HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAUPHINAIS MOSELEY FILING 1 LOT 3 LEGAL.pdfTOI,IN OF VAII 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 9a657 970-479-2L38 7.,-Qz-"2. 1 i,( {,lr'> DEPARIIIENT OF COMMIJNIT'Y NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT 1406 MORAINE DR 1406 MORAINE DR 2ro3-1,22-09-003 -?t 'fna o Job Address: Location. . . :Parcel No..:Project No.: Descript.ion: INCLOSE PORCH WTTH BAY TYPE WTNDOW Occupancy: Type Construction: l|aLuatLon: Fireplace Information: ReBtricted: y *Of cao Aooliance€: OI! JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 899-0018 SLatua. .Applied. Issued. - E>q)ires. ISSI'ED 03 /LL/ L999 03 /LL/Lee9 09/07/]-999 APPLICAI{T DAIIPHINAIS-MOSEI,EY CONST Phone: 1_404 MORATNE DRTVB, VArL CO 8L657 COII'TRACTOR DAT]PHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST PhONC: 1404 MORATNE DRIVE, VAIL CO 8L657 OIINER MARGARET ANN HIGT'ERA REVOCABLE L TRUST, 940 CRANBROOK RD, BLOOMFIELD HILL||S MI 48304 +of ea6 LogB: Tottl calculated FeeE---> TOV/Comm, ToC lrl Permit Pee- - -- -- - -> Paynantss- - - - BALJiNCE DUE---- 970-476-8055 970 -476-8055 Lof wood/Pal IeE : 292 - 75 Cfean-up R3 single t#iil.::"i@BFov€d vN TlPevN amount 7,000 /Add Sq Ftr: datg *r*ri*t*'***1ri FEE swMARY R!!t tnih-_____- P1ar, check---> Invests igat ion> wil l- call----> 115.O0 't4.'t5 .00 .00 .00 100. oo 292 .75 ReEE[rarant. PIan Review- - > DRB Fee-------- .OO Recreation Fee---------,> LOO Addl Li.onal Fees---------> .00 clean-Up D€po6lt- - -- -- -- > TOTAI, FEES- -. - -,00 Dev" Refund rEem:051_00 03 /1-L/ L999 Item: 05400 03 /1,1, / L999 Item:05500 03 /LL/L999 ftem:05500 03 /1,L/L999 BUILDING DEPARTT4ENT .'RM AcTionI APPR PI.ANNING DEPARTI{ETfT JRM AcEion: APPR FIRE DEPARTMENT JRM AcI,ion: APPR PI]BLIC WORKS JRM Action: APPR DCPE: BUILDING APPROVED JRM-DEPL': PLANNING OK PER GEORGE/BREIIT Dept: FIRE N/A Dept:: PIIB WORK Divisi-on: Division: Division: Division:N/A See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nray apply to this permit DECI,ARATIONS I hereby ecknonledge that l have read Ehis application, filled ouc in fulL tshe lnformaEion !.quit:ed, complcted an accuratse ploE plan, and Elat€ that all the infolnacion provided as Jjequir€d is correct. r agree Eo colnply with t.he infolrnation and plot p1an,Eo comFfy with a1l To$n oldinanced and 6ia!e laws. and co build Ehis 6ErucEure according co Ehn Town.E| zoning and gubdiwision code€, design ):cvies approved, Uniforh Building code and oLher ordinanceB of lhe Tonn apr,licabLe ch6!6to. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS S}IAIJL BE MADE TWENTY- FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TET,EP send cl,ean-Up Depogit To: DAUPHMAIS -MO9IJEY Page 2 ********************************************:t******tt**'*****:t******************** CONDTTIONS Permit #: 899-0018 as of O3/LL/99 SEatrus---: ISSIIED ******************************************************************************** Permir Ttpe: ADD/Ar.t SFR BUrr_,D PERMIT Applied--: 03/LL/t999 Applicanr.--: DAIIpHfNATS-MOSEr.,EY CONST lesued--- z O3/LL/L999 970-476-805s To Expi.rez O9/07/L999 iIOb AddrESS: 1405 MORAINE DR tocaE.ion---: 1405 MORAINE DR Parcel No-- : 2LOl-]-22-09-003 Description: I INCIJOSE PORCII I{ITH BAY TYPE WINDOW * * * * * * * *:l * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COndit.iOng * * * * * * * * * * * !r * * jt * * * * * * !r * * * * * * * * 1-. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR C1}DE COMPLIAI\TCE.2. SMOKB DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN AIJL BEDROOI,IS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 0F THE 1997 ItBe. I *** ******************************************************r********** Statemnc, Number: REC-0495 Amount,:292 .75 01/LL/99 1-0:41 IniE: iIRM PaymenE. Method: CK NotaEion:3294 PermiE No: 899-0018 Ilper A-BUrr,D ADD/ALT SFR. BUrr,D PE Parcel No: 2103-122-09-003 site Address: 1405 MORATNE DR I,ocaEion: 1406 MORAINE DR This Payment l ************************* TOWN OF VArr,, COI,ORADO I *** Total Fees: 292.75 ToEal ALL PmEs: Balance:**************************************************************** Account Code Description BP OO1OOOO311110O BUILDING PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI.AN CHECK FEES AD D2-DEPO8 CI,EANUP DEPOSITS WC OO].OOOO31128OO WILL CAI.,L INSPEETION FEE ********************************* St,atemnts 292.75 292.75 .00 Amoullt 115.00 74.75 100 .00 3 .00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{:TAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-4'79-2L38 APPLICAIiTT CONTRACTOR OhINER Eleccrical---> DRB Fee Investi9atj.on> wiIl call----> TOTA', FEAS---> DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY NOTE:TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON EI.,,ECTRICAI PERMIT iIOb AddTCSS: 1406 MORAINE DR Location...: 1405 Moraine Dr. Parcel No. . : 2LO3-L22-09-003 Project No. : PR.f99-0101_ PMEIIIT .JOBSITE AT ALL TTMES Permit #: E99-0050 Status...: ISSITED App1ied..: 04/27/L999 Issued...: 04/27/]-999 E>cpires. . : L0/24/L999 AVAI,ANCHE ELECTRIC CORP P O BOX 27L5, DTLLON CO 80435 AVAI,ANCIIE ELECTRIC CORP P O BOX 2'7L5, DTLLON CO 80435 MARGARET ANN HIGIIERA REVOCABLE L TRUST, 940 CRANBROOK RD, BLOOMFIELD I DEVELO 200.00 Phone: Phone: HILLS MI 48304 Valuation: 970-468-0249 970-458-0249 45.00 Descri-pcion : Electrical tor addit.ion F EA SUMI,IARY 42.00 .00 .00 3.00 45. O0 45-O0 45-OO ToEal calculated Fee6- - - > Additional Fee6---------> -oo Total Permit F€e--- ----- > PayEentsa-------- SAIANCE DUE----- .O0 IIEM: O5OOO ELECTRTCAI, DEPARTI'IENT DEPI: BUITDING DiViSiON:. 04/27/L999 KATITY Action: APPR Approved per-charlie It€m: .05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI\IT -Dept.: FIRE Division:04/27/L999 KATITY Action: APPR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECI,ARATIONS . - I hcr.eby ackroflIedge that I havc raad chi6 application, filled out in ful1 thc inforDatsion required, coBpleted al! acculat€ ploc plan, and 6cate Ehat all the infornatsion provided ae required is correct. I aglee to cornply rriLh tshe inforaaEion and plot p1an, to cooply gith all aolfn ordinanceg and 5ta!e 1aes, and to build this strucLure according tso th6 To$n's zoning and Bubdivision codee, doaign rcviev approvcd, UniforE Building code and ocher ordinances of thc Torn applicablc theroEo. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SMLI, BE UADE fi,IEIfTY- FOUR HOI,RS IN ADI,INCE BY TOISI OF VAI'J. COLORADO StsaEednt sEateEnt Nudber: REc-o509 loounL: 45.OO 04/21/99 O9rr3 Payoonc l.lethod: cK llotaEj,on: 3302 Inir: .tN PcrmiL No: Parcel No: Sile.Addr€6o: Iroca!ion: Thi6 Pai/uent Total Pccd i {5.00 ToEaI AI,! Put€: E99-0o50 Typ6: B-ELEC ElE(trRICAn PBRI{rT 2L03 - L22-09- OOa 1406 MORATNE DR L406 tdoraine Dr. Accouni codr Dcscription Balance: 45, O0 45. O0 . o0 Inount 42. O0 3. O0 EP OO1,OOOO311T.{OO EI,ECTRICIJ,PERI4ITTEES wc 00100003112soo wrLL C.LLL $aPEcTIoN FEE Contactthe Eagle County Assessors Office n3 at 970-32E-8U0 for Parcel # Parcel # Permit # rowN oF vArlloNsrRucroN pERMrr Ap;.;;;:- FoRM INFORMATION MUST BE COI}TPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTEI' @trQ-orc1 louNr..,Znc\cae ?o,,ofi. rueoaress: 140(z {[orrfrr€ \rr. Building ( )Plumbrng ( )Elecrrical [..A Mechanical ( )Other ( ) Legal Descripion: trct_f ntoct Filing Subdivision Owners ttame: (tC qy'r/0\ Address: Architect:Address:Phone# Description ofJob: Work Class: New ( )Alrerarior\()Additional ( )Repair ( )O&er( ) Number of Dwelling Units: t Number of Accommodation Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet BUILDING: $ PLIJMBING $ Generd Contrrctor: Town of Vail Regishuion No. Mechrnicel Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No, VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ Z.AJ OTFIER: $MECHANICAL$ TOTAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Phone # Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: Town of Vail Registration No.;- r----- r , Er€ctricar cotrrracro' Aj\ar'd,trp /[,Ctr.c naar"rrEfi-OOg Town of Vail Registration No. \F3, E pnone * Plunbinq Contrrctor: SIGNATURE: Co:rtacE Eagle Cou a. 970-328-8640 t PARCEL fi: ztlo VAIL CO}fSTRUCTII APPI,ICA?]ON FOR-.\T P;D\!r'r n +- bofiS;" "$,ffi ::, ^&S ;#-!- Arc: ritect:Address:vn.Gencral Dc scrj.ption: llork class:- [ ]-]iew t/l-arteration [ ]-Additional r l-Repair [ ]-other Nurn-ber of Dwel Ling' Units:Nu:nber of Acconhodation Unit=, N.umber and Tvne of Fireplaces: Cas Appliances Gaq r.n_-.'-. , .. -. ._-er-4qssr. Gas Logs_I{oodlpellet_ fi******o**)kttx******x**itx*****x**** vALUATToNg **:t*J;:r*x*x*.