HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN TOWNHOMES TRACT A UNIT 4 LEGAL.pdfo DEPARII,IEI{T OF COMMI]NITY DEVEI,OPMEN| ADD/ALT MF BUILD ,.Tob Address: 4718 MEADOW DR Status. .Location...: 4-7L8 MEADOW DR (BTGHORN TApplied.Parcel No. . : 2L0'J.-L24-02-004 fssued. .Project No. : PRiI00-01_43 Expires. BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT ALIJ TIMES PERMTT Permit, #: 800-017i_ o TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD vArL, co 9L657 970-479-21,38 Occupancy: R]- Tfpe Constructlon: V N 'Il':pe Occupancy: Valuation: Fireplace Inf orlnation: Resbricted: Y Pfan check-- - > Inveetigation> tii 11 call- -- -> NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST APPLICAI{:T COPPERWOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC.P.O. BOX 5082, VAIL, CO 91659 COIITRA TOR COPPERWOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC. OI,{NER Description: ADDING NEW W]NDOW IN MASTER BEDROOOM p.o. BoX 5082, VArL, CO 8l-558 O,LOUGHLIN FRANKLIN D - STEARNS susAN A, 31483 N BERMuDA DR, EVERGREENI€Vffi5UT|ffi.Dev. Clean-up De Refund approved amount Phone: 970-949-4L90 Phone z 970-949-41-90 *of liood/Pel1€t: Multi-Family Type V Non-Rated 1, ,7 OO *of cae AppLianceB: Building-----> s6.o0 35.40 .00 3.OO J * r, r 'r rta ri i i t t Dept: BUILDING Divj-slon: Dept: PLANNING Division: JI]DY Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: Oo^[ .00 20,00 - oo .00 115 .40 1L5.40 .00 115. {0 115 .40 . oo Total calculated Fees---> AddiEional Fees---------> Tolal PerErit Fee--------> Payuents------- BAIANCA DUE---- Item:05100 07 /20 /2000 Item:05400 07 /20 /2OOO Item:05600 07 /20 /2000 Item: 05500 07 /20/2000 BUILDING DEPART'I{EI{T .JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED PLANNING DEPARTI4EI,TT .JRM ACTiON: APPR APPR PER FIRE DEPARTMENT JRM Action: APPR N/A PI'BLIC WORKS ,JRM Action: APPR N/A date Add Sq Ft: *Of Gaa IJogs: FEE SI'I'MARY R€stuaraDE Plan Review- - > DRB Fee-----_- R€croalion Fee----------> clean-Up Deposit-- - - - -- - > *+**t**J**rt1t*itttir'rtr**r**rrr See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permitr. I hcreby acknovlcdge lhat I hare rerd th16 a[tplicaEion, fil1ed out i.n ful] the inforoation requircd, coEpl.ebed atr accuralc plot plan, and Etat'e thaE all ghe inforhatioo provided as required iE corrlcc. f agr66 to coblrly t{ith the inforEacion and p1ot. pLan, to coEply lritsh alL Tovn ordillatlceg and stabe 1a*s, and to build thj,s alruclure according !o the Tor,n's zoniDg and subdivL6io!! codee, deBign revicw approwed, qniforu Building cod. and other otdj-nancas of the Town applicable thereho. REQUESTS EOR INSPECTIONS SHA'.'. BE IiIADE T1{E!Cry-FOI'R HOT'RS IN ADVANCE BY TEIJEPSONE AT 47 ISSI]ED 07 /20 /2OO0 08 / 01_/20OO oL/28 /2OOL FROM 8:00 AU S:00 PM Send cIc.n-UE Depoaib To: COPPERI{OOD C()NST SIGNATURE OF OIdNER OR CONTR.ACTOR FOR HIMSEIJF II{D OI{NER o **:l****:l***********************!t************************************************ CO!{DITIONS Permit #: 800-0171 as of 0|/01,/oo status: rssuED ******************************************************************************** Permit. Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: O.7/20/2OOO Applicant: COPPERWOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC. Issued: OA/OL/2OOO 970-949-4L90 To E><pire.: O1/28/200L Job Address: Locat,ion: 4718 MEADOW DR (BTGHORN IH #A-4)Parcel No: 2101-L24-O2-004 Description: ADDING NEW WINDOW IN I1IASTER BEDROOOM Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO C:IECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,ATiID FTOORS TO BE SEALED WTfiI AIY APPROVED FIRE MATERIAT.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AIiID EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1- OF THE 1997 IJBC.4. FIRE DEPARII{SNr APPROVAT IS REQUIRED BEFORE A}Iy WORK CAti[ BE STARTBD. i'...*."r....r.".r.r"'.t...r"-"'.,,l..rrr".,r,rrr,,,,rr* ItEac.Ert TOE OP rnr!, @toRrm irlaattttatttttta!ttaa!ltrtr*+ftar.rraraaaaa$ilaatrttatatttra*iirirr* glrBmc fltEb.tt REC-O56O lFur|t r 95.40 os7glloo 14:s3 Pry!.!rB. llEhoal. 1{5{ f,otrtl,osr. coDplnl{Odt dtgf,. Itltc ! .tlf P.triB I|o! BO0-O171 tlEr: t-t|F IID,/II.T r" BUILD pE|R Parcel ro.. ?101-12{-02-00{ glts. lddtc!.: {?13 tlllDol| m Loc.tion ! a71g llllttotf DR (BICgomt rn *f-{) ToEal F..6: lt's.ao Iti. P.t'!|!rt 95.40 Tocrl A!l; hE.3 Balahcq! rl5. {0 .oo buat 56.OO 36.{0 3.00 tttlttttttilatlllrratt.tataatrlrrrtr trri,,'rtrrirra tttatt lcco|'nt Cod.D..critrtion BP 00100003111100 BmLDtItG pERftIT pEtg PP 00100003112300 Plrtrf clIEcK FEEg rc ootooo03ll2a00 mLL ctL! DtspEcfloN tll APPLICATIO LL Nor BEAccEpTED rF rNcoMpbrT$#i?ff"OlV3 Building Permit *:8OO - Olll 97O- 47 9 - 2149 (Inspections)' Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical. etc.! 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vaif, Colora-do 81657 Contact Asressorc Offrce at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcef # ,a I 'L+t 'Lao1) Job Name: o'kttc,AuN l+tgag4J+Job Address: +-BA N\EdDC']W PR''"- "-"'"'"btci llcr< l Tcr,vl.t.t-lar<a= A-+ Lesar Description lltot:ffilllatocx: ll ririns:Subdivision: Owners Name:o*o=a?*R'D'ffi % q-rhlee fl nnonei'-., b-t L --1n4l Architec(Designer:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address;Phone: Detailed description of work: WW} INsfaw+1tDA oF NFl,(/ \N\NbW@ EX-rt4 Mne1. WorkClass: New( ) Addition(X) Remodel ffi Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (2Q Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family Q{ Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: +No. of Accommodation Units in this building: + Noflype of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noffypeof FireplacesProposed: GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurnins(NOTALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) { COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) TOTAL: S REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION qly General Contractor: CoPFER\llr-l-'t C,.:l*vrt :r-Nr/-. Town of Vail Req. No.:L+2->Contact and Phone #'s: cARl - -d-Ir-F-r.'.lrtre 3to-\4bL Contractor Signature: Qd-.JL.{-e "jhldz_l^_a^ **'?***t r.rt********r.******:!rr*******t!*tr*'I*FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****************rr****r.r.* F :/everyone/forms/bldgperm ffiCDJULEOZOOO ) WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": Is this a new residence?YES No_rx,._ D tr o a o :r'r,ij:[f the Risht-of-way, easements or YES No-I- Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES- NO X Is any drainage work b.eing done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property?YES -NO x - Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES No-j- Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES_ NO X If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works? YES_ NO A If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2L98. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESNONS. Contractor Signature lob or Poect Name: Date Signed: Does demolition work being performed public property? YES Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? F F :/everyone/forms/bld perm4 Company Name PUBTIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Aoolication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. you can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper, An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's offce for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-1OI DEPOSITS ON PUBIJC WAYS PROHIBTTED Unlawful deposits: Su$ect to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, di4 snow, ice/ or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifo and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rock, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. o Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. tr Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Work, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-T. AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED o No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 1) B Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any segtion of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cruse it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) g 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and wilf comply with the above code provisions: QNVU f- *U-FJly'Utl+-(Z Position or Relationship to Project: Date sisned: 1/9/@- F:/everyone/formVbl dpermT TVWqI0F DMINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: o The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. s The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2L98 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. o Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occuoancy issuance. Agreed to by: Print Name Project Name: Date Signed: F:/everyone/forms/bldperm6 Signature lLl o .oQ ^{trFfHo 0 u J g K E $ :0 ',F f +t ? /) ,I $ * F- 2 sr I g $ J N -\t z 1 u 5 o J -o $t $s \o o b -) ti 3 !,R 7 $ d B t) h $ g $l nl frl $l I t,I b -l 1 s d lH nt ($ B 3 B I 3$($ kr tf -r_ .|l -. r' Ni* $z s k$ X>( 2 .A 1r $ .t J J\ t: $$t ffi o o \ +t ra 2U t-I .{s s sff *a r$ $F str : \ 5 g $ a 1 u J 3 -o $i .t N lr b -l |l -\ '+1, il. 4 Fl s g , \li {i a s l= J+ Si,l +- H q -t q d lH ilL (il B = B 2 -u, o{-, ul xx ss Ni* $z s $ { r K ! ( i ? ci tu $ .