HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAUPHINAIS MOSELEY FILING 1 LOT 18 LEGAL.pdfCCNrifi"g'dTY Gl'EL0Ft€l{l Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORlrl Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax:970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com Project Name: BOCK RES. ADDmON Project Descriptionr Approval of a master bedroom over an existing garage, The design increases site coverage by 10 square feet. There is no GRFA wihtin Special Development District No. 22, Grand Traverse. Participants: owNER BROOKS F, BOCK QUAUFTED pER01/1412008 TRUST - BOCK, BROOKS F. 5764 BLOOMFIELD GLENS W BLOOMFIELD MI 48322 APPLICANT WOODSTOCK BUILDERS, INC. 0L1I412008 Phone: (970)476-8055 BOX 1515 VAIL coLoMDo 816s8 License: 351-A CONTMCIOR WOODSTOCK BUILDERS, INC. 011t412008 Phone: (970)476-8055 BOX 1515 VAIL coLoMDo 81658 License: 351-A Prcject Address: 1700 UONS RIDGE LOOP VAIL Location: 1700 LIONSRIDGE LOOP Legal Description: Lot: 18 Block: Subdivision: DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY FIL I Parcel Number: 2103-122-0901-B Comments: See Conditions DRB Number: DR8080006 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions! BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtIon: STAFFAPP Date of Approval:. 0210612008 Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town C.ode, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction ls commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0009724 The applicant shall match all materials on the propsoed addiiton to those exisitng on the structure with regard to color, texture, dimension, and material. Cond: CON0009725 The applicant shall replace the entire existing wood shake roof on the structure with the DaVinci brown compsite wood shake. Thls approval for a new roof is only effective upon adoption of the proposed Special Development District No. 22, amendment to permit roofing materials other than wood shake. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: t3O0.O0 Additions-Residential or Commercia I Application for Design Review lCIlffmWLU ^3""1ilff[.J.?JlViilB:["J:ll'J]'." l-t tel:970.479.2128 fax:970.479.7452 \.1 web: www.vailgov.com -l General Information: A, All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to / the' submittal requiiemenS for the particular apprwal that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be t|Ff f accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The p@ect may also need $ to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses t$ unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. , _ V ncccrinrinn^rlhcpa.r,,ccr, ICArq- $1s I!1 rtail: odF,yl_Vlre (r*(.r+C€ a,l 4t8 Physicar oooiilr,. A ff:I'ffi'*T ; Name(s) of Owner(s):qg3zL Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:Bo E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review E New Construction 'fl naoition D Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) E Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) E Changes to Approved Plans D Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions. landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Location of the Proposat: t-ot: 1r4 Block: Phone: For Office-llse Only: | )a/< t Fee Paid: ':@'oo cnecu.no.: 12055 ay, I MeetingDate: Z-- G-QU DRBN..: ******+t*+**************+****************t**++++****f**+***+*****+*****+*******i*****'t****** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement * * * ** * * *** ** **+* *** * ** *** * * * * *+++*** ** *******++** * *** ** **** **'t*l'*'l**f**+******tf+t*++**+**** Statement Nuniber: R080000048 Amount: $300.00 OL/L4/2O0gL0:40 AM Pa)ment Method: Check DAUPHINAIS Init: .fS Notation: 13 055/PAT $300.00 *r'3**'r***************t+**+*ft++++++t**t**********,i****************+++++*+a+*a***i**+******** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts DR 00100003LI2200 DESTGN REVIEW FEES 300.00 Permit No: DRB080006 I14)e: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 2fO3-]-22-O9OL-8 Site Address: 17oo I,IoNs RIDGE I,ooP VAIIJ L,ocation3 1700 ITIONSRIDGE LOOP Total FeeE: Total AIJIJ Pmta 3 Balance: Description This Palment : $30o. oo $300.00 90.00 I 0835'42" 5J7.96' 80.70' NOTIE: Accuding to Colqodo lot Sou must commenco oryl lagol oction basdd upon ony defoct in this sut:'sy tithh thrcc S,corc aftr pu frrct discorw stdt dafcct ln no atu t, moy ony och'on basd upon aq/ dafect in thls anrtcy be conmanccd moro thqr ta )part torn the date of cqtlllcotlm dtom hseon. {{?rar. /7 / 8/96,S /At 7500,9 &ctufit-,. 7f e Cc'a' Iglq'5q ht;-et"lAt:)LL' I r)T t- t-/ t IV 7>l *c-1fr \ s s o rA UF 8L Jo s NOTES: - Ail buildhrg ties te pqpqrdlculq c radial to property lines. - Buldhg ridgc Cewtims arc dl to tq of pl2'rad dc*ing, no paps. - Aqsb of alcvztiorz TRACT A I hrcby c.rfift thdt this impro,,tnent lffif,f;l]ccrfuatr- rvs P.earad ft Douphnoa{uoucj Constructioa' @mpany ail' 7i* @ that lt ls not a land survey plat r tnprovanan t annry plat, ond thot It ls not to ba rdlad upan lt thc cst&lldtmqtt of l*tcc, buldhg, t othq lbturc hnprovantant lina&I furthq catify thot tha itnprova nants ut thc 6ow dastbad Pqcal qt this dote, ,Lly 2J 1996, crcqt utlity cutnactiottl ora antirCy dthh the boundtla of tha parcd, excqt os Ctottt, thot thqe te no qteoodtmqtts upon tha d6€lbd prvnlsa by tnpovantants an oty odphhg pra nlsa, cxcqt os indicota4 qd thot tharc is no qptcnt avidaa or sign of ony aosancnt aosohg t btrdanhg qrt pqt of soid PqEd, cxcqt 6 notcd. fhls cqtlllcota d6s not ccrtstltutc o tN. serl.d, by lntt-Uountoh Englnaalng to dctqtnhc omqshie * aostnqt ts of rscord. For oll hfqrnotion ngordhg casc- mants. ridtts-oFsoy t titla of tpcord, lnt*Alountoh rCicd wqr: frnl Plot of ADDRESS'1700 Llon's Rldgc Loop lrr .s \ LOT tk, I z4mants, rights-oFsoy or titla of rqcord, lnt*Alountoh rCicd upan: frtol Plot ' 7-fu),oouintnals-Hoscay etbdtisian *nr, ront of ,*. Y" cTtr c{oroao' JJ,J8 d,t'BL€' 2;-,t:ffi#fi; (d.A'l 5 rq'y^\c \ N -r'/lS "s*flfud S"#, 3a; sunt tol t120 VANC€ SnEW uKEhaoo. ca_o. Eo2r5 Ld. QoJ) 232-ors8 o P.O. EOX 976 OO77 HT|CAIJ ROAD AWN, COLO. 41620 (JOJ) 919-5072 Itrrtcr-uot tdo AErytr,Gcrrs OA 7E R€VSION lMPROWMENT LOCANON CERNFICA\E Dtsot@ af -rrrf it;FN-sri-arzzs nArt e* ru "ullltt tft{lF],&t@j 8,/20/96 LOT IE, DAUPHINIAS-MOSELEY sugDlwsloN, FTUNG NO. /, TOWI,I OF VA/1. EA6LE COUNTY COLORADO dtEoGE et o.D.F,EJua l. = 2O' fEr, adI( PACE s!€tT ttt, I OF I s*/ _=2_ , a'' \ \- ---\ a-t I li.\ I ri .l / /t ---'---- *urn ba oesrcru \nt :T'':18 :fi' "s."."s$ 10'aElbACK / $ 5 $'..P.{f aVv :\, A-.--?, \f 1Y ^o ,$ ri.E / r,{ : ,r or --(1:'f'.',. 'r -, ,ut#' ,' | \,. ) ,X-o,lo !eo -- -(. ---"-'-' a/ stt{L t \0'|0 ilt F( t \)\n Ur,lut 9#+rct rt r\-7 I ,v V m lt-:il ++I I/2' X 12" STUCCO BAND RELIEF .t r '; .! .l- l, 1.. I /{{r-cF " i,,'1'; ;L F'''Ui.ijLo't/}ue9( 8150 1 (oar ': Cer* l- {x I e$ 'u lr){ tsr'upop er,* )tut ,-lx fo 1-f{ i.,:,,:, ' .], 0nJ Tlta \tl.l L'( \ -' ,l- I 1-r #4''' r '' ;{ y.r iuI il *rQtro r itgLi'ltl;' '-t3 -f ii I q/ €ir I TDIIIIN OF vAtr\ DESIGN REI/IET' STAFF APPROVAL I CHITNEY /,'i k 3'ro ffi TCIVUlg OF V;E|L.. DESIGN REVIEIfl\ STAFF APPROVAL \!ir^\'\ I X 6 TIG CEDAR APPLIED TO O.H. DOORg i'r{,, \- ^l i; ! ,'^',7!Lltruf€ril*- r /\,r t't.aJC, #OOf Oil f"rJrf K(: ) /v;rll yA \J { irc I ir"w(t r - [- ) \1-, l- J- ,-,LLt-'t l,l ;.EL[ i3la,5'- i TDVUR.! OF VAIL DESIGN REVIBil' STAFF APPROVAI- | --) ,'. n f\a*clrty et rv- STONE COPPER CHINNEY CAP llCVUiV OF\rAilL\ DESIGN REVIEItr\ JIAFF APPROVAL \r') /.i' \ L'*ttt 'J Q STONE STONE rtol-r* .)'-.-.-.-'- '..". ),Ar'/ ,t y.-''ft .'v irrVlLV\r \PPROIr'AL ',. N] t- 7)'-O q /2"J ef v DATE: BTAFF: STAFF APF l- t't-og 01 I I in N v I ?-\ r.r) I tr) 't,,,1.r ,if 1,,-\i\ ,'\ irPRC)VA j. | '\ - r L . tu 81 5 @ '@ c') I tr) I DESIGN REVIEii STAFF APPRO/AL oo - z DOUBLE 30" WALf5 CABS W/CROWN b I |r) N () c! I r.) N + I 7 /A T(MNOFVM\ DESIGN RE\/IEIT' STAFF APPROVAT \l-n-r* \ 6'-5 1/2" tt t/z HIGH AWN. MASTER BEDROOM 1?'-O 1/2" N I € i I cLos. | 2',6 3'-11 1/2" 10'-0"runrNoF\tm\ DESIGN REl/IEIf, \ STAFF APPROVAT \ I- l1-nQ \l0 D flp>rrop4l--( rre ferre,Q4tE BAR EP 18 18 24 ENTRY FLUE REPLACE WITH LOG HANGING LAUNDRY wBcT3696 WBCT3696 W84234.5 W84234,5 BOOKSHELVES OTFICE . t trttl | | (l -t J/+ | | I 'ttl DATE: Tl3trr$.$ oF ttAi||- DESIGN REVIE1H r STAFF APPROVAI. \ l- lJ-og \ ur^nr LJc BAR EP 18 18 2+ENTRY rr tttr REPLACE WTH LOG rlliVVrrr OF \tAfL iJL SIGN REVIEW SIAFF APPROVAI- 13'-3 1/2" oo,. -l- !l: c 5 \ u'or=. (,^)C -- paqn,rtatofrl>x'l ' 1v-f l8 Deslgn Review Board ACTION FORM Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970,479,2139 fax:970.479.2457 web: www.vatlgov.com ,:{r.nlJ\rf} CE!€LCit$f 1: Project Name: BOCK TREES Project Description: Participants: Project Addressr Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: FINAL APPROVAL TO REMOVE AND REPI.ACE COTTONWOODS DRB Number: DR8070583 location: BOCKTREES DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY FIL 1 owNER BROOKS F. BOCK QUAUFIED PER10/16/2007 TRUST - BOCK, BROOKS F. 5764 BLOOMRELD GLENS W BLOOMFIELD Mr 48322 APPLICANT SUZANNE E. DAUPHINAIS L011612007 Phone: 970-471-5335 PO BOX 1515 VAIL co 81657 1650 UONS RIDGE LP VAIL Lot 18 Block: SuMivision: 2103-122-0901-8 Replant 7 trees Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: l0l 1612007 Cond: CON0009484 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without written consent of TOV Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0009485 Must replant a minimum of 6 trees on subject property Planner: NicolePeterson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Deparbnent of Community Development 75 south Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2t28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submittinq a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the partio.rlar approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted untii all required information is received by the Community Development Departnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planninq and Environmental Commission. beiign review approirat lapses unless a buitding permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Location of the Proposal:rct: 18 Block: U E, h d Vl ,bd,;,Q t^ e Physical Address: Parcel No,:Zlob tzz6 Name(s) of Owner(s): O- (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) d fr[a''aJp,t OufGrG) Signature(s): E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: ! Signs D Crnceptual Review D New Consbuction tr Addition Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) Minor Alterafon (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Sepamtion Request MaitinsAddressr P.O. 8on t SrS , Vo-.S- C=q. hOS,!-phone! qlo' L{}l'5a35- 5"6V Btoo-t.\ d \^J.$\oo^._d" (J, A{T, q &3at_ Fax: Br."p-u,r*sQe",\ Es*.le- . coA $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or For an addition where square footage is added commercial building (includes 250 additions & For minor cfranges to buildings and site improvements, re-roofing, painting, windovr additions, landscaping'and rebining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-ioofing, painting, window additions, landscaPing, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee tr O tr cn as, fences Mailing Address: Name of Applicant: EGtErvElil il ll i'rr5?007 llll U FlJr?ff* :ott' a.*r no., {i <({ sv, L\ uanngoate: ! l'?-67 DRB No.: Planner: Project No.: t+*+*'t**+t***+++*i*:rl**i******t+*****+*+*******+**+*+'t+*****+r*******++*+++**++**++********'1 TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ++*f+t'*++t*i+tt+*+++**+***t+*++**********t*i**************a+**++t+*++t+++*+*+++++++********** Statement Nuriber: RO7OO02231 Amount 3 $20.00 LO/L6/2Oo7O9:55 All Palment Method: Check Init: iIS t{otation: s344/DAUPHTNATS R.E. Permit No: DRBO7O583 TYpe: DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2103 - 122 - 0901- 8 Site Address: 1650 LIoNS RIDGE IJP VAIL Location: BOCK TREES This Payment:s20.00 Total Fees: $20.00 Total AIrIr Itnts: $20.00 Balance:$o. oo **+*t*t++'l+++t++f+++++++**++***+**tat****++***:l******1.*.lf*t*****+*{'***+*******lla++*t*+f***l+ ACCOIINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Des cript i on DR OO1OOOO3I722OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmts tn nn f,TBA]K li)"'BENEFICIARY OF VAIL 17 vail Road Vail. CO 81657 (970) 476-5686 'LENDER" vail Frontage 81657 IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT CUSTOMER Daupbinais-Mo6eley Con6tructiou Inc Patrick c Dauphinais Clarkaon P Uo6eley Suzanne E Dauphinais shirley M Lioseley ,!lA pr r 965337 6 IOENTIFICATION NO. EXPIRATION DATE This Letter of Credit shall expire upon the earlier of: 1. the close of business on lloveDber LL, L997 and all drafts and accompanying statements or documents must be presented to Lender on or before that time; or 2. the day that Lender honors a draw under which the amount of this Letter of credit is drawn. FI' F l.:' I "r li AODRESS Road 75 South VaiI, co TELEPHONE NO.(...) ... ADDRESS toEtfflFtcATto No. full Box 1515 il, co 81658 Guarantee completion of landscaping on lot 18, GraDd lraverse, Tordn of vail. \\\trlql $'S,,+r%n. Upon Lender's honor of such drafts hereinafter, Lender, once the full amount of credit available under this Letter of Credit has been drawn, shall be fully discharged of its obligations under this Letter of Credit and shall not thereafter be obligated to make any further payments under this Letter of credit in resp€ct ol such demand for payments to Beneficiary or any other person. lf a non-conforming demand is made, Lender shall notify Beneficiary of its dishonor on or bsfore the time mentioned in Seciion 5 below. Beneficiary shall have no recourse against Lender lor any amount paid under this Letter o{ Credit after Lender honors any draft or other document which complies strictly whh this Letter of Credit, and which on its face appears otherwise in order blrt which is signed, issued, or presented by any party or under the name of any party purporting to act for Beneficiary. purporting lo claim through Beneficiary, or posing as Beneficiary. By paying to Beneficiary an amount demanded in accordance with this Letter of Credit, Lender makes no representation as to the correctness ofthe amount demanded and Lender shall not be liable to Beneficiary or any other person for or in respect to any amount so paid or disbursed for any reason whatsoever, including, without limitation, any nonapplication or misapplication by Beneficiary of the proceeds of such payment. By presenting upon Lender or a confirming bank, Beneficiary certifies that Beneficiary has not and will not present upon the other, unless and until Beneficiary meets with dishonor. Beneficiary promises to return to Lender and confirm any funds received by Beneliciary in excess of the Letter of Credit's maximum drawing amount. 2. USE RESTRICTIONS Lender indicated above ("Lender") hereby establishes at the request and for the account of Customer an lrrevocable Letter of Cr€dit in favor of Benefici ary for a surn ei f'wentf ftqusand Four Hundred Tbirty seven aqd qq/ 100 These funds shail be made avaitabte to Beneficiary againrt 1"nd",,, receipt from e"n"n"i"rv ot 3lifl:,r"9;;":it{i.iffiaer a its aoareJs indicated above (or such other address that Lender may provide Beneficiary whh written notice of in the future) during regular business hours and accompanied by the signed written statements or documents indicated below. WARNING TO BENEFICIARY: PLEASE EXAMINE THIS LETTER OF CREDIT AT ONCE. IF YOU FEEL UNABLE TO MEET ANY OF ITS REQUIREMENTS, EITHER SINGLY OR TOGETHER, YOU SHOULD CONTACT YOUR CUSTOMER IMMEDIATELY TO SEE IF THE LETTER OF CREDIT CAN BE AMENDED. OTHERWISE, YOU WILL RISK LOSING PAYMENT UNDER THIS LETTER OF CREDIT FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY STRICTLY WITH ITS TERMS AS WRITTEN. 1. DRAFTTERMSANDCONDITIONS Lender shall honor the drafts submitted by Beneficiary under the following terms and conditions: All drafts must be marked 'DRAWN UNDER Ei{ElBatrk Of v4rl TRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDTT NO. 9553376 DATED Novenbq! 1! , L929 _- ", and the amount o{ each draft shall be marked on the draft. Only Beneficiary or Beneficiary's Transferee (only if transferable) may complete a draft and accompanying statements or documents required by this Letter of Credit and make a draw under this Lefier of Credit. This original Letter of Credit must accompany any draft drawn hereunder. partial draws I I are permitted f are not permitted under this Letter of Credit. Lender's honor of a partial draw shall correspondingly reduce the amount of credit available under this Letter of Credit. Following a partial draw, Lender shall return this original Letter of Credit to Beneficiary with the partial draw noted thereon; in the alternative, and in its sole discretion, Lender may issue a substitute Letter of credit to Beneficiary in the amount shown above less any partial draw(s). 3. PERMITTEDTRANSFEREES This Letter of Credit may be transferred by Beneflctary upon providing Lender with prior written notice of the transfer. The Transferee shall be deemed the new Beneficiary of thls Letter of Credit and the documents of the Transferee, including drafts required under this Letter of Credit, are to be processed by Lender (or any intermediary) withotd the original Beneficiary's intervention and without any furth€r responsibility on Lender's part to the original Beneficiary q The right to draw under this Letter of Credit shall be nontransferable, except for: A. A transfer (in its entirety, but not in part) by direcl operation of law to the original Beneficiary's administrator, executor, bankruptcy trustee, receiver, liquidator, successot, or other representatives at lau and B. The first immediate transfer (in its entirety, but not in part) by such legal representative to a third party after express approval of a governmental body (judicial, administrative, or executive). MASTSo2 'a, FormAiion Technologies. Inc. {3/'2,i94) tsoo)937-3799 4. TRANSFEREE'S REQUIRED DOCUMT 7. When the presenter is a permitted Transferee under paragraph 3 above, the documents required for a draw shall include: A. All documents required elsewhere in this Letter of Credit, except that such documents may be in the name of and executed by either the original Beneficiary or the presenter permitted by paragraph 3: and B. When the presenter is a permitted Transferee under paragraph 3.A or a third party under 3.B, a certified copy of the one or more documents which show the presenter's authority to claim through or to act with authority for the original Beneficiary. TIMING OF DISHONOR Under no circumstances shall Lender be precluded trom relying upon any reason for dishonor given in a communication which Beneficiary or the presenter receives within three (3) Banking Days after Lender has received the last document forming part of Beneficiary's presentment (the'Three-Day Period"). Lender shall be entitled to rely upon any such reason without regard to either (i) the timing of any presentment made before the Expiration Date, or (ii) the timing insid€ the Three-Day Period of any preliminary communication(s) from Lender concerning the dishonor decision itself or any reason for dishonor. For any such reason so given during the Three-Day Period, Lender shall be conclusively deemed to have met the "reasonable time', 'without delay'', and other timing requirements as the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, 1993 Revision, ICC Publication No500, as most recently published by the International Chamber of Commerce (hereinafter called the "UCP") may impose. The Expiration Date shall not be exended to accommodate a presentment made with less than three (3) Banking Days to go before the Expiration Date, and Beneficiary shall not be entitled to submit a draw request or provide Lender with any documents in support of a draw after the Expiration Date hereof. Nor shall Lender ever be required to communicate a dishonor decision or its reasons within a time less than the Three-Day period. 'Banking Day'' shall mean any day. exceot Saturda.v, on which commercial banks located in the state of Lender's address are either not authorized or are not required to close. COMPLIANCE BURDEN Under no circumstances shall Lender be held responsible for any impossibility or other difficulty in achieving strict compliance with the requirem€nts ol this Letter of Credit precisely as written. Beneficiary understands and acknowledges: (i) that unless and until the present wording of this Letter of Credit is amended with Lender's prior written consent, the burden of complying strictly with such wording remains solely upon Beneficiary; and (ii) that Lender is relying upon the lack of such amendment as constituting Beneficiary's initial and continued approval of such wording. NON-SEVERABILITY lf any aspect of this Letter of Credit is ever declared unenforceable for any reason by any court or governmental body having jurisdiction, Lender's entire engagement under this Letter of Cr€dit shall be deemed null and void ab initio, and both Lender and Benoficiary shall be restored to the position each would have occupied with all rights available as though this Letter of Credit had never occurred. This non-severability provision shall override all other provisions in this Letter of Crsdit, no matter where such provision appears within the Letter's bodv. Lender hereby agrees whh Beneficiary that drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this Letter of Credit will be duly honored if presented to the Lencier on or betore the Expiration Date. Dated: November 11, 1996 LENDER: Fi BI 3 Mark R. Ristow Executive vice ENDORSEMENT OF DRAFTS DRAWN: 8. CHOTCE Or UWgtrdntSorCrtOru The UCP shall in at lutpuqtg be deemed a part hereof as fully as if incorporated herein and shall apply to this Letter of Credit. This Agreem€nt shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State ol colgraqo , United States of America, except to the extent E[i[ qgis are inconqi$p_Dl WitH the UCP. Lender and Beneficiary consent to the iurisdiction and venue of any court selected by Lender iri its iisoretion locatedtin th€_ State of Jqlerado in the event of any tegat proceeding underthis Lettelbf ,Credit. 'rl,.ri f-", ? 9. EXPIRATION ' t,-.J Amount ln Words Amount ln Figures Date Negotiated By MAST6o2B s FormAtion Technologies, hc. {3/2/94) (8001 937'3799 ' ..: J )o f o z (J 1 F 9PFH9 .9EEc;E6!6d if;:e ;E;;i: ;igE;c EiEE*! Es€Be3 '11 -! z H H z P] Fl I (/l H z p cl _! i .; = U F o{\.o d ?.d o,i : 7. z :- = =!c &f'r F z oF -urH Y:-*srx >zz ca<< =iz -\<\J ):' ,'\ i-\\JF z"Y =z= -r- e) c fsz .\ LrJ \", r--fz Z ir:.! -\ *1 .ic<=KJ J-- J 4,tac4 l r-, ,. so:*z/ *: !..)9E"<r-:?Z Ft!>zc\=<-y ?E"rH =F-e .{ ilto>-: <aC t >:.1 z -_ -Yk ilhtE (fz:ul--^v- -t r- cd:l-*zu:e<:-Lr-_{: ,^ * !r)ll {-:'ri ,-.FY---: cz cz -L;rHSI :-\r/- O. irt rF?.F{t{d * O. FR trn -E .lJ l+ F -a rFa E F iH EY aJ a{Fr €a{ 11 F9 ts\-r,l-l r-tt a *fa ?H l{ -,v tt.. ta A.rFa d t{ rlJ fH r1J tFt |-r A.E)\r' ta,le.. -/r**o -1a -'i"ir-r'?i prlcn --- Z-t6td -r,.