HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAUPHINAIS MOSELEY FILING 1 LOT 13 LEGAL.pdfDesign Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us ProjectName: HEADLEYFENCEfFREES DRBNumber: DR8040315 Prcject Description: REMOVAL OF FOUR COTTONWOOD TREES AND INSTALLANON OF FENCE Participants: OWNER GRAND TMVERSE REALTY TRUSI0Z08/2004 Phone: 129 HILLSIDE DRIVE WAYLAND MA 01778 License: APPUCAI,IT GMND TRAVERSE REALTY TRUST 0208/2004 Phone: 129 HILLSIDE DRIVE WAYLAND MA 01778 License: Project Address: 1426 MOMINE DR VAIL Location: 1426 MOMINE DRIVE Legal Description: Loti 13 Block! Subdivision: DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY FIL I Parcel Number: 210312209013 Comments: SEE CONDmONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion Byr ROGERS Action: APPROVED Second By: HANLON Voter 4-0-0 DateofApprovalz 0810412004 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006588 oo The applicant shall replace the four cottonwood trees witr twenty-four 5 gallon bushes to be staggered on the o<terior of the fence at the time the cottonwood trees are rcmwed. Planner: cLAntr SL9AN DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO ,-t) t':' * :,u','!,u, t\,tu General lnformation: All Fqects requfuirg d€lgn rcvi.l,v must receive approval pior to submitling a buildiry pemft applkatirn. Pleme lefisr to the $bmltlal requirsrEnts br the partiohr approml that b requBted. An apdlcation for Design Radew dtmt be ampted unfll all rcquircd informatbn is rceiwd by the cdnmunity De\€lopn€nt Depaftnent. Ttp prcjal may also need to b€ revbuied by the Toum Coundl and/or the Planr{ng and Environrnntal Cornrnission. De.lgn rovlcw lpproval lap6e! unlcrs a bulldlng pormlt ls bsmd and constructlon commence! wlthln ofla year of lho approval. of the Requeet:ue i,4-lt Location of the Proposal: tot: l? abck:-SuMivbion: Physical Addrese: Parcef No.: Zlo3 t<?O 1Ot3 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-32&8840 for parcel no.) Zoning: "t ,S) Mailing Addre$: Name(s) of Owner(s): Owner(s) Signatun Name of Appllcant:5cr*+ tlailing Addre$:9a*- "*,olffi--* Type of Revlew and Fee: $650 $$0 $2st) ,A f TAJ ' $20 NoFe Phone: $50 Plus $ 1.00 per squarc foot of total sign ar€. No Fe . Sigm . Cmceptual Reryiew . l{eryCfishrc'tbn . Addltlon . Miror Alterelion (multFfanSly/mmmedal) . Minor Alteration (shgle-f;rnly/dudex) . Ctsges to ApFotEd Plers . Seperatbn R6qJ€8t Fa constuction of a new fuildilrg or demo/lebuild. For an addiflon wherc squaF footagB b added to any r6iCentlial or dnmedal buiHing (indudes 250 additions & interior oonveFkrF). For minor clwpes to buildirEs and site lnpmvenenb, sr.rch a, rermfing, pahting, windo additftrs, landscapfE, fences dd ]€taining walls, etc. For mlnor chaues to buildirEs and site irprov€rnenb, such 6, reroofing, pahtlng, wirdow addltbns, lan&capiE, fonc€s rd retdning walls, etc. For ]€vlsbns to plans all€ady appro/€d by Flannip Strff or ihe Deign Reriiew Berd. For Olflce 9lY'w,;b.: lo? z "r,6--k4!'Fe Paid: lvleeting Date: Flanrpr: EHB ilo.: Proi:c{ },1o.: pegp1o'12l%t01to4- RECEIVE.U !l rr_\ lt ' .. ,.+r ' r;,.. Bulldlng Materialr PROPOSED ilIAIERIALS Tvoe of taterlal Color R@f Siding otherWall Materials Fecia ScfritE Wndows WindorTrim Dols DorTrim Hand or Deck Rails Flu06 Flashing Chimneys Trash Endosurss Grsenhous6 Retaining Walls Exbrior LBhting 9|rrr Fa.z t ee /c44h s Pleee specfi the menufaclure/s name, the color narp and number and attach a olor chip. Fagp 6 of 12lhl01l% I' FROrcDTFEES AIOSI'Fil..ES D(Ff,II.IG IFEES TO BEFEI\,tClvED PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Gommon Name QUa_ntlly Size ( 4^orol '/t.|'tfo("old' 'o6o,r+-fnrak I q rC a.\C/1- Minimum Requirem€nts for Landscaping: Dciduous Trees - 2' Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in h€ight Srtrubs - 5 Gal. Type Square Footage GRCI,ADCCA/ER so SED IRRIGATION TY?EtrErcONcoNTRft P'lease specify other landscape feafurc (i.e. retainirq walb, fene, swimming pool6, otc.) PW7 otl2lo4.l0ll04, Attachocnt I to Appllcatlon for Dcrl3a Rcvlcw Rcqucrt I - Feacc Approvrl Please accept our apologies for filing this request after tfie fence was built. We were not aware prior approval was required, The fence line as installed is shown on the drawing included with the package. The attached photos show the fence as installed. r Photogtaph F1 is the view of our house from about the middle of the cul- de-sac circle. Ttre fence is not visible because it is behind the various trees. . Photogtraph F2 is taken from the edge of our driveway. The arrow points to the only visible corner of the fence from that point. r Photograph F3 is from the bac.lcyard of Iot 14. It shows the style of the fence and the match to the existing color of tfre deck. . Photograph F4 is taken from the side yard of lot 12 again showing the style and color of the fence. r Photograph F5 is taken from the parking lot of Roost lodge near the North Frontage Rd. The arrow points to our house and fence. Attacbment 2 to Appllcatlon for Dertgn Rcvles Rcquert2-TrccRcmoval The trees we a.re requesting to remove are marked on the drawing included with the package. None of them impact the visibility of the fence for which we are requesting approval. The tree trunks range from 5 7z inches to 6 inches in diameter I foot offthe ground. The attached photos show the trees as they currently exist. . Photograph T1 is the view of our house from t]le cul-de-sac circle. Arrows point to the two cottonwoods we would like to remove, Cl and C2. lt is apparent that they are very crowded among tlre pine trees. The trunk to trunk distance from the cottonwoods to the pine trees ranges from 5 7r to 8 feet.. Photograph T2 is taken from the corner of our house and driveway. The atrows again point to C1 and C2 we would like to remove. C2 is only 3.5 feet from the pathway. We expect its roots to soon start damaging the pathway . Photogfaph T3 shows C3 on the east side of our house. Its trunk is only 6 3/c feet from the wall of the house and obviously the canopy is beginning to touch tfie side of the house and the eaves. Due to the other trees around, it serves no function shielding the house. It is causing maintenance issues and will potentially cause harm to the house. . Photograph T4 shows C4 on the west side of our house. Its trunk is only 6 3/c feet from one wall of ttre house and 7 feet from the other wall of the house and obviously the canopy is beginning to touch the side of the house and the eaves, Due to the other trees around, it sewes no function shielding the house. It is causing maintenance issues and will potentially cause harm to the house. . rl**,f,***i(**,1.*'t ,3+*,;**t t **t *********,***t'|****,tr****+t{r't'tt*****:*******+***+*++*+***,t************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemenr **'t't ,tt t .|*t'*'*t tr:t**t *'t,*rt****t t !i**'l*i!******t ***,f *+*+f +*+****!t*'t*!t***t*++*+**!******************* Statement Nurnber: R040005182 Anount: $20.00 07/08/2O04O2:42 PM Palment Method 3 Check Init : iIS Notation: #1072lTHOMAS HEJADIJEY Permit No: DR8040315 T14>e: DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 21,O312209OL3 Site Address: 1425 MORAfNE DR VAIIJ IJOC TiON: 1425 MORAINE DRIVE This Payment :$20.00 Total FeeB: $20.00 Total AIJIJ Pmts 3 $20.00 Balance: at**************r|***t*t***:*****t *******d.rt,f *******:|l**+*{.*r*** s0. 00 * *'|*++*+ + + ++r * *+** * ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI{ FEES Current Pmts 20. 00 - _l{ 'l ,8. 1- --2::-:!=== ? TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROITTAGE ROAD vArI_,, co 81657 970 -479-2L38 NOTE: TOV/Comm. Dev. .'OBSITE AT ALL 13 Permit. #: TTMES 898-0225 Clean-up approved amount date D RefundNEw (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMTT THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PRO.JECT TITLE: GRAND TRAVERSE Address: Location. . . :1425 MORAINE DR 21,03 -L22-09 - 013 PRiI98-01_94 eI No..:Project No.: Status. . . Applied.. fssued. . . Expires. . Phone: 9'70 Phone t 970 : ISSUED : OB /12 /1,998 : O9/1,6/L998 2 03/ts/1999 328 -5499 328-5499 Nudber of Dwelling Fact.or Sq. Feet. 97.80 2r.24 25 .56 SubtoLal:Table DaLe: 05/L7/L996 Fileplace Inforlnation: R€6tricled; Y FEE SUVI4ARY Rest.ualant PIan Revi€w- - > DRB Fee--------- Invest igaL ion > wi I1 call----> APPLICANT CO}fIRACTOR OIINER Description:NEW SFR Occupancy Dwellings Dwellings Private Garages Building-----> 2,Lr2.oo FIan check- - - > 1,f?2.8o DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPAIVY P O BOX 1595, EAGLE eO 8163L DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX r-595, EAGLE CO 8l_631 DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST INC 1404 MORAINE DR, VAII CO 8]-557 WITH EHU Type zone 2 V-N Zone 2 V-N Basement. Zone 2 V-N 2 ,8L5 l_, 6l_8 780 5 ,27,3 TotaI CaLculated Fee6- --> AdditionaL Fees -----'' -> Total Pernit Fee--------> Paymenla------- BAIANCE DUE. - -. Units: 002 Valuation 275,307 .OO 34 ,366 .32 19, 935 . B0 329 ,6LO .L2 329 ,6LO .L2 443,000.000 #of wood/PaI1ets: Total Valuati_on: Town of Vait Adjusted Valuation: *of cas Appliances: 1 *Of, ea6 Lo96: I .00 Recreation Fee----------> '].OO Clean-Up Deposit--------> TOTAL FAES-..... IICM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT OB/L2/1998 JRYL AcLion: NOTE 08/24/1998 CHARLTE Action: APPR ITEM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTI'IENT O8/L2/1-998 JPyI Action: NOTE 08/17/L998 GEORGE Aetion: APPR ITCM: O55OO FIRB DEPARTT4ENT 08/2a/1998 CHARLIE Acrion: APPR Itetn: 05500 PITBLTC WORKS o8/L2/L998 ,JWl Action: NOTE 09/L4/L998 TPARTCH Action: APPR ITCM: 05550 ENGINEERING O8/L2/L998 JRltl Act.ion: NOTE 09/L4/L998 TPARTCH Act.ion: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: PI,ANS TO CHARLIE CHARLIE DAVIS Dept: PLANNING Division: PI,ANS TO PLANNER .oo 200.0o 554 .95 900.o0 4,452.15 .00 4 , AS2 .15 4.852.75 . oo Dept: FIRE N/A Dept: PUB WORK PI,ANS TO TERRI TP Dept: ENGINEER PLANS TO TERRI TP Division: Division: Division: see Pag.e 2 of this oo"uJ, for any conditions tnal-v apply ro r,his permit. DECI,ARATIONS r hereby acknowledge that r have read thi€ application, filled out in full Ehe informariorr required, completed an accuratse prot plan, and staE. tha! aLl thc information provldcd as rcqulrcd is coltcct. r rgree t.o coinply eith rhe inforlnarion and ptol plan. to comP]y rrilh all' Toen ordinances and stat€ Iaws, and to build Ehis o!!uc!ur:6 according !o the Torrn,6 zoninq and subdivision codea. deaign review aPproved, Unifolm Building code and other ordinancee of the Tot,,n aDDll theteto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL AE HJ{DE TWENTY - FOIJR HOI'RS TN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4 Send clean-up Depooit. To: DIDER coNsT SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE 2 ********!t*********************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of O9/L6/9e CE FROM 8:00 AM 5:oo Status: fSSUED Applied: oB/1,2/]-99e Issued: 09/L6/1,998 ********************************************************************************Permit. #: 898-0225 PETMiT T}4)E: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applicant : DIDIER CONSTRUCIION COMPANY Job Address: LOcaTiOn L426 MORAINE DR Parcel No: 21_03-L22-O9-0L3 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** 1. THIS pROJECT WrLL REQUTRED A SrTE IMPROVEMENT SI'RVEY. SUCH SI]RVEY S1ALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQIJEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. 2. ATTTC SPAEES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEAST]RED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTI'RAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE I]NDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTI'RAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIREETLY ABOVE. 3. MAKE NOTE OF CORRECTIONS/ANALYSIS ATTACHED TO FIELD DRAWINGS *.*..*....1r,.+rr.r.ra*,..*r.-,.,..,..,.;,*r,,,*r,r'r,r Toml o! r/Aif,, csiaR.[Do sE.raonr t*trra!rttltrttrtrrrittttllt.rartr*aaarrtatttir.ttlttaattrt}tttttttt stqCcnnt Nusbqr 3 8Ec-0{{9 Anount ! a,6st.7s Oglt6l9t L6tz2 g.! s.nt U.thod; Cl( Nobrtlon! 32?5 trnl!: .tRit Prr.lrits lle: 898-0225 tytle: a-BUILD NElr (AFRt P,/8, DUPI 9E P.!c.l No: 2to3-122-09-Or3 Locatlon: 1426 troRArNE DR Tobrl ?aca: Thie Fayh.nt 4,6s2,79 Tolrl lI,L Ptllr: Balance: .o0 irt**!r.trr|, **ti st'l*rf rtr t t+ a ra t *lr,r t.r a i t f I i tt l'a a r fi** | tr att \la tttt.r .&eqount Coae Desc!iFt'iolr Bp d0toooo31l1100 BUILDMg PB tlt rggs P9 00100003L121oo Pr,A cHEcK FEES AD D2-DAPOS C'JEANUP DEPOAITA 8P 11100003112?00 RBCREAITON FBEg t{g 00lo0003Lt2eoo wrrrll cerJl r gPBerrolr FEE {,652.75 4,854.?5 . .elnount 2,112.O0 1r 372.0O 500.00 66{.95 3,O0 o 'H 3E dl oa o ts I o o o o o q 0to I o rc 6 o I cl ctl ol 0l ft o o o o 'l E a U T o A rt CI H E !l o D o o 0 o ol o F ct c a I E ;!H E E E l'! d |t (' a A E E ,l D * ql B t E !t o 6 D E a a EH EH HQ ao a!t A 00 (oE ao o .:E 36 FIF ao ER !t&oa EE E5 E-!!{ d !l H .g H l'l AE F9 R. cl I r, Er 23 {9 H1{A P t{H t{z4 rtE'oo s:e !l H o h !0 5 ,E tr H E H t l.l EB (!a !T e d T Hga A A H D :A D l!E o I q o 7 I c H t{o I o |o9 E't>.|DII9 zf,,o g8F &aEo &AH : f:t,i:::it tffi,K .,E vrrr. n^NcrD, offil, r st#q.ff e#; ##?' rui,Ii*,u=l",# t#,t * ceive o , ApprJrcATroN MUsr BE FTLLED our coMpLETELy oR rr MAylilfr'1$fl8$r"r"o !****************************** pERI,lrT TNFSRMATTSN ****************************/l [{\J-Bui1'din9[(J-P1unbinv.[[]-E1ectricaItp-Mechdnibat[]-other Job Name: /rl,+r''r.Tlnrr.nr+{i rob Addre *i'42@ D44?Yt\'Legal Description: tot /3 Block-- rilingit BDIVISION: _ il.C.8 LC 'i3ot It' jf , U +rc Co pn.flt(,(l Ph. Oqrners Name: Architect: Address: Address: ceneral Description: work class: tp-Hew f Number of Dwel-ling Un I -Alt its: eration [ ]-Additional I J-Repair [ ]-other Number of Accommodation Units: ^|pnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances- cas r.,ogs / wood/pertet- /lt********************************* VALUATTONS ********************************,rt iurr,oruc, +1(t,Q,oaT ELEcrRrcAr,z+21 ooo orHER: PLUMBTNG: $ Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: .Plunblng Contractor: Address: BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: I'IEC}I}INICAIJ PERMIT FEE : ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNATURE: TOTAL:+@ CON?RACTOR TNFORMATTON **************************r blc cd ir KL(e'cD Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: l2f - )- Town of VaLI Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. _nO. /J:*(Phone Number: Mechanical contract"t. MpILU-'iltD ttiOft /ttC. Town of vait Res. No.l)+(Address: phone Number: - r,yg -W * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ron cjr-rrcE UsE ******************************* BUILDING PI..AN CHECK FEE: PLI'I'TBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: UEC}TANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ P VALUATION Reg. NO. 9- Comments: CLEAI{ I'P DEPOSIT REFI'ND DrZc- I ntc-, T3o r tr) {,1),+i- S tc ig .l fl|. r'r', r lLJtil TOI^N bF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VATL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPI,ICANT CONTRACTOR OI,'INER ELECTRICAL PERMIT ilob Address: LOCAI,ION. . .: L426 MORAINE DR Parcel_ No. . : 2LO3-L22-09-013 Projects No. : pRiI98-0194 'JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E9B -0L79 Status...: ISSIIED Applied..: 0S/L2/a99s Issued...: 08/25/].998 Expires..: 02/2L/]-999 Phone t 9704680249 Phone: 97O4680249 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON AVAI,ANCI{E ELE TRIC CORP P O BOX 27L5, DILLON CO AVAI,ANCHE ELECTRIC CORP P O BOX 27L5, DILLON CO DAUPHINAIS -MOSELEY CONST 1404 MORAINE DR, VAII-, CO 80435 80435 INC 8]-657 Description: ELECTRIACL FOR NEW SFR AND EHU Valuation:21_, 000 . 00 FES SUMMARY EIectrical---> DRB F'ee InveBL igation> will caLl---'> TOTAL FEES-..> Tohal Calculated Fees- - - > Additional Fees- -- -- -- -- > Tocal Perni.t Fee -------> Pa) nenl-s-------- BAIANCE DUE,---- 22r,OO . oo . oo 3-OO 22t.OO 224 -OO .00 224.O9 224.OO .00 IICM: O6OOO ELEC'TRICAL DEPARTMETTT 08/25/L998 CHARLIE Actsion: APPR II,EM: O56OO FIRE DEPARTI'IENT 08/25/L998 CIIARLTE Action: APPR DepL: CHARLIE DAVIS Dept:N/A BUILDING Division; FIRE Division: CONDITION FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO OF APPROVAL CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknorrledge that r have r€ad t.hi6 application. filled outs in ful.l t.hc j.nformatsion reqr.-rired, completed atr accuratse plot PIan, :rnd staEe thac aLl the information provided ae rcquired is corlect. r agree to cornply wlth tshe information and plot. plan, to comply wi.fh alI Tovrn ordinances and 6tate lawe, and to build this stsruccure according to the Toen,s zoning and subdivisi.on codes, desiqn t€vien aPProved, unifonn Building code and other ordinanceo of the Toen a9Dllcable tsheteLo. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SThLIJ BE IIADE TWENTY-FOTIP HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT oUR OFFICE FROM g:00 AM s:oo SIGNATURE OF Owl'IER OR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ** * ******'!*************** * I ************************************ Stat.enmc TOWN OF VArL, COIJORADO **************************************************************** ShaE.emnt. Number: REC-0449 Amount:224.00 09/L6/98 L6:23 Init.: JRM Pa)rment MeE.hod: CK Notat.ion:3275 I *** Permit No: E98-01_79 T\|pe: B-EIEC Parcel No: 2103 -3-22-O9-OL3 Location: 1426 MORAINE DR ELE TRICA,I-, PERMIT This Payment **************************************************************** Account. Code Descript.ion EP OO1OOO031].1400 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WC OO]-OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Total Fees: 224 . OO Tot.al ALL Pmts : Balance: 224 . O0 224 . O0 .00 AmounL 221_.O0 3.00 TOUIN OF VATL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-21,38 DEPARTMEI,II OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPME},IT NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON PLIJMBING PERMIT ,]OBSITE AT AIJL TIMES Permit #: P98-01-02 qTob Address: Location...: 1426 MORAINE DR Parcel No. . : 2tO3-I22-09-013 Project No. : PRIT98-0194 MOINfIAIN HIGH PLIJMBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81620 MOII{TAIN HIGH PLUMBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81520 DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST INC 1404 MORATNE DR, VAIL CO 8L657 St.atus. . Applied. fssued.. Expires. ISSUED 08/L2/L9eB 08 /25 /Lee8 02/2L/1,ee9 APPLICA]qT CO}fIRACTOR OI^INER Phone: 3039494500 Phone: 3039494500 Description: PLUMBING FOR NEW SFR AND EHU Valuation:40, 000 . 