*)t********x****xxx**** ELECTRTCAL: $OTHER: $MECIIANTCAL: $TOTAL: $ "}OR. j*.I?ROSTroN * * * * x * * * * * * * * * * *,r * * * * * * * * * *Address: EUTLDTNG: $'7a&\- DI-TTl\anT\ta-. t-.....- ^ lvrlUrr!\,. ' Electrical contracEor: Ar.dress: Plunbing Contractor: Addre.ss: Mor-lr>''i^.f ar^FJ-s-r-uerr(^. rrr-o.r t-(Jll L! dCEOf-: Addre: s: ,k*xx*t )t x 7: * * * x * x x * r( * * * x * * * * * **** BUTLD.NG PXRMIT IXE: PLTi}IB NG PNR]{IT FEE: Mf ]}IA1 ICAL PNR},Ir? FEE: EL'ICTF TCAL FEE: OT;{ER IYPE OF FEE: Town of Vail Phone l.lunber: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of Vail :NO.Phone l{umber: Daar lT.\4\eY . rr L/ . Reg. Nc. OFf'f CE USE * * * rl * * * * * * * x , * * * * * * * ,r ,t rr ':? *i<r,:rt;t+r.BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:PLLn'IBTNG PLAN CHECK -FE;;HECHANICAL PLAN CiiNCX rNN:RECREATIoN FEE: - CI,EAN_UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURI: DA?E:7-tl*qq -+-a-+- It APPLTCATTON lrusr BE FTLLTD our CoMPLETELY oR rt. rl4y lior BE AccEp?ED t****r * x * * 'r * * * * * * * * * * * * x * * * * * * pERl{IT fNFORHATfON * rr * .r * * * * * * * *,,r * * * * * * * * * * * * .; i * . [ ]-Building t j-plux*ing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-l.rechani-ca1 [ ]-other Job Narne: A t ,: tt t rn Job Address: l4d6 i,tloraine Dvrvc Legal Description: Lct. ? 81ocp,__- Fi1in9_[______5,up1,rsI0]rd owners Nane: lJrct,tpttn fuAdciress: ?QYtt, ;rP Tr;pn qT'r VALUATION ) ! L:',.'i i\n F?i]r:n 'r-a! - t1 . ' l l,/ -t, 'r.'.'. {a' I a -/-rCnnfn-Cf Vail n,r-rF?,fl, F s $\ G\ \) s | -' 0o 6'-?n .r- \i-\kf ir-*zp rl 6 ,.. ?{F fi 5t =€. SrdET R, d ?.e \I +eEBYl R ?.d ?" -$R'$ f {^d f * h ru :,w Ud-fiUfi,-trra,l 1o'- t " I '- \rr 'D tl '+ + $.\ s A a $s K-d Tr 1$ t Fr tl I -s -9 d 7'.-f ? s$-s f o o @ -(<Bf :&gfl P' $F. \ ? g'p 38 )<s .--*-----s-* C.t -<N +x tt cF' S.,nf s8- :^.-o +5 L';5 \ ) F IA t\ 6\ -l .y a T s \^ $t 6\ a\ -r< N ,a F f t6 S'--u (\ 5 --..4--_-T$_- -..-----s*__'l I c\ ru i irfr "n:ffg tf l : U .f TREF.T ],:;1 AA/Iil1999 6€:I3 REGUESTS - lNsF'ECTN I,.,IORK SHEETS FI]R I 1/ 1999 lo** oF UAIT-, co*c*ilDo I ===:x.,::::=i::i=::::l:=::::=:1 6/11/ 1.9 Type: R-BUILD Statusr o F.AGE 3 AREA: CD ;;il;;---;;;; ;;; ;;il---Act i v i t y : 899-OO I B Adclress: 14O6 MORAINE DR l-ocert i. on : 14O6 ltl0RftI NE DR Farce I : 11tZt3-lES-tlg..AO3 bedt'o o m, and st orage loft ) Bce: OOCIT Use: V N t^,I NDBI..I Fhone: 97O-476-8455 Fhone: Fhone: 97€r-476-Btt35 (add i ng new Description: INCLOSE FORCH NiTH BAY TVF'E Appl ir:ant : DAUFHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST Owner: MA,RGARET ANN HIGUFRA RTVDCABLE L Dontr"aetnr': DALIF'HINAIS-MOSELEY CONST Inspeet i Fn Req r-r e st Reqireston: NELLS Req, Time: O1:OtZt Iten.: t^eqr-rested to AFOBTZt Bt.f)G'-Fi rral Information.,, fiomment e: l,J I LL f-. e lnspected.. F,hone t 476- - 471-356e DEL[_ i on Comrttent s 1c}n !AFICR CALL flct A Tine Exp RE6ID Inspect i or-! Histot'y...., Item : OTaOJA BLDG-Fr'aning Item r Item: Item: Iten: Item: Item: Iieni: fr4/;=:e/99 Inspectorr CD Notes: ADD EGRESS HARDT^IARE OOOSO BLDG-InsLrlat i on A4 /'E:c) /49 I n s Dect or' : GRG tAO6€.4 BLDG-Sheetrock Nai 1 'dA/47 /95 Inspector': CD FA 4.3ta * + Not On File * * 04fi74 ELDG-Misc. 'AU'O.)O BLDG-F ina I OlZtSSO BLDC;-Temp. C/O ftrz'3414 BLDG-Final C./O TO UF.trER BED Action! APFR RFFROVED Artion: AFFR AFFROVED AF'F. RT]VED./CO RRECT I ON t^l I ND0td F oz .o EI IH oz .o OE j t;4z 49 a ral 20 dEl OA o 4 ql c U H I{ k E (.) E U tr |] t H = ('t TJ o H !l }I o = z Ht{!cH DO ool A (hA 4l F Ats 2Z !.o &l- !r FI FFI zz -o H= bH qz ro HI o FFI H2 o'D oo A:E 9r n 6 t{ ETE =U 40)ZA -ar tr d6 o <o L'O F F] E o !r !r d ts o ET ; o; ip :>o r{ -{r ll'{io &ro !dE o fi sign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Building Name: Project Name: Iliguera Residence ProjectDescription: Porchenclosure Owner, Address and Phone: Dr. Gilbert and Margaret Higuera, 1406 Moraine Drive, Vail 81657 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Si;atl?#:;Hgeley Construction, PO Box 1515, Vail, C0 Proiect Street Address:1406 Moraine Drive LegalDescription: Lot3'Dauphinais-MoseleySubdivision Parcel Number: Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproved 1) The rail detail must be maintained as shown on the north elevation drawing (attached). Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 3llll99 FIEVERYONE\DRBV\PPROV.A,L\g9\HIGUERA WPD DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $50.00 ,a qu..,ionrrlt drc Pli,:.r:ing Staiiri 4:;-- l:3 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projctt rcquiring Dcsign Rcviov approval. Any project rcquiring dcsigrr revicw must rcccive Design Rwiew approval prior to submifing for a building pcrmit. For specific information, see the sublnittal rcquircmcnts for thc particular approval that is rcquested. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all thc requircd information is zubmittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environntental Comnrission. Dcsign Rcvlew Board approval cxpircs one ycar aftcr final approval unlcs$ a building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. A. B. c. D. E. PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #: ZONING: (Contact Eagtc Co. AssessoN Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) fr z-z- NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: tr Ncw Constructidn - $200 Construction ofa new building' p. Addition - E Minor Alteration - PHONE: A1q - qL 4C F. G. PHONE: $50 Includes any addition whcre squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or comrncrcial building. $20 lncludes minor changes to buildings and site improvements. such as. reroofing. painting. window additions. landscaping. fences and retaining walls. etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. tatu. whcn applying for a building permit. please identifu thc accurate valuation of the project. Thc Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation' PLEASE SUBMTT THIS APPLICATION. ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOLIH FRONTAGE ROAD' vAIL. COLORADO 81657. TOlidN OFVAIL RIPTION OF THE REQUEST: -N t$g ,h il s U c 0 L. ,p I $ ) $ s 0 ',$ H ,N /ra: ?-ra xt^ \E 6u \F_ \, \r=,t'=-. 8, o o o\1.. I o o T g, o I m (]c r m "LT r-I d tl '$ .l jg $$ i$ ,$;!",. I 'p il I t/ I FF t7 v I d n o tr v fi'r r)r s{ ct v R b D s ffi -'@A @; I I ( 1a I rv q lN o ltl ' ,At I I i'\ ) \\ )-.o ./n ,/R fr i 'l'i:, .il '1 iii i rEF q+asFF:g:f,€ = 5 p.,,{6 igB ; ;8H:gaEE * A =+FaaF d ":li 9FF - qFlaH gg -ts .l-o sd 4e qD' o o 3 @ llll s*e;$ulu*,$3uEE-*'*e ;FAa'g : Fe E = -;igl o Ha o*oo =aqad 3 EEd.d : SarH -e86 * o 3g E aE-5d qq ,E3 ce.a lo:r td F ts F H F lf ls F l+ lo |c t;< E (D a @ OJ qt ;r o g rt o b o aAo)Not(r, JOfOOO ;oas0rs -s*8 JOJ=aoa A {ro (aa N) o o N('l f<aB J8p I 6 S gE - o 9.Q.oDO a-s d3 9D qd (,l@ 'rt I OJ oo o) d t-o r o lr o -5.o U) @@ c|)o,90p oo oo g6 oJ ot o6 ob oo 6e 6) CO p9 o<)oo gg (t N) '\)CO bb oo eE A@ id B8 ?e <rl -i E5 3ae ;oo 600 gag'fip o@o ooo @ (,!t o o ^q tr33 x so('E BBB a (rt p o o @ {I a o)o b o @ b @ 4 5 !t N IF t:'lo 6 o o b o o o o v o (o o o a o 5 -? 3s sF ;ro 5o <- bo)5!)de dd '"m E x @66 NOJ(O co (D o)bbb ooo g { stt o o @ (tl o o o o og ID €=(D0 FO "od ot. a f0) olJ o6 3 6', =.o o @<F q'5 i9 oo oo 6 N N) N ,@ N (o (o l.)o o Ha I lgE$Ea sa B B BaE sEgg 8g e a sggEEsE 8 g gEE gg taEaH s I I -.1 e fl|}t F+a{r H1 a-l f-l g F{r fg ta f'+f A.ll-,\g |-1 f-l -L+ 11 g tst F)l-1 fts \- cl trt aJ -r{a+ -)a \E9 rt E g -40 Fr H f-FI v F' ul E fg ..1-t gl F3 H a+ .!l GI + '-'1 <()i :;i!* \-Jr'j +:+o i,; ...- : lr':-.r '- --j > ^lZ--'t ; > -r -F :\J--ia\J = -; :,',a:-/-*=>' 91n hA-:-zi;<g a\ v,icl= Irr "' *- f:-.;\r.tj:r- t|nSa --1 '" i.- YQ7 <-r{Z- ,>=o an ..--a\ -L --l >.:7i '-ofr -J -..i --'i ln z ro *.ni .- .-i |]r -r>:- ;- (- t_F YQZ Z:J .\rn\J zrf vlQr-r.-- ir': do3 -a)-n r-\ > !.) FS3 228 at/\\ X**_n:r-- -: rr Hro Uftf|.r .. ts z P H CA E 14 l.r{ r il (t H tJ rrt z F' <n = - ! =:: a' L i I h € s '.,N =. =' =f =7 I +-$ -l .) .. : 2 = =: 5. c- t F p fl tr F F F 7 r H F r l.) t.J \ ls Ir -- ail^\ Qry/ g+EB€g c llEr E s: a':;?gl$;;l ;E 3;; € ga=*aE €EAFF E41r;o c o-t lt'iFgit re 3 rF I S r"l )n--l t.- \ .I t /O 0'L 1(,/ -_ I -,INSPECTION TOWN O '11-4,La REQUEST VAIL L JEL I JOB NAME CALLER TUES READY FOR INSP LOCATIONT MON <-'). a .- /i/i -{. WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED I -,c, 'rl INSPECTOR o o =-r1->-El / /- -\\ =ll.r ", \3V- /\f-S\ ,/\.