HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN TOWNHOMES TRACT B UNIT 4 LEGAL.pdfo 7-21-00 Allison C. Ochs Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, GO.81657 DearAllison: g-q As the Bighom Townhouse Association did not approve the Bemardo garage addition, Unit;/6' Bighorn Townhouses, I am hereby withdrawing the application. Sincerely, Pratt Schultz Architects, P.c. Sidney SchulE JuN.l6.Zt4AtA 3:C/Pn LLEHN lE(}l v 2tl5 Olivc Stn*t St Lolir, MO 6311f11427 31ff5!Z-23tt Phone 3l{62-709 Fer t(j.878 P.7/4 Cfean.Tectr FA)(Date: Fmn: bntu Titb: Vice Prcsident TrusmitbdPegcr: Nrmc: Phonc:-_Fl".tcfr)gl9aW gL/ Specd Diek ' *J JuN.z6. Ctdbtd 3: zSPf'l LLERN TECH O JAME'F"LrppEBr #1 E W]LLIAMSEUFG ESTATES TOWN AND COUNTFY, MO 63191 (314) 576-1572 I,ro.878 !7 P.2/4 'Aer'e@o 144* ltwti il"ryM rt4 a*r.i. * lsr{fu?w W'rffi a<L o,'*7 dL,fu f4-e{flrlor; lwtt u t(/ JLt!., zb.l6tba 31Z9Ffl LLLAN IECH |.n,878 P.3/4 ,a ffitH#*rW ,-f/^, a,La-. -v ^t'|&t/-c{i{^;*p.fry f -r,&-'"e*J Jutl.(b.cvs4 3. z9t-r1 LLt-f{\ lLcH 1.10.878 P.4/4 .- TUITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTI' PUBLIC NOTICE NoTlcE ls HEREBY elvEN that the planning and Environmantaf commbsion of the Town of Vaii will-hoH a public hearing in accordance witr Section ,12-3-6 of the Municipar cooe oitnq Town of vail on June 26, 2000, at 2:00 P.M, ln the Town of Vail Municipat Building. tn consideration of: A rcquest for a front setbask variance tum Section 12SG6, Vaif Town Code and a side setback varience from Section 12$CS. Vail forrvn Code, to allowfor a new single-family residence, locatcd at 5133 Blacft Bear Laney'Lot 14, Block 2, Gore Craek SuFdlvision. Applicant Kurt Davis The appli6tions and inturmation about the proposals are available furpublic inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office located at the Tolr,n df Vail Community Osvelopment Departrrent 75 South Fronlage Road. Please call 47$2138 tor jnformation. Sigr tanguage interprelation available upon request with 24 hour nottfication. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for Infornation. Community Development Departmedt Fublished June 9, 2000 in the Vail Trait. A request for a variance fmm Section 124F{,, to allow for a garage addition, Iocated at 4718 Meadgvv Drive/Trad B, Bighom Townhomes Subdivision. Applicant Eill Bemardo, representecf Fy Gr rEthmey Pratt ScttUhE JUN-26-00 lll0N t2:11 t[,l L&D4Uc FAX }{0. 303 629 a 4099 P,2 THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY FUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN that th€ Planning and environmental commission of tho Town of Vall will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Muniipal CoCe of the Town of Vail on June 28, 2000, Et 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, In ccnsideration of: A rcqu:st for a frqnt setbaclt vananse from Section 12€C€, Vail Town Code and. a side sotbeck varianc.,- from Section '12-6C-6, Vail Town Code, to allow for a ne.,n single-family residence, located at 5133 Bleck Bear Lane/Lot 14, tslocft 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Kurt Devis Plannec BrEnt Wilson iiil e gFAgE {fld-iltbh;'kEafed,at {zt8 'lrt The appliqations and intormalion qbout lhe proposais are avaitable for pubtic inspac{ion during rcgular offic€ hours in tho Projecl planner's ofice located at the Town of Vail Community Delelopmcnt Dcpartm€nt, TSSouth Frontag€ Road. Please call 47*2138 for information. Sign lanquage intarpr€tailon avallable upon rtqu€st with 24 hour notitication. Flease call 47S 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired. for informalion. Community Oerrelopment Department Published June 9, 2000 in the Vail Trail. @lz,-* /"0 ^ fn..rc t/v..t -fb \-rJk1 o r^.1 --1- + v\ --E^-'-.l L \J ' Nto c) ^ e- *z' "''',-. tlrt<- A: s o <' '\ '-' \r .- v-\ cl\-.- €,.,,h 1,, * .-';J ;* -J:T, ^T- t; -, "; *lfriF;: fo c*|lt rtc* T e\rw\ 'S'"t t"c^v'AtYa te+['*'nr' -Sro v...'''-t co.'''c( h,orzv1e cx/|.)A€ v-s ' --iv\f'v<l y\?rj at\so Jaee-rr -{trorr6. cr-*Tt E- +-o llv-\e* A hq c o 11 c'< v t'1s ' --r-vrcr<.- ,-;a'v-r- ,o-o f:,,.1):T: ::;n i;5" J:i' r*" r\cL r .,{o Le vm..' -:. ;,i, oepaggsid i<:*)rj*";illJ*^"6 t'\Y€- c^r\ '"P-i +b.'< d';'[-t4i'o rr t€ : 5^'327- mrn\tt1< ddd- $-fro rr -', _ ._ Z ru o-i[. , nrlnlFvA0lly O!.\ -.8'i lt 3ef(\41-Y4o"r ..{"'-r t -I1na,r-rrr'c f ot-t t | ) L ,^ a, i,- *l n PfcS\ Ae'vsY iIJN-2ti-00 MON t2:t2 P}lI L&D.4sJc FAXN0, 3036340ee P,3 6nrnuw To Biglrom Townhorne Association Houm\rners, Rc : Bcruardo Guage Addition Bill and Sharon Bcrnardo rccemly s€nt plsns of the proposcd garage addition to thcir Unit B-4. Sinc. rcccipt ofthcsc plans a number of you have codacted nr with various coffins rGgording this proj€st Sbaron Bernardo did brielly discus tbe idea of a gangc st tbc last necting, btrt thc plans were not arailable for rcvicw by thc association membEs at that timc. Oirrn th,t a nrmbcr of mbcn baw coe$Dq nc bavc dccilcd to call m Ertrroldiltry Mcctiog of ihC Homeowucrr Acochtion, tbe sole itenr on tbe sgenda to be discsssion aod rcvicw ofthc Bernardos' garage proposOl This meeting is to be on Seturdry JuV l5or Spu, d my Unit A-2,4708 E' MeadowDrive, Vell. Wilt thls kttcr, on bchalfofthe Associstbn mmbe'ls, I ash Bill lnd Sbron Bc'nardo to doftr bcgiunfug tbir poposcd additiou until the Associ8tbn has rct atrd fornally approvcdtho plan Yorrstnrly, )p-o%- v. SaUy funoletto Prcsidcng Bigborn Townboc Asrocidion (970)4w.0/.76 PS. Sonnone from tbc cor4lex has placed an old bot wdcr hcatu behind thc dunpter' Whoever did so, plessc ar.ulSc a special pickup to bavc it rcnnved immcdia4c&. It i.s imcrftring witb orr regulr trash collctiou lUll-2ri-LlU }i,luN l2:15 PI{L&u,4sf c FAx}{0, 3036040ee do. lVitl tho hmcorusr bc cqord fslts le ofhrvo parting ryacs? I'r assuming rr'* yuu *iU b rrasponsible for ay iocrqase in [o'ngorwen' insunrce pr@iutns. I dco't hqw lshd cono sftho ranificdioe are rqarrdingthe removal of6s 3 Scf accc$ ea!@cot, b$ I rqdd liko to htw more th"" a fsw daln to rcsea&b it. I thid< we am piag down tto pmvubial 'slippay rlopc" if we cuinue to allow nrch najc additiodahertios to ttc eceriqs ofitc rmiE. A&horgb the eoclcing of deckr to olr5ge squaro fodagp hal bc@ a fitorabh rtng I thi* I higFr brvr to ldo to dnw the line et substlrtial sadG ons". Bdon I ca cosider voting b frvor of ycnrrpr,opod I rnusthave lnswcrs to the abovo qucrtimr, ar wclt as t;c to comct Chd owacrs oddisarss th6c Ed ray cthc irnr6 6a they ury ht1t. thir ir a najc buAding Pr!!'ocS, qfrich vII otruc' Brgborq Tombarsoo, partiarledy thoce of us *ho own itr Building B. fiireiiro, I rur eorry brtr I rn ruablc to rpproro pur plans d.this timc, P.7 KIT H. BAZLEY 106I TWINOAKSII\Ntr CASTII ROCIq CO $104 30$6rt-0501 Jtme 12,2000 BiU md Sharcn Banardo 221 Ork Kroll fad Brrrtugta, IL 60010 RE: Propcod garags additim 84, BighomTmhomor DarBillodShrlub I lwivod dc aboc'ctlrtcc firr pla rpprcnl rtceotly, r','l I nrst sry thc ir r6 n a bit ruro nrbstuial +hrn I bad pichgod Ebm Shann:r descriptio. ctte mual.noding io Apdt A.lbougb you sayin your c*u.l*rr tfi+ tbc visud iupad will bc -i"ioml,.1 tr46 6 d;cegree. & ceeuc to Eo rl'-t it wiU b€ *bkiug cl oftbc sido ofBuilding B like e rqethutnb. Iq addbio, I have som€ c<xlserna as follows: I . 'Fortcen deys ie ac anrty enorg! time fur rns to assE66 rto proposal. Tbao en scvual quootions Qisted below) wtichwill nrodto bc asnered, ed Irsuld likcto barcthc qpponroityto acanlly vi€lw tbo sft! Aom ttc back d our rnit to rg€Grrtab trtthere will be ro visual iryact cn rrs. I rvtll ncl, ba rbteto rcoorylilh tbd Etil at laet luly. 2. Wbd €fi€d will to co*mcio havc o 6c GRFA ftr or b,uildiug? Erto ifite grage doecot cord ar regidatial (ad I dmt low rvlethc il dooe or doerot), rihd abort tho *vrstttulc'? I'm cil;ronld rhd if ay otha ownss in Building B w8rt !o nake grme i4rovuteds, there will be no GRFAleftto doso. 3- TItro is rallyno bcodt to 6c rest of the building od it could aarally bring or rrnit values dowl bocause we will hrvc no genger (ad no aru to b,uild 6em), but a pdcdiet buycr will se t[c 1ar 4. 5. 6. 7. Cc BighomTovmhorse AsocinUm' c/o Susa Stcons CC: CcnqAgnol+olShapcd,P"tt-',Casle,liPPst'Kmk JUN-26-00 }llON t2:14 PM P.6 Thercsa & Rtck Patten 45{0 Sumec Lene Littleton, CO 80f23 QoEt7m43n Bill & Slpron Bemrrdo 221 OakltuollRmd Barrinstdt IL 50010 Juue 5,2000 DdrBill rrd Shrcn Thank you for the considrration to rwiefr your proposel for a grragc eddition We would likc ro rccomm€trd dre following: Our biBgcst codccm is thc cdditiorul co6t sf innueacc und naintcoance of tle garSgo b thc assaiation. Wc are asking for a writtca agrecmeot tom you mwards fre following issues. Additiorul llOA costs: L Aly rdditiorul cofi d ilntruco m thc asrociation dirwtly rclatcd to tbc garage wil be arsqu€d duaotty to IJMT 84 fur thc gElg! i! tbo funlt. 2. eay costs for rcof, 6rre, cirtinB Fiil, Ein rld strh d tbe garagc will bc errcrsd dirtctly to Uuit 84. 3. my cnov plowing ard thotrcliry of thc garagE &irt will bc arscsrcd dinctly to Udt B-{. Gcncral considerations: 4. TtG pdtilt for tho cotirt conpt x i! luht It ie our inerpretatioD tbat w! wiu lose two pttklng 6pots fmm the prkfug lot for thc garagc drivc. Wc *ordd ast for your personal conridcration in keeping epots in tbo lot for the oth.r $itf osd ,'rilizing yo|tl dri\reway for your porkitg as much as possiblo. 5. f nc Hoocowncrs thrcc-foot casemelt wrre reuwcd to thc forcst scrvioe Foperty, vrc would ask for yow coruidcration of allowing aess d Honeolvacrs rnd drcir gucsts ioto thc Fortst Scrvice land lhrcqhyour pnFrty. Appcaiance: 6. If auoc/cd W tba twn, slE would requcst Out thc gangc roof bc sb*c ogpccd to odchitrg tbe cxidlu g$wl roof frr acsthctic rcason3. 7. Wc *oold ask tbat al crrcrgrtcn or lite reer'shrub be planted in the grass ar€a betw6n thc nen, driwwey and the Pe*iug Earagp to brcal up thc garago drive. 8. fi garagg eizs, dinflEions, ctanctcr cluages in aly way wc would ash tro be mtibed ad changes discussd with all homeswlers. 9. Thc orrcat lrgc cvergr€su will ggnificanrJy htrtc tba grrage. If this ueedr b bc tEnoved wr would alk for alotlhpr litc wcrgtta bc ftplutcd il 6c gurcol aro. Thank you lbr thc oFponMity f, rwicw your pbns. If you *rrrld likc to dilcuss sny of thc itcns fu dotsil plcasc do not hesitrta to call Sirrcady, .lI r 44lXi'- Thcrerr Prttan L&D5Ac FAxNo.30U40ee cc: lE6[y Agnolono: Blghom Torvnhome A$ocislioo: Prcsidenl Susan Stoams: Bighom Toumhome Association: TEasurer 221 OekI&OllRd. . ,.....,.; ,':-,,_,.:t:':,.i'l;r.,:;..i.^'ir'-. ..'.''i '.i_t.;1i.;.i,r':t',,;1r':ji;,;;' Baniigtou"IL'60010 . , ... ,...',', ,: ,,:' . .". 4 : . j. .; ;,':,. '' , -;.ii,oii-''!,:,"',',.):";.11:i.'ltii;.i.iariii:;r'r.:"::ti": i,.;;:i!;ti:it " ;:r:+;.:'.r:'::i:i'::'"*ti . .r,-,iDtfiSfrr:': .')'.11r:1;,.:'i r..,+'r:"1't;.:,-; ;..-,'-'... . ..l:';St^'h:'- r. 1' ' ,. "i'iiiffi"&ii* {i?fff, t**'rlmti irrE l m:ltt#ii ' ,'. 1t,.,-" --,,)rf'ffi*rtffi ),fl{$',j'i-r,'"; i***1,.,.g**-,;,,,,+ii*,'i;iffi iffi ,oi.1rdr,*rrao" ' ' ':t' ! . nict ina ftcrcss Pattcn and Frank snd l took a loot'at yoru plans lsst weekind sud haie .. . ' JrJN-Zb-iJu }il(]N l2:t2 PM L&lJ, 4SIIAC bc pushed onto the side of the drivcway. ;i,,:,ti.jfrdjf;.,{iir'r!,"4,i.{.;:i,:,,:Ii;-;ffri..',fiar r;;i:;:;,;,,iiii3i1"11;1n*"1jjT.l I ,.:.i.:', -'''Jud7,2N0'i.1-.,-.'.':''.''.li:.'''.''..',,.l:.''...':i.l;..i:'''.,'....',)''.'.]'...'''.'-, "Jnne7,20/Jl0 '-'-,, l' ,,'' . ..,. ..':1 .'- ..:..: .. '; 1.'..i: , ,."'l 'i ,'".'.^.'.. . .'.', ''.,;ini,iiii;l..i,.'-;;''..i;:.,.,','.:;;'; ':giii,-asharongifD,8fad].':..:,1.,;:.:i'.j:..':...1;.;,1,.1 :,:;i"u,*us'*.g.-.a;...,';:.i.":-:l,.,.:,...;i'::i,:;:]:.i.i..;',.;.l.1i;;i''l...il'.'.,. ,22tO€kI&OURd ":j;i '' "."i:; :,.'i':-rii''.::"- '1.l;li ..''",.r:"t'tJ']:t:.; 1..r' :- 4099 ' l ' "''_ ': P,4 Howwer, to be fsir to fre homeowncrs, we we would like yor o-coosiao rus- e itens i4-idvancc of caii"for'thb bwucrs and ihr fird* ownen of the rmi8. Morcovcr, it nay bc iecessary for iomc snow to be pushed ovcr yow driveway for storage. Ccrtainly tire snow rcmoved from your &ivcway should 3. 2. Ths cost of snow removal from you drivcway, if donc by thc snow plowing service utilizcd by the Assosiatio4 would be your se?arate ergensc- ' 4. Wheu rbc buildings nogd to bc st8ined or prooftd, t{ fofo$gnd cost for the area :' G;ilby r"il er*U..*ill bc billed to yourlnit If ihi unif aira to bc fiinrca or reroofed beforc yo* gaog" necds paint or rcroofing, the garage should bc re,paintcd an1l the garage tooo-f"a .o ttt"i all mainicnancc is on the sanc sc'hcdulc and the colorr are tbe ssile. Thfu would allwiatc the problcm 6at corrld arise if the color of the bruilding is cbanged JUN-20-00 MON 12:t3 Pll{ . Page? ' FAxN0.303540ee P.5 L&D4Uc Clt'tiialcl€irrcofitE3t('r ldtlt! G'lf|td Lal TCIWN OFVAIL tr tr tr to an Approvcd Dcvclopmcnt Plan Major or [J (VailVil Unit (Iypc: ) CCI Extcrior Alteration Major or D II Extcrior Altcration Distsict B Minor Amcndmcnt to THE REQ r\tr 6. D. c.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT ADDRESS: ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINGAD F. OWNER(S) SIGNA G.NAME OF MAI AD t0 L =-# P'-rc"-t + H. ?ooo Q,",.o'|oN FoR r,,n**,1,"l$;il:"ffi J^: 47e 2 I 38 COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERAI. TNFOR]VATJON This application is for any projcct rcquiring approval by thc Planning and Environmcntal Comrnission. For spccific information. scc thc submittal rcquircmcnts for thc particular approvat that is rcqucstcd. Thc application can not bc accepted until all rcquired information is submincd. The projcct nray also necd to bc reviewcd by thc Town Council and,/or thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board. A: TYPE OF APPLICATION: { aOaitionat GRFA (250) tl Bcd and Brealdast D Conditional Use Permit tr Major or E Minor Subdivision tr Rczoning tr Sign Variance $ Variancc tl Zoning Code Amcndmcnt B.DESCRIPTION 'ro,-*l*-.- $s. T' I.JBM OPRIATE FEE. LICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL AND THE FEE TO THE gF coMMrrNrTy DEVELOPMENTJ5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. BUILDING cx*: s 1? "r,+-- ftcD ttlDr tl Datc:_ pEC Mccting D at":__bJ_?h / & Rcvird 6196 a. X X SUBIlII'TTAL REQUIREI\IENTS FOR A VARIANCE I. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A prc-application confcrcncc rvith a planning staff nrcmbcr is strongly cncouragcd. No application can bc acccptcd unlcss it is conrpletc. lt is thc applicant's rcsponsibility to makc an appointmcnt with thc stalT to dctcrnrinc additional subnrittal rcouircrlrcnts. II. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS FEE: $250.00. The fec must bc paid at thc tinrc of subnrittal. Stanrpcd, addrcsscd cnvclopcs and a list of the nanrcs and nrailing addresses ofall propcrty owners ad.jaccnt to thc subjcct propcrfy, including propcrtics bchind and across strcets. Thc applicant is rcsponsible for corrcct narncs and nrailing addrcsscs. This infornration is availablc fronr thc Eagle County Asscssor's of icc. A rvritten statcnrcnt of thc prccise nanlrc ofthc variance rcqucstcd and thc spccific regulation involvcd. A writtcn statcnlcrrt addrcssing thc lbllorving: Thc rclationship oftlrc rcqtrcstcd valiancc to other cxisting or potcntial uscs and structurcs in thc vicirrity. . 