HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 3 BLOCK 2 LOT 26 LEGAL.pdfFtrEmr 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970- 479-2 I 3 8/479 -2 1 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Comrnunity Development July 3, 1997 Pat Dauphinias DMC, Inc. P.O. Box l5 | 5 Vail, Colorado 81657 Rc: Town of Vail Dcsign Rcvicw Board approval of Dcar Pat, on.|uly2,|gg7,t|rcDcsignRcvicwBoardconditionallyapprovedyourrequcstfora p.i,n..Vl*..ondary rcsi<tcicc to bc locatcd at 1864 Clacicr Court' Thc conditions of approval must bc rcsolvcd prior to application for a building pcrmit' Thc conditions of approval are: l. That thc applicant, as owncr of Lot 22, submit a lcttcr granting pcrmission for thc conshuction of a <lrivcway rctaining wall for Lot 26 upon Lot22' 2. That thc applicant resubmit a laudscapc plan indicating two additional cvcrglccns and trvclvc aspcn sccdlings on thc north sidc ofthc duplcx' Should you havc any qucstions or conccrns' pleasc do not hcsitate to call' You can rcach mc at 479-2145. Sinccrclv. lJ-**Q"e**a Gcorgc Ruthcr Town Planner lock 2, Lionsridgc No. I {p*"nou"utr o o Yqm 3j,:' OCign Review Action F TOWN OF VAIL catesory Number 6 ode 1f Zfql Project Name; Building Name: Project Description: t]e.4 O,_ele'1 Owner, Address and Phone: nrcnitect(6nr-ftodressand enone: ?nr D+ rt;,'i*.., "f:nt nt, ?.O. &tX lSlS Legat Description: t-ot Zb Block Z Subdivision Lin-rsr2-izlqe, f.ln Z Zone District Pl3 - ProiectstreetAaaress: l&+J 5lk ie (-a.ter Comments: Motion by: ?62(€ Seconded uy: 4*al*r-ro p( Approval D Disapproval ! Staff Approval Conditions: Town Planner Date:DRB Fee Pre-paid Dlign Review Action F .-l ) TOWN OF VAIL < Pz,iqr - c-cFi= Gatesory Number 6 oate 1f Zf ql Project Name: Building Name: Proiect Description: Owner, Address and Phone: nnrnit""t{5ffi}adressand p11sns2 PAr -Cu-.,f+i,.,;,}',, -l\t'ltL T''t ?.O. -*\l l5l3 L€gal Description:Lot 26 Blod< Z Subdivision I ir*-r-.ai4a /..1r..' Z ZfreDistricr Pl3 Project Street Addres: I i*-l Ll I tk' i L< (',xL e,r €l-aDFtarr Action Motion$i fl€r/-(E Seconded by:,+I+51,&JT- I Amroval n Disapproval L StaffApproval voe: 4-D Gonditions: DRB Fee Pre-paid CENERAL INFORlVlATION rcqurnng ucsrgn l(cvl cw appr0\.ptE,ttbr fu f* my projcct'rcquiring Disil t rcquiring dcsign rcvi*v nrusl ' , rcccivc Dcsigri Rcvicirrapp roval prior to subnritting for a building pcrnrit. For spccific infonrrrtion, scc thc subnrittrl .rcquircnrcut,s lbr thc particular approval t\lt is rcqucstcd. Thc applicrtion c;rnnot bc hcccptcd until ali thc rcquircd ---L.--:rr-J . -' inibrnration is subnrittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to be rcvicrvctl by thc Torvrr Council and/or thc Plmning and '.- Envirorrnicntal Conrnrission. Dcsign R*'icrv Bolrd rrpprovll cxpircs onc ycal'aftcr finrl approvel unless a , : LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: 26 BLOCK: 2 Fil-it.lC: Glacie-r C.ourt | (,ant,t^r Irr,,l . I-n NAlr4E OF OWNER(S):Dau hinals - Moseley Consriuction; ;1tt.' , N{AIT-INC ADDRESS:740 l'Lora i ne Drive pHONE: ( 970)''476-80s5 l1phinais, President Construction'; Inc PHONE:( 97:0). o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS BUTLDINC MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL: Shin 1es LxLZ/ LX4 Cedar Board & Batt Stucco 2x6l2x8 RJ Cedar 1x6 T&G Fir Metal Clad 2x6 Cedar/Raised Stucco Natural Wood - Fir Natural Wood - Fir Typical of A11 DuPlexes on Glacier Court Gal vani zed Galvani zed Copper caP on Stucco N/A N/A Boulders COLOR:* Weathered Wood Moorwood #O8L-74 Canyon GraY Bonsal "fan #377 Moorgard Cottage Red #?? Natural Brovn Natural Natural NaLural Canyon GraY Roof Siding Othcr Wall Mateiials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Do ors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chirnneys Trash Enclosurcs Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting* * Other A11 Soffit Cans Dor,m Liehting * Please speci! the manufachtrer's color, number and attach a small color chip *+ All exterior lighting must meet the Town's Ligbting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate G nu*t.r offixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixture type and provide lh. h"ight uboue grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixtures' c PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Nanrc Corlnron Namc Quantity Sizct PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: See LandscaPe Plan EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minirrrunr