HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAUPHINAIS MOSELEY FILING 1 LOT 9 LEGAL.pdfi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparfnent of Community Development 75 South Fontage Road, VaiL Colorado 81657 tel: 97O.479.2139 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.cl.vall.co.us Proi€t llame: Grand Traverse #9 DRB tlumber: DR8010183 Project Description: New Single Family Residence Participants: OWNER DAUPHINAIS-MOSEI.EYCONSTINCOZO3/2001 PhONC: 1404 MORAINE DR VAIL CO 81657 License: APPLICANT DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST INC0Z03/2001 Phone: 47G8055 1404 MOMINE DR VAIL CO Nels Peterson Box 1515 Vail, CO 81657 License: project Addrcss: 1418 MOMINE DR VAIL Locatlon: Lot 9 1418 Moraine Drive legal Description: LoG Block: Subdlvision: Parcel ilumben 210312209033 Comments: Approved bY DRB 218/2001 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Clark Brittain Action: APPROVED Second By: Bill Pierce Vote: ,l-0 DateofApproval: 09/11/2001 Conditions: Cond: CON0004864 The Fire Deparlment will require the instalhtion of a monitored alarm $/stem. Cond: CON0fi)'1876 Retaining wall in front setback shall be removed and rephced by gnding with the addition of asPen trees. Entry: @/11/2001 BY: AK Action: AP Cond: CON0ffX8Z Shall be approved by staff once all outstanding conditions have been met. Entry: 09/11/2ffi1 BY: AK Action: AP Planner: Ann Kjerutf DRB Fee Pald: f200.00 t ZONE CHECK Lcpl dcscriprion: Lot 4 Block .?- Fi z:_ Filing Ad drcss Orncr Phonc Architcct Zonc district Proposcd usc Lot sizc Allorvcd Ex!.sting = \\1{ sr Proposcd Total Remaining lqtLl{q 3F / 3vL A "*"u*".r*-@SS Total GRFA .fe fl)+ VA5 PrimaryGRFA_+@25)(67s)=_!!fo1ff: _ * = Sccondary CRFA + (425) (67j+) * 675 = 425 crcdir plus 2.j0 addirion Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? Horv much of thc altorvcd 250 Addirion is uscd with this rcoucst? Sitc Covcragc tar;4 'lle t{ s(* 3Zf7& = Hcigbt Sctbacks kndscaping Rctaining Wall Hcighb Parking Garagc Crcdit Drivcrvay (30x33) Front Sidcs Rear 5Z "l lc{ -__--__r---'-r- I o/-/ lDt ^k,'Y 'F'tb, 4b% * Conrplics with TOV Liglting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2: l (502") EnrironmcntaL/}Iazards Prcvious conditions ofapproval (chcck property filc); Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: Pnrrn ir+ai el^^^ o/ Ycs._..-__ No Ycs-- No 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlands 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (50) 5) Gcologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Rockfall c) Dcbris Florv Minimum 8("+KgF 3't 6, Goo)(66jsoo) (rzoo)514 tr- Encloscd Proposcd Slopc 5- % I+€NTtrb tt34 3r (on ouc roo) a4-o'/ DESIGN REVIETY CIIE CKLIST Projcct: tr SURVEY Scalc B cnchmark I. . Lcgal dcscription : Buildablc tuea Eascmmts Topography l00yr. floodplain Q FLOORPLANS S calc GRFA 250 additional GRFA Crarvl\Aftic Snace. EHU Q BUILDINCELEVATIONS Scalc -- Color\Matcrials Roof pitch Q LANDSCAPEPLAN Existing trccs proposcd fces Lcgcnd MISCELLANEOUS Condo Appror.al Titlc rcport (A & B) Utility.vcrif cation form Photos ofsitc Building material samplcs C.O. Vcrificati on Sun\Shade Anglcs Utilities (und crgro un d) Vierv Corridors Varianccs PIat rcstrictions Watcr Coursc Sctback Environmcnal Hazards Trees Urilify locations Spot clcvations tr SITEPLAN Scal c Building Height Encroachmcnts Sctback Sitc Covcrage EavcVOvcrhangs (4) Dccks/Balconics Carage conncction *_ . Sire GndeLSlopc Rctaining lValls Fcnccs Tuming Radius Drivcrvay (access and gpdc) Snorv Storagc Firc Access ^a ml tE tl il rtil ll tr ll ll r iill ffi Effi ll q |:ii;:i;i ll lla|;ii#:ii ll llgliiiii:ii:ll ll =|;!i::::if,l lli l€i;ierri;ll Itlli-{e-irdl F::ll llEl*:gll ll llrl6 Fj - ll ll;lF ;5ll llEl4:Hll llFllfi3ll il>l < ll ILL___jl rcl {** '' = '' ll illlill*44!l ffi m of record, Inter-Mountoin relied upon the Subdivision, o Resubdivision of Lots 5, 6, 7, , Colorodo. ,/ k0056'02" K:O /6. UO L: / /.05' T-q q<' cH-/ /.05 CB:N45'5/'/8"E I hereby certify thot this improvement locotion certificote wos prepored for Douph inois- M oseley Construction, thot it is not o lond survey plot or improvement survey plot, ond thot it is not to be relied upon for the estoblishment of fence, building, or other future improvement lines. I further certify thot the improvements on the obove described porcel on Morch 30, 2001, except utility connections, ore entirely within the boundories of the porcel, except os shown, thot there ore no encroochments upon the described premises by improvements on ony odjoining premises, except os indicoted, ond thot there is no opporent evidence or sign of ony eosement crossing or burdening ony port of soid porcel, except os noted. This certificote does not constitute o title seorch bv lnter-Mountoin Enoineerino to ,60'\" -.-'- /O.O, RU/LDING 5L /SACK / 2. O' BU/LD/NG 5E /EACK LOT // NOTICE: According to Colorodo low you must commence ony legol oction bosed upon ony defect in this survey within three yeors ofter you first discover such defect. In no event, moy ony oction bosed upon ony defect in this survey be commenced more thon ten yeors from the dote of certificotion shown hereon. o*'- Inls cerlflcote ooes not cons tute o UUe seorcn DV lnter-Mountorn Lnorn determine ownership or eqscments of record. For oli informotion regordiig eosements. rights-ofrqd"Fer, ,tittd of . record, Inter-Mountoin relied upon tl / 2.0' BU/LD/NG SE TBACK LOr I \( "v v - \"r it' ^''?''' t... \Q,^ 'r ?-\ '\1'^ \ DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION INC. eqiHal n( /ar. ?a4ra July, 16, 2001 Town of Vail Community Development Attn: Design Review Board Color samples for Lot 9 1418 Moraine Drive Vail. CO 81657 Stone: rainbow mix Sidinq: "Moorwood Manor Brown Stone Lion TWT SW2037' Fascia: "Sherwin Williams Olvmpic Ranqe C SW2385" I PO Box 1515, Vail, Phone P70) 476-8055 Colorado 81657 Fax (970) 476-9022 FILE COPY Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8i,657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us July 19, 2001 Pat Dauphinais Dauphinais-M oseley Construction, Inc. P.O. Box 1515 Vail. CO 81658 Re: Proposed single family residcnce - 1418 Moraine Drive / Lot 9, Block 2, Dauphinak-Moseley Subdivhion, Filing #I Dear Pat: The proposed residence to be locatcd at l4l8 Moraine Drive was reviewed by the Design Rcview Board at their meeting yesterday. The Board made the motion to allow staffto approve the final plans once all of the Town's reguiremcnts have been met with the condition that the retaining wall adjacent to the driveway and propcrty line be removed and rcplaced with grading and a grove ofaspen ffees. The outstanding issues to be resolved are outlined in my letter dated July 9,2001. In addition to these issues, the Fire Department has requested the installation of a monitored alarm system in lieu of requiring the residence to be sprinklcd. Staffhas also sought to resolve the parcel nunrbcr issue. Wc havc deterrnined that the property has been properly assigncd and that the Town of Vail's permit racking system requires some upgrading due to recent parcel assignment changes within Town boundaries. Hence, 2 l 03 12209033 is the conect parcel numbcr for 14 | 8 Moraine Drivc. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 479-2148 or akierulf(4lci.vail.co.us should you have any questions or concerns. You may contact Mike Vaughan at 479-2252 regarding spccific Fire Dcpartment requirements and Leondard Sandoval at 4"19-2198 regarding specific Public works issues. Sincerely, dryy-q Ann Kjerulf I I Planner IIIGIS SpeCalist Town of Vail $RE(YCLED PAPDR 4q DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, July 18, 2001 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS PUBLIC WELCOME PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain Bill Pierce Hans Woldrich Andy Blumelti MEMBERS ABSENT Charles Acevedo 12:00 pm 1:30 pm slrEVlsrrs -Wear good hiking sfioes!/ Manart residence - 2945 Mann's Ranch Road Brown residen ae - 2642 Cortina Lane Grand Traverse - 1418 Moraine Drive Lionsmane - 1063 Vail View Drive Selby residence - 1467 Aspen Grove Lane Bridge Street Lodge - 278 Hanson Ranch Road Allison 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Driver: ,| PUBL]C HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:00 pm Millrace Condominiums - Final review of proposed exterior alterations Ann 1478 Westhaven Drive / Millrace Condominiums, Phases | & ll A part of the SW % NE %, Section 12, Township 5, Soulh, Range 81 Wesl of the 6rh Principal Meridian. Applicant: Millrace Condominium Associalion, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects STAFF APPROVED Vail Village Inn - Final review of of a remodel lo units 335 & 337. Brenl 100 E. Meadow Drive #335 & 337 - Vail Village lnn / Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Village #1 Applicant: Patricia and Gerardo Schroeder, represenled by Fritzlen Pierce Architects MOTION: Clark Britlain SECOND: Andy Blumetti VOTE: 3-0 (Pierce recused) APPROVED z. ?Lionsmane Condos - Proposed repaint. Bill 1063 Vail View Drive/Lot A5-1, Lion's Ridge 1"' Filing. Applicant: Lionsmane Phase ll Condo Associalion, represented by Arrigoni, Inc. MOTION: Andy Blumetti SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 CONSENT APPROVED 4. Sanalt residence - Proposed revisions to approved plans. 1328 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 22, Block 3, Vail Valley 1"r Filing Bitl Applicant: Alex and Flora Sarralt, represenled by Andrew Abraham MOTION: Andy Blumetti SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1 . That the deck rails on the entire house be consistent. lf ihe proposed rails are lo be used, addilional details must be submitted for view.2. That all requirements of the Public Works Department musl be met prior to the issuance of building permils. 5. Law residence - Final review ol a new single-family residence. Allison 4460 Glen Falls Lane / Lot 9, Forest Glen Subdivision. Applicant: Don and Susan Law, represented by S.H. Cole Construction MOTION: Andy Blumelti SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 3 CONDITIONS: 1. All PW issues must be resolved prior to submittal of building permit. 3. Environmental Hazard report must be submitted prior to submittal of building permit. 4. The arborist report, lo preserve the >20 ft. spruce trees on the east side of the lot, must be submitted with the building permit. 6. Manart Residence - Final review of proposed window trim Ann 2945 Manns Ranch Road, Unit #4/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Village 13th Filing Applicant: Manart, represenled by Melissa Greenauer MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED W|TH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. That the slucco and siding colors malch existing; dark gray slucco shall be used on the garage and light siding and stucco be applied on the second level. 2. That the "vintage burgundy''window sash be sunounded by a gray brick molding or wood lrim to match the windows on the adjacent unil. 7. Grand Traverse - Conceptual review of proposed single-family residence Ann 1418 Moraine Drive, Lot 9, Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision Filing #1 Applicant: Pat Dauphinais MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: BillPierce VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. That il be staff approved once outsianding issues are resolved. 2. That the retaining wall be removed and replaced with aspens. 8. Brown residence - Final review of proposed single-family residence Bill 2642 Corlina Lane/Lot 6, Block B, Vail Ridge Applicant: Bill & Norma Brown, represented by John Martin MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Andy Blumetti VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED WITH 3 CONDITIONS: 1. That all requirements of the Public Works Department must be mel prior to the issuance of building permits. 2. That the wood siding on the west elevation not exiend below the divider of the 1d and 2nd floors.3. Thal 3 evergreens I feet in height and 3 evergreens 12 feet in height be planted on the west side of the building. That 2 evergreens I feel in height, 2 evergreens 10 feet in height, and 2 evergreens 12 feet in height be planted on the east side of the building. 9. Bridge Street Lodge - Final review of proposed 250 addition Allison 321 Hanson Ranch Road, Unit#501 / Lots A, B & C, Block 2, & a Portion of Tract E, VailVillage 1d Filing. Applicant: Agustin Franco MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the greenhouse element not be approved as part of this application. 10. Selby residence - Conceptual review of new single-family residence & final review of proposed driveway. Allison 1467 Aspen Grove Lane / Lot 88, Block 2, Lionsridge Subdivision Filing 4 Applicant: MOTION: Andy Blumetti SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 DRIVEWAY - CONSENT APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 'l. That all Public Works issues be resolved prior to permit. 11. Vail Mountain School - Final review of revised mechanical..equipment screening. Brent 3160 Katsos Ranch Road I tot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12'n Filing. Applicant: Vail Mountain School STAFF APPROVED 12. Beaver Dam residence - Proposed changes to approved plans. Bill 383 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3'Filing. Applicant: A2Z Holding, LLC, represenled by Fritzlen Pierce Archilects. MOTION: Andy Blumetti SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 (Pierce recused) APPROVED WITH 2 GONDITIONS: 1. That the "false windou/' on the second floor of the nodh elevation be removed and replaced with vertical siding to match the remainder of the building. 2. That the corrugated edge of the corrugated corten roof not be exposed to view. Staff Denials Sonnenalp Real Estate -Awning. Ann 242 E. Meadow Drive/Vail Village Filing 1. Applicant: Joni White Taylor Peterson/Green residences - Storage shed/trash enclosure. Bill 2844 Snowberry Drive/Lot 19-8, Block 9, Vail Intermounlain.Applicant: Thomas & Sue Peterson Meir residence - Proposed repaint. Bill 4267 Nugget Lane/Lot 9, Bighom Estates Applicant: Dennis & Linda Meir, represented by Duane Piper Siaff Approvals Sun Vail Condos - Siding replacement. Bill 625 N. Fronlage Rd. WesVLot 9, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Sun Vail Condo Assoc. Gingrich residence - Enclose existing entry porch. Judy 4887 Juniper Lane/Lot 7A, Block 4, Bighom Subdivision srh Addition. Applicant: Tom & Chris Gingrich Joe's Famous Deli - New sign. Brent 288 Bridge StreeULot D, Rucksack Condo. Applicant: Joseph Joyce Lewis residence - Storage shed in carport. Brenl 2520 Kinnickinnick, Ms/Meadow Creek Condo of Intermounlain. Applicant: Jane & Will J. Tenney Lewis Vestlandet Condominiums - Window replacement on south side of Building B. Ann 1746 W. Gore Creek Drive/Lots 1 & 2, Vestlandet. Applicant: Chris Michael Mcnamara Love residence - New railing. Allison 800 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 7, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch Applicant: Robert J. & Judith K. Love O Meara residence - Repaint, cut trees. Judy 2952 BellfloweriLot 18, Block 6, Vail lntermountain. Applicant: Michael O Meara Golden Peak Skier Tunnel - Fill storage. Brent 458 Vail Valley Drive/Golden Peak. Applicant: The Vail Corporation Becker residence - Deck enclosure. Bill 5053 Snowshoe Lane, Unit AJLot 26, Block 19, Vail Meadows Filing 1 . Applicant: Lois M. Becker Wooden residence - Dormer addition. Bill 5053 Snowshoe Lane, Unit B/Lot 26, Block 19, Vail Meadows Filing 1 . Applicant: Douglas L. & Marietta Wooden McMahon residence - Loft addition and enlarge window. Allison 1245 Westhaven Circle/Lot 36, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: McMahon Trust Vail Intemational - Minor change to approved plan. Judv 300 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 4,Block 1, Vail Intemational. Applicant: VaillnternationalCondoAssociation Kirby residence - Replace/shorlen retaining wall. Brent 217 Rockledge Road/Lot 13, Block 7, Vail village Filing 1. Applicant: Steven & Suzette Kirby Selby residence - Temporary rockfall mitigation fence. Allison 1467 Aspen Grove Lane/Loi 8, Block 2, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing 4. Applicant Robert & Kristine Selby Bigos/Murphree residences - Expansion of 2nd floor decks. Ann 1834 Glacier CourULot 2&A, Block 2, Lionsridge Subdivision Filing 3. Applicapt: Steve Clark Sears residence - 250 addition. Bill 141 West Meadow Drive/ Lot D2, Vail Village Filing 2. Applicant: Francine Sears Rautenstraus residence - Rebuild deck, replace deck rails. Judy 5026 Main Gore Drive, Unit 1, Building BlLot 1, Gore Creek Meadows Filing 1. Applicant: Roland C. Rautenslraus Fite residence - Deck addition. Ann 1 844 Glacier Cl.lLot 24, Block 2, Lion's Ridge Filing 3. Applicant: David & lrmak Fite Weir residence - Deck addition, replace sliding door with French door. Ann 933 Red Sandstone Road/Cottonwood Park Townhouse. Applicant: Donald Weir Riva Ridge North Condominiums - Tree. removal. Brent 133 Willow Place/Lot 6, Riva Ridge Chalets North. Applicant: Tom Saalfeld Village Center - Rooftop satellite dish. Judy 126 Willow Bridge Road/Lot C&K, Block 5E, VailVillage 1d Filing. Applicant: VillageCenlerCondominiumAssociation Town of Vail Municipal Building - New fence. George 75 S. Frontage Rd./Unplatted. Applicant: Town of Vail Thompson residence - Exterior spiral staircase. Brent 45 Forest Road/Lot 33, Block 7, Vail Village 1"'Filing. Applicant: JVBProperties,.VailLLC Pollack residence - Driveway re-alignment. Brent 1250 Westhaven Circle/Lot 30, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Cynthia Stroum Meagher The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notificatjon. Please call 479-2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for informaton. ? FIL T coPy TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us July 9, 2001 Nels Peterson bauphinais-Moseley Construction' lnc' P.O. Box l515 Vail, CO 81658 Re:Proposedsing|efanilyrcsidence-l4ISMoruineDrive/Lorg,Block2,Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision, Fihng #I Dear Nels: staff has reviewed the plans subrnined for the proposcd rcsidence to be located at l4l 8 Moraine Drive' There are a number of issues that need to bc addrasscd'p#iltil;iew uy ttre oesign Rcview Board' Site Plan Pubkc Works Issues 4^-^^ /r$,rcr t,,nnrnd sitc) and crosion control g/ lndicate the limits of disrurbance/constructionfence (lnust surround sitc) and o/ Show the location of ,ilt"d;;;;ti drain: show wircre thc drain pipe will daylight' a permission from the .