{ d o $f;t ffi s1/13/ldl o8r47 38s6742588 ProjectName; O'Lougblin,stearnr Projact Dorcription: Window sddition #ebutters a D esign Review Action Form SJSAI*I SIEARNS PAGE 81 Owncr, Addresg and phone; Frrnklin D. O'Loughlin & Susan A. Stearns 31a83 N Bcrmuda Dtrnes fffir#'ootf toott ArchitecVContaot, Addrcrs and phone: Projcct Street Addrcss: 4?0g Meadow Drivq #qn Lcgal Dcrcriptioo: I-s1 Al, Bighorn Townhorncs Parccl Numbcr : il 0 | 12402004 TOWN OF VAIL Project Nunrbcr: PRI00-0143 Building Narne: Conmcntr: ***TLq qE CONSULT TITE T.O.V. BUILDING_DE}ARTMENT REGARDING PoTENrrALAsBEsroBesAlEnfi E-Nr-rsdu-nT--li-Cliiii"-. Bonrd / StaffActlon Motion by: Sccondcd by: Votcl Condltionr: l. Thet the chuncrr be proportionrt to tle window Town Planncn: Nlison OchVJAR D*e:5/26/A0 Action: StaffApprovstl DRB Fee Pre.Paid: $20.00 7l a AA/tE/efi$fi rZtB:39 REOUESTS - INSPECTN l,ltlRK SHEETS FOR: B/L6/eA Status: ISSUED Constr': AMF REF'T 131 TOWN UF VAIL, COLORADO PAGE 1O AREA: JRltl Activityz EQD-QL71- 8/LA/Etl Type: A-ltlF Qdclr"essz 47L& MEADUW DR Location: 4718 MERDOW DR (BI6|'IORN TH #A-4) Far'cel : ElOl-184*Oe-404 Desct'iption: DDING NEW I^IINDCIW IN ltlAST'ER BEDROOOM Appl ieant: COFFTERI^JOOD C0NSTRUCTION, INC. Owner.: tr'LOUGiHLIN FRANKLIN D - STEARNS Phone:Contractor: trOtrtrERl.ltrOD CONSTRUCTION, INC. Occ: Ptron e : 9i'tl-949-419€t Fhone z 97r1-949-419fr User V N Inspeet ion Reqt re st Reqtlseel': CARL Req Timer OB:O0t Items requested to OrA'Ager BLD6*Final Inf or"mat i on. . . Comment s: UNIT be Inspeeted.. Fhone: 39tir'-9463 A4 _ FRONT DOT]R WTLL BE T]PEN Act i on Comment s -, I I ----- I II I I I Inspect i on l{i st ot'y. . . . .Item: OraEeAr PLAN-ILC Site Plan I t em :-O{f830 BLDG-Ft.am i nq '@A/03/AA Inspector.: JRM It em r taOASO BLDG-Insr"rIat ion Iten: OOOEA BLD6-Sheetnock Nail It en: OAOTA BLDG-fvli gc. Item: $'4090 BLD6-Final Iten: OtAS4Cr BLDG-ina1 C/O Ti me Exo 'l I .., E: . -#-, Etion:APF'ROVEDE Design Review TOWNO Project Name:O'Loughlir/Stearns Project Number: PRI00-0143 Project Description: Window addition dshutters Owneq Address and Phone: Franklin D. O'Loughlin & Susan A. Stearns 31483 N Bermuda Dunes Evergreen, CO 80439 303-674-7041 Architect/Contact, Address and phone: Project Street Address: 4708 Meadow Drive. #4A Legal Description: Lot Al, Bighorn Townhomes Parcel Number:210112402004 Building Name: Comments: ***PI,EASE CONSULT THE T.O.V. BUILDING DEPARTMENT REGARDING POTENTIAL ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ISSUES _ 479-2325r. * X * o Action Form F VAIL Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: 1. That the chutters be proportional to the window Town Planner: Allison OchVJAR Date:5126100 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproved DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 ate Receivec t{AY P 2000 SUSAN A. STEARNS FRANKLIN D. O'LOUGHLIN 3I4E3 N. BERMUDA DUNES DRIYE EVERGREEN, COLORADO 80439 May 16, 2OO0 Town of Vail Design Review Board Department of Communitsy Development 75 South Frontage Road VaiL, CO 8L557 Re: Application for Design Review Approval Dear Sirs: Please find enclosed an Application for Design Review Approval , a check for $20.00, a picture showing the current status of the property, a picture with a rendition of the propoeed window drawn in, and a copy of tshe minutes from the last homeownerrs meeting in which this window was approved by the homeowners (see page 3). This improvement consisEs of adding a window to the big open waLl on Ehe second floor of the townhome. This improvement was approved by the Design Review Board when we did a major renovation in 1995, but Eo cut costs, we dropped thaE window from the remodeling at t,hat time. We will use materials identicaL to the material,s in place and wilL use the same paint and trim to match Ehe other window, except that shutters will be added to this window, in the same col-or as the trim, namely blue-green. There 1s paint, left over from the last time the buildinqs were painted to ensure that t.he pain*- \,r'j.11 be the same. Thank you for your att.ention to this matter. If you have any questions, please feel free Eo contact me at the above address or (303) 574-8724 (H) or 303-674-704t (w). silcergry, -/r"' /4424?7 Susan A. St,earns C:\wpwh\AlGHORMbtt6. to ORB rr whd.,vr.w9d wlfv avvut, { , ,/ MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE.EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPRO\IEMENTS GENERAL INFORMATION This application applics to changes made to a site or exterior alterations of a building. Any altcation in which additional building square footage is added will rcquire an 'bddrtions" application. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS Phglos or skctchcs which clearly convey $e existing conditions. Photos or sketches which clgrly.convey thg proposed building or site alrcration(s). AII relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and matcrials to bc uscd- Condominium Association approval (if applicable). If tbe intent of thc proposal is not clearly indicated, the Adminisrrator may dctermine that additional materials are necessary for thc review of the application. tt I t. ut. tv. PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE A prc-application confcrcncc rvith Torvn of Vail .staff i.s rcquircd. No application can bc acccptcd unlcss tlri ntandatory prc-application nrccting has bccn conrplctcd. It is thc applicant's rc.sponsibiliry to schcdulc this rnecting by calling 970-479-2128. TIME REOUIREMENTS Thc Dcsign Rcvicrv Board mccts on thc lst and 3rd Wcdncsdays of each month. A complcte application fornr and all acconrpanying uratcrial nlust bc acccpted by the Cgmnrunity Development Departnrent a minirnulu of thrcc and a half (3 l/2) wecks prior to thc date of thc DRB public hcaring. REVIEW CRITERIA Your proposal will be rcvicwed for conrpliancc rvith thc Dcsign Cuidclincs as sct forth in Scction 18.54 of the Municipal Codc. NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: A. .- Ifa propcrty is locatcd in a mappcd hazard arca (i.c. snow avalanchg rocldall. floodplain. dcbris '. flow, rvctland, ctc). a hazard study nrust bc submittcd and thc orvncr nrust sign an aftidavit rccognizing thc hazard tcport prior to thc issuancc ofa building pcrmit. Applicants arc cncouragcd to chcck rvith thc planning staff prior to subnrittal of a DRB application to dctcrminc thc.rclationship of thc propcrty to lll nrappcd haz:rds. Basic Plan Shcct Fornrat. For all survcys. sitc plirns, landscape plans and othcr sitc improvcmcnts plans. all of thc follorving ntust bc shorvn. I . Plan shcct siz-c urust bc 24"x 36" . For largc projocts, largcr plan size may bc allowcd.2. Scalc. Thc mininrunr scale is l "=20'. All plans must bc at thc sanc scalc.3. Graphic bar scalc.4. North arrorv. 5. Titlc block. projcct namc. projcct addrcss and lcgal dcscription.(f. - Indication of plan prcparcr. addrcss and phonc nunrbcr.7. Datcs of original llan prcparati'on and all rcvision datcs.tt, Viciniry rrrap or location nrap at ascalc of I"=I,000'or largcr.9. . Shcct labcls and nun:bci.s. l0 . A bordcr with a mininrum lcft sidc rnarein of 1.5". (,. I I. Narncs of all adjaccnt roadways.12. Plan legcnd. For new consttuctiou and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate propcrty lincs. proposcd buildings and building corncrs. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicrnt mr-rst ensurc thai staking donc during thc rvinter is not buricd by snorv All sitc tapings end staking must bc completed prior to thc day of thc DRB mceting. Applicants who fail to appear bcforc the Design Revicw Board on their schcduled mceting date and rvho have uot asked in advancc that discussion on their item be pos$oned, will havc thcir itenrs rernovcd from the DRB agcnda until such tiure as the item has been rcpublished. If thc DRB approvcs the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions ofapproval nrust be rqsolved prior to the issuance of a building pcrmit. ,.., f. I Updatcd 6/9? B. D. E. o STAFF APPROVAL Thc Adrninistrator may rcvicw and approve Desigrr Rwiew applications. approve with cetain modifications. deny the application. or may ret'er the application to thc Design Rcview Board for dccision. All staff approvals are subjcct to final approval by the DRB. Thc following rypes of Dcsign Rcview applications may be staff approvcd: A. Any application for an addition to an existing building that is consistent with thc architcchral dcsign. matcrials and colors ofthe building. and approval has been received by an authorizcd member ofa condoniniurn association. if applicablcl B. Anv application to nrodifu an existing building that does not sigrrificantly changc the existing planes , ofthe building and is generally consistent with thc architectural desigr, materials and colors of the' building, including. but not limited to exterior building finish materials (e.g. stonework siding. roof .rnaterials. paint or stain.). cxtcrior lighting, canopics or arvnings. fences. antennas. satcllitc dishes. rvindorvs. skylights. siding. rninor comnrercial facadc improvcurcnts, and other similar modiiications: C. Anv application fbr site imprcivements br modifications including. but not limited to. driveway rnodifications. sitc grading, site rvalls. rcmoval or modifications to cxisting landscaping, installation of accessory structrrrqs or rccrsltional facilities. ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. Ifthis application requires a separatc review by any local. statc or Federal agenry other than thc Torvn of Vail. thc application fce shall be increased by $200.00. Examplcs of such rcvicrv. may includc. but are not limitcd to: Colorado Dcpanmcnt of Highway Acccss Pemrits. Army Corps of Engincers 404. etc. B. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of50% ofthe application fee. If, at thc applicant's request. any mattcr is postponed for hcaring, causing the matter to be re-published thcn the entirc fce for such re-publication shall bc paid by tbc applicant, C, Applications dcemcd by the Conrmunity Devclopnrcnt Dcpartmcnt to have design, land usc or other issuss which may have a significant impact on the conrmunity may requiie review by consultants in addition to Torvn staff. Should a detcrmination be made bv the Torvn staff that an outside consultant isneedcd. the Cor:rmunity Devclopment Depaftmcnt may hire the consultant. The Departmcnt shall ' cstinrate tho alnount ofmoney nccessary to pay thc consultant and this amount shall be forwardeC fo thc Torvn by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Expenses incured by the Town in exccss of the amount rbrw'arded by the applicatron shall be paid to thc Town by thc applicant within 30 days ofnotification by the Torvn. Any excess funds will bc rehrncd to the applicant upon revicw conrDletion. T Updated 6/97 LTST OF TROPOSED MATERTALS BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows WindowTrim ...Doors Door Trini Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Fkrshings Chinncy:s Trash Enclosures ' Grecnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other i Please specify thc nranufac-turer's color, number and athch a smalt color chip ** Atl cxtcrior lighting nrust ncet ttre Town,s Uigbting OrOnancc 18.54.050$. CQLO.R:* G accnt - tZ ,n+T<fJ €rtszltue l4r/pqag Ifcxteriolr lighting is proposcd, plcase indicate thc numbcr offixtiucs and locations on a separate lighting plan-plcase indicate thc numbcr of fixturcs and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identi$ ea* ditruc type and provide thc height abovc grade, lumcns outpul lunrinous arca. and attach a cut shcct of Sre lighting fixhues. i.. i F .'';t ..t ' Updated 6D7 o PROPOSED LANDSCAPING . Botnnical Nanrc Conrnron Namc Ouantity Sizc" PROPOSED TREES ANb SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BEREMOVED: - +Mininrum iCquircnrents for landscaping: dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight ' shrubs -Sgallons JJ4PS Squarc Footacc CROUND COVER snn SEED . IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining waiis. ienccs, swimming poots, etc.) Please specifu. Indicate rop and bottom elevations of rctaining rvalls. Maximunr hcight of walls rvithin the front setback ic .l f.?et. Maxirnum heiSht of rvalls elscrvhcrc orr the propcrty is 6 tect. ., 't, s .t' 1' Uiitared 6197 TITILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION This fomr is to vcriff scwicc avaitability and location for new construction and shoutd bc uscd.in conjunction rvith prcparing your utility plan and schcduling installations. Thc location and avaitabilitybf utilities. whcthct thcy be main tnrnk lincs or proposcd lincs, nrust bc approvcd and vcrified by thc following utilitics for thc accornpanying sitc plan. Authorizcd Siqnaturc Datc U.S. Wc.st Communications t-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-578 r Gary Hall Holy Cross Elcctric Assoc. 