rcquircmcnts for landscaping: dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shnrbs - 5 gallons T]'pc Squiuc Footagc CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE ORMETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATUR-ES (retaining walls, fences. swimming pools, etc.) Pleasc specifo. Ind,lcate top and bottom elevations ofretaining walls. Maximum height of walls rvithin the fiont setbackis 3 feet. Maximumheight of walls elsewhere on the properfy is 6 feet. U'III,ITY I,OCATION VEIII FICATI ON J'lris forrlr i.s to vcrify scrvicc availatrility arrrl location for nov corrstnrction anrl shoulrl bc uscrt i1coljurrctiorr rvillr prcparirrg your rrlilily plarr and scltcrluling inslall;rtiorrs. Tlrc location and availability ol'utilitics, rvlrctlrcr tlrcy bc Ittairt ttrtttk lirrcs or pt'oposcd lirtcs, trtrrst lrc approvcd antl vcriflctl try thc lbtlorvirrg utilitic.s for tlrc acconpnnying sitc plan. Arrthorizcd Sigrrtrttrrc Dltc LJ.S. Wcst Clornnurnications | -li00-922-l9ti7 4 (rti-(rti(r0 or 949-4530 Public Scrvioc Ogrnparry 949-57lt r Cnry l'lall I loly Clross Elcctlic Assoc. 949-5 ti92 'f cd I.lrrsky/John 13oyd T.C:.I. 94 ' -5 510 l:loyd Sirlrzar' Iluldc llivcr Watcr & Sarrilutiorr D is( riot t 416-74t10 Flcd I'llslcc All Utilities are Stubbed to the Lot Please see * Plcasc bring a sitc plnrr, lloor plau, anrl clcvations rvhcrr obtaining Uppcr Eaglc Vallcy Watcr & Srlitatiorr signlturcs. Firc Ilorv nccds nrust bc arltlrcsscd. NOl'ES: l.If'tltc trtility vcrilication fornr has signaturcs fioln cach ofthc utility contpanics, and 1o cotltlllcnt)- arc ntlidc dircctly on thc fonn, thc'forvn rvill presunrc that thcrc arc no pr.oblcurs antl thc dcvclopnrcnt can plocccd, Ifa tttility conlpally has cottccnts with thc proposcd conshrrction, thc utility rcprcscntativc slrall ttotc dircctly on thc trtility vcrillcation fbrru that thcrc is a problcnr rvhich riecds to bc rcsolvcd. Thc issr'rc shorrld tlicn bc dctailcd in an attachcd lcttcr to thc Town of Vail. Horvcvcr. plcase kccp in ntind that it is thc rcsponsibility of thc utility conrpany anrl the applicant to rcsolvc idcntilicd problcnrs. Thcsc vcrillcations do not rclicvc thc coutractor of thc rcsponsibitity to obtain a public Way Pc*rit fronr thc Dcpartment of Public works at thc Torvn of vail. utitit), locations nrust be 3. Attached Letters obtaincd bcforc disging in any public right-of-way or cascnreut rvithin t6c Torvn of Vail. A y uppEn EncrE vor,-J a4 *^1":,i":ll"::i'JiJ::I":J"';ll:" (.101) 416 7a 80 August 2, lqq0 tls , Krislan PrLtz To'rn of Vai I Corumunlty Development ?5 South Frontage Road Vail, Col.orado 81557 Re : Dauphinais-lloseley Subd:.vision Filing I, vaiI, Colorado (2{ Single family Iots and I duPIex iot! Dear Hs. Pritz: The VarI Valley Consolidaled ttater District and Upper Eagle Valley Consol iclated Sanitallon Distrlct vitl provide domestic vater servlce and sever servlce to the above referenced development. The Districts have excess capaclty to process domestlc uater to lts constltuents al the present tlne. AccordlngIy, upon conpl lance vlth the RuIes and Regulations and the payDent of approprlate tap fees, the Distrlcts vlll provide donestlc vater servlce and sever service. Conslructlon of all naln line extenslons is the responsibility of the developer; hovever, aIl constructlon dravlngs nust be preapproved by the D1str1ct. Any additional fire service, (1.e,, fire hydrants). that need to be added to those already exlsElng vill be at the expense of those requeetlng tbe servlce. The acttlllion of Backflov Preventlon Devices on the Flre Servlce and on tbe Donestlc Hater Servlce, Yhere requlred, are necessary. Slncerely, UPPER EACTE VALLEY COIISOLIDATED SAIIITATIOII DISTRICT \""d \ \\&\ars- Fred S. Hasl ee Dlstrict Regulatlons Adnlnlstrator FSH: J ao N pAFTr.parrx. Drsr*rcrs - aRRowHEAo METR' wArER . AV.N MeaRo wa rER . aEAvEF .REEK MErRo wa-ER t BEFRV .REEK METR. wott* /G) A\\ €aGLE v^,1MErRo warER. gD'JARos ..'"o *o'.* "oi;f:f:::l';:::il,:,"T,';ft: vaLLEV coNsoLroArEo sAN'|ranoN @ vlr LewyESr'., dQuuuvrcenorvs @ Box 3O5o o f)rLLort, h/a. 80435 fazurt 4tPUntL - - 77atn C/ V,qr L ne 4 . Ctp 2o rrt rt'tcz rt t /-y .&ve. (a'ernen' 75 -E .,{ro/) /,4-ge r4d. aJ. VnrL, (-oLc. Btasz \, F s \\+a\)\tt (\ )IJbJEL I : llfl,YESf ' *e,aLHCo.nrnzryy':lfle.r2iM%'#i rlher AP PROVED: BY TITLE: Heritage Cablevision P.O. Brrx 4J9 ul l 4C l'[etc:rlf Road ,^.r'.;n. Coloraelo 3 l6]u1 i 1cr.1) 949-15 j0 AugusE 2, 1990 Sincerely ' To whom ir maY concern ' HeriEage Cablevision will provide cable service to Ehe D a u p h i n a i s - M o s e I e y s ubdivis ion, filing /ll ' At this tirne the cable is in place at this site' atl\^,-!, A/ "A-?