*"ri "ii., ro is rcquired fo.. the corrstruction of the swale (requires gadlng on F-i/A Lot lo as ProPosed) o'Retainingwalls,asproposetlatfour(4)feetinheight'willrequireaP'E'stamp' Planning Issues 1 121 A^ia( The cnrrect lot size is 0.332 Acres. e,'Conect the lot sizc indrcated on the site plan as 3'332 Acrs;' The corrcct lot si q/ Indicate the snow storage area ( t 0% of drivewty t; ";il; ,D; 'no* must be accommodated within properry boundaric's . . ^ ---.,.. +L^-^ ora e trnrvn Aq lrcinp six (6) feet in width. Parking w/Pleasea-djust the parkrng spaces' Currcntly' these arc shorvn as bcing six (6) f spaces are required to oi Sl-i8: l"d*rr-un. S'*rS;'ouitiJ*- fftttt pirking spaces are required for this Project. yl,::y#fg*',1';'nf,ii;tli;iii'iliii'#lllo** must be at rcasr 2' from the propertv tine and w'r require a P.E. stamP. {; *"n"tro r^ru* tt Floor Plans a.-Show the height ofthe proposed anic space above the garage. Ifapplicable, show any areas to exceed five (5) fe* in height.g- Note that crawlspaces shall be acccsible through an opening not greater than trvelve (12) square feet in area, with five (5) feet or less of ceiling height, as measured from the surface of the eartb (nol from the lop of the concrete slab) to the underside of stnrctural floor members of the floor/ceiling assembly above. Please adjust the lower level floor plan accordingly. a GRFA catculated by staffis 4,5?7 square feet. The maximum allowablc GRFA for Lot 9, based on SDD #22, is 4,495 square feet. Please adjust the residential floor area of this proposal accordingly. Note that the "void" space on the upper level ha.s been included in the GRFA calculation If this is not G[{FA please indicate that therc will bc no stnrctural flooring in this portion of the building. Please submit a set of redlined plans to show areas included in your GRIA calculation. Other Issues oz'_Please submit a cut-sheet ofthe proposed light futures. This is required prior to final approval. a/ Fire Deparnnent approval is required; the proposed plan has a perimeter greater than 300 feet, triggering the requirement for the building to be sprinkled. o For your information, staffencountered a discrepancy with respect to the parcel number assigned to this property. Eagle County Assessor's database: Town ofVail permit nacking system: The Town ofVail is using the correct parcel number, according to the Assessor parcel maps. However, the County is being contacted to ensure that the database is conected accordingly. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 479-2148 or akierulf6)ci.vail.co.us should you have any questiors or concerns. You may conact Mike Vaughan at479-2252regarding specific Fire Deparnnent requirements and Leondard Sandoval at479-2198 regarding specific Public Works issues. We look forward to seeing you at the Design Review Board hearing on July 18, 2001. Sincerely, -l n t ./. /)(Mfu,**(a Ann Kjerulf ' \-' Planner IVGIS Specialist Town of Vail 2t03 12209 033 2t03 12209 009 Status: I Approved coMM:hY DE'EL'PMENT Rouhc Fonrrr fr Approved with conditions I Denied Routed To:Leonard Sandoval, PW Date Routed:07t05101 Routed By:Ann Kierulf Date Due:07 t11t01 Description of work:New single family residence Address:1418 Moraine Drive Lesal:Lot:o Block: I Subdivision:Dauphinais-Moseley Filing 1 Comments:Date Reviewed: Fire lssues.Need additional review Fire Show location of window well drain. Area on site plan where drain pipe wt!! rleyli tt winOow wett retaining wall is 4 ft or higher, a stamped approved drawing from a license PE is uired. As shown a drawinq is required. Limit of disturbance fence and eroison control fence required. show on site plan permiiion from the owner of lot 10 to regrade on between property for swale is required. @equired.homeexceedsthefirehoserequirments.asshown'around the home is 340 ft. max allowed is 300' ft or 150' in both directions. lsandoval 7-9-01 ZONECHECK Datc: Lcg'al dcscription: Lot Block L Darrr+r^r Ad drcss Oqncr Architcct Zonc district Lot sizc Total GRFA Horv much of tlc Sitc Cor.cralc Hcigbt Pbonc Phonc Proposcd usc 1g1g r .{,lf,_ , Alffissr Existine w % =:Jia454b_ + ae1 Proposcd Total Remaining Primary GRFA -- + (a25) (675*) =-- Sccondary GRFA + (125) (625+) + 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Add.ition? N /A , allorvcd 250 Addition is uscd with this rcqucst? 3lprf,sr W+'&57. 32.q' sctuacrs(fr{- 5ul) Landscaping Rctirining Wall Hcights Parking Garagc Crcd.it Drivcrvay 20' l<t l5'-, tat ? Minimum bvlSsr 4lnQB,ar Encloscd (300) (500) (e00) (1200) Conrplics with TOV Liglting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs less tlan 2:I (SO%) Enr.ironm cn ta L/llazards Pro'ious conditions ofapproval (chcck propcrty filc); Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: Ycs-- Nq PcrmittedSlopc Zo proposcd Slopc 5- 7 *<4;1e]6 Ycs_-- No l*aq 6G 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlands 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (50) ^t /A 5) Geologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Rockfall c) Dcbris Fiorv MAinI Let-ru,-- e{++ S,F. WAL LA)€L - lqzr SF. 6*nae " (-u)bou * W+' * 33+? = (30x33) Front Sidcs Rcar 3'/6' Requircd 3 ^J ,4. 4?-,?h, ttt++* bw) Sj7,t L . _! scrback ruftzf tLlS{ q4rrfr7,t +,r-.'-_ sitc ccvcrage W tW . v EavcVOvcrhargs (4) /'\ y' ffi** €*@uJq Decks^alconics +' WqLcaE; ' _{ carage conncction 5ntv\P. ,/ G.6wes gdo,r)^j v SitcGradc\slopc - At o'Lrugj / Rctzirinelats ,lx.r$ rNseosg il/A . F*..,q*Iq ou4riDe @4.na fur&, X Parking/oaragc Projcct: DESIGN REVIE}Y CIIECKLIST Q SIJT.VEY _-- -Z ,*. e FLooRpLANs qffil gpAL& --!/ ecnchmuk Scalc r lt'lDlC,tfE $elq\'f , (h,' --{ Lcgaldcscription GRFA u+tjolD fu1|n'tct'' _/ Lorsir" 250additional cxre @2m-, W Buildablc tuca crarvl\Attic spacc _ " (lgulcmus rA fot+. : Eascmcnrs EHU rc qPfA,|.5 W flWftJNmt: -/ ropognpay aBUILDINCELEVATioNS /,Dfubr- . ^l/A loo,- i^^;-r-: scaje gtD,n flr'D'u|"F) ; ;;;.;:;.._ _'_ coror\rvateriars Pnn{s Environnrenral Hazarrjs Roof pitch SltL + tyle-- _!10 Trees Q LANDSCAPE PLAN qns btzr-k rlUrility locarions tl l* Exisring bccs - vrrrr(J ruL<rttu SPot clcvations rroposcd trccs e SITE 'LAN Lcgcnd -{ s^" : MISCELLANEoUS ./ a^-.r^ ^ ---^--- ' Ircr ii+e J BuildingHeight condoApproval lNtoBlftd / Encroachrncnrs Titlc rcport (A & ts) Uti iity vcrifi cation fornr PLotos ofsitc Building matcrial samplcs C.O. Vcrification Sun\Shadc Anglcs Utili ti cs (undcrground) Vicrv Corridors Varianccs Plat rcstrictions Mf5floul^l- \ ? Turr,ingRadius lo'/' R'ofb(l{2s, ' Drivcrvay(accessandqradc) *pwqSeb u'tt#r €ryflrEe+&- @ Lttv\-rs W _X_t;sr..nPael 2 Llosi*co'Jz'QaL.- V,JF/* r ,Q4/{AgP(qs Snorv Storagc Firc Acccss x, g& *, u? I €\ tll pl1 1as4:*ChDM 5t\AtESC ,9'nn+ie-ciA hufr< ,)( jnril C 5r$r;€ rJph;lSc-oT r,..r RarjaoDfaif . * ltgt rf u'qtrs rl B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #: ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: OWNER(S) SIGNA NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: L. D. E. r- G. H.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: !- Xcw Construction - $200 D Addition - $50 tr Minor Altcration - $20 DRB fccs are to be paid at the time of subnrittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pennit. please identi$ thc accuratc valuation of thc project. Thc Town ofVail wilt adjust the I'cc according to thc project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT oF coMMUU[I,"JJJ;ffff"rNr, 7s sourH FRONH;E RoAD. __uD . rt,, gu"rtlonr'ill thc I'ii.r,r:ing 5taiIai --i ,'i--:.lJ APPLICATTON FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dasign Rcviclv approval. Any project rcquiring dcsign rcview must rcccivc Design Revicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, see the submittal rcquircmcnts lor thc particular approval that is requcstcd. Thc application cannot be acccptcd until all the rcquircd inlbrnratiou is subnrittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvic',,vcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Plaruring and Environnrcntal Conrmission. Dcsign Rcvierv Board approval expires onc year after final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. DEscRrprroN oF rHE REQUEST: Stryl' 4.^rl\ $rrg BLOCK: L FILTNG: lOontact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) .9t"-,'1 r LLctl 6:3! * Ure*, Nszec,az L.,,r,.+,.rzC PHONE: Construction ofa new building. Includcs any addition whcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or commcrcial building. lncludes nrinor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, rcroofing. painting. window additions. landscaping. fenccs and retaining walls, etc. TOWN OF VATI, I LTST OF PROPOSED MATERTALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:{BUILDINC MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Solfits Windows Window Trint Doors Door 'l'rinr lland or Dcck Rails N*Jp" n\ F^"{tw-,n ul.\[6w\- Flucs Flaslrirrgs Chirnncys Trash Encldsurcs Grecnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other 5r'oi,tq I\A NA. T\A 4r sbD* zz- + Please specify the nranufacturer's color, number and attach a srnall color chip ** All cxtcrior lighting ntust ureet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, plcasc indicatc thc nuurbcr of fixhrrcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. Identify each fixture type and provide thc height above gradc, lunrens output, lundnous arca, and aftach a cut shcct of the lighting fixhres. -fpintrts-lie Uodated 6/97 tuet \nPid,n, "W,u +t$er-,- | g+on €roW,rf \rtla, Shaabo,rk'9.^l:q)t \\d"".0- f.,n[,rn^,-"L l.,o{-,,,.^n, rJ CaQ0tr Cal ..,t ,6lvcco PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Rotanical Nanrc Contrnorr Namc Ouantitlr Sizcr PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRICATION *Mininrunr rcquircnrcnts for landscaping: Typc dcciduous trces - 2 inch calincr conifcrous hccs - 6 fect in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Squarc Footacc TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,.fen-ces, swirnming pools, etc.) please specifi. Indicate top and bottom clevations of rctaining walls. -Maximunr height of,walls within th; fiont s*back is 3 feet. Maxirnum height of walls elscwhcrc on the propcrty is 6 fect. Urdated6197 I I ITII -ITY LOCATION VERIFTCATION This form is to vcrifi scrvicc availability and location for new construction and shoutd bc uscd in conjunction rvith prcparing your utiliry plan and schcduling installations. Thc location and availability ofutilities. whethcr thcy be main trunk lincs or proposcd lincs, rnust bc approvcd and. vcrificd by thc following utilitics for thc accorrrparying sitc plan. fi_l . \ t t ,1-. ffifndnoa \e,Hprs / Authorizcd Signarure Datc U.S. Wcst Comrnunications I -800-922- I 987 468-(r860 or 949-4530 Public Scrvice Conrpany 949-57ti I Cary Hall Holy Cross Elcctric Assoc. 949-5u92 Tcd Husky/J.ohn Boyd T.C.I. 949 -5510 FIoyd Salazar Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanitation District * 4'76-7480 Frcd Flaslcc * Plcasc bring a sitc plan. floor plan. and clcvations whcn obtaining Uppcr Eaglc Vallcy Watcr & Sanitation signatrrrcs. Firc llorv nccds rnust bc addrcsscd. NO'I'ES: l. lf thc utility vcrification fornr ha.s sighaturcs fronr cach of the utility companics, and no colrllllcnts arc trladc dircctly on thc tbrrn. thc Town rvill prcsunrc that thcrc arc no problcnrs and thc dcvcloprncnt can procccd. lfa utility cotnpany has conccms with thc proposcd constnrction, the utiliry reprcscntativc shall note dircctly on thc utility vcrification form that there is a problcm which nccds to bc rcsolvcd. Thc issuc should then bc dctailcd in an aftached lcttcr to tho Town of Vail. Howcver, plcasc kccp in mind that it is thc rcsponsibitity ofthc utility company and the applicant to resolvc idcntificd problems. These vcrifications do not rclicvc thc contractor of thc responsibility to obtain a Public Way Pennit fronr thc Dcpartmcnt of Public Works at thc Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained bcforc dissing in any public right-of-way or cascnlcnt within thc Town of Vail. d 2. 3. Updatcd 6/97 It. ltL IV. PRE-APPLICATION CONFF RENCF A prc-application confcrcncc with Town of Vail staff is rcguircd. No application can bc acccptcd unlcss thc rttandatoryprc-application-n_"!!inghasbcenconrplctcd. Itisthcapplicant'srcsponsibilitytoschcdulcthis rnccting by calling 970-479-2128. TIME REOUIREMENTS Thc Dcsigr Rcvicrv Board rnccts on thc lst and 3rd Wcdncsdays of each month. A complctc application forttr and all_acconrpanyins lltgrial nrust bc accepted by the Comnrunity Devcloprncnt Departnieni a nrinilnunr ofthrcc and a half(3 I/2) wecks priorto thc date ofthc DRB public hearing, REVIEW CRITERIA ' Your proposal will bc rcviewcd for conrpliancc with thc Dcsign Cuidclines as sct forth in Section 1g.54 of thc Municipal Codc. NOTE TO ALL APPLTCANTS: Ifn propcrty is locatcd in a mappcd hazard arca (i.c. snow avalanchc, rockfall. floodplain. debris flow, rvctland, ctc), a hazard study nrust bc subrnittcd aud the owncr nrust sigl an a*davit rccognizing thc hazard rcport prior to thc issuancc ofa building permit, Applicants arc encouragcd to-chcck with thc planning staft prior to subnrittal of a DRB appiication to dctcrminc thc.rclatiolship . of thc propcrty to all nrappcd hazards. Basic l)lan Shcct Forntat' For all survcys. sitc pluns, landscapc plans and othcrsitc improvcnrclts plans, all of thc following nrust bc shown. | . Plan shcct sizc nrust bc 24"x i6". For largc projccts, largcr plan sizc may bc allowcd,2' Scalc. Thc minirru'r scalc is r"=20'. All plans must bc at thc sanrc scalc.3. Craphic bar n^calc.4. North arro,rv. t Titlc block. projcct nanrc, projcct addrcss and lcgal dcscription.6. lndication of plan prcparcr. address and phonc uunrbcr,7. Dltcs of original plan prcparation and all rcvi.sion datcs.ti Vicinity ntap or location nraJi at a scalc of l',=1,000, or larger.9. Shcct labcls and nunrbcis. l0 . A bordcr with a minimum lcft side rnargin of 1.5". I l. Narncs ofall adjaccnt roadways,12. Plan legcnd. For new constnrction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate propcrty lincs, proposed buildings and building comers. AII trses to be removed must be taped. Thc applicant must ensurc that staking done during thc wintcr is not buried by snow. A1 sitc tapings and staking must be completed prior to thc day of thc DRB mceting. Applicants who fail to appear beforc the Design Revicw Board on their schcduled meeting date and who have not asked in advancc that discussion on their itenr be postponed, will have thcir itenu removed from the DRB agcnda rntil such tinre as the itcrn has been rcpublished. lf thc.DRB aiRrgvc.s thc application with conditions or modificarions, all conditions of approval nrust be resolvcd pool to the issuance ofa building permit. A. u, C. D, E. Updated 6i97 lnwn 75 routh lrontage road vell, colorado 81657 (303) 47$.2138 (303) 47S2139 olllce of communlty developmenl June 2'1, 1991 Mr. Pat Dauphanais P.O. Box 1515 Vail. CO 81658 Re: Revocable Rlght-of-Way Permltlor Dauphanals-Mosely Subdlvlslon Dear Pat: After speaking with Kristan Pritz regarding your concern with filing revocable right-of-way permits lor individual lots on the above project, I spoke with Greg Hall about the issue. lt is our feeling that it will be possible to file only two revocable right-of-ways for the project. One will cover landscaping and site walls for the landscaping associated with Lots 1-24. For this, we will reference the proposed landscaping plan for the subdivision. Greg will review each lot at the time of submittal, and may have comments and concerns develops. as the landscape plan The entry landscaping will be on an individual permit which references the approved design of this area. should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 479-213g. rely, n^ilr.-lly Town Mello Planner /ab Greg Hall Kristan Pritz cc: lJl - - UPPER EnCle vnllei llV .