HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAUPHINAIS MOSELEY FILING 1 LOT 2 LEGAL.pdf)WY"7 Design Review Board ACTION FOR]II Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 t€l: 970.479.2139 tdxt 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,corn Project Name: GISH NEW SFR Project Description: Pafticipants: OWNER GISH, AMY BECHER 1850 UONSRIDGE LP VAIL co 816s7 os/30/2006 APPUCANT STEVEN JAMES RIDEN, AIAARCH05/30/2006 Phone: 949-4121 PO BOX 3238 VAIL co 816s8 License: C000001738 Project Address: 1404 MOMINE DR VAIL Location: 1404 MORAINE DR Legal Description: Lot:2 Block: Subdivision: DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY FIL 1 Parcel Number: 2103-122-0900-2 Comments: see conditions DRB Number: DR8060190 New Single Family Residence in Grand Traverse: approved with six conditions of approval. All specifications on file. BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motlon By: Dantas Second By: Dunning Vote: 4-0-1 Conditions: Action: APPROVED Date of Approvalt 0612L12006 Cond: 8 (P|AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0008141 Fire sprinkler system required and shall comply with NFPA 13R(2002) and VFES standards. O Condr CON@08142 Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: CON0008197 The applicant shall return to the Design Revlew Board prior to issuance of a building permit by TOV CDev with a final grading plan to better reflect proposed topographical conditions at the southeast side of Lot 2. Cond: CON0008198 At the time of the applicants submittal for a building permit, a staging plan shall be submitted for review and approval to the Public Works Departrnent. Cond: CON0008199 At the time of the applicanfs submittal for a building permit, stamped PED drawings must be included ior all walls that exceed four feet (4') in height. Cond: CON0008200 The applicant shall demonstrate compliance with the architectural projection section of the Vail Town Code at the time of framing inspection by the Town of Vail (Section 14-10-c-6). Cond: CON0008201 Prior to receiving a Temporary Grtificat of Occupancy, the applicant shall comply with all Town of Vail Fire Dept. directives Cond; CON0008202 No more than one dwelling unit shall exist on this site. Planner: DRB Fee Pald: i650.O0 I0t4nm Oapplication for Design tui"* Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479 -2452 web: www.vailgov.com General lnformation: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannol be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The prolect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Location of the Propos at: Lot: Z Btock:- Subdivision:DAr?ll lNAlq. ilrltlFGlel S Physical Address: Parcel No.:?fO ! lContact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: gDD p0. 22 Name(s) of Owner(s): Maili Owner(s) Signatu re(s ): Type of Review and Fee:. Sions $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior mnversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls. etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee fil;$ ,61 "'o o\ o \rD -o o Mai ling E-mail AddreSs: Conceptual Revrew New Construction $650 300 Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $20 D IQWN OF VAIL ot 12104101104 o o r3 (4 W n 4 o J.t v /\LJ ***1*+++* ** ** +*t ***,1******** ***++++ +*t** **** *** **** *** **+***t*+ +++ **'t* * * *** **+* f,**+t+*+ * ***i TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement *++** * t * i***** * *** **** * * *****++* ** ***** * * ** * ** ******+** ** * *** * *** +*** **+'r*+ * +** ***+ ** * * + *+:r:l Statement Number: R050000700 Arnount: $550.00 os/30/200608:55 AM Pa)ment Method: Check iTAMES RIDEN Init: 'JS Notation: 1555/STEVEN Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Irocat ion: This Payment: DRBo 6 019 0 2to3 -122 - 0900 - 2 1404 MORAINE DR 1404 MORAINE DR $6s0.00 T)T)e: DRB - New Conslruction VAIL TotaL Fees: Total- ALL Ptnt6 : Balance: $6s0.00 $5s0.00 $0.00 *****************+**++*+************+***++++t*+***'1.*:!*****+*****+++**+*************a**lf++++ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code De6cription Current Pmts DR 0 01000 03 Lr2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 650.00 Flpr 2O OB O2:12p Rms APR-20-2006 i8U ll:28 Au and l"l ike Gish uriAl,|rsRt0Eil AIA s?o -47s -5392 FAXilo 9i0g|30{ P. P,002 ION'NM l{r(I' Type ot Rcvlew and Foe:. Slgris Minor All€ration (mulIl-f amlly/commerEal) Minor Allarallon (single Jrn'ly/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans S€paraflon R€q6st Page 1 ot 12lUIO1tO4 Application for Design Review Dopartmenl of Conmunily Developmont 75 Soulh F o.rtEgE Road, Veil. ColorE(b 61557 tel: 970.479-2139 lax: s7o 479.2457 w€b; ww. vallgw.com Gcneral Informatlon: Nl p|olocG requring derign revie* musl rEc€lvo app,ovat prbr to subrni|ring a bulding perml epdicatiqr. Please rsf€r lo fE subnltt.l requircm.ntr lor tho Fdiorlar rppror.al trEt b roqusglod. An optirabon for Deslgn Revltr cannot b€ aErylEd until all tequlrod intotmttlon ls For€ivod by thc Csnmu^ity Dsvelopfirant [rap.rtnent- The prtiect rnay also nc6d to be reviewsd by lhe Town Council d/or lhe Planning dTl E|wiror|nEntrl Commrrsion. Deslgn rcylcw tpproyrl hpses unla66 . boaldang perrnll ir i.Eued rnd Gongtructlon comme?rc.E withln on. yarr of tttc .pprovil. ooscdption or the R.quest' c6^c?nrL&l zcutr ur Location o[ tho Proposal:stodl:-Lsubdivisron: DA, n{f ^Al-f - L4rSEL.Ey S fE. Physical Addrcss: Parcol No-: ?zzn Nane(s) of 0rner(s): l|all Owner(s) Signature(s): t{ame of Applicant: tlailing Addrcss: E-mail Addrass: Lb. 150 Plus S1.00 per square fool of total sign area, No Fcc $650 F(r corBtructlon of a ner buildir€ or dcmo/rebtild- t300 Fo. an addtdon whsru 3qua[ tootagc is addod to any restdonrial or cornmerciel buildl.E (indud€s 250 addlbns & interlor conv€.siorE).f250 Fcr minor changes to buildingF and s[e lmprDvencnts, such as, reroo0ng, painting. wlndow addhims, hndscaping, lerrces and rctaining wdlr, ctc. ta) Fq mlnor draogeF io buirdings and 5ib improvmanLs, sudr Er, rgroollng, pahung, *,lndow edtlltlons. landfsptDg, lenca ond rellining walls, elc.320 For revbions to plarE otready apprwe{ by pbnnkp Stai oi th? Destgn Rsvieav gosrd, NoFE Conceptual Reviaw New Ooostuctlon Additron tEGptlvtrR APR 24 2006 Lry TOWN OF VAIL E [l] v Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of Material Color CE7AR ,trl+t'U% /V4tu'?*t-'E@- /aQe?*t'4 Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Tlt t*mf? 4tttcto /'//t $6enu< 6i/- trVZ - Hruca(fr/ r'#/P&-. / te'VfTz - ggp | *pa ara4*- 4tu'9?'1 'tu-96re -//tz'azn 6ntoaa- - -.zL'at!'tt'5tt/'O 4,tpNE-- u::nr1 Eene a'atnpe ' 4/A€eP A '-"F?2 -4/t/-ie11 /t#a'4r- cu(o gaol fltatrye 4'uata atflk .qfln"I- 44/ffi b?b 1tt'-EE, Orro u$f,pe Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Frqf: hE /oftuP?L / s-'wrz @ Page 6 of 121041011O4 ' :r l-!.;t"t;91,1' l$.r,lr:r, i\dr{$r, r \a*,t l:.{}r .U.'\\., ;'i, l'"1 - ' ,'. * {\!G.:, 'ililtrtrlt{ . i,q 8,:, ..,r.. _' .'rJ''r?r'<\i,rgil'.'rri.lrid r:,*'. . $}\\&i., i.*$i-i, - i.t tll -rr.,rl. ,,..i h!r(,,,i.i.r. :'tsu'.r;\t \tri(tt-', r'\.,' . "-\l\-. *r-| .. ll.tt\. ' r'.t r'6111 1,"'.g *lS\'':s,'<i r':nA.Yi.J -:iil\f.$r., .-,tiii '-'\ld-'\.t'''. '- Yt:. ' "'tl;:*" ,. ':,1 {,r$. \:r.. ''' tr$r '\t9l' ':'4',i', ..91.\Q."' 1,."-' ."'1,l.it", \r,ri$Jlri:t :'\\;.1nri' '\I."i"r.i- . .:.:{] ; Botanical Name PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name ffi,.]S ecraguqes- llrd5Pqrr ANDSHRUBS ?odJ,irls4htfi&s Aipail Air* t /aLnr* P.urnj,-aplr E(ISTING TREES TO BEREMC /ED Slze l' a-3"( qal. Quantity ) lP 7 Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: GrcUNDMVER soD SEED IRRIGATION Deciduous Trees - 2' Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. 9s-u3refeslacc TvDe 4, Bl.nl. Qratt PPP? tErt br6,{^EdlaL TYPE OF EROSION CONTROI- Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of 12104101lO4 o o Chicago Title Irsurarre Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Our Order No. V850012711-2 Cust. Ref.: Property Address: 1404 MORAINE DRIVE / LOT:2 DAUPHtr'{AIS-MOSELEY SUBDTVBION FILING 1 VAIL, CO E16s7 1. Effective Date: November 29, 2005 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured: 'ALTA" Owrpt's Policy 10-17-92 $997,000.00 Proposed krured: AMY BFIIIER GISII "ALTA" lnan Policy 1.0-17-92 Proposed ftnued: DAUPIIINAIS.MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION. INC. $300.m0.00 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: DAUPIIINAIS.MGEITY CONSTRUCTION, INC., A COLORADO CORFORATION 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: LOT 2, DAUPHINAIS.MOSELEY SUBDWISION NLING NO. 1. ACCORDING TO TIIE PIJ.T RECORDED AUGUST 23, I99O IN BOOK 536 AT PAGE 221, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. o o ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements) Our Order No. VB5fi)12711-2 'Ihe following arc thc rcquirements to be complied with: Item (a) Payrnenr b or for thc account of the gmnloni or nrortgago$ of the full comidcration for tI* eslrk or intercst to bc irnurrd. Item (b) hoper irsbunmnt(s) crcatirg the estate or intreresl to be insured nrust be executed arxl duly liled firr rcconl, !o-wit: Itent (c) Paynrcnt of all tarcs, charyes or xsessnpnb levied and assessed agairrt lhc srrhjcct premises which are drre ard payablc. Itcm (d) Additioml requircmens, if any disclosed below: 1. RT]I,EASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED FEBRUARY 03,20p,4 FROM PATRICK G. DAUPHINALS, SR AND SIIZANNE E. DAUPHINAIS TO THE PUBLIC TRTISTEE OF EAGLE COUNTV FOR TIM USE OF FIRSTBANK OI- VAIL TO SECURE TIIR, STIM OF $2OO.OOO.OO RECORDED FEBRTJARY 05, 2004. UNDERRECEPilON NO. ffi70A. MODIFICATION AGREEMENT IN CONNEC'TION WITH SAID DEED OF TRTIST WAS RECORDED MARCH (X, 2OO5 I]NDER RECEPTION NO. 907898. NOTE: TIIEABOVE DEED OF TRIIST SBCURES A LINE OF CRjjDII'. 2. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO TIM COMPANY TIIAT TTIE IERMS, CONDMONS ANT) PROVISIONS OF TIIE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFERTAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 3. WARRANTY DEED FROM DAUPIIINAIS-M$iELEY CONSTRUCI'ION, INC., A COLORAT,O CORPORATION TO AI\{Y BECIIDR GISH CONVEYING SUBJLSI'PROPERTY. NOTE: SAID DOCIIMENT CAN BE EXECUTED BY Trm PRESTDENT, VICE-PRFSIDENT OR CTIAIRMAN OF THE ROARD (CEO) OF TTIE CORPORATION. I} ANY OTTMR OFFICER OF TIIE CORPORATION OR AGENT EXECJI]TES SAID DOCUMENT ON BEIIALF OF TTIE CORPORATION, A POWER OF ATTORNBY/RESOLUTION MUST BD PROVIDED TO I-AND TITI,E GRAN'I'IN G SAID AUTHORIZATION. TI{E FOLLOWN G DELE"NONS/MODIFICATIONS ARE FOR TIIE OWNER'S POLICY. NOTE: ffFlMS 1-3 OF'I'Hll GENERAL EXCEF TIONS ARD IIERDBY DELETED. o o ALTA COMMI'I'MENT ScheduleB-SeclionI (Requirements)Our Order No. VB5fi)1271 I -2 Continucd: TIPON TIIE APPROVAL OF TTIE COMPANY AND TTIE RECEtr'I'OI'A NCNARIZED FINAL LIEN AFFIDAVM, ITEI\{ NO, 4 OF'I'TIE GENERAI, EXCEPTIONS WILL BE AMENDED AS FOI,I,OWS: ITI}M NO. 4 OF TIIE GENERAL EXCEPTTONS I,S DELE-TED AS TO ANY LMNS OR FI]TT]RD, LIENS RtrSULTING FROM WORK OR MATF]RIAL FURNISIIED A'I'TTIE REQT]RST OF DAI]PIM'{AIS-MOSELEY CON S.TRT] CNON, IN C., A COLORADO CORPORA TrON. CIIICAGO TITLE INSURANCU COMPANY SIIALL IIAVE NO LIABILMY FOR ANY LIENS ARISING FROM WORK OR MATERJAT. FURNf,SImD AT TI{E REQU}ST OF AMy BECIIER GISH. NOTE: ITEM 5 OF TIIE GENERAI, EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DL,LLTED IF I-AND TITLE GTIARANTEE COMPANY CONDUCI-S TTM CLOSING OI'THE CONTEMPI,ATED TRANSAL-TION(S) AND RECORDS TIIE DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THI,RI'WITH. NOTE: UR)N PROOI- Ot'PAYI\IENT OF ALL TAXES, nEM 6 WILL BE AMFi,NDED TO READ: TAXDS AND ASSESSMENTS FOR TrrE YF-AR 2006 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. ITEM 7 TINDER SCIIEDULE B.2 WII,I, BE DELETED UPON PROOI.-'I'HAT TI{E WATERAND SEWER CILA.RGES ARE PAID UP TO DATF], ,T********* NOTICE OF FEE CHANGE EFFECTIVE SEPIEMBER 1, 2Q[!, **X**X***1 hrnuant ttt Colorzdo Revised Stahte 30-10-421, 'The cormty clcrk ard recorder shall collcct a srrrcharge of $l.fi) for cach docunrent rtceived for recordirg or filir4 in his or her oflice. The surtharge shall bc in adition to any otlrer fccs permitlcd by statute. " o o ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section 2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. VR5001271 1 -2 The policy or policies to be issued will cnntain exceptions to the lbllowing rrnless the sanlc are disposed <tf to the satisfaction of the Company: l. Righls or clainxr of pafiies in posscssion mt slnwn by the public rccords. 