--L Mark G. Guzinski HeriEage Cab levision Lead Te chni c ian : HOLY CROSS}-EC-fRlC ASSO.-IATION, INC. 3?99 HI(;l l\1 ,\\' n: P. O. DR.\\\ F:ll : : so (;LltNW(X)l) SPltlN( ;S. ( ()1.()lt.\l)r ) s I i,{) : AREA CODE 30J 945-5491 August 2, .l990 Ms. Kri sti n Pri tz Planning Dept. , Town of VaiI 9,1 Dauphinais-Mosely Constructjon, Inc, i,lr. Pat Dauphinais P.0. Box 1515 Vail, C0. 81658 RF: linnsridoe- lots l-19 Resubdivision Electrical Service Dear Kri stin: Holy Cross Electric Associatjon, Inc. js in the Drocess of completing our prirnary electric 'i nstailation within the above mentioned project. We have already received funds from Dauphr'nais-Mosely Construction, Inc. for the estimated cost of ihis project. Primary electrical servjce installation should be completeci by mid-August. Should you have any questions, please call me at 303-949-5892' S i ncerel y, HOLY CR0SS ELECTRIC ASS0CIATI0N, Inc' Engi neeri ng Servi ce SuPervi sor Tll: lw W/0#7?235:5167:Lionsridge, Lots 1-19 Resubdivi sion @Pubtic service Auor:st 2, l99O Ttr^n Of Vail Oorr-rnr:n-ity te"eloprent Departrrent Attn: Kris-i=n Prr-|uz, Di::ector 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Kristan, Please al-1ov this letter to se rr,e as erridence tlat D.M'C.' Inc., the ieteloper of Iots I-19 Lions Ridqe Iane, has satisfi-ed Public Service Comcany's recirest recn:irenents. All necessary natr.:ral- gas system designs are o-mplete at this tine' D.M.C. Inc. has signed the necessary facilitl'agreenent and renitt€ci ttre reguireC cash ontrjjruLion for the facilitv h- stallation. rncreased denand for Public Serrrice Oonpany's senrices dr:rlng this year, and. tlle Limited lrErnpower to satisfl' th-is de- nrana *iU require efficient job sctredulino. Public Serrrice Conpany crews are prepa.red to begin constnrcEion at ttris tjrre ' Please let ne knot^t if I may be of addiLional assistance irl orovidi-rrg infornration related to this Cetrelopnent. Fepr:esentatirn Gl:Imb Publlc Servlce Company of Golorado P.O. Bor 4n Mintum. CO 81645 {30a) 94.9-Sr81 LAND TI}E GUARANTEE IOMPANY RepresenbingoldnepubticNationalTitlelnsurancecompany OWNERSHIP AND ENCt'UBRANCE REPORT Order No. oEo2253 This report is based on a search made of documents affecting the record title to the p.;;";;y-aescrined hereinafter. searched by legal deecrlption and not by the names of grantor or grantee. Con'equentl y, the lnfornatlon as to record owner is takln trom ine-mogt recent recorded Vesting Deedt and the information -.r-io existing encunbrances reflects onry those documents ofrecordwhichspecifically.describethesubjectproperty.bylegal description. er,"".6-ti"c"= n"t- included are those oi record which refer to the owner of the property ot "ny --oih". person having an interest therein which are filed by name only and do not include the- Iegal description of the property, ne inf orrna-tion is furnished relative to easements' covenlnti, conditions and restrictions' --Charges--O&ERePort This Certificate is dated : $75.00 August 3O, 1994 at 8:oO A'l't' Address: Record OvJner: DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEYCONSTRUCTIONINC.,ACOI,ORADOCORPORATTON Recorded date of deed in to above owner! october 02' 1988 r Documentary Fee on above deed: 965'65 | Legal DescriPtion: PARCEL A: DAUPHINAIS-I,IoSEI,EY SUB' TILING No. 1, AccoRDINg'To THE PLAT RECoRDED AUGUS: ti, r.99o rN BooK 536 AT PAGE 221-' couNTY oF EAGLE' srATE oF coLoRADo. (PREvrousLY KNowN As L6Ts 1' 2' 3' 4t 5t 6' 7? 8f g' 10' 11' L2' 13,14,15,L6,r7,18'ANDIgLrON'SRrDGESUBDrvrsroN'FTLINGNO'3 ACCORDING TO THE PLA'r RECORDED SEPTEMBER 10' 1979 IN BOOK 29O AT PAGE 794''' PARCEL B: LOTS 20, 2A, 22, 23, ia,25 AND 26'-BLOCK 2' LroN'S RIDGE suB., FIIJING NO. 3, ACcOitDING TO THE PLA'i RECORDED SEPTEHBER t-O, 1979 IN BOOK 29 ATPAGE794'coUNTYoFEAGLE,STATEoFcoLoRADo.ExcEPTFoR:LoTs1,3'4 5|2!,23AND24'DAUPHINAIS-MoSELEYsUBDIvIsIoN,FILINGNo.I,ANDPARCEL C: pARcEL D, A frESUBDMSION OF PARCEL D LIONSRIDGE SUB' FILING NO' 3 AND TRAST C DAUPHINAI5-MSSELEY SUB' fif,f11e no. 1 AqC9RDING To THE PLAT RES9RDE APRIL 14' 1994 IN BooK 637 ar peer sao, coUNTY oF EAGLE, STATE oF coLoRADo we find the following documents of record affecting subject property: PAGE ..: ', "', LAND rtO"E GUARANTunIoMPANY Representingol<lltepublicNationalTltterngurancecompany OWNERSHIP AND ENCUMBRANCE REPORT Order No. oEo2253 DEEDoFTRUSTRECoRDEDJulyl3tlgSgINBooK5ogATPAGESlS. AssrcNt{ENT oF RENTs AND orHER RrcHTs REcoRDED July 13, 1989 rN BooK 509 AT PAGE 817. ExTENsIoN oF DEED oF TRUST RECoRDED February 12, 1990 IN BOoK 522 AT PAGE 948. EXTENSION OF DEED OF TRUST RECORDED August 06' 1990 IN BOOK 535 AT PAGE 53' DEEDoFTRUSTRECoRDEDAugust2T,lggorNBooK53SATPAGE3S2. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND OTHER RIGHTS RECORDED AUgUSt 27' 1990 IN BOOK 536 AT PAGE 383. ExTENsIoN oF DEED or TRUST RECoRDED February 2O, 1991 IN BOOK 548 AT PAGE s. ExTENsroN oF DEED oF TRUsT REcoRDED August 09, 1991 IN BooK 559 AT PAGE 603 . DEEDoF'TRUSTRECoRDEDoctoberoE,lgg3INBooK62lATPAGE6T9. ASSTGNMENT OF RENTS AND OTHER RTGHTS RECORDED October 0B' l'993 IN BOOK 621 AT PAGE 630. NOTICE BY DISBURSER RECORDED October 08, LggS IN BOOK 621 AT PAGE 681' PARTIAL RELEASE OF ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS RECORDED December 20' 1993 rN BOOK 627 AT PAGE 874. PARTIAL RELEASE OF ASSIGNI'IENT OF RENTS RECORDED Decernber 20' 1993 IN BOOK 627 AT PAGE 875. REeuEsr FoR PARTTAL REIEASE oF DEED oF TRusr RECoRDED January 28, 1994 rN BOOK 630 AT PAGE 941. REQUEST FOR PARTIAL RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST RECORDED January 28', 1994 IN BOOK 630 AT PAGE 982. STATET,IENT OF I-,IEN RECORDED MAY 13, Lgg4 IN BOOK 640 AT PAGE 272' DEEDoFTRUSTRECoRDEDYIay2o,lgg4INBooK640ATPAGET34. ASSIGNMENT oF RENTs AND OTHER RIGHTS RECoRDED May 20, 1994 IN BOOK 640 AT PAGE 735. I PAGE 2 .:, ] I,AND TI}E GUARANTEE OO"PANY RepresentingoldRepublicNationalTitlelnsurancecompany OWNERSHIP AND ENCUUBRANCE REPORT order No. oE02253 NoTIcEBYDISBURSERRECoRDEDlitay20,lgg4INBooK640ATPAGET36. This report does not include the results of any eearch under the names of the propertyowner(s)ortheGenera}Index.Shouldsuchasearchbedesired -pf"^"t" Lontact'rr= fot a separate general rndex report' Liability of Land Title Guarantee.Company under this Owner and Encumbrance i"p"rt i-s timited to the fee received' I{wtlv,Rw _,. lvtvwg.-et PAGE 3 LANEI SELLER! ADERESS! Represetrtirts 'Ii Lle I nsuran'te Companr of l'li nnesota THANI{ YAU FOR YEIUR CIRIIER Ausust 34' 1?Sll Our trrdert V1343.5 EUYER! s',rhr,n, rc-Mrrc.trt Fv t. r A COLORAD0 NAUPHINAIS-HBSELEY CSN$TRUITIFN INE' GERPERATICIN T I.LE GUAFANT EE|rO.MFANY CI:IPIT'IERtrIAL FENERAL SAVINGS ANT] LNAN ASOCIATION SLTFER ANN EEIT{FANY DELIVER IN VAIL RUNS 1 Attrr! trRAN PALI"IATEER CLEISER 1 Attn: BAIL CAPIES 1 Attn: t08 3030 S. College Avenue Suile 20 | Forl Collins, CO 80525 192-0915 7lo kipling Slteel lakewood, CO 80215 232-31| I 3609 So. Wadsworth Suile I | 5 takewood, CO 80235 988-8550 t 1990 Granl Slreel Suile 220 Norlhglenn. CO 8P233 152-0119 | 9590 Easl Main Parker, CO 80134 84l -4900 I O8 South Fronlage Road W' P.O' Box 357 Vait, CO 81657 176'2251 LAFID TI'TLE GUNRNNTEE COIVIPANY South Fronrege Road W. P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81657 a7 6.2251 MINNESOIA TITLEA 54d0 Ward Road Arvada, CO 80002 4?O-O241 3300 So. Parker Rd., Suite 105 Aurora, CO 8001 4 751-4336 l Slo 30lh Streel Boulder, CO 8030 | 444-4 | 0l 2OO Norlh Ridqe P. O. Box 22 BO Breckerrtidge, CO 8O424 453.22s5 5 | 2 Wilcox Caslle Rock, CO 80104 688.6363 2l2 Norfh Wahsatch Colorado Springs. CO 8o9o3 634.1821 ComntifinentTo htsure Issued thrwgh lhe 0ffie of: P. O. Box 544O Denver, CO 80217 321- 1880 Sanford Place 2 Suile 30 | 7979 Easl lults Denver, CO 80237 779-0220 8333 Greenwood Eoulevard Denver, CO 8022 | 427 -9353 I 201 Main Avenue Durango, CO 81301 247-5860 685 | Soulh HollY Circle Englewood, CO 801 12 770-9596 Cr.uttntiitttcttt'lil htsurc ALOn,,,,irrncrtt- 19/o llev Il lL[ INSUnAN0E COMPANY 0F MINNESO rA, a Minnesota corporation, herein called the company, for a valuafic consitk:ration, hetelty conrntits to issrre its plicy or policies of title insurance, as identified in sclrcrlul0 A. in favor uf llrc prop0surJ lrrsrrr0rl narrrcrj in srjretlule A. as owncr 0r mOll0auee.of the estate 0r rrrterest uovercd herel-ry in the larrd rjescriberl or relerred to in Schedule A, upon paymettt ol tlE-prem'ums and ,il;;r iil.i;' all suSjcct tu tle lrrovisions ot Schetlules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations lrr:ruo[. llris cornrnitnrcnt slrall be ellectivc unly when tlre idenlity ol the proposed Insured and the amount 0l the Uri-,, ri prfiiirr 6nrrnitterl lor lauebeen