949-5892 Tcd Husky/Joltn Boyd T,C.r. 949-5510 Floyd Salazar Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanitation District * 476-741ltl Frcd Haslcc * Plcasc bring a sitc plan, floor plan. and clcvations whcn obtaining Uppcr Eagle Vallcy Watcr & Sanitation signahrrgs. Firc florv nccds rnust bc addrcsscd. NOTES: t-If thc utility vcrification fornr has signaturcs fronr each of the utility companics. and no conrlllcnts arc rrmdc dircctly on thc tbrrn, thc Torvn rvill prcsumc that therc arc no problcnrs and thc dcvclopntcnt can procccd. Ifa utiliry corlrpany has conccms with thc proposcd construction. the utility reprcscntativc shall note directly on thc utility vcrification fonn that there is a problcm which ncerls to be rcsolved.'I'irc issLrc shouin rhen bc dctailcri in an attached lcttcr to thc To,,vll cf vaii. Holl'c,,.;:, ;l::se kccp in mind that it is thc rcsponsibility ofthc utiliry company and thc applicant to resolvc :.r-_.;:; r t.. . er.rrll.rL(r l./r UUr,.::-. 3.Thesc vcrifications do not rclicvc the contraitor of the responsibility to obtain a hlblic Way Pcnnit fronr thc Dcpartment of Public Works at thc Town of Vail. Utilig locations must be obtaincd bcfore dieqing in any public right-of-rvay or cascmcnt within tlic Town of vail. A L--:lr:-- , :.! . .-J'. 11 " Updated 6/97 ') o { r*; --E-lf .\ Eta\-,--.iI \- ATTEI\DAITICE: Bighorn Townhomes Minutes 2000 Annual Nlssting April 8,2000 5:30 pm Unit 4-A---Stearns and O'Loughlin A-l Bram Cone by proxy to Sally Agnoletto A-2 Sally Agrroletto and Matt Shapcott A-3 Rick Patten and Teresa Patten A-4 Susan Steams and Frank O'Loughlin B-l Lipperts by Proxy to Susan Steams Michelle Brewer Castle by proxy to Susan Steams B-2 Kocaks not in attendance B-3 Kit Badey 84 Sharon Bemardo The meeting was called to order at 5:40 PM by Susan Steams Susan Steams checked the Bylaws re a quorum which consists of40% ofthe homeowners and a quorum was in attendance in person or by proxy. FINATICIAL REPORT: Susan Stearns, Treasurer, had sent out printouts showing a Profit and Loss for l999and a Profit and Loss for the year to date. In surnmary, the P&L for 1999 is set up strictly on the monies received during the year from dues and other income and strictly on the expenses payments out, not the firnds set over to the Reserve. This is so that the association has accurate information on the monies coming in and the funds going out. The Association income tax retum is based on this. Therefore, thel999 P&L shows income of $19,439.09, ($19,200.00 of which was from dues, $209.17 from interest on the Reserve account and miscellaneous income of $29.92 from Holy Cross refund), the expenses of $17,294.50,693.51 result in an apparentgainoroverageof$2,l44.59fortheyear. However,wehavebeenplacing$6,880.00inthereserve each year, and so we were short the ability to put $4,735.41 into the Reserve account. Many costs have escalatedinthe pasttwo years, mostnotably the insurance whichhasmorethandoubledfrom $1,880.00per year in 1998 to $3,764.00 this year and the trastg which two yea$i ago was $2,200.00 per year and this year will be $3,150.00 for the year. Also, the addition of the heat tapes on the two building cornmon area has increased our ele ctric from about $48.00 per year to $416.00 last year. After discussioD, a motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to increase the dues $75.00 per quarter starting n€xt quarter. Then a discussion was heid regarding the Reserve account. Currently Susan has been placing $21 5.00 per unit per quarter into the Reserve account, but has been pulling funds out to meet expenses. The current balance ofthe Reserve Account is $7 ,613 .87 , Commencing with next quarter, Susan will reduce the arnount placed into Reserve to $125.00 per unit per quarter and this can be reassessed next year. A discussion was held re using the Reserve asjust an allowance for unexpected expenses and for the insurance deductible or if it should be used as a savings for major anticipated expenses like painting. The apparent prefened use is to have it for unexpected expenses and do special assessments for painting, etc. Therefor, next year when the account will be about $10,000.00, we can review this again. Bighom Annual Meeting April8,2000 A further discussion was held re the trash and it was decided that Susan will obtain a sign for the dumpster to warn of the Vail ordinance against non residents using the dumpster. Sharon and Sally said that last week the dumpster was frrll on Thursday and no one except the trro unirc (Sally and Sharol's) were being used. It is pretty expensive to pay $26i.00 per month for others to use our dumpster. Get the license plate"of anyone using it and we "* i"pott it. The police will follow up on this. A discussion on the insurance revealed that there is still confision about how extensive an owner's personal policy should be to cover improvements' The prudent course is to cover all improvements made on your personal insurance policy. Cathy Thompson has offered to talk to us or if you have questions' call her office at 9 70-g26-l600and talk to Cathy or Rayla. If you insure with State Famt, you probably are least likely to be paying for double coverage. Every one agreed that the place is looking good and no major improvements were viewed as being needed this year. we will have the decks stained again during the ryPT:t-to keep them up and will have the berm weeded and filled in with new plants as needed. Building A decided to have the barrels and garden filled as needed by an informal special assessment among the Building A owners. The Lipperts pointed out that the Kocaks, gutter causes a iarge stalagmite to be formed, but this is the only way to avoid the ice dam problems of the p-35t. It would be iripossible to have a downspout for that gutter because there is not a good place for .on offand the downspout could back up and burst. The Lipperts also pointed ou! th{ th9 go.mmon '*.u grrtt"., on Building S are stilt leaking and Building A has a minor similar problem' Sally said that she woul-d get the new p"opl", Down Valley Gutters to take a look at this. The Lipperts also pointed-out that the firef,lace/fumace flu has blown offand when Sally gets a new handyman, we will have him look at this' Susan Steams agreed to act as Treasurer for another year. Sally agreed to act as President for another year and Sharon voluntiered Bill Bemardo as a Director from Building B to round out the Board' Rick has smelled a gas leak at the common area of Building A and has had Public Service out a couple of times to no avail. -By the time Public Service anives, no smell is apparent. FOLI,QW. A=P - On Sunday, the day after the m..tittg, th" smell was there again. Public Service came again, and initially there * no g* smell. However, Siily and Matt's heater kicked on while Public Service was there and the technician found there was a leak g-oiog to Sally and Matt's unit. They had a repairman out on Monday and he found an additional problemthat tieirfurnace was leaking carbon monoxids Thesefutnaces arc old and this is a very dangerous siluationl I recommend that each unit owner consider buying carbon monoxide detectors to go along with the new fue extinguishers that you have. This coukl save yout life! ! Because the furnaces *" ,o old, you should probably have it checked oqd analyzed to see if it is safe and if your fumace should be replaced. The filters should be replaced annually, at the very least. The cost ofthe snow shoveling is high, but the quality is good enough that this is better than the complaints that we have had in the past. We will continue with Masked Man for another year. a o Bighorn Annual Meeting April 8,2000 Susan and Frank intendto add awindowthat will matchthe one onthe spare bedroom that Sally and Matt have. No one objected to this and it was approved. Sharon stated that they.are looking at adding a garage attached to their unit around the back of their unit. Depending on the ultimate placement, no objections were made at this time. There being no further business, the meeting was adjoumed at 7:lOpm. Respectfrrlly Submitted L,2zz.zt-zz -.. Susan A. Stearns C:\wpyuiltBlcHoRfawf,ida. rrd Mirrdttyrittra :m.nod -3 - Tan of Vril I|r Cllsl0fn RECTIPT rrr Df,lE: 5/?3/99 0l RECEIPI: lC09lll DESCRIpTItilt oil fl{lt}ll Tp Tll lEsISl RtUIElt Ft I ftr.ro rDR CX $,se[ srERftt6 I |lLtilffiHLlll TTI{DER DTTAIL ct( l6ii1 IillEr 5/P3/ffi T{|TAT CHECI( te9.00 TIIG: ll:{2:3?