--Y az -{Y rii --1 m Fl td lc'j O fo t^. !IJ<fo l. -rl \o -L \om oa = =-l m x m -l z @ L I m €F z cr> z ocn cng orl -.o | ., {, I t',f, I o o z (n {v c o =o z T rn 7 ={ 6 HEH I* F6= F E 3 >iY 19 q 3 ioa li i e.YF lsH I l=; =x 5< l-r r- J rtrr8 i 5 rr 6 €\J,_ ! ^ =2 df o@ a 9 >= 6 0 =6 FE z 5g m,+ a1 T m I + c)_t =m --{ z 3 T c E F tt p t-a Fl E 6 tst F{lij F ET U) =e >t>Fl<>l-ol E l= E IJ' 'o | "..,otz lc)ttl )41 I Hl \nl Hl -l r m f- m o _T' z o o z i o --t C) z- 3< A= t-m o o t- z o -l 9.n nz >m c):D --.t > o o Zaj Un I H z l--r lo l€ lz lo t:t>l-lr lm la lz t_la tt?!rj ll I' s' ol\ I \Jl (Jl t: l=t> tz lFi t;t€ th t;; tg tin IE I". IE m U) EJ z H it) crl = F H F €! I 5 -.t -.1 ti mlO 5l{'lz lo t:l> lF lfl tz le I I I I I \o F. I i.J N F.t l-l 't1 TJ IA'l€ l<lzl lol Il l>l lFl trl tml lpl lz\leI tl tl l*l tol llrll trl l=l ll I 3 g z H H z H ti t H z l-{lo l€ lz \o lO 5l-rr \o l<tl>5lF Hln -F'lz le I I lF lu,l!t+ I I \o 5. I ! t) l--.r ln loF t{F lzl to t>l'n l<t< t>t> tts t- t>ha lfi r) trq tzl to rt tt:IF"tb IH I t-W t@H I?F lfdl tl tl =o (D -f =.o f o -) €. 6t 9)<-'..o -t o,l :s =*-F =t o;- oo ot =.1 oh qF !t: (D o f o o q)o o o) o - ;f o 0t ro =' 3 =. J o o o o 6 o o o o o a t. J =o =' 3 f 9)a 5..i \<i <o .0r o F< o- =-o €I : = :t a o g o q)o s o -!lH -ll;'r ai +l> s.+tz o |- € +tE e +t :+lFr X +te 3 v;>5 Pq 3 L9 1> \.to- ='(o (D qt l o- o o o o I z -l It m o €z m o rt -.1 t) --t .TI I a,m t-''| z --l I m €z m m><3 oa z o @ J z o o -l l z -_! m It I a)z m m o m o l-< ' lz ta t>lt- fro<!'n-9 *l' l ll m -l € U' lq I I l_ I z C r z !m I o z ln ! c m :t (,q€ EF ir ;l z = l* z>eR rci d= >0 o-m:l ttO z c z = 2 m € x 9< --l rn i ^z o : z : ;o .D z I z -l c ! P I c _--l z Oru* = E* P io -D'Tr Xzct i, Qo o<z lo 6p ;- c: zur--l o6 o 'nz2 € x ro@= :o< z € U>H z r.I 3 H l. F I t UJ o {o I l'.J @ l\) t-{l zl F{l 'l rdl FI rl 14l <l (rlI ul Fll cil I r!l -l @l 'l *l >l |.dl fdl ;l 'UI |qO rctQz 3lr=<lt-r./|nl(,F El' o t!lF=< | \ol_ !lo= <l0z IFra\ ZlEm olt<tt <tD;>ZIFIF r{trrtF rd l. I Fl lc)tc)to E'ldlz riIdlvr rd t@ tH .tt.la.l c) | trd olc)lE ztctF cotHl Fl lH lv). IEIt, rt I lHlN)qlolN Fr t! z z z 6 i --{ 4 --l m nc HO ul2 Fc,z\ f3 N \o o; "- =l \o tJ \o .) r { H H A --{ r m =-71 m m a c a m x o 2 a m g -.t o I z m s { @ tTl .) m --t z tn m s' 1..) X m o - z o c 2 m o -.t - -9 z o I rn o x qt c 2 m -r m n ='Tl m m u, VALUATION H P t- 3 m z o r r = =o m m t- :c o l'J N \o F l[.J N15 oto oto lr l.J t,o, \o !m F 3 =z I 4 f,) ._l J1 E tl o\ \o @ o l! tF }. lco ols F.J ! Rt+rcqa Q-/('qct tl 2,727.". /ftR- ,{ L rown of vail "-' vconnnunity Development v 75 south Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8l-657 (303) 479-2j.38 PIan analysis based on the l-988 Uniforrn Building Code Project Number: 82290 Narue: DAUPHINAIS-HOSELEY Address: IJoT 3, LfONs RIDGE FILING #1 Date: September 1"O, L99o Contractor: Dl,[C INC. Occupancy: R3,ttL Architect: ARNOLDTGWATHI{AY'PRAT Type of Const: v-N Engineer: TIl,t BOYLE PIANS EXAMINCT: MICHAEL WIIITAKER NOTE:The code itens listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listinq of all possible code requirements in the 1988 UBC. It is a guide to selected sections of the code. Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniform Building Code ( L988 edition) with permission of International Conference of Building officials SEPARATTON DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Property line 12.0 Feet EAST Property line 80.0 Feet SOUTH Property J-ine Lo,O Feet WEST Property line L1.0 Feet 12.0 Feet 80.0 Feet L0.0 Feet LL.0 Feet ProJect Nunber: A229O Address: L,,OT 3, LIONS Occupancy3 R3rM1 Type of Const: v-N O "".#:Yt""5"Y:i:pment O 75 south Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 PIan review based on the 1-988 Uniforrn Building Code Name : DAUPHINAIS-HOSELEY RIDGE FILING #1 Date: September LO, l-9 Contractor: Dllc INC. Architect : ARNOLD, GWATHI4AY , PRAT Engineer: TII-[ BOYLE Plans Examiner: I,IICHAEL WHITAKER Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniforrn Building Code ( 1988 edition) with permission of International Conference of Building officiaLs SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED I A-5 ATTIC VENT 2 ******** TI{ROUGHOUT 3 ******** ******** 4 A-6 t7 CRAWL SPCS 5 ******** DECKS 6 ALL I,EVELS 7 A-3 GARJAGE Provide attic ventilation that cornplies with section 3205. (c) All electrical work to be complete to the reguirements of the l-987 National Electrical Code. This project will reguire a site irnprovement survey. Such survey shall be submitted and staff approved prior to a reguest for frame inspection. Areas delineated as crawl spaces or nonhabit. basemnt. shall have less than 5r ht. fron earth to structural fLoor/ceiling above, a dirt floor only, be ventilated as per UBc 25]-6, with access min. size as per UBC 251.6 and maximum access size 9 sg. ft. within the Town of Vail all roofs shall be designed for a nininurn 80 tb. per sq. ftr. snow load. A11 exterior decks shall be designed for a live load of 10O Lbs. per sg. ft, Smoke detectors shall be located outside each sleeping area. A detector shall be located on each Ievel and in the basement. Detectors shall be interconnected and sound an alarm audible in all sleeping areas of the dwelling unit. uBc 121-0. Provide a floor drain in the garage or slope the garage floor to the outside. A floor drain nust connect to a dry well or a sand and grease interseptor. Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be approved by Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitatn. *.nlr""u correctiorr= ,ot, O naf* z Project Id: DAUPHINAIS-HoSELEY AddTess: I,OT 3, LIONS RIDGE FILING #].# SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTTON REQUIRED I A-2 !4EcH ROoM For heating or hot-water supply boilder applications a floor drain shalL be supplied for suitable disposing of accuttulated fluids. Itltc 211-9. 9 sEE pl,AN ANLYS This area relluires glazed opening(s) having an area egual to l-0t or more of the floor area. -- sec. 1205. (a) L0 sEE PLAN ANLYS This area reqfuires operable exterior openinq(s) having an area equal to 5t or more of the floor area. -- Sec. 1205. (c) 11 A-6,7 CRAWL SPCS Crawl spaces are required to be ventilated by mectranical means or by openings. Such openings shall have a net area of not less than 1 sq. ft' for each 150 sq. ft. of under-floor area. UBC 2516(c)6. LZ A-2 MECH RoOI.{ rn buildings of unusually ttght construction (all new construction within the Town of Vail), combustion air shall be obtained from the outside. Such combustLon air openings shall be as Per UMC Ch. 6. 1.3 A-3 CHIMNEY A chinney enclosure for a wood burning fireplace flue shall be protected by a one-hour fire resistive construction. UBc 1705. This involves lining the inside of such cbase with 5/8rr TyPe x sheetrock and fire-taping joints. 14 A-8 SKYLIGHTS Sloped glazing shall be of rnaterials as specified by UBc 3402 or sha1l be protected by screening as per UBC 3403. Loads shall be designed as per UBC 3405. A curb may be required if roof does not slope more than 45 degrees fron horizontal . 15 A-3 HEARTH The size of the noncombustible hearth must be per the manufacturers approval . -- Sec. 3705. (b) 16 A-4 BD.RM.CLST. The enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected by thr fire-resistive construction. -- 3306. (m) L7 S-2 PROVfDE fnclude a copy of the soils report for the site to be built on. -- Sec. 29os. (b) & (c) grU k-t\ ,J CJrq(\ zoNE cHEcK {' FOR SFR, R, R P,/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: - .) LEGAL DESCRIPTToN: Iot -1 Block - Filing 0' ':ill' Nu IJ C i)i,u "' ' s. i'1,, 1t ,\\t'1') ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE IOT SIZE Height Total GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Ifater Course Site Coverage Landscaping Fence,/Retaining WaII Parking Mechanical Airlock storage PHONE PHONE Allowed (30)@ Existincr Proposed Total j !\t -i=tr- I hv L'1 NJ. 11 arn ]f/o.s-SlS- -()- Heights 3'/6' 3 neera [u' \) '-t! tslJ (so) 'l i$ bApproved by Town Engineer: Env j- ronnenta lrlHa zprds :Avalanche [] ,\' , ::: ::: : Date: 1) Flood Plain 2) t Slope 3) Geologic Hazards i, i . ]\ a) snow Avalanche l'.j i \ b) Rockfall lj i\ 4' ad-l /1 !r lj|.td&al$sl- 3l}l fli5pD n s/6-s- 3J65_Y( illl- O 3rfi5- -l-6$rf acr)o F )4 .).El ( 30) Credits: carage (!9y ( 1oo) ,,19;)'(50) r(2OO) (4OO) Drive: Permitted Slope 8t Actual Slope l', i I i_ 4) Wetlands R[C'D SIi)O 6 loon WE ARE SENDING YOU ! Attached I under separate cover via LETTilEF TRANSMilTTAT DATE a /C l1"o | .roeruo To: Ta,"3r., "F Vr"'l - !-r .?vtc,t.-. Y,rttz RE: L-'Lot4+ ?rJa.