2. Eitements, or clainn of easenrents, mt shown by the public rrconls. 3. Discrepalries, conllicls in boundary lincs, shortage in are4 encmachmenb, arxi any fact; which a correct survey and irspection ol lhe premises wor d disclosc ard which are not shown by tlre puHic rccorals. 4. Any lien, or right 10 a lien, for scrviccs, labor or material theretoforc or hereaftcr furnished, imprsed by law and mt shown by the public reconls. 5. Defecb, liers, encumhanccs, advene clainr or other nratten, if any, crcated, fint appearirg in the public records or attachirg subsequent to lhc cffcctivc date hercof bul prior to the date the pmposcd imured acquircs of record for valrre the estate or interest or nmngage threon covered by this Conmritnenl 6. Taxes or special assessmenh which arc rmt shown as existirg liern by thc prblic records. 7. Liers for unpaid water arxl scwer charges, if any. 8. In aldition, the owrnr's policy will bc subject to the mor{gqe, if any, mted in Scction 1 of Scbedule B hereol. 9. RIGIIT OF PROPRII'I'OR OF A VF],IN OR I,ODE TO EXTRAC-T AND REMOVE HLS ORE TI-IEREFROM SHOULD'I'TIE SAME BE FOTIND TO PENE'IRATT, OR INTERSECT TIIE PREMISBS AS RESERVED IN UNTIED STATFS PATENT RDCORDED AUGUS'I'16, 1909, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. IO. RIGIIT OF WAY POR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUC-TED B\' 'I-TIE AT]THORITY OF TIIE UNITED S'IA'I[S AS RESERVED IN TINITED STATES PA1ENT RI'CORDF]D AT]GIIST 16. 1909, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. 11. RESTRIC'TTVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FOR}'I][IT]RI, OR REVERTER CI-AUSE, BUT OMNTING ANY COVENANT ORRLSTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COT,O& RELIGION, SEX, TTANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO TIIE EXTENT TIIAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMT'I TINDER CTIAPIRR 42, SECTION 36M OF TIIE UNITED STATF]S CODE OR (B) REI,ATF^S TO HANDICAP BUT DOUS NUI DI^SCRIMINATE AGAINS'I'IIANDICAP PER.SONS. AS CONTAINED IN INS'I'RLIMENT RD,CORDED SEI'TEMBER 20, 1972, IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 443 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRT]MENT RECORDDD SEPTEMBER 29,1972IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 565 AND AS RERECORDED IN INSTRI]MDNT RECORDED JANUARY 22, 1974IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 53. "12. TITII,ITY EASEMENT AS GI{AN'I'ED'I'O HOLY CROSS EI,DCTRIC ASSOCIA'I'ION. INC.. INC, IN INSTRIIMENT RECORDED AUGI-]ST U, 1967 IN BCr)K 21I AT PAGE 103 ANI) a o ALTA COMMITMENT SchedulcB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. VB500l27ll-2 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the lbllowing unless the sanle are disposcd of to the satisfaction ol the Company: RECORDET) ruNE 19, 1973 rN BOOK 229 AT PAGE 65s AND RECORDED ruLy 31, 1973 IN B(X)K 230 AT PAGE 351. 13. AGREEMENT BETffi]EN 'IAYVEL ENVIRONMENTAL I,/\ND COMPANY AND IUOUNTAIN STATBS TELEPHONE AND 'I'ELECRAPH COMPANY PROVIDING FOR TELEPHONI] INS'IALLATION ANT, SERVICE'I'HROUGHOUT LION'S RIDGE SLIBDWLSION, FILING NO. 2 R.bCORDED SEI'TEMBER 27, 1973 IN BOOK 231 AT PAGE 291. 14. EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE, REPAIRING AND OTIIERWISE OPERATING UTILTTIF^S SITUA'IED ON AND UNDER SAID PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDET, FEBRUARY 14, 1977 IN BOOK 252 AT PAGE 555. 15. EASEMENT FOR ACCESS AND B,GRESS ON TIM ROADWAY CONSTRI"]CI'ED AND SMIATED ALONG'I'IIE NORTHEASTERLY ROTINDARY OIi SUBJEC'T PROPERTY DBSCRIBED IN INSTRUMI]NT RDCORDED FEBRTIARY 14, 1,977 IN BOOK252 AT PAGE 555. 16. TERN{S, CONDNIONS AND PROVISIONS OF ANNEXATION AGREEMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER OI, 1985 IN BOOK 428 AT PAGE 936 AND IN BCNK 428 AT PAGB 937. 17. EASEMENIS, CONDI'I'IONS, COVENANTS, RLSTRICTIOI.IS, RI.SERVATIONS AND NOTFS ON TIIE RECORDED PI-AI'OF LION'S RIDGE SUBDWI,SION, FILING NO. 3. 18. EASEMFIN'I'S, CONDTTIONS, COVENANTS, RF^STRICITIONS, RESERVATTONS AND NCIIFJ ON THE PT-A'I'OI. DALIPHINAIS-MOSELEY STIBDTVISION FILING NO. 1 RECORDED AUGI]ST 23, 1990 IN BOOK s36 AT PAGE 221. 19. TERIUS, CONDII'IONS AND PROVISIONS OF SIIRDIVI.SION IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT RECORDED AUGUST 23, 199O IN BOOK 536 AT PAGE 220. 20, RF^S'ITIL-TIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORITEITURE OR RDVERTER CLAUSE, Bt)T OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLO& RELIGION, SEX, TIANDICAR FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN I]NLESS AND ONLY TO THL EXTENT TIIAT SArD COVENANT (A) tS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTTON 36fi OF TI{E T]NITBD STATES CODE OR (B) RIJLATtsS 'T'O HANDICAP BTIT DORS NOT TTISCRJMINATE AGAINST IIANDICAP HIRSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECOIUEI) AI]GUST 27, 199I,IN B(X)K 561 AT PAGE 10. o o LAND TITLE GUARANTI]E COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATI',MENTS Note: Pursuarl to CII,S 10-11-122, mlice is hereby given thal: A) The subject reat propety nuy be locaterl in a spccial taxirg districl B) A Cerlificate of Taxes Due listirg each laxing jurisdiction nray be obtained fmm the County Treasurtd s authorized agent Cl) The infirrnution rcgardirg special districts and thc bourrlaries of such dislricls may be ohaincd fmm the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clcrk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Effective Septemlxr 1, 1997, CRS 30-10-,106 requirrs that all docunrents received for recordirg or tilirg in the clerk and mcorder's ollice shall contain a top nrargin of at least one inch ard a lel'l right ard bofiom nu41in of at least one half of an imh. l'he cler* and recordcr nray rrfise to rrcod or lile any docurncnt that does rxrt cor{orm, except thqt, the requircment for lhe top margin shall mt apply to docmlenb rsirg fonrs on which space is provided for recordir4 or filirg inforrration at the top nrargin of the docunrent Note: Colorado Division of Irsurame Regulatiors 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article Vtr requires that "Every ti0e enlity shall be rcsporsible for all mattcrs which appear of record prior tro the tinre of recordirg whenever the title entity conducb the closirg and is respnmible for recordirE or filir€ of legal docurpnts rcsultir€ from the transaction which was closed". Itovided rhat Lard Title Guarantcc Conpany corducts tbe closirg of the insrncd tansaction and is reponsiHe for r€cordirg lhe legal docunrcnts fmnr the tarsaction, exception nurnber 5 will mt appear on the Ownel s Titlc Policy ard tbe Lerders Policy when issucd. Note: Alfirurative necharic's lien pmtection for thc Orvner ruy be available (Epically by deletion of Exceplion rn. 4 ol'Schedule B, Settion 2 of thc Commitnent fnrm tbe (hvnef s Policy to be issrcd) rryon comfliarre with lhe followirg corditions: A) The lard described in Schedule A of this corunitncnt must be a sir4le family residerre which inchdes a cordominiun or townhouse unit B) No labor or materials bave been furished by nrechanics or material-nrcn for puposes of corstuction on the land described in Schedule A of this Commiftrent within lhe past 6 nnnths. C) Tbe Corpany must receive an appmpriat€ aflidavit indcmrifyirry the Conrpany against urFfiled nrechanic's ard rnlerial-men's liens. D) The Compalry mrx;t receive pay'nrent of the appropriatc prcmiurL E) If there hrt been corclruction, improvenre s or nujor rrpain undertalen on the propefty to be prthascd within six nnnlhs prior to the Date of the Commitnrcn! tlre requircnnnls to ohain cover4e for urutcorded liers will include: disclosurc of certain constuction infornration; Iimncial infornration as to the seller, lhe builder ard or the contactoq payment of the appopriale prcmiunr fully cxecuted Irdenmity Agreernenb satisfmtory to thc company, and, any addiliornl rcquircnrenls a; ruy be necessary after an examination of lhe aforcsaid information by the Company. No coverage will be given urder any circunrstarncs for lahor or mabrial for which the imured ha; corlracted for or agreed to pay. Note: Pusuant to CRS 10-11-123, mtice is hereby given: This mtice apflies to owne/s policy comrnitrnnb corlainirg a mirrcnrl severaDce insturnent excepiorl or exceptiors, in Schedule B, Section 2. A) That therc is recorded evidence lhat a mineral estrte has been sevcrrd. leased. or otherwise conveycd from thc surface estate ard that therc is a subtantial likelihood that a third party holtls some or all interest in oil, ga;, olher mirnrals, or geothernral encrgy in tbe pruperty; ard B) That such mineral estate may include the righl to enter and use thc pmperty without the surfacc owrnr' s permission Nothir4 hcrcin contairrcd will be deeurcd to obligate the conrpany to ptvide any of the coverqes rcfcrrcd to hcrrin ur oss the above conditiors arc fullv satislied. Form DISCLOSURE 09/AI/02 I a JOINT NOTICI] OF PRIVACY POLICY Fidclity National Financial Group of Companics/Chicago Title Insurance Conrpany and Land Title Guaranlee Courpany .IulY 1, 2001 Wc rtcr-rgnize arxl respect the privacy expeclaliom of today's coniuflreni arxl the requirerncnls ol applicabh federul arxl state privacy laws. We bclicvc lhat nrakirry you aware of bow wr use your mn-public pcnorul inlbrnulion ("Persorul lnforinatiori"). and to whom it is disclose{ will form lhe hrsis for a rtlatiorship of nGt between rs arrl thc puHic that we serve. 'l'his Privry Stalcnxjnl pmvides that explarution. We reservt'thc right to charrye this Privacy Sl.alemcnt frum lime to tinie coniistenl'with applicaHc privmy laws. In the course of our business, we may collect Porsonal Information about yuu lrom the following sourccs: * Fnrrn applicatioru or olher lbrns we rcceivc from you or your authorized rtprcse nlative;* I'mnr ybir u-anactiors wilh. or fmm the senices beirn perlomreA by, us, olr alfiliates, or othen:* Fnrm irru interrxlt web sites;* Fmnr the public rtcold.; maintainrd by governnrnlal entities that we eithcr oblain dirtctly fnrm those entities, oi l'rum our alliliates or otlrcis, and * l-mm corsunrcr or othcr rtportirry agenr:ies. Our Policics Rcgarding the Protection of the Confidentiality and Sccurity of Your Personal Inl'ormation Wc maintain physical, electrnnic nrd prucedural salecuards to pmtect your Pcrsonal Infonnation fmm unau0rorized access or intrision, We linrit access tri lhc Pcnornl liiforrnalir-rn onlv to those enrolovees who r*crl such accqss in connection witr providirry pmducts or services to you or for other li,gitinratc businesl purFxes. Our Policies and Practices Regarding the Sharing of Your Pcrsonal Information We may sharc your Pcnonal Infonrution wilh our affiliates, such as insurancc companiss, agenls, arxl olher rcal 6late settlemeit service pmviden. Wc also nuy disclose yriur Pesonal lnlbrnlatiori: * to apgenls, lxokers or representatives to plovidc you with servicc you have requested;* lo thir+party conbactors or_sewice pnrviden who provide senices or perfornr markt tirg or other funn:tionl ori our behall: ard * to otheni with whom w6 cntcr into jnint marlretirg agreenrenb for poducts or serviccs that we believe you nuy find 0f inlerest In additiorl we will disclnse your Penornl lnfornution whcn you direct or give us permission, wben we art rrquirtd bv law l,o do so. or whcn weirnncct fraudulent ur crimiml aciivities. We aiso nuv ilisclosc v6ur Penorul liformation wh'en otherwise pen'rrined by applicable privacy laws such m, for exahfle, wheir disclosue is rrcedcd lo enlbrre our righls arising out of any agreemenl" transaclion or relatior6Np with you One of tlr imponant responsibilitics of sonrc of our alfiliated compnies is lo rrcord dccurncnts in thc public domain Sueh'docurnnls nray contain your Pcnoml Information. ' Righl to Access Your Personal Information and Ability to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Cerlain stales allbnl you the righl to access your Pcrsonal Information :md, under certain circunttance{i, to find out lo whom vour Penonal Informatirln lra; been disclosed. Also, certain statcs afford vou tlx' risht to rc(ruest corrrctiori, amendnrcnt or deletion of your Pcrsonal lnformation. We reserve thc rilhq wheri permiutd by law, 1o charge a reasonablc fee to covcr lhc cosl\ incurrtd in resporxlir4 to such rcquesls. All rtquests submitled to the l-idelity Natiorul Fimrtial Gmup of Companies/Chicago Title lrnurarue Cnmpny shall br in writing, arxi delivcrr:d to the folklwiry address: Privacy Comfliance Offi cer F'idelitv National Financial, Iru. 4050 Catle Rrial, Suil€ 220 Santa Barbara CA 93110 Multiplc Products or Services If wc Fovidc you with morc than one financial produrt or scrvicc, you may rtccivc nron: than onc privary rntice fnrm ris. We agrlogize lbr any irronvenien'r: lhis nuy cau\c yr)u. ! onn 1i|(L v. F!l| -Lh1 o o fi cAmTtnE I r.tst RAIG 6t/tPA1rfY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSI]RANCE (tltrDTIfEltg.BlGCO\,8fi{Y acoF-dind i/tsri, trrhrqteOrrpylcard.