|et.t |e9.98 ilrilIlT IEI{DERID IHRH( YII' FM Yil'R PEYI#NT! RECEIPT - The Town ofVail N9 D^rE s/A9 ,p a() RECEryED FROM ADDRESS 50695 Policc Rcceipt Numbers- w 'rlffi /l Department of Community Developnient Lr|,Parulteltl oI r,(,mmuntly uel 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 o^t -5-_l22 =e Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Uniform Buildins Code -.1997 - Volume 1&2 001 0000 3.14 1.1 .10 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Buildino Code - 1997 - Volume 3 001 0000 314 1112 lnt€rnational Plumbins Code - 1997 International Mechanical Code - 1998 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1997 Uniform Fire code 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 Abatement of Danoerous Bldo.'s 1997 001 0000 314 1112 1 0000 314 1112 Model Enerqv Code - 1 995 of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes 01 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1211 001 0000 314 1111 Lionshead Master Plan ($1.80/$1 .60 001 00003141111 001 0000 314 1111 001 0000 315 3000 001 0000 311 2300 Plan Review Re-check Fee ($40/oer hou Off Hours lnsDection Fees 001 0000 31s 2000 001 0000 312 3000 001 0000 312 4000 001 0000 312 4000 001 0000 311 2200 001 0000 315 3000 001 0000 240 3300 001 0000 31 2 1000 Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Deot.Rev.001 0000 230 2000 .001 0000 201 1000 '001 0000 310 1100 Taxable @ 4.0ol (Town) - Retall Sales Tax 001 0000 3.1 1 2500 Additional GRFA - '250"1 0000 31 1 2500 01 0000 311 2s00 Exterior Alteration - Less than 100 001 000031 12500 Exterior Alteration - More than 100 sq. ft.001 0000 311 2s00 001 00003112500 001 000031'l 2s00 001 00003112500 001 0000 311 2500 001 00003112s00 001 00003112s00 1 0000 319 3100 Received by ?ryr- F:/Everyone/Forms/Salesac'l.exe / ^--,j/e't , -f_ft J, # \ r di I K\, Itrr i\l $ rl!:ti tir ri:& CHECK REQUEST PREPARED BY: .,'2',o DATE: 2 DESCzuPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN IIP DEPOSIT REFIIND FOR BP #.4f* NAME OF IOB: 7Q ' ACCOUNTNUMBER OI OOOO 22002 AMOUNT OFREFUND:o-?sz.a) DATEAPPROVED: APPROVAL SIGNATURE: TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM PERI.{IT /I DArEz n//?r'4 30/ /??t LICATION I'TUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY oR IT MAY NoT BE ACCEPTED ********************** PEIWIT TNFORMATION ***************************** ffisuifafng [ ]-plunbing [ ]-Elecrrical [ ]-Mechanicat [ ]-other ;Iob Name:Job Address: Legal Description:BIock ******* SUBDIVISION: Owners Nane: General- Description: Pl7.pt-'?4-224/ n4* t{or}c class: [ ]-New p{-Arteration t l-Additionat [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwellinq Units:Number of Accommodation Units: ^ lpnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliun .= / Gas Logs_ Wood/pellet_ lt********************************* VALUATTONS ********************************* 'L - Iurr,or""2 iy'Sroae ELEcrRrcArzi 1ezaz* orHER: | /n tma? f-??T:'<fifrfe MEcHANTcALz $-4sw ? - rorAl: f,**J{x*/Pi*-ir-tit t,t ********** coNTRAcroR rNFoRMATrol.l ***********n/* tr*t t ***tEeneral Contractoti Sc(r4n1ff Ca^//.ctEor^r s*btrrE /kt.1g"r of Vail .S. !8 Address: S- a. s- , -l,rlk*TtU4 ,tZ.Ehone Number: @/E:+_ Erectricat contractot, l*'Affiti"tFi^o"U,l rown of Vair Re- )"o.3-3q-€Address: phone Nurnber:Hnone NumDer: - . ,r/d fJtO.F Plunbing contractorz 5tAel DCdnttor4fff,-COtl[ Town of VaiI Reg. No.,AJ -'P Address: -- phone Nunber: 4 st ti-oe Mechanical Contractor: Address:Phone Number: ******************************** FOR orFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDING PERMTT FEE: PTUMBING PERMIT FEE: BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT: fro. a 22,& 25o , cto MECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: /6o, oCr MECITANICAL PLAN CHECK FF,Et 2f, a)ELECTRICAL FEE: oTHER TYPE OF FEE:qrLtcC!-Jffi DRB FEE: fil\o'#mn BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: /62-a NO. I I rt ttl;{Ll (1't l_l_l_ l_ l4b * "rrJ.l_%L z4fs- CLEAN IIP DEPOSIT REFTTND TO: : THIS PERMIT I"iUST BE POSTED ON TOWN OF VAIL ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMIT Pernit #: 995-0059 AT ALL TIMES o JOBSITE D e p a r n n e n o{ C o,Jt :, y: i ? lguEff,g e n t Applied. .: 0a/A3/L995 r'siued. ., I o4/18/19e5 expires. . : Lo'/Is/1995 OWNER O'LOUGHLIN FRANKLIN D- STEARNS susAN A, 31483 N BERMUD' EVERGREEN co 80439 CoNTRACTOR suwrrr-coltiiiuciioll SPECIALTIEs Phone: 303-478-7875 P.o. ioi-1833, BREcKENRTDGE ' 80421 coNTRAcroR sur,orri-'CoNiinucrrow spEcrAL'irES Phone: 303-478-7875 P.o. ioi-lag:, snecxENRrDGE ' 80421 DescriPtion: REMODEL occuPancY: R1 Multi---FamilY type conlii"iiioit' v 1-HR Type v l-Hour TyPe occuPancY: R:- tcol in table! Valuati-on:7L,700 {of Gas APP I iances: Add Sq Ft: 46 #Of tlood/Pa I' tet: Fi reptace lntornation: nestri cted:FlrePtace lntor trElrerr' ,..... .. .. .*++*.{rrttt*tt****r****lr*tri.fftrlrf** @rr*r*r*_*rr.***Ayi*-:EE;sur'ilrARY -ffi'^---' i,!es. 10 Bui tdi ng----> Ptan check---> lnvest i gati on> ui Lt ca I l'----> 75 South Fronrage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-21 38 / 479-21 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Job Address Location... Parcel No.. Project No. Restuarant P tan Revi eu--> 4718 MEADOW DR BIGHORN TOWNHOUSES 2loL-124-0 2-0 0 4 PRJg5-0035 A-4 fof 6as Logs: 600.00 390. 00 i fll.t DRB FeF---- Recreation Fee----------) ctean-uP Deposii--------> TOTAL FEES----- Additionat Fees--------> Totat Pernit Fer-----> Pavnents------- erllNce out---- 100.00 16.10 250.00 1 ,399.10 'l ,399 .10 1 ,399 .1O .00 llffifi11il BUILDING DEPAR'TMENT-nii--- -- Action: AP9R "Fi.eNN r Ne- -DE PAR'TMENT-MTRE ACEION: AI/.YI("Fine DEPARTMENT ---^NAN ACTION: AI TK -'pljsl.,rc woRK$DAi---- Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING DEPT: PLANNING r,\^*{-. ElTDEi r.rsPr-. ! ^rts Dept: PUB WORK Division: Division: Division: Division: ,:T;;".ni" o"""menr for any condirions rhar may apply ro rhis permit ' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowredse that r have T:l.lli:-::?.:i'll"I.llllio,l':"11":::t i:rl!:"il':]ll,i'llll'1i""?I?fj#jl I hlreby.cknowr'edse !l?t-l-h"u" read this application' lllii"l"Llil;:'i";r;;;i;;oiftv Jitt' ti':'ii1::ftr^ pt.i)-"1'a-.i"t" tnlt "tt:F-lli::'::]':,ti:"1:* ":"5"1o buitrt th.s s*ucture """o.Jiiifo tr:,t::1::-:onins "nd i tli)'ila'iilil -iili "rt the 'iniormation Provided as resulfer rs s{r'ser' "''-- -Jiii!o tle ro"n's zonins and to compry uith ar.r. -* o-'n"n.l.-::l::?l:,::,:;:":":""H::t":!1il::::':l':n:"i:l;;Fil.ili"';i..".o. - to compty uith al'l' Toun orqrndnuE! I othar ordinances of the Toun .i"t,'i'""1g^ reviev approved' tlniform Buil'ding code and otnlr ersrlr€irvE" "' "" 7, accurate Ptot and Pl'ot Ptan, subdivi si on REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 6E IIAOE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AOVANCE BY TELEPHONE Scnd CLcan-UP DePosit To: ir oun orrrcE Fnon AND OI,INER sb ccsAP(1)Clairn* 107112 (H) P.O.# Cloae PO? Cost Ctr Vendor 102570 SI'MMIT CONSTRUCTION SERVICES DispIaY ClaimE Batch Clairn Heading Invoice# Invoice date Contract* Gro86 amount Due date Discount date Discount amt Claim DescriPtion Description BP #895-0059 #Linee:1 Display Claine Batch Claim Heading Invoice# Invoice date Contract# Groes amount Due date Discount date Di-scount amt PO BOX 2608 DTLLON, co 80435 (cD) Mode: 50 ccsAP(1)Clain* LO7LL2 (H) P.O.# Close PO? Cost Ctr Vendor T02570 ST'MMIT CONSTRUCTION SERVICES PO BOX 2608 DTLLON, CO 80435 Calendar Yr 95 nonth 10 Hold code Bank code TOV Check number 101619 check date 10/26/95 Special code Separate sheck Source document tYPe Special rernittance instructions Memo field 1 Ln# 001 00868 895-0059 Lo/L8/e5 2s0.00 Lo/L8/e5 00868 895-0059 Lo /L8 /es 250.00 Lo /18 /e5 07/3t 16:31 o7/3t t6:32 Dieplay? (/ ? H CD GL) **************************************************************** rowN oF vArL, corJoRADo Reprintedt o7/3:1?9 E:-11,,::i::Ti:**********************************************-F{(*********** statemnt Number: REC.OO\4 Amount:1, 309 .t0 09ftL/e5 08:53 \ ( --"'- Init: TT Pavment Methgd: cK7316 Dlgtatron: \ \- i -.2:1-Z----- 895-0059 TYPe: A-MF ADD/ALT MF BUII,D PER zLOt-124-02-004 4718 MEADOV' DR BIGHORN TOWNHOUSES A-4 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance:1,309. 1o **************************************************************** t--F -z'oo (,r\ =J F- >--IN -< \../ ==\_2 +F A\^() :T \J --) (\rN H Y+S.0n --TA <-_C2 (-\ trr l' €5 -s -9 R] E u --l --''b., g (- >+ trtn -.- =-f =1 -j"-LS r-'/r I I &r( C,,--t- Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment L r 399. 10 1, 399 . 10 .00 Amount 550. 00 100 .00 Account 01 0000 01 0000 01 0000 0l_ 0000 30 0000 01 0000 Code 41310 413 31 4L332 22002 45032 4t336 Description BUII.,,DING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 SUSAIT A. STEARNS FRANKLIN ID. O'LOUGHLIN 314t3 N. BNRMI]IIA DTJNES DRTVE EVERGREEN, COLORADO 8II439 May 31, 1995 Town of Vail Vail Conmunity Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 8L657 Re: Plunbing inspection on 4?08 Meadow Drive Stearns/O I Loughlin rernodel Dear Sirst , , We are the owners of 4708 Meadow Drive, whicb is currently being renodeled. Our contractor, Randy Kilgore, has informed us that due to the manuer in which the plunbing is set up in the bathrooms on the second floor, there will not be access to the pipes. This Eituation is acceptable to us and will not upset us. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the above address or (303) 674-8724. Sincerely, 7 'o ," l'-"-:'?7/ ,-1-';:1112,'Susan A. StearDs cc: Randy Kilgore/Surnnit Construction '$ffi',Y.ar !uV . C1l{tvt, DEV, urr REPTl3I g9/09/96 TOt"tN OF UAIL, COLORADO O6:49 REGUESTS FOR INSPECTIBN l.lURK SHEETS FUR: 9/ 9/96 trAEE AREff: CD Activity: Address: Loeat i on : Paree I : De scri pt i on: Appl icant : Own er: Eont raet or: BoG-Ot9+9/ 9/96 Type: A-ltlF 4708 E ItEADgu DR BtEHtlRilS TtIJlrlllOllES'A&B 4101-1a4-O?-Ao'A REROtrF TOIINHUI'IES G & G RT]OFINE BIEHAHE TOHNHtrITIES G & G ROOFINE Status: ISSUED Occ: Phone: 3836685553 Phone: Phone: 3O36685552 Constr: AlrlF Use: V l-HR Inspect ion Request Inforrat ion. .. . . Requestor: CAROLYN-G &G RABFING Phone: 664-555e Req Tire z (E z.(Nl Gorrents:Iters requested to be Inspeeted... Aclion Cor-ren $o,490 BLDEi-FinaI Tiae Exp fnspection Iter:Iter:Iter:Iter: Iter:Iter: Iter: f t er: Iter:Iter: Iter:Iter: Iterl Iter..Iterl Iter: Iter:Iterr Iter: History..... OOSIO driveway qrade final oo'610 BLDG-Foot ings/St ee 1 o,Oo,?li BLDG-Foundat i on /St ee I o,A3?B PLAN-ILC Site trlan OOO3O BLDG-Fraring 0,OO4O * * Not On File * * OOOSO BLDG-Insulation 6S066 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail 0&9,aE * * Not on FiIe * r. gdDTO BLDE-ltlisc. OBlg7 196 Inspector: EG OOO9O BLDG-Final OS53O BLDG-Terp. trltr g053l FIRE-TE]'IP. C/O so53a PH-TE}|P. ClA oo533 PLAN-TEIp. trlO o,O=37 PLAN-FINAL ClO OO53A FIRE-FINAL tr,lg oo539 pH-FTNAL C/O Og54O BLDG-Final ClO Action: APPR APPROVED 29 ra -.