HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAUPHINAIS MOSELEY FILING 1 LOT 11 LEGAL.pdfDesign Review Board ACTION FORM Deparlment of Community Development 75 South Fontage Road, VaiL Colorado 81657 teil 970.4792139 Jax: 970.479.2452 web; www.ci.vail.co.us Proiect ltlame: Travers patio DRB llumber: DR8010274 Proiect Description: Remove deck off south side of house and replace with patio Participants: OWNER TMVERS, RICHARD D. & DEBOM0S/21/2001 Phone: -JT 1422 MORAINE DR VAIL CO 816s7 Licensel APPUCANT TMVERS, RICHARD D. & DEBOM08l2Ll200r Phone:479-7370 -JT 1422 MORAINE DR VAILCO 81657 License: ProjectAddresst 1422 MOMINE DRVAIL Location: Legal Description: Lotr 11 Block: Subdivision: DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY FIL 1 Parcel l{umber: 210312209011 Commenb: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Actioni STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Apprcval: 08/2112001 Conditions: Cond:8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Condr 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Ptanner: Judy Rodriguez DRB Fee Paid: $20,00 a qu"rtionrrlll the Planning Staff at 479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Desiga Review approval. Any project requiring desiga review must receive Design Review approval prior to submiuing for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started, ON OF THE OY,la-x.-a oF Sou_Tft s10L TlI[iN uvvAtt" FTLTNG: &u4rttU4ts -/1,6!B. c. D. E. PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #: ZONING: F. G. H.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E New Construction - $200 tr Addition - $50 @Jol"ttuet"Co. Assessors Offrce at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) owNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: Construction ofa new building. lncludes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. Minor Alteration - $20 lncludes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identiff the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT. 75 SOUTII FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINGADDRESS: Nrno BUILDING MATERIALS: usroF PRoPosEp MATERTO TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other * Please specify the manufacturer=s color, number and attach a small color chip x* All exterior lighting must rneet the Town=s Lighting Ordinance 12-11-5J. If exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. PROPOSED I.ANDSCAPING o Common Name: Ouantitvi SjZd:Botanical Name: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EISNNG TREES TO BE REMOVED: +Minimum requirements for landscaping: deciduous trees - 2 inch caliper coniferous trees - 6 feet in height shrubs - 5 oallons Tyoe:Souare Footaoe: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify, Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. * {t:t * * ** * 'i 'lr ** +** * *** ** * * *,}* *** * *t* * * 't * **'t **** * * * * * ** *+ ++ **+ + + ++ + +++ + +* +** + +* * ** ** * ** * * *** * ** *!* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement {t* * * * **'}'t '} *'} + ** * *** ** * * *rt* + ** + + + + *+ + ++ + +*** * * ** * 'lr* {r'i * **** !* * ** * *{.'i,t 't * * *** * * * ** *'1. {r** * * 't * {r * ** * * Statement Number: R000001255 Amount: $20.00 OA/Zr/2OOLO3:24 pvl Payment Method: Caeh Init: JAR Notati.on : Permit No: DRB010274 \4>e: DRB - Minor ALteration Parcel No: 2L03122O901,1 Site Address': 1422 MORAINE DR \/AIL Location: Total Feee: $20.00 Thie Payment: $20.00 Total AIJL, Pmts: $20.00 Bal-ance: 50.00 * 'i**** * * * * * * * * *** + + + + *** * ** * ** * *** * * * * * * * ** * *** * * ** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * ** *'** ++*'f ++ * *'t* * * * * * * ** * * ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122O() DESIGN REV]EbI FEES 20. 00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PCTMiI #: M95-0051 APPLICANT CLIMATE CONTROL CO OF GWS P O BOX 1042, GLENWOOD SPRIN 81601 CONTRACTOR CI,]}4ATE CONTROL CO OF GWS P O BOX 1042, GLENWOOD SPRrN 81601 OWNER DAUPH]NAIS-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION P-O BOX 1515, VArL CO 81658 G/ii,Jb -TpAe)lzst +rl Description: INSTALL MECH. SYS. IN NEW HOME Invcatigation> .@ l,f i tt cal. L----> 3.00 TOTAL FEES----_ Status. . . AppIied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Phone: 30394 Phonet 3039452326 VaLuation: Add i t'iona t Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- Dept: BUILDfNG Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 so3-479-21 38 / 479-21 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Job Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..: 1422 MORAINE DR 2ro3-t22-09-011 De partment of Cotnmuniry Deve loptnent APPROVED o4 /06 /Lees o4/te/ree5 Lo /t6 /rees 52326 Fireptace Infonmation: Restrictcd:#0f Gas AppI i ances:fof Gas Logs:#of tlood/Pa I tet: ****iiffirffi'r***,r'r*J**ffi#r,iffi**FEEsut1l1ARY**lcfficffr#rHffiffi*ffi(**tffi*ffir** llechani ca [---> 360.00 Restuarant P tan Revi euF->.00 Totat Catculated Fees--->455.00 .00 /,53.00 .00 453.00 PLan check---> 90.00 DRB > .00 ffi**r*:Hdd#(ffirrrrt*tffifr*'frffi*J.fiffirffirtrrrf*ffi**irliffitrHrrrHrtit**trt#r* ftem: 051OO BUILDING DEPART}4ENT 04/79/1995 CHUCK Actlon: APPR It'em:' 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL *irJrti}ldrtJrffi#rJr*#(ir*ffir:htfitrrrrtrlr*lct<trlcrhrbHr*Hd(ffiri#ffiffi*ffr*)tlrt*#r*r*ffi(ffii*trfiktrt rJr***Jr**}**J(Jrt*drt*'ri* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in ful,t the infornation requi red, comPleted an accunate ptot ptan, aid state thit atl the information provided as rcquired is correct. I agree to compty vith the information and pLot pl'8n, io "6rfty vith aLL ToHn ordinances and state [avs, and io buil,d this structure according to the ToHn's zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approved, Uniform Buil,ding Code and othcr ordinances of the Tovn aPpticabta lheretg/ REOUESTS FOR TNSPECTIONS SHALL BE ITADE TI''ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 3E OR AT SIGNATURE OF OLINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII1SELF AND OI.INER Cr l7t I *********************************************rk****************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO . Statemnt *************d.*************************************************d. Statemnt Number: REC-0017 Amount: Palrment Method. CKI774 Notation: 4s3.00 04/26/9s t7 234 Init: TT 453.00 **************************************************************** Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: This Palment Account Code 01 0000 413t2 01 0000 4t332 01 0000 41336 M95-0051 Type: B-MECH 2L03-I22-0 9 -011 1422 MORAINE DR MECHANICAL PERMIT Total Fees:Total ALL Pmt.s: Balance: Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILI, CALL TNSPECT]ON FEE 453.00 4s3.00 .00 Amount 360.00 90.00 3.00 !to'.' l?? 'o?'o 'a rowN oF vArL coNsr*u.rrrf PERI'{rT APPLIC}TToN FoRM lt, . I "DATE: y/a /c r ---- | ' .r,.,t APPLrcArroN MUsr BE FTLLED our coupl-.ErEl,y oR itv r,rltrliiiirnffitJ#6[hso v x***************************** PERMIT TNFORMATION *****************************tl ,2 [ ]-Building [ ]-plurnbing [ ]-Etectrical gfficnanieat [ ]-other Job Narne: 6o,. 7,*r*n Z. /Job Address: Legal Descriptionz Lotl// . Owners Narne: Architect:Address: General Description: Work Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional Nurnber of Dwelling Units:Ilunber ^ rypnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances v ,t* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r * * * VALUATIONS BUILDING: $ Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical_ ContracE,or : ******************************** BUILDING PERMTT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: :pFpNTT # Block Fil incr qTrrln r\rr e r^N. Address, Bo* FIS Vo^- (n. pn. ?76- goss Ph. [ ]-Repair [ ]-other of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs_ Wood/pellet ********************************* ELECTRICAL: $ MECHANTCAI: $@ "1&"oe- OTHER: $ Reg. NO. Reg. NO. /22-/q FOR oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: TOTAL PERMIT I BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: TOTAL: **** co CTOR RMATToN *************************** Town of Vail Req. NO.Phone Number: grJ-S@: " Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Connents: VALUATION CLEAN UP DEP.OSIT BEFITNI) TO: o a Town of \hil OFFICE COPY Plan Revi ew Based on the 1992 Uniform Codee NAME;GRAND TRAVERSE LOT 11 DATE:4/1,9/95 ADDRESS:1-422 MORAINE DR. CONTRACTOR:CLIMATE CONTROL VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT:NONE OCCUPANCY:R3 ENGINEER:NA TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V PLANS EXAMINERIC. FELDMANN CoRRECTTONS REQUTRED The itens listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of aI1 possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected eections of the codes. The following is not to be constnred to be an approwal of any violation of any of the pro- visj-ons of the adopted codee or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1) COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC.607 OF THE 1991 UMC. 2) ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5, 703 AND 709 OF THE 1991 UMC.. 3) INSTA]-,1,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCT]ONS AND TO APPEND]X CHAPTER 2L OE THE 1991 UMC. 4) GAS LINE TEST AND INSPECTTON IS REQUIRED BEFORE CONNECTION OF ANY EQUIPMENT PER SEC.1-206 OF THE 1991 UPC. 5) GAS APPLIANCES S}iALL BE VENTED ACCORD]NG TO CFTAPTER 9 OF THE ]-991 UMC AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 906 OF THE 1991 UMC. 6) DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER - SUPPLY BOILERS SFALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER sEc.2119 0F THE 1991 trMC. 1) FIELD TNSPECTION IS REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLTANCE PER SEC.3O5 OF THE 1991 UMC. B) PERMTT, PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAI ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. /P @* 2'-9't q I r, l.:o--e-- = ..,.. E^ --c -L <a :-, i a-:JFtt __> -t1_ 2Ol -ft \5 n\\t R\ \is r\d \h t\ 5t F( 3ffi 3! s lslp =z I tstfi 09 - t^ t- I ,ol <l r,Il i3r r)>l d$t -t I \ri lit ---------*$t Ir \,pl a\ I _l N! i8l iHr :l \l 3r .-s\ |=f, *_r. _e \\i^*\ | 'a$, f.\ |-\i \- r \q s tltr \\ I tlo I rft AJ,' $\i ,, ol\ |)l \\l 3 I I Ir I $i \ I I I I .l 3r !t lr t6, Y /6xtQ \ I u rJ f- m rn r '-l rq a fl fi =N IN 85 |..,x>;z 6m oo 4 *1 LOI^JER LEVEL .*E UITF.ER I-EUEL WINTER DESIGN CONDITIONS Olrtside db: -15 Deq Inside db: 7l Deg Design Tll: 87 Deg fbmotVdl CEEOPY CO S16rag Job #: t^lbhr" : VAIL CO Zone : ThlO ZONE SYSTEM SUMTIER DESIGN CONDI.I-IONS Or-rtside db: 9O Deg t: Inside db: 75 Deg F Design TD: 15 lleq F Daily Range H Re L Hr-rm. z 3A /. Grains Wat et' lZ gr SENSIFLH COOLING ET;UIF, LOAD SIZING Str.r.rcbur.e 5ulE9 Btuh Ventilation O Btuh Design Temp. Swing 3,4 Deg F Us e t4f g. Data y Rate/Swing Flr"rIt. 1. fiE -fotal Sens Eqr-rip Load 5ttl9 Btrrh LAI'EI{I- CUOLING EI]UIF LOfII] SIZING RI6H-T-J LOAD AND EEUIF,NENT SUMMARY Forr: IHE tiRRND TRAVERSE LOI- 11 14EE MORAINE DRIVE VAIL By; CLIMA'rE CONTROL CO, F'. O. BOX lEzrE GLENT^JOOD 5F,RlNGS 'tal 945 3ie6 co F' F F HEAT I NG Sldg. Hea'b l-oss Ventilation Air' Vent Air* l-oss Desi gn Heat Load EJUMMARY l ltZtJ;jh Ft r"th E CFM O Fbt-rh 11O336 Bt t-th I NT. I L'TRAl- I ON Con st 0r-ra I a Area ( sq. ft. ) Vo I r-rme (cu. f t, ) Air Ohanqes/Horir Equivalent CFM Make IRANE Mode I XL StA Type l-WO STRGE Efficiency / HSF'F Heat ing Inptlt Heating Bt-ttput Heab ing Temp Rise Actrral Heating Fan Htg Air" Flow Factor Space Th ermo stat * FinepLaces I HEATING COOL]NG Internal 6ains Ventilation Infiltration 'Tot Labent Equip Load Total Equip Load COF.,/EER,/sEER Sensible Cooling Lat ent Cool ing 'Total Coo I inq Actlral Cool ing Fan Clq Air Flow Factor. Load Sens Heat Ratio HEATING EEUIF,MENT SUMMARY COOLING EOUII..MENT SUMMARY Mak e TRANE Mode I l-y pe 3495 36679 ra.9 531 tZt Bt uh tiZt Bt r.rh E Bt r-rh lZt Bt r"rh 5EE*9 Bt t-rh J495 3667S fi.4 945 Bt r-rh Bt r-th Deg F CFM CFM./Bt uh Sra. tzl ETAATZilZTO 1e 16BrA 43 e6raa a. 'aee $.o O Btuh 'tr 61 tth ta Bt 'rh a793 CFM O. U53 CFM/BIuh l rZrO I'tl'll\(Ji'l|-- J; tr,ll EtJ. r\lElnl -rJ - YI. al lf\ F,nintor-rt certif ied by ACCA to meet al I requirements of Manual Form J RIGHT-J CALCULATION FROCEDURES Af B, Cr D Job *: F-'r'ocedur'e A - LJin'ber Inf i ltrat ion H-fM CaIcuIat ion* s-e7-95 l. Winter Infiltration CFM Ut.9 RC/HR x 36678 Cu.Ft. x A.6167 551 CFM e, [^linter Inf i Itrat i on Btlrh 1.1 x 551 CFl4 x 87 l^li.nter TD = 51757 Bbuh 3. [,Jinter Inf i ltt'at ion HTlvl Ee757 Btuh / 94L Total Window = 56, I HlM & Do or^ Area Ft'ocedure B - Summer Inf i ltrat ion H-fM CaIcr-tlat ion* 1, Summer Infilbration CFM a. 4 RC/HR x 366781 Cr.r. Ft. x ra. '4167 e4S CFM e. 5r-rnmer Infiltration Ftr-rh 1. 