-.()t. Ho. --.---.- Al,nx -- *pran &). CHECK REQUEST - DATE: L /2./? Z VENDOR NAME: h '/ \", /1 Lbtt,.Alh 6i s'- /1( o-ap,6- 7 VENDOR NUMBER:U -T cJ b 2-73 a DESCRIPTION oF EXPENSE: CLEAN uP DEPOSIT REFUND FoR Bp # /vg -po e f NAME OF JOB:Tro.^t -fo'r-rr"--^ + l( ACCOUNTNUMBER: 0l 0000 22002 AMOUNT OF REFUND, f<-i,o o DATE APPROVED;6:EE t APPROVAL SIGNATURE: ZONE Z V_N z4 , t L Subtotal t 4,353 368r 069. u+ 368, 069.04 456, 000 .0oo fof UoodlPsl tet: PfIVaEe ('dl. crgeo Table Dates 06/2O/1995 TotaI Valuation: Town of vait adjusted Valuation: ,of Gas Logs: 1 ti reptace Information: Restricted: Y fof Gas APP I' i ances: --lH*ijJfH*I-*ffilIil;*--*#Jil1ii;;;i*' ************tk*****t"r****'ti.tr*nrl*rr**i*ir*.***,r*****"* '^.-f .rr.r't qt..t F..3---> 4'713'30 Totat cstcutated Fees---> ?,164.@ 1 .106.60 '00 3.00 TOTAL f EES------ Bui (di ng-----> Ptan chcck---> Investi gat i on> tJi , c8l. t----> Restuarant Ptsn Revi ee--> 0RB Fer-------- Recreation FeF---------> c tean-UP DcPosi t--------) .00 200.00 Additionrt tees---------> Totat Per0it Fee--------> Payments-------- BALANCE DUE-.--- .00 4,713.3O 4,713 .3O .00 /i39.139 .70 500.00 500.00 A .713 .30 IteM: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT oiTis/wga om Actionr NorE oi'llo'/wga CHARLTE Action; APPR ribm:' 054OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT oi/zs/19ga Px Action: NorE oi'/oo'/tggo GEoRGE Action: APPR rt,eM:. 056OO FIRE DEPARTI.IENT os/ot /tsg6 CHUCK Action: APPR ItLm: O55OO PUBI'IC WoRKs oi Jod lnsa rERRr-M Action 3 NorE oi'1oa'lvsa LARRY-P Action3 APPR CHARLIE CHARLIE GEORGE Dept: BUILDING Division: PLANS EXAMINER DAVIS DePt: PIAI'INING Division: PLANNER DePt: FIRE na DePt: PUB WORK OK WITH ENGINEERING LARRY PARDEE Division: Division: See page 2 of this Docunent for any condition/ that may apply to this permit' DECLARATIONS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TOWN OF VAIL 75 S, FRONTAGE.ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 NOTE: DescriPtion:NEw SFR/EHU OccupancY DweIIings Private Garag:es JOBSI E AT ALL #18 Permit Number of Dwelling Factor Sq. Feet 93.48 3,788 24 .72 5 65 Totat catcutated Fees---> AdditionaI Fees-------> Totat Permit Fee-----> Payments------- BALANCE DUE--.-- Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 04/25/I996 riiued...: osl08/:-9e6 Expires. . : 7!/04/1996 "ton.:303328-5499 Phone:303328-5499 TIMES 896-0069 Units: 002 Valuation 354,L02.24 13,965.80 368, 069 . 04 368,069 .04 456, oo0.00o .00 4,7't3.3O 4,713.3O .00 THrs PERMTT MU$T BE PosrED oN pio.rrct rrrlE: lenaNo rnevenss NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT -iilcai-ierr;::-z t7o0 LIONRIDGE LooP Farcel No. .: 2!03-]-22-09-018 Project No' : PRJ96-0049 APPLICANT DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O Box 1595' EAGLE co 81631 CONTRACTOR DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O Box 1595, EAGLE co 81631 OWNER DAUPHINAIS_MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION P o Box 1515, VAIL co 81658 rT.Y- Zone 2 V-N Zone 2 v-N TabIe Date: 06/20/t99s Subtotal:4,353 TotaI Valuation: Town of Vail Adjusted Vafuation: FireDtace Information: Restri cted: Y fof Gas ApPtiances:#of Gas Logs: 1 #of I'lood/Pa t Let : 1 ,7',t3 .30 Bui td i ng----> Ptan chcck--> Investi gat i on> !,1 i l, L Ca l, l.----> ?,164.@ 't,t06.60 .00 3.00 Restuarant P lan Rev ie'l--> DRB Fee--------- Recreation Fee----------> cLean-Up DePos i t--------> .00 200. 00 139.70 500.00 4 t713.3O Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04/25/7996 DArt Action: NoTE o4'/30'/:-gg6 CHARLTE Action: APPR rt'ern:' 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 04/25/1996 D}Jl Action: NoTE o5'/06'/Lgg6 GEORGE Action: APPR tt'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 05/07/1996 CHUCK Action: APPR Item:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 05/06/11996 TERRr M Action: NorE O5'/08'/t996 LARRY-P Action: APPR CHARLIE CHARLIE GEORGE Dept: BUILDING PLANS EXAI,IINER DAVIS DEPT: PLANNING PLANNER Division: Division: Division: Division: DePt: FIRE rlct DePt: PUB WORK OK WITH ENGINEERING LARRY PARDEE see page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may aPpry to this permit' DECLARATIONS ' O j ---:^- J.i I r..r ^,,.r. in rur.r. the into.*rilqui red, compteted an I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this ippl'ication' f il'l'ed out in futt the inform€ p[an,andstatethatalttheinformationprovidedasrequirediscorrect.lagreetocomptytJiththeinformation to comP|.y tJith a|.|' Toyn ordinances and state [ays, and to buit.d this structure according to the Town,s zoning and codes, des,ign reviev approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the ToHn app[.icable thereto. accuratc PLot and ptot P I'an, suMivi sion REOUESTS FOR TNSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE T|JENTY-FOUR HOURS send C[ean-UP DePosit To: Dl'lc lN ADVANCE BY TELEPC{o!{E ALt'7f-2138 oR AT ouR oFtICE tRolt 8:00 An 5:00 Pl'l 'V'o ll&'tr SIGNATURE OF OUNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HI}'ISELF AND OIIIIER Applied I 04/25/1996 i!sued I 05/08/r996 PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 896-0069 as of 05/08/.21 .. status: rssuED *******************************************i************************************ Permit Type: NEW (SFR'P/S,DUP) -PERMTT eppliciirt: DIDIER CONSTRUCTION CoMPANY Job-Address: 1090 VAIL VIEW DR Location: 1700 LIONRIDGE LOOP Parcel No: 2103-122-09-0L8 **************'(*x****************************'(********************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** I.THISPRoJECTWILLREQUIREDASITEIMPRoVEMENTSURVEY.SUCH SURVEYSHALLBESUBMITTEDANDAPPRoVEDPR]oRToREQUESTFoR A FRAME INSPECTION. 2.ATTICsPAcEsSHALLHAVEACEILINGHEIGHToF5FEEToRLESS, AsMEASUREDFROMTHEToPSIDEoFTHESTRUCTURALMEMBERSoF THEFLooRToTHEUNDERSIDEoFTHESTRUCTURALMEMEBERSoFTHE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. 3.SHEETA2sHowsAHANDRAILDETAILTHATISINcoRREcT. HANDRAII,SINR3OCCUPANCIESMUSTBEAMINIMIJMOF34" 4.PARTYWALLBETWEENAPARTMENTANDRESIDENCEMUSTBERocKED wrTH 5/8" TYPE X GYPSUM WALLBOARD 5.NoMECHANICALwoRKALLoWEDUNTILMECHANICALPERMITAQUIRED 6.MECHANICA]-,PLANSAREREoUIREDSHoWINGcoMBUSTIoNAIR FLUEVENTSANDcUTSHEETSSHoWINGTYPEANDSIZEoFFURNACE BElNG USED ?. Deed restriction must be in place Prior to TCo' S.MUSToBTAINPUBwAYPERM]TPRIoRToBUILDINGPERMIT **************************************************************** TOWN oF vArr,, coLoRADO statemnt * * * * * * * * * * * f * rr* * *;;* *** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * statemnt Number: REc-0136 Amountz 4'513'30 05/08/96 l2-zl2 :i:ry:ril:iry, :l-----:::::::i:-t-:191 ---:i1-::-- Permit No: 896-0069 TyPe: B-BuILD NEw (SFR'P/S'DUP) PE This Payment 4,513 . 30 4r 713.30 4, 713 . 30 .00 *******************************Jr****,r*****,r********************* Account Code DescriPtion Amount 01 OOOO 41310 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 21L64'OO 01 ooo0 41332 PLAN CHECK FEES 1',406'60 01 0ooo 22002 CLEANUP DEPOSTTS 500 ' 00 30 oooo 45032 RECREATToN FEES 439 '70 01 OOOO 4].336 WILI, CAIJL INSPECTION FEE 3 ' OO Parcel No: 2103-L22-09-078 site Rddress: 1090 vArL VIEW DR LOCAtION: 1?OO LIONRIDGE LOOP Total Fees; Total ALL Pnts: Balance: r+,Ji,..lI- at 97 IPARCEL ,tl c! 0-3 tt. "T;;i, oF vArL coNsrRucrr; PERMIT APPI/TCATTON FORM DATE. 4, 2., qc PERI'IIT # Eagl e 28-864 county Assess 0 for Parcel Legal Descriptionz Lot-t{-FiLins * | lslrBpwrsroN, DfoyllL{tr owners Name : bAql * t"+t t -tlo rctd (^s-Address : Architect:q^ t't €Address: Number of DwelLing Units t Z- ^ rypmber and Tlpe of Fireptaces: cas Appliances- eas logs / wood/pellet-v lT********************************* VALUATTONS ********************************* durr.orlre : $ 3qo,ooo ErJcrRrcAt t tlJ-, OO.Q__OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ 4<ro@O rorAL: $W-__ BIock P:n.,(1d-ndtt Ph. General Description: work class: 1\,/3-Wew 1 r\-l-Alteration I l-Additional t Number of l-Repair [ ]-Other Accommodation Units:@ Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: fiEqHANIcAL: $ 'f76 -{c'Llq -'b^60( .1 lt *************************** Phone Number: H€ 6LeCr(tc- Town of vail Res. xo. lfiE-E E ci(.. '-l/ L:9' Phone Number: clll '0Zo> Plunbing Address: Contractor: Mechanical Contractor: Address: Town of vail Reg. No.t??-( Phone Number: ?.1 1-gfn Town of Vail Reg. NO._ Phone Number: oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDING PIAN CHECK FEE: PLUT'IBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MEC}TANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: p+ ******************************** FOR BUTLDTNG PERMTT FEE! PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECIU\NICAIJ PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB EEE: VALUATION RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATTJRE: Conments: brtc- (^:e-CLEAT$ IP DEPOSIT RXFI'}TD Don t5(f ,d*rt,U 8tQ.f g .,t Valt l0wr iFlfi nnpv 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Departtnent of Community Development Town of Vail 75 south Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81557 (303) 479 -2138 Plan review based on the 1991 Uniform Building code Name: GRAND TRAVERSE LOT # 1,8 Date: April 30. 1995 ConTracLor: DAUPHINAIS MOSELEY DesigneT: DAUPHINAIS MOSELEY Engineer: BOLYLE ENGINEERING P}ans Examiner: CHARLIE DAVIS A11 elect.rical work is to be conpleEe to the requirements of lhe laLest National Electricat Code,all Town of vail Ordinances, and HoIv Cross Requiremenbs. This project wiIl require a site improvement survey(fLC) . This survey shall be submitted and staff approved prior to a request for a frame inspection. Under no circumstances will a frame inspection be d.one without. an approved. site improvement survey. AII new construction wibhin the Town of Vail will be required to have a Public Way Permit by TOV public Works Dept. to approve site drainage and culvert installation. This approval must be complete prior to any inspection by t.he Buildinq Department. clazing in a hazardous Location i-s required to be glazed with safety material. -- Sec. 5406. This area requires operable exterior openinq(s)having an area egual to 5et or more of the floor area. -- Sec. 1205. (c) A bathroom is required to have an openable window or a mechanical venbilat.ion system. -- Sec. 1205. (c) Proj ect Number: PRiI95 -0049 Address: 1700 LIONSRIDGE LOOP Planner: George Ruther Occupancy: R3,M1 Type of const: V-N {,7 *""'""""*'* 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-24s2 Department of Community Development A room must have light and ventilation directly to the exterior, or share light and ventilation with another room. To share, I/2 of. the area of the common wa1l must be open and unobstrucLed. -- sec. 1-205. (a) In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry roorns a mechanical ventilation sysbem connected directly to the outside shall be provided. Bathrms which contain only a water closeu or Iav. may be ventilated with a recirculatingi fan. UBC 1205(c). Dome€tic clothes dryer exhaust ducts sha11 be installed as per UMC 1104 and 1903. Flexible duct connectors may not exceed. 6' in leng'th and sha11 not be concealed within consEruction, Ducts shal1 terminate outside the building, and not exceed L4' l ength . No domestic dishwashing machine shall be directly connected. to a drainaq'e system without the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitting. UPC 508. Cross conneclion control devices shall- be installed to protect pollution of potable water supply by use of approved. backflow prevention devices. UPC 1003. Dornestic ranges shall have a vertical clearance above the cooking surface of not less than 30" to unprotected combustible material . ttMC 1901. In buildinge of unusually tiqhL construction (a11 new construction within the Tor^rn of Vail). combustion air shall be obtained from the outside. Such combustion air openings shall be as per UMC Ch. 5. Furnaces not lisled for closet or alcove instalfation shall be installed in a room or space having a volume at least L2 bimes the volume of the furnace. A boiler unit will require a space 15 times larger than the boiler. UMC 504(b) Supply a mechanical drawing indicat.ing design of system, size (BTU and. voLume) of equipment, vent location and termination, and comlcust.ion air to be supplied prior to any installat.ion. 10 l- t- 13 I4 J_l {P *"n"""o '*" 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development cas pipi.ng shal1 not be installed in or on the ground under any buildinq or structure and. exposed. gas pipinq sha1l be kept at least 6n above grade. UMC 22L3 (b) Due uo colorad.o State statutes, all sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utilize flow restriction devices. A1so, the maximum water closet flush usaqe is linited to a maximum of 3.5 galLons per f lush. This stove rnust be an approved unit. Include the manufacture's name, model number. and approval-information. -- Sec. 3705. (a) The clearances to combustibles must be shown per the manufacturers approval . -- Sec. 3705. (b) The garage must be separated. from the dwelling by thr fire-resistive construction on the qarage side.-- Table 5-B & 503. (d) exc.#3 The door between the garage and the dwelling is required to be a 1- 3/8 inch thick solid core or 20 minute self closing door. -- sec, 503.(d) exc.#3 A handrail is required along a stairway. It is required t.o be 34 to 38 inches above the nosing of the steps and if the side is open, the maximum size of an opening in the railinq' ae the st.airway is 4 inches. -- sec. 3305. (i) &. 77]-2. A 35 inch high guardrail with a maximum opening of 4 inches is requied where step is greater than 30 i-nches to floor or grade bel-ow. -- Sec. L712. The enclosed usable space under the sbairs is required. to be protected by thr fire-resistive construction. -- 3305, (l) The open side of all decks, porches, sEairs, etc.which are more than 3 0 ,' above qtrad.e shal I be protected with a guardrail Openings can not exceed.4n. Within R-l occ. and all R-3, heighC min. is 35n -outside R-1 occ. height min. is 42n, UBC !71-J-. A one-line electrical d.rawing for each level is required for this project. Failure E.o provide such may result in field corrections at the expense of contraccor . IO 18 L' 20 27 zz 23 24 25 25 {,7 *""'"""o '*o 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development The structure is required to be anchored to the foundataion wiLtr L/2 inch anchor bolts. The bolts must be into the concrete or masonry 7 inches and spaced a maximum of 5 feeb aparC. See code for additional requirements. - - Sec, 2907 . (fl Include a copy of the soils report for the site to be built on. -- Sec. 2905. Show all desiqn loads used in the desigrn of this building on the plans. (snow, wind, seismic, live, etc . ) 27 z6 29 {Pun"uo'*t' Towri rlt Velf -*FFIOil COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2t3V479-21i9 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of C omrnunity Development Town of Vail 75 Soubh Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81557 (303) 479-2r-38 PIan analysis based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code Proj ect Number: PRJ96-0049 Name: Address: 1700 LIoNSRIDGE LooP Plannerr Georg'e Ruther Occupancyr R3,Ml, Type of Const: V-N NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not listj-ng of all possible code requiremenbs in the selected seclions of the code. GRAND TRAVERSE tOT * 18 DaLe: April 30, l-995 Contractor: DAUPHINAIS MOSELEY Designer: DAUPHINAIS MOSETEY Engineer: BOLYLE ENGINEERING Plans Examiner: CHARLIE DAVIS intended to be a comDlele rvvr ulJU. rt rs a ('uade Lo SE PARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Property line 1"5.0 Feet 16.0 Feet EAST Property line 1"1.0 Feet 11.0 Feet SOUTH Property line 34.0 Feet. 34.0 Feet WEST Property line 13.0 FeeC 13.0 Feet occ t(J M1 EXTERIOR WALL Table 1,7 -A & NORTH BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WAI,I, PROT Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 5-A EAST SOUTH WEST BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG WALL WALI., PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr ohr None The exterior wal1s may be of COMBUSTIBLE material . Sec.220l_. None -- No fire protection requirements for openingrs.Prot. -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 Lr fire assemblies.50* of the area of the wal1 maximum. Sec.2203. (b) & Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft $ribh no dimension g'realer than L2 feet. -- Sec. 4305. (h) NOP -- Openings are not permitted in this wall,* - - These walIs may be required to have a parapet walt 30 inches {,7 *""""o '*'o 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-213e FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development above the roofing. The parapet wa11 is required to have the same fire ratinq as the wa11. See section 171-0. for details and exceptions. AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Mas ter bed.room 2 Master bath 2 L,ivinq room 2 Diningr room 2 Kitchen 2 Laundry room 2 Garage 2 Bath room 2 HaIls, closets, eEc, TOTAL FOR FIJOOR L Bedroom #2 L Babh room 1 Office 1 Bedroom #3 1 Bath room 1 Bedroom #4 1 Bath room 1 Family room 1 Bed.room 1 Bath room 1 Furnace room 1 Apt. livinq room 1 Apt bedroom 1 ApE kitchen/dining 1 Apb bath room 1 Hal1s, closeCs, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUIIJDING TOTAIJ 21 .20 10.50 0.00 6 .50 55.30 27.65 ZZ.6U II.JU 15.00 7.50 0.00 2.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 r-.50 0.00 0.00 L32 553 zzb 53 565 24 565 z)vJ L73 49 l-4l- 35 I4I zo6 45 83 r/o 115 122 39 779 2459 4952 17.30 0.00 L4 .40 14.10 0.00 14.10 0.00 25.80 l-l-.40 0.00 0.00 17.50 11_.50 12.20 0.00 0.00 o. of, ') AE 7 .20 7.05 1.80 7.05 1.70 13 .40 l- /u 2.25 0.00 8.80 5.75 O. IU l. v: 0.00 Yes No No Yes No Yes No No Yes No No No Yes No No No 1 1 1 1 L 1- 1 1 i- 1 1 1 l- L L 1 1 1 1 l- l_ 1 1 l_ 1 1 1_ Yes No No No No No No No No FOOTNOTES: 1) EGRESS - An operable wind.ow or door that opens directly is required. from this room. The minimum clear openable the followinq. -- Sec. 1204.L) The minimum clear height is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear wid.th is 20 inches 3) The minimun clear area is 5.7 square feet 4) The maximum si11 heiqht is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellinqs) 3) A mechanical venEilation system may be used in in lieu openinqrs for ventilation. -- sec. L205. (c) ROOM DIMENSIONS I Habitable space sha11 have a ceilingr height of not less than 7 feet 6 inches. Kitchens, halls, bathrooms and Loilet comparLmenLs may have a ceilinqr height. of 7 feet measured !o the rowest projection. rf the ceiling is sloping, then the minimum height is required in only t/2 of the area. t.o the exterior area musc meet of exterior $ *"t'"uo '*"' 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 De partment of C ommunity Deve lopment - - Sec. 1-2 07. (a) Every dwelling unit sha11 have at least one room which has not less than 1,20 square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- sec. 1207. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in anv ormengl0n.Sec. 1207. (c) GLAZTNG REQUIREMENTS : AII q,l-azing in hazardous locations is required. to be of safety glazing material . - - Sec. 5405. (d) 1) Glazing in ingress and egress d.oors except jalousies. 2) Glazing in fixed and slidinq panels of slid.ing door assembl j-es and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors. 3) Glazing in storm doors. 4) Gl-azing in aI1 unframed swinging doors, 5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, sCeam rooms. bathtubs and showers, Glazinq in any portion of a buildinq wall enclosing these compartments where che. bottom exposed edge of the g'lazing is less lhan 50 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet. 5) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the neares! exposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edqie of the door in a closed position and where the bot.tom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inctres above the walking surfaee.7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel, other than those IocaLions described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets all of the follohting conditions : A, Exposed area of an ind.ivid.ual pane greater than 9 square feet.B. Exposed boteom ed.ge less Lhan L8 inctres above the floor.C, Exposed top edge g'reater than 36 inches above the floor.D. One or more walking surfaces within 35 inches horizontally of the plane of the glazing'. 8) Glazing in railings regardless of height above a \^ralking surface. fnclud.ed, are structural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fil1 panel s ' See exceptions, SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : A smoke detector is required on the ceiling' or walI at a point cenLrally loeated in the corridor or area givinq access to each sleeping area.-- sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall in each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) a.A smoke d.etector is required. on all sLories, -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4.If the upper 1eve1 contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is required in the ceiling of the upper 1evel close to the st.airway,-- Sec. 1210. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be vrired. to Ehe building's power source and shal1 be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. f210. (a) 3.Detectors shal1 sound an al-arm audible in all sleeping area of the dwel J- inqf in which they are located,. - - Sec. 1-21-0. (a) 4. {,7 *'"'"uo '*" 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 FIREPLACE REQUIREMENTS : MASONRY FTREPLACE: Department of Community Development 1-) Fireplace must be supported by a foundation. -- Sec. 3707. (b) 2) The firebox must be at leasu 20 inches deep and wa11s of firebox are to be L0 inches thick. If the lininq is of firebrick then the walls may be 8 inches thi-ck. -- sec. 3707. (c) 3) The minimum clearance to combustible material is from the fireplace, smoke chamber. and chirnney walls is 2 inches. Combustible material may not be placed wi-thin 5 inches of fireplace opening and combustible within 12 inches may not project more than l"/8 inch for each 1 inch of clearance. -- Sec. 3707. (h) 4) The hearth must be noncombustible, a minimum of 4 inches thick, and supported by noncombustible material . The hearth si.ze must be at least: If Opening size is: Front exbension Side extension Less than 5 sq.ft. 15 inches 8 inches 5 sq.ft. or greater 20 inches 12 inches -- sec. 3707. (k) & (1) 5) Chinney height nust be per Table 37-B STOVE REQUIREMENTS : 1) Unit must be an approved unit. -- Sec. 3705.(a) 2) Clearances and hearth size musE be per manufactures approval .-- sec. 3705. (a) c (b) 3) Chimney heiqht must be per manufacturer's approval and Table 3?