HomeMy WebLinkAboutDocuments & Permits - 1982-1994o z E =E llJ c 6 (Y tn Q IJJ [! lJ- F =E UJ c ?lt/l/' hu'fl-o/ 4 t; ,a ol 7,) .(r I i I \./. z F (t) z ? l_sth tro ol .JJ 3 !I lo. rv1 O i-1F tq<i Fg g=? ! ilF ooz = E= in UJ F o z o z o J l @ od o z z o r J ul o r E,o lr E o F C) G,F z o C) o CE vE EUJ o? E c \o o)- .g c o N _o c =o F o .tr o)c E o o o (o o o f o .9 E o -o o o o s6 =(6 o:g E6g '=Q)o sbE E: g E9c e.l (E .0 8p c-o '.3-- =ei c96 '- cLc 33; EEA =!E FOO cEo €eg tq! c .=- (d o-o o- sEE ov O-sfi: E6:EE E o(I'= EsE _a€ v*C 6 0'-<= o r --c $t€€B;5()>9 (Ua .Y:E ;E;9E-o e5g -o(U r^o\|-\c\tr -$+ |r) -+ t-. x x V o\ L =G UJ o-o z o J dl Y c) UJ C)z J o- J 9 E F c)U J U o z a = i 2 I o uJ = u llJ r z o h uJ E o U (l o e o co =g l,lJ E,z (9 an U o t- aD o o-ul o .L z U J x F IJJ U) F-1 Fl Fl F1 H B (t uJ t! lJ- ts =E LU o J F o F 0 z J cl J I t F C) lrJ UJ o z 6 J o- J o z I C)ul = NOtlvntv^ Y E =+2 eo zt, OFr FH CL^ GQ 8< HX =o e.&urltr ZA ,t< = rF) =!!.$ =@N zz oo ho-'n Xr = I o (t, o z oo (Jz I oo--H6 ta FO jni z o F f ) r o o- o 0 u,(L F a o- UJ + J z E o z o t! 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(D o -) cf z c af F a z =lJ-E -rO <F EO tu<zE L!F rqZ o o JE <o OF =o F#il,2 ilo O E 2? =c)=<z.E d.6 C) E,o F O E F z o o z r (J UJ o E ir -IJ Y *E F o2 o C) F O UJ E -O E fl8tr .t OTHER: $ToTAL:$F -/ Plunbing Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: Address: Electrica Address:Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Contractor:Reg. NO. Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nurnber: ********************************FOR OFFTCE usE *******************************BUTLDTNG PERMTT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDING PLAN cHEcK FEE: /47 -PLUMBING PI.AN cHEcK FEE: T MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE 2 //tr{CLEAN-UP DEPOSfT2 - -t TOTAL PERMIT FEES: PLETELY OR TT UAY NOT BE ACCEPTED NFORMATTON ***************************** ical [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-Other Job Narne:Job Address: Allt3 .(ocUa,t9ttlz dF-- Legar Description: LoE-hz- B+*i,-3!_ ,iri'n ts G dorf;#uPrftR, .A'owners Name: 1- ' B[ ) RV Address: Architect: '-tU N 54iN e COr.lSt. Add,ress : General Description: -Ll. 2vtd work class: [ ]-New t l-Alteration $11-aaaitionar [ ]-Repair [ ]_other Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: ^ {prnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Applianc .= M4 a^= Logs_ Wood/pelr"a-v rf********************************* VALU roNS ********************************* '! El.EcrRrcerz t_@ },TECHANTCAL: $- NO. GROUP VALUATION TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1gg4 WHEN A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED 1) 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7) ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? fs ditferent access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit, required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or t__public propgrty to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing ptan requiredt oy C6mmJnir! I" Development? I-vtL aPyergd ye:-to any of these questions, a "Pubtic way permit' must be obtained."Public Way- Permit' applications may be obtained at the public Work,s otfice or at c-o.TTTity Development. lf you hlve-any questions please callChartie Davis, the Town of Vaif Construction Inspectoi, at 47g-215f'. I I have read and answered alf the above Job Name: Please answerthe folldwing guestionnaire regarding the need fora "public Way permit': YES ,NO t/' L/' l-/ f/ L/ (_- Job Name /,/-, How it relates to Building permit: 1)Filf out the our check lisl provideO lf yes was answered to any of the above questions then a 'public way permit, is required' You can pick up an appticatidn a "in"t community Development,focated at75 s. Frontage Road or puoticwo*., ro""t.d at 130g vaif Valley Drive. Notice sign otfs loj-llq, companies. All utitities must fietd verify (tocate)respective utilities priorto signing application. sor" rrtility *rp"nigs require up to a 48 hour notice to schedute a td&te). A construction tratfic control plan mustp prepared o.n a separate sheet of paper.This plan wilt show locations of alt tratficfffiii-evices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construgtion, staging, ete) sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length,width & depth of work). This may be drawn ;; th; raffic contror ptan or a site plan for the job. submit compfeted application to the Public wort's otfice for review. lf required,locates wilf be scheduied forthe Torn of Vait gtectricians and lrigation crew. The locates are take prace in the morning, but ;;treqrir up to 4g hours to perform. The Public work's congruaion Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You wilf be contaaed as to the status and any changes that may be needed'. Mosl permiis are reteased within 4g hours of being received,but please allow up to one'weekio pro"".r. As soon as permit is process€d, a copy wiil be faxed to community Deveropment allowing the "Building Permit" to u" ret-easeo. ptease do not confuse the "pubfic way Permit" with a "buiHing permit'to do wo* on a project site itserf. Note: 'The above process ls for work in a rlght_of_way only. 'Public Way permft's are *A new Publlc Way permit ls required each year. 2) 3) s) 6) 4) 7) lnttn 75 roulh frontege roed uril, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 oltlce of communlty devclopmcnt BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI,IE If this permi.t requires a Town of vair Fire Departnent Approvar,Engineer''s (public l,rorks) review and approrai,-. pranning Department review or Health Departmint revier, ani'a-".ui"n by the Buirding 3:rilH:.h.lf estirnated tirne for'a totur ,.ui." may take as lons A11 cormercia'r f]arsg or smail) and ar'r murti-famiry permits wiil have to follow the ibove menti6ned maxtmum-i.qrirements. Residential and smal'l projects shourd take a teislr'irouii-ot tirne. However, if residential or smalier projects impaii t["-r.iious auove mentioned departnents with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three-week perfod. Every,attempt wilr be ry$e by this department to expedite this penni't as soon as possible. - I:-jl. undersigned, understand the pran check procedure and time Trame. te Work t tvas ln Corrnuni ty Devel opment Department. luttn TO: EROM: DATE: SU&TECT: 75 south lrontage rotd vail, colorado 81657 (3o3t 479-2138 or 479-2L39 rn sumnary, ordinance No. G states that it is unrawfur for any person to litter, track or deposia ;t soil, rock, sand, debris or naterial, including trash h"rp=t"ri, portabre toirets and 'workrnen vehicJ-es. upon-any streetl siaewarx, arley or pubric prace or any portibn *reieof. r1r"-"ifht-or-r"y on arr Town of vail streets and roads i--.pproxinat-iy s ft. off pavement.rhis ordinance wilr ue =ir_i!ii;;;;Iila by rhe roin or vail PubLic works Departrnent- Pers6ns touna violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour writien -;";i;;-to rernove said nateri.ar.rn the event the peis"n so notified aoes not comply with the notice within the za houi trrne-=p".iiiJa, the puliic works Department wilr remove =iia urateiiii-"i trr" expense of person notified- The provisions-or this oiairr.rr"e sharl not be applicable to construction, uainten.""" or repair projects of any street or arrey or any-utiriti;; il the rigtrt-i-way. To review ordinance No. 6 in fur.r, prease stop by the Town of :3:i"::ii3i"3"":f;1**1f"t"""iilil ;';;v. rirani< vo,. ro, your ottlce ol comnunlty developmcnt ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RREMTLYL REGISTERED WTTH TIIE TO!{N OP VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COIIIMT'NITY DE\TELOP}{ENT !'tARCIl 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKTNG & MATERTAL STORAGE (i.e. contractor, owner) luttn 75 loulh lrontage road vall. colorado 81657 {3tHl) t17S2138 (303) 4792139 office of community development NOTTCE TO CONTRACTORS/OI{NER BUTLDERS Effective June 2A,1991, the Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of-vail roads of st.reecs. The Town of Vail PubLic Works Departnrent will be required, to inspect and aPProve drainage adjaclnt to Torn of Vait roads or streets and tbe installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points fron tbe road or strelt on to the construction site.Such approval must be obtaine,J prior to any request for inspect.ion by the Town of vail Buitd.ing Department for rootings or temporary electrical or any other inspection. please cait 4-lg-2i60 t;reguest an inspection from the PubLic Works Department. A1low a minimum of 24 hour notice Also, the Town of Vail Public works Department wil1 be approving arl final drainage and culvert instaliation with resulting .o.i pacching as necessary. such approval must be obtained prlor to Fj.nal Cert,ificate of Occupancy issuance. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 3 9 FAX 303-479-2452 1. 2. Departntent of Commwtity Deve lopnrent rltFORMATTOlt IEEDED NHEN APPLTItrG FOR A TIECITAITICBL PENUrI 3. 