1 x 145 CFM x 15 Sr-rmmer. TD = 4443 Bt uh 3. Strmmer Inf i ltrat ion HTM 4443 Bt t-th / 94I Total t^lindow = 4.3 HTM & Door Area Frocedr..rr.e C - l-at ent Inf iltr.ation Gain | 0.6S x B rl'.difF. x ;:45 CFM = [1 Ftr-rh Frocedrrr-e D - Equipment Sieing Loads 1. $ensible Siaing Load Sensible Ventilation Load 1. I x O Vent. CFM x 13 Snnmer TD = r| Bt uh Sens i bl e Load f or Strrrct ur.e (Line 19 ) + 5Peg9 Bt uh Sum of Ventilation and Structure Loads = 5eeg9 Bt r-rh Rating and Tempenature Swing Multiplie x t.OO RSM Eqr-ripment Sieing Load - Sensible + 5gEg9 Btr.rh E. Latent Sieing Load Lat ent Ventilation Load 4.68 x O Vent.f,FM x O gr.diff. = tlt Btr.rh Internal Loads = EStl x tZ No. Feople + O Bt r-rh Infiltnation Load From Ft'ocedure C + O Btuh Eqnipment Sizing Load - Latent = {t Btuh *constrrction nuarfl) is: a No. or rilr.ees is: MnNUftL J: 7th Ed.RIGHT-J r V1. 71 TR r., t nk!,rr -. Job *: MANUAL J: '7th Ed. | 1l Name of Room Running Ft. Exposed hlal I Room DimenEionEr Ft, Ceilngs,Ft I Condit. Option I lCSTl HTM I Area I l5 I I I I t6 I I I I I tl tt llra I I le t? t4 I I'YF'E OF I EXFOSURE b c d e f 4.7 o.a ta. ta SArzl 1e$g' Gross lallEI Exposed lbl Walls and lcl Fart it i ons ldl lel lfl 4. 8 | tZ.7 ra.al a.'a E.efl a.v ra.gl a.o rzr, rzr I E, rzl O.Ol rZ.Ul | 7l Windows hl i nd ows & Glass Doors Ht q. & Glass Doors Cl g. Ce i I inqs i-.r - ul ta. ta 6fj. fl ra. u 3t.3 a.a I rzr. o I ta. ra JR 3D 8M YL] Nort h NE&NhI E&.W sE&5t^l 5o r-rt h Horz 16H 47.9 J1.4 47.9 43.4 ra. ra il.a ** ** ** ** ** ** t---------- I Al Othr doot's lallODl4Ul.Ol 6.3 tbl I rzr. ra I rzt. 0 tl | 9l Net I I Exposed lalllll 4.81 4.7 | | WalIs and lc | | Faltitions ld I ra.El ra.rA I a.El A.'A I ra. ra I rzr. ra I a.ral ra.ra th te tf b c .:l ? a.a ta. a bllgDl E.3l ra.rzl a.0t a.ra i--------- I le I Infi ltrat ion a 156. 1 | 4. 3 t--------- I l3l5ubtot Btuh LoEs=6+9..+11+18 |14I Dtrct Btt-th Loss | 15 | 1'otaI Btr-rh Loss = 13+14 l11l F I oors all9Il A. 1l rzr.tZ Int. Gains: treople t3 Appl. El t16 I tL7 t16 | 19 rga Subt ot RSH Gain=7+4. . +lE+16 Duct Btrrh Gain Total RSH Gain = 17+18 CFM ffir Reqnir ed I Er.lt-lrr rrrEtrv f r, I Zone: TWO ZONE SYSTEM RIGHT-J: 1.717 ---- TR Ent i re Ho r"rs e I 364. A Ft. I e-e7-95 --- Fage 1 *--- LIUING ROOM I 47.O F'b. I 9.6 I I le.tI x 14.A Ft. I I et. rA I heab,/coo I I | --*----------------- | I Ar'ea I Bt uh I Bt r-rh I lNO, lHtg lClg lLengthl Htg I C1g lLengthl Htg I Clg I **+* .*.*.** **** **** **+* ***+ 37!rl4 | ral tzt I tzt I lal rZl **** **** **** **** **++ ***+ **** | 947 **** | A **** | a **** | rzl **t(* | rzl **** | rzl lrA | 318 I tzl I i::1 Ira I tzl **** I +*** | **** | **** | **** I .f *** | **** **** **** ***.* **** **** JBE 64 t 15 ra tz 15867 I 1997 3rA6S 5r-EJ a a ra 9799 tzt 954 ra g **** |**** |**** | **** |**** | **** | BI ol 63S4 | ol 7fl54 | ol 27 a :e5 ur 41$ 0 '="7 L '1 m tzt o tzt o **** **** **** **** **** **** :fi:i7 | url 86444 | ol 133414 | ml a o YY E eJ4 ul **** **** **** **** **** **** 49 | 1961t 307 I tzr I al ol EI tzt I ol rAl al ol ral al l3te1 I trzr67 |6 14 | i:938 ral fr ot o rat E mr a rat o 459 | ral al ral ol ol 4136 | rzr I ol ra B o A ra ral ral ral ol ral ol ol ol t433 a o 55rZJ o a 1645 I 6e'E la I rzt 'al a 1357 a o 90e tzl ra 8394 o B **** 3/.**** o B **** 3v. ****.**** 4999 @ rA 43E tzl rA ---;;;;-;;;;;;--;il1 333 I 1S669 I 1431 r ---------l 0l tzl I 114596 5730 1eB3E6 **** **** **** **** **** E6rZrO **** | **** **** | 3y. **** | **** 4974:E | {.*** e4B7 | A/. 5EeE9 | **** E793 I *++* ra ra 346 r9 L IJI 36J5rA ***i **** **** .**+* **** 7S5 .**** |**** | **** | ol BI 15933 | 797 | 16738 | 995 | Fr rrre err rEs! r.r y I Er.{|lr I E||tgttv:] ul Job #:Zonp: RIGHT-J:1. I a. lzl 16. t;lt I Tr.ro zoNE 7t7 ---- DINING I':r r_ri f:+ x 18. t! Ft. h eat /coo I I E 4 MANURL J; 7th Ed. Name of Room Rrrnninq Ft, Exposed hlal l Room Dimensionsn Ft. Cei lngs, Ft I Condit. Opt ion l'latlUqt I lJl lll rJ SYSTEM .IR e-e7-95 --- F,age ; FDYER e5. o Ft.lB.E x 1B.A Ft. 9.O I heat/cooI -;;-;----;;;;-----i :::::::_:::__l_:1. '***l 335 rzr a fr tzl 3rA tzl E o m a ***+ +*** **** **** **** *t(** **** **** **** ** ** **** ***lf 1434 a a o ra ta 799 |l'l ra ra a 0 **** **** **** **** **** 'Ir* ** ***+ **** **** tt* ** **** **** tg tzt 1S ul E '=tj l rl tse I tzt I 1e6rzr I ral ol ral 1lel I BI 175 | BI L67 ul 4 E ul ta 3E4 la a **** 5/.**** rA a **** 3/, **** **** lFiS I al tzr I EI tzr I al ral ral ral ra @ E tz ra ra 677 o o EI ral EI ----:!l--:a::l:--:a: i ---l 7886 364. 7654 **** **** **** **** **** 165 **** I **** | **** I EI Erl erzl6 I I 143 | e164 | 1l6t .I'YF.H BF EXF,OSURE tcsTt Ht-M lNO. lHtg ltrIq I Area I lLength I Htg Bt uh I Clg LJ TJ f 6r'o s s Exposed ldal I s and Fartitions l,l i nd ows &. 6Iass Doors Ht q. Nindows & tilass Doors C1g. Net Exposed l,Jal 1s and Far'titions Floors North lel. Bl NE&Nt^t I ra,El E&W r68. 6 | SE&St^l I 0. rzr I Sor-rth l 3g. 3l Hora I 0.ra| l'13 I lEI 4.4 rzr. rzl gr, rzl ra. rzl rzr. ra ril.0 47.9 31. 4 tt7.9 43.4 ra. a rzr. ul 4.4 u,a fi. tzt ra. fi fi.v ra. a rzr. 7 | ft. rzr I rzl. tzr I 'a,Bl o, ral a. 0l **l **l **l **l **l **l o, 7l ra. rzr I o.ol a.ol rzJ. riJ I o.ral I Y(: a a tz lil a ra 7tA ra tzl rA o ra tzt B Ut 7fr a **** **** **** **** ***+ **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** Jt* ** **** **** **** **** b c d f 3A 3D gM 9G 0 3198 E UJ a 7 **J** * l*** **** **** **** **** A a tzr rA e170 o 91 tzl o ra al ra B I Obhr doors la I ltZD | 4rA. rA | 6. 3 | I lbl I m,ral rzr.al ral rir I BI tzt I a tzl ra ra fi b d e 'r lPP o tz td ra 584 ul tzl a 6 Ce i I ings 16H 1 tzl 11 b c a b c ::, T fi. rzl ra. o fi. 71 a.ol ra.ol ra.al a,ol ta. ta I r$o gt o 1AA ra 0 4$',7 a tz 376 tzl o 1e3 ra tA 19I 19D e. 1 8.3 o. ta lel Infiltration a 156. 1l 4.31 Tral 39E5 1 3ra1 .*** {. **** +*** 13 l4 tE t6 L7 1A t9 Eg' $ubtot Btuh LosE=6+9. . +11+1el **** Dr-rct Btr-rh Loss | 3/. l'otaI Btuh Loss = 13+14 | **** Int. 6ains: FeopIe t3 SOOl trppr. Ld lelaBI subtot RSH Gain=7+9. . +14+161 Duct Btr-rh 6ain A I Total RSH Gain il/Z+19 | CFM Air Requir ed I 74StZ 374 7464 ol **** |ol **** I **** | **** | 5Y. I **** I **** | ***+ | **** | l7O I ra a e684 ^34 tlBt8 151 o --- l-r'rttLt trv t-Et 9 t I Lry l'll.,Ul"l r,U lllEEV 6rr r EqUrl talllBll9:t Lrl ..rt Zone: TWO ZONE 5YSTE14 g-e7*95 ---- R'IGHT-J: 1. 717 -*-- TR --- traqe 3 ---- Job #: MANUAL J: 7th Ed. tt Ira t? I I I I I t6 I I I I t7 I I I I I | 1rA I I t11 l I a | 1EI bl cl dl el fl E.E a, tzt ra. lzt a.a ra. rzt 47 .9 31. 4 47,9 43.4 fi. ra a. tzl 135 ra SJ ra ra o 10 ra ra 0 ta tz 10 0 a o tzl a **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ***+ **** **** **** +*** **** **** **** * * *.,t **** Name of Room Runn ing Ft. Exposed l.lal I Room Dimensions, Ft. FOt^IDER ROOM 15. 0 Ft. IrZr.O x 6.Sr Ft.9.O I heat/cool | 4 | Cei lnqs, Ft I Condit. Opt ion I TYIH OF I ICST I HTM I At'ea I F b r-rh I EXFOSURE I lNO. lHt g lCl g lLength I Ht g I Cl q | _________ Gr'o s s F-xposed hlalls and [-'ar-titions Windows & 6lass Doot's Ht g. Windows & 6lasE Door^s CI g. Net Exposed Wal I s and F'ar''bitionE Ceilinqs 4.At e',71 ra.al O. rzr I E.ral ta. ra I 0.al b d f 3R 3D EM 9G Nor t h NE&NW E&W sE&st^l 5o r-rt h Horr 1SI all6H a b **l **l **l **l **l **l S1. lzr I A, rzl I 68.6 | a. rzr I 3e. 31 fi.ral a.'/ | ra. ra I a.ot o.al a.u'l E.Al **** it*** **** **** **** **** 4',79 o ra 0 rA a 598 ul a a a ta ElUl fi ra o ra fi I g I Othr doors la I lraD I zro. tZt I 6. 3 | tbl I m.ut E,al EI erl lal a ot o tt I I I I I a b c d e 't 4,4 tzr. o o. tl 8.8 ra. B ra. rA le5 ra a a o Ul 94 o o B lzl n o a 346 L7 364 19 b Floors 19rt e. 1t ra.El 19Dt r.3t A.0l ra. ta fi.ul I nt. Gains: FeopIe E 3Bta I Appl. 13 lEOrZtl Sr-rbtot RSH Gain=7+9.. +18+16l D r-rct Ft r-rh Ba i n 'lotaI RSI{ Eain = 17+1€ CFM Air" Reqnined lrAt 56 1l 43 8.3 | O.7 r fr.4 o.E a.El o.Bl B a ra ta o ta o o ul tzt o u 6A a E 1e5 B o l lE l Infi ltrat ion a 156. 1 1 4. 31 Sr-rbt ot Bt r.rh LosE=6+9. . +11+1e I **** Dr-rct Bt rh Lo s s | 3/. 1'otaI Bt r.th Loss = 13+14 l**** 113 t14 **** **** **** a ql **** 3v-**** **** L763 88 1Bse **** **** **** +*tf+ **** 4A t16 I It7 tla r19 I grzl KITCHEN/LNUNDRY 16. Ur Ft . E8.$ x 1e.A Ft. 9.8 | heat /co o l At'ea I Length I Htg Bt uh I CIg 144 tu ra B B tzt * *J+,r. **** **** **** **** *.F** **** **lf* **++ **** ***.* **** a a o 0 n ra E rA a o ra rzl **** **** **** **+* **** **** o ra a a a ra **** **** **** **** **+* **** a ra o s a B El l Url 840 I al IJI ur le3 fi a tv a tzl 5S9 m zl ra ra tzl 9e u lzt tz tz tZ tzl ra tzl ta 0 ra E tzl ra 336 a rA 7AE a fr ra B ra el l Lt77 |90 It*** 5/.**** 330S 165 3473 **** **** **** ra D **** 3t **** **** **** **+* **** **** **** 73 o D 314 16 T.f o 1g --- tsI't IT L lJL{L t-'tl U I I I 4 IgU lJY HTJLJH LU €eL s{II I'EL{|lIrellltsllt b Ul Job #: IYIANUAL J: '7th Ed. Zone: 'fl^l0 ZONE Narn e of Ro am Rtrnn i n g Ft. Exposed Wall Room Dimensions, Ft. Ceilngs, Ft I Condit. Option RI6l-lT-J: 1.7r7 ---- STUDY tJ, ra Ft. l tZt. O x 18. ra Ft, 9. tzt I heat/cool 5Y5TEM Ttl lrlctll|..lc*l f UI-lll .J -- E-87-95 ---- Faqe 4 ---- MRSTER BRlH I 7. rA Ft. 15,O x 1e.rzr Ft. 9.8 | heat/cool TYF'E trF EXF'OSURE ICST I HTM I Anea I lNO. lHtg lCIg lLengthl Bt r"rh Htg | trlg Ft'ea I Length I Bt uh Htg I Clg Gross ExposFd [,J.r I ] s and [-'antitions a h d e 't 13I Ir.8 fi. ra ta.0 ta. ta '4. a ra. o 4.7 E. rA m.o ra. o a.D 0. ft ea7 0 tzl ra a ra **** **{t* **** **** **** **** ,f *** t+*** **J(* Jt*** **Jt* **** I q? ra ul ta B rA **** i*** f*** lf*** *++* **** **** **** **** **** **** **** Windows & Glass Doors Ht q. b ct e f 3A 3D sfrl 9G 47.9 31. 4 4',7 .9 43.4 a.a E,B ** ** ** ** ** ** E4 a v.! ?:. B o I 150 tz ra 1453 a E J+******* *++* **** *++* **++ 4 o tzt tzl ul lzl 198 tzl fi o a a **** **** **** **** **** **** ldindows & Elass Door's EI g. Nort h NE&NW E&hJ SE&Stl So r-rt h l'1o r" z et. E g.E 54.6 0.0 3e.3 fi.lzl tzl a 56 o o tal +**+ **** **** **** **** **** o n 39tO a a o E rzt 4 tz fr fi **** **** *+** **** **** **** tzl AStZ ra t7i BI Othr" doors I lallEDl40.Al Itrl I O,rzrl €''. J tzr. ft ral |/ll rAl ol a m ral 0l 0l ral ra tz Net Exposed t^la1 I s and Fantitions a D rr d e f leI 4,S E.E o.B E. ra fr.il rzr. rA n.7 0,8 tzr. rzl o.o 4.fi UJ. UJ 151 El o tzl B 7eJ a tzl EI g |Zl IIJ tz a a El E 149 rA ra E ul 713 ra ra F rzl a 111 F ra E o 1ra Cei I inqs L' 16H rJ: ta. E a.a 4.7 a.a rA. tA a tzl a ra q ra ra tzl E a ta ra ra ta ra a ra UJ 11 F loors b c 19 r 19D E.tl 'a.B E. 3l 0. rzl ra.El E,ra '| !r? u rA e51 cl o rA o B tgm tA ra 376 0 tzl la o tT lel Infiltration 156, 1l 4,3 56 I 314r4 I e4 I te4 I L7 l:1 I+ Subtot Btuh Loss=6+9. . +11+1e Dt-tct Ft r-rh Lo s s Total Btuh Loss = 1J+14 **** 3v. **** 6716 336 7ra5E **** *.*** **** **** a% **** t 545 73 15gra **** **** **** lL1 l'7 18 19 to Int.6ains: FeopIe t3 Snra RppI. [8 leAO Subbot RSH 6ain=7+6. . +lE+16 ?H:,"ltlt Etit 1,.," CFM Ain Reqr-rir'ed fi a **** 5/.**** **** **** **+* * tF** **** **** 15E ul tzl 4:*f74 fir+ -14a7 'e4A tzl fl **** 3t **** **** **** **** **** +**tf +**+ 34 ra o 449 eo 489 e3 t --- FI I ll l, lJr.ll, L'tsr-L l' I u y HlJLrH r, U MANUAL J: 7th Ed. Name of Room Rr-tnn ing Ft. Exposed hlal I Room Di mens i ons, Ft. CeilngsrFt I Condit. Option Job *: RIGH l1 te t3 t4 I TYF.E O}: I EXF'OSURE I lCSl- I HTM I Area I t5 I I I I I t6 I I I I I l9 I I I I | 1E I I m. Ur 0.o ut. B ta. ta $.ta 47.9 31, 4 47.9 43.4 ra. tzl E.O ta. ta rzl. tzl ta. ta ta. ta ra. a .:t -l u. ra ra. a *+ +* ** ** ** ** 6r^oss Exposed l.lal ls and trartitions Windows & Glass Doors Htg. Ce i I ings leIt 4.8t U,7 fi. rA o. ra o.B ta. ta B.g 3A ?n gM )ct b L-- d e f b c e f | 7l l^l i nd ows | | & Glass I I Door"s Clg. tl ll ll Nort h NE&NI^J E&t^l sE&5hJ So'.tth Hore Tt]r1 e1. E ra. fl 6S.6 a.a T.:' ? '4. a n.7 o. tzl tA. tA | *****-*-- | 8l Othr" dools I a I IIZID | 4tzr. A I 6. 3 I I lbl I rzr.rzrl o.rzl I ____ _____ Net Exposed t_t-11- -^'.| Far'b it ions a b d e f rErr 4.gr 4.7 qr. gt a.a 4.0 o.o fi,o a D C b Floor"s d. r E.3 ta. ra t-------** llel Inf iltt'ation a 156. 1l 4.3 | ---------Subtot Btrrh Loss=6+8. . +11+18 Dlrct Btr-rh Loss TotaI Btr-rh Loss = 13+14 Itl I I 19r l9D O. ra E. tzl o.m 113 tr4 tlq | 16 lL7 rlB t19 leo Int.6ains: FeopIe r.e 30ra ffppl. G leAO Subtot RSH 6ain=7+8.. +13+16 Duct Bt r-rh 6a i n l'otal RSH 6ain = 17+18 trFM Ain Required lEe b dlr I.eq|Jr[-lilr|lllll,b ul Zone: TWO ZONE l--J : L.7 L7 ---- MRSTER BEDROOM e9. rA Ft . 