-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the resid.ence, materials approved for Lhr fire construction are required. on the garage side only and any doors between bhe garage and the residence are to be a self -closing 13/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) exc. f3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS : A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306, (b) The maximum rise of a step is I inches and the minimum run is 9 inches.-- Sec. 3305. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosinq' if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3305. (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum heig.ht = 35 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. - - Sec. U1,2. (a) exc. #1 The minimum headroom is 5 ft.- I inches. -- Sec. 3305. (o) Enclosed usable space und.er bhe stairs is required to be protected as required for thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3305. (1) SHAFT ENCLOSURES :1) Chutes and du:nbwaiEer shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less than 26 gage galvanized sheet metsal with aI1 joints locklapped- The outside must be L hr construcLion, AIl openings into any such enclosure sha11 be protected by not less Chan a self-closing solid wood door 1- 3/8 inches thick or equivalent. -- Sec. l-705. (f) 2) Gas vents and noncodbust.ible piping installed in walls passing through 3 floors or less do not. need. to be in t hour shafts. {,7 *'n"""o '*"* 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-21s9 FAX 970-479-24s2 Department of Community Development -- Sec. 1705. (c) 3) ShafEs for gas vents, factory-buiIt chimneys, pipinq, or ducts that do not extend through not more Ehan 2 floors need not be in t hour shafts.-- Sec. 1705. (c) 4) All oEher shafbs are required to be enclosed in a t hour assembly.-- Sec. 1706. (a) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy This project wil-l- require a site improvement survey. Such survey shalI be submitted and approved prior to request for frame inspection. A11 crawl spaces within the Town Of Vail are limited to a earth to strucbural floor ceiling height of 5'. be earth floor only, be ventilated as per UBC 2516 (C) 5 with minimum access as per UBC 2515(C)2 and rnaximum access of 9 sq. ft. Any buil-ding site with a slope of 30 degrees or more sha11 require an engineer design. Such desig'n shaLl address drainage, soil retainage and structural desiqn. Excavation below sl-abs on g'rade shalI not be permitted without prior approval - Ad.dress nurnbers shall be posced plainly visible and legible from the For Ml occupancy Slope g'arag'e floor to allow for d.rainag:e to outside to provide a floor drain with sand and oil interceptor to dry well or to sewer. Any garag'e floor drain connecCed. to sewer must be approved by Upper Eagle Val1ey Water & Sanitation Disbrict.. In garages with livinq' area above, the wa11s of the garage wiich are bearing the area above shall be protected with one hour fire resistive construction. UBC 503 (B) . {2 '""'"""o '*"o TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAII-,, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 OWNER APPLICANT MOUNTAIN HIG}T PLUMBING P o Box 547, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR MOUNTAIN HIGH PLI'MBING Phone: 3039494500 Phone: 3039494500 Valuation:25,000.00 .00 171 .75 Totaf. CatcuLatcd Feca--> 471.75 .m 471 .7' 171.75 .00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NoTE:THISPERM]TMUSTBEPosTEDoNJoBSITEATAIIJIIIMES PI,IJMBING PERMIT Permit *: P96-0039 lTOo LtoNSAAee LeaC Job Address: 149€-rI+IJ*-ltI€IL!& statu6''': IssuED Locarion...: 1?00 LToNRTDGE LObP Applied' 'z l!/,ll/,!9^9^l Fiicer No. . : 2Lo3-t22-09-018 Issued" ': o5/}?/'\e-e-6- pi"l""f, No. : PRJ96-0049 Expires": n/L8/L996 P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81620 DAUPHINAI S_MOSEI.EY CONSTRUCT ION P O BOX 1515, VAIr, CO 81658 375.00 93 -75 .00 3.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi eu--) TOTAL FEES_---Additionat Fees----> Totat Pcrnit tcc.--_-> Paynent s---- EALN{CE DU€----> REOTJESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL SE HADE Description: NEw sfR/EHu * *** FEE SUI iARY Pl.unbing---> P(an Check--) tnvcatigation> UitL CaL t----> ***r****** Item: .05100 BUTLDTNG DEPARTMENT --Dgpt: BUILDING Divieion: 687 io ti'gii- cHARtrE- -eEElon I- EpFn cnenr-,rg DAvrs ffi****** CONDIT]ON OF APPROVAL r.. ALL WORK wrLL ABrDE BY-TEE-1994 gPg -i I rrnlb-Tiisiindtrtifr3-LnE-nEiiilrnnb -r'0- enncx FoR coDE coMPIANcE rtt**ttwnhf*trt*rr*i*f****rrffr**trt*tntffi*tr*****r*r***f,*ttt*t*r*tft***H'r't****tht**rr****fft'frvi*|tftfttrk**ffi DECIJARATIONS I hereby acknoutedge that t have read this appl,ication, fil,ted_out in futt thr infonmtion nequi rcd, corptctld an lccuratc plot ptan, and state that att the infornati.on pro;idcd as nequired. i.s correct. .t agrc" to.corPl'y tJith the infortation 6nd ptot pl'a, to corpl,y sith ott Town ordinances and gtite [av3, and tb Uutta this structurc according tothe Toun'r zoning rnd cuHivirion codes,'d'eslgn reviev approJed, unifopm Bull,dtng code and other ordinancca ot the Tovn aPPtlcabtc thercto' T!'ENW-FOI R HOURS tl{ ADVAI{CE BY TELEPHONE-AT 479-2115 OR A'I OUR OTFICE FnOn 8:m Nt 5:m Pr BroPtl&r ==.=STGNATURE OF O!'NER ONffi o *******************************************************!t******** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO statemnt **************************************************!r:k*!t********** Statemnt Number: REC-0145 Amount:47!.75 Os/22/96 !4247 Init: cD Paynent Method: CK Notation: *5213 P96-0039 lype: B-PLMB PLI'MBTNG PERMTT 2to3-122-09-018 1O9O VAIL VIEW DR 17OO LIONRIDGE LOOP TotaL Feea: 47L.75 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: ***********:t**************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: site Address: Location: Thie Payment Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 47332 01 0000 41336 Description PLT'MBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WItt CALL INSPECTION FEE 47L.75 47L.75 .00 Amount 37s .00 93.75 3. O0 a I LoT tg b,1u /fl 5qv tN,1i5- fl" SFt€ }, f, .,r(" * | E Inter-lHountain I*gineeringrna- May 7, 1996 Dauphinais-Mosely Construction Post Office Box 1515 Vail. Colorado 81658 RE: FoundationExcavationlnspection Lot 18, Lions Ridge Filing No. 1 Vail, Colorado Project No. 96-0181G Dear Pat: As requested, the undersigned visited the subject site to inspect the excavation for the proposed residence. The soils exposed in the excavation for the foundation consisted of a brown, slightly clayey to clayey, gravelly SAND. The exposed soils consisted of a compacted fill. Based upon our initial site visit, we recommend that excavation of the footings proceed. Should you have any questions regarding the information contained in this report, please free to contact the undersigned. 77 Metcalf Boad. #201 . Box 978 . Avon, Colorado 81620 . Phone: 970-949-5072 . From Denver Direct: 893-1531 1420 Vance Street ' Lakewood, Colorado 80215 ' Phone:303-232-0158 Richard O. Ricks, Geotechnical Engineer l\t REPT T 31 o6/LL/97 OBrE9 TOhIN tlF vtrIL, COL0RFIDO REGIUESTS FOR INStrECTIUN I^,ORK SHEETS FORz 6/LL/97 PAGE AREA: DS Aet ivity: 896-tlo69 6/lL/i7 Type: B:-BIJILD Status l ISSUED Constrr NSFR Address: 17lZrO LIONS RIDGE.LFI Locationl 17e'a LIoNRIDGE LOOp Paree I l 31O3-1PE-lerg-O18 Description: NEW SFR/EHU Appl icant : DIDIER CONSTRUCTIUN Ownen r DAUPHINeIS-MOBELEY Eontracton: DIDIER CONSTRUETION Oee r COMFTANY Fhone r CONSTRUCTION trhone! COMPANY trhonel AAil7 Uger V N 30338S-5499 3O33Ag-5499\* 'I n s pect ion Request Infonmation..... Request on r HEIDI /DAUFHINAIS-HOSELEY Fhone r 476-8fr53 Req Tirne: O8:6O Coooents!. L$NDSGAP! tS, , -2/)Itens t equested to be Inspeeted. .. n#b.isd. cg$ryFfcc*z./ // ZZEII 313[:FII3,' Ei?' /o -r,r-a1, i',t'_ :Tine Exp frreBect i on Hi st ory. . . . .'Iten l OO0tlgt BLDB-Foot inEs/St eel O3/49/96 Inspectorl CD Flet i on : HtrtrR AtrtrR0VED Action: N0 SOILS REtr0RT RECEMD Actionr AtrtrR FOOTING IN SLAB Action: AtrFR RFPROUED RND ALLCIh.l FOR f{IN 1.5"OF CLEARANCE F,ANEL INSTALLATION Action: AtrFR APPRUVED Aetion: AF|PR RFtrROVED nction: AtrtrR RtrPROVED Action: APPR AtrFRtrVED Action: AtrPR FIRE PLACE CHASE Act i on : APtrR FIPF R0VED Notes: STAB ALL DOWELS IN AFRROVED LUCRTIONS (trER FLN) STEEL HNS BEEN CUT FOR PADS(ON SITE) INSTALL PER trLRN R SOILS REtrORT MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIT]R TO FOUNDRTION INSP COI'IPLETE HANGING STEEL IN FT]trTING5 O3/ L4/96 Inspect or r CD O5l31/96 Inspectorl CD Item : oo6eo BLD6-Foundat ion/steel @3/L6/96 Inspector: CD Notee: DD 9ONO TUBES PER PLAN ON REBNR Item: Iten: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item:It em: Item l CT]MPLETE SHtrRINB AND OOgeO PLAN-ILC Site trlen AA/B:E,/96 Inspeetort GEtrREiE 00gt3G BLDG-Franing OA/e7/96 Inspeetor: CD AOASA BLDG-Insulation AA/e9/96 Inspectorl CD Btam6rzr BLDG-Sheetrock Nai I rZtg/f 1/96 Inspectorr EG 6AA7A BLDG-Miee. A7 / t1/SA Inspectotr: CF LA/69/96 Inspector: EG 60[t5fi FLDG-Final DE53O'BLDG-Temp. C/O LL/15/96 Inspeetor : trF Action: AFtrR teo expires 7/L/97 Notes: planning dept and public hrorke approval required for e.o. oo533 trLRN-TEMF. C/O Lt/19/96 tnspectot"r EEORGE Aetion: AtrPR landeeape bond in place A8537 PLAN-FINNL C/O 60539 Ft -FINRL C'lO 04540 BLDB-Final C/O o 3t 9t96 Activity: 896-0669 3f 9/96 Type: B-SUILD Address z lToitt LIONS RIDGE LF Location: 17OO LIONRIDGE LOOP Parce I : E1O3-1EE-O9-OIS Statur: I8€I.ED \ Ocer 9OO7 Deseriptionr lElf SFR/El{u Applieant: DIDIER CtItETRt.ETItI|tl CO!{PANY trhone: 3G33eS-5499 Ornerr IIALPHIinIS-ilt€ELEY C(h|STRtfCTItItl Phoner Eontractorr DIDIER CtINSTRtCTItil Colipf,NY Phoner SOJ};I?A-5499 Use: lf Inspeet ion Requast Requestor: RICtl Req Tirez OEI$O Inforrat i on. . , . . DIDIER Corrente: Phone: 949-475S Tire Corrents Irispection History..... Iter:Iter r Iter l Iter: Iterr Iter:Iter r It er:Iter c fterl fterl Iter: Itcr;Iter: It er:It er:fter r Iterl fter:Iterr Iter: @5OO Pl.l-Backfi ll Inspeetion GGi{ll Pl{-Terp. aecess/drainage OeSSe PH-Rough qrade OBS0B trll-Final drivenay grade OO5IA drivenay qrade final OOSlS BLIIG-Foot inge/Stee I A0,8.?6 BLDG-Foundat i on/St eel $os?ti PLAN-ILC Sitc trlan GOO:IO BLDG-Frering WilD4O r. * Not On File '* * 0OO50 BLDG-Insulation g/In9160 BLDG-s:heetroek f{ai I G6OAB * * Not On File * * A{A$7O BLDG-ttliee- O0O9O BLDG-Final OO530 BLDG-Terp. Cltr oG53e pu-TEFtp, c/o ss533 PLnN-TEHP. CIO GS537 H-fftl-FllffiL C/O oo539 plt-FTNAL C/O 0O54O BLDE-Final ef9 ) Posl-fl l .rx Notc FORM/|T !u.c 15,1111 THIS byardamong N+(l-called fri6 TOWN OF VA[- (herehaltet cHlled rhe "Bad("). 'Torm'! ancl wHEREAF,Jlte Develgpgr-sB i aonditio]r -of approvrl ot ttre plarc,datea f((fl-tL^ q ''ft . EgG-,ri,lstreetoenlg I sg6-ri,tbtree to enteiinto a DsG6i,Er lmprovsm€nt Agleernent; and WHEFIEAS, the Dorlelop€r lc.obtggtrd lo provlde s€oudt! or oollebral suftbiem in the udgmenl of the Town t0 malre reason|ble provlslorn for cfrnphlion of cefiah lmprovomenls sel lonh bslow: and WHEREAS, he Develop8r slshb8 lo provlde cdlarulil lo guarenteo pgrtflmancs of tlrls Agroomofit, incfudlng constructlon of ths sbove-rsfsrened lmprovoonnE by meenr d |he tollowing: lmorhh /l 1 d^v os /,JolFune(fiflG with a Bad< in Eagls Coun$ In a dollar /e Devdmer aorees to estEblhh amouniot EZO*LtL-Sq:( $eculty lfi lhe lollowirq: lo|nl co8t d lhs rvotk €horyn below) lo provlds IMPROVEI\tENT k . tl\ftt .oo rta fNQ i06 'lllufu al covenanls and aflF9otnffils, agree aB lollow*: 1, The Developer agreeEr al the sole lo turnlsh all equlpmenl and matodalnsceBEary-to perform ffd complob on of bsffre lluue 15,+-a JJJ-I, r r.r, rrEarrrrrrt|,l.. tq41 improvetnents as ilstorl aDove, in e0cotUance whhill plans fid speclfhatlons flled ln ihe olthc d 'ffF.TheDavdopo shall a good workmanllte rnanngr, all thi Communlly D€velopmenl Depuliireni, ftoTonrn of Vall. and b do allwork incidflitd ftereto accordlng to and In comp{ance widt fie.loflorving: a, Such other designs. drgwlngs. rnaps, spsclfbstions. Bko$hss. and oher malter Frrbmiflod by lhe Developer to be approvsd by any ol t'he gbow+elet0nced governmenbl antltlqF. 64 s*td work ehall bc di4e under dre lntpec.tlon of, and ts iire satlstacton of, tho Town Englnenr. lhp Towtt Fuilding Olficlal, or other official {rorn the Town ot Va$,edaflected by €p€clal dlBtdote or selvlce dbtists, as ttreir rerpacUne Inbresl nray a|psar, and ehall rd b6 deemed complete untll approved . and aacepted as cooFletid by tre Toln of Vslf Communlty DovslQrnsrn Departrnent and Pudlc W-odts Department. 2, To escuts and guual$operformance of its obiloations Bs sot lorth herdn. tho Developer agleos to provlde secutfi end colle|sfal es follows: *_3&-t_b_h fie amount of $-"r JE (nemq of bank tn Eag6 county) as J*7e*fiz.= -..Eaol6 Countv) as llD seourlty for the lmpropmeoE set forth above lf therF le e delault mder lhe Aqreemenl by Devalopcr, Irgr I of! I I I ..r -t ih_ i* ".* *'j"_r'4, , i..lrr d J 'r.$ o 3. The Developer rnay dl any ftne substltuts tr€ collabfal orlglnally set hnh anove for anolhe. lom ol cdlaEral aocsdtbla to he Toiln ro guafin|oe the hithful cor4phthn ol frose improvemenls re{erred to hereln atlfl fie parfomance of lhe enns ot tr|l6 Aorgornont. Sudl accgplance by the Town ol ehernauvs Collateral sh$ be at ilig Town's sole dlscreflon. 4, Tha Torm ehall not, nil 6hall any offher or €tylployee fiereol, ba lleble oJ responslblo br any acdtbnl loss 0rdoma06 happenhg or omurrlng to th6 rrc|k spectled h t|b Agreement plor to lhe conpletion end rueptanae of $rg Eame, nor shall tho Tovynt nor any olllcer or Bmploy€e fietad, be lhue'lot f,ny persons 0r FoilUty Inlured by reason ot fto natur€ of seld worh bul fll 0f said llablllteiahtllsrd gre hereby a*sumed by fte Daveloper, Th9 t)EvEloper hereuy agrirs r0 lndemnry and hold harmle8s lhe T0rrjn, firl nay of lts ofllcets, agsnts end employees agalint any losees, clslme, defiage, or llabfilt|of, to whloh ths Torvn or any ol lts ottloers, agonte Ot'ampbyees may becomo $,bJscN to, irsofar x any zuch lofssg, claifnE, damages or llabllllbe (or nctlone in reepect thereofl that arlBe out of or are based upon my perfolmf,nce by the Develoner hsreundgr; and ths Dercloper shall tslmbursc the Torarr for any and ell legal or olher expens€t rb8sonably lncuffed by the Town in connestion wlft in\rgstlgallno or delendlno any $rcfi loss, clnlm, demage. liablfty or action. Thlr Indernnity provlelon shall ba ln addfflon to eny Ofirr llablllty whlch tha Eivoloper rnay harru, 5, ll is mutuelly agreed flrgt'the Developer mEy dFly to fte Tovvn and ths Town shall authorlze for pailal release of the @uitbrel doposlmd wilh fti Town br eadl c8t€gory d improvernenl at $IGfi tlmo es such |mpIovsments are r,orEtrucl6d ln con$liEnca wafi all dans and npecificadons as relerenced henundor end accspted by.the Town. Under no oondlllon will tho amounl d the collat€ral that lshlng hsld bE reduced bsloTrt$s emomt neoessaly to complete such lmprovomsnts. 6. .lf lhs Town dstermlnos, at lts sole dlscrgtlon, lhal any of the improvements contemplated harounder er€ not conluuctsd ln cornpllance vdh the plans end E$€cffcglions Bel forth In this Agreement on or beforo lhe date set foflh in Paragraph 2, lhe Town may, but ehall not b0 regukad b, ffidofiTr hs felbr otdredlt as nactFffiry btomdste th9 unfinished improcrnents. The Bank rhell relia6a auch fundg upon vwlten requeEt f.otrt tho Tosrn alatlng that fi6 lmprovbmsnl9 hBve not boen mmpleM ar mqulrod.by thls egreonlont, The Bank shall not requlre the ctncrrrsnce ol lhe deilshper prlol lo rsleaes gl the funds io lha Town nor siall lhe Benk bp requhsd to vetlly Indepqndgnlly that Euch lmprwBmentg hrvs not hoon conFleted ar requlred by thls agreemenl but ihnt rolosso st|ch fundc eolely upon fte Town's wd[sn requ6st. ll the cost3 ot comphting fie wotk Bxcsgd the sffPunf of the depos]t, the excess, lqethsr vr,lth Intsrsst at tuielve psqgnt pgr annum. shsll be r.llsn agalnet fie plopsfly sild may be Eollected by olvll eutt or rnay be qorilflsd to lhe reasurff of Eagle county t0 b9 collsHod in the same mann€r as dellnquent ad valorem taxen levled agalnst strph property- lf the permlt holder faits ol reluses to comFilete tra cloarnup hnd landscaplng. ad dsfinod in this chapter, such fallure or rofueal shell be coneH€rod { ylolsdon of lhe Zonlru Cods. 7. The Dweloper warqnE all work and matertst fqr a perlod ol ono year albr acceptance ol a[ work rglsned lo lrllhls Aoregrnent by thg Town if such wofi is bcaled on fown of Valt property or wlhlrr Tcwn of Vallrlghtot-way pumuanl lo Sscdon !7-lB.e60' 8. The parrles heroto mutrelly agnee thet thls Agmemont may be amendsd fiom tirne b thns- protrlded thit subh amendmanb ba ln wiltino and snrcutsd by allpattles herelo. Dated the day and year lir'*itlxive writlen. ,r{ .:.' IrB! t of I STATEOFCOLORADO ) COUNTYOF EAGLE My cDmmlssion sxFire$l STATE OFCOLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ftasrh,r * 'Wtc )sr.' ). ) Myoommf$sloneffies; . F /q/a.,c>tto. - .. . Flenner, Communlly Development STATEOFCOLORADO ) . ) ss; COUNTYOF EAGT.E ) ' .- The bregotng Devdoper |mprgwrEnt Agreemenl wnF acknowlodged before ms thls l3r" dav of Nrtwr"l,e,- l$jl-L, by (rc o,.n{"*4-rsflua---.--_. I ) ss. l , ^.j. Tha foregg[ng Developer lmpttovomant Agrgsmont f;-Hl"%'WA 14 f / /-"t.- .-\f ) t t/4.. I vf€rgzz.(-O u winosB my hand and offlcif,l$eal. -',8&Xi3s#*?i,1'5 l\ge I of ,!t |lEys!,ondrofl nddavtnF.g.lr rrtrv {-,r," _.u u{}:l,,,r- u ,-flr=J-.ij,ibb, -lj.rii,$_Hi... r.rb !' --iit.";--t rE ttE a-. rtto u.cL,rprgc 2 of 3 DMC/Lorfg JOB DDSf,BIPTI0NI B. LANs-scApn{G. l- Landffaing btd bonT;$t 1[ br.|ftt Tndl srritirs dl rqFmil qpruadErg a1e ocnplotc''Eourdrptaoemcrrry ry hrmffi& ilr nor ilprudpd in cflL Fridh_ec+and ihrults to p*n- hrspuu rrcrornial gr.d€riGe-"@pod titted in o trrc rofl, tdant Itercodds llpn rnutch wi{r uooA-Udpal lrrr",l "r_{ $|1q. F{,s grad€ $od 11se end in*all sod- Ar urarcrirh rcrenrirJ. $il-dt ofr*krecrpc achrir. Mrlnrirl Blucryrutc Efuecpnrcc $h*qpnw Fh ndadccono tirtc Radfiam crrh Arpcr Hfim'cr|cf Eofofrnd Dtftocrrb D*erfruugnpftn Grrdfinger potcrrttli Atl$ne crrrant Shrrb,€tt chokcclrcrrv eu*ui.rr cappe.,orl rurdcanphn Blre Cem wrlbw EnrErdd mound hoBctcrtqHc Itcd shohbsrry Rcervbdogwood Pereflsidftix tl Vgnmr*i"*&. Sod Sttdl qdfF€ Compc* Wood r.lripr F.rmffzer CrO$Tr f$JSr-0O M^A'IERTAT LT$T Slec 8ft r0fr 12fr 8ft rft 2.5" dieu 2.0"dlftu 2"5. diaur 2.5"di!fir jsal 5sd J gill JEd 5 g.l seil 3gd Sgil i gnl $ Eill Igpil 2.25"dim 4nourt I I 2 I I 3 3 I z 4 t0 4 6 I 6 5 'l 5 3 6) &4 a!ilXt r1ft 30Otfihft 5 cuy* Jcu$B SOtbr PAYIIIENTpLAI{: fOr soil boLne upon *-nff payb't& lsra lncr trccs end rhrrtr *r phDtd f{LrV lro -.u d"r ^J::}i lJ P.EZ Apper Cr, st l-^arldscs pingt Jrtc. P*l()ffke Eox 163 V-il, Cole ''do gr 6Sa 97o-476*qdm ] P7A_4TE-hOFO Fox Jtrty?[, 1996 l)rphinairMueley Int l#limr Ri4pe In+p Dc{fun Wor*rhip.DM lfzS&qSlreer rrn&cil,o phn JOBDEttLnrFTr(,Nr A. IIRIGATION SYSTIAII, f, Undsgornd anlomsd-sfn*rn wirt pqp rp headr oolrrirrg trF w$br rnsd$ of pc*uri'tl-bcd- Dnip rd or hbhtw "!rd irar ,*- n" ursr il$!fi of FEG! ffrd du'h ouBirlc af non r+ ma" esryse651-1so ta*rlrq rorn, IreErirt aad Hrmrer q,i[ t e wed. s5n4se1 wi0 need r' bebbrm d;th;;*odair evrry hll ro grr,w frcnring,tirrwel cortrxu ot ovmcr fu rcspm"frl" ftr;;rls uurcf ftiwury rnn Caen .fql ttdrgs ldd rwrnbd tnro wcerr r,*fqe d.rt*'*y-; .id"',tr* *. ilttl-a.*.".r ffi ffiffif*il *nloo,*'e' {rd ;';;ouude. r.b,p€r COST: s3,r00.o0 PAXMf,NTPIAN: Sot6 duu p4anrnil md Dalrncs upm complc0on o I a"f(t' -Ldi*\ Losu'' 'lf , .,onb ft*\* "., "f t ^ ,-un*.n<'\j'w 'N * "'oun'k*^"{; " W ,,4 -\ .-4\x _ (r\I r(r^rt ,J/ ,o | 'O 't'"t v l/ ,/\o ,/,/ o IHREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT '- 96s337 6 ADDRESS IDENTIFICATION '.IO. lDEt{TlFlcAno{ !to. EXPIRATION OATE This Letter of Credit shall expire upon the earlier ot 1. the close of business on November LL, 1997 and all drafts and accompanying statements or documents must be presented to Lender on or before that time; or 2. the day that Lender honors a draw uncier which the full amount of this Letter of Credit is drawn. t=.TBJMK OF VAIL '17 Vail Road Vail. CO 81657 (970) 476-5686 "LENDER" CUSTOMER Dauphiaais-MoseLey Constructio[ Inc Patrick c Daupbioais Clarksoa P MoseJ.ey suzatlDe E Dauphinais sbirley M Mosaley PO Box 1515 Vai1, Co 81658 TELEPHONE NO. BEi:-! rClA.t, / Town Of Vail AODRESS 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Co 81657 TEI.TPHONE NO.(...) . Lender indicated above ('Lender") here:y establishes at the request and for the account of Customer an lrrev.cable Letter of Credit in favor of Beneficiary for a sum of Tr,renty fbousand Four Eupdred Tb i rt] _s,gve4 egq 5O/l9q rn"."tno" SiliTijt-ffi indacated above (or such other address that Lender may provlde Beneficiary with wrrtten notice of in the future) during regular business hours and accompanied by the signed written statements or documents indicated below. !\AF i]ING TO BENEFICIARY: PLEASE EXAMINE THIS LETTER OF CREDIT AT ONCE. IF YoU FEEL UNABLE To MEET ANY oF ITS REQUIREMENTS. EITHER SINGLY OR TOGETHER, YOU SHOULD CONTACT YOUR CUSTOMER IMMEDIATELY TO SEE IF THE LETTER OF CREDIT CAN BE AMENDED. OTHERWISE, YOU !^/ILL RISK LOSING PAYMENT UNDER THIS LETTER OF CREDIT FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY STRICTLY WITH ITS TERMS AS WRITTEN. 1. DRAFT TERMS AND CONDITIONS Lender shall honor the drafts submitted by Beneficiary under the following terms and conditions: Guarautee completion of landscaping ou lot 18, craqd rraverse, Towo of vair. Upon Lender's honor of such drafts hereinafter, Lender, once the full amount of credit available under this Letter of Credit has been drawn, shall be fully discharged of its obligations under this Letter of Credit and shall not thereafter be obligated to make any further payments under thrs Letter of Credit in respect of such demand for payments to Beneficiary or any other person. lf a non-conforming demand is made, Lender shall notify Beneficiary of its dishonor on or before the time mentioned jn Seaion 5 below. Beneficiary shall have no recourse against Lender for any amount paid under this Letter of Credit after Lender honors any draft or other document whlch complies si;ictly with this Lettei'of Credit, and which on its face appears otherwise in order but which is signed, issued, or presented by any party or under the name of any pany purporting to act for Beneficiary, purporting to claim through Beneficiary, or posing as Beneficiary. By paying to Beneficiary an amount demanded in accordance with this Letter of Credh, Lender makes no representation as to the correctness of the amount demanded and Lender shall not be liable to Benoiiciary or any other person for or in respect to any amount so paid or disbursed for any reason whatsoever, including, without limitation, any nonapplic.Liion or misapplication by Beneficiary of the p;-oceeds of such payment. By presenting upon Lender or a confirming bank, Beneficiary (irrtifies that Beneficiary has not and will not present upon the other, unless and until Beneficiary meets with dishonor. Beneficiary promisr:s to return to Lender and confirm any funds received by Beneficrary in excess o{the Letter of Credit's maximum drawing amount. 