4. HEAT LOSS CAI,CULATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN rN To scALE' wrTH PHYSICAL DTMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. sHow sIzE AND tocATroN oF coMBUSTIoN AIR DUcTs, FLUES,VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL ATSO BE TNSTALLED IN MECHANICAT ROO}T. FAILT'RE IO PROVIDE !HTS TIIFORUATTON WII.& DELAY TOUR PER}IIT. Plan Review Based on the l99L Uniform Codes NAME: OGSBURY ADDITION ADDRESS: Mt3 COUMBINE VAIL, COLORADO OCCUPANCY: R-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V DATE: 10-10-94 CONTRACTOR: SUN SHINE CONST ARCHITECT: NONE ENGINEER: GARY MATTI{EWS PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The fotlowing is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS AS PER SEC 1210 OF TIIE 1991 UBC. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER WILL BE REQUIRED TO APPROVE STRUCTUAL CHANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS OKAYED BY TOWN OF VAIL. ONE HOUR SEPARATION REQUIRED BETWEEN GARAGE AND DWELLING IS REQIRED. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR A BATHROOM ADDITION ONLY. 6. YENTTLATION IS REQUIRED AS pER 1205 OF Tr{E 1991 UBC. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. o INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 AM PM PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED .iHUg-,- NI LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL D tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr D D D TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR - o PERMIT NUMBER PF PROJECT , wi. li :'DATET ,J !' JoBNAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI tNS#cnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr ! tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o R o tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR D O FINAL D FINAL 'E APPROVED D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER EI FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o tr o D TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 I NAME M9N CALLER rUES* {,' r PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DArE ii l,j i i /t,' .,o, READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FR F" {' APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr EI D o D HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT t, , JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 CALLER TUES WED THUR AM FR READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON '"(:"/ BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL tr o tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION L/H.TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING T] ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED FII. E COPY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM File George Ruther October 7, 1994 The existing GRFA for Lot 6, Block 4, a resubdivision of Lot 14, Bighorn 3rd Addition. Pursuant to a request by Mr. and Mrs. Ogsbury to add a small bathroom addition onto their residence located at 4413 Columbine Drive a complete GRFA check was done on the property. lt was determined that based upon the 14,810.4 square foot lot size (.34 acre), 4,127.6 square feet of total allowable GRFA is permitted. Existing GRFA at the time of the GRFA check was 2,929 square feet. The Ogsburys are proposing to add a 47 square foot bathroom addition which would bring the total GRFA on the property lo 2,975 square feet, after the bath addition is complete. Olign Review Action Fatn TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbe Date Project Name: tsuilding Name: Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: Legal Description: t-ot d Block 4 Subdivision3,...gfr,t, , t -7P tlrzlbto Zone Distric, 7/a / '/ Project Street Address: Comments: Motion by: / Staff Action --n6r6:' Seconded by: Conditions: ! Approval ! Disapproval yl Statt Approval -fi DRBFee e,"-p^ia 9. @ -f.J revlsed 7/L4/94 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPIJTCATTON - TOI{N OF VAIL, DATE RECEIVED: r. A. DATE OF DRB MEETING. F\FA-P **********'"'-"-' , uhr l. INCOMPI,ETE APPLICATIONS IT,AY NOT BE SCHEDTTLED FOR REVIEW.********** PROJECT TNFORI4ATION: DESCRIPTION: B. TYPE OF REVTEW: New Construction ($200. O0) X r,rinor Alteration ($20. O0)Addition ($50.00) ADDRESS . 4/t.l (L.,/,crr1/,ttar E^t,.,. .Conceptual Review ($0 ) )4+ / Q, 9//,t 7 D.LEGAL DESCRIPT Subdivision If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description, please provide on a separat.e sheet. and attach to this application. ZONING:Raioarnnt E. F.NAME OF APPLTCANT:Mailino Address: Phone APPLICANT' S RE Address:'72 H. NAME OF OWNER(S): OIiINER (SI SIGNATURE: I. ,J. APPL'ICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OI{NER'S SI9NATURE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, ds shown above, are to be paid at the time of submiLtal of Ehe DRB application. Later, when applying for a buildinq permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE PAID:/ oaret V BY:Co"l NAME OF Mailing /Aic- FEE SCHEDULE: VAIJUATTON $ o $ :.0,000 $ 10, 001 $ 50, 000 $ 50, 001 $ 150, 000 $l_50, 001_ $ 500, 000 $500, 001 $1_, 000,000 $ Over $1, 000, 000 DESTGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAI, EXPIRES APPROVAL I'NI,ESS A BUIIJDING PERMIT IS IS STARTED. FEE a ^n An P ZU. U\J '-sffi $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAI, ISSUED AIVD CONSTRUCTION a@, Mqiling Address: #EFH!+F,!!lllF,., PO. Box 724. Dillon, CO 80435 (303) 468-5409'Fax (30s) 468-5409 October 3. 1994 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Project Specifications Ogsbury Remodel 4413 Columbine Dr.. Vail. CO 81657 All interior and exterior materials and finishes will conform with existing residence. All work shall be performed by Sun Shine Construction except electrical and plumbing as noted on the permit applic-ation form. , TEttlH {:rF UF I L- ' l,liE=el |aneeu=: C-==h l. L1--tl:l-':r4 14; f,? I 1'-+ fr_Hl_E L l.-I I fr .i -.r:-.r:-:.-: i .rlitrr:irr_r-rt. ,+ r:i-l + :1, l;1:11 :l ::r-rll :1H I f.lE !::r-il..l':'T. FFIEF'!i I ii t:'Firi llllir,:,r,ttr-i t.,=n'j+ t'=,: " qtl " i:-:i[il Itenr p-=id Hnrr'unt' P-=id r:i l. t:_1r:i,;1rj141f,f, 1 tiltjjt:i ='r1' rj.it:l i:h.=fr,:'= l E -it-i f-l-rEril 'i *, il';l THFrt-ll{ \rfiLl 'il;,t-i,;-';.3'=:fi i gf HE IliI o N: or wtTz RECEIVED FROM I DOLLARS $ Permit Numbers How PArD-cash- *Jlnl='7! / Police Recei{t.$umb9n ,.:':..-,/ t",, ,; ' o o TOWN OFVAIL RI}CEIPTNO. CHE/CKS MADE PAYABLE TO TOWN OF VAIL ACOOTJNTNO.UJ ITEM NO. TAX COSTEA TOTAL 01 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $s.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE $50.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE s36.00 + 01 0000 42415 UNIFORM MECFIANICAL CODE $32.00 ol.oooo 42415 UNIFORM FIRE CODE s36.00 * 01 0000 42415 NATI ONAL ELECTRI CAL CODE s30.00 01 0000 42415 OTHER CODE BOOKS * 01 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)$ /,UU otoooo 42412 XEROXCOPIES $0.25 010000 42412 STUDIES ot000,0424rz TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.00 0I oow 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 01 0000 41332 PLAN REV]EW RE-CHECK FEE IS4O PER HR.'I 0r00/0042332 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 0t 0000 414t2 CONTRACTORS LI CENSES FEES 01 0000 41413 SIGNAPPLICATION FEE $20.00 01 0000 41413 ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE I$I.OO PER SQ.I. I.I 010000r'?gQ VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 01 0000 41331 PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE )t) 01 0000 42371 ttnzEsrtcnrloN FEE (BUILDING) 31 0000 45110 TOV PARKING FUND 0t o000z2uz1 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND * 01 0000 21112 TAXABLE @ 4Vo (STATE) * 01 0000 41010 TAXABLE @ 4% (TOWN) otoooo 42371 BUILDING INVESTIGATION OTHER PEC APPLICATION FEES UI (ruUU 4IJJU ADDITIONALGRFA "250"li200.00 01 0000 41330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT s200.00 01 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESS THAN IOO SQ.FT.]$200.00 01 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION IMORE THAN lOO SQ.FT.'I s500.00 01 0000 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT INEWI $1.500.0u 01 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMAJOR AMI]ND $1.000.00 01 000041330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMEND s200.00 01 0000 41330 SUBDIVISION 01 0000 41330 VARIANCE $250.00 01 0000 41330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS s250.00 01 0000 41330 RE - ZONING $200.00 OT}IER OTHER IToTAL: COMMU^TS: D?,1 I CASH t lol-*,or",1u,2,17 neC.UV: @ o o z (n {F (') { 6 =T m v 3 -{ -.1 o @ m IcL !-o t-..h E t<x f lHi 3 l:c i lEi q l=i :If o TcL i-d P >s 3 ^\c tt l-\> I n.$ 5 | -o )' T Lm 3 fifl8 -lio 1p.z =oo YP TtrA 'nT Or CC z=\ oo ( =z '.6o s:Z \-:\ z o m I o o I, o -tl 1l m I -{ o (D m x m !