HomeMy WebLinkAboutPEC01-0045 & Hazar Analysis 2001b1t-" *-'t/t'f7 corfiltTY tEr,€roPllEllt Planning and Environmental Gommisson ACTIOI{ FORl'l Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 telt 970,479.2L39 Jax: 97O-479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: Proiect Description: Participants: Proiect Address: Legal Description: Parcel llumber: Comments: FRAZIER EXEMPTION PtaT PEC ilumber: PEC070045 RNAL APPROVAL FOR AN EXEMPTION PLAT TO ADJUST PROPERTY LINE OWNER HUMMINGBIRD CO 07lt3l2oo7 PO BOX2077 VAIL co 816s8 APPUCANT HUMMINGBIRD CO-JUN E FRAZIER 07 I T3 I 2OO7 PO BOX 2077 VAIL co 816s8 3826 LUPINE DR VAIL LOCAI|ON: 3816 AND 3826 LUPINE DR LoH 9 Blockr Subdivision: BIGHORN 2ND ADDffiON 2101-111-0101-9 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: KJESBO CLEVELAND 6-0-0 ActiON: APPROVED Date of Approvalr 0811312007 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: CON0009214 The applicant and his successors and assigns, shall not be permitted to request any variances subsequent to the approval of this amended final plat for Lots 8 and 9, Bighom Subdivision 2nd Addition, on the basis that the resulting approved plat created a physical hardship for developing these lots. Cond: CON0009215 The applicant must execute any necessary utility easement relocation agreements, with the applicable utility providers, prior to the recordation of this amended final plat. I Planner: Bill Gibson PEC Fee Paid: $650.00 FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department August 13,2007 flppr,,tzt , of uJ;t;ons ,-l ,on t A^l:e ?9 ' Dtt* vole- 6'o - o [. A request for a final review of an amended final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for a modification to a shared property boundary,.located at 3816 and 3826 Lupine Drive/Lots 8 and 9, Bighorn Subdivision 2no Addition, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC07-0045) Applicant: June Frazier Planner: Bill Gibson SUMMARY The applicant, June Frazier, is requesting approval of an amended final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for modifications to shared property boundaries, located at 3816 and 3826 Lupine Drive/Lots I and 9, Bighorn Subdivision 2m Addition, and setting forth details in regard thereto. The purpose of the proposed amended final plat is to reconfigure the shared property boundary between Lots 8 and 9. The proposed amended final plat involves expanding Lot 9 by a length of 15.'t9 feet into Lot 8, which is a transfer of approximately 2,010 sq. ft. of lot area. Staff is recommending approval, with conditions, of this application subject to the findings and criteria outlined in Section Vll of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant, June Frazier, is requesting to modify the shared property boundary between Lots 8 and 9, Bighorn Subdivision 2no Addition, located at 3816 and 3826 Lupine Drive. The applicant currently owns both Lots I and 9. A single family residence currently exists on Lot 9, while Lot 8 is currently undeveloped. The purpose of this proposed amended final plat is to reconfigure the shared propefi boundary between Lots 8 and 9 to allow for a future addition to the existing residence on Lot 9. The existing and proposed Lots 8 and 9 conform to all development standards of the Two-Family Primary/Secondary District. A vicinity map depicting the subject properties (Attachment A) and the proposed amended final plat have been aftached for reference (Attachment B). tv. BACKGROUND Lots 8 and 9, Bighorn Subdivision 2nd Addition were annexed into the Town of Vail on November 5, 1974. At the time of annexation, a single family structure existed on Lot 9. The proposed amended final plat adjusts the shared property boundary between Lots 8 and 9. The existing Lots 8 and 9 comply with all development standards of the Two- Family Primary/Secondary District. In 1978, the Town of Vail adopted hazard regulations to protect residents from the dangers of development in floodplains, avalanches, steep slopes, and geologically sensitive areas. Both Lots 8 and 9 are located within rockfall, debris flow, and avalanche hazard zones. On Jufy 20, 2001 , the Vail Town Council held an executive session to discuss Lots 8, 10, and 1i Bighorn Subdivision 2nd Addition. The Comprehensive Open Lands Plan identified these properties as a high priority for Town acquisition. The Council chose not to pursue acquisition or purchasing a conservation easement across the properties. Instead the Council chose to take no action. This decision was rationalized by the fact that the Town's existing hazard regulations and development standards strictly regulate future development on these sites. On August 13, 2001 , the Planning and Environmental Commission approved a final plat to modify the proper$ boundaries between Lots 8, 9, and 10, Bighorn Subdivision 2no Addition. This final plat approval was contingent upon the applicant obtaining approval of a variance to allow for the creation of a lot with less than 15,000 sq.ft. of buiHabb area. The project did not proceed further, and this 2001 approval has expired and is null and void. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUiIENTS TITLE 13: SUBDIVISION REGUI-ATIONS (in part) 13-2-2 DEFINITIONS EXEMPTION PLAT: The platting of a portion of land or property that does not fall within the definition of a "subdivision", as contained in this section. 13-3-4: COMMISSION REVIEW OF APPLICATION; CRITERIA AND NECESSARY FINDINGS: A. Before recommending approval, approval with conditions or disapproval of the preliminary plan, the planning and environmental commission shall consider the following criteria with respect to the proposed subdivision: 1. The extent to which the proposed subdivision is consistent with all the applicable elements of the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail comprehensive plan and is compatible with the development objectives of the town; and 2. The extent to which the proposed subdivision complies with all of the standards of this title, aS well as, but not limited to, title 12, "Zoning Regulations", of this code, and other pertinent regulations that the planning and environmental commission deems applicable; and 3. The extent to which the proposed subdivision presents a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses consistent with municipal development objectives; and 4. The extent of the effects on the future development of the surrounding area; and 5. The extent to which the proposed subdivision is located and designed to avoid creating spatial patterns that cause inefficiencies in the delivery of public services, or requiraduplication or premature extension of public facilities, or result in a "leapfrog" pattern of development; and 6. The extent to which the utility lines are sized to serve the planned ultimate population of the service area to avoid future land disruption to upgrade undersized lines; and 7. The extent to which the proposed subdivision provides for the growth of an orderly viable community and serves the best interests of the community as a whole; and 8. The extent to which the proposed subdivision results in adverse or beneficial impacts on the natural environment, including, but not limited to, water quality, air quality, noise, vegetation, riparian corridors, hillsides and other desirable natural features; and g. Such other factors and criteria as the commission and/or council deem applicable to the proposed subdivision. B. Necessary Findings: Before recommending and/or granting an approval of an application for a major subdivision, the planning and environmental commission shall make the following findings with respecl to the proposed major subdivision: 1. That the subdivision is in compliance with the criteria listed in subsection A of this section. 2. That the subdivision is consistent with the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail comprehensive plan and compatible with the development objectives of the town. 3. That the subdivision is compatible with and suitable to adjacent uses and appropriate for the surrounding areas. 4. That the subdivision promotes the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the town and promotes the coordinated and harmonious development of the town in a manner that conserves and enhances its natural environment and its established character as a resort and residential community of the highest quality. v. 13.12-1: PURPOSE AND INTENT: The purpose of this chapter is to establish criteria and an appropriate review process wherbby the planning and environmental commission may grant exemptions from the definitioh of the term "subdivision" for properties that are determined to fall outside the purpose, purview and intent of Chapters 3 and 4 of this title. This process is intended to itb'w for the platting of proper$ where no additional parcels are created and conformance with applicable provisions of this code has been demonstrated. 13-12-2: EXEMPTIONS lN PROCEDURE AND SUBMITTALS: ,,Exemption plats", as defined in section 13-2-2 of this title, shall be exempt from reguirements related to preliminary plan procedures and submittals. Exemption plat apilicants may be required to submit an environmental impact report if required by Title 12, Ghapter'12 of this code. '13-'12-3: PLAT PROCEDUREAND CRITERIA FOR REVIEW: The criteria for reviewing the plat shall be as contained in section 13-3'4 of this title. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING North: East: West: South: Land Use Residential Residential Residential Residential Zoning Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential District Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential District Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential District, and Eagle County Zoning Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential District, vt.SITE ANALYSIS The following is a zoning analysis of Lots I and 9, which are proposed to be amended by this application. The purpose of this analysis is to provide a comparison of the existing lots to the proposed lots. Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Current Land Use: Hazards: Develooment Standards Lot Area: Square Building Area: Setbacks (min): Lot E. Biohorn Subdivision 2d Addltion 20 ft. front (min) nla 15 ft. side (min) nla 15 ft. rear (min) nla Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential District Low Density Residential Undeveloped High Severi$ Rockfall, High Hazard Debris Avalanche, Possible Avalanche lnfluence Zone Allowed Existino Proposed 15,000 sq.ft. (min) 39,864 sq.ft. 37,854 sq.ft. 80 ft.xEO ft. (min) 105 ft.x105 ft. 90 ft.x90 ft. no change no change no change Frontage:30 ft. (min)120.04 ft. 104.93 fi. GRFA:8,921 sq.ft. (max) nla no change Site Goverage: 7,571 sq.ft. (max) nla no change Landscape Area: 22,7'12 sq.ft. (min) nla no change Lot 9. Blqhorn Subdivisaon 2nd Addition Zoning: Two-Family Primary/secondary Residential District Land Use Plan Designation: Low Density Residential Current Land Use: Single Family Residence Hazards: High Severity Rockfall, High Hazard Debris Avalanche, Possible Avalanche Influence Zone Development Standard Allowed Existinq Proposed Lot Area: 15,000 sq.ft. (min) 14,491 sq.ft. 17'250 sq'ft' squareBuildingArea: 80ft.x80ft. (min) 100fi.x100ft. 115ft.x115ft. Setbacks: 20 fi. front (min) not available no change 15 feet sides (min) not available no change 15 feet rear (min) not available no change Frontage: 30ft. (min) 133.48 ft. 14g'25ft' GRFA: 6,793 sq.ft. (max) not available no change Site Coverage: 3,450 sq.ft. (max) not available no change Landscape Area: 10,350 sq.ft. (min) not available no change VII. APPLICATIONCRITERIA The purpose section of Title 13, Subdivision Regulations, is intended to ensure that the propbsed subdivision is promoting the health, safety and welfgre 9f the community. The criteria for reviewing an'amended final plat are outlined in Section 13-3-4, Vail Town Code. as follows: (l) The extent to which the proposed subdivision is conslstent with all the iiplicable elements of the adopted goals, obiectives and policies outlined in itre Vail Gomprehensive Plan and is compatible with the development obiectives of the town; and Staff Response: The proposed amended final plat adjusts the shared property boundary between Lots I and 9. The proposed amended final plat involves_ expanding Lot 9 by a length of 15.19 feet into Lot 8, which is a transfer of approximitely 2,01b sq. ft. of lot area. The existing Lots 8 and 9, and the proposed lots created by this amended final plat comply with all development standards of the Two-Family Primary/Secondary District. The Comprehensive Open Lands Plan identified Lot 8 as a high priority for acquisition. However, on July 20,2001 , the Council chose not to pursue acquisition or purchasing a conservation easement across the properties. Instead the Council chose to take no action. This decision was rationalized by the fact that the Town's existing hazard regulations and development standards strictly regulate future development on these sites. Staff believes the proposed amended final plat complies with the goals' objectives, or policies of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. (2) The extent to which the proposed subdivision complies with all of the standards of this Title, as well as, but not limited to' Title 12, Zoning Regulations and other pertinent regulations that the Planning and Environmental Commission deems applicable; and Staff Response: The proposed amended final plat adjusts the shared property boundary between Lots I and 9. The proposed amended final plat involves expanding Lot 9 by a length of 15.19 feet into Lot 8, which is a transfer of approximately 2,010 sq. ft. of lot area. The existing Lots I and 9, and the proposed lots created by this amended final plat comply with all development standards of the Two-Family Primary/Secondary District. (3) The extent to which the proposed subdivlsion presents a harmonlous, convenient, workable relationship among land uses consistent with municipal development objectives; and Staff Response: The proposed amended final plat adjusts the shared property boundary between Lots 8 and 9. The proposed amended final plat involves expanding Lot 9 by a length of 15.19 feet inlo Lot 8, which is a transfer of approximately 2,010 sq. ft. of lot area. The existing Lots 8 and 9, and the proposed lots created by this amended final plat comply with all development standards of the Two-Family Primary/Secondary District. Staff believes the proposed amended final plat maintains a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses consistent with municipal development objectives. (4) The extent of the effects on the future development of the surrounding area; and Staff Response: The proposed amended final plat adjusts the shared property boundary between Lots 8 and 9. The proposed amended final plat involves expanding Lot 9 by a length of 15.19 feet into Lot 8, which is a transfer of approximately 2,010 sq. ft. of lot area. The existing Lots 8 and 9, and the proposed lots created by this amended final plat comply with all development standards of the Two-Family Primary/Secondary District. Staff does not believe the proposed amended final plat will significantly affect the future development of the surrounding areas in comparison to existing conditions. (El The extent to which the proposed subdivision is located and designed to avoid creating spatial patterns that cause inefficiencies in the delivery of public services, oi require duplication or premature extension of public iacilities, or result in a "leapfrog" pattetn of development and staff Response: The proposed amended final plat adjusting the shared property boundary between Lots I and 9 will not negatively affect the elements identified in the above criterion, as these are existing lots' (6) The extent to which the utility tines are 9iz9d to serve the planned ultimate poputation of the service area to avoid future land disruption to upgrade under-sized lines; and staff Response: The proposed amended final plat adjusting the shared property boundary between Lots 8 and 9 will not affect the current level of utility service required in the vicinitY. (7) The extent to which the proposed subdivision provides for the growth of an orderty viable community and serves the best interests of the communitY as a whole; and Staff Response: Staff believes the proposed amended final plat adjusting the shared property boundary between Lots I and 9 will continue to allow for the orderly iroram bf the community and serves the interests of the community as it will Uring tne Lot 9 into conformance in regard to the standards of the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential District' (g) The extent to which the proposed subdivision _results in adverse or Leneficial impacts on the natural environment, including, but not limited to' water quality, air quality, noise, vegetation, riparian corridors, hillsides and other desirable natural features; and Staff Response: Staff does not believe the proposed amended final plat adjusting tire shared property boundary between Lots 8 and 9 will result in any adversaimpacts to any of the items listed in the above criterion, as these are existing lots. (9) Such other factors and criteria as the Gommission andlor Council deem applicable to the proposed subdivision. VIII. STAFFRECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approves, with a condition, the amended final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for a modification to shared property boundaries, located at 3816 and 3826 Lupine Drive/Lots 8 and 9, Bighorn Subdivision znd Addition, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the a.mended final plat, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission pass the following motion: ,The Planning and Environmental commission approves, with conditions, the applicant's r&uest for an amended final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for modifications to shared property boundaries, located at 3E16 and 3826 Lupine Drive/Lots 8 and 9, Bighorn Subdivision 2nd Addition, and setting forth details in regard thereto.' Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this amended final plat, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission approve the following conditions: "1. The applicant must execute any neoessary utility easement relocation agreements, with the applicable utilig providers, prior to the recordation of this amended final plat. 2. The applicant and his successors and assigns, shall not be permitted to reguest any variances subsequent to the approval of this amended final plat for Lots 8 and 9, Bighorn Subdivision 2nd Addition, on the basis that the resulting approved plat created a physical hardship for developing these lots." Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the amended final plat, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission makes the following findings: 'The Planning and Environmental Commission finds: 1. That the subdivision is in compliance with the criteria listed in Sub-section 13- 34A, Vail Town Code, based upon the review outlined in Section Vll of the Staffs August '13,2OO7, memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission. 2. That the subdivision is consistent with the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and compatible with the development objectives of the Town, based upon the review outlined in Section Vll of the Staffs August 13,2007, memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission 3. That the subdivision is compatible with and suitable to adjacent uses and appropriate for the sunounding areas, based upon the review outlined in S'ection Vll of the Staffs August 13, 2007, memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission. 4. That the subdivision promotes the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the Town and promotes the coordinated and harmonious development of the Town in a manner that conserves and enhances its natural environment and its established character as a resort and residential community of the highest quality, based upon the review outlined in Section Vll of the Staffs August 13, 2007, memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission.." IX. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Proposed Amended Final Plat C. Public Notice 9 €-E E g;6 c9E 5.!.- EEF aE ! OE R :e 3 EEE :h9 drn €!o !Es 3F 5a g! E;IE 99 bi 5i ; E E :! E F AftachmentA I t,t ! -.:l ir 9l tl = 5 il r I 6t :!, ti !i Ei,iiillill ililiiiEilli;tr 3:l :i 8ii :ll L giJ;?!i lg ::$ Sitiiliiiii iiri,ii;i i!iEiilli iffilffii I i I t^ ti r il rl ri ll t!: illr t?!r lll! |!i tii il;!!! ltr lli ll! il:!li t ti; ;;i i i:'I;t i;iE iEE ?r i3 ;l _t r il Eil, ; :?i p 6i:! E:!r- :2i g irE I I l!E ii ,it I ; E Attachment B ri ti Ei t; :r ri I,i :{ I F ir E t! E 3 T: T T yl r8 "il *I ir :I i; iJ !l rl -'" i i tr rl !! :t..it ii!ti rie ii it6 jl rlt lit*t, Ete :! llE i6 i: l:l :ll i ?ti i rll ! t{! i !lli -s- i l.,i I ! i llj il I i lll lr tilliJi riiiili !6: I I L I? t, : lq ii ri t:it tt l! it st !l g! !!ri li it tl rl il lE Ir !l r!i.r ilr lllt iEr l|! i i'i !tl iNrl ii ii r' ji - aa t lg ri l!:: ta ir ?i :l li ii :l rl 8' EE tl ;l ti ffiffi o !Ei 0t a ll It _#Itst r 4e{ lr r :!5 :i: tii;fii ,!il!iii lfiffitr ;t , !E I :: .;i El E:il :li5 ri E9 iiuii :iirii! iiiiigi !9 di:! 3 in el r --:l lE! il a 1 E o F li,,t .irlE ,l''-'-il'. ll '6' '"\vl 9il" 5il iti _[t @? ir !E l: ;a!l i:l iE I o'l 'j's'qiB,.,-- -i il \. \ll 1i-- ,*::z ';i --'-:oI TM .N ; Ei!3 :it I :i!E til I ;ir E EI!a iii. e ittl i E;li i, !g:;i5:i:l E; r5:; dS:3r[ o;'aE =t oz L.:R.8 E Yr F =! er - i.i FS::IEB g lsns: B SF"oh \x. 3EI $ i=r { QS=3 =FE S isis '1 u): o :b- 3Ks 3*s 'aq o e E- Aftachment C THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12'3-6, Vail Town Code, on August 19, 2li!/7, at 1:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' in consideration of: A request for a final recommendation to the Vail Town Council, pursuant to Section 12-$ 7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, for proposed text amendments to Sections 12-68-2, t2-oe-s, 12-6c-2,12-6C-3, 12-6D-2,12-6D-3,12-134, VailTown Code, to allow a Type ll employee housing unit as a permifted use, and to eliminate a TyRe ll employee housing unit as a conditional use, in the Singte-Family Residential (SFR)' Two-Family Reside-ntial (R), and Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (PS) districts' and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC07-0042) Applicant Town of Vail Planner: Bill Gibson/Nina Timm . ,,0 _ A request for a final review of an amended final plat, pursuant to ClleJ:i-13.:2: iy\{ 6 Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for a modiftcatiol Jo " f iil\ shared property boundary, located at 3816 and 3826 Lupine Drive/Lots 8 and 9, Bighom 4\' Subdivision ZdAddition, and sefting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC07-0045) Applicant June Frazier Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a final review of an exterior alteration or modification, pursuant to Section 12-7'b-7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for an exterior renovation and the remodel of the third floor residence, located at 201 Gore Creek Drive (Bell Tower Building)/Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC07-0046) Afplicant: BLllTower Partners, Ltd., represented by VAG, Inc., Architects and Planners Planner: Scot Hunn A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to_Section 126D-3' Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a Type ll Employee Housing Unit, in association with the construction of a new residence, located at 1107 and 1169 VaitVattey Drive/Lots 7 and 8, Block 6, VailMllage Filing 7, and sefting forth detaits in regard thereto. (PEC07-0047) Applicant Donna Giordano, represented by VAG, lnc., Architects and Planners Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a final review of an exterior alteration, pursuant to- Section 12-78'7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the addition of bay windows, located at 201 Gore Creek Drive (Bell Tower Building)/Lot A, Block 58' Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto' (PEC07-O048) Applicant: - Herman Staufer, represented by VAG, Inc., Architects and Planners Planner: Bill Gibson Page 1 A request for a final review of a floodplain rnodification, pursuant to chapter 14-6' or"aiiig Standards, V"irio*n Code, to ailow for improvernents toenapproximately two- rif. b-ngth of the 6oi" V"ll"V Trail, from Sunburst Drive to Bighom Road, and a conditional ur" p"-it, puor"ni to Section 12-8-C3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code' to allow for the reroijtion of a paved, non-motorized bicycle path and pedestrian *att<,ryay, located oni,3A n, VailValley-Filing 4 and unplatted properties, (a complete legal description is avaiLUle ior inspectibn at the Town of Vail Community Development oEp"rtr"ndl, and setting forth detaiis in regald thereto. (PEC07-0049) npplicant: " Town of Vail' represented by Gregg Banie Planner: Scot Hunn The applications and infonhation about the proposals are available for public i1s99cti91 during office nours at in" iown of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. rne public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that pi"""0"" the pubtic ;ff;S jn th9 Toyvl -of -V".,! Cbmmunity Development Department' Flea"" call 970479-2138 for additional information' sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification' Please ""it gZOiZg-2356, ielephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information ,- t rPirbli"hed July 25, 2007, in the Vail Daily' , ,r ':..t +": .:l: : Page 2 Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission mWtrfrilLt.jZ DepartnentorcommunityDevelopment .,. . "9 75 Sou$ Frontage Road, Vail, C.olorado 81657 ['rp.-,|-.|^1. 6?n r?o tl?o fiw' O7n d,?O ?dq? \Jtr l.tt ?t '-G'gzo+zg1rffi*iljJgl?r)4st "ZySrlO General rnformation: l"YtlUl All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior t0 submitting a builbin; permit'apptication. Flease refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approral th€t is request€d. nn appiication foi-Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is redived by the Community Development Departrnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: tr C-onditional Use Permit $650 tr Floodplain Modification $400 tr Minor ExteriorAlterauon $650 tr Major ExteriorAlteration $800 D Development Plan $1500 tr Amendment to a Development Plan $250 tr Zoning Code Amendment $1300 tr Variance $500 tr Sign Variance $200 Description of ttre Requeslz Ce lar'4e ero?.9 !i'\z Location ofthe ProPosal: Lot:Block:-54,.j 4//; Physical Parcel Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-86'10 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):fe d ,l 4+3 o o { "l tr tr tr E tr tr tr n Rezoning $1300 Major Subdivision $1500 Minor Subdivision $650 Exemption Plat $650 Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000 New Special Development District $6000 MajorAmendmentto an SDD $6000 MajorAmendmentto an SDD $1250 ( n o erterior mod ifi ation s) Owner(s) Slgnature(s): Name of Applicanh Mailing Address: E-mail Address: F tcdet^FORMS\PermitE\Planning\P EC\exem ptionJclat.doc Page 1 of 6 12-?845 aflaalalrla++fl*til'*a**lta**l**flll*tfafl*tftltl'*atall+*'il'}l*+*taa***'ta***t{r*+a+**t*a**{'a+l+ TOWNOFVAtr COITORADO Strt€meot +ffa**fll'l*+atf+***l*a*l*t+al++alll*a*+*tatafll*al*alff*aa*ffa*a*a+ttt:!'i'.*llt*t*+lt**af*ta+a Statement Number: R070001236 Anount: $650.00 O7/I3/2OO7O2=22 P|tt Pal7ttlent Method: Check Init: ,tS Notation: 76L5/,J. H. FRAZIER Permit No: P8C070045 T!pe: PEC -Bxelq)tLon PIat Parcel No: 2101- 11.1- 0101- 9 Site Addregs: 3825 IITPfNE DR \,A.IL Location: 3815 AND 3826 L,UPIIIE DR Total FeeE: S550.00 ThLe Payment: $650.00 Total ALIJ Pnta: 5550.00 Balance: $0.00 '|r+**+++**taat*f***+flt*'t'|r**l++lf****ararf*a*llf*'}*afl**fa*+af+*al*'}l'l*aa'ta+fttat't*r**+t++ta ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deecription Current Pmts PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPI.'ICATION FEES 550.00 Application for an Exemption Plat Review Submittal Requircments GENERAL INFORMATIOI{ This application is for a request to allow for the platting of propefi where no additional parcels are created and conformance with applicable provisions of the Vail Town Code has been demonstrated. ApplicaUon Fee: $650.00 - required when the applicaUon is submitted to the Community Development Department. Recording Fee: $10/mylar plus $S/page (covenants or restrictions to be filed with the plat); a check, written out to the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, is required to be submitted once the plat has been approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission and prior to the recording of the plat Stamped, addrcssed envelopes and a list of the propefi owneni adjacent to the subject property, including properties behind and across streets. The list of property owners shall include the owners' name(s), corresponding mailing address, and the physical address and legal description of the property owned by each. The applicant is responsible for correct names and mailing addresses. This information is available from the Eagle County Assessot's office. TiUe Report, includlng Written approval from a cd f,m association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. written statement describing the precise nature of the request, including the existing and conditions and how the proposal will make the subdivision more compatible with other properties in the vicinity. X An Environmental Impact Report (as required by the Administrator) ? ' i A site specific Hazard Repoft (as required by the Administrator)b 4 . o Stamped Topographic Suruey (Four complete sets of plans). /$ Three (3) copies of the Proposed Plat (the requirements of the final plat are indicated below):rt X All plans'must also be submitted in 8.5" x 11" reduced format. These are required for the / - Planning and Environmental Commission members' information packets, o AddiUonal Material: The Administrator and/or PEC may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials if deemed necessary to properly evaluate the proposal. II. DETAILEDSUBMITTALREOUIREMENTS Topographic survey:o Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor tr Date of survey o North arrow and graphic bar scale o Scale of 1"=10'or L"=20) o Legal description and physical address F :bdevlFORMS\Permits\Planning\PEC\exem ptionJtlaLdoc Page 3 ot 6 12-2&05 o o o o o B o o Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than zl0ol0, and floodplain) Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show o<isting pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner. Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information. Indicate all easements idenUfted on the suMlvlslon plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the tiUe report. List any easement restrictions. Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot. Topographic conditons at two foot contour intervals Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.). All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.). Environmental Hazards (ie. rocKall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) Watercourse setback, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback) Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: CableW Sewer Telephone Water Size and type of dninage culvefts, swales, etc. Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from property. PRE-APPUSTION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a planning staff member is strongly encouraged. No application will be accepted unless it is omplete. It is the applicanfs responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to determine submittal requirements. TIME REOUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental @mmission meeb on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material (as described above) must be accepted by the. @mmunity Development Depaftment by the appropriate submittal date, which is a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearlng. REVIEW PROCEDURE The proposed plat shall be reviewed by members of the Town's Development Review Team that Includes representation by the Public Work, Community Development and Fire Departments. C.omments and concerns of these departments wlll be fiorwarded to the PEC prior to the public hearing. FINAL PI.AT REOUIREMENTS After the Planning and Environmental Commission has approved the suMivision, the applicant must submit two (2t mvlar cooies of the final plat to the Department of Community Development. The final plat must contain the following information: Gas Electric o o F :\cdevlFORMS\Permib\Planning\PEc\exem ptionlrlat.doc Page 4 of 6 12-2445 - 'TT GUAI,ANT :T, COMPAIVI Land fitle Guarantee Company Darc: O7-12:2M OurOrderNumber: V50019067 hop€rty Address: IOTS 8 AND 9, BIGHORN SIJB 2ND ADDITION AKA 3816 AND 3826 LI.'PINE DRTVE VAIL, CO 81657 Buyer/Sorrower: JAMES A. NELSON AS TO PARCEL I HUMMINGBIRD COMPANY, A COLORADO SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP AS TO PARCEL 2 Sdler/Owner: JAMES A, NEISON AS TO PARCEL I HUMMINGBIRD @MPANY, A COLOMDO SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP AS TO PARCBL 2 Need a map or directions for your upcoming closing? Check out Land Tifle's web site at www.ltgc.com for directions to any of our 54 office locations. 1EANK YOU NOR YOUX ORDERI ESIIMAIE OFTITLE TEES Information Binder $783 .00 It t.ta rltta On.r.ac.. cqt ry rtll b. otott',E 6Ir zr.E rcttd, .boy. ,..t r!7I bo aollcatad rt tl.t t&., TOTAL 9783.00 tor co|lldl 06/0{ [AND TITTE GUABANTEE COMPAIIIV rilv0tcE Owner: JAMFS A. NELSON AS TO PARCEL I HUMMINGBIRD COMPANY, A COLORADO SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP AS TO PARCEL 2 Property Address: LOTS 8 AND 9, BIGHORN SIJB 2ND ADDITION AKA 3816 AND 3826 LUPINE vArL. co 81657 Your Reference No. : When referring to this order, please reference our Order No. V50019067 - CEARGES. Information Binder $183.00 -Total-$r83.00 Please make checks payable to: Land Title Guarantee C-ompany P.O. Box 5440 Denver. CO 80217 (hicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Our Order No. V50019067 Cust. Rd-: hoperty Adclress: LOTS 8 AND 9. BIGHORN SUB 2ND ADDITION AKA 3816 AND 3826 LUPINE DRIVE VAIL, CO 81657 I- Effective Date: April 20, 2007 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and hoposed Insured: Information Binder Proposed Insured: JAMES A. NEIJON AS TO PARCEL I HUMMINGBIRD COMPANY, A COLORADO SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP AS TO PARCEL 2 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commifinmt and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Titte to the estate or interest coyered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: JAMES A. NEISON AS TO PARCEL I HUMMINCBIRD COMPANY. A COLORADO SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP AS TO PARCEL 2 5. The land referred to in this Commitmmt is described as follows: PARCEL I: LOT 8, BIGHORN SUBDTVISION, SECOND ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATEOF COLORADO. PARCEL 2: LOT 9, BIGHORN SUBDIVI$ON, SECOND ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COIORADO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements) Our Order No. V50019067 The following are the requirernents to be complied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Item O) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured mrst be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (Q Additional requiremcnts, if aay disclosed below: This product is for informational purposes only and does not constitute any form of title guarantee nor insurance. The liability of the compatry chall aq1 exceed the charge paid by thc applicanr for this p1edlg1, nor shall the conpany be held liable to atry party other rhnn the ap'plicant for this product. THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY, AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PIJRSUANT HERETO. ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section 2 (Exceptions) OurorderNo. V50019067 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unlcs the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not show[ by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in bormdary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter firnished, imposed by law and not shownby the public records. 5. Defects, liens, ercumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaphing subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the Foposed insured acquires of record for .value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this C-ommitment. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records.o the Treasurer's offrce. 7. Liens for unpaid water znd sewer charges, if any.. 8. In addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B hereof. g. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR IODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD TTIE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UMTED STATES PATENT RE@RDED APRIL 28, I9OO, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE477. IO. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE IJNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UMTED STATES PATENT RECORDED APRIL 28, I9OO, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 477. II. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITTJRE OR RE'VERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED TJPON RACE, coloR, RELIGION, SHL SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMIUAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF IN@ME' AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE I.AW AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 20, 1962, IN BOOK I74 AT PAGE 403 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRIJMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 19,I963,IN BOOK I75 AT PAGE 257. 12. A TEN PERCENT NON-PARTICIPATING ROYALTY IN AND TO THE PROCEEDS DERIVED FROM THE SALE OF MINERALS, ETC., PRODUCED AND MINED FROM SAID PREMISES, ALL AS ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section 2 @xceptions) Our Order No. V50019067 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: SET FORTH AND RESERVED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED IN BOOK 166 AT PAGE 407. 13. EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, SECOND ADDITION. (THE ITEM LISTED BELOW AFFECTS PARCEL I) 14. TERMS. CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF NOTICE OF ENCUMBRANCE AND RESOLUTION RECORDED APRIL 30. 2OOI AT RECEPTION NO. 755757. (THE ITEMS LISTED BELOW AFFECT PARCEL 2) 15. DEED OF TRUST DATED DECEMBER 05, 2003, FROM ruNE FRAZER TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLB COTJNTY FOR THE USE OF MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR FIRST WESTERN MORTGAGE SERVICES, INC. TO SECT'RE TIIE SUM OF $I5O,OOO.OO RECORDED DECEMBER 1I,2ffi3, UNDER RECEPTION NO.861542. 16. DEED OF TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 06, 2006, FROM HUMMINGBIRD COMPANY, A COLORADO SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE @I'NTY FOR THE USE OF WESTSTAR BANK TO SECURE THE SUM OF $2OO,OOO.OO RECOFDED NOVEMBER 29, 2006, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 20M32579. 17. JUDGMENT IN FAVOR OF CEDYCO CORPORATION AGAINST JI'NE FRAZIER AND HUMMINGBIRD COMPANY IN THEAMOUNT OF $8,964.89 PLUS COURT @STS ENTERED ON DECEMBER22,2OO5, TRANSCRIPT OFWHICH WAS RECORDED FEBRUARY 07,2W6, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 200603233, CIVILACTION NO. O5CV-0724, DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF EAGLE. LAND TITLE GUARANITE COMPANV and LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY. GRAND JI,JNCTION DISCLOST]RE STAITMENTS Note: Pu$ua to CRS 10-11-122, notice is hereby given that: A) The subject real property nay be located in a special taxing district' B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained ftom the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the C-ounty Assessor. Note: Effective September l,1997, CRS 30-10406 requires that all documents received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's sffigs shall contain a top rnargin ofat least one inch and a left, rigbt and bottom margin of at least one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refuse to record or file any document that does not conform, except that, the requirement for the top margin slrall not apply to doclments using forms on which space is provided for recording or filing information at the top margin of the document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article YII requires tbat "Every title entity shall gg responsible for all matte$ which appear of record prior to the time of recording whenever the title entity conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing of legal documents resulting from the transaction which was closed". Provided that land Title Guarantee Company conducts the closing of the insured uansaction and is responsible for recording the legal documents from the transaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the knders Policy when issued. Note: Affirmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available (typicdly by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitment from the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon coqliance with the following conditions: A) The land described ia Schedule A of this commitment must be a single family residence which includes a condominium or tovmhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or material-mcn for purposes of corstruction on the land described in Schedule A of this Commitment within the past 6 months, C) The Coryany must receiye an appropriate affidavit hdennifying the Company against un-filed mechanic's and material-men's liens. D) The C-ompany mrst receive payment of the appropriate premium. E) If there has been construction, iqnovements or major repairs undertaken on the property to be purchased wirhin six months prior to the Date of the Cimmifinent, the requiremeils to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain construction information; financial information as to the seller, the builder and or the contraclor; payment of &e ap'propriate premium fully executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory to the corrpany, and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid information by the Company- No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Note: Pursurt to CRS l0-ll-123, notice is hereby given: This notice applies to owner's policy eommitments containing a mineral severance instrument excqrtion, or exceptiors, in Schedule B, Section 2. A) That therc is recorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate and tbat thcre is a substanrial likelihood that a third party holds some or dl interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal energy in the property; and B) That such mineral estate may include the right to enter and use the property without the surface owner's permission. Nothing herein contained will be deemed to obligate the coryany to provide any of the coverages referred to herein unless the above conditions are fully satisfied. Form DISCIOSURE 0910110? NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY tr'idelity National Flnancial Group of Companies / Chicago Title Insurance Company Security Union Title Inzurance Company July l,2001 We recosnize and resoect the privacv exDectations of today's consumers and the requirements of applicable federal and state oriiacv laws. We believd that iukins vou awiue Offow we use vour non-Dublic perso"rl information ("Personal Iufor;natiori). atrd to whom it is discloseil -will form the basis for a rblationshiir of trrist between us and the public that we serve.'This Privacy Statement provides that explanetion. We resewe thd right to change this Privacy - Statement from time to time consistent with ap'plicable privacy laws. In the course of our business, we rnay collect Personal Information about you from tbe following sources: From aoplications or other forms we receive from vou or vour authorized reDresentative; lrom ybur transactioTs with, or from the services 6eing pErformed by, us, o-ur affiliates, or others; rrom our tnrcrnet weD srtes: From the public records maintained by governnental entities that we either obtain directly from those entities, oi' from our affiliates or otheisiand From consumer or other reporting agencics. Our Policies Regarding the Protection of the Confidentiality and Security of Your Personal Information Ws meiataia p6vsical. electronic and procedural safesuards to Drotect vour Personal Information from unauthorized access or intrirsibn. We limit access td the Personel liformation onty til those employees who need such access in connection with providing products or services to you or for other l-egitimate busineSs puposes. Our Policies and hactices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Information We may share your psl5snal Irformation with our affiliates, such as insurance companies, agents, and other real estate s'ettlemerit service providers. We also may disclose your Personal Informatiori: * to aqents. brokers or rcDresentatives to Drovide vou with services vou have requested;* qo tffi5d-party contractois or.service providers wlo provide servictis or perforni marketing or other tuncuoDs on our benafii an(r * to others with whom we enter into joint marketing agreements for products or services that we believe you may find of interest. In addition we will disclose vour Person4l Information when vou direct or qive us permission, when we are required bv law to do so. or when we 3usoect fraudulenl or criminal aciivities. We alio may -disclose youl Personel Liformation whLn otherwise perfoitted by applicable privacy laws such as,.for exahple, wheh disclosure is needed to enforce our righs arising out of any agricment, transaction or relationship with you. One of the important responsibilities of somc of our affiliated companies is to record documents in the public d6meia. Such documenti mry conuin your Personal Information. - Right to Acces Your Personal Information and Ability to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Certain scates afford vou the risht to access vour Personal Information and, under certain circumstances, to find out to whom vour Persoial Informltion has beeir disclosed. Also. certain states afford you the risht to request correctiod, amendment or deletion of your Personel Information. We reserve the riEht, where permittid by law, to cbarge a reasonable fee to cover the c<ists incurred in responrling to such requests. All requests submitted to the Fidelity National Financial Group of C.ompanies/Glicago Title Insurance Company shall bi in writing, and delivered to'the following address: Privacy Compliance Offi cer Fideliiv National Financial, Inc. 4050 Calle Real. Suite 220 Santa Barbara. CA 931 l0 Multiple hoducts or Services If we provide yop qlth more than one fimncial. product or service, you rnay receive more than one privacy notice rrom us. we aporoglze ror any rnconve ence urrs guy cause you. Form PRIV. POL - CH I NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY OF LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION AND MERIDIAN I^AND TITLE, L.L.C., A COLORADO LIMITED LIABLITY COMPANY, D/B/A LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY - GRAND ruNCTION this StatemenJ is provided to you as a cuslomer of llnd Title Guarantee Coryany, a Colorado corporation and Meridian l-and Title, LLC, d/b/a tand Title Guaraatee Company - Grand Junction. We want you to know that we recognize and respect your privacy expectations and the requirements of federal and state privacy laws. Information security is one of our highest priorities. We recognize that maintaining your trust and confidence is the bedrock of our business. We meinlain and regularly review internal and external safegrrards against unauthorized access to non-public personal information ("Personal Information"). In the course of our business, we may collect Personal Information about you from: * applications or other forms we receive from you, including communications sent through TMX, our web_based tsatrsactiotr menagement System;* your transactions with, or from the services being performed by, us, our affiliates, or others; * a consumer rqrorting agency, if such information is provided to us in connection with your transaction; and + the public records mrintained by govemmental entities that we either obtain directly from those entities, or from our affrliates and non-affiliates. Our policies regarding the protection of the confdentiality and security of your Personal Information are as follows:* We restrict access to all Personal Information about you to those employees who need to know that information in order to provide products ad services to you. * We mrintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with federal standards to protect your Personal Information from unauthorized access or intrusion.* Eryloyees who violate our strict policies and procedures regarding privacy are subject to disciplinary action.* We regularly access security standards and procedures to protect against unauthorized access to Personal Information. ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT PERMITTED BY I-AW. Consistent with applicable privacy laws, there are some situations in which Personal Information may be disclosed. We may disclose your Personal Information when you direct or give us permissioq when we are required by law to do so, for exaryle, if we are served a subpoena; or when we suspect frauduleil or criminal activities. We atso may disclose your Pcrsonal Information when otherwise permitted by aprplicable privacy laws such as, for example, when disclosure is needed to enforce our dghts arising out of any agreement, traosaction or relslisnship with you. Our policy regarding dispute resolution is as follows. Any controveny or claim arising out of or relating to our privacy poticy, or the breach thereol shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American erbitration Association, and judgme rryon the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may bc entered in any court having judsdiction thereof . Forn PR I V. POL. LTG.I ffinrrn h,a {"ft Et 7 PEAK IAND CONSULTANTS, INC. PEAK LAND SURVEYING. INC, PEAK CIVIL ENGINEEBING, INC. 97}47ffi644. FAX 970476€616 . 1@ LIONE FIOGE LmP ' VAIL' cO S1657 Letter of Transmittal: To: Out", lob#: /O/9 Mailed Delivered Overnight Mail Two Day Mail Fax Pick-up Modem Other We are sending the following items: Reproductions Specifications Copy of Letter Change Order Samfles Disks Other Copies Description Date These are transmitted: ..4f@-D As Requested Reviewed For Your Use For Review & Comment For Your Record Other U A*-(d /tr7ur/ L- srzr'oF/ /* n6 +hru,a_ ' ff Remarks: This form serves to verifo that the proposed improvements will not hpact any €xiding.or. poposed utility- selices' and also to ;;il;;il ";iriUirirv anJio"uton ior ner construction anrl should be used ln aoniunction with preparing your utilify plan and ,.r,.|u1ng instaltafons- e site plan, inctuding grading plan,ioor plan, and elerrathns, shall be submitted to the following utilities il;;;;;;.i;"J uurtRcauon. p[erGr nu.ow uP T6'2 wEEKs FoR APPRoVAI oR coMMEl{Ts FRoM rHE uTlurY COHPANIES. If you are un.Ofe to oUtuin comments within that Umeframe please contact The'Town of Vail. ,Ju t .23, 20rll 2:18Ptrl pealt land ccnsrt lti0ts ' inc Sm unt-rrY APPRovAL & vERrFrcATroN r0n0f viltz llo.{569 P.2 suaoivtston:FlAlbil-A SdjvD tot*, I * 7 Commgnts Date ftr*%tifast ^{s o7ercCI- tjyudt Deyeloper to ProYide Lot Addregs Informadon: Lot Addr€ss: QWESr Aitho rited Slonaturc 970.468.6860(tel) 970.a68.0672(fax) Contacts: Sarn Tooley samuel. loolev(dcwest.com XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.26?,4a76 (tel) 970.468.1401 (fax) 'c.onbct: Rich Sisneros richard.sisneros@xcelenerov,com HOLY CROSS ENERGY 970.947.sa2s (tel) 970.945.4081 (fax) Conbct: Diana Golis dgolis@Iolvcrqss.com XCEL Energy 970.262.4038 (fax) 970.262..t024 (cel) Con(a(ts: Kit Bogert Kathwn. Boqert@XCELENERGY. com EAGLE R.NER WATER & SANTTATION DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.408 (fa\\ Contact Fred Haslee fhadqg@erwsd.orq COI{CAST CABLE 970,418.8248 (td) 970.949.9138 (fax) Conbct: David Evans david evans@cable,comcast.com NOTES! L II the utility approval & verifiation form has signatures from each of tlre uutity companies, and no comments are made dlrectly on the iorm, or no action is taken within 2 weeks of the Ublityl receipt of the form without explanauon the Town wlll presume that th€re are no problems and the dwelopment can proceed' i.-rt a ,nrity company has concems wtttr the proposed construcion, tfre uUllty represenbtlve shall note directly on the utility u.,irrqti* rirrr ttrit tirere ls a problem which need! to be rsolved. The issue sbould then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. Howwer, praat. f".p in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility.conpany and the applicant to resolve identlfied problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibiltty to obtain a Public Way Permit hom tie Depa(ment of pubticWorks at the Town of Vall. uuiity testions must be obhined before digoino in any public rightol-way or'easement *iu,,in u* ro*n or vait. I buiiliffirmit ana mu+ h. obtained seoatately' . -. a'n.oeva|ope,i.,"quh@visecanwlng5totheUtj|itlesforre.approva|&re-verlficalionifthe submitted plans are altered in arry iay aner thg 3uthsrized signature date (unless othemise speclflcally noted within the comment area of this form). Develope/s Signature F:\cdev\FORMS\PermitsPlanning\DRB\Ulility Approval-0S I m7.doc z c 4esooooos.e 'oN/e ! : o I 'lsle! 'o'- Looz zz -.|frl- ( ltll> Date 5-16-2007 zLao€,g'loLe 3Nl.t'H'l'll|3/\_'t ls lsSmo $lolll SILVERTH0RNE HP Faxr19704681401 Jut 24'2UU( /:51 r.u2 ^t,V,-il[i t;jg[U peaklandconsullanls,inc No.{5i0 P 2/3 UIIUTY APPROVAL & VERIFICATION lNxCY lLt, This form servcs to vaify that the prpos€d impro\rements will not impact aoy exlsting ot progosed utility setylces, and also to verity s€rvice availaHlity and locAtion for new construction and should be uted in conjunction with preparing your utllity plan and srhedulino anstalhtions- A elt! plrn, lrr|rxling grading plan. noor plan, and €lcvcuons, sh6ll be subrnitted to the follotrving uttlitFt for approval and wrifiotion, PIIASE ALLOW uP To 2 WEEKS FoR APPnOV I OR, COllHEilTs FRoH rHE UITUTV COilPAl{lEs. If you are unable to obtaln comments within that timeframe please cont ct The Tovm of Vatl. Daveloper Io Pmvidc Lot Addrcs Infonnttion: subdtvFltot.Fl,lbLA fu'rfD U,r#,-Q tLL Authorized !Iqnatur.Comrflent5 Dttc Lot Addrcss: QWEST 970.468.6860(tel) 970.468.O672(fax) Contacts: Sam Tooley samuel.toolev@owest.com XCTL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.252.4076 (tel) 970.468.r{01 (fax) Contact: Rkh Sisneros richard. sisneros@xcelcneray.com TIOLY CROSS EI{ERGY e70.947.5425 (tcl) 970.9{5.4081 (fax) Contact: Diana Golis doolis@holvgosi.com XCEL Energy 970.262.4038 (fax) 970.262.a024 (tel) Contacts: Kit Bogert K.thrvn.Eooert@XCELFNERGY.coTI EAGLE RIVTR WAYER T SAIIITATIOII DISTNICT 970.{76.7{80 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contad: Fred Haslee Fhaslee@erwsd.oro COMCASTCABLE 970.ar8.82,18 (rel) 970.9a9.9138 (fax) bntact: David Evans Covrd evans@cable comcast,com IOTEST I ut- e1#' . ('1-t' 6N'/(o 'JUL 2 3 2007 l. If the utility approval & verlncatton form har signatures trom eadr of the utility companies. and no comments are made dire$ly rn the form, or no actlon is taken within 2 wecks of the Uttliv's receipt of the form without explanation the Town will presume hat there are no pmblems and the development can proceed. I ll a fiility company has concems with the prqosed construction, th€ utlllty represcntative shall note directly on the utility crilicadon form that there is a problem whkh ne€ds to ba resolved. The hsue should then bc detailed in an anached lettet to the bwn of Varl. Horvever, glcasa keep in mind that it is ths nesponsitility' of the utilrty.company and the applicant to resolvc dcnufr€d prott€rns. l. These verificatiofls do not relieve th€ contr.ctor ol the responsibility to obtrin a Public way Permlt from the Department of tublic Works at the Town ol Vail. Utility locataonr must b6 obhined bcforl diooina in any public light of-way or easement vithtn the Town of Vail. A buildlno pcr|nit ls not . Publla Wru lcftrit rnd musr bc obhirred sGprr.blv- 1. The Developer is requircd and agrees to subnlt any rorised drtwings to the utilities for re-rpproval &. re-venficatlon rf th€ ubmitted plans are altered In arry way aftcr the authorized srgnature date (unlcss otheMis€ specjncally noted within thc comrncnt rrea of tiis form). )eveloper's Signrture ' :\cdsv\FORMSUemrstPhnning\DR8\UIiliv ApD(oy.t_O5- l6O7-doc Dare 5-t6.?OO7 ' ./{u5. 1' 2001 l0:50Atr| peak lano consullan(lrlnc KrDl urrlsITYAPPRovAL&vERrFIcATroN il;t;ff*** to verifo that dre prop*dimpro,€mants vriil nor impact any cxisting or proposed utitity sey"ice5, and arso to verify service aVailability ana ro--U[n-for rrew.bn*,rqton.il;h;iil-#;; in coniunctiqn wlth prexring your utility Plan and schedutins insralations. n o*i'I.",'in.ifi;g g'd_4!g 4"oiri- ili11;1i-91e"U"ni +a1 ue s'omt*€d to the followlne utilities for approval and v€t1ft@tion. #;l3t'Aii6i^r-irCio t W*is-Fon lppnolau oR. cor4ilENT5 FR9M THE UIIL'TY coHpANIES. Iryouareuna'ffi6;G;;"il;*itr'in[attimerramePleaseconta€tTheTownofvail' Pevetoper to Provftte LotAddrgs Inlormflont Lot Addres+ Asthodted slqnalure Comments 4wes'r 970J68-6860(tel) 970-4€8.062(fax) Contads: Sarn Tooley sarnudloqley.@s4estlalo rfcu xten PRESSURE cAs 'szo.zezeozo lteq 970.458-1au (fax) 'conbd!! Rlch Slsneros richard,sisn€ros@xcelenerqY-com HOLYCROSSENERGY 970.947.s425 (tel) 970.94s-4081 (Ex) Cootact: Diana Golis gdis@hal@ss.cal[ V(CIL Energry 970.262-1038 (fax) 970.262.4024 (tel) SANTTATION DISTRICT 970.476-7480 (tet) 970.476.4089 (rax) Conract Fred Haslee fhaslee@er!4Eg-orq COMCA5TCABII e7o.41B,sz48 (tel) 970-949.913E (fax) Contzctr David Evans david qra nt@.qblqornqjt' cqUl 8'7-D7 NOTES: L lf the utility apprcval u vedFtcation form has sgnaures from eaclr of fie utfiv comPa'nies' and no comments are made direclY on dre form, 6,1 1e acdon F;E;;tirf i *lur6 or u" urt-liv. *Gpl'"r rc'norm unrmut exPlanation the Town wlll presume l"tt"'frt;H;E'Jffi$:;1*':fi|L:'fi#1ff;*,..io' th9,irry-fl,=:n'dve sha note cttredrv el tre uilltY verificarion torm thar there r'" ii"dr"r" n nia, nl"ai t" u" ifri".olih" Est'e tiou'l tten be deaited in an atbched letter to the Town of Vait. However. pease reep In mind that n f il?[lpi#ii-ifit' ti iiJtn1V company and the applicant Do resolve identified groblems. !-. ftt.* u"rn-dons do no! rel[9y9 !!e of tre responsibllitv to obtain a Publrc Way ferm$.fro.11 ltr-e.Depadnent of ' -i..t iJ"iulnea before drggins in iny public right{f-way or easemmt iuUuc wotrs at tt e Tot'n of vaiL llli w'rthln dreTown of Vail.if zhe withln dte Town gf vatl. a iurtotnq P"$"J!%[bes for r+.appfoval.& i. rii" o*.rop.t is required and agrees to abtl T[":,:i'^^dr .'a .GrrD rrhtess o'rerw** s#on atty 4. The E)e\,eroper is required and asrees !o slrDrDlt aflv | "'Tg"Hil'A; ti,ii.rs Jo-.n"ise s#oncatty noteo wirhin the comment ;;;itfi pl.;" are anired ln sny way btte( rlte autttorized s @ntract9r r loatlqD area of this form). DeveloPefs sgnahJre F:\cdev\FORMSgef mits\PtanningDRB\Ulitit/ APProvalgSl 6{/'doc Date ,1€-2007 i,{d80 :a t t00z 'l 'gflv L 'd f8/'0N /.'9U]|\l] SSOU] AIOH XCEL ,Jul.;l3.Nl/.t mmcvxtiT SUMMIT CIY tax't91J.2624}5/ Jul 2/ 20tJl lulj/ z;'llP|'l !eal lind c0nsullanls,t|lc UTII.ITY APPROVAL E VERTFICATION 8:55 P.01 lio,4b/i P.2/3 Tiig form sarycs to verlfy th{t the.prop$ed improveflenls wilt mt impgct any exigting or proposed udlity geruices, end ,lso to verry Eendce awillbilit anc locotton ior new c;nsrKtion rnd shoub'bC uici rn ony"unaildi"iq pr€garing your utility Dbn and scheddinq irutrllations. A rila Pbn, lnduding gcding plan floor pran, eno_geyguoijfsiia-riue ruarrneo to th€ follovrinE utilitiet brapptwal endv€tificsdo,r.Pt-E sEAtl.oiyuprozui::rs'roi-aipiovltdiidiirerrsrrorlrH!unury collPAlllEs, tf vou re unable to obein conmenrs wi$rin ttrat tmerrarJ;E;;c;il;#e town of Vail, Davelcpslo pnrldc l,ot Addns Inhrmadon: rotaac'.o,3824 t3Rlto LeriN6..E[dd *,aav*",F/6rbtA Sgzfii **, g LL Aulhorired $isorlm Semmantg DITN QWEsT 970,46E.6860(tel) 970.{68.0672 (fax) Conbcb: Sam Tooley 4anuel, toolev0omst. tq![, XCEL HTGH Pf,EsSURE Grc e70.262,4076 (ht) 970.{68.1101 (frr) Conttct: Rictr Sicnsrof riciard.lkff Sog@relencrov.aom XOLY CRO!iS CIIERGY 970.9{7.542s (trD 970.9{9.q0u (fax) Coobct: Diana Gollt daolir(ohotoctotg,ooo XCEL Errrgy 970.262.4038 (fEr) 970.t62.{024 (lel) Contacts; Kit Bbgen EAGlg RN'ERWATER E IiAilTTATION DISTRrCT 970.1t6,7{80 (teD 970.476.{089 (fax) @ntlgt: Ffed HrSle!! fhrqlee6eryxdnto COttC 'lsfc ELE e70.118.8248 (rel) 970,949.9r38 (hx) Conbcts Davld Er,ans dsJ[iiletrenrocahlesncr*com rtsrE5.. 1.41.07 1- lf the rnllq, dppro\rEt & vcrifiardon form has stgnsrures fyo?n :rcrt OJ lhe_qlliw- comFnlca, and nO qommem' lre madc dkecuy on hc form, or no acton s bken within a weefi ot 0re Utifiiyt nceipi of tiiq form'lffi'.rpr.naion the Town will presurn tfirt ttrcrc ate.no problcnrs and the devetop,nent cri pioceiJ,'-3. If ! utilry comDrny tus concqnr nttn tte proporud o,itt_Con, th€ uHfity rEpresentaHve Sh€ll note dincty on the uuiv wrllication lorm hlt then IE a Drobtcn u,rrich niedi iJue-res-orveo, ine issue rr'orri ftn uJca"ired in an sbch'ed rcttcr b rre Iillr:lH'b"[:*ter, P.aso keep h mlnd tr'ii ii is tr'iiesp*sturriv or tr'i:Lridi..In'*ry and the apefcant F resorve f,Ji:ff"H:ff:T#.TjJ:|IlT"?.lT3'g*j"r$1ylgl1'!iliyp obbin a_pubris wry pcnnn ftom rhe orpe,rncnt of Puulc Wofis rt ltte Town of Valf,In.any pubtie dghtd-wjy or eisemorr wfthi^ the To^rn of Vail. 4..Th€ D6yqleprgr is requircd and igrees to ffiW r' r'r- '-ver,vEr r: 'EqrJrrE(t drE agree; to tuomK 3ny rcvlsed drawingr.tolhe uullties fot ri-apfoa_iEi6ili--ncation lf the *l;Tffiffii: altered in anv *av after tt'. iirrnd'idlliiarua iatc (;-e,. 'ilili,.'#.an .uy n*c ,ntd.,r" u'; -ir*r Oevetopef - DItE F:tc<tcv\FORl6\Permilt\Plenntn0URE\WW Aepruvrlo&l AOT.dac 5-te2@7 | 9?.A 4?6 s6L6 PffiE.A2 JUL 23 'A? 27.2a Jul-23-2007 l6:20 Fron-ERl{SD 0?047640S9 I'IIIIITY AFPROVAL A VERIFTCATION T-097 P.001/00t F-034 *ffic Thls lorm serVes to veriil drat the proposed impKrv€ments will not impact any existing or proposed utllty.sellces, and also !0 u"rify iervice avallobllityinO toca6in for nsw consguction and shouh be used in aonjunctlon with preparing your utility plan and sctretu[nS inst3lations. A sits plan, tncludlng grading plan, fioor plaq ?qd_q9!{9n:,Jha[ be s/bmitt€d b $e followlns utllitles for approiat and rredficaton. piEAiE AUOW UP TO 2 WEEI(S FOR APPROVAT OR COl,lHEtlTs FRoH THE UTTUTY cofipenrfs. If rlgu are unable to obbh comments Mthln that tlmeframe pleese conhdThe Town of Vall- DavetoPer tu Ptovida Lot Acftrrse laformztlon: subdtvts.ont1l|lWl -fuaD. Low, 9l I Y*N,\["u*,- LotAddressi Authoriznd Siqnetute Gommenla Dato QWEsT 970.458.5860(tcl) 970,168.0672(tdx) Contacu: Sam Tooley sEmuel.toolev@gwesLmm XCEI HICH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.1075 (tel) 970.468.t101 (fax) 'ContrcB Rldr Sisnems rida rd,slsnqoi@xaelenergy.com HOLY CROSS EilERSY 970.947,5{25 (tel) 970.945,,108t (fax) Confad: Diana Golis ddolls@hotrGt@6s.conl XcEl Energrf e70.252.4{88 (fax) 970.262.,{021 (tcl) Contacts: Klt Bogen Kethrvn. BooqtOXC.ELEN ER6Y.com EAGLERIYERWATER&gAl|rfAlloll DrsTRlcr 970.,{76.7480 (tel) 970.176.4089 (rax) Contnct fted Haslee ftaslea6erwsd.oro COMCASTCAELE 970.418.8248 (teD 970.99.e$8 (fd) Contad: Davld Evans dalp er/ans@@hh.esm$.eqq! ilQTrs: f- if tre Utilitv approral & rierirtcation form har signatures from e8dt of U€ utiilty- companies, and no @mments arc made dircctly on the form, or hb actbn is hken wit'lrin 2 weelrs of fte Utllltyt recelpt of tho form wfthout explanatbn thg Tovvn will presume that tfrere arc.no problems and he developmen! can p9ceed. L f a udllty corirpany hbs concems witl the proposed or9tu61ion, $e utlllty representaWe shall note dirccdy 91 the utlllry verificatlon firm Ut'at tfierc ls a problem whidr neeos to be tesofv€d, The isue shoulo then be detailed in an othdted lcfrer to ute Town of Vai[ Horvwer, 4ease keep ln mlnd t iat it ls ths re+onsiHliw of 6e utility company and thc appli@nt !o rc$lve identified pmblems. 3.IhesE i€dncatiorE do not refieve tfie contrircOr of the respdrslbillgy !g ob$m a Publc Way Pemit from tr|e DePeronent ot Rrblic Wot|c il thc Town of Vail. Utiliv location? rnuSt !B oFfalncd bdott dlEqlnd ln any publk right'of.way or €asemcnt wlthinti€TownolVall. Abuilrlingp€rmititn!4aPubllcWaYpcrnrittndmustlsottallqflreParatell. 