2. USE RESTRICTIONS All drafts must be marked 'DRAWN UNDER -__Eir€!BaDh__ai!ai IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDTT NO. 95s3376 DATED NoveE-ber Lt, L996 , and the amount of each draft shall be marked on the draft. Only Beneticiary or Beneficiary's Transferee (only if transierable) may complete a draft and accompanying statements or documents required by this Letter of Credit and make a draw under this Letter of Credit. This original Letter of Credit must accompany any draft drawn hereunder. Partial draws I are permitted S are not permitted under this Letter of Credit. Lender's honor of a partial draw shall correspondingly reduce tne amount of credit available under this Letter ol Credit. Following a partial draw, Lender shall return this original Letter of Credit to Beneficiary with the partial draw noted thereon; in the alternative, and in its sole discretion, Lender may issue a substitute Let'i.ri of Credit to Beneficiary ln the amount shown above less any partial draw(s). 3. PERMITTEDTRANSFEREES !t This Letter of Credit may be transferred by Beneficiary upon providing Lender with prior written notice of the transfer. The Transferee shall be deemed the new Beneficiary of this Letter of Credit and the documents of the Transferee, including drafts required under this Letter of Credit, are to be processed by Lender (or any intermediary) without the original Beneficiary's intervention and without any further responsibility on Lender's part to the original Beneficiary. The right to draw under this Letter of Credit shall be nontransfeiable, except tor: A transfer (in hs entirety, but not in pan) by direct operation ol law to the oriJinal Benc'':iar7's a' .LinisirnL-r, exec.ior, bankruptcy trustee, receive[, liquidator, successor, or other representatives at law; and B. The first immediate transfer (in its entirety, but not in part) by such legal representative to a third party after express approval of a governmental body (udicial, administrative, or executive). i,x_l i./...1-..-_ --,_-,.ior-_.t:r1Jlo't-r,ln.,._ igoc) .--_^1 for a draw shall include: 7. A. All documerts required elsewhere in this Letter of Credh, except that such documents may be in the name ol and executed by ehher the original Beneficiary or the presenter permitted by paragraph 3; and B. When the presenter is a permitted Transferee under paragraph 3.A or a third party under 3.8, a certified copy of the one or more documents which show the presenter's authority to claim through or to act with authority for the original Beneficiary. TIMING OF DISHONOR Under no circumstances shall Lender be precluded from relying upon any reason for dishonor given in a communication which Beneficiary or the presenter receives within three (3) Banking Days after Lender has received the last document forming part ol Beneficiary's presentment (the'Three-Day Period'). Lender shall be entitled to rely upon any such reason without regard to either (i) the timing of any presentment made before the Expiration Date, or (ii) the timing inside the Three-Day Period of any preliminary communication(s) ftom Lender concerning the dishonor decision itsell or any reason for dishonor. For any such reason so given during the Three-Day Period, Lender shall be conclusively deemed to have met the 'reasonable time', 'whhout delaf , and other timing requirements as the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credhs, 1993 Revision, ICC Publication No500, as most recently published by the International Chamber of Commerce (hereinafter called the 'UCP") may impose. The Expiration Date shall not be extended to accommodate a presentment made with less than three (3) Banking Days to go before the Expiration Date, and Beneficiary shall not be entitled to submit a draw request or provide Lender whh any documents in support of a draw after the Expiration Date hereof. Nor shall Lender ever be required to communicate a dishonor decision or its reasons within a time less than the Three-Day Period. 'Banking Day' shall mean any day, except Saturday, on which commercial banks located in the state of Lender's address are ehher not authoriz€d or are not required to close- COMPLIANCE BURDEN Under no circumstances shall Lender be held responsible for any impossibility or other difficulty in achieving strict compliance with the requirements of this Lstter of Credit precisely as written. Beneficiary understands and acknowledges: (i) that unless and until the present wording of this Letter of Credit is amended whh Lender's prior written consent, the burden of complying strictly with such wording remains solely upon Beneficiarf and (ii) that Lender is relying upon the lack of such amendment as constitrrting Beneficiary's initial and cortinued approval of such wording. NON-SEVERABILITY lf any aspect ofthis Letter of Credit is ever declared unenforceable for any reason by any coun or governmental body having jurisdiction, Lende/s entire engagement under this Letter of Credit shall be deemed null and void ab initio, and both Lender and Beneficiary shall be restored to the position each would have occupied with all rights available as though this Letter of Credh had never occurred. This non-severability provision shall override all other provisions in this Letter of Credit, no matter where such provision appears within the Letter's body. cHorcE oF LAWTURTSDTCTToN The UCP shall in all respects be deemed a part hereof as tully as if incorporated h€rein and shall apply to this Letter of Credh. This Agreement shall be governed by and. construed in accordance with the laws ol the state of colQrado , United States of America, except to the e)dent such laws are inconsistent with the UCP. Lender and Beneficiary consent to the jurisdiction and venue of any court selected by Lender in its discretion located in the State of colorado in the event o{ any legal proceeding under this Letter of Credit. 9. EXPIRATION Lender hereby agrees with Beneficiary that drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this Lefter of Credh will be duly honored if presented to the Lender on or before the ExDiration Date. ENDORSEMENT OF DRAFTS DRAWN: Amount Amount Date Neg,otiated By In Words In Figures TRANSFEREE',SREOUTREDDOCUN| o When the presenter is a permitted Transferee under paragraph 3 above, the documents required o. Dated: Novenlb ei LL, L996 Executive Vice P MAST6o2a ,O FolmAtion Technolodles, Inc. (3/2,/94) (8ool 937-37s9 oo oo I harGby acknovl:dg. that I hav. r.rd this application, fitLed out in fuLt th. information rcquirld, co ptan, and 3tatc thst atl, thc information providrd as raqulrcd i9 corrcct. I rgree to conpty r{ith thc i to cgrpty rith lll Toun ordinrnces and !trt! taws, and to buitd this structurc according to thc Tounrs codcs, dcsign r.vile approv.d, thifom 8ui tding Code and othcf o.dinances of the toun rppl,icabl,c thercto. REqUESTS TOR TNSPECTIONS SHALL BE TIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOUNS I AOV STGNATURE OF OIIIIER OR CO TNACTOR FOR HIIISELF ANO OT EN Ar 479-?1fi 0R AT OUR OFrI an ion aftl .ccuratc ptot rnd ptot p[rn, EuHivieion FRo 6i00 Ail 5:0O P oo oo r*************************************************************** IOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statennt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0186 Amount: 503.00 08/20/96 11:37 Payment Method: CK Notation: #3136 Init: CD Permit No: Parcel No:site Address: Location: This Paynent Account Code 01 0000 4L3L2 01 0000 4L332 0l- 0000 41336 M96-0128 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL 2L03-r22-0 9 -018 1O9O VAIL VIEW DR 17OO LIONS RIDGE LOOP LOT 18 Total- Fees i 503.00 Total ALL Pmts3 Balance: Deseription MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECT]ON FEE PERMIT 503.00 503.00 .00 t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r. * * rk * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Amount 400.00 100.00 3.00 Oj NOTE: THIS PERM]T MUST MECHANICAL Oo DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT L-a1- t I , /)a,,-/.tt r.i Ja ,.4, IOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL/ CO 81657 )7 0-47 9-2138 BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PERMIT Permit #: M96-0128 Job Address...: Location.,....: Parcel No.....: Project Number: APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: MECH FOR NES F i reDtace Information: Restricted: l',lechan i ca [---> P lan check---> Investigation> !ii tL CaLt----> 1090 VAIL VIEW DR Status... 1700 LIONS RIDGE LOOP LOT 1B_) Applied..2703-122-09-018 ----- Issued...PRJ96-0049 Expires. . MOUNTAIN HIGH PLUMBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81620 MOUNTAIN HIGH PLUMBING P O BOX 547r AVON CO 8l-620 DAUPH INAI S-MOSELEY CONSTRUCT ION P O BoX 1515,1 VAIL co 816s8 I \ SFR ';;-,\1t :,, . fof Gas Apptiances: I SSUED 08 /20 /1.se 6 Phone: 3039494500 Phone: 3039494500 20,000.00 #0f tlood/PaL let: Valuation l #Of Gas Logs: ********tr****'t****r.t*****l***Jr*#r***ff'Hr***'*'wrffi FEE SUliltlARY ***r.ffi*tr*lrHtr******i.t#rrffitffirlc**rHrffiffirt 400.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi e!r-->100.00 DRB .00 Total Catculated Fees--->.O0 Additional Fees--------->503.00 Total Permit Fee--------> Payment s------- .OO TOTAL FEES----- 3 .00 503.00 .00 503.00 503.00 ***rd*ffi***fr***ffi**ffiffi*r*rrrffirri******ffi*rr********-r*rrr.***rr*****-**--:*lxil-lli;;;;;;;i************i**** IIem: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:08/20/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS IleBi'.q5oqo FIRE DEPART!,IENT Dept: FrRE Division:08/20/L996 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OE'APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 IJMC.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 1991 I]MC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND 703 0F THE 1991 UMC.6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMTT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST.8. DRAINAGE oF MBCHANICAL RooMS CONTAINING HEATING oR HoT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2179 OF THE 1991 UMC <****************************rk************************************************** DECLARATIONS Oj Oo t hereby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, fil,l,ed out in ful.t the information requi red, corpteted an accurate plot ptan, and state that al,[ the information provided as required is correct. I agree to conpty with the information 8nd pl,ot pl,an/ to conpty vith aLt Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buil,d this structure according to the ToHn's zoning and subdivision codes, design revicH approved, uniforn Buil.ding code and other ord'inances of the ToHn aPPl,icabl,e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIOI{S SHALL BE }IADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS SIGNATUNE OF OTINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII.ISELF AND OI,INER FRO S:00 Alt 5:00 Ptl TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97Q-479-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: E Iectri ca l,---> NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRTCAL PERMTT Job Address: 1090 VAfL VIEW DR Location...: 1700 LIONRIDGE LOOP Parcel No.. : 2IO3-t22-09-018 froject No. : PRJ96-0049 AVALANCHE ELECTRIC CORP P o BOX 2715t DTLLON CO 80435 AVALANCHE ELECTRIC CORP P o BOX 2715, DTLLON CO 80435 DAUPH INAI S -MOSELEY CONSTRUCTTON P O BOX 1515, VArL CO 81658 NEW SFR/EHU FEE SUIITIARY lo 1E5.00 Status. . AppIied. Issued.. Expires. Phone: 3034680249 Phone:3034680249 Valuation:21,000.00 ORB Fee .00 3.@ 1E8.00 Invest i gation> lJi l.L catt----) TOTAL FEES---> TotaI CaLcuLated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments----------:-----) BALANCE DUE---- 18E.00 .00 1E8.00 188. @ .@ oo DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT *Lt**#******t*ir**#r:Hr***#r***l***lrJrlcrtrht*#rj<rr**|**rffinHrtrhtrtrHr*t*rir***rt*#*JrHrir*#**Jrff**ffit *ffi*#*rnk*Hffi Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDfNG Division:04/30/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR FOR ERNST G trtLt*Hn*tffi ffi *ffiffi *tt#**ffi ***t*tif #rffi ffiffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. ELECTRICAL WORK WILL ABIDE BY 1996 NEC 2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ,r****#***tffi * ffi DECLARATIONS I hereby ackno!,tedge that I have read this application, f il,l,ed out in fu(t the information requi red, colpleted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that a[[ the information provided as required is correct. I agfee to conpl.y Hith the information and pl,ot ptan/to compty trith att ToHn ordinances and state tavs, and to buiLd this structure according to the ToHn's zoning and subdivision codes, design revieu approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town appticabte thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SI{ALL BE }IADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANC€ BY JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit, #: 896-0064 TSSUED o4 /25 / Lee 6 o4/30/ree6 L0/27 /Lee6 oo **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt ***************************************r*r**!t**********!t********** Statemnt Number: REC-0186 Amount:s03.00 o8/20/96 11:3?Init: cD Payment Method: CK Notat,ion: #3136 Oj Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4L3L2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 4L336 Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE M96-0128 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT 2703-L22-09 -018 1O9O VAIL VIEW DR 17OO LIONS RIDGE LOOP LOT 18 Total Fees: 503.00 503.00 Total ALL Pnts: 503.00 Balance:.00 **********************J.****************r.r.**********************tr Amount 400 .00 100.00 3 .00 (iklt:4tiitI:ii:;u:#p"ssg"ltxlg,Etili3;"?xp ,a DATE:- rob Name: irt tg Gro,l-.fra,trs(Job Addre ssz l7c(t Lio,rr,dK Laop Legal Description: r,ot lE Block Filing- suBprvrsrou : D.rph1l: -fb 4-_ Ph" work cLass: $(J-rew [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Addit-i-onar [ ]-Repair [ ]-otrrer Number of Dwelling Units:Nuraber of Accomrnodation Units: PERI'IIT /I , APPLfCATION MUST BE FILIJD oUT COUPLETELY oR IT l.tAY NoT BE AccEpTED I**********t'********* * * * {' ****** PERMIT fNFORIIATION ******** **** **** ** ** *** ******rl [ ]-Building [ ]-pJ.unbing I J-Electrica] g(;-r'lechanibal [ ]-other Owners Name: Architect: ceneral Description: Address:Ph. Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing ConLractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT TEE: h(/L Town of vr-.it Res...No. l=7-P Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: -ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: 4+nr--_ OFFfCE USE ** ** *** * * *..'r'rt i:.*1.* * **** ***..***** ** BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE:PLWBING PI.A,N CHECK FFE;I'IECHANICAL Pi,AN CIIECK I'R"E: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN:UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL.PERUIT FEES: FOR BUILDII{G: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: . SIGNATTIRE: CLIAN IIP DEPOSIT REtrT'ND tro: oo /t)s oe Poon btileatsrN! oo lt'7'(Y ?tl't, 9s*ue, !2" = I 'rr Pto" e o 1 l4"x 7..!'t ClOr-{ llusnoat fi( L€- Z.r "tlo' 7{qwt 2-"" c*r€t rd, -fo h @" fuag 30"otA. lu,wB 30"x )Etf T3o,.e,{- rto-o,t /ar lg C(-tlut f(tue$€ &eH,r* H tc -o lzgrownorVarl OFFICE COPY oo oo PEIl . FR'01'l : lltruntain H' Plurbinq r!Pl-ror'E Mr. , tuntflot c;; H Es(Foc Er'ro\t...-5+ r"rvr.-r'Jh)hr'-F t!'..r-'|rr H EEE Bf,EEE=HEHgEEEHBE*EEHE*EEHEIEEqEH n E ._:t F iEE HHIiE EH f" ,EEEE EfrE EseHutEHuaEH*-'sseHEtFtEaE EE E EE-H fit=-gsEEEEnEe*EEEEEue-;ExuHEE E EEH BtsEtstsHtsststsEG-'-.rutsts*ts'-i'.o".^ofiEE EEF s*iil l**-*l i*l l*l l-i I I ll gr EEH $FsH'oG*s'-t''EFFEiiilEEFtsFFBtr EF EHE snRssssHHf;HHHHHHHHHHHHHHEE HEt Eut t I tsssullEi iHl lBi i il;EHE FEE HE-ooogHEE-osoosoosooFo*HHE EHH EEEEEEEsEEEgFEFEEEEilfiS**HEH tEE a*ll I Inn;eil;lt;llElllll g Efl rtl I ! !tn;ti lti lrl lul I I l I Pa EE ,=H E*E--EE EEEEE E E E EE frNNfiEEEE-*EE*EEEEE-E-E-EEE T8 EEg fl= EHe EE* I'z E E 5 H* E E w.. r FRul't : l"lDuntain "Ut5"t PHor.rE Mr. ' tuttfl4t 6*s'po0 HHa g t E H fi ua E trl z f; r, Lil D F e rtrl o!! 3i HI f, ut rE iE ]E 6i fr', IE i"E in in er "2,, ? E 6 HBEHFI-ffiffiEEIIIE EE BE ds ir EB ;F HA EO z,<ei El L.F en o BgBEEHEHaH*HEHg fe HF E |r + + tPltt.r br r.) t'r* I -r' rr e E EffEffi?EHEEE E I ta --..F ri| It n !tr d a!{]tEiE FI-- I.. Y!(ET g' D fr 7. gFlttrE rt -a ll 4 E;t.F taa cl ct ({gql E q a- E Er trr f, !> [-f- t-.l -J i- ;.^ L D aF -l t:t z- 14 - E.-a t :q c5= tL -: a! trjt -, . itt -a tir \r E ttd rit { H: T' (-, f, E- Itt - rJ EJ rlrq Fl 1- n.f, It r ..t :.! r.l I t- f|J a-a E I f,t D t c r F E g E .a .a ( E EH EE HE *r 7rj.Ed gA--Fecso€f,f'X+S ,!ho .-o rt3 ttn rir , x I I s $ Ft!im o x rlE ?o io t, I !!t\O .-o rlts orJ rl x + I - |l l/2'. y-j. ,-O V4' , /-C a/+7-6 )/+ , r'o v+ L r-6' [4 q(j qf a E^iz EA (!l ,l . , J-[.a. E // \r fl n, Itr!IE <, flF >t O('@l tF r, .r9 6n ml l 1rz oo i3 DJ im = !.";g 5p i>=t'=o <o .l> t- -ar -t1l A ferr v. E Ye | @r'!ps q o m x uZ)=o ;o o? r1 -lE 1!F f-lo' Oj oo dec: Uge r CORP trhone: 3tZt346BOE49 C0NSTRUCTION Phone: CORF Fhoti6t 3[r346Bete49 REF,T 1 3 T TDl,'lN 0F VAIL' COLORADC) IL/1A196 116:46 REGIUESTS FUR INSFECTION WORK SHEETS FOR: lt/13/q6 Aetivity: 896-6O64 7t/l=/96 Typer B-EL.EE Statusl ISSUED Constt": NSFR Address: lEtBtZt VAIL VIEt,l DR Locationr 17OO LIONRIDGE LOOF' Fat cel : ;:1ra3_1eg-ag-gt1€ Descr"ipt ion: NEI^I SFR/EHU Applicant : AVALANCHE ELECTRIC Owner' : DAUPHINAIS-FIOSELEY Contractor": AVALANCHE ELECTRIC trFBE AREA: EG Inspection Reqrrest Infot'mation..... .3g.F\$-Requestor: RICO - DIDIER '*r I l!gn": 949-8758 Req Tinre: O1:OO Comments: 17AO LIONS RifBE LUOF' Iterne requested to be Inspect ed. . . OO19A ELEC-Final Tine Exp Comment s ss ./--1 v Inspeat ion HistortY. . ,,. ..rItdm: OOllrl ELEC-TemP. Fower ' Item: Eft1E?t EI-EC-Rot-tgh AE/1A/96 Inspector": EG AB/eA/96 [nspector': EB ,. Item: OOISO ElEG-tronduit i, ' Item: frtAL4A ELEC-Misc, ' Item: ool9rzr ELEC-Final \;\ ,'lA u v, Act,i on : : AFPR APF ROVED ,. r. Actlion: AtrFF AF,pRDVED r o ,, ln oo ^a !v 1..-.r,j L\. Ql\;--1 W P,?t',: F,\ 'iu ?'"^''" oo Oo REF,T 131 TOI.IN OF VRIL, COLDRADB ll/13/96 O6:46 REGUESTS FOR INStrECTION WBRK SHEETS FORzII/13/96 trNEE 6 AREtr: CD flcrivity: lvl96-O1EA 1L/LF/96 Type: B*MECH Statr-ts: ISSUED Constr': NSFR Address t LTEQ LIANS RIDGE t'-F' LOCAIiON: 17IZIO LIONS RIDBE LT]Otr LOT IB Parcel r ElEtS-1EE-[I9-OtB Descniptionr lvlECH FUR NES SFR Appl icant: IYIOUNTAIN HIGH FLUMBINE Owner: DAUFHINAIS-MOSELEY CDNSTRUCTION Contractolr MOTJNTAIN HI6H FLUIYIBINE Oec: UEe ! F,hone r 3B394945tZtzt Fhone: Fhone: JE394945tZt{t Inspect i on Reque st Reque st or'r RICO Req Tine r E1:€tO It ems neqtrest ed to 'aA39A MEtrH-Final Infor'mation...._ DIDIER Comments: be Inspeeted... Fhone: 949-S758 Act i on Comment Time Exp ----?- ----i----Inspection Histor^y,.... /Iten : tztogt?ira MECH-Rough $9/A9/96 Inspector': CD Action: AFtrR RADIENT HERT LINES -Notes:6E FSI AIR TEST ENTRY ZONE Set trSI AIRTEST ZUNE e Item: 0raA4O FLMB-Gag triping Item: ABSIO MEtrH-Heating A9/lJ/96 Inspector; EF Itenl OOSEU HECH-Exhaust Hoodg It em: AO33A MECH-Sr_rppl y Air.'i It em : o034?r MECH-lvli ec,\ A8/87196 Insoector': DS i;t".t t A039rA MECH-Final .Item: AE53A FIRE-FINAL tr'/g I Act i on: AtrF'R SNt^l MLT AT ROAD gEF' ZONE Act i on : AtrF'R* -UENTF TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97Q-479-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: E Iectri ca l,---> NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRTCAL PERMTT Job Address: 1090 VAfL VIEW DR Location...: 1700 LIONRIDGE LOOP Parcel No.. : 2IO3-t22-09-018 froject No. : PRJ96-0049 AVALANCHE ELECTRIC CORP P o BOX 2715t DTLLON CO 80435 AVALANCHE ELECTRIC CORP P o BOX 2715, DTLLON CO 80435 DAUPH INAI S -MOSELEY CONSTRUCTTON P O BOX 1515, VArL CO 81658 NEW SFR/EHU FEE SUIITIARY lo 1E5.00 Status. . AppIied. Issued.. Expires. Phone: 3034680249 Phone:3034680249 Valuation:21,000.00 ORB Fee .00 3.@ 1E8.00 Invest i gation> lJi l.L catt----) TOTAL FEES---> TotaI CaLcuLated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments----------:-----) BALANCE DUE---- 18E.00 .00 1E8.00 188. @ .@ oo DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT *Lt**#******t*ir**#r:Hr***#r***l***lrJrlcrtrht*#rj<rr**|**rffinHrtrhtrtrHr*t*rir***rt*#*JrHrir*#**Jrff**ffit *ffi*#*rnk*Hffi Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDfNG Division:04/30/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR FOR ERNST G trtLt*Hn*tffi ffi *ffiffi *tt#**ffi ***t*tif #rffi ffiffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. ELECTRICAL WORK WILL ABIDE BY 1996 NEC 2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ,r****#***tffi * ffi DECLARATIONS I hereby ackno!,tedge that I have read this application, f il,l,ed out in fu(t the information requi red, colpleted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that a[[ the information provided as required is correct. I agfee to conpl.y Hith the information and pl,ot ptan/to compty trith att ToHn ordinances and state tavs, and to buiLd this structure according to the ToHn's zoning and subdivision codes, design revieu approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town appticabte thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SI{ALL BE }IADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANC€ BY JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit, #: 896-0064 TSSUED o4 /25 / Lee 6 o4/30/ree6 L0/27 /Lee6 oo **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt ***************************************r*r**!t**********!t********** Statemnt Number: REC-0186 Amount:s03.00 o8/20/96 11:3?Init: cD Payment Method: CK Notat,ion: #3136 Oj Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4L3L2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 4L336 Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE M96-0128 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT 2703-L22-09 -018 1O9O VAIL VIEW DR 17OO LIONS RIDGE LOOP LOT 18 Total Fees: 503.00 503.00 Total ALL Pnts: 503.00 Balance:.00 **********************J.****************r.r.**********************tr Amount 400 .00 100.00 3 .00 (iklt:4tiitI:ii:;u:#p"ssg"ltxlg,Etili3;"?xp ,a DATE:- rob Name: irt tg Gro,l-.fra,trs(Job Addre ssz l7c(t Lio,rr,dK Laop Legal Description: r,ot lE Block Filing- suBprvrsrou : D.rph1l: -fb 4-_ Ph" work cLass: $(J-rew [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Addit-i-onar [ ]-Repair [ ]-otrrer Number of Dwelling Units:Nuraber of Accomrnodation Units: PERI'IIT /I , APPLfCATION MUST BE FILIJD oUT COUPLETELY oR IT l.tAY NoT BE AccEpTED I**********t'********* * * * {' ****** PERMIT fNFORIIATION ******** **** **** ** ** *** ******rl [ ]-Building [ ]-pJ.unbing I J-Electrica] g(;-r'lechanibal [ ]-other Owners Name: Architect: ceneral Description: Address:Ph. Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing ConLractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT TEE: h(/L Town of vr-.it Res...No. l=7-P Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: -ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: 4+nr--_ OFFfCE USE ** ** *** * * *..'r'rt i:.