-{ o z C-o q, 2 -{m I m !8tr EF o m t-m o -l n C) t- -{7 o -l o n o 2a -{m FZ >m OT -{>or-7 n o ? =m o -{ o =z m n (-o q, z =m O (o a o c 5 z. (D € I €(D J 5 (O o 4o -{nT \/ n m o - z o o 2=-{c TE d3 n -tl r z o w (o o 5 5 a c g (, -5 o o o =r c+ c+J (D c+o 5 c)o 'u o rO a q c 5 ! D = U'c 5 ln 5 (D c)o 5 TJ' c+5 c o c+ o 5 -{o €z o .Yl t-t m o z I lJ (^)(tl @ F o (tl c 5 g o,5 a-/, c+ a - |_q, -(D €o o o C)o I 3 5 9,5 O o 5 o 'Tl a 3 t,g = c+ H It c J OJ c+ o l(/l I t- F (-'l F (f,) I (O o ! {c E z c 1"1 z - m o z o ! D F 9,5 (cI (D 5 ! J c =cr 5 (O Qo T o 0, c+ -{ E z TI z - ! m F, z 9 O ! ! D !9, <+ o -tn o 5 m (D o c+- o -{o =z o 'n -rt m F)z I Ol m 5 Ol @ I Or Ol O) tr=6m 4i =6 "z =@ z>pR rd ft<.+< >o OP m:-oo z C z -U) z U>c l- =o z {I o x z m (t (, T r c m l z t- m n =U)z m m o m ! P 'Tl - lo t-Ri x!Ym ;o zc)oo A@,o62 = Eb a o6 zz EH 2.?5tr|.Om ;n 4: -a.Z JO =i oo E: --{m u o z o =z - u m 't HHgd ' o9d 33fr3 d3e*sei 3 =:EF ;i*r' (,) (D ===-.o o) o*o- 5i.s-g H q3; 9 or 95. 3aB=to9*o 6e1€ -D !rE d5=il d:lF f-o o * IgaE =.< o o f =. 1c @3uL Pstdr E t$; <o-f 0:a9 d e BE i *d *q ;*ie 6'9FR fo--- o s.o { qt o E o o -o-c f o 3 TD E. E (o o o o-o o f o- o @(/)5 oco X5c+a=!5-5 t\) r. 5 s5 (Do c).D OO AJ JU1 r(+c O 5E 5c uOc*c+O c) J...oo .5 OoH o5 F()qJ (tl o z -t c a m o 'n 'n o u I a m t-at 0 -{I m o €z m t (tl O O O o O 0 m L o z u m s m € @ o u o u m c) m =o 2 T m m m o - z - m -m o -{2 o r -t -z o -m o x -It m u = =.Tl m m a t-: ErE 5i l€l @l roi Ir z z = =6 --l n i z o F (D c -I z o z o -l m a -{o -{ l- !m n = ='Tl m m U' o l-m ? !o m !o g, -{ 3 m o z o r @ (tl O O O o o O o O o o O o o O q) N)t\) !(tl !m F 3 -{ z 9 O O F @ o (o I E t t= o INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL 40/ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON THUR FRI AM READY FOR LOCATION:'tZb b JtZ CALLER BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR B FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INS o PE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE - ',,' '" JOB NAME - _/: CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: \ ' i ;- CALLER MON TUES .,/ ,,'^ ): . -;. WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS E FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL r_r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL F d ! FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL I EI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR lhe pfinlery va 75 soulh frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlco of communlty development 'June 15. 1984 14t". Robert Lee Myri am Corporat'i'on 405 Urban Street Sui te 1.12 Lakewood, Colorado, 80.l21 Dear Rsbert: After a mere two months the 0gsbury Residence has.received final Design Revfew B9u19 approval.- cono'itions of approval i.nclude that the home be sprinkled for fire protection and i'site speciii.i study addressing potential mud flow problems be approved ov tne town-engineer. I have enclosed a copy of the administiative poiiii regarding this process. please ieel free to contact me wtilr-iny questions you may have. Sj*qere1y,.a\( \ 5w^ Thomas A. Braun Town Planner ENCLS: TAB/rme 3I-\o*t* "{ "10s\ [.rv 10$-c g\c".'.r,,r. , 1.+ *\ t*.- ."L i\*r"\ Lr,Ae- o$ :12 ,M<l .\ *f ,u '' ..&.r*,.ao* q "=...1,*'1. \i Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Project Application r\ \lr, \,,-, Architect, Address and Phone: I Legal Description: Lot --J,3, Btock Comments; Design Review Board Motion by' I DISAPPROVAL Secondedby: U/\\t.il.ii 'i t ---K;;{; - ) / ------"-'/ ---'\---- - -------""- Summary: il !li r' "i\i\l\il i .l ! :11 ,i^i r i i\i[) l"\tt r l'l I \,if. 1l i Project Application o^,. 4 ?rc-?4* Project tt"t"' /'l*rOrn Project Description:"':-,'-1f 1*:. u i;1, f:-T:iJ"n t 1.." 1 irl EQ . contact person and phone L "i:J lr ) r : t.l,f'..f L- l':*-{.f:b:$.rv i,jr - cl f"l -'t}l I t"7 ,.'. 4 Owner, Address and Phone: i l"A.) lrl-i'fl';t$t-. Lr,,,,.,,r..,1-, L_.t -f Ti.-f:liC)r.J. t"r1 m/.j.. i Architect, Address and phone: ft't'll:-t tr+:-,". :,'.-{::tt.f . 4()=:> t*t{L8 f<"1 ';-r l!,tr I H / i l--* Legal Description: Lot {r:Block Filing lr4 /9ri)LlD, tl€--5-Jl', Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by:il Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Summary: 't Z' -t .i.,r". t1.",1, ,*** J 'ff14:,! ,: *."ti "SY''.t', "-' Date: El statt Approval lh. pdnlarylvail Tiiwn Planner 75 south lronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 otllce of communlty devclopment dune 15. .|984 f41". Robert Lee Myriam Corporation 405 Urban Street Suite 112 Lakewood, Colorado, 80.|21 Dear Robert: After a mere two months the 0gsbury Residence has received final Design Review B9uf4 approval. conditions of approval include that the home be sprinkled for fire protection and a'site spectiti study addressing potentiaj mud flow problems be approved uy lhe town engineer. I have enclosed a copy of the administrative poiilu regarding this process. please'ieel free to contact re with iny questions you may have. ,pncqrelY,( \ sNn^ Thomas A. Braun Town Planner ENCLS: TAB/rme 3\-,.\oo QrcK uq \o s\ [*v {o$.c g\^.^ o1u\ s{ L**- *, \** i '\'vOut.iu\ .r^ r- o{- l - ,MI .\ *f ru " c.&v.r^ac* q us:-j,r^ \ \ttrlr' I I r"' ,' ,, ll [)i r l) ' r, i ProiectDescriotion: )11\t{ \t t I,i:\\i FLliii \ltt a\ contact person and phone \il- lf ,f t f i"i\:t i t r t' { Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot l,g , Block ,,,,^n ,i;',;,:,1):i;::J ld, 'ii1i ' , , Zone t I -.-__+_----- Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL ---K;;;;-- ) \---'/..-n Summary: ',riii \n.,, iri r ^il l \ ri I t,' f !.\J fl statt Approval \rr li I 1,r !'ir t:" t t 1,1 Project Application A Project Name: k-'. l''[6rn Project Description::,,,*l t jr:. i- i-::" fJ:.y^rr I L. -1 i:..: U-'=" . contact person and phone t:>f:j "Jt )r ', t 'liirl*i t#-l( Owner, Address and Phone:'' 'i i/.J lrii;r)vi:._f ft,,..; A.. i) L.f -f Ti.-*lif)r{ !. ,,.t V)t:" i Architect,Addressandphone: 11)\/IatF"{ar, i: .-.-iftf. '4{)T: UfZ6Al,.} {.*7. Sur-it, /r i-,_ Legal Description: Lot {c,Block Filing l-r4 ar f)l:;t) . ri-{l -:.-i", Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: t- \ {" - .i.i ,l ., l il Seconded by: ,." -"APPROVAL ,.i -----1.-=. "q*;-'_*'*" -'-'- DISAPPROVAL Summary:i" .,.J a' ,L{ j/'rt.)t "+ .,-'--:**\,"rt "iJ j ili;(,lr ";'i1 ',,L..'.,'t {-.r ".. "'---*".*..-.*.", Date: El statt Approval lha paint.ry/vail PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT \:'i'. lr" INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTlON:.-l .-i- i MON TUES WED ,/THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " ptYWooD NATLING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB -tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -trtr tr FrltlAL o FINAL -/',{E:aeeaovED CORRECTIONS: tr OISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED -t-i- :1 DATE INSPECTOR (ffir f ,i''t t7 :':/ t -' t/ 1 ',/ /i.' rNs#cnoN TOWN OF REQUEST VAI L DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr TF^/. ('-.-,.ffi tr FTNAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr trF tr FINAL ,tappaoveo CORRECTIONS: l.t tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED ,/. t(!' 'J^ -l :; t'-"4. -*-*"-,- -€.^*-Pl,n:d --zJ-r.A^- ,', :/ INSPECTOR DATE lha prln!a,y/vetl rt il INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t t T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI PERMI DATE AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr o tr D tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL o tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o D tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL E FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tffil O-t )'""? <:o NSP PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB dEL-=:-z ECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL NAME INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI CALLER TUES AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rffi) Proiect Application (! Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: !l iption: Lot !rr;: , Block , Filing (i , Zone Legal Descr Comments: Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL 1 tl I \\I il " " E statt Approval Contact Person and Phone &--'#"Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Architect,Addressandphone: /h"tplrui'., c-pnF. 4o> iJ(;BAcJ '.=-]-. Svr?(r/1.L. J-F\t1€v''4 (4. v,2 14 i Legal Description: Lot Fifing lvrE'D@, Ee-s\z$' , zone Comments: Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL ,',L{-!>".-.- 7..-r2-?''aA E statt Approval [!. Ddoht/vail Lr St oF FtqIsR IALS li,\ili:'i)i; i'i(j").ii:C'l' D1.-*-,fi:*.r. - -agg!u-€y _ Rellq-g!J:.e_ rf l,lj(;Al, I)li:i'Jlt I l)'f lON : L0'l' 6 t.il,OcK l; I l. lil(i utlscl{ll''l'loli olr I'll0'Jl:(l'f Residence At: 3 Addi!121g1ae51ded*!rgbrrrr-suFdi-:'isicn BgEgbqlvided - Columbine Drive Thc fol lorving infornntj.on is rcqrrilcd for subnittal by lloard bcI'ore a final approval can be given: titc appl j cent to the Dcsi.llr llcvicl A. BTJTLT)IN(I I(/\'I'ERIALS Roof Siding Other l'r'a1 I lvlat erial s Fascia Soffits Windor.rs lllindow T'rim Doois Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashi-ngs Chimreys 'Tr'.4sh Enclosures Greenliouses ',\Othei: t-- B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS Botanical Name picea TREES Englemannr Pinus Contorta Latifolia Populus Tremulaides , Populus Tremulrides Populus Angustifolia Cornus Stclonifera Ribes Type of lj;r!:-rral Color Si ze B' "'-^--S- 2r" 2" 3" Alpinum .Tuniperus Aspen ffi Aspen Narrcwleaf Cottonwood Redtwig Doqvvood AIpine Currant Andorra ,Trrn i nar Rugosa Rose 2 3 6 6 5 gal. 5 gal. E gal. 5 9a1. HotLzontai-i-s Rosa Rug.lsa :i ' 'lf\:ii.) : , 1... r .. -i' :..:r;:$ '",i.::'.:r*5 Cominon-Ng!9 Engl ematr*h"-.