4. The Dcrelopor ls required and aiiees to slibm:il any revFed dnwings to tfie utllltles br reapporal e re'verifiotlon lf the srbmited ptans are att;red in any way after the authorizd signature datc (unless odremise gecifically noted lvlhln $e comment area of hb form). .\r *s- C.'+.--" '"o os\'f Lra\s"' ot€r@q'cF \t\ql{S' 7e-67 F:lcde{FoRIrlS\P€mllsulannhg\DR8\U0liU ApppvrL0}16{7.doc Date 5.16-2007 AE/Z0lZO01 UOlf 14:t! FAx ,rUvz.5qrUo uulruAri'r qAl'l,E ..Aus,20' 2007 l0:20AM paak land consultants,inc SD urruwAPPRovAl&wRrrcarron r(rwGwi, lg)vv at vvz No.47lB P. 2 This form serves to vedfy that the PDposed hprovements W|| not imps(t any exlsung or pmposed uffrty seryices, and algo to veriry servlce avdllablllty and locadon fur new consmrction and should be used in conjunction wth prepan:ng your utitity phn and scfieduling Infiltauons. A site dan, Includlng grading plan, Roor phn, and ele\rauong, siall be Eubmitted to the tulloldng rltilties for appro\El and verlfica0on. PLE SE AIIoW UP TO 2 WEEI6 FoR APPROVAL oR @llMEt{Ts FRol'l THE UTILIW GOMPAIIIES. [f you are mable to obbin comments within that Umeftame plede conhct The Toun of Vail. Developer b Pmyidc Lot Addrss Information: Lot Address:stau'ion EIlrLbd-Jg<$^ t*n' 8 -t-1- Authorized Sionafule .Comments Date ....QwEsT 970.468.6860(td) 970.468.o672(ldx) Contads: Sam Tooley gmuel.@lgy@swest corn XCEL IIT€}I PRESSUREGAS e70.262-4076 (tel) 970.458.1a01 (fax) Contact: Ridr Sisneros richard-sbneroitaxe.lg|emy. com r{olY.cRoss ENERGY 970-e47-5425 (td) 970.945-4081 (fax) Contsacfi Dhna Golis ctgolis@bdlycrosE Com XCEL En€.rol s70.262,4038 (fax) 9?0,262.a02{ (tcl) Contads: t-Ct Boecrt Ka$ryn - &€ert@XCELENERGY-com ,i F4CTERn ER-WATER'& SAUIIA:SONOISTRICT 970-476-7480 (tet) 970.476.4089 (rax) contach Fr€d Hadee ftadoc@crvnEd.oro ' /) ^ 17o'gJo-tlaB on the form, or no adion is taken wl$in 2 weeK of the Utjlity's rEcelpt of the Form wftfnr,rt explanadon the Town will prezume that tfierc are.no problems and tfie darelopmqnt can proceed, Z. If a |Jtility @mpany has cDnerns wlth.0te proposed con*uction, t'|e uulity representaUve shall not€ rllrtcdy on the uullty verlfication Form tlEt there is a probhm whict neede to b€ resolved. The issre should then b€ detailed in an athdred letter to tre Torn of Vail. However, please keep in mind tllat lt le the rcsponsibility of the dility compary and the applicarf to resolve identlfled problems, 3. these rrerifrtztions do not rdleve thc cont-actor of the re-sporisiHllty to obEln a Public Way P€rmit from the Departnent of PuUic Works at the Town of Vail. Ulillfv locetiFgeJnust b6 qbblned-befora dlcglng In cny publlc dght-of-vfcy or cascrnent wlthin the Town of Vall- A buflding pgtE|ft }s notl Publlc Wav nermiqjrEd mggt ElobFlned s:eDaatelv,. 4- The De"veloper is required and agre€s to $bmlt Eny r€vised drawings to the utifitles for r$approval & re.veriffratlon if the subrnitM d.ns are altere.l in any way after the authorlzed signEbre date (unless otherarise specifically nded wlftln the @mment area of thlt fom), Dsvelopers Signature :ffiHf#ffi.. M ,--.--- Btot F:\cdev\FoRMS\Pormlls\Planoing\DRB\UUny Appto!€L05r1 6{7,dOo wk/w Date 5-1F2007 LETOFSKY&DOMBROWSKI ATTORNEYS AT LAW COMMUNITY FIRST BANK BUILDING 1000 NORTH SUMMIT BOULEVARD,SUITE 210 P.O.BOX DRAWER 549 FRISCO,COLORADO 80443 (970)668-3373 FACSIMILE: (970)668-5666 DENVER DIRECT: (303)623-1166 STEVEN F.LETOFSKY EMAIL:steven @letofskydombrowski.com CASS E.DOMBROWSKI cass @letofskydombrowski.com July 8, 2002 Via Facsimile (970) 479-2452 and Regular Mail Community Development Department Planning and Environmental Commission Town of Vail Colorado 81657 Attention: Ms. Rodriguez RE: PEC No.: PEC010052 Property Address: 3828 Bridge Road Vail, Colorado Legal Description: Lots 9 and 10, Bighorn Subdivision, 2' Edition - Location - Lot 10, Bighorn Subdivision 2" Parcel No.: 21011101009 Dear Ms. Rodriguez: Please be advised that our office represents Dr.Norman Gaylis who is the owner of Lot 10, Bighorn Subdivision, 2' Edition. Dr. Gaylis acquired the property in August, 2001, from Jeff Dahl,as a result of a deed in lieu of foreclosure. Under the terms of the acquisition,Mr. Dahl was obligated to complete all of the conditions required for approval of the resubdivision of Lots 9 and 10. Unfortunately, Mr. Dahl did not complete all of the conditions on a timely basis. We are currently attempting to negotiate a further agreement with the owner of Lot 9, Bighorn Subdivision to carry out the original purposes of the agreement between the parties as well as comply with the additional conditions for approval. REC'D JUL 112002 • Ms. Rodriguez Page 2 July 8, 2002 As a consequence of the foregoing, Dr. Gaylis is requesting that the approval granted on 8/13/01,which requires that all the conditions be complied with within one year of such date be extended for an additional 1-year period. It is my understanding that this matter will be reviewed on a prompt basis and that you will be in contact with me concerning the Commission's decision. If you have any further questions or if I may be of any further assistance, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Very truly •fir,rs, St: .. 1 sps cc: Dr. Norman Gaylis ( is facsimile) t Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Departrcnt of Community Devdopmert 75 South Font4€ Roa4 Vaif Coha(b 81657 tel: 970.48.2139 Jax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Projst llame: Frazier-Dahl Lots Project Description: Participants: PrclectAddrees: legal Dccription: Parcel Number: 210111101008 Commcnts: APPUCANT Steven James Riden Architect0S/071200I Phone: 949-4121 OWNER Box 3238 Vail, Co 816s8 Li@nse: HUMMINGBIRD CO POFo,X2077 VAIL CO 81658 3826 LUPINE DR VAIL 10/022000 Phone: PEC l{umber: PEC01O043 Minor Subdivision - Abandon property lines for LG 8,9,10 Bighom 2nd location: Lots 8,9,10, Bighom 2nd lofi 9&10 Block Subdivislon: BIGHORN 2ND ADDffiON 2r01111010G) BOARD/STAFF ACTIOT{ Modon By: Second By: Vde: Conditionr: Brian Doyon Doug Cahill 6-0 Actlon: APPROVED Date of Approval= 08I2!l24{}? g/12 ft.oo t @ndr 8 (PLAN): No changes to these phns may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail sbff and/or the approprhte review committee(s). Cond: CONflXH945 That the minor subdivision shall only valid if the variance from section 12-6D-5 b abo approved. Cond: CON00049,16 That the applicant shall revise the plat prior to recording, in accordance with the Town's suMivision regulationt to indicate the total buiHable area on each proposed lot, to delineate the buildable area on each propced lot, and to indi?te the locations of all applicable hazards. Cond: CON@(h947 That within one year of today's date (or prior to recording of the plat) the parking within tie town right-of-way shall be renpved to @mply with all town sbndards. ffi ;y'",t*"f#,*I0mi0t[Alf "ffimffi,8*a11b,?ffi#"' web: www,cl.vail.co.ts Proiect l{eme: Dahl Property PEC fiumbsr: PEC010052 Prclect Dcscription: Variance from section 12-6D5 (minimum buildable area requirernent) Participentr: APPUCANT Sterren larnes Riden 07lt6l2$L Phone: 9494121 Box 3238 Vail, CO 816s8 Lftrnse: OWNER HUMMINGBIRD CO 10/072000 Phone: PO BOX 2077 VAIL CO 816s8 PtoJect Addrus: 3828 BRIDGE RD VAIL Locetlon: Lot 10, Bighorn 2nd legal Deccrlption: Lo& 9&10 Block Subdivbion: BIGHORN 2ND ADDffiON Parcel t{umber: 2101111010ff) Cpmm€nb: BOARD/STAFF ACTION lrlotion By: Brian Doyon Sond By: Chas Bernhardt Vde: 5-0 Cpnditions: Planner: Ann Kjerulf Action: APPROVED Dateof Approvah WJ)AffiL Sltgltoot PEC Fee Paftl: $250.00 o PLAN PROJECT ORIENTATION / - Community Development Dept. PUBLIC WELCOME' 12:00 pm MEMBERS PRESENT Galen Aasland Chas Bemhardt Diane Golden Brian Doyon Doug Cahill Dick Cleveland Site Visits :1:00 pm 1. Weiss Lots - 3834 & 3E38 Bridge Road 2. FrazierlDahl Lots - 3816 & 3826 Lupine Drive, 3828 Bridge Road 3. Vail Village Inn - 100 E. Meadow Drive 4. Gateway Building - 12 Vail Road George NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board may break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 Public Hearinq - Town Council Chambers 2:00 pm /l A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-5 ("Lot Area and Site Dimensions"), Vail Town Code, and a final review of a minor subdivision located at 3834 and 3838 Bridge Road/ Lots 1'l & 12, Bighom Subdivision 2no Addition. Applicant Gary Weiss, represented by Steve Riden, Architect Planner: Ann Kjerulf MOTION: Chas Bemhardt SECOND: Dick Cleveland VOTE: 6-0 TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 27, 2OO1 A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-5 ("Lot Area and Site Dimensions"), Vail Town Code, and a final review of a minor subdivision located at 3816 and 3826 Lupine Drive and 3828 Bridge Road/ Lots 8, 9, & 10, Bighom Subdivision 2nd Addition. Applicant Jeff Dahl and June Frazier, represented by Steve Riden, Architect Planner: Ann Kjerulf MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE:6-0 o NING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS Monday, August 13, 2001 MEMBERS ABSENT John Schofield *rr* Driver: 2. APPROVED MINOR SUBDIVISION WITH 3 CONDITIONS: 3. o ' 1. That the minor subdivision shall only be valid if the variance from section 12- 6D-5 is also approved. 2. That the applicant shall revise the plat prior to recording, in accordance with the Town's subdivision regulations, to indicate the total buildable area on each proposed lot, to delineate the buildable area on each proposed lot, and to indicate the locations of all applicable hazards. 3. That within one year of today's date (or prior to recording of the plat) the parking within the town right-of-way shall be removed to comply with all town standards. MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND:Chas Bemhardt VOTE:6-0 APPROVED VARIANCE A request for a final review of the proposed parking management plan for the Vail Gateway, located at 12 Vail Road / portions of lots O and N, Block 5D, VailVillage 1d Filing. Applicant Mountain Owners, L.P., represented by Braun Associates Planner Allison Ochs MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Diane Golden VOTE: 5-1 (Cleveland opposed) APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: '|.. That a staff report regarding the parking situation is transmitted to the PEC within one year or when the office space is leased at 75o/o of capacity. A request for the final review of a major amendment to Special Development District #6, Vail Village Inn, to allow for the redevelopment of an existing hotel, located at 100 East Meadow Drive, Lots M and O, Block 5-D, VailVillage 1d Filing. Applicant Daymer Corporation, represented by Jay Peterson Planner: George Ruther MOTfON: Dick Cleveland SECOND: Diane Golden YOTE: {2 (Cleveland & Bemhardt opposed) APPROVED RECOMMENDATION TO THE TOWN COUNCILWITH 22 CONDITIONS AND THE FOLLOWING FINDING: "Thatthe pnposed major anendment to Special Development District#6, Vail Village lnn, c0mplies with the nine design citeia outlined in Secfion 12-94-8 of the Town of Vail Municipal Cda The applicant, as required, has demonstnted to the satishc-tion of the Commission that any adverse effEcfs of the requesbd &viations from the development standards of the undeflying zoning arc outweighed by the public benefrts provided or has demonsfrafed that one or mote of the development sfandards is not applicable, or that a pnctical solution consisfenf with the public rnteresf has been achieved. Further, the Commission finds that the requested conditional use permit to allow for the opention of a fnc'tional fee club complies with the applicable citeia and is consrsfent with the development goals and objectives of the Town. Lastly, public notice of this public heaing has Druen senf fo adjaent prcperty owners and published in a local newspaper of rccord in accodance with Secfion 1 2-3-6C of the Town Cde." 4. ' 1. That the Developer submits detailed civil engineering drawings of the required off-site improvements (street lights, drainage, curb and gutter, sidewalks, gr:ading, road improvements, etc.) as identified on the off-site improvements plan to the Town of Vail Public Works Department for review and approval, prior to application for a building permit. 2. That the Developer submits a detailed final landscape plan and final architectural elevations for review and approval of the Town of Vail Design Review Board, prior to application for a building permit. 3. The sdd approval time requirements and limitations of Section 12-9A-12 shall apply to this major amendment and, in addition, the phasing of the construction of the hotel shall not be permifted. 4. That the Developer submits the following plans to the Department of Community Development, for review and approval, as a part of the building permit application for the hotel:a. An Erosion Control and Sedimentation Plan:b. A Construction Staging and Phasing Plan;c. A Stormwater Management Plan;d. A Site Dewatering Plan; and e. A Traffic Control Plan. 5. That the Developer receives a conditional use permit to allow for the construclion of Type lll Employee Housing Units in Phase lV of the District, in accordance with Chapter 12-16, prior to the issuance of a building permit, to provide housing on-site. 6. That the Developer submits a complete set of plans to the Colorado Department of Transportation for review and approval of a revised access permit, prior to application for a building permit. 7. That the Developer meets with the Town staff to prepare a memorandum of understanding outlining the responsibilities and requirements of the required off-site improvements, prior to second reading of an ordinance approving the major amendment. 8. That the Developer submiis a complete set of plans responding to the design concems expressed by Greg Hall, Director of Public Works & Transportation, in his memorandum to George Ruther, dated 12113/99. The drawings shall be submifted, reviewed and approved by the Town Engineer, prior to final Design Review Board approval. 9. That the Developer records public pedestrian easements between the hotel and the Phase lll Condominiums, between the hotel and the Phase V Building, and along the Vail Road frontage. The easements shall be prepared by the Developer and submifted for review and approval of the Town Attomey. The easements shall be recorded with the Eagle County Cleft & Recorde/s Office prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 10. That the Developer records a deed-restriction, which the Town is a party to, on the Phase lV property prohibiting the public use of the spa facility in the hotel. Said restriction may be revoked if the Developer is able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Town that adequate provisions for vehicle parking have been made to accommodate the public use of the spa. The restriction shall be recorded prior to the issuance of a buiHing permit. 11. That the Developer submits a final exterior building materials list, a typical wall sections, architectural details and a complete color rendering for review and approval of the Design Review Board, prior to making an application for a building permit. J 12. That the Developer submits a comprehensive sign program proposal for the Vail Plaza Hotel for review and approval of the Design Review Board, prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certifi cate of Occupancy. 13. That the Developer submits a roof-top mechanical equipment plan for review and approval of the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a building permit. All roof-top mechanical equipment shall be incorporated into the overall design of the hotel and enclosed and screened from public view. 14. That the Developer posts a bond with the Town of Vail to provide financial security for the 125o/o of the total cost of the required off-site public improvements. The bond shall be in place with the Town prior to the issuance of a building permit. 15. That the Developer installs bollards or similar safety devices at the intersection of the delivery aooess driveway and the sidewalk along the South Frontage Road to prevent conflicls between pedestrians and vehicles, prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 16. That the Developer studies and redesigns the entrance on the north side of the hotel across from the entrance to the Gateway Building to create a morc inviting entrance or a design that redirects pedestrians to another entrance. The final design shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a building permit. 17. That the Developer coordinates efforts with the owners of the Gateway Building to create a below ground access for loading and delivery to the Gateway from the Vail Plaza Hotel to resolve potential loading and delivery @neems at the Gateway. lf a coordinated effort can be reached the Developer shall submit revised plans to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and approval, prior to the issuance of a building permit. 18. That the Developer revises the proposed floor plans for the Vail Plaza Hotel to provide freight elevator access to the lowest level of the parking structure. The revised plans shall be submifted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. 19. That the Developer redesigns the proposed elevator tower to create an architectural featurc atop the tower and revises the proposed building elevations and roof plan prior to final review of the proposal by the Design Review Board. The Board shall review and approve the revised design. 20. That the Developer, in cooperation with the Town of Vail Fublic Works Department design and construct a left-tum lane on Vail Road and reconfigure the landscape island in the South Frontage Road median to eliminate left-tums from the loading/delivery. The construction shall be completed prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 21. That the Developer provides a centralized loading/delivery facility for the use of all owners and tenants within Special Development District No. 6. Access or use of the facility shall not be unduly restricted for Special Development Districl No. 6. The loading/delivery facility, including docks, berths, freight elevators, service conidors, etc., may be made available for public and/or private loading/delivery programs, sanctioned by the Town of Vail, to mitigate loading/delivery impacts upon the Vail Village loading/delivery system. The use of the facility shall only be permitted upon a finding by the Town of Vail and the Developer that excess capacity exists. The Developer will be compensated by the Town of Vail and/or others for the common use of the facility. The final determination of the use of the facility shall be mutually agreed upon by the Developer and the Town of Vail. 22. That the Developer submits a wriften letter of approval from adjacent properties whose property is being encroached upon by certain improvements esulting from the construction of the hotel, prior to the issuance of a building permit. 5. A request for a final review and recommendation to the Vail Town Council of proposed text amendments to the Vail Town Code, Chapters 12-7H & l, Lionshead Mixed Use 1 & Lionshead Mixed Use 2, to amend the regulations regarding commercial ski storage and to amend Chapter 12-2, Definitions, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Town of Vail Planner: Allison Ochs MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Diane Golden VOTE: $1 (Cleveland opposed) RECOMMENDATION OF DENIAL TO THE TOWN COUNCIL to allow commercial ski storage as an accessory use on all levels of a building in the LMU1 & LMU2. 6. A request for a final review and recommendation to the Vail Town Council of proposed text amendments to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12€1, Housing Zone District, and Chapter 12- 2, Definitions, to allow for additional uses and to amend definitions in regard thereto. Applicant Town of Vail Planner: Allison Ochs MOTION: Chas Bemhardt SECOND: Brian Doyon VOTE: 5-1 (Aasland opposed) REGOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL TO THE TOWN COUNCIL WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. That an amendment procedure be added to the Management Plan requirement.2. . That the criteria regarding affordability be reviewed by the Town Attomey. 7. A staff report on an approval of a minor amendment to SDD #5, Vail Run, to allow for the remodel of an egress staircase, located at 1000 Lionsridge Loop/Lot C-11, Lions Ridge Filing 1. Applicant Vail Run Resort Community Association, Inc. Planner: Brent Wilson MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: STAFF DECISION UPHELD 8. A request for a final review and recommendation tb the Town Council for the adoption of two view conidors within Lionshead, as identified within the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. View Conidor 1 is located approximately at the main pedestrian exit looking southwest towards the Gondola lift line. View Conidor 2 is located approximately from the pedestrian plaza at the east end of the Lifthouse Lodge looking south up the Gondola lift line. A more specific legal description of the tuo view conidors is on file at the Community Development Department. Applicant . Town of Vail Planner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 27, 2OO1 9. A request for a final review and a recommendation to the Vail Town Council on the Town of Vail's proposed amendment to the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan, located at EastMest Meadow Drive, Vail Village. Applicant Town of Vail Planner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 27,2OO1 1 0. A request for a variance from Title 14 (Development Standards) Town Code, to allow for improvements to an existing residEntial private drive, located at 1450 Buffehr Greek Road/Lot 2, Cliffside Subdivision. Applicant Mike Young Planner: Brent Wilson WITHDRAWN 11. Approval of July 23, 2001 minutes 12. lnformation Update .:. CAPA Aspen Conference logistias The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office located at the Town of Vail Community Devefopment Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Chololtcld Moorn 1480 Bobns poiu Rd.wa:za'e'MN.5539l YfB G. & Janet S. Beoedict 5X)08 QuincvAve. Cherrytflls, CO. eOttr eraryW l05l P I\tralabar 6 PslnB I FL. 32905 MftooR & C. JrncBronn P.O. Box7010 nodftrd,IL. 61125 o Dcav€r, CO. SO202 Lupine partersbip 3307 l9th Ave. Keamey, NE. 68845 ' Jrocs R & ldaribrn J. Loftrs 1899 Wlnkoop St. Ste 425 HenryR pratt 3827 B LupineIh. VEil, CO.81657 Ilannal^angger 3807LupfuIh. V8tl, CO. t1657 o THIS a PROPERTY ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Seclion 12-3€ of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on August 13, 200'1, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A staff reporl on an approval of a minor amendment to SDD #5, Vail Run, lo allow for the remodel of an egress staircase, located at 1000 Lionsridge Loop/Lot G11, Lions Ridge Filing 1. Applicant: Vail Run Resort Community Association, Inc.Planner Brent Wilson A request for a variance from Section 12-AD-S ("Lot Area and Siie Dimensions"), Vail Town Code. and a final review of a minor subdivision located at 3834 and 3838 Bridge Road/ Lots 11 & 12, Bighom Subdivision 2no Addition. Applicant: Gary Weiss, represented by Steve Riden, Architesl Planner: Ann Kjerulf A request for a variance from Section 12-6D5 ("Lot Area and Site Dimensions"), Vail Town Code, and a final review of a minor subdivision located at 3816 and 3826 Lupine Drive and 3828 Bridge Road/ Lots 8, 9, & 10, Bighom Subdivision 2d Addition. Applicant: Jeff Dahl and June Frazier, represented by steve Riden, Architect Planner: Ann Kjerulf A request for a variance from Title 14 (Development Standards) Town Code, to allow for improvements to an existing residential private drive, located at 1450 Buffehr Creek Road/Lot 2, Cliffside Subdivision. Applicant Mike Young Planner: Brent Wilson A request for a final review and recommendation to the Vail Town Gouncil of proposed text amendments to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-61, Housing Zone District, and Chapter 12-2, Definitions, to allow for additional uses and to amend definitions in regard therelo. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Allison Ochs A request for the final review of a major amendment to Special Development District #6, Vail Villaje Inn, to allow for the redevelopment of a.n existing hotel, located at 100 East Meadow Drive, Lots M and O, Block $D, Vail Village 1" Filing. Applicant Daymer Corporation, represenied by Jay Peterson Planner: George Ruther A request for a final review and recommendation to the Vail Town Council of proposed text amendments to the Vail Town Code, Chapters 12-7H & l, Lionshead Mixed Use 1 & Lionshead Mixed Use 2, to amend the regulations regarding commercial ski storage and to amend Chapter 12-2, Definitions, and setting forth details in regards thereto. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a recommendation lo the Town Council for the adoptiol of two view conidors within Lionshead, as identified within the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. View Conidor 1 is located approximately at the main pedestrian exit looking southwest towards the Gondola lift line. View Coriidor 2 is ldcateO approximately from the pedestrian plaza at the east end of the Lifthouse Lodge looking south up'the Gondola lift line. A mole specific legal description of the two view conidors is on file at the Community Development Department. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a final review of the proposed parking management plan forthe Vail Gateway, located at 12 Vail Road / portions of lots O and N, Block 5D, Vail Village 1o Filing. Applicant: Mountain Owners, L.P., represented by Braun Associates Planner: Allison Ochs The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during fegular office hours in ihe project planne/s office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 Soutti Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits thai precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Pfease call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Departmeni Published July 27,2001 in the Vail Trail. Mnroru R. Bnowu 24X' CLINION ROAD . ROCKFORD, ILLINONS 611G} July L8, 2001 The Town of Vail Community Development Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attention: Ann Kierulf Subj: Subdivision proposals for Bridge Street -D Dear Ms. Kjerulf: On two occasions I have discussed with you the subdivision proposals for lots located on the south end of Bridge Street. lt seems to me that this particular area is not appropriate for the construction of residences. The area is very steep as it rises with the mountain and many of the trees that shape the natural beauty of East Vail would have to be removed. I would think that it could also destabilize the land in an already avalanched designated area. I would appreciate it if the Planning and Environmental Commission would take these factors into consideration. Very truly yours, lh$ {c-a'-----,Milt Brown vucs ons j Lalt tnc rlannlng )tar at q lr-/l ll GENERALINFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring approvat by thc Planning and Environmcntal Commission. For spccific information. scc thc submittal rcquircmcnts- for thc particular approual that is rcquestcd, Thc application can not bc acccptcd until all required information is submittcd. Thc projciimay also necd to bc rcvicwcd 6y thc Town Council and./or thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board. ettt"tcorroN FoR pr,ANNrNc lb rnu,*oNMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL Amcndrncnt to an Approvcd Dcvolopmcnt Plan Employcc Housing Unit (typc: Major or tl Minor CCI Extcrior Alteration tr tr tr (VailVllagc) tr Major or tl Minor CCII ExtcriorAlteration (Lionshead) tr Spccial Dcvclopmcnt Distsict tr Major or 0 Minor Amcndmcnt to an SDD B,D.ESCRrprrON OFTHEREQuEST: EZ E L 16 ? gAa UAT Lrl ,ooo 1a.I ltutr=OLfuv-E lZ- bY> - Fz TYPE OF APPLICATION: . tr Additional GRFA (250) tl Bcd and Brcaldast tr Conditional Usc Pemit tr Major or E Minor Subdivision tr Rczoning tr, , SiC, Variancc A Variancc tr Zoning CodeAmcndmcnt TOWNOFYAIL c.LOCATION ADDRESS: Lor)-Q-BLocK- FrLtNc OF PROPOSAL: %%Zon t BUILDINC NAME:to/@E Ez\ &'Uu(!{t 2$O F. G. D.ZONING:4atJo^^ NAME OF OWNER(S);(?A.t+t MAILING ADDRESS:40 at PHONE: owNER(S) S TGNATURE(S); NAME OF REPRESENTATTVE:JAh4 .rl LDaATTW MAILINGADDRESS:VAtL PH H. FEE - SEE THE SUBMITIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. STJBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE F'EE TO THE DEPARTMENT oF COMMITNITY DEVELOPMENT, z5 soUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLOMDO 816s7. Roixd6ngr1*^ t,a( frr,g;l:t1_*4 .FeoPaid;rl-8) cw:_bK_lV._By: . Application Datc:- pEC Mccting Dut.,__5lj..= JIJL IC il EN POST O --\ VAI V Llllr f,;RID FAX 949-0304 , (970) 949-412I L, CO.816s8 July 12, 2001 Department of Community Development Town ofVail 75 Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 Frazier /Dahl, 3826 Lupine Road Lot 8, Lot 9 and Lot 10, Bighorn 2nd Addition Dear Members of the Planning and Environmental Commission The variance request is in regards to zoning regulation l2-6d-5 " minimum lot area shall be 15,000 square feet ofbuildable area" ( buildable area defined as areas not in red hazard, flood plain or greater than 40% ). Reliefis sought in this literal interpretation. Existing lots are below standards set by this regulation, New lots created by the minor subdivision ( realigning of existing lot lines between lots 8, 9 and l0 ) will not change existing conditions. The realignment of lot line between lot 8 and lot 9 will allow for future expansion of existing structure on lot 9, otherurise unable to do practically due existing site conditions ( large boulders and mature trees ). Lots 8 and 9 are both owned by Mrs. Frazier. There was a request by the planning staffand environmental commission tlat the lot division between 8, 9 and l0 be straighter without elaborate angles or sharp tums. This then would change the lot division between l0 and 8 as proposed. Lot l0 will maintain existing density, as well as lot 8 and 9. Lot 8 2 dwelling units / I employee housing unit Lot 9 I dwelling unit / I employee housing unit Lot l0 I dwelling unit / I employee housing unit The plat will also create an environmental easement near the edge of the " high hazard" snow or debris avalanche zone. ,MEMBERoFAMERIcANINsTITUTEoFARcHITEcTS. t' Frazier / Dahl Property Adjacent property owneru: Lot 7 Bighorn lst James R. & lvlar'ilyn J. Loftus | 899 Wynkoop St. Ste 425 Denver, CO. 80202 I.ct2 Lupine Partership 3307 l9th Ave. Kearney, NE. 68845 Henry R. Pratt 3E27 B Lupine Dr. Vail, CO. 81657 Lot3 HannaLangegger 3807 Lupine Dr. V&il, CO. 81657 Lot4 CholeHeldMoran l4E0 Bohns Point Rd. Wafzata" MN. 55391 LotT Nicolas G. & Janet S. Benedict 5900 E Quincy Ave. CherryHiils, CO. EOlll Lot ll GaryWeiss l05l Port Malabar 6 Palm Bay, FL. 32905 Lot 13 Mlton R. & C. Jane Brown P.O. Box 7010 Rockford, IL.61125 o l*l'|*lf tti+l+l*ll*****|}l*****'i***t*rt*!t*******{r*'t'llll+f l*r}t*****rl**rl**l*l'l***'}r}'t***t*++++'}'}**t TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement **+**ff*t**'|'rl*l**'lt*'t****{tlt**+**+****+*fif*****t'}*:tttirl't*|t'f********a++*+l'}*t'}a*t***'}'}**'}*'} statement lfumber: R000001074 Amount: $250.00 07/L6l2ooLo2:37 Pll Payment l{ethod: Check Init: JAR Notation: 68t2 Permit No: P8C010052 Type: PEC - Variance Parcel l{o: 210111101008 Site Addreee: 3815 LUPINE DR VAU.' Location: Lots 8, 9 10 Total Fees: $250.00 Thie Payment: $250.00 Total ALL hts: $250.00 Balance: 50.00 ft*+++*a** *'**'l*'|'t*{r'l'l't ************ * *'}*** * *****,lr*'ll.'t****'}*** *******l't'}*,}***'l '}'l'}*****+****'}** * ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pt'ion Current ffis PV ()()1OOOO3I125OO PEC APPLICATION FEES 250.00 O O At^ rHrs rrEM tg"Ht'SRlI8ER PR.PERTY %j'.