*rcaddriia hr€ryordtstoisEilspdrycrpdciesd tiile iEraq 6iHiHh$EdbA hlaadttepqcdlrardrsrrdhH'bAcouEsfrulgBgndttEdateo'irlsElco€d@hltrhdd5citdo' datdlohsdbA,lFrFrynErl dtEFrinDaddqBtEq;dqli-lloltEFri*rrd grdlA:rdBadlotrmiirsadqi.c-urstEEl. Itisorrnlrsrf fl bdl€Etitcaly!*E|ttE ilffy d UrF$.-thErEdrdttErrrrt d tEFdrya pddsqrrlledla tEr tEr isld h H^b AH ryllEGrFy, €ntgd tEtimd$EiEEredl}bffinEl s ry-lslFl €nbgl'rg'tt ltbormlnri b ffniEy tottD isEEed sdrpdrya pdcbd fib iErfiErd{ tfrty ad.r,[g{iJE }EE|*'Cd clE-dtsrideixrqttsdlst}E eflelhe de }Ed q ufE|fh Pdrya pfti= crnilt€dla ff i.€ i !*itEErE mrq FrriHtll thl*.Etoisr sdr pdry q Fts b rrt ltEtatt d |l|9erpy. TtisMrst ff rEt btdd('tidrgufi cona:itEdryalafldbddt-scr€rt. NWIICaW'ffiE tlEGrFytE-FltbotrrirEllobqJdaddF!lob@Itdv*Elcortsqtdry-lalffidfisq€srl d ttE Gnpy d ha&reuithts .aae.TisHrrErt bdtrtitcdtlEdate*ornhHft AG,EI€di|Pfe'. (rNIIICIG'I{)SNRIANC'G 1. TlEl€rm"mrtgryq" y*Et, EttEril tr id+.+-td Ind, tun rr-l a cta-ority irfnrrri. 2 f |te p'gEd hErd tEB <r qis ad hnle$d ayd€d, fe4 aErtrdE dse clinq oltrr rnltg dt€criltE.dde s irsEt (' mrtgqettEt€al 6s€dryfisffi ctlsttE|t|E*DtrrhgH|eBlmd,adsdldlo.ra{'-s'drkDd4elotlDCrrFyhwtkgtlEcrr}Eyffbr*d llanl$nytl(' ry l:6 c &rqe lt iligtorEy aEl d daEtt'sttoftee{rt ltn Orrpy b P.Ei.H bytdre los.r..}rF sdr hDd+ lt ttE FEpcEd lE €dff dsdesdltr|}tl8€efotuGrlEy, q il ffecnpyctlrruiseqiEdrd lcnils€ed rysdtd€d, brgonb-are, da-eirE cltEr rdE, ftE@rFyal fsdin rry arEd$rdb Bd ttbffirrrl --*gly, hf sdta|Effi fl rrt dae lfeGrpy ffity ptrirdy iE|rd Frs.El loF€rdr3d ltrsecrrlirsadqT' |ri..6, 3liitlydtleGrpyrl*rtbffirEl sH balylottD rErdFrl-l!dlrEt€d{dsdtFttss idr*d ueffaffift'ld tteta.rdhttptcnrd pdry q F*i=olnn€dfatdalyl('dd krs iut'd h rdare ts€(rr h u*rkfig h gdl#t (€f toddy vfihtr |E+isrE.ts tttd, aGf loeffie eof,iru *unh$db! cr (q loqiect aEle llteslale(' ilEEl q rElg€EtEst@ridrylbQrmi[rrrt h m6a|f fr sdl fdfly.r.€'{ t'E arujl sldedh$rdbAlcltEPdcyqF*bcaminedtatds.drbtnybsfin bltciu,ligFrasirC teFd'isuffiF€sadtteGdlirs-d Si'IalirEdrlEl(rTrd pdgrdEbcl'rrn€dtuhlaEd ltEtr+cdlrErEdutitlae@ilofddrytd€l'lErdftndaFt crllbffimnl e.d 6e9Edy rrdidlEEh 4' Aydind kE('(br€qr lr*EqtEl kdatqfurqnrt*habqldttEsldrsdttEti0etottDrl4eqil6lslatlEktdllEiE.rrdrutgryoEd tE1dry('rydknsrhgsdr&ir dd rerEftitdtotrFriirErdc'InirEadsi dirEd tb&IrllrEl cFloA(D' nEtt{eLHacolDA\ry k--tqF LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMI'ANY 3033 EAST FMST AVENUE SUITE 600 PO BOX s4,10 (E0217) DENVE& CO 80217 &Atl vn. t'fuun.-, /,. ,z /l /. ,/cW /. l/I 1 *oa4y A.OrEdOfkt'crAgert ll (Vmt /U[)a.l- (DCH o qish F$AqsL WwainU Ur. Ulalc-tail tnnal * r,u ir,.,daro t,rf ,vr o cl.I f + g ;A g ^g o =o J g a 9/ F4 -s ,2 qs', H,* r;)\ li; li ,I r[] rl ,T , I , I ! I tii I I r T I T t I SPECIFIEO MOOEL NUME[R: NOITS DIMENSIONS tvH BASE MODEL NO. 400 i,AMP SUFFIX 400 TINISH SUFFIX MNTG. D CttfiTR [ '--- r--- -/--T'-'\ I TJilEmill lilmill I Llll.==.1 l.I-.1 r lilmill lilflil]il| I |.::'| |.---'l ] -0- -W----TIi,PiBED SANDEI,ASTEO GI.ASS PANTLS SIANOARO r 17&nm 6,3i4' 171mm HOIJSING: ,PT, VG TOP & Afrlrl. -PT 6-34' '171llrl1r 12', 305mm 0|111060 -10F13.10F26 ,1N1m 8.3i4' 1s-3/8" 9.3/8' &3/8', 222mrn 3g1nrn 238{rm 213nm 0u/1082 -20F13.20t 26 -21,175 -/-t\ lEffimf lEffiffil EEE] TEMPEiD s4NOBLASIII] GLAsS PAI.If iS STNOARD r 12' 6.3/4' 17&nrn 305nm 171mrn 6.3/4' 1/1mn 0w1064 HOUSING: .P1. VG 10P & ARh{. .PT -10F13,10F26 -1N1m 8,3/{' 222nn 8-3/8' 2l3nrn 0w1066 15-3/8' 9 318' 39hm 238mn ,20F13,20F26 -2N75 + r---r>.ll=-__ll lr---rl Irll_il lL_Jl t]lnl lt-ll lL_ rl lL_ rI TIMPTBIO SAI]OBIASIED GLASS PANTLSSTA OARO SUBMIT PAN€L DESIGN AF1WORX FOf OUOIATION f 17&rnr 6-V4' 171mnr 0w1068 H0usrN6. -PT. VG ToP & A8h4: 12' 6-V4' 3lFnm 171mm -10r13.10F26 -1N100 8-3/4' 15-3n' S-3/B' 22mm 391mr 23&.rnn 8-3/8' 0W1070 -20F13.20r26 213nm -2N75 TTCHNICA! SPECIFICATIONS PH()TOME]BICS FINISHES OPTIONS ApDlicalions assislence availabte pT painled Verily availability 0l oplrons sEle{led BALTAST flonnal Power Faclof 0 deqrse lahre0h€il minimum _ su,ting te.oe,atute tot ttuorcscentliiilg]- H0LJSll'lG Fab.icated melal, castatuminum cap aod sandbtasted Finishes brochure) VG Verdi0ris (Haod applied linish over solid copp€r Finish will vary kom lixlure lo lixture l lempered glass panels 277V FlUorescenl lanDin0 o f'\^Zl Sl werro"rrions ij 't9; \l ou,ooo, VISA LICHTINC An Orde^bu.s croop compiny 8600 West Bradley Bd Milwaukee, wt53224 414 354-6600 414 354-7436 Specilier Hollifle. 1-800 788-V|SA Tel: Fax: @ 1993 Visa Lighting /VLtS0Cpp / 0\41004 Prinl Code Bev 0594 \1 /// rqm t-r q\ a 33 mm l- t- ai ai €€ N.v ?- o)N mm rr (D (O mmmm -rrr 3oI3 3=oB mmmmm ---rT -.rac.r=' -l -.1 -.J ! €€{€ :o! { € _o T| i\) m t- € T N m l- @ rn r (t { i\ m T r! mnrm rFr mmmmm r-t--rr (na>9st 3dHA3 oe mmmmm Tf.TT|-o('la>(n -r'r3;33 o € (o mmTtmmmril T-r-a---t_9or--o!<<;-9 3 3 3 3 3 ftE !! cD ffEE "oo €€{333 d)oo) EEf >!; O) -.,i €€>n mmmmmm r-rT--<nqrca-!3 OOfJc); mmm rrr mmmm r-rr-3o-o3 Heee --t (Jl € ! m l- _-.r (o -.1 !o(n(n €€€rpp Bpp -..t -.t ! FFF .I' 'I' T 'mom r-ir o -^- 3 mmmmmmm T-r.-rr-n3oD!33 (r.. o - A,. ^o5-oo56 €€€€€€ N'N ('l(noc) FF+9 .DTDi ! \.t \] a €€€€flrll> NNN mmmm r--r N o m r I ; € m r _9 m l- mmmmmm Frl-r_r_--.t c..' <.r q 3 -\t r J J ?. \J (,r a-^ @ rnmflmm -r-rr_.<sor3- mmmmm5m -rr-r-:--ttrcr<r3-Y--.lo--,,.r--l _o -o --.r E; ; -_ gg 's @ €€{3<3 o) oJ o) 6'o,1 N)o (no t€ 3p o l_' ! -.1 ('1! €€€€ ir: b l a.! C.) in T -.1 € n m f- FFF? 'oi.*! d "'* _ mmm TT-T 01rN_A mm t--9S rnmm rrF @t0 ! € ll I m F- € 7 m r mmm rrr oq)o)ooo @(o(o mmm Trr mmm l- l- l- ::l m r e €€€ NN^) o)o tt :l:@ro(o €€ ni m t-T € T mm rF- o mmm Tr_r- €€ >:D €€ >E m r <o TF ; .IJ .tt mm rr m - N) G o € N o €t (o oo €€ {o G) €€ @6 !:c', F9F I)-;tD ;.,D- :J(O mmmm TTTT {€II €€I3 iu' mmTl rr:I ooo €€t 3=3 o)o)o) o ' Fsies-ir ;*Ji.o b'iai.'[,l . P5263.5 6 anllque Eisqi.ibr:' Cast aluminurn patir lighl , with clear seedod qiass. : Size:6-1/2" dia.r 9" ht. : 'l12 " NPS thread (order,. ':l molJntrng stem scpardt€ly) Lamp: One medium base' L,andscap e l'Pb2is.i6 poli\hed Brass : P5218-25 Acid Verde on lamp, 100w max. !li1 188. 189. 190 tt I P5232-25 Acid Verde on )olro bras5_ P5232-20 Anttque Bronze on Solid Brass Path lrght. Metal shade with .16.r h^,,n.1 ^ lr.. F^F^- 1/2 " NJP5 thread (oidef moLrItrng stem separately). Size: 6-1/8' hI , 4-1/4' sq. Lamp: One 1 2-voit 5.C. bayonet (#l156),2aw E-= il'sol,d grur, - .- -- " r .Path light with cLear boLlnd r,.lteveled glass panels. 1/2 ,, 'NPS thread (orcler mount ng stern sepd rately) Size: 6-118' ht., 4-112" sq Lamp: One 1 2-volt S.C. oayonet (#'l 1 56), 24w. ID2os Ej -. P5258-3 1 Black P s268-30 White Pagoda-style cast alLiminum path lght. Shades are wl.t te innerlined .for grealer reflectivity Ribbeo Vvhtte glass drffuser. For dtrect burial only Req uires weatherproof junclion box (by others) Size:10" dra. Overall ht. to 37' 1/2 " NP5 thread. Lamp: Cne medium oase iamp, '1 00w max. P5269-31 Black P526 9-30 Whiie Compact fluorescent. Sa me as o5268-31 e*cepL 'or o,recI ourra o's-'face "rou1t. ConplFrp w,ir rnreatherproof ballasted junction box. Standdro I20V Npl ba asl! Lamps: Two 7\,\, twin compa(t tluorescent lamps q-t '0 Aluminum dome. I 2-volt. White inneFlined shade for maximum llght output. Size: 9" dia ,26-3/4" ht. 1/Z' NPS thread. Lamps: Two 1 2-volt 5.C bayonet (#1 156), each 24w P5265-3'l 12o-volr. Sarne as P5264 31 except use5 one medium base A-19 lamp, '100w max. k- Med urr Base Larnp G23 Base ComDaci F lUo re sce nl Lamo Spreacl Lights Spread Liehts pror.'rde circular patterns of light to illuminate eeneral areas. ciisplay plal rLngs and pre.,enr accirlenrs bi. lightrng paths. steps, s'allcs ancl driveways. > P5213-31 Elark Mini spread light 1 Z-volt Black alumrnum White rn ne rlrned shade for maxrmum light output. Size: 5-3/a ' dia , 29" ht. 1/2 ' NIPS thredd Lamp: One 12-vol1 5 C bayonel (# 1 1 56), 24w E: ^ P5266-31 Black M ushroom.1 2-volt. B lack alumrnum with white Innerlined shade for maximum ligh I output. Size: 9" dia ,23" hL. 1/2' NP5 thread. Lamp: One '1 2-volt S.C. bayoner (ti1 1 56), 24w. P5267-31 12o-volr Same as P5266-31 except uses one medium base A-19 lamp, 100w max. E--= tr I ft tt + I [ 5 c Bayonet $ Base Lamp E co,np"n,on frxturg5 9n p3q95 rn d icale d E-= Lo\ / \/oltage {l Eneroy EffiCient |:|uorescenl P5264-31 I iack Progress Lig htin q 239 $.bor-rt Lighting j Incandescent Warm general service decorative lamps Lamp Watts Base Lamp Life Hours lnitial Lumens s 1000 1000 750 40 Medium 60 Medium 75 Medium 100 Medium 505 865 1190 1710 .Low Voltage 12volt i Excellent color'renditioh and beam pattern control. Good precise task i: lightinE.with energy savings. Ql5 2-Pin : ,MR lamp and PAR lamps i Cbmpad halogen unil souice with good beam pattern contfol,LamD Watts Base Lamp Life Hou6 lnitial Lumens MR]1 421 3500 150 Medium 750 2850 810 Blunt Tip or 25 Candelabra 1500 40 Candelabra 1500 Candelabra 1500 NA NA NA 235 370 650 NA NA NA NA N4R16 4000 4000 4000 Q35 2-Pin Q50 2-Pin Q75 2'Pin CA]0 Bent Tip G l6-112 Globe PAR36 250 400 Bayonet and Bl-Pin lamps Halogen or lncandescent low voltage lamps- ldeal {or landscape and Undercabinet aoolications. 50 T3-1/4 (lncand.) #161 r6-1t2 244 Incandescent R-Lamps Reflective general service lamp. ldeal for recessed downlighting and downliqhB in chandeliers. Warm liqht color R20 25 Candelabra 1500 40 Candelabra 1500 60 Candelabra 1500 235 260 450 Q35 Screw Terminal 4000 Q50 Screw Terminal 4000 G25 Globe 25 Medrum 40 Medium 60 Medrum 1500 1500 1 500 210 410 710 G40 Globe 25 Medium 40 Medium 60 Mediunl I00 Medium 2500 2500 2 500 2500 235 440 740 1lB0 20 Intermediate 1000 3 5 50 Medium 2 000 410 Ni1Rl 1(Haloqen) 20 35 MR]6 (Halogen) 35 50 DC Bayonet DC Bayonet DC Bayonet DC Bayonel 3000 3000 3000 3000 75 Medium I00 Medium 2000 2000 770 1195 T3 (Halogen)Q20 Bt-Pin 2000 350 150 Medium 300 Medium 2000 2000 1 600 3600 Incandescent Par Lamos More sophrlflcated reflector lamp with incandescent PAR'16 2000 or tungsten halogen PAR2 O 50 2000 570 58 (lncand.) *93 12 58 (lncand.) #'l 141 1l SC Bayonet SC Bayonet 700 1000 58 (lncand.) #1156 24 SC Bavonet 1 000 AR70 (Halogen) 20 DC Bayonet 2000 DC Bavonet 2000 Wedge Base 20.000 Wedqe Base 10,000 50 Medium 75 N4edium irHigh Pressure Sodium 2000 2000 610 1030 , Most efficient HID source.,rED17 50 Yellowish emitted color t\4edium Base 24,000 PAR38 2000 2 500 2000 2000 4200 590 '1050 1400 17 40 3600 50 lvedium 75 Medium 100 Medium 1 50 Medium Q250 Medium Mercury'vapor Blue/greeo li9ht, Srritable for ouidoor use. lQll . 