-. Spruce Lodgepcle Pine SHRUBS 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 departmenl of public works/transportailon TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: M E M -O R A N.D U M Lamy Eskwith Bill Andrews 29 November 1983 llhiteriver Estates, a Resubdivision of Lot 14, Bighorn Subdivision, 3rd Addition The attached letter dated 21 september 1981 was a -summary of a meeting between John Nilsson, Dtn QJsiiirao ino-iown"iiarr. iJ i1,ii Jaie, onty Item 1 (rock and beam guard iaii at the siream-irossirgl-iiii 6i.n.o*-pleted. The remaining"items 2 iniough-o-ini-ite tunner problem need to be resolved. Two other problems have been created as a result of the construction in the subdivision. The construction trairic [ii'iaused an excessive amounr of pavement damage throughoui-ir,. subdivision. sever.iv ffiil;; areas have to be cut out and piicnea-lnd the enii"e-road overlaid to bring the road back to its. originil conditi.on. -selonaiv,-tn" road has been used as-a dump site for construction debris.--ihe'ii.u needs to be cleaned up before we can assess the damage this has aaurao.- "vbvr ev es ur ldith these oroblems remedied, the road would meet our minimum requirements and we would accept the roadi ior mainteninie.-- BA: jad cc: Stan Berryman H. Pete Burnett Dick Ryan luttn John Nilsson Bridge Street Realtv 286 Bridge Srreer VaiL, Colorado gL6S7 -RE: Bonrick Subdivision '-f.: Dear John, l ' Dick Duran (!ai1 Fire Chief) an-d I met ltrarch 24 ro discuss his c-oncerns for - fire protection in- tfie-fonsict<-SuUaivision. From this discussion we concluded there 'are thro problerns that need to be addressed. These are'fire flow and access to the site.There apPe?rs to be a substantial iiie iroto-a"iiciency Ln rhe area caused by the dead end_line ttrai serves the subdivisi;;:rn this case, a fire flow of 1300-dil should ue-ouiained when in fact there is onLv 600 gpn. r iirrormed Dlck thar this marter should'be discussed itittr tfii-aevetop"r, owner, and water districc.The access problem is more of a r"ifit."ance piobitm. As we discussed eartier, r have gpproved rtre ispt.i;-;;;ing bur r would not accept thg road fbi maint"n"tr""'until iterns r-6 (in the enclosed letter) and the tutrnei-problem lrere resolved. The owner-(DeveloPgt) must maintain the load until rhis time. No certificates of occuDancy are to be awarded until the Town of vail.accepts malntenince'responsibiliti"", i.e. the above ment-ioned irems are complered to'our r"iirri"iio"l rf you have any questions or wish to discuss this further,please contact me. Si_ncereIy,6J/'ciJ---- BiIl Andrews Town Engineer cc. Dick Duran Steve Patterson Dick Ryan Jon Eberle March 29, Lg82 Z0 Eagte Roa Avon. Cotorado gl62 303./949_436 Denver Tolt Free gg3-240 ?gp!. of Comnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road ' Vail, C0 81657- RE: !g!r l, Z, 3; 4, 5,. Third Addition Resubdivision of Lot 14, glock 3, gighorn Dear Dick, peter and peter: i: I thought I'd take a few minutes.to recap our dilgyssion on september 15,''" '1981 in vour offices. Please let rne irJ[ ir anything that follows is not how vou understand things.--g.rii.riy,'*" ait.u!r.a inu iollowing items: i. T*-::l:l_of the propertv, r,rr. Dan Gagliardo, wiil make the foilowing - lmprovements to the property as requeited by you at his exoense: 1) Install a rock and beam guard rair on each side of the . stream crossing. 2) Install a rock a.nd beam. guard rair arong the crownhiil ' edge of the. road .from th6 cul-de-sai to-tr,. inside radius of the first curye. 3) 91.?l up and.revegetate the stream bank and the stream bed in the area direclly to th; south of the itream crossing .on Lot l, ' *"- - . 4) Revegetate the stggp embankment on the dovrnhiil side of the cul-de'sac. Biir Andre*s, who was in attenaance at the.meeti!g stated that do reirinage-woui'otu. ;;;;;;.;i on the cur-de sac if this revegetation is carried out. /,\l I v ,[ |[*Kt ir I { tr{r I ll r E A;fii,fr l.lessers. Ryan, Patten & Jamar September 21, 1981 Page 2 5). Peter Patten requested a cleaning of the area at the end of the top curve as the fill falls into the cree'k betrveen Lots 4 & 5 as r.rell as a revegetation of this disturbed area. I offered to talk to the owner about this and get back to you. 6) The discussion then turned to the questionable accuracy of the stakilg of property line coiners. I'le agreed thit as soon as the corners were absolutely certifiad by Inter-mountain Engineering, Bi'll Andrer.rs ani other interlsted rnembers of the town staff should walk the sites with the owner and identify them. Regarding the problem of the I-70 underpass: There has been a long history of frustrating negotiations between the.previous ou,ners of the property, the Torvn and the HighwlJ Department. Although the questions of safety in the tunnel has been addressed on many occassions, no definite plan of action to correct the problem has ever been.insti gated. It was agreed that it is now to everyone's advan- tage to once and for all implement a solution. It was originally proposed that a traffic signal be instal'red at the tunnel. From correspondence dated 2 years ago, Ernie Fregarrio was to propose a signal design to the previous owners but to day, no design has ever been proposed, One , design prepared by the previous olrners was iejbcted by .'r the Town but no further suggestions by the Torvn as to trhat is an acceptable design have been tendered, Bill Andrevrs related that he now thinks a traffic signal is no longer the proper solution and suggests that-a restructuring of the drainage at the uphill side of the tunnel, a widening of the road at the uphill side and the installation of a heated mat in the roadrr'ay was nory the best v;ay to go 1) fr : t. .', :- I'iessers. Ryan, Patten & Jamar Sepi.enber 21, 1981 ' ri3 J 4) 3) I related that the owner had received 910,000 from the sellers (rvhich is now in escrow) for installation of a traffic signar- I don't believe we_can use these lungs for a!.y other-ieason but if a traffi.irffiii,ro De rnstai)ed, the ovrner can contriuute upE-T0,000 tovrard its instal'lation. The previous oi.rners had agreed to .contribute only S2,000. I^|ig"]l_Ty_p9:session a tetter from the State Hishr,;ay uepartment stating that they had,schedured ihe necessary improvements to t[e tunnel ?or ,,Summei-oi-rgdi,,. Had these_improvements been carried out as pro*ii.d, tuu would in all like'lihood,. have no probrer nbr.' Di;[-Ryan agreed to contact l'lr. Dick procencb of the Highway-Department to set up a meeting,between Mr. proceni" u'no-iil interested parties here in vair the rveek of septemuei it,19gr. The g_oal of this meetingis to get-final'co*ittrlit trom ttre ljllrl Department on a scfiedu]e ana progrur-oi the needed rmprovements. I proposed that the cu*ent owner of the property is ob-viouslv a vfctim.of these intrerrteJ ciiiufiii5n.u, regarding the tunnel and that he will ue'unrairrv iinanciaily harmed if the Town summarily refuses to issue rrim ntiessary bui.lding permits strictly on the grounds that the iunn"i problem has ,not yet been solved. I iuggested, and oici ivin agreed ,that if we can work out a a6rinite. piJgru*itr,'ff. Highwav .;Department as to improvements io the tunnel the Town must consider issuance_of the requested p.rrili'ui"ioon as the owner meets normal requirements for them and allow the owner to start construction this fail befo;; ih" tunnel improvements can be compteteJ. safety-ai-lr,e-lunnet can be provided during-normal working nours-uy-iiog*.n stationed gt tlq tunner openings- This proposed sorution to the immediate.probrbT ryiir p.ouia.'n.bo.J r;i;li'iiiir. p""-cluding financial damagb to the ovrner. s)t. ::#:gsi;r.,:l"*ft1* lt'-: I'ies se rs. Septenbe r Ryan, Patten & Jamar 21, 1981 Regarding 'uhe proposed olan for Lot 1: Ii was agreed that the lot has significant physical restrictions *'hat a variance or variances to the Tci.rn set back requirenents :5scl utely necessary. ;cil Ryan is'co n.=ei yriih liis sraff l"ier- in i,ile ciay or the ,:>:t day, discuss ihe rqatier, arrd cel I :i"'11 irout jn ior anoiher .:sign r+ork session as soon as possible. the proposed olan for Lot 5: ii r.ras stated by t,he Torvn Lrre proposed site plan to set backs. It apoeared to buildable area rvithin the set back restraints that a design confor-rring to them is entirely possible. For this reason set bick variances were not needed. I'n looi..irrg fonrrard to further discussion and solutjons to these orob'lems. Sinccrel-v, a'i',,.'ii,.:.'S 0F COL0MD0, LID. . , -r_J j ., - - .r ./i /' ' i l. / -.tt-l-:&rw ..1. t.n | . ir r't,..,on. dresident .'.,,,' i ,r!i., 1rlnr lnc. i l: 'i) t!staf f that Dave I n.ri n must redesi gn make the building conform to exisiing the si,aff i.hat there is sufficient \." t +o -< {^-'. *ury 8^+ () a,t.