00 FEE SUMMARY Plunbing-----> Plan check- - - > Inve6t' igaElon> r.ri 11 call----> 500. oo 150.00 .00 l.oo . oo ?53 ,00 751. OO .00 7s3. O0 753 . r.J O .00 ReBluarant' PIan R€vieer-- > TOTAIJ FEES----- Total cafculaLed Feeo---> Addit.ional Fees -'---- Tot.al Permit Fee----- --- > Payments - - - BAIANCE DU8. - -.. Dept: BUILDING Division:DAVIS Dept,: FIRE Division: Item:05100 08/25/1998 Item: 05600 oB /2s / LeeB BUILDING DEPARTNIBNT CIIARLIE ACI.iON: APPR CHARLIE FIRE DEPARTI4EIfI claRLIE Action: APPR N/A FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE CONDITION OF APPROVAL REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE DECI,ARATIONS I her-eby acknowledge thaL I have read thi.s application, fi11ed out in fuII Lhe intonrabion required, complered an acculaee pIoL plan, and ataLe Lhat all the infornaEion provided as required i6 correct- I agl_ee to colrply nifh lhe infoFnaLion an(l plot plan. to comPly t{it-h all Toen ordj.nances and :rtaLc la*o, ancl to build thi6 structure accolding to Lhe Tovn.s zoning and eubdivigion code6, deaign revieo approved, Uniform Building Code and othex or:dinanceo of the Tot+ applt\abIe REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE I'IADE TWEMIY-FOUR HOURS IN A-DVANCE By TELEPHONE AT OFFICE FROM a:ou AM s:00 PM s r clr.4:'J.--.OF OWNER I'ITOR FOR TIIMSELT AND OI'TIER I *** **************************************************************** Statert|rrt Number: REC-0449 Amount:753.00 09/t6/98 L6:2a IniT: iIRM Payment Met.hod: CK Notat.ion:3275 o **************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO ********************************* Stat.em:It. Permit. No: P98-01-02 Tlpe: B-PLMB PLIJMBING pERMfT Parcel No: 2LO3-L22-09-013 LOCAT1ON Z L425 MORAINE DR Tot.a1 Fees:753.00 Total AtL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** This Palment Account Code PP 00100003r_r_r_200 PF 001_000031r-2300 wc 00r-000031-r_2800 Description PLI'MBING PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES WTLL CALL TNSPECTION FEE 753.00 753 .00 .00 Amount 500.00 l-50.00 3 .00 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMEI{T OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROAD vArL, co 81_657 97 0 -479 -2]-38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,IOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAI-, PERMIT Permit #: M98-0150 .lob Address...:I.locat.ion : a426 MORAINE DR Parcel- No. . . . - : 2L03-L22-09-0L3 Proj ect Number: PR,r98 -0]-94 Status-..: ISSI'ED AppJ-ied. . : 08/L2/L998 Issued...: 09/L6/1998 Ercpires. . : 03/L5/a999 APPIJICANT MOI]NTAIN HIGH PLI]MBING PhONE: 3039494500 P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81520 CONTRACTOR MOINflTAIN HIGH PLT]IVIBING PhONE : 3 O 3 94 94 5 O O P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81620 OWNER DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST INC 1404 MORAINE DR, VAIL CO 8L657 Description: MECH SYSTEM FOR NEW SFR AND EHU Valuat.ion: 14, 000 . 00 Fireplace Information: Reetricted: #of cas Appliances: +of cas Logs: *of wood/Pal]ets: FEE SUMMARY Mechanical- - > 280 .00 RestuaranC Plan Review- - > .0O TotaL CaLcuLated Fees- > 353 .00 Plan check---> 70.00 DRB Fee--------- .oo Additional Fees---------> .00 Investigatsion> .00 TOTAL FEES 353.00 Total Pef,mit Fee'- --- - > 353.00 wilr calf----> 3'oo ii#.1i1";;;-------:-----: "':il IIEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEPI: BUILDING DJ.ViS1ON:1,0/1,4/L998 JRvr Action: APPR APPROVED .rMR:Itbm:'.05580 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Di-vision:L0/14/L998 JRNI Action: APPR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 I]MC.3. INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTI'RES INSTRUCTIONS A}TD TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE ]-991 IJMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CTIAPTER 9 AI{D SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE ].99]- IJMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AI{D 703 0F THE r_991 IJMC. 5 . BOILERS SHAI.,L BE MOI]IfTED ON FI,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI-,E CONST. IJNLESS LISTED FOR MOI'T{TING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPE TION REQI'EST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANTCAL ROOMS CONTAINTNG HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHAI,I.,, BE EQUIPPED WITH A FI,OOR DRAIN PER SEC. 21_L9 0F THE r_991 IJMC. ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS r tllreby a."t ",o"r"aga, "h.u r rr"to "..U ,r|lpnrrcilj.on, f,I.ltr.d out ilr ful.l thc infornarlttr raquj.r.d, ccq|pl.r.d.n rccuE.lc plob plan, rnd sCala that all Lh6 infqluation grl,vlded a6 r€guir.d LE corract. t tgrr€ to eqtly fith the iltfoi"Eation end plog plrn,to eir6ply sith all Torn ordLnaneee and st.cc lara, attd to build thia atrrrcture aceordLnE to ghs Tom,r toning atld rubdiwl.clon codc!, d.sign rsvi.e? atlpio?6d, Uniforfr Buitding codc rnd obhar ordinrncct of thc to*n cpplicable thc!c!o. RFQIIBST9 FOR I}ISPECIXOM! $HALL BE IIADE T{|EiITY-AOUR IlOlrRg IU ADU}!!CE BI TEIJBPHOf,! Al 179-2133 OR lT OUR OFFICB FEOtt 8:oO Att glOO Ptl SIOfiAIT'RB OF OWNER OR @I{IRASTOR FOR IiTMSEIJF A}ID O'IN8R t ****i*iarrrr*trrf ti*ttt***rlrallaitir tt*t**trt$****l***f tt***tf t* TOrw oF vAIr,, dPI.o&lDO Rcprinlqd: tl'lrolga lorltl Stat'alErE ,it*j.t*atlrttrlrttitl,T*t*!art*laatttrlt!t4tttailltala*J:altit****il|!J 8tats.mrr! Nuflb.r ! ?AC- 0.150 l@unt,: ?n14!at|E ttq!.hqe! c& {e-tetlon! 3l?5 3B;l,0O 09/16/te x6:e3 Init ! Jlll F.ruit Nor ut8-0150 T!'trG: B-8Ecti UBclttlltctll BEnfirt Farc61 llo r 2103-122-ot-013 Loeicirn: 1{26 ue8}i$E DR Tof-al F. : 353.00 TldE PaFEnt 353.00 Toral AtrL lrrg.: Saltnca a 353. 00 .00 In6unE 280- 00 70.00 3. OO tr**rr+rr***r*titttttttrr****t**r**t*t**trlttttttti***tt*ti***rtt* Aegaun! Cpde Dateripciolr r,rP oo1000.oru.13oo uEctlANIcAtr pSRAIT gEBg Pp ooloooo3rle3oo PI[fl cHEsK FBES We Oolo000t112Aoo WIIJ, CALIJ rtrgFBerIOW fEE ''oiiier Consfructit Co., Inc. '' toltllll P.O. BOX 1595. EAGLE, CO 81631 . PHONE (970) 328-5499 To'. To.,rn of Vo;f B",ld;,g Deyl. Rr; l,,lo,rqlio, lo, ltr^fr 1118-ol5o , IlaG P1o"qi,ePr, fltohanic7l roo^ *t*, ylen i> ?e( ycJe A2,l "f oyy^rd ylont l'"2'GrJl op^'r1for conhr*iorl qir irlqk 12"*16" x2t B^1", - Brrnhc,n BuKgt|El ) 5119oo ttU , T r inn6b[- donr4;c Lut,, d'r lval u"honpl' l\" {r"l h'nc 7i7cA dke*\lo 'brln , + 1s't {lat , lroghl vl at fr chose d,rown on Pqge /.2,2 orii[flboTY ill\l 'otp o 5 +' r,J F.J F.J F F-S : : : : 5 5.o 6 oo oo { -.r { o\D FEF 6 )2=xr-lv e vra E za? EgE !rgtrt FhF <trQ rr' 6 tgeggEEEgB;EHEFHgiHsFHrs $f;qEiEFEFA66$Efi ;-t'EL b, -H:c4Zotr!q I ){-5E "3His fi eEs eJ -;i'r EZ*F o.i : F i..) (s a\ l.J 9r F f.J o\ t'J h,J { N) 5 t-J O A O, OO A O\ O O\ u) -l fJ O\ O 0o .|}.. (,| oO u) { $ ts'r 5 O\ (^ O e\!) (]lr - +- O1 J- -J Ca O\ -l F.l rr Lh.|.:. Oo F Ut.J OO f.J r O\O l\J O\ ohJ -r \6 .s| 1.., rf r-(^H (.,i\\O |J +\ -J (,Jh OOF OO r- (' (,l -l P(' ( c) 6 { rJ Jr *r €|\ hJ \c) cl\ J: (,r 5 O\ [.J \O 5 u) O -l \r) ur 5 c) { OO o g\ Lrr b.J o (, ca (, (J.r 9, t9 \o oo \o +. (, o\ oo ! |'..) o oo { F }.,) (a O- \O -J -J O5Cp{r O (^l(,,l -J \O hJ \O }.J +. 9J o\ -J O\O ur -l -p - bJ(rN) HH5 t+, l,|{lQ(^ltl!f.)(rrm}JFo)HH}J A - ce -r FJ N \o @ r-J Lrr (, + \o qr 5 u) .F \o { 9r oo 0o { @ *r 6 l- !l- ;- :- :- i- :- 1- ir ;r _t -t Ft r_.i {: +: _l ,-t _.t -t ,_t rd rd rd rd ;; o hd drd rrl rrt o oo o ir: o rr oo o o > -r -r -i > > -t >.1 -t < < -t 41 -1 > -i > > -1 >'l > d rn rn rr| r; r; rd d rn |I' E E rn trl 6 Fl r; t't1 ri r; rtt ri rn fi -l -lJ -.1 \F Fr -l -l -l -1 i 'd ut 'g YY 'g "g 'u ! ! U UU'. U UU O O(] O U 6 u))7a €E 3i, F'fr tl triFe Q=oB H; AH E=o"'H ;vF o xlr< -l 63F F AAY 3 29a ;-,4! t HEI E F\ lal l-rl at ->(/r x Qtss q g!ri It .1 *= = L" )-t rn d,;e26F t -v^ p C\xzn *-Y=dQu eFR HE'FZz \.r5>ga< :': -t >PLq zF6 xHa FINE U).'tl - fr| r.'< F @- a '11 -r/^'=l --r X Fl -i:lO vi^'/-] TE*iHtrI tr>:?^J OYE PaA gzx !n<Ns>s33 {zI FXV ?4>>U =;--z rrlfl YX hr= l:sl P<g14 ^?z6 -] N z trl 5 1,,a-o,t 41 lh 'io bJ 12 ,tg=O\(rll S@-t* -EEE =E; n *EE* XHq a>;@Fl- SttC f.oz E'U) 3A ii o\ u) (r, +qr (, =ji jXOO{OOOO'iOOOO!-i'a lro o oo o E9 '-l {_=>(, (.rr (, Lrt !A 9r (,| !^ 9r (n ! (, (, - :r -----iF' .rlll ro$r,,uiii-i g,L'.o; rrl i . i i t, ro j r.,.r i r-lu i t,r i -- i oo m.D- oo oo S o. o. o\ o\ a' o\ \o \o e o. E 5 o. F o\ f ; 6 41't . -l, r, l, l, :, l l r l ! v? q q q q !4s494924F.e ,r,J *!,'J - ; i : ; ; = ; ? : ; E E E i i i i i E x H E '.1 -l -l'l -l { -l -J -l -l * * \^, rr' \ar w w r'\' r' t! ts U'} cO)r jj'lX *, E: Fl USHH i ->--i l. SBsa^^^A^A;t r'Jxo e(^vo *lrr-.F a- t, lrr Lrr Ur Lrr (^ Ur l^ (.,r Ltr \o l.J i i rg I prg i i ro i i tr-I i 8 i 88 i i 8 i i u8 pir'r-ipi (^ipril(,ri c) i rr, O I O I H Fl r 0 E 3 FFl !tr IF rio a<lrt tst nF z N) -l { lrr 9 5{\) i t- !'r >@ iP 9r{ lis\Yl-{. '\a C'\ Ur !l)i.J e -f f ---T + F\.-s t' z -t frt TA t- -l }.$wl.JNH'r I |.J F. F F F (> O \9 cP w € -l {'J O\H z It 3 ggeg=EEEgSEEHEFHHHHEHHHg Ef;EEiFEFfrA66EFfiil-i*EL N, ^h."