15. O x 14. ra Ft. ItlrllILtdL rUr'ltt rJ -- sYSTEM e-e7-95 TR --- Fage 5 ----I BEI]ROOM A I 5tA.tA Ft. | 13.O x lE.O Ft- 9.0 I heat/cool I g. ra I heat/cool Ft t-rh I Flrea I Bt uh I lNO. lHtg lClg lLength I Htg I CIq lLength I Htq I Clq *+** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** #+** **** **** **** *+** **** **** **** e6 I ra a o tzl 0 ?.? ra 64 V ra B **** **** **** **.F* **** ++** ***.* | 4rara ***+ I O **** | ra *t(** | m ***.* | a ***J* | rzt Al **** E I **** 33 I rF*** 0 | **** 64 I **** 0 | **** 1534 a JrA6S ra ra o **** |**** |**** |**** |**** |**** | grl Er I tt4rzr I ot ES|Z'4 | $l ege6 a ra tzl a E 163e 0 a td m ra 59 u a o fi E i9 tzl EE a ta 419 $ L4AA @ gl td a ta ul ra **** **** **** **** **** **** ral ol ol ot tal 0l al BI EI E at a 16= tzl E tz tzl D 79lal tzl fi tzl E 1 .:1'' I al tzt I tzt I EI ral 341 o gt ra a ra tz o g e1B a ta o o E ra I es6 gtl el rz I rzl 647 tzl ra 19J lzl e 4JA El il Et 3S6 ol ra EI E **** I *+** **r+{. I ay.**** | **** ol ra rzrl B SraSA | **** 854 | Z/. 5J34 I **** ee5 | **** 597 a a 90lPl **** 4511 **** 9463 | **** rA ra o 96 | 53Se | 419 r 59r 3JO8t 853 **** **** a @ **** **** **** qc. I t1773 **** **** I*** **** ***+ E34 **** **** **** **** **** ?td4 o o t9e1 146 3067 164 --- Fr'r r, ur-(t L'riI'L t I Running Ft. Exposed [.laI I Room Dimensions, Ft. CeilngsrFt | [ondit. Option Itarl uy H|',L,H t u tiE l" dIt I ' tj q u I I ' :j c I I {. 5 ul Zone: TI^JO ZONE SYSTEM RIGI-IT-J: 1.717 --*- TR BEDROtrM 3 16. ra Ft. 14.0 x 19.O Ft. 8. ra I heat/cooI rrldnudr. r (,r-m ", ** E-37-95 '--- Fage 6 ---- 4 MANUAL J: 7th Ed. Name of Room BEDROOM 4 lE. E Ft. lE.O x 17.4 Ft. S.A I heat/cooI TYFE OF I ICSTI HTM I F{r"ea I Btuh | ffr"ea I Bbuh ____::::::::___:_:I!_t!11_111_t:::*::_::1__l_!tl__t::i*:t_:::__t_:13__ Job #: {: L4 15 6r'o s s ExpoEed Wal I s and trart it i ons l^lindowe & Glase Doors Fltg, [.,| i nd ows & Glass Doors CI g. Net Exposed r-t - 1 1- *---l Fartibions FIoor.E Nort h NE&NW E&H sEe.5t^| 5o r-rt h Horz 1eI 19I 19D 4.7 | 106 ra.ral A la.ral u B.Al $ ra. B I rzt u'.erl $ ***.* **** +*** **** **** **** b d I b cl e f lEI 4. EI rzr. lz 0. tzl ra. a m. tzl a.fi 47 ,9 31, 4 47.9 E.O B.E 4.7 | 'a.al O. rzr I a.Bl tzr. ta I a.al **l **l **l **l **l **l les Ul o td ra tzl ;JE Al ul o E il gt ee a w E +**.* **** **** **** **** **** 96 ta td ra o tA **** **** **Jf* **** **** +*** **** L*tf* **** **** **** '* Ft+J( JA 3D BM 1tzt55 0 ra a a PB flr fi ra w ra ul v EB ra ra I34E a ta tzt tz I *+** ****. t+t+** **** **** **** .*+J+* * F**.**** **** **** **** '-J 1 ra. 64. 0. _'.1.:' ra. al tzt I 6l ral EI **** **** **** **** * *** **** tal EI 1540 1 tal utl utt **** **** **** **** **** **i** o B 196t2' o o I I Ottir doot"s la I lOD | 4ra. O I 6. 3 | I lbl I 'a.'al O.Al ral ral tzr I ol ral |z'tl tal ral ral tzt I IA n V a ra b c g r Ce i I inqs 16H 4.4 ra. rzt tZ. tA ra. a rzr. rzl ra. B rzr. tzt ra. rzl 3td7 0 fr ra o ra v.7 | a.al ra. ra I B.ral ra.ol ra.al 866 a o e66 ra ra 6ras tzl fr 555 qt B 395e 198 415$ 46 I tzl o 5l 6 tzl tzl ta 1 Tl: B v a a ee69 113 a3s3 187 79 1 ral fil ral wl rzl 68 a a o rA 3e5 4 UJ E a 10 tl a h c a b c l8ra I ta4 ol a ral A rUl tzt I 0l e. I q.0 o a ra o a a 131 Infiltnation a 156. 1l 4.31 se I 1E3: I 951 eg I 15714 |leo Int. Bainsr F'eople E 30ra I Subtot Btuh LosE=6+€. . +11+18 Dt-tct Btuh Loss Total Btuh Loss = 13+14 Appl. tr leBO I **** zv. *t+** J699 ls5 3844 .**** **** **** **** **** a4 **** **** **** **** | ******** | 3/. It*{t* | **** EI IA Bt a 1S941 **** - 95 | 3'/. lfg08 | **** 186 I .x.**{. 16 L7 18 19 eo a 0 **** * *t(* +*** **** **** 96 Subtot RSl{ Eain=7+9.. +18+16 | **** Dr-rct Bt'.rh Eiain I | 3/. Total RSH Gain il7+18 I **** CFM Air Requir ed | **** Job #: l1 lr:t3 t4 I4ANUAL J: 7th Ed. Name of Room Rr,rnn ing Ft. Exposed WaI I Room Dimensions, Ft, CeilngsrFt I Condit. Option I TYF'E OF I EXF,OSURE I ICST I HTM I At'ea I I I I t6 I I I I I t7 I I I I I tl t9 I I I I o.a tzr. B 8.0 rzr. rzl 4.fi Ur. ta E.O E.B tzt. o |a.4 a.a ra. tzt 0.8 $.b Gross ExFosed hlaI l s and F-'ar^titions l^lindows & Glass Iloor"s Ht g. hlindows & Glass Doons C1g. Net Exposed ["la] Is and F-'artitions lgr | 4.8t 4.7 t- d f a c e I f 3A t47. 9 3DtJ1.4 eMt47.9 ** ** ** ** ** *{. 9G t45. 4 '4. o E.O Nort h NE&NW EE.I^J 5E&5tn 5o r-rt h Horr t---------I A I Othr doors la I ltZtD | 44. O | 6. 3 tbl I rzr,ol a.a e1. o ra. o 64.6 o.o ?.:, ? rzr. rzl tzr. o O. rzt O. ra a.o ta. a leIl 4.gt 4.7 Ceilings 16H E. Jt 4.7 Ilra I I b c a b rzr. ra ur. o ra. a E.O t11 I I FIoons E. ll ra.o E, Jr q.$ '4. 0 o.o t--------- llEl Infiltration a 156. ll 4.3 t--------- 19 r 19D tlT t14 tlE 116 I It7 t1a | 10 tEa Subtot Btuh Loss=6+8. . +11+18 Dr-rct Ft r-rh Loss Total Bt r-rh Loss = 13+14 Int. Gains: treople tr 3OA ffppl, B lerAO Subtot RsH Gain=7+9. ."F19+16 Dr-rct Btnh Eain Total RSH Gain = 17+19 CFM Ait'Reqt-tired I sqsr. Zone r TWO ZONE RIGHT-Jt L.7L7 ---- BATH 4 7. rA Ft. 5.O x 1'A.A Ft. s-e7-95 --- Fage 7 ---- SYSTEM 1'R I BEDROOM 5 l e9. o Ft. I lzr.E x 15.B Ft-g. ra I heat/cool I S.A I heat/cool Bt r-rh I Ar-ea I Bt r_rh I lNO. lHtg lClg lLenqthl Htg I Clg lL.engthl Htg I Clq **** **** **Jr* **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **J+* **** **** **** **** ***t **** **** Jf*** **** **** **** **** ***+ a n I ra o a .;e B rzl 0 tzl ra +*** | t3g **** | ra J+*J+* | a **** I A +*** | a r(*** | a **** | **** |**** | **** |**** |**** | ral 0l 638 I lal ol at 9 o 0 o ra g 431 o E o ra 43 ra ra :.:l tzl u o ta J5 w 4e tzl e 157 B ra 1453 o gt Jt*** .i+*** **** *lt** **** **** **** *+** **** .r+ * ** i*** **** ra E ?454 ta l51e rA al o fzt I tZ fil tzt I ral ol tzt I ral lzl I BI **** **** ra m **** **+***** te74 64 1338 **** ***i **** **** **** E9 9L44 437 9ei4 1 116 tA la a E t4E o a IZ 6 4551 FieS 4774 e56 47 a q o o tz ee5 ul tzl ra ra :q I ral Url al al lzt I rA n tzl rA E 74'e fi o a ra B B ra tlJ @ E 34 | ela rzrl a rzrl a **** I **+* *J(** | 5/. **** I **** ar a rat g 73S | **** 37t 3% 77Al **** 4l | **** 473 o o El ra al rzl lal 6 tzl 0 B o o E r?i ra u @ o 0 9l 385 I :cl r 77 | 43171 331 {c** * **** **** **** **** ***t* **** **** ea7 Job #: Zone: TWO ZONE SYSTEM MANUAL J: 7th Ed, -*-- RIGHT-J: I."7r7 ---- rR Name of Room Rr-rnninq Ft. Exposed t^laI I Room Dimensionsn Ft, Ceilnqs, Fb I Condit. Opbion I ]-YF,E Or:| | CST I HTM I Ar"ea I I I I I I6 I I I I I t7 I I I I I lt | 1Ul I I l1 tc t3 t4 tL4 t15 | 16 t41 tla t19 lErzl 3A 3D AM 9G Nor't h NE&NW E&W 5E&5W South Horz ler 16H ta, ta $.4 a. ra 0. tzl a.B 4'7 .9 31, 4 47.9 43.4 w. ul a.n 4.8 ra, a rzr. rzl ra. a tzt. a Ur. rzr '4. a IZI. E a.a E. gt E.A ** ** ** ** .** ** E1.A ra. rzt 69.6 fi. ta ?:' -l o.o 6r'o s s Exposed hJa I 1 s and Fartitions bJindows & Glaes Doors Ht g. Windows & 6lass Doors CI g, Net ExFosed hlal l s and F at't it ions Ceilings Floors lE:It 4.gt 4,7 rt tr c d e a b d f | -.-------- I g l othr- door-s l a l lrtrD l40. 0l 6. 3 tbl I B. A I tzr, lzl t9 I I I I b d f a.7 ra. o A. rzt ta. ta ta. gl ra. B 4,7 ta. o O. tzl ct b .1 ra.0 la. o r11 I I 19It e.rl E.o 19Dr e.3r O.A ra. 0 ta. gl t--------- l le l Infi ltrat ion a 156. 1 l 4. 3 t--------- ll3lSubtot Bt,-th Loss=6-Fg. . +11-Fle a b Dr-rct Ft r.rh Loss Tot a I Bt r"rh Lo s s :: 13+ 14 Int. Gains: Feopl e La 30tzl Appl. |3 le0ra Sr-rbtot RSH Gain=7+9.. +18+16 ?:;:,"1;lElll 1,.,* CFl4 Ain Reqlrir-ed --- Fl'rnruus L'tsr'L r r r e{J uy HLJLJH r' lJ r{eE {' cll r-eq|Jtr-cueItu5 af t'tdltr.[dI T L}I'm rJ ** E-e7-95 --- Fag e FAMILY ROOM BA-IH 3 I lrA.rA Ft. I |a. fi Ft. 14. O Ft.lrZr. O x s,0 | 9. O Ft.| 15.O x heat/cool | 8. rA I heat/cool B b r-rh I Ar.ea I Bt r-th I EXFO$URE I lNO. lHtg lClg lLengthl Htg I Clq lLengthl Htg I Clq r---------*---l a ---- *+** **** **** **** **** **** 8A E gl ra ta 0 **** **** **** **** **+* **** **{.* I n **** | t3 **** I lzr *j+** | lz **** | ra **** | A r'*** I **** I **** |**** I **** |***+ | al al 4Era I ol gr I 0l *+** **** **** **** **** **** o o w 8l ra fi tzl ra 6 w 0 E a ul tzl ta D lzl E o 6 a a a o a a ra 6 tzl a ':,OO o u 0 0 ra **** **** *it** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** * t-.* * rzl I ***n O | **** al **** a I i**** E | **** 0 | **** a E a a ra ra Dr o lzl ra gl al grl ol ral ral al ol tzl tal ra rzr I rzl -74 E ul tA 354 0 B o ta r;Ei I tzt I ot at BI 0t 90 @ ra ltzl4 a o **** **** **** **** **** e7 61 I llra Al A'0l a 47?i ra ra 14e tzt ra ral a EI B tal ta o ra ra ra o a a ra ra tzl rzl ra 6t 336 l e6 l l lEe 59 I t41 rAl Jf *** | ******** | 3/.**** | **** tal ta at n 56e | ****I eet z% !75912' | **** 3el **+* **t** **** **** **** *tf .tt * {l tzl **** gv. **** **** 475 E4 499 * **.lt ****.**** **** ***.* 11 m la 148 7 149 I - Ff 'l.tltruuu LEr-v .l I o lJy Flk(Jr| !,tJ lllEEV llll I rEq|l I Z on e : TWO ZONE SYSTEIYI RI6HT-J: 1.717 --*- TR UF,F.ER HJlLL lO 17i |:+ 4.tZt x e6.A Ft. 8.8 I heat/cool Job #: 1 |: 4 MANUAL J: 7th Ed. Name of Room flunning Ft. Exposed WaI I Room Di mensi ons, Ft. CeilnqsrFt I Condit. Option ul l'1€rll|.tl:rI I U, lll rJ e-E7-93 --- Fage 9 ---* FEDROOM 6 lJ. ra Ft. 1f,. tZt x lE. B Ft. S, lzt I heat/cooI TYF'E OF EXF,O$I"JRE ICST I HTM lNO. lHtq lElg I Ar"ea I lLengthl Htg Bt r.th I Clg Area I Length I Bt uh Htg lCIg h (] f **** **** +*+*,**** **** **** Gr'o s s Exposed Wal I s and L,ar"titions Windows & 6lass Door"s Ht q. l^J i nd 0ws & Glass Doors C1g, Net Exposed Wall.s and Ferr'Litions FIoors Subt ot Bt r-th Dr-rct Bt r-rh TotaI Btr.rh Itl 3R JU glYl 96 Nor't h NE&Nt^l E&W SE&SW 5o r-tt h Hore leI 4.8 E.E w. u.l ra. a ta. ta 8.0 47.9 31. 4 47 .9 43.4. w.w rzr. gr 8.7 | ra. rA I A. tzr I B.Al Er. rzr I rA. rA I .** ** ** ** *.t* ** L ..,': rzt a E o ft **** **** **+* **** **** .it*** c d e f **** ++** **** **** ***+ **** 91. rA I E.At 68.6 | ra.El ?.:' ? | rzr. E I ra. 7l tzt. a I tzr. a I q.ol ra. ra I a.Bl o ra Itzl r7i o tz tte tzl o E o o ****.**** **** **** **** **** 959 sl fl a ra o 6Je o tzl o tzl a I :' rtl I tzl lfi ltA to I tzl fiI tal I l Ottrr. door"s la I IED l4rA. 0 | 6. 3 | I lbl I A.rZ'l A.Ol a l4arzl a a 0 at a Bt 0 h o e Ce i I ings 16H 4.8 a.a rzr. rzl A. ra rzr. rzl fi.8 99 ra a tzl a o 1rA ll Ll .:, ? '4, gl ta. a E. I 3f B. 'A fr.7 | ta.Bl 0.ral 1'a4 n v *;** 3/' a o **** 3v.**** **** 835 fi 7$ w a 0,El a.El ra.Bl 19I r9D B a ra B 0 o rA @ td lel Infiltt'ation a 136. 1l 4.31 EAI 11e1 | 86 ,t? r.+ IrJ LoEs=6+9. , +1 t+1e I LOSB Loss = 13+14 | **** ?947 L47 3r494 **** **** **** **** **** 67 **** **** **** Int. Gains! F'eople B SEIAl Appl. e 1eA'E I Subtot RSH Gain=7+8. . +lg+161 Dr.rct Btnh Gain I l-otal RSH Gain = 17+16 | CFM Air" Reqrired I te 1-7 1g 19 ErA ra ra 1655 a3 t 73S 93 1S4 t4l a a tz f*** ii**re **** .* *.t+ * *.* t.* **** **** **** **** **** **+* ** t+ * 36 u tzl 3ta ra I / Ctf B m 136e tzt ra **** **** **** ****.*x** **** 3ra o 0 B ****.**** ***{. **** **+* **** a ? r7r fr ESeA E tzt ra e'l ol al ral ra vt llB a e tzt 565 B a B B YJ BS m a tzl q 156 tzl tzl tzl ra l rag w E a B ra 0 @ ra rA ra ra 66t 3700 I EA4 **** **** 77W6 385 aog I **** **** .F*** ra o **** 3/.**** **** ***+ **** **** **** f*** 175 n a 36E7 181 38'49 'ea4 -- - r--f -rrll,uLrr, r.;Ef r, l. I l.ELJ |' y FtLlJtt t u lllEEI a:ll r t'Eq|J.Lr'E IEIIl,5 ul Job #:Zone: TWO ZONE SYSTEM MANURL J: 7th Ed, ---- RIGHT-J: 1.7L7 ----TR l'ldlllL(€l1 rUf 't|l rJ -- tl t:t3 t4 Ceilnqs,Ft lCondit. Optionl S.A I heat/cooI I Name of Room Rrrnn inB Ft. Exposed tlaI I Room Di mens i ons, Ft. Gross Exposed t^lal ls and Fartitions BA-TH 6 I lzr.rZr Ft. I 11. O x 7,4 Ft. I e-87-95 --- F ag e lra ---- I Ft. I x Ft. I ll I TYF.E OF I ICST I HTN I Anea I Bt r-rh I Area I Btuh I I EXFOSURE I lNO. lHtq lClg lLengthl Htg lClg lLengthl l-ltg lElg I l-*-----------r--------*--l IJ e f ****.r*** **** **.** *{.** ***{. IG I I I I I I I I I t7 I I I I tlE I I tlt I I fi. tzl ra. ta **l **l **l **l **l **l el.ol ra. ra I 69.61 ra.al :.:t : I a.fil eBe B la rA a 5il7 ta B a ra tZ t^lindows & GIass Doors Ht q. t^Jindows & Glass Doot's Cl g. Ce i I ings Floors a b 3Dr31.4 c I SM 147.9 9G t4:i. 4 **** I **** |**** I **** I **** |**** | **t+.r+ I *r+{.* I **rf .!+ | **** | .r *l+* | *r(.r** | 186 | ral zrl ol ral ral t'J I {al al al ral ral **J(* |**** I **** |*x** I **** I **** | ***J+ |**{.* I ***n I *+** |**** |.**** I **** |l+*** |*+** | lel l 4.81 fr.71 l l i:i l +*** I A.tAl tA.Url tal **** I o. rzrl a.fil al **** | fi.Bl rzl.Ol ral *r** I E.Al A,Bl rzrl +*+* I a.ral o,al tzr | **** 3R t4'7. 9 d e f 6 ra a fr a UJ 5 l4l B td r7i u) Nort h NE&NW E&hr SE&5W 5o r-rt h Hor': **** **J+* 'x *{.