50 Medium Base 16.000 157 5 Incandescent Halogen Lamps Miniature halogen source provides excellent color rendition and maxlmum beam control. Q3O0 Double ended 2000 5950 Mini'cand Mini-cand DC Bayonet Compact Fluorescent Long life and energy efficient fluorescent lamp. Excellent for general illuminataon. f1;Fluores.cent , 'i.Flu-oresc€nt lamps are about five times as efficient as incandescent lamps at ' convertrnq electfl crtv lLinear-Preheat I Lamp Walts Base Lamp Life Hou$ lnitial Lumens : F8T5 'F15T8 F1 5T',12 F20T12 F3OT12ANM F40T 1 2 UA/VM F40r12IVVN,1 8 Minature 8i'Pin 7500 13 Minature Bi-Pin 7500 15 Medium 8i-Pin 7500 15 Medium Bi-Pin 9000 70 Medium 8i-Pin 9000 400 850 1000 760 1300 7 9 2-Pin c23 2"Ptn G23 2-Pin GX23 10,000 1 0,000 400 600 900 30 Medium Bi-Pin 18,000 40 "U" Medium Bi-Pin 12.000 40 Medium Bi-Pin 20,000 2025 2400 2850 Quad r4 Linear-Electronic F17T8 F25T8 F32T8 FB32T8 Medaum BiPin Medium Bi-Pin Medium Bi-Pin Medium Bi-Pin 11 32 32 20.000 20.000 20,000 20,000 137 5 2200 2950 2800 Circline FC8T9 FC',]2T9 rL toty 4 Pin G10q 4 Pin G10q .4 Pin G10q 12,000 12,000 12,000 22 32 40 1000 1800 2t00 Q150 Q2s0 2000 2000 2000 1200 2800 5000 Lamp Watls Base Lamp Life Hours lnitial Lumens Linear-Rapid Start Energy Saving Twin T4 10,000 2'Pin GX23-2 4-Pin G24q- l 2-Pin G24d-2 4-Pin 624q-2 2-Pin G)G2d-2 2-Pin G24d-3 4-Pin G24q 3 2-Prn GXl2d-3 4"Pin 2G11 4-Pin 2G11 4-P'n 2G11 10,000 1 0,000 10,000 10,000 I 0,000 10.000 10,000 10,000 4'Pin GX24q-1 4-Ptn G24q-2 4-Pin G24o-3 10,000 20,000 'r 2,000 't2,000 860 900 1250 't250 1200 1 800 1700 1600 10,000 '10,000 840 '1200 1800 Progress Lighting O .Recessed O Steps, Corridols &\I/al I S Lighting for safetv in traffic areas' indoors and outdoors -l 7 3&', F- :.rEfll:-vs'lEI l*11. ]1i-+-nr P- F7'5/8 -l l:l t--l l-8-5/8'-i rl - T--1 ; _ L ---lr 4 l*- s"*l I: -T ?' A 19 Cast aluminum, porcelain socket, re{lector, tempered glass. Two l/2" IP for conduit entry For poured concrete and masonry installations. UL listed tor wet locations P6816-16 White glass face l.amp: One 25w A-19. P6817-16 Louver faceplate over glass Lamp: One 25w A-19. P5818-r5 White glass face Lamp: Qne 75w A- 19. P6819-16 Louver faceplate over glass Lamp: One 75w A-19 P5816-15 tttl 4.r/4"1 ll I I_U 3.1t2' ii -i I t T6- 1/2 LamP r:l l=:l F.a-t4'1 .1 5 r 'e'l ll i - :-t' T ts-Outdoor'&Indoor' Cast aiuminum housing with black nretal iouver. lhree l2 l P (onduil entries M"urrr.t 1-3/4" x2-1/2' x 3-1/8" For wood' .brick, masonry and Poured concrete installations. UL listed for wet locations P6802-31 ComPact fluo.escent. Lamp: One 7w compact lluorescent larnp q] 'P6803-31 Therma-Gard prolection t-amp: One 120V T5-1/2 25w intermediate base. Indool & Protected Outdool 5orinq-held white louver faceplate. Metal housrng rras t72' t.c conduil entry' For indoor and prorected ouidoor use UL listed {or damP locartons. P6820-3OTG Therma-Gard protection. Porcelain socket Lamp: One 60w A-19. P6821-30 Compact fluoresceni Standard 120V NPF l3llll, o.- 7w or 9w twin compact f uorescen, tt*p {J P6826-30 Compaci fluoresceni. Same as P6821-30 excepl wrrn a snaner resistdni whrre acrylrc iaceplate. f,\ bmp: O'le 7w or 9w TWir- compac fl-orescerll la-o al Thru-$,bil Double Face One. metal housing with 1wo shafter-fesistant whlte acrylic faceplates for both sides of a stud wa l' 3-1/2' Ia 4'1/2" thi(k. white trim. Reduces costs by illuminating two areas with one fluorescent lighi For indoor and proiected ouidoor use. UL lasied for damP locations P6824-30 ComPact f luorescent Lamp: One 7w or 9w twin compact fluorescent tamp {} Lamp p6825-30 compact fluorescenl Same as J-l P6824 30 except wth two louver {ateplates \l P5817-16 j-3ta'l* P5818-16 P5819-16 Progress Lighlrng I r n---+.I ll -lt I 3-1/Z P6816,16 P6817-16 F B-l/4"*l G23 Base In.doo1' & Outdoor Compact Fluorescent Lamp {} Energy Efficient Fluorescenl 280 P5818-16 P6819-16 ,' Printable Details ' Account Number: R006667 Parcef Number: 210312209002 Tax Area: SC103 Mill Levy: 46.3410 Owner Name/Address: GISH, AMY BECHER 1850 LIONSRIDGE LP vAtL, co 81657 Legal Description: SUB:DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY FIL 1 LOT:2 BK-0536 PG-0221 MAP 08-23-90 R921750 QCD 07-06-05 Physical Address: MORAINE DR VAIL AREA Acres: 0.37 Page I of2 Property Tax Valuation lnformation Actual Value Assessed Value Value Land 340000 98600 lmprovements Total 340000 98600 Sale History Reception Number: 200601021 Book: n/a Page: n/a Sale Date: 111012006 Sale Price: 997000.00 Deed Type: WARRANW DEED Grantor DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION INC Remarks: n/a Reception Number: 840845 Book: n/a Page: n/a Sale Date: 612512003 Sale Price: 159700.00 Deed Type: WARRANW DEED Grantof DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST INC Remarks: n/a lmprovement Information ResidentialBuildings: 0 Commercial Buildings: 0 Heated Areas Building Characteristics (First lmprovment In Account) Tax History TaxYear Transaction Type Amount http://www.eaglecounty.us/patie/printable details.cfrn 04t24t2006 F ., Printable Details 2005 2005 2004 2004 2004 2003 2003 2003 2002 2002 2002 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 Tax Amount 4569.22 Tax Payment: Whole -4569.22 Tax Amount 3622.82 Tax Payment: First Half -'1811.41 Tax Payment Second Half -1811.41 Tax Amount 3535.30 Tax Payment: First Haf -1767.65 Tax Payment: Second Half -1767.65 TaxAmount 3327.56 Tax Payment: First Half -1663.78 Tax Payment: Second Half -1663.78 Tax Amount 2670.38 Tax Payment: First Half -1335.19 Tax Payment Second Half -1335.19 Tax Payment: Second Half -1335.19 Tax Payment: Second Half 1335.19 Page 2 of2 http://www.eaglecounty.us/patie/printable details.cfrn 04t24/2006 t. Status: D Approved co""u?rw DevelopMENr Rourf,G Fonna I Approved with conditions ffi Denied Routed To:Georqe Chalberq, PW Date Routed:04t26to6 Routed By:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:05/03/06 Description of work:New SFR Address:1440 Moraine Drive Legal:Lot: l2 lBlock:Subdivision:Dauphinais Moseley Comments:Date Reviewed: 5/1/06 Fire rtment lssues. Need additional review bv Fire Provide stamoed PE drawinq for walls over 4'. Show limits of disturbance fence. Provide staoino olan. cor,rr r,,t uftrv DeveropM ENr nounfr Fonur Routed To:Fire Date Routed:04t26t06 Routed By:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:05/03/06 Description of work;New SFR Address:1440 Moraine Drive Legal:Lot: |2 |Block:| -.'' ISubdivision: IDauphinaisMoseley Status: ,/ I ijprouea ff epprorrd with conditions I Denied Comments:Date Reviewed: 4'za -ac .A Fire rtment lssues. Need additional review /. /,.y 12.n/4. Sq Sltn- /,/1qr(tt a-/ 54-21 e.ra-r2 A t-/, y'Let*.ftzc / h.y 4/d-.* 4t t/tt+ /4lt*/ a^/ 'ha/ 2r.,r' I at,I NO z 5 Jo z 6 5 N N N @ o t o PE< ==o s9d r*0r:iii=E $g d : !4 0t f'<d ={r Y Ja zfr Td >J \r:ii -6 NE, HB figt tzg q'1= q- o ;;o'? ait >d :i3 N.!o=. Eg orD o-o a, = $iaisE €=9;E * aFe*E fi qE t !a@ : o-; =*E o!t 6;{T i' !a o- o- i6 oto iie e.d tsEqqF FA iF; 3gE$ g eJp 46ct gE-": rd t-it g, at, Eets BqA a E35s g 635 J@o+ d $1s 9AE E 9d *o E,o 6 o t o o z o z o z o z o z z o t o a 6 EI v o o N N N N N 6 N or N o N 6 tt o o 0 o o z o z z z z z o =o !t o o o 5.a a !t 4 {I c', o o f o- 6' o o -l 0 n (D o o)o .A (o o l, (a o o o, o o, o, N o o o, '^"';1,:;'*.fu9;',x"aurre aif#, v*, ..' o' 4lO qlq 4Zl urrLtryappRovAl&vERrFtcA'on fAB q|q OZO4 001 This form serveg to verlfo that the propmed improvements will not impact any exisling or proposed utility services, and also to verify sorvice a\railability End location for new construction and should Oe used in coniunction with preparlng your utility plsn and scheduling installalions. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevationF, shall be submltted to the following utilities.for approval and verification. Authorized Siqnature . Cpmments Date 9. / QWEST 970.384.0257(fax) Conlacts: Scott Carrin gton 970.468.6860 Jason Sharp 970.384.0238 EXCEL H IGH PRESSURE GAS 970,262.4076 (tel) Contact: Riclr Sisneros HOLY CROSS ELEcTRIC 970-94e.5892 (let) 970.949.4s66 (fax) Conlact; Ted Huslor EXCEL ENERGY 970 262-4038 (fax) Con tacts: Kit Bogart 97 0.262.4024 Jim O'neat 97 0.262.4003 EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT e70.476.7480 (tal) 970.476,40E9 (fsx) Oontact; Fred Haslee COMCAST CABLE 970.949.1224 x 112 (tet) 970.949.9138 (fax) Conlact: 4|cyd€dela+ d"sef/ Afd B..f,et€cs CA.G!6 A^L6.:G TFg FPo.rl'6 ?6Ae P[L't 6e 7Hr'Lo-r- -fA*7 Wttc t-figDa( BBedcA-utif) AAQLfdo-rec-f€D .*-t- I t >r56/d(---r---r {-^1-O6 no"=.iohq F.rrsll '1. lf the utility approval & verificatim form has signalures from each of the utllity companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town wlll presume thal there are no problems and lhe developmant can proceed. 2. lf a ulility compeny has concems with the proposed consfuction, the utility representative shall note direcqy on the utility verification form that there is a problem which neads to be resolved. The issue should then be detail;d in an atiached letter to the Town o{ Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant 10 resotve idenlified problems. 3. Thase verificalions do nol relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a public Way permit from the Department of Public Works at lhe Town of Vail. Utitity locations musi be obtained before diooino in any public right-of-way or 'easement within the Town of Vait. A building permit is not a puOtic Way permit anO must Ue oLtained - seDaraielv. The Developer is reguired and agreos to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re_approval & re_verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way afler the authorized signature date (untess otherwise specifically noted wlthln the comment aroa of th's form). Developer's Signalure Page B of 12lMl01lU I rt ZZ I OOOO(l9z- 'oN/ 6rD ; ig 'Lalov ia eooz oe Av}t<3tll) Date ENr|OHIIISr\_.| tS LS3itO ttoLj !il-unv.30,2006 8:28A[4y H0LY cROSs EIER$yEN AtA FAX No. 9]094e0804N0, 192 P. I p.0( ffi nz, nA, r4df 'Tffi,Ef #ud, y'+rL q,g"J$".{n ... "t:ttAPPRovAL&vERrFrcArro* 6'}a 44q %o+ 001 , o. o.oo""o u,,^t J^,[*,and alsn +n vorihr cAr*rla- -r,-il-Lllr..,:f":if"T, j?n j:Tr_T1*tliU*ltl!ry:Id;;;;il;;;;;;fi iffi ,:;i:il.,ilb1,ril;ilXff ; H:flTff"["J,'":tj'll ll1Til1.:ji9.,,,',,1g_'ly],:d;; ;d;L;,,, ;,ii,j,ii,il 'iliiis oll". hti''.'liJil""l,,Xil""o"*,shslt be submiteo t6 irre fouowins uunf ja ioi"pprJ; #;#iltil;. Authorize4 Siqnature Dstg i: -i QWEST 970.38a.0257(tax) Conlac;ts; Scofi Caringron 970-469.6960 Jason Sharp 970,384.0238 D(CEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS e70"262.4076 (tet) Conlact: Ricfr Sisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970,949.5892 (ret) 970-9a9.a566 (fax) cont""t,rffifl.ffrrlpE EXCEL ENERGY s7o.262.4038 (tax\ Oonracts: Kn Eogad 97A.262.4024 Jim O'ncal 97 0.262.4003 FAGLERIVER WATER A SANITATION DISTRICT 970.<t76.7480 (tet) 970,476.4089 (fsx) Contaol: Fred Haslee sepsrslely. ',;i. {- fu'oe COMCASTCAFLE s70.g49.1224 x .t 12 (ret) 970.949.913e (fax) Contact:.€{ettC€elesar. *oorlohn F.rell 1. lf the utility approvel & verificatiori form has siEnatures tom each of the utility companl.s, and ,,,o comments are made direcdy on the form, the Town will presume'ihat lhere are no prgblens and the developmelt can prooeed. 2. lf a..utitity.company has conc€rns with rfie proposed construgtion, the uflllty fepruentative shall note direcfly on the utility verification form tlaf there is a prouiem whloh needs to be resolved- Th! iouu should then be detaited in an attached leller to the Town oJ Vail' -However, please keop in mina r-rrat it'i tt" responsibility of rhe utiriry cornpany and the applicant to resolve identifled ppblehs. 3- These vedfications do not reliws the contraotor of the responsibility lo obtain a public Way permit from lhe Deparrnent of Publlc Works Br the Town of vail- -urltity iogatriln$ must be gFteined netorQ rfloqlng ln any public right-of-way or,easement within the Town oI V"it k"L-a6 The Deve-loPer is reqrllred and agrees to submit any revised drawlngs to the utilities for re.approval & re-veriflcetion if the submitted plans are attored ln any way after th'e ""tr,"ri-JJi'i"d;";;i"l;;;.s olherwise specificaly hoted within tho comment area of this forn'). Dwelopois Slgnature Page 6 ot 1210l'101104 Data XCEL SI.JMMIT CTY Faxz9?02624057 Mag 30 2006 15:38 P.01 -^i'1';i":: :o 'o o' ,{"ilt9}l"LU,o'#i214e0304 _ P (01 utfl . r44 { - -'d"ffi ;ff Vt-tt.tlv€., V+r L 410 a[Q 4lZl uyrLrryAppRovAl&vERrFrcAno* fap q|q BO+Thh form E€rves lo verity tha! thc propoeed improvements will not.lmpact any e$silng or proposed ulitity sewiaes,rnd also to verify.servlcc rvallebiliU and localion for nrw construction' end should be used In conjunction vyilh preparing your utiiilv plen.and schoduling inslallations.. A slte plan, inctu6* i;oi.l plan, floor plan, snd olevaflons,shatl be submitted ro the foltowlng utitnijt foripprovar and vcflflcelion Authoda4. Slgnaturu Commqnb . D|t! QWEST 970.30{,0257(rbx) ContecEi Scott Canington 970.46E,6S60 JGon Sharp 970.S84.0238 EXCEL H IGTI PRE5SURE GAli 970.262,a078 (tel) contecti Rioh Slenc|oe I{OLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970,949,5892 (tel) 970.919,4566 (fax) Contaol; Ted Husky E.XOEL ENERGY 970.z62.AOgE (fax't Contesls; l(1 BoEart 97 0.262,4021 Jim O'nesl 970.?62,4000 EAGLE RIVER WATER & SAilITATION DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (bt) 970,476.4089 (fEx) conEld: F|ed Hasbg 530u. 3:^l -4 comcAsr cABLE ---313:3i3J?3!ilJi(''') 4 Cmtact .fb#€dc*. *or=cithn Frrrll 1' lr ihe utiiity apploval & vedlicetion 6tm has signaturer fiom each of the ulilily @mpanies, and no ..,mmrnts ar.,nade direcUy on lhe todn, the ?own wlll prcsume ihat thafc arc no probtems and the devolopmenl cen prgceed.2' lf a utililv @mpanv has conc'ms with the preposed con_sbucrion, thc utitiry repres€nEgve shalt not€ dtrecily on ne utitity v€rification ftrm that there ls a prooietn wnrcrr nee* to rc nsolve<,.' r'il.