HomeMy WebLinkAboutProjects - 2003-2005BALTZ FAMILY PARTNERS II, LLC P. O. Box 4772 Parker, CO 80134 I r | .- (Lo\G $a1ake-".-*->.^b ' r\ Zco( -*S\^l'.,-\October 8,20M Mr. Joe Suther Development Review Coordinator Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Subject: 3786 Lupine Drive, Vail, CO Dear Mr. Suther: We are enclosing our check #1002 in the amount of $50.00 as our registration fee as the Owner/Builder for the property at the above address. Also enclosed is a copy of the New Contractor Registration Form, which we have completed. As you know, Mike Shirack, our State Farm Agent, is forwarding the necessary insurance information directly to you today. It will include our homeowners policy for this property, as well as our umbrella policy. Piease cali us ifyou have any additional questions. Sincerely, BALTZ FAMILYPARTNERS II. LLC Martha J. HECEIVED TOV€OM.DEV. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S,FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 O ouro*rMENr oF coMMr-rNrry olrrorro^ r' NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT PeTmit #: 804.0227 Job Address: 3786 LUPINE DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 3786 Lupine Applied. . : 0812412004 Parcel No...: 210111101004 Issued . .. : 1011212004 Project No : 'p (t -\O i .-,6 f I Expires . ..: 04/1012005 OWNER Baftz Family Partners n, LL08/24/2004 Phone: 303-721-8800 Stephen P. Baltz First United Bank 8095 E. Befleview Ave Englewood, CO 80111 Lr-cense: CONTRACTOR Signature Construction 0B/24/2004 Phone: 970-926-4329 P.O. Box 599 Edwards, CO 81632 License : 20'7 -A APPLICANT Siqnature Constructj-on 08/24/2004 Phone: 970-926-4329 P.O. Box 599 Edwards, CO 8L632 License : 207 -A Description: ADDITION OF 3 CAR GARAGE W,/MASTER SUITE AND 2 GUEST BEDROOMS ABOVE MASTER SUITE. EXTERIOR REMODEL UPGRADE OF EXISTING HOME. Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence TypeConstruction: VN TypeVNon-Rated Valuation: $408,837.00 Add Sq Ft: 2281 F'ireplace lnformation: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas togs: 0 # of W<pd Pcllet: 0 ,f,*,t *,t:t t,tt t *rr t * *** Building---> 52,124.I5 Restuarant Plan Review-> S0.00 Total Calculatcd Fees-> S4,840.00 Plan Check---> 51- ,110 .10 DRB Fee-----------> S0 . 00 Additional Fees------> S0 . 00 Invcstigation-> 50.00 Recreation ljee--------------> 5342.15 Total Permit Fe€----> 54, 840 - 00 Will Call----> 53.00 Clean-up Deposit------> S0.00 Payments-----------------> 54, 840.00 TOTAL FEES--------------> 54, 840 . 00 BALANCE DUE--------> S0 . 00 Approvals: Item: 05L00 BUTLDING DEPARTMENT 09 /20 /2004 JwI Action: AP Item: 05400 PI.,ANNING DEPARTMENT 08/31,/2004 Warren Action: AP TLem: 05600 FfRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 09/09/2004 Is Action: AP No street cuts allowed. See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stnrcture according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, desip rwiew approved, Unifonn Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQLJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OffiCE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. fX.6.-r-"- 4^-al't, //L/4 t/r. SIGNATIJRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE 2 '1.*!t + *'F,f **{.:t{.* **+* * *:t * **** *!****** *'t***'t:* **'t ** ****:F*:*,t'*'* *,* **,t+**:i****,t** *:f ,* *t*+ +:t *:r,r * * **{.*,t{.,* *!r***,t ** *,t:r** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 804-0227 as of 10-12-2004 Status: ISSUED 'i +:t 'f {. *:t * * *:t:* * * * * '* * * * r} * +:t * 'l **+ * 't:*:i *:t * * * *,t rr {. '} * * t* * + * * * * '} *,x !* * '* * !t '* * *'t* 't * !t *:} * * * '+ * * * * !r * * * r},} *,t:} *:r * * * * * * ***,r**** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 08/2412004 Applicant: Signature Construction Issued: 10/12/2004 970-926-4329 To Expire: 04/10/2005 Job Address: 3786 LUPINE DR VAIL Location: 3786 Lupine ParcelNo: 21011I101004 Description: ADDITION OF 3 CAR GARAGE WA4ASTER SUITE AND 2 GUEST BEDROOMS ABOVE MASTER SUITE. EXTERIOR REMODEL T]PGRADE OF EXISTING HOME. ******,t!*!*****{<**t<**********:***********,***,**!******* COnditiOnS *****+ * * ** *:* *,i*'*!t *'* *!t* * 't **{(* 't,r.,f *!*!******i.**** Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310,9.1 OF THE 1997 UBC. *ttIf ++*+**r*f f t*+++++++*rtt++*++++++*i******+++++*** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 10-12-2004 at 09:11:11 Statement $4, 840 .OO 09 /29 /2OO403 Tnit: JS Notat ion : t0/12t2004 :48 PM #1001/BALTZ * ***** *** **** * *t ** * * * **** ****+* ** *** ** +***** *****f +**+ +++++*****+*+**+**+* *t++* *+** ****** * * * SEatement Number: R040006778 Amount: Palment Mechod: Check FA.}4ILY PARTNERSHTP Permi- t No : Parcel No: Site Address : I-,ocation: This Palment: BP 001000031_r-r_100 PF 001-00003112300 RF 11100003712700 wc 00100003112800 804-0221 21011110 r- 004 3786 LUPINE DR ??aK T.rrni na $4, 840 . 00 $4, 840. 00 s4, 840.00 s0.00 T\pe: ADD/ALT SFR BUrLD PERMIT VAII-, Tota1 Fees:Total ALL Pmts : Balance : ** ** * *t********** ****** **ttf +++++++ +t*********** * ** * **** ***************+* ** *+* ++++**** * ***** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BUILDING PERMTT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 2,'724.75 I,770.70 5qz - L) 3.00 )o WILL 4gVo*tl -so 33 -o t APPLICATION NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGN Project #: Building Permit #: NWNOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 ical, etc.! CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: 516r,*iar<t Cor..siq- / ^{ c- Town of Vail Reg. No.: 2a V-* Contact and Phone #'s: {}O -316'35?(, -r\,1'.trlc "e,4 tP " rr+rsorl Email address: faq.., D rt4tC-" 11€i- Contractor Signature; ------------7)-J /t z/-:.-------4 R BUILDING PERMIT bor & Materials BUILDING: $,48,7j-l . .,-a ELECTRICAL:S -72. ?TV OTHER: $ //7f: e r PLUMBING:$ 42. T J^€ - ,; t MECHANICAL: $ A, f,+ToTAL: $ 7a ?, S,f 7 COMPLETE VALUATIONS FO For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www *****jr*********:rr********j*********r***FoR oFFlcE usE o N LY**r*********************'r*******:r***** G Planner ?"i 2004 ozrzsrzoo2fu Parcel # Rrs rDe <'lBb lr.r-?,rtr )Ptdl Legal Description Subdivision: E/fl,? Address: I one.36.v't41.. tV6 '. /)a *.*> ts<'i,t s;&.rt. sTx /47 hone: ,/.t'.3,sf-246c Detailed description of work,?l)t * -7r4tlT- Sc.,&. /'X./2 4.att , aF .f Cle a,HzaCX L',//ra ntf*1y' 5Ut/2 lr./O ? 1/2 t.rz Jt / .-<-'8<'t d- ai f:k/ t r' 'a4 llt Ha - WorkClass: New() Addition[z) Remodel ({) Repair( )Demo( )Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( !1 Exterior (/) Both (Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ([) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvoe of Fireolaces Existino: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loos ( 1) Wood/Pe*let ( ) Wood Burni Noffvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances (/) Gas Wood Burnino (NOT ALLOWED a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( Other Fees: DRB Fees: Public Wa \VAiIbAtA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC REC'D AUfi Oesign *euierarSoad ACTION FORF|- tlepartmentoieornmunrty D€veloprnert 75-South Front€ge Road, rvaii,€elorido +159 teL 97IL479.21 1q fa\: 9f0-4f 9,7452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us Project Name: EalE Residence Project Descrigtion: Additlon of3 car gange w/master bedroom-suite and 2 guest bedrooms above master suite. Exterior remodel upgrade of exisitng home. Pardciparlts: OWNER BalE Family Paftners II, LL08/14/2003 phone: 303-721-8800 Stephen .P.. Baltr First united Bank 8095 LBelleylevrAve Englewood, CO 80111 ucensel APPUCANT D.H. RUGGLES&ASSOCIATES 08/14/2003 phone: 303_355_24G0 Donald H- Ruogles_ 123 Madison St., Ste. 103 Denveq. CO Dori@dhruggles-com Ro?n6 License: ProjectAddress: 3786 TUPINE DR VAIL Location: 3786 Lupine Legal Description! Loti 5 Blod<: Sgbdivisionr BIGHORN SUB 2ND ADDmON . Parcel Number: 210111101004 Comments: See Condltions DRB Numb€r: DR8030331 Actiont APPROVED Date of Approvah lLlZLl 2004 Motion By: Davld Viete Second Byi MargaretRogers Vote: 5-0 *il*ilaipr- Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the trlritten consent of rown .of \1ail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: Q (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a p€rmit for building. please consult with To.tn of Vait Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005|3 llte epplicarnt shall. add stooe beneath the starcaseleadinqjo.thesouttr_toJfre bottom of the risers. Conrt: CON0006,', The applicant shall submit a complete revocable right-of-way perm-it toTown staff BOARD/STAFF ACTtOll 303 355 2546 D H Ruggles E Assocrat o prior to submltting for a building permit. Planner WarrenCamobell Ol 26 10 a n Ol 12 7OO4 313 o DRB FeePaid: 3300.00 +- ARCHITECTS D. I*r RIIGGLES-& A9S€€raT+s r:2scltErlyctEEl( soullt DaN'E sI!410 D E NVER COLORAOO 80209-12r6 TEL .103-355-2460 FAX 303.355-2r.6 A tro.Er5roN^r. cottor^rtor dtrttrl A||tna^\ r\{!|lrtr ol ^rarrrrcrI rAx TO: Chip Tallon 970-9264338 FROM: Michelle Prescott DATE: 7ll2l04 QUANTITY: 3 Pages COMMENTS: 9ip' ' Iollowingis some documentationflratDon aclced meto_forwardlo you. Steve Baltz's contact info is as folloqs: Home 303-841-0568 Work 303-721-8800 FAX 303-741-5825 Gr. Lake 970-627-1264 Mailing t095tastBelleview Ave., Englewood, COt011 I Lep me knowif you need anyt}ing furtrer. Michelle Prescotr This facsimile is intended for rwiew only by the person to whom it is addressed. t Oot og 20 letoeP Company: .Fanc. # Re: s7(]a26+334 From, Date: I aldl i af Pcrc (|?'-''-.1.o-.' Phone: gnat"uFe o SIG si _ { constfuctiort inc. P,O.Box 599 34215 l{wy 6 Sre 205 Bdwards, CO gl632 Phone 970-92 64329 Fax 920_926_133 8 F acsimile Trans mittal Sheet p.2,7*r- f, * I -, E^ dr{ /-avc4tpzrcrf /asn.<D\ z{/6*,<}*t2 7v? z-E*r{fu-r/- g-rLiz ^G<-lrT- FrJ -r.q,!..,,>a?<<,re d6)*€+,t ./tt.es< 4..->'fr+ - /#.ft4t4) )aea-;**4ff ttrenSe. c!/1r-* /2<1 asrJ-V -*,;/ dr.;;;;;-: ' \ '2tu+tts -Tt dz.L /a--q a{"n fi*- nE*r-lvno TOV-coM.DEV. p.1 ( .ra a8-rL-2AA4 A5:32PM FROM tl8 (bottclr :!c. t0{L n. 46t}r-Ave.. Suite 14 Denver, CO 8021.I-2318 79?49264338 o TO P .41 Phone r 3 0J / 471-2599 800/385-3135 FAX:303/477-2580 e-maiI: f rsgeooix . netcom. con Town of Vail August 11, 2004 Mr. Morris archie Archie Environmental 20551 E. BuctEnan Dr. Aurora, CO 80011- Re: Lab Nurnber 107555 Projecc: 3786 Blue Pine Dr, Vail, CO Dear Mr. Morris Archie r The bulk samples submicEed Eo FRS Geot.ech, Inc. have been analyzed b/ polarized lighL ruicroscopy (PI,M), the EPL- reconulrended nethod for. delermination of lihrous consljluenLs in building naterials. The percent of asbeatoe contained in thg 6amnle€ i€ a vieual eEcloacion baaed upo[ corq)arisons $rith publj,ahed charts- The resulEs of rhese analyses are surunarized in che enclosed Eable. This rel)ort rel.aLes only Lo ghe j-Lems received a!'d t€st€d by our laboraEory. According to requiremencs seE by t,he National Institute of Standards and Technol o4flNVLAP,this reporc musc noE be ueed Eo clalm endorsemenE by NWAP or any agenqy of the US Government. AIso, NVL,AP guide I j,nes specify thac this re,poft should noE je reDroaluced, excepc in full, etichout the writeen approval of FRS. A copy of your Chain of Custody i6 attached for your convenience. This repofE is considered highly confidenLial . ResulEs will noe be discussed with any petson not associat.ed wifh yort. Please call if you have any guesEions about this work, S j.ncerely, -a"&-42- Eavi+ A; Schroeder; ph, D- -Dal,a Colrtrol l+< EnclosuFe6 -ltrtr AP Accredi-bi r-ab llO2OZa-O AIHA AccrediEed Lab * 1015 5? 0Fms':il fifipY @a-7r-24o4 a5:34Prl rR0f4 1-,tr . :1..- -iI r- -t: ' .' rng G!Or!!Ct, !rE.t44t Vt. 46th Avenue, sui-te t4 Denver, CO €O21i -?3 ]A 04 tcl. nlglll.tc 6t I|Itr r lFllQttlo.ll !lD?-I ltlrt-Yt?F w Dot-rartrn r.Tcrti lratr^<aoDv (!r_rl tp -300/t_o!/rt5 9?9926433A b Phone: ?ax; P. A3 303 / 471-2559 800/385-3136 303 / 47t -2580 No . : 107565 3 of 3 Cl iene : t.rcbi€ ttrviroln8trl Projecg ID:3786 tluc plD. Dr, v.11, CO Lab Page : Sarnple Nurnhe- l.lcctrt sdiple tsDaotoi Dar6 Descripr i o]) 93 IBI _p11_08/r r /04 r$ftrire DainLl 04" !!rac. Og/11/OA Yol lnr.r r a-r',-6 ,,^'r^r. r r r,',-r^rr .:- 'r' ---- ----llDl::- OB / 1 r / 04 [Whi te drvwa]. I wi rh i nseparah,t c. drav --'-cardboard I oe tEl.s 08/7I/OA t-i,thite iexrurel JE -- Ogr t l rOe [Ye'l low sai ntl tsal!'lca (percenta detcrmined by visual esLina!ion) sampl e Nurber; 01 lBl O4r 04 tAl _ od rR.l qlcl---- I-y!a Earcaag{. \besEos Mineral s;*nosits Anthophyl li tc ChrysoL i t e Croc i-do I i l€ TreFol-itc-Ac r inoi i te roo lraccili q trrce <lt xDt r =-D.\._ F ibrou.6_ clas-g Cel luIose SynEhetics Olher : 96 l0 !o1.1! I.SBIETOS [Dr. Och€r Fibrg|rE I'tat€T1a1s : 3. ---f9- 20 Nonfj,broua Matorial BO .' crnlrtrrcrJite - dna tys j, s (hultilayered sarnple, see ' r ND -nea.D.s Nonc Det€cr-d - 80 es --l!!-- indiviafual layer analyses). Dare:08/1rl04 71--- Davi.d A. schroeder 1 'ttl TOTAL P, 03 w-11-2g,@4 65;33Pt1 .E8t GlOtrC& :|tC- 1441 w. 46th Avenue, Suite Denver. CO 80211-2 3 3 6 Client.: lrcbie Etvi roaretrl Project ID:3735 Elus Digr DE, V.ll, CO o *hooc-: 3O3 /4?1-ZSfi 800/ 3 86=3136.- Fa:c: f03/477-2580 FRON TO LS7@9264334 P .@2 Lab No. :10?6115 Page; 2 of 3 l!88 /|!8 (lt lnt^t rarr.ni.rt SlIDr.r rirr-yt"t ty_ D(rr.ra"?rtr t-?Er'| Itclalcnrv rrrrl lDr-6oo//l-at, t I 5 safirrrr LNrrlnbcr P.tc.rt Seryle lrbaator DaFe Descriptsion !2--fAI-- [Dor 08/11/04 lWhi te dnrwall wirh inqFnareb]e grav cardboardl . --' !2--lJ 1 lDrr 09/11/0d lwhite texturel 02 tcl fDrr 08/ 11/01 lWhiqe painEl 5 08,/11/04 lfhi ee nopcorn rexru::e_ mez za\i ne [with painLl 0l rAl - - 5 08/11/0d lOff-white t.exturel lnalyscr (percentE determined by visual esti.mation) Sampl,e Nrunber: 02 tAl 02 ICt Ol rAl Lylt paroaat ! Asbest{'s l{inerals: AmosiLe Anthophyl li re Chrysorile. croeld,olite 'fremolj-re-AcLtno.U,t-e Fibrgus class Ce1-l.u1ose Synthetics OEher: 90 9'l 100 5_s rott& taBaslog b.. Other Flbrous tlareri.alJs : Drt Dr.It Trace <1$ Nonfi brous Materiat 8q 100 * Composite anafysia (multif6ysrs6 Eanlrle,il !lI) ned't€ Norrr \Dtt?cccd Analysl: qd 94 Iayer analyseq) . 100 see individua] Ba!^.: f8/11t0a Oavid A. schroeder tlt Gtqtrctr, r||c, 1441 !t. 45Ch Avenue, Suite 14 Denver, CO 80211-2338 Client. : lrcblc rqrirruatal Projece ID:3786 BIuc Pluc Dr, y.11, GO Sr.rnn] e Numher 01r Pbore: 303 /477 -2559 800 / I86- lL3 5 Fax: 303 / 4t7 -2530 rrppt-lr.e t.rt lllt I rctrlciYtt arrra!! rnrr t'sts rt' ror.rl?rtn r ycltir Iralaccopv (pr-rl rpr-aaa /r-ct/11 6 Lab No. : 107565 Page: L of l Lrcsst .sa.ngJe l3baatoa DaLe Descrioriorr ID' i 08/11.r04 WhiC" t"*t,.t..rda.r*.tt. to wal 1 - haee.nant kittr o1 rA1 Daint I ttDir 08,/11,/ort lwhiLe drwrall with inaenarable sraw cardbaardl 01. IBt Dr ' QSll ll 04 [Whi t.e t exture I 01 tcl EDrr 08/11/04 02.lbtr 08/11/0d trlh.i re texture/drvnall, ceili4q, basemenr twith r'\'alFr. I Alrlftca (percent6 deLerrnined by visual eEtimation) sample Number: 01 r 01 rAl 01 rBt__ 01 lct . 92, IJlyEr Perca!,t r Asb€sio€ ltifteral,s : AIrIosi-Le AnChophylliEe chryeot i 1e Crocidolice Fibrous GIass Cel l.ulose Synehet ic6 Other: Nonfibrous MaCerial ] ComposiEe analysis .I.racP <11 Traee <lt ----lq-- 10 100 9'l 100 TrenofiEe-Ac!1no1i re tqlNr ASEE9ltOg ttDr . Other Fibraus MaEerlals: Err IDT 'E' r ltnt r TreeF <lt r0 89 Rq (nulEiLayered sanple, LOO 6ee individlraL 100 tq Layer anra.Lysee ) .-'l{D mea:rs N()ne DeC Anal yst t -14?7,tP 7 r' .J'{., gavid A, Schroeder Date: 0]!lall)_4- I I T I t I T I I T I I I I t I t T I G&FtA.h HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL March 20, 2003 Stephen ard Mandy Balz c/o DH Ruggels and Associates Attention: Michelle Prescott 123 Madison Street, Suite 103 Denver. Colordo 80206 ".nrr.r',r,lt'"0 Ce.tcchnicnL, lnc. P O. l)La* i r 1SE? Sih ettlromc, (l,,ior aJt' E04r)E Phone; 970-46ti- I9t9 Fa>i:9?r-)-465-5ir9l cnLril: lrlge,14@hpgcolcch.c,rnr Town of Vail FFIC.; fiffiPY Bo.(e o"z7 Job No. 403ll4 Subject:Preliminary Geologic Site Assessment for Proposed Building Addition, 3786 hpine Drive, Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. and Ms. Baltz: As requested, we have conducted a preliminary geologic site assessment for the proposed addition. The study was made to evaluate the project area geology and assess its potential influence on tlre proposed addition. A field reconnaissance of tte project area was made on March 1 1,2C[l3 to observe the geologic conditions. In addition, we reviewed relevant published reports and looked at aerial photographs. This report summarizes our observations and presents our conclusions and recommendations. PR,OFOSED DEVEI]OPMENT It is our understanding that a 1,360 square fbot addition will be made to the existing 920 square foot two story wood frame residence. The addition will be located along the west side of the existing building and the existing building will be renovated. The new building will be a three story wood frame strucrure. SITE CONDMONS The existing residence is located on ht 6 of the Bighom Subdivision, Secord Addition in east Vail. The triangular shaped lot covers about 0.6 acres and is located along the west side of the Lupine Drive culde-sac. The lot is at the base of the steep north facing Gore Creek canyon side and trends about N 60" W in this part of the canyon. The average ground surface slope at the proposed addition site is nearly level. This nearly level slope transitions tio a moderate Glenrvood Springs 970-945-7988 o Pirrker lC3-841-7119 . Colorirdo Springs 719-6lJ-5562 t T I t t I t t t I I I T I t I I I I Stephenen and Mandy Baltz March20.,2003 Page2 20% ta 25% sloc€ in the southwestem part of tlre lot. About 160 feet to tlle southwest of the proposed addition site, the moderate slope abruptly changes to a steep canyon side with an average slope of ahut70%. A prominent sardstone and linpstone cliff is present about midway up the steep canyon. The cliff is from 40 to 200 feet high and its base is located about 700 feet southwest of the proposed ddition site and about 450 feet higher in elevalion. At the time of our field review in mid March. about 2 ta 3 ferut of snow covered the site. Residences are located on most of tlre nearby lots. Vegetation on tlre steep canyon side between ttre lot and the base of the ctiff is aspens and brush with some conifers. Conifers are locally present on the cliff ledges and a conifer forest is pres€nt on the canyon side above the cliffs. l^arge sandstone ard limestone blocks are present on the lot. GEOIJOGIC SETTING The upper Gore Creek canyon in the project area is located on a struc[rral plarform between the Sawach Range anticline io the west and the Precambrian core of the Gore Range to ttrc east. Both are first order regional geologic structures ttrat developed during the l,aramide orogeny about 4O ro 70 million years ago. The northwest trending Gore Range fault zone is located abut one miles to the northeast of the project site and separates the Precambrian crystalline rocks in the core of the Gore Range from the Paleozoic sedimentary rocks in the structural platform. Regional geologic mapping shows that formation rock below the canyon side in tlre project area is the Pennsylvanian age Minnrrn Formation (Tweto and Invering, ln7). Tbe Minnrm is an interbedded conglomerate, sandstone ard shale with sorne beds of limestone and dolomite. Bedding in ttre project area strikes to the northeast and has dips between 5o to 15" to the southeast (Tweto and hvering, lW\. The Gorc Range fault zone may have been active since rhe Laramide orogeny but it is not considered to have been active during the Qratemary, within the past 1.3 million years (Widmann and Others, 1998). The closest fault zone with known or suspected posrglacial activity, rnovernent younger than about 15,0m years, is the Williams Fork Mountain fault ttrat is located about 20 miles to tlrc northeast (Widmann and Others, 1998). The upper Gore Creek canyon in tlrc project area w:ls 403 114 Ge&ec*1 I I I T I I I I t I I T t I I I I I t Stephenen and Mandy Baltz March20,20O3 Page 3 occupied by valley glaciers several times during the middle and lare Pleistocene. Till associated with the valley glaciers is present in the area, but the surficial soil deposits on the lot and canyon side to the southwest are post-glacial strearn alluvium and colluvium. Several large sandstone and limestone blocks are present on the lot. These blocks are from the cliff to the soufhwest. GEOIIrcIC SITE ASSESSI\{ENT There are several conditions of a geologic nanrre that will have a significant impact on the proposed addition and should be considered in project feasibility evaluations and design. The proposed ddition is within potential rockfall, debris avalanche and snow avalanche hazard zones (Town of Vail, 2ffiOa,2(mb and 2m0c). The geologic conditions that should be considered and their potential risks to the proposed developnrcnt are described below. An assessment of possible mitigation concepts is presented in the following Mitigalion Concepts section of this report. Rockfalk large sandstone and limestone rockfall blocks that originated on ttp cliff to the southwest are present on Lot 6 and to the northeast of l-ot 6. This indicates that Lrt 6 is in the rockfall rumut zone for several rockfalls that have occurred in post-glacial time, about the past 15,000 years. Rockfall blocks in the area have maximum dimensions between about 5 afi 17 feet and have estimated weights between about 9 and 165 tons. To our knowledge, historic rockfalls have not occurred on the lot, but hisoric rockfalls have occurred on tlp northem Gore Creek canyon side in the Booth Creek area. TtE Booth Creek area has a similar geologic setting as the project site. We concur wittr the regional rockfall map that shows the proposed addition site on lnt 6 is in a high severity rockfall hazarfi area (Schmueser and Associates, 1984). In our opinion, rockfall is a geologically active proaess in the project area. However, without long-term observations, tlrar are currently not available, it is not possible to develop rigorous recurrence probabilities for fuarre rockfall at the project site. Rockfall appears to be infrequent and may have recurrerrce probabilities greater than 100 years. Although 403 tt4 G$tectl I I t I t I t t T I t T I t I I T I t Stephenen and Mandy Baltz March 20, 2003 Page 4 infrequent, if rockfall of the sizes that have occurred in post-glacial times were to reach the proposed addition it would likely rezult in severe damage and may harm the building occupants. If this risk is mt acceptable then ttrc feasibility of rockfall mitigation should be considered. Construction of the ddition as proposed should not increase the existing rockfall risk to nearby property and existing facilities. Debris Avalanche Rapid melting of a unuzually lreavy snowpack in May 1984 produced ttrirty-eight soil slip failures in the Vail area on slopes steeper than about 58% (Mears, 1984). These soil slip failures were typically 2 w 5 feet deep and many producrd debris avalanches with estimated velocities benreen 20 and 30 mph. The 1984 debris avalarrches typically did not travel very far in the runout zone where the steep canyon side transitions to Ote moderate slope near tlre canyon floor. Debris avalanches did not occur at the project site in 1984 but the geologic setting is similar to tlrc 1984 debris avalanche areas- We corrur with the previous regional debris avalanche map that indicates tlp runout limit of potential debris avalarrctps on lnt 6 is near the southern wall of the proposed addition (Mears, 1984). In our opinion, debris avalanche is an active geologic process on tlre steep canyon side to the southwest of Lot 6. The available information indicates ttrat infrequent combinations of snowpack and spring time temperature trends or deep infiltration of rain associated with unus.rdly intense thunderstorms are required to produce debris avalarrches in westem C-olorado. However, without long-term observations, that are currcntly not available, it is not possible to develop rigorous recurrence probabilities for debris avalarrche at ttre project site. Although infrequent, if a debris avalanche typical of those that occurred in 1984 were to reach tte proposed ddition it would likely resrlt in severe damage and nray harm OE building occupants. If this risk is not acceptable ttpn the feasibility of debris avalarrche mitigation should be consideled. Construction of ttre addition as proposed should not irrcrcase the existing debris avalarrche risk to nearby property and existing facilities. Snow Avalanche The $e€p lower canyon side berween L.ot 6 and the sardsone and Iimestone cliff is seep enough to produce srnall snow avalarrches ttnt could potentially could 403 lt4 G$tedl t I t I t T T I I I I t t t I I T I I Stephenen and Mandy Baltz March20,2003 Page 5 reach the proposed addition. Small snow avalarrctres that could reach the addition site likely have statistical recurrence probabilities befween 30 and 100 years. They have the potential for damaging the building and could harm the building occupants. If this risk is not acceptable then it should be possible to mitigate the potentid snow avalanche risk. Construction of the addition as proposed should not increase tlrc existing srnw avalarrche risk to nearby property and existing facilities. Foundation Bearing Conditions: The on-site colluvium and stream alluvium should be suitable bearing materials for spread footing foundation systems. Foundation design criteria should be developed base on a site ryecific soil and foundation study. Construction Related Slope Instabilitf As presently planned the proposed addition should not require extensive site grading on steep slopes. We do not anticipatf slope stability problems, however a geotechnical engineer should review the proposed grading at the time of site specific soil and foundations studies. Earthouake Considerations: The project area could experierrce earthquake related ground shaking. Modified Mercalli Intensity VI ground shaking should be expected during a reasonable exposure tinp for tlre addition, btrt tlp probability for stronger grould shaking is low. Intensity VI ground shaking is felt by most people and causes general alarm, but rezults in negligible damage to strucu.rres of good design and construction. The addition should be designed to withstand moderately strong ground shaking with little or no damage and not to collapse urder stronger grourd stnking. The region is in the Uniform Building Code, Seismic Risk Zone l. Based on our current urderstanding of the earthquake potential in this part of Colorado, we see no reason to increase the commonly accepted seismic risk zone for the area. 403 tt4 G$tectl I t I t I t I I I I I I I T I I t I I Stephenen and Mandy Baltz March 20. 2003 Page 6 MIIIGATION CONCEPTS If ttrc potential risks associated with rockfall, debris avalanche and snow avalarrche are not acceptable then the feasibility of mitigation should be considered. Additional studies will be needed to evaluate the site specific dynamic character of the design rockfall, debris avalanche and snow avalanche. It may be possible !o locate a residential building at an alternative site in the rprthem part of ht 6 that is beyond the design runout of debris avalanche and snow avalanche but this will not be possible for rockfall because the runout limit extends beyond the lot. Because of the relatively high kinetic energy that is expected be associated with rockfall and debris avalanche, direct building protection by reinforcing the building walls will probably not be a feasible mitigarion method at the proposed addition site. Direct building protection for snow avalanche will probably be feasible. Further shrdies will likely show that rockfall and debris avalanche mitigation will require a massive catching and energy dissipation structure independent of the building for a residence at the proposed addition site. Mechanically sabilized earth walls, earth embanknrena and high capacity cable fences have been used in westem C-olomdo as catching and energ5r dissipation structures. The dynamic character of the design rockfall will likely govem the design of a carching ud energy dissipation strucu.lre at the proposed addition site. The structure should be located to prot€ct both the south and west sides of tlrc addition. LIMITATION This sudy was conducted according to generally accepted engineering geolog5r principles and practices in this area, at this time. We make no warranty either express or implied. The conclusions and recommendations submitted in this report are based on our field observations, aerial photograph interpretations and our experience in the area. This report has been prepared exclusively for our client and is a preliminary evaluation of ttre potential influence of the geology on the proposed development. The information is zuitable for preliminary planning. 403 tt4 G&&ecfr I I I I t I T I I I t I I t I I t I t St€pheoen and Mandy Bdtz I\,farch 20, 2003 PageT We arc mt reqonsible for technicd interpretations by others of our information. Additional snrdies will be rrceded to evaluare the feasibility of rocldall, debris avalarphe ard snow avalarphe mitigation if dE risks associared with thes potential hazards is mt rceptable. Soil and foundations surdies will be rpedd to pmvide fourdation desigt criteria. Reryectfully srbrnitted, HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Ralph G. Mock Engircenng Gmlogist Reviewed by: RonaldJ. Uhle, P.E. RGM/ro 403lr4 Gg&edr I T Stephenen and Mandy Baltz I |ff!',,''oo' I REFERENCES Mears, A. I., 1984, Debris-Flow and Debis-Avalanche Haznrd Analysis.'Preparcd for the t Town of Vail, C-olorado (November, 1984). Schmueser and Associates, 1984, Rocffall Study - Town of Vail: Preparcd for the Town of I Vail (Novembr29,1984). r Town of Vail, Z)00a, OfFrcial Rockfall Hazard Map, Town of Vail: Preparcd by the Town of I vail, Vail, Colordo (Adopted by the Town Courrcil on October 17,2CfJ0). I Town of Vail, 2000b, Official Debris Flow Hazard Map, Town of Vail: Preparcd by the Town I of Vail, Vail, Colorado (Adopted by the Town Courrcil on October 17,20[o). I Town of Vail, Zn0b, OfFrcial Avalarrche Haard Map, Town of Vail: Prepared by the Town t of Vail, Vail, Colorado (Adopted by the Town Courrcil on Oclober 17, ?M). I Tweto, O., ard lnvering, T.,lW, Geology Mry of the Minurn lS-Minue Qudrangle,I Eagle and Summit Cowties, Colorado: U. S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 965. I Widmann B. L. ard Others, 1998, Preliminary Quaemary Faah and Fotd Mq ard Data Base of Colorado.' Colorado Geological Survey Open File Report 98-8. I I t t I I 403 tt4 I I cd&ect1 o o Town of Vail OFFEffifi ffiOPY BALTZ RESIDENCE STRUCTTIRAL CALCULATIONS Job No. 203-095 May7,2003 DH Ruggles and Associates 3200 Cherry Creek South Drive, Suite 410 Denver, CO 80209-3246 Zeiler-Pennock, Inc./OtIA 2727 Bryant St., Suite 600 Denver, CO 80211 (303) 4ss-3322 (303) 455-3708 fa:( Paul R. Pennock, P.E. Principal Cody Bohall Project Engineer q.ozzl Prepared for: Prepared by: 6rliim i}ttF"'%'i-wy c F = ur3 N JII CD .= zu € tr,ul ul s u (l VAtu, 6 lffit ua1 S,'twl /a,to - l7#'EoGF-- W)L- laPsf- €Agrc d,nD st$-: @,,v1d- fu e/ l4rrJ ftosi- CIEPI# - f8" ZbF 6Nsnxytq'\ r=f ffi-c**ua l4o K',fu*, 4E tNSDc- 3-O {x'*vp 2-{waa'na- t.D lt/tl5L )P-25,otr ffi 7nc*i3 5:t7, ?:rz i t4:rc- €rc 1Ll.8bpstrr ztrtrd{)' lo1 rer J:rc TL' W( " tt{,s$ ,111 ff 14:n- rL" gow( rzsW(n.,tl'f , rl a,4e;F l?,*nazs - {z:futrf,rz gxtz- f5' e*{t,$drs) ftl, 7sk,(, 6>(,.>ft;tz4*,t' - f("t0J.t'isi- 5:rz 7'zd- nV gtx$ a-L W\ ztt " fFq,,{A W.l'aHefu.s)/s /,shf(zs)f ,/4,24t+-W 1/* lpl-|ft 't \, ta\ftaulf Stu,;t ?u,yf,or A I t BB.^=q't/.tsi.r ^."V;3!