irrserte,r1 in Scherlule Ahereof by lhe Company, either at the time ol rlre issuatrce of tlris Cotnrlitlnent or by subsaluent etldorsement . This Comnritrnent is preliminary t0 the issuance 0f such pglicy 0r pqlicies of title insurance and all liabiliV and oblrqalrons hereunder shall ,.use unJ tu,tinufe six monihs ajter the ellective date hereof or when the policy ui ;riiii.,,,, curnrnitted tgr slmtt isssc. whichever lirst occurs, provitJed that the farlure to issue such poliry or polrr;rus ts ttttt tlre tault of tllc Cullrpany MINNESOTA TITLEA CONUII IONS AND SIIPUTAIIONS 1. Tlre terrn "morlgage". when used lrerein, shall inclutJe deed of trust, trust deed, oI other security instrument' 2. 1 rhe pr'p'sert t"r';ii;;;;;;;,lri;ti iriuJ rno*redge ol any derect, lien, encumbtance' adverse claim or0l|letlattcra(iectirlr;thceslal00rinlelestortlrol|gaqc Cornpany at its incurrerJ pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditir-rns and Stipulatiotrs 3. Lial-rility of the furirpany unrjer this Connnitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the tjelinition of Insured in tlre lorm ot poric'/ oi por[Liiornmitted for and only for actual loss incurted in reliance heteon in undertakinq in goorJ failh (af to comply with the requirements hereot o, li) io eti*inate exceptions slrown in schedule B, or (cl to acquire or ueate the estate 0, interesl or morrga(le there.n c'vere(l by this cornmirnrcrt. rn * e".niri"rr sucl' liability erceed the amount staled in schedule A for the policl or policies policyorpo|iciesconlrnitted|orrnfavorolt|reproposej'|rlsurewhic|laiehJ expressly modilied herein. 4. Arry action or actions or rights ol action lhat the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the. Company arising oui ol the status ot tlre title to the esrate r lntr,$ioi tr,lu ituirt oiii,t mortgage'thereon covered by this commitment must be based on and are iubject lo the provisions of this Cornmitrnent. STANTJABD UCEPIIONS ln addition to the matters contained in tfie Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from coverage above rererred to' this cornnritrnTJi,*? :i:lf ::?Jl;:1','.*o'13;rr.,o. not shown bv the pubric records' 2.Easernetlts,orc|airnsofeaselnents,notshownbythepub|icrecords. 3. Discrepancier,.o,irrirt, in boundary lines, shortage irrarea, enc roa clrrn ents, and any lacts w6ich a correct survey and inspection ol tlre prenrises would disclose and which are not shown bY the publrc rec'rus' 4. Any lierr, o, ,ighllo u iirn.for services, labor or material theietolore or hereafter furnished, irrrposerJ by law arrrJ ttot sltowtt by the pu blic-r e.c ords-. 5.De[ects,Iiens.ettcutttbtances,adverseclainrsoroihermatters,ilany,created,first appearirrg in t5e 'ublic records or attaching sul-rsequent t"'ii" rirr.tlr. .r.te lrereol but prior to the date llte proposed insured acquires of recorrl for value tlte estate or irrterest orirrortgage thereon covered by this Corrrrnitment' lN ryITNESS wHLif oi.iilr lnsurance Company ol Minnesota has caused its corporate nanre and seat to be herernro alf ixerl by its duly a uthoriz e;';;ri;;;; ;'t ttie date shown in'schedule A, to be valitl when countetsigned by a validating olficer or other authorized signatory' TfTLE INSURANCE C'MpANy 0F MINNES'TA A Stock ConPanY 4N Seo/fl Awnud J{,ulh Mhnearylis' Mimesota 55401 Aullntircd SignatuY TIM Form 25 82 Seentety ALTlrlrlt4t'l c_;r::HELtLtt_E I A TI,I ENT Appl ication Na. VL2435 Fr,r Insornrat ion flrr I Y 1. + - ll:trar'ses - ALTA Burrer Fr, l ic'r' Tax Cert i f._ TI]TAL - l,l i tllr'*rlr' retrri t tarrre Effect'ive [-late: P,rliC't t,:' brl isSue,J' ',ALTA', t:turn!"r./ s Fc, I icr For'nr E-l?/t-r ( ffmt::'ndsd $7?4. 0t1 $ 13Q. Ctr-,_ sE5/_-. r:r0 p lea-erz ref er' to V1l4it5. ArJsr.tst 1t-t' 1';.tg;l at *: (:l(l A. t'|. and pr c, p,:, se d I rtsured ! lb6frla' 5(JO. tltl l Cr- 17-7r-r ) Pr'oRc,sed l rr-qur'ed ! NAUFH I N/\ I5-MIJ::|ELEY I::I:IN'.3TRIJET I EN INI]., A I::EL|:IRATIB EDRFI]RATII:IN The estate ,r r' interest in the land this ll.,rnrnritnrc"rrt arrd ctver'ed hereirr A Fee FirrPl e 4. Title t,r thc'estate Fr interest c':'vered herein is at the ef fc"ctive date her'er'f vrested irr: g6P11,1EftIJIAL FETIERAL EiAVINIJ:3 ANN LL]AN ASO']IATITIN The I arrd r'ef er'r'ed ta irr this C*nrmitnrerrt is described as f ol I ,ruls: 'JL,scr i brsd or r'ef err'ed tc' is: irr 3. 5. LI]T 1 THNI:IUI:iH ANE INTJLI.IFINLI FUBpIVIgION, FILINLT Nrl. 3, SEFTEHE{ER 1(:r' t?7? IN Bnr:rli $TATE IJF I::BLERATII]. Lot 3{-, Bl ock 2 LIIIN'E RIEI|:{E AT.:trBREIING TO THE FLAT RETCIRTIED T?Q AT FAI-\E 7!