- iorc snorio then be de{aired in il"i:'.'ff:r'ffil;,':::'fbil"';!"-f:rulj::' r*p in mrnJ.rrrar rt ,i il reeponsibititv ; ii" ,itririv 3' Th€3 veriflcations do not relievE th€ Contractaf of the |"sponstbitity io obtain a pubtio way permit from the tr.3iT:::H:'J'#fifi#,liilTl:l" *,. seperalel,ll, The Dcvelopcr is Equired andjege€s lo submil any revicad drawings io rhe utifties for r+spp76y51 & re-verifeatjon if ffiil?iltf|tJtjiffir'5fii'til1,*.v.ri.t tnl .uii-oi..a eisnarurr date lJnrece oti",i,ise.p*no"ry iiiJ" " Oerrelopgr'E Stgnatu re Fege I ol 1z04t0y04 HAY 3a 'A6 14156 Datr 9tu949d3U FRGE. Ol VwU-7 I|| w|'ouAlriE 'J'z'V,L r ,v*rv 4-,, iM 4l Z I urrLrryAppRovAl &vERrFrcArroN q,Iq OZa| This form serv6 to veriry that the proposed improvements will not impacl any existing or proposed utility servlces, and also to verify ,""1"" ""J"5''f-if "nO fo"atdn tor new construc'tion and should be used in coniunc{ion with preparing your utility planlni sc#ouling installations- A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations' inan ue i,iomitt"o to the following utilities for approval and verification. Mar;25-2005 l1: l2 F rom-ERIYSD OWEST 970.384.0257(fax) Contacts: scot canington 970.468.6860 Jason sharp 970.384'0238 EXCEL HIGH PRE$SURE GAS 970.262.4076 (rel) Contact: Ricft Sisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970.9a9.5892 (tel) s70.949.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCELENERGY 970.262.403E (fax) Contacts: Kit Bosart 97 0.262.4024 Jim O'neal 970.262.4003 EAGLE RIVER WATER A SANITATION DISTRICT 970-476.7480 (tet) 970.476.4089 (fax) C.ontact: Fred Haslee COMCASTCABLE 970-%9.1224 x 112 (tel) 970.949,9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Saleer 9701761089 Geruoerls T-290 P.001/001 t-lll Authorized Signatl|Ic Oate 4 /a4)#/* NOTES: 1 . lf th"- utility approval & verification form has signatures from eacfi of the utilily companies, and no comme s are made direcuy on'the form, the Town will presume ihat there aro no Problems and the developm€nt can proceed. 2. lf a utility company has mncems with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note direcfly on the utility ,itRcation'form that thers is a probie. which needs to be resolved- The issue should then be cletailed in an atfaciecl letter to the Town of Vail. Howevor, please ke€p in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility mmpany and the applicant lo resolve identified problems' 3. Th€se vefifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of public Works at the Town of Vail. Utilitv.knalioos mgElbq obtained before dioqinE in any public right' o1-way or easement within the Town of Vail- A building permit iillot a Public Way oermrt and musj.be-ablailgd lesaral4v. The Dweloper is required and agrees to submit any reMsed drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re'verification if th€ submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the comment area of this form). Develope/s sEnature Page I of 12lo4l01lU Dat6 8uit1 r44?a %"W, Ef tfo5.'a, t/c t L Ato qM 4zr urlLlry AppRovAL & vERrFrcArroN fl;6 q4q Bo+ This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. Gomments QWEST 970.384.0257(fax) Contacts: Scott Carrington 970.468.6860 Jason Sharp 970.384.0238 EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262 4076 (tel) Contact: Rich Sisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogart 97 0.262.4024 Jim O'neal 97 O.262.4003 EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRIGT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) C,ontact: Fred Haslee COMCAST CABLE 97O.949.1224 x '1 12 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: 4lcrd€e{erer- "or.riohn F..mell 1. lf the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each of the ulility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed 2. lf a utility company has mncerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant lo resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utility locations must be obtained lelqre ljggtng in any public right- of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A building permjt is not a Public Way oermi e qbteiLei s€paIalcly. The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re-verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the comment area of this form). Authorized Signature Date S-^r -06 Developer's Signature Page 8 of 12104101104 Date I tt!* F*r Sfte )E(? {aet4 o o !!lflE iiitii ,). ,r/ t.. ,/ 'r / -.. -,"/o/l 1/i i fD r. 3 m 1 z /6 l_ --{ ?Z\ !I I 't------' .///'/,/. /../ / ,'/,,' i.li/\/ n s-....r\t\ZX \,---u== V) :liii;;iiiiii,ii. ;= GISH RESIDENCE LOT 2, DAUPIIINAIS. MOSELEY SUB. FILINGI VAIL, COLOR,^!IX) JSjII'ii,, I i,i"ii, y:ss _o il,;r"t Affir 4Ar\ F Taou\ Xla 33-s ebs 6Lp - q10 4toO otn1''- CFeLe Y;f beu*P{ x I Jr"t )uu*- b^ Los++ Jtf rlue,r4 €+f g\1 , 4{r qlv( €yuLr- {. e {erel 9evle 4wbbl n -t -i q! \ o 5 e t: . c(- \\_ ORDINANCE NO.25 Series of 2005 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REENACTING ORDINANGE NO.9, SERIES OF 1998, PROVIDING FOR CHANGES TO SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 22, GRAND TMVERSE, THAT CONCERN THE EL|M|NATION OF GROSS RESTDENTTAL FLOOR AREA (GRFA) WtTHtN THE D|STR|CT AND THE NUMBER OF LOTS; AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO WHEREAS, Chapter 9 of the Vail Town Code authorizes Special Development Districts within the Town; and WHEREAS, The Town Council approved Ordinance No. 9, Series of 1998 Special Development District No. 22, Grand Traverse; and WHEREAS, The president of the Grand Traverse H.O.A. has requested to amend the existing Special Development District No. 22; and WHEREAS, Section 12-9A-10 of the VailTown Code provides procedures for major amendments to existing Special Development Districts; and WHEREAS, The applicant has complied with the requirements outlined in Section 1 2-94-10 of the Vail Town Code; and WHEREAS, The Special Development District provides for creativity and flexibility to allow for the development of land within the Town of Vail, and WHEREAS, On September26,2005, the Planning and Environmental Commission held a public hearing on the major amendment proposal and has recommended that certain changes be made to Special Development District No. 22, Grand Traverse; and WHEREAS, The Town Council considers that it is reasonable, appropriate, and beneficial to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to repeal and re-enact Ordinance No. 9, Series of 1998 to provide for certain changes in Special Development District No. 22, Grand Traverse. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Ordinance No. 9, Series of 1998 is hereby repealed and re-enacted to read as follows: Section 1. Amendment Procedures Fulfilled. Plannino Commission Report The approval procedure prescribed in Title 12, Chapter 9, Section 10(B) of the Vail Town Code have been fulfilled, and the Vail Town Council has received the report of the Planning and Environmental Commission recommending approval, of the proposed development plan for Special Development District No. 22. Section 2. Soecial Development District No. 22 Special Development District No. 22 (SDD 22) and the development plan therefore, are hereby approved for the development of Lots 1 through 19, Block 2, Lionsridge Subdivision Filing 3 within the Town of Vail consisting of 10.69 acres. Section 3. Purpose Special Development District No. 22 is established to ensure comprehensive development and use of an area that will be harmonious with the general character of the Town of Vail. The development is regarded as complementary to the Town by the Town Council and meets each of the design standards and criteria as set forth in Section 12-9A-8 of the Vail Town Code. There are significant aspects of Special Development District No. 22 that are difficult to satisfy through the imposition of the standards of the underlying Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. Special Development District No. 22 allows for greater flexibility in the development of the land than would be possible under the current zoning of the property. The smaller single-family lots provide the opportunity for a common open space for the subdivision as well as the means to preserve the southerly ridge line of the property. Special Development District No. 22 provides an appropriate development plan to preserve the visual quality of the site from within the subdivision as well as adjacent properties in the community in general. Section 4. Develooment Plan The development plan for SDD 22 is approved and shall constitute the plan for development within the Special Development District. The development plan is comprised of those plans submitted by Dauphinais-Moseley Construction and consists of the following documents: 1. Site development plan, Lionsridge Resubdivision of Lots /-|f , t/ail, Colyrado, lntermountain Engineering, dated July 7, 1998. , W,,,fu%\$I tl\{Y t I 2. Conceptual landscape ptan, Intermountain Engine"rind, o#Jo Jutv zl rgea. 3. Final Plat of Lionsridge Subdivision Filing No. 5, A Resubdivision of Lots 1- 19, Block 2, Lionsridge Subdivision Filing No. 3, Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, sheets 1 and 2, lntermountain Engineering Limited, dated April 19, 1989, Amended Final Plat of Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision Filing No. 1, A Resubdivision of Lots 5,6,7,8,9710, Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, Intermountain Engineering, dated July 21, 1998, and Amended Final Plat: A Resubdivision of Lot 5, Amended Final Plat: Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision Filing 1: A Resubdivision of Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, Town of Vail, County 9I Eagle, State of Colorado, Intermountain Engineering, dated February 3,. 2006. 4.Constructior/ grading a4d dy'inage dT6wings for a resubdivision of Lots 1- ts, glocktz;€^i Lionsridge Subdivision Filing No. 3, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, Intermountain Engineering Limited, sheets 1-8, dated March 9, 1989. Soils and Foundation Investigation for Lots 1-24, Lionsridge 5th Filing. Lionsridge Color Palette, Arnold/Gwathmey/Pratt Architects, March 1 990. The subdivision plat for Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision recorded August 6. 7. /...' 23, 1990,'July 21, 1998, and February 3,2006. B. The development standards shall be as follows; 1. Acreaoe: The total acreage of this site is 10.69 acres or 465,650 square feet. 2. Permitted Uses: The permitted uses for SDD 22 shall be: a. Single family residential dwellings b. Open space c. Public roads d. Employee dwelling units as defined in Section 5, paragraph G of this ordinance. 3. Conditional Uses: e. Public utility and public service uses b. Public buildings, grounds and facilities c. Public or private schools d. Public park and recreation facilities 4. Accessory Uses: a. Privategreenhouses,toolsheds,playhouses, garages or carports, swimming pools, patios, or recreation facilities customarily incidental to single-family uses. b. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-14-12 of the Vail Town Code. c. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. 