{'' XtrZ P,rad ylr'U 3eqtl B1 st-,^,tu y; Lw:,#Vt+tWlP*I' fu"/r7n@,ls,c,t S =/94#) la.w,s \n1, ,'Ib)'FSi t \o- ' 'w r>t ,'. L*tz {17?L%,- "(w s/r/as '53,{,;\ 8tz;< zb,n (L .E (E f E U,Q 6-3 r.. 9l .o)oc zw e E ul t-tr ]U s tfi () l4:rz- ?trtl- {1,tk:X 5.<s) - 1'-Q w*lftffiT)'a l,tl " 2tzr-4Jt' Q,zcztr a6)f s,a;' Qf - lol "l"Pa i .' - ^. 7uz e Z't"oe 5L t/."sslH(fr.tY-Us/l2t# S",, t,s&Al,tw.*-l;z /-ac.Et -t nweQ,5/)z 58 lltWP46'ffi- ?d fu\ fl/, lC w * lV lr olo | fl,ss'l Tdd tl"zv LffiBt ils,4*rfts), 1psftF w4 Itl'- qCl"ft A,r),u' t{;i'tc,d.?r gftL- tJt?YtQ fllB,l7Lft f'/o&;q 'Lyt-' S-lt,xtL-tu - fil, lfutn I" fttl,;"' /. 7/fl2 h,'t'.te4k il|" tr,uFr Ar-,n'r . t'l'(-\f za- a7' T"42o' $2$i^4 LJptx,l4 4" gZ4,;'t 7"g$i4 bl- " tz' AnG BakE ott?lL fua:w 'tz6€ DzrD&B.f),tsr,r Dr-ai aat- Ernar , Project Name:Description : f ]-J.e Name : Cody Bohall Baltz Res Roof Beam ^- la - t^^i u>/ L5/uJ No.: 203-095 INPUT DATA E= 29000 KSI BLEME}fiT DATA NO. OF ,fTS.= 4 NO. ,JOTNT DATA OF ELEMENTS= EI.EMENT 1 2 T (In-q ) 100 100 100 ,tOINT +t? 1 z 3 A x /E.F\ 0.00 18.00 Jb. UU 45.00 JOTNT RESTRAINT Pinned Pinned Pinned Pinned Distributed Loads Load Combination w2 (K/Fr) -L.257 0.000 seruice " ^-l \-d,l'e 1 1 wt-(K/Fr) -:l-.257 -t.257 X1 (Fr) 0.00 36.00 x2 (Fr) JO. UU 46.00 Combined Loads = Joint Reactions 1.000 * Lc 1 and Displacements RX (K) 0 0 n 0 ,JoinE, +1t 1 z 3 4 I (Ft-) 0.00 18.00 36.00 45.00 Forces RY (K) 8.78 25.53 L6 .21 -0.01 ltlz (K- In) 0 U 0 Y-Disp. ( rn) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Pi\|-r|- (Kao, -0.008357 0.001558 0.002097 -0.000528 .00 .00 .00 .00 El-ement and Disnlacements EIC. +t tl 1 1 1 1 l_ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X (Fr ) 0.00 l-.6u -J. bU 5 .40 5.98 7 .20 9.00 10.80 L2 -60 r-4 .40 IO. ZU 18.00 18.00 19 .80 zL - ov 23.40 Axial Force (K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 Moment (K- rn) 0 28L 349 367 55 t z)6 130 -47 -z l5 -548 -548 -zJ6 -98 54 Y-Dis I tt1 0.0 -0.4 -0 .4 -0 .4 -0 .4 -0 .4 -0 .3 -n 1 -0.0 0.0 Shear Force 1.I.\ b . f,l- 4.25 1_.99 0.00 -v,zt -2.54 -4 .80 - / . uo -9.32 12.68 )-o .42 I .15 5.89 0.0000 -u -uu32 -0.0550 -u. Lz3 z .Y ) 0 5 7 .' 7 1 0 8 1. 00 t)U 50 ,L5 86 -L3 30 10 ttr 50 o2 00 z z z z o 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 25.20 21.00 28. 09 28 .80 30.50 32.40 34.20 35.00 36. 00 37.00 38.00 39.00 40 .00 41.00 42.00 43 .00 44 .00 45.00 45 .00 0.00 0 .00 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0..00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0-00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 3.63 1.37 0.00 -0.90 -3.16 -5.42 -7.68 -9.95 6.29 5.10 4 .03 3 .09 2.27 1.58 L.02 0. s8 o.26 0.07 ,0.01 L57 2Lt 220 2L6 L72 79 -62 -253 -253 -184 -130 -87 -32 -L7 -7 -2 -0 -0 -0.1834 -0.2190 -0.2247 -0.22L4 -0 .1897 -0.1310 -0.0502 0.0000 0 .0000 0.0195 0 .0298 0.033s 0.0330 o.0296 0.0247 0 .0188 0 .0125 0.0053 0.0000 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 Drzri anF Fnevr . Project Name:Description : ! ]-J-e Name : Cody Bohal}Baltz Res Roof beam Date Proj NO. OF EI-,Et"tElifltS= DATA I os/Ls/03 No.: 203-095 INPIIT DATA f,= 29000 KSI ELEMENT DATA NO. OF ,ITS.= 3 .fOIIfT ELEMENT # 1_ 2 Distributed I ( In-4 ) 100 100 I-,,oads .fOINT # 1 2 J x2 (Fr) 28.00 42.OO ,JOIMf RESTRAI}flI Pinned Pinned Free x (Fr) 0.00 28.00 42 .00 Load Case 1 I Concentrated wl w2 (K/Fr) (K/Fr,) - L. LZ5 - L. IZ5 -1.l_25 0.000 Loads, PY x1_(Fr) 0.00 28. 00 Load Combination XP rFi ) 42 -OO qc r.(tt aia 1_.000 * Lc L and Displacements Load Case PY (K) -5.50 Combined Loads = ,Joint Reactions 'Joint # 1 z 3 x /Fr- \ 0.00 28.00 42-00 RY (K) I.I.I:' 34 .69 0.00 MZ (K- rn) 0 0 0 Y-Disp. ( In) 0.0000 0.0000 -5.763s Rotat. (Rad) -0.021492 - 0 . 008r-r-0 -0.045128 RX (K) 0 0 0 .00 .00 .00 Element Forces and DisplacemenEs Ele. $tt 't l- 1 1 l_ '1 l_ 1 l_ 1 t- 1 x (Fr) 0 .00 2 .80 q An 8 .40 9.94 11_.20 14 .00 IO. OU 19.50 22 .40 25.20 28 .00 Arcia] Force (K) 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Moment (K-In) -0 323 540 551 568 657 557 350 38 -380 - 903 - l_53 3 Y-Disp1 .(rn) 0.0000 -0. 6995 -L.2766 -L .547 0 -L.7453 -a -7672 -L.289',1 -u.5zt_6 U . UI6 / 0 .0000 Shear Force (K) 11.1_9 I .04 4.89 L.74 0.00 -1.41 -4.56 - t.Ir -10.85 -14.01 -L7.L6 -20.31 oo 28 .00 29 .40 30 .80 32.20 33 .60 35 .00 35 .40 37.80 39.20 40 .50 42.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 14 .38 12-88 11.54 10.35 9.34 8.47 7.76 7.2t 6.82 6.58 6 .50 -1533 -1304 -1099 -915 -750 -601 -455 -340 -222 -110 -0 0.0000 -0.2070 -0.54L2 -o.9826 -1, s132 -2.LL69 -2.7793 -3.487L -4.2279 -4 .9904 -5.7535 2 z 2 2 2 2-) 2 2 2 2 z t ^I --\1{L /@' Q".2tz- llYz- f"t ffi f rs t {2o , ^ -tZ&W" 6garr /[.o+t-. {,/rla" o+\ -t*nf(-6r A",'o + -tmft),/z-I&,o , A1"r<uoe Z*=ioqs# y'Q,o t ) -ler6trL"O *<"W* +'7' 61€7 oo g'' ;t',l 4.3 Z'futdYAls B' <sa{* 6ere ,A4rz*<e- Ieg'lt..) z ffis=t* 1ll,,orraa:rr$Rrr - %a4{4,\f L, lZ,olSrn-e ;l *z fuov,u , €oa" " t 'lT,i3 ltsH( 11,g'ft s*- 8,8fi,3 CBtB,z€ -Q"zl,o|'"I (! o- .9 (E =E ||t o =9 6t Lc)f't I dP zu e E q l- D trl tl ut () froz 4*rsre+rnpr-r ' Rf fin Utda*, 5;,DEF V+'rl{, 2s-$(fJr's' SDFsf Vs-lqe 2.N M@ a.ot - 6'o6l- ffdL Lttl€ t-,'+l> - LlbR€ , N ssf3tr \cl,-)z l3l( lb'o \be[' $e\tJ il72' lut-ilD,z* ol6"oc + nlsq (E tt76" nttu>ao 2* fiaz- @+rv,, 9L'5Xw , {'l + , 1"", , cd" /B(d *tgDftf @ ? zs'| ?** !1,1v' il\" APLft Ap"^rs* zO'()f z+o , l,l5 Tatu,o,z gz,vll h)Ztx4q fnL*241,ft T, 8q3;q t-)tz<bs w abb -_ F'€73.aq r^-r [o<Ae ttf-t= nlW F , f3'1,;l 53F,r Project Engr:Project Name:Descript,ion :File Name 'i. o Cody Bohall Baltz Res 2nd Floor beam INPUT DATA E= 29000 KST ELEMEI\TT DATA NO. OF rTTS. = 2 JOINT Date Proj NO. OF ELEMENTS= DATA ^F ta - ,^^a v3/ L5/ Q3 No.: 203-095 ELEMENT tt 1 I fTn-4) 100 JOIMI tt 1 z x1 x2 (Fr) (Fr) 0.00 23 .00 vlz (K- In) 0 0 X ,JOINT (Ft) RESTRAII T 0.00 Pinned 23.00 Pinned Distributed Loads Load Case L Concentrated w1 (K/Fr) -1.000 Loads, PY w2 (K/Fr) -1. 000 XP {E'|. I 9.50 service LrOad Case 1 PY (K) -25.53 Load Combination Combined I-,oads iloint Reactions = 1.000 * LC L and Displacements .foint tt 1 z Element x (Fr) 0.00 23 .00 Forces RX (K) 0 .00 0.00 RY (K) 27 .0'7 22.46 Y-Disp. Rotat.(rn) - (Rad) 0.0000 -0.069859 0.0000 0.064962 and Displacements Ele. # 1 1 1 1_ 1_ 1_ I 1 l_ l_ 'l I x {Et-I 0.00 2.30 4 .60 6.90 9.20 9 .50 11.50 12 Qn l_5 .10 i_8 .40 20.70 23.00 Axial Force (K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 Moment (K- In) 0 71,5 ]-36'7 r_956 2481 2545 ZJUO L972 t574 1l_l_3 588 -U Y-Displ. ( f,nJ 0.0000 -r".8951 -3.5057 -4.9574 -5.7968 -5.8611 -5.0070 -5.51_30 -4.7025 -3.3799 -t.7665 0 - 0000 Shear Force (K) 27.07 24.77 22.47 20.t7 r7 .87 L7 .s7 / -8.96 -15.56 -L'7.86 -20.16 -22.45 t-q{ atl4rz qe/l&e 16o Q"l2' 9D#.f ' L{*unr'\4Rtr D,wff(r\-1o6onr htwF*+'/zho"^*n' t'd, Taar'rzs;'\ L)P</z ntl*; 6lLK T'/l1;'l trt& A^upzl,{ f,nbb'ED;^4 ,,\p8- tttfltsrs'f)z'(&fi? D41L- tzMto'\ : lza ns ' 87DFLF , ,r,/\l /e4.^r. I I (lz)9€b'D28 " J'z>4';\ %'o lrf( (6 0- .E (! o- E ut ,9 6-3 t.-!i cD.= oc zu e tr I F n ul s 6 () ( lf 3'5PA|.15 r16f-r/rpo 6Nz 68fu445 Gla*c JP{L {^€E 2< 4.?.* v o tu'* #;WY*"zz*{^t)h L) rz< 2U ytlu"llt*K ,- 3So.Ig o,te-6"**w""6 frprt- gtvu\ ff-m+h 6)tz<zc lU,?U,Ff 7"26t1,;1 4taleop'la- l/arcatz ElV (! TL c .9 (E E rrr O =o 6g LO ft9 o, .=oP zu e G q h o ul ul () t l,t' I q,tL ft:ffiu's4tn\t LJt \3> ilrz"lA,lntr AfuJo''8\ T- zag;4 Traa.4G,:,"'( 6$$*t NkL 4r:4!6 ft/l*:d6zuqAnD^1 l.o@ l- ) &twa,xt Dk+- ry- l&,t@+s(), gz?,r M-.5P.%K\'= /'?3kF trrdNe- zioruFC3'),. ' I6o"f- 8t bl - l$F(6Xat.) " ,/.oaP.F 1?6tPtr 6rfriorz- ge't, uJ x'a tr mffig' - w uW 24,(tz4 .. ..AArut /lzsa.r A€,gd/,"-€ M &tu.Bta4@oE @)o Tr4 l:td+- awrt/zwff' /' as'at 16g / 14" /i,t,N tT4 a-r,ovd %nSV- /^EAs S YrZa*- cD(- !t (! o- o g o. E lt O =o 6t r.. JP (?J: <D .=.o)oc zu ttr H H () f::r!.;:;' Project Engr:Project Name:Description :Fil-e Name : o Cody Bohall Baltz Res rafLer tail beam Date Prni z os/3ol03 No.: 203-095 INPUT DATA E= 29000 KSI ELEMENT DATA NO. OF ,JTS.= 3 NO. .JOINT DATA OF ELEMElfrrs= ELEMENT JI tf 1 z I ( rn-+) 100 1_00 lTOINT ++tt 1 4 3 X (Fr) 0.00 l_0.00 17. 00 .]OINT. RESTRAINT Pinned Pinned Free Dist,ributed L,,oads Load Combination w2 (K/Fr) -0. 715 -0.195 servi-ce Load Case 1 w1 (K/Fr) -u. /l.5 -0.1_95 x1 /Ef\ 10.00 10. 00 x2 (Fr )17.00 17.00 Combined Loads = ,Joint Reactions 1.000 * Lc 1 and Displacements RX (K) 0 U 0 .Ioint. # l_ 2 x (Fr) 0.00 10.00 l_7.00 .00 .00 .00 RY (K) -L.75 6.76 0.00 Ntz (K- In) 0 U 0 Y-Disp.(tn) 0 .0000 0 .0000 -0.371_4 Moment, /R-Tn) 0 -zJ- -42 _63 -84 - L05 -t26 -r47 -1_68 -r_89 -zLu -2to -170 -l_35 - 103 -76 -53 Rotat. (Rad) 0. 001_450 -0.002899 -o.oo4929 El-ement Forces and Displacements {+ 1 1 l_ 1 1 l_ I 1 1 l_ 1 x (Fr) 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4 .00 5.00 5.00 7.00 8.00 q nn 10.00 10 .00 10.70 L1 .40 l_2 . t_0 12 .80 r_3 .50 Axial Force (K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0-00 0. 00 0.00 0 .00 o. 00 0.00 Y-Dis (rn 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 E' ) 0 l_ 3 4 5 6 6 o 5 z 0 1. 00 72 5t "75 B5 52 68 2t 01 97 00 0.0000 -0.026'7 -0.0575 -0.0918 -u . -Lz6.l -0 .1571 Shear Force /I.\ -r.I> -r - /5 -t -75 -L. T3 -t.75 -t.75 -t.75 -L- t> -L.75 -r_.75 2 2 2 2 z 5.00 4 .50 4.00 J .5U 3.00 2.50 z 2 z 2 z ]-4.20 14.90 r_5.50 .LO . -' U 17. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-00 -34 -L9 -8 -z -n o 2.O0 1 .50 r- .00 0 .50 -0 .00 aervice dl -0 .2069 -0.2476 . -o.2sB7 -0.3300 -0.37L4 Load Combination Combined Loads ,Joint Reactions = 1.000 * LC 2 and Displacements Joint JI l? I 2 3 ]. (Fr) 0.00 r-0.00 17. 00 RX (K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 RY (K) -0 .48 1. 84 0.00 MZ (K-In) 0 0 Y-Disp.(In) 0.0000 0.0000 -u.l-ul-J Rotat. (Rad) 0.00039s -0.000791 -0 - 00r-344 ElemenE Forces and Displacements EIe. JI tf 1 1 t- 1 1 1 1 1 1 L t- z 2 2 2 2 z 2 z 2 z x (Fr) 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 10.00 10.70 l_2.10 12 .80 l_3 .50 ]-4.20 L4 .90 15. 60 15.30 17. 00 Axial Force (K) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 - 00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Moment (K- In) 0 -o -l_l_ -LT -23 -29 -J.t -40 -46 -32 -31 -57 -46 -37 -28 -zL :-L4 -9 -5 -2 -L 0 0.0000 -0.0073 -0.0157 -0.0250 -0.0351 -0.0455 -0. 0554 -0.0675 -0 .0787 -0.0900 -0.1013 Shear Force (K) -0.48 -0 .48 -0.48 -0.48 -0 .48 -0 .48 -0 .48 -0.48 -0.48 -0.48 t.37 t.23 1. 09 0 .96 u.6z U. b.J 0 .55 0 .4r 0.27 U.I+ 0.00 Y-Displ.(In) 0.0000 0.0047 0.0091 0.0r_30 n n1tro 0.0178 0.0182 U. UIb Y 0.0137 0.008r_ 0.0000 o XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CANTILEVER RETAINING WAI,I-, X X x x x X X X X X x x X X X x x X X xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XX X NAME: Cody Bohall- X PRO'fECT: Baltz Res ZEILER - PENNOCK, INC. 2727 BRYANT STREET Denver, Col-orado 80211 ANGLE OF I}i:TERNAL FRI'CTION UNIT V'IEIGHT OF CONCRETE NO GROUNDWATER EXTSTS UNIT WEIGHT OF SOIL STEM HEIGHT BACKFILL TS LEVEL ANGLE OF FRICTION BETWEEN WALL AND SOIL COEFFICIENT OF SLIDING FRICTION DATE: 5-30-03 x PRO.JECT NUMBER: 203 - 095 X CONSULTING ENGINEERS X x X (303) 45s-3322 X DEGREES PCF PCF FEET DEGREES KSF Y /E'I K/FT K /FT K /trT F'T-K /FT FT-I{ /E'T KSI KSI ************************** UNIFORM SURCHARGE = 1 VERTICA], DEAD IJOAD AT TOP OF WA].,'L = O VERTICAL LIVE IJOAD AT TOP OF WAJ.'I.,' = O HORIZONTAL DEAD LOAD AT TOP OF WALL = 0 HORTZONTAI IJIVE LOAD AT TOP OF WALL = 0 DEAD LOAD MOMElilf AT TOP OF WALL = Q LM LIOAD MOMEI,I:| AT TOP OF WALL = 0 CONCRETE STRENGTH, F'C = 3 STEEL YrELD STRESS. FY = 50 **************ir************ ACTUAI DIMENSIONS USED STEM THTCKNESS @ TOP = 8 HORTZ. PRO,f . OF FRO}(| SLOPE OF STEM = 0 HORf Z. PRO,J. OF BACK SLOPE OF STEM = 0 STEM fl{ICKNESS @ BOT. = I x XX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Copyright (C) 7982,1983 Zeiler-Pennock, Inc. A11 rights reserved.Registered SeriaL Number: MASTER XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX NOTES: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * fNPUT DATA * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 24.79 11n b ro . o A *********************************LOAD DATA ********************************* IN 1N IN rN FOOTING THICKNESS : 12 IN HEEL I-,,ENGTH = 3.5 FT TOE I-.,ENGTH = a.7? FT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RESULTS OF ANALYS I S * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * OVERTURNING MOME}fT = 1,0.729 FT-K/FT RESISTTNG MOMENT 30.51? FT-K/FT F.S. (OVERTURNING) = 2.844 RESIILTANT BASE PRESSURE INSIDE MIDDLE THIRD OF FOOTING TOE PRESSURE = 2.222 KSF HEEL PRESSURE = .584 KSF SLIDING FORCE = 3.378 K/FT SLIDING RESISTANCE = 3.32L K/FT F. S. (SLIDING) = .983 PASSIVE SOIL CONSIDERED EFFECTfVE = 2 FT ASOVE TOP OF FTG SLTDING RESISTANCE = 4.53]. K/FT F.S. (SLIDING) = 1.341 NO SHEAR KEY USED * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * STEM DES IGN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (ACI ) CONCRETE COVER TO CENTER OF GRAVITY OF STEEL= 2 IN DISTANCE BE],OW ULTIMATE AREA STEEL STEEL INDEX TOP OF WAIL MOMENT REQ'D (W)(Fr) (Fr-K/Fr) (rN.sQ. /Fr.)1.500 0.703 0.026 0.007 3 . 000 2 .959 0 .1_12 0.031 4.500 5.988 0.271 0.075 5.000 13.010 0.527 0.1-46 ULTIMATE SHEAR FORCE AT BASE OF STEM = 4.727 K/FT ULTIMATE SHEAR STRESS AT BASE OF STEM = .077 KSr ALLOWABLE SHEAR STRESS=2*SQR(F'C) = .109 KSI * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TOE DESIGN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (ACI ) CONCRETE COVER TO CENTER OF GRAVITY OF STEEL = 3.5 IN AREA STEEL REQ.'D = .r29 SQ.IN./FT STEELTNDEX,W =.025 UIJTTMATE MOMENT AT FACE OF STEM = 4.888 FT-K/FT ULTIMATE SHEAR FORCE AT FACE OF STEM = 5.323 K/FT ULTII"IATE SHEAR STRESS AT FACE OF STEM = .061 KSI AILOWABLE SHEAR STRESS=2*SQR(F'C) = .109 KSI * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * HEEL DES IGN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (ACI) CONCRETE COVER TO CENTER OF GRAVITY OF STEEL = 3 IN AREA STEEL REQ.,D = .518 SQ.IN./FT STEEI-,TNDEX,W =.1.I4 ULTIMATE MOME}i:I AT FACE OF STEM = 23.35]. FT-K/FT I'LTIMATE SHEAR FORCE AT FACE OF STEM = 11.531 K/FT TILTIMATE SHEAR STRESS AT FACE OF STEM = .126 KSI AILOWABLE SHEAR STRESS=2*SQR(F'C) = .109 KsI xxxrxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx CANTILEVER RETAINING WA]-,L X x X x x X X x X X X X Y x Y X ]! x x x X x X X xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XY X NAME: Cody Bohall X X PROJECT: Ba1tz Res ZEILER - PENNOCK, INC. 2727 BRYA}]"T ,STREET Denver, Colorado 80211 DATE: 5-30-03 X PRO,JECT NUMBER: 203-095 X CONSULTTNG ENGINEERS X X x (303) 4ss-3322 x 79 DEGREES PCF r\-! FEET 6 DEGREES K /FT K /ET K ltrT K /FT El.rl_L / E!.Tl FT-K/E'T KSI KSI X x X XX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Copyright (c) 1982,1983 Zeil-er-Pennock, Inc. A11 rights reserwed.Registered Serial Number: I4ASTER xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx NOTES: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * INPUT DATA * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A}IGLE OF INTERNAI FRICTION UNIT WEIGHT OF CONCRETE NO GROUNDWATER EXISTS UNIT WEIGHT OF SOIL STEM HEIGHT STEM THICKNESS @ TOP HORIZ. PRO,J. OF FRONT SLOPE HORIZ. PROJ. OF BACK SLOPE STEM THICIOIESS @ BOT. =8 OF STEM = 0 oF STEM = 0 =8 = 24. = 1l-0 =6 *********************************LOAD DATA ********************************* BACKFTLI-J IS LEVEL ANGLE OF FRf CTION BETWEEN VfAL,,L, AI\TD SOIL = 15. COEFFICIENT OF SLIDING FRICTION = .4 NO IJNIFORM SURC}TARGE EXISTS VERTICAL DEAD LOAD AT TOP OF WALL = O VERTICAI LIVE LOAD AT TOP OF WALL = 0 HORIZONTAI, DEAD LOAD AT TOP OF WALL = 0 HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD AT TOP OF WALL = 0 DEAD LOAD MOMENT AT TOP OF WALI-., = 0 LIVE LOAD MOMENT AT ,TOP OF WA].IL = 0 CONCRETE STRENGTH, F'C = 3 STEEI.,, YIELD STRESS, FY = 60 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ACTUAL DIMENS rONS USED * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rN IN IN IN FOOTING THICKNESS = 10 IN ' HEEI-, LENGTH = 1 FT TOELENGTH =1 FT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RESULTS OF ANALYS IS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * OVERTURNING MOMENT : 2.038 FT-K/FT RESTSTING MOMENT = 3 .1].9 FT-K/FT F.S. (OVERTI]RNING) = 1.53 RESUI,TANT BASE PRESSURE OUTSIDE MIDDLE THIRD OF FOOTING TOE PRESSI'RE = 2.L34 KSF HEEL PRESSURE = O KSF AT L.'742 FT. FROM TOE SLIDING FORCE = .895 K/FT SLIDING RESISTANCE = .744 R/FT F. S. (SLIDING) = . 831 PASSIVE SOIL CONSIDERED EFFECTIVE = 2 FT ASOVE TOP OF FTG SLIDING RESISTANCE = L.823 K/FT F. S. (SLIDING) = 2 .037 NO SHEAR KEY USED * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * STEM DESIGN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (ACI ) CONCRETE COVER TO CENTER OF GRAVITY OF STEEI-,= 4 IN DISTANCE BELOW U],TIMATE AREA STEEL STEEL INDEX TOP OF WALL MOMENT REQ'D (W)(Fr) (Fr-K/Fr) (rN.sQ . /Fr.)1.500 0.037 0.002 0.001 3.000 0 .293 0.015 0.007 4.500 0.990 0.055 0.023 5.000 2.346 0. t-35 0.055 UI-,TIMATE SHEAR FORCE AT BASE OF STEM = 1.173 K/FT ULTIMATE SHEAR STRESS AT BASE OF STEM __ .O28 KSI ALLOWABLE SHEAR STRESS=2*SQR(F'C) .]-09 KSI * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TOE DES IGN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (ACI ) CONCRETE COVER To CENTER OF GRAVITY OF STEEL = 3 IN ULTIMATE FIJEXURAL TENSILE STRESS= .093 KSI < .t78 KSI (ALLOW) ULTIMATE MOMENT AT FACE OF STEM = 1.564 FT-K/FT ULTIMATE SHEAR FORCE AT FACE OF STEM -- 2.46 K/FT ULT]MATE SHEAR STRESS AT FACE OF STEM = .035 KSI ALLOWABLE SHEAR STRESS=2*SQR(F'C) = .109 KSI *NO STEEL REQUIRED FOR BENDING* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * HEEL DES lGN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (ACI) CONCRETE COVER TO CENTER OF GRAVITY OF STEEL = 3 IN ULTIMATE FLEXURAL TENSILE STRESS= .06 KSI < .178 KSI (ALLOW) ULTTMATE MOMENT AT FACE OF STEM = 1.003 FT-K/FT UI-,,TTMATE SHEAR FORCE AT FACE OF STEM = L.552 K/FT ULTIMATE SHEAR STRESS AT FACE OF STEM = .022 KSr ALLOWABLE SHEAR STRESS=2*SQR(F'C) = .109 KSI *NO STEEL REQUIRED FOR BENDING* ugrsr o ,urtt caitt isfrfit;ffiler-Ponnocr(; ^.,,**Ou ?+sz 3a tlt % sos4ssoTo'i ,*-.r;;;, ot-"-T"n" ,r, 1t1 AfuAa^rd,- Ua?{ t/nLS \ L'I l-oc t( \:.a I I 'l i r.' i4t r sl_IY 3 9C DC'-=t a3 .I I:t-Fa tt\ /,,##.q,h-7'N- tl'to' 66at. ?6SL- 303 355 2546 DHRrJgglesEAssociat t' 10:41 :06 a.m. o o7 -26-2005 o t! &6 LtI F =3 GA t! .J E,^5+ ffi f;Fi :t>,lit'ri !.'t. I 1 -[T 's M \\ N o 5 o o f e, tt 2 :t E H l- :L * I 3 HI 5*lfi$ 'l 0:39:07-26-2005 VALLY RAFTER,TIE 6 X 16 BEAM NEW CANTILEVERED BEAM RIDGE LSgO EA. SIDE OR IF ANGLE IS T U41oSKLJ4(SPECTAL oRDEf VERIFY TXISTING POST 214 45 a.m- o DHRuggle3&A3sociat @ 24"2X12 POST (2) s 1/4" INTO EXISTI r | \.., BARES ON NEW STEEL BEAM IN SECOND FLOOR FRAMIN HATCHED AREA INDICATES OVERFRAMING EXISTING 6 RAFTER ,r..rB .ii'"i l*'..i'.t: 2X6 PURLINS (MATCH EXTSTING) F I I 11 7/E'l L!4-ffff l*i,,,rf ffi \' N o 3 c,(9 =t EXISTING RAFTER /8" LVL, WRAP x 16 #1 GRADE ING BEAMS. OR IX TO MATCH -E ]-.l_ t t o>T -.-, z >),o c x (Df,o> u. -1 < ==a+=!F r{F >= >*-< IN=8<;NN :N:*rI iz !'; Fi o-x;:-oF N 5 I L -ro *6 r-n an ii 93 o -n o v c o o |.m ltt i ii'.{'E v) :iiij i.F:i.r ii!!.,Tii !gi T ilr -l H JT f G grsz 99e 00e lelcoesyXsaq0&ry69 9O0Z-8e-r0 'ul'e tz:/o: I I 11:07:43a.m. 07-2E-2O05 303 ?str2546 o/ (2) s 1/4" INTO EXISTI VERIFY BARES BEAM FRAM HATCHED AREA INDICATES OVERFRAMING VALLY RAFTER, TIE 6 X 16 BEAM NEW BEAM CANTILEVERED RIDGE A. SIDE OR IF ANGLE IS TO u41 0sKL34(SPECTAL ORDER) STING POST NEW STEEL SECOND FLOOR I 2x6l HEA r t\.. ,..R ..'a" ;;i-j: *[ffff S.,,ff H H -o c5 )0 >o Ff 6u /8" L\4_, WRAP ING BEAMS. OR x 16 #1 GRADE IX TO MATCH € Nov 22 05 10:38a Chip Tallon 970€2ffi269 oo f,atre- #n;7 F*7r7q,5 3a3'74/-r{?S- p.'l FACSIIIILE TNANSMITTAL SHEET )e *{ / r----.tJ covER rHohrEtr.D{tE& 4ZZ7 .,RREr.rEv flrr.r.esa a r/'r,t4 .376-9176 coMMENr oprbissi6ly oi"resrnecvcc l{olEs/cor0{ENt:S_ (*26. /r'U€ .-?z€ reAf JreES_ Dr?rcf 2-v-kztTtt /Jt- C7", 4/ / /<Ir Td .frKq ' /.2zzz ,) J ,ft"r Zre. ftl fNc,r aftt-,f1{ .,"a,v\ (ra& €rtefnrr gl /,|a . SFqr& , /?f o tr€'/.42g '?nD d< vu 6t.,v{ efr:4:9, 7 F' -zr.rrer zD+ e r acuyft^. p,\,%;/2 /1-";27 --- --->,? Nov 22 05 10:39a Chip Tallon 970€26€269 p,2 ur:rf r.rn- | t -ZI-?O5 1n FAX o A RCIITTECTS D.E NUGGI,ES AND AIISOC1AIDS r2m cnn*y cnEEr sur'| *tvE,sunE 4t0 DEItlt E& @I ?'nrrE l@O lEr.eilt){E ta,t''.ao F^CrDttr-E l€ 3:ttitta6 A PrOE[8pN{^L qtnnonrrro0r Tc ChipTdlon FA)(NT'I'BER em*63a8 Nunbcrof Pe*eg: l phrscorrer tubi€cG Baltzmfrcwer Detq 11-220!t Seeattadre4 Tharityou DmRuggts Cc ldarttBatE 3,E_TLts['At Nov 22 05 10:39a Chip Tallon 970-926-3269 v.et ?.n. 11-22-?oo5 o 2n Nov 22 05 10:39a Chip Tallon 970€26-3269 p.4 (r3|'6p.n'. ri-21.200s 1n lfi Chlp, Attadr€d plcGe fud secdcr ftur o&bmk br qles sfdr exeptiur. R:If .{il (exceptiur) Iht*s ReyTcrnll D-H. RutBl€smdAsstues rlOdhnrggles.om tr.AX-TRANSMITTAL o ARCHITE CT S D.E RUGGI.ES AND ASSOCT/{TES rz! r|AD|qil 8TrEr, lltrlt t@ Errr8n q.qrEtcE rrt?ra.5lxltD, 3gt t5t2/m t cllrntt 3ts 3515.6 A tnoESaIot^L@[r9irtlrcil Tor ATTI'ftGdpTdbD SaZtG FIuy€ eh'ants, Etdp p .rezffiee D.tes Norcober2l,lDS Subie* BatAReddsre Nov 22 05 10:39a 303 355 ?5{6 Chip Tallon 970-926€269 o"lro.r. 1i-21-2oof DHRrgglor&Arsoo",f p.5 ITILDITGDI.^tfl||F Slctim 1823, and tg othrrvire conctrrtctcd in rccor' dgrca vith this coda u Aotoortt lrzF dDE oDslatl Alornuic Aregc .opcmr. if groviacC.-thrtl bc tied in rcrrdercc rith tX- SECrrril F,sfo nrnaincv ESGAPE AtO RESGUE OPElXltlGtl nb *atr bc obllird !y &! rorl opeatin of thc rhcy csc+c ara rtsuc rying &drtt- ifl9*- E g- lcrff oegir:r rilha fni#d ilttciSltb!- goud-clcvrtioG shdl E.fwidcd rith e l0.l Euer3tnc! €crpc ld rw nqdtrd' Bltcss:ls i rrnUlutltieti*d ert4r sl ecpine loom drall havc arlesr : olsabla cirrgcry escrF and rtsele qainf' Whce qdm "oorain ooc c rurc slcrpiry rooc. coc4cncy ar rdcrcrre opcni4gp s}tell be rcquird it aD slccFng o, but 3t lt lot bc (tqdtEd il rdjofun!8 rtas-d ttr b$e u-{bcrc ccrcrgpocy clclgc rad rrcrc ogdnq 19 FD fe ey *UIt t lr. r-rilt Uigbt of not rlore thro 4{ ift[as G nif tto tc nofi' Whs! a br ogcoiog haviqg a Ibotd bdotv thc adacc* gmuad c|"vali.[ tcnrca a! dl a1;:acy crcrpc ad t!*ttrdPdsg ed i" tr-*ifd-*q I i*ra fodoottc. tr bulllcrd mloue $dl cosrpt s D Oo:tOS. tto *r clar oprirg Arudoar cqsind b'tt 'rdUArftid|'e with Scctio R3tO2- ifabo ofohf rrr. Allcmsqcl ercaPe rsrinrr sbell bevc r ufudmn rrct cbr opcn- q[rrl (O.5AlEa). a: Cradc flmr opcriqs rhdl hvc a drinul opcaiag of 5 sgoilc fttt (O.{5li ld). !til!@ rlmbg hdtt Tb. nirioum s iog hciSh slstl b" 24 imhcc (610 nm). Hnlr op.rh3 tldfr. Thc oicraum nct nrr eidtb drall bc 20i!cb' E tlo)- llonl o!|Eahlr EncryorY G|cryeaDd sfrrl bc opnriorrrl bo.n $c itridc of thE ilrlr l8 inchco (45? on) ct cc*cr rurirdly bc tbc full hciglr of drc sirdor well. n3f0J hiLtrrdcsfur: .Bull&rdeclosrcr $dlpro' vile dirccr ecccrs to th brscmant' Thc ht&hcd Goclfiut wilh drdoor pancb in thc fully opcn poritiol slull provbtltc minirnum na clcar oec*ng rcqgbd by ScdioE BJUI'|-I- Butthcrd clcloourcs rhall rlso comDly with Scc'io! R3t lJ-8.2, R310'l| Brr+ Sd[+ utrr rld rcrcca* Bers, gl * cotcrs' sclrcos orsimil{dcriccc rrpcruiucd to bc phed ovcrcorr- s.Er.rcrye rd rcrcuc qeairys htllfid coclmrcs. c window c,clh tbr rrrc lrcb opaninga proYaddllEEnrau ml chrr qlcnhg rizl col4tfor wlh Socrir R3IILI'L to niro.l.l. io t,it ocnLtlitatt uc rctcesauc r rcaroublc itor Ue in,siUu *irf*r tb use drlcy' tool q furcc 5rrag t- Ar rnicn ir rcquircd fur octlrl opcfetim of thc csrqc drccteopcoing. sEgtIOilRnt nE,lil8€F-EGEr38 MLl GcocnL srair*ryr, rloDq qgb cxir brbottil+ hrllrnyr rod dool sh.ll EGtPlt EilL tbir rccrim' BllSGocEulho. f:nl.af A$drd. Bcqud sslc crit brlcoic+ nttt -l tirnnat crit ftcilitia ihdl Ue pofitlt;rdecd orhe-prbery ltctlrrc to rpcir m wilbl d hrlt i".".t. S.a iUmrtstrlluotb rccolryli:b:dbyt'scof tocsrils.a -iL s.F n rrilhdrarrd. tctlt},2 Uld:r ddr FEcd.!. Enclqcd rccrciblc sct unacr strkr sh.[6tE lll|al*strirsrftGG ud ,iy'r.mrtpc.anooOccnchrcdd&wilh t/'.irrb (lZ7 ur) $Essm boad' RitllJ E{rrya lhc srhiuln siffh of r hellvry shdl bc lor tlrc ftan 3 ftlt (914 um)- R:'lr.4Dd*' Itllil.t Em dmr rq$rd. Notlcc.lb c cdir dor cqrf-tiog o ffr ecctioo rtralt be prori&dfc aa* dtdl- im unir frc rrcipd air dc rldl pwi& fc tfrtct r' oi t- 6c tidbitrDlc pclios of drc dwoniog p bP sE.rjc sitlnrtrtquiring urwltlrough 88'rtc' Accr$to htlotb krcb noi LrvhS m ait ir rscordre sitl dis tetim sh.tl tc bt. ranp il rccodcc !ilfh-lfti:o R3l 1.6 or a seirrriy in rcordrncc withScdsrRlt l5' |UtfLtL2 |tootltF rd tu The rrqind :rit {q- +$ bce sidodiucd iis not lcs rhn 3 tsa (9l4nrlr) in sidh "c enct s fob(tBad)irl4b. tlbdds 6td notbcrrqdtGd bcocflyvitrttacnininur| tforcioa fUtlf .{.3 Ludlr8l l dm*Tbrc rtall bca llocqlad' 1 igoaclsi& of'cc;b cdli.rdffi' J1 Eeotlo: wbt arrfway drrorft*rrirsr tu le ,tlF c.td-oo rh rrair rids d a doc. & dtu d: ro'- f qoiEdrrftdoq,rlrrli*gbotcqriEdtutbcarrior ri& of 6c doq. Ttrc floor c lrnrling c rta c*it dmr rrquird by Scaion R3l,l-4.t sbtll !d bc-nor 0ro lJ iachcs (3E on) low lbrroof,htecols. tdlr, Tb nidmtn hodzotrtd arca of tfie bc 9 rquoc fta (0.t{ sf), sith g nilinum m redsidlt of 36 inc'hcr (91't mn). Tt: *clt dralldlonfic ccrgtry GssNPc ild blcftrltt opccd. 12 i$lrcs (3tF nm). $aU FdEt.r l6st 3 .Fa tAArr a scpr rcqrind bY Saaioo tll bc prmlncd to datosl s oarimrn of 6 o) io rhc roqdrcd dirrrlrilr of thc win- 5c na rcor. ltldorc rclbrit! rsricgl 6t44 iDds 0l lE md|) rtrdt b caripprd rtErcd bdds or strPl usblc vhb llr qlpcirion Lad&rr or *cPa rcquircd rct bc rcquftod ro cmply ni&Sccftot r lrd&tr-c nlgr rhell hew sr hsitlc thc Y.ll mdshrll bctP@sd ttot tnfic Nov 22 05 10:40a Chip Tallon Pno Srlrrs Vrl Pl0 stUES.WAH. ll00Ds The Pro S€rf€s wall hoods are recom_ mended lor'use with all Wolf cobking apfliarres, with a lew exceptions for the 22" (559 mm) deep hoods. All Prc Series wall hoods are available in cFssic stainless stedl, (R) modets indude mounting hole.i for the optional decorative rail- 2' (559 mm) De€p Wall Hoods Avaifabfe in 3U (762 mm), 36r (914 mm), 42r (1067 mm) and 4gd (1219 mm) widths. 0) models inctude a 60O drn intemal blovrer. IDare hnds ore not rccommended for use wtth Wolf duol ftre! rangc, ga, runge ond rcngctop mdets.wfth o cbor- btollcr u griddle. NOTE .Rear dischaqge is only applica_ ble on 22" (559 rnm) rivall hoodr (excluding W3022t Ot and W362ZlOl)' and.24' (61O mm) wa hoods used with a WBLQWER-120INT (aO4702, or any Wolf rernote blower. WBLOWER,9oTNT (sO5O86) ts not for use in rear digcharge applications. 2a' (610 nim) Deep t rrall Hoods Avaifabfe in 3p, (762 mm), 36.(9la mh), 44. F067 mm), 48' (1219 mm), 5,4" (1372 mm), 60. (1524 Tm) a4d 66" (:t676 mm) wirjtfu.l I 27' (6f mrn) Deep. Wall Hoods Availablp in 3{. (762 mrn), 36" 1e te mft), 4zl 006z mm), 48. (1219 mrn), 5l0x fl3zZ mm), 60,' (1524 mm) and 66, (1676 mm) widths. 1 I These illilstrations of the three pro Series wall hood.sries give you ownll dimersions, while the installation dmenSons are provided in the illushation on the foilordng page. TATIOIT Pro Series Wall Hoods Feitures . Classic stainless steel finish . . Recessed conrok . Halogen lighting with night-light o 1 6gar€e stainleis. steel shell . tland finished with continually weldcd seams o Stainless steel enclosed liner o Stainless steel baffie filters . Internal or remole blor,ver option . Heat sentD, teau.tr€ (automati- cally adiuss..blorrver speed) . He-t lamps - 27t (6g6 mrn).deep wall hoods only . Top or rear discharge with certajn models . Variable speed ventiljtor conEol . . Transition with baclcdraft damper included e Optional decorative rait assernbly in stainless, plathum, brass or .copper finish . Optional 6i (152 mm) and 12! ' (305 mm) duct cowr: r UL approved for covered outdoor applicatbn 22' (559 nn) Ihep Iw profile Wott tftrirds 21' (610 nrn) Deq Fm S.tus WAt Hd, :""''l-,--*EiH,F.*-. , le.-d l6rl-d 27' (686 nm) &q prc S{eEs VhI Hoods 70-926-3269 o p.6 o TI I g}., 3A',4tl -6,tt FaC,9r+ l0Ort€$.rnl g Nov 22 05 10;40a Chip Tallon 70€26€269 o p,7 l-*-,*m.-l r Mrr{lral ots! ttE FRo c(xxhs EiunrAcc TD AOT]Ura OF @ar€tJSTtALE CASTNET ''SIOE WALL FON PENIMI.,LA INSIAIIAIION T,IO ST'E IYALL ON BEAF WALL FOF ISINO NSTALT.* K)rr r'T T7 CLEARANCE FOR COU FNELE MrrEn|lls. ty clEAF^t{CE FOF r{O&COH4IS'|aLE UAIEFIAI.S t a c I I Ownll ffdth ot R.ngetop Flnlshed Rough Open,ng WidT . Locatiorr ot GaJ Supply and Electrlcal 15" Rragctolp 5' tll!a' 8' r 3r iflN cMnERotLEF : .-3t 2al1' + -i- I I I 36'lra^)C a Nov 22 p,8 70-926€269 o 05 10:40a I I Chip Tallon Worr 36'Grs RlnoEToP PLAiIIIING ANI) D t! | G lJ I N t0ft l,tAIl 0 ll IMPOflIAiIT NOTE Caution must be used in planning th€ proper installation of the Wbll rangetop to avoid any fires or damage to adiacent cabinetry, or kitchen equipment. Please folow the minimum clearances establirhed in the nnished rough-in dimensions. Alsq do not plan on inst lling a Wolt rangetoP without allowing fof th€ prope, ven tilation equiprnenl All of the Wolf rangetops come in the chssic stainless steel finish and are also shipped with'th€ distinctiye red knobs- Optional black knobs are available at no cost to you and youa client Contacl your Wolf dealer or distributor for hefp in recuring the knobs" 5PACE IE(lUIREIilENIS The finished rougrh-in dimensions you need to incorporate into your plans are noted on tfte following page. We have minimized dre information con- tained in the illustrations, coFcentrat. ing on the crilical information you must plan into your installation. rN5IAt 1Ail0il DlMtN5t0U5 @El ILT(TII(At ANI' 6A5 REQUltt,,lEllIS All Wolf rangetops are designed to operate on natural gas at 5u water column pressu.e or LP gas at 1O' water column pressure- The maxi- mum gas supply pressu.e to thc regulaLor should narer exceed |4' water column; .5 psi (3.5 kPa). Wolf recornmcnds the !s€ of a l/2' l-D. commercial type flex hose; a l/2' l.D. <ommercial type flo( is the minimum size that may be used. All plumbing to the fler hose MUST be 3/4' minimum l.D. pipe. The lA/olt rangetop functions up to 6,000 feet In altitud€ wirhout any adjustmenL |n|FOnfAilT lilOTE: An €xternal gal slrut.off valYe must bc lcated near the appliance in an a<aes5lble lo<ation l Ihe wblf rangetop requires 11 0/1 20 yolt electric 5upply to operatc the electronk ignition qrstem. The six- loot supply cord pmvided with the rangetop is equipped with a }prong, grounded plug. for protection aga.inst 5hock hazaFd. The service should have its own 'l5 amp cirruit bseaker. You must tollo$/ all Nauond gcctrkal Code and gas regulations. In addi' tion. be aware ol local codes and ordinances when installing )rour serv- ices. lstANo on PENI SUIA tNsr Lt.Arbr{.*coolotG sunF^c€ I_ 3d -._.---l I grrEnALL wrDTH I p.9 Nov 22 QS 10:4Oa I rrrv <,1 rtuv!l Chip Tallon € : €.iFn 970-926-3269 s"oos-ls++Frtt! HppIi.nce Cenc€r p.5 STEP 4r AwAFNtilGA i fb.{oltl Fllmnrl Eluty ot proPtrty.lgllg8, do nol dtlnd to itsilr[ thb mlqowave oYUr it tnu crrpl lFul e df *rd; klrtre And lgfreg tlp TtrTrnglioe 1. Utt?f|*plsnhlhe arul (m€tdl rl|o|8lrl]E tape find and narkthc Frgcd clnbr In3 mlh€ baca( m!,'r' io FttJr.zt} 2. Fhd d$ rnafi dr. or tro Dolds lrlEb fic rtr.d3 aru on fie rall.(Sudra[qrhmEty 1t l|. s ap8ro. TlFn fioalura rnd mrrt ttre std lFrtio][. lf ycrcrrFl.fodany rrll dud. on!|trt a locsl butgrEoofib.cbr: 9. li|. up lhr Flumb lin. m ttE wrll tith |ho er{€r lh€ qt tho ftouniling pffi, I{OTE 8e su'g Uro mhtrflrt| ruth lr 9O trdtar erd the dagncg fiwnt|c lop of tha wlll bmphts to fie.|rrge or sou!frrtop fu d hEtgQ iEh.r. SrE FagglDetl. a. Gofthr mqrntrg pbb h opcrdhg by linho up the Ftunb llrt3 on waltrilr cfiledlne on rcu ing 9ht . Mak sxrthc n* mun wfrilr b Eofrcfc.||dtEttE tqF of the mounttE ptsle ls locabd a mhlrum of go irdr6 abwe thc coolfile .rrttF. sbr Flgure u. Ncrle' Fdre.c.!*r€Euo not plmb..ogllt0p moudung pbb b the crlh*e U |he tonl.6.d hccabhd b lorec ihrn tbr tdr dl|e, afi]ti tl!ilonrfigrpblr s bc lad rft {l! reblnd kont. 5. tcEnfir lend thc upper aurrf fanro. Tdm illc cdges A Brd C o ltr lper c&&l3tErCeb so r||t lre r'rDtrt! rhlfr'q| tubolbm illtE Wparcalh.t lll4Faroroffit|esr .