme n t of C ommun ity D ev e I opme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us June 13,2002 Darci Hughes VAg Inc. Architects and Planners P.O. Box '1734 Vail, CO 81658 Fax:949-8134 RE: Weiss Residence, located at 3839 Bridge Rd. I Lot 12, Bighorn 2nd Addition Dear Darci Hughes, The Community Development Department has received your application for the Weiss Residence, located at 3839 Bridge Rd. I Lol12, Bighorn 2no Addition. The following comments and concerns must be addressed prior to final approval: 1. The heated portion of the driveway located in the Town of Vail right-of-way will need to be marked as such at the conlrol box. Please indicate on the site lJ I d,t t. 2. Please provide a stamped approved drawing from a licensed P.E. for the boulder retaining wall. 3. Please provide detatl informalion, elevations, and drawings of the snow fence. 4. A revocable right-of-way permit is required for all improvements located in the Town of Vail right-of-way. 5. ls the small proposed stream a recycle stream or is is using live water. Please indicate on the site plan. 6. Please provide the roof elevations for all roof ridges and eaves, including dormers, architectural projections, and chimneys. 7. Please continue the grades from lhe survey through the existing and proposed residence, including interpolated grades, so staff can determine building height. {p *""'"uo ""* r.oo oNtb , ,"1f.^!t)"ltJ Residence has been reviewed according lo Two-Family Primary/Secondary r".\'zpriltrg and the survey provided. The analysis provides the following: Lot Size: 128,066 sq. ft. Zoning: Two-Family Primary/Secondary Hazards: High severity rockfall, debris flow, snow avalanche Standard Allowed Prooosed GRFA. 7801 sq. ft. 6946 sq. ft. Site Goverage 25,613 sq. ft. 2517 sq. ft.Height 33 ft.Please revise Setbacks 20115115115 231171'lilok Parking 3 required 3 proposed (2 enclosed) 'Plat restricted to be based off of lot size of 64,033 sq. ft. The above comments and concerns must be addressed to statf's satisfaction prior to final approval. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 970-479-2369. **flilhML Allison Ochs, AICP Planner ll Town of Vail r/ "d, i I I rl ll I I I ll I.{- T lr I 'I. I I i .i I l 't t , i , /i .l tl , I tl t I I I I I i i x tt ,,tl ti t o !t-' r I l?r. j \. ".,'. i t t i f, { 1 -:r'ff, I I : I r .! I l1 I I I I ( .: t 'i (. ,.d I I .i \ fr I l\ * I ,l >'l :r. 'l '{ i! al I a"{I I I,4 . '/ I ,l ,l I 4 .t f I * - d!rP. .L-=t"_ ot ,i+ I id'.fi''Il 'H".s tl -t '..r -err. . Vd VAg,Inc. Architects & Planners Transmittal: Project Name: Weiss Addition Date: May 28,2002 RE: DRB Submittal - Change to Approved Plans FROM: Darci Hughes Project Manager TO: Town of Vail Design Review Board We are sending vis, hand Memo _ Letter x Drawings Project No: 2226.00 the following: Specifications Other Description: (3) cooies - DRB Submittal Drawinss Cut sheets, color exannrles. application- previously apnroved application and information for review & conrnent as requested for your use & information Other as reouired Remarks: Attached olease find three cooies of drawings reouired for DRB submittal as well as the aoolication color and material information and cut sheets. Included is a cooy of the oreviouslv approved application for your reference. Thank vour for vour time and carefirl consideration of this submittal for Chanses to Approved Plans. Darni IIrrchac flg R.U226.00 W€irs Addilin Trels rittals\Rc_oszEoz DRB.doc Physical Address: 90 Benchmark Rd., Suite 202 Avon, CO 81620 (970) 949-7034 fax: (970) 949-8134 email: general@vagarchitecls.com sna0l Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1734 Vail, CO 81658-1734 SENr BY: IIEISS&NEUIBEFRY tED aSSOCi 32t 728 1955; , ,*?