5.Setbacks: Minimum setbacks shall be as indicated on the approved site development plan by Intermountain Engineering, dated July 7, 1998. A 4-foot roof overhang shall be allowed in the front setback for Lots 15-19, provided the rear setback is increased by 4 feet. A 4-foot roof overhang shall be allowed in the rear setback of Lots 20-24, provided the front setback is increased by 4 feet. Roof overhangs shall be allowed to encroach up to 2' feet into the required side setback of 10 feet for each lot. An unenclosed, unroofed, deck or patio within 5 feet of finished grade may encroach into the rear setback by 5 feet for Lots 1-14 and Lots 20-24. No other setback encroachments shall be allowed. Densitv: Approval of this development plan shall permit a total of 23 single- family dwelling units on the entire property. A minimum of 6 employee dwelling units shall be required. A maximum of 23 employee dwelling units shall be permitted on the entire property. Buildino Heioht: For a sloping roof, the height of the building shall not exceed 33 feet. The height calculation shall be made by measuring from the existing grade as indicated on the Intermountain Engineering Topographical Survey dated March 13, 1990 or finished grade. Height shall be calculated per Section 12-2-2 ot the Vail Town Code. Site Coveraoe: Not more than $ercent of the total site area on each lot shall be covered by buildings. "Site coverage" shall mean the ratio of the total building area on a site to the total area of a site, expressed as a percentage. For the purpose of calculating site coverage, "building area" shall mean the total horizontal area of any building as measured from the exterior face of perimeter building walls or supporting columns above grade or at ground level, whichever is the greater area. Building area shall include 6. 8. o all buildings, carports, porte cocheres, arcades, and covered or roofed walkways. In addition to the above, building area shall also include any portion of roof overhang, eave, or covered stair, covered deck, covered porch, covered terrace or covered patio that extends more than four feet from the exterior face of perimeter building walls or supporting columns. Parkinq: Parking shall be as required in Title 12, Chapter 10 of the Vail Town Code. Each employee dwelling unit shall be required to have at least one enclosed garage parking space. Desisn Guidelines: The development of each lot shall be guided by the architectural and landscape design guidelines as approved as part of the Special Development District No. 22. The guidelines are as follows: Architectural. The architectural design of the buildings upon the site shall be such that buildings relate harmoniously to each other. This is not to imply that each building must look exactly similar to those around it, but that compatibility be achieved through the use of scale, materials and colors, and building shape and form. The overriding concern is that, upon completion, the Special Development District, because of the clustered nature of the small single family lots situated around common open space, should appear to be an integrated development possessing a common architectural quality, character, and appearance. To this end the following general design criteria shall be followed by the developer and individual lot owners: A palette of colors shall be as set forth in the Lionsridge Color Palette r-t) from Arnold/Gwathmey/Pratt dated March 1990. Colors are indicated for the use on different types of building materials and elements such as stucco colors, siding colors, metal flashing, windows, accent colors, etc. 10. b. The palette of colors indicate a ranqe of acceptable colors in order to encourage similarity on one hand, but also diversity within the acceptable/lf yl ranoe. " [v The following building standards and materials shall be adhered to: A oa6le material shall be cedar shake shinqles with staqoered butts. Chimnevs. The chimneys shall be stuccowith chimney caps of weathered copper. Flues. All flues shall be galvanized or painted sheet metal, painted to match the roof. Main Fascia. The main fascia shall be a solid color stain, with brown, taupe, or gray. Secondarv Fascia and Metal Railinqs above the First Floor. The secondary fascia and metal railings above the first floor shall be a muted accent trim color to be reviewed by the DRB. Walls. Walls shall be of stucco and horizontal or vertical wood siding. Stucco colors shall be gray, beige or off-white. Wood siding colors shall be gray, brown ortaupe. Stone. Residences will have a minimum of a_two'[qot high stone wainscot in rainbow mix with a sandstone cap around the perimeter of the a-l structure except under decks where substantially concealed by landscaping. Windows. Windows located within stucco areas shall have a minimum of (3) (4) (5) (o) (7) p { (8) (9) Outdoor Liqhtinq, Outdoor lighting shall be indirect with a concealed source except for an entry chandelier, two carriage lights and one pilaster light which may be exposed globes with a fixture of black or weathered copper look metal. The maximum number of outdoor lights permitted on each lot snalt'lyAgardless of lot size. Outdoor lights which conform IJ with Ordinance-#22, Series of 1997, shall be exempt. All exterior lighting shall be reviewed by the DRB. (10) Garaoes. No garage doors shall directly face the street, except on Lot 24 and Lot 14. (1 1) A residential address/nameplate if desired by the owner shall be located on the side of the garage facing the access point to the lot. (12) When the individual landscape plans are designed for individual lots, special care shall be taken in the design ofjl9g-yAd.tanOseaping in order to provide adequate screening between structures. 11. Recreational Amenities Tax: The recreation amenities tax shall be assessed at the rate for a single-family residential zone district. Section 5. Conditions of Aooroval A. The major amendment to Special Development District No. 22, Grand Traverse, shall not be effective until the major subdivision is recorded by the Town of Vail at the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office. The major subdivision shall be recorded at the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office prior to a building permit being released for a C. The development of Special Development District No. 22 will have impacts on the available employee housing within the Upper Eagle Valley B. construction on Lots 2. 5.7 .9 or 10. Area. In order to help meet this additional employee housing need, the developer of Special Development District No. 22 shall provide employee housing on site. The following restrictions shall apply to all employee dwelling units within SDD No. 22: 1.The developer shall build a minimum of six employee dwelling units within the subdivision. Each employee dwelling unit shall have a minimum square footage of 400 square feet not to exceed 800 square feet and is allowed to have a kitchen. The square footage of an employee housing unit shall be measured from the inside face of the walls creating the unit (i.e., not including furring, Sheetrock, plaster, and other similar wall finishes). The number of employee units shall not be counted toward allowable density for Special Development District No. 22. The developer may choose to transfer up to 300 sq. ft. from the primary unit to the employee unit. The developer may provide up to 23 employee dwelling units including the 6 required dwelling units if so desired. The employee dwelling units may be located on any of the lots within the subdivision providing all the development standards are met for each lot. Only one employee dwelling unit shall be allowed per lot with a maximum of 23 units allowed. An employee dwelling shall be incorporated into the structure of the primary residence and shall not be allowed to be separated from the primary unit. Each employee dwelling unit shall have at least one enclosed garage parking space. This parking space shall not be detached from the single-family garage or structure. Each phase of construction shall include a minimum of one employee dwelling 2. 3" unit until six employee dwelling units are constructed and available for rental. The Employee Housing Unit shall be leased to tenants who are full-time employees who work in Eagle County. An EHU shall not be leased for a period less than thirty consecutive days. For the purposes of this section, a full-time employee is one who works an average of thirty hours each week. An EHU may not be sold, transferred, or conveyed separately from any single-family dwelling it may be a part of. The EHU shall not be divided into any form of timeshares, interval ownership, or fractional fee ownership as those terms are defined in the Municioal Code of the Town of Vail. No later than February 1 of each year, the owner of each employee housing unit within the town which is constructed following the effective date of this chapter shall submit two copies of a report on a form to be obtained from the Community Development Department, to the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail and Chairman of the Town of Vail Housing Authority setting forth evidence establishing that the employee housing unit has been rented throughout the year, the rental rate, the employer, and that each tenant who resides within the employee housing unit is a full-time employee in Eagle County. The owner of each EHU shall rent the unit at a monthly rental rate consistent with or lower than those market rates prevalent for similar properties in the Town of Vail. 4. 5. b. 7. 1n 8. The Town of Vail Housing Authority will determine the market rate based on the study of other units of comparable size, location, quality and amenities throughout the Town. The market rate shall be based on an average of a minimum of five rental rates of comparable units. lf the unit is not rented and is not available at the market rate it shall be determined to be in noncompliance. In addition to any other penalties and restrictions provided herein, a unit found to be in noncompliance shall be subject to publication as determined by the Housing Authority. 9. The provisions of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by the Owner and the Town. 10. The conditions, restrictions, stipulations, and agreements contained herein shall not be waived, abandoned, terminated, or mended except by the written consent of both the Town of Vail and the Owner of the property. D. The architectural and landscape design guidelines shall be incorporated into the subdivision covenants before the final plat is recorded at the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office. The Town Of Vail shall be party to these agreements. Section 6. Amendments Amendments to Special Development District No. 22 shall follow the procedures contained in Section 18.40.100 of the Vail Municipal Code. t1 Section 7. Expiration The applicant must begin construction of the Special Development District within 3 years from the time of its final approval, and continue diligently toward completion of the project. lf the applicant does not begin and diligently work toward the completion of the Special Development District or any stage of the Special Development District within the time limits imposed by the preceding subsection, the Planning and Environmental Commission shall review the Special Development District. They shall recommend to the Town Council that either the approval of the Special Development District be extended, that the approval of the Special Development District be revoked, or that the Special Development District be amended. Section 8. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of. this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases by declared invalid. Section 9. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this Ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and inhabitants thereof. L2 Section 10. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provisions of Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 11. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, heretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE lN FULL ON FIRST READING this 6'n day of December, 2005 and a public hearing for second reading of this Ordinance set for the 3'0 day of January, 2006, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Rodney E. Slifer, Mayor ATTEST: ' Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk INTRODUCED, READ, ADOPTED AND ENACTED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED lN FULL this 3'd day of January, 2006. ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson. Town Clerk 13 Rodney E. Slifer, Mayor June 22, 2006 Steven James Riden Architect PC PO Box 3238 Vail, CO 81658-3238 (fax) 970.949.0304 Re: 1440 Moraine Drive, Lot 2, Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision DRB06-0190, Final Review of a new Single-Family Residence Dear Steve. Thank you for aftending yesterday's Design Review Board meeting for final review of the proposed Gish Residence. I apologize for the negative tenor of the meeting. The Board discussed the application in detail and approved the application subject to the following conditions, which I have listed in the order that they are to be fulfilled: I . The appllcant shall retum tu the Deslgn Revlew Board gbr to tlp &tancz of a fulHhUt pmh by the Tovn of Vail Community Development Department with a final grading plan to better reflect proposed topographical conditions at the southeast side of the Lot 2.2. At fie dne of dp appllcan* shnlnal for a fulHbry Wnlg a staging plan shall be submhted for review and approual to the hftlic Work Depamnent. 