|olldltamc,tlmth. bmdrt| ro[fir hddr lhe ncctnd ana.Atgn rlnorntdhc sf lto upFlr aabl]rt t.tnpLb rlh fie €.nfrf8{t lh. t'rqrthg dri., lhar *rtlfy Lp or t|dr tlra upprcdrrl I'tlp5b In plE.3.cFlSurlA|. The Wall &Cablnet Flfrrrt3 (1 plse rndrilng C!t!) 1g l?gl|rEAf Nov 22 05 10:4Qa nov zl zuuD Chip Tallon 3:s+Pn 970-926-3269 s?oOs-ts++ p.10 HlOe Rppliancc Gcnter M POR|rANT SAFEry INFORMAir|oN p.+ l€TE: fil' lrardte ourt ,bp to ttettrp ot mlcrwrecrfioul b rcoorrmanlad b ogtfnd eerbdrarn ol rmge and ricruravc. Oul.l utp.? s.Ue.t) Coil Holr fdrabtillg'g|l lir !5rrs li;ldEt lo lollll.!fto qdrbt [-LarnC.b.lnd(.E rlrrindrtrn|!uqb|.}:l[_l kb 9un You l{w€ Enough SFaoe AndSupporr . Mount tho ov€n Egdnrt a [4, ya|liael mll, eo if ie crJpporbd by ths rEL Tha wll ghorld be omstuored ol a*rfirrm ? r 4' d 3ilddng and 8rB' hf* drytf,rt or CaBt.rnafi. .A?T.ICH ATLEIBtOllEoltrc trc l.O sc|ltur eugporthg tha oEn to. wlbal; f x rF nll rtrd . D ltloT .no|.lnt tle rnbrpvysna ovsn b qn lilerd or pfilnarla cqbanet. .*$tE{h! uppcrdthf'rnd|Ui|fi rfrrcilG ||! eblo |o erpporr 1!O ba, plur fte |light ol rr}' ileme trgu pl€se lEfft lic own or upcr cabinat Gl-oct |te susr uay fron arcngdEft E'ras. srrch as ulndorre (bas. and rmo0 hcdlo t €rtB, r !E SURE tou h.rr. anornh Bpac6. Sce Flgure 3 baloru for minimum vo'tbal rrd ftorhmtal d$rence. . This micnornyr own cen bs in# ovsr ltc or elocDic oooHtrg Fudrrcb 'E nrrc than S inoh:s wi&. Flgurla W Model RT366 ffi Model RT364C ffi Model BT364G @ Model RT362F IAIOLF' 36 " (S14) Gas Rangetops MODELS RT368 / RT364C / RT364G I BT362F > The Wolf 36" (914) gds rdngetop is available in natural or LP gas, with your choice of four top configurations. Model numbers indicate the rcngdtop features: (C) charbroiler, (G) griddle and (F) French top. The model number followed by (LP) denotes an LP gas model. This appliance B ceftifi€d by Stat-K to meet strict ,eligious rcgulations in conjunclion with specific instructions found on www,star-k,org, 11' (279) gtiddle (optiondl) Dual brass burners Pull-out dtip trcy I lf you want to offer a more professional look to your client's kitchen and still use a cooktop, look to the gas rangetops from Wolf. They offer you that commercial look but give you flexibility to use th€ ovens in other locations in the kitchen. In fact, the Wolf framed ovens would be a beautiful complement to these cooking instruments. Let Wolf, the corporate companion and kitchen soul mate of Sub-Zero, fuel your passion for cooking and kitchen design. @:'@ry Model RT364G shown OWOLF PLANNING GUIDE 2OO4 (REV 1.O} IAIOLF' 36'(sr4) Gas Rangetops MODELS RT366 / FEATURES RT364C / RT364G / RT362F > Natural or LP gas models > Classic stainless steel exterior finish > Fits standard 24" (81O) deep cabinets with zero clearance for easy installation > Optional infrared charbroiler, infrared griddle or French top configurations > Dual brass burners with automatic reignition at all settings, 5OO Btu/hr (.1 kwh) simm€r to 16,000 Btulht (4.7 kWh) high > Porcelain coated cast iron top grates OVERALL DIMENSIONS V @@ @@ > Dimensions may vary by 1 1/8" (3). > Dimensions in Darentheses are in millimeters unless otherwisa sDecified. Large red control knobs with four position settings and chrome bezels - oplional black knobs available at no cost Stainl€ss steel drip tray on ball bearing slides Low profile classic stainless steel island trim Cenified by Star-K to meet religious regulations CSA certified for US and Canada Two and five year residential warranty - exclusions apply, see warranty at the end of this guide C@KING SURFACE ll- 1o112'lxn 9112'(24t1 36'(sr4) ---J I c /ERALLWIOTH I z3t4' | |(70).-->l l- 24" (€t0) ------i (lo latob6) | | | OWOLF PLANNING GUIDE 2O04 IREV I.O) 'lAtoLF' 36 " (914) Gas Rangetops MODELS RT36O / MODEL OPTIONS RT364C/BT364GIRT362F SPECIFICATIONS Six Burners Four Burners w/Charbroiler RT364C Four Burners w/Griddle RT364G Two Burners w/French Top RT362F Natural gas modals listed, for LP gas add GLP) to the model number. VENTILATION OPTIONS > 36" (914) Pro Series Wall Hood > 42" ('l 067l Pro Series lsland Hood Refer to the Wolf Pro Serias Ventilation section for additional information. ACCES90RtES > 101lz" (267) stainless steel riser > Stainless ste€l islend trim > Black control knobs > Porcelain cast wok grate > Porcelain cast S-grates > Hardwood cufting board > LP snd natural g€s conversion kits > High altitude conversion kit Contact vour Wolf dealer for additional information on accessories. RT366 Overall Rangetop Width 36" (914) Overall Rangetop Height (to cooking surface)1O1/2" (267]. Overall Rangetop Depth 2711q" (692\ Surface Burners Top burners with 5OO Btu/hr (.1 kWh) simmer to 16,000 Btulhr (4.7 kWh) high 11" (2751 Charbroiler 16.0OO Btu / hr (4.7 kwh) 11" (279) Griddle 1 8,OOO Btu / hr (5.3 kwh) 22" (559) French Top 1 5,OOO Btu/hr (4.4 kwh) Electricsl Supply Requirements 110t120 V AC, 60 Hz, 15 amp dedicated circuit Power Cord Shipping Weight 6' (1.8 m) pow€r cord with 3-prong grounded plug 190 lbs (86 kgl - 22O lbs (1oo kg) > Specifications are subject to change without notice. > Dimensions in parentheses arc in millimeterc unless otherwise specified. OWOLF PLANNING GUIOE 2OO4 (R EV 1-O) IAIOLF' 36 " (914) Gas Rangetops INSTALLATION > Dimensions may vary by * 1/8" > Dimensions in parentheses are ISLAND INSTATLATIONS: l/ (30s) MINIMUM CL.EAFANCE FROM BACK OF RANGE TO COMBUSTTBLE MAIEF|ALS - s (0) TO t'ION4Ot BUST|BLE MAIER|ALS - I'IO SIDE WAI.I OR REAF WALI ABCA/E COOKING SURFrcE PENNINSULA INSTAIIAT|o.'IS: NO SIOE WALL ABOVE @OKING SURFACE p). in millimdtdrs unress othe.wise sDecified. DIMENSION9 v o'r,"s)l-.l3;) L@ATE ET"ECTRICAI ANO GAS ST',PPLY WITHIN SMI'€D AREA THROI'GH SOTTOM OF PI-ATFORM 3/4' (r9) PLATFoRM Overall Width of Rangetop 36" (914) Finished Rough Opening Width 361/4' (921) shaded area Location of Electrical and Gas Supply CWOLF PLANNING GUIOE 2 OO4 {REV I.O) Within > See lnstalletion lnstructions shipped with unit for detailed specifications. IAIOLF' 36" (914) Gas Rangetops INSTALLATION IN STA LLAT I ON NOTES > Caution must be used in planning the proper installation of the Wolf gas rangetop to avoid any fires or damage to adjacent cabinetry or kitchen equipment. Please follow the minimum clearances established in the finished rough opening dimensions as shown in the installa- tion illustration. > lt is recommended that Vou use a Wolf Pro Series wall or island ventilation hood with the Wolf gas rangetop. Refer to the Pro Series Ventilation section snd the Pro Series ventila- tion charts in the General Applications section for specifics. > Wolf gas rangetops are designed to operate on natural gas at 5" (127) WC (water column) pressure or LP gas at 1O" (254) WC pressure. The maximum gas supply pressure to the regu- lator should never exceed 14" (356) WC; .5 psi (3.5 kPa). > Wolf recommends the use of a 1/2" (13) l.D. commercial type flex hose; this is the minimum size that may be used. All plumbing to the flex hose MUST be 3/4" (19) minimum l.D. pipe. > A separate external gas shut-off valve must be located near the rangetop in an accessible location. > The Wolf gas rangetop functions up to 6.000' (1828 m) in altitude without any adjustment. lf the installation is above 6,00O' (1828 m), contact your Wolf dealer. l The Wolf gas rangetop requires a 110 I 12OV electrical supply to operate the electronic ignition system. The 6' (1 .8 m) power supply cord provided with the rangetop is equipped with a 3-prong, grounded plug for protection against shock hazard. The service should have its own I 5 amp circuit breaker. > A ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) is not recommended and may cause interruption of operation. > You must follow all Nstional Electrical Code and gas regulations. In addition, be aware of local codes and ordinances when installing your services. > Befer to the installation instructions shipped with each Wolf product for detailod specifica- t|0ns. > Dimensions in Darenthesas are in millimetars unless otharwise specified, OWOLF PLANNING GUIDE 2OO4 {REV 1.O} 0S/.|4/2004 09:50 FAX 3094570508 II11R C(1RP()RATI()iI @ 001/002 10650 frra Drive, Unit 15 n"'ll3l;"lir!3rolo"' Fax (303t 457-0506 Date: ?y'r/e+ rine:----- --@p, Number of pages transnibted,--l----(rnsluding this cover page) ro fax number, _?_.2_q_=_!/_7_?:_E#2 2 | 5 7 Please del iver al I transnitted pages to: Pereon: -.JO€- c o a p a n y, - - - - I-a-g!t-g_f __Ue:J_ Address ---Zs_-^S_o_-__*f_rc_ryt=r_.__4J__- city, State , Zipz --lJA|t*_C_E rhese pases are rrqn ,_.ilmu_it-_S_A=!_hgyt^ Renarks --/Ae-a.tlet/tt-"__nl_+*a=*ot_2rca-s!___A___-- --ZZg-c--/--f ;L?--,4*__^l_.sz.-_caa;/-*._J_=__.&L=Ard* -.-a-rs--A<--4k!__air_=rEapJt__Gt._./J_*_,"____ RECEIVED &H=- Po ( -6o ?o Conflrmatlon Report -Memory Send T ine Tel I ine ll are 175 Sep-l r[ I I :05an 2t52 001 $ep-lrl I | :05an Sep-ltl I | :08an 000 ilc B0 Sep-|4-2004 I | :08an 9701792157 Toilt 0F vAtL Job number Date To Oocument pages Start t lme End t ime Pages sent Status Job nunber o8/14/zoo4 oE:ao : 175 Fltx 303.1570a50e *++ SEND FA I LED +++ HDR CORFORATION - oo 1, o02 t - DE a tr- ' ItatE D! Co aO2!3 t5 P- Erc tr ' -----$_o_.q- ____ t Olt.so rEl- Drray-, rral Io-rb-l-to- Co aO,l309 r 4S7-O9oZ F-* ato3, as7-osoc o.e. =--T -- ?r_ Tim.._____ _Atup wuDb.r of p.ar-- tEart3..rt e.d r --.3--_- a trrsrr|dtsr8 thr.- .!oeas rr-ar-,To r-r. ltrrbbG r , _?:2_a_=_Z-Z?: ffi, A, t S 7 Plar3e CaltrreE aLl c,r-Esr!Lttad c.lcta- tor Eaa-.-t3r. @002/002 lilDR C0RP0RATI0H 09/14/2C04 0S:51 FAX 3034570506 c )+ 2' E EI I I t I i oj. tr ,.1 .E a{E Ll tr EI 6 .tt i E r: I ar qa EI $s .l e E a e E e E i= at c e 4 g Z'e. ui:nt'..c.! A.J lu,Ll lF e IJJ E )1 ;) U ? a. t): ,n I i .t Er l- :. F"i i g:;i r-o (!i '';'H tt^9; =t ligg filat ll '/ 2 ?F0 E{ 5 €E Etr E Efr I{tt g I IE r* I I J o = fl E E 0 z E g F EI z o E 1 c -'1 o DEPARTMENT OF COMMTINITY DEVELOPMENT TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL,CO 81657 97M79-2738 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Permit #: D04{020 Qo( -olt7 ]ob Address: 3786 LUPINE DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: 3786 Lupine Applied . . : 08/25/2004 ParcelNo....: 270777101004 Issued...: 09/01,/2004 ProjectNo.: ?? p^Jog_ ooSg Expires...: 02/28/2005 OWNER Baltz Family Partners II, T.'l'O8/25/2004 Phone: 303-721-8800 Stephen P. Baltz First United Bank 8095 E. Belleview Ave Englevrood, CO 80L1L License: coNTRAeTOR MDR CORPORATION 08/25/2004 phone: 303-457-0502 10550 IRITIA DRIVE, I'NIT #15 NORTHGI.,EN, CO 80233 L,icense: 479-S APPIfICAI.IT MDR CORPORATTON 08/25/2004 phone: 303-457-0s02 1.0650 rRMA DR]\IE, ITNIT #15 NORTI{GIJE}iI, CO 80233 License t 479-S Desciption: REMOVE SPRAY ON CEILING MATERIAL AND DRYWALL Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupanry: ?? Valuation: $15,858.00 Fireolace Information: Restricted: Add Sq Ft 0 #ofGasAppliances:0#ofGaslogs:0#of So. oo Total Calculated Fees-> $440.65 SO.OO Additiond Fees_> (S324.G8) SO. OO Total permit Fee_.> 9116 . 0O So. oo Paymmb--> $116 .00 Wood Pellet FEE SUMMARY Building-> $26s.25 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan check-> s1?2 . 41 DRB Fee-.-> Investigation->S0. 00 Recreation Fee--> Will Call-> 93 . 00 Clean-up Deposit-> TOTAL FEES--> S44o .55 BAL/q]VCE DU|E-> Approvals: I€e'm: 051-00 BUIL,DING DEPARTMEI{T 08/25/2004 Lc Action: DN o8/3o/2o04 Lc Action: AP per mike vaughan Item: 05400 PITANNING DEPARTMEII'T Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARI!,IENT 90 .00 DN site plan i" O 08/25/2004 nnraugban insufficiant. 08/26/2004 mvaugha.n Iten: 05500 PITBIJIC I{ORKS Action: Action: See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge thatI have read this applicatio4 filled outin full the infonnationrequired completed an accurate plot plan, and state tlnt all the inforrration as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQTJESIS FOR INSPECTION SI{ALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY ONE AT 4792149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATI,JRE OFOWNERORCONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 {'1****##*rr{'1l* CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Permit#: D04O020 asof 0941-2004 Status: ISSUED PermitType: DEMO.OFPART/ALLBLDG. Applied: 08/25/2004 Applicanh MDRCORPORATION Issued: 09/07/2004 3034574502 ToExpire:02/2A/2D5 fob Address: 3785 LUPINE DR VAIL Location: 3785 Lupine Parcel No: 210111101004 Description: REMOVESPRAY ONCEILING MATERIAL AND DRYWALL Conditions: Cond:38 (BLDG.): THIS PERMT IS GOOD FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY. AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWING THE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS IS REQLIIRED PRIOR TO ANY FURTHER WORK OCCURING ON THIS SITE. IF FTIRTHER QTIESTIONS ARISE, CONTACT THE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 479-2%0. Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ++*lf | | + ++++ +*+*+** *** * a! l*f'tf*+l * *r * ***a* aal*t++ * +t * +*t'tt'* ** *++** +ta** *+ * ** * * + * * + + * + + ** 'i **** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO SrareNn€nt *** ***** * **t+ | f+++++t f al++++i* ** t{' * * * ***** * **** * tt*f r** t+f***** *+ff++ ++ ++l**l* * ** ** **** **'} ** Statement Nuniber: R040005549 Anrount: $116.00 09/OL/200409:40 AM Palment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #18708,/llDR Corp Permit No: D04-0020 Tlpe: DEIilO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Parcel No: 210111101004 Site Addless: 3785 LUPINE DR VArL Location s 3786 Lupine Total Fees: $116.00 This Payment: $115.00 Total Ar,L Prnta: $116.00 Balarce: $0.00 ****'i'i 'i ** * * ** *'3*++***l al+++*++a*'l+ + + + t**'it i!t+'i+ + + +'i + ***+t+ ++ ++*a* *'t't'i+ *** * * *t ***** ** t + **+ t + | ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descrjption Curnent Pmts BP OO1OOOO31I11OO BUITDING PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 58.00 58.00 75S.F Vail, a.}z7 Asbestos Permit #: disabling of the air and contact phone 56 plan wioT details . waste load out area tocation. enry and exiting details 6f abatement area. details of entry and exiting plans for the occupants of the structure in unaffected areas.' CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUATION FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Parcel APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR U . Project #: $ Building r*r*************r********!i--"vxff?trutuEpA*lrrxrffir**'$*tt'|*t'r*:r{:ri RECEIVED Contact and Phone #'s: ,tflar ui'^ 30?- Yg7-OtoT 5ft.-ll>oor Town of Vail Reg. No.: Corpor*tio,^ Address: Contact Office at 970-328-8640 for #ffi robName: 3786 Lupin< Dr.JobAddress: 378a luv)n- 0.. Legal Description Lot:6 Block:Filing:Subdivision: B.i 31[' ;As.u e' Owners Name: SFe-.re Balf*Address: ?7gA L,t1t1^a- pn,Phone:34t -'721-88oo ProiectManagert N k Address:Phone: ProjectDesigner N k.Address:Phone: Air YRIIIEle-9pgciarist:Address: Boulf,2n,66 Phone: 3O3 -913^aq1a Detailed desciiption of work: f2errrou. spt4va^c., llxS hnt'l * J,y<rn!. start Dste: ?,/S/av ll End Date: illal* ll Start Time: eoo <tx I Quit time: !.'3O ert Amount of Asbestos: Linear Feet:Square Feet:55/Gal Drums: WorkClass: NewO Addition( ) Remodel !{ Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior t<) Exterior ( ) Both ( ) Ivoe of Bldo.: Sinole-famllv Dd Two-famllv ( ) Mulll.famllv ( ) Commerclal ( I Restaurant ( ) Other ( DoesaFireAlarmExist; Yes( ) No(>k IDoesaFireSprinklerSystemExist: Yes( ) No]d \wanda6\cdovlFoRMs\pERMrrs\AsgEpenu.of,tiit: tYl4 oils. qz6l""0'It21t2m2 MAY.1?'2005 16:46 *27 69 P .0 01/ 0 01 Fax Cover Shect FE Premier Electrlc Go., Inc. P.O. Box 1418 Gypsum, CO 81637 Office: (970) 32E-9377 Far (970) 328-S397 To:Joe From: JoAnn Riwra Company Towrr of Veil Pages: 1 Fex:97047*2452 Re:Etaltr Re$. Permlt Phone:CC: a Comments: Joe As of O5//9/05 Pramler Electric would like to ba rclcased of all responeibilities as the etectrical contractor for permft #EO4-022O Balttz Rasldence at 3786 Lupine Dr. Tallon Construction. DavE Petereon Electric, Inc will be taklng the job over. ra ..^, , h-.,-rr ,\rr. I rcrer, aU It vr.rcrsuvt t!' PlltitsE uau. Thank-you. Joan Rivera Row-1.1t22lOO l{AY.31'2005 10:29 . ,l #2802 P.001/001 ;.[,.Hij#: "*"uM, co slosz FA)$ (tzoFsze .03e7 Ocpt/Joe S. F Jo.Ann F.'' _lg?4g__F{gblt pig/e aT*21& o5B1to6 qilz Res. perrn i CCr f6[on Const udjon Euqna f]lor ffirAlr tr errcc Aorrrnccr trPtea;.tr+ry E ft ... f.c Joe #*s,ti,'#*nsmffigm,#g#,ffffi rF;H*r*? ff you hav€ any questions praase call. Thank you Jo-Ann Rivera MAY.31'2005 09:03 P.O. BOX t.r8 cypstJu. cO gi6!7 (e70) 328-93n FAxr (070).s2s.stt0? *2800 P.001/001 Euilding Dcpt/Joe S.Jo-Ann Rivera 47f}.2152 r-HErl 1 Ptpr* al*2128 o5t312006 Ealtz Rcs. Permlt Trllon Constnrctbn El uqnnt Dror Rrvlew EptaarCommrt Il aesc ncpry El Pfrare R.e Joe As of 05/09/05 Pr.mier Ek.tic \rculd llkc to be ruteasec, of ail responsrbiriues as the srecfic€l contEctor for permit #Eo4-0220.. BatE. Re$idence et 37€6 tupine Dr, Taflon construc{bn. No wort snoukf be don€ under thar pc_rmit numoei.-6JFp;,ry1_:tgg.wi, be doing m" ,recricet. H, wrr navc to purcha.c a p€rmft td take "c;tdil. ttilriilJ" any qr"stjons p,"aseta, us €t 3zB€377. Thank you Jo-Ann Rivera o"rQr"r"T oF coMM'Nrry DEvELort, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E04-0220 Job Address: 3786 LUPINE DR VAIL Location.....: 3 786 Lupine Parcel No...: 2l0l I I101004 ProjectNo : JRJO$,66 33 Baltz Famj-l-y Partners II, LL10 /L3/2004 Stephen P. Bal-tz First United Bank 8095 E. Belleview Ave Englewood, CO 8 011- 1 LlCense: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S,FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 OWNER Electrical---------> DRB Fee-----> Investigation----> Will Call-----> TOTAI- FEES-> ISSUED t0/13/2004 t0/19t2004 04/t712005 Phone: 303-721-8800 CONTRACTOR PREMIER ELECTRIC CO., INC,P. O. BOX 1418 GYPSUM, CO 695 LTNDBERGH DR. EAST GYPSUM, CO 81637 License: 149-E APPLICANT PREMIER ELECTRTC CO. . INC.P. O. BOx 1418 GYPSIJM, CO 10/13/2004 Phone:97 0-328-93'77 I0/1,3/2004 Phone: 9'10-328-9377 695 LINDBERGH DR. EAST GYPSIJM, CO 81537 License: 149 -E Desciption: ELECTRICALFORADDITION/REMODEL Valuation: $15.000.00 ,t* t*t* t t rt t**,r:*:* *:* s270.00 s0 - oo s0.00 s3.00 s2?3.00 s273.00 s0.00 s273.00 $2?3.00 s0.00 'lbtal Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-----> Total Perrnit Fee----> Payments---------> BALANCE DUE.......-> *)*:*:*;l**++* * * * * * * )t Approvals: Item: 06000 ELECTRICAI-, DEPARTMENT 10/13/2004 Js ITem: 056OO FIRE DEPARTMENT *jl+rrr,rrr fr 1*ar:l:r 'r arr*'r*:r t ** *:t ++*+,*,t++,t:t:t:t*:r,4,| Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond : l- 2 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE- *r r r r r.r r.*r* ** * * DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and sljAlislan colls, desi42eview approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. ZZZ * 'l* ** ***,t**:t * | + + *,1 REeUESTS FOR INSPEC nON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 47E-2149 OR AT OUR oFFtCE FRoM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. *+*f+*f++++**********+++*****************'lt***************t++++*t****************,i1.********* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Sratement +++*********+*+t+************i*************i*****+++*++++t+l****************1.***f********+*t Statement Number: R040006929 AmounL: 9273.00 1,O/1,9/20O4L0:32 AM Pa].ment Method: Check Init: DDG Notsat,ion: Premier Electric 1631 Permit No: EO4-0220 T\4re: ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 210111L01004 Site Address: 3786 LUPINE DR VAfL Location: 3786 I-,upine Total Fees: $2 73 .00 rFh i q D^\..rnanl- .,rrr.Oo Total ALL Pmts: $273.00 Balance: 50.00 ***** ***** **************** +***+*+t** *** ** **+***** *****************+t++******+*+** * * ****** *** ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescripEion Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31111OO TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL ]NSPECTTON FEE 27 0 .00 3.00 S8F.26r2000 15:11 *L721 P.002/002 MVNNYIIL 75 S. F'mntnge Rd. Vall, Colorado 81657 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE AOCEPIED IF IITGO}IFI.ETE OR PrcJect #: Bulldlng #: ElGdhl Permlt #; s70'-479-2L49 coirpLETE sQ. FEET FOR t{EW BUILDS and VALUATIOT{S FOR ALL OTHERS (labor & l'laErlals) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: Olfreat9. Parml # ;1r,i \ r t t r, r. r)r-:\-L Jobl,lame--\ .::$r_a 2_ Iir+.;, .rr=nr C.l= L.gEl Dcscrlptlon I to$ I ebclc I Filing:Subdivislonr WfS{H;1, i,r.rarz.8.fA"i F-'i:.,,: * -,--r-si.-r^r-Ar1 ' '""-'.j,6,1. ,,r 2't - F#t:t-.-_ Englnee* Work Cla6s: ttew ( ) naCmon (,,2f n Wor*Typer Interior( ) ftcrlor( ) BothM Does aft EHu e)dst at this locatlon; Y€s ( ) Ho (Y1 ivpc6Btdg.: Singtc-famryV5 Dupts( ) Hulu-frmlly( ) Comm6rclal( ) Rest urart( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this bulldlng: t No. of A@nr€dsuon Unfts In thls bullclar€: \ Does a Fire Alarm Existl Y&(r', No ( )ffi-Effi sprlnkler 54stem Exlst: Yes ( ) No (\',{ # ***i**.******r****tt*.***rr*rrar****l**rFOR OFFICE UsE OtILY*r********t.i.tf.l**.**************** \\Vril\.1|tr\dci,\r(rR M.$\PERMITS\ELECPERM.DOC . TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 t *rrr*r oF coMMr.JNrr" o"*l*r", s0.00 ToTAL FEES - > S8?S.00 Totrl Pennit Fee---------- > S8?8.00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECTIAMCAL PERMIT PErMit #: MO5-0061 Fol -otz7 Job Address: 3786 LUPINE DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSIJED Location.....: 3786 Lupine Applied. . : U/l4l2n5 ParcelNo...: 210111101004 Issued. . : 05/Ul2W5 hoject No t ?e 0 3-o o 37 Expires . .: l0l29l2ffi5 coNrRAcToR D'AGOSTTNO MECIIATIICAIJ CONTRAo4/29/2005 phone: (913) 384-5170 , 4440 OIJIVER STREET I(AI{SAS CITY KANSAS 66L06 I-,icense: 309-M OWNER Baltz Fanily Partners II, IrL04/L4/20O5 Phone: 303-72L-8800 Stephen P. Baltz First United Bank 8095 E. Be1leview Ave Englewood, CO 80111 APPr.,rCArn D AGOSTINO MECIIAIIICAL CONTRAo4/14/2O0s phone: 913-384-5170 4440 OIrMR STREET KANSAS CITY KS 55106 I-,icense: 148-P Desciption: REMODEL AND EXPANSION OF HOME. ADD HOUSE BOILER, SNOWMELT BOILER Valuation: $34,800.00 Fireplac€ Inforrnation: Restricted: Y # of Gas Ap,pliarc€s: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 'r*'|'i'l:a:r'ra*'r*'|,4,r*,rra*rr*:****'l'r***at'|**************i.**i.tttri+*rtt,t i*a|ttrr FEE suMMARy *****at**'.*a**:l:l*:l****r.rrr.'Fa{.tt++tttitl.+tii+t+ttt+tttlttt**** Mechanical-- > S700.00 Restuarant Plan Review- > Plan Check-- > S1?5. 00 DRB Fee----------- > S0 . 00 Tot0l Calculated Fccs-- > 5878 . 00 S0 . 00 Additional Fees----- >$0. 00 Investigation- > willcdl----->$3.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT o4/29/2oo5 JRI( Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELTD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAIICE' Cond: 22 (BIJDG.): COMBUSTIOI{ AIR IS REQUIRBD PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE L997 tIt{C, OR SECTIOT'I 70L 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BI.DG. ) : INSTAI.,I.ATION MUST CONFORM TO II{AI{T'FACTI'RES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CTIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I'ME, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPIJIAIICES SIIAITL, BE \IE!{IIED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHAIJIJ TERMIIiIATE AS SPECIFIBD IN SEC.8O6 OF TTIE 1997 UI.IC, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Palmren6--------- > BALANCE DI,'E.-.-_ > $878.00 $0. 00 Cond: 29 (BI,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATING THE 1997 UMC AI{D CHAPTER 3 Cond: 31 3 AND S8e.1017 0F (BIOG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FITOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBITE CONST. I'NITESS LISTED FOR MOITNTING ON COI'{BUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PIJANS Al{D CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL, ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRjAINAGE OF MECIIAIIICAL ROOMS COI{TAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SITPPLY BOIIJERS SIIALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 tMC, OR SECTION 1004.5 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. o CHAPTER o EQUIPMEIIT OF TITE 19 MUST COT'IPIJY 97 rMC. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOLjR HOT RS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OLJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF APPLICATION o WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED d uuGi lilvent and oss Calcs. o EquiPmentCut/SPecSheets rF rNcoMPbErEJHr ii"Fp"r- "!;,Building Permit #: Jo'r Mechanical Permit #: 97 O - 47 9'2149 (InsPections) TOWOFVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd.O",ta",*"ffi ;:r;:Chj MEI] ArR 1 ,i 2t05 TC -!r- (: C .:, i " r,: E 1y'. Permit witl not be accepted without the following: CoNTRACTOR IIIFQBMATION ffiEand-phone +'s: 4'o.-' 70 1L/q- ) vIL Town of Vail Reg. No':J#V2-4 Mechanical Contractor: , ' I D *gosl t ;ro \9*^*114 COMPLETE VAI.Labor & Materialg t-...,..''ttc f7f:firp at S70-328-8640 Or visit I Parcel # f :ou *u'", fi" llZ ftest /<^r"t ..ry -T Job Address: 3g7L /-vpt11, Subdivision: Legal Description ll lot: ll elocx: ll Filins: ffiF"me:-tr bllz -@r&lyifl Phon",3o3- Jsl:tf,a b fRddress: ' Phone: Engineer: .t I I s^L,urrtlf b" ltr + ) - - OetaiteOAescriPtionof work: L t ' j r - i"^"-JJ'" *o t' p:o n t'ott 'tf Ao"ae ' /t&t(,'',-'--., Work Class: new (Y) Addition ( ) Alteration ( W F , :' ; lfouJz hD, I? !-" , --- leoair( ) other( Git-tNs lo..tlon' Yes ( ) No ( ) !!ther ( )Does an EHU Restaurant ( ) Other ( )ffif BldS, Srsl"familv(fi) Duplex( ) Multi-familv( ) G )mmerclal ( ) rmodation Units in this building: -_F T. ot fti.ting Dwelling Units in this building: I No. of Accon Pellet( ) Woodl --g- 'Pellet( ) Woodl _-- :? Yes( ) NoJ _--- F*****t****r lurnrngl ) 3urning (NOT ALLOWED)N"/I"Pe .f Fitepl".es E ffi "f F't"pl*"s Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas uo1 E_ J-Wood/ ;s(1) Woool : -ing fireplace to an EPA Pnase tI oevrct Is this a convqrslon lrom a - K*' *W * * * ** * * * * * FoR oFFrcE-uEEottUJl*' (,/ 818 - r**** ******** *** := 0't D6D002 for Parcel # \WaiMata\cdcY\FORMS\PERM ITS\MECfIPERM DOC TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M05-0072 Job Address: 3786 LUPINE DR VAIL Location.....: 3786 Lupine ParcelNo...: 210111101004 project No : p,N|j _ 6b33 OlilNER Baltz Family Partners II , LIJO4/26/2005 Phone: 303-721-8800 Stephen P. Baltz First United Bank 8095 E. Belleview Ave Englewood, CO 80111 APPITICAMT RESORT MOITNTAIN ENTERPRISES 04/26/2005 Phone: 970-384-2748 P.O. BOX 2032 GI-,ENWOOD SPRINGS co 8L602 License:268-M coNrRAcToR RESORT MOI'NTATN ENTERPRISES 04/26/2OO5 phone: 970-3A4-2748 P.O. BOX 2032 GI-,ENWOOD SPRINGS co 8L602 I-,icense: 268-M Desciption: INSTALL B VENT FIREPLACE Valuation: $2,000.00 FireDlace Information: Restricted: Y t *rt*ttti:************************:l******,*:a*rt:*:trttrtttt*:t,*:*:*:t*,r:*:r:*:t:***:t*tt:i* FEE SUMMARY Mechanical-- > Plan Check-- > Investigation- > Will Call--- > ${0. 0o Restuannt Plan Review--> S10. 00 DRB Fee-------------------- > SO. OO TOTALFEES > s3.00 90. oo Total Calculated Fees-- > S0. 00 Additional Fees---------- > S53.00 Total Permit Fee----- > Payments-------------- > BALANCE DUE-....-.-. > IIEn: O5].OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04/29/2005 rRM Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 IlItdC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (BL,DG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I,l,tC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:25 (BL,,DG. ) : GAS APPIJIA\ICES SHAI-,L BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFTED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 [JMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (tr*rr"*r oF coMMUNrrY DEVE;'MENr Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : Ml26l2N5 Issued. . : 06.ll0/200.s Expires . .: l2l07l2W5 # of Gas Appliarrcs: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 t of wood Pellet: 0 ss3. oo $0.00 ss3.00 $s3.00 $0.00 (Br.,,DG.): ACCESS To HEATrNG rt"r"* Musr coMpr.,y wrr' "*nt 3.ArirD s'c.,-or-7 oF THE 1997 I'MC AT{D CIIAPTER 3 OF THE 199? IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOIr!flfED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI-,E CONST. I'NLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBTJE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMfT,PIJAIIS AND CODE AI\IAT,YSIS MUST BE TO Alr INSPECTION REOI'EST. Cond: 30 (BI-,DG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS COMIAINING BOILERS SI{ALIJ BE EQUIPPED WITH A FI.'OOR DRAIN PER sEcTroN L004.5 0F THE 1997 rMC. POSTED IN MECHANICAI, ROOM PRIOR HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPIJY sEc. 1022 0F THE 1997 IJMC, OR DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fr.rll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. CTOR FOR ELF AND OWNEF *********l'+***l'l********++*+*ft+++i*******++++'t';*****ttt*****t+++t*********t*****f**+**++*+t TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ****l*3**a*********+++++*l**+*******t*****t********t+++**l++*++**++**r**tr***+++++*********** Statement. Number: R050000804 Aflrount: 9S3.00 06/LO/2oO5O2:11 pM Pa)rment Method: Check lnit: DDG Notation: Nemelka L 717 Permit No: M05-0072 1:pe: MECEATiIICAI, PERMfT 'Parcel No: 2101- 111- 0100 -4 Site AddresE: 3785 LUPTNE DR VAIL Locat.ion: 3 786 L,upine Total Fees:This Payment: MP 0 010 0 00311110 0 PF 0 010 0 0031123 0 0 wc 00100003112800 ss3 .00 Total AJ.rIr Pmts : Balance: $s3 . 00 $s3. oo $o. oo **** ****+* +++*a* ******* ** ***********'t***lf +t+*'i**{.*'}'}*******++*+++t+****r.**** *r}**f f +++****** ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmte MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTfON FEE 40.00 10 - 00 3 .00 AppLrcATroN *!