{^*e^!- c.lll$ c'* bJ o,4u^J..,,^ J- f+ c:s <trS-<- , I l. \ ?.i* c,.,,. *-0,*T"* I,i* \t* (.2\e^ f "r\ I (' I i-Y I o s 5- I __t q\ t ^ \\\ $--$\ 6 \ I ( l \ n + CI N\o o, P N o o C =.tl o I 3 !t m o o c,m r1- I Flg[€$€;FrB i sgEls+c=E g f s F'e Ifi I o : e ;Fvi " d r E iF+FF1? i 3 a;riE:i E F g=geafl+a g $leEi rF g ; E alE a 5l r-? s?TEeT+5 e tg;e5E€ a ?€; f F;€ = I A E F r.i:_-a_o9, i o o o oa { Eg+su#lFiFi F [.il;E FExe ; -i$1 $ iaF ; €+{ €;'5F ?- EFe 7'-=7 i iFE ,n="EF6t a' lEa ?EgEqSi I 5F* rICFai+[ $ri tg1gr€ F g -", 6E6gSE{ : A c : ,igg g isig' lg glgglg $gg sFr FE 3 +r $* gsA; +F iEI g*f r+igila;a 5E e#5 iliH EFig €El *1 AE} €ge *g. il€ ifi FE ;r[ +PF inl E9F E3 g *fr$ ig l 5l ol \>-\ -=> ao o N m o { 6 z =o -J ;' Y>o tttl = xr =- Y>(r: ={--d 16 J c 12 - bf > --q i 116 e -f, lrl Y a 6 =h= 6. ='e 4A]z 5 o (, r.! _l o - m-!Fi =c! -'= J' ttt e Ut \t ? q.;r- 1__ =. ul^Jv = trim C n ag a >I !zt = om O-l a z FP ila*gtag:r€833 otD / 3 a f E?iq1€_EFE-E* *E+s *A$dE13E:e 3$? FESbL::f3 ?[E n=E+Fx€*". =,€. *=?.s F; f5s aFq 3.6EFBXBr'*s e lgE *ffi5 a?"1€q A[Fi'ga;r=i;RE il&6 e-sa iit 9ae s:E{ gFH.6' o==5 { =c ? # .) 6- (t) D F ra o iJ o at o i"o o i .".. :' . I _' ssBs€E slFg g€FF F ieg$g$ €$ns a$Eg g srsiEEggEgEgsiiF sFss$$ sg[F EEFS B il EiigFe 9Hrc .*rrs F n 2'Sl-,7oz1n for R P/S TOiIE D]STR]CTS Archi tect Pr-oposed Use SFR, R, Lot 6 ') - i -?s \>,r4 \ofvr- ) ), s Lega i Ovrn€l Descri pti on: Zone District Lot Size He'ight Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Bl ock Fi'l i n9 Setbacks: Front Sides Rea r Si te Coverage Landscaping Parhing Credi ts : Ga ra ge l,lechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Storage Dri ve: Sl ope Permi tted Envi ronmen'tal /Ha za rds : 20, 15, 15' ( 3o) ( so) 71uu ( 3oo) (600) (eoo)(1200) ( so) ( loo) (2s) (so) (200)(400) Slope Actual Aval a nche Flood Plain S1 ope {oJ ( <?Av't (,< Co"-"n:nts:I \ Zon'ing: Appro'.,ed/Disapproved Da te: gharn $ubdivieion tird Addltion i r li ,f i .i'""'r*r - ""-- I f !.-ii | |.at;-f€ Ar .., ; ,'! t ,'.., / \ |I -^'*r I il t rr il ,l I fi, I, r,!:i I \l \-/t I ,"l j - i":t-, ii i__ S -i " r-/ >r:rre \..\ ,;u 1^t Bighorr Third A "-rll} {itr'.tr .. ::> *fx +a Eu I LdiT L rnelnrrnlnc cHrfx ttst (q s<t< Lor,r( & r a /n:-r/oz- Jueo'''"* 3"o 4oo _6 z_ Subdivision Lot Bl ock Filing l. 2. (Acceptable) U,o, OtttPtable) (A) Cu'lvert Size i ii i D;i uu',iy Gr;d-Fffi-il')- Source of Utilities (0) h'ater (E) TelePliorie (F) r.v. Cornnents: rlc E'lect Gas Sel.rer (A (B (c v/ i.. 4. Approved: Di sa pproved : €- Dil I Arrdrc:*s 't r-llrlfr ',,! r r/,, r! ,.,,lr/lrrll: \rr' t l'..1./ I (, I Lt 5T oF r,n Ie K tAtS a-!1-elfr -nl. el-d*JEl.: r: og:.u.-yly. t i|!,0i:K 1 t.t t.llt; Bighorn Sub. Third Addlrion Amended Singlc Family Rcsidence Thc fo I I orvi ng inf ornet j on i:; Board bcl'o:re a final aylprotral A. BIJILIIIN(; [ff\'fr.RIAI,S Roof Siding Other liall Materials Fascia Soffits lTindons Itlindow Trim Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flash j.ngs Clrinueys Trash [lrc.] osures Gtectrhrjuses Otirer' B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS Botanical Name TREES rcqtrirc:d for sr:lrnilt;rl by thc clrn bc given: 'l'),p.c o{ tr't;r1j:r.ral #1 Medium Cedar Shakes itppl jc:rnt to tlrc Dcs j.1in ltevicw gql-s. Natura 1 Rough side out Cadrr Ch4nne I rJrst i c _ NatUral .. SEgi-r.rgd * Stucco below lst level off-whlte Rough cedar Natural, stained lx rough cedar Natural, stained Bronze alum. clad wood bronze 1x4 rough cedar Natural, stained wnnrl , .&l,ass' ,, _ _ _ _, . Match wigdows, bronze rough cedar natural, stained pipe paint to maEch windows €alv.' i{oo - - - --*- --na.tulal. -_ - ._ ,"99d-A-r-Shanne 1.. f us-t lc- - naturql , sta ined none none Conrnon Name Quanti ty Si ze nat,ural Robert B.Lee. AIA 989-881 7 ( Denve r SHRUBS GROUND covr*i SqU FooTAGE s0D SQUARE FOOTAGE SEED TYPE natural mounlain sr;rsscs _ __ SQUARE F0OTAGE to match cxistine TYPE 0F none as per plan IRRIGATION TYPE 0R METH0D rip-rap as reqtri.re d OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0ther Landscape Features (retaining wa1]s, fences, swimning pools, etc.) Please specify. River stone retaining wall off garage o UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION Bighorn Subdivision,Addition Amended JOB MME A Home for LOT 6 BLOCK 1 ADDRESS Columbine Drive Dr. and Mrs. F IL ING The location of utilities,lines, nust be approved and accotnpanying site plan. be main trunk iines or proposed the following utilities for the whether they verified by Da te l4ountai n Bel I I -634-3778 lllestern Slope Gas Gary Hall * Holy Cross El ectri c Assoc . Ted Husky/Michael Laverty F.lOrar+o*l *FF Cabl e T.V . Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Val ley Watei^ and Sanitation Discrict Davld Krenek !jc<q -sQ NOTE: firese verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit frour the Tom of vail, Departnent of public works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right_ of-way or easenent in the Tor.m of Vail. A building pernit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut pernit nust be obtained separately. This fonn is to verify service availabrity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling instaltations. o o COMMITMENT TO INSURE LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY This commitment was produced and issued through the office of 108 SOU] VAIL, COL Representing: AL.TA r:: r:tl.l l'l 1Tt1 f F! T 5':HENU[*E A App 1 j. sat j. *rr l.J,: " V{l{}tJ{:,41;1,1, F,rrr' I nr*r'nra.t i r,n tJrri'i' - tl:ha.r'pes - L"en,J*r. F,:, I i. *r'* - TfiTAI* * f.lj.tl-r 1":, 1-lr' f'f;tTrittarrcE p1*a.s.* r.*fsr' t,t, V{l{:l*,:'413L, 1. EfS*,::tiv€ ftat*s AFRIL._ :3, 11.ir4 *.t r3:i)ii 4.f4, :-1" F*1i.c',' t* t,* iss.u*cf " *.nd Fr'*F*$g'J Irrst-lr',sdi t'ALTA" L*an F*'l icr, 1F7(J Rsrrisi{,n, Fr'':' F,:, sg d I fr $ rJ r'* d i TBN TFfi :::, The *stat* {tr'irrt.*r'*rt i.rr the larrd d*srr'i.L'*,J *r'r'eftrr'r'*d t,r, i.rr tlii.s lI:*nrnritnerrt arrd c*vsr'*d h*r'*irr is: A FHE 4., Titlrp t* tlre esta.te,:rr'irrteF{:$t {*v*r'*'J frsr'sin is at the efi*ctiv,r ,Jate her'e,:$ veEtEd inl JAY Nfi:iFURY A.rrd F::ATHY I:-IF'JFI-IRY 5. Th* land r'eft:r'r'.r:d t,: irr thi* tl:*nrmitnrsnt is dsscr'i.h,e'J a$ f*ll*utrr I-I]IT {r. RHTiIJBT]IVIITilN ':IF FART ':IT FJI'fHI:IRI.I :::UTJTTUT:iIIIH, ]-HIRTI AilL'lTII:II'J' AHENnEn F,LAT" Ar:[:r:tRnINrj ',r$ T'HH Pl--*T F:Er::fiFrrF.t' r:il:Tr:rEfER :3, Ip77 IN Fr]rrlri,. :;:4,r:t AT FAI:iH l'.jl,il, t::ilulq'r'Y *F EAGL.H, ::;TAT[: t:tF r::t:tL-l:rnAt[:1" At-T.A t;.: r:r Hpl ITt1 Hf.t t. ::;':Hh.frl.-ll*[ B*.1 tR,:qr: j.r.err*rrts ) Apr*1'.-a.t j. i,rt I'l':" Vtltl*/j.4*1,/l Th,e f *l I *[rins ar'e tfre r'€suir'*m*rrts t* k'e {r:,r,F] i*d htith: i. Fayment f * drr' f c'r' tfre a.f r,:'rJnt *f t'h* gr'a.rrt'lr'$ r:rr' fii'lr'tsas*r'*. r:rf th* fr.rJ I rtrtrfr$ider'ati,tn f *r' the rrstate r:,r' irrt.*r'es.t t* h'e irrs.t.rr'ed" ?" Fr.*per. irrstr.urr*rrt (s) ':r'*a.ting th* sr.tEts r:rt'' int*r'est t,t, h'r irrEt:r'*d must t'e e:r::e{rited and ,Jr:lr" fil*d tc'r' t'r*dr:'f'd: t**trlit: ::, fi'Hffr r:'F TRLI';T FRr:r|4,-.lAY [r':::;FLIRY;rn,J ]'lATl"lY r:ll:i:iFl.lF:Y T'r: THH Fl-lFLIl:: TRUSTEE ':IF EAfiLH I::I:II-INTY F*R TI{E i.I:iH I:IF* TI3i:I TI] !;ECUF:E THE ::;LIf"I i:'F TBN, f.II:ITHI THI:J FRI:'PHETY T'IAY FE:iUF.-IEI::T T':I THE HEAI- ESTATH TRATd:}FER TAX BY VIRTI-IE r:rF ITi:; Ifir::L-l-l5I*N IN T'F{f Tfil.Jr.i fiF UAIt-" FURI::HA*HR';HfiLlLn rl:rlrNTArl:T TF{r Tr:rHN r"lF VAIL RET}ARITIt'.lr:j '':;AIll A':::iHn;:ir'lEhfT'. I'IITH; THI.':; FRI]FHRTY T'IAY $E :.:;LIF,.IEI: TI] THE EIII:iI.{}:IT.if.'I FAVINT: A5:iE::;:iI-JEI'JT $Y VIRTUT I:IF TI'II::LLI,:;TI:IN ]f.I THF T']LiHI:IF{N FP'VIT'16 TII,;;TftII:T. F.LT1A::;H [':tNTAr:T THH T':r{.ir{ r:rF V*IL- HEIjARtTIN': gAIn A:i!;E::i::it"lEl',1T, A L T A t:: l:t l-l l"l I T l''l E N -r .;r:HEnr*tLE 8*:t {Exc*Ft jr:,t'rF.) Appl ica.ti*rr ll*" VtltltX.4il{i Tht: p*1i,:'r' r:rr. p*l i,:iSS t* h* l5sr3r3,J LLri 1 1 r!{rrltaifr *..t,:*Pt j.r1 ng t,1 thc* l:* 1 1 *rrri. rrs urr 1 s$s tl-r* sam,* a.r'* d i. sp*s*,J ,tf t':, f h* sat i 3{:4.{t i.,:rr ,:,t ths ll.*nrpa.rr"; i, :it*,*dar'd Hu*g:ptic,rrs I t'frr'{'rJrrh S Fr'i.r,ted .:,rr tfre c*v'*r' El-r**t, $, Tn:,.ies arrd asF€sglrl*rtt$ fr{rt r"et dr:* r:,r'r,ai'a.hlr: and sp,e':i.al *55ss$r,*rrts rrrlt i'*t rsr'ti$ied t* thr: Tr'ea.EUr'sr'''s *'Ff:ic*" 7, Arr'r'r.Jnp*.i'J ta.:!::€s ':'r'ag.5€ssm*nts asaifr*t s*id land, l:: , 1...i.*rrs frrrF' urrFa.id $a.ter' fr.nrJ $etrrer' char's*s' ii a.r!1', ':/. EAFJEf.IEN.I:1 A5 5HI:'I..IFI NN THE REI:;fiRNEN PL.AT. J.*, FiH::;TRir::Tl:VE |:{IVENAT.JT'.*, hJHL'::H ril:r f"lr:'T''::|:If.il'.AIr.l A F':'RFHI-il..|ftH r:'f1 RE:VERTTR |:L.AU:]E, A:j ':t:ll'J'IAINEII Il.t IN:,:;T!tLlf,lENT RHt::*ftnEn,-ll-ll*Y 1,1" 1p4':3 IN Frlrlilr. J.75 AT FAIiE ].35" ANTJ A5 AI"IHHNHT' JN If.