HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN TOWNHOMES TRACT A UNIT 2 LEGAL.pdfv ii "!'il, r itGNtitu! r -li /t !t .t\l'Ja :Jn.i'Y , .- -s\ !.L"!' -"* t! .1 ;,"/ .\,'/nn),*'l^" ,'r,f s/l-,-/ -e v\. i J cr.i TOWN OF VAIL Department ol Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 | 38 FAX 970-479-2452 wwvc i.vail.co.us June 5. 2002 Chuck and Margie Bernardi 4424 N. Hermitage Chicago, lL 60640 Fax: 312-829-1356 Dear Chuck and Margie, The Community Development Department has reviewed your application for a deck addition located at 4708 E. Meadow Dr. / Lot 1, Block 7, Bighorn Townhomes. Unfortunately, I am unable to approve your application at this time. According to the information you submitted regarding the dimensions of the deck, it will encroach into the setback further than is allowed by code. In addition, you must submit a drawing of the deck which will indicate how far above grade the deck will be. Because you are proposing to encroach into a setback, a stamped partial survey or ILC of the deck location'is required to ensure that the regulations are met. In addition, a site plan which indicates tree locations is required. According to the Town Code, a deck at grade may encroach 10 ft. into lhe required 20 ft. setback. A deck 5 ft. above grade may encroach 5 ft. into a setback. According to the plan submitted, the deck will encroach approximately 12 ft. into the 20 ft. setback. And no information is provided as to whether the deck is at grade or 5 ft. above. Please submit revisions to the Department of Community Development. Should you have any questions, please do nol hesitate to contact me at 970-479-2369 or by e-mail at aochs@ci.vail.co.us. I would be glad to explain our regulations further. Planner ll Town of Vail Siqcerely, ; lv - Y-7-- -Allison Ochs. AICP {p *"n""'o '^'"o Project Application ro. Date &"afur /5 /n/ /a4 4ra ProJect Project Contact Name: Description: Person and Phone ,rc( /r'U. Owner, Address and Phone:'/t,5, rtj Lega|Descript|on:Lot-.B|ock-'F,|ingaTrad2A'z"".nu/4x'_7n,7 t-^--^^+-. /')/ / ^ '.1 '/') t fflnn -t/''"- 7/ O , Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded APPROVAL D ISAPPROVAL by: {r;L/tSure Summary: Date: Staf f Approval 0CT-89-'91 t,lED 16:31 ID:EBCT] II{C TEL NO:1- FA)( TRAN$]II]TTAL Ebeorrre- 6942 Wtst Higgins Av€nue Chlcaoo, llllnols d)6S6 (31217t+9/12 FAX # lS12lr74{':!W Hectd FRoM s3a8 Pg1 6h '' 6' / '-vz" -t./ !-./a -) ..r .-' , ;- 3L2-7744up,o DATE ,s ''Tt'u-*' c-+.ct l),..is- A)J: L",^-, REFERENCE TSTAL PAGES 2_ .l- -io s.) is Vc-n [.7 +-hn]- i,^,^ \\ ' it ^- R, R0,, (-,., L,',"* \"^. t '..rln /)LL\ 4., n"--r ''a 1.4...- l*--tt..r you - *_-_"\**) .lr., B . tr B,--,..-*i., .' C-.*.".,\ D, . f, Y\"- {-"n-<t <nt..losL4L (-f ,tf, .l l-"4 Ar-.- J, , -1 t1.,, r AJ ; l s /,".-lJ LY lo-tl-7i'. E,t/ 8..*4, JTHFtr AT4FCI,{D to tS- f/ t]cT-E:l-'gl tED Lt,/Os,/'AL OSrbV 5l llcu kr,. L Y . 16!32 ID:EECD It-E EsglJzcb{ TEL tn:1-31 tat l'tsY qrnT RIPPY CONTRACTOR$ INC. "New Ccngtrwuon - Remodel . Reprlr'. P,O. Eor tt9 Edwudr. cotoredo 8i632 9:6'3615 F X g2Fe65. t+ sL-l) 1o-3i-11 t 5i N(;l:tli;LY, Ir ILL 6Elrf'tAftt fJ !iTNCERELY. C,'at-*a# 2-T?4-62A o 05..Oct -91 fo r{||rtr{ IT |{A? C0USERH, 'TIPPy UUNI.IiAGToRS, INt,. HAg SEET{ GOTTRACl.b.IJ 1.u cc,xsTRUST A T,UI.tPSTER El|cLtt:5lER FoB BIGHOhN contronrnrutts AT o'lla HEADot{ tftrvE. THE Gorrrgl(:T ATiFEEhENT T! EETI{EEI{ ITIPPY CO!|TNACTO'{$, ]NI,. qATTUL OIUK & EILL EERi{AFOo. L a,*PLA LY ,,/ 4 Vm#rqf ll l'cl{AE:L g. kI',PY' fr,4L//- fi3@ PBz t4w2 C^HOL DIUK ta I o"l lE1,q',,-1 ffil | :- .'. '.rl / - -/ :sili.tJ i#Siirfttr?Loc I c MATE R 'ALS' I NrE R P R ETE D' GEOLOGIC LEGEND ALLUVIUM: POST ICE-AGE STREAM DEPOSITED SOILS, MAINLY TORRENTIALLY BEDDID SANDS AND GRAVELS. COBBLEY AND BOULDERY, IN A SILT OR CLAY MATRIX. AVALANCHE AND DEBRIS FAN: FORMED OF SOILS DEPOSITED BY AVAHNCHES AND DEBRIS FLOWS, BOTH HIGH ENERGY EVENTS; MAINLY SILT, SAND, AND GRAVEL WITH ABUNDANT COBBLES AND BOULDERS; ERRATICALLY BEDDED. GLACIAL MORAINE: GLACIER-DEPOSITED HI|EROGENOUS MIXTURE OF SANDS AND GRAVELS IN A SILT MATRIX. WITH ABUNDANT BOULDERS. OUICROPS OF MINIURN FORMATION SANDSTONE. LIMESTONE OR SILTSTONE. 0 500 1000 2000 - SCALE IN FEET -1,-,'-o''''lt W r#iiftili _1,\\\l,N\\..: rN 't---:'ii, ., \r'i ii;'- \].\u#-,i+:i,,i1 .,','-jj' '- "r)) 'ilii:" .i\( :^.:'.'f , , ) ,,,,ii$..1,, rn[;:J l\llw --- | / \_---- .---.- ._ tt*:._:.--'--.--E.S ,----7 :1J77 /ft /i,',i \iiilr,/,i \',\\ t,\',\i\ \' \'li )r'$,\l ;,liiii/jl: i:"'\-.-\ iil til I ,l ,l I I '.$' ii$$\ r**- tl i(l!.t.'ia-t' .,'' , ,l..a':.i. R.J. IRISH CONSULTING ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST, INC. GEOLOGIC SKETCH MAP BERNARDI RESIDENCE AND VICINITY EAST VAIL. COLORADO DATE: 5/2o/o2 NO.: 576 JOB FIG. 1 erl t-l tu u"*&*D 1 I :t -_t I rrl I J-t () I )t r IE \s*€Kts) \N >o _K ._. I X? Pr-f !K + R---j i \\U. H:- ,\./ ---:-:' -,., ) $ F ss.Eb _ '*I Yi +\N "\ Rs \\E *N N n\ h) 3o r- '-!\: :,j S: I' "! '.-l I d .t: t 9eo / ./ W F' roPd .r'n .)-\ n ,-1 f\\-.z \----' \--' \-/ ?lt$o I o o o ua% n:ij 1. "!.r / OO t ^{f 4 / - .44. ?5' 'wr')> Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us DRB Number: DR8020135 Particapants: OWNER BERNARDI, CHARLES W. & MARGA05/10/2002 Phone: 4424 N HERMITAGE CHICAGO IL 60540 License: APPLICANT BERNARDI, CHARLES W. & MARGAOSILO/2002 Phone: 773-784-03571312829-1330 .1424 N HERMITAGE CHICAGO IL Cwb4323@msn.com 50640 License: ProjectAddress: 4718 MEADOW DRVAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: Block Subdivasion: BIGHORN TOWNHOUSES Parcel Number: 2I0ll24O2OO2 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovalz 081I5120Q2 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005503 All materials and colors must match existing Cond: CON0005504 ILC required to conflrm that deck will be less than 5 ft. above grade and no less than 10 ft. off the property line. Cond: CON0005505 Geologic Hazard acknowledgment form req'd at building permit. IOI4,NM Project Name: Bernardi Residence Project Description: Deck expansion I ' Planner: Allison Ochs o*r r.to: $25o.oo Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a buitding permit application refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The poect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Description of the Req Nrr r-l h stn <,, ^{ h ",,,,. I i' I \..t t TOI,IIN N$'q" \t \$ ;Jl:lt"/ \ri ["$i od physicar Address: +1 O(Lkl Lq ooN n r I '14J Parcel No.: & /O / /A i 0 J,,00 a (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Phone: -?-l 3 -?+-o3.5-7 Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: C Mailing Address: 94*6 E-mail Address: - Ltq $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landsc:ping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landxaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans Design Review Board. No Fee qJ330 /d- .e-re -l1fl- %X Lot"tt'3 Type of Review and Feel tr Signs D Conceotual Review tr New Construction tr Addition Minor Alteration ( m ultFfamily/commercial ) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request { tr D uest: 4 Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: F:';ff*56",,1,y' cn",uno..11 BLI ay, arreadv approved HgmilTAf{ g 1002 O5/Ael2ASZ 13:66 36367 SUSAN STEARI€PAGE 82 BIGHORN TOWI{HOUSE ASSOCIATION. INC. C/O SusanA. Steqm5, Vp and Treaswer 2902 Evergleen parkway, #2 12 Evergreen, CO 80439 303-674-7041 May 8, 2002 Design Review Board Vail, CO Re: Unit 2A - Deck Expansion Dear Sir or Madam: The Bighom Townlrome Homeowner Assooiation has approved rhe deck cxparuion improvement for the Bernardi Unit 2A. The Bernardis sent informition re their proposed-deck to all of thc homeorrners and two of the homeowners reqrrested additional irformation and upon review of the additional infonnation felt that this would be a beneficial inprovement to the Bemardi unit and would not prejudice any ofthe other homeowners, Since no objection has been rais,ed 1o allowing the Bernardis to orpand their deck at this time, the Association has approved it. In fact, this Association encourages the owners to improve their properties. Tharrk you for your attention to this matter. If you haw any questions, please call rne at (970) 479-0476.'k,zA Vice hesident and Treasruer cc; Rick Patten, President 42558 o Ci\wD*h\UGXORN\CORiESpOtDGttr tr.r, l,o{rd Da,rldiu,Dd JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER IOI4NI I, (print name)a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description)I Drovide this letter as written I of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Va\Community Development Depaftment for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted I understand that the proposed improvements include: &-C g \.ADtlt Rc'( ttr^ca ,, ,a !r10k E I fufther understand that minor modifications may be made to olans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes a regulations. (Signature)(Date) Vof ItkqA P.( E-s/,/01 Page 2 of L2/02107102 1.; IOI4AI MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREM ENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS ,Q Stamped topographic survey*, if applicable trl ( r Site and Grading Plan, if applicablex -o Landscape Plan, if applicable+ X Photos or drawings which clearly convey existing conditions* 7 Photos or drawings which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s)* Ua - o Exterior color and material samples and specifications. Lighting Planx and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicable Written approval from a condominium association or joint owner, if applicable The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, draWings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please suhntil three (3) copies of the nrute als noted with an asterisk (*). D x a Topographic surveyi o Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor o Date of survey o North arrow and graphic bar scale o Scale of 1"=10' or L"--20')o Legal description and physical address o Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain)u Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey o Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationshio to the established corner.o Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information. D Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions. o Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty- five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.u Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals u Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. D Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc. ).o All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).D Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) Page 3 of 12102/071o2 rof/ r^,+ v Co\Plut, <,.{loscD X 3 0lcus of D Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback)o Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable W Sewer Gas Teleohone Water Electric a Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc.n Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. Site and Grading Plan:f, Scale of t"=2O'or larger a Property and setback lines o Existing and proposed easements I J ^ tr Existing and proposed grades tv'r'l . tr Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.o All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height.r Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade. o A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uohill direction. LJ Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures.u Proposed surface drainage on and off-site.u Location of landscaped areas.o Location of limits of disturbance fencino o Location of all required parking spaces o Snow storage areas.D Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.o Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 6'feet in height.B Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable Landscape Plan: N n o Scale of 1" = 20' or larger " D Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. o Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading.o Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs.D Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover.u Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction.o Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. D The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material followinq its installation. Pase 4 of 12/02107102 i+ltaf*aa*aaaaaaa*'3*+aaaa***f*aaa**+taaar*tt+a*tf++++aft*taaaara+*+rt*ta+a*atttraar*a+aaaa** TOWNOFVAIL, COI-oRADO Srar€rncnr fattaa*ftllfarrtfaalaall*t+ataa*ltraftattata+at+atf*+tttffft*t**ttaa*t+aa*ttttaftlttfttfatt*ta Statement llunber: R00000246? Anounr ! 