| no, BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLEr=Q -o0?3 TOWT]OFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Vail, 6E)Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O-47 9-2149 (Inspections) TOWN OF VAIL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Permit will not be accepted without the Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets CONTRACTOR INFORMATION eclnical Dn b'ltion Air D ffiH0ffilvHiJ APR 2 5 ZJ'C5 TCIT-c0,id!.DEv. [4echanical Contractor:(eWf {vll,J (',+d- Town of Vail Reg. No.: 2<"*- nt C,ontact and Phone #'5:1 th.fu A[om t]b^ ?tf*Otfsa E-Maif Address: q.,,,. g* r-.f4 o t *Mt q_&lQEld ." W Wry MPLETE VALUA TION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (LAbOT & MAICTiAIS Contact Assessors Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit for # Parcer # LIO\ Ul I Ol OO. rob Name: Brarrz &t robAddress: flgL L"t gWODf , Legal Description ll Lot ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: I n I ws lgqL\ 15 -r^€"-f qq s Ftryfl [c,4,t WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration(kf Repair( ) Other( ) BoilerLocation: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: single-family (\y' Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buildingl I No. of Accommodation Units inthis building: ,t No/Typeof FireptacesExisting: GasAppliances(l) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) Woo4.Burning( ) @isAppliances(tI n"tt"ntt I Y Is this ay'inversion,;foryrza f l No(!i' Kfu \'--A ** * * * * * * FOR OFFICE USE ON LY* * ** * x * ** * ** * * * * * * * ********x* -Other Fees: r Planner Sagn-o AcceDted Bv: rd: Parcel \WAiI\dAtA\CdCV\FORMS\PERMIISU\4ECHPERM.DOC o't 12612002 Town of Vail MechanicalCodes and Desiqn Criteria You must obtain Design Review Board (DRB) approval if any of the mechanical work will involve ANY exterior work. This includes and is not limited to removal and replacement of driveway snow meft systems. Please contact a planner at 479-2L28 before submitting your mechanical permit application. The Town of Vail has adopted the 1998 International Mechanical Code (IMC) with the 1997 Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) as an acceptable alternative. All new construction within the Town of Vail is considered to be of unusually tight construction, thus all combustion air is required to be drawn from outside the structure for mechanical equipment. Reference the 1997 UMC Sec. 7Ot.2. Town of Vail Fireolace Ordinance In September of 1991, the Vail Town Council adopted an ordinance which restricts te construction and use of open hearth fireplaces within municipal boundaries. Since that time the ordinance has undergone numerous changes and revisions, striving for compromise, yet effectiveness in addressing the air quality issue. Therefore the following criteria has been adopted: r Construction of open hearth wood burning fireplaces is no longer permitted within Town of Vail municipal boundaries. . Dwellinq Units - Each new dwelling unit may contain: One (1) EPA Phase II certified solid fuel burning device and no more than two (2) gas appliances (B vent) OR Two (2) gas log fireplaces and no more than two (2) gas appliance fireplaces (B bent). + Restricted Dwellino Units - Each new restricted dwelling unit may contain: One (1) gas log fireplace and not more than one (1) gas appliance fireplace. . Accommodation Units - Each new accommodation unit may contain: One (1) gas log fireplace or one (1) gas appliance fireplace. . If two or more separate dwelling units or accommodation units are combined to form one larger unit, the combined unit may retain one woodburning fireplace (if one already exists) and no more than 2 gas appliance fireplaces, or may convert up to two existing fireplaces to gas. . If during the course of a remodel an existing woodburning fireplace is altered or moved, the unit must then comply with all provisions of the ordinance. That is, the fireplace must be convefted to natural gas or replaced by an EPA Phase II certified unit. F: / everyone/forms/ mechperm o HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Forresl Director, (970) 479.2139 Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you coniact? Building Environmental_Housing_Admin Planning DRB rtrL Was your initial contact with our stafi imrnediate no one avaiiable ? siow 0r 4.Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app_ PEC app Bldg Permit_ N/A Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availabiiity) Overall effectiveness of the Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would ailow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this suwey. We are commited to improving our service. (: ,, -l 8. o PARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT o DE TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97Q479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT PCrMit #: PO5-M35 ff ol -ax-/ Job Address: 3786 LUPINE DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED I-ocation.....: 3786 Lupine Applied . . : C .ll{l20{Jis Parcel No...: 2l0lll101m4 Issued. . : Ul22l2N5 ProjectNo: D. Expires..: l0ll9l2D5 - f1 ot-doz? OITINER Baltz Family Partners IT, LTr04/L4/20O5 phone: 303-721-8800 Stephen P. Baltz First United Bank 8095 E. Belleview Ave Englewood, co 80111 APPLICANI D AGOSTTNO MECHANICAIT CONTRAO4/14/2005 phone: 9L3-384-51?0 4440 OI,IVER STREET KA}ISAS CITY KS 66106 IJicense: 148-P CoNTRACTOR D AGOSTINO MECHANTCAT. CONTRAo4/14/2005 Phone: 913-384-5170 4440 OI,TVER STREET KAI{SAS, CITY KS 55105 Lricense: 148-P Desciption: ADD 4 BATHS, REPIPE KITCHEN AND LAIINDRY. ADD SILL COCKS Valuation: $19.3,t0.m Fireplac€ Infonnation: ResEicted: ??# ofGas Appliances: ?? #ofGas Logs: n #of Wood Pallec ?? FEE SI'MMARY tllll,l,|,l*ll****i******at*taLl.*******t:lt**{.t*:r.tr:Fr:t:i:rtt**t:ttt t+ Plumbing-- > $300.00 Restuarant Plan Review- > Plan Check-- > 575.00 DRB Fee----------- > $0. 0o ToEl Calculated Fees- > S3?s . 00 $0. 00 Additional Fees------>s0. 0o Investigation- >s0.00 ToTAL FEES----------> 3378.00 Totrl Permit Fer----- > S378.00 Payrrens-----------> $378 - oo Will Call----> $3.00 o4/L4/200s Js IteM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMET{T BALANCE DIJE-._- >$0. 0o Item: 05100 BUILDIITG DEPARTMEMT Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELTD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUfRm TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI|CE- DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed arl accurate plot plan, and state that all tlre information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stntcture according to the towns zoning and zuMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPBCTION SIIAII BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOLTRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4792149 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 pM _/1q.c -t%'*./' 't**t**++*t!'t1***aa*****t{tl't*t'}****+a*+attl'}***a****l*t+tf1aa'}**lalata+*aaa**a***a++*****'}t'}'}* TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statc,rnent ****t+l'*'t'|{'tt*+*f*+*tf't'i***'i******frffl'*it,|'**********+r*t+*a*f{'*it't*'t*++****ttftftt++++++***t+ Statement Number: R050000451 Amor.Ints Palment Method: Check 2790 $378.00 04/22/?OO5O8:s4 AM Init : LrT Notation: D rAgostino / ck Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: L,OCation: This Payment: P05- 003s 2101-111-0100-4 3785 IJUPINE DR VAIIJ 3786 Lupine s378.00 T14re: PIJI Ii{BING PERMIT Total Feea : Total AIJIJ Ptntg : Balance: $378.00 $378.00 $0.00 eurrent Prnta ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code PF 00100003112300 PP 00100003111100 wc 00100003112800 Deacription PLAI{ CHECK FEES PIJT'MBINE PERMTT FEES Y{IIJIJ CELL INSPECTION FEE 75.00 300.00 3 .00 APPLICATION TTOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSI Project #: Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 2149 (Inspections) o WILL - oo73 IilrWT{-OFYI 75 S. Frontage Vail, Colorado 81 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (labor & Materials) Plumbinq Contractor: D'rtq "sh nt,eiltruial Town ofVail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: ; a/ orrt 17 0- 11?-l ?Ll7 vecL, n e- PLUMBTNG: $ 19,31O.- Contact Assessorc Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel # rob Name: B"lt* fri st /or,tett Job Address: .\ .? n ) ) .. n . 5 f{b I-vg\n( l)rtv< Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivisionl Owners Name: p/,Eu -2 #9'Fr Re ilwpa. P:!:#f,i'enone:,uJ_/&)-t(oc\ Engineer: ll Address:Phone: Detailed description of work:. k/rl 4 -b,11;j ,r;f,i )qVl^ srvk.) L""J7- l/4 ,.t)aoJ,: workClass: ttew[1) Addition( ) Alteration([ Repair( ) other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family (,r) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: l No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace tb an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No (]z) ******************************r********FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*"*********************************** --* - i",r";*- ..-ii,. -i ; t,'-f ,"r.i : r- fELl 7?8/,;l \Wail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERM ITS\PLMtsPLRM. DOC APRi+.-,j T'Ol/-C{}t',l.DEV. ffin6D002 Roquested lnsJ€rtR*:: JHifo"" August 15,2006 Site Address: 3786 LUPINE DR VAIL 3786 Luplne A/P/D lnformation Activitv: 804-0227 Const TvD6: Oivrier: Baltz Fam Aoolicant: Sionature Cohtractor: Sidnature Description: ADDITIOt . EXTERIO Notice: Recived a Comment: ROUTED Comment: Plannino r conectidn -WCAMP Comment: FRAMINC Comment: FOUNDA Tvoe: A-BUILD Occupahbv: Partners ll. LLC Sub T.ype: use: Phone: z Requested Time: 08:00 AM ' Phone: 970-9264329 Entered By: DGOLDEN K Raquested Time: 09:30 AM ' Phone: 970-926-4329 Status: ISSUED Insp Area: JRM ABOVE MASTER SUITE. EXISTING WALLS ANO Roauosted Inspection(s) Item: Itom: Requestor: Assioned To:- Action: lnsoectlon Historv Item: 10 Item: 20 tinq. will calll3O.?) 355-2460-- ---------'- EnteredBy: DGOLDEN K Time Exp: ks final rbquirecl.Z)ffi-proved plans must be on site for inspection. IBY GARAGE.IOOD ENTRY STAIRS OVER 30' - FINAL C/O E CONSTRUCTION Time Exp: R€quested Time:- Phone: Entered By: * Aooroved ** M ' Action: AP APPROVED PROVED CHANGE IN PLANS FORTHCOMING )D Action: AP APPROVED I Action: AP APPROVED FOR UNDERPINNING NORTH WALL. Action: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION Action: CR CORRECTION REQUIRED $?"'l[#l'*n ^ [\ r]' l\n/ " \\J \\l 11t1 REPT131 l* Approved "- Run Id: 5590 1i t/ai L Irr+ d Bni4 Fil""ff* *"F"sil,[3]Fff3f*"' o*'u RequesEd Inspect Dab: Yuedn€sdry, July 20,2005 Insp.dton Ar€.: JRU srbAddres3: 81ff ty$tr DRVATL ArPrD lnlbrm.ton Ac{tultv: E(X-fi!20 Ths: SELEC SubTwe: ASFR Stabs: ISSUED consiTni: Occtnoirby: [he: hsptuea: JRM ADpllcrir|t O P ELECTRIC Phom: 96-4140 'Owncr: BaltsFamllyPafi}€]sll,Llc Phono: I)i!-721-8800 Apd|canI PREMIER ELECTR]C Dcdidotbn: ELECTRICAL FOR ADOITON,REI/IOD€L Cominsnt Orvr Pelerson b now 8311{F thc el€cthal cot$.dor on thb iob. L€lets to confrm lhb c.n bs lound ln ItE **,"",*,""J"jj*^ ry/*4 ,s, ffifl >/2,'/o; rtem: i2o ELEC-Roush A\u,,et AV,te/nu{*r"MK osrsoAr Requ$ior: D.P. ELECTRIC . Phone: S)4.6370 Conimentr: wi[ call 90+6370 Asslgnad To: Sl-tAHN Entsred BS DGCILD€N K - Actoo: Tlme Exp: Comrnent Comnr€nt Inspec{ed all exc€p{ lorver aprilmont lnstecdon Hlsbrv llem: 110 ELEC-T€mp. Porv€r Item: lX) ELEC-Rongh -Apfond" 07!12105 lnsp€clor: shahh Comment 071121fl6 ll|specior: shohn Adon: Comm€nt; lrEp.ebd all €xcs9l lor€r ap€dment llem: 13) ELEC-Cor|dult *Atirovod* 10l14o4 lnsp€cior: eg A.{on: Comment ^01/1906 |n6p.cbr: .g Af,don: Comrner{: 06/02/06 llrsD.dor: lw AEilon: ComnEnt nmorc &Drb bactsll w{h qood m.brbl.lt|tn: lr{) ELEC-IFG. -AD'D|osd"- O&'14J06 |r|spacbf: lpry Ac{on: Comment seirlcc mcter lbm: t$ ELEC-Fh.| Ac{on:APAPPROVED PI PARTUL II.ISPECTON APPRAPPROVED APPRAPPROVED APAPFROVED APAPPROVED REPT131 Run Id: 3433 n{c ?ci bTaD 'tj ,/ ll;lt'zms tna4fi.lFufr ncpor{ng msc ts **'*ifrlT"ffiffsl 5Hff*r' Jurv 12' 2n)5 SloeAddrrr$ 378C LUHf,lE DR VA|L 37tG Luplnc AlPf,, lnlbnn|tl,on Feouesbd lncocc{ortsl Acflvtrn E04-&t20 T\oc:corutTyta: Occrs.irby Orrirr: Bailz Frmlly Plttnc|| ll, LLC ADoSc|nt DPELECTRrc subrlH: Asfn Phon : g)+721€4n Phon : 926-.f1lo S.btlt: ISSUED InrpAnr: JRM Rcqu€cbd Tlme: 08:30 At - Phom: 97$92$4140 En0end$r D€OLOEN K th. Exp:{/z -11 t( l.i, tl ln -l n < tt I I' '- - ;--.,/) /.-, lnsoacflon HlsbrY llrm: 110 ELEC-Temp.Fower llrm: l2O EI.Ec€oush lbm: lfl) ELEC.Coniil.il ir't 4/ *eppwcO* ti ,. Pru.l',4/'t \, , 't ,'4t //u t | / //', JV !- D'-,/i" , ,,r, /tj ,'f I o (') -.- L'- 1CY1{04 In p.cior: €g CommenU -ol/lUt,6 Insp.cbfi cA Acilon: Comfif,rn: tgoiUOO lnrD.dor: lw Acoon: Commod: mmoe debrts brcHlll ryih oood m.btbl.[fm: trfl} ELEC-lCrc. "ADDrovrd"0Arl4/S lmp.ctor: W Ardon:Co|rmarf $iYlca matar lbm: {fl} ELEC+td AI'PRAI'PROVED APPRAPPROT'ED APAPPROVED APAPFROVED REPT131 Run Id: 3406 R.qu.cbd Inrp.cttbb:- lmgec{gn&t|:SlbftErcrr: Trsrd.y, Jun 14,2(xE STIG LUPltrlE DR VAIL 37tG Ludne AIPID lnfonnatlqr _ 44lv& E0+{EAn ContTnra: It . - JSUTHER Type:subr6: esrn Phorr: g)}72l€€x)0 Phona: 92S411O Siltr: l|l3pAru: rssr.ED JRT {Tna: Oocup.nCy: Oivri.t: B.k FamFy Ptffietc ll, LLC oncrt DPELECTRIC ADD[G.T* D P ELECTRIC Aii'Ih|nT PREIIER ELECTRIC Dlicrlplb{il ETECIRICAL F(n AI .icdethn: ELECIRICAL FCn ADDITHSf*REIIOO€L ComirFril" hye PqtsFo{r b no'w Ststog ihc.hctrh.l coflb.cbt on thblob.L.lbrs b cor{f||| thb c.n b. bund ln ttl. Reouesbd lnroccdon(s I tbm: l.O ELEC{lsc Rrqrsrr: Calha - DanrP.brlon Coflimr||l : tarvks Ascfsr€d To: EQlATTAftt^ z.- Acdofl: lx'l/ lt 1/ Tkne Exp:ItrI Rcfllcsted Tlmel 10:30 Afl ' PfDm: 9l€-4t.O Enb|ldry DGOTDEN K lr13o.€0on Hll3bn, llrm: 11O ELEC-T.[p.Fono]lbm: 120 EtEORorrIh lbfi: 13Xl €LEc€onalut -ApFord"1U14o, lnr?.cfofi .g Arcdon: CommaDt: _Ot/t3(xi h!p.cbr: .0 Acilon: Conrnrnt: 0A1PI06 lFD.cbr: bY Acbn: cemment r.movr (l.b|ts b.citl$ $,il1 grood |mbfil.tlo ELEC-lfi$.tg, ELECFhTI nam:lbnl W l) $ ; ttt o; APPRAPPRO\GD APPRAPPROVED APAPPROVED REPTl31 Run Id: 3304 RequesteC Inspect Date: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 ' lnspeidon Area: JRM Site Address: 37E6 LUPINE DR VAIL 3786 Luplne A/PID lnforffiatlon Acthdtu E04-0?20 T'/De: B-ELEC SubTvoe: ASFR Status: ISSUED ConstTyp6: Occupahty: (fsa: InspArea: JRM fupllcant DPELECTRIC Phone: 326-414t)' Owrrsr: Balle Famiiy Padners ll, LLC Phone: 3037i l-8800 Applisant: PREMIERELECTRIC Desqigtbn; ELECTRICAL FOR ADOITIOI.i,REMOI,EL Comment: DavE Psterson is now 531i05 the eloclrr:€l coniractor on this iob. L€[ers lo conlifm lhrs can bs tound in lh€ Nb.. JSUTHER Reouested Inspecuon(sl Item: 190 ELEC-Final Rectuestor: Dave Peterson electric AssIoned To: SFIAHN - Aclion:lime Exp: 6/,& &/r*o 7tA'IL^J* tlrvln{ lnspecflon HlstorY 110 ELEC-Temp.Power 120 ELEC-Rough "Approved" 07. 12.05 Insp€ctot: slEhn Action. ComrnerrL 07'1:.'0€ lnscector: shahn Actlon. Ccr:;-,er':t: insii'ected all excepl lowEr apartment 0;:a C5 lnspector: shahn Action: Coriir1tenl: lci.er aparlrnent approved 13O ELEC-Conduit .' ApprevBci " lO r 4,ti.l lnspecbt: eg Action; Commonl;olr13o5 ln pe.lor: ca Acllon: Commed: 0804,05 tnasec.ior: lD,Y Actlon: Comm€nt' removr dcbrb bcctfiil wilh oood rncicrbl, 14O ELEC-Mlsc Approrcd " - OCi/14O5 hspector: lW Actl,on: Comment sewice rnetai 1S) ELEC-Final Reouested Tlme; 09:00 AM ' Phone: 926-.{1{0 -or- 904-6370 Ent€red By: DGCLDEIi K APAPPRCVED PI PART]AL INSPECT]ON AP APPROVED APPR APPROVED APPR APPROVED APAPPROV€D APAPPROVED ruem: Item: REPT131 Run Id: 3897 11- i7-20O5 Inspection Request Reporting Fage 45 5:21 prn Vall, CO - Clty 0f Requestec !nspe:t Date: frlday, llcv€mber '19, 2005 lnspecflon Area: JRM - Slte Address: 3786 LUPINE DR 'JAIL 3786 LuPine A/P,D lnformsflon Actlvw: ttl05-0c61 Tvoe: B-MECH ^ . ^-' r.,-i.ieror r ytrs. Jr!.rPriref . - ! .t .r\rr^r, aAl -!,,Jsrt,Jl.' /1.Jee i,r r\, rltl--;i/-llrI-,:L vvr.riv,- | vliJ Svrner: 9ak Fan:lti Falns:i !1, Ll-3 Appti.anr: D AGOST]NC trlECl-iANtCAL aONTRACTORS D*;crlptic;r: REIJCDEL ,.lND EY!-'.!.l.J9lOl i 1l- VCME. .lDD HOLTSE SubTrpe: ASFR 9tatus: I9SUED tlse. lnsi, Araa: -'Rl',| ^t..... -rr aa! | -r-^t flvffl;. {J I rJ JJ1-t, | / - Phone: 303-7?1-83C8 Phone: 913-384 5170 TC!LER. SNOTM.'IELT ICILER r--- ^ ^.t ^- trtFa^-'r-=r:.+L 11.:": 3ai '.|!tllP::::h *.r.r:r:'.,ed - 07 1i 3f !:rspe;ior: JRt\,: '' Aciion: ,\P,{PFf13VED COm,nenL BASE BOARD HEAT IOO ' AIR TEST GAS PIPING 30 ' AIR TEST BATH FAN DUCT ROLIGH APPROVED Item: -1'! D iicni: J i5 ltgm. i:u llern. :1.3O Item. 34€l llem; 3g)MECtI-Fin€l MECH-Heatha * ADorrved " C7.':i. 3: i-n;pictot. CCD ' ' Actlon. AP APPli 3'.'ED Com;i,;i',t. iRIVE LVA}' 5;.iCc1i LTELT g0p:i TEST. SEFEMTE :tljE A;STREET. PLMi^i,is Frpiug irlELr r-E-r| r.i.lsl llou{ls MECi-l-3trp5,i; Air MECI-l-Misf,. E, r6qulred,:+{upFort oxpcBlon-iank that ls aEdinst Munchkln Bollerret{nEtrll T&P on Hh boft€rs. Outlet slde p€r lirstBllailon hstruc{ondr{f,lrstEll vsnl on bacldtbw In mechanlcal ro,backflow In mechanlcal room.boll€rs. Oullet skle p€r I 1i-17-2005 InsFction RquestReporting Page46 5:21 pm Vall, CO - Cltr Of ReouesteJ lnspect Date: frldav, l',1:vernber '13, :005 ' lnspeiticn Area. ..lRM 3ite Acltji css; 3;96 LUFlt,lE DR 'yAiL i735 !-;Pln"' lF,9 ::lo:':il r?!on | ^rc.tt\r ?t F ^ttaF iF- F trr ltr' ^-.. 1l+:.:?. ^.^,.-:tJ:;r- i- r.Jr I Y9\:, r,l-r-raLdrrLY. ow'rier: Balte Famlly Partn€rs tl, LLb ApplicanL D AGOSTII]O MECItANICAL aOl{iRAg;ORs C c' fra.llr: O AGOSTINO UE Ct'lAl'tlCAL COI.TPACTCRS A..Ln--. ! cgtl -'" 'c't;. ' ''' ' ' Pbona: 30$72'l-8800 Flri.,rra. 3i3-3&i-5170 Ph".ne: 913-334-517O otaf, '.. lr-'e! lEl-\ lnsp Area: JR!.i| ff*ru r,ur;"p,liii.**,"o1 coNTpscroRs, n'cu""o /#'Affik ' JAMES Ccnments: WLL e.A.Ltr 1 HOUP AHEAD: COMING FROM BRECKENRIDGE i As:!;r,ed.Tc. aDAVISW __. !- _ i< =ir.eI-i:s) :-e.',1,'l!'SELL K ,1!vrrwrr.4 r [rrE g^r._-.\ril-n: rc Tl:E^t. I-'- evrtr,ltr.L r.rs,.g,rv,,r,,,rr*.rvrvv'rrrrsretr.'rgrvwrr,.-.;; ;-i 3 *.ii , '; -;-r-d .i -,r.t itr.;i ll b,rli,. Lr i,JJ.Jii Li- T&P reqrllrt.d etl ryaiir i.rr*,.{.r Disi,.rcshnt iuirxipipe iriusl ix acccssiLia. #r;*) bllEgBg!r|lgtoI Item: 110 PlMB-Underqround " Aooroved * 04,'15'05 'lnspector: JRM Ac'Jon: APAPPRCVED Cilrii!,,.;iii. APPROVED UNDERGROUND Ct. SARAGC AND LAUNDRY AREAS ONL)' 6 t;\lR TEST llem: ll3 9l-MB ?-'uchD.W.V. *,'.r.ctcveC- C:'3::5 i'ispec:.;i. GCD A:'.10,i. A!*,{PPRC'"ED 3irin,r,,'^,1 ;',/A;ER 3:LUMIJ ;EST tf6F. ^-^ rrr ttEt F- r'-|. rtht6? F er^'^''-_4 -a7:::5 inscect;i: CC3 A.cllon. APAPPR3I/ED Comment; 100 psi TEST lbm: :40 PLM&GasAoim "Approved" OZO&OS insFcoor: GCD " Comm€nL 30pei TEST l!sm; 25O PLM&Foolhbt Tub nem: 260 PLMb.frtsc.lbm: 29() PLMB-Fhel Aclbn: APAPPROVED REPT131 Run Id: 3905 oKtoR&Ae 1-e9r Att J c,"**iutrtlEcow FORi/!AT Reccigt fund8 to: 11166g IALTZ FAIILY PTNRS'II'LIC H1'5titfl??'z-@ /Aar+[w&kz qto X )1-tgct1 D€VELOPER TTPROVEi|ENJ AGREEi|.EIiII THIS AGREEMENT. mdo.nd cnbrld inb thit l6rh day of MrvEl{EER .2905. by anO amor,o BeLTz PNGir PARfiExS It.--- he "'Orrnf operf-.nO-Giio,n of Vail (tr Town'). WHEREAS. the rnev for 3786 h;t"l?*o';t?:,t ffllojo".$ gr 6y;roval or thc tTernporarv Gstincat" or Lot 6' (eddresr. legal dscriptlon, and prolact nwflber) wiitEs to enbr into a Dcvdopsr lmpror/erhant Agr€ernmq snd WHEREA€t. thr Developet ia obtiga@ to prcvldc slcunly or cogst€ra, rutllclent in lhe judgemant of the Td r to meka taegonabh provisions fo,r cdnplc{on of ccrtain irnprovernenls scl furth in tp stbchcd e3tlrnatcd bid(3) in rccordJ.|cc with the agproved paans rnd spcciticatorE filed in.tr ofrlce of thc Community De\€lopmeflt D.partment of the Tolfln of Vatli and WHEREAS, lhc f,levelopcr wishee to provide colhterel to gul|| \tr. p.rtooEncc of this Agn.m.nt including mmCction of thc all impmvBrn.nb ofsned tc in thls Fgrc.rncnt, by rrEane of the folfowing: : Thr Developcr agrsas to dtabnsh a cash daposit E@unt y!,ilh fic Toryn of Veil, ag scrovr agerrt, h the amorf of S 5'622,E3 (f 2516 of tE btil cost! ot tt€ attach€d estirnabd bid(F)) as colhbral br the oomplc[on ol all impiovennnb refurt.d to In this Agrement, in ftre went thcre is a dcirull undar fis Ae rebncirt by the Oevebpcr. NOW THEREFORE, In conideratim of Ora b{orvlrB mutuel awnarrb lnd agruemenb, the Devrloper and lhe Town agra€ ag toltor3: 1. The Oeveloper agrees, el itr solc cgtt and ogenE€, to fumish all equipnrell 616 materiab nec*sary to pcrform end cotnplete a{ improvcmcnts '!{b,nd o in thic agreement T,]p Devrloper rgnes tL complate all improremen8 Bfenod t'o in thi! Agrcanant m or UcfolE thr 3och day of -JgE-, 20J06- . Ihe Devoloper shall ernplcb, in a good !t ork nanlikg manrcr, all improvcrncnb.Ebned to In this Agrreemcr* in aoco.drnce walh all approved plans and Specificatlgns lilad in tht ofricr of the Communliy Developtnrttt Depdtrn€nt of thr Tovrm of Vail, end to do alt work in€ldenlrl trareto eccordlng lo md in comdianc. with thc totlourhg: a. A,ll said lvork shall bc dons under ths insp.ction of, and lo fie 3atis6ction of, he fo'vtr Planncr, tlE Totm Engirr.{. thr Towtt Building Qficial, or othrr official fto.n tm Towtt of Vail, ar afr.ci.d by 3p.chl disrlcts o? sewace di3trrcb, as thsir rBspedi\€ intsrFt may 6pplar, and shell not be dee.n d cofiplate until. approwd and accept€d as csnpletect by thc Communily Devdoomgnl DeoattTent lrd Rtblic Wor'lrc Dep€rttnGnl of the Town of Vail. -,*'f**Da/dop.r: Pnied Numbec ffiCD NoV 1 ? 2005 F:'rcn^riiFPdccb\DrA\Dr^c6hcrdt-12r2tP'doG P'e' lott Z'd gelza Dvd €gz8sdlo/0 3rO )}tvs (BlI],n ISI rrollll dtqC €8t:€0 90 9l ^oN 9Z89I'ZEo€ 6t:tt gggzt Lt I tl 2 To sccure end gr.srsnbe pe.fumunil of thr oblgstime as s3t rb.ti h€rch. tE DGvdop.. agF.s to prDyld€ colb!.Jd ad Uows: A crsh d€posrt account with ttE To.in of vait. !s csdow .grnt, in tra ,m nt of $L6aa,E3_(12s% of ue tobr c6rs of iC "ihsrFd &,.u Ud(s)) ar coltalerat bf th. snptstbn of e improrr€fnco|! ,"fH; to -ln t,i"Agieefirnt, in rhe e\rcrt thc. ir a ddrrat unct r uri agncm*rt t ilt" b;;rp*. , 3_j - The Developcr rnry Et qny dmg subEtfute th€ co atgrEl orgnaly sct forth rbove firr anothcr bm of sec,*ty or- coilaleial *ccptabfc to be To; r ;;;';; riJ'f*,n r corndetion 9! hosc irnprorrerfl€rls rrtbrr€d lo h-cin ln thb Agreancnt antl n" p-fiili* "f thc _terms ot lhi! A€r€enent sucti accepbne by the r*n dt atternatw-.".n ,il - 'J"hr..r shall be et the Tqvn's sob discr€don. il. Th. Town $Jl not nOr Crell tlry otlluc cnrployet thdoof, bs lbblc o, ''spo*iblc for any accident bcs or (bnEge hapgcning or ocoinlng b tri worrr erdieo in ni!lgT-9tlil9l-9.Tt anpttto.l ano eeptin* of ne sanre, ior *nll urc iown,-m, 31ry omcat ot (|mCoyr'c tttcrcd, b. liabb lor any pe'tors q pmpery idurEd by rearon ot tire natn ot said wgde but all of sakl lhbitrue3 .hct tc inC ac nereoy'asqrm;d by t o hr.bper: - - - Tn oeveropef lEnrby agrr€s b Incrdnniry g|d hold laflnl* the Town. .nGl .ny of irs offoGr!. ag.r1b-.nd 1mptoygo3 rgrinst -ty tosir*, crrime, damag6, or lhbiili.o OLhbr Are l ot^rn d any o?'atB offi€rr. a96flb or erndoFa3 may bcconE suttarct b. iroEr ar rrw ssctl lo3srs. dalms, cbraps or liabilltbr (or adbnr tn nspecr trcreor; arirc or,ri c or are o.e"i upon Eny perfonndnce by lhe Dcvrppcr hlrrund€fi Nnd th. oevelsF'.r shsll r€lrfitr'lo tte io,vn ror any and.-tll bgal -or othrr cxpenre r€aronably harrr:d by lfte Town an comccfon wtth irwC3lg.UrE 91 defun$€ .ny rudr^ lo6s,- chim, dqrnuCg, liabfliV or acdon. T]l! Irdermiv provilion shsf bc in additjon b .ny oh.r li.billty ulrfn nr OevUopcr my ha€. 5. A b mr&jdt sgr€€d het th. Dar€lop€r mry appty fu rnd lhr Tmn nrev aulhorizr r p!ftial rsleara of lia cdbt€ral &poaitad witr hc Town br crclr itrgory d imprownsnt altrr -hr artrild impro./€rn d io corcbuFbd in cdnpfiance wlrtr au-pEis.rd spsilic.lbn3 r' rslbr€ncd hcraundcr ar<t *aptcd by trrc Town. Undr no ao|db; cnal ne dolbt atmunt of th! collab.l lhdt ls beiry hc|d by the Town bc rrcluced b.lxiv thc dothr.mount nce$ary to cdnpld. a[ urrfipbbd inpmucrtrnt3 ]gftr?rd to ln thb AgrE ncrL 5. lf lhc Town *lEr'r{r|€s, at its sole dt crr0or|. tt|at €ny of $c tmfu|rE rents r.'|rrtd b in fft Ag?sncnt rna mt cordlded In compli.rEa'with the'.Dprovd plana and spodtc.lion! fihd in the sficc of thr Cofirnmtty Orwtopment Deprtn nt d-d|g Ttrri of VeI or not accept€d by lha Torn as conplcb ori d b.lbre the dab set ior& ln Faragraptr I of thts Agrlamcrt the Tqwn may, brrt !h6[ not bc Equl€d to, draw upon te ceclrty r:fonLo b in thls Aglcc.ttnt and ornflcb the untonrplchd impov"menb ref€r"d b in tlis Agrwncnt Pr.rrsuant to Sec{ion t2-lt-8, Vcll Torn Codr, tho T€mporery Cortificatc of Ocorpency rqlbrnd to h lhla Agr€dn nt r|ay b9 €vol€d unul el lmfor|cfisla rclbfird lo he|€in arc- oomplct3d by th€ Devdopcr or tho Town iframrdance wlh thls AgrernrcnL Fio{lflP|qdoliDr^ C..a! drdt_12r202toc gd 6880-9ea0l'6 90/e0 39vd c10 )r.|va tae. 2 c 5 q3rlm rsl uollDl dtqC d6t.€0 90 9l qz8gltl.Eot 6t:tt ggoz/Llttl lf the coci8 of completing lhe uncomplcbd inprovcmcntr Efencd b in this Agcement €xcEd the dollar amot'lt d thc &polil. th! Gxc.!s, log.tts with hb|trt rt twehrc pcrcant (12%) per .nnum, shall b3 a llen agaiGl thc pfttp.,ty rnd may be collecEd by civl ruit or n€y b€ ccrtfi€d to the bEa$rllr of Eaglc Couty to b. colhcted In lhe rsrne marn r ar ddin$rcnt rd \l'lor.m tax€s lcvird agginct Jrctr prop.rty. lf he Dercloper fails or reluoes to complrb tha imp|bvcment3 refofied to ln thb AgrsrrFnt, guch failura or '!fi,Eal shall be congitarsd a vlolBdon of Title 12 (Zoning Rreulatoffi), of thc Vdl To,vn CocL, .nd the D.v.bp.r ahdl bo subjcct to p€nalti€E puFuant to S€cSon 12-310 (Violalion3: P.naltbs) and Chtpt r 1{ (Gener.l P.ndly), sf the Vail Town Codc. 7. The Oevetoper shall w"rr8nty hE wgrk and mabrials of 9ll imp.owr|lnts refefi€d to an thia Agrccmcnt loceted on Tom prop€rly or wilhin e Torin rilhl-ofrrey, ps6u.nt lo Chaptr &3. of tre Vail Town Code, for a pcriod of t{o yaar3 eftcr lhe Town'r acccptanoe of sald lmpro/efnent* 8. The padiee her€b muturlly sgree lhatthis Ag[eerrenl may be amendGd trom tirno to lirn€. provid€d lh8t BUch amendmer e be an writr|g {d erewted by a[ perlicts hcrcto. tidn git\P@tuxaF|A CFli f"tl-1zl202.acc P.g. 3d 3 td 99/'9 FVd wF9U80l.6 cro )fi\ra 03lIM IsI uql3l dlqc d6t:€0 90 9l ^o sz8gItz€oe 6bitl gssztLtttl CHed th. day 8rd tc.r first above wd[.n. BALIZ . Oev.loper STATE OF @LORADO } z-rhee, "or*.ror€E* fo. -r,- Not.ry PLblic F:E-\ilnPfll6lDnq^ Ga.|r rH_rfiAn2.d6 Prgr a 0t 6 9'd 6088€?&010 90/90 39Vd Cro )l.|VS qSlIM rSI uotFt dHC ft:eo 90 9l ^oN 9Z89Irt€08 6t:tt SASZ/LI/ll ATTACHEO coptEs OF THE ESTIttATEp BD(SI Fr$rvtq{lPrq.c loAq^ C.rrr drrlt_l2rl&l.rtoc PtE Sor t gd dlz€-920'026 90/90 DVd DIO X.!tS C3llrn lsr uo sl dlqC d :00 90 9l ^oN 9e89lr/eo€ 6t:rI 9902/9r/rr Ll/l6l"a'fJ l2taz 9?!.t3l2:lg FlTe d|o GavLfiD rw.o0 €53 .iI!F at Eit 43,9t €.53 46.3S o2, Fltr E Gaylord Lan&c?irq, lnc. HfffrlJ,t*.rrilsr.,re Vtl Ccoodo s t6ot rr(tRNr€s8 COCr€pt R tnwT )RrGt Fr. CL(F e.acr cHotcct€Rir.s cAL. PIE(ilC COTfi EASIE&' GAL, PURPTE LEIf PIUI*5 GAI- Of,EEPlt{O IIESTER'{ t }lD c}RiY{gA- Jrrr E6 i 1*.' Oarnt F|o OlOt.?A3art Fl' p7ot.7e1223 o{g|$- t!, A00 61t-o azt.00 1!o59 r30.59 07.0t 2Cr,lf atf * ''.0c 6gt..e tt6.@ lto.0o {tt.ea uc el dlttC Bl9:lI90 9l ,eN gZ8gIraSS€ 6t:Lt *ettgtttl llitDtclre ErtArT EtlTl r,Etp!f,cE lrLutreoR val@tmADO FrrxnSq AIT: crlP{Gttrc q,aIE! RErAtcRaco|oEacTts![il PLTNT i,A7ER!{L 2 Olr/mLArApLE{{Fr. I 3 3 2 6 tZ DW.IRFKOREAtilLllAgtGAL. 2 I|AIY YT€RFrVISI Ertur{ OAt- 1' ENOAOTOURJII{FA.sGAL 1200 so Fr. nnF !600 Eo. FT. SEEO Slr!T9TAt t'd 90/90 FVd 69ZE-92d0/6 clo )Nw oful.rl J.sr tttL7t2a85 ttt49 3037415825 . H* re 66 ol'3'tp chip Tallm lST $IIIED BAl.|( DTC 9?G028.'9269 PAGE OIl05 p.1 IINITED BANK IlenvcrTcch Ccutcr gB! EutDGlbviilAHrc D,rglcroo4 OO $Uldl06 Tbhphonor. 3ltr.1ll.tgn frr: F'AX Frr:-324 Pbono: Rc: Uil3-trlrlLJ -lberGrnt -hr fr5fi -lf:fryrf htd: /,2 glt, !tr/r3 sJ cro rn8 q3l$fl lst gzBtttrgl€ 6t:tt Stezlg!/tt ' Town of Vail Department of Gommunity Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Name: Tt,\[ur^. C-.^4.F,r^.-**..,-r-Receipt No. Address: Project: Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No.Item No.Code #Cost Each Total 001 0000 314 1 '1 1 0 Address Maps ZA $5.00 001 0000 3141110 Zoning Maps ZA $20.00 001 0000 3141112 Other Code Books CB 001 0000 3141211 Blue Prints/Mylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 3141111 Xerox Copies XC $0.25 001 0000 3141111 Master Plan MS 001 0000 3141111 Studies, Master Plans, etc.MS 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees CL 001 0000 240 3300 Developer lmprovament AgrB€mant Oeposit D2-DEP10 AD 3laZ?.V 001 0000 3't2 1000 Restai:rant License fee (TOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Spec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Deot.Rev.SA 110 0000 314 Irs ;r/. T f' l- :t ) ) 00'l 0000 201 1( omb6odffi 115 oOOO 310 1::|:i tl ..:. r! .".'.. r. f,r c., cr <llrl L, t. r tl cjLt.-! ,l =r i.. :_ AL:t9a Comments: rL J4 z- Cash_ MoneyOrder# (t--i)?'1 \,8./.-' Check #le{b Received bV: LZ- '- \ nJL f/cdev/formdadmin/Sal€s Acct. ADril 2005 0511212005 ll (rl .; I ..E .lD 68 8"H EH 5t ,i o (.4 fi !t (! ,i o| N A ':l'E ol: OIAET |.|dI 9P "'x a o H {o >o e rt a E E ol t\|l H a I (.1 E (.,F I to 6 I Ci I !4 E :E I 4 ql C, (\ ct ;;A }l g E -o F.ql 6 E o I a H c a r, 3E rlb A |"r ll HE l.l o'u |{o O9l cto ho -b al c| ,t ll -t a,!e a o r, ll ;{L dA E a! Ol.2Z EB E-E1 i u E .< :{ El 22 EB H-qta E '( BE +R *x dt I E A l.F HZ .aD oo frt & ET cl rf p e. a F !l o H t H !c I()ao ,'E E E 5I P EE o ao B tsU a l'l l.ql tJ E L g Fl o FI 4 I c & z E q tr I E a .{ ;o ; drD dd a I>o Eet 4&ae' al NO I 8tr8 dfrt ffY CEITELO'EXT ?rinrrn 6u.bd'woian tAotl*hn > / t+t Design Review Board ACTION FORIII Degartment of Community Development 75 South F ontage Road, Vail, Colorado E1657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax|970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: BALTZ RES. LANDSCAPE CHNGE Project Description: Participants: DRB Number: DRB050535 RNAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE PI.AN- PROVIDE FOR AN ADDMONAL PARKING SPACE THROUGH THE USE OF UNI-GREEN GRASS CRETE PAVERS. OWNER BalE Family Partners ll, LLLO|O7|2005 Phone: 303-721-8800 Stephen P. BalU First United Bank 8095 E. Belleview Ave Englewood, CO 80111 APPUCANT D.H. RUGGLES &ASSOCIATES L010il2005 Phone: 303-355-2460 Donald H. Ruggles 123 Madison St., Ste. 103 Denver, CO Don@dhruggles.com 80206 3786 LUPINE DR VAIL Project Address: Legal Descriptlon: Parcel Number: Comments: Locataon: 3786 Lupine Loil 6 Block: Subdivision: BIGHORN SUB 2ND ADDnON 2101-111-0100-4 See @nditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: GondiUons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 10/10/2005 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. C-ond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. @nd: CON0007629 The applkant shall suhnlt a Torun d Vail Revocable Rightof-Way permit for the imfovements made to the rightof-rray through the installaton of the grass pavers prior to requestirg a Temporary Certificate of Oaupancy or a C.ertificate of Occupaney. Cond: CON0007630 The oncrcte Uni{rcen paver area shall be used for one vehicle only as it does not meet the Town of Vail minimal standards for more than one parking spae (9 ffi X19 feet per space). Planner: Wanen Campbell DRB Fee Pald: S2O.OO Lslg612gg5 L6.2L 3A37415825 1ST ti.lITED BANK DTC PAGE g2/42 Appllcdbn for Deslgn Rslcw tstErr(&ilrqryrr narrbgru,lA,CaD &F *til.frsiilr Em..tr.sr *x**!rlFn Qrrtdh0flDibs EHFEilEE.HT F d ArE DdF all - [rr Errtsr I rEE|rE t rr AilUt DrEr brrrrr Dr -/ttF |rtt D ra D tt -rr- t |tr lhtr &rd -!t ltiln!.lElrqtE Erust I tbnrrhrnrrdlFrhrrfflrrilbHriq$rancsh .- |FqF rrtDra D rrlr tlt tiln ErrrE r|fc ltilrq.!ilErE E|!|!|EEI, 'l rbnrrhrnrrdl-rhrrfflt-ilbHriq$rAnc$h -,ffi:ffi* tuu*E ' uL^^q?*r^r) -f, 'I'X|TA**-. :. T C) Y-r ?frn&rr*rrr ?-?rL ulptJ€:fnYr - Y*tt- . (A \;t ?rcrf h; |irCEt|g6.h:atlrt0<ltilStf pidm.t f -,a'*'ryz%r-=gtr-,*i \/l lrlhrfrtrforrfrrr ,Sr=rIF tF w&fr Effi ,-o dlr i-,F i *o-** f- o"tFqro*odhtsr. I(tl . I'k6.fi-|hf p FcrtrardtplEtcrlnlehfl. f . 5E s tr**.-rsrri4f*ifcilfrtl| , I . ..orr*r as ffi#ffi'.k:,H#" r (ndr.ffiFlrilE rrirr..--ft--#rorEEfrE-rs rr - *q'rhr 4fi;ry-l.ryrn"Ddfrrrrft n@,rrtr..rfibirninEE lVt? ildh, ,ilG--fr; tr r-lcE-rr rr . .-ErerFrr * ftfrH.-* qsild r, Fnt $ r rr 's!r*r*nd \#snRllhrl' srnrlr}€hrE||lF?rai-4r l<'vt .''.- K7-ft.J.i3*L7z r [ \,. Illrofgp*ltr -;t\,llpolfur|.uraFrc ' sltt F F.lt.olr.q.rtu0.hrtrrE =h ^ rmr$ofArtr.rgf DFolfur|.uraFrc *i**f***ta*atllftfflalffllffaalf+*+***a*latai*fllfflaaaa*a'|l*at+f+*tal*a'}aaaaaaaa**aaat***l+ TOWNOFVAtr COIORADO Starement aallta*laaaaallf**aa*a.**aat***a+*+*+**ata+tft**t*afafa*a*a*****aaffaafaaaaaaaaa*a*a*ta**+*r* gtatemeut llunber: R050001562 Anount ! $20.00 LO/O7/2OOSL1:18 AIr{ Palment Method: Ctreck Init: dlg Notation: 544/TAITIpN corrsT. l&ntT. Permit No: DR8050535 Tl4)e: DRB- Chg to Appr PlanE Parcel No3 2101-111-0100-4 Site Addrese: 3785 IJUPINE DR VAIIJ Location: 3785 Lupine Totsal Feea! 920.00 Thl"E Palment: $20.00 Total AIrIJ Prlta: S2O.0O Balances $0.00 al*++++**f***+'lr****atfai+aaat+*+aaf'i'af'tlataffaaftfala*tf'}*irr*t**a*++++*++a*+***+++++**a*** ACCOI,]NT ITEM LIST: Account cod€ Description current ltrts DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGN RTVIEW FEES 20.00 303 355 2540 DHRuggles&Assoclat Goroqe 09.43.16a.m. l0-06-2005 ) 'l -l oYGl -Cut d coge )\ I ,^-u-'/ :*iffir EA' LuP'ir'e Dr i','e : 55" f ( I -__/. ._., !-s1ir"s f t)- f;,.|.8,-) ';.;.''.:+';..1.,.,:'.:.:.:-: ':.:':';.''.":':'.'..':.' 