!c29Zor!r! t >t*gE "fiHFs A EEs E 9; e t) Ne E HiEE$F-'-EHF ;; d . . l-t rl UJNFE q*l*S 222 q 2297 al -)>x {oEX 8t4hx H E:2 'j lii > u? lnl+=-t di;EF FR-i "n CD bJ ;t t-z tt) \.J .H X<\., * i.r(X ;;A UI F ii ;r Fk :7 F it{ dz ()Gl rt r-.1 rd *t 2 H z T'o m -t m ,t E (n rrl p ;\ a rrt o i r rn .l o m -t (A tt, Ft'l f4 trt ftl t4 2.2 Fr{zz tt) (r't HH zz ut (n Fl .l FF Frr zz <> x+ ts9 => uj gt 'lt F' F't za ^X VO HP =z F |rj >.e z.€ ri AZ 7 r!, z U) z trt .€ z t- '-l'l -J r F i r- -l 'l !P !l -l -lr)-l t- d F F t t' "-l t' Fl h'l HEEEHHEdEE;;HEXEiEiEEiEi E8 o o(-) c)r rr > kk H I it y y EF F FF F r. + ;i F FF F F g.' (1 f; ffH ffi lcE rd E EE E ffi Uq Fl Fl .-l ,-.1 FF -l tl '{ I F.l :r it Ed ij 'a'1 U UU U UU U UU U U E EiEgifiElrE;Hf;gf;FE EE;HPEBEE' H o aE EggE H; P >F H 4,x<x>liF -d lll .u? >-z i! Fi P:7n- tt tJ Vr^ FdE i.o<t ,lo 3>.42 ci F; t4x !ij 2<otr e2 c *l I s + +3 -a EF I a t\a -<o 3gE HEr azn e+2, =+$32ro idI <*o -l G) o s5 OE (o ('| q H f s' d -,i & : : I d s H HgH ><-1 X\A CD t- ID -{ ll m I I €q,? *HP Ptro 6xt 5Xm Hg -{ -n r o o n -l _.lJ m I I o-rf Ai€ifiR u r-t m -J o q l*=F-{ " >Qot fih3 $leo ddENHqi h88 morr >I-l -1 ao o di'tt€ o rI€dP.rnv "';o(.) oooo (, (J| ,;o ! --l T1 1 N -)s .=+ 1? 3 --D (tr I o R Sep- 17-94 1() z4lA IME/WIntergreen September 17, 1998 Mr. Pa Dauphinais Dauphi nais-Moseley Construction PO Box l515 Vail, CO 8165E Via Fa;<:475-9022 RE: Open Forndation Inspection I,ot 13, Dauphinais-Moseley Consuuction Subdivision Project No. 98-023IG 97 o 9zl I 9 9339 P. Ol E Inter-lHountaltr 1|E glneerlngr'a-Fo, 818' 022 t7 )G floraiw Qr, Dear Pat: On Septembcr 16, 1998 a re,presentativc from Inter-Mountain Engineering visited the project site t9 observe the sojls exposed in the ongn foundation excavation. The excavation was- dug to depths of3 to 8 feet beneath the ground surface. The exposed soils coruisted ofa brovm iihy sand which appea.red to be native soils. The soils exposed were found to, be suirable for a bcaring pressure of 2000 psf. Placement of concrete was approved. The recommendations presentcd hereinare based upon visuat inspection of the orposcd soils. No sampling or testing was performed. Tb obserrratiorut wcre based upon the condition of the exposed soils at the time of the sitc visit and/or operience in the area. - Subsrrhce conditions at other locations at othor times may differ from conditions at thesc locations. This document was prcpared for the exch$ive use of Darphinais-Moseley Con*uction. The use of this document or the infonnation conrained hcrein by arry othcr pcrsdr oientity is not authorized. In t.rc went any other person or entity desires to usc this documenf for the infornutbn contained herein for any purposc, they must fr* mnhct Lter-Mountain Engine€rirg for wriren althorization. This report was prepared with the understanding tlat conshaior will begin within one ycar fiom the date ofthis repor( usc after that pcriod is rC aufhorized. The findings and recommendations ard conclusirns of this report havc bcen prepared in accadancp with locally accepted professiornl enginccring standads for similar conditiqrs ui trtir ti-". There is no-other waralty, expressedc implied_ Shorld yor have any firttrcr questions rcgarding thc information contained trerein plcasc do nd hesitatc tocontact oe unaersignea Duane D. Fchringer, P 8392 Contin€nlsl Oivirj€ Road. Suite *l Cdorado 8O127 . phore:3G/949-6220 r Far:303/94g_6526 77ftietcalf Road, #20O ' Box 978 r Avon, Coloodo 81620 o Phone: 970/94$soz2 e Frorn Denver Dir€ct: g93-1s31 Printed bv ,foan Nol-en 1.3/ OO 3:25pm From: Joan Nol en TO: FINAL INSPECTION GTOUP subject: fud: FINAL INSPECTIoNS ===NOTE 3/L3/ tO=LL129an== For Tuesday morning - 3/14/O0 in an 1425 lito rai ne orive Dauphi nai s/tltosl ey - ovner New sFR with EHU 898-0225 - oidier constructi on E98-0179 - Ava'l anche E'l ect ri c P98-0L02 - Mountain tigh R'lumbing M98-0150 - same as above Ptr{98-0111 - W. Y. Const ructi on I see that Plannino denied thei r i nsoecti on . Ri co Savs that a'l'l the 'lanUscapinq is done irow & since there isn't mlch-snow on the north side you should be ab'le to see what you need to i nspect , Leonard, r wasn't sure if you need to inspect a'lso. I have you in sierra &if you don't need to do anything p'lease I et me know & r wi] I de] ete i t , Fwd=by : =Leonard=sando=3/L3 / z 0==3 222pn== F-wd to: Joan Nol en r was waiting for a stamped approved drqwi ng for a rqrtai ni ng wa1'l and _ rt drawlno ror a retalnlnq wal I ano r deliveied. r be]ieve charile oavis was ut ave it in the.file. I am good to go. I approved |t. D: rra . 'l REPTI3I Torlt oF vArL, coLoRADo PAGE 4 AREAI CD O3|I4|ZOAO OBIO3 REOUBSTS - IIISPECTII I|ORK SHEETS FORr 3/14/20 Acti.vlty: B9A-O225 3/14120 Type: B-BUILD Statue: ISSUED Conetr: IIDUP Addrese: 1425 ilORAIHE DR Locatl.on: 1425 llORAIllE DR Parcel r 2ItD3- L22-O9-OL3 Deecrl-pti'on: llEll SFR HITH EHU Appllcant: DLDIER COIiSTRUCTIOII COIIPALY Orner: DAUPHIIAIS-IIOSELEY COIIST IHC Contractor: DIDIER COilSTRUCTIOII CtlllPAllY Occ: 6OO7 Use: V N Phone: 976 324-5499 Phone: Phone: 97O 324-5499 Inepection Requeat Infornatiorl. . . . Requeetor: RICO Req TLme: QBIOO Conuents: UILL Iteng requestetl to be Inspected. . . OO54O BLDG-FinaL ClO CALL Action Comments Phone: 39O-41O1 Tl.ne Exp _77---r ,-t--- -_i--T-_- 7--f1 oU lUtctz un hn',t b qo-<no@r__ UJ6 fnspectl.on Hl.story. .. . . Iten: OOSOI PH-Tenp.accege/draJ.nage Iten: OO5O2 PH-Rough grade Iten: OO5O3 Plf-Flnal drlvevay grade Iten: AOOTO BlDG-Footinge/Steel gB/2419A Inapector: CD ActLon: 3|9/17/98 Inapector: JRll Action: llotee: BEPORT FORTH COfInG Iterr : OOA2O BLD6-FoundatLon/Steel A9/23/9A fnspector: JRll ActLon: lternr OO52O PLAf|-ILC Slte Plan A7 122199 Inepector: GEORGE ActLon: 67 128199 Inapector: ERG ActLon: Iten: ggOSO BLDG-Franlng 07/?A/99 Inepector: GRfi 6A/09/99 Inapector: GRG Iten: OO0,5,O BlDti-Ineulation OBlg9/99 Inspector: CD O8/L9/99 Inepector: CD Iten: o'0,o,6,0 Bl.D(i-Sheetrock llall O8ll9/99 fnepector: CD Iter: 00670 BLDG-lllsc.g9/L7/99 fnepector: CD Iter: o/l,O9,O BLDG-FinaI Itenr OO5,3O BLDG-Tenp. ClO Iten: OO532 Pf-TEltP. CIO Item: OO533 PLAII-TEI{P. ClO IIO SOIT.5 REPORT REOUIRED APPR APPROVED SOILS REPORT F APPR APPROVED JRII Dll r NO DECK HAS BEEil CUT BACK. ActLon: APCR PEHDIIIG ELECTRICAL APPR Action: APPR ELECTRIC ROUGH APPROVED Actl-on: APCR APPROVED/CORRECTIOI REOD Actlon: APPR CORRECTIOilS ilADE Actlon: APPR BOTH UXfTS Action: APPR LATHE IHSPECTIOH Dlr DE}TIED not conplete APPR APPROVED llotee: conplete Lneul-atlon around f/p chaee or add fl.re blocking not over lO' lntervalg sane for ralle crver 10' ll/OAl99 Inspector: DOllIllIC Action:llotee: Landecape, bul-ldlng exterlor Iter: OO337 PLAil-FfHAL ClO Iter: OO539 Pf-FIilAL C/O Il/O3/99 Inepector: LS ActLonr llotes: IIEEDS SOIIE HIHOR CLEAII UP Itetl: o,o,540 BLDG-FlnaI ClO REPTT3l o Ogtl4lz6tm o8:O3 REOUESTS - InSPECTII HORK SIIEETS FORr 3/L4/2O Actlvity: P9A-OLO?3lL4/2O Type: B-PLltB Statue: ISSUED Congtr: IIDUP Addrese: 1426 IIORAIHE DR Location; 1426 fORAfnE DR Parcel z 2lO3- L22-O9-OI3 Deecrlptlon: PLUIIBIIIG FOR ltEU SFR AllD EHU ApplLcant: llOUllTAIll HIGH PLUIiBIIIG Orner: DAUPHIIAIS-IiOSELEY COilST InC Contractor: IIOUHTAIII HI6H PLUIIBIIIG Occ: Uee: Phone: 39394945o,0 Phoner Phone: 3O394945OO TOrn oF VAIL, COLORADO PAGE 2 AREA: CD Inapectlon Requeat Requestor: RfCO Req Tire: QBzOO Itens requeeted to OO29O PLItB-FinaI Infornatl.on. . . . Gonnentg: ilILL be fnepected. . . Phone: 39O-41Of CALL Actl-on Commentg T1ne Exp Inapection Hletory..... Iteu: OO2IO Pll|B-Underground l$lLS|9A Inepector: CD OO22O PLIB-Rough/D. H- V. 07/L2/99 Inepector: JRll OO23O PLIIB-Rough./ Uater 97 lL2/99 Inepector: JRll OO24O PLIIB-Garr Plptng OA25O PLIIB-PooI/Hot Tub g0260 Pl.}tB-lliec. IO/L9/98 Inepector: CD llotee: ZOIIE t I fOO PSI zonE ,2 loo Psr o,0.296 PLIIB-FinaI Iten: Iten: lten: Iten:Itenr Iten: Actlon: APPR Actionr APPR Action: APPR UATER COLUTil TEST APPROVED UIIDER PRESSURE APPROVED 7OI AIR TEST Actlon: APPR AIRTEST AIRTEST ! IHFLOOR HEAT(BASE}IEHT' REPTl3l TOril OF VATL, COLORADO PA6E 3 O3ll4l2OU0 OB:O3 REOUESTS - fnSPECTll HORI( SHEETS FORI 3lL4/2O AREA: CD ActJ.vity: ll98-Ol50 3lL4l2Q Type: B-tlECH Statua: fSSUED Congtr: IIDUP Addresa: 1426 IIORAIIiE DR Location: 1426 llORAIlfE DR Parcel = 2LO3- L22-O9-OI3 Deecription: IIECH SYSiTEII FOR llEU SFR AilD EHU Appllcant: llOUilTAril HIGH PLUHBTIIE Orner: DAUPHIIIAIS-HOSELEY COIIST IHC Contrector: llOUllTAIll HIGH PLUIIBLilE Occ: Use: Phone: 3O394943OO Phone: Phone: 3O394945OO Inepecti.on Request Requestor: RICO Req Tl"ner OAzOO Itene requested to OO39O I{ECH-Final Informstlon. . .. Connentg: UILL be Inepected... Phone: 39O-4LOL CALL Actlon Cornentg Tine Exp f../ / Inepection Hlstory..... Iter: O02DO tIECH-Rough Iten: OO24O PLIIB-Gae Pl.ptng 07/L2199 Inapector: JRll Iteu: OO3LO IIECH-Heating 07/ 12199 Inapector: JRll tt7 l13/99 fnepect"or: JRll 07 /28/99 Inepector: GRG fter: OO32O IIEGH-Exhauet Hoode Iten: OO33O IIECH-SuppIy Air Iten: OO34O IIECH-llioc. Action: APPR AIR TEST 45* Actlon: APPR APPR BATH FAIIS,FLUES Actlon: APPR BASE BOARD HEAT OK Action: APPR llAfX LEYEL flIRSBO, 4o| LO/O6/99 fnepector: CD ActLon: APPR snovnelt ayaten llotes: lnspected all exterl-or gnbrnelt. Llnee sre under 5O* rorkJ.ng preseure teet Iter: 01 396 HEgH-FlnEl -_ .