-I::;TRLIHTNT ftf,II:I}RNETI AI3RIL:':I' 1,}65 IFI FfiI]F: 113.7 AT FAI:E 1P5" FI,OOD HAZARD !:VALUATION OGSBURY RESIDENCE T0hIN 0I' VAIL June 21, l.98rr Prepared for: llr. Robert Lee BarreE Resources CorP. Prepared by: HYDBO-TRIAD, LTD. L2(r87 West Cedar Drl\'e Lakeuood, Colorado 80228 ( 303) 989-r264 HYDRO-TRIAD, [TD. June 21, l9B4 Mr. Robert B. Lee 425 Cherry Street Denver, Colorado 80222 RE: Ogsbury Resldence Flood llazards Dear Mr. Lee: Please flnd enclosed a letter report with regards Co the flood hazatd evaluatlon for the Ogsbury resldence located oA Lot (> of Blghorn Subdlvlslon, Thlrd Addltlon, Vall., Colorado. The fol-lowing report ls dlvlded lnto flve sectlons whlch dlscuss rhe background lnformation, the 10O-year flood, the debrls flood, bank eroslon, and our concluslons. For reference, a copy of the sl'te plan map ls also enclosed as Flgure 1. BjlcEground Prlor to lssuance of a bull.dlng pernlt for the Ogsbury Resldence' the Town of ValL hae requested an analysis and recornmendatlons wlth regards to che followlng ltems: Flood hazard due to the 100-year flood; Flood hazard due to the debrls flood; and Soils and foundarlon condlttons. a) b) c) I I I I t I I t I t I I t I I I I l I Items a and b are discuesed Ln thls report and Itern c is dlscussed ln a report prepared by chen and Assoclates daEed June, L984. The proposed resldence is located on Lot 6 of the B{ghorn Subdlvlslon, Th1rd Addltton. The lot ls bounded on Ehe south and east by Colunbl.ne DrLve and on the north by Lot 5. Columblne Drlve slopes to ttre southwest away frou the lot at a grade of approxinately Lz percent. Bighorn Creek is located wlthin the west one-half of the lot and the proposed resLdence structure ls located wlthin the east one- harf of the lot. A four foot dlaueter corrugaEed'metal plpe culvert c.onveys Bighorn creek under columblne Drlve approximarely 32 feeE southwest of the proposed resLdence A topographlc site ruap (1/8" = 1') of rhe lot has prevrousry been prepareri by Myriau Corporatlon from survey data supplled by Blaek1und Land surveyors. The date of the topogr:aphlc survey was January 26 and 31, L984. Comparlson of the contour elevatlons shown on the site plan wlth USGS and other topographlc rnaps lndlcate an B0 to 90 foot dlff€R€BC€o Thls difference le llkely due Eo dlfferent datums. Because of thls, conparl.son of flood elevatl.ons usLng the site plan contours and pi:bllshed reports ls dlfflcult. As a result, only the {ncremental eLevatlon dlfferences between contours shown on the slte olan were used ln the analyses. IL.ood Hazard Evaluat ton 1-00-Y1al Flo_qdpltln Evaluatlon of the 1OO-year flood hazard was based on the 1983 Floodplaln InformatLon Report and the Flood Boundary and Floodway I'Iaps -L- I I I I I I t I I t t I t I I I I I I prepared by the Federal Emergency reporL and cornpanlon maps indlcate Bighorn Creek lncludlng the reach discharge at thls polnt is indlcaced per second. Managernent Agency (FEMA). Thts a 100 year flood boundary for crosslng Lot 6. The 100-year as approxlmately 240 eubic feet Because of the large scaJ-e uapplng ( l "=/r00 r ) , lack of eontours And lack of reference polnts, the portlon of che 1ot located wlthln the flood boundary le difflcult to deterulne. Also, constructlon of the culvert under Columblne Drive wtll affecE the hydrauLics of Blghorn Creek wlthln that reach crossing Lot 6. This was not taken tnto account as part of the FEMA studles anci reports. rt is l1ke1y the culvert and road *rere construeted afEer preparation of the FEMA reporE. Our hydraullc analyses do however lnclude these features. r'r's indicated, the hydrauJ.ic analyses of Blghorrr Creek qrithln Lot 5 are *ffected by the culvert. consequentLy, the flood boundarLes across Lot 6 are also controlled by the culvert under Col.uublne Drive and the elevatLon of the top of Colurnblne 0rive. Based on the s1te pran mapr the avallable headwater depth for the culvert is approxlmately 8 feet" UsLng lnlet control concllelons for the culvert arrd the avallable heaclwater, the capaclty of the culvert ls approxlnarel-y 140 cfs. The 100-year <llscharge at thls po{nt, accordLng to FEMA, 1s approximately 240 cfs. Therefore, approximateLy 100 cfs wlll- overtop Colunblne Drlve and flow to the south and wesg away from the Ogsbury resldence. Uslng welr flow condltlons for the flow across Columbine Drlve, the maxlmum depth of fLow over the roadway will be approximately 1.3 -3- l I t I l l I I feet. Uslng the elevatlons shonn on the site plan, the maxlmum water surface elevatlon would be approxlmateLy 8510.3 feet' The proposed el-evarlon of the flrst floor of the resldence ls 8523.5 feel, or approximateLy 13,2 feet above the 100-year flood level. These conditloos assume no bl-ockage of the culvert. Assunlng a wors! case condltlon of total bloekage and the full 240 cfs discharge over the road, ttre maximum clepth of flow would be approximatel-y 2.3 feet. Thls would result in a water sur.face elevaElon of 85f1.3 feet ot I2.2 feet beLow the flrst floor elevation. The approxirnate flood boundarles for both of these condlglons are shown on the slte pl.an, Figure 1. Comparlson of these elevatlons wlth those presented in the FEMA report show a large difference (approxlmately 80 feet). When coapa::lng Uhe channel lnverE eievatlons a difference of approxlmaLel-y 86 feet is lndlcated. Thls ls probabLy the result of a datuu dlfference between mappings as rnentioued previously. Therefore t anY future reference between the slte pJ.an elevatlons and the FEMA water surface eLevations should take thls Lnto eccount. Debrls Flood EvaluatLon Based on the L977 Geologlc - Rapid Mass - Wasting Process l'Iap prepared for the Town of VaJ.l by Royston, Hanamoto, Beck and Abby, it appears that a portlon of Lot 6 ls located wlthln a debrls flood zone (fl). As ln the case of the rEMA maps, these maps also lack sufflclenc deEail to accurarely Locate Ehe debris flood boundaries. Hovever, as best as ci:n be determlned, tt appears Ehat fhe debris flood boundaries thrqul:h Lot 6 generally foLlow the Blghorn Creek I I : t t t I I t I t -.1 - t I I I I I I I I channel. t Ihe approxlmate locatlon of the Lot is lndlcated on Figure Accordlng to the referenced map, thls partrcular debrls frood is ldentlfled as a noderate hazard whereln some property danage may occur lncludlng floodlng, erosl.on, inundation by mud and inpact of snal_L boulders. The flow ls turbulenE In nature conslstLng of an enrlched suspenslon of mud and water. Velocltles are ln the range of 5 to 20 mlles per hour (7 t.o 29 feet per second). Because of Large varlatlons ln composlt.lon and nonhonogenlty of a sedlment-debrl-s-water mixture, standard hydraulic analyses are difflculr or lurpoeslble Eo appr.y. Al.so, since the discharge rate and rerurn periods or frequencies of occurrence are not deflned, the slze and depths of flow for the debrJ.s frood cannot be detennlned. However, ln thls case, some analyses ancl coneluslons can. be drawn by lnvestlgation of the slte topography. slmilar to the 1O0-year flood, columblne Drive will act a€ a control. Because of the sedlnent and debris carrLed by the debrls flood' {t Ls llkely that the culvert under Colurnblne Drlve wl1l become partlally or completely plugged. rn thts case the debrls flows will overtop the road enbankment and flow to the southwest away from the resldence structure. The depth of frow over the top of the road will be a funcElon of the dlscharge rate, whlch is not known. Based on the exlstrng slEe topography, the depth of flos over Ehe top of rhe road would need to be in excess of 6 feet before I I I : I I I I l I *5- t I t t I t t I I I I : : : I I I I I encroachnent on Lhe butldlng foundatlon would occur. should thts occurr a eubstantlal Lateral spread of the fl.ow would result and flow depthe wouLd be reduced. Thts rn turn will resurt ln slgnrflcant decreases ln flow veloc{tles and reduce the destructrve energy of the debrls flood' Also, accordlng to the sorls and fouadaEfon 1*vestrgatlon perforned by chen and Associates, the underlyrng materiar conslsts of cobbles and boulders. This materlal wourrJ lncrease the flow resr.stance in the shar.rower frood areas further reduclng flow velocltles and destrueELve energy, Bank Eroslon Another concefn indrcatect by the Toun of varl tnvolved the potentlal for bank erosLon wh{ch could underm{ne the foundatlon of the proposed resldence structure. Eroslon wouLd result from htgh frow velocrtlee ln conJunctron wlth flood events. A cross sectlon of Blghorn Creek Just upstreau of the culvert na6 plotted and vel_ocltles calculated for varlous flow rates up to the 100 year dlscharge. These veI'oclties were then cornpared to the Lype of bank nmteriar and rts eroslon reslstance. The cross sectlou anr! velocltles are shown on Flgure 3, Eecause of rhe backwater created by the suJvert, the velocitles are Less than those upstrean of Lot 6 0r doFnstrean of the culvert. As lndlcated on Flgure 3, the velocltres range from lees than 2 fps to 6 fps ' The natural rock armcrrlng along the bank ranges frono cobbles to large rocks Ln excese of 2 feet in dlaqeter. The bank oateriar underlylng thls "natural rlp rap" ls well graded and provldes a good base naterlal. Assurnlng the bank nraterial ls noL disturbed or removed -6.. t t t I I I I I I I I durlng construetlon actlvltles, the erosl.on adequate for the expected