*1.* * **** ***..***** ** BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE:PLWBING PI.A,N CHECK FFE;I'IECHANICAL Pi,AN CIIECK I'R"E: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN:UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL.PERUIT FEES: FOR BUILDII{G: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: . SIGNATTIRE: CLIAN IIP DEPOSIT REtrT'ND tro: oo /t)s oe Poon btileatsrN! oo lt'7'(Y ?tl't, 9s*ue, !2" = I 'rr Pto" e o 1 l4"x 7..!'t ClOr-{ llusnoat fi( L€- Z.r "tlo' 7{qwt 2-"" c*r€t rd, -fo h @" fuag 30"otA. lu,wB 30"x )Etf T3o,.e,{- rto-o,t /ar lg C(-tlut f(tue$€ &eH,r* H tc -o lzgrownorVarl OFFICE COPY oo oo PEIl . FR'01'l : lltruntain H' Plurbinq r!Pl-ror'E Mr. , tuntflot c;; H Es(Foc Er'ro\t...-5+ r"rvr.-r'Jh)hr'-F t!'..r-'|rr H EEE Bf,EEE=HEHgEEEHBE*EEHE*EEHEIEEqEH n E ._:t F iEE HHIiE EH f" ,EEEE EfrE EseHutEHuaEH*-'sseHEtFtEaE EE E EE-H fit=-gsEEEEnEe*EEEEEue-;ExuHEE E EEH BtsEtstsHtsststsEG-'-.rutsts*ts'-i'.o".^ofiEE EEF s*iil l**-*l i*l l*l l-i I I ll gr EEH $FsH'oG*s'-t''EFFEiiilEEFtsFFBtr EF EHE snRssssHHf;HHHHHHHHHHHHHHEE HEt Eut t I tsssullEi iHl lBi i il;EHE FEE HE-ooogHEE-osoosoosooFo*HHE EHH EEEEEEEsEEEgFEFEEEEilfiS**HEH tEE a*ll I Inn;eil;lt;llElllll g Efl rtl I ! !tn;ti lti lrl lul I I l I Pa EE ,=H E*E--EE EEEEE E E E EE frNNfiEEEE-*EE*EEEEE-E-E-EEE T8 EEg fl= EHe EE* I'z E E 5 H* E E w.. r FRul't : l"lDuntain "Ut5"t PHor.rE Mr. ' tuttfl4t 6*s'po0 HHa g t E H fi ua E trl z f; r, Lil D F e rtrl o!! 3i HI f, ut rE iE ]E 6i fr', IE i"E in in er "2,, ? E 6 HBEHFI-ffiffiEEIIIE EE BE ds ir EB ;F HA EO z,<ei El L.F en o BgBEEHEHaH*HEHg fe HF E |r + + tPltt.r br r.) t'r* I -r' rr e E EffEffi?EHEEE E I ta --..F ri| It n !tr d a!{]tEiE FI-- I.. Y!(ET g' D fr 7. gFlttrE rt -a ll 4 E;t.F taa cl ct ({gql E q a- E Er trr f, !> [-f- t-.l -J i- ;.^ L D aF -l t:t z- 14 - E.-a t :q c5= tL -: a! trjt -, . itt -a tir \r E ttd rit { H: T' (-, f, E- Itt - rJ EJ rlrq Fl 1- n.f, It r ..t :.! r.l I t- f|J a-a E I f,t D t c r F E g E .a .a ( E EH EE HE *r 7rj.Ed gA--Fecso€f,f'X+S ,!ho .-o rt3 ttn rir , x I I s $ Ft!im o x rlE ?o io t, I !!t\O .-o rlts orJ rl x + I - |l l/2'. y-j. ,-O V4' , /-C a/+7-6 )/+ , r'o v+ L r-6' [4 q(j qf a E^iz EA (!l ,l . , J-[.a. E // \r fl n, Itr!IE <, flF >t O('@l tF r, .r9 6n ml l 1rz oo i3 DJ im = !.";g 5p i>=t'=o <o .l> t- -ar -t1l A ferr v. E Ye | @r'!ps q o m x uZ)=o ;o o? r1 -lE 1!F f-lo' Oj oo dec: Uge r CORP trhone: 3tZt346BOE49 C0NSTRUCTION Phone: CORF Fhoti6t 3[r346Bete49 REF,T 1 3 T TDl,'lN 0F VAIL' COLORADC) IL/1A196 116:46 REGIUESTS FUR INSFECTION WORK SHEETS FOR: lt/13/q6 Aetivity: 896-6O64 7t/l=/96 Typer B-EL.EE Statusl ISSUED Constt": NSFR Address: lEtBtZt VAIL VIEt,l DR Locationr 17OO LIONRIDGE LOOF' Fat cel : ;:1ra3_1eg-ag-gt1€ Descr"ipt ion: NEI^I SFR/EHU Applicant : AVALANCHE ELECTRIC Owner' : DAUPHINAIS-FIOSELEY Contractor": AVALANCHE ELECTRIC trFBE AREA: EG Inspection Reqrrest Infot'mation..... .3g.F\$-Requestor: RICO - DIDIER '*r I l!gn": 949-8758 Req Tinre: O1:OO Comments: 17AO LIONS RifBE LUOF' Iterne requested to be Inspect ed. . . OO19A ELEC-Final Tine Exp Comment s ss ./--1 v Inspeat ion HistortY. . ,,. ..rItdm: OOllrl ELEC-TemP. Fower ' Item: Eft1E?t EI-EC-Rot-tgh AE/1A/96 Inspector": EG AB/eA/96 [nspector': EB ,. Item: OOISO ElEG-tronduit i, ' Item: frtAL4A ELEC-Misc, ' Item: ool9rzr ELEC-Final \;\ ,'lA u v, Act,i on : : AFPR APF ROVED ,. r. Actlion: AtrFF AF,pRDVED r o ,, ln oo ^a !v 1..-.r,j L\. Ql\;--1 W P,?t',: F,\ 'iu ?'"^''" oo Oo REF,T 131 TOI.IN OF VRIL, COLDRADB ll/13/96 O6:46 REGUESTS FOR INStrECTION WBRK SHEETS FORzII/13/96 trNEE 6 AREtr: CD flcrivity: lvl96-O1EA 1L/LF/96 Type: B*MECH Statr-ts: ISSUED Constr': NSFR Address t LTEQ LIANS RIDGE t'-F' LOCAIiON: 17IZIO LIONS RIDBE LT]Otr LOT IB Parcel r ElEtS-1EE-[I9-OtB Descniptionr lvlECH FUR NES SFR Appl icant: IYIOUNTAIN HIGH FLUMBINE Owner: DAUFHINAIS-MOSELEY CDNSTRUCTION Contractolr MOTJNTAIN HI6H FLUIYIBINE Oec: UEe ! F,hone r 3B394945tZtzt Fhone: Fhone: JE394945tZt{t Inspect i on Reque st Reque st or'r RICO Req Tine r E1:€tO It ems neqtrest ed to 'aA39A MEtrH-Final Infor'mation...._ DIDIER Comments: be Inspeeted... Fhone: 949-S758 Act i on Comment Time Exp ----?- ----i----Inspection Histor^y,.... /Iten : tztogt?ira MECH-Rough $9/A9/96 Inspector': CD Action: AFtrR RADIENT HERT LINES -Notes:6E FSI AIR TEST ENTRY ZONE Set trSI AIRTEST ZUNE e Item: 0raA4O FLMB-Gag triping Item: ABSIO MEtrH-Heating A9/lJ/96 Inspector; EF Itenl OOSEU HECH-Exhaust Hoodg It em: AO33A MECH-Sr_rppl y Air.'i It em : o034?r MECH-lvli ec,\ A8/87196 Insoector': DS i;t".t t A039rA MECH-Final .Item: AE53A FIRE-FINAL tr'/g I Act i on: AtrF'R SNt^l MLT AT ROAD gEF' ZONE Act i on : AtrF'R* -UENTF 1),i - LOT I9 33 I ?'o".\ N \ q s rA ,*ry f t {4 s lez 29,I 0835'42" 217.9F' I 80.70 \) TRACT A oaai LOT 17 .s E - | hcaby ccrtity thot this bnprovantcnt locotim ccrtificota rvs prqorcd fr Danphinob-lloulc.y Constructim Cmtpany qtd lorn of Voil Buildhi Dqttmant,thot lt le not o lond survcy plot r lmpronntutt strwy plot, ad -thot It ls not to b€ rdH upqr ft tha cst&ll*rnqrt of fdrcc, buldlng, t othcr futura hnprov*ttant lioes-I furthar cutil that thc improvwnants m tha &oye dascrlbad pscC ? thi! lota, ^Atlt 2J, 1996, cxcqt utf,ity conncctiut4 tc antbdy utthh tha boundarle of hc porcd, cxcqt os dtovtt, that thcrc re no aitachmats upott thc dwbcd prutztlsta by tnprovwnants et oty odhtthg prqntw, cxcqt os h{tcota4 qzd thot thqc is no qpucnt cidancc or tsign of ely coscapn[rocthg r hrdoahg any port of sold parc| oxcqt os ioted,lhb cstncab d6 aot cdrstltutc o tltl. s€ord, by lnts-ltountoh Enghcahg to dcttrnha out*dtp s cosqnqtts of racord. For dl hfun otlm rsgtdhg cos*mttts, ri/rts-of-toy or titlc of tccotd, lntrUountot, rCH wot: -Fhal tslot of NOflE: Accunhg b hldo lor 1at must corrrm.nc€ on-11 lced octlm boscd upot dry dafcct h thls sunay dthh Ailu lscs aftt Fu f*et dix;ow ed, eEL h no cyqrt, moy ot y octlott bacd upd, dr)/ fufcct ht thls anncy bc cdnmdrd m*p thqt tat lcan front thc de of cqtlllcatla dtonr hapqt. I -/-' raa ;:E. it vddfr'' NOTES: - Ail buldhrg tlcs orc p*pandicular q rodd to prqcrty lincs. - Buildhg ddgc alcwtiotls qc oll to top of ply*od dadthg no popq. - Bosls of cewtiut = Hf"H;"" - 6t6.fr hu ant - EG)L96 ryttt1 rSttToFtoy or titlc of tccord, lntrUountain rChd ttpon: -ftnl tslot Oouphlnols-lloeCcy *tbdlvfslon n4t4 l, Torn of Voll, Eogle'Cannty, Colroda g\t"- co6g ADDRE* ,7@ Lldrb Rldgo Loq I rv\;!rr suTE tol t120 UANCE StpEEf LAKEwOOO, Cot_O. AO2t5 (JO') 232-0rs8 hfmcr-Uontrirr fnfinacrins IMPROWMENT LOCANON CERNFICATE I,oE*@ AtC ./../r. ,O -_..t/r. \ xzrrp. | ff | !t I O I LOr /9 \ s (ez I 29, $ \r A--U F: 8L NOTES: ^ - All butTding ties ore perpendiculor or rodiol to propcrty lines,(l - Denotes top of foundotbn spot elewtion. J4 s rRACT I A*'^'=- '| {ztlt|I ,3 frouoil"rcil oU[/ (.) ^ I hraby cerlify thot this impro',anten t locotion ccrtificote vos prepored for Oouphinqis-IlosCcy Construction Conpony ond Tovn of VaiI Butlding Oqarimen| thot lt is not o land survey plot t lmprovunan ! saruey ptot, ond -thot it is not to bc rclied upon fu the es toblidtman t of tbtce, bufldng, q other fu turc tTnprovem en I lines.I further certify thot the improvem en t s m the obove descnbed parcel on this datq .bne 21, 1996, .xcqt uhlij/ connectims, orc en tirdy vithin the boundonbs of thc porcel, excqt os shovn, thot there arc no encroochmants upon the dcsqibcd prerniscs by improvements on ony odltinlng prcmises, except os indicata4 ond thot there is no opporen t aidence or sign of ony eosement crosshg x burdenrhg ony port of soid porcd, cxcept os ioted. Thls cqtilicote does not constltute o title scarcrt by htt-Hountoln Engineering to dctermioa ornarship q eosanaz ts of record. For otl in fvrnotion rcAarding eosc- man ts, rights-of-voy or titlc of rccord, ln ter- llountoin rdiod upon: Fnol Plot of Douphlnals-Mosoley 9)bdirl:slon Ffi\o. l, lovn of Voll, Eoglc CwntS4, Cotorado. ,f I f.-,.\x,,\rli'r',J/,i/r,\| - , 1..1s';|nu t<, ! t: t I,t/,..I I h,.^ ^ $\ili.'ti.\!,i'1+. , LOr /7 NO0E: Acctdhg to Colqodo lot W must commencc ony lego! oction bosed upon ony defect in lhis sur*ey vithin thrcc ).eors oftq Sou llrct discovs such defect.ln no etutt, moy oq/ oction based upon ony defect in thls wney bc cotnmqtced m{c thon tan ltars from thc dote of cstllfcatlon shom hqeon. I I t n@ooc '/)4.u. o P.O. AOX 97A oo77 uErcaLf RoAo AWN, CO|-O. Er620 (JOJ) 91e-972 grfE ,o, ,12O UATJE SIPEEr uKErro@, coLo- ao2r5 (JOJ) 2J2-Ots Tlfntcr-ffountein AE ginccring,.. aA rt REVtgO -.ut{noycntu r LocAzoff crnD--furc-._Dtsrdt@ 8r: .7rl iff #fi ,HRr.st*" sa- o I zzs 7 Lor ta, DAUPHtNtAs-MosELEy \ SUBDIWSION, FlLlNG NO. I, rowv oF vAtL, EAGLE COUNTY COLORADOT nADt tn DUC oAtt 6aEb 6//21/96 /&edeo sn o.o.F.E4E l- = 20, aett w( ,K'/Pc PAct *Ef ta- ,6' 4'/ .i,r'l'.''O r../t L't1 U I \-//l' THIS EMPLOYEE HOUSING RESTRICTION FORM SI. ',I L BE USED FoR DEVELoPMENTS APPRoVED PRIOR TO THE ADOPTION OF CHAPTER 18.57, EMI'. _'YEE HOUSING. SEPTEMBER 1, 1992. EXAMPLES oF THESE DEVELOPMENTS INCLUDE PHASE Vt OF THE VALLEY, FOFEST GLEN, DAUPHtNAtSA,tOg,Ey. ETC. EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHEBEAS, Dauohinais-Moseley Const.is lhe owner of the property a REC DOC 11.00 herein referred to as the ,subject property,.; and 'flHEREAS' the owner wishes to place certain reslriclions on the use of the subject land ior the benefit of the owner and the Town of Vail, colorado (,,the Town"). Now' THEREFoRE, the owner does hereby impose, estabrish, acknowredge, decrare for the benelit of all persons who may hereinafter purchase, or lease, or hold the subject land, lhe following restrictions, covenants, and conditions, all of which shall be deemed to run with the land and to inure to the benefit and be binding upon the owner, its respective grantees, successors, and assigns. 1' The subject property has a restricted employee dwelling unit in the approximate size of Five-hundred ( 5OO ) square feet. The restricted employee unit located on the subject property shall not be sold, transferred, or conveyed separately from the primary dwelling unil located on lhe subject property for a period of more than twenty (20) years and tire lile of Tiffany Lowenthal, from the date that the certilicate of occupancy is issued for said restricted employee dwelling unit. 2' The restricted employee dwelling unit shall not be leased or rented tor any period of less than thirty (30) consecutive days; and, if it shall be rented, it shall be rented only to tenants who are full-time employees of the upper Eagle Valley. The Upper Eagle Valley shall be deemed to include lhe Gore Valley, Minturn, Hed Cliff, Gitman, Eagte-Vailand Ca described ?Si i 700 T.i onsridee Looo. Vail. C0 , according to the map recorded in Book q16 , page tot , in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. 590632 8-694 Sara J. Fi sher P-637 ob/rs/96 04:0Zp Eagle County Clerk PG1 OF2 & Reco rder Avon, and their surrounding areas. A full-time employee is a person who works an average of thirty (30) hours per week. 3. The restricted employee dwelling unit shall not be divided into any form of time shares, interval ownership, or lractional fee ownership. 4. The provisions hereof may be enforced by the owner and the Town. 5. The conditions, restrictions, stipulations, and agreemenls contained herein shall not be waived, abandoned, terminated, or amended, except by the written consent of both the Town of Vail and lhe owner of rhe subject property. TOWN OF ;; 4i t ' v I Lr HondatF!*frifiiers, Town Manager -Robert Mclaurln ACKNOWLEDGEMENT VAIL, COLORADO | -- (^ \.t .aJ By: My commission expires: f o res oi ns i n s :'i rr?' #T "'ry :rf ii' "ny:-::: :! o* * *ig,,gggffiBtliss ' 75 S. Frcnbge Poad By: Patrick G. Dauphinais, u President , Dl"lC ACKNOWLEDGEMENT me (his My commission 590632 B-n94 P_rj37 05/15/s6 TC'{/N OF VAIL g.=i :rE_gf _THE TOWN CLERK z: .1. ;RONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CCTORADO g1657 0,t /osT 04:02P pG 2 oF2 Category Numbel A l[n ReviewAction ilP TOWN OF VAIL o^t s/zzlql Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: arcrritepCfuAddressandphone: ?' f.,,t, ,in ,,n; '(. O. F.ol- ls /l /.. 1t.-----^ t t1.1 h<-+:- LegalDescription't-ot /8 Block - SuOaivision-r)+ F{ rr, rrr,-.,h1i,:r:€Ja/ Zone District 'jllD P-ZL ProiectStreetAddt"t"' l-7&) r' rorr=-rlirrcr€ ( ,.---,l Comments: ,,Board L9tatt Action \--"' vorc: 4-() Seconded by: i ' lof f-,,-'E' {npprovat fl Disapproval ! StafiApproval Conditions: .., - ,.. Ftl, t t, Town Planner Datet 3i 7 hj q & DRB Fee Pre-paid II rov-ltod B/17l9'l DESIGN REVIEW I. A. DATE OF DRB MEETING: OO rlr BOARD APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIIT, COITORN)O DArE RECETVED: 2, rL q(1, ********** ********** DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: X New ConsErucLion (9200.00)F.addition ($5o.oo) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: . toL subdivi s i on --DA!j-4!!J--t-,. If property is described bY descripbion, Please Provide Lo Lhis application. Minor Alteration ($20.00) -conc"pbual Review ($0) Block a meeLs and bounds legal on a separate sheeL and aLLach c. D. Er F. H. NAME OF Mai ting APPLICNNT'S nddress: I. J. Phone NAME OF OWNER(S): OWNER(SI SIGNATURE:Mailing Address: Phone APPI,ICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OMVEN'S STGIVATURE Condominium Approval if appticable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are t'o be paid at the time of submiLLal of Lhe DRB applicabion. Laber, when applying for a building permiE, please identify Lhe accuraLe vlluaLion of bhe proposal . the Town of vail will adjusL Lhe fee according Lo l-he Lable below, Lo ensure Lhe correcl- fee is paid. c,o 4t{) FEE PAID: $ C'- CHECK f : DATE! BY: FEE SCHEDULEI FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200. 00 $400.00 $s00 .00 DESTGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAIJ APPROVAIJ UNI.IESS A BUIIJDING PERI'IT IS ISSUED AI{D CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. VAI.,UATION $ o $ 1o,ooo $ 10 , oo1 $ 50, 000 $ 50, 001 $ 150,000 $1s0, 001 $ s00, 000 $500,001 - $1,000,000 $ Over $1. 000,000 arN ZONING: \ l\ L\ NAME OF Mai ling APPLICANT: Address: Ore Oo NAME OF PRO.]ECT:arl\F I-,EGAL DESCRIPTION: r,Ot /8 BTOCK SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS , INOO C 6cL- i- The following informabion is Review Board before a final A. BUIIJDING DIATERfALTS : Roof Sidinq Obher wa11 Materials Fascia Soffi ts windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Liqhtinq Obher required for submittal approval can be given: Lo the Design TYPE OF MATERIAIJ STUC-C-(, - 0.-,t,^,,rr.',..-, l'1 tu Srr,'t e i!r rde *=,A t,.1 ,n lf'L'{+L llt(- A^ Pct tA C.nv Tt!o","1 9ruLc-0 l) A .:-(ecu A C c- ,a,u i\/out) 5 Tc.t cc 0 UAcd ttJ tzev gt ueu Lpt en//eL- C.A{ ,U4 ,U4 I.IANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: Phone: r,., G.+tt tQg b qqJL B. n (teAsi'- -l rtt= L +,'" b5t'4r''€/r-r.. tr ZONE CHECK FOR ZONE DISTRICTS l '? I .-' ,DATE: J/ / 5,'i6 . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot jnBlock - Subdivision ADDRESS: -o Single Farnily Residence, Duplex, erimary/Secondary Z3 PHONE PHONE ARCHITECT l*r ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE I,OT SIZE HeighE TOTAI GRFA Primary GRFA EH(-t.S€€endtry GRFA SeLbacks FronL Sides Rear 75c-'Si t,e Coverage L,,andscaping ReLaining Wal1 . Park.ing Carage Credic Drive: I'leigh ts Conplies with T.O.V. Lighrinq WaLer Course SeEback Do Finish crades Exceed Envi ronmen EaI /Ha zards : 2:t (50%) 1) 2l 3) 4,66 + + 42s =3154!45=L q/q h +425=-2 J(- * rz' / to,S -i1- BUILDABIJE Fwi qtinrr LOT AREA Proposed Tot.a1 Allowed (30) (33 ) ,-? S seA il -tetU,, rL,a + N' 15 N' ro'N' ,o' 3, 16, 4 neqra +so a& 6HU. 552- 5 nnct su,a" -i..-_ Ll Yes .NP , L oJ-J dc'ffiy';j4 ,/ > 3o%t z a% a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris rtow F 4) Wetlands ,,t,1 Does this requesL irrvuive a 250 Aci<iition? r.l/)How much of Ehe allowed 250 Addirion is useffil'tr.rris Previous conditions of approval (check properE.y file): reques t?_ OL (3oo) (5ooL(t;) f*200,) 57.' Permirred slope zRt proposed sLope <p% Ordinance ( 30) (s0) YES Flood Plain Percent Slope (< Geologic Hazards a UppEn EAGLE VITIEY WATE R AIID SAI'IIIAIION DISTRICTS t,!r r rilrril l)r)Alr r v/\ll (,r)lllnAl)l) ilt)t,, { }l)l) 'l /6 ,dao August 2, Ig90 Hs. Krlstan Prltz Tovn of ValI Connunlty Developnent ?5 Soulh Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Dauphinals-l.toseley Subdivlsion Fillng l, vail, Colorado (2{ Single family lots and I duplex Iot! Dear Hs. Pritz r The varl vatley Consolldated llater Dlstrlct and Upper Eagle VaIley Consol idated Sanitatlon Distrtct vill provlde donestic vater servlce and sever servlce to the above referenced development ' The Districts have excess capaclty to process donestlc vater to lts constltuents at Ehe presenl tlme. Accordlngly, upon conpllance ulEh the Rules and Regulalions and the paynent of approprtate tap fees, the Dlstrlcts vlll provlde domestlc uater servlce and sever service. Constructlon of all naln line extenslons is the responslbifity of the developer; hoyev€r, all constructlon draulngs |[ust be preapproved by the Dlsbrlct' Any additlonal flre service, (1.e,. fire hydrants), that need to be added to those already exlstlng vill be at the expense of those requestlng the servlce. The addl[ion of Backflov Prevention Devlces on the Flre Servlce and on the Domestlc Hater servlce, vhere requlred, are necessary ' SlncereIy, UPPER EAGTE VAttEI CO}ISOLIDATED SAIIITATIOTI DISTRICT \*d\ \\"\ass- Fred S. llas I ee Dlstrict Regulatlons Adnlnlsbrator FSH:Jan -/---\I lt pAirTtCtpATrNo DtSrFrcrS - ARFTOWHEAD MEiRO WATER. AVON MEiRO WATEF a BEAVER CREEK MEiRO wAlER. BEFIRV CREEK MErEO WATER ,/ CLCA \ ,1|lt EA6LE vArL M€rqo warER I F-DwaFDs MErRo wArER. LAXE cFrEEe( MEADows warEF. uFpER EA6L€ vaLLEV coNsoLrDATED saNrrayroN @ ! N vatr. vaLLEv coNSoLrDA rEL' wA r EF o vArL WA rEF ANOgANTTATION l0F9y.E5r' ; . COMMUNICALONS @ Bax 3O5O DrLLort, Cn/a, 80435 7-ealn U V,qrL n€ Pl . H Co rn rttcz rt t /-y,kve.(o,ornert I 75 -€ .,rran /ng€,4/. rd.\thrL, (oLa. 8/6s7 ' .t2l sr":ecr. /-rar)3 Rrdge-5a./futv tsnn Ft/-t29 Na.5 ltl-f,yEsr" ', o, fuepl. u cornrna rt r&Oe"W%"2Ti @ v F s \\N i\ )'.1 -i..' N 7:)zL/n d? Vn / L Aa"^? 2 ,,7O APPROVED:YOURS T RULY, I{eritage P.(). Rox 4-19 Cablevision 0l 40 lu{ctcalf Road .'\'.,rrr. Colorado I t6.ltl (ltll) 949-5510 August 2, 1990 To whom it may concern ' He ri ta ge Cablevision will provide cable service to t.he D a u p h i. n a i s - Fl o s e 1 e y subdivislon ' f iling /l I At this time the cable is in p lace aE this site. Slncerely, cf^*L A/ "A"r--1" Mark G. GuzinskL Heri. tage Cab levl-s1on Lead Technic i-an l?9q l (;lt$,\\'$! 1,. o. l)lt:\\\ t'jt I I 5 0 (;LliNlV(X)l) Sl'lllN(;S, (.()1.()l{.\l}' ) s lh(}: August 2, 1990 HOLy CROSS IBgC-I-RIC ,\SS&IATION, INC. AREA CODE 303 945-549 t Ms. Kri st'i n Pri tz Planning Dept. , Tor,vn of Va j I % Dauphinajs-Mosely Construction, Inb. i,lr. Pat Dauohi nai s P.0. Box 1515 Vail, C0. 81658 RE: Lionsridge, Lots 1-19 Resubdivi sion Electrical Service Dear Kri st i n: tloly Cross Electric Association, tnc. is in the process of completing our prinrary electric installation within the above mentioned project. l,le have already received funds from Dauphinais-Mosely Construction, Inc. for the estjmated cost of t,his project. Primary electrjcal service installation should be completeci by mid-August. Should you have any questions, please call me at 303-949-5892. Si ncerel y, H0LY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATI0N, Inc. .*- ./) ,/'-./-// /{..r,-/,u Ted Huskey " Engineeri ng Service Supervisor Tl1: lw Vl/0#L2235 r 5167: Li onsri dge , Lots 1-19 Resubdi vi si on ($) Public service' Augn:st 2, L990 Trc'vrn Of Vail Oorrnunity Dereloptrent Departnent Attn: Kristan Pritz, Director 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, OO 81657 Dear lkistan, Please a.l-lovu ttris letter to serre as evidence tlnt D.M.C., Inc., tlre develot-r of Iots l-19 Lions Ridge Lane, has satisfied Public Senrice Ccmrany's reqtrest recruirenents. All neoessary natural gas system designs are onplete at this tirre. D.M.C. Inc. has signed the necessaty facility agreenent and remitted the reguireC cash ontriJrutlon for tlre facilitv h- stallation. rncreased dernand for hrblic Senrice Oonpany's services cl:ring tJ:is year, and the limited Fanpo\,tter to satisf,y this de- mand will require efficient job scfredulino. Ptrblic Serviqe Conpany crews are prepared to begin construction at tJris Lirre - Please let ne knc.t if I may be of additional assistane irr providing infornation ::elated to this detrelo-urent. Representative GtI:lnic Publlc Servlce Gompany ol Colorado P.O. Bor 430 Minturn, CO81645 ' 13031 949-5781 Relunr tO George Ru ther INTEn.DI:PARTMENTA L REVIEW D^-Pt'-"-""-i5 -- l.*- t"r7 ll9!e9r: AAott> 'fEt,,n:'. , t . DATE SUBMITIED: .1/.( DATE OF PUBLIC IIEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROI)OSAI..: --1 z: / r / Lt+"J 'Jt't +-7- /,-n', t' r- k i '(// FIRE DEPARTMENT Rcviewed by: commenls: j---, . g, ),r"- +* 5$FFn /c\tiev e i-\-r \.so' V/tt,"s 5 ( f t' t\:t/u:r't / 'i' /'t"<' t4 t UK' ( ;,, Dt l , W lt'k5 1v+ e:)'l a64a Qrivc .,r\-Lo p.!,.; r\ ^" f,:);-' ;,,;'-+ -;r1..:"^, q",\. 6^--{-( ^r"X::; 7''uo"'^ I'"fh -ia* s r^ o'<)*r +o fi)r"''^'6 '+ a 1'-, rv-'i'*7 Q ")tu : ' Town Plannor Datc: 3 -tl -1G t "fr,ry\olq', RCtum l9 George Ruther Town Plannor PROJECT: DATE SUBMIfiED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: - 4-;','r--/.-o/ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Bcviewed by: T*er Mnnrrrve'z feCreverl 03 o&'qb pg[g; 03.lZ.9ro Commcnls: ( rurned 05.t3.q(D lbr, r5 tho dnv€wol SuPpoAl lc dra,ro. 6ogirnrnCtg qpprated - t- 5iDU rf^^/ drt\re$rc\ dccr.rns rii..J I lr!