- ./' -,,"''' (lhe Lfi)Q 2yr 41 o41t "4 TYPE I EMPLOYEE HOTJSING UNIT RFSTRICTIVE COVENANT the owner of ce rtain WHEREAS, Owner") desoibed as: ("thg Prop€rty"); and WHEREAS,lheorvnerwishestoplacecer|ainrestrictionsontheusEofaunltorepartmgnt|oca|ed ontheProperty|orthebengfhoflheownerandlheTownofVai|,Co|orado(.'thaTown.). NoW,THEREFoRE,|heornerdoesherebyimpose,establish,acknowIedge,declarelorthebene|il ol all persons who may herelna{ler purchase, or lease, or hold tho subiect land the following restrlctlons' covenads, and condilions, atl of which shall be deemed lo run with the land end inuro 10 the benefit and be bonding upon the Orvner, its respsctive granlses, successors' and asslgns' =I 7r - rct --(, ---L I -a= =;,i =$q -o -&-=Hs -oG;-to -o -{t =Qs -=t-rrst :e =i: r d -'t- 0 1 . The Employee Housing Unit, containing -150 equare feet, is hereby restrlsled as a Type I Emp|oyeeHousingUnit(EHU)whlchmustcomplywlthal|lheprovis|onsofSections l 18.57.020, 18.57.030, and 18.57.040 ot the Vai| Munic|pa| Code as amended. TheTypeIEmp|oyeeHousingUnltsha||be|easedtol€nanlswhoarefu||.tlmeemp|oyees who work In Eagle Coudy. A'1 EHU shall nol be leased for a period less than thlriy consecutive days' For rhe purposos of this ssction' a full-tlme employee ls one who works an averag€ of thirty hours each wEek' A Typa I EHU may be sold,lransfened, or conveyed separatsly from any single family or two lamily dnelling only if it meels the lollowlng condhions: a) lt must bo us€d by the O'vner of the Type I EHU as a psrmanont residence' For the purpose of this paragraph' a permanent rEsidence shall rnean the home or place in which one's habilatlon is fixed anp to which one' whsnever he or she is abseil has apresent|ntsntiono|return|ngatteradepartureorabs€nc€thEreftomregard|esiof theduraliono|absence.|ndeterminingwhatisapermanontresidence,theTown straffshal|takethefo||owingcircumstancosrelatlngtolheowneroftheresidence|nto account:businesspursuits,employment'incomesources'residenceforincomeor oth€r tax purposgs, ags' marital stalus' residence of parents' spouse and childran lf any, location of porsonal and real Prop€tty' and mblor vehicle registralion' b)|laTypeIE}{Uisso|d,transferted.orconveyedseparale|y|romthootherunitlns Two-Family dwelling it is a part of , then bolh the Type I EHU and the unit 1o which it isattachedsha|lbesubjecttoalltheprovisionsset|orthinSsction18.57.020. Ths Type I EHU shall not be divided into any form of tirneshares, inlErval ownership, or fractional tee ownership as those lerms are defined in the Municipel code of the Town of Vall' No|alorlhanFebruaryloleachyear,theownorofaachemployeehousingun|twilhinthg town which is constructed following lhe elteclive datE of this chapter shall submit lwo coples of a report on e form io be obtained fmm thE communlty Developmenl ogpartmont, to lhe community Developmenl Department ol the Town of vail and chairman of the Town of Vail HousingAuthorltyaettlng|orthev|denceestab||sh|ngthattheemp|oyeehous|ngunithasbeen r€ntd thoughorJt ths year,lh€ renlal rate, the employer, and that each tenant who residos whhln the employee housing unit is a full-time ernployee in Eagle Counly' 6. ThE owner of each EHU shall renl th€ unh at a monlhly renlal rats conslslent with or lower than those markdl rates provatent for similar properties in the Town of Vail' 2. 3. 1f,6t 8E (L '*$ & '-? gH (U c) 4. 8. Y. 7 . rn" fon n oQil Housing Auhority will determine the market rtba."a on t e study of other unlts of comparable size, location, quality End amenitios lhroughoul the Town. The market rale shall be basod on an av€raga ol a rnlnimum of live renlal rales of cornparable unlts. lf lhe unh is not renlsd and is not available al lhe merk€l rat€ lt shall be determined to bo in noncompliance. In addition 1o any olher penalties end reslrictions provided hereln, a unil found lo be In noncompllance shall be eubieci to publbatlon as del€rmined by the Housing Agthority. Fifty percenl of lhe parking requked for the Type I EHU shall be enclosed. lf a garage is to be shared by both the primary rosidonce and the Employee Houslng Unit, access to the garage from the Employee Housing Unil shall be guaranteed by lhe owner of the primary resldence. Thirty days prior lo the lransfer ol a deed for a Type I EHU, the prospective purchaser shall submit an applicalion lo lhe Community Development 06parim€nt documentlng that the prospgcliv€ purchaser meets the criteria sel forth sbove and shall include an affidavit affirming that he or she meots thoso crll€ria. The provlslons of th€se roslricliv€ covsnanls may b€ enforc€d by the Orner and the Town. The condilions, reslricllons, slipulations, and agreements conlalned hereln shall not be wafu€d, abandonsd,lerminat€d, or amended axcqpt by the written oonsenl of bolh th€ Town ol Vall and the Oflner of the prop€rty. TOWN OF VAIL, e Colorado municipal corporalion inslrumonl was acknowledged before rne this Z'd ay of *.-Ft k .,. lt t , t cl? f" 10- 11. The$egoine inslrumenl was acknowledged before me thisffiaV ol t/,fef . F4u/tt' r*,r r{c I et-€ y (}an sr, ( o e- .:Vto[tE[rdddEHU.l /r?l l-.i t-. L,, 1-. I|l|il ilil illllllllll llllllllll llllllllulil llllllll bbadat6aT-ecn3e! es'trF 3?3 Erre Flrhrr 2 oC 2 n 11,e0 D 0.00 N 0.00 te;h C0 Project Name: Lot 13, Grand Traverse Project Description: New primary with an ehu Owner. Address and Phone: ArchitectiContact. Address and Phone: - TOWN OFVAIL Dauphinias-Moseley Construction, P.O. Box 1515, Vail, Colorado, 81657 oa Design Review Action Form Project Street Address; Legal Description: Parcel Number: 2103-122-09-013 Comments: 1426 Moraine Drive Lot 13, Dauphinias-Moseley Subdivision Building Name: Motion by: Pierce Seconded by: Woldrich Vote: 5-0 Conditions: Deed restriction shall be recorded prior to building permit. Town Planner: George Ruther Date: 7ltslgE Board / Staff Action Action: approved F :\EVERYONE\DRB\A}PRoVAL9s\I DRBAPPRFRM DRB Fee Pre-Paid:$200.00 o Depa rt me nt of Conmruniry D eve lop ne nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colora^do 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 June 25, 1998 Pat Dauphinias DMC, Inc. P.O. Box l5l5 Vai[, Colorado 81658 -rr i I tcPy Re:Lot 13, Grand Traverse Dear Pat, I have completed a preliminary review of the plans you submitted for Lot 13, Grand Traverse. Upon completion of my review, I have determined that there is additional information that is needed in order for me to complete my review. Please submit the following information to the Community Development Department for review and approval: Please provide a detail for the site boulder retaining walls over four feet in height. The detail shall be designed and stamped by a registered engineer and showthe walls on the site plan with the lay back designed by the engineer. In the Grand Traverse development, building height is based upon thc original topographic survey prepared by Intermountain Engineering, dated 3113190. Please submit a signed and stamped topographic survey ofthe original topography. Additionally, please indicate the original topography on the proposed site plan. Please submit an outdoor lighting plan. At this time, anticipate a maximum of l5 outdoor fixtures. Please address any design issues identified by the Design Review Board on June 17. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me at 479-2145. Sincerely, /J^.-trR,,blt^'l George Ruther, AICP Senior Planner {i *"n""o"t' o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MA'I'ERIAL: at At" Sr,.-,.* 2l(, 0\ Ce tr*L l,[ tl*rse b (!q,,)tr - 2*(. ltl_e-ss-4.4- (t)ilcut,t,r I k,- (,.4ct|frutlZ-ttl.' l((t Trrr( b.r{s - COLOR:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trinr Doors Door Trinr Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimncys Trash llnclosurcs Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighfing++ Othcr l3cw t,4c titr,ct t*cTAt) '\-t,l NI 6I! LL'C C D i Lttc/c ,.ftutru:r('b ru I tg l-'.a,t u(-*e tlc.&LL'cdA Saft/rr (.t,os * Plca.sc spcciff thc nranufacturcr's color. nutnbcr and attach a snrall color chip ** All extcrior tighting must mcct thc Town's Lighting Ordinancc 18.54.050(J). If cxtcrior lighting is proposcd. plcase in4icatc the number offixhrcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. fdcltify each fixhrc type and providc ih. h"ight obouc gradc. lumcns output, luminous arca, and attach a cut shcct ofthe lighting fixturcs. 4"',r't I r(/e-r \- \ r.lutt\ tt.'co.F /Cr'ul"'7(-? \ C,.Qi Tt ( 7lrt'uvaq*16) l',4t u(* L ht# t) * Updatcd 5/97 PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO I}II I{EMOVED: O PRoPosEDLANDscAPINc Botanical Nantc Common Namc Quantity Sizc+ -a (+,o'bre-A|€ /r*,0 +Mininrunr rcquircmcnts ftrr landscaping: dcciduous (rccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shnrbs - 5 gallons 'fyrrc Squarc Footagc I CROUND COVER soD SEED IRRICATION TYPI] OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER I-ANDSCAPE FEATTJRI]S (rctaining walls. fcnccs, swintming pools, ctc.) Plcasc specify. Indicatc top and bottonr clcvations of rctairrirrg walls. Maxinrunr hcight of walls within thc fiont sctback is 3 fcct. Maxitrtum hcight of walls clscwhcre on thc propcrty is 6 fcct. J Updatod 6/97 l-his fornt is to vcrify servicc availability an<l location tbr ncw constntctiotr and should bc uscd in conjunction with prcparing your utility plan and s.hcduling installatiorrs' Thc location and nvailability ofutilitics' whcthcr thcy bc main tnrnk lincs or proposcd lincs. must bc approvcd and vcrificd by thc following utilitias for thc acconrpanying sitc Plan. uOrv LocartoN vsntrlclrlox O Authorizcd Signaturc ftrr,(lr,L'r rt€! e r L; 7Q 'rr'1( tt t' b /4,,-rn 4 t 'f! rt, r- r ! Datc U.S. Wcst Communicatiotls 1,800-922-l987 46tl-(r860 or 949-4530 Public Scrvicc ContPanY 949-578 | Gary l{all lloly Cross Elcctric Assoc. 