-- ?g.. n^',* €ub*.i#>l the following items: n Shop Drawings ! Copy of letter E Prints D Change order E Plans tr n Samples E Specif ications coPtEs DATE NO.OESCRIPTION a 4 la /qt rna 7 C-Owog tuh€-D trry- A?b €c'?rtltY\1- THESE ARE TRANSMITTED { For approval [J For your use ffAs requested as checked below: tr n ! tr Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections I Resubmit - copies for approval ! Submit _ copies for distrubution n Return corrected prints n For review and comment N FOR BIDS DUE 19 - f] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS bvx,-l,t .-f-al l-tu&t ( c-1,>.' -PJCH;-; - Cvrvp-d g,rop.-'{,. lv^.es.- >^A €ror-t sa-lL-**------r---1------l----- il enclosues are nol as noted, kindly notjly us al d1ce. ** t a r t aa a t aa i lat UNIT ONE t t t tla t i la a **t t * aa P R I M A R Y U N I T mory t\d0Q- IHTEP..OEPARTI'IENTAL REV I EW PROJ ECT: DATE SU3I,IITTED: FI RE DEPP.RTI.IENT DATE OF PU8 HEARING Reviewed by: eon'nents: Revieired by: Corunerrts: POLICE OEPARTI4ENT Date Date '{'t. .ij; Revieaed.by: Co;-"ents: Date 75 soulh lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 479-2139 September L1, 1990 office of community development I{r. Pat Dauphinais Dauphinais-Moseley Construction, Inc. P,O. Box l-515 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Lot 3, Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision SDD No. 22 Dear Pat: r bave revieved your building pennit plans for the Lot 3 single family residence. Below is a list of the conditions of approval that go along with rny sign off of the building perrnit. 1. The raiting on your balcony shall have a redwood trim on the top. 2. The curb and gutter and sidewalk shall not be constructed until the Town of ViaI engineer has given his final approval for the work to proceed. 3. Any roof overhangs in easement areas sha1l be approved by the utility companies before a foundation is poured for the proj ect. ff you have any questions or do not agree with these conditions of approval, please feel free to contact me. Thanks for your assistance. Sincerely,.t t n \X -:-L^ l/-al^-Ntt1an flt t1 Kristan Pritz Community Development Director I wiII abide by the conditions above. cc: Michael Whitaker Pat Dauphinais, Oqler/DeveloPer o o z @ {n c o {o z T m F 3 { att - F3 Eo 'fi -t rll tr-l r q rrQ4lr ;_ g FF= F E 3 DEi 19 g z ioo l.u i 9.V: IM P cr - lir I l=E =T-.]f]---t '< c L rLrLr I =.,Ll J o .< =- I o->=d€otl ; !L 229P, =o ; i z 6g q- m t -J- =m €z m 5 --t qt t-x -Tl I z rd tr ts F an J-K qh trl r FI r th E z lt e H z >H rJ H i{ € oEZ =FE brn <p lt,>p t>EH IS '8tn llH | r€tz lolP IH I tt lql IOF-txt< -ilo | ts l(/l *S- | ut ltr{\o I F lfr,6lurl<tt I s'l ,c)\rl lo tsl lu)o'l V th{ =^ nz >m c)I]-i>ol- Z a"r = --{ an z --{ m o - z z--{c p< 1Z O6)n T-m -l o r OB =l><F t>p p |!m r I =l I ld t{ lz Fle flt ![-(,l!(")lm ...,19 lz t9 I l lH t@ lr t ld l;l€ l=lz l-le lx |" tc)t<b t>l lF h-t blZ lnt laj lal tzl lel tl tl l*l llrrl trl l'l tl \o 5 \o I 5 \l i l--r mlO 5l€'lz lo ll l>l-II IM le,lz l" I I I I I l-l to l{ lz le t<t>l-l! ln lz l^ IE lz lo l-n t<l>l- l* lo lz q,z -.t 'a an -l m F FO h., Y Pi Io t- 'Tl 3-o om - -t (D m x m J z (- gt L I m O F-c'l (,].\ ;:3 d ,u:ao :6Bq :ROP 6-ip* :..< R {o{E6- =+oi,;i ; :66 qrO:aJ {-.os)Cf-+o=E- =Y=-h=ie ^-=nto :^l- cll o * = *o f <o94o o -=E -! o, ro ? q) -^'--r 4ii ;t a !.3 { o A-r f-o o *(,3t= Eeis I =^ B .: L P ii'=s=;e <o-f 9.oXo' J q) ='J ^'1 ;9)ii a ii= FH a;-'33Q go=: !P(,,o= o { gt o o c l o 3 (I' g. : o o f J o >(t z^ \J2 i> mC YM 20 mn Po €z m , o o r\t tA N t _n I a m t-_Tl a 2 li tr t- t---t--ll m @ - J z o --l _g m m o l#o ll .1 =z l- T m =U)z m m m lz z l- l- I - J c iff tI ]P to t-t- +_ I i lz t?IF lr ll o --t ; o la T i ]- IO tr€ogl -z ZA 'z : z>eR rd n= >o o>m:ao z c 4 I 2 € --t m --t z o o =z \ 4 m ! I !rn o c n fl c I z x _rt -o >'n 2O ?9 a <t, ^z tr< = Ho rIm Ez :UE =R F2 $:'.33 O'n z r':d€rdo H:'(:I -i' * €l N Fl N)tsl Hl u) :-t 5 !:l :l I I I I I t H P t4 r { H H x FI lF! IF It IH l-IF Irll H IF lrri l=lrJ l^_ t; FI ;F F H F lrtl =v) H r4 z 2 F @ - z z o I m (t vl c z= eEz =. o ilF e zP I ;lZ o ;'3 F >.ln I 'l I lo Ol ll ml -l z .A H fi F H N tr. l\)\o \o \o o '-1 t- m 3 ='Tl m m (t a m I X o l-rn ? m !o I -.t m 2 o 2 m € @ o m m --l o z n rn m m c)a z c 3 z m --t ; t- 2 -m x (!c 2 m = = m v =-n m m lJ) VALUATION T m n = =z o =m z o t- c = m m J o c 2 g {{ \RS\+\=\: { s trED 7A\n 5/ o o z 2 7 c o {6 z T -t fn 'l F !13 il= (, {m !m o !m E = =trq Iin=iq5 112 FP"|- 8P cG z=o@ 2=6o z trtrD z !m v 3 -o t ,n v^/t. ><r(x >(>< C)o z;O V-Pfi Yt 9a e=qg c) 9p ic AE g6 sil *!d9 u '- o 9.n -{m uz >m c)F i>or-7 F o - -{m o o €z m tt lF']lzl ;> | i,fi |(l iF 'tqt IF It:il\llf. lr t-ils aP I ql 6lt Fl-\t FL ,Ft ml m n -l o t z q F t Ill F 2 I ,3 {o €2 o 'rt :|-t m F)z p I n I !! n s|\.o t v *J -rE OF {F EE ol=h1\Pb hB i\l; {! n a € I \- \tJ f\ I 1 ! a S I !I \a)\< :(l I -* +t 0 I 3 o 2 r !m I =a, 2 n 1ll o m o l<" 12 12 t>lr- i ! I x z m lh 6 , |. n F>- No= Sn=r.r!-r-(t< 3 -F i9 $;eH R99 I o o t :!3 at m |- >o 3C -l>t{mc a!:,t to m 'lt PO €2 m t o t I I I I il 'l ,,l I AL INSPECTIONIS The Ltens below need to be conplete glving a pernl.t a flnal C of 0. Please check off lu the box provlded. FINAL PLIffBING COMPLETED before M '-----f- t-n ttt X DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL EAST SIDE:}JEST SIDE:BUILDING TEMPORARY C OF O tr L] l,{i ---r- l tl \!)\\-t\.N tr.*\ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAI{CY DATE: P'qv.'# \3t$' \,w LAI.IDSCAPING DUE DATE: ,F*o- I L \i irf ; I f \ I . i\ 'rl t e. I I!! \x al, 7b 8' I tr ; ', i iJ tD.c f!' lr ll tl *l\Er'g? tF cii k --\N ,\\-,,1 I .P o t" - o z .l q tr U i (1 z i q z n c) -z *l z N)tJ t.J z a FJ z X l-t-l z a IO tl- I t41 t>lz I l-{ I L'J I'U lo (/) E z )r -) -"{\ H z CJ z,(- z z J \\ i.tr_ ; e\ ; I S (1 ('N r-l c\\- t.: -X F rrj fo \:.Fi :.J 1/) \ 47g-2138 PERMTT NUMBER OF PROJECT .,.| D^rE ./ -/2 ?'7, JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: WED THUR FFI BUILDING: I] FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W-V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER u PLYWooD NAILING t] GAS PIPING g ttrlSULlrtON T] SHEETROCK tr POOL/H.TUB NAIL tr D E tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS cI CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR B B Ff NAL B FINAL i,epnoueoT,' u i / r, n iu.,, CORrtECTIONS: ROVED tr! BEINSPECTION BEOUIREI i\v i Av ,({€ o ,L? .\u "i' \1-'i!\ ' sl,,ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and enteled into this l6th day of October, 1990,by DauPhinais - Moseley Construction, Incorporated, hereinafter referred to as TTPROPERTY OWNER" and the Upper Eagle Valley consolidated Sanitation District, a quasi-municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "DIsTRIcT". wliERlAs, Property owner is presently the onner of that property described at Lot 3, Filing 1, Dauphinais - Moseley Subdivision, Torrn of Vail, in the County of Eagle. State of Coloradoi and WI{EREAS, the Dist,rict i9 presently in possession of an easement, ten feet (10') in width, running through the aforementioned property, r.rhich easement is described in Exhibit A, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, the Property Owner has constructed a structure that encroaches upon the described easement, said encroachment, being described in Exhibit A; and NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and Dromises herein, the parties undersigned hereby agree as follows: 1. The District shalI permlt the permanent structure to encroach upon the aforementioned easement. 2. The Property owner shall indemnify the District. from the costs of any instaLlation ano/or repairs to the Distric!'s utility Llnes, whj_ch may occur, or may have occurred, as a result of the construction of the structure over and upon such easement. 3. The Property Owner shall hold harinless the District from the cost of repairing any damage to the structure, which damage may be caused by the installation of nee, utility lines in the vicinity of this easement, or by a break in present and/or future utility lines of the District, or caused by the repairing by the District of such break or other maintenance of the lines. 4- The Property Owner shall indemnify the District from any increase in the cost of any instarration and/or repairs to the District's utirity lines, such increase, if any, due to the proximity of the structure to the utility lines. 5. This Agreement shall bind the successors and assigns of t.he Property owner, and shall be appurtenant to and deemed to run wilh and for the beneflt of the aforementioned property in EagLe county, cororado until such t.:-me that the District abandons said easement, and this Agreement shall be recorded against said property in accordance with the laws of the State of colorado. SIGNED AND DEL])ANg.AL,t 1oo I rty owner (s ): s..