'i' .lirl't .1r'",.,.:,!" ] ,' -51 ?idif$\' \ z*o',ET'bt;"o '*r-m-f1o' 303 355 2546 DHRugglesEA$ociat 08:55: f 4 a.m. 10-03-2005 Uni-greeri 303 355 25,f0 D H Ruggle3 & Associ.t O8:55:37a.m- l0-O3-2@5 5/5 ARCHITECTS I'. E- IUGGLES & ASSOCIAIES mcl|El!'.rEEvSCt'lH rrOESrEalo DENvEt COLOTADO C01O9.r2,.6 :;::iil:::# Se*mber30,2[)05 Yl||rrcnCrnpbf Tanrof tldt De{tn Reri.rwBo{d Vdl. Cobrado vbbc 970a792454 *1*ffi Re: ffiffi VaaL@ n5;1.1rg Eds0ttg PaddEAmSiaDrretllodlicdon Vrtal€n: RAr TErrEr '* r'.'o'r' As I rodtad m thc p-fir€ rE adiliodly lbr tb 8alts I cgrp b f€db hgt I ahould |Cconfg|fe tE propodins dhs erls b nnl€ fr safrrfi the Bene I am MtcHElr PrEsrr kccpiu t|6 ('tr€rCl c$rare ftoqF eaatidy thc re|rr €! rny s|tnlttsN ot ''c' 'tt'or" 9.f6.0S rtri$ yar 4t rot ed. trEidaiary, hirtk you b that {uUr lunr anC aprodl As I dirusced he hyodrft tlrcocpenyspptyif tF tt$.Gr€st Ftdl llo isers cart b my ffiirn. Fmt, | $ould rllar thc rca Cfhty b provile {r a€ebsEp qlbulr€ ! lho cardooFaGopen Gran an bc vcrydi*will cnow 4rd ics on i[ fonoring fiom f4 il b elggeabd thd rs havo a mix of gravel ad gre h !E @r€3 b ghrs 0re BsE a !*r phcc b pflk ild d( I have a[adrsl a dedr :horhg |hb ntodmcffi b mt scireme d 9. 10.6. A{Fln I Fdd$rbtHtherdrsne bfficaponcfieanduiiI bc*hre bedr enlsranrcr{b t'|c 8* pfti$||.t bt alolriqr btte migttborhood Itthb b accepEilXe atyo, couH plc lct rr tnow bdey or Rryon ilora.y. Ctdp Tanon |heg8ncrC contrcb.bcqrclnr.d &rll$ 'eflrffirg *|pb kEb[|hehndBcdrgl | rycdft yotr blfig 0E tlrto b r€ryiru t*r. PhGr tic il€ e cd A totr sldconrrq*rE.ru Oqtddlt Rr{gl€s, |GAR8.a|A' |C \ P'ecibnt AHI q lts &llrs BalE rrr.dlr||arl o WAY *THIS FORITT CANNOT BE REDUCED (PLEASE TYPE) OWNER OF PROPERTY TYPES OF IMPROVEMENTS Fence Wall Landscaping Other Baltz Family Properties ADDRESS 3786 Luoine Dr. Vail. Co. 81657 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LOT 6 BLOCK (lf necessary, attach Corner lot PROPERTY TO BE SERVED: SUBDIVISION Biqhorn Subdivision Addition 2 description on separate sheet). lnside lot x DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE OR ITEM(s)INTO RIGHT-OF-WAY: Snowmelt heated zone (separate) 15 feet aqreed. Landscape liqhtinq. Does structure presently exist?VES Proposed date for commencement of construction 7127105 In consideration of the issuance of a revocable permit for the structure above indicated, applicant agrees as follows: 1. That the structure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclusivelv to the land above described. 2. That the permit is limited specifically to the type of structure described in this application. 3. That the applicant shall notify the Project Planner and Public Works Department, or their duly authorized agent, twenty-four hours in advance of the time for commencement of construction, in order that proper inspection may be made by the Town. 4. The applicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Vail, its officers, employees and agents against all liability, claims and demands on account of injury, loss or damage, including without limitation claims arising from bodily injury, personal injury, sickness, disease, death, property loss or damage, or any other loss of any kind whatsoever, which arise out of or are in any manner connected with applicant's activities pursuant to this permit, if such injury, lbss, or damage is caused in whole or in part by, or is claimed to be caused in whole or in part by, the act, omission, error, professional error, mistake, negligence or other fault of the applicant, his contractor or subcontractor or any officer, employee or representative of the applicant, his contractor or his subcontractor. The applicant agrees to investigate, handle respond to, and to provide defense for and defend against, any such liability, claims, or demands at the sole expense of the applicant. The applicant also agrees to bear all expenses relating thereto, including court costs ano Revised 09/16/05 FIPW\Revocable ROw File\3786 Lupine Dr. Baltz Res..doc attorney's fees, whether or not any such liability, claims, or demands alleged are groundless, false, or fraudulent. Applicant agrees to procure and maintain, at its own cost, a policy or policies of insurance sufficient to ensure against all liability claims, demands and other obligations assumed by the applicant pursuant to this Paragraph 4. Applicants further agfee to release the Town of Vail, its officers, agents and employees from any and all liability, claims, demands, or actions or causes of actions whatsoever arising oui oi any damagi loss or injury to the applicant or to the applicant's property caused by the Town of Vail, itJ officers, agents and employees while engaged in maintenance or snow removal activities or any other activities whatsoever on Town oivail property, streets, sidewalks, or rights-of-way. That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment, obstruction, or other structure constitutes a nuisance, destroys or impairs the use of the right-of-way by the public, constitutes a traffic hazard, oJ the property upon which the encroachment, obstruction, or stiuciure exists is required for use by the public; or it may be revoked at any time for any reason deemed sufficient by the Town of Vail. That the applicant will remove, at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, or structure within ten davs after receiving notice of any revocation of said permit. That the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping associated with the encroachment on the right-of-way. That in the event said removal of the encroachment, obstruction, or structure is not accomplished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same and have the right to make an assessment against the property and collect the costs or removal in the same manner as general taxes are collected. That the applicant has read and understands all of the terms and condiiions set forth in this application. The Revocable Right-of-way Permit fee is $35.00; $11.00 of the fee pays for Eagle County Clerk and Recorder recording. Make checks payable to Town of Vail, .la I t.Special conditions: o. 7. R L 10. Signat-u re bf Property Owner (lf joint o\lnerghig both signatures) nature of Prope (lf joint ownership, both signatures) APPROVED: 4/ Project Planner Revised 04/08/03 F:\lsandoval\Forms\03 Revocabte ROw Pemrit Form .doc blic Works Bmn*n5*a*usln 'Adzbhtn /, l"t tt TOIIN OF VAIL DESIG1T BErIEW ACTIOI{ FORIT Prciectilame: BALTZ RES.CHANGETOAPPROVED DRBNumber: DR8050385 Project Description: RNAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI-ANS FOR THE ADDMON OF AN EfiERIOR WINDOW ON THE EAST ELEVATION. Participants: OWNER BalE Family Partners II, LL08/01/2005 Phone: 303-721-8800 Steohen P. Baltz First United Bank 8095 E. Belleview Ave Englewood, CO 80111 APPUCANT Baltz Family Partners II, LL08/01/2005 Phone: 303-721-8800 Stephen P. Baltz First United Bank 8095 E. Belleview Ave Englewood, CO 80111 Prcject Addrcss: 3786 LUPINE DR VAIL Location: 3785 Lupine Legal Descrlpdon: Lot: 6 Blodc Subdlvlslon: BIGHORN SUB 2ND ADDmON Parcel Number: 2101-111-01004 C,omments: See @nditions BOARD/STAFF ACrIOil iloUon By: Action: STAFFAPR Seond By:Vote: DabofApproval: 08/10/2005 Gonditions: @nd:8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). @nd:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion, Planner: WarrenCampbell DRB Fee Paid: S2O.OO |l Pmtc(tt lrtf _/fX.dqA_,U ltllr IIEEF 'l|!r'. l"r e' 'f,r-ry'r - Oe,n UAr rrftr b Et $Ulilrr *St----ut-rtt-wo*EtIr- *E +- TFa ad be r4 rdt | n[;;ffi i fur DtltE-Ht'rt tr+343t Dt!# =ffi.ffiEEg3..EtH:srsffi e tc.tGtbattd nffiol ,rydc.lHrs 9ardla: -,'ns t*Eiic^hLl , lrrm(ildo5|r(3:r: ilrmdllila* fS Erlil-OF{GEtdd$rrr tbF! 160 fusl||frtdlruhfr c|Effihn'til aidlrtrtcqr:qlrctDrtr* Lr ffirtc Ufr @ Z$ CE a rEir cElf--- iun rrcalf,l'owtFrrlsE-@5dlG'tEfidb ff' *6r dE+ EEFE ffi # tffir*'&a:b tr-tffidstg!'bhtil{'debguttEttt*9|4G, rrr|!fis, F-E9' rifn dbtc' at'btrE tat!3 irE |ryrt.!..!D rarGifrb frfft ryottd b ffi sdtButc &dmne,bd. tSRe H v_ --a t @ o q o (A, @ ,l {it (ffic Ede 6. Hs !t90€ai-s6m lh nrd m) l|lfrtltrT r}p.dFltdfG trs g St$tdR.flry B tbffiurhr tr Arul O lt|orltsdrill (ntanfifcmnrtOd) tr l,[ts Affin (ffit/ilrda) )(c-g.tApsro€ttPEl tr ScFrdi.ttRSE 6f' to/a zzT mk FREdSd.3S fficI)-JUL 2? 2005 lf I ti tl ,i ii li I J .)l JI I I tjj II @ =igi'aEt z4< FEH. 9OOZ-tZ-lO'u'et9:lZ:90 :;'!-- --!se.. -.4? t -"' c TOWNOFVAII. COIORADO Stat€meil atffaafaa++ll**faaaaataf*tatttatt+tta**a*ata+aa+atat*r*aaata*at**r**tf*it***aa**+aatta+*a*** gtatern€nt lnmber: R050001199 Arnount: $20.00 OSIOL/2OO5O3:44 PM Pa]tm€nt Method: Check Init: iIS Notatlon: 620/TALIjoN CONSTRU TION Permit lto: DRBO50385 T!E)e: DRB- Chg to Atrrpr Plans Parcel No: 21o1-111-0100-4 SLte Addresa : 3 7S5 L,I'PINE DR VAIIJ Location: 3786 Lupine ThiB Payment: $20.00 Total Feeg: $20.00 Total ArJrJ Ents: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriptJ.on DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGN RE\TIEW FEES Current [hta 20.00 T*on 0l U"'t Eynorn eo n, /"1+ \.r,1,.. R.r,^ flrfron 6*, Project Name: BALTZ RES. CHANGE TO APPROVED DRB Number: DRB0501B7 Project Description: CHANGED WOOD BMCKET EYE COLOR TO OLYPIC STAINS DEEP CHARCOAL Participants: OWNER Baltz Family Paftners II, LL05/09/2005 Phone: 303-721-8800 Stephen P. BalE First United Bank 8095 E. Belleview Ave Englewood, CO 80111 APPUCANT D.H. RUGGLES & ASSOCIATES 05/09/2005 Phone: 303-355-2460 Donald H. Ruggles 123 Madison St,, Ste, 103 Denver, CO Don@dhruggles.com 80206 Project Address: 3786 LUPINE DR VAIL Location: 3786 Lupine Legal Description: Lot: 6 Block Subdivisionl BIGHORN SUB 2ND ADDffiON Parcel Number: 2101-111-0100-4 Comments: SEE CONDffiONS BOARD/STAFF ACIION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval:05/18/2005 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Application for Design Review Oepartment of Cornmunity Denelopment 75 Sorrh Frcntage Rod, Vdl, Cobrado 81657 t€l: 970.479.21 39 tax: 97O,479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General lnformatlon: AI proiects r€quiring deign review mrlst receive approval prior to suknitling a h.rilding permit application. pleee refor to th€ $brnittal requirenpnts for the pa,tirlar approval that b reqrEt€d. nn 4pi:ation ior Desiln Rafuw cantpt bo accspted until all r€quirad infiomation is rcceirred by the Gommunity Dere@ment Department. The prorsd may abo ne€d to be rwbu€d by th€ Town Cclrrcil and/or the Pbnning and Erwiron.nentat Cornmission.Derign review approvel lapres unteg a buildlng permlt ir irsued and conrtruction commonces withln one tro.r of thc approval- Lo(L tsofz- Locatlon of tho Proposal: Lot: phyefcaf Addresr: .ng Lu PtNF [\glltr / YAiL) Co Parcel No.:(Contract Eagle Co. Asscsor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zonrns: PgtDF-{TtN , r{ame(s) of owner(e}: .Sfe\t { M}€fT F*L1-Z- rafffns Addres!: &qf .€ Faz-Vtgv AV€.fiff ft ---^tt, C.- ?rt// phon.: Owner(e) Slgnature(s) : Name of Appllcant: E-mall Address: Type of Revlew and Fee:. Sigrls . Coneptual Rwiew . itery CorBtnrc{ion . Addition . Mhor Alteration (multi-family/commerciat) . Mhor Alteration (single-family/duplex) . OrtgrtoAfror..tPLt . Separa$on Request IOI4ilVffi Descrlptlon of the v ttt @ vl o \b GD \, $650 $m $2e) $50 NoFe $20 w NoFe For Olilce Use Onlv: FoPaU: Z{) - For miror change to buildings and site improvernents, sud,t as, rermfing, painting, window additions, bndmpirq, fences and retaining walb, etc. For miror change to buiHings ard site imp.overnenE, strcfi 6, rer@fing, painting, window additions, bndscapirE, bnces and retaining walb, etc. For revbiom to plars Design Rwiew Berd. already approved by Planning Stiaff or the Meting Date: Flanner: firu' * ***i+++++++++*f************+*+ t**i+++++++*f** **+tl*i*a* **** ****++++tf**** ****** ***+tt ****** TOWN OF VAIL. COIORADO Statement **+l**********++f*******+*3**** ***********i*ft++l+tttt+** ** * * ** ** *** +*++++*++ t t +******r* *** * Statement Number: R050000550 Amount': $20.00 05/09/2OO5O3:54 PM Palment Method: Check FAIIIIIY PARTNERSHIP Init : .TS Notation: LO46/BALTZ Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : L,ocat.ion: This Payment: ACCOI.INT ITEM LIST: Accourt Code DR 0 010 0 0 03 tt2200 DR8050187 Type: 2101-111-0100-4 3786 I,UPINE DR VAII, 3785 Lupine $20.00 Descripts ion DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts : Balance: $20.00 $20. o0 $0.00 Current Pmts 20.00 f, *+*** ***** * ** * * * * * ***** * * * * * * + f + *+* **** *+* * **** * * * + * ***.i* *t+** + **+*f+ ++* * {.* l. * * *** * * * * + * * * ** DESIGN REVIEW FEES AJed C,,lr. 6, 9^"k"+s TOl ,N OF l/AtL' DATE:" Sl{Fl-:. DESIGN REVIEW. STAFF APPROVAL S:-lg:-of - \ bL_ ru!rA,m Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 leli 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Baltz Residence DRB Number: DR8030331 Project Description: Addition of 3 car garage Vmaster bedroom suite and 2 guest bedrooms above master suite. Exterior remodel upgrade of exisitng home. Participants: OWNER BalE Family Paftners Il, LL08lL4l2003 Phone: 303-721-8800 Stephen P. BalE First United Bank 8095 E. Belleview Ave Englewood, CO 80111 License: APPUCANT D.H. RUGGLES & ASSOCIATES 08/1412003 Phone: 303-355-2460 Donald H. Ruggles 123 Madison St., Ste. 103 Denver, CO Don@dhruggles.com 80205 License: Project Address: 3786 LUPINE DR VAIL Location: 3786 Lupine Legal Description: Lot: 6 Block: Subdivision: BIGHORN SUB 2ND ADDITION Parcel Number: 210111101004 Comments: See C.onditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: David Viele Action: APPROVED Second By: Margaret Rogers Vote: 5-0 DateofApproval: 0l/2112004 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Condl 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0006273 The applicant shall add stone beneath the staircase leading to the south to the bottom of the risers. Cond: CON0006274 The applicant shall submit a complete revocable right-of-way permit to Town staff o prior to submitting for a building permit. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $30O.OO at =. l.J .\) I I |>- lo I I I I I I t 5 -= !''t ro I I l<l--l\- to ||s I I I I I I I I I I I I 6 + tl lulP IJ IG I lLn tl P 6-o -'e tJ u.! vj q L s l-9 5s le.)tr-lq Js\ b- lF l$ E, l(.,'\ * '-ft (-o o '.o -r- o> ig ct t') N o 4.. .l r. N a, (A 8 o .' -l ; r-q t.--,t-q l\.S + le .tl lrr E .I/ r6 lu\ i5 l-Ci e F s ,N lo' ?F?. cg'o o, ';*;b,lr< n YE'i;!FS€.E.4 iH,:=.9 a-ar e::se a._; e.(rq 5 tt*l h, nnJ Itldlq c,<6; 3=_.-z+u .'at t e,-E.e 3-Fal-: l'i o rJ r6--' vt oa li;Y (..t C. \oE (, a "o e- 7?.E TJ Y :r o Y J .ca .-J J. ul q 6 t I I I I [D I I IA t- N' G '.9 '<.sg'ge Klr.3H l\l\aA I I o I r..r I "o loI o \ o-ll z z I Y.7 rotol ||l.n ttl tttl | | s ll rll,{' tr- 'o l't-.E l(\r E r\'/ 3 a .o + A |.J ' J1 oi { I I I I I I I I I I I I +a NJ o\ -J ,ll ' I I I I I I I 7 3 K + Ol { ll }J IJ bl to E n rr. n oo o (t F! o, lc.t 17 ull lo to \ EA .!. l-l IU -fr o\ F',S5 "orlr F5l Rlk '' ?ln | ;+lo lol> I til I r'. l)t 319 Iil+I bl"ll'l.r-I lvr I I-,I tdl ttl ttt "ttl ttl Il qr = o N n I I I F ||7 v Lr. a A s A s. IR -E €.I o U' F ts l'1 EFFr.FEq, =3=;d5.'ro € E F s E a F'SBFS EE q-'P!.ri riE I gS:rEti i €+ fi E t€2aEo.r =E FEF ; g' aa e -'6=urE. 1-rfgg.E 15 e. ,t'tl /' ,.:ll l.t ll tr .A d I I rJt I rttll .z CA at o CI ( I I { t"j I'i I r_,1 ,E;? i^a *?€ r"-t-t t{U, o z E l-t {o H c)x tr U,H trt c 'A 0a e oa g ? F E s # s 5'gF$$FeuF - : e t: ! i () s '*:' " - b- -, tt ., -'t1 I -r.t { 5 z q 5 F 5,*$eF$fF;'s f, F g g fl F i'a g I'r E'P"-e € ;'ir? 'E F t5= r"t.':; ' !E !r llt - ,-|!.a -{i.2. 1d) Ei.'v.Z .'li . /r.r' 'a., " L -t-'i"Ei .r;'i g S + .*:7 -:' t I I .E l. ;l f'\l'al E s r;H s sG B r E g *E E ? * F F ''' s. .D F. f s f tR {. o ?{1 .l. 3' I o o o (,,- r g -l- --l I I t".3 rtlF 6' i'. y, e E r.",8' E ,fE;.1 n ( t-J '6 I !1.'L _a7 >.' -'d ,c A .l (J- * U a'. -+r- '. s/?-.J-t'! -"9t .: grl AA- ' Gr" *.v lr,o c aa I0lt4\I Appllcatlon for Design Revlew D4er{rnent of Contntm$ Daclopacnt 73 Sooth F?anQgs Ro6d. \rcl,cb|fiado 8165:t !ef: 970/7933O lEx. 970.4792432 ry6: gury.d,rra8,co.us Goncral Informs(ioh: A| pndeds reqrirnrg rt*fun evlelv mtei rccehe ap0tornt prfor lo afinihlng s txnldiE Dsm[ aDp[csthn, Pb€su r*r to fte qbnd{d rcqrtrtrnarb br tlre oaile|b applkal tH h rEqEEt€{t nn eDdlcauon tur EEalrrn Rorkrs emot bo aeptad untl at '€<|r|ared -wlq|6/'/r,r lE tecot od W {re Csrnnny ndl,efpme|{ Dqrtnrnt The profe* ruy dso need to bo rot brEd by fio Tom Gq|rd ddlor f|r Plsrutrb dd Enmfiils$at Cor|mlsion Dolign rrvirre pgroval lap.€6 untea a Dgilding permll le irsued a||d cdsfrudton cDmmcnlsF tlthlh otte t/oar of tho applovrL Ilercrtpilonof{rreRosueer ?leaq" S'--Ja!|.bA[ad- f.ocafion of tfte Frcposah .ot b Blodc lt la( Pttyr{cal Addrese: ParEEl No.:a,oilu0t oD Zonlng: tlame(ef of Offier(rt: llrlllngAddree: Owner(r) llamc of Applicout: fipeof Rwiew ord Fae:. $qrr . CoEpt €lR6thu, . llov c<nsh|clbrr . Ad<flilon . Ithor Alteation (rnrill-f sE0y/btrnr||ettbt) . l&rcrAltecilion (etgtalffiy/duptc) . Ctsrg6ioADprottd PbrF . serEtonF{eqrct LL<-, rp'F€*Ei 450 FtJs $t.00 FreS!.re&otof totalsbnara. l,lo Fa 5850 Forco|Emc{on cf a nay hddng c dc[||o rcbdld. $300 tu en addtbn wtrqr aqno tulage le dcled b ahy |€3irildEl af co{rlnecdal btdfhg ondqe 250 dddnfuir e infefior enrw*tnc1, $250 For mtFr drdues to hitfifs ad slle hpro\,fi€tb, suoc,rffitoL prlfirrrgt f,nrdox, addltdrB, br6l[Ephg. tbncEs ild rdrho$&.6b. $20 &r mlnot cfi{loEs tr hrmtgs end 6lh ltnpmt EtrEtrb, '|ldt es, drcofttg, pafttilg, $ritrdD\r addlsdr, hmsc*h* hnces nd r3b!*rg t$ab, eb. @ Fr rad&ns to plarE alrdy qprEvad by Pbtlhg gdt or the OedgnRel,hsrBryd. f,loFa frld:_ Chod( l,lo.: Dqt8: zr/zo 39vd ar /z # -..-'-_L'L_ 9t9ZS9eeOe:?nT lni')?xatTn t qz8cTb/FaE Fa:TT taaT.lEAltra cossv pua satO6nUlYIdZo: I :gO-l l-a {enhct Eagle Co. Arsmor at 97G3a&E64O for patet no.) ATTACTIED DESCRIEnON OF IIIE REQIJEST 3786 LUPINE DRIVE, VAII4 CO We rcquesltft* yourerrbw tho filbwing addition ud roileldetsilsforthe c*isting msidcncchcded d 3786l4ine hins. Additbn oftbee.cs garqgc dMrstcr Bedrcom Suib abovr ard two &tcst Be,&,oom . dlio sbove Itfastcr Suih. Nc*l Great Roomedditioo Dining Roomcnlargemec and od;ting eftedor rloodel ud upgrade m qn T I rnqrtcn.l -.-j!-zllEa 39Vd a t ,/e # gtgzgsaeoe 1 CZecTfr/FaF Fn:TT UAaz lha ltra cd lossv puB s9t6c}nu1y{dLo: ! :eo-r r-e TOI/W ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COI{MERCIAL SUBMITTAT REQUIREMENTS General InformaUonl Thls application is required for all proposals involving the addiflon of GRFA (gross residenual floor area).This Includes proposals for 250 addiitons and interior .onvu[io*. s* i,ir" 12, chapter 15 - Gross ResidenUal Floor Area for speclfic regulations. { StamOed Topographic Survey*e/ $bean*€radingptan* :- H!SSEEF'F!+- t*sh',1s;{o,; la,aw^q^/ . lt/c ct^a"4s PrdP.sd ' €l- Archltectural Elcvations*tr Erterior color and material samples and specificadons, -7? Fo llorS,g-Archltectural Floor plars+ o- Lighting Plan* and cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures a. . .o,vfe,cioy dr,r.)a-!, orrs STld: report, lncludlng Schedules A & B to verffy ownenship and easements*I pnotos or the o{sting site and adjlacent structures, where appliabte. hl A_o wrltten approval from a condomlnium associauon, landlo(, ind joint'dri,ffi.f appllcable A lO-: #"^H5E1",nlTl j11?ts"*:f ff-1g_4kttl !_ :' t t,al'sai b; iii J fiL ;' 4; ; y' -tu o 3:,}f,T*ry=i{T-?g.r"v ryqur* the submrssion oriaunonat ptans, drawinss, i591?1"Til J..Ipl_o_lld gu5g matelats (inctuding " moa.rj ir-J.ir5Jnecessary to !$ermilg whether.a proJect.wil compty witrr o"srg-n Cjida;L ; n il. i"i,#ii'tr,I propoml is not dearly indicated, Please suhmit three (3) coples of the maurials noted wirh an osterisk (*). **For intenbr converslons with no o<(q.rJor chanoes. the submlttal requtrements include a complete set of e'\lsung and proposed noor plans, a tne report, and wn'tten apprwit from a conoomlnaum association,hndlord, and joint owner, if ipplicable. Topographic survey:g yvet stamp and signature of a llcensed suryeyor A' Date of survey er North arrow and graphic barscale El- Scale of 1"=10' or !,=20)d Legat descrlpUon and physical address c- Lot size and bulldable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than4oVo,and floodplatn) E- Iles to existing benchmar( either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This informatiqn must be cleary stated on the survey d Property. boundartei fio the nearest-hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Dlstances and bearings and a basis of bearlng must be show6. ghsvv qtstini pins or monuments fiund and ttreir rctatrioniiip io- - the establlshed corner,er !h9w right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve inrormation.4r rndicate all easemenE identified on the subd-fision pht ino r"cora"o agiinst the prope6ry as indicated in the tifle reporL List any easement restrictions_Er feot Eler'atlbns at the edge of asphal! atong the street fionbge of the property at twenty-fi\re foot intewals (25'), and a minlmum of one spot Ile'ations on eithei side of the tot.e- Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals Page 3 of 7402107/02 5rr riqhhnq q tt-r'r" el ./u #9t9ZS9eeOe:3d trossv prJ€ sa | 66nH: ndzo: r : eo- t I -8 5rl Eristing kees or grouPs of trees having trunks with diameten of 4" or more, as measured from a /poJnt one foot above grade. fl*.:*1",0_t1lgs and other significant naturalfeatures (large boulders, tntermittent streams, etc.).ry All exsung tmprovements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc,).o Environmental Hazards (ie. rocldall, debni flow, avalanche, wetlandi,'floodpfiirn, sorfsliia, -C.Jq;c o Watercourse setback, if applica.ble (show cenGrflne ana eage oi suiam or creek in addiHon to the n ,muired stream or creak setback)ez Show_all ub]ity meGr locahbns, incl'ding any pedestals on site or ln the right-of-way adjacent ro the site. Exact tocation of existing utlllty sources and proposed service lines from th6r s'ource to the structure. Uullties to lndude: Cable W Sewer Gas ,/ Telephone Water Elecfrt e{ -/Size and type of drainage culverts, surales, etc,tr Adjacent ro.agways labeted and edge of asphalt for both sldes of the roadway shonrn for a mlntmum of 250' in either directon from property. !it"^.nd G_rading PIan: Att appt,aabt€ ;+ln^E inot,,rJrl .o Scale of 1,,=2Cf or larger B Propertyand setback lines a Existing and proposed easements o Existing and proposed grades o Bd*hg and proposed layout of bulldings and other structures Including dects, pagos, fences and walls. Indlete ttre foundadon wlth a dashed fine and the roof edge with a solid line.u flty:_=a -.f, ridge tines with proposed ridge elevations. tn?icate odsting and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This wiil be used to calculate buitdlng heiqht.tr Pmposed driveways, includlng percent slope and spot elevatlons at th-e property llne, garage slab and as necessary along the aenterline ofthe drveway to accurately reflect grade.o A 4'wide unheabd concreE pan at the edge of asphatt for diiveulays'tsrat o<tt the steet in an uphilt direcUon.o Locations of all utilities Includlng exlsting sources and proposed service llnes from sources tro the structures.tr Propos€d surfrce dratnage on and off€ite,o Locatlon of landscaped a1e"c.o Location of limits of dii*urbance fencino D Loetion of all requlred parktng spaces o Snow stofage al€as.o l-p9r.O dumpster locauon and detail of dumpster enclosur€,D Retaining walls with proposed elevadons at top and bottom of vrnlls. A dehiled cross-secton and elevation drawhgs.shall be provided 91-the plan or saparcte sheet. sbmped engtneerlng drawlngs are required for walls between 4, and 6, feet in heighL o Delineate areas to be phased and approprlaG Umlng, F applicable +la7"raa .la r.af ort r-andsapepfanr nlq AJo lun&apa adailians or CLvaaortA Daopo>sd U Scaleof 1"=20'orlargerS'fe is euiur,{l 4lan4eaooorJ | 'ct Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as ft{e site ptan.o Location of exlsting tr1es, 4" diameher or larger. Indicate trees to remaln, to be relocated (including new location), and !o be removed. Large sbnds of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the*rand is not belng affeded by the proposed impiovements and grading.EI hdicate all o<lsting ground cover and shrubs.o Detalled. legend llsting the type and size (eliper for deciduous trees, helght for contfen, gallon size for shrubs and height tor foundauon shruds) of all the existng and piopoieo ptant matenlaT tncluding ground cover.D Dellneate crltical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and consfucuon.0 tndicatethe location ofall proposed plantings. Page,t of tz/O}ll7llz 8r /9 #9r9Z9SeeOe:3d cossv pu€ set66nu1r'ldzO: I IEo-! !-e :Ihe locaJjon and type of e.xisting and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. Existing and proposed contour lines. Rehining walls shall be included with the top of urall and the botlom of wall elevations noted. Agghltectural Floor plans: 6 Scale of LfB" = 1' or larger; f4" is prefered f llyr,.plans of_the proposed developrnent dmwn to scle and fully dimensloned. Floor plans and _ building elevations must be drawn at the same sctlle.{, clealy Indicate on fte floor plans the lnside face of the exterior sfuctural unlls of the building.( labet floor plans to indicate ihe proposed floor area use (1.e. bedroom, kitchen, etc,).v one set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indlcaung how the gross resldential'flooiarea (GRFA) was calanlated. See Tiue 12, chapter 15 - Gross Residential Hoor lrea for rcgulations gy' Provlde dlmenslons ofall roofeaves and overhangs. Arclitechrral Elevations ;q/ Scale of /8" = 1' or larger; 1/4" is prefened e'- All elevatlons of the propos€d development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevauon drawlngs must show both o<istng and flnished grades. Floor plans a'nd buttdtng elevations must be drawn at the same scale.o If buildlng lbces are proposed at angles not represented well on the normal buildlng elevatr'ons, show these faces also,ff Elevatlons shall show proposed finished elerration of floors and roq6 on all levels,a All octerior mater'tals and aolom shail be specified on the elevations. 9-^The following shall be shown gmphically and fulty dimensioned; fascia, trim, ralfings, chlmney caps, meter locaUong and wlndow dehils. tr-'-_Show all proposed erterior llght-ng frxtures on the building, EL Illustrate all decks, porches and balconies.g'z'Indicate the roof and building drainage system (i.e, gutters and downspouts).tr {$iete all rooftop mechanical systems and all other toof sbuctures, ifapplliable. n I e- ozlllustrate proposed building ;height elevation on roof lines and riagei. fnese elevations should cootdlnate with the finished floor elevations and the daftm used for the suruey.o Hterior color and material samples shall be submitted to staff and presented at the Design Review Board meetlns' fr bLptu{!/it{d @. De-sig nRs tie->t,o.rd. rlrr*!]b*ia Ugh€ng Plan: S.u J"{httior *-\cv6.{i6,,',-g q"".J'c^*kq'-.rF . *- - --- 3>o Indicate type, loation and number of fixtures.ct Indude hetght above grade, lumens ouput, lumlnous area o Attach a cut sheet for each pruposed fxture. II. IMPR.OVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFTCATE (ILCI Once a bullding permlt has been issued, and construdion ts underraay, and before the Building Departnent will schedule a Framhg lnspectfon, two sples of an Improvement Locatlon cert'ficate survey (ILC) stamped by a reglstered professlonal engineer must be submitted. The foltowing information must be provided on the ILC:a Basls of bearing and b'e to sectlon corner o All property pins found or set cl Building location(s) wlth ries to property corners (ie, distances and angles)D Building dimensions, including decks and balconies, to the nearest tenth of a foot o Eulldtng and garage floor elerrations and all roof rldge and eave line elevatlons o All dralnage and utili$ service line as-builts, showing type of material, size and exact location o All easements Page 5 of l2l0Ll07l0\ er /9 #gr9z99geoa:ard aossv puB sal6Onu:ytduo: I :eo-rr-8 Buildinq Materials Roof €lding Other Wall Materials Fascia Sofflts Windows WindowTrim -Sh4*brrS Doors DoorTrim Hand or Deck Rafls PROPOSED MATERIA1S TyJre of Material Crrlo^TzJ Color L"dglfuar^rt* - . ,l l'rht&e- t rl la- _ A,art- B'r'lE,< n ln.. 4tear ilnt Ft tbL 77a.t (zr-r. Flues Flashing crhneys(l) Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Erterlor Ughfing Other Notes: Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chlp. Page 5 of 72102t0il02 W =,Ver.-nlo nla /* - '^t^- W;qatol ,q lq- &rg1d*J &rzJ^e:-r: I n la_ 8r /8 #srszss e€oe I 3d 3ossv puB setOOna:nd.Lo: r :go-r r-8 EXIStrING STTE I{' CARRENTLY TANDSCAPED. ANT DAMAGE DERII.NG FROM COTISTRUCNON ACITTlMFS VIIL BE REPAIRED, AND NO UIIER CIIANGES TO TTIE I.//JdDSCAP E ARE PROPOSED. 8J /e at ergzggegoE:cd coabv pue set 66nu:]rld/o:1 !eo-rr-s JIhAfl uana-prged body with synthettc rice paper leni. Lens Is burn proof, color fnst, rtgd. Depth 6.7 5" ( !$!l se descrtptton on page s. Wldth Dcpth 5.5', 6.5" s"9z99ESOe: ] ,orc a time when siars ln lantern light. 't',<i:'.,r ,'i,:.l. :'i.:".r,' nntsrns : l ].':;':;.1:: t .' ;f li : LAbefOn Base nade lron hand-forged r ^ x i/8" solid bar, copper roof. Te*ured glass lenses. Frosted glass dvallable. wldth Depth Ht. ivt. Bulbs 10.t6' Depth 8.5 " %ioArdt Hand-forged, rlveted ldntern wtth hdnd-btown glqss lens. Frosted gldss avallable. 21" 26 lbs Hr. Wt. Bulbs 20" 20 lbs I TYPe' 40w incandescent candle TYPe 4ow lncandescent candle 11. 12. qAfr 13. width 7" widrh tz" Ht. lArt. Bulbs 18" 7.5 lbs I Ht. Wt. Bulbs 25" lglbs I TYPe 4ow Incandescen r candle TyPe 40w incandescent candle Cd f,ossv p\re sat66nb:yldzo: !gr /L # ' Ordcr Numbcr: 02031318 SLIil;UUL!; A 1. Effcctlve date: Melr tr3, ?002 rb ?:45 A.M. 2. Policy or Policics to be issucd: Amouut of Insurrnce (a) A.L.T.A. Owner's (tr(t€na€d) $ elz,soo-oo Proposed Insured: ELLTZ ttlltlY PA8,15rEn9 rr, LLet A COLORADO Lltllll$ IJIABT&TTY COHPE$I (b) A-L.T.A.Inan (ctendrrd) koposed lnsurcd: (c) Leasehold Proposed lrsurcd: 3, The 6tate or intcrcst in the bnd doscribed or referred to in rhis Corrmitnent and covered herein is tee tl4tla 4. Tilte to rhe fee a{npt r estate or irrteresr in seid land is at thc effective date hereof vesfed iru DAI|ID ,t. S CFIIGAIBERGEA 5. The land refcrred ro in this iornmignenr is dcscrlbcd as follows: SBE AITACHBD frE€IL DEEGIP|OII Purtorb.d Addrece; STATEMENTOFCTIARGES 3?86 IruPrxE DRlltE Thcscc.hrrgosarcducaDdl,ayablebeforca uArrj. Co 8165? Policy can be irzued. PREMrglr thcrE-begu otuilERs! 51183.00 ?A!t CERTr 20.00 fos|n u0.l/otP 50.00. zIlEA 39Vd et ./ot #Itsa99eeoe I sz8slttEaE Ea:rT eaazftalea Cd cossV pue sa | 66nE: y{dzo: I : eo- t I -8 3ArrnDl(3snl Ordcr Numbcr: 02031318 SCE!.T'UL!; A zttsa 39vd el ,/tt # LEGAL DESCRIPNON Lot 6 BICTEORN 9OBDI1'I6ION SECOIID ADDITION according' to tbe recorded plat thcreof COINtrlY O' Ef,CIJE sTAtfE ol cotioRlDo rHIE COT6IA'XEN'T WAg ?RBPAT,ED ON ,iAT 30, 2002, FOR OUE6TIO![8 REGAnDTNe rt|:6 Colflr"tGrfl PlIB]nE CONTACT xRLANrr riAlre AT 1970')976-0230, FOR qnEarrong' REGltrDSne rlr5 cr,osl![e prnAllE co\TlAc![ rnr,ofi HoIETEAII, Egcnor otFrctR., r? (970)479-6010. Thli oomltrne!.b i6 a.at to 3 SEeph.a & l[a.rtha Blltz Davld SchD.gelbcrgcr BerC Cucnp E€w TrouC 9t9Z9SeAOe I 3ArlnDSx3gnl qTBCl.ElF.AF FA: TT FAAT.ftAtFA cd cossv puB satBonulytdzo: r lEo-!r-€ a Order Number 02031318 REQIJIREMENTS The following are rhe requiremcnts to bc complle<l wtth: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full considerarion for the cstate or intorest to be insrued. Item (b) Propcr irsmunent(s) creating the estate or inserest to bc insured must be cr(ecuted and duly filed for record, lo wit: 1. EeLdenc€ ssrli3laetoelu t6 stter!'ri Tltle (hraranty Coryany of Da:rmebe of all outsEandlng taxee and aareaaNnencg aa oerblfled by ehe Eagle Corurty lreaEuter. 