*'**** .)+*** * J+ i+.* ****.**** * *.** **** **** **** **** **** *{.** **** **** | 9l Net I I Exposed I I Wa1ls and | | Far'bitions tl tl tcr 4.Sl tZ'.71 br (] d e f b $.4 rzr. rzl m, ra $.fi fi.8 ta.Bl m.e'l ra.El B.A'l ra. 0l 1ra6 a a u @ o t 4.7 | rzr. B I E.ral 77 a L74 tZ a !.Jr: I fil l6H .:, ? ta. ta E.O 19Il e. 1t A.rAl 19DI e.3t B.AI fi.8 g.El ra tzl ra ta o ta EI I at I at I E6 I I llEl Infiltration a 156. 1l 4.31 $ubt ot Btuh l-oss=6+8. . +11+1e | **** Dr-rct Btuh Loss | 3/. 'f otaI Bt r"rh Loss = 13-r14 | **** 6t 336 I l:r1€ 65 I ?71 **** **** **** **** **** 3q' **** | **** |**** | y. l **** | **** I ral ol ESJ I **** ^ r4t .A !7e97 | **** 16 | **** Int.6ains: Feople Le SrarZl A AppI. 13 leraBl O t13 t14 tlri 116 I tL7 t1a t19 lArZt Subtot RSH Gain=7+8.. +1e+16 | ?:;:,"ltlB:iti,-,* i CFM Air Required I **** 3/. .* t .I. Jt **** --- r'r'rtrLU|Jr, u(lI'1, I I rHL.| Uy HLlJr-i LtJ llltiltL (:tl.l Eqqf I'glllEIIL5 ul l'lcllll.t.dl rUI'lll rJ -- 17v RIGHT-J! V1.71 R I 6HT*J h, I NDOW DATA 3-e7-95 t^ls NH RR Rtl L- H -r m W H .T o v H LI MANUAL J: 7th Ed.TR Job #: w:r NH Uf W t^t A L I D T R a a e b D L g ut L H 7. L LJ hf E q 1- R f4 NA5 GNH LGC zLo LiVING ROOM n tl R Y U v t\ n n c c I v v n n n n n n n n E gla l.er ra.A fi.ra 1.rA .jl.0 EJur. A.n n E 9A t.rA rZ'.8 0.8 1.rzr 63.8 el.rA B,B n e I'a 1.rA E.ta ra.ra 1.8 63,4 57.O 8.fi n e 9A 1. rA B. rA g.tu 1.0 7gl.il el, E ra. B DINING n E 9A t. O rzl, tA ra. E 1. rA 31. O 7rA. lzl rzt, A FOYER n g 9?J 1. A B. B rzr. er 1. Ur tsl.0 iFj. gr rzr. fi n : gur 1. tzr A. rA rzt. ra t. O 7W,tA 1S. 'A fi. A F'OhIDER ROOM n J: 9A I. E 0. rA rA. rA 1. Ut 11. O lra. 0 rA. m KI TCHEN./LAUNDRY STUDY e 9rzr 1, Br B. rA el. Pr t. O 7A. A Err. r? E. 0 e 9rA l. E rzr. A A. tA 1. B 7rZ'. E Je. |a E. fi MASTER BR-TH e 9E t.ra fi.fi v.a 1.ra 70.rz' 4.tz er.ra MASTER BEDROOM 3 9A 1.8 8.fi rA.E l.E 7fi.n 3e.O A.rA S gra 1.O O.'a A,V t.A 36.4 64.V rZ'.ra BEDROOM E e gra 1. ra 6. a o. a l. E gr. o 39. a rz'. 'zl r 9E 1. B O. ra A. U' 1. A 7A.U EO. ra '4. rzl BEDROBM J a a n a a c a c c c n n n n n a e 9a 1.4 8.0 ra.B BEDRBtrM 4 1.la 7fl.$ EE.rA O.O e 9'a 1. E B. rzr rA. rA 1. ra 7?l. A eB. rA O, m o o TRANE- XL BO Upflow Gas-Fired Furrrace "T\ryo-Stage, Fan Assisted Combustion System" Models TUDO4o, 060, o8o, 1oo, 12o,14OR Tcrvrn of H ..: o o PRODUCT DATA fhe fnne Conlpany. Unitary Products GrouD. fvbr. fX 797 | | . Power supply 115/ 1/60 . 2-stage gas valve .2-soeed venter . 2 heating blower speeds r Hot surface igniter . lntegraled syslem control . Attractive color accents . Heavy gauge aluminized steel heat excnanger XL 80 STANDARD EOUIPMENT o Blower door safety switch . Multi-port In-shot burners . Complete front service access . Alternale bottom/left/right rerurn air . Slide oul blower assembly r Direct drive, 4 sDeed motors . Acljustable fan off times . Common vent capability . ODtional side wall vent . Cleanable high velocity filters . Heavy gauge reinforced wrap around steel cabinet . Super quiet performance . Optional L.P. conversion kit . Left/right gas conneclion . Non-prorated 20-year heat exchanger limited warranty . one-year part \ivarranty OPTIONAL EOUIPMENT FOR HEATING UNITS TAYSTAT3OO .. . BAYSTAT3O3 .... BAYSTAT3OS . .. BAYSTAT3SS .. .. . AY28XO92 ,,.. BAYLPKT21l Electronic Air Cleaner (TUDO4O, 060, O80 - 2-3 Tons) . . . BEFI4OC1OOA Electronic Air Cleaner (TUD1OO, 120. 14O - 4-5 Tons) . . . . BEF2OOC1OOA Side Filter Rack ... ....... BAYFLTR2OO Termination "T",3" {Sidewall Venting for TUDO4O, 060, O8O-R) . . . . BAYVENT3OO Terminalion "T",4" (Sidewall Venting for TUDIOO, 12O, 14O-R) ... . . BAYVENT4OO ,,... BAYHALT215 .... BAYTWIN3OO FEATURES NATURAT GAS MODELS - Central heating furnace designs are certified by the American Gas Associarion for both nalural and L.P. gas. Limit setting and rating data were established and approved under standard rating conditions using American National Standards Instirute standards. SAFE OPERATION - The Integrated Sysrem Control has solid stato devices, which continuously monitor for presence of flame, when the system is in the heating mode of operation. Dual solenoid combination gas valve and regulator provide extra safetv. OUICK HEATING - Durable, cycle tested, heavy gauge alu- minized stsel heat exchangei quickly transfers heat to pro vide warm conditioned air to the structure. Low energy power vent blor,\rer. to increase efficiency and provide a positive dis- chargb of gas fumes to the oulside, allows common venting with hol waler heater. BURNERS - Multi-port In'shot burners will give years of quiet and efficient service. Allmodels can be converted to LP gas without changing burners. INTEGRATED SYSTEM CONTROL - Exclusivelv designed ciperalional program provides total control of fur, nace limit sensors, blowers, gas valve, flame control and includes self diagnostics for ease of service. Also contains connection points for E. A.C. /humidifier. AIR DELIVERY - The multispeed, direct drive blower motor, with sufficient airflow range for most heating and cool- ing requirements. will switch from heating to cooling speeds on demand from room thermostat. The blower door safety switch will prevent or terminate furnace operation when the blower door is removed. SWLING - Heavy gauge steel and "wrap-around" cabi- net construction is used in the cabinet with baked-on enamel finish for strength and beauty. The heat exchanger section of the cabinet is completely lined with foilfaced f iberglass insula- tion- This results in quiet and efficient operation due to the excellent acousticaland insulating qualities of fiberglass. Built- in bottom pan and alternate bottom, left or right side return air connection orovision. FEATURES AND GENERAL OPERATION - The XL 8O High Efficiency Gas Furnaces employ a Hot Surface lgnition system, which eliminates the waste of a constant burning pilor. The integrated system control lights the main burners upon a demand for heat from the room thermostat. Complete front service access. a. Low enerqy power venter. b. Vent proving pressure switch. DAIA SUB.]ECT ft) CHANGE WI|HOUI NOflCE The Trane Companv, TUD-R PRODUCT SPECI FICATIONSC' PRODUCT DATA Unitary Products Group, Tylet. TX 7571I r-J MODEL TU0040R924A0 TUm60R936A0 TUDO8OR93640 TUm80R948A0 MTINGSa lst Smge Inpr BTUII lsl SEge Ca@ity 8Tl,fl (CS)l 2nd Stage Inpt BT{Jfl 2rd Slage &pacfiy STUH (lCS) 3, AFUE {tCS) .;t:,p Is l/r. trttav t i 26m0 20800 40000 320m 800 j/', 1, 39000 3r200 60000 480m 800 52000 41600 80000 64000 800 'J, -,r. 52000 41600 80000 64000 800 i0 cu BTOWER DSIVE Da. Wdth lln ) No Used Speeds {No.) CFM vs in. w.g. lvlotor HP R P.M. Vdts/Pt'/l-lz DRECT l0x6 ,| 4 SEE FAN PERF, TABII 1/5 1080 r l5/1/60 OIRICT l0x7 1 4 SEE FAN PERF. TABI.E 113 1075 r 15/1i60 DIRTCT '10x7 1 4 SEE FAN PERF. TABLF tlJ 1075 11s/1/60 DIRECT 10x 8 1 4 SEE FAN PERF. TABI..E 113 r075 115/1/60 COMBUSTION FAN.TYPE Drive - ltb. foeds Motor flP - RPM Vohs/Ph/l-lz FL Anps CENTRIFIJGAL DIRECT. 2 1/50 - 3000 '115/1/60 CENTRIFUGAT DIRECT 2 1/50 - 3000 115/1/60 95 CEN'iRIFUGAL DIRECT. 2 1/50- 3000 1 r5/1/60 CENTRIFI.JGAL DIRECT . 2 1/50 - 3000 115/ r/60 1.0 FILTER - FurnishedT Type Rec*rrren&d Fiher flo -ft+Thk.) YES 1,16X25 ltN YES 1-16X25"ilN. YES 1.20X25-ttN YES 1-17X25-ilN VENT - Size lln,l 4 ROUND 4 ROUND 4 ROUND 4 ROUND HEAT EXCHANGER Type-tied -thlir€d CrauSe {Fired ALUMINIZED STEEL TYPE 1 20 ALUMINIZED STEEL TYPE I 20 ALUMINIZED STEEL TYPE I 20 ALUMINIZED STEET TYPE 1 20 ORIFICES - Main Nat. &s. Oty, - DrillSze L P. Gas Oty. - Dril Size 2-44 255 3-M 3-55 4-M 4-55 4-M 4-55 GAS VALVE REUJNDANT. TWO STAGE RETIIJNDANT.IWOSTAGE REDUNDANT - TWO STAGE BTDIJNDANT-TWO STAGE DIRECT IGNITION DEVICE Type HOT SURFACE }OT SURFACE HOI SIJRFACE HOT SUtrACE BURNERS - Type Nurnber IN SHOT 2 IN.SHOT 3 IN-SHOT 4 IN.SHOT 4 PW\IER CONN. - V/Ph/Hz t Anrpaqry {ln Ampsl tuse Sne - Mar. (Anrps) r 15/1/60 6.3 10 115/1/60 104 l5 1 r 5/ 1/60 104 l5 l l5/1i60 Il IJ P|PE CONN. S|ZE {tN,}112 112 t12 112 DUCTCONN.SEE OJTLINE DRAWING SEE OIJTLINE DRAWING SEE OUTUNE DRAWING SEE OTJTUNE DRAWING DIMENSIONS Crared (h.) Uncraled HXWXD 41.314X16X29 112 SEE OUTI,INE DffAWING HXWXD 41.314X 16X29 112 SEE OTJTUNE DRAWING HXWXD 41,314 X 19X29.112 SEE OUTUNE DRAWING HXWXD 41 3/4 X 19 X 3Gl/2 SEE OUTUNE DRAWII'IG WEIGHT Shippng (l"bs l/t'let (lbs.)119/110 12t 1118 1421132 1421132 ,!,Central Furnace treatng desQns are cenifiei by tirc American Gs Assocjation Inc. l-aboratones ] Ramgs showfl are for devatims up to 2000 leet. For elevations above 2000 feet; futings slxrrld be redrred at te rate of 4% for each 1000 feet above sea level. ! Tln above wuing spec icalions are n accordance with llatronal Electncal Code; trotever, instalhtions must cornolv w1h bcal codes. DATA SUBJECT IO CHANGE W|TIOUT NOTICE PRODUCT DATA fhe frane Company, Unitary Pmducts Group. fyler. A 7571, TUD-R PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONSCT MODET TUDlOOR936A0 TUDIOORg4SAO TUDlOOR960A0 TUDlOOR96OBO MTINGSi: lst Stag€ Inlxrt BTUH lst Stage Capacrty BTUH Kg ! zrd Stage InBn BTUH 2nd Stage Capacity BTIFI (lCSli AFT.JE l|CSr) Temp. Rise {Min -iilax } "F. 65000 52000 rffm) 80000 800 40- 70 650m 52000 100000 80000 80.0 J5-b5 65000 52000 1mom 80000 800 30, 60 65000 520m 10m 80000 80.0 30 60 BLOWER DRIVE Clia.-Winh {]n.l No. Used Speeds (No.) CFM vs. in. w.g. Motor fF R.P.M. Volts/Ph/Hz DIRECT l0x7 1 SEE FAN PERF TABI.T 113 1075 r r5/1/60 DINECT l0xB I 4 SEE FAN PERF, TABU 112 1075 115/1/60 DIR€CT 10x 10 I SEE FAN PERF, TABU 314 1075 115/1/60 DIRECT 11x 10 I 4 SEE FAN ffRF. TABI,f 314 1075 l1s/r/60 COMBUSTION FAN. TYPE Drive ' ltlo. Speeds Motor flP - RPM Vohs/h/Hz FL Amps CENTRIFUGAL DIRECT-2 1/50 - 3000 115/1/60 95 CENTRIFUGAL DIRECT- 2 r/50. 3000 r r5/r/60 95 CENTRIFIJGAL DIRECT-2 r/50-30m r r5/l/60 .95 CENTRIFUGAL DIRECT-2 1/50- 3000 115/r/60 1.0 FILTER - FumishedT Type Recommended Filter lM.-SizeThk.) YES 1 20X25 ltN YES 1,24X25-1tN YES HIGH VELOCITY 1.24X25-ilN. YES 1-20X25 1rN. VENT- She (ln.l 4 R0lhto 4 ROUND 4 ROIJND 4 ROUND HEAT EXCHANGER TypeFired -Unfired Ga'rS {Firedl ALUMINIZED STEEL TYPE I 20 ATUMINIZED STEEL TYPE I 20 ALUMINIZED STETL TYPI I 20 ALLh/IINIZED STEET TYPE I 20 ORIFICES - Main Nat. Gs. Oty. - Dri Size L.P. Gs Oty. - Dril SDe 5-44 C-JJ 5-M 5-55 5.M 5,55 5M 5-55 GAS VATVE REUJNDANT TWOSTAGE REUJNDANT . TWO STAGE REDU'IDANT .TWO STACE REDUNDANT . TWO STAGT DIRECT IGNITION DEVICE Type HOT SURFACE HOT SI.JRFACE HOT SIJRFACF IGNITOR IIOT SINFACE BURNERS - Type t{.nnber IN SHOT 5 IN.SHOT 3 IN.SHOT c ht$07 5 PO/VER CoNN. - V/Ph/Hr,., Ampacrry fln Ampsf Fuse Size - fVhx. (Amps) r r5/1/60 10.4 15 1r5/1/60 12.0 l5 r 15/1/60 r7.5 20 1t5l1lffi 14.2 15 PIPE CONN. S|ZE ilN.t 112 112 112 112 DUCT CONN,SEE OIJTLINE DRAWING SEE OUTLINE DRAWING SEE OTJTUNE DRAWIi{G SEE OUTLINE DRAWING DIMENSIONS Crated (ln.) Uncrated . HXWXD 4r-3/4X 19X29-r/2 SEE OUTUNE DRAWING HXWXD 41"314X22-t 12X29 SEE OUTLINE DRAWING HXWXD 41-314X26X29-112 SEEOUruMDRAWIM HXWXD 41-314 x 22.112 x23.112 SEE OUIUNE DRAWING WEIGHT $ippne (-bs.l/Net [-bs.l lst l14l 162/r51 r 75/ r63 162/ 15 | ,i,C€nlral Furnace heating designs are cenrfied by the Amerimn Gas Association Inc. Laboratones. tl'RatrEs shown are for elevalions up to 2m0 feet For elevations above 2000 feel; Ratings sh,culd be redmed at tln rate of 4% for eadr 1000 feet aboe sea level. o Ttn above wiring specifications are in accordance with I'lational Electrical Code; tpwever, installatir:ns m.rst conplv with localcodes. DATA SUB.JEC| ft) CHANGE WIXOUT NOT'CE PRODUCT DATA The Trane Co-mpany. Unitary Products Group, Tyler, TX 7571I TUD-R PRODUCT SPECI FICATIONSO F" MODET TUDl2OR954AO TUDl20R960A0 TUDl4OR96OAO RATINGS i 'lst Slage InFt BTW 1s Stage Capacrty BTUH {lCS} s 2nd Smge Inprt ETUH 2nd Stage Capacny BTUH llCS) ! AFI.E l|CS) Temp. Rse (ttAn.{vlax.) 'F. 78000 62400 12m00 96000 800 35-6s 78000 62400 1200m 96000 800 30 60 91000 72800 140000 112000 800 40. 70 BLO/VER DRIVE Dia.'Width (ln I I'lo. Used SIEeds (l{o.) CFM vs. h. w.g. Motor llP R.P.M, Volts/Ph/Hz DIRICI 11x 10 I 4 SIE FAN PEBF- TABIT 314 1075 1 ls/ r /60 DIRECT 11x 10 I SIE FAN PERF. TAzu 314 10i5 1 r5/ r/60 DIRECT 11x10 1 SEE FAN PERF TABI.T 314 1075 l r5/ l/60 COMBUSTION FAN .TYPE Drive - llo. Speds Molor HP - RPM Vctts/ft/flz FL Amps CENTRIFIJGAL DIRECT 2 1/50-3000 1 15/r /60 .95 CENTRIFTJGAL DIEECT . 2 1/50-3000 1 15/ 1/60 OR CENTRIFI,]GAL DRECT, 2 1/50- 3000 115/1/60 95 FILTER - Fumishedl Type Recanrnuded Fiher {ltlo.-SaeThk.