^ ion of the ro*,n o)JL,''!t ^Vaif wifl hold a public hearing in accordance dittr Seaion 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the "V Town of Vail on July 9, 2001, et 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: A request for a final review of a minor subdivision proposal, located at 3834 & 3838 Bridge Road/ Lots 11 &'12, Bighom Subdivision 2d Addition. Applicant: Planner: Gary Weiss, rEpresenl€d by Steve Riden, Architect Ann Kjerulf A request for a final review of a minor subdivision proposal, located at 3816, 3826, and 3828 Bridge Road/ Lots 8, 9, & 10, Bighom Subdivision 2nd Addition. Applicant: Jeff Dahl and Julie Frasier, represented by Steve Riden, Architect Planner: Ann Kjerulf The applications and information aboui the proposals are evailable for public inspec{ion during regular office hours in rhe project planne/s office, located at the Town of Vail iommunity Developmeirt - Department, 75 Souih Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend projec.t oriintation ind the site Yisits thatpre_cele the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Devbbpment Department. Pfease call 47$2'138 for information. Sign fanguage interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Plcase crtll 475 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published June22,2001 in the VaitTrait. Y TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEIIORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department June 25, 2001 A request for a worksession to discuss a minor subdivision proposal, located at 3816, 3826, and 3828 Bridge Roadi Lots 8, 9, & 10, Bighorn Subdivision 2no Addition. Applicant: June Frazier and Jetf Dahl, represented by Steve Riden Planner: Ann Kjerulf il. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicants, June Frazier and Jeff Dahl, represented by Steve Riden, have submitted an application to the Town of Vail Community Development Department lor a minor suMivision of Lots 8, 9, and 10, Bighorn Subdivision, Second Addition. The request is for the reconfiguration of the property lines shared by these three lots. Pursuant to the Vail Town Code, 13-2-2 (E), a minor subdivision is defined as follows: 'Minor subdivision" shall mean any suMivision containing not more than four (4) lots fronting on an existing street, not involving any new street or road or the extension of Municipal facilities aN not adversely affecting the development of the remainder of the parcel or adjoining property." Cunently, Lot I is 0.87 Acres in size, Lot 9 is 0.34 Acres in size, and Lot 10 is 0.30 Acres in size. With a resubdivision of these lots, Lot 8 would be 0.825 Acres in size, Lot 9 would be 0.372 Acres in size, and Lot 10 would be 0.367 Acres in size. The total area under consideration is 1.56 Acres. There are currently no development proposals for any of the lots. However, statt anticipates that these would be forthcoming if the minor suMivision is approved. STAFF RECOMUENDATION Because this is a worksession, stafl is not making a formal recommendation to the Planning & Environmental Commission at this time. Staff will provide a formal recommendation at the final review of the request. This review is tentatively scheduled for July 9, 2001. BACKGROUND The Bighorn Subdivision, Second Aclrtition was platted on July 22, 1963. The Board ol County Commissioners of Eagle County approved the platting as the property was then under Eagle County jurisdiction. Lots 8, 9, & 10 have remained in the cunent configuration since being platted. The Bighom SuMivision, Second Addition was annexed into the Town of Viil pursuant to Ordinances 13 & 20, Series of 1974. The annexation became eflective on November 5, 1 974. Upon annexation into the Town of Vail, Lots 8, 9, & 10 were zoned Two Family Primary/Secondary Residential. At the time of annexation, a residential structure existed on Lot 9, and Lots I and 10 were both vacant. Hazard Regulations In 1976, the Town of Vailcontracted with Arthur l. Mears to complete a Geologically Sensitive Areas Study. For purposes of the study geologically sensitive areas were defined as snow avalanche, rock fall and debris flow. In response to the findings of Mr. Mears' study the Town ol Vail adopted Geologic Hazard Maps for snow avalanche, rock fall and debris flow as components of the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan. The maps were adopted by the Town in 1977. In 1978, the Town of Vail adopted Hazard Regulations. The purpose of the regulations is to help protect the inhabitants of the Town from dangers relating to development ot flood plains, avalanche paths, steep slopes, and geologically sensitive areas; to regulate the use of land areas which may be geologically sensitive; and lurther to regulate development on steep slopes; to protect the economic and property values of the Town, to protect the aesthetic and recreational values and natural resources of the Town, which are sometimes associated with llood plains, avalanche areas and areas of geologic sensitivity and slopes; to minimize damage to public facilities and utilities and minimize the need for relief in cleanup operations; to give notice to the public of certain areas within the Town where flood plains, avalanche paths and areas ol geologic sensitivity exist; and to promote the general public health, safety and welfare. Town of Vail land U* Plan In 1986, the VailTown Council adopted the Town of Vail Land Use Plan. Similar to the Geologic Hazard Maps, the Land Use Plan is a component of the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan. According to the Land Use Plan, Lots 8, 9, & '10 are designated 'low density residential". The purpose of the low-density residential designation is to provide sites for single-family detached homes and two{amily chrelling units. Density of development with in this category would typically not exceed 3 structures per buildable acre. Also within lhis area would be private recreation facilities such as tennis courts, swimming pools, and club houses for the use of residents of the area. Institutional/public uses permitted would include churches, fire stations, and parks and open space related facilities. TIE Town of Vail Comprelcnsive Open lands Plan ln 1994, the Vail Town Council adopted the Comprehensive Open Lands Plan. The objectives ol the plan are: . To identify citizen and visitor needs and prelerences for a comprehensive system of I a a open space uses such as parks, recreation, protection of environmental resources, trails, and to reserve lands for public use; To prioritize available open lands for acquisition or protection; To identify creative strategieE to implement the acquisition and protection program; To define a management system to appropriately manage Town-owned open space lands, and; To buffer neighborhoods with open space. The Comprehensive Open Lands Plan is an action-oriented plan that identifies specilic parcels of land that require some kind ol action either for protection of sensitive lands, for trail easements, or for public use. In developing the plan, over 350 parcels were evaluated with 51 parcels on which actions were recommended. The recommendations were developed utilizing specific criteria to evaluate the areas of highest priority. Generally, areas received the highest priority if they met the stated objectives of the Town and its citizens and were an integral part of the open lands system. Within the 51 parcels, there are five priority areas made up of a number of recommended actions. These priorities are: . Protect sensitive natural habitat areas, riparian areas, and hazard areas;. Extend the VailTrail to East Vail and add several trailheads lo access the trail;. Add a new trail on the north side and western half of Town to connect existing trailheads and neighborhoods ;. Add three "trailheads" in the core areas to access Vail Mountain trails and inform visitors of trail opportunities and provide better access to Gore Creek;. Add bike lanes to the north and south frontage roads and add paved shoulders to Vail Valley Drive. To date, the Town of Vail has taken action on at least 41 of the 51 parcels identified for action in the Plan. This most recently includes Lot 16 of Bighom Subdivision, 2no Addition. The Action Plan and Priority Plan of the Comprehensive Open Lands Plan identifies Lots 8, 10, and 11, Bighorn Subdivision, Second Addition as'Parcel 40" for implementation purposes. Parcel 40 is classified as a "High Prioritf. The high priority classification is based upon the Town's desire to acquire both the development rights and trail easements for the proposed South Trail extension. The plan also notes that Parcel 40 is located in a geologically sensitive area. Strategies for protecting Parcel 40 include purchasing the development rights, and/or acquiring an access easement through the parcel. As a high priority classification, Parcel 40 meets both Level One and Level Two Evaluation criteria. Level One Evaluation focuses on meeting community needs relating to the natural resource system, the recreation system, trails system, and reserving lands for future civic/public uses. Level Two Evaluation focuses on the availability of the parcel utilizing criteria such as the threat of development or irreversible damage, opportunities to leverage other funds, cost, unusual opportunity with a motivated seller, opportunity lor trade with the USFS, low management requirements on the Town of Vail and low liability to the Town. The Town of Vail Zoning Gode prescribes the land development regulations lor development within the Town. The following code sections are particularly relevant to the evaluation of the applicant's proposal: Chapter 6 - Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Chapter 21 - Hazard Regulations The purpose statement of Chapter 6 (Article D. Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (PS) Distric0 states: 'The Two-Family Primary/Secondary ResidentialDistrict is intended to provide sites for single-family residential uses or two-family residential uses in which one unit is a larger primary residence and the second unit is a smaller caretaker apartment, together with such public facilities as may approperiately be located in the same distict. The Two-Family Primary/Secodary Besidential District is intended to ensure adequate light, air, privacy and open space for each dwelling, commensurate with single-family and twolamily occupancy, and to maintain the desirable residential qualities of such sites by establishing appropriate site developm e nt sta/ld,ards. " To date, there is no structure on Lot 8 or on Lot 10. The applicants wish to reapportion the development potential among these three lots in order to accommodate future development. There are geologic hazards on this lot including avalanche and rockfall (see Figures 6 & 7 attached). The purpose statement of Chapter 21(Hazard Regulations) states: 'The puryose of this Chapter is to help protect the inhabitants of the Town from dangers relating to development of flood plains, avalanche paths, steep s/opes and geologically sensitive areas; to r,egulate the use of land areas which may be subject to flooding and avalanche or which may be geologically sensitive; and further to regulate development on steep slopes; to protect the economic and propefty values of the Town, to protect the aesthetic and recreational values and natural resources of the Town, which are sometimes associated with flood plains, avalanche areas and areas of geological sensitivity and slopes; to minimize damage to public facilities and utilities and minimize the need for relief in cleanup operations; to give notice to the public of cenain areas within the Town where flood plains, avalanche areas and areas of geologic sensitivity exist; and to promote the general public heafth, safety and welfare." Furthermore, Section 12-21 -1O (Hazard Begulations) states: A. No structure shall be buift in any flood hazard zone or red avalanche hazard areas. No structure shall be built on a slope of foru percent or greater except in single-Family Residential, Two-Family Besidential, or Two-Family Primary/Secondary Besidential Zone Districts. The term "structure" as used in thrs Section does not include recreational structures that are intended for seasonal use, not including residential use. Structures may be built in blue avalanche hazard areas provided that proper mitigating measures have been taken. The Administrator may require any applicant or person deshing to build in an avalanche hazard zone of influence to submit a definitive study of the hazad area in which the applicant proposes to build if the Town's master hazard plan does not contain sufficient information to determine if the proposed location is in a red hazard or blue hazard area. The requirement for additional information and study shall be done in accordance with Chapter 12 of this Title. D. The Administrator may require any applicant or person desiring to build in an identified blue avalanche hazard zone to submit additional information or reports as to whether or not improvements are required to mitigate against the possible hazard..lf mitigation is required, said information and report should specify the improvements proposed therefore. The required information and reports shall be done in accordance with Chapter 12 of this Title. The Town has adopted Official Hazard Maps (as described in section 12-2'l-15: Restrictions in Geologically Sensitive Areas) which identify areas located within or potential within rockfall, debris flow, or avalanche areas. Subdivision and/or development proposals within any geological hazard area requires a site-specific geologic investigation: According to section 12-21-15: 1. ln any area located within the boundaries of the Lincoln DeVore Map, or in any area identified as a debris tlow or debris avalanche area by the Mears Map, or in any area identified as a rock fall area by the Schmueser Map, no initial application for a building permit, grading permit or major or minor suMivision shall be approved until a site-specific geologic investigation is complete. For the purpose of this Section, a site-specific Aeologic investigation shall be deemed a detailed geologic investigation which is applicable to each respective site. All reports and studies required by fh,s Section shall be prepared by a "professionalgeologist", as defined by Colorado Revised Statufes section U-|-01 , as amended, or a "registered protessional engineer', as defined by Colorado Revised Statutes section 12-2U102, as amended, under the direction of and at the expense of the owner/applicant and submifted to the Depaftment of Community Development. 2. The extent of the site-specific ecologic investigation required shall be determined by the geologist or engineer who is responsible for the investigation; however, the investigation shall be of sufficient thorougnness and accuracy to allow such expeft to ceftify to the following: a. For all structures other than singleJamily, duplex and primary/secondary dwellings, and "accessoty uses" thereto as defined in Section 12-6C-4 of this Code: (1) Whether the geologic conditions are such that the site can or cannot be developed for the specific structure or use proposed without conective engineering or engineered construction, or other mitigation or afterations. (2) Whether corrective engineering or engineered construction, or other B. c. mitigation or alterations can or cannot be accomplished to reduce the danger to the public health, safety or to property due to problems related to geologic sensitivity to a reasonable level, and not increase the hazad to other propefties or structures, or to public buildings, rights of way, roads, streets, easements, utilities or facilities or other properties of construction. b. For single-family, duplex and primary/secondary dwellings, and "arcessory uses" thereto as defined in Seaion 12-6C-4 of this Title, the site-specific geolqic investigation shallceftify to the following: (1) Whether the site can be developed for the specific structure or use proposed without conective engineering or engineered construction or other mitigation or alterations; or (2) That the s,te is a geologically sensitive area but development will not increase the hazard to other property or structures, or to public buildings, rights of way, roads, streets, easements, utilities or facilities or other properties of any kind. In order to provide reasonable notice to the public ol the problems related to geologically sensitive areas, notice regulations and requirements (Section 12-21-15(F)) have been adopted. One of these requirements is that: 1. All suMivision plats recorded after the effective date hereof shall identify and designate each lot and block, or portions thereof, located within any geologically sensitive area, together with applicable sub-zone designations, by a stamp or writing in a manner providing reasonable notice to interested pafties. III. ZONING ANALYSTS LOT 8, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, SECOND ADD]TION Zoning Two-family Primary/Secondary Residential (PS) Existing Lot Size 0.87 Acres (37,888 sf) Proposed Lot Size 0.825 Acres (35,937 s0 Standard Allowed Existino Prooosed Density: 2DUs+1EHU 0 2DUs+1EHU GRFA: 6,889 sf 0 sf 6,694 sl Site Coverage: 7,578 sf 0 sf 7,187 sl Setbacks: Front -20 ft. nta 20 n. Sides-15 ft. nla 15 n. Rear- 15ft. nla 15ft. Landscaping: 22,733 sl undeveloped 21,562 Building Height: 33'max undeveloped 33'max * W g rs wr vtndeotkyeL iat . LOT 9, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, SECOND ADDITION Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (PS)Zoning Existing Lot Size 0.34 Acres (14,941 sf) Proposed Lot Size 0.372 Acres (16,204 s0 CurrentlY Standard Allowed Existino Proposed Alloucd Density: GRFA: Site Goverage: Sebacks: Landscaping: 1DU+1EHU 1DU 4,160 sf (+250) 2,988 sf Front -20 ft. Sides-15 ft. Rear- 1Sft. 8,956 sf 2DUs+lEHU 4,720 sf (+250) 9,241 sl 20ft 15 ft 15 ft 9,722 st 33'max Building Height 33'max -The existing development statistics for Lot I are not known. Density: GRFA: 1 DU+ 1 EHU 3,650 sf Site Coverage: 2,580 sf Selbacks: Front-20ft. Sides-15 ft. Rear- 1sft. Landscaping: 7,739 sf t Building Height: 33'max t .Lot '10 is an undevelooed lot. LOT 10, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, SECOND ADDTTPN Zoning Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (PS) Existing Lot Size 0.30 Acres (12,898 sf) Proposed Lot Size 0.367 Acres (15,986 sf) Currently Proposed Standard Allowed Existino Allorved 2 DUs+ I EHU 4,697 sf 3,197 sf 20 fr 15 ft 15ft 9,592 sf 33'max V. trllNOR SUBDIVISION CRITERIA A basic premise of subdivision regulations is that the minimum standards for the creation of new lots must be met. This subdivision will be reviewed under Title 13, Subdivision Regulations, of the Town of Vail Code. A. The lirst set of criteria to be considered by the Planning and Environmental Commission for a Minor Subdivision application is: Lot Area: According to Section 12-60-5 of the Town of Vail Zoningflegulations, the minimum lot or site area in the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential District is 15,000 sf ol buildable area. Stf/tt Reqon*..Statf anticipates that the proposed lots (Lots 8, 9, & 10) would comply with the minimum lot area requirement. However, buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche areas, floodplain areas, and areas with slopes greater than 40olo. Buildable area has yet to be determined because surveys of Lots 8, 9, & 10 have not yet been submitted to the Community Development Department and there is the potential for red hazard avalanche and slopes greater than 40% to exist on these lots. Frontaoe: According to Section 12-6D-5 oi the Town of Vail Regulations, each lot in the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential District shall have a minimum frontage of thirty (30) feet. St8/ff nes'ionsF''The proposed lots (Lots 8,I & 10) complywith the minimum frontage requirement. pi4!S: According to Section 12-6D-5 of the Town of Vail Regulations, each lot in the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residenlial District shall be of a size and shape capable of enclosing a square area 80 feet on each side within its boundaries. Slaff Beryonse.'The size and shape of each proposed lot complies with this requirement. B. The second set ol review criteria to be considered with a minor subdivision request is outlined in the Subdivision Regulations, 13-3-4, and is as follows: 'The burden ot proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the apptication is in compliance with the intent and purposes of lhls Chapter, the Zoning Ordinance and other peftinent regulations that the Planning and Environmental Commission deems applicable....The Planning and Environmental Commission shall review the application and consicler its appropriateness in regard to Town policies relating to suMivision control, densities proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, environmental integrtty and compatibility with the sunounding land uses and other applicable documents, effects on the aesthetics of the Town." The purpose section of Title 13, Subdivision Regulations, is intended to insure that suMivision is promoting the health, safety and welfare of the community. The subdivision purpose stiatements from 13-1-2 (C) are as follows: 1. 'To inform each suflivider of the standards and citeria by which development proposals wilt be evaluated and to provide information as to the type and extent of i m p rove m e nt s req u i red. " Stalt Reqon*: Staff has ierformed a preliminary review of the minor subdivision lor compliance with the applicable evaluation criieria. Statf is not yet able to determine if the applicable criteria have been satisfied because no survey information for Lots 8, 9, & 10 has been submitted. 2. "To provide for the sudivision of property in the future without conflict with development on adiacent land." Slaff Beryonse; The Vail Land Use Plan identifies Lots 8, 9, & 10 as areas for "low density residential" development. According to the Vail Land Use Plan, the purpose of the "low density residential" designation is to provide sites for single{amily detached homes and two-family dwelling units. The density of development within this category would typically not exceed 3 structures per buildable acre. Buildable area is defined as that area of a lot outside the 100-year floodplain' red snow avalanche areas and slopes less than 40ol". Development has never occuned on Lots I & 10. Lot 9 contains a single family dwellin! that was in existance when the Bighorn Subdivision, 2nd Addition was ' annexed into the Town ol Vail. Over the years, the Bighorn Subdivision, First and Second Additions have been developed in concert with the Vail Land Use Plan as residential neighborhoods. The area has been zoned for single-family and two- family primary/secondary residential development. A majority of the lots in the neighboring area are also located within geologic hazard zones. Development on these lots, as with lots 8, 9, & 10, is governed by the adopted Hazard Regulations in the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations. 3. "To protect and conserve the value of land throughout the Municipality and the value of buildings and improvements on the land.' Sts,ff Reqon*: Staff does not believe that the minor subdivision of Lots 8, 9, & 10, Bighorn Subdivision, Second Addition would have any negative impacts on the value of land in the Town ol Vail provided that adequate provisions are made to ensure that a h*gB portion of the proposed lo$an never be developed for residential use. 4. "To ensure that suMivision of property is in compliance with the Town's zoning ordinances, to achieve a harmonious, convenient, wo*able relationship among land uses, consistent with Town development obiectives.' 5. SfttffReqponse: As previously discussed, statf has completed a preliminary analysis of the minor subdivision proposal. Stafi does not support the proposed property line configuration between Lots I & 9. lt does not meet the goals of Title 13, Subdivision Regulations which call lor The orderly, efficient and integrated development of the Town." This orientation is not seen anywhere else in the town and would not be compatible with future utility requirements. Staff also believes that the proposal needs to be considered by the PEC in relation to applicable hazard regulations and guiding land use policies that have been adopted by the Town of Vail. Staff recommends that the Town of Vail work with the applicant to achieve the goals and objectives ol the Comprehensive Open Lands Plan. "To guide public and private policy and action in order to provide adequate and efficient transponation, water, sewage, schools, parks, playgrounds, recreation, and other public requirements and facilities and generally to provide that public facilities will have sufficient capacity to serue the proposed suMivision." S/Fff nesf,onsp; The Town of Vail Comprehensive Open Lands Plan identifies a public purpose and recreational need for Lots 8, '10, and 1'l (Parcel 40), Bighorn Subdivision, Second Addition. Statf does not believe thal the current proposal addresses this need nor does it accomplish the goals and interests expressed in this plan. 'To provide for ac:curate legal descriptions of newly suffiivided land and to establish reasonable and desirable construction design standards and procedures." SlaffFeryonse; Staff does not believe that the current proposal satisfies this purpose statement' The proposed plat needs to provide more information including, but not limited to, geologic hazard information and an identification of buildable area. 'To prevent the pollution of air, streams and ponds, to assure adequacy of drainage facilities, to safeguard the water table and to encourage the wise use and management of natural resources throughout the Town in order to preseNe the integrity, stabilv, and beauty of the community and the value of the land-" Staft Beqon*: Statf believes that the minor subdivision proposal needs to be further explored with respect to this purpose stalement. 6. 7. 10 til" ii ii ift ffi[!l rlin I il rtlil I llil a I I I I I I I lrnil I I lHHffi]II I I I I I : t a I I I I rfi lril rl a rt I | ,,.i llil I iltl E iltl ! 'iiii t I I I ,il illilil t(5 6E Et: s:i I$li $Hi $HF FA , I I I t I I I t , t I ! I I I I I t I I l t t I I I a I Itt lll itl ill I $ t ri1$l ndr $1r ;;;E q h; 0 'ffi| L t; 0T000u'0r8 Ivd ll:.cl l00z/zz/s 'InsNos (NrI xYgd zol'r C! :I Er a h..> $Ei $Er qa L h. Hfr \P ilflctin't t[!rl llrttt o o <= t\N (DB \'o9 '/oior/ r.1' '\ F F-S (r) s .9 .t 'lJ 'tf, I's o (J q)(/) g .o .g .:E -o J (') g L o -s .9 o o F{ .O o o vt'{-o J CL o € :=U il to$ 3r? I tne P-rilPe Road and west Lupine Drive area. ^;;'i;;;;;i;;;l nt:-n,Ni:::'::YJ,::i::3ii"!27y!;#!, Y,Z:: 'r#;i,:,";;:;::;;;;,:;;;;;;l;;i;i";'ii7es7; tn,' recent construction does not appear on the maq.SCALE: 1'= 100' ilLt c0PI TOWT,I OFVAIL Depfrtmen, of CommwitY DeveloPment 75 South Frcntage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-24s2 www,ci.vail.co.us June 14, 2001 Steve Riden P.O. Box 3238 Vail. CO 81658 Re:Minorsubdivisionoflnas'9and10'Bighomfldditton Dear Steve: I have performed a preliminary review of the proposed plat to resubdivide Lots 8, 9. and l0' Bighorn 2"" Addition. There are " "##rt"'t";;;;i#firffi;ffil on the plat before it can be approved: t;^"41,":{.?"needs to be conected to read "A RESUBDIVISI0N oF Lors 8' 9 AFID 10" , No. 5 under..General Notes"needs to be conected to read' "The sole purpose of this plat is to change the conftguration ofLots 8' 9 and 10'" . The certificate of Dedication and ownership needs to be reviscd so that only the owners and . ff*fr:'f"iL:"JfJ.HlJ,1T'?l"lll ""0 address from the Land use Summary; revise the rotar to . ttTJ-*::l ffi?*t of the certificate of Dedication and ownership also needs to be revised to refcr to Lots 8, 9 and 10 i*;;;;i'; 8 thru l2'- "conaining I'564 Acres more or less' . Remove the (3) owner blocks for Lot I I (Weiss) I Remove the Town Council Certificate r Remove the Zoning Adminisuator Certificate !*{("{,"^rlots E, 9 and r0 on the proposed prat with Lupine Drive, Lot l l, Lot 7, and USFS as . ?T3tff#:t#'a"ge for rots in the ps zone district is 30 ft A[ of the proposed lots meet this . ilffiilJiuil:T*"" *e also required to be able to enclose a square measuring 80 ft bv 80 ft. nii oitftt ptoeosed lots meet this minimum requirement' r The minimum rot ,i"iiTii, fr*^n" Gnitt tt';i1to ;i' The proposed configurations of Lots 8' 9 and l0 cunently meet this minimum requirement' {g r""ouor^rt* . The minimum buildable area in the PS zone disfict is 15,000 sf, Buildable area does not include any red hazard avalanche areas, areas in excess of40% slope, or floodplain. The buildable area for each lot is reguired to be indicated on the plat. Any areas in excess of40% slope or red hazard avalanche areas are required to be demarcated on the plat. Due to the requirement of 15,000 sf of buildable area, the proposed lot confrgurations may not comply with PS zoning. You nny wish to revise the lot configurations so that therels a minimum of I 5,000 sf of buildable area for each proposed lot. Staff would not recommend approval to the Planning and Environmental Commission if any of the lots did not meet the minimum requirements for lot size, dimensions, or buildable area.r Staffrecommends that the easternmost property line of Lot E be reconfigured so tbat it is more of a "straight shot'' rather than having a 90 degree angle. Staffwill not support the current configuration. (hh e r o uttutding is su es t Please submit a stamped topognphic survey for Lor 8, 9, and 10. This survey murit include the location of he65, easements, encroachments, environmental hazards, slopes gfeater than 40%, and buildable area (which excludes red hazard avalanche area, areas in excess of40% slope, and floodplain) for each lot to be resubdivided.. Please provide written notification once the easement shared by Los 8 thru I I has been vacated- . Submira copy ofthe receipt indicating that property taxes have been paid for 2000 for each lot. . Submit 8.5"x1l" reductions ofthe survey(s) and proposed plat. Please address these issues and submit revised plans and plan reductions to the Community Developmcnt D4arnnent by noon on Thursday, June 21, 2001. Whatever information is received by this time will be forwarded to the Planning and Environmental Commission members and will be discussed at their meeting on June 25,200I. If you would like a copy of the staffmemorandunr, please let me know and I can forward it to you prior to the meeting. Ifyou have any other questions or concenu, you can reach me at 4'l 9-2148 or akierulf(a)ci.vail.co.us. Sincerely, QL'A@Q Ann Kjerulf \ \ Planner IVCIS SpecialisN Town of Vail Erglc Courtty - Arseseor Drtabrrc ' Disptry o htF/lwww.ergle-countyyRec.cfm?acounNo=R032fi&recligtPtr=2 Asseesor Propefi Detail Account No: R03,Z7T| District SGl08 Parcel Nb: 210lltt0l017 Owner NamelAddrces LUPINE PARTNERSHIP 330719TH AVE KEARNEY. NE,68845 Sltus Addtess Stlrol No. 003827 Dir No# StreGt Nam€ LUPINE Sufrix DR Condo Namo Condo Unit Subdlviaion Namc BIGHORN 2ND ADDITION ^ -1,Blod( L.nd Adual 330,000 lelul Ass€tsod 30,190 lmprv A.lu8l 582,350 lmp'v Asts!$d 53,290 Salee ':< MS.0g leg i.r {iov g!111tgntl-41}i5,itl-{ oiUg"*ill l$p-laf r:.u::ll'Rt*lur:i-tr-Ti*r!c.gl.!;rlucn.ttl l::rlLa-r rr "" +-' ".:'-:-:--:1-r.j: i{,iq-is-\-Etienillcbt;ale$:&t!)-o-X-.{-r-on1!ilx'ij Book Pag.Rcccptlon* R706318 Ooc Fec 89.10 Sabs D.tc 08/17199 Selc Ptict 891,000 Sibling Account Numb€r WD email cagle coung: gli!rg:rgh:t:r:*iii:.i:::'-t Copyright @1998 Eagle CountY I of 1 6111019:6 t Easre countv' AssessorDahbase -DisPrav tnaa :U,--H3ffiefi"gfftZliilf,**=r AccountNo: R01t810 District SCl08 Subdivision Parcel Nb: 2t0lll102001 Assessor ProPertY Detail Land Actual 550,000 Lend Ass66sod 159,500 lmprv Actuel lmorv Assessod Book Pago Receptionf R692042 Doc Fee 50.00 Sales Oate 03/31/99 Sal6 Pri6 500,000 Sibling Account Number WD *,iienu Situs Address Slreet No. 003847 Dir No# Streot Name LUPINE Suffx DR Condo Name Condo Unit Name BIGHORN lSTADDITION Block Lot 1 7 email eagle county: tl:11':ir.r-.{;iigl !:.::'-i :ill:.r"-{1'.Jl.l CopYright @1998 Eagle C-ountY 6141019:05 Fagle Cornry - Assessor Daubax - Display t htrp:/Arww.cagle'ouoty.co6/Es8€s8or/di"'yRec'cfn?rccountno=Kljjl ' /56gt0cr-|!1r tr=r t Assessor ProPertY Detall Account No: R03278 District' SCt08 Parcel Nb: 2l0l11t0t0l8 6'rnar llarnclAddrecc ValUgg LNnd Adual 220,000 Land Ats.3!ed 20,130 lmpJv Ac{u8l 412,530 lmpN As36E!€d 37,750 Sales Book I Page I necePtion* | Doc Fcc Sal$ Date I Sale Prics Subdlvislon NamB BIGHORN 2ND ADDITION Blod(^-t Menu )> Owner Ngme/Mdrtss Sltus Addregs Slroct No. 003827 Dir No# Sirqol Name LUPINE Sufilx DR Condo Namo Condo Unit cmail eagle county: sldlrir$rtillji:lf uur:(:('ill Copyright @199P Eaglc CountY 1of 1 6/4/01 9:08 Eagtc Coudty rAssessor Databasc - Display t hnp:/Avww'oaglo-co* -tT'*"yRec'cfm?accouaNo=R0 1 l5tlo&recusrru= r Assessor ProPertY Detail AccountNo: R011540 Distris[ SC108 Parcel Nb: 2101lll0l005 Owner NamelAddlgqg LANGEGGER, HANNA 3807 LUP]NE DR vAlL, co, 81657 Sltus Addreos Subdivision Lard Actu.l 550,000 lend As3clsod 50,320 lmpru A.lual 378,270 lmpw As!