2. E tccutlon of, af,f{davit a6 to Dcbt6 asd &iesp e-d iEs retrrtrl ro g?€wrat T{tlo Guaranty Conpan17. 3. trldetrce satlsfactosy to glewarg Tl-llc ouerenty coqraBy ttrat th,g real estlt€ trqnsfor ta* adeesEed by the Towu of, vail har been gald or that th€ traudaction ia ereryt frou eaial ta:a. { . Ercecution by the gol'l,e= (o) of the Af f idawlE lehtLnE co Surv.y ltettor. irr cor.uaction witb aubjecE proDerty. 5. R€treage btr the l\rblj-e Truetea of Eagle councy of tha De6d of frurt fron Davld J. sch!.9'.1bergcr for the use of An.rl,cr'a Wholcaalc Lender go aecure S21{ro0o.o0, dated Decesber 15, 1995, rcaosded Decesber ].E, 1990 as R€ceDtlon No. 5E0541. 6. Daed f,rom Davial iI. Scbncaelberg'er, woacl,ag fee eltqlle tLtla Lr Baltz Fanily Partners II, Utc, a Colorado llnlted liability c69aly. NOTE: ltoCATIOttl OF TEt l EeAt ADDRE66 OF THE GR,INTEE !dUST APPBAR OU tE DEED AS PBR 19?6 AlrB[DfErtT ?O sTATIXTE 0N REConDrNc| OF DEEDS CRg 39-35-109 (2). SCIIEDI'LE B Sestion I zr tga aefr.r at ,/zl #9t9Z99eeOe:?nT tnl?v?trnl czncTb, FaF tra : TT taa?. lia ltra 3d cossv pu9 sat66nElr\d/o: ! :so-! L-8 SectloD. 2 . Order Number: 02o3x.31s EXCEPTIONS The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions [o the following uless the same are disposcd of to the sarisfacrion of the Company: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession, no! shown by thc public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records- 3, Discrcpancics, conflics in boundary lines, shortagc in area, encxoachnenis, and any facts which a correct survey zurd irrspccion of rhc prcmises would disclosc and which aro not shown by the public records. 4. Any licn, or rigln to a lien, for services, labor or marcrial hcretofore or hereafter furuished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, enarmbrances, advorse claims or other matters, if any, ucatcd, fust appearing in the publio records or attaching subsequent ro rhe effeclive date hereof, but prior to lhe dale the proposed insurcd acquires of rccord for value the estatc or intcrcst or morrgage thereon covered by this commitment. 6. Unpatemed mining clains; reservations or excepEons in patents, or an act audrorizing the issuancc thcreof; water rights, claims or title to $ater, 7. Arry end all r:lpaid taxeg and aosess[entE aad any unrcdeemed cax Eal€6. E. The €lfecc ot lnctrual,ona ia uy g.n6rel or apeclElc wat€r coDgervaDcy, firs proteceioa, goLl cont€rvetion or oth.r dlgcftct or {nclugLon in any watar lervice or atreat l*trroweuent arcs- 9. Rac.t'vabions or €x6epei6nd !.n Patentse, or LD AcbE autbor{zJ,agr the issuansc thereof, :lncludlng the reservatlon of e right of way for .d{C€het or canels coBEEruc!€d by th6 urrthcriEy of th6 llnlted scaE.8, as leseweal la ttnlt€d staE.6 Patenl recorded Noveribes L7 , L9OZ Ln Book {8 at Page 492. 10. Reeervation o! 10 Dgrcent Don-partLcipatlng roltaL Ey in and to proceeda, derlved fron the gale of o1neralg, of t{hataoever hlnd atla neEur€, prodluced aod nlnedl fron aa:Ld preniaeer ac reaerrred tso 6ust Rlehtlper esd 8ve .f- Riapht Lpe€ by :lastrunsnb recorded Nov€rDber 2, L962 ln Book 166 tt Paga {0?, and any and aII asglgfiteabs thrno! or latcr€Et tshereia- 11- ntghE of tfay for eagemen! Eraated Eo ca8 Factllllqe, inc- r in Book 190 aE PaEe 405, ar R€eeption No. 101914. 12. TGEI|6, cogd:lELons, reselvqtioad, !6s!!dc!Lons end obllgations ag congaLued in Declaret:Lon of protectlva Covena.rtE fot the BiEhorn Subdiviaion recorded Decenber 20, Lg6z ln Bo<rk 174 at Eage 403 ar RccepEloIl No. 96856 aDd toeadneou lbersEo recorded SepE€Dbcr 19, tr953 Lrr Eook 1tS aC 9age 257 aE R.ccPst otr No. 97992. 13. Eagenenta, r€8tsaicc1on6 rnd rl.ghtB-of.{ry6 Eg 6ho$a oa the P].ac of Bighorn subdivision gteond .Ddd{tLon rceorded JvLy 22, 1953 rs PcceptLon No. 9770{- 14. Ubderground Rlght of Way EaEGnent gEanted t,o f,o1y crost Elecgrle Arsoclat{on, contslEuad on nexg Pag:€ zr/La fgvd ar /er #9''9ZSSAAOE: ?nT InStxtfrnl qzRcTb,/ FaF Fa:TT FAAT.lbq IFA 3d lossv pue saI6Enb:lldzo: r :go-|t-€ v cont lnua tl,on of, Schedul,€ E - Sectioa 2 osder Nuaber: 02031318 zl/8a 39vd 8l ,/rl # Iac., recorded SeDtenb et a7, 1990 in Eook 537 at lage 822 as RaciPtior No. {33974- NOBE: IttcEPrIoNs 1 .BND 4 lBovE WILL BE DELEIED ON fHE FINA! Ol{fi88,5 PODICV, pnovIDED BomE sELrrER (S ) ASID P1RCHASER (g) EXECTXTE rn3 IIEREIN RE9I'IRED lFPIDArrtrTg .}I[D 6AID AT'ID}VITS TRE T^PPROII@ BY TEE CO}TPAlry. EXCEPTI9N9 2 AlfD 3 I$ILIJ BE DELETED OX TEa SINlIr Ol{NBRg Polrrer }ROVIDED TEIA TIIE PRESENT OIn{ERS E (ECI'TE TIIE sT'R\TEY T''ID}VIT. EXCEPrION 5 tIr,D NOT AEPBAR olv TEE Oxl[IRrS PO&fCf' AND GAP lnoIEcIrIoN WILIr BE cR.trNIlm PROVIDED ltHAl 9T$0!46 TIILB OP EAOI,E eOmtTY PERroRus cr..osrNc DrsEnRsBtENrs IND RBCoRDTNGI or elr, Dog9!Erwr6. gEE nDISCLOSURES. TNCT,UDED UEREI|ITII. 9t9299e608: 3nrJ_nc3xfsnj c7,acT.tlF.aF. Fa:TT FAA7, ftA lF.g cd .ossv puq satBBnuiFldlo: I :eo-ll-8 zr/64 at /9r # DISCLOSURES hr$uatrt to C.R.S. 10-11-122, notice is bereby givcu that: (A) TTIE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY MAY BE LOCATBD IN A SPECIAL TNC\IG DISTRICT; (B) A CERTIFICATE OF TA)(ES DUE LISTING EACT{ TAXING ruRISDICTION SIIALL BE OBTAINED FROM THB COUNTY TREASI,JRER OR TTIE COTJNTY TR,EASI,RER'S AUTTIORIZED AGENT: (C) INFORMATION RBGARDING SPECI.AL DISTRICTS AND THE BOUNDARIES OF SUCH DTSTRICTS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, TTIE COUNTY CLBRK AND RECORDER, OR THE COUNTY ASSESSOR. Note: Colorado Division of Ilsurance Regulatiols 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Anicle VII requires that nBvery tltle eflrity shrll bc rcsponsible for all marcers which appcar of rccord prior n thc time of rccording wletrever the citle eatity conduos the closing md ie rcsponriblc for recording or fililg of legal docltments rcsulring from rhe transacrion which was closed. " Providcd rhat Srcwart Tide of Varl, Inc. coEducts tbe closiDg of the insured trausaction and is respoosiblc for recording thc legal documeuts from the ha$actiotr, exccptiotr Durnbet 5 qrill nor appeat on lhe Owner's Title Policy aod chc l-cndcr's Titlc Policy wbca issued' Note; Affiroativc Mechanic's Llen Protection for the Owrcr may be avaihble ftypicdly by deledoa of Exception No. 4 of Schedule B, SectioD 2 of lLc Cbrimirment ftom lhe Owner's Poliry ro be issued) upon complietrco with the following condirions: A. Tbe land describcd in Schcdulc A of this coronitmetrt musl be a single farnily rcsiilcnoc, which ' includes a condominiurn or towtrhouse unit. B. No labor or marerials havc becn fumished by mcchaaics or materialrnen for purposes of oonstruction on the land doscribed in Sohedulo A of thio Comirmcnt within the past 6 moutbs, C. Tbc Company musr receive an appropriate affidavit indennifying tho Coupany agaiust unfilcd meoharic's aud marorialmen's licns. D- the company must receive payrnear gf the appropriare premium. P. If rhcrc has beeu coD$ruction, improverneuts or major repairs urderteken on thc propcrry to bc purchased, withio six months prior to thc Date of the Corrnigneff, 6c requirencnts to obtaiD covcrsge for unrecorded liens will inclrrde: disclosurc of cerrain consmlcdon inbnnation; finaqcial iaformatiou gs ro fie seller, Oe builder andlor thc conrraoror; peyrnetrr of the appropriate premium; fully oxccutcd Indemniry sgream.nrs sarisfacrory to the company i aqd, any addirional rcquiremanrs as may bc necessary after an examination of the aforesaid informatioo by the Coqaoy. No coverago will bc given under any circumstances for Labbr or material for which rhe insured has coutracrcd for or agrccd to pay, NgTHING REREIN CONTATNED WILL DE DEEMED TO OELTGATE TEE COMPANY TO PROVIDE AJ{Y OF TgE COVERAGI'S REFERRED IlO IIERDIN UNI,ESS THE ABOVE CONDITIONS ARE IULLY SATISFTEI'. Ordcr No. 02031318 Dirclosurcs (YSDD) Rrv, 10/99 9t9Z99eeOe:?AT.l.nr:x?f;n I CZSqTD/NNF trA:TT FAA7, hB IF,A cossv pu9 so | 66na: yldzo i ! :eo-r r-B STEWART TITI.,E ARANTY COMPAIYY hivacy Notice PURPOSE O TIIIS NOTICE Titlc V of fte Gramm-Lcach-Elilqy Act (GLBA)prohibirs any finaacial institution, directly or tbrough abour you wi6 a nouatfrliatcd third pany unlesa the ard practices, such as tha type of information thar ir ro whom it Eay bc discloscd. In compliance with the its affiia[€sr froar slraring ooopublic pcrsonal institurion provides you with a notice of iu privacy collects about you and rhc caregories of persons or OLBA, we are providing you witl rhh documcnl, Stewart fifle Guaranty Cornpany. noriftes you of the privacy policics and precrioes o! We oay collect nonpublic personal iuformation about from rhe following sourccs: - Inforoadon we receive from you, such as oa or otlrcr forros. - Informatiou about your transadioss we recure frort files, or frou our affiliates or others. Iuformarion wc rcceivc from a consumer reponing atacy, lgformation thrt wc rcccive from others iavolved in yoUr traosectiou, rudr ar $e real esmle ageDc or leDd€f,, Unlcss it is spccifically staed orherwise il an anrcaded Privacy Policy Norioe, no additional nonPublic pctsorrl information will be collei:lcd about you. We may disclose alry of $c abovo information that we colleo about our cu8lomcrs or former customers to our affiliate.s or to loia.ffrliared third panlcs as ponuitted by law. Wc also may disclose rhic i1f6164i61 about our cusrotlcrs or formcr customen to the following t)?cs of nonaffiIared conpanies thar paforn ma*edng serviccs on our bchalf or with whom we have jotn uarketing agrcsEcnt9: -- Finarcial sowicc plovialcrs 6uch as comparics agagcd ia lrnking, cotlltuurr fina$ce" securltieo ald hgurancc, - Non-fnancial companlcs ruih as esvelope suffcrs and other ftlfilbneot Bervice Providers. WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY NONPTJBLIC PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU WIfiI ANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTBD BY LAW. Wc rcsnicr access to lospublic personal information about you to those employees who Deed to how that inforrnation |a order to providc products or smrices to you. Wc unidain physical, clcctronic, and proccdurd safeguards tbat compty whh fedcral rC3Ulalioos to guard your nonpublic pcrsonal inforoadon- Fltc No. 020!$18 6wrrt Ti& ol vrll, !rc, htvray Foltc? Nodc. Prrp l) n.v. 07ll00l ffm{t) zrlal B | /9 | qzFq ltl EaE Fa : T T traa7. lba lEa 3ossv puB salEEnB:YldZO: I :gO-l !-g 9t9Z99eeOE: 3AllnD3xtEnr z7/Tl 8l ./Lr STEWART TITLE OF VArL, INC. hivacy Policy Notice PT'RPOSE OF TIIIS NOTICE Title V of tle Oramm-I*ach-Bliley Aa (OLBA) gencrally prohibtts any financial insdn*ion, direcrly or through its aftiliares, ftom sharing noupublic personal informatiou about you ulith a nonaffiliatcd fiird pafly unlcss rho insrirurion provides you with a notice of ir privacy policles and practices. such as rhe type of ilformafion tbat it collecrs about you and the caregories of pcrsons or endrlcs to whom it may bc dieolosed, In coutpliancc with fie GLBA, we are providitrg you wirh this document, wbich no$fics you of ihc privacy pollcics and prauices of Stcwon fitlc of Vail, [nc. Wc nrry collecr uonpublic personal inforoation about you ftom the following sourccsl - Informarion we rcceive fTom you, sucb as ou epplicatious or olhcr forns. - Informarion about your nonssctions we sccurc from our ffles. or ft,om our afnliatcs or olhcrs. - lnformadou ute receive ftora a consumer reponing agency. - Informatioo rhar we receive from others iDvolved io your rarsaction, such as the real estate agent or lendcr. Unless il ls specifically stated otherwisc io an amcnded Privacy Policy Noticc, no additional nonpublic pcrsonal informatiou will bc colleocd about you. We mey disclose any of thc above infonner,ion thar t*e collcca about our custodDnr or fonner cusiolorrs to out affiliares or to noaafEliatcd ftird panies as pcrmitted by law. Wc also may disctrose rhir ioformation about our custoErerl or forocr costomcrs to the following types of uonaf8liared corqranies ihar perform merteting selvic€s otr our behalf or with whom we have joint markaing aglecmm$: - Flnanclal servicc providers sudr as c<rmpanies engagcd in benking, consumcr frnmce, securities and insurancc. - Nou{naacid companles such as envclope smffors rud orlrer fulfillme servicc providers- WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY NONPUtsLIC PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOTIT YOU WITII ANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE TTIAT IS NOT SPECTFTCALLY PERMITTBD BY I-AW. We rcsuict acce.ss ro nonpublic pcrsonal informatiou about you to thogc amFloyecs who necd to lflow &ar lnformariou iu ordcr to provide producrs or se icos ro you. We maintain physical, clcctronic, antl proccdural safeguards thar comply with federal rogulations to guard your norpublic Pcrsonel infotmarion. Ftlc No. @!l3lt snnan Tld. ol Vdlr ! a Llrrcy Polig Norloc (Dr& 2) Icr. 07ll0llt {Yf?lt ) 9?9Z9geEOA I 3n1lncf,€anr CZSST'ZEAE EN: TT EABZIbAIEB 3d Jossv pue so | 6AnE: ndao: ! : eo- | r -8 DISCU)STJRE OdcrNo.: 02031319 Tocoagtywlrh rhopovtslonr of C.R.S. lO-11-123, tcCd4ty nrtca6D follotuhgdicclocun: (r) Tlral &src It lrco[dcd cvi@oe &u a ulncral cstato ['3 lrcco wvcnd, lcalcd or otbar*iso cmrcyctl fiorn rhc rurfrpc csntc ad $rt &crc fu r $lbsEltid lilctihood lhrt e tLkd pary bolds somc or rll lntclcfi in oit, grs, o6er ninorrle, or gcolbts|ral cotltlt is tc pmPCrU; aod G) Ttrar nrdr mlncral cetca roey hcludc rhe right to oror end urc rhr proprmy without thc rurficc owlrf,s pcnrFslotr. Notc: n|.ih. d8lllt hlifliL.tvdLba Ddftt b,onnr OD|3CL'OOD qzFqltr8aE FA: TI EAAT.lnelEA cd sossv puB set o6nu3nd2. o: r leo-l !-€atftt 39vd et /er *er9z99eeo€::nIInD3X3gnl **+**,|+*t****************+******* *************'i**{.'}******************+t*+ +++++i*+****tt't't*** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 0&14-2003 at 09:42:11 08114/2003 Statement +*+ * * * * * ** ** ** * * * ** *:*** * ** ** l.* * ** * ** * * ***+ * ** * ++* * +++ ++++ +++++ +t**al*** ++ ** ** **** **** * * * *** * Statement Number: R030004492 Amount: $300.00 08/L4/2OO3O9:42 AM Palment Method: check Init: DF Notation: CHECK # 4399 DH RUGGIJES AIiID ASSOC Permit No: DR8030331 q4)e: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 210111101004 Site Address: 3786 LUPINE DR VAIL Location: 3786 LuDine Total Fees: $300.00 This Payment: $300.00 TotaL ALL Prntg: 9300.00 Balance: 50.00 ************ *************************+*+*++******t**************lt'i*t 't * * * * * * 'l * * * *,1* * * f ** +**** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Curnent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI.I FEES 300.00 t T T I I c&Ftecr, I I I t I t I I t o Ilenrr,'rrh |-ru l.rk (i,,'rttIrtri.rrl. Inc P O. Dran er 18d7 Sih cr thorne, Colorrdo ULl498 lhtue : 97tr-468-Itl89 Fa-r: 97tr-46E- 5 Er) 1 cluril: l-rpgc,,4@hngerrtct lr.conr I I I I I HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL March 20, 2003 Stephen and Mandy Balz c/o DH Ruggels and Associates Attention: Michelle Prescott 123 Madison Street, Suite 103 Denver. C.olorado 80206 Job No. 403ll4 Subject: Preliminary Geologic Site Assessnrent for Proposed Building Addition, 3786 Lupine Drive, Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. and Ms. Baltz: As requesfed, we have conducted a preliminary geologic site assessment for the proposed addition. The study was made to evaluate the project area geology and assess its potential influence on the proposed addition. A field reconnaissance of the project area was mde on March I l, 2003 to observe the geologic conditions. In addition, we reviewed relevant published reports and looked at aerial photographs. This report sunmarizes our observations and presents our conclusions and recommendations. PROFOSED DEVEI]OPMENT It is our understanding ttrat a 1,360 square foot addition will be made to the existing 920 square foot two story wood frame residence. The addition will be located along the west side of the existing building and the existing building will be renovated. The new building will be a three story wood frame strucfure. SIIE CONDITIONS The existing residence is located on lnt 6 of the Bighom SuMivision, Second Addition in east Vail. The triangular shaped lot covers about 0.6 acres and is located along the west side of the Lupirrc Drive cul{e-sac. The lot is at the base of tlrc steep north facing Gore Creek canyon side and trends about N 60' W in this part ofthe canyon. The average ground surface slope at the proposed addition site is nearly level. This nearly level slope transitions to a moderate Glenwood Springs 970-945-7988 . Parker 103-841-7119 o Coloraclo Springs 719-6\l-5562 T T I I T I I t I t T t I I I t I I I Stephenen and Mandy Baltz March20-2OO3 Page2 20% tn 25% slop in the southwestern part of the lot. About 160 feet to the southwest of the proposed addition site, ttre nroderate slope abruptly changes to a steep canyon side with an average slope of afuut70%. A pmminent sandstone and limestone cliff is present about midway up the steep canyon. The cliff is from 40 b 2m feet high and its base is located about 7fi) feet southwesl of the proposed addition site and about 450 feet higher in elevation. At ttre time of our field review in mid March, abut 2 n 3 fer.;t of snow covered the site. Residences are locared on most of the nearby lots. Vegetation on the steep canyon side between the lot and the base of the clitT is aspens and brush with some conifers. Conifers are locally present on the cliff ledges and a conifer forest is present on the canyon side above the cliffs. large sandstone and limestone blocks are present on ttrc lot. GEOIJOGIC SETTING The upper Gore Creek canyon in the project area is located on a strucurral platform between the Sawach Range anticline to the west and the Precambrian core of the Gore Range to the east. Both are first order regional geologic structures that developed during the Laramide orogeny about 40 to 70 million years ago. The northwest trending Gore Range fault zone is locared abut one miles to the northeast of the project site and sepamtes the Precambrian crystalline rocks in the core of the Gore Range from the Paleozoic sedimentary rocks in the struchrral platform. Regional geologic mapping shows that formation rock below the canyon side in the project area is the Pennsylvanian age Minnrrn Formation (Tweto and hvering, 1977)- Ttrc Mintum is an interbedded conglonrerarc, sandstone ud shale with some beds of limestone and dolomite. Bedding in the project area strikes to the northeast and has dips between 5" to 15" to tlte southeast (Tweto ard llvering, 1977). The Gore Range fault zone may have been active since the kramide orogeny but it is not considered to have been active during the Quatemary, within ttp pas 1.3 million years (Widmarn and Others, 198). The closest fault zone with known or zuspected post-glacial activity, rnovement younger ttnn about 15,000 years, is the Williams Fork Mountain fault that is located about 20 miles to tlp northeast (Widmann and Others, 1998). The upper Gore Creek canyon in the project arql w:rs 403 t14 Gg&ect1 I I Stephenen and Mandy Baltz I March20,2ffi3 I Page3 t occupied by valley glaciers several times during the middle and late Pleistocene. Till r associated with the valley glaciers is present in the area, but the zurhcial soil deposits on the I lot and canyon side to tlre southwest are post-glacial stream alluvium and colluvium. Several I large sandstone and limestone blocks are present on the lot. These blocks are from the cliff to the southwest. I GEOLOGIC SIIE ASSESSMENT I There are several conditions of a geologic nanrre ttnt will have a significant impact on the I I proposed addition and should be considered in project feasibility evaluations and design. The proposed addition is within potential rockfall, debris avalanche and snow avalanche llerzard I zones (Town of Vail, 2000a, 2m0b ard 2000c). The geologic conditions that should be ' considered and tlrcir potential risks to tte proposed development are described below. An I assessment of possible mitigation corrcepts is presented in the following Mitigation Concepts r section ofthis report. t Rockfalh large sandstone and lirnestone rockfall blocks ttrat origiruted on the cliff to the I **t-* are present on [.ot 6 and to ttre northea* of Lot 6. This indicates that lrt 6 is in the I rockfall runout zone for several rockfalls that have occuned in post-glacial tirne, about the past 15.000 vears. Rockfall blocks in the area have maximum dimensions between about 5 arfr l7 I feet and have estimared weights between about 9 ard 165 tons. To our krnwledge, historic rockfalls have rnt occurred on tle lot, but historic rockfalls have occurred on the northem I Gore Creek canyon side in the Booth Creek area. The Booth Creek area has a similar geologic I setting as the project site. We concur with the regional rockfall map that shows the proposed I addition site on Lot 6 is in a high severity rockfall hazard area (Schmueser and Associates, - 1984). In our opinion, rockfall is a geologically active process in ttre project area. However, I without long-term observations, that are currently not available, it is rnt possible to develop r rigorous recurrence probabilities for future rockfall at the project site. Rockfall appears to be r infiequent and may have recurrerrce probabilities greater than 100 years. Although I | 4$t4 I GA&ed1 ARCHITECTS D. H. RUGGLES & ASSOCIATES I23 MADISON STREET. SUITE IO3 D ENVER, COLORADO 80206.5,1I7 ITLEPHONE 303 355 2460 F'ACSTMILE 303 355,2546 A PROr'l \\roNAL CORPOI^r InN 8 August, 2003 WARRENCAMPBELL TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: BALTZ RESIDENCE IMPROVEMENTS. Lot 6. Bighorn 2"d Addition Mr. Campbell, Enclosed please find our submission for an addition/remodel for the above-referenced property. We have reviewed your comments from your initial review and addressed them in the submission. Regarding the required parking spaces, we have provided 3 spaces in the garage and 2 on the drive, for a total of 5 spaces. All disturbed landscape will be returned to it's present condition, and no changes to the existing foliage are proposed. There are wetlands to the West of the existing structurg however the proposed improvements are no closer to the wetlands than the existing structure. Therefore, no additional wetlands report has been included. Thank you foryour consideration ofthis submission. Please do not hesitate to contact us . t I I I T I I I t I I t I I I I t I I Stephenen and Mandy Baltz lcldar.ch20,2003 Page 4 infrequent, if rockfall of the sizes that have occurred in post-glacial times were to rcach the proposed addition it would likely rezult in severe damage and may harm tlte building occupants. If this risk is not accepable then tle feasibility of rockfall mitigation $ould be considered. Construction of the addition as proposed should not increase the existing rockfall risk to nearby property ad existing frcilities. Debris Avalarche Rapid nclting of a unusrally heavy snwpack in May 1!$4 produced thirty-eight soil slip failures in the Vail area on slopes steeper than about 58% (Mears, 1984). These soil slip failures werc typically 2 to 5 fd deep and many produced debris avdanches with estimated velocities between m afi 30 rnph. The 1984 debris avalarrches typically did not travel very far in the runout zone where the seep c:tnyon side transitions to the rnoderafe slope rrcar tlrc canyon floor. Debris avalarrches did not occur at the pmject site in 1984 but the geologic setting is similar to the 1984 debris avalanche areas. We corrcur with the prwious rqgional debris avalarphe map that irdicates the runout limit of pot€ntial &bris avalanches on t,ot 6 is near the southem wall of the proposed addition (Mears, 1984)- In cxrr opinion, debris avalarrche is an active geologic prccess on ttre seep canyon side o tlre soutlwest of Lrt 6. The available information indicates that infrquent combinations of snwpack and ryring time tenperature trends or deep infrltration of rain associated with unusrally intense thurderstorms are required to produce debris avalarrctres in westem Colorado. However, wittmt lottg-term observations, that are cunently not available, it is not possible to develop rigorous recurrence pmbabilities for debris avalarrche at the pro.iect site. Although infiequent, if a &bris avalarrlp typicd of dnse that occurred in 1984 were to reach the proposed addition it would likely rezult in severc damage and may harm the building occupants. If this risk is not acceptable tfpn *p feasibility of debris avalanche mitigation should be considercd. C-onsrucdon of the addition as proposed stmld mt irrcrease the exising debris avalarrche risk to nearty properry and existing facilities. Snow Avalanche Ttre sfie€p lower canyon side betwen l-ot 6 and the sadstorc and limestone cliff is steep enough to produce small snow avalarrches that could potentially corld 403 tl4 Gsted1 t t I I I T I I I T I I T I t t t I I Stephenen and Mandy Battz March 20,2A03 P4ge 5 reach the proposed addition. Srnall snow avalmches ttrat could rerch the addition site likely have statistical recurrertoe probabilities benreen 30 ard 100 yean. They have tle potential for damaging the building and could harm the building occupants. If this risk is mt rceptable then it should be possible to mitigate ttrc potential slow avalanche risk. Construction of the addition as proposed strould not ircrcase the existing snow avalanche risk to nearby property and existing frcilities. Formdatbn Beerine C-mditilss The on-site colluvium ard strearn alluvium should be suitable bearing marcrials for spread footing fourdation systerns. Fourdation design criteria should be develo@ base on a site ryecific soil and foundation sudy. Coffiln Rdated $ope Instabilitv: As presently planned the proposed addition should not rcquire extensive site grading on ste@ slopes. We do mt anticipate slope sability problems, however a geotechnical engirrcer stnuld rwiew the proposed grading at the tirne of site specific soil and foundations snrdies. Earthmhe Cosideratfrms: The project area could experierre eartfquake rclated ground shaking. Modified Mercalli Int€nsity VI ground shaking should be expected during a reasonable exposure time for the ddition, but tlr prohbility for stronger gmud shaking is low. Intensity VI ground shaking is felt by most people and causes general darm, but resrlts in rrcgligible daruge to stnrctur€s of good design ard consnrction. The addition stnuld be desigrcd to withstand rnderately stmng ground straking with little or m damage and not to collapse under sronger groud $aking. The region is in the Uniform Building C-ode, Seismic Risk Zore l. Based on our current understanding oftlrc earthquake potential in this part of Colorado, we see rc rcason to increase the comnronly *cqtrd seisrnic risk zorp for tlp area. 403 tt4 G5&ech I t I t I T I I I I t I I I I I I T I Stephenen and Mandy Baltz March20,2003 Page 6 MTTIGATION CONCEPTS If the potential risks associared with rockfall, debris avalarche ard snow avalarphe are not acceptable then the feasibility of mitigation slmuld be considered. Additional sftdies will be needed to evaluate the site ryecific dynamic clnrrcter of the design rockfall, debris avalanche and snow avalanche. It may be possible to locate a residential building at an dt€mative site in the northern part of Lot 6 ttnt is beyond the design runout ofdebris avalanche and snow avalurche but this will rct be possible for rockfall because the runout limit extends beyord the lot. Bocause of the relatively high kinetic energy that is expected be associated with rockfall and debris avalanche, direct building prof€ction by reinforcing the building walls will probably not be a feasible mitigation method at the proposd addition site. Direct building protection for snow avalanche will probably be feasible. Further sfidies will likely show that rockfall and debris avalarrche mitigation will require a massive carching ard errcrgy dissipation structurc independent of the building for a residence at the proposed addition site. Mechanically stabilized earth walls, earth embanknrents and high capacity cable fences have been used in western Colorado as catching ard energy dissiparion structures. The dynamic character of the design rockfall will likely goyem the design of a carching and ernrgy dissipation structure at the proposed addition site. The structrre stpuld be located to protect both the south and west sides of the addition. LIMITATION This study was conducted according o generally accepted engineering geologl principles and prrctices in this arca, at this time. We make rc warranty either express or implied. Ttrc conclusions ud recomnpndations srbmittod in tlds report are based on our field obeervations, aerial photogrqh interpretations and our elperience in the area. This report has been pr€pared exclusively for our client and is a preliminary evaluation of the potential influence of the geology on the proposed development. The information is suitable for prcliminary planning. 403 tt4 Gd&ecfr t t I I Stephenen and Mandy Battz Mar.ch2Q2C{J.3 PageT We are not responsible for technical interpretations by others of our information. Additional studies will be need€d to evaluate the feasibility of rockfall, debris avalanche and srrow avalanche mitiguion if the risks associated with ttrcse potential lrazards is mt acceptable. Soil and fourdations studies will be rpedd to provide foundation design criteria. Respectfu lly s.rbmitted, HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Ralph G. Mock Engineering Geologist Reviewed by: Ronald J. Uhle, P.E. RGM/ro 403 tt4 Gd&ec*1 I T I T t I I I I I I t T T I I T I I Stephenen ad Mandy Baltz l&darch20,2@3 Page 8 RET'ERENCT^S Mears, A. I., 1984, Ddris-Flow atd Debris-Avalanclu Haztrd Analysis.'PI€pard for the Town of Vail, C-olorado (November, 1984). Schmueser ard Associates, 1984, Rac$all Study - Towt of Vail: Preparcd for tle Town of Vail (November 29, lg8/.). Towrr of Vail, 2ff&, Official Rockfall Hazard Mry, Town of Vail: Prcpared by the Town of Vail, Vail, Colorado (Adopted by the Town C-ourrcil on Ocober 17,20[0). Town of Vail, ZXX)b, Official Debris Flow Hazard M4, Town of Vail: Preparcd by the Town of Vail, Vail, C-olordo (Adopted by the Town C.ourrcil on October l7,z0xlJl. Town of Vail, 2(Xm, Official Avalarhe Hazerd MT, Town of Vail: Prepared by the Town of Vail, Vail, Colorado (Adopted by the Towrr Courrcil on October 17,?ffi). Tweto, O., ad hvering, T-,lnl, C*nlogy Mq of tlu Miuwn ls-Mirute Wmngle, fugle atd Sunanit C;ottnties, Colorado: U. S. Geological Survey Pmfessional Paper 965. Widmarm B. L. ard Otlrcrs, 1998, Preliminary Quaenary Fa.lt arrd FoU Mq arrd Dara tuse of Colordo.'C.olorado Geological Suwey Open File R€port 98-8. 403lt4 G$iedl Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.yail.co.us August 21,2003 D.H. Ruggles and Associates c/o Donald Ruggles 123 Madison St., Suite 103 Denver, CO 80206 Re: Baltz Residence Final Review Submittal/Lot 6, Bighorn 2nd Addition Mr. Ruggles, This letter is being sent to inform you of several comments and question the staff has regarding your submittal for final review. The follow comments should be addressed in the resubmitted materials for your final design review. . Provide a landscape plan. ldentify trees which will be removed clearly. Please include a table identifying plant species, size, and quantity of plants to be installed.o ls the drive-way proposed to be heated? lf so, where is boiler?o Please provide a materials samples board.. Please provide a plan with the roof plan overlaid on a contour plan with ridge line elevations identified in order for staff to verify height.o Prior to the meeting the site should be staked to identify the location of the proposed addition and driveway. Public Works Comments staff believes there are there wetlands on north side of the lot. please provide a wetlands approval report. As shown on site plan the new driveway grade exceeds Town of Vail standards. The first 10 feet of driveway must be at Boh. please adjust and revise. Show spot grade elevation at centerline of driveway beginning at the existing concrete pan at the cul-de-sac at 20{oot intervals. Adjust the limits of disturbance fence to include all disturbed areas including the existing driveway which will be removed and re-vegetated. {p un"uor^"o I' . Show on the site plan some form of erosion control on the concrete pan near the catch basin on the cul-de-sac.. Keep in mind that Lupine Drive has a 5 year street cut moratorium which prohibits the opening of the street to extend utilities and any other items. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 970-479-2148. For questions regarding Public Works comments please contact Leonard Sandoval at 970-479-2198. At the time of writing this letter Fire Department comments had not yet been received. Their comments will come as soon as I receive them. I will be out of the office until Tuesday August 26, 2003 and wanted to get you these comments quickly so you could work on revisions. In order to remain on the September 3, 2003 Design Review Board agenda revised plans addressing all the concerns listed above satisfactorily need to be received in the Community Development office no later that 4:00 p.m. on August 29, 2003 With regards, Warren Campbell Planner ll Cc: File FAX-TRAN'SMITTAL t ARCHITECTS D.II. RUGGLES AIID ASSOCIATES I23 MADISON STREET. SI.]ITE IO3 DENVE& COLORADO 80206-5417 TELEPHONE 303 355-2460 FACSTMILE 303 355-2546 A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION To: ATTN: Warren Campbell Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-21n fax:970479-2452 Date: August & 2003 Subject: Baltz Residence Hi Warren, Drawinge included this submittal: -Site plan -Floor plans -Elevations -First floor electrical plan -Landscape plan Response to your letter dated August 21,2fl)3: 1. See attached Landscape plan 2. We do not propose to heat the driveway 3. Materials board to follow 4. See attached site plan with roof plan overlay and ridge elevations 5. The site is staked Public works commente: 1. We will not be disturbing wetlands on site (RE: site plan general notes) 2. Drive has been revised to accommodate town of Vail standards 3. Spot grades provided on Site Plan 4. Disturbance fence has been adjusted 5. Erosion control shown on site plan and attached 8.5x11 detail (hgure C-27) 6. We are not extending any utilities Reeponse to your letter dated September 24, 2{D3 1. Exterior lighting shown on Electrical plans 2. We will count the square footage in crawl space but structurally we need to build up earth on South side of crawl space to help support foundation wall. Crawl space will slope down from South to North. Please let me know if you require further information. Thanks, Ray Terrell D.H. Ruggles and Associates rl@dhruseles.com Sent Byr ZPi 3034553708; Aug-26-03 9:51AM;Page 3/4 CONSTRUCTTON BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES DRATNAGE CR|TER|A MANTTAL (v. 3) w 4.0' 3ll-hcn eravgl 'U,|.irrch mlsh or bu.bp ".-a I 30" I9IE9. 1) Socks will be used upgradient ot inlBl p€rp€ndicular to and flush with curb. 2) No less than two lo-inch diamoter socks must b6 used in sequenc€. spaccd no mor€ thao ' .five feel apart, upgradi€rl ol irtet. No l€ss than six socks sf|alt be us€d if lhe 4-inch sock sizo is choa€n. 3) lndine at 30 d€grees from porperdicular, opposit€ the direc-tlon of florv (6o6 Dabit 2). 4) Erosion conttol measures shall be mainlained at all times as directed by tho local Frisdiclion- D€tails based on those provided to District by City of Lakewood, Cokrado FIGURE C-27 Inlet Protection - Curb Sock c-68 9-1-99 Urban Drainage and Flood Control Disfrict Detail 2 Department of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us September 24,2003 D.H. Ruggles and Associates c/o Donald Ruggles 123 Madison St., Suite 103 Denver, CO 80206 Re: Baltz Residence Final Review Submittal/Lot 6, Bighorn 2nd Addition Mr. Ruggles, This letter is being sent to summarize several phone calls made to your staff yesterday regarding some additional review comments. The follow comments should be addressed in the resubmitted materials for your final design review. . Provide an exterior lighting plan and cut sheet for all proposed fixtures. The Code allows for a maximum of one exterior light for every 1,000 square feet of lot area. Your lot is 24,990 square feet therefore you are eligible to utilize 24 exterior lights.. In addition, please provide a revised sheet A1 which clearly identifies the space adjacent to the mudroom as either crawlspace or livable space. Please show how the area is accessed. lf it is decided it is crawlspace access must be through a door measuring not more than 12 square feet in area and have a height of five feet or less as measured from the surface of the earth to the bottom of the structural floor members above. Please see attached copy of Section 12- 15-341 c, Vail Town Code, which discusses crawlspaces. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 970-479-2148. In order to be placed on the October 1,2003 Design Review Board agenda revised plans addressing all lhe concerns listed above and in the letter dated August 20, 2003 need to be received in the Community Development office no later that 12:00 p.m. on September 26, 2003. With regards, Lr I ,I f ll lll 'it)aarunUn\dl.tr Warren Campb6ll Planner ll Cc: File {S ,""r"uo rnr"" 12-15-3 c. Crawlspaces accessible through an opening not greater than twelve (12) square feet in area, with tive feet (5') or less of ,ceiling height, as mea- sured from the surface of the earth to the underside of structu ral floor mem- bers of the floor/ceiling assembly aDove. d. Roofed or covered deck, porch- es, terraces, patios or similar features or spaces with no more than three (3) exlerior walls and a minimum opening of not less than twenty five percent (25%) ot the lineal perimeter of the area of said deck, porch, terrace, patio, or similar feature or space, provided the opening is contiguous and fully open from floor to ceiling with an allowance for a railing of up to three feet (3') in height. 2.Multiple-Family Structures: Within buildings containing more than two (2) allowable dwellings or accommodation units, the following additional areas shall be excluded from calculation as GRFA. GRFA shall be calculated by measuring the total square footage of a building as set forth herein. Exclud- ed areas as set forth shall then be deducted from the total souare foot- age: a. Enclosed garages to accommo- date on site parking requirements. b. All or part of the following spac- es, provided such spaces are common spaces: (1) Common hallways, stairways, elevator shafts and air locks. (2) Common lobby areas. 1 2-15-3 (3) Common enclosed recreation f acilities, (4) Common heating, cooling or ventilation systems, solar rock storage areas, or other mechani- cal systems. (5) Common closet and storage areas, providing access to such areas is from common hallwavs onry. (6) Meeting and convention facil- itiae (7) Office space, provided such space is used exclusively for the management and operation of on site facilities. (8) Floor area to be used in a type lll "employee housing unit (EHU)'as defined and restricted by chapter 13 of this title. c. All or part of an air lock within an accommodation or dwelling unit not exceeding a maximum of twenty five (25) square feet, providing such unit has direct access to the outdoors, d. Overlapping stairways within an accommodation unit or dwelling unit shall only be counted at the lowest level. e. Attic space with a ceiling height of five feet (5') or less, as measured from the top side of the structural members of the tloor to the underside of the structural members of the roof directly above. Attic areas created by conslruction of a roof with truss type members will be excluded from calcu- lation as GRFA, provided the trusses { oecember 2001 Town of Voil 9-26-03; a:O2AM;Rugg I es Assoc Pc ;3033552546 o # 1/ 3 I ARCHITECTS D TI. RUGGLES & ASSOCIATES t23 MADISON STREET. SUITE I03 DENVBR, COLORADO 80206.54r7 TELEPHONB 303 355-2460 FACSIMTLE s03 3s5-2516 /l Plot!ttroxaL corPorarroil FEraaBal AHBltcar rxrrttlJlt oF Atcr|lrsctS 9/26/03 WARREN CAI{PBELL TOWN OFVAIL Warren, we sent the Baltz package out to you via FED-EX yesterday, so you should be receiving it shortly if you haven't already gotten it. I however, neglected to put the ctrt sheets in for exterior light ft<tures. I had sent you one clt sheet with our final susmission, however because ofstyle consideratious, the choice has changed and those cut sheets follow. There will be five hich are wall rrormts, and one (1) "Westmoreland" style lamp, which will in front ofthe entrance. Please disregard the original cut sheet ordining the Cnace and Gratram Fixture. We look forward to hearing from you.Please contact me should you requirc anything firrther. 9-26-o3; 8:o2AM;Flugg les 9n * 2/ 3 rvet-location labels; all other fixtures in this collection are supplied with damp-location labels. Like all of our ffxtures, our ourdoor lighting is made from the same materials as the originals. Our casr.iron fixtures have the same snengths and weaknesses as the originals. They are extremely durable and heavy. However, they are susceptible to rust unless they are kepr well painted. In addition, large cast iron lighrs (e.g., Portland) will require solid backing, whether wood or masonry, rhat can witl,stand their subsantial weight. Despite iB recent popularity, we don't recommend lac, quered polGhed brass for outdoor fixnues. No matter what kind of protective coating is applied, any polished bras fix. ture exposed to the elemene will, in a few years, require refinishing. More appropriarc finishes include verde anrique, motded bras, bumished or mare arrtique brass, bla& enamel, and unlacquered polished bras. Unlacquered polished brass will eventually develop a dark patina (or heavy ramish, depending on your point of view) when insmlled ourdoors. Any bras fixture exposed to the ourdoo$ rnay eventually pit, a normal and not easily avoided phenomenon. ;3033552546 he fixtures in this collection are de.signed for out- door use. Of course, they can be gsed indoors too. Most sryles (wirh the exceprion of the cast.iron fixtures) were originally used in entries, hallways, and thloughout the house. I Rejuvenarion's collection of outdoor fixtures conrains a r,lariety of handsome, documented reproducdons *rat will add an authenric touch to late l9rh..century and early 20th, century homes and buildings. Included are ftxturu appro- priate for Lare Mctorians, Colonial Revivals, Craftsman homes, as well as Tirdors and other Neo-Clarsic homes. Howqver, if for you authenticity is second to style, check out tl|e Arts &. Gafts inspired designs manufactured by 4r"Vt Gaftsman (pages 7 5-?7 ). I P\ase note in rhe fixture specificatioru that some of the fixtures are supplted widr U.L. wer,location labels. Codes typically require that ftxtures for porches or under eaves have a "damp location" label, and that fixtures completely exposed to the weather have a "wet location,' label. The specifications note which wall ffxrures are supplied with I So nany fuoacs naih ooervzs twnll. tu Yovrs olehi$ qluliry.a ort4zi^gb iwxpmsjvc! Rguvq.don c Parrrr Vadclh, Hawthome An Glzus Crafwnan Ia ntan P endant ModelC2Z2 MAX. VATTACE 150 Suppliod with solid.bras duin. Stoun in brulud bras fnisl, lrrlr End. af-tlu-p6j ntful oorOOO DIAIdE,rER ROOT t?' ll'xl?. STAND{RD MIN. CIIUNC LE.|OT}I I^E.IGI]{ OTNOPY zl. tf S-26-03; B: O2AM; Rueg les an Assoc PC Port Orford Mission l-stcrn Braclcet, Model V666 VAI'L PRO]ECTION ROOS HEIOHT CANOPY 12' E rE tt" i-Ln' Sioo,n m nouLd har ltnisi, raidr gold.urlrie on glas. Butptle nd I've seat and I'oehn|lc,l. lust hur,p ut d" g*d Wshyou/lrd' a swre in Seatfu.' 8ob &.l,.di. Hsyton lorhell, Vuhlngon ;3o33552546 # 3/ 3 Rainier Mission l-dntern Br odqt Model W333 Crdtnran l-avn Bracl<zt Model \7304 rRoJtcltoN HErGrfI l0' lt'PROTECTTON 8. WTDTH HUIOH I'VIIITH .o- MAXIMUM ,IVATTAGE t00 VAIICANOfY MAX. VArIAGE ,tlr: 100 SL^,,1 1" r,4* ^W h""n"rrl] rf,f. elat ftrl,ed, fizss. WAIICA}.IOIY . MA,( WArIAGE q.ll1'rf"tlZ" l0l) Slrourn /inirlud in blacl awnct, wirt g&.vhiu an fiass, Aurora Art-Glas Mrssio n Wall Braclcct Model V757 tRorEclloN l0 T/AII. C,ANO?| MAX VATTACE 5-tft' tm Shoun in pohlrzd lrass finish, lilth rrr;aliul-afi- rl/riucrte|all' MAX VA'I-IAGE 150 i il I I I ,i ll li li ti i ll l! I L I I. t HUGHT VIUI}I l0e Whitman oooOOO Art-CLss Musion Lantem Prrldrotrt Modcl C607 STANDARD MIN. CEIUNO DIAMEIER ROOF I.B{CTH . LB{GIH CANOTT 12' SrE X4' 16' S.ilX I -i-.- - Shoun in wde ard4ue ffi, uth coarcl.wd+hiu nt fizss, PRIGS ON PAGES 4{,{6 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us October 7,2003 D.H. Ruggles and Associates c/o Donald Ruggles 123 Madison St., Suite 103 Denver, CO 80206 Re: Baltz Residence Final Review Submittal/Lot 6, Bighorn 2nd Addition Mr. Ruggles, This letter is being sent to summarize the comments of the Design Review Board and staff at the October 1, 2003, meeting regarding your proposed addition and remodel to the Baltz residence. The follow comments should be addressed in the resubmitted materials for your final design review.. The landscape plan shall be revised to relocale the two evergreen trees lOcaled within the snow storage area to a new location. The Code does nol allow for landscaping to be located in areas of snow storage.. Staff has learned of your desire to create a lock-off unit within the Baltz residence. Stalf was not initially aware of this desire which raises some issue with what is permitted under the Code. Your zone district does provide for two dwelling units. However, the Code, in Section 12-2, defines a dwelling unit as: Any room or group of rooms in a twoJamily or multiple-family building wiin Xircnen facilities designed for or used by one family as and i ndepe nde nt housekeepi ng u n it. The Code, in Section 12-2, further defines the delinition of a kitchen facility as: Firtures and equipment for food storage and preparation of meals, inctuding a sink, stove, and refrigeration and food storage facilities. In summary, what these definitions require is if you wish to have two complete kitchens then you must establish two independent housekeeping units (dwelling units) with a iarty wall and no interior connection. Through discussions with Ray, the reprdseniative present at the October 18t meeting, I gatherethat your clients only'wished to have a lock-otf unit when guest were visiting. The Code does provide for the installation of a kitchenette within a lock-off unit. The Gode, in Section 12-2. defines a kitchenette as: A room containing not less than the following fixtures and appliances: a microwave oven and/or @oking surface, sink, and refrigerator. This definition allows you to have two of the three items defined as making a kitchen facility with the third being a microwave or a hot plate. Previous {S*nnuor "o .rl applicants have installed a refrigerator and sink and establish a '\,t/et baf'with either a microwave or a hot plate for a cooking service. I was informed that the kilchen on the lower level currently exists and was asked if it could remain. Staff has researched the legal file for your property here in our otfice and found no previouS approval for the second kitchen. However, the substantial nature of your remodel and addition requires the home to come into compliance with current regulations established by the Town of Vail Zoning Code. Your options are lo creale an independent housekeeping unit or remove the stove from the second kitchen and create a kitchenette. Please revise your plans to comply with one of the options.. The Board stated that they would like to see more articulation ol materials on the east elevation. In addition, they suggested ihe addition of a bedroom window on upper story.. The dormers above the garage should be aligned with the windows below. In addition, the size of the dormers should be examined and possibly increased in size or a third dormer added. Also examine the detailing of the dormers the window sizes appear to be small.. The lock-otf entrance needs to be reworked. The porch leading to the door should be more substantial not 4x4 posts. The roof above the entrance should be lowered and architecturally compatible with the high-level of improvements proposed,. The main entrance should be more grand and deserving of the high quality addition and renovation of the house. Possibly re-orient it towards lhe driveway court. The Board believes it is a mistake to leave it where I is just because it is there currently.o The windows on the south elevation need to be more complimentary to the other windows in the room. They should be more vertical than horizontal in nature.. Look at incorporating stone as a dominant feature in more locations on the home in addition to the chimney.r The design has brackets scattered around the house. The Board felt that a bracket would be appropriate above the main entry to support the cantilevered roof struclure.. The Board suggested that a ditferent color of stucco be utilized above the stone water cours€. Please submit a sample if you choose to follow this suggestion. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter pfease contact me at 970-479-2148. In order to be placed on the October 15, 2003 Design Review Board agenda revised plans addressing all the concerns listed above need to be received in the Gommunity Development office no later that 12:00 p.m. on October 13, 2003. You need only submit two copies of each page you make changes to regarding the above comments. With regards, .. | ,,,li I l , t' lfl:'Wt r,\\ruN Lr*$tAl, Warren Campbell I Planner ll Cc:File :tt. FAX.TRANSMITTAL o ARCHITECTS D.H. RUGGLES ATID ASSOCIATES I23 MADISON STREET, SIJITE IO3 DENVER, COLORADO 80206-54 l7 TELEPHONE 303 355.2460 FACSIMILE 303 355-2546 A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION To: ATTN: Warren Campbell Departnnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970479-21fi fax:970479-2452 Date: October 24,2ffi Subiect: Baltz Residence Hi Warren, Drawings included this eubnittal: -Site plan -Floor plans -Elevations Reponse to your letter dated October Z 2m3: 1. Don will bring the landscape plan to your office Wednesday October 29th 2. We have removed the stove from the downstairs 3. We have reworked the east elevation to show more articulation per the boards request 4. We have added one additional dormer above the garage and aligned them with the windows below 5. We have completely re-worked the east entrance (re: #3) 6. We have added a stone and sfucco entrance porch (re: elevations) 7. The windows at the south have been changed 8. We have incorporated more stone into the mtry porch 9. The brackets on the house occur consistmtly at all gabbd ends and above the garage doore to support the overhang. 10. We will use one shade of sfucco darker for the base coarse. Please let me know if you require further inlormation. Thanls, RayTernll D.H. Ruggles and Associates rl@dhruesles.com D epartment of C ommun i ty Deve lop ment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us November 11, 2003 D.H. Ruggles and Associates c/o Donald Ruggles 123 Madison St., Suite 103 Denver, CO 80206 Re: Baltz Residence Final Review Submittal/Lot 6, Bighorn 2no Addition Mr. Ruggles, This letter is being sent to summarize the comments of the Design Review Board and staff at the November 5, 2003, meeting regarding your proposed addition and remodelto the Baltz residence. The follow comments should be addressed in the resubmitted materials for your final design review. . Please provide several sections which cut through the deck element on the north and east elevations.. Please provide detailed drawings of the brackets, railings, facia, ect.. Please revise the elevation drawings to show arches in all the openings of the new turret enlrance. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 970-479-2148. In orderto be placed on the November 19,2003 Design Review Board agenda revised plans addressing all the concerns listed above need to be received in the Community Development office no laler that 12:00 p.m. on November 17,2003. You need only submit two copies of each page you make changes to regarding the above comments. With regards, arren Planner ll Cc:File {s rtn"uor ro Department of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 F2LX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us December 11, 2003 D.H. Ruggles and Associates c/o Donald Ruggles 123 Madison St., Suite 103 Denver, CO 80206 Re: Baltz Residence Final Review Submittal/Lot 6, Bighorn 2nd Addition Mr. Ruggles, This letter is being sent to summarize the comments of the Design Review Board and staff at the November 5, 2003, meeting regarding your proposed addition and remodel to the Baltz residence. The follow comments should be addressed in the resubmitted materials for your final design review. e Please provide several sections which cut through the deck elemenl on the north and east elevations.. Please provide detailed drawings of the brackets, railings, facia, ect.. Please revise the elevation drawings to show arches in all the openings of the new turret entrance. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 970-479-2148. In order to be placed on the January 7,2004 Design Review Board agenda revised plans addressing all the concerns listed above need to be received in the Community Development office no later that 12:00 p.m. on December 31, 2003. You need only submit two copies of each page you make changes to regarding the above comments. lf the above items are not received by December 31, 2003, your application will be withdrawn and returned to you. Wjthpegards, A r 1\l ,@11sur.{i^,ol.Jll Warren Campbell I Planner ll Cc: File {g r"n "tororo ,-t)Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Namei BalE Residence Conceptual DRB Number: DRB030042 Project llescrlption: Conjceptual review of an addiUon and renovaUon to an o<isUng home. Pafticipants: OWNER Baltr Family Partners II, LL03/06/2003 Phone: 303-721-8800 Steohen P. Baltr First United Bank 8095 E. Belleview Ave Englewood, CO 80111 License: APPLICANT D.H. RUGGLES &ASSOCIATES 0310612003 Phone: 303-355-2460 Donald H. Ruggles 123 Madison St., Ste. 103 Denver, CO Don@dhruggles,com 80206 License l ProjectAddress: 3786 LUPINE DRVAIL Location: 3786 Lupine Legal Description: Lot: 6 Block Subdivision: BIGHORN zND ADDffiON Parcel Number: 210111101004 Comments: SeeConditions BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Action: IIf Conditions: C-ond:200 A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval. Planner: Warren Campbell DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, March 19, 2003 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS PUBLIC WELCOME PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department 11:30 pm MEMBERS PRESENT Bill Pierce Hans Woldrich Margaret Rogers SITE VISITS 1:30 pm 1. Baltz - 3786 Lupine Drive 2. Kendrick-2975 Manns Ranch Road 3. Hill residence - 2605 Bald Mountain Road 4. Tommy BowerSki -278 Hanson Ranch Road 5. Sun Vail Condominiums - 645 North Frontage Road 6. Whiterock LLC - 1249 Westhaven Circle 7 . Rosen - 1 150 Westhaven Circle 8. Vail Amoco - 934 S. Frontage Rd.9. Beaver Dam residence - 363 Beaver Dam Road 10. Antlers Condominiums - 680 W. Lionshead Place 1'l . Mezzaluna Restaurant - 660 W. Lionshead Place Driver:Warren PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:00 pm 1. Beaver Dam residence DRB03-0032 Bill Final review of proposed driveway gale 363 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3tr Filing Applicant: A2Z Holdings, LLC, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects MOTION: Margaret Rogers SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 2-0-1 (Pierce recused) TABLED UNTIL APRIL 2,2003 2. Whiterock LLC DRB03-0036 Bill Final review of proposed exterior alteration 1249 Westhaven Circle/Lot 35, Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant: White Rock LLC, represented by Tab Associates, Inc. MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:3-0 TABLED UNTIL APRIL 2,2003 MEMBERS ABSENT Clark Brittain Charlie Acevedo 3. Kendrick residence DRB03-0049 Bill Conceptual review of remodel and addition 2975 Manns Ranch Road/Lot 6, Block 1, Vail Village 13th Filing Applicant: Clinton J. Kendrick, represented by Segerberg Mayhew Architects CONCEPTUAL- NO VOTE 4. Children's Garden of Learning DRB03-0030 Allison Conceptual review of proposed private educational institution Parcel B, a resubdivision of Tract D, Vail das Schone 1" Filing, generally known as the "Hud Wirth" property. (A full metes & bounds description is available at the Department of Community Development upon request). Applicant: Children's Garden of Learning CONCEPTUAL_ NO VOTE 5. Rosen residence DRB03-0051 Allison Conceptual review of proposed new single family residence with Type ll EHU 1 150 Westhaven Circle/Lot 39-2, Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant: Robert Rosen CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 6. Safeway Inc. DRB03-0028 Allison Final review of proposed door replacement 2131 N. Frontage Rd./Lot 3, Vail das Schone 3'o Filing Applicant: Safeway, Inc., represented by Pioneer General Contractors, Inc. MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:3-0 CONSENT APPROVED 7. Baltz residence DRB03-0042 Warren Conceptual review of proposed addition 3786 Lupine Drive/Lot 6, Bighorn 2no Addition Applicant: Baltz Family Partners ll, LLC, represenled by D.H. Ruggles & Associates CONCEPTUAL_ NO VOTE L Tommy Bower Ski DRB 02-0375 Warren Final review of proposed amendment to an approved sign program 278 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot A & B, Bock 2, Vail Village Filing 1 Applicant: Tom Bowers MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:3-0 CONSENT APPROVED 9. Sun Vail Condominiums DRB 03-0436 Warren Conceptual review of proposed pool house 645 North Frontage RoadA/ail Potato Patch Applicant: Sun Vail Homeowners Association, represented by David Peel CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 10. Antlers Condominiums DRB03-0047 Matt Final review of proposed exlerior alteration 680 W. Lionshead Place/Lot 3, Block 1, Lionshead 3' Filing Applicant: AntlersCondominiumAssociation MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:3-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the stucco return to the inside corners. 11. Mezzaluna Restauranl DRB03-0052 Matt Conceptual review of proposed addition 660 W. Lionshead Place/Lot 1, Vail Lionshead lstAddition Applicant: Deryk Cave, represented by Michael Hazard Associates CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 12. Vail InternationalDRBO3-O020 Matt Final review of proposed new stair & window reconfiguration 300 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1" Filing Applicant: Vail Internalional, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects STAFF APPROVED 13. Hill Residence DRB 03-0064 Warren Final review of change lo an approved plan. 2605 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 1 2, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 13 Applicant: James Hill, represented by Bill Hein MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 3-0 DENIED - (Faux stone does not meet design standards). 14. VailAmoco DRB03-0034 Warren Final review of proposed service bay addition 934 S. Frontage Rd./Unplatted Applicant: George Brodin MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:3-0 APPROVED WITH 4 CONDITIONS: 1. That the applicant shall not be permitted to store any items on the deck except for a picnic table, chairs, or grill. 2. That the applicant shall submit revised plans for staff approval showing wrapped stone from the west elevation onto the south elevation at a minimum height of 48 inches, which will extend past the approved door and terminate, prior to applying for a building permit. 3. That the applicant shall submit revised plans for staff approval showing a lowered roof on the new service bay by relocating the peak, prior to applying for a building oermit.4. That the applicant shall revegetate all disturbed areas, prior to issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy. 15. Slifer residence DRB03-0022 Warren Final review of proposed deck extension 193 Gore Creek Drive/Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village 1"' Filing Applicant: Rodney E. & Elizabeth W. Slifer, represented by Slifer Designs MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the applicant shall submit revised plans for staff approval, showing either the sloped roof extended to creale a wall on the west elevation, which appears like that existing on Unit 3, or remove the roof entirely and place a lacia around the entire deck painted to match other trim on the building, prior to applying for a building permit. 16. Town of Vail Sign Code Matt Conceptual review of proposed te)d amendments Applicant: Town of Vail CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE Stafl Approvals Flying Burrito DRB03-0044 Bill New sign 482 Lionshead Mall/Lionshead Centre, Block 1 , Vail Lionshead 1"' Filing Applicant: Lynnette & Mark Miscio Lionshead Jewelers DRB03-0041 Bill New sign Lifthouse Lodge, 555 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1"' Filing Applicant: Lionshead Jewelers Mchugh residence DRB02-0217 Bill Addition 4014 Bighorn Roadilot 1, Gore Creek Park Applicant: M. Joseph McHugh VailLLC residence DRB03-0038 Bill Change to approved plans 1250 Westhaven Drive/Lot 30 Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant: Bill Reslock, Architect The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, localed at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. .5- 5-rrJ r .r -zu,/rv', Fruu9 r o Appllcatlon for Design Revlew Deperbnqt ot oonmmtty Oeretoprnent 75 Sooth F|onQgs Ro€d. Vdt, Cotorado Af 0S7 iel 970,,1792139 fax. 9m-4192432 ld: wwwd.uaLco.tt6 Gcncral Informa{lon: All pdects requihg dsdln revlew m.Bl rcce&e apDronl prlor to B|[rniftlno g hibing D€rilfr €lprcaihn. pb'sB r€ftr to lhe {bmEld rcquiernenE ior trr€ prr{aftr efryrna *ra f rccsfd, en e6mcaUon i", birn BcBg cs 'ld bs aqqpted mtl at ruqtlircd lrfmnadon te |ec€hrsd by frc Conrnnty D.'r,Blopmer! Dop€I'nEnt The pr@ ney*o rreed to bo revbt^Gd by rro Tcm cqnd {d/or trrs pbndrtr 6d Ei/tg;;;b| oomdsdon D€ci$r rsviBw rygrcvll lrps€8 rrnloo a buildng pF?mlt 15 'rrsued and oirstrloflon ooormcrncs, rlthln one 1mr of lhe {pptbvrt. Decdpltonof rheRaque* ?