^-{n OHc!-- U'9 oa c.€ UA uta f.l o l!A oq F.O J rn |-l OO E :'. L) r!> FrF z -.]]ri r'1 \(J rO F. t!\J €(E o|NO NA lFi o*-$- lJ'l C! I Et!F F n0 uJ oJz F|z -rI qo 9>) *is f(aTt day or o Agreement Encroachment Page 2 I'PPER EACLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRTCT By: Title: ?rast&.1 ATTEST: STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE gl rD (AEsistant) secretary O}rner ( 3 ) seal.my hand expires : ss OF EAGLE The Notary Public expires: foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 1{$ a"y or ----i-i-sro, uv \-Ds,\tzr \4.'rc-!^.-- , of the upper Eagle ValleY Consolidated District, a quasi-municipal corporation. my hand and official seal. r),l t r,// /- / 4 l'-ld I .! 7ll,/, lt, I i ll t l/' t' tl 4419e3 8-545 p-779 @L / I6/9L 1?: 16 trGeoF3 L-lll-lt'---l- 5 5 o ,n,:6, i !tE I : .[t $ cq \!:,r\t. \ \\{:U r. a F ,o o :,u r0\ ! 6J (,t o -rl tr, o T: , v., t'\'\x =r=h- C VI J o 3 u 7 3 r0 ,-f I \ \ F?_= ) Dmc DAUPHINAIS - MoSELEY CoNSTRUCTIoN INc. &aL- "{9*96*, VAIL COLORADO PAYRICN G. OAUPHINAIS P.O. BOX l5 t 5 vArL co 3 r€5e €Gtt 949"a7 I G CLANGON P. IOSELEY aoo9 BE-T urc noao, sufie222 DALL e Da Tt2aO tzlat 7l€42a6 Sept-er668.6*u 199{t l"lor-rrll. a i n Eel l Bt-tsinegs Of f ice !ien Freernan E .-l E,-\, '::.'rqr_l .D:i. 1l i:;r, t.:r-r" t:tL4Ts RE: Ea=ernent EncFtrachment | -.+ T D;aL.rpni nai s-l'lflsel ey Eir-rbtJ i vi s.i sn f:i1ing # I Uai1, ColorarJc: Dear I'len r Attached i g a gitrvey dcrtrutnent descri bi ng f-he eiicrcarh{nent €enF"'r-Rl I y descr i- bsd absv'= " I am reqlter:t i ng permis=ian ts encrcach inta the lttiIity ea=ement Iorat*d on the v+est- prapert'.v linel r:S tl-re a.bove descr-ihed 1oL. The encroacirfierrt hri I I biq f sr tl-re rclo+ Bn1 y, The roc:+ i s centi. levered overr t-he easernerrt and l-ras nt: =utppcrt in the easBment " AL i Ls 1*r,'r pai nt , the rco{ averhi*ng wi } I b,e F.Ffrr(r:iini"rtel;.'. eright feet abnve e::istitrq gr'*rJer r-ising to apFr"L.lli i nratel y thirty feel ahL-1ve eiiisting grade at the Feak- Ther snl y Lrti I i ty servi ce l ncated in the eagetnent is r,+a.i er Bnd geurer sr:rvi ce pravided by Upper- E.rgl e VaIley. It is understt:c:d., that if t-tti l ity worh: is necessary i n the- ea--einen L, that reqr-ii reE renGval , c,r resttl tg i rr darnage to, the encrcachi ng porti nn of the bui 1di n-q t sltch repair clr replac€rn€nt cost wi11 be borne by property BFJner. ' I th"ank yar-t f or yrrr-ti- assi gtance i n thi s tniltter and hape for yourr timely respnnse, Fleage notify rne if yot-t requri re f Lrrther 6sisi stant:e. Dauplr i nai s-HoseI ey Const., Inc, F l ease ac L:nt:wl edgs yot.tr" a.nd retur-n €i ct:Fy tn cltr accetrt*nce of t-hiE. aqFeement hel nr,', nffice, er€I y, Dmc DAUPHINAIS. MoSELEY CoNSTRUCTIoN INc 8";tL- "[g*9,&*, VAIL COLORADO PA.rR|cK 6. OAUPHINAIS P.O. BOX ItrS vArL @ 81 6tt9 (3qtr 9.947 r 6 CN.AEGOi{ P, XC'SELEY 600e EL7 UitE FCTAD. SUm 222 DALI.AA ?X 7t2iao (2l.O 7a€a2eG September t-ic: P*Lrl i c S*rvi Gary Hal I P. C. Fox 4f,t] l'1inturn, f,B. _ l qgi) o r G-tbl RE: Easo:ment Encroachnent t4+7 Dar-rph i nai s-Floge1ey Sltltdivision Fiiinq * 1 VaiI, Enlnradg Dr*ar Gary, Attached 1s a eLtrvey dccurment cie=rri bi ng the encr-c:achinent generai 1y descri.beci al:revs. I am reqltesi:i ng Fermi ssi sn tc encroach i ntr: the r-tti 1 i ty ea:ernent l scated on the r+e--t prcperty I ine o$ the abu-ve descri bed I ot . l-he enci-oachnent- witl be fc:r Lhe roof only. The ron{ is canti L evered aver the eage,lenl: anci has na support i n the easernent . At- i ts l nw poi nt , the r-cof overhang r.t i i I be ;tpFr-s:i i rnatel y eight feet aLrove exi'st. j.ng grader rising tcr a[:rFro]t i rnatel y thi rty f eet shi:ve ex i sti ng gra.de at the Feali. The only urtility service Located in the eesetnent i s water and geu,rer- gervi re provi ded by Upper Eagl e VaI I ey. It is Lrnderstood' that if utility work is netressary i n tlre easemen L tfrat reqr-ri re$ rernoval o or- regul Ls in darnage ta, the etrcrr:aching pr,-rtian of the bui lding I sttch repair or reFl acerment ccst will be borns by property owner. I thanl.: yr.lt f cr ycutr assi stance i n thi e matter and hope f ar yor-rr timely resF<:nsrs. Pl eage. noti{y me if yalt reoui re f urtl-rer assi stance, Si nqerel y, atrick G. Daurph nai s, Fre=, D,-cuF l-r i n a i s-Floge I ey Const. , I nc. acceF nffi t ani: e n{ac knonrl edq y BLri-this aqreement beloN Dmc DAUPHINAIS. MoSELEY CoNSTRUCTIoN INc.g3el^"[&*gfu VAIL COLORADO P.o.St t3t5 valLco6tcsa a3o.3, g1tltt 6 CLARI€OI{ F. HOSILEY I(FE ECLT UI{E ROAD. 4)]fEZ22 D Ll.Ae TX ?t2ro a12lat 7a<x6c Septenber 05, 19?0 Heri t;..9e-. Cab I evi e;i cn Eary Johnson P, n. Eio:l 4f,9 Avon, CO" 8lS=O Rlf : Ea=ernent Encroachrnent D,altph i nai s-'l'lcsel eV Sr-rtldi'.zi gi sn Filirrq i* I VaiI, Col clrado De,*i- Gary, Attaclred i s a gurvey rjocllrn€nt degcri bi ng the encraachment general 1y de'scri bed aheve, I am reqlresting Ferrt issic'n to encroach into the r-rtility eaeerment lscated on thc- wegt property l ine c:f the abi:,re, de::cribed lot. The encrsa':hmen t wi I I be {or the r-oo$ onl y, The rr:of i g canti levered c'ver- the-, easernent and hils no surpport in the eagement, At its Io+* pcint, the rcof overhang $tiLt he appro>ri rnatel y eight feet abo*re e>:isting graden rising to appra:rimately thirty {eet a}:ove exigting grs.de at the peak. Tha anly r-rtility servi cu. located in the easement ig waier and sewer service provided by Upper Eagle V.el ley. It is urnderstood, that if r-rti lity wor t,: is nare€5a.i-ir i n Lhe eagernent 1:hat requri re:t refnova.l , or resi_rl ts in d*.mage to, ther encroaching partion of the br_riiding, such reFrai r or r-epL a.ce,nien L. ce=t wi I 1 be borne by property owner. I tlrantl your {or yoltr assi gtance i.n thi s natter and hrpe far yor-rr timely responge, Fl.ease netif y me if yelr r eclt-r i re f urrther assir;tancs,.'lw Pl e*s and r l edge yt-rr-tr- c(:Fy to oLlr Daurphi nai s-Flosel ey Const,, Inc. acceiptance o+ thi E a.qrFernEnt bel aw o{'fice. -*-?:-6:3-?Date ac kno Dmc DAUpHtNAIS - MosELEy CoNgrRucrtoN tNc' an tt | /'l /.-l t UJuil&n 4 Urn W"ru,t VAIL COLORADO PA1HCK G. DAUPH|NATS P.O. mX | 515 vArLco6rasa (303) 9a9{7r 6 Septemher O6 ,, 19?O Holy Cros:s EI ectric Aggociatisn f"lr. Ted Hrrgkv P.O. Eox 97t Avon. EO" 8161r-t CLARKSO F. IIO6€I.EY C(,oO EA.T L E ROAD. 3UIrZ?j22 oAL|-^a. Tr 732aO (2t/rr TaaOAed REI Easement Encrclachment t^+-T Daurph i nai s-ltlosel By SLrbdivie'ion Filing * I Va.i I . Do1 or adc: De;ir Ted. Attached ig a gutrvey doct-ime?nt degcri bi fig lhe encroachmonl gerreral Ly clescribed absve, I ain reqltesti nq perrni --:i nn to enci-sa,ch i nto tlre r-tti I i ty e*sernent l Bcati:d trn thqr west praperty I i r-re t:f the aborze descri bed I of ' The encroaclrment wi 1 I be {or the r-r:o{ snl y' The rro{ i s canti levered over the easemet:t arrd has na sLtFport in tlre easernent. At its 1t:w pnintu the rr:o{ r-.ve;-hang wiII he apFr6!i imatel y ei. ght f eet .rhave existing grade, rising to appr-ox irnatel y thJ.rty f eel-- ahc:ve existing grade at the peak. The only r-rti Ii l:y ser-vice lacats?d in the easement ig water anrJ sewer gervice provided by Upper Eagle Val 1ey. It is utndergtcad" that if utt j. litv wark ig nt::ci?==ary i n the eagement that reqr-ri res remsval r or resltl tg in darnage to, the encreachi ng portiBn cf the br-rilding, st-tch repair or repl Bcement cost wiIl be borne by property crwner. I than[,: yelt f{rr ycur arisistance in this mattFr and hope f or yolrr timely response. Pl ease noti{y rne if y c't-t reqr-rire +Lrrther sssi stance. ,t"% Patr i rlr G. Danrrhi ai s,' F res. l-a--r- T--r-.1-,rr5L I t FIeage acknowledge yrur and t-eturrrl a cc]py to outr D.iurph i nai s-l'losel ey atrceFtance o-t thi s agreernent bel ow of{ice, -7-*-a:-Ze +-l IJ J^{ tLt +4 I boyi'c cnginooling. inc. Lor 143 e. meodow dr. $jiin 3h crossroo(1s sh.)pping cenle! vorl, cchrro(;o 8 16:'r / 303/d7o-21lo ft x 6'iot' !4 a' 2( Fe+1 o;4AtF Wvel (rP t 6 h L t)o.- l_v_"_ ?"6L. I /osr g'r^t coe .o '--n lj:fl I I ll=.u I I rj ._ A* L? 2 p\o 1,-?+io ---- tIl .,X ,ry ! X \ tf'I t Q lloo:f 1< V,-T I \',s E y. '\ \s\ I I /i i ,/ ffDD i,(*rO f osr fa ,/ il,-\., t-tlO .tIHn ':{lI 5ft]-rlff ll:'tlJ 31.t,t-'E l.t,J:T-:r:.0 1", '.1 llF.ri Lt iJ W -L 1*lo b"vr["nuinooring, inc.-J :*ru511^"mll,:H,:! voil. colorod) 81657 303/di6 2r70 o lo oJlo. ?I*:fZ A-U. l_t iev-oft bls FI Wf 126', u'2 2-2f + I ?)'u 0r rl 'b_L 01t' I I t \l I f le-*k a! V) tl lu o_b,to@ I t.lJil-:it:t i.',,,.J a' r. N r$2t b'/t l4 7",^'&^j lJ' E N r I .+ a N ,vl lb rt"iirirsx;p, @ Qt/o A. Conla.n l:9i.'