-*. rEr:s.rA0,t rf(Lir v| lNu !,/u n49 ul3a PAGE 2/2 P.2 Application fur Design Revlew Dapmf|Cftof CdrriniUDartbqngrt : 75 Souh ftgrtbgG rm, vr, coono a165'U; 9D.t/9.2r39 tu,t W..n.Zq5f, wab: trww.d.ndl.@_rrs gl99F rc[ua!! rrecq rw.w rrrE 'laiw epod Fs b senni'E. hrarng D.rrnt Tprorbn. ptc'3!rEf? b OE 'lfinllat rcquicrf,nB for tht nrto,,C !9gdd Utt f rquc.it. fn rifiElnd|T_ Drdon Radrr t t? p-o* rfinuat rcquircnf,ng ror rtrl nrror6t rp;otd urrE "rqd;.-trrifiri; ruD.cc" ,iffi :3f n.3!11{ l tcodrld.r"omffi, tr riarrod ry ur c,nimurlry ntrm;' ilputrrm. rn"pruFct n.v ato nsed b ba rlvru by tftc rorn corndr uiv;-u--pla,i'rii ;;;ffi;;t* cmnirdm-lag" n&y rPeoud hrt rntci. luttline ronnrr i'r:rro rr-C,itdi*]ii-.,t '*,urr,orE F.rotdto|Dtwrl. I0lt{v Ganrrd Infbnrptqr: tocedon ot thr progefl tot: ftydcrf Addrr* tarut trqr ZlOl lll Olltl (ConH Elele Co. Acccsor rt yAl328-BAt0 for gffid 1D.1 _!?-_eo* IL zo|l|ne: irm{r)d0mn{s): lleillng Addrcrc: orrnc(s) $gnrturr{s): llelllnglfibcrn t.mlllddnrr: fYfa otRavianaaFc!tr s{tts g cfrtptd Ra,lc{, O lla; Cm*nrtion O A0Oucn O frllruAt ntin (rtt/ftd-lbmdly/connn rtill) tl !4horAErdbl (Sntlefrnilt/4der) I ChtrtgE to ^pprwcd P|rns O Scpr.ilb R.$crt .rLffiio dr, fr. 8.Y t50 tlntl.q]Dcrtcrrclbotofdignc. flo Flr $650 For srgudbn of a n hikF! ff qm/'r$uib. $300 For ]l ..il.in ||ra€ s$rc lbgG b ad.lcd lo .try |t*tsrtirl o.cililrdJ hr*fE $drb 2t0 adrilcrc f ilr'io. cdrlcrdo,ttlr t250 F0. trd,Er $angpr b hrlfine6 mt ffa rng.Oi,ttncntt $ah tA cndng, p*rtsng, ldnh addSdll ldtdrapang, flnas r|d t20 For rdror d1!ttc3 to h*fngold Str,impoaocnb, sdr rq rltlgfrlg, fffi||g, r*ihr rdddo.rl, hrtdlc|0ing, ftnar aod ltirnr|g rf,rrr aE-t20 Ffi ruuiirt|5 b gltns rlcNdl rppoad ht Phmrng $.tl a ftr D6{n Rcvi* 8c.d. llo Fcc cEtl,E0 l$moof ArDTc.r* '? MAY 2 6 20s2 Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIAIS TYoe of Material Color ^h+{,irtl Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Noot Noo\ NM\ Noo\ Ur'b +\YAt\\Tf\ A Io]PU4- NA uA. L- rid,',3 Slrorps, q !r!,lUy'W Notes: Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. ,\UJ4Jn M0tr "\ [1rli]13 ++vx+ (yet S+nin 1o tr4k/n rrdfnq E{nrv, t' Fn{ft $did ?tat Bodk- J ' l,.hht' \ ttnhuil"l Page 6 of LZ|0U07l02 D Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Architectural Floor Plans:o Scale of 1/8' = 1'or larger; 1/4" is preferred o Floor plans of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale.o Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building.s Label floor plans to indicate the proposed floor area use (i.e. bedroom, kitchen, etc,).o One set of floor plans must be "redlined" indicating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. See Ttle 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations.o Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhangs. Architectural Elevations:o Scale of 1/8" = I'or larger; 1/4" is preferred o All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings must show both existing and finished grades. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale.o If building faces are proposed at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show these faces also.o Elevations shall show proposed finished elevation of floors and roofs on all levels.o All exterior materials and colors shall be specified on the elevations.o The following shall be shown graphically and fully dimensioned; fascia, trim, railings, chimney caps, meter locations, and window details.o Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures on the building.o lllustrate all decks, porches and balconies.o Indicate the roof and building drainage system (i.e. gutters and downspouts).o Indicate all rooftop mechanical systems and all other roof structures, if applicable.o Illustrate proposed building height elevation on roof lines and ridges, These elevations should coordinate with the finished floor elevations and the datum used for the survey.o Exterior color and material samples shall be submitted to staff and presented at the Design Review Board meeting. Lighting Plan: o Indicate type, location and number of firtures.o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area o Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II, IMPROVEMENTLOCATIONCERTIFICATE(ILC) Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted. The following information must be provided on the ILC: D Basis of bearing and tie to section corner o All property pins found or set o Building location(s) with ties to property corners (ie. distances and angles)a Building dimensions, including decks and balconies, to the nearest tenth of a foot n Building and garage floor elevations and all roof ridge and eave line elevations a All drainage and utility service line as-builts, showing type of material, size and exact location D All easements Page 5 of t2lo2l07l02 Botanical Name PROPOSED I.ANDSCAPING Common Name Ouantaty Size lolz' l^+. I0 -t7' lLl . 2"-3" a,l. B1E e-{e- e5 k5 r5 PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Annct q$d^ieir lovn6licr- .hniprus Srott.t*'EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please speciff other landscape features (i,e, retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc,) lz 2 rtA___l_ t?te rlo tnr€(nto furtr k5 +5 Page 7 of L2lo2/O7l1z UTIUTY LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to veriff service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling instillauons. The location and availability of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Slqnature Date QWEST 970.384.0238 (tel) 970.384.0257 (fax) Contact: Jason Sharp EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4077 (tel) Contact: Brian Sulzer HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.949.s892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4024 (tel) 970.262.4038 (fax) Contact: Kit Bogart EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT* 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 97O.949.L224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar *Please provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utility locations must be obtained before diooing in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildino oermit is not a Public Wav oermit and must be obtained separately. Page 8 of L2l02l07l1z co""ufiv DeveloPMENr noult Fonm Routed To:Leonard Sandoval, PW Date Routed:06105102 Routed By:Allison Ochs Date Due:06t10t02 Description of work:revisions to single family residence Address:3838 Bridoe Rd Legal:Lot: I 12 Block:Subdivision:Bighorn 2nd Status: I Approved n Approved with conditions fi Denied Comments:Date Reviewed:6-11-02 additional review bv Fire De Heated portion of driveway in right of way will need to be marked at control box. Please note on Provide stamped approved drawing from a license PE for boulder retaining wall per TOV standards. Provide detail information and drawing on snow fence. Allison. is the d n beinq approved bv staff / DRB ? Revocable right of way permit is required, for existing landscaping in ROW and heated portion of drivewav in ROW. ls small proposed stream a recycle stream or it it using live water? Proposed stream is below snow fence. lsandoval itd r, 0. luul I : + /,"it I Jli' ' AI{ER IIA}i No,4tZU P 1/f.''','..1,r L\l oputtrrt 9ollcy Amqurr! .r 1,2C0, 000.00 s 900, o0o.0o at the illsr AMERICAT-i H*recE rrrlE co O :ilri Br.'