range of velocltles. however occur ln those areas with a sparse layer should be idenrlfied and a well graded layer of protectlon wl1l be Some 1ocal erosLon raay of rock. These areas rlp rap placed. Also, slnce the proposed residence is set back approxiurate!.y 1d to 18 feeE from Ehe bank and the underl.ylng naterl.al conslsts of the saoe cobble and rock naterlal this affords additional proteccl.on frorn erosion, and provlces a buffer zone ln whlch eroslon can be nonltored and addltional protectlve measures instlgated if erosion does occur. Concluslons Based on the preceedlng analyses the followlng conclusl.ons have been reached. " A portlon of Lot 6 ts locaEerl boundaries however, the proposed location outside these boundarles. withln the 1.OO-year flood of the structure ls located I I : I I I I I o The debris fLood boundarles also inrllcate that a portlon of the lot is located withln a debrls flood (f1) zone. The topographlc condltlons of the site and Columblne Drlve wiLl dlrect the debrls flood avay from the resldence structure at the proposed locatlon. The outer frlnge of Ehe debrls flood may encroach upon [he west portion of the resLdence structure, however, the velocitLes and destructlve energy w111 be less than the rinaln portlon of che flood. o ihe existing natural rlp rap along mosr of the bank ls suf f iclent io prevent subs t.ein.t ia1 e ro s :t on of the hank . However, as a -7- t t t r r I r I t I I ; ; I matrer of cautlon, the bank shoul-d be nonlEorecl and addltlonaL rock rip rap be placed ln areas havlng a sparse rayer of ,,natural rlp rap,, and 1n areas of Locallzed eroelon, shouLd they occur. " As an eddrtlonal recomnendation; if regradlng of the slte is done, the slopes shouLd not be any steeper than exlstrng slopes, elevatlons should be nalntalned as shown on the slte plan and surface runoff should be dlrected off rhe slte and away fron the resldentiaL structure. Also, should a debrrs flood occur, the Blghorrr creelr. channel should he cleaned out as soon as posslble. * If you have lnformaElon, please * any addltional contact us. or need addltlonal * questlons Slncerel-y, RJN/sb #5000 -.,.:*ft''i'ff'iTrro -r'$XSattt';ffiU l;li 173s6 ri*! 4-m I ; : I t R. Jay Senlor Nels ' P.E' Resource EngLneer "B- HYDRO - TRIAD LTD) DEBRIS AREA FLOOD APPROXIMATT SITE LOCATION (ft) tlgabd Brbd\Arqr \ \ No Scole Mop Frorn Geologic-Ropid Mo*s-Wosting Process Mop Town Of VoilrColorodo 1977 OGSBURY RESIDENCE DEBRIS FLOOD vAl L , coLoRADO JUNE 1984 FIGURE 2 t t t t I I I l I I I I I I t I I HYDRO- TRIAD fr. FIRST FLOOR ELEV. 8523.5 F tJ., IU tJ- APPROXIMATE IOO-YEAR FLOOD WATER SURFACE APPR OX I MATE TOP OF ROAD ELEV. 8509 ELEV. 85rO.3 to DISTANCE o ( Feet ) vl u tr,(.'g () g.o OGSBURY RESIDENCE CROSS SECTION BIGHORN CREEK VELOCITY (fps) JUNE /,984 FIGURE 3 chen and associates CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS 96 SOU!L ! Nl STREET . OENVER. COLORADO OO22J . 303t7a{.ttO5 -.qt;''t .t SOIL AI.iD FOUMATIOI{ INVESTIGATIOI lIlE OGSBURT RESTDENCE, Wt 6, TTTIRD ADDITICII BIGHORN SUBDIVISIOII, COLUI*4BINE DRIVE EAST \AIL, COI.ORAM PREPARED FOR: MR. GSBURY . c/o ROtsERt LEE 425 SOUTH CHERRY STREST, #4OO GLSNDAI,E, COTORAM 80222 JG NO. 1 778 84 JUNE 19, 1984 OFFICES: CASPER . COLORADO SPRINGS o GLENWOOD SPRINGS o SALT LAKE CITY at TABLE OF CUITEI\IIS coltcutsrob{s 1 PL}RPOSE AI{D $COPE OF S,IUDY 1 PROP6M CO,ISTRUC:TICN 1 SITE CO}IDITIOIJS 2 SIJBSOIL COI{DITICIJS 2 GEOTOGICAL HAZARDS 3 FOU}IDATICIT RECOIO4E}IDATIOI,iS 3 EXCA\ATICD{ DIFFICUTTIES 4 UNDERDRAIN SYSTP1 5 FINOR SIABS 6 RHIAINII\C STRUCTTJRES 6 SURFACE DRAINAGE 7 LIMITATICI{S 7 FIG. 1 - TOCATIOI{ OF E}PTORATORY TNf,LES FIG. 2 - IOGS OF EXPTCIRATIOI{r HOT.FS FIG. 3 - LEGEND A|JD \TYfES FIG. 4 - GRADATIGI TEST RESULTS TABTE I - SUI'ft1ARY OP TABORATORY TEST RESULTS t: I I I I I I CCI.CTilSIO\S The proposed residence should be founded on spread footings p]3ced ?!.thu gravel, cobbles and boulders designed for an alloil able soil bearing pressure of 4,000 psf. Desigi detairs una pie-cautions related to Lhe subsurface features of bhe site are discussed in the text of the report. PURPOSE A}{D SCOPE OF SIUDY ?his report presents the results of a soil and foundalion investi- gation for the proposed Ogsbury residenc.e to be located on Colunioine Drive, lot 6' Third Addition Amended, Bighorn SuMivision in EasL VaiI, Colorado. The project site is shown on Fig. l. This report has been prepared to sunrnarize Ehe data obtained and bo present our crcnclusions and remnrnendations based on the proposed ctrn- struction and the subsurface conditions encountered. Design parameters and a discussion of geoEechnical engineering mnsiderations related to cen- struction of the proposed residence are included. PROPOSED ONSTR(rcTIObI The proposed residence will be a one-story r^nod frame strucbure and will have a full basenrent. Ttre b-rilding will be approximately 25'x70' in plan dimension. Ttre basement level will open out onto the r^rest side of the structure. the basement floor will be at approximate elevation 8515. If conditions are significantty different from those described above. we should be notified to reevaluate the reconunendations mntained in this report. t t t t I I I I I I l I I I I I -2- SITE COI'IDITIONS At the tinre of our field investigation the and was crcvered with aspen trees up to 30 feet in steeply to the r'rest to Bighorn Creek. Boulders up to 5 feet in diameter are located on the ground surface. Bighorn creek had a flowing channel width of approximately 20 feet and was 1 Eo 2 feet deep at the time of our investigation. The creek is ap- proximately 10 feet below the buitding site. Existing residences are located north, south and east of the proposed scructure. SLIBSOIL OCI{DITISIS T\D exploratory borings were drilled at the approximate locations shown on Fig. 'l to investigate the general subsurface oonditions. The crcn- ditions encountered in the boles consist of a thin layer of topsoil cnzer- lying gravel, cobbles and boulders. Based on the results of standard penetration tests, the material is medium dense to dense. practical drill rig refusal \^/as encrcuntered in both of the test holes at depths ranging from 2 1/2 to 14 feet below the grround surface. Test holes were offset several times to advance the holes as deep as practical. llc free wacer hras encountered in the tesL holes at the time of driIIing. Results of a gradation test on a crcmposite sample obtained frorn HoIe'l on the particles less than 1 1/2 inches in diameter is shown on Fig. 4. A sample of rna- terial was obtained from the creek bank and the results of a grradation test on this material are shown on Fiq. 4. proposed site was vacant height arxJ down noderately to very t t t t I I t I t I t t I I -3- GEOTOGICAL HAZARDS Due to the recent debris flows occurring in vail during May and June of 1984, @ncern has been expressed by the city of vait of the potential for debris flow to impact this site on Bighorn creek. we understarrd Mr. Arthur Mears has reviewed the debris flow hazard and other hazards at this site for the city of Vail. We have not reviewed his report, however. His opinion is that a debris flow r^ould not directly impact the structure brt may erode the east bank of Bighorn creek possibly undermining bhe foun- dation of the structure. Hydro-Triad is presently evaluating the potential of the creek banks to be undermined and will reconnrend remedial measures if necessary. F.OT]NDATIG{ RECo[ftnvDATIoI{s Considering the subsurface cronditions encountered in the exploratory holes and the nature of the proposed oonstruction, \^re recomnnend the pro- posed residence be founded with spread footings bearing on the natural gravels, mbbles and boulders beneath the topsoil. The design and construction criteria presented below should be ob- served for a spread footing foundation system. Construction details should be included in the project docunrents. (1) Spread footings placed on gnavels, cobbles and boulders should be designed for an a1lowable soil bearing pressure of 4,000 psf. (2) Conbinuous foundation wa1ls should be adequately reinforced to span an unsupSnrted length of at least t0 feet. t t t T t t t t I I t I I l -4- (3) Any organic soils or disturbed gravelly mils encountered in the foot- ing excavation should be rerrrve'd and foot.ings extended to lorver dense soils' the final cleaning of the foundation excavation should be done by hand shovel rrrrrk in order to minimize disturbance of the Eoundation bearing soils. (4) rn the event that large boulders are encountered near footing grade, it nay be preferable to cmit footings and cr:nstruct the foundagion wall wer the boulders. Dowels should be drilled and grouted into the boulders and extended into the foundation walr, (5) rf deep cavities are created by rernrving boulders, the cavities shoultl be backfilled with granular soil cornpacted to r00t of standard proctor density near optimum npisture c-.ontent. Free draining gravel may also be used to fill the cavities. Exterior footings should be provided with at least. 