-/Ak fud J.f /-;As a-.,r /"zp*A Ov **************************************************************** TOI{N OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0014 Anount: Payment Method: CK?316 Notation: 129.00 04/2r/e5 o8:54 Init: TT 895-005? Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAI PERMIT 2LOL-L24-0s-014 4640 MEADOW DR Total Fees: 129.00 Total AT,L Pmts: Balance: **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41335 Deecription ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CAIL INSPECTION FEE 129 .00 129 .00 .00 Anount 126.00 3.00 *****************!r********************************************** TOWN OF VAIIJ, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0014 Amount: Payment, Method: CK7316 Notation: 128.00 04/2r/95 08:56 Init! TT **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Thie Payment Account Code 01 0000 4t3r2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 4L336 M95-0057 Type: B-MECH 2L0L-L24-0s-014 4640 MEADOII DR MECHANICAT-, PERMIT Total Feee:128.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description MECTiANICAI-, PERMIT FEES PIJAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 128.00 r_28.00 .00 Anount 100.00 2s.00 3.00 **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Reprintedz 04/2L/95 08:53 Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Nurnber: REC-0014 Amount: Payment Method: CK7316 Notation: 1,309 .lo 04/2t/95 08:53 IniT: TT **************************t************************************* Permit No: ParceL No:Site Addrese: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41,310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 45032 01 0000 41336 895-0059 Tlpe: A-MF zLO7-L24-02-004 4718 MEADOW DR BIGHORN TOWNHOUSES A-4 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER 1, 359 . 10 1,359 .10 .00 Amount s50 .00 100 .00 390 .00 2s0 .00 16. 10 3.00 Total Fees:1,309.10 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUII,DING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE o *************************** o *********** Statemnt ************************** TOV|N OF VAIIJ, COLORADO **************************************************************** statemnt Nunber: REc-0013 Amount: --_ 50.00 04/!4/95 11:30 -::T:i:-f:I1-:L-_--y:::::ry1]::-T_- s0. 00 **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Addreee: Location: This Paynent Account Code 01 0000 41310 895-0059 Type: A-MF zLOL-L24-02-004 4718 MEADOW DR BIGHORN TOWNHOUSES A-4 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER Total Fees: Total ALL PMIE: Balance: 1, 343 .00 50 .00 L,293.00 Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES Anount, s0.00 I I ::jii,,:r:-;i; "i. i.ir.j.j:.j,f i,j : i t_+rri p;i d i-1 i :l:lirl;;1.i;i:; ;1,rr1 fi,.:iiLri: ; i_, ,i. !.i i.i,,:,.J i i:r .-. -, Elrii-run t F:i,J 4i:r., 1; t:I. Efi TH*lt-tf.i '-'.LlLr a o iil * E == TOWNOFVAIL *"rrrr.Y-/O l: DEPAnTDIEST OF COMIT'U^*IT!' DEIT.LOPMENT CHECI{S MADE 'AYABLE TO TOWN OF V IL acoouNrNo.ITEM NO. tlx OOaTA|. TOT^L 0t 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 0l 0000 4241 5 UMFORM BUILDING CODE s54.00 0r 0000 424 t 5 UNIFORM PLLMBTNCCODE s39.00 0l 0000 424 t 5 UNIFORM IUECHANICAL CODE s37.00 0l 0000 424 r 5 LTNIFORN4 FIRI CODE s36.OO 0t 000042415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 5t7.00 0l 0000 4241 5 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0l 0000 415.18 BLUE PzuNTS (N4YLARS)s7.o0 0t 000042412 XEROX COPIES s0.25 ot oooo 424t2 STUDIES 0l 0000424t:TOVfEbS COMPUI'ER PROGRAM $5.00 t t,Q 0t oow4237 LPENALTY FEES i RE.INSPECTIONS 4t>"''fu'- 01 000[4Trt PLAN RTVIIJW RL-CHECK f EE tS4O PT,R HR.I 0l 000042332 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 0t 0000 414 | 2 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0l 0000 41413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE s20.00 0l 00004t413 ADDII IONAL SIGNACE }IE tS I.OO PER SQ.FT.I 0r 000042440 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 0l 00004t33t PRE PAID DESICN RLVIEW BOARD FEE 0t 0000 4237r INVESTIGNTION FEI] ( BUILDING) 3r 000045tl0 TOV PARKING FUND 0l 0000 22027 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND * 0l 0000 2ilt2 TAXABLE rs'4% (STATE)* 0l 0000 410t0 TA.\ABLE @ 4% (TO\\'T) 0t oo00 42371 tsUTLDINU INvLS I IUA IION rt.HER PEC APPLICAIION FEES 0l 0000 41330 ADDITIONAL GRFA "250"s200.00 0l oo00 41330 L-ONDII-IONAL USE PERMIT s200.o0 0r oo00 4t330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESS T}IAN IOO SQ.FT.I s200.00 0l oo00 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION IMOR.E TIIAN IOO SQ.FT.I sto0.00 0l 00004t330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENTDISTRICT TNEWI s l,500.00 0l 0000 4t330 SPECIAL DEV.ELOPMENT DISTRICT MAJOR AMEND s I,000.00 0t oo00 4t330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT I-MINOR AMEND s200.00 0l oo00 4r330 SUBDIVISION 0r fino 4t330 VARIANCE s250.oo 0l oo00 4t330 ZONINC CODE AMENDMENTS $250.00 0r 00004t330 RE - ZONING s200.oo OTHER OTHER 9? /)l/ rt ,4:-co.MnaErrrsl /W\.F\ t) ITOTAL: <'/u . U hg - ll/\oednr )\ !k,1 cAsE r-, *', V(A'{r M. oLr Vd-,,_ Io *^e ts tign Review Action Fln TOWN OF VAIL Date 5 , Z , ?5 IL Category Numbef Project Name: Building Name: Poect Description: Owner. Address and Phone: @.ntact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot- Block-- Subdivision- Zone District Projectstreet Addtesst 4O47 /'lz y'.--' \,'1,)4 Motion by: Board / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: I Approval ! Disapproval $stSiAnnrovar Conditions: Town Planner Date: 5, j,lS DRB Fee ere-c ia * 20,Y ,azL l{I I eo o trt vt H o z F ht H F'{ t!o P H v rtt .rd r{H r)P |t H ? H o 2 H 5 o o o -Fl rct 1o ;tt' g !uE ;Et{!*:u IBt'J -t{o EI ttj l.] l-r H<zt4 oo IF to IH E to IF IE ? o FJ U'o F H tr F3 H o z 't **t t *t t t t fr,I It U u F t{ tr) v, ut E{g tlt tro o],F. E.t F.U ott P. ta ocr FF H E Ft H o z ll F:ll F<ll !tt tlt >z o.o o o€ nt P!r"() n P.O tt o5 !lo H fitrt ^n =grC uto Or? oo o:t i>N o P o o tl tt il\ oF'pt oo oFl tt rtP EP 9, r"FO n F9 Or?<|J.F.O op € U tll C1 H El o r"CLH OOFI (A rrOtt IrF| n F.},.O U|lJrt r"O 9,.}J. Fl lcOr"t p< lrr P. P.o 'tt o 9,P f--r" O. or . - P.O O J s o(naa i'OO .|'l 'rt P.I't tt oo <a P. 0, tt OK =Z N e> o P-3 Z PFJ H p.z po o €'r, E It E.H o 2 FJ cl,o r-t o ?t, UT z 3 t{ -o E o €z It 7 u, : P.7 a Jt El.tu r-t o It 2 t\\0 l-.t-n ( gr rr U O I ('l o !,r5 F.irr o t ' oPlJ=t! p {s cPA tu F C,P9,< trt O H i8s5Rs 7. I . O OCI .. A ht I:r t4-. t-,. li cl, ntru tr ei i'g,g 5e 3 E aP-!'r'_qrrtt! !t E c7-!.(p '15 H . oottq'o n tt ,9Pat O ts rt I5 P-!t Ft F.o 9'o o Q.'.'|!, P cJ EP. tn {r?OJ(? F. 9r. tr rQ :t or Fh tr tt!, t95 h H HlJ O O -o. ou€ o t Fr id =r ro b cr _3ur ts 6 !D'.JP._ P, t:. 6 |,5f"c, tt o t{9(D. !tQ p h € _-.tt < tt ta 'EttPo ts ttJ _gFf;- o ti opqr9rg --^gr"n E O o o !'o 'i ilh O i.h _r.p,:t 6 tr<p.. o n FtFliD - E .o t..E tt 1r (r O O O F.F ';rg F'rDqd oF:<qo, E H o r-- hi o Hr"Ft CL, a o_v l.l g, o o,!.O_ {. rt (rr Q Y'q !t rt oFQaa ci r"ooplt 2 nl o E Fh Fl |.:Or"9, c:i O 5r" tai oo tr H)'U ut tt t{rd t,l u27H F306)v<z ny E E{ 'T't{ t{ttc<. Z H t*#&6+a, F{ t{ ur Fr trt € our(,P ' gl ooooo (,!E . o o oooo 7y ft oooo l,-.F rr lJ Fr r. <> t<.Eu -q. F H}, €ft td {r} .tr {t} €+ {a €} H O-E FP O HF Z 2O ooriFr O< ooour(rrFr y oooooc)Irt F ld oooooc) ?u l{ oooooo gN ooooo()Htt t'3 H F H trl v, tA oo,p 7 Fro o r,J+O(,l rd 0ro r-t I 9rp r"otr o u9 OQ oUl fr H 9,(D 5q cl,9,H 0,n rr g, o >Fl H tlt ^.6t .3r) N oo o o HO utz qr El A <r+oea l{{ ut a a\, tr E B' oocrour . F ooooo vn Z oooc)o OP oooc,o rtl o lil otd ZF fa |'3 ltJ ,dH cz o)t l:l F H o z z 3 tct o |tt It |o 'u 11 H o P z t: a F tll r 3 q, ts P. ,q },'o,D B o Vt u l(a E g F: F tr v.\ (A h- F ilbign Review Action rOm TOWN OF VAIL oarc ]' L 14 Category Number Proiect Name: Building Name: Proiect Description: Owner. Address and Phone: @@et , Address and Phone: Legal Descripti on: Lol / Block / Subdivision - ProjectStreetAaaress: 11OP y'Le^Z-u'-b,<ro'< Comments:__]_ Board / Staff Action Motionby: Bo-v,-<. Yote: -4 - O Seconded by: WJ crYl'Af, + "/f'-/ /7 U'-/? b'-'z O" 4 $gnnrouat I Disapproval ! StaffApproval Conditions: Town Planner oate: tl' 6' 7'l DRB Fee Pre-paid I so, ns PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board will be reviewing the following application on July 6, 1994 in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for an interior remodel at the Stearns/O'Laughlin ResidencE located. at 4708 Meadow Drive, Unit A-4lTract A, Bighom Townhomes. Applicant: Susan Stearns/Frank O'Laughlin The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular oftice hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the VailTrailon June 3, 1994. a t'a' STEARNS/O' LOUGHLIN REMODEL Unlt A4, Bighorn Townhouses Tract A Owners: Unit A-1: Mr. Brian Hoffmann 22294 Anasazi Way Golden, CO 80401 Unit A-2: Ms. Carol Dick P.O. Box 87 Vail, CO 81658 Unit A-3: Dr. John Whitesel 4791 Tule Lake Road Littleton, CO 80227 Dr. George Hills 2305 S. Hoyt St. Lakewood, CO 80227 Mr. David Dirks 5816 Montview Blvd. Denver, CO 80207 Adiacent Property Owners: Riverbend Condominium Association: c/o Fraser Horn Mgt. Co. 225 Wall St. Vail, CO 81657 Mountain Meadows Condominium Association: c/o Steve Ankerholz P.O. Box 1762 Vail, CO 81658 Bighorn Park/Tract C&D, Bighorn Townhouses: Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 b I I lq 4- cr{crurrs sLrlr arr 9t I PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board will be reviewing the following application on July 6, 1994 in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area lor an interior remodel at the Steams/O'Laughlin Residence located al 4708 Meadow Drive, Unit A-4lTract A, Bighorn Townhomes. Applicant: Susan Stearns/Frank O'Laughlin The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's otfice during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT Published in the VailTrailon June 3, 1994. 't*n ?ropertg V'b*gn*#l in, 2077 N. Frontage Road, West, Suite 114 Vaif , Cof orado 81 657 . 3O3l 476-2952. Fax: 303/476-9642 tlay 12 . L994 cwathney/ Prattr/S chult z 1OOO S. Frontage Road West VaiI , CO 81657 Atten: sid Schultz Dear Sid, Frank and Susan stearns requested that I send you a letter on u"ttiir -"i Bighorn -T"*inot"'Association concerning their remodel . Susan has sent each homeowner at Bighorn Townhomes ;-i;il;; ""piii"i"q ih"i" ptans for the remodel. Per susan's telephone "orrt"t=i€ion todiy May 12, lgg4 she has received only favorabre cournents eroir tfre other owners regarding lrer pIans. As long as the owners of Bighorn-Townhornes are in aggEeement with the Stearnsi pfi"" sigfrorn Townhorne Association will allow the Stearns' plans to go forth' Please feel free to contact me with any guestions' Sincerely, Shawna A. Pollack Manager cc: susan stearns ce ii[?,:_" :+lt'l f r " ili,, f\i,'..'i1'lt"1. t , \ ),'r.': 1i I r I |..r,r' ;. ', tlt r r, ,..i .