3. At drc dme of dp applkan(s sthtlnal for a fuildhtr Fmh stanped PE drawings must be lncluded for all walls that exceed four feet (4') ln helght,4. The appllcant shall demonstrarc compliance whh the archltectural prolealon sealon of the Vall Town Code et t e dnc of ftanhry lrcgdon by the Town of Vail(Section I4- 10-C-6).5, hlor o rueMrry a Tcmprary &rdf,cae of Ocaryanq, the appllcant shall comply with all Town of Vall Flre Depanment dlrecttues,6. No more than one dwelling unh shall exist on this site. Thank you for considering the Design Review Board's interest in the least intrusive treatment of the proposed topography on the site. Please don't hesitate to contact me with remaining questions or concerns. I look fonivard lo reviewing building permit plans including a revised grading plan for this site in the near future. Best Regards, Elisabeth Eckel Reed 970.479.2454 enclosure June B, 2006 Steven James Riden Architect PC PO Box 3238 Vail, CO 81658-3238 Attn: Steve Riden, Todd Hatami (fax) 970.949.0304 Re: 1440 Moraine Drive, Lot 2, Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision DRB06-0190, Final Review of a new Single-Family Residence Dear Gentlemen: Thank you for submitting plans for final review of a new single-family residence at the referenced address. I have reviewed the plans and summarized the Planning Department's comments below. 1 . Please submit a section drawing that illustrates the inteior space of the tower element. According to the elevation drawings, this element is taller than the thirty three foot (33') height restriction, so it must be proven that this is an architectural projection, according to the Town's regulations. 2. Please revise either the site plan or the elevation drawings to reflect the conect rood ridge elevations. Cunently, the highest roof ridge indicated on the site plan lies at 8186'10". However,,the elevations suggesfed fhaf the highest roof ridge was located at 8188'. Please revise. fiu./ 3. A different railing style was indicated on the noy'hwest elevation. Should lassume thal fhls was an Auto-Cad enor? Please claify- ,V Thank you for considering the other items specified in my previous letter to you dated May 18th. Please plan to resolve each of the items listed above with me by next Friday, June 16'n, in order to retain placement on the June 21"t agenda for a final review. Feel free to contact me with any remaining questions. Best Regards, Elisabelh Eckel Reed 970.479.2454 Dep art men t of C ommun ity Deve I opment 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 llflw.B;,ffiP1o.", Steven James Riden Architect PC PO Box 3238 Vail, CO 81658-3238 Attn: Steve Riden. Todd Hatami (fax) 970.949.0304 Re: 1440 Moraine Drive, Lot 2, Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision DRB0601 17, Conceptual Review of a new Single Family Residence Dear Gentlemen: Thank you for attending yesterday's Design Review Board for a conceptual review of the referenced project. I have summarized the Board's comments below for your review prior to submitting for final design review: 1 . The Board requested that an accunte topographical suruey be submitted which indicated the existing topographic /rnes as they exist on site and include the topogSgphic lines as they extend to the footpints of the adiacent buildings. /OA * ^ f""(/ 2. Some member of the Board felt that the bridge and '?,ised qrea to the ngftleast of the lot could be designed more natunlly. Please revise. -td/ h zr7 z,z<zta 3. The Board commented that there werc many diffarpnf aspecls of the faQade that were complex. Please consider rcvising the line weight of the dnwings to more accuntely display the intent, or consider eliminating some of the more complicated aspects of fhe elevation (simplify the railings, etc.). 4. The Board requested that photos of the proposed deck nilings be blought to the next meetinsforclarification j dwrnrr ,/ in^_ Jd- 4,f- Finally, please adjust all roof pitches and architecturat OetaiKtnat arJcurrently not in compliance with the regulations within the Special Development District #22, which text I sent to you on May 11tn. Feel free to contact me with any rem questions. I will wait to receive the final submittal for this property. {g *r"r"o,o r^r"* Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us May 1'1, 2006 Steven James Riden Architect PC PO Box 3238 Vail, CO 81658-3238 (fax) 970.949.0304 Re: 1440 Moraine Drive, Lot 2, Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision DRB0601 17, Conceptual Review of a new Single Family Residence Dear Todd, I am writing to clarify the items needed by the Town before the Design Review Board conceptual hearing of the referenced project. 1. Please submit revised elevation drawings signifying compliance with all of the architectural guidelines specified in the Gnnd lrayerse Special Development Distict #22. 2. Ptease assurc that the site is sfaked p rior to 12 noon on Wednesday, May 17h, so that the Design Review Board may visit the site and view the proposed layout of the structurc at their pre-meeting that day. Elisabeth Eckel Reed 970.479.2454 Feel free to me with any remaining questions. I will need to receive revised elevation drawings by at 5 p.rr.----to) ke-cp, this item on the agenda for the 't7rh. {g *o""uo" ro Deparlment of Community Deve lopnrenl 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-179-21 38 FAX 970-179-2452 YAxyf,i1ffi6"'" Mr. Steve Riden, AIA Steven James Riden Architect PC PO Box 3238 Vail. CO 81658-3238 (fax) 970.949.0304 Re: 1440 Moraine Drive/Lot 2, Block 2, Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision 'l"tFiling DRB06-0117 Gish Residence Dear Steve, Thank you for submitting an application for design review of a new single-family residence at the referenced address. I have conducted a preliminary review of the plans and received comments from the Public Works Department as well. Currently I have placed the item on the Design Review Board agenda for May '17,2006. Plannino Deoartment: . Lot 2 is located within Special Development District No. 22, "Grand Traverse", which contains very specific architectural parameters which must be complied with by all new construction within the development. I have enclosed the text of the SDD for your review prior to the hearing. Please note in particular, the specifics of the Design Guidelines, which begin on page 6 of the attached Ordinance. Public Works Department: . Provide stamped Professionally-Engineered drawings for all walls over four feet (4') in height. . Show limits of disturbance fence. . Provide staging plan. Please address the comments issued by the Planning Department by May 12, 2006 no later than 5 p.m. in order to retain placement for a conceptual review by the Design Review Board on May 17 ,2006. I will plan to hear from you by then. Thank you in advance for your patience in what is not always a simple design review orocess. Best Regards, . .; ./ ./ ,/ ,-f 1 ,r.,c zrr'.,/,t_ c//-re -l_-- ('l'/tt.rc" t/ Elisabeth Eckel Reed 970.479.2454 enclosure {g run""uo n^rr* Lcgal dcscription: Lot Z Block Addrcss Olncr Architcct Zonc disn Lot sizc t- ;---Filins + 6'15 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition ZONE CHECI( Phonc 'iiii@ Buildablc Allorvcd Existing . proposcd ;|31a1 Rcnaining *___=_ _!'/,4%4e4afu -+142iI(675.)- _!/ - / ,." ". Sitc Covcragc tiright (V-et B:tz Sctbacks _o,1) Minimum 3',t 6' Parking xqu,rca 2 (m sD o '* )ry"n) suoll3!4srr tsJd sccu?FEA ( ntw-))E cBungTSucrre4 srfuf,J (cpu"6 pue ssrcre) -3 NL fuE Buildablc Area rv h- Crarvl\Attic Spacc / FrJrr ,/ \-/^. "/ ropography (WAUtrW e1 CUI1 In\BUILDING ELEvATIoNs Nn / / tcel,.'-[I- l oo yr. flood pf ai n '/ ,8cilc -M- water co'rsc sctback &. Ctldilsirar MIE Enuiro*ncnral Hazrds , ffi ,/ dr,c"yDscApEpLAN v Trees ,/..-"/*t- utiriryrocations frwt,aw,e) / E*irtingr.., ,4 Spotclwations /,/g/sfeprer* . , Lcgcnd ./L ,.a^" MIScELLAlfEous ,r/ / - - Building Height t/ Encroachmnntc \ Titlc rcport (A & B)LrrlrvdLtuncn[S z \ k Kvft4lr /wruv . 1 untrrv.vcnncahonrorm .\,/ r"' \ '/\,/ Sitc Covcrase , ,,. I Building matcrial sarnplcs pvcvovcrhangs (4 )J-y _Dccks/Balconics C.O. Virificarion -Jurgcconncction Sun\ShadcAnglcs ' ,,$itc GradcLslopc Utilitics (undcrground) z \/ p^r,i^i-_ ',..r-r_ Vicrv Corridors DESIGN REVXE'I,V CI{E,CKLIST t' ' +',:rru\r.",c -wst-1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE! THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E97-0093 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No..Project No. 50.00 .o0 .00 3. O0 51.00 *************************ti***t***************t*************************t**t**********************************i*****************tr* ITem: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:05/27/t997 CHARLTE Actioni AppR FOR ERNST It'ern:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: ***************************************************************i***************************************t***********i************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *****************t******************r(**************t**********************i******************************************************* DECLARATIONS I.hereby.acknowtedge that r have read-this application, f il'l,ed out in ful,! the information required, compl,eted an accurate plot ptan, and state that atI the information provided as required.is correct. I agree to conpLy H,ith the iniormat.ion and ptot itan,to comply lrith att Town ordinances and state [aus, and to buil,d this structure according io'the townis ioning *o subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Tovn afpticabte thereto. REOUESTS fOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I,IADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFTICE FROI,I E:OO AI4 5:OO Pfi Phone: 3039496456 Valuation:1,500.00 F E E SUlll.lARY *********rr**********************************i**)t**rr**** * * * I S SUED 05/27 /teel 05 /27 / reel 7L /23 / ),ee7 9 6456 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 91 0- 47 9 -2138 EIectricat---> DRB Fee Investigation> Ui LL CaL L----> TOTAL FEES---> APPLICANT SHEARON ELECTRIC P O BOX 43, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR SHEARON BLECTRIC P O BOX 43, AVON CO 81620 OWNIR DAUPHINAIS_MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 1515, VArL CO 81658 Description: REPAIR WORK 1824 GLACIER CT 1824 GLACIER COURT 2L03-722-04-020 Status. . .Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Phone: 30394 53. O0 .o0 5t.00 53.00 .00 TotaL Ca tcutated Fees---> Addi t ional. tees---------> TotaL Permit Fee--------> Paynent s-------- BALANCE DUE---- * *** * !** * !t** * * !t * * * ** * * * *** ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * *** ** *** ** * * * * * * ** * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statennt Number: REC-0282 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Not.ationz #2836 s3 . 00 06/05 /9't 12 : 00 Init: CD Permit Nor E97-0093 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-122-04-020 .Site Address: 1824 GLACIER CT Location | 1824 GLACIER COURT This Payment Total Fees i 53.00 Total ALL pmts:53.00 s3.00 Balance r . 00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 01 OOOO 41313 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 5O.OO 01 OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO nMaJtr-T-s7 .ltyw *'Ao?tzz'' 02=4OP SHEARON ELECTRIC P-01 PEnUIT ' BE ACCESTED ta *ltllr arraraa*taa tr"'ro," J-lledrrnlcal I J-Other Job Naue: /tr?54 Zz<ra-^ta,- Job Addregg: Iegal Description: taxl!! Block_ Ovners Naue: Archltect: Addrees: Addrea3: Ph. Ph. General Descrlptlon: tfork Claaa: I I-New I l-Alteratlon I l-Aaldltlonal I l-Repalr I l-ottrer lfunber of Dnelll.ng Unlte:lftrnber of Acconnoaatton Unlts: ^ lluber and Type of fireplacass cas Appliances_ Gaa Iogs . tfoodr/pellet_v Ii.r*ttt**t**a*t**t*rllt******r***tt VAIITATIONS ttttttt**ttttlrrttt*.ttr*rrr.rlra ht iurrornc: Er,EcrRrcALrl.-/€p.*_ ormER: ! PIITUBTNG: U 1f,*r*****.