} YES 1.24X25,ilN YES '| .24X25.1tN YES 1,24X25 llN VENT - Size {ln.)4 ROUND 4 ROUND 4 ROUND HEAT EXCHANGER Typetred {Jnfir€d Gauge {Flsd) ALUMINIZED STEET TYPT 1 20 ALUMINIZED STEIL TYPT 1 20 ALUMINIZED STEEL TYff 1 20 ORIFICES - Main llat. Gs Oty. - DrillSize L.P &s Oty. - Diil Size 6-44 o.5D 6-44 6- 55 7"M -,-ER GAS VATVE REDI'I.,IDANT . TWO STAGT RIDUMANT TWO STAGE BTDUNDANT . TWO STAGE DIRECT IGNITION DA/ICE Tvpe HOT SURFACE HOT SURFACE HOT SURFACE BURNERS - Type lltrrrtef tN-sltoT 6 rN-st-toT 6 rN-sftoT 7 POWER CONN. - V/Ph/Hz,r Ampactty {ln Amps) Fuse Sze - Max. {Amps} 1 1s/ 1/60 175 20 1r5/1/60 t/ 5 20 1r5/1/60 175 20 PrPE CONN. S|ZE {tN.)112 112 112 urcTcoNN.SEE OtJTI.INE DRAWII'IG SEE OUNINE DRAWII'IG SEE OIJTUNE DRAWIIIG DIMENSIONS Crated {ln.) I,Jncrated HXWXD 41.314 X22.112X25.112 SEE OTJTUNE DRAWIAG HXWXD 41314X26X29 t12 SEE UJTLINI DRAWING HXWXD 41-314 X 26 X2S.112 SEE OIJ]UNE DRAWII.IG WEIGHT Shipf$g [ns)/ibt fl-bs ]176/r65 lffi|114 r93/ r8r '!) Centrdl Furnace lEatrng deslgns are cenrfled by lhe American Gas Assocn on Inc. l_aborarones. €r Ratings shown are for elevations up to 2000 feet. For elevations above 2000 feet; Ratirps sfrould be reduced at fie rate ol 4% for each 1000 feet above sea bvel. €' TtE above wirng spec icalons ae in accordance with IlatiorEl Electrical Code; trowevei instahtions must comply with local codes. DAIA SUBJECT IO CHANGE WITHOUT NOfICE PRODUCT DATA fhe lrarte Company, IJmtary products Group,lX 7 571' TUD-R FURNACE AIRFLOW (CFMIVS. EXTERNALSTATTC PRESSURE (ins. w.s.) MODE!SPEED TAP 0.10 0.20 0.30 FITTER IN PLACE o4o T o 50 f- 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 TLJDO4ORg24A 4 3 2 I r 0l8 847 7r6 617 l0(!1 832 701 599 982 809 678 575 950 719 648 5M 9r0 142 6r0 507 860 697 cd5 463 802 644 att 413 736 585 452 660 517 384 294 TUDO6OR936A TU0080R936A 4 3 2 l 4 3 2 I 1426 1243 10d'2 900 is'ii 12 10 1ft6 899 1389 1225 r039 903 1345 I197 1021 895 r298 I 160 rm5 877 r236 1 3 973 848 I 171 r057 931 809 1099 991 879 760 r 020 916 817 700 934 83r 745 629 tui 930 808 717 1384 1209 1052 903 1364 I 198 1047 899 r335 1177 r033 888 r296 1147 1m8 869 1247 110/ 973 842 I 189 r058 928 808 1 t20 999 873 766 TUm80n948A 3 2 I 1839 1323 1092 788 r82 1 1325 r090 783 r 796 r329 109 l 780 1756 !319 1083 768 1710 t 308 1076 758 1641 1215 1059 137 1573 1246 't040 719 1480 1201 1m5 674 r392 1 165 970 630 IUDIOOR936A J 2 I 1476 1249 r020 873 1464 1251 1046 887 1M1 1252 r05B 890 1408 1234 r050 883 1363 r 203 r 028 864 1307 I 158 990 834 1241 1101 936 794 1 163 r 030 866 742 l38a 1256 1 7 1009 107 4 946 780 _ 680 1260 1157 1022 935 IUD1MR948A 4 3 2 I 880 662 428 208 1846 1635 1421 't215 799 598 Q2 210 744 551 370 r93 1669 1493 r326 r t64 595 424 269 124 1489 't345 I 199 r073 TUD100R960ts 4 3 2 I 2435 2014 1595 1333 2391 2000 r 600 r332 2359 1986 1602 t33l 2280 1949 1593 r329 t204 9r5 580 328 130 868 549 300 2043 180r 1504 1262 942 740 468 232 1810 tooJ 1420 1r90 TUD120fl954A 4 3 2 1 ; 3 2 1 3 2 I 2203 1882 1492 1237 2145 1858 1491 1234 2082 1824 1481 1225 2013 1781 1460 121 I 938 125 430 r90 858 668 39r r63 1712 1597 1341 r 130 681 518 282 0gr 584 429 213 M7 TUDlMR96OA 2M9 2231 1832 t 515 i rso IBB4 1554 1332 ^;;; 1925 1541 1285 2311 2188 1833 1s33 2184 18/8 r552 1321 2202 1906 r549 r296 2296 2r30 1816 1534 2205 2058 r 781 't519 2104 1972 1727 1485 r993 t87l t655 r435 1873 1755 1565 1367 17 43 1456 1282 t603 t480 r329 r 180 IUD 1208960A 2152 r857 1540 1313 ztil 1878 1546 r296 2099 1821 15r8 1289 2Q21 1770 1488 1256 935 104 M3 2t3 't822 r623 r 390 1 161 690 328 099 538 417 255 027 TUD I4OR96OA 4 3 2 1 2015 1840 r533 1286 2W2 1192 1509 1266 922 735 415 238 1835 1669 1430 1 t96 741 592 314 145 164 | 1507 1308 1084 CFM VS. TEMPERATURE RISE CFM ICUBIC FEFT PER MINUTE) 800 - eoo Tlod I iioo I i2oo 33 56 49 40 a4 34 40 4i OAIA SUAJECT fO CHANCE WI|HOUT NOIICE scnfirrc DTAGRAMs FoR oo" ruilIc.s TUDO40,060,O80.1 00,1 20,140R Da oar a0 fit. u$. to*t trftlt a{t toca c00fa TEGEND - 24v- | - Lrne V I Factory Wiring --- 24V. | _. .... . -- Lins V. I fl€lo \A'rrng ? Eaflh Gro{lnd fh Chassis Ground a Junction 0 Wire Nut or Conneclor -+- Cqil * Capacitor *a Transform€l $ Connector -f Turp. Actuatsd Swirch f Press. Acruar€d Swhch A Door Switch ,vr Fusible Link o Torminal D Terminal Board r:&o' i u.. I i otP slIU $nfiai I ffi{trr&s,. i fi$ftrr#Er i ror, r [_ sa :r a it-* f*i I t- rsT. sT^ot Calor of Wire Black Wire Wirh BK/BL Blus Marker Lcolor of Mark€r AK BL BR Black Blue Brown OR Orange RO Rod WH Whire YL Yellow GR Green PR Purpls GV CF GND L LVTB MTR N TCo TNS HI LO B/c PSI PS2 HLI HLO FP MVH MVL MV TR TH Gas Ve,ve Fan Capaciror Ground Line Low Vohoge Terminal Board Motor Neutral High T€mparature Limir Swirch Taanslormor Hi Fare. Sgcond Stage Low Fa,e, Fi.sr Srag€ Common Pres. Switch Inpur, First Srage Pres. Swirch lnpur, Socond Stage High Limit Input High Limir Ourpur Flame Sensor Probo Gsc Vdv. High. Sacond Strgs Gas Valvo Low, First Srag6 Gas Valva, Common 24V AC Trans. Common Side 24V AC Trans. Hor Sida Thormally Prorsc(ed tnr€rnaily )a@lol@l@lol 'TT-rT-It- l0 tstf,to9Tat stE totts { Ar0 5 r f ANy (t n{ ofic$rat wFg assrfpllfo wrIH T}t frhNAcf Ml6T B€ trPt ACEO |T IM(AT Br ffA ACTO wlTH WANG MAIFFIAI HAVS{'i A TEI{PfAATT]RT RATMi OF AI I-EASI IO5 C 2 IrtnnmSIAIr€AIAItILPAI(FS[IIll,tc fnSISTACt 38At!,ftt.S[C(.I.|JSIAGf t3Atlpsf st T I |l,rc 6 it0T Ftxto clN IffF tosTAI fc]ff sl$r t sTAcE f€Alts TrtFAnosTAT s€ T aT 5 I 3 T rtst I t ADs pno\r'DE r 2OV po\&€n FoA coNNECIIaN Oa tLtcTRONTC AA CIIANER AtS I{JMOFEN MAX IOAO ] O AI4PS EA(}I 4 r^l{Rwr air w.?Fofisn8J( stac€ rfAtfi;l€Rllosrar. SEcoatosTAc€ wf,t EfN€n GIZIO 10 IVIrlf,ITES AFTTR A CALL FG I{AT 5 aoG PAOPIR OptRATtON Of Cqt $rc faN sptED . y ttBrllNAl l4JSt AE CO ICTID lrJfi)(Ir4 TABI.E A MODEI,S HEAT "4"PARK ,,8',PARK "c" TUDO40ff!124A BL RD Tum60fi936A 8L flo YL TUM8OR936A YL RD 8r- TUD IMH936A YL RD BL TUO100R948A YL RD 8L TUD I2OR954A YL RD 8L TIJD 'OOR96OA 8r RD YL TUD I2OR96OA YL RD BL TUO l,|OFK,60A YL RD BL From Owg. 21O34OO43 POg OAIA SUBJECf fO CNANCE WTHOU| NO\'CE FIELD WIRING D M FOR 2 STAGE HEATING SING AGE COOLING (OUTDOOR SECTION WITHOUT TRANSFORMERI INI€R-COMFOfENT WTRING IIUM 5EF fAC SEE NOTE 5 -------,' " l reCrort flE v J vYlFlNG v. I rrtlo _L tNE V,J WtR liJG FUR NACE 2 STAGE HEAT ING SINGLE STAGE c0 OL ING 1i]ERMOSlAI ITIl F,AN SWITCH TFRM INALS NOTTS r 8t suff ltwfR acnfFs wtIH TOUruENI NAMTPTAIfISI 2 IClw \OTTAG€ I24 V ' WIRING IO BE 3 GAOI'IDING Of EO(,FIItrIIT MJST COi'PtY wrT|tocat cooEs 4 STI'IHENMOSTAT HCAI ANTICIPAIOA Pti tn||T wlN .IG TXAGRAM 5 IHESE L€AOS PAOVDE 115 V Po\IVTF FOB coNNECrr(x of €LEctFoNrc Atff cttaNEF AIlo |iJNAO|.IER MAX I.OAO TOAMPSTACH SEE NOTE 6 rllTHoUT tRAflStORMFR ,, __l 6 TTIIS WNNG ls ONIY ION TIIERMOSIAIS RIO('IRING CONNFCTION TO TR NSfOBMEfi COMMON IEFMINAT , Ir]I''Y" ITFMINATfNOM TH€ THIFMOSTAI MUSI BT WIRIO IO Ift Y ITFMINAI Of THt Ft FNACf COi{IROI fOF pAOptR ELOWIn Oftnat{)N ouFrNG coolrNc SEE NOTE 7 From Dwg. 2IB33O2O3 Rev. O FIELD WIRING DIAGRAM FOR SINGLE STAGE HEATING/COOLING (ouTDooR sEcTtoN wlTHouT TRANSFORMERI , FUR NACE JUNCTION BOX FURNACE HUV SEE NOIE 5 EAC SEE iloTE 5 SINGLE STAGE HE AT IN G,/C OOL IN G lHERMOSTAI W ITH FAN SW ITC H IERMINALS SEE N OTE 7 |\|()lts I BT SUFE fDWER AGFEES WIIH TOUF,IWNT NAMTNATE|sI 2 low \o(IAGE t24 V WtBflG| rO 8ENO rgAWG MlN 3 GEOUIIOING Of TOUIPMTNT TAJSI coa/PtY w|lH tocat coo{s SUPPI Y rl-11 tl taa -- lvT | .'r-I B --l L._ - cotilDlrloNtN FIELO AOGD JUVPER IIOT€ 5! I "lY'l889"'tif{i8H,."INTEF -COUPOXENT tVtRlnc 4 SfI IHTFMOSIAT II€AI ANIICIPAIOfi PEF UNII WTRINC OIAGIIAM 5 r lltst tEAos Paor'D€ r r 5 v polvER fon co{Nt c ot oF E!€c TRoNrc a'F cLt ax[n aNo In rorfEn MAt toADIoai/PsEAcH 6 W1 ANOW2 MUSTSE JUMPEFEDTOGETHTFFOqPFOPIiOPERATION. SFCONDSTACF lrcat|tlri w[t BIGN 1() Mhtltts af TFR FnsT STAC€ t I|f Y ttaMNAt f80i/t Il|t THtRMosTAt MUST At WnED IO THt,y,,ttFMrNAtof IIIT fIJFIIACT COIITFOt FOF PFOPTS BLo\'TR OfEFATI(N OiJRING COOTING --- ---.- ---24 v. - 2!t v. -L ll{E -l rrc to" t I r relo 6x I n-- |I a---1 | l-l T I I o* voL TAGF i I C O''rOt r IOH IN G I AIR CO''rOtr toHtNG ouToooF SEcTtoN INIEGRATE D TURNACE C ON TROL THERMOSIAT TERMINAL !t E! From Dwg 2IB33O2O4 Rev. O DATA SUEJEC| IO CHANGE WIIHOU| NO|ICE FIELD WIRING DIAGRAM FOR 2 ST INTER COr|POtIETIT WIRIIO | __:--il_: "],iir,',,"f'r 91o^9LP i -zr v. | ',', ^\ sLHLw | -.'n. r.Jirlhhro --\-----1- I UtlNr\Lts |_O B.T I JUNCIION I ----2. Y lrrctonv irQlee*o i -----:iT."]:::::' A:cilIr,-FuRN^cE | -L;;vjilhtfG ,rff Tl JU-NCI|ON I ir- i Box r Tu__*$o *^i I '.,",,*--.. 1 | ! | | - FI,RNACE { I t--- i | ./fa{.c. I Lx rH i l^ | y L___f__Ft "*.,.1 |r*' ll l'---.i I i ""ttt '-_']-I jjr', -..-l I t{orE s L..,ff "rl ! z srAGE HEATTNG r_I__J ir- I i rye nvoslar E^c sEE l-- lr I WIIj1 fAN S/ilTCH '.01E s l.ff | l--'rrrn"or.o ll renviruAr-s - T- FURNACF CONTROL I I -T I i lrHrRMosrAr TERMTNAL I i lr{rlrryZlG l" LLI I I | | f --I- l--I r@@o@ta@t ! |tl ! -rT---T--T-l lttt rrrlllllll I ll ll r llrl iFll tl-l IJL,* ,o.rr^ ^o*., wrrH Eo!,pi/rNr NArr I z Lcw vo.TAGG {24 v I wwlc To aE r.o t, o *aot"t' I I r c'ouro^G or Eo.,pri/rE", *", "o,rr." *,rl,lJ'L.,o" | ---------------i 4 SET TH€AA'OSTAT |fAT AI{TICIPAIOff PE8 LJI{II WIITINO DIAGSAM 5 lltEscltaosPSovtoE l|6 v powEnf ofi coNt{EcTtot!of [ltclRoNlc alFcLf ANtn aND ft,MDlrIEF MAx loao I o a^/tPs EACH From Dwg 21B33O2O5 Rev O FIELD WIRING DIAGRAM FOR SINGLE STAGE HEATING T_ -_--_--- __l ! f Sgyl"o j rrren-corpoNEltr wrnlNc ., l\-;?-lllR^y.c-F i -______-_____,.r lr^crony ,'F-t3j I JU,NcrloN | __ v.Jivin"r.rio r;* ".i[:- i BOx i -2." ],,..o ,.,",,- -. r--r i"r '[ '|x' v liY*T-c .€-_:-*.-..1 lr_--< i I L\ff ",^i j -',"*o.e "urr.. Id I lf-- i ( ii6ie-E' L_e____l_i!p "..i i _.. ^| | tl lstNGLE STAGE HEATTNG _ ^ -__ r_n___J !r- i i THERMoSTAT iiY,".' I c* i1., i '- i wlTll FAN SWITCH t --T-" ll TNTEGRATED ll TERMINALS I IUHNACE CONIROL I I F---T---r-----r------r--,i lrHlRvosrnr reRu|trer_ | i lyl:lRllll I t99ogtg@l I lll i /t I ll i lt\l | / | t | | r l\ iruLssrrotes t/ :::t r". "*,," ^"*r" w'r' Eour2MENT NAiftd ^r!,c, I t 't-5+ED aroE o JUMPER 2 rorv vor.r^G. 12. v wn*q ro a€ r€ ', ^ JtJiI'"' L- - - - - -l 3 GnOUND|NG Oa €Olltpt CNT tvtJsT cottitpry wrlft I ocat cmas a $ I lri6n ,osral tcat ar{Itct?atoi ptF uN t wa|l{t rracttaM 6 TH€SI |-EADSPFOVTO€ I t5 v m/vEnfoncofiMc'|ofrof tL tcTFoNtc atAcrtaNt6 Ar{o H{IUOII IIF MAX TOAO I O AMPSCACH 5 wl]TN A SINGTI SIAGE I€ATNG IIIESMOSTAT W]IIOI-II TAN SWICII IS USEO NrJ WN NGO G', TEaMNA! tS USEO 7 WT ANO W2 MUST 8E JUMPEi€D ]OCETHERfORESOPENOPENA]|oN, SICONO STAGE Htar wlll Etcll{ lo MINUTES arrEn fl6sr sr^cE From Dwg.2lg33O2O6 Rev. O BOX i I ,." " "" t''**' L ,,,*--.. 1 | ! | | - FI,RNACE ..c,nr { I t--- i l./'*'*' L-!" --++ril "-^i f "r, ,a, I NorE s tl F lri i6ir'i' | * I I I ! 2 STAGE HEATING i rHEnvoGiai - I W ITH FAN SWITCH I IERM INAL5 I twl"rl; I 1 INTE 6R ATE D FURNACE CONTROL THERMOSTAI TERM I NAL INTE GR ATE D FURNACE CONTROL RMOSTAT TERMINAL OAIA SU&JEC T IO CHANGE WTHOUT NOTICE R OUTLINE DRAWING {ALT OIMENSIONS ARF N hJC}GSI 4" DIAMEIER fLUE CONNECT . FOR I,I /2- CABTTEI THE CLEARANCE AI RIGHT SIO€ IO BE 3- ONLY III]EN SIIIGLE YVAI I VENI PtPE IS USED 'L'.8h?8o...\CONNECTION 7 /8 Dta. K.o. ELECTRICAL CONNECTION IALTERNATEI |,/2" I l,-2 DrA. HoLE GAS CONNEC T ION f ;' ,,.,, o,o. *.o t I GAS CONNECTIo I rAL r ER NArE t\ I 40" I z - trta;-f ---T I t4-7/8- t4.7 /g- 23-3/4" D L ,r"'r '"-J I 3/4- I CL E ARANCE FR OM C OMBUS I IBLE MATERIALS st0Es .o- FRONf 6" S IDE RETURN AIR Vt,',t MOIJEL B c D TUm40fl924A IIJDO60R936A 14 114 13-1/4"13" TUDO8ORg36A TUM8ORg48A TUOTOOR936A 11 112 9 5/8"16-1/4"16. TUD I OOR948A TUD I2OR954A Tr.rD 10(ft1608 21"'13- 1/ 16"15.314,19 112' T|.JD l(nR960A TUD12OR96OA TUO l,mR96OA 24.1/2'r5 5/ 16"23 114 From Owg 21C34OO9B Bev. 7 10 DAfA SUAJECf fO CHANGE WIIHOI'I NOTICE o o z a +7 C)I o z T lft F ={ --T I o @ m lq l-o I-.h E t<x f t! :3 I fm: -o l9s 3 l!= g lmP o l4l in O l< -{ e f-1 m=f"r |: 3 is o< dE ;9 (io ctl >l 74 ;'i =-ll m = l- t- !2 r I lr-1 L-JI>1I dP z= 22 = !r 2 Z /'\ >;an =! c 1 3 m _r z o r 9r z---l c 3= d6 lJ 1i ;: -lo o>)or 2n lm nz >m o-i> I o _r =m i {z m I dJ z m P z P r.l )__;iT aA c)>'r-ft F<r'm FJ( ,' 3,2 n\ ) iJr nr |-'a zl ol -l >l qF ET EI f.-XI frl HI 'fl {sl 'l m t-m t{ l€F o 'rt t<t> ;m 6-) z I I 3 E €z o .tl I t- m 9,z n = {m f- F 5. I s. o l{ fn OF l€ l=lzl leE lrE Ltr IBF lx t-r F- C)tr It!l!-r.ff r^) [p !tH tZ ''u F I m r rn G.. I \J l{ l€z o .ll F m 9, z o I r P l<IF t>-4 F ; C)H F = -l ! ll s. I ! Ltl l+ t: lz l'n t< l= l* lo lz lo [-o\ Y I @ I I = H rI] c) z H o l H r. LJI - I s. co =|- m a f..)(, n H P:z o ! 