€33€d 34,610 Salet goor lPage lRecePtto* 1ry9l99 Saler Dat€ | Sale Pdce Menu Str6€t No. 003807 Oir No# Strc€t Name LUPINE Suffix DR Condo Nemc Condo Unit Namo BIGHORN 2NDADDITION Blod(Lot 3 cmail eagle county: xi'"tl-iir''il&S:t-t-Ql!!:"r']1'!9!i! CopYrigbt @1998 Eagle CountY d4rol 9:10. Ea$c Cotrnty - Asscssor Darabase - DisplEy |l http://w*v.cagle-county.conTor/ ,..yRec,cfn?accountNo=M115?0&recListPlr- Assessor ProPefi Detail AccountNo: R0f1570 Disrict Scl08 Parcel Nb: 2{0111t01002 Owner NamelAddrcra Valueg MORAN, CHLOE HELD 1480 BOHNS POINT RD WAYZATA, MN,55391 Sltus Slncl No. 003797 Dir E Nd Slr!.t Narn€ LUPINE Sufllx DR Condo Name Condo Unil Subdlvlsion Nam€ BIGHORN 2NDADDITION Elocl Lot 4 [.nd Actual 550,000 lrnd A!3cg3ed 50,320 lmpw Adual 901,780 lmp As8r83t(l 82,510 Sales wa-u. i"S rr-.g-<;gb:il!ttei-i-!-'13 :ie-s:,1-!'lutuitli I j 11-;1ii9-{lir-tg1g'--R-.j,$u[--cstTll:iq-o-i-(]p::.t9-l-t1,].1 [-irt t,n -ri-tol !-&-S!$g!-ta]t-9.ril-Codittili iUr:. t rL --trj,ir:liuS,'-&r lg$rlgli -l-rd:L: r;i -Lnr"t I r:,r"*ii Book oar9 Page 0931 R.c.ption*ooc Fc€ 63.75 Salos Oate 09/01/94 Sale Ptica 637.500 Sibling Account Numb.r WD email eagle cor.rnty: r!!:.ll,rirc;rg-l!::9.)l$!r).:.',( lm Copyright @199E Eagle CountY 614019:07 Esgle Cgunty - Asscssor Database - Display Assessor Propefi Detail bttp:/lrww.cagle-counv cory ...yRoc.cfia?accounrNo.R0il380&rcclisrptr Account No: R011380 District SC108 Parcel Nb: 210111101010 Owner Name/Addrecs WEISS, GARY 1051 PORT MALABAR 6 PALM BAY, FL,32905 Sltus Addross Streot No. 003834 Dir No# StrEot Namc BRIDGE Sutrx RD Condo Name Condo Unil f ig tl (krvcnrnrrxt l'ablr ol Contcnl{ {{,i o *to. []unty lle':rturggs_f irb"L+_lrj.-Lllrrr{ g[!:l l{-io to h" eu's rt Sun c_t,s I'ahle o1'Corrtrill^sl Velues Lrnd Ac'tuel 104,500 Land fus€3sod 30,310 |mptv Actual lmpwA$€33cd Sales Boo*Pago Receplion* R753468 DoG Fro 7.50 Sabs Datc o3t28t0'l Sab Pdc. 75,000 Sibling Account Numbor WD Subdlvleion Nlme BIGHORN 2NDADDITION Blod(Lot 11 cmeil sggls courty: $:!glii,iaqir!:i::i:i!.U],,1l-lrir Copydght 01998 Eagle Oounty I of I 6/4fi1 10:55 AIt ,"10" **: - Assessor Databas€ - Display Assessor Property Detail Valuec Lar,rd Adual 440,000 tard Alsg3sed 40,260 lmp'v Adual E52,670 lmpry Assg3sed 78,O20 | { i,.r irr 6rtt'-cr Lr!tilrl*[41tilj-.Cir11t{-t,:1'J li,ilr--il: lj*lrr"lry-Rg,:e"s-r"!.ti -lr-bLc"0j-(s*i t qrL!':'l t!.ir x; Ncrvs & Surr,':Js'frhli: of (.irrna:rrtsj {-Qs.t s-,v-.i-! i t :,:r:r' -npl$r*s{r.l-abls-gj-{'i:-*tii'tt"'J http:/www,eaglc€* *ry i."yR*.ctur?accountNo=Rorl5l0l9reclistPtr' Account No: R0ll510 Distsict SCl08 ParcefNb: 210111101012 Owner NamdAddrssg Subdivislon Name BIGHORN 2NDADDITION Block llot -113 Situs Addresr Stnot No. 003846 Dit No# Slrg€t Namc LUPINE Suffix DR Condo Namc Condo Unit Sales Book P.9e Rec6ptior|l R672418 Doc Fcc 137.24 SahE Dab 08/04/98 Selr Pdc6 1,372,400 SlblirE Account Numbcr WD email eagle county:,:lA j]jilgrgJs::*.!ilL'J:!lr.:$! Copyrigbt O1998 Eagle County tofI 614019:13 t http://www.caglo-courtY F,aglc County - Asscssor Databasc - Display t Sales Assessor Property Detail Account No: R0tl035 District SCt08 Parcel Nb: 210111101006 Subdivision Namo BIGHORN 2NDADDITION Blod( J Lol 7 i{ii,*ts"}-isiis:r$ril$-tjrtst:"-Talti,eo"l""L:.ri4li:rttrj yRcc.cf m?accounNo=R01 1035&recl.istP!=1 Valueg Lend Aftd 550,000 Land Aisesrcd 50,320 lmpfl Actual 256,970 lmpw Ass63s€d 23.510 Situs Address Stro€t No. 003796 Dir No# Slr€€t Nam€ LUPINE Sufnx DR condo Nams Condo Unit Book Pags Rec6ption# R720731 Doc Fe€ 59.90 Sel6s Date 01114100 Sal6 Price 599,000 Sibllng Account Numbei WD email eaglc county: *,fti!rig$ls*:rcl-rii:.r.!tl Copyright @1998 Eagle CountY I of 1 6/4[1 9:11 A Q," rrEM MAy AFFE.T youR pRoT" PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the TownofVail onJune25,2001,al2:OOP.M.intheTownofVail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a major amendment to Special Development District #6, to allow for the conversion of 2 residential units into 1 , located at 100 E. Meadow Drive, Units 335 & 337/Lot O. Block 5D, Vail Village 1't Filing. Applicanl: Patricia & Gerardo Schroeder, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects Planner: Brent Wilson A request for a worksession to discuss allowing ski storage as a permitted or conditional use on the first floor of a building in Lionshead Mixed Use 1 & Lionshead Mixed Use 2 Zone District. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a garage within the required front setback, located at 1956 Gore Creek Drive / Lot 45, Vail Village West Filing #2. Applicant: David Inrvin Planner: Ann Kjerulf A request for a final review to discuss amending certain residential zone districts in the Town of Vail to allow home day care facilities subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit and a home occupation permit. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: George Ruther A request.for a worksession lo discuss a minor subdivision proposal, located at 3834 & 3838 Bridge Road/ Lots 11 & 12, Bighorn Subdivision 2nd Addition. Applicant: Steve Riden Planner: Ann Kjerulf A request for a worksession lo discuss a minor subdivision proposal, localed at 3816, 3826, and 3828 Bridge Road/ Lots 8, 9, & 10, Bighom Subdivision 2no Addition. 4. iHiTr*Steve Riden Ann Kjerulf The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. ' 5) Please call 479-2138 for information. nj.!',[rf ease cat +t J-z r.ro ror Inrormauon. , "!q:"0 Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notlfication. Please call V\1J f .f 479-2356, Tetephone forthe Hearing lmpaired, for information 7fr*\Ufl\'/\\\ r\r\ -\Community Development Department Published June 8. 2001 in the Vail Trail. T'rN 0Fvut Qucsrions? Call thc planning Staffar 479-213g Of ","nrroN FoR pr,ANNrNG iltnur*oNM ENTAL I Amcndrncnt to an Approvcd Dcvclopmcnt plan g Employeo Housing Unit (Typc: )tr Major or tr Minor CCI Extcrior Alteration (VailVillage)tr Major or tr Minor CCII Extcrior Altcration TOWN OFVAIL COMMISSION APPROVAL CENEMI.INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring approval by thc Planning and Environmcntal Comrnission. For spccific information. scc thc submittal rcquiremcnts. foi thc particutar upprou-ol thatis ;;;;stcd. Thc application can not bc accepted until all rcquired information is submittcd. Thc project rnay atso ncca tl uc rcvicwcd by thc Town council and/or thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board. A: ryPEOFAPPLICATION: . tr Additionat GRFA (250)tr Bcd and Brealdast tr Conditional Usc permit tr Major or pMinorSubdivision tr Rezoning' tr Sign Variancc tr Variancc tr ZoningCodeAmcndmcnt B.DESCRIPTION OF THE REQTJEST: n tr (Lionshcad) Spccial Dcvclopmcnt Dishict Major or E Minor Amcndmcnt to an SDD LocArroN oFpRoposAt-: rcrfuAlJfi_ocK_r,r,*o ?,r@ 'c. ADDRESS: ZONING: BUILDINC NAME: Ezrez Jtrtr€Ae4j VAt PHON D. E.NAME oF o*'Iff=f to'l lllot MAILINGADDRESS: J r-rtt i- Ji. F -" F. G. OWNER(S)SIGNA NAME OF REPRESENTA MAILINCADDRESS: c'u I tir-,r€u 19 PHONE: H, FEE - SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. STJBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SI,BMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE To THE DEPARTMENT oF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, z5 sourH FRONTAGE ROAD,VAIL, COLORADO 8l6s?. '(r,>J (-/ e0 pE FccPaid:- cw:_fui_sv: Rcvi.rd 6/96 fo +*++'l'l *'l'f *'! l.'|':l'|t:l'|' 't * '|:|l{r {r,}:} ** ** +**'l*+* ++* i******* * ** ** *** *****,t* * *** + *** **'}* + * *+ +** * ++ l**+*+'t't TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *****'t* *** *i ** *+ ++++ * {r******t '} 't 't'} {.,}*'}*1.1.** * *'}* *{r '1,}* *****f +**+++* {t't't't'}**'* '} {.*'l:t*{.*,}'l'l*{r'l* *,},} 'l'} Statement Number: R000000908 Amount: $250.00 05/07/20O1LL:08 AM Palment liiethod: Check Init : iIAR Notation: 5788 Permit No: P8C010043 T]4)e: PEC - Minor Subdivieion Parcel No: 210111101008 Site Addregs: 3815 LUPINB DR I/AIL Location: Irots 8, 9, 10 Total Fees: $250.00 Thia Payment: 9250.00 Total AL,L Prnte: $250.00 Balanee: $0 .00 ** * * * * * * +*+ *'t * * ** * * *'1. * * * * ** ** ** * ** * * * ** ** t* * *+ * * ** * * * ** ** 'lr**'t* rl. * ** *'** * * * * 'l * * * * *+* *tf *'f *+ * + + 't * ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPLICATION FEES 250. 00 'trl**tt'tf *'itttt**+**+**ttrr**+,t* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Number: ROO0OO0908 Anorlnt: $250.00 06/07/2OO|JlL:08 AII Payment Uethod: Check Thie Payment: Init: JAR Notation: Permit Ho: PEC010O43 Tlpe: pBC - Illinor Subdivieion Parcel No! 210111101008 Site Addrees: 3916 IJUpItfE DR VAUr Location: Lots g, 9, 10 $2s0.00 Total Feeg: Total AIJJ lrmts : 788 $2s0. s250. 0 0 0 ++**tr'r***{r*r'}*r++,r*!i*r*******f,,r**r*+********r**,}{,*,r*****.*******"i*t"Xlli****.*******il* ACCOTJNT ITEMLIST: Account Code Descri pti on Current Prnts PV 00100003112500 PEC APPLICATIOI{ FEES 250.00 vq/ via/ auu1 HAY-zr -Ot r1 ^t,.tat I'.lA (,lv:tlvvvJ.v . 6r F'lott."tltttE GUAFANTEE rD.In?6463r FACE Z/9 hnd fitlc Guenn@ Grqrny cusTolts olsliltuTEr k 093t.?00r hqrgA&rc: tuffirNrEbcl VC2?23'?&l rrTst nrRoucc 12, Bt@onN suBDrvliloN, sE@]rDAI]DmoN ! F AIA}{DSI'TVEVING \. Aa reE{TBI(riS hot 9?So?ltt6g Atz 97O464i15 S?ar \ah ltr tGli.l|lry ut,/ vra/ 3vvl, Irr, lru fa.a xAY-2r-Or !1.E2 FROH, rl,./t$ GUANAl|TEE tD'f|*e{Ee.u!1'"= rgl vt Lrnd fitle Guanntee Gornpeny YotfRc0rrrgrs DrE Ot21-2001 hoprtyAdrlrs: tuOdrNunDc vgrglt-l rors r Tm,ou@r la $G[loRN sutDrvl:Ior.l. sEcoND ADDmoir Sqycz3qtu,rrr: 10EEDETERMD.IED 9=trcr/O*ler: ruNE ELI?TRE:IIJ llAAER, AS TO I,OT 8, HUMIIIbICiEIRD @MFAIVIr. A COI'NADO SOLE FEOFRIETORS@, AS TO I,OII' 9 AI{D TO, GA&Y WETSS, AS TO I.OT II AND MARY C.B. WE SS TRUSTEE A}ID CABY M. WEISS, Rt'SfES. IHE ldANY C3 TGISS TAUSI Uyou brrc rny bqirl.| c.trqdr!ffi.'adfrnc, de eorE c dtr -rl|rr' b&rt Fa Chdljidlrrc ForTldcrlfrar Vril Ttdc Dqlt. fE oliggt IOE S. FRONTACE ND. W. 'AB P.O. BOxst VAIL, CO 3165'g!E.,no4?6z5l Frr: fto476;aX|t} EDlriL tliggrQlryc.m, Nrd r o4r c irrdqF forlu_ Tlo.1 _4lg oh*"gf Ch.dr or!' ltld Ilitlr'r rrrb ft a rrr.\p.m ItrEr E|IlGorwttof :rE:lF GGaiE D rlr of o|E.ilsG rtt EsilTTEOFTIII.EFEEI lcbnldoBbC.t glt 0.oo rof t tz50.oo i.an Cqlrgl !ar!BtEttFutotL@r vur \r:i, -vv.L L.r. \r{, FAy-Zl-Ol r1:s2 FRor{tbrr"LE r !.,tr\ CUANAXSEE rD'UU'€{s3. Ctisrto Tlib lurqr Coq-'y ALTA COM}IITMBN T S.tTEl3A tu&drf,o. vGnEnlr Ctd.,8:3,: RoprrtyAdtLr* I.OTS 8 TIiROUCH 12. BIGIIORN SUBDTVISION, SG@ND ADDTIION l- Elldrelrl.. Apdf3o,z(Fl!'dxtp-tt, 2. hUcJ tD bG Isr4 rd I,!oFq! f!s!!$: bfmdo,Eie hopocd Inucd: TOAEDETEBMIND gl.o J. Tb.!3.tc or hlltr* ar |b lrril d:ss&rd or rtfutri o b tis Cooffi d qrrrd h613 AFEESIMPIJ {- tH. b r}+.!|.r'oriDB cstsralarhS |rrncrflltirrd&hcdvrrtd h SEEATTACBED 5. ltc brd rtJscd io ii t*L CctbEa & drrilql I lo[ors LOTS E, 9, ro, lt AND 12, BIGI{OnN $rSDIYlstoN, sEco!{D ADDtTloN, ACCORDNG m THE RECOTDED FL.f,T THENEOF. COT'NTY OF EAOIJ, STATE OF COII)BADO. xAf-2r-gl 11 . s2 Fn '""'t5'rLE cuAFANts! rlJ uo PAGE 6/rs rD.lu"64s34 OE(ld-lfG V(2?5l8,,l {'. Tltlt to ti. €.t3 or Lru, ctwrri b'fr -l3 I frc dlrfiu trr hrd d b JUNEPT T'AFETA FR^2]ER' A3 It}LOT E, \ lluuMrN@ItD COMPANY, A @t6nAm sOlE FROpRtEIOnsHp. AS 6 t.OtB I AI{D lO,\QIRY WEISS. AS TO !.of II AND -- M.CAY C.B. WEITS TR,USTEE AND GAAY M. WEISS, I'RUSTEE TTIE MAR,Y C.& W4S ITUSr DA,TEDr,tZZtgT, ds Ye Lot ,t , wv/ viai' aev.t rv. !ri, rra.t tir, vir. vvvtv FAY-zr-6r r r i s2 Froxlfilrr?LE -- 'o'u5'"'"'"CUAFATITEA PAGT E/9 AL?A COMMTTMENT Schc&leB. S.ds I Fl{|&rEr) (tr(Iu!ao. vwrg,E,l TLtiltorbi .|r tc rqeus to br oDlid rilt: lca e) no/et to c fu ib t6|Et of &c grcora o or(geg('ti of ttcirll ffiainfuftt r.Gq' iunres p be iuutd. Ito (u) hopcr irEdrt|rlED(o) scrirS ltc c#c c istslr to ba i!q$d r$ bo crFxa{ tC &ily rr-r 6n r*,4 ewt: Itea (c) furonrof dl urrr, iirl!* ot rc tnial aa rslrrd adu( tb EDirrl Fair* $irits:r tb:od payeDta- ItE (d) Addidor{ nqulm" if rqy dilcrc.rt trlory: TSIS COMMIIMENT III FORINFIO8,MATION ONLY, ANP NO POIJETN/ILL BE ISITUED PUISUAI\IT IIEREIO. xlY-Zr-9t ll 'S2 F|lOlr,L ND TITLE oO { D!11\ GUAIAHTEE rD'U5"3'F3{qJv t PAGE 7/9 ALTA COTI{MITUENT SchcdllaB- Sdim2 Crc.ged Osqri.rNo. VC2?237t.1 Th Ftst er polh&r b !c tmrd rrll cmhie trrtrri.rre tLtolhitt|G|| tbncn dipd of b lbc adrfictim d ft Cooqy: l- Ri3b c d&r of grctic il pccio mt r[fla ty Ur Fblic Fco,!Ct, 2. Erscnan, cr dai8 of carmg, mr Sowa by rba pubtic reds 3. Ditgea.n!, aatriar b boortuy tiucr, itgolc b rc., affi.trD.qE. d q), nco qA!&. mr., ttrrilt d in+rcds of rte FE r"a {6ur6 #.cl^rc ald urhic[ n aor sonu by 6c pnbl. 'n;dr a. Ary li.!, ot tith b I lia, 0or ecnria, bDs or arnrlrt rblrofon or lec.Srr fsd-.d. iry3;cd tt lrv d not Sounby 6r lablb r@rds. 5- Dfu' li4s rocu'nltr"'tr, rdvl:c clabr q oricr Dfiltr if aly, etd, frrt qEladry h rb grblic rcordr or adilt l|bqe*t to rh. cdhairn d+ L:cof hr Fior to tr drtc u eroeorliislO-rqldtrr'orcul t vdue lhe cso!. or irnEtGrt q EoIltfga tbrca covepd bJt rfrir Comirmr - 6. Thsc or {rcial rrcqorcts vbicb.rc lol stoqa rs *inb3 liros oy rbo p6tb tpdr,e ib Trrrsrr'r ofice. 7. I irr fq q1i6 urG to.r ir€ clalje, il ty, _ 8. b addttoa, rtc oc/ldr policy vi[ hc srbjcg ro tbc EdrtrtB if rry. aouf in Sdi[ I of Sril?,F.rc B btllrrf. 9. ruCITT OF PROTRIBft)N, OF A YMrr OR LoDE !o E CIRAGT AIIID REMovE TIB oR.B IITBEFROM SEOI'LD TIIE SAME BE FOU}TD TO PE{EITAIE OR TNTETSST THB Fn.BMISES AS REIERVED IN TJNNED STATES PATENT RECOTDED APR,IL 28, T9O, I!{ B€T 4t AT PAGE47/. IO, R,IG|I? OF WAY F()R DTTCS€S OR CANAI,S @}ISTRUCT@ IY IT|E At'fHORrTr OF ITIE TJ}TITED STJiTEI' AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT NEOORDED AIRT.zT. 19(p. IN EOOK.lt AT PACIE,l7l- I l. tEsrrurcTlvE cpvENAl{Ts q/}ltcll Do l{oT OorvrAIN a FOnlGln RE Or. rE.,trtERTSE Cr,l[Us6.BUt OMrrrrNg ANy co\rENA{T oRrE$RrcrroN EAttED OI{ nrCE, cCI-On- TEUGI([{.Sx, HANDICAP, FAItiq.IAL STATUS OR NAllONrr,L ORIGM UNITST AI{D ONLY fO nC E ffENT TtlAT &rlD CO\rENA!{T (A) ISEXEMPT t NDEn.GIAfTEI, 02, SECTTQIN WI O8 TIIE UNITED STATES @DE ON. G) RHA'IES T9 IIANDTCEPBUT DOES NOT DTSCRJMTNATE AGNNST IIANDTCAP PENSONS, AS C\)NTAINED N DISI3'I'MENI&rcO*DED DECEMEER, a), 1962. IN BOOK T?4 AT PAOD {q' AIrTD ^S AUEX{DID IN O{SIAUTGNT RICORDID ssrrelvsER 19. 1963. IN EOOK l?5 AT PAGE Fr- 12. A IEN PEBCCNT NON-PARTTCIPATING BOYALTY IN AIiID TO TIIE PNOCEEDS DBII'ED FROM TfE SAIB oF MINERTES. BIC, PRODUCED AIitD [,n\tlD tloM SAD lREf,gSES, rtII iS SET PORTTI AI{D RESERVED EtI NSTRUMEI'T RE@RDED D{ BooK 166 AT PA@.IO?. rAY-2 I -et I I cuaraxrEE' '^ **, il',ir""4"r48e.l- -U rgt UO FAGE A" ALTA COMMITT{ENT Scletblcl, $cb 2 Gerdc)Ocorklb, Yqr4trft,t Tb p&y or pofhb b bcis! rtt|.oGt-ir @Gt b D tb to0rn4uloteactr.1r of, to tb.el&{etrfr- of,fi Copry: 13. E^SEMENTS. NESERVAIIONS r}ID rA$Rrcltors AS SHOW}{ OR NASR\IE OI{ TIIE RECPI.DED PI.AT oF EIGHoRN sil,JBDTvIsToN, $E@ND ADDITpN, t4. T8nMs. coNDingN3 alqp ERovtsroNs oF Noflcf oF EI{CUMIR,rNCA Al{D }B(Q{ lrnoN nEooRDED ApRrL n, Ml ATR.FCEPnON NO. 75t5r. - a /b{a 15. DEED OF 'RUSI DATED FB8R,UARY O{. I99t FROM 'UNE ELTTAIETTT FIJ|AEN TO € PUBLIC IRUSTE OF E^GTT SI'NTY FOR Tr{E tl$g 6P q'E$rCr.X,EAIfi IO sucufE flE SUM OF $Al2'tff,oo. A.hID A![Y OTHEN AT{OI'NTS PAYABIJ UNDER T|IE TERMS THEBEOF, R,ECORDED FttsRuAny 13, r99q UNDB nE@TroN No. 6az!4?. (ArrEcTslorB) 16. DEED OF ttUST DATED MARCIT 0l'. IgY' FROM JI.'NE E IZ^EEfT| ''iAG. TO THE PUIIrc RT'SIEE OF EAqI COTJNTY FON, TIIE USEOP WTIIA}{ r. OGG. IIDtr-S. BINGE rr,tvD ROSIAM. BlNCEto gEg1;RETtlE SUM (p.txr5,m'..', AHDAttYOfiR , AIiOI'NTS PAYTBI! UNDEI 188 TENMS TIJEREOF. REOOIDD MARCE r?- r9Y'. IN SfiX(' ZIO AT PAGE 3OT. u(4 I-S^t*C.tq. rN Assrcr.ruENT EEO9nDAm B@I('3I ATPAcE gEl. SAID ASSICNMBT.IT CO!{VEYS ONLY THE UNDIVTDED FIFTY PERCB{T INTERE$T IELD EY WITIJAM W. OGG n{ fiIE AEOVE DEED OF TNUST. t7. '. SAID DEE OFTRUSTXIAS ASSTGDIE TO qrcon!_Ei.lloEltlulE- OF t'6.25O.@. .|l{D A.NTT OTSER AMOUIITS PAYAEII UI{DN TgS TEnXS llErEOr, RECORDED ATRIL (B, ?@I, I'!{DEN RECDPNON NO.''l'3/6'.. (AFFECTS l.of 1T) (IFFECTSLCTTO , - tl ,zbof"J 4-8l*(4 DEED OFTRUSTDATEO }IARCE 8,2fp'! FROM C^rYWg6 fi, TltEPUEIjCTSUSTE€OF EA@E COUNTY FOR, TEE USE OF YIASilN('IC{ I.UTUALBAIS, fA To SESUIE TE St,'[d vv/ v.r/ 4vvL lo, ott f nl|'rrrl-21-el I l :53 FROI .r.,/gto TITLE GuApAxrrn Es -rt LAlru LUlltlL tD'f,1€{s3'14(r9 Froa 9/e ALTA COMMIT}IENT SchrfuleE- Scaioaz Fcrnl k(k!b, vclTz'7t"l il fgtey r -ecXc b bc Fa rfll rDltrh rl.rldoE to fb ldbrlg lrh - 163 rrr etlrrd of !o tb *ril|cfbn oitb Crupry; rt. DEED oF r*Usr DArrD r{ABcE os. dr Fno}r c^ny r,*. - #1L* F& *< EAGLE couNTY F(IR TUE usE oFFnsf, wBslEltit x*rGr@ sRlrr,stc, lo -- -- sEctrRE TrE stIM op t900.60-m, Ar.tD Artrv orrlR, Ardour{fts pAyAEla ulros, rre IBMS TI&SOF' nEcoRDED IUARCH 16, 2001, uxwn, nrcerrirx fo. zsrgse- SAID DEED OF1?USTWAS ASSIGNDII) ABI.' AMRO MORrcAGEE,OUP, INC. IN ASSIG}iN''ENT TE@RDED MARCTI 16, 2'I'I! TJNDR, REBFTIOIr I{O. 75t5i- (AFlDClt'rrr t2) FAX 949-0304 4 '(9701949-4r2r Re: June 4, ZX)1 Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Fraziet lDahl, 3826 Lupine Road l,ot 8, lrt 9 and Lot 10, Bighorn 2nd Addition Dear Members of the Planning and Environmental Commission Ilt line relocation between Lot 8 and lot 9 is to facilitate an expansion to the existing Frazier Residence, she owns both Lot 8 and Lot 9. I-ot line relocation between Lot 8 and Lot 10 is to allow Int 10 to become conforrning to the primary / secondary zone district. t,J-V'.l,l"Jti l,reilgl vAIL, co.81658 Steven James Riden. Architect . MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS' a RoCKFALLANDAVALANCHEHAZARDANALYS|SAND MITIGATION CONCEPTS Lors 8, 10, AND 12, BIGHoRN suBDlvlsloN zND ADDlrloN Prepared For Mr. Steve Riden PrePared BY Arthur l. Mears, P.E., lnc' Gunnison, Colorado MaY,2001 ARTHUR I. MEARS, P.E., INC. Natural Hazards Consultants 555 county Road 16 Gunnison, Colorado 81230 Te'/ftx:.970-641-3236 artmcars@rmii'com May 10,2001 Mr. Steve Riden P.O. Box 3238 Vail, CO 81658 RE:Hazardandmitigationanalysis,Lots8,lOandl2'Bighorn2noAddition Dear Mr. Riden: The analysis of hazard and mitigation design concepts you requested is attached. Although *or" r*poJure to the lbovedefined hazards does exist, ilte-speciRc mitig;tion,'i;duding ntt against back walls or special fences' is f;',fi; anO cariprobably be incorporated without substantial expense' Please contact me if you have any questions' SincerelY, n-\ | ? 11 . rr vvlt4vuww Arthur l. Mears, P.E. Avalanche-control engineer Encl: RePort Mass Wasting . Avala ^chcs ' Avalanche Contml Etgincering 1 REPORTSUMMARY The principal conclusions, recommendations and limitations of this study are detailed in Sections 2 - 6. The summary is as follows. 1.1 Exoosure All lots, proposed buildings and additions considered in this study are within range oi roiffatl and avaianche hazards. These hazards originate within or Oirectty below the obvious limestone cliff outcropping of the Maroon formation approiimately 300 feet above the building sites (Figures 2 and 3). Both rocffall and avalanches of sizes sufficiently large to damage buildings are rare events (estimated return periods of 100 years or longer) but do require mitigation as discussed. &'i'rti RECOMMENDED MITIGATION - Mitigation recommended torthe building postlions shown in the nirit, ZOO| Sfeye Rrden drawngs conCrsfs of placing a f,il b a height H against all back walls of proposeA nouses. |he fitl shou-ld extend vefticatly for a height'H". H = 10' on Lot I (upper), 8' 'on'Lot 8 (lower), 10' on Lot 10, and 8' on Lot 12. Surtace slope of fill shotlld .le 1.% : 1. This will iriea iom a6tign-magnituait roc!<fat! and avalanches. An altemate mitigation (a rockfall energy-absorbing fence) is discussed in Section 6. 1.2 Mitigation Because of small velocities and energies of avalanches and rockfall, the recommended mitigation will consist of fill against the uphill walls of all buildings as shown in the above figure. The lower section of the walls must be reinforced for the resulting soil preslure, as determined by the structural engineer. Any walls and windows on the back walls within 12 feet of grade^should be minimized in area and reinforced for a horizontal pressure of 100 lbs/ft'. The fill will dissipate rockfall and avalanche energy such that buildings will not be damaged and rocks and debris will not be deflected adversely onto adjacent public or private property. This will protect residents and others and will satisfy the Town of Vail hazar d regulations. 2 OBJECTIVES AND LIMITATIONS As requested by Mr. Steve Riden, this report has the following objectives: a. Analysis of the dynamics and resulting hazardfrom design-magnitudel rocKall and avalanches on the subject properties; b. Quantification of the impact and/or static loads on exposed buildings; c. Recommendations of mitigation procedures that are feasible at or above the buildings; d. Discussion of any adverse deflection of rockfall and avalanches onto adjacent properties; and e. Discussion of risk. This report also has the following limitations which should be understood by all those relying on the results and recommendations: a. only rocKall, and snow and debris avalanches are considered; other hazards or constraints to development, if any, are beyond the scope of the studY; b. The analysis is based on building locations provided in the Steve Riden drawings given to me in April, 2001. c. Any substantial changes to the terrain or forest cover (e.g', by forest fire or landslides) above the building sites may increase the hazard, d. Extraordinary events (e.9., with return periods of 300, 1000 years or longer) may exceed the sizes delineated or analyzed in this report; and e. The study is site-specific and may not be applicable at other sites. 3 PREVIOUS WORK The Town of Vail has developed rocffall, debris avalanche, and snow avalanche maps which indicate Lots 8, 10, and 12 (as well as some adjacent lots) lie within hazard areas or potential hazard areas. These Vail maps are generalized thus do not indicate the physical characteristics or destructive potentials of the above processes. Modifications to these maps based on site-specific analysis and more detailed study have been provided in Figures 6 and 7 of this report. Additional site-specific hazard or hazard mitigation studies for Lots 8, 10, and 12 have not been completed since the original Vail studies. 4 TOPOGMPHIC SETTING AND SITE OBSERVATIONS Figure 1 is a generalized location map of the project area taken from U' S. Geological Survey topographic data. The approximate location of the rockfall 1 Design-magnitude - Events with return periods of approximately 100 years. Avalanches do have retum periods because evenls of one year are not related to those of subsequent years' however, rocldall events may be dependent on evenis of prior years. FTGURE 1. Vicinity map snowngfiudy area and approximate location of Lots 8-12 At this location, avalanches and rockfaii begii primarity below 8,680 feet elevation level within or below the limestone cliffs. Many itn'i, u,i*bnes, debris flows, or tockfalls also occur in the general vicinity but are not snown on this map. Hazard delineation and subdivision into red and hlue zones are shown in more detait on Figures 6 and 7. SCALE: 1" = 500' J D 1'opoQuad3 Copyright O 1999 DeLorme Yurntouih. lltE 0'{096 Source Dltrl: LISGI ft Scllcr l:6,000 Dctsll: t4-3 Dutum: WGS8{ and avatanche area and lot locations are indicated and the generaltopography of the immediate area is shown. The steep colluvial (rock and debris) slopes below the limestone cliff shown in Figure 2 is littered with boulders, smaller rocks and assorted debris. This materiairesults from the combined effects of rockfall, FtGuRE 2. Oblique photograph (taken from the northeast on April 27, 2001) of Bridge Road cul- de-sac and the iest end of Lipiie Drive. Steep coltuvial slopes below limestone cliff band can iroiu"" small-to-moderate sized ava!an"h"". Ro9A4l o!9''"t":*ithi!:!!"' FIGURE 3. Oblique photo$aph showing greater cletait in proiect area (above L_upine Drive and south of cul-de-sac)'ana tne iunout area for the rockfall and avalanches. Very large limestone boulders near houies probably originate from glacial activity ratherthan rockfall. avalanches, other mass-wasting procssses and glacial activity. Much of the upper Gore Creek Valley was the site of extensive glaciation_during the fleistocene glacial epoch which ended here 10,000 to 20,000 years before present. Thi extensive glaciation probably scraped rocks from the cliffs and deposited many near the present location of homesites as the ice melted. Alt,ernately, a single or multiple rockfall, rock avalanche' or landslide event(s) may havaoccurred and deposited these rocks. However, the major boulders, "Jd""r to have been in place for over 1000 years, perhaps more than 10,000 years, judging from soil development and lichen growth on the rock surfaces (see Figure 4). FIGURE 4. Major A-1A foot-long boulder in the vicinity of the tower building site on Lot 8. Boulder probabty reached this position cturing or immediately fotlowing vailey deglaciation, not from 'rockfati tt may have moved into ptice ftom tandslides that occuned after valley deglaciation or by mefting glacial ice. tt is untikety that this boutcter fetl ftom the cliffs as an isolated event iecause-it'would have rolled much farther or broken into smaller rocks. Soil around the boulder and tichen cover on the surtace suggesfs rf has been in the cunent position for at least 1 000'3000 years, possibly more than 10,000 years. Rockfall and debris-avalanches have also occurred since valley deglaciation and deposited smaller boulders in the vicinity of existing and proposed houses. Such examples are widespread on the colluvial slope above lupil" Drive and other areas within the valley. An example of a rocKall-deposited boulder is shown in Figure 5. This 3-foot diameter boulder rests on the soil surface and probably has- faiien into place during the past several centuries as a result of rockfall. Rocks of this size have the capability of reaching the proposed houses and therefore require mitigation. They aie the basis of the rockfall modeling conducted in this study. FIG;RE S. Rockfall4erived boulder approximately 2.5-3.0 feet long which feil from the limestone cliffs. Notebook is apToximatety one-foot long. A 3.}-foot diameter rock similar to this one was ii"a in tn" rockfalt dynamics aiatysis and was the basis forthe mitigation recommendations. 5 ROCKFALL AND AVALANCHE MODELING METHODS APPLIED 5.1 Rockfall Modeling The velocities, kinetic energies, and bounce heights of rockfall events at the proposed buildings have been quantified through application of the Colorado ilockfall Simulation Program (CRSP), a stochastic rocKalldynamics program developed by the Colorido Department of Transportation and the Colorado School of Mines. The following steps were used in application of CRSP: a. Rock source areas were identified in the field and through analysis of aerial photograPhs. b. The colluviai slope below the limestone cliff was characterized in terms of steepness, roughness, and hardness, parameters used in the CRSP analysis. c. The sizes of boulders and their probable stopping positions were determined in the field. A The CRSP model was forced to produce boulder stopping positions as determined in the field. Velocities, kinetic energies, and bounce heights at selected analysis points (positions of mitigation) were determined at the building locations by the CRSP analYsis. The maximum extent of 3-foot diameter rocks (the design rockfall event) in the project area is shown on Figure 6. This map should be used to update the exiiting Town of Vail rockfall hazard maps which were prepared in 1984. Complete details of the results of the rocKall-dynamics analysis are provided in Appendix A. A summary of the design criteria which were used to develop the rocKall mitigation measures recommended in Section 6 are provided in Table 1- Note: MitigatiOn design Cfiteria are based on me 9U7o Cumuaflve proDarrttfty teve\ I(teat,t,,g tlc,. fhere exlsfi a 10% probabilv that the design rockfatt event (vrhich is a rare event) will exceed the criteia. 5.2 Avalanche modeling Avalanche dynamics were modeled by fitting a three-parameter stochastic model of avalanche motion to the flow, assuming a starting position at the cliff band and a stopping position consistent with observed stopping positions observed in topoliaptilcally similar paths in Colorado. The following two steps were used as recommended by the Colorado Geological Survey: a. First the design-magnitude avalanche stopping position was determined by tenain analysis, observations of prior events in similar terrain, and statistical modeling; b. second the avalanche-dynamics modelwas used to compute energy (of clear snow and debris avalanches) to determine the red/blue hazard zone boundary (mapped in Figure 7). Avalanche velocities computed in step "b" at the proposed buildings were determined to be 1Qm/s (22 mph) or less and would produce impact pressures generally less than 400 lbs/ft2 at the bases of large, flat walls normal to the flow. Because the apparent avalanche return period at the proposed buildings is more than 25 years, this would place buildings in the "blue" (moderate hazard) zone, as indicated on Figure 7. According to the Vail hazard regulations, construction with mitigation is allowed in such areas. A e. Table 1. Rockfall criteria for on Site Velocity Kinetic Energy Bounce Height Lot 8 building (Upper) 51.30 fVsec 120.027 ft{bs 7.69 ft Lot 8 building (Lower) 39.30 fUsec 74.167 ft-lbs 15.51 ft Lot 10 buildins 51.07 fVsec 117.046 ft-lbs 7.60 ft Lot 12 building 41.97 ftlsec 89.848 ft-lbs 5.85 ft are based on the meaning I [ .,] I Jil a t: ;.i;! ;l;; .1,'i:,;?ii FTGURE 7. Map of the maximum extent of snow or clebris avalanches in the Bridge Road and west Lupine Drive area. Red (high hazard) and Blue (moderate hazard) zones are shown. Map was produced from aerial photography taken in 1997, thus recent construction does not appear on the map. SCALE: 1" = 100' ii". i, f ,;ii.t:; .;l V;it;)' 7 . 6 MITIGATION Two forms of mitigation from rocKall and avalanches is recommended. These recommendations are based on the observations and analyses presented eadier in this report. 6.1 Berms against back walls The recommended mitigation form consists simply of berms built against the uphill walls of buildings (Figure 8). These berms must be built to a height of I - 10 feet to dissipate rockfall and avalanche energy. The required heights are given in Table 2. Table 2. Berm desion criteria BUILDING LOCATION BERM HEIGHT Lot 8 buildins (upper)10 feet Lot 8 building (lower)8 feet Lot 10 building 10 feet Lot 12 buildins addition 8 feet Berm surfaces should have a slope of 1 Tz: L Walls must be designed to withstand the static soil load, it being assumed that the impact loads of rockfall or avalanches will be dissipated by the deformable soil and rock material of the berms. FIGURE E. Rockfall and avalanche betms placed against the uphill walls will provide mitigation on Lofs 8, 10, and 12. me required berm heights for various locations are provided in Table 2. Berm swfaces should be at a 1 % : 1 slope. Wndows within the lower 12 feet of the back wall should he reinforced for a normal pressure of 100 lbstf . Bems witl not def,ect rocks or snoildebris mirtures onto adjacent public or private proryfty. Windows within the lower 12 feet of the back walls should either be avoided, minimized in surface area, or reinforced for a pressure of 100 lbs/ft2 An alternate form of mitigation, which is primarily used for defense against rockfall is the energy-absorbing fence (Figure 9). FTGURE 9. Energy-absorbing rockfall fence (manufactured by GeoBrugg of Sanfe Fe' NM) instatled above a house near Telluride. Tris is a "medium-energf absorbing fence which woulcl be capable of dissipating rocks with the design energies above Lots 8, 10, and 12. Snow or debris avalanches could also reach the fence would reguire uffight po,sts fo be spaced closer than in this photograph. This type of fence has been widely used in Europe and the United States, primarily above highway rockfall areas. The medium capacity fence shown in Figure 9 is approximately 9 feet high and would cost approximately $300-$500 per foot installed. Each fence would be within approximately 50 feet of each building and would extend the full width of the structure. Modifications to the fence design would probably be required in order to withstand avalanche loads. Although either berms or rockfallfences could be used, the final choice will depend on cost, environmental disruption, and esthetic considerations. These choices can be made during the final design stage. Report prepared by O*nlriv\.r,ng Arthur l. Mears, P.E. Avalanche-control eng ineer . TECHNICAL APPENDIX A. Rockfall-dynamics analysis The following pages provide input and output data used in computing rocKall dynamics parameters at the building sites. I CRSP Input File - Dlcrsp\Bighorn Lot 8.dat Inout File Specifi cations Units ofMeasure: U.S. Total Number of Cells: 8 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 1: 425 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 2: 481 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 3: Initial Y-Top Starting Zone Coordinate: 8660 Initial Y-Base Starting Zone Coordinate: 8640 Remarks: Cell Data I z J 4 5 6 7 8 .5 .) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0 30 150 340 425 465 481 5ll 8640 8600 8520 8420 8390 8380 8376 8374 30 150 340 425 465 481 5il 561 8600 8520 8420 8390 8380 8376 8374 8370 oo CRSP Analysis Point Statistical Analysis - D:\crsp\Bighorn Lot 8.dat Analysis Point I AnalysisPoint 1: X= 425, Y: 8390 Spherical Rock: 3-ft dia, 2333-lb Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: 78 cumulative Probabilitv velocity (ff/sec) Enersr ($lb) Bounce Height (ft) 5jYo 75% 90% 95Yo 98% 33.46 62938 42.85 92994 51.3 120027 56.37 136257 62.06 154472 1.61 4.81 7.69 9.42 I 1.36 Note: Velocity and kinetic energy are analyzed assuming a normal distributton. Bounce height is analyzed aszuming a log distribution. CRSP Analysis Point Statistical Analysis - D:\crsp\Bighom Lot 8 dam.dat Analysis Point I AnalysisPoint l: X: 440, Y: 8400 Spherical Rock: 3-ft dia., 2333-lb Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: 9 50% 75% 90% 9s% 98% 14.2 18.91 23.15 25.69 28.55 153sl 23233 30323 34579 393s6 0.37 2.21 3.87 4.86 5.97 Note: Velocity and kinetic energy are analyzed assuming a normal distribution. Bounce height is analyzed assuming a log distribution. CRSP Input File - D:\crsp\Bighorn Lot 8 dam.dat Input File Specifi cations Units ofMeasure: U.S. Total Number of Cells: i0 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 1: 440 Analysis Point X-Coor dnate 2: Analysis Point X-Coordinate 3: Initial Y-Top Starting Zone Coordinate: 8660 Initial Y-Base Starting Zone Coordinate: 8640 Remarks: Cell Data Cell No. Surface R. Tangent C. Normal C. Begin X Begin Y End X End Y l .5 .8 .5 0 8640 30 8600 2 ,5 .8 .5 30 8600 1s0 8520 3 1.5 .7 .3 150 8520 340 8420 4 1.5 .7 .3 340 8420 425 8390 5 .5 .7 .3 425 8390 440 8400 6 .5 .7 .3 440 8400 45s 8390 7 7.5 .7 .3 455 8390 465 8380 8 1.5 .7 .3 465 8380 481 8376 9 1.5 .7 .3 481 8376 511 8374 10 .3 .8 .3 5r I $74 561 8370 CRSP Analysis Point Statistical Analysis - D:\crsp\Bighorn Lot 8.dat Analysis Point 2 Analysis Point 2: X: 481, Y : 8376 Spherical Rock: 3-ft Cna, 2333-lb Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: 44 Cumulative Probabilitv Velocity (fl/sec) Energy (ft-lb) Bounce Height Cft) s0% 24.97 36668 0.69 75% 32.52 56410 8.49 90% 39.3 74167 15.51 95o/o 43.38 84827 19.72 98% 47.95 96792 24.4s Note: Velocity and kinetic energy are analyzed assuming a normal distribution. Bounce height is analyzed assuming a log distribution. CRSP InputFile - D:\crsp\BighornLot 8 dam2.dat Input File Specifications Units of Measure: U.S. Total Number of Cells: 9 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 1: 493 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 2: 0 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 3: 0 Initial Y-Top Starting Zone Coordinate: 8660 Initial Y-Base Starting Zone Coordinate: 8640 Remarks: Cell Data I 2 4 5 6 7 8 o 0 30 150 340 425 465 481 493 505 8640 8600 8520 8420 8390 8380 8376 8384 8376 8600 8520 8420 8390 8380 8376 8384 8376 8370 30 150 340 425 465 481 493 505 s6l CRSP Analysis Point Statistical Aralysis - D:\crsp\Bighorn Lot 8 dam?.dat Analysis Point 1 AnalysisPoint 1: X: 493, Y: 8384 Spherical Rock: 3-ft dia.,2333-lb Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: 4 500/o 7sYo 9jYo 95% 98Yo 8.48 8.48 8.48 8.48 8.48 7037 7037 7037 7037 7037 0.02 0.7 1.3 1 1.67 2.08 Note: Velocity and kinetic enerry are analyzed assuming a normal distributton. Bounce height is analyzed assuming a log distribution. CRSP Input File - D:\crsp\Bighom Lot l0.dat Input File Specifications Units ofMeasure: U.S. Total Number of Cells: 10 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 1: 380 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 2: Analysis Point X-Coordinate 3: Initial Y-Top Starting Zone Coordinate: 8660 Initial Y-Base Starting Zone Coordinate: 8640 Remarks: Cell Data Cell No. Surface R. Tangent C. Normal C. Begin X Begin Y End X End Y 1 2 J 4 5 6 8 9 l0 0 40 110 230 360 400 420 46s 490 530 8640 8600 8560 8480 8420 8400 8394 8386 8382 8378 40 110 230 360 400 420 465 490 530 570 8600 8560 8480 8420 8400 8394 8386 8382 8378 8376 ' CRSP Analysis Point Statistical Analysis - D:\crsp\Bighom Lot t0.dat Analysis Point I Analysis Point 1: X : 380, Y: 8410 Spherical Rock 3-ft dia., 2333-lb Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: 91 50% 7s% 90% 95% 98% 32.83 42.43 51.o7 56.25 62.O7 59678 89881 117046 133355 151659 1.47 4.69 7.6 9.34 7t.29 Note: velocity and kinetic energy are analyzed assuming a normal distribution. Bounce height is analyzed assuming a log distribution. CRSP InputFile - D:\crsp\Boghornlot 10 dam.dat Input File Specifications Units ofMeasure: U.S. Total Number of Cells: i2 Analysis Point X-Coordinate l: 395 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 2: Analysis Point X-Coordinate 3: Initial Y-Top Starting Zone Coordinate: 8660 Initial Y-Base Starting Zone Coordinate: 8640 Remarks: Cell Data 8600 8560 8480 8420 8410 8420 8410 8386 8382 8378 8376 8375 40 110 230 360 380 395 410 465 490 530 570 580 8640 8600 8560 8480 8420 8410 8420 8410 8386 8382 8378 8376 0 40 ti0 230 360 380 395 410 465 490 530 570 I 2 J 4 ) o 8 9 10 l1 12 CRSP Analysis Point Statistical Analysis - D:\crsp\Boghorn Lot 10 dam.dat Analvsis Point I AnalysisPoint 1: X= 395, Y : 8420 Spherical Rock 3-ft dia, 2333-lb Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: 1l 50% '15% 90% 95% 98% 13.s 17.38 20.87 22.96 25.32 T4237 20946 26987 30613 34683 U.J ) 6.36 rt.77 15.01 18.66 Nde: Velocity and kinetic energy are analyzed assuming a normal distribution' Bounce height is andyzed assuming a log distribution' CRSP Input File - D:\crsp\Bighorn Lot lL.dat Input File Specifications Units of Measure: U.S. Total Number of Cells: l0 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 1: 410 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 2: Analysis Point X-Coordinate 3: Initial Y-Top Starting Zone Coordinate: 8660 Initial Y-Base Starting Zone Coordinate: 8640 Remarks: Cell Data Cell No. Surface R. Tangent C. Normal C. Begin X Begin Y End X End Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 .5 .5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 .J .2 .2 .8 .8 .f 0 35 l3s 285 345 375 395 419 456 476 8640 8600 8520 8440 8420 8410 8398 8396 8392 8390 35 135 285 345 375 395 419 456 476 516 8600 8520 8440 8420 8410 8398 8396 8392 8390 8388 .7 .8 .8 .8 ol CRSP Analysis Point Statistical Analysis - D:\crsp\Bighom Lot l2.dat Analysis Point I Analysis Point 1: X = 410, Y: 8397 Spherical Rock: 3-ft dia., 2333-lb Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: 47 Cumulative Probability Velocity (ff/sec) Energy (ft-lb) Bounce Heicht (ft) 50% 24.43 38322 0.84 7s% 33.67 65449 3.48 90% 41.97 89848 5.8s 95o/o 46.96 104497 7.28 98% s2.s6 r2093't 8.87 Note: Velocity and kinetic energy are analyzed assuming a normal distribution. Bounce height is analyzed assuming a log distribution. o CRSP Input File Specifications Units of Measure: U.S. Total Number of Cells: 12 Analysis Point X-Coordnate1: 422 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 2: Analysis Point X-Coordinate 3: Initial Y-Top Starting Zone Coordinate: 8660 Initial Y-Base Starting Zone Coordinate: 8640 Remarks: o Input File - D:\orsp\Bighorn Lot 12 dam.dat I 2 3 4 ) 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 0 35 135 28s 345 375 395 410 422 434 456 476 8640 8600 8520 8440 8420 8410 8398 8397 8405 8397 8392 8390 35 135 285 345 375 395 410 422 434 456 476 516 8600 8520 8440 8420 8410 8398 8397 8405 8397 8392 8390 8388 CRSP Analysis Point Statistical Analysis - D:\crsp\Bighom Lot 12 dam.dat Analysis Point I AnalysisPoint l:X= 422,Y= 8405 Spherical Rock: 3-ft dia., 23331b Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: 9 Cumulative Probability Velocity (fl/sec) EnerCy (ftlb) Bounce Height (.ft) 50% 7.32 5105 0.07 75% 10.67 9729 7.28 90% 13.69 13888 13.77 95% 15.5 16385 17.66 98% 17.53 19787 22.03 Note: Velocity and kinetic energy are analyzed assuming a normal distribution. Bounce height is analyzed assuming a log distribution. 10 TECHNICAL APPENDIX B. Avalanche-dynamics analysis The following pages provide slope profiles and avalanchedynamics analysis used in determining the loading parameters and design specifications of the recommended avalanche mitigation. Avalanche Profile and /y coordinates Bighom Lot E Raw Data in feet X-feet Y-feet 0 8600 120 E520 310 8420 395 8390 435 8380 451 8376 48'l 8374 531 8370 Data in meters Segment Data X-meters Y-meters L-meters Ang - Deg Sum L 2622 . 2s98 2567 2558 2555 2554 2553 2552 Avg Angle 33.7 30.1 2E.0 26.8 26.4 25.2 23.4 theetl 0 44 109 137 149 155 164 175 0 37 95 't20 133 138 147 162 44 65 27 13 5 I 15 33.7 27.8 19.4 14.0 14.O 3.8 4.6 Bighom Lot 8 Avalanche Path 2640 2620 ; 260O tr ! ,uuo r!i zsoo UJ 2540 2520 2500 o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Horizontal distance (m) ! \* -=la -.E_) Page 1 220 paxtlcles start fr" t"n segment.33trtiqles degosited- c:\plk\bighorn lot 8.txt Path drops: 70 m Friction rnu = 0.35 1og M/D : 2.00 Random R = 0.200 Alpha = 25.3 degrees O Front stops at )( = 146 m .-_-----...-Front speed (max = 11.7 m/s) --------ltean speed (rnax = 10.7 m/s) -Deposition (not to scale) Exit and view distributions in your fj-le c:\plk\results.txt Plerse note I alt v-variables Please notel all t-variables Please note! NP is nunber of AVALANCHE ENTERING SE6NE T I{UI'I BER OF PARIICLES NOVIiI6 IUNEER OT PARTICLES STOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FROIT START ra<11 l t< ane ln neters/second 'are in seconds.perticles in packet. aa0 0 {q VHI6H vL0tl V R AN6E VITEAN vslDEv tHI6H tL0ld tR AI{ 6E TITEAN TSTDEV a. tq 3.00 5. 6tl b. r{? 1.Ar a.73 0.55 a. 1t 5, LA e. 0a ,t rN 0. g5 L.37 e. la 3. 00 3. 6a q. hq 5. qb h. a? ?. 01 ?.lI NP h 1 rrl t6 z6 30 at 3E PACKET 3 { b 7 I I 10 ttlAx vnEAN 1.3? 3. 00 a. 16 l. 00 3.00 3.31 3.Ae q.35 't.lq 5'e5 5. qb L. 0? L, a? L. Ae ?. 0l ?. ql ?. 5! a. 0? 6. ?3 a. h0 AVALANCHE ENTERII{6 SE6NENT NUIIBER OF PARTICLES I'I OVI N6 NUTI BER OF PARTICLES STOPPE! ItE TERS TRAVELLE} FRON START VHIGH Iq ' 1E PA vLolJ 1. ?A VRAN6E 13. 15 v i EAI{ 10. hL lsTtEv l.l? tHI6H }5. 3A tLoU 6, rrr tRAitGE h. 16 tnEAN 14.53 TSTDEV I ' 3A AVALANCHE ENTERIiI6 SE6TI ENT NUII8ER OF PARlICLES IIOVI NC NUNBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED ltE TERS TRAVELLED FRON START VHIGH 1' ?3 vLold 0. ]9 VRANGE I. 5q v iEAlt 5. 53 VSTDEV l. hb PACKET tNI t rl,. tlL e 13.65 3 th. ?2 t{ 11. stl 5 24. 3? h 45. zo 7 46. !3 a 30. 6L I 33'LA I0 3h. 5r tnr le.7L 13. ha 1{. qa t5. 3q lb. 30 vllEAl{tl'hL 6. ha t.30 !0. 10 10. ]q 10. 01 11. 0h 11. 51 ],I, 1P 11. 1b tllAx vnEAfl t3,6t a.?5 lL.?? 6.36 11. str 7 .7E ea.3? 1.5]a5.e0 l.?0 et. 03 !'. Ce r0. tL 1. ?1 :l3.br l.al 3L.51 1.5h 31.3q I'A0 tnAX v iEAN 13. ha h. E{ lq , 'ta 5. ?7 15,3'{ h'LL th. e0 9.6:l 1?. 0h L. 03 CKE T I 3 t{ L e I L0 I aab o 110 trN tl'l Ax a.r{1 1.10 t.t0 1.40 q. 60 10. 50 r0. 50 11. e0 1r. a0 !l ' al 1!. tr la. 51 !a . 5t 13. a1 13. al 13 . 'll 13. .H lq . ha lrt . ht 15. 3A { 3tr 0 !3? l{P q lo qq 5t q6 3e vHr6H 1?. \a vLot 0. qr vRAll6E le. oo v EAt{ 7. LA VSTDEV e.5q tHr6H 39. 3q tLol'l Il. 05 rRAl{68 el. ?6 TNEAN lL ' hh tSTDEV 3.11 AVALAT{CHE ENTERING SE6NENT NUNBER OF PARTICLES ItOVIII6 NUIIBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FRON START NP 17 l6a 51 rl g e 3 e 5 ?5L ?0 r50 PACK E T f q t{P q 1?le Page L tHI6H e1.3?tLou l?. ?b IRAIGE l. Ll tnEA lT. qa ISTDEV 1. ttl h 7 t 1 IO r?.01 17.1? 5'he r?. te lt. ?l 9.50 rt. ?l ll.bc {. bl 11. h5 a0.51 !.15 ?0. 5r El. 3? I ' 0? results fl| { 13. 5L Itl. q5 ls.3lt lb. e3 l?. 13 ra. Ea ta. tl 1t. t0 P0. hr a1. 5A tnAx vllEAll 1q. q5 5. {0 15.3rt q.5? IL.a3 q.l3 1?.13 q.L3 It.oe. q. al ra..l1 {. a{ 13. a0 q. a? a0. tq 3' e3 ar.5t a. ?r aa. qt 1.30 5{lg AL lt E AVALAIICHE EI{TERII{6 SEGNEilT iIUIIBER OF PARTICLES IIOVIIIG I{UIIEER OF PARTICLES STOPPED TTETERS ?RAVELLED FRON START b e0?tat 155 VHI6H 6' L? vlou 0. rto URAI6E A. a?vltEAN { . at VSTDEV 1. LA THIGH AA. qA tLotd 13. 5l tRAl{6E l. Ca tgAl{ IA ' al TSTDEV r.5l I{UIIBER OF PARTICLES NOVIIIG IUNBER OF PARIICLES STOPPED FASTEST PARTICLE SPEED AT FROI{T FASTEST PARTICLE SPEED (AIIYIHERE' ALPHA 45. 3 dagrr€s nAX-DEPosIt lLa !.tcr3 Ittt{-)EP0SIl 13? reters RAI|GE-DEP0SIT e5 r.ters IIEAN-DEPOSIT I5A iEt'Ts S?D-DEV-DEP0SIT L n.tcrs Packrt iax(!) llin (r) Particlcs I rrto r3? 3q e l{a trlo 5 3 tqs l{e I { }tl? rtls l1 5 150 r'l? lq b 15? rS0 th ? 155 l5a 3a 6 r5? I55 r5:l t r!0 15? 53 IO IL? ILO T PACKEI 1 a 3 t llF I 3 Ii a? 3t 53 31 a3 I 3 s h 7 A .t lo o 331 Ia. o tr/s l{'l r/3 @e2 Avalanche Profile and x/y coordinates Bighom Lot 10 Raw Data in feet X-feet Y-feet 0 8600 70 8560 190 8480 320 8420 360 8400 380 8394 425 8386 450 8382 490 8378 530 8376 25 44 44 14 6 14 I 12 12 29.7 33.7 24.8 26.6 16.7 10.1 9.1 5.7 2.9 Avg Angle 29.7 32.3 29.4 29.1 28.5 26.7 25.8 24.4 22.9 Sheetl Data in meter Scgment Data X-meters Y-meteF L-meters Ang - Deg Sum L 2622 2610 2585 2567 2581 2559 2557 2555 2554 2554 0 25 69 't't2 126 132 146 154 166 178 0 21 58 98 '110 116 130 't37 149 162 Bighorn Lot 10 Avalanche Path 2620 ;26OO c E ,uro a!i zsoo UJ 2540 2520 2500 o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Horizontal distance (m) \._ Page I 120 partj-cles startfom top segment'2farticles dePosited' c:\pIk\bighorn lot 10.txt Path droPs: 67 m Fricti.on mu = 0.35 Log MlD = 2.2O Random R - 0.200 Alpha = 24.O degrees O Front stoPs at { = 152 m .---.-.-..*.-Front speed (rnax : 13.5 m/s) -------.--Mean speed (max = I2.9 m/s) ---DePositlon (not to scale) Exit and view distributions in your fIle c:\Plk\results.txt results Please note: all v-vapiables are in neters/second. PleasE note: all t-varlablrs are in seconds. Pleese note: NP ls numbeF of particles in packet. AVALAI{CHE EI{TERIN6 SE6NEil T iIUNBER OF PARTICLES IIOVING NUTIBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FROII START VHI6H ?. l0 vLou 3. 00 VRANGE q. }O vttEAt{ 5. 05 VSTDEV 1. 3? IHI6H L.T'I tlord o. s?IRAN6E 5. 6? tn EAt'l q. a6 ISTDEV l. 5t vHI6H th. 50 vLoul a. el VRANGE lq. al v iEAl{ 14. 6L VSTDEV E. E3 IHI6H 10. 73 tL0u 5. L? IRANGE 5.07 TIIEAN A.q7 tsTlEv l. lL VHIGH }h. 57 vLoL, I. 33 vRAt{6E 15. eq vnEA lt. OD VSTDEV 3. at THIGH IL, 75 tL0l'J l. II tRAl'l6E ?. bq |EAt{ ta. 51 tstDEv 1.5r PACKET a q L ? 6 I t0 PACKET tNI N I 5.b?a b. t7 3 L. LC q ?. !5 .5 ?. ht L 6. PO 7 E.1L A 1. AI 1 9. 7e r0 10. a3 PACKET tNIil I l. It a 1.a7 3 lo. L:l q rl. q0 5 ra. lb h la. t3 f tt. b1 t !q. q5 I 15. ae t0 15. ta e la0 0 Pq t tN 0.97 1, ?5 a. 33 a. ie 3. 5t tt,01 q. LA 5.47 g.[L tnAX vllEAil l. lh 3. E0 l. ?5 3. 00 a. 33 3. O0 e.ie 3.1?3.5t :t.t0 q.01 q. {5 q.b6 5.0t 5. e? 5. bl 5. AL L. E? L. qq L. t3 tnAX vnEAil h. r? 13. q6 L.ba 10.b6 7. 11 10. q1 ?. hc 11. 69 a.E0 tl.0?6.?1 lq.!1 1.21 rq . 00 1.72 lq.11 10. ?3 l{ . 6t r0. ?3 13. hq AVALINCHE EN TERII{6 SEGNEN T NUNBER OF PARTICLES I' OVIiIG I{UIIBER OF PARTICLES SIOPPED IIETERS TRAVELLED FRON S1ART 1 lLS 0 L1 { e09 0 lr3 E zce 0 tah t{P { 5 7 I tl t3 t6 at t'lP rl {la ]T It 1S a) e0 te NP q t3 7? 31 rl? 3A .t5 tq I1 AVALANCHE ENTERING SE6IIEI{T ilUNBER OF PARIICLES NOVIIIG UNEER OF PARTICLES STOPPED IIE1ERS TRAVELLED FRON S1ART AVALAI{CHE ENTERIN6 SEGIIEN T NUIIBER OF PARTICLES NOVII{6 I{UIIBER OF PARTICLES S 'OPPED NETERS IRAVELLED FRON STAR T VHI6H I?.IIP PA v LolJ !. L2 VRAN6E 15. AO vllEAt{ 11. 3{vs?DEV 3. 1r tnAX v[EA 1.6? 13.?5 ro . L3 14. 01 rr. q0 14. 5a le . th II. 7{ le . 13 rr. 7s 13 . Ll rr. 3{ 1{. q5 1. ea 15.E? b.{'l 15.lt 7. 3r lL.?5 h.70 tnIN IAX vnEAr{l.15 I0.?l 13.5a r0.?.L.h{ rt. l0 Il. Lq le . {6 ra. qa ra.qt 13.3a 11.a3 t3.34 rq,lh le.3a P tl t3 3q qa 5a CKE?I e 3 q Page 1 results thr6H 16. 3h tLoU 1. 95 tRAl'l6E A. rt] trEAN 13. ?l TSTDEV I. 73 VHI6H IA. AA vLold 0. qtl VRAI6E 11. 6{ VTl EAN 1 .78 VSTIEV a. e1 tHI6H AO.6A tLolt 1r.51 rRAt{6E '1. 36 I'EAN rg. qq TSTDEV ]. A1 VHI6H 7. q5 vLou 5. a? vRAilGE e. lA vllEAN b. la vSTDEV U. b0 t5 . 00 12. 0l !s.tq a.0b tt. bt a. 0L 17. ga l. lt5 16. 3E 6. 35 at I5 I5 !5 { b .6 I l0 Iq. IE 15. 00 15. 6q LE. hI l?. 5a 7 I?h LL lqh NP 5 tc 3h lb L1 I AVALANC}IE ENTERIII6 SEGNE T NUNBER OF PARTICLES N OVI iI6 NUNEER OF PARTICLES STOPPE! IIETERS TRAVELLED FRON START E zaI 7 l3a vHr6H lb. l5 v L0tl1 I. 50 vRAil6E 1q. bs vnEAil lo. ?0 VSTDEV Z. 3A tHr6H ]1. 0l tL0t! r,0. 3? IRAN6E A. ?E tnEA ltt. {a tsTrEv r. 6l PACKEI tItI l{! 10.3?e 11. atl 3 le. la rl 14. 11 5 13. tb L l,tl. ?3 7 15. bl a th. {[ 1 1?. 3s I0 la. ae tnAx vllEAl{ Ir . aq l!. a?l?.la ta. il Ia.11 14.3r 13. 6b la ' a{l{. 73 10. lq 15 . b! 10. 05 lL. ql 7. s7 1?. !5 ?. qa 16. ea 7.1b 11.01 ?. Lr tll Ax vllEAl{ ta.q5 1.05 13.3A 1. 13 r{. 3e a. 5a 15, eL A. {1 lL. a0 l. r'l l?. 13 l. L3 ]t. 0? q. 5q lt.or s.ql 11. t5 q.0L a0.tt a.Eq INAX V NEA la. 11 1.3? 13 . ?6 10. 3s lrt . 5? 6. li 15.3b L. 13 lL. lrt ?. 1! th.13 b'?0 L?.72 q ' lb It.5l q.3q 11.30 0.00 e0.05 5.11 AVALANCHE ENTERI IiG SEGNEN1 NUNBER OF PARTICLES NOVI116 NUNBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FROfI S TART AVALANCHE ENTERIN6 SEGNENT NUNBER OF PARTICLES NOVING NUII BER OF PARIICLES STOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FRON START PACKET TIIIN I 11. 51 z ra. {s 3 13. 3A q lq.3e 5 15. aL L lL. a0 ? I?. If e 16. E7 1 11. 01, t0 l,l. 15 PACKET TIIII{! le. e0 e 14. 11 3 !3. ?A '{ lq.s?5 !5. 3L b rE. lrl ? th. 13 a t'1.7?1 ra. 5r lo 11. 30 NP h l0 at 31 5L IE { 3 7 7 VHI6H ]4. q5 vLoll O.5q vRAl,l6E Il ' lI vlfEAl{ 1.)'1 VSTDEV e. ql tHr6H a0. 0l tLou 12. e0 IRAN6E 1. L6 rnEAN 15. ?? ISTDEV }. ?L AVALANCI{E EIITERIT{6 SEGNEliT IUNBER OF PARIICLES NOVIIIG ilUNBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FROII S TART t taq les 153 I '' a5a lL5 t{P { I3 33 al 1q { 0 1 PA CKE T I t 3 q lrll tnax vllEAt{ l't . 30 lq. ba L. ?7 tq.L? lq.lq 0.uB t'r.lq !5.e5 0'oo 15. a5 15.97 5'qU 0 0 Page 2 o - THIGH 17. q? tLou Iq.30 tRAl{6E 3.1? TNEAN 15 ' IL ts?DEv 1,25 15.5? 15.61 15,ll lL. el lb. ?1 lb.5a lb.5? rL.lrl tb.lq r?. rL r7, th L?.47 E ebg 15. b r/5 1?. rr r/s results 5 L 7 e 1 l0 o. 00 o. 00 0. 00 h. 50 5,lt 5. t3 0 0 0 e I : XUiSER OF PARTICLES IIOVIX6 TUNgER OF PARIICLES SIOPPED FASTEST PARTICLE SPEED A' FROI{T FASTEST PAR'ICLE SPEED ( AI{YTIHERE )ALP]IA Pq.0 d3gnecs nAX-DEPoSIT ILa mt.rs iII{-DEPOSIT IaL r.trrs RAi|GE-DEP0SII qa rtrPs nEAil-DEPoSlT l5I rrt.rs STD-DEV-DEPoSIT I rttrrs Prcket tlax(t) fln(r) P.rticles I 130 lAb 5 e llq 130 Il 3 l3t l3q t5 { 1q3 131 It 5 lrt ? lq3 at L 151 lq? qa ? r55 151 qA a lho 155 sa t lhrt tLo a6 10 th6 lEq 17 Page 3 Avalanche Profile and x/y coordinates Bighom Lot 12 Raw Data in feet X-feet Y-feet 8600 E520 8440 8420 8410 8398 8396 8392 8390 8388 Sheetl Data in meters Segment Data X-meters Y-meters L-meters Ang - Deg Sum L 0 100 250 2,t n 340 360 384 421 441 4E1 0 39 91 110 120 127 134 't46 152 't64 0 30 76 95 104 110 117 128 134 147 2622 2598 2573 2567 2564 2560 2560 2559 2558 2557 38.7 28.1 18.4 1E.4 31.0 4.8 6.2 5.7 2.9 39 52 19 10 7 7 11 6 12 Avg Angle 38.7 32.6 30.1 29.2 29.3 28.0 26.3 25.5 23.8 Bighom Lot 12 Avalanche Path ; 2600 E .t zsoo a! B zsoo tr 2540 2500 60 80 100 120 't40 Horizontal distance (m) 160 180 200 t Page 1 192 particles starilrom top segment'2f particles deposited. i. L t c:\plk\bighorn lot 12.txt Path drops: 64 m Fri-ction mu = 0.35 Iog M/D = 2.30 Random R = 0.200 Alpha = 26.2 degrees O Front stoPs at X = L26 m ..--..---.---Front speed (max : 10-7 m/s) --------]lean speed (max : 1-1.7 m/s) -Deposition (not to scale) Exit and view distributions i-n your file c:\Plk\results.txt Please note I sll v-variables Please note I all t-varlables Pleasr note: NP is number of AVALAiICHE EI{TERI N6 SE6IIEIIT I,IUI'BER OF PARTICLES IIOVIN6 UNBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED IIETERS TRAVELLED FROII START results dne in metErs/s3cond. are ln seconds. Particles in pecket. o l9a 0 :IA VHI6H vL0[l VRANGE vllEAil VSTDEV tHI6H tLol, tRAI{6 E tn E At{ TSTDEV l.trl I'UU L.lrr L. t0 7.?1 0. sr b.7b rt.ll t. ?1 PACKET I e q 5 I 7 A '|t0 tllril 0. sl t. 1a I. f,L a. 5{r.aI f.t1 5. arl 5. te E. 5.1 tnAX vllEAll t,t6 :t.00 1.Ah 1.00 e. 5q !.3h 3. AI q .3e 3. At 5. al {.57 6. eO g.a{ 7.06 5,la 7.1e L. 51 E. ??1.?7 1.q6 NP q A tt I5 IA al a{ e7 30 AVALAI{€HE EI{IERING SE6NE T IIUIIBER OF PARIICLES NOVII{6 UNBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FRON START 3 aqq 0 10 q a:t1 as ll0 VHIGH 15. 5A vlot I. ta vRAl't6E 13. ?0 VNEA IT,. EA vSTDEV a. 3b THIGH I?, Oq tloLl 1.t7 tRANGE q. A?tnEA t0. 0?ISTDEV 0. tq v HI6l{ 13. 6?vloll l. 1A VRAI{GE 11. E6 VIEAN I. A?VSTDEV E. 13 IHI6H IL. O3 tL0ltl l. 5e tRAt{6E L. 5}TNEA IA. EA tsTDEv r. ob PACKET TIIII{I 't. L't A ?. LE 3 A. 15 r't 6. h3 5 1. ra h 1. EI ? 10. l0 a 10.56 I 11. 0?l0 11. 5L tll^X vnEAN ?. LI IO. ET a, 15 II. 53 t. h3 q. t6 l.Ia 10.11 1. hl rr. l0 I0. l0 11. :lg I0. 5A l] . aL rl.0? !a. 12 Ir. 5b t3. l0 la . 0q !4. so tlllll tllAx vllE^l{q.s? l0.t? 1.5q 10. 17 10 . a? 10. tl 10.64 tt, q? 10. Pt rI. q7 le. ta l,B. ?5 r,e. re Ie . ?a 1. 3?la.7a !3. q! q. 7a 13 . {:t ltt . 0a E. 6l lq.nt I{.73 0.00 lq.?3 15.36 a.50 15. 3t tb. 03 r. 16 t{P I q I ar 17 {6 {t AA AVALANCHE E I'ITERIN6 SEGIIENT iIUII EER OF PARTICLES NOVING NUNBER OF PARIICLES S TOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FROII S TART PACKET q h A I l0 t{P l0 th TL rth q? Iq E 3 I AVALAI{CHE E]{ TERI N6 SE6NE T NUII BER OF PARTICLES NOVITIG UNBER OF PARIICLES STOPPED NE1ERS TRAVELLED FRON START :tq 3q llc VHIGH 13. ?3 v Lott 0, 10 VRAN6E te. t3 vltEAt{ c. a5 vSTDEV a, aa tnril t^x 10. 3? ll . 5l 11, 5I re . b5 le. h5 13 . ?l 13, ?.t tq.l{ ]q. 3lq lh. 0a PACKE T q 5 vltEAll 1. L0 l.9l 7. 77 a.lL 5, re t{P 1A ?3 10 qe 6 Page 1 AVALAtiCI{E EI{TERI iI6 SE6IIEIiT I{UIIBER OF PARTICLES N OVI N6 NUNBER OF PAR1ICLES STOPPED T,IETERS TRAVELLED FRON S1ART results th. ol l? . aa 1? . aa ta. 3h r[. rh 11. 5r lt. 51 e0 . h5 E0. b5 aI. ?3 h 3rl laL O tHr6H al. ?1 tLot 10. 3? TRANGE 1l. qA tnEAN 13. ltl TSTDEV I. SO h 7 6 j IO 3. OS a,3L 0.00 0.00 1.16 e 0 n liP t 1l ae ?E 3L ea 36 l? ll q VHI6H }5, OE vLol, a. a7 VRAN6E lE. ?5 vllEAN 10. L5 VST}EV A. O5 tHI6H 83. 5A tLou tr!. 0h TRANGE T?. 5P TNEAN 13. Aq tST}EV I. LL AVALANCHE EI'ITERI N6 SE6IIEt'IT NIJII BER OF PARTICLES NOVIN6 NUI1 BER OF PARTICLES STOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FRON S TART VHI6H ]0. tlq v Lolt o. 15 v RAI'IGE 1. rl1 viEAr{ 5. b3 VSTDEV 1. 6A tHI6H I?. 03 tLolt ]e. 1l tRAN6E II. Aq tnEAN lq.5a ISTDEV 1. 0q Packet [1ax(m) a lEl 3 lE! 'I lII 5 llL L lea 7 l?1 a L3a I 13t t0 ltt3 PACKET t,III N I 11. 0L e la. 31 3 13. g? rt ltt ' aa 5 !E.Ut b l/.5E ? I'4. 5?E !c. aa I e}, 0t r0 aa. 33 1 e1? 7E 133 PACKET tlII N r 14. !c P le. b7 5 15. rE rl ll. Lq 5 lq. 13 h lq. hr ? 15. 01 a 15. Sl I rh. 0h l0 th. 55 rnAx vnEA[ re. 31 10 ' Ll 13. 5? 1,1. 10 Lq. aa 11. 0? th. B? 1. ?1 !7. 3a ?. ql rt. 5? b, 't0 !5, ta L. qa Pr,. 0a 0. otl ae.33 0.00 ?3. 5A b. 1,6 tnAX vnEAN ta.L? L.50 13, lh b.lt u.Etr b.05 1{.13 h.0l r{.bl h'01 15.01 5.?q 15.56 5. q5 rE. 0b q .3q lL . g5 3. :lL 1?.03 3.eL ilP 30 A5 q? aq E 0 0 3 NUNBER OF PARTICLES NOVII{G I NUNBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED At? FASTEST PAR1ICLE SPEEI} AT FRONT 11'I FAsTEsT PARTICLE SPEED (ANYIIIHERE) 15'? ALPHA ah. e degnees iAX-DEP0SIT 1{: meters nI -DEPoSIT iO meters RAI{6E-DEP0SIT 53 meters nEAN-DEPoSIT 131' meters ST'-DEV-DEPoSIT fo meters m/s m/s llin(n) Pantlcles 107 15 5 l0l L toh I llL g llL a T?? 7 ta? aq 13? 1t3 l3a ttq Page 2 Depafimenl of Commuity Development 75 South Frcntage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21i8 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us August 22, 2001 Steve Riden P.O. Box 3238 Vail, CO 81658 Rc: Ftuziq-Daltl MinorSufiivision-Lw 8'g' and 10 Bighon lr nnion Dear Steve: Please have the following note added on page I of thc minor subdivision plat: r Lots 8, 9, and l0 are located within a geologically sensitive area' Inadditiotl,pleaseensurethatpage2oftheplatisrevisedtoindicatethefo|lowing: r Total buildable area of Lots 8' 9, & l0 (indicated as a numerical amount) o Total buildable area oflots 8' 9' & l0 (indicated graphically) r Locations ofall applicable hazards o Location of new utilitY easement If you have any qnestiotts or concems, please do not he$itate to contact firc Lt 970479-2148' Sincuely, Planner IVGIS SPecialist Town of Vail {p *t"nuor rr* TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department August 13,2001 A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-5, Vail Town Gode, and a final review of a minor suMivision located at 3816 and 3826 Lupine Drive and 3828 Bridge Roacl/ Lots 8, 9, & 10, Bighom Subdivision 2no Addition. Applicant: Planner: June Frazier and Jeff Dahl, represented by Steve Riden Ann Kjerulf DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicants, June Frazier and Jeff Dahl, represented by Steve Riden, have submitted an application to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for a minor subdivision of Lots 8, 9, and 10, Bighorn Subdivision, Second Addition. The Planning and Environmental Commission reviewed the minor subdivision request at a worksession on June 25, 2001. At that point in time, survey information for the subject lots was not available so staff was unable to perform a complete review and provide a recommendation to the Planning and Environmental Commission. Since that meeting, staff has received complete survey information and determined that, as proposed, Lot 10 would not meet the buildable area requirement specified in Section 12-6D-5. Hence, the owner of Lot 10 is requesting a variance from this section in association with the application for minor subdivision. Minor Subdivlsion: The minor suMivision request involves the reconfiguration of the property lines shared by Lots 8, 9, and 1 0. Pursuant to the Vail Town Code, 13-2-2 (E), a minor subdivision is defined as follows: "Minor suffiivision" shall mean any subdivision containing not more than four (4) lots fronting on an existing street, not involving any new street or road or the extension of Municipal facilities aN not adversely affecting the development of the remainder of the parcel or adjoining property." Currently, Lot 8 is 0.87 Acres in size, Lot I is 0.34 Acres in size, and Lot 10 is 0.30 Acres in size. With a resubdivision of these lots, Lot 8 would become 0.802 Acres in size, Lot 9 would become 0.382 Acres in size. and Lot 10 would become 0.380 Acres in size. The total area under consideration is 1.56 Acres. There are currently no development proposals for any of the lots. However, statf anticipates that these would be forthcoming if the minor subdivision is approved. Frazier-Dahl Minor SubdMsion and Vaiance Bequesl August 13, 2001 1 Variance Request: Newly subdivided lots in the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Zone District must meet the lot area and site dimension criteria outlined in Section 12-6D-5 of the Town Code: The minimum lot or site area shall M fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of buildaile area, and each site shall have a minimum frontage of thirty feet (30'). Furthermore, buildable area is defined as: "Any site, lot, parcel or any portion thereof which does not @ntain designatd flood plain, red hazard avalanche area, or areas ln excess of forty percent (40%) slope." After red hazard avalanche areas and areas with forty percent (40%) slopes or greater are eliminated, the total buildable area on Lot 10 is 7,314 sf. Due to the lack of buildable area on proposed Lot 10, a variance from section 12-6D-5 is required in association with the minor subdivision reouest. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION illnor Subdivision: The Department of Community Development recommends the Planning and Environmental Commission approve the applicants' request for a minor subdivision in accordance with Section lV 0f this memorandum and subject to the following findings: 1. That the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of the Subdivision Regulations, the Zoning Ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the Planning and Environmental Commission deems applicable. 2. That the application is appropriate in regard to Town policies relating to subdivision control, densities proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, environmental integrity and compatibility with the surrounding land uses and other applicable documents, and etfects on the aesthetics of the Town. lf the Planning and Environmental Commission chooses to approve the minor subdivision, staff requests that the following conditions ol approval be considered: 1. That the minor subdivision shall only be valid if the variance from section 12-6D-5 is also approved. 2. That the applicant shall revise the plar prior to recording, in accordance with the Town's suMivision regulations, to indicate the total buildable area on each proposed lot, to delineate the buildable area on each proposed lot, and to indicate the locations of allapplicable hazards. Fnzier-Dahl Minor SubdMsion and Variance Request, August 13, 2001 2 I Variance: The Department of Community Development recommends the Planning and Environmental Commission approve the applicants' request for a variance lrom Section 12-6D-5, Town of Vail Code to allow for relief from the buildable area requirement subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. There are exceptions or extraordinary setback circumstances or conditions applicable to this site that do not apply generally to other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. III. BAGKGFOUND The Bighom Subdivision, Second Addition was plafted on July 22,1963. The Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County approved the platting as the property was then under Eagle County jurisdiction. Lots 8, 9, & 10 have remained in the current configuration since being platted. The Bighom Subdivision, Second Addition was annexed into the Town of Vail pursuant to Ordinances 13 & 20, Series of 1974. The annexation became etfective on November 5, 1974. Upon annexation into the Town of Vail, Lots 8, 9, & 1 0 were zoned Two Family Primary/Secondary Residential. At the time of annexation, a residential structure existed on Lot 9, and Lots 8 and 10 were both vacant. Due to the minimum lot size requirements of the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Zone District, Lots I & 10 were rendered legally non-conforming. Hazard Begulations In 1976, the Town of Vail contracted with Arthur l. Mears to complete a Geologically Sensitive Areas Study. For purposes of the study geologically sensitive areas were defined as snow avalanche, rock fall and debris flow. In response to the findings of Mr. Mears' study the Town of Vail adopted Geologic Hazard Maps for snow avalanche, rock fall and debris flow as components of the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan. The maps were adopted by the Town in 1977. In 1978, the Town of Vail adopted Hazard Regulations. The purpose of the regulations is to help protect the inhabitants of the Town from dangers relating to development of flood plains, avalanche paths, steep slopes, and geologically sensitive areas; to regulate the use of land areas which may be geologically sensitive; and further to regulate development on steep slopes; to protect the economic and property values of the Town, to protect the aesthetic and recreational values and natural resources of the Town, which Fnzier-Dahl Minor SuMivision and Vaiance Request, August 13, 2001 2. 