/e2 MINNESOTA TITLEA 5440 Ward Road Arvada, CO 80002 420-0241 3300 So. Parker Rd., Suile 105 Aurora, CO 80014 751-4336 l8l0 30lh Slreet Boulder, CO 80301 444-4101 20O Norlh Ridgre P. O. Box 2280 Ereckenridge, CO 80424 453-2255 5 | 2 Wilcox Cestle Rock, CO 80104 688-6363 21 2 Norlh Wahsalch Colorado Springs, CO 8O9O3 634-4A21 GonunilrnentTo Insure Issued hrougl he jffia of: P. o. Box 5.,140 Danver, CO 8021 7 321-1880 Sanford Place 2 Suile 301 7979 East Tufts Denver, CO 80237 779-0220 8333 Greenwood Boulsvard Denver. CO 8022 | 427-9353 l20l Main Avenue Durango, CO 81301 247-5860 6851 Soulh Holly Clrcle Englewood, CO 801 l2 770-9596 LA]SD TITLE GUNRANTEE COMPANY 108 South Frontage Road W. P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81657 476-2251 3030 5. College Avenue Sulte 201 Forl Colllns, CO 80525 482-0915 710 Kipling Slreet takewood, CO 80215 232-31 | | 3609 So. Wadsworth Sulle I | 5 Lakewood, CO 80235 988-8550 | | 990 Grenl Slreef Sulle 220 Norlhglenn. CO 8.0133 452-0119 19590 Easl Moln Parker, CO 80134 841-4900 lO8 Soulh Fronlage Road W. P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81657 17 6-22s1 8.4['!t] T['f8-H GUAT.NNTEE COfUPANY nitnrentTo Insure onrnritrnent- I 970 Fev. TITLEA O^0'€fi,.Muda4--' ffi TIM Forn 2882 MINNESOTA TITLE INSURANCE C0MPANY 0F MINNES0TA, a Minnesota cotporation, herein called the Comparry, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to isue its policy or policies of titlB insurancs, as idontified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schcdule A, as owner ot morlgagee of the estate or interest covercd hereby in the land desciM or refened to in Schedule A, upon payrnent of the premiums and charges therelor; all subject to the prwisions ol Schedules A and B and to lhe Conditions and Stipulations hereol. This Commitment shall be eflective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount ot the policy or policies committed lor have been inserted in Schedule A hereol by the Company, either at the lime of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsEuent endorsement. Ihis Commitment ls proliminary to lhs lssuancs 0f such policy or policies of title insunnce and all liability and obligations hereundeishall ceaie and terminate six months after the etfective date hereof or when the policl or lilicies committed for shall issue, whichever lirst occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. CONDITIONS AND STIPUUNONS 1. The term "mortgage", when used herein, shall include deed of trust trust deed. or other securitY instrument 2. lf the proposed InJrred has or acquires actual knowledge of any delec! lien, encumbranct, advene claim or gther matter aflecting lhe estate or interest or mortgage ihereon covered by this Commitrnent other than lhose shorvn in Schedula B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowle-rlge to ihe Comparry in writinglthe Company shall be ielieved liom liability for any los or damage resulting fmm.any act of.teliance hercon to the extent the dornpany is prejudir;ed by faihrre ol the proposed Insured to so disclose such knowledge. lf the proposed Insured shalldisclose such knowledge to ihe Cornparry, oi if ihe 0orirpany otlierwise acquires actual tnowledge ol arry such dolecl, lien. encumbtance, adverse claim or olher mattet, the Companiat its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitnent acmrdingly, bui such amendment shall not relieryo the Company from liability proiously ' incuned pursuant to paragraph 3 ol these Condilions and Stipulalions. 3. Liability oi the Cgmpany under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed lnsurad and such parties included under the definition of lnsured in the form of poliry oipolicies mmmitted for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance heteon in undertaking in good faith lal to comply with the requiremenb hereof or (bl to eliminate exceptions shown in Scfredule B, or (cl to acquire or create the estate or interest6r mirtgage thereon cwlred by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability exceed lhe amount stated in Schedule A for the policl or policies committed fo and-suc5 liability is subjectio the insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and lhe exclusions lrcm Covenags of the form of policy or policies committed foi in favor ol the proposeillnsured which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Committnont except as expressly modif ied hetein. 4. Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the. Company arising out of lhe status of lhe tille to lhe estate or interest or the status ol lhe mortgage thereon coverd by this Commitnent must be based on and are subject to the pfovisions of this Commitment. STANDARD EXCEPTIONS ln addition to the mattsrs containsd in the Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Coverage above referred to, this Commitment is also subiect to the following: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements. or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public rocofds.' 4. Ahy lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hersafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records.' 5. Defects, liens, sncumbrancos, adverse claims or other matters. if any, created, first appearing in the public records or aftaching subsequent to the elfective date hereof.but priorto the dats the proposed insured acquires oi iecordlor value ths estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. lN WITNESS WHEREoF.Title Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and saal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A, to be valid when countersigned by e validating officer or other authorized signatory' flT.f rNsuRANcE c'MpAt{y 0F MINNES''A AStod-&rnpenv 4ul S@n-Mau fuith, Minw4b, Milnfsr]to fi4n Z4-{-/,:E-=- Al|Bst Wry l.ALT ),=rtHHITr'l ENT a EIIIETIULE A Appl irati'rn N'r. Vl1435 F,:,r' I nf nr'nrat I c,n ffrr I Y - f:hars€s - ALTA rlrurner Pr.'licr $7I4,.t1C1 l,ill:ll l,litl'r r,rrlr' renri ttarrcr* pl ease ref er to Vll4:!t5. 1. Effective ftatel Ausust 1r-r, 1':7EB at Ftl:r0 A.t'1. ?. Prr I icr tr b r.. issued, arrd PraFasr"d Irrsured: t'ALTA" tluJrrer"s Fr-'l i':r $.la.E,./s r 50(r. t:!l:l F!:,rtrr B-1p7{t ( Amerrded lCt*17-71:f ) Frtrrt sed 'Irrstlredi NAUFHINAII:1-I'II:I::;ELEY |:IN,5TRUI]TIFN INI:. ' A L:FLFRANI] I]BRFflRATIEIN ::t. The estate,rr irrterest in the larrd dl:zgErihed sr refru'rrEd ta irr this l:nfirmitnrerrt' arrd c'rvered hr-rrein isl A Fr.re Einrple 4. Title t'r the estate or lnterEst c'rvered her'eirr is at the el:f(3ttive date hereuf vrrsted in: I:fiIII'IERI:IAL FETIERAL EIAVINft:i ANN LEAN AEtrI:IATITIN 5, The lan,J refer'r'ed tr., irr this E,rmnritrrerrt is described as Sr-rl I nUs i LI:IT T. THRBIJIJH ANF INILUTIINIf L,It 3/:' BIt'':h: I LII]N"E RIEIISE SUFEIVIE;II:IN, FILINL1 NEt. :3' AI::I::BRNINB TI] THE FLAT REI::BRTIEII .SEFTEI'IFER 1r1 , 1?71? IN BEI:ll: t?(:t AT FAEE 7p4' tl:t-lLlNTY r:rF EAI3LE' ETTATE t:rF r::FLt:rRAnr:t. FAEE 1 ALT )r=rJMr,trrt"t E'T O ,;r:HEfiLtLE B-1 (FecrJirenrerrts) Appl icatir,rr N'r. V1!4:15 The f sl I c,toirrs ar'r: the reqt:irerrents t* be r'rttrpl led uith: 1. Fa'tnre rr t tt, nr f ,rr the a':rC,Urrt ,rf the Er'antnrs t-r r m,rf tSag{,rs ,:, f g1't13 fr.Jl I c'rrrsider'ati'rrr f ,rr t'he estate Fr inteFest t'r t'e i rr s tJ r r'" ,l I. Frr.'pr*r irrstr'rlnrent(s) creatins the estate ':'r interest tt be insr.rrecl nrust he s$e':rJtrsd arrd dulr flled f':,r'r'ec'lrdt tn-uit: 3. EVITIENI:E LiATIT|FAI:TI:IRY Ttl THE T:fl]'IFANV THAT THE TERMS' ETINNITIENE ANEI FRTIVIFJIFN:i TIF THE TI:II,IN IJF VAIL TRANIJFER TAX HAVE EEEN SATIE;FIETI. 4. I,fARRANTY rrEEn FREtt4 t:[Ml"lERr:IAL FEnERAL ljAVINt:i:f ANB LI]AN A::11:|[:IATIL]N TE ITAUFHINAIg-Nrt:iELEV r::t:rN:iTRUr:TIt:lN IN|]. , A r:trLt:rRAtrt:t I::BRPURATIrJN L:IINVEYINlS ELIB-IET-:T FRI:IFERTY . THE I::I-]UNTY I::LERI,: ANN RETI]RIIEF:I EFFII::E FEI,:IUTREE FETURN ATITIRE:1"]EEI L.lN TIBI::UI'IENT.S I:IENT FI:IR FEI::BRNINE! I FAEE f A L T J* i:r tt t't I T t"t E r.l T 5L:HENULE Et-T (EHcrsrti'rrrs) Appl icatir-,rr N*. Vlt4:3F Thr* p,:,1 ic.r ,:,r f ,rl iCir:S t':' b,e iSEUed rll l I Ct rrtairr rrr':Crgptl,f nS trr the fnl I c,rrrirrg urrless the sarte ar'e dispc,sed al: t- r-' the satisfactlr-,rr c'f the |]trrparrr: 1. ,5tan'Jar.'J Eucepti,:'ns I thr'r'rJeh 5 rrrirrted r'rr thrs csVrlr sheet. t,. TaneS arrd aSsessmerrts rrnt fet dUe, ':tr parable arrd Spr*ciql aFsessmerrts rrrrt'ret rertit:iEd tn tlre Treasurrsr.'s nfficE. 7. Ant" urrpai,J ta:,tes t'r' a55ess[rents asairrst said larld. !:1. Liens f ar rlrrpai d uater arrd seur'r rhar5es ' i f arr"r. 9. RIETHT I:IF PRI:IFRIETCIR CIF A VEIN I:IR LEITIE TI:I EXTRAtrT ANN REHBVE HIg ORE THEREFRT:I|"I ::HrJuLn THE :;AME BE FEUNF Tfi FENETRATE r-tR INTERBECT THE PREI{IEEE AEi RE::IERVEII IhI UNITEN.STATEE FATENT FET:IIRTIEN AI.TSUSI I&' T9I7?' IN BIIEI'I 4|3 AT PAriE :i41. II1. RIISHT I]F T.IAY FIIR NITI:HES I]R I:ANALE |:I:IN:1TRUI]TETI EY THE AUTHTIT{TTY EIF THE UNITEI E:TATEE: A:3 RE:iEFVEtr IN UNITEIT I-ITATEE FATENT REf:fiRftEIl Aueust 16' l-c/tl?' IN FI:IL'lI,I: 4E AT FAIJE 54T" lt. FET3TRIETM t:rlVENANTEi, WHIr:H nE NET |::TINTAIN A FTIRFEITURE |]R FEVERTER t::LALt:iE, EUT t:tl"lITTINri REE:TRIr-:TIr:rN.5' IF ANY' BA*En EN RAEE' El:lLr:rR' RELIIiII-1N' flR tlATIrJl.,lAL tlRlriIN, AE r:t:ll{TAINEET IN INETRUI'IENT REI::r:rRnEft :ireptenrber 30' L"q72' IN Bt:rB],: ":-:F AT FArjE 44:3 ANtt AE Al"lENtrEn IN IN::TRUI'IENT REI::ftR[tEft EeptenrL,c-r 3P' LF7i!, IN Br_.l|][t: tt.5 AT FAr:rE 56.5 ANn A';i RE-RE|]BRnEII IN INSTRUT',IENT REr:ERtrEB ,larruary lti, l?74, IN F0l:'l'i ?:3X AT FAI:iE .5';l' 12. LITILITY EA:1ENENT::I TI"IENTY FEET IN hIIIITH' TEN FEET fIN EAIH EINE ftF ALL INTERII:|R LOT LINE:3 ANTI A FIFTEEN FTII-]T UTILITY EA!3EI,IENT ALTINE ANII AFUTTIN'] |]N ALL EXTERIT:IR LI]T LINEE A:i REEERVEIT flN THE REI::IRNEN FLAT FL'IR LTEN"S RITIIJE SIJFNIVI::iIt:'N, FILINTJ NI:'. P. !.:!. UTILITY EA:SEMENT AE ISRANTETI TI:I HILY I::RF.EE ELEI:TRIE A*EFCIATII:IN' INt]. IN IN5;TRLIpIENT FEr::CrRnEIr AUBU$T 34, 1t67 IN BrlEl,: ?11 AT PAL1E l(tB ANtr REIlFRDED .IUNE 1?, 1?7t lf.l Ffirlt:: '!l'.? AT FAL]E 65F ANn REllrlRfiEn ..IULY '31 , '1978 IN Bl:tEl-:: 3:30 AT FAtrE 351. 14. Ar:rREEt'tENT BETTJEEN TAYVEL ENVIRTINPIENTAL LANn c:[t4FANY ANn H|]LINTAIN ]STATEr3 TELEFHT:|NE ANtr TELET3RAF'H EtrlvlFANY FR|:TVIITINET FIR TELEFHT:INE IN!:TTALLATII]N ANn ISERVII:E THR'1UL1FI':ILIT LII:IN"g FIN']E EIUBNIVI::I|]N' FILINE Ni:t. 3 REEERTIEF .SEFTENBER !7' 1P73 IN BI:IBh; t31 AT FAEE I?I. FAIiE 3 ALTl,rfir,r t4 ITr"r ENT FJE:HEIILILE B-T (Ep:rr."pti'rrrs) Appl icatic,rr Nn. Vll4EF 1 I RI NI3 ANTI ITHEFIC I'.iE I:'FERAT I NE UT I L I TI EEi TCITUATEII I:IN ANEI UNTIER EIAIT' FRI:'FERTY EIEF'::RIBEN IN INFTRUPIENT REEI]RNEE FEBRUARY 14, tc.t77 IN Etlr:ll.:: !5t AT FA|SE 55F, 16. EA:iEl,lENT FfiR Ar-:r::EEE ANt' ErjRE:i:i r:rN THE Rr-.lAnWAY t::rlNLiTHUr::TEn ANfi SITUATEn ALFNI:{ THE NI:IRTFIEAEITERLY EI']UNTIARY I:IF E;UB,IECT FRBFERTY TTESTRIBEN IN 1N.lTRl_ll.lENT REr::r:rRllEn FEFRUARY 14, 1?77 IN Fr:il1l'; t53 AT PArjE F5.8, ANn AE .5H|]hlN I--iN REENRNETI PLAT FBR LII:IN'!i RINIJE IiUBT'IVI*II:IN FILINLf Nf,|, 3. 17. NATTEREI I::']NTAINEN FR REFERREN TE BN TFIE FLAT ifF LII]N"E RTITIIE EIUBNIV1I3IEN FILINI:i N':I. T REI:I:IRNEN:iEFTEI",IBER I{', 1?7? IN FI:IfiI,.: TFC' AT PAEE 7514, EUT N8T LII'IITEN TI:I! A. TI,IENTY F'EI:'T EA.EEI'IENT FI]R EXIETINTJ RIAN ANN SEhIER ENIRI]AIHT4ENT AI:RI]E|i A PART I:tF THE::][UTHERLY FI,IRTII:IN IIF Lrrt 1, FIr-rC}:3 ALi sHI]WN fiN THE PLAT. F. TWENTY FrlrlT :iEt,lEll EA$E|'|ENT THR|fUrjFl Lr_1T5 14 ANfr 15, BLFr]t{ t A.g ::rHr:rWN r:rN TFIE FLAT, [:, RE.IERVATII]N I::BNTAINEN I:tN THE FLAT hIHEREFY FUILT'INI3 FERT4ITS FFR LI]TE 1 THRLlilL1H t7, ELI:II::I': ! WILL NI:IT EE IEITIUEB UNTIL LTITS IE' BL[I::P{ E IE IENII::ATEII TI:I THE TE|I"IN I-.|F VAIL. 1!3.TER|"tE,L:|:|Nr|ITIt:lNEANnFR8vI::]I|:|N:::FFANNExATIENArjFEE1,tENTRE|::EFtlEt|Nuvember f.'I, 1PI35 IN EII:II:IF: 43,9 AT FA'JE:7:3A ANTI IN EEIBI.:4TE AT PAIf,E PS7. 1?. EA:iET4ENTE, REFERVATIfiNS ANN REETRII:TIBNE AEI E;HI]WN ANN KEIJERVEN LNN THE REI::BRTIET' PLAT EIF LII:IN"* RIT'IJE E|UBNIVISIBN' FILINF N':I. 3. FAFE 4 L A N D t ,?o " --Charges--O&ERePort This certificate Ls dated : Address: Record Orrner: Qo " P A N Y Representing old Republic National Title Insurance company oWNERSHIP AND ENCInIBRANCE REPoRT Order No. OEO2253 Thle report ie based on a soarch made of doounente affecting the record title to the property descrlbed herelnafter, Eearched by Iegal descrLption and not by tni nimes of grantor or grantee. conseguently, the infornatLon as to record owner is taken fron the moEt recent recorded Vesting Deed, and the Information as to existing encurnbrances reflects onLy those docunents of record whlch specifically descrlbe the subject property by legal description. Encurnbiances not included are thoee of record whlch refer to the owner of the property or any other person havlnq an lnterest therein which are filed ty name-only and do not include the legal descrlption of the property. No informatLon is furnlshed relative to easements, covenlnts, conditions and restrictions. : GUARANTEE $zs. oo August 30, 1994 at 8:o0 A.M. DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION INC., A COIJORADO CORPORATTON Recorded date of deed in to above osner: october 02' 1988 r Documentary Fee on above deed: $65.65 I Legal Descrl-ption: PARCEL A: DAUPHTNATS-MOSELEY SUB, FTTJING NO. 1, ACCORDTNG TO THE PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 23, 1990 IN BOOK 536 AT PAGE 221' COUNTy OF EAGLE' STATE OF coi-,oRADo. (pREvrous1,Y KNowN As Lors 1, 2,3, 4,5' 6,'7,8,9, 10, LL, L2, 13, L4, 15, 16, L7, L8, AND 19 LrON'S RrDGE SUBDTVISTON, FTLING NO. 3 AccoRDING To THE Pi,AT RECORDED SEPTEI'IBER 10, 1979 IN BOOK 29O AT PAGE 794,1 pARCEL B: LOTS 20, 21, 22,23r 24,25 AND 25, BLOCK 2, LrON'S RIDGE SUB., FIITNG NO. 3, ACCORDING TO THE PIAT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 10, 1979 rN BOOK 290 AT PAGE 794, COUNTY OF EAGL'E, STATE OF COLORADO. EXCEPT FoR: LOTS 1, t, 4, 5,2L,23 AND 24, DAUPHTNAIS-I.IOSELEY SUBDMSION, FILING NO. 1, AND PARCEIJ c; pi\RcEL D, A REsUBDIvIsIoN oF PARcEL D LIoNSRIDGE sUB, FIL,ING No. 3 AND TRACT C DAUPHINAIS-$IoSELEY SUB, FILING NO. 1 ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED APRIL 14, 1994 IN BOOK 637 AT PAGE 540' COITNTY OF EAGLE' STATE OF COIJORADO. We fLnd the following documents of record affeotlng subJect property: PAGE IJAND ,'"8 GUARANTEEQOMPANY Representing old Republlc NatlonaL Title Insurance company OWNERSHIP AND ENCWBRANCE REPORT order No. oEo2253 DEED OF TRUST RECoRDED JuLy 13, 1989 IN B@K 509 AT PAGE 316. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND OTHER RIGHTS RECORDED iluly 13, L989 IN BOOK 509 AT PAGE 817. EXTENSIoN OF DEED oF TRUST RECORDED February 12, 1990 fN BOoK 522 AT PAGE 944. EXTENSION oF DEED OF TRUST RECoRDED August O6, 1990 IN BOOK 535 AT PAGE 53. DEED OF TRUST RECORDED August 27, 1990 IN BOOK 536 AT PAGE 382. ASSIGNI'IENT OF RENTS AND OTHER RIGHTS RECORDED August 27, 1990 IN BOOK 536 AT PAGE 383. EXTENSION oF DEED OF TRUST RECORDED February 20, 1991 IN BooK 548 AT PAGE 8. EXTENSION oF DEED OF TRUST RECoRDED August 09, 1991 IN BOOK 559 AT PAGE 603. DEED oF TRUST RECORDED October o8, 1993 IN BooK 621 AT PAGE 679. ASSTGNIIENT OF RENTS AND OTHER RIGHTS RECORDED October 08, 1993 IN BOOK 621 AT PAGE 580. NoTICE BY DISBURSER RECORDED october 08, 1993 IN BOOK 621 AT PAGE 681. PARTIAI, RELEASE OF ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS RECORDED DECENbET 20, 1993 IN BOOK 627 AT PAGE 874. PARTIAT_, RELEASE OF ASSIGNI,IENT OF RENTS RECORDED Decernber 20, 1993 IN BOOK 627 AT PAGE 875. REQUEST FOR PARTIAL REI-,EASE OF DEED OF TRUST RECORDED JANUATY 28, 1994 IN BOOK 630 AE PAGE 981. REQUEST FOR PARTIAT RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST RECORDED JANUATY 28, 1994 IN BOOK 630 AT PAGE 982. STATEI.IENT OF LIEN RECORDED May 13, L994 IN BOOK 640 AT PAGE 272. DEED oF TRUST RECoRDED May 20, L994 IN BooK 640 AT PAGE 734 ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND C'IIHER RIGHTS RECORDED May 20, 1994 IN BOOK 640 AT PAGE 735. PAGE 2 I,AND TI;E GUARANTEE Oo"PANY Representing old Republlc NatLonaL Title fnsurance company OT{NERSTIIP AND ENCWBRANCE REPORT Order No. 0802253 NOTICE BY DISBURSER RECORDED ltay 20, L994 IN BoOK 640 AT PAGE 736. Thls report does not Lnclude the results of any eearch under the names of the property owner(s) or the ceneral Index. Should such a search be deEired please contact us for a separate general Index report. Ltablllty of Land Tltle Guarantee company under this owner and Encurnbrance report is lirnlted to the fee recelved. By: IvMuT" 1{w#t-''a t PAGE 3 o o TOWNOFVAIL DEIARTME \T OF CO!'I|IUNITY IEVEII'PMENT : ' ac6()DlllTI{O, -olm-m?' -oIEmTl -0m6mfl TT6m71 -0Im-4: -ni-mm?: Tlmmttl TT6m"1 TIMMT: T'Imm?:TTM'4:T'I6ml[: Tlmod?t T'i6m'a, T-rmmzi TTmm"t TTMZ] ".::-:'-.--: T8trtt'l EF UFIII- cEcl$ry fa!!Iqi3r;:, cGlE&i+1-.. TorArr,' I'liscellsed{€ Csh r:r3-84-'18 Er9I 1€.: E-r F:etreiF,t * 13"15ft Ftccc,r.rntS fF;*3183 TIFLIFHII,IFII5-$INSELEf\.FPI' T'PB FEEs grr'r,.-.urrl. tEndFrFd '.:' :EIE.EE Iter paid Hnwrrt Paid ETEEEIE4lSSTFEIEI tEE.EF .oT OO00 41331-+R3 PAID DESIGN REVIENV BOTRDFEE-wo.b6 oT1xm4I7l I}WESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING' 3 I 0000 451 l0 TOV PARKING FUND 0l 0()00 22027 IUV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FI.JND * 0l 0000 2ln2 TAXABf,E-@rt.5ffi * 0l 0000 410t0 @4.o2 (TowN) 0l @00 42371 BUILDING INVESTIGATION 0IHER 0t ul00 41330 L GRFA "250'5200.00 0l omo 41330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT .s200.00 0t (Xno 4t330 bxrERtoR ALTERATION ILESS THAN 100 SO.FT.T-s200.00 0t m00 41330 D(TER]OR ALTERATION IMORE THIN_IMSO.TTT s500.00 0t 000041330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENW s1,500.00 0l fi)00 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENTIW 0m.00 0l (x)00 4t330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DIW s200.00 ol (Xl(X) 41330 SUBDIVISION 0t 00m 41330 VARIANCE s250.00 0t fino4t330 ZONINGCODE s250.00 0l fi100 4t330 Rlj-ZONING s200.00 OTHER OTHER @ --\I \rr". r!l^.'^ ' r t :or|Itraaot GlsiE'r- t cx-s !t,oLl *".n.*-lrN- o IInter-Mountain l^l Ensineerinsr.a. SOILS AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION F'OR LOTS 1 TIIROUGH 24 LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVTSION FILING NO. TOWN OF'VAIL EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO PREPARED DAUPHINAIS-MOSLEY F'OR: CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NO.90014G JANUARY 1990 Box No. 978 . Avon, Colorado 81620 ' 9'4*5072 Denver 893''1531 1420 Vance Street . Lakewood, Golorado 80215' Phone: 232-0158 I 2 4 il ii 1L'l LI 11 11 1t Drawing No- I Figures blo. I FiEures No. 6 FiEure No. I FlEure No- 9 Figure No. 10 Flgure No. 11 Sheet I - 45 TARLE OL(]ONITENTS CONCLU5IONS S()UPE SITE LO(]ATION AND DESCRIPTIL1N SUB5URFACE AND GROUNDWATER COIIDITIONS FTLL PLACEMENT PROPOSED CONSTRUCTI ()I.I FOUNDATION RECOM}'iENDAT IONS FLOOR STABS GROUNDT.TATER AND DRAIN SYSTE}1 REINFORCING CRAWL SPACE COVER BACKF'IIL AND SURFACE DRAINAGE I,lISCELLANEOUS VICINITY SKETCH SUMMARY OF TEST-PITS GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION ANTICIPATED STRATT]I{S STANDARD PROSTOR RESIJLTS PERI.PHERAL DRAIN SY5TE}T DETAIL ROCKFALL HAZARD COMPACAION TEST RESULTS -5 -7 coNqluEluNs l- Subeurface observations indicate that- t'our basic soil tyPee witl be enL-ountererl duri:ng lhe conetructlon phase ol this project'- The undi.sturbed nat l-ve soils range from silty gands to sandy gravels- Import fill placed on the Eite consiste ot sandy gravele and gravelly sands with minor silt deposite. ?- Two dj.fferent spread looting type foundations are recomnended- In general.' resldences construeied on coarse' undisturbed, native granular soi-Ie should be founded on conventional epread rootings designed for a max imurn soil bear j-ng Bressure of 4O00 psf. Residences construcled on fill or native sand eoils with a high eilt content (greater than 30 Percentl should be founded on conventional spread footings deej-gned for a maximun soil bearing Pressure of 2O00 psf. For comPlete recommendations please see FOUNDATION RECOM}IENDATIONS. 3. Lote 1 through 24, Llons Ridge Subdivislon Fillne No. 5 are not loeated in anv identifled geologically gensitive area as defined by Town of Vail Ordinance No- 5- A Portion of the Torqn of Vail RockfalL llazard Map is incl-uded on FiEure No- 11- SCOPE This report presentE the results of a Soile and Foundatlon Investigation for the ProPosed elngle-farrily detached residencee to be eonstructed on Lots 1 through 24, Lions Ri-dge subdivislon Flling Ng. 5, Town of Vail" Eagle County, Colorado' The lnvestlgation was prepared by means of teEt pits and laboratory testing of eampleg obtained from theee pits. E-xtensive field obEervations and inePectionE ltere conducted during the overlot fill portlon of the proJect- 1z This purpose ot thi.s toundation exPloration wae to rletermine ihe various soil profile components and the engineering characteristics ot the toundatloh materiais. and to provide criteria for use by the design engj:neers and architeets in preparing the t-oundalion design- SITN LOCATION AND NES{]RIPTION The subdlvLsion ig located on the north side ot Intergtate ?O between Lions Rldge Loop and the North Frontage Roaci near Weet Vail, Colorado- A viclnity maP ls ehovtn on Drawing No- 1- The proposed eubdiwtsion coneLsts ot' 24 lotg (1 through 114)' oBen space traets and a new gtreet' Lions Ridge Lane- E-'<tensj-ve overlot grading with fil-l depths uP to 2U feet and cuts leee than 10 feet have modified the eite topograFhv to a gentle and more ewen elope. An excepti-on to this ls west ot' tots 13 througir 15 and south of Lots 1 through tZ where steeP slopee ot 30 percent were left undlsturbed- These slopes are vegetated wlth eage and grasees. Ln generaln there are 3 distinct drainage basins on the elte- The urajority of the lots draln to.a east-west trendingl gwale located to the north of Llons Ridge lrane- Thio swale dralng to the weet towarde a ProPoeed detentlon pond- The portlone of the site that were cut and filled are gcheduled t-or rerregetation in the €pring ot thie vesr. SUB5URFACE - ANL.IjIOUNDWATER*CO}ID"LLLCNE Three t,yFes rrt soil wiII be encotrntereo on che slle': I r undisturbed nati.re soils i, ,lontrolled rill .i t r:nr--r:nt ro I Ied tii t. 1) flative Soils The native soils on the site range frorn gravelly €and lvith silt and cobbLes to sandy gravel with cobbles and boulders. They appeared to be in a very firm condition as evidenced by di.fficutty in exeawation. lloiEture conEents were lovr with uhe exceptlon of in the spring run-ort- tine or year. 2\ ControLled Fll-I The maiorj.ty of the rill imported t'or the overlot filling was glacial outwash eandy gravel wlth cobblee and Fome gravelly sands, and minor anrounts of gravelly sandy silts. This fill was placed and comFacted at the nEtural moieturs content- Some areas were over opt imun uroleture eontent in the sprlng. 'Iheee were allowed to drain naturally Frior to cornPacting whlch is indLcative of good percolation characteristics of the naiority ot fitl. 3) Uncontrolled Flll Frou lirnited obgervationE, the uncontrolled fl1l consiets of eilty eand with gravel to gandy gravel. Piecee ot' wood' wire and ,1 other debrie that aPPears to be :onstruction relaterJ were observed in the till. This organic rlebris will e'rentually decay and may cause setblements - No groundwater vtas encountered in el:carr,at ions done at various ttmeg during the year- No groundwater is anticiPated in the buildinEi or rrtility exca'ratione- F'ILL PI,ACEI4ENT Two typee of fill have been Plaeed on the si-te- Uncontrolled t-ilL is known to exist on Lota ?0 thro.ugh 24 and Lots 3 and 4- Controlled fill was placed in depthe greater than 4 feet on Lots 3 through B. 14 through 22, and Lione Ridge Lane- The soil typee are deecribed in SUBSURFACE AND GROUNDWATEE CONDITIONS. Uncontrolled Fl1l: The areas of uncontrolled fill were identifled trom a previous topographica_l survey. Lirnited intormatj.on abotrt the uncontrolled ttll was gathered from 5 test piua excavated on the site- .