9250.00 OS/29/2002O9:20 Arrf Payment lteuhod: check Init! dIAR NotatLon: 7823 gernardi Permit llo: DRBO20135 Type: DRB-ltinor Alt, CorEn/Mul"tt Parcel lto 3 2L0LLZ4O20O2 Site Addreee: 4718 I'tEADOtf DR VAIIr IrocatLon: Total Fees,: 9500. O0 Tbis Pa)tment: $250.00 Total AIjJ ttnts: $5OO.OO Balance: $0. O0 a*at*+t*f*fal*l+t*+t*fl*t++***l+***a*f++fiftttatfr+++tr+r*t+altrtart+*aaat+ttfa'.a*t*tt*t****l ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEhI FEES 250 .00 a' a*+*allt++a*'i'itfa*f*tta*a**l+lrta*t++aarlaa*t*fala++l+aaa*faal'.a'f*+*l*++*tall+rfl**+*lat*lffa TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO State,m€ot t'i*+*fl**laafa*laa***l**a**l*a*f*l**f'}*l+*lf*lalff*ala*t*alaat*la*tarf+****f***f*++aaaf*a**a Statenent Number: R000002340 Amount: $250.00 O5/L0/2O02O42L7 Plt! Palment Method:Check Init - JAR----ii::=---': Notation( ??84-Bernardi Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addreee: Location: This Palment:$2s0.00 DRBO20135 Tl/I)e: DRB-Minor Alt, Conm/lfirfti 2LOIL?402002 4718 ME.ADOW DR V?\IL h;- ' p1'/"t'h'Total FeeB : Tota1 ALIJ Pmta: Balance: $2s0 - 00 92s0.00 $0.00 'i*+{t+a*i+att*l+'}l'**l+*'}**l+*+**aa*+t*l*+***l***'}***f*f+**t*++a*l'*f+'}t}tllflal*ft*'t'}*a+****l+* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on Current Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEIJ FEES 250.00 o Existing and proposd contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. |. Lighting Plan: ruaq , s Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.q Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area o Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. REPAINT PROPOSAT.S For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: / o Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color numbe(s) ( o Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. \ , siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc,) The following is an example:Y of sro<, fq rl ./. I t,roroelfo r',a*,.1n ex,c+,g [seae utLaratll \)/ Page 5 of I4ozl07l02 PROPOSED MATERIAI.S Buildino Materials Tyoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Notes: Please specifr the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Hand or Deck Rails n t t ., Ll _l ^.- , , t .---' -: .f$,^xoo /x tl *o6o*ch.x,s*',.1. S E46uu_<.rA.1 (E Flues ro;r,{ ^ ,,r-'sr'!g) Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Page 6 of L2/o2l07l!z PROPOSED I.ANDSCAPING PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED \:ou q Minimum Requirements for Landscaping : GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGANON TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 5'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Souare Footaqe Please speciff other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of LZl0a07l02 UR- +c cl ,slq Na,oo \) u', { rA* lotJ_s utcre_{ qu eo I oea<A, +; lbaoM p ArJ { V snprp^}e,fo urruw LocArroN ".#;#fl tJ encA s'S5t-q*,lr-. zW {"( This form is to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The locaUon and availability of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date QWEST 970.384.0238 (tel) 970.384.0257 (fax) Contact: Jason Sharp EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 974.262.4077 (tet) Contact: Brian Sulzer HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.949.4556 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4024 (tel) 970.262.4038 (fax) C.ontact: Kit Bogart EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANTTATION DISTRICT} 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.949.L224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) C-ontact: Floyd Salazar *Please provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utility locations must be obtained before diqginq in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildinq permit is not a Public Wav oermit and must be obtained seoarately. Page 8 of 12102107102 4-22-02; I: ssAM; AWEST FROH I Ir l$lhordl|Fntllil DlD O ;97O 3A4 O257 * 2/ ?,o3/@3 2?@4-22 16rs2 fia6'l uTtutv Loclltil YEtncrnoi 1l* @! b b uedry enda nd.tGy rnd ffin fti rs corlstn6n ild CEots D. rr3d h glf*:grlqlg vo,r rdftr Fn dd so:a*rs ErhqE TfG ffii rl-mduny a l,EEc+ x,ttcrE nlt rt fiah t'r'trk !n€3 tr pllFral lrr, aut bc aproal ffil rqfid by l'l.'folh,frrg riulu€ flr the lq|lFffthg e dbo.- qf{tf e7oj8{.e38(Et) 91039|.015, (fa)@ JrenCFp E(GE.}UGH PRESEURE GAS 97O26'L40,7'(gt co'rHt ldtfiShr l4t cnols Et Eclilc Assc- 9ro.9fr.5a2(d) 970.91t.Si6(Er)qrttcl TdHrEry qCE. IIIERGY 9n 62.{O2r(ED 9,0.e62..1O3E (flx) Clnbct! Xlt SqEt Etqt ruvB urAlER & sAiltrAr!61 D6tRtC['gn$ft.7.&(d) 9ro.{76..t099 (tb) @rm; FredlElcG ATITNOADEIND 970.9{lLlZl{ x l|2 (d) 970,9.9.9130 (ril)Cqtrt Foyd S!l!a? at/-ZZ-7eaz tPte p.olrrb r sb Dbn, llcr glarrr and eblamr whrt ellGrhhg apptod fttrn ttc egh Rirtrwlt€r & Smlatbr DGUtt FrE llow ne66 msst be ad.bclsld il'Ia$ l. It Ut? ufllty veffeUon f\rm IlrB dgnaorEs frorn €dr of the rilillty qnpil*;s, and m onmerts at 9illa drecty ct lhe fum, the Torn wfl grcrrrrr Urtt lligr ara tD p.oblsrE rrU Ure dltcbgmcntcrn p?@Gc L ll a {!w S-e,rv l|a| corgns u,rnti urc FrFsnt crtsbrdoo, ute ulkt 3ppfcscnffirrc $.r ncc dr€6y oo the udltt qfidon fg.la $rt Otr! ts a gmtrtcn wlldt ;c* b Dc rcsdrd. Tie Esre stndd iEn bc &lrilcd h ao aHEt lDr tD thr Tfln dvlil. tFrurcr, glg: ta in m}rd $fr lt b trE re'Frffiy d the uUnt qrprfit end thc apptrtt b resotrtq HerilId plouerng- 3. Tlgc vcr{aadons do not tElarc Or concdr d thc rcspmrbfiV b ot'ah a puD[c wry FE rnf liom oto Dcoiltn€nt d Fr.tlts l{ds attlpTwm d VaX. tBl|brhimr|s mrr* be outnd fftn ftqqfna ln any gubltc fift+Frny a eergrt ui0rh the yun of Hl. l hHn{ raqfr.b rd e Ptalc sh, Errnh.rdmd.b. ffi s.Ftd!r. PqEBc l?Jo2,lt loz , RPR ,zz ?az? rE: zE FR ,, t*rro*NE HP s7a46B,o^ I lsrzBZsrssE P.B? P,a&5/O3 FRot'l ! t, trllrrrt-octlloi YE|E lcAllol ThE tqm b to crlt, rnde rnbtt trd bcthr frr rs orrtr&t ua dn U bc rd h ' cortlunaon rd0r pcglq pr rnny 9m eO #*r9 EliEr. Tb ffir rd nHty cf ufltls, rrtdrr $q rc tdn Uwt hct a gnfC he, mtd h snlgtcd ail wilH ly tll lultiflig rdtG ht $n srprftn rilt plan- 29o2,@4-2 1e'!55 &tqht-flhr[f! eilt QUyESr groJ8.l-@38(d) e7ltJs{.ult (fu} corac r|FnslEp ECE-HIGI{ PneSsnE GeS , 9r0262-4,,7r lttl)Cmott Bnbn9tbr r€LvcRos EraclRlcAsg(rc.' 970.9€.58!12 (d) e70.e{!,.rs€i6 (ft!) ConM: TdHtcft EXE SfEn6t 9m.Z6ai$lr (t!l) 90.262.{03(tu) Cor{DGt: Xk lqm EAO.ERnRW ltR agilrrrnol DISTRICT 9r0.{?6,?4s (Et) e70,{E 'to8g (fa) Cortt& FEdt{EtE A'If,Tm,oADE XO 970.910.124x ll:l (H) e70.9{e.9r$ (iD) Ccth* fuSrllat rFlse ,rrwlde a sfts glan, ilr Cil, alt eErrdqrs rt=r ohr'nirq appiofd lban ilf, &gh lup; fymr & Smlbtbr Dlsbfd, Fhe nrr n6 md !c ddrst TIOTEi: If t'tc rlufyverllbtbr lbn tug 3lgnmr€firoflr ecn of UE dfu .tntFtl5, md m dnrnerrtr are rn&h drE[tt on EE lbdn, tte TOrn wll Fswrrc fiet tlElE '|e |D p|EbE rs ud tlt dendEFflert can F Ed. lf a uilty @rgenv ha oErr rlntr UE FoFcd orrrtrdon, dt rdfy rrgcrrnuure drrtl ttc dl|lrtt qt tfi. udFt rsfldon lbrn rhtl I'EG tr t r.EuGn rrilEn ncc6 U h reh,ql. The Euc sfsid t,tt E ffi h rn actEd h|E E ttE Tqn dv.[- r{oK. gbe fE?h mh.l ttst lt E fE rEstr,n#tt d BE WfO oflpav ard EE q*art ur 'edyc ltnulcd Preblcmi. Thcse reillqtuas dg nd rgtsGdr omaof $t rcsFrdUIV o gunfr q PtDftlTryFatlrt Itqn BE DepE UtErt d hJtft rirE at ttr Toiln ol VaI- lfihhilms ms hffiH-Dr&A tt$bg h trU glilk dgftd{€ycertllEtwlhh the Tq'fln dl/b!. AX!|ffmtS-Ont-l . P.gr I €f tuo?rty'ol 4-zz- oz XX TOTAL PAGE. @? XX ePR.?Z.eA@? 9:54Rt1 FROiI t HOLY o CROSS VNIL NO.B7e P.1 lartB lw9 P.B/A4 2,O4-22 :. utllrw|.ocltzoirltl;Elllor ltE flnlr ! b f,fr ivE n*mt rlt Errhl fu ru $trrltt |l! dDuE E rd h =I-1G F ilr{t rcr ilr-t-r rrl 5Efi ffi!, ilr ror rr rnFDlv of gs!",!t*! tirV-rr fi*r !nn[ Inp lgpa nr, nrr f rylrl rr Efid lr Urs ' lh'ilf rtrtE il Et E rFilrr! t psa r qresT t / 9t!-Ftfizt(ttl) 9'!.:54.@!''(fi)ffi bng|rp EEE.IIEHPNE$REGAS 9rA-Jf|rcgn(gt ffinm3tr rnvcrEEttrcrssc. cru9re.sBa(il,to.trlt.gl(h)qEl Tdft*t EIE. EECV tE:cz.Ef (E)EtO.f2rE(ir)e€cb xf,Fgrt EActEnlutwAlt tsr[f TUl OIsIFEF gruEr'F(E )g[.ril.{G(k}Arre Ht{rb AIIT'loIDl^rc 9O.Or9.lil2{ z lq (U) er0.9.l9.$34 (Et) onEE ruS.bt e|luulra.grllE efr lo tazfttc! /tteg2pp Sezou Daaft 4- 22- OZ --. .FFE pul5e t-ft,|t1 hr pln, rnd lh&rs rrfn cH*rg rpnrd ltqn h E=h thF U|eEr f SmEdor DltE ||! lbr lrt rrutt bddrr=d rollt: a l- ltir |cel uilctbn brn fE dgn*'ls tqn Gdr chc rfrt cnrFnt+ rnd rc c.nmmE lrr mA tldt qt ttr fqm. lhc Torr rrl Fartt |h* l|llr fr lp pre!tsrE lrd Ue tf,rdrynsttrn5rrrrd,- 2- tr e ullty ottpluy har qsrr ddr Utc Flid q*rdpar h! rrrht cpr:-natla +rtl tE tll'Eiy oll tlL Limt sffir lbrf| ttl* ttrr F r tolL'n rttktt rd b h csita Tm lh|. $lorJE ttsr ts &[d h en ffi F D tlr Tsn C v|il |silG,, Dl.E lltQ .h tnlt d* f E t|I rqcilf d ttE |llmt drpsfrt I|d Gl .rflnt b rdrc lhrftd FlEtlrr. 3. Tt- arlElotls do tE r*i tr alrfiru c tlf tcF|lrrry b oEh . tutk ffit rutnE trlm $r DT]t'rt d tuil htr t tFTwn dwl $ry.Effi-durts Ettu'd ts{E|!tEE ln -U F tE dgntd{y r rsr,Gt wrfih Ut Ym d ybl. A-tsSb-ui.h-cll h*1Otil E gGdffrtb ffi rFltsf,. PETEGf taqw@ RPR 25 'A2 LA':ffi FR FF'Oi1 : t, E?@ %2 4838 TO Et3L?f29L51,4-99A P,A?/Z? W-22 1:; at eqro P.a3/@3 4a4'oa- PSCO o SIL\ERTHMNE utlltwfocrtrltl'lrlilc uot lhts frn t3 rD urry *t rkc rm rd Eln lu_rs q&rrlbr ld cEl| bG td h ' qUriOon *,, f.ip*f nr,lry-Crn rO lltElt ftlttrlitrs. Th lEtEt. tI| ilItrtltt 3a d-a ffi -uri ar-abtr srrt f,s r cqd fE+ ilrrt Dr ryo''d iu €-:td t t* ffi|eurcbltlutFllrrllEDh- A!&4.lrndlhiltlr EF etEf 910.38.183(d) 90JB{E5,(to) Cctrh flsu|gEp DcE l{cn}nEsgnEcrs ,m.&37r(gt cdEl|lSttur t0YcRFBrCrrrcrsec- Ett.gfi.slt2(b{ r7G9{r.'86(h)ffi ru}fi*t EE686Y tt0J6a,l0}{(ts|) 9r0.f6a{!8 (fr)ffil: llf8oett ErdrffrEw tftas isrAllul oEillCF eorrctlo(d) ttD..rr5.or(b:)6rE frrlHr= A'TITSOIDAATD YrD.ttre.Ilxx ttz(d) SrD.9m.9F8(r{)@: tuydbbt .bs gnride f $t gLft, lbd 9|r|r, lnd tlldidrs wtEt €ld*tg a0p|oi€f fvqrt E e E glc Rlycr Wdcr' & SatElbr D6tkL Ft! lht tEG did E Sl5at. JlOltS! f E|e tluty vffii hm hu Stt*rcs futn €dl c?|'|c llltlv gtted*+ Btd no cf,rrlreflC 3j rrEth crunty m dre fFfn, dil Toirll ufll grc,rE dtrt OtctE ul lP F.!ilenE atd tt|C dachgnrft@nr.c-{. f e Ufty st|F||t trlr efE'n6 rrm !E ptogd (glSIStt, !s r'ftI rr9.4iltltirE thril nC Ot*ry oi rti t*y ycriBr fu'ttt thf $Ec b i Itob'n rft€r ]tIds o h nshtn- TtE bq. dolrd ttqt h eH h rn lhd EErrE rhfqn dr/s' l{acvs. C€e lFf h rffi Ortt t E U? t!*qsfity cf Ul uiltt r|r|Pr|' ttd f,D .DFb,tt to 'Esuf,t? En[tH !rcUEits. PNGE. UB TOTAL PRGE.@ 3 IlF ycrttcrkrs dO not rrhEttrefirb,d tt: lGgacfrhrt! dElt.RrHc rrr.v tuitft -- nrir Urc O+rUl *d Pttts IW|s nftTryntf lfilL ltltt@ tgllB h a|ry Fr* tlott{f{y c smrt rrtdrftr Src "orn dYbf' ^ hl4&Fflnt h-ld r h-lE"h2 Ed-dtilrE b oabhrl 6d- PEpt Gf rryqrot E m. zz 'az ta,?s APR-23-02 l2:Ol FROM. E . R. W. &S . D,I D.97O47Ei4OB9 PAGE 2/2 ulalwlErtnrmrru Tili ttno bb *rry -rbalffi -d EIE ru @rErd tnll| b rg h ' @n|uF.r!|ril1r grgrg gr rfr Ft r|!sa-t5 ffilE it rurrG s { uE+ rtdE f|Ef' n mll urr* ZE s ffi h=f' qF ts affod ril {rft ry ul ft|lftud]t-kB-nFfrnSgb- ItrgA!|.SElE nllr It , grE.9r9,sgP(Ell Eil-eo.{56(rn)qrrE TdHt4t EI.EECF6'- , gmff4{ef(Ell t one.{@(H qE' rtgolFt qu,tr ftoil@(ql 9651p57(|u) OnEt ErslEP dg-lmrP€*rnEGig tu.xit{ut7Gt orEGlhs,E lGveGEtrnc,rs. , ffiwflal!il[IATul rk\5rep'e- 4-\! eucsoq$ss*ew\ oa*c$*€*1'' gArtGJ.S(ut ',q.ffi..G}(80 \447 qEl Ht{Gb f,IfTnoE[P t Ded.