3 P K U)H : r I \i o\ I BE FE blm FI I. I;F knE eE, Its td Itr IF tu)I ll Ir<p 0 t!rd otrr XF l-<Fl ur)F.O \'H tn trtr E6.mt lzl l*e lii I l- < L;q 1l ES x< -{ J o @ m x m 1'-{ o z (-o @ (/, { m :, 1 l. b,w I o-9il e.6 oo d'< O. o) ^. o\=--:ar iH =x !l ro-6o =J Oqt 5ilc e o- 3 att o*t t+ *f =*l'd*F *V, I f -- I 9i OtE -^' = i';6c. o+ 4H. eg 6i <=p.= E=oo an -. _oY =:*o 6'J 'cl !t o o o o 3 { = o o :l - ;i o {o !, s. at a o c g)o o o l (o o ---l o t gt 3 @ c = o o o o d rF ulc)o >t-X CIFI tsi>r-- fr12 Ln Hl *'Zld u >l'€- Frl < | tt4 > EIE - @lt/l frrlH @ FIH F fql o\ <lrl LJr lO @ 1.. >u,z^ -{>I{mc )lm 20 m'n Fo €z m "1 'n o a a m .-_al 5 € =.=0) {5 -' !) o o a 0) v, qt o o N I F qt t af o e =.o )6' o o o.o :, o at- (o f m a ) I t; lx tz t" I $ir Tl E B t< l(D @ l- a =z u, rD o)G I _-r z - ! m -.t (t z m m m tq t; l5 I I I I l-{tc F | -l<t-- l1=t: t -- ''! bffi t+ I I tsi (,lm > lQ "l I I rr| J €-r g) z a c ,- I 2 -l m I I z m @ , |-r c |n I q :t -l 2 i z I m t- o m 0 € =z c z f o o o o _i o z C z = z m € R X |-J m l ^2 _f z m H FI F m c t- z tC, N ts 16 H 3 4-a |)> :;1: ; i '!X 2 o l.i q o -o "< z q, o att-l:: e H .Z Q - --l r^ = =za 2 z ,E )^ ,< = N t\) K I I 5. N-) u.) u) .El u) l\) El ,u,M c o a PI rq ll a c z z a F g T 2 o z o {m Q -t m F. Ol -" 2l ;ol rd o:2+.1 -c,l rr>rd -l I I I I rl t'J I I'a_,s- ;';l I I I I I c)F .rl frl E- E P 4 z 6 I L,I I s. -t -t t- !m 3 ='Tt m m at) {H F l. c)F r F c (t, m -{ )< t-m 2 a t m g, -t m 9. z m m { @ m o m =z 'n m trl =tn z t- r c z m m o z o I m x @ s 2 !m =i !m :, ='Tl m m a, VALUATION !m n ={ z o =m c) z C) t-c 3 . m t-m -{4 o r' E t- z ) D '1 '\'\ 5 \| }\ '\ ) -i -l t)l) :) F f N)+, 'iffiie F --' \ -,/- l ./n .1V /'\,/) '--' ./ oto* oF vArL coNsrRucrro*O PERMIT APPLTCATION FORM oernt 9, 8. ?$'b \\ . APPLTCATTON MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED !***i************************** pERl{IT fNFoRMATfoN *****************************,t "fq="rrilding 6)(1-eru$ing flj-Electricat S-Mechanicat [ ]-other sor ru^", 6rtnrrr.Ttlrv,osr*-il rob Addre "", ,t'-lzZ NoLlt,^l g bR Lesal Descriptionr r-,ot ll Brock- ritins Dftui Ht tAtg'Nlt€L€? | owners Name: DAu{*tn,lt<-Hos;ecero?#"1", 13ar tf r i /r- pn. t4L-raEf Archirecr, l*( \.orti Address : 7Z3o t General O"""rrnt Gss t 47(lrt rvl {+,tten th work class: fl-".* [ ]-Alteratj-on [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Unitsl. I Nurnber of Accommodati-on Units: Nlrmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_v /l,t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS ***tl S1hrqgo .; ,., r\ELEcrRrcAl,, ll*rbbo \/Gas Logs X wood/Pel1et MECHANTCAL3 /g,OdC TOTAL:W - "-- .-> coNTRAcroR TNFoRMATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I lht R?"Q * * ********************************* OTHER: Town of vail Recr. No. Phone Number:Address: Address: t .l n Houarn,t flit r+ {cunnt,ri(.Town of vail Reg. r.ro. 13+ P Town of vail Reg.- .No. l8f tr Phone Number: 4Tl-0 j-A z Phone Nunber: ********************************FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:/Asl- PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:I/LUfrIt'IN(' YLAN (;N!;L:K !'U.U: 'IX - MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: ,d TOTAL PERMIT FEES:\r-- BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE! ZONING: SIGNATURE: Plurnbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: Clr;{+rE (o,,tni r,e Town of vail Reg. Wo. lL1 L4 Phone Nurnber: 9l {- z<27 BUTLDTNG PERMTT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF TEE: DRB FEE: sQ. FT. :ltf,J f- bo a'r) 3? VALUATION :I,EAN IIP DEPOSIT RXFT'ND TO:LA10 l^'Tor l(e , U,qtt, C0. g/C(f ? o OAF 6l o E o o o 5 F 5 o O F o F F (, ? ? F FU o FF zo o t, zv :o FE D FE o FF. oo n,E o In t, F F O EU F D o o z ir tl o : ; E>o t* APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 ri i- rr TOM'|OFVAIL 1.Job Name Legal Description Street Address Excavating Contractor Name ' 't TOV Contractor's License Number Stan Oate 4. Work is for {circle one)Water Complelion Date Sewer Gas Electric Telephone Temporary Site Access Length CAry (Permit Expiration Date) Other Landscaping 5. Trench-width Depth (min. 4') Bond Amount $Total Permit Fee $ 6. 8. Permit Fee $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week lo process. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-7480) Public Service Company (1-800-922-1987) ' .' PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) Town ol Vail: TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT (-) b o E E () I ir iI I ; 3 I 3 PERMIT NO. ',., Contractor's copy to be kept on iobsite. 1. 3. s Neme. Address, Phone, and Ljcense Nc ) Work is for (circte one) WATER SEWER GAS ELECTRIC TELEPHONE CABLE TV OTHER i ''::;'i'7i: ; -l. ll LANDSCAPING .TEMPORARYSITEACCESS (Conlractor s Signat!re) Bill to: Paid:Receipt #: (Public works) INSPECTION REMARKS: SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMITI Yellow - Finance Pink - Communitv Develooment Gold - Contractor White - Public Works .,t ,./APFI-ICATION FOR TOWN OFVAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 TOWOFVAIL .- J-! Job Name Legal Description Street Address t4 '/ t- ." t. > 'z.Excavating Conlractor Name TOV Contractor's License Number Completion Date Start Date 4. Work is Jor (circte one)Water Sewer Landscaping Public Service Company (1 -800-922-1 987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) Town of Vail: lrrigation (479-2161) Public Works 479-215$ THtrAtr \^/II I BF NN TNTAI Electricians (47 9-21 7 1 ) rl STR,EET CLOSURES! A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the PERMITNO. - * ; ' Contractor's copy to be kept on jobsite. Gas Electric Telephone CATV ,' .- Temporary '$i 7. B. signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Publiq Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. .. / ;: r ** Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-7480) ' ' ' rT i TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT '-'::1":{,> 5. Trench-width (min. 4') Length Depth Bond Amount $Permit Fee $Total Permit Fee 6. ALL MATERIAL, EAUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphall surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company (Permit Expiration Date) Other TOWN OFVAIL o () E o o E I it 1. (Job Name or Locaton cfWork) ., | :l :,r l! (Excavaling Contractor's Name, Address, phone and Lrcense No.) 3. work is for (ctrcte one) . WATER .sErl/ER GAS ELEcrRtc**TELEpHoNE -,_CABLE Tv orHER .LANDSCAPING TEMPOBARYSITEACCESS PermitFee .,:.,.,(Conlraclor's Signature) Receipt #: I ii '! 3 .9 o- I 3 (P'.rb c Works) INSPECTION REMARKS: Bill to: Paid: SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHEO FTNAI, CHECK LISE JOB NA}IE: FOR BUTLDING PERMIE # The items Listed below must be conpleted. before a pennit shall receive a Finat'Certificate of OccuDancy. FINAI, ELECTRICAL: FINAI, PI.TI]MBING: FINAI, MEC}IANTCAI,: TEMPORARY CO: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY (CO): FINAI, LANDSCAPING: PAVING/PUBLTC WORKS: n M I E I E tl tl E ******* MISC. NOTES: Town of Vail Pfan review based on the 1991 Uniform Buildinq Code Town of Vail Address: 1422 MORATNE DR. Contractor: DIDIER CONST.ArchiIecI: RAY STORY Engineer: TTM BOYLE P]-ans Examiner: CHUCK FELDMANN ';"?i:'3.i;::53";,:3;' ()FFlcE CoPy /?n?\ a1 0-)1'2, Name: GRAND TRAVERSE #11 Date: August L5, 1994 Occupancy: R3rM1 Type of Const: V-N This project will require a site j-mprovement survey.This survey sha1l be submj-tted and staff approved prior to a requesL for a frame inspection. Under no circumstances will a frame inspection be done without an approved site improvement survey. There sha1l be only one kitchen designated per dwelling unit allowed by the Town of Vail Zoning Regulat i-ons. Al- l- other such labeled areas are not approved and shalL not be rough-in constructed as such. Exterj-or surfaces wj-th stucco shall be provi-ded with exterior netal lath as per UBC 4706 wi-th 2 layers of paper. Windows and doors are required to be adequately flashed(not wiLh just screed meLal) . A lath inspection is required prior stucco application. A1I new construction within the Town of Vait will be required to have an initial inspection by TOV Publ-ic Works Dept. to approve site drainage and culvert installation. This approval must be complete prior to any inspection by the Building Department. This project is restricted from lhe burning of wood in fireplaces. Unless the l-ot is a restricted lot in size, three gas logs fireplaces and three gas appliances are permitted per unit allowed. Gas log chimneys enclosures shall- be one hr. protected. In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventil-ation system connected directly to t.he outside shall be provided. Bathrms which contain only a water closet or lav. may be ventif ated with a recj-rculating fan. UBC l-205 (c) . 10 11 Domestic cLothes dryer exhaust ducts shall be lnstall-ed as per UMC 1104 and 1903. F1exible duct connectors may not exceed 6' in length and shal1 not be concealed within construction. Ducts shall terminate outside the buildinq and not exceed 14' length. No domestic dishwashing machine shalL be directly connected to a drainage system without the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitting. UPC 508. Cross connection control devices shal1 be install-ed to protecl pollution of potable water supply by use of approved backflow preventj-on devices. UPC 1003. Island fixtures shall be special vented as Der UPC 614. Plumbing fixtures with mechanical apparatus shall be supplied with an access panel for j-nspection and repair of eguipment. UPC 904. Domestic ranges shall have a verticaf clearance above the cooklng surface of not less than 30" to unprotected combustible material . UMC 1901. Equipment located in underfloor area shalf rest on a concrete sl-ab or be suspended from the floor above, be provided with an access and passagieway, and have a permanent el-ectric outlet and lighting fixture? Approved gas logs may be instal-led in solid-fuel burning fireplaces provided the installation is according to the l-isting instructions, any damper shall be rernoved or permanently 'blockedr and a safety shutoff valve is provided. UMC 803. Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, vent Iocation and termination, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any insta]lation. Due to Colorado State Statutes, all- sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utilize flow restriction devices. Al-so, the maximum water closet flush usaqe is limited to a maximum of 3.5 gal-l-ons per flush. The enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected by thr fire-resistive construction. -- 3306. (1) L2 l_J I4 t_5 l-b r-8 At eaves and val-leys an adequate underlayment shafl be provided to protect a structure from ice buildup and water damage. Two layers of felt solid mopped to sheathing and between layers or a conmercial water 6 ice shiel-d may be used as per Table 3281 . Because of this project's location, the foundation is required to be dampproofed to prevent damage to areas below finished grade. UBC 1-?07 (d) . The st,ructure is required Lo be anchored to the foundataion with L/2 Lnch anchor bolts. The bolts must be into t.he concrete or masonry 7 inches and spaced a maximum of 6 feet apart. See code for additional requirements. -- Sec . 2907 . (f') Include a copy of the soils report for the site to be built on. -- Sec. 2905. 1,9 ZU 2I 'IOWn Or Var -L 25 South Frontage Road Vail, Coforado 81657 (303) 4'79-2738 Town of Vail OFFIOF COPY Plan analysis the 1991 Uniforrn Name: GRAND TRAVERSE +11 Date: August 15, 1,994 Occupancy: R3rM1 Type of Const: V-N NOTE:The code items l-isted in this report listing of all possible code requirements sel-ected sections of the code. based on Building Code Address z 1-422 MORAINE DR. Contractor: DIDIER CONST.Archilect: RAY STORY Engineer: TIM BOYLE P].ans Examiner: CHUCK FELDMANN are not intended to be a compl-ete i-n the 1991 UBC. It is a quide to FL NAME AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Bedroom #1 2 Bath room#1 2 Bedroom #2 2 Bath room#2 2 Office 2 Master bath 2 Master bedroom 2 Bedroom #3 2 Bath room#3 2 Halls, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1- Garage l- Bedroom 1 Bath room 1 Office 1 Dininrr rnnm 1 r i,,i v r-rrY ! \J \Jrrr 1 Kitchen 1 Powder Room 1 Laundry room 1 Ha11s, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL 1-'7 9 39 IJO 39 J. J{ l_ 11 27r -LJY A1 801 1830 606 1,'72 '16 r99 r69 319 r22 25 49 ol-l- 2408 4238 17.90 0.00 13.60 0.00 13.40 0.00 2L.IQ 13.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 \1 .20 0.00 1q qn 16.90 37.90 12.