|<aq. :]a ., Al+ta[aA le6on of the Fropocaf: f-ot -b- floct I fA Flqyclcal Addreee ; Panool 1{o.:.2lotllt0l oD Tnnlng: l{rlllng Addrooe: Own6r{s) Name of llfeiliqg Addreee: E-rmllAddrere: l)1pe ol Rovler and Fae:. girF ( ') CcnPtu rular \A Nl6'v C(rlg'|.Edoo z-Xr) Addltlon ffiiorAltenti,cr ord6frtrtDyicdrl'Fftb0 . ItlfitsAtbtsibrl (ehgblblniylurpto<) . Oapeo fo Apprornd Plare - Serafifincq.et rp.PP*EE 05O Ptrs f1.m psrs6rarctud dtotdqnarer. l$o Fa S850 For oo|tt|$U'on cf a ncn, hddlng r derfio/rebrdld. $30O tu an addtbn rftr.G sqratrr {ootage b added to Ery r€dilEal ar corrNrprdal bundLfg (hdqe 250 ddaillhne t iedor qrwntuns). $250 frr mlrs ctralges to tr$frqB dd dle brpovarrrqrE, srdt c.rs!ffiig, pa8lingt Viindow dlddE. bn SEShg, lbncEs ild rdhhg $,8&, €[c. @ &r mird {tlage6 b hf ffiEs end 6[c lnp'ot erGnb, $Jdt ss, r€rooffngL pahtiE, ryffi\y addltiora hnd@hgr frrfter sd r€biilrgnrEb,eb. @ Fr revbbns lo llalc aHy ryerurEd by fr$ftg ssff or the DedgNt REyiilv Bqrd. No Fee '- -:--i:* f^IlrDfxfsnl ,rln l" MAR 0 6 2003 (Contot Egla Oo. Aesoor at 970-32S8e4O tor psrcet no,) For Offioe Uae Onlv: Feakld: A' chec*l.to.: ApPlica0on fiato: zTlza 39Vd 9ZS9 rtZSAe EAiIt EAqZlVAlEg o S- S-OSi :trzOPM;RuOer c 4960c Fc i.JUtsr3G6jz54q ATTACTIED DESCRIPIION OF THE REQIEST 3786 LUPINE DRIVE, VAII4 CO Werequesttlatyourwiew thc following rdaithn and rmdeldet8ilsfor tho c*ising resial@cc hcated at 3786 Lupiw Drive. Mdition of tbree.cs garagc dlfastcr Bcdroom Suitc abovc and two Gucst Bedloorns in dtb aborrc lvlasterSuiE Ner*, Grcat Roomeddition DiningRoomcnhgernetr aod odttiry art€rior twdcl and uperada -_t_ 3nrtn33x3gnl zTlea 39vd 9Z89Tt/tae eg:rI €,AAZftAleA UI VILUTMEN I s(04Isz45z T-tol P 003/0?8 F-213 ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COIqMERCIAL suBMITrAr REQUIREMENTS General fnformation: This application is reguired for all proposals involving the addition of GRFA (gross residential floor area).Ihi: .indugq pmposals for 250 addiions and interior conversions. see iire 12, chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for specific regulations. vr. t ' pnr r I ent- tvfi Uf lA IL IUMMUI1III o ,a/ Sumped Topographic Survey*ff Srte at+6radifi*Plan*;-;;d.HFEF'1l,ri;-tx,b+,'-,q sitp'o la."''dv-g^; , flo cl.aunat prapo*l ' r:r Architectura I Etevafl dns*o B<terior color and material samples and specification=. 'Ji Fo tloA . erArchitectural Floor plans+ o- Lighting Plan* and cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures Snr .orlecior qja.u"-!i orrs fog 3-fldq report, including schedules A & B to verrfy ownerchip and easements* ? lfgi"r of the o<isting site and adjacent structures, wtrerJappii,caAr;. ;ia-fl!9il o Written approval from a condomlnium associab,on, nnato4, inO ir"t',i,,i,,Fr,,if applicable A lO_3#-iffi llfflrlTj jllTf,*Tirf-?t-.j1':ll'1.1.:^rl,a''si,L;,:+.;{;t,.";'4iipt*tz o wriEen approval from a condomlnium associab'on tandl.o.fl.9nd joint'o:riner,,if applicable A lO-: iir*^rylsGeolosicat.HazardReport,ifapplicabie* d;ll' A'tiG,itfed _ctwi'dai Et }:f*,'::*-i:::jl1l"i fR!. may ?:oyi: the submission of idditionat ptans, drawinss,l5jf?.lli: ;.alpl_*_ :--ry _"ther materia ls _(inct ud ine " ry9J"r j ir o-*mi; ;;;;';determine whether a project.wil comply wntr o"sign Guidetin& or if the i"i"tii'tnl proposal is not dearly indicated, Please suhmit lhree (3) copies of the materials noted flrith an asterisk (*). **For intenbr conversions with no extclor dranges, the submittal requirements include a complete set of e<isting and proposed noor ptans, a tiGEpo[G-nd written approuit from a mndomlnium association,landlord, and joint owner, if ipplicabfe. Topographic sulvey:d lVet $mp and signature of a licensed surveyor er Date of survey e North arrow and graphic bar scate 6f- Scale of 1"=10' or L,,=2O)d Legal description and physical address q' I-ot size and bulldable area (buildable area excludes red hazard a\€lanchg slopes greater lhan 40o/o,and floodplain) t?- Ies to existing benchmarK eitrer UsGs landmark or sewer invert, This information must be clearly stated on the survey <- Property boundariei to the nearest.hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show exist'nj pins or monuments found and *eir reratrr.istipio- - the established corner.rl- Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information./;r la(icaL all easements identified on the subdivision plJt and recordect against the properry as indicated in the tiue report. List any easement restrictiom.d Spot Elevations at the edge of asphah, along the street fiontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on eithei side of ihe lot.q" Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals Page 3 of 72l0Zlo7l0T I Yn' rvnrr er Yn I 9C,VELUTMETI I atu4(ut4at l-lur f.uu4/uzt t-zl3 ptl Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4,' or more, as measured from a /pojnt one foot above grade. {4:!.?I::",11]19: Ia other significant naturalfeatures (taree boutders, internittenr skeams, erc.).Lr/ AII exEnng improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc,).o Enyironmental Hazards.(ie. rockfull, debris flow, avalan6hs, weuandi,'floodpdin, ;ilsj;i;- Ciaq,C o watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the n 4quired stream or creak setback)e' Show-all uUlity meter locations. inguding any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way a jacent to 61e site. Exact location of ocisting uUlity sources and proposed service lineifrom their riur* to tt.sfucture. Utilities to indude: Gble TV Sewer Gas ,.- Telephone Water Ehctric d ,,Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc.s' Agla-c!-nj rogdways labeted and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a min6um of 250' in either direction from property. 4a7.raa lo., kJ?dr site^ano Grading ptan: All appt,go.k tc itervs i'rot,,rJ,"J .e Scale of l"=20'or larger cr Property and setback lines o Existing and proposed easements a Existing and proposed grades a Ed:tin-g and proposed layout of bulldings and other structures including decks, pauos, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a sotid line.u All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge eleyatrbns. In?icate e><isting and prcposed grades shown underneath af roof lines. riis'will be usld to catcutate urirJi"s f-sht.o Proposed dfieways, including percent slope and spot elevattons at th-e property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the drlveway to accurately reflect grade.a A 4 wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for diiveways -ttrat exit the street in an uphilt direcb'on.a Locations of all utilities indudlng odsting sources and proposed service lines fiom sources to the strudures,o Proposed surfuce drainage on and off-slte.o Locatt:on of landscaped areas.Et Locadon of limits of disturbance fencing lll LocaUon of all required parking spaces o Snow storage areas.o fropos€d dumpster locauon ancl detail of dumpster enclosure.o Retaining wafls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A dehiled cross-section and elevat-ron drawings .shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between { and 6, feet in height,cr Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable Landscape Plan: n lq Landscapeptan: nlq AJo la,rtd.a.pa ad'aitiaz.ts or C.i u Scale of 1" = 20' or larger $'fa i s Cuit-r.,"t'{'l 4 lattdtctlor3l .W pr^opo**d u Scalqof 1" = 20'or'larger51']a is Culrt-r.'{-l 4 lande,,O Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as ft{e site plan, be relocated (including bubble) if the srrand is o Detailed legend/ listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and piopoied plant matenaiincfuOnJ ground cover.D Delineate critiel root zones for existing trees an close proximity to site grading and construction,o Indicatethe location ofall proposed plantings. Page 4 ar :,;:lozloTloz o Location of e><isting bees, 4" diameter or rarger. Indicate trees to remain, to new. locaUon), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown ias not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading o Indicate all exisUng ground cover and shrubs. The location and type of existing and material following rts installation. Existing and proposed contour lines. bottom of walt elevations noted. fff ysr|-|.vrMEttt UlUClVlCaa a l-lu I P.uu5/uza |-zt J proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the AryJritectural Floor plans: zf _Scale of UB" = 1'or larger; 1,/4', is preferred "-*'El]T 9{.!!. proposed development drdwn to scale and futty dimensioned. Floor plans and _ Dultotng etevations must be drawn at the same scale.{ Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building.v Label floor plans to indicate the proposed floor area use (i.e. uearoo*, rJlnen, etc,).v one set of floor plans must be "redlined" indicaung now ttre gross residential'flooiarea (GRFA) was calqulated. see Tiue 1z chapter 15 - Gross Reside-ntial Hoor irea roi regutations gy' Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhangs Argbitectural Elevations ;t9' Scale of 1/8" = 1'or larger; 1/4" is prefened ry- All elevations of the Proposed derrelopment drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevauon drawings must show both exisUng and finished grades. Floor plans u'nJuuitOing elevati,ons must l"clrawn at the same scale.cl If building faces are proposed at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show these faces also,q- Ele\ctrions shall show proposed finished elevauon of floors and rooF on afl levels,o All elterior materials and colors shall be specified on the elevations.g'^ The following shall be shown graphielly and fully dimensioned: fascia, trim, raitings, chimney cps,meter locations, and window details, o-l_Show alf proposed exterior lighfing fixtures on the building,q- Illustrate all deck, porches and balconies.g"-lndicate the roof and building drainage qrstem (i.e, gutters and downspouts). _q JFiFtg all rooftop mechanical systems and ail 6urei roof *rucrures, nappriLue. n I o^-c}-rllustrate proposed br.rilding height elevation on roof tlnes and iiages. fnese elevauons should oordinate with the finished floor elevations and the dafum used for tht survey.tr bterior color and material samples shall be submltted to statr and presented at the Design Review Board meeting.To b sr^b,lri{I'4 t^>[ Gco\o1ic *L=oacJ.s f4\rof+ . Lighting Plan: Qrr J4ftcjor .t\cvo-{i6,tr-5 ar.J c^r-tgf^q[t- .o Indicate type, loation and number of fi:<tures.o Indude height above grade, lumens output, tuminous area o Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture, once a buildinq permit has been issued, and construction is undennay, and before the Building DeparFnent will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvemeni Location c,ert'ficate surve!(ILC) stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submiited. The following inturmation must be provided on the ILC:o Basis of bearing and tie to section orner o All property plns found or set a Building location(s) with ties to propefi cornens (ie. distances and angles)o Building dimensions, including decks and balconies, to the nearest tenth of a foot o Building and garage floor elevations and all roof ridge and eave line elevations o All drainage and uUlity service line as-builts, showing type of material, size and exact location o All easements Page 5 of l2/02/o7l0Z c ob b t e st o n e,'1,.Y, ^* *' in lantern light lnstead, l:t : '! afitefns AII lanterns galvanized and acid-etched for cxterior use. width Depth Ht. wt. 24" 26 lbs 21"10. Dcpth 6.7s" Wt. Bulbs 19 lbs I TYpe 40w incandesccnt candle rYPe 40w incandescent candle 10 y* lUhgfOn Base marle lrom hand-lorgerl r. x 3/8, solirl bar, copper roof. Textuted gldss lenses. Frosted glass available. width 7" 0! See description on page g., Width Depth Hr, 20" Ht. wt. Bulbs 18" 7.5 lbs I Bulbs I TYPE 40w incandescent candle here came a tine when stars were no longer the sole jewels of the night. lanterns were forged in evety corner ol the worl Qur lantern collection is a faithful reflection of this lighting nilestone. Four distinct styles -' Luberon, masculine Rio Grande; 9i0 fuAilfu Hand-forged, riveted la tern with hand-blown glass lens. Frosted glass availqble. .1 4 L. widrh t2" Depth 8.5 ', I . 25" wt. Bulbs 20 lbs I TYPe 40w incandescent candle tflUfi noralnrged body with synthetic tice pnper lens. Lens is burn proof, color fast, rigid. 1)LL, 5.5', ,J dfl-(u-u s u4: llpm F rom- tut./tl uF v EuilCinq Materials Roof €iding Other Wall Materials Fascia Sofiftts Windows WindowTrim -:Sr-ra*hcrS Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing chimneys (l ) Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls E<terior Lighting other AIL COMMUNITY o DEVETOPMENT s704792452 T-101 P.006/028 F-213 Color PROPOSED MATERIAIS Typg of Material C.r/o^TtJ n Iq.-&rgta d:+ &mJ'v,r: L"dqL har'e,*- .1 t,thttr_ I rl la- fuik- &r te-nln. r.a Jf4r4 I h ta nla ?lear il*( trhbl ty'I <3-l Afe,u-. nla- 9 W;<qaler( "/LhJ/h Z/r ,'-Gar.y nla Notes: Please specify the manufacture/s name, tie color name and number and attach a color chio. I nla Page 6 of L2102/07102 EXISTNG SITE IS CURRENTLY IINDSCAPED. ANY DAT'T/IGE DERIIING FROM CONffiRUCNON ACTIMTIES WILL BE KEPAIRED, AND NO OTHER CHANGES TO THE I./INDSCAPE ARE PROPOSED. SCHEDULEA . Order Number: o2o3t31s l. Effective dare: ![ay 13, 2oo2 ab ?:45 A,M. 2. Policy or Policies to be issued: Amoult of Irsurance (a) A.L,T,A. Owner's (E rteba€d) $ e rz, 5oo . oo Proposed Inswed: Btlr,az FN{rr,Y PtRlSrERg rr, LLc. A eor.oR}Do r.llGTD IJIjABIIJITY COUP TC ft) A-L.T.A. Loan (standard) Proposed Insured: (c) Leasehold Proposed Insured: 3. The estate or intcrcst in thc tand dcscribed or referred to in this Conrmitncnt and covered herein is f ee aittFle 4. Tille to the fea g,tn['le estate or interesr in said land is ar the effecdve date hereof vested in: DAI'ID i'. S CIINEGEEBERGB 5. The land referred to in dris Comroitmerrt is described as follows: SBE ATTACHED I.GEAIJ DBSCRIP.rIOII Purporbed Addreee. STATEMENT OF CITARGES 3?86 ITUPINS DRITIE These chargas are due and payable before a 9AIIJ, co 8165? PolicY can be iszued' PR4rItu ghorb'Eetr! ot{NBRss $1183.oo TAII CERI: 20.00 f,om 110.l/otp 50.00 . zrlns 39vd sArlnc3x3Enl sz8sTrte8€ ea:TT eaazftalEa Ordcr Number: 02031318 SCHEDULEA a LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 5 BIGHORN SUBDTVISIO}I SECOIID ADDITION according to tbe recorded plat tshereof COI'MTY OA EIGI.E STATE OF EOLORTDO aHIS Coto(IfrdEttrr was ERBpanED Ol{ ![AX 30, 2002. FOR onESTTONS REGARDTNe T1116 colffr?l{Elfr FrJE}sE coNTAcT fEr.|AlrrE Lrrilc AT (970) 926-0230. loR QrEeTrONg nE6lnDtNe lEls cl,oltrrscg Pr.BAltE coNIIc!! ruatt HoIrLrHeN, EgCiOW OFFTCEn, rr (970){79-6010. Ehis co@ltrncnt iE t.ut to 3 s taphen & xartha Baltz DavLd scbD€gelbcrger Bart Cu'oDp E€v Trcut zt/94 39vd 3AIl.nCSXfsnJ szsslt/Eae es:IT EaazftalEa Order Number: 02031318 SCTIEDT]LE B Section I REQUIREMENTS The following are rhe requirements to be complie<l with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mo gagors of the full consideration for ttre estate or interest to be insured. Item (b) Proper instrument(s) oreating the estate or intcrcst to bc insursd must be executed and duly filed for record, to wit: 1. Bvl-denc€ aati€rfaceory to gter''rc ?Ltle Guaranty Coapany of Daymeng of all outecandJ-ng taxes ald asaeganenca aa certlfled by Ehe Eagl€ county Treagurer. 2. Exc'cullon of affidavits a6 co DcbCe anA liene and itss tetrrrn to gEegtrrt TIt1. euaranty Cotaperry ' 3. Evl,detace satl-afaccory Eo gt€warg Tt91a ouaraBcy Coryssy Ctrat tb€ r€!1 eEtsrt€ tsrltrsf€r tar aeseared by the tom. of, VaiI hae been pald or that the traneaction le exengt f,roq eaid tax. 4. E:ceculion by rh€ 6€IIer (a) of the Affidavl'l felatl'nE to surv.y Brtt.at iR eoallection with eubject proDerty. 5. ReIeaEe by tb€ PubLic Tru6tae of Eag1e Counfy ot the De€d of frust froE David at, Schn.gelbcrgcr for the use of Anarice'e l{holceale lJender to aecul.€ S21{,OoO-O0, dated Dese[ber 15, 1995, rscorded Deceder 1E, 1996 aa Receptlon No. 580541 . 6. Deed f,rom Davl.al iI. Scbncgelberger, vcaeing Cee e\rle titl6 iE Ealtz "ani Iy Partnera II, LLc, a Colorado linlted liability compary - NQTE: NoTATIoN oF TrE I,EGAL ADDRE66 OF TIIE GRA}ITEE MsgT APPEAR ON TllE DEED AE PER 1975 N'SIIDUEITT TO 6TAT TA ON RECORDINC OF DEEDS CRS 38-35-109 (2). zI/98 39Vd SAIlnD3xSgnl SZAEM9A€ g0:TT EqAtttglEa Order Number: 0203r.3r.8 SCHEDUI.,E B Section 2 EXCEPTIONS The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceplions Io tbe following un]ess the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Cr:mpany: l. Righcs or claims of parties in possession, not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by ttre public tecords- 3. Discrepanoies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey arxl irspection ofthe premiscs would disclosc and which aro nol shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or righr to a lien, for services, labor or marcrial heretofore or hereafter furaished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defecb, liens, encumbrances, adverseclaimsor othermatters, if any, creatcd, fust appearinginthopublic records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof, but prior [o the dare the proposed insured acquires . of record for value the estate or intercst or mortgagc thereon covered by this commitment, 6. Unpatented mining claims; reservdions or exceptions in patents. or an act audrorizing the issuance thereof; water righB, claims or title to water. ?. Atly and al]. unpaid taxeg atrd lgs€ssDents and arry unredeened Eax galet. 8. The et!6cE ot lnclualona in any genOral or epeclf{c water coDaervaacy, fira protection, Eot I cgns€rvetion or otb,er dlggrict or lnclusion in any water gerwice or sbreet iuptoveloent ar.a- 9. Re66rvat,ione or excepqiotrE :Ln PqterttsE, or iD Acts authorLziag the issuencc thereof, lncluding the regervallon of a righE of way for .dLBclreE or canr1E cotls cruc!€d by the authoritsy of, ghe llnl-ted st,ab.B, ae regewed l'r urrl t€d 5tats6 Pacen! reeorCled Noveober L7, L9o2 itr Book 48 aE Page 492. 10. ReeervaElon of 10 DErc€nt EoD-participatlngf royalEy in and to proceeds, derlved f,ron the sale of ulneralg, of whatBoever }lnd atld tuture, produced aod daed f,ro|tr gaid PreD.ir€s, ac recert/ed 9o Gust R{ehblpcr ead Elve J- KiaDhtl-peg by ttrEtruneat recorded Nov€lber 2, L962 in Book 166 at Prg€ 40?, and any and all asglgruoents thereof or tnteresl therein- 11. RIEhE of !{ay f,or easenen! gr8lt€d to GaE Facllttl€g, Inc-, in Book 190 ac Page {05, as Reception }Io. 10191{. 12. Tcr!!s, coadiELone, reservation€, r€stri.c!:Ions end obligatione ag conee:lned Ln DeclaraUion of, Protectl,ve Covenantr f,or the Blghorn Subdivision recorded Decenber 2A, 1962 ia Bo<tk 17rl aE Prge 403 aE Receplloq No. 96856 asd loeldneoe EhereEo recorded SepC€Eb€r 19, 1953 LII Book 175 at Page 257 as RccGPtion No. 97 992 . 13. Basenents, reebricttong rnd rights-of-rrryr Es ehowa on the PlaC of Bighorn Subdivision gecond AAdition racorded Jwly 22, 1953 .r R.c.Ption No. 977O1 . 14. Ilnderground Rlght of Way EascE€nt gaanted to Eoly CroBB Blectr:lc Aseociabion, contLtlucd on nexts Pag€ zr/La 39vd SArl.nDfXSSnl gZAgIFLgAS eqtrr EAAZIVAl€A -conElnuatl,oD of, sch€dulo B - Sectios 2 order Nuflber: 02031318 IDc., recotded Septenber 17, 1990 il Boolt 537 aE Page 822 ee R.c€ptlorr No. 43397 4 . NOIE: EXcEPTToNa 1 AND 4 ABovB WILL BE DELEfED ON lllE FfNAI OIINBRS POLfCy' PR9VIDED BOTE 6ELITER (5) AIID PLRCHASER (S) EXEAUTE AIIB HBREIN RE9UIRP IFFIDI\,IEIS }\ID AAID AI'IDAVITS lTA AIIPRO\/@ BY TgE COiMEIIIY. EXCEPTION9 2 }!tD 3 mLtr BE DE&ETED Olr TEE FIm& oWNERS PolrrCI PROVIDED TfiET TIIE PRBSffT OINIERS E)(ECIITE THE 'I'RVEY }'TID}YIT. BXCEPTION 5 WILIr NOT APPB,AR OII TEE OllltlRS POIJICI, AND 6tP PRoIECTIOII WTLL BE GRLISTED PROVIDED ml}f S?!BW!R! TfTLa OP EtrGlL,E COIIIWY DERFORIIS CLOSTNG DTSEI'RSTDTEIITS AND RECORDINE OF EI.L DOCUUEIOIE. gEE'DISCLOSI'RESI INCT.SDED IIBRETTIIE. zTtsa fgvd :nIlfD3XfSru gzastFlgaE Ea:IT eqszlnalEq DISCLOSI.'RES Pursuant to C.R.S. l0-tt-122, notice is hereby givetr thal: (A) THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY MAY BE LOCATED IN A SPECIAL TAXINC DISTRICT; (B) A CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE LISTING EACH TAXING ruRISDICTION SIIALL BE OBTAINED FROM TIIE COUNTY TREAST.JRER OR THE COUNTY TREASURER'S AUTHORIZED AGENT; (C) INFORMATION REGARDING SPECIAL DISTRICTS AND THE BOUNDARIES OF SUCH DTSTRICTS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE BOARD OF COTINTY COMMISSIONERS. THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER, OR TEE COUI.ITY ASSESSOR. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Reguladous 3-5-1, Paragraph c of Arricle VII requires that "Every title cnrity slEll be responsible for all marers which appear of rccord prior ro thc time of recording wheDever tbe ritle entity condrorc the closing and is responeiblc for rccording or filiog of legal documents resulting from thc tr:rnsaodon which was closed. " Provided that Stewart Title of Vail, Inc, conducrs tbe closing of the insured transaction and is respoosible for recording tbe legal documents from the hansaction, €xceptior lumbcr 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and chc Lcndcr's Titlc Policy wher issucd, Note: Affiraarive Mechanic's Lien Protection for thc Owner rnay be available (typically by deletion of Exception No. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commilment from the Owrer's Policy to b€ issucd) upon compliance with the following conditions: A. Tbe land describcd in Schcdulc A of *ris comnitmetrt must be a 5ingle faruily rcsidcucc, which ' includes a coadominiurn or townhouse unit, B. No tabor or marcrials have been fumished by mcchanics or materialmen for purposes of coqstruction oo the land described in Schedulo A of this Commirment within the past 6 months. C. The Company musr receive aD appropriarc affi<lavit hdemnifying the Coupany againsr unlilcd mecbanic's and malerialmen's licos. D. The company must receivc payment of the appropriare premium. P. If rhere has been coDstrucdoo, improvements or mrjor repairs rmdortakeu on the property to be purchased, within six months pnor to the Dare of the Conrmitmenr, the requiremcnts to obtaiu coversge for unrecorded lie,ns will include: drsclosurc of cerkin construction information; financial infornatioD As ro rhe seller, the builder and/or tbc q)nrrac(or; peymeot of the appropriate premium; fully oxccutcd Indemniry agrecmen$ satisfactory ro the company; and, any addiliotr I requirements as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid information by thc compatry. No coverage will be given utrder sny circumsta.oces for labbr or material for which the insured has conlracted for or agreed ro pay. NOTHING MREIN CONTAINED WILL DE DEEMED TO OBLIGATE TEE COMPANY TO PROVIDD ANY OF THE COVERAGRS REFts,RRED TO IIERDIN UNLESS THE ABOYE CONDMONS ARE F'I,]LLY SATISFIED. Order No. 02 031318 Dieclosurcs (YSDD) Rev. 10/99 zr/64 39vd fAIj.nS3xfanl gZsSTttrAE egirr Eaazlrolea STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY hivacv Policv Notice PURPOSE OF TIIIS NOTICE Tirle V of tlre Grasrm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) geaerally prohibits aly financial institution, directly or through its afliliates, frorn sharing nonpublic pcrsonal information about you with a nonafhliared third pany unless the in$tinxioo provides you wirb a notice of its privacy policics urd pradices, such as the type of information rhat it collects about you and the categories of persons or eutities to whom it Eay be disclosed. In compliance with the GLBA, we are prcviding you witb rhis document' which notifies you offte privacy policies End pracdces of St4r,eard Tt le Guarenty Company. Wg . y collecr nonpublic personal inforrnatioo about you from rlre following Eources: - Informa(ion w€ rcccive ftom you, such as on applicadons or othc,r forms, - Infonrration about your tratrsactioff we secure from our files, or from our rffiliatcs or others. - Information wc receive from a consumer reponing age,ncy, -.- Information thet we receive from others involved in your transaction, sudr ar the real esute agetrt or le[der. Unless it is specifically stared orherwise il an amcnded Privacy Policy Notice, no additional noDpublic persoEsl inforuntion will be collected about you. We may disclose any of the above inforuarion IXat we collect about our cusrcmers or former cusfomers to our affrliate.s or to nomffiliared rhird panies as permitted by law. We also may disclosc ihis information about our custoners or formcr customers to the following typcs of lonaffiliared companies that pcrform markedng services on our bebalfor with whom we have joint marketing agr@Eer 9: - Financial scrvicc providcrs such as comparre cdgagcd iE brnkingr coruumer finance, securities and iusurarcc. - Non-financial companies such as epvclope stuffers od other fulfillment service providers. WE DO NOT DISCIOSE ANY NONPUBLIC PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU WITH ANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED BY LAW. Wc restrict access lo uonpublic personal informatiou about you to rhose employces who Deed to knowthar infomarion in order to providd p$ducts or services to you. Wo rnaintain physical, electrooio, and proccdural safeguards lhat comply with federal rctulatio8s to guard your nonpublic pcrsonal information- FllG No, 024lll8 St8ttrd fidc o, Vrtl' Irr' Pdt{cy Fo$c} Notlce (Pie. l) R.v- 0tlt001 flPfNl) zrlaT fgvd fArtncSxS€tnl SZAqTFLEaE e0:TI |AAZ.VA|EA STEWART TITLE OF VAIL, INC. hivacy Policy Notice PTJRPOSE OF TIIIS NOTICE Title V of the Gramm-Leacb-Blitey Act (CLBA) geoerslly prohibits any financial insrinrdon, directly or througb ic alfrliares, ftom sharing nonpublic personal inforrnation about you witb a nonaffiliatcd third party unless the institution provides you with a notice of its privacy polioias and practices. such as rhe rype of inforrution that it collecrs about you and the caregories of pcrsons or entitics Io whom it may be dieclosed, In compliancc with thc GLBA, we are providiog you with rhis document, which notifics you of the pdvacy policies and pracrices of Stcwart Tttle of Voil, Inc. Wc may collecr nonpublic personal inforoaion about you from the following sourccs: -- Informrtion wc receive from you, sucb as on applicatioos or othcr forms. - Informarion about your transactions we secure from our fles, or from our affiliatcs or others. -- Infonnarion ure receive from a coosurer reponing agency, - Iuformarion rhat we receive ftom others involvcd in your ransaction, such as the roal estate agent or leDder, Unless il is specifically $ated otherwise in an amcnded Privacy Policy Notice, no additional tronpublic persoral information will bc collecred about you. We rnay disclose any ofthe above informagion tbar we collect about our customcn or forrner customErs to our affiliares or ro nooafFrliated third parties as permitted by law. We also may discloss this ioformation about our customers or fotner customen to the foUowing types of uonaffiliated cornpanies *rar perform marteting services ou our behalf or with whom we bave joint nerketing agrecmcnls: - Financial servicc providers such as companies engagcd irr brnking, consumer fnarce, securities aad insurancc. - Non-financial companias such as envelope suffers rnd otbcr firlfillmeDt servicc providors- WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY NONPUtsLIC PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU WITH ANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMII'TBD BY LAW. We restrict acc€ss ro trotrpublic pgtsoul information about you to tbose employees who seed to }holtl that inforrsaoon ir order to provide producw or serviccs to you- We maintail physioal, clccrouic, and proccdural safegrrards rhat cornply with federal rcgulations to guard your nolpublic personal information, rlb No. 02031318 sacl|an TldG olvrll, |rc. Privacy Polict Nodcc (h& 2) R6Y. 07/t001 ffFPN2) ZT/II fsvd fAlincfxf8nl gZAqltLeAE eA:IT EAAZ|VAl€A Drsc|JosuRE Order No.: 02031318 Tocooplywith tcprovisiols of C.R.S. l0-ll-123, ScCotryqt ntkcsfrc followilgdiscloeurc: (a) Thar OEIE lr rocordod crtidcoe ttrrr a uinEral cswc has boeo scvcrcd, lcascd or odcnriso coovqcd fiiom rhe $ufacc csrale and rhar lhere is a substantial lilclihood that a dird Dany holds somc or rlt idcrcat in oll, gas, othcr mircrals, or gcotbcrrnal coiergt ia thc prqpcrty; ad (b) That orch mincral 6srds tDry inDlrdc lhc rig[r to orcr and urc the prcpocty wirbout -qc rurfaco owner's pormission. Noro: lU.l.lo. @Ollllt t!.r|rr Tq. of ViL bc, li,. OrUll flt SdOSC) zrlzr 39vd 3/IIIJ.|D}GET]J sz89Tt/esa EB:II EAAZINATEB corrrt , DevelopMENr Rou o TING I Approved with conditions 8 Denied Fonn Status: I Approved Routed To:Leonard Sandoval, PW Mike McGee VFD Date Routed:3t12t03 Routed By:Planner Wanen Date Due:3/18/03 Baltz Residence Addition Description of work:Proposed addition to an existing house. Conceptual review for March 19,2003 DRB meeting Address:3786 Lupine Drive Leqal:Lot l6 Block:Subdivision: I Biohorn 2no Addition Comments! LSandoval Date Reviewed: 3-18-03 Fire rtment lssues. Need additional review Fire Stamped survey provide doesn't show new existing conditions on Lupine Drive cul-de-sac. This may effect location of new driveway. Provide new survey and site plan showing cul-de-sac Show on site plan, how new proposed driveway will connect with Lupine Drive. Proved plan show onlv to property line. Show all required parkinq spaces on site plan Show location of Fire Hydrant on site plan. Provide Landscape plan. Are there wetlands on West side of lot? lf yes, Provide wetlands report Proved North arrow on site plan. Show limits of disturbance fence and erosion control Provide qrading plan. What all weather surface will the driveway be? Show location of snow storage area within Lot Boundaries. As show on site plan, new driveway elevation grade exceeds Town of Vail standards. Max aflowed of unheated driveway is 10ol0, heated driveway max grade is'|.2%. Show spot grade elevation at centerline of driveway beginning at the existing concrete pan at the cul-de-sac. Adiust and revise. Alf disturbed grading must return to a2:1 grade or some form of retaining is required. Adjust and revise. Provide Title report o Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us March 25.2003 D.H. Ruggles and Associates c/o Donald Ruggles 123 Madison St., Suite 103 Denver, CO 80206 Re: Baltz Residence lmprovements/Lot 6, Bighorn 2no Addition Mr. Ruggles, This letter is being sent to inform you of several comments and question the Design Review Board had at your conceptual review heard on March 19,2003. The follow comments should be addressed in the materials submitted for your final review. a a a a a a The stamped survey does not show existing conditions on Lupine Drive cul-de-sac. This may affect location of new driveway. Provide a new survey and site plan showing cul-de-sac. Show on site plan, how the new proposed driveway will connect with Lupine Drive. Provided plan shows driveway only to property line. Show all required parking spaces on the site plan. Show location of fire hydrant on site plan. Provide a landscape plan. Are there wetlands on west side of the lot? lf yes, provide wetrlands report. Provide north arrow on site plan. Show limits of disturbance fence and erosion control. Provide grading plan. What allweather surface willthe driveway be? Show location ol snow storage area within the lot boundaries. As shown on site plan the new driveway elevation grade exceeds Town of Vail standards. Max allowed for unheated driveway is 10%, heated driveway max grade is 12'h. Show spot grade elevation at centerline of driveway beginning at the existing concrete pan at the cul-de-sac. a a a a {gr""""uoruo . All disturbed grading must return to a 2:1 grade or some form of a retaining wall is required.o No sense of entrance or arrival on the home. The entryway disappears. Maybe turn entry to face courtyard.. Dormers need to be larger on the east elevation.r Not crazy about arched windows(one board member). Rounded windows and stone should be wrapped around to all sides of the slructure.r The character shown on the north elevation does not extend to all elevations.. The window openings need to be more consistent.. The existing shed needs to be removed.. Please check the building code for needed egress from the basement bedroom. I believe that there needs to be an egress window for the basement bedroom.. This list does not include comments from the fire department as a more information was needed to complete a review. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 479-2148. With,regards, 4,UL/vw Warren Campbell Planner ll Cc: File 3-lq-o3 D €Ac2 - nDI Crazv a