{Air ll2 (d} 9rsoG9l38(til) @nE Hqd$l rEGe gorh. c f,tt lb Fh, dd rbldhts dst elfa lFod tiqtr dE E* ltr WlE t gntrbg| ottE- FlElr tEGtnd be$tsd. FI]E L trt'. ucy wrtlclur hrr lr= *l*,t' ftlr| dr dure Q gn9f*+ ril F0 gEre|G ra .t* &€dt ql Ute bttl, tlc Ya tf, ge=u: fut tHl tc lE Ft*til G llE ttutbtrEtcr pud' L t a dk ocrr9ary hrs ganrs urqft !l Edqad dgEudn' 6E rry cgc-tdrt sH ne aldt 6 UE t& E l6tEl ftt! UE3 dE b s Fothm d*i o+:tt D E JldtG'. TE Enr dFdd tlEl E rlltEl Ir on dt|| fr ul dl rHt dr'd. l5lt|c, cae tr+ h rtr dU! r 13 u: nry|lE t'trE |lry drlFrrt fd dl lffi b r$r lhnfrd trrE 3. Ik *rHar |5 rd flG,e trE GsltsTF C tt? t€9aafDry b ffir a Prl*W7tEtnt llulr dr llF lncntc, hfr EE r, tnTilr dval tltEl4r |[qF q$tu ifqg It ait F*dffit rcGelttt€t|r EcTilr dt4 A.tsth.IEdi8r -FFtor wefittoz APR.?3.?Aq? 733ZlRl1 FRUN i TCI o errllf.0a38 9t03er.0e!n (tul , e{lFt br$lP RVON COLO NO.42@ P.?/?2,O4-A 1lt !.1 F"Z P,A3/a1 ullrlltf,rlnErFprr-r . tlt! |bqt b b_f,w srb.f,l*Ft nE b+r tilr qtr&r rd fiuE b rd r|qil$-br r|Ir FrF D rar,fiD tn lt trftffrj talrHa.=ld;ffir trt rntulr d -':JDts' t4f F ng-;or: lr= c rw ri$-,t"d-rnw fr--d-ffi -lffitrq tttG ht|: qmayhe t Dtin.' rr$nHlri|Fil Sl I E(CEL IIIGTT PIESEIJRE GrS , g',nzgi.'p2,(A CltC iLo$E TFLVGTGg ElETrrc.^s./ 9to.9l9.50tt (!t) f7u,}lNr.lt6 (ftql com+ H}try EGDI. TER6Y ' 9q252.r1![1(d]gro:Ezlrr3(fb) Onht mEltd urAEtsr[TATHl " Erslttffr s'o.rtqr{a(d)gro-.t 6.{G(t!)6tGtul|rb l'Ir"IErHro ??9.I?.Fr!*ua (d)97!.'|''tlt(h,ffi fgxlSrhr t1-77-a> En rye r t ilrr- fbr F$, ril *uErE wtn oEfig .DF ad fim tF Eth RrE wrcl e'$nrdh dtnE ;hrbi iib'nnd LCC. -'r---- --r xorls t.t, lf U|. nlfty_vrfrer lbq tE +n+E frilt dt ddr |rD qil||q r||' |D strrl|b :S lr* ffiy n uE ttm,, ft ro,rn rr p:urr dc ltrl ir n-nut il' dic gE|tirElqnFr z r ! fl-?"J_ L€E! G,-fr Fp anrurEr Er rD rqrElln!|r rr =.4!9 t:_n .fr_r|4nsc ttn il ltl - | trsrrr ilt6 tE tD E Egp.:Mita =EE ilr r ilk in |lr IEEII rDD $lfr|il d-rrl. rfnr', ]-I! E h nlE df, f b [. ffi d Ur Unt' q'fl''r ]u Cr Ttrfi E r* nnftd Fn;.rE E::{rrrgg{t|hi 0r q{'!!5 r q! rFffi b orirr I n* w Eilr FllfTT. tl"r. l!1!5[1pd. Fi* urb I tnf-cq.{ i*!-;ffi nErffiJfr '# tltFr-F rrr n* ldtt+lt a stn u6rh g1 ffim PrDNcf ltl|Pltrtn2 FR0l1 :qrTmt( zutLDERS FS( l.O. :9?884585? APt'. 16 &' U,Wt'l Pz --El*r*,*os-.6 .fhe gseo O* f3r,r+t*t.*)cus"- * - At 6. .$o*-a 7)R, Vosr t-l+t-a:** : FD( Fore*,s . --..rr.- Lx !-Q- .D o.rtS Fi4,q" 15o rsr Mxr.q,r*. ---*,.. tc-vuao> / l*.-* /u?qteir.,*t.G.- fu**-g,*tsnes . fl,et.+,*- tYffi.RtA L...-.. .---*rts A.tt--?---.EqQ*anoo C'+ e fra. -.(A{s--tars- -**-?/r'.....-6A.rrarvrz..eb D*".- S c1erar-JL FRTII Rpr. 16 UEP gB=57W1 n :q,JTHK zuILDERS FS( I.O. IgTffiEEN I/aopos6 bsr-< €rz-€,..rs,o^., 6a Beant*,>1 R6r oer.rcE +7a? €+sr tvl€*6o,., bc. 9rs- /*t-. 4ke-l Ltrl^1,Q 4eOn trra ^rO o h./ @l q I I I I & I I I I I & €xrs!,t*, Dercr v 1 CruTLf-rC, otr pevl bgc( Foo-?r*1\ FtTo Fg:/o WL \g \ \r ,a )o l\f<4;eeJoo Pdgg?.+o c-X/sl,*-,. De c,l< -----_--.- l*.on^ l) FfOrv--l uf0 5 <* L SCe_ uitr,0 R.lvresQ f rtr.+,lg fu. c.l__, a "*.9 fro.{- Uier"r) 5 e-- Stoc uKi*, P,.*,Q: o{j1a\!1*i1t, I ?6,r,,(,Orrq 1l ri.r,r 1/-,1 ti n+.C .r # hq tLyoo.c?a4 Iuday 21,2002 Allison Ochs Planner II Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Ms. Ochs: Attached for your review is the Application of Design Review to expand the deck of our Bighom Townhonrc located d.4708 East Meadow Drive, Unit A-2. The dimensions of the expansion are I I feet by 12 feet, or 132 feet. This application was forwarded at the beginning ofMay, but was returned due to the need for the Geologic Study. We are there fore resubmitt ing. The geologic study completed by Robert James lris[ P.G., of Consulting Engineering Geologist Inc., was to be forwarded to you by Mr. Irish directly and you should have received by now. I arn, however, forwarding a copy to you with this application. This application includes the following as requested: Utility companies signatures. Sketch ofproposed expansion as provided by our builder. Footprint of Bighorn Complex with sketch of deck expansion included and drawn to scale. Pictures of existing decks. Pictures of our existing property with fron(east), and side (nortlr-proposed expansion deck) views. Listing of Materials to be used. Approval from our Association. Geologic Study We hope that everything is in order to proceed with the approval of this application Please feel fiee to contact us if the need arises. Yours ttrly,, \k/&# 4424 North Hermitage Chgo,Illinois 60640 7 7 3 -7 E4-O357Horre/ Work 3 I 2-829- I 330 7101 Wesl Yale Avenue No 601 Denver, Colorad0 80227 303 986-6658 R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. May 20,2002 Mr. And Mrs. Chuck Bernardi 4424 North Hermitage Chicago, lL 60640 Re: Engineering Geologic Hazard Investigation, Bernardi Residence, 4708 East Meadow Drive, Unit A-2, East Vail, Colorado. Job No. 576 Dear Mr. And Mrs. Bernardi: As requested, we have conducted an engineering geologic hazards investigaton for your residence at 4708 East Meadow Drive, Unit A-2, in East Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. This residence, a part of a quadraplex, is in the SE 1/4 SE 1/4 SW1/4 SE1/4 of Sec. 12,T.5 S., R. 80 W. Topographically it is on the southwestern side of the floor of a northwest-trending section of the Gore Creek Valley about 1.5 miles southeast of the eastern of 3 exits to the Town of Vail off Interstate Highway l-70, which follows the northeastern side of the valley floor. We have been advised that you plan to build a 11- foot by 12-foot deck onto the northern side of your residence. Our objectives have been 1.) to generally outline geologic conditions pertinent to the property, with particular reference to geologic hazards such as landslides, debris flows, avalanches and rock falls; 2.) to evaluate the probable impact of those conditions on the planned construction; and 3.) conversely, to assess the probable impact of the planned construction activities on the natural geologic conditions. During the course of our work we have researched published geologic maps pertinent to the project area; stereoscopically studied aerial photographs of the site and vicinity; and geologically reconnoitered the site and vicinity (on May17,2002). A geologic map, Figure 1 (attached), has been prepared to graphically present our geologic observations and interpretations within the study area and general vicinity. Site Geologic Conditions Sedimentary rock strata of the Pennsylvanian age (about 289 to 320 million years ago) Minturn Formation constitute bedrock beneath the floor and the southeastern slope of the Gore Creek Valley in the vicinity of the Bernardi residence. Although ledges of rock crop out along the base of the slope adjacent to this study area, for the most part the bedrock beneath that sector of the slope and the valley floor is mantled by soils derived by alluvial, glacial and slopewash processes. The bedrock strata of the Minturn Formation incorporate interbedded sandstones and siltstones, some of which are conglomeratic; shales; and a few thick limestone beds, one of which crops out as a low, narrow ridge near the base of the mountain slope adjacent to the Bernardi residence. These rocks typically are hard, strong, and thin to thick bedded, and prominently jointed, but the joints tend to be spaced several feet apart. These strata tend to be differentially weathering-weakened to a depth of several feet to several tens of feet. They are Consutant 1o Dese.efs Corlractors. Parners R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. believed to strike about 15'west-southwestward, thus into the slope, and to strike north- northwestwa rd. The bedrock strata across the lower several hundred feet of the mountain slope area adjacent to the Bernardi residence are blanketed by morainal soils. These were deposited by multiple glaciers that coursed down the Gore Valley from cirques located near the crest of the Gore Range to the east during the lce Age, which began in this part of Colorado about 2 million years ago, and ended only about 8,000 years ago. Morainal soils typically are an heterogeneous mixture of silts and sands with abundant gravels and cobbles, along with scattered boulders. Some of the boulders are quite large. These morainal soils may be 20 feet or more thick locally. Ground water seasonally flows within these soils, generally in a band immediately above the buried bedrock surface. As the morainal soils tend to have low permeability, flow volumes typically are small. The floor of the Gore Creek Valley adjacent to the steeply sloped toe of the southwestern mountainside from the vicinity opposite the East Vail exit from l-70 to the confluence of Gore Creek and Black Gore Creek about 2 miles to the southeast, ts aproned by coalesced fans of soil created mainly by deposition from avalanches and debris flows, but to some extent by "normal" flood waters. These have coursed rapidly and with high energy down 6 main (but unnamed) ravines that bisect the southeastern slope of the Gore Creek Valley along this 2-mile long northwesttrending sector of the valley. The Bernardi residence is sited on the northwestern side of one of these fans (Fig. 1). That fan is about a quarter mile wide across its toe adjacent to the Gore Creek channel, and about 1100 feet long from its apex at the mouth of the unnamed ravine to the Gore Creek channel. Avalanches are mainly snow, of course, but commonly carry quite a load of soil and rock debris with them. They form in a basin usually high on a mountain side; and follow a narrow ravine track, sometimes at velocities in excess of 100 miles per hour, to debouch on the floor of the main valley. The soil and rock debris carried by the snow fans-out across the base of the slope, and remain after the snow of the avalanche has melted. Debris flows are high-energy flows of surface water charged with soil and rock debris, forming a mud flow. The flow typically debouches from a steeply inclined ravine out onto the floor of a main valley, where its bed load is deposited to form a fan-shaped deposit referred to as a debris fan. Typically a debris flow is initiated as a landslide by localized, high intensity rainfall that quickly washes loose soil and rock from the catchment area of a ravine. A debris flow resembles an avalanche in its flow speed and oower. The avalanches and the debris flows that created the avalanche/debris fan on which the Bernardi residence is founded have formed-up mainly near the crest of the southwest of the Bernardi property in a steeped slope basin at the head of the ravine that enters the Gore Creek Valley adjacent to that site. The catchment area of that ravine ranges from about'1 500 feet to 2500 feet in elevation above the valley floor and about three-ouarters of a mile to the southeast. R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. The soils that form the fan on which the Bernardi residence is founded are exoected to be torrentially bedded silts, sands and gravels that are partly cobbley and bouldery. Thls deposit probably ranges to several tens of feet thick. Ground water is expected to saturate these soils to an elevation a few feet above the elevation of Gore Creek adjacent to the fan toe. They are likely to be subject to differential settlement when wetted. The fan soils are expected to be underlain by a series of glacier-related outwash and morainal soils, and by alluvial soils deposited by both the modern and lce-Age Gore and Black Gore Creeks. Those soils, expected to range in composition from silts, clays and sands through gravels, cobbles and boulders, reportedly have agraded the buried bedrock floor of the valley more than 100 feet. Assessment of Geologic Conditions Except for the risk posed by avalanches and debris flows, geologic conditions pertinent to the Bernardi residence site and vicinity appear to be benign. We found no evidence for landslides, rock falls/rock slides, or other potential geology-related hazards that should be considered in the design or construction of the planned deck addition to the building. The rock masses may tumble from the long ledges of bedrock at the base of the mountainside uphill from the Bernardi residence, but are unlikely to reach that site because of the travel distance--in excess of 200 feet; a slope angle of about 10:1; and a complex of other buildings between the base of the slope and the Bernardi residence. Debris flows and avalanches have been debouching from the unnamed ravine that heads in the mountain slope immediately upslope from the Bernardi residence site for