3. are sometimes associated with flood plains, avalanche areas and areas of geologic sensitivity and slopes; to minimize damage to public facilities and utilities and minimize the need for relief in cleanup operations; to give notice to the public of certain areas within the Town where flood plains, avalanche paths and areas of geologic sensitivity exist; and to promote the general public health, safety and welfare. Town of Vail IaN U* Plan In 1986, the Vail Town Council adopted the Town ol Vail Land Use Plan. Similar to the Geologic Hazard Maps, the Land Use Plan is a component of the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan. According to the Land Use Plan, Lots 8, 9, & 10 are designated "low density residential". The purpose of the low-density residential designation is to provide sites for single-family detached homes and two{amily dwelling units. Density of development with in this category would typically not exceed 3 structures per buildable acre. Also within this area would be private recreation facilities such as tennis courts, swimming pools, and club houses for the use of residents of the area. Institutional/public uses permitted would include churches, fire stations, and parks and open space related facilities. Tlle Town ot Vail Comprelnnsive Open lands Plan In '1994, the Vail Town Council adopted the Comprehensive Open Lands Plan. The objectives of the plan are: . To identify citizen and visitor needs and preferences for a comprehensive system of open space uses such as parks, recreation, protection of environmental resources, trails, and to reserve lands for public use;. To prioritize available open lands for acquisition or protection;r To identify creative strategies to implement the acquisition and protection program;. To define a management system to appropriately manage Town-owned open space lands, and;. To buffer neighborhoods with open space. The Comprehensive Open Lands Plan is an action-oriented plan that identifies specific parcels of land that require some kind of action either for protection of sensitive lands, for trail easements, or for public use. In developing the plan, over 350 parcels were evaluated with 51 parcels on which actions were recommended. The recommendations were developed utilizing specific criteria to evaluate the areas ot highest priority. Generally, areas received the highest priority if they met the stated objectives of the Town and its citizens and were an integral part of the open lands system. Within the 51 parcels, there are five priority areas made up of a number ol recommended actions. These priorities are: . Protect sensitive natural habitat areas, riparian areas, and hazard areas;r Extend the Vail Trail to East Vail and add several trailheads to access the trail;. Add a new trail on the north side and western half of Town to connect existing trailheads and neighborhoods ;o Add three trailheads" in the core areas to access Vail Mountain trails and inform visitors of trail opportunities and provide better access to Gore Creek;r Add bike lanes to the north and south frontage roads and add paved shoulders to Vail Frazier-Dahl Minor Subdivision and Variance Request, August 13, 2001 Valley Drive. To date, the Town of Vail has taken action on at least 41 of the 51 parcels identified for action in the Plan. This most recently includes Lot 16 of Bighorn Subdivision, 2no Addition. The Action Plan and Priority Plan of the Comprehensive Open Lands Plan identifies Lots 8, 10, and 1 1 , Bighom Subdivision, Second Addition as "Parcel 40" for implementation purposes. Parcel 40 is classified as a 'High Priorit/'. The high priority classification is based upon the Town's desire to acquire both the development rights and trail easements for the proposed South Trail extension. The plan also notes that Parcel 40 is located in a geologically sensitive area. Strategies for protecting Parcel 40 include purchasing the development rights, ancl/or acquiring an access easement through the parcel. As a high priority classification, Parcel 40 meets both Level One and Level Two Evaluation criteria. Level One Evaluation focuses on meeting community needs relating to the natural resource system, the recreation system, trails system, and reserving lands for future civic/public uses. Level Two Evaluation focuses on the availability of the parcel utilizing criteria such as the threat ol development or irreversible damage, opportunities to leverage other funds, cost, unusual opportunity with a motivated seller, opportunity for trade with the USFS, low management requirements on the Town ol Vail and low liability to the Town. On Tuesday, July 17,2001, Community Development staff met with the Town Council to determine the level of interest in acquiring Parcel 40. Due to the prevalence of geological hazards and the lack of potential lor the development of the South Trail, the Town Council opted to take no action on Parcel 40. lt was decided that the Town's hazard regulations and development standards may sufficiently guide and limit development on Parcel 40 in the future. The Council was amenable to the possibility of acquiring conservation easements upon Parcel 40 at the discretion of the land owners. Itevel opment Reg u I a ti o ns The Town of Vail Zoning Code prescribes the land development regulations for development within the Town. The following code sections are particularly relevant to the evaluation of the applicant's proposal: Chapter 6 - Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Chapter 21 -Hazard Regulations The purpose statement of Chapter 6 (Article D. Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (PS) District) states: 'The Two-Family Primary/Secondary Besidential District is intended to provide sites for singlelamily residential uses or two-family residential uses in which one unit is a larger primary residence and the second unit is a smaller caretaker apanment, tqether with such public facilities as may approperiately fu located in the same district. The Two-Family Primary/Secondary Besidential District is inteMed to ensure adequate Itght, air, privacy aN open space for each dwelling, commensurate with Fmziar-Dahl Minor Subdivision and Vaiance Rdquest, August 13, 2001 singlelamily and Wo-family occupancy, and to maintain the desirable residentialqualities of such sites by establishing appropriate site deve I op m ent stand ard s. " To date, there are no structures on Lot 8 or on Lot 10. The applicants wish to reapportion the development potential among these three lots in order to accommodate future development. There are geologic hazards on this lot including avalanche and rockfall (see Figures 6 & 7 attached). The purpose statement of Chapter Z1(Hazard Regulations) states: 'The purpose of this Chapter is to help protect the inhabitants of the Town from dangers relating to development of flood plains, avalanche paths, sfeep s/opes and geologically sensitive areas; to regulate the use of land areas which may be subject to flooding and avalanche or which may be geologically sensitive; and further to regulate development on steep slopes; to protect the economic and property values of the Town, to prctect the aesthetic and recreational values and natural resources of the Town, which are sometimes assoc,ated with flood plains, avalanche areas and areas of geological sensitivity and slopes; to minimize damage to public facilities aN utilities and minimize the need for relief in cleanup operations; to give notice to the public of ceftain areas within the Town where flood plains, avalanche areas and arees of geologic sensitivity exist; and to promote the general public heafth, satety and welfare." Furthermore, Section 12-21 -1 0 (Hazard Regulations) states: A. No structure shall be buift in any flood hazard zone or red avalanche hazard areas. No structure shall be built on a slope of forty percent or greater except in Single-Family Residential, Two-Family Residential, or Two-Family Primary/Secondary Besidential Zone Districts. The term \tructure" as used in this Section does not include recreational structures that are intended tor seasonal use, not including residential use. B. Structures may be built in blue avalanche hazard areas provided that proper mitigating measures have been taken. C. The Administrator may require any applicant or person desiring to build in an avalanche hazard zone ol influence to submit a definitive study of the hazard area in which the applicant proposes to buikl if the Town's master hazard plan does not contain sufficient information to determine if the proposed location is in a red hazard or blue hazard area. The requirement for additional information and study shall be done in accordance with Chapter 12 of this Title. D. The Administrator may require any applicant or person desiring to build in an identified Aue avalanche hazard zone to submit additional information or reports as to whether or not improvements are required to mitigate against the possible hazard. ff mitigation is requhed, said information and repoft should specify the improvements proposed Fazier-Dahl Minot SuMivision and Vaiance neques' August 13, 2001 6 therefore. The required information and reports shall be done in accordance with Chapter 12 of this Title. The Town has adopted Official Hazard Maps (as described in section 12-21-15: Restrictions in Geologically Sensitive Areas) which identify areas located within or potentialwithin rockfall, debris flow, or avalanche areas. SuMivision and/or development proposals within any geological hazard area requires a site-specific geologic investigation: According to section 12-21-15: 1. ln any area located within the boundaries of the Lincoln DeVore Map, or in any area identified as a debris flow or debris avalanche area by the Mears Map, or in any area identified as a rock fall area by the Schmueser Map, no initial application for a building permit, grading permit or major or minor suMivision shall be approved until a site-specific geologic investigation is complete. For the puryose of this Section, a site-specific geologic investigation shall be deemed a detailed geologic investigation which is applicable to each respective site. All repofts and studies required by this Section shall be prepared by a "professional geologist", as defined by Colorado Revised Statutes section 34-1-01 , as amended, or a "registered professional engineer", as defined by Colorado Bevised Statutes section 12-25-102, as amended, under the direction of and at the expense of the owner/applicant and submitted to the Department of Community Development. 2. The extent ot the site-specific ecologic investigation required shall be determined by the geologist or engineer who is responsible for the investigation; however, the investigation shall be of sufficient thoroughness and accuracy to allow such expert to ceftify to the following: a. For all structures otherthan single-family, duplex and pimary/secondary dwellings, and "accessory uses" thereto as defined in Section 12-6C-4 of this Code: (1) Whether the geologic conditions are such that the site can or cannot be developed for the specific structure or use proposed without conective engineering or engineered construction, or other mitigation or alterations. (2) Whether corrective engineering or engineered construction, or other mitigation or afterations can or cannot be accomplished to reduce the danger to the public health, safety or to property due to problems related to geologic sensitivity to a reasonable level, and not increase the hazard to other properties or structures, or to public buildings, rights of way, roads, streets, easements, utilities or facilities or other properties of construction. b. For single-family, duplex and primary/secondary dwellings, and "accessory uses'thereto as defined in Section 12-6C-4 of this Title, the site-specific geologic investigation shall certify to the following: (1) Whetherthe site can be developed forthe specific structure or use proposed without corrective engineering or engineered construction or other mitigation or afterations; or (2) That the site is a geologically sensitive area but development will not Fnzier-Dahl Minor SubdMsion and Vaiance Requast, August 13,2001 7 increase the hazard to other property or structures, or to puilic buildings, rights of way, roads, streets, easements, utilities or facilities or other properties of any kid. In order to provide reasonable notice to the public of the problems related to geologically sensitive areas, notice regulations and requirements (Section 12-21-15(F)) have been adopted. One of these requirements is that: 1. All suMivision plats recorded after the effective date hereof shall identify and designate each lot and block, or portions thereof, located within any geologically sensitive area, together with applicable suEzone designations, by a stamp orwriting in a manner providing reasonable notice to intercsted pafties. Fpziar-Dahl Minor Subdivision and Variance naquest, August 13, 2001 I il1.ZONING ANALYSIS LOT 8, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, SECOND ADDITION Zoning Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (PS) Existing Lot Size 0.87 Acres (37,888 sf) Proposed Lot Size 0.802 Acres (34,935 s0 Standard Allowed Existinq Prooosed Density: 2DUs+1EHU 0 GRFA: Site Coverage: 7,578 sf Setbacks: 6,494 sf 0 sf Front -20 ft. nla Sides-15 ft. nla 0sf undeveloped 20,961 sf undeveloped 33' max 2DUs+IEHU 6,347 sf 6,987 sf 20tt. 15 ft. 1sft Rear- 1Sft. Landscaping: 22,733 sf Building Height 33'max nla Fnzier-Daht Minor Subdivision and Vaiance Reguesl, August 13, 2001 I LOT 9, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, SECOND ADDITION Zoning Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (PS) Existing Lot Size 0.34 Acres (14,941 sf) Proposed Lot Size 0.382 Acres (16,640 s0 Cunently Standard Allowed Existinq Proposed Allowed Densig: GRFA: 1DU+1EHU 4,160 sf (+250) 1DU 2DUs+IEHU 4,704 sf (+250) 3,328 sf 20ft 15ft 15ft 9,984 sf 33'max Site Coverage: 2,988 sf Setbacks: Front -20 ft. Sides-15 ft. Rear- 1sft. Landscaping: 8,956 sf Building Heighl 33'max 5he Community Development Department does not have the existing development statistics on file for Lot 9 because this was constructed in CountY and annexed into the town. Fnzier-Dahl Minor Subdivision and Variance Request, August 13, 2001 10 LOT 10, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, SECOND ADDITION Zoning Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (PS) Existing Lot Size 0.30 Acres (12,898 s0 Proposed Lot Size 0.380 Acres (16,553 s0 Cunently Proposed Standard Allowed Existino Allowed Density: 1DU+1EHU GRFA:3,650 sf Site Coverage: 2,580 sf Setbacks: Front -20 ft. Sides-15 ft. Rear- 15ft. * Landscaping: 7,739 sf Building Height 33'max * *Lot 10 is an undeveloped lot. Fnzier-Dahl Minor Subdivision and vaiance Request, Augusl 13, 2@1 2DUs+IEHU 4,755 sf 3,311 sf 20ft l5 ft 15ft 9,932 sf 33'max 11 IV. MINOR SUBDIVISION CRITERIA A basic premise of subdivision regulations is that the minimum standards for the creation of new lots must be met. This subdivision will be reviewed under Title 13. Subdivision Regulations, of the Town of Vail Code. A. The first set of criteria to be considered by the Planning and Environmental Commission for a Minor Subdivision application is: Lot Area: According to Section 12-60-5 of the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations, the minimum lot or site area in the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential District is 15.000 sf ol buildable area. Statt nesp,onsc: Lots 8 and I meet the minimum buildable area requirement. The total buildable area for Lot 10 is 7,314 square feet. Because Lot 10 was platted in Eagle County, and did not meet this requirement when the lot was annexed into the Town of Vail, it became a legally non-conlorming lot. By making the lot larger, it would actually become less non-conforming. Hence, staff does not believe that the deficiency in buildable area should have a bearing upon the minor subdivision request. For further clarification, buildable area is applicable only for subdivision purposes. The Town Code does allow construction to occur on slopes greater than forty percent (40%) in the Primary-Secondary zone district. Frontaoe: According to Section 12-6D-5 of the Town of Vail Regulations, each lot in the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential District shall have a minimum frontage of thirty feet (30'). Sff',tt nesp/ons€.;The proposed lots (Lots 8,I & 10)complywith the minimum frontage requirement. Dimension: According to Section 12-6D-5 of the Town of Vail Regulations, each lot in the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential District shall be of a size and shape capable of enclosing a square area 80 feet on each side within its boundaries. Sts'lf Reqon*.'Each proposed lot meets this dimension requirement. B. The second set of review criteria to be considered with a minor suMivision request is outlined in the Subdivision Regulations, 13-3-4, and is as follows: "The burden of proof shall rest with the awlicant to show that the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes ol this Chapter, the Zoning Ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the Planning and Environmental Com m ission deems applicable....The Planning aN Environmental Commission shall review the application and consider its FrazierDahl Minot Subdivision and Vaiance Request, August 13, 2001 12 Wropriateness in regard to Town policies relating to suMivision control, densities proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions aN other applicable documents, environmental integrry and compatibility with the sunouding land uses and other applicable documents, effects on the aesfnetics of the Town." The purpose section of Title '13, Subdivision Regulations, is intended to insure that the subdivision is promoting the health, safety and welfare of the community. The subdivision purpose statements from 13-1-2 (G) are as follows: '"To inform each suffiivider of the standards and criteria by which development proposals will be evaluated and to provide information as to the type and extent of improvements required." SE,ff Reqonsc: Statf believes that the proposal is consistent with the intent and purposes of the Zoning Ordinance. *To provide for the suMivision of property in the future without conflict with development on adjacent land." Sts,tt Resf,ons€; The Vail Land Use Plan identifies Lots 8, 9, & 10 as areas for "low density residential" development. According to the Vail Land Use Plan, the purpose of the "low density residential" designation is to provide sites for single-family detached homes and two{amily dwelling units. The density of development within this category would typically not exceed 3 structures per buildable acre. Buildable area is defined as that area of a lot outside the 1oo-year floodplain, red snow avalanche areas and slopes less than 40%. Development has never occurred on Lots I & 10. Lot I contains a single family dwelling that was in existence when the Bighorn Subdivision, 2no Addition was annexed into the Town of Vail. Over the years, the Bighorn Subdivision, First and Second Additions have been developed in concert with the Vail Land Use Plan as residential neighborhoods. The area has been zoned for single-family and two- famiry primary/secondary residential development. A majority of the lots in the neighboring area are also located within geologic hazard zones. Development on these fots, as with lots 8, 9, & 10, is governed by the adopted Hazard Regulations in the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations. 3. "To protect and conseNe the value of land throughout the Municipality aN the value of buildings and improvements on the lad." Sla,ft Beqon*: statf does not believe that the minor suMivision of Lots 8, 9, & 10, Blghorn Subdivision, Second Addition would have any negative impacts on the value of land in the Town of Vail. Construction can not occur on a large portion ol Lots 8 Fazier-Dahl Minor SuMivision and Vadance Request, August 13, 2001 1. 2. 13 4. and 10 due to the presence of red hazard avalanche. Furthermore, the owners of Lots 8 and 10 have expressed interest in creating a conservation easement to ensure the preservation ol open space on Lots I and 10. "To ensure that suMivision of property is in compliance with the Town's zoning ordinances, to achieve a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses, consistent with Town development objectives." SF,ff Beqonsr; Staff believes that the proposed lot sizes and configurations are consistent with the development objectives of the Town and the goals of Title 13, Subdivision Regulations which call tot 'the orderly, efficient and integrated development of the Town." Furthermore, staff believes that the Town's hazard regulations and development standards can sutficiently limit the future development of this site. "To guide public and private policy and action in order to provide adequate and efficient transportation, water, sewage, schools, parks, pl ayg rou nds, recreation, and other public requirements and facilities and generally to provide that public facilities will have sufficient capaci| to serue the proposed suMivision." Sla,ft Beqon*: The Town of Vail Comprehensive Open Lands Plan identifies a public purpose and recreational need for Lots 8, 10, and 11 (Parcel 40), Bighorn SuMivision, Second Addition. The owners of Lots I and 10 have expressed an interest in creating a conservation easement to ensure the preservation of open space. However, even without this easement, the Town's hazard regulations and development standards can adequately minimize the impacts upon Parcel 40. "To provide for accurate legal desciptions of newly subdivided land and to establish reasonable and desirable construction design standards and procedures." Sleft Reqon*: Statf believes that the current proposal satisfies this purpose statement. To prevent the pollution of air, streams and ponds, to assure adequacy of drainage facilities, to safeguard the water table and to encourage the wise use and management of natural resources throughout the Town in order to preserue the integw, stability, and beauty of the community and the value of the land." SEtl Reqonse; Staff believes that the minor subdivision request will not conflict with this purpose statement. 5. 6. 7. Fnzier-Dahl Minor SuMiision and Variance Request, August 13, 2001 't4 vt.VABIANCE CRITERIA A. Consideration of Factors Reoardino the Variance: 1. The rolationship ot the requested variance to other existing or potentlal uses and structures in the vicinlty. As proposed, statf does not believe that the requested variance will have any impact on potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The variance, however, would allow for two d,velling units and one type ll employee housing unit as opposed to one dwelling unit and one type 1 employee housing unit as is permined currently. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and llteral interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achlsve compatibillty and uniformity of treatment among sites in the viclnlty or to attain the objectlves of thls title without a grant of special prlvilege. Statf believes that a degree of relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of 12-6D-5 is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in this case. By allowing Lot 10 to get bigger, the degree of existing non-conformity would actually be lessened. 3. Ths effect of the requested variance on light and air, distrlbution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public lacilities and utilities, and public satety. Stafl does not believe that the requested variance will have any negative impacts on the above referenced criteria. B. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos before orantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is wananted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical ditficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions Fazier-Dahl Minor SubdMsion and vaiance Request, August 13, 2001 15 applicable to tn same site of the vadarne fiat do nd apply generalV to other properlies ln the same zone. c. The strict inteFretiation or enforcement of the specifled regulauon would depdve the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other propenies in the same dlstdct. ' Ftazier-Dehl futnorsuffilon aN Verf,Inc€ Beqtest Augast l3, Znl 16 /J= sH s .o .t T'''ro E s o (, q,(/) c o +'6 --o .so .9s \L o .s .9 dt o !-l "6 o @ u {-o J -.+ $-,\. cD / q Y tr h '"l.iti'r1 tne Fri!:e Road and w e st Lu pi n e Dnva are a. R e d ( h i sh h y'"ry ) "'.' y*r':::"!:Fi :l;::yJ i:li: 3:":2:"Y :;y:: Y,Z{ ;fJX::;';:;:;^i;i":i;il;;;;i;i"i'ii 7eit" tnu" recent construction does not appear on the maP. ., - ,. ?tn,SCALE: 1"= 100' MrrroN R. Bnowu 2435 CLINTON ROAD . ROC(FORD,ILUNOIS 5lt(B July 18, 2001 The Town of Vail Community Development Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attention: Ann Kjerulf Dear Ms. Kjerulf: On two occasions I have discussed with you the subdivision proposals for lots located on the south end of Bridge Street. lt seems to me that this particular area is not appropriate for the construction of residences. The area is very steep as it rises with the mountain and many of the trees that shape the natural beauty of East Vail would have to be removed. I would think that it could also destabilize the land in an already avalanched designated area. lwould appreciate it if the Planning and Environmental Commission would take these factors into consideration. Very truly yours, MW It ii " tilrEl Ei'i 5iil nii [li,iii ,[iliili ttt III ttt rult ililr I l,!qt I't) ii ll rl tl rj ll il il E f E U { t I I I I I I I I ri ;! ii lr E 9 6 i ti il rl rl ttir il lullffi rl il rtl ll ,ffiI L I t I fi r!i 1ilil ii |l $ I | ,,. illlll !riii I I I t I I I t1 il ,il lfr !l til$ tso o\\ Fia iiF 'or S 3":l)[n t! rH$ F lr!H aE $ili s FH F SE QS ! I I ! I I I I I I I I I l I I t i It il tl hi !il it! ili llit ;rii ,fi i'fi rrill lillfi a I I I I I I I ii tl ti d I I I I I I I t t I I lll fil ill lilfi$$ iir lii iil ri !l lr rll E I a T a i_l_ iI 5 s ,S){E !r til *d?. 8r a rl tt I , 1.. ! ,l.. l.'I ,::r.. I r'll l: :,:rl:li, li \ --- Ro OE -FA E= 5 -l {r a* s F.':\)[n E, !H$ F t>*r. HF: H xR s ss:ur: d EH S $E qs tl tl !: F o # N d''.Y 9 ilh ill h'$ti lit \;, oqvllo'Ioc'IINnoJ eTsvs TIv Io NtoI NoI^I.IqOV qNmSS NOISUtgSnS NUOEOIS 0r cNv'E 's sJ01 ilglEffI dVN CIEdVU9OdOL I I c t ,i dI; {c fii ii ;i!i ii ;i i[i: is gt illi il il EII: 5i EI :t!F :3 :3 9P9t 3e 9e ..,"nre S€ e P3 gi B Iltl l.- $F I l h ir r\il m*r ffi$ht * I lr !l tl rl ti ti ll u fl tilft[ s vt d vt \-/ "\a \rl I .n t RoCKFALLANDAVAISNGHEHAZARDANALYSISAND MITIGATION CONCEPTS Lors a, 10, A.ND 12,. BIGHoRN suBDlvlsloN 2ND ADDlrloN Prepared For Mr. Steve Riden PrePared BY Arthur L Mears, P.E., Inc. Gunnigon, Colorado MaY,2001 ARTHI.JR I. MEARS, P.8., INC. Nanual Hazards Consultants 555 County Road 16 Gunnison, Colorado 81230 TeVFax:97O-641-3236 artmears@rmii.com May 10, 2001 Mr. Steve Riden P.O. Box 3238 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Hazard and mitigation analysis, Lots 8, 10 and 12, Bighorn 2nd Addition Dear Mr. Riden: Theana|ysisofhazardandmitigationdesignconceptsyourequestedis attached. Although "o*" "ipoirre to the lbove-defined hazards does exist, .it"_ip""in" mitigition, inctuding fill against back walls or special fences, is i"".i6f" and cariprobably be iniorporated without substantial expense' Please contact me if you have any questions' SincerelY, n\ rl ,r W+r,,{lvu\nP Arthur l. Mears, P.E. Avalanche-control engineer Encl: RePort Moss Wasting ' Avalanches ' Avslanche Connol Enginceing 1 REPORTSUMMARY The principal conclusions, recommendations and limitations of this study are detailed in Sections 2 - 6. The summary is as follows. 1.1 Exposure All lots, proposed buildings and additions considered in this study are within range oi rocKall and avalanche hazards. These hazards originate within or directly below the obvious limestone cliff outcropping of the Maroon_formation approiimately 300 feet above the building sites (Figures 2 and 3). Both rocffiall and avalanches of sizes sufficiently large to damage buildings are rare events (estimated return periods of 100 years or longer) but do require mitigation as discussed. RECOMMENDED MITIGATION - Mitigation recommended forthe building postfions shown in the nprit, ZOO| Sfeye Rrden drawings conCrsfs of placing a fitt to a height H against all back walls of proposed houses. me nil sho;td extend verticalty for a height "H". H = 10'on Lot 8 (upper)' 8' 'on'Lot 8 (lowe\, 10'on Lot 10, and 8'on Lot 12. Surtace slope of fill shotlldPe 1.%: 1. Thiswiil protect ftom design-magnitucte roc4fal! and avalanches. An aftemate mitigation (a rockfail energy-absorbing fence) is discussed ln Section 6. 1.2 Mitigation Because of small velocities and energies of avalanches and rockfall, the recommended mitigation will consist of fill against the uphill walls of all buildings as shown in the above figure. The lower section of the walls must be reinforced for the resulting soil pressure, as determined by the structural engineer. Any walls and windows on the back walls within 12 feet of grade^should be minimized in area and reinforced for a horizontal pressure of 100 lbs/ft'. The fill will dissipate rockfall and avalanche energy such that buildings will not be damaged and iocks and debris will not be deflected adversely onto adjacent public or private property. This will protec{ residents and others and will satisfy the Town of Vail hazard regulations. T H 6* 2 OBJECTIVES AND LIMITATIONS As requested by Mr. Steve Riden, this report has the following objectives: a. Analysis of the dynamics and resulting hazard from design-magnitude' rocKall and avalanches on the subject properties; b. Quantification of the impact and/or static loads on exposed buildings; c. Recommendations of mitigation procedures that are feasible at or above the buildings; d. Discussion of any adverse deflection of rockfall and avalanches onto adjacent properties; and e. Discussion of risk. This report also has the following limitations which should be understood by all those relying on the results and recommendations: a. Only rocKall, and snow and debris avalanches are considered; other hazards or constraints to development, if any, are beyond the scope of the study; b. The analysis is based on building locations provided in the Steve Riden drawings given to me in April, 2001. c. Any substantial changes to the terrain or forest cover (e.9., by forest fire or landslides)above the building sites may increase the hazard; d. Extraordinary events (e.9., with return periods of 300, 1000 years or longer) may exceed the sizes delineated or analyzed in this report; and e. The study is site-specific and may not be applicable at other sites. 3 PREVIOUS WORK The Town of Vail has developed rocKall, debris avalanche, and snow avalanche maps which indicate Lots 8, 10, and 12 (as well as some adjacent lots) lie within hazard areas or potential hazard areas. These Vail maps are generalized thus do not indicate the physical characteristics or destructive potentials of the above processes. Modifications to these maps based on site-specific analysis and more detailed study have been provided in Figures 6 and 7 of this report' Additional site-specific hazard or hazard mitigation studies for Lots 8, 10, and 12 have not been completed since the original Vail studies. 