^l:1,,1,r:":l^: ji,'::,T"?;,:i,ll"' Augus t 2, IgS0 !ls. Kristan Prllz To'rn of Vail Connunlty Development ?5 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 Re: Dauph ina 1s -llosel ey Subdlvision Filing l, vail, Colorado (2{ SingIe family lots and I duplex lot l Dear Hs. Pritz: The Varl VaIley ConsoLidated Hater District and Upper EagIe Valley Consol idated Sanilallon Distrlct vill provide domestic yater servlce and sever servlce to the above referenced development, The Districts have excess capacity to process domestlc vater to lts constltuents at the present tlne. Accordingly, upon conpllance viLh the Rules and Regulations and the paynent of approprlate tap fees, the Dlstrlcts v11l provide donestlc vater servlce and sever service. Conslructlon of aIl rrain Iine extenslons is the responsibility of the developer; hovever, aII constructlon draHlngs Dust be preapproved by the Dlstrlct. Any additlonal fire service, (i.e., fire hydrants), that need lo be added to those already exlstlng vill be at the expense of lhose requestlng the servlce. The adtlltion of Backflov Prevention Devlces on the Flre Servlce and on the Domestlc !laler Servlce, vhere requlred, are necessary. SlncereIy, UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOTIDATED SAIIITATIOII DISTRICT \^'d \ \\o-\arir- Fred S. Haslee Dlstrict Regulatlons AdmLnlstrator FSH:Jam lll PantrcrparrNcorstnrcrs-aqoowraaoMF_rRowarER.dvoNMEtRowarFFr.aiAVERCpLEKME-Row^TER.BFRRVCREEKMETRowaTER T4;;\ 0\ ca"LE va'L ME rRo warE'i ' '"'"^::,,-il:,i::ffi,[::i:;';H:?:r'-:;::i:,';',ffi:::'""""Ev coNsoL'DArEo saN''a'oN @ totllyEsr ' ))MMIJNICAIONS @ Aox 3O5o Dtll,ort, hlz. 50435 SUBJECT: \4 < sF. c\ s \+J t i\v \tf.N 7laulrt H Vr+r L Dee/- 5;r' 2on ntczrtt/-y tkve(ar:rttp't/ 75-€ .,rrarty'r+g€ k/. fz)\|arL, €oLn, E/Gs7 coMMtJNtcAzolus @ V€1oP../?2nf vn /L far-ztrl 4P Vn / L ltF'tyEsr' TITLE: ..,,\ll nerrtage Labievlslon l'.0. Rox 4J9 . ) tl l.l0 lvlcrcall Rold '. ,\'..nn. Colorar.lo 816f 0 ' ir,l11 OJq-t i ]t'l AugusE 2, 1990 To whom it nay concern' I{eritage Cablevislon !til-1 provide cable servlce to the Dauphinais-Moseley subdivislon, f111ng /ll . At this time the cable is in place at this siEe. Sincerely, +^*L 4/ g,r-L llark G. Guz inski lleritage Cablevision Lead Te chni c ian 3?s9 H t(: HW,\l S: P. o. l)t{i\\\ l.:ti :: sil (;LllNWO()l) SPI(lNl ;S. (l(rl.()lt.\l)i ) s l r,l): August 2, .l990 HOLY' CROSS ?'EC--I-RIC],\SS&IATION. INC. AREA CODD 303 945-5491 Ms. Kristin Pritz Planning Dept. , Town of VaiI 7j Dauphinais-Mosely Construction, Inb. i4r. Pat Dauphi nai s P.0. Box 1515 Vail, C0. 81658 RE: Lionsridge, Lots 1-19 Resubdivision Electrical Service Dear Kri stin: lloly Cross Electric Assocjation, Inc. is in the process of completing our printary electric installation within the above mentioned project. We have already received funds from Dauphinais-Mosely Construction, Inc. for the est'imated cost of 'uhis project. Primary electrjcal service installation should be cornpleteci by mid-August. Should you have any questions, please call me at 303-949-5892. Si ncerely, H0LY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATI0i'1, Inc. Engi neeri ng Servi ce Supervi sor Tll: lw ll/0#12235:5167:Lionsridge, Lots 1-19 Resubdivi sion Public Service'Publlc Service Compeny of Golorado P.0. Box 430 Minlurn, CO 81645 t303t949-578r August 2, 1990 Tbbrn Of VaiI bnmudty Develogrent Departrent Attn: tiristan PrlLz, Director 75 South Frontage Road Vail, @ 81657 Dear Kristan, Please al-1cit^r thi-s letter to senre as evidence that D.M.C.,Inc., the dereloper of Iots 1-19 Lions Ridge Lane, has satisfied pubLic Service Cc-mcanyrs recJr:est. recnrlrenents. A11 necessarf/ natural gas system desigrs are onplete at this tine. D.1,1.C. Inc. has signed the neoessaql facilitlz agreenent and remitted the re4rired cash ontribution for the faciliff in- stallation. Increased dennnd for Ptrblic Service Conpany's senrices dr:ring this year, and ttre limited nanpower to satisfiz ttr-is de- marid will require efficient job schedulino. Pr:blic Senrj-oe Conpany crews are prepa.red to begin constnrction at tfr:is Lirre. Please let re kncrr/ if I may be of additional assistanoe il providinq infornatlon related to this developnent. Repr"esentatirre GII:lnb LAND TIT Representing old RePublic OWNERSHIP AND I L Order No. 0802253 Thls report is based on a search rnade of docunents affecting the r'ecord tltle to the p""p"i[v described hereinafter, eearched by ]e991 descriptlon and not by the nlrnes of grantor or grantee. Conaequently, tl9 infor:nation a6 to record owner is taken from the moet recent recorded Vesting Deed, and the infornation -is-to existing encumbrances reflects onLy those documents of record which specificalli describe the subject property- by legal description. nncumf'rances not included are those of record which refer to the owner of the property or any ot-her person having an interest therein which are f iled 'nV ir"^"- only ai'rd do not include the legal description of the property. N; infornalion is furnished relative to easements' coven-anti, c6nditionei and restrictions. --Charges--o&ERePort Thls Certificate is dated : Address: Record owner: DAUPHTNAIS-MOSEI-,EY CONSTRUCTION INC., A COTORADO CORPORATTON Recorded date of deed Ln to above oetner: october 02' 19BB Documentary Fee on above deed: $65.65 I LegaI DescrJ-ption: PARCEL A: DAUPHTNAIS-I,TOSELEY SUB, FILING NO. 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 23,1990 IN BooK 536 AT PAGE 221' coUNTY oF EAGLE' STATE oF COiORADO. (PREVIOUSLY KNOWN AS LOTS 1, 2,3, 4,5,6,7, B, 9' 10, 11, L2, 13,L4,15,L6,r7,1-B,AND19tloN'sRIDGESUBDTVTSToN,FILTNGNO'3 ACCORDING TO TTIE PLAT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 10, 1979 IN BOOK 29O AT PAGE 194') PARCEL B: LoTs 20, 21, 22,23,24,25 AND 26' BLoCK 2' LfoN'S RIDGE SUB" FILING NO. 3, ACCOi{DING TO TtlE PLAf REC9RDED SEPTEMBER 10, 19?9 IN BooK 290 AT PAGE 794, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. EXCEPT FOR: LOTS 1' 3' 4' 5, 2L, 23 AND 24, DAUPI{INAIS-MOSELEY SUBDMSION, FILING No. 1' AND PARCEL c: PARCEL D, A RESUBDMSION OF PARCEL D LIONSRIDGE suB, FILING NO' 3 AND TRACT C DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY SUB, FILTNG NO. 1 ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED APRIL L4, 1994 IN BOOK 637 AT PAGE 54O, couNTY OF EAGLET STATE OF COLORADO' We find the foltowing docurnents of record affecting subject property: GUARANTEE INN National Title Insurance ENCI'UBRANCE REPORT ANY Company $75.00 August, 30, 1994 at 8:0O A.M. PAGE LAND t'l"E GUARANTEE EouPANY Representing old nepublic Natlonal Title rnsurance conpany OWNERSHIP AND ENCUMBRANCE REPORT order No. 0802253 DEED OF TRUST RECORDED July 13, 1989 IN BOOK 509 AT PAGE 8L6. AsSIGN!.IENT oF RENTs AND oTHER RrcHTs REcoRDED July 13, L989 IN BooK 509 AT PAGE 8].7. EXTENSION OF DEED OF TRUST RECORDED February 12, 1990 IN BOOK 522 AT PAGE 948. EXTENSION OF DEED OF TRUST RECORDED August 06, 1990 IN BOOK 535 AT PAGE 63' DEED OF TRUST RECORDED August 27, 1990 IN BOOK 536 AT PAGE 382. ASSIGNI,IENT OF RENTS AND OTHER RIGHTS RECORDED Auguet 27, 1990 IN BOOK 536 AT PAGE 383. EXTnNSION OF DEED OP TRUST RECORDED February 20' 1991 IN BOOK 548 AT PAGE 8. EXTENSION OF DEED OF TRusT RECORDED Auguet og ' L99L IN BOOK 559 AT PAGE 603 . DEED OF TRUST RECORDED October 08, 1993 IN BOOK 621 AT PAGE 679. ASSTGNMENT OF RENTS AND OTHER RIGHTS RECORDED OCIObET 08, 1993 IN BOOK 621 AT PAGE 680. NOTICE BY DISBURSER RECORDED Oatober o8, 1993 IN BOOK 621- AT PAGE 681. PARTIAL RELEASE OF ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS RECORDED DECETNbET 20, 1993 IN BOOK 627 AT PAGE 874. PARTIAI, RELEASE OF ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS RECORDED DECEMbET 20, 1993 IN BOOK 627 Ar PAGE 875. REeuEsr FoR pARTTAL RELEASE oF DEED oF TRUsr RESqRDED January 28, 199'i IN BOOK 630 AT PAGE 981. REQUEST FOR PARTIAL RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST RECORDED January 28' 1994 IN BOOK 530 AT PAGE 982. STATEI'ENT OF LIEN RECORDED May 13, !gg4 IN BOOK 540 AT PAGE 272. DEED OF TRUST RECORDED May 20, L994 IN BOOK 540 AT PAGE 734. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND OTHER RIGHTS RECORDED l'lay 20, t994 IN BOOK 640 Atr PAGE 735. PAGE 2 I co NOTTCE BY DISBURSER RECORDED tItAY 20, 1994 IN BOOK 640 AT PAGE 736. ThLe report does not include the results of any eearch under the nameE of the propert| ovrner(B) or the General Index. Should such a search be desired pleaee contact us for a separate general Index report. tiabiltty of Land Title Guarantee Company under this Owner and Encunbrance report ls linited to the fee received. I I,LAND TITLE GUARANTEE Representing old Republlc National TitLe OWNERSHIP AND ENCUHERANCE Order No. OEO2253 l.l P Insurance REPORT ANY Company PAGE LANn rr|,-u ,iuARANTEE ?orr"ANY lleprerreltt'irrs f it l e lnsrlrattce fit,tlpari'r''rl: l'linrrr"estrti{ Tt.lANt{: Yr:'u 5:l:lFt YDI-lR l:lF(nER Ausust I4' 1':./Elfi Dur Frd,ar'I V1t43l1 BUYER! NAUFI.IINAI:1-I'II:IEELEY IJFN..3TRUETII]N INE.' A EOLRRATJO I::I:IRFFRATION SELLERT ADTIRE.$GI EI-IFER ANN trtrHPANY TIELIVER IN VAIL RUN.5 , O,anr 0RAN FALNATEER C:LCISER t Att'n: BAIL EBFIESI 1 l\ttrr: E|:II"II'IERI'-:IAL trENERAL IJAVINISS ANII LOAN ASOCIATI']N MINNESOTA TITLEA 5440 Ward Road Arvoda, CO 80002 420-0241 3300 So. Parker Rd., Suite 105 Aurora, CO 8O0l 4 75 t -4336 lSlO 30lh Slreet Boulder, CO 80301 444-4 | 0 | 20O North Ridqe P. Q, Box 228O Breckenridgo, CQ 80424 453-22.5 5 5l2 Wilcox Castle Rock, CO 80104 688.6363 21 2 Norlh Wahsatch Colorado Sprlngs, CO 80903 63,{.482 | LA]ID T'I'TLE Gommi$nentTo Insure GUAIIANTEE COMPANY lsned tlurugh the Ufia ot:. Soulh Frontage Road P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81657 176-22s1 3030 S. Collage Avenue Sulle 201 Fort Collins, CO 80525 .182-0915 7lO klpling Streel takewood, CO 80215 232-31 I I 3609 So. Wadsworth Suile I l5 tekowood, CO 80235 988-8550 I1990 Granl Slreel Sulte 22O Norlhglann, CO SOr33 452-O119 | 9590 East Mcin Pcrker, CO 80134 84l -4900 108 Soulh Frontaga Road W' P.O. Bor 357 Vail, CO 81657 ita-zzst w.t08 P. O. Box 5440 Denver. CO 80217 321- | 880 Sanlord Ploce 2 Suile 301 7979 Eost Tufls Denver, CO 80237 779-0220 8333 Greenwood Bouloverd Denver, CO 8O221 427-9353 | 2O I Maln Avenue Durango, CO 8l301 247-5860 6851 South Holly Circle Englawood, CO 801 l2 770'-9596 N-Aq{D T't!',f [is, GUATIAI{iEE CCJMPANY MINNESOTA TITLEA f^tu'qft< l\tol*a4-> httlwired Si$etory TIM Foim 2582 Cufritrueut lb lttsurc ALIA Conrruitrncnt- | 970 tiev. TlltE INSURANCE CoMPANY 0t MINNESOIA. a Minnesota corpotation, herein called the company, for a vahraSle conskleratiun, heretty conrnrits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identilied in Se6erlukr A, irr lavrx of tlre prl;xrsud hrsurerl nanrcrl irr Scherftrle A. as own{n or moll{F$ee 0f tho estate or irrterest covcrcrl hcreby i1 tlre iarul describorl or re{enctl to in Schedule A upon_payment ol the^ptemiums and charges tlrerelor; all subicct to the prnvisions of Schedules A and B and to tlre Conditions anrj Stipulations Itcreol. This Commitment shall be ellective only when the identity ol the proposed Insured and the amount ot the pri,.V oi fn,fiimr .orrnitte{l kl lnve bcen insertcrJ in Sclrcriule A hereol by the Cornpany, eithor at tho time nl tlro issuance of this Comnritrnent ol by subse(luent endorsement. . This Cgmmitmenr is preliminary to the issuance ol such policy or policios of title insurance and all liability and obligarions herounrlei shall ccaie and terminate six monihs ajter ihe efleclive date hereof or when the poliry uiirutii,ies .,rnrn'irterl 1rr slrall issuc, whiclrever fir$t occurs, providerl tlrat tho tailure to issue such politry or policies is not the fault ol the Conpany. CONDITIONS AND STIPUI-AIIONS l. Ihe fenn "mortgage", when used lrerein, shall include deerl of trust, tru$t deed, 0r other security instrument. 2. ll the proposcrlirritre,J has or acquires actual knowledge of any deloct, lien, encumbrance. adverse claim of grher matter allecting the estato or interest oi mortgage ihereon covered by tlris Commitment othet than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall tail to disclose such knowle"tlge to the Cg Company"at its option may amenr! ScSedule B of ljris Comrnitment acconlingly, bui such amendment shall not relieve the Company ftom liability prwiously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 ol these Conditions and Slipulations. 3. Liability oi the Company unrler this Commitment shall be only to the named.proposed Insuted and suctt parties included under the tlefinition ol Insured in the lorm ol policl orpolicies comnritterl for and onlY lor actual loss incuned in reliance hereon In :."rJef|akingin0oorl|airh|a}tocomptywittrrt'ererpiremenrsirereofoi(bltoe|imirrateexcepiionsshi |te1est;rmirtga$ethereoncovbret|trythisCommitrnent'lnnoeventsha||suclr|iabi|ityexceedlheamot|nistatedinSchedu|eA policy or policies conrmirted lg; in ra;; ;liil propgsedirrsurert which are hereby incorporated by reference ond made a part 0l this colnmitment except as erpressly modilied hetein. 4. Any action or actions or rights of action tlnt the propsed Insured mayiarro or may bring against the Company arising out of the status of the fitle to the eitaie or interest or the itatus of tlre mortgage thercon coreted by this Commitment must be based on and aro subject to tho provisions of this Commitment. STANDARD EXCEPTIONS In addition to the motters contained in the Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Coverage above referred to, this Commitment is also srrbiect to the following: L Rights or claims ol parties in poisession not shown by the public records. 2. Easernents, or clairns o[ easements, not shown by lhe public records' 3. Discrepancies. conllicts in [oundary lines, shortage in arsa, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of rhe prenrises would disclose and which are not shown by.the public records. 4. Airy lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material therstofole or hereafter lurnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. S. Delects, liens, encunrbrances, adverse claims or other matters, il any, created, first appearing in tho public records or attaching subsequent to lhe elfoctive date hsraol but prior to the datB the proposed insured acquires oi iecordlor value the estate or intersst or mortgage tltereon covered by this Commitment. lN wtTNESS WHERE0[, litle Insurance company ol Minnesota has caused its corporate name and ssal to be hereunto aftixed by its duly authoriretl officers on the date shown in Schedule A, to be valid when countersigned by e velidating ollicer or other authorized signatory' T,,tf lNsuRANcE c.MpANy 0F MTNNES0TA ASto*Cnwv ffi s6cordA'ar/o Sdrth MiN@i& Mitrfrsrtt 55401 -Er.-{-A:7e.-- Allesl S€cret,'y ALT^lrfit4r"rITf,r ENT E:L:I.IEFULE A l\ppl icati,rrr Nn. V1t4f;S F,rr. Inf c'rftatisn Bnl'v - E:hanses - ALTA frrrrner F,rl ic't *77h.(tQ l,ill:ffl Wlth 'vc,rlr renri ttarrce please refer ta V1!435. 1. Effective llate! ArjsrJ5f lrll , lPliE a.t 1.1!Ot] A.H. 3. P,rl icv ta brs issuedr afid Fr'oprrsrsd I rrsrlrradl IALTA" l]unrgr's Fol icy #6Abr 5tl0.tltl Fornr B-1?7tl ( Amrended 1O-17-7Ct ) Frrreosed Insrrredl nAUFHINAIS-MEEELEY trEN..3TRlJrlTlnN INE.' A l::r:rLCrRADrl f,ORFTIRATI']N :3. The estate or irrterest in the I and descr'ibe,J nr' r'eferred tc, irr this tlnmmitmerrt and c,rvered herein is! A Fee Einrpl e 4. Title tn the estate or interest c'rvered herein is at the effc.ctive date her'ecf vested in: CCII",II,IERI:IAL FETIERAL EAVINIJ$ ANN LI]AN ASUI]IATICIN 5. The land rel:er,red tcr in thls Ccrlrrnritnrent is desrribed as f ,: I I 'rus : LtlT 1THFt:tl-ll3H ANE INllLUtrINrf Lot ?6' Lllc,ck ? LItrN'F RInfiE 6UBNIVIgIgN, FILINIJ NE. 3, AC:I]fiRBINfi TE THE PLAT RECI'RBEN 'SEFTEMBER TI], 1.?79 IN FfiIJI4 29O AT PAGE 7?4' EDUNTY OF EAIJLE' ISTATE BF ECILI:IRANfi. FAI:iE 1 A L T' oO* r:r r"r r"r I T M E N T ;;r::l-lEnLlLE E.- I ( Reqr: i.renrrsnt's ) /.\pr"l i,:at-ir-,rt No. V1:4i!5 The f t I I nuirrs are the requ i r'rtmerr.tg t* brs c,:mpl ierJ utith: 1. Fa'rnrent tC' ,rr. frrr the arCtrJnt ,rf the Errafrt'lr'6 of' nrrr'tgagrr-r['5 11{: t'lrr.. f ul I r*nsider'ati'rn f ,rr ttre ,rEtate or irrtrarest t'r be inEr.lne,J. E. Fnrrper. iftstrunrent (s) crea.tirrg ttre estate ,lr int€r'est to be insur'erl must be enecuted arrd dut"r filed f c,r' rec$rd' to-tuit: -?. EVInENT::E SATI,iFATITCTRY Tr:r THE rr:rl"lPANY THAT THE TERI'I$' trr:rNErITItlN:i ANn FRTIVI-.:;II:INIi CtF TI"IE TflWN l]F VAIL TIIANIJFER TAX IJAVE HEEN SATIbFIET,. 4, i"IARRANTY tJEEr FR'JH r:[rl-ll"tEn*IAl* ftEltERAL, ,;iAVINL1$ ANn LtlAN A:1n|::IATIEN Tt] L|AI-IFI.{INAI..:1-.I'1R'J;EI.-EY I::BNETRIJI:TIL1N IN8. ' A I].FLLIRATIO I:CIRFflBATII:IN |:TINVEYING ill-lB JEr: -f []flt-Jf,Efl1' Y . === THE I]I]UNTY ']LHRI.:: ANB RET-:fiRNERS I.tF['II-:E REfIUIRE.9 NETURN ATIIIREEiEEEi ON RIII:UI"IENTE :'EN FFR REI:CIRIIINI:i ! ! PAffE 2 At-T'olr, r:-r r"r *ITr"r E*T 'IiC:t"lEUULE R-I 7. 10, 11. ( lllrte p L i. * rr s )/.\pr.'l i.,:at i,:rr N,r. Vl.:1435 The psl icr or F f", I icies to be issued ui I I c'rntaitr ellc€Ptions to the fnl I nrrri nEt urtless the sfl.me a.f'e ,li.serrsed '1 l: t ':' t'he satisfactlr,rr c,f tl.re llr.rffrparr'r, ! 