thousands of years and are likely to occur intermittently and sporadically for many more thousands of years to come. The recurrence rate for either the avalanches or the debris flows, we conclude, has been long, although probably shorterforthe avalanches than for the debris flows. Both avalanche and debris flow are capable of severely damaging structures in their pathways. Fortunately the Bernardi residence is about 300 feet from the mouth of the ravine (i.e., the apex of the fan) and nearthe toe of the fan; and it sits behind another building, thus is somewhat protected from the direct surge of either an avalanche or a debris flow. Still the risk of the residence being impacted and possibly damaged by either type of flow during the next 100 years, we conclude, is at least meotum . The risk posed by either avalanches or debris flows could be mitigated by channeling the flows directly down the slope of the fan to Gore Creek, but this would necessitate an excavation across the property north of East Meadow Drive. Given the perceived level of risk to the Bernardi residence site we doubt that the risk/benefit ratio for that channeling is favorable. ' Our assessment of risk is couched in qualitative, empirically-derived terms (high, medium, and low). The state -of-the-geologic-art does not permit a rational quantitative analysis. R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. The 4O-mile long Gore Fault, a major mountain-bounding structure on the western side of the Gore Range, lies about 112-mile east of the project site (at its closest approach), the SO-mile long, north{rending Mosquito Fault lies about 7 miles to the east; the 24-mile long, northwest{rending Williams Fork Mountain Fault terminates about 18 miles northeast of the site; and the several faults of the San Luis Graben terminate (at their northern ends) about 28 miles south of the site. Some seismologists considerthese faults to be potentially active; but most seismologists, nonetheless, consider the risk of a strong earthquake generated by any of those faults or any other fault within '1 00 miles of the project site to be lowto insignificant during the next 100 to 200 years. This rs not to say that this part of Colorado is seismically quiescent, but the earthquakes generated by the reactivation of faults in this region should have small magnitudes. Earthquake intensities of V to Vl, with peak accelerations of 0 059, we conclude, are unlikely to be exceeded at this site during the life of the project. So long as the natural ground stability across the construction site is not significantly disturbed by large cuts and fill, or by seepage from impoundments of rain or snow meltwater, the planned deck construction should have no negative impacts on existing geologic conditions, hence could not generate any new geologic hazards. As none of these events is likely to occur during the construction or use of the planned deck, the planned construction activities, in our opinion, will not increase the geology-related hazard risk to other properties or structures, or to public buildings, roads, streets, rights- of-way, easements, utilities or other facilities. We have appreciated this opportunity to contribute to the deck addition. lf you have any questions, or would like to discuss any aspects of this report, please call. Robt. James lrish, P. G. Consulting Engineering Geologist Yours truly, -;,i_l a: -,.?f lF,\-,.?- i ,letrr ,..,r_:I Project Application Date ?.4 7/ Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and 77a //U/f 'At aZ F lt9pn4 rb rvsdryto At *r/as!z. dru___ Phone Atar)ar,./4D=Dr4?4/ Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: B lock &qAara fadnho't'"i' riting rfftr(/ 24 Legal Description: Lot Com ments: /r/u /t al/ru-*) a1/ttr' Design Review Board Motion by: fJfo boib 7c' a/Vxa,tc St'|'rl h cazct'ho''-' seconded nv' rt/ z+rr'!'/hV ,* r'a '*r't/L APPROVAL ( 4c(.5s /,(t qAS€^./€/1/D rt+nht Aatd / tukar/?n h,zzrr/s es Date DISAPPROVAL a{ /aac/+t, &, (d(raLu 7r' ?r Su m mary: /elh 'te,,ftll),6 ',l-prs r'le ftrrvrr/as 'r*rJ n(h(l ena tf //(uiA AJsauarrT 5lh iutrnY/ sshurfirqa,.'maskr El statt Approvat /anr&raprq -v v U 7-F?ACi'z a$ SCALE: I ", 2O' Tft'ACT /, ui,t;l- 3 / I hereby certify that this inprovenent location certificate was prepared for the rprtgage lender and the title insurance company, that it ls not a land survey plat or improvemnt survey plat, and that it is not to be relied upon for the establishment of fence, building, or other futur€ i mprovenent 'I ines. I further certify that the improvements on the above described parcel on this date, except utility connections, are entirely within the boundaries of the parcel , except as shfln, that there are no encroachrEnts upon the described premises by lmprovemnts on any adJoining premises, except as indicated, and that there is no appar€nt evidence or sign of any easemnt c-ossing or burdening any part of said parcel , except as noted. Thls certificate does not constitute a title search by Inter-l,lountai n Engineering to detennine ownershi p or easements of record. For all informatlon regarding easenents, rights-of-way or title of record, Inter-Mountain Engineering re'lied upon Americon Title Insuronce Compony ALT_ietrEc$Sjtlnent lto. 90-633-2. 6'i1*% /l!?A,-)i' '1 u;i;i- 4 qe /9,,/i. '1.3,: .,'t4 i: ,J\i :'" I I I 3,297. o.o76 UNIT / =I so. F7: rcRES or N0TICE: Accordlng to Colorado law you rnust conmnce any legal action based upon rny defect in this survey within-three years after you first discover such defect' In no eyent, may any action based upon any defect in th i s survey be comenced more than ten yea rs f rco the date of certiflcatlon shom hereon. LLOYD W. Reg]stered wi.i Fiiqsi, :".r."Si,<V li ,r ,,r'*(t, .\q, a ol e 1.h*- --.. /.ffifr!":i3"8> o !Inter-Mourtrin AEngrnecrtng Fo.Eor( 97E .r/06r.cq-craraco r3cr3r tae - tcrTe LaEl var\cE g"-rEtr L r(E\nCEElCcl.cItErS lld. r:Glr2s-or5a E idlrt|. - ADD SO.ETA ,6.EaJ.IMPROVEMENT LOCATIO|{ CERTIFIUTE rr.ao tlr __j 'GIGY h,90667 S AA'.- UNIT 2, TRACT A' BIGHORN TOWNHOUSES, TOWN OF VNL,EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO ffiu- s. t.D* rE' E-za-go rcE F L.W. p.Ett. l', , ZO. 625O*78 rfrr b toF I f{otttrt{ENT i;;:;,,h b"-----'- ,u*r3':a '/nv b,i * ---s 89 " 53 24-E - t60 0C LOTt BLOCK T r ; BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FIFTH ADDI TloN' j :i;.,,i',- ,r#'v '\ [R* \ " r\ 'r1o.\ Yo. \ \,"-\ uu"i". '8o.'o., \to \f.\6 o€.\o. arg, \ \'\\ s,-\i Ji Fl....E el F |*o..ll$lf E ({'/ l\I --/ / o \ HE ,& / o #,F*D .r --l l;f :: ).' -:l () -sl I ra ]t \ l: l-' l-r : l:-fi li:| ' t-\-- | - [:* l,'.1.t - l=-\l-. | -'l)_ 17 I'l_--I l\ l': ll lr F-- [r"'[I'F l;'l. t-l, . l>f - it'lj =-' l'-. lr)r 1,-" >R.K-ii: x z)+ S ft ," s.s i*n> --- ' ir R-SS .'N,A \ lt. \s B T B v, $ frt F $6 3.l ?; "!\: :d l:b '-l t-J I n\ -t> , 9eo .9 /'qq}-ll /s) \ 'i$ss\Eb .\F irR t\g_$ N\N s\3 F n ,-1 f) '\--' \-' \-'l s9 & aoAo *".^r]r $4$141,'i,<€a zs' H E' U F t! 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Or< OD "E DO o or?o0l It D9 Fl 5 D,tL r?ott o 0tg ui og oo rf 0ro 5ra r!0, N o z H z o 4E o I z o t n,tt F H o ',lil t{o z {H F F !t hl it n o o t{o D E u {l-l H EI o q H o e hl T E D f{o 7 H Ct H s5 D€4 u',oF c|, ti,v o..t BH <Ht o r<X o ne ut oP.{Fl P.o 5o,tqr PO ott rt tt v l, P.Flo o!t 9'I 'ri il E tr o rt t H e o o p o I Fl Fl o 5 ri =z D,P P.E Pt4 P.50 qE *z 9,l'l..t PtsI P.to (Q ltJ It o I Fl o o o >E t,t{H o P z E t tl,o| Fl o o o I o a o }'tt ttt F H o v z ? ut n trt tt n tst qr EI z ts v FT H ttl trtll fHEsft- o. * h't .^ s, 8,8 B BIT 3 & BE$B rd =l o J o :. z E tll o EI o 1 E F a I qt H o z v H ct F EI o =q, P.P P.J a v o I Fl o o o o o I o o E P.5 u.tr H ],tE tt Fl o D H |n I ttt It P F o n,tt H o .N i p F\' N. st r<,,,I t,n u, EI tt,t!, EEfi Xc{ $ * N \ s N a. R \ N \ at, 1t, 11, atl{/r 1t,utP oultP Ooooo ooooo r'loooo PPtsPc, 4' <h a <tr 1D (t, PP ootrP ooout('P oooooo oooooo oooooo ocroooo a no{oor-3eg SEc O rtt a90 flerO l- l'l o <oF o<q l{ t-.:'H 98c ll potr I H. !-It t-, O ft tr,r I E orr H lr $w oH.F{ OO E 9?,:r, dFt t - fr|D Dl<rlU OF gilp FOO trtJ tto o F. rt Hr<FO 5rt taO o'!' z E trJ o .rt U n o C{ E g o IJ n tr,ut rl t,U U w EI o o E o P tsl U tst v,o F H E H o z ; r tt 5 ()n U td v,o F H g H o z o.}l' tt n o c{ ttt B Ftt oi'<o oli {o E t.l oo 9r{FI P.o5 tA tt OF Frt o tl Flo og DD fr ltF FO ta p o D ttH Ito nq o9 <F DFI F.o o o olt lo Fl tt oo G 'ott FE <t.ort tr?..9 ft o rt ,o U o o P.q 5 t ttt x H Ul ts utH tr, :Z o H'l BF oEr <F'tsl ql s€ o '}H 5 0 o D ft o o I l-U o Fl E E F H u F o o 5 fr F E H ff rt o rl o o o o tr {2 '01 |+ tsl o'o P tr tr P. EI w F I B P lP'o lo ft |.rl R tt *rIriHsEHtta[ f;$HE -B;,1 r'-nH'33fft :'i a fiBdS EF F MH ' E- ri. i F Frf;F oF ' iF n Etd FF o!,)rt :4 OE ut t"E UB €F nn tslH EP cnH o d t!t H H o H o z h; o (n o v t H z I z t,6 o o t{t fi }| o o n Irt lG gL ots gE nB 6F TF NH cu BE E$F t^l' €t"ox H Ut ul EI F3 H FZ tr, o =oul <F:t{F oq t!]n ltal IH lo5 lD9 It' P.FO to![t rt l.o o P. N o o rn ttt r"l o It o o o a 0l ,rl E tt I ll !r. E Fl F F B H lo h H o fr o q z o o o trt F o 6 o o Oit m E )< trl |r, trt Hts' E'n F H o D H H o z Fr€n)<ott o t!,H oo ZF oE o trl z''t |-l!q no OU Fo r!, o o r.i o o rt P L' {lt o Dro€ltrHO E!o HHttt oo0r!tt"r]<ol =nz 3tp,ou D,X. ul X F..v O r..El }'d9 E tr E tdEl E t-.5|! !t to p, Rl o P.o l, P.tQ O H |o!' q trro F rt lJ Fl oout O irr O { }iH { !,< o Dr H. d FH D'POHP.o 55 €fP.o P.P.5 HrtOq n !'D O P.rt {{loDt UP o rt!'F.tl to o O O |,..a O l{l t tfl 5 H rr|D oo5 rt5 ()l'rrO O o |i tt or Eon rl rto n o trrr{u0rol+o o r.. E FI T5 E ar P.F <Ft5 otqq ,H rJ D l.a o ct rf o u -rlti .rf HI rCl ll ,o o '5 P.Hi.o n o I o o FILE COPY PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION July 8, 1991 Staff Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica Jill Kammerer Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Betsy Rosolack Amber Blecker r'%7 Z-daatZ Present Chuck Gist Diana Donovan Connie Knight Ludwig Kurz Kathy Langenwalter Jim Shearer Gena Whitten The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Diana Donovan. 1. A reouest for front setback and densiw varianccs for thc Dick Residence. Unit 2. Tract A. Bieho'rn Townhouses/47O8 Meadow Drive. #2A. Aoplicant Carol Dick Planner: Jill Kammerer Jill Kammerer made the prcsentation. Sid Schultz, reprcsenting the applicant, showed a new landscape plan the applicant preferred over what was presented in the staff memo. Sid Schultz said the applicant agreed to pave the driveway. Kathy Langenwalter suggested the dumpster be built into the hillside. Jim Shearer preferred to see the dumpster at the southern end of the access easement. Chuck Crist did not have a problem with the applicant's plan, but said the dumpster should be placed as far down on the road as possible away from Meadow Drive. Diana Donovan stated she also wanted to see the dumpster as far south as possible. ff possible, thc owner should berm around the dumpster to scr€€n it. She feh that three aspens generally provided morc screening than the proposcd landscape plan. Connie Knight said she would like to see the aspens in the landscape plan. Kathy prefened the shrubbery for the color. Ludwig Kurz did not have a prcference on the landscaping. Diana suggested ttre pavement be narrowed in the drive if possible. A motion was made by Kathy l,angenwalter to approve the request per the staff memo, and cited the findings that no special privilege was being granted, and the request complied with B(l), B(2) and B(3)(a), (b) and (c) of the memo. The conditions of approval stated that the applicant shall install thc submined landscape plan, including one crab trcc, nine potentilla, five currents and six mugo pines. Applicant shall connibute lD of the cost to ssreen the existing dumpster. The dumpster shall be moved to the south cnd of the properry as much as possible; location and screening must be rcvicwed and approved by the DRB. Applicant shall pave the entire access easement betrveen Units 2 and 4 on Tract A. If possible, the paving area should bc narrowed- In addition, landscaping should be placed in the area where the paving has been rcmoved. Jim Shearer seconded thc motion. It was approved 7-0. 