'flrc dcgrcc to rvhich rclicf fionr thc strict or litcral intcrprctttion and cnforccl)rcnt ofa spccificd rcgulation is ncccssary to achicvc conlpatibilify and unitbrrrrity of trcatrucnt atlong sitcs in thc vicinity or to att in thc ob.icctivcs of this titlc rvithout grant ofspccial privilcgc. . Thc cltcct ol'thc variarrcc on light and air. distribution of population, trursportation, traffic facilitics. utilitics. and public sat'cty. [{orv your rcqucst complics with Vail's Conrprchcnsive Plan. A prclinrinary title rcport, including schcdulcs A md B. to vcri$/ owncrship and cascnrcnts. Condorniniunr Association approval 1if applicablc). b,^4L 6 t,_.t b 11 y'eC+ Any additional nlatcrial neccssary for thc rcview ofthc application as detcnnincd by thc Adnrinistrator. . .t.,. ,l - Try^.?3.r4\ n^-ul{ It-r^-. >7 PIeb Four t4 ) copids of thc followin&' I t A topographic and/or inrprovcment survey at a scale ofat lcast l " = 20' stanrped by a Colorado liccnscd survcyor including locations ofall existing irrrprovcnrents. including gradcs and clcvations. Othcr clcntcnts which must bc shown arc parking and loading arcas, ingcss and cgrcss, landscapcd arcas and utility and drainagc featurcs. A sitc plan at a scalc ofat lcast l" = 2(l'showing cxisting and proposcd buildings. h x 6)LJ 0 el o n Pagc I of 2 D Building clcvations and floor plans sutlicicnt to indicatc thc dinrcnsions. gcncral appcarancc, scllc and usc ofall buildirrgs and spaccs cxisting and proposcd on thc sitc. For intcrior rnoditlcations, an irnprovcnrcnt survcy and sitc plan rnay bc rvaivcd by thc Administrator PLEASE NOTE THAT ONLY COMPLETE APPLICNTIONS CAN BE ACCEPTED. ALL OF TI'IE I{EQUIRED INFOI{MATION MUST L}E SUI}MITTED IN ORDER FOR THIS APPLIC'ATION TO BE DEEMED COMPLETE TIM E I( EOLIIRF-lvlENTS Thc Planning and Environnrcntal Conrnission nrccts on thc 2nd and 4tlr Mondays ofcach month. A cornplctc application fornr and all acconrpzurying nratcrial (as dcscribcd abovc) nrust bc acccptcd by thc Conrrrrunity Dcvclopnrcnt Dcpartnlcnt by thc appropriatc subnrittal datc. which is a nrinimunr of four (4) weeks prior to thc datc of thc PEC public hcaring. Incornplctc applications (as dctcrnrincd by the planning statt) rvill not be acccptcd. All PEC approvcd variances shall lapsc if corrstruction is uot corrrnrcnccd within one year of thc datc ofapproval and diligcrrtly pursucd to conrplction. or if thc usc fbr which thc approval is grantcd is not corrrrlcnccd rvithin onc ycar. ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES If this applicatiorr rcquircs a scparatc rcvicrv by any local, Statc or Fcdcral agcncy othcr than thc Tos,n of Vail, thc application t'cc shall bc incrcascd by $200.00. Exanrplcs ofsuoh rcvicw. rnay includc. but arc not Iinritcd to: Colorado Dcpartnrcnt of Highway Acccss Pcnnits, Arrrry Corps of Enginccrs 404, ctc. Thc applicant shall bc rcsponsiblc lbr paying any publishing fccs which arc in cxccss of 50'),, o1'thc application fcc. ll, at thc applicant's rcqucst, any nlattcr is postponcd for hcariug. causing thc Inattcr to bc rc-publishcd. thcn. thc cntirc f'cc lbr such rc-publicatron shall bc paid by thc applicant. Applications dccrrrcd by thc Conrrnurrity Dcvcloprncnt Dcpartrncnt to havc dcsign, land usc or othcr isstrcs rvltich rnay havc a signilicant inrpact on thc conrrnurrity ntay rcquirc rcvicrv by cottsultants in addition to Town stafi Should a dctcrntination bc ntadc by thc Town staff that an outsidc consultant is nccdcd. thc Corrrrrrunity Dcvcloprncnt Dcpartnrcnt nray hirc the consultaut. The Departntcnt shall cstitnatc thc atnount ofnroncy treccssary to pay thc consultaut and this arnount slrall bc fbrwardcd to thc Town by thc applicant at thc tinrc of liling an application. Expcnscs incurrcdbythc Town irr cxccss of thc anrount forwardcd by thc applicant shall bc paid to thc Torvn by thc applicant within 30 days ofnotification by the Torvn. Any cxccss furds rvill bc rctunred to thc applicant uport rcvicrv complction. III. I\/. B. IJ. Pagc 2 of 2 APPLICATION FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION BERNARDO GARAGE ADDITION UNIT 84, TRACT B, BIGHORN TOWNHOUSES SUBDIVISION 4718 MEADOW DRIVE ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: Tract A, Bighorn Townhouses Subdivision 4708 Meadow Drive Susan Stearns. President Bighorn Townhomes 3'1483 North Bermuda Dunes Drive Evergreen, CO 80439 Tract C, Bighorn Townhouses Subdivision and Bighorn Park Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Mountain Meadows 4680 Meadow Drive Mountain Meadows Gondominium Assoc. PO Box 756 Minturn, CO 81ils Riverbend 4800 Meadow Drive Linton Kingsbury, President Riverbend Townhomes 4800 Meadow Drive vail, CO 81657 STATEMENT OF NATURE OF VARIANCE REQUESTED: The applicant wishes to build a garage with vestibule connection to Unit 84 at Bighorn Townhouses in East Vail. Currently there is only surface parking for the eight townhouses in the project. As the townhouses sit on individual parcels that are quite small, the only practical location to locate a garage would be within the side setback. Therefore, a side setback variance is required. The driveway to access the new garage would require the Town of Vail to grant access across Tract C, Bighorn Townhouses Subdivision. The vestibule, approximately 50 square feet of floor area, will use the 250 Ordinance for additional GRFA. In the past the Town of Vail has encouraged the building of enclosed parking. Other owners of Bighorn Townhouses have also expressed the desire to build garages. The approval of the current applicant's request may lead to other units asking for setback variances to build attached garages that are compatible with the existing design of the Townhouses. Setback variances and access across Town of Vail property have both been granted in the past to encourage enclosed parking. The location of Unit 84 prohibits a garage being built without encroaching into the setbacks stated in the LDMF zone diskict. The granting of this request would not be a grant of special privilege. Susan Stearns President - Bighorn Townhomes 31483 North Bermuda Dunes Drive Evergreen, CO 80439 Mountain Meadows Condominium Associates PO Box 756 Minturn. CO 81645 Linton Kingsbury President - Riverbend Townhomes 4800 Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERT'P PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 ot the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on June 26, 2000, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: A request for a front setback variance from Section 12-GC-6, Vail Town Code and a side setback variance from Seclion 12-6C-6, Vail Town Code, to allow for a new single-family residence, located at 5133 Black Bear Lane/Lot 14, Block 2. Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Kurt Davis Planner: Brent Wilson A request for a variance from Section '12-6F-6, to allow for a garage addition, located al 4718 \-r Meadow Drive/Tract B, Bighorn Townhomes Subdivision. I Applicant: Bill Bemardo, represented by Gwathmey Pratt Schultz t Pianner: Allison Ochs The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. o IS ITEM TH Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published June 9, 2000 in the Vail Trail. .L '[ .) vL *Hin\lql,,o BERNARDO GARAGE VARIANCE APPLICATION - page 2 uNtT 84, TRACT B, BIGHORN TOWNHOUSES SUBDIVISION There will be no effect on light or air, distribution of population, trafiic facilities, utilities or public safety with the granting of this variance. The addition of the garage will remove one vehicle trom the existing surfiace parking lot off of Meadow Drive. Tract B has a site area of 18,890 square feet. 6,611 square feet of site coverage is allowed and only 3,083 square feet of coverage exists. The Garage and Vestibule will add 392 square feet of site cover€tge. The height of the proposed addition is well below that allowed in the LDMF zone district. O C=O C\l o cY? =6 ir u-f E l.tAY-2t-so 15 , 22 FROH.LAND o TI TLE s5"62es4 PAGE Land Title Guarantee Gompany cusroitEB orsrRtgultoil Dnter 05-26-2000 Propcrty Addre*r UNIT 4,'rRA(IT B, BICHORN TOWNHOUSES Our (hder Numbcr: VZ6g4Zs WILLIAM & SI{^N,ON NER,NARDO 22I OAK KNOLL R,D. EARRINCTON, IL 6OOIO Phonc' 97O470-90,11 Scnt Vie US Poslol Ss"viric CIVATHMEY, PRJITT AND SCHULT'Z 1000s. FnoNTAOE RD. W. vAtL,co 8l6t Aun: SIDNEY SCHULTZ Phonc: 9o",t76-l 147 Fax: 97G4?6.16t2 Scnr Vi. Fsr beereo% PAGE 2 rD,54?628s4 I,IAY-2E;-OC' 1S:22 FROM, LAND TI TLE U Land Title Guarantee Gompany YOUR COTTACTS Dnte 05-26-2000 Prolnrty Arldress: UNIT4, TRACT 8. BIGI{ORN TOWNHOUSES Buycr/Borrower; TO BE DETERMINED OurOrdcrNumbcr: V26g42S Seller/Owrnr: WILLIAM J, BI3RNARDO AND SHARON M. BERNARDO lf vou hrve tny Inrluirles or rtqulre furthcr rssisance, pleacc contact ono of the nurnbrrs bclow:For Cloring Assistnrrce: For fitle Asistance: Vail Tirte Dcpt./RA IO8 S. FROMTAGE RD. W. #203 P.O. BOx 357 vArL, CO El65? Phonc: 90-476-2251 Far 920-47G4i34 ESTIMAIE OI IITI.E FEES 't'BO (lomntitrnenr s77S , O0 TOIAI.977s.00 I'HANK YOU F0r' YOUR ORI)E[! PAGE 3 lD. 9764"82A54 o MAY-2Ei-oO r5,22 FROM: LAND TrTLE v Chicago Tirle tnrurance Conpany AL'TA COMMIl.MENl' Scherlule A Property Artdrrcs: UNIT 4. TRA(:T B, BICHORN TOWNI{OUSES I . Effectivc Date: May I 5, 2000 ar 5:00 p. M. 2. Pollcy to bc f,rsued, end hoposed lruunrl: 'TBD' Commirnrcnt Propoxd ltsurcd: TO BE DETBRMINED Our Order No. V2f942S Cu,rt, Rcf.: 3' r'hc alrte or Intcrcct in the trnd describcd or rdcrnd to in thrs cornnrltnent anrt qrvercd hcrein is: A Fee Sirnple 4. Tllle to thc estltr or Intcrcst covcred hcreln is rt the dfectlve dat€ hercof veste(t in: WILI,IAM J. BERNARDO AND SHARON M. EERNARDO 5. The land refersl to in thb Commllmort ls doscribcd rs foltonc: UNIT 4. TRAC' B, BICHO- R,N TOWNHOUSBS, ACCOR.DING TO THE RECORDED PI,AT l"HEREOII.COUNTY OF F;ACLE, STATE OF COLORADO. -- }IAY-2Ei-OO 15.22 FROM. LAND TITLE tD. 3T7E2BS4 PAGE 4 A LTA COM M ITM ENT Schedule B _ Scgrion I (Requirermnls) Our Ordcr No. V26942.s 'l'he following nre lhe nequirrarneils io b. complled with: lienr (h) P|ytncrtt to or fnr the eccount of rhe graDtors or mongsgors ofOc full con$idur rion li,r thc cstttu or inrersst t(r bc iurursd. f'J,ll) tt*t instrunrcnt(s) crcating fte e\tflie or ilrtcrcst l() be insured rnuut be crssurcd irnrl rlUly tih:rl tirr rcr:orrt. Itcrn (c) Psyulcnt of all gxas, clrlrges or $sessnrent$ levied 4rll assexetl agairut drr: subject prcnriscs which uu rlue nrl pey:rblc- Ireru (d) Addirioual rcquiranenb, if rny rlisctosal bclow: I. EVIDENCE SA'TISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS ANt)PROVISION.S OF TIIE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSPiN rEX HAVB BtsEN SATISFIET). 2' WARRAN'I'Y DEED FROM WILLIAM J. EBRNARDO AND SIIARON M. BERNARDO TO'tT) BN DETERMIN BD EONVEYING SUE,ECT PROPERTi. Noru: rllts PRopERTy MAy BE suBJEcr To AN AssEssMENT By THB gIcHoRN 1'OwNilor.,.sEs r'ToMEOWNERS ASSOCrATrorr. iLaasr coNTAcr r,{E ASSq:rATroN .r.() ENSIJRE TI.IA'T THE ASSESSMENTS ARE CURRENT, No'l'E: TtlE $r7i'00 PREMIUM sHowN HEREIN rs BASED oN A To BB DETERMTNED PURCHAI|E PRICE. UPON RECEIPT OP THE DOLLAR i{IV{OUNI TO-BE INiU*AP, SNrN PREMIUM WILL CHANOE. NorE: IIP0N NorrFrcATroN oF THE BUYER ENTrry, ADDTTONAL REeurREMEN.r.s ANn FXCBPTIONS MAY BE NECESSARY. TIIIS (:OMMITMEIfT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY, AND NO POLICY WILL BrJ ISSUEI)PURSt,ANT HERETO. PAGE 5 rD' u762ss4 }IAY-2E-OO IS,22 FROM. LAND TrTLE v AI-TA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptlors)Our Order No. v'l6q4ls t. 2. l. 4. 7 E. Thc pollcy or poticics to be lcsued wlll contoin exceprlors to the followlng unless rhe s mc are rlisposrrl of to the $tlisfnctlon of the Compeny: Right"s .r uhinrs of partie. in Frssession nor showrr by r'e pubric rccords. Eiuscnrcnt,r, or r:lailns of ei$crneflts. not shown by drc pubtic rcuonls. Discreprncic's' c(rtltlicts in hourxlery liru, slronrge in er.r, crrrorchqr:uts, aul any ficrs whish a corrcct.survuy lnd irrrpccriou of rhe prcrniscs wourd disclose nnr wd.rr arc-;r $nrn by the public rec,rds. fllt,',',",1;,TittT lrff f;Yfif-ices' labor ot marcdal hcrerofore or hercafbr firrnisrrcd, iDr;xxctr hy rrw .rrl Dcfrrts, liens cncumbrurccs, advc$e slaims or other nurtcrs, if any, crcaterl, firsr appcaring io tlrc publir: rccgrd;; 9r lttluhing $ubsequent fir the eftirtive drtc lrcreof but prior rr lhc_dare dre proposrtl iruuretl irorluircs of rccord lbr vrluc the e.\Ute 0r iruercst o, nx)ngage the rcon covcnd by fhis COmmitnent. Taxe'r or spccial asscssuenN uthich cre rDt shown rs existilg liens by thc public rcconls.o thc Trcasurcr,s oflicc. Licrr.r lbr uupaitl uarer lntl scwer chrryes, if fny., Itl trljition. tc owner's poticy witl bc subject to rhe nrurtgage, if any, mtat in sectiorr I of liclcrlule B lrsrcot. RICHT OF PROPRIETOR OP A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVTI HIS ORE TIIEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PCNTTN.ITE OR NTERSE T THE PREMISES AS RTISERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORNEO XOVPMNSR I?. t9O2, IN BOOK 48 A'r PAOE 492. RIGH Ofi WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CON TRUCTED EY THE AUTHORITY OF TI|E UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATBNT RECORDED TbVNUIATT IZ,19u2, tN B()oK48 ATPACE492. TnRMs' coNDrroNs AND pRovrsroNs oF TowNHouSE DE(t4p11IoN ANo pAR,r,y WALL RTJCORDED NOVEMBER 12, I96t IN BOOK 214 AT PAGE 136 AND AMENDMENT THERI}I,O RIJ(:ORDED APRIL 12, 1993 IN BOOK 606 AT PAOB 265. lI$MEryTli FOR ACCESS, -UTqryES, PARKINC, SEPTIC TANK AI.ID LEACHINO FIELD ^S SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF BIGI{ORN TOWNHOUSES. ROAD ]|ASTJMENT THIR,TY FEET tN WIDTH AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLA'I.OF RICH'RN 't'0wNll0tJsEs. 6. 9. t0. il. t2. t3. PAGE T rD. u7628s4 MAY-2B_OO IS,23 FROM. LAND TTTLE .v AL'TA COMMI'TMENT SchedulcB-Scution2 (Excefilonr)Our Order No. V26g42S The pollcv or pollcic lo ot TY_::ff cont.ln erc.prlont ro rhc folrowrng untcss rhc snme rre rrisposrrl of to the srllsfrctlon of the Comprny: NOTE: AFFECTS PARKING EASEMENT, 14. T}IE EFFECT OF PUBLIC NOTTCE CONCERNINC AN AVAL^NCHE PATTI RECORDT|D DFCEMEHR 23, t975 tN BOOK 243 AT PAGE 824. I5. RESERVATION OF A TEN PEN,CENT NON.PARTICTPATINO ROYALTY. FREE AND CLEAR OF COST' IN AND TO THE PROCEEDS DERIVED TiOU ITTC SALE OF ANY MINERALS.lNcl'uDINc wtrr{ouT LItvfITATIoN, cRAvEI-. sawo. orL AND cAs, op wHATsorivER KIND ^ND NATURE PRoDUCED AND MTNED inor,.I s.ITopnEMifiT UNdL* ANY LEAsEs oR CONTRA(:T ENTERED IN'I'O BY THE PART'bTNTT SECOIO PART, BUTTIIE P^RTY OF THB sEcoND pART sHALL BE uNDER rvo osircnflor,rs iosNiiii iriTo ANy LE^sti oR MlNlNccoNl'RAcr. As coIITAtNED rN WARRANTY DEEDREcoi-D;o trouurr{seR z. rc6e IN BOOK 166 AT PACE 4O7. 16. I]ASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTTONS AS SHOWN AND RESERVID ON TIIE RECORDED PLAT O" EICIIORN TOWNI{OUSES. PAGE 7 rD. %R47628s4 MAY-26-OO I5.23 FROM: LAND TITLE .v LAND TITLE G UARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURA STATEMENT Rcqulre.d by C.R.S. l&ll-t22 A) 'l'he subjecr rcll propcdy may bc locarcd in a special bring distict. Il) A cenificah of r;rres Duc listiuB each uring jurisdiction ouy bc obrairrcd fitxn ttrc county Trcasurcr,s authorizcrl agent. c) Tlre.intbrmrri<lrr reganri ng. speciar rristricrs arxr tbc bouu,ariqs of such rristricrs nray hc obtri'cd tion dre Borrd Jf couoty cu*isriu*tr, drc counry crerk rmr Rec'nlur, or tltc COunty As$e.c$or. Ettcctivc $cpEnrhct l' 199?, cRs 30-10406 rquites that-all drcumenll rcccived lirr rccelding or rilirrg irr rhc clcrk iutd rec<trdet's officc shrll conaio a ,"p il;;;;;lrut ''e irrctr aul l lcfr, right aorl h.rtturn u*rgirr 1rf rt lcrse onc half of an irclr. The cterk and {r"r.l.i ,aV *t* to rccord 0r l5le any drrunwrr thar d{)cs no(co'tirrm, crcrpr rrraa. the rcqulrcm:T fol fie rop r*gin ri.rr nor rppry *,r**ii,,i" "ring rirmrs on which sprcc is provided frrr rcunding ur 6ling intbrmarion ni rt. mp n ".gin of fte d.sunrcnr- Ntrtc: Colorulo Division of tnstrarcc Regulatiols 3-5-t, pangrrph c of Articlc Vil retluircs thar ,,livcry rirte crnitv shar bc responsihr,:L"-r.y y;jt- ;hi.rr .nn*r gli.liiir p;i;;il. ,i,,,Jiil-,r*,n,,ug whetwvcr dre tidc enriry conluc6 the ctming eut i* ,.spo itfe for rcconling qr filirrg sf lcgal drlellrrlunl$ rcsultirrg fiottt thc tr,usrcti0n which w:s clo-sJi. provirJed tlut Lrnd.l.ittc Guur;urrcr:(ir'rptrry co'ducLs rhc closiqg otlhe iluurcd t*sac,tion and i, re.poruiUrc i". r*,rrA-f ,ilf,,k:gal drtunten$ ftunr thc tnasrcdon, exccption o*rt", S "iff nd f,ppciu. on the Owrcr,s .l.irle Policy nnd the Lcrxlers policy *,hcn isuat, Nole: Aflirnndvc nrechutic's lien prorecdon br dre owrrr nay he rvaihble(lypically by rleluriorr 'f Er,cepi'n m. 4 of scic<ture B, Sccdon 2 or oe comiiarcft riom drc owrpr,s Foricy r. be issuctl) ugrn cumplience wirh the foltowing .n,r,fitiu"r, '--- A. Tltc land describcd in Schedulc A of this comnritm*t,ust bc 0.rirule frnrily residcnce which irrclurlcs a r.rlnr&rminium or townlrousc unit,l]. N. lahlr or nurreri.rs hrvc been furnisbert by mecrunics or nuteriar-merl for purposes or.crrt$lructkrn on thc lard dcscribat in schedulc A of ois coanriuu*t "i,iiirJ,riJ n,.rt o nuunr,.r.(i, 'l'hc c'rnprnv muu ruceive rn appropriare affidavir indannifying d," c;il;;;irriuu_lit.o Irrcchanic's and nmterlal-meo's licru. D. 'fho Crurpany nrust receivo paynrcnt of rhc appropriafe premium,F' lf tftcre hrs hceo corutrucdon, inrproveuenr"r or malor tb.i" ouo.n rol on tlre propcrry to he purohased witbin six monos prior to the Datc ui t. i'uroriro,cnt, dre rcquircIrc;'ro ot rairr c()vcrugc for unrc.conl€d licns wil iuclurlc: di.rclosure of ccrtain corutruction idirrrnlriou;li''"ncill infonnadon as to dre srner, rhe buirdcr and or .oe conrncior; payorsnr of rhc irpp'.)pri're prc'iunr fu(y erecura! Indemniry Agrcernen. "rirhd;i;;'J;r r"r,pr,,y, ,.,,,r,any additi.nal requirenrcn$ as nuy b€ ,"..vr.ry .ftc, "n erarninatio. of n* .i.,r.r'.ia''irrhrnnnrion by rhe Company. No covcrugc will he given under rny circurlstaoces for labor or matcrill for which thc insurerl lurs crurlnctcd for or agreed ltl pay. Nothirrg hrrein contained will be rreemcd to obrigatc rhc cr*rprny ro provide Nny or.thu strveraflos tcfcred to herein unlesg thc rbovc c,rrirlit;,,n* ur. frrlty satifficd. Torn of Uail xT CIISTfi€R RECTIPT TTT DAIE: 5/30/00 0l RECEIPI: 0$9tii9 DESCnlpTIOt eTY ei{U|l IP p€c u*Iffi FEE I r€58.td IPiJ GIETHEY/PftNTT f,RCHITECTS TEI{DER DETRIL ct( 5u6 |et0.00 I)fiTE: 5/38/00 TIlt: l{:59:tl T0IAL C|ICK *5t.t0 fll0u{I TElilt€RED te58.S Tts$ Y|lt F(lR Y0n pf,Yt llrl RECEIPT - The Town of Vall Ti fl( N9 F1336 ", ' * "*' DOLT.ARS $ DATE- Permit Nrmbcrs Ilow P.nJD-cash-orcckrc' a - Town ol Vail *partment of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 o Nam€: (tnt Receipt No. - t//a' Address:Dat"-i -r20 L JD Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No.Item No.Code #Cost Each Total 001 0000 314 11 10 Zoning and Address lVlaps $5.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Builoing Code - 1997 - Volume 1&2 aa 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume 3 001 0000 314 1112 International Plumbing Code - 1997 CB $36.00 001 0000 3141112 lnternational Mechanical Code - 1998 $3s.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1997 $33.60 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Fire Code CB $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 National Electrical code Ut1 $37.00 001 00003141112 Abatement of Dangerous Bldg.'s '1997 001 0000 314 1112 Model Enerqy Code - 1 995 $10.00 001 0000 314 1112 Analvsis of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes $12.75 001 0000 314 1112 Other Code Books 001 0000 314 1211 Blue Prints/Mylar Copy Fees $7.00 001 00003141111 Xerox Cooies XC $0.2s 001 0000 314 1 1 .1 1 Lionshead Master Plan ($1.80/S1 .60)MS $40.00 001 00003141111 Studies. Master Plans, etc.MS 001 0000 315 3000 Penaltv FeesiRe-lnsDections PN 001 0000 311 2300 Plan Feview Re+heck Fee ($4olper hour)YT 001 0000 315 2000 Otf Hours Inspection Fees OH 001 0000 s12 3000 Contractors License Fees 001 0000 312 4000 Sign Application Fee JT $20.00 001 0000 312 4000 Additional Sign Application Fee 5r 001 0000 311 2200 Desiqn Review Board Fee (Pre-paid)rDR 001 0000 31s 3000 Buildinq lnvestigation Fee PN 001 0000 240 3300 Developer lmprovemenl Agreemsfll Deposil D2-DEP10 AD 001 0000 312 1000 Restaurant License fee (TOV)t-tL 001 0000 230 2000 Spec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev.5A -00'1 0000 201 1000 Taxable @ 4.5ol" (Staie) - Tax pavable IH "001 0000 310 1100 Taxable @ 4.00.6 Oown) - Retail Sales Tax r7 Other/Misc. -MS 001 0000 311 2500 PEG APPLICATION FEES 001 0000 311 2500 Additional GRFA - '250'PV $200.00 001 00003112500 Conditional use Permit PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - Less than 100 sq. ft.PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - More than 100 so. ft.PV $500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - NEW PV $1,s00.00 001 00003112500 Special Development District - Major Amend PV $1,000.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Soecial Develooment District - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 0000 31 1 2500 Subdivision Fees PV 001 0000 311 2500 Variance PV $250.00 ZSL\ ' 001 0000 311 2500 Zonino Code Amendments PV $250.00 Re-Zoninq PV $200.00 001 0000 319 s100 Greenstar Program Other -MS TOTAL: Comments: Cash -- Money Order #check# iVtk Received by: LO F:/Evervone/Forms/Salesac{.exe TAWN OFYAIL APP LICATION FOR D BSIGN REVIEW,G"\"UO" GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Design Rcvic;r approval. Any projcct rcccivc Design Rcvicw approval prior to submitting for a buiiding pcrmit. For rcquircmcrrts for thc particular approval that is rcquc.stcd- Thc application carurot infbmration is subnrittcd. Thc projcct nray aiso nccd to bc rcviclvcd by thc Tou'n Environnrcntal Conrnrission. Dcsign Rcvierv Board approval expircs onc building pcrmit is issued and construction is started. DESCRIPTION OF THE FILiNG: PHONE: fnrN cc at 970-32S-E640 for parccl #) t/P 7,^-A;.. < 4tS. * S..l^ 741-, c'f \"il*"y' on.\ee the sy,6mi ttal bil ail.the r;6uircd /or thc Planig and approvalflcss a LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: L PFIYSICAL ADDRESS:1tb D. E. F. G. { pexcz, o. Olollzl o Zoo b (Contact Eagl ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAiT,INC ADDRESS: owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OFAPPLICANT: MAILINC ADD TYPE OF REVIEWAND FEE: fl Ncw Construction - $200 C { loaition - $-<o tr l\{inor Alteration - $20 H. new L,.;t,t:--vu. r rrrrrE. on ilding. changcs tp buildings and site improvcments. such as. ing, winlow additions. landscaping. fcnccs and rctaining rvhcre,square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or DRB fces are to be paid at thQ\nd\Is\riual. Lrrgt. rvhcn applying for a building pennit. plcasc identifu thc accuratc valuation of $c f!.p1cct. \c forvn of /ail rvill adjust thc t'cc according io the projcct valuation. \\ \ / pr-EAsE suBivlrr ruls.\,r,r-\.rr\-llL sr/rrrr\l- REeulRE}tENrs AND'l.HE FEE ro rHE r)El> \u t\rFN 7q\cti\ru\r1'\, DE\rr.or)]r[\ f. ]5 soL'rrr FR0NT.\CE Ro.{D. x | \ N\. \rL. cgr.0RAD0lil65;. p TOW OF VAIL o NS- o RCIAL B D e n B D ADDITIO RESIDENTIAL OR COMME GENEfu\L INFORMATION Applicans requestixg the review of additions which require the utilization of an Addirional Gross Residential Floor Area (CRFA) (250 ) request must also submit a Planning and Enviroffncntal Commission (PEC) application. if the addition rcquires an Additional GRFA request, the applicant must receive PEC approval prior to Design Review Board approval. I. SL,TBMITTAL REOLTIREMENTS One complete set of existins tloor plans 0r "as-built" dnwings with all specifications shown. A preliminary title report, including schedules A and B, to verifo ownership and easements. Condominium Association approval, (if applicablc). Photos of the existing structure. Specifications of all materials and coloru of the addition. Topographic suwev, stamped by a licensed surveyor, at a scale of 1" = 20' or larger, on which the following intbrmation is provided: tr Tics to cxisting benchmarlq either USCS landmark or scwcr invert. This information must be clearly stated on the suwey so that all measurements are based on the same commenc ement polnt. Lot area and ifapplicable, buildable area. Legal description and physical address. Scale with a graphic bar scale and nonh arrow. Propcrty boundarics to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a tbot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show cxisting pins or monuments tbund i.ind their relationship to the esNablished comcr. Topoeraphic conditions at two ibot contour intervals unless the parcel consists of6 acres or mtlre, in which casc, 5' contour intcrvals may be accepted. lxisting rccs orgr)ulrs oltrccs having nlnks uith tlianreters of -{'' or l11o rc. us mclsurcd tiom a point onc foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other signiticant natural ibaturcs (large boulden, intermittent sffeams. ctc.). a tr D o f, l a oo O All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhiu:rgs, building overhangs, tr D etc.). C Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.), centerline and edge of stream or creek, required creek or stream setback, 100-year floodplain and slopes of40% or more, ifapplicable. A Size and type of dninage culvers, swales, etc. D Exact location of existing utility sourccs and scrvicc lines tom their source to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable TV Sewer Gas Telephone Water Electric tr Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of'-way adjacent to the site. A Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title rcport List any easement restrictions. tf Spot elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the strcet fiontage ofthc property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on cither side of the lot. Thrce (3 ) copies of the followine: tl Site olan, at a scale of 1"=20' or larger, showing the following information: O Existing and proposed layout ofbuildings and other structures. 0 Location of lan&caped areas. D All new rebining walls with spot elevations fbr top and bottom ofwall. tr Location of all required parking. O Indicate roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown underneath. Floor Plans, at a scale of liS" = 1' or larger (114" = I' is pref'ened), clearly inrlicating the proposed addition. Buildinc Elevations, ata scale of 1i8"=i'orlarger(l/4"=f is pretbncd). fl If existing smlcurc is proposed to be modified, show elevations of existing smrcture. J Building elevations must be shorvn. clclrlv indiclting thc ncrv additron. Ifbuilding tices, cxistinrr r-''r proposcd are at lnglcs not rcirrcscntcd rvcll on thc normal building e levltions. shor,, thcsc faccs as *cll. Shc.rv lll lootiop llrcchanical svstems. if applicable. If thc intent of the pruposal is not clerrly indicted the Administrator may determine that addidonal materials are necessary tbr the revierv of the application. I. PRF.APPLICATION CONFERFNCE A prc-application confcrcncc rvith Torvn of Vail staff i.s rcquircd. No application can bc acccptcd unlcss thc rttandatory pre-application nrccting has bccn conrplctcd. lt is thc applicant'.s rcsponsibiliry to schcdulc thi.s lnccting by calling 970-479-2128. II. TIME REOUIREMENTS Thc Dcsign Rcvicrv Board mccts on thc lst and 3rd Wcdncsdays of each month. A conrplctc application fornt and all acconrpanying nratcrial nrust bc accepted by thc Conrnrunity Developrncnt Departnrent a nrinitnttnr of thrcc and a half (3 l/2) wecks prior to thc datc of thc DRB public hcaring. III. REVIEW CRITERIA Your proposal will bc rcvicwcd for conrp liancc rvith thc Dcsign Cuidelines as sct forth in Section t 8.54 of the Municipal Codc. IV. NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: A. .. Ifa propcrty is locatcd in a mappcd hazard arca (i.c. snow avalanchc, rocldall, floodpiain. dcbris . flow, rvctland, ctc). a hazard study nlu.st bc subnrittcd and thc orvrlcr nrust sigu an aftidavit rccognizing thc hazard tcport prior to thc issuaucc ofa building pernrit. Applicants are cncouragcd to chcck rvith thc planning stafi'prior to subnrittal of a DRB application to dctcrminc thc.relationship of thc propcrty to ull rrrappcd hazards. B. Basio Plan Shcct Forruat. For all survcys. sitc plnns. landscapc plans and othcr site irnprovcrllcnts plans, all ofthc follorving nlust bc shoivn. I. Plan shcct sizc nrust bc 24"x 36". For largc projccts, largcr plan sizc may bcallowcci. 2. Scalc. Thc rnininrunr scale is l"=20'. All nlans nrust bc at thc sanlc scalc. 3. Craphic bar scalc. 4. North arrorv. 5. 'fitlc block. projcct namc, projcct addrcss and lcgal dcscription. 6. lndication of plan prcparcr, addrcss and phonc nunrbcr. 7. Dntcs of original flan prcparatibn and all rcvision datcs. tt. Viciniry nrap or location nrap at a scalc of l "= 1,000' or largcr.9. Sircct labcls and nunrbcr.s. I 0 . A bordcr with a minirnum lcft side rnarein of 1.5". I L Narncs ofall adjaccnt roadways. 12. Plan legcnd. (-.. For new constmction and additions, thc applicant lnusl stakc and tape the project sitc to indicate propcriv lincs, proposed buildings i:nd building corners. All trces to be rcnrovcd must bc tapcd. Thc l:Ili:'-rnt mtlsi cn-cur. that ira{inl{ donc tiuiir-q rirc .,'.,intcr is not br:r'lcil t,. :;'t.,', ,\ll iitr: t:rlin9-s und staking must tre cotnplctccl prior to rhc dty of tho DRB mcefing. D. Applicaltts who lail to apperr bctbre ihe Design Revicrv B oarci on their schcduled nlceting date and rvho havc not asked in advancc that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items retnoved front the DRB agcnda rurtil such time as the item has been rcpubiished. tr If tha np R .-^.^',^" +L- ^-^l:^-.:^- ,,,:,L ^^-,r:.:^-- ^- -^I:J:^-.:^-- ^ll ^<ru1:ruvcs the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions oiapproval nrust be rcsolvcd p!-QI to the issuancc of a building permit. : Updated 6i97 45 o STAFF APPROVAL Thc Ad,ninistrator may rcvicw and approve Design Rcvierv applications. approve rvith ccrtain modifications. deny the application, or nray rcier the application to thc Design Rcview Board for dccision. All staff approvals are sr.rbjcct to finai approval by the DRB. Thc following rypes of Dcsigrr Rcview applications may be staff approvcd: Any application for an addirion to an exisfing building that is consistent with thc architcch:ral dcsigrr, ruatcrials and colors of thc building. and approval has bcen rcceived by an authorizcd membcr ofa condoniniurn association. if applicablc: Any application to nrodify an existing building that does not significantly changc the existing plancs ofthe building and is generally consistent with thc architecnrral desigrr, materials and colors ofthe buiiding. including, but not limited to exterior building finish materials (e.g. stonervork. siding. roof nraterials, paint or stain.), cxterior lighting. canopics or arvnings, fences. antennas. satcllite dishes. rvindorvs, slrylights. .siding. nrinor cornrrrercial facadc improvcntcnts, and other similar moditications; C- Anv application tbr site imprbvements or rnodifications including. but not limited to. driveway rurodifications, sitc grading. site rvalls. removal or modifications to existing landscaping. installation of acccssory structues or rccreational f-acilities. ADDITIONAL REViEW AND FEES A. Ifthis application reluircs a separate review by any local. statc or Federal agency other thau thc Torvu of Vail. thc appiication lbe shall bc increased by 5200.00. Examplcs of such rcvicrv, may includc. but are not linritcd to: Colorado Depanmcnt of Highway Access Pennits. Army Corps of Enginccrs 404. ctc. B. 'l'hc applicant shall he rcsponsible for paying any publishing fecs rvhich are in excess of50% ofthe application fee. If. at the applicant's rcquest, any matter is postponed for hcaring. causing the maner to bc re-pubiished. thcn thc cntire fce for such re-publication shall bc paid by thc applicant. C. Applications dccmcd by the Conrmunir_v Devclopnrcnt Dcpartmcnt to have design. land usc or other issucs'"vhich may have a significant impact on the connrunity may require rcvicrv by consultants in addition to Torvn stafi Shouid a detcrmination be made by the Torm staff that an outside consultant isncedcri. the Conrrnunrfv Devclopment Dcpaftmcnt rnay hire thc consultant. The Departmcnt shall cstl niatc thc ar ount of mcrrey ncocssary to pay thc consultant and this amount shall be forwardcC to thc Torvn by thc applicant at the tirne of filing an application. Expenses incrrrcd bytheTown in e;rc:ss of the amount rbnrartied by thc aoplication shall bc paid to thc Town by the anplicant within 30 days of notificetion by the Torm. .An.r excess firnds will bc lehrncd to the applicant upon rcvicw c ilntp lct ir.ru. ej Updated 6/97 B. VI. o BUILDiNC MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Sotfits Windows wrnoow I nt]] Door.s uoor I n n) I'land or Dcck Rails Flucs Flaslrings Chirnncys J'rash Enclosurcs Crecnhouscs Retaining Walls Exterior Lithting** Othcr LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS T1/PFr)FMATtrDIAI. NN NT COLOR:+ ItltwW,*,* Mrci gKl€n ^'s . t. MAroi YXrca rb At"tt.dfil'..b NA t0A tfF NA + Please specify thc manufacturer's color, nunrber and attach a srnall color chip ** All cxtcrior lighting must neet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exteri<ir lighting is proposed, plcase indicate thc nuurbcr offixhrres and locations or a scparatc lighting plan. Identify each fiinue type and provide thc hcight abovc grade, lutucns output, luminou.s area. and attach a cut shect of the lighting fixtures. s .' : .t,' Updarcd 6/97 o PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Nanrc Conrrrron Namc Ouantity q;-^r PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: 4 4-4' n 5 ael I t @ EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRICATION .]-YPE OIT METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL *Mininrunr iCquircnrcnts for landscaping: T,rpc r{h dcciduous trccs - 2 inch caliper conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shnrbs - 5 gallons Sguarc Footagc NA P@r^ ioM Bprenr.& Dft.'r"ggp w7 Chr,rptlq\"tJ O iliER LAND-{C,{PE l'[,'\TUR.ES (rctaining wliis. ieiu:os. swimn ng pools, cro.) pleasc speciiv. in<jicate rop and botiom clcvations of'rctaining rvtilis. Ma,xinrunr hcishr of walls rvithin the front sctback i( 1 fret. Ma,xirnum heisht oi rvllls e lscrvhcr'; on thc propcny is o lccr. IIA l'.l' Uftarcd 6/9? o o o GI o 60 =o ?5 H . nAY-2r-oo 1s,22 FRoM. LANDUTLE rD, s7o45s4 PAGE I [and Title Guarantee Gompany cusrolttn osrRtgultoil Dnter 05-26-2000 Property Addrers; UNIT 4.'TRA(]T B, EICHORN TOWNHOUSES Our ffierNumber: VZ6!42S WTLLIAM & SI{^RON NERNARDO 22I OAK KNOLL R,D, BARRINCTON. IL 6OOIO Phor|c' 970,{7t-90.11 Scnt Vir US Prxol Srrvicc t// cwATHt'lEY, PRATI AND SCHULTZ Y IOOO S. FRONTAOE RD. W, vAtL, co t1657 AIrn: SIDNEY scHULTz Phouc: 9?0.475-1 147 Frx: 9?O.l?Gl6l2 Scnt Vi6 Frr rugDuAY 802000 . :"".-r:-r@ rs,22 FRoM, LANDOTLE rD. s7o45r8s4 PAGE 2 land Title Guarantee Gompany YOUR COTTACTS Ilnte: 05-26-2000 Prolrtl Addrccc: UNN'4, TRACT B. BIGI{ORN TOWNHOUSES Buyer/Borrower: TO BE DETERMINED OurOrdcrNumbcr: VZ6}42S Seller/Owmr: WILLIAM ,, BBRNARDO AND SHARON M. BER,NARDO lf you hnve nny Inqulrles or rcqulre furthcr lsislance, pleasc confrd one of thc nunrbus bclow:For Clooing /Lrsidnnre: For Tltle Asislence: Vail Tide Det./RA IOE S. FROMTAGE RD, W. #201 P.O. Eox 35? vAlL, CO Et65? Phol:.9M76-2251 Far,: 97G4764534 ESTIIIAIC OT IITIE FEES 'l'BD Conuuitrnenr s77S.00 TOIAT s775 .00 'I'HANK YOU FOTT YOUR ORI)ER! . ."":-t:-"6 7s'22 FR.M' LANDfTLE rD, s?oT28s4 PAGE 3 (lhicago Tirle Imurarue Cornpany ALTA COMMI1.MENl. Schedule A Propcray Artdrcs: UNIT 4. TRACT B. BIGHORN TOWNHOUSES | . Effer$ivc Drte: May 15, 2000 il 5:00 p. M. 2. Pollcy to be krucd, end propoeod lruurpd: "TBD'Commirnrcnt Profil5ld ll5ujgd; TO BE DETERMINED Our Ordu No. V269425 Crst. Rcf.: 3' l'hc cstrte or inter6t in thc lmd dcscribcd or rdcrnd to in tlrls commllnrcnt anrt covcrtd hrrrin is: A Fce Sirnple 4' Tltlc to th€ csrrte or Inrtrcer covctrcd h*cin b ct thc erfctrve date bcroof vested in; WILI,IAM J. BERNARDO AND SHAf,,ON M. SERNARDO 5. The Innd rcfffrod to in thb Commltmsr b dcscribcd rg follor+r: UNIT 4. TRAC' B, BICH.ORN TOWNI{OUSES, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT l'HEREOII,COUNTY OF F:ACLE, STATE OF COLORA'O. --' ":r-rr:", 1s,22 FRoM. LANDJLE rD' s7o4ces4 PAGE 4 ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B _ Sccrion I (Requirrments) Our Ordcr No. V26942.5 'tho follrlwing ere lhc requircmcrls to bc complird with: [::t:9,#illl,llut]t t' thc Nccount of the griurtors 0r monSag0r$ of rhe firn corr.rirtcrarirrrr rirr (he Erurtr.i or L:'J,ll)t^tnttin*rurncnt(s)crcatinglhcqrrirleoriorDresatobe iruuredInustbeerscuredandrlulyliltrltirrrecrrrd. lff;tJilJ]t|ctt of all sxcs, cfilrges or $scssnenB levied rnd lssesal rgain* ttru subject prenrlscs wtrich uc rtue Ireru (d) Addiriorul rcquirunenb, if rny disclosnl brlow: I. EVIDENCE SA'NISFAETORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THB TERMS, CONDNIONS ANI)PROVISIONS OF TIIB TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFBR TAX FIAVB BtsEN SATISFIED. 2' WARRANTY DEED FROM WILLIAM J. BBRNARDO ANO SIIARON M. BERNARUO TO T1) 8N DEI'ERM INBD CONVEYINC SUBJECT PROPERii. Noru; TFtls PRopERTy MAy BE suBJEcr ro AN AssEssMEtIT By THE BI.H'RN I'OWNTTOT.JSES r{OMEOWNERS ASSOCrATrOr.r. ft.snsp .'NTACTTiE,qlio,:,nrroH .'r, 'iNSIJRE TI{A'r THE ASSESSMENTS NNE CURRiNT. No'l'E: TtlE $175.00 pR-EMruM sHowN HERBIN ls BASED oN A To BB DETERMTNEO PURcHAstl p*rcE. upoN REcErn oF THE D'LLAR AMouM To BE IN.,RED, sArD PREMIUM WILL CHANOE. NorE: tJPoN NoflFtcATIoN oF THE BUYER ENTrry, ADDITIONAL REeurREMEN.r.s ANn FXCBPTIONS MAY BE NBCESSARY. TI{IS COMMITMENT tS FOR ]NFORMATION ONLY, AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PUIISIIANT HERETO. r.rAY-26-oo l s:22 FRoM. LAND .||"t tD. 9704782e54 PAGE S AI-TA coMMITMENT lisheduleB-Section2 (Exceprloru)Our 0rder No. v26t 42S ;i".'ili:i.ilr*f:"1iff HH;IT contrin cxcoptlons to ih€ roilowrns unrcss ihe vanro are rrispoccrl | . RiSh$ 0r olaims of plrtier in Frssesliln noa Bh.1w,' by rho public rccorrls. 2. E&renrents, or clainls <lf eiscnrcrls, nol shoun by the prbtic reiuonls. 3. Discrcplncic.s, clurflicts in tnurxlrry lincs, shortrgc in *f1 ?*oTht nts, artd:rny facrs which a sorrcst.survcy rnd i'specrion of rhe p*rises wourd dirclose nrut *ricn ar" *r $rou/tr by oc pubric rec.rds. 4' fllt-,',':,1;,"J;tii: lH,[':Y[f-ices. labor or rnaterirl rhereroforc or hercaficr turuisrrcrr, inrlxrsqr hy raw arrrl 5' I)eftlts' licns cncunrhrerDes, adverse clainu or other uultcrs, jfa1r, ureared, lirsr appcaring io thc puhlic rcsrrr(ls or lt0rehing subsequent to the efltctive drtc hereof hut prior ro thc_dare dre proposed iruurcrl tcquires ol rccord lhr value dre csrrtc or inrcrcst or nnngrge rhercon covcaxt by 0ris Commitment. 6' Taxe't or spccirl asscssuettlr which rre rDt shown rs cxisting lieru hy thc public rcconls- o tlrc Treeruror,s oflice. 7. Lierrs lirr uupaid warer rod server chrrges, ifany.. E. ltt rrllition. dlc owlrcr's 6rlicy will be suhject to rhe nrortgage, if any, rntqt in Sectirur I of .scftorlule e trs1,gf, RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OP A VETN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE TIIEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE POUN' TO P-CTTETUIC OR INTERSEET THB PREMISES AS ROSTiRVED IN UNITBD STATES PATENT RECOROEO NOVEMBER I?. 1902, tN BOOK 48 A'r PACE 492. RICH OI; WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANATJ CONSTRUCTSD 8Y THE AUTHORITY OF TIIE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATE' PATBNT RECORDED NbVNMI,CR IZ,f 902. fN B00K 48 AT PAC94n. TNRMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OFTOWNHOUSE DECLARA.TION AND PAR'I'Y WALL RHCORDED NOVEMBER 12, I968 IN BOOK 2I4 AT PAGE 136 AND AMEii;#NT THERUI()RIJCORDED APRIL 12, 1993 IN BOOK @6 AT PACE 265. EASNMENI'S FOR ACCESS, UTILITIES, PARKINC, SEPTIC TANK AND LEACHINO FIELD AS SFIOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF BIGHORN'TOWNHOUSES, ROAD HASTJMENT THTRTY FEET tN WIDTH AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLA.I'OF NICHORN 1'0wNH(}rr.sEs. 9, t0. il. t2, 13, i1"."", "" rs'23 FRoM' LANDCTLE ID' 979475aaaa o PAGE €i AL.TA COMMI'TMENT Schcrlule 8 - Scrtion 2 (Exc€p(lonj)Our Order No. VZ6I4Zi Thc pollcv or pollciE " " tf_:!ff conteln excetlons ro rtc tdrowtng unlcs the ornrc rre disposerl of lo the eallsfrotlon of lhe Lompury: NOTE: AFFECTS PARKINC EASEMENT. 14' TIIE EFFECT OF PUBLIC NOTICE CONCERNING AN AVALANCI{B PATII RECORDTiD DECEMgER 23, t915 tN 800K 243 AT PAGE 824. 15. RESERVATION OF A TBN PERCPNT NON.PARTICIPATINO ROYALTY. FREE AND CLEAR OF COST, IN AND TO THE PROCEEDS DERIVED FiOM THE SALE OF ANY MINERATS.rNcr..uDrNc wrrHour uMrrATrON, CRAVEL. SAND, Orf mo bni, bF wnnrsorvnn KIND AND NArtrRE PR0DUCED AND MINED PROM jAID pirrtllCil ulrril* ANy LEnsEs oR (:ONTRACT ENTERED IMI'O BY THE PARTY OF THE SECONDJ;ii, ,-.Ji"i.,, P^RTY OF TUts SECOND pARr SHALL BE UNDER NO OiirOanons io B^iii-i n#oixv ..nsri or.MININC(ONITACT. AS CONTATNED IN WARRANTY DEED RECORb;O IIOUSI,,,TSUI' Z. IgEZ IN EOOK 166 AT PACE 4M. 16' I]ASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN AND RESERVED ON TIIE RECORDED PLAT OT' BIC'TORN TOWNTIOUSES. i::,t". "@ rs'l23 FRo'r' LANDJ""ID' 9704 ?62A54 o PAGE ? LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOST,IRE STAITMENT Requlred by C.R.S. fO-ll.l22 A) 'l'he subjc.r rcar propcny mey bc locarc<l in a specilr texing district. B) A Certilitjilte of Tlxes Dw listilg ear:h raning jurisdiction trlry bc obrairrcrt fiour tlrc couury Treasurer, g nuthorizcd agenr. c) -Tlre.inlbrmeri<xr regarding speciar disnicrs and tbe houftrrdes .f such districrs nrav trc obrairrcd riorn rhe Board of Counry c"r_rrrr"*"J, ilriffi;iffi ilifurr, u,thc County Asre.cror. Eftcclivc licpEnrb* l' 1997. cRs 30'10406 rcquiras thrtall dogumerls rcceiverl lirr recordiug or lilirrg irr thc clerk iutd rcctrrdct's offroe shell oontaia 1-jop nr"leii"i"1.orr one insh aul l lefi, rigrrt anrr bottonr nrargin of ill le**c ons hall'of .n i*h' I: tbrl P putori ntoi *ru.. i0 rEcord 0t file rny trrrcurrrert (ha( ft)cs nor corrlirrnr, ersqrr firt. tb "g]i*:il trr rtrc rop martiirt .il *, +pry * ,f*",,,1,* ioiug tirrms on which sp.cc is providerr for rwordi4g or firing intbrnidon ri rre rop margi. of the d(rcunrenr- Notc: Co&)rrdo Division of tnsrnrrcc Regulatioru 3-5-1. Pangraph c of Article Vlt rcquirs thar ,,FJvcry title cnritv shat be rcsponsihl I:'.$ y+" *h.th .er'.";;ilil;;;;ffi. ;;,Ji}.'rcurrrring wltetpvcr rhe ridc cnriry corxlucF the cltrsing auf is ,vsfiosiflc for rcconling or fililg rrf lcgal drxunrunl\ rcsulting frou rlrc tr:uurction wh'lch w:s.io'J". pm"i.Ld drat l-anrl .l.itlu Cu:rrlrrrcu Grnlplny corrducls thc closing of the iluun:rl rruwrction anrl is resporo_ible for recordiru (lre tcg.l drrcumenr$ frrrm drc fta'sscrion, exccpti,n orntr.r inil ,ui;il;;;;i;*irri-.,.i,r.Policy rud the Lcrxlers policy when isual. Nore: Aflimrerive nrcchufc's rien prorecdon for rhe owncr may bc rvairrblc(typicafly hy r.rereriorr rtf Excepirn no' 4 of scte<tule B, Sccdon z or o. ionrniunent hom dre owrwr,x poricy r' be issucd) u6rn complhnce wirh hc following conOitions: ----- A' Thc Ianrl dc{cribcd in sohedule A of thi-s commirnent must be a single frrnily resirJcrre whiu6 iruludcs a colttominium ur rowtrousc unit,l)' Nr lahlr 'r n*teriars havc been furnished by mechanics or materiar-men for purposes of cttrrstruclkrn on the lard dcscribed in schedute A of ois conui*rn, *iiiir,',r,J f.,.rio nuu,g,r.(1. 1'hc conrprnv mu$ rceive rn appmprilte afridavir indcrnnifying 0,, c""fiil;;;;*'i un-rirro nrcclunic's rrrl nnterial.men's lic . D. 'l.ho Conrpeny nrurt receivc paynrcnt of rhc rpproprirtc pranium.F' lf tlrcre has heeo corutrucdon, irnprovemenrror ru;or rryairs urtdertrkcn on re propcrty ftr he purcbasul witbin six mon:trs piior ttr he Datc oirhc commrmcnt, rhc n:quire'snts r. pfi1ni1 covc gc for unrrtonlcd tienr witl ilclutlc: di.rclosurc of ccrtain corutructjln iufirrrrrtrti'u;linancitl inhnrudon as to dre seller, rhe buikler ard or rhe contractor; p.yr,,r* i,f tfi.,'appnrpri.re prerrriunr fuily executcd tn<lemniry Agrccmenrs satisfrcroryioir. rnn,pi,,y, ,,n,r,any additional rcquiremctrts as nuy be rc.crr"ry ifrc, nn exarninatirln if Ure af,,.cs'aid' ' irrlirnnlriol by rhe Crrmpxrny. No covcr0gc will hc given uurer any circunNaaoce.\ for tabor or materiar for which rhe in,surerr Ins r:irrrtrrcted for ol ;rgrecd to pay. Nothiug hcrein conhined will bs rlwmed to ob[gatc he crlrrprny to provftle any ot.dr.,soveragcg rcfcrred to trcrcin unless rhe abovc c.rn-rliti,,n* nre dr|fy saiincU. t. Iorn of Uril DnTE' Ub/8flfl* ffilllt,tio*, ,mffiffi#tm*$;*l#trh II IEIIDER DETAIL q{__ _ _5il9 r$.oe ldJFi ^.il{/* rrn: iSi*iri rutrtr urtur t55.gg EUilI IEIIDENED '5':"nil( Ytt Ftx nn pRYtfHl P I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L DOLUIRS I RECEIPT- The Town of Vait on, sliolo.o ,, 4,. -?. t:T ,,t+ .(: : I N9 5133? RECEWED FROM ADDRESS Permlt Numbers . Policc Recclpt l{umbcn How PND- Cash-Chec t 5 t\a I o"il'"* .tt;ffillil oevetopmenr 75 S. Frontage Boad Vail. CO 81657 o Receipt No. /> t33 T o^r._S_L 7o,_Q! Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No.Item No.Code #Cost Each Total 001 0000 314 11 10 Zoning and Address Maps zA $5.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Buildino Code - 1997 - Volume 1&2 cB , $50.9s 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume 3 $57.20 001 0000 314 1112 International Plumbing Code - 1997 CB $36.00 001 0000 3141112 lnternational Mechanical Code - 1998 s3s.00 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1997 $33.60 001 0000 314 1112 Unrform Fire Code CB $s6.00 001 0000 314 1112 National Electrical Code $37.00 001 0000 3141112 Abatement of Danoerous Bldq.'s 1 997 001 0000 3141112 Model Enerqy Code - 1 995 i $10.00 001 0000 314 1112 Analvsis of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes $12.75 001 0000 3141112 Other Code Books 001 0000 314 1211 Blue Prints/MVlar Copy Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 3'r4 1111 Xerox Copies $0.2s 001 0000 314 1111 Lionshead Master Plan ($1.80/S1 .60)MS $40.00 001 0000 314 1111 Studies. Master Plans. etc.MS 001 0000 315 3000 Penaltv Fees/Re-lnsDections PN 001 0000 311 2300 Plan Review Re-check Fee ($40/oer hour)PF 001 0000 315 2000 Off Hours lnsoection Fees OH 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees 001 0000 312 4000 Siqn Application Fee cr $20.00 001 0000 312 4000 Additional Siqn Application Fee -r 001 0000 311 2200 Design Review Board Fee (Pre-paid) _ _DR >o. - 001 0000 315 3000 Building Investigation Fee PN 001 0000 240 3300 Developer lmprovsmenl Agreemenl Deposil D2. DFPl 0 AD 001 0000 312 1000 Restaurant License fee (TOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Spec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev. '001 0000 201 1000 Taxable @ 4.5olo (State) - Tax payable TP -001 0000 310 1100 Taxable @ 4.004 (Town) - Retail Sales Tax r7 Other/Misc. -MS 001 00003112s00 PEC APPLICATION FEES 001 0000 311 2500 Additional GRFA - "250"PV $200.00 001 0000 31 1 2500 Conditional Use Permit PV $200.00 001 00003112500 Exterior Alteration - Less than 100 sq. ft.p\,/$200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - More than 100 sq. ft.PV $s00.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Soecial Development District - NEW p\/$1,500.00 001 00003112500 Special Development District - Maior Amend PV $1,000.00 001 0000 31 1 2500 Special Develooment District - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Subdivision Fees PV 001 0000 311 2500 Variance PV $2s0.00 001 0000 311 2500 Zoning Code Amendments PV $2s0.00 Re-Zoning PV $200.00 001 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Proqram Other -MS TOTAL:5(). Comments: Cash _ Money order #Check f Received by: t-L- F:/Everyone/FormYsal€sacl.exe o o D=*tnn>o- 6*g, *.ilthaa Lt,r;t B:F- bV Ho*nt -Tiq,>N,lh*,.t. LtU O v\r.*,dor,t p rti trt-. b l=, loo t -/ ' O f:,lo -EritlEqr pa -(,a*.1 C. +/)Aa,<e u/',y'/,* f ZArr,-*< +-aed fiKt>rt.f pr*t olu/vzs a7V4cy' <'- @ TV/r,rr*t>2 ^ '4)air"u*7 lnuy' b<- /2.' ur/e ltNr) lf / *i.l u *f ?D " /d/t/1,€a . O J,Q,t /Drrl- uF Ctiir/a-r<-f<^cc- €; S/r- a/,/ ft7*.<//zahc"2 - /',r /? 'az*)" - {rrc'rir,o, @ Slw uw sih flt t ' 1o* 3/vza7c ivz€* . @ fu ]ra,,-/u C7r,1;, &- B,'tP r,"f ' *- ur,::: r, : z r."-'f-::T-': !. r :,7 j*.*J &*ov*f-- d[ilirD o o QcoJULoszooo JAMES R. LIPPERT #1 8 WILLIAMSBURG ESTATES TOWN AND COUNTRY, MO 63131 (3141 576-1572 o o o O , ., lrry A3, eooo flh^"hhlM 6,,4'> {ar-*, h /"5 /r'9,'(o4*Q o /,ft,,4^, t//t- a-u- awu-* 4t @^g Q r *.fr""' G), -ffi ffi '/ Ji"vQ a"L,(rto'/6' t <|-i"z LL.e- t;rj rtzoer;,'9- t" 6fu./A ./t"/^r, t ;frl b -q,"*fu,fu -.,**ry',q@&,^/w,% trc ?rqfu&k th/n/- ,wh- ,&L ,w(%Lffi# 4r* 4 {\-,/fu.rrrl udfu [:W; 4 /L ar"&' .n ,4,2.,, o t'/' $*4Wa*'/t ,a/'& w -r-#tM?% o W;ffitr t 'VV /gzt tzi;cz c1^ J- o o o o $ rrev ri"G[Fi:"or* r*oo=f NOTICE lS HEREBY G|VEN that ihe Flanning and Environmenial Commission of the Town of Vaii will hold a public hearing in acccrcjance wiih Section 12-3-E ot the Municipal CoCe of ihe Town of Vaii on June 26,2000, at2:CO P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In ccnsideration of: A request,'or a front setbacl< variance from Section i2€C-6, Vail Town Code and a side setback trariance from Section 12-6C-6. Vail Town Code, to allow for a new single-famiiy residence. located at 5'133 Elack Bear Lane/Lot 14. Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Kurt Davis The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planners office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired. for information. Community Development Department Published June 9, 2000 in the Vail Trail. A request for a variance from Seciion 12-6F4. io allow for a garage additicn. located at 4718 Meadow Drive/Tract B, Bighom Townhomes Subdivision. Applicant: Bill Bemardo, represented by Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Planner Allison TOIflVOF 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 F 4)(970-479-2452 TO: COMPAI\rY NAME: t-Y4r ^ uril1 F..LX TELEPHONE NITMBER: I l!//- lU/11 FROM: DATE:TIME: # oF PAGES rN DOCUTVTENT (NOT INCLUDING COVER SEEET) RESPONSE REQUIRED? SENT BY TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEyILOPMENT FAX # e70112:2As2 TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVf,LOPMENT TELEPHONI #- 970jA79.2138 - SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: CONI MUNITY D EVE L OPIVIENT FAX TR{NS MITTAL SHEE T F;EVERYONE\FORMS\FaxSheet 75 South Frontaee Road Vaii, CO 81657 970-179-2t38 F AX970-479-2452 C ONINIUNITY DEVEL OPVIENT F.{X TRANSVIITTAL SHE ET CONIPANY NA}IE: FAXTELEPH'NE NUNTBE,. t /- //t/ FROM: DATE:TTME: # OF PAGES IN DOCUMENT (NOT INCI,UDTNG COVER SHEET) RtrSPONSE REQUIRED? SENT BY TOWN OF VAIL COIVIMUNITY DEVELOPNIENT FAX # 970-179-2452 TOWN OF VAIL COMNIUNITY DEVELOPMENT TELEPHONE # 9:i.1-1,19-2738 SPECIAL CO1VIMENTS AND NOTES: F:EVERYONE TFORMS\FaxSheet a e,\ttll, Bighom Townhomes Minutes 2000 Special Meeting July 15,2000 5:30 pm Unit 3-A-Patten ATTEIIIDAI\ICE: A-l Bram Cone by proxy to Sally Agnoletto A-2 Sally Agnoletto and Matt Shapcott A-3 Rick Patten and Teresa Patten A4 Susan Stearns-Frank O'Loughlin by proxy to Steams B-l Connie Lippert B-2 Kocaks proxy to Sally Agnoletto B-3 Kit Bazley and John Badey 84 not present - Sidney Schultz to have appeared The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM by Sally Agrroletto Susan Stearns checked the Bylaws re a quorum which consists of40% ofthe homeowners and a quorum was in attendance in person or by proxy. At 5:30 Sally Agnoletto called Bill Bemardo and Sidney Schultz to see if either would be attending the meeting. There was a long discussion about the garage proposed by the Bemardos. Information was disseminated by Sally re the meeting that had been tabled and the proposed partial easement vacation by the Bemardos and upon Motion by Sally and second by Theresa Patten, the vote was 6-1 with I abstention against the vacation ofthe easement. Susan Stearns said that she did not have enough information and abstained. It was assumed that Bill and Sharon Bemardo would be in favor of the vacation, and although they were not present, their vote was counted as the vote in favor of the vacation. A motion was made by Sally and seconded by Kit against the gamge. After discussion regarding the way that our writs are set up with each property having land attached to the unit and a discussion re courmon living and non interference with the rights ofthe other owners vs the right to develop your properly, the vote was 6-l against the garage with the assunption that the Bemardos would vote in favor and Steams/O' Lougblin abstaining. A discussion was held regarding Sally and Matt leaving and the vacancy for the presidency. This had been to step in as president for the remainder of The bemr placed on the property by the Bemardos was discussed. The problems that have the quality of the soil including the weed problem and the need for the soil to compact will prevent planting this year in any event. Sally is going to have the snow removal company owner, Lott' come over to look at the snowremoval aspects; Discussionre some oftherockshavingbeenmoved andthepossibility ofmoving other roc*s and moving the berm was held. The sprinklers are currently set up so that the berm is watered and moving the berm would change the dynamics of this, necessitating more cost. Discussion was held Bighom Annual Meeting July 15,2000 about no improvements being made without notice to the Board. More particularly, if any improvements are going to need to be maintained by the Association, it is critical that they be brougbt to the board and the memben because the maintenance will have to be incorporated in the Budget and the members should have a say on the items that they will be paying for. The procedure for the future will be that changes to the property that will affect any owner must be approved before being put into effect. A discussion was held regarding changing our governing documents so that a Selling Owner will be entitled to a refirnd of their one-eighth interest in the Reserve account. The new Colorado Real Estate Commission approved forms have boilerplate language that gives these funds to the buyer unless the goveming documents ofthe Association say otherwise; Discussionwas heldre amendmentto the declaration/covenants andperhaps reviewingthe declaration/covenantsto include otheritemsthatneedto bechanged, forexample, design or improvement review by the Board or an architectural committee. For the time being, Susan moved and Connie seconded and the vote was 7-0 that the goveming documents are hereby amended to allow Sellers to receive their share of the Reserve and the new Buyer will replace that through their closing; There being no firtler business, the meeting was adjoumed at 6:05pm. Respectfully Submitted -;y' ,/) t/,/' ,/ ./t2.ca+K-,@ - Susan A. Steams C:h.P||htBlGHORilW.nda l|d llilqi..l'||ht6 2(m !p.rd8l maatfrgrll|Pd -2- fficDJUL 20200A BIGHORN TOWNHOUSE ASSOCIATION, INC. C/O Susan A. Steams, Treasurer/Secretary 2902 Ev er green P arkur ay, #21 2 Evergreen, CO 80439 303-674-704r July 17, 2000 Ms. Allison Ochs Town of Vail Planning and Zoning Re: 4718 Meadow Drive Unit B-4 Garage Proposal Owner: Bill and Sharon Bemardo Dear Ms. Ochs: It is my understanding that you are the planner involved in the above referenced improvement. The Bighorn Townhome Association had a special meeting regarding the proposal and the vote was 6-1 against the garage with I abstention. I have enclosed a copy of the minutes from the meeting, which was held on July 15, 2000 at 5pm, upon more than two weeks notice. Please let me know what the outcome of this matter is. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions, please call me at (303) 67 4-7041 FAX (303) 67 4-2s68. Secretary/Treasurer cc: Sally Agnoletto Rick Patten a o five currents and six mugo pines. Applicant shall conribute lt2 of the cost to screen the existing dumpster. The dumpster shall be moved to the south end of the property as much as possible; location and scrcening must bc rcvicwed and approved by the DRB. Applicant shall pave the entire access eas€ment bcrween Units 2 and 4 on Tract A. If possible, the paving area should be narrowed" In addition, landscaping should be placed in the area where the paving has bcen removed- Iim Shearpr seconded thc motion. It was approved 7-0. 2. A rcouest for a dcnsiw variance for hc Bsrnardo Rcsidcncc. Unit 4. Tract B. Bighorn Townhouscil4718 Meadow Drivc. #48. Aoolicanr Bill Bemardo Planner: Mike Mollica The prescntation was madc by Mike Mollica- A motion was madc by Kathy Langenwalter to approve the request. Findings A, B, C(1, 2 and 3) were cited per the staff memo with the two conditions of approval as stated in the memo, with the following modifications: Applicant shall contribute U2 of the cost to screen the existing dumpster. The dumpster shall be moved to the south end of thc propcrty as much as possible; location and screening must be revicwcd and approvcd by the DRB. Applicant shall pavc the cntire access eascment between Units 2 and 4 on Tract A. If possible, the paving area should be narrowed. In addition, landscaping should be placed in the area where the paving has been removed. Chuck Gist seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved, T-0 3. A reouest for heieht. parkins and densiw variances for the Sonnenalo. Part of Lots K and L. Block 5-8. Vail Villase First Filins/2O Vail Road. Applicant Sonnenalp Properties Planner: Andv Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen prcsented the staff memo and the proposal. Questions from the Commissioners about parking, landscaping and access points were addressed with a model provided by the applicant. Ken O'Brien indicated there would be no need for fue access to the building, as an intemal fre system would be installed. The Fire Deparunent had approved this plan. Staff recommended approval of the requests, with the conditions listed in the staff memo. After a presentation of slides by Ken O'Brien, Jay Pcterson explained the proposal further. The Sonnenalp was proposing to add l0 largc rooms, though only 2 people would be staying in each room. Most all of the other rooms would bc enlarged, causing an increase in the parking rcquirement. Accessory (restauran$ square footage would also be increased, 0rough only about 20 seats would be added. Spa arca was also proposcd for an increase. Much of the proposed expansion to the common arcas was to bc located underground. Jay hesent Chuck Gist Diana Donovan Connie Knight Ludwig Kurz Kathy Langenwalter Jim Shearer Gena Whitten FILI COPY PLANNING AND ET{VIRONMENTAL COMMISSION July 8, 1991 Staff Kristan hiu Mikc Mollica Jill Kammerer Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Betsy Rosolack Amber Blecker The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Diana Donovan. l. A rcquest for front setback and densiw variances for thc Dick Residence. Unit 2. Tract A. Biehom Townhouses/4708 Meadow Drive. #2A. Aoplicant Carol Dick Planner: Jill Kammerer Jill Kammerer made the presentation. Sid Schultz, representing the applicant, showed a new landscape plan the applicant prcferred ovcr what was presented in the staff memo. sid Schulu said the applicant agecd to pave the driveway. Kathy Langenwalter suggcsted the dumpstcr be built into the hillside. Jim Shearer preferred to see the dumpster at the southern end of the access easement. Chuck Crist did not have a problem with the applicant's plan, but said the dumpster should be placed as far down on the road as possible away from Meadow Drive. Diana Donovan stated she also wanted to see the dumpster as far south as possible. If possible, the owner should berm around the dumpster to scrpen it. She felt that three aspens generally provided more screening than thc proposcd landscape plan. Connie Knight said she would like to see 0re aqpens in the landscape plan. Kathy prefened thc shrubbery for thc color. Ludwig Kurz did not have a prefcrence on the landscaping. Diana suggested the pavement be narrowed h the drive if possible. A motion was made by Kathy Langenwalter to approvc the rcquest per the staff memo, and cited the findings that no special privilege was being grantc4 and the rcquest complied with B(l), B(2) and B(3)(a), (b) and (c) of the memo. The conditions of approval stated that rhe applicant shall install the submined landscape plan, including one crab tree, ninc potentilla, TO: FROM: MEMORANDT'M Planning and Environmental Commission Community Dcveloprnent Departrnent FILE COPT DATE: July 8, 1991 SUBJECT: A request for a dcnsity variance for the Bernardo Residence, Unit 4, Tract B, Bighorn Townhouscs/47l8 Meadow Drive, #4B. Applicant Bill Bernardo Planner: Mikc Mollica I.DESCRIPTION OF TIIE VARIANCE REOIIESTED A. The applicant is proposing to add 277 sq. ft. of living area (GF,FA) to Unit 4, on rs iocateo at the southeast corner of the unit 186 sq. fr of GRFA is proposed for the first floor addition, and 91 sq. ft. ofGRFA is proposed for the second floor addition. B. This site is zoned low Density Multiple Family (LDLtF). Undcr the LDMF zone disEict development standards, a maximum of 3 dwelling units are allowed on this site. A four-plex was constructed on this sitelggglq Togif Vail annexation of the property. Thc structure, which was lawfully established lt6lto-mwn annexation oFEc site, does not conform to LDMF development standards regarding density. Therefore, the site development is classified as legal nonconforming. Section 18.64.050 (B) of the Vail Municipal Code which addresses legal nonconforming structures which do not conform to density controls reads as follows: "Structurcs which do not conform to density controls may be enlarged, only if the total gross residential floor arca of the enlarged structure does not exceed the total gross residential floor area of the prcexisting nonconforming structure. " Therefore. a densitv variance is rcouircd in order to allow for the construction of additional livine arca. ZONINC CONSIDERATIONS FOR TRACT B A. Tanrng:Low Density Multiplc Family 18,890 sq. ft (Tract B) or 0.4336 acres Yq08 J-$tl** GRFA (30% of Buildable Sirc Arca): Allowed: 5,667 sq. ft. D. 1,090 sq. ft.'_ No change from existing No additional parking is required with this proposal. F.Height: Allowed: Proposcd: Setbacks: Parking: G. H. Propo n Dcnsity: Allowcd: (9ffitvacre or 3.9 units = iiliF- *Existing: # Prroposcd: No Change Site Coverage (35% of site area): Allowed: 6,611.5 sq. ft. Existing: 3,038 sq. fr Pnoposed: 105 so. ft. Remaining: 3,468.5 sq. ft. ftwt 33' No change Density variance required in order to allow for the construction of additional GRFA. M. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Crircria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Deparrment recommends approval of the requested variance based on the following factors: Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship ofthe requested varlance to other existing or potential uses and struc{ures in the vicinity. There are 4 tracts of land (A, B, C and D) and 2 separate easement areas associated with the Bighorn Townhouses plat. Tracts C and D are open space which are owned by the Town of Vail. Tracts A and B are each developed with a four-plex. As p'rcviously noted, thc Bemardo four-plex is located on Tract B. The other four plex is located on Tract A, which is immediately nonh of Tract B. Thc four-plex on Tract A was also constnrctcd prior to Town of Vail annexation of the propeny and also excceds the allowable density of Tract A by onc dwelling unit. The property to the west of the Bighorn Townhouses is zoned Residential Cluster and is dcvcloped with the Mountain Meadow Townhomes; to the east and north is the Town of Vail's Bighorn Park, which is zoned Agricultural and Open Space; to the south is the White River National Forest. Staff believes the r€quested density variance will not negatively impact any existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The applicant is proposing additional landscaping as a part of this project. Please see the anached site plan. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to sttain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. The site has sufficient GRFA to allow this proposed expansion without necessary because the existing development exceeds the allowable unit count. For this proposal, staff believes it is reasonable to consider the fact that the existing residence was constructed under Eagle County's development standards to be a practical difficulty warranting the requested density variance. The Bighorn Townhouse final plat was approved by Eagle County in November, 1968. The plat crcated four tracts C[, F,C and D), a common parking easement and a common septic tank and leaching field easement. These easement ar€as are separate lots from Tracts A, B, C and D. Because of the way the property was plattd the easement ar€as are considered separate lots and do not qualify as site arca for GRFA or density purposes. This rnethod of platting is unusual, as most towlhousc or condominium plats include such common areas for the purposes of calculating GRFA or density (please sec copy of plat attached to this mcmorandum). Had the property been B. suMivided in a differcnt manner, there would bc sufficient site area to allow the construction of a 4-plcx on this site, the structure would not be considered legal non-conforming, and a dcnsity variance would not be rcqufued in order to allow the construction of the proposed addition. For these rcasons, staff believes relief ftrom the code is warrantcd Staff bclieves additional GRFA should bc permittcd to be added to the four-plex, p'rovided the GRFA does not exceed thc maximum allowable for Tract B. 3. The elfect ofthe requested vsriance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities' public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The proposed addition will havc no impact on rny of thcse considerations. The Plannine and Envircnmental Commission shall make the followine findines bcforc srantins a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a $ant of special privilcgc inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same disrict. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be derimental to the public health, safety or welfarc, or matcrially injurious to properties or improvcments in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or morc of the following reasons: a. The strict literal intcrprctation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difliculty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would dcprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. 4 IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of thc requested dcnsity variance with conditions, due to the fact that the structutr was constructed undcr Eagle County's development standards, prior to Town of Vail annexation of the property, tlrereforc crcating a physical hardship. The fact that there is GRFA remaining on the sirc also warrants thc support of the variance request. There arc no negative impacts on adjaccnt properties. The variance criteria cited includc findings l, 2, 3(a, b). Staff rccommends approval of the requcsted dcnsity variance subject to the following conditions: l. That the applicant pave the portion of the access cascment which is immediately adjacent o Units 4 and2 of Tract B. Please see the attached map which indicates the area required to bc paved. 2. That the applicant contributc lD of the cost to screen the existing dumpster. Dumpster location and screening must bc rcviewed and approved by the DRB. '* h "*,A '^/'J& @Nn.r'- oz(tzL @ *4,kAt f ca-l^'t^;#/ o/nrt, 6.L "*r,J- a^ /*ttQ , c:\pec\nemoc\Semardo.708 flrt;'-K"acf -WTa f 4 ,-/ corJ..Z4i I , 2- a.-,( 1 d/aR-, 2d ',C r'{r'.r1 Uo{,:'l ^o o /. /6 -o/ !* /:+- b a o @ o l.' 9 (, ui v, lrl I t 5 a o t 6t r6 75eeAree4vEffiQ F4- Poo,'*t.. ) ,\ rerr||o Ees€r:rrr /n, .oJacllr att lrlla tc uxlT I qt4||a €r alJrctrt I I I t||t4 ttta TR LI E ltttogSllllf? Locl?Jor qt?!ttcrtE I h.r.by c.!!tly !!.t !hl, lrDrov.lor tLL tPxrroa ' ruly.y trar ca ta9!ov..ant .Erv.e n ugcn lat !h. rruirrrrrni ni-riic: I I rtrr. t lltttral cartlt!' tt ! t!. taotoy.r tbtr dat., a/totgo - .,Ylsrln gla Doodar l.r of tha Daac.anctaact-nta lDon tta daacrlhd Dr 9t.r1..., .rc.Dt .r hdlcaci!, .ra alg! ca rlt .aaarant qoailng o! bu D.t.r -t ?J. ro I I -l -1 I GI E' a.L //I I ,),i ."1 -rl _ol o ,"/"''4" *a\\ ,K /c// [?3:: '\-\ '/'-"'-'- TRAI;T C CErrElLlr€ !0' rrOE rolo trttrENr |v wr@ a4 L .l I z.o *J lrj F V)fi 6 F s $ S I Dil}Y SCHULIZ-ARCH ITE},,. 141 EAST MEADOW DRIVE vAtL. coLoRAo 81657 303/476-78W APPLTCATION FOR DENSITY VARIANCE UNIT 4, TRACT B, BIGHORN TOI'JNHOUSES Applicant: Bill Bernardo ZONING CHECK: LOW DENSITY I"IULTIPLE FAMILY ZONE DISTRICT SITE AREA: 18,890 square feet SETBACKS: 20 feet front, sides and rear IIEIGHT: DENSITY: COVERAGE: LANDSCAPING: PARKING: 24 feet proposed 38 feet nax. 22 feet existing; no change proposed 307" (1 8,890) = 5,667 square feet GRFA allowed 4,296 square feet existing 4,558 square feet proposed 3.9 units a1lowed, 4 existing - no change proposed 357" (18,890) = 6,611 square feet allowed 2,994 square feet existing 3,083 square feet proPosed Additional landscaping vi11 be added along the re- configured deck on the east side No additional parking required by this proposal The applicant wishes to add 262 square feet of f.iving area to the ground level of Unit 4, Tract B, Bighorn Townhouses. The Bighorn Townhouses were built early 1n Vailrs hi.story prior to the adoption of a zoning code. The original subdivision incLuded Tracts A,B,C and D as well as a parcel of Land designated for a septic tank and leaching fie1d. As a result of changes in ownership over the years the existing buildings do not meet the current density requirements regardi-ng alLowabLe nunber of units for the established zone district. The proposed addition to Unit 4 wiLl- provide a bath for the Master Bedroom on the second floor and infill the area under the bath and bedroom. In addition' this expansion is designed to screen a large portion of the existing dwel-ling from the potential avalanche danger that has been identified in the area. MENIE€R HE AMET{CAN INSIIITJIE OF AT€HI'IECTS Bernardo Varianc e page 2 Town of Vail zoning requires that because of this addition the applicant must pave that portion of the existing gravel access easement that is on his property. Rather than pave a narrow strip which he feels wil"L be ruined by snow plows, the applicant r.rould prefer to have the Townhouse Association pave the entire project when thelr reserve fund a11ows for such improvement. At this tine he would like to direct the funds that woul-d be required for paving his access easement toward the Town of Vail r s efforts in cJ-osing off and revegitating the eastern half of the loop drive which it owns. The proposed addition will not effect light and air, distribution of population, transportatiorr, traffic facilities, utilities or public safety, nor will it alter the relationship to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. As stated earlier, this addition will increase the safety of thi s particular dwelling unit. The addition conforns with the policies and goals of Vail's Land Use Plan which designates this area of East Vail as MEDIUM DENSITY Residential. Because of the circunstances unique to this project we do not feel that this proposal asks for a grant of special privilege and request that the variance be approved. H ltt IE IE lEl E lF H Itrj t€ \s \i tt F I E o |l o v rl trt a It E H 't F tt,o I I U v Fl trl o EI ft c tr Er H o E trl tt n H z o tro tro H=E'= EI ttj z u r-l trtv|qt az FE H ltl EU }' ttl Eo zd K o.. *U FIF rF nl 6t\ Rry 9 \$\i L 3 a \r f;r ^l fl ^\ 1-) t Y r'l r| U 9'rr o o It ri o o p, rf o U =I' t t I N T ^5 l\(! CJ F P t rO tt 0,rt I t { 0 u \ \ \ til \A t4 h) i a \ 4 U (* .'-t a-c \* h l.. L $ n t-t \ \ $ V. )T & A \\ t \ \ \ a F t: lE IE t€t3 IH rz IH OF oo d<5P-oo 5€rtO o0 tt E E lF It llt E E Itrl lz hr OF oo E<A.,,,-oo J{rfo oo tr r( H IF tEl E H to F rct EI F IE IB lEl E on oo E<E, P.oo 5{rro or tr rl o P.o o tu 1., P 'o P t{ Pii EtE F 33 cr rr8 rt lD c\G 'o ar|D 'fo al f lD.-'.r t9l ct .+ 2 Ct|D t{ .€I t.-N3A F IF:g E 1,.16 -o 5 l*" 3€ =lsr: e f F sts IR 99 E IN ;; ;ta=I utE ct I C|D m I g3 I r-.4 | .+t lB'lP:lq It t;lP I IJ l.D l€le ld l'g o t It ==m o al .u .E r ,el '= -1 vt v FI 'tt F m v,FI z { { = -! -ct =.m Ft'-t-! I lFi r$ ct - -.:5 Itl o rl o ==m v v, k .tt ID o -' .!, 1 t x ? B o et o d\ ''tt -o =, o c, { o z o -n .o v o 'u o v, r ct ct D an at w F 8 - \ FI C' - trt m Vr c,F 1'{o = - =6t .! F f, ^ b, Itr al u o .= ! ct tD ti C)F m { Irt ct o 3 3 c = -l ct FI m o .o =,m = tt FI 1' n -lrl 2, - ct (r m .t,{ 'rt -lH>-:a mC).r l- J.>Gr,'o E, r+!F.rz,o F. Gl {r c)> 'tt ri 2v={o|D 'u =rrl=F=g f.<.o vr EUt l!Fro -{r :t |..FtZC'tro€\t5 o>.D ==-vt lJ rrr @>o l- Ct {r mv oo,-1w,,)Oa-F U'N Ct-{l oiDo It irr !t :D ift (o m{-Cl Ul .-+ =oo >J CL .{ CL L.. -o,Hr+ fl =to ol.D :' >J Bs8 :to Ft-r.-at r=Vl -. O Fr5 vrto 6 .c tct g. C-,.a.D'-l fl .D|+UI gr !t |D-l tt o .E iD 1 cl r< D -t 6>.< ! -D>-t>. O 62O|- .iE rto c =cr€ m {=cr..!:n> F F--E -=gHH Fl A F.Zt m {.--l J I 6t= 5 ta<F -(,rmrri>c:t v CTHOZ Itt-lCt:rtt l-F :tc. O F ='o >{ rt =Orrt 4 -Ur >e =r {{ O .-ZClttt -l-lz: -H Hm .tt {={ >or- frcr 2- ; -9t"i +39='3 Vr Vr l!{.< > . Ur 't,{ =i c, SFo- d -22 <{ -n ct m > H{.-<O |tt rctct^ Tt{ .al l-={rrOFlOHHbO <Fr - = mlcr =Hvr-6=g= r't >=Al€ E-.'Pil . !l Gttl,,',<lr- ct-lo{t C, O e,vrzlt4 C _ 33r-.m ^tl !: F.E(irl{ {m'i,o:z i-r 5 59-rr- >>f,=f,m- = .< -> @!{t-rtl z=ttt -tt olftt =V, Z, 6t> \t el- r.-.r -f ! Cl <,=- -i-a2.{>iO ! C'{ Cl= -r-{Ft = Frr,l = cr >>e6) !1! cr = .< a./. =,- ftt { E, -f -l =Fl lrl { r{At1;F. .< - >!zFt -{e ct -f utH{r { E -er= r- Z]rD - rr r{>at ertctoz, => vrl = =''' -==&'te C i.. OF F.ttE rr:Z 4F llt vt =e Om(r6) l- ct { tvit- -f { oo,< t- rrr {./n -l -{ ctl-}- iD =@t-rn>Ct m r Cl Ft .t.r E at { Ct CIZ D {l-xp| 1 >- .. Ot/r = -tr-t E CrmZr>{m.-I E, O}{ t-.< = m F- >. -t = vr=='Jtf > -l t4 O@ vr F H:E trt O - m Vr t< .Cr!-l D ln>-" E A=* SFe€.-t-t e) ,r4,H- ln m O<> Fr Fr tt.<-r> ! = ]r1ct(,t ,, t-:tt rrr>o >-l !!Dv-=-rt E 'tt -l Ct { @H O e !-< vr><,o=Fl ->> . ! =Gt vr o{ r- !{ --|Ft >_l ! HF|H tit --, - -vr f'|ct {F rc - elm mz@6t tt Vrf v, ZHmFI -l>v, 1= vr d=Gr{ - EZn m |'a lrt H o |:, =F 6r. C-l ut=lD|D gr t o|D =-eo CT U|J.C}o -t5 c,6 ft :t Ct, rDo ur {r ==|D G}ta oo ll <E J. aD ft ul 5|D ... cl al .I 1 g t cl tv C}o o c; =.D .l o x l,|C} t € 0 .r E t+|D t a+ t r^'N .a .l -t 61tO{5:ttt=tt g' tsodt uttD al Cle ! -tr dJ.l|D ct {r -} ... o lo -r(D <{t3-t c+ ar ,DC,|D|D s* -33t -i' Ct Ct J. C;O {t {,.+ C' C,5 <{!..+.+t t :r' C' t:t clJD J. {t r.1 vr |,|fl q,< clE 5 {t O, |+'t .D +-t -..ofl t J. r. dO J..:|.' qt -Jr+ {r -5 aD 3.*J {r r't |D |D |D o,|D - JCt.{c) .r. c;J' C> r+ t -.J5 =DlD -l 3-E3Eg J. r. r+5J .D ra! roo "t Gt = lcl rl :'. t+ I tl .'.. |D t J.C'C t t.+J Yr .lt CI.D Cf ..r. Cl' i' J. -l C, tUD J ..J. O {r- f!.+ r. t:'"+.J. t gt |D (!. 'Ct r.) fl Cl ur lD t.D -l . CIft|DUT J. r. Ulr ttr o'<oJ.J a+ .J r.--l .+ct't fl< .D -tt J. -l !ltrtclo C C ...+Ct r C.+ < a+JJ.-r<t.-J.O r fl 5 n 5 |D C':tcl €t t r.|D |,|o|D .Da t' {r. r+<!t {r C'|D't tD !t |D ciO Dat ci :E *9 r a !, tt 4 O J.O, (l r+ tt+5 J. .*o .+ cr t 5 ='..-J r |D r4 * tt E ct v m v,iVl t\ .<{ -rl o- ?tr cm m F rl !m Em a)ON != Vt oG o v, at, .>{ o t-o '!o lrl .,O F! !t c, 'E --r ma)mo -l t+ =o 615 ,E CJ C-c =I 0,.) ) Orl co CO O d., 6 ilig sffi silr g;iE HiE e;$r i ]sn e'64 l;ii E:f,; iiiiiiil iffil; Ill;i iriril E;n;;{.: H O+, C 6'd O tE P O H..l '{ t O. r,!oEOr CrO6tI't+. O Cr{ C .C t{ O O >Fr h.'l Fl El C{ a! L t{.Q c,€.P lFl otD qF 3-3 16 CTt 3-E'E o .O .rt o, OC EEf "*cto, - o,L -tafg SE .F a, L >iO rt 9roll.E...tt.'- L'(' O c bo'.Or ac co,6.a.F L TroiaEo C E o, LTF GlC'o/rc,O,.8-to s dc.oh +t iF r- ll l/l d FF O 6+r C' T' YUI E u|.o5|,|gr +JCFEg q, ,E; o .'-.u c.r E E E;+r E -bE33 C)IF .U'F a F r,l c!t o0,vro(uCt.s .F.F {', tl a,E+t+'E aO .F o, >i o u E+ra Cr.F l| c.,F =F. !r- OUI OO,.|' e E.|.r +r,o.|,00 c auo,oo, Eu EP+r.F (J Eo,UI A OF. t Ct :g==8.>o^ q,C (, (l' ..- +,f^l > OlF. .o < o C.FTt r^ 'Cl .o.- I +, c |EL C -d . ,O-... nt o, ttt o, L+,E t'r +, oj.c o+,L C C-O P.a E E e'r.:35 Cf E LrF€5 o, qt S, vro 0 v,OC .- t-t O, 5.F a fit! cl c!t O, (u .- ot E (u- t/|(J E+,C ra- .o l4J .E, rd F Foi_,oi dE oe qv.o,EI . c, E sgF o -,'oo ! SA 8t aFf;: 3 ..g: .ErE u,a\aF Q, € Cl !t C b+r - (u r or€.n e Etc aoo - a .'Eifr a le erE 5 -ir=E E EEr €eB E 3 .r.p t' a +rE !: EEtt or E= u, i3: # E .E E:EH E' TE € E:E E E L *,E33 .A E- g ;'-"t .' E g .*3E rFe o GcL o z ,Focd 5 A' 2 g9e 5 u' H ieH-, s EE : FE: E E .-*. ".e63 E €g -E SHS E a t; #E'! f LE F r8o E i F ottR or ..cr *r-6p -o ,9. g =gg L v. ! dEr 5 Ga t-o, 0, E.rL or .r.; a€;I . gE E €e€'.f ..'E 6 >rEq! ' 53 e +ets tb 5 t lEeg . '- v, - ,t :b'. e: E -c Ul E+, Ct +t E O . 5p \ a f' .: qlgS 3 eHs b E3-- t; gb I FLo ,g ti6 t .P€ g= ;F s El:E{ i !s: I sE: nE EE F pLcL= .rc!.p +, otB 3E -e A ==gsF,E : g;i F sgg ;E ;€_r L .^ atE .l,.^ .o-EF.lcD E igg ; ;EE EF E3 3 Eg3:E : 383 E s;E r; Ef d :i$-=E ; sfs I ;#s ji EF L "rti-- : EE: g H.;; EB ie 3 EiAPE d. E.^6 E oo:' .F- cr.l,- E:5=. ?6 .FE qF l.'.E +r or ;-E BE .:3 ;F EEg f 3!; E€ i.e € a;E:= s= o:; E EEg EE Er . l>EgE ''z =tE cL *IP Fi '..I 3 ::. "' :' <+',., ; :.' .;- f t Y Jt** ,7,,*. q "ff"r?* fryn PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tbe Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.65.050 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on July 8, 1991 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for review of the Vail Streetscape Master Pl-an for formal recommendation to the Town Council. The Master Plan addresses the general area from East Lionshead Circle to Ford Park, and includes West Meadow Drive, East Meadow Drive, Will.ow Bridge Road, Gore Creek Drive, Vail Valley Drive, Bridge Street, and Hanson Ranch Road.Applicant: To!,rn of VaiI Planner: Mike Mollica 2. An appeal of a staff decision concerning a density varJ-ance granted to Treetops Condominiums, Lot 6, Block 1-, Vail Lionshead First riling/452 East. Lionshead Clrcle.Appellant: Treetops Condominium Association Planner: Mike MolLica 3. A request for a Special Development District for Parcel F,Lionsridge Filing #2, commonly known as Brj-ar Patch.Applicant: LST Properties Planner: She1ly Me1lo 4. A reguest for a major amendment to Special Development District No. 2, Pinos deL Norte, Building C, Northwoods Condominiums/500 Vail VaLley Drive.Applicant: Pinos del Norte Condominium Association Planner: Andy Knudtsen 5. A reguest for a density variance for the Bernardo Residence,Unit 4, Tract B, Bighorn Townhouses/4718 Meadow Drive, #48.Applicant: Bill Bernardo Planner: Mike Mollica 6. A request for a site coverage variance for the Rothbart Residence, Lot 12, Block A, Vail Das Schone First E:-:..ing/2349 Chamonix Drive.Applicant: Gary Rothbart Planner: Ji1l Kammerer 7. A request for a worksession on wall heights at the E.B. Chester Residence, Lot 19, Block 1, Vail village lst Filing/ 395 Mil1 Creek Circle.Applicant: E.B. Chester PLanner: Kristan Pritz /,'^f o's-qr o 8. A request for front setback and density variances for the Dick -Residence, Unit 2, Tract A, Blghorn Townhouses/4?08 Meadow Drive, i2A.Appllcant: Carol Dtck Planner: JlIl Kamnerer 9. A reguest for a minor exterior alteration, and a site coverage variance for Super Star Studioe, Gorsuch (Clock lower) Bullding, Lota C, D and Er Block 5, Vail Village Flrst stLLng/263 East Gore Creek Drive.Appllcant: Paul Golden Planner: JiIl Kannerer 10. Any ltems tabled from the June 24, 1991 PEc neeting agenda. The applications and informatlon about the proposals are available for publlc revLew in the Comnrunity Development Department office. Town of Vail Conmunlty Development Department Published in the Vail Trail on June 21, 1991. .:\ Steve Ankerholz River Bend Condo. Assoc. P.O. Box 296 Avon, CO 81620 Mountain Meadow Condo. Assoc. P.O. Box 1762 Vail, CO 81658 I Town of Vail Joe Peplinski Rendezvous West P.O. Box 397 Vail, CO 81658 Y Jl-u ,b,- n A aYYcrfl*'PeW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.65.050 