1. litan,Jar,J Elr:r:ep{:ic,rrs l thr.c,rJelr 5 pr'irrtE'l nrr tlrra c,lver'shec't. l:". Taliras and assessnrents rrrLt t'et rJrte 'lr Pa"rab I e and special a!isessttre|"lt-s rrrtt 'r'et cer't'i|;ied t,:r t]re Tr'easur'er'" s rffice' 7. AnY unrai,l tarces or' assesslTrrants aeainst said larrd' E. Lierrs for'rllrpai,J rrrater arrrl seuler charses' if arrt' 12. RIFHT t|F F'R{:IFRIETE|R t|F A VEIN 66 [r]rRE Tfi ExTRAf,T ANtt RE|'l|:tVE |-|Is clRE THERI:FFil:1M :=t{r:rul-Ll -lHE grAptg [iE [:rll.JNH Trl PEFIETRATF- fiR INTER::EI:T Tl-tE FREI'tt'EE"i As F{L:tiEltVHIt It! UNITEp::tTATE.i FAfEhtT 1-.p'6;gqtrEll Ausrrst 16, lp(tf,,' [Nl E{r:rfil{ 4B AT rrAGE ri4l. IIIBHT EF hlAY FtlR llIT[:HE$ r:rf{ E:ANALE IIN'€ITRUETEE EtY THE AUTHfiRITY rJF THE uNI'IHtr EiTATES AE RESERVEIT IN LINITEIT 5TATE15 FATENT RELIr:tRtrEn Ausust 14' 1?O?' IN Brlf}r: 4r* A'r FAriE S4'1" REE'TFIETIVE |:|]VENANT,E, W|IIEH ntl NfrT fiCINTAIN A FERFEITURE OR REVEFTER ELAI-I.iE, BUT I:II"II.ITINS RESTRIETII:INS, IF ANY, BAEiETI TIN FAI:E' I]|]ILI.]R' FELIGITIN' tJR llATIrlNAl_ OFiIrjIN, R..:t *r:rNTAtNEn IN IN:iTRUI'IHNT RE'::l:tRllEf,r FeFterrrber tct' I.P73' IN Lrftfil:::15 Ar F,Ar3E 443 ANr-t A'.ii At4ENtlEn IN INSTRUI'IENT REI::l:rRftE[t -Oeptefirt'c't'l?' L,?7'-., IFI ErfiCrl4 :;?S AT FAriE giAF Ahttl A:i; ftE*flEr:fiRrrEn IN INSTRI-IMENT REr:'lRBEn .larruar't t3, ltr74, It,l Bfil:rl': ?;{3 AT PAIiE 5t1' I.ITILITY EAFJET'IENTE TI^IENTY FEET TN T.IINTH, TEN FEET I]N EAEH SIEIE I'JF ALL INTERICTR l-OT LINE$ ANII A FIFTEEN FtrCrT LITII-ITY EASEI'IENT ALt'N'l ANE AFLITTINTi ON ALL EXTEF{IER LI]T LINF-[: AEi REEERVEIJ ffN THE REIJT]RNEN FLAT FIJR LIIN'S RITIIJE SUEINIVIEItIN, FILIN$ NF. T. UTILITY EAE;EI"IEN.I AB I3RANTELI Tfl HI.JLY I:iRfiBIJ ELE|]TRIC A.$FI]I:IATIEN' INTJ. IN INGTRI-I},IHNT REE:fiREIEI] ALIIiU"IT ?4, IP/:'7 IN BfiTtH ?1T AT FAGE lQllt ANT' REI:'fiRT.IED .-Jf-tNE 1?, t?7'.1 ltl llfi$l{ 2.:'t AT l:'AtjE C,55 F\Nn RE|:ORUEn ..luLY ';t1, l'?7'! IN E[':thi 2:IO AT FALiE 35I. AI:IREEI",IENT tsETWEEN TAYVEL ENVIRI]NMENTAL LAN|] fiIJHPANY ANE MIJLINTAIN ETATES TELEPHNNE ANN TELESHAFH |::TII4PANV PRI:IVlTIlNB FI:IR TELEFHNNE IN'STALLATION AND .5ERVIfiE Tt,{Rr:turjt{r:rl-lT LIfiN''.3 RInriE E:IJEUIVI:iI']Fl' FILINTS Nll. 2 RECIJREIED ETEPTEMI1ER f 7, 11i73 I N ljrlr:rl{ 231 AT FA6E l'7 I . t;3. t.4.. ?PAIJE ALTP-rlr,r *ITr,rENT EL:I.4EI]I.ILE B*? (E:*:{eptic,ns ) dlpp I itatl,rrr N,l . V134"5 lIRINN ANN FTHETTWIFE TIPERATINfi UTILITIEg SIITUATEII NN ANTI I"INI]ER *IAII] F'RI:IPERTY TJEI'I]RIBEN IN INSTRUMENT REI]I]RNED FEFRUARY 14, It"I77 TN BI.II]II.i I$T AT FA6E 555. Ih. tiAliEt"lENT [:rJR i\r::r]EBri Al{n EtjRErj:3 LrN THE RflALrt^lAY EINETRUT:TEn ANrr SITUATEEI ALI:INIJ TI.IE NIIRTHEAS'TERLY BTIUNNARY IIF S:LIF..IECT FRI]PERTY TIE.STRIBEN IN 1N$TR|J|"|E:NT IrEr:nRl]En FEBRTjAtly 14, 1?77 IN r]rtol.l 351 AT PA|3E F5F' ANn AE SHrlhlN t:tN llEl:r:tRUEtr FLAT FLrR LItltN''.:j ftl[rrliE Sl.lBttIVI:3IL'N FILII.IG Nr:|. 3. 1.7. T,IATTEIIS *fiNT'AINEII NR FEFERFTET] TtJ I:IN TI.{E FLAT IJF LIBN'S RIEFE 9IJHDIVI:5II]N FILINIJ hI':I. :] FEISRNEN SEF'TEI"IBER 1I], 1?7? IN BLIOIT 2?O AT PA'JE 7?4' EUT NBT l-Il"lITEtr T$! A. TI,IENTY f:N[T EA.$ET4ENT FFR EXI:STINIJ T{EAN ANE SEWER ENCRI]A*HI'IENT AI:RAsS A FART r:lF Tl-tE,;;|:|U'rHEFTLY Pt:rR'fICtN r:rF t-nt l. Blrclt 3 AE -n'Hct^rN C.N TllE PLAT. Et. 'I'T.IENTY f:RI:II' T|EI,IER EASEPIENT TT{RfiI-IRT{ LLITE I.4 ANEI TF, HLOUI{ T AS $HtlWN fiN TF{E FLAT. . t:. NESERVATIT:IN *flNTAINEN I:IN THE FLAT WHEREFY FU1LFINB PERI'IITS F']R LOT.5 I THRI]LI|JH 27, ELfiI::I{ I I^'ILL NNT FE ISSUEE' LINTIL LIf,TS 28' BL6C:P.: ? IA IIEIIICATEEI 'frl T]{E TrltfN r-rF VAIL. TS. TERI"I6,, I:fiNNTTIFNE AI'ITI PRI]VIFIfiNS fiF ANNEXATICIN ABREEI4ENT REDORDED N{,VE'rtbET ; OI, IPEF IN ELfEtI{ 43S AT FAGE '36 ANE IN BOCII.i 428 AT FAFE ?37. 1?. EASEMENTS' RESERVATII]NS ANT REISTRI'::TIBN:J A5 €;H']I^IN ANtr RESERVED t:,N THE. REGfiRT'EF F.LAT ilF LIBN'S RITIfiE EUFNIVI$IflN, FILINB N$. 3. FAEiE 4 *'r{'**i * *t t**** * 't ** ** ** * ** *lttt + +* * *ff* + +** * ** * *f 't l. **'* * ****t *tt**'t"t ** 'tt,it*+t:i+r*,t' 't +i*+ *+** *** * '} * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO sratement l*'l**l:t* ** * *+l'tt,t *ar * I **{r,}*** ** * *'*t *+,i'*'}** *+ ++ +** + *i*,t *,}*tr. *+trt* rtr f***i* *{, *,}*f * * +***t *** **t,t* *statement Nunlrer: R000001033 Amount: $200.00 o7/03/2ooLo3:29 pu Palment ltethod: Check Init: JAR Notation: 3418 Permit No: DR8010183 Type: DRB - New Conet.ruction Pareel No: 21031220 9009 SiEe Addreee: Irocation: Irot 9 141g Moraine Drive Total Feee: $200.00 Thie Payment: 9200,00 Total AIIIJ pmte: $2oo.oo BaLance: $0,00 *** '|l**,ltl t+ ++*,t * it*+ l{' f *+tt *+**** *'lr rlri't ***'ii* *'r** * ++ +r,r++***+* {rii+'}***'t**rti!+rr*ii*+ ++a*+*+** ** ACCOI,JNT ITEMLIST: Account Code Descriptjon Current pmts 0R 00100003112200 DESIGN RtVIEti FEES 200.00 +*'t*l ++**i*** *'t't*****l* t*{' ********tt** *{.*'*** * t *'l' * ** if **l++ * ****+* ** *ir*:****rr*'tr'}**+,}**i*+*+++,} + TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO SKIEMENT *llt+++'l*****l*,t,lt|t!'l**'tt f t*'trt **{r**'l.t* **'}'}*,}d!t*'t *** ***t}*++++l******** r t**tr rtrr *r{.*tt*a**i **+ +Statement Number: R00O001033 Amou't: g2O0.O0 07/O3/2OOLO3:29 plrt Pa)ment llethod: Check Init: JAR Notation: 3418 Permit No: DR8010183 lype: DRB - Ne!, Congrruction Parcel No: 2L03!2209O09 Site Addrese : tocation: Lot 9 1418 Moraine Drive Total FeeB: S200.00 ThiE Payment: $200.00 Total AIJL pmtE: $200.00 Balance: $0.00 +i+*++**+ttt{rit't f + t*'t'ittt *'t 't' 't**'i*,* **+*+++ +++(r*++f t+1, t, *++ +*++t**+it+,i**+*,t{r* *ir*r, ** t+*tt a,.,t**,t++ +,} ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current ffis DR O()1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI,J FEES 200.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8I657 970-479-2138 Job Address: Location.....: l4l8 Moraine Drive NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECT TITLE: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Permit #: 801-0284 ot'rrrn* oF coMMUNrrv oevsr.optr Statr.rs...: ISSUED Applied : 0911212001 Parccl No...: 210312209009 Issued . . : 10/01/2001 ProjectNo , Wr'{ PRI0I-0228 Expires..: 0313012002 OltlNER DAUPHTNAIS-MOSELEY CONST INCo9/12/200l. Phone: 1404 MORAINE DR VAIL CO 8165? License: CONTRACTOR DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST 09/12/2007 Phone: 970-476-8055 P.O. BOX 1515 VAIL, CO E -Lbf,6 License: l-05-B APPLICANT DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST INC09 /1,2/2007 Phone: 476-8055 ]-404 MORAINE DR VAI! \-L., Nels Peterson Box 1515 vail, CO 81657 I-ricense: Dcsciption: New Surglc Family Residence Occupancy - Type Factor Sq Feet Valuation Dr,vellings Zone 2 V-N 97 . 80 3 ,876 $379 ,072 .80 Durellings Zone 2 V-N BasemenL 2I .24 535 S1l-, 384 .64 Private Garages Zone 2 v-N 25.56 598 $15,284,88 Totals... 3,876 $534,000.00* Numbcr of Dwelling Units: I Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: $534.000.00 Fireplacc InformatioD: Restricted: Y # ofGas Applianccs: 0 4 ofGas logs: 0 # of Wood Pallet: 0 FUE StTMMAR\' Building---r-'92,475.ooResluarantPlanRevicw-> S0.00 Total Cal!'ulated Fees---> 95,059.80 Plan Check-, 91,609.4oDRBFee----------------) 9400.00 Additional Fees------;' 575.00 lnvesligation-:, SO. OORecreation lree-------' 9581.40 Total Pc-rmil Fee-*-----i S5,144.80 Will Call---: S3.0oclean-up Deposit----.' So-oo Palments-------------,. 55,144.80 TOT^LFEIIS-------..-> 9s,069.8otsALANCEDL1E--.-;. S0.00 Approvals:Tf6m: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENT tO/OL/2}Or JRM Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 09/I2/2O0L AK Action: AP ftem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PUBIJIC WORKS 09/28/2001, LS Action: AP PAGE 2 '1.*ti**{t't**{r**'l**tt*+{'I'l****************{.******!********************'t **********************t*+*****+*i****,t CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Permit #: B0l-0284 as of 10-01-2001 Starus: ISSUED {t 't'} *** * * ** * * *!t* * *** *!t***{r ***** a*+* + ** *** *** ** * *** * * ** ** * ** * ** + * * * + ** * **** * **** * ** ** ** * ** ***** ****+*+* * * * Permit Type:NEW (SF&P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applied: 09112/2001 AppIioant:DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST INC Issued: l0l0tl200l Job Address: Location: l4l 8 Moraine Drivc Parcel No: 210312209009 :*'t********************++**********rt*********+*++{r******t*** *************+***+******* * ******************* CONDITIONS * ***** * * + '|!f | * * ** * * * {! * {!:l ** * * 'f * ** * * ** * * +* 'l * * ** ** * + ** *+ * * * * * *!t* ** ** ** + {' '* * ** * * * * * * * * ** ** ** * * * ** * ++ +* + * *** * * * Cond: 33 (PLAN) THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTEDANDAPPROVED PRIORTO REQUEST FORA FRAME INSPECTION. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Item: 05550 ENGINEERING **t***r,t**l,i++al** See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinanccs of the Town applicable REQTJESTS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOLIR HOLTRS IN AD 38 ()R AT OLrR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: N/A AND OWNE o "o.,.o,, o#* "e ^k "p-*cq s*G^ra r 3l?il1:"'#"#F.'*SrS- 97 O - 47 9 -2749 (Inspections) MWNOFYAIL TOWN OF VAIL BU 5clr:r r':t I c l)crlrtits:rr-c r.ir 1tr i ir::rl. ltlrrrrrlling, nrech:rrriclrl. ctc.l IlIII4PPLICAT]ON 75 S. F ron llue lld. Vail, Colorado 81657 tlontact Eaqle Coun Assessors Office at 970-for Psrcel # Woocl/Pcllct ( ) Wood Burninq . ,,tances ; I Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Brrrninq (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Sprrnkler Systcnt Exist: yes ( )No( ) COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Parcel # elOT tzz oq 07> robrJarrte: L+ q &n^! (n^tensz ZltrryLttyW Addr':ssPo9or t5( f llor ( ll enone: 4i/--eoff ress: l4 tO frl\orirneDnr.,e Legal De jcription Owt rt:r I N o,rr",.f2 lA C_ fnC ":on"'476- goff Phone:otb- -rbor Af ch itect/Desig n"r, J .eC cKe,f l!'l"'vog"x 7 47 z) wdt rnsirteer: 6"vle Z rqi Aee i,Address: l$€os cnone: /l1b - zr-lo uetalleo Oescrlptlon Ot ./VOrK:r \ r l.__ r I I Neul 5$9\e *autt\,/ vQStLe-tue- Work Class:Addition ( ) Renroclel ( )Repair( ) Denro ( ) Other( ) Worl< I ypc:Inlerior ( )Ext.cr ror ( )arrllr }()l-)oes .rn [..] ItJ cxr:;l ..tt this location: type of uklg.;Sirrqle-farrrrly ffi l-r,vu tantily () lvlulti-larrily ( ) C,)ntB)crct.rl ( ) Rcstarrrarrr ( ) Oflrt:.( ) No of Existing Dwelling Utrii: irr Llris bLrilcling: / li IrJo. r:f Acrr;rnrnor la tion t]nits lrr thi:; ltr.rilcJinq: O Dott:; a Fire Alarnr Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) BUtl DING: $ + 40 .00O ELECI-RtcAt-: $ eb,00O PLLJMBIN(': ,F fO, OOO Mt:C.l lANlCAl :g l9,O ROUTED TO:. ffiltffurED: Gerreral Contractor:Town of Vail Reg. No.:ffi *":'zfJfi=4e55- |. u or tlL- Conlractor Si0nal r tre: -':'r * - :. :: Li :i *:::::i r-O-\r--g0M-DEl! CONTRACTOR INFO {ubtsY #- toso -t661 ba .d 0.) n ah rl U b.HEp, b b P - a* g, F€.; TE E a59rf;E *rd'E:6 .:;E F 90t E o g€E r lrii:E g+fr888 = U F I ES €: E t;'; 3"I€ H.E s-a gE gi H - i EEE5.Ets.E t st 6.I EE F " H 6.iE 6 gt IE:aF nl $ sl I I I I I I I I <rl @l 6ll YI I I I I I ,r an L OJ z 6.) 2 * I l-{ a t-. r) q.) F ti ;) I ah l.r (J x s?l \+. a)l !c El e; &l ;'E il Ep El >. tr rBl rd ? oJl AE Ff €! i5l c.H ib >l H5F EI lir o Y ,i EE gl €'€€ El ,E{t El a!3 fil EEb 8I 'e6F Ul 'J o'! ?J ,E5E il tgE 5l I € I rl 6lEo .91 FUfi EI if I €l flgP "ql ! =i I -e3t I :E I I 4ic +j g€E $ 3.8 e E"X-+, r!;r: 2 .e€E 6 .gf, 9 E e;oE .3 E$E $UEi E .s q'E H Fss H z F U z 4 P{p U U o k o FI H 4 U H trr H H fr tEl U CfJ 'F *,.ss r--.1 F st F\.9 S.ls Lo e.-t|ss .P!A<co vJ +{ ^. -;XSS,;.J s +:\ti R s-:a a-{- F\ .\NS_xt <a-9 H- S s.$*-Q .t\ L.l S .Q ie'8 Y R-FnE .SSNJ3 .^s s -js gos .t .q H ('J .A OJ H ! q) a1 ;l ta 0) .l 5 ij q, l-r th q a)t. TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING 75 S. FRONTAGE RD vArL,co.81557 970-479-2L43 PIan analysj-s based on the 1997 Uniform Building Code ProjecE Number: PRiI01-0228 DaLe: september 28, 2001 Projecr Name: GRAND TRAVERSE LOT 9 AddrESS: 1.418 MOR,AINE DRIVE CONITACTOT: DAUPHTNATS MOSLEY Oecupancy: R3,U1 Designer: Construct,ion: V-N Engineer: TIMoTIIY BOYLE Report By: .TMONDRAGON NOTE: The code items lisLed in Ehis report are noE inEended to be a complet.e list,ing of atl possibte code requiremenUs in t.he 1-997 UBC. IE, is a gruide co selected secEions of the code. ReporE creaEed using Ptan AnaIysE sofLware by b w & a. (71-9) 599-5522 Port,ions of the maEerial contained in Ehi6 program are reproduced from E.he Uniform Building Code wiEh the perinission of the Internatsional Conference of Building Officials. # SHEET IDEMTIFICATION CORREETION REQUIRED L ALL Plans musE show the size and ts14pe of all windows and doors. -- Sec. l-06.3.3 2 ALL Include a copy of the 6oils rePorE for Ehis site' Sec. 106. 3 .3 3 ALL Show all design loads used in desigming Ehis structure (snow, wind, seismic, liwe, ece.) Chapter 15 4 ALL The minimum ceiling heighE in Ehis area is 7t-6n. -- Sec. 310.5 .1 5 ALL Glazing in this hazardous locaEion ls required to be glazed wiE,h safeEy material . -- See ' 2406.3 & 2406.4 6 ALL This area requires glazed opening(s) having an area equal to 1/10 or more of Ehe floor area- -- Sec. L203.2 Page # 2 Code review for:ProjecE Id.: GRAND TRAVERSE LOT 9 AddrCSS: 141-8 MORAINE DRIVE ALL ALL 1-O ALL 1]. ALL ].2 ALL 13 ALL 14 ALL 15 ALL 16 ALL 1-7 ALL 18 ALL Ehis area requires operable exEerior opening(s)having an area egual Eo I/20 or more oi the-floor area.-- Sec. l-203.3 This batshroom is required Eo have an openable window or a mechanical vent.ilat.ion sysEem. Where there is a bathtup or sholrer, such system shall be connected direct,ly t.o the outside . - - Sec . i_2 03 . 3 Thj-s area requires an exterior opening for emergency escape or rescue. The minj-mum area is 5.7 sq.ft. and tshe minimum dimensions Ls 24,, X 20". -- Sec. 3l-0.4 A smoke detector is reguired in this area since it provides access E.o rooma used for steepinq purposes.-- Sec. 31-0.9.L.4 A smoke detector is reguired in all roolns that may be used for sleeplng purposes. -- Sec. 310.9-1-.4 A smoke detector is required on alt levels and they are required t.o be wired to an alarm in Che bedroom area(6) . -- Sec. 310.9.1.4 A smoke det.ector is reguired in the upper level,ceiling at E.he sEairs. -- Sec. 310.9.L.4 A smoke det.ector i-s reguired in the basement. . - -Sec. 3l-0 ,9 .L.4 The garage must be separat,ed from the dwelling by I hour fire-resistj-ve consEruction on the garage side.-- Table 3-B and 302.4, Except,ion 3" The door between the garage and bhe dwelling is required bo be a L 3/8,, t.hick solid core or 20 minute self closing door. -- Sec. 3A2.4, Exception 3 The st.aj-rway indicated does not provide Ehe required minimum widE.h of 36 inches. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.2 The maximum rise of steps is I inches. - - Sec. 1-003 .3 . 3 . 3, Except,ion t- cocte review for, nage # 3 . Project Id. : GRAND TR.AVERSE LOT 9 Address: 1418 MORAINE DRM 19 ALL The minimum run on each sE.ep is 9 inches. -- Sec- 1"003 .3 .3 .3 20 ALL The minimum head clearance verEically from a line along the nosing is G- - 8tr. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.4 2L ALL A continious handrail is required along one side of t.he stairway. - - Sec. 1003 .3 .3 .6 22 Al'L The minimum height of the handrails is 34n and the maximum height of E,he handrail Le 38". -- Sec.1003.3.3.6 23 ALL The maximum opening in Ehe handrail/guardrail is lees t.han 4 inches. -- Sec. 1, & 509.3 24 Al'L A 36', high guardrail wit.h openings less than 4 inches is reguired where Lhe drop-off is 30 " or more. -- Sec. 509.2, Exception 1 & 509.3 25 AtL The enctosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected by t hour fire-resistive construct,ion. -- Sec. 1" 26 ALt Show an accesa (1S x 24 minimum) to the crawl- space area. -- Sec. 230C.3 27 AI'L The crawl space area is required Eo be ventilated by eit,her an approved mechanical means or by openings - in tshe ext.erior waI}s. -- Sec. 2306.7 TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING 75 S. FRONTAGE RD vArL,co. 81657 970-479-2L43 Plan analysie based on Ehe 1997 Uniform Buitding Code ProJect Number: PR.T01-0228 Date: SepE,ember 26, 2001- ProJect Name: GRAIID TRAVERSE tOT 9 AddrESS: 1418 MOR.,AINE DRIVB CONETACUOT: DATIPHII{AIS MOSLEY Occupancy: R3,U1 Designer: ConEtruct,ion: V-N Engineer: TIMOTIIY BOYLE Report By: .JMONDRAGON NOTE: The code items listed in this reports are not, intsended uo be a complet,e listing of alI poesible code reguiremenEs in Ehe 1997 uBC. Its is a guide Eo selected eecEions of the code. Report, creatsed ueing Plan AnalysE software by b !t & a. (719) 599-5622 Port,ions of the material conEained in this program are reproduced from the Uniform Building Code witsh Ehe permission of the Intsernatsional Conference of Building Officials. - - - - - - - -: = = = = = = ='= = = = = = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = -- = = = = = = - = = = = = = = = = = = SEPARATION DIRESUON BOI]I{DARY AREA INCREASE FIRS PROTECTION NORTII Property line 25.0 Feet 25.0 Feet EA,ST Propertsy Line 20.0 FeeE 20.0 Feet, SOUn{ ProperEy line 30.0 FeeE 30.0 FeeE WEST Property line 15.0 Feet 15.0 Feets Page # 2 Code review for: Project. Id.: GRAND TRAVERSE LOT 9 AddTESS: 1418 MORAINE DRIVE EXTERIOR WAIJT FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTEETION Table 5-A - NORTH For Bearing Non-Bearing @ening ConstrucLion ParapeL Occupancy WalI Wall ProEection Material Reguired R3 0 hour 0 hour None AnY No Ul 0 hour 0 hour None AnY No EAST For Bearing Non-Bearing @ening Construction Parapet Occupancy WalI- wall ProEection Material Required R3 0 hour 0 hour None AnY No U1 0 hour 0 hour None AnY No SOUTH For Bearing Non-Bearing Opening ConsLrucEion Parapet Occupancy Wall Wall Proleclion MaEerial Reguired R3 0 hour 0 hour None AnY No . Ul 0 hour 0 hour None AnY No WEST For Bearing Non-Bearing Opening ConstrucEion Parapet ' Occupancy Wall Watl ProtecLion Material Required R3 0 hour 0 hour None AnY No UL 0 hour 0 hour None AnY No None -- No fire protsection requiremenEs for openings. 