2. A requcst fo'r a densitv variance for the Bernardo Rcsidence. Unit 4. Tract B. Bishorn Townhouses/47 I 8 Meadow Drive. #4B. Applicanc Bill Bernardo Planncr: Mike Mollica The prescntation was made by Mikc Mollica. A motion was made by Kathy l:ngenwalter to approve the requcst. Findings A, B, C(1, 2 and 3) were cited per the staff memo with the two conditions of approval as suted in the memo, with the following modifications: Applicant shall contributp U2 of the cost to scre,en the existing dumpster. The dumpster shall be moved to the south cnd of thc property as much as possible; location and screcning must bc revicwcd and approvcd by thc DRB. Applicant shall pave the entirc acccss casement between Units 2 and 4 on Tract A. If possible, the paving arca should be narrowcd. In addition, landscaping should be placed in the arca whcrc thc paving has been rcmoved. Chuck Gist seconded the motion. It was unanimously approvcd, 7-0 3. A reouest for heieht. parking and densiw variances for the Sonnenalp. Part of Lots K and L. Block 5-E. Vail Villaee First Filinel2O Vail Road. Apnlicant Sonnenalp Prooenies Planner: Andv Knudtsen Andy Knudtscn presented the staff mcmo and the proposal. Qgestions from the Commissioners about parking, landscaping and access points werc addressed with a model provided by the applicant. Ken O'Brien indicated there would be no need for fire access to the building, as an internal fire system would be installed. The Fire Depanment had approved this plan. Staff rccommended approval of the requests, with thc conditions listed in thc staff memo. After a presentation of slides by Ken O'Brien, Jay Peterson explained the proposal further. The Sonncnalp wa:i proposing to add lO large rcoms, though only 2 people would be suying in each room. Most all of the other rooms would be enlarged, causing an increase in the parking requirement. Acccsso'ry (restauran$ square footagc would also bc increased, though only about 20 seats would be added. Spa area was also proposed for an increase. Much of thc proposed expansion to the common areas was to be located underground. Jay o ffrff^- c4r'71'1!,?,t / _/"r**J Ct+{r SIJBJECT: A rcqucst for front setback and density variances for property located in the low density multiple family zone disricV Unit 2, Tract A, Bighorn Townhouses/ 4708 Meadow Drive. Applicant Carol Dick Planner: Jill Kammerer TO: FROM: DATE: MEMORANDT'M Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Dcparuncnt July 8, 1991 A. &qr - z/tr'&* dat*,'*r-. /a:<- 6el,-tar-.2 4/?, z*t.e ''",** /i(rvdut 4tar*a4 va, /acr:fia\ .- 6 ci:'/'#;"i({fs nnealow density 4guiBb r"-;ry-.,0bMr,}- ,'::' ,' ,- C, '8. /-Ttris-site is_zoned low qg!!ry_4gltiplelamily{LDMB., Under LDMF zone S.tr/^- lvt//.?t q , disrict develbpnenf-smndards, a maximum of 3 dwelling units are allowed on DESCRIPTION OF TI{E VARIANCES REOUESTED The applicant prcposes to add 92 sq. ft. of living area (GRFA) to the ground level of Unit 2, Tract A, Bighorn Townhouses. The deck area to be infilled is located beneath an existing cantilevered bedroom on the north side of the structure, which is adjacent to East Meadow Drive. The cantilevered area currently encroaches 6 feet into the front (north) setback. The proposed infill addition would encroach 4 feet into the front setback. The applicant is \, requesting a variance to allow the construction of this addition 16 feet from the I front property line. Thercfore. the applicant's addition would encroach 4 feet I into the reouired 20 foot front setback. -/ / ----,a this site. A four-plex was constructed gn this site prior to Town of Vail annexation of the-F6perty. The structure, which was lawfully established prior Therefore. a densitv variance is reouired in order to allow for the construction of additional livine arca. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS FOR TRACT A A. Tanrng: B. Site Area: Low Density Multiple Family 14,630.56 sq. ft. (Tract A) or 0.3359 acres * ri* C. GRFA - Tract A (30Vo of Buildable Site Area): Allowed: 4,389 sq. ft. Existing: 4,296 sq. ft. Proposed: 4,388 sq. ft. Incr€asc: 92 sq. ft. Remaining: I sq. ft. D. Density: Allowed: 9 unitVacre or 3 units *Existing: 4 units Proposed: No Change E. Site C-overage (35Vo of site arca): " \Allowed: 357o or 5,121 sq. ft. " t:' 6 Existing: 2,994 sq. ft. ^,0,"') I , ll Proposed: 3,014 sq. ft. r'trro 'L Additional: 20 sq. ft. F. Height: *Allowed: ,2ffeet hoposed: - No change G. Setbacks: **Front Required: 2O ft. Existing: 14 ft. Note: Area of addition would be setback 16 feet from the front propcrty linc H. Parking:No additional parking is required with this proposal. Density variance required in order to allow for the construction of additional GRFA. Area of rcquested setback variance (All other setbacks are unaffected) .t'"<, h la u/a fu,rsap a,4a, -t,/- t / s/t tuld 6;; {iK d ;{";;* ffiai"g,* {a""*.e{.ornor,r,, vuit Municipar c,ode, the a t./la{rtrcrt/ dt'rug ? Community Development Departmcnt recommends approval of the requested variances based on the following factors: ;"2,o/- " f.T | {(t#o&n* " r^"*"drtt4 r(E eiief TI-TW ,/ ,., / . l. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or fr:rt-'r'" /)'afry)-J . potential uses and structures in the vicinity.*s &p-1.,,;:x- s-ag /" Potential use -'t 1."r' ,,, 4,).' ) Front Setback Variance 2r,-/-+ ,// / Y/t'v .,1','-. t.. ,'ngfu..U zpLLt/v ? 1.. t The existing structure encroaches 6 feet into the required 20 foot setback. The o,//77ua'ffi area of the proposed addition will encroach 2 feet less into the required front uu,'-" n/anJ setback than the existing structure. The proposed addition will not negatively / ' J' f - impact the above-listed considerations. Staff is recommending the applicant )),.,,,n/,, /aC ' add thrcc additional aspens along Meadow Drive and pay for a porti-on of a u * l' l- / o , -f '4") , dumpster enclosure and driveway paving. o t /*.' ,-: tJop_ ,4t !4., ' '' i,, t-. r roi Densitv Variance ' D/:D','::- t.: t / , associated with the Bighorn Townhouses plat. Tracts C and D are open space f .-.,n€ "?ut t';/.r-{which has been deeded to the Town of Vail as a part of Bighorn Park. Tracts I t ii2i,rj c7: ' ut .r'- A and B are each developed with a four-plcx. As previously noted, the Dick Y J'- A, /.t.? 7.' .' four-plex is locatcd on Tract A. The other four plex is located immediately I '' south of Tract A on Tract B. The four-plex on Tract B was also constructed L .r.? prior to Town of Vail anncxation of the property and excceds the allowable 0.'t density of Tract B by one dwelling unit . )v \.fc The property ro rhe west is zoned Residential Cluster and is developed with the u Mountain Meadow Townhomes; to the east and north is the Town of Vail's Bighorn Park, which is zoned Agricultural and Open Space; to the south is the White River National Forest. Staff believes the requested density variance will not negatively impact existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement ofa specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibitity and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. Front Setback Variance The proposed addition could be constructed elsewhere on the site and not encroach into the front setback. Any addition to the west would be on Unit l- owned property. Any addition to the south would be onto a common access easement. Any addition to the east would interfcre with an existing stairway to the second floor of the units and a large, 2-story window which provides views to the Gore Range. However, for this proposal, staff believes it is reasonable to consider thc cxisting rcsidence's location in the front setback to be a practical diffrculty waranting a front setback variance. The applicant is rcquesting a variance to infill a deck area which does not exceed the existing setback encroachment. This degree of relief from the strict and literal interpretation of the code is appropriate and has been granted to other propeny owners with similar circumstances. Densitv Variance The site has sufficient GRFA to allow the infilling of the deck area without exceeding the allowablc GRFA for the site. The density variance is necessary only because the existing development cxceeds the allowable unit count. For this proposal, staff believes it is rcasonable to consider the fact the existing residence was constructed under Eagle County's development standards to be a practical diffrculty warranting the requested density variance. The Bighorn Townhouse frnal plat was approved by Eaglc County in November, 1968. The plat crcated four tracts (A, B, C and D), a common parking eascment and a common septic tank and leaching field easement. These easement areas are separate lots from Tracts A, B, C and D. Tracts A and B have been developed with two 4-plexes. Tracts C and D have been deeded to the Town of Vail for open space. Because of the way the property was platted, the easement areas are considered separate lots and do not qualify as site area for GRFA or density purposes. This method of platting is unusual as most townhousc or condominium plats include the common areas for the purpose of calculating GRFA or density (please see copy of plat attached to this memorandum). Had the tract bccn subdivided in a different manner, there would be sufficient sitc arca to allow the construction of a 4-plex on this site, the structure would not be considered legal non-conforming, and a density variance would not be rcquircd in order to allow the construction of the addition. For these reasons, and because GRFA remains on the site, staff believes relief from the code is warranted. 3. The effect ofthe requested variances on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traflic facilities' public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Front Sctback and Densitv Variances: The proposed addition will have no impact on any of these considerations. The Plannine and Environmental Commission shall make the followins findings before grantine a variance: l. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same disuict. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict literal inteqpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the requested front setback and density variances with conditions, due to the fact the existing house is currently located in the front setback, and the structure was constructed under Eagle County's development standards prior to Town of Vail annexation of the property creating a physical hardship. The fact that there is GRFA remaining on the site also warrants the support of the variance request. Staff believes it is appropriate to grant the apptcant relieffrom the strict density and setback requirement. The setback variance is not a grant of special privilege, as this type of situation has justified other B. b. c. setback variances in thc past. The density variance is not a grant of special privilege because of the unusual platting procedure which staff bclieves connibuted to the problem of the project technically exceeding the number of allowable units for the property. There are no negative impacts on adjacent properties. The variance criteria cited include findings 1,2,3(a, b). Staff recommends approval of the reguested front sctback and density variances subject to the following conditions: 1. Applicant shall install3 additional aspen tnees in the front yard between the residence and East Meadow Drive. 2, Applicant shall contribute lf2 of the cost to screen the existing dumpster. Dumpster location and screening must be reviewed and approved by the DRB. 3. Applicant shall pave the entirs access easement btween Units 2 and 4 on Tract A. Please see attached plan. c:\pcc\ncmcVick.?08 o F 2 t a o t o \ roNurEr{T .( Nzb I ;t ./ i SJfl 't:rt; I $/l l*' r -,ol. l--*-\-..Jt Y 1. I -t-? \ a\ts \- --_ _-i 1'-:\{t ,rsi , f cr'oc;]. t: v n.rrsfirg$ uilll z ol rl al r''o -o t I -et I t -\ --?11 UNrT _'i :' Y T g q *- -(\-{ -9 (l s I I ---,---JL I I .. \s .- I v.fN U \:S t0 z'- .t-F- I I -l - -.