/4.. EI]UNTY OF EATJLE' FAGE ALTorlr:tMt'l TTMENT o 5E:FIELILILE B_1 (Re.rrlirerrents ) Appl icatirrr No' V12435 The f ol I r-ruirrs are the reqrlirenrents t ''r be c'rnrp I ied ulitht 1. Farmerrt tn or f .rr tl.re ai:c':,unt ,rf tlre 9r'ant,lr's or rr.rr'tgagrrg r.r f the ful l tri'rrsirJeratic,rr f,tr the estate {'F irtterest tc' be inErrred =. Frr-,per irrstr.riment ( s ) ,:r'eat i rrg ttre estate rrr irrterest to be insur'ed nrust be exe':r:te'J arrd drll'r filed f Er' rerr-'rd' tn-uit: 3. EVIITENT::E SATIEFAT::TI:|RY TLr THE C|:TNFANY THAT THE TERI'IF' EnNtrITIrlN::: ANE FFir:rVIgIrJN',.li trF Tl-lE Tr:rtilN rJF VAII- Tr{ANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATIE;FIEn' 4. 1^|ARRANTY l.|EEIl FR|J|"| |::UN|"1ER[IAL [:E[|ERAL 'sAVINL-l'.] ANt| LtlAN AE:|-|1.:IATI|:|N TE frAt-tt-rl.lINAIEi-rtr-rf;El-EY r::r:rNGTf{l-lr:Tf,:t r f rut:. ' A l:CrLFRAftr:l |::RRPCIRATIfiN CONVEYING LiU FLIE r--: T [rtir-r1]Ef{-f Y . === THEI:L'IUFITYI::I-ERIiJANNREI::IRBERSTIFFIEEREEUTREEF{ETURN ATINREEEESI:INTIEI::UI'IENTSLTENTFI:IRREEI:IRTIINLl!! FAI]E -J ALTfrri-rf'l l-',l ITl"lEt'l T E[:]'lElll-lLE [t-i ( E;.rce Pt i,:rrg )Apr.l i,:aticn N,:,. Vl':435 The ftrl t l're 1. &. p r-, I icT .-rr Fol icies t r-' be issue'l rrl i I I cBnta'in er{ceFtions tc' the louirrsrurrlr*ssthesarlr'aar'e'Jisp'rse'l'tl:t'lt'hesatisfa':tiarlctf ll 'r lrrPa n'r' : Etar'Jar,J E:":rept-ir-r1'rs 1 t'hr'crt"rEh 5 r'rirrte'J r'rr the c'rver' sheet' Tax,gs and assesgnrents nr't r"et du'e 'l r' pavabl E arrd qpecial ass€s5fiterrt-5 rtRt .i'et cert'iFie'J t': the TreasuPgr''s rtf f ice' Anl t:rrpai d ta:,:es {'T assessnrents aFairrst said I arrd' Liens f r-'r' r:ttpai,J uater artd 5eulr"'r' rharger' if arrr"' p. RI|:iHT rtf: FR|:|F.RIETT-|R nF A VEIN |]R LElt|E T|:| EXTRA|]T ANE| REI,||:|VE HIs t|RE THEIIEFF(I.IPI E}JI:IULN T}JE ::IAI"IE FE F|]IJNII T'I-J FENETRATE I:IR INTEF''3E[T THE FRET4IEEE A5l{EFEllvt=trl|r,|UNITEt|':i'I|\TE:;r.nrEnrr'iE|:DRn[:l]Augrtst14.,|.:,|.|CJ,IhlEi:|t||{4BAT pp6f !J41. l0. ntLlHT r:TF NAY FTJF LTITTHE:j r:tR tlANAL's 1i6615fft1Jr-TEII BY THE AIJTH|:IRITY tIF THE l-u.JITEt| ETATE.; AE RE,;ERVE[| IN.uNtrEn sTATEs FATENT REI::t]Rt|En August 16' 1?o?' IN Flr:rr:rl,; 4"3 AT [rAriE 54':. 11' RES.;RI|-:1.IVE C[VENANT:3, w|-t1t::H nt:| NET CENTAIN A FI]RFEITURE ER r{EVERTER ELAI-IgE, FUT CII'IITTINIJ REEITRICTi':IN5' IF ANY' BAEiEII flN RAf,E' I]I]L[IR' RELIGIEIN' fJR t^lATrrJNAr_ rJRIrlIN., A'; r-:ttJTAtt'tEcr IN LNSTRIJIIENT RE[rJRfiEfr :i;eptenrher l0' L?7]' lFl llr:u:rti:::5 AT F'Ar:{E 44L1 ANr-r A:i-Al',lENtrEn IN INSTRUI'IENT REr::r:rRfrELr Septrsnrt'c'r l?- L.:!7i!, 151 grlr-rtr. 'tt:: AT FAriE 5jlr5 ANLI At t1E-RE|]|1RnEn IN INSTRUMENT REEURBEEI ,-larruarr' ?'1" L?74, It'l Etr:ll-lt': ?3:r AT PAt:iE 5;3' 12. UTILITY EASEI'IENT5 TI^IENTY FEET IN WINTH' TEN I'EET I:IN EAI]H SIT|E I:IF ALL INTERIITR LLrT LINEE ANtr A FIFTEEN FOFT UTILITY EALIEI-IENT ALCTNL'I ANil ABLITTINE I:IN ALL EXTEFII|JR LI:IT LINEE A:i RESERVEN I:IN THE REI-:I:IRNETI FLAT FEIR LILIN'S FII'67 slltltrIvI:iIr:rN' FILINT:i NF. 2. 1:S,uIILITYEA:jEl"tEt.lTA5|SRANTEnT|]H|:ILY|:RLrE:lELE|jTRIDAF$EE1ATIT'JN,INc.IN INE;'TRUPIENTF{EI::CIRIIENALII];UE;-T:4,|PL'TINBTN:II:aLIATPAGEICISANTTRECORNEN .|UNti l?' 11;/7:1 IFI E|-|Llli: I:t',+ nr.r'nr:e t,55 ANn FE|:tr]lt]EL| .|ULV 31, I./73 IN B|J|:|}i 23tt AT FAtiE 351, L4.AT]REEI4ENTEIETI,EENTAYVELENVIRITNI4ENTALLANnT::0I4PANYANnHIIUNTAINSTATE:3 TELEFIIL:IT{E ANTI TELEERAPH T-:[II'IFAT'Ti TNNVTTTINCI FFR TELEFHI:INE INL1TALLATION ANEI ::TERVICE Tlltlr:rl-lr:iFlt:ruT LIr:tN/g nrnng EUBnIVI:;Ir:rt',l' FILINTj Nrl' 2 REtltlRttED E:EPTE}4|]ER 17, 1?73 lf'l EtOrJl{ 231 AT FAtiE tPI' t?. PArjE ALTO r:r:lt'lMITl-'l ENT O 5t:r4EtrULE B-2 (Ercrsptinrrs) Appl i(atiort Nn. V13435 1 I RI NE ANII TITI-IERH I EE CIFERAT INLl UT I L I T I E.Ci SITUATET.I '.-'I[t ANI] I-INI]ER EiAILt FRBFERTY I-IE.SERIFEEI IN INSTRUMENT REC|]RI'EE FEETRLITIRY 14' t?77 IIJ B'Juki :St AT FArjE 555. 16. EA:jENENT [:r:rR Ar:r::Er3.; f\Ntr EL-IRELiS fiN TtlE Rr:rAtrtrlAY t]tlN$TRU':TEn ANtl SITUATEII ALL-INF Tt.tE NIIF{THEASIERL'/ ErTUNDAf{Y r:tF €iUB.-rt-:CT FRITFERTY nESf,RIFEn IN IN';TRI.II-IENT TIEI:LIRIIET' FEBRUARY I.4" L€.!77 IN BI:ITH I5I AT FAIfE FE5' AND AE:5H']I'JI' t:rl'J REr::t-rRrrEtr FLAT f:t:rR LIAN"ij lllttr:E';LlEtrM:iItlN FILII'l!:i NO. 3. 