- i- r j ! ',r'.",1'l .'a '' ) , t, , t. 111,, ll,j'i, l;,l ,t. il . I l,ztlW Ir n\\ i'(t':' l- r 1.,. .l '/'x Lrl lt i .1t,,. I Lr-,, ii1:;)" , ' SOUTH LINE SECTION 12] '. M0NUMENT '2. o\ M()NUMINI oi,uf:"* %6rc:t t I t \ lr -"-\ -ESFE rrz I ffi$) \uN t- B5o I I sl F o a C E iriiiirit iir il:t;iiiiiIIi5 iHiiti$;iiiifr ffffitrffi;ff$ liffffii|;ffiiH iffllilffifii# lt $ iit; }.I .T H F \--- { .\-- - .*t,'r - -/ | W--- ---./ ",n Fh )-- I I rilli iiiffl $ It 7--le \\S s\$ \= -/ tutit ,r{ / \. o$ ,h\r-- L\s *v/ / t., f,.,$ll H$ /', l;1.1 z J'E trt o-r{ ro F o C{ t'J o € r{ FJ o },rr U H CN o w H rd €H o =11 o € @ H trl FI ts tv U o n trt @ @ ,@ c tt (, H H @ H o z hJt ls l€ F o J o o F I trl H ro H H z 2o -rn ,'6s aE 7)7,O -Cl --['l :<() -f ct ..- Frs o!'<o P.oFt €o F trt l"oo !r{BP.o5 a tt OP-Ffi 5 OHI fJo oFl D, O,rf t-tt P-P-O 9'PP. (t, q,U I-J FA rdo K I-''q ro 06 t{ <P-p, Fl o Po qto, o E prtn P 50 Fl l-'l t" tt F oo H9 y Qtt ts{ P-3 <P-orf 5rf .. 9,ts It rtJ X H (t € U, ti Ftz o F trl|l EF otrr <trt Iri u)0 Fl o r{ o o € C) rrl rd iE u u { € o F{ o u, i0 tD Ir rr F1 Fl !t P PF' O O P-P.O O ft P-O C z it o 0, P- 9, t 5 o o 5 5 Fr o it p. o H u o o a T (, o o Fl t-t o o Fn o o P- Fn rr @n5!'iJi'VTOOOP-l--E5U O5.Op-OFt{€rr0rtqH tr O trtK 5 FJ Fl o a 4 Z |v iiJU,'Q ts-Fl 0, O HOOOtf3FlP zoPor--FK c)(/,orj3D ..a)fgFl c It rrJ |1,FTt'!oproH zo*EP q,PP-tr{a@prc'|.; o Fh rt o rt .3 o t'oo oa E{ P.oa F5 o (,ru P-5ta o9 5(D oFt r,0 E 7tr OP rdz OFI (n FJ3 (rv r-l HtrI FF trl H 3F 2 lI tg lo l8 l3 t; F |1 ls lr t F * H o P.o p,rt o o q, H F.\,o FJ Fn o E o.o o P. o I a rt r-t o o a B P. P. o p, P F- o E Ft o Ft H o P.o 0,,rr o o ts.ta FN o B o o 5 P. Fn o n o o rt r-l o o a tn 3 J-. 7 'Ir ru l(\l: C6 r{ lf ol N FIC ot!zltr rtllc t. H @ €F H o rl tn (' P €rlj \ =r.\ \s -tr r{ o l, tr{ U trt (t c) H E € H 3 tr rr F P A x rrl P.P P. rg\ IE l+ta I .:F te IF l\^ P t' l.l tn @ €z trt P H H trt o 4 vr|t,EF':l oofJOO Trots.riP.ttoSor@ Ar5qrF.i'Oo.Bcr t!,<o (,, FJ N F"6) irl FF rtl v FAE o l.- |J a, oo F,to5 ai u6)rutsF.rat n0rp)ogrP.oj H.r'JEd5crd <0rxqrooo OrQl--p.Ot-l ..o55c)c)aP.o'o()oSrJ<o f-t(oP.atr OSFIB O€rog,o P.q,|QO rtlJo P@ o :E ct ott P- 0'rao 7)r fi a FI 5P-<o P-{ FJ oo 50 3FJ oFl !JP-rfo oo ts t-J !crtl 0r5 NO pJ r1 EO o0,oo "g o rt ru n o P.o o o o a F.rt P.o 5 (t, o rn q, U E n o q, F.A oo €o 6 3 gct o5 5 r-,. (n o FN F' o rtO oo @ 0, cr H PP.o5 €<oo O|- NO (tl OA' C. H .c z ro ro oo zz Ht{ H E N z trl c, H (t Fl x H c)Fl lv IB tf F ls tr tl[ I E )cry *v trio oru F]O a @FJ HO N r.1 C @ trl r+'dcnn()|-lor+P-O O O O (no *e!s33:83 Ol |J. rJ d or c+o 5 0 P.5 0 (D 3 O 5 O P- t-..id 5 U) rf11.o o Pr? P-< |o rrC o PFJo . O 5 r< \< co5 U o.o . o FnN O o ry Fld < cio Fr o o N r-J O. 5 o. oP O ttt ocfo<oP-oo l't l-r (o P.'O 5 O t--Oo,5 Fi r+r+O^OOA,€p.!tdCtOSEOo o ts.v crO J f rt 0, frl U,GQ A,5U O,1t 5oo33FJ ! rtO 'd q, P.@ o:t 0r 9r\< P.EOrrUE <r:colJ ct 5 N frlC. F,5OOr.o, f P P.O ii 5 c'(q P.(,O 5 o.\o lJ a". OCf O O o 05 0 ru^_o@rr35BtE <(,,o o(,P.v 0, ^5< cr:r- 0, c,o FJ q, O P -Otq C B 5 o P rtry o< o.< o o U, 0, cr\. 5 Fn 5 u, F.q ricr0rO o I rt5 o.ctlto0JooF.oo 5(D5(,E O o o.. =3'-rOooo C 1.. X 5 ry o r-J 5 rto Q.< o o P.o o 5c)Fjuo€tr,ctP.P.rt{5-0r'o 0r F,.o P-ts9, o Fo o lJO 5 r-:'Hl COP.lC)rtrrSorr P-O OrQ ry ar c?oFn oo oorr6 tn n i'5 P3 oP.dP.t-oc FJ 5 lto do 5 o . oP.Fntsc o Ctr!j rt l-.Po.cL |l irrS l- P.o ito o,l5n o5P,a + l.x ,I + l$ tl lxa l..ls I lSr a t{\, NN EF ($u R HFTN)(, (r(,o o (tl o F F lur (rl -ol\olor F o oto on 9o \o o o ro o Fl ts.t" CT o (t H o r5 o rco lcfo I F o 0,F (t ts o rJ o lo lcl tgg 12 ti q, rr o 0J U IJ ft o o cr K Fl o € H' a P. 5 o o Fr K o a z .\) ruq Ol-BO oo D rt r^0 P <n q, PP.o5 o o o )f rt Fl o U o n ct r< Hl P. P o (,N)F) Ptrr Ct ul cLo H.ct It P-Q.oo. af P. P.oo 5 C ...r o o *l *N 5l '+l i'I P. @ F o ,a o v,rf P CJ hfllo | - | I \.\,IN 4 a s ts N o ll*l-l {c)oo rto tt g, O Pvvv P nro 5A o.lJ'dr,P.stoopo tto o Fj )r€:C P. Fi PJ oDrFN ts< 0,rrt|JorB F. PQ.ol q, o '"1 3 llH \h s -t .a 5 -{ sf$fE :igE 3 gFSF$ i$t+3 lea 5g SIiAFF ;|ufi +; F-Eggg ;r:; F E -ggag Ffr=s r i'gE 3FFg ; .E =5 c('':{ AEF =<D q,*$g =o)- = .-cL as e6' P-a Oe 5= .Eq g.+ d;=oo 3Ct =F aE 3=lo9 loe l€o lss Eg E',8.rdE =g aE (u ut *=€€ Fg ag 9=aE =l(D FF E ll tl tt -t -t o-E-o{D mS xE 6o .E lD m c l\t ol o E t+t o ci = o\ \.o \cf E !e m C,{ g q, o o !e l':'gr 6'5 ,o gl () o itr, o o 5'l (ol o o'o g 'tt m o =@ o ct(al :lt 8{gi ttI Ir t's.! T tr ()l 6 z 1t o T tt tt {o = 6' at t\'Or o n o 0t -'f) -.l z o 'tt TI o T o q, t- crN-.clo =@ oeL o @ rt &6 (D th t\€C' ts P z, g m o 11 r c) z -l a a m 1'f,rtl a m z { & @ at o o lEI 't !t g (! q 3 lll z -=m o -7t 1I E () =J -r &; F I I t I ]I J F lvt N t- IE lg l= IF l* \\-l N N T N )l$ iN =o = t$'s ls tc' 1l ='" Gt' -rt (D o o @ l\) -o o b\o 6 o g (D e I =or\ Eq'gs J--s dw $a !t an o' or !'l al NI ctt I Pl I <t' I ;l .D E' <tt o ='(cI It =Itr T r- =(D (! G tn !t (D CL Jf .?r /n r L/I J\- -_' {s\/l,-J / (l r'\ n {t/n.J >dr,ri n\/ -Ll i l\'+l I a v H NI ;lv ^I \', I I I F P rq*co giiFiigggiFEiggiFEiggi6gi +i+gBei*ngl* seil gge fl qgi E BH=;aF:*:F-€: ;gi EF.g $ s: s *'9sE*i; d ;fi g€ *; *2 E = ;. 3 :gt : ; =:a J . a 6-* DRBeprrq+Trorr * Tolrlr or verr,, eoneoo P.g2 DltE ArPLTqATION RDCEIyED: I lLltim 1p7g,a DATE OF DRB IIETITH1: W ' rrr**r*r*r t"ly 66 *i |5l9_lDPttcrrreN_xr_r.r.. Nor Br r00tprtD - L ,o q|flTrt ff+r1, pqot*, r.xro.Rrh.iioil-r6]oeiiirro -ilue lro zfd e7,.5i I.tllt**ttt* PBOJECILINFORHATtoN; A. B. TYPE OF REVIE9I: . .New Construction | _.Addit,ton ($s0 r00l C. ADDRESS: D. TEGAL DESCRIPTIoN:tot Subdlviaton (9200,00) Minor Alteration ConceptUal Revlew Y?'Utr'- A' ($20.00) ($0 ) Block E. F. G. If Froperty is described by descrlptlon, please proviai attech to this appllcatton. ZONING; NA}'IE OF APPLICA}IT: ].Address: LOT AREA: If, requlred, apptiean!stamped survey sho$rlnE loL area. a meetg and bounds legal on a Beparate 6heet and W a Ph0nd FEE I 20 .00 H. I. .J. NAI..'E l,lai OF ng APPLICANT' S REPRE$ENTATI\IE :Address: *grcHArunE(s) | r'!eiI ins Phone enguee the cotrect fee is paia. rF[;s.c.gFpul,,Er, i VALUATION PI5;IFE: b+B feegr.a: slol!_above, are to be paid ar thattirne of subnrttral of oRE applicatton. r;a;;.-;apprylns ior-a-u"iil!'i. olffir;:";i::::"1;",.ll;'ffi"'n"n n. Laker,ldentlfy the accurate valuatlon of the propbsh. The rown 6f-vitf will adjust the fee-acqording'to the table nefo*r-ii Condomlnium Approval if eppllcable. K. ; 0-S 10,000 ry'it 5trc1a+ ARTHLJRI. MEARS, P.E., INC. Netunl Flrzardr Corulann #ffiir;" n)-6/.t.t2r6 Decembcr 6. 1993 Mr. Sidney Schultz Gwathmcy/Pratt/Schultz 1000 S. Frontage Road Wcst Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Schultz: At your request, I have reviewed the proposed exterior changes planned for Unit A4, Bighorn Townhouses to determine snow avalanche exposure and mitigation requirements. This rcview was based on drawings you sent to me on Dccember I, 1993 and on my prcvious studies of the KAC avalanche path that affects this unit. As a result of my review and study I have concluded thc followine. a. Unit A4 is located near thc distal end of design avalanchcs in the KAC avalanche path and can be exposed to avalanche loads during extrcme conditions. b. Thc dcsign avalanche loads can bc computed for this unit, but they will be less than loads I specified in a study on the Bernardo unit 84 which I computed for you in 1990. c. The proposed exterior changes will not adversely affcct any adjacent public or privatc property or facilities. d. Debris flows do not affect this unit. You may use thc loads I provided in my Dccember, 1990 report on unit 84 for the loading analysis on unit A4. The magnitudc and vertical distributions of loads computed in this previous study can be uscd on unit .A4. All south and east-facing building surfaces, including windows and doors, will bc exposed to loads which are lcss (by an unspecified amount) than those computed previously in my 1990 study. All limitations discussed in this previous (1990) report apply. Please contact me if you have any questions or desire a complete loading analysis of this unit. Sinccrclv. j"^/ yKeo,z Arthur I. Mean, P.E. Avalanche-control ensineer bfu Jrydht . Aaa,br-lr: . Afilatr'k Coollol Englnedry i I I ; t I I I I I I I t I t ,L Fl t t i t I T I t i t I ,-t' I t J ,o SNO.r AVAIJANCEE A}ID DEBRIS-FIJOT EAZIRD ANALYSIS AND I,IIITIGATION RECOIIUEIIDA'IIIOIIE BERNARDO RESIDENCE, E.:A8I[ VAIIJ, COI.,ORADO Prepared For l{r. BllI EerDardo aDd !Ir. Eidney Schultz Prepared By Arthur I. llears, P.8., Inc. Gunnison, Colorado December, 1990 o I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I t I I I 1 OB{'ECTIVES AND IJII.TITAEIONS OF TEI8 SlrUDY This quantitative analysis of the snow-avalanche and debris-flow processes affecting Lot B-4, Bighorn Townhouses Subdivision, Vai1, Colorado was requested by Mr. BilI Bernardo and has the following obj ectives: a. Analysis of the terrain in the rrKing Arthurrs Courtrrl (KAc) avalanche path; b. Calculation of the naximurn runout distance or stopping position of the design-nagnitude (l-00-year) avalanche in the KAc path; c. Calculation of 100-year avalanche velocity and momentun distribution at various positions along the terrain profile; d. Determination of avalanche trRedr and rrBluerr zone boundaries; e. Specification of snow-avalanche defense,' and f. Quantification of debris-flow hazard reconmendation of debris-flow protection.and I I I I I I I J J t J This analysis is site specific, therefore the conclusions and recommendations provided here cannot necessarily be applied to ottrer locations. This analysis considers reasonably foreseeable conditions that are expected to occur once in a century, on the average. Calculation of these long-return period events are subject to the additional linitations discussed in Section 3. . 