949-5ti92 Tcd Husky/John BoYd 't".ct.l. 949-5s30 Floyd Salazar llaglc ltivcr Watcr & Sanitatiorr District * 4'76..748(\ Frctl I Iaslcc -\-r tt n i7 €o /-L ll (.e,r * Plcasc bring a sitc plan, floor pliur, and clcvations whcn obtaining Uppcr Eaglc Vallcy Watcr & Sanitation signafurcs. Firc flow nccds tnust trc addrcsscd. NO'f ES: t.lfthc utility vcrification form has signaturcs from cach ofthc utility companics' and no conrrncnts arc nra4c dircctly on thc fomr. thc l'own will prcsunrc that thcre arc no problems and thc dcvclopmcnt can Procccd. If a utility company has conccms with thc proposcd construction, thc utility rcprcscntativc shall notc dircctly on thc utility vcrit'ication fonn that thcrc is a problcm which nccds to bc rcsolvcd' Thc issuc should thcn bc dctailcd in an attachcd lcttcr to the Town of Vail. Horvevcr, pleasc kccp in mind that it is thc rcsponsibility of thc utility company and thc applicant to rcsolve idcntified problcms. Thc,sc vcrifications do not rclicvc the contractor of thc rcsponsibility to obtain a Public Way pennit fiom thc Dcpartment of Public Works at thc Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtaincd bcforc dieeing in any publio right-of-way or casemcnt within the Town of Vail' A 2. 3. Updatcd 6/97 ll. III. tv. A prc-application contbrcncc with Town of Vail staffis rcquircd' No application can bc acccptcd unlcss thc mandatory prc-application nlccting has becn conrplctctl. lt is thc applicant's rcsponsibility to schcdule this mccting by call ing 91 0-47 9 -21211' TIME REOUIRI]MENTS Thc Dcsign Rcvicw Boifd nrccts on thc lst anrl 3rd Wcdncsdays of cach month' A conrplctc application fornr and all acconrpanying nlatcrial must bc acccptcd by thc conrntttnity Dcvclopnrcnt Departmcnt a nrinimumofthrccandahalf(31/2)wcckspriortothcdatcoftlrcDRBpublichcanng. REVIEW CRITERIA Your proposal will bc rcvicwcd for contpliancc with thc Dcsigr Guidelincs as sot forth in Section l8'54 of thc Mturicipal Codc. NOTE TO ALTAPPLICANTS: A. lfa propcrty is locatcd in a nrapped hazard arca (i.c. snow avalanchc. rockfall, floodplain' debris flow, wctland, ctc), a hazar<t study nlust bc subtlrittcd alrd thc owncr nrust sign an allldavit rccognizing thc hazard report prior to thc issuancc of a building pcrmit' Applicants arc cncouragcd to chcck with thc planning staif prior to suhmittal of a DRB application to dctcrminc thc rclationship of thc propcrty to all mappcd hazards' B. lJasic plan Shcct f'ornrat. For all survcys. sitc plaus, landsr:apc plans and othcr sitc inlprovcmcnts plans. all of,thc following trrtts^t bc shorvn' l. Plan shect siz.c must bc 24"x36". For largc projccts, largcr plarr sizc nlay bc allowcd' 2. scalc. 'l'hc nrininrum scalc is l "=20'. All plans rnust bc at thc samc scalc' 3. GraPhic bar scalc' 4. Nodh arrow' 5. Titlc block. projcct narnc' projcct addrcss and lcgal dcscription' 6. Indication ofplan prcparcr, addrcss iurd phonc numbcr' 7. Datcs oforiginal plan prcparation and all rcvision datcs' tt. Vicinity ntap or location nup at a scalc of I"=I'000'or largcr' 9. Shcct labcls and nuntbcrs. l0 . A bordcr with a minimunr lcft sidc nrargin of I '5"' I l. Nanrcs ofall adjacent roadways' 12. Plan lcgcnd' C. F.or ncw consmrction and additions, the applicant must stakc and tape the projcct sitc to indicate -- pfopcrty lincs, proposcd buildings and building comcfs, All trces to bc rcnroved must be taped' Thc applicant rnust ensure that stakirig dorrc during thc wintcr is not buricd by snow. All site tapings and staking must bc complctctl prior to thc day of the DRB mceting' D. Applicants who fail to appear bcfore thc Dcsign Revicw Board on thcir schcduled mccting datc and who havc not asked in advnncc that discussiorr on thcir itcn bc postponed, will havc thcir itcms removcd from the DRB agcnda until such tinrc as the item ha.s becn rcpublished. E. Ifthc DRB approvos thc application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must bc rcsolvcd pnpr to thc issuancc of a building permit' lJpdated 6197 - (gtM[\ ul3t% L^,u 1o U(r{qe [. u\\\\c I,AND TT,JLE GUARANTEE d";PANY Representing old Republic National Title Insurance company OWNERSHIP AND ENCI'UBRANCE REPORT Order No. 0802253 This report is baeed on a search made of documents affeoting _the record title to the property descrLbed hereinafter, searched by legal deecrj-ptLon and not ny thl names of grantor or grantee. consequently, the Lnformation as to record o\.rner is taken from the nost recent recorded Vesting Deed, and in" ir,fotnation as to existing encunbrances reflects only those docurnents of record which specifically describe the subject property by lega} description. Encumb-rances not inctuded are those of record which refer to the owner of the property or any other person having an interest therein rni"n are filed ty iur"-only ai-rd do not include the legal description of the property. Na infornalion is .furnished relative to easementst covenlnts, conditions and restrictions. --Charges--o&ERePort This Certificate is dated : Address: Record owner: Auguat 30, 1994 $75.00 at 8:OO A.M. DAUPHINAIS-MOSEIEY CONSTRUCTION INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION Recorded date of deed in to above owner: october o2, L988 Documentary Fee on above deed: $65.65 Legal Description: PARCEL A: DAUPHINAIS-MOSEr,EY SUB, FIIJING NO. 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 23, 1990 rN BOOK 535 AT PAGE 221, COUNTY OF EAGLE' STATE OF coioRADo. (pREVIoUsLy KNowN As LoTS 1, 2,3, 4,5, 6t 7t B' 9, 10, 11, t2, 13, L4, 15. 16, 17, l-8, AND 19 LION'S RIDGE SUBDMSION' FILING NO. 3 ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED SEPTEI'IBER L0, 1979 IN BOOK 290 AT PAGE 794-l PARCEL B: LOTS 20, 21, 22r 23,24,25 AND 26' BLOCK 2, LTON'S RIDCE SUB.' FILING NO. 3, ACCORDING'IO.I'ttE pLAT RECORDED SEPTEUBER 10. 1979 IN BOOK 29O AT PAGE 794, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. EXCEPT FOR: LOTS 1,3' 4' 5, 2L,23 AND 24, DAUPHINAIS-IIOSELEY SUBDMSION, FIL'ING NO. 1' AND PARCEL ci pARcEL D, A itEsUBDIVIsIoN oF PARcEL D r-,roNsRIDGE suB' FILING No' 3 AND TRACT C DAUPHINAIS-MOSEIEY SUB, FILING NO. 1 ACCORDINC TO THE PLAT RECORDED APRIL 14, 1994 IN BOOK 637 AT PAGE 540' COUNTy OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO' We find the following documents of record affecting subject propertyl PAGE - tAND rrQ", cuARANTEE(toMpANy Representing old Republic National Title Insurance company OWNERSHIP AND ENCT'I.IBRANCE REPORT Order No. OEo2253 DEED OF TRUST RECORDEDJuly l-3, 1989 IN BOOK 5O9 AT PAGE 816. AssTGNMENT oF RENTS AND oTHER RrcHTs REcoRDED July 13' 1989 rN BooK 509 AT PAGE 817. EXTENSION oF DEED oF TRUST RECORDED February 12, 1990 IN BOOK 522 AT PAGE 948. EXTENSION OF DEED OF TRUST RECORDED Auguet 06, 1990 IN BOOK 535 AT PAGE 63. DEED OF TRUST RECORDED August 27, 1990 IN BOOK 535 AT PAGE 382. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND OTHER RIGHTS RECORDED AUgUSt 27, 1990 IN BOOK 536 AT PAGE 383. EXTENSION OF DEED OF TRUST RECORDED February 20, 1991 IN BoOK 548 AT PAGE 8. EXTENSIoN oF DEED OF TRUST RECORDED August 09, 1991 IN BooK 559 AT PAGE 603 . DEED OF TRUST RECORDED October 08, 1993 IN BOOK 621 AT PAGE 679. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND OTHER RIGHTS RECORDED October 08, 1993 IN BOOK 621 AT PAGE 680. NOTICE BY DISBURSER RECORDED october 08, 1993 IN BOOK 621 AT PAGE 581' PARTIAI, RELEASE OF ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS RECORDED DECENbET 20, 1993 IN BOOK 627 LT PAGE 874. PARTIAI, RELEAsE oF ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS RECORDED DECENbCT 20, 1993 IN BOOK 627 AT PAGE 875. REQUES'T'FOR PARTIAL RELEASE OT DEED OF TRUST RECORDED JANUATY 28, 1.994 IN BOOK 630 AT PAGE 981.. REQUEST FOR PARTIAL RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST RECORDED January 28, 1994 IN BOOK 530 AT PAGE 982. STATEMENT OF IJIEN RECORDED May 13 ' L994 IN BOOK 640 AT PAGE 272. DEED OF TRUST RECORDED May 20 t !994 IN BOOK 640 AT PAGE 734. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND OTHER RIGHTS RECORDED MAY 20 I L994 IN BOOK 640 AT PAGE 735. PAGE 2 LAND TI|,E GUARANTEE (IO"PANY Representing OId Repubtic National Tit1e Insurance company OWNERSHIP AND ENCUIIBRANCE REPORT Order No. OE02253 NOTICE BY DISBURSER RECORDED May 20, 1994 IN BOOK 640 AT PAGE 735. ' ThIe report does not include the results of any search under the names of the property owner(s) or the General Index. Should such a search be desired ptelse contact us for a separate general Index rePort. Liability of Land Title cuarantee Company under thi6 O$tner and Encumbrance report is limited to the fee received. trr^ , PAGE 3 ..',. LfiNtl -,v -, rO. u ri u A R A N r E E C * H F A N Y Jtel,r'r,rge tr t ititr 'l'iLlei lltsul'atrce t-:g111F61'r' t' l: l"l I nrrrgst'tqt THT-INh: YULI FfiF{ YfiUR IIFTIEF Ausust !4' 1:?Etl 0rlr. tJr.der'I Vt1435 T{UYER! I]AUFI{INAI'S-MIJSELEY EfiNETRUI::TII:IN INf,.' A TJOLORADCI I::I:IT{FfiRAT ITIN SELLET{! TIJHNERI-: IAL FELIERAL :!AVING:3 ANN LI:IAN A6OCIATION ADITRESS: :::I. IFER ANN I:IJPIFANY DEL. IVEF{ IN VAIL FUNS I AttNI ':IRAI! FALT'IATEER t::Lt:tgEF{ I f\ttn! l:iAIL C:[F I E':: 1 /\ttnt MINNESOIA TITLEA 5440 Ward Road Arvada, CO 80002 420-0241 3300 So. Parker Rd., Suile 105 Aurora, CO 80014 751-4336 l8l0 30lh Slreet Eoulder, CO 8030 | 444.4t01 ?00 Norlh Riclge P. O. Box 228O Breckenridge, CO 80,l2,l 453-2255 5 | 2 Wilcox Caslle Rock, CO 801 04 688.6363 2l 2 North Wahsalch Colorado Springs. CO 8O9O3 634-4821 Gommitmertt To Insure lsxnd thtough lhe 9ffiu of: P. O, Box 5440 Denver, CO 8021 7 321-l s80 Sanford Place 2 Suite 30 | 7979 E6sl Tulls Denver, CO 80237 779-0220 8333 Greenwood Boulevard Denver, CO 80221 427 -9353 | 201 Main Avenue Durango, CO 81 301 217-5860 6851 Soulh Holly Circle Englewood, CO 80l l2 770-9596 108 3030 S. Collega Avenue Sults 201 Fort Collins, Co 80525 482-091 5 710 Kipling Slreel Lakewood, CO 80215 232-31 | I 3609 So, Wadsworlh Suile I | 5 takewood, CO 80235 988-8550 | 1990 Grant Streel Suile 220 Norlhglenn, CO q0r33 452-0 | 49 I 9590 Easl Maln Parker, CO 80134 84 t -4900 I 08 Soulh Fronlage Road W. P.O. Box 357 Vall, CO 81657 176-2251 LAI'ID TI'TLE GUARANTEE COfVIPANY Soulh Fronrage Road W. P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81657 47 6-225 | LAhqQ' T'l $-;lr GUA[tAi!TEE COf\4PANY ItJ::*:l:l..,:l? h':s"':c MINNESOTA TllL[ TNSURANCE C0MPANY 0F MINNESotA, a Minnesota corporation, herein called the company, lor a valuaSle corrsirleration, hereby conrmits t0 issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identilied in Scfiedukr A. in lavor of thr; ltropuserl hrsured nanred in Scherlule A, as owner ot mongagee ol the eslate or irrterest cgvercd hereby irr tire ialrd described ur relened to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and rlrarqes tSerefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations lxlrtn[, Jlris Cornmitment shall [e elfective only when the identity ol the proposed Insured and lhe amount ot lhe policy or policics committed for have bcen inserted in Schedule A hereol by the Company. eitlrcr at the time uI tlre issuance ol lhis Comnritrnent or by subsequenl endorsement. . This Commitrnent is preliminary t0 the issuance ol such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereundei shall cease and terminate six months after the ellective dbte hereof or when the policy rrr rxrlir;ics crrnnritted ftrr shall issue, whichever fitst occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or rxrlicies is rrot the lault of tlte Contpany. t,tTA CONDII IONS AND SIIPULANONS 1. The tenn "mortqaqe", when used herein, shall inclurle deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. Z. lt rle proposed iniuretl has or acquires actual knowledge ol any defect, lien. encumbtance, adverse claim or other matter afleciing lhe estate or interest 0r mortgage ihereon covered by this Commitnrent other than those shown in Schedule B heleof, and shall fail tot|isc|osesuchknow|et|getollreConrparlyittwtitingltlieCornpanysha||beie|ieverJ|rorn|iabi|ity|olany|ossordamagetes Company"atitsoptionmayamendScherJu|e|]ofthisCtlrntniimentaccording|y,lruIsuhanlendme incuned pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conrlitions arrd Stipulations. 3. Liability 0i the Company untler this Comrnitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the lorm of policy or policies comntitted {or and only for aclual loss incuned. in reliance hereon in lndertaking in goorl laith la) to comply with the requiremerrts irereof oi {b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c} to acquire or creale the estate /linterestormoriqa(|et|rereor'coverettbythisCornmitnrent'|nnoeveritsha||suchliabi|ityexceedlhearnountstatedinSchedu|eAforthepoliorpo||c|es -polic'y or policies contrniled foi in lavor ol the proposed Insured which are heteby incorporated lry relerence and made a part o[ this Commitment except as expressly modilied herein. 4. Any action or actions or rights of action that tho proposed lnsured mayiave or may bring against the. Company arising out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the itatus of the mortgage lhereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions o[ this Comnrittnent. STANDARD EXCEPIIONS ln addition to the matters contained in the Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions lrom Coverage above referred lo, this Commitment is also subiect t-o the.following: 1. Hights or claiins of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easernents, or claitns of easements, not shown by the public records' 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey arrd inspection ol tlre prenrises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records.' 4. Ahy lien, or right to a lien, f or se rvices, laborormaterial theretofore or hereafter furnishsd, inrposetl by law and not shown by the public records'.' S. Delects, liens, encurnbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, Iirst appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the etlective date herBof but prior to the date tho proposed insured acquiles oi iecordlor value the estate or interest or nrortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. lN wlTfuEss wHEREoF, Title Insurance Company ot Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized otficers on the date shown in Schedule A, to be valid when countersigned by a validating officer or other autltorized signatory' nrLE rNsuRANcE c'MpANy 0F MTNNE''IA AStukCawmv 400 SoomdAm rr0 &uth Miryrgirrlli& Mirytsfila ffi401 Aultwited Sirytoty TIM Foim 2502 A t- T' J * u t4 t't I T t't b- hl l i:;l-:l'lE[rLll-.E ll Appl icati,rn Nr,. V114.35 Far' Irrf rrnratic,rr [tn l'Y - ll:har'g e s - ALTA lJuner' Fu I i c r' $7113. 0o I'ill:lij Witlt 'r'tur' r'erri ttarrce pleasr* re fer t''r V1?435' 1. Effectivs ilate: Artgrlst 1.0, l?']rE a.t Elltl(:l A'l'l' ?. P,-rI icr t-tt he issrledr Brtrl pf $Fr-r5€d Irtgured! nALl'A" t:turrrLsr.r s F,o I ir.r' Sh5lt r S0(t.0l.t For'n' B-1p7C' (Atrerrd€d lCt-17-7O) Fr'':,p,:,gle,l I rr s rl r'g d: NAUT-'HIN'\I::;-.1"II'J:1ELEY I::I-JN:;TRI.IETII]N INI]. ' A I::ILCIRAT'fl EDRFEFATIEN i. The estate c,r.irrterest irr the larrd dr,:scribed nr r'eferr'ed tcr irr th i s rl.'rnrnri tnrerrt' arrd c,rvEred here i n i s: A Fee EirrrPl e 4. Tit-le t-r-, the est;rte c'r interest c':vered l"rer'ein is at the el:f ec t ive date trer'et'f vested irrl I::ilI'II"IETT|]IAL FENERAL SAVINI:I:3 ANN LIAN AEO|]IATICIN 5. The I an,J r'e l:er'red tc, in this Cc,nrnritnrerrt is described as f ol l ,rus: t-t:tT L Tl-{Rt:tl-ttiH ANn INTjLIJIIIN$ Lot ?6' tSloctt ? LIfiN'S RInr3E FUBNIVISILIII,I, FILINL] NL]. 3, AC:ITIRNING TO THE F'LAT RET:ORTIEN '-iEFTEMBER ltl, 1'.?7? IN L{I:II:II{ T?O AT FAEE 7P4' I-1I]UNTY CIF EA6LE' LiTATE OF r::r:r|-r:rRAnF. PAGE 1 ALTO*ilt"t f't ITt't El,tr O T:I::FIELILILE T1,. I (Recriir'errents ) Appl iratic'rr N,l . V124ts Jhe fal l,r,nirrs ar'r: the r' e q rt i r' ,a nr e n .t s t'r hc" c'l|rrPl ied ulith: l. Fartttent t- r, c,f t',-.,f' the acr:r:rtlrlt ,rf tlte Elf'aIlt':'I'9 Or' Irl 'l r' t g E g rt r' g t:r l: ilre f ul I E,lrrsirJer'ati,rn f r,f. tl-re estate t'n interest t'r t'e insured. .I. Frr.,per irrstrr:nrent ( s ) cr'ea.t i rrs tfre estate ur irrter'eEt tc' be irrsurecl nrr:st he eneruted arrd dul'y flled f r,r' r'ecor'd' to-trti t: -?. EVInENT-:E '.=TATIEFAITERY TEr THE C|:IMFANY THAT THE TERI-'IS' trONE|ITIL-1NE ANtr FRflvISIi:INF t'F TI"IE TI:II^JN IJF VAIL TRANE;FER TAX HAVE ETEEN SATISFIED. 4. WARF{ANTY IJEEU FttuM f:r:rPil"tEFtrjtAt- f:ErTERAL tiAVINrjS ANL| L.[AN AE||:"-:IATIEN TO LIAI.IPI{INAI:!|..I,IB[:E:I.EY I::I:tNg RUI:TI|]N INE. ' A C:OLfiRANI:I I-:ITRPTIRATICIN |]ONVEYING LCI-IBLll:r::1 ]:'flt-rl:'E [1T Y. o === TI-IE |]IJ|JFITY I::LERI{ ANN FEII:IRIIER:3 |JFFIEE FEEUIRES RETIJRN Atrtrr{Et;E;85: nN I|L|L:L||'1ENT5 SENr F|]]l REf::ORLTINT:t! ! FAEE : The $rr I the 1. l:, . ALTOL: [r f'l l"l I1-t'l Etl T :::L:t..lEIlUl_E: [t-;;l ( lir::r::ep{: i r,rrs )l\ppl j.catiun N,r, V1'J43S psI icy r, r. F,:rl ir:ies tt, L,+ issue,J uril I c'rrrtai rr exc€Ptions t'r the l,rurilrg r.!rr I G$ri the seLrre a.r'e d j.spr'sed r: l: tt' tl-re satisf ac't i r-'rt c'f llt'lfrFanr': Starrjar,l tiurep['ir:,rrs L ttrr'c,ush 5 pr'irrted r'rr the c'rver'5heet' Ta:*ras and assessnrents fir1t 'r'ig t rJus t' r' PaYabl e arld sPecial ;r$sessfnellt s rrot .1..et ,:ertif ied t'r the Tr'easurer''s affice. Any rrrrpai,J tallu's crr assessnrents.asairrst said larrd' Liens l:{,r' rJttFaid uater' arrd seuer' ':harses' if an'r'&. F,. RIGl.tT trF FR|:TPRIETOR r:rF A VEIN |]R LErnE Tl:r EXTRACT ANn REFIOVE FII'S ORE THFftHFrir:rl,t ..it{r:ru|_t-l l-l.tE :ir\t'tE [rE Ffir-rNI] TrJ FEhIETRATE |:lR INTER:3ErT THE FREMISES AS l.{Eli5,lVEtt Il{ LINIT[:11 5T1.\TE:!: F'AfENT RFt:l:lRIlEl-l Arrsust 14., lp(,?' Ihl Er:r[rl'i 4A AT Itl. F/\r:iE ::;4.:. IllrjHT r:rF WAy Fr-lR nITr::l.tE$ flR CANALL1 |]L1N'iiTRUETEn FY THE AUTHflRITY DF THE uNITEI| E;TATEs AEt REi:iERVHtr IN UNITEn FTATE.S FATENT REI::LrRtrEtr Ausust 16' tp(tpr IN Htrlt{ 4rl A'r F/\riE ri4';:" fiE:3-TRTTT'IVE I:BVENANT:3, WI'{II:I-{ TJI III:IT I:INTAIN.A FERFEITURE EIR REVERTER I:LAu.;E, L1I-J'I- LII"IITTINLl RES.IRII::TII:IN.5, IF ANY, BAEiEN BN NAI::E' CI:ILflR' RELIGION' l:rR NATIr:rl.JAt* r:rrrIrlIf,l, ,.