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.95 1.95 6.80 1 0q 6 .10 5.55 10 .55 6. 95 0.00 0.00 8.60 3. B0 9. 95 8.45 18.95 6.10 1 .50 0.00 Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes No No No Yes No No No No No No No No 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 2 EOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterior is requj-red from this room. The minimum cfear openable area must meet the fol-l-owing. -- Sec. L204.1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches 2\ The mi-nimum cLear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feet 4, The maximum sil-I height is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanical ventilation system may be used in in Lieu of exterior openings for ventil-ation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) ROOM DIMENSTONS: Habitabl-e space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 6 inches. Kitchens, hal1s, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of ? feet measured to the fowest projection. If the ceiling is sloping, Lhen the minimum height is required in only 7/2 ot the area. --Sec.120'7.(a\Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which has not less than 120 square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shalf have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec - 1-201 . (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet 1n anv dimenslon. -- Sec . L20'l - (c) GLAZING REQUTREMENTS:AII glazing in hazardous l-ocations is required to be of safety glazing materiaL. -- Sec. 5406. (d) 1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2) Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors.3) G1 azi ncr in storm doors.4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors.5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, sLeam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building walI enclosinq these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 50 inches above a standing surface and drain inl-et.6) Glazing in fixed or operabl-e panel-s adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a cl-osed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is Less than 60 inches above the wafking surface.7l Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panef, other than those l-ocations described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets all of the following conditions:A. Exposed area of an j-ndividual pane gireater than 9 square feet.B. Exposed bottom edge less than 1-8 inches above the floor. C. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the floor.D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of the plane of the glazing. 8) Glazing i-n rai-1ings regardless of height above a walking surface.Included are structural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fill paneJ-s. See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS :A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A snoke detector is required on the ceiling or wal-I in each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on all- slories. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. If the upper leveI contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is required in the ceiling of the upper Level- close to the stairway. -- Sec. 121-0. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be wired lo the building's power source and shal1 be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 3.Detectors shal1 sound an al-arm audible in all sleeping area of the dwelling in whj-ch they are located. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. FIREPLACE REQUIREMENTS : MASONRY FIREPLACE:L) Fireplace must be supported by a foundation. -- Sec. 3707.(b)2) The firebox must be at least 20 inches deep and wal-Ls of firebox are to be l-0 inches thick. ff the lining is of firebrick then the wal-ls may be 8 inches thick. -- Sec- 3?07. (c) 3) The minimum clearance to combusLibl-e material- is from the fireplace, smoke chamber, and chimney wa11s is 2 inches. Combustible material may not be placed wiLhin 6 inches of fireplace openi-ng and combustible within 12 inches may not project more than 1/8 inch for each 1 inch of cfearance. -- Sec. 3707. (h) 4) The hearth must be noncombustible, a minimum of 4 inches thick, and supported by noncombustible material . The hearth size must be at least:If Opening size is: Front extension Side extension Less than 6 sq.ft. 16 inches B inches 6 sq.ft. or great.er 20 lnches 12 inches -- Sec. 3707. (k) & (1) 5) Chimney height must be per Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, material-s approved for thr fire construction are required on the garage s j-de onJ-y and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a sel-f-cl-osing 1 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Tabfe 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306.(b) The maximum rise of a step is B inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrail- on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height = 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. L7L2.(a) exc. #f The ninimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (o) Encl-osed usable space under the stairs is required to be protecLed as required for thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (1) SHAFT ENCLOSURES:1) Chutes and dumbwailer shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the inside with not fess than 26 gage galvanized sheet netal with all joints locklapped. The outsj-de must be l- hr construction, A1I openings into any such enclosure shal-L be protected by not less than a self-closing solid wood door I3/8 inches thick or esuivalent. -- Sec. 1706. (f) 2) Gas vents and noncombustibl-e piping install-ed in walls passing through 3 floors or less do not need to be in L hour shafts. -- Sec. 1706. (c) 3) Shafts for gas vents, factory-buil-t chimneys, pipi-ng, or ducts that do not extend through not more than 2 floors need not be in t hour shafts. -- Sec. 1706. (c) 4) Alf other shafts are required to be encl-osed in a t hour assembly. -- Sec. 1706. (a) CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS :1) Provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openings in exterior wal-l-s. Opening shall provide a net area of not less than l square foot for each 150 sguare feet of area in crawl space - Openings shal-l- be distributed on two opposite sides and be l-ocated as cl-ose to corners as practical . -- Sec. 2516. (c) 6. Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 10? of the above if ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and the hrli I di nrl nf f i ni .e l inr.\ri.\rr6c For a 1800.0 sq.ft. crawlspace area:Ratio Minimum sq.ft. of vent 1/150 12.00 2) Provide 18-1nch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note: opening may be required to be larger if mechanical equipment is located in the crawl space. -- Sec. 251-6. (c) 2.3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resi-stance to decay or treated wood, the minimum clearance between exposed earth and fLoor joist is 18 inches. The mi-nimum clearance to beams and girders is is 12 inches. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : E'nr P? n /'\ ^ r r i\ t rt /.i r t Thi s nroipr-t wi l I rorrrri ro : ci f a i mnrnrromanf <r1r\/a\r Qrrnlr errrrrarr uq' vsJ shaLl be submitted and approved prior to request for frame inspecti-on. All crawl spaces within the Town Of VaiI are l-imited to a earth to structural floor ceiling height of 5,, be earth fl-oor on1y, be ventiLated as per UBC 2515 (C) 6 with minimum access as r,cr IIRC 2516(C) 2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft. Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shall require an engineer design. Such design shal-l address drainage, soil retainage and structural design. Excavati-on below slabs on grade shal1 not be permitted without prior approval-. Address numbers shal1 be posted plainly visible and legible from the street. For M1 occupancy Slope garage floor to allow for drainage to outside to provide a floor drain with sand and oil interceptor to dry weII or to sewer. Any garage fl-oor drain connected to sewer must be approved by Upper Eagle Val1ey Water & Sanitation District. In garages with living area above, the walls of the garage wiich are bearing the area above sha11 be protected with one hour fire resistive construction. UBC 503(B) . lnor: Io: Tir Bogle - Bogle Engine*ing at gfoun FAXil lpre) Tl|U Euilding llegt-fitt: Ilan at l$?09-21-9{ 09:11 ar 002 of 00? Boylo Fngineerin& lnc. 143 E. Meadow Drive Suite 390 Vait, Colorado E1657 30t I 47 6-217 0 FAX 303/476-+383 Scprombc20, 1994 Pat Dauphinrir DAI]Pf, INAIS-MOSEI,EY CONSTRUC:TION P.O. Bor l5l5 Veil, Colorarlo 8165E Subjccr: Grand Travcrre at Vail, Lot ll Vail, C.olorado D€ar Pat: Ttis ls to confirm the rwislotr to fte $eel Fhforc-lrg In the concrete tinmdation walls otr the abov6 notod project which we dtscussed qver the tel€phone. Baslcally all of the #5 reinforciag sl€el which is shown on the sections con be converted to Cnade 60 #4 btr Pleasc give me a call if you have ury grestions or commfis or this matts. o -ilInter-ilIountain A"-.sineerinsLtd. Septenber 12, j,994 Mr. Pat Dauphinais nMa P.O. Box 1515 Vail, CO Bt_658 RE: open Hole Inspection Lot,11, Dauphinais-Mosley Fili_ng No. 1 Project No. 94756c Dear Pat: ,z------..At your request we visited @_;r-rDauphinais-Mosley Filing No. L, Tgtl. "f.Vail,,Eag1e County, tEorado ior an open n61e rnsfection.At the time of our visit Lhe excavation was c-ornplete. The foundation excavation was relatively level with a cut of approximatery three feet below the existi-ng ground surface. The soil exposed in the excavation was a brown ciayey-gravelly SAND.The soirs and Foundation rnvestigation Report, rro-iett No. -90014G, dated January 1990 anticipated that r-,ot r-r. wourd contain native soifs with this description. The.bearing capacity of these soils ls 2,ooo psf. The proposed residence should be founded on conventional tyie spreaa ioolings designed for a maximun soil bearing pressure of zfooo psf. rhe foundation excavation should be cleared of any l-oose'soir, organics and topsoil, prior to concrete placement. rn order to rnee€ this reguirernent adciitional excavatioir is need.ed in the following areas: 1. center of East side-rernove organics and topsoil.2. southwest corner-excavated iurther untii structural naterial (gravelly SAND) is reached.3. Trench-remove Loose soi1. Box No. 978 . Avon, Colorado 81620 ' 949-5072 Denver 893-1531 1420 Vance Street . Lakewood, Colorado 80215 ' Phone: 232{158 itr : 1 iUy . UtlItiIIy] l)Ey, DEPI. Page 2 If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to ca11. Sincerely, Inter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd. \*l,t^""triltd0,----=Martha L. Miller, Reviewed By: /)ffi;.u E-,fttv Luiza Petrovska,Project Engineer PE w #,i,k*.^ O O"ign Review nctioililm TOWN OF VAIL Category Number ', /' 7',- ,-, 1.--(Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVOontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot I I Block Subdivision r , .Zone District ' t ,'/ .) Proiect Street Address: Board / Staff Action Motion by: 't: t t tt \... I c,l Seconded by:t.t r,,(, , i Vote: ,1") ...i ,t." + ;' .1,,.-,L,. , . , ('( l.',, .:rj., i.,,1 ,i c.,,,un-l.cf , ti,r,,,,t, ,. r> ,, i t,c\ lt.,l .;'(,, r,.'"rt,.+il.,(c,,,1,(i. Kc t'- ,,*,,,.,'/. /t{ r ',(a,'r li,}l- ri,,r.,,1 r-,"..J t"--" -rq.'. -",, /IC Town Planner DRB Fee Pre-paid ! CC ll . cc- DATE: Existinq @ ,6 Total GRFA O l*,*,*,,3olo",ors,lrO owNER P.,{ [\n-f [. , Lri i s pHoNE 4 re, - go ARCITITECI PHONE LEGAI DESCRIPTION: Lor, il Block ;- Filing ADDRESS: ZONE DISTRICT **LOT SIZE AIlowed Height 1s)@ Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage / '' l*r'r' ! Landscaping Ret,aining WaIl Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Environmental /Hazards : 1 S:-,L Proposed Total 3A' =e' - u/4 4loo 1,cr>3 .z'-',y't-t_--./ ( \ 4 20t Et la' 6t tC,t' (€€r#) Tot o 2 lO 7o,3 " It"'t' r" "-_- 3'/6' -R neqro taeerlffitl€€ffiot @ Permitted Slope :93_ Date approved by Town Actua} Slope Engineer: 2.7eo -|-Tccr</- d NojlY) ??? rLto 1 5 *r'^A, Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche r')o Addition? ,L.'C) How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this requesE2 lQ **NoLe: Under Sections 18 .12.090 (B) and 18. 