2 CONCI.II'8IONS AIID RECOUUENDATIONS 2.1 AVALANCHE-HAZARD BOUNDARIES The Red (High Hazard) and Blue (Moderate Hazard) snow-avalanche boundaries should be adjusted on Town of VaiI zoning maps to new positions shown on Figure 1. This revised analysis indicates The Red Zone does not extend as far into the runout zone as indicated in previous studies, but the Blue Zone extends farther to the north and affects additional property. The Blue zone avalanche area north of Meadow Drive is subject to powder and air blast overpressures and tight-flowing avalanche debris only. The Bernardo property lies within the Blue zonet which, according to Vail ordinance, means that new construction is feasible and permitted. Therefore, the newly-proposed addition should be allowed if it is designed for snow-avalanche forces. 2.2 AVAI,ANCHE MITIGATION Because the Bernardo residence is located in the Blue zone, which is an -area of low frequency (> 25-year return period and < 600 Lbs/fbz [pounds per sqrJare iootl pressure), ne; construction at the house can be protected by reinforcing the uphill building walls for flowing-and powder-avalanche pressures, as specified in Figure 3. 2.3 DEBRIS-FLOW HAZARD AND MTTIGATION Debris flows at this location will consist of rnuddy water with a snall percentage of solid debris. Structural darnage wiII not occur and danger or injury to residents will not be a problern. The existing building and/or the proposed addition can be protected by building a 2-foot high wall on the uphill sides of the structure,as shown in Figure 3. 2.4 TNCREASE IN HAZARD TO ADJACENT AREAS The snow-avalanche and debris-flow structural rnitigation specified.in this report will not deflect the flow and increase the hazard to any adjacent public or private property, easements or rights-of-way. Protection from snow avalanches through reinforcement of the addition, as specified, will decrease the hazard within the Bernardo house which was built more than 20 years alto without structural reinforcement fron avalanches. DESIGN AVATA}ICEE8 IN TEE IIKACII AVAIANCAE PATE 3.1 DEFINITION Design avalanches, in accordance with Town of vail ordinance and accepted land-use and engineering practice, have return periods of 100 years when applied to residential construction. Because the history of avalanche activity is short and vegetative and geonorphic evidence for rnajor avalanches is sporadic in the vail area, the rr1O0-yearrr return period is an order-of-rnagnituderl estimate. The true return period of the design-avalanche described in this report nay actually lie between 3O and 3OO years, approximately. 3.2 DESTGN-AVALANCHE CHARACTERISTICS The design avalanche will result when 20-30 acres of dry, soft snow slab detaches from steep northeast-facing slopes betlreen 10,4OO and 10r700 feet elevation in the avalanche startinq zone. The resulting drv-flowing and powder avalanches wil-l descend the steep tributary stream cbannel as a flow of dry-snow fragments with an accompanying powder cloud. Maxinum velocities of approxirnately 100 mph will be reached on the steep upper slopes. I I I At approxinately 9,000 feet elevation, the design avalanche will encounter and overrun a bedrock ridge which will defLect the flow slightly to the north, and will deposit avalanche debris, including tree trunks and branches on the open meadow south of the Bernardo property. The accompanying powder blast and smaller entrained debris will extend to the north of Meadow Drive. This area forrns the downslope extent of the avalanche runout zone (the Blue zone) considered in mapping (Figure 1). 3.3 AVAI.ANCHE HISTORY IN THE KAC PATH Written history is short in the Vail area because the Town was founded in L962, only 28 years ago. The fact that a 100-year avalanche has not occurred in this short 28-year period is not surprising. This short history was extended by study of U. s. I'orest Service aerial photographs taken in 1939, 1950, L962t L9741 and 1984, and by study of vegetation danage in the avalanche path. The aerial-photo analysis indicates that a large avalanche overran the bedrock ridge mentioned in Section 3.2 prior to 1939 and again between 1950 and L962. The pre-1962 event was accomPanied by other large avalanches in the Vail area and may have been associated with other large avalanches known to have occurred in Colorado in January, L962. Resolution of the aerial photographs is not sufficient to deterrnine the extent of debris that may have been carried into the runout zone below the bedrock ridge. on-site inspection of the runout zone Provides no evidence of long runout because the meadows were used as hay fields and debris ttas regularly rernoved by ranchers, possibly for fence construction or firewood. Ho!'tever, on-site inspection provides clear evidence that a large, dry-snow avalanche approxinately 350 feet wide overran the bedrock ridge and produced extensive damage to the forest. Although the downslope boundary of avalanche activity cannot be determined by history, vegetation damage, or geonorphic evidence' the length, width, and vertical drop of the KAC avalanche path clearly suggests the potential for long runout distances on gentle gradients. { QUANTITATIVE A}IALYSIS OF THE DESIGN AVALANCITE 4.1 METHODOLOGY The design-avalanche characteristics were defined through application of the following procedures which represent currently allepted methods in avalanche-control engineering and zoning applications. a. Runout distance, or rrstopping positiontr was determined by statistical regression analysis of a database of ltz extrerne (approx. 100-year) avalanches that have occurred throughout CoLorado. The 958 confidence interval was applied to extend the runout distance slightly beyond the predicted runout. b.Avalanche velocities, nonentum, and flow distributions were then nodeled by application of center- of-mass and particle models of avalanche dynamics. The results of this dynanics rnodeling is surnrnarized in Table 1 and Figures 4 and 5 of the Technical Appendix. c. Avalanche stagnation pressures for flowing and powder avalanches were then cornputed through application of the equation p= (0.5) YY2, where Y is avalanche flow density and V is flow velocity.This relationship was used to define the Red and Blue zone in accordance with VaiI ordinance. AVATANCtrE UITIGATION 5.1 DESIGN CONDTTIONS The characteristics of the design avalanche at the Bernardo residence are shown diagrarnmatically in Figure 2. The flow wiII consist of a flowing core with 3 aenlity of 1oo kglr,3 and a powder blast with a density of 10 kg/m'. The main thrust of the avalanche will require approxirnately 10 - 12 seconds to pass the building. 5.2 DESIGN LOAD5 Design loads are shown on have been resolved into shown. Powder-avalanche the entire structure. Figure 3 These flowing-avalanche loads normal, shear, and vertical uplift as stagnation pressures are distributed over DEBRIS-FI,OW EAZARD AND I,IITIGATION Debris flows will consist of nuddy floods of water and fined-grained debris entrained into the flow. They will result from rapid snowmelt during the spring and/or from heavy, short-duration rainfall concentrated over the basin during sunmer. Although such debris flows can reach the building site, they will be shalLow and will not contain energy sufficient to cause structural damage. Protection from debris flows can be acbieved by building a 2-foot high concrete wall on the uphill sides of the building, as sketched in Figure 3. CITAIIGE IN EAZAND FRO}I PROPOSED PROJECT The proposed addition to the Bernardo house can be protected from design-magnitude snow avalanche and debris flows as specified in this report. Holvever, the older portion of the building probably was not designed for avalanches or debris flows. Consequently,persons within the oLder parts of the house may be exposed to the hazardous process when it occurs. Furthermore, the persons one wishes to protect rnay be outside and exposed vrhen the avalanche occurs. The small avalanche and debris-fl-ow hazard to persons in this vicinity can be reduced even further if residents educate themselves about the avalanche and debris-fIow phenomena and heed all official warnings and advisories. These step's are recommended.. 8 DEFIJECtrION OF DEBRIA FLOWA AND AVAIJAIICIIEA The proposed project will not deflect snow avalanches or debris flows laterally so they will adversely affect adjacent public or private property, rights-of-wdy, easements, utiLities, or other facilities. Report prepared by, Arthur I. Mears, P.E. Avalanche-control engineer TECIINICAI, APPENDIX The results of the avalanche-dynamics analysis are surnmarized in Table 1 and Figures 4 and 5. These data are provided to support the conclusions reached in Section 2 (TTCONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONSI) and Section 5 (I'AVALANCHE !{ITIGATIoN") and to provide additional inforrnation about the characteristics of the design avalanche. The terrain profile is shown in Figure 4 (A) . The avalanche calculations result fron application of a stochastic particle model of snow avalanche notion which sumnrarizes avalanche velocities,velocity distributions, mass, and tine distribution at the beginning of each slope segment. These data were used to deterrnine the Red/BIue zone boundaries and to provide design loads. TABLE 1. Desiqn-avalanche dynamics, KAc path SEG LENGTH ANGLE VbaT Vmax Mass 1 141n 2 207 385 4 25L 585 6 2L6 7 L27 I 137 9 104 10 7L 11 98 L2 76 13 73 30.50 36. 0 34 .8 22.8 25 .6 16.4 t6.7 20.9 20.6 9.9 5.4 2.3 2.4 17 . ln/s 25 .6m/ s O.72 27.6 37.2 0.80 35.4 47.O 0.88 36.3 4a.4 0.91 29.A 42.O O.97 29 .7 4L.6 1. OO 23.6 38.8 0.91 2L.9 34.6 0.86 23 .8 34 .2 0.86 24.2 33 .8 0.87 19.8 32.O 0.83 13.5 26.2 0. 53 8.3 L9.9 0.L2 SEG: As shown on Figure 4(A) LENGTH:l|trr|l ANGLE:n||rtl Vbar: Mean avalanche velocity through top of segrnent Vmax: Maximum velocity through top of segment Mass: Relative avalanche mass compared with Seg 6. Conversions: l-m/s = 2.24 nphi lrn = 3.28 ft. I a I I''TGURE 1. Avalanche-zon$n, King Arthur's cor-rrt (xac) Or"rrche, East vail .'AvaLinche-hazard. Red. zone (heavy solid rlne) and Blue Zone (d.ashed line are shom. Bernard-o house 1s 1ocated. in the Blue Vall ordlnance, bulldlng constructlon (or rnodlflca.blon) Blue Zone wtlrh st)ecIaI co;rsLrucLlon Lechnlques. Zone. According to ls perrrrl l,'l,ed ln Lhe Powder Avalanche: Velocity = Vn (Arrives first) Flowing Avalanche: Velocity = V, (Arrives second-) v, = 30 mph Vn = 60 rnph lta ata |lt lrt ooo noo -Clr?r'i'Q cl e{ c.l 6t c,t ol 6i FIGURE 2. Sketch of a residence, East Va1I . avalanches which nove - /^. ^\srano.arcs \! r-gure J/ . 