4 TOPOGMPHIC SETTING AND SITE OBSERVATIONS Figure 1 is a generalized location map of the project area taken from U' S. Geological Survey topographic data. The approximate location of the rockfall 1 Design-magnitude - Events with retum periods of approximately 100 years. Avalanches do have return periods because events of one year are not relaled to those of subsequent years, however, rockfall events may be dependent on events of prioryears. f,x:t !o' r $;ir+ {ne t vrcn'rtv map snowing studyirea and approximate-tocation 9! Lo:: e:1?;,-Yt:i: tocation, avalanches uro ,oiitu,i O"gii primarily bdl6w 8,680 feet elevation level within or below the limestone ctiffs. Many itne,r ava-tan'ches, debris flows, or rockfalls also occur in the general vicinity but are not snown on this map. Hazard delineation and subdivision into red and blue zones are shown in more detail on Figures 6 and 7' SCALE: 1" = 500' J-D TopoQuadr Coplright '.0 1999 Delormt Ysrnouth, Mu 0'1096 Sourcc Dutl|r LISGS ft Scnle: 1 :6,000 Dchll: 14 J Dstum: WGS8J and avalanche area and lot locations are indicated and the generaltopography of the immediate area is shown. The steep colluvial (rock and debris) slopes below the limestone cliff shown in Figure 2 is littered with boulders, smaller rocks and assorted debris. This material results from the combined effects of rockfall, FIGURE 2. Oblique photograph (taken from the northeast on Agit 27, 2001) of Bridge Road cul' de-sac and the west end of Lupine Drive. Steep colluvial slopes below limestone cliff band can produce small-to-moderate sized avalanches. RocWall oiginates w!!!!:![i FIG:RE 3. Oblique photograph showing greater detail in goiect area (above Lupine Drive and south of cul-de-saq inA ne iunout area for the rockfatt and avalanches. Very large limeslone boulders near houses probably originate from glacial activity rather than rocwall. avalanches, other mass-wasting processes and glacial activity. Much of the upper Gore Creek valley was the site of extensive glaciation _during the fl"i.to""n" glacial epoch which ended here 10,000 to 20,000 years before present. Thi enensive glaciation probably scraped rocks from the cliffs and deposited many near the present location of homesites as the ice melted. Alternately, a single or multiple rockfall, rock avalanche, or landslide event(s) may havaoccurred and deposited these rocks. However, the major boulders, appear to have been in place for over 1OO0 years, perhaps more than 10,000 ybbrt, judging from soil development and lichen growth on the rock surfaces (see Figure 4). FTGURE 4. Major 8-10 foot-tong boulcler in the vicinity of the tower building sre on Lot 8. Boulder probably reached ffiis position duing or immediately following vailey deglaciation, not from 'rockfat[ lt may have moved into plice from tandstides that occuned afrer valley deglaciation or ii iiing gtaciat ice. It is untikeiy that this boutder feil ftom the c/ifs as an isolated event iecauseit-would have rolled mu6h farther or broken into smaller rocks. So/ around the boulder and lichen cover on the surface suggesfs it has been in the cunent position for at least 1000-3000 years, possibly more than 10,000 years' Rockfall and debris-avalanches have also occurred since valley deglaciation and deposited smaller boulders in the vicinity of existing and proposed houses' Such examples are widespread on the colluvial slope above !"pil" Drive and other areas within the vallby. An example of a rockfall-deposited boulder is shown in Figure 5. This 3-foot diameter boulder rests on the soil surface and probably has- taiten into place during the past several centuries as a result of rockfall' Rocks of this size have the capability of reaching the proposed houses and therefore require mitigation. they aie the basis of the rockfall modeling conducted in this study. FTGURE 5. Roct<fall4erived boulder approximatety 2'53.0 feet long which fell ftom the lime*one ctiffs. Notebook is approximately one-toot long. A 3.Afoot diameter rock similar to this one was used in the rockfail dynamics aialysis and was the basis forthe mitigation recommendations' 5 ROCKFALL AND AVALANCHE MODELING METHODS APPLIED 5.1 Rockfall Modeling The velocities, kinetic energies, and bounce heights of rocKall events at the proposed buildings have been quantified through application of the Colorado ilockfall Simulation Program (CRSP), a stochastic rockfall dynamic_s program developed by the Colorido Department of Transportation and the Colorado School of Mines. The following steps were used in application of CRSP: a. Rock source areas were identified in the field and through analysis of aerial photographs. b. The colluviai slope below the limestone cliff was characterized in terms of steepness, roughness, and hardness, parameters used in the CRSP analysis. c. The sizes of boulders and their probable stopping positions were determined in the field. The CRSP model was forced to produce boulder stopping positions as determined in the field. Velocities, kinetic energies, and bounce heights at selected analysis points (positions of mitigation) were determined at the building locations by the CRSP analysis. The maximum extent of 3-foot diameter rocks (the design rockfall event) in the project area is shown on Figure 6. This map should be used to update the existing Town of Vail rockfall hazard maps which were prepared in 1984. Complete details of the results of the rocKall-dynamics analysis are provided in Appendix A. A summary of the design criteria which were used to develop the rockfall mitigation measures recommended in Section 6 are provided in Table 1. fhere exisfs a 10% probabitity that the design rockfall event (which is a rare event) will exceed the criteia. 5.2 Avalanche modeling Avalanche dynamics were modeled by fitting a three-parameter stochastic model of avalanche motion to the flow, assuming a starting position at the cliff band and a stopping position consistent with observed stopping positions observed in topoliapni6ally similar paths in Colorado. The following two steps were used as recommended by the Colorado Geological Survey: a. First the design-magnitude avalanche stopping position was determined by terrain analysis, observations of prior events in similar terrain, and statistical modeling; b. Second the avalanche-dynamics modelwas used to compute energy (of clear snow and debris avalanches) to determine the red/blue hazard zone boundary (mapped in Figure 7). Avalanche velocities computed in step "b" at the proposed buildings were determined to be 10m/s (22 mph) or less and would produce impact pressures generally less than 400 lbs/ft2 at the bases of large, flat walls normal to the flow. Because the apparent avalanche return period at the proposed buildings is more than 25 years, this would place buildings in the "blue" (moderate hazard) zone, as indicated on Figure 7. According to the Vail hazard regulations, construction with mitigation is allowed in such areas. .{ a T lble 1. Rockfall criteria for m Site Velocity Kinetic Energy Bounce Height Lot 8 building lgpper) 51.30 fUsec 120.027 ft)bs 7.69 ft Lot 8 building (Lower) 39.30 fUsec 74,167 ftlbs 15.51 ft Lot 10 building 51.07 fUsec 117.046 ftlbs 7.60 ft Lot 12 building 41.97 fUsec 89.848 ft-lbs 5.85 ft Note: Mitigation design crtterta are naseA on the 90% cumulative Wobability level, meaning that FIGURE 6. Map of the maximum extent of rockfail hazard in the Bridge Road and west Lupine Drive area. Map was produced from aerial photography taken in 1997, thus recent construction does not appear on the map' scALE: 1' = l oo' l -.:.. ,: o 'ii:.:;i $i..1_. ; i.:i r: 6 MITIGATION Two forms of mitigation from rockfall and avalanches is recommended. These recommendations are based on the observations and analyses presented eadier in this report. 6.1 Berms against back walls The recommended mitigation form consists simply of berms built against the uphill walls of buildings (Figure 8). These berms must be built to a height of I - 10 feet to dissipate rockfall and avalanche energy. The required heights are given in Table2. Table2. Berm desion criteria Berm surfaces should have a slope of 1lz:1. Walls must be designed to withstand the static soil load, it being assumed that the impact loads of rockfall or avalanches will be dissipated by the deformable soil and rock material of the berms. FTGURE 8. Rockfa!! and avalanche berms placed against the uphill walls will provicle mitigation on Lots B, I O, and 12. The required berm heights for vaious locations are provided in Table 2. Berm surfaces shoutd be at a 1 % : 1 stope. Windows Within the lower 12 feet of the back wall should be reinforced for a normal pressure of 100 lbsfi(. Berms will not deflect rocks or snow/debris mirtures onto adiacent public or private Yoryrty. BUILDING LOCATION BERM HEIGHT Lot 8 building (upper)10 feet Lot 8 building (lower)8 feet Lot 10 buildins 10 feet Lot 12 building addition 8 feet o Windows within the lower 12 feet of the back walls should either be avoided, minimized in surface area, or reinforced for a pressure of 1OO lbs/ft2. An alternate form of mitigation, which is primarily used for defense against rockfall is the energy-absorbing fence (Figure 9). FIGIJRE 9. Energy-absorbing rockfall fence (manutaclured by GeoBrugg of Sante Fe, NM) installed above a house neiTetturide. This is a "medium-energy" absorbing fence which would be capable of dissipating rocks with the design energies above Lots 8, 10' and 12-or This type of fence has been widely used in Europe and the United States, primaiity above highway rockfall areas. The medium capacity fence shown in Figure 9 is approximately 9 feet high and would enst approximately $300-$500 per foot installed. Each fence would be within approximately 50 feet of each building and would extend the full width of the structure. Modifications to the }; fence design would probably be required in order to withstand avalanche loads. Although either berms or rockfallfences could be used, the final choice will depend on cost, environmental disruption, and esthetic considerations. These choices can be made during the final design stage. Report prepared by Qwt^l v\4e,'o Arthur l. Mears, P.E. Avalanche-control eng ineer TECHNICAL APPENDIX A. Rockfalldynamics analysis The following pages provide input and or.rtput data used in computing rocKall dynamics parameters at the building sites. Input File - D:\crsp\Bighorn o Lot 8.dat Input File Specifications Units ofMeasure: U.S. Total Number of Cells: 8 Analysis Point X-Coordlnate l: 425 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 2: 481 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 3: Initial Y-Top Starting Zone Coordinate: 8660 Initial Y-Base Starting Zone Coordinate: 8640 Remarks: Cell Data cell No. surface R. Tangent c. Nornal c. Begin x Beqin Y End x End Y o CRSP I 2 3 4 5 6 ,, 8 .) .5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 .J 0 30 150 344 42s 465 481 511 8640 8600 8520 8420 8390 8380 8376 8374 30 150 340 425 465 48r 511 561 8600 8520 8420 8390 8380 8376 8374 8370 CRSP Analysis Point Statistical Analysis - D:\crsp\Bighonr Lot 8.dat Analysis Point I Analysis Point 1: X= 425, Y = 8390 Spherical Rock: 3-ft dia., 2333-lb Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: 78 Cumulative Probability Velocity (.ff/sec) Energ Ltlb) Bounce Height (ft) 50% 75% 9UYo 95% 98% 33.46 62938 42.85 92994 51.3 120027 56.37 1362s7 62.06 154472 1.61 4.81 7.69 9.42 11.36 Note: Velocity and hnetic energy are analyzed assuming a normal distributron. Bounce height is analyzed assuming a log distribution. ro CRSP Analysis Point Statistical Analysis - D:\crsp\Bighom Lot 8 dam.dat Analysis Point I AnalysisPoint LX= 440, Y: 8400 Spherical Rock: 3-ft dia., 2333-lb Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: 9 Cumulative Probability Velocity (ft/sec) Energy (ftJb) Bounce Height (.ft) 50% 75Yo 9j%o 95% 98Yo 0.37 2.21 3.87 4.86 5.97 14.2 15351 18.91 23233 23.15 30323 25.69 34579 28.55 39356 Note: Velocity and kinetic energy are analyzed assuming a normal distributton. Bounce height is analyzed assuming a log distribution. CRSP Input File - Dlcrqp\Bighorn Lot 8 dam.dat Inout File Specifications Units ofMeasure: U.S. Total Number of Cells: l0 Analysis Point X-Coordinate l: 440 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 2: Analysis Point X-Coordinate 3: hitial Y-Top StartingZone Coordinate: 8660 Initial Y-Base Starting Zone Coordinate: 8640 Remarks: Cell Data Cell No. Surface R Tangent C. Normal C. Begin X Begin Y End X End Y I 2 3 4 ) 6 7 E 9 l0 { .5 1.5 1.5 .5 1.5 1.5 1.5 .J .5 .5 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 0 30 150 340 425 MO 455 465 481 511 8640 8600 8520 8420 8390 8400 8390 8380 8376 8374 30 150 340 425 440 455 465 8600 8520 8420 8390 8400 8390 8380 8376 8374 8370 481 sll 561 oa CRSP Analysis Point Statistical Analysis - Dlcrsp\Bighom Lot 8.dat Analysis Point 2 Aaalysis Point 2: X= 481, Y= 8376 Spherical Rock: 3-ft dia., 23331b Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: 44 Cumulative Probability Velocity Lft/sec) Energy (ft-lb) Bounce Height f.ft) s0% 75% 9jYo 95% 98% Note: Velocity and kinetic energy are analyzed assuming a normal distribution. Bounce height is analyzed assuming a log distribution. 24.97 36668 32.52 56410 39.3 74167 43.38 84827 47.95 96792 0.69 8.49 15.51 19.72 24.45 o CRSP InputFile - D:\crsp\BighornLot 8 dam2.dat Input File Specifications Units ofMeasure: U.S. Total Number of Cells: 9 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 1: 493 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 2: 0 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 3: 0 Initial Y-Top Starting Zone Coordinate: 8660 Initial Y-Base Starting Zone Coordinate: 8640 Remarks: Cell Data 1 J 4 ) 6 1 8 9 .5 .5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 .5 .5 .J 0 30 150 340 425 465 481 493 50s 8640 8600 8520 8420 8390 8380 8376 8384 83',16 8600 8520 8420 8390 8380 8376 8384 8376 8370 30 150 340 425 465 481 493 505 s61 cRsP Analysis Point statistical Analysis - D:\crsp\Bighorn Lot 8 dam2.dat Analysis Point I AnalysisPoint l:X= 493,Y= 8384 Spherical Rock 3-ft dia., ?333'lb Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: 4 Sff/o 8.48 7037 75% - 8.48 7037 0.02 0.7 1.31 1.67 2.08 90% 9s% 98% 8.4E 7037 8.48 7037 E.48 7037 Note: Velocity and kineic enFrgy arc analyznd assuming anormal distribution. Bounce height is anatped assuming a log di*ribution. Input File - Dlosp\Bighorn 0.dat Input File Specifications Units ofMeasure: U.S. TotalNumber of Cells: l0 Analysis Point X-Coordinate l: 380 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 2: Analysis Point X-Coordinate 3: Initial Y-Top Starting Zone Coordinate: E660 Initial Y-Base Starting Zone Coordinate: 8640 Remarks: Cell Data Cell No. Surface R. Tangent C. Normal C. Begin X Begin Y End X End Y a I,ot I .5 .5 .3 .3 .3 ,3 ,3 ,3 .3 .3 8640 8600 8560 8480 8420 8400 8394 8386 8382 8378 o CRSP 8600 8560 8480 8420 8400 8394 8386 8382 8378 8376 40 ll0 230 360 400 420 465 490 530 570 0 40 110 230 360 400 420 465 490 530 _) .5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 .3 -) I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CRSP Analysis Point Statistical Analysis - Dlcrsp\Bighorn Lot l0.dat Analysis Point I AnalysisPoint l:X: 380, Y: 8410 Spherical Rock: 3-ft dia., 2333-lb Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: 91 s0% 1s% 90% 95% 98% 32.83 42.43 51.07 56.25 62.07 59678 89881 rr7046 133355 151659 1.47 4.69 7.6 9.34 rt.z9 Note: velocity and kinetic energy are analyzed assuming a normal distribution. Bounce height is analyz-ed assuming a log distribution. CRSP Input File - D:\crsp\Boghorn Lot l0 dam.dat Input File Specifi cations Units ofMeasure: U.S. Total Number of Cells: 12 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 1: 395 Analysis Point X-Coordrnate 2'. Analysis Point X-Coordinate 3: Initial Y-Top Starting Zone Coordinate: 8660 Initial Y-Base Starting Zone Coordinate: 8640 Remarks: Cell Data Cell No. Surface R. Taneent C. Normal C. Begin X Begin Y End X End Y I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 .) .5 .J .J .3 .J .J ,J .J .J .t .J 0 40 110 230 360 380 395 410 465 490 530 570 8640 8600 8560 8480 8420 8410 8420 8410 8386 8382 8378 8376 40 110 230 360 380 395 410 465 490 530 570 580 8600 8560 8480 8420 8410 8420 8410 8386 8382 8378 8376 8375 QRSP Analysis Point Statistical Analysis - D:\crsp\Boghom Lot 10 dam.dat Analvsis Point I Analysis Point l: X= 395,Y = 8420 Spherical Rock: 3-ft dia., 2333'lb Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: 1l 50% 75% 90% 95% 98% 13.5 17.38 20.87 22.96 25.32 14231 20946 26987 30613 34683 0.35 6.36 1r.77 15.01 18.66 Note: Velocity and kinetic energy are analyzed assuming a normal distribution' Bounce height is andyzeA assuming a log distribution' CRSP Input File - Dlcrsp\Bighorn Lot \2.dat Input File Specifi cations Units ofMeasure: U.S. Total Number of Cells: 10 Analysis Point X-Coordinate l: 410 Aaalysis Point X-Coordinate 2: Analysis Point X-Coordinate 3: Initial Y-Top Starting Zone Coordinate: 8660 Initial Y-Base Starting Zone Coordinate: 8640 Remarks: Cell Data 8600 8520 8440 8420 8410 8398 8396 8392 8390 8388 8640 8600 8520 8440 8420 8410 8398 8396 8392 8390 0 35 135 28s 345 375 395 419 456 476 35 135 285 34s 375 395 4t9 456 476 516 I 2 J 4 ) 6 8 9 l0 oo CRSP Analysis Point Statistical Analysis - D:\crsp\Bighom Lot 12.dat Analysis Point I Analysis Point 1: X= 410, Y = 8397 Spherical Rock: 3-ft dia., 2333Jb Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: 47 Cumulative Probabilitv Velocity (fl/sec) Enerey (ft-lb) Bounce Height (ft) s0% 75% 90% 95% 98% 46.96 52.56 104497 120937 0.84 3.48 5.85 7.28 8.87 24.43 38322 33.67 65449 41.97 89848 Note: Velocity and kinetic energy are analyzed assuming a normal distributron. Bounce height is analyzed assuming a log distribution. CRSP Input File - D:\crsp\Bighorn Lotl2 dam-dat Input File Specifications Units of Measure: U.S. Total Number of Cells: 12 Analysis Point X-Coordimte l: 422 Analysis Point X-Coordinate 2: Analysis Point X-Coordinate 3: Initiat Y-Top Starting Zone Coordinate: 8660 Initial Y-Base Starting Zone Coordinate: 8640 Remarks: 8640 8600 8520 8440 8420 8410 8398 8397 8405 8397 8392 8390 I 2 3 4 ) 6 8 9 10 1l L2 0 35 135 285 345 375 395 410 422 434 456 476 35 135 285 345 375 395 410 422 434 456 476 516 8600 8520 8440 8420 8410 8398 8397 8405 8397 8392 8390 8388 OI CRSP Analysis Point Statistical Analysis - D:\crsp\Bighorn Lot12 dam.dat Analysis Point I AnalysisPoint l: X: 422,Y= 8405 Spherical Rock: 3-ft dia., 2333-lb Total Rocks Passing Analysis Point: 9 Cumulative Probability Velocity (ff/sec) Energy (ftJb) Bounce Height (ft) s0% 7s% 90% 9s% 98% 7.32 5105 10.67 9729 13.69 13888 15.5 16385 t7.53 19187 0.07 7.28 13.77 17.66 22.03 Note: Velocity and kinetic energy are analyzed assuming a normal distribution. Bounce height is analyzed aszuming a log distribution. 10 TECHN ICAL APPENDIX B. Avalanche-dynamics analysis The following pages provide slope profiles and avalanchedynamics analysis used in determining the loading parameters and design specifications of the recommended avalanche mitigation. Avalanche Profile and /y coordinates Bighom Lot E Raw Data In feet X-feet Y-feet 8600 8520 8420 8390 8380 8376 8374 8370 2622 . 2598 2567 2558 2555 2554 2553 2552 44 65 27 13 5 I 15 33.7 27.8 19.4 14.0 14.0 3.8 4.6 Sheetl Data in meters Segment Data X-meters Y-melers L-meters Ang - Deg Sum L 0 120 310 395 435 45'l 4E1 531 0 37 95 120 133 138 147 162 0 44 109 137 149 155 164 179 Avg Angle 33.7 30.1 28.0 26.8 26.4 25.2 23.4 Bighom Lot 8 Avalanche Path 2620 = 2600 E f ruuo a!i zsoo lrJ 2540 2520 2500 o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Horizontal distance (m) ! \* -1a D Page 1 220 particles start frfton segrment.f:e ficles deposited. c:\pik\bighorn Lot, 8.txt Path drops: 70 m Friction mu = 0.35 Log II/D : 2.00 Random R : 0.200 Alpha = 25.3 degrees O Front stops at X = L46 m ..-*..---.-Front speed (max = tL.l m/ sl --------.!Iean speed (nlax = l-0.7 m,/s) -Deposition (not to scale) Exit and view distri-butions in your file c:\plk\results.txt vt{r6H 6'69 PA vLol, 3. 00 v RAI{6E 5. Aq V II EAN E. 'I?VSTDEV I. II IHI6H 8.71 tLot 0. 5s IRAN6E A. ],4 TIIEAN 5. L6 tstDEv e. 0a Please note: all v-vanlables Please note: rll t-variable3 Please note! NP ls number of AVALAI'ICHE EI{TERl}16 SEGNEilT UNBER OF PARTICLES II OVI NG I{UIIBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED IIETERS TRAVELLED FRON START re sult s are in neteFs/second. are in seconds.prrtlcl€s ln packat. ee0 0 qq t rril tnAx vllEAl{ 0. 55 l. 3? 3. otl 1.37 a.16 3.00 a. 16 :1. 00 3.31 3.08 3.Ee q.35 r.lz q ' bq 5. es rt . h{ g. rtb L. 0?g,qh b.a? L.aa t.a? ?.01 ?.ql ?. 05 7. 'll a. o? ?.ll 6.73 6. L0 tiIN tll^x a. ql 1. l0 t. t0 .1. 40 r.t0 r0.50 10. 50 ll . e0 11. a0 11 . al rt. a.t le . 5l le. 51 13 . a.| 13. El 13 . 5l 13.51 rq. Ll lq . ba 15. 3A v ll EAl{lt, hE a. 5a a. 30 10. r0 10. rrl r0. 0l tt. 0b tr. 5l rl. 5a II. IL tll AX vllEAl{ 13.61 f,. 75 th. 7e 6. 36 11, 5q 7 '7E ae'3? r.5r e5. a0 r. 70 ea. 03 r.6a 30.49 r.?1 33,L6 l.el rL. 5l 1.51 3t.r{ l.ao CKE I a 3 { E b 7 6 I l0 t{P h .| lq I6 e6 30 5tr NP 164 51 7 q E a 3 e ltP a q 3e 5l AVALAI,ICHE EI{ TERING SE6NE T NUNEER OF PARTICLES I'IOVING I{UIIBER OF PAR'TCLES STOPPED II E'ERS TRAVELLED FROTI START vHr6H 1q. la VLOU t. ?a vRAt'l6E 13, 15 v llEAlrl I0. bb vsTlEv !. l? tHI6H Ig. 3T tLotd 6. trl tRAt{6E b. c6 tlr EAN la. 53 TSTDEV 1. 3A AVALANCHE EI{ TERI N6 SEGNEiIT NUNBER OF PARTICLES N OVIiIC NUIIEER OT PARTICLES S TOPPED NE1ERS TRAVELLED FRON START PACKET { L 7 A 1 I0 e6b 0 t 10 rl 313 0 If? NP 3 q t0 5C Ll{ 5t rta 3a 35 1i vHI6H la. qe vLoll 0. tl3 VRANGE }E. BO vtlEAi ?. EA VSTDEV a. 5q tHr6H 11. 3q tLolr lr.llb tRAr{6E el. 2E TIIEAN IL. LL TSTDEV 3. ql AVALANCHE E[TERTN6 SE6NENT I{UIIBER OF PARTICLES IIOVIII6 NUIIBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FRON START PACKET TIIIII r lr.oh e 13. tl 3 lL. 7e q 11. 5'l 5 e?. 37 L a5. a0 ? 46. 03 r 30. lh I 3!. bl IO TL.sI e5L ?E r50 vr.r16H 1. 73 vLou 0' ll VRANGE 1' stl v IIEAN 5.53 VSTDEV I. hL PACK E T I a { 5 tnl tllAx vtlE^l{ Ie.7L rl.La h'otl 13. ha rq. 'rt s.77 Irr . q6 r5. 3q h. hL 15. 3q !h. a0 r ' t3 th. a0 1? . ob L. 03 Page 1 AVALANCHE EII'ERIII6 SEGIIEIIT ilUNBER OF PARIICLES NOVIIIg IIUTIBER OT PARTICLES SIOPPED ETERS IRAVELLED FNOi ITAF' rHr6H ?1.3?rLou 1?. ?b tRArGE t. hl fllEAl{ l? ' qe TSTDEV l. ql VHI6H l. b7 elou 0. {0 VRAI{GE 6' E? vltEAl{ 4. Et vsTlEv l. hE tHl6H aa. {l tLOU 13.5L tRAl{6E 6. 9a tnEAil 16. aq ISTDEV l. sl resultS r?.0b l?.9a 5. ht t?.5a 1t. ?l 5' 50 lt. ?l 11. Ls {. hl 11. b5 a0' 51 3. t5 E8.51 el.3? 1' 0? tnAX vllEAll lq . trs 5. qo t5. !q q. s? lb. ?3 {.'13 1?.11 q.L3 lt. 0a tt . al It..tl q. eq t9. ao {. e7 a0.Lr 3.23 al.5a a, ?l aa. qr r. 30 L 6 I l0 5q {5 3L 13 e h ?o? laq 155 PACKET tTI r 13.5L a I{. q5 I 15.3{{ th. e3 5 l?. 13 L 1f,.04 ? 11.51 r lt. t0 q 80. El ro al. 5t ltP I 3 11 ea 31 s3 It a3 I 3 NUIIBER OF PARTICLES NOVIiIC iIUIIBER OF PARTTCLES STOPPED FASTEST PARTICLE SPEED AT FROI{T FASTEST PARTICLE SPEED ( AIIIU}IERE) ALPHA a5.3 .leErers llAL-DEPosIt lha .sters llltl-DEPoSIT 13? rtters RAllGLlEPoslT e5 letrr! NEAil-,EPOSIT I5A TETPTS STD-DEV-DEPOSIT L ICtENs Packet i.x(t) llin(i) Partlcles I rqo I:l? 3{ e I{e rqo 5 3 1q5 lqa h q rq? rq.s lr 5 r50 lq? 1{ h lse 150 ll ? 155 lsa 3A a r57 !55 r5! 1 lho l5? 5l 10 rLa lho t 0 trt le. 0 n/s lq.l r/s @e2 Sheet'l Avalanche Profile and )dy coordinates Blghom Lot 10 Raw Data in feet Data in meters Segment Dala X-feet Y-feet X-meters Y-melers L-meters Ang - Deg Sum L 0 8600 0 70 8560 21 190 8480 58 320 8420 98 360 8400 110 380 83e4 116 425 8386 130 450 8382 137 490 8378 149 530 8376 162 2622 2610 2585 2567 256'l 2559 2557 2555 2554 2554 25 44 44 14 6 14 E 12 12 29.7 33.7 24.8 26.6 16.7 10.1 9.1 5.7 2.5 0 25 69 112 126 132 146 154 166 178 Avg Angle 29.7 32.3 29.4 29.1 26.5 26.7 25.8 24.4 22.9 Bighom Lot 10 Avalanche Path 60 80 100 120 '|40 160 Horizontal distance (m) 2640 2620 2 2600 E $ zseo ag d zsoo uJ 2540 2520 2500 180 Page 1 120 particleg start rf top segment.zes ]ticles deposited. c:\p1k\bighorn lot 10.txt Path drops: 67 m Friction mu = 0.35 log M/D - 2.20 Random R: 0.200 Atpha = 24.0 degrees O Front stoPs at X - 152 m -.*-.-.-.---Front speed (max = 13.5 m/s) -------.--Mean speed (max = 1-2.9 m/s) Deposition (not to scale) Exit and view distributions in your fl1e c:\Plk\results.txt results Please note! 6Il v-varlablas rre in neters/second. PlEase notrt all t-vrFlables ane in seconds. Plcase not€: l{P is nunben of penticl.s ln plcket. AVALANCHE EI{TERt II6 SE6NENT NUNBER OF PARTICLES NOVI I{6 IIU'IBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FROII START E 1e0 0 aq 1L5 0 LI rl 401 0 113 VHI6H ?, IO PA vLoU 3. 00 vRAl,lGE {. t0 vll EAN 5. 05 VSTDEV l. 3? THIGH L, qq tl0lrJ tl. 5?IRANGE 5. T7 tnEAN 't. a6 ISTDEV 1, 5t VHI6H IL. 5O vlou e. e3 VRAI{GE Iq. A1 viEAt{ le.6L VSTDEV ?. b! IHI6H 10. 73 tLOU 5. L?tRAN6E 5.0?TNEAN A.I{?tsTlEv 1. rL vHI6H lb. 5?vLoll !. :l:l vRAN6E 15. aq vnEAN lt. 00 vSTDEV 3. et THIGH IL. ?5 TLOTJ 1.II IRAN6E ?. Lq tnEA la. 51 tsrDEv 1. 51 tnrx 0. 5? 1, !h t, ?5 ?.31 a.9a 3. 5r q. ot 'I.LA 5.tl 5, AL PACKEI tNI[I 5. b7 a L. !,7 3 E. LA q ?. rl 5 ?. Ll b 6. a0 ? a. ?L a 1. a!q 5. ?z r0 ]0. a3 PACKET TIIIN I 1. rl e 1. a?3 10. L3 q 1!. {0 5 14. IL I ta. t:r ? 13. Ll 6 t'r.{g I 15. ee lo I5. t[ PA CKE T I a 3 q tllAx vllEAl,l I, rL 3. 00 1. ?5 3.00 a. 33 3. 00 E.'lf: A'ta 3. gt 3. a0 {. 0t rt. {5 q.L6 5.Et 5. a7 5. Er 5. lh !. a7 h. qq h. a3 tnAX vllEAl{E.17 13.{A L. l[ 10. ht 7. tl rg. r't r ?. Ll 11. tt a.a0 tl.0? 6. ?r ltt , lI 1. er ltt . 00 1. ?? tq. lt 10. af 1{. 6I r0. ?3 13. Lq CKET t a 3 q L 7 t I 10 P q .| l1 I3 l5 l? l6 ct 1{P tl q IA AL 31 II r5 fn l? AVALANCHE ENTERIN6 SEGNENT I'IUI' BER OF PARTICLES IIOVI116 UNBER OF PARTICLES SIOPPED IIETERS TRAVELLED FROIT SIAR T AVALAI{CHE E]{TERI N6 SE6I.IEIiT NUNBER OF PARTICLES N OVIII6 NUI.I BER OF PARTICLES STOPPED NETERS 'RAVELLED FRON S TART AVALAI'CHE EI{TERING SEGNENT NUITBER OF PARTICLES NOVIIIG NUNBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FRON START VHIGH 1?, {?VLOU l. Le VRANGE 15. AO vllE^r{ 1}. !q vSTDEV 3. t 1 tnAX vllEAil 1. 6? 13. e5 10. L3 te. 0t ll. qo te. sa te. IL tl. ?q ta. 9! lt. 75 13. L.r 11. 3q l{.q5 t.ea 15. ee L, {q 15.i6 ?.31 !L.?5 L.?0 t,t ti{ tnAx vnEAil 1. 15 r0. ?t ll.5a 10. ?q 1l. h{ 1I.10 11. hrt 1?. qa ta. q6 14. qd 13. fa 11.63 13.3a lq.lL r?.!e ttt 0 rat NP { 3.t q7 3A I3 l{ II 3 NP q 3q qe 5a Page 1- results tHI6H II. 3L tL0rd l. 15 tRAl{6E 6. qI tnEAN 13 ' ?1 rsTDEv 1.71 VHI6H 1h.15 PA vLold 1. 50 VRAN6E 1q. h5 v IIEAN 1,0. ?0 VSTDEV ?. 'IA tHr6H ll ' 01 tL0td r0. 3? tRAt{6E 6.7? 1EAN lq. {a tSTDEV l. 6l VHI6H IA ' AA vLOu 0. qq v RAt{6E 11.6q VII EAil 1.1E VSTDEV A ' A' tHI6H AO. A6 tl0t'l I]. 51 tRAltGE 5.31 IEAN ls. qq TSTDEV l. 11 vHr6H la. tts vL0l, 0. 5q VRAN6E ll ' cl vnEAN 7. 13 vsllEv a. qI rHr6H a0. 0l tLol, la ' e0 TRANGE 7 ' AI U1EAN !.s. ?? ISTDEV 1. eh lq.th 15.00 ra.06 15. n0 15.lq 6. 0L t5,6rt lb.bt 6.01 IL. Et l?. 5a l. cts l?.5e le.3L 6.f5 AA T5 I5 t5 { h 6 c t0 AVALANCHE EIITERING SE6IIEI{T NUNBER OF PARTICLES NOVI I{6 ilUNBER OF PARlICLES STOPPE' t'I E1ERS TRAVELLED FRON START b aal 7 I3? PACKEI ININ r 11. 5l a la. q5 3 l3'3f, { I'1.5E ! .!5'EE r :,b. a0 1 17.t1 a 16.0? I lc. 0l ]0 1,1. 15 vllEAl{ ta. 15 lc.ll la. eq l0. lr'l r0. 05 7.5'l ?. qa 7. Ch ?.L3 t|tax vltEAN ra.'t5 1.65 13.16 1.13 I'{.32 6. 5P 15, aL E. ql tE.a0 6.11 l?. 13 h. b3 lt.o? q.stl rl. sl 5. ql 11.55 q.0h au.66 a.hq CKET ! q q L I I 1D rnr[ tnAx 10.3? rl. eq 11, ?{ la. ta 12. 1? 14. Cl }E. 1.1 13. lh 13.!h l'1. 73 1{ . ?3 15. hl ls. ht ll. 'la lh. q6 l?.35 17. 35 16. aa 1A. aa Il. 01 7 1?b Lb lqb 1{P le :IL LO e? I1 th rl AVALANCHE EI'ITERI NG SEG}IEI{T I{UIIBER OF PARTICLES IIOVIiIG TUNBER OF PARTICLES STOPPEI} NETERS TRAVELLED TRO START t'tP h ?A 3t sb IL r{ 1 AVALAT,ICHE ENTERING SEGNENT NUNBER OF PARTICLES IIOVI NG I{UIIBER OF PARTICLES S1OPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FROII S TART A l?q les 153 5 1 a5a lbs PACKET tNI N r 1?. e0 a le.l'l 3 !3. ?A q lrr. 5? 5 rg. 3h E th. rt ? :,b, 13 a 17.77 I 16. 5l 10 11. 30 tAX vllEAN re. rr i. 37 13. 7t l0 ' 35 ]q. 5? 6. 1l 15.3b L. 11 lL.lrt 7.qr r!.1r h.?0 l?.?e q'lh 16.51 q.3q l.l. 30 s. 00 e0.0q s.15 ilP tl f l3 a3 :13 a9 rrl q 0 I AVALAI{CHE ENlERIIIG SE6NENT NUNBER OF PARIICLES TIOVI NC I{UIIBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FRON S TARI VHI6H ?. q5 vLoU 5. e? vRAl{6E a ' 1l vnEA[ b ' 1? VSTDEV O. LI PACKET I 3 q Ulrl{ tnAx vll EAl{ lq . !0 1'1. he b. a7 t't . Le lq ' l'l 0. 00 lrt.9q 15.e5 0.00 15.e5 15,s7 5-qo :l 0 0 I Page 2 tHI6t{ t7. q? tlou rq.30 tRAl{GE 3. l?flrEAir 15. tt ISTDEV t. e5 IUNBER OF PARTICLES ITOVII{6 IIU'IBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED FASTES? PARIICLE SPEED AI FRO T FASTEST PARTICLE SPEED (A'{YUHEiE) ALPHA aq. 0 degrees iAX-DEPoSIT lLe rctars Uil-DEPoSIT lel .cter.s RAT{GE_DEPOSIT qE rrtcPs llEAll-DEPoSIt l5l m.ters STD-DEV-DEPoSII 1 rrters 5 h 7 6 .| l0 results 15.5? 15. tl 15. tt tL. tl lb. er 11. sE lh, 5a lL. arl tL . 6rt l?. Ih I?.IE I?. {? 0 ah5 Is'L r/s l7,q rls 0. D0 o. D0 o. 00 b. E0 g, lt 5. 13 0 0 0 a 1 e Packet I e q 5 b ?I 1 10 iex(i) llin(t) Prrticles lr0 leL 5 t3{ 130 Il r31 13rt 15 1q3 Il9 rA lq? lql e1 l5l r{? {e r55 15r qt 1L0 155 5P llq lLo ee lLt rL{ t? Page 3 Avalanche Profile and x/y coordinates Bighom Lot 12 Raw Data in feet X-feet Y-feet 0 8600 100 8520 250 8440 310 8420 340 8410 360 8398 384 8396 421 8392 441 8390 481 8388 2622 2598 39 2573 52 2567 19 2564 10 2560 7 2560 7 2559 11 2558 6 2557 ',t2 38.7 28.1 1E.4 18.4 31.0 4.8 6.2 5.7 2.5 Avg Angle 38.7 32.6 30.1 29.2 29.3 28.0 26.3 25.5 23.8 Sheetl Data in meters Segment Data X-meters Y-melers L-meters Ang - Deg Sum L 0 39 91 110 't20 127 't34 146 152 164 0 30 76 95 104 110 117 128 134 147 Bighom Lot l2Avalanche Path ; 2600 tr ! ,uro .!i zseo IU 2540 2500 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Horizontal distance (m) lt"-t I Page 1 192 particl-es start fJ ton segnent.29? Srticles dePosited. c:\plk\bighorn lot 12.txt Path drops: 64 m Friction mu : 0.35 log M/D = 2.3a Randorn R = 0.200 Alpha = 26.2 degrees O Front stoPs at [ = L26 m -.-.--.-*--.-Front speed (max = 1"0.7 m/s) ---------Llean speed (max = 1L.7 m/s) -Deposition (not to scale) Exit and view distributions in your file c:\Plk\results.txt results Please note: all v-varlables are in meters/stcond.Please nottr all t-vaniables are in s€conds.Please nots: NP ls number of particles in packet. AVALAI{CHE EN TERI tI6 SE6I'IET{T NUNEER OF PARTICLES NOVIiIG NUNBER OF PARTICLES S TOPPED IIETERS TRAVELLED FRON S 1ART PACKE T e tl 5 b A I IO z 19e 0 36 t ril 0.51 t. 1t 1.6L a. sq 3, er 3. Al 5.Er{ 5.1? 8.51 3 e\ rl 0 50 PACKET tIII I{t 7.L7 e 7,6b :l 6. I5 q a. h3 5 t. la L t. bl ? 10. 10 A }II. 5A r II. 07 lo Il. 5L vHr6H 1. A'l vLou 3. oo vRAl{GE b. 6q VIIEAN L, IO VSTDEV ?.11 IHI6H 7.27 tlou 0. 91 IRAN6E L. ?L tnEAN q. tl TSTDEV !.7I vHICH t5. 5?vL0ld t. f,e v RAiIGE 13. ?0 V}IEAN I}. EA VSTDEV E. 3L tlll6H le. oq tLotl 1 . !'l tRAl{6E rt, A?trEAN r0. 0?TSTDEV B.5q vHr6H ]3. E7 vLold l. f A vRAt{6E t 1,. LA viEAI{ 1.67 VSTDEV ?.13 tHI6H lE. O3 tLOt'J 5. 5A tRANGE h. 5}tnEA ta. 0r TSTDEV I. OL VHI6H 13. ?3 v Lott 0. 50 VRAN6E IA. A3 vnEAil l. e5 VSTDEV a. ?a tnAX vllEAt{I,16 3.00 l.cL 3.00 a. 5't 3. 3b 3.er tt.f,e 3. f,1 5. e.l q,5? b.?8 s. Pq ?. 06 5. ra ?, le L. 51 A. ?a 7."1 1,r{6 ilP 5 a IA dI 2q aa AVALANCHE EI{TERI I{6 SE6NE T NUTI EER OF PARTICLES IIOVIN6 NUI1 EER OF PARTICLES SIOPPED NEIERS TRAVELLED FROI,I S TART tnAx 7.bL a. 1.5 t, L3 '1. ld 1. tl 10. l0 ]0, 5l ll. 07 It. 5h la. 0q vl,lEll{ 10. LA lt. 53 c.la r0. il rl. 30 11.30 lt. eL r,P, la 13. lB 14.50 l{P { I e3 qt qt PA ?t l0 AVALANCHE ENTERIN6 SE6IIEN T I{UIlBER OF PARTICLES NOVII{G NUNBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FROIT START { a3.l AE lro PACKET tNIil INAX r 1.54 10.17 a 1,0. l? 10. aa 3 10. ae rl. q? 'r ll. q? te. la 5 ta. te ]e. ?a h la, ?r 13. qt 7 1:t. q3 lq.oe 6 l,q. oa lq. 7s I l{,71 15,36 ro 15.36 lb. 03 vllEAil 1. 5q r0. 6I 10. ea r0. ?5 t.c? 1. ?6 L. d.t 0.00 e. g0 1.16 NP t0 IL qh r,th EL q? lq 0 I AVALANCHE EI{TERIN6 SE6NEilT NU}IBER OF PARTICLES IIOVIIIG NUII8ER OF PARIICLES STOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FRON START 5 a!t5 3{tll tnl ttl AX vllEAN 10.3? 1I.51 9. L0 rI.5I ta.h5 t.1l la. L5 13. ?t 1,?7 13. 7l l'{ . 9q t. lb lq.tq ]h.of, 5,Ia PACKET l e I r.l 5 NP I6 ?3 10 qa 6 Page 1 tHr6H 21. 7i tLou 10.37 TRANGE }1. $E tnEAil 13. lq tSTDEV 1. 50 b 7 a 1 results rh. ol 1?.24 I? . 2e le. 3h ]6. 3h lcl . 5l rt.5l e0. L5 e0. E5 e1. ?l 3, 05 a. 3b 0. 00 0. o0 r. 16 r 0 0 3 AVALANCHE ENTERIiIG SEGIIENT NUNBER OF PARTICLES N OVI I{6 NUNBER OF PARTICLES S TOPPED I,IETERS TRAVELLE! FROI'I START vHr6H 15 ' 0b PA vLoltl ?.27 vRAN6E 1e. 71 vll EAI{ 10. h5 VSTDEV ?, 05 tHI6H E3. 5I tlo!, 11. DL tRAfiGE I?. 5a tll EAI'I 13. Eq tstlEv l. bh AVALANCHE EN'ERIN6 SEGITEN T UNBER OF PARTICLES NOVIiIC NUNBER OF PAR1ICLES S TOPPE' I'IETERS TRAVELLED FRON START NAX-DEPOSIT NIil-DEPOSIT RAII6E-DEPOSIT NEAil-DEPOSIT STD-DEV-DEPOSI T Packet iax(m) l'l in (m ) I 15 50 e l,0l 15 3 !0L 10r '{ 111 loL 5 lrh lll L lee ltE 7 !?7 lea r 13a ra? r 1!A 134 I0 ltt3 I3t PACKET ININ l ta. 1l a I?. b? 3 }3'rb { 13. bq 5 lq. 13 b rq. hl ? 15. Ol 6 r5. 5A .t tL. 0h !0 th. 55 rrt{ tll^x v IiEAN 11,0h 1?'rl 10'hr re,3l 13.5? 11.r0 13. s? r{.la 11.07 ]q. aa IL. E? 1.?I rL.0? r?.17 7. ql L1.12 16. 5? h. q0 1r.5? 11. ta E. qe rr.aa e}.04 0.00 el. o! ?e. !3 0.00 e?.33 P3.56 b.]a tllAx vl'IEAN le. L7 b. s0 t3.rh b.51 lr.Eq b'01 }'t.13 h'01 1rr . bl b. 85 15. 0c 5. ?{ ls. 56 5. q5 rh. 0b q. 3rl lL.55 3'3b l?.03 3. aL h aqh 3rt l?h NP A5 l3 eq L 3 0 0 ilP t 1q ea l5 3L 3e la I? q ct a ?0 133 CKET a 3 q E h 7 t I t0 vHIGH 10. qtt vLoll 0. '15 vRAl'lGE 1. q5 viEAN 5. E3 vSTDEV 1. 66 tHr6H 1?. 03 tlord le ' I5 IRAN6E q. 6q tlr EAN r{. sa tSTDEV 1. 0q IUNBER OF PARTICLES NOVII{6 I NUNBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED ?-N? FASTEST PARTICLE SPEED AT FRONT !I'1 FASTEST PARTICLE SPEED (ANYIdHERE) I5'? ALPHA aL. a dEgrees neters mete r s meters meters m€ Eer s Particles 7 5 L I a z9 ll3 rl rl fi/s n/s lrt3 131 t0 Page 2