3/4 r,Lour -- Openings are to be protsected wiEh 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50* of Ehe area of Ehe wal-l maximum. -- Table 5-A, Fooenote 5 & Sec. 503.2.2 Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft. with no dimension greaEer than 12 feet.. -- Sec. 7l-3.8 Not AIIowed -- Openings are not permitEed in this waII' Code review for:Project Id.: GRAND TRAVERSE tOT 9 AddrCSS: 1418 MORAINE DRIVE Page # 3 ARE.A MIN.I"IGHT MIN.VElillT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Bedroom #2 2 Bathroom 2 Closet (s)2 BRIDGE 2 Bedroom #3 2 CIoseE (s) 2 Bat,hroom 2 Bedroom *4 2 Bathroom 2 GARAGIE .A,TTIC STORA 2 Closet (s)2 Laundry room TOtrAL FOR FI,OOR 1 Office 1 Mast,er baEh 1 Closet, (s) 1 Closet (s) 1 Mast.er bedroom 1 FOYER 1 Living room 1 Dining room 1 CloseE (s) 1 POWDER ROOt|l 1 BREAKFAST/SITTING 1 Kitchen 1 PANTRY 1 Laundry room 1 Cloeet (s) 1 Halls, closeEs, etc.1 Garage TOTAL FOR FIJOOR B Family room B BaEhroom B CloEet (e) TOIAIJ FOR FLOOR BUII,DING TOTAL 240 54 36 76 234 45 86 230 81 392 18 18 151_0 1S0 224 29 83 255 238 456 144 25 30 180 30s 50 49 35 80 598 2964 475 45 t6 535 4474 24 .0 .0 .0 .0 23.4 .0 .0 23.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 18.0 .0 .0 .0 25.5 23.8 45,6 L4,4 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 47 .5 .0 .0 L2.O 2.7 .0 .0 LL,7 .0 4.3 11. 5 4.05 L9.6 .0 1.5 Yes No No No Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No NO Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes 23.75 2.25 .0 Page # 4 Code review for:Project Id. : GRAND TRJWERSE tOT 9 AddTESS: 1418 MORAINE DRIVE FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that, opens directsly to tshe extserior ie reguired from Ehis room. The minimum clear openable area musE meets Ehe following. -- Sec. 310'4 1) The minimum clear heighE Ls 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 sguare feet 4) The maximum sill heighE is 44 inches Escape and rescue windows wiEh a finished sill below ground- shall have a window well . The clear horizonEal dimension shal1 a1low the Lhe window Eo be fully opened and provide a mirrimum clear accessible neE opening of 9 squale feet wiEh a minimum dimension of 36 inches. Window-wells wiEfr a vertical alepth of more Ehan 44 inches shall be equipped with an approved permanently affixed ladder or stairs. ef rfrE number of eiits is based on Table 1-0-A (Dwel.lings) 3) A mechanical ventilation system may be used in lieu of exterior openings for ventsilation. -- sec. L203.3 Such system shal1 be capable of providing tswo air changes per hour. 4) Tha requiremenE for an egress window in t.he basement is based on Sec.310.4 ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitsable Bpace shall have a ceiling height of not less Ehan 7 feet 6 inches. K-itchens, halls, batshrooms and Eoilet comparcments may have a ceiLing height. of 7 teeE measured Co Ehe lowest projection.,If Lhe ceiling Is st6ping, then Ehe minimum height is required in only 1/2 of che area. -- Sec. 310.6.L Every dwelling unig shall have at least one room which has not less t.han 120 square feet of floor area. Other habiE,able rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not leas tshan 70 square feet '-- Sec. 3LO.6.2 HabiEable rooms otsher than a kitschen shall not be less than 7 feeE in any dimension. -- Sec. 3l-0.6.3 Page # 5 Code review for:Project Id.: GRAND TRAVERSE LOT 9 Address: 1418 MORAINE DRIVE STAIR FGQUIREMENTS:1) A stairway in a dwelling muat. be at leasc 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 1003 .3 .3 .2 2) The maxirmrm rise of a step is I inches and the minimum run is 9 inchee -- Sec. 1003.3.3.3, Exeept,ion 1 A handrail ls required on one side a sEairway 34 to 38 inehes above Ehe nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.6, Exceptione Provide a-guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. The minimum heighu is 36 inches and the maximum opening size is 4 inches. -- Sec. 509.1 & 509.2, ExcepEj.on 1 The mlnimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 1003.3-3-4 Enclosed usable space under the stairs is requlred Eo be proEected ae required for t hr. fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.9 3) 4',, 5) 6) Page # 6 Code review forr Project Id.: GRAND TRAVERSE LOT 9 AddTCSS; 141.8 MORAINE DRIVE GLAZING REQUIREMENTS A11 glazing in hazardous locations is reguired to be of safety glazing mat,erial . -- Sec. 2405.3 & 2406.4 Locations:1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors excepE jalousies. 2) Glazing in flxed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors- 3) Glazing in storm doors.4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors. 5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hots Eubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing j-n any portion of a bultding walL enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of t.he glazj.ng is less Ehan 60 inches above a standin9 surface and drain inleL.6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels neareEits ercposed edge of the glazing eieher vertical edge of the door in bottom exposed edge of t.he glazing walking surface.7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel, IocaEions described in items 5 and 6 above, than adjacent Lo a door where t,he is within a 24-inch arc of a closed positjon and where t,he is less Lhan 60 i-nches above Lhe other E,han Ehose meets all of the following conditions:A. Erq)osed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet - B. E)q)osed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor. C. Ercposed tsop edge greater than 36 inches above Ehe floor D. One or more walking surfaces within 35 inches horlzonually of Ehe plane of the glazing. 8) Glazing in railings regardtess of height above a walkj-ng surface. Included are structural balusEer panels and nonsErucEural in-filt panels. 9) GLazing in wa1ls and fences used as t.he barrier for indoor and outsdoor swirmning pools and spas when the botEom edges is less than 60 inches above ttre pool side and Ehe glazing is within 5 feets of E.he pool or spa water's edge. 10) Glazing in walls enclosing st,airway landings or wiEhin 5 feeE of then bottom and top of stairways where Ehe boEEom edge is less Ehan 60 inches above the walking surface. Page # 7 Code review for:Project Id.: GRAND TRAVERSE LOT 9 AddrCSS: ]-418 MORAINE DRIVE SMOKE DETBCTOR REQUIREMENTS:1) A Emoke deLectsor is required on tshe ceiling or wall at a point cencrally locaEed in the corridor or area giving access Eo each sleeping area. -- Sec. 310.9.7.4 2l A smoke deteetor 1s required on the ceiling or wall in each sleeping area. - - Sec. 310 .9 .L ,4 3) A smoke detector is required on aLl stories. -- Sec. 310.9-L.4 If E.he upper level contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is required in Ehe ceiling of Ehe upper level close Eo the stairltay. -- See. 310 .9.L.4 NOTE: A smoke deEect.or is required in Ehe basement. -- sec. 31'0 -9.1.4 4l Smoke det.ecE.ors are required to be wired Eo the building's power Eource and shall be equipped wlE.h a battery backup. -- sec. 3l-0.9.L.3 5) DetecEors shall sound an alarnt audible in al1 sleeping area of the dwel).i-ng in which they are locaLed. - - Sec' 310 ' 9.L '4 OCCUPANCY SEPARATTON: BeU\iueen the garage and the residence, maEerials approved for t hr. fire re8istive consLruction are required on uhe garage side only and any doOrs beLween the garage and the residence are Lo be a self-closing L 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minuEe fire door. -- Tab1e 3-B & Sec. 3O2.4 exc. #3 SIIAFT ENCLOSI]RES:1) Chutes and dumbwaiter Ehafts with a crosB-sectional area of not more than 9 Bquare feet may lined on the inside wiEh not less than 26 gage galvanized sheet metal witsh all joincs locklapped. The outside must be l- hr construetion. Al1 openings inco any such enclosure shall be protectsed by noE less Ehan a self-closing solid wood door L 3/8 inches thick or eguivalent. -- Sec. 71-I .6 2') Gas venEs and noncombustible piping installed in walls passing through 3 floors or less do noE need co be in t hour shafts, provided Ehe annular Bpace around the vents or piping is filled ats each floor or ceiling wiEh noncombusLibfe materials.-- Sec. 711".3 3) Shaft.s for gaB vents, facEory-built chimneys, piping, or ducts tshat do not extend Ehrough not more Ehan 2 floors need not be in t hour shafts, provided Ehe openings around t.he penet.raE.ions are fire sEopped aE each floor. -- Sec. 711.3 4 ) All other shafts are required t.o be enclosed in a t hour assembly. -- sec. 7l-1 .1 & Table 5-A Page # B Code review for: ProJecU Id.: GR.AIiID TRAVERSE LOT 9 AddrCSS: 1418 MORAINE DRIVE CR.AWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS :1) Provide venEilatsion ej-ther by mechanical means or by openings in exterior walls. Opening shall provide a net area of noE less tshan l square fooE for each 150 square feets of area in crawl space. Openings shall be disErlbuEed on Lwo opposite sides and be locatsed as cloge Eo corners as practsical . -- Sec.231,7.7 Note: Vent openings may be reduced Eo lOt oi the above if ground surface area is covered witsh an approved vapor barrier and Uhe building official approves. For a 2569.0 sq.ft. crawlspace area: Ratio L/LsO Minimum sq.ft. of venE 17. L3 2l Provide L8-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note: opening may be required to be larger if mechanical eguipment is locabed in the crawl space. -- Sec. 2317.3 3) Unless tshe wood is listsed as an approved wood of naLural resistance Co decay or treated wood, Lhe minimum clearance beEween exposed earth and floor joist is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders is 12 inches. -- Sec. 2317.3 Provide a window or door Eo Lhe exEerior from every room used for sleeping and baEements. -- Sec. 310.4 A window muat Provide a clear open area of 5.7 sq.fE., a clear height of 24 inches(minimum), and a clear widEh of 2Q inches(minimum). -- Sec. 310.4 The minimum ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feet 6 inches except kitchens, halls, and baEh8 may have a ceiling height of 7 feeE. -- Sec.310.6.1 5) Provide a smoke detsectsor in at1 sleeping rooms and areas havlng accesEi to sleeping rooms. -- sec. 310.9.L,4 6) If Ehere ls a basemenE, provj-de a smoke detector Ehat is connecEed Eo an alarm audible in all sleeping areas. -- Sec. 310.9.1.4 7, Provide a smoke detecEor on al-l floors thaE is connected Eo an alarm audibLe in all sleeping areas. -- Sec. 310.9.L.4 1) 4',) Fronr. Trmothy l\,4 Eoyle To Pat Dauphtnars DaIe. e/4/2001 T,me 11 364t Page 2 o12 b Town of Vail NOTE, BOULDER PLAiEMENT CR I6AL TO PROPER PERFORMANcE PLA6EMENT TO BE SJPERVI9ED AY A LI6ENSED EN6INEER. OFFICE COPY FINIgHED OR.ADE FREE DRAININ6 oRANULAR BAcKFILL FIRST I'_O'BEHIND EOULDER5. 4"O WC DRAIN IN l'-O"xl'-O" nASHED ROCK C FILTER FADRIC-PRAIN TO DAYLIoHT SCUL?=3. R.=TA i N I N6 AALL 5lN6L= Tt=R, %ALE t/2"=t'-O" BOULDER RE]AINING IIJALL DETAIL GRAND TRAVERSE LOT 3 ]4IA I.IORAINE DRIVE \r'AIL. COLOPADO 2'O 3OULDERS TYPICAL 60;9;9;?;9;9;9 o:o:o:o:o:o oIoIoXoYoYo o-rr-n''rrt'n'')n :;:o:6:ii:;t s#"#fr\{ -4;2;2;R o;ioIo^o:o:o:o: .1"o"n"n"o"rt'tne o:":;9;9;:;9;t o;io;o; o;o;o;y'o;o:o;o:oio7 o;u;u; u;0, j(y bo" LAYBACK fl.tlsfrd S.;ib"';;'P 5.'e o'.<I r=i 1406s i-r" kfltf,! tr bogl. '|gln -lng lrE L! .. n.ada! d. aortoada -t@vE c-tLr vall. aala'.da C|Gbl 31OIa16 -rl1a 113-1,G' ta''. t \rySc-lO8 l:- I .,1:; I-'1::l r1. ,'tt ;t{ -r,\Fl!*" ni :r' ffi t)\-t "LZ-ZWL gg:1J r-rf EEoTEctl .tubcr ll, 2{X)I DMC AtA: Pat Daphinais P.0. Box 1515 Vail, Colorado 81657 P,W./W \r.er-- Bcpr'olrn-Prrlrt Ccotcchniot lnc. 5020 CoEltr noflf f*| Glclnood Sgtue+ Cotorsdo 61601 Itonrr 970445.i9t8 L il;TjHtr.ffi,-- y 9iid,i2R'*+ * eor- oLs* Bol-,*o,?.tI Slbjec; Observation of Excavatiod, Preosed ResideDcc, Lot 9, Graud Traversc at Vail, 1418 Moraine Drive, Vail, Colorado. Dear llauplinais: As rcqucsed by Rico Didier with Dldier Conrtucio& a rcpres€ntrtivc of Hepurorrtb' Pawlak Creotechnical, IEc. observed &e excawtiol at &e subiect site on Octobcr 10, 2001 to evduate tle sofu exposed for foundation suppon. The findings ofour work and recommcdations for tbe ftundailon design are preeened in this repon, Thc work sras doEe ln accordas:e with otf agrccmmt for geoeclnical cngimriry servies oo DMC Couscuaion, dacd Octobcr 9.20OL, The proposed rcside,nce is a two story f,,ood franp strusb$ ova a basement lcvel and crawlspace. Tte bascmcn flocr will bc slab+n-grade. Ihc garage floor will b€ stnrcnxal evsr l aawlspac€. A sccond story of living arer will be located above tbs grage. Spread footiup sized for an allowablc soil bearing ptes$rrc of 2,000 pf were assumed iuthcdesip. At the tb of dr visiE t0 &c sia, &e filndatlon gxcattation hld been et in ms aais level from 2 b l0 ftct below thc adjaceat grouad srfrce, The soils expo€ed in tht bOfiom ofthe cgcavUion generally conriscd ofsilty sand aUd gravcl with scattered cobbles and small borrlders. Anarea ofsitty eand with scattered gravd war exposed aloug tbe ealitem siile of the excavadon. No ftpe water ms encounrered in thc cxcaration aod the soits we,re slightly soist to Eoist. Coosidering tbc sonditicns erpmcd in tts cxcandon ald thc nabre of the proposcd conssruction, spreart fuotings placcd sn frc udisUlrbe{ nanral soil dcsigncd for an allowable srril bearing pessure of !,000 psf should bc adcquare for support of ihe propoocd residence. Fmrings ehouldbe a niniuum width of 16 trches for coutinuous valts and 2 fcet for coluuos- I.oose ald alisftbd soils in bodqg ueas sbould be rEmoved erd t[e beaiug levet orboded dow! to the lndisurbed stural goils. Enerim footiogE abould be pmvided wifr adequate soil cover above rhcir bcatiqg elwatioos for frost prOtection. Conthuous fouadation wrlls Should be rcinforc€d top ard botton to span local anomalies zuch rs by assuming rn uarttpported lengd of * Ieast 12 feet' o o "q/;.} t'Ssal "-$ *,S tx;l-Lz-4@t w:L4 Iofiy Z- R€v. by: JZAIksw H_P CEOTECfI o P.SE/B a DMC Ocrober 11, z00l Pagc 2 Fotndation walls althg as retaining stuctures should be drsigued to resisr a lateral earth pfessure based on ag equivalent fluid uuit weight of at least 45 pcf for otr-site sand aad gravel soils, excluding ovcrsized, rock, as baclrfill. A perimeter foundadon dratn shonld bc providcd to preveut rmpogary buildup ofbydrosratic pressurp behind the wdle ard prevem{vgttiqg of the lowcr lcyet. Structural fill placed within floor slab ercas can cotrEist of &e on-sitc soils sotilpected to at least 95 % of standard proctor derufiy at a nroisurre conteat near optirurm. Backfill pHced around rhe smrcture should be compacted an( the surfaffi graded to pevent pondi$ wirhfu ar least I0 fect of the building. lte reconmendations eubrnifted in this lecer are based on our obsenration of rhe soils exposd withiu the foundatim orcavatiou and do not inclnde subsurface exploration to evaluate the subsurftce coulitious withfii t[.c loadcd depth of fumdation influence. Tbis shxly i$ based on thb assutrprion dlrt soils bercath the footiugs have equal or bcttcr support then fi666 eryosetl- Tbe rist of fdunttation roovqmnt may be grcater than indicatod in this rcport becausc ofpossiblc vrrriations in ttre srrbsurface conditions. Lu order to rcr/csl the nature and extent ofnariations in tte subsurfdce conditions bolow the excavatiou*drilling wqld be.rquired- It is porsible the data obtaiucd by subsurface exfloruioncould clnnge the r.ecomneddatiotrs coutaircd in this letter-' If there are any llstions or if we may be of fiulhcr a$ishncc, plcase ta us know. Sincerely, . - .. Didier Construction - Atfir Rico Didier l,.s 297o71fri fr##,[# H.P GEoTECH TOTAL P.A3 TRUSFAB INC., NEW CASTLE, CO. 81647 R12157 643 Scaler 3/16"=1' 4x12 /,2 ./'/ 2-10-3 4x'12 \\ 4x12 \\ 4x10 \\ Bo l-oL8/ &ililc s.oo FZ 3\8 /,. P o 8x10 = N , 30-o I t10-4 | 1st,12 2-3-e sxB 2-10-4 LOADING {pst}TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.O BCLL O.O BCDL 10.O SPACING Plates Increase DEFL in Ven(LL) '0.31 Vert{TL) '0.4O Horz(TL) 0.03 lst LC LL Min l/defl Lumber Increase 1.00 Rep Stress Incr YES Code UBC/ANS|95 2-0 0 1 .00 (toc) M-O M-O = 240 Udefl >839 >659 nla 151 rb LUMBEB TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS 2 X 6 SPF-S 2100F 1,8E 'Except' D-E 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E G-H 2 X 4 SPF-S 2lOOF 1.8E 2 X 8 SPF-S 1950F 1.5E 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F'1.8E 'Excepr* D 0 2 X 4WW Stud, H M 2 X 4WW Stud co 2 x 4wwstud. I M 2 x 4ww stud FO2X4WWStud (lb/size) P = 3167/0-5-8, L=3167/0-5'8 Max Horz P=497{load case 6} Max Uplift P='2'18(load case 7), L=-225(load case 7) Max Grav P=3429(load case 2). L=3429(load case 3) First Load Case Only A B= 21O, B-C=-197, C-D=-3061, D-E=-2453, E-F=-147, F-G=-147, G-H=-2453, H-l =-3061, l-J =-'1 97, J-K =210, B-P= 71 1, J'L =-71 1 O-P = 2O53, N-O:2262, M-N = 2262. L-M=2O53 E-A=-2461, G-O=-2461, D-O=555, H-M=555, C-O=31O, l-M=310, F-O=170,C-P=-3232, I L=-3232 BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 3-11-6 oc pu.lins, except end venicals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-O-0 oc bracing. REACNONS FORCES 0b) - TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS NOTES tr 2t ts-'ru S/ffiii ll.1/?