[t appearg that the topeoil vtas not strlPPed prior to pl.ecing this fill. blo obvioue voids were vigibl-e in the fill in the test pits- It is aeeuned that this fill was not comPacted during placement. some densification has Probably occurred due to eurface water inflltratlng and under the weight ot the flll ltserf- However' additlonal eettlement may occur frorr the mi.gration ot' finee, loading and/or decornPoeition of the organi-ce 5 presenc in end rtnder bhe tiLl- Uncontro L led ti..ll may F-,e entlotlnt,ered in ':ther are.as or Che stit,e. POr:.i'-eES Of chie rlnc-ontro I leci t i l1 ha.,re been eneountere,l in ut i Iitl' e:.{-',at/a L ions in rrbher areas on tlhe site. rlcnl', ro I led Fi I I : The site was grubbed r copsoiL and r/egetation t prior to the placenent of the ti. lI. Ihe ttLI was Placed in compacted litts r-rsing .rarious equipment lor ,--ompaction- Ihe urajority ot the tiII eras eompacted with a large t'ront end loader {9O.uUO lbs. gross weight), with loaded dumF trucks and tandems, and a small sheepstoot being used in some areas. Large rocks r^tere Eeparated and placod i.n an atlempt to keep them out ot" the road right-of- way and out ot' the bui.Ldi.ng envelopes- fhe fitl placement and comPacti.on wae monitored and fested virtually full time by a representative ot' this ottice. The fiII was compacted to a rninimun of 95 pereent of standard Froctor (ASTM D-698). NucLear density tesrce were tak_en Eo monitor that the nethode used by the eontractor were adequace to provide the epecified densitiee. This was done to provide the owner with a greater degree of asEurance that the contractor was complying with his obligatione- Sott spots or areaE oi inadequate densitiesi noted during our obserwations ldere re-ldorked at the field techniclan'g dlrectlon. A eummary of the test deneltlee are provided tn the appendix. o r-8.?anj,r;, . tr .l:i _a D W No sFecific design analyei.e wae available but Frelimlnary plans lndicate thar each lot wili rtave a eingle tanily detaL-hed residence. The residences will c,fneist or 2 tioors wj.th a ':rawl space below gracle. 'lhis lntormation was pro..rrded by Pat Dauphj.naie- E'OUNDA'I' T ON REI.:0I,IMENDAT IONS The propoeed residenceg shortld be tounded on conventional epread footLngs. Two different design criteria may be used with the deeiding t'actor being if the elructure will be on tili or nati-ve soils. Figure No. I i.s an approximation from eurveys that indicates the approximate depthe anticiPated to ditferent stratums for each lot. Beeause of the variable eubsurtace eonditions and the anticiPated contacte of the different straturns (Fieure No' B) are inferred, lb is Etron8ly recommended that a representative ot thie oft'ice be contacted to insPect the excavations to contirm that the eoll condi.tlons encountered are the earne as thoge anticlpated In this report. Lots 1-6, 8-14. Native soils, and on some of the lots, controlled flll wlII be encountered ln the foundatlon'excavation. The proPosed residences should be founded on conr/entionat ryBe sPread rooti.ngs designed tor a t.;qi6r-ro so.ii beari-n-Ef Pressure ot 4l.)tlt.t Ps!. At this Freesure, settlements will be rolerabie. ID re a,ivreanle to proportion footinge Eo reduce the risk or ,litterential seftlements- 'lhe footings snould be consErr:cced on the undisturberl gancly gravel or silty gravelly s.anct sorls- 'Ihe footings excavatioos shouirl be emooth, free 6l deDri€. orgenrcs' Ioose soil, frost, and standing \{aEer- Any over-e:<eavat iong should be backtilled and conpac!-od to LOu percent wrlhin 2 percent of opt inum moisture ag cietermined by a Etandard procEor test, (ASTM D-698 ) - A rePreeentatiwe of this office should be contacted to inspect the foundat ion e.tcavat j-on to verity that the soll conditiong are the same as those antieipated in thie report- bottom of the tootings ehould be placed a minimum ot 46 inches below final grade for froet protectlon. Voide lett by the removal of cobbles in the bottom ot the footing e:r-cavation ehould be filled with le.an concreie or a granular eoil rvith a na-.<lmr:rn particie size ot- 3 inehes compacted to 100 percent of Standard Procton (ASTft t-tigill within 2 percent of optinum moj-eture. Lote 7, L5'24 Thesie rqeidences will be founded on fill- There are alwaye riEks aegociated with constructlng on ftll. The degree of riek ig proBortional to the euality and Placement of the fl1l ueed- The controlled tiII on thie site l-s of hlgh guality and wae l< controlled during placement co help en€ure th.at a sr'able' e"'en platform wae built t'or the structuree- This does not eliminate the risk. but greatly reducee the possibility of luture sett lements - Portions of Lots ?0 and Zl and Lots :12, 23. and ?4 are antlcipated to have uncontro[Ied tift. Ihe uncontrolled ti.Il is anricipatgd to be up to l0 leet thick- In our opinion, the riek ls hieh for constructing on this fi1l. To reduce the rj-elr of eonstructinEi on this fill' the uncontrolled rill ehould be replaced with properly comPacted structural fill- fhe t'i-l} envelope should include at a minimgm a trapezoidal soil en'relope whlch ls 2 feet wider than the footing ( 1 foot on each side ) and wlden at a 45o angle on both side down to the bearing stratrrm- The greater the depth of replacerDent, the greater the reduction in risk, wi-th the greatest reduction being to extend the replacement to euitable undieturbed native soils- controlled andror uncontrolled fill wlll be encountered ln the toundation excavation. The ProFosed reeldences should be founded on conventj-onal tyPe Epread footings deeiEned for a ma.ximum eoil bearing preeeure of 2000 psf- At thie preesure' settlements wlll be tolerable. It |s advieable to Proportion footlngs to reduce the rlek of differentlal settlements- The footlngs ehould be constructed on the controlled flll eoile- The footing excavations ehould be snooth. free of debrie, organice' looee 9oi1, frost, and etandlng water. Any over-excavationEt should be backfilled and conPacted to 10O Percent wLthin 2 -":{lr I percen! of ol)t irn:rn moigture ae determined by a etandard Pro':tor test (ASTM D-698). lrle recommend that the e:<c.:.v.3tron be ProDt rolled to aid in delineatin€ soft sPots or areas ot inadequate Dompaction. A representative Dt thj-s oifice should be contacted to inspect the foundation exea.r.ation ro veriry Eh3E the soiL conciitions are the same as those .anEieiPated in tnie repcrE. The botton or' the footings should be placed a minimum of 4ts inches below final grade for froet protection- Volds left by the remov.al of cobbtes in the bottom of the footing e:<csvation should be filled with lean eoncrete or a gratrular eoil with a ma.xtmu.m Barti-cle size of 3 inches compaeted to 1oO percent of Standard Proctor (ASTI{ D-ti9B ) rsithin Z percent of o1>t imun molsture - F'T,,OOR SLARS Care must be taken to insure that all excavations made..for the foundationg are proPerll' backfilled wlth suitable material eompacted in accordance with the procedures outlined in the sFecificatlons. Before the backfill ls Placed' all water and looee debriE should be removed from these excavattone. Prlor to the construction of concrete floors, the subgrade should be thoroughly Broof compacted to lnsure a unltornly hlgh dEnsity. Speclal care Ehou1d be taken ln areas where underground utllities have been inetalled. The floor glabe should be sultably reinforced to make it as l0 nigid as posglble, and ProFer joints should be provided at the junctione ot' the sIaL' ancl the foundatron walla' so thai a small amount of independen! movement san occur without caueing damage - Prior to the placj.ng of concrete tloors or pavenents on thle sl!e, the subgrade ehould be Proof rolled untll the grade offere a relatively unyielding strrface or until the specified degree of eompaction has been achieved. Areas of e:<cessive yielding shor:Id be exeavated and backfilled with elean. compaeted €oil- If the ei.Lt content of the soils ie greater than 3u percent. a granular mat ehould be Provided below the floor slabs- Thls should be a minimum of t-our inches in thickness and ProPerly compaeted. GROUNftJATER AND DRAIN SYSTEM lthile no groundwater wag encountered at the tlme the fleld lnveeti8atlon was conducted. 1t i6 poselble that eeaEonal variatlons tolll cause fluctuatlons, or a water table to be present ln the upPer solls durj.ng the sPring Bonths, or after a Irrolonged perlod of rain. Foundatlon perimeter draine as detalled on FlEure No. 10 are reconsrended, for the reeidences that have soils wlth low persreabilltleg. Thls will be determined on a case by case basis once the exavations are complete. F::-'-r:r--trf- I1 RETNF'ORCING Some of the residenceg will be founded on fill and the struetural enEtineer shotrLd take the potential for ditt-erential gettlements into account t'or the t-oundat ion cles j-gn- Foundation walls and grade beans should be well reinforeed so as to minimize the effects of differential movements. Foundation walls retaining earth should be designed to resist an equivalent flui-d pressure of 40 psf. Aesuming a l-eve1 backfill condition- CRAWL SPACF COVER glhen molst solla are encountered 1n the excavation, the ground surface In crawl space areaE should be covered with an impervlous moigture barrier sealed against the footings. This will help to reduce hr:nldlty in the crawl sPace area and will prevent the noist foundation soils from dryj.ng and shrinking' which could possibly cauEe the structure to settle. BACKFIT,I, ANN SURFACE NRAINAGE Backfill should be molgtened or dried to near lte opEim:n rnoieture content a',d eonPacted to at least 90% of the maximurt standard Proctor denslty- Struetural backt'ill ehould be compacted to at least 95% of the ma-xlmum standard Proetor L3' rlengity. Exeesgive wettlng or 'lrying ot the ellFosed eoils in the foundation exeavati.on and under-sLab areas shou.lrl be a'ro iderl . Surface stater rrrnning toward the structure trom uB€IoPe areas should be diverted around and aluay irom the irt:iiding oy means of drainage swaleg or other eimilar measures. The final grade shou.Ld have .a Fositi..re sloFe .aw.ay from the t-oundati.on walls on all sides- A mininun ox LZ incnes in the first ten feet is recomnended. Downspout s and sil-i coeks Ehot:Id discharBe inlo splash bloer<s that e".<Lend neyond the irmi.ts LII the backfill. Splash bloekE should slope t-rom the t'oundation vralls. The use of long downepout eitensione in Place or ePl.esh blocke is advisable. MISCELI,ANEOfJS The recodmendations Provlded herein are based on experience i.n the area and from the onsite field exploratlon. The _information obtaj.ned from the tield exPloratlon and laboratory testing reflects eubsurface eonditions only at the sPecit-1e locationg at the partieular tlmes deslgnated. Subeurfaee conditlons at other locations and times rray dit'fer from the eonditions at these locations. The extent of any variatlons between the test pite may not appear evident until excavatlon is performed. However, only minor varlatlons are e:<pected. If durlng construction condltions appear to be dtfterent, thia offlcE should be advleed Eo re-evaluation of the recommendatione t;3 may be made. This report has been prepared tor the exc lrr.:ive uge ot Dauphinais Moeley (lonstruction lor the sPecit'ie apPlication to lhe proposed resi:dence to be located on Lot l through ?4, Lions Ridge Subdivision" Flling No. 5 Town ot Vail, Eag.i-e (lountv. Color.ado. The findings and recommendations of this reFcrt have been prepared j.n accordance with IocaIIy acceFtsd proteesional engj.nesring standards for einilar condil:ians at thie time. There !e no other wam.anty, either exPressed or implied- SincereIy, INTER-MOUNTAItI ENGINEERItIG, LTD. .1, . ,t p[-- /_ .. fr>,4/.()t't'I4rQ.L /€(**--/Chrietopher tsittner Geologist Reviewed By: ..1',:t':|t".,'l'.,.;i,:.';.. CASOLAR UN ,tr& ;$.9 l2 MATTERHORN VILLAGE VILLAGE WEST F'LING NO.I LLAGE WEST fr% VICINITY MAP scALE f'= tooo' DRAIqIING N0. 1 o Pff No. i o Lots 23/21+t l{ldpolnt on Property Liae **/.*'Yt o€scnrPltoi ol r^tEFL L nt'unrs o 1.0 Controlled F1IL Ilncontrolled F111 lrood debrls Botton of Test Plt at 10 feet No groundwater encountered SUMfuIARY OF TEST PITS Lots 1 through 2{ LLonsts Rldge Subdlvlelon F1llng No. 5 Town of Va1lr Eagle Countyr Colorado Prepared, for: Dauphlnals-Mcnley Gonstructlon' pnilJGrE tcr onnl , ^ 'r6rra ro. 1 PIT NQ 2 Lo+,21 /22, Propertly llne 15t goutb of North Coraer "^/"%r?'/"o/ oescn,p',or. oF ra,l'ra,.FEIANI!,EW / -- Controlled FiIl Barbed wlre at 7 feet Topsoil lodor of decay Botton of Test Pit lNo grounclwater at 10 feet lencountered SUMMARY OF TEST PITS Lo'.,s 1 through 2/+ Llonsrs Rltlge Subdlvlslon Flllng No. 5. Town of Vallr EagJ.e Countyr Coloratlo Prepareil for: Dauphtnals-Mosley Constructlon nosr n'9001/+G l ':"*-i- I i PtT NO. t Lot 3/l+t l{ldpolnt on Property Llne ,r-/""%.{r/f,oEECnrPtrOta oF rAtEFl t ndseg t]. F€€'o-1 Uncontrolled Fi1I wood,, plastic Brown, slightly noist lvery firn Sandy GMVEL with cobbles Botton of Test Pit s No grouniluater at 10 feet leacountered. I SUMMARY OF TEST PITS Lots 1 tbrough 2{ Lloars Rldge Subdlvlslon Flllng No. 5 Town of Vailr Eagle Countyl Coloradlo Prepared for: Dauphlnals-Mogley Coustnrctlon' o pff No. .O Lota 2/3, Mldpolnt oa Property Line ,nnr/'*t;?/-t ogScRrPtrora oF salERla!alAnrs t lr 10 Reci/brown, s11ghtIy moist gravelly SAND with cobbl-es Flrn Bottom of Test Plt at 10 Feet No grounclwater encountered SUMMARY OF TEST PITS Lots 1 through 2{ Lionts Ridge Subdlvlslon Fl11ng No. 5 Tom of Val1, Eagle Gouuty, Coloraclo Prepared for: Dauphinais-Mosley Constructlon ero*c? io,90014G nAnn: rO. 4 PIT NO. s North Property Llne Lot 1, 30t SE of NW coraer OEP'H III F€EI o-t 'rt ("r-{)tt":ogscFtPtlon oP rAttFllt.ne'ranrs 10 Brown, Molst sl1ty Grave3.1y SAND wltb Cobbl-es Botton of Test at 8 feet No grounduater encountered SUMMARY OF TEST PITS Lots 1 t'hrough 2/i Llonrs Ridge Subdivlslon Flllng No. 5 Town of Vallr Er.3].e Countyr Coloraclo Prepared for: Dauphlnais-MosJ.ey Constructlon o .1 p. d o E o l.r FI d o o E o lr +)c\ si cl \. .r{ O Ol OFI P..o PAp O .Fl O 'l>cJ ' l{Clal IE rar.r DoC tutrrr.d G ul !l I o E a ot 0a lrl o I f - tr| lrt -o a E t z F a d l o,LI o 2 =(,2 z ||l g o t|| lrl o, o E ct z F o 6 j E () o a tqlran I€ r.uE lu.rJ.d .d E o z,o F 3 g E F o 6 lrl N u,I z E (9 ."1 +)\no '-d fr O qt +)Zrvt b0 Fl O .d (J F{h -+ Fl -O * r.4,* boo tE 5.r.1 O I o o(J o lr .r{ ..1 .q>od -{r .rl '-l tr d U0 .r-l r-p d-e 5r4 g aa a +: -d O o FIA rl A!.'l .<'ql .'{ > x &A q-{ O O Ogi g trd oto 'rl O. Ft |.lFt d o |{ o o I c E o lr F{o tsa o o >Fl .rJ O 8{E oqt o tE pr9 5c{ +J l{d oo a>o S{E o@ (\tk NS \- +t o e5O (\l OFI ut ,o Olr\ O >leO lqlr.l IE JarrDoc lu6r.d E ul F lrl I o G o g, E I||o t t - tg !l d 6 G t z F o d 3 a t||a a) = =(, =- H o ||l ul gt Cl G o z F q, li j It (, o ot tqoroa 18 .d z UJ c.t c, lt rr\+' .o I O€ !zd+)lra u00 g tr F.{ o "{ oo Ft(J .r{ >!-{ Fq - o cV > '-l trr i .cotro !o Fl t E 5!ao I O.rl L) o tr> .Fl .C r'l o d PrdFl tr P h0 'r{r5dE CAH A +: O -ql O b, Ft A Fl d n'l .'.1 d €>.. :r tr.l O -|aOC{ ? eo oFo r{ Ot |-rF,{ o l{ F E t (, z 9 F 3 o E F L o lrj N (t I z E C9 o F o c E C'L I - :iqrE:-- AMICIpATED SOrr. STRATIII'iS IN RIlII,r'ING FNYFT.OpES 1 2 a 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 LZ 13 L4 15 16 L7 1E 19 2A 2L ?2 23 24 Deoth. str.atun:.r' = ljnclenlw{ ne Native Gravelly SAND Native Gravelly SAND 5- Controllad FiLl,zNatlve 5' Controlled Fill./Native 5' Contro]led Fill,zNative 5' Controlled Flll,zNative 6- Controlled Flll,/Native 4' Contrqlled Filt,zNative Natiwe Sandy Gravel Nafive Sandy Gravel Native Sandy Gravel Native Sandy Gravel Native Sandy Gravel 5' Controlled,/Native 18' Controlled Fill,zNative 16' Controlled Ftll,zNative 16' Controlled Fill,zNative 15' Controlled Flll,zNative 14' ControllEd Fill,/Natlve 12- Controlled Flll/Natlve 10' Controlled Fill.zNatlve 7' Controlled F111,2 3.5 uncontrolled E'iIl,/Topgoil 10' Uncontrolled,/Topeoll,/Native 1o - Uncontrolled,/Topgoil Natlve Flgure No. I otF.|*{FZ a-O.F ot C\l o(\lo \O q) c.\ - (t\ B.e 5.q B.q EC rnolAl\O C-\O\N rF g{ +{ e{ +{oooc)qgaq C-t\O@ Of0Or f^qolot !-FFIF o. o a o lr 5 bn .Fl ir O,l (\ .tt H .r.l o 02 d A gll tr HI E Etk Et 3 trl Frl tDl HI ;l cl ol 1l 5l €t lll @ s' A H (A Fl F{ .l{ F.,t {J g E H Foundation t,lal I Backfi I I and wel l moi stened conpacted Polyethelene Moisture *liit." elued to foundation eotexti I e Mlrafi 1401{ or equlvllant) Minimurn of 5n of 3/4 inch gfavel /+n dlaaeter perforated rlglil plpe sJ.oped a n{nlnun of 1/8n per foot to sener lateral subdraln, Euup putrp or tlayllghtecl. DETAILS OF PERIPHERAL DRAIN SYSIEI FOR F(,OTING TYPE FOUNDATION FIGURE 1O E FIOI'RE 11 ROCKFAII, HAZARD SOURCE: ROCKTALL STUDY-TOWN 0F VAII Novenber 29, 1984 By: Schmueser & Associates lllgh Severlty Rockfall Project Boundary tie}4!'.a:'4. Y.:<].' tG ',2 ".. ----:_-;2-/. , ,sac- . APFENDIX SUMMARY OF COMPACTION TEST BESULTS z(\ E9 Pcd i8 g\r tti rt!\i (F i- ci z t! e f () v C\t6tNNNc-lclor v ET AE 0(8 !n !n rn !n .n !n In rn o\6\c o\o\ oro1 o.|z o b tP =J 8fr E TL oF >-3t iF ==f a o >o i'q Plr rh -1 r-.lg r Fff Fl rlt.r rl q-ro d n> G -+J tn lr Cr^.>{t O G\Z .. 1 l-r O!tJd lgo .".1 A+J Fl Fo '{aF] lt z o tr SB =o c, 6\COrnN\Oo\oN o\ o\ o\ 01 o\ oo\ c E (t, 6u ()ci ;d E cl !-rt\OrraYlrnl\O \O .S '-r \O C\ N Ft (n c) c) (vr N f''t cl F) dl ri Fl F{ ri r-l Ft F{ F{ lrJ E f 9,o =s Ch .il O O '-{ u1 g\ t\ .il tn .it .it lfl .$ .it I o!roo Olr..Q .rZOri <oo !r>o I F .o '|OOO 'loJo o!to^-aJo .o oo o I lll ! E :EU .l| ra fi.=?li iE eE +E .R oo <61 ooo E..F 3 30 FL .3 oJo I <Jo xt ot OFOQ !u .^'IZO o 00 .'\>a z e k o 9 ooo €.9N +++ li Ei Fr v) u) v) OO.{t €\o*++oo ar] d) lO \O Fr ++v7 F.. Fr .r) (r) E: HHt-.FEl vrvturu)fr tr,l F o cl {(\a pz r<Nd).trn\OFCO 6't'-INNN z o b f, =o (, L o E E =D o .r{ € ut o Ftoo dtt .rff t!{lr @ F.lF{fd (}f, N .. 1 t^d)ON.if f\OrnNav)(v) (vl (i cn d) r-l F{ Fa ogloo oo-o ..zalr.<oo rd>E I F .il !rooo 'tftJo o!o--aJo .o oo o I !l I J ,d -l Eb0 .||rl f,.= =h !0 EE eE =.1 5ba .fl oo <o oOGr EiF ! ao Itrr'!oJo I <Jo tllot OFOG 3il ;r .t2t'o oo .F> Q oFa- ooooo F6NI\N +++++c\l (') Fl ('l .it FFHHts an .n ah ta v, o o I c\l I c! -. (\l ('t .it !n r-l F{ Fl .{At(\t6lNNNN z I F C)8? =l 6n E TL or >_fr iF E f U' o (v) z OFI l, F.{Orl Fl Fl .rl ID .r{ Fl O0 '-*t r# i+l lr g) r.H bJ o Orr C\I I O (f.r1 Frrn€r\OO(D€O(]o\ 61 c o\ O.|c,OO\O\ F{ .-l Fl ri NOOo\'-{rno\t\FCirn O r\ @ .+'-{ s' N Ct l\ .tf .il .at c.l N .\l C1 ai c) d) d) (n at'! Fa F{ !-t Ft Fl .-t Fr .-t !-a .{ !r{ u1 Fr€.$@ N F. F) l\.it O\ \o ln .n rj.l \o \o rrl \o rn rn l^ oo <o oDo E.F 3 00 nL .3 oJo I <JO xoo!oFgo a l, .-.rzo 0 00 .F>A oF<- .'t€ oo!nrnoooo+Frc,ooNr\av)(tllnrnF(ii)(rt ++++++++r/jrrr+NNNN.ir.itFlcif4H.$ HF{HHE-{HF.EEEH ut cA ca vit v2 v, at aA & & aa @ @ 1 I A' o !-{ (\F{N (rl .rt \O F 0O 6\ 'i Fl -l : ,{. E3 f€t o E\)r E_' v\-+ e{:o t-" o 2 t! E =C' v - ,. FlFlFlFld(\NN EE ag tr8 rn rJ1 rn rn u1 ln|^rn o\corcho\o\g\gr z I F 2o GF >{8fr E L oF >fr iF 2 =3 U) F o Fl >o 'rl ! !lr U: Fi FlO0 r{Ct . r# '-l trrlr.Fl !c>oo l+l ctl Otlo NZ I ,-r O0 a, gl "'1 U'U FI E 4 z o tr se8 =o c) ooo o\oo0\€€C'\o CI\ Fl Ft g\ qr O\ O\ '-. E at 6n oot 1.d E o tr.! !-{ F{ l]|1 rn fn (Y) \o ln O'r O \O .rt rn \O cO .'1 .r1 c) af) d1 ca (r) ('). !-t i-t Fl !-{ Fl F{ Fa t{ lrJ E 3 an o ;e 66('lln\oo\cl\o \O rn !O \O r/1 rn \O ln oioo Oor.O ..28..<oo !t>o I F .01 r.oOo 'f cJal oto-..OO -o oo o I gI Y, J oo <B oGo Ei.F ! !o Ft! .O oJo I <JO xoo!oF(,0 3t --.:zo o oo .F>o AF<' z I E c, 9 oooooooo O.rtcOO\o@cO(D ++++++++('i(rl<ri.i.6.l .ii .it HHtststsFIHH ut u) v, aA v) uJ st ra lrJ F 4 o co @ I -t I N 'ge F{N(v.i'rn\gI\aO ri:q;:n:.- -a -r ?i.- . : ;, _,r. :t1..! .,I .. -N !; 1€t DOi :\ -*+{o lv\ o z UJ e f c, v !7 AI(\NNN fr?=o ag c8 rat 1.r) rn I.l |r|6\ q\ o\ o\ o!z I l-ao EF =J 8'fr E L oF >3t iF )a .r.l >o ifO !lr ct>4 F{ 00 Ft !..rl tfi F lir{o(!rrE>oo t Fl'l o () sto c\E I Fr6t ':H v J!.1 =d 6 F-E,E z I SB =,I oo FoO\oo\ Ot Fl O\ F. O\ E o 6n oci ;c E o O\ .,t \O O.| tn Fl N \O\O1.rl c.t an d) tr't (7l Fl r-l F{ Fl t-t bJ E f F L o = ie \0 \ct (7r N (') !n \O lr1 rn \Ct orroo Ot -O .ZOi <oo !r> E I F .o H0OO 'loJ$o3Cl--t O .o ao o t lr,x E g EU .A-fi,= =L iE eE EE .fl Oo <{!030|!.iF 3 30 F|! .!!JO I <Jo luo!Ol-.,O !t, .-.t2', 0 00 .f\ > o tFa- z o k () 9 ooooo OlO,_.!'1@ +++++.it .S $ c) c) FItstsHE.r ut aa u) ca v) lrl F 6 @ @ t tt\ I N q-1z d (\t d,t .il tn .r,.li :' '!:ri ;.i,1'-. NNNNN d l. r{.Fl an z FI H o ct) 0,Fl00 '{t ..ff Fq lr F+t l hJ (J GI N I ho 9lJ z I (J <U'IF =J xa E t!oF .U'aw iF ==f o avl ln @ 'i (') @ rn cO r\ .it (n a4 C') c) (a Fl F{ i-l r-{ t{ ocoo Ol"iO -ZOt <oo !r>o I F .O Hooo ':oJo olo^-aJo .o ao o I lr,z j d -J Eb0 .a -l f,.=Elr :t)EO eE =rl 5b0 .fl oc <o o3ol E.F 3 00 Ftr'6 oJo I <Jo Iaro!0Flro or,.-.zzat o oo 'F>o O\!nOOf\+++++Gl .rt .rt ttl .O F{HHtsFi tt) clt u) 6 lA @ @ I \o I ol Ft N ."l .tt In ..,), F{ F{ -a F{ r-l Fl r 6l t-l Fl Fl rn rn rrl rn r^ l,) tn |^ ln tn 1'l o\ O\ o\ Ct\ or Ch or ( C o\ o.|z I b fP =J 8d tr. |!oF >3t iF ==f o t r-{ (n z !0 .d F.{ h .rl tt u) o FIlJ FIO {H FI tr-(xf t(\ol ,i F irO drFo.!o O\ cO CO -l (r) (i! cO .$ (n O ca (') € .$ r-l .$ \O O\ <. !-i .lt \g \O Or r$ 6l F. -a (r1 C4 $t t-. F{ Ft (v) (r) Fl Fa -{ d d t'< Fl F{ !_l Fl E tt 6 r',-od pd E O1 !n\OF€C rn (') \O r\ €t.F\0NO€t\\OF\tscOo olI,oo gl,t'3 i.ZCi <oo !l>o I F .o !rOOO 'toJo orto--oo .6 oo o I !l I J ,d - Eba da f,.r =L :0 ?0 .eE =fl 5U .fl oo <o oDo q!.F 3 30 Fl! .a oJo I <JO roorl oFlro a, .-.120 o oo .F > Q rl !i sl +ooooooooo:(v)@F{6\otll(pooc9 ++c,r+++++++rrt+Fr++rn.$+++=F{ --F Fr isl F F{ FiFH H FO rh v) & tt ut u) tn u, v) (a N @ @ I N I at .-l il d'! .rt ur \O F @ O\ O !-. Fl Fa .61 tg !o & o rC D\ .\ -t R {q- ;C f;" o z ul E ?(J !t v -F{ Fl FlFlFl (\ld EE ag Eg ! rn rtl s.l !n ur |^ u'!g\ o\ g1 o\( chorc z o b dP SJ 6fr tr.IL oF t3r fF ==3 o .r.l >(.Fl '(€(pt UIF -l O0 -{€ aF..r O( oo FJ nl lrFl( 6' C .tf ( 6t2 I F{C For Qur ryq:oF -E n z I fB =o c, !nt\h@tn\oo\F o\ o €o 6 €o\ cr.i o\ F o 6n oci ;d E o .C .it (r'l \O .tt 'i \O O\ .if \o aY) |^ o rn !n \o NNFit-{FIN.AC\Ft F{ Fl Fl Fl F{ Fl Fl !J E F o o E ;e (\C\l F l'\ \O .0o.3' .tt ..Fl \O CO € N F{€o qt \O oltSE oo-o .rZO.r <oo ll,>o I F .o rrOOO 'f oJo of0^-oo .o oo o I !l Y ) .E 5 EU .d-l l.=?tr !0 Ig qE .fl oo <ol o3(!B.F 3 ao F\'!oJ0 |<Jo lo0!OFIJO ? l;a 0 00 .F>a z o k o 9 l- F rt- (f\.f-(\() (n (\(\ . C)()C)C)(r\ >EE:!E:E ,. E E E E.c -r !.- A{o+{e{${O O O O Crr r -=BB EinE -rrHv Ct-6u)rn u-l rr'1 O O dEl !!! F Fr1\(rt.v)ErcE l!F o pe F. N G) rif rn \Ct N € ' :_'l--'- '. i.rlr r: . o o ri T' o t60 'z o F ao (l;F =J xo E L oF .- cD au iF ==f @ Orn ln Ft (r'l(n o!roo ou.'O iZtl|..<oo Irr>E I F .O xooo 'f oJo 6rC,--aro .0 oo o t !l I J !I EU .s-I.i EE _eE =.1 Tb0 L- _g r{ EA U -\ oo (al ooo 8il\a ao Fh .!oJo I <JQ larol OFOO 3u .-.:zo g .'o 'F>A C,\<- c^o c) iEi >E q.l qo o BB lno NO Nd) o.() I I rrr -{ g.l Fr Fl C{ (\l N Fl H F{ -. In In trl rn r^ rr.l In !n qr O\ C O\ d\ Ch O\ C (z o b f,2 o o |!o E =E ) @ i{>o Fh ct>1 0I.)Fl O0 F|ro..r{i# frr FF|od !F I .-.00 DF| {-Ft 9! .c 'n oO @ \o F N t\\rr c o\ o\ g\ o\ o.t g.r o\ rnF(vlFrCOFr.