13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code, fots zoned lwo Family and Prinary/Secondary which are less than 15r000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelJ.ing unit. The Community Development Department may grant an exception to this restriction provided the applicant rneets the criteria set forth under Sections 18.12.090 (B) and 18 .13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code including Permanently restricting the unit as a long-tern rental unit for full-time employees of the Upper Aagte Valley. Yes 1\ 2l 3) Fl-ood Plain Percent Slope 4) Prevloue conditions of approval Does tble request involve a 250 b) Rockfall ttO c) Debris Flow PC Wetlands /./(> 10 MIKE McGEE lo REG HALL TODD OPPENHElMER Return lo . JI}I CIIRTUTTE Town Planner qo DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: Engincoring: Reviewed by: Commenls: INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW i,L DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING 6fi N37 klofq us<- a/'. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: ^r'/'^tj fi<u: s(^jL( &u^i (f tes6t4*c( Date: Landscaping: Reviewed by:Date: Comments: Fire Dept.: -t' '-'Reviewed by:4 6."=Date: / '/'2/ Comments: /' -4./a C4Oze'z-fl a -'-' Distributed to the Fire Department, public Works, and Landscaping on a o fo /:-------\( cREc Hnr-lloDD \-/r--------/ Retum ro INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW 4.,^^,'= 5i^,uLe i,L DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING -,4 b/( TO: MIKE McGEE OPPENHEIMER , JI}T CTIf,}ITITTE.. Town Planner ra47 Llefq u:<- a/,.qo DATE SUBMITTED: C9MMENTS NEEDED BY: ./r o*", 1/s / /r/ Date: Date: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL:i"; ;,;iLB a,*,;-iy t",'iJ*,,n.< Engincering: Reviewed by: Comments: Drr \Ewc\ (@s to 59 12, r,;rde . {1gg reFcr cequirec) t{e<d goDra !c.\ garl1'Jt ' Landscaping: Reviewed by: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Comments: Diskibuted to the Fire Departmenr, pubric works, and Landscaping or1 Oo DRB APPI.,TCATION - TO9IN OF TIAIL, If property is described by description, please provide at.tach to this appJ_ication. ffi F{}'f DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: r*rs App,,t*ttHiiiiliio* "r AccEprED ITNTIL ArL REQurao..r.11O*T'l'q'JTON rs suBtrrrTED Minor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Block Subdivision L+e a meets and bounds on a separate sheet O r".ri". d glAlgL COIPRADO 5,23.?'l legal and be pald at. Later, (}) airj (\.r >- -= ,9Bo.lect TNEoRMAI tol'r :r-!/a/ ,-:l$' DESCRrprroN: L)e tt. 5t4tt ce /,LA ,-t /(+, /(e'/D€IL,C€ i_--.I . =..:-+-+p \J _iB. TYPE OF REVTEW: PX-*.w Construction ($200. 00) D.II E. F. H zoNrNG, s bt ,L l-z- LOT AREA: If required, applicant. stamped survey showing lot area. must provide a current NAME oF AppLrcANr: DAvt(Hr,,:*ir, - l,lTte te? (aaSr. /il{Mailins Address, .anr t(t( 6*:r1i,, , NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT' S Address: REPRESENTATIVE: .'T K. Phone NAME OF / t-; c- *SIGNATIIRE (S) :Mailing Address: Phone Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to t.he time of submittal of DRB application.applying for a building permj_t, please identi accurate valuation of the proposal . The will adjust the fee according to the t ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION s 0 - $ 10,000 g 10r001 - $ 50r000 $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 9150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000 $ Over $1,000,000 * DESIGN REVIE}I BOARD APPROVAN EXPIRES APPROVAIJ UNIJESS A BUII.DING PERMIT IS SIARTED. ONE YEJAR AFTER FI}IAL TSSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS FEE I 20. $ s0.00 $r00.00 $200 - 00 $400.00 $500.00 h of Vail e below, to a /lw 1'2 **NO APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED WITAOUT OWNER'S SIGNATI'RE II PRE-APPLICA MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additional application information is needed. It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment !,rith the staff to determine if there are additional submittal requirements. PLease note that. a COMPLETE application will streamline the approval process for your project. III. IMPORTANT NOTTCE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSTONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, building lines and building corners. A11 trees to be removed must be taped. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant nust ensure that staking done during the wj-nter is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual approval- and a final approval . Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposal at a minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their itens removed from the DRB docket untiL such t.ine as the item has been republished. The following items may, at the discretion of the zoning administrator, be approved by the Community Developrnent Department staff (i.e. a formal hearing before the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changes which do not alter the existing plane of the building,. and b. Building addit.ion proposats not visible from any other lot or public space. At t.he time such a proposal is subrnitted, applicant.s must include Ietters from adjacent property owners and,/or from the agent. for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the association approves of the addition. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recogrnizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a buil_ding permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town planner prior to DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to alL mapped hazards. For aII residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building,. and fndicate with a dashed line on the site plan a four foot distance from the exterior face of the building walls or supporting columns. B. oo If DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. o TION E. h Oo o AL5 LIST OF MATERI NAME OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT /{ Ei,OCK SUBDlVISION STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: ba U t, U i ^t.a $- lLlc s e G / Sqe . l:,to I The foLlowing information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Ot.her WaLl Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other requj-red for submiLtal approval can be given:to the Design MATERIAL COLOR B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone z 4-tL - O("G g PLANT MATERTALS: Botanical Name common Name euantitv size* PROPOSED TREES It lc;,- sco /-S Q<>e(- lIo>ce q (er HC-L{ EL:W EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deci-duous trees is 2 deciduous trees.inches. Indicate 5'dnJE Uen)e AcJtitze jt' ^,(nficttltJ lLaD trees. Minimum caliper for height for coniferous ,, Qoa.r,icar Name PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size 5 qallon. GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL PLANT MATERO "o*^olbu*l Ouantitv sizeJ of proposed shrubs. TVpe Sguare Footaqe c. LANDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighLing pral . rdentify each fixture from the tighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height-abov5 - grade and type of light. proposed. orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining waI1s, fences, swimming pools' etc.) Please specify. rndiiate heights of'retainin!wa1Is. Maximum height of walls within the front setback it 3 feet. Maximum height of wal1s elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. n Oo Public Service' Oo PuHic Servi,co Comgany of Golorado P.0. Box lB0 lVlinturn, C0 81645 (303) 949-5781 August 2, L99A Tb\,vn Of Vail Ocrrm:rrity De\Teloprent Departnent Attn: Kristan PriEz, Direstor 75 Souttt Frontage Road Vail, O 81657 Dear Kristan, Please allcnr tliis letter to senre as ewidence t}rat D.M.C.' Inc., thre derreloper of Iots 1-19 Lions Ridge Iane, has satisfied Pulrlic Senrice CorncanY's request requirenents. A1I necessa4/ natural gas system designs a:e onplete at ttris tirre. D.I,l.c. Irc. has signed tlre recessarlz f.aciliQr agreement and rcnftted t]re reqrrir.ed cash ontribution for t]re faciliff il- stallation. Increased dernand for Pulclic Senrice Conpany's senrices dr:ring this year, and ttre limited Inanpoi€r to satisfli t}ris de- nrand. wi-ll rcq'ui:e efficient job sctreduling. h:blic Senrice bnpany crews ale prepared to begin constrirtion at ttris tfie. Please let ne l<nc'ht if I may be of additiqral assistane in pr:owiding infornration nelated to this derelognent. Repr=sentatire GII:Inb HoLy .ot$ ?r-trc-rRlc "SetArtoN, I NC. AREA CODE 303 945-5491 3799 HI(;HWAY 32 P. O. DR,A.\\ ER 2] 50 CLEN\,VOOD SPRIN(iS. COLOR\DO S I 60: August 2, .l990 Ms. Kristin Pritz Planning Dept., Town of Vajl % Dauphinais-Mosely Construction, Inb. l'1r. Pat Dauphi nai s P.0. Box 1515 Vail, C0. 81658 RE: Lionsridge, Lots 1-19 Resubdivisjon Electri cal Service Dear Kri st in: Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc. is in the process of complet'i ng our primary electric jnstallation within the above mentioned project. We have aiready rece'i ved funds from Dauphinais-Mosely Construction, Inc. for the estimated cost of this project. Primary electrjcal service installation should be completeci by mid-August. Should you have any questions, please call me at 303-949-5892. Si ncerely, HOLY CR0SS ELECTRIC ASS0CiATI0N, Inc. Engineering Service Supervi sor Tl-l: lw V/0#12235:.5167: Li onsri dge, Lots 1-19 Resubdi vi sion Oo rY ' /-'\ 11 rterltage LaDtevlslon P.O. Box 4J9 01 4C lvt.'rcalf Road ,{von. Colorado 3l6lL] I lerl) 949-5510 AugusE 2, 1990 Sincerely ' To whom it may concern ' I{eritage Cablevision w111 provide cab 1e servJ.ce to the Dauphinais-Moseley subdivlsion' filing ilL . At this time the cable is in place at this site. +A^k 4i M,"rJ Mark G. Guz inski Heritage Cablevis j-on Lead Technic ian tttlvEsr'' coMMuNtcAnorus @ .&ox 3O5o \4 \t !t + s \N i\l{'\Cl.c\\ Oo DtLl"ort, fula. 80435 SUBJECT 7-acarl 4/ V,qt L k 4: H Co rn rnu. rt t /-y k ve- Lo,ornen I 7s€ .,-/zn/nse r1/. rl Vnr L, €oln, 8/6s? , coMMuNtcAno4rs @ ueberrlerty' t LlWEfr" fuutrl dtP Un t L OO ,.7 oo UppER Elcle Vnurv WATE R AND SANITATION DISTRICIS 846 FoRES; ROAo . VArL. COLORAOO 81657 (303) 475 7480 August 2, l9S0 !is. Kristan Prltz Tosn of Vail Connunlty Developnent 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Be: Dauph ina 1s - l{ose ley Subdivision FiIlng l. VaiI, Colorado (24 Single fanily lots and I duplex lot) Dear lls. Pritzr The VarI Valley Consolldated l{ater Dlstrlct and Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanltatlon Distrlct v11l provide donestlc sater servlce and sever servlce to the above referenced developnent. The Districts have excess capaclty to process donestlc cater to lts constltuents at the present tlme. Accordlngly, upon conpllance vlth Ehe fiules and Regulatlons and the paynent of approprlale tap fees, the Dlstrtcts vllI provlde doDestlc sater servlce and sever servlce. Constructlon of aIl naln llne extenslons 1s the responslblllty of the developer; however, all constructlon draclngs [ust be preapproved by Lhe Dlstrlct. Any additlonal flre servlce. (1.e.. fire hydrants), that neeil to be added to those already exlstlng ulll be at the expense of those requestlng the servlce. The atldltion of Backflos Preventlon Devlces on the Flre Servlce and on the Dodegtlc Haber Servlce, uhere requlred, are necessary. SLncerely, UPPER EAGTE VAf,LEY COIISOLIDATED SATIITATIOII DISTRICT \".N\ \\G\arr- Fred S. llaslee Dlstrict Begulatlons AdDlnlstrator FSH:Jan ,,.:::\r II PARTTCIPATING DIsTRICIS - ARFTOWHEAO MEIRO WATER ' AVON METRO WAIER ' BEAVER CREEK METRO WAIER ' BERRY CREEK METRO WATER / CIEAN \ ^,ll EAGLe vA L MErRo warER a EowARos METR. *ATER a LAKE .REEK MEAoows *ATER. LJppER EA6LE 'ALLEV coNso..roarEo sANtrATtoN @ t N var! VALLEV CONSOLIoaTETJ wa reR . VALL warER .ANo sANlrATloN TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CIIECKS MADE PA YAALE TO TOWN OF VAIL 12115 i UNIFORIvI BUILDIN FORN,l PLU\,IBIN 01 0000 42{l ]4I2 ISTUDIES 010000{1331 -CHECK FEE 0000 1l1l i OFF HOURS INSPECTIO] rco-r{TRAcTo-RsLicE;ns iVTC ART PROJECT DOi.{ATIO PRE PAID DESIGN R INVESTIGATION FEE t BUI LDI nNG TOV PARKINC I 0000.{l1l 1000045110 I 0000 2l I l2 10000J1010 iTAXABLE t? J97 12371 BUILDlNG I! CAP lTIOi.\AL USE PERI'Il OR ALTERATION ILESS 41330 iRE - ZONITT- 4w oo oo :?r T(}UIhI OF TJFIII- Hiscel laneous CGh [t5-t3-94 16:85:53 F.:FCEiFt * 158139 Fccsunt * CH # ?$El trFtUFH I l',lFt I 5-1'165E1-E'f ''.F HEFH I tI FEB Hni*unt tender*d ) 2g8.A6 Itenr paid hrit ptid 818gff841331889 266,68 f,hange returned > g. 86 THFll"ll{ 1ft]lJ Vour caEhier IEIDI