17. I'IATTEIIE I:ONIAIIUEN OF REFERFTETI TIl I:IN TI-'IE FLAT I]F LIRN'::| RINTTE EiUBNIVT:iIDN FILING NtJ, 3 RECORTTEI|..:|EPTET,IEIEFJ II:), I?7P IN BCICIIi I?C' AT FA6E 7?4' EUT NIIT L I l"1I -f Etr ]'u ! A. TI,IENTY F'JBT EA$EI4ENT f][tF EXI"STINIJ fIDAI:l ANU SEWER ENI::RI]AI:HHENT ATJRI]S'3 A F'ART |]F Tt{E:]RU.THERLY F|JRTIfiN c|F L,:t 1, BJc'rk 3 A|1 sHc|t.lN c'N THE PLAT, Er, THENTY rrr-tr:r-r ,jEt^JER EA:iEtlEN'I THR[r|JriH LrJTE 14 ANLI 15' BLBr]t'," t A'5 SHEhlN BN TI.IE FLAT. E. rlE:jERVATrr:rN | il{TAINEn fiN THE F',LAT NHEREBY BUILDINT] FERt',liT*q FCIR LrT.g I THRr:lULlH ?7, ELrlr:Fi 2 WILL NtfT BE I55UEn LINTIL LrlrTS tl:r' ELrlr:Fi ? IS I'EBICATEII T':I THE ]'I:IT.IN |][: VAIL. TB. TERHB, cTINTtITII-tN:-] AI'ITI F,REVI:3II]NF TIF ANNEXATIEN AGREET,IF-NT FEI]BRNEEI NOVEMbET' C, I, 1?85 IN BIJI:IK 4?E AT FAIJE ?:I4' ANN IN BNCIKi 4?B AT PAEE ?37, 1?. EA:IEMENT.;, FEEERVATII:IN5 ANL] RELiTRII:TI$N:3 A5 EiHI]WN ANE RE'.-.;ERVEN t:IN THE, flE':r:rRt'E[r PLAT OF LIr:rN'S RItltjE SUFITIVISIEN' FILINEi Nr:r. 3. FA6E 4 TOWN OF VAIL 75 Soutlt Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Junc 20, 1997 Pat DauPhinias Dauphinias - Mosclcy Construction | 404 Moraine Drivc Vail, Colorado 81657 Rc: Lot26,l-ion's Ridgc Subdivision Filing #3 Dcar Pat, 'pment I havc complctcd my rcvicw of your proposcd duplcx to bc constructcd on Lot 26' Lion's Ridgc Filing #3. you must addrcss thc following itcms bcforc mccting with thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board: l. Plcasc show contour linc 84 on thc grading plan' 2. Plcasc havc an cnginccr dcsign and starnp all rctaining walls morc than four fcct in hcight' 3. plcasc show thc rctaining walls as dcsigncd by thc cnginccr on thc grading plan' 4. A tninimum drivcway flarc cntrancc of l6 fcct is rcquircd' 5.Thcfirstl0fcetofyourdrivcwayscxcecd8%.Plcascreviscdthcgradingtoshowa drivcwaY gradc of 8% or lcss' 6. The Town requircs a minimum of 1l '279 your landscapc plan, you propose 10,599 by 680 squarc fcct. Should you havc any qucstions or conccrns' pleasc do not hesitatc to contact mc at 479-2145 ' Sinccrcly. squarc fect of landscapc arca. According to squarc fcet. Pleasc incrcasc the landscape area fJ'*'TQ*P.z {i *'"'""'o 'uo a TfiIJ rtt!,rdt t il' ZONE CHECK Dete. Aln lqt Lcgal dcscription:Lot ZL Block - Filing Addrcss Owncr Lot sizr Buildable Allowed rotar cRFA .3J9+ 3?o =41_il_ Primary cRF A 2.418 + @25)ffi5t) = 7 t9O3 Sccondary Gw A | 652 + @zs) (cis*) =-Zpf7_ * 675 = 425 credit plus ?50addition Docs this rcquest involve a 250 Addition? A.ln Horv much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this requcst? Phone <176 -8rSS Existins Remainins 234 l1 A 23fr = 4% Proposcd 4qs1 z,% 79-71 Total Tffi Sitc Covcrage Hcight Sctbacks Landscaping Rctaining Wall Heiglts Parting Garagc Credit Drivcway Complics with TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc finishcd grades less than 2:l (50%) Environmcntal/Hazards 1t1& ,/'---\ (30l(33)) Front Sides Rear <r5.{3 = <tS!3 711 33t 20' l5' 15' Minimum lltzn l4rfl !',/6' nequired /A 4 unctosed (3oo) (600) (eoo{6oo} PermittedSlopeszProposedslop.Sx Ycs---,2- No Yes----l no I ) Pcrccnt Slope (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands 4) Water Cowse Setback (30) (50) 5) Geologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow Prcvious conditions of approval (chcck property file): OL Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Describe:Nn DESIGN REVIEW CIIECKLIST Projcct: EI SURVEY ... DCanc ....-.- Benchmark / Legal dcscripti on - -- Lot Size -- -'tF,oi,d"bleArea /Easements ___'1 Topography - u' tOOyr. flood plain -/ Water Course Setback / Enironmental Hazards / Tr.", --:'' utti1locations -f Spot elevations E SITEPLAN y' s"ul" -/ e"ildincHeicht -4fJ1"".*9'.u-,-jl Seoacts D FLoORPLANS './SCale ,/' 'cFF-..--L- r' 250 additional GRFA fI BUILDI'IG ELEVATIoNS -1 Decks/Balconies. ) >----t/ Garage connection '' Site Grade\Slope / Retainine Walls >-t/ Fences .,' Parking/Garage tr LANDSCATEPLAN / Existingtces '.1/ Proposed trees ./Y" Lege,lrrl MISCELLANEOUS Scale .:--' ColorWaterials Roof Pitch Condo Approval Title report (A & B) Utility verifi cation form Photos of site Building material samples C.O. Verification Sun\Shade Anglcs Utilities (underground) Mew Conidors Variances Plat restrictions I _4 _1 _-x_ -+ -Jl Y _/ _1 { { ,/ Sno* Storage .;;*,J ----\-- APPLICATIONS RECEIVED 619197 FOR THE 712197 DRB MEETING: Mako's Sushi Bar - Exterior changes to retailunit #14 in the VailVillage Inn. 100 East Meadow