5 feet of soil cover above their bearing elevation for frost protection. rf the foundation excavation is opened in the spring of the year wfren snowmelt is occurring, free water may be encountered in the exca- vation. Free water should be ptrmped or drained prior to placing oon- crete. Free draining qraver rnay be used to facilitate drainage and concrete placement. (8) The soil errgineer should observe the foundation excavation prior to concrete placernent. (5) (71 EXCA\D\TIOI\I DI FFICULT I ES Boulders nayl create difficulty in excavation. determine the size and extent of boulders due to the It was di.fficult to srrall diameter of our t I I I I -5- drill holes. However, boulders up to 5 feet in diameter h,ere visible on the ground surface. If very large boulders are encrcuntered, it may be necessary to presplit the boulders by blasting to achieve r+crkable sizes for excavati'on or the use of large excavating equiprnent may be necessary. As previously discussed, large boulders may be encountered in the foun- dation excavation. rt rnay be preferable to leave them in place and con- struct. foundation wa1ls wer the boulders. In blilding c\f,rners and utility trenches, boulders will be ncre of a problem. Blasting, trench widening or rerouting of utilities may be re_ guired. UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM During springtinre, shallow groundwater can be a normal occurrenc€ in the Bighorn subdivision. we reconrnerxJ an underdrain be oonstructed around the perimeter of below grade floor levels of the residence. Ttre underdrain should consist of a 4-inch diameter Snrforated drain pipe installed in the trench and surrounded by clean gravel. The base of the trench should be at least I foot below finished floor level. the drain line should be sloped at a minimum 1t to either gravity discharge or a sump m water can be re- rnrved by pumping. FilEer fabric should be placed in the trench prior to placement of the grravel and pipe. Ttre gravel should be wrapped in filter fabric before backfill is placed above the drain. Filter fabric wilt re- duce the risk of fine soil piping and clogging the drain or undermining the footings. I I I I I t I t t I t I I -6- FI,OOR STABS The natural soils at the site, exclusive of the upper organic topsoil, are capable of supporting lightly loaded floor slabs. Slab-on-grade floors should be separated from all bearing walls and columns with a 6nsitive ex- Sransion joint and should be adequately reinforc.ed. Floor slabs should be provided with oontrol joints to reduce damage due to shrinkage cracking ard the slabs should be adeguately reinforced. we suggest joints be provided on the order of 15 feet on center. Fill naterial placed beneath floor slabs if necessary, should be a grranular material oornpacted to at least 95t of the maximum standard Proctor density near optimum noisture content. A 4 inch free draining maLerial should be placed beneath the slabs to ease construction and to aid in drainage of free water. Thris rnaterial should consist of aggregate with less than 5t passing the #200 sieve arrd rore Lhan 508 retained on Lhe #4 sieve. The underslab grravel should con- nect freguently with the underdrain gnavel. RETAINNG STRUCTI'RES Foundation wa1ls and retaininq structures drich are laLerally sup- ported and can be expected to undergo only a noderate anrcunt of deflection nay be designed for a lateral earth pressure ccrnpr:ted on a basis of an eguivalent fluid unit r.eight of 45 pcf for on-site backfilt. Cantilevered retaining structures on the site can be expected to de- flect sufficienbly to npbilize the full active earth pressure condition. lhereforer cantilevered structures nay be designed for a lateral earth pressure ctrrnputed on the basis of an equivalent fluid r^reight of 35 pcf for granular backfill. The above recon'urended pressures assune that drainage of I I t I t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t I I -7- free water occurs preventing the buildup of hydrostatic pressure. weep holes should be placed in the retaining walls to allow free drainage. Any surcharge pressures from snoh, roads, parking, buildings, stacked retaining walls, etc. must be added to the above design pressures. rf backfill slopes exceed 3:1 horizontal to vertical the lateral earth pres- sures strculd be increased. SURFACE DRAINAGE The following drainage precautions should be observed during oon- struction and rnainbained at all times after the residence has been clcrrF pleted: (1) Excessive vrretting or drying of the foundation excavations and under- slab areas shourd be avoided during construction. (2) Exterior backfilt shoutd be noistened and compacted to at least 90t of the maximum standard Proctor density beneath landscaSnd areas ard 95t beneath sidewalks or 5:aved drives. (3) The ground surface surrounding the exterior of the h:ilding should be sloped to drain away from the foundation in all directions. we recorrF rnend a minimun slope of 12 inches in the first l0 feet. (4) Rmf downsfrouts and drains should discharge well beyor"d the limits of all backfill. LIMITATIOTS This report has been prepared in ac@rdance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices in this area for ure bv the t T t t I I I I I t t I t t t I I I -B- client for design Flrposes. The crrnclusions and reconurendations sutrnitted in ttris report are based upon the data obtained from the exploratory lples drilled at the rocat.ions indicated on the exploratory hole p1an. The geo- logical hazards of the site were not evaluated by chen a Associates. The naLure and extent of variations between the exploratory holes may not be- mme evident until excavation is perfornred. rf during construction, soil and water ctrnditions appear to be different from those described herein, this office should be advised at once so reevaruation of the rec.,"nmen- dations may be made. we rec.onurend on-site observation of excavations and foundation bearing sLraLa by a soil engineer. Reviewed x R.IT: cb Encl s.cc: Hydro-Triad Attn: Jay Nelson By ,/./ ./-/ -.,^--s=.- DRAINAGE EASEMENT\./ ___".r //,/./ ,"..''/ ///-/. ./-.t l./ '.,. '4 '-/ (. Mpr F nF 778 8\Chen & Associates B I GHORN CREEK Sca le : 1,,=2C , i PR0P0si0 RIS I DENCE // -" .t' ROPERTY INE \ ./ LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY HOLES *-**--'-t' t I I I I I t I t I t t t I ; I I I I Hole I El.=8517.0' Hole 2 E I . =8524.0' Ssz,8525 85zo T T 38/6 85zo I I v I Proposed Lower Level Floor F lrJ lr,fL I z I F tll J trl 85r5 18/ 12 \{C=4. +4=50 851 5 F lr, lrJ l! t z 3 F trj J lr, -2OA=7 30 /2 g5t0 85to 25/2 26/ 12 8505 8505 85oo I 778 8l{Chen & Associates LOGS OF EXPLORATORY HOLES w.2 t o L EG FND: lT-r [ -f ropsoi ll ffiGravel (GP), sandy with cobbles and boulders, dense, moi [i:.Ibrown, occasional sand lenses. I tt Drive sample, Standard penetration Test l 3/8-inch t.D. sptit spoon sample t8/Drive sample blow fal I ing 30 inches count. Indicates that were requ i red to d r ive l8 blows of a 140-pound hammer the SPT sampler l2 inches. Pract ical rig refusal, additional symbols indicate refusal adjacent hole. NOTES: l'Test holes were drilled on Hay ll, 1984 with a 4-inch diameter continuous fl isht power auger. 2'Locat ions of test holes were measured approximatel.v by pac ing f rom features shown on the site plan prov ided. 3'Elevations of test holes were obtained by interpolation between contours on the plan provided. 4'the test hole locations and elevat ions should be considered accurate cnly ro the degree impl ied by the method used. 5.The I ines between materials shown on the test hole logs t.epresent the approximate boundaries between material types and the-transitions may be gradual. 6 -l No free water was encountered in fhe test holes at the time of drillinc. +4=Percentage retained on #\ sieve;-200-Percentage passing No. ZOO Sieve Laboratory Test Resul ts: \{C=Water Conten t (%); 1 778 8\Chen & Associates LEGEND AND NOTES Fle. 3 cA-2-t9 chen and associates, inc. HR. ? HR. MIN. I5 MIN. RE 60 MtN. r9 MtN.4 MtN. CLAY TO SILI cRAVEL 5A , LIOUIO LIMIT SAMeLE orVe ry 'r@ .50 .40'30 2 DIAMETER OF PABTTCLE IN MILLIMETERS 3' 7% % I at depth I and 4r 50 o z.6 (t F z u U Yo SAND Yo sandy gravel SILT ANO CLAY PLASTICITY INDEX FROM Hole 43 r," 24 HR 45 r\4lN 7 HR.l5 MtN.60 MtN. 19 MtN.4 MtN. I MtN. u.s. s SERIES '1@ .50 .40.30 '16 r'8 z o 6 F z q o u o, o .oI F U 50c z U 074 .1.9 .agr | .sgo t.l 76.2 ,t2t o42 DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLTMETERS CLAY TO SILT saruo g2 %SILT AND CLAY olo PlAsrtclry rNDEx sAMpLEoF Silty, gravelly sand, FR9M River scattered organ ics GRADATION TEST RESULTS cRAvEL I 8 % LIOUIO LIMIT 20 % Bank % Samp I e Fio HYOROMETER ANALYSIS SIEVE ANALYSIS t52 U e. Ei d5 t,'c o o o o L qr 'tt o ul l- 0) c o vt (l) o L 9| |-, tt1 o .9 c o o L o .o c) (, +J +J o u .t1 3!r Egsu 6 r I J I E U @ G U F F F -x a uJ- F9E J A. oE ;;s JJ Ffig; t-c c\ z o F o E (' ;d (Y o g .l 'G <o\Gv I c L(CC iu;c tYv <:u ;g Es z, t) .il d -f \€ z o P u o J ru -it 'tt c $ lrl J q.r o u J o r F a @ L c E C at .f,€ a r\ : U) F J f, v) UJ &, F U' U'u,.LU l- ; OE vro (nuJF qco o z Fo Zl IU Ill.oo I t I t t t ; t I T T ; ; ; T T I I