\5 tlr:rl,JTAINEn IN 1N:iTRtJl'lENT REI::l:lRtrEfr l:repterfrher fl:r' Ip7::J, IN llllLrlri:1:15 AT [rArjE 44::3 ANI| A*; Af4ENtrEn IN INf|TRUI4ENT REI:L--1r{ftl]Ll E;epterrL'er'ilP' Ip7t, lFt FJfluli;;:t;::j /tT f:,AtjE.j4r5 ANII A:i RE*fiE*i:tRnEtr IN IN:3TRI-IMENT IlEr:ORnEn ,-lanuar'r",i;1 '' !':'r74, Il.l B|:|Lr]': ?3t AT F'Ar:iE:i::l' 12. UTILI'TY EA:IEMENT5 TbIENTY FEET IN WIDTH' TEN FEET ON EACH SITIE I:IF ALL INTEIIIf]R LNT LINEL1 ANN A FIFTEEN FCII:IT UTILITY EASEI'IENT ALONE AND AFUTTINEi IJN ALL. EX-TERI|'J]T I.IJT LINE$ A:i T{ESERVEN ilN THE REI.:fiRNEN FLAT FI:IR LIEN'B RINI:iE E;UTJLIIVI:;IEN' F'II-INfi I,I{J. 2. tB. UTILITy EA:iEMEN'1 A,S T3RANTEn 'fE Hr--rLY trRflFi::i ELETiTRIC ASSI3CIATIflN' INr:. IN INSiI'RLtptENlr rlEr::r:rRIl[:It Ar-rr:iuE:-r:::4, 151417 IN Bf-rnH 211 AT PAGE 1cl3 ANn RECC'RnEn ,"11._tNE 1-:,r, 1._r.r'71r IFI [tr,tLltr: :.:';'P AT t...AriE 4,55 i\Nn REI::l]ttuELl '-luLY :-{1 , ti73 IN B|]Et{: 43Ct AT FArjE 3Ei1' 1.4. AL'iREEHIINT I]ETI{EEN TAYVEL ENVIRENI'IENTAI- LANN CDHPANY ANN HI:'I'INTAIN STATES TELETJHNNE ANN EL.EIJRAFH CI:INFANY PRTIVITIING FI:IR TELEFHONE INSTALLATIEN AND BERVIT::E Tl{r.{r:rt-trft-lt:ru-r L. It:tN"::i RInt:iE E;U[l[rlVI:iIl:ltl' f:ILINl3 Nl]. 2 F{EEBRnED tiEFTEf4Bf:R rl7' 11773 It'l Bt]trjl.: 23f AT FAEE tpl ' r:i FALiE ALTfDT:flr,r MrrtEr,r r O Fjr::!{E[rlJLH [r-:: (E;':,:ePti'rns) /\ppl icatiorr Nn. Vf 24.35 I IRING ANfr OTI{Er"I'I.JIr:'E I-TFERATING UTILITIE€r SI'TUAT[:I] I.]hI /-\NI] I.II{I]E:IT ';;AIN FT{fiTJERTY I]E"JIJRIBEII IN INSTRUNENT REI:ERDEN FEBRLIAR'/ 14, l1;r77 IN L1t-tt11,; 3r';1 t\T FAGE $fi5' 16. EA:JEI,IEN'I [:I:IR '\I::I::E:]$ i\T'tN HIJRE:I$ I:IN TIIE R|]ADI"IAY I-:IJNSTRUI:TEN ANN SITUATEN ALENI-I .TI.IE N{]F{THEAS ERLY EITIUNnARY TIF €:UB,IEC:T FRTIPERTY NE€;C:RIBEN IN IN';lTRr_il'lE:N'r tiE|:r:trrnEF FEBRUAI{Y 14, 1':?77 IN tlln:r|".l l5l AT FAriE 5S5' ANLI AE 5Hr:ltJN LIhI IIEI::|JIIUL:tI I}LAT FLIR LII.IN''ii 11 ITIIJE LiI.JENIVISION FILIl'IS N|]. !t. 17. MATTEIT'; |]ilNT'AINEI] I::IR FT:T:ERRE[] T'1 CIN TFIE F'LAT I:tF LI.EIN'E RINTIE SUENIVISION FILINT] NLr, Ll REr:r-rRnEn EEFTEI"IFER 10' lpTp IN BLTCTK ?PO AT FAEE 7?4' BUT NE|T l_Il"lI-rELr l'r;!: A. Tt,ENTy r:nr:rT EASEHENT r:|:ln EXI:iTINrj ft|]Al] ANL1 E|EWER ENTIRTIAL1HMENT ACRrlSs A FART ilF TI.IE:JI:IU }{ERLY FI-IR'TIfiN CtF ].nt 1' BIacII 3 AS SHT'WN trN THE PLAT. Lr. 1l,l[:l\t"fY fxt]r:r-l ::;Et"lEIl E/IE:Ef,lENf THRfiI-l'il{ LtlT5 l4 alNLl 18, HLt]rJ}{ Z A'; Ei}JOtlN l:rN TI-IE PLAT. r::. REEERVATITTN r:rrllTAINEII FN l-HE FLAT WHEFEFY FUILFIN'i FERMIT$ F$R LIITS 1 'fHRr-ilJrjH t7, Bt-r:n:fi: WILL Nt:rT BE IL1SUEB LINTIL LCITS lB, BLtrt:ti 2IS nEnIeATEtl ^ Tr:r TllE TI]WN r:r[: VAIL. U r-'a. TERI,I:3, I:IJNUITIflN::i ANI] FR|:IVI*IFNLi tlF ANNEXATIEN AEREEMENT RE']I]RNEN Nuvember Crl, lprrr5 IN B|]Lrli 4:El AT PAt]tE ?ir4., ANI| IN Bl:rtrl{ 4.lB AT FAriE ?37. 1?. EASEI"IENTE, IIE:IERVATII]NEI ANLI IIEETRII-1TII]Ng T\5 E;H'JWN ANN RESiERVETI I:IN THE . IIEI::I:IRTIEN F.LAT OF LIt:IN'S RINCIE SUFTIIVISICIN, FILINE NI:I. 3. FAGE 4 I Public Service'Publlc Servlcc Company of Golorado P.O. Box 430 Mlnturn. C0 81645 ' {303}949-5781 Augnrst 2, J--990 lcrdn Of Vail- Oonmunity Der,elopnent Departnent Attn: liristan Pritz, Dircctor 75 Souttr Frontage Road Vail, O 81657 Dear lGistan, Please aflow tlds letter to serue as ewidence th,at D.M.C.,fnc., the dercloper of Iots 1-19 Lions Ridge Lane, has satisfied Public Senrice Conoany's recj:est recnrirenents. AlL necessarlt natural gas system designs are @ry)Iete at ttris tine. D.M.C. Inc. has signed tlre necessary facility agreenent and renitted t.l.e required. cash ontri-bution for the facilifi in- stallation. Increased dernand for Publ-ic Service @npany's senrices cluring this year, and tlae lindted manpoleer to satisflr this de- mand will require efficient job schedulinq. Pr-rlclic Senzie @fipany crews are prepared to begin construclion at tlris tjne. Please let ne l<nc,e, if I may be of additicnal assistance in providing infornntion rel-ated to this der.elopnent. Representative GI:Inb , HOLY CROSS?'EC.TRIC ASSEUIATION, INC. 1799 H|(; W.\Y n2 AREA CODE "; t,. o. Dtar\\r tiR : l so 3oJ (;LliNlv()ot) sPlltN{;s. col.()tt.\l)r) srnt): 945-5491 August 2, .|990 Ms. Kristin Pritz Planning Dept., Torvn of Vajl % Dauphinais-Mosely Constructjon, Inb. Mr. Pat Dauphi nai s P.0. Box 1515 Vail, C0. 81658 RE: Lionsrldge, Lots 1-19 Resubdivision Electrical Service Dear Kri stin: Holy Cross Electric Associatjon, Inc. is in the process of completing our primary electrjc jnstallation within the above mentioned project. bJe have already received funds from Dauphinais-Mosely Construction, Inc. for the estimated cost of this project. Primary electrical service installation should be completeci by mid-August. Should you have any questions, please call me at 303-949-5892. Si ncerely, H0LY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATI0N, Inc. -.A /... f ./,/ ,,/ ./-.r'-.{ ry-*l-z} Ted Huskey "/ | Engineering Service Supervisor Tll: lw til/0#I223525167:Lionsridge, Lots 1-19 Resubdivi sion j..,,. ft . ]'\ 'l 7 Heritage Cablevision ['.O. Rox 439 0 I {0 lvtctcalf Road .{',,on. Color:rclo 8 162 t) r l0l) rl49-5510 Augusc 2, I990 To whon lt may concern, Ileritage Cablevision w11l provide cable servlce to Ehe D a u p h i n a i s - Mo s e 1e y subdivislon, filing /lI . At this time the cable is in place at t.his slt,e. Sln cere 1y r +A"A A/ W-_1" Mark G. Guzinski HeriEage Cablevi.sion Lead Technlcian rct' J Hsr' ))MMUN\CATiONS @ hax 3O5o 'Orll-on, hln. Eo435 Taon C/V,+rL De4. H Cornrnczrtt/J kve.(oernenl 75,9 .,rran/,age R/. zt. V,4t L, (ole. B/Gs7 ' ,r^,rr,, Z-/on3 R r&€- Sa.,fut v t s torl Ft Lr r)9 rVa. 5 l.Ll[tEsr', \4 \< A s \ ,N C\ )J \' cF.C\ ., ze pl. H cornma rt ty'r oe "L?Y'#"Jiyi: @ fazufl dP VA /L Urq tL AP PROVED: BY TITL E: :/ UppeR EAGLE VA o LLEY WATE R AND SANITATION OISIRICIS 846 fOeE5l nOAO . vAlL COTORAOO 81651 (J0l).76 7480 ( August 2, 1990 l1s. Kristan Prltz Tosn of Vall Connunlty Developnent ?5 South Frontage Road Vall, Colorado 81657 Re: Dauph inals -l.loseley Subdtvlslon Fillng l, VaiI, Colorado (2{ SingIe family lots and I duplex Iot ) Dear Hs. Pritz: The Varl VaIiey Consolldated lfater District and Upper Eagle VaIley Consolidated Sanitatlon Distrlct vllI provlde donestlc vater servlce and sever servlce to the above referenced develoDment. The Distrlcts have excess capaclty to process domestlc vater to lts constltuents at the present tlme. Accordlngly, upon conpllance vlfh the Rules and Regulatlons and the paynent of approprlate tap fees, the Dlstrtcts vllI provlde donestlc yater servlce and seuer servlce. Constructlon of aII natn line extenslons 1s the responslbllity of the developer; houever, all constructlon dravtngs nust be preapproved by the D1str1ct. Any addltlonal fire servlce, (1.e,, flre hydrants), that need to be added to those already exlstlng vlll be at the expense of lhose requestlng the servlce. The addltion of Backflov Preventlon Devlces on the Flre Se/vlce and on the Donestlc llater Servlce, vhere requlreal , are necessary, Slncerely, UPPER EAGI.,E VAtT.,EY CO}ISOLIDATED SAIIITATIOH DISTRICT \"-N\ \\c\a!r- Fred S. Haslee Dlstrtct Regulatlons Adnlnlstrator FSHrJao \II PAFTIGIPATINcDI'IRIcTs.ARRowHeADMET'IowATER.AVONMETNOWATEH.BEAVfRCREEKM€'NOWAIER.EERNvCREEKMETROwo,,. /G\ a\ EA''LE va'LMEr^own''*'"'*"''r,,'i:::"]::::,:iffi:;'i;ffr?:r'",:i::ir,:T;:;:::'aLLEv coNsoL'DAreo saN'ray'oN @ 75 routh frontrrge road Yrll, colorrdo 81657 (30:r) {7&2138 (3031 47$213e oltlce of communlty d€vslopment June 21,1991 Mr. Pat Dauphanais P.O. Box 1515 Vall, CO 81658 Re: Revocable Rlght-of-way Permlt for Dauphanals.Mosely subdlvlslon Dear Pat: After speaking with Kristan Pritz regarding your concern with filing revocable right-of-way permits for individual lots on the above project, I spoke with Greg Hall about the lssue. lt is our feeling that lt will be possible to file only two revocable rlght-of-ways for the project. One will cover landscaping and site walls for the landscaping associated with Lots 1-b4.' For tnis, we.will .reference the proposed landscaping plan for the subdivision. Greg will review each lot at the time of submittal, and may have comments and concerns as the lartdscape plan develops. The entry landscaping will be on an individual permit which references the approved design ol this area, should you have any questlons, please do not hesitate to call me at 479-213g. n^^W /ab Greg Hall Kristan Pritz <Fli4r . (-)o l- HHH V).c){ A) c) F. €dFtB o Ho o ooo {-f a (n o Fl rdF.o H<ts oP.o oo rd cro 5 FIO oP. oF1 ,o f. rr o (t p o CT 5 o (r\ @. tr -l{tr/N ,,T;l\ l-l:Hr bI E. rn @ i'rf1 f.') z J LL z \/ ; ; m o_.< -_)tr F (n o .rl h P tn ..1 rJ IJ d .rl q, |J t{dc) ='0., 1.. tn (,) >'t .'.{ q F4(0 Olr Ft(U 00 +.1 d(d rlB L! (J : u. a z o'tl [ry E \\ -,,i rr ^J4 hi Yd L - lr.l () t- ,-\ '. _ r-J i/ V, -7 <xi o l0a x ou/ ;'\\ !. @,)r$'\\7 N\ ."q futffi 46i N vl I dp.r ! ,,r$) i \.r \:/ r \,ntL ,tN.1 ,'rit'\ tEl I : \\ \\ u"t , ,}\ 4 o t)/ ,ii':'" rY8 g '/L I' taz I c ,,u r,ili" :,A i,.rl j l | |,t. tirif , ,.': l _ rii.l W