! lo? lsi!r- t,a':t.ia:1. C'a!lnC '{.PfyrS:! itlo:lal::n '2: a.t-aa2' r:a.;clD-a t5!.Icar';cF! an: tlancl'gl !t tb haito'.al Sorrlt ;rcd.r:!t Arlrctri:on rio lna Atat'.:ln :r!'i:teil sl Ita$1. lcnr:e.rct.to^ a!r(t tr:19tr. 13 of :.a:986 unrtgra 6utlo.^3 Ccrt' B. Al! lgrrr: r^.tl t.0sr,e'F:r l:3r fr::... Fo'1.:e gt:. i':.?0tt.Qtl prr' C. All 3irler !...t rha:i ao?.ta'^ tc rr.:101 9rt D.^dlne r?-.rr a.d go r.da ta.. oOee-Frf tribat. A e.f*rl tlatot'!i'!O 9at'lcd at iota,'rta latroa'alut'at 1b:l !a t?orrg.C lc; llgirrr eOon lrit;oarng llra tlFvcl.,'.r !o rlnrii:' rrcatlrtt Shaclral oua !3 tuJdan nuat!llt ch.neal' 0. locl .'r..tFrng rh.!l !. 5. t' !-i !ll-t|l !l/:l tlyeooct r.ii.ll oth.irltt not aat 0r t: anr. I, Fl!'o. rerlloo.rng rnrll 5r J. r' :-: :r:-AtA l:/:t !lv-eott. snlarr 0iitt't.tt noiao 3'r ;la^r' ,, Ut rtl )l rrrx,l lo -rrt Fr':rt ra l:|.rltd|l"flG o.c. .l t.tit I acir! r-: ! .l' :.:. .l :i:tt-a€:.ia aa;Tla. ull..at riharr.ta rni'i' p6tl tk&.lo I"ry LL .l __l to-- :_.1 e. I N N x t?)/. 4.L / f ound Pl caco ,17 Project Application Date Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: L, Comments: Motion by: Summary: Date: Town Planner **r**THl5 APPLICATIoN tIILL NoT I. PRE.APPLICATION MEETING: APPLICATION OATE: .t DATE 0F ORB I'IEETIHG: Mlt l6 I l4jlo- DRB APPLICATION BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI'IITTED*T'T* A pre-appriealien-T9911*.Till.:,ll?il]r'!.'nlj"ff*il l;,iil:t?lil ;iii'i:':.::A pre-application meetlng with-a pliTllno srarr memoer- rr )Lra'rrvrJ r determine tr any "oiiiiiiui'iiirorfiiiiol it ryt9:1:,-19 ltpll:t:IT-:t"?ffii[!'i;":;;^"Hi;iffi.i'iiir"'f,iiilin"is-neiaea.. No appltcation wllr be accepted unress it is compr"il'i;ii:i iililji-iii i!1';-!111t1.-qi-!h:-1fl111 :tTlii::'?:::)'il'il'.il ;;oii'U;i[ ]U;;^;fiiiii{-6 ;i!"-"l,lttgill'':nl,litl :1;Jnlr,.P,l:11 i,lr'iuilji iiiiiiriiir r;6;it6i-;equ'irements. prease ng!!^tFr,:-9911!:lE.llpl*.l: ti;rHii ffi;;iffi the approval rryceii for.vour.proigg! bv degeaslns the number of conditions of apprJiiir--t[ii'itte'bng-miy su-pulatb. -ALL cbndltions of approval must Ue ieioivea before'i Uuitaing permit is issued' A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: \ -L,rU f ,-t'si- llo.'s,^lc Urtr ,r, =aa- ot S D O. Z-Z B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal Zoni ng 3 L0t Bl ock 7- Filing p3 Descri ptl on 5 DD z"? C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address D. MI'IE OF I Address E. MME OF Sl gnature Address F. DR8 FEE: APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : 000 o. furuvrol The fee will be paid at teleplrone U?1,1/( l4r /t, tetephone fftlJll rL 3. People who fall meetlng and who republ i shed. to appear before the Design Review Board at thelr.scheduled trivi'hol-aileo ior a postponement will be required to be vlepnone-f!fo1 !S/ the time a buildlng permit is requested' FEE '$ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ so.oo $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 VALUATION , $ o-$ to,ooo $1o,oo1 -$ 5o,ooo $:50,001 - $ 150,000 $15o,ool - $ .5oo,ooo $50o,ool - $l,ooo,ooo $ 0ver $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGAROINC ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THT DRB: 1. tn addition to meeting submittal requirentents, the-applicanl must stake the site to indicate ptopitiv"ir;;; ili-itiiding-corn.is. rribs that will be removed itrouio-iiio be inii[!6."'i[is woii must-be completed before the DRB visits the sl te. Z. The review process for NEtt EUIL0INGS will normal'ly involve tvo separate meetings ii-tl" oellbn nlvi;*-boira,-;;-ti;;-on at least tiro meetings for their approval' l.r,,orl LIST OF I{ATERIALS The fol lowing Board before A. BUILOING -\,'tf 74 l ?fArcLlFS ElutFLa 9€r Dltn information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review a final approval can be fiven: MTERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR . Roof st df ng 0ther }Jall Materials €P^L 9do Fasci a Soffi ts bli ndows tli ndow Doors .c<-\>-- :, ,-l-.,.r lX,t Door Trim tb/A 4iu ec-o trilrsr/:fercf lJ c) po Trim ffi f.-a,a,, CEb? g,eec*em Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Flashings . Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther LANDSCAPING: Name fu'*t BE-ec*aJ@ U ts tot/ B.gf Designer: phone: PLANT I'IATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Ouani tv Si ze* lz'PR0POSED TREES (r%u"A,ou^{"n" C"(t ?rry-_? W A BnbA-, I Abiasoreh.\l-' 1 ro' Btl+ 4" EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED N/n *lndlcate caliper for deciducious trees.for conifers, (over) Indicate height v . PLAitT }IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUSS o Botanierl Name -- F*4? ihba CqU, 9*rL* .\.ofr'* * &, +b?pl4ltlla 6,t& i ' "' | -, t ..1 Natwl-€rxr.p,; 'r|rA {(-'.,arr FlrX 3,:-sP sr TYPE OF IRRIG'|TIOII TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSIOII CONTROL Comon llame 9g4- fj!d---gr"ru;t*. c?b,_v$,,7 V.Ebr4rt-h- ,rr.i.*' h- EXTSTTNG 5HRUBSSalir' n>4/,^t r .hUCLhb<,trrii TO BE RB.IOVED H/a t' GROUI:I) COVERS s0D SE!D .s.r-l Fr'r !1.4 Q I rp '"''- foJ3re Footaoe CLs.eL C. OTHER. LANOSCAPE FEATURES ng walls, fences' swiruning pools, etc.,)(retai ni l&".-- Please specify P?.OJECT: D.4TE SIJ3I,IITTED: CCI".J..IENTS }IEEDED BY : ERIEF OESCRIPTION OF THE POLICE DEPARTI4ENT t frfirW 9 L+,Jse7,:7 c., ;n rtL ,JS , f 4. fn/ S;J,-JL 4 &-.r. .f ukr {ro-, , 0 s.J ; 11/ar,,-< }fa.rs ,lLq ,l ?rou. L. =a.<-- ,/JJn f *.-*u t g- o.-*t /+t- l*.a e\ o) Ll""c^'J y2.u,Ls ( L/,.- { z-b.*snJ-,n r ":Wtr;fitr*T Conments: al 3/'r". oZ aiffi^+F] : U &.*un-L, Revieved by: Conui:ents: Date '{ r. .ij; Revleaed.by: Co;;,ents: I HTEP.-DEPARTNENTAL REVI EI.I PUELTC UORKS P.eviersed by: Connents: Date @ I\i\,\4. rnu+lw-$ag*.l bdPNo,,t calls, $M#,5Y:::^ff*SilmoJeQ" u\onn ril! trr rm{ Gffi $S;ll5-S'0 4 b,an&Dtdlura*rb,*J ro \d.I^ t%f,arD 'c;V'r bDrd Ir foft' hu lno o{ ro !l bousM Lsj0aA0d \\ UJt5l UZIrCI ruY \ il ix'* 'oftvCa" rrr,dnt't ftND2 ) ',, d.t" ilk e^ *o iuuU ,/ 2131- %"ffaNt- rm{'ietf 9ru-i fuiW;r^ *M]' contar W c.u,t t$ot( .*Mt' vA\np)o^$Wn 0dj'.e\' J, LETTfuF TRANSMITTAL oNE 17lo /4,o | ,oa"o. 6q,Lo ro: I. e.V. Fl."stt; ?r'\12- BE: wo&" ?i#e tof 7 WE ARE SENDING YOU tr Attached E under seoarate cover via the lollowing items: tr Shop Drawings E Copy of letter E Prints E Change order E Plans tr E Samples E Specifications coPtEs DAIE NO.DESCFIPIION a q /plqo 4z Pl>"-t/ t's" THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: {For approval E For your use X As requested D For review and comment Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections E Resubmit - copies tor approval E Submit - copies for distrubution ! Return - corrected prints tr ! tr tr D FOR BIDS DUE 19- D PRINTSRETURNEDAFTERLOANTOUS REMARKS +bwvt+ +lt,iufJ +ilz->^J ;^t L>rV-lr^Z->n) T2 ,+ h^r4lJF il enclosnes arc not as noted, kindly nolily us at o t dfu$ad 6?-ft 3Dl I ro_ i tuw '&- \rur, U-ud-tu_Mca&*lesL hd $$runr=5,-Uqkat e&odyto[ir \hL" lrb?- i'l l o o lnttn 75 loulh lronfage rcld Ydl. cdorldo 816!i7 (303) 4?}2138 (30:l) 47S2139 ttay 7 , 1990 olffce of conrmunlty development Mr. Pat Dauphinais Box L515 Vail, CO 81558 RE: L'ot 3, Block 2 Lionsridge Filing No. 5, sDD No. 22' Dauphinais Subdivision. Dear Pat: I reviewed your application for Design Review Board approval of the single-faurily unit on L,ot 3 of the Dauphinais Subdivision. Below is the additional subnittal information whieh must be delivered to our office no later than Friday' uay 1l-' 1990 by 5:OO p.m. 1. A landscape plan that is designed specifically for this site. This means actually indicating the landscaping type and size on ttre site plan. 2. The site plan should show approved setbacks, outline of the building, and calculations for site coverage. AII of the roof ridges must have elevations indicated on the site plan. At this tine, the roof ridge appears to be over the height liroit of 33 feet. 3. As you know, the najor subdivision will not receive final approval until uay 14th. For this reason, please subnit a copy of the subdivision and indicate the lot that you wish to build on. A condition of Design Review Board approval will be that you subnit a new survey for the specific lot before a buildinq pennit is released. This survey should indicate existing grades. I understand that this is inpossible to do until' the najor subdivision is approved. Hohrever, I an telling you ttris noit so that you can plan to have a sunreyor do a survey at a scale of 1tt = 2ot or larger with contour intervals of not nore than 2r. 4. Your materials sheet must be fllled out to lndicate all of the landscalre materials. Color chips should also be subnitted. 