2-phased (ffowing/powd.er) avalanche at the Bernardo Relatively slow-moving flowing avalanches and powder faster rnust both be considered in design loading t and P n I FFF III ooo tt0C, e!tt' c{ cr tr a! Gt al )o A;.r-t I I I I I I t I : n I t t t t PI,AN VIEW Bernard.o Resid-ence AVALANCI{E DIRECTION NOTE: Debrls-fl-ow protection wall at "A" high. Design for sanne forces as av alanche LOAD DISTRIBUTTONS ON WA],LS ''A'' AND 'ts'' (Area to be enclosed is subject to same loads as "A" and 'ts") '8 " should be 2 ft force. ^v points on P occurs before P wall_s 2 seconds &P 1/0psf FIGURE 3. Design-1oacllng stanclards at Bernardo house, East Vail . Pressure wedge from the flowing avalanche is trlangular, d.ecreasi-ng f-inearly with height above the ground, Powder-avalanche stagnatlon pressures act over the entire buildinE.I >.\ I I r I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t t t i I Startlng Zone 1200n 3000 2800 2600 2400 1.0 Relative Total Monentum 0.0 Max. Velocity Pnnfi I c Bernardo House Slte 6on, 40 Terrain hof ile Ave.Velocity hofile __ ___>,**il >d,. -\i n 1000 IJ00tn House Slte 1500 n FIGIJRE 4. (e) Avalanche terrain profile, naxinun velocity profile' and avera€e velocity proflle in the KAC avalanche path cluring de s ign -rnagni tude avalan che cond.itions . (l) Monenturn-d.istribution diagran for entlre avalanche event at points and other points on the slope proflIe. See Figure 5 for detail at Points "A" - "D." ./t '---'.'----- t/ =.=-\ I I I I I il I I iL iI ;I lf I T I I il t f, 0.4 0.3 0.I 0.0 Polnt'ts" Entering Seg. 4 I I I 0.2 M M n 1 "nax v.I 0.1 M M "nax 0.0 Polnt "D" Entering Seg' t2 _._-_.-,_ ?o ?8 sec FIGURE 5. Monentun cllstribution lhrou$h !!ry. at polnts "Ar' - "D"' The height ofeachcurveisle]-ated.totheirnpulsiveforceconsldered-indesign;thewid.th to the rength of the avaranche event. Buird.ing d-esign }ocation 1s at point "D" where monentun is reduced. and inpact pressures conforn to vair "Brue zone" stand.ards. Polnt "A" Entering Seg. Point "C" Entering Seg. \\^o$ -r!ILJF{ {:rF rJg r [_ P!i ==e I I gnec,u=: C.=sn 1 i:t : i::.:': 4Fl ijt--,. -!: ii i :i.!;. . i.: rl +r",ii;: i:il i;,"il',li:rl '.':: :.,:-ji..i:;;-.:Jl til-.:,'..F,F.i:.F,f_lI[r trEg i:,,,-.., :..r i.- !-- : r.:rif!. rir.l Flmount peid ;li{:i, --ti:l ri]. -1|J I i*ni p.= i C i:'!i:tti::iia,i! I j:-l ;,::i:il:l , ::-,,::, .,::: i ,: il:r,j:i .: l-H*t-{ti \rr_--r1-l ii',:ti- i .- r: :r i i! r r:r f ;.ll. i i, ! RECEIPT - T. Town of Vail DATE RECETVED FROM ADDRESS I". 4ti?17 Pcrmit Numbers HOW PAID-Cash-0tPck i/ I t I L Policg Rccoipt Numben-i l\ \D., r lll TOWN OFVAIL DEPARruENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI-OPMENT tr t-lfd_: :cl N'rtlt-r\Crit)CC *'"-5,-]q,!-1 CI IUCKS MJ\DE PAYABLE TO TO*N OF VAIL NO. l l'LM I)10 ;AND ADDRESS II{ I r00 1211-5 i UNIFORI\4 BUILDINC CODE ,00 rl+ r -i--U-n t-rontrTpl L, rt g[ N.G cb oe 0t 4]J1-i 1 UNIFORN,{ T4ECFLANICAL CO I i -12415 I Ur.\IFOR]\4 {lJl5 r n'ATION'\L ELECTRIC. 01 Jl{15 i OTHERCODEBOOKS 0t 01 I I I I I I J]JI 2 iTOVFEES COI-{PUTER PROGRA\,I 11371 , PEN,\LTY FEES: RE-iNSPECTIO.r- I3.J] ] PLAN RE\/IE\\1 RE-CHECK FEE IS4O PER HR. 2.1-32 i OFF HOURS I\SPECTION FEES {I{I] ] COI.{TR,\CTORS LICETNSES FEES 01 {I113 SICNAPPLICAT]ONFEE { r{ 1.1 ADDn'toNA[ srb lna E FTE-IS rn0fEFSQ,I 0l ]iJJO .vrc IiRT PRoJEbTD-OiIATION 1I.131 , PRE PAID DESIC^{ RE\/IEW BO,{R I I J2371 | INVESTIC,\TIO^" FEE (BUILDINC) I l0 .TO\/ PARKINC FUND J:7-rrOVit rws p.rprR DI s PF-\ sER FU\ D i _qaa.0-?lql1-.f ev__*.ElvlP$lEB_-D_ll_lELSEBluJq Lqqqp ?! I l?r iAx4El_E @*t?_LqI$fEl-_ 10000J1010 iTAXABI_E @t Jc? (TowN) OOOO 1237I BUILDIi.'G 1N\/ESTIGATIO\ ,OT}{ER C APPLICATION FEES 1 0000.1 ll_iO eoxDiTrox,rL- usE PEi{\4rr 01 OOOO ]I.130 E,XTERIOR AITERATION ILESS THAN 1 1 0000.11-1-10 TEXTERIOR ALTERATION ll\4ORE THAN 1 I 0000.1 l3-10 TSPECIAL DEVELOP\4Er.vT D dm00o.1-t330-lSPretal-n-e-r,er-OFvENroisrnrcriMINonerr,leNo 0l 0000 413-10 ,suBDtvlslo 11-130 rVARI ZONING CODEA MO#l lCK.f I DATE: | | OTE: THIS PERMIT I"IUST ADD/ALT MF BUILD ' srl,*o4^fr'Eoz- BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PERMTT Permit #: 895-0059 TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 8i,657 303-479-2 1 3 8 / 479-2 1 3e FAX 303-479-2452 Job Address Location. '.Parcel No. . Project No. 4718 MEADOW DR BIGHORN TOWNHOUSES 2to7-124-02-004 PRJ95-0035 R1 Multi-FamilY V l-HR TYPe V 1-Hour Rl. Not in table ! 1r t70o Restuarant P lan Review--> DRB tee-------- Recreation Fee----------> c Lean-UP Deposi i--------> TOTAL fEES----_ A-4 ACd Sq Ft: 46 #0f Gas Logs:#of Uood/Pa L Let: ********ff *ffi *Lffi Jr*****tffi(*ff(#(ffi **tff ff ffi **f i reDl,ace Information: Restricted:#of Gas APPI iances: *J.*ffircrH(ffii**rrffitrt#r#(*******i***lc***lr*tr* F EE SUI4I'IARY Bui Ld i ng-----> Ptan check---> Invest igat i on> l.l i l,l, cat l----> 600.00 390.00 .00 5.00 .00 '100.00 15. 10 ?50.00 1,399.10 Tota L Catcu lated Fees---> Additional' Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments-------- SALANCE DUE.--- 1 ,399 .10 .00 1 ,399 .10 1 ,399 .10 D e p a r u n e trt of C o,Ju.r,: : i y lgr4/1Jgff , r, AppIied..: 04/03/1995 r3!ued...: o4/t8/re95 Expires. . : lo/L5/L995 OWNER O'LOUGHLIN FRANKLIN D stnenll'd-susell e, 31483 N BERMUD, EVERGREEN CO 80439 CoNTRACTOR SUlOflT CONSTRUCiION SPECTALTTES Phone: 303-478-7875 P.O. BOX 3833, BRECKENRTDGE, 80421 CoNTRACTOR Snr,olrr coNsrnicrroN SPECTALTTES Phone t 303-478-7875 P.O. BOX 3833, BRECKENRTDGE | 80421 DescriPtion: REMODEL OccuPancY: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation: Item: .05100 ?t*n/tr?*i,o 04 /07 /I995 It'em:'05600 04/04/1995 It'en:'05500 04/04/rees BUILDING DEPAF.TMEN?na* Action: APPR -pteNNTUE DEPAR.TMENT MIT"E" .,"*3Ft3R; oPnR oifi"" "--['Ci:.oiil eppn PUBLIC WORKF OAN_ ACtiON: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: I hereby ackno},tedge that I have read th.is app[ication, fi|.|'ed out in fut|' the 'information required, conPleted an p[an, and state that utt,nu inio.r"t1on provided as requirei is correct' I agree to ccnPty Hith the infor'ation to conpty u.ith ai! fovn o.O.,nancls "na atita taps, and to buitd this stfucture accordinq to the Tovn's zoning and codes, des.ign revreu approved, Uniform BuiLding coOe and-oiie r-o.d i nu"""t oI the lov>frcabte thereto' see page 2 of this Docunent for any conditions that nay aPpry to this permit' DECLARATIONS accurate plot and ptot Ptan, subdivision REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 6E I'IADE TIJENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT OUR OFFICE FRO}I ,...4 S.nd cLean-uP DePosit To: i-6n coHrnlcton roR HlllsELF AND OgNER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 895-0059 as of 05/3t/95 Status: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMTT Applied: 04/.03/}995 eppliclit: o'LbucHLrN FRANKLTN D rssued: o4/.78/.L995 To ExpireI t0/L5/t99s Job Address: LOcAtiON: BIGHORN TOWNHOUSES A-4 Parcel No: 2]-0L-124-02-004 Description: REMODEL Conditions:1. 1. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUTRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALL WAYS AS PER SEC. I2TO OF THE 1991 UBC. 2. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER WILL BE REQUIRED TO APPROVE STRUCT_ UAL CHANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION TS OKAYED BY TOV. 3. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.4. ALL SLEEPING ROOMS SHALL HAVE EGRESS AS PER SEC. 1204 OF THE 1991 UBC. 5. ALL NEW GAS APPLIANCES MUST BE B-VENTED ONLY. 6. ALL NEW OR REMODELED STAIRS AND HANDRAILS MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.3306 OF THE 1991 UBC. ******* TOWN OF *****************************r,*************** Statemnt ********* ** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * ** * * srFoHl$0 REC-0026 Amount:40.00 05/37/9s t2226 ---75-StntffircnngeRoa*--- ---------4eeerrwe$tef €€mnrunity Development vail,Mdt8l65t 895-0059 Type: A-MF sB -4&noel 4wt I gl 0 l- 72 4 - 0 2 - 0 0 4 FfilBe3-t&j.tffit 4718 MEADOW DR Location: BIGIiORN TOWNHOUSES A-4 ADDIALT MF BUILD PER Total. Fees:40.00 Total ALL Pnts: Balance: * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :l* * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** * This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4L332 1, 399 . 10 1r399.10 .00 Description PLAN CHECK FEES Anount 40.00 # \rdr JNr Itrr q\i I .i\l <\i i i TiJ iid CHECK REQUEST PREPARED BY: -.'2ro DATE: Z/ZrlZz DESCRiPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REF{JNrD FOR BP #,gf* NAME OF JOB: / ' ACCOLNTNUMBER OI OOOO 22002 AMOUNT OFREFUND:5 J5? DATE A}PROVED: APPROVAL SIGNATLTRE: r-A,w oFFtcEs OF JoHN M. FnaNxs SUITE 7 I7 CHERRY (]REEK PIAZA 600 SOUTH CHERRY STFTEET DENVER, COLORADO 40222 (30a) c2(F6941 March 25, L976 Diana Toughill Town of Vail Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Avalanche Report -Bighorn Townhouses Dear Ms. Toughill: As you may recal1 I spoke with you in earJ.y January of this year regarding the avalanche report that was filed against the property of Robert T. and Kyla T. Allis and, more specifically, known as Unit 4, Tract A, Bighorn Townhouses, according to the record.ed plat thereof, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. At the time of our conversation you indicated that you no longer had availabte legible reports or legible maps to accompany same. You further advised me that addi- tional copies in a legible condition had been ordered and were anticipated shortly. You may also recall that this report covered the King Arthur project as well as the Big- horn project. - Needless to say, it is now March 25 and no reports hte been forwarded to me. I would still appreciate a copy of the same for my records and review so that I may properly advise Mr. & Mrs. Allis what, if any, action or procedures they should take to protect their property rights. Sincerely, +----Z'-- JMF/jaI . a trwn u llal o- off ice of the town manager April 6, I976 box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 Mr. John M. Franks Suite 7.|7 CherrY Creek Plaza 600 South CherrY Street Denver, Colorado 80222 Dear Mr. Franks: l,le are in receipt of your March 25, ]976'l etter to Ms' Diana iorglrifl requesling tire various avalanche reports on the King Artiur's proiect ai well as the Bighorn proiect' Diana is on vacation until the end of April,and unfortunately I am not familar with the project or with the informatjon that you request I wi1 1 bring this matter to her attention when she returns' apologize for the de1aY. Sincerely' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT