HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN TOWNHOMES TRACT C AND D COMMON ELEMENT LEGALpdfLINCOLN IOWEA BUILDINO IBgO LINqOLN STFEET DENVER, COLORADO AO295 (3O9 ) 66t-!252 ocrober 31, L977 Treasurer of Eagle County Eag1e, Colorado 81631 Dear Sir: We are in receipt of L976 Delinquent Tax Notice, Sched-ules 4,336 and 4,335 (No. 73I), for fract D and Tract C, @ Pleasebe'adviseffi garding this property should be sent to the Town of Vail,c/o Ms. Diana Toughi11. This property was transferred to the Town of Vail by quitclaim deed, a copy of which is enclosed. We assume the deed has been reborded. Very truly yours, CONSOLIDATED OIL & GAS, INC., successor to Princeville Corporation through merger ![LP : j ks cc: Ms. Diana Toughill Eag1e County Assessor William L. Panagulis AssistanE Secretary L*r,la;^- A.Q | ,1,Lr L, i i ..( " ' j l'v PRINCEVILLE CORPOMTION {t.)ii, ) )ss: o( QUITCI_AII.i pEliD Princcville corporation, a coloracro corporation with ics principal^pigqo of busincss ar rB60 Linc"rn biiootl-'0".""r1-"Colorado 80295. for One DoIlar.($1.0O) in ir"nJ-paia, ,u""iic of which is hcrcby.acknorvieJg"a, does hereby selr ancl quicclaim to the Torvn of vair, a colorrdo municipir ci,rpoiarion, 'i;;------' succcssors and assigns, all right, ticie and inEcrest'in-and to thc followinn real properEy sicuare in rhe councy of eatie,SEace of Coloralo, to iriti Blocks C and D., Bighorn Townhouses, a subdivision,according co the recorded plat Ehereof, To HAVE AI'ID To HOLD che premises herein described wirh all apPurtenances Lhereto. Daced ttris fl4ay of February , Lg77. ATTEST: ASSIStant ecretary STATE OF COLORADO CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER _ . The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ]jiflay of February, L977 by l,lilliam H. Trumbore, Vice presidenr, and llilliam L. Panagulis, as AssistanE secretary, of pRTNCEVTLLE CORPOiL\TION, a Colorado corporation. l{itness my hand and official seal. i3.2,#Notary PIETi;-- My comnrission expircs r l,ly Conr:nissjon Erpiret Dec. tt, fCZg \ l QUITCI.AIM DEED 3tm 00c|JlilflrAtY fff Jt)L ?,8,'77 L/O4 -(/)(/t-') ...,. Princeville corporation, a colorado corporation with ics principal_qlqqo of busincss ar lB60 Lincoln btreec, Denverl--Colorado 80295, for One Dotlar ($i.00). in 1.,"";-t;ie, i.""ipr of which is hercby-acknowredged, doe's-hereby ".ir ""a qui-liaim to the Town of vail, a colorido municipar corporition,'iEs successors and assigns, all righc, Eitle and interesc in and to the followins reil property situate in the counry-oi--u.lr",SEaEe of Colora[o, to r.rit: -"- --* Blocks C and D_, Bighorn Townhouses, a subdivision,according to the recorded plat chereof, To HAVE Al'lD T0 HOLD Ehe premises herein described wirh all appurtenances thereto. Dated thLs E:$day of February , Ig77. PRINCEVILLE CORPORATION ATTEST: ss: CITY COUNTY OF DENVER The foregoing instrument ltas acknowledged before me this 2S'4day of February, 1977 by l,Iilliam H. Trumbore, Vice President,6A Willjam L. Panagulis, as Assistant Secretary, of PRINCEVILLE CORPOIIATION, a Colorado corporation. Witness my hand and official seal . My comnission expires: ) ) ) My Commisu'on Expirel Oee. 3t.l97g o o ,,'.:. !: ,. i' ! rr' r*-1 .' : (l 1-'; C !/ ' t' ', n N (tl tt FI I E t€: ^ls=*E 6g=r € g:sE l EFgi -: luwn tor 10 r.ll, colordo 8166t {ll03l /t766613 offbc of th owr mmrgg JuLy 22, L97? Bagle' CouDty Clerk & Recorder Eegle, Colorado fO TEOU IT IIAY CONCEBN: Enclosed hererlth is a qultclalm deed and a. $2.00 recording lee for the ToryD of yatl, Trects C and D, Bighorn Toonhoua€s aubdlvlslon. Conaldoratlon for tbe property was legE tb8! flOO.oO, 8o re foresee no docuneatary leee for tbe recordlDg of tb18 deed. If you hev€ ary queatLons, p16aae fe€l free to cortact m€. glncerely, , .DSPARTTENT OF @trITUI{ITY DEVBTOPtrE}fT . DlaDa g. Tougbl U .., '.t a +. .E :i t:t t, ffi : QUITCLAIM DEED Prlnceville CorDorarion, a Colorado corporacion vrlth ltg principal placc of birsiness "r-fg60-ii""oin sar""a, Denver,colorado 80295. for one ooirii i5i.ooi"i"^irand paid, receiDc of which is hercbv acknowledged,' Ji"J'r.,"i:.fv ""ir-"'la^iiiilioi.to.the Town of vail, a coroiiJo 'm""i"ii'i i-""rpo!arion , irs successors and assiens, al.1 righc, cicie-aia i.,c"""sl,in-ind to the fottowine relt properry-siiuare i"-i[e-d;;;;]""r"ei[i.,Stace of Colorado, co irit, Blocks.C and D-, Bighorn Townhouses, a subdl.vision,according Eo Ehe r6corded pfat-itieieJf , TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the prernises herein described erith al1 appurtenances Ehere Eo . . Dared rhis fllatay of February, 1977. PRINCEVILLE CORPORATION ATTEST: - _,.Th" foregoing instrunent was acknowledged before me thLs 2ffi-1y -9t February, 1977 by William H. Truibore, Vice presidenc, :lg_!iili11 L. Parlagulis, as Assisranr Secreraly, of PRINCEVILLE CORPOMTION, a Colorado corporaEion. Witness my hand and official seal. STATE OF COLOMDO ) crrY AND couNTy oF DEN'ER ) ss: a My corunission expires : f,ly Commidon exph* Oee. 3t, iiig a;d=r-'c Sti-ffi o &Z;t, rinceville Corporati OENVER OFFICE: 18@ Lincoln Street oenv e r, C ot or a d o 8Q 2O45 Telephone 303/892- 1202 Ms. Diana Toughill Zoning Administrator Town of Vail Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear i'Is. Toughill: Pursuant to our telephone conversation last week, I am transmitting herewith Princevil-le Corporation's quitclaim deed to the Town of Vail for Blocks C and D, Bighorn Townhouses subdivision. If the form of Ehe enclosed presents any problem,please let me know. Princeville Corporation Thank you for your matter. WLP:nm Enclosure HANALEI OFFICE: Box 121, Hanalei Kauai, Hawaii 96714 Telephone 808/826-6561 February 23, 1977 eooperation and attention to Lhis Very truly yours,/.* .a)tLU-t,-"n 4\4*4 William L. PanagulYs AssistanE Secretarv fuur/*eh,"WM A/4 /t',--et+ * /,r:- ' u <4t /- dbo rt o P rincevi lle Corporation DENVER OFFICE: 1860 Lincoln Street -tr,er|vel c,olo.ado 8o2ffi Teleptlone 303/892- 12O2 HANALEI OFFICE: Box 121, Hanalei Kauai, Hawaii 96714 Telephone 808lg26-6Sl February 15, 1977 Ms. Diana Toughill Zoning Administrator Town of Vail Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 8L657 Dear Ms. Toughill: This is with reference to the letter dated January 31,1977, from Mr. Kent Rose to the undersigned regarding Blocks C_ and D, Sf$ofn_Io!4qbguses. Princeville Corporation has no objection@esent zoning of Biocks c and D to agricultural; however,as I have advised Mr. Rose, we would pre-fer to quitclaim all bur right, title and interest in and tb the property directly to the Town of Vai1. I would appreciate hearing from you, so that the matter of the status of Blocks C and D may be resolved. I{LP:nm cc: Mr. Kent Rose rY Princeville Corporation Very truly yours, k***+, ^fln )/ "t PUBLIC NOTICE vt '$'u"pLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a recently pre- pared avalanche report indi-cates the following described properties are located in a major avalanche path and struc- tures nray be subject to destruction: Bighorn Townhouses focated on Tracts A and B, Bishorn TOwnh.!rrs.le S'lb4iVieien; TI'r-+q C and D - Bighorn Townhouse SubCivision, Section 12, Town- ship 5 South, Range 80 lVest, of the 6th Principal Meridian, Town of Vail, County of Eagle, Colorado. Lot 1, Block 7, Bighorn Fifth Addition A portj.on of Lot 2, Block 7, Bighorn Fifth Addit ion King Arthur's Court - A portion of the property more fully described as follows i - A'parccl of 'land situated in the SE 'll4 of Section 12, - T5S' RB01'l of the 6th P.l'|. Eag'le County, Co'lorado rnore particular'ly described as fol'lols Beginn{ng at a point on the South'line of said Section'12, whence the Southeast coiner oi said Sect{on'12 bears S 89"53124u E,532.00 feet said point being conmon with a parce'l conveyed to JACK A. lllTl(Ill and recorded 'in Book ?l'1, Page Thence N B9o53r24u hl, 335.25 feet to a point on the llortherly 'line.of Lane said point being-on the arc of a cui^ve to the left having a rad'ius feet and a chord bearing I,l 74"48'48" l'1,96.260 fecti 520 Eagle County records; point of beginnlng'' .luni per of '185.00 Thence on the arc of said curve 97.38 feet to the P.T. (Point Thence N B9o53' 24" l.l, '161.61 feet to a point on the East 'line froint being on the arc of a curve to the'left having a radius whose long chord bears,N 30o55'r23'r.ll, 111.46 feet; Thence on the arc of said curvc 117.'10 feet to the P.T.; Thence N 62'04''00".tI,248.64 fcet to a point on the Norther'ly Thence N 27o56'dOu E, 482.'10'to a point on the Southeriy line Thence S BB"07r38" E,49.83 fcet; Tlrcnce S 68"15t27tt E,274.54 feeti Thence S 43"58'05" E, l7B.BB feet; Thence S 19'51t52'r E' .|95.00 feet; Thence S 09o02r44" E, 203.85 feet; The.ncg S 67o26102" E, 123,29 feet to tlte I of rangency/ i of l4eadow Drive, said of I0B.l0 feet and Meadow Drivei Hi tki n parce'l CountJ, of Eagler Statc 'l i ne of. of said of Colorado. Copies of avalanche reports are on file with the Department of Community Development, lvlunicipal Building, Vai.1, Colorado. DEPARTMENT OF COMI'IUNITY DEVBLOPIVIENT Diana S. Toughill Zoning Admlnistrator RECEIPT NO.: TAX RECEIPT ron | 97Q TREASURER.S OFFICE. EAGLE COUNry EAGLE. COLORADO A I63I ts77 RECEIVED OF:4. i'i5 ::ooi) i., ,.i l:l'l . ii,, j:l )'1.':..:l ' lri J:1, )r'. (li):,;: . l.:,.r(l SU i r r: [.iJi) !i:i'i V ljli , !;l vc v - ,) .:1,3 I :':,\'il, , 'c0 i^t 11 I r':itr\r \t r,..i, r !i\,vt.. J l . C0LL'. B0l0'j CHECKS. DRAFTS, ETC., ARE ACCEPTED ONLY WITH THE UNOERSTANDING THAT THIS RECEIPT 6 WHOLLY VOIO UNLESS FUNOS ACTUALLY COME INTO THE HANOS OF YHE TREASURER. A-t" TOTAL SUM ABOVE. RECETVED AS ^ur. rno. Y1/ CASH BOOK- PAYM€NT OF M :E i'it;:.C'i C BIii ll0:lN 'iO3:Jil0U3US .l 47 CONSTITUTES HEREIN OESCRIBEO TD(ES FOR I976 HUBERT PETERSON TREASURER. EAGLE COUNTY OEPIJTY RECEIPT NO.t I !'d:_ 4r ';'-;f) ?010 VGV- 9,;?S1.lii il'l:1 i'i ,0"illll0:,Jrii;:; ," t).1\'()1,':' Cr,)J''.I fl.V;.t,'.):'. fj0i{i'. lr'.6:) Lli{C0L,N S'1 . Dl.r,iVirii ' C0L0. ti0:01 inACT D riICn0nN T0iriilll0USnS TAX RECEIPT ron rc7Q TREASURER'S OFFICE, EAGLE COUNTY EAGLE. COLORAOO 8I63I CHECKS. DRAFTS, ETC,, ARE ACCEPTED ONLY WITH TH€ UNOERSTANDING THAT THIS RECEIPT 6 WHOLLY VOID UNLESS FUNDS ACTUALLY COME INTO THE HANDS OF THE TR€ASURER. 197 7 v>/ AB9T. PAGE..-4A TOTAL SUM ABOVE RECEIVEO Or' O* PAYMENT OF H€REIN DESCRIBEO TAXES FOR I976 HUB ERT PETERSON TREASURER. EAGLE COUNTY fuo-fu -1 ? /t OEPUTV