*tt*t**tt*********a CONIRAQIOR II|FORIIATION lt**rt*lrttrl*ilttr.tt.tt**tllt t Eeneral Contractor: _ Tosn of val_l Rca. No.tddrese: Phone Nuuber:-_ ElectrLcal Contractor :Tonn of Vall Reg. No. /4-<Addresg: -- & q3 @ phone Nunber: +p-agT ./O1 .tnQ2 llnbfng contractor. Ll '/- vvl) Towtr of vail Reg. No.Addressi - - iirotr"Nunber: llechanlcal Contractor: _ Town of Vail Reg. No._Addr€rs3 Phone Nunber: t*li**t *at trat.a**i*a*r * rr *ra*rt poR oFFrcE IrsE rf ****rrr.r*rrrf **rr***r.r*r**. BUILDING PIAIT CEECX FEES PIIilBTt|G PUUI CBECK FEE3 UBCHAIIICA', PIAN CBECX TEE! RECRE,ATION IEES CISNI.UP DEPOSITS lOTAfr PERI.IIT EBE9: EUTLDINGS STGIIATUREs zol|rNc: SIGNAI'I'REs BI'TIJDIilG PERT{IT FE83 PII'IIBING PERUTT FEE! }IECIIAIiIICAI. PERUIT FEE: EI,ECTRTCAL FEE: OIIIER IIIPE OF FEE: DRB FEE! . APPI.ICATION }IUS2 i(* **** ***** *** ** ** *r i ^I J-Bulldlng [ ]-Pluubtng I l-Elcctrlcal. t Conents: t 75 loulh lrontrge rord v!ll, colorrdo 81657 (3{r3) {7$2138 (3(xl) 4792139 April 18, 1990 olflce of communlty development Mrs. JilI S. Dowd P.O. Box 3128 Vail , CO 81658-3128 RE: Lots-2, 3, 4,5, Filing 3 and Lot 1, Filing 2, Lionsridge Subdivision. Dear Urs. Dowd: on April 17' 1990 the Town councir accepted the georogic hazard study by R.J. rrish on the above referenced lots and directed the staff to anend the official rockfall nap accordingly. The rockfall nap will be nodified to indicale that th6sl five lots are now classified in the noderate severity rockfall zone. rn addition, the rrish report and a copy of tiis tetter will be included in the perrnanent files for Each of these five rots. Thank^you for your patience during this review process. prease feel free to carr rne with any gueitions you may have regarding this project. Sincerely, A*,Te.o,* Ton Braun Town Planner TBlpP { Office of Community Development Town of Vail 75 5. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8t657 March 12,1990 subject: GEoLoGtC HAZARD CLASSIFICATION for Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, Block 3 Filing No.3, and Lot l Filing No.2, Lion's Ridge subdivision, Vail, Colorado. Director of Community Development: On behalf of myself, Jill S. Dowd, owner of lots 2, 4,5, in filing No. 3 and Mr. Bruce Canton, owner of lot 3 filing No.3 and lot I in filing No. 2, I would request a hearing before the Town of Vail council to review the classification of our lots in the Geologic Sensitive Area Map. We would desire that our lots be reclassified to a Moderate Risk Rock Fall Area from its present High Risk Classification. lam submitting a site specific Aeologic report from Mr. Robert James lrish which supports our request for the re-classification. My address is; Jill S. Dowd, P. O. Box 3128, Vail, CO 81658-3128 and Mr. Cantons address is; 1853 Lionts Ridge Loop, Vail, CO 81657. Please feel free to contact me if there are any questions concerning our request. Thank you for your cooperation. Bruce O. Canton Sincerely t 7101 wb$ Yale A\€nuq No 601 Oenler. Colorado 80227 303.986.6658 0ctober 2, 1989 Canton Constructlon company 1853 Llons Rldge Loop ValI, C0 81657 At tn:Mr. Bruce 0. Canton GeologJc Hazards Study, Lots 2,3, ll & 5, Block 3, Flllng No. 3, and Lot 1, Flllng No. 2 Llons Rldge Subdtvlsion. VaiI, Colorado Job No. 190(1?6) R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. Gentlemen: As requesLed by your Mr. Bruce Canton, the undersigned eonducLed an englneerlng geologic reconnalssance of the flve subJeet lots, l,hlch occupy a sector of the south-faclng slope of the Core Creek Valley lmmediately northeast of the Buffehr Creek Valley at the eastern end of the Hest Vall area. The four loLs are located ln the st.ll/ll , Nt.t1 /ll , ssc. 12, T.55., R.811r., EaEIe County, COloraclo (Flgure 1). Our obJeetlve Has to generally outllne geologlc condltlons across the study area and to assess Hhelher any of those condiLlons constltuLe geologlc hazards aufflclenLly gevere to restraln or preclude development Of the properLy a3 planned. We undersLand sln8le faml1y and/or duplex resldences are Lo be ccnstrucLed on these four lots. From Llons Rldge Loop, at abou! Elev. 8120 feet to 81 30 feet, the lots extend northward up the slope of a long, narrow, Yesb-trendlng ridge spur of the Yalley slope to about EIev.8260 feet. The rldge crests aL aboub Elev. Sltl|o fee! to Elev. 81t60 feet. The slope distance from Llons Rldge Loop to the top of the ridge ls on the order of 5OO to 700 feel . From the ridge crest doHn to about Elev. 8220 feet (about the center of the loLs) the Bround slopes at about 1.75:1' rhereas beloll that elevatlgn to Llons Rldge Loop the ground slopes at' about 3.6:1. tJe underst_alq -!-hg_homer_lqu-1d+efoBstructed adJacent to Llons Rldge Loop on the f1att,eiTloi,E-O sec'"ors of the 1o!. The steeper' upper part of the ridge slope ls dlsrupted by 2 naln rock bluffs ranglng from l0 feet to as nuch as 50 feel ntgn. A few trees are scattered across ihe study area, but fOr the mosL part, vegetatlon ls ttmited !o brush and natural grasses. Sedimentary rock straLa of the Pennsylvanlan-age (290 to 330 ollllon years a8o) MlnUurn ForrnaLion consbituLe bedrock across the gludy anea. These strata lnclude nalnly sandstoneg. a few 3hales and a few thlck lloestone unltg. The3e dlp northHard lnlo lhe hiuside at 30o to 40o. Consultant to Desrgners, Contraclors. Planners R. J. lrish : Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. Canbon Conglructlon Company OcLober 2, 1989 Page 2 The bedrock, hoHever, ls blankeLed (except for the rock bluffs) by gl.opeHash and talus solls doHn Lo aboui Llons Rldge Road. Below Llons Rldge Road a uest- southwest trendlng rldge spur of glaclal noralne ls plastered agalnsL the foot of the slope (Flgure 2). The sandstoneg iyplcally are ftne-gralned and flne to coarse-gralned. They are locally congl.oneraBlc, thln to nasslve bedded, weak to strong, and the Joinbs are Hldely spaced. The llmestone ls flne-gralned to mlcrocrysLalllne, strong to very gtrong, thlck-bedded ancl Hlth Jolnts rlldely spaced. The unconflned compresslve strengths of the sandstones probably ranEe from 10,000 psl to 15,000 psi, whereas those of the llmestone range probably io 30,000 psi. The shale units typlcally range from seams wlt,hln t,he sandstones to thin-bedded units up to a foot or so thick. Those thlcker unlts' however, are rare. The unconflned compressive slrengihs of the shales probably range belreen 2,000 psl and 6,000 pst. The slopewash and talus solIs are unstratifled, sandy, Sravelly, eobbley clay wlth scatLered boutders. Thls is mainly sandstone debrls. The 3ol]s form an apron developed below the sandsLone bluffs down to Llons Ridge Loop, thus range from a wedge-edge upslope to probably as much as 10 !o 20 fee! thick adJacent bo the road. These solls have been deposlted prlnarlly by sheet irash' thus are expected to range fnom loose to medlum dense, and probably are subJect to cll fferential settlemenL when weLLed. South of Ltons nidge Loop, the glaci.al noralne solls are princlpally a hetero- geneous rn:xlure cf sard, grayel, cobbles and boulders ln a sllt to clay maLrlx. The soils lnclude both sandsLone and Sranltic rock debrls. Excep! for a potentlal rock fall hazard, xe found no evldence of potentlal geologlc hazards withln the study area. So long as dHeIIlngs are-coostructed wtthln these lots witheut stgnlf lcantly cllallgllglhe. €xlsllng-gpcqnd_-g.qndl_!lons' rhus the stabtrrtTFEir---e-So-ns--ana/oF-Tocx-Hlthln the buildtn["iit,6b ano viclnlty, slope sLablllty should not be lmpalre_d. Cu.ts and fills on the lots should be kEDT--lon-Ci .-e. ;--oh-ttrrrder of --3 feeC" dr lesi ), gljlggtcl- ue BeoLechnically deslgnecl . No unusual or siveTelE6fG-y-relat-ecl buttAi'ng ffiie expecled. Bulldlnl,gll, lhes,e stLes should not lncreasel the hazard to other property or stffiures, or to publlc bulliTigs, roacls, (\ streeLs, righLs-of-vay' easemenls, ubllltles or facllltles. The outcrops of rock, princlpally sandstone but lnclucllng some layers of lloestones as yell, Jut out of the rlCge glope as 1on8, narroH bluffs as much ag 50 feer hlgh (Flgure 2). coJ-c-elvably rqck-nrocI-e_gn{_plglec.-csu*ld_.t--qpple from these bluffs bo roll and Uounce down the slope. These theonetlcally could consLilute a hazard to buildlngs qgns!ructed on the slop€ SeIo-r{-;-That rock faII Tiii(, *e be-Ifevel-ieedlTo he pro-balil{tv of an event and the severlll of the eveng (the slze of a partlcular block that could topple ) .t :R. J. lrish ln--(," Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. Canton ConsLructlon Company Ocbober 2, 1989 PaBe 3 tle belleve the rock fa]l r-isk, ln terms of probablllty, ts_1o-.14;for Lots 2, 4 and nost of 5, but is Judged to be nedium across raost of Lob I ancl a snall area at the souiheasbern corner of Lo! ''(f-tgure 2). The bluffs -above Lots 2, 3, ll and nost of 5 are relatlvely neribw- and are forned of gandstone that appears to be relatively masslve. Although He found evldence of looseness of a few thln plaLes and small blocks of rock, for the nosl part the rock across the leclge tn the vtclnlty of Elev. 8330 feet to Elev. 8345 feet and the more promlnent bluff ln lhe vtelnlty of Elev. 8380 feet !o Elev. 81120 foet appears !o be retetlvely lntact. The Jolnis that, are open tend to be perpendlcular to the slope rather than parallel to lt. Moreover, the strata dlp lnto the slope rather than out, thus rock blocks are much less llkely to topple Hlbh those pfanes as thelr basal separa!lons. 0ver geologlc bi.me, blocks have separated from those two bluffs, but most, of those appear to be quite old. Many are partly burled ln the slopewash and Lalus, and the fresh rock sunfaces or1g1nally exposed by the breakup of those rock maeses as they fel] are noH neather-coaued. Thls evldences considerable antiqulby. l{iLh rare exceptlon, these blocks have scaLtered only abou! 150 to 200 feet downslope from the bluffs fpom whlch they are derlved. The residencee to be construcLed would be placed more than tuice thab dlsLance away from Lhe blufFs. Most of Lhe rock blocks have broken up uhen they loppled lnLo smaller plaLy masses that have not lravelled far from the outcrop. They are trapped by the vegetallon and other rock blocks streHn across the upper part of the slope. t|e cannoL conpletety dtspel the posslbillty thab ln some fulure llme large rock blocks toppling from these tuo outcrops may lnvade tr9tg 2,-i;-[--anA 5, but lhe geologic evidence lndlcates that those events are rare and the rlsk lor. The rock formlng ihe lower btuff fnom about Elev. 83{0 feet to Elev. 8380 feet and exbending easLyard along the slope above and east of the eastern half of Lot No.5 appears to be slgnlflcantly more blocky (Flgure 2). -_ThASE--.blocks from place to place appear to be Eore prone to toppllng than elsewhere HlLhln the sbudy area. Thls ts evldenced by a fan of old rock blocks that er€ scatLered beloy the bluff ebove Lot 1 and castHard for about 230 feet,. ConsequenLly' ve have Juclgect the rock halgldll$ fon most of Lot I and a small part,-of l,ot q t" ue meitui. This lng the rock blfctisthat can b" J@_ly_Srowlennlng. Addlllona1ly, tJe larggr blocks denoted by x's numuefiEE'iilZ on the geologlc map (Flgure Z)Ftt-outo 6" remTled by ll8ht--blasJln8. Af ternatlvely, those rock blocks coul.d- b9- p-.]!.tl-led HlLh rock Uotts. Removal aopears to us to be a preferable ansrer, houever. Scallng of lobse slabs and blocks could be extended to the rock ouLcnops to the vest also. ThIs r{ould be merely an lnsurance measure that nould reduce the already lou rlsk of rock falls by only a small lncrement. R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, lnc' I CanLon Construction Company october 2, 1989 Page ll l{e hope Lhe above comments wlll be of propertles. If you have any questlong our uork, please feel free to call. Consultlng Engineerlng Geologlst RJI: ct you as you develop these to dlscuss any aspects of some servlce to or would llke a I -N- ,JO R. J. IRISH CONSULTING ENGI]IIEERING GEOLOGIST, INC. PROPERTY LOCATION MAP DArE, 9/30/8s JOB NO.: 190 (tZ6) FIG. I SCALE IN FEET 4000 -t IB E t; I?I EJ !ta FE s3 ?, !E 2F =,t =9 ,';9 t; 9F j' .a l:;^ FE:tii EiE :e;xr5 :E; EE:;li ii! l!tlE;'l . FP=: ' r' Ei-:-" ir ilgiF ;E tF!!: ;s I1:" I ' i! ifiEi i: EE '--t i ar E9 al ta i: ii;: !i l'!; F€ !r :t :, .5 :r il FF'l :g;d: F a- - -a a :F !iI I rE : li !a' 3=i F t! .a :i;I iiEF iF-.'- U a z 2 lr ,- 69 i 6)-8 AE zlo 8E1.tur! Z"HH ., I> SE