\/\,, !,,,..,i, ,,, t, , ,t, t, :, r\ ,,':,t h l \l) \irll\{,\ lHl.< \\lt l/\IA(/. \ll)! Bl l,,AI I\/ Inueq on page z Do6ign valid tor us€ only with lllT6l connectors, Tiis design is basec, only upon pararn€lers shown, and 16lor an Individual bulldlng componenl to be in6talled and load€d vortically. Appllcablllly ol dosigfi parameter6 and propor Incorporalion ol compon€nl is r66pon6iblllty ol bullding dosign€r - nol lruss a,€signer. Eracing shown is tor lslsral support ol indlvidual web membors only. Addilional tomporery braclng to inslll€ stability c,uring conslruclion is thg ro6ponsiblllly ol th€ rrsclor. Addllional p€manent bracing ot lho ovorall structuro is tho rs6pon3lbllity ol th€ bulldino dosignor. For g€nsral Ouldanca rogarding labrication, qual{ty control, storage. d€iivory, oreclion, and braclng. conBult OST-88 Ouallly sr.ndad, 0S8. 89 Brtclne Spaclflclilon. and HIB-91 Hendlln! Ina|!ll.tlon end Brrcln! nacomrnlndallon availablolrom Irua! Plata Inrlltutr. 583 o Onolrlo D.lv.. ll.dlton. wt 53719 1) This truss has been designed tor the wind loads generated by 85 mph wands at 25 ft abov€ ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 pst bottom chord dead load, 100 mi from hurricane oceanline, on an occupancy category l. condition I enclosed building, of dimensions I OO ft by l0O ft with exposure C ASCE 7-93 per UBC/ANSl95 lf end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are exposed to wind. lf porches exist , lhey are not exposed io wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1 .33 Design load is based on 80.0 pst specilied roof snow load. Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. (UBC section 1638.2) Overhang has been design for 2.00 times live load + dead load. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psl bottom chord live load nonconcur.ent with any other live loads per Table No. 16-8, UBC-94. 6) Ceiling dead load (10.O pst) on memberls). D-E, G-H, E-O, G-O 2l 4) May 10,2004 - (J,5.<1|l 6U =9.Ov,z z tr' o =m z 6 z z c 3 u o =.:t (o (/, 1 o 3 >r 7 o o f o o_ a/,o o z o o a E4 JC .96 6d Orr !=oo a{9o 69 =d Eo <8 o ! d E o + ffi *o ood 6 d-- i a eqg9q ;3e'eR xx@@=A=o - o ' J; oo x J o;'u=.n=9.qo:*6 +:aid*I*= t3 in6 o€' ! {ln 2 FI ltl m - E - a z o E |rI 4 z o o x:. *^-9 6;: i is x !lo* oiN O ^ X I coo *R = x d 5 X+* 5lo=UYX 6.r= .\ ,.ti :1 : l ;a {H;-r o AiX = od - (o- o ;-E6 .i d; 10 0 I ^- ;. N ?,D 6X{ o o- Qr 5o oo =:l oo oo -i o oo (Du io ol oo o c N) - PO d 90 O!)z PZ ln o o -! .,,.ol .o o. nt Q,io '^.-o :;-o0 F.i + rn ug> ,!t o s X N t;'*b '.! tu^= > a.u'A 30t z -1'ro z + --.{ !J !] -n,^ L, r )>4 -o.n Y. 7;tr >< ^-r =n (J ;im r lo 6 0(.)i :F h{ .O .O o. 6.oo O '..J NJ'rs .o >(n .- N)-o>\ 8 o\z x4l 3 -{o r m rO o o |o F o o o o o o o o 3 5 u, f.8 .r1 a oii U -n -D n A@ 4 0 HHF TOP CHORD IOP CHORD \ Bg; t* ;; s3n i3 ;ai <^a =^ ^^ +:rr1 9 g:B ?Fi af a; EA* ;fg i; a; :di I iEA gi$ n* i* '==4 r sEl 11; r; =I ff ; i$;E:a Sg :5 3: + *;+ fc 3t ni a; € 8Es =.1 6e E; qs 6 g:;sqg3gF 64 s s 6-'oY o< o l A5F +:9 P-o d^= Ao .i=o F:=* <o'1dl €*; =5 Ugq 33d 39 1E: P:s ;6 a33 -i ri 1.9 5-=; =* i3 fliH -i;;fi =ii egq ;8 sq* *3?o h x *! d6 e3 :;; =d o9 i;d 3K €E "'-;"=jr" 6; q6's '3 i ge; :"j Q)c^a(^JN-o SilfrEi3igiH3FiaE e ir ia 3e +le 6.;f Ei f, i[ ii 33 =H{ q$ E[F f,i 69 a; qs ;* q+ "'* 3* i Ee aq ** a @ .o Job 2321 Truss Truss Type ATTIC oty 15 Plv R r 2157643 onal) s 1 NOTES 8) This truss has been designed with ANSI/TPI 1 - 1 995 criteria. LOAD CASE(S) Standard A WARNING - Vc'iJt l?.tig,t p run(tcrs antl Rl,..4D NOTES ON 7'HlS AND REI/ERSE Slnf: BEFORE USE Deslgn valld lor u6o only wilh [lTal connoclorr. Thlt dsglgn 13 basod only upon panm€lors shown, and 16lorrn Indlvldual bullding conpononl to be in6tallod and load0d vsrllcally. Appllclblllty ot d€tign parameloro and prop.l Inco.poralion ol conponanl i8 ra8ponelblllty ol bulldlng d€glgnsr - nol lruar alellgnor. Bracing 8hown l! tor latool suppon ot hdlvidual web momborl only. Addllional tomporary bracing lo Insuro dablllly dudno conrlrucllon I! lho retpon8iblllty ol tht greolor Addltlontl pgrmrngnl braclno ol lho ovarall rltucturo i6 tha ro6porllblllty ol the bullding daslgnar. For Caneral Cuidanca r.gadlng labrlcallon, qu.lity cgnlrol, etol8oo, dollvory, erectlon, and braolng, conault OgT.tt ourllty 3t.ndard, 033. !l g.aclng Slaclllcallon, and Hl8{t Handllng Inttallallon .nd gr.clng nacofirDrndallor svallable from Lula Pl.b lnttllut ,lt3 D'Onolrlo D.lv., H.dlron, Wl Sil e 5u1 i*<m- 5('!s ot z z tr, o =m z _{o z z c 3 u o =.J (o (t', t o 3 \ 7 o o f o 9. (/, o o z o o ]A -t At Xil AH m F In 4 z o -T -,\{v \^ |'ll \L\Z \\\\F \t E \,, a o x: z 1H' o 5'o !1 l e8 (o :.'6 o i5 o -'- q s 0'0 q *!!-::;; X 6P;;{YYo 5'o ;dgq *r o;ix 3 fr=. :a+o -jH d*l*i s :n 6 o..< ' en; lo-Y 6;-< i u x o X J ^ - r.-r d;g 5 Eq PR ] TAg ++* 53 o- iX Y X 5'n l '-^+ bc!Yy 7d.-3i [89 -. A- o o-1 XO ;: q ;q+e =O X :o o o-J 83{ ^oo"oo- {= o6' 9(D 6o D]oo eil O.l o C N o -u o. n 0 TOP CHORD TOP CHORD l;*h l-ll E^=6 +Ya > mz"'A 90> z ai-O > +xj:r A ;Y}N tr -i;^ o r )!F, 2A <<z _ !r c b >< : ;;i njQ nOo i :F -q6 x{ 2A-XQ aZa\@Y(J oxo{-)z \J tn -o *6 I 3I s s5 8qQc,,o r..)'---t1 !$3+H ;y*$l >!--FP i> z m 4 F4l o. 3 {o - m |o o o |o F o o o o a o o 3 l bl HHF 84 ti .xo 6d O'n !=oo ;t 9o 69 td Eo ag .A o ! d o o + N Effi *Asd c3il a3 ;+3 ia* 43 :g i4e I g'.3 qle 33;! i3r g As-€ ei* nl ;l 'Ca A qf;3 i+; ql J3 is "; $3H l&a Fi :i i& :3 aEB 4,c 3[ fil A; € gEq 1= t3 9x ss ; Fql sqdSBF l4 i'E' --'o5 3t. (,@ .i^. ^O .i=O *:=3 <o' 0.dl s*; =5 ijgq 3Rd HsD 1E: = -+: ^ Y,i,o'!"o +H ;3?ooo ,u: x=9 9q. l.: ;€;A- f Q- ar^T =il :o EiS -i;;fi rii 9gq ;3 n-'*3?o a x xx *: i+ dX:x! (oi =-X =. =d a9 E;d 3fr €6 ";g ': a gds ia v -*:.' ] --; -ltq 9e sEq =q .\ o I *l li o X:6c f, ;* < o ^ +f o!?; 69 l6 X O r'!'o -.: =x x*i 16.i Yll,ri -:i 90: +d qo'i+ =A r o ,l= 6O :R *;.;r, :Yl i:l -=.\ oo Jd sl \,r/ cn 5 oJ N d eo Et.P iP sRl (o o _u ,x =v :l:;.., go E6: ;+: qjj - ;b ;Fw h(, .rO6 .'- 3X U:; e.J s?E d 9= Xi R6 6sE A d* :s :- i1"; =6 ;o +R io:* io n. Fg = \{x ^i :-:. .; ie>g -9 !; 6'E :ff3 d qfi 3E is ;s o )Y Yr i*' oo tr: qa' do - *- dx *l 6 3; s1 =i 89 r ;6 0H Xl 6i o-Y :"h !D o"6(t \.\ * 6=.'- xi ix d 9a_ | 3,4 -Oi = II Mi'tek i.rnr:s?iifll ;:^'c. 7777 GREENBACK LANE sutTE 109 CITRUS HEIGHTS CA 956I0 USA FAX (916) 676 1909 TE|IPHONE (916) 676 19@ ilil' MiTek" R..e:2327 The truss drawing(s) referenced below have been prepared by MiTek Industries, Inc. under my direct supervision based on the parameters provided by Trusfab, Inc.. Pages or sheets covered by this seal: R12157643 thru R12157643 My license renewal date for the state of Colorado is May 31, 2006. May 10,2004 Yu, Ray The seal on these drawings indicate acceptance ofprofessional engineering responsibility solely for the truss components shown. The suitability and use of this component for any particular building is the responsibility of the building designer, per ANSI/I PI-l 995 Sec. 2. Y ?8252'? L K,r*.# o o a --- ffi . . .---|!?..- 7C\,1,/\l or \ir.ll nr:- r/- ' : =tilE\''/ # 7-0q LI 0o /- o28't sc t**) *l-r, un' R:678.06' /:6'04'29" I hereby certify thot this improvement locotion certificote wos prepored for Douphinois Mose/ey Construction ond the fown of Voil Building Deportment, thot it is not o lond survey plot or improvement survey p/ot, ond thot it is not to be relied upon for the estoblishment of fence, building, or other future improvement /tnes. I further certify thot the improvements on the obove descrtbed porcel on Januory 77, 2005, except utility connecttons, ore entirely within the boundories of the porcel, except os shown, thot lhere ore no encroochments upon the described premises by improvements on ony od.lbining premises, except os indicoted, ond thot there is no opporent evidence or sign of ony eosement crossing or burdening ony port of soid porcel, except as noted. This certificate does not constitute a title seorch by lnter-Mountain Engineering to determine ownership or eosements of record. For o// informotion regordtnq or title of record, lnter-Mountoin relied upon Amended Subdivision - Filing No. I, A Resubdivision of Lots 5, Eogle Coun ty, Colorodo. 4i.,,l d LOr I CB:N422/ CH:7/.86' \t.'x.P. LOT lO NO|1CE: According to Colorodo low Snu must commence ony /egol oction bosed upon ony defect in this survey within three yeors ofter lou first discover such defecl. ln no event, moy any oction bosed upon ony defect in this survey be commenced more thon ten yeors from the dote of certificotion shown hereon. '02"E \t'rP t-. \5_ 9--s io i9 '15 \(9- %) =.i*\ €. to =*)/; b, 0b .0 "1 h at*" eosemen ts, r Finol Plot /'^v rrtX- Y*\ \ 9-,,\ -(\\(" . "-o \-\"+ \o- ' ftTf,;'iy ..$\ { \a9'' rY ./ ^\ftv' t \v7 c.V' / ,/ LOT I ./ \\ \;(f .o$ r*',\ao .\l 14.459 SO Fr. 0.332 aC. @ Y/ -y'?f,f"','/ A 2',/ \*. "i \ =-_f 'AX3E 7s e =r" \*t, 4#"-"\<'^ Tl'1/0 -/sr ST2RY \: /WU _1EJIUKT b. \}. wooDk': FRAME V)^Q-*-.,,- O qte" ,/ /tp (e.. \$\< CONCRTTE DR/VEWA Y H o tr E llt o z o E q , uJ lu p IL zo ar?ZE =o <*R d',za za=r->5 z"'o >i!t!< .-.1 oX<*i>Oltl -JAo 2s OF l o rc4r: f _ 20, 1/19/O5 99-0144S A REEHHVED TOV-COM.DEV. From: TIm Boyle To: Greg Denclda Boyle Engineering, lnc. 143 E. Meadow Drive, Suite 390 Vail, Colorado 81657 303147 6-2170 FAX 303/4764383 January 25,2005 Pat Daupblnais DAUPHINNS-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION P.O. Bor l5l5 Veil, Colorado El65E Subject: Lot 9 Residcnce, Thc Grand Traverse Lions Ridge Subdivision VaiL Colorado Building Pemit # B0l-0284 Datc: 1/2512005 Time: 2:44:14 Ptvl- Wl'fr784 Page 2 ot 2 Dear Pat: This is to confirm that I have reviewed the tbree ftaming iterns that were noted by Greg Denckla of the Town of Vail during his recent inspection ofthc abovc noted residence. First, I approve ofthe tsiple 2 x 12 beam thot sup'ports drc dormer gable wall over the rnain enty and the hangers installed on the ends ofthe bearn Secon4 I have reviewed the header and trimmer situation for the door opening to the storage room undet the stairs at the low level. This header supports the built-up column below the rnain ridge beam in the roof. I approve of this header size and the double trirrners installed under each end of ths samc- Finally, I reviewed the connection of 0re two hip beams to the 'bont' ridge beam over the Great Room. Two 5/8" diameter x 9" lag screws are to be iastalled througb cach of these hip beams into the face of the 'bent' LVL ridge beam. Tbis will be an acceptable altcrnatjve to the SLR./L210.2 hangers originally specified on the framing plans, Plcasc givc me a qucstions or cornrnents on this matter. Timothy President From: Tim Boyle To: Greg Denclda Boyle Engincering lnc. 143 E. Moadow Drive, Suite 390 Vail, Colorado 81657 30t 147 6-2110 FAX 303/476-4383 March 24,2004 Prt Druphinais DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION P.O. Bor 1515 Veil, Colorrdo 8165E Subject: Lot 9 Residence, The Grand Traverse Lions Ridge Subdivisior Vail, Colorado Building Permit # 801.0284 Date: 1/2112005 Time: 3:22:58 PM o .-. , l, RAt - CTYI I \rvi Dear Pat: This is to confirm that I have reviewed the cxistiqg framing for the mlin level of the above notcd rcsidcnce. Thc primary ftamiog urembers and floor joists for this level appear to be in good condition. The plywood decking is showing a minor amount of wcathering ftom moisture and sun exposure' Although I did not observe a serious stsuctural problem with this dccking, I am suggcsting that you add a laycr of h" plywooid underlaymcnt on top of this existiag decking to insure that the decking sptem is capable of carryiag the iequire,t design loa&. This new layer of plywood should be glued to the existing decking with PL400 and nailed with 8d @ 6" o.c. at panel edges and 12" o.c. in the field. or collments on this matter. Page 2 of 2 Please give me a call Timothy Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us March 5. 2004 Mr. Patrick Dauphinais Dauphinais-Moseley Construction P.O. Box 1515 Vail Co, 81658 RE: Building permit 801-0284 extension request Dear Pat, I have received your request to renew/exlend the above-mentioned permit and will approve this request with the following conditions: 1) All lumber products, engineered wood products and connections are evaluated by the structural engineer of record. This evaluation shall provide information of any wood products adversely affected by moisture, sun exposure and weather and make recommendations lo remediate any problems. 2) The sub conlractors of record listed as contractors of record shall remain the same. lf other contractors are to be used a new permit application shall be submitled. Building Permit 801-0284 has been extended from this date of 315104. Work musi commence prior to 9l5l04lo keep this permit from expiring in the future. Enclosed, is a copy of the permit showing the new expiralion date. lf anything further is needed, feel Chief Building Official Town of Vail {g*"n"uor ro Dmc DAUPHTNATS - MosELEy CoNsrRUcrtoN lNc. (4""f*^4r9;,"&o** VAIL, COLORADO PRESIDENT P.O. BOX r 51 6 val|-. co at6aa (s70) 476-60t5 FAX @70t 476-9022 CHAIRMAN CLARKSON P. MOSELEY 6390 LBJ FREEWAY, SUITE I 05 DALLAS, T)('162r'() (2r 4t14 - O2a,, FAX (2t4) 4E80€a3 vAlL, co (970) e4g-6r44 FAX (970\ 47e-9o22 Charlie Davis Building Official, Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO. 81657 March 2,2004 RE: Buildins Permit # 801-0284 As you are aware. Buildins Permit # B0l-0284 was issued on 09-12-2001. We began to build and completed the first floor deck framing before deciding to temporarily suspend construction due to slow sales. We are now prepared to go forward and request that you extend our building permit through completion which we expect will be December of 2004. Thanks for your consideration and your help. Patrick G. Dauphinais Dauphinais-Moseley Construction, Inc. TOWN OFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 o#lor*rrr oF coMMuttr" oruurol)r*, Action: AP NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: EO'I-0197 Job Address: 1418 MORAINE DR VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1418 Moraine Drive Applied . . : 09/1'2/2001 Parcel No...: 21,031,22OW33 Issued. ': 1O/01'/2N1 Project No : eK-5ot -5L1? Expires . ': o3/30/2N2 OWNER Dauphinais -Moseley Constructog /I2/200I Phone: I-,icense: CONTRACTOR AVAI,ANCHE ELECTRIC CORP 09 /L2/2001' Phone : 970-468-0249 P O BOX 2715 DII-,LON, CO 80435 License: l-88-E APPLICANT AVAT,ANCHE EI-.,ECTRIC CORP 09/L2/200L Phone: 97O-468-0249 P O BOX 2715 DIITL,ON' CO 8043s License:188-E Desciption: New Single Family Residence Valuation: $26,000.00 ITT.,SUMMARY Electrical---------> 5468 .00 Total Calculated Fees--> 5471 . oo DRB Fee------ > So.0o Additional Fees----------> S0.00 lnvestigation----> $0. oo Total Permit tcc------> 5471.00 will call---> s3 . oo ['a)"rnents----------------> s4?1 .00 TOTAL FEF-+-> S4?1. oo BAI-ANCE DUH- - -'--> 50 - 00 Approvals:I€eh: 05000 ELECTRICAI-, DEPARTMEIiff 10/01/2001 .rRM Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIIT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. to comply with all Town ordinances a?sr",. r"*r, and to build this structure atd"r,o the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Cod'e and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS PM. AT 47+2138 OR AT OUR OFI'ICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: Location.....: 14l8 Moraine Drive ParcelNo...: 210312209009 ProjectNo : PIUOI -OZ2.g OWNER DAUPHINAIS-MOSEI-,EY CONST INCl1/06/20OL Phone: ]-404 MORATNE DR VAIL CO 81557 License: COMRACTOR J S & M MECHANICAI., P.O. Box 9338 Avon, CO 8162 0 License: 280-P APPLICA}IT J S & M MEGIANICAI-, P,O. Box 9338 Avon, CO 8162 0 License:280-P Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 11106/2001 Issued. . : llll4l200l Expires . .: 0511312002 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M0l-0227 pet.rvpNr oF coMMUNrrY DEVELoPT\ilr LL/06/20OL Phone: 970-390-1138 IL/06/200L Phone; 970-390-1138 Desciption: install new mechanical system Valuation: $18,000.00 Fireplace lnformation: Reslricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: O # of Wood Pellet 0 ***a'ta****a*,1,1*++* Meclnnical-> s36o-oo Resfuarad Platr Review-> So.oo Total Calculaled Fees-> S453.00 Plan Chcck--> S9o. oo DRB Fee-----------!- $o . oo Additional Fees------> S0 . 00 lnvcstigation-> $o . oo TOTAL FEES----------> 5453 . OO Total P€rmit Fee-----> 5453 . 00 Will Call-> 93. OO Pa)anents------*> $453.00 BALANCE DLrE___> S0 . 00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMBflT ]-L/L4/2O0I CDAVIS Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIflI CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:23 (BLDG.); INSTALI,A,TION MUST CONFORM TO MANT'FACTURES IIISTRUCTIONS AI{D TO CIIAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IJMC, CTIAPTER ]-O OF THE ]-997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS.A,PPIJIAI{CES SIIALL, BE VEMED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I AND SIIALL TERM]NATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 IJMC, OR CHAPTER g OF TIIE L997 IVTC. Cond: 32 (Br-,Dc.): pERMrr,pr.,Alrs ArrD cl**"srs MUsr BE posrED ," tr*r*L RooM pRroR TO A}I INSPECTION REQI'EST. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agee to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. R-EQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE 'IVENTY-FOLIR HOURS IN AT 479-2138 OR AT OLrR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE AppLrcATronLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLtR uNSTGNED @l4tl(tr- ilffiififfi \}d-*i lr9Fa fJ . t e7o-47e-2L4e (rnspections) nvNwuA*w I ;[rY;L MEcHANrcAL pERMrr ApplrcArroN* otP - T IOWN OF VAIL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLTCATION\ \\, 75 5. Frontage Rd. Permit will not be accepted without the following: t }j, - , O Vaif, Colorado 81657 \J n{ {^" . r l'ff.'ffinffiffiH'i''"0':*:,,:.t5 ;:lgJ"f I r*" *t,^'^4 $ftItl-ftfi t5;:.sr"t]t*" '!^'4 Ilpr-*q'ffii*:q1ns w CONTRACTOR INF COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL Contad Assessors Office at 970-328-864O or * * * * * * * ** * * i( * * * * * * ** * * * * FoR oFFICE USE ON LY* Mechanical Contractor: J5 f nn hNccha^rcr..- Town of Vail Reg. No.:zoo-7 Contact and Phone #'s: KMIi 6-'.tL 4Att- 46oo Alt"- Ec MECHANICAL: $DATE ROUTED: Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) 2y6V lzz o1 o7 rob Name: Lot 4 (tr,r,J{ra-0wc Job Address: | *$ ill,o"ni,n, lrrrr/e Owners Name: pg114 EnC,Address:jr* tFt5. Detailed description of work:. r - | e-'.1 .t lJer") 9r$e +a$^,1".1 rel(&r^ce - WorkClass: Newffi Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No 0o Boiler Location: Interior (tr() Exterior ( ) Other ( ) Type of Bldg: Single.family fi) Duplex ( ) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building: O No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: of Fireolaces Existinq: Gas GasLoqs( ) WoodiPellet( ) Wood NofFype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances 0OlCas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) -RECEWeo {.************* Tov-coM.DEV'F: /everyone/forms/mechperm **********t 'n{"'1+ \ "\ ,r. *t" -.1b. " ,.* b. .*1't .>..'Jr^{s { L"t 4, &,"u^J- (rd.drv\se-OFFISffi COPY \ L\ I U$ro' Ar\e bu" u ^) &*tust'^ Si* \.dt I6n"&*r^ r) do" 9rz-e ^fr A.' ?z \2" Jy \;;d,;^ see- 'f\'o' p\o'ns ^{)F l\v t{ \ ^f\N/r>) \r ,^., n'***.n\7ED \ Cc-:- ': )' ' ) -lcpment lj : Plitment Buildins saielY & ,H'J[:! T0WN OF VAIL &ctlon t 06. 4. l, unif orm Butld In8 codo I113-:t- I-t3l: * j:t'ff#srctloB lti".4. t' urururu rsn*.o ?-ifr* ,6rincations ond compuurioos or grantinc uf a pcrmit or-sPproval oi.--- - -- -^^--et af env vrolat|on ol fi iiTilT,"]"."ffi :';'oT'"';;i'r[']il:liiy*I,T:;]:lti:i.* ',,11:i?1""; ::I"'ff ""ii# *i'J-"iiiv "u'-'i'i''-fi."i*1il:111ft onY ol thc iro\ rsrons oI tIUs .,*e u v' ...,fic o, c-""t ttt" provisions of tlus Permits pn umlng lo Sivc adhonty.t0.. -L-tr --r- -"ti.l :#; Ii;.; :;1il;;'"r,il iGiog-'n"u :1*-"-"r"*;f""'::;$::""1e'Jil;ilil;;il;-e'fr!T::::i":q":i::.'lil il:;:*::':;"1|TJ:?ffJiiii_1;;i;ln:*i:"ffi!t,""i :[f : ; ' :l l ;: .l: :';#d :ffi , ;;; ;!;4l l :r':t"':,"ilf"#:11i ,'nT;:;.;''::,.;; "iotation of this codc or of Town of Vail ilECEIVED Nov 0 5 z00l TOV-COM.DEV. -2--:--+6 $uoo$. UATE: ',, t Eg Iq EE 8H Fr F q Ft ra sgia;griHnaaiiigaa$iigiii *E* gpo EE*EsSH=SesSarEEEgBisteHHH t*E i$E$n5$dF3Ha s$EEEss EilssE*EgrEE:E i =*rtsBsBBc*i$i!EB'.Httstss=**tf;EE i -='*1.-r*-*-l i -l !*'f *'-l i i l "'- IA t i " FoSsEFfBFD'.5.;i8-SFSFoFF EF i i assB$EBss*sBsss$BBBBssEEtEE I i -gslEE*uaEl I gl l;B!Bui | 1 luee$E I EEE.EEH;EE--E-'EE'Es'ooo$gEEE E EEEEE EE EEEEEEEE'EEEE*sErrr=$!g E ae3iEsa33-l i3l tisi;*l I I ls; g E ss:l=itt-rl !si Ittlsii | | !38 !x E F-HF - 1I!= F F ,E,EE,EEEE,,,EEE1,,EHHEl EE nE-cFIVEP NOV 0 5 20i11 TOV.COM.DEV. E:iF EEB r51 EFE Ari- fr: EHr EE* I z !l E E {, \., 4 I t!c trt h 3 5 E e o ; IE lal IE I tlt 3t l, l,1O -l ota \l'|, RI ari EB a\ hr ('L- | 5U .'UL,f lrca\,.rrrt trF LnoEl|rrrc, I .t6se \.r 2 !t ttr r-! r(' E tt o o T E PEEHEIEEE gEEBEEEEHEEE*E E lr - E- EE-EEEE--- iEEi-* * * *EE H EEgg H O == G F=B ia -o - \r{ rr c! * a[ D er',n Lr rr ]'E5 {.Lr --E EEEEHHg EEEEEHE Ei FE beE ElHEEi EE EE E 5x Et BH FF E EIHHF o =F a o t,r z ts tr o g 3 4 z x ---6gr[EE Eg E!gEEEEEEEEHEHE *aF EEFFFFH It EE Ft EB Ei El E tl a I E z g x ll I t it 3 E g I I !l I| E E a i FR0r1'' *- i,'-T #:::' 11,, r,* l, =o-u."I#' Ili;.'", ;'li:** 6234X and G334X $eries I t i I : I ifrs#*#fr** Fig. 1 Rear Vlew D,r:rns srs ,n brgcitt, appiy tc G334X Fig. 2 Siie View Flg. 3 Froflt Vitrv mdEls. Roiief vaivr inslilied on supdy ireadir. 'ThF Net I'B'R Raiingr are based on e piping ailctvan* of 1.15. Cortsult fadory bo$€ sebCing a soiler ior ine{ellaiion having unuslal piping end pick"up r+ou,iar;rcntr such aE 6xp0i8i piping. " AFI.JE Ralir,gs apely orily io boilers wlth an AGA input b!lc',? 300 000 Btu/hr' .. 1E lnd'$fdsl Way . Salern, NH 03079 udgrus pii.", ieoirese-osos . Fex: (603) 8s8-1055 Etitl iclo€td) ...tt'z' ji lllolr 33' |.dfa {o? srrvlclng _ Fig, 4 TtP Vielr iliiugtratif,g dosot itgu,lsion) SlljEcl io trlt tircrB srdrali r"rics. 8rs6t!r)0$!3rpa t 1.0, !3,."i.',f'l * FETL it't' a G231X I 6334X Sedac 3E:41 55rt4 DoElreadng capadty/ MBH 130 i 154 1Eg ; 21g Gtoss Cuput i AGAlnau: M8H 160 187 228 266 --\:/ \ ,/:s) ( W), trs t 13? ----]_.3C1 ins iqe ilz -l----:-- 219 i 3ii, , 396 451 Ner l,B"R Ralirq- tvlBll t1'r 13e '{ cq i34 2n1 , 2?',i 34$ , 3!2 AFu€ticornb$tial Ef,' oA a4,3 s4,1 ' 94.8 84,3 , 83.5 82.1 83.8 83.2 Eciler.eight - rncl-.e s 3412 3e1t2 3S 1/2 . Si 1i?+cql 4c3r+ '+r3r+ 403i1 $JiCih A lrches 253i4 2i3/4 i 2e I s23r4 i 343ra r cr3'14 I 4alr4 56 U/a.Qhi $30;toet ''126s I i lC ' lc 6.1 . 7.1 8.2 S.2 11.d r 1,?.5 | Fiue DiEiretei 4E7 7 Weler Cor:tent Galjons Gai Connec,t;cn Inohes NPT Fiow Reslsiance liciles !tc. et 20'FcT 1q f, 3it :3i4 '.3t+ ' 1i4 .1ii! tii+ ,11i1 '11tc - j----_-- 'rF.r '. )i1 ; zil ?sg 321 d4.t | ,q.2 60,2 IY. i , LL,l 'i,l: HYDto'r I c: sY$rEilts Wgbsite: $r\Hw.btidei,U3,net TOWD] OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Mechanical-- > Plan Check-- > Invesdgation- > Will Call----- > S60.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $ls. oo DRB Fe€----::-----> go. oo TOTAL FEES-------> s3.00 So. oo Totd Calculated Fe€s:- > $0.00 AdditionalFees------> 578.00 Toal Perm Fee--:--> Payments-------------:- > BALANCE DUE---.-.---> $78.00 s0.00 $?8.00 9?8. 00 $0. oo QLr*rrENr oF coMMUNrry oe$op^awr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PCrMit #: MO4-0366 Item: 05100 BUILDIIIG DEPARI'!{ENI 1212112004 iIRM Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI,DG.): FIEI.D INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI.,IANCE. Cond:. 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TI{E a997 Id}'{C, OR SECTTON 701 0F THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : INSTAI.,LATTON MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTITRES INSTRUCTIONS AM TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE ]-997 I'MC, CMPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BL,DG.); GAS APPIJIAIICES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I AlfD SIIALI-, TERMIIiIATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF TIIE 1.997 T'MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 &( -ozJrct JobAddress: Status...: ISSUED [,ocation.....: l4l8 Moraine Drive Applied . . : l2/0812W4 ParcelNo...: 2t0312209{fr9 Issued. . : Ollzll2Cf,ls Project No ' I R-ro \ -6 l_/K Expires . .: 07/20/2W5 owNER DAUPHTNATS-MOSEITEY CONST INCL2/08/2004 phone: 1404 MORAINE DR VAIIJ CO 81657 License: CONTRACToR FIRE WORKS HEARTH & PATrO INL2/08/2004 phone: 97o-928-8758 P.O. Box 2133 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 License , 243-M APPIJICATIT FIRE WORKS HEARTH 6' PATIO IN12/08/2004 PhONC: 9?O-928-8?58 P.O. Box 2133 Gl enwood Springs, CO 815 01 License: 243-M Desciption: INSTALLATION OF A WOOD BURNING FIREPLACE CONVERTED TO GAS-INSTALLATION OF A GAS LOG SET Valuation: 53.000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pe[et: 0 * j**************'t +'l++++,t*l':f :a:*:*r(,t:l{.i.*i(***'1.d.'t****{.*+r*r*****,*****'***!t**+** FEE suMMARy (BL,DG-): 4ccnSs ro HEArrNGtt"*t* MUsr coupLy wrrH "J}n' 3 Ar{D sEc.t-orz oF TIIE 1997 I,IVIC AI\ID CHAPTER 3 oF fl{E 1997 IMc. Cond: 31 (BI-'DG.): BOILTERS SIIAL,L BE MOITNTED ON FL,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. ITNITESS IJTSTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIIOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PT,ANS AND CODE Ar:IALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANTCA! ROOM PRIOR TO AN TNSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS COl.ITArNrNc HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPIJY BOIIJERS SHALL, BE EQUIPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 1004.5 0F THE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF AppucATroel Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMprt. uNsrGN f - oza3 TovN0FVtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Equipient Cut/SpE Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O- 479-2L49 (Inspections) nEeElVrU DEC ir f, rula TOV-COM.DEV. Hb:#$dI Permit will not be accepted without the following: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VATUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials ********************x***FoR oFFICE USE ONLyx**************************** Other Fees:Planner Sisn-off:AcceDted Bv: DRB FEes!Date Receivedl Contact Assessorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel # robAddress: /4/{ t/hra,;,t L, /*'("-n-- tq Detailed description of work: fisItlto-*r,>,- .{ {ooa- b-rnrntl FP Lt^l/e/4e.4 >t> 3as - irtsla-Ilu$'ax.- WorkClass: New(-f Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )BoilerLocationl Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family $,,/f ouplex( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: of Fireplaces Existino: Gas GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) Wood Noflypeof FireplacesProposed:GasAppliances(/) GasLogs(/) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurning(NOTALLOWED) ts thls a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) \WAiI\dAIA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMU'S\MECHPERM, DOC 0'7 n6D002 rtt' t {& ** * tr '* * {' 'l * *'l* *** * *:t * * ** * * !* 'r. * * 'f '* * * * ** * ** ** {r * * * {. rr ** r.{. !* ir * * ** * *t} * * *'t * 't * * '*'* r.,} x * ** * * *tt * * * * rt( * i( * * x * | * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * * f '* ** l. * ** * * ** * * * * * **** * ** * * * ** * ** * * * ** * ** * ** ** +* + +*'t *** * * * * ** * **** * * * * * t * **** * * * * 't * * * * * * * * * Statement Nuniber: R040007237 Atnount: $78.00 !2/Oe/200402225 pttl Pa)rment Method: Check Inits: iIS Notation: #7947lFIRE WORKS HEARTH AND PATIO Permit No: M04-0356 Type: MECHANTCAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2]-O3T22O9OO9 site Address : Location: 1418 Moraine Drive Tota} Fees: S78.00 This Palment: $78.00 Total AIIJ Pmts: $78.00 Balance: $0.00 *r.t *******'|*********t *rt***I*ri+**{.'}***ti*tr*!i**t ***********r!****t *************:F**t ******'},}**'t*:} ACCO{JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Current Pmts MP 00100003111100 MECHANICAL pERt4lT FEES 60.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 15.00 hJC OO1OOOO3112BOO |^JILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO t PTF WORK EXEM ROM PERMIT, 2OOO tBG: 105.2 Work exempt from permit. Exemptions from permit requirements of this code shall not be deemed to grant authorization for any work to be done in any manner in violation of the provisions of this code or any other laws or ordinances ofthis jurisdiction. Permits shall not be required for the following: Building: l. One-story detached accessory structures used as tool and storage sheds, playhouses and similar uses, provided tlre floor area does not exceed 120 square feet (l l. 15 m^2). 2. Fences not over 6 feet (1829 mm) high. 3. Oil denicks. 4. Retaining walls which are not over 4 feet (1219 mm) in height measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall, unless supporting a surcharge or impounding Class I, tr or III-A liquids. 5. Water tanks supported directly upon grade ifthe capacity does not exceed 5,000 gallons (18 927 L) and the ratio of height to diameter or width does not exceed 2 to 1. 6. Sidewalks and driveways not more than 30 inches (762 mm) above grade and not over any basement or story below and which are not part ofan accessible route. 7. Painting papering, tiling, carpeting, cabinets, counter tops and similar finish work. E. Temporary motion picture, television and theater stage sets and scenery. 9. Prefabricated swimming pools accessory to a Group R-3 occupancy, as applicable in $101.2, which are less than 24 inches (610 mm) deep, do not exceed 5,000 gallons (19 000 L) and are installed entirely above ground. 10. Shade cloth structures constructed for nursery or agricultwal purposes and not including service systems. I L Swings and other playground equipment accessory to one-and two-family dwellings. 12. Window awnings supported by an exterior wall of Group R-3, as applicable in $ 101 .2, and Group U occupancies. 13. Movable cases, counters and partitions not over 5 feet 9 inches (1753 mm) in height. Electrical: Repairs and maintenance: Minor repair work, including the replacement of lamps or the connection ofapproved portable electrical equipment to approved permanently installed receptacles. Radio and television transmitting stations: The provisions of this code shall not apply to electrical equipment used for radio and television transmissions, but does apply to equipment and wiring for power supply, the installations of towers and antennas. Temporary testing systems: A permit shall not be required for the installation of any temporary system required for the testing or sewicing of electrical equipment or apparatus. Gas: 1. Portable heating appliance. 2. Replacement of any minor part that does not alter approval of equipment or make such equipment unsafe. , WORK EXEM PERMIT, 2OOO I o BG , continued: Mechanical: 1. Portable heating appliance; 2. Portable ventilation equipment; 3. Portable cooling unit; 4. Steam, hot or chilled water piping within any heating or cooling equipment regulated by this code; 5. Replacement of any part which does not alter its approval or make it unsafe; 6. Portable evaporative cooler; 7. Self-contained refrigeration system containing l0 pound @.5a kg or less of refrigerant and actuated by motors of t horsepower (746 W) or less. Plumbing: The stopping ofleaks in drains, water, soil, waste or vent pipe; provided, however, that ifany concealed trap, drainpipe, water, soil, waste or vent pipe becomes defective and it becomes necessary to remove and replace the same with new material, such work shall be considered as new work and a permit shall be obtained and inspection made as provided in this code. The clearing of stoppages or the repairing of leaks in pipes, valves or fixtures, and the removal and reinstallation of water closets, provided such repairs do not involve or require the replacement or rearrangement of valves, pipes or fixtures. 105.2.1 Emergency repairs. Where equipment replacements and repairs must be pertbrmed in an emergency situation, the permit application shall be submitted within the next working business day to the building offrcial. 105.2.2 Repairs. Application or notice to the building official is not required for ordinary repain to structures, replacement of lamps or the connection of approved portable electrical equipment to approved permanently installed receptacles. Such repairs shall not include the cutting away ofany wall, partition or portion thereof, the removal or cutting of any structural beam or load bearing support, or the removal or change ofany required means ofegress, or rearangement ofparts ofa structure affecting the egress requirements; nor shall ordinary repairs include addition to, alteration of, replacement or relocation ofany standpipe, water supply, sewer, drainage, drain leader, gas, soil, waste, vent or similar piping, electric wiring or mechanical or other work affecting public health or general safety. 105.2.3 Public service agencies. A permit shall not be required for the installation, alteration or repair of generation, transmission, distribution or metering or other related equipment that is under the ownership and control ofpublic service agencies by established right. o PT FROM r'J 'I N ; I <)t\ L- TOWN OFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2'138 otorru*r oF coMMU*,r" orurr#r*t NOTE; THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBINC PERMIT Permit #: P01-0096 IobAddress: Status...: ISSUED Location.....: 1418 Moraine Drive Applied . . : 09/12/2001' Parcel No...: 210312209.]/w.- Issued. .: 10/01./2001' Project No : ExPires. .: 03/30/2N2 O$INER DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST INC09/72/200r Phone: 1404 MORAINE DR VAIL CO 815 57 License: CoNTRACTORJ S &MMECHANTCAI-, 09/12/200]- Phone: 970-390-1138 P.O. Box 9338 Avon, CO oro4v License:280-P APPLICAI\IT JS&MMECHANICAI-, 09/a2/200L Phone:970-390-1138 P.O. Box 9338 Avon, CO 9L620 License:280-P Desciption: New Single Family Residence Valuation: $50,000.00 Iireplace InJormation: Rcstricted: ??