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on July 8' 1991 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for review of the Vail Streetscape Master Plan for formaL recommendation to the Town Council. The Master Plan addresses the general area from East Lionshead Circle to Ford Park, and includes West Meadow Drive, East Meadow Drive, gliflow Bridge Road, Gore Creek Drive, Vail Valley Drive, Bridge Streetr and Hanson Ranch Road. Appllcant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: 2. An appeal of a staff decision concerning a density variance granted to Treetops Condominiums, Lot 6, Block 1, Vai.l Lionshead First Filin9/452 East Lionshead Circle. Appellant: Treetops Condominium Association Planner: Mike Mollica A reguest for a Special Development District for ParceL F' Lionsridge Filing #2, comrnonly known as Briar Patch. Applicant: LST Properties Planner: Shelly Me1lo A request for a major amendment to Special Development District No. 2, Pinos del Norte, Building C, Northwoods Condominiums/600 vail valley Drive. Town of Vail Mike Molfica Pinos def Norte Condominium Association Andy Knudtsen E.B. Chester Kristan Pritz 5.A request for a density variance for the Bernardo Residence, Unit 4, Tract B, Bighorn Townhouses/4718 Meadow Drive, #48. Applicant: Bill Bernardo Pl-anner: Mike Mollica A request for a site coverage variance for the Rothbart Residence, Lot 12, Block A, Vail Das Schone First Filing/2349 Chamonix Drive. Applicant: Gary Rothbart Planner: Jill Kammerer A request for a worksession on wall heights at the E.B. Chester Residence, Lot 19, Block 1, Vail Vi]]age lst Filing/ 395 Mill Creek Circle. Town of Vail 8. A request for front setback and denslty variances for the Dick Residence, Unit 2, Tract A, Bighorn Townhouses/4?O8 Meadow Drive, *2A.epplicant: Carol Dick Planner: Jill Kanmerer 9. A reguest for a ninor exterior alteration, and a site coverage variance for Super Star Studiog, Gorsuch (Clock Tower) -Building, Lots C, D and Er Block 5, Vail village Firet EIlLngl263 East Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Paul Golden Planner: .Iill Kannerer 10. Any items tabled from the,June 24, 1991 PEC meeting agenda. The applications and infornation about the proposals are available for public review in the Community Development Department office. Town of Vail Community Developnent Department Published in the vail Trail on June 21, 1991. ''. :.r,-riiq.l el f-'st t I Project Application ,tt{:.,,i,frl I D^t 5'/9'1| Pro,ect Name: Proiect Descrip tion: 2 Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description:-!ot Comments: zone lbhF Design Review Board D^" 5,/9.11 Motion by:I "*4' seconded ov, H l*r) 1,* @ s-o DISAPPROVAL '/r^ Town Plan ner e"1". 9./s,1/ (,# E statt Approval {e, -() (o (o t= lFl lE II t,-, lm l!t> l-l tm lz t-{lF -I l;e tFl t< |rtl t€ l,-o m f) @ lrl n z o =O L I E fr L,,n =i o g .z- @ m Ut m (t c (D =i rd I + I N r€t € rD()ao fi<Tl< rrl vz gvt nz *m i rrl :J rrl a-a oE-Tt< (, I L{ I -m t 1l O v7 r- N N a E ]}n rfl Tl a E :l a z > b r b z T m T N F rl n rrl is*lslilsilnff I ;iiII*IE,\IH i F=:=iiil;rNl HHE$IfiiEHi$I Iiilllllg}l' gEEi;#g Pl Au z.o o rn TD n U> I Tl l-c)f .1. N = = J +z n trl o =g Frl E.I >-{(}z u t (tl {a C E tr x rrl d a rrl rrl rn a U) -{ i =rrl -{€{z o g rrl a () 01 rn o J - ! IJ n o z Tl -m f-'t-t- t-Fl n m f, -{FI o c)c)o n g z o I oq 17 n; HE ==-=>l:!f}i-J 6 rrl a Tl =i T fr'l =t a a rrl -{ -1 -m a (J c -l -m v t- a I m I + il Xt. $ t \. F F r ) \'ilt s o o R lus N. $ \ \ ssss E R [I t*F I I,\r *Lt * 1i,\P=f -I s }N -"d :U s t \ s s ^' I 22 January, 199t ' .:," LOW DENSITT MUTTIPLE FAMILJ IONE DISTRICT SITE AREA: 18,890 squar feet J:, SETBACKS z 20 feet front, stde$nd rer 24 feet. proposed HEIGHT: 38 feet.max. lO.:l€al 22 feet, exis'ing; n$h''a'$serlpfopo:.-ed:d . DENSITY: 302 (18,890) = 5,667 square'feet GRFA all. 4,%iJE:,At square f eet exletlng ', ' :.-ffiH qt,t4 HSE sguare feer propoeed jffi 3.9 units allowed, *Sex:.stfng - Io .h"n8"iffi C0VERAGE: 3l 'I (18,890 ) = 6,61ifrou.tu f eet a11otted'/ff'l: osed a*t 4d91 square f eet exietlng ini 3-+fri. aquare feet proposed LANDSCAPING: Ar ditionaL landscapi4E.nll1 be added al c, uf lgured dec.k on. .a*" ""-"-.a .s{.de ' .. :.' PARKING: No addlt,iona.l narkl.ft required by 'thls , 'lFli i re- 5.r. irl uNrT 4, o t TO: Mr. Sidney Schultz 141 E. Meadow Dr.Vail, CO 81658 Dear Sid, Per your request we have calculated Tract B, Bighorn Townhouses. The results the area of Unit are as follows:4 and Unit 4 Tract B Lret me know if Sincerly, Stan Hogfeldt vice president 4663 eq. feet 18890 sq. feet I can be of further asistance. 41199 Highway 6 & 24, Eagle-Vail Post Office Box 1230 Edwards, CO 81632 303-949-1406 E n o q tt,o E H tz Ill EI H tz F a -s \ \ 3 $f d v F H H a c E r{l |'I 13l trl u F EI tr, o EI E @ F H o !4 trt t,fr H z o o o E ttl 3 a z td E t,tt (, u,x td F H trl 4t U ttj o o F t{t |l H o z o qt € E!-^- t{' Nl"o i{5 .-. o ,- ltt 'o tn ^sF o Ftd o o tcl H <lrd E F.IF o oH J {lcr rtOl o ol=.. to tflxt Ktx "l(,l 7 h 7- 7 U 9,rt o \(\ \ \uu j\ tq \\' fl \ \ E il:'l F IE lz lt-l otr oo H<Zl P.oo 5{rtO urg U F E IE ttj tz IH OF oo H<F'P-oo 5{rfo oo tt l< E o H.o o o l,r, ro P U 0l rt o (t !,d o \r N \r u t,rt o sNor AVALANCBE AND DESNIS-FIJOf, EAZARD ANALYSXS AND UIrIGATION RBCO}IIIE}TDAEIOIfS BERNARDO RESIDENCE, EAST VAIL, CO'JORADO Propared For Ut. Bill Bsrnardo and Itr. Eidney Echuttz Prepared By Arthur f. Mears, P.8., Inc. Gunnison, Colorado Decenber, 1990 F1FIY.TS-'91 HBN ID!EBCO IIE 48,42 TEL t,fo : t-3L2-??4-6224 H32@ rut, December 6, 1990 'Mr. BiII Eernardo it14 w. Briarqood Dr'... Arlingt'on Heights, IIr 60005 Dear Mr. Bernardo: ARf HUR--- I. MEAF"S, P.E., INC ttrrunlFLrudrCa.,rulqnn . ! ZIlErGdiAn' Crria. Cdm& Slllll .n -61Ft2tt6 avalanche in East Vallr or deEire I I I I I Thr encloscd rePort on nitigation at Your house dlscuesed tast month' ' ff You have anY questlons .contact me' I I I I I l I . Sl-ncerelY, Odlr^l. Y{Leaa ifEiiur f. Mears, P.E' lvatanone-control bngineer EncI . ct; SidneY Schultz ,lac,,|tnlfuu||},,,|t l'fu tltclllnt t l6lsr)n t Acok. OBi'ECTIVES AND IJII.TITATIONS OF THIS STUDY This quantitative anarysis of the snow-avalanche and debris-frow processes affecting Lot B-4, Bighorn Townhouses Subdivision, Vail,cororado nas requested by Mr. Birl Bernardo and has the forrowing obj ectives: a. Analysis of the terrain in the rrKing Arthurrs Court,r (KAC) avalanche path; b. Calculation of the rnaximum runout distance or stopping position of the design-magnitude (1oo-year)avalanche in the KAC path,. c. Calculation of 100-year avalanche velocity and mornentum distribution at various positions along the terrain profile; d. Deternination of avalanche rrRedrr and trBluert zone boundaries; e. Specification of snow-avalanche defense; and f. Quantification of debris-fLow hazard and recommendation of debris-flow protection. This analysS.s is site specific, therefore the conclusions and recommendat j-ons provided here cannot necessarily be applied to other locations. This analysis considers reasonably foreseeable conditions that are expected to occur once in a century, on the average. Calculation of these long-return period events are.subject to the additional limitations discussed in Section 3. . 2 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOI.TUENDATIONS 2.1 AVALANCHE-HAZARD BOUNDARIES The Red (High Hazard) and BIue (Moderate Hazard) snow-avalanche boundaries should be adjusted on Town of VaiI zoning naps to new positions shown on Figure 1. This revised analysis indicates The Red Zone does not extend as far into the runout zone as indicated in previous studies, but the Blue Zone extends farther to the north and affects additional property. The Blue zone avalanche area north of Meadow Drive is subject to powder and air blast overpressures and light-flowing avalanche debris onIy. The Bernardo. property lies within the Blue zone, which, according to Vail ordinance, means that new construction is feasible and perrnitted. Therefore, the newly-proposed addition should be allowed if it is designed for snow-avalanche forces. 2.2 AVALANCHE MTTIGATION Because the Bernardo residence is located in the Blue zone, which is an ,area of low freguency (> 25-year return period and < 600 lbs/ft2 lpounds per square foot] pressure), neI construction at the'house can be protected by reinforcing the uphilt building walls for flowing-and powder-avalanche pressures, as specified in Figure 3. Debris flows at this location will consist of muddy water with a srnall percentage of solid debris. Structural damage wil-1 not occur and danger or injury to residents will not be a problem. The existing building and/or the proposed addition can be protected by building a z-foot high wall on the uphill sldes of the structure, as showi in Figure 3: \ T/a ,"J.t i-^-tf*{, /n^ n "h.i/*/* ^gt"*"'^a^l' 2.4 INCREASE IN HAZARD TO ADJACENT AREAS The sno$t-avalanche and debris-flow structural rnitigation specified in this report will not deflect the flow and increase the hazard to any adjacent pubtic or private property, easements or rights-of- wat. protection from snow avaLanches through reinforcement of the adhitlon, as specified, wiIl decrease the hazard within the Bernardo house whj-ch was built nore than 20 years ago without structural reinforcement frorn avalanches. 3 DESIGN AVALANCHES IN TIIE IIKACII AVAI.,ANCHE PATH 3.1 DEFTNITION Design avalanches, in accordance with Town of Vail ordinance and accepted land-use and engineering practice, have return periods of L00 years when applied to residential construction. Because the history of avalanche activity is short and vegetative and geonorlhic evidence for major avalanches is sporadic in the VaiI irea, -the rrloO-yearrr return period is an order-of-maglnitudetr estirnate. The true return period of the design-avalanche described in this report may actually lie between 30 and 300 years. approximately. 3.2 DESIGN-AVALANCHE CHARACT The design avalanche will result when 20-30 acres of dry, soft snow slab detaches frorn steep northeast-facing slopes between 10,400 and 10,7OO feet elevation in the avalanche starting zone. The resulting dry-flowing and powder avalanches wiII descend the steep tributary strearn channel as a flow of dry-snow fragments with an acconpanling powder cloud. Maxirnurn velocities of approximately 1-00 nph will be reached on the steep upper slopes. o At approximately 9r0OO feet elevation, the design avalanche will encounter and overrun a bedrock ridge which will deflect the flow slightly to the north, and will deposit avalanche debris, including tree trunks and branches on the open rneadow south of the Bernardo property. The accompanying powder blast and smaller entrained aefiis will extend to the north of'Meadow Drive. This area forms the downslope extent of the avalanche runout zone (the BIue zone) considered in rnapping (Figure 1). 3.3 AVALANqHE HISTORY TN THE KAC PATH Written history is short in the Vail area because the Town was founded in L962, only 28 years ago. The fact that a l-oo-year avalanche has not occurred in this short 2$-year period is not surprising. This short history was extended by study of U. S. Forest Seivice aerial photographs taken in 1939, 1950, L962' L974, and 1984, and by study of vegetation darnage in the avalanche path. The aerial-photo analysis indicates that a large avalanche overran the bedrock-ridge rnenlioned in Section 3.2 prior to 1939 and again betgteen 1950 and L962. The pre-1962 event was accompanied by other Iarge avalanches in the VaiI area and rnay have been associated with oth6r large avalanches known to have occurred in Colorado in January, 7gAZ. Resolution of the aerial photographs is not suffic-i6nt to deternine the extent of debris that may have been carried into the runout zone below the bedrock ridge. On-site inspection of the runout zone provldes no evidence of long.runout becluse the meadows were used as hay fields and debris was reqularly renoved by ranchers, possibly for fence construction or fiiewood'. However, bn-site inspection provides clear evidence that a large, dry-snow avalanche approxinately 350 feet wide overran the nedroLk ridge and produced extensive damage to the forest. Although the downslope boundary of avalanche activity cannot be a"t.r.in"d by historf, vegetatibn darnage, or geonorphic evidence-, ttt. iength, width, ind vlrtical drop of the KAC avalanche path clearly -sujgests the potential for }onq runout distances on gentle gradients. { QUAT.ITITATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE DE8IGN AVALANCIIE 4.1 METHODOLOGY The design-avalanche characteristics were defined through ippfi"iiio"n ot the follotring procedures which represent currently .iE"pi"a methods in avalinche-control engineering and zoning applications. a. Runout distance, or rlstopping pos-itiontt was aeterrninea fy .tutislical regression analysis of a database of itZ extreme (approx. lgo-year) avalanches that have occurred throughout colorado' The 952 confidence interval was applied to extend the runout distance slightly beyond the predicted runout. b. Avalanche velocities, monentun, and flow distributions were then modeled by application of center-of-nass and particle rnodels of avalanche dynarnics. The results of this dynanics modeling is surnrnarized in Table 1 and Figures 4 and 5 of the Technical Appendix. c. Avalanche staqnation pressures for flowing and powder avalanches were then conputed through application of the equation p:(o.s)YV2, where Y is avalanche flow density and V is flow velocity.This relationship was used to define the Red and Blue zone in accordance with Vail ordinance. 5 AVAIJANCHE I{ITTGATTON 5.1 DESIGN CONDITIONS The characteristics of the design avalanche at the Bernardo residence are shown diagramrnatically in Figure 2. The ftow will consist of a flovring-corb with a denlity of 1oo kglm3 and a powder blast with a density of l-0 kg/m'. The rnain thrust of the avalanche will require'approximately L0 - 12 seconds to pass the building. 5.2 DESIGN LOADS Design loads are shown on Figure 3. These flowing-avaLanche loads have been resolved into nornal, shear, and vertical uptift as shown. ?bTlder-avalanche stagnation pressures are distributed over the eififfBb. structure. 6 DEBRIS.FI,OW AAZARD AND I{ITTGATION Debris flows will consist of muddy floods of water and fined-grained debris entrained into the flow. They will result from rapid snosmelt during the spring and/or from heayy, short-duration rainfall concentrated over the basin during sunmer. Although such debris flows can reach the building site, they wil) be shallow and will not contain energy sufficient to cause structural damage. iPtffiEffi.'..fron debris fl ieichieved by building a 2-foot building, as sketched ltt 1n'r Ltwall on the uphilt.s of the The.proposed addition to the Bernardo house design-rnagnltude snow avalanche anil debris this report. However, the older portion of lras not designed for avalanches br debris CII,ANGE TN IIAZARD TROU PROPOgED PROi,ECT can be protected frorn flows as specified in -t_he building probably flows. Consequently,sons within the older parts of the house nay be sed to Ehe outside and e avalanche The small avalanche and debris-frow hazard to persons in this vicinity can be reduced even further if resi.dents educate themserves about the avalanche and derris-tio, pt.nor"na and heed all official warnings and advisories. These step:s are recommended. 