- | I 1 I a s \ \ N TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Departrnent July 8, 1991 A request for front setback and density variances for property located in the low density multiple family zone disrict/ Unit 2, Tract A, Bighorn Townhouses/ 4708 Meadow Drive. Applicant Carol Dick Planner: Jill Kammerer I.DESCRIPTION OF TTIE VARIANCES REOUESTED A. The applicant proposes to add 92 sq. ft. of living area (GRFA) to the ground level of rJnitZ, Tract A, Bighorn Townhouses. The deck area to be inhlled is located beneath an existing cantilevered bedroom on the north side of the structure, which is adjacent to East Meadow Drive. The cantilevered area currently encroaches 6 feet into the front (north) setback. The proposed infill addition would encroach 4 feet into the front setback. The applicant is requesting a variance to allow the construction of this addition 16 feet from the front properry line. into the reouired 20 foot front setback. B. This site is zoned low density multiple family (LDMF). Under LDMF zone disnict development standards, a maximum of 3 dwelling units are allowed on this site. A four-plex was constructed on this site prior to Town of Vail annexation of the property. The structure, which was lawfully established prior to Town annexafion of the site, does not conform to LDMF development standards regarding density. Therefore, the site development is classified as legal nonconforming. Section 18.64.050 (B) of the Vail Municipal Code which addresses legal nonconforming structures which do not conform to density controls reads as follows: "Structures which do not conform to density controls may be enlarged, only if the total gross residential floor area of the enlarged structure does not exceed the total gross residcntial floor area of the preexisting nonconforming structure. " Therefore. a densitv variance is reouired in order to allow for the construction of additional livins a!ea. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS FOR TRACT A A. Zoning: B. Site Area: Low Dcnsity Multiple Family 14,630.56 sq. ft. (Tract A) or 0.3359 acres C. GRFA - Tract A (30Vo of Buildable Site Area): Allowed: 4,389 sq. ft. Existing: 4,296 sq. ft. Proposed: 4,388 sq. ft. Insrease: 92 sq. ft. Remaining: 1 sq. fr D. Density: Allowed: 9 units/acre or 3 units *Existing: 4 units Pr,oposed: No Change E. Site Coverage (359o of site area): Allowed: 35Vo or 5,121 sq. ft. Existing: 2,994 sq. ft. hoposed: 3,014 sq. ft. Additional: 20 sq. ft. F.Height:ta Allowed: dlfeet Proposed: No change G. Setbacks: **Front Rcquired: 20 ft. Existing: 14 ft. Note: Arca of addition would be setback 16 feet from the front propcrty line H. Parking:No additional parking is required with this proposal. * Density variance required in order to allow for the construction of additional GRFA.** Area of requested setback variance (All other setbacks are unaffected) M. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the requcsted variances based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: l. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Front Setback Variance The existing structure encroaches 6 feet into the required 20 foot setback. The area of the proposed addition will encroach 2 feet less into the required front setback than the existing structue. Thc proposed addition will not negatively impact the abovelisted considerations. Staff is recommending the applicant add three additional aspens along Meadow Drive and pay for a ponion of a dumpster enclosur€ and driveway paving. Densitv Variance There are 4 tracts of land (A, B, C and D) and 2 separate easement areas associated with the Bighorn Townhouses plat. Tracts C and D are open space which has been deeded to the Town of Vail as a part of Bighorn Park. Tracts A and B are each developed with a four-plex. As previously noted, the Dick four-plex is located on Tract A. The other four plex is located immediately south of Tract A on Tract B. The four-plex on Tract B was also constructed prior to Town of Vail annexation of the property and exceeds the allowable density of Tract B by one dwelling unit. The property to the west is zoned Residential Cluster and is developed with the Mountain Meadow Townhomes; to the east and north is the Town of Vail's Bighorn Park, which is zoned Agricultural and Open Space; to the south is the White River National Forest. Staff believes the requested density variance will not negatively impact existing or potential uses and structures in thc vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. Front Setback Variance ,o\,l'- The proposed addition codd6e constructed elsewhere on the site and not encroach into ttrc front setback. Any addition to the west would bc on Unit l- owncd property. Any addition to the south would be onto a common access easement. Any addition to the cast would interfere with an existing stairway to the second floor of the units and a large, 2-story window which provides views to the Gore Range. Howeve& for this proposal, staff believes it is reasonable to consider the existing residence's location in the front setback to be a practical difficulty warranting a front setback variance. The applicant is requesting a variance to infill a deck area which docs not exceed the existing setback encroachment. This degree of rclief from the strict and literal interpretation of the code is appropriate and has been granted to other property owneni with similar circumstances. Densitv Variance The site has sufficient GRFA to allow the infilling of the deck area without exceeding the allowable CRFA for the site. The density variance is necessary only because the existing development exceeds the allowable unit count. For this proposal, staff believes it is reasonable to consider the fact the existing rcsidence was constructed under Eagle County's development standards to be a practical difficulty warranting the requested density variance. The Bighorn Townhousc final plat was approved by Eagle County in November, 1968. The plat created four tracts (A, B, C and D), a common parking easement and a common septic tank and lcaching field easement. These easement areas are separate lots from Tracts A, B, C and D. Tracts A and B havc been developed with two 4-plexes. Tracts C and D have been deeded to the Town of Vail for open space. Because of the way the property was platted, the easement arcas are considered separate lots and do not qualify as site area for GRFA or density purposes. This method of platting is unusual as most townhouse or condominium plats include the common areas for the purpose of calculating GRFA or density (please soe copy of plat attached to this memorandum). Had the tract been suMivided in a differcnt manner, there would be sufficient site area to allow the consEuction of a 4-plex on this site, the structure would not be considered legal non-conforming, and a density variance would not be rcquired in order to allow the construction of the addition. For these reasons, and because GRFA remains on the site, staff bclicves rclief fmm the code is warranted. 3. The effect ofthe requested variances on light and air, distribution of population, hansportation and traflic facilities, public facilities and utilities' and public safetY. Front Setback and Densitv Variances: The proposed addition will have no impact on any of these considerations. B. The Plannins and Envircnmcntal Commission shall make the followine findinss bcforc qrantins a variance: l. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same disrict. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified rcgulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the requested front setback and density variances with conditions, due to the fact thc cxisting house is curently located in the front setback, and the structure was constructed under Eagle County's development standards prior to Town of Vail annexation of the property creating a physical hardship. The fact that there is GRFA remaining on the site also warrants the support of the variance request. Staff believes it is appropriate to grant the applicant relief from the strict density and setback requirement. The setback variance is not a grant of special privilege, as this type of situation has justified other setback variances in the pasr The dcnsity variancp is not a grant of special privilege because of the unusual platting procedure which staff belicves contributed to the problem of the project technically exceeding the number of allowable units for the propeny. There are no negative impacs on adjacent p'roperties. The variance criteria cited include findings 1,2,3(a, b). Staff recommends approval of the rcquesed front setback and density variances subject to the following conditions: 1. Applicant shall install 3 additional aspen tnees in the front yard beween the residence and East Meadow Drive. 2. Applicant shall conribute U2 of thc cost to screen the existing dumpster. Dumpster location and screening must be reviewed and approved by the DRB. 3. Applicant shall pave the entire access casement btween Units 2 and 4 on Tract A. Please see anached plan. clpcc\ncmoeVick.708 6 au \/q e a o./o. P/ /, o J i3 -a/v/. izs )f b ""c'-}$. TOf{Ur|ENT Xr: ' uX?r.'o\z ;F+z ./ I T {s l7r c A /r r.- f--3-1,--t'{ I \ :r- ar J t.r-\'t. ol rl ol a'0 -tl 7- t , W \F 7l I ---\ ss.\ 11 : rsF 1 -uN l o +f g" 5 *s q -77 * .t-F- I I PIANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION July 8,1991 AGENDA 12:00 Slte Vlslts 2:00 Public Hearing Site Visits Publlc Hearlno 3. 1. A request lor front setback and density variances for the Dick Resldence, Unit 2, Tract A, BQhorn TownhouseJ4T0S Meadow Drive,f2. Applicant: CarolDick Planner: Jill Kammerer 4. 2. A request for a density variance for the Bernardo Residence, Unit 4, Tract B, Blghom Townhouses/47'|8 Meadow Drive, #4B. Applicant: Bill Bernardo Planner: Mike Mollica 3. A request for height, parking and density (GRFA/common area) variances for the Sonnenalp, Part of Lots K & L, Block 5-E, Vail Village First Filing/2O Vail Road. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties Planner: Andy Knudtsen 4. A request for the establishment of a Special Development District for an unplatted parcel located in a part of the sE 1/4 ot the sE 1i4 of section 1, Township 5 South, Range 81 West, 6th Pdme Meridian, generally located north of Sandstone Drive and west of Poliato Patch Drive. Applicant: Abe L. Shapko Planner: Mike Mollica 1. 5. A request for a worksession on watl heighb at the E.B. Chester Residence, Loi 19, Block 1, Vail Village lst Filing/ 395 Mill Creek Circle. Applicant: E.B. Chester Planner: Krlstan Prltz 2. 6. A request for a worksession for a major amendment to Special Development Disfict No. 2, Pinos del Norte, Building C, Northwoods Condominiums/600 Vail Valley Drive. Appllcant: Pinos del Norte Condominium Association Planner: Andy Knudtsen 7.A request for a worksession for a Special Development District for Parcel F, Lionsridgs Filing #2, commonly known as Briar Patch. Applicant LST Propertles Planner: Shelly tilello TABLED INDEFINITELY A request lor a slb ooverage variance lor the BoUtbart Residence, Lot 12, Block A, Vail Das Schone First Filing/2349 Chamonlx Drive. Applicant Gary Rothbafi Planner: JillKammerer TABLED TO JULY A2,191 A request for a minor exterior alteration, and a slte coverage variance for Super Star Studios, Gorsuch (Clock Tower) Building, Lots C, D and E, Block 5, Vail Village First Filingl26s East Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: PaulGolden Planner: JillKammerer TABLED TO JULY Z2,1ggt1 A request for revlew ol the Vail Streetscape Master Plan for formal recommendation to the Town Gouncil. Ths Master Plan addresses the general arsa from East Llonshead Circle to Ford Park, and includes Wsst Meadow Drive, East Meadow Drive, Wllow Bridge Road, Gore Creek Drive, VailValley Drive, Bridge Sfeet, and Hanson Ranch Road. Applicant Town of Vail Planner: Mike Mollica TABLED TO JULY 22,1991 An appeal of a staff declslon conceming a density variance granted to Treetops Condominiums, Lot 6, Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filing/452 East Lionshead Circle. Appellant: TreetopsCondomlnlumAssociation Planner: Mike Molllca TABLED TO JULY 2,,1991 9. 10. 11. PUBTIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail wilL hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.65.050 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on June 24, 1991 at 2:00 p.n. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A reguest for review of the Vail Streetscape Master Plan for formal reconmendation to the Town Council. The Master Plan addresses the general area from E. Li-onshead Cir. to Ford Park, and includes W. Meadow Dr., E. Meadow Dr., Willow Bridge Rd., Gore Creek Dr., Vail Valley Dr., Bridge St., and Hanson Ranch Rd. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Mike Mollica 2. A request for a front setback variance for the Schofield residence, Lot 18, Block 3, Vail Valley lst Filing/1448 Vail VaIIey Drive.Applicant: John Schofield Planner: Andy Knudtsen 3. Discussion of site selection for the Municipal Complex- worksession Town Staff: Ken Hughey, Kristan Pritz, Mike Mollica 4. A request for a Special Development District. A part of the SE l/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 1, TownshiP 53, Range 81, West 6th Prime Meridian. Applicant: Abe L. Shapiro Planner: Mike Mollica )P 5. A request for a front setback variance for the Dick " Residence, Unit 2, Tract A, Bighorn Townhouses/4?08 Meadow Drive, *2A.Applicant: Carol Dick Pfanner: JiIl Kammerer 5. A reguest for a worksession for height, parking and density (GRFA/common area) variances for the Sonnenalp, Part of Lots K & L, Block 5-8, Vail Village, 1st Filing/20 vaiL Road. Applicant: Sonnenalp ProPerties Planner: Andy Knudtsen '1 . A request for a conditional use pernit in order to construct a snow dump on the property generally located west of the Town of vail Shops. The proPerty is more specifically described as foLlows: That part of the North L/2 of Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 80 west of the 6th Principal Meridian, Eagle CounLy, Colorado, lying north of Interstate Highway No. 70 and being more particularly described as foflows: Beginning at the NE corner of said Section 8i thence along ,J,^* a -? -?/ I the northerly line of said Section 8, S89 46'z'l"w a distance of 1500.00 ft; thence departing the northerly line of said Section 8, S00 23'03"W a distance of 529.86 fL to a Point on the northerly ROW line of I-70,' thence along the northerly ROW ]ine of I-70 following tlvo courses: 1) S75 28' 18"8 a distance of 180 .82 fE to a point of curvaturer' 21 1327.90 ft along the arc of a curve to the feft, having a radius of 5580.00 ft, a central angle of 13 38'04" and a chord which bears N89 36'34"E 1324.70 ft distance to a point on the easterly line of said Section 8i Thence departing said Row Line of r-70 N00 23' 03"E along the easterly line of said Section 8, a distance of 572.10 ft to the point of beginning, containing 20.480 acres more or less . The above description is based on the Town of Vail annexation plats for the property described and is not based on a field survey. The basis of bearing for the above parcel is the northerly line of Section 8 being S89 46t27"w as shown on said annexation plats. Applicants: Town of Vail/vail Associates PLanner: Andy Knudtsen 8. A requesL for a front setback variance for a garage for t.he Oberlohr residence, Lo! 3' Block 3, Vail Ridge Subdivision/ 2656 Davos Trail. Applicant: Konrad Oberlohr Planner: Shelly Mello 9. A determination for a 60 or 90 day review period for an exterior alteration for the Golden Peak House, Lots A & B, Btock 2, Yai! Village lst Filing/z'l 8 Hanson Ranch Road. Applicants: Golden Peak House condo. Association,' Vaj-1 Associatest GPH Partners' Ltd.; and Margaritaville, Inc. Pl-anner: Mike Mollica 10. A request for a side setback variance for the Heiman Residence, Lot 9, Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision/5134 Grouse Lane.Applicant: Mr. and Mrs. PauI Heiman Planner: JitI Kammerer Any itens tabled from the June 10' 1991 PEC neeting agenda. The applications and information about the proposafs are available for public review in the Community Development Department office. Town of VaiI Community Development Department Published in the Vail Trail on June 8, 1991. t o ,ftaqts<ataa /fl/ " fr,fu $eJofldl €r q\6 Soo 5€,iX EE d* RS Fl s F...o z =I Steve AnkernoU P.O. Box 296 Avon, CO 81620 aa14cc*r' Aqtu*ra 4f own ol Vail Q'"ilgJff$,,, P.O. Box 397 Vail, CO 81658 sl DcY SCHULIZ-ARCH lT$T,*. APPLICATION FOR SETBACK VARIAI{CE UNIT 2, TRACT A, BIGHORII TOUI{HOUSES Applicantl Carol Dick ZONIlIG CHECK: Lov Density Mul"tiple Fanl1y Zone Dlstrlct Coverage: Landscaping: Addltlonal l.andscaping 1s being added betveen Unit 2 and Meadon Drive and a new f 1-agstone walkway will be added fron the driveway to the proposed add ition ParkJ.ng:ilo addlttonaL parklng requlred with thls proposaL w Site Area: Setbacks: Density: 14,630 equare feet 20 feet mininum front, sldes and rear 14r existing at front (north), others ok 16t front setback at proposed addltlon 302 (14,630) aLLowed = 4,389 GRFA alLowed 4,296 square feet exlsting 92 square foot additlon - 4,388 equare feet 9 units per acre allorred; 4 units existing; no change to existlng nunber of unlte proposed 352 (14,630) = 5,120 aquare feet allorred 2,994 square feet exlsting; approxlnately 20 square feet additlonal proposed. MEt\,88?. DG A ,GnCA^l INSTIIUTE OF AI€HECTS o The appl.icant rulshea to add 92 square feet, of Llving area to the ground LeveL of Unit 2, Tract A, Bighorn Townhouses. The Bighorn Tounhousea were bul1t early ln ValLts hlstory prior to the adoption of a zontng code. As as resuLt this unit does not neet the current setback requirements for the establ-ished zone district. The proposed addition w111 infi1l the area'under a portion of the overhang of the second floor. The addition vilL not encroach any further into the setback than the existing structure. It r{ou1d be iurpossibLe to add to Unit 2 toward the uest or south because of the adjoining property and access easement. An infi11 under the second floor seems to be the most logical location for an addltlon and woul-d create a better sense of entry lnto the townhouge. In the past setback variances have been granted for existlng non-conforning Btructures when the addition does not j.ncrease the non-confornity. The proposed additlon wllL not effect 1.1ght and alr, dlstribution of population, transportation, trafflc faciLities, utilities or pubLic safety, nor will it alter the relationship to other existing or potential uses and structurea in the vicinity. The additlon conforns with the poLiclee and goals of Vailts Land Use PLan which deslgnates this area of East Vail as Uedlun Denslty Resldential. For these reasons we do not feel that thie proposal asks for a gralt of speclal prlvilege and request that the varj-ance be approved. oo trInter-ilountrln ;]\EryFnccrlngur Dtay 17, 1991 Re3 Calculation of area Tract A, Bighorn Townhouses Vail , Colorado ProJect No. 90667S Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. W.Vail, CO 81657 lfe have calculated Town of Vail, Colorado,or 0.3359 acres more or attactred. ;ruS:cjn the area of Tract A, BLghorn Tovnhouses, and flnd it to be 141630.55 sguare feet less. The conputer print-out is Box No. 97E r Avon. Cokrrado 81@0 r 94,95072 Denver 8ql-1591 t'020 Vence Strect o ld(€uood, Cobrtdo Ep15 . Phonc ZI|{)15E Sincerely, rr*I t-" .: EI l{ H lzl z o r4 E H E{ 4 Fl c F.r F{ o\ Fl o F{ -- rn $ FI F{ tll v H r-l t-l ou! .+ r.l (.) o\ or rr Or d\ di\ r- rl H a H u !{ o ,.1 \o (vl cr F- Fi o\ r.. -l u1 z [-{ q o{ rrl E.l D t{o cl u \o .--l |*. tl F \o Fl <r Ft Fl r.l 6 co rn (\l r-{ r.o af1 F{ C\ {r lt-^ (\ ro rn ro c) F{ c\l o )o ?l (p |.' or n .{o FI o (\l rn ro |.t ro (\ Fl tl '-l (\ sr ,{ tl |.. <r ll ,{ o r- r.'l sf Gl |.. FJ tt. r-l lil I '{E{d E] d rnH tno -r4 & F Fr Pr A o (/) E-r D l-{ .Q(J d.EA .-l u-i \o F-l ll F{ (o d\ N lt U @ o\ r{ o.o \rt rn o.9 @ co oF{ \o co oJ.r coN o@ oc!o.cr <t o @ o\o .{ Fl or+ o\tn o-i rn Cl o=t o\ ln - @ r.t \O aa a a afr r.. c'\o{. F- o @ Fl Ft Fl{ Ft F{ tl { FI r.- 1-. tn c\ ll rn UT Cl r{ |*. I Fl F1 H o !l ll il ll ll ll li il il il il ll ll II ll ll ll tl ll ll ;l ti tl ll II ll ll !t ll it ll il II it o-{ c{ (n rnll} tn r,r.||+1 .-1 -l O FIO 1l' (\ rn @ rc} ln (n rJ.}o FIA o A Fl |'n \oo (n c) rn (\l rn a') t"'t @ .r1 (\lg '-l Ft l'-l'- r'4 (n EI z z 3 ld &l F{> Z zn)E(, s. rl^ E 5Fl (tl d O Fl (rl l-a Fr tn u.r rnO O .{ -t F{4 |rfr :t _.(gv0u,s _a \)-!L\ t at ra.Lr 7 |r\:2 <:--f--E 'D o % Real Estate Sales aud Managemeut MAY 17, 1991 TOWN OF VAIL OFFICE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT vArL, C0L0MD0 81657 DEAR SIRS: MS. CAROL DICK, THE O!iNER 0F UNrT A2, rN THE BrcHoRN TOWNHOMES, SITUATED ON TRACT A, BIGHORN TOWNHOUSES SUBDIVISION, ON MEADOW DRIVE IN EASE VAIL, HAS STARTED THE APPLICATION PROCESS TO REMODEL AND EXPAND HER UNIT. IT IS OUR UNDERSTANDING THAT SHE HAS CONTACTED THE OTHER SEVEN OWNERS WITHIN THE BIGHORN TOWNHOME ASSOCIATION, IN WRITING, ABOUT THIS REMODEL PROJECT,AND HAVE NOT RECEIVED ANY OBJECTION TO HER PLANS. BECAUSE OF THIS, AS THE MANAGING AGENT FOR THE BIGHORN TOWNHOME ASSOCIATION, WE ARE INFORMING THE TOWN OF VAIL, IN WRITING, THAT AS OF MAY 17, 1991 TIIERE HAS BEEN NO OPPOSTION FROM THE ASSOCIATION OWNERS TO MS. DICK'S REMODEL PROJECT. rF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNTNG THIS ISSUE, PLEASE DON'T HESITATE TO CONTACT ME AT YOUR CONVENIENCE. SINCERELY, QQ-G- JOE PEPLINSKI PROPERTY MANAGER P.0. lox 39? . Vail, Colorad.o 81656 o 303/4?6-0320 . Fax 476-0944 0fficc . 122 East Meailow Drivc . Villaec Ccntcr Shops AMENCAN IJND TME ASSOqA'ION OWNER'SPOUw (46N) 06 0055 60 000061 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE COMAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE CONDMONS AND STIPULAflONS, CHICACO TTTLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a Missouri corporation, hcrein called the Company, insur€s, as of Date of Folicy shon n in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A, sustained or incurrcd by the insured by reason of: I . fitle to the estate or int€r€st described in Schcdule A being vestcd other than as stated ther€in: 2. Any defecl in or lien or encumbrancc on the titlc; 3. Unmarketability of the title; 4. I-ack of a right of access to and fmm the land. Thc Company will also pay the costs, attorncys' fees and cxpenses incured in defensc ofthe titlc, as insured, but only to the extent provided in thc Conditions and Stipulations. In Mness Whereof, CHICACTO TffLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this policy to be signed and sealed as of Date of hlicy shom in Schedule A, the policy to bccome valid when countersigned by an authorized signatory. Issued by: COLORADO TITLE INSURANCE, INC. PO. Box 1330 Eagle County, Colorado 81631-1330 (303) 328-s2ll ' CHICAGO TITLE INSTJRANCE COMPANY By: By: Af:f Otrnctl hlicy (4+90) rt rt SGIIE]DT'LE A 1. Narno ol Insured: ABE DICK AND CAROL A. DICK 2. The ostat€ or interest in the land which is covered by this policy is: Fee Simple 3. Titl€ to the estate or interest in the land is v€sted in the Insured. 4' The land herein described is encumbsred by the following mortgage or trust deed, and assignm€nts: Deed of Trust from : CAROL A. DICK AND ABE DICK to the Publlc Trustee of the County of Eagle for the use of : FIRST WESTERN MORTGAGE SERVICES, INC.to secure : $53,750.00 dated : Decenber 26, 1990 recorded : January 4, L99L ln Book 545 at page 182 N0TE: Assignnent of the beneficlal lnterest of the trust deed above to : GREAT MIDWEST BANK, s.s.B. P('UCY oAtE oF arqr roF 90-633 06 0055 60 000061 January 4, L99L at 4:25 P.M. a | 107,500.00 re.corded : January 4, L99I in Book 545 at pace 183 and the mortgag€s or trust OeeOs, if ani, snbwri in Sci-,lOu6-b #eot. 5. The land referred to in this policy is described as follows: UnLt 2, Tract A, BIGHORN TOSINHOUSES, COI]NTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO SCHEDULE A orners Form Thlr pollcy vaild only lt Schedule B ls anached.Beorder Form No. 9529 (Rev. t/89) SCHEDULE B Pollcy ltumbcr: 06 0055 60 000061 Orr|.la EXCEPNOilS FROT @YERAGE This policy do€s not insure againgl lo€s or damage (and th€ Company will not pay co8t8, attorneys' f€ss or oxpen86) which ariso by reason of: Gencral Exc.ptlom: (1) Rights or claims of paniss in possession not shown by the public racords.(2') Encroachments, ov€rlaps, boundary line disputos, or oth6r matt€rs which would be dieclosed by an accurate survey and insp€ction of ths premises. (3) Eas€ments, or claims ot oasements, not shown by the public records.(4) Any lien' or righl to a lien, for servicos, labor, or material hBretoforo or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by th6 public records. (5) Taxos or sp€cial assessments which are not shown as existing llens by the public records. Speclal Acoptlonr: The mortgag€, it any, roferred to in ltem 4 ot Schodute A. (6) Reservatlone contalned in u.s. patent recorded in Book 4g at page 492 reservlng unto the grantor 1) the rlghts of a proprletor of a veln or lode to extract and remove hl.s ore therefrom and 2) rights of way for dltches and canals constructed under the authorlty of the Unlted Statee of Amerlca. (7) Utillty and dralnage easements, rights of !ray, and restrictlona as shown on the plat recorded November 12, l9d8 at Receprl-on No. 109572. (8) Covenants, condltlons and restrictlons, whlch do not contalr a forfelture or reverter clause, contalned ln lnstrument recorded November L2, Lg5B, Book 214,Page 136. (9) Terns, condltl.on6, provlelons and obllgatLons as contalned Major Aval.anche path recorded December 23, Lg75 in Book 243 ln Publlc Notlce of at Page 824. SCHEDULE'A Of,nsr'g Form Reorder Form No. 3528 (Rorr. .t/89) Schodulo B ot thl. Poltcy condtt| ot Pegct. ARTHIJR I. I\,TEAR$ P.E", l.htrnlFhzftdrConlisnr3 hbVdtU . A&r;lxl . Afur!/rC-atlolE1glbant16 rNc. 222 Err Godlc Avc. G-,rd, coldrlo gl2r0 w_641.t2% June 3, 1991 Mr. Jirn Guiga Box 4445 VaiI, CO 81658 RE: Avalanche loads, 47og l.[eadow Drive, Vail, colorado. Dear llr. Guiga: At your reguest, r visited the above-referenced buirding site on Wednesdayr. May 29, to evaluate ih" .*po=ure of a proposect deck enclosure to snow-avaranche hazard. irre roriowirrg srrrnnarizes rny observations and conclusions. AVALANCHE HAZARD unit # 4708 is within range of powder-brast resurting from design-rnagnitude snow avalanchei in ttre-iraci-.ii"r,che path.The design-magnitude avalanche has a return perioa of approxinately 1oo years (an constant. annual F""r"irriity of 1g).Although such a laige avaranche is theoretir;iit;""sibre, based on terrain and avarinche-dynanics-anarysis, such rn event has never been observed at thii rocation. 'v-q;t;;i;n'cramage at the base of the avalanche path auoui 800 feet souttr-or the buirding site, indicates that- a rarg- iviranche aia reactr ine vatley floor, probably in the 1gS6rs. Dense avalanche debris and rarge, destructive forces wirl not affect unit 47og,.however, a p5wder or rrsnow d;;a; cloud wilt overrun the building during mlxinurn avalanche conditions. This powder ctoud wilr be as nu6h as 50 reet aeep-""a'riri-f""rir[-io, ?. t9^19 seconds. Maxinun horizontal roads "iii-u" ress tha' 35 rbs/ftz over the eas-t-facing building .uii"..;;;. the deck enclosure is planned. AVAI,ANCHE MTTIGATION The powder avaranche roads are of the same order as normar building warr laterar-roadittg ".la.iivl--rn""llorl, speci_al nitiqation qitl npt-be requiigar.- rrrrth..more, the proposecl deck enclosure wilr not inciEEEE-ttrE hazard to any'aajac"nt property. Sincerely, t'L _n ,e l. \'Ytp o,u Arthur I: Mears, p.E. Avalanche-control engineer PROPERTY ADJACENT TO BIGHORN TOWNHOUSES - 4708 MCNOOW DR,VAIL l)r"rounrnrn ilEADows - 4680 MEADow DR MANAGER . STEVE ANX^EBHOLZ P,0,BOX Z9b AVoN,co 81620 2)nrvenserun - 4800 MEADow DR MANAGER - STEVE ANKFFHOLZ P,0.Box zyb AvoN, co 81620 3)sreHonN 5rH sugtrvrstoN - TRAcr D OWNER - TOWN OF VAIL wr 949-7811 n 949-1490 wr 949-7811 H 949-1490 4)eloHonN 5rH susorvrsroN - TRAcr c OWNER - TOWN OF VAIL 5)stelronN pnnr OWNER - TOWN OF VAIL 6)greHonN rowNHousEs - 4708/4718 meaoott DRrvE MANAcER - JoE pEpLrNsKr wr 476-0320 RENDEZVOUS WEST p,o,gox 397 vArL,co 81658 5,FO '== =3 c'-t m cto o o r(o at .Do E 'rt fl|D 'rr o f lD .r.'tt lrl Ct .l z orD .{ lt I CC | 5.J.I c+ -t I J.|D h iJ cL 833 lo rqt l- r.D | ==unk L.O b 3E ]/'. gr o I r-+ (J. | .J. (D I o(r I 5ct I I ar'D l-o I vt c,I c(o a Avr | 3r+ I clt I dtE|I Ro, | '. lol lr"IOI t;llD I Id f=l.o lo I€l=lft I .o,rg o J E trr=l ;I,ml Bo I r-; I IiE E ls; F I=EE lHt tFr llt- IE o z ct = =m o 'rl o ==m =g, ,g !o o .' !t L J r+ IA qt trt C'F m vr :vl tr,(t F t"t vt vl !m!t ct !t =J.r"t f|mo, -lt-} =o 615 !at r ct o =- o F n =cl m f 9 o x oo r c)o @ Ot \JI oo = t\)iE 3=ts= N) A (o (o ct !n .<{ 'rl o-m cm m F al IHr r B= EN BENts l-rr R m .o x ti v o ttrt mmo :t{r NH trt = o t g€Tt5 o>(D z.2, -vrovr @>o l-c){!MF oq,-la -t o ,tt 1 F tnE a'{ 1 o:D o F Ft'tt ior'| o m{ -t C) (, ci -{. k =o, o,>= o-F. o- cr.ro,F. r+ (1 .z=6 G).D 5 >-t B=8 io o,m _r. r+(n --r :t Ul a. lD mt l^o ul .c tct C!. L"e|D'-lo |Dci vr (a tt o-t tt o .! lD 1 a.t .< a- t.a :' :' P 3 8E5P =EBd>c =E Cm {=cr..!(., N r rr> v F.-B -=+HH ' H= G ;=;- =;#ti +{ oc.t{ r{ F= \' c;86 -i"+€ -=E5tJ v,= >{ al =OmI -'r'r> e, =-q,(! L..Clii|! lD|D {{ O F.ZClrrr -a-lZ.-t<5 tD C, ul r-. m E {3{ >Or;Ct € q, 35; F ' E 2= ; -9-i +38;=O {i -r.r.Oro =.J ltl ,tl t!-{.< > . t/t 't'.{5 .D < -t3 -t clo r{{ rt'|> -{ -| bo ci C' rD C, .D |D c) => O -rl-g O >.22. 3 * - :l 3' 3 d' Eil ''r 9.,H.> -I*3.'-,' O O -r. c; -l :t r= { iYrollct }.. F{bO O {r {r-c} O O c ra <m - - -=mlo =HlA-t1=.= * *l -. 3= g= m >=Al+ o-.,9* 5F :tF O q, :t Et . T E l,ar.-lr- O-{O-IE g'il+,d' ilo q P EgAq =*+=E 9, < r+.lt J ur {r { - r-O lm t-=Ct -O r+ -l 'D -d O erz,1' >>m>m -r -t .J. ,D o 1 r. rt m- = i -> tt.rr-{F-J! J. r+ q, J.(t 5T m Z=m\, c)Trm =o o, rt! trz (! an 2 G.r> 't, e- r..< = o = J. Jc c" -{ 1, G.! -< 2, t- -tH^:z {.{r r't _ |D lD |D =a >:D 'tt C:.-. C)=--|r,tD €5cL{ lD(D {m = m(r= c) >>cci 9.e31r+,.i Eg E EJHS g=g=> -rt =DtD -t -r.O rr| t/l -{ }<-rt:DF4 r-r - =!O 3ro Q fl u! :em -{C O lurlH-1-a'+ .-f J. -r. 3+ J -r = r9 = m F.>-t o=,(roz,tDfO Glqrtt- J.EL => t/r-| E Z,mr-==0(, = lC! .+J -.-? G-l lJ, m(1F. )D Ltt C . .r -t |n:..|D - 5 an e, C H. Ol- f I,CIF.Z o, -r. o . o, {;o c, att z- omrr6,c o = r+J ur 1 m = u| E ,t z..+=.+.D dt, :.J. o- sr J. -l 9, ro { rdF{{ @ri t- rr| -l O uD J ? (, tr { tlt-}.. E =@rrn>-r, q, -rr J. o a O m Om .ri Ort (-l J. Jlr} .D { E Cr=> {rHfr1 J.-t vt |D _ >- .. o|J/|= -{H-tO (! . E ..+ (| c' !! Crm Z, F >-tm.- =|' - aO Er !! -t I It ClOrr F.<3 m '-=giil- e Hf, =-fr n-r66F,O f4 O, < o, -r' r+ |U'r:E Fi>'- inO:o-m =.+ J r..1 ct T tr5 .O!{ ..D - i?t>:j cLt rr- .D |D _ aE r. 1 1 = tnirn -EG€r.r .og5tdo, _ cr i5-- vl--o C C a. *Cl.J |D m O<> itr irr:p r-r Er"+<F X -r> tc ?--6cr(/a -.4 -..- D -.. -. F --F5 F>ij!-;'g 6"q 9i 2 E €-rB ==;rt . io -t.J. .D * c: !-< ../t><,o=uro rD .D-l ? ln ;o>> .-g =a o, 1. (+<E lct vr a5-t F .!-{-F -lr C'.ot - {lDtt |D Ct ttt >{.t' ts Fr.-(+O OftG+ 'l Ct ,--'', = -l r<E r+Og mO {Nfe .'c r+3 cl E n, tt r. C, = e.gm Ft:act6l Q, -r.O O .l E Ul- V, ZHmm ci 5ci5 |D -1>V, -l2, tt J.5{2,6r-l O ell'o, ci f: @Z,al m 5 :t.J.:' :.. m li.{ Ct C,r |D.ro. O =F r6'' a+k \ J, {H> -2.mc) J Dcu 'rt E c+'lt F<-z,o Fr 6) -tr ct >'o r+z,u={o.D T' =rn5 H:D o,l- -{ 3 r.< .! tn -.o o z. cro c, c,F m-{Ul F.vro z -o -r-- -l \l =;*o =3 mt,u|. =tJ n t\) r- c)o |.l 6! ct m |J'a,z a,{ ct z, q l.,, s (t, t; l*' lg l=l9 t=l6 lf i n c)-{ c z. -{ l\) |l,€+, lFl o.3 $-B rEc!l- !'E o t6rEOrO€EE5 *- oo, q,L -tgfg €E 'F s giil t, .F LE O E >eo IgE Eg,aO o'F L ! Cl. -!z E O C E o, LtF 3\c,ooJq,.3=t"€,8<f T' rF +, rF FIF Ul ag 5E og; 6i o.|,,o Er . o c .EGC (, B +t>= 01|E cr . rioo Tt .tJ o- olo.aFr: 3 .g; EtrF v,l:3: po EF .tt o .g ".F;H h' rc ";! E ;,-+,=L !' 8g €bg 5 I -trEtlt E _6(/| aE +,.F rg +rE .C O..E O C J P66E s, 5= v, #A; = S T g-=E € E.B ts €=E R A L *,E=3 U E,- g ;-a .o .E q rE- .48 .!: O CEL c, qF E E:EE 3 ;; HFf::; * *5#s € Fg E E'EE o 'E g HT:p E -c3 lgfiPE I F 't€ts v' bE E -'E A !(r *r-5o -o :t g =gI '. ]a I :P F Gr 'F{' g F-. o +', h.r . I o,!r4u, EE E f5€ 5;5 ,d >5gq! = tEvt .-tE .b E t 5E:g un. ,i :'-," et 3 = Ul C+, Ol +t E o, . .iF !J r- \ a tr .f r:I55 A 9ES b EEE tt gb = Eig-,3 f,ET .t E>o,|,|q! >A- I F cLrE r^ '- ciJ q, 9, Ct_ A 9, P 0,qrq +r .Fa o,E |U+,: t i-E E: ' E Rf .p o'-e' 3E ^.2 P ;.;..t E ,E L oc s vtc 6 E-eo,.o - P-5 a ESE -P 5'E O .F t, (l, Er- o, - t_U q, tJ)+, > tU.F ;€_ (uEF .Et L! lr c,.F.F. +- E +, -p I q2.-5'O o, ,6 F e)et r-Lo, !-O io '-3 q6b3P 8 E53 3 ,.3 3- .:P f tt(, FC .o glcl .$t .FC! .6 O, .F.-or E'- 9r O I .F (U E€ .F C o, .EF s. n' D;1. : "5-t ;*, E F ' ,oEF€ E .68 q .r, tl 5 d ErEsE F. ff; a asg E3 E*_ L,-.r.* op ?Ep F oE; €.F b.e t 88.hi o.F L.r.p o,.F. = +.v!p..- +,E o.!r+r r =.rE EE Err c,O+, ,- iFF - vt !, +, O.." -c, ;6 + iaEHE :E =#Sd: r$g CE b; di. d ci f,t d ..; ;..+{Y o (u (J tt t |/a.E=|,|O)+TCECC c, 6.= o.-O c.F E E E'P +r c I.F'U'E CO-Ltr- O ta- (t .F CL .F vr ctt o-(l,ut o o, o_..9 .F.F P td +,E +, .lJ E t!'F o, >)ouE.|Jrl (-, .F ll O,F =F. E ,- C\ i,| O- O,.u Cl E+J +r.ttooo E ltoo .u(u E|J E +, +r.F (,cotr (' OF=O .:gE=3.>o^ o,E (, o, .F+r l4l > O)F {6 { o c'all vr .<t .o.t- 3 P C T6L g ..8 . Cr^ lO c, -c Tt o, t- +,E OrP (u€ c,+)L C Ell +r.r E E g'i.: E5 Cf C (,.-+, =q, fttE vrA tn v,G F (, (u5.'-A .E .E, O, g!t (u (u 'Fo E o, l,L' E+'.g rF .E lrt tt aE F FO\ T|oE TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SALES ACTION FORM 01000041330 COM. DEV. APPLICATION FEES ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS 0r 000041540 0l 0m0 42415 I,JNIFORM BUILDING CODE 01000042415 IJNIFORM PLI,JMBING CODE 01000042415 01000042415 NATIONAL FI FCTRICAL CODE 0l 000042415 01000042415 01000041548 )GROX COPIES / STI.]DIES 0r m0042412 PENALTY FEES / RE.INSPECTIONS 0l 000042371 0r0nn,042322 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 01000041412 0l 000041330 0l 0000 41413 SIGN APPLICATION FF.E { Project Appllcation r <-l *. s/a_sr/qt Prolect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone:e"^ I '/),rJc rA.</.cF )/h-e*-/"u Lr A)Q-?/3/ Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Plann€r o^", 9:sr/il Staff Approval o z F =E UJ I o\ul \o FI F{ t3l X \o 5 N D -l (.n UJ LU t! E =t UJ o- n-D rb-b{/4j gloeL i^il 991lrilJ(c'r cl\ F{ @ (\ x E & Y H H B C) l-E CA rq t. PR O i'r E Y 5E tE 9>. z?Otrt Jrq UJ o E t- E, a = z z o au F z z J € o z z uJ 2 3 o uJ 'r F $$\R] J lrl o =I o lt H F{t z J{tl Q) (l) -g o (u o F o b vl a q |c'f(u c q) E c 6 c)E o ! d) E =c f E o o CL o.6 i 't o o)a o g;o o o I o (! E 'e N at r/}|q Fl (u =l o o) P o C)()(! (D v, .9 E := o c o a; =(5 E o o c c (E = o .9 (! E ; .; a E o o E o)(E E o at g It o o 't o. o (! E .E o (! (o C) (6 (5 ; (E o- -9 (! o (! c (! o) o CL E o o c o C' E dt c o o c o (! 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ASPEN, CO tr6l | . (i03) 925{Jr9 '-: 3o"u*7 l"tt5'lttc t'*tt AYON SHowlooM P,O. EOX At . AVON. CO g6Zl . (J03)9a9-j5@ .0 N Y*l:?--lzr::,2=1Yzryo L'?bL tl, -, #s fr'5i @)E€r' lhurstonincffi THrs DEsrcN especnLLy ronl _?nnoc -orct5' D€SIGNED T KATHY H DRAWN 8Y: ft^rh. 0r!' I I ;i ntl ti I t I I I I I .-l nl I -$ -\.,vi 0\i : I I + I -$ .i }1 I I J Bouldcr Shorroom P.O. Bor I 1306 . (303) 449-4m I E R. CO t02rb o (30313y)156 70 Pilot [nob Lrnc . (303) ?2t-3359 /-.'7t/ 7 3NEO BY:1./ Hoys€ r/N BY: :Jt d DATE: 4lzt[zr SCALE: fll\ 1t REVISED: r--!-l APPROVED THISDRAWING IS IltE EXCLUSTVE PROPERW OF:ttnrrston inc. SHEET NO_ oF.-@ 4/Le6 s BY @ DATE ETIIAL If,SPBSIIONIS COUPIAT@ Tbe ltcnr Ufo, ta to bo couplcte bcfore gtvtag a pcrolt a ftnrl C of O. Pleaee cbeck off lo tbc bor provldcd. gtNAL PLNAING DATBs L_r n PINAL }IECEANICAL r-l L_l I}ATE: D{PROVEUEI{T SURVEY RESID. 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COLORADO Statement ***** ** **++* ***** * * * * **++*+*t*** * ** * ***+* *** *** *****+* *** * t* ** ** * ** ** * *+* * ********f,* *+ * ** * ** Statement Number: R000002340 Amounts: $250.00 05/IO/2O02O42f7 PYI Pavment Method:Check Init: Notation cu 7784 -Bernardi t/ Permit No: ParceL No: site Address : Locat.ion: This Pal.ment: ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 00100003112200 DRBo2 0r.3 5 2r0LL2402002 4 718 MEADOW DR ' nUu 'to /-*# T)4)e: DRB-Minor AIt, Comn/Mu1tsi VAI IJ $2so.0o *** ** ** **+**+******* *** + * t * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + + ** * * * * * * * * * t +* * * * * + * + * * * *** ***** + TotsaI Fees: Total AL,L Pmts : Balance: Cunnent Pmts a4'7/t'uon $2s0.00 $2s0.00 $o. oo Descri pti on DESIGN REVIEl^j FEES 2s0.00