<rrvnv p.o, Bo.r ro^o'i.Fan *;il;Jffi rr.-rYr,, . FA,J*: (ez') 32s..5e5? COIVIMITMENT SCIIEDOIE A CoDrtitru€ut No: ES10090801_3 1, eodnitmeltt DaE6r February ZO, ZOOL aE ?:29 A,M, 2. Pollcy or poJ.icice to b. {Esu.d,: (a) Osrt€ls Po1icy - Fropoead. Ilrau'Ed! Gar.y Wrise and Kath1een Wciss (b) Loan rollcy - proDosed tnsured; Colorado Resof b l,end!.ng 3 ' Fee si.rsprE lnterest rn the lasd dleacrr.b.d r.4 !b{r' co@r.tn.at ls o*€.,coDroit$€nt Datc by: L--cc!-,, T, Ridler ahd lla.rbara A. Ridlcr 4. Th€ la[Ct ref erre. to in t]rl,.s Cor'ri,t r3b,t Ls d:ecrlbad ea follows I t.^t C L2 ,Fighorn Subdivis j.on Second, AddiEtorr,,.!':cordinq to Lhe Flat: recorded Juty ZZ. :'953 as Recepf,ion No. 92704,. (iou s./ of Eagl e , ,:i cat & of Colorado. (for infonnatiorral Furpo!5es only) 363g Bridge Rd PRE!{TUM: I.lor tgag€ pollcy Cwncr,s poiic!. 'iax C€rE,iflcaEe !'orm 1o g-HdftrlcElons Form 140 .1-EpA Besidenb ia1 02/28/01 13r03;46 cb L.y .!G " .;; ) s 85.00 1, 8s2.00 t < nn 35.00 35. 00 . Form 103 . l-E,rs€m€nts-Mp DeleEion - Items 2-S 50.00 - x.r.t+# ,. t**'n RECD MAY 16 ZOOI ? TOWNOFVAII. coIoRADO Shrcmeot o5/29lzoo2to:o{ Atd Init: iItR NotatLon: 391 l,tlke tdaacaros Pemlt No! DRBOAO16O epe: DRB_Chg to Appr plans Parcel No: 210111101011 Site Address: 3g3g BRIDGE RD VAII,Location: 3838 BRfDcE RD Statement Nunber: ROOO0O24?1 Amunt: $2O.OO Palment !{eElrotl: Check DR 00100003112200 DESIGI,I REVIEW FEES Thle Paynrent:$20.00 Balaace: gO. OO **t*l'}rti***+lf'+t't+*+a+{'a*tl*a*+aaa*,tlt*aaaar***+tf+t+++t+ta+ittf+tt+|trtaat*aaaaat*aaa{,t+ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pt i on Total Pe€a: Total AI,L pmts:$20. 00 $2o. oo Current Pmts 20.00 -?F*t9.aa t -' ^;ffio" : rov-0i-DEv-DEPr. T.,*x,m o APpLrcArroN o"*,,.,r .f,H;:;,,* steffar.;X 2/', FOR DESIGN RFiTIEW APPROVAL *l'tY GENERAL INFORMATION Thb.applicdtign is fcr any project requiring Design Review approval Any project requiring design review musr-receive Destql Review approlal prbr to subrnrfting for a building prgrmit. For specmc inrormaion, ree tr.," *oJtar reguirsnents for d:e partcular approlat tbat is requesed. The-applisatbn cannot be accepted untit alt the required infonnation is subrnitted. The project may abo need to be reviewed uy me ro*n tourrcil aod/or the nannlni-ano Environmerrtal commission- Pesign Review Board approval expires one yeai affler final approval uitess a buiHing p,ermit is issued and construction is sbrted. A. D€SCRIffiON 0F THE REQUESI-: 8. (^ E. LOCATiON OF PROPOSAL: LOT IZ BLOCK:- FIL]NG:TIaL16?)J 2J AJALL.,:' pARcEL *ztol ltl Al Otl (Conbct Eagle 00. Assessors Office at 970-32S-8640 for parcel #) IIAME OF OWNR(S):G,Ae-o,, { A4{H Lzz}_J L.r€.r5 S , F. (r. !.1 TYPE OF MAILINGADDRESS: owNER(S) SIGI{ATU RE(S); $200 9s0 ?ausJ r,lt te t\t-VD neFQ PHONE: izl 7z-I 10L\ U MinorAlterarion - 320 Con$ruction of a new building. Includes any actdition where square footage b added to any residentjat or commercial buildtnq. Includes manor changes to buildiigs and site impr9vsrnE619, 5rrg6 .as, rer@fing, pain6ng, wirdow addiUons, landscaping, fences and retain;ng wallt etc. ?RB ft* are to be paid at the time of suhnitat. Later, when apprying for a byiHing permit prease icendfy the accurate valuation of $e project. The Town of Vail wil aqu#tire ;* ;;il;io the prg:ect varuation. PLEASE SUBIVIIT.THIS APPI-ICATIOi{, ATT SUBI4ITTAL REQUIREUEI{TS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTITIENT OF COMMUNITY DEV:LOPMEffT,75 SOUTH FROI{TAGE ROAD, VAII- COLORADO a1657. REC'D MAY 14 2OO1 - Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Communlty Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Weiss Residence DRB Number: DR8010120 Project Description: Remodel & addition to existing residence Participa nts: OWNER Gary Weiss 05/15/2001 Phone: 1051 Port Malabar 5 Palm Bay, FL 32905 License: APPLICANT Steve Riden 05115/2001 Phone: 949-4121 PO Box 3238 Vail, CO 81658 License: Project Address: 3838 BRIDGE RD VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 12 Block: Subdivision: BIGHORN 2ND ADDfiON Parcel Number: 210111101011 Comments: REQUIRES FINAL APPROVAL FROM STAFF BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Bill Pierce Action: APPROVED Second By: Hans Woldrich I Vote: 5-0 DateofApprovah, $j&/*W Q/1O12-o' Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff andlor the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consuh with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005002 That the addition be approved by staff once there is pEC approval, approved hazard mitigation, and Public Works issues are resolved. Cond: CON0005003 That the living room wiundows be more consistent with others on the building. Cond: CON0005004 That the tower design be reviewed by staff. Planner: Ann Kjerutf DRB Fee Paid: $50.00 o DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, June 20, 2OO1 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS PUELIC WELCOME PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain Bill Pierce Hans Woldrich Andy Blumetti Charles Acevedo SITE VISITS MEMBERS ABSENT /". ^- 'r2&,r^. {' 12:00 pm 2:00 pm I. 2. A .t. "5. Drivec Allison Andersson residence - 4995 Juniper Lane Law residence - 4460 Glen Falls Lane Vail Heights - 2059 Chamonix Lane Vail Marriott - 715 W. Lionshead Circle Lodge at Vail - 174 Gore Creek Drive PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS t.Andersson residence - A final review of a proposed addition. 4995 Juniper Lane/Lot 9, Block 5, Bighom Subdivision. Applicant: Mats & Andrea Andersson, represented by Eric Johnson MOTION: Charles Acevedo SECOND: Andy Blumetti VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the deck rails on the secondary unii be finished to match the deck rails on the Primary unit. Weiss residence - Final review of proposed. addition. 3838 Bridge Road/Lots 11 & 12, Bighom 2no Addition. Applicant: Gary Weiss, represented by Steve Riden 2. 3:00 pm Allison Ann MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH 3 CONDITIONS: 1. That the addition be approved by staff once there is PEC approval, approved hazard mitigation, and Public Works issues are resolved. 2. That the living room windows be more consistent with others on the building. 