8 DEI'IJECTTON OF DEBRIA FLOWS AND AVALANCHES Tl: ptppgsed- project wirr not defrect snow avalanches or debris rrohrs raterar.r-y so they wilt adversely affect adjacent public or PtiYS!:. property, rights-of-way, easements, utiliti"=,'or-"it".facilities. Report prepared by, hr occurs. Arthur f. Mears, p.E. Avalanche-control engineer TECHNICAIJ APPENDIX The results of the avalanche-dynarnics analysis are sumrnarized in Tabre 1 and Figures 4 and 5. these data aie provided t" i"pp"i[the conclusions reached in Section z 't'igaNaI,usloNs AND Il99gl*?Alj9rys'l and section 5 ("AVALANCHT uirrcerroN,,) and ro provrcte additionar information about the characteristics of the design avalanche. Th? t_erlain prof ile is shown in Figure 4 (A) . The avar_anche calculations result from apprication of a stocirastic particle model of snow avaranche notion wtricn surnnarizes avaranchle vetocitiesl velocity distributions, mass, and tine distribution at the beginning of each srope segnrent'. These data were usea to determine the Red/Blue zone boundaries and to provide design loads. TABLE 1. Desl-qn-avalanche dvnamics. KAC pattt SEG LENGTH ANGLE Vbar Vmax Mass 1 141n 30.50 17.1m/s 25.6n/s O.72 2 207 36.0 27.6 37.2 0.80 3 85 34.8 35.4 47.O O.88 4 25L 22;8 36.3 4A.4 0.91 5 85 25.6 29.8 42.O O.97 6 2L6 L6.4 29.7 41.6 1. O0 7 L27 '16.7 23.6 38.8 0.91 8 L37 20.9 2L.9 34.6 0.86 9 104 20.6 23 .8 34.2 0. 86 10 71 9.9 24.2 33.8 0.87 11 98 5.4 19.8 32.O O.83 L2 76 2.3 13.5 26.2 0.s3 13 73 2.4 8.3 19.9 0.L2 SEG: As shown on Figure 4 (A) ITENGTH: rr rr r :l ANGLE: rr rt rr rl vbar: Mean avalanche velocity through top of segment Vmax: Maximun velocity through top of segment Mass: Relative avalanche mass compared with Seg 6. Conversions: 1m/s = 2.24 nph; lm = 3.28 ft. ""t'"n", Llast I'ICURE I . Avalanche -zo.r" rS, King Arthur ' s Cour:t (f .f C) avaT"nche , Llast . Vall . Avalanche -hazarcl lled. Zone (irca,vy soli.ci 1.1ne) ancl. Rlut.r Z<>nc (d;rsbr:il line are shown. Bernardo house is located in the Bfue Zone, AccoTding to Vall ordlnance , butldlng cons l,ruc t lon (or ir,odIl'Lca LIorr) l,; pe rrrrL L l,r.,ld 1.rr Llrc Blue Zorto wI Llt l;po cLl.l. cotts l,t. t.tc t,1.ort l,e cltrilquos ' tt It II IT la 6t tt cla !at "{ c{3{ C{ Sketch of a 2-phaeea (ffowfng,/powder) avala'nche at the Bernardo EastValI.Relatlvelyelow-rnovlngflowingavalanchesandpowd'er whlch nove faster nust both be consldered- ln design loadlng (rU'rre l). esldence It ut vt rgtl TII Eaa ut.ara Ett rate FiF, .,ttt *J Io ;ittt-/El$r.-1!l,i (Area to be enclosed ls subject to sane loads as I'A'' arrd I'8") AVALANCHE DIRECTTON IOAD DISTRIBUTIONg O}T }'AI,LS. ''A" AND 'T" I .; -..*:*i .rrif ,'i; ' li'L;-; ,r- --.:1.: .' .,-..,, ,-i- ,rt'l*tf house, East Va1l. lreesurc decteasln6 llnearly rith Te:raln Proflle lilax. Yelocity Proflle Ave.VeIocity Proflle 6onfs Bernardo House Slte House Slte 40 I .-^-.---.--a- '--.--_. _-.,.---..--'\ 1500 n . (l) Aval-anche terraLn Proflle, maxlnun velocity groflle' and rreloclty proflle 1n the I(AC avalanche path d.uring design-nagnltucle .-r'r":,t i a\alanohe condltlons. (8fi't{orenturn-cllstrlbutlon dtagra,n .for entlre avalanche event at polnts ''An _ D. rr Polnt "A" Entertng Seg. 0.3 M M |wo.z -4{c :fi A:'#' 0; t-, ''':.. 0.r 0.0 L0 l,,i't 16 sec f0 sec Polnt 'ts" Enterlnt Seg. 4 Polnt "C" Enterln6 Seg.10 /-\ '-.'.---.-.*.-_,__* Point "D" Enterlng Seg. H R:(-l l.::t -E F D.t^rlld "-ib 30 Fr cDo o N \o \o U F P EE iiB Eg E o9 |qE E fl?5 ls ; HE F CI 4 I,it H13 FIE H !,o F F't FE gE ctO H},Ir Et :tEl !x- !:z{:I|{H::OF I iEF;;Er I l.{ }i o zg H EB oo ctE tr rt Ilt HAt EU r.t tr, U H F IH E tsl |o E H lo rz P tt EI a o F H E H o z \c L o o 5 E tt o oo t{o ,d 5 o =o i z ttj o El t o H o z D H Ct F H o E o td 7 o 5 o o o 3 p, o E 3 t d P tt U r.l o !,H P. FN o E r5 ts o !,tt o lttJ H' F H fE EF t{o z ltt {t, at, 4It <tr lD I.' N F'OOOUINP rtl oooouro Fi .r....]!t oooooo oooooo I z o t,rd .?tt F H o ,ril H o z {H F F tt d xq tU €K E trl o E n EI H EI € \ D o,g F ri F.o u It U o N tt @ a u|t{IUt tto o)t l' F{ P.U nEt P-|,oo )x H E H o z z o { o o J a rf Fl I o rf ts o 5 5 rf It> att <t, (t, .tD <t,Pts ooutlJ oooutglts oooooo rttrrr oooooo oooooo oooooo og OF t5 oo OH It rt!trP 9' cr PO tos ort F.O o5 { N A' OI{O dO nl Z rto H 9' OU z oHrt O ;'l..Ci .. Eid rrrro O P.E Ort rctS<dil'*t ot' o r9roll ts>tt n, o xtto0r \J PO O Z-* it r-A OE la A gHtr .rl do o .s F-< r OF =PFg -. oo,q =d s 'g r oft a €o l,o sle E iri u = "9 \ rB oo ft '' tP 9' O,.:JA,o9,H o {t><t,<t,< tt,uts o('rurts Ooooo ooooo rloooo F.'tsFPO rtttl F rd t o E o o EI E {H lt E:o cl .13 o {z ut T o lD H o 3 €c!F t! td ts o o x z I, = o >q ltt F o C{ trt o E t{t{o E{ tt trl (/)o F H f,ct E H o ? 5 I @ 4 lll € '(t o F ttJ @ o rn v)o H t E t-.1 o z o El )d F o C{ trl o F] o HO{oots.dirr Ftor oo ot rr O rr !t 5trO rt-P r*0r'lr o,cro t-. Fl ul <oP.O <tq IF F.5 lF{ lo O Icrl |I'{to lF: l9r o g I lP. P.io lP c.l':J O I UEF,l= o:tP.|> (D5 Htto IIJ HE O td o H.H OO t}y ott lF 'otsl lO rt Fl F rro 9'<riu ON rt€ t!5U oop.BO trto FO UI ttt ry J i'!to O l.,-d !,o Fl<P.o 5d 9o o a s J q L 6 q t!o t-{ t-{(rr H o z --s $\ FF3 o5 <o F.oFn {o H trtl-.,oo q,{ Ft l-'9.5 \q tt O 1-,.nrI OHI Flo oFt.E !, !,ct tt) P.P.o 55 9'PP. UI P o O € o trt Ftl !t U U d € vl r{ o (n F tr rt Fl rt Y lJ P 9, O O P. P. O P, !t E' g G !ro qr r,.o I 3 o o 5 I FnO iroo H o o tn z ur o o E H 9, O r-r O O F- rn F{Ft53'iJi'aoOOP-P-nlu -l'oP.o€{{.iDrtaH alt'l<5Ftnoa€1 gJotQF.t-l 0rO ooottHFrP oF.tir--PF ooc)5',-.6x=FJ cDt{FIFrtF ooroH or--EP PP'f1 OD':? o @ 11 P z o th o rd H z o z !,I o o FN lJFI EO Eq o9 <P-o|l HO o o O rrr 50 Fl tt oo tr qt' P.E <P.Ocr 3rt .. 9,P ft o rt J o tr,o o F rO J 5s E H trt n H v rr o o 5 n ry Er F? E,P ey E F o }!d o o tr t, B F tt trl tn trt x H u,Fl EdH la1 Z o trtts BF otsl < ttl ttl gl o rl o t l-{ 9.P.o c,d o o It P ts. o B rn o Fl 0'o o P.o I \fO E o rr n o o o = K I o o EP.5lq o5 5|D otl IF Its-to lp IP I F E E le F F H l9 I :: i5l E a z o o H P. ct o Ft lnl o r-1 c ururo tr.C.'{ >.-1 ..t lJ E CJ' K E .'l O O !l('tdP.t+r! o oo+rl{hoa io o rr{ o o o +r.c o tr+,tr o o.O+, t{ tr l{.q ${ o ur --{OO o o.c k r{ .Cl +, O AE (toc! ' +, .'l O ('.c o Ur (, +J '{tr .'{ ..1 O dtt ! r cc o'.'{ H OFt lE ,{ F,l *, .r{ Cl O }\fit t k${ }' o rtt o ooo &la +r xo$E p tur H O Ur.,{4 O 'Fl O Ft d o.c F. O .c!F{E FTA E C & =a r{ E.r{U a+{ X ul.xfit O O rUE .z$= +J go .$r.{JlH Eutoo.frl F{ l.{ O \O E! O r{ t+{FOtt' 0 O Q! o..t H $ .9 g fl q H E a ,.l 0;T t k E o E o o o a o t{e l+{ o (a tq ?-p(H E!>Ctlo =oFl zft H H f'l (atrl H xo Fl H *l ol Nl .-{ ull {{.'{ {Jl r9l ol ol H |q 7 trI c|N a I UI ol A g -|,fl ul 'Frl 6l +.r,ol q frs ri-H C/,ilE frl (,l E{ EEl q io .1 A :1 g \A o a o t{o ${.'{ .l c.r4 o(u ool l-$1 orol *oJ $t o 0,1 .cr{{4 ol +, ol ct''ool .rl H 'rt ol trTl H..l trt ol il 4l ol 9le,l .i[+j t5l c\ll ol ,ld ..{g dd il.n tg a 4.Tlo ..{ o olo ol tl t[ +J tr.o- F{oo ofi E! E{g2 Fto EO &z oo H ftl (,)fto rfi F ril 2 o H E{ '{(-t H x o Frff 14A frl > fr ut Fo a o (1l q FI o C,, a z D o &(J o N ..1 o o.l +r4 ct ol O -ll ..{ Fll r, .t'l trEl Hl *|nl o crt CD O t.) 16l A, FT .E a'\ )F er _ \.t Ltr\f qtt t.v 0 u,s <-l-. B,oal Estato $alss anil Menagement ct!9E <, vuu> wEJ I o a, oqr iro rrrrir Aprll 20, l09I Town of Vai I Of f tce of Corrmunl ty Dovelopmctrt Vall, Colorado 8165? Dear $l rst Mr. and Bl ghorn Subdivis appllcat Joo Pepl i nekl Property Manager o t kT)'x {t. ^{, --..-() Mrs. Willlam Bernordor the owners of Unlt 84t In the iowntro,ntt, sltuated on Tract l], Blghorn Townhouees lon, on Miadow Drlve l1 East Vail, have etarted Ine ion'procuss to remodel and expand thelr unit' It ls our understandlng that they have contaeted the othor ssuin own"re wlthin th; Bighorn 'iownhorne Associatlon' - in -*riiinq, about ttris remodei project and have not reoelved iiri'"iiilcir on to thel r plans. Because of thl s, as the miiiasiii agent for tle Eighorn Townhorne Association, we afe 'i'ni"i'irlfis'ine rotnn of -vuii, f n writing,.that 1? ?l AprII 26' iijoi ineiu has been-no opp6"ition from the Assoclatiort oWnele to Mr. utttl Mts. Dbinardora rcmodol proJ ect ' If you have any queetions coneerning thil- l?l!!l pleaso donit heeltato to contact mc at your convenlence' Blncerely, P.0. Dox 30? . Vail, Colorado 810$t, . 303/4?0'0320 r Fax 476'094'1 Qlflss t l}|Erst Moadow Drlvs r Vtllap Ccntcr Shops ] ,)< " 4t 04"o7.tc I z @ do -l sl dl 'l a' I il, tc z -{ N ,2"1;f;S -m .tt FI - FI z {(. ;*.al m z .-{tq r S_ ..- ..-.:: _ /i l* t5 lr II lz t;Im 3t r)Gt -r =::to 2l={t-.lrr: ,.i l'rJ 'J tt r,R is-.. l. J F''l "i rli ti ll ql fiJ: 'BJ: i 'l It z C) rrl 1ul I -...:i Project Appllcatlon ir o*" 1l21li I Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Design Review Board ,l !,Date ij l-: ": Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL The ltens below glvlng a per:roLt Please check off FINAL PLU}IBING -AL INSPECTION'S -'t ieed to be complete a floal C of O. ln the box provlded. CO}IPLETED before I FINAL UECHANICAL tF tl DATE: K IMPROVB,IEIfI SURVEY OK n.n//'"' lo'22'tl RESID. NAME: ^ z/< %tM a-4< FINA1 ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:}IEST SIDE: DATE: TB{PORARY C OF O CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAI{CY DATE: LA}TDSCAPING DT'E I I lr DATE: FILE NAUE: ng! ocT 1 01991 THANK YOU VERY I'IUCH FOR WORKING WIT COOPERATION T{ILL HELP US TO STAY ON APPRECIATED. SINCERELY, US ON THIS iCHEDULE AND ISSUE. YOUR IT 15 GREATLY Rr.t'--,/ | f/"r'--l O^16,22'11, RIPPY CONTRACTORS INC. "New @nstruction - Remodel - Repair" P.O. Bor 999 Edwards, Colorado 81632 9263655 FAX 9262654 1@-Oct -91 TOWN OF VA]L DEPT OF COI'ITIUNITY DEVELOP}IENT ATTN: I1IKE IIOLLICA RE! BERNARDO RESIL,ENCE FRA}IIN6 INSPECTION DEAR MIKE: AT OUR CLIENTS REOUEST WE I'IODIFIED THE DES]GN OF A PROPOSED PLANTEE, WHICH NOW ENCROACHES INTO AN EXISTING ACCESS EASET'IENT. YIE AGREE TO CORRECT THIS PROE THIS AREA NO LATTER RESURVEYED AND TO SUBIIIT A THAN OCT. 24TH, 1991. DANNY ERTFE6ETT SI D\} SCHULTZ_ARCH [EO[,*. DRIVE 1657 30 0ctober, l99l MR. I"IIKE MOLLICA Town of Vail 0ffice of Conmunity Developrnent Vai1, C0 8L657 RE: BERNARD0 ADDITI0N, Unit 4 Tract B, Bighorn Townhouses 4718 Meadow Drive Dear Mike: When the above mentioned project was approved by the Town, it was agreed that the Applicant would pave the access easenent betlreen Units 2 and. 4. As you are aware, Mr. Bernardo has always feLt that it would be better to pave all of the driveways on the property up to the southern portion that the Town r+ishes to re- vegetate. It now appears that the Bighorn Townhouse Association will be paving all of the driveways adjoining their property next sunmer. For thi s reason, and because of the later conpleti.on of the project than originally planned, Mr. Bernardo would like to postpone his paving and do that work as part of a cornplete paving project next year. We also feel that this will give the Town time to begin 1ts re-vegetation of that portion of the driveway adjoining its property and provide a definitive end to the new paving surface. Mr. Bernardo is of course willing to provide the Town of Vail with a letter of credit or other instrunent it feels is necessary to insure that the paving originally agreed upon will be conoleted. Rippy Contractors will soon be asking for a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the work they did to the unit. A Final C.0. wi11 later be requested pending conpletion of the driveway paving. If .you have any questions regardi-ng this natter please glve rne a cal1. Sidnev Schultz cc: Bill Bernardo Rippy Contractors .BE o1r g 1lgr)t sve1'\, u2a. MEIVBE?. THE AN,IERICAN lNSnruIE OF Af€HIEC'IS lesr itt UJ z o z J @ .5 I I I I I I 5al Irl r zl <l HI -l 4t al E (l, g .o (o .9 CL o.6 i F'q -c' L (t o o (5 6t o o,E o E (! o o o O 0,c E o E =c f E c, o o. ; .9 E 0, t: (U .Y, iE€: €EHE E I'r:3 tr-o>= i tF:e'i-!c96F -*io)t55='_E >X g EE; E;gE Else o- (6 cl_-o=-o (s: o-oiE-ol =*e€9666 :EEg isEs -EgE (!0'-!.c;o(a $r; €gglE o 6:; lf;s;9Eo -e5g: - o 6: o .ir |.\(fl ts =E Itl o- z 6 f CO ut uJ z tr uJ o uJ th IIJ ttt tJ- E =E uJ o- J F o F td $fl dl oFl cc flH Y o =t!o z I F g t o gJ E uJ z uJ =>E --at Eu& =@Gl 2Z 99 F^Vl a3 e 7x 6>lr.<v= o.- !2 t5 ;nj {(l- ci ul z E e. UJ F J ;ql z I I I I el ol ull :t sl t!l ol =l s ol $r l-t F u) H () fr ts z o o ts Ar H c =tr I ol ,.tl Jl <l >l bl =l ol FI =.1 ol uJl 5l al >l u-l ol fl z o H E-r H a z t{ ,.'i =z, (I] trl I AI BIA &lH <l Ht ._&tr,*rqlH*llE Bt(9 IH .ri I rrl -{lEi r\l Ntz a9 Lrt ; r 32,q5 {5i =o or @ F\ I 1\.if i C' Fl H tr B trt E frl -+ a IJJ c o : & N H H Ei .J) f:E]2 l-{ at) =g u- E ir uJ IT FF-o2 o F o g, F z o C) E 2? =#:)F d' zo C) E -tO <F E<)uJ<zg t!F (nZ -o () o z E =E, uJ o- =B .n:< O >_i e ct O Frl =zE 1=co lL u- r-___.{'rHUU EE3 B;H F cr ul c l! EE yz E<clf €fr B9 at ir '9 EE =>=ut:-E E=o o-- E : >o-i 8t 9 \ut E XO-E ;t E rr.l o-i rr- u,l o F Fd ri{ rr tldtxLl LA 41 Tlo 5o do.F3 qro z Fl A ut F U)o o -z o F o-ut Y uJ c0 o F t CE uJ o-6t >el o- -\l O .ol o s.l I '--l 'l lrJ :,F 26 ts =E. lrJ o-z o F C)3 E F a z o C) t PROJECT NUMBER: 73091 ADDRESS: 47LB MEADOW OCCUPANCY: R-l Plan Review Based on the 1988 Uniforn codes DR NAME: BERNARDO ADDITION DATE: 7-30-91 CONTRACTOR: RIPPY CONTRACTORS ARCHITECT: SIDNEY SCHULTZ V ENGTNEER: YES l I TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: DRB APPROVAL REQUIRED:PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code r€quirements in tbe adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sectionn of the codes. Tbe following is not to be ionstrued to be an approval of any violation of any of the pro- visions of the adopted codee or any ordinance of the Town of Vail . ].. CRAWL SPACES MAXIMUM 5' HETGHT FROM GROUND TO UNDERSIDE OF STRUCTUAL FLOOR JOIST. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS TO COMPLY WITH CH 12 OF UBC. 3. THIS PRO.JECT WILL REOUIRE A SITE IMPROVMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY WHALL BE SUBMTTTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO A REOUBST FOR A FRAMING INSPECTION. 4. PRIOR TO A T.C.O. APPLICANT SHALL CONTRIBUTE )./2 OF THE COST TO SCREEN THE EXISTING DUMPSTER. THE DUMPSTER SHALL BE MOVED TO THE SOUTH END OF THE PROPERTY AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, PER DRB APPROVED PLANS BY SID SCHULTZ, DATED 7_18-91. 5..PRIOR TO T.C.O. APPLTCATE SHALL PAVE THE ENTIRE ACCESS EASEMENT BETWEEN UNITS 2 & 4 ON TRACT A, IF POSSIBLE THE AREA TO BE PAVED STIALL BE NARROWED AND ADDITTONAL LANDSCAPPING SHOULD BE PLACED IN THE AREA WHERE THE PAVING HAS BEEN NARROWED. , I I ? A request for a density variance and a setback variance to allow for an addition to Unit 28, Tract B, Bighorn Townhomes/4718 Meadow Drive. Jerald and Mary Lou Kocak and John and Julie Mork Jim Curnutte TABLED TO SEPTEMBER 27, 1993 Dalton Wilfiams made a motion to table this item untilSeptember 27,1993 with Jeff Bowen seconding this motion. A 7-0 vote tabled this item until September 27,1993. A request for a density variance and a setback variance to allow for an expansion to a residence located at Lot 198, Block 9, Vail lntermountainl?S54 Snowberry Drive. Millie Hamner, Chris and Mary Ball Jim Curnutte Leo Payne Jim Curnutte Dalton Williams made a motion to table this item untilseptember 27,1993 with Jeff Bowen seconding this motion. A 7-0 vote tabled this item until September 27, 1993. A request for a minor subdivision for Lot 1, Block 4, Vail Village 3rd Filing/381 Beaver Dam Circle. 4, 5. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: o. TABLED TO SEPTEMBER 27, 1993 TABLED TO SEPTEMBER 27, 1993 7. Dalton Williams made a motion to table this item until September 27,1993 with Jeff Bowen seconding this motion. A 7-0 vote tabled this item until September 27, 1993. A review of a request to lift a deed restriction for the Todger Anderson residence located at Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Lionsridge 4th Filingl1775 Sandstone Drive. 8. Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO SEPTEMBER 27, 1993 Dalton Williams made a motion to table this item untilSeptember 27,1993 with Jeff Bowen seconding this motion. A 7-0 vote tabled this item until September 27,1993. A request for an amendment to SDD #4, Area D, to allow an expansion to the Glen Lyon Office Building located at 1000 South Frontage Road WesVLot 45, Block K, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Todger Anderson, represented by Tom Braun, Peter Jamar Associates Paul M. DeBoer, representing Calumet Federal Savings and Loan Shelly Mello TABLED TO SEPTEMBER 27, 1993 Plannlng and Environmental Commisslon September 13, 1993 14