+ g! <n o .{t ,r1 !n \o o \o c\N(nFt('lN(\|NN Fl i-t !-t .-a Fl Ft Fl a9\o 9Fr.O FrFiO\FF(6r-ro .E 5 Eba .aa f,.!!?L iE :"E 5b0 .aE i-il - Otrlio oOriD dZorr <oo Irr>o I F .o xgOO 'f oJlc oto^nOO .o oo o , UI I J o€<o ooo C-F 3 00 FT. .D aJo I <JO tlJoll OFGro 3r, .-.rzo o 00 .F > A tFa- eo\o .N;N oorconr\oooot EFt-tF{Fr(\6lNr{ |f u urJ lr lrll lJ !l YOOOOOOOO liFlF]FIFfjFltJFl o.o I ol I F. N avl .tt tn \O t\ @ O\ is J I r. q\l o\; a- -l Fr rr\q 9{ tic o z tlJ e D (J ---u F{NFrN(\tNC\lNNNNc\tAl ! EE Bg tr8 rn tn u1 !n !n |fl In !n rn1,1 rn ral tn o1 <h o\ cn o\ (h o\. 6 ( o\ 6\ o\ ct\ z I b frP =J 8fr E l!oF -u,a ltl iF ===U' tr o .Fl o >(.Fl I ,ol (')r r{ 60 Fl tt .rl .r{ r trr lr .r o( l'|lc s,l O.$(NZ I '-l a ,- o.' F !F (J.\-lrJ i ':?riF o E a z o F SB =o c) O\ r'1 € O !i \O @ € t\ t\ g\ C O\o\ o\ q\ H o\ o\ o\ o\ o\ o\ o\ .|l o\ ts n 6n od ;-r E o r,n ln 0O 6l F .it 6l O\- t\ t\ J\ \O C) o\ o t\ N .rf |J.l .$ .$ (') (v) rn !n \o N (n N C) at N c.) rv) (r) (a .') (n d) Fa ti Fl Fl i-a F{ F.l Fl Fl Fa Fl Fl !-. lrj lr :)F q o ;e d] O \O CO d) \O€ CO an aD O\ t{ \O €o\@rn\oo\€\o€€F\o\o o!lEE oo-o -Zo.i <oo c>o I F .GI iOOO . )OJft oro-.rOO .o oo o I ut x t 3 Eb0 t.l €.i 5H q'$ .fl oo <o 030l B-1.3 ao FL .!cJo I <Je xuot oFoo 3lr .--rzo o oc .F>o cF<- z I k o 9 €olno ri*N \l t\ ao cr\ o 6 E.{ .-i or @ € o\ Fr Fl F{ -. N Al -rql N Fl F{ Fl .i N frl {JlrIJ{JU!F{T'l.|t,U+JT'o o oo o oE1 0 00 0 00 Fl FI Fl Fl Fl Fl d Fl -l Fr J Fr -l IJ.I F o\ co I \o F I rn pz !-{ C\t (rr| {t |') \o N {D o\ o Fr N F) F. F{ FI FI 6-zA fs rS R rq l{lq l"o lio lA- o z lrJ e ='(, rt rt 6t Ft rt Et Eg ao o rn !n tn c(ch z I b fP >J ;(u) - Lrj E l!oF .r (Il a lt)iF ===UI o >c -raC !l- UF of,; 'i 00 dE, h tF oc !F '{ .'.{ ' O.cC 6U I Fr t! .. gl'Fl F r-F.t !,1 o; = rJ.E, tr d z I st o o rn o\ co g\ or g! ?.F an 6n oci yd E o \o (\l 6l ONrn .'1N(\l trJ E p (t, o = Ee \0 o\€o F Ct\ F{ otd00 ooio ..z'01 ..<oo ltl>o I t- .o xoOO 'loJo oto-ioo .o Eto C'I ll'Y J E 5 FU Ja .t f,.r Eg .q oo <(!o3|ll aliF ! oo Fg, .o oJo I <JO rgot oFsro 3t .-.lzo o oo .F>O AF<- z I E g t\ \0 \0 !ulJ ooo tl Ff Ff lrJ F c! 'ge F{N(') ,rt) In ]n r,l1 !n 0\ g\ o\ o\ q,r z o b dP =f 8fr E lI-oF >fr iF ===U' tl r-l (') z r-l .r.l o v) c, F{ o0 r{cl .'+F|htr #l+-l C,l o((\ I F tsn trFl \0.nCN|.n l\ an -. Cg tr'1 Gl 6l fv,, F{ N Fr Fa Fl Fl t-l O!'EE oO..O -zo.r <oo r!>p I F .O FOOO 'f arJo o n o-..Otl -o oc| o I !t x J n Eb0 .!l -.lt i'E ![)7e -9E =.1 5b! .R oo ao oao E'.t 3 30 F |! .D oJo I <JO ru0t oFoo at, .^.z2a 0 00 .l\>A !F<- FINO\er NNF.F'o !.1 lJ {J u qn sss.3* o. @ I \o oa I Ir c\ Fl .{t ln \s gr o -ir z o (J f? =J 7 cl, E,IL oF >,3,iF =E f o tr d o (r) z tt CJ Flo0 F{tt l8'lr o F-tt{t+l o$N I irlD O\oF .$ !n \O C'(vIN rE -t EU .s-{.i !0 Tg !E.l =u fl o!rDo oo-o ..ZN'r <oo lrr>o I F .0,riooo ')oJo o3C'--OO .o oo g- o t !l z oo <o 00G,E.r.o ao FL .D oJo I <JO tuo!otsaro ol, .-.l'2i'o 00 .F>o Ei<- Oo\€ N !-l Fl uul.l Fl Fl Fl o. I t-ol I F- .Fl d Fa t{ .{ r''l l^lnu1 ln or o\ o\ g\ o.r z o F 4a O:F SJ fro E L oF >fr iF =3 o F{ '-l (! fi z o P u) 0 Fl60 f&|r !tr '#l+l o Ar N I Ft€riN\o N O\gu1 F N.iiarl(rlN Fl Fl r-l r-a E 3 Eba lF tl {t !0 EE !F .al =u 9.1 NI I- -.-\ o!roo oarrO ..ZC-<o0 rd> o I F .01 xooo .f OJN oro--o!l -o Cl!' o , tl'Y o0 <o o0ll|ciF ! !o |\ll. .O oJo l <JO roo!r oFaro oJ .-.r.zd c oo .fr>G * OHg\d--l NHi -,\(\r rrFr!{Jtr sHsss o. @ I o.N .l F{ N (rl .tt rn v\-n Ft \o -{-lFad-l .rn |J1 |^ rn .l1 ccct\g\ch z I F () f, =o (, L oF rr u,a ftl iF E =f o (l') z .Ft FI o o .rl .ri vt F{o '+0 .Fft tr t'l lr .Lq) 4 l+{6,l (fs N I rr O nlJ \cl O F{ O'r !-r rico\oo\NN(r'NN t-{ Fl Fl t-l i-l !5 Eba JA 'I l.i !t, TE =.1 FU 9A !rll r| - -,-t-tt-K{ olroo OO..!-Z O.r <oo j> o I F .O Hooo .JOJO o! o-..UO .o oo o I tg x J oo <(t o3l!LiF 3 !O FI. .D !Jo I <JO l!, o !oFoo aar.--rzo o oo .F>Q !ia- i(r * Fl F{NN\O\OCtl I.l{JIJIJts OOO.olrl F:rfFf-l& o. @ I I Fa al fi .rf u.l I' -o ,-r z(\ fs 6i -{ ^l c.{:61 o i>li: o z trl e 5 () U rt il Fi -t Fl E7 =(J AE tr8 14 rn ln !n co\o\o\z o b t? =J 8d E lr.oF >fr iF E :)a r{>o .F{O (,H F{ !0 Ft tt..F{ iff fr. |.rFi rle t Fl')o O .tro e.Z -t F -roX otr P(H .<JN Esn d Hrr z o F fR =o C) @ocr\ €h F{ O\ O\ h o frn o cr';- o:E (') .it \O Fl !n Fi O\ t\d1 il N t\l t-l Fl Fl t-{ t!E f F L o =s \O O\ U] i) FFrrt\o otdoo oo-o 'Z!"r <oo !t>o I F .O rrOOO 'l{tJo oro--OO .o oo o t !r I J E 5 Eb0 .tl -f,.= Eb 5E 4E .fl oo (o ooo B.F 3 30 F t! .Q oJo I <Jo raro!oFiro 3lr .-.lza o 00 .F>?qni- z I k (J I \O\OFN Fl r-.1 Fl .{ lJ!rr! YYYY IJTF' lrj F o\ @ I I @ fre r-. N ri it tr r-t (n z Fi (/) OJ o0 Ffo .-H .r{lJ rtrO q'l lr 0J.>{t cr\ I o lrj O :rl yo z I t: 4U'GF =f xa E.IL oF >3t iF 2 =f a z o SE o C) (') o\ (.' F.(.rN o!roo ootio '2fi'<oo !r>o I F .o Ho6o 'toJo oto^iaJO .o oo o I lrl t J ,d .1, Eb0 fira [.!l ?L TO EE eE =.1 5U .fl oo <o 0!o C..n 3 3c)Ft! .O oJo I <JO Ilro!Ol- l, O 3i .a .t zd o oo .F>o BF<- o.@ I @ I @ -{ Fr 6l N N C\,1 Ol Ol Ol -i C.l o. rJ1 rn !n !n !n rn v\ rn u\g\ g\ o\ o\ o\ oo.o\o\z o b f, =o () L o E, =E =o o >o .'+o ttq p! th+ ap o0 rg..rH lrF{o(!c> a.l .sO c.U I Fr 60 (Dr.l tFt \o Fr ('t .-t trt rooo O O\ .ii dr \O cn rn ts t\Fl (\l Cr] (r1 Fl (f\ (f\Ol N r-t Ft t-t t{ !-{ tF !F - F tl5E E oo-o cZO.r <oo !l>o I F .o xooo 'rcJo oio^-ato .o oo o t c I j d .! EU €-fl.l UL ![)F0) -9E =.1 5b! .R oo <o ooo 8iF 3 30 t b .O oJo I <JO xoo!r otsuo 3|' .^.rzo o oo .fr>o ooo ooc,,6t66 o. o, o.\O t\ U2 V, U1 \O \O \O \O .-{rFFrF l,r,OO0,P€+t+)ooaaooooo l': L: O () O Fl r:r1 -f o. @ I o. I 00 F{ N (vl rit rr1 \O f 0O O. ti ie FU I I d .Ju-:\ o9 >o\ iYa i'..gN ci z H () --v v, N(\I(\|AIN EE Bg tr8 rt\ rn 6 rn rn o\o'r<h(c z o b flP >f 5fr E LL oF >3t eF =3 v, .rt rl >o dE !! (/JF{ -{ o0 -.1 'E , I ,r{ Fl ti lFi ol!IJ tr> lt Fl a'f a) >:.f o a-,1 z I t-l 0l - O .ri FlrFl fiet o E,t z o tr SB =o C) o o@r\o\F !-t O\ O'r O\ q\ F 6 trIl''':oci >4 ttr @ d) .tf ,-r l\ .rf d) rn (7).'l(r)6ac)c'1 !-l Fl Fl Fl Fa IrJ IE f L o =s (r) Gl O\ .li O F \O. \O \O \O otl,60 O(liO iZO'<oo !l> o r F .O xOOO 'f alJo o3C'^-oa -o oo o I a,x J ! -J Eba Jaa {.i 3g +E .f, Oo (o o!o c-'\a ao nl' .!oJo I <JO rt or o>oo art .-,rza o oo .F>A z I k g oo OUN 66Fr oo\..cr! \o \o ul \o Ft t-l !-{AF ou+Jo!AOOAO lrl 6 o. @ I I cu 'pz F. N (.] .{t |r1 I\NNNOI rnt^66rnr g\o\g\d\o\o z o b fg =J 8fr E L oF ,3J tF =E f a I cl z il Fi nl Itt . o .Fl rJ) o FJOO irff f'.lr tt !rtr a?l l{J 0) Oe N I , .,1 {J- .rt 6t \O Fr r.'l t\ o\ \o lr1 o ro ft ai(\l(r1(n(')c.\ /, F{ Fl Fl !-{ F F 5 EU E-{.i !t) 5g =.!l Tb!Lta utd r- --a -r Krl o!roo oo.o ..ZO.r <oo !l> o I F .o FOOO 'loJo oroa -arO .o oo B |lt I J oo <El gact Er.F a 30 F\ .O oJo I <JO tt ort oFtto 43.-.tzo o oo -F>O oo ocJ\ool ct6-.*a o\-rJt tit u.l 1'r In !l TFF]ootrl.rlr!l oaooott{()OFIFIFfE o.o -f J F. G\l d) rit rn \O AK za :: (v'! ld) T I 4= :a1 ;3."i :,ts o z. H =o N Al Fa Fr r-l Fa Ft Fl ET Bg tr8 tn!nrnt^tnt^lnlflln o\o\o\€hchco\o\o\ z o l- 4n EF =J 8d E L oF >fr iF E 2,t @ tr .?.1 @ >c .rl t 5tl FI CAF oq r'{ 00 Fl! Fr lrr o(rrc > C,| O..t C NZ I !-i C .. o" F gF !: qx -o a- z I F fR =o o O\FO\OOO\ChOcO O\ O\ O\ Fl t-l Or O\ -r O\ F o 6tt oci ;G G,o !n 6r {t C] Fr '-l Cl'\ 'i . \O ln<tt\OON'-{aOOF ('](ndlcrl(nanNF!N F{ F{ Fa Fa r-a Fa F{ Fr t! E,f F L o =s 6 r-{ \O ltl il @ \it O'l Fl .a .ii .+ r/l \o F ln \o \o \o o!toE ourS .ZOt <oo !t>o I F .nl xoOO 'toJo orto-irrO .o E0, o t lr,x J .! =EU rd ta E.i !tt EE E'$ .q oo <B oao Eit 3 3C'n|! .o !JO I <JO Ilrot OFOQ 3J .-.22l,o oo .t\>o oF<- I z o k C) 9 oooo UOC,'O 6dqt(! fr1f^rd|r'lt^u}vtr,?n Fl .-l Fl !-{ r{tccc rJullrllcroo6,ooooorELAo.riF:FIFIFIOAOO l! o o. @ I rt\ I @ fie FlNFlrit.n\OF0OC -:.-l - .'TdFINN(\INF rn \t qr ol enI'n5RR3S g\o\oc( z I b 8,? =={8# E L oF >3t tF E 2 @ 6 IA o 60 E tr o .l .ti N I o P Fl 9 99 9999 o\ ct'r or o\ ct\ : \OCO\OGONO,FO .Y t\Fr\rsF).J".ielF?nF\$$S !- tJ F{ \o 6\ \o tn oltlao oo-o ..Zaurl <oo u>o I F .01 rrOOo 'toJo orC,--OO oo o 3 ul I d .! EU .A tl f,.=t-t-I0)7e)_eE =.1 5b! .f, oo <o o3c g-h 3 00 Fh, .!oJo I <JO rt oll oFoo at, .-.tzo o oo .F>O ooo \o\oOO6\0 F{-.qt(ld; nnt/:ut.nr(\6-u\rn 4Eq !9OOU€6+r+)aa*aobnbb FlFrOoFlJS;J o. J I o -{ 61 .(n.rtrn \OF @ C ( r-a (\ Ft 6l !-{ a.t Fi r-{ -r F{ Fl rnl^lnu.t r^ln ln |^rn r'1 ln cA ctr o\ c'1 o\ ( o\ 6\ o\ o1 0\z 9 F c) 8.?>J ;(u) CE L oF -Gl,5W 2t- =f @ o ."1 an fi 00 r.l tr i{ FT .{. N I o +r 'J oo o\o€oor@o\oo\o\ol Fl O\ O\'i Cn Ch ( O Or q\ O'l .ifNNPtQ|rirn\OFFI\ F{ c-,t co \o o\ \o <h N co o\ o\.N(')Nd)N<\NNNFI 6I Fl Fl t-l Fl Fl Fl t-l Ft r-.1 !-{ Ft \O t\ .rf .it O ol\ u1 € \O Fl rn rr1 .:l 'rn .$ Lt .it .it Ft (n .$ S oo!o OaJr.!.zo.r <oo !l> o l F 'as riooo 'loJo B!O-€uo .o oo o t !,I E :EU .sa fi.r ?L !c)EE _eE = rtl 5b! rr-- -EI. i- \ oo <o C,3ll E-i a !o FL .'oJo I <JO Ioo!f oFiro tu.-,tzt o oo .F>l'an<- \o ooooooq,,\oocJo\orr.oooo d6!!F{Oqt6dd \.o.cto.\o.o.ELo.rn th ah vt n1 H u'l aa vt u) v)Ff ,r aA Fl trQCtrleaHtr lrooorrE..!o0rEO ocLo.ctot:too.aELor -IOOoFICiIOOOO o\o I r- t @ o FrN(').it!n\oroor - :::l-. - .:1,t. -:.-jij.:i. ' - -;i= i,n: F : N 3g -60 ,, I i,n d<?o,.-d o i*n 'o z lrl e D fJ - Fa r{ Fl Fl F{ '{ 'l F{ F{ nE ;F =c, dg tr8 rr1 r'l rn rn r.'r rn !n rn ln o\cho\o\(co\(o.r z o c, fr.?>J )(tt) E l!oF >3t iF f @ o >o .r.l E Ptr ,o V) t-l ,-l 00 Fl 'Ei . r.l .rl Fl h-lr .ri o6 !c> Fl .d . HFI (rl o O.+ O Nz I r-{ Ol r: 9? -i ii o .'r ? rl ttr o' d z I SR =o (J oFococoo\rnr\c '-t O\ -i ctr O\ O\ O Or O\ U' 6,"oLi ;Ol E o 6lt\Nln.if€ln'{\g -r\ON@OO.i'\OO\('IN.VIGIGINNNN FrFtFil:lFtFtd.{F{ UJ E f F .D o =s o -r O\ .it ln Fl O\ CO . CO .Fl \O rn .|J1 \O \O .$ ln '-{ cO oglEo oOiO ..2(g.<oo t >o I F .o rrooo ')oJo orto--OO .o oo o t ul z E g EU Ji .l I.i iE -eE EE .fl oo ao ooo 8iF ! ao Ft .3 oJo I <JO roolr OFTJO a|, .-.tzo o oo .F>A z o k t{)(u(u Og\oo\g\q| q' !r. F{ !-l ctct\.\\casit@rnrn6co@o\ Fl Fa Fl trc 0,0,r,tr&r{Jlr!t o.oooooooo OOFIFlFlFJFIFlFl lrJ F I o. @ I @ I € pe F{ (! (v) .it rn \o F co cn c{-o !s t i r.C D\i l-r ra\\' C{o i.o EOt o z lrj e D (J r-a Fa .d Fl ET ag tr8 rn rn rn rr1 o\ o1 ch o\ z o l-<o O:F =J 8d E l!oF >fr eF ==3 a 'r{o r{>c ."1 T 3l V)e -{ 00 <E |.l tt F tr l|i IJtr> F.Flt' qJ ).i' c NZ I Fao ..O'r Fu-EQr I z I fB =I oooo dFl F o 6,'Ocl' ;C E o Fr Or \O d) t-{ .lt O N (vl ci d'! d) dF{-aF{ lrj E =(t o = ;e N€.+N rn r'l .\o rn ouoo O|Jr.O ..2n..<oo 0r> o I F .O !roOO ')0lJE oto-..OO .o oo o t UJ I o0 <o oao G.F 3 30 FL .O oJo I <JO toE t Or. a, O 3i .-.t2rl'o oo .F>O lla- z o E E oo r\gg FlqO \o.or \c, (n (') N - !-l .JC'OrJ oo.ro FfOOFI lrJ o o. @ I (\l I d) pr \OF@( iF Ffi \t T.l c-ot J. id- i >,* o z lr, E f C) F{F{.{F{FIN6INN ET Eg c8 rnlnlnrnu.trnrnt'.lr')c(cnotcho\chchc z I b f,g =J 8d tr L oF >3t eF ==o ?l >c .,{ ,g ,o|. Vt- -{ 60 -{t , rl 'r{ r r l.{ .''l @G e F> OJ ).cO NZ I t-i C i 9-r E er't{llr o G a z o ^(J a\d =o (J f\coNC')o\ o\ o\ o\ o 6c'\\o€O Ch d\ 61 Cl.l Fl E an E|!'od ;.G \g N @ l\ !-l Fl O O- O\ coornN\oantnNr\N ('' C\| N f.' (vl a''l N N t-l F{ Fl Fl Fl F{ Fl F| t-a lrJ E f L o =s O rn rn \Cr ri \O .it O\ rtl \g ln ..li l^ .ln l'l \O {t ln i FU l-€t :! t) 5g 4E .fl oooe oo.6 ..ZO!r <oo c>o I F .l!ioOO 'tcJc o!o-.uO .o oo o I !t I J oo ao o30 GiF ! ao tr: .o oJo I <JO root oFoo 3i .-.tzo o oo 'F>A !F<- z o k I \o \o \0 \o Fa Fl F{ traJtru oooo Ff Ff Fl Fl oo @@€o(J !i!-tFlGd \.\.\,AA Nt\t\anu) trtr rJlaloo OOOo.A lrJ F o o\ I C\I I o pz F{ (\ arl .rt rn \O F cD o\ (\ ;c 3c t d I l< { +.t o :o o z l! e f (J t{FlF{dFl EF =c) ag tr8 In u1 rt1 rt'l rr.)O'r(O\(C z I l: a.o CF =f 8d E LL oF >fr iF =l o o tt >o .r{tt 'oli crH 0p r-{ 00 F.r .o ..r{ .r{-l Irr l..{ TJ F> lr Fl'1 o O.9O .€ I d00 -ffi F,rff (JG !l FJr{:o a z I ^(J E I Fl F{ -{ -l F{ F o fr,"oLi yd E o .')stN(ao i-r O 6{ Fl OI\C'! .if an a') N Fa -l Fl Fa Fl l!E =o o =ie oo\o\oo ln.$!n.$\o o!too OOt !.zo.i <oo ul>o I F .{!xoOO 'folJar oto-..OO .o oo 'o I tt'I E :EU )a-f,.r Eb -EE +'s .fl oo <o o!o C.F 3 GO F\ .3 oJo l <JO loa!oFoo aar .-'tzo o oo .F>.l lF<- z e k I oo CO CJ tJ F.dB \ar t\ ca qt r\ \o Fl ti Fa rJo(ulru oaroo FfOOFt'J lr,l 6 o.co I ol (\t I @ i1z ,-. N ('l .f ln ER zo E3 t 6{ +a i5 _ o i>r! s ci z H e () - Fl C\l Fl -l Fl ET 'flg tr8 rnrnln!n|.|cn o\ o\ o\ o\ z o b fg =J 8-fr E. TL oF >*3t iF =z,f, @ >c 'Fr tr ('Je Fl00 r-G' , Frl. .r ulc rrtr> r+,t+l r o." c NZ I riO F!r oO.'.lrj J Ir - 6 z o F ^a irE =o c) OF '-{ ci oc) @F{-{ -o 6,.od ;d E Fr Fl .af .il \O . .i- .!l\OF.OFl o('rdt(')N Fl F{ F{ r-l F{ lrj E :) (t o = ;e O\.$\oFF. N .rt !n tn \O otrloo ooio -Zo.r <oo lrr>o I F .o riOOO 'loJo oto-.r(,f:.o ao o t [,I ! 3 EU d.l l.l ZL !0) Tg +E .fl oo <o oDo E.l.3 30 Fb, '!oJo I <Jo xtJor oFt o 3t, .-.t?o o oo .rr>t z I E E ({ ooo oou !qt6(! O vl ql !r1 Crl 3F. -OOllO NOOFIO o d o I @ I f-l u trJ o o.co I \o I o. Ez ddan.$!n ( -N r;i E6 t I I sl s gr oo ;si: * o z l! E 3 () t-{ F{ Fl Fa !-{ aF =o ag tr8 rn rn u.l ln|'l c g1 0r o! ct\z I F 2,(LF =l 8d E lL oF >-fr tF E =f o .r{ @ >o .d 'tr Ptl (tt !-l '-.'|00 FfC' 'nff Fl hl{ -d od rrtr> r+.1 .t+l dl o o+o NZ I F{C !,2J J Ho'r dr] F, E,o- z I F SB =o o \O|nOOrn C CO-t.1 O\ E o 2 EIT oci 2, Oi O.Sq\o\st !noNo.it NF{(narl(\I r-tFiddFl 1!E f F L o =s t\f\r.oF@ .t .if F) .if c'l 0'l !r&aE ouio ..ZA-<o0 r!>o I F .Ol ,aoOO 'toJn 6! O--(:o .o ocl o I ul Y J ! rl EU 4l tr f,.r z,iE _9E +E .fl oo <0t o!aI 8in a ao Fl '3 oJo r <JO Iaro!OFOQ a!.-.rzo o oo .F>A tF<- z I k o I N +oo oEt,606 o.o N('lH€V',t At -a trHA uoE-.rrO o o.El 0 a >ro&ao UJ o o\ @ I c- I o. fiz F{ N 3Y! .rt u1 _ ..t---'-.* -\:t-.1;; _. .. N z(?l aoo i rc Iro :\E. rn -.? gr o i(n o z H ?(.) ^IFIFTFINF!F.FF ET ilE oi8 rf| 1r| rt ut rtl l(\ v\ ul rr\oigrorororOO\OO.z o F ao GF =J 8-fr E,L oF >,fr tF =,=f o o to !l U) Fl {60 {E ..{ .Fl r-l q lr .ri J-tr > { '|.l i ) .rf O (\tZ I F{A iOFl (re F.ll, O .r,l 3': tr o- z I fR =o C) 6t\rnrnt\orrr\dO.o\chq\o\o\oo.o.t CD E o 6,.oui ;d 0a o € t\ \OFl .if dt rn - \O .it (') rtt .rf ril A \t \O q ..t(nAl^tanc!Nc!Aa F{ F{ -i Fl !-{ - rF F !- Lr, IE f (t, o = ie .{ \cr -r .if O O' CO O CO t\ F.\O.;1.it \i r r @ o!t00 OO!.O ..Zal.r <oo c>o I F 'lc ioOO 'f oJo a!o--oo .o oo o T tlr x J :EU r/aa .l [.r Eb 5g +E .fl oc <o 03c E.F ! !o F\.Q oJo I <JO tt o!oFaro !L-.r,2t'o oo .r\>o z o k o 9 EE Fr o\o\o\o\o\o.o\(a< -aFa!-tFa-a-FO ;;;;; --'; i H --=E sroo(DoqGD$E ri.rd!ut'+)o:oooooqq-qn FI Fl FT FI F: I-{ F{ F lrJ F o o\ @ I € I o. !12 -i (\l c] .it rn \O lt CO O' tt Fs iot !-r I tfl .$ it{ N o z lr, E () F{F{NN.\In|N.\IN ET AE tr8 In|^6l^o\ o'r or o\ rn rri o\(1'| rn rn gro\c z I l-ao GF E]8fr tr L oF >3t iF =t @ o >c 'rt t PL (,)F -r 00 -t'o d.FlF ir l.r .|-o(Lr tr> !F:r o f .$ C NZ I F{C -c F?.-9n;5O- z o tr fH =o c) @l\ \O FO1 \O NN\O O.rO\O\€nOC'\6\0Ol ts @ 6n od 2- o'i O\ 6l .it nt .''! (\l .it (\l FFN.vl\gNai.ttN NN(ta'rFi('|aiF)('1 HF{FlFaFlF{F{FaFa . ltl E =F @ o = ;e €ltiO\F(v)NOO]\ rn \O .it .it rn rn rn .it .il o!rGo Oo-O -ZO.r <oo r!>o I F .t!HoOO 'f oJo oto--lJo .o oo o ! td x d :EU .a-l.r t-l iE -9E +E .f, oo <01 o3n|Eit ! oo Fl! .O oJo r <JO rl.|0t oFoo 3t, .-.lzo o oo .t\>a z I k I J oo (\ (\\- \.@g\o€ch6g\o€ Fl r-l i{ d Fl Fl Fl t-l F{ ga|.l.lurrargU!qsseeqQeq Fl Fr J Fl'-l 'J rlFJ Fl t!F 6 o\ I I o\ fiz Fr 6t at) {t rn \o r\ 6 ch .it r+{ o 3n (n z o l-ao GF =f xo -LJ tr L oF >_fr aF =E D a r{o an E t{o .rl $N I o ..1 o\o.f .+ lJ"l Fl (rtlr).') r-{ r-{ F{ t!lEo Olri!iZOrr <oo d>O I F .(| raoOO 'f cJo o!o--trO .o oo o I lr,I j d '|EU aa- f,.= =L !tl EE eE =.1 5b! .fl oo <o ooo C.t ! !o Fr .a aJo I <Je ttroi otstro alt.-.:zo o oo .F>O aF<- ooo oqu 666 o.A.o.u) vt vt cQc ooo o\(oo lrr|u ooo Ff Fl Fl c @ I N I CA ES lco E trl o -C D\r :-r R u'l .it rl.{ -.c id) o z lrl E (J NFIN ET Eg ag !n!n|^o\ cn o.l z o b f;g =J 8fr E.L oF >*fr iF =E 3 (t, o >c r{t !l Vlr oc -l@ -l .0 Fi ni F q l.r .F oq uo> -{ ri FFI c o ).c c NZ t.!i6 io'r ,r ! F !JO r ?Fl tr a- z I fB =o (J \o f\ \o c(( ts o 6v oci ;Oi E .lt € sl (\l \o 6l rv) st dl !J E F o o =is .tf \g (r) |^ l^ '.n rc!o Oar!.O .Zali <oo cl>o I F .O rioOO 'f oJnl o!o--o!.'.o oo o t ul I J ! rl "E9 l.= =L !t) _Eg E'S .fl oc <o o3.!E.n ! !o nr .l lJO I <JO toot oF.,o aJ.-.rzo o co .t\>t fia- z I k g o6 tt ll oo oo !!6 or co (D q:t AQ r.roo ooo. lrJ F ct c @ I .c I ( pe FI FI FI ;-o<lar ao a E ic Po -\\E- !n .it ${ : ttl I a'r ci z td e 2 (, NN(\INN EE Eg tro ct rnrnrrnln o\(0\o\o\z I F 2,GF >l 8fr E |!oF >3t eF 2 t vl .rl o >o r{ "g -O tr cA F4 F{@ t{C, 'rH F{frf. ri g,o IJtr >oo Ft'i l+l ..) o oit o Nz I F{ OI F@'ri ()lJ r-l LJO 'rl ?Fl ltr E o- z o tr SB E o c, ooo OOOo\€F{ !-l F{ O.| d\ E o 6n lfqi ye-.E o Fl 0 |r! NO t\N\oF)tn .rt('tdr(r')d) Fa F{ F{ !-i F{ UJ lr J F at,o = ;e .il '{ tn O O\ !n .n' (r) \O \:l oUoE olJ-!-2O..<oo !l>o I F .Q xOO!l . >OJ(I o!o^-oo .o oo o I tll I d 3 EU aaa f,.! Eg .q oo <s o!B Cih a ao Fb, .o oJo t <JO r(,o!oFoo or, .-.rzo o oo .F>O !'r<- z I k c) 9 o0,C'O cqt OA lncnNN(o F{ r-l oolJlJll oaooo ltl 6 CN ro I rft I o\ Fgll -'. N c) '$ 'ln I eF.rN t;6 Fo -o D\ R tfi .ir q.a o z UJ e =o F. F{ Ff F. EE ag c8 !n rn rn rn o\ ol g'r or z I b fP =l 6fi E |!oF >?,iF ==f @ tt, >o .r{ rO Ca Fl O()Fl00 .{O . 'Fl.r.{ Fl frl|."{oJ|!utr> h-l ql c) Gro NZ I Fr OI FO'Fl L, tl t'l uJo'fFl h d z 9 fB =8 3\\0|r1(n <t\cc< o fru oLi yC E o \o avl N (h \o rn av) Fr C\(\II\N t-{ F,l r-{ F{ lrj E =F (t, o =s 6Fl\OF F N' \(, r.-otrtGo oar.rO iZo..<oo !t> o I F .o irOOO 'loJo ot o-.iOO .o o I ul I J .E 3 EU .sa E.i ig EE .fl oo <o o3|l E-F a oo FL .E aJo I <JO ruotl oF O O at.-.rzo c oo .F > o 3ia- z I E q O\OOO\FlNe{ r, t, lr l,oooo Fl Fl F] Fl lrj F o O1 @ I (\| I o i1z Ft C\l Fl .it s3 E(v)t6 t :d E. rn .tt q -F - tv) ci z H =o F{ Fa -{ Fl 5E tr8 1/ltnrnt^r.o o\ g\ o\ o\ o\z I l- aI 0 GF =J 8fr E lL oF >fr iF ==f a .'{ o rl >o .r{ tt Ftr =o v) Fl 0t q) F{60 rJtt . i# !-l hl.] .F{od rrl > k-l ('r 0, o$o (\lZ I '-{ 0I -i FO t{(J !, F{Elo-t drl f- I z o tr fH =o c, oo (v)raoc'\O o\ or ,-t '-l c F 6 6,r-oct ;-G E o !-lF|J]\ON d.soor/t NNfQ(')N Fi r-t Fi r-a .-a lrl E 3 F o 6 = ;e \C,FNr-rO 0\ 6r'@ @ gr !5 EU .a al l.i !t) 5g FE .fl oUoo oo-B ..ZOt <oo c>a I F '(c xoOO 'f oJar oto-ioo .o oo o !!,t J oo <o oao ciF 3 !O F[.o !JC' I <JO rooi Or-oo 3t .-.rzt'0 00 .|\>O CF<- z I E (J 9 * fi.tloOts .\fN(\N(/' lrrJ!flts ooooFl t! 6 o\!o I I o pz F{Nw).flt1 $l ig -co t i tr rc no E' .ii r+{ o @ i(7)a o z lrl e :(J d) ('t dl crl EE dg 0r8 l,1 rn rn rn ord\o\C z I F c)fP >J ncn E,L oF .- ut aht >t- =f U) qt >'tr t{(!E l.r (/:o F.{o '-160 ..Fftt Fl tr F,l ti tr 3!!o> Fto .!F{ dr 0l-1 o.r o NZ I !-l ol F9l .'1 fi6=3"I ts o- z I {g e-E =o o rn\o!nln o\ g\ or o\ E o 6u oci ;Ol E o FTNO|'l N nl .ri Fl NNNN Fl Fl F{ Fl H f F o o =s o Fr \O g\dd.d9 !5 EU aa .l it iE .eE +E .fl OtrrOo oO..O -ZOt <o6 !r>E I F 'O xOOO ')OJR 03C,a -oo .o oo o I It I J oa <o oac 8!.'\! !o tra .o oJo r <JO raror oF('0 a!.-.rzo o oo .F>O z o k o I OOg\GO NC\IdF{ lJ!lJlJ qc q q lr,F 6 o\ @ I c.] I o pz -r (\l d't .i' c3 F3 o :o\-\. R rn .{t |+{ o :cn ! (tl o z 1! e f (J Fl Fa Fa t{ F{ -a fr1 =o AE tro (J r^rnc)06!n o\ c g\ g\ ct\ g\z I b t? =J 8'fr E L oF >fr iF ==3 @ ut >c .rl'E ! l.r 3C lA'- Fto0 FIE r#F Flt 'r oq TJtr > i#l+l .' (.) o.rc NZ I FIO FO.F (J!J -Ho r 6'-r tr a- 2 o *3 E o (.) O O\ \Ct O tt .it @OCnFTCOO\ E o rtn oci yG 0a \O GO ('f CO .tf .if <,rri|]1o\ooFl O!-rNFlON Fa -r t-l F{ Ft r-{ UJ E.f F L o = be t\ \c| \o .if i\ Fa NO.T(nN r{ Fl 't\ 6 F{ Ft o0roo oO.rO -2.I;<oo sr>o I l- .O rioOO 'f oJtr oro^-aJo .o oo o ,!l z 5 EU .S al ll.= =L !t) .EE qE .q oo <o oDo E.F o oo F\ .!lJo I <JO Ioo!OFoO al, .-'lzo o o0 .F>o ai<- z o k (J 9 oo ql6 NN(/|t(,t(').it .-l r-t Fl Fl rJUOOrrlr ooaooo lrl F cl o\ @ I F I F .ll pgll -' * 'q 'i ." \c) a 9F -q I t Dc' E' rn .it H io a -it ct 2 H o .+ tit .tt .{t ET ag E8 1rlr^s.lrn o1 ct\ c c z o F C)fg =f xa -bJ E L oF >_fr eF =f @ .Fl o >o .'+O o,r 50 ttY 0p F{ 6I)d!. fq l+rl 0td !., e F F-ftl o O.fO C\{z I ri00 ;H nrd ? rJtr G,I z o tr SB =o (J o €o\o\o O\ 0\ '-{ ( F 6 6u,oqi ;G E o 6rnt40 6()FIr\ -r 6t (\t -,1 !-l Ft Ft -a lrl E 3 L o =f Fl (\l \O Fl |\ ao. \o € oldoo Oari!.z'l|l.r <oo !t>o I F .l! xOOO ':]oJar 6!O^!.OO .o oo o t !,I d .l Eb0 lE tl f,.: Eb ?!l eE +E .fl Oo (o o30 !-F a 30 FL .O oJo I <JO luo!oFoo tJ .-.t2',o oo .t > A aF <- z I k o 9 !!ll!.1 1.55(a oooo zcavJB rlll €E'CtE rll&IklFl ocJo(J r!666 v, ah ?A lh ooluo Fl t-t F{ t-{ c)(Jc)(J lrl F 6 o\(o I co I pz !-{ C\l Cl .il F :(n :@ g f, c ig E 1.1 .o g i.f o z lrl E () .rt $ .i' .li .rt fr? =C' ag G8 rn|'lrnrnrn o\ o\ o1 ch o\ z I b 8.?>l 8fr E LL oF >-fr tF =E 3 u) q tl >o .r{ t PF (,) Fl '-{ 00 Ffo . h lr ..,|otr ritr > hl (Y1 0, Gfo stz I F. ol .-Otl tl, = -i -r{ lt o a z 9 s3 o c, O dl t\OO F{ cl\ o.r t-t !-t ?- t- an rt,t oci 1-d E o € O rtl F{ ri' NdrOFlF)NFIFINAI !-a F{ !-t !-t t-l t!E p F (t, o = ie €.1t.+O\O FcO.N\oo\ .E 5 EU aa .l f,.=t-l iE -9E qE .q oldGE oo-o -Zaur <oo u> @ I F . all xOgO 'toJo o!o--oo .o oo o t ||l I J oo <g oGo lli.F ! 30 tr& .o aJo I <JO toot oFuo !J .-'tzo o oo .F>A z I k (J 9 c.t d vt ONNrnln llF.FtFTF{ ,-lrrl)u! =oooo UtlFlFlFf EI F o o\o I o N I pi Fa N (r'! .f ln 6l id! -@ g f, R8 IF t rn .5' r+t :(\t .rt ct z td e () .ii .rt .|l EE ag c8 rnln!n (o\or z o E fr.?.>J 8fr E L oF >3t iF =:l o tr 'rl o >o .Fl t .o r{ ('l F{ F{OI} ' F{Ct . .F{tl Fl ''rlr t{oa {Jtr > '-H l+I(r1 o o+o NZ I H0t .-O.r{nu Fl Een -Fl lr o E a z I SR E o c, oo 01 00 ( .-. .-t F o fr,.(fci ;.G tr o ln600 RRR t!E =F 9,o E s ar).Ft/) Fl 61. O E 5 EU E- E.= =L iE -9E EE .fl oul00 oo-o ..2 O ..<oo !r>o I F .o FrOOO ':oJo o!o--OO .o oo o I !l I ) oo ao 03c 8-n a Go Ft .3 aJo I <JO rgot oFoo'a|, .-.l'zo o oo .t>a z I k E NNN I'rJIJ sss UJ F cl o\6 I a''t N I o pz I ! o\ .{t q{ (r).|' o rl o 'r{ .Fl U) 00 tr o d rit (\l I o !.1 |l z 9 b f, o (J L oF >gt iF E =f o O!n\o\od] €t\.(i!n(\l F{,-{FINN t-{ t{ H Fl 4 €g EU .l- E.E :t) Tg =.tl 5bt Ll! !-- i-Kt ocoE oo.ro r.ZO..<too 0t>o I F .O r.oOO '>oJo oto--Oo .o oo o t II I J oo <o ooo E.F 3 30 t t' .3 oJo I <JC tt ot oFoo 3!.-'azo o oo .rr>o ?t O-(\t N !r, Fld oo (Jo AO O,-.('lV2O NAISI rrrroo{J ooaro Fl'lO()Ft o\ co I ar)N I Fr sl d'! .rf ln 33 !co i !c rn .t, r+{ i.c a .it o z H :o rit .sf .|f ..t .+ ET A=fi 88 t'1 ln u't rn In co\o(o\z I t- a@ GF =J 8fr E lL oF >3t iF ==:)o o >o .r{ 'g !lr t,,:/ OCJ {60 -{!o. Fl rrl !i r lr "l o6 ! E> 'l tl . 0,f ..)-\t O NZ I t-t C t o.'j |rlrrFi ? O .rl !l Ff F a z o SB o o \Ornot\ln O\ Or .-r ( O.r F 6 rtn oqi 2-G E r\oo60 \O \O ril N \O r-t t-t 6l Ft Fl Fl Fl Fl r-l F{ lrl E D o o =s q\ .:f F \O \O Fl .$6 (vl \O ogrEo oorro iZO'.<oo u>o I F . all xOOO 'toJo o!o--OO .o oo o I It I rE 5 EU .l-f,.r t-t. ![) 5E +E .fl oo <0 oao I'iF 3 00 F\ .! OJO I <JO ru0!'oFoo a3 .-.t2l,o oo .r\>A 2 o E g .C c'! N \O l\ F{ Fa Fa Fl F{ lJ r.l r, a, +J ooooo Fl Fl tl Fl F: t! o c 6 I .it Gl I o pe Fl N C') .tt !n I -o rF 3c f, 3;t\RF u't .f q.{ o -|'r r ci z LJ e f o .lt sl .ri ET ag tr8 rtl ro !n o\ g\ o\z I l-2,IF =J 8-fr TE L oF .* (41 au 2ts E =D a .rl o >o Hrc ,lr (/) F.l o F{61} i*, . i# ri Itrtr .'{od r.r€ > l+l tv)o c'$ o NZ I F{ 0!-tr !r;i J =o ..1 E a z e l- SB =o c, rn@\O g\ o\ o\ E g, 6,,-ocj ;-d t o r'l€N tncF lrl E :l o o =s oroo \O .if N O!'DE Our.3 ..ZOt <oo c>o I F .GI r.OOO ':cJ0l oto--oo .o oo C'I !t x J 5 Eb0 E.E !t) 5H +E .fl Oo <o o!o ciF ! ao F\.3 oJo r (JO toot oFoo 3!.-.IZO o oo 'F> O qF<i z I k C, 9 .$an.7l l, r, r,ooo u,F 6 o\o I rn (\l I o pz Fl(\lF