Drive/Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Village 1st Filing lr"^AL'il Applicant: Luc Meyer Parcel#: 2101-082-56-014 Project #: PRJ97-0085 DRIP project Flannery - New primary/secondary residence 1BG Forest Road/Lot g, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing Applicant: Mike Flannery represented by Russell Plat Parcel# 2101-071-15-006 Project# PRJ97-0091 DRIP project Heard - Separation request 45 Forest Road/Lot 33, Block 7, VailVillage 1st Filing Applicant: Heard Parcet # 2101-071-013-002 Project # PRJ97-0092 DRIP project Dauph i nais-- New Priry arylSecondary residence 1864Glacier CourUlot 26,Blqck 2, Lions Ridge Filing 3 Applicant: Pat Dauphinais \ .. Parcel # 2103-122-04-026 \, ( Proiecr# PRJ97-0093 )\ DRIP project ., --'..-'--.-___- Kyle - New Single Family residence 1479 Aspen Court/Lot 2, Block 2, Lionsridge Filing 4 Applicant: Peter Kyle, represented by RKD Parcel# 2103-014-15-002 Projecr # PRJ97-0094 DBIP project Lindstrom - New single family residence 1521 Buffehr Creek Boad/Lots 3 and 4, The Valley, Phase V Applicant: Steve and Peggy Lindstrom '-77oc .t pE C6 ? t- | -'w Ds7.Fo//.\ '?-o. G,ox I t{z U4tt-. (o 9/Ggg --Do,t", r nJ, < i\rnnG LA' gEY Geo*t',t Lf\ttQ eN Parcel# Lot#3: 2103-122-05-004 Lot#4:2103-122-05-005 Project # PRJ97-0095 DRIP project o o a TOWN OF VAIL RI,CEIIT NO DCPARTi\IE:STOFCOll]\Iu^-lTl'DE\T.LOFItlEi\T DATE ,77 ,o",o.' Pr,nurtfiae,.da',l bLg {+e, C TIE C IiS }TA DE PA YAT LE TO 1 O\t':{ O F 1'AI I- ACOOI,I\T:\O.rTEM ' NO. -- TrX - '-- O(xlT El- TtlTr'L 0l 000041540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS s5.00 0 oo00 42415 UNIFORN4 BUILDING CODL,$i4.00 0 0000 424 UNIFORM PLUMl]ING CODE s39.00 0 0000 424 5 UNIFORM [,IECHANICAL CODE $ I7.00 0 oo00 424 5 UNIFORIU FIRI] CODE s3 6.00 0000 424 N^ TI ONn L E LECTRIE^IIODE s37.00 U 0000 424 5 O I I ltrR COIlli IJOOKS (_)0000 4 r518 BLUE PRINTS (lvlYLARS)s7.00 tl oooo 42412 XL,ROX COPII]S s0.25 0 0{|00 424 a STUDIES 0 0000 4?4 2 s5.00 'L 0 0000 42i 7 |ALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 0 0000 4 r3i2 PLn N Rlivll:w RI:-CIIECK F-UE tS40 P]:R IlR.l 0 0000 rl2_3-ll OljF IIOURS INSPITCTION FIIES 0 0000 4 I -+2 CONTRACTORS LICI]NSESTEES l,-rf 0 oo00 4 l-1 J SIGN N PPLICNTION FEI]s20.00 0 0000 414 ADDITIONAL SIGNN GE FE}I [SI.OO PER SQ.FT.I 0l j000.4:JJa VTC n RT PROJECT DONATION 0l 00t)0 4ll,r l PRIi PAII) DI:SIGN I{l:VIliW BOARD FEE 7 m.Ec (Ir-(ru{r(I4]l7l INVIJSTIGATION FEE ( IJUILDING) l (rc00 45 O TOV PARKING I.UNI) o oo00 ltot7 I oV NLwSPn PI:R DISPI:NSl:R FUND 0t 0000 2ll t2 T,\XABLE (A,4 .52 (STATE)* 0l 0000 4t0t0 r'/L\ABLE @.r . QZ-lT(Lr) 0 0()00 4217 I ItUILDI NG INVI:STIGn TION ()l ll:R PEC APPLICATIONFEES U oo00 4 tjiO ITXTERIOR ALTER TION [MORE TITAN 100 SQ.FT.I s500.00 0 0000 4l 3i0 SPECIALDEVELOPN4ENTDISTRICT INEWI s I,i00.00 0l oo00 4l 330 SPECIAL DEVELOPM ENT DISTRICT MAJORTNfEND s 1.000.00 0l 0000 41310 SPECI A L DEVELOPN,I I]NT DI STRICT I.M INOR ANiEIID 5Z0U.0U !rl 0l 0000 4r330 SUBDIVISION -il 0l oo00 4l 130 VAzuANCE s250.00 ;r 0l oooo 413-j0 ZONING CODE Alv{ENDMENTS s250.00 0t 0000 413-r0 RB. ZONING xi200.u0 OTHER OTI{ER COMMEtiTS: GASU r-l 1It.oLl *..u",,flt/ RECEIPT-c Town of Vail oern Jul/e ? ,pqT RECEIYEDFROM A"DDRESS t?889 Permit Numbers Folice Receipt Numbers _ l -=...- BY /HN -I-Etrlr-l AF Lrtr| f L_ l'liscel I areoug Cagh t:r.: -ftrr-,:r:I .{ ' q.t . r;rT F:*c*ipt * '::5815 Flc':,:r:rrt t*r:l: s f,1iE trFrUFH I tlr{ M'1n5ELtj\.rF:B FEE Fltrii:'urrl t.*rrd,': re,l i I tern Paid t L rlr:1111:1 4 I I I 1 l:lBtJ r-:fr.3n,Js r* t.u rrle{l .: !firi. Er3 Bnroun t paid !E1tl. i;tE r:r r:!L:l THFiI}{ Vr--ll-l 'i,,:ur casl-ri*r FIEUTHFI -|-i:tlrtr-{ EF rJtrt f [_ l'liscel I anenr_r= f,esh trin- 1 f,-?;14:14:44 F:ecF i. F, t. + :li.ij5: qii-: nr-.in t. 1+r_:l':' # l-iHUFH i t j!j I I-f,lrriELE? Hm,-llrn t. i.*r.!,fF rE,J j. I t-enr pa i d i:i r E[r,] _1"] 1 l,:l 1 [ir:11-r ll:li.=rrcl,:, r'{: t.t-.r r-riF,*i .! TH}ft tt{ ii I itll L:Uf.l5TALrLT i rlf.{".1F.:-: FtrE :rJrj.i, Eff Rmc,r_rnt_ Fsid ::0ti " rJr::i i-t _ Lii l llL-tLl '!'':'Li f '--;.:-rr i Fi r- FjEfi-l-HH -rcrlrrht C|F LrE I l_ l.tiscel laneaus f,.Esh rilL,-fi!-'"tr F:F':* i r, t. # i:::lil i :i Flccc,r-rn l. ,F r:t,i + ;i1;u LTHLIPHJt{t]J:, l'lr:r5ELi,/..trF:E F.EE Firlc,un t f ,=nde re,J .? _tr:r1i. rJri, I ren paid ffrnoun r peid l:i1Ht1E,:141f,i1r:1fifi _:r:1r1, !:1tl ll:h.lrrqe re I.u i-n*r:J .: ir . r.ti.i THFltt|< vtlLl I:,FtjF HIf.{R I 5 i.lr-r:-EL.r,.,...lrEE FtrE i;,;,r_r 1- ,1-a51j g r F::Et-.r-ifiH