5. A GRFA check should be subnitted by your architect. Uy calculations how that the project is 21 sq. ft. over on GRFA. You can rectify this situation by adding 21 sq. ft. of storage. Also, please indicate how you are counting the exterior closet on the deck off of bedrooro No. 2. Is the closet enclosed or open air? 6. Please subnit a cross-section of the lower level to indicate that the maximum ceiling height of five feet is not exceeded at any point in your crawl sPace areas. 7. The scale on your el.evations and floor plans shoul-d be indicated. The scale on the site plan I assume is l/8t' = 1r but this should be written out on the site p1an. 8. Any bay windows you are proposing should be clearly indicated on the plan. 9. Please keep in nind that a building pemit for this project will not be reviewed until the subdivision 5-mprovements agreement, bondr/letter of credit' and major subdivision have been recorded. If you have any further guestions about the subnittal requirements, please feel free to contact ne. Thanks for your cooperation. Sincerely, r) | n I )1 -...\-,-., U!*'1 -h\ l) lqr \ 1\ I lf Kristan Pritz Di-rector Cornnrunity Developrnent Departnent KP,/pp cc: Buff Arnold WE ARE SENDING YOU I}Attached E under separate cover via LErrdfue $HnrusMlfreu the following items: ! Samples E Specifications tr Shop Drawings ! Copy of letter fl Prints E Change order E Plans tr oATE -l /tZ /49 | nano. bl te Tn. -l.o v. b.V4ste^^ '(vitz RE: L lo^.- v-iAatz_ 4* + eI coPtEs DAIE I'lo.DESCRIPTION t /t Sifzn; / F,*on q^ THESE ARE TRANSMITTED ! For approval \-'/ -x For your use 'C As requested as checked below: tr tr tr tr ! ! u Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections Resubmit - copies for approval Submit - copies for distrubution Return - corrected prints fl For review and comment ! FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTSRETURNEDAFIERLOANTOUS REMARKS .e'r/ ftz =stlz-d it encloswes arc not as noted, kindN notifu us at once. * DATE oF DRB MEETrriG, I f plqO S/s'\L. DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION t,lILL NOT BE ACCEPTEO UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBIIITTED****i I. PRE.APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with-a planning staff member is strongly suggested to . determine if any"ad';i;ioioi irrrorinaiion is needed. No appl ication wi I I be accepted unless it.is complete (must incluoe-aii iiems required by'the zoning administrator)' It is the.ppri.Sni;i i".ponriulitty to make an.appointment with the staff to find out about aaOitiiiiif,sr6*ittat requirements. Please note that a CSMPLETE applica- tion witt streamii;; lh" approval'process for.your projgc! by decreasing the number of conditions or'ipirJuir-ihat the'oRo may sti.iulatb. ALL conditions of approval rnust ue ieiotvea uefore'i uuitaing permit is issued' A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 3IT-ICALE F*F-tTb*T [-PtTgE3 B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Addres s Legal Description Lot I Zoning 2ee +> c.NAME OF APPLICANT: Address D. NAI4E OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: I Address E. MI'IE OF 5 i gna ture Address F. DRB FEE:The fee will be paid at VALUATION $ 0-$ 10,000 $1o,oo1 -$ 5o,ooo $.50,001 - $ 15o,ooo $150,001 - $ .500,000 $5oo,oo1 - $1,ooo,0oo $ Over $1,000,000 3. People who fail meeting and who republished. Bl ock ?)Filing 7 Ot,{NE telephone 4l.F.' O+ IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the-applicant must stake the site to indicate p.op".ii"ifn"i unJ-Uuitding corneis. TrLbs that will be removed should also be marked. This work tust-u" completed before tlre DRB visits the site. 2, The review process for NE|4 BUILIINGS tlill normally involve tt'ro separate meetings ii-il. oeiibn niui.w-boir;,-;;-piil on at least two meetings for their approval. to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled have'not asked for a postponement will be required to be telephone 14{., +]llb telephone #ta 'l!rf] the time a build'ing permit is requested' FEE '$ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ s0.00 $1oo.oo $2oo. oo $3oo. oo llti'-05'gIRiFilo* , ;IgEFI'+ffiNT'' The fol'lowing Board before A. BUILDING LIST OF MATERIALS >r,Liorr- 1L information is required for submittal a final approval can be fiven: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL by the applicant to the Design Review COLOR Roof Si di ng 0ther llall Materials Fasc'i a Soffi ts bJi ndows l,li ndow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues FI ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther c;Egryri*, . tuYFri.e HEE;Hwgrt c,eA(F- (ixa T{Gr\ F - -tl t.t/t. - - ealf -t]z,l4 Fse B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MTERIALS: Botan'ical Name IJ lz'{ lal EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED N/h *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. fxAU c*^c.ta f@ue3a,uw fef for conifers. (ove r) Common Name Quani ty Si ze* pR.p'SED rnees ?rcrr fra;.r 1 ttrr.a Gtt.E{rafu* I - Indicate height . PLAIIT TIATEiIALS: (con't) SHRUES Eotanietl Name - C^g, a..r)r, Cotmon llane 0uani tv ,_44 ( i rc '.14- ry -rutj- 54t- bh.-fu4:@L . h 'N$leel. "rr^#3 I nj,'-.^-*^ fu +b?_eJ,og;la SbAt- c2 aL 5 bau TXISTING SHRUBSSAII *' N>,.r:'- D" l"f &+;tniilt TO BE REI'IOVED ru/a GROU;IO COVERS s0D 2 5@ e'l;- Tvoe Souare Footaoe 15) 5 :rr \a) 5 "r"> ( r=n 3zsct t 1 TYPE OF IRRIGT*TIOtl TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSIOII CONTROL C. OTHER.LANDSCAPE FEATURES Et4't'r ( retai ni l&"-- ng walls, fences, swimming gools' etc.,) Please spec'if1' lnwn 75 lodh tronLge road Ydl, color.do 81657 (303) 4792138 (3o3l 4792139 April 18, 1990 offfce ol communlty (hudopmenl Mrs. Jill S. Dowd P.O. Box 3l-28 vail, co 81658-3128 RE: Lots.2, 3, 41 5, Filing 3 and Lot 1, filing 2, Lionsridge Subdivision. Dear l,lrs. Dowd: On April 17, l-990 the Town Council accepted the geologic trazard study by R'J. rrish on the above referenced lots and directed the staff to arnend the official rockfal.I nap accordingly. The rockfall nap wirl be nodified to indicate that these five lots arr) now classified in the noderate severity rockfall zone. rn adrlition, the Irish report and a copy of ttris tetter will be inr:luded in the permanent files for-each of these five lots. Thank you for your patience during this review process. please feel free to call ure with any questions you may have regarding this project. Sincerely, ,-() 1 \asYvASv--- Tom Braun Tohm Planner TBlpp Office of Community Development Town of Vail 75 5. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 March 12,1990 Subject: GEOLOGIC HAZARD CLASSIFICATION for Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, Block 3 Filing No.3, and Lot I Filing No.2, Lionts Ridge subdivision, Vail, Colorado. Director of Community Development: On behalf of myself, Jill 5. Dowd, ovvner of lots 2, 4, S, in filing No. 3 and Mr. Bruce Canton, ovrner of lot 3 filing No. 3 and lot I in filing No. 2, I would request a hearing before the Town of Vail council to review the classification of our lots in the Geologic Sensitive Area Map. We would desire that our lots be reclassified to a Moderate Risk Rock Fall Area from its present High Risk Classification. lam submitting a site specific Aeologic report from Mr. Robert James lrish which supports our request for the re-classification. My address is; Jill S. Dowd, P. O. Box 31 28, Vail, CO 81658-3128 and Mr. Cantons address is; 1853 Lion's Ridge Loop, Vail, CO 81657. Please feel free to contact rire if there are any questions concerning our request. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely Bruce O. Canton nfi we$ Yale Avenue. No. 501 Den!€i Cototacto 80227 303-986-6658 R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. 