# of Cas Appliances: ?? # of Gas Lopis; ?? # of S0.00 Total Calt'ulated Fees---> $940.50 90,oo AdditionalFees-----------> Wood Pallet: Plumbing--> S750. oo Restuarant l'lan Review--> I'lan Cher:k--> 518? .50 DRB Fee--------------> lnvestigation > Will Call--->s3. oo so. o0 SO.oo l0 fAL FEES---------' S940.50 Total Permit Fee----'--'--> 5940.50 r, ,rnron r c------------------, > S 9 4 0 . 5 0 90.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 10/01/2001 JRM Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-'DG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, BAI,ANCI] DU E--_--> o o MADETWENTY-FOUR REQUESIS FOR n\|SPSgflON SHALL BE PM. AT 47}2138 OR AT OUROFNCE FROM 8d)O AM - 5 it ,' -^I -tl TVWNOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 97 O-47 9-2149 (Inspections) Plumbing Contractor;i; { {ii'nlt,fh*icd Town of Vail Reg. No.: 2oo-7 Contact and Phone #'s: Kn^l,Lr g,ntll^ \LL.lr€oo ContGctor Siqnature: k\,Vs?*pxo,r. 6 -9mc iru. COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: $ UO Assessorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit Parcef # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) Zl0> \LL oq, o rob Address: \+lg ftl\ora,,n. D".,le Job Name: L"{ q A Phonet klb -goS rc tFtf Phone: 615 - Z\7O Address: IL3EOJ of work: N - ll\ct^l 9ttt trn"i,lt vesLvrre WorkClass: New$$ Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family 0Q Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building: p No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) *****************r,*********************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* ffiveo sEP 1 1 2001 F/everyone/forms/plmbperm rov-c149!E! rl WE RATE Town of Vail Survey C_ommunity Development Department Russell Fonest, Director, (970) 47e-213e Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you conhct? Building _ Environmental _ Housing_ Admin Planning _--DRB _ pEC 2. Was your initial contact with our stafi imrnediate stow no one avaiiable ? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? 4, Was your prqect reviewed on a timeiy basis? yes / No lf no, why not? 5. S/as this your first time to file a DRB aop PEC app Bldg Permit N/A Overall effectiveness of the Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 What is the best trme of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 6. Please rate the performance of the staf person who assisted you:54321Name; (knowledge, responsiveness, availability) 7. n 21 9. Any comments you have which would ailow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for kking the time to complete this survey. We are committed b improving our service. O EPARTMENT TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: l4l8 Moraine Drive 2103t2209009 DAI]PHINAI S -MOSEI.,EY 1404 MORAINE DR vArr.. co 8L6s7 Iricense: Public Way---> lnvestigetion-> Bond Amout -> TOTAL FEES-> Paymgnts----*--> BALANCE DLTE----> ISST]ED 09lr4l200l r0/0t/2001 s?5.00 90.00 OF COMMUNITY DEVELO NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLIBLIC WAY PERMIT Permit # PW0l-0131 o PMENT OWNER coNsT rNco9 /14/200L APPL,ICANI DAIIPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST INCo9 /t4/20OL Ptrone: 476-8055 ]-404 MORAINE DR vArr, co NeIE Pecerson Box 151-5 Vail, CO 8L557 License: coNrRAcroR w.Y. CoNSTRUCTTON, rNC (YBrK09 /]-4/200t Phone: 970-328-6641 P O BOX 502 EAGIJE CO 81631 License:168-X Desciption: fEMP SITE ACCESS - New Single Farnily Residence ttt+t,t******)***::'ltrt*,rrrrrt+tlr**'i***t,t****'*****'!*****rtt*trtt**tit*,t** FEE $Ir\,{MARY l*ll****.tl*lrtalrt* Approvals:rfem: 05500 PIIBLTC WORKS 09/L4/2O0t LS iien, OsssO BIGINEERING Action: AP PERMTT FEE INCLI]DED WITH BUII-,DING PERMIT PE COIIDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I certi$ that I have read all chapters of Title t 2-STR of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, an will abide by the same, and that all utilitiid as required. PublicWorts will have a spec/detail Uoottabr, io April of 1998. ADVA}ICE REQIIESTS FORINSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOURHOURS IN 479-213s OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. 0F21-2005 In$pef,tion Request heporttng PagB 24 7:plglrt___ Vall- CO_:Clty Ot Reoue$te{, insDect Date: Tuesdav. June 21. 2005 ' Asiloned To: JMONDRAG0III InspectSrr Type: ELDG insir€c{on Arar: JRM Sltc Address: <None Listed> t4t 8 Moralne Drf ve &A,|:-bletrttelgr ,trctivrry: B0t-r0284 'llp€: 8-BUILD Const Type. 10i Occupancy: C).vrie:: DAUPHINAI{i. MOSEI-EY CO}IST ll.tC Contf{rct,r: DAUP|IINAI$MOSELEY CONST Appllcanr DAUP|,|NA|S-I,IOSELEY C.Oir$T tt iC $uh TYpe: tlsFR U!e: V f,l Phom: 970-47$8055 Phona: 47S80&-q Stat:]s. ISSiJED lnsp Ar€a: JRM Delcrieilon: New Slnoh Famrtv Resid€ftc€ NJTIC€: PERMIT}I.AS BEEN EXTENDED THROUGH 95/04 SEE LETTER IN FILE . CDAVIS Comrfl€nt ROUTED TOJRM FOR REVIEWAPPRO\,?L - CDAVIS Comment Bufidin s€t ls tindl f{iB oDorov€d s€t of Dlans - CD^VIS Comm€nt: SolLS. FEPOR T REC.D IN FILE . CDAVIS Cornment FRAI,l{ltlG ltC SUBftIITTED AND ROUTED TO WARRETJ CAIiPBELI. - JSU]HER RequgEqdlnsp€c{on(sl Item: g0 BLDG+lnal Requested Tlme: 08:00 Aif Raqriestor: OAUPAINAIS-MOSf,LEY CONSTRUcnON/Blll Phone: 3SS5758 /-\ ,/ t, Asslg{red To: .lMONLtftAGOl{ Entered By: LCAMPAEL( K ;-rl Acilon: Tinra Expi ( I tt \ -/'lt J-*[, a (J/ ,.,,(Vttt r. n.#^( n r\, t/Y'! I I t I )t /l i(ll/I tln wl h$estrs-F(lsletr A thm: 50tP$FRcuohorao€ /l .a\ ttem: 5O3 P'lAt-FlnalthFawavqrade I I J? \ nem: l0 BLDc-Footltlgs Ste;f '- App'oved " \ J U 10 l2l01- Insp€ctor: ART " Acffon: AF APPROVEO \/ \/Comn.€nt N It€m: 20 BlTjc-Found€tr'rv$tee | " App"ovco r V 1A'29:O1 intpedor' -:RM ' - Acilon: AP APPROVED A r ' r .)Dfi:ment; llw ttern S2O PLAN-|LC SltE PlaF " AFproved ' t 01.'13'06 lftsp€ctor: trtlbrten' Actlon: AP APPROVED I Comm€nt: nsm: 30 BLDG-Fromh{ " ADDro\rrd * 01'14105 -tnspector: 6Cd' Actbn: Of,JOENIEO CGtTIm'Nt: ILC REOUIftID TO BE APPROVED BY PLANNIT.IG $I:?OIOS {mpsctor: GCD Adion: CFCORRECIONREOUIRED Comxrsnt: t.FIREPLACF REOS INSP€CTIOI'I. 2.PF$\4E1F El"lig APPROVAL OF A$ zulLT 3 2x1? AT ENTRY. 3AT,it " -Y4 AT STAIRS FOR POST ABOVE.4.FIA\ i. ' REVIEW FRAMING AT STAIRS IOWER LEVEL AND APPRO\IE AS zuILT OR Flx. RripTl31 Run Id: 3324 0e21,2005 /_53 am Inspectlon Request Page 25 ALL ITEMS APPROI{ID, Item. 'rO BLoc-lrrsulrtlon " Approved ''g2l0{r*i tnsFector: JRM Commsntl Item; 60 BlErG-Sheotrock Nail -' AFprovgd 'o2/l0lt$ lnsD€ctor: JRM Action: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION COiNMENtr; PTA'RTAL SHEET IIOCI{ APPTIOVFD GARAGE AND LJPPER LEVEL WALLS AND CEILING ONLY gi'?3'05 losF€ctdr: JRM Com,"rlsnt: SHEEIFOCK A.PPROVEtr n€m: 70 BLEG-Misc '' App{oved " t 1r3O'O4 lnspoctor: JRM COMMENT LATHEAPPROVED ll€m' 90 8LDlG-Flfua It€m: 530 gLDG-T€mp CiO Itsm 53? PW-TEI,iP. C,O it€m: 533 PLAN-TEMP CrO IIem: 537 PLAN'FINAL f,iO ftem: 5eq PVII-FINAL C/O It€m. 5.{{l BLDG-Fir|al CiO It6mi 21 FtAN-ltC Foundation Plen O{r191(S Inspsctor: li\rarlon Conrm6nt: ^'gt- - /-\t\ \1 Acuon: APAPPROVED Actlon: AP !.PPPOVED Acdon: AP APPROVED Action:VED i).AFN.S;\,n',-1 lrtlr REPTl31 Run fd: 3324 Reguested lnspect Dater Frlday, Octotrer 12, 20BJ lnsgecton Area. JRfrt - Slte Address: <Ncn€ Llst€d>liltg tor.lne Drlve A/PID InbrmsfiS Activitv: BO1-0284 TvD€: SBUILD Sub Tvnc: NSFR Consl Typir: 1ol Oc.cupsirby' ilse: V N trErc€l: 210?122OgU]9 Chsner: DAUPhII{AIS-MOQELEY C$NST lftC Appllcant; DAUPHINAI$.MOSELEY;ONS'TINC Phone: 476-8055 Conlra.tor: DAUFHTNAIS-MCSELEY CONST Phone: 970-476-8tI55 L€scriDtion. New Slnol€ SEmlli Resldencs HLI|C€' OFFICE [.IPY T5 LEONARF FCF REVIFW ANN RETURI\I . JMONDRAGON Noiic{. Buildina Eet ls ilrul DRB aDDtoved s€t of olans - .AKJERULF l-lotlce. ROUTEB TO JRM FOR REVIEWAPPROVAL - DFLORES Requested Insoectior|{sl lbm: l0 BLDc-Footngsrsteel Requesilor: DAUPHINAIS-iiOSELEY CONST/Ruo Page 16 stalus: lssuED fnsptuea: JRM Reouested Time: 08:oo Allt Phone: 97(H7c8tH6 -of- 3sF 4101 EntrredBy: FRONT K Comm€nls: AssBned To: Actlon:j:F- Ins!€cdon Hlstorv Itom: ff)2 PVI/-Rouoh srad€ hem: 503 Pvv-FlnaldrFeway grad€ Itgmi l0 ElDc-Footinos/Sta6l hsm: 20 BLE€-Found-atlon/$toel Itern: 520 PLAN-ILC She Plan fism: 30 Bloc-Frsmino ttam: 50 BLDC-lnsuPtl6n ]lem: 60 BLDG-Sbestek hLil It m: 70 BLDGMhG. It€m: g) BLDBFlnal ItEm: 53O BLDGTcmp. C/O llem: 532 PW-TEI,rP.'C/O Item: ffi PLAI+TEMP.CIO Item: 537 PLAfiJ-FINAL C/O ftem: 539 Pt /-FINAL C/O Item: 54O BLOC'-Final C/O Itam: 21 PLAt\tslLC FouMallon Plsn Et I ?noon lwitt call REPTl31 Run Id: 1005 1i,-J$-J01,1 i::5i' arr lCIfrir,restcls! At;uviiv. Er}'i-Oi8e ,-.onsr Type. rfti Inspeqtion Heque*t Repurting ,u,q.|L,.f*-T#uYlscF i:ieq*{.{lee iirs i:!t:. DJte. ifr :;n* ay, i,.:l-.,il: :' ?E, 23 -i ti lnsse,;tic!'i /l.rea; JFj.lS :.,itv A$stes:, ..f'I3ira :rifcc: 14f&. f$orarte Dnve narci|' 2'iu31}20sdtrP rJwnei . ilAl,PhllF,AlS-Mr-lSl L f Y * 0t J.j'I lt t{: AFnlicenr |-)AUPH!N4IS..M.J5ELEY C$IjTT )NC Ci;nlia:tor; DAUPfllNF.lS-MOSELEY CONS'I Bet:tiss.cd.it!SEfgfrgjtlgi Item: _ftsqueslot:L.-Omm€nls: As$lghd to:, Aftlon: frccuested Tinle; t|'l :00 Ffd ' Phone: S7LF476-8055 EntBr€d By: DFLORES K ?0 BLD$-Foundauonrsieel C,AUPHtNAtS-MO3E Lf Y LrStV$'i 39t]-{10l Vvc JMONDRAGON l rme Exp: '' ntpru.rrd ,'1i( | ^ Iyp+ FBUfLti LJCC UOetlf y": Sub Type rlSFF Use: v N frhotie: 476-8055 Phon€; 370-476-8055 .\*iiolt. Aii APPRCVED $tatus. }SSUED lnsDAren: JRM lnFFe:;tisn l-llEtnry l;+:rrr. 54i Fw-R(lugli Ertde 11r,l.... 'i{} FW-Final drivewav ciarje 1,,.:l:., tC BLaf FcctinosrStc*i 1ri1al'af insp3clor. i;i:n;; l$ Bli)G"Fotrndalleni,)iecl ii€ifl: 520 PLAN"ILC 9lte Fkn tieni i0 BLDG-iiarnrnE iisrr|: :.'dJ BllIG-insu|air6n lieBr: nij Blf,)G-Sh€€tr0ce. Naii llami ,0 BLIJG-itisc. Itent: gfr BLDG-Fhal hsm: 53O FLfS-Temp. Cttit fi4m: 53? F'JV-TEMP. Cjg ligm: S33 PLAN.TETTP.CIC liaflr: 537 PLAN-FINAL alt H€m: 539 PW"FlhlAL C/0 t,'m: 5.{o Bt.nG-Rftatcic !!em: 21 FLAI r-lLC FoundBtior', Ffan DFLORES K REPT13l Run Id: 1028 Reouesbd lnsDect Date:' tnspedflon Area: Slte Address: AIFfD Inlormaflon Acffvltv: E01-0197 f'\,D€: &ELEC ConstTypS: Occupaity: Own€r: D€uDhlnal+Moselev Consfiucflon Appticant AvAIJtJcHE ELEdTRIC CORP Coiilr.cbc AVALAI.ICI-IE ELECTRIC CORP Thursday, June f6,2005 I4I8 MORAINE DR VAIL l4l8 toralne Drlve Phonc: Phon€: ASFR Strtrs: ISSUED lBptuoa: EG 970-46eO249 97$46&{t249 Reauested Insoec0on{sl lbm: {90 ELEC-Flnrl Dercrlpuon: hhw Slmh Fanilly Resldcme Com.nent ROI.TIEO TO JRM FOR REVIEW.APPROVAL. LCAMPEELL *P 54* l.t"J Requesbr: Bllty - Dauphlnak Moeley Comrn€nlB: wlll cril 3qL5758 AsslgnadTo: EGLAIZLE Acflon: Requested Tlmc: 08100 All ' Phone: *X15758 Entored By: DGO{-DEN K Tlms Exp: lnsoec{on Hlsbrv Item: I lO ELEC-Temp. Power - ADproved - 12lfJf3l01 Inspoctor: og Commnt lhm: 120 ELEC-Ro€h -Approv€d- O1/1/U(5 lmpector: eg -' Commant Item: lil) ELEC-Condult It€m: lr|o ELEC-MbG. "ADp|o\od - 0121/06 lnsDecior: eo - - Commodt nal scrvhe - It6m: l9O ELEC-Flnsl APPRAPPROVED APPRAPPRO1IED Ac$o'n' APPR AltPROt/ED sublg: REPTl31 Run Id: 3313 4l-'**j 1,1!ill:g,l:qtiielgtj rlenj i ?{i €:_Ei-t,Temp. I,py...:y iltrxr '!?l Fi.i:i{: li*i itF ll,]r?';: i30 f l_t{,: -,-.rdurl il: t 1".. -'r.11' l':i'.h4i,''j. 1'..{-i::11' 1$[: i"l.::i.linal bur' l gri{-:. .'!i;i i']: r r1I: :! ..: ,trIiii,-f::-rl{i Iarl11€: 1i.:i,-988. L1?45r t.i:qMpt]:i-! ;i;trr,-. i:,:il ii.i-; |nsl' Aipa L.": 191'.:-=-: .f i. r:i'{!'.*Jl tt.. ',;t:< iiri-..r;:.,- , !.p*: b-E:-[q. :.,;i +t: , r,,r,,r. !J!{:{thahc)/: i r:t.:,: I 1, 1 i i'j.1 .,' li i!-ir);" t- ij,rr:,.lti:r 3j- tri.:..i]fJ.,, , ]arf:r,,:;r:.i r',. -.,, :,..- r ,r,, .s",. -, t--: i I :Fjlr . .. ;-; : .::"t':t"! : -:6r 4:^'a't-rt i1:r:f'ltj'\ r.'ll1Et' : ,:q:i:i:ii:.\ .l:-.. : i_.;!i- lltr i :rftii, iil:,ir.i.llt:I ,,jil]ijIr,:.! 1;,1;1"1rf', 1,:i.'j .:,,r l----rr. !r:- I rlf:y,!,.r .;1nl./ il: i t--a.ttr..t- 1 '' 'e,.:rt.r:,'ct L:.^.,r,-,.,.., r,ir"r*.,i..--. il- :i.:l- ;I;i. r,;;i;j :rliir.r,r: r.: ' i, lGi..r i-r-i- ,.i: tr.Jt I '; riltr firpl i 1:-.,.i;,;:it+"i j ir'trf . l.;*i.-.i; -.i,] F rl$*e. I iti.+la iilAr eirref€q By: DFLOR;.3 K /'L-od- o/ <rr"r_,l-Lltl I l- (r : r |tJ --1 lr '. .,':i .t lll: :l!.{i"r,"j!,i::I l:. t.;,:..: I 'j,.:ti .r::p; ---. t. ;_-! r., .'.,,'i'. ' " &Clli-{'rdrltsler $.r."tiv!iy Mir'i-U*:r] 'i Vt)': f.lulli.r! . .lrrs' i vtE: ,-Jcci lnallrv r,a! -., /1tii" )llglju i .!.r.' !+..,; i iA1 lei{tnlAr:,-\iil:jlr ir r .. ::ilf,f f -r ttr.t, . s j_.I'!!, :,i!! 1 >* E lI I'I€t'Hr\!-lri-_4i. {:.ni:i:.:'!1]r' .: ,c't h.l M5l-il.iilllarA!f ,rr1:-;iJii -r' ii\.,lfrlt 1+\rr fit.-;itAli;i4i .;'/i,li:ii: '.:r,r$nra!r! !fun re,iiew dtii {,"$intii,j M+t* rth,;Fi-iii:isii .:..,:,i lf[5Ire,cli$ti frv{ir,r+st $ielirorlfir* i-;.;1.1" --. 'gr&![.. 1]1j 'I]!tJl\t . F i" .,: -,.'..-*.I iil;:rr. -:,:e,j.','r rL. rTlrtialrrC Lrl r9C $itl. 'i irix: Aslia use Phone. :rr?L.i_331--{ -1,"9 Phnns: $7G39S1138 Stalus. rntp Area. ii {-{.iu€; s i..{: Ti| e: 0B:0ii Affr Phone: 97c133{r-l 138 -oi- g;lF3gLl- 5514 Enl€fed BY: DFLC}REs K A-l ff,t rr/f^rlu IJ ISSiJEi', '' ntl{':r'j!.-u r,,,fi::: i i i ',i1.. r.-, r;utr,' :..:.: iilry:iiill- ili-1r-jl l:, TC, :;!-1.4Flil5 trlF; FLiil::,;ilrir:'Fi-i )uli. i.r;:rln!* f{.qgii€!,tsi-.il6gsi! trgligj irrtir i ib ICIECri .i reauarr:irtuuc"rr,r j S 6. M i; Ciinri;fl.Al. .-.irrrl}e{ s' 39{r41il'i rryr. A-{siilnF.fl 'l <'! j i:[rAVlS Atlionr ._** tltne k xp' g-.!i!Igl1!l!-l.{ r',rl: l*i MfitH-Rr,ijfh li,ir:. :i: tiilFiH-l.i:afec l:.rii:. : i5 f'Ltu?lJ-Site P:iir'i ri:;lr: :lll. Ml;* Erhe uii ::l{iid::;.,.r, -*;"; f.1t;r i.j"i;,piy /rii lia;n. ","i{; MCCf i-L;isr. ir.citr- JSii tutfCr-i-Frnai v4t ' ^t l'-v'Y Du /' Rurr .iO: 1-Sh3 Y,-r".tl!j >-" I'il:,.C J .r -_' -r- 0S1e2005 Insp€cton Request Reportlng Page 25 4:35 pm Valt, CO - Clty of - Requested Inspect pate: [{day, June 17,2005 lnspeition Area: CD - Slte Addressl <None Llsted>l4l8 ltloratne Drlve A/PrD lntormafon Aclh,ltu FO1-(xlS Troe: B-PLlolB ConstTypS: Occupairty: O,srar: DAUPHIMIS-MOSELEY CONST INC ADDIIcant JS& MMECHANICAL Co'ribactor: J S & M MECHANICAL Descrlptbn: New Slngl€ Famlly Roskhnce Reouested Insoec{on(s I Statp: ISSUED InspArea: CD Phone: 97O39S1 139 Phone: 970-390-1138 *"r,"ck",Item: Requestor: comm6nts: A*signed To: Ac'llon: lnsoecuon Hlgtorv 3o /105 13:00 Pil 39G5758 - Eniered By: DGOLDEN TLrn Erp:w Item: ?10 RM$Underqround * Aooroved * t 1/09i01 'lnspector: cdavls ' Action: AP APPRCI/ED Comment water column test ttem: 22O Pl-MBRouotVD.W.V. - ADDrovBd -12jlg0if lnsp€ctor: CDAVIS" Actlon: APAPPROVED Comm6nt WATER COLUMN TEST llem: 23O PlMSRouohtl^latsr - Aooroved * 12i15i0{ lnsp,€ctor: CDAVIS' Acton: APAPPROVED Commont 10O! AIRTESTZZONES Item: 24O PLMSGas Plolno - ADDrov€d * 12115tO4 InsFector: CD VfS Actlon: APAPFRO/ED Comment 30 f AIRTEST Item: 250 PLM$PooUl-totTub - ils*: ffiFtM$HiTi /h{,r', t[$f R vil]r,* 'Lu Ml)l\v" I ll n/i na=U fr fr" ilL"il'r{ tr; 290 Run Id: 3315 REPT131 rf r *ile{"-:tton Req uest Sl e*er r'tr rlg 1r'r$.!t," co . 1+w$!.Tr .;f '. rlfu:r. ::: I :-r.r r ;::r,U!.jl- { r,{- :,:-" t,r.-' r i._.-,-14 l.it*. r,:j+;+rg: TvFr,. ia,-PLMB r: lfltlnflr'\{'r:' !:: r i +. tu^-.,,.r r' ^1 j-,i :r'il " ,.'l- ..l r F.e- ! a,: t. lt;-..--,.iF r '1",,- ',"it'i iyce ASFR Sialus. ISSUEL) ,nsF, Ar€a: cD . 1',r;e.r j r,-y4 F 3 ir,3! '- !:J11,:' 4:-r!'ji:, i.tni a: iirF-::'n--;;-iirt:...i I{irlli,t i -r\,.iiiriri.irr'- tr1.;.!:-!,1 t \ -:t.l?'r rr,ti ' .J :1 n ff, h ;::l fiI.,!'ii:l {:. Fhsne. 1?C-.?9Cr-1i 38 J : f, t''! l"{t:CHAt.?}i:F'!. Ph?nc: $70-39C-113f lisu' a'irclF, F"'!."xi,. l".l.-.i.ii11.rn:)* FC'. rTrr. Ti,: ,ji?F{ i.;i; riPF,tlitvAt..,t?F!r:51tr . :Fl..:trgs i- 'rrz' 1(t, li l -i.a.fj,-,6,cl itL'fli; l'i0 PL l"JU. r.ri,tit'i iii -!i,iiir ;itrq.n :iir.i - .i ; ; iij LlL;i :ii.iJ:1A! l*equt stc'c fti'tr6: $i:Ju i1i!j PhorE: 370-33c'-r 1:E -rrr- S7e39Cr- 35{4 Ent€rsd By: DFLORES X al,rrtrit rritiis. i:irl;41t i vl', AE:JOteri "Ir'1 l--;-';tu15 A.r.J..?'r'i irn€ t"rp: DfltrA Gcutnnr-l r€>r 11+n. l'il iter:; f4f ,is$r. frii ile li ;CJ Iienl::g$ lj 1- M F U i-rr;* ilrr.r.lnd tri-.ft'F-F,i,r rj;ltl].YtI V.nl-l'rF.Ri'rrlhr !.fililln r alHf Ssl Fi;,irt l-Li.i5"f'C Ji i'iCl i {-rC F i.tdf,-fitas.d. i:Lllt&Frnal .rr"L f i. r -\ -I 1--* '?.t n .l a\l:a f,i.l"ri rh. .r-UJ,l- ^t -l >YcL\rt r u\ Requested InsDect Date: Thursdav. Oc{ober 11,2001 ' Site'Address: <None Lidted>l4l8 Moraine Drive A/P/D lnformation Activitv: Const Tvo6: Paiiel: Applicant: Cohlractor: Owner: PW01-0131 Tvoe: PUBWAY Occupairby: 2't0312209005 DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST INC W.Y. CONSTRUCTION, INC (YEIK) DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST INC Sub Type: use: Status: ISSUED Inso Area: Phone: 476-8055 Phone: 970-328-6641 Inspection History Item: Item: Item: Item: 500 501 502 503 Descriotion: TEMP SITE ACCESS - New Sinole Familv Residence Cominent: PERMIT STILL REQUIRED. TOEE SUBII ITTED WITH BUILDING PERMIT FEES. PER DORIS F. - LSANDOVAL Requested Inspection(s) Item: Requestor: Comments: Assign.ed.To: ACUON: 501 PW.Temp.access/drainage Requested Time: 08:00 AM Rico with Dididr Construction - Phone: 3904101 rime Exp: Lf,an Entered BY: FRoNr K lr /, bugan)_ Pw-Backfill lnspection (Optional) PW-Temp.access/drainaoe (ODtional) PW-Rouoh orade - (Ootional) PW-Finaldrivewaygrade' (Option'al) REPT131 Run Id: 1003