3. That the tower design be reviewed by staff. o NOTTCS fO PROSPECTI\}E OWNERs the sr.rLr j et:t larrd h.1y be lccated in a special rlr:A ll:+tinct each caxlng Jurisdlction rhall be che !:':irnty Ereasurcr, s $uthorized agrn! i and e.nd :h,-. boundar:rs o! vuci-- dis!::icts ti,ay b€corirni$sionelc, Ehri councy cl,efk and fccotdef, taxing dist:ict; a certif ic,ite cf tq:<ee oblained from Ebe counEy trcasur€r or ir.f ormaEicn regardiag cpcc!aJ. districcg obcalned flcrn Eh€ buard, of ccuncy or tbe county assegsor, o !,i?ren shis CgrnFany conducts th€l*gal documents fesulting from all m.lttors which appear c,n che lf yr.rr,r ,r!e a buy9r of a eingle fanily rasid€nce you may requesc neci:.irnic,s lien (.:cverrrgrt frr bn iSsUCd on y'our policy of rnsurancc rf the properEy beinE purchased rras loE been the subject of constrilctl.n,inprovemen Es or repalr i'. the las! slx monEhs prior co "r" ta.a" o! Ehis coFcrit,oenE tiho rtrquiremenbs will be payment of the app=opriaEe premiu-n and the conpl.lro. of an AtflCsvlt and indemniq. by the sell,er. 1t lhe ptoperty bcing purc[ased was construcred, impgowed or reps!red within slx nrgntl)n- prior to Ehe date of thig commrtm€nE ihe requlre:nints may lnvorve drscrcsure .,t c'?rtait't f inanciar informa'ion, payri.en ! of premiurns, and indenniEy, among others. t'be general requiremenEs stated abovE are subject to the re'rision and appro'aJ.ci lhr Conpqny, SPECIAL TN(ING DISTRICT NOTTCE (A Noticc Given In ConforniLy Wtth Section 10_11_122 c,R.s,) . | .0,ii!,fil(.i,l{l,la, 4 I ZB P, ?/..1, Es:o)enrrol (A STATEMENT IAAOS ES REQUIRED BY COLORADO TNSURANCE RECUIATION) GA! PROTBCiIrION closing and ie responsible for rccordi,ng er tiling r.he Ehe t,laneacbion, Ehe Company shalL be risponsible for rEcord prior bo such tirne oi rccording or filing. MEcEtr\lIc, g IJIBII pRorEqff oN .1f ir'. r;,..Siii $:""j... :Y.. cv,Y,l 0:t.r,,-*o_r.1[ (J,r rlI' ' .!.!1!,( I r;i.l{ Form No. 1j4.1 .E! t..O;ef ALTA pJ.ain Language coenl,-hJtlent No, 8s10090801 -3 '. l.td,rrnnf,y Deecr sutt'icient to iat:d dascribcd or rcf errc-d I E:m 2A. o I'io. 1l2E P, SCSEDI'IJE S SscEl.on 1 R6gultemeqt d the- tand and,/or for ghe morEgaqe Ehe po t lcy. county treasurer or the county must be slgnecl, delivered ond ill9, ,r,*,,.u, The, followlng raqulrenenle urig! be net: ( ur ) i,,.ry r.he agreed, amounts tor the lntere s C ln 9,.:/ us che premiums, lees ald charg:es for Obtain a cerEificate af taxes due from Ehe treaeurers auChorized agf ent. The followlng Cocurnents jatisfactory to us.recorded; (i, ) {c} to be (d, . "o:r""t. tfte iee slmple esc.lu. or interesE ir. tha to herein, io the proposed fnsurEci, Schedulc A, 2. Deed of TrusE sufficient to cncurnber land described or referr€d to bereln schedul€ A, rten 28. the fee sirnple estate for lhe beneflc of che or interest in lhe Proposed Insured, 3 ' ReLease of Ehe oled o! Trus. from Barba=a A. Ridr.er and scoE! ?. Ridrer Eo cne Pub1ic Trust,ce of EaElc Councy fots Che beuefit of Chirry creek MortgAge q.o.,rnc. co secure an indebtedn"ri in the princlpar suro -oi-ra2g,000.00, and any l>thetr amountg anc.,/or obligations secured Cheieby, dateC octot et ZZ, 199g ard recorded Novenrbe: 2, ]'.999 a! Reccpcien No, G74601. Ti:e Deed of Trust was assigneC to Aurora Loqn Services, fnc. recorded Novernber '1.9, 1998 at Reception No. 67693?. 'l'l:e folr'owing haEeriar, rrbich nay not neeesaarily be recorded, hus! be turniehed to cha Conpany.te its saEicfactlon to_vrit 3 (-'c:i..pliance wiEh rhe provlsions of- Sec! lon - jg -L4-L02. Colorado Ra.,rised Statut.s,rHquiring cornpl,etlon and filj,ng o! a Real-p."p".iv-i"oi"i*i*o..ralacicn. Livicence tbats ar'r ass€ss,.,enle for c ornnon expcttses due under, .ha D@cralati€n ,0, ,'Htrcd f(r a$ Jcem Nc. 12, c,, t Schcdulc B, gection 2 havrr been 'aid.Evideice e.eicEi,rcccry to che cohpany o! compriance wrBb an orcr,nance enactiig ;,r;::i":-r"ue cransrer tax wtrhin cle Town o!_vai. togcti;r lrtEh all amend.nenss - -continued (e) 1Fl (s]