0ctober 2, 1989 Canlon Constructlon ComPanY 1853 Llons Rldge Loop Vatl, CO 81557 Attn !Hr. Bruce 0. Canton RE: Geologte Hazards Study, Lots 2, 3, 4 & 5' Block 3' Plling No. 3, and Lot 1, Flling ilo. 2 Llons Rlctge Subdivision, ValI' Colorado Job No. 190(t?6) Gentlemen: As requested by your Mr. Bruce Canton, lhe undersigned conducted an englneenlnB geologic reconnalssance of the five subiecb lo!s, lthlch occupy a gector of the iouih-facing slope of the 0ore Creek VaIley lnrmedlately noriheast of the Buffehr Creek Valley at the easLern end of the West Vall area. The four lots are located ln the s},1/4. Nl,1 ,/rl , sec, 12, T.55., R.81W., Eagle CounLy. Colorado (Flgure 1). Our obJec!lve uas to generaLly outline geologic condlilons across the st'udy area and !o assess nhether any of Lhose conditlons constltute geol'oglc hazards sufflclenlly severe to restrain or preclude develop$ent of the property ag planned. i{e understand slngle famtly and/or duplex resldences are Lo be ccnstrucbed on bhese four lots. Fron Llons Rld8e Loop, ag about Elev. 8l2O teeL to 8130 feet, the lots extend northHard up th! slope of a 1on8, nagov' Hest-trendlng rtdge spur of the Yalley s1ope to about, Elev. 8250 feet. The rldge cresis ab about E1ev.8{tlO fee! to Elev. 8450 feet. The slope dlstance lrorn Llons Rtd8e Loop to the iop of the rldge ts on the order of 500 to ?00 feet. From the rlal8e creet doHn Lo about Efei. 8220 feet (abouL the center of the lots) the Sround slopes at about 1'?5:1, nhereas beloh'that elevaLlpn to Lions Rldge Loop the groun<l slopes aL about 3.6:1. Ue undepst-ang t_Ite_!9mer-Iguld be-constructed adJacenL to Llons ildge Loop on uhe flatieiGldpll-leclors-o-itne tot. The steeper' upper part of the ridge slope ls dlsrupted by 2 main rock bluffs ranglng from l0 feel to as nuch as 50 feet nign. A few tiees are scagiered across the stucly area. but for the most par!, vtgeiallon ls limited to brush and natural grasses' Sedloenlary rock slrata of the Pennsylvanlan-age (290 to 330 ntlllon years ago) Hlnturn Formation consLitute bedrock across the study area. These gtrata lnclude nalnly sandstones, a feu shales and a feu thick ltmesLone unlbs. These dtp northuard into the hlllstde al 30o to 40o. Consultant to Designers. Conlragors. Planners R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. Canton Constructton Company 0clober 2, 1989 Page 2 The bedrock, horever, ls blankeLed (except for the rock btuffs) by slopenash and talus solls doirn to about Lione Ridge Road. Belolr Llons Ridge Road a xest- soubhwest trending ridge spur of glaclal noralne ls plasgered agalnsl the foo! of the slope (Flgure 2). The sandsEones typlcally are flne-gralned and flne to coarse-gralned. They are 1oca1Iy conglomeratlc, thln to naSslve bedded, seak to etrong, and the Joinis are rldely spaced. The llmestone 1s flne-gralned to mlcrocrystalllne, strong to very strong, thlck-bedded and wlth Jolnls widely spaced. The unconfined compresslve strengths of the sandstones probably ran8e from 10,000 psl Uo 15,000 psi, whereas t.hose of the llDestone range probably to 30,000 psi. The shale units typlcally eange from seams wlthln the sandstones to thin-bedded uniLs up to a fooL or so thick. Those thicker unlts, hoLtever, are rare. The unconflned compressive sErengths of the ghal.es probably range beLreen 2,000 psi and 6,000 psi. The slopewash and Lal-us soils are unstratified, sandy, gravelly, eobbley clay hrlth scaltered boulders. Thts is nalnly sandstone debrIg. The solls form an apron developed below the sandstone bluffs doun to Llons Rldge Loop, thus range from a wedge-edge upslope !o probably as much as 10 to 20 feet thlck adJacent to the road. These solls have been depostted prlmarlly by sheet Hash, thus are expected to ran8e from lOose to medlum dense, and probably are subJecb to dlfferent!al settlenent then Yelted. Soulh of Llons Rldge Loop, the glacial moralne sol1s are prlnelpally a hetero- geneous r,:ixture cf sard, gravel, cobbles and boulders ln a sllt to clay mairlx. The sotls include both sandstone and granltic rock debrls. Except, for a potenblal rock fall hazard, we found no evldence of potentlal geologlc hazards within the study area. So long as drelllngs are-construcfed withln these lots lrithout gtgnlficantly c[t_49!ng__!he_ exlstl-ng-glo-und-,e_ondl_qlons' tbus rhe stabllltt-;?-Eh-e-To-tls-and/oF- rocl vlEhln the bulldlng slbes and vtclnlty, slop€ stabiltty should not be lmpairecl. Cu_ts and f_llls on the lots should be FeDf--1oti--(i.e.;--on--fire---order of-.3_!"!_rl_1t9.),9I.999.19_be geoUechnically clesigned. No unusual or sivePe geology-related Dullding ffiie expected. Buildlg-g+Jbel.e-€lLeg sftould nou lncre?se^ the hazard to otber properLy or st-uctures, or to publlc bulldlngs, roads, (l streeta, rlghts-of-$ay, easements, utllltles or facllltles- The ouecrogs of rock, prlnclpally gandsLone but lnclucllng sonre layerg of llnesbones as rell, Jut out of the r:,dge slope as lon8, narron bluffs aS much as 50 feet hlgh (Flgure 2 ). Con-c-elvab! v rqck-!f!ck-9-9!d--9!3!-eg-3lSU-1-d -9!lP-ple f rom these bl.uffs to roil and bounce down the 91op€. These Cheore!lcally could constltuLe a hazard_to buildlngs constructed on Uhe elope--5b1-F.-ThEt-rock fall Ti;ri, *e uefiEi{--neGos td-56-consffihe pro_ballltty of an event and the severl.tll of the even! (the slze of a parblcular block thaL could topple ) l R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. Canton Constructlon Company Ocgober 2, 1989 Page 3 l{e belleve the rock faII r-irk, ln terms of probablltty, i.s__}Qtr lor Lots 2,4 and nost of 5, but is Judge6-tibe rnedium acrose nost of Lou'-f and a anall area at the southeastern corner of Lo! i-(fieure 2). The bluffs ibove Lots 2, J, 4 and Eost of 5 are relatlvely narFdF- and are fonoed of sandstone that, appears to be relaBively masslve. Although ve found evldence of loosenese of a feH thln plates and small bloeks of rock, for the nost part the rock across the leclge ln the vlclnlty of Elev. 8330 feet to EIev. 8345 feet and Ehe nore proElnent bluff ln ihe vtclnlty of EIev. 8380 feet !o Elev. 8420 foet appears to b€ refa!1ve1y lntacl. The Jolnts.that ane open tend to be perpendlcular io the slope ragher than parallel to lt. Moreover, the strata dlp lnto the slope rather than ouf' thus rock blocks are nuch less Ilkety to topple xith those planes as Uheir basal separat lons. Over geologic tlme, blocks have separated fron bhose tro bluffs, bul toosL of those appear to be quite old. Many are partly buried ln the slopeldagh and Lalus, and the fresh rock surfaces ortginally exposed by the breakup of those rock magges as they fell are nor. ueather-coated. ThiS evldences conslderable antlqulty. High rare exception, these blocks have scattered only aboub 150 to 200 feeb doHnslope from the bluffs from whlch they are derlved. The resldences 0o be consLrucbed woul<l be placed rDore than tltlce that dlstance away from the bluffs. Host of lhe rock blocks have broken up yhen they topple<l lnLo smaller platy rJasses that have no| travell.ed far fro]D the outcrop. They are trapped by the vegelation and other rock blocks strewn across the upper part of the sl.ope. tfe cannot compleiely dispel the posstbility that in some future tlme large roek blocks toppllng fnom these two outcrops may lnvade tgtp 2,*i-,*[-anh 5, bu! the geologlc evidence lndicates thaL thoEe events are rare and the risk I'or. The rock formtng the Lover bluff from about EIev. 8340 f€ee to Elev. 8380 feel and extendlng easLlrard along the slope above and east of the eastern half of Lot No.5 appears to be slgntftcantly oore blocky (FiSure 2)' -Thbgd--!Iocks from place to place appear to be nore prone to toppling than elsewhere Hlthin Lhe study area. Thls ls evldenced by a fan of old rock blocks thai are scattered belos the bluff above Lot t and eastHard for about 230 feet,. Consequenlly, ue have Judged the rock ha?afd rtsk for most of Lot 1 and a small part,gf Lot r t" ue meiiui. This lnS the rock blci-clis -thaL can be renoved by cnoubarrl ng. Adctltlonally, t11o large_r blocks denoted by x's numoerGl-iliilz on the geoioglc nap (Figure z)@} rcm@ed by llt[t--blagllnS. A]lernattvely, those rock blocks J99!q- b9-p-lmed Htth. rock Uofts. Removal aDpears bo us to be a preferable answer, however. Scallng of lo-ose slabs and blocks could be extended to the rock ouLcrops to the sest alEo. Thls uould be merely an lnsurance rneasure ihat Hould reduce the already lox rlsk of rock falls by only a 3ma1l tncrement. 'lr-(," R. J. lrish Consufting Engineering Geologist, Inc. Canbon Construcblon ComPany October 2, 'l 989 Page ll tte hope the above coirnents w111. be of propergles. If you have any quegtlong our Yonk, please feel free to call. Iolus truly, ffi(fuiYl Consulting Englneerlng Geologlst RJI : ct you as you develop these to discugs any aspects of some servlce to or uould llke R :i,iffii I II ,tt -N- I I o tooo 2do0 4000 - R J- IRISH coNsuLTrNG ENGINEERING GEOI-OG|ST, lNc. PROPERTY LOCATION MAP DATE , 3,/30/89 JOB NO., 190 {126) FIG. I SCALE IN FEET r;I EJ IF F3 !3 t? ii':s -t =9 ,' EF o-.. -a 3a EE;::: E:E !!i;l; :Fl ll3I5 ;-!. 'E=: '" el^-r =:EtR39 ;E ::i;i ti EFEI: ;'s :3:.3 ' a:lr-.. i!ll::: i::;;ii !r .-_t \!: i: ri !e i: i; :E i; :B:: -o :l 3 i:t! - !- r ;i l:F F :: ir; i -t ! ?: t ii iE